Newspaper Page Text
_\mn-cmcM-, rtc, fchw (fncning. W__Iao__*r__ia_Ti^^ Mr. IMoa Boaoloault. ?Trntrai Pahtj C.ardkr.-Bammor m*4*m*t Couoert. Th?to?1on? Thoinrta. _^^^ Jnocx to _\5?*frti?mcnt8. Kanki> ?? ial - .stx'l iaff-Mh oolumn. I'.DARi. tM. Ka-.iaa-lhxrd i'a.i'-Vh oolumn. TU HiM>-. \ Ti. ? - fourth Fage-ltt rolumn. tiils ,- ,...i.i.?iM.- MKa-.v?t?.iAi'?ii^-4lheoiumn. t-fliii i *"' '"i""fl|"- . ?I*',;,! *.?,?* r^-lth rolumn. IiasimTKV?fAir.l Fate?id roluuill. ift",,. UOOIUIBB. '"fl" fl'-lln-'.ll'""* E_rl , / Fage?tth ooinrou. KiNts.iti lemenlh ;\i-r r.t 31 i-i 14:h eol'.imns. Hkmii-kk Ihxrd I'age??th ooluinn. W Vmi. Mau.- ta-H /*..yr-5th columu; Ft ,M,, rolumn . txiai va.iiit,.i-<-rai?li*.i^?a?l oolumn. ,illt(, iiiuiu; ICUKorb.A*i ? Third rmif iri nn i 2 i polamna. - txii Karmi Wanti it-.-VflfflOnd rage?Cth coiuuin. ? in Seeond Pagt tth colnmn, iKSTBUtTioM SixthFmpi -I i.ii.l )l r.aliiiiina. LaOAjl ifltn. - -""-"iai l'nje- .*,'. Ii .oliiiiiu. i,.,\], ':xrd Fage?lt. and N (tiiliiiiiii*. Mai;m.i'. A*4i>!'l iti M \mi.i fl S 't-ifJi Patje?4th oolnuio. llARRIi - '?'?'? "' * 118- I'<"'? I .1.iiiiii. i.i.AiKOia?-Srootttl Faar?titli coluiuu; F.ighth olnmn. MtaiCAl INHTRUBKSTI T'Aftl F.xnr Ct ll a'olrtinn. fl ,?:?,; i!i.i M eammaa. Pbopo S ' Po tf?Ith oolumn, , lliti BATAT1 irn BeeomA W"*" w1 nmi !,:*B_ .,;, BB. >--.'/ /?.?y.-Mli .-...uiiii.: flOOfBTBI St.nid Fage 5th and 6th coiun.nfls u *P<??"fr*w!fl*,fl -Mh i.luuin; Ito Bi-CMABOB J?88Bl io^-fljtu 881 , -_Vr*U? lMffr--Mli ooixmxa. 4th and Mh .liill.aUll. g*^ ,</t i'-^Mh. and Bnuw >-rA,rtl jvyB-l-l and ? and Jd il nnd Ith columns. ! ,-,. n-iilt. ?/'.V<--?tUcjliinin. '?'"ii- _ Unsuirse Xoticcs. V v- Patkti l.r.'.. lafety i : fl. I'b.ltilcirbiB._ 11 \- Paid (750 \ Dat, for ov.t nina years, to tILIKS IXmVtLAMI lt I".. II .r-'.arJ. i BltUllTlBLlSlUCI a tbfl prvp-M loie, aad tru belter tUn FlBKPROOF BUIT.TMXQ P * Art.Mif ?.*.:? BM, Biai | ?** ?< TIm '" -' Ba spawDEM in thow-orld ? | mile over t' ._:_ial. :t br eiolhlBf tvta-r-at IB , -??-? I'u im t..'1-f.ttly and pirma . - ....... ? n lu perauu* curc-tl IB tbu Citf. ? I ? Imi: D rr.riit BCHKMB9 conio to glifl ( ,; lMt. : i., Ukfl tuat of l)r. Ucltalflu'itl, ttn.- the leitof Na*. HuLauoLiA-f Bc-jhc, wl.c- U tbe oalr cxtr-cto-f thit ? ? . .. -r ? , m toeore lm>o-.enex, Onrel, the efntiof ' ;be cri-itrr flbflflfl in (MhM tm. TL-i .m*. Bewwe fli BB, N-w -York, Ifllfl A-fflflt \\ 11 - ? - ?Sii Sha iii Taa Taiasaa Laorvaa * -n DKTT9 "'iii Aod in Tiik Tiini'sr ; ib- tenei uf Art Mmliei, o*l:Ter*d .* tbe Kl Thi '?'' tot 1878. Prico 20 *|'in l>r. R. \V. li.iviuoiiJ, \ 8. Thb Mit ii'!? ?>* CniiTiOK. ? ,H?IMIt 1 HBUKT. ? the 4In?-*iTn of i:i >nrt uf ,, . I aa a fuli roui e_ftari_ti Ta : I *.ht. T. . ? . f ?? "i ?* ll), J trt for 2.. Tiik TaiBCNI .Naa-lw-. ?i.n r.7 nm ,'.0 Lectaro. n.d lill) K::t-nTinji. I a-enu. ILllMS OF THE TBIBUBB. Daiiv Ii i-i ns, Mall SabaenbaiB. $10 aar aann?t, i. M. il Suiiai .na. ra. f9 i-*.r un. ? ? - ? c-, .A <* v ( r t i bi n pr R a t f ?. run v ' I ie,and -Si -prrline. ..iid r*j contii i)er lirie. W-KKKLY TlUBCaNl , ,1 f.". l>t*l lllll-, _ t?.>i>'.'fliiioii in the paper. Terai.'., cii^ii in adra* ?? traa. i nr. Tuibukf. Naw-Tork. Adl ? iflvi-ivod at up-to-jvn oiTir.-flfl. .?>}?} W. 8_<i-ot ?? till 8 j). ui., at reguLu ratea. Thf Wbbklt TrihiniT vill \>c reatlv thia . . N f4)B n-iaiilii|{. Vrizo l K'llU. Tiik- Ti:iBr-.*R th ErnopB.? An ofllce for TRinrxB Ad ? I Uon in lin TBIBCTXK -:.;*;'? I tf. tne Imi i" , iinii will La- i ? i ? I l aud ilngla eoplaa ol ihapapai mny alwayi bc obta Adtlru8fl Tue -Naw-YnrtK Tmn vr. 64 Fieut-flt., L. C, Lontl-aii. re-mnt Irneing ynr-Tork for th* ftprlnt an-i .eiimmrr etn '..<(. 'J in la, a , - fl ptr .ng poitage. For tl. exr'?? - -. ihnit w/aifl are ! , ; 41 n ii.'eti I-. f^-ir ifl'tn'fl; en m . ,' nionUt; BUWi, ->te BioBlAfl ; ITaaMy, tix montlit. THirtr,;i the mnttnir'inn nf the front of thr netp Tnhun* bxiiul: me tifflee muy ?> found in the nrit buiidxng i ithtrtaron Sm*mt*-el Tbt litltunr Oounttng ?? ?? firtl jUror, and iteixltrtd at Utt iiand door li'ivi. .t/flrifft ii. from Ihe old tlio. ?Crt--p!xrJ{^nj4a^^w w; FOUNDED BYHORACE GREELEY. V, Jl'LV 23, 1873. Tli<- < i.ti -. <>f itfl-t-errt! rfliniiil-ih i_;iiiilioiitflf havi rtroltsd. .. flor8IBm8Bl Ijiuj Uciareil thtui iiflOlltyof Tlracy. Th" ' cral dctides a-Kainst tho ertradltlon <jf flatl V.-ia-t. :..,,:. train mn*. thrown froui the tfaefe r-ii'l rfiiiln-d, M mllc8 weel of I>o? Molnofl. *-.?-i Ihe AuitMt'iiii Phllolo-fieal An-six lation begau 1U flfth annual convention at Lastou, Hajrna artrtj tlic Board of B-aaltfe todciaytho fXtxut.ou of tl.i; ...l-r la-in aviii ,* tlii. WaetliitiKtiflU Mar k*t baotbs. -aaat 1 - '<y h:? wi'.i, 1' ives tho buinof hi- pi-apaili/ 11 Ua wtfe. -^---?-- J r< <. ?Co.ui*-. f Il> nllh on the Mark.-t foflt umo waa rubtiad or MflOOf 8 . iTTt Gold, 116., ?M ***h BiariBoiBbtar,l8?,ll . .'Iif Poat-OfBec Department wai ecitioiaad f.u inii'.tiut:iiig_Hn 4-xt;lu?iv? aiitl jK-culiar tl? i-;?'ii ol i' !il)()li*-!it il fr.-t'iJ.s of tlio l.M*?-a.tiv<* Depaii . The reatly I'xciao Wtt that tlu*.o oilkiul iteapi Wan intondctl 10 pn >tut iiiijnupii im oi tln jiiailiJ I./ privutu paimn. Now il tuma out that tln*. derkf im ptored Jiaffinliiil. At ]ia-t 'im* poatmastex ia reported to have Hiiii ? g'l-.illy lot of hi-fl otrl.iiil ftiKnps to outsidc ?;.i? ... an inppoaed to be p)iug about tlio fwmtry toveriug thi- eom^oodeMi of ttneiff pudi * the case fonnerly when (mOtm****** ?? l.iaiik .i.v.iiapcH hy the paekage f"r tlnir lrn-u.i-s. -Lviilcuily thu gLOCXation will not lacOTOX in a hiiiry fnnii t'i < S ot of tho iiii titiit abiLsc of tht- maila. QtmW. l.rTj** .*?'"'? an iaxitj utwrt dnia VCIit'i * . ' tii. r-A/btTs wlio attackid n i n iu J '? ' or ..-*' ... t - of sending Bmnll pftckages of gold throngh tho nutils : nnd on account of tiio S1.11 Francisoo nu-thod of making up rf-rnittftnoes, tho mail due at Cotinoil Bluffs on Monday after - noon ********* contnina a vory largo proportion of tho aniount of money sont eastward during tho week. Tho raid was mado on tho eastward bound oven ing train Dflfll Council Bhifta with this Mtfofpfltfld rich baal Ifl view. Tho robbcrs, by wrcrking tho train, BOeoafldod in rilling Iha M-__ nnd expteaa, Iaal aflearod only abaal $2,000, tho C-Mrorala coin bariflf ioaa throngh on ** previous train. This axpaatl was la lmttalion of ono Qf two whieh wero eonitnittcd further Waat. aaaM jaaaa einoe. In tliis easo, tho brigandi, if eaaaj--, aro UaMa to a eharga of niuni.-r. Taaj -tad BBOB taa traia. aad tho oniiaaaf aaa kiiu-d dariag tho aff.ur. ? *9 In tho Toronto corrcspondonco of Thk I_t_aUBB, prititi-d on another pagc, is Pivon a clear and -aaaBa-heoalfa statcn.entof tta Canad-aa Paa_ae Railroad aaaadaL TWa ?jTair ia erkka-j doaigoed to aal a ******* flgure la taa palilioi af Caaada for somo ttaaa tocoine. Tlie If__8t8t-d n"vvspapor organs ?baaa Mr. McMullen, tho lateflt agont Ifl tln: eapoMua, witb naal vchomonce, aud thoy aro as conudent as over that tho _ov ornment will bo aide to disprovo all Qm fliiit-cra al corruption whieh have beea brougbt againal it. In addi-on to the iicuial of Sir Franda -Bneka of tbe mattora alleged againat bim by Mr. McMullon, tbe A!torncv-i".cii('ial, in ? card publishod in Ue Xonirral Gincitc, declaros tbal hl ***** never, as chargod bj M.Mullcn, been cin plojed by the Paofla BaUroad Company or bj Sir Hogb Allan, The Lcadcr, a Ministorial organ, Btakea a goneral dcniul in bchalf of abe implicated memb, rs of tho Government. It will bo BBBB thercforo tbat ***** is " a very " pretty quatrel as II M__?_* M Bj a series of compromisoa, if is proposcd iu aaaa qaaxtara *o let tho WaaMagtoa Mar? ket bootlis reiii;iin. The Corporatiou Counsr-l ll po.iitivo in his opinion as to Ihe power of tba Hoard of Health tfl rmiovo t-OM niiisa'ires, and of tho duty of the Cotn nriaaionet of Pablk Watka to aid in _aa_ rcmoval. 15.:t tba Mayor ileMrcs a delay, aud tho Bflperiflteadeflt of Markets proposes a eomproniiae. Tba Bnp_-oto?-OBl haa, la fact, [aaned ocdaaa lor a geaatal wMtowaabing and eleaaatag, wbleh are deatgaad io eomet the woiit featunsof the nuisance as it now cxists. It appean, fartheimoro. thal tba original leaaa* hold ci' Ibaaa tenaata of tba pobtk ******_ ' forty years old, some of thfl lirst pcrraits dating bflflk BB Btanj ******* as tbat **-*. then, is an aneicnt nnd tinie-honored abuae, and naturally it will take inuth har.l ******* tfl kill it. Bata now tbat tba whola _o< b_ob haa been takflfl u_> in car..c-i, W8 hopa it v.ill BOl bo allowfld to drop until it hai baaa diapoaed of inatu h awaj as to aaenre tba boai toteiaata of 018 eity aml t!ic equitie.s invol.'.d. .VIAWCSOTA I'OLIll' ?<? Oidinarily the result of thfl BepabliCBII State ('i.nvciitiori latcly held in Minnesota, Bt Whiflh theticket of the gentlcmen who have for some years eontrollcd thfl poUtfoB flf_the Ptate was defeatod, would hare nogroat -jgniflcaoee. lt mighl lu paaaed aa simply a very bittet flaat rcl and eloae eoatoat between two _afl-*oaa of poll-dani la tbe aaina i?ar;y, eaeh latoat on Bg offleoa i'T it 'lf. Bat this waa nol so aanefa a quarrel ot tactJOBM as a rcrolt against tbfl rule of a King. The I lOta Of it rnn ib-epcr than ai.y (< Bflflti?MOl of lin.-lility ro tho i.'i.vcruin_r cliqtio or any loeal jealoiisy. It growa oal of Iha provailing nitoaaina-a and tli-i.itiifaetion at tlie arroeuneo and pitaaiBP" tion of the Beilf-ppointod leadanof tba paitj in power. The people of IfiaaaBota, Uke tbe paople of tlie otber S?ttea, l!_.v5_^]_J_^__'1 to complaiu that cartaifl coiuliiiiatioiu* oi lueii who make their lWing l*y poUtica ooatrol tha St.ite. 'J'hey huve tlie of tln Adtflhdatia tion al WaabingtoOf and eonaegnentlj the ,li^i)o-..l of tiie GoTero-aefll patronage. Tba oiiieeliol.ic'.s [ara their dependoiita, aud of OOfliaa ready to do their liiiMinu:. Thi wholo inaeliiuery of the party is in their hand.s, nnd by BBCaaa of it they have held tha Btata offleoa aad all tbe Btata pat-oaaga. And tlie niaehineiy haa Wflrkfld hitherto sinootlily and lianuouiously. The of eancu- aad tbe sain tity of regnlax nominationa have held the party up to tiie ratilicatitm at thfl polls of whui'Vir tboSB im-n have dflflidfld on in tbeil secret eouncils and carried out iu their more open couventions aud asseniblics. Tbe newspapcrs, rspecially thoae BlipporUng tbe Ring, aaa aagerlj diaenaaing tbe eaasea of the r.-volt and b to Ifl lk? II .-!'! r t'. || Um oppoai?oa t-? the bobiB?Uton of Wm. D. Wasiiburn ior Covernor was almost eatirely pera mal. It is much moro than tbat No tho l.-iitful ob-errac of tho drift of politiea] opini lii for tbfl i-ast si-. nionths ran bave faib 'I to rotire tho giowiag diatnu-of Iba BO-B-fld political leaders. In Miaue.iOta, as ln i,.;uly all tha Btatea. the politicians hav,-. iiiti.-iifliH] --jjj/'fiji^^l------ --atooaglyj as to Iiave conic fi!!jio~t"torl;cliev,: in their own impregnability and at tho BBBt tjmo in tlie utter e-Odfl-tj Of the people. So lliey 0OWOB the stump liko Mr. Matt. Carjienter to dticiul thfl Salary Grab with sophistries they would bfl a.'hamed to insult .V justiee OOflXt with, or liko Mr. Butler they turn tho protest of the peoplo into a Bhallow and abamelesa jest. "We mo mneh aiiatakea If Ibe MIbbbboIb over turning of tho well laid plans of the, Wash burn liing dflfll not grow out ot tho wide aproad awakening upon tliis subject. lt i.s jmrt of a geaeraJ U__treotaon agaiaal Biag rtilc aad tho floaaolidatfld power Of tho mere in litteiaaa. It may ba that Minnesoti is no worse o.'T than a doaei. otboi Btatea la thia rogard. Poaaibly tha Biag tbat baa baaa raaataf tba State so long nnd tliat has laid out so ********** a progtaa?ae **** tho aoa?baaaaaa of tbeli powi r has not baaa ejiecially corrupt or dishonebt. T'i it is ii'.t tho efsenlial point The fact Ifl, and ::!1 our politiea! h'Ntory illitstrates and verifies i', Ihat no combination of men Btich BJ ar;- foand in what ar'- called tbi l.in_.s? wa eaia aol hoW patrio*?o and pure th, Indifidnala wbo eompoaa it may be?can eontinae in Bniatorrnptfld eontrol of btata or N.itioii nny gn at k?gtfa of time without l?. aafl-ing eorrupt, tvianuiral aml dangefooa. It is iiiu-ily ooiitniry to thfl *-;?irit of our insti tutioii.s aad the gflflillfl of onr fOffllUBMflt, to allow eliqaea aml eombinaUoni of men to la ? tcndi tln-ti:?clv,'S in power Bfld pliicc 81 thfl have in Hiaaeaota aadflth_rBtataa. I bi re a tuu .. i i.i thfl] '?! ? wiscly aad iH-vci s, bonaatlji when tba duty of a frco ji.-ople || to ri ? up ,-tnd, t iking them by fhe thi-. to them, "Stop down now ; ii iv i ended.* Thal la ? at I i in Ifinueaota and what, we faiutly . nn i. i , ol euui".. lutA.ti d amonir tho Minnoaota gontlemon wno VTt-n flliaap|KiinU*4l in the roault of th.- Stato Con? vention, and nomc of thom aro talkmg quit* aoriouftly about HldN it" action upon the ground of or fraud in tho hallot. Thom conl.l t>? no better proof that it w.w hlfl tim. for jiiHt mti a thin* to happcn an.l for tlio raigalag Biag to hc nbahftd. ihe Bapablieaa partjr of tho eooatty * in tho throo* of a BOW l.irlh lt i-t trving hati to rfl.r..rm iNelf, ?r rnth.-r tho honest MH '" " ''-l(' *I*?E * nal ??i thfl roiriii.tani! pnfllgato deneBtalB j,, illl(l mako it, .?...?<> mon. wa-nl.y of Pup.ili.r eonfldenee. It ta an egpnlmoBl whtol wttl bi watehed with tho freateat mter.'st, aad (ll(, bopM 0f all foad aa- te tti h...,-^ Mi.ini.uittA aaaaai to havo BBdfl a v.:ry I..H Minnesota nee.iiis W b-eginning. ___ BETWEEB TWO FIEE8, Tho readers of Tiik T-UBUXB, wholnve bflflB krjit ronstantly aiflaed <if OYfllJ dov.-l opment in tho variod drama of Spanish WTO* lution, TnuyVxperieneo fiomo disappointinent imt little. rarprin at thfl BOWI Wfl publish thin nioming, of Ita latest phasc. Nothing 10 din astroiis to the c*:tiiMfl* of liberty aml detnnrrai-y in Bpain hai takio ptoee itoee the ootbreol of Beptember, ihnoel Bta j*a\tt aga. The de* feata in tho Oortofl, thfl iiisurnetions and danghton in tho opeB Beld whieh took plan nnder tho Ro.*-*eney, and Badflf thfl Sardinian monarehy, WBTfl i" BO MBM fatal to tho R.piibliean BBBBB. Kven tho temporary neOOBMfl of tho Carlists, their dovarWion of tho iinrthern provim*i**<, tlieir importation of their Carnivitl King, and th'-ir insolent n lianeo upon fBNigfl support? all theofl ev.nts imt enongb to diaeoor* age the ptouf-heartnl and .-ineire Ri-pnlilirans WBO nniained in eharg" ttt tlie Governmeiit at Ifadrid. With ? reaoimable degree of pa ticnco nnd nnity all thflBI OOBld baTfl beOB outlive.l without dflBgtt. Rnt the fedoral in fliiirr. ctions iu .lill. nnl eitfcfl betok.n.-d a deep-eeatod maladj whieh, if it m ereaaod, nmst wooei or latef deotroy tbe Bepnblk a? al preaent orgaabed. No oae nlsed this iiiet more pnmiptly tban Eataa* i-l?, Pignerai, who mor.- than any one iln thfl brain of thfl BopobUeBBmovc ment Ilo gtrt no ilgn of B-nooragemeat or iinpatirnco nntil tho nintiny of V?*laidi ft troops and tln- riots at M.duga had eoiivinr.-d hi,,, ?f th.- want ni' i'.viilty whieh .Mst.-.l in tha armyund in Ihfl popfllatfoai of thfl dtiflfl. Bfl at otieeei'iielnd.''ihi'las tOO 1*Mtfly, lhat hi ooald do nothing i-flVotnal to iteai tfaii fl-a-fliMiter-nirrent, and laid down uithout delaj bii preetdeacj of tho aatioiial gorernmeal and his leadniliip in tbi BepabBean pirtv. I'i y IfargaD, after a atoeen end MHrgetie effort to orereoaifl Ihfl nmi dteotrom t' n laa ciea, fiiially lool the eonfidence of the Cortea, an.l ga?e way t? Befio* BalmeroB, a man of cqnal honesty and zinl, nml il WBI thonghtof even more rigoioai diaiaetor. Hii BoeenioB 1,1 offlee li ilgnalired by two dliasten <>f tln* srravest' naturo. Tho Caililtl neeoedfld m takiog and d.-tniyiiiK thi town of IgaaladB, and the Federali.^ts of Cartagi n i. llrefldj ln full poaieoiion of theii eity( hy Biaiming the {.uts eommandlng the barbor oompdled the lonender ol the three magnifleent ii"n t'Lul nn n-of-war lying tln re, togethei \\ith si'vcral othef tc?nli ol lefli raak. Thil alaioal bieredible, and would bate beeB ba poaaiblfl If it bad n?.t been for a lecrH sym p;iihv \flitli the Ineargenti on board tbe ttt* ?eU. When Admiral Topeb reaolved aponhia pifl.iiiinciiimi.'iitt) ln tha I'.ii.v of Catli/, bfl did imt nt firet oonunnnieatfl hii parpoee to anj one ontaidfl <>f tbfl lagabip Zaragoaa. Bat the momenl tbe band etrnck np, on ber deck, the Ilyii.n of EUegO, thfl riMilutia.nnry eontagiOB ipread throngb tbe fleet, an.l nearly oren ?t. M 1 pronoiinccd also to the ery caogbt up frora tho, EtpAtia POt HiMfttl A few bad mlagiyingaybnt tbi m hi reaoon reaaorod bg tlfe. Ua-trship eOB-iog llOBgridfl and o|u iiiiik' her porti. The biaorgenti at Cartagena OBjoyed the mafl flfl y -11' wy?by whieh thfl moat Important naral etaaVm In Bpain fell Into tIk ir hiinds. Wln-n, a few montha BgO, a f-im insiiii. rli'in hur.-,t out in thfl N.ivy-Vaid at F.-itdI, th" attempl leemed ie flagitioni and ?o abmrd tbal people waatod littla umpathy iu regard to it, iad the QoTommeiil promptly ?appiaaaed it. It readi Uka aa epbenun now. the diipatch uinonncing that tbe bare-bnuaed enthniiaal whoitartod thai emeotc li alao thi bera ?'f thli ebormoni and diaaatroaaconp-de* Assoon a? thfl barboc of Cartageaa wai tlms ass'ind, the bMBIgflBtl madi* a pnimpt OM flf their newly Mqaiied rflOOBfOtB hy takiag tln ii.aa-claid \'nt"ii.i, and Kiilin^ away to rednee i mifl ni fhe other dtiei on the eoaat Tbey fin( iittaekid Alirante, vhiah instaidly sur remii'ieil. They trmtod too hoplieiUy to tbii hjccoi. howevi r, for thfl momeat tliey Haiii'd away tho city resumed its iDegiaBOe, un! il it. i-h dl be eaptored by inothei Iroo elad. Tbii erniflfl of tha Vittoria Irrealatibly inggeotl that bl '"no tnp of;il 1'riin, who afl<r thfl pronuneiainiento of Ciidiz w.nt iloag the ooaoti redafliag a proriaoe every day, "**bi_i Benaao wai mirching northward to deotroy tho tbroni of [aabella II. nt tho Bridge of Aleolea. Tbi preitot lawlOM nid seems liko | purody of that foradt Arht'. Tho (Joviriiiiiiut at onco issiK d a decrco deitfBBeiag these waadoring rebeli aa piratea, aad liaTitliiiK tbem orerto be dealt with aa ttuLi hy tho human nxec? which will proli.ildy not take AiTy ahar.l in tlieir pursuit or eipture. As a final UWflb Of tlie grotoaqnei it ii itated tbal an Baglidh In ti i national iiained i'rico coininaiula ono of tie -e supeih pri/efl. If this were a moro liolatod Ineldent of revoliitionary madneM ind 1'liiid lmk, jt would not bfl so H'-iii.ns. Iiut then are iflTfltal Othfl'ts whieh gOtOlhowthat the nnv.'hole ?ome eondition of thiagi i.s very eztemtre. 'J'ho Iheiiaii Rea,'imeiit, whirh WBI le&t iiKainst tho Iniaigeilll at Cartagena, MToltad in a body and joined tlnin. (ieiicral.s Coiitieras aml Plerrod, two leadlng nemea among the ariny Ri piihlieansfl, havo heen r.i-liii-n-,!, whlcb Of 00OB BMBBf that they h,tv.> }oined tho in ?nrgeata. Aml a aot len rignifleantfindiea* timi Of tho epirit of the tiiac, i.s tlJltt the iiiinoiity BTO about to retiic in niaM fioin thfl Cortofl. The Carlists will of DOOnfl n donhlfl thtir a^tivity in thfl Nortfa now that thfl BepnblkaBfl of the South na at th<> throal of th,* Bepnblie. Tln- rageof radicaliam li doiag tho wotk iif tiioiiiiii'liii'.il rtritoiioii, *tu* as j( did in the llir iirifi Inui Of thfl Coiiiiiiuiio ot I'aris. Wo wish wo eoulil bope that tho advociifia of Ciihui Indepeadi nee woold Kfl-D in thli .1. iiiorahiii diaaater thai iiii.'ntivc to barmoay and half icri liei- whieh tlny M gn-atly m*e I. .laat now, while their proepeeti loob l" -1 t.r than o*m hefore, iri ne the beginaiag <>f a bitter fead i. tween the two Caetioni ol thi patrloti bere iu N'.w-Voik, uhirh it M-fbnd to go on mg] raia their eaiue. Wbaterer tririal gronndi lor criticiim may cum agaiuat Proanlonl Cespedes, he cannot now bo ftttaeked with?A"t peril |B Iho caiiso of whieh ho ifl tbo moat oLiiuont champion. TUK ALABAMA dWABIX Tho BBBd_____ accouuta from Wasbington of the metliod adoptcd by tho Batg-flb and rniied Baaaaa OafaaaBaaala for the __bb_m Of the Aliliaiiia aw.trd of fli.V.M.OOO in gold fiom I'.iigland lo Ihis country are, as u.iual, iiicompli te iad IBlallMdlaf We have been ut, ?bbm to got al Ibfl fact*, aad tbe f"l lowing siimiiiary of BBfl nrr.ingemenl whieh irt baiag cariied out can bfl (le|iended on : Il i-i Ihe duty (,f tbfl Knglish (haucellor of tbe r.xche(|iier tfl ffll ihe a ward iu gold coin or United Btatea Tiaaaai/aarlinoalaa for gold depoaited into tbe handa ot EUmilton Pl b, Secrclary of Slate, by tho middle of next Septeniber. To ell'ect this Mr. l*ovve has made Bfl iirrangi ineiit with tho banking BO-MM flf Jbj Cookfl, MtCiilloch & Co., J. S. Moigan ft Co., and Moi Ion BoflB *-- Co. Theso tirius bolong to tha Bjndieate, hat the Symlicate Miibraeea other flrma also. Beaea Um tVaah inftoa atateaneat Ia tmo tbal tba Byadlflflta, as such, has nothing to do wilh tho negotiatiotis of the Knglish (loveinmrnt, and, in fact, nothing to do wilh thfl matter at all. Mr. LoWfl has already paid over t-) the banki rs 80888 ten or twolve niillii 11 (loll.ii's, of whieh about, MTBB millioiiH havo ln i n traiiiiuittcd to this country, and the reiiiiiinilcr invested in live-twcnly bomls of tbfl IM BMBfl. whieh havo been called in for redemption OB the Oth flf BflptaaabflT. The bankera aamod are bound by their agrflemes with tlie Knglish Govi-rnmint to Bflttla with Mr. 1 i.,h al the saine date. Probably half ***** pajaaant will be made in the ealled _~o-tw?n tit ,. Ihis, of eOfl-flflt will liave uo manuer of ell'ect on the gold market. An aci of Coagreaa 1-qairaa ihe Secn-tary of Ihe Tii.iiiiry to call in and eBBflfll an amount of liv 8-tWI nty hoadl aqnal to the award, aud it is in aeeoBdaiiflfl wiih thia Iaa that ti..- .all ot thfl Ith of Juno lor twenty iiiillions was made. The odd four and a hali millions aie to be paid out of tln- gold already iu the Tii liiry. The whole opci.ilioii, when conuileteil, will add four and a half millions lo Ihe sup_)ly of gold. and will probflblj have a Might uiil'.ivoiablo ell'ect on tln- foraigB B-ebangea. Hut this la not o( oooao-' fBoaea. aa the esehaage to-tapteeabet ii usual!y iu favor of this country. Tha traimt; during thu last few Wflflkl of about BflTflfl _____ tlollars to ihis aide of the Atlantic gives the bankera coaceiaod iu the opcratloa a baad* M.iue pi..tit, since bills ou Loadoo havo b.-eu .piou-d lor Boaaa ttaaa at a paambun of from one-half to thre, -quarters of one per Oflttt The bankera baaa alaa tho uso of tho Ala l.ania money lor the eight or ten Wflflka dur? ing whieh it reimins in their hands. If they piiich.ise ealled bomls thoy laaehra the aeera ing loten-,-t. PflC thi', ct' e nirse, they are Ifl debted t') tlie Eagliafa Gorern-Beat, but there h mi poinl invoived whieh eoBflerni our own I lovellllllellt. Tha act of Congiaaa wbleh reijuires fivo tweidy hinds lo tln- aiiiDiint of the indeiniiity to be called in a:id cuictled also leqiiiics the Mltblg apail of a Uke amount in live pircent registered bonda aa a (nnd oal of whieh tho anfferera by tbe Alabama aod other Confed ctala prifaiaara are eT-ntgally to bo paid, The Byndieate, nnder th.- t i_mi of tbeir cou ti'.iit, hare tlie ezelaaiTfl rigbl to plaee the li.r per eent bomls of the, United ??"ial 'suiitil i'i, dOflB of the eiirreiit year. Tln- piacing aparl af 018.11 ifl 11 af money balonging to tbe Unitfld Stat.s, ns a fiinl, inv'sted iu a 0 Statea rcgiatered boad of tbat amount, U a aaesfl entry ln an acconnt-book. No money leaves the Tre;isiiry. No bonds go out of the poaaaaakai of tha Unitod Btatea. Yet, if we may believe a n-t e:it dlspatoh from Wiiiiiiii'-'ton, the Byndieate will reeeire a eom niasioii on tliis ao-eallfld inaaa?Mat by the United Btataa of its own money ia ita owa bonda. It atrikea na that thero la not the ghoflt of a legal alaim toi aaeh a eommiasion-. Ni) tai-rvi'-e, ol any nature, is peil'oriiu-d by tln- ByadiOBtfl. and the live per eent l_gj_t0_ed boad lorins no part of the Public Dflbt until it paasea out of the poaaaaaloa of tho United States. Asido from thfl dispatch IfllaOfld tO, aud fnun thfl fact that the seiui evji! tiuifion sent from Waslnngtoti makea bo d aial of the oba_ge*wa have stnmg reaaona f.<r belieriag that tht* Byndieate pre to be , ut iti, il to aneh a gratuity( an.l no ono aaad bo told thal tim Byndioaae flad tho ptflflflnt Setretary of tho Treasury a very pleaaaal paraon to deal witb. Tho Byndioate, in our opinion, has not tho lhadoW of a title to tiin-h.iif per ct nt eomadaaion on this flftoen and a hall milliona ot Alabama money, aml if Mr. Icichaiil.ion pflja it ho will de.siilTfl to bo iiiijieachi <1. ____________________ un: ii uoo k l.y s EJBO iiask. Wo aro earnestly entreated not to inslst tho Trust Compaay af Hrooklyn is a "King'' conccrn. Wo heart ily wi-di we floold nny that tho "Km-:" is imt MMpOOfllbla fnr the. riun of Ihat institution, and that it docs not threaten tho failure of other institutions. Hut tho faeta show otharalab. Look at tlie follow ing tabie r>f BtiVkrioldoTa, who aro unqucs tionably of thu King aud who battcU on tln; publio cnb: Sliaret .Ttr-'it. I. Portrr-n... I). M. CBauaar. -J*' Ji. .1 i uli-"t.(K) 1'. H fi ...hf. 10 t- Ii. Iiua ted. on W. CJCiBgatoj.170 ,1s i-r-. Aicx. MoCne . -i in ni i C. .Murpiiv. N .1. ii Praatla. to U. n it.xiit!ni.loo ('. a. Bursme.eo I BM V.iii Aii.1i :i.100 Nnw let us esplain. Mr. Bflrgflfl is a p.irfner of Jndgfl 1'i.itt aud a lawyer irequeiitly 'iu l>loyo<l by the w|ttBf.a 1>. lf. Cliiiillircy is tlif. only Iflfl] aatate btO?flf whom the Biflg fell warraalfld to aall upon t<> deny tba a_flgattoaa made in this jonrnal that real eslale in Brook? lya was ovei'.ixed, and d< preci;ttod iu qnenoe. ETe is a dlrector ln tho Trnat Com? pany and l'resideiit of another King bank, the Me.haiiics. Ha J. Cullcn is a memb,T of tho Judiciiiry Biflg of Hrooklyn. P. S. Crooke i.s ?uiothcr member, and enjoys tho advautage of having an occitsional street opening or sewer lo superitiieiid. Mr. s. L. ETnatod belonga to the Bddgfl It'ing. William C., y is thfl greal eontraetoff of Hrooklyn, who, witb the aid of YYiHiam 15. FowiflTOf tho Boflld of City W'oiks, geta twopi-flea CoroTflryjob iu Hrooklyn WOfth undertaking. He ia thfl Superinteiith nt of the Bridga Company, whoae Booonnta do not balanec by moffl than a miilion of dollarrt in BB cxpeiiditure of live niiilioiis, and whose account with the Traal Company is reported overdritwn by $:il,iX?. Of Alex. IfflCofl W8 hnow, unhapi'il.\, tOO much. lienry C. Horphy lathflSflnatorof Kiaga who has done at Albany all the("inii't leglalathre bnalneaaof the Brook? lya King. J- H. I'rciitii'i- la Mr. Kingslcy'smau in tln- Bi-dgfl Company, Hotiuiau waa Depnty City Tiea uni, imt is tni longer, bariitg been aelected ainoo tho faOara of tha bank toba Ilr. UeCtifl- Bflapagoal, bat f"i years ha haa boefl Mr.MflCm I ntial clerk and tooL C.A. ifl thol rtj '! ? . i ,f BlflOki/n, ami bo compleioly thfl hIuvc of McCuo that ho doea hia ovory biddin^. This iippi :ir.s to tia a tolerably completo "King," and we fe. I justified iu n-itoratiiig thfl gtatemeat wi bara pravtoniy node. AtkI wo further a-dvino Btofldiholde.r.s aml dopOBltori lhal if they can breitk the order of the (jiuri. whieh Mr. Chuiinei-y the, BeOflifW of iln.. bank thoy may ponlbly lind tha:. ? niiijority <f th<- noa wb bBTB aamed have orerdnwn iheir aeooiints nnd aro in debt to tho bank. In lhat OBBBj thfl whole ot the ontrageoni peooeedingi hy abieh Qbaaa* eey u.t.s appoiul.-d BoodVM would look as if nndertaken in order to ooooeal what ira bara no heoitotioB in prononaeing "dowarighl " robbery." If the, storkholdeis and depodtOTI dflfl-TA to Mtabliab tbOM .-Mti -aud sivc tl selvfl s thej will do well to nieet and aet at oncc._ ' A VOVEL 1 XTRADITIOS CASE Carl Vogt, a I'ruasian subjeri, eharged v.i'h having oommitted murder, naon, ami robbery in Belginm, Bad to tln- Daitod Btatn to avoid KKft, \V<* havo no flgtiadittoa treitty with BtlgilWj bnt we havo OM wilh thfl r.erinan BtatCfl. Thfl Oerman Oovernment. rliiin.s tbfl rigfal tO try Vogt for Ui erimes; nnd, gOOOrd ingly, makes a demand on tho Daitod Stato.s Onvernnient for his mirr.-mb-r und.r tho txtr.idition treaty beforo men Tho tyjining beforo the United Btatoi Diatrld Court in thi.s elty, Judge, Blatehfoid daddod thaivogt should be ?-.iiir?*ii?li ini. Before making oai ttie neei mry pnpera, however. tho .State Depertment wb mittod thi ean to tln* te bl aapinion. That fBuctlonary, in aa dabomta deddoa, elaewbera printod, orarrnln ttie Qnited Btatofl Distriet Coort and eonelndea ? Vogt iri not within tho juiisdi. tion of Oenniaiiy, BOCOrding to tho ti-rnis of tl.e ex tradition treaty, aud caunot, therefore, bo re turaedt lt is a aovd tbeory, to nay the leaat, thai hM been m I np by the Germaa Govern in. ut. When tbe < rtraditlon treaty witti l'rii-"ia and tbe ofln r 0. rman Btatoi WU I,,;, 1*8, thera e-deted a Pranian law pro viding for the ttial aml puuishinoiit of a Pnwinn subj<-*et te erimn eommitted oat rfdfl of tbi tonltoiy <?f thon Btatofl W? maal ?nppoflfl, howevflT, that such triai and p.mi.-.h mentare wholly eoottageat ob the iWHty of tbe afon laid Goveramenl to eateh tho crimi n,ii. Attorney-Genenl WilUaau vttj tor* cibly trgnn ttmt to eoneede to Ger* iu,! iy a j.irir-dietion over Ih lgim-i, by virtm* rman lawt*, eoBoedei i limiUr Joiiidic ii.i orer Franee, Great Britain, aml tln* United st itea. TMi * ?n woald Ciirl V"i-'t n 'in;-1: nnder the Jnriadictlon of Germany aow ;*s bo an al en bii ???'?' erimn wero ooeomitted. Thfl ptoei ab i ,-iim.-, Ifl .'aaiiiiiiittid mn-t bo within tbe jox-dfetton of tbe (; :t making the il.'inaii'l for the extradition of the fugitiv-e. lf ? subjiet of b government which hai no extradition treaty with the United St.itfl-s eoauaiti marder in the jnriadietion *>i * Britain, ttm .GoTernment of Greal Britain, having the neeeanry treaty with tho United Btatea, may rightfnlly -1- mi nd i iti idi in,u of thfl criminal, ihonld be flee hitbei; but, aerording to tho opinion of our B of Justi.e, a robject of Great Britain, eharged with oommitting murder ta tbe Jnriadi-ction of a governnuiit with whieh WO have ih) treaty of extradition, cannot bfl 10 fcur rt-inla ii d. Thi.s Bocms to be in OOeordaBM witli eoiiiinon t-enso, as weU us \*"lh ti"' Prin cipla | of inti rn.ttioiiiil eomity. It mBOt bfl aeknowledged, alao, tbat the ptecedenti iad ,,,.,., ?[ by tbe A>_tomey-G< nernl ma tenally fortify liis opinion. ll.t- -nfflcilmt anewer to the demaad oi Qermanj i.s that the court.s of that Kinpiro m-ver bad ony power to bear and detei-B-BO tbe ene of Vogt. Ba never wn within tho jutodietion of Ger* after tha alleged crime was eom* mittfl-.l. It is not ponfMfli it wonld appen, to eatabliafa tbatjnriadiet-on now, after tbe alleged enininal h:vs tled hitlier from another BtatO. Thfl deeision irt OOfl Of somo impurtatn:.-, MBB acknowledginent of tho claim of Germanj would bo stiro to lead to futiiro coruplieations witb other uations. .. * c.o.o-d D-Jt-A-L ur MOBJ It wn a ramewbat blnnt biqniry, thongb ptoponaded in the Mandeat manner, tbat an ongtt iiman pnt th. other day to a mom* berof the last CoBgran "Hara you drawn "you-r baak PByf Thfl member had united with bii con-tituents asineo tho adjournuient in beerty md ladignant dennndation of the i.i,il., and withont a moment'i heaitatioo ro sj.oii'li.l, "Uh no; DOi 00, ttrT Hii ll gntor being ol on Inqoidtive tarn of mind, did what, perhapflb ho ought uot to have done -purrtiied tho in-iuiry. ??ll..\e yon tuineil it loto the Tiea-my ?" The aii.-wer was a trille len piompt. "N-n-?>. " I hiive at yet. Bnt it 'i tb>en. I bave n't '* drawn it." ?* W-ell, are you going to draw itf pui jthe Inqnirer. Tho member loofced OTOI hi.s IpecUclei aml wink; d. Then ho bogan to show just the Jainttst ripplo of nn approachiug smilo. .Vn-l. alCrallttle, ho said, with great deliheration : " W-e-1-1, I?do n't?know?I have n't drn-\ n ii "yet. It "a thorai aad I obbpom it'a whject "tomy order. Thero'a a good deal of led* "ing about it, and I tio n't know. 1 1-ivt u'i "madi)* "P '??>' IIlil"1 wIlilt * ****** ***' * "havoii'tv diawn it yet, aml I ihflB't " druw it ->nt pmeat any wii).'' Aud then, after x.**- inoment's eoBtomplative paoae, the ob^BU iffifle rippled to the ?nrfan u be addeJ. ta a borat **l cpnfldi "The tait is, Tve beeif binlding a Tnltc, Md "ithas cost tne a good il.-al mori! tiian 1 ojc "peeted, and well 1 don't know. P-i-r-e " t-li-o-u-8-a-n-d d-'llars id a g-o-o-d d-t* I 1 "of monoy. I havo n't mado up my mind "yet; but it'rt f-i-v-e t-h-o-ii-i-.i-n-d i! . "my houso haa OOfltlBO mon thau 1 axpeefod, "and f-i-v-o t-h-o-u-?-a-n-d dollan is a "g-o-o-d d-e-a-l of ni.ui.y. Still, !I tlon't "know. I bave n't made up m*. mlnd.** Aud he was the avoragfl Coj Will bo tiiko it? IWftl iti lf that liv. tliou satid tlollais thurt gO tOWOTd payiBg f-Ot thit expendve honse, thera'? aaendofiini teni[it;ition lum Iti ehavma, _ria*eeaaed t'? bo bi-aiitiful; the odvanny of Mnla ba hia best hold. N'ot OBfl Of Ihfl OoBgm wlio aie lookiBg at thi.s batk poj hu.^u.i tho liglit in whieh our fii--nd of thfl dtalogUA i.s viewing it is likfll] toOOVOt tii.' BIBOBBl loto thfl Treaoaryt Mea who nt np "a g o-o-d " tl-i:-a-l of iii.iii) y," and go round it iu way looking at it wistiully trom all lidti.ond thinking how far it woald gti towardi payiag tor ii bonae, almoal lavariably elote tbedobate With - ? 1>) l li : it ui I OUl <d' fl mi * .iiui gpo | iho inui,, \. l here is ?.-. ' of Ce ign --:n< n wht> uro _____ ____ vet, who bapa to fi t eredll taken the back pay <e nr)lw abotU __ L, for Iflteataf ll ^V'^tlydraw it. Thay over, whaa thoy will QOW. J aaaWataad the aituatron w ,! know that. tho only ******* ********* , " ? * aaaal) matter of intercst whlla the ,***** W is lying idle, and flfllflflB the popul-tr in* t*<n'* tion le k< pt up al white hoit tlo-y wffl by a.'"1 by draw tba wbola aaaaw__, ******* tha peapla* are begbming to understand it also, and it M [.roba>.!e that, by the time CongrB8B flflflrVB_ai iigaiii, tho BBBB who uie pl.iyiug this iAit-aud looai; (*,inir) Will be aai down in the popular estim.tion among the gr.ihht-M. The truth i.s, thfl diaeaaaiofl of this wbola mat? ter by Coaga BBBflfl thi'iii.iclves ha.s never had any BefioBBBflflBi FTflt iDore than half a doz.-n ? >r t!:.-,n have fe!t at. all MVf-aatly aboal it. In Ihfl minds of the B_08a eoOflcil iti'ius of th"m, with few exeeptiona, tho BBBjaBt has be* consid. red in tba light of policy nfl-MC ta*** ol nioi.ili'y. Thfly liave coiiiiil.-ied always the efleet npon tim popalai tat*. tt*** Iba aaaael npon tba popnlar e m ttt uj**) the itaadai- ofpnblie moralily. Their arga mciits bava boen foD of . Bad all their rea oi ing ********** ****** Tbe pop ilai aaaaa haa applied thfl moral tcsl to tbfl traoaaotloa. bat the law-makan tbaaaael?aa bava rm' baaa abie to eomprebend it. Nothing will brlflf them to it bat peiaJateat agttaakaa. Caavaav* if tbe doatfnaat party, wherever they bavo baaa bald sin'" tho _4|aar_-Baaa. bava. Budar th*- ittaaa of pablie opfca ion, paaaad ra_olot*OBa of eondemaataaBi uml umli ri l.i-n to eommit tba party to a poattioo of boatUity to BtoaaaiOi Thoro ia too mo to believe tbat BMflt "f thia baa bi a doa of demagognery, and thal Um i Iy no i:i ;' tb '!) i'i . "> taXB flf the politicians, who bava either drawa iho pay aliead] <*r aae golng ronnd thi u . .'mn v< ry can fully and wi.-tfui'y, aml tln.. w bal a help lt would ba m payiag fnr new i, There La oae pl 'i-- daty for prefla md people*, and th kl is not to |lve over the ngi tatian of tbi i ' '"' - I . i,f ii b* -il- windy 1* loloti <-..i iuil ol ' and dgnlfy nothing. Tha eoantry i bc litt .-il oaoa more to Ibe 1 rel i-f a i in tho aarneatnem td Iha boaeaty af tba people, and the gentl-im-i wbfl 801 ;??<-* tba ?-.!,'. h mi ata - t Di mbcr arfl ? ..I i, need to 1 ? * of ?'? story will grow old ?? Uy to tii m it; bnt tbt-re la no <? Lv i a ... to ? eeoaa* pliah the work._ ___ -? ' ii **** j-!-'!v bfl Corgivao for i I Tl,,. ui. i 8rl rar. 'I iti Bfl arr ?' ... v.". it Cbi ita I'-.'... b -? ? a eacflerof in tamy as William I ? *"** ftlfl .i-i law . f <m. " i? ." 1-888, Bfl ) bad .ni Ma ; foi 9**6fi**0, iu fa'.-.r I *** 80 BZPl ? iinnso- t!i' hiAiiiiiii.,- v.' :?? .'?? ninl tbfl bl i .. . <i I' ii..,1-. V4 | ! - 1 I'V t!i? od I mi tao ... to be thal of 0 i wlii.-li . - Uutnnt lona afb rthia, **** suamv i i lt l v 8. .'!?? in i fl ? out in ! I tho Ltttt-r bfl ? i!||l waafoondia Wt**,? wo ** l . :tr:iii-.r; aod ll I Bt* vr.'i U a tfl adfl w m p ? ' aboal I !l ,a bidiagwbilathfl taroe, I on bia lif.- _ti im must ii bad iii i bimi b Bat, whoaa waa tha body baad ? iboratotyf W? wUl aol p - toglaipmrl Tbea iim ? -i ?? i - 4 tat ubauduiieil to tba blood enrdlii ,**. A'phant, ia railway train la ' ? Aeeordiaf to Hfl ! lh'* eompletion of benorl : Laad W. Rail way, many -bva o ean i _ the Doigbboifaood nf F... t"i>vill.-. '1 ? l ******* - ..ii" . . , : . ?. I - traiaa und pa-s, ii-*:il. .-?: ! ? s- .i ibarp carva - ? ,i, |, .'.ii.i'iii... BBiela wbia-lngaadwail ag. I ***** to hf baaid oa I ?- ? fatal flf -aaectd, ? ? '' dfl Uled v Ith ghoatly ] aloiu: tiie rail wiih thfl -!*? ? '1 ?'*-' tb ,!"' ? iri. ksof ue :i and won - *** 1 ? - proachingtraia, Bfld "*< ? flaaiivBd bi ? ', la thfl 1.' Ifl r.'ll M iii BM iboii , " .. aada 8 re aerea i Bm l".kial a*. idooM : ae ".??..- ? ? ?? | :ly li.vir.l, bnl I , t.. n.- iu it, ; tba botel aeai by bean - :?' tbM treqaaolli tbefa tl" Hi'.p.r tobta t-f bai oi loatoi th, tn** * . at..rvii,-..l:\i...-; Btflflsaa Walaol Im - ? * _iifvcriiimiMo wheml Paeta, -aaaraBparlBB ***** - - . * The Rar. Jobn xv .. th? di ... . libii kvst Aiiiuiiiii. ii t'fl* l'l.i'.'ii, - I Ion. Bo t'-i ifl and aduilrabla aii ? ,i chaiacier aad vare. i vv.i. v\.il vv. uii p w Inpa-BiaiMai aad Bcca ihlu form. Alreadl ''?v->~ -*? Of pl. jmlii i" ia lt.'; I i.'i ? t ,i ' . rh_ "t-niti . ' work. 1 itiiih . ? v. ' '"ir* to un.l* mtBi Itbal Thorc Ii i polieaflBaa m Oil City wboh a> .;.ir,. u. bafl i. lad "ii thi ' ? 'i"^ Bl ' n . B '** pnt tba kcy m I . . iii.l ba ak d iwa tb J ot, '? ?' ? I1"* ' or whether be would, 1 BBJ I'"??<! ? "t l iv i ' ,, uu 1.1111. I.* II tV.' |.i... It ls.-atati^l tbal ".i "^ i .? I.. ib i*8on taatoa tba ? __ ai'i'ldi- ** f,.i theiivii.i'. I-:'.. ctoi tnaoaUfbt apoBlov* papa reaaariu I i kl thia " kaockfl Um irflfla fll bBM tbaory." vTefl- i f'"I; ** >*** ll"! ,i ur tho A_a JoliiiBV. tii. Ap 1'.iv i.i.-. .md i. tpJ The s'.tiv Ibal ***** -praMMi ifMaaVa- ia IbbbbI ut I.. to Bald in.i."io.I-'"1 "lt(',, ,.., idoiiuiatration agaa. prevflB uatii****} btW |,mi in rn,.ti. !h* i ' e 8l i I lli.vv-l.ilini ? ll _ BMXI ?? uilkl*!.- '