4-flflflOfl in BBfll IBfl flfljTT*? BfllflBBfl
AMi-.itii-A!I and BBUB """"flflfll WflMlfl Wtrtt
Tllf MUB1B OF .HT.Y.
1/OMKiN. July 4.-To wako up in flflflflfl ??
the morning of the glorious Fourth. with flflflfll ?
lx-11 in uUv Tintritisr and never a enicker Mflwtofl
it*.-lf up, is a sensation calculated to inr-pin- th?- 1111
regencrate American with diHgind. I am unregeno
rate. DhflflU would now n iirn within mv patiiolio
breast bfll I not IflBg fll?8 flbflfldflflfld Iflfl iflflfl tt
Badhlg aay npprotiation of Aineriean institu
lioiig 011 this Hi<lo of the Atlantic OoaBfl.
Whaa EUfah Pflgraai lakaa hia laMBOtlal Atand iu*>n
nn orafaaiictl btrr. 1 aiui. tdiaking his Iflll in fheci's
of r.urop.-, bids its tll. te ln.iiiar. h.s to treinblo .il tbt
aooadol his ticry alaajaeBOfl, BUJab Httfa kn..11-111
?what Ignaaaaca thaaa BBBaanha are satnrato.l,and
?tl.liinely l.neoii-ciiius the -OM World ia of the
Biifiiitieiiiue of this Summer s day. "Jfaat extra
oi.linaiv thing." exilainied a line lady iit diiinor.
-.'?iv. "tbal (i.ii. inl flflfll Ui" IttBBflBflbflflM
flhoaM ba at heaM tuaaatiflw to Aro.-mans only.
What doea it aaaaaT "Are you rt-ally aatmtwat
I iutk.'-l: " are voti not awarr of the reiuson ** " Cer
tainlv BOt." Shfl ansvvei.d. "How flhoald w<
k'l,.w'";e(!aii(i?-pnl]" AppoaUag to thfl
ral odthe80_apfl?y,ooaa_at_Dgof foarmen and Ita
tt Mflflfl. 1 nflflfld them -??? i'<iti:iii.v IgBonal cf Um
faet tbal the United Btataa weea abflol toealabcala
IhSflfa aallaaal bflVpaataBM. Whea laflomad
tliat it iv a.nld uot he g.-xid tasto to in?
vite an old eneiiiy on such an occasion, the
fine lady ex.*l:ti!ned, " OhI" Tho fine gentleman
i-muktil. "Ah!"' nnd tlio chorus obscrved
. l.v * !" This was IllghlflaUaffllllfllJ. and Wfl
puiMiaa, .ur ?!inn<r without coimuciiting fnrtlier
tijx.n (on. S heiiflk's netion. I merely said to my
Bi If, "Oflfld people, it isn't fasliionable to knownny
f-Mng aboal AiiK-riia, luit bflfotflktag *flflwfllOflflBflfl
iill thit. Our past ifl linked with your history; your
fiiture dependa apoa oaro. When tha BngHah
..: li'.ni.- tlieir Fourth of J*ily yon will bl
, t * r. :?!? riilur it-Aina iic.ui ancttitr.v."
\t gtm B1 Aineiieaniifl-'li! as Wflll he in the rnoon bo
of, <>r lulareatta, its loafiinflflim
,.. i-.l. Where tlio English people flflflfl
t-io.M, g aanm continent, BOfltOty tn-m a blank, nnd
like a Maah we shall bc treitted nntil the discovery
b BBflflfl thai thafleography aftha Mississippiisin
linitely linar.- iinix.rtaut le ^nglainl's WflMfllfl Iban
thai of the (la.?ie Dla8aa,whkh can often be walki d
, .mit detriment to shoe-lecther. Wfl
uie all 1: t.o or lt-iss iguorant, therefore;
moe BOTfll amazes me. It is satififaetion
in imioran Dfl lhat flflflitflfl my wotiilcrmciit,
and it 1- t_fa BBtiafaetka tbal exasperates Ameri
irho an- fOottah aaamah to axpaet political
111ti.n1 flhfOfld. "I am afraid to refer tti your
coiiiitrv eithcr in ].rai-,a'a.r <lHprai.-.e." Ktid an Eng
lidmiaii iflflflflUy, "flflf whichever 1 do I nm B.ire to
' . ?:' ( -?. Ho can't ln Ip it. The
I |a| iiml half patroniz
Iflg,whieh ? iiiuch nang/roid, cither natuial
I rate. Tln- tone i- so native afl to
l.e. aahaofl iagb, a part af tl.e apealrer*e BaU Tln re
PngHah and BogHflh. he it understood. Ika
peapla :ii<- aaa wana (riaadaj po, too, nro t ln
inii.-ii-: > aaaaag athea eiaaaafl thero is no
1 tl love for 113 as a nation, however much they may
like iiiilividnaU. Thfltfl oni.'ht not to bc, but. al
thoflflh l'llly p:*p!ii"l ta a'.taik, 1 am always sur
p__Bed whflfl BBBB of good paattkfl begin their ac
qoalatflBee hy lpB??h?g me that everylhiiiK in
Auui Bghly corriipt. Ihat Wfl are all raa
ral-, 1 li;i 1 our.'irly salvatiaaii is in moiiarehieal insti
tutiflm.-, taa whicli wo are rapidly coining. It never
oeoara aa thaaa lhal their rematk.-. :-.r< bMfllMngi hut
if 1111 Aniirie.'in, moro patriotic than wi.-e, Ktorts,
liis abtillition is sct dflWfl f? ridiculous siisfe|)tibility.
I ccrt iinly have Bfl de.-ire lo sereeii WfBag 111.-1 * Iv
i , , 1 ? Bfl-riaea in aay country, but aaaaatiaBea,
h tm -ty of our Iflfl??Iflflflj I
uni iri(iii!'*d t(a nply wilh a tu avoque. Tho Crtdit
Ifohiliai \vill bnie its dhainiahed baad whea tha
lii.-tflaiy of the M. iropo'.iian I'niiid of Works conn-s
lo ha written. Loodoa h ive been paoflied
iu Biindry aaaaa. Tha dlflbwaoe halaaeB
Eagll - thfll Wfl fl.\p...-e mor. than
Ihe trntb, aad the Fntrii.-h aoaoada everythlag that
is <a!a i.I.itfd to flhahfl oatabliahlid customs. Ifa
meaaberof Congreaa be-flaaaadiunk, uot only our
owa (oiintr.- l.ut all flBfl-opa is aflfljaalnted with the
fatt. If a meiiibi 1 "f I'ailia::if-iit disfraces his 8880,
thfl wi-.'i*; yit thflflfl are three flflflflflflr
ll.*.M.I''- whflaifl " m ia'.ved" aareirulaily astl.i v
. ;i.i i.-i'i Iata in thla latafliflaBl comlitioii. lt
1 al. ; BBA that the vusl were removed from
Englii .' rtwith BTlawto reveiiRc, but
tooolii .in elaaa of AaMfieaoa*fl?aafla*
1 . that the (Jiveniinent of Great Britain
i^ iii:iu:ic:il.iie. WheiievtT au inveeti|i:ition tahea
flaoa, grosaaa^ael erjobbiag comi-ato light. The
tmtt BflW11- thfll ?IBO;000 aro exptnded y< arly for
I'ailiaineatary printin?. HOW it gov-B, nobody can
t.-ll. ';l'in tliH-ftteii-d with tho loss of my seat if 1
lon't p"t a certain person in oflice," -says
j clev. 1 U. P. .*^> you -flM that flflflflM nature is very
much th. IBM itll the world OYflg. Neither republi?
can nor institntions are a panaeea for
moral obliqntty. EuflJand now is abont to honor a
iiain whom I have beard flflfflflaly stiKinatiz.-d by
moet trtistworthy persons. "He has used cornipt
tueans to aecomplish'his results, bnt has done public
^'.wd in-v. rtheleaa," is tho common verdict. Iu
Ainerii a, ikta vt idii t woold pflflflMfl an organ. Tho
mans aaMaaiaa woald Hkowlaa have an aaflaa, in
which (1. taita iif corniption would appcar. Ilni'land
?apfflflflMB what. ver is detriinental to tho flpfl-M
tlassea. and tMiints with horror to revelatit?ii?
i.f 1 cpubhean baaenesa. What a grim joke it all ia!
W-rll. tti 1 ti:iu\ before dashing off on flflflflflflfll
af geiieralili.-s, I ;tm sighiiiK f<>r a pieee of bunting,
a keg of jfunpowder, and a package of fire-crackers.
A few torpedoea might console me, but aliwl tlny
come not. In my despair I take up Tke letcgravh
and read a l-ader daTOBOd to our national holiday.
lt is wdtt.-n iu a kindly, generoufl spint; but the
a.nnials do not giveusso muchas a paragraph.
"WflWfl flfl about you laat year," says one editor, an
Ihoiigli people reineinbflnd the contcnts of anews
f..'i|?er twei.ty-fotir hours! Fancy American jounials
ignoringall refereuce to Lord Mayor's Day or the
Derbv, tar tha apaafafefl of Pariiament, because mon
ti.ait had bflflfl madeof the eame twelve months be?
fore! The Tclegraph seems to bo aware tbat news
bi news a !)? ii- vi r it repeats itself; but The TeUgraph
hat in assertiug that Amerkans
uiul Kngii-4i are tbe aame p<vople. Eflflflfld and
Ncvv-Iltu'l.iiiil are, inont aesuredl.r; but the rest of
the country is too beterogeneoua in population to
bB OflUfld Tr**t***-k, (tnd this is the IflflflOO of our <!<??:'
i.tlfl ndiii.'. lf we falked KflpUfl our peculianties
woold d,baltoflp8flk-BogIlahflodyol bfl
not English is worsfl'than a crime; it is a Llutuk-r.
And, nprop'.*, n ad tln- last flflfll thing Haid about
oa hy thfl gfiitlciiiaiily tmmwriag Emwa,whkh dic
M and moralu to the universe. Tbe
dictator aflflfltfflAl
\V? BBflfllat- Mfl I?r too apt to think ovr own way wla
doni M-.'l to lotflli vntb BOOTB BPOB tue doincfl of oar
1 eii.iii.ora., i.n*l more eapeeUUp apoa tbe doto*a of our.
kuiafolk in Atneriea. A!l way* of mwaking and aeting
Mbicli Btrlke OB BB belnr apeclallv viilitrir ?.r dis?t-n-?a
1.c wc al <-ite? denouiifle as Amerlcaolnoa, tbereby
flttiovnugt.'.)* very low eiatlniation ln wblob Wfl BOM onr
larlne coofliua. This eatimate, !?? it fa!?3 or tw lt
tru.-, la 111 most ( afl-es the reitult or |.crBi>nai otMBTTBtlon
<.f iflie swatiii? of Yanlflee loaiifltfl WbO, year afler
vear liy ll,. ir very 88888008, loBl tb'' hlooin oll
..ur Hiiii.iii.-r tiohday. They erowd In npoii ua ln
rullwav ..MrrlaKi"*. tbey fuipty our favorlte rtlnbea at
ta-Wfl d'hiAe, poiirlliif info our 1 ar.i tbfl wlille bltlei B08B
l-aiiiuof ihe wortblewtneaaof ull tbey fBlwbflBCOm
|>ared -aitti BM (cln'ortfl Wbleb tbey bave at bome,
wnere we flevoutlv fltlflbed tbey had BtflTflfl to eii)iy
ib' ni. flif Kiiira^; lt may ba -said thut ln tb.a way Wfl aee
ouiy unfavoraUle BpeeUBflBB of ibe tai-e.and tbat, to
ludie 01 auy nation wilh anytbing like taatloe. ?o
must fo tai tb.-lr rouiitry and fltudy tbem thero. BOW
ibat ateaui liMpractleallv abort*m*d tbe fllataaoa be
tweefli LIveriKxil aud h'ew-York iuto aonuMbing not
luuch louirfltr tban ajourney from l/"udoii to Kdinbur^b
naaed to l^i ln 01.r grandlatt era' dava, a lOUT
tl.i'uugb tbe United Statea baa "flOBflM vn
Ultifl UK'ie dlfli.uit tban a t"iir 88 tbe (ontlnetii.
btlll. vety few of ua take advaBtane of tbia ?reat fuellit v
of intereourne. We abrluk froui plungitiK in amorig 11
wbol.- uaM'iu of i?eoi>le wbo a|?-iak our own HUUPUBfl
?aiii-ouifh nieir uoflM-i., au.l wlm tal! u< iai flnd women
\xl our b' -ivauioi;t.utlo.iii.u aud lafltiei*. W'cUnadliav
incno nonrlflhment aet before 08 Bat KhftStfg
Cbloken-fl*iO??. ?iul P?'r ^i***?l**A^* ^u", iu.hIo-I
aome ujeata .
Mnirc. Tlie e
Ni.inaniiers, i-iiMouia nea.-iuj ?
Tl,i?i?s...iety's opinion of us in a nnfahelI. Ifl
have beelitflildo- lhat Idi.l ll'-t spei.k like atl
A.:.,.neanl have bflflfl ttU 80 liflv lum*. > > I*'
rritic aakad mc whv I did n't talk American. \N hat
Bh-ill I dot" I aakad. "Why, pap, Look hore,
stranger' and flpeflh through yournose." down
rii-ht aatUBflnlniMl I ?*?"? tho llritmber has not
hiHfl.iiin! "ti Ih8 fBflOOf theglobe. Tho nasal t wang is
not ai .\meiican idiosyncrncy. Many Lwiiloiirrshavo
,t. while it i'i. v Mk l'> a? alanniiig exteiit in ( ort.iin
c 'uni ics. I.iko verbal so-called " Aincrii anisins,"
theaBBflltwaacka monaataf Old r.ngland. Tho
Pilgrin Fathora tranapoctod oot only the.uis.lves but
tha flflflttflf toflfl I'liv.iient in Cfoaawo-t'adflya. _lflw
it isdi-.Iiircd to bfl flfl Atnericaii origin, os thotigh
the cliniato inducd rascality. Do tho Indiajis
tvhinef ftt mv part. Pffl always OWfld the PQfrfal
F.ithi rs a grodfl for not having left thoir noses he
bind Ihem Y(t, strango as it may appear, tho bflfll
F.nglish in the woild is spoken by rultivated Bos
tonians. When 'ITie Saturday ILvicw visifs " bflaaHj"
America, learnod dediictious may be drawn from
this plienomeiii'ii.
I am going through the Olorious Fourth qnito
comfortahly. This attack of tho Americui Kaglo flfl
the Hi itish Lion has consolod mo for tho absence of
gunjiowder, aud bflffl come thoso who chat about
tlio shah. Ho still ftirnishos food for conversation.
Since his arrival tho weather has had a furlough.
Nobody has heen so lost to all sense of Shah as to
diflflflflfl it, therefore I Shah n't. "Well, my dear,
Wbal .lo you thiuk they report!" says ono vivacions
woman. " They do declaro that tho three
Rhahessos Bcnt Lomo from Berlin wore not
Fersian ot all, but F.uropcan?oue German, ono
Baaataa and ono English, .and that they wero flo
jealous as to becomo unmamigeahle. What do you
think of that V I think that a more antipatbotifc
li.okingman than Nasser-eil-Din m-verwasnlastered
with diamonds, nnd a European woman who con
Bjatato haaeaafl aa loaaote of Uaharen mnst be low
in.leef'. "How Incky f>r tho QflBBB they did n't
come!" contiiiur.iitiy Court "Hut fancv
what a bruto tho Shah isI Ho JTOfl kirtflf
thjat ho nevor carrie9 a paobflii liafldlWliilflfI
Ho uses his gloves; think flf that!
Isitnot dreadfulf and worso yet. Hfl-bo-k doot
not reeall the odors of Araby tho Bh-sl! HtopOOflfe
are perfectly delighted with our fauialo garmeuts
and havo bought a lot of dresses to carry home.
Faney how thoso Persian women will put them on,
and what frights they'11 Bflflfl Df thomselvcs!" I'tn
willing. Ini siek of 1'. rsia, flfld tt is but fair that
Persia should be sick of us. Fersian carpots appear
inthflopwind.iws. IbaBhah'i pbotogiaphobtradai
its hi.l-.oua fielf in nll direc'ions. Calling on a
friend the other day I was intr.tdiiced ifl? lYri-iun
cat. lt was white. had very long hair aud a
very bflflky tail, which, in my ilisgust at Ihfl Shah, I
trodupon. At mothflX fiiend's my eyes fell flflflfl
Vi isia'i i lii-ia, and 1 was nkod te fld?iro a hideons
lilue plate, Oated 800 B. C. Bands pei.nrm Fersian
marches that are nev.-r played iu Persia, and every -
body flflflfll fruit voraciously, boflflflflfl the "Kingof
Kinirs" and his suite devour sevonty-fivo pooadfl
daily. A pretty littlo bill Solomon will ptaaant to
bflfl (oiv.-niiii'iit. BokOBOB is the gt*hti fiuitc-er,
wbo bfll Biipplifd tha Shah with fruit iu all tho
Euiopoan capitala. liy his fmits shall yobaow him.
"Suth fl fltam as tho Bbah is, my d.-ar,*" pursiies
tlie Cmirt Cironlar.1 "At thePrlaoe of Walea*i Gar
dflfl Party, to wbleb everyi.ody waa invitcd, he
ghtred at Adelina Patti to -such an extent that she
waaied la know what bawaa leablnfl nt." Rae
maniiPts for the King of Uap I PflflBOdOBOl bfll
I.a l'iitti's ilai'k hiiir aml afflfl reniimled him ef tho
Pride of tho llarem, and he would have bought
her on tho spot if tbe old English 000
t? mi fll silling wives had been r?vived for
his heneiit. I wonder it not. Thero
aro inany Tacaucies ia tho harem BOW,
opea tucaiinpetiti'in. iiiul 'Ihe Sataiduy llaiew satiri
cally avtis that " as Dr. Priinros.) lepresented the
qoiatflflflaBflfl "i inoii-i-Miuy, m tha Shah rapfoaanta
the pnlygaiiiic eleiniiit, und Blflflflfltfl tho one 000*
ceivable method of providing for our BBTflll f?
iiiala- pojiulation." IfothcCI ttt lllfl and incrcasiiiK
faiiiilies.iiiiii aymbo] ia tbo Bhah, aad ao tha fhat he has ract an BBfliflBt dowagorla
onler to discuss tho questiou iu all its bcariniis,
aud a oonoeaaaOo b:is heen graated, whieh,
thonirh flpillillm to somo citent the pr.-sent
r.liitiois between tho 88X08, will reiuovo aii
tho (liffliciilties against whicli roeiely has BOW to
tflnttiM*. Whfltflhleaafaifl is the Shah! Tbere an
1,000,000 surplus woinen in Great Jiritiiin. Fersia is
twice the size of France, yet its population dflflfl not
exooed thai fld Loadan. Babold aaopeafaiffl Iik
tiiie thol within three yeara l.oeu.ono of nattvoa bava
died of fitniine aml piat'tie, but if this Chiistiiin
country can rid itatll of fla tlephant, what dflflfl it
matter f
Later iu tho day: Fve celebratetl fhe day. Fvc
heen to thfl Enhflflflp, bbakefl baada with Gen.
Bckeaek, tha Missos Bekeack, Mr. Itaaa, CoL Cheea
borough, Gen. Badeau, Beveral hundrcd Americans,
and, being fltfl] alive, fefl] ns thoagh I had svval
lowed tho I'ird of 1 recdoui, could meet all the
crowned bflfldfl of Europo, and frivo them a pieoa
of thfl Bird's mind. Bnt have I uot heen talkoal
to hy a live l'n sidcut, nud is not ono
livo Fresident worth a dOflBfl ib .-nl-anil-alive
kings aad (jiieensT Yes, Preaidenl Bobertaof Libo
ria is here. His nrri-al has not boen recorded, be
eaaae nohody*a arrira] ta Laondoa Ib recorded anlesa
he be King, or King cf Kmgs. NeveitliL*le*ss, Ph-m
deiit Roberta beaiflapagaiaat obliflion tmd i|M*aks
most <?In-erluHv of tho oolooy ov(T whieh be has
baen Chief Mafktrato. Out of o population of
6o0,000, 18,100 are negroaa from the l nited
Statea, who havo emigrated Biaee 189L Preai
dfl ut Bobflrta aaya that the American BflBOfll
ezerdaa a aalataiy loflaoaoa over tha bbutoi.
and that all uie thnving. Ho is coniideiit tbe problem of the black Taeo can only ba
Malva-d m Afriea, and lhat colonizathm is the
oltimatodestiny of netrroos born in this rrpubiic.
He believcit in a great fiituro for Afriea ages ln iitf,
andseet-in Lilieriri tho t-.ntoring Wfldge "f civili/a
tion, it being alxeady tbe moat coltiTated oolon ol
that ((I'ltineiit. Fresident Koberts r< ferre.l to Mr.
Greeley'i. death with g. -niiiie rtgiet, aiui taid Bflfll
the tiiv'i'o had l(>->t a .1. \ Dt.fll friend.
yuest i.iiing the kindly Preaidenl about that tribe
of Africans which in foature is as n giilar aa Ihe
Groek, ho stated that this tribe is far iiuue d"/iliaed
than tho others, hut that all?Dahomoy excepted?
are more biimane than traveb rs rejiort. Afriean
exploreis are tolerablo Munchausfl-iis 1 famy,
and i?rovo the truth of tho Africao
piovirb, thut "he who, travels alono tells
li.s." Who knows but desertfl may bo
redee.inedf lf P.rsia, onco so fopoloOB
nowislalf dese.rt, why may oot dflOOrtfl ho men ly
theabaeneoof aclentine culture, and why not pre*
iiut an ura when the BaharBwill hoonoToat oasis
und itataasflvs thrivinir ettieal Slavery in Auu-ria a
may be a bloaaingiii dkgaiae if tba lil?erate<l bond
men n-t int to tbeb aanVfllaad to ploot tba aaada ef
Amrlo-SoxoD civilizatioD. Faner the Bme vrbeo
I'liglish will be the langoage of AfrieaI Now that
1 havo snggested the idea 1 believe i-i it, and nhall
Bubecribe i<> iiio oolonizatioa Bodety. Beallr. 1
ntn v.rv much obligod to the Foarth n July
for having made mo iK<pia1nted with Preaident
Poherts, and I left Gen. Bobeack- QllltOedititd by
th.-.-nia i.uileof tha' Ameriean ilag wrap[x-<l urounit
a portrait of Charlee 1. lt was poetic jusii.e. But
wiiy lot mo aahadoea tbe Unitod statos iiinba?sy
itfllop't a servant's livery T Surely br.ech.u and
i-tlves aion-.t in hannony with repablioon Bbnpllo
iir It ui'iiig Eugliah grandoor thatexcitee
tbeil.iision ol our critic*. and very iirojitily. Lel
ta* mak. baata to add. however, that Oao. Bobenci
is not i.-MH.imible for hia lluukim. Ihtir flflM ia oi
U jily r'.-'Fiio*Shah has gone, and The London Tmt*
sugg.stuthat Pariiament go to work ag>iu. J>i. t
tbe Shah P'exclaimed apolioemao yeatordfly.. Wfl
havi-u't'ad fl'iie wink of sleop since is COBOlng Ui
Hingland. Woterer is tho good of mi diiving
aboat iu the Queen'a carriagea und nofclog a aaat.**
BMBBabf thfl Uu-en's own paUoo, htink all ovei vviib
hein.ralca an.l ?iiainoiids, an.l loohing B inookey
vvilhoiil a horgfln, hia moro than I kn<.w. 1 oor po*
li.finaiil H tbe Shah culd oniy hear their I <>ut on His Maj.siy, h" liiight regr.-f
not having made th.-iu tho BflflflflBt of
y-Mrtti, whi.h he was report.-fli to have
given, bat which is oiliciallv ooiitradicted. lie ni *
"tippetl' tho Bervaota of Bucktagbam lalace.
haa Bhoworod diamonda on af?? favored ladJfl*,and
haaactuallydoledoui ?40toa young girl arhowaa
i,caii> < ri.-ln-1 taa death iu a erowd oongr gii i
ulioiit Ilin I1111..11..I D.irkii.-flts. "1'allt :i....ul bia
i, i.r. ii.-'s aotbiiig "1 ih- aorti bnl Do ta
llllll,lllg -Hafl) H"-|M'iollS, Jlke llloal "' t'l'lHr I ?
mainiat-". me one wbo kaow* vviiat
do von MMMBBB \i<* _nid to the Marchion
...s ,!f yVeetmlnater when hIio waa pr__<-nt4>d to
bim 1 'Um j.l.iiiti. .1 to _v you. I havo h^anl of
von in r.'iMiii.' of eovme ae bad nefer beard of ber.
Hemeaal Weetrainater AbbeyI I?" yoa tWnb that
the review at Spithnad Imprrwil him wilh onr
powerl Not n of it. ' Itn<v told in.-on thod'on
linonl that l-'.niriniid wa_ weak.'he ntiiark.-d. Ihfl
other dfly ; ' Imt BOW siii.o 1 have h.-.-ii the bBBB BBfl
vour ereafc wealth, 1 ain cinvinred tliat Rngland
itt Htrong, lf ynti wero BOt Hirmii? the otBM
nationa woold aelefl yoflf __m_y. Gflfag up
tln- Tliaint-Ihn Shah waa BBtoaMhed at Ihfl rrm
coiirno of people on land nnd water, and axelflimed :
' Ah, je ffmurma*. <"'.1 le 1ha**ra*a*t*tt, tfttt lf
Cumrrnement!' aml vvlifti asmn d t Inl t lt?- (iovi-ni
iiiciit bad nothing to de wuh it, ihat Iha people n_
t*-piiilt tl of tl,. ir owu aceord, ln- aeemed to be bope
leaaly perplexed. For people to do flfl theypleaaed
.lul not enter into bia t-denlaHona. Wbetbei
Peraia derifed imy beneflt from his \.
doiititfiil, for tbe olli' ials Borronoding bim
are oppoaed to progrefla Tbetme ebampion of lib?
erty Ib the (iiiini y i/H-r, BgaiaM wbom thf otherfl
are'ah plotting. aad wbo. aame flne mornlng.
will haveiii- luail chopped off for giving liberal
n.lvi.f. At th.-bail gifea in tbe Sbah'a bonor al
BneMngham Palaee, hf thoiiKht efcrybody wua
dancing fnr bis Bmnaemeni Xi never oocurredto
bim tbat ihey eajoyad tbe pefWrmanoe, Jt'. greal
iiotisi'iisf, aad we bngUaa* bavo uhmIo tt** ofour
SoHiivwcjillofiiR? allfoolshnt BaronBeoter I er
h:i|iH, on the iv iiii'ajhe lias btill .1 littl" too elev BT.
Thirty million ppolde ia the espital reqnired for the
PflgMaakkMBML __k_a Mittoeomefrom 1 And who
citiitalrvvliiiTv .11 bappeii to ooiitraetom in u i.uci
t'y of faininc, plague, aml abeoJnte .lo-notiiiu 1
Tbo Foreigu Ollico reccntly expro.a,-l great
(iiiihth nt Um Kcutor conoeeeioo, aml wen
ilu.'d wliat OOOIBfl the wmild puifiim
if K.-ulci (iid not play into KukIi. h hand.. " Bfl in
Boway B-Bftned."replied sir Henry Rawlineon, tbe
fm-at 1'e_ian_ holar. who had literally tahaa thfl
worda .mt of the Shan'a month nnd tranalat-d tbem
Luto English. "BeM aaanrod tbit, if tim Shah i.s
not will braak erery agreetnent."' A
Bne baMa on whieh to hegio boMneaa, Barelyl Bia
nnlliti! the Ki'ik'of Kiiitfs iu a. truly great aud hon
oralilc niaiil
I.s thero not n grimly hinnorous titneaa in HU
Majeetv-i "coneonGng^to beeome nation "f tbe
Hritish Hoapital for I)i8fa_e_ of thcSkiii? A fellow
ieel_l_ _t__f.sciif, woii.lio.n liind, but His Majeaty
did not uivo to it a d-MBoad. I'i my ptafiona
letter, I expreesed nur MBIW at BM
ai'i't-aran-- of tho Shah-biig. Hinco Ihen
tia^8_W;in_vh__ b.nkon out in .'ieniia. llnsde
voWinia' inaeot, oombined witb tbe obohfla,adda
newdeligbta to an Exhihition of wbieb aii Amen
e.ins ou_lit tn be foncLand when Naaaer . d-Din, now
ivpieseiited viiiMiiisly bv The Fiv, ainves in per
., :i to bo alooker-on iu vlenaa, it will betoiew
overy iuuh a .-ln B. K- *"?
** a*
Tl'TE?Al.MS AM) WOliKINt.S f* liili BGHOOlf?
IIIK GllAI).- AliMi BT8B1_H_
WoitCESTEK, aMu_8., July 80.?The Worcostcr
County Frce laatttateof Indu.-trial Science, graduatea
Its third clas" of M pBflBg men to-day. As It li a
*******W**hk*Ua****0, aud ono wholiy uiiliko .ir.ythiiiB
c'.-iTn^ffeT(.iii.;rv, it may be wartb alflta to glf< " !,r|''f
m <*/,*** efits oilpn, Pa-POM aad l'loKr.**. lt Ifl an ln
atitution where youiiic mtwan. Bt-flBBted with qualifl
ciitions tycempiiug liiiiiiii'aetoii.8, f**r takinj.- th. .Hr
tun of work. of enifineerliiK or urcMteeture.or'i.r t.-aeh
lng any Maaflh M Imlusii .al M nre. It 1. not iiitemlcl
,i- a rival or Btilmtltutc for BflUagaa, MB M 18888 BBd pur
],., BMBMrtMUy?tatlhe MMMMM MhaM MXarepa,
eemtfl?_g bbbbbM Maaa with _i.o?i work.
praettoe M thta MhaM U iat|niiti!d M Baaaflaafl-ltMaa
ItahaBbaa aseaaaaay part ai atmf ********* work; it
Bhall i.e Jadtateaaly fltatrlhatofl, aad tht ******* r,u.v.\
uot expet t or n i-eivo any iuiiin MMfl 88888889 I'euetUs
from it. At _8 B?flflto Bf _8 8tM faai every
, baaaaa Baa_a aapa__B8Bt .md' rth' ? . i laMraeteea,
and devotei 10 hour* a week o...l tha whflM BMBthM
JiCy to praetlro ln that departmeiit uuttl lil* irraduatl "?:;
that ls, for two and a half yflflffl Baffl who chootc
B-flhltOfltBM ***** "Ut prchi, 11. .or praelieo 111 art liUeeU'
aaaaaa ; those who ael. ct cheiiustry work in the la
boratory ; lhl civil flaflt-BBMBl *********** flB prulilt ins
in eon-mn tioi. ; Ihfl 888888888 in tiio ahop, und tha
tlt-, ;m rs at pioblt m? ln dw . B.
The lii.ililiiu-.i BM BMM b??aiii;f.'.!li BtBBtflfl <B nnrle
bbUbbaiaihiaklBB ibe cByfrem tha iiorti.-wist. ti.,
inaili one, PflJUlBB Hall. i? coiati ut c .1 of I'tai.ite takeu
from a aaarry near by, and waa inuit by Babaaelpttofl
fr.'ln , ilizeiia ( f BflgflflflMB.hy ___> MBBBfl HM 88888
neresof Rrooad MklsBglBg to tho in_titution wero alao
pafehaaafl. Ol ihe BBaaayeeoabeetibed MMeaaa tram
aaytahaaflflfl uMaehlaa Bhepa- h____faafl BBaaay, aafl
ptfaawBha BBiaalaf Iha teaaflar wat thfl late Joba
iioynton M Beaapletaa, la tins aaaaay. Bta gBttBetha
aatabtiahaaaM of the achool was aaafla M MM^aad u
w,s Imiit aml dn n.'-tt il 111 Ihfl Fall of l-_. Iha
Vfashhara -la.lnne. Bhap. a lari!u und 8888-8888
brtel built aad eaflew, 1 by Iha MM Baa,
i Vasbbara. Xkfl thop is IM MM loag hy M
witl.-, threc siorit s hi-h, aml eOBtolBlag all hppllances
f,ir real Blfll HllglBB. bofli 1 ?. blfl. kminh>hop, &,:
Ihtawafl aiso eaflewed i*y Mr.Braahbara, whassglB
WU* |10 I.l" _'.
Tho llon. Ptoph? Ballabery of this dty has been
tho eeaotaat beaafaMac M Utdfl MflBlaaa, 4 law*
ing lt from tlino M IMM With glfM BflB 88808Bh
mg to fir....tx_j. O'lier gBBtM-MB of tho ci'y
ut.d county bave also mado gflBflfflflB c'.fts to Ihfl
schniii, whieh ia by thatar geaeraatty eappUaflwith thfl
Baal apparalnfl for exparlaaaata M 11-?> phyatoal *? taumta,
iirawiTiis, ii ofleta, eaa_.fl Bafl labo-Btoey,laatrnmaatoal
(iigiiit. iln_, A". Tiie MatttaM ha*alsoeoiiu-miopoaaea
diou of tha oetabrat i Chovalllaa a-taaaaoepa, whtah was
Imperted hy Iha late Praaeta Peabefly ot s.ti*-m. Xhsra t,
110 ( o.-t for tultlon for boja in Worcester Couuty. Others
BiaehargafllMBpei year, wttl tho excoptiunof a f.w
f:oni town* in tliis CflBglBWlOBal distrut outilue tl.e
rouuly, for Whflflfl bcn.-llt tha Ilou, Oeo. F. 888888*
dowafl tha .thi.ol, und '20 rtiuli nt. from the Itale at
iar^-e. One gr-at BBfllmpOrtBBl f' ****** tt the Hi.-tltti
tlou 1? thr attentlon p:vi 11 tfl dlawln^, Inslruct.'8 111
thlabraneh b< ln? the most thorouich.if auy siIiodI Id tho
ei'imtiy, t.nd, ll: fuet, the 808888 luis bsul a markod (
u-.ioii iha -thoois thaaaghaafl the Btata _arttoalar
atiaaa M MM upon tho taBpa-taaea of a -haroagh
kBOwlaflgeof drBwiagfet aarkmaa in BOBtaahaalaal
l.rr.iiclii'-, aii'. -raduate* in tho two previous elassea are
now liolilliii' lm atlve nnd reipoi.-iblo BtSBtlOaB, to
whtoh their aeaaraej bb ' Baat bi drawlag aaaa tha
jirlino rec cuiuemlai aet the graduali-s M MM
Classes Of'71 and'71, ,. 18BMBB,818BBW followlig
out the K,"ciial hfaaehflfl (hoien at the lii-Iitnt*-, BOd
ean be i lated to aa tb, btatnroof tbat in tbe esiubliab
meiit Ol thlfl B, li '"', th" ll'ld WBI Uikuu lu a luauiiei
whicb lti.ure* aldaflpaaaflraaalla
At 6| o'eloek thir uioriilnn alioilt Oot) people BBB_Bh_d
la the hall M tho Instituto to bear tho these* of the
griiduutmg I'laMt. Aiuoiik the protiiin. ut men present
wtre tbe Hon. GeorKe F. Hoar, the Umi. Vi. W. lliee,
the llon. Stephen Baibibury, one of tho foui.dera of the
IiiHtitnte, BuparlaiaaflaatB of tho rtty m hool*. mem?
bers of tiu- bar uml etorgy, tho Bev. Dr. Thompaoa, aad
Abimi Thlppa. agtnal ol this Btata Hoard of Bflaeattoa.
Tbectaaa muabaea M, ttm targsat y.t uratiuaieit innn
tbaaahooL aad ladadea si. dfll auglaaeea, Ma tiist
elaaa meehaolce, aod two arehltaeta, Tbe mM M 'hn
elamhafa taken parttol eooraes. T;ie eiainining rort!
mittee waa cboaen from tha ra:iks M promlneat pructi
eal ui-rhAinic* au.i maiiufa*-tur rs lu this .-tnte. aml 1 om the tuiiowing Daiaeei Tba Hon. Pblneaa Hall of
Worceater, Josiufi Laaell of Wbltlnavllle, Charlee
B. Water*, Tieasiiier of tho llilitau Win> Cloth Ciiiu
j.aiiy, aud QaerfB 1-. UooU, Hup.:niitendeut Of Si hiiula
BtLawreaoe, Maaa Iha gradaatoa wara reqnired to
laopara elabaraM Iheoee oa praettaM aabjoeta, bat aa
Boeouato! ti? ir laagtb brtel .yi),jj?oa wore ?iso arrlitea,
nn .I tl.. a, ?i n- read befon t!i CommltU e thia BBatBlag.
Baeh abatraet gafa avidenea of eiiise laqntrj lal 1
apectflo department, either ol areblawtare, meobaniefl,
Ul lillglliaailBB 'luo Commlttee asked a itn nt many
quesuoni, aod many promiu.-iit a_cbaiil_ lia tbit oea
c.-r of mauafaeluraa tis.k the oppwrtuuity of teatliig tha
eiipiii itv of lh.) BJ rtoiii lu ro pursnetl. 1 ba f'.llowlnn arn
ttu- aameaof tiu- tinni gradiiBtlagelam and their the ami
Tl r Tnrt. nr Watrr Wl,(cl.A. ,irl' A ,lrrb
Tliiltcrw r.oiirller.Knul M Clirk .
Tn iiilir boilrr..KJ?:a C. C'1??t** t*
?n.r Mi.-suc fcuglnr.Kr.d. II. Di-i ,
fBaaatt nf 14.a_.s..rrd I Ilr,i.-i
'1 :.r t4ini*-K__:!.i loJus.ur.Gn.rt* H. Knsltr
I i.r ll.uir. k-giul.V.ulanli Ilitei.
( . ill. .Joba W. K.-o_r_
ll.driBAlc Llffiea 1-J C.i_raU.Altrai Lot, .1
(iiinti..Wil.irt _c.ri,f
'Ih.- l..,i(iui_r(i i._.- ?r.Arttiur M M ri*
Iti ?tl.1 litllll II. Mi r| .1
4.'_,(_r:i_ of lll.'li.i)! nu! i'l.cuieuli.J ii.ii 1". h_ UU!
Tl.r Arci,!r.lam-, II. 1'itti a
bafl SBiclUig.Kuia-.l H I'liuimaa
Tb* ITlluaaa. At, lltal..B ,-in V. Min.iiit
Tbe Curnilb P.|_i..lDf Kaglaa.K'airl . ToB'trll..!
Mrui.t , ui .uilr ,r.i-riui A. Wali*
|,ir,_,n i,t Irun Truai-1*..W.lfi H WhMl.irk
Tbe Bfiarnooa exereleee begaa with a prayer by tho
Baf. Dr. BaattagMaM thi* city, followed by moaio.
th.n tho addreea n> Iha Hon. Bamry Wanhburn, LL d.,
ex-Oorernor of the state. Br. Waahbura, ln aonjaao
tion wiu, t h ii t ofthe Bar. Bath BwaeBa r, D. D , Iha ora
lor foiiowini; hha, aroieaily Iho BB88 who dn tv up thi
pian npon whn u tiie*ch.H.i _> oooflaetofl, a fact whiea
iiiadu tbeirremarha of apeelal ini.r-,.t. i)r. Hw.-.-ui-r'a
addrcias w.u, ihat on behalf of tbe llourd of 'irus'.-.-.
Tbe valedletorj aflttoaaawaa by .-ifrod liovell, a youth
Bf 11 yeara lU-marBB were al?o made by the Hoti Bta
iih.'i BaltabBry. nioawarflM diplomas with reuiark*
b, i'rof. Thompaoa etoeed the da>'* axeretoae.
Prof. Tbompeoa. who i* a Darta-oaih erafluate, has
been with tbe laatltulo Blaee luorranixatl _. i
Frofeaaora are Geo. I Aldeo, B. -., thn ietical aafl ap
plled i..e. h..iin -; I,.-... 1.. (,l...lvt in. (lraWliiK; J lm li.
hhl A. .?!.. matbenuitiri umi eull . nv- .
, ri Kim'iaii, .\ M , niit-i -; ).. * ml i*. Biultb,
,\ M Hi'il m i.iui'i.a'.-'?j I .ii I ?"?. A.*'"', A. _..
u.uibeuiatAca. Mliloo T. Higitina, B. U., ia Ibfl rii.pjriu
I,... |i ui ,.f tba '., ?' hlui hop. .,__.. ,.
ln tbeevenl, tarecoiitiou wai held at lhe rcsidtuco
of th" Hn HtepneuckalialAury.
Katrrino, wife of bfflfll I'onkcl, ttfld fll
Crawford. N. J.. on laat Hiiinl.iy, from the fflbetBBf UV
Jarlaa lafllrttd bpharhfliflaadaatha atflhtaf Wsdaaa
day, Juiy 2.1. Oaa?fl vm arraaflBfl ?t BMaahath, aa
WedntBflday, by Chifll Keron, and conflne.l ln tlie County
Jall to awalt the reault of an iuveatlgatlon iuto tbe clr
aflaBataaaaa of bk wlJ0*a flaaflh.
II appear* tbat, about a year ago, Conkel was commlt
tod to tlie Uuiou County Jall for 30 day* by I'ollco Ju?*
tlce Tottfliiliam of Crawfonl for breaklng ln tbo <loor of
a iiiaii agaiu.-t whom bo had a gruilga- aud attempting t8
nti llu* Iiiiii wltb an ax. and tbat, during bk BOpatOBO
uu ni, Kai.-rlne Orr called at tbe Jail aud retjuoated to
bn iiiitrried to him. Her |flfB88l waa granted, and on
biH r. Baaa OBakal laal bia arttaiaOtawmt, whara be
hlred a Mflfl bflflfll of Mrs. P.irmatier, In which they
took up their realdence. Conkel, bla neigliliora aay, waa
a diuiikru brute, alwaya maltroaliiig Uia wife, wbo waa
au and frugal woman.
On Bunday, July 20, Mra. Conkel (3V0 blrth to a aon,
arhfl dtod aa Maaoop algfet on Tueaday tfeoooofeflfld
bought a rude coftln of pino boarda aud burled the child,
and 0:1 the saino nlgbt invited a negro aud two wlilte
lueii to a wako in bm houae. Tho men, having driink
h.-iivlly, behl a brutal revel bealde the alrk w.i'.ian uutil
BB88BBBB. On W< diiemlay Conkel sent a drunken eolored
woman natned Kandolph to wat-eh with her, and
at iilgbt < ituie hotne and said to hia wife, " Your
child la dead, and pretty wHin you will bo dead
too." Ba th.-n striiek her throe blows acrosa the.
atomarh wltb hia linuiL Tbo poor woman managed
tomakea ffl-eble oiitcry which attraoted the nttcntlon
of a Mrs. I'aimatier and her alater, who were on the
piazz.i of tbeir houso wbicb waa uear by. Both ladiea
hai>leiiod ln the direction af tbo cry, aod found Mrs.
(..iii.' 1 lylug on her bed moaiilug and speeehlesa. L>r. K.
M. Ciiiiiell was called 111, and tbo woman, having rc
gataafl her volce, complalned of terrlblo dlatreai. Bbo
coiitlntied to grow woruo dtiring tbo night and tho fol
lowing dav, and dled on Stinday at 1 o'clock. On Banday
dftcrnoon Conkel waa advlscd to aend for an un
dertaker, and have tho body pui in
ire, but be r*-fuaod, aaylng that lt would coat too
uuu h, and lhat ha-would get clear of lt aa aoou aa ho
could. He Bim) BSfaaafl to allow the body to be ahroudud
ii. .1 l.latk aill. 8/888, offt-red by Nr*. l'arinatier, aayinir
that calieo WBB 808 I enough. Tbe body, wlin'Ii waa
ln:rlod at 10 a. BB, BO Mouday, was BS-MUBfld on Wednos
dny, aiui a BflBt-BOrtBM evaiiniiiitioii waa made by Hr.
Plaaar. Tliehody waa little dlsflgured. no marks laa-niif
toaadai it azoapt i diaeolafatMa at Iha p:t of Iha atoo>
aeh. At tha 0888088*8, which BM held Imrnodl
diatflly aflaT tbe 81?IflBllBB. tfla buy Bfflflflht in a
v.-r.liflt.flf (l-atb froi.i bl.nv.t laflMtflfl by ObBBbI on Iba
niKlit "f Jnly 13, aud from cxcilcmeul couaeiiuout ou
cbild-blrth. _
irKBBOl B flflfl Bl IBfl OOBOBflfl*! Oflffl fl.
An iaqoflflt was held by Coroncr KflflfllflT, yos
ta Muy, N BBflfl to tbe flflflflfe ol l'.iiilnia' Unger, age 30, of
N,i. Ul I'.'i-;, tb-st., from alhgod ?alBBflcBee, Bf Mn.
MBM Kiiii'.iner, a di nu iu BBdwIfll of flfl, Vil Btantou st.
Dr 1. twlfl Bopp "f flflfl, II Baai Bofootfe M,wha in
fonneai na Corooor ef tfla d'-atb af the deeeaaad, teat?fld
tbal B8 WM called to Btteoi her on Frblay forenooa, hy
Iht h m aod, leaaah ffaoap, a lattaaaarrlar Bia had
Bflffl! ia 1:1 ber l>, nnd ho found her c
(leiitly ln a dyiwr fonilltlon, from uterlno in ihe fourth or aixtb week ttt preRnancv.
Ba ii--< r.i..; for ber, and on returniug, a few
lllll later, ho found ber d<ad. Tbo floabflOfl
i .ili... a! iit Blfl wccki BflfflN her de.iMi lill BjtflB
. .1 :,, Um tliat. ad tlieir tli.Mien vu-r?: 88888*, -)"'
w.iul.l like tu tako somo plll-i. B8 1888801 ber, nnd
warned her flfllait dataflM. No po.-tlMve ctldenco was
, ; to ihoo that the ib*. eaaefl k id toU aay ot..* lhal
tbe BOMflB KBBMM8 had adiulni-ti rc-l any flBBBflT?8
drui-'ta.iut araaafl aav hapnpaB toaaraaBaota. it ap
lia.i-il, hOWBfflT, that the 18888881 li:i<l admitteil
luiving tBBBB 88888 plflB BB ri'.oiiiin.-nalatton of " an
Aiii.*il.-.iii lu-ly," BBflflfl iiaiuo not it88BVfl8B I.
Tbe ol'.;.cr wbo air Otad Mrs. Kamtiier atfltfld thit nhe
flBfli fl tkfl ull. irod BM of luiitruuietiU. aml tbat ln llie
i*n -. aaa of iha cnn>se <>f her aBaaad vi.tiin aho afl
Mitted having ttteadel the d'-eeaaed, but contlnued to
rt.'i.y l.av iv.'i BBBfl ni v itn?trumeiiti. Iiuring tfeflexatu
lu at i.n, WU Pa Ilow-e, who waa in attflOdttMB aa
roirua.-l fnr tbe iirrit. .1, Bbjfl 'ted to tbfl Cor-'inrr'.-i mriti
i-er of ei .'ii Batteo, aud cbargfl'd tho OflfflB *r
w!th atlBMpllai lo "P'Jt wor'la into the niouth
of the biibim f'.r Ifea porpesa of unjustly in
fli.ena ing tho Jury again.-.t his cll-i t." Tbe
? r dei'ied th- aspaeelaaa af eaooaal, who retorted
tfeal tha < 'iioiKT BBlffel aaesBM n oUsom if ha fleaaed,
imt .-tnnmi imt put laiiguagfl- Iata th.- BBaotba af wtt
nensea. fha 0888088, etllleoWp BBtHad bp tha laniruage
Bf ooaaael. talrt bflfl tbat he BBnald remembef that ba
was ...i.t- penaittefl tu partlelpatfl in tbe proeeefllDn
tlirauull iii.) .-.illli-.- V nf tlie C ua.a.-r bll.l-i*lt, ta) Wllh'll
the ? .ii:n-a I replled tbal be waa preeBBl " by right, ami
llllelld-a! taa atllV."
Ii- put} Con mr Ii*o, who nuiali' tiu' katopfly, f'">ilfled
ith bad re ultod txom pentoaltla aad ruptore ol
Phi iorrol len men,ulneof wboni Bere
(,. ri ' tna, mui . .--i.i. ? I iu tbe van.ity of He/er, nnii red
Uo toll fliwing str.uu-i* vtrdl.i: '?Wfl Iad tbati
d, l' - uiii..- M-tei, e.tnie tn ber death from cauaea
to . - unknown, a:ni we eenaore Dr, iia>i?-.. li r not inform
( or.uier aiter tiniliiiir Br?. Paulina Beyerlna' I'oinlii.oii 1 tfefl Jury laiiu-.-ni ir a i-,.'
,!,:,- pralafl to ' -i-aii r ajceajaler, vitboul Bhoae flktll aod
1 ii'ii.irii-i* *!." ? inin vvuiiiil bava reiii.aiu.-'t tin.!.-:a ited."
1'p.flii tbe retuLtion ol Ibe verdlet Nr. How* moved lor
tne dlflchargo -if Mrs. Kammer, wlm bad Beea im
prlflonedla th.) lomba alaee Batardar. Xhe Coroaec
,1, nli ," ;b tm. 1:1.11. ;iii 1 BlffDifled bn inteiitlon of 000
tiiiuingbiK Imprlfloament until b- eoald roaeall with thn
?-AtlKi: ?). ' iiiniHil BTflBd uo eviili'liie
ittbeaccuaed h.ul beea prefleatad aad tfeat. ob
tliat ac-uml M Well an for tb" r- a-oii thfll -ll'' was BOt
inciilpiiieii l.v thfl rardlet, atie vim fuily ontltie 1 ? to re
leaae. TbeC roner, bowever, peromptorilp deollaed to
eatertalo tba moi oa, and reoonunltted t 1 prtaoaer.
a;:. r th.- Inqa --.t the verdlet freoly diacuaaed atul
hi v, 1 1 Uv iiiiiny Jiers am wfefl b.ul BBBfl BTBB
1 :.t Inrtactbe i-ioca aii.ticfl and otbeia. Tfefl drlfi of
couvi 1-atlon wat tiiat, liia-uiiii 11 aafl in--- .nling fo 11
ht.lta niellt !)V Dflptlty Col.ill-I l.fl, Dr. lia>ii|) Il.lil Ifl*
l.iillir.l tbe fll. .itb BBd Ita BflflptcloOfl ? lo
Coroner Keaeler, he ougbt to bave been exeinpt from
.?ciK-'iri , BBO that, lii.ic'i.ui'ti an 110 cruiiliialiiy 00 tlio
part of aoy one waa alleged br tfea rerdlot,tha deteo
UoBOl ' iha'1 nmi " b- thfl Coraiia r WBfl Bl l> Mfll aoine
wlMt pflifldozleal, eapecially aa thai otBcial bad baaa
naiylit .in.l lii.'.'riiifl of tta.- BOapielODA of fulll play
i/ior.-11 ? bad talteo anv aetion, Ju-t n- fore leat ln? ih?
Coroiu-r'aoin?*.?, Mr. liowe ebarfljed Coroner
Ke.-li r witb un: tirneflfl, aad aald that be woald "bavo
blm arreated if ba iivtd uu uiomiug."
SINol'LAlt Al'IKMi'T Ai MOBBBB Ofl tflfl flflfll aU)l*
As Joflcpb Bo?Bflidar mfl ilflflphig lOBBdlyia
ariioin of a iDanliig b'-'Uie at No. 33 Avetiue A, at 1:S0
8. M jaalaidBJ ha waa awakencd by feoling a aharp
eb't -1 weapaan flUibi ewlftly acroaa hl* face, aud beeame
awaro tbat auno out wae staudiiig beiid.' bll bflfl. The
aOflBOWa a-a-allunt drew Iflfll bia arm aa if to alrlko an
otlier lilow with tho weapon bo had already BBBfl, wlun
Behnelder threw up both arnia to protct hit bead. Tlio
weajMin daaaaoda l, Bl hlaalo cuttlnc a deep gaah In ihe
baek of bla handa. Behnelder inatantly leaped out of the
b-fld, and avoliling another blow alined at bta bead, fled
ttmt the room and along a bail way leadlng to the room
ot a fellow boarder, J.icoti Wiuic Aa he waa trylng to
op^n Witzlg'a door, wlilcb wu-t loeked, he haaflfl 8 pi-tol
llrnl In uia room. Ho thouirht that tbo ahot waa aimed
ot him and ln terror ahouted " Murder." The cry
BWahflflfld othera in tuo houae, v, bo aroae from their beala
and hurrled Into tbe BOBflBJB At thi-t moment nnotbor
piatol ahot wbb heard ln bchneldcr'a mom, and Bome
U r. 11 ii.-aviiy a*Bfeaflaar. aBfltal ?eflflBBBBe< tho
bouae al oiiee ran Into tbe htri.t, uni by their crlea flf
terror Mflflflfltta tbe apot PM roliueti (1'K-lll v an-l l^imliy
of tboH'-veutfl. titli l'ri-cincl 1'nlice. Tlie otJlcrr-t entered
t,-.i. houaa aod wi al M tba room wfean Um Barflterlooa
atu'inpt at murder bad tahea plaee. Oa tho tloor they
fojutl au inHinsiiil.r bmb, wbo waa apparentU dvttui
from a wound iu tbo ceiit.r of bB Mtflhflfld, wlera
doubt Iflflfl a bulM bad entei. .1 fr-aiia B ra-iolvcr I.uiiial 011
tbe floor byaliU alde. Mchueider WBB br-uifbt into tlio
rooia. and to hia borror laataatly ifleocalaed iu tbe
woiiii'ted man hia roommato, Oeorifrt Labr, ago 40, a
nlio.-iii.iker br trada-.
H bnelder tben t?bl the offlt-era he e-mld not ae
couiit for tm. atUch of Labrupooblmaelf. The woanded
man aud ho bad been ifooal friamla aud Bad never -ju ir
r.-led. Tbe ouly oipUliatlon tbat be could give <if Ihfl
htrange ?l".ur waa Ibat l.abr wm teiuporarily liiaaiie.
Ue bad l?ea ool "f emploj aaaal f"r Um two monta
vloiia, an.l iiad lately becomo v.-ry dctapoiul.-ut beeauflfl
of bia failuio lo get work. ll w*-i aocordliigly Inferred biaUeapiiiideiia-y might have I.-.i t<i luitaiiily. Un
tne Uoir aat tbe roaiu tbere ww alao found BflBberbfly
oiiit cov.rt-.l witb I'l.iflid, WhlOh waa flii-l.ttlly tlio
tvc'ipt.n Ii?ln u-flfal 111 bla attaek ou Behnelder. Ihe oo
cilpautataf tlaeli-fliii.- loiitlrin.'.I H.-!i:i.-l,!er'.-t 11U
iu iflap?I 10 tlio fneuilaiitp bfltweea biuinuil Labr.
Tiu WOOBdi I ina-li wa-rat tiikoll to BellflVIM lloapital,
Wlii re lt **a? found tbal Sobailder wimi WOUndflOaliBbtly
OB thfl hfladfl flfld ehla. 1.1'ir wai paral)i--.l from tbfl
waau1.1l Ifl feM feafld, ai.d tlm atir<eoua detlared tbat bo
eoulil liail icciflier._
Tlio exiiuiinatioii in tlio flflflflfl flf Mt* ?**?*>
mau 1 ifeoopafl viih uffeniptiug to < 11' la. r haabflBfll'l
ibroiit, ui baoa baaafl l "y. bb Ju;i i, -araa eoflehBMd
VV'e.lrn--!.i>, tbe ,iifl'iinii-:il.-*. nt tln- i-aae ii*'t belng el"."-'!
till 11 iM i>. Ma Mta. li.ytuiiu d.iii.'il ell Ifea ebargea
?pflflal ber. ei'"t.-1-iif tuat her luabaud ^-?' -iltrtatcd
her, and waa Jnaloua of a Ur. (Jnmlilo, wh? board. d
at her father'* houae. A BBBBBM of left.-rs wero pro
dueed In Court by Mr. Covert, eoiinsel for Mr*. LajBMB,
whlch, with IhB testirnonv of I.-vl Mlller of jfew-York,
were ilauuiia'1,18 lo l.ivi.iaii'a eliaraeter. I. i. l..a. W weil.
aetiuif for Distrii t Attorney Downlng. waa rery Bevera
ou Mrs. Lavman abont tbe un onslaieocy n tbe endear
Ing letter whioh abe admitted that aho bad wntt.-n to
her husbati.l Just before lm vl-ilc'l her the Iaal
BeeorderParaeltatook tiu* pepera ib tbe eaae, eaying
that owiiik to tlu-lr nuinoer aml the riiiitra
eharaetee ut the. Bflfleace, be woald raaerfe bta a
UU lo-day. ______________________
city Dspoana
Thn I .uk ClBBIIliaikBBfa bflld an adjonrncd
BMMttflfl yrr-ter.fay, at whlch all th" ' oinuilssloncr* were
present ex.-. pt Mr. BtaB__gar. I'I** BflBWBl-l around
jaeksoaflf-BfewflH arflaead M M lagB-dwBh atono
remalnlng in the posscssmn of the Department. Tln
Committee havint. < hnrge of the Otflflnl BBflgB raeoflfl.
maaflad thM W. tk ****** BbaaM take ahara. tt o. Tka
I.aml-cape Anhlreet r. ?.-ouimeiulcd that the I8888MM
the Ingersoll Favement Company to BBBM tbo walks In
Wiishiunton-sqiiaro with tar and cravel should ba
granted if tho exponso would not exceed H.COO, .whilo
tho chaina and i>oatA around Waslilngton-Hqiiare Wflflfl
ordered to he removod. The Landseapo Archit.-,i
wai requo-tcd to report concernlng tho cou
ditton of tho aaphaB paieMaat of that Btoaaa,
fl.veral communlcatlona were received ln regard to tho
work on the BIIMflflM and Morulugsldo Farks. Tho
BBhMM of tho nrreara due the Department waa referred
to ComnilBHlonci. .Vuiea. President Stebblns pfBBBBted a
report from tho Civil aml Topograpbical ?BBBMflr, vvltli
mapa of Klngsbridge. It waa stated that no Maal hM received from the Town of Klngshridgo to pay for
survt-yfl mado by the Department ln tho town, but J.
BpahBag agreed to tako them at par. Col. Btobbina then
Maaated bU reslgnattou aa ITesident of the DapBrt
mont, on lhe ground that he intended soon to bo absent
from this country. Mr. Wllllatu.on waa th.n elected
President pro tom., after whlch the Commliwloucr* ad
liiiinn .1 until thla niorutugat 9:_ o'eloek, wben Mflafefl
coal and (travel will bo opencd M tho 88888880 M tha
Commissiouora and the ControUer, aa tho uewChait.r
TI,eUnlonTrii.?t Compsnr, the Nation,1 Fnrk Bank. BMM aal Baak, whlch wero fMatariy
depositorles of tho fumlsof the eity und eounty prior
to tho accessloii tothe ol_ci of Chamberlaln of 008888
Vi. I. .in, under tho new Cli trter, havo paid Bfl 8 to tl.e
City Troasury tha 8888881 M IBU dae for latStflM on tln
deiiorits iiism the demand mado upou thflflfl by OOB*
B_UarOreaa, ThaBiaaflBBj BbIIbbbI Baak,ol whtoh
Franels A. 1 .ilm.-r, the foriimr ChambertolB, Ifl tte*'
deat; tii. Tenth Batlonal Baak.of whtob hia nephew,
Walter B. P-lmer, is Preeldent, and the Tradeamena
Batlonal Bank, refuae, howeyer, tocomply witn bis de?
mand for tbe paymeal of aeeounl Intereal toaconald
erable amount, and tho ControUer haa taken m,
f,,r enforctng th* ir obliKiinona to rhe city by notlfylng to
the couii-ei m the Corporatlon to begin nroceedluga
airalnst t.l"se for the reeov.-ry "f Bl Ot tb 8
iutorest imw due. Under tbe proytaions of tbe new
Charter. the ControUer aowreeolyea trom tm: new do
poalt banka deaignated by thel bamberlaln and Mayor
ironthiv .atiteiu ??nts..r tbe amount accrued for Intereal
on tbe depoalta therelnof themoaeya of ih. uiy aud
County ofKow-York. .__-___,
The Commlaalonorfl of fhe p. . artm?-if of p>e_i, ar
tbe beld yeaterday, adoptod tbe >? i- >.- s ,.f the
Executive Committee, wbiob In tbe f lowiog
arauted tbe requeats ol the petitlonera: rbe eommnnl
catlonol Lorillard * Co., m reference to tm- Bltbyeon
(ii'inii o? ti:. I'.ip iietiii i ii Pl iraNoB. *, ii .1 _ K __; th it
of Bdward Tague,aakingthal i loneat tbe
bulkbeadal tbe fool ?t inirty-s-v.-ntn -;.. tf. ll.. al tm
fxpeuae, and tbat **f the ll- ..itn D. p.n m ut, n
kuatbat drodgtng be done at the foot of One-bundre.
and-etxth-M.,a.ft. The reportofthe Expcutive Com
i,iitt? e recomnieoillng tbe pronecution ol _m .<_ J. ..
Crulkabanb ror falllng to tepalr Pier Mo.a M. B.. aa
(lireeteii by tho Commsalonera, waa alao adopl .'. i ie
report of Buperlntendout McKoweo. la reiereuce to
repaira to tbi bu kbeads ln bl* dlati
The An Uting Comi ilttee reported la
iu tbe bllta ol numeroufl persons, amountiug t" to.
Among tii" Itemfl. I i noonta wera dlreotod to
b.' paid to the foUoaina peraon. s
Wll iToa-C.c ,:,.; i l Beaall k . -?
A_iph8url?. 1,44 ? ?: V
Sa-ii1 11. Pii:e. ini 27 VV oi. II. Iiu-:....sT). . .
.V V.' Lif. lul. Co. fur
r. t .3.7_0 no OaaaiCaa Br aaal.... 436 70
Jo_|ti W. Iiartca. BOB 51 I
Tuo i-iaiiu of Ja*. Mclutin A Bmlth for H.0M I
eontruct tor mpaln to f: t pier at !"..' .>r T'.ii -i I
N.K , was laid ov.-r. Tbe Aadltlna Comuntteo also re?
ported tnat tho balanee remalnlngto tbeoreoltof tho
Department, on June M, a ba I
Tne toHoanng were reported to tue Kxeeutlre Commit?
tee : Tio- peiii.) i ol Wu.. K.H. am _ii, tu put a ihed over
a propooefl extenalon ol PierJIo. n n. R.; tl
tiiioii of Boat. li. Cornell, to aoe * portlon ot tbe build?
lng of th,- Mi.ii.ind Ballroad (ompauy at tho foot of V, -
M",-at, tt. l..; the petltton <>i Boward I-. Brady,
fnr a leaea of Ptaei Boa. .-. aml m W. tk, and the
pi-tititiiui of Marsh, Whlte a Cea, oaaing pocmlealon *
ereel aahed on Plei ?n i. M I-- R.
Among tt"i-e vi.o lompiai ic.i. y: iteri ?-.'. before tbe
Bpecial Committee of the Board ol Buperylaon ai^
poluted to inveatlgate up-town raluatlona, wore Wm.
U.e aa, Tno'iias KelTy, M:-. u frriel Bai ison, Mr. Seb tf
tur'. Loulaa -t. Jobn, Mlcbael Cronan, Hugh Treble, Jas.
i.i rnstaodotbera. Tbeir itatemenu luhauntialij
oorroborated thoae wbleh hare be -n glvi n hy n:1: r u t
Bonaon preftoeadaya,andtended t" show ihelneiaaae
ot asaessiuenta and tbi lujostlee of tbe adi am ,
ControUer Uroea renorta the following amounti
.iy into tho City Treaaury: Pl tn Bareaa a*
Arieaia. for arreara of taxea, aaseaamouta, water rent,
an.l intereat, Mt,eM Mi Bureau ofCollectlon of _
menta. for aaartaamenta for itreet opening and Improve
iii, i,i-, .i ri im. ii-;, ?;,j.i*i 17; Bnreau ol City Reveuue.
for markel rentt. aafl feee, aad Oreenwicb-au El vated
Kailwav, inni M; Bareaa of Water Regiattir, for Croton
waterreata and ptmaltira, ?i-.i.i ti, parmlta to tap
wat. r pipes. BM, toul, |_.1M( ?: Departmenl of Docka,
tor doeb aid allp rent,|lMTTM| Bay<H.eOtt_e, for per
in.'.- tn.- -traet itaada, i-i.o.v aaaaa, U*u,*kc., li^M,
iii'( in. ?-, t.i. total, ii.'.*-. j Department ol Publlo Parlu,
for r.ins of premlsos on Rlveralde I 1360; City
< orta, for oosta and feee from Flrat and Pourtu D
toui'ts, Wll OV, total, |.,117 .1.
Comnii8..iont.-r Nort. aeeompfloied by a
number of pr.iperty-ownen lutt-rtsted iu tha laylBgaal
of the Eastfcido Iloulevaid, mflMd y< -t.r.l iy tha I BtBfl
IBglBfl lucluded iu tLe Lagtalatlffl BM Iay ins- out the
Ininii var.l, in BfflM M ****** upou the best 80818 t" Bfl
followed. Aiuoiii. timso preeeat wero Aaaamhlyaiaa
crary, i-x JaflflB WMah, und llaaara McOowaa, Boyfl, rl.raud. WheMer, and DoflgB. After rldtog Offlfl
the wlioio ground fnun Kl.hty-slxth to One-hiin.lre.l
nnd-slxt--t nth-.t., lt was unatilli: "ii."lv Bgiaed IhM UM
eaatifljlatad hoBMfBtfl ahaald not ba laid aal tm tha
paipflM ,'f a pleasuro drivo alone, lut that lt
should follow euch a courso as would BB_N
the 888888 a hlghway, nfforillug
tho qitii kest ti'.tans of cast .Ide tianslt betWOOa
Voikvillo aml Ilar.ein; and that to tlns end BflbOflld
follow, ln 888888888, the courso of tho wlde BfBBMN Bh
ready labl out. CouimisstoiiiT TSB VflM stated that 1,1?
views were similar, and that ho felt that au aflflltloaal
tieneflt would res.ilt frmn such a cottrse, Bfl only little
BtllXtl PIBBMlJ BBIllfl hfl Tfl fo ho pnraha.ed, aad thfl
expeuseof lavlna out tho Hmilevard wnild thua hfl
inateristiiv reii.n ed. It was agnod that the lower por?
tlon of the K.mi. var.l abould t-i_*' fluoh i oouraa as would
Baaka diroct eommualeatton between tbe point wi.t-re
AvenaeA tiTinmates ut the rlrer ln tbe vlclnltv of
.S.'n iv-.-eeond-t., aud the p.-iiit where Avetiite A roaumea
Ita ooaraa at Oue-bundred-and -ei oad-sc, tbe Intei.dl
ata apaee ronaiatlng at presant ot a low niarsb, whlch
niiia ba. k to Fir.t aml He.'.iud-avi's. Thfl BOana t.f tuo
Iloulevaid iu that Bolgbborbood would thus 80 s.ui. oll ?
ei.iiir, ami follow dlreeti/ tbe water front. Il waa agrced
tnat ihis eourse shouUl i.e followed so faraaaboulfl be
il. (ineil prsieticablo by the enaineera of thfl Departmenl
of I'titilie Works, who, lt i* stated by Mr. Vau Xort, wi.l
immediately bflgln thfl pi* limii.arv surt'eya.
tiie KoroaBBiDOB ootiBi
To t hi EUktor of Tht Tribune.
Sut: Your jourmtl ia tlie only ono whieh
has given particular attentlon to tho Keferee's examl
uatloii of my clalnn airamst tho eity as . tirveyor of tho
Kiuit-nbridge BBBd Wldenlng. WMM I bavo nithlng to
coiiipl-ti-i of Iu j-4Mir editon?l eotiitiicnts on thfl e.ia , tii"
lmportanco of whlch you fully apprei late, I thlt.k I havo
aBBM to feel that your reports of the exaiuii.aiion* BBffl
licrn liicomplete. For lusiatu".-, you report Ilioexamiiia
tion of Mr. Travy aud Mr. Sernll. EJ. II. Tracy. ChlBl
Bag_Bfl8f of the Cfoioii Aqueduct, ls set down ns d'-elm
liig to BBBBB any tatiuiato, whi.e Mr. . eru.l is r.-i>r.'
r> nl. d as positively IflfllaltBg tho work worth not ? ro
than |3J,1X4), or tho saino aa the BflfllflfBlfl 8flflta ? IW,
tho truth ls that Mr. Tracy, an old aml BbM enifiti.88 of
forty years' exiiirleiice, positively di ilared that BO man
exeept the ono who had made tho survey 88BM I -
aorreetty taeeorti ami Mr Banfll Btataflth
astlmate waa made trota a rer) onrsor] examlmttloa of
themape. If aa abto aaataaaroould not eattmate il ill,
why ahoald tbe toottaaony of another engtneor.a
euiMiry examlnatloaof tba mapa. in* 'niteul Mi
another expert employed bj Bi Ujreeato make an ei
uuiiii.ttioii, to repreaented Ia yom paw lue tbe
aiiiotiiit, l.y i-iii'hiittitiBK a imw matnod ol romp.itatiuu,
thereby Implylna tbat mlae waa wrong j wh
bappeoa to be thnt, lf Mr. flaxo'i metbod be emp ?? i.
my ebargaa wiii i.e foumi ti> bo, la tio- aggregata, Iom
than ni-, l'oi laaflaaea, take tbeae two il
benaflt aupa, tbrea BOta n-.i'-.-: q in feet at one
eent per i_ tgaan MMI, aoeording ta my ebarge, la .-I ; 84)001 iiiic to Mr. Buga, lhe utme arei bj tba
1,.,t. -i poaalbta ralewatioa at bli ratofl v< ? ild amouol lo
|M,6e9 08. Ur. Bage doea aol mereli testlfj totbe eor
i,. i in nr i.f his in, ihud, tmt he iii. ii-iiiaiii rbaraed for
work at thta rate on iho'publlc dnve, Ii ia iimplya
tin I. ii e ot metbod of oetoulatloa, ami miaa
th ni lil
I , . )..ii to paMlah Ud, as au BBl Ol JOItlCO. Mv
bualneasol aurvryorla i.l.. u toauffer fruui tulaaortof
itetrai-tioii, bei-.m-o |i.-.i|iii- .1" nol uiiii- .i.i tbal mj
metbod ot i.ii.'ii.iiiK.ii mit] oo as falr md noi , - - reaaon
anl,- tn.ui Uiai of tt'1 i, r. tn n .uu, ).4)i . t ,
.V?w forfc, J'.lv Ji, l*7i. i . . ..
MAMFAflii MBM am. Minii iw POBBtflflBBB wrnt
nn. PBflflBBl Uflflfl iiik flUBIBOl IB m ''?.?*?
WA -il) H IfllK ivl.l. i.iil l.ii.-. UF IIIK Uil.ilflll.
flflflfl Iflt
Miiiiy of Uie Ifllfl infinufacturersof tlii* city
CA,un,i.n tbal 11..> a.iiniifli iifliiaiH'te oBh flMkaflfll
l-.jiiit.-- farth.T aouth and tti tt, ? -l- 'Iflfll on Uia-llne ol
tfeB BaMhOOM ata') Ohla aod I b8aapa ike Killroada. Tbfl
BflBBB iiirtiier of MM l f the l.irg) at augar n flneriefl In
IfeB vl-lulty Btflflflfl tlut Itiiltniiore (8flfl888 e.-,itl<l
?lilp tln-.r iiignra to CflflB8fl-S Bk I,?.iila. flnd
BthBB BBBflB Weat 20 cent* per barrel ahBBBBf than \ew
York nll aaafla BB own IflflflNIP flflfl copablo af pro.
diii-iiiK 7'-. im iiarn-liyearly. Tbo dlil. ra-ni- in < oat ol
ttan.-p' rtation liitwflcn ibe tOO afcflaa would makefl
\. ry fair psflfll Ifl thfl ag_ra ..ite. B< w-Y'.rk luiia-.rierfl
al.ia. loiiflpl.i.ii that an un.air fli-teniniuation I-madfl
? tin ui by tha railroad aaaapiBb uaii.inp.inid
-.uua i; ri-, Pklladelphla, aud BbIBmaafl hoaaaa, tbo
latter 1 log aaaa to flfll loflfh flflfl W< IflNflilltflBl
i* raaoi i beapar,
BeaJ iiii.ti ii. flfearaaaa eftfea flaw-Tea* *a*am ieflalofl
CflBBBOflP atat. .1 tiiat the flflflBfl .ll-eriiiiinatiori-i of rail
r.-iolca tuiuiiiixiii fivor ?f aflaatoa, )'ti!l.t'l'''.|.!.ifli. and
HalllMMB. and 880*081 N w York,WflflflHfl |anue1pa|
fliBaafla al aaaBoaafeM bo Um paal <>f >'? ler-Yeefl "?-r
chanta.aud tbat thay were det< rmined Ifl put BB BBd LO
BBflfe iiiifaiiii.flfl, BB aald Ifefll railroad 8880880118801
ii.ui-t no loniier im peBoUttad t-. wiur tb-fla ataofl tfeaefl
or four tl i.n .*., iiml ti.en ehflrga h j,. r ? I I
Caiail WSBt? l ? . * :"-'*
tho auhjttt wl.l l r the
l\ Ii. Thurher, of Ihe Ina af B Y. T ? rro
8818, aald that the mi r. haiita ef fl<Bfl*-YO"_ BflBfl Jflfll
BlflflflfaBB to a aenae of tbe fl?BBM 1 bl. Ii feflBMflflflfl the
coinm.-ra-e or llu-i-aart. aiid tli it thev ahould n-.t dcilat
from tbelr flf.iria untll triev ba-1 18081 BBBB
BB Ifllfll B0P88M i''.v of .New V flfe 88 a r lr tmmm
He tUouebt that tbo rouroiuU fl BlBB>
paaatai !>' aaaaa tfeay eoa layn - ? I
(.iii.r, : iy tfee pt apl ? "'"
?BBfloaof boytog Bb Bowo fl ?-? l fa l
iBaflflBflM tbal ttie psBpfla w?aM MBaeeafl*. He
a.u'i tl.t theao ia in ' . " b?f ?f ? tttt "i-i raflroad <
an wblflfl, bbaoflarIb pay fllfllfl ad mbB inxed
li,- lii,-li fn iirbt ??:? B8 B Ifl (8888 of
tl.e prapooed <i..iii'ie Baai raad I ??' 'h*
ll,- ilftot. il'.l iy '?) ftfltflfeta At M I '-t
frelght tralaa ara ahllflafl la baap aafl -flf Iha
. | iiui BBBBM IOO ? ? *80O?
.lu.iii.iof lli.* l.m.*. Witb an ? >l *'0'**d
l.:,. aald b. carried bflfl :
M. I..".,.-, Ifl tlii'*- d ?
qoln l f-.r gooda to n aea Ubmb .
rxpeaM would tn- afeBflt aofl-haU of tfla pi - afl
r ii.-. Offltfl Vflfltfl not ''
warefeooaea la tfee Wlatei aall flflM anw, hat eooM fefl
ibipped t.a .N- a ? :'' t",,
iiiiuui.iitiiti-of tbe li-t w-.fl.l afit.ii'il.- IflO
ward. Baah a raod afeeol 1 b * aoUl ? i i
(,.i\. niiiia-nt, imt i. Ba -i eoaaral i ?
lay tlie paope, wbo abould owu tbo Ifllltflflfltflflfe. ??'"!
...... rfl 'i -bould not Inr "v. r 7 pi r " Bl Bfl me
. apital i.n. -?* - Br. 1 ? : ' *t
- ! nt it
BflflM tl ?** "f '" :"*
?rettaflwlll bfl 1
Wfeilfl cotirriit'-- ii.' *' ti Iga ".'il bo baM fr ... ??
ttatt 88 fe. * - *:ty may d
Kr. BoMbbob, or n. B. I . a -'? Ca . " I
to tbe a II fl.t prodBi ??'! i'U -Iai' ?
tiaflii cai.'itr.flVi i*.-> tfeal tfeara waa bbbbo talfe
und Un ? ***? *?
I, bat it ??> - ? p-atla
tronh ratlroada eeati rUuj I Bt a '? ? ' a
t.iuc.a-fl tfeay mfl ubtfl-iiyw-ii:,- BalaV
,1, :? tmtmt I M - .- ? bmb.
Kr. Paaka ef I ? CO. U * d tfe I ai
UMOgh hfl lia 1 hflfdlp i-.'.eu tfefl tflbj l
(i ?-*i-V(*-!. ncv.-rtl..IflBM Lo tli.l not believe lu any -lia
irilinuatiou afeBWO bv tfefl IflUrOflda la favor Bf a tu.-r
eiaoaoathasaafeoard. ti
Uaifl OM8 OOtOpeT ftOM t. ,i ..:*. I . ;b.-y
ti.t.i baaa. Iha fen
,.U ll-tt. ,...*, i.i. i.
it! 0OI 73 ceiitflfl, all 1 lu nolilii Iflfl!?? ? ? '? ? bu CeUU
P^r hoadred-wi igbt.
ii-:,. nl that tfee eeoteat waa B88B>
' ia-' year. li k ia aot i
.!-,.! ;.. i ..-:.- ? aa th* i '- ''?' ra tl ? a Maflp
aall. TiM matter i. it beea i. - a
BBtldpatioo of tho Fall trafla. ? Heooaklarll
of nu*. ii iMportaaee ezeepl le the i>i?-r?.
Ih' v v..*r.: BBflfl to ;i. - - bow
. '.:.o iii ifl.'iit nieii iu. .-iit uit. r l.i .i ..ii .1,.
IUE Ollll.i: Ml-'-i Or TIU. I t-a .
l.iflBOiii ral roa [Bibubb ? ?'...>, on aev
.*r... of thflflfleataof tfei i ilrofld aad forward leeeB
. Bfld ti.' iu :. ?' t of
freighl bow forwarded aa t npflred a tb I ttat iiui
peoTa Ifea aaoot of oaa of ifefl iroofe bbb m I tfeal the
aiuount of fn*ia.-lit fOTWflr ? 080
|B8l vi.i!. laa- ratea aie iower BOfl I have
:i an avei-.tu-.fl, for > * '?'? *rt
waa BBBflfl bp tblfl bflfl tfl prflteet tfee la ,?,'?**?
lt ineiihaiiti or lii.tuu/aeturera I I B flfld profflfl
that tbey were likely to loae a 888188888 BJ 188888 ol
tbe d.ff.reuco in lr. Ighl
i.'.i -,ba iui!'' I..- iat. tooorr ipaBdio I . ttthaapa
potiii'iii. Tb?8flwaaBMflhtraa u ma
of tha- appflflflflttflB lim-jfl. llie ViTuu.'iit ( fliilral. the (Jrand
Troflh, aad tbe BalttBMta aad Ohio, la mai.. rapaatal
r ita--, aod thua cuttiug uudei thOM ef tfe8 ' I
The agent of MM of tfea liiBitlni f.-i fr. i,-ut liues
t1nni*:liL thiit BBBM I ol i"*. 8 a eooaiderablfl f tJUag ofl m
tbflflfelpBBSalflM frelv'bt tbua fflr IfeB v.-tr. BflflflflBlBflfl
mui li of tma, boweva r, to tbe fmit thfll tln* flprl.BgWBfl
(?.) li.,-.-...iat al. M .ny ot Hu- ii" " - fl they flflflfll
bo M i-iy lo uiflii atnekfla eitfeei m.-.o i... j.ur
ofeaaefl of Bpnag gw tl ? .-:* ? --ut
moderatfl ly an:1 ibipped tbeir , <
ibipmenl ol irelgbt u.w.*r bo ,
lii*., bfi :. i . u.'W
cbarga , "; ? n' ? I ' ' *****
tl .ll.lll IV tll lila. r POI ' IBO '" iUfl l.ia !?..-.-. 11
vvui intended to (Iw ? " - l
u . i*i\.*ii ordera t<? - * ' ? I ' "
ratea are ctaaauull) cliaiiBlflg, aud llu it.... .. j *lui*
io be doflawarda _
TIIF. LOWEB Mis.-issiiri CAVAL.
WIRBflfl N-v\ i* I
Thfl iinprov'ineiit of thfl lliaaiaaippl Kiv.rat
iUout'a-t 1:1:0 Iha (.-I foi M- U .r.'.il,
but Very i:ttle bflfl flflfl* bflflfl d 88 I ?>"'*
th.'fcV.U ilil-illg flDIU tll- ??? l---it loxlOr
tbflU aro a fr. ina ut BBMB88I -aitbfl
cou.iiii-ne ol tfefl Wii-t iu Bl
Lataly, hawafi r,a ,: t0
U - Mfl ii- .af Capi. H.flwe*'. ..f >tha UaJtflfl ^t .tee
BoglflflflM Oeapa. wha i ini"'-'- Ifea hflfldlag af a -bip
canal from tlio KMB-aatppt, 8888 Ha lii.uth.
out into tho t.iilf .f ,M. ii.-.. BB prejeel wa*
tint taken up ny ti.o Qevaaoaoeot la i -
tam whlefe pMsed Ifea BaaM ef B.ipa8flBBBaB0Bl
ln tbe Hpnugof l-:i, aulboruiiig tba- BBBTePBl lh88B>
cil.ty and llie . i.air.:i..itl.)ii of tfefl p'.i
tbat lime-fliirvt \ - bave lua u i.-.j.|.,t. - 80
8J8O8 over, aflBOilflga bave Im-.-ii BBflfl) 1 I l'**"-*
llBBiaoap OBaaoaoaa I taboa bf u. I
Board of tha I ? ? ... .mi.
M tiora
i. \v imn, ( wtghlfl, aafl aTaMaat, aald .. aaaa-Bafl
im tha I ? oaoa no -ia*
Clll.'d OU. Till I'-..lld llil- Il-Jt > at f tpl- I.IOII
Ideoi ef Iha pi i- fe..! ii.iv uf ? Boa ..' tb?
i ai al, Bf "f 1.- dOTfl ty aiid | lu leeelll
Caire-. "? thO
wiioia- r'ii'ie.'t (af iflha aaaaaa I aaaoa iaa ?n
bbbbobI of the Bbetroeiloo af tha pa ' I *
bla-ipi IflTflSdB iT.-fllt IflOgtl ? '
ColK . rnit.g tbl.i CltlUi |fl |ia*l Bflffl glfflOa
Oflfl. .i aiui .\. BflwlBO, v. ii. ii iflfl lafl bi aTaaooflfl
npiaii r, aiflai tho lollowing parlictiiar*. i - flflflfl
the propoae'l canal: Ii i- de-U-i e.i to coiiik t tbo
i i-i Kiv.-i- al i i- flfll a i-tt-fl' bfi.iwrV -i, * r mi-,
ae ia iha -'ia 'a Bai Ofkaao, tuitx
tfea (.li'.f of Kazlaa, aaat IB au r.u t.ui. Bfl fllalaaoo ta
not ,t V i-i) fTflfll <. Ifefl - ali.ll, wbell aBOmpiel. d, l? tO
li:.v a> o:ia- !mk iit tl"' Mi- llflfltppl ll v a r, atnl ka::ial kialefl
only al tbe pl.i.'i- wtuMfl tti.) Bflflfll tflTOB mtta Iflfl Oflfe
1'lie il. -un i- I'i have a a!aa,.-b of il fnt of Bfltaf Ifl
Uie ?i ??> depth I* aiippo-ad t?) be a.l?
flBflta to uieet the detuandi of 888008800. IBfl
coltri..-of tln .an.l it iu nu .t),tftly .llifi' Bflfl
BM uot vtt paM'* I BBflfl MM ptBSOOOOl B] fll thfl
: oi- upoii tbe of the .- .1 ttben
:. i 'liiooi'jet t of Um aaaal BM illao el tha paa.
t. -i.*li of a ib Bfl flUBflfel >?' ? ai. I. w h:cli OBflOflfl
. Bl Bflflf tfefl VrtflflB I' IM "' BM Mi-i.-.-ippL Th-*.
lii.tfiiniifif feBB two BfflM at ?oik flnflglag ~t tba
f-,.iiiii Wi.i pflflfl, liy .*.'* i 'iit .ri.-fi'f' f' .. ?- ' 88a*
'?. baap idapib vi aaUi aiuivti ti. * <o in u^? -?