Newspaper Page Text
-AmnarmcMfl, ftr., -_h?a **m?\1 \k-ai.i.acb. b TBBIIBB HBIflBl" Mr- *>i"u Bouclcault. CawntAi Far* Oardek. -Sumroer Night'B Coneert. 'I'iit "..ore Tto.iita*. _ Jn&r* to ^o.rtistmfMfl. _ i,rd Fofft fili eolntiin. . , I imm l vl - s.rruth T**?** cotiiniri. j,4k;. -.Mi babbbbb fle8ea_-_ffl aiBflOB ilinti. i Vagr?iih and 6tb coluinns. i , ..Liuiu. nuv - | r.ioc-i-.l r.iltinin. loAl- rti -I'tird i'il'/c?- I eoiol.i... Coi i . .-(/ Pa*-**** c.luuin. itb coluoio. Di\ im sn Ji - ? ':i .-4)iii!im. i I'noe?r.'h eoiiiion. I INANCI vi ?'"! C li ,'iihltiin*. Fl KM! - - * - ? 'UIIII. rolamn. | U-tBBBflfl, 8 .?l__fl ***** 818 utnn ; Eb'Ror_A_-i.!__. ;..;, imna. I page?M eolnmn. Mj-rr. Ta* ld. 8d and im oolonina. i i, ii i., v ., v b column. ?li iniiiiiiii. Iim Ith coluinn. -i.tti.i_ ? 8*0* Ta'je?6'.b and 8!h M *TB_#? Third **nat?*& eolnma. Markiaok-. vm' Dbatub?TiftkTa* Itboolomn. , iiuimi; Lij/iitnlage uun. ? Ird /',i -r t*?h coluiuu, Ta*?-1 eolumn. ; i oolumn. 11 r.i'nnin ; 4 i'ii'ii?..,i f- ana; Bi fl Ji i ... btbi rAIrd / a ./..' Fs##?8d oolumn; To i ... s.i eolumn. '.''('(/ I'nge? 2.1 eoliimn. . .lamn. a . m:'- t****t*i Vagt-ilh coluinn: - .??'.; ifi .:?: eolnmn. vn;. 11*118011.8 ti*k l'aje- 4tli, 5th aud ? tB - ". i'.tqe?Ith colunin. Ith tolimia. lt 'I eoiUIOt). .i i s li.ii! BBTT?TkU*i F_7r?.1 coluinn. k Uns'.nrea Xoticrs. pALi V- * PaTBUT LbO, ?..fcty socket ? ,1, I'bila.irlptna._ . I 'w. for "v,t ninc years, lo .rd._ .. m?i i:- in thi- worid ? . _ __aflt Tb*r nukeorertwo bnnd t or c'rll.UK , ' alra_ ' ii , i ' h unifereally odopted by KK I AIILI iMl i * 1 ?- 1 : fur oulj Iftj- cent. per _ " w "?We bave dcclared Maa tai IB .'.. Wben diieuei tiri'in proitrite roa, Uke IIblb .11 Bm hn tr.*} be Inown t.y the pritile pr.n.i.rlarr alamp of II. T. Ueimbold oi eieii botlle. md lt fnllr .irrai tr-1 far _M*_*a of tbe kidaf r? il 1 uri-irr orgiai. Sold b} ilrug _ Tm. I ' . ai._4-_-A_.AC lor 1. T3. Priee 20 jis -. bf Pr. K. W, Ilaymond, _ 1 i Si ?. ix Shakespcarciin . ln lua Tiiibu_! Le.-t.ui _ ' lo Tni; Tbibubb ? 4*r,J :_. tl.. :.i _^^^ M. I.i.. Il BB l.XTl'A _.(>. b. Tna Bbthod o. Chitioi. Ati ' ?? '. - ?> t 11 Twe'r - I -for* th* MrtiKtm nf ? - a t atuti a. l.if- printed on i full , .. ; - raI4*l witb BBinetou. enf,-iri_fi .V. w tit t-T. T8II4-V8 I 4 N'n. EtOBT. t tw**le__tl F_iilt dat-or , UlcenU: t?a bt 1'. r..,ia. Ir* fnr 2_ Taa !Kli" >k s-w-Vi -t. i I.,- taiaaaad 130BajraTiafa. ita. J/./.'_/._ OF TUE Tllllii.SE. f?An.T Tanrc-fB. Mail Bnbflenbera fioper anntirn. *?> mi- .'? 11 M *. l RiBUKB, Mail Sntwcribera. S.'t aeran. \. BBBl i i i.ii ' NR, Mail ftul?4cril)t;i_, t'i per aunuin. A dv.rtisinp K a t _ s. I . , _____ $] per Iin*?. Simi \"? ? ? * i ? - par liiis. i v i .:, i md $9 per Une, I liiiK to jio-tiiiou iu tho paper. TiTiu-. ? -' Ia Bdranee. i BflMraaa Tiik Tkii_'__ V. w-York. aenta recein ,i at np-tofra ttttat*. 54| W, lt.. tiii 8 p. :ii., al lagalai ratPS. Tna Si u-W_k_lt T-UBUKB ?iil be ready t'.t- ni,- . a' I o'eloek, iu wruppcr- for maiiing. i'lirc 11 _ /'. * Tet9*Torit fnr the *,trtr,r) *.*,*, <-n~ ? rr 4 IBOBB ****** to them for %l per : paOngt. far 81. trtdttatet ef t ? ,?(,., ?rr trif lint} tiliioiiti cin/l.M juyi.i i i!Ai/<.d tathtirh*** rr* f? ? f-li : month; Stmi B'eeklf.) .; lYeekly, rir montht. ? ;',? front of the ne* Tnbune iy I.e f'luti'l in the tirit ? n.i Bprneetm, The Tribune rcmnttni iK-f tteitUied at Utt *te.)i_ door tl orti ,a; / t:le. l*ht*r% cT&PaiIagt-b_n_ FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY. FRIDAT, AUGU.ST 1, 1873. Tke fljaeattOB af tha Duke of Edlnburirh's allowance wm flaaa-BBBl la IhB BrlBah Haaaa ot Coiumona. ____= 1 in-11.. iu Bp_iu, bas boon captured by the i iit troops. I l . .1 BapakltBia _tAt? Committee met at - ara tofca to Iay jilatih for the Fall campaiifti.-Tho Vir innla T. i'i'1 i iii Convention uoiuiiiated a Lleuteu 1888888 and Att"mej--General. __= Tho State t um: iti.iti apimlnted slandlng comtnittAC*! and adjourncd. _-_= VeatcrJay'a wlnners at Saratoga flKBfl BflBB-BB, T. ue Llu<, and Blind Tom. IBa 1888k] thellre InthpAppral-crg'Storeswillnotci r. od Haaaaa. _- The ControUerhafl called theMayor'a attentlon to uu eiorbitant ar.norj- leaie. *__-_= Pre_l il - t - Ike DaaaitaB-Bt of Parka realutied. A ahocmakcr shot him?elf after attcniptlnn to ].. I ln- |B 88_ t"'. __r__r- Coufllctlug tcstlmouy waa ren flaaafl in th* r.'iirer malpractlcocaie. =-3 Oold, llij, U'i, lli*,. Ti. ? B8>, 8T,5, 7C3. Contn.llcr Grcon rccalls one of tlie old aiinory rvvindlcs to give notice that be __-an_ to coiitt ?t the payraent ot the rent under a Uaaa uhieh aHova tbe lessors for one-fourth cf the iirmory building a rcntal equal to a tliird of tii* BBBBBB- value of the ivholo prop cr'y. Wa tliink Mr. Orecn's rcfusal to pay such a bill will tind very nearly unanimoufl apfaa__lt A ficry radical, whoae European lefters to Thk TBIBI BB aie nlwayu r.-ad with plcasurc, eaaaaaaaaa uu to-day with a budget of biilliant talk about matt.i_ and thmus iu I.nn.Ion. H.r lcttir, piintcd on our BBB8BB. pai;., ri*iK*v down lhe curtaiu on the Shah in Eafiaad, and fairly eornplctes the unwliolc BOflBfl imoreaaioo whieh the PaBfl-BB BB8 made on the minda t>f tho_e who know hiiu uow by coiuiuon reptite. Careful investigation sbows that tbe 188881 by tbe bflfB-Bf of the U. K. _\pgUm***9**} bton ., WedBflfldaj Bight H_D not be nearly &o large a_ at lit-t cstimatcd. Some experts put lhe |8tal ai.'io-int at $125,000 or $150,000. Au inti rri.itt-.I iii Thk TBUBBBB, Iha BBBB i-mbarrassing lohj will be that whieh iuuwt attend tho cou fuhion caui?'d by tbe desttuclion of invoices aud derangement of business. But tho flre very nearly gave a eevere blow to the iiu poitera. _, The Ix. _t tbat can be aaid for tbe Btate of tbiugs Ifl %***** ? that it bas grown no Vflflflfl iu Uie laat few days. Tuo Government, in laet, apptare to excriise a WBfl-aBtbla degiee ..f cnergj and diwrttion in ita trcitm. nt al th,- Caiiloiial lnstirn.tion_ The b.yal t-00_B are eoatplfltely 8Beee?aful Ifl B twupt ut flriiuf the v-ty huvuii' bi wavering placea have rehirned to their nlle giance. Moanwhile, tho enemica of the Re public do not aecm to profit hy their momont ary flflflltlgn Tho Carlista aro making no progrcss toward Madrid, antl tho insuwuts of CflltflfflM 0,111 apparcntly mako no uso of tlicir atolen navy. rnorrstillizcd ns political opinions now are in Franoe. uny popular sonsation mny be tlie shoek whkh shall bring bflfl lloating at<im.s tOfOthflC. Even tlio Sliah, it fflflMflb hiift given Oflflaflflflfl f'>r tlio exhibition of more pro lioiinccd iiitptiiiilisiii tliiiTi l'aris has for a IflBf time known. The King of Kings, wilh hii tioinp nnd flflflPCnttk liiainiifinncc, reminded tlic droopiflg Impcrialists ot tho ihowi of the defunct Empirfli and tho roviews and Flfld* dcntiiil Iflflflfl wm 11 revival of tho good old dfljfl. Tbo coninients on thia niiserablo business, given ln our Paris rorrc spondeneo, eonpfl) one to considcr whether theae peoplo tliink litc without royal thcatri Cflll worth the having. It is gritifying to observe that tho Admin i-tration is pursuing toward tlie Ku-Klux tho lcnient treatment which later events have provod tfl bfl wise and humano. It. has bron uliown that tho majority of arrested culprits Wfllfl young and thoughtlcss or very ignorant men, Tlio bolder plottera managed to eliulo sc.'irch nnd defy conviction. The Attorney-General informs a committoo of South Carolina gentlemen tliat, excopt in a very few uncommonly flagrant cascs, tho pending prosccutions will be suspended, and fugitives mny safely rettirn. Of courso, it is not to be expoctcd tliat any new violations of tho law cau be pardoncd in advance; and notice to that eflect is accordingly given. Col. Hiighes, who has just beei nominatcd by the Yirginja Kcpublicniis, made an easy, ofl' liiind, exteuiporaiicous Iflflflflh fl BMffl tiillo of three or four eoliiinns of fine type?in ne cepting tho honor. Considering that this is an " ofl'* year in national polities, it miibt be eon tflflBfld that it is hanl to account foi tlie total ali-enre of all loc;d flavor in the BOflflflWbat florid bara! of eloquenio which nppcars in the Washington papcrs almost 6imultaneously with its di livery in Lynchburg. In a diapfltflh from Wflflbiflftaa we havo a brief epitome of tbia truly admirable eftbrt ; its flhflrflfltflff is illiisiratcd liy tho following bcwilih ring an noiinefiiioiit with whieh itojiens: "Tlie flflg " of the Republican party is the flag of the " nation." Dofll tho or.itor nu an that tho party ilag is the national fla^' ? The r.1.1 disputo over tlie alleged unfairnoss and t of rflflrofld b?i_btJag ratea la r. iicvMil. Wfl pi'.nt iii itnoilicr part of THI Tnini N'E statenients made. by both sides to tlie controversy. Thfl frci.u'hters, reprrsented by one or tw > heavy firins, are docided in tln ir charges of tli.->triminutiiri Ifffliflflt New-York interests nnd oppn flfliTfl ratcs. On the other haml, it is replied by some of the rail? road flgeatl that tho Ifltfla are Iower than Dflflfl], nnd that bii-iness is Ughtflf than it has been for years. ThflN is ? fl-dfl dillcrcncc ifl opinion ln ro. There can bc no reonciliation of these two great Intflfflfltl without a candid and frank conference. The rcvival of tMl topir now is a proparation for th<- Fall trridfl*. Wc would bfl glad to thfll thfl Tfllioai partlM nit.r.'sted had agrcod tfl oauvass the whole ytu-stion in R friendly spiiit. i.VK STATE LEGISLATURE. We are told that gentlemen at Bfllfltoga pro poafl B Convention of Libeval RepnUkflDfl, aml a-i eflbrt, like that iu Ohio, for a joint tiktt witb thfl Democraey. It is soon to be entircly surc of the wisdora of tbil courso; and it is a time wh'-n 00?CJflBtioaa citizens are likely to hold them-vlvcs prctty free from any party eomplieations,?ready to iipposo dis honcst men, whatcver they may be labdcd, aml to nfltflill thoflfl they think they can tru.-t for honcst, government, by whfltaOflTfl party nominated. That this is the great thing to strive for in the api-roaching 0?m paign, DO ihoughtful man can doubt. Tho voters of tho Btfltfl of New-York have loug bflflfl flhflfltfld and dcludcd by the P"li ti'-iiins who control the State and local oigani zations. Yflflf after year they have apparently been oontflnt tj be rcprescnted in Congn .-.** aml ihe Legislature, nnd to suflcr places ot tiust and executive power to befilhdbya inotley erowd of charlatans and thieves. Iu this impeachment wc make no execption of the Bi publican party under its recont managoment. Louk. for iustanee, at its dealink'S with the Reform movement of this city. The so-called Reform Legislatuics of 1872 and 1873 Cairried into pow?r by a revoit in the Demo? cratic party, hcaded by such uudoubted Dflm* ocrats as Charks O'Conor and Basnd J. Til dcu. La6t Fall the Republioan organization of this city again availed itself of the strength of the Reform organizations, and the better to do this, snpportcd Gen. Dir, a Uffl-kof Dem ocrat.forGovcrnor, fladWilUfla V. Tlavemeyer, another lifo-long Pemocrat, for Mayor. The voK.s had hardly been countcd when an in triguo was entered into with Mayor Hall, the residt of whieh Wfll the appointment of E. Delafield Smith as Corporation Counsel for a tfl-rm of several years. When tho Legis? lature met a chart<r was presented to it from the offiec-hohhtttf ring of this city, whioh was oxpressly designed to sccure for that ring all the patrouage of the City and County Governments. This charter Wfll promptly passed in the moro numerous braiich of the fillflalfllilll. receiving the iinani moiis vote of tho Hfl'publioaus. The Senate, after a long atngfkb refused to grant aii that the rapacious and dishonorable politicians ?.f the city demanded, but so far yif ldcd to their solicitiitions as to deprive the Mayor and i'ommon Council of the power of appointing tho heads of three most inijiortant depart Bflfltflj viz.: the I'olico, the 1'ub'ie W<uks, and thfll of the Corporation Couns?*l. A despcratc att'-mpt was made by tho saine orpanization to get rid of Controller Groen, but this was fortunatcly defeated. Faitlilcsf, too, have those in power been to their plcdgcs tfli lflfonn tho Btfltfl 0flflflflfl* ineiit. Not a birnclo robber of llie canal reveniies have they exposed, much Iflfll brought to justioe. The Btfltfl is tflZfld and robbed, nnd robbfld and taied, year after y< ;ir, for Ihe Canal Ring to the tune of millions. In 1872, on the motion of Scnator Lowcry, the Canal fl'fliiiiinittee of the Senate was flhflfgfld with the duty of iuvcsliKUtiug flflflfl] manugemeiit during the Summer and Fall, Mr. Lowcry having made ctrrtain specilie. charges; yet that Coinmittoe, of whicli Scnator Lewia of Ruiliilo was tho Chaiiiiidii, never paid the slighU-Ht nttcntion to the matter, and never liiiide a repoit. Iiut tlns I.ov i-, ali.-r sitting years in the Bflflfltfl With Twflfld and tWfl fflflfl IflBfflK ""'' the Kcformeis, aud hflTiflg flfllblBf i'i thfl fo"' ' ui ' .?? govcrnmcnt. is again a eandidate, and will contiinio to bo a Senator; so much to be pre ferred, forsooth, is n notorionsly unfnithfiil reprosentative, provnlcd he is a Republican, to any Democrat! On the 11th of October, 1871, Scnator Conk ling mado a great flflflflflh at Alb;my, iu whioh ho attaoked tho Demooratic maiiagi inont of bflfl tinnnees, and particul.irly of tlio pii-ons. In the two years 1801 and ItEB, in war times, tho Cflist of niiiiiitaiiiitig tho conviets and juisons was only flflOflt $100,000 over the re ceipts from earnings; in tlie two yo.irs, 18(19 and 1870, $700,000, or sevcn times as much. The Ropiibiioan piirty was destined by l'rovi dciice to reform this. The refoini, how? ever, has not yet illuiniiiated tho hori zon. ln tho singlo year ended Sept. 80, 187,', HM deficienoy was ^l.l'J.OOO, which is at tho rato of $000,000 for two years. Neither do wo find that tho Legislafuro has given any attcntion to the matter. And so of the whole matter of linance aud tnxatiou. The. Legislativc expenses havo been cut down a littlo from tho monstrous figurcs of Tweed, but, they are still far above thflflfl of ten years ago. Havo tho peoplo been invigoratcd by any great rediietion of taxes! Cities, coiiiitios and towns have bflflfl authori/cd to taflfflflfll almost ad libituni their nlready magnifii .-:it debfs, until the State, flf New-York is both more hcavily in ilebt and more hcavily tflxed than any State north of -Masoii and Dixon's line, with perhaps a siuglo exception. This very fflfll tho aggregate of State and Iflflfl] taxes col lected and to bo OQ-flfltfld in the Stato ex Oflfl ll f.fty milli-m doliars, flZOlOflhrfl flf a Iflfll fully as, paid to tho National floveiii ment. Yet tax bills and approprialiou bills aro reserved for the last night of thfl scssion, to bo voted blindfold, amid the rattlo of paper balls, spittoons, and iilos of doouments and the most ladflflorihflblfl bar-room foolcry. The lobliy, witli its coirujiting appli'inees, mtiRtcrs every Winter flt Albany in con-t.intly inercasing fo-oo. N?i iiilcllixcnt Bflfl who.vcr risited Ihe plflOfl twtee during thfl leeakHtfl of tbfl Legislature flflB bfl igiioraut of in i ence. JI. re Wfl have tWO Of three doflflll BieO, at the loWflflt estiinatc, livmg in a fltjlfl of thfl cxtiavagan.'o, ly flfllOCi* ating with Seiiators nnd A--eniblyni( n, constantly in theil iooins and by tlicir lidfll in thfl lcgisl.itive chambors during the leaflioofl, and ailvocating mflflflfllflfl which aie p.i.pably bOfltUfl to the public intrrBBtfl. Such is thfl la.hl.v. lliit be it noted, thfl achflflflflfl nnd Jobfl v. linh the lobbyists " bflTfl flfaflfffl flf** -seid-Hil fail to pass, aml tlie flflM who vote for tho ?schemes ai.d Jobfl nre always the first in tho. Bflld for a renomination. Tliey never fail to flfld half I doflflll oiuiteuiptililo papera, oaaallj loecbei fi tened t.i the Btfltfl or Coiinly Tr- asuiy, or botii, Iflfldj to ra'comiiicnd th.-m as " iaithful to their con "stiiiienN," "Bflfl of high ability, valu "able experience, nnd nndoabtfld Intefrity," aurl iii'ire d'M-rving of n*i*h ctioil thflfl Jfldfll of repii.bation. ThflN are certai:1 women to be seen walking thfl itlflfltl by gflfllight whom all men know to bo prost.iut.s. There fllfl eertfliii legialfltora who are eqoally well known at Albany to be in tho h.ibit of selling thoir vot?'S, flfld Whoflfl cliief reaion f"r being Sen aitors and BflpfeaenlfltiTflfl li the Boney to be got ten in this way. Now wo say that thfl adive iKiliticians of neither the Repiib lioan nor the Denoeratk flflrtiea eaa be dfl pended on to n nn dy these evils whieh flffl vi.*-ilily uiidcriiiining Ihfl flflflflflTfllJOBI flf the Btfltfl, Both parties hare bflflfl tried aad both havo failcd. Mcanwhilo tho di.-oase grows .* and wor.-.e. Ncvv-Yoik i.s u li.hcr and grrater State thflfl Lo! or Boflth Cflfolinfl, bnt ihe ii infeeted with the Sitme mal idy, flnd robflflt as sho is sho will ultiuiately bfl overwh< laid un |0M there is fl 11101..I ieforin.itiou nt Albany. Wc therefofe adrtae the people to ittain every licrve iiii'l musde tfl get a majoriry of honefll imn, whatcver bfl tln ir poliths, into thfl ih xt Legiilfltaie. Beorare of tbooc nea who waat to bo rcfl'heted. Scarcii theirMOOrflfl. In?piii?' of looken on at Albfloj fli to tbe repntotioai Bflch men have made. Vote for DO tUflf for thfl gxoil of Ihe Pflfty, for that il to sct your party above your country and your tn-tl. TBE 011 m NEW PAETT, So far ns tho new party movenn nt in Ohio lookl to an iibandonnitmt of tho Beld by iho old Democracy, or ofl'ers to the Dcmocraiic party I way out from the shadow of a neofd and a bad name, while affording at ,!.(? MMOfl tin ?? flfl o[i|)i'iti.riity fnr RepobliCflni ili--ati.-lii ?1 with tho polkj and ttfl Iflfldfllflhlp uf their own party to coinbine and in.ike ef feciive their oppos.tion, it is dflflUlliflg of en flOflfflflJI nient. So far ns it oft'.rs good noiui natiains and evinces fl (h termination to uphold its princi[iles, it dcscrvis bucccss. Tho plat foiui adopted is, in the m.iin, Wl II cnough, but unhappily tho country has lost con tidonoo. in platfonns. It is bo easy for ? bad pnrty to adopt I food pl.itfonn; for nn uiifaithful and dishonost party to put foi th doublc-fact d and tricky reso lution?, or to proniiso squarely what they have not the slighi'st idca of fulfllliug, that tho peoplo havo come to considcr platfornn ns of theslightest possible account?tho mercst lumber flf politics. A convention may IflflOlTfl till all is bluc and it amounts to nothing; liimls no one; it haa 110 responsibilityj the politicians have always Bfldflffltood that ; tlm people are bog.nning to got hold of it. BflflO* lutions aro very prctty reading; nnd that's all. When your political pnrty comos to Ihfl responsibility of legislation it linds the erystal lizing of the nbstract rosolntioii into tho con crete statuto not bo flflflj a thing la do. The tieket nominated at Columbus is upon tho wholo a fair one. Tho eandidate Governor ia a Demoent of sterling integ rity, who has the esteem and conlidence o&* the people of his district; the eandidate for Troasurer is ono of the wcatliiest and nmst trusted flnanciersin Southern Ohio; and the cand'dato for Liciiteiiant-Govonior, is a gcutlciiiitn of nbility and eulture, who was n loldb r dartag the war nndt scrved gallantly. Whether the tieket or any portion of it will be adopted by tho regiilar Deinoeratic Con? vention yet to Bfl held reinains' to be Mflfl. Nor is it rcally a matter of much itnpoilani*.-. Thfl trouble with this, as indeed with all ncw pflftf < \[n inncnts, is in tho impatieiice of the leailers for itnme.liiitfli siuecss. Tliey OflflBflt wait to giow, but must atli inpt some eoinbiiia tiun or Mflflbf some inilueement for fllHflWflea Wfllflh thev think will Bt nd them forward at .uia-. tn victory, but which iu faet only ftttflfi and impcihs their growlh. The n-.-tilt of this experiment?for it is only nn flflflflfteflflt?cannot nuw be preilii-t?-d. Its flhitf siguilicunce is in the NfltlflflflMfll unihr thi' existing eoinlitit.n of atbtira vvlneh it 111 iliiiitcs and the uni v (i-nl reaehing out Im MflM way of c-rapc bflfll prc 1 nt and im pendiug evils. Thfl coniiiicnls upon it aro ???'nt-, ns will bo Been by extratU from , *,..'1 , iinxiirniiiK u oabliflhod l berewitb. It bas not awakened great en tliusia_n anywberej but tbat is no moro tban was bi l>e expeeted of any political movcnicnt iu tbe year followiiig a Prenidential election. TiTE ITBCBBUEat COSVESTIOX. It was a ourious Convenlion; the ono at Lynrhbiirg, Va., on Wednesday. It was a very bot day iu a very bot season in a vory bot clinialc, and tbe Convention was one half ,.f o.lnroil flaluatltf Klement.-. eoOBgfc here to make a very moist and fragrutif *********** ti it. And tliey eertninly seem to have bad it. Col. Haghaa, tbe favoiite of the Adniini-tiu tion and the randidato of tlie oflico-hohlors. bad ai'parcntly tho advanfagc fnun Hm start. This wns _o manilost tbat tho opposition eandidale, Major Mc.Maln"), wilb peat (li.crelion, witlnlnw early in tha ftgh . to (be greal diagaat td many of tbe dalafataa wbo bad secntcd tbe bat tio ufar ofl', and Cfl__ Bp in tbe hopo of tlnding B market for the privflflgea of nn Amoiican frccinan at the nito of from Bftflflfl to twenty doDan a vote. Upou the undcrsliinding tbat McMabon was to bo witlidrawu tho Adminirttra lion wing, with great niagnanimity, ac ctirdcd to tho McMabon faotion tbo oiganlialkflij gtviag them the ofBeen of the Convention. It, illustrafes tbe eonliilcnco tbo member.. of thfl Convention bnd ia eaeh otber that, very shoitly after this bad been consum inated, tho IIitRhes party betfan to suspeet tlny bad boen docivod, that McMabon,1 not witbdraw.and tbat his friends wbo now h;id eontrol of tho Convention would spring a trap and carry the nomination. Oat of tbi 1 there BPP-flB to have grovvn a great deal of dobate ?ad BM of t.ietics on one .ido and the othcr, wliich piotrarted the session till dawn. Ac oordiag toaD tha ropottfl *****diaeBaaioBa praUaa inary to dc.isivo aetion upon tho noniina tion.-t wore waitn and BBtflfftai-iBgi elioitinir much information ol B _____ aud iii-crc.tiiig cliaiiictcr. To thia dehflte a eoloffld dolagata boai Al evtandria, Scaton by name, give tone, and, wc may atbl, without r,-llecting BBOB his 80BB plexioB?cior. Hfl waa tiiero, bfl Bald, Mari_. "onl any iii-t. iclioiis"?an apparently BafllflBI wasteof the plural number?and hfl did BOt pro poaatodiaeaaaeaBal piujocta. *****wt* forlfajoi McMabiin?whflflO name, it la aald, bfl found t-o;nc difri.-ilty in prnnouneiii-'--bflflaaae ln-wa-. the "mo. t av.iil.iblo man." WhflB Ihfl flfowd laaghed iadeooroiialj at bia attempta to pto BOBBflfl " Mi'Mahon," be retnarkeil with gXaat ili.'.-iiry that they might "boo-hao now," bot they would " boo -boo hctoafler," a point wbieb was well takin, nnd nnt witli enthusia Btk ap plaaae. With jaal a ahade of bitteroeas, ba remaifced lhal there wero white mea ami Maeb ba lhe Coofentioo "who bad 00888 thera lo bo booghl op, and v.ho bad " no moro intercst ifl "the State of Vitginia than a lmg," Bfld hfl (h-noimoi-d them all M curp't-bi'.'-'< rs. Thia atriUag Bgara of apeeeb axeited eootiaaed tncriimoiit, wben tbo ebairman, who leeBM not tfl hav bfld anv MMt of a|i|?rcciatioi. ol tho gnif ity of Iho oecaaioB, aahed the orator to fonlino himsalf to tho question. The aii'liiiic, bov.cver, criod out to "give "liim lati'.Kb-," but tha .V'\andria <bl egata made ready answer, " i don't want '? latituile bat 700 BBBt cominoa si-nsc," aud pro.) ( d( d tO QBOte from Shakospoaro about "tbr- title in tha ********** of men," wliich thfl Convention drowned in cii<<s and laughtor. To some ridiciilous person wbo aaked him to " ,-;it down or spe.ik t.) tho point," Mr. BefltOfl IflflpOfldfid witli vivacity, " II' I was 8 Mg jaek "Bflfl Uka vou tb" ('oiivcntion would n't havo "any fun," whicli was receive.l wiih uproar iou. laogbter. After stvci.d hotrra of tbi-. eotertainment, Major MeMahon's name was fonnally witliilrawn and tho Administration and ollico-holders' . aniliil.ile nomina'e 1 witbout, oppr-ition. Tbt fciiturcrt of tbe Convention worthy of remark traia ***** ! lir.-t, Ihn ioterfeteoec Of tbfl Adminis? tration and viitnal dictatinn of the tiekct ol tha f.rtii-e-holdct's ; iiinl, -ii nnd, tbo appcarancc for tho fn. . time in B Bcpublican Stato Con? vention in Ybgfa-ia af a eeosiderahle number of native bom white oiti/ms. This l.i.t is one of tbe good _-.ns of thfl tim* 9. if iha fsnaeia of Vin. ini_, tha pcopeilj'Oiroera, .md thoae most hatereeted ia the welf_re of tl c state, eaa layaalda their pndad_eaa aad aet la convoi'tion with tbe blaek., they wfl] bo doing a very l, n-ible and jiiiliciou.s thing. Thoy may uot aeeompli-h all they do-ire tliis year or next, but tbey aro laying the fonndatinn for | healthy political itiil.ion.e with tha blflek-i whieh will givo them an op portunity to eoiintorict much of tha nii.wbiflf of tbe IBI|llll haggaiB Tbe crudo porform anccs of tbe colored men themsclvos in Ihfl88 conventions aro moro or less amusing, but thoy do no hann, and really furnish an exeel lei.t aehool for theaa to leara tbe dutiea and prifflegea of citiz aa. fXT-OE-DDDEs. With tbis lst day cf August romes tln cbaneo to mo. t piofessional men of tbe ytai's lioliday. Le bcuu .Vunde, a.s fashionable Ncw Voik detighta to eall it.-.lf, lefl town loag ?go for exowdod boaak aa niountains or iea baaehaa, There it pata ob bail draaa, or rig, or fautastie sailor elothee, bnt sbows tho samo faeo through all; dane.'s., di inks, pamblcs; drives its bargains in marriape, peddlcs it-* f.o.s.sip of scandal ; covers life witli l'also eolor and glitter, until the monde bears the 18888 relatiou to iU iaal work-a-day worbl tbat tho translipiiration sct^ne of tho Blaek Crook?all spanglc. and red Ughtfl and gBBB8 flJBgad bOBfia in pylvan cave8_<li)0s to tho bare boards of tho sido scencs and tho skinny old ballet women whon tho daylipht is let in. Our better poeiety of men and women wbo have eulture as well as wealth bave gODfl also to their country 888X8?80 Nowport, or Kurope. Ha.s not Tiik Tkihink beon preaehing tho samo sennon for years about their aniiual tlitting; how that it was the most wliol.sonie tiign of good senso and enlif;htenmeut in our people; how that the educated man went baak every IflSBBflf to Nature to obtain BBBBglb and rest for tbe iijcht of the rest of tbu year, whilo tho ncwly liflb or tb.-ir vulg.r iniitators hnstle and BBBM and pcrspin- tOfatiiaral iptillga orseaside, to show tluir own pomp or ape tbat of tbeir BrfghhOffB But thero are hflflfll of city paopla With culturo and fine lai***** wbo crind their brain. to mako tluir bread tbe year tbroiiKh, and bavo neither timo nor money to sparo for Kurope or laBf tours of nny s'.rt. u..iial courso is, an tbey cinnot havo tho full loaf, to disibiin any rrtimb of real comfort ; and, paeking tluir loBBg.Bg suits and ebiw-bammor unnor, to wasto tbeir bricf lioliday in HtrollitiK' tho boai h at LflBg Bramh, nr hB-TB-Bg ifl the vv;ike of tbe niob aud tbe pholflgiaphflt up 1 lu* Ailirondneks, luokitig bl inythical dflflf or bypotbetieiil trout. Oai ad viee to them is to smk eivilization wbollv for tllC-C UUi f*\*V* Uli ItilUiij-Lit, J-CUYt; tht t ivD nt home, whether that shop smoll of pills or printer's ink, bricfs or palettes. Tlny will lose nothiug by being ignorant for a week or two of the end of tho last uiurder triai or the fate of Jone-'s picttire. It will bo wholcsome disciplino for them to liflfl among people to whom thoso things aro of less import than the killing ??f tho bOflfly calf or thfl yicld of tho oat-tield. lt anlarge our boaadflriefl. Take somo notfl that thero is a world outside onr offlflfl or pailor wiudows, Not only onr Bflfl cl( s will grow iu the op.Tution, but our blood will reddeii, the rasp.-d, iirital.le bfflill heal, cye aml bflfld respond moro icadily to the voioes calling r.rother to us from tho one side or tho other of tho way. Novclty of sc.-n.-, ofl'Ciipation.or thought i.s what the ovcrworkcd bcflin Dflfldfl] if we can flfld It in I.abradoi or tlie tropics tlie luckicr we ; but if not, it is not to be despaircd of nearcr hoflflfl. Tfl" hour.-.' travel off the Bflflfll railroad routea will exchango New-York streets for absolute Bolitadflfl of mountains or yellow Nfl l.eii.-h. Hero shall tho clcrk with bbl leailen skin nnd feeblo pulse, nnd his liusy, i-tinting wife, waken to the sough of tue wind through piuo forcsts instead of tho milk man's bell, and bring tlicir trout fioin loaring inoiintain brooks for<fa.-.t in-dead of stale porgics from maiblo market slabs. Hflffl bo gray roeks pilcd ifl diro confusion tO ihfl skit s; fOfgflfl whfllfl tho fox and wolf yot hido in safety; vall.ys c.irp?t?d by BKMflflfl and liehen whioh have grown untroilden by hunian feet sinoo tho DdflWfllfl was diivin fioin his liunting-groiind ; bflfll thfl iiioiint.iin laurel thfOWfl a blusli through all tho gloomy WOOdfl with Itfl shcll pink blossoms; here in the lonely hamlets aro agcd men who rovercnce James Ruchnnan as Mfljeat of stittesnicn, who look upon the eivil war as flii all igethef InCafiof oeeunenee to tho whisky ins-.irreetion, and mation slnill Iflll you butter IWflflt as tho honey of Hyinettiis flt len fl?tfl I poflnd. It cannot but bfl wholflflOOM bt s-.til and body even to know that Iflflh ihings Blfl, Aicadia pntl OB a local bflbitfltlOB tbi ; ;u:il thero i.s a tinic-table by whieh Wt gO Uj it. It is not only thfl cunt.ict with solitary hights or iiielaucholy forc-ts whicli WiU be a meotal or moral inedieioe for Bl, it is the in light into phaaei of bnmflii aatafa bnpoa iu fiirn.icc-hciitcd boooefl or gflfl-lit itfflfltfl, This miiintiiineiT Of filbei-DflB diffefl M far from tbfl wide-flWflke citizen ns thoagh be wero Eaqfltaaax flf Bfew-ZeoJaader. We shall tiiicli him nothing, most probably; hfl and bll father and bii S"ii were Cflfll in the ,-aine inoid of unmalleflble BtetaL Bat we, know iu.,' him aad hii naoats, will flad our borixon wid< ned, aod oome ba cfllmed, and, If we we wise, better men. Marv-c'.'tisis the fBatrODOOlk Beii.-itiv.-ni-BB nf uriti kiii'l. Wo iiicntiaaiict tln- othlflday tie* preta Qt n an agaiaat Thi Bpeotator't - afloerfcraat la partiealflf and GaraBao eookaiy ln IbootbL Noa both Bgt flataroad Oenoaa bll aoder ti.e sfl-a.rn of a l*'i.*nr iit.', wbo eoaaideri tbaeoU* ritia.nks of 0B8 iad tho cnini-ru of the .i-i, rto baoharaetariaad i.y apmamptiofl alnu t htiiiluiie. Ha aaaerta tbat be dooa n't kaow wbiob la tbe more ridicalooa, tha bold Bfitisher or t'no Gt-r niiii whoaftftiiptstfl butraet the world lo tho gas tflfoooaaiearl He thioka it as abaardaathal two deafpaople ahoaldtalk of nraaie, artwobliodmeo m a pietoroa Ha baa attooded tha eookory 1 atKeosiagtoa; *pamigi**tml* he eielalina. "What's tl.e oaa of asplaloiag to people tholaa omcl. tto otiRht to l>o Yi-iht ntifll Hnv'iry. wlion they i- .ui.ilr 1 1: > aad ; i-'U*" Aml ao ho goea oti, with ;i t'nio diadaio of tho poadorooo s->rt 01 (Dok-ry. Ii tlii.*i ktii'l of IhJBB flBOBtlBBB8, IhB PBB88 - f lialiou.s vvillcoit-iiiil.V bo di- Ifltfll tba wafiat ot kisaij 0m iMMt b Ui OUlclajtteB. Aaflther eheriahod balief gaoel Wa are now told, at ail.iv *.? hich is certainly riiln-uloiisly 1 tt". that tbal ar of Jaggeraaat, so far as tbe eraahmg of vobintary vi. ti'in ia OOBOetBOd, is a hiiiiilitig. Dr. Priogle wntcsta Tiu London iimi'i that the deatha Inflii inl liy tho Car aro entir.-ly duo to acci.l.iit, thoagh tln* native prieata hare bo aort "f obj 9 Hoa to -ii* b af iii' lil -. l.iriii-'cxcocdiiigly glad whea thi y oeear. It takea a erowd of t-BOOm UWO davotaee to drafl the inoBBtroai dr, with its sizteoB hnge ipikedwhecls,andeoofaaad and imtanglfid in tho bor of tivo l"!i_r r ipfli whieh tbey bold,awaTof thaaa poor wrat bea oatarally fafl aad ara eraabed out of lifo umler thoae great whoels. Sin<-o an Knifli-ll ColllllllSSIOC.aT O.'alaTa ll tlltS t.l IflO li\aal 88 tho Car far tha proteottoa ef theaeoala the deatha havo baeoaaafewcr. Forthoeake ef hunianity,we an Klad to know that thaaa ii.niiaruii.s perftaiuaaoea havo not 0000 voluntary. IJut what, wo a-k, i.s te ti oeefloof all tho pffaaen and priaiary geoflraahiaa ta whieh Jofgefflflal haa so loag beea u pceoloai boon of pictur i-jiiuo awfubiess. Ratbof pociiliar poWflfl of oloquenco Boatheffl fl-liTirymi'ii must pos-MMS. Coneeruing a r.-ceut Coni iik ik . uniit 881-000 wo aro told that tlio uiinistcr ??-(/.. (l apoa the reins of ehiQveaflo, aud dfOTfl hii atbwart tha rety thraaheldaf pcr tcctioii.'' He fflrtbemom ladalfad ia **arieaa IBaa trativejiimiiinirsiad iflfltflieawhiflb wereappareatly diapleaaiDf toaofflaof bii beeren,foi Iha aat astic roportei takea oooaainfl to reaiafk tbat" aith him violont gcstietilalion II but thfl flZabflfflBfleof his fci vciit lafl sensitivo nature, and if nature Mdl flbfl h'.ip flfl lntrhiis tho siiiiitnit of fltoonl BtflBC ill tho txciUment of the inouifiit, why should difloidod pniprii'ty flflflflflflfld him tfl fll put in thflfltaekaf For 110 rOflBoa, wa adnnt, savo that the Oflfltfafl dflO I again aftor tliat pious juinp might be eligbtly IflOOII* vciiicnt aud paiuiul. _ tlieat- siipt-rnatural rev.'l.-itiutis .iro rcally hoconi lag iinpressivcly coiiiinoii. Oflfl el thoiuo-i ititer,i-t iiiit of rtfl-ont aBBBB is that af a Ifldyia Qohamfloa, (ihiaa, who was awakeiied from Iht slcep bf a niyste lious voiio exclaiming, "your brother Williflfll is deade" Bhaaacaaaaadi ahe iwoeaadj ihoiofflaedto be com fort od ; and tho reniaiiubT of th'-night sho paasofll in teare. What is r.'inaikalilo is that -ho ;.? ceived a letter tho very Bflflt diy ftOO her bfOthflf statinu?tliat ho was dead T Ity no matiiier aif BBOBOa I ll-o wrote that tio was qntt.- well, aml liuil just mado :t paofltahia uufltiaat with tha toara aflthorittae ('aiiitiiili-riiii? this, perhans tho ilrcani nnunt tliat ii.*; was .lead iu sin aud Iflifflily. Bflflfl fl hflfdflflfld ediuir must HMflotbaei waodei over the thinifs full of bittornc.-s and ainiiiosity said by mau i-oiii-i ruiug his bflOthar. h g.-iiti.-tnaii lioiu thoeouiitiy paaaMafafll a ft-i-liniflf soul wriu-s sadly thalaoeh Uttlaaptthaaa as "bai" aud"tliiai" ;u<' of ooooaaaqoaaeotoapeokof labiaayaai haailflbl .-veii be aaeaaed of beiog b Cre*dil alfohillar Chriatiaii statesinanflfld baar the caliiiiiny nohlv | bfltwhaB it conios to people coinn around sayinifthit bl Wlflfll llclitp and l are Out, then he d.rt MflaL WflflM tti ?flipfiiad that hfl flhflflld bal this afl-flaaodoeptyi the only womler is that a bfl-flflfl bfliflgflOflld bflTfl it 111 Ul lu-iirt to .spc-ak thflfl Bf an IflOOflBfli inan. Ihflfflflfll wiiinoii tiu not sa-.-m ti) laka l.iii.lly to tln- 8iuily oi the law. Thfll it Iha Miahigaa U?i versity at Ann Arbor, whilo thete aro Bfl tba hsts f..r iie\t terin ttiirty-sev.-n luedical there Mfl only (flfll law Miialeiits. Thia la All vv.fliiii 11 uii* boto niirses, uml all niirsi's are d.x-toie m theil flfl] . Thaa tii- Bfloortfliflty of -iiitii;-..iii!i ta araobea la Ihe Courts m.i v linvi- Hoiinf hini' i-i iiu with tha anal] Illlllllnr. We itre imt lilll'e Ill.ll VV11li1.11, tti I Bflttha iimjuriv .-I ih-ni, an- iitu-il tfl baooaoa lowyofa 1 'hcii littla- bearte aie aot bafd aaoogh ; aaai Ihonah lli.y BBfll be nued, thu Mflcadoati no. thfltriBfliflg TOPICS OFTHE TIMK. A TIIIBD Ti;i.M. Ilcr,: la anollni ph-i-c of iln- talk whicb I.c Klmt to lloat tbrough half the pap?r? m the country ia tiio form of a quiet asaiimptlon, that thfl third terttk la up for dlacurtslon. It comea from Jt\e Bott* ton Baturday Heuelle: Thern am imp. dienainna in *orn* anaitflea that JTrat d( nt (iit.' will ? ? a ,i ... r.i t.-iin in in*- 1 ri -id.-ui-y. Vta (icein tbta to be '"? at ill , -? ' I,;iy *i.,''? tiie -i.ii.irv of tim o1*l<-n hf* been raiaed loltapaaaaafl double proportioas. XBathowllI - ?' 'i.t"", maoy -hr.' _d oboern ra nre loellned to believe aa doi unlikaly. Aeommer-lal revulslon would probably ba IBtal la BB preepoeti; bat i eomaserelal ra. niai.iii aeerni bo mora ta ba iippr.'iii-ii'ied tn tt.?- next tbree reara tflaa H aae in tho iiii.c iiui ii.itt- paal. i Intei itol tha Battaa turned tcn aeale la fiv r of Pi-sld nt Orant. Iaal if it aaa n?t eltogether bm isBafl aitb bu Bnaaaial polley, It dreaded tb, operatlon of aair eii.niir' in iim, nspaafl, Ir i* ergoed thnt tbia Intereal n . whleb ttme ti i-.- no otber Prealdentlal eandldata upon wbom tbi y <-an nnit* ii,, i, <.. i ...i' ii. ar ill s 1.1. a .i v, ,u, ibe peoale. Th<- offlce-holders un I tho of_ii. eip-cUnta wlll thererora rellr to tho Preeldent'e ataaflard aajala, ami tka moaey power, dreafllBf may be iba * ffoci ol *, ,..: ^c of pollejr, wiii inpport him nn aa oppoelttoB oaafll .: ite. i hia would g;.'- bis, _ .i_t i." otiA'.r IftaalflaBl lm* cv.r hafl, .t twalffl ftattf faa* la afl a. The Gnzelte protests a? ilnnt tlie ld. a that the rrc.idcnt If 8888888 for a third t-rm WOBld 1888 11 mako hi? i>o*l tlon pcrpc'ual, and elo-". with tho .tiarp *.:t ****** tion that there ih far more datig.-r thflflBfl would ?'.? gr.idn um ****** _ Kovciniiiriit thaa thal ho aaaal _? eiruy iu THF. WAHUfG FBEE-TRADE U___ A few years ago nearly ev. ry new papct otartc-d, e.ji)ccla)ly hj yoiniK ipeii, n rWBB. advanco as a Free-Trade pap.r;tlie tlde aecmed fo he rtinuliiK that way. Now Bfl taptaflflflflflfl BBBBB tb*ei*iaif di .i.i. Bflcfl bb tha wajrIb ahlsh aaa ..' Ihaaawaal and frcubest of our 988888, Tht DuU_ *\***ftt*\ UBp Uia vv.iiiliiic causc-; Tho f.illiir.'"f theeffiirtof ?oiiie of onr abl* r*a?*ra to nr!ve an lnterest i , aud maka It an lasue m Mm politii a of thi future, la eei lt is imt baeaaaa tm- ij n-aii.Hi Itself l< imt BuftViently lm l to arreat attentlon ? aasoolateo effort. Inrteed, tbe qw ition li of prlme Intei ,nd la_ portanee, aad is geoerallY reeognlsrd >**? lueh bj allta teilUP-nt Auieri, ans. liow, tht-", nti.ill wo ac iunt for itn- totai failare of tM" Iaa. efl_l tfl i i ******* Tradfliflflaa a promineat l.-atnre ln poUUoal aetion I Iha w.nid haa heea aaefl, hut u i-voit.-i no . i>?-ii... Tha iniia.i istort jujm-.i never no aaaa i ? I'-tH i to it,i," '-. an . i i a Un- r i, Prof. Calrni alaa '? witli t.i.i' apirtl "t i- form, and a co f tha r polillc .1 *'? I ...lett ? ol Ibe uiodern i . i ia I Bill, who i.t- r com mit b d 1 n -. e ..r t ..- I'r '? . . ... i - -. 1 . abiy iiiHiiitsiiiin that riio lei-ttlone pi h tln: bottota d"' ii'liio ol onr i theoriat-, i-i n.ii a prlu Iple ot moi out a mere momeutary make-abift, He tliat tbe aeienca "f pohtlral acoaomi i qulrea I ? i. oi tiii) .-iuu.- . ' r tiio tion "t uli tl..: .'sl'-l: ?!-. . . ld, .11 g llll I i iu, !? ... _ nion. I ' i ? ?! iiii. ,.,.i i. onom . i.. iso .i, ? ? ? i ? ,i adi i- ? f ? i-i.t'ii; bul nntil iu") do tbej a 11 hai . i Ii.i .. ..i.r. -t ; . (iU UU counU .1 Miti.o.ii il. WHAT PfOUBEfl DO SOT PROVE, In tha Califbraia deetiofl thia Fall tt_ a ia tu azpeetatBM thal railreafl BBtataata aill !?_ la-saly ?,t._ ti e.ji'i.11. i aaaa or i ii proflaa "? n* ?: ln the in. rest ol l aafl nol ;.t i U la lhal of thepeoi . ta balM tiii'iu. i ? iiinplc, thu_ rcvmwB the lately publl bed I | ilanual i it itateetheaart of BS rallroada in the Ui i i ? I !? . ? ;i t c.i: .-.'1 bUl I i |"l C lll "! t!' ot tbe roada, l u - i oki railwaj ;, Httle de, i" r _ tre hut ' id. Tlie tlr-t tl ? ' bow railwaya nro B-nerally bmit, .v. B.a i . _a a >?, borrow or ben money ei ?? ii ''0 ul a road, wbich i- * - - - tto-y iiiiliK. Meantlt i cure county or Bul lobuildanotber aeetioa: aadao Ihe ..vtuii ., borrowlag Bt bUh I until tlie road n completed. a'hen flnlshed tbat the whole coat ol what miirbl bavi i??. n ?!? c ,-ii ,-i - mile iiiotmia nt> :?> %;,) i df iom -? tbe people who uae tbe road ara taxed to i>.y tortbe rerklessiieas und extravaaanoe ol ta. hi ? - ]!>- anu Oy the con ern ,j.:.v 4 a . .,.,11 '!Ji. ttien ii !.r .-'T ..:..-, :.'.'i tbi 'illik'" wl.,i ::i.iii:ti-i- it resolre npon aa Ing proc,. ii-. reaa, s tho, ,.:..'.? rt) il ii, li-it tbe "!i.;..i!ii .i.iitaii. . p..t1iuu nn nl ? ged inveattnent of | i | , amall c.nt, on capital On ?S.OOO.uu) It woold bc 8. ? . bul on 81,500,000?tl ..... nf i' . uot protli oi 9-5 ,,ooo pi r year wou d bc i p r ci ist. Anfl to it n.>|.,..?..-. in n..aat caaaa. tbal where thejr Bifa in a ael proflt f o pn csiit, lt la in fi t proflt .f i-. or -.*. per eent oa Ibe t aab ralae They taic r ? publli ror their exti er point notlcefl ln an article ln I _?__? (? id Builter to* J' lj 8 thal of the matter of t t] ln the maoaaemeni <if roada. i ii y - fi-i iu .ui inalde '*rln-" to ch, al ti"-1 I. .1 lera. T ey do I . ? l'.i:;i IN..1I-, thii-r ii uk pian to iiieir i onfederatea,sbarlncapafi of ibe plnnder. MTotfc that morbl be ; ?i,t_ tbey contract for witb thi - iti.u ti.o"0ot plnn-lcr sa vvriiDir from th..!.,:.:?? itockhold t i - ii ( ii.ii--i (1 a.a j' u t i.f " U.i ,.p, i (!::_? . _, ? - ef .?uur .?? t' redueei tii*' per eenl ol ?.??: prodta tb ol tbe Uompany ara Intereated in eoal mint-a, iron lumber mills, fretaht lines, and numerouseater |iii-('-,to Kli of they iii" I." , ? porta ion than tol ? i ommon I itovk ;,... i : - bave to soffar ln redu . , : tha public in mere i* d i n a uul freiabti te comp in ite tBfl ??ik.i: " for t_tiBfora Itahawatoil ...ea eratea. -? DTDIA1. NATKiNUITIi:, . Tbe thory ihat our rclatioiio with tha In* iti.tii-1 iiiiittil he -iiuplihed by al).t:i.loiiii.K' Ihfl MflBfll iii-.itias' l__B aa a aeeee or two ol iud Uoaa li;,li:il:i;;:lli-' tl tll - t> It klflfll -ovo rei^uty wtihln our limlr-, il iflfl B0 '. , witli The Indevemlent. Thli la iti viav .,f t ? lafltag u* tfl tl.e old BBaaaaara-hflaflfliM aui Infllaa eitaflafltiaaj 8>..t.:u : Tlie H'.im of what wc tvish to I If 1* foN : thi tti - r and national char u ter of the Iad p, ni cui ,...iiimu!iiiii.-, with Its resulUng rbtbtsaad dull - * theory wai. i. bai b ? : r nearly a eeatarr in Its intei ineb baa, moreover, beea lolemoly afllnned by tbe Baptaaaa Ooart of the Ualted Btataa?inctdentaily appear. 't th_ Conatttntloa itself. Theee wim are taUdaa bo flkppaatlf al ml denatloaaUslnit tha Indian iriin., .,L.| i,y tim luw ef forea leaBttBae them ta I ?? conditloa or m.-n- inliahitaiit.. Irrespeotlve ..f th u own ? -. na thal t'..- i ? ,it ?! - i be eome tbekillerof tbe Indiaa Battensaadta obber of ii,a t ii'itoiy whlch baluaaB to them, aad tbai, too, ta uie flo v .-f i-oni" four bunored tn c - .,?,_? pecoitniied their nattoaality. If ibe people abould aoi*ept tbe theory ol lh ie fre, ind. i--- t.iiiti-rs ..n.i perpetrat- lhe enormltr, the de id, -i '?]'? d< -? ? v inir thi'wraitiof il., would expoee tbe tmen .? hiiiao to the reproacb of tbe i rillsefl worl '.?*?? ild ba Ua aliouK oulia^io,' thfl rlBtit. flf tii*' Bl ak. POLITICAL MOTEB. Tkt PhflaaWpMa Pmaai aaaaa up "tlc sub? .tantiai rr.uitsoi BepaaUeaa palley m nitarpcetefl un? .l. r Pe -Maal _r,.nt " a_ tollows: ?? i iaapai ilt, Ic i .ur *******, i* ? ii-i.ttii ial tao ? **, it - ???'? .i i- af i i!'"i-. ti * .-.'.u fort to the aflBlgraat, Ita tropblcs of redeem d aildcrneaa uutl irnproviuKeitii ?*, ninl ns BBflflfl Bflth IBa Wflflfl aB c,hu'),ih.1 iii coiiti B - waa wi it;. n too e.iiiv tfl in* laflfl lhe lat, refreahing raiaa. Tbfl Dodge Coaiitj (Wia.) Pa Hus baafl-7, hafbai laaaai aeaBlai i - ", oi Oraaaeaa, ta aaaal al BBwaakee, ta I paa peasef aaaUaatlaa a Btatt del ? t* waBfa t'ons mit fi-.' of tho Mat" OtBBBB haa .ii. o'. .1 a n aoliciDii ro pefliattaa iaal .. Baa. i aOaaa i iv -. "ii.. Mate Braoaji e ?? tf . , , ? ! af tha ?aealaatleafl "f thaaa a i," aaaire te thua v . late bm m lhe fuudamental prlolple. of the < krdei, t>j enterlon luto tlir mn... II "I p . !. .. In WiaeoaaiB, too, tba farm.ts aro pnparinfl la taha a baafl la tha BBBtflJaa ..r Oafataaa ami st*u? iitll.-i-ia in N.ivoiniier nexl. Thr tHhli *** a auiw-tion of aaaB, BB78I " I ? ******* *?' thfl l*'o alaara Baeflaa w"h a wtlL .-n.i-..i".i'*p"iv ,"nveti. tlaaa.fBiama*aaaiaBlhiafl laflrafana Bw_8aaaa r.'C.) every lai'. Tm V aii hn\>- iu view lhe _.nuo -. lis. r in.'.,!i flflath to c.'.itipt paBtl al "i- _tta_> ! p.irtv l.-iidr-; 888888881 r.-foim lu the ,.itti!iiii!-trutioii af pui'in- afltBai B8BB8Nfla_8llBa_Ba. tii.n ia maka tha rtah Bahaa aafl tio- paaa paaeaei aud bo iiioie balldlaa up of m.m.ipoiv uml protecttoo af aeaBh attbeco.tot Intiuatri mtllabor.*' The Admlaiati-iioa pruftramme la to renoatiaala Oot. W__huui-u, and iba i.uu.i-r? mii oppaea hiu.. The K.-piiliii.'iin*' of Bureau Couuty, III., held 8 h.iriuoui.'ii- Conreutluu at 1'rliioeton laat fues ?i.ii. au.i *********** BBaaaa Blhae laaalBllaaa, one 88888. lii^ " thnt xi th'? llti'i.u'.lii Jii party lt in BB BBBM . :iie im tha i.-i.--,i b raaaa B Balaalaa ami wach i ,, , i, .1 ttii-niaciifi by tha iiii-iii!'. ra af OtaeBflBflb it iic.iii.i thai aal flaaatiaj **f th?- bmbi upou nl.i.m lh** I ? l"" BBffl fiifi-rred the li'.io ul Uonorabte. aafl Bepabfleaafl aad DemeeraB ilB Bha ?-.I fur. n i imi ?: o', ot i 01111'. ' I uinn ?