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VOL.VVYIH Tvo.innxo flEW-YORK, MONDAY, AUGIST 4, 1873. IMIICE FOr R CENT8. W *?. A .% 1 ........ . M-L.,-U?^-IS, BRITISH TOPICS. NOTBS FKOM TIIK IIKITISH CAPITAL. IBB MlMSTKY ANP HAKON KKUTP.k'8 CONCK.S-U'1N? BNflUJttil AS.-ISTANCK RKPl'KKli TO TIIK Dflflflflfe Tfl.KINO?QVRKN'S MF-SSAfliK ON INTERNATIONAL A-kflHITRATHIN?8KTI.Iflflflflfll UK IIIK IHM'ITK IN iaa MiuHflM tkaiik. fraoa tiik KKfl.ti.Aa corhr-siomiewt or tiik triuitcb.i Iaimkin, July 19.?Thp stipiiosition tliut tlic Knulisii Oovcrtimertt know liothing about thr I't'i-sia eon flwaaion lo Iliiron de It. uU-r uutil after lt bad boen icranted ?a ullii ially ootiflriuod. K.irl lirantiile has statcil this vrwV irt tl.. BsflM Bl IiOrdu Uuit he flr*: BBBBl 8* u trom \ Baron Rotit<r lilmwlf Ln-t ^I'tfl-ailacr. Hut uiy ronlec turv II,itt llu Kuk'iish <ii>v??rniiflN'Ut, IhBflflh too indol.nt , to Au.l out aiiiiliini aboui tli<- miitter till tho bargaln *r*i> atrucW, wotM ho rairer to reap tho beneflts ol lt, did t. B flflflBfl < i< 'I't to their policy. I did leee than ju? tto-j- ty BBBflfl BaaflBI and more than Itistlce to tlio j Fonitfii yttut. It litv, appearfl th?t Baron Retitcr has at liis BBBflaaalaa as uu EiiKliflbuiau -nlgbt look at 11. that be < ..nsiil.-rs hlumelf tay laaaaflBBI nnd interegl an Knpliahman, BBfl tbat, whon lio trot bm conceaslon, lie took it lo i>irii (iranvillo iiud lafler.'.l Inin tbe oppurtnnity to jrather m tbo i^lltii-?l bonetlt ol It for Ku> land. You would (uy Lord Oranville Jumped at the ofler. All Ibe world knowa that it dcpends on this eonceaaion.-ind the wuyln which it is worked wiu tha r .Peraut is to bocome n pailitioal 8888888887af Ennl.ind ara polittettl .l<pendency uf Russln, aml that a t-ontrol |B?ii>fliK)ii<<-?'va r IVrMaisun additional Riiiiraiit<e for lhat KTeat Indlan Kmpire on whldithe iwperlal poeition of Knuliiiid d.o 'nl' I" *re?t meaaure. But L >rd Giitn vlile. 88 far fr.'i)) jumptug at the ofTer, or inn BIium lf tbat Baaaa th uUr's loyally had plaoed aflBla lu i.i- Baafl Ifefl 11881 ohiiiioe which Uio atupidit.v of his T. fi< .-.m IflBIMlfl-fllaMlB bal al.owcd to slip out of it, re prll.d tho proposal. Ho treated lt as a eomm.-icial flpwiil.tii" . und -but lel Lord Graiivtllo upeak aelf. '? After il M BBflBBl ration," ha ttxfa, -8f tl Kac,, mt f..-1-a.ii: iti..ti wuh my aaBaaflflaa Ifea aa ravo ihe Baron was tbat it would Rive H< r Mnjesty'ri liovc: nin Bl a-i' at I "a tm*mtlmm ln BM w i> s aud roads ?flMBBp *d in i'- i-:i.t'iit ihBiH waa alteflBlfear tmtt aat mjmt ibbibb BBprcflecl cffii-ially a coinincrcial uudei takluK of thit - -it." Btotildanitbiim-benioro Lncllshl " >To preeoletit tot It." IBWhal IxirJ (ir.iuvili.'r answer uiiit nt-tu. (ln lb. .tiil'i <1 ut the coneess.on, ho held the BBI xr*mmtr*?eiitirt-U in eoDforunty Wtlh the view6 of his eol IcaKnet.?to all whfl bad *,-ai>';?*n to hnr. m refcrento to it. iv tii. I'. tttm l-'ivia.v inui la Baaaa Reut<T, nhat bo BaM w?e tbi" : II' (iiiver-iintnt (nti rt:iini-il tbeatroiic?^t wieb fnr t'ie pBBBB.Bl :ty of 1". r.-*iu, and t.t iii*o.?j-enty would hB tlovi-iopi-il fef uj.i i?-ri-?i niiiiroM iui nt iu the nieans of comtuunictttlon; that im iiir.anir<*uient mie!it. paBfeaflB, 88 ariivcd at? ,uib ae witoi r.iiiteiiipl.ited-whicli woul-l t.e iiiutuiilly iui t-a I'i r-::i ou the one huud atnl to latfl flflBBflflrBadoa the other. l.ut tliat it UBfOaflillfl Uiat H -itnetit cou! BflT tfefl jne l'.nty BB tb?- i ' IflB with 181888888 to tbe BBBBfl flf flflBflhB 888888881 Bt T.i'-> a *oii!d imt ll ...ijaiort; atid witli r. ttatt U, flfloral BBp which he h.-td heanl yo much, he 888488881 B8 tutd never haaa al'le to liu.l out what was uieaut hy Ifcoae wbo uc-.i the t< r:u. In a . l.v i.t" ilevation of vi( w Lord Carnirvfl.n ha.l i>revi..ii.*!y jwlutod out tbat if Knglaud Iflt-lal a.i'iaf BBflflBl aiui BT?** alone, woulal etep ln, and tbat a Ku-Hi.ti f. ?? ilirlal m IVieia was the cr( atest af ull 1 rfl .ind Elrrich followed in o fllmllar view. Wttt to no piirp-sc. The y.nd>tkk is tho aniy .8888888 81 aotttry which the IBBfllflfl "fli'-e knowi., r.nttiaf a thrt-i-ino-ith?' hill IfeB uiuiv.-t liuiat af iu jH.iltical for.^ifht. I aui soinctiiueK half t the tagt i "iii? air :i'i when there was ix rcal ,ri-t-. t.i, . iu Kiiirlnid. With all its fp.ults lt trade ! .I a kie..t i^awcr, aafl it would ueitht-r tudure tm tm i iMaaa f"i b ll Bl B pt aaihhl war, nor lot unemi'ire aliji fro'n :'- tt .-i' from niero ahort-sipbt.-i!' Irom apprehouaion, ofacol ap^e in the Btocl BnafeBflflB. rae- m?i<ilTiK('f li aii )?). tinys The Speet/ttor?m Journal which koowa, at a iik. l< r.ite roniputatlon, 88B times aa much about Indiau nffairs as tb-- (invi rtiuicnt?" tbat Mr. K. ut.r >?. Ifl 88 Bfl be likes. and inetend of taking his aaai-Li nt*. from tlie i rondi- of Iu.liau offl.ers w.mting work, nmst tiik* tb-m fn-ra Itussia, whu-li will tl pl-.r. BflMBBtfeaflBflflfelT,feaaMBB fliwidiup h'T with aol fliers.; 'rsfor tbe 88888 a Mtu.itiuii ? Bl trade, whith Mr. Eeutcr 888 81 aay inotuoiit put nnder beavy dutio-." Itn hoi>e of BTrrtinH a calaniity Ii-*s in the Indian Coverumout, -*iin li fortii.iif.fl iv is not theKiiiflisli, hut hflflBN what Iti, ah'-ut.ani. : . : at im-d, will have little fcruple in Biflik iu* i'cr-siu a MaaflBBaafefei piaoc of iBaMaaaa both for Baron Kcuter and tfee Ruisiana." Tb- ;-r--a!i. Uon thfl (ii'veruiiicnt would advise the down t<a exiar.">? a ui-rely forn. the addrcss or tt.. 11 "-(. ili favor of iutcinatiaanal arbittaticti has -llc-l. [ ai' vertaatiin tbe fol'nj-.vluy ixtraor .*. uut of u hat laaBBBBBfl TliUladay : "I/t -nld, Coutroller af th'* ITo.i hini, bavina braa aal lafl by tha Bfa ,i. . tu im* i4tt)lc. BBd t-uid : A liiiiiii'le ! by the order of the Hoii-m- . 11 of Arliiti:iti(>ii. I Htn *. iiiiiiiicat.* II-tM..Jo-*iv's panaaaanaweraa )How?: -i baTe reeelvedyoarad i. graclonsly pluafled to iu taryol Btata for Forelao Ai fair- i ' wnu loi. ,Liu i .iij-t.-i' i.i'-nt iu inieiiiaiii-anal .t of :i (fineral ;ind laennant-nt . .ii iiiti.iiiDii. I am flflflflflfllble ol laotbroplfl aiotlvefl whlel Bbtb dic I ii r.i- iit aU times aou-ifht to <x trt l ? . * ., ! . . | ..? pl( iuietbt atkr, t: . ing controverfllefl between bb tn tln iuii?:iitiiii ludrmenl ol fiia-ini-, auu t i mu-iiiatioiiiil rtii.-i* la , BBfll nt .ili. 1 1.I1.1II co'itmuo to l :tli iiii" r.iiiiril to tim-- nii'l o|' .. in likely to IflO att.i.d'-d witn a<i... ghter anl ofleera fioui tue oppo a Tbm fe BflBBf b) BBfl p-'ia? "i-fl'lttflly iimorins." fhe araytt I flhaahl say lt whb very iuipirti II ii-< to BflBfl itsowntaiiMintris. Tbt i! *, liintiii'-t iiord fliritnville to Ui? ii w ith BBfllBflfl lu BBlafeBBhlfll . inak.-s MBflha vote itiii. i :;,triictioii to the Oovernment. Tliey pt, aud n-plya'jlistantiiilly thut thi y wllldc iik >.(.-it, wh( n thev ibliik l.est. It Uonly ni.t- it ? of the deuioraliaod state of ibr 11 . --if-nt. Bfli politie-. ttiicrally. Au u flflBBBBBBBBf on tbit condltion of :?-M.d at all to thle polut-aiid un r*I>i.iiiati.-ii <>t tbe 188888888 wbicb bave broUKht it BBBBl, i nia l.-tter pnblisbcd in The Vady ketm,: ? Tiie iotu-r is lonn, but ifl worth the atteutiflinot iiiivii'.'lv wbostu'tica KiiKli'h pollticfl, and Iv Mbo foliowa Bltfe noiioitude tfefl f..rwi... -..lp.rtv. It i? a most vijroriiufl aud lu< i'l < Eyaattf-flflflB of 'he VM.iicifl^u altuation Iroiu tho Intle 'iiiKi.i p .mt of view. I wi?h it could M rt tardi-aa? an autborlaed mauifeeto ol lt* Noucoufonui-,1 wuiKa I Ifefl |... -. out il i? too outapoken Ui ba uiade the BflflflBtfBflM of ai.y a ont rent iu politios. Aii the aame flBlflfeBB Mr. (iUdflUKi" bowdfl-cp ifl tne aiaaatlafac Uon ?nh bii B888BM BBBBfl <.f ciarryin^ ou the Oovern BBBB t,> *<im-iliatiiiK me Opposition and estran^iDg his ?wu aupyurtera. It i? ?BB 188 w. rv," after all, and we bave bad our B?i.i f.,r iiotbiuic Tbere ia to be no ettlke. The master bulld^m have % x fla way. Tho men gtst. praetlcally. ev.ry IMng ibev WBBta They ure to kuock off work at 13 ou K-.turdays, and to be paid ut 13 at tbe shope and yards and . Iw where " ae aoon after as is pra. ticul'le 88888llBfl to djataiK**," aud they are to have the niue pence t.n boar they demaaded. Tbe oole point on which the niai^ tatira here made a abadow of nservatlon ln tbeir own bebalf ia tbe tmiewlnu the increaafl U to take eff.ct Tbey bave fl?ed on tbe 3d of Attjtust. lnstead of tbe l?tb July wbicb waa aaked hy tbe men. But there BBBBB wa* may BBfl d.menlty abont the d:tte. What took place ?ttbe tiiflU-uir .ue.ttiiK ifl aalyhuowu by hearaay. re ailoot on it tbey viiti aee tuui iu.:.u -, u.. >??"?? -'-. t.oi bitweeii a<oule*cfcnc? and rulu. From any em ., xrt mboh*Tnl\ei*-l\ blaworkmeo wlll i.e Iinniediat--tv witbdrawu, be Minin-t uo i-ooutt-aaiit-e froui bi? own TrnLrtr l?*fl work will fall Into the linud, of his rivals. ai.d Cifeeead fe* can oaly Bubmlt. H-- will aaahowaittcb uitne yrrwiAd It Is to aubmitiu tbfl berfnntna. kh th. .... l.riU'liwlveal. Ibi IrillblH, UK J.olUt ilfl dlrtputc -Ai* WTarirr en..i.i:l: to !.. .r a Jouteat.aud the mmrkot Um MMUUUflUiiiiDiiiiili imtgn tunl uuuau*Uy proflulile. It 7TT? who t' - ' Ibe .li,puu*. In tblseuae, B8l8 ill Ut* utiimn. aud 1 dou't koow how ih. puniie la to ptft HM-t itaelf at'iiiiixt eu. ll a result. I'ni ??? lo iluy uie 26 u, r rent biKb?"r thau tbey were last year. wiiep they Lmei rtaen 10 pn-.-. i.t above the lev.-i of tr?: veir before. Tht, i? tt* li'i.iiiial iiioiaa..-. Tb'* aitu-'I Uk it ..,.* -r frtty itiiicli tlie Liilltlfl-rH llke t'i iii.ike It. Any Uclr flbii liucvti t-'icil viiCCBiuB a buiidci'flaccouut knows th?t tt ls Impos* ible. Mr. Ilanneu, tbo Chalrraan of the Central BuilderiC Asaociatlon. iu bia letter ou Thuraday verv deacritwd tho dlfllculfy of iivcraging pnies na due to tlie fact that sume nrma ehirged what tbev like. Except in the c*#e of coutnteta aud nt open (omix-tition. they all do. An aoiuatntauce ..I tiiitie hud Im houae altered nnd rodecoratod laat JT8BI under ?n architeefa sp-clflcatiotis, the work beinalof a i,i:i_iilt,?le to make tt worth hla whlle to employ the an liiteet, aud worth eompeting for hy two lar*e nnnaof hlnti atan (Iln g. The eitlmate scnt in t>v one of tliein v.i-4 just double that of tlie other. A tra.le ? vthiel. that aort of thing can happen la ina profli?ate 1 oonld give other examplcs, hut I couteut mvitclf with a genernl rcmitrk, vlz: that tbe daya iti wliich by Colng to a good houae and paying a fulr prico you eoold e aure of sound work and lioneat dealing. are gono. Cliultlna Ih thoiiKlit to pav bt tter tliau good faltti. Tlie ri min _ i? iiiiii.ii>..ilv capable of a very wide applicatlou. _ O. W. B. CKSKUAL FOEEIGN ISEWS. THK REriTBLIC OF SrAIN. Oll ItAOES AT t_EVll.I_. ? TIIE VKSSKl-S SEIZED AT CAKTAGKNA ? T11I.IR BBl tBB UUilU) HY COM MANDEU8 OF ************** y-A), VEShEUJ ? ATTACK ll'UN VA1.LX- A?Ol'KRATlOXS OP DON ALl'ON 90. Madrid, Saturday, Au;. 2,1373. Many peraons who joincd the iiisuriection in the- . nutti lu favor of the indepcudenco of the oautous have iibaudt.iK-d the causc iu conseijucnce of tho cx oesaaa cououittcd l,y the insurgeuts. l.uriug Uie (K-eupaiicy of Sevilla hy the inaurgents many buijilmg - lu vurlous quarters of tlie city were aet on flre and laid ln u.iie.. In a number of the .treetn every houso and 6toro was cntercd by tbe iusui0'tiit_ and plundercd of tbeir coutente. Tlie conduct of Gon. Contreras, hi boiubardlng defense leaa towns, ia produciug an iiumcnee reaction tliroufc-li out the couutry iu fauirul the National Govcmuieijt. Tlie frigates seized by the IbBBBBBBBM at Cartagcua are partly uiMuued bf callcy-slave*. The Govcrnmcut haa received intelllgenee from Mal BflB tliat, upon tho arrival of the iuMirgent MfBlTll that harbor, t'.ie toiiiiuuiiilcr. of tiu- Iini'li.h. Freuch nnd Gertuan Mjuadroii. li.-'tl a couf* reiteo wltb Gen. Coiitrt-rii-, lu wbich they urged hun to order the return of the stiizod _r ve_.-ols to ("al-tu_c.ia. The Governnicut la further iufonoed tliat tlie com iiia.Klers Uecided to hold Gou. Cou____ a-i a bo.-tage until the raaaala are rt-turu.-d. Elght B__B guns nnd two mortars have been aeut to IBa Baf bBIMbb troopa bafasa 7a_aaaM to a_._ iu the bolii bald mt ut of that eity. The attatk flpoa the insurgrnts iti Vulencla wns rc i.) _r, ti thi? bbocbIbb by tho Batttnial forces. aud ba- bi aa kept u;* a',1 A di. patch froiu that I ity t?>-uigl.t BBJI the insurgeuts havo been driven into the I'j..z.i dc Morc-ss, wbere they are be. ieged by the lfa)|BlI)IWailB Six thousand workinen of Aleoy propn.e to aaaatltaM tbe tuuuicipal goverunjeut of that tuwu aud BBBlBtBlfl order. Aii comnmnitation between M.ulti. aud the citic. in Au.ialiiTtia ha.a bBBB inti rrupted hf the iusiirgcutn. a bli; pavrlfllaa ?or Iha aapfluratloB al caarefe aud t.utc w.ib iiilri'iluced ni tbe ('(irteia to-day, I'aku.i.OSA, Salunlay, Aug. 2,1R73. Dnii.e aud S.ibalL-, thr CBrllsl fHlBBBBBBt__i at Trate tie 1. uMii)..-, BIB f _n tify ii.K ****** tovvu. They uru uiuo prcp.iriug to order a levy BB B_BBB_ I'i atn de Llumiics l- iu thi.-) proviiice, 40 luilta noilU-we.l of ' -n.i. Iba i-e port tkat Iha Ppaalaa P-Bflii-iBti nt Gartaf-aa buriit'd tha boasa el tiu- Oa raasB OaaaoJ Ib that eity uud BBBltraaMfl the Coueul is dcuicd. >fADiilD. Auc 3,1873. Gen. Biikle., the Minister of the (JalM 11tat4.-, hud BB lutettiew witli Preatdant BalaBaiaflt yeoteid.iy. The Cortes has under consitl, utt.oii antl bc.-ius to view favoralily a srheiue for diviiiiug BBBlB uito Yi Cuutons. It.ii not iuapiobable that tl.e ihvv Iflteal OOBStltntiOfl will be aineiidcd to tbat ******. The Caili>ts are iuireahing in numbcrs iu the BaaflBfl rrovinec-, Kavarre, uud Cilaloni... The Chicf-Jiibticc of Almauza hab 888841 ttie Cortee Ior authority t? paoabaaM b-aaraaal .1* putiet.. The lu-urgout chieft.ilu Coutrenia aud staff are dc taiiitd ou b'oall tho OOTBIBB luauof-vvar Fitutin.. Charles. T:ie fflWhl of tho forclgn powrrs in tlie harbor ol Cfldifl hiivi hiieipo.-ed toprcvent tho ineuiKeLtafroui at ta; l.ilip the Inttio Cortes, to bioitow, SeCor Ca. t. lar wlll move the udjiuiiiinient of debate ou the Fetleral ('nn. tittition unti. fbe ProrlBaaa bave baea < _-elfl_ly haarfl **ttm arttb IBgBlfl to tue divit;iuu of the ltepubiio iuto States or Cautone. The Kepubllcan batterles have opened on the Inciir ..( Btt pOBll BBI Ju BfltHla. The troopa ouly wait for re cuforcemeutB botoie makiui. a flmil assault. FREBIOBBT T____8 ON THK F_K.\'(_n FOS?IC_tI 1'OLICY. Paiiis, Anp. 3, 1S73. Ex-PiaflUeai T__ara jaaiewlaj la tbe aaaaaa ofanpiv t.i ******** K,-,i.!n,_, wim peaoeBt-fl bba witli a piff from the ladies cf MBlbOBBB. <lcil_r* d that the iittitude of France toward ******** VOU** slioul i be strhtly iK-iitral. Tlie dlfnetilti.-* in ****** were piuely lnternal. If Franco tttttttai Invlolabilily of her teiil lory, he ou^-ht to reapect that of Btata, 1-IRK IN THK VIKNNA I.XHIIUTION BDILDWO. Vii Ml. F;itlir,l_y, Aug. 1, 1M73 A fire oecnrred in _M BzpOflt_0M bufl-Uaf Iblfl ?BBBlBB aud was not extinguished before the IBBUB f_BIB-B8 f8B888l dwclllng was destro. d. Tbe agrltultural anuege was tbrea'etied with i_-tructi_u, but wai aaved by tbe onergv of the flrcnien. KAlLKOAD ACClDi:NT IN QBSAT BRITAIN. LOSPOB, S.ituidity, Aug. 2, 1873. A dreadful railroad in., ident occuncd, thia moruing. ou lhe North-Wfc-t. rn It-nlway, n...r Wigan, M theSeotchtouri.texprcsa traln from I/on.lon. Twelve I*r-oufl were instautly killed. aud -0 were wounded. Among IbB killed ls Sir John Ansou. Many ot the in Jured persous wlll dic. DKMONPTKATION AGAINST THK Di:KE OF EDINBUBOH'B ALLOWANCK. li4)SlM)N, Allg. 3, 1H73. A mot-tinif *_as held Ifl HyflTfl Park to-duy to prute-t BflBlaM the giaiit to the Duke ol E.liuburgh. Mr. ilradlaugh preaided. It was MBlflaal tliat the t_uecu be petitloned to refust- ber aaaent to the bill. FOKKIGN VOTML It io prohable that an interview will t:ikc plaee at BB early date at Frankfort between the King of iit lgiuiu and the Euiperor of Uermauy. Thfl -Shah of Pci'Kia tmd cuite have BRlYfld at Vieiina and lieen recnived bf tho Euiperor. Tho . hah MMU-.I tbe extiiluttoii yeaU-rday. Th,- Voz rubleca, of Mutamoros, deniea tho rumor ln the American papcra that Gen. ?BBaBflflfl, Vttb tho fourth Idlvisiou of tLe M, xlcan army, hud in.i. ordered lo the Rlo Grande, and kuys thnt Gen. Kaeobedo la on hla ext-tte near Sau I.ura I', and tbat the fourth .liviKlou of tbe army ia atatlon, _ at dlffcreDt and latBuM i,,,rta of tbe Bepibllo on active duty. The report. aithi.ogh stated to have eiimnaN-d frotu the hoad-^uar um of tbe Department of Texaa. and althounh .t flrtt appoarod in tbe 8au Aiiti.iilo impera. U KrounUlOBg. CEATJiAL AAD SOUTH AMEBlCi** SEWS. A1U SKN'f THB Cl*BAN8?IUBCONTKNT IN (it'ATEMALA -KARTllQfAKK IN CHHJ. Panama, July 25.?The Moutiiro, wliich wiui dispat, hed to put down the revolt iu Cblriqul, arrived thero on tbe 10tb. Tlie forte was dl.tmbnrked aud auccceded )u eapturiug Capt. Ni_iquira aud most cf hli followera. Tho Mnntigo re tiirncd to Panama on tbe 23d with the prtaoiier-. Iin . UU) of l'i.iiJtua has ftt** lt- vote for Huntlago a ii, xt Piataaaal af Iha OaafadaralMB, Capt. Jamea F. Wiiliacis of the f-U-amshlp Vlrglulus left her at Kiiigaton, Jamaka, and cinue over here In the royal puekel. Ii'- aucioeded iu evailing lhe erulaera liiidiug tl.e cargn of urnia aud muultiona of vt iu on lhe eoiiit of Cflba mto tlie liHiKts i.f the OBbflfl i.htriut*. Mi. J,*,- Anlonio Oaapeflaa. Viee,loiiaul lof i nd ( .,. tu Ku u nt A. pin _:i!l, hiis liad h!s e.xi (inntur wlthdrawn by tti, Colomblao liovenitneuf. Atrtiut ftOmei, BiidoIIlcera.if tiio OatUlion ?'..ip.xtonc-' iud iiiiiitii bara Bnmb Hogota M tak,- HM )i).K -,- nf tl.i I'i- liiiii tin. lii piolectliig the li.tet OOBBBlfl ? Tu,- iinortiity i>r tbe latter batfltBon. all of whom t"ok iu tbo late r. volutiou, buvo baafl IB. ealiefl t*> liogoia. ) l Slf.At. AkIKlIK A. Palnrio-* ha. l_.,i' i * .uiiniii-sto at Trujill", derlarlua MlOaatf aud tbe MiumtirM of hi. uppoiuluji nt th( Ifgil liiiate CdiiKflfiiti'iii-l (is\( iniiieiit of BosflaraB Tbata iS 1.0 ddllbt hfl I* nl.I'tl bj tbe l.'.lltli tn. ? BBd frielli.a (f tbe eleiital parl y iu Nicaraaruu and Gualcmula. There does not. however. seem to ix- mucb pro. pect thal he will sueceed InoverfurnlngUie Liberalliovernn ei.ts. lieporta If true, _av thnt the present ITe.ident of (iimt) un.l i ieex cltlug areat aiicontent t*y nu harsh ana tyrannlcal meaaures. If aucb la the case, of course lt tavor* tne auroesa of I'alaelos and bli party. The Minister of Fori'ign Affairsln Ouatemala bas ad.lresacd a note to Mr. lienry Hniiden. the l'lm, tl St.iten Conaul. coniplaln Ing that the Oeneral Hheri));ui ha.l tmn. iM*rfed men and arms under the Aiaencau flug to attaek Guateiualu and the deiiio, Ta'tic iu. titull.ni_ of ?hat State. At last ac counts the fltlhii.tcrs of rhe Slierinan had not taken Oravu. ln The working of the telegraph ns well us tho lailroad iu Costu Kica is iuBkiug rai'id progTeas. IF.R. . On tbe 9th Inst. rain fell ln sueh UllBflM t******** *** to penrtrate all tlie dty weather ****** Ol the 888-81 BM BBBBB .1 1". - of 1500/00. A coinpauv has been fnrmed. wilh the sanetlon of tne Govi luuieiit.for tl.e piii.hai.- aud eAPcrtatiou ot' nt loda en ,i large . title. CI1IM. A great esrthqiiake was felt at Valparaiso at 2:2f o'eloek n. in., Jnly 8. The shorku were **** tbaa those of 1BS7. A Bireat deal of 88888-8 8M been done lo miiny honses and rbiirclies, thou.h BUlBlBfl *** ?********* with the Mal BBI-bqaabfl Bf Pan .alvudor. BOBM tt* llves have been Iaat hf ****** Wt**, and one la:iy dlad lii-in fenr. Tbe piUoners trieil to hr. ab out of .lall. tmt did not succeed, antl a flre began ln the warchoitsc Bl ciMiir A- c... tmt wus aooa exth_rnle___ iu s.iiitiagu the hhitks wt-r<--.nre Imt no greal dsiuiuge was done beyoud the br. akiug uf miiiors uud rt-uding of BOBM walls. The liell._oll..d >f tluir own iK.oiit ..tnl Ibe tisim aal fctupp-dby lhe. largo rocks thrown uuwu on the track. _ OUI li AET. m _B_uaa_- t' A tclc^ram Irom Ycnice ou Saturday an noum. d tlie death of tlie eiuin, ilt Freneh autbor. Vi. U>r Kiiliii.iiiion 1'nilur.t e Chasles. Uil father was ,i piof.s sor of rhetonc, who ardeiitly cupia.rted the Freneh Kev olution, aud evoi.tually securtd tho rank Bf BB-BBfl M the iirinv. I'ltilaiete Chasles was born In 17.% at M.uu vlllicrs, ik ur Cli.irtn ?-. Hia muther was a I'rot'St.iiit I.ut he wiiaeducated iu oordlng to the prineiples of BBBB etiiu. At tho early it|{G of 15 jears ho 8888888 an appn-ntii c iu I'.iris to a poor priiif r. who bafl been a Jacobiu during the Uivolutun, BBfl who stnl inl li. red fo his political eonvietious. At the Ke-to.ntloii botti m.i. ter and upprentire wi r<- thrown into pri-on on the rln.rge of t-i):i?[lriii_ airaiit. t the . t.ife. Tiie latt.-r, after remaliilng ln prisou for two nmiiths, was libentte.i at tbe interee. sion of CbaMaabtfaaa, tba auibor ninl BtaMBBBBB, On his release be flapBTtflfl f'*r Englanil, where he resided seven *******, IBf8_Bt8B_ ing the pul'iic-ition of Valpy's editlons of Gr< t k UU* I_tlng cli.s-.ii-s. Afterward he wen! tu (1<trtUUUf, t*t BBallj returned to tt*****, where be BBBMMfl M. V.itorde Jouy in his litentrv Mbaaa M. CballflB bafl laflaBflfl his fwcnty-nlnth year before he nn ?(:(?(?(!? il ln MM Ing hltu-elf to BBJ di. tliii-tiun. Tben however, witli M. M ir -G:iai.Iiu, lu- took th'- ftt* off.Tedtiy IbB _____ A.-.n'i BBt f"rtln- best ess.iy Oil the hi-tuitiif tln- ttt* reutur.. II . vv.irk wa- cntitled, " lallrnu ile ln mmrtk* etde? progres de la lan*nie tt _V Itt ii '? i at*m ********** rte/'iiis h coii.ritneemenl dit AT/. liei-l, ju (-.(Vii li I"." SlDitly afterward he was BM t<> iha coitiiriai Ma_af t* Haa** tit* **4*att, ***** ** ln.a ever siiiic reiiiaiiiCtl. Uin prineipal artitiMa have Baaa pabllaBad _ a aariaa of rolomea nnder tbe tltle of " T.tud.-t il ii'li-nlnre cimpttrt't." Ea ttfl he was in.idr l.,-,|., i"f Iba Mi.zann I.lltrary; in MM he w.i i_ Bfll Do.torof Letter., and in 1.1 he was appointed I'ro fessor iit the College of Fr.,i;'3-. M ( BBM Of D____lttt, Aocordin. tfl a tfllef__fl froiu Lot.iloii. Cfl 11 hi I.t-tilia Vinkrwood, Diuhess of Iinrim-, IS dl Ml She was born iu 17*-., IBd was the i-ighlli daiighti-r of Iha k (iuul Jlarl uf (iiiian. uml Ihfl eldcat daughter of his third inarriage with iluz.ilxth Indcrwood. Bbfl BTB* marrled lu 1.-15 to Sir G.-nrge B(B__B_-, vv lm 8841 Afterward she was united vutn Ilic ladiDal _ I irlxth eon ot King George III. This prince of tht? royal blood (?oiitrac'.i d two uiutnag.-.. u* itlu-r of whieh was Han. tioiied by tho Kinjr iti couneil. The tlrat m__1a_e ci reuiony was pi ifoiiucd at Ktime ln 17W. I_*dj Au gaaM Muriay. to wbom bo WB8 then m.trricd. died iu i_*. iliaflta jaar afienrarfl thi Daiaaf *********** rled Iha s-Jljett of tiii- BbBtOb, WbQ88888188, Bj* virtut 8f Iha BUJtti BlfB, tii. ii.iiii*' of t'uilerwood. ahortly after tha aaaaaaMfl af Qaaaa victoria to iba tiin.iK. iba aafl cieau-d Daabaaa of laTBraaaa,aaa ft ibe e-tatesof tho Duke m BBBBBB Tl.e of the ?anfaafli boaaT8f*waa uivtr raaaajaMai oy BaaUab iaw. onntAKY xoTrs. Gen. Bi-taey Shcniiiin, eavalry oonimaiiilcr of mii _Md it. _al~aa_a on Wiluuf and *,* buri. tl tm Hiitiirday with military bouors. John Kiibin-on, n wcaltliy and rfl_pfle___ (?iti/(iiot lii Id.ion.I, Va., iln-'l iu tliat i ,ty on Fri.lny nlght fiom BB overdosc of ehlorai _la_0___ d by his wlfi- fer iu_iniiii... Boberl B. Chair, Ch-d Cleifc ol the State Depaiini' ut. abohad aaaa meh ********** tur bb. i vi((k.-. tii' il yi.atitiliti .illi i niiiui iii W.i-hiiigtoii. Mr. Cliew waa :i|'l>t'llifei| M 8 el.Tksblp Ifl the .-tat,- |) pni'tineiit fmni Virgitiiii. BBd BTBI em|>i>.yi d f<r n. arly ? ycart in ibal Btpanawat ef tbu OaTflBBiaaBt. Ba was 62 v tim old CBOLEEA. IN TIIE WB8T. Cincinnati, Auk- 2.?Fotu- ilcatlis from chol? era oiiefi'.in ( 1(4)1. ra morbus, uud throo froiu aholflfa iiifiiiiluin are report,-d lo liave i-euned iu lia) ton, Ohio, und vn ii.i.v, iliiiiiig the pa-t week. St. Loi is, Aii_. ..- Ibfl ?aafflflf n.iilth reporta 211 (liiitlin duiing 1*4 wnk, being a 9***** from tlie lire vious week of Ml 88888 death* are reported to be irom cholera. aud 29 from tbol.ra moibii . BTABBT-U-B, Ang. 3?Tliirte. n |deathi. from cholora nre reported at Carmi, 111., siux Ibfl BppBfllBBBa M Ibl (!:-( uae there. Two deaths are reporlid from Wabacii, and tbire BBB BflM) death iu this city to-day. iM.ivNAr.'it-,Aag.a?Ibaw ua* Iwa .i<:tttn from cholera BataiflBf. Ibfltl W8W uo deaths to- Iay, aud uo uew case. were reported. Dl XIW-.IKK.-KV AM> VV 1 -K IIK-IKIt. On Friday the wife of C. Schiiukcr, ;i Uorist, nt Uuion IMI. N. J., died after an illuess ot only n few hours,and on Saturday the body 8888888 grcatly discol ored. Death is siipposcd lo hare occurred from cholera. The hiisbfliiil Is r.lso airioiibly lll, tbe symptomfl beinj,' similar to of tbe wife. A Bupp_cd case of cholera occurred at riea'anivllle on Salurilay, n i-i.ot-inaker iiamed Brundage licing takeu iick iu tho moruiiig aud tft** w-ithin a few hours. PACI1TC MAII. TAYS ITS TAX BILL. The I'ucilic Mail St, awBliip Couipany on S.itnrday gave a cbtck for about tl-l.iO- to tiie Citv Gtiveiumetii. thaa liqtodatiug the t liuins foi ui.panl taxes for the pn-vtou* year. The ?U aniships lienry Chauucey aud Kising Star were then released by the Mar-hul. _ Tl'LEGnAI'HIC NOTE8. _A alight aboek of eartbijuake waa felt in Hista )'? al_)ut 1 * tioik p. Bk ea Hatarfla.. _On account of Indian outntfrea aloni? the fron tln la Ttiat, tkat. ii freal racilrarat ib Kalr Clt.. Prm'i llndi*. iod Brad/'i Crctk, n ?. t_. ^"pl* ir* ibaadwilaf tb*lr koa?i ial tr-pe. _Mayor Mcdill of Ctiicairo on Saturday removed F.r. M.nbil W.lliiia., i|iiBtt wkoa rhir.ti etgnmt alMouilsrl rrr* aid*. nd ipp4.isled Auiiunt Bari-al BraaM tii uk* rliart* ur tii* d? l_rti_(BL > ....J. II. Ripley, a clerk in tbe F,.at-Office Depart a*B( la VVntinrt'.ti. rotaalttrd ,iiind? nn H.tunlai rrrain( bf tkuot iit biniatl! ._, lli* bral wltk I ifltlaiL Ut bid tirtu lu bui ki-altfi ler ttitut litnr. _It is report<yl that the Sonthern Apachea in N.w Mriin, liirr I. fl Ibrr tturt*\,ou ub icroant vt oar _ Ibrir tln.', I. .i.f .rn-M_d L.r thrfi; t _, ll.* !???f* ar* ilUr tbra iad will laaa bn_| tkea ?*?* i" "?? r?_rx?i,.t*. _Gov. Wood-Ain of Mi__otiri, aDd Gen. Jamea Cr.lir witb irttril |*ntl*a*n uf Hl J,._r(.b Bo.. w.Bl irrcw th* ln , n,i_ k.u.aa. ..(( Krki.v U.s_*__ arinia ckiekaai anfl w*r* irrrilta) .ld Luid Ul trr.Uul, .f liir _._?-.. Hiaw law. _'Ihe fuiieial cf tbe uiunlerer Ilallolniii took t\*tr (,n Sitanlir io lli'*. an.l*. lh? if tl_- )'riaoui-r?' Ak! A___iti(K.' H(i Iral} wil |.i?r-.l ta a tbbII ui Ikl Balliaor* lra i l*M W t.i- iriii il if bn Irwntlt truai Itaadi. CB1ME8 AND IHMHIIIH lf TK1.EC.RAPH. ..._!'. Itoraey ol Kentucky conninitt__l aiiioiile iu Cltlliaa-. JlB-rtaf t_rl?TtB| lrt>* i bi*al w>a-uw. Ut li.d ,..?. BaMBBaaaaK .....liimes Kenncdv wa_ fatnllv stftM.ed b| fl, nrv M.ukni, I laafl .8 Miiet, aiil* 8* wai rjft-4li| biai ul .-.texl.y fi tui Li* aaiuwi lu li.ilia. r<. ...On I'mliiy. at llll___ N 11 , Capt- Frreni_n lliitili.ii-.. . ? <?' Ilu '" 'iti._. ,gt Ci, "biia ik all ul ltBiirt.r.11 iiiDatlr l_.u.*l tii))t*ll la Int bara. .1,-nnr DaiBf, a millmiiTi at Hlnnt's .team mills, Baaf *r, Bl I, aBaraBeflaa. *?d ?it druaor I. u? J-.U.... Iti, *klto**t*l ht '*-'' aln't ??* * laiBUBf ik TIIE FARMERS1 WAR. ? CHARliKS MiOn THK RAILROADS. MY-II K1F.S OF mafrtfllllll 'IBI FARMKItfl CON TI-.SI) THAT rifll ITtl'.Kilir LPOM I.VH'UK TUF.Ilt INTF.RF.STS? IIIK FAltMS MORE IIEAVII.Y TAM'.H THAN TIIK lllILROAl>8 ? UltANGES MAKING CO OPERATIVK 1 l l.i I1AHE8. 'FROM Tliat bl E( IAL COKIttSPONDENT OV TIIB TRIBLNE.) Ki.wankf, Co., 111., July a?i.?"Wo think tln- !( BBltflfl railroads of thia State, 8888181 charging uh tfla high IflflM for flfll benrfit of the Btockholdera, are not inaiiaired tm economiciilly an tliey might be, and ih.'it llitii- are ' rings'roiineofe<l with somo nf them whicli are bMtaflfltflB tho l0st tt rflflldflj tln roadfl for tln ir own beneiit," naid Mr. Switb, the chief managcr of tlm I'annciB Moviuiont in this State, MflttflBiBI tln- t'onversatioii paiti.tlly reported in uiy lai?t letter. "It is yi u< rally liiirtl t<> discov.r just wlnre tlie swindlo is, bflMflfll whon the ollieersof BlflfldBUUMflB il sotliatthodiviflleiidsotiiiieregiilarly, tbe etuckholdcis are not oft<n very WflflflflM ovor them. baainellines, however, we get hold "l a faet. Noiv ln re is tln- Builiiiirtoii t^uimy ron.l, which haa in K< \tan-1 ,i puttnt shoot faat* aaai. Ii 18888 at thin point forty tous a day. The mimr will scll mo coal at tln1 hiiiik for MTBfl contB a luisln 1?that is, $1 7.". a ttm. Bl BBflflfll it n mile aud delivera it iu tln railroad slioot fm tlii'K "nin a htisliel, or $'1 U | ton. He pfljra oue BBfll a 1 or tg cents a ton for carting. This leavea ? fents a t.m or $l? a day on llie amouiit d( livcrod. whicli the niinor elurfroH tho railroad company buyingcoal at wholeaalc inoxoess of what hc efeargaa me, when I bwy by the sintcle ton. Now th< re must ln* home eat iiinli r tliat meal. Again, I iii.-t, r.-etiitly. a tttiilleinaii who i.s engagid in coal ? in Indiiiiri. Hc told mo tliat B Hh.tft hud been opeiied a fcw rmls from ono of the brancbt .s of iln liiirliiitrton roa-!, and, hflflflf agroed witli the (iwtier to lal;.) his at Eitt a too, ha w< nt t<> tfea r.iiii-a.oi co.'iiii.-in.i to araaoflpe foi its tnoflpoin tiotl. A few luile-. fnrtlier dflWfl tli- io.ul was auotbcB inn.>'. lie thought Iit! ought to have ratcs bitii ihir to thoae the eoaBpaay ?Jaiog tln ro had. The (.', ik ral ffl ii/lit agent refuscd to .supply him wilh BBJ Bflflfl at -ill?I Mflpan he pret<.'iided Ml Ifl Bflfl tln-iii. Au liiN.-tiiratiou showed that ;it ihe old niiiie tlie company was payiiiK $1 7". a t.m for coal?Vi BflflflB .1 ton untro thun it was worth there?and tln ie are t-trong grounds for stispecting lhat 18881 of the otlia rs of tho road uro ititerestcd in the niim.'' liAii-s uf i r.Ki'.iiT Fixr.ii wnu iikki iti.N< i: i-. THK HTlflUBBOfl. "The railroad niaiiagcis H.'iy tliat while the 'fast CVBiflbl' iti.ty coiillti t wil li the intcrests nf thfl llOfl ktifl.ial.-rn of ;t, tii.'V iiu n't. inj.ire the farm en>. I t'oiiteual t'i;tt tliey do. The ri!"s ol freight and furo are tin I aisli n-Licii'i: ta tht dividciids that it h dcsinsl la aaafce. Aflythftag. tban bre, thiit rcdllc'S tiu: pCOfltl I') th.) KUlckhulilcrs iu cre-aaeB tln ratea wbicb tln* farmer haato pnv. Bflfl* tbil Burlington raad should aotually make only y |M*r cent this year, dou't you BBpfOM lli*,* wiiiihl raiso their r.tti-s tho flafllf At tho miini- time tlm 'iiuK-' cnmprMng aome of tba oftcara <>f tho road, may bo m.tkin.,' (taoii.'li on ' l';i-t froiglit', ' palaeo car' lin- fl, BBd "tln r insido arr.intreitioiits, to 1008888 thi divi d.-iidii verv gr.-atly, Wl re the prolif.s diviilad among the stiaekholilers. Tban uro hut I ttW of tlic flbflMI of'vh.. h we i itiiiii.iiu. Oa somo nf tha roada thera are 'constnu iion rings' Bbd ' riuKa' of v.irious kiodl. All ?o .i-k is that tlic railroads bball ho ln Mo.-lly in.iii.ii cil; lhat tlio 'riiitfb' shall Ucbiokeu, aml tbaa we ara a iliini-i to pay ior BBoriafl aai eaaflfl mi. i. i.iiics ns will fairly lciuiiu. rato tbflfafllflfld lomiiiiniee.'' *? Howdn you paapaaa to briOf aflool this refam f* l asked. " We hold. in the lir-t, plaea-. thnt iho finftalBtniT h.T<:i ri(jlit to tlie r.iilr- ada. It has a right tokoOWJOll li'nv m.ii'li the scrviai: which tliey i.n ,1, i . -' . .uul io cn.i! t thit MghjN than ceit.iin EBtefl -in i d flitioi: .ia.-. Tho aal tbal waa faaaad nailv Btrikea only at unjuHt .li.s<-i-iriiiuittions, an.l has m. 1, aaai th.- bflidma bI tho ******y at all aaaaaal ui't Pflifltaai w.ll as at inaiiy othcrs. Now I hold tbal B Iower rate :it :t i oiupet [?? point is not prfeBB a,-it eridenoe ll nniust (lisciiiniiiation. iiut lhal i.s wliitt this ttrt sii\s.': "BaflflBBM the courts tleci-le tha! voiir law tivitiif in iMtiiiit.i iiit**s is,'' 1 lOflgelted. "Then m Bflflfll ihflflffB tho Coiisfitinioii. Hut iirat, we want a de-ision into wbich this nin* tion ?hall enter. We ohjei t lo tbe npeated flBotflttofl of iln ii.ntiiiii'itiiCoOefBeaaa,aad dealre to itt thi.-j (|tii-tion tiikeii ti|i hy itfli an.l diapoaad oi' i.ul. ? pendeotly. ii it is tben decidedthfll tbanikoad coini-iin i - iui* to ibo paafllaand tha .^i..!.*, lliit! ihey iili* s.iveta i_:li Jiai-ris, .nnl Ihfll tiu'.l li:l\' ilnii?lil, hy taii-iiiif or rediicitiM th'ii" BBBflBfll will, lolix Iba price we shall got for our pro.lnio, why then tn mii-i ra'-oit, tii thfl! Int ra-iiiedy. I think BOW tbal l li.ive. -Tpliiiiied tovotiiirettv fullvoiirpoKition on tke rattraad fflaatiaoa Baaaa BulbaalaaHa nien iii(lulifl.'e in (l-niiiici. ition ol the'railroads Bl sin h Blld iiii-ka- iinwi^o thtoiifs, tmt tln* bodj <d f-tiiiiois are not BfllflflflBflflflla in tBak deiiiaiuls.'' UU! lAli.Ms MOflfl IIKAMLY TAXKU IIUN lllll lt-ML ROAH9. "One other thiflf ifl < onucction with thi-: We tl.iuk thfll thero has 1k.ii unjiii-t di-a tiiuitiitioii in thi ii.iittir of taxaliiui. Mr. 1 Titi i is, Qeoeral Siilfloriiitrndeiit of tho lliiiliii/tou roud, before;( Legielatii t eoauflittee, last Wbitar, thfll the road eoflfll t*WJmm. I milo. Hut tli.-y havo ouly baafl iBSfldOfl fi<<iii ti-.o to livo Ihoiuatid dollais a mile for loitfll, railliiiK-siflu k.di', side-track, and every thiflfl, while ti.- i.ii have heen taxed for noarly tbe Cii*h valut of their property. '1 his w<- iaflM cou tmim fair.'' Bflteliflfflflfllfl ll the lowpiicoflrf i'i.lin, I Rilff leaUdthflllbl low vrii'.e may be iiaiUally dflOtfl oier-tirfKltietion. Mr. Mmith admitfed thnt Ihe amouiit of tho erop frrontly atlecteil the price of fiiaiu, bfll laid tbat then was aiiotht r rcason why tbe farmcis got so lit? tle for their i lop.s?thoy are so coiihtantly iu B88d of moiicy that tliey aro obliRed to eell for what they can la*t, iii-ti-ail nf l'uing thcix own piice. "Sup BOBBj" be rattl, " that eaoh of our Kiocera in town flahoiilil load up a wagon every moniing antl send it iuto the country witb iiiHtriictions la tbe diivoi to ( it flfll for whatever it would fetcb, and briiig baek corn; don't you aupiKme groceriee would he t iii-itp and corn hmlif Kevarae tbe nioture, an.l you bave tbe st.ii.* of atiairs actuully exiating. The farmer must have tea and eoftee and sugar. He Ic-ul-fl up bis w agoit with corn and takes it to town. Tbe K'nat ? r ttays : ' Tbia tea coat me a dollar a 1.011 u.l; I will a<ll it to you for a dollar aml tiftceti cents ; tbe coffee cost me forty cents ; I will aaU it to you forflfty.' The farmer \e obliged to laka tliem at thoae prii 1 s or not at all. He hua no money and must ? 11 bia corn in order to punha-e them. Hut he is not allowed to say to the grotx-r : ' Tbia corn cost me twenty-live cciita a buahel ; I shall bave to aak you tbirty.' The grocer, on tho otber haud, Mflfl 18 him: ' 111 pay you twenty eaflflk' Now, thia will ctuitintio just aa long as tbe fitrmers aro nonioio than tbey are uow. 1 then 11. vt r hits lafcri an over-proflltietion ; that there is a da iiiani! I. r all that in raised, if it could only B8 got cheaply tomaiket. What is needed is for the faniieis to bi al>le to bold on to their i^raiu B BOfl Iba price ia low itndsell when tbe iniuket ia favoruble." CO-flal'EIUIK.N IliltllAMS BY TUK fl.llASfl.l S. Mr. Hmitb, like many ? th< 1 fanueia whoui I h i\? iiict. roiiiplau.ed of the iiioinioiiai HflitB ???ahjl iuiddli-mt.ii 011 almosi every miinulfllflfllfld Brtaeh tln funneia huy. Many of tiie 0?flflfll have 1 m ployetl potBBBBBBfl ain uts, wlio (ire uow btiving fjnnmg nnd .Iom..;;.- m i-tiii.crv at whol-.l. piu-i-s. Ifea whskaaJedealentoChieacaBl Irai 1. fBflfll tfl aall azoaplal rataUpriaea t.i tbaaaflfltafll tho Orangea, sayingthat by aodoinirthey would lose tho trade of agenta and r-tail dealera. Moat of them have. however, reconsidrrcd this determina tlon, and tho naving made hy the farinoi:. bf pur <IhflataB through the Grangc is from 10 to M f* eent. A farmer in Bureau Coiitity gave BM soiuc tigureH that will illustratc the working oi tliis bv? MflB A good farm wagon, complete, retailH at $l<_); tho (irange f,iirchiii__ it for $70. A plow for whicli tho farmera havo heen paying $'_2 a Granv-r Bflta forfio. A $."*> sewing Btaahiaa i? pni,'hii_?_l for $30, and a $65 oue for $39. From $40 to $00 is |.i-. .4 BB the prico ofaparlor organ. A rapidly growmg eompetition seemato havo nprung up aumng tba w h.ih sale dcalers for the ,-ustom of tho QT8BBB8, aud whatever othcr result thfl inovenn nt BBBl hflflfli tlie farmors will bc greatly beuofited hy tl.e coopor ativc purchaacfl. TIIE FARIIER.' I)E( I.AHATION OF INDEPEND E.VCK. To tke Edilor of Tke Tnbune. Srn: It has been 188888. in Raflterfl paBCia the fanuura of tho West. tt their Fourth of July thoir new Deelaratlon of Indepcndem-c ln-tc.ul of that of 1770. I wish to say that thi. i, n great inlstake. Tho new Deelar.-itiou al l'nneiplei re.idBBd adopted by tho faimers of tho West on tho Fourth wa. read as an add.tiou to the oiigmal uud meinorubio flaaa meut of Mr. Jetferson, but never to tho cxelusion of our orlgiual D. elaration ol ladBBaadafltfl. A l'ATKoN OV II''-IIVSDIIT. Mnti inkitii, Kan., Jclv 28,187.). tlBM n.i VAQB8. TWOTY-THREE BI.OCKS BITRNED IN P0BX LAND. ?iiik maa kncinls ib_mqpaib-_B-___x _____? '11K.?TOTAl. UM_, $1,J00,MA). Pokti.axi), Oiegon, Aug. 2.?A v(-ry <1> struc tiic lire BBBBB at 4:10 u. BB. iu this city, at tho furnitiiio 8888-1 ul Htixhren A Hclilndter. and spread over nu entir. block, baraiag the MalaafoBtaa Uotei b< tm* imy -team engine waa at Baafl, Tbe wind IBM an.l BBBBBd Ib8 tir I to extend In all dinctlons, so that ************** thc8alem Fire Department arnved aeven blucks hafl been ( oiiMiiiiftl. They stopped the furtlier progn -1 nr tho tlre liorlhward, luit when all the englnes avallable were nt Baafl than were only ****** etigmcs M BbflflB 8 litc half a mile in length and B qunrter of a mi.e wi.l- . As fast as the flte wus suppressed in one direetion it Molra aal la anetBar. aml ll aaaaad BBalatr for waat ol iiiatcriitl. New llres, the work of inceudlarles, wen ron siantly iliatHvciid. Tbo water supply was insnlli ?i. nt- tfbaa tbe Ure was finally un flsa eontrol _:] bbtflkfl had B88B deatroyed. Nearly all of tha eity buunded by Yuuihili-1. ou Iba north, BaaaaaN-t, aa aaa west, OaaaaflflB-fc ou tba tu**, and tl.e nvvr on the, un. in lluue-*. HkBtaW-flfl tan i ii'.'iii. in.,-. ', twa s_.-h fi-jtoric-, thn-? laaafliiaa tft botels, ift) ntores, 2o0 dwelllngs, anfl probably otber strintiir.s uot eniiin. ii.leil fliBlWJfld. O.ily 8B8 honsc st.mtls on Fu-'t-_t. ln a BflBM of ei_ht bloafcS. I S(|ils.reS on tba * ust ?'ide Of .SeeoUil-St. *9* l.UI.'ie.l. Tue Bt. Chartea ii. it. -i (daataflad m the Bxtastaf tkat**), tha liuiiac |fl tlie citt, aud two 888888 ar.' ti: liuildiugs niv tl ou Fr.-nt-s t. Wnlk.-i*| BM8 BB I ,1" 'r fuetory was d.-siroyed also; lo.-a, $60,000. Tlie Oh'_,o_ fron -works _ic ou Blfl tlve tlBBBB. There were _evcr_l easusiltie.a. Bmnucl I.-iw. n-teln, of the linn of Bflafl ********* iu, woa- killii! ; Y. 1) .., k. iuto, tlie City Tr. asurer, was da.iKen.tisly hurt; one llieni.tii h_l his leg brokeo, and scvcial olhcrs wereoli. in|uri ,1. The tlre was ********** by tbe captaiu of a riv.r st( iiiiiei, who souinled the BBMBB Tlie ******* was div iin.i i,i-.i like Bafler. Kaay Brdelca aara bar aad during reinoval. DBViflff tho burningof Walker* ? r.-** tory tlie proprMtfW -___ted ?1,0_ !or a strenm of Bflfl I from an eugi;.' for M iiiiuitt.ii. Tbu liuililiugs along the river front were ptilled down. and tbo |80da aatfMd ue) n. _ tho river. A seeond flre was started aix bloeks frdm vvher-.- the BaflBB, hf uu lu.en.iiary w bo was aaaahl by Iba pallaa and taken tojull. The . .ilcm Fne Dppartnieiit's englnes arrived bv a train whk.'i BMdfl tho run cf 51 miles lu tho ,-xtraordlunry time of 6. rain BMfl includlng stopj-iires, uml tho sfeamiiont l.riiigincr the Vaiieoiivir tlre aaatflOfl BMdfl II MlB I iu *,' mlnutes. Two eonipauit. of tho mgi.i ir anni iKuu Fort Vau cottver have baafl tletalled to guard nroperty. A stable was tired tbis aft. lnoi.n, caii-ii!.' a loss of $1,000. Two uicu were ain sted t* settiug lir.i to a house this after iioou aa ______ SeviTiil churclies have bBBB conv. rted Into dwelllng hotiseg. The Common _M m**i foiid tii-kets for the destitute, and a call for aid for the sulfi-rcis tta* other cities. The losii isi .it |l..'.uo. 000, on whieh there wm nn ii_.i"K..t'' iii-uraii.-e ol W-tf* Foreign iiisuranee .?(imp niifi [a* hc.ivily, ainoii.,' whieh are tlie toLlOWlBB : l ii of I.oudon. _0,0_; London aud I.iverpool audGlobe. IflyMB it' -'!<'the BBBBM from fln-, t.i tha ezMafl of IMMM was BBfltaaad M ibbba_aa goods. M mv per. BM (on.idered ri'li yesterday are B0W poor. The foiiowiBB in*. tba prineipal taaaaai Batbiaa A Behlndler, MB.M0: MetropoUtaa Hotel,; 0, a. Vtii_ln.i, Hfl mwo; sinith I-i"... Itflfltfi Dr. Fre..]i.,n!, tt,...i; Qbaaaaflafl Bbm F-tetury, tn.noo; Russ Beaaa, |I5,<.)0; W.leh & Morgun. E. Campbell, and J. B. Spriug'-r, *Jt*8_flh| K. L iweustciu ? Co., 160,000; M _ 11. is, C. S. Silvas, Lavo's H.itel, aui llaek,".- and Stillme, 8,>0,000 eaeh ; Walker's Milt. and Keisc and State, _0,000esnh; W. Motfit, |_5,000 ; . tin Sykes,'St. (harles II. .f. 1, Mi (.mn and Bail, tf* ii. i_ike, l'oweis 4_ IJunh anl, aud Dr. D;iv. uport, llO.tXK) eai h ; BbBBt 20 others, jlS.oootaeh. There .ire other losses nnt v>t ascertaiued. llll* Illl'-T PART OF Tin-: CITV UBUBlilBBU. WasIUNgkiN, Aug. 2.?L'itirens of Poitland in thi- city state that fhe flre yesterday was ronflued entlixli to tha ohh -t portion of tho towu, aud iu wblcb i.early all the buildlngs wore of wood and of eompara Uvely snniil v.tltie. Many of the structures had been BUnfling Irom tba tlr-t scttU'iiient of the plaee. No firea of any iiiipoit.iiKe have hitherto occurred iu thedi tm t. The 18 . quures burned over were princlpally occupied by dw-i ilnigs ; all of the best and most stihstauthl l.usl ness part of the eity BMBflfld. It is not bclieved that a ? dl for oiit-l'to contribiitliius to relievn tho familiea rciiil. red lioiiicleA-M will be necessary. Netther Attorney Qaaaial Willtams nor ex-Senator Cortiet, both heavy BWaara of property ln Portland, are losers by the tlre. TUE ***** I.OWPTONi: I-XrHDITlON-EXIT FKED GIIANT. ON the Ykli.ow.tonk Rivf.r, Jnly 28, VLT HisMAKCK.A.ig. 2.? Tbe Yeltowstone expedltiou r. u inl baafl July 15, ii days carllcr thau waa exp'-cted. Gen. i: aa i fouud it uecesaary to make a new aurvet of tbe entlro route to the liver, but suecccded tn btendiug the survev of thla year wltb tliat of ls71. K.y West ls here ferrying tlie eominand. The expedl? tiou will movo agiiln Ina day or two aud go 250 miles fuither. No Indiaus havo ueeu si'eu sinco those uiet near Fort Lincoln, and olhors eeen two weeka ago bv (apt. Bnrker. l-'red. Grant left the expeditn-n iinci r.. iiionioiislv, four days a yawlHout ilispaf.-ln d w th Imn M Fort Huford. Ite prefers to speixl tne r.-imii'idei' of the Hummer ut llraneh. -^ A WIFE tfMWn BBB Ill-HAM) IN I..)L'I8VII.I.E. I.oiTsvii.i.K, Aug. 3.?A Mrs. West ihot licr bnsband, J. B. West, lll a streot ear, in this eitv. , fll I dav alteiiiiH.n, lulliotiuir a aevere wouml. They BBBM to this eity from St. Louis. a few days atiic-. and *****__ r.K,u)s ut a botel. Ou Fnday tbo wifo 1 ocretly Mfl towu and atarted lot 8t. Louis. but was arr,-su-d bfl ? MM> grum uud brougbt back. Yeaterday. whilo jrolug home tog.ther ln a ^tre,?t rar, the woman suUdonly drew-.i piatol, ulaced lt directly iigainst her busband's i .rson, aud Utcd when the other paBMaBBM interfend and she wm tli-ariiieii. Tho husbund Biwerta tbat hla wiie la aut'leel to attn.ksof ii:? lulty. :.nd w.nt her hall Tl." bull riiii-id around the inpauil baa oal yet I,.-, n iiiund. We.t forinerly lived lu tbis clly. KAILltoAD AC II.KNT8. Tie.v, /\ii(a*. VJ.?Train No. 15 on tlie Ktilland aad Wa.-liuigloii It.iitiuad, whnh liit Bl*** ********* p in., vestenlav. for lliitlaud, r.,u off tiio trat k tline inilesaiMive h!ui?aii. lliref, ears utttt the engine were tbfOWB entlrel) uff. Nt. person was iii|iiic.l. il.o acci? dent wu? BBBBSfl by gruvel BhMb had wiwhed down uihui the ti.l.'k. I.avvukn, i , Masa., Aug. 2.?The traln ****** b_M IhB titv lii.-t evening ran luto au i.otait, ktliiiig OaarajB Diircll, un I i_-ilously injuniig sinnils'T ui.ui BBM I H__cltuic._ .... Al Hioii n's s.iv.-inill i.i Wliil.' Il.'.t.i I'l-n-... **, i .lu.. i .i. ,141 .... .11.1 .4, ,1141,1.11, kiiici ay ?ti i i __ U WASNINTrTOX. r> of tiie DUTTRICT OF COLUMl A < NMPflflflflflM Ofl HBBBBfl?A TOTAt IKOBBT1 ' of's--"i.i l ni; IBBBBW BBfBBBBBBR IB BBfBB ot IT. ? WASiiiv?ir<iN. Aue.-'I.-I-'onni's feflilf ' ' roniele of to-day BBBflflfeBI MM follow rtafl: ?aaa Bm BafeUeeHea of tho debt of tho Dl flrh f hy tbe A.-.-aax-ut.-d PI88B, without .inf horltv, a? iln* iietn con t.-tmniK the BflBBBBeat BBflBBtBf WttbOOl ar.v ilidorseuient, nor bas It liee-.i 8888 18888 BBl bf tm gtam ot the Dii-tnat, wc tbinlt it BBflhlBI ? H tl. 88 BB aet of BflnBiai M give to BarrelaVia aaaflBBBalaaaflB'iii.-iii. t tii-' laal toofla, aafl* ao tha oAetei flgaicfl wiii fuiiiHh. whieh, haaoaarBBBfBBBd aal BflanMeahafl, etill exblhit cnouirb to funn a protiy good tdcaof our truo ilnancial (-ondition, wnrrby Ifea (?.ni-ideratlon of every pr-.|>ert v hold r In the Phflllfll, for tfeay 88888 aro lnferosted, und unless 08088888 888888 H B ? ttttti tfioy will have to foot the bill. Hat to eum up the debl or liabllitiesof the Dietrlet: Tbe bnt*i<-d debt, ?? per eflel.'mcnt nf OflBflflflN,U ttmt . ? omtKr.. r.l.'jOO.OOW A-M to tba f'.r flelrie,.i of Iul mr ia>1 ti..B.lasl (iiiu-eaiit -'f *|^aro,r.eliu? l, The * * oi Julr lij. fOQUOO T#uJ.fllflllN-. r-rtiiicele, ol aeflletit--lea-M eiader ?ct .al ls;j .. . 1,008,(100 For <-<-rt Jfl-ate, nf ii.-!--'it.(!n'-ii, ?ii!i flrn-0 ?t I*' loribetlluiredparpowof'it' ue, Itetime .f iiriaiilru'i .'ur .pwiul iiuprtirrn.eiiU. . '. (MNI.OUU Y r rrrl'.irt-.rirt ib.'.A 'r.l.r., totttwritgrlmpro,rmr:.:t. tohe peid 67 i^flael t..xee. . - "<"' l""' P a c-iti-.Cflit.l ,(in-leb'.eaJ'.a--M up-a, Seil ntefl ?r.iaut.t... IIM.OVO 1.. uiion fbtore w.ta-r for fonr v..?r, it'.',! ...-. beu? a**t $2t)0.iyuo-my tnngt ?' ilxrO.xJOO)... IttOJtOO mo. nijiflflw Add lor etflprot-rteUoe, ..f tiw Leei.l.ture (mrt tai elfl-fe .,?,...?, i.i ?f 81 000,000) ?i Iceet.. &00.000 fTble inrlodee eppropr-.l on f-.r m?rket-h(tu.( int hr certidceW-. ut xtm*A*ak*tm), "n- -r.tli-e- to 100, en.l $00,000 l? be borrowird iul ?-c1khI AM for "KLililfl fltft'lg Boari ot PolU, Worli, tt Bflfll, ? Iflflfl?I ftMflflM. 117.001 ?fl doubt tho answer to this exhtblt will bo. that uiany ttt these items aa- in a fandod ahape, and should not I8 (htlmated Bflfl MM ; hut such aricumeiit Is as etnpfy as it w.aitld l>o for a bfli.ilness mtn to refuae t-> flBBBl his I.i-oiaixHory noto ainoni-,' his liabilltioi BB 1888118888 IflBg tliuo la run. It liiiitters not in ifeaaa ?? debt Is drawn ; aa Ioiib as it is a pr..ui:-.o IB 889 -: noue of its reopousPullty. Ib B8aBjM Ifeto atafeBOBBt 8l our liabllitit-H we uioan 88 refloetlon upon ai.y liidivldual liiiinlierof thcDistrlct (Jovernuient, but siuiply to in form tho peoplo BB88 a maii.-r in Bfehth (lu -y ai< d" plf i. .1, aml upou which th-y h.iv.- a llflfel to deraanl, and for whicli tliey havo OBltel pit.i i.ti*. ii rti alBBB IfeB auBBlaatlra of our priaeal ajaBaa al iiovernuient without beiiii furnisbcd w.tb ai.y 88881818 otll.lal staieuieiif. We are fieo to say that'tho above flirnroe fall ifearl flf tln- a, flflBl fn ts, and iiaiild an iBTBBtlflBHBfl ty fl Dilttee of flZfflfll 8888888881881 Ih8 88888881 "f "ae I> < tn. t Ite maale, anadiliit'inai hMMflNflf at le.wt |l,i< would Is; di-fl.'overo.l. Iu view of BBflflfl flfl BtafefeBBfl as tho.-o, and, u'no, tfeal af l'-.i-t one-thirdof thi- iMUfl'OfBBBflBlfl 818 vi t to IM ii , tah ?, the eB-Mflfloa niittii il'.y .ir-'-, "V.'liat aro wo laa lloala-'llt I' I" Vl sailO lll.l!! Mill ii ltni! that IfeB iBffflhlfl praiporty oi tbi-i Dt-'i-i.-t BBB b .r ihr- btirlcn flf a al.-laf oi ?."??.'? >,nM-i.:t wlll reteh thi- 1*881 881088 V8 ir-1 tbrotigh?and at tbe sani'' tlm- 88887 8B tho pr'-sent sy^'ein of gov> rtitn'-nt. Oai 88 y Ii.'i><% ln for ('(.ngi-eaa elther to BBBflflM the wlmlo or, Bl least, one lialfof onr dtlit, and m futiiro to 8888888 Ifea 8XP8B88B of the Dlsfrict over and above what .' r<-.n:zed l>v a tux of ll GO B8B 1100 on t.ixable pmis-rty. Tbta the people coiil.l hcar without B8flril ", and wi'iild be a fair proisirtton of what thev flBiBM I" b8hl liable for. As a BtBf toward tb!? latflTM lot the flflBB Bl t.av. rnment be wtpedoat, or, Iftfla paapli are t" fBtera, letalltbe ofllcr*. tao el-cfed, and BBl hmnbug us with IfeB ini-eriiiil" fiiire wil li WMflh we are afflieted at 8188881, wbicb, from its very origin, bu." BflBB the Kiiirre ol pn.fligafl'y BBd I xp BBB bttgt ]v in 81 881 Bf IfeB BBfll "!?* turcs of uiany '?! BM ICBlB M'arBBBBBla of fhe eounti". Tliisisaaubjoet ontirely in tho BBOflBBftfea peoplo, n.d, it thoy BBBBB witb tlio 888B88 sptrif. the r. inedy oan bfl BBBflfl r.aclied. It Is riintored, BB I I" BBfll s'lin-ofli.lally aiitiounced, that tho flovernor and flBBflfl of I W.iik.s iiiteti'! fo rtdlro at tha BB Bttag BfOBBfliaBB, t*fttg asan that they are tired of BM Mfe ; or, ni otlu l won_fe, tbitt the old shlp has moro fn-l^-lit tban she etn carrv, and the liect tliat ean be done BflflB* Ifll ******** utanct-s ifl to souttle her and let her P". W.ii. aiiytlnti^ for a ehange, eveu if the old craft ehou.d bave to Bc re built._ m* CURRENT TOPICS AT IH1 CAITTAL. DRBBfaRMNi ?BOBflft POB IBB POBB (iARUY rRISONKIiS. WiaaflflflMai, August t, 1--1J. PonatorRanisay and Oov. Austin of BflBBBBBta bad an interview with ActinnSecr< tary of 8tat.--? Davi, ln rclet ence to the Manitoha prisoners, yestei.l.ty, and will uavo another to-morrow. Their reeeptl.m W8B hll88Bhl8, and loads them to confidently expect that mis sion to the capital wlll tie suceessfitl. The BBBBBBBOOBf thiarequ-st of the Btate DaflflrtBBIfll B BMB it ? D 888 ita good otll .oa with the autborities of tlte DaBBtabM Government and <wcure tho rrleaso ut the prisoners on bail until tho term of the i'oiirt ln ObUBBT, when it is conlideiitly cxpected in Mlnnesota Iln -v will lo acaiultted, aud in addition will be ablo to prove that tha Gordonaffalr took plaeo on American MB, 88 1 881181 -y without the Mauitobau Juris.llctlon. l)ip,?iii.itie int.-r fereuoo ia not sought, nor ls lt belicved that any f' 18881 action between tbo (iovernments wlll be 88888888/, Bfl conoerned being wlillng for the pre-ent to allow tho law of Manitobato take its course until tho SBBBlaBtafl of tbe pendlng trlal. Mr. Strahn, 8888881 for Mr K-li ertsof New-York, from whoso feal iMfll Boidefl wa? at temiatmgtoesciipe, a< companies tho .Minni'-mt.i da'.: gatiuu, and thf lr mis.-ion nt alao facilitat.d bv tbe 8*88 BBBB m town of 8ir Edward Tborntou, the BflgBBfe Mn isur. THE NORTH CAUOI.INA BLBOflOfl. Pnvate advlceu from North Carolina rcpresetit thai littlo or uo popular iut.-re?t is niainTested m tho el- ttn-u lu that Stato wbich 888881 on BBaBBBBf ol lflMW88fl. The ofliceii to be fllled are umetly local aml edueatio'ial, aud iu mauv luoUncea party di.-tlui-tioiia havo beeiv Iguorod Ui tho nouiinationa. The oonatitutioaal aaiend mcut BflfSatlafl the clauao of tbo inetnuufl m Wttt b de clarea that tbe bute debt abali bo lortvei iiitiolato, flfl l whioh 1? tho moat important of tho B8888BI Mbi. hareto be submltted, i* ?U?taiiied bvjbotli p.ii':'-. BBBl will aliuost certaiuly ls- BflBBflbi tht iiriiuipal aigutnei.t .u itsflupportls the relief which lt proixii.e- trom paymenl of the flpccial tux uud otber iseued bonda. THK ME.VitA.N fl-lIM.S ( .iMMIssln.V. Some wcks may t-lapse before the L'mted Mafes and Mi-xi.uii Cuiimii-SStoiMflT* cbooee au umpir. in (be BBBM of Lir. Lieber. d- ceaaed. Iu thia they Bfll act with de liberation, beiuu desirous of 881888881 88888 8881188888 ofeiulnence biivniK tlic 888880088 Bf both < a.iintrie,, andof nadotJUlqiiallfleailoB Ior tba latporuuM p-n lion The icw Moxlcan Commlflaioner ia now eagaged in iiiuUitig his f.iuily Br?BBa8BB88la. nfl Ins (r. .iicd i. favot t.)Ifl Iflflpraaatoa on thoae witu whom be baa iaaa bcaajchl la buaiuca MtaaMBBa thi: m:w niAUK lmLi.tR. The coinage ?f ibo uew Bflflfl laBai wtt Iflfl ba pusbed forwdrd rapidly, enpeciully at tbe i<au Fiauclaco aadOHBaa OUf Miuis, wbere aetlvo preparatioua are inakiUK to ci'in a larife uumber. Iu I'lnlafli.lphia about IflMMpMBBa wt re.o'.ued up to tbe jii.t uit., seme littlo tune liuving been loat lu truuuirig down dle*. Ac. NoW tlie dles are ull perfo. t. and the Ilirector of th Mlntex pflflflB to ha iiblc to ?upply tbe demand tur tbe uew ln a very <Jay,. THK lltKAslRY PRiMiRAMME TOR At t.tST. Tlio ttecretary of tlie Trcaaiiry haa directed ibe Astlat anl li.-flfl-utei ut New-Yutk to buy balf a mllliou or feBBflfe on tlie aeooud Wodueaday, aud to a. il ooe and a balf uulilotiA of gold each Tbure luy duriuic tbe uionth of Au?ust. Iii all to eell fllx uiilnouaa ol gflld, and buy half ? mllliou of bouds. A CflflflttD KIIJiLD BY A 1'Kl'NK \KI>. Th? low U-niuicut bouse, No. 27^ Columhia lf., waa the scne of a pitiful aecldent la-t i vt-uing. t m* ul (l.e ta iiant, li- H.iiiiuel t'onunn., a cubinnn, uud bia Otta and bafeBtB ?lrl ago 18 monibs. t'onnora waa I isitel ln the liiortiiuai by an a?eot.iute tiau.i d Jobn Mc ('iilliiiii, age iii, uud the two meu eeut tor lupior, nhi' tt soon foiui'iited a qunrrel. From barsh wordfl thiy Wliilo to hloiVflt, and although Mrs. Coaaflflj mUr> and einleavored to quell tbe dihiurbflnce, ti?> flot.ld uot h.ed her. Viually M (iitluin, iu .? tl' of Irenrv, umit-ii a wat.-r pi-. ber f..-m ., i.ii-lt- un.i hini. il it ut the bead of Coi i.ors, Imt tbo mlflflflfl nnfl.sed Iiiiii aud -trttik tho ehild tlmt'iviM. lyma :. n.p tu ll-. iiaiiic. Mra. OflBBflTfl luit t<i eilild, u lutn Int.l utu-r. d uo cry, aud loiiiid ti.ut the pitrbei li ul 11 iiKin-ii lu iiu ttknli uud iiitlil.-il .i tia ttmt p.ot.-l tatiii. M iCullnm ran awa) 11 -iu tbe iiuuso nu ii. i.iti i> nld i tia- ; i.aM-di. imt waa ?.in llafl by au oiticci of tbe Iuu il I'lcuticl aud Ivtkad up.