Newspaper Page Text
V01 XXXIU.N?10,0H7. NEW-YORK, F1UDAY, AUGU8T 1, 1873. PRICE FOI It CENTS. PBRNOH rOLITlCS. Tm; at1111 i'i.s or PARTiEa TIIB MiiMIK flBflflfl IM.'lliMi IBB Ml VII?THK , |, , ,|' Till* MaiMlilllU'VI. Cii.ll.liHiN THK UflUBBOfl m.ivitN* LBBIIIMIBfl IBB BO* ?Bflfll 'l-l- Mi' -. ' flflfl 1. Hii: A-M-M1.1 Y -M. flAMKBTTAl OBfl |?-!-..y i ITOBM Bl tai ini" IBIBVBB.J I't.!:- I a tlall il- IlillH lldl - | jt-i't l-f fi'lltl ui Uii' iiiillii'tis Tu- Iflfltti ith thflTOOflh 1'- :.-L-*-t:v- of the, iiiiili. :.(.! iiml kaaflrp eoontiy* uni,;'. -, ,1,,lil i \;ii*ii,-i-.' iiiiilioi'8 - whtat li' aaflfeaaai hi- uniit lu-*?- i.i i uii 'iv >!*.!.lcitiiiir ln- t.i Haroii liciitcr. Hut ull tkfl w-r.iit.riihi'vviiiinfllc.'rciiionit'firrciiiirtd in hia hoimr har.*, 1 -tn h :it BflM point or an mthat oa iVi.a'i potitiee, .u**- aii notable ihowi atnl <?- r- :.:.-:.:. I do novv-u-da.VK. When hfl ( i tha fala iiiiifiniaanfia at tha ? ?;? '. livcrit-fll lliiukflytl.ini waitiuK inthfl purlieofl th :? i.>r flnateraad atia ; .. aad t-iiiittfl'd i'ti'iii lt-- i.a rrur .' llfllCllta lv hoiii.l Logtothe . lian monareh, and allnatfla to : - i rcv iow ut LOBffl ehaaapa l-i-i flreek, pt-pared for the Shah'aent-rtain iii?-iit. waa ;i I'lilhiiiit Muapk dhpifly nf th< . f thfl iiut io ii? thflfl iiii.titroopa. 'iht* iiiatfli ht if thiit >! av ?? iiu.rf - Liod omiaaioD el i... aame .a VeraaiUaaflflzt dap, la toblp t BfltociM il the beiogtliivfu to apotogp, haa ninee attt-ii!-. tt il oo. Laat ttghi i thviiysof thfl Repobhc) cave ' I in abrldgi .- -i distortion, parti ni aa ao ; la a Ut>nui>uitiiit i?apt*r thia ItM.. tba fall mr.iniiic of ... nn I b ii|'y. i.f i of tli-- i-i Ull h iiii.a- court, au . * bla bonrir ola ? i r Uv. Am! * . ..f tbe -M i - ? ?*? '.**i !i 'i la. Ill taa Illl- PflUbOU-Tfl Bl. ?,' Tlll.l l.'l, \ - Ior obtainina inipleia [ili ol the I/< k.-:Mi.:-t vw-i il WOOld Uot gO t'i ??ed lay M * . atl '" t':i. S'.ll-lllt, i.-!(| other ' Tbi | lu..! ...- ? ..a* MflO ... i.- iii.oin bi re ir?fl ... r oi im iv L- gliimiflta, Inelpal il |a 11 11 : 1 I. . io ei -i>. Bara ti i! t i!,? I Bud r.i.u iiv a (Ilnff. I - ..! Ull !l ii(v--.,i i.i tbeli oountry, uia.i reaolvfld I .af tbe ? . ; Tli.ii . a ('. It :..]. .-i.t than Ihia: Thoagh written t.n thi "ii, it i.*-; in Yt\ Ib iiini ?S'-iiliiiu nt m-ii( flflfl u I', aad i linr.ti i( i . tl uf parapbraaiog, Tb< j tht-iii.-fl-lv. - i-i lli. ir . - mor.*l laiiiliilly thaa tbey oan be painted. Thit otiu-r j iiutfl-wiirthy : i rve tb.'it I N lllillillll- ? ' I tbf fouiitr* i. ri;i tli.-.-iL'tit of ti. tlemt-n - tbeae nnl r ? ittiii ;ii inl nearer tba Marflflal l'n -i 1. nt ti. ? b fln v, ij. m . ? -I ?- .'rom tbe i Ifl nOt till- Ha- 1' Bli.-t-r bopodi .*?? I I ii .-i eartain nnd . ihe r. l.iiii.ii ;.i: il <>t ;i ao aiui.>ti. 1 i.. i.-. fl-.-ii BonapartiaB i la thut of an alliance. Thfl eoolitioa Iflond ?- bond, if 1 otber i ? i thfll a chfl o af three ei likely to liieak than a (. buttw aaf NaOOh OU IV. Vt i.r.ill Ix* li - | V. to ih. Boi than thai <.f the fouut taf Paria to ;:. , "l tii Inr of i'i. - tt'iithiiitH. i.r tv.ii lo thfl thoroutrh Repob i I I ira ii" donbiato the nnparllaaii Bnt. for tha aaat. aa Hiattmrirf fiM*', oo eouaidesable number ol NaUjr thoaghtfol i believe iri the rf-iorutioii, paohaW poaaible, of tbi king of their prefer ..tim- ata. Tbfl Ch rleala lcck to a higber maio cl ringwUeb (by* aul of thfl Viu-iu aml ti; the worliily i ? t Oll.tliil Ila ( -tll,ill uf thi*Mi:i i : I'lirtlicriiinrc, a.- an t l.iiu-iit .illiiiiit-c soperior to auy thebrittle i-oiili:iou itn boaal ot, the allies dou't iuiml tvititiiitr, 'llu* LaflRliB-Btfl uio Baad to it, and the Baaflflarttata for the aanaaeat atratm it. lt i- ii parl "i iht I'l.tu oi I'oliiy cf tiu- latter tohurry uj. t!.. ir iiiiin. Mflflflwhflt thfl de Hroulio Adininis tiiitioi).wotfcliflflflfl aflainal RflpabHeaaiaa, Ls wo*rk iuB. iflflftfll thai BflflflB?dflfll DukcH lx-8t -vill, for thaaa, ia good part thooflii rather ehmaily and at a doul'h'<! ati'm-'a, hy their oM Irnj.. : i;tl instru iDt'iitb aml i-i- ? -?-. :. . llort to iii.tke iu.-i work t'ilf'i fl'ii' ain-; ('a)ii-tituli uiiii Mimarthy (ll iik.- : thfl nu thodflS otH tati thi ir i itiilti- thaa fta i.iiiiiid oue of Lord W-Bt-flOffllaad'i e??ay at NffljrB-fl l(i a Frenchman'u coiiipliiueiit: Jt ttmattwh ui", Iut je cannais yat. Fillt-d with tba iflhon aml etiltivitted aentlflMBt lhat hfl ifl ? ehOBBfl 88J8 of the hy-divine-ritfht di Hfltaiit; I laa -. aud tbat tliONC mLo liuxfo with iiiiii aml ln-. K:iiii na alulie tlie do<*fl--nt aml iesi.ictiilile, in Iith ciiilv < lieiilar to the diplomatic IflflNflflfltfla tiv.f,?il 1 lauia*, the Dflflflfl_ liro^liti went <jiit ol Iiu- hti n tly aiflieial way to uuuk out a diBtiu< tion of the l-Tt-ncb iM-ojale iutotvtt. preat hofltOfl clitK-swi?e.ui'.i rvatives und revolutiouihts, tbfl n apaaflahlaaad tbe athera. Ta ehaar**flthiad-8t-Be tnaii, w i?l<-ii in tr ililierences among an already Biilli ciintly (!.-. onIaut iK-'ii.le and htwtile polit 1. ..i aartiefl r.i.'i :-<?ial elaaaaa, by dii.-ct or iiiHiiiuatiii^- -j.a.flh and hy adiuiiiiatrative jiiiKtic, htm* haaa, ttmm llie iAlh tt May, aiui in tlie e\cr de flflloB-Bfl <i aia. iviihtn, intentioiiiillv cr nut.of the " gov criiint nt of couihat," of whieh the a?ad eniical Jliikeiia- 15ia.i_'li? ih the traiimtory vice-ihief. Ihfl ?an Ihrtfl flfl Bflafltta his aaaal Naam manner. Inn niouths Im fon the fall of tiu- flonctlia t..r.v iioii-''anif.:iii L'o\. rnineut of the whole ii.-ition, Whieh th'' laahh' Jlttlr. Wflfl thfl li lii' l:n llt of |L 1 | i ? ,'.:..,: 'a I. Th_i fl flfl ?"' tha pai ?. ?! Iii'iiv, Saiui i aaaaaflj th<' , . hofllv, 1 '??'. 1: . i ai iaaaraafl ift?eh fm ilflflfl RaflMeh rows. li m ini hmuitod uud itiUi geotleaacn, <i> ;"it.-?i ta laavflflflfll the ?? tnot-t toiita- people la tha wtoid," Bta* ln-hate tlifl-itihfllvee iilmoht WflHfl thflfl K:i?li-h Coin moiis rout'lw or American Couifre. siotiul towdiaa, m ij..t (.''> llaa-.-. n friflin the cla?hi(*:il pflofriatiea a.f thi I uii*tttp tOtl IBhfl n .-luiiifl-1? vel T Here it h!i ...hl Ix -.nd to th.-i.ain aal rredit that thedi'iui t not bf not aooaptiofl luil.a-and aaflVflfllflflfl thaflflBBlBfla h.'K k imv. Inil uv Ba( hflflflfl flspoflad to or BBBoepfliblB of tha appflaaah iaf .-itii. r t- :. ; t ition. So w? U are they feneed ill hy the jiuhlic oi-iiitoii <if ihiB " flieiiiotai 17^-1, lininuliil J-'-N-II.-ll |flf.?] Of tlie luaiiy incidatitifl BhflTfl "flfMlfl- to, I wil! flBote but twu. LkUm* baa wide bcariuKfl aud i? ol giawely rigaifleaat linjiwtanoa. aad I aaait all the pii tur,'",|u,' juirtii tilars to come to tho kcniels of tho 1!1( idl'Ii 18. ..propos cf rt tlir_ provocation, GaBahetta fool; tiu-opportnnily to exfilaiu ***** lu- in.aiitby thnt taaaoaa phraei el his bubobi laM ye__i itl_iF.ir_ nt Grenoble, the new ri.inR "aoei-J-flrBta'leaaeWa aaatalea.) lio nt tortb, whh Btaeh ability andealip iics | of -,.?!,- kt ipiiin t ertaiii pyrott-t iniii- rhetoiii al effeetatothe laat?whM shoiild bfl 8 pataat fact neediofl BO explanatiou, thal tho a< (*e__ion ol all the people ni IMs (o n puhticiil ri,.'ht, liiihiitt, exueised iiv :t pru ll.-tred cl is". af leM tht* BMjMO ___B, Bad of uk v iiaiiio !i(-cr..T ii i a Boeaalaa well a_ political nprl -in T t.f tiu* iiius-s d( tha people te Ihelewel und (?" of tlie " (lirfcting (his-i-:." ln a word,Uke 11 er aot," democraoy baa a.iivod." To pietcitd tbal with the political there li no Inaqpata ble relation In thia popolai adTeal te iitp_bb__ "f it-* li^ht to vot" i.iui powef tO tontrol ia either hlind denial of ,i Btariofl tiuth or daelaredporpoaa ol i if that tiuiii. Iii tii" Iaal iiiBitliigaanj.II that bayoereaaa [Rigbl Majnnty aaaa],ao_BV4h ibo vi BBM f"r you. Tiiis Mcnii-il'-fiiint laOffaafB. vvtiieh M. Crainbott i k.-jit for the ind of hla d-Booarae, maj or may aet i.i a beea wiaely eraoked M thehowUai naioi-ty of MeauBehtata, In the eoarae el his talk, Gambetta I.t _ip __ ii f " Two Praneefl," m, BDing tli>- Fraace bon <>f 17*_, and rcin (it.n.ii.v, fl ll iit v oliitioiiary, intidtiii l'i;i!i( o. Minifttor El ooul (no fool he eitlici i BOBppod ni the pbiaae, and call, ii oul vv ith aham indignation l.ia ti,. ? .i i.u io i" pooae: " Francc laoooj tbere is Int Oflfl 1 _ ;im >? -"' 'Ihis WB8 9t*T line iiuii','!, and rociferonaly applaaded hy genUameaaittlngeo Rigbl I*. i">bbb, ii" oncof vvhotiingaidi i Bapab lic.-in 88 othi-r than an iutiiiiate fpN-gaei boetile to the deeeneiee and booeM men and pn ?-?*? rl-3 t f bii 1 i.u (??. Bn1 in thf rery oe__ iu. ,''i M ?,; s', i Krnoiil.aft' i i- Ily thal there wm bnl on.' Pranee, Beparated ita popolstion ni t\v<?, tht* (ims <Ic bim ninl U I 888*8?thfl li itMflt, reapeetablafoUcsaad theieat, wi,*.thf hoaa., de t-(nt, pr >i" r loQa nr.', we pretty well know, Hut thi otheeaf Tbe !__*____ tthanan aU IhoM who do not ciilist tin.lcr our it'iK tii'iiiry l'iinii'r. Tbey aie all thoae iii ti; ; axemplary Rb<__ depart ti. -i it and t ,'?? of I.viiii-, with vvlioin our Mlfct Prefeet, M. Daeroa, tueeaaaatlj pioha qnanela an.l ateedily pnaaaa, by "eona rvntivc,1' lnita_Bfla__. i. i. ordinancea, toward a matwial ?(.., io.. epiril of Btreet-flghtinfl manileata tion, oi io aometbing that eaa ba made te paM fef a , itvult. That that ia the eooaniamatioa ,1c vimiiv vt i>!i...l fot? ezeaae aad apowoeatiaa for moro thorongh iiita.-iit i ai tt better thinfa by bobm oon m i vativ t - ol -. .i.ii and MmO_- md' r." I kiiovv. M. Ernoal (heto the da Broglie Minister of Jao ? , brw ht ina hill, looktflf 1" tha fa-Bpeoding ? tf theAMentbly,enrj iwerini Iha Pflnna. di i.t c ?? ,it,i o, whleb the Aaa aihly alwaya laanrea behind ', t.) proeeeate dmiag tho raeatioa all offendetB BflaiiiBt tha Aaaetably. Tha Teritablfl ***** niflcaneeof tbebULnot bo clear In it. ndmateria] wording Bflit became by Iheapaacheaoi itoaaakH-. lul tlt-1. t iii n in iln- debate, is thia: Any Frcneh iicin, ,x(c]'tii!ir perhups iiieiiilx-.H of tho Ass. mbly, vv ii". doring Ita racation, makethei lOtyot offeoaea againsl it, may be Indieatedto the Gorent. lin'iit proeaentiBgattomeyhj the Poiiuauaal Coa_. luiltff, nnd Ik- paabed "ii to tiial BBd coiiil.iiiiiation. Any franh BTgnment golng to abow tbat the Aa . ? in ? to Ur Mm, i- n,?t ci'iistitiieiit. antl bad li* tt I I"- (liasol.ttl, not h, iug I. ju. .-."iitiitivi- ut thfl in.ti. ,i, WOOld l.c lia I'I" lopiu . ('irioii..'iiiil at the ordi rolaeflfl-initteeof twenty-^Ton___-_ioftheA8" , |o8 ,;i4'in the ciiliic (1. pulatiou of all l'raiice , rs not only it. arlrniniritiaiiv- but its iblili , nttive icithoriiy. llitlnito it Iay in tbeT, .... ? ? a-.. lhal tl"' aa soiiii'ly's(;f( iaioiifor proacoiiiioi, maM be preeeded by a daliberatioa oi th*- whole oftaaded Aaaetably. The driftofthil new propoMtion of tbe new Mi:iist.-r of Jnatiea for proteetlng the expoaed rigbta aad -.i.iy BgalnM attaeka, wbiob in ibe laM two yi an, and by i hieta, it .afi-iy bon. i-- pateota Iu tiio atormy dnenaaion whieh ihia propoeitioii , ,i. Gambetta i ? Bome be, dli i ? Monarchiat who, in bia fine eonoeit, hnagined lhal bi waa making an nneoan_oaly g.I retnark, aaid : . !o BMBM ol'j.-i tion of -Bgal (bc Deiflfl cf thfl " Yon want, not tbe liberty of tbe Tribone a-.-inlilv'aBpeBking aU__d), bnl the liberty of thoBalconj*. The Blinainn waa t" aapeeehlaal year, nttered from a botel bslronv by Gambetta. . would bai (1'iin- better to leave Gam betta alone. Tbe latter taJting the Aaeembly trib? une, I'lt-a-.-il (iii ins ii(-:.r(-rs tbe 4r_it.iii.-tit Imo -i taui e speech from 11..? balcony, Bt-unp-apenking in tiuo. _ W, ii. n. TUE EABTO DOMINtJO BEVOLUTIOB. ABBB POBCB-BBD Dl iin: D_BD BTATB8 BT ntr. iv a|i:,,'Ma raoCLAM_tTIOHB AGAIX8T TBB BABI OOVBBBMBBT?B08____ iu IBB BAMABA BAT ( (iMI'ANY. There ia laaaoaaUfl beUef thal the oppoai? tion to the Baaa t.ovi luuiiiit lii h.iiilo DOBklagO han greater aui agth thaa haa b, ? a geaeraliy aappeaaa. and that tho ili-uiTiitloii is BBBBfl lfl___B_fl thflB th" at eoaata bltheato Rtraa dtaplay. l?o^itlve lataraaattoa dlaeloaeethfl f.nt that for aame daya paal tbe ageata M tae luaiiiiaal Iflaflmfl hav,- baaa la thta etty parehaatag aun . aml a it tint hliipmi nt of l,(mo ulaii.l hai 8888 aaafla to a polal wlthla tha reaeh aad n mrni at thereyolatlontats, Ooptaa M the paoetaaaattoea ta Baefl la eppoMttoo to Baafl hBTfl JbM arrlyafl, aafl M tha _11 -1. laaaafl ata* tha alaa ***** M Jaaa a. Pa i.uiro, Oragorio Lapaean, Padre A. plaaaaB i. imt Ot** ? ti. ( maaoo. PTaaetaeo Loaa, JaUaa Btraa, JaU m Laaa, WeaaaaMfl fll__8_ BagBBto Vui.-no, Jaaa K. Torrei, l'l:-( 9 H* ran, JBBB l'ortolatui, und IgBBflta flaaoaaoM uen. Baflaavflflflara r.a*z bi Babveit?_ t-A) '*l11 0l *** *aaw* aud as a truitor to the conntry and Ita MtaaaMa It alio flllBailBllH tho tnaty or 8888888 -nt w ith t he Bajaaaa Bay Oaaapaay of Daa. H, Uftt, a? a_atraatt*a at national 18888888.OB** Tho declaratKin, thei > f.ire, ft*\bf*__*T*******aaaflaMIha aetion of PreaM alBaaa as traitorou-, aud the hau.ana liuy 888888888, agumst whlch nmler all circutiuataiuiH, wilh 88888 in their huudH, tho BB_B-flflal lead. rs propOflfl to tl|fht, and call upou thi lr fellow eltiz<-ii? for union und i-upport. Thi- pr.x?l.iinatioii, date?l the ltfth of June of thi* vcrir, wa.- followed by another on BM BBe_8flB_g flay. detail lii? the inovetiieiitt* of tbe BaBBBgaflM aud eBB_B-Bg-_> rloua suect ssies, whlch private MMflM ***** M a cer? talu degrec. The revolution was initiated at l.uayaliln BB Bht lut M Ju-ie.aud ttie imunrenta irradually 888888-. ad in gatberlag togethet a farea eaBtota-t to aaaal tha Government troopa at Carneru on ?he I8tb. llie reauii witn tl i. liihiiriri-iit*. who held th" Beld. 1 ?y?M ". oouBMlasl re.civ..! a.,t. th.t Kuez's troona left aboot ul upon nn ii-; i. aud iliat amoo the battle deacr Uonafrom bta army are of flally ooourrence. rbeae ,1... rtera are treated weil by the lu nn wl... it 1_ B88_teflj ar- Uvmr lo di-pi ?? tbe reporl nroulated bj I Gov. rumeiil ..iii.era tbej an ii ivtiana. On i ....... :s . m aaj .iu i ,ii ttu Dominicuii, un 1 :?? ?.- ' i ' oppo? aition to BaeB on tbo grouuda ol ibe .-..iiuii <-?,. ' "ii I . .-. appari ntn ' unu U . . Wblle I*. ni": - r tin- open, ..iiuui oppoaitl n of laaay _ . ... ti..- r ivolutloni t- ?' i ? A inaclgoa, (iii.i. iL.ii, M .? i, ?? -'i ' '"'".ication beea mtemiptod lietweeu J'ni.i Plata aaa aa. wblle .v.i ,ii,,'a la ;.i-" in der eontrol ol tba Inatirgeuta. Tfl* ravolutloaarj loreee are bood, ii they baaa aal .tait, d ,re thta, to marcb ininii Baatlago, aud falter Becoaata of tln. ? ihiag an- pn.iii.rcii. Tbe oppoaltlou i" Bara ta aaid ta ta flauj growiag etmngei tbrougb tba ob). . Iiuii i.r lhe Diilliillitiili* lii tUe .-idiiali.i liaV C_B pany, whleb, lt la allfftcd, naa falied to fuinll anv nf IBfl jiniiiii*.-- lor i_i|ir iv.-iii. iit of ihe Brrrltury oonoafled it, and ta oaly occuptofl ln atripplag Iba eoaatry ol ita vui j.1,,1 iicii.. uml expotUug thi-iii wlihnut iiiukiui' ? .ui.. lu tbe form ni aew bulldiasa, loeal lasprove un oi-, or otber worlu o. gned to bU aad advauic tflfl it ibt-1 ouuiry. l "i.l IBB Nui l.. It i? rfportcd thal thfl Coonl *1<- IVtrid has r,,,,i (,, V l! t Hl' I " "ll 'I' ' ,.,,, ,,, J. Ouu bundicHi lit-yuiue of tbe Ficucb Aa N-pnihlv hBBB ceiif to th-*- Popo an addreia nRMiring blm llf 111. IT ('(alltlllllf al (lfVolloll. ?Hon. ('hab.T.itl li?toiir refnsoR to mit with tlx Court-tnartlal flBWfflflflfl for tb<* trmlof Haniim*. GESKUAL FOREIQI* M-WS. THK DUKI OF EDWBURGITfl iLLOWAHCR. I'i! V I | IV llir. 1K.I -.K Ofl (ovt.MiiN.? IIIK lllll PAflflBB (?N ITS Kl( (..VI) HlADIMi?Ol'l OSIIION 1(1 Hfl DBBBUflB? DBHOflBanUfMM tr N(aiTi\(i 11AM, ItlilMlMilUM. AM) Kl flflWBBBfl ? 11'Kilt' I.l.VI I'l.llVli. IN TIIK OflBflflfl) ttWt****, Tbitr day, Jii'y 11. l-flfl ln thr TIouho of ('ommonfl to-<1.iv, nhortly after the opeoing of th" "?<???-? laa, Mr. Qtadatooa itatfld thai Ibfl liii-itti'-s of fhe Iloiiie was ro far lAvflOflfld at-to wurrant tlie hopo that ita flflflrfofl would he pn* rogflfld on TiK'bilay next. Tho hill urantinR an nnnuity flfl* fl-KjOM Ifl Iflfl Ouke of BdinbOIgh BBflfl ln.s BBflflWBflBBBfl iiianiar_o with tbfl MaaaHManu Al< xandrovua caineup un its Maflfli reftdinf?. Mr. 1*. A. Taylor, mrmher for LfliflflfltflT, "flflfai thut thi' BflBOBflfl la.rifllinir of llu- Inil he poMpOBOd Ibt one month from llllaflfltfl He spoke at (Mfll h-nirth in Rtipport nf liis i!i(.f:on. In thfl 0011188 of Ul Ipeeeh ie* proteatod agatafll tha trt foea, ipplkattoo bj Iha Crovvn for prantfl uf aniiiiit'u - I" tbe Royal I?hildrcn. R| '.!::(- d that N'ich applil itfcflM place thfl Qoaflfl iu an iiiifiivi-rahh' aad aaBatiafaetorp Ughl hefflffl tbe puhlie. Hethotiuht lhat if the eivil list w.-u-millii nnt for the pio-'er maiataaflaaa af tha Royalhaaaahald the Crowa ooght ta lurr?flVr ta tha pobUa tr. urary lllll IfllllMBBBI prhnie property now lu Id l.v it. Be Inl'l tbal if the priviitc praparty be rataiaad by Iha Qneen tbere aaa ha Bflaeeesaity forfhe anptopriatlOB pm ridad for io tbia btlL He atatad tbal the whole liuiiia.L'eiiient of the eivil list iiiiturally gireariaei i nuiiieici. ri iv e- !-; iona on the part of the pnblic brnaaonof theaecrecy wltb whieh ii ia laveatad. '? thai tbepeopl ? of Ga al Britaia wflfla not iiitfliv.tiil in thfl propoaed maniage of the Doke of Ediaborgh, aml baaidfl tbat) tha latb i reoaiTaa aa ampla allowaaaa bow, wroog a.s itiafroaaflifllae taal anil HnHgnaiH people. Mr. Ofl orge Atuliiraoo, nember toi Glaagow, bbo ))!,(!. d iinr iu.fliioti lo poatpoofla Ue i:>*a Iai ed lhat the proj al i iiiitaineai in tbe bill waa diagraeefaL Tbe Rigbt Hoa, Edward P. B< arerie, bb uht r for Kilmarnoeh, aad Mr. Joba Bidney Horth, aiember iial-hiri', ipokfl Ifl oppm Ition t<> tbe po I ri "it of the Beoofld raading of the UIL Mr. Qladatoae Rgretted the tone of th< d whieh had taken plai ?-. II. dfiii'il thfll the Qoraro* luaiit bad maintaiaed aay BBereey toaebing the manal'ci.:. i.t df thflCrOWn | r->| . u.v. 'i'l..* Cnil I.i-t, be aald, vv;'*- m-var ioteoded to proride for thi purtioiniiK ef tln- l.'i'.val ehililrcii. l'arhiinia nt mu-t evin a.i,.,!! tbe eoiii.-i' .-it pi)-- ut pflopoaedand as paraaad with regard to tboae of thfl BoyaJ ehOdren already iiiirried, or provide for an inereased C'ivil I.i-t. Hflflpheli thfl 1 rop.-i:i"ii flOBtfl-Bfld ifl thfl hill, flfl it tatft 1" Prirliatiir-it thflfl "- ll bi 'I the ton duet of ihi- Orowa ait'l' (the Boj al family. nintioti to ji astpone v a ? loat, aod I DdreadingbyflToteof lOBTeaato Ifl N.i.v-H. Mr. Bradlaagb haa iflflood a call tm ? -Bflal II ,ii I'ark on .-iiiiilay n.M. to pCWtOflt agflinfl ioereaae in the allowaoee af the Daha ?.t Ivdioborgb. ih inon-iiiitioiis in apflaaitiBBta the paopaaadiii* lii the I'ak-'- allowaaee wew taade reaterdaj at Na.ttiiiKiiaui, lli.i!.iii*.-l:.iiii, anil ollur plaeea in Englaad. THK REPUBLIC OP BPAIN. si:\'ii.r.\ ri;.'i:i> flt IBflCIOBflTI Ofl OOCCPAH '? nv flOfflflJUUBT ROOPI -DIIUBOEim -BB* l'll.-I.I) 41 ttaxTtrmtt?imfl CABLOfl fl i BUCAT. Madui:-. iiiur- laj . Juiy U, ism A diapotcfa baa beea reeeived firom Bevilla aaaoBBBlni Ibal U - ? ? Itb M tint eUy, in ftfltii- flfllfl. ii nt plao -, b] an aaa "f i" uoIbbbb. a ili-i' n a bas been rei rad at tba Mialatry af Wai BDBOUBBlBg tbat tbfl lli-iit i'i t i"ti lu IflVlllfl bflfl Bflflfl anppreafltd, flfld ihai tba dtj B aowowapiod b* Um (ioviiniiu ut tfflopa, Iflfl lu--#viim li ttaiu fcUiti 1 i.y ibe iu-stir-tra-iit- w.ii* eztiagolsbada 'iiu* [Bflorgeal faata at - rllla bad alaa laaaad ? de* eree, orderlnff .i rednction of 18 in*r eaal laleaai reiii.. af tbo io ? .iiii.iii. aad b atadlar iad iu tbe iu BM tbfl l.i. ton.*-, .. I makiiiK' u Uivi.-i'ii BBMflg Iflfl PflflplC Bl BflCfllUTfllfld Iai ai-. Tl.e ri fu-:il of thi BBtboril Bfl Of Ahiicrla to .. \i ub I !.?? ??? : uii ii.l of (i.ti. ( . nt!r::i- f-.r u i onti ll.utioii ef ttfltt)peaetaa wai IBBowed braa attaek apaa tbat ullj bjrtbelaaargnatInot Ainr in.i boora*flrtBfl Um iii.-iiiTflettaalata aaada bb attBBipl Is .ii.'-iniiaiit, imt n nfl r. i.iil-ial iaj tha' iiatioiial fflfflflfl BBd OOflipflllBd to lO tbflll VBflflfllfl Ibfl WOBtflfl and (lilititfit left Aluiaiai ln tore tlie ln-|-i niiitr of Ibfl att.ek, aml Iflfl taaiuii- BowoeaflfMBd uii.y iy iiu- BepnbUeaa iroopfl, uia. .in- .ia !' iinliiial to m.i i :i >:-1 ii B fl-flpflCBM Ic-l-Uluce agfltaal ibe Bflflflvltfl "f Iba laaiiigflBta. TbeOortea baaadoptad i reaolatKDB tbaokl-g theBa* piililu an trinaii I Bl AlflM 11 i f i tbi u ii.iijk Ifl tbeuttai k of tbe UMflTgBt . Poreiga property la AlBMria B la trr. :it daagBr.aad a roaWlcflia v. di appeal to i baii arflflpacttve pavflm ?BBtfl tor iiriitfl'.tii'ii. 'i ia-1 rtoa im- reHuivcd toprooeed ImaMdlatelj witli tbe ((iii-ial, ralioii of lilll- pifll IdlBg f"i* it tu*vv ttn' iirtiiHiii-ut, aiui tlur IBpptflflBflflfll tbfl rigbt fll l'.u<laa:i lay tbe l'rei-iiiant. Tlie (iiii t, .ii i nor nf li.ita a'nita ba- sciza-rt a newa *|ill]aer ifl tbat flltV f<ar eiialiavulliii; to IidiU* il inutlli}' BBfluBfl tba i i'i !? kl Bflflpa il tli'-ra-. Tlii- Bevolutlonarj .lunta al Oraaad . baa Iflflflefl a ta (Taa- al.ii i-tinir I lia* Hl i/lire a.f 1 l:c jal o j ,? i T l bBlOBglBg tO .1.'. in. i in 11 ii tr cliiin lii"?. < iflBTflflta and Iflll foiiiul' - ricit, tiu* latti r ln order to BBflata uietul to ((.111 inf') i ur reiiry. The Riidlcaln Mpflfllflta tlie iir-ti-iiaioii-t of .Marabal Kerrauo te ln* I Ul nd aat tto* Raflflbtta. a^Tiie laaargaBta la fabBBfla i-tiii ibibbi lasatiflaflar, an-I tbe B< i'Ul'li' un troopa reauuied ibe buuitiuitliueut of that city ia*^t nkbt. The iltiziiiit of Aliiuiite, fearliiK an Htturk from ttie bMBTflflflMlfl, buve BBBflfl iirijeut BPflBBBtlBfl to tbi* MiaUiul (ioveriiiii'iit for r< eiiforifUieiitc A ha, mui euiifi reiia-f laetwi ( ii s.-flor, Mlnl-ter, an.l tbe iflpflflflfl fl"Ul I'lTlaa Kirn hill b l-li llxed loi Moiuliiy uett. to flaTBM tbe frflint-noik of a bill for tbe abolitioii of ailav. r. iu tbe Ant^llefl. Maduii', Thur-tiU)-, Julv ai?Kvnning. In the Corle* to-day Bt-Dor la MlBBBBB of War, renl a di-patcb BB8BflB8BBg tbat tbe lunirKi nia had BgfllB lieiiiiii flritiK ii|H?n tUe City of Aluierla. Tbia nftt ruoon tbe iuitiiraent |aflj88tll8a denioliithf-l tbe BBBB8 oeeaplafl ap ihaOaaaflaa ObbbbbBIBi iiotviituittiitidin?_ iha Coiifliil-tr Abk ?aa fljlun 8TB8 Ihfl luiildliiif. The flaBBfl tl. - nf tl.e I. ft iimtc-flt.-d iiKuin-t Iha BBBBflflBfl vote of thituku to tbe cililt-uiiof Aliuena for tlieir devotiou lo tiu BflpflbUe. kjajxry i xa lainatloiia from the memtx-rsof tbe iuajorltv foUiiited tba aBtotaai I r ij ui.ta io iiui.le a In wiu. b be d.-fended tia* ptflOOnfllflgl <?I tb-* in- llf nt-fl. 1 i. i.r. uala-T.-a oi tbe iii.ija.rity agaia iirota-st.-d acaliuit tb.- ot u'-' ot thfl iapallaa af tha LaB. a paaatoaaaB fla. bflte foii.-v.. i, atteaflad bi a aaaaa al paal ooufuaion iu tb.* Cbaabar, i ,.-a...'iit.s at Cflrtaflaaa aHaaaaflBfl laflt aal tha ira.*.ll.lll- Maila!- 1 l'llltaa Bflfl Bl IBB Bflfl el OfllBBflfl nai ibe u'-fli'ifl" eiiKiik'ed lii iha attiirk apaa fllaiartaabafl fonad tbelr aupply of eoiil to be InaufUeient. Tbe In ati!??.'! .'it (ioicriitiii'iit bai BBB- an eif.irt t'> I'liK'-e a loan Ib j.ctidoii. bal tallai to *? i ata uttm. a boaiy of 7i?i laaaMaah-flfli Baaa CflilaflaflflflaflnriMfl tflagarttaaBal ()riiiii.-ia. la iiw Prerlaee of AflesBfla, tar**"***** "'iit towu, aud are uow uiartblng ui?jn tbe (Itv of Alleante. r.arrad waa ln coinniand of tlie lnmirrentn who en driflvored to d.-atroy tbe Cuy of Btvilla by flre tbia uioru Int. ? aiira.-eiitn in Valeneia nre r.-iK.rled aa Ix-fl-omlnn ??? OMiiaaiaaflfl Baa. Marttaaa antBlpataa 'aa aaay vKtory over tbeui. flBflOa. Tbumdav, Jnly 31. Tlic Hiaaiii-ib frlirate VlUa Ma.lrlii, ut fl ..diz, j.aiiaed tbe lifliaurgiiilMto-tlav.aual oi^iar.l tir. Bgflfl Ihfl M - Bfll ?Alflflflflj lbuisduy, Jui) .1,1-73. Daa Carloe baa oni?ri>U Utaxay. WASIIINOTON. IiF.nhncy TOWABD thk EV Ki.rx. i-racti, ai.'si*. raa pabi vTO_ath_bi "' raa BBPO.B . EMB_1 Ati iriiUK UfllEBIMBB IO BB nOOBOl -I.Y l-li'i-K lll Bb? AN IMI'id-fANT IM* TBBl BOM ATTOBBBT-BBOBUli vviii.ivm... W-__aiiH-TOB. Jaly MvHm tellewtng e_Tflapoad BBflfl h._4 taken plaee li.twe. ii tb.-S,,i^h Cirolin;'. K.-iiileiiun ui|.iiiK tho Ku-Klux panloiis, aml the Attorncy-(i. ii.ial: . ?.*. BABB-B-TOB, July 30. The llon. OBO. II. Wlt.l.lAMB. Attoniey?titneial. .ik: Aft r our 888888888 wilh you WBpr.cecdcrtto I_nir Hratirli 'li.'l a. re pre'.upilv ac l I I"' 8B lat, rv|.'-v wiiii PaaaldaBl Oraat, whtah was in all r< ipeeta c< rfllal und .Mti-faetoiy. Tlie ITe .il.-ut etjfl-rt-tl ytowe'of (| i H ncy m thaaa pa i toafli?**M **} "YM and laid ha would address you a"*ifl'_Bd .lfiiui: pn ai iit polley of the tiovemniont it, I, iation M tk* praaaeaBoaa safl pateoaeea aaflei tha Eaftaeameai aet. vv c bag t" ni? ti." BBflBMBoaa attlBflf ? oi" that tb, parpoaaa M tha Qoiaiumaul la ttadBaiataaa b<- uiade iuil)llc bo aU eoaeensfl, rcfuifces, may havo autlieiitie Infiiruiation irmuThe flflapflfl 888888 by wbleh tlny m.iy lu- a"le to govcru tln tus< lvos. Baob olllri.'il aiiiiiiiiiiii iii"iit will, lii our "pluion, produec a fraal rellef. Be ara, with great raapeet, _ourol_.-d.cni aervauUi, ? W. D. Portf.R, J. I!. Kkksiiaw, ? R. M. Mflf. DBr__m_BB- ot .I, -in ... t Wt HIM rUB.D.C. Jiiit rm. l^r. ) Mettrs. B_fl_?8, KSBBBAW.aBfl MBB, PaflllitfliW__ C. (.i.Mi.i vn.a : Your l.-iter ,,f to da), lall ml' 'I t" ellelt from ui" a paMta i apra aafl of th.- p_tay of tiie Ooyern meut lu reiatlon to the paneBdBttoOl nnd pitaOBi rs iflBeM thfl Fiiforceiii* nt act, Ifl 188Blvcl. I ha'.. t"-av iii anW sw-iT IhM. M laflteated la Ma uflaieiBatloa with you, t|_: I're-lili-ut hafl ' '(in.iiiiinii -ttt-d* toiuo what I hav lu reto taeeBBfleretaad M ba MowMh, thal Ihapitaeaeraae imi eonvictedot offcnsej uuderaaldBOMBboaM i e icaeil vu li in BMflh l.-iiliy as poaafble, without pujiiiin-.- tn ihe ? whtoh tbeywere.paaj_B. ***** miA.-t, liuiu rar, ii" itrtotty Baderstoad that this actlpn by lli" (ion ri.iin Bt i* Btt prOOBBted by any (loii'it Drte* tha ii... -i;. Ot vaiidity of saltl BOtfl, 88 "f tl"' jaettoeM tho eoai ettoaa alreafly bad nader thaaa tn preyeataad paatah blgh erlaiee, bal by the beBef that tht Ku-Kluli Ki -.ii- huve. tliroiljrb BBM mn v I'tinii-, li I -i almoat,BaM Bltogatbar M__aap,aad that tin. aataaaa araafllaea ********* wltb tbeu baw AoaM taflflfl the loliy, wli kaflBBM BBfl flBBgfll M tuii\ U.tiloll.. Ynil have BBBB plflflflflfl to .ayJo me, aml rta___eBBBB_l ancei baM- in-. ii gtyaa in MhaamMalflai Iha bbbm b . ii... . r ii.. i.i ) at r*JIJ**Bm -lh ?t*_|#BBjK.lil. t aa s aaaM Mad to n movo n_ny eaalea et ?ne.t aud lrrltiition now ixigtum, uud e.imlut ti gtaOeaBytfl the public peaaa and taBBaallhty, and the ptapaaad aottoa tatabeawlib raaatflBIa to aaaa eaa8-____tha (aB expaetattoa UaM thaaa aaaaraaoea wlfl 8a yerlflad Yui aro ililnriin (1 IMM thi 88-88088888 UoW pcml ItiK iu the court i for violatioua of Ihfl Bfl (oreeaaaat net wiu ba aaspaBaal or ataaaatln Bfld, aml lnsiriictloiis to t*t tth*t mtt* alr.-iiily ln BB irlvt-n to 8 v. inl ili-tn.-t-.itli.i niv-. '"it th* r.- ? t ,' ha exeepBoaM aaaaa af greal aggrayMtoe when tha (, ..viiiim. oii w> uii'i ii. bbb ni"*ii .'iiiivi. in.n aad paatah* iieiit. Thaaa ate, hawen r, hM a Iaa M i m-h aaaaa aaw n.iiiiu my koowteflga. _ r-niis wba ii iv!? aba, IbaaaaMvaa aa aeeeaal M Bata eampltaity M Ka-Klai i-iii naea ara ** liberty M ratara, umi aBtoaa tin-ir erlflBea i, . ag wlthla thi aboveBaaaed eBeflffltoaal ... aa peaa aatad MaayaftMMi B-Bteaeedte Iaa* ?aai for .-ti'a (ii-i.-'-a i.av" beeaMraaflypar* tiiiucii. aafl Bta aasea MMhasa ar<- Baflea aaaaMarattoa .i, pi-,.*. ("it ba dlopnatid M in a uk.- Baaaaar, Mg i view the iiini't r ti !..':.oi Li tvv-(c:( th puniHlilueiit .m.i tha aatB-fl M Ihate |.,;.t...].. ? a oiiecptitin of the.e proiooillnjrA It ls aerhapt Bteflaaarj for bm to my thMaUeoaap! an.l BBlIBflB I or llalBtlBB M Ihflflfl a. I - li. i. alt.-i flOfla* miti. (1, nko in..-" berer.iforo puntubed, wlil U: prose aahI wun aii poa...,.ii- aaargj aaflrlgM, aad Ittotoha anfleratood lhal Iha Oayaraaaidl d"*-.. aM MMadto aiiaiiiicu niiii !" t-i. bal te poaalbte,awtlBog ahaflMaefl to Ihett reaaaaabia icgaBaaKM ti Tn tbej are inti ad, ii to ****** t Blaaaa al tha Oath d Btatea ta lhe poaaaaetoa aad eajaymaai el thoae t |hta gaaraataafl to them bj Iha lata ajaaadflaeal ? le lhe C raatttuttoa, aad tk vt hoaa ii it % II i teeeetbat tta tawi bbb IBltbfnl ? eatod, would ba reeiaaal M thaa dafly if ha 'i't : a.iiiuiii-t.T tha(i'.v. inni. iit aa leagbrd M all ettlaenfl taa i qaal prot, i: " M ttfl lai -? i I * ?? ?"? '?? '? ?oggeettoaato themfoaiBatton for whtoh yoa a-k wltb a alaeera hopa tbat. hj Ita ezei laeofamataal recoanl tiuii of I-..ib "t.n ra ngbta byaflelaaeeeof p, apto, bo ttu* tbet liec --Iti' il lil ati-" fOt their paoMflBOB BBfl Bfl in. iii. i.mi.r oaM m Ihroagh tht aattoa al dwOeaeraJ tiDvt-ti.u.. ak v. ry !:? ipeetfally, QBO. H. BB ii IMB, Ait.ri.i | ' CUERENT T0PIC8 AT THE CAPITAL A i,i mvv ABBRBATOB BOBOBBD, WASBEBW-OB, T ur . lai. J'lly _1. l--*^. Vi-,..!iii v. n.-tii.Italtoa Blnlater M Ptoeelga Aflaira, haa"iii.iiiiiy Baaoaneaflto MlnlaterB rahtta pn eata tliiliof pia'e. m ti'half of thu Uuite.l BtBtflfl, M OflflUl BeioptadlBaierao,theItaUaa A-bttratorla tin- Qeaera Trlbun il. Counl BotoptaBflhaewtoflgM ilic giit in thcfol luvviiii: letter: i ,,,., ne wiih the iiveih -r ..ind tuo-t retpectfnlfeel iii.-a ,,f gratitufle tm iplendld teetlmoatal thal tbe <rnv (?ini'i.iii "f te. i ui"*! Btulee ha.a teaUbad tor me to nitionof ?ci wo - iu tiu- .ii-.-ii-aioii ai ii decialon ol the (iu*--tiou called "Alabama l alma." lu the dla chargr "f tbe dutiea of arbitrator, aaaumefl i*v me at the , -.,[,.- e.iuiui imi "t "nr aag a.t aovereico, actlng upon ii,.', H.vii.ii.i.ii coutalaed In tbe Troatr of waablngton, l amconflcloua of having aetod wltb ttie utmoat lmpar ti. uv and vi ui. ail tbfl dllnrenoe lh il the aatare of tbe matter called for aad my atremrth oooJd iriv. Ia-.ui. iiiieed to liave beeu able, to t_o feobtoextent of my ability, to contributo to a work of greal umiUeatiou, aml I appreiinfc beyond meaa ?r(. tha raeoBBltton whtob haa i" i ? ii.-iiiife .'-'i by the OoyeraaMBtol agreal people wbo bave,wlthtbe Qoveromenl "f BerBtltannlcJilajeaty, ',.,..,_ an admlrabta ezaapto whtoh I bone will b imn iii t in- future. The demonatration whtob tbrough vou, Mr. Benator Prefeet, haa h, ea made to me, w ? rerj L-i-. ai bonor to my hoaae. aad 1 beg to ezpreaa to the (,,,.( rnnieiit of llls MaJeMj how profouiuilv 1 fe. ' " i bea _ "" 'il-" i" tnmanui t" th.- kllaatrtoua Blalata [hi t'lii'ni i-tat.riat Bome the expreeatoa of myai itinie andafleetton. Pinally, I eoBgratulate myeelf tl foi the parfaraanee tfl tbia ceremooy haa been oboaali iin |ier-o.i.t_.- who preelfleeovae tha aflailBiatratbia M , ,i provlnee witn n,. mueb iiistinctioii of iMTsouai martt appn claled hv all wh", Wltb, have tne ^oo.l for time lo tlnd tlieiAA-wlvia in "Illi ial n'liilion* wilh huu. ((i.ll.l.l BBTWBBa NATIONAL ANlA I TAll* AU TIIOKITY. Marrh the ('oiiinilraiiiiiei'iif thf L.ind OfBeo for wurded to th) 881 fflJTM-taBTM in (.'alifoinia a pat.nt for the Lo* Aniiuar- urant coutauniig M,5]<iacn-8 lu BSBtB ClAru Ctninty, Cnliforiiiit. He attt-rward MMgfBphed M have it withheld unlil other elaiuiant* wore bflflffl. Thlo iniirac ha. led to tiii: eotiipiii'iitioii. ludicatod by the tol lawMg telegrams : Ban Fhanci?tco, Jnly 30. llon. WiU is I)?l vtMDNl), O********** of Oeiural Land Uftlee. The Twt-lfth Dtotttet I'"ui't of Han Fruucm.o ha. wni to reptovio the lalils of Ina Aiiliua. Ihate rataaad, aml the Sli.-i ltr m>w hn. po asaalon of my room, aud latenda to breah opaa tha a*f" lu tha iii'iriuiiif to ol'lain the patflBt. What rhall I do | J. lt. llAKiii.MiKiiti, l uittil ..lau?Survi-yor-4j4-neral. To whirh Ciiii.iii'ahioiiiT Itt'iiiiiiiioiid r. plied aa fol luiv-i "Hokl the Loa Aulman pateut, conault tue l.'uit.-d BM8M I'lMrict-Atioriie^, aafl take all l.-ital an.l necei aary 8le|i. ti. preveut t loreiblo 8888888 of the patiiut." Atltn-m v (ieneral Wililam* alao BBagraphfld tho t'::l!f.l BMtBB Aiiiiri,.) Ihflfla M I'.inaur, Wltb the Wurviyor (i.neial aud take all 888888819 Bte;'? t.i BflflBflBl mt, i fi r-ii. i with thnt 80888. H*n I* _ B8l_efl BBIBlhat B remarkabl.) (a?e, the Htate BOBM, it ln 8Mfl, BB_Bg 80 liirlit whatever to MMMBtfl with thu fuiU-d .--latea au tliorltkei. inr. BBWABB t.i BrflOBMBBB BBBBMflBBk A rlri ular frou, thr (.'oiiiiuisMom-r M Int. inal Ilcvenua tlxe* l'l ).. r 8881 ol thi net uiuoiliit r.reived aud paiil. or a. . ? pti'd ln eoiiipruiniiM", aa the muitmum llmlt M reward M t^-riou., other than 88-8888 of Iiitcrnul Kevenue. for luforuiauon loadiu.; to tha .1. tecttoii and puntabment of peraoaa guilty ei violatina tlie Iuterual Beyeaaa law, ae aoaaiviBg at the aaaaa, to eaae* where aiii-h ezpeaaee aaa aot otharwtae proylo>d foe oy law. Thla I* an liicreaae from 6 DOf fleat, aa ***** b> vir<'U'?r Wof July 17, l.i. Tho cbau-e 1* to apply |8 OBflflfl Ifl whtoh tba infurmattoa h.i? beea orauaii ui Miaaaa or afUl July 16, ls7.. tiik mw 0OMBt OBaBBTBBti Itear S-iinl-. 9****a***t**t * the I'nlted -utea Batal ObaarTBtory, reporta to thoBecrcUtry of i:n Nivvt.i.l.iy iTuf.* ll_H M the I H> - rv uUTV lrtft n.^tii flBflflrrad iha .t BBaefeiBd by BsaaBy, at tlarRillta. Fruuco. July tl, aad receatlr artnoune,_l hv t. eaMe teletmim to l'r..r. H-nrv. T**V.''' ,, t,' b* .?aii.i.-t iHiifl.foiifl.w?: WaabloBtou iim.-. Ju v W, '-'"","? tflitntiintefl; rttiht Bareoflloa, l boar, 18mlnutea, bbo w .11(1-; (I. Cl!!..lllOII, 7" ib SOUtli; f.aa-l .'LU ? tlie -aalltl, fl .t -I. I'laiKiMi) movkm.".-. r aOABOT IBfl OfllflB?? The Watmimptm Chnttmtlt, IhB BflanUi *-. MJ it!j;it n BwhBparadtbatfleaalar?flrtoa'a rlattte w. il i-a flt. i'H.I iu vlets Bflfl ofa.itiiet aaaaaa ef aaan of Iha bmmI taflw ai d leadi ra Bf tbe Itepubllean party in the W.-t, w.t!i thfl rlawof ffltflBagBpaflgrflflflMM far RflbflflBee lo defeaMop; tbeOraflflfl aaBraaaaaflyaaw BaaaaaiagBasb laraaiaBdBfl Ciiucjpiiuiia iu tuat sct ti-tu of fiiimry, WAfHlVOTOM H0TR8. UAMIISa.ToN.'i'luii- la Ifl* , The P-staBaaaar-flQaaatal baa mbutU i " rr, ii.i. ? ?' iaaa far Iha aalarfleaaeBtof tfla Foafl. .(uii- ? 1), ii.irt.'iieiit. At |ira*-a-ut it B Mr t.i'i-i.-iill for th' clii. Ii iif trana-aetion of pu'nlie feOBlBBM Oflfl l'liu iB. rn.,. - tln-. iti-ii-i.fl'i <if tin ballfllflgabodl M '? : tbBfl cinsiBg BBfl OOeflppiBg tbfl sirect; ??? ? -, BifllBBifl to BlaflVflt, inakfag Bm IflfldlBg uiiiform with tbe Interior bsBflBtaBflBti uppBMtfla Ar ciitrecl Mulli t biia pra p.r. al fllBBflBBB tM BB t EtflflaflOB, fiy tbo elevatlou, litvolviun tbe IflBflflgflf tbe bttlldlBg up i.y Barawsj the paflllag la al a aaa baaaaami, aad flB ilal.lililf ,.11 ll\>\irC fl.tfl.IJ. It ifl pl a a! 11 ? li ll I ' I kt mav bedaetii.'d.-Klvi-ai'le to lur-i Ihapreaeol bulldlafl ,,., r to the fl fi .ior Dcoiftinent, nu i inil ? 118Bflfld. au.l i'lilld a BBW Papt-OfiOk ou .uiotl.. r Bta. BMfl tor BaaBtrflBBsg tbo buiis iif tbfl iloop_-of*waf aulho'tWafl by laal flaalYnai wlldff ir Bary I) liuriiin lli tia-lll*)!*Ii)Vt*.. | a 'litltand Bflgiflfl build'TS lIBBBflfj Blfl hei. . 88 1 nio-tof tba bldfl v.i.1 te**-. I ipcrflon. TB ixjitl-iil ia lil.ely 10 a',1 tiu* ll. a,I*t: .a-nf Wl'l -Biraiii* r.-f-i-te to aooept or connldflr anj 3 't BBflWfl lo eome li- iu i , -flii-ii'ii- |n:i ? >;-^ i: Bafltauaha of tha laiaaiar Departaaaat,aaaal Bm rciHiilaaliaiaia Bppetatflfl^ti?? ismbIbb tba PaeifladlYta bm of tb.* Na.ithaiii I'.K.r.a Ballroad, Bfl fBBfl rdity tor ; ed, Oregoo, whfl re bo Bill bkmI bli aasoelatefl. II ?I. Mfl^bfl Comp my wlll alao aak for tl .*- itt**{*i: a.i iii * teefflfn -?: fl ?? road rt" n tlie Ked lo tuo ' 111 rm i.i. ll)*) miie- ae*' ->:- Bflfltl ni D Tbo Di.strict Gov< *mmyt Bl 'bBfl B hieiiipii.iii or ibe laiiini.i loaiioi itii!...ii taearrad tmt Utmt iiniifovenieiita by tj.o t Id ' a.r; oratlou of WaahiBfl toa. Ibe bonda are atoetlybeld bpdtlaBBaof tbeDla tilft. BBd privni-nt B?flde in D Tn.-y ar- not (ln ' !(?('( Iit Bflflftfl Of tfefl Dlatrlot bOfldfl, Wllifll Blfl BBB i|*.a.t--'l ai , J (I.-tflfl i.-ulrt on iue Uolliar. No!. ? i M B ??> Iflfl B to our QoVflnUDflBt coaicei i.ii - % ai tbfl ^Tindalaa. Iba Btatfl PepartMeal bta, be*a**< r. ar-i'ii i ? ' Xteaaary tor parttealara of tha ekaraaaa af lhal v. Bfl I. Baflah metal BeBflpa are dutialile at 3.'. per renf, le?? 10 aat aaai, aaa a aaafbraaB, I 'aunot bfl I aHflBflfl aa old brasfl, tlt ouly for CflBflBflBlBfltBrfl. ? iif. I'.i.-un.i-ui "--i.i'.it rii -iiu.s iui. au, -.iai tmmmt naed i.ot ae I'l it >d uu tae | BfrflaBea aaf lapaa laelMBBg c *i. i... BflUpa .i-ai:- -. a :a '..? d i itt -1 Btal - * -ii. .I a i'. ris, ea tba rtb iust. Pma Kiaiii .-co I.-. to ii.-ave even BMB letter earrl BecretaryBelknapreturoedtotblfli Ig to-day, TBE 8TA TE UBIVEBST1 F COA I OCA TION. -.v-.i'ivr. ((i.MMini'.Ks APfOOITSD?k tfv t-a irsTirn; i-.-i 'i t ii - DED. Ai.n.vNv, Jnly 31.?In Ihfl Convocation Meat im; tins BBxalag. Mr. c. 'f. it. Bwllb read a paper oa ?? (ir.i. - T- Ot* Uy, ot 'in- .'? - i-' College, fl tb ..?.;'.,'.. .'. 'i rk city, n:'-l B paper aan " l/luc.i-'oii." -.'.!:'*!i 81 itfld B Rli.n l> : i te. ibe foiio.. ihk 3taudiii? CuBBMltteaawera aa> point.'<1: i ? iitive Cflimmiitee:- l'mf. Bdflfltfl N'-rtb nf ITriiiiil t,,,, . . .i i Btatfl >..!? i rinetpal E. Curtl- of tbeft du* Ai atletay ; princlpal Aaroa fl/blM of tbe Canaatota l iiuati Bcbool; i ,. || j. ii,..!..;, i ... Il.iveil.ii.' L'.u.-I Bfl !? " I, Batii; r ipal B. I- Ofltc ol tbi Albanv A ? - ? ty ( miiiii aii.ju >?.! !?, ?- iiiiii i il. \vtflt.1 v.or:I.. LL.I)., of Albaay; Prof. BJwardNortb. l.l.. ','.. ot Ha if. I). .-. M. ii::: aiid A. M. lliit.- t* of the t'i Coll. (,'?'. mltl w ..ii OolleetlnaStatiatlci m recard to T. ?ch er Alonso Flaok of t.ia.. i i. k, J. I. bradleyul tbe . i ..- Aeai-iiiv. D. Brattle of tbe Tn-v lii.n Beiiool, >. r. Clark "i Uanandalima. J, W. Cbandler ol tl.e i:.i/..itn llafotiii I.' ..oi..; I'.ia.ol t .. Dfl p.niii-rit of Puolio Inatructlon; H. 1'. Fn .-i niinarv; J. K. K:u-', I'aflri K'; B. U. lo'.-, Jamea tuivi; ( . Ji. M 1. ui. Brockpo I N Icbooi) L. l>. , Batb; W. 8. Bmytbe, CaBeauvbt; .1. II. -ju.i.ii-, N vi-itat.ii,; a. H. Waikina, AdaaM Bunaerford C Inatitute; i . J. Wrlgbt, V-- kflklll Acfldeay. Btaelatteai aeie adopted ntt*rti*'*g *** *t*'V1i** *** mm tbroagh the tn dlumol tbe Btati Bnaemoof \ ralHteto y, aot -i. fOnaatlOB af a tea mie i, te tbe ebarm of tha- BeBvata. Tho :rt.e mi appHcation t) Iba li-fl.'l-'itiii-ir faa- an ln BB Iflfl Ol tbfl llt'-r.ituro fflfld flTBB OOBtlBBfld WllbOfllfll ter.fliion. Br.LawM taartttaal Iha Bagaattf Oaaaaut Meoatha BtfltflCBbflMt baraajnaalad to .-u'.uiif, at tbe iiivoc.itioii. ;i p! nt fori'ue eiiniii'ctaiti of thaaab* ii.( t wilh iioimlaretlueation. Adopted. Att-r BBBM Ifl" ? flit.u.a'f.i.ii' li-iie lia-t on the lopartaaoa uf UMI aiivot-.ilion, tha in.-ati'ii; aljoiiiiii'd iiiii fl/u*. DEAlil HY DEOWBIBO. POBISMOUTB, N. II., July 31.?Tlio three iii.iu. ladiiB liiawiK.i at BewinarkBl jreatflidap wbbb .Miiiio MoiUtoii, Aiai.ii- Oarlaod, aad Jenola BarahaaB'tW" pai "a- Ifl'i' Dgtag to tb- piciu.* p.ii'ty v.cre in ibe boal flbeo lt eapfliB i. Doaroir. Maaa. fnly tl ?*** Laaeaater, B. h., to-day, . Mfl of l-'i*> la'!*.a k SlUltll. Ml "fl 8 J8M Of lOgS OU tba Bakaf i'"ii'i aad -waa <ir..*.-. ne-J. i.t nn, Juiy 3i.?Yesterday afteiBooa Joba Payae, aaja i , w i- drowued tu thfl biuice I'oud la thia eily wblle ba'.hlutf. _ FAT 11. FAMII.Y Ql'AKREL IN INUIANA., Jnly 31.?Cyrus MeCflrthj, Uviuii ut ar llotbtster, Imli.-ina, sbot Mrs. IVnitht,, Iflfflflgk tbe BBBBl tlilafl ii'.ornlnflf, laB-Bttag l-itabitbly (Btal injtirifl's. He afterwatd llred llve times ut iiis wife without. ffect, and tbeu ubot hlui.self in tbo foreheiui. Tbere are uo bopeu of Iiid reeov.-ry. The af f.iir k-n w out of tbe fl-.-parationof Mr. and Mrs. McCarty, \t hltb be claiiufl wae e.iu.-ed by Mn-. Wiife'lit. PBOPOflBD MOKITBB BALLOOV. Bi fkai.o, July 31.?I'rof. S. A. King of BoHtotl will to-ii)orrow (.?oinineiiee l)uil?ltnic a tniiiiiiiiolb b.illfla.ati. in whicli be prop'i-o-t to BBBflBfl froni It.1H.1I.. 111 tbe laxt week of Aiii.'U?t or l-*t of BBflflflaBfeflt BBBfl, aii'l u.ake UM inlanl fflgflga evt-r att. inpU-d. N'iuety thouiiuuil BflMa fea-t a.f nea-ifratw eottou will bo use.l in CfliuslriK'tnig tbe L.tlloon. THK IIKALTII UK VII K-PUEMIU-.ST WII.SON. Uot-roN, July 31.?Tht Jivmiuj TravtlltT BflflBa tluit Vire-l'reiddeiit Wli.-on Ih iuui b better thau be lian liieti at any tiuie niiice hia illueflu, ami I* aitiii.liiy lmproviiiif. He i* uot, aa baa beeu reported. about lo undi iuo a surirtcal ui?eratiou. IBMIAFBO NOTF.S. ....Tbe Newluiryport VtU-raua bavo visited Bos ton. ....Th<> S.K-iity of fhe Ariuv aiui N'avy of the Gulf mtf.i il.ii !>?? ia l'"rilaod, flfl Hfl lilu ?f AuK-ait. _A coutract linifl ba? oeaelfldadfaChieagofflf * railwa* aiui wi,.. brulfle o.rr ttie- M.,-iun itilcr ll ^Kbiaon, Baaaaa ...A araiid hall wm pivei latt evrtiinir hy Mfl i.n.i r.fl-t-r. if CaflfllMfl flflll, ttiraic.i. la IflflM . ! <.ut. liaiuaiill uf I . ,' ..lnua. hi.ii.-t l'.-..?. ?? ? ?" ai ' ? Ift '-* I**" . *i;lMI.- AM' OAflO Vl.riEB?BY Tr.l.FCItM'Il. ln aquarrel in Baltlmore, peaterda . Jerotne . . ,.? -- ! fl! ?<?.? (HUf .iVScli-r ll.lrt:- altf!,*.'. l(. IQ< ll _Williaa Jaekaon, arboae execntloo at Ale* au.ln. V?., hfl I iffl-inurtli:. Ui '-mto ipwoinlttl (or tn 1.... L?i taea-a rrlJUfti fm tW'- ??? a-. _josepli DflVM wa.-t reaeatwinfld, oa Wedn^eday, taa (ir.ih, iu ( arr-ali CflflMf, IflAa flfl UB uami >1 ul Aliimliaiu l.yifl, Lia mm wrr. aor. tliai * -ttttl.,m. _(ir.Mflveiiaar Cro< l.--tt of Norway, Me., who waa ilfl anil dfl-lin.ii.a al'a-.. I fiuo. Iiu LaiH ul TuefcU). tui iu dmuj iu tba ****** uu -t rUiKflflkUT. _Wm. k.'i-<l ii under nrrent in (^incinnati afl fnitiifltaaa ?( ra' r fl*. B Wh UalflWl ai-rfi it Braaflfla. Vk, louifl Uiur t,u. a.f a'uul i'i.lWo ttarlii bi tait.-hri aaj Jc??lri. _In Cairo, yaatasday, WUllam CSampbell, col nr.d ???Iflflflfl ? ' "' n.arl'll llaai lr, :iiaM ot th* m*tmm '-'... i fmmi r, ia.i iflrll, auJ w .. .fuifun-.l fl Hflflfe, _Eight gold watebaa witb ehaloa and {awalry. ???rtli . ,,-.!1lrr ::a:a.rl JaUaa fmmt, ?up I ;. Bflflfl flflfl 1 la. flflfl ?.fl u : ? ? ai: .,-1 WrtlBf, _The donble e-.. i iirio-i of N'icli.?l-on nnl llol loklti. fflr ttr lii irifl. r ut .Vlra. Llin|.lf' wlll l.akr |.l.fl 1' H- (?'? im .,.!.'..:!? ..'m! tu.-..-. .uuzi rXmA alll lr Liuafl iu Iflc ttam tll. Ul Un imariti uf Aum-tliiUaaa POLITICAL PBOSPEOT8. LD___AL BEPUBLICA58 AT SaAJUTOGA. BBBIIBO OP THB BTATB OOMMIT1 I PLABBIBO ***** TIIK CAMI'.Mi, |i| Vi? BATIC Al I [itv ti.i.i.(,iiahi , ?-. 1 BflBATOOi Uberal Bepablieaa Btatfl met ina pi_-or ef tha Grand Uatoa ati o'eloek ihis ereniog, < ? the < h_ir, aml :i i;'ioriii;i pn Ig all BectiOBB of tiu State A ii-.-.- Lnterehsnge of optalea afl tfl the poliey to ba pana drel {'..livi-iifioii Hi iHy r ? adoptioa cf a ? :- , . ..... ut bf tiie . liair .?! ,i com laplaaof b call for b Btata Coareatioflaad I,,:. (,'iiiiieiitl io t!" IBtate CoauBlttea taa* m ?? tbey mav deea ad '' "' appolated _*> an.-, ,',,;r!!, i*t , i !,:!. B . ' Jooflfl, W. _. .. C:i;,t Goddard, nn f Q '-? td. I ?;-,r- m i lien. ( ? ? lirman af the Btatfl CoeaflBlt ,i aabaeqaenUy added. AtBoag tha Ubasal Ri pabHeflBM in attendaaei bealdfl BflatbefBol tha Btato ContmH_e weM Btatd ****a*at* Ralnaa, the llon. Thgmaa R. v n -. Qea. Hecritt, 1? D. B. Brown, Iha Roa. Cbarl, - Hoghe* and BUUiy atheaa A larif.. nun.hor ft Ii-nu . rati. politteiaiM h.ivn Bis,, been diawil hithcr hy tho Mflettng of tha Libfleal Btate Coaamittee,a88oagwlBM- ara ******** Gor. Baaeh Cbai_BanoL(hfl PeMocxBtk Execnttra Caenmittee; Deloe D.*\V.,lf. Jolepb al Iha Ba__, &*****, Wealey of fia A at, B. _ C ix, l>r. Dennieon of Byra-fase, Henry Bichatond, Van R. Rii bmond.J tm R. Fel Benator Jarria Lwd aad otben. A ?an *-*? r. i..i ileBire i.s pxpresstd by both Dcmorcratfl and I.iliera! I. piililiiiiii.a that tln y uiiitn ia MM Convention, fhfl eall f"r Wblcfa iboald !??> iently broad t.? Inrlude all opponenta of tba preaenl Natiooal AdminUtration.andtb t a Stato ticket tbould b.- oominated witboul icference ?<i a | .HV 'it'.iil.l.i lI.S, l'li! '"l-l.Lf I men, whoae well-kno__ integritj will theennportof alljriendaol good government Tbe Conunittee adjousrti-d until ll a. bl, to-moi roa I.? 'l .ntin ol I*. nli.-i Ivauia and lio- Hon, -V. H. Eutonof Coiiii. ticiu aroBl tbe Grand Uatoa. TIII. VII. .IMA REPI BLICAHBTATECOHTBH T10 oot* bbbbbi i i - ? - raa bomwatwh?wenwrra OP BM CIBBBB. [nr tki.f.'.kv'h td tiik rBBW8B.| Wa. iiiNv.Tcv, Jaly 11*?Col. Haghi '? -.??"', of three clnms -. I ' ara, r, ihmagh bM '?? ?'* fl|il la tha Btobaaaafl aafl Wa aaal g. Tl.e hurdeu "' '- a defeeaB "f IhB pOOtfl -i au- polley of the BepatflleaB party of thi Btata, 8. - mandiag equal rtghafl aad t*it I aaaa Beoaaita, howeri r,te aay bbj tBtaaaaaB (aaalMae nf liif'Ttial Impro'viiiieiir aml i-r I-.-tl* ial ti* M tha rartoaa ranai aad ralb - ? Be * rpaeeh B M Ml BBB lhe 188881 "f tl.e BB . ri :..t v, ar, aad ttal -l - " ??l tiieh- pn vi. i Col. i -' dllor of The ****f*m*EAu****** from MMtoMM, aafl aaaaa duriuK aaarty B ?? whol** thareta Iton,oaly kaMae tho papet ai"nf atght Baaatba __uea tha *ui reli'hT of thfl eity, lliiun-dl tt. Iv .tft. r whMB areel ho efllred Iha gfebmoad Hf ;?? ??.. " ... id. tl. ed ;? -i Th Journnl la IBM; ehMlenged aad wouaded la duel Col. ivn i Cameroo, edltor ol Tln t?et**i )***** ladea, uot ln n appointed, l btatea Diatrl t-Attorncy for tbe new dtatrict of Weitern Virgtnia. I'ol. Hnghei beentwlcc defeated foi Conaraai. Hia nouilowllon la ve: v favorabl] rec Ivcd by both the Bepubncan p... Waablngton, imi tn ? K chnioud I ; hitt irly onpoaed to u and aredlet h.. oertaln d ifeat, lt. II.T. iin,...: - a, - Ikejy to be preaented il tba iieit,".-i-.ii;._. _ .. inext \... ia. a t* C. r. BABBBBL- BOMDIATBO i iB Ul DIABT QOTBBBOB -v.M. Jii'i.K POB ATTOBBBT i,i. BSB-JL | IBBBBAX VBBBI BtaVAl B 1 Ltbcbbi bo. July Hv?Ib tha R pubUeaa Conventtoa tbta moculaa. aboat two < t aaa anivcil at fur I. ciiuuuat Uoveruor. au J C i'. l-un-.l. W of 8orry Cooaty reoelved tbe .-. aa tin- tn-t ba.iot. At three o'eloek a i a eaudlflatee wara put in Blr*. ********,*** Alton.. y-(n m imI. Mfl i.ln.^ tba i BlBngoftha rail they wrr. . bb Bgata aa> c.'i't Jiulco Dav i.l Fu iz, a i.iitiv-c tti Vir_ ..i.i ( f Stattii to:.). who BBfl liolili'.iiltcd ou Iho tlrst l.allnt. Tho I BB* renttoa tin-u adjearaefl aaBI aoaa r day. iliii AFtBBBOOB IfBBlOW?-TOM BB I I'l.n.vN nti PQBM (_K 1811 BBAPIIBMBD anu BBB admims iKAiU'N tBBOBBBBk Ltbobbubo, Jaly Bl.?A few miaatea paal 1_ o'eloek the PiaflBBBM BBlMI ' M ' I Mfl ****** lo onler aafl lutroduccd coi. B W Baflhaa, Um BapaBBaaa aaa ineo for Govcruor ol Virnima, who was g__88Md *K! threo ehei rs. Mr. llugh(-8 proceeded to addr??8 the OaafaBtMfl ln au hour and 20 nilnutcr' speeoh. II" Baflflplfld the bonm fouferr.-il upon l.itu. aml rjioko with pnde of our Na? tional baaaer aoatlag-itnrbbagata aad oftha BflthM our fathcrs that our DBlM wa. (iod ordalned Bflfl Oafl uplield. and nf the charaeter, life, purpoiea, aud luoi-ai rfllatMaa of tho natton. ('. P. RaaBBBB-, iioinitie- forL cutenant-Uovernor, aiso addroescd the Convention. Tbo Conimitteo on 1'latform announced the pnncip'.ci whMh would garara Iha paiayMtta BpoaaaaMBgaaa. nWB They rcafllrm tho pl.itfonu of ls:.', laflfltat tafl Adinlnlritratlon of U. -. (Jraut, favor BB ad teiii of taxation aa set forth in the I'oustltutiou,Bfll favor the total abolltlen of tnxes BB MbBflBB 88 8MB a* It can be dono without detnment to IhB BBHbBbI tlnaiico. The seeond advocates Inrernal Itnprovemenf, not onty in Virglnla, hut lu tho wholo couniry, aa a -88888 I f cheap traii-portation, and 18-888818 Mfflfa Iha compto tloii of the JaiutA Kiver and tho Kanait BB I, and aalla upou OaafllflM to make tbo appiopri.tiioii at it* Bflli 8?Mll. lMlltalM| B a uatiuual 88aBBB-PI favcri tho pavmeiit of the Stato debt witlmut 888B_BM Iug tho people. opvoiea all e_:ra flflflJgflB> sation, and favora ccmomy in stato aod national aftairs; duaprrovcH ofthe act known aa the " Futtdlnp b.U," as havinn been ni.tde solcly ln the ln tereat of the bondholder., and deniund. the Bfl_flB8B_8a of the qneMtloti of the fltinncial rondition of Vlrjrima and West Vlrirtnla to tho Hapn-nie Court ?f the Umte4l -tutei; favom BBB dcveli.pment of the B8-8BMB8B88B8M of ihe State whieh exut M rich I _ of u-ion on 81 flf] han), an.l need but BBBMpfMfl and capital to make PMbMMi 888 of the B88aMM mauufacturltiK State. lu tbo L moa. favorg the luipartiai adiuluistratlon of ju-tue lu liotb rac._; favora Iha election of tho I'resideut uud ***** Preiidcnt and all otlkcr. of the Government bv a direel yote oftha people: appfaraa Oea. Oraat-ipoBey of aet Uitig lnternatioual disputes hv ariiiirati'n lustead of reeortniK to the -woid; _W___fl that thfl Ft lantl ( tuirta sllllil be ui-.-.arltile t" all elt HOI for". .?: .l.-uiaiida reforu. iu tbe Htate law* lu 8flfl_fl tO B888tfl lair clectioua in thfl aboBlioB of oarttaaa aaparvtatoB. Tbe reporl waaadopted anaalatoualv. C. T. Milford, color.d, of ltichmoud, offen d the foi lowlnif: lUmired, That we diiapiirove of the net PflflflBfl hy Qafltgreafl eafllllag Coaareaamen to draw back i>?y froia tin inariirv of tba United Btatea Thla reaoiattoa oiwatod miu ti eoafaMoa and exe'.te lutut. Jadgeaboeamkerdeaonaeafl it Bererely, altaa other* favored it* aftoptwm. Th.- Umi .l.i..- B. Pl-itt, moraber of Comrreaa, aald, ns he wu* one ef tbe a_ called aalary atealera. It waa perbapa ptopai tbat be ahoald ?.iv aometbing aa tbM on. II, ii ..n -i-at. (I a diitricl tbal ....t paid over JlO,U)t),U. illt" tbe Trea-.urv of tl. ? l D .1 . .__ ?? htiiee the wai, aml waa re*pou_iblo ouly to bM 888)8818 .ut.-. llc dni Bot r-oogntae iha- rigbl *>f ii", Convention to Lnatruct bim in ihe performanca .f bta duty. F**ti a Logtatoture did praeume to luatruet membora of comtr. ??, out ouly re nueated them. Br bad oo apotaftaa to oflar, ao excua s to make for bta yote * ?? the -uiarr tuu. li badywtefl for it mi tiinea. aud ?hould vote ln prcrisa-ly lhe eaum. way a-ain BBflal the aamt) eircuiiiaUuc.-!. He had< uover votid ou auy m. with a more tho.ou.ih cou victlou of lt* juatice aud proprlety. Hia oniy ob leiiiou to lhe liili waa tbat it had not gone far euounh.. und e.iil.rueeda.arire claaa of eiuployea Uia. tnis iireat. un.l rich tiovi-ronieut are keeplug at aUrvallou wa*t<? iu tho City of Waahuitftou. He waa preparcd. to defeud t_.iii?4.lf aud tbe meaaur*. on every httiuip iu Yiraiui*. and tbu j<eoplo UD4lera(ootl it. Ue had uo deubt of their approval. It baa tman miarep n-Hciited hy the* of (he oouutry. aud waa miauuder rt(K.d ln BiaB-? Uuviua.' i.uif" K-pul.Jicaa majoi i iiuvt-ntions .uut [aatalalaiaa hud adopied. reaolutwDfl of cen.ure, hut Ue tbo.igbt whea ti,. LegtaUtBTfl of Yir^iuiB, ?lth ita afarwhflBBlag |t, uum .ati, i,ia|oritv, p.irt_4sl a reaolut.ou cenauriiiir tho rll liei.i'x rallc iii4 itiln-in Irom the Mate. lt would bo iuu" aaouah f?r u Bepublleaa QonveaUoa tt? pa*aareao llltl.itl nl,.aill Ui ; Uie four iti-plli.ll.'.ltl luel.itMira. tit', tiie ap pol "iui. tn of iho uaual CsAUiUilltoea. tm* touvcutlou adiuuruvd timt*