Newspaper Page Text
i/oi.. YWIIl \S* 10 01! NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, JUNE IH, IS7.1 PRICE I'OLIi (KNTS. HOPE FOR LOUIBIANA. A ni:\v PLATKokm t?K UflBTft Al-,|,.v I') ?*? 1.1 VI I.K.iAltl" I..VIMI1 IKK, A BOtl ?(>RT!tY BsaxBi oi- BaaoLonoiBB tib pbo liKlMVIi 01 ( >'**( 11.1411.-V. fifY,om - v\s, laaa W. la aiijoiirrietl aaeaHag mi taaaaaaitttaoi wkitt aad ealored dtlaeoa waa beld tt* tug'it ;it So. '-.'7 r.irot.delet-at. Ti.e t'olu ini.t. ea Itaanlnthaia aotaattted lha foDoiridg, wliiii. waaa Baa-Bfa-Baaatyadaptaii Wltereat. I. ' ' ''? ? I " '" (rtatt la mn Tltali aad paUUeal and. Whereat. Her dire .'Vrc-u t\ Ifl but ttt Mtl of un natural il .i.noii,. the , U.l .reii of tmt aoiJ aad ol |B?M I and, BT_-emr. We have nn BbMttfl faith that there ia tmt . , ' MM .nn 'i..' h' i ? .'ii- t>. ui'ite them m a i, iB .triiK-Ie f?r h.-r n-dt mptioti; tt it thr r- ?<?'.- r. -...M'.l. iv*. ii.-n -,?:..iit.u.i aa dadttata aaaaalvea ia tta anin.'.-iUon uf our i" Urcotid Ti..: B* ou. people we tnean nli men of whtif ?Mir , | ea who fltttaBM Ol I/->iu. i at . i.imI wbo are vUBaBBB work for Uer pto-p.-nty. 1/ui*.. T,at wa r-'iaii ? v apaeflb, i" tttA'ti:'. : lmo-irtiai axatWba by every citm n 1,1 i . r**ry rivll aad poUtteal ri?_tii guara.i ttfld Bytbfl Coiiotittition and lawa of I/.iiiMatia, bv th C-on-t ?;-.1..' ..: ?.. ..v>r fll tba Vnit.d Ht it.s, aml bj the kgv,e ot hoiioj. i.rolO. -rhood und fair dealing. / . . ,t we ahall maiutaiu and utlvivate the rij.-tn , ? , - ? rary ettlai a ?f Ihi I'.'lU-J Male*, lo lr .|.ii,l .lt will flll pl.n I I ot publii r.-.-.i.t. Hiui Ui travel at will ou all vchli-lcs oi pulillc couveyaiic.- upon terms of pacfoal efiuality with ?oy ?ti.l e.i r> . i .. ii, aml w. pioili.. our?. i\ er. so far n ;.l ei.miplt. may go, to make , it ; au.l that there may Ba a? -Blaaiidaratflnrtlni id aa riewfl on tttt potati 1. We rei-.iiumeud ta tta of all liceux .1 i of pui.iio it-on iu IBa Btala al i oi' i-ani piaeaa to tho pat aawaaw al batt raoaa labaMtu g our Btate. 2. Wc ?hall lol aa aaaaalpe, i Baaaa paHcy; ii Wa ttall farl aad that our laala, laaaa - ... i itlZ.'li*. T . ... I richt of ttflBg n i - i. tt real ; i. *.. *? fiutiiii recooiaeadl lar aodlflttoo MflfliabaBaaaM iioag I .mauy ot our ; ol edm .it..,-., ?r iii aa ? plaee ..t taatnaetloB ni i" tt ttaOaltai Un Ull ttfl , Pll'ii i-,'.!-trial efltabllll or vorbmen, la u..iko m dlfltBwifliia Iwlaiaa tbe two racti: aud, C. Bt I Bl] i-inoui... every BBflaaB in our BOWOf our < flMarafl iu the :tir::l ;- prietPM of tio - ? ..1 ad iii, vbllfl ll v.ili ? ? . iu. wblcb la tta off-tpriug el propria* lor-hij ,- anl we furthcnnore r. <o, .1 land f our Btatatta polloy tt eooaldertng tbe quenionof t.r, .ik: :;?? Dp the flaflaa lnto-miil 1 . orih . thit .ur eolored citlzetm and white imiuiirr.iiiU m?\ beeome praelir-al ttrflMffl a:;.l cnltiv.itors of the soii. Pijth; That we pledge our honor BWd f u eri aaa our Befal n.ii iei,r., i.. tu Uuwifl paraoaalad fttl aad paaaaaal eiatnple, to bring about tta rapid ro a.ovai of all pr.J-j-I -.-tius agai; :u iinler tliat they mn bereaf'-ri he rigbta bekmc-iif to etttaeaa oi Um I _?_-.'..- Tbat we BaraOfltly flppeal I lafttlfl Bt-,t<-lo Joiu and eodparate wuh bb iu exaautlawtt_a ?K.yetunit of tii::y. ar. Hem "?"( hkkoni ?elvea, fore-..r ttt. b W -.;-. ?> I .dicesou tho ? . ..? raaa or eolor. ate anl IbOTOOffWy coiid' nm eli actv 'ivtii wbaten : both races lo aU ? ? m aU Ub .r BjBeraaaaa a*. iba aareal way tt paaaarra to aii tu-. L ? ?'. ife, 1-iberty, iy. j ite tlu* . ataaadfleatU-eai of aatlooaMty.wbiob sbaii ciuhi?a? tb.- ababi tianfltry aa l aphi ld Um Baa of th. Umon. htnth: Tliat a? an earucei of our holy pur.ioae wo benby offer u[k.o the altarof the con j : vbiel ma.. I hm.ier the polltleal luuty of our i Jttklh : i- of the nuiiitin-al e.jna I t*.. t:- rBHaaadaatoiadataaaeataofe ..... of the ofl - truti aud emoi im. nt in our Btala, daaaaadtaf aa tta ouly to-u'.i;ion of our euffra^e, .' oiicsty. diligc: l i , and vo adroeata tin? n..t baaaaaa al ttaottooa ur, but t-nup.y us another ?rnflfll aad npon out part ttal ibo ' i.i >n we iaatn I uniou and aal '? ,r tta of aaa or tta otber of tba paittaa ta ttal (, i. iu ai in u.ti.i', Cbainaaa, J. N. M*iih>. i ( ( . Am.u.nk, (,i OaOB H Kr t liAKLIU ll 1 .1 HI .Iamim I. IrAT, ^('oinmittoe. ! 4V_, am- iii'i.. M \i r, I. I- C. li.i.l'AM.-, I \s. M. lUM-uuru, I iri '.ftetu v\aa Bppalattd lo call a wmt. B| aaaa ueitmii aspad i THE MITAT10N BEV1EWED. thk raoru nm <>-' baotiob nan rtiH a poroiAB i-AitTY-cboaai <>k bi - hAi, 4IK t.CHl ? KX11AI -UiK TAXATKIV?IXIIiVVAtiANT 1-I.IK^' I -111 I I '? Ol BitaiiiaiiaBB laiiaman aonr. [rKiiMim Mi.ii.i. "'I.1.1 -.'aaa bi bb ra Ni w-0i!i.K\S!-, June 12:?S?-nBtOI I vait ln tia iat. apeeal la ttn-, nty. ttttlaad thei>eopit* to op*?*. Uieir etorea, go to work and let ik.) Uflfl Bttae?OXt ? a-tttati uodoutt, if aouienoUy BBald only give the pe->,.lc ?f Liuiriatia Baaaaaaai ttal pallttoa woiJd let them aad tUelr bu.lL.--diniie. The bu-ln.<*4 lueri of Xew-()r V-ana, the jilatitere of the . want nothing to do with public affaiia exeept to v. to for the be*t tnen and to do their part as honeit, patrlotlc -.<? to eteuni a pure, . m. w nt, ee moinical goveru nient of tbe Hut*-. Iu saylng thu I do not Bpeak withont a nty Bbl wveral daya I have ipent the moit of.Kie WUU , daflttf IM-Baaai howa, ln converiatlon wltb the k-ad, . >'l mofeaaional men of Sew-Orleann, not ." ir.v rlflltl tt tUono of either party, ai.d rathe* - tta Bflfll?Bfl thone wbo eitber opetily or BM r. t!y hav. | 1 with tb-s lart or preaent Btate adii.u.i-ti,.' "?, or who have had the reyutation of bBBBg ipaaaiatoaa ln Htate warranu or etber aecun ttee. Tbe iu< n I iiave u_et repn ient all klnde ol tuiita nai Maaaatti TMa$ aie prtn-nieueof banke aad iniur ran< e < < u j ?int ?>. wboieaale nigur, tobacco, BBBB-are, Ory gt ?-? BOd pioi ition loerchanm, cotton fao toii- aml in. k. i-, h. te.' k> e|iorn, a \ vom.and i>hy&lclana, fltehml'.iatmn . trpr.-H-iitiug both WeeteMi and New-Or b-flui. i ouipitiiiei., -latlllen, and m_inufactnreri of vaii eua k uda of gooda. ln att.-ii.pting to oonvey to tln raaBaaa of Jiijb I-iblxb aome Idea af how tin -? people talk and foel, I aaall mt BBBadtta their namee be?aaae they do oot wlab to be tmtWOi l^-raoiually into tbo bittor pohtloi_i flght whirii only r-iiirnt_-pr*i iiw 90 breik out afroeh before uia.ii u.oiitii-, but aball be Jost ae careful to repreaeut trtitbtiio WtaU aaaBaBM aiul fet^inga as e-tpreaaed to bm- aa ihouitb I bad priulod the name of every man with wtioui I i_*ve oo(ivet-(rl Tu an lntrodacBoa to mauy ?f tbeae geiilleii-Cii i am in'lolit. d to Mr. L A. Hhekdon, meiiiber of corigrea- from thn < Ity. whoee tre_ata_ent by 3|e buaineen tnen of S<*. (jrl. tt.t le * pUkUtitng refnta on of tb* idea that >orthi ru met of tbe rigat utiuiip are not weboiue laaa. Mr. Sb. Idon waa a L'ulon aoldler, wbo ei'ttled in N.vv Orleana alter the war and begun tbe piartiex uf bia profeaaion, Ui? law. He haa reptiat ?dlv mnnoird me tbat bit ebeute were uot com teoet <! uf Bien of ono party; ?x c oufederatea did liot refuae to eu.ploy biiu becauae he waa a Northetu Man and a Bepublieau; anrl, wttile bia flilelity to hia p?rtv hae never been quettioned?he baa been rrpeatodly aouilnaled bf Ita regular eouTeotioai aad eleeted by 11.-4 T/otoe-he ba* aetained tbe raapett and ootiildence of pt o ple of all el aaaaa. II la courae in Cougreaa baa will, aloiuM i.Mvemai-approval, and thu fact, toupl.-.l witB hia g<KKl urue- Ui keipiiig out of tbe fm iron flrbta la tbia Btate, leniinl bim tlie votr* of a very great ?aai?nr of tbe li. luocratM- niereha-jt. of tuta clty, and pat Bia thoiiaaaila abead of bia Utkot. "We bave reaebed laal t> .int." aaM the rr_ tid. nt ..f an taeavawM ..a tn ....- iiiii- nw.riui.L'. " wbra weddal aaie ?i.?t _ 111:11 '| J...I-.-i.-h .irr. If he le onlv lio... M Bad BBpebh* 1 .ii.ii-t waut 1.1 t-mtoie taa Daaaeeratle aaatj M BOwe_r, ihonuii 1 htm 1 tv n f'Ttv jraan, i iea . reea whal aapa rail thii'..M'!v -: alra aa aa beaeet Bda_lnletral_ea lhat Wttl r.-.I.i ?? 1I1. . tiirinon- <\p.'ii -?- tt MB Bl ite Uowrn 1.1 M..,. lha aanaMag: aael i *..n't u?k u.-aiis it-. -I'." Orteaaa is aad kasbeen feraereral inoiifiii in iim.-h depoaeeed, tboagb Mtetal of Iba in..n> i.i.|. f.ii ot tiie baahera aad beotaeea aaea wtth .tn.;n 1 nn ? eeararaed expceea tae optanea that the varalMorsr, aad laal preepartty will aaea lalaro, ..mi. nt pri|>( rty bott tn iho city Bai rinintry nec'ina t<> hare beea deeewetattaa; dai taa !1"' 9wB t?ur n im- yeara,aad thera aie baadreda of ptoatere Mi "?"" (b.inlM .1.. woiii.l kI.kIIv hdl out. for li.ilf wli.(t tl.cir |.i(>i>( rty ? ?<>.. tli.-i.i, if aiij-tii.ilv WOOld B_M tlu "ii (14--'.. . MM ef tli? ili-pr. ? > ,in- *o, I tImik. tli.iu 1 ii.-. jx-ople whoare -niC.-.jini: troin tt luiariiie. i'li.- iii.ui.t ity of thaaa IblaB that II 1* d.o ent.roly M bad gOT. iinui'iit; an.l I 110 ,1 .iil.t thal t<> ti..- extfaTB BBOWO uui of tlu- V l"ni.i-tr..ti...l eiii.o r. < i.nstrii. tion, aml tlu- ee_aBB_MBBl BB ivy taxiition, may uy aharaad aiaab af lha peeeaal dsptaaatoa, Qrowta? oot ef t:.i.. bad aeiae?aoai an? elher oaaaea, aaah aatheaddltleaaleoel efdolacall Madeef 1 lolaaaa in ie. tha la.'.. or _o_Jdaaee la tha ? eana. bealdi i nmi are tin* reauit of nrtmogBaelBndeef tmirngpoi I ahail ai_-..k: of thaaa Bl tiie outer lu wlu-'-i I havo ti.iini ,1 th in. Tho debt of the State of Lmii-inna. nt the time the Btata -.i- reeonel eled, wn ahoot$:.__,ooo. Oa tha loteC Jaanarr tha beaded deht aaa.eeeortlag la tha : auwiot Ka Auilit.vr, tr_l,HOl,_00, aud it ia rtinvntiv reported timt Qor, Kellogg bdaMneeaUreed :,..i boada fot tbi R i Loaiataaa and Ibaaa Ballroad. Iba arlaeelleaeona debtaefche Stnt_ i Beeo-dtaa to tbe aaaat re] aiu. VathlSBBBal beedded thi aanaata B ned brfbi preaealaimlaii triiion .lu inirllit-tlr_>t four ra li.ih-ilt WM ia r^'wer to Leghhtrare, aai aBttageaaM m ...f ti..- (ioveruiii.'iu beJ ire tba i nll. 11 ib or towte ittaaa Tho ci.nti'.. 4 tha Btala,whjeb .1 .... tO PBTi W -8 f..4;i.r,ij 47. oakea the tv>nl aaaeaatel boaiedaiad plaoaOe urous ?: rhtob Un-.-i.r.v wn.-. iiiiiiitllv au.i vo.. . ?? oa tbi i-t ol J . * eordiag le ..mi.- hiui w:n ntiti i.iiued siti.-o that (Ume will ewell tbeaeMmotto thtrty " ? - ii-;:.']). tha i. ? i ne baa i Btata aid to varieaa eorpe i cattag |e 111.4.1-'. bonde for whleb hare aol jrel baeatoeoed. Tim-. .,;i.| UM BPPf 'i>ri.i v t<-.l t.y tho l_-iri lat?re f..r whleb boada ara I, .in- at-uiit mx ftn - . ae they nttn wbea tht Btata waa reeeaetraeted, irhilc ? ? 1 . show for tl.e laereaeed in.i.i.-J ? 1 - v tbal 1 n iaki ?, - v. \v ini.of.'i ni:iv bera beea, aad prob? ably wi Ua for of this extravagaaee; bal the whole tribe ef tbeee who asaaaeed BtaM ;t;r .us, wtl. f.-.w . ixcepttoi aa '.\iih hlin. It to tdto for Mr. KeUaca le apbeatd WafffdO-h 1 ? eadaara repated te bare beea part at tha i'.i-t feai jmiire 1.ini.i!..ieof the BtaM Bapreaaa Oaarl atill eoa ti-iin .-< io apeealata la mUraada reeetrtag sute a likoly at any tinn- t.m nn nt of eeatroTeri len ata aad I ? tor 0 .-? t aad Ji irahal irdanatillrallas oplrlto Ib Um partr la power; Pinehbaeb, who h..? tbe repntatloa ol barlag I 1 . baad in almoe! ererj )ob, a c,oy. KeUoj " iiiul lirinu-i to lum more ?-!_i.-i.-nt Boppml thaa anyotiitr axeepl ti..- PraaKtoat. Iu otioit, ss'nb ia, tbe iti.-n wbo iii-i oaool i> lanara tba Btateladebt, .;...:., ,ir- lha _v.uio wlu., bjrthegraet ofOraBt,aretap wer*?? -i.i>-. Xha r.ii.i.i im i.-.i. _? in tha Btata deM aasaatarallr bei a ;? I.y an lii.reaxo in tax.itiuu. lu 18-T aad a_? a ...... a ? ' "-a bdollarof propertr aaaaaai, Ia 11 nilla oa a dollar. la ifrft ivti. ?. , .I..:' ir. BB 1 Bl l-'TJ it 11 'll) I njoilar, or . Bt IB Bthei 11* bow aora thaa f,.i;r tiii.i'i aagt* it aa it wa. to . . , : in M..1110 i.f Aodltoi Clto ..I. .1 bti report oi Tlio 1 property ol tbe _ ; ite haa failed to aooomp - nd enuiUbie val V, ? ii UL :i ir.- 1 aiMTc iba iroa vaiue ot '?*? ? -, in toine ll ! ihall tin -v ii ? a mn ...' i". aad. ii n in ... ,, .mn- BBB lakmfjiaora 1 iii.- iiuc raloe of thtir * Bat. -it tbeea ratee of tazatlea are, th-y bo_f tbe I. -? i apda tbe people. The ' ' ' ?' I'.rntely liom thal I 1 : 'h"r,ltl'thl9 ? ttt ,? y ea 11 bb the ? Bn Bhare r. f.iriii t... Tt 1-1 lakeetbc total lazattoa ta aew Orleeaa ii!iiiH-i!3 where the a? ?eaeaaeat to falrl] ? da. Where the aaaaaaaaatlaaahlgb M *_y 1 ? ? tooleaei -?. the mbb! rate oftazattoaial offh. traeealaeeCthi . ia aoet Korthera staleo thv 1 mW inioout i? i-oiitl .-atiiiu of ih - eti-iio , Inode ? .m.i "1" Ueeaaaa v. hi. b bare . : . 1 . ia] klad of - ,,- ,,?,,- tbo_a ('"I" '?? d l>y ili.-h'-.irt k <? at tho r.ite 0 BB, tlS. BBB, BtB, 0* . tad HC to the !i_jur(_ of tue baataeoa Iheea pald tba M tbe aM ?f tt. ? ' ? l:i"', ?. .-". aad 1 Md 1 ,'. n.i thia. aaa woald oappnaa. eagbl le par the eatlre ezpeaaea ef tha Boreraaa 1 il, bi 1 it a far from io .._: ao. Very few ofllclal a t_ are peifWed by aay offl."_iiB uu1e?s they are irnid Lcivy leaa, BeglB. niuK wuh t-ieUaiti-ii Btatea Oaorl _j_ 1 raaalaa tbroaei a!l of the rttate Oiurt.-, and then the IhoaeBBd 0_B_ ?_ held under -itate authority, aad then U a staie . f i ? travaicauco in f.-cs and p4:r.ju_j>ite8 that wouid in timn banicrupt any utat-. UeaBBBfBef tba [aagtobalare Baaaa froni B-.ttX) te Hw,t? _? a aeasion, even if tt.ey k<-ei> rlcar of joba. lt often liuppena that ineuib.-rs are a])).oiDteiTun a number of ejieeial committeea at the iam.- tiuie, ttrWo into differeiit |.arts of tho "UU- aud lnveatlirato all _>orU of thinifs, and thoiigh they nevpr leavo New-OrWlaiis they (lraw tlielr niilea_r and exiiensen, nobody ever .'._?__; ing whether it 18 for tlitin to be ln half a J.iz.-n placei at the aame tiuie. Fivo per on tlio t.?f?.. Ui. t.t rolla i-) I'li-I tho tat liilliK tors lt. tt... _ns ; I belleve lt ha*. beea rt-.luce.l U. 'lt >->r ct_nt lu the olty. Only laat W( .-V tte N'.-w-Oriean.., Mobile and Texaa Kail roaid waa ?e!d by d.-.r.-. of Jmlia-. Iiurell. For allowniK tbeir uaine* lo tie u_o.l aa " uiaxlajra." Uie Court BWarded Bio oai e m h t<. t_-o tif his favurilc., aud for BOItag aa a duty whieh re.iuired abnut half aii hour, X) B. MamhHl Fadtard waa a .arded an equal miiii. And so lt ruua throagb taa whole ebapter. F.uoruiona tnxta are eatinir up the?ul?tanc^ Ol ih.- people; and, aa rxii). _y iMilior.-- tbat the pr*__.ut AdiatnlHtraiiou w.U In? aiiy more huneat or eeouoini.-al thau it* predeoi-nor, ti.i-.n- U a Ki-ueial latk of oniitiUouoc ln buameaa atratoa and a dia^oaltlou to eoutract rather than enlarge tiuimeat._ JoSDIAN AFFAIR8. TtTB TT.ACT.Ytn. K10WA8. WASHrKOTON, Juue 17.?A laHet from T>iob. C. BeHPi a leacber in tbe Klowa oaurp. Aatrd Kiowa Ageney, Port 8111, May 31, aud addreaaod to Agent Haworth. Laa been forw&rded to the Bocreiary of the Iutorl(_-. Kr. Batty tivee aocouuta of a rory frieadly etate of feeilng of the KUiwaa toasrd tho Agcncy aad tbe General Uoverntoeiit, atoo of thelr araat anxlety for ttie reetorntion to tbem ot their ohieta. Satanu and Big Tree. and aaye be bellevea from bia acqualirtance with the tnt? that tbo latter aet on the part of the Govi.rnmeut woald go far toward thelr a etUini down aud ultiiuate civiiiiaiion. PaUIBUIW ?OIt i li B TKXA3 BORDKR. Wasuinoton, Juqo 17.?The LeKlalaturo of Texaa, in v ew uf tbe Mexioan deprndatloui on tlio bor der, haa provided for the emplo>lug of a volnuteer force for tM puriwae of prnt.-i iw,ii. Ritr.iRrr.u oltragb uy rnK apaciiim. San Fhancisco, June 17.?Tlio Ulaal adricea from Arliona *re to Hunday lant. J. H Ihaaaaab - henff of Freacolt Ouanty, had lieen On-.l at Ly Aptu I.i-h, mar Rn> V. ..)> II. tl.e Orr froiu i,n baggp, killlng two liMliaut aod wouiiiling en.-. Tim r?st, nuuilierini.; aevenor eighl, thxL Tuouma'a iiorac rau awav. but iU owner eaenpeil iinlnjiired. ('('.. OBal h:ia gom- tn f*feflj Carloa BeaerraUoo. Oonflletina reporta areeorreatre rardlnfltbe Apaebea. Botue aaytbaymn aii anaeoa the war-path, othera thut one or two lamlH ouly bavi (oaa. ___________________ fOBSJOB Siws. thi: i.F.ri;i...i<: or BPAItt. PBBPABDM TQM llir*. Tax-i.i;\ y - m \v CABU Iti KN'lilAM'. MAi'iiiL. Tu.Hitay, June 17. Btt Tlie CorteB hai Badertonaideratiea ? prapo* altioli of Heiior Oeon granHng the lioveriimciit exlr.tor diuarv fai-ultH'M, under whieh lt will tt einpowcrcd to ke.-* u toiitrii.utlon of l.nOO.nOO pcaeta* npon the coutitry. Mi. J.ii.K'i* J. (.'Kelli haa at Uie fortitlcl town of Bantoiia, l'rovluce of Hantatidii, whern he waa de Hvered over tfl the Sp.iniHh aulliontlcH hy the enptaln of the Bttaaaaatp wktab ttaaaM ?ai from Oaba, Mr. o-Keiiy'M i tin ia waaaaaatod lf tta IIBltad Blatta c.n ?ui at BflBlaadar. LaamaB. Tueaday. June 17, !"?,. A aaaiad enble from the coaat of OttaWaH to Bpala t.aH laaa apaaad 'nf tt-aaaaaa. Thia tearaaaa la the i.n liim ri for tbe traaflnlflfltta al dlapab laa ttc~aaa Etiglaud and Hpaiu ha.. led to a reducliuii of the tm .fl. uir, PBB8BCUTIOS OF m. \',\sc. 1113 ABBBBI avu liilAb BBODMMBBM-D HY TIIR oaMMmaaof mt ba~bbul aaaanaiT. Y BBB* flf***. Tueaday, Juin- II, 1878. The Bpccial oominit'oo nppointcd l.y llie A--.'!i:t>U laat week to con-nb-r the iipplleatuui m uin |,y ttt Military Qevaraaa-af TatU [araattarltf la peaaaeata M. Itanc, tta membcrfor I,vona, for his conne, tn,u wuu ||M ( oininiiii , hai lul 1 hi veral riittln^t. On'' of 1U flrnt ?i.i- waa la aanaaaa M. Baaa la app aat bafore It Thi* Ihe Dtiiuty icfaaed todo, Bttadlai on Ui pitnlaflp aa a m. iiiher, aiuldeiiyingtho right of tbo Cotiiuil teo to n qturo blspreseiice. To-.Uv tta Comiuitt.-c Md IM laal ae-slon. k icport WU BdOpCed by ;i vote ot 14 to 1, re lh it aiithoti/ it ui for the ar, i -t uml Irial oi pepiity Baaa tt graatad I t tta ?bb ably. i;i \ii :i OP THE BMFEBOB WILI.IAM IMFBOVUX I...M....N, I'm (lay. J'.:' ? IT, IBtt A Bpecial diapatcli bom Berlia t<> Tkt Umhwt BtmTattt tta laaltt "f tta ttapaaai WUI aai m taapfaT i-t|h etad ttal in a few daya he Wlll l_vc a'.th. 1 .j i [G10C8 ' 0RPORATIO1J8 tN II M-V. f_ . . ? . . . i .i: nn.ti. -i ri'i...r-i(.N. K4.aa. iue..ilar, Juu,- 17, tttk The Bcaatc to-day paaaed tha bill tm the floppn - , : ..f r - - , -., Bayi ? aa* awalli tta reyal r-.lUl tll'U to tit JM'.\Mi:;s OF THB COOLB TBADE. I! w v*. \, Auui' 17. \ Preai' r ar .. n ou boai I. i Um pa tgi ' '*' atta, WABUINl : ? 'i tU li. IlACK PAT. .'.IT TBI rc': ti-ll Ul Tll! TIIII'i \v .-niM.r.'N. Jaae 1 t.? lin* eenpletc I Ban ratarm I ' ,II;r ? ?f ttOOfl >>ll<i . 'irrally cnlit.d Wltb hu. h B d-BpOfllttta of tflelr back p.iv eaa'l >. 11 oUy clalna tta honor. Up nlgbl it '! tn> ri t .rn ol their B_onej ti TreaeorarSptaaer, ladtta aaaaai aon glvea (BepnbU c*ns in itoman, i> BM ?! it- in if dl ? iad Ltbaa.: Baaaa* ln anrl m amall capilil*) may tt r> ii il i,;. Il.-nry II. Antlr my, K I; Thomri* F Bkmm*A, D ' : Zk-'i ir? ih c, un I ' ' Ufft nr Cot jiM ,;, v i. i i ,.. - ?? -i rboiuaa W. f'errr. Mlrh.; T. 1 ) i, QgbUVI , N'. .,.; II ui ..n.i, liiini.lli. M' : I'. ? I I) I'ratt Iud.; < im *?> iit'i..'. >1 ?' : -'"'.n Beott, IVnn.j ( M4IM1- Bl Msiu.Ma -, Ailen U. Ihurmuti, Ouio, aud Iii ni > WUflon ,,,\e ,,-t ibowflttal Ialtt? o Bapabllaaaa, s of leralBepoblloaaa. aodloi tta II Daawerata la tbaBeaatealttatnaaattta vote oa u.e aalaiy taaa* tion. mrt o iiii-i.'ii tie ir pay to tta Treaaary. (M l wben iba gaaatloa af aa laeraaaa ?f ^ai.iry aaaaa ap la tln- Pfifltf, Bll vol.-l tt tho afflriiiifive on Mr. Bd* Boada'i inoti'iu ia atrika traa tta un all ralattaa I ?alarlea ?f Boaalota, BapiaaBatatlfaB, iad tk ,._,,.,,; vjr. Pi ut..n, ' u.toin ltay ard, Saaoar. and WllBon, wbo wara abaaat Mr. Baatl was ' p ..r.-'l," Imt wi- fo* tta I lmiiinls anicailtti.-nt. ihe other-. wberetad tm Mr. Bdiaada'a aaailaa. i>ut wlioli.ivi-in't n-tririicl tlnlr BK?ey tatt tta Ti.-.-iic, li.rr. man. Hi ' >'' i CTaBBB, CttlBa Cot* bett.Bdma da,Han lit n ol Maryland, n.irian, ii we, Moito ,, m irrillol v. imont, M.iiiii of ataiaa. a_ maaa B, lati l Wl iht. Mt. Ootbetl il llti.lerr-too 1 |fl la~?Bl~oabM laal wty lewafd tta balldtag af tia ?[ou; inetlt. It Wlll Ini BBBB Btt! th.K I ,? - nted iii th- ni-t imkt by both their Baa atoraare Ba ? ? -N" aaoalee from th. -outh aai I'.-poiid. -, aad aaaa fr.iu tta HaattWaflt. aaBaaalaraaiaae alaaapd. ABaatawa* third of tbooc rataralai tinir noooy ma M tta a q ? il that aaaaaa Bdjttl aol i?o made kaowa, eblefly upon tln grouinl ttBtl many BBMBB "'. lr a.--.ielnr. x. good ne they w.-rr. had faken It, anl fh.-y did not i lygtrtBUpebBaityta a*a ?aitar, la aaat aay BapUed ?.?loa.b apOB their f. 11..W-S. ?nato'-s. All tho om.l.'ils , rthe ire laurj hav contlnoed t<. refoae a lul of ni.ui..; bnt aaentnea were otneeeatltj made al *? pointa lntbe_mbUc?cordab4.tholtbeB>natoaad of tbfl da* li.riiniiit avompiete lul laadnallj b.'-n ohuioed paTbe1St^a_ou_tof?boekw"retarTiedtotL ?r, ;.|niiii. .4. and tbo Dumbei ol m oaton and Hrp Uv< - wil'. .I.. in r. tarrt nuai. WABBlBQTOB .*-? W'Ar>IIIN01OS. Ti'inday, June 17. 1871 serrctary of Stuto haa t.iken legal mlvl.e m I to elalaM of rarteaa elaaaaa whlabaraBBaly to arlaa i)?^'r t*"7 ?'lHn for tt.e Oaaaaa award aaa axpeettd to be pani over t.y Baajaad i attl or u w. ekah.-m-e. Ao to the <llalflBfl of inauram I Ml -i, ih.'S.-.'fetarv h.u tn-i n adviao.l, and U la un i< r ,, lt nretal ?aattan al tta CaMaat BaM, ttal ,i,?- ahoun m.t bfl racofBlaad, Bai ttalaaab a portion of tta eutlro award aa they w-uild be i ntitled to pro ratu, if their claitna Wl re . ntmid. red, ahould I lato tbo Traaaary. Ika BiaaBd for Uaaaadalaal taaaawaa aaaapaaMa ekawd apedai _***>?*? ?n aecount of ?"e enraordinary Uttl thta aaauui.d, aml havo no t-juitablo tla.m for reiinburaement Ifroin the award. It ia a'.-o araneii that aa b general Ibtas. laaoraaoa compaaiefl mfl notcr i.["d bv tbe ,?.?,?.,....vely few toWOO tb. f Biirh uremliini-: l"'l ibat.ou tbe ollier Itand. tbi wooii aign i>n iiiiiij mereaaed prloe for wip 4-..IIIII.UU1 y <?< n- n .1 ' t . rat.Vof taMuaaee, ffttBLMl lie Vl" M ...blm tho moal equl Ubb, ua'.merof i.lievli.g tho greateat number of thu*. ?ne,i?tiar;.r["it,u.,:!;,:?h.-^..^ ..?*", sssssf i ^g^Ub^Zi^ ln tbelr tavor. __. .._ llhe. appointment df Jirdge Ranger aa V Had Matiw Dlatnn-Attorney for the lloaton diatrlct __W Li-iflly . aloug tbe aanda of Long Branch. At tho BTtfBal l ( B * of Oen. Bntler, Bonalor lioutwell, and fc "tai. tttmta aidaon, the AUorney-Ortiornl ree.imm. ni d Jfl I !B Uu ger for the poaltlon, and aaked the Pr di nl tu flppatol .blm. Notlceof an agfeetnent froui ' M Pra Bdol i ?t"* expeeted Uwlay. 'ln tbo mean tln* J' I-" *,."^r *** bc4_n infbnned of thfl reatilt of|fi<a .1 ittm'. l-:?<? .^ wtth theAttorueyOencial and *pi*fl-fl*tttt appoina m.nt waa eura. Do lmtuivdlat-Iv tuAt Baawa that bo wafl Ib favor ot **?** *^V** ?? Oovarnor of-MaaaaehuaetU. Thia alaaaaad | ' 1 _*?!__] aoinoof hia aiipi-orU-ra, and bia OBflB lo-n-'?'"??'''_. came eotnpllratod. TUe Maaaa<hua4-ttJi I _**}____\ Tlded upon hitn. aud made kuown tbfltf *_**_**'*_*__*__ Tbo i-rriident waa aaked to auap^ud a*ti.a.. e iieblu did. lle waa next requeated to appotat__tuh__\____*fi*l Devena, fonuerly HngadlerOcaeral of tbe U*"*^' aetta Uoopa. wbiob tl U reported tiwlay heta-juii di?. poaad Ui do. Iu the mean Ume. aiKittwr delegauon i? here froni MaaatM -iiaetla urgli^ the BB^lntnifrtOl Mt Marab, fonuerly PiatrtctrAworoey tor the Middlewsx Maarlai Infonuatlon haa heen|m*lTed here from Boaton to tbe effect that Viee-Pr?aldeul Wllaon la ln aa alaruilng ?Ute of h.-alth. and that atrong feare are entert^aed of hia cou.ulete phyalcal |inialratloii THE AHKAWftAB OOVEKNOBfilllP. LlTTLfc Rock, Juue 17.-?Joe-pjth Hrookfl Iibb beguu ault ln the t'lreuit Courtof Palaakl Counly agaiuflt Uov. lla?t?r for Um olBoa ol Uo?ariM?r al _Wk__u_**a. IfURDER RKOORDS. ? BASBOOH siHi)ii,s. A BAI/.f.N _BSFBB KATAIJ.T HTAWi-.D IIT A <i\ Alt ?uaan obbbmibb. Aboal 1 a. tn- vi.-tent.iv, .'o.ico Per(?rant Itv?n of the Twenty tlrat Prixiiiet waa atartled hy a cry of '? miiriler,'' utU red by a woman, who, with three men. aeemed to ho atniggling wltb oafl another on thcald. walk iu front of Michnel Kiiwan'n lujuor atorr, Mo. 3J1 ?adtThlrty io ("iul -t. Ilanlenuig towanl the grmip, he found it tompoaed of Kirwan, Patrick Hotucra of No. f,7? Baaaad ave., Jeka HaMaaaa al No. m Baal ybltty. -,.i u,I.t., anl the wlfc of tbo laiter. DUeovc/ Ing tbat Kirwan and Homere h..d been atabb. d by McMantta, the aergi-ant rappad f'.r aiMntaner, atid, iiiileii Iiy ofliceia Who topouileil to hia alarm, he took Ihe entire paity l<> Uie Tnh ly-rifih-ht. Htatiou-liou-e. On Uul arrival at ttfl Mation houae a poliee aurgeou found ihat kirw.m ind laaaaaad a BaaBaaawi Btal in th.- _hia* men and a BBgkl ivouud iu the tliigh, whlle BflflBBtB had iKsen wotitiiled lu tbe haml whllo wrotlng from MeMariua a lurgc po.ket kiufn with which he Ial Mabbad Kirwan. Me.Manua aduntteil fhe atabbmi:, Imt avern-d lhat it bad been done In aelf-defenae, KirWtin, henllegeil, havitiit atiaeki-d him witboiit provoeatioti. From Ibe atatement* made, it npiieared rhat KirwaB, who ih a lal.orer a? well ua hhIooii keeper, had attend' d, fl ith Hoiii. rr, a incc liug of tta labor.-r-' aociety of witn b Kirwan Ifl l'r.-i Ient. hix.n after their retuni to Kir wan'a aaloon, M. M inii4, whu wua parfly Intoxlcalcd. eut.-red tln- li.uiooiii aud ord.-r.-d moihc lujnor. Kirwiui refiiaed to Ktipply him, aa ho Ind oa B foiBBBf OOCBBBftB da diHiuih.mee br rafaalaf to pay for Uqnac Whieh he Ind ordeti il. A rpiaiTil i-1. r?it <*<!, aul M M.itiil'l waaajaelad tnm tta bnnaoai ly Ku? m. I.after* Ward M. -M.imi.-4 returiii',1 anl deaiaoded adiiilttaiiee, after Kirwan ti,..t alOBfld IM ItttB. M. Manu-'a wu. aaaaa from tbelr home ta tto adjotalan hon-.-. aad u led to |Mr-ii:i<le him to iii. witli her. llo penBBttd ln enl. t mg tta flflloan, loweTor, aad atabbad Kti waa t hilo ibe laticr wu trylng to drlvc him away, Ktarwna wna aaat ta BallaTaa Boepltal, wkeia, ? a. nt., tta aurgiKina ln charjre pronouneed bta Ulunea f itul. Coioin r teaag wi* tharafece MMfltoni d, and al i a. m. he reenrded Kirwaa*fl anto niortea, rtatomont, fl imii V..U-, iu IM own l.tuiriia-'e, alioot afl fniloi. -: I feei very bad: I tllnl i aball iti ?. l bave aa bapt ot I'lineii, and i am wllUng to make a true atateineui hakf I. am. bv tbe lujuriea froa wbleb Iamaoa i in . aboul i o'i ',? i, r iii. iimi tiii,_; ,),? , i citnie into mv atoi .nui aale i im .. drlnk; I told bim that Idid not io rue miu anythlBfl i<> drlnk, aad tliat iw would better fo bome lo bia wife: be aaked tue wlj i ! blm, aad I fetd hun l did ao bt i iua? Iw in ide trouble in my houae lle laal Ume be came Iheret be ? Do you want to pui me ool aod twa! imt" I ini. " No, 1 ?? OUld . ' ??' !" e< "? .mv i Dfl l> il Miu," bfl to i." . aod i iold ' tn ,,, _-,, ,,.,i. i, ,u I v. .mli il to I i; ii il ,w ii i , I aud Bl l, ami tn ti - r ire ai ii.< work ln tba i ? rl ai a i iborer; le would nol go o il; i liiud ibe e.iiiii't i , 1 over, pui in ? ibOUldcr, .ui.I -i.'l: "1 Walil uo uii'io ol Ijnr, I . .ni io v? :,, i, ,1 ," tt t li>-ti Wl nl out, and 1 i .., e in.nui. - .i.:. i irard waa aai.11 iba door, and I naked wbo waa I MiMan i. i i . i .ui i >.pi ...-.I ii" and aaked: M Wbat do you wnut. Jebnnj (" berepllr.i: -? i v aal lo I-. k >,,ii," an i thea l fell li m i nl me lu lu ward, and be t. II w Ito me , i >? ? - ,. imt I tniiii. n. imi i bave .nt me llien ..!'? ; we 1.1.. I waa uot lutoxtcatt-d; l had I a ii., .iiii_ ol tbe I. i""i'i.-' Bocwty, ol '-iiu.-iii ? ii i o,. rn .i i be 'i"..i io Aoo ? bai Mi w.iul. il, I .- , .i tln -nl. tt..,K; 1 ?*,... , but abi !,, i miu bmu ; ii. waa oot drunk i l ; , i . 11 . .... i ... l ?. Tbfl Corooer bat I ' to Um ataii uu-ie. i ? al tlu Jary, tta lattet bbb. dered i uaat tke aeaoaed, wbo Bad beea aon fronted a ttaad fullj Idenl D ?'.!'?? bU victlm, v, t i iiay, tbfl pruonei *i< aaauBlttad to tbe Tomi.a io a >. ,,it tbe reflultel I A l.M BBEB B M'l*- i tTB. CorotKr ^(iiiii_r hi-lil ;ui iaq .lav, ....- , ... ?". " I" . tl , lle lii ol r-il-llt O >*?",' . '1 CO l" i'll i ll.l- .1 bj b. I ll.l.-li.llel, . h i . lUf thiowu I.. i i" ll" i ofl ("".' I-. ? . ap.i.liu.iit-. on tta fo.iitli ll'ior of tta -.<? Bo. 433 Baat ] I'M a. Io. oa l lii: -i I il..Iun. IA lt a; pflfltt d fioui u.. t mimoiiy ?lhat Iba dicea-'C-l was very intei.ip. rai.-. wlule lier li imi ??, fll hu ii nl ii-Ii ,0'i.Hlilior.T. Ju.-t he f.n e lur death iln kad im-t to aaaaaa, aad araa ta the m iip.eut itnaaa ol dellrtaai tntuens. Aftet b atabi <,f ale. pi. m ii.'i dtoooBiforl .... naaaaat of ta ? wif. \i r.iviiu'*-, ON..I1 tool a fc.ttie anl waal to a hydlaiit in fronr of the huiisc to MMM Water . ue hir. hn akfaat Bfl tt Ind boon (roqnently . am* peDedtodo tbronxk lla a !-- ?' al! tt a m aaw ut aaata aalaklaiii laa IM waa eraep tnm tht ,t,,w, n i tai ? : ?" atoyaid, afn i - i heraelf from tta ull by ber liaiul* for ;in tnstBOt On r( turniii--to tiie r ioiii 0_clllaawkM tnf.tnf t hil.l of 11 inoiiiha ijing npon tta Iad, imt Brdaaod tta wife,and uiion inokiiiL-ontof tta wlndowkebaw h.-r lylm ln tbe V.Ull HIM BU. - - ? ' ' -V ' ?' I- (J ?'"? ,'?4"' t ii wbere ibe dled t wo boon lator, n Ithoul I rea'tored to conaclouanoaa, whlle ber buaband aaa ar* ,,.,,?, ., i ? up. lle- |uryrei d red a venllel rx oneratlng tbe buaband, wbo wan flubseqnenll] Bifl cbargi d iroiu cu.tody. THE BHARKET TRIAL. OKLT ONE M(.i;r. JUBOB OBTAIBBO. Tho f-xiiniiti.'itioii ot jur.irs in tbe trial af Wil* ,; iiu.l. MiniiKev for tho murdiTof Bakafl n- DBBBWBI ranaaaad ptaaaiday Baaealaa ta tt* Oaart o,' Oaaaaal lOHttaa. I'ait I, before Kecord- r Ilael.ctl, In-tn.-t At torney Phelpa au.l Hora.o Itus,.il rip|.e;.niig for tlie people^ ami Maaara Baaak, itrooke, ami MMekall f>.> U r it, 'ii-id. Tbo court-room wa.s *irowrled wiih pottttdaaa from tho KlgHth Ward. who waaa well aeiiianted with tho accu'Cd uud hia victlm. ?-riarkey IB?aelf wj,*. ot oo'.ir?e, tta ohjeit of miu h <-iiri-_ ulU nad ataallny aad bor.- tta aatiaal of paaaMlaaa wattklaR wlttaattta aajaaBla-Hir. Ika acMaair ia a ynaaa Baa al parkayaltr?~* '?'?','? Uo ?? of ?_***?? Mithi aad a-aaaaa aaatly, even atylMMy. Taattaday bo rume int.. (.mrt Wlll B thln Mnnl coat on, woru Bfl r a t*t ita raaa, aad ttMi baaaai al iminanii.ito wMttaaaa. A long, aoi-er I'iuU ac.irf depended from the collar to tho vst. Bllak waa loW CUt, coneeallng the eentnr of tl.o ahirt biiaom. accordlug to tho mg atjlc Sharkcy's fa>'0 ls not partic . riv nrepoaaeaalng, hut la by aa aMaaa Tli laaa. BM i ' y. ai.d abouldera would wtn a->.>I Rlanca oa Hr? a i ,, ,?'? |,,. t.-mir.. oi. admiratioti w.nii.i oeaae tta uio ^uihoiuniedhUbead, for tbe leaturea nia rude nnd . ... , ?ntour of Ihe face antrular. II. lm ? Mlunre, p l.ent.oreuea.l.ovei' whi. h lin. v. ry dai k Imir-li*htiy TVttvei in- eyea are blue .,r grayuh,tbecbei k la eatttv eroua ami tbeobeek iKine* promlnenf. Tho obluin rath.rr lr.rr nnd aqunre, and over IM Boutl a tttok. w.-.i mafltaokfl droapfl. Hia maiiner i4iin li-tu.bed. He appeaia light-hearted, atnllea n-adlly at anytblni aninfltnif. nnd .-haiigea hia poaltlou I'ontiuuai.y. ttud aomewbat nerrouflly, at tlmofl. iln- work yeaterdaj -aa l..-'un with an entirely new DaoeL an.l the day waa ipnal m tn mg to complete the inrv of wbom io were obtolnod oa Monday; tbe only BflO iwarn llltnaMldnj Waa tta elt-ientb Jutor, Jolin Kiug of No. W kiug-at. T8I WACMEB TBIAL. CtAmm or Tltiu IBHI?BCa?ABOOMBBt TOW tWM UBBBBBBi Ai.krep, Mc, Juno 17.-The trial of W.iK'ti. r tu -ing laaaaaad thia moming, th.< teatimony for tlie .1. feuae waa conUuued by recalling Ur. John W. I'ur? al poruniotith, who teatlfliyl that the great. r numtM-r of the tleah wc-ndaon tbe two munbied woiueti did m.t peuttrate to the bone ; wben they were mad. the blood would have ipurted out; the wouuda migbt have bi-en made wltb a hatcbot aa well aa wlUi an ajt. Tbe doetor deaerlbed Kareta'amjurlea. and aaid _M found il wounda. lUcbar-M". I-hilbrlek teatitled : I am a lleputy Bheritf ot Kitlevy ; wwa pren.-irt when tbe ahlrt waa Ukcn tho vault, ere-l KinemNir when Mary Jobnaon waa ralb-d | ?ka-Mhadttl the aiurt a nrnmeut, aud aaul It waa Wair ner'a. J?.*aae (Jelchell U-atlOod: I wai at Kittery ou tho aightof Marchft, auitoulon thn water; the wind w.ia Bkaal floutb-woat; tho progreaaof a peraou golng from Kllteryto Newcaatle would be Impeded. Btepbeo V. Mbaw ol Hoeboetcr, S. II .tentlflcd: I waa one of the Coruner-a Ja?y who vlnlted Bmutty Noae laland. Thura day evenlng, March 6; wo there held an lnijueat over Anethe'a aod Karrn*a bodb-?. Witnenn dea. ribed the po aiUon and condition of tho bodiee, aad aaid he ahould Uiiuk It likely that membera of the, (orouer'a Jury had p.jieiln at Uie Imiueet. A peneil waa abown wittn hm. who aaid be did not rt-mruiber ever havlng aeen th*t p,ncll before. Iba oaae lor tbe defenae waa rcaied at thia polut. ? Jiehulilng teatimony en the part of the pmeecution waaUien Introdneed. KcuIki. II. Ki. ker teatitled that qt. never waa vreemul at au mterview tntweaii Wagner WMA 'Mra. Houtvet at 1'urUmouth; he aaw Wagner at rortetuouUi, but never at auch an Interview; bekmw people ware touUnually goiug iu and out of the atatlon, eadboloowfl Wagwr; aaw bim at tbat place. c. V. WeaMy mwat el JPoruiooulb tefllitu-d I Am a _r-l)oo oib .?cr. wa.on.lnfy Mar. hii,.m tx-at Ward 1; waa on *>< * uml C.iiirt-tta. that nirht; tnen> i? a tOMB IU ?tttl ?? BBaaaim ataaalaajaarlarof l artataeh fhat elabt. ami liolii'.-d uo om- Iuiik liv the paaipi tne pumi> '????''". ?idewalk, ao that tn p..?iin_- bv It a nermiii ha--1" tu" ...... .,.-..raa ll. F. rn.ii.l, alao a poUee efflcer, waa ?>n duty in Chagiaaa ot. antt Ooarfret. thal Btaht, '"-,:M '' ti, il ?. paaaed ti.<- pumn aod m?w bo oae tben ; " * Bbeat 1 o'rio.-k. Jaaaoafl Baad, apoUoa eaaoer, - on bla t>.'iit be Baaaa tl u.e pun... aad oa? booim Iflaast tba pnuip tbat alabt. The Oownment iwre rentc.1 eaaa aa fur hs retiiiitinir OTidenee ia con i in,. il. it in i tinn .-los.-ii ti.rldenee for botb ?id< , Afterareeeeaaf tbroc-qaartera ol aa boar.toi imn B i' r.ii.i.y begaa Ihe clealag argaaaeal r?i I. BBO, _ A DOUBLI IIUBD? IN h'mtii CABOLIKA. Ai.ii.M, Jaaa ITt? Artbar a. Glorar sbot BBd k.lli-d William (iiiinil'.i.iii BBd bh father I/iv.'tt fioinuilli...., at IdgBfleld CuB_1 lio....., Ho... I. ('Hniii.ii, M 1? o'<-lo?'_ tha noon. Olover an.l I.ovett QoMmllllon bad 000* wonld a f.-w w.'i lv.4 hIih.-, iliirinif wlil'l. OlOffl I - imn ; .'.mi iii eeaeeqeeeoa r? aag OoaaallHoa thn tn kni <;i?.v.-r, aad a Ighl hud baaa aattdpatod Qiorer aenl for lh<- father und son to iH??vt lunt at a OOOta ln tlie vlll.i?_e. tm I'literliiK young (ioiiinillioti w:i- OhOI tn tlu bead hy Oietot, witb a Dantagea, an.t dtodaaatantly, Tl.e f.iliier appi-iinnir on th. 00080, BTBO BbM ibol Bead by Qlover, with um.tli.i- Derrtntrer, and.rta |H WOUOllad. QlOTOf afl.-t -i.i H i.'i. Iiiii; ' i I ' createn Intenae exclteiuent In Bderfleld, m tu roneerned were well ronnneted. rear* ago i. .wtt uiitni.iiii.ii. iiiii.-<i Joaepb (. krrer, fluoela >.f Artbar lill.ViT. _ THKi.K BBOBOBI l.VM HKl. IN I. ?'. i-iANA. iNi,w-Iiii.i;iA, Jniio, 17_?Tha toax I..-ic - who aoerderei Laiaa aad laelra laal Mdai uiabi ..t tlnir Btaaa weee aariatad in thal aeighiiorbo. laotiilaa: Oaa ef theea taraed Btata'a ertdeaea ladre !iow tla' alroiioilH ir.uii- WM BODBllI boTtag I"-' n oaaaeororawaeB _ '> rr. aftetaakwetaTea -taattoa i.y Mr. Bejaaoai I bee or oae >.f tbe iiiiii.ii in.-n, nn donbt reaoaiaed af lha ga&i aftba ?-. n>? tiu..' .i large number ef people bad .,--. h.iiii.i aad etoaaoeai for a taaoaaary i the i.nn.l. n-i . imi tin v were aared I?- the I i.f Mr. S.niirr. win, ttii-n left fof tlll-. plaei>. Tll. B ata were brooabt here, aad oo taete aarlval, i naat. Itlzena, namberiog ' _?b : ? ! WlMl ll mi lln fir-l -i'i.' nl tlie I ?? i I". three of Ho ... t.i ibe imn. af * _ i-. '? ? lua part ta tbe otIbm, bal laa ed Ibal . evideuce cul M?e i broal "i L Nl. w B-TOLAVD IBAOEDI1 Bl M.-I, Mc, .lllll'' 17. ?I'I I'i'' ' ti i?_i-il. , tm- Cor. ih-i'h iii- '.' I| i.-.i ' i -?' ni ihe (....iitiio-'v of tbe pnreotaoftbe osordei I man, Who li,i\<- no' IBBBI I bOOB , fho ;? brooabl t<> tblaeitj I i ...... ? li.? , oal ? '? ? ?"'' ? ?"? 'I'" ,l'"t:' rn..ii. nt tin : i - . i ? .. . nf ln- guilt. .s i-iiAi'. N. H.. Juue IT, Henrj .!? , MTooda in Budoooa i. d. ad. \.,?. ll Will.v ir. TBE P0LAEI8 l ! '? 1 nl. 10S. ( 11 i. iim ','a ? o i \llii-ll". 0P nil'li-vi -i ANO PCBLUMUMi ?nn-'. 1:1 ~i ir or aia vi.vm,. -. \\ -.jii'iM.i'iv, Jnne 17.?Mra. Hall, ;li< of Capt. Dall, whe h atill to W ? enM ban '...'. i'i':-' ii i. r n.-> dj aondll ion to I ol it..? -N.iiy, aa baa b. a ota i, bal I naiux, Joo iiiul Himnali. and l> >r.i fnHB tbatf lipa tbe nd j....;. u'. ? I'a death. B il to tl A...-iii_iti|ioiiiii'ii, a-ili.y H'i.1 beea MetioMa , 0 'us prevloao ezpedttloao. Mr?. Hall o looked for ii ra, ,,:i; oa I ige ilte iini a pn*aratt_aent that be a .uld o.niv. tha *****tmm ***** ****** th. - towlag etiteaeent Bay lie t.ii'i ti;...n .i- itrtetlfaei n it. Cbpt Dall v.ui-imi.. DOI ,.:,,',|:. ,.,_- .,. iTut 'oeeme-'conndenl bl B ii..,. ! with the oel ol < >t. .Iling m.i-'' t. and . i ex ... Ii io iii.uiv fu- ml* Li'Tori- bl ? . ?i,:. i;,,_-t,iu waa in- ,.!?! >, .ii- before, anu be oeemed to n xre great confldenee in bia ..liiini ut.l ? \t? rtorice ..- a - i ip northern latitadee. ii>- bad muuuacrlpta - make oeTeral larae voin...... and he told *ir-_ fnend wbeu be retomed be Intonded toaettledown - . , f tbe ii.itu ii- I. i-i obtain. pedl ti,,n>. I' h..iv ? !'<? i r .* i.m.t.i- i mattei of rutnor, tbat wblloCapt.U i ? '. - - tb 'io ?.-?.?.'. ? ?. ..; ln-i . b, 'ii" tnate; bul .; .i appear, if auch waa tbe caae, UuM be ever foi ii ini agjiuat bla oocupi ini I'oi.xtln. TBA r.t.i.'. - I" UC__BCB " 18 THI t lLABIB. W i-iiiM.iv.N, .Jiiuu 17.?ll wits ihe fateatioa of tin- Beeretarr of the Navy to keep eaarat foe tha areeeal Ma aegottotiofl for Ihe flrraea, whieh pleked ap ?r.-oi-: i-i.I.. te be MnllaeaBreb of IhePotartoi bal now that tha f.ict h._ foaad ite way Into I'rm'. it h -ii'i al tha Departaaeal tii:u tho ai bmbI oolr coateaop-B_ea the leeao ftbo. I i ,. Iu iddltion t.. ? Untti it tiii I.ieut. -'..i.ii.iai.di-r Wblte. Ln-ut. Oeoiwe 1'. wiikiu-t iian been onlered to tbe Ticreoa. Plrat laalitono Eugiuoei M. will bo Ilio _n.-n.ori.-u_, ht-riv.irv Kobeaon wai<|ciigagi'.l to-day itt prepirlna biarepoitof tbe examlnatlon oi tbe Polaria caata < >. v ii wttl ..ot ba read/ (or ti.? preM natil to-morrow. The laal of tba rerbatira t.-iiuiony waa f ui io tue Uov< niiinut pi-1 itiiii- otli.e . OBIIUARY, ( !I4 ..TI.I..U- IBAAO FVr.KI". rii.-iiicoll'.r l-'?-rri.i diod fliid.leiily, on Momlay Blgbt, at Kit.-.t-l_s, N. J., of diaoaae of the hoart. Darlag th'- llie ..relx years lio has nulTered from eniarfce uu ut of a valve of tho heart, and about a month a_ro aaaeoaflaedtohareea. Thefunerai win uko place ou Friilay, from the South Bafenaai Cburcb *l Fu'th av,-. aad rwaatj flr ,t-?t., at a p. m. K.-rrt8 waa born in this citv. Oot. 1., l'_, TTe en larei OoUaaMa Oolleaa iu lsll. bataa then much younjter thaa aaaat af thaaa whe bagla aaBeeja l.fe at this tu Ba waa aiadnatod iu lUlfl or 1817, witli tho flrst honor?.of blBetoaa,harlagwoBthereapeelaBi lovo of teachers Hdataieataanhabyhto imgaaaa iu studyajd amia btlltr of rharactcr. While there be took a kcen inf. rent in th<- (.ports and irames of thu collcve JTrocn. whicb hla OtteagthweUiltedBlai for. lio Joiued the military eonpaay wMehwaelalaai amotiii tho stuJents atthe beflnatog of the wat- of isi2, and witn lt did duty ln tho harbor forts of New-Torte. 8oon aftrr leaving eoOefl ho took np tha otufly of theology. aadartha K\iidan.:o of John Mason, perhapa out- of the iuo?t emlneut preacher* of that time. Flnish itiK theae itudiea, be lieeame tbe paator of a church in Morrirtown. N. J., and after a few yeara of labor, took .hargeoitheparlahef tho lleformed Dateh Church of _4"ew-lJruuawtck.N. J, whoro lie remained a loo_r time, Pftteeined and loveA. Loter he arain renniriil, thia tiiue ?,-, .-ti!.Uk- ttie iiaMorau* of Uie Mlddlo K^foriuc.l luif.-h Cburcb >.f Albany, one of the most prouiucut churcliea m thr city. Here he formed a new rtrtle of frlend*, in ciudinit aeveral membcra of the Stato Adoilulatration, iniuy of wlumi remalned to the laat wartn and tnio frienda From Albany he returned to New-York and be i-iiin- tha paater ol tho M_.rkt.t-_-. Befonaod initoh < 'iiuri'h, wtiiih oflloo he retaiuied until be aeeaptei ttlo ( tiaucellorslup of tho New-York Univoraity lu ihai. inirltiif the iw-nod of bla paator ate be ldi-nttfled hlniself with all the rharltaiile and p-ligiouo aaaociaaono of bla eburebin. thia (Ity and country. ITa waa loug very actlvi-ly con uiH-ted the Wunday _rliool Union aa Preildent of tlifUttty iiricanuiation. He waa one of the promlnont iw>r_()iiaeni{ai{M.l m eetablUblng; tbe Rutuers Institut. f..r tlu-edu_ation_of younK women. Ho waa tho Chair" man of the Board of Truoteei and-ITinrlpal of the Inatl Uitn. He a^utmd a jrreal deal of wpute aa an able ad in. ii ix tra tor of educatlonal affain. Tho InallUit.', now on Kifth-ave , at that time waa ln llourv-et. Be waa connect.'i with lt until l_st. Wh_n ha aaaouieil the ebarnof the Univeraity of New-Yurk, it was Uborlnsr un.iiT n irreat tuauy embarraMmente, being 'h.unp.-re.l with heavy debta. Hia prlnelpal egort thore waa to complete the onbecriptlou for Uie paymeut of theso debts. Inthiabe waa very succesaful, collectiti-j aboul |-;i .no, whien entlrely relluvud the luititut'oii from Ita tuir.tens. Hla nianacemoiit of its alfiUr- waa careful audjuillcloii*. ln llrto. atter 17 yeara aj^nt tn the dl? ebargoof the iluttti of this pocitioD, h. r.>al?riied, aud retlre.l to Klicalietli, ... J.. whe.e be bas hlnoe Uved. lir l-'i-rrit waa a tall man, of very larve fran.e and Kr,_fi iliKiaty of maiiiier. Ke . aa a uiah of umat beue4 - otoace and aiutabllity. ln Ida lnteroo.in_) with hla BBlMhtolMia he Wai Kenlal uud ivyHinatbotic. Ue WM .iiiiutiut ua a acholar und boaa a tiih'li repuuUou for lu t? rfrlty uud atillily. An u priMclier bu waa loKioal rather briiiui.t ui ..ria'.uiti. _tiii hiaaaaaaaaaalwara b. ut tha attentlon of hls hean-rs. rJtx emlean _1 hlmaelf Ut tl.i-ui aiui-i by bia cliar.ic _<r. His veiierable apix-ai uuro aad WiudlV-Uiaiiiier flist drew pi-npii- toward hiui, aud ho v.,i_ rea.lF io lalwr wuh them iu all a_4_i woika. He 'uiarrl.d tbree liutem; ttrxtt, aft?-r hls entry lulo thn ttiltua trv uiM.n the deatb of l.iswifp he uiarrte.l a ?i<!cr ..f Joli'n J. ( .st i_ aml Inuliy a la-lr from Pootohkoepoie, wiK. aareteea htoo, <>tie ...... Masou Barrto is ? im iniirr of IIM H.wird of Konicn Miasioua, anotber is <.,.me- ieut wilb tlu- llank of N. w-Yor_. Kotu .UiiK'titert mrvivi, o?e of tben. m widuw. He l??t u l?\>iit_> rtai.Klit. r, tl.r ), tltut tbtf.) vci.rj xro, aud Dotb be aud bia *il_ ??i. aeepiy anetitcu .., ,t. WOMAN.S Si;rFKA<iK. A Ttm CABE. st mv n. a- tt- oft OB Titi.vr. ror. fUMIM WBMlM ? ? naai'a aaoBMBWf n na OTatf, CAKABDAIOI a, N'. V., .Line lT.-Thf- C.W of th.-1 i,it..i Rak * Bflwiaai laaaa B.Aattaay,wkawaa itirilefed fur ri'tt nm of law ?t th'-<lty o tI.orhe.Hf(r, Bl U Ifl 4 NoTi-iuiiir i_ener.->! election. wafl ? a.le.l in the <i- ol' ' oiirt of tln- Dflflflfl 1 i-tale", now ir> Maatoa la ttM i iitaai, ?<*' 11>. at, tt*daa/, ti..- di had iai peraOBBlly aj>;.' ifl d IB l smid l.y Mra. mm* ul.I.i J. QaffB a'"' Other la.tiea, anl wm. n premuted \,f (OUII-el, Il.-I.ll I -liell UkA John Van Voortii. ad Boekeater. Bleknrd Croi " t-Atlataay. laatw ,,,,?,, Iln, I A |a-7Waa empu.icled wilh* out dit'.iriill , the (.overtiriient .T,".iriiiir th.- iight "f eh ,1b n/il.g '"lt oue.-. .imt I.'' ih f.-mlent thr<e tiiu. -. Ik* l.i-H.'t Attorii.v BBBda a Ulief -tnt.-uu nt of thi f.ieta na wbtek ka i Bad for a aaaaleltoa, aad wttaM V.H.. ,'h.iiL'Ki m ti.e indlfliaunt, "ttal Mlae Aetkaay .,,:. ,1 nt th.- l:i-i < lei ii. ?. ;or fi ." .?--?on.'.l ii.i-.- loa the fcm i ? ' *'"?*" uaa ui lan:' . ? Baaaadad ttal tta aat Wa-, OU Ihe Mk tt Bfl Beverly W. Jamea ?> ,- a*. n bj ttt trmrammmU * a .--, aa ; i. I .''??? ? tta ?? ti adanl ; tkal ba vaa au liieponfur ?i BlootloB la I w,.r.i, i- m i-i-...'4 at tta i - ? "?' lhat Mi.-. roted ttfl OBM "-?' ' ''? tt BBB kt etiilily tl. -et af that a0ll| tliat tt the ttXaa Wl.i ie to. T Ii -p. .. kvely beleoffld t that Ml - Aotboay araa aal cball Hut im men af I laa ; randaal aai .-?'' ttfi .?? l tt Boari aad ? 4m I i ?? lobere.i-t |. ?!; that nl'.] ?, !,>?., , le i i g l to v.,le; tlie I'. : tba wa- < Bl ' io .01. unl i. ..-i.i. il laar naOK , Buparviaon oi l... mi and tA-im i Ibfl Il.r-p. . i.i- t...<: i" ... r..-. terad, nnd .!.?-. dM B| Miaa Aal 1 tl rlaki ???-.? - tl t i CoaaUtutlon aod notnndaa the Btatt lawi aba elaland tta iIbM ondari ik A-naodanja niriiie ofl lanta .... !' . - ale. ( ol..-!. -?, am. A- ?< ;? iu npaalag th- >:. . .i.f. ndaal but to th,. ? ? defeiiil . -t t > tt I' -' be waa as i I td in/.ii of, i ? . - any i: m, ;ri I wl.en -ho vot.-d if i fully bell red tbntal ted no crlme. Thequeatton tor the Jury ?n * ? ?? t en r at. d t:..; f. r tta tae* t ttme in bia prof ta tt vi n ? , :, r ,*. ?. ' -I- i timt in:..I-. i'r.- defendant v-.t. i -',.- ? . i on hun fur n.l- ? i to vote; II , ne tta aaaattaB aad ? ti>i i sad tkal he tti . tlataiB i - f ,,? nnj "' ' r ....- .-- ? ? i -i now. nnd oi t'; .' .ii' ..? i. ?. ..'.-'I. o oir :-i .1 in raalf '? ? wiii ? "T tatant nnd % ?"! f iltb, Tba \ - ? ?? .1 t.i '. ?i |l ; . ? ' 1 I : joka i.. l aaaal a bi ll m *.<'m by - , u'loi: HetontlBed tkal aa tto aaaailantlon imt atated tb ifl - iii ha-.e ..if . dtavetoevea fokakad nol Ind I. - '.--.ulvie. : t!..t ibfl Ind nol ,i p.iriuli of ?loilit of her rigbt to n te, aaa aa farttor teaUaiaay ajtyaa. am (i.nproeaededtoladdfeaaa t ? ? aM nadjarj Manen* i'O argmueitt,; i..-.ii iy t t.n ? lenralBl 4 y. Ho eiiunei it. .1 ? prol /. , /. if tta waa m.r bb eaMUed -vi d tkal aiie A.i- -o, aad ratad i*. aaad land *i , i it C0i -titu.e aciimii. .1 . - iimi.-r tb.- fltatate; aad ' Ird, taaa aM tm* ?* in antll belief i.ud iu good i.i.iu. BB BBtt that 0 fir-t queoti m- vi. re f. r nnd fhe laal for tho jury, nnleaa ika Courfl . r itflofllnflr ttal tta dafaadaataaaedto tk aa Co leat e noqueatIon fortbe oonaiderntlon tii-. Mr. _*i l.icn lafllab i 11 it ttfl oal] I -.-..uml of lloIIMciHtTtt tta deieuilaiii'. \.i- I ?i; tkal ir tta had bt > done by . ? lla la a neai in.ll - ? c.ime. Tuo ciimo i done, ihut iu the bei ttal Ika i* || \t,n a woni.-tu aml imt a BBO. lle l lieved ttal It was tho tftt t ine |n tl of the wurldln wUir.i ,i wniiuri .? crlmliiiil court merely on aeeoantof I tO take part in th founded in aivit-iral .ind tanUeaaMe ri-lu nf evi i. Uen. Women bave tho eamo tafrrM la ti l uanre of g.Hid gov-(Tu:ueut .^ men. N" g: ? a.. : il Ity, to uae no haralier term, coiil.i tt pwented I human mind Uian tliat of P women for thi? aamo art, WttiMMl | volco In the quesrlou afwklel ahail tt rowa t wblch ptinlahe.l. lle ref.r-.'- '.>:'.. ? | tbal all ical righta and nmuy pereo il Hgktfl Bit tV I I woinen, nnd it ia oftcn _ -d ttal vantago to them becaaae ? . , I . endthetr r'rjl.ti BBeeootfld lytM B. lf .:>'.? <>f'-, ttancei aacorrtng ln IM o n pmfcflfliaaal llfaal mannertu Wkleb t-irn vl w d n Bl tected by th's . id or r. - , wfcea, ? liieqnaltty of tholaw, p^ria InJaMlee ladkaaadaae <? womon. BB aatttrad to taa aaaaajr itmb Ikeaara e intholawty thea. .aof i-i ,? , ?- - righta of BBBfftta 1 worucn, an.l tl - gi. at (Ina W U ? h ? indcTh-uue in the it IfBya ralattfl that the.-o were grc_.t auiehoiutioua if Ika l.iw.l r, ?a.d he, *? How have they Maa paadaflfldl M.nni. ih the reau't of the esertiyn_i of a few heroic womon. onu of the for,-moat of whom ia ahe who ataml* tadMBJ i a* a crlrolnal t.Mlav. For a ttBBBaad y.ata tka al.sui ditiea nad crudltiea fo which he alluded Inv. tui-ii un. bedded lu the Common I_aw anl tho ttatott Hook, aml men have touched them not, and wt.ul.1 aal bave dona ao unUl the day of flnal doom b:al th. y not Ix-.ti ?..>..,! t to lt hy lho pcrai-iteut effoita of the noi.le wom.-n t.> whom be alluded. He tm.i?ted that thr time ha>'. | wheu the civil and political righta of wotu. a ahould Lo placed upon a perfect equality with thoae of utm, To make out tbe otTenae cbarged agaiuat thy defendant, the pro-ecution ahould ttnv afflrnwtively, not only that tbe defendant voted mn gclentloualy without having a rlitht to vote, but that I M ao voted knowlng tbat ^ho uo right tt voU>. Tho word "Bnowlng"related not to tho fact of voting, tu6 to the fact oftbe-wantof lho rigbt to vote. II. nf. ir. > to many nuthoritfte on thia poini. Oreat empiia-ua waa given to tbe right of womeu to vote afl aaaBBad bytbe. Fourteentb and Flfteenth Amendmentfl of tta Fetleral Conatltutton, flud a learno.l aud extiatutWe eipoaitiou wafl given of theae two artl.lea.aa beariug upon th,\ queeUoo. The remarla of Judge llelden were eTtende.l ou the potnt aa to tho kuowtedge of tbe ahe waa eommittlng au DlaB-d *Ut* ?n*- aeven-lv cnii oteed aaTaral oa*e* beanu^uvou tbat partof biaargu coonU Keferrlnf to tbe eaaa of tbe People aai Tlamllton, ra* portedlnW Barb., he eharactertied lt aa outrag?-?,ua, aud aaid that lf tnejudgea who pronouneed tnat deciaioo were to bo tried for their mlatakefl of tbe law by tbe ruie which tbey lay down ln that caae th.) would bo teut to State Prlaon tbetutelrea Uutaad of tbe bouoai boy whom tbey aent thero. Tbe argument waa llatened te wltb profonnd r>tt*i)tion from ...ginulng to eud, otttupytujf tbe Court uunl tbo botir of adjourument TKLEGHAPUIC KOTE8. _The flfith anniversary of tbebattle of Funker llui tu chMrTf- it ll.wtouytmtUt bf iti* eluua| rt bimi iHiiin* ul.? ? ii.i ?i?? ??rrjiu.? kuaaaa, i?i by i gyou 4_.pi*. of i*te _The Nrw-llampehire LegiflUtuiv adjournrd al 11| k. m.. rai toul * *p*rl*l tr*la ta, Pxrmktia. %kr mxmm t-rn.? ib* tisi uf tba Man__f?l_l Clab wl Uoekie ke tke ouih piam el Uu?l w?_iuf. ? ... .I'he membera of tka Kaaaaabnaetta rr.w A aa? ri^eio. w.ih Ltdim, _ulii| ?* perlf at mma tm. iun*., l-um ibm i.lebtiarg tr?r.t il H<Mtoa, r*?Uel*-. apoa UhIi teojrtk mul ttumatt ri,-arti..a, whlrii ? 11 itrtuit* Ut IImmw '! ??_?! Brnfiltfllao (Vt), Ul* -?OT|.. baitiutf*. rnUO, Altiakf. gei Jiiw-f ?rl CUB ? A.t n nioeUug af the Oettyaburg |laft!e-(..-l,t Mraohki \.*utiiUo?. T?l?r4ir, Onr. U-juaaB eu it/WrW-.l I'n.i. Jrui. iul Ur. MaUaaaoagky, Vira-PnetAttL Tl* tviuaiag Uuvcu rw ? nr , ao tirrmd : > Hfarr C t'ort? ul B !??! A. Kir.j.i of rt.ia il,li,:,.a. ?..i.?. A. fl. Wri.t tlu L Urrhem, tai 1. W.tto lla i'mwr ol Htn tmt. Jaha A. O. Hnitr* rt HafrlatiaTf. aafl Hnna kituti, H.n-rj, Uuiai, Uaii_a>. BlW4_ Mil'wiHttl. *** ttWrn -< ilmt.r. tietf.