Newspaper Page Text
^mtj-.mcn.o, ctc, fclua Cucmng. MlaalMla ,KAM> OI'KI'.A ii Miti/.'- (itKivKN "; i>r. Iiitrm. Oit^VtV, ,:s: -HiH.H.t.v l>ii...Ptv." Ono. BQBABB Tit.AT.Tt.-" Fornand !." A_ru.-a I'.tl.i-I. WA1XACB- THHATi.i:.?"M"" I " i_-:tbm. rvRR OABaaa. -Bbbbmb mgara caaeatt TlKH.Itvr.- Itl"'.. ??? ^^______________________________, Mnocx lo Q.l.i)frti<_cmcni-. _,MI ?? > f-*lb aml (lli. t-oh BAMaiaO-BOt-BI AM> IIANK! 11- Bfl BB ' 1... 1th column. N ta POK HliflM.-a '-!'^ jth ooliioiii. Pkmimk. fhini ;..?;?.tl rinuiu ?<. DlVIDKBD N? >. i _.S \.rrnth tOtft?ti r.ili.l.ili. _d .ttliiin.i. ?irtl Pttgt 6Ui oolumn. , ki- 1 /.ini .'. .'??? n.i .-..lutiiii. ItBi.r VivMii). vu ? -Third Vag -ithcolumn. .. . .;.:., . '.--I l'age?11 imn. llirthif. Thirtl _...-.- lt coluuin: BlIBOrBAB SrtfMta , 1 ini'ia. ? I t-.ilnrni). iiiiiti. i.t? ?,,.. . ..inon. 1. >A.. Ol Pli t - ' "'' ",l '"" KABBLBABl '"'"? '? _ s . ro^?-5.U . ,.iiuii:.?_H**m / Jl/-' I oolumn. Vl- I. Klti JGBTA1 Uiuli; BBOOBL.1 s S ?'"' d Pi ? iliiniii; Third /'?? ' . , 1 Al i .His ?? --: .1 ind _ '. ? bi .ai . Tios- ' tndPagt I l. ralumo. . .l.-.iun. i ?. .iii.i itu tti . - ? - -n i, iu.. sti. ui. . r,iillinli4. . Third Page -i I ivi imn; Bku.'KI iv. ..ii.; Ooi v THY lllll. ta Wbom ir Mat i id column. . Xomra. Pai -'I i.\ Si w r tent Li ? aocket .... <i.- . Tiu l. ; , tha Warid ?re tho.- . | . u.ile orer Iwo Maareaia tka Uaiaa ..-- < ..ik far tte.r aaa* oa aa. PBKBLE88 -.U1BT8, Co;..'.':-. Cl 114. an: Dhawbki to orJer. ' Bfl RIXO ' I1>1 BBHIBTt \M> Dfl I I A larut rari. t.v ?' \?iv. . i (",v., Ol Mi ..\v..-'-> i.-.:..- m i oi RooTa MAKEa the beat i M-<a?-at. SARATOOA M'lilNi IL N. Y. RiiW of Ibe al l_?a w,.-J .eiowBr-l iv ? ' a?enl anl a. a ? _a drugKitU liirongb Mint'j " A VKIKM) IB BBBDIfl I M. imukii;'' aad-u. n a fnead i. ii k -H H i'? ? uutoriuntte tnlferrr wbo lu ter- ? ? futaeia I (iflrhaa finrite i.iopneurr ?-. ,.. . ? !l I. Hk, bh.-lu od Sflct Itottle. Direo bon. aeeo . Jottfl 1. Hbnki. Vea-Yor'a, Bfllfl Agent. ? POBBIQB 1>,' >l.-l \li.M Ol 1111. SlASD.VKD ,. - - r. T>. n.?vema I.) 1* m.' l _? I lioaTBTTBB't BTOBACH RrrflBt.1 llrerr vear the ,.-inind for i? lfl -t - > .al .,-,' ? ?rr> of '.a itipi. vru ??? _ . - Ihfl .l.a.arJ Iflfllfl .nd \n ?!M r.r,.!' (..- ? .-e ni Ikfl Keimhliea of Sontb aad Oatral Aflt-nea ri aad tha Weat InUir. aod tbe Mritiih ni M re rere-tlr ... i'n. l.e<? ??> i at tbe inlije.,'.. aal it it Bflaj .b )';??! tu br.e flflfl. BHflfll to Vu.tra.ia anl Taaaii.... Tha reaaona wh..- It ia n_i_jn? am b ejtra .'linarr beailwa. in re at. reffioat, tt well at la America. ar. flflflj ?i I Bfl ? a nut.ot.ll. I: .11 i*oplet. all lt i-rrrenta mJ ?ue?i in- ? . ? - ., brare. the _? ?? prore. the aj.!'- it brain. the Urer, arre.U ..ih... tba anJ larigoratet tne coa itita-QB._ Akt BTDDBBTI wnl lind in Tiik Tail I.B.T.?' ' ... dahrerrd i. ih- - - . t.r mul. Sc Tlll . Iv Dr. ii. \\. J....viu.)iiil, i. r_u__?n Lacrflaa I _ Wi i>- on Mi vKi-ri.Aia:. ?M _ >l. iki'-ipc'trciu r Ile. .;.u> Hfliat r,p.rteki in ll.a Tkia.xa l.BCTffBB .. 4, now ,e_... l'..-e .!<? : af mi:l. .'--. THB TaiBDKB AlVABAO for 187_S is tiuvv i^ad) I'i ne M ornti BflVfl. for Bl. TEEA18 OF TUE TBIBUA'L I>aii v TaiBDRB Mail Subscnrvfr*. ?10 oer ,-innum. St ?ii \\ i-p.Kt y, Muil Sofaacribaia, o".l o_ran. V 1::llAi nb, >".-*il Sul.Borib.ii4, $*_! pci iAUiiuui A (1 v i r t i s i n R K :i t >? |, Dau y I i-.i'?? 5c,and $l i>orliu?. Baan-Webklt Tiubi nb, _?"> aad 50 eanta yaa Lintj. Wa?Ki.Y iKiur.M-. BSt, ?;;, an.l i't pt-r ln.)-. .i.iing to poaitiou in tbe pat>er. Tarnirt, in adTBOBe. A(Jilift_>. The Tribink. New-York. AdTi.itiH^mp'i^ n-.-i ivt-d al up-iown otru-ps. 5-H W. 83d-Bt., or M v7. .' i ! lt, till 8 p. m.. at r. tfulur raUts. Thr Wfkki.t TcibinI- will bf rr&tiy tliig moT-i.^ atlo'cl-Ok, in wrapi>.ri lor uhaiiiuj. Maa . Bfinta. Thk TRinrNr. in El BOrB. \t. offl. >? fi.r Tkibinp. Afl vevriia.-iiii-iit- ? ilanofropea in IaiuJoii, N?. tu nast-at,, B. C. AIIBnsUa-i at.J Doatttn-uial ?tl verti?eu.)-i)t4 M.t.-inli-it fur taaartlOB la Taa Nkw-Yokk Tku.i.nk ?ti,,nl.| ba ?"?nt alir.-i t tn tl.e I/i.mloi) ? KuttM. rnitiaiia fnr .it.v pertod vtiii )..- r.-.:civr.J nt Uut aauiei ttl-i'-r. au.1 eii._rl.- Copit-a ol tBaaaaai may alwaya lt. oiita Ailti.r-u Tim New-York Tiui-.imk, 84 F.'.-t-t-i.. K. ('., Ixin.lon. Dvrrig the eonttrnrlityn of Ihe front tt the new Trtbune bktUtxiij, The Trt'titrtf (iffire may br found in the ttrit bMtidtug .n the rear on Spntee-tt. The Trtbune < oui.ttiig Moom iton the ttr*t ftoor, antl itenlti td at Ute second door t\own Bpruce-tt. from thr old ttie. Peraon* leoring Setr- York for the ftpring and Summer mmn ha*e THK f)All.. Trihi.'nk matled to them for |1 prr month, or 11 ;i0, inrhnlxtig potlagr. For $1. eitlurive of tteean potlage. ihotr trf,o are traeeling abroatt ean have untjof tke eAUumtof Thk Tmixvsy. mailed to their banh tr* for Ihe foUotetiig periodt: Daily. one month ; Semt Wtntkly, three monlhi; Weekly. tix monUx*. rOUNDED BYHORACE QREELEY. f. ? ^ VVEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1873. Thirty Uiouaand Aaiatica were maasacred by tbe Cblnfvae at Tali-Fu. ______ Pieaideut MacMaiiuo hut ^Buetl . proclam.tion to tbe Frencb army. A new CommiflBion on at^am bollerezploalonB haa ba>an .pptMuted. ^aaa Tbe Uulted Preabytainan Ueoerai Aa atnblr eontinues in eraaion at Fbiladelphla. _____ Ttie cplure of J-R-k ia offlclally conflruied. A well-known author waa murdered by Ma BOn. ?_-___) Two flremen were buried under tbe ruioa of . bornlnir bullduia. bbbbbbi A bark waa run down by an oce&n .U-am.'.r. r- ' - Retreitcbment baa been lnatituted ln two mnmolpal departmenta. ?_-_ Important enaniroa ar. efleoted by th. new murder .ct. a=____. Gold inj, 117|, H7J. Tltermometer, 69?, 7<J?, 65?. Ob another page of Trre Tribitik we print a Tigoroua leUdsr from Mr. Geo. Mclietiry of Ixindoii, giring hia view of tbe Ameriean _*ail way traruM-CtionH of Me__-i_. Binchofliiheim L Gol-Uchmidt, Where thero i? auch a volame of controrewy aa that on the aubjecta trav ened o/ lir. McIIenry'a letter, it ia merelj DeoMwary aow to anbmit bi_> statemonts for tbe ixiVeHigeat ezamination of tbe reader. Tbera aw?i8 a cheering proapect that the appoal for the widow of Gen. Canby ia not to ba eatirely without reanlt. The City of i'ort laod, Oi-KOD- haa raiaad already $5,400 for tha fund. aad wo ara informed by Gen. IngaULs that aomo aetion in the aame direction will be Ukea by (he Army end Nary C'iub of thia city. There ia no life in all onr tii?wn?y vbich dwnrvea more richly tiian that Ail Gen. Canby Biicb HMMHUl fommernora tkUM Mi Wtrtaim 1*0 Ul B _->W>Ul _t_lV__li(. U It/I -UA vridow, and the moncy ought to be raiaed wilhout any furtber delay. An important deciainn waa made tfl the Mnrdonnoll case, in UM United State-. COBTt, \.*t r.lay. Tka technical objectinnH raiscd by tha palaou?*a eoaaeel Baaa?e_ to imply ttal tha United Btetaa Cboait Otmri muat eoaeidar ti,. .piestiou an on? arising under it* appcil.ile, aiul thil it Hlioultl be exammeil iiiiilii rul.'s a|.|>lii'al?!c to a writ of crror. Tbfl cmrt trntmrni that, althoaffk tlie Coanalaaloaer before whom Maedoaaell was origiaaQy ex aaiiiini miv havo i'ITimI in Ma adtnission of i.ti.ii-.i,-.'. tha pcoeeadiaaa araea _mn Iherefare vtii.l; bnt theiB was evideiico BBoagh lo liold the ni-ciiM.-.1. Thia aaaa ia a earloaa oaa. Bad Uh ti-rmii,lul-ion BBfaBM to cnt sh nplv through the roaae of tachnJeaHtBea wliieli haita m\ i Hiii'i'oiiiiil.'il I'Xlni.litioiiH. Dijiloniatic advi.-es from Japaa an' ??> the cllVct Miat, although peifeet toleratUm ia ro ligioaa tboaght La not yet proda_ned, there ara Big?- ot hu oQdal rel. ntng toward tbe iintivo Cluristians. LargtJ liuiiibers ol those convrit-t wete depottad froa their boiaea, bj order <>f the Qeveraflieat, ae~aa or eight yeara ago, an.l they .sincu beea kepl ia peaal colonii'.-. it is aappoaed, iii portlona of the i-mpiie ti-.iiii wliieli fareigBera .'ire B?dodod. i xiles aro BOW to be perniitted lo ritiiin tn their own bomee; and the moal oflhntiTO o. eiliets v, t in foroo Bgaiaet Chri.-.ti.iinity aro to i? revoked. Thia ia oertaialf progreaaiae , aongh t.i allay tha Impatteoee oi Chriatian propagaadlata in Japan; and it will ge lar toward leaaaiiiing tha driliaed woiid that the Qovennaenl binoarneat in Iftaparpoae to ab eraliae the whole ooaotry. What d?poattiofl ahall ba made of Capt Jaeh aad hia Modoe ooaaradaa eppeara te dia Uul, llie tii.v.-niiiient. lt iB iepoiteil that ,t is generally agreed timt tlio eaptirea are priaooera af war, aad, tberefoae, not paaisha* ble l.y the United states aafborttiea. lf we rightly reeoUeet, Capt, Jaeh and several <?? the ringlcaders of tlie band are undei in.liel inent for imtrder. Tha natural inl'oreiieo is that theae will ba tnraed over ta tha jadicial aatharitiea of Kiskiyou Oooaty, Califonria, tba Indictmcnta haring been found in their jinis.lielion. If it ia pOBB-hle tO aeparata tha gmlty freao lha b?b paiiitively innoevnt. :bis courso BBBBBa moat just. Poeaibiy Capt. Jaeh antidpatea aooM Boeh ignoble tenaiaation of hia bloody enieer, BB BB Ii-ih lieen reportod insane. ffifl ?-.Miiutionai in-Hinity" ia Uke thatof aennnbig Apaehe, wlio, arreated f?r atealiag oattle, reinonetrated?MWhy yon aay 1 Bteall Ha heap "ciaxy." An eiil'oieenieiit of our Iiiwm, Im.iIi as between indiaii and [ndian, m well aa be tweea whitea and [adlaaa, li a reaaoaable pn.position on its far-c. Tliis pl-a Lfl urged by Biahop Whipple of Ifinneaota, ia ? reaeat lat ter. Tha Biahop, who is tbeBoafhty eoarer aaal witii tha aahjeel. argnea that ontil tha Donaadie life of the Iwtianaia ehaaged, aad they are brooght under the same laws rlut regnlate driliaed aodety, tha [adiaa proUeto cemaiafl aasolred. Capt Jaeh an.l his eoat lades are f;ood snbjects wifh whuru to begin. UIE AMMAXBAA Bt ANDAL. Tha threatened eonflict in Arkan.-as, after the dangei bad once been ii|)panntly avert. d, is more ltiiniiiient now than fver. Wben t.ov. Partet diaflaiaaed Botne <>f the oAeen of tha Btate ??itu, anrro?ided hiaaaelf wtth liu-ty Meada, and pOOted M-nlmels al tlie approaehea to lha Btaealiva foartera, tln ClaytOB party in Little Boek lanjrhed at his fiar.s and told ns that |fr. I'.axter tremhled at his own sliadow. Bat they have now de reloped their lin<- ai afttaalr. and if r.ov. Baa fci WiinU to keeji his pla, e, it is quite poa sible ba may have to keeji it by violenee. The Attomey-Geueral has applied for a writ Of </'"'? varrantti to tcst his tltle to the ofliee, and the intention is, as we havo aiready ex I.lained, to stispend hiin froin tlie exereiso of his fnnetii.ns by au injnnetioii, diiiini: the progreaa of tlie ?ial, und mstail tha Lientea Hiit-'lovernor in his i?laee. Tbe most srandalons featnre of this ,-;isc is thal the (Jovenior ia to be pr,?s,rnted and de poaad l.y hia owa Beeoaaplieea. All tbe, gaa* tleinen of the jury "had BMM of the ie>rk."' lt is morally certnin tbat tho Liberal and DeinoiT.itie State tiekit. was elected by a law inajority last Noveinber, but under tho din-e tion of Scuator Clajton tho Adininistratiou candidateH wero eounted in. That fiauil plaeed CrOT. Baxter, Lnut.-(...%-. Baaith, Attor n, y-(ieneial Yonley, and two of the BaptMBa Court JadgBa in power, and pavo tho saine faetioii a majority in the Lcj-i-datiiro. If one was illegallJ returnod, all were so. Tiie letiirns for tlio l-overnorsliip were contested by tbe exeluded eandidate, Mr. Hrooks, but the Leg* Lslaiuio refoaed to eutertain the case, and then adjourned. It was after this that Mr. Brooha and his aBBOoiataa qnarreled, and the prcM-nt acheaae was deriaed for pnttinp Mr. Brookft out of tho way. It is a serious qiestion whether any power resides iu the ('ourt to mako Uie impiiry thus ralled for. The jrorson in possession of tbe Kovernorship holda the fomiai certiUcate of election, rati lied by tbe action of the LoKislaturc, and if a court of law can k? back of theso evitlences of autbority to inquire into tbo circumstances of tbe election and tbe fuirness of tho countinp, it can overturn the whole State Kovernmcnt, itself inoluded. llut lf it could do no in any case, there ia a peculiar absurdity in tbe attempt at Little Rock. Practically the Attorney-General avows bimaelf no Attorney-General, asks two Judgea to be kind cnough to exanrine and de cide that they aro not judgeB, and movea that Mr. Baxter be declarod not entitled to tho governorahip, and depoaed to make way for Mr. Smith, who received atill fewer votes, and baa consequently atill leaa rigbt. ao to apeak, than Mr. Baxter. In tlne, a deeision adverse to the acting governor would be morally equivalent to a deeision tliat tbe whole State adminiatra tion ia illegal, that tbe proaocution bad no rigbt to proaecute, aud tbo court had no rigbt to try. It i-annot hare eacaped Scnator Clayton'a notice, however, tbat the courta in Louiaiana went outeide tbeir jurisdiction to npaet one State government and eatabllab another, and tbat they ware auatained by tho arniy^ undrr .inBtructiona from tbo Preaident of the United StatoB, eveu after the grosa iilegality of tbeir action had been expoaed in tbe Senate. Ho haa proved an apt scholar, and we are not at all aurpriaed at the conrae be baa inatigated hia part??_i to pursue. With Mr. Baxter of couiTMi we can have no aympathy. II o haa been intruded into a place to which ho waa not elected. But becauae he waa unfaiily elevated to offlco that ia no reaaon why ho should be illegally depoaed. The contempt for constitutiona and atatatea, tbo perveraion ? ?I legil forms, wbich bavebocome ao common ot uto in uo- yokirWkl conHicU aro iuo t dananroaa aymptoms of a diyip-neatod political tliHordi-r. ______________ TE8TEEDAT** MVHHER. Our city aeema dmtined to oomplotfl the of c.rimiiial honors. Tlio honii.-idal DB_M alaa baeati aal aUta la Un* p|",'<;fl rtml '" low, antl iniinli rei . nmi iniirdercd BM baad aqaaUy aaaanff tha aaHhrated aml taa. eoajaa. Tlu. laaft MghtM -apert of talal riolfla_rfl le.i.hctl tn from the hIiiiuh uf Tl.ompH<>n-st.. tha aeton bdBg among Um _aeel legiadea ,,f niiiiikinii niiii of tOaW?_a|'. a!l tliiiiKr. wore m.i(l( im.nilly VtMa, wl.i-n ? g_B tlcman of ariHtoeratie blood, BB* iinknowii in literary flifflUa, in 11>lo 1 >it?:*<l? iv hotel, eaooaateiad fleath al laa baadi <>i Wa own aoa. Of cotirrti-, bt.hinti aaeh a eaaaew iiiiiit, tban _paat Im b leaf aeriea af icaadal .,11.. mni paiafal tne_daate?ef Ihoaa hjailj tioablflfl aml .piarrels which air Um bBBBI aaafly a__le_?ol lha domeatk Buta-ppinaaa wbleh ?(> ..fti'i) eaaaflea aateraal aad llial lovt- into tbe blttet ll .latrml. Tlu- of Hiicli a orittfl Bl fliis li P"',h ,,,1,,-h ?,,,?, it?> Hinfiic . Wo haw irifled nilnnilly here in N. iW-Yot- into I UMial ?BB dit.ioii wln.'li n-nii.'in atrodtiea- iika thia poe Wo liavc. |)i'.riinll.(l iii 111. .ei j i-i ii) plcad ui iiit-ir ilafiaaM, paaafoa-i aaarada, private in j'lr;.-.., irai or aappoaedi wa fcava reeogaiaed ta accrlain e.leiit. lln- rijjlit of privata ven p-aiici-; it.ui vv?- hara thaa eoeoaraged tadol p-ii.'c in mgflb aad taagbt aaa lo regard aelf' conlrol as a <|nality iueoinpal iUa willi tha jiropcr Ktanilaiil ol ni.inly eofltaga aad aet ?oaal lionor. vfhea elear aaaea of naidar, la wliieh no ch.tracterislic, BB COaditioa ot feloay araa waattngi have, altat .lt-iiioraliziiiir (lilay, reacbed onr iribanala, wo have had thfl IpMtadfl af _____-OW aml rxt.-m porised aeb-niea oi dafaaaa treated raapeet fally ao-aettmea araa hy tha benet aad oftea I.y the jury; antl :i1t h..ut_r.i dlBBglOeiBeal al that jury or ac.piitt .1 _B_gbl Bt avoi.l.d, we have over atnl over BgalB i08B BXeentiOB poatpoaod npon tin- noat Mt-loaa pretexta, until it VU Ul U> lit- ? shame I" b______i and .oininiitalioii tinliiially followed. Tlu- conse qoence af thia kaa baaa that. lif<-, beld t.> be io ooatly in tha ooadeaaoad eelL haa becon tIjci fheaetat poeaibU thing ia onr bigbwaya aml onr hous.s. Mittder haa b.'fii degraded from Ita bad preSminenee almoal t<> tha raak ..1 a mladoanaaiOT. Maa l>ill aithool thlakiag. or lf they think at all, it is wiih a inon' aml more PDBOlBBfl ilt-trrininatiDii Btfll !.. kill. Any bUboi tnotivc ia great eoongh to ii.iv.' tha alaoghterrr. Of a eartaia daai af .njoriea, even marder aeeaaa to be aa laaaf ti.i.'iit relribution. Thosa wlio havo piatola put than in thi-ir peekota thoee a_o kavfl not aaeb waepou mak.- kaata t > porehaaa Mit-in. All contiol of t -nipcr is abaodOBed. All di-lilii-iato estiniil.- nt tht Veight and ijii.ility of an injiiiy tn thoaght tO bfl ni.i sary. Iloinii'itlo flflBBfla lfl bfl ? liiMiry if aenred tor gvaal aeeaa-oaa aad parpoaeaj it has taken thfl place ot Ihfl r.-.nly an.l hann leaa b-oar wlnch was onea deomed aoAeleot to ii.-al thfl iroaada of paraoaal hooor. For thia teailul Btatfl Of thiiiK''4 WO are imliibtfld t') thfl inetlicietiry of onr BOHlta af jiHtie..-, |o tlu oowardly Imbefldity of onr jariaa, aml to tha oi. itsionul tiiniilily of thfl Kxeiuiiviv. Tha leaaofl ef jiatmdaj i-< a paiafa] one, ba| never was n great public leaaofl bion inip.ia livdy lllBBaildlld W.ll will ithetor Bl it vve takfl it to hcart, aml Ioi 0006 leaeli |0_M laint coiiii-ptioii of the BOOrgy aml Bnaaeea whieh ara ho aorely aeed. Lawa aritb whi.-li vve nn relv play the fool are aroiBfl m rniittly than no laws at all. As we eOBBidef ii, we aaa plainly the ooaraa ahieh any aad prol.ahly will Bfl pnrsne.l in thi? Walworth matter. A son BTBBgea tlnt WOBga of an in jiire.l mother?that will bfl thfl kny-riote of tlie (l.-feiiBi- when the prisotn-r is bfOaght to l).ll. We jnotest in ailv.inee a_:ailis! lUflh l-SOOfa, to inaii.lliii aaariaianlatity agaiaal this attflt eoa faaloa of tha aaoralittea aad of the good hik! had inolives wl.iili t-xeil.) iieiiun. Never so Korely as to-.lay has thfl Hacie.lness Of law pleatleii vimlieation. N.-v.i Ii.iv.- vm BO clearly aflflfl. it onr iluly to My of Capital i'liiiishtiieiit?uivo Bl its ulMilition or irs en ioncineut ! _________________________ i TEEOEdMi I Oal of the inystery which has alw.ivs en reloped tha diataal ptofiaeei of China eoaaea a Mghtfal sioiy of violonre iiml I.Id.hI. It [t n-lalcil in a London tfllag_?H to (he A.s.-iciatetl I'less that tha [_apac_a_ CSbiaflflfl Coreea, haring aaptared Um v.'ity of Tali-fn. ProTioeo of Viinnaii, fell npon thfl iiiliabitants, who are liehaaaaaedan lobeb, aad pat thirty tboaaaad of them |0 death. Thfl Sultan, it is further B___d, pii uiuli him-. If, Miici.le beiagptetoabletOfl_n> ttire by the victorions Impcriali l... ll ii hardly aenrate, however, to npeak of Tali-fn Bl " the. eapital of a M iha.nmeilan Btatfl in tho " I'l-.vimit ol" Thfl ttTinination of tlie naine of thfl city iiidicites that it is the eapital of oaa ef Ihooa diatneti iato vbieb every Ch-BflBfl iirovince is aabdlvidod. Tln-se ?abdiv__oaa eotiaapond lo the oovatiei iato whieh onr States are iliviile.l, aad are callc.l " Fu." Tali, or Tali-fn, is the chief city of one of the dintiicts, or " Fn,'' of llu- rrovince of Ynnnan. Tho eapital of Ihe E-Ofioflfl ia Yiiniuui-fii, nearly two hundred Bafloaaoath-flaat of tlie city whieh has jnst lieen devastatt-.l liy the Cfa-BflBfl army. The .Mohaniineilan u l.ellion is one of tho clironic BOiefl of the CUaflflfl Knipirr. lt haa exinted ttim-e Ikm, liavniK BWCpt tho entire waatflta and IMfftfl BBBttMB lim> of provinceH. ln 1861-2 it attained itu giaataal and moBt fonnidithlo dimen.siuurtand threutenod to overturn tho rxlntinpr dyn.iivty. (lf Iato yeara, however, the Muhatnmcdai.rt havo Kravitatcd toward Ynnnati, a Rxeat provinc<- in the ex tntmo south-wcrtteni corner ot China, boiimled exteriorly by Siam, Aniiam, Hunnah aud i_aos. Ever tviucc the lirst year? of Mohammi'd, tliis provinco haH boen penneated with tlie inilu t-ncoa of the doctrin.B of thfl I'ropht-L As long ogo as tho time of Marco I'olo, that Father of Oricntal lliutory found tlie inhab itants of Carajan, aa he called Yiinn.iu " chiefly "SaraoenHand IdolatorH." After tlie re bell ion of 1855 had made auflicient luad way against tho Impcrial Government, tho MohammodanB chow. a ruler or chieL At last BtMOWamm, all of Ww-tern Yunnan waa virtually an indep< nd ent Stato, Sultan Suleiman, aa ho vras citflod, being tho baad of the Government. Tho I'hl nese Impcrial power was too weak or too in dolent to cornpel the nubmiiuiion of the?e re.lKjla or reduce this intorior kingdom to subjection. Something liko annoal tribute was paid to the tax-tfatberere of tho provinc*, and tlio local Chinnse authoritios having aatisfled their rapaoity, the socedera wore Ict alone. UTiia Bndden eacplosion in "The Jt.'loudy "8onth,n m the namo of tho provinco aj?tly BlgnifLea, will attract the attentiou of the civil ized world to the interior conditlon of China, and especially to the unknown region where this ,hloody drama has been enactod. Until Mr. T. T. Cooper, au adventaioiiH English uim, oBiloavured to i>__y_aro a tfmUauo aaiw-i Yunnan into Burmab, ? few ago, we know stureoly unytbinT of wm counlry, excpt what.Mireo Polo had written of it in the Thirteenth (Viitury. In l^), Tali-fu was th? Btaaad eity in Carajan, or Yniiiian, an I a griuidson of Kublin Khan, who roigmd over that part of tbe prnvitieo or kinjrdiim, made his m_t of goveininont at the eity just now aadly nmlmu to tha bbbbbbii af tho oafcl sido woild. Wliat is tho atate of afl'iirs in that deiisoly populous region f VViiat are the maiiners and custums of the people, and what thcii'p.iii.'ie.'il.henryofgovernment? ll.eaea.aea tions aro moro impossildo of intelligont unswr than siinilar in.piiries ooneorning inliibilants in thebeartof Afriea. Tha paaplaare wai like and aafriaadlj. Their tieaaarei of tpld aad luit-i.iiLs nUini-s aro very gn-at. In tlio time oi U.-ieiiidu.ldin. b I'e.sian ootamporarjr of Mareo Polo, tha eoaatry was eaOed thal af tlie "People ,>f tlie Qold Teoth." To thia day, ia Weatara Chiaa, aa extraTBgaat paraoa ia iaaoaelj aaked il his bther ia Oataraor of ; just. as we in piiro of our gild.-d yoiiths if thoy have r.-lahves in llie public i i ?. Wt tarow out tb'se hin's about tlie I'r.iviiiee ol, in passing, for tho beaO-l of anek of our gold aaakiagadyaataajBB aad ,li..i|il.-s of Deattayaa may finoyaii explo in.>n of the ragioa wtth a view u> the poaalbiUtiaa of afeaexatlaa. lt it very daai that Chiaa caaaal gorara oatijiag pcoTiaeeB aith aay iigaity and Bnaaeaa. Chiaa is aa ?eormoai polyp. To '<>i> ,,f-' ii huge eoOop here and there would not001.008Ig affe.l the < -ntor. Than aro noiiher ih -tvsp iTii'.t-s nor publie opinion in the onipire. Tha abaranni af thaae eorreUthre foreea is sulliiienl oxpl'inatioii of sueh an al>r??m:i,il de velo]?iuent as that, which his just, provoked B bloodj i.low iaTali-fa. Tot, it oaaaot ba Baid that the imperial power ifl cr iinl.ling into pieeea wbile aneh a frightfal paniahaaant ul rebela in poaaiblea 77/ F. CESTEAL I'AllK. Mr. Olaaated'a adaairable reply ta the stric tarea of a i .rresi.oiid.iii oa the BBaaageaaeat ,.t the Ceatral Part wi'.l go far ta raaaaaia the pnbUc mind. aad t<> iaaraaae our eeteeia for the pentieaiaa who has had tha ehief abara in tln n. atioa of the Parh and the organiiati m ,,f tho (orea, lt is <>n.. ,.f tba notaUe points of hia Craah letter that whiie he diaeredita Beaaatioaa] Btoriea ol oatrago. diaorder, aad randaliam, be admitfl Aal tbara ara oertaia partieul.irs in wliieli tlie. OZ?ttag regulatHKis might bo Inprored, an.l thal both tli" keep ors and the vNitors have ehanged of late bl the worae. "Withia Ire peara," ha aaya, " it "is aotorioBB thal tha Park-keepera havo loat "inueli of thoir original cli.irafter; it is per ?? i.ips not cpially notoriona, bat it iaeqnaDj "true, that visiiors l.< the i'ark a'o aiin "li.lile. t0 tll" re.piirellllents of good-keepill'.'.-' Hr. Olautad oalj hiala at the caaaa of thia ehange. It is uinloiil.teilly llie inerease of political infliienoa ia tho appoialaaeal of keepera and ethet ofJi.ials, and th?- eoaae. ojaeat deatrae?on of diaeiplina and lowering of the Btaadard <>f eharaeter among tha fbrea, i:n111 the Coanaiaaioaera rat?ra to tho old methoda af Baanageiaeat, aeparate thedUelvea entirely from tha poli_eiaaa, eaaae to appoint ni.n to obligo this or that 1. ader of the partf, and teaoh tbo mon tlieiiiselvos tbat a /.. alous ami latelligeat attention to duty, and that oi.Iy, will seniro in place. nia! ters will probably fo aa from bad to worae. Tha apoaiag of tha Part at aighl Hr. 01m mP d rogards as a great mistako under any ayaten of maaagiw*-.. aud wo tatiialj a-jic. v, iili ln 111. ___________________________ - ,i WOELD, Ml VABTEEAt* A late Knglish visitor to thia ooiintty it (l.ii.s he w.u eonslantly surpriscd al hearing fiom fa-dnonalilo and wealthy pooplo heie ihe wi.-di tliat WB could a.lopt a inoiiareh ieal giiveriiiii.tit, and BO iinpr.vo tlie atructUM ol oui si.ii.ty an 1 in.iko lli.-ir own plaees in il moro (.oethc's rule, " If thou " tliiiil..-l thyseli superior to the poor man, " bring thyaelf faeo to faeo uilli him and "proveit,"' _ a troublosonie and unoertiin one as to rosiill. No wond.i those who -land on slippery aoeial plaaeB wiah they could Imil.l a Caaaa of raah about them, and so keep the herd otf out of reaeh of p.uley. llut setting aaide theae Bjeatleaiaa and ladiea with tluir heraldi. teadeaoiea, there is a not ineon rii.l.'! iminber of honest, i.traighlforward folks ainong us wha lately hint a tro(|iiont il.uibt whether tho Knglish form of gov citiinent, in wliieli oaeh elaBB beOOBBOB a guard and wat, h upon tiio other, would not protc.t us better thaiiSour own from the af sueh wholesale robbery and bribery _t that af th" late. el.etioti maehinery, or tho Cn'dit Mobilier, forgotful apparently that tbe poa.hing upon tbo public preserves w hieh is so intoleial.le to us when it, is done by our neigbbois Sniith and Wilaon, would lie no laafl galling if legiiiiiiatiziMl into tho ahapo of public olli.e, cliurdi livings, or p,?n-.ious, and paid geii.ratioii aft.r generation to a Harou de Sinytlie, or a Fit_willi;iin, whOBB great grandmother bad boen the mistress of tho King. Tho ducal and baronial estatt*s of half tho nobility aie liold by as unl.iir teuures as any of tbe other plunder of tht lr N'.ruiau anee-tors. Their poaSBBaon may be elever, cultured, and ehivalrie follows onough, but it is aa leaa partaia thal th.y have laaeritad witb tbe 000ta of arms u|>oii their shiebls tbe itcliing pidiiia heneath them, whieh in old timea gavc largesse to tbo poor man, but held back from him tho apaec nnd chanee to make an boucst and autlieicnt living. What is the Ckddtt Mobilier, after all, to such wholeaala piekiBfB aud atcalingst but whatever abuormal longiuga may poeaeas the, aoula of onr wealthy classea, and cauae tbenI to cast wisbful eyea toward a monarchi ral go\ernniu-iit, our working menat leaot wiU jirid-alily l>e conNnt to IkHcvo that a rcpublie hinis thoir Kitnation Irttcr. Here are one or two facts which we clip from Tht I'alllMall (mttttt to illustrate the aubject. Tbree casea were hcard in one day before tho County Jaaticea at Ncwbnry, aome weeka aince, which The (iazette qtio'.o- a.s exeniplifying the "aad lack of gelf-dependence which prevaibi "ainong the lower orders.'1 Heury Uallard, a h_If-starved, Bpiritleaa looking man, waa tried for shooting a rabbit on tk dcnioaiio of one of bia ricber neighlxirs. Ilallard burst into tcars, and atated that hia wbgea wore but 11 ahillings per week, out of nrhich he had to aup port thirti-trin children, bemdo bis wife luid himselK Hia wife waa dyiug of conaumption, and longed for a bit of meat; so he tried to c'Ut-b the rabbrt Ilallard waa eevoi? y rcpri manded and tined air ahillingrt, to be paid in a fortinght. Tbe aecond c?te waa " tbat of " E_cabeth Vokina, wbo waa auokling an in " fant, and aent to fieading jail for two weeks * for taking aome pieeea of braaa belonging te "a thraahing machine, out of a barn at Wel " ford, whero her hiisb.ind had workad for " twenty yeara." Mr. Vokina cnmplained if hia wifo wure ->at awav hia au olui- J dren mu?t starve, for hii work wa* two mihn from hoine. "Eloven shillings," he laaaukadL " was nono too much to keep oight pflBBfBB* Hut to jail BUaebflth and her baby went. The third caae reveals still more cloarl. the nctual poaitioa of Iba Brof___aga_aa Ut _aa_ry Baglaad, No wondcr John Hull invariably lookl back from our shores wuh a sigli of " I, too, was an Ar "cudian." A young tnarried lalrorcr nam-d M.ijor was chargcd witli leaving his cmnlny i-i's setvii.e without- just ciuse. His delenso bm that bi _Bfl--Tod butaiaeahflHngaaaraeki aml thal ?iie rottage for whieh he had to pi. toni oal af this aaai had baa_ ataefl Chriatiaaa putly U0Wfl down, thfl l^o-nls being lOttefl aad the aaou dnving in. His wife (alao with a baby ia har araM) had Maaaght bet deatfa "in it," and vviw now hopclc.. .ly --onsumptive. Not lagacdfag Ibeaa beo_Te__aoe_i to Ihe Ma.jors, the m proniptlv Oldflred him back to bia w.u.., aaai Itad bim I which, as he BOald not pay, hii ninsi.-r with beld froa 1ns (vtafa w.iges. ThoM laoedotea puint their own rioral. There lajoat now a gitai deal of anoeriag al "repabtieaa morality" m Rngland, whieb. il ia true, haa beea justiy provoked. Hut then is a aoaad pablia aaothaeat of honeaty aml jiistico in onr p.-opie which appreetatea both tha corntp'ioii ol" our own politn-iatu an.l legal tyfaaoy and robbery of the poot aa this, aml wlii'-h -,v:!l un! an end to tha one. aml never ha.. pemitted thfl Othfll ta bfl l.nown among ii.-.. H.tllard nnd Mi.joi, no doubt, hmuglit to this country Bfl 1 giv.-n l"r thfl firat time ia their liviss their sharo of nativo beet. woull s'lon 1,',-irn to dcmand donble Um mooey that theii aroik iraa arorth, aml would look regretfolly baak to the old hoimi and thfl bleaeed ehaai ? of leeiBg ? lmtl or lady now aml then. in thfl im-aii tiim their diiltlren wouM haffl Bloat hall a doaea tinies a day if they wished it, and tlu- flOB sitiiiplm. wiv.'S could'y soul. it they ebeae iritb rabbha. Aad after B-I.eaoairh to OB! aml fair Vflgfl for I Q_y_ flrork gO a loogway toward Eaalriag the hoaeaty of a man or a nation. ___________________ THK POLWM JVSTtOEM. If eertaiti pment inetuBbeoti of tha offlflfl of Poliefl Ju-tiie were oo. m. iadiaei-fl. aa lo nrga ia Ihe pablie prfata their renonioatioa on the Mayor, ita ihoold he oootent to leave to hii diacre lon an.l larger infonaatioB of men thfl whole -.uliject ot" hii rho.ce fof those i ffteea. Hui it. may b.- Bflceeeary thal on.- j.i .i; ihoald --|)?-;.k tO counteraet t'le in finencfl of othera. We have bo eaadniatea to nrga. The Ifayot afl] do Ba thfl Joatfee to .,iy that we have l.e.-n thus far coiitctii to oppooi bad men, aad not to orge any how ever good we ini_.lii have thoagbt tlii-in. This journal was ihe Ini to expoflfl thfl great eorrnptioB of thfl PoUefl Jaat-cea. Tbat exi.O.e was part of thfl ciiisade which ii i.iade agaiaat eorraptiofl oa thfl Beaeb, and which reaaltad in the eoavietioa of IfeCnna, Car .lozo, an.l Baraarda Aaothfi Bltbaale leaall of ita ajtHatioa was tha paaaage of the bill umlir whieh Mayor II lv.-m.-iei is sooti to ap poiat new Joaticei for thfl Poliee Coarte. Among ot.i.-i.s, we limJ Jadgfl Hov.Iing BTgad piibltcly for this po.ition, aml aileBOfl bflflOBiaa BO longer politic or poaeih B. There are very few ol thfl prcsent Poliee Joataeei arho floaiBTfl a reaaa-iaatioa. Pee sihly Mr. H.iveineyer nny have leBIOBI to think .Judge Lodwith truei to thfl Conunittefl of Si-veiity when he i.m for thfl Supreme Court on thfl Tainniany tak.-t. than BMMl men suppose him to have been. Hut beyimd this .uie, who of the i.hl Jaatieea deaervea evea eoa BideratioBl Of the whole, Dowtiag deaerrea I'.'iil.-r bil ailministration more OfltragBI upon penonal liberty arera eoauaitted than iv.T Mcl.iiim and CaidoBO diiect.d ag..iast property. If there was an outrage tn-eded, DowUflg was the man Bpplied to. Hfl Mlld thfl sni-i-e.ssi'ul practiii: of Ul Court. All who did uot pay him tiibute were BBaaoeeapfa] a.-^ pleadera before him. Ile aaada hia offlea a teader to the Poliefl Depart meiit, aud with detective.sand Sapeiintendeata bke Jourdati and oihers, at oooa prostitutod his poaitioa aml oatraged the loaoeent. In ct)iii|iett-nt lor watiL of (-(liieation. iinlit bo catiHe of laek of principle, nic.iii.ilile of good aerviefl by laaaoa af hia eomplicationa in paat im-r imlu.t, Jadga Dowliiig has not ? aingle reqaiaitfl foc offloe toeoaunendaiiB. After the LoBg atragjde to laiom tho Beaeh, bia reap imiiitinent will Im. an iiimiIi to tha Bar of New-York and an outrage BDOB \U p.-ople. OUR CONV7CT8. Mary f arpeiitt r of Hiistol, J.nglaa.l, irhOBfl stiniy of tho aaata of priaoaera has extended fiom the eitics of Europe and __J_a to thfl prisons of Ameti.-a, sai.l reeently at a public meeting in Hoston: "I penvive that your "prisons for women dilflhargA thfl oonvieta ln " stato than th.-y when lir>t sen "tenced.'1 Hu' t!iu lady's reni nkable book on "Our Coiiviet.-." begina with thfl st.itcment that they are B part ol* soci.ty. "They belong " to otifselviM." TberefOlfl we ask oom.ern, what bflOOBBflfl ol themt The euoriniiii.. c>..t of ciiine the pitl.lio ean never aaty oloaalj Mthnata] but ia the Stato of New-York the depredatioM of eriaainala an Bfldfltltood to greatly excced thirteen inillions of dollars yearly. Tho amount lost bv their o]>era_ii.nrt is moro accuratcly kuowu than thfl a.'tual number of the ciiiniuaU that prey upon proi-erty. Aud yet this lopreseuU ouly ono branch of twime. The whole nuinlier of con victs in e__cody at any one time probably is not moro thau oue-touth tho tolal of persons who belong to the cnmi nally dangt-roiis classes. The thrafl Stato Hrirtons, at Si_ig Sing, Clinton, and Auburn, dischargo upward of 1,000 prisouers every year, and the six penitentiaries (not includiug the workhoaso of this city) dischargo between 6,000 and 9,000. The county jails send forth vastly groiUer unmlH<rs thau thr.-ie. Uut lct us look at these 8,090 and upward from tlie peni t4?t_aries, and 1,000 discharged from the Sttte PriBonaL What b^comes of therat Do thoso 8,000 dishonorod and dreadod porsons tlnd their way back to crimuial lifoT Doea any consid erable proportion of them regain a foothold iu the honest industrioti, aud so becomo reab aorbed into useful socictyf These are im portant questions; aud, with our prisons cost ing annually sortie $3,000,000, aa Judge Kd nionds shows in his report to tbe Pnson ..__?> ciation, they aro questions of public ecouomy as well as of oocial aafoty aiul tiw necurity of person and property. In a publisbod statement now before us set tiag forth aomo fat^ts ri-Mpectiupr the dutiea of the IMson As4?ociation of New-York, we find tho fo-lovring: "At ___->> ot the St&t* Pnnonfl, ?n1 ?t _om. of] thu itont ttratUrlefl, tba AMorlmlon h__i ngtaliluh.Hl ? dntlnttit ij.leni of por?on*l f fforl to Indoce anil i>r_j-?r? tha eon viritfl about to be lllterated to anter upoa a oourt. of boaeat lndufltrr and prudent lirinu; aad| to all auob M will do flo, detinlu .iftivr* of t?iuplDyai_nt uud fiiivnll/ j)n>i,)olii).i, ln 4iiilal)ln iooiill'l.v), aiu citi'inii.d I.y lln? mdtuUxot t?u ___*_._uu?u Ui/*ardot u qimivioU ... llrMMMtril raontiilr from ttia thre* ??_,?** Priaorn.. Md m tlies.i moro Miso *> per aaal ito direetl* t*? rood j^. pleyra, iinilor of tha Aawfiiittion. Ktpv,^ liiiiai that tha jrreater imrlt >n of thi-a* rii.?-|i tr<-(. -^ onern tr/to dO wall. Tlie rr>'.ull*utl?r..* ?l_*nn?r,r?i tft. ward of eoo prlnonera mo-itiilr, aod f.*r ttmt of td ,_, ?*.. _Meoeaaea u.-ida aaB-Bagaaaal toi aaaaala *u?ii ?* "i'i. I m tlii.r n?-?'I. fr. fhr> 87 * ,r\n\j \_i\. tlil* ayatrin of dutf li.u licotrif in trnnn tn* vo\ra Mla?. Ilalii-tl, nnd, l?jr Io<ihI B?nnr|r;a, eatlli one 14 rWtai '?*il? l'|.w_x] of aW oot\t\offT*. ot orgarilnt.1 laiK'f M tr.i.ix indiiBtniM um nur Bidlift- thut eff .rt for th*. u*m. fltof dl/tcliitrjpvl pri.i.ncrt und tor lh.- r?Dr*r?ti~ tr criiii* ln ,ill (rtrt-of thr, Hratn T in kBBWB IBa^bal tliea*) fir..rtt nrr rain.trkal.lo. for exarr.ji!... At tb* fm,. Hinjr Pneaa ihaai tadae aaaaaaaaaB aa lha um ? BBgaet laat, ami from tbat d?ut until M .? l,.? p*r;,^ ^ rj WaaBBa aal ef tlie entlre n.nnl>-r (ii'.iof pr ..tvo lw>i.|i arnontor.fal to tlu j.rlton; uul it ViVir.i I'rlt.iu, out of -11 |ir.a?ii.ra _, ttrntrwot datiaaraaa ataa aeatBa eaOBM ior i.o_Itob* h i- laaa r^tu -n?-.l t. th*. prUm, uml he wm m ,?_.? -^ ? ...i iii his ii ii n.i',its i.r . . haa aaa aa ? ba oiT.r of i.!iii>.i.y.-ii' nl.-' Hopo aad Iinluslry, pl.iinly enuu^h, .ire %]m aaeboaaaeeeaaaiy for bb~iag our eooTtatatew nller WrOB?i and it w.,- a vifl ui ncm.-i,. 0* the l'lison Boeietj t<> Bodertah- a daty >. ardoooa aad forbiihling. Vaarljr half tha rieta ia imu' prisoai UMlayan bbbbb ?. . many under, .md BOBM un i> r ifatteci jmn ttt -?-.'"? 9 ;? the taak af aaviag nur_> yontiir. is not hopelaoa, wh.'ii Bl ' M K. lorarr-tMiy lor jroang crimia.iis ,u M in l-'ranee, only abool livo in a hOBdred r.-i ur, to eriminiil 1*001 beii <li icha ? Priaooa aiao caa prodaaa rafotantaif resulis ia prorod ai the Ohio Peoiti . i at ihe liaaai ia prtaoe a| Moaeow, fewei livo pi-r aeal <>t ahoaa irr,i<! ial m kava tm> lapaed itfte eriiae dariag the li.e jaaia Vei thoaeaaodel priaona aot ool) pa| aathfB g?, bat aiao natata lo all weQ-baha~ed m_* B slian- of their eaniiiik'* Until the priaOBB of New-York are thorn s.-lvcs ii formed, they will aetth r rcforai their iiiinates nor pay their own BZ|MBBBB| and until MM h refOTBB ,-onies al.out, tha em. ployors of labor. tha cttixeoa it' faOBB?. . I the PriaOB Assoeiation of tho State, as tlia agaaej of the people, aiaal n<?t ahriak from tho duty of kelpiBg to s.ive the utiforf lnate wretehoB whoai tha State ao oraellj oegleeta Boaai tiaM aea Dr. Leeia -\- Ba_m aaa rcportr*. inTBaTbibubb aa -ajiag thal thaaitaaf tha "id New-Tork Hoaaital "iia-l baaa aold iad tli.'money BeraraoeoBatad br." Wt ar.> aatiataal tkal tina aharva waa aatirelj uifoBBaad i aad 'liat )<r. mftt, whilfl criiici.-iiii-' wttk traal ferea ahal Ba ngaadai aaa aaivataiaa af tli? fBadaef Iba inatitotion fruin tbeir origina] daaigo, kad aa Ihimihl that any ptopaitf kad baaa siM attbooi being aerupalonaIj aoooantcd f..r. Dr. .^....r.-, ia repiy to a notr- fnnii Mr. Mnnii Friaable, tkaaoaefaaa ol tlio of th? laatitatiefl aon .l.-ce?aed, s.-nt bb a pnblie lattaa irkiak araa aaaatataad aa t.nui, ad-Bttt-Bgtba eacreetaaa af ti..- r.-port <>f liU laagaaga. Pfa kava ure-n, kawarar, t lattaa fraaa Dr. Sajie te Mr. Trtmbli tbe ac u-ii".ion of p.',-ii!i'uv _aad. and - .1 ln* kad :i< < Kiriit illy oniiii.-il tii n. ik" tlii- diaBTOB d m tiio i.-tt.T wiii.h ka - nt te aa, Dr. BaytVa i \iath* lt that tha aaepla <.f tha >itv h.iv.i keaada?aadad l.y tiM elosillK of B-M.ol'l 1,(, \ot::. wliK h they hadB r__rl.l t.> lmvi- k.-pt ..p.-n. aad tot wliick idowment oi tbe ui-.tit.iti.m ?aa ,.iuinally glTOD. __________ <'ti tne '.v,th nf Miv. |asl BB tli" *"- im r (' in'r? . aaa ahe al taatarl from h.*r landiag at Fatal lt>'n ntiii, CaL, B w.ik-oii w.n IHraa .lown from the prisDii with what s.cmed to be a box of wai*..a apffkea. Thia araa *""n tnadlad aa kaaid, vn.i s*t mi dack aad ut*. arkes ..f the <i.'. !? kaadi L^anl a roieeaaji "Taratha i...x ortt .?-i ita dda?(araH oatheatde." TheBiaaaBi_ > order aaaa froin tha oaplain, luit that funetioii.ti v BfeakaiBg qaeatiOBed aaid that it duln'r. Airain iame tha ?ppolchral aad Bajeterieaa wonm: "Fat HaaaaarB mi... t.iru tba baa aaaa tata n..\oi"' \ . fidin tba t..nii. is kapraaalrab hat a vaiaa from akaa (,f wniriiii Htlrk-ta is liarrowiiiic. llie tMBi ui i tlietliins: wiirthluokiiik'ttit'., *ind wli.-n ke l....k,'.l inV) it ha fo!iinl, in tliis koi only f .ur ' t- .'t <i.-. j. aod a ? le, two i o i tbe_aelrea for the paipoaa af eaaa tioa af the boi broagkt aaoof tha aaaaieta li.** dowBward aritk i.i-. eoinpaaioa'i ireigbl <mi ktooi hiui, it may ka readily imaginad tkal i>"!h!.' aal batbed in !>? I i td aeaiiy atided. V, i th.- aantiemen *rere to get ool ?..1 go bai k io t-cir old quai t.r-. ?eoteel Cemale iwia?ler, .Mi-s m B.Parrr.h diatinguiabinx b aastt ke a aawapapai eonaapoadaal and lapottea for whii-hcvi-r ,.f tln- Cbicago aawaaaaaca BireaaaBaa?a may laggaal Bbe left Ifaabrllle after a v.t,ii ?t teoapl to dodge !. r hotel hill, and BBBt ap|i.':ir.?i at Jackaoa, Miaa iheaaade the aeqaaiBtaaeaal BB ItatiaaaHt ilteraiy lu?hr who wm there from Chieago for tbe Winter with aa taTalid daaaktMi Bbe repreeeated beraeli aa katriag baaa robbad aad is l.iinir ilestitiite, and her new D?ad took h.-r itite beraWB room au.l tnetad her kiadlj. M >.t IVrry raqoitad tl_i by atealiag from ber benafaetor on-r MlJSnia aaaaay. |ewa_y, and datbiag;with which ?baakaaeae?I. Mis.s E_rry is raeraaaated ,_siia?ing "a tiltinir urait, a Qoiet BBBBiaaaB "1 tuaniii.r, uni :t Kiiiooth ua.l inaiauatiog roiea." .Fim:i\?. is n eollier at Dudley, Kn<.. ami .Jonra, k* t inod.'i kad ;in.l ui'.st Bafeaeoaakie.lMebaad, -.hall ba intro.iuc.-d to tha Ane-ru-an pui.lir. He iaaaaB-W of an ei'ii-tnean turn of uiiiul, and \ory much ha Eaaatd?like (aa aaaal ?f aa aa te be d_aaaaiatM about bia dinnor. Not. ?hat of us. \vi> tru*t, would d,< as Jaaea did, for beYiag'.l Mra. Jonea to paapan kailad iMrla Im kia suti.iav'a mea!, ba went lioiao (aerhaBB irom cliurch) only fo Iad rea-lf for hiH laaaaettatiea a kailad legat|raal! In the raga and bittorni-as of his lir*art lie W(>nt lot Mra. Jeoaaaad Ttolently belabeaadhe? CalladaaaB ? court f'.r kia dafaaaa, all ka kad taaaj waatkBl " he was siek of voal." Ho was aaal Ibr BaBrlaaB dayi to a place wbere, we auapeet, be will ^i db thiekeii-. _ lt will bo ffood n?w- to all lovors of tln* ,lrjjnfi te leara that Mr. Jlrot Harte and Mr. l>u.n BaaBBiaall hare begun to write a piay in collaburatioi'. a?ki ia aoon to lie prosloced at one of oar theater*. Ihe roeiiltofao stronn acouibin.ition bas BBBBB hBB?B lHM>n aeen upon our stiitfe. The nkill aiul oV-terity af Mr. Boucicault iu dramatic conatruction, bia niastt-ry of all sconic resoureea, conibiniHl wuh th-** dolicate inaiRht and power of ahaHBtBriBB whioh Mr. Ilarte poi-tesstvi ui such aa eitraordinary degree, offer a jruaraiitee of a jrreat BBBaaaB- t\t inav contidentl. l.xik f.>r a plav from whieh the in teliigeal pnblie will derire poaitive pleaaavBi ?'?* tlie aUge a laal?ig advautaxe. Pfilliani Ftchella, a flenti and blackanntb. at I>un kintield. Kti?.. havinR lately lirat murd.retl hu wife and ut?dv BBaB-BBWd one of bia cbildren, aar,*.! fur? tber trouble byklllinir hirrutelf. He ta repreat-iitud kv baviii? bc.-n a man of a moat aavati-.' dispor-iiion, who ttvok debjrht in torttinnir hia children und m-J treatinR hia wife. One of hia farorit* anmaomeiiM was to drop hot tallow on the baare akina of hia cbU dren. daucing for joy at their criee of B*ronv. Nol a loving father oertainly waa WtUinui KtfhelU ->"? we inonuoti him prtncipally becauae it is further ttatetl thut ?,.?.-..iiiinittod a nuirtler ln thia cuutrj before going Ui Kugland aud ia " wauttxl boto. Anunfortoniitet-ulpritwaa reoently bronght be? fore bu Iowa Juauce tb_-ged with aa-tuluuK aud tiittt.-nn* a maideu. InveatiKBUon abowed tbat the iefendant had merely aaluUsi tbe dameel a?Bi--a? her vtO. Shewiia in eonrt, and gare ber teatimony o,.kingao very beautifully that the Judge waa cem Mtlled to make a apecial ruling. _e ooald not, he *.d, in conacience flne the man for doing wh?l waa Um ; for said His Houor. " I hava been obligad te ,,,1,1 oa to th,. itrms ,.f mv eh ur la kaaoftaai kim o^tbeeompUinaat.myBB-L" Jwver-d b juiiaf ,itojt t