Newspaper Page Text
; Ilr-! r *iIO\*. VVVIll TV.0.1A lISS NEW-YORK. SATtRDAY, AUGU8T 2, 1873.-TR1PLE SHEET. PKICE FOUR CENTH. AAAIll.A9 *_,*--.? , RAILROAD WRECKS. AIWR .TOGAEXPRK-^ RfJ-fB INTO A FREIGHT TR.UN porR I BBB IBI BBaB t si.v is.uRi D _ni> rwnvr. <>R J-II-Tl ' 8 slIi.tniY 11! 1:1 cn Tiii lll I?oN RIYKR n\ii.i(()Ai-. \ .au r.iiuviuvix-NARBOW B8CAPB H4C.M 1 (..I.T VI *.I_U (_lIll__-a*M'iri*)N OY Tllli VI, HM-a. Ahead M a'eleeh *. m. peaaaaiayi -hataa n fr vht train > iic Hadaon Bli11 Bflllnatd. aradnh left Iaa ryt4.wri at Mi iu i.. 88 ,;? h. d ai *'ii tt"* ***** ,ri" *\ toward the river. at n point about BlMf-fly hetw.-oii TaiTytown nnd Irvin_to_. to allow fl"' ward bound 8l|B_flfl ******* 89 paat. Tho frr-icltt trafa luiBflflMiiil nf untiiii Tfn'ft Bfifl 1 ' lt awltched off, tbi I:.-' nliwa. ld.idtd With "atc. juiiij)tti tha track i?i thfl righl on acboonl af a defect in tha awiteh, uud mme tn coiitact wnli tlie bagir.'Vtfe car of tlie expit-6 tiaiu, wliicli was |.;itt_ini; at t' BiomcDi at a rate of Kt least loity mttflfl an lieur. lt cra-i. (l ihrotik'1) tho side of the baeitago car, t-* ofl all tl*,- nppe r part. aud drivintr somo of lhe Mfeahan thr Bgh lae kaal trhadaw cf th,* front rtrnwinc-nv.iii ear, in the tir_t compn tn 8*1 i f whieh ***** atftt* pT-ciii. Tln- freight rar was throvvti I by thfl CoTlMofl, nnd r.tum.d on1 fici- ntlv far to pra/r tho ret-B-btfla ' ''?' (,f tlu' ,,:nn wbich ffimaiattrd trf flBBf driiwing-rooin cai8 and one orduiaiy pBBtfl_#flfl BBT. Tiio side ofthe BxatOBI ? tery .!' -I.V, hII tho pioj, N lions i'ltl.f woihI work hainf tera aft and tho wiadew I enfirelv out Htl heavy plato cli,M4 w;t_ h Int,* frncment., many of wnich were hnrl.-d i *ito tlie rat viOi eroat violcro, injuriB| 9***atta* ui 1 s-i!""- .. The r.-i,'. ;'ini_ eir. BflC___ littl", (__?< ra "ii tlif tr.i'.'i i :: vif bort r_i ; ? i ? Bral rar. A. apllni o befgaaa eai', ahlch waa othofirsti .mpartraei tul ? le&pnl iii^r-r. . k.M.s. M.irv Wari n.viitcf lia I.. Vi an.n.of iln ]**%*** of __ Wainn, 0TBI th.- n?lit <?><? Bad toflBplfl brtaking tha l-.n.aud v, iy dani(4-r,) iiijtiriiii* !i*t. Her hu. I.aml who .at by araa also &4ii. v woundod in tbe boad from the aame stick. Anolhor nnd larger piece of tmil>er nas driven throngh the oompart ment and into the parl ition beyond, bnt fort-_.fl._ty t l between tho persons sittinencar without in liiring any of them. Tw.lve or fifuen persODI Waffl BBl by broken glass tir b.iatcli.d by flying BP-iat-ara, bat no other p-tsscugcri bt? known to bave 8888 Bfl_0_a_9 Luit. Tlie freight ear whieh causcd tbo accident was bro? ken to pu-c-aH, and the freight enKiae witb another rar was overtnrned dowD the rtver bank. 1 lie brnkeninn, Finley, WB8 standing on tho top of tbe rar and vns thrown down the bank; hit* !ep wa.. broken nnd be was otherwise hnrt. Jolm Vc.burph, a bflkfgaf0 Bgllli, nnploye.1 oat the ro.ul, waa refarninf tfl Albflay ta _ hai ? rbioh w88t_tokea top-eeea Eb waflhadlyopl about tha fatce aud anns, ;uid bis rcc< ivi.1 ,i m 8888 blflWI but it was tliotigbt tliat n? boO-fl binken. Tho bapRBgo BflBafl eini'loy.-d cn the train. tbotiph in tlniBaine car, escaped with ouly a sliitbt eut in tl.e haniL The hngenee, whirh was of the eharaeter whieh nsnally aoeouipanies New-Yorkera on tlieir vislts fo flBratnflB. broken ;.nd thecontent. of Tbfl trttnk. were strewn ail along the roa,l. Kich aOkl nnd lire . andcot-tly jewthy were ruingled in hop^ltefl toulu MoB. srFrn of ttif: Tit *.is*. 8nch wtt. tbu rate at wliicli thfl expaflflfl traia WBI BB-Bflt thal alihoupb the br;. I'liin.j.iiatel.v ?l(plied, it went 88 fully one-eightli of a mile _ fore it could be atopned. On ex amiration it wss fonnd that tho tni. k. were not ?o badly ii,jcred t!:at they OOflM not b, ii. .1 and the frain wus barked dov.-n fo the BBflflM ol tbe disnct r. wl e-o ihfl lc.-'-nire was gatli- rt.'. op, after wbleh it proeeed?-d at a elow rate to Tarryt" _, Finby, tho biakciuan. was st-iit to Kew-Yoik, when ha ii.* at tbe point of death; Yob harfh v. eut on to Albany by tho next tra..i, and Mr. aud Mrs. Warren were tak.-n t_> 8 hotel ia Tarrytown. Tbe rest of tbo pa.seii_?i_, afver ?BBBBBBB topether such portionp of thtir person al property a.s Bflfl-M hfl recovered from tbo wreck, took the next train for th.-ir places of desrinntimi. The ti .lel.'ili. of the railroad were very retieent on the sul. ?( t of the diF-aifer and its eause. They said that it eonld not have been ***** I'.V any nii-; laee inent of or defc.t in tl.e BW-tch, or the wbole f.ii'ht train would have been tbrovvn oiT, i of only -ine car. Tlu-y said tbat then iini-t haffl been aometliing wmrig witb thfl axb-of Iha fmahl car, whicb c:iua,-d it to jmnptlic track. Those with whom The IB-BOMB BBaflBBM talkcd ('iiiii'iii'ti'il iu the opiiiinii that tlie BOflBBBBt ?wmilil not have o.eurred if the expiess train had i -I tiin*-. lt whh dn;- at Tarrytown at f:47, and tlie iieiplit train did not leave nntil .Mfl. at wbich time it dropped two ca"8 If tho cai had h.en a few inches fnrthor ont of, io as to atrik*- thfl etu'iiie, tbe slaugbti-r would probably Lave ln ? ii foarfiil. The fact that the tiu struck -waa ono wbuh l.roke up reaihly, aml wus therefore not tliiowii dli the tiai k, is all to whicb large uum bers of tbe pa-seiiRerr. owe their livee. rnvnni'.N Bfl thf: woT*XT>rr?. Ira L. Warren and his wife, Mary, were removed tothe Bert-i Hoaae, Bdjoh-tfli tho dapot, Dr. J. W. Seribtitrof Tarrytown was Boon in Bttflfldaaoa and drcs-t. (1 tluir w ounds. A careful examination Bhowed thal Mi. Warren had two s<alp woiiuda, ono boinif boit/.ontaily nbi.vo tbe right ear, and the (.tln r a oontusi _ wound above tl_is one. There was Bome concussion of tbe brain, but no telBBBI al HB akalL Mra. Warrento innch more aerioiislv injiiicd. Sbe has an incised wound ex tondiiip tlie baw-of tbe nose, along the right eycb.-i v, to tbe teniple and ear. The frontal bone ls cru.-h( (1 in. and the eheek bone is also fracturcd. Bhe is in a erifical condition. Mrs. Warrt-n waflim consctous for Beveral *%****% Mr. Warren was alao inaeusihle when renn.ved from the car, but soou re oovered coiist iousness. Ile waa ablo luttt tvuiinp taeeafaraa alt-MBMataahaaawi Ile stated tbat be and hi_ wift occupied tbe forward compartnu-ut on tbe suli: ot Bhe tiri-t ilrawing-room car. He wat. ?ttinp in frinit of his v, ite*, and was pariJy tunietl Uiwiird Inr, t.mverMng with her, when the orash eame. II.- rer flUfletfl of the areident, and nn? til he was restored to conscionst.esB did not know aaythiagaf the afTair. He cotnplained of lhe ap pareut etb.rts of tbi- railroad officials to keep all in telligeiu?<? of tbe afluir from tbe public. As soon as bc regiiined oiisciousueee and collect _-d bis Benses, be gav. | BjBBJpaaa to one of tbe railroad oflicials to aend lo bis wif>-'_ fath.-r, artkiugtbc Lat ter to come on and brmg with bha a good aiagaon. This telegram waa not received by Mr. Caldwell. George Caldwell of No. 460 Lexuif tou-svr. aUted that the first intiaiation be reteivwl of the aceidont to his aou-iu-law aud datitfhn r waa at 8 p. m. from a per aon who bad se.:u and coriversed with Mr. Warreu aoon after tbe lat lei was Uken to iha botel. Ou teaming tbe condition of Uie pair, Mr. Caldwell at om. 4_i-i*t-b-d bia aun in qnoatof Di. Wiiliixl Parker or Dr. Mott. Nritber eonld be found. Dr. Henry B. Sands of No. ? Weet Tbirty-Utiid st., one of tbe Faoulty ?t I-ellevue II ij. was at length found. and witb him Mr. aoiiA Mia. CB-dwail atarted iur jarrytowu. reaAbing 5 p.m. Dr. Baada cawfaily i>">i,M ih* , . ,. ?, :, Bflfl ci MT. Witll'l. V(. f .. .,1 tt. hfl la - da".8orons UbBti Iheajhl at iii?t. Tln iv i>* ol _ fra-tura ttt the *****%, and Ibfl Bu*U*ta ****** wa* paaaiafl a.say. Xbc i taaai * ? ?: uut i). n ... ? Itb ? ??' ' Mis. .Vaneii al a lato hour laat efea_Bf wnn arluual ui tbe ext-outo. Dr. tmidt aaa not will ing *.r, pivo an opinion nntil this mornlng, when he would have au opportimity ? g the otlect of n hight'h re. 1. Sliewuapar ti.ilb delirioiis, and <>? casimallyst renined from paln whea ibfl umvod. If . ulli.icntly improved, both uil. li' fi'inoved to Mr. l al.lwell'a reaideuco iu thia cit.v this inorninp. (' BBBOdOBfl \ icii'.-i li'.'t tell cruplied from Rara lopn timt it -pecial enaiue and dra Aing-rootn car wen* to lo'I'lneed at their disjKt.tftl. T)r. SandH nU<* BfOflfl ti* Wai.len Itrennan ,rf Hellevtte IIoBpital, - 1 hn to h.n e one of his os in rc' lOBWatt ihecoiiiinp of Mr. and Mrs. Warren. llnW TIIK INJI'ltlL.. WBBB itixr.lVHt). _'r. ai.d Mra Wflnflfl wero injiin-u hy tho sauie l". oj'.-eiile. A lar>fc of liiuU-r, a p-rlioii of tbe l.iii-irupe i ar, was Luilod tiirough the front window wuh violeme. Thi* struck Mr. Wiiitcii n ifl :.-iei:iii liiovv, while Mrs. Warren received its full ****** fl it 11 in the ?be, Ib'th wore MM Bfl the ?048. Tl.e eoiiitised icnlp wntind received by Mr. Warren was prnh.ilily eaused by souic of the tiaiTicnts falling on hlni. Mr nnd Mrs. Wa'icn loft the Albemarle Hotel, Where tli.y were hoardlng; with a paityof fiiends, Bnd met utliers ou the train. All were going to Sar a!i>.'., whetfl thi y proposcd to pase a few weeL*. Nic.e ot tbfl reiiiaiuder of the paily wero seriously ii.-jn, d, and went tflj m fteiBMM train. l__okiiiR at . t-k, it sceined aimpl.v miracnlous that so few V- ? .orionsly it juicd, aud tliat no one was killed * i.J.r. 1.1. T 4). TIIE CASr.\1.TIF . 11 e followiiig are the natnes of the wouuded aud t e ?iinracter of the itijuries| Ira L. Warren. sovere eut arross the foreliead, "?-?nlp wound, and -ODCbB-loa of the brain. Mrs. Mary Wainn, lracttire of the ftontal and .lil. l.oiies. KUbaid l'inlev, brakeman, fraeture of the skiill, componad (raetare of Uie iug aad othar lajaiiea Mil.s 0., bt-ve/e culou the linud aud eon tllSiollS. In a4ldition to these there were from 12 to M oTlicis, who rec.t ivcil ents nnd eontnsioiis from tlie spliii tta .'itiil Hving plnss from the plate windnws. a i ifft feiea ei ****** wara rilf *-? ***** hy Bepenfl* fendent Toiisev, who was Bfl the ground .oon after tbea cidont, eliariii'r aw.iy the wreck. Travel was Interropted for about two kotirs. Not until late |gh| vviretuost of the vestigesof the wreck clcared from all Ihfl trai ks. '1 ha sliattcied baggage ,.tr i.iauot prohably be repaind. None of tha trucka of tht drawing-room cars wore iiijuretL and the nppcr works'Can soon be ropairrd. bfl Mettopolis was the only oue badly BBBBBBfli, nd thnt was in the forward part. lt was tho __ ., iitnm la_t evening to attaeli a locoinoti88 to the d-iinnr. d express train, and run it up fo the ropair t li .p itt Albany. A B tng of men were nlso engaced in rnising tho locomotivo of tbe fi. iubt train from tbu river. Hto wreck. d tan of tha freight train weic als.. removed, and tbe othcis brougbt on te tliis eity. I'robubly wuhi i M boaaa of iis aaaanenaa all eaaMgei of tbe wm li will bc removed. KXAIiUKRATKl) BUBOflfl Tbe most highl.v-eolored reporta wero enrront ln the cit.v lat.- in the day and evening. It waa as :erted that tbfl accident rivalcd tbat of tbe New Il.iml urgh dieaster; thnt several peisons had been killed outright nnd a largo nurnbor of othars seriously wonuded. Thoso who had frienda on the train hnrried to tbe Orand Central D'epot to aseertain if any defi IIllll IllUllllB-B-tH had been received from the BBt** of the di-.i_tcr, aud c.-pecially tf fl Bat of tbo killed andwounded had been obtainod. Tba oftieials en deavored to allay the excitcment by assuring all whociilied that no one was killed, and that the re ports ef Mto di. ....ter had been mneh cx.iggerated. C. "ig.-, the colored porter of tlie drawing-room rn's, WBI HlBlfliaB-llallln* himself last evening 08 wliat bfl btlieved to be a most providelitial 888818 from death. Ile aaM he was accustonied aa Boon as bo bad got fairly out of Nev-Yoik to go funv.ird into the bnggago car to smoke a eis^ar; but y.steiday theie was a very troobtoaOBBfl family of flpanlarde. eon. isting of eiglit persons. on hoard, who wanted iee cream, and kept him busy fetching it until they had enfen 1'i plates of it. As they were about finishing the last. tbe aboek eane. It was aol so tefere,hfl said, witb 8, lf-griitulation, as to bnakthe plates, nor was he .o eTcited as to negleet te eolleet pnyment. He felt Qull ?:? are tbat but for the detn ind for icc-creani be would havo Ixvcn in the bagi';ige-(ar, Bad p.-rhaps ?.viiii'id bave been killid. Mii'iii.tlie condiictor of tlie e\priss train,was pns-i ing through the eais coll.-cting f.ucs.t-arrying a con siderblesuinofin uiey in hUhand. As lhe train struck he waa on a platform, and gra-sping the rail to save biins lffroni falliiip, he hut his held ou tbe bills, wbleh weat Sattertnf away in the arlnd. Ha thought hiiu.rlf very foitiinaU', eonsidennp the position ho occupied, that be 88880881 witb no heatiei loss. A TKAIN THROWN FKOM TIIK TRACK RY A COW. 1 M : i vi ,i:i., Aug. 1.?A si?4-ciiil dispiitoli from Ati.iilei I.. llarvard County, Md., to-i.tnlit, saysttiut ttie New-York train for Waililngtou atruck a cow 100 jard? frmu /ilx rd.cii, throwltiK tho cow Into tho lUtlon tiouae and tbe Irsin off tbe tra(k. One 8888808 car and one passcngor-car were totally suiasbeU ,md aiiotli, r pasaeuper-cBr was partly broken up. No one was hurt. Tbe traln will i>ot reacb Baltlmore before c o'elot k a. iu. COLLIBION ON THE ALLEOIIANY VALLEY LINE FIPTEEN CARS BUIINEU. TiTi7BViMiE, Penn., Aug. 1.?At ff:30 n. m. to day a northward-bound freight-trnlu and a southward bound oll-train ou tho Allcirhanv Valley Kai 1 road came into eollislon near Cutiuinghiiiu. Two brakemen, named Bostanrt and Bonner, and an unknown boy, were killed. An enjtluc-r had bli thtyh hroken. The oll i?_lt_1, and tifte.n of tbe csra were hurned, tOBethrr wKb the bodles t,f tbo personi killed. COLLIBION ON THE PITTKMJROH AND C0NNELL8 VILLE RAILROAD. Ccmbf.rlakd, Aug. 1. ? This ftftemoon a freight traln ran bito the rear of a gravel traln, near Mlneral Point, on Ibe 1'itUburirb and Connellavllle Rall? road, k.lbna Johu Lydou and Injuring three otbera, all lui'iii,-r?. B.-vcral of the can were broken aud the track waa oUtructod for aouit tluie, but wai afterward cleared. A MURDER0U8 YOUNO CUBAN. I)et?'CtivpH Tully and Pilke of Police Head quarter. arreated Franclaoo PoirMplta, a Cu__n, ah* 19, nt 8 p. m. veatorflay, 14H- an alleged telonioua aasault, with a daggcr, on Pranclico Lapieda, a wholcaale cliar dealtr and manufacturer, of No. 113 Soutb-at. It sp peara that, about two yeara ago, the y<ran* Cuban bor rowed aome mouey from Mr. Lapieda, leavlng aome jewcla as aecurity. Laat Baturday he wmt te Mr. Lapieda and demanded the ****** at tho JrwelB wiibottt payment of tbe loan. Beina refuaed. be aitacked Mr. Lapieda with a lsree dagger, but tbe latter fortunatcly earaped Inlury. Por raapita then told Mr. Lapieda that be would come for th. Jewela agaln ou Monday, and tbat If be did uot then receive them, be would kill Mr. Lapieda with tbe d_*_er. Tue latter ca!h_l upon Capt. Irvinn. at Poliee Head qiiartera, oa Monday mominir, and then woot to hla offiee ie Boiith-at., followed aoon afterwat- hr DeteeOvea T.ttly uod Dtlka. BflfBra tbe itrrtval of tbo deU-ellvei, bottevtT, younir l'.ir.a-p.t'i ****** at Mr. Lar-t* da'a offl.-e, BOd wa* alsjut to ie-ii:i,> UM aitt.k, wb,a lio wab irrrested hy th wftc i uuo ii.ul-4-ou . _.i. . iiD.i ih*- Btxanb Bblk Ma ollir.l- iaa tak-Bfl tn* UllBOIIM I ? i tll ulatlon iioa. ? Bfl ? i| n\ i i.i.i Car.,! ia, wlio appitrentiv o ? ;aii it u (.nii : ...i..,:i^ i. ? dlU-Bfl al ' pataaaaaaaaaaBBfl touaaap . I.-_-.i.._ u* tugtmmtt* i taa -1" 11. ''.. ; . ? i - .., I Cl. tl l.i - . ? -? 'I' l* J, .?...,*? IMm.IC, I)Ut WH. lI,U)lte...d 1.WJV. 11" WB8 ...i _i_Un ui Un. t* ,ai_. oi ___ -__<-, _t fuirU-ave., and waa loeked np at Polke Head ijuuil. n. m_?_^mmmmm?????m?* A C1UM1AAL Ml'STEUY. a ??-. A MtN CMBBBBB WITH KII.I.1NO HIS NKHIEW AM> ATTKMITINO TO HIB WIFE ?COfNTBR OHAROBB Or WICtDB AX1> ACCIDKNTAL _H< K.T 1NG. Tha occttpants of the tcnomont-honso No. 4. Ludlow-et., wen (Irand aud Heat. r-t-., were .tartled uv ttn ...uud of two piitol-shot ?>. ln qulfk BoeeeaalOB, abaal - |L m- featerday. i'? immk on UR ********* n"(,r "f the houae, occupied by a young man and womun wbo bad lived for a ?hort time, uml wbo were on.y KBowa to their uclglibors ut Mr. and Mn. Martln. Offleer O'l-ary of tho Teuth riciucf, who wa. on duty lu tt.e vk* W_8 ?l>"^'Jr *"'1'ni0a''d' Be Immedkit. Iy cnteicd tln* romiis nnd found the voiiiig umti l)in_ upon lhe floor Wltb a bdltol w.uind ap parentlypeuctratlng bll heart, and th" young woman bl.afltag prof.iHclv from a pi. tol ?_<>t Itt tl.e left Meait. A man, who siil.MMiuciitly proved to be Cli.irl-8 Angustus Miinck., aire M. a brusbni.ikcr of Hrooklyn, E. D. ito ofl in - rldeat t*wlldernient near Ibe woman. Tlie young,-t man was apee.-bloas and evl.lcntly fljlag, v 1 ile Mtui'k.and the young woman were lu a .late of liitense exoiten.enf, whl. :i precluded tbeir making a eoherent or lntclligent sUteinent. Ti.e offleer promptlv guiiiiiioiie.l a-? i.stanee, and took ****** 'ht lafl tlie woman to tbe l.Tdridge-Bt. ***'{*} ****, BrOflflM and Urand-sta., as priso.icrs. Tbo aeaaflefl man was couveyed on a etretcber 'to the staflon houie, wbere bo eiplred a f.-w nioments later. Vpnn thearrlval ofthe p.i-m.r r.-t they were rloiely r-uestioned i,v p..i,ic QtpCalaWarfl, abe learaed from tbem tbal tbe deceased wai Johu Frederto Muncks, age 3". n. phewof tbe brusbumker. and that the woman, who had bren known as tbo wife of tbo deceased. ln r.allty Hatlie Munck-. ai*e 31, tho w'.fo of the l.riishinukcr. It ******** MuB ***** tM* Muncks, wltb his tiifcuiol :r i'iew. were all born 10 Qermany. The ii;.,-!,. came 10 N w-Yi.rk ab. ut M years ago, and about tl.rec v.-sir.aii_o marrlefl the young woman, who had theu beea ahoel flvo years ln N.w York. Af? ter bis marrlugo, Cliarl. I Muncks. who aaa einployed by Bradley A flnilth, maim fatturcrs of bru .ic.. nt No. 351 Tearl-sf., went to live witli his wife, at No. Tl Eighth-st., Bi-ooklyii, E. D. Hoon afterwaitl, thfl ncplicw, who had been scveral years lt. Anu rlc-i, and who was clerk in a pap'-r waiohouse In Ms.iil. ii i.'tiie, went to live with hl* uneK Abont time uccks ago the unclc. cbarg.d hB yonng wife and nephow with Improper Iniliniicy, nnd on the fi.i.o-.iiiig 8ay the. alle-ed guilty fO-Bfl man and woiiinn llcd to Bflfltoa, the nepliew. 1t ls allegcfl, prevl ou-li- tteaBag .- from his uneie. Aft'-r remalnltie flve daya at a hotel ln BostoB the guilty couple eume to New-York and went to live totflpO-flrfly with the womau'fl ilatcr ln Thlrty-slxth-st. On return Ine tbo wife calbd upon her outrnged huiband, con tem l hef gBBI and ei-aved forglveneis. bfl* band received her allcttioitatcli, fre ly forgafl her, and Weleootod b*r un.l tho aepbea Baak te hM home. to v, 1..di lliey therefore retuiiii-d. Tuo daya later, how? ever. bo aeeused bim of repoafed lm proprletkfl, aud ordered blra froiu tbe, Ihey tbon took Bpai'tmrnU ln tlie ten. inetit-lioiiso No. IM East E'.eventli-nt. Tl.O husbatid followed Uieui, and Bflflfll d bis wife to return to ber home Pfie refimed, but finally eflflaaBtod f *t her trttnks, wiiieh stu- did, unaeeoiiipnnled, when 808 Baahaaflbaal her. and s.nt (mt i.av, miiierqn'iiiir forwanllug her truuka to her, nt No. 3.'.d liat 1 .i'i.iy aiMll-bt.. lo llhitl.'l? Uu- g lli * 1..H1 iiiid miAlHt.lili' reiiio\ed. . iiiiietjiieutlvtbat _ecnre1 apail.nents ln I.ud low-st., where tbey hare since reaideflafl >,i?" ?"d wife. AeeordlBfl to tbe . tatuiucutof tbe buaband, be wcnt to tba rouiiis occupied t.y bli wife and di pbea last ntgnt, lo iiiii.iige Witb herfor proeee.ilui-a for .livorie. Oa hla arnva! tba al.i-ges, shot liiuisclt*. wbile bis wlfo was aecidentafly wi.undcd bv a pi'tol whlrti she held ln her own band und whleb waa dl_c_aig,-d tvblie ht wai atteuiptlng to prevent her fnun ebootiufl l.ei.elf. as ihe had tbreatened to do. The buNi.uiid's r'ftiement ls anlistrcitlatlv corrotx.nited bythtitof hts w-lfe; i.iir, antbAti-n_.ilr ia nun of peeiiliar aml rnystcrl otis t iici.iiinUiii e_, I'olu'.) Captain Ward dacided t>. <!' I_in tbe husband ou auspe ion of uiuriler aud tln-wife ns a witnew, botn t? nimt the aetion of Coroner Urrr who wm inforused nf the futal alhair. Ulioii eiiiiiiinatiei! by u pullcn suiveou, the woman'i wound n '<** f"und to be sunply a fl t'i u nind of the lefl brreaa . r.rnl aet of a dangeroufl , Baraeter. In rhe liiK-ketaof the bmliaiid wore found two revolvers, one istrroi of ".. ti of abtoh bad Meaaroc.miy dtovbarged. Tliey wer.'I'leiitifled tiy the woui.iii as tba wcapoii. by Whicb tbo ebootli.g had bern done. ttie nt-aniVD'a 8TAT__tr^T. The susperted husband, tt***** 51 years old, s. er.i? to Bfl nt b-ast 10 or 13 years younp-r. Be M BBflMflB-BBtf lihnvi tbe ordltliiry hlght, of galltit (Igilie, of gnnteel up pesrsneo and good addrtss. Iii *.s dark rotnplexioned, with a ruddy fnre, hliiek eyes, oirly halr, and beuvy blaek mustache. Ile isoi a. tennlned.thougli not o/uu prepoasASslngTippearanrp. Wblle ln eonvcraatloii wltb P.lire Captain Ward and a IB-BOBB reporter at tbe Klttrlrtce-nt. nifide lu drief tbe fnllowlng itatement: " My nsme li Chartaa flBflaaBM Munrks; I ain ii brushrnaker by trade; nrti C 4 yi nrs old; I eanie t<i tbi* eoniitry alionf 34 ye irs aro, and ain employed hy BfaflMy A Pmlth, nciniifnrfiit-ers of brn.h.-s at No. 311 I'eitrl-.t. In ihis citr. The 88-88881 waa mr iicjiiieiv, jaba Pi-derloB Maaeha, aafl ibe aaataa aith ba waa brlac ia Ladtow-ak Ifl nu wife, H.itic M ik ss; I umrri. d lo r atii.i.t thr.e ve.irs ago, and we lived ln WllHawburBB i tuf nenhew liv-d wltb us : ab )iit thr.c week. ul'i I l.nn .md uiv wife ln nn impruper poaluou. Tu- > *tte ina raoia bv tbi ina? lu ,, klar-lng e:ic'i other, wblle playlng card. fo.-ethcr. I thoiight iitls conduct verv Improper, and I aeelfled tbaa f it it, und t il'l iiii aapBBB tbat ho sUoul.l BOt livo iu my l.tiiiiic aui liiiigcr il bfl vvas jfiiilty of lucb conduct agaln. Tne m-xt dav bfl stolo IC. fnun me and ran nw-av to BostOB tvlth Bf wife. Fnun Baaaaa they wrote me thal thoy wara going io Calllultil.t, but, ..' tliat. tln f t??tuu: to N'-W York. When they csune back, I recelfed ttcin klmtlv, fnrgnvi' th(?in', and agaln wetoU-Bed them to my hMti-e. 1 did not like their aaaflBBt after they rcttu,ted. anl, twodnys laU-r, lortli-n-tl tliciu io le tya, vblcb t'ny did I beard timt th. y ?.?-.? llvlngtogethi r ln tbe hon- In I. ifl low-st. bi Mr. ?tid Mrs.Martln. I went tbere laat uurtit M get uiv wifi- to go to a lawver witli me to-morrow, to ?t<e ubi.ut geltiug a diVuree. Wiu n I gut th- ie, I fonnd tbe donr lu'-ked, nnd I ihook lt ourn or twlee by the knnb, and It came open. I wcnt In snd found tbem both lylng Bfl tb.- outsi'le of the bed, fullv dressed. They bad pl.slolia in th-lr biiiuls, aml they up, aud point lng tba pl.tola to their own bodlea. threatened to Bbottt themselvea, If I did nat g" away. I tried to Uke the plstol away from my wife, u> kc. p her hnriliig in-r, il, aud, wiiile 1 wasdolug so, It went off. shontlng her lu t lie breaat _ho screatn. .1. and my nephew then shot luuiself ln th.-breaat. An offl.-er tben camo an.l arrrsled me. |l dl.l nnt go lo Ibo lio un. In Lndlow-Ht. for any vlolent parpOBB, aud I did uol use BBJ BBBbOB or assault uiiy oue." TIIK Wirt'B BTATFMriT. Tlie wife ls a young woman of attraetlve appearancc, but of a aome what bold demeanor. Bhe la sniall ln stat ure, and of falr complexlon, wltb dark halr, and large gray eyea, Hhe wiii neatlv attlred ln a fashionably out ?ult of blaek alpaea , laborately trlmn.ed with flitilng. Hhe made ln aubitance tbe followlng itatoment to a TB-BOflB rep4irter: Bly natno is nattt'- Mnncki; I aro 31 years old, and tbe wife of Charles Augi.-tus Muncki. who 1? 64 years old; I waa Imrn In Pninertnin, and I oaaie to New-York aboal eight 88888 bko. I inarrled Mr. Muneki three y.-iun ago. ond we lived at No. 75 Elgbtb-at., Willlaniahnrgb. Tbedeeeased was John Pred. Muncki. Ba wus _o yeara old. and a clerk lu a PB88B Btore lu Maidcii-laue. Ha waa Mr. Muucka'a uephew, uud lived wltb us lu Wil liunjitiurgh. About three weeke ago Mr. Manefcfl ebarged Pred. and me with tmpropei- lntlmsej-. The uext dar i red aud I w,-ut to Boituu and nm ilBcfl dve ?l_> - at l'.. li. Vr Hotel. Then we rame hai-k to New York, and went to my uster'i ln Thlrty-sixtk at. When we rame back I went to aee Mr kluneka, at liradley A Bmttb'i, at No. tn I'cart-at., wbere ha works aa a bruab uiakcr. Mr. Muneki received uie klndly and lorgave us, und we 8ent to Mve with Dlm again In Wllliamaburrb; but, two daya after? ward, be M',.t ua awar airaiu. We weot to the t.-uement bouMi No...). E-iat Eleveiith-at. Wo ataid tbera a few dava, and tben moved to No. 355 Ea.t Twenty-alxth-si. Mr. Muneka followed aa and wauted nn te, r?w home with iiltu. but 1 refiuM-fl Uugo. Ue then aaked me to cvyAe aud get my truuks, and I did so. When I *ti%hi lot luf trunks, he pulled me into Ihe houae and wbipped tae. 1 got away from him, aud camo bark lo New-York, and hr ?uni uiy trunk. m tio. IM Uaat Tat?ty -aixth at. Booti afterward Frr.t and I went to live al No. 41 Ludlo * at. Tnls mornlng Pred bourbt two ptstols?eeven ahootera?a?d laatlefl them, **A put theaa lo Ibe bed, bttcaaae . we axpeeted hla norle would rome. Thia ,-veuliig Mr. Muneks csme and humtopei. the door; Pred aod I p?t tlie idsi i ?'?? "ur 8888881 aod told Ulu tliat 11 be did not la-av.- tl.r r.ii wa wouldatioel our.aclvea; he wautrd uie to go uut wltb hiui, aud I would not; be auatebed tbe plstol out of mj huu.), aud lt went efl, abooting me In tbe left breaat; Fn -I thini-ht that I waa killed. aad ao he sbut luuia- ll i when I..- r'tn! 1,-,1,'eir Ba pm iiu- putoi eloae to bis body Upni, au e_aiul;uiti.i.| of lhe wound af tl_s deceased. it Uaii lh* ,i|'l* ??i-r.itine of hiivlng f^en rea-i-lv,. fmiB a olttni tna iKrg.'l ut _ .ii.-utiiiw, r.illior liom 888 iabIJ Iu li,_ i,ai, li?:iil, t U.i ta bi. It wa.Vt.iy ^etf ronnd, aud tbfl BbflOBee of powder t.i . t U |..n tae el.Kliing naa uot-wnrtby. It had aaad oal| *? I'l'la eiioiuuilj, nnd deoth bad .. r< -niit-.l Ii.ou lul rnal hcuiarrbiige Irom lb |). if .iii-i . i l.y tln- ba |. t uf Hn ..nrt.i. hi on. ot .,:, lii)..i Vrta-cli le i iing from Ihr- heart An , ,, ,,|)-. wil ih- ii.iil ? by liuputr ton.uer Cuihoiau to Ui . ,.i IBa iioi.-si wni bo iK-lil b> Corooer Uernaau t_.._, aiAl ...i-. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. TF1E DIKE OF EDINBURGIFS AI.LOWAXCE. IflkllATE I.N UU HulgB Ot COMMUJitt?bPKACIUh OY WR CllAltU-.3 KIl.KK, MH. OI-ADSTONB, AKU OTHF.M?TIIB GOVKBNMBHT BILL PASaED IB COWWITTEB. IiONnow, Frifllay, Ang. 1,1ST3. The hill gtanting $12.5,000 per annum to the Duke of Kdniliiirifh on the occaainn of hia m&rriage caine np to-fliiiT for a third reinling. Pir t'linrl. ? lillke raade a long apceeh ngflinat tlie gmnt. Mr. Qlfl-flaioflt repliod wlth liiftcnirsa, rharactor izing the penustciitoppoBitloii to tlie hill aatntlcccnt. Mr. Muuix, flaetubar from IJiniiingham, proteated against the cpith.-.t "iudt-c-eut,'' aud Mr. Glad.^tone with.lnw tliiiuUcuaive eipresHion. >lr. Bowdaflla a?Wcd if tho nianiage would be (iolfl-iiini/a <l aeooiiling to Uk- foruia of the Church uf Enpliinil. Mr. UI-vlHtone fliMinrtly and absolutely doclinod to;inswtrtlif-(|iirutioii. Mr. AmlerHon, mrnihcr from Ol.iturow, moved an ami ndment prnviding lhat, i.n the event of the Dtiko of Edinburgh snifleedtng to the Ducby cf SaflXe-ColaiirK, tlie annuity rcauo. Aitcr iu( thc-r debato. the auicndmcnt was witli druvvn aiid the bill paaaad iu Comniittce. THE RFl'l'BLIC OF S.VAIN ?Bflflfll OF ? flfllgpW 81 MllibHli IBIBflHUIIOMH < OMllll.HH TU l.ONHIUKIl TUE GONDl'tlOX Of IUT. W AH IflflflBflfl Mflflfl AT CAItTAGKNA. MAi.iiii), Frlday, Amr. 1,1873. A di?pntph lias be?'n rt-oeived nt the Minis try of Witr unnoum*in?r thtvt a i-harp flght hna tafcfl* pla^e near .M-Jaira, b. tween the Reptibln-nn* BBd ln"i:r griif*, tn whioh tiu- latter were defflated and driven rrom the fleld. Eighty-*evenln*nrgrnf,-fl wereVllled. Ttie mHitrrent flerf baa anllcd from Almerta. There la great rrjolrinir ovor tf* departnre. It la believed that the fli-ot wlll next vlalt Aleante, and tbe garrl-mn and cttizrn* nre preparifie for fllefcnae. The arsi-nal ln Cadlt ?tlll bold* ont Tor tbe Qovern roent. Ttie R<-put.iiran fleM bfll opened a bnmi>arrtment nnon the ixixttiotiB occupied by the lntnigrut* in 8an Fer iiamlo. TheflloTernment troops ln Sevilla have captured 30 cannon. Tbe Junta af Oroa de Valeneia h?? ?el*ed three vc**el* beiooging to tn<- Kevtmuoeerriee. In tho (,'orte* to-day a rewilution of remure dlrtcted agmnst tlie inmirneiii Hepulle* waa Ueiior Caa t-elar mado an elotiueut and potnotio ipi-ech, couuacling inoderation on Ibe part of tlie lhipnluicaiia. The reaolu tion wa* adopted by a vote of 191 Yea* to 15 HbJB. The Majarera tobarco faetory, the laat rofuge of the inmrgontaln Seviiht. heeu captured by tbe troops. A large number t-f priflunen were taken. uiiiouk whom are a-vcral forelgm-n, ttt*nil>era of tbe lutenialioual Boclety. A Carlwt force, 1,000 atrong, attac.ked Portucalite, aevrn iniles froui liilboa, thu luoruiug. Tbe garriaou a vlgorou* and -uec' t?ful dnfeiwe. The C'.trlinte were defntted witb iieavy lofl* and uriv.ii over the Ua iiiid? Kiver. The town of Alh tma, 13 mlle* front Murcia, haa pro clauned IU ludep -'iili-iu-e. A Jutitit ba* been orgauiaaxl, llie tlr-t i.i t of whtih waa to levy acuntii-iutloii|of 125,000 aa ttn- lahabttaata, Tlie report tliat ttie rrlaate Vltla a*> Madrid bii joined the luKiirgents li* ofllclitliy contra<li<'tcd. The liimnrei tlonary fleet, whieh left Ut*. harbor of Al nirrla, wa* la't *..en headlng for Malaga. Two other friK-ate* lu the band* of the rebcli are|at Muluga. trylng to raiae contiit-iitiou* from the cltizeiiflt. Four (icrinan uion-<af-wiir are m tbo BflBBBt WBtahflBa them. 1*81001188. a promlnent inittlgator of tbe Curt.igen.-t in Burrection, hat Ix-en arreoted. An tiiMirgeut frleate eutored the btrhor of Malaga to rtay (loM.-ly followed by a Oentutu mau-of-war. Biio ihortly aflerward salled, irolnir emtward, aud wai pur ?ne<l aauin by the Oertnan. It la mipposed tbat *he wlU t>? captured hy tho latt' r. TU* InaurKenU ol (.reuiula oii r to iaurr*nder. i'.ti, Praaaa, Iharaflajr, Juiy 3t, vm Tbe Catliat'i ant.onnifl-a tluat llun Carl.ta naa cuptured E-.tell.-i, wlth tho entlre itarrl-ion, whicn aurrondcred aa piiaoneri of war. lii.iti in. Fildny, Anc. 1,1873. O'Tm.iny propoae* a fl'onifi flfll of the niarltiui.* powers to (i.a uie the etatua ami trealuieut of tho icniurgent ppuniib iflhii'-fl. Krv Wlbt, Au,;. 1.?Miiil a<1via'e* from B?yana of the 31 tli uit. conUln the foliowiuit iuU-lll^??nco: The Ciov erunient BB8 ohtalne.l poineailon of Important docu nicnts rejrardlnit rlaudebtlne labor* of the CarlUM In thi* proviuce, aud criuunadnii l^uijano, cotinacl for the Traumitlantlc Pteami-lilp Conipiiii> aml legal agent for Beveral wealtby uicrehauU of Ilavaua. Otber per*onii are laipltoatSlfr :'urt are uuder tho survelllatice of the cotirUt. The aiiiiti of aome proinliieut men i* rumor.-il. In aearcbiug tbe house ot t^uljiiuo, tcwi.ulo iu gold wa* found. whi.-h. it I* said, wa* eoUected here to be *cnt to Euglaud to fnrtlier tbe eau*e of the Carli*U. The irtbuno call* upon the GoTornmont to embargo tbe property of tbe fl'arll?t coimplrator in Havana. THF. r.r.IfMAN OroiJPATIOX Di FKANCF. EVAtl'ATluN OF KAflOT AMI IlKI.KlltT. I'vidf. Frlday, Ang. 1.1075. Xit'icy iiui\ Bclfurt were fltflflflfltfld yesU-rday by the (ii-rman troop', who hnrtied all their good* whieh could uot 88 carried off. llie luliahitanta of both citle* rrii.iiiufd in their UoUno* while tho tierman* were leav? ing. IMiturbanec* are reitottrd at Roan L'Eta|>e, In the Uepartmrnt of the \u*g**. Thf BaB 9188881 wa* henten by the mon. wbo crted " Vive Thteri; vlve Oambetta." klartagttoatriaaoatlOB af tto Taagaa br the Qerman*, there 0888 erie* of " Vive fi Coitiiuuuel" 1IANK 0F ENGLAND F0R0EHIi:s. BEOl.S.MNlfli Or TIIK TKIAI. OE AtWRfl BIUWEI.L ASD 1IIB At'COMPUCE.S. liOMaiN. Frlday, Ang. 1. I97S. The triai of Atutin lMdwt-ll and his acoom pllce* lu the fratidii BfBfl the Bank of Kogland will Uke plare on tbe 19th mat. ut tbe Old B*lley, hefure Mr. Ar?hlbiild. Ur. liiffard will conduot the prosecution, aud tne pnioner* will l>e defetiflled by Mr. Poland. Iti* laamii lt-tmy that all theacciaed will ptoad guilty. | THE INSl'KKECTION, l.V CL'BA. Kky \\yht. Ang. L?Tlie Coiiiniiuaioiier sent: bythe Captatn-Geueral to the ln*nrgenta ba* returned afta-r au lutoniew witb C'.apedes, wbo Bruily n;fa*?d to euter into any negotiatlonfl. bevere eugagement* have taken place lafely near puerto l'riiiclpo witb thfl Iniurg.-nt*. The town of Yarcyal wa* attacked reccntly by a Cuhan force of auO. After a flght of *everai hour* they wero repuUed. Tbey *et flre to ?everal boufle*. Gurman, a promlnent Cuban, who wa* made Lientcn aut-C.lonel of tbe Spaubflh aruiy for aaviug Valmaaeda froui belug raptured by the lusurgenU at ?ne time, wa* lately killed in batll*. _ THE TICHBOBNE THIAL ADJOURNED. IitiMKiN, Fnday, Aug. 1, i-t i. The triai of tbe Tichborne claimant haa been furtber adjourned nntil Tueeday next in ooo*e qoeuee of tbe contlnuod illnea* of one of tbe pirora. Mr. Kenealey, the leadlng counael for tbe defen**), will be?in bu addrrix upou the reaumption of tho trlal. and wlll probably occuuy four daya, flnnbliig ou the Itb Ib*t. FOREIQN NOTES. The Bt<>amshlp Great Eaatern left Heart's Conu-nt on Thur?d*y eveuing at 7 o'clock to repalr tbe cahie trt iaaa. The report that the Cotint de Parifl had grmo to Frob*doiff to ttatt tbe lount de Cbambord 1* pro rioouc. .1 falae. All the railroada in Cuba, from tliia mouth forward. exaet pa*ieu??r lare* aad frelght tolla Ib gold or lu- u(|Uii -aleut. The lithojrrapber* of Huvuna havo Rtruck wuila. Tli.iy deilinlid the payuieut of Uieir w^g..? lu goi i .?r it* flajtOralaal la .-unrat-y. Piime Miniater Min?bctti baa wriiU-u a lolteriobiB trou?i :u. nt*.<l'-n)iug that tbo liaii.m Oov ertiniriit cout.-(ii|>Ul?-aa new The Piefeet of the Dopflrtiflflat of tlm (Jpp r Laolre, lu Frauoe. baa fortuddno lua .uie lu tue ali'oc.a uf tne lafltoal Jourual U I'tuolt Sj-hi axn. Tbfl elociiou of fl uic.ii.KT ol Ue UriUab ParHamenl fer flreenwleh take? plw thi 88* teet ia elone and eiclU-d. and thera bu* b**n BMflfl rbttiutt, lUiii, accooipanit-d l.y llmmh r aml lightning, previuied iu Luiidon aod ucig!ti?'i'h.H"J >?'fllerdny. Kl?e wbere tbroiii.-h.iiit Kaglaad the weata-r la ttue au.l favorable for fhe growltur erop*. In view of the many abnscs in the matter or Chlaaaa eoatraeta tha Oorernmeal ai ifv -'> b*? ord.r.-tl the (iiptiilu <ieii. ml itrletly t* (tifotre tm puuiithtncni of trautgra <Moif. Tlie ininera of the Wigan dndrict, I ebrre, Eogl.iud, have Ktrttck for an adv am 18 of wai.-<? and realnetlon nf honr*. Tue nioveinant 0888 nut have the BBnali8B or sympnt.ty of the trade* union*. The pioneer ateamer Ooothe, built by tbe Me??r*. N'spler for the MfllB (ll.iml.urg aaflSWW Tork), made hcrtrul trip yeflterday, ktet iidna 11 ' ?I..,* Qoettafl will hav- Bambuts for New-Yorlt aboul tne end of Augu-tt. Kl Monitor of Mcxico gives the parlinilar* of the death and Imrlal of liou Angu.tlu It Auru-ttln wa*tbo*olo aurviviug aoo of the cel.lflr.tei' Emperorof Mcxleo, an.i lived at tbe Fri-m ii Capltnl tot a number of yearp, wln-rn ho wa* keepcr of B oheap reiitaiirmit. He <lied ut ueuce with hitu?clf, M' -l ' "?'"' ! tbe world at l*rc. Hlflbunal waa i ? '!'?' reitialii* having been followed oy a law pooroaople, wbo were bla nu.iuau: Xn.utU aud lpred ni grleffl throuirh wln-h be in.l pa?fled. A fr..i*?, wlth liiicauiatpiilnt. du'toii lt. U all t'if i tbe i nr rrxtlng place of fb * Prrticl Impcna.. bol ai iwn.butdeatlnedto beriwrn a common i The Monxtor utim-i, " Ia if luir, Ibeu, tho fauil-fl.f ihe fatber ftrllupoU the bOU." BflXOfl von Illnidon, hiifband of the famoui prlinadoimn, Fraii Inuca, h.n p'll.'i ibfld klettel ln tbi Iieriin WaodaaWaff, coaiplalnlpn of tha leg%l pn lagfl Itiatlluted against him in tbN ronntry for ix divr ?. Ilarori von Rhaden hay-i .'hat ln the Autiiuin Of laM he tod a'ready hegnn lu Boilln a BOlt fi r -. rol e on the ground of abanl'-nnn nt by h -.',', nnd Ibl* ml' I- atflj iieiiiiiiif. ,M'^1,!'' laercreive.l new? fhronirb few-Torh JoarBalS IBal blfl vaile Ua.1 praeured a d.-it.e ul ilivorce li* >*a hli.i ou ll* ?id. -if laat Jviue, ,u Sow Yiili. by whlcb hi v7.( .t- lari i guilty of adWffl ry. II* 1- r- . dr to eatabllth i ao he had no flflBl of kiia.vle.lgo that \ttx flfldtngfl had been baaaa bero 0. roro rexd.n.-.- ' aa au uouneeifliient ol (udgment la tha newpat-er*. aml Ba haa proteated ag8in?t li. Th.- to matlonfl ba d.eUrrt uiitriie; n'ol he '(irther 888881* tbal the r-ucon tor ha-lening tie i-ro' eotitiut-a. I" *kuh "' Herlui. ??in .-.uehaauflidi-u aml ipiieviU-ef maiiii'T. aml hi tiu-. aet of violenee ln Kt-W-Torl,caa only l.e toutid ln th" n.-WH rei>ort?l Iti ihe 1 >i:n>:il- that Frail Lucc.a ha* again becu iiiariied tt- Miijc von PpflflefaaV' WEW YORK POHTWB. HtBtVao f-r Tlir. T.inr.RtL p.r:rrnr.iciv BTtTB C*M mitW? tm nnuflov of a htate txnrnurnoji ?MKWS'OK I.i'.VDIN'fl; VVMOI*ltAT!?, AC. [lIi.flM A ??UIII COliHKsr(flM.t.NT Or TIIE TniltL'SF..] Sakatoi-.i, Aug. l.-The 8iib-Commitu-o ap poiiited laal evouiiiK by the Liberal Ka fctateCommitt.-o to repirt what a?tion it was advi-v ablo to titke relative to the cullingof a btate Con, made th<? follotv ing r.-port at tbe adjouiued meeting to-d:iy: The .iel.-ct Commlftee appolnfed yri-terdar reommend thr adoptlon by the Btata (ommUtee of the foltowiiig: Henlreil. That al! qiiei>tlon* nlatlng to Ihe ftiinre aatlaaii of thi* Comiiuttfl'e. repre.^enung the Uueral BepuhUean party of the titute, raaartlM time plice, and nio-i.- of Ita CoaTentlon, and itt action geuerallT ln the c-amlne campaiu'n, ba re? ferred to the Iliecutlve Cominttico thereof wuh full uowei. bei'oby advUiuit th.m, bt ruro tmjtlnjf .my ai tioi:, to frauu- a call embraciog the Clnctfinall riitf.itni. with auch addltlona. a* ni-tv he .l.-rtrird pmp. r. Bfld 1'iviie nll opponeataof the present Adminwtnttion to unite iu *nt-b aaU lor a fltata OoBrantioq, wnu tberlewof combinlug u.ioi.tionitioutosdid Aiiuiiii.-oratlou lu a united move Biruy. Clark E Btix, C'hairraan. The followini? is tbe Fxci utive Committee MWT8 referred tbi (I.n. J'ahn ('ochrano. D. D. S. Brown, q. lluck, Clarke BeH, Gilbert Deune. Gen. Edward F. Jaaites, Saiuuel C. Taber. Alfrcd Wilkinsou. The report alter soiue diaciustiou WB8 BOOeptfl d at'J tho letioltitiou unaniiuourily adopttitl. Tho witiu ?iib ject nf dihOU-flHion by tho !?Ut<5 CoinnaUee since itd wrival bere has BflBfl the {tracticabdity of a union t.f all th.- lllflflllBflfll i'f BPpeaWon to the National Ad niiiii.-tr.ition in tlie eabilbg campaign in thi' - There haa been a free eotmulfation between tlie iiieinbcrs of tbo a^l.ite Conimittee flfld other Liberal RepuMicnn* imw here and l.-?aliii? Democratu, ropreeer.tinir all eeetiona of tbe State, and tho opinion ia unanlmona tbat the disaffection aml disuust toward tho party now W:i?bington is solwidtapread among the peopla of all parties that it uocdi only cuceutraUil action on tbo part of tho oppoeition, backed by a reputablo tieket, to carry tbe JState thia Full by a large majority. U.ivv to bring about such united nnd action iu tho probleni. The dilli'iiiiy lie* in the upparent iinwilliiiirn<'H8 of both Liberal Kepiiblicrtna and' Pomocratfl, especiallj- the leaflt-rn, to snrrender their party orgaiilzations or prirry name^. While they ?flafl upon tho pliitform of principlcs to be a.lopt.-d, nnd whilo each organbtltiOQ is vvilliiii? to inak.: it*. call for a Siato Convention 60 broad as to iiu-1 udt- all oppoiieuts of the preseut iui.?iulo, yet each Hticuuo'isly objects to lieing ".-.wallowed up" in the other, or to einking its ideiitity or pnrty name. This is especially trno ?.? tbe Democratic party aa repr.-sentcd by its lcadnig men and newapaix-w in thU Blflla. Thoro are those, prufes-flring ta kuow the facts, who say that these 1.-;ulcn aud joarnalsdo not correctly repreuent the rank aud fllc of tho Democratic party, tbat they have aolti-ih and aouietinios even distredit ablo notiona in tbaa trylng to per petuate the old Democratic party nauie, aud tbat the rauk and tiie aro ready aud anxioua to join in the HIBBllaB of n new party, with a now namo aud a platform of principles adapted to the timoe. Ite this aa it may, the only organization or representa tivebody with whioh tho Liberal Republican State Comiiuttco can act at tho present tinn is tho Stato Committee of the Demo? cratic party. If that Committee niisreprc aaflta the pacty for wliich it swsum?? to act, the faet can be BBada kiiowii, and Ibfl remedy BBphad at tho uext .State Convention, providcd tbe peoplo will aoo to i| tbat delcgatos are *out to that convention wbo correctly ropreseut tlieir Hontinicuts. Atinowcon atilutrfll there ia no doubt that a large uiajorily of tbe Deutocratie State Committee are beutupouad heriag to thiir old party orgatrization aud namo nnder any and all circumstancea. ThW being the case, it ls ertremely doubtful whether any arrangement can be mado t>etween the Executive committees reprosentiug the Liberal R? publican und Democratic State Committt-cs which nhitll reeult in the calbug of a ainglo Stato Conven? tion of the two partiea thia Fall. The Liberal Uepublican Exeoutive Committee, as will bo aeen by the reaolution adopted to-day, is anthorized to take Hnch action aa may 8(*:iire that rcsnlt, and U.-tiiixnit* bere profeea to deaire it alao. bhould they nnite upon eucb a call, and a aingle Convention be held, the queation of party organuations antl party uainea for tho futuie will thou ct?ue up Ior diecuaeiou antl settlement,_ DEATH BT DK0WN1K0. PnovHiiirciE, Aug. 1.?Hcrman K. Hoppn of Wiaco&aiu, a aludent at Newton Tbeologioal Heminary, waa drowued al Newport beacb yoflUtrday. 1(1* be troibed wa* a dixtrarled epertator of bi* fate, aod ber uncle nearly pen?bed In bla efforta to sava him. PuoviiiKNCE, Aug. 1.?Hcrman K. Hopps WMdrwwaed at Jfewport b.a. b thi* morning. Ue wa* a aiutkut ln Do?ton, but nu from ib* Weat. ITAKLEX'l tXPKUITIOK AT TIIB TELLOWSTONfc 1UVRK. Vki Rivait, Aug. l.?Tlie expe? dition etart* frifltn bere to-day. Bloody Knife aod Fire (iouil, two -i-init" f iom tm liitf.'rd, bave been onlered t fliii-oinp-tny the eommand. tteport* have here th:U iho VokUBptU uii- htliitllig luilTalo r_tt tlt.. louiiii' tUver. Kfl '??' fo t'i" w.-t-t. Titei nit- t-ii iiu-ii .. ia :r u ,i io'i' Itere.l mal thi wlll oppoaa th. ei|..aiu'U in iiu.v fa nu. wm v r " i . . i\ run vai'i. ClII VaiO, III., Au.-.-. 1 ' w,i- mi;: lan i .11.) di. i ot.. r iui i. l i . i, p. iu. tafl t > ? ?.-'. the rate Bl wlilfh the lt hl' v..r-- limklni.' w , lltiiienth. Aflar l ilM -i-k, iue tim. ? laaalaa . flio.ia.oi ou ibi tm acr hemug * ipirea. u.* ,-t..'.' full Iw |i IV. TIIE GI15BET IN MARYLAND. F.Xi-XTTIOX OF MLIim.. ON AND HAI-IAHAN. hol'ks ok tiii. naiMiaiia> ratTaa-Br_TTll,a IN IIIK ( KI.L-liili ( ltlUK CO_H_-Mil) HV BOTH MIiKIaKIHt-IUtI. Bai.timoki, Anp. 1.?Joshna Nicholson and Tbniuiis R. Uallau.u., wbo uurdured Mn*. Miry Aun I/iiopley, age ll year-, ou the ulglit of J.m. i. I.ut, nnd robbed tho tiouic, si.ffered thla mornlng the e_tr<ml |. ?] ifty of the law li| hangjug. Nifho'son hafl] :i '? ll ? ' II Intervtew wilh his wife and ebUdrra.Msfatber, moiiirr, haflthal nnd -i.ier y.-ter dav, whioh w.a of a m' st affeetlng (88888888. lltllahen ha.l no vlsitora ak*** hla ipirltual BflBBBBB BflflJ men spi-n' y.-tcrdoy B8B8_BflBB and ereulng ******* an *f**t in ri igiuon 188881 i-ie* until a lato liour. Ttn-jr ie liicl about 12-..U', iiii'_ Bata 8)888 aaB during tbe nlght. K ,,,,,,, ,,, , ., at ,-, ni uk k ihi. luoruins.'uml Nioh olo.iii Bl l.alf-| 5. Tiie iallcr took a bat li aud bolb -. At aboal ? o'eloek tboy took br tkfaat eep arateiy. WbOa at bn akfaM BaBahaa leatorBefl to a re porfer rho wsi, preaaoti "I atn ss well and aa con teatedfMl ato-BiBfaa I ever was ln my lif'." Fteex t.r,?a,.,| siime mh'. ty to know the populi.r opinV/B lo rcf( rci BB to BM ense. Imineiiiiiri ?'. i't. r breokfaat a praver-me ting waa hat-ttBBtobfll oi,'., BflB, ut whieh ootti priKuer. tbeir .ij.ii.iu.. mu..' 14, mi. (iriihtb. laaabMaB of iaa iMaaa era' All 48804 -i Ition.alnl a few-..-uitoraoX tiu: Young Mon'a Cbi.t_.ii As.a,ji.i*i:oii, waro pr.*. ut. t_ vam hyiuni Wfl x SBOg, sltci fbicb Nkbolaon led iu prayer, lt., full ,v< ; ob M ic'*i ' ?Fath'T l ler-nse jiy etrength. Let me i.e .r lt'.i-u ?< wuh reaijroatDin. I feel. thnt, Foth.r, i iiaii i < ,t.? i_-aiiiifii. toaaa ea nlab. 1 feal Tuy ? . . . ied un- free of all gullt, anfl l caa ",.siie . t . fb<- realaa of imht. I commit myaatl to iliylui.J. I know I have ti in wmug, but tiie BU>ulog , ,. i i:..;:. ?, ..'. I a.D l:.y iln.'l. Fatber, wbile I ', \-? beea inb-m Thou Baat b"-n wilh me. I i ..inuit my i"ior wife aud elitwlren to tbea. -I i Ui. y bo led to aalvauun. f-.icngtneu ii ?? with tln- II' lv Splrlr. It li bard te lierir, bal wo aro going to a batler plaee to-day. Motber, beautitui niother, ? ,ii r, und brother, I .hall _ec you agaiii. etrengtben my t? luv, d brother in ".ue fenrful trial Be ts now enduring. Give ?aatbe atienfltli otTBj ble iflBC, aa that uu tue ?-affcil I e.imlio wilUa aui , BV mf ***** w-hlspering tbe oama *'f awflel Je?u*. F.aln r, I coiuant ini - lf wbolly to Tlc, Tho hymn "Rock of Agea" was BBa -ong. aiter whkh Nlchol-ou bade fiuowil to bis 8888888 188*88. <?'"' biotb.r.4 cor.i al.y ? iu___ng. The coie_i<__- wuit, tbeu touciudod at lhe eell. aud tbo pr_-ju. r-, 88*8-8* pauicd by lueelerKyiaen, at b:J_ a. BB. uiov. .1 tLuougti U)8 Liain bull and BBtored tbe Directore' rooui. wl). hour waa pa.-.d iii privato devotional exerctoefl. Nlcholuon was drcsseO tn a blaek sult and II illahau ir. gray. As tbey BBflfl-fl through the matu hall totb prls aflari were aaltlba and cheorful, and noddod pleaiantly to sueh aequaintantes as tbey met. Col. 8-888. tne Hlientt, with lila deputlei. left his offlce soon afUT 8 o'eloek. rea. hing 188 Jafl Bbeefl MB At tbia h?ar tbere were probttbly 15o pcraous iu tim imnu baJI nf tbe Jali aud the grouuds witbiu tbe lnelosure. Man) ut Iheiii wore suMA_iiig aud q.iietiy awanlug tln- 8888 ot txocutiuo. Tue t,aiiu,vs had 8888 < rc-etcd at tbe uurlb ci.d of lhe Jali, b.'iivcou wbab aud tbe B08tb wali tln rc was but n imaii epaea. Hhe atraiotan wa- 2:fiet .u l:i?'iit, thflptotfoOBbalafl l. feet from tbe gruuud, aud the crocsDearn ntne icct bigber. The view from tbe south wus cnmp'etoly ol>?tnicfed f'-amework of the gillows, loomtng B88V8 the Jail, was by tbo Jull, and from tbo cait by the jali wali. From tho nortb and west the skeletoa plainly fiilble. Afl early na t* o'eloek a large coueourae of people bad B88BBBbtofl on Uelv.dero or llowat.l'a H.ii, Ui.- lAld faini.y nvtil ut tuo Ilowarda, andon all tbe bigU t*toaaA*m lu-t i.Nutih, aud coucord-iu., tfaatehhtha view could be otAlaiiit-il, eevtral buudred pcrsoua aiio vt ivpled tbe roofs of tbe house*. Tbe exercisos lu tbo DireeUiis' room ronsUtcd of slng Ing, prayer, and sbort rellgioiu addr.-Mes by Both prls oners, who were (piite caltn and eflflBpaeefl, and who expressed their confldeiice ln Christ. The anerament waa then 8888-8888881 hv tbe R. v. 188848 Dall. aa siste.l by tho Kev. Mr. Wilson. Tuo reportera and tbo publlo were exeluded from tbe DireetotV ronio. aa it wai lutemled tnat lhe bacrameutal aetvko abuuid Ite as ptivate as poo.-iDle. At balf past 9 Col. Kane ent.-rod tbe Dttl ctora' room, and waa soon followe.1 by the llvard of Ylattofa The prtooaers'arflaa wete taaa atatoBafll ttt* beb-afli thatt liauds tied witb a sm.-ill rop.-, Bflfl a blaek alpaea eloak thrown over the sboaltliTS of e.tch. At S miuutei to 10 o'eloek tbe door to tiio Dlrectors' room opened, and tho pro.-es-ton, headed by Sherlff IflBBB antl Dniitty Oeor:'> Rosemond, followed by Hallahsti wltb the l^v. Dr. Dall, and Nicholson with the Rev. Messrs. Wilson aud Norris, marcbe.d out. Tbe prism guard feil ln tho rear, followed by the Gruud Jury and speciaton, and all proeeeded to tbe scene of execution. Tbe pnsouers ascended tbe atepi of tho platform witb trea.1, both iniLiiig. Arrr. iug ou the platform, Sht riff Kaue aald tbat Ilallahan deaired to makea few remaiks. Tbo latUr au-pped forward, aml aald: OBBflBBBB A5D ERornPRS: I aelcnnw icdye that my s.utenee ls Just. I am perfeotly w dimg to give np uiy life for tbe etiuio I Lave eouiuuited. llit-re ia notli ing Uke Cbrlstianlty and brotberly love. I was onee arrcsted und n'nt to prison wrougfullf. I waa treati-d wrongtully by the Judge of tbe court aiid oflloera of tlie law iu power at that tluie. I lost evi-rytblng I had? fnendi, monev, my wtfe, whom I expeot to nieet ln Ileavou. ihe mor I think of lhe upr.gbt Jud_es aud DUtrlct-AttoruevB of Anuap< il-, the more I love them for their fair treattneut of me. I returu uiy thanks to Ward .a Irvui aud all bi. (1. putles. I die lu tbo laitb. UeuUvuicu, good b}e. Good bye. Mr. Crone. The prlswner nodded with a smlle towards Mr. Crone. Tlie votce of Hallah.m wai flrni and dtiUaet. Nicholson next advanced aud said: I wlsh to make a few rem.rkfl. Tae conf. ssion |tbat waa glvoo to Mr. Crone wa? under rroatiso fr?>m th*t I'.-iitieuian that I wonld be made State'a wltneaa, and the atateuient tnat 1 tben made waa tbe truth. My puni.huieut u Just, aud I warn you ail'a|{uln*t Uie love of money and agninit evi! e..n)pan1ous. I commit mf dear w lfe aud precluui cUUdrou to Uie hauda of a uicrct ful God. At t_e couilusion of Nlcbolsou'a romarks, Ilallahan agaln advanced and isld; "I freely forgive all 107 enemles aud bope they wlll forgive ue." NIcBolson reipondcd: "And I alio return the same." Tbe men tben took tbeir posttinns on tho platform, Nicholson onN tho west or left baml, and Ilallahan on tho right of tbo plat. *__. Bheriff Kano thou ad.luated the nooaea on tluir neeka, tbe prtaonera took leave af tbeir Bplrltual alvltera, and after ten mluuttis uf ?ileut prayer lhe drop fell aud tbe execu? tion was aeeouiplisbed. Hallahau's body exhlbiteil convnlaions, but Nk-holsoa died 'without a strnggie. IIaU.ibau'8 roal nauie, it appear*. w.a Tburmau U. Wtialen. Duilng thli aftemoon and evenlna. over peraona Vie 8 c.i ll,.. r? ua iiua of, at tbe r?U8iU-b_io_t of Wa_ver, ou Lifayette-.t. CHOLERA KAVAGES. Evansyiile, Aug. 1.?Cholera has brokrn out wltb fe'arftil force lu Carral, IU., and eight deatba had occurred in M boors np to 1 o'eloek p. m. yeaterday. Fonrteen death* In nil bave oeearred since lhe cholera made iu appearauce there aiamt a week ago. C___B-iO-T_-villb. Aug 1.?Tba lateat pnva'te advlcea from MuxXreesborough, Tuun., alate tbat th. re baa beea 14 deatba from cholera during tbe preccdlug *'* boura; a very large tuortallty for tbe aize of the town. The cltl tens were paotc-atneken, aud all who could were Beemg to the *****slna. St. Loi/ib, Mo., Augii.t ******** ktaning IH**p*tteA toarna Irom a aentleman Juat arrlved from Poplar UlutT, Butler Couuty, Mo., that cholera had raged ibere vMlentl/. Tblrtr deatba had occurred out of a total populaUon of leaatban 800. The murtalltr waa largvlv e..uflned to railroad handa, bul aererai had died. Tbe dia? eaae baa uow uoarljr abated. Eva>bvi__.b, Aug. 1.?Two deatha from eholera are re? ported among the rolling-mtll handa, with two caaea tbat wtll probably _r.un.a_ falally. r.iu-BBi-a. Augmt l.-Tbara _aa been aoeaolaeato thla city for nearly a <____, aatil tBifl ?BBBB *bea u convict died at Uie Teuiu-uUory of Vu 1 CONPEBSXCE OP THB MAS-ACBTSK-TI UU8UU). BEPL'BLICAB 8TATB 00MM1TTE8. Boiton, Au*. 1.?Tarelfo or fifteoa ?BBI bura at tba Llheral RepohUcau Btate Central t'oniiuH . held a c-'ufereuee meeliug ot tbe Parker lioat*. to-da ' diacuaa tba p.4it._al siiuauon. Tbe Uoa, V. W. 1 prt-id, d. A coimnltta-o waa appoluted to fully eonn ..y tbepoiiti'til _ltuaU'-n in Maaaa-ibuaoltaaod the co uut , gsat rallp, aud to report at a future uieeUug. *m * TIIE OIIIO CON9UICTIONAL CONV?NTI0B. Cui.t Miiufl, Aiiji. 1.?Tba Couulitutioual Con itutn.u ti^day, by u voteof 41 to 40, adopted a tetolik* U-B to adJouru tit uia Aug. t to Dec. i, and llan u>4?ellB CtofltflflaU.