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HOBTHBBN OALIFOKNIA. VI.-Ff.OM KKIUUNC. TO YRT.K... IBUBI 888BI8II in Bflfl I Ttt** sAcitAMKNT.k-cii: vr Bl tf ? i 1NH1VN UBB BBBOBB MODK Ol SAI M'.X" M-I'Vil-.. 'I' MOl Nl . HASTA. ***** l\t. t HOBA1 ' .>i(i:l!s|siM.KST(?r THK TBl!U*__.l Yiii.K,, CaL, .luiyt*.-At I_ddin_ the niottn taiti.ii.e_iii.nii.. tba latlraafl i? tm tha aaaaaal ?x abanajid hei. t* ****** )">' ***_*__** ****** ruither north. BatwaflB G ***** ma BBfl OfflflBBI IMBI O.-km of toouiitatiis; tbe 08888 and tb<* BbjtW , ot there, and tne BMBaaaaafle K v. r, whl.-h ls here snll a eon_tdcr_!ilt< slream, though not nut um ble, preat-ntly bBBBBhW B BBWllBfl, !____? brook. hcid in ite .' ti t'.v tffl ******BtaaaMtBi batwaaa v 1 uli fl has woru down it. uarrow bafl. Tl.e stage road BB, per force. the courso of tho river, 88888 el-hty or 888888 milos aficr you :.g, and takes yoo through a w.ii.derfn ly j,i,(i,i, - (1 aliu.'Sl cutirely, until ft* r.... ii .- rti.-iiy Valley. at tho baao of Mouiit Mia*ta, of baflB and moetly prccipitous und alunst lu.m ? _sit'le uiouuluiiis, scparat- d by d.-ep tnuons. The BBP-T watcis al t-io 8BeiBlB8Bta. la tm**, ruu between lunks sn stc. p t ia; lor inU. I ut a time tho river ia iuac tt__i>ic, exi'tpt BJ il.r.i.iiit..'iiiil| oilon dangt*rt>us do 11 -ui.-, aiui BB OM !.:.!?? I ;? d BM tbat when this part of IhB nvcr, batwaaa WhBW K.-dJiiig now llea and ite BBBBBa BBBT MflBTl ttBtfi waa tirst " prospeoted" for ?888, tbe minors or explorera had lo build . aml d.M'i-ud by water, tryiug for gold by lh.> way, bci-tu-. they could not get down by land. Ia thoa days, he _aid. if 11 roiupauy of mioers ? net 111 .iiii- | , IhB "prospoct " was too j_..u tod. t.nn ihi 10; aud they made but u ehort atay at point. ,.n tiu- Utper Saeramento. Ttie country w.c then full of Iiiiliau- ; aud lt wus very strange iu Baafl to baafl tt* **mt*** thorou.hly kind-hearted man ha was, aml BBB Iha fatber of a family of ehlldren?tell wuh th, utiiiost un.? uK-ern, and ns a matter of conrse, i'ci they used to t-hoot down theso Iuduns, wbe way l.iid them at favoriag epots ou the rtver, and trled to .mk Uum ,*t_ Wltb arrows. I -.member n little boy nitking a faroous General ouco, bow BBBB. aaaa ba hai killed iu tim courso of hia wara, and h.-tng (liaappointcd when he heard that tho General, so be kic-w, ba 1 ucver killod anybody. I euppose a iMldlfTln battle but rarely knows that ho hasnctoally i in iu. Eut oue of these old I.idiau flgbtexs Bits Aiown after dlnuer. over apipe, and rclatcs to you with tptite hon-Ifyuig coolnea. every detall of the death wbich his rifle anl his -ure ,-ye dealt to au Itidi.iu ; and wheu thla oue, atnfltlBB nu-autiuio the head of a little boy wbo iv:_ staudiug at Lis kuces, d..8criiH.<u to me how ho Iay BB the ptraaa aud took alm at a tail chief wbo was iu the mooulight, trying to Btaa] a baal IraM a pnrty of gold-eeekors, and how. ut the ataeb af Ua ritle, tho Indian fell hla whole Uafltb lu tba boaflaafl never stinod agaiii. 1 (-oufeaal MaaaaMab Iba Maaaflf hafl aataaaa the dlguitv oi BB evi ut iu this man's life. IIo sbot Indi i.i.-. BBbaal :.-"liiiuei; pluinly as a mere matter of tiuii.-e. N.i w.i - he a brute, but a kiudly, honoat, good fcllow, uot iu tba least bloodi.hlr.-ty. im IBITIMTI B1TAKIN0 8AI.M0K. Thr poor liuli.ius Ira ve rapidly mellod away, uuder the fiii.nt baal Bfl*IMIHBfl whisky, rifles, aud diaeaae. TbM iv >io!> noiih'-ru eouutr.v BBBl 1) ive boeu populous a tpiartor of a lentury ago; Geu. liitlwell and othcr old CwllflBBMaa have told mo of the eurprisingly 1,loid di-app. ..iratice of the Iudlaoa, after tue wblle gold B8BB4 r_ BBBM in. lt was, I do not doubt, (1 !? .mt land ci' the __BM_ They lived on salmon, c nn , flaar, BC a aa aud _ Mw roots whicb aro abuudant < 11 ini'iiiit-iiii anl p! 1111, and of uil thn food tbere is the fnatial >Iobbj areayaB. If vou travel toward Oregon, ? gi, in June, Jaly, or Aujust, yon wiii ece at 88B_. 111 nt pji.'.ts alaafl the Sacraiucuto parties of Iudiana . | anl tr.ipplng s:iimiin. They btdld a few rude .' hrii-h, 1-1!her stieks for tbo flre, wbich ls nceded to 1 ..ok and tii t tiio stluion meat; and then, while lhe meu, aiined Wttb Ioi g two-pronged epears, etand at tbe end of logs ******** over tho salmon und tho ubuudant fls.'i, tho a.jtuws clcun the fl?h, roast tbum to dryuesj among Iha bat ataaeaof il.e.r rudo flrc-place, and finally rub the drl.-d uieal M a 1 owder brtweeu their h.nds, or by the brlp o,' iMaaa, Whaa il is packod away lu biigs for Winter aaa, What you thua seo ou the Saeramento is gomg at lhe satiie timo on a hall dozon otoor rivers; aud I am told that theso Iudi.ius cou.o from cousidcra I'.c lii-aiuiir..- to tin. nn 11 llsliliig, whicb waa praciic.-d ' by theiu doubtless a loug time beforo the white meu aaaal M. XBaf 888 a I.o.m ly raee, tbes-o Diggers; short lu stalure, wltb lal laees and stolid looks; yet not uufn .juently in theso niouutaius yuu will fludacasta WB/WblM BBBB aitb a balf-hrcud family ai.out bim; ".a.|ii.-,w-,:ii -1." uk v ure caiiod, usa term of contempt, by IBB BBOra di et ni . Tiio Dinunt.iius are full of deer witb an occa. ional IhOfltgb ini Ibw/dMbIMb; and tbe rlver? are full uf tin it aud aalmou, ao that this littk* visited regton is a tcuiptiug land fo. huntors aud ilshermen. As you drive b_> t.n f: nu-h"ii-(-i BB tho road, yoa tiay c-ommouly see l> i: h ? sn,.! evi ry/arnier has a nipplv of fli-hi'it.' i" ls nnd lines, su that you caiinot Rfl i.uii-B for tr.iut aml voniion. Few of them know, bow ev-.-r, thata tiout ouzlit to r>e cookoJ as quickly ai pos i'ti r he 1.1 a . 'it; nnd if you do not take care, your Ktieriicin V..U npiKur on the tablo next day as afl tntflt- Ib trtaah ibapt | banrt at ltking for iu In Ihfl riAaiu U-twoon Keddiug and Btrawberry 1 } o.i eau scaroely go amiss, for game 88 ll-h; and tho roadslde farm-bousos are geuerully plstin but iiuiii, and wni entertain u eportsni.tu aa well aa bc ii- r I- ii 1 ? t ti.-.l f.jr. Fr> 'nS.ila Spring. however, ls uu'loubtedly Iho boat plaee for travelers or huuters, MB htre v.iu wili tlnd a comfortable bath, wbiob oue nooda after a stage ride; and exvelienf fare alao; and Is MM Eiy. wba keep. the hotis.s is a . klllful hunter aud 1. ii- ni,an who kuows the country weil, and ls uot only au ei|K-i t guide but a ploasant compauion. IIIK ONLV GI.ACIK11 I.. TUE L'.NITKO BTATtB. j 1. - 1 1 go noithward until. al Btrawberry v |, a loiiely llttle vale in tbe blgher monntalns, you bave paised tbe souroe of the Sacrameuto, and flud your aaB opposite aud near the base of Mount Shitsta, one of the gi.indesi moiiutam-topa of Ciiitornia, a snow-olad crag, wbleh contains, I believe, almoet the only giucler iu the ItalMfl States, unless indeed Alaekti may huve a uuui-s-. The aaoent of Mount Bhaata la not alittlcnit. and ita eummlt bas boen aoal-d by lad iea. lf you have a miml to attempt it. Btrawberry Valley, wh" h has a conveuieut hotel. ls the best point to Jni" 888888] guides, and your needful camponiflt. The m I'.itain bas, m-ar Iti toji, saveral bot Bprings; lt was onoe a volr.tiio, aud tbere ia some reason to believe tliat ita flres are not extinct. but only eluinberIng. Froiu Strawi.erry Valley you paaa into an extensive li'.aln. the ShsiKta Valley, whicb ls somewbot eoldor than Ibe Sacrameuto Valley, but la still a flue eountry for aheep and eattle, wbiob sopiiort tbomselves here all Wun* r. Tlie Sha_?_ Valley contains a good deal of ex aaBaafl MaaBBtf ***** Lut lt to uaea now eblety for cattlo nnd sheep, and ln many parts of tt tbe graflng Isvery line. There are a number of loaaer vallevs seatt'-n-d ihrouirl, the mountaina hereabout*. Indeod tbe two 1 cgessocm to open out for a whlle, and Beott's Valley ou th'- weat, ).i.d thi* Klimath L_ke couutry to the east nnd uorth-eaal from Yreka, are favorite grazlug reglons. II. re there ls occaaloual snow in the Winter, aud some 4 old weather. th. Sprlnu oprni later and tho ralns last longer. Tlie atre.iini ln u'l tbta regton bear Rold, and nnuers are busy m them. Yreka, iu theSbasta Valley, is the eenterof a coualdcrable mlning dl_tr!it, end therefoat- B bo. y plaee, evou without tbo Mudoo war, whieh cav<- n a temporary rouowii diiilng the Winter uml Si? Ing. Now that the Modoc war ts closed, no doubt the faiuoui lavabeds wlll attrai t euriotis viaitors from afar. Tbey eau be reaebed ln 3? hours from Yreka ; aud tbat plaie ls distant __8 hours tta* 188 I-'niticift.'-n. Far a Suinni'T MflB among mouiitniiis, It woofd be dlfllcult to flnd a pleasanter rerion than thnt whieh nes between l.ddlng and Yreka. Tho Jour BflB can be ma le ua letsurely aa oue pleaees, t.r tbe atage MflBtf ailows ttie traveier to stop uO where aod when be Bhaflflflfl, and so lonR as he llkes, audlotwoor tbreo woeka ono could huve buutlng and ti.l.iug, so* tne aalmon apawn, wat.a tbe Indians in tbeir Summer vocatlona, vl-it gold dlgglng. of difforent kmda. kill a tK>ar or two lf he llked. visit the lara beds an Indian reeervatlon, and eitfoy all the while puro nivjgnraUiig U-ouutain BBBj and aome of tbo most plc IflBBaaaa BaaBflBf ou tiils contiueut. Aud all this ean be aeeu and done with ao llttle hardahl. ihat thore would ln* nothing to caar tiie iifloymeut of a tiavalcr in tolera blC 1-SBUU. ?_^?m~~mmm??mm?a ** "* THI. M'lMT OK KXPLOIIATION. ito; Uu *StK llutn l-tititulii'm. The ill-fatid voyago of tl.e Polarin is fa to uli, and already we bave another expeditlon, uuder Goverumeiit uuapinea. 011 ite way to tae aame fatalae-ia. 'fl-i'. cuiloiw n?vignU>i? of Northorii J-Ui"i^ are Blmllarly tugaged, and uro iU>enliiB up te oui ki.owl eAtn 11-lar regiona HieT>.,| Worid. Tlieetpedl 1,011 aa-iit oul by Tiu* Jrondon Telegrixm ln at work uimtnir ,h? hiatoilcai icBiaiua of lue Eut; Mr Bamuel liaker aml Mviiig-to-B nxo aolving the ml. iie uf' U.e Mle. The i.uwa of iBo-t vta-Mt fljacoy. eiui* in liiuiilhafl i-ci'Utly come to us. whieh lf aob at: __._?? - by .-.ddUKmBl aeareb wlll havo an lmp4?t.,.t n. ail 1* ou tbe ,|?esuou of aum-a. Ta**ing t***r__n the r_i!_f iu u_-.i--.4Hi8 pai.tefl nt wotb k *ue ***** UB ean only name the reeent mnrtna explorlng partiea of iln-llt itisb OuiaiBBaaal and Aicitssti, and \The Oraphxe billoon txp.rliu.-iit to show how omnlvorotis, ?o to aiieak, is Ihfl nwnlus of InQulry. Tno rxploratlona at tho Weal h tvc a ape* lal Intorest to Atuerleatis. doveloplnn aa. Uiov do the reaourcofl und wonders of our ooun? try. None of tho.*- patttefl have altructed moro itt tentiim timn tbe aaanal asenraloaa under tho dlreetlon of I'iol. Maiab. His Miece-t* nuturoliy awakenod luter est uud < that tbere were laat Bpring no I.ta, i liun 13 rlval part len proposing fo undortake almllar expetUtlona to his own. ThU eompettUoa has very nattitally the cflVct of awakciiinir Jeulousy among ibe p-irti.'s. and I'rof. Mitrsh is ue retloeut about ? f.rtile i.aiie ti.n i ns ii boy ls on the BBbJeet of good trout holea. Macb, bowerer, "gettoai" la tae papeca fraai timo to ittno. nml y.-MiHrflluy'* Tribonh IkwI en Intereating letter irom u eOflflTeapondeat iu the puriy. TIIE SEW PARTT MOVEMEAT CEITICISED. A Dr.MON-Sir.ATION OF CIIRONIC UNEA81NESS. from Tke Bmton Jountfll {lYtm.) The ncw party, wc ubflflilfl, sota ont by de cl ii-iiiai -iiu.iliis! ili,- infalilbtlity of party," ao that nn tpeol tl obll-flTatloni. to flupport Its iiomlnoos aro incurred by iih memberw?which may lae a good etblcal priuriple but whlcb uo purti iu euruest will ever take paius to itiipro?s upon its followers. Iti, this tnoveuient li fl-iinialy ono of the demoiistratloiis of tbe chronlo nneaai iie-s uow trottblniR the Leuiocracy, wbo want to do Houiethiug, but tlou't know what, aud who feel the lui portunrc of tbe achool-boy advice. "try. try again." TIIK TICKET MIGHT UB A GREAT HF.AT, WORSE. From TAi Oolvtmbt* Ohio Slale Jomrmal (Rtr.) Tho tieket it hus chosen is not ono tbat wilf elefl'trify the maasoB, or etir up a whlrlwltid of mlschlef. It miifht bo botter, aud mlirht alao be a great deal worse. We doubt very iuuoh wh'-ther tho Cth of August wlll mako one half ao good. The platform advanoes nothing n.-w or startiiuir. It la rather uilld on the Democratic p.trtv, prctty sfltvere on tbo Republican, If the Demo cratii: party ls not txirrupt, thU nioveirer.t lo?es one of Its etraiiiKoHt mceutivcfl, aad ueutrulizoii half of its pro fo.flllKd IlllK-ii'll. A Tfl I " I AND INOPPENSrVF P1ATF0RM. From Tke Vittrltt-trntt OautU {Rn.) Every new party must havo a platform, ana thoro ls ln tho Auierloaii peoplo a peculiur geuiuii for construeting these articlo*. Tho plalfonn ts alao bamilessandinonYnsive. Moat of it anyone coo.ld per form r " walk rouud" in, and lf there be auy exception it must bo excused bv tbe etress of oomposition, the neccBslties of tho ultuation.orUiO exuberanoeof rhetorlo which ls common to such labora. The tlobet is corapoaed of lnoffousive men, aud, doubtleas, aome one looks upon bll work in the i oiiipositiuu of tho platform with pnde. \> hy Dliould auy bo forbiddeu this iuoflenaivo ei\]oy uienll A POWP.RLESS KXPERIMKST. tnm The Battotx fott 'Utm.) The only significanco that can poRsibly nt fach to thfl Liberal Oouvcntiou ln Ohio is thai it is u powt-rlesa oxi>erimeut In anv vlslble dlreetlon. Tue BBOYBBMBt does uot ongmate witli tbo i>cople. It liae never decelved the Dcuiocrats, wbo have ropeatedly asked the wotild-be leadera of tha propo-iea n<w party to flflflBfl out aad show ttielr etreiitrth before culliux upou timn lor aaaUtunee. Whutover muy be thought ol tbo force of number, dispiaiyed by tbe Conrenuon, it pey? ia:.i .. ja.i ir ooiiip'.iiuai t in ita rosoluliona tu iin> paiiy from wnichit cl iiirly expoefs to diuw its stronk'tb, by charglng it with ba\ In* " outlivod its uaelulucos." A IIVORA ALREAOT 6LALN. trom TA, hciittm Jdvertiter (Kep.) The pnrty which has come into cxistenoc in Ohio, but is yet unuamed, being kuowu onlvus Ifea " BBfl p irtv." as tht. latest tt'idiUon lo tho family is called the new baby, beld 111 flrst couventiou Wcdnesdiy. Tluio ls a greut deal to I?o done to achieve BOOoeai, whlctiuiukee tbe early beiiinnlng nocesaary. The uow party may uot be an lulaul liercul.-s, bul lt bas made un o--aay to appropriata hia prctlge by slai Ing a h) dra already. The Liberal Kepublican party, ?rhleh bad a luvi.-r'body inOulo than anywbere else in tbo Union, |n> uiot (leath nt tlio huud, of tne lii.'unt wilhuut tt natuo. Wbal rt-malual IT MAY HAVE A DF.F.P rOLITIC.VL 8IGN1PICANCE. From Tke LouitvUle I'uurier-Journol (/*?.) Tlio work of the united t'onventions at Co luuil'iifl. Ohio, yeateriiuy, will attr.ict very wnle--pre:id utteiiiioit. li'n> tba flfle -iid biep iu tho uotod " Alh-n t'ountv" iiiov--ini :it, with which many proiuiucnt poii tlciaiis of (into, Deiii'M raiir and Liberal, have cast tbeir, lortuues. lt muy havo a ili-t-p political alKnliloanoo. There ls a geaeral rupture of nuity tienaudan abaudoniiiL-nt of partv namefl, wltb tha geaeral objeet ol itoiunn ln view. wh-'ther tne moreioentwlll bo oootliiedto ObloStata, or wbelhti- it will spcad tbrouKliml thu ca.un iry, tho isflue will ahow; aa yet there u BB8Bt eeafliot ol opiuion, evcu ittiioiig tlie po!itiei.un of Uhm, who uro iuiniedlately coacerued, as to its propricty or import. OrrOPITK'N TO GRANT THF. FOI'NDATKlN. i-Vor. yfliar H'aiMrtgton IfalUntal Rrpubliean (lUf.) a^o far as the Uepublican party il coik crned, lt mi d uot, lu our i.pinioii, eutertaiu auy very gravo Bp pr.-heusions Ol disaater ot tlie liands of this uew oiy.un ?atton. lt ls the same old Liberal erowd wilh one or two accessious from the Democraoy, notablo men enough, but who havo not tho coufldonco of Bba Domocracy to snolt an alarmlug exteut aa to ln duce tho mnk and flie to rush ovi-r to them rn tnasse. Qjiposltlon to (irant Ifl at tho foundatton of the whola thiug?a jaersonal. uiallgaant opposition, founrt)ad ln dt appointment of ofllca and ktcoiI of power. It will doubt' laflflhavalu littie laaaa af lifo uutii posBlbly tbe Fail frosts. Tbat lt wiil last much longer ia hardly proba blo. M'-miwinle it is iu order for tbe late Llneral orgaus to c'lronicle Ita aztraoedtaary suceoss and Htreugh. AN LMril.vTIC I1ECLARATION IN PAVOR OF FREEDOM. trom Tixe ('nietioo limtt {0-m.) Wo publisb thia morning a full report of the 888 M ? iliiirfs of tho State. Convention that inet at Coliim bus, Ohio, on yosterduy. ln eoapUanOfl wlth a call issued some Iiiue aiuce by tiie llomiH-rats of Allou County. Oen. Thomis Lwiug, Col llangamck, Jiiik-o Cul.lwoll, and ex-Sonator Pugh are men of mitimial reputatlon, und t-ieir earnest lndorsemont of tbe ohj^ets of Ihls gatboring is an aaeuruiioe tbat its work will not prove to bava been done ln vula. Tbo platform Ifl au etapliutt-' di c laratiou In favor of freailom?freedom from tho dlctation of party leadere, treedoiu from t-he intarim Idlnur of (juv orii-ijeiit wbere lt has no li-nitiuiato fun. tion to porform, freedom from tuxiiioti for the supi>ort of fliqBflfllTfl udmiulstrative maehinery, and frc-doin from artltlrial barrlcra to tho exebange of producta. It ls an exeellont plutfonu. The atateuient is made lu u disputch to Iho A? soclated ProsH that tho Democrats wlll persist lu mak? ing uomniHtloiis; but lt is bellevert thot tho aotion of tbo Convtntion on yeuterday will moet with guch a popular iiidor.-' ui- ut lio.iorc tho 6th of August afl to 11 ithion tlio resnrrcctloulsts baek to the grave wlth the uuflttvory co.pflrf) which they have exbnmed. MR. GBOEDEECK AND IIIS LETTLI'.S.* orrosrnov to ttie rumnq dkspotism. from The Nnriirlratil Pirayum (l*-n ) By no rooans aaaiililiflfl to all its jiositions, we heaitily ttgree to tbe poiicy it receinmouds, of a co ('i tiiflii of all the el-tuii'Uia ul oppofliliun Ui ibo i uling ii-. n piatlsni ut Washington. AMrLE BOOM FOR IHH TNERGIES IN UIE EEI-L'DLI CAN PARTV. From Tke PMladeii'hxa Hvenitxo Ttlrgrrrp*, iRrp ) If he were eincero in his dennnciations of tho eiror, of ihe O.inocraey und lu hia deniro fur reform he would come over into the rauks of the party of progrens? tlie BepuWiean llnea?aml adviso his frlendn to do the Mtiiie. Within itfl uale he would Hud amplo room for Im (?;.. iK'l--s, und be would be ublo to tbrow hlfl weiKht aud liiflui-nce wltb thut of ita best membe.-fl lu tbe cuuao of reform. MERELY eOBCflAXZira TIIE TTTTn AND Cl-AViS. ?imt Tk* Uttea Htratd 'Itep.) Really, Mr. Groesbeck doea uot propose to nl- uul.ui tho prtBClplafl of UUo Doutoerauo puriy, but t-> conceat aud covor up the toeih aud clawa nntil the tnno arrnoa for u.siii? tbem. IIis affectum is n-it for hia country aud its welfare, but for the Democratic party, wlnrh ho pro poaea to dlsguiae nnder a uew oovering, oarefully aooth ii;k' tho popular su-spiciaii! aud watchfulucsa, and Rrad tially uudermiulng the Uovorumout luilil ihe old order uf tiniigfl- u rcfltorod. UNTQtTE IN ITS 'WAT. From Th* f-prtrnj/lri* (/ll) BO ^uuntfl-t trtrp) Tho political letter which the Hon. W. S. Grooelieck ol Ohio haa written ia unlqu.- ln na way. We i-buiiii buve thought tbat even Mr. (iroonbeok would have lcarned bofore thin timo thut pollthal partios are not mado or bmit to order, aa a oorn-pl.'inter or wbeui-barvcator is. Wcarc afrald Mr. Oroesbeck, aud tlmse for whom ho assumes to sj?eak, are not yet ns thoroughly oonrerted u, tbey would try to mako the people believe; und thnt. did tho opportunity prosent, they would speedlly un-o i - tal;- to uinlo uud wipo out all thut they luight Uiliik Wita " of doubtful expeflliency." 6IMPIJCITY, HONP..STY, ANT> GOOD FEEI.TNO. FYom The ltncAuxer jMtnocrat and (Jkrontete IRrp.). Without doubt tho moat important political docuiueiit lald tK'tore tho i?-ople for eome tluio ls the jetier or W. 8. Orooflbockof Cincinuatl on this BBbJeet. Jmit ut a timo whon. la every plaoe ??ve Ohio, tbo Liberal Kepublicaiia of la?t year wore lor tbe moit paat about Burronderlng their own ornanlaation and protestlng lhat no new oue bad a-pruug mui exlilonoe lu the heat of the lust contost, aud while the Uemocrut.s wero cousldorlng the feaalbility of returuiug to thrlr idola, Mr. Oroesbcck cuiuo, forward boldly ?ud plaluly in favor of au "iitirely now denartttre, i'orliapfl no one iu tho oountry posseaaoe io much intlu < nce umoiig tho mou wbuui ho ttddreufljea, aud hia uppro bution wlU go far towarda r.i ouimcuding the ptilicy of u now party. Both documouU aro iJcculiar. Ibore ia a re ftfl-.iiiiiif Blmpllolty, houoety aud good fooliug about them. _________________ ME. OEEELETA EOTION OE PBACTtC.iL IlLLKliON. trernx ?? iM-fre,, deUrrred bg tht Itev. F. W. Vurxd-i, Ufort the t>l/,aemm tttUkWl Vluk. His thought about tho ceremonialism of raHflMBI Ifl well liluatraUfld by hlfl comtiicnfe on the pui? licuiionsol tbo Ameiloiiu Tract hotlely. There waa an ttdvertLKioent pubilahed offering |so for u tho best tract on the lmproDrtety of dauclng by members of ehurohea," tlte tract to be publinhed by the Amerlcau Tract Hoclety. Mr. Oreelcy prlnted lt and commentod aa follow*: "Tne notice oopied above aog,roflta to ua aome other fltilajectv ou widch wo thluk trucu uro ui-eded?-BBhjMM wbich aro bflglOOinB to uttraot tbo tbuUKhtsof not it n-w. and wbich ure, like duiitlug, of pructicul iiiomcnt Be would suggoHt promluiiis to be offered aa follow, : Twentv iio'llaiH V r ihe bot tract onthe riKbtfiilnt-ns and con latenoy of a ciiristian hpeudiun lo.iioo tollu.ouoa yci.rou theiippetlt.'sof hlmaelf and family when tb( ra ui?- a tbouaau.l fttiuiliua willilu a mlleof him who am eoiiiydh-iU tolivo ou It-sa Ihuii )'iOx) ix yi iai. len doliar, f..rtle best tract on tbe rigbtfuuiexA -mu OhrUUaolty of ttChrihiiaii iiulbliiif a reflldeoee for bttnseif and family at a coal of I'mjuk) or, within ai?ht of a bundred fuiinlie-i livinil lu bovelfli,WOrtb le. - than u liiiinlleddol Iai,. Ftvedoilare lot-iiu- beal tracl ou ibaCrUthuilty of biindlngchnrehc-. wiibh FOfll IMl.OOO e-n-ii, lu \, l.l n .Kflor aiiita. is cau oidy noisiiip nu hi.n.-i-fliino und ln llie moflit oul-oi-tho-Waiy noriioi,. We would uot lulnuate thai tli(-?e topic, ui. so iiiii.oriaiit .i- liun nt dam iui; - lur Irom i( Tin fluuifl mt cuitgeat win ,bU:ld tu rrom iba i.i puutiou. ui wc ti-iiiK ii...t ii.' aaubtevu>bbi also be dlsenssod w_h proflt, and Ihat thene may be no p.-ciiiitary hludrance, we wlll pay tbe pmnlums if the American Tract Boelety wlll publiih tbe tra,ts." This waa cbaracterlstto of him. Rellglon always took such praetieal form ln hla mind. Hifl rellglon was in no form or cercmony, but in hla llfe. Aud that after all ls the home of every man's true rollgion. The rellglon of the worid may be meaanred by profeaslous and creeili and baptimnn, but the rellglon by whieh a man takes rank in the eyoa of superior Intelllgonees must l>o the inan's llfe. It Ib blaaphemy to mo to snppoae thnt God does not |udgo rlghteous Judgnient, that Ho constders a raun'a fortus than bis llfe; that Ile ls oppoaed to danciug and toleri.tes aolflshness, that Do liut.-H profaiuty more than Ue bate* uuoharitubleuosa. Lifo ia nllgion aud rellglon is life. Mr. Ureeley's llfe, as the text of tbe evening, toaehes us that kuowledge, labor und eharlly are tho forees by whieh the worid is to be regenerated. All othcr virtues sprlug from them. They aro the root and grouud of all that ifl wlse. Oo touchod the heart of civillzation, of rellglon, of good governmont, of worthy work. Ho gavo his life to tho advance of these Idcas. It is casy to erlticlse his nitstakes, to hold up his bluudersto ridlculc, to lani'b at IiIb peculiarltios. But every man who does any work in tbe worid conimlts bli.uders. If you flnd a man who bas mado no errors, you wlll Uud a luati who bas doue uo great good. Mr. Grec >y bas done a worthy work. ne has bolpcd us more lhau we kuow. Let us ilicrirdi his u.emory by uiaknitf work aud llfe cbaritabie._ FOREIGS GOSSIP. Thero continnes to be a fiorco dwctisaion of tho confesslonal qtn-stion in England, and nobody ls more savago against this Rnmish innovation than Lord Pbaftebury, who lately ln Exeter Hall luggested " a te-'t whlch, If put in practioo, ho lelt sure the whole confessional would go lo tbe wind. lt wus to appolnt li inale confesaors, and then tbe OonfeflaionaJ bozaa would he broken up up In stx weeks." Cpon what did bi. lordshlp base 1ns as.ertton I Could it hav)- been upon the liijiirlous, uiich.tilt.ible, uml long ago exploded no tion tuat a woman cannot keep a 888881 I Sonicbody of a hoaxing diB|>Ofl-t_OB rcnntly sont word to tho offl. lals of the Tirlghton (Eng.) Aqua rlum that n Mr. Adams of Eastbourno had a flue speci BBafl of tbe aea-acrpeut plna, about elght feet long wben uiicni.c.l, and when cxpoacd to u P888BBBI Bf air it eralt fed a s.-iii s of groana or grunts. The curator of the ..'iu irluiu ut onee proeeed.-d to 1_ istbourne wuh all sorts of ronvculcuces for conv.ylug tho " .-rltter " saf.-Iy M liiighton ; but to blfl unspeakable ch.igrin ba found tbal tbfl only aeriicnt 111 the viilage wasu BBBBflBl Instrumeiit of that name, from whieh Mr. Adama BOBiotlineB pro dii, ...l '? croana or arants." Tbe dlaaiAnpinted acieutlai wus fiirtlier .ind niiiioiislv at'i'i it ii-! tn befag told ln moekery lhal il bo should t_ j tbil li wouid bo a si-e-sei peut. Jo_. ph Arch, tho President of the Biiti.-di Agrltultural Liborers' l-iion. ?aab-Bfl at a tft** ***? Ing h'-ld In a meadovv nt N-v-hury, I.irkshirc, aa July 18, said that, In Augiiit, Bfl Int Bflfld t<> visit lhe l.'ntte.l Stutea. Ifhefouml there u 80888 tti tho lubortrsot England he should tell them so, bat lf ho found that fitrmers in Auieiiea were men who wnnttd both sldesof tho bargalu, and that the rrows were as btaai there as hore, ho should advise them to stay ln England. If he found Ameriea waa the true borae of Iho woiklug iiiiin, wheie the .-mi of th?) poor man could nt ilowii hy lhe children of the rich, wiite ou the satuo Btata, aad read oat af tba taa* aattt, tat trtmte th.-y could havo full, li power,be woflld stand on ber ? until ln- had (Iraine.l tne labnrmg 888-8 out of i nl, lu or.b-r tluit they lutght si-ttlo m th frnitful Ueld nf Amenca, with lt- B),00n__ of aon i yet untlllad; aml ba would do this until tne fai-Mti "i Bnrfaod wi re liliiile to lute. tbfl dti.t, if tln-y refiiae.l to tn at their la i. irers like men Ile In.pctl befon- 12 ii a I., Iii.iK lhe fa: mera ol iln i.iii'l liii'.w Cm w.nth of a BBBB. A. thouifh ho was ol huu.ble buib, ninl hul oniy baaa an agrieiiltural laborer hiui-i li, bfl bad Eugluh blood, aml an Eimll?h beart uml liutiinn feeling-.; and he would not Baa ***** nil.-r.-4 of tba aoU lu a state af fllavery, nnd luocled ov being ti.ld th-V haa. tte would tiav erae Afl-ertea from o e * afl t<> the other if he lost his lifo iu iryiug to ruiae tho Euglish laborer, an.l would dle gladly if he could but brlng the laborer laM a stato of tiii'iiiun. Hi. rem.irks wero ri.c-iv.-.I Wltb Ibe BBOM \(x ifero.H chei rlug, aud not tho hllglite.t oppo.iliou w_uj awBllaatada SOCIEIi'S DAEE S1DE. TIIK MINCK'.s ********ttt Tlt.ViiKD.. Coroner llcraiann In-gau an imineat, on Haturdny, relativo to tho eupposod Biilcido of John I'n?dcrk'k Muncks, age 21, wao is :nl,-gt-d to havo fatally Bbol blatarlf na FiiJav alght, ut n >. M LauDow-at., in tho presence of bis nncl., Charles August us Muncks, age 61, and the wife of the latter, II lftie, agi 21, who was also uiy .i.-nously woiindf'l at tho satnn time, as already re? ported. Somo Infonual testliiiony was tnken, showlng tliat tho youug B8BM had desctted ber hus? band and waa livlng wilh the nephew, who had previously livctl at hla unrlo'a houae in fllBO-ljB 1-- ,}- T,!n aaaM nllcgcd timt his nephew had a wifo Hving in Ht. l( r st., and had Ix eu imprisoned ln tho reulteutiary for robbing a foi mt-r euiploycr. Ho r.evv fsiiis af linpoituncc were ellcited. An autop-y by Deputy Coroner Cushinan showed that tho fatsl bullet hid passed throngh the heart and lutbcddod itself lu the liver, nnd that the wound had probably been self-inflicted bv tho deeensod. The uncle aud his wife were oiiiinitted t<) the Hoiise nf Deteunon to await the reiult of the inqticst, whieh will bo re.inm-d at 1 p. BB. to-d.iv. im; HLicin.vL DBrattfl Fritz Btisrh, age 27, 8 homcless and desli 1 un- iicrinai., shot aud Instantly killed himself, with two ti-toi., at itr.t iniv und Elzabeth-ts., ut about 11a.m., yesteiday. Thn fatal wepuu.. o.'ie a Btaa__a__Md idstol aud tho other a slx-stnioter, wero foiiu.l by hl. Ilda hy the 88-08, who took Ids body to the Mulberry-st. Slatlon-bou.c. Eyo that ho placed both weaponsngalii?t his left br.-ast aud elinultaiicoualy dlseharged them. lt was a_e?rtalned that the deceased had reoently come frora Chieago, stnd hud probably lieeu lmpellod to self-destiuetlun by extreuie melau choly owing to nilsfortune. Coroner Kesslor waa informed on Saturday, of the death, ut licllev ue Hospital. of John Kliaoll, age JO, the iii iman nilooii liei |s r, wno eut hii vvltha largo L-i. nl knifo In tho presence of his wife and littlo dauirti tei', tf their home, No. 60 Forsyth-st. on Friday nlght, a. slroady reported. II appoarod that th? dec.'a.'Hl hud 1). (oiiin Intiinpcrato thrcu.'h bjaluesa loajti uud wa. Milf. ring trom delirnm tn-tnens. .i ga I.aird, a inusou, of No. 208 One-hundred and-ao vrtith-st., stabbed iiim.'-lf dangi ronaly lu iho ue. k witb a poeke'-kiilfi) on S.iitir.lay nlght, at Tnlrl-uve. und Uiie-hiiii'lrcii-aud-elghleenth-at., whilo laborlog under luteusb meutai excltement of uukuown orlgiu. Tiin ftVtttktttt satuui.ay m,;ht. While Oflicer Pitcairn of tho Fiftouuth Pro cluot waa trylng to arrest aome disordeily pcraons, at Fourth-ave. and Foiirtecnth-st., lute ou Saturday night, he waa knocked down and sevi tely bt mia* about the head and body by sevr-ral of tho i>. Otflcer McAdam eomlng to bis asslstance, two of the assailants were arrested and taken to the Mercer-st. Stutlon-house, where they deserlb, d thetnselves as Daulel Hearn, ago *-*, a paDerhangcr, and Jamei Brown, age 29, a hut* t n-l'-r. They were loek.-d up to await tho n-alt of the ,.tll( et's injtiri'-s, wl.l.-h are thought daugurous. Lite on] tho aamo uight Ch.-irles Steiuboru, age 21, bar keeper at the saloou of II. uiy llursch, at No.Jwj Wts.t UoJflton-flt., was badly eut on tho wrist with a beer glaas htirled by an unkuowii person during a drunken flght among the rouirhs who fllled the bar room. Tho aaloon-keeper was arrested for vlolatlon of tboexclse luw In keep__g his saloon oj.nn after mfdnlght, and one Mu-hii.-l Kv.m was urrusted for alligcd . omplitity in tbe AiaturbaBoe, On the same nlght Martln TIarry nn. flusan, his wife, rett ived aevere aeslp wounds Iron) a hutehet ln tho liaud. of Uenry Dcvoo, iitfe 62, of First-ave. and Ouo biin.ln d-and-ninth&t. Dovoo waa badly beatao on tbe bflflfl. Thoaffruy occurred In a shanty at Flftb-nve. and 1 Mit-humtred-aud _evei.te.iib st., wbere Dovoe, whilo ln t ixh liteit, In.I sought Rarry aml his wifo und aeiuscd them of having ili-fmati. his ehild. Al! _B_)Btt_nd6d by B p illee aurg.-oll, BBd Dcv'oe was luikcd up at tlie Twi-ifth Praclnat Btutimi-li'di-.-. Bflward Wtight, age ;i2 of No. nn West Thlrtv-thlrd-st. wasstiot aml daiigerously wnumled ln tlie left side, at i..ii eiith uve. und 1 hiri; liftii. t., ou Suturduy lilght, by some unknowo iiemous. who i ?? tix-d. He ls not aware uf lhe BBBflB of lhe abootlog or tii. l.tentiti of 1,1. aaaall unta, for ii liim tBe pi.lien ure aclivcly a.-.klug. * .iiihn Mrii.r ?f No. n03 EBflt Tenth-st. riei-ivel a aevcrn siiilp woiiinl on H.tnidt.t nigtit, from a blow or n boaf alaflfl throwu ut man, by Frunci- Uin.'. kuer of No :iri Flfih-st.. during a (itiiirrel in Prank Glueakoer'a a.ilniui, at No. _U5 Firih-.t. Gliiea-kner wus Uot ntn-fted. WUilc Fraiik Fox ul No. 151 l.udlow-st. wa-> n-lumli.g liiine, late on S.itunt.v nlght, he (piarrdi d with uu un ki.owii man,.wbt? inllii-ted a severe wound on hi. head _ illi nu ir.iu'l.itr aud , m u|x-d. Jutnes Galligau waa MTerely atabbed ln thn loft ild*, tt ini. ti.'iitii'g wuh Micii.u-i ii.i-.iiu. lu Bartarat, ou . iiiiriiuy nlght. Will.aui MeCormitk. a laborer, .._?! :.'), and George Needbam.a maaon. who realda ul N.i. ic Degi . liriM.klyu, (pi.trivli'l, v.bil,) Intoiitai-l, on Iwailldal n glit, whon >ho latter ?m staiiueil iu tm- lat* tt io nuu ;, p ii?' !?! ':i):fe. He was removed to the Dlaiul Collego Hoapital, and lt I. stated that the wound i. ofs (liiu.-iiious ubaraeter, MoOonuleh *?? u* arna. d by Offleer Mt Coriulek. of tbfl Tu;rd Iliunklyu I'ictiuut, aud hi ld ^' answer, Al 1 a. iu. vesterday, Heury Maddcn was it.ihbed In ii,, i, i' i.'hii :?, tti.,,. ii. in mg i.t im 14i<ni inni NoituiK Bt.. wilh Wliiuni IiBiie. wiu, waaarroMi .1. a i. p ite plaee uoar th? i'it) 11..H, linMiklyn, on Haiiiriiav nU'iit. betweao Wlll lara Vuughau, aaa l.. ind Jnl.ii liiil.ti'ii, Wiiiel.n.Hii ol tba Ki.i^s Cuinty ( ourt iiuiise, um ,i._r v. iuu tm: f. uun r draw a I uk kuite aud uu. um I to ib blfl oppoueut, The blow wu. nre veuted I)) Ilo in siit.i'ler-. un I Vaiuh.iu waa liN-ked up ,, l.? l.irl lll.l'.Hi) ll l' .'ll.ll iiii. IllAII..-. lii wus a., Iui. ln a Oi ii ii.i i, and (iii lou lo hi.ii nway vrhcu h,- drrw tu < Lui.o, MUjNICIPAL controvkrsiks. ALDERMEN LAYLVQ A MINE. A C0NTP.8T FOB gPOILS-OVERTUHES To A RflPUflU* CAN ALDBRMAN UY TII* HWO?PBMIDflfll VANCE TO 118 REMOVED. Since tbe reorganization of the vnrious com miltacfl of the Board of Hupervisois thero bavo been many ohauirea made among the employe* ln tho new Ooiirtbonee and otbers, who receive tbelr appolatmentii from tho vartaoa aaaaialtteae. Tho Rlinr. composcd of tho Democratic and Oerman Republican Superrlsors, bave tiirned outof ofllce nearlyall thofle who owed their appolnt menU to the Republican fluporvlsorfl. and tho lfltter are, aa a conaequence, lndlgnant at tbelr patronage belng tbnstnterfered wlth. Atan-ceut mecting of the Com; mittee on County Uulbllngfl. ?t which were preaent Supervtsors Van Schaick, McCaHbrty, and K-kIi, sev.rul employes wero removed. flppolnteoa of Bupervl-tora Morrls, Vaiice, and others of the Repub? lican 8ui>ervlflors, and lu tlicir place woro appoluted friends aud supporterfl of Uiouo composlng tho Com? mittee. By way of retallation the war is now belng can l-il mti tho depurtnieuU controllod by tho Republi? can*. Au intluiate friend of SupervUor McCufforty bas inn dlsmissed from a clerkahip at tbo Firo Dopart mcnt BaafltBBftan and others are to follow. Lavoly llnico aro nntlclpatod bv tlte polltioiuu,, and the frlonds ot the contesting Supcrrlsora are Tery auxlous. lt ls asaerted tliat ovorturea aro making by tbe iiini; to one of the Ropuhlicau Aldormea to join tho eombination, tbo price of bis vote being no lesa a priio than the l'realdeacy of the Board of Al? dermen iu place of Fresident Vanco, who will be deposod to mako roum for him. It is i Uimcd by tho couiblnatlou tbat tho Board of Aldermen, aa woll aa tbe lloardof Supcrvlsors, ahould huvo been reorgauir.ed after the 8888888 of the uew Charter, and it la assertod that they wlll proceed to do ao on tbe oceaaion of tho raeetlmrof the Board ln Septembor. Thla would involve a rcconstructiou of all tho comnnttecs, aml thr.iw ull tln- patronage iuto the handa of tho lltug. I'rrflldent Vanco uud his friendfl will oppotte this on tho irn iiini thut, as the present Board of Aldermen is recog uized by tho Charter, no roorganlratlon ls noeesstry. If tho RlnK ntteuipt to eurry out tho 8888881 they will 8888881 tho matter ln tlie courta. Under tho pruvlslons of the Charter. a three.fourtbfl Bflflfl or 11 votes, is necess try to remove tho 1'r.nlilciit of the Board of Aldermen, and thlsit Is bellevod the Rlng cannot under any clrcuni B flflfll obtalu. Under the rnllng of tho King menibers, that a reorKanizutlon la authorlzf-il l.y tho Cburtcr, a m.Oaflrity vote would, of course, bo sulli'-n-nf. SOTtERB NOT RKPAIRED WH TI TITi: PEB. IM.Mll.IATE ACTION NFIil)i:II-M( ol-siaN l'AVKMENT AN lflXI'KNsIVK I.l XI UV?MK. V.l.V MOBI T.tKK.-i I \a IITI'I.N IO THE OaSIBOUaSB'l CONI'ltAt 1'iK. The sulijcot of rcpairiiitf the woru-out woodcu BflB88888881 pavttiieiitH of tha city li Bttlfllttflfl B ? I lr utteiitiuii, aii<l on Saturday wua BBBBl tho topicofdis cus?tou in a letter .totil by Coiiiiiils.-iionor Vau Nort to Mayor II -iveinei. r, Uio BflfeBfeBBBS of wln-Ii 1, fuiu'.shed below. Apprebeimioti cxlsts BBBBBJ tl.o iieople of tha tmtj tbat wblle 88818888008808 isgo:ug on coiitliiually betwe. ii B .vor H.ivomcyer, OflBtBBBflfl BBBBfl, and 0B8JH mlsoiuuer Vau Nort iu regaid to tlio BBbJeet, tho workiug iK-a-on of tho year will ullp away, Wiuter will como upon the city, aud next Bpriiix tho stroota wlll bo p.i.flU of slush ui d docayed tiiubers or quag tiilrcs of mud nnd plast.-r. Tho suliject is thero lore anxlottsly laaBflflafl by prnperty-owncrs, und tho neod of some lmnn dlato BBB 81 Ifl BTflBi up<m tho auihoriticfl. Tlio company most favoi-d iu ihe uiut ter of laylng BOOdea puvoiiiento lu tlio city la the Nicol Hon 1'aveiueut Couipauy, OB88B inatorlal, laid iu lr^JT, UM 1,-oj.uul 1870, is now BBBaeaBj decaymg. |fl order to obtaiu aooiiipli'le staUiuent of tli" on-'iuul of this pav. iik nt iu tho streets of this city, its 1888881 c.u dltion, duratiou, und tbo cost of rooairiug lt, lf taken in haud al onco, aTiiinu.NE report'r ubtaiii'd froiu Coiu iiiissiniii i Vau Bott tbe olllcul statcinenl given below. Tbe Comuiissioner statc.i ttfat the 8888888881 of co,t <af r.-palrs BBflBaa only to tho pi eaont tiui-;; tbat every day a delay uugmi'Uts the dillictiltioi; that wh'iu tho Ihariol a i.ooi.n paveiuontfeeejlafo diaiataflrato aal rol, Ifea hoies kaereaaa rary rapidiy uud soou attala larya Uiuieu aloflaa naairri i.AtD wrra mcouos i-.tbiuxt. Ja., t.pIi Eltimilard -*- Ta-?r C?t uf ruarmmt aa?ali,fl to.t .ii ;.. BflBB Bflflfl iv! !..:.'.-. r. ? 1 ' Wtmamm.1888-87 816,010 21 871 toVJ HflHaOirr .t.1868 i'fl* l ??- ' X,r-.IX. 3 11 Biehuct-pUM.IMM8 8.629 M 50 1< Mererr-.l...lSai7 63.013 66 1.404 4..WJ .._?,,. .1.-.J7 21..Iti VI ii< I- ? W?.blBKta,0 !-!???'i-1 ll.litl'Jl IS .-l tliil .,i,..i....1-ii-i i 11 I.'i O-'i Mi.-T.rit.1808 :ijsi;,. ti 851 1.0H3 Libcrtiit.lm>8 87,108 33 U'I Md Mtrn-tt.lSdH 11006 34 -fl UO Rf.-ior-.!.UW 10,463 78 11 -'-s 8.773 W n IM -i.l-.W s J_;i T'i tij 1' Flfth-.T,.1870 212.43077 Col ]-?"? Hiith-tT*.1 ' 1 1.444 ?a 3,111 10,.U-J iiv,i.i- pi.o.l.sai'j .'...iu au io io HaliflliflM.1809 3,377 19 . I*..-,!! .i ? 2S414 '.IU l.'l ul'i OrnX JubrttL..l-"'i.l '2n.M,i\; 41 lii li?w,r!-,t. 10.014 i'i Ml H Fr?nliun-.t.U?70 1 ' ii'. 10S < uif-it .1670 10 808 73 U 3'i StilTT-Saatnt-.t.IS71 II 380 04 . Ntp'tk-,1.1871 1 879 11 . F.atuta-tntli ,*',1 0(116J I 41 Ul HiitMndi.,t_.IMI I'J ?*! M Tl'l Nlartttatti-ft..LS.ikl -icIHOO M '.Iai Twa-nli-ftaorth it..1809 t!7a.i-> l 873 \ti'.J i-ava-Dir?r??ii:.-rt..lft'i!! 16,111 4J Vi Mi i ??il,mitifl-.i-.1869 1 nl I'i BM TU:rt/-tIiinl-?t.1869 24.51107 BO l.Ml Tmrmammthm: ,..1870 15 114 18 is !U F-irt; U..ri ?t....1 .rn ild.Ortl tfl 2il-i 7!l K..rt.-Fm.rth-,t.1870 HM'.HI |D 7s gfi l*,.rtyf.ftl?-,t.1870 1061831 193 IM ,,f....i!i.t.1809 ? ? ?- io ao Fi(i.-flr?i-?i.I-'i!l 14.142 46 li :.) FiflTBIU-tt.1-670 17 i.'i V.l Ml 15U Fifij-?lith.rt.,l-si;j -70 63 I.'7 .,1 2u.t Hrt?eii<hifl.-Jt.TitilO t 7 if.'il isi i?r.i. .i.i. 1--.I 1O.008 73 13 45 e-.,bi*\t.1 ' 25.72183 1,231 3 (JUI l'ioi:-.t.VioJ ?< 'Ji 13 45 ToUl,.fl,303,-J01 '22 lO.VJl $3.1,0'J1 In a t.miuiiicafion acut ou Saturday by Coiniiiis -I? nn r Van Ni rt le Mayor Ilavemeyer in lelation to tbo offcr utitfle fef Ilobert Janlluo to (flfBTfl thesfl the cliy, ho state, that upon rccelving the Mayor'a let? ter in relatlon to Mr. JardlneV offcr, he sent for tho latter. who aeoined to hare very nienif-r lnformatlon ln roirard to the repuirs needed. Mr. Jarallno's eximlim tiaau of the strea tt hud couslsted onlv of a serles of walks ibroiiifli a portlon of thera. He ln not ln a con-lltion to do tho ISfflBafl work or to put the pivcmouts of tho city in proper or even pasflable eonilition, and Mr. V.ta Nort Btatee that althouith he afforded Mr. Jardlne omple time to fiirnlsh aeeurtty for the ^xecutlon of the work, the latter ha? fallcd to produco lt or comtnuuleato fnrtlier with the Dopartmont on the IflfejBflt The letter thon Btates tliat tho records of the De imrtmont of Public Works show that Mr. Jardlno haa de.faultflid ln tho exocution of sovcral contrucU, and tbat accordlnir toBection 99 of tlie now Cliarter, which prevonta tho Commlsaioner from eiitertng Iuto auy coutract wlth any person who ts a dofuulter aa stirety or otherwlae, no contract can be luwfully mado wlth the man, evou thonirh he may be ablo to furntsh seeurlty. The cotitraota lu which Jardlne la stutod to havo de fatiltod are tho pavlngof Socoad-avo., from flixty-flrst nt. to Eighty-elxih-at.; the pavlnu or Forty-secoud-st., from T.'iitb-rtve. to the Hudson River; tho pavlngof Wt-st-st., from Chambera-st. to Watta st., and the fllllng of Manhattan-square. Judgments are dackct.-d urfanist Mr. Jarluio, aud Coutrollor.Coiinolly, ln 80B884|aaoea "f the fonuor'fl falliires toctrry out his rontracta, fluully refuaod to take blda from lilin. Cummlsslouer Vau Nort tben furiilflhea a 11st ln .bt tll of tho number of j inls of stuin-, wooden. aud coucretai puvomonta re tjiilriug ropaira at a co,t of 1109,119. Tho Comuiissioner Iflfll : As oxplalned ln my oomraunleation to your ITonor of Julv "I'i last, th-- Coiiiroller, without ln anv Way niunli iitiiiK wilh mo ou thu subjeut, aml lii total iKuurutico, .is he was flien, and still Is, as fo tho wmU of tho city ln referetii^ to tbe Iflpalll of pavemeuta, took upou blins. lf ln the most aroltrary inanuer to re<Juc? my estimatosfor ropairaior woodeuaudeoucieiepuvetiieuts lo 130,1X10, aud for repalta to stouo puvouia-ut, to |jo,0uo ; t- tal. H?,ixiflJ; fliinl lu t'tiis redueofll form to sutimit the e-.limaii -- U> tlio lloard of Apaportiouuieui fur ita up provai. I have already, lu the communlcutlou last ro ferred to, Inf.iruied your Ilaiuor that Ior tha: auui ,o ap proprlated the aooden uml pavementfl ciunoi in- repfllrad *-i as to remove the wi-il-grounded rom pl iints that they aro la a conditiou daurforuiu to lifo uud in opfltt j._ LOCAL OOVERNMICNT la-^l'KH. TIU-. EIKUENd 0? TAXP.VYKKfld INKwlVI.. During tha wot-k endtag on Bflturday ovor eo<i persous flf?p<-ared liefore the Committee of the llo.ird or hii|M-|-tiaor, to culupUlu of tbo lnoreased UMM-iMed viiluiitlon of their ptoperly. They represcntid over'KJof aflseiistuent. It Is clear that great lnten-st il felt lu the iub|ect, uud tho opni.oa aonms to pievml that tbe fuiilt iu the ayatem lie, lu a want of flflBBfll i-i|ii.ilizjtion betiveeii tho wurdfl of the ciiy flflM ifefl ilif fei. nt eountl.sof tbo Btnte. Many person, wbo bavo I'liiiipluiund of their incn-afled valuatiou over iust year alatedtbit tln-y would uot objeet to paylug a fltlll BB flflll | aiiiouut, provnliiig ull tlic pi opaTly iu tha lb B ity and every ward lu the city woro luir. ,i,.*d l8 tfea88888 pr.apaartiajii. This f.-t luiif Is not 8888884 tu tbe localitioi ln whieh peisona who liavs BflM lnvil.-d to appenr beforo tbo Couiiliitli'o oimi pioptTly, but atiaM Utroughout Um oa, ?^ud m athaf bbbbIIm t* t-><) State. Perflons owning lurire cslatoa In Wcti Tia.ta-, rittnam, Dutcheaa, and Colunihia Cuund.s havo up p.-ared beforo tbe ComtaltMB, eiflriaaed tbelr Interea) ln the uratter. and ferged them to draw thn itttcntton of tho peoplo of tho ontiro Htato 18 IBB dolecta af tho sy? tem. It I, nnderatood that actn-n lt to be taken oy tliofle whorcproaeut tbe intcr.stflflif the outlyiinr counth s to brlng tha whole flol>J?-ct beforo the next UflfelalBTC. Tbo ooniplainMof tlu>H-. who appeared on S.itunlay wero ?Imilar to thoafl made on previoiis <iay,. Wm. Menek, whoowns 18 lots between Ki'-vontli amlTw ilftl. atated thnt his iiasc-.-flUi.-iit tbls vir is %ii. sn, or t Wloe a? much a? lt was In 1970, wliilo thfl valw- of bla land toa noi lncreaaed. James Neal ronipl.iliiod that his assesB nient waa lneroased from 11.300 to 11.900. Tlic other per aonfl whooMected to tbo Inereaae wer.* Bobert CoahlBB, (1 W. Jav. Wfl'orgo Mltchell.Hfl.niiel Kllpatnok, W m. li. E.der, James Tuom?y. and I'hlilp H-n tud. Tbe liooka of tho Twenty-second Ward wiil bo oiM-uod to-day. ? E. Delaflold Bmith, Counael to the Corporation. wlll apply to-morrow to tho Supreme f'ourt lur tbe apooliit uient of Coinmlsaionera of Estlmate anl Asio-avmieiit ln rt-bttlon to the otieutiigaud extousion of Deebroaflffl n. from Hudsou to Vurt. k-st., as orflered by un aot of tho lioslsluture. Only one block wiU m ad to ba eat througa to reaeli Oraud-st., tlma making a conttuuous atrcct be twecn tbe E.tBt and North Rtvers. Mayor Huvenu-ycr had an intei l?w on flatiirday wlth lleiiuty-Controllcr Kichard 8. Btorra ln roaard to tbe leiiallty of the late issue of lao.ooO worth of t ouxitT bonds, but no deiinito oonclustuu was arrhed at, al? though Mr.Storr.-t declar.'d bla bellef tbat tbflilaaue Ol thfl bonda Ifl n-gal. lt wasdecldcl to ask the Corpora? tion Couiiflwil fur an opiuion iu tha maticr. THE HEALTH BOARDS liaiMl'ir. DESrilL'CTION OP TIIE 6T.VU.rt .VIMCND 1 I I.I'.V MVR ki:t-jl'stice tmxt BBcEfliBii ni qbaiti an INjrNCTION. Tho coffco and eakc, oyster and fruit stall.s arouud Fulton Markrt ou Fultou, 188th, Bal Bo kiiian ?ts., fluffered tho samo fato on Saturday which feafl ll ready befallon the stnictureti of u slmllar cbaraeKr around Waflhlngton Mirket Thcaltcrati >n.*i la progrrsa awookago were stopped, whon thr. ro.iolutlon of the Board if Uealth was announced gtv:ng the occupinto untll Saturday mrnn to remuvo tln ir ll idBBI tt 11 of having them forclbly Ujrn down. IfeeMBrklBh hafl beou so far BIBUlBll as to ba unflt for bt flaa I i wero allowed to remain, and their small tnubcrs fi-J! iuto tho hands of prcdatory small boyt. Thoi-e w. ro about 3i bootha tn all?13 on Fulton-st., 13 on South st., aud 1 ou Deekmau-Bt. At an early hour ou Batarday BOBM or tho stand-holders concludcd to do tho wora UMBMOlrM, Tho work of deuiolltlon was bc^un and went on through the day ln a Iclsurely nianuer, only one "Iio.I eotalag down nt a time. Tlierc was littlo cxii-. iimongfliefluff. r.-rs. Thry secm rtaigu-d to their tate, and many spoko af tfea action 888 BflM 088 M IIM Oarl of tfea cl'.y ; th.' wrong having b888 comiui'te.l Wfeea tl.e ataada oere peraltb d to bo balll aad thaii oc-ui ? iBBt upou ta. ir taaflfll ns uafo. 'i'l 6 men who stood around BpOkfl tntif iad ubly or tho artlon of tha Board of Bealth( though they exprass. d fyinpatLy f?r tho people teiuporarily doprived of tl.'ir m. UM Of MppOTt Oue inui, v.iii b:i,i t... n in tha Buitat orer K yatn tbat tlio OflStablialiun i.tof IlM -- loo t.wasa wnaa aol only to tba pabtla bat to tbo ataad-feol4 i - la Ifea maiiiot-Cflflp. ci.iiiy theea la tha eellara. Boaaa of tboae aaai laaaM ifeaht atasfla bi b reatal ef fr iaa mm lo|T,'OX uud tbo BBl i*::uit of lli.) ifeed . Ilfl tbeit eutrances not only cut off tho air, but drow away cua t?m. Be said tliat thfl city ooflht to p u laai ifflfl I tha'Ifl rs on 8iut!i-st., as their BMlll bad ,-rccted lii.di-i* tha uutliotny of tiie C WUBlUee on B of tho Board of AM.*iOM 18, la tfefl d..\.t wbcii tli-v ind coniio! of aaehBBltera. Tt , ? teere telM two difl- renl B8M r-wl Hi ? ? Dodfli B8W fhalraiM of the Oomailttfl a. I ? ? ? ???'? narrower and tho e'.irb romovod te Ihe outcr llaa ?' ' abeda to avoid the ac-umiilatl-m of BtflflBBBt wat? aaderthaflhede. TbeBtaadln i mart of tfee uiat-ket, ho tboagbl, as aay otlior.i; aud, tlioiii,ti llu- city was perfectly right la tthlng tAwm away, lt eaght bi BoaapeaeaMtha owaera, wha had bought ani ut mpMd th. tu ln g)id faith. As the pl.inks w.-rc lehMTOd from over tl.e gatfi M 88 amount of nitii aad rtaflflaal aatar vaaexp *ed l > view. wfelabeoBtradlatad nnar'.' atapbatleally tbaa warda,tha staleiiK iits ui relati-m ?tO thfl ck-aulino-., ot th--, fltreetfl umler the boolhs. l!y I p. BJ. BMflt uf tiie stitnls OB Ful toti st. unds'-iii-- of thoaa oa Boutl :. had beeotorn down and tho old titnii.r c.uiii.l BWaf. Tl:.. ? v li. li were lafl stainlinghad bceu emptied of their C nt. nU, and 12:.0u-ni., tln.-Ili .i'h laapeetoi 8] with about IM p"la' a-iiica uudtr luspector Walllaa and Cupt. Yale, aml B laiflfl R?M of wotlimcn. tu.- baaa tlmbera of whieh Ihe b i ?tha were eoBfltracted uiuni rfliaalnatl Theea iree? tom down wtih vo.-y Uttle ccrciiiony, and cartod olTto ttie CerporatlOB Varl ou tho Nortli River. Tba I iflal of MW an 1 ax aml lalliBf titu bera was heard f ? BBBOMl b )uis, Bflfl Whea tii'' suuroje yesterday morning one of tho BBOBt oVOeetlooablfl eye 9..H-.S la tha ellj badbeeoaMB thing of the paal. Tho valiieor th'-property d.eiioyol s\as d nt not far frum 175.003. Tho value to tho city of Btreots und BBobfltractal aldewalka oaa aal h oomputed. Whilo awaitlaetha arrtTal ef tha laapac ?or, tin- (tand-owoerfl wbe remahiad o-i tti-- ^-r -"-:-i passod tho time i*i i.tinlyiog flood-bumoi dl rlcefloatbe ii.-s'iii'iuou of tbe prepert* *bich ibey badaaen aooafl tomed to look upon u tbelr own, Atray'i - wnko wns hell 0T88 8 MOel cllln, '* intaiuiii** BSludt Bated by tlt** lniacrlptiou. "Tbe virtuos of tbe Uealth lt aiid ll.-foiiiifl.-i-." On ono of tho Fulton-t. waa baaa a pUear4 early lo ta.- morning Baaounclng thut it was ''ClOflfld OB (10.-011117 of t i" tapl't in Tmi mativ." Thev biotbeeu ae loag looklng foi tba lmp. ad lag iflow, beforo it OflOM ptattj uiti(.b a.i blllarBBM of feeiing had paaaad away. JuHtice l'rutt. OB SitunJ.iy, do!!-rof^d an opnion 011 tln-.'.iti.iii of Meaarfl. Braanan. Murtiii ainl Tiinn, Bontu-flt, fltand-bolfllera, foi au order to rratraln tue liealih Baard froai lateifering with theii pl - :ia-p-.. Mr. liiooko apiK-ared fortbepeiitioiier., atul flrgued thut tho Wairat " nuiiiiiii u " in tba Btst, iiiiiler nl. icii the Ho.trls url*. U B t.-.-li IJ.?.. 1 ia i.a, uud tliat ti. oplnbui of tbo Board tliat any li'illdnig oi i, a uinsance oitinot be aiihottut.-il for the ludg meiit of u conip.-Ioiit Court. flbfl (Inoit of llie Board i oittuiiii'd lu iu? uolloefl. to dettroy iue plaoefl In wiiicb ttn- iitiiH une i - -..iiii t.i aa iiit, l? ni eoaflict witb eo tloaal l'talVll-lalUH, uud tlld IiO/i-1 li111 I- IllS BB ll'.'bt 1.) eoiifer nucli po ver. Tho utuiu^t lt c.iu ilo IfltogiVfl power ^) ahiito ihn iiui.s'ineo wllhla IhefeaildlogOr place where it is stld to exis'. II itlaluaad tbat tbey ougiit to bavo tlit.ii- order t<i ?huvs- BBUflfli *o ibe .pn stion of the power, ol llio Board r,ii>? nl.i iia: lamy preflenU-d aud aiijudicated. Thea lf tln- Board iboald show Jbdt tbe BOlflBBeee could not Iti .tbtted TMthout the dMtruetioa of the buildlagB,an lojanetiofl eould be refuaed, aod no aetloa for tlatuagea could ba uiaiiit.iiiii d by the persous who BBTB ic^poiaaiblo fur iho BBlSiBOBS of tho uuisauce. Ju.-tice 1'iatt s:ild, anions other thlinr.: "Itlaeompe teut for tbe IrftgHlfllwrt to uay that u di.-( retion shall lu vcttd iu thu Board uf lieuith, aud ihat baa baaa done, nn niaiiiiy as \*ntrt*g 1 oaa do lt, aad if tba aet is eouati tional. I bave no rii;ht to liiterfen'. If tbe I? ml of lloalth det.ruiin.-i, iu tiood failb, lhat tbe iity Hall i* a uulsanco, uo o c i...u chaUaogt tin-m un tie-arouud tbatltu uol a Buiaauca and trr tbe hoaa. l'aen authorlty vested iu any ot hor body io revow the r de clsiuu, whilo ucUng iii KOod faltU .nnl tiihiug thi u.i-v s.iry luiladlBBoaal iti-v*. lt you a*k tot aa ocoer ta show eaaae, you aro euutletl lo lt, but I rcfu-ic t.i (s'ruut un liijunctioii." 'ihe arflaa was mndo letoraable to morrow pro forma, bul us thore Miio uu iu)i.Ua.'.ioa, iuo v.or-t ot BMtlBBtlBB tseut uu. Ju.tre Pratt tit.An rendered ti d.-oLion nt tho rofjiio-it of Wm. F. Fiv.utlee, couiisoi lor Uu: ii'.aril of li.altn, te fueiin' thB applicutlon Ol tbfl Ni iv Yi'ik i* iti.i paoyfor .ui ItOuaction Bgaiual tbe D.-p?rtmout tore htriin it from pcoceedlniragainflt the Company. II- waa Haiti-li"! tbat llii) lluural w.u autliorizc.l lu .Itt- i .uiii.* wiiut was a uuuanco uul todofllroyll iu a lummarj wuyi thut It wus not tho provi)".-ot theCoorta to fnt r forti with tlio Board, aud iuai iuo Compauy uad au B88> (jiiuio rciuody tAi, luw. DEDICATION OF A UEKMAN IMUBt II Tho Gciinaii BflBfll Catholic Churoli of St. Alphunso, af (ir. BBBOlat, L. I., was defll BtOd Bt 10 B. m. v.-sterilay. Iu nddition to members t-f tho r.vul.u iin greitatiou dcleiratlons from the socletles of Sf. BtehOlaa, 8t. Aloyslus. 8t. Martin, aud 8t. John, of Now TOCl 88 l Hrooklyn, were preaent. Tlio I'i v Failn-i Waith dcliv erod u aeriiion lu Ucrman, ln whfe h ho eonuratul.ite.i ttn Congregatlon uron the bulldiug of a Iloman Cufbollc churih fur tho Ciruiaiis of llial ei'v, irad Bflld Uut u Would be a dav 18 be reniemhered by atl 0888881. I M BflT. Johu J. Loeklapd, Blahop ol tba Dtoeeae, followed w itb hnof remarkk. uflor wha ii tha Mafll l u- i ? ilfl III ala.1. tln- ll>-\. F.tlli.-l l.o, u l uuUiiUiu BMIlh, belBfl UM B * b(aiii. Thfl sliiirinir wns br the flt Coollla floclefr of Now Torh, wnii Mr Eiuuie:m.ii us itrganlti. B. Amend play ed tbe Xt Deu tn, aud amomi the plucafl plajredwrafl un offritory bv .\ iai, aml fli !,-? uon irom Cotnoin-. Tli.-ic vn-ii< im piiiures lu the binlilliiir, Iiut tlio ultar, were be.ditifui.y (i.;i.iaii*il witli lowera. Liiet in tbo day aereral aociette, froiu new-Torl aud lbouki> n mari heu to tbe uml Btteadfld flflfl Pfl r>. Tbe chureh was beguu uuly lour tuonths tttt and Iuu i .-.ii i. ullt ui a i.u-t uf ai'uui i.iii.a.Ai. li is .o teel iuu* lld 58 feet Wldfl | ll is Ull cxleli-liili at tb ? odst -I !.- JI 1). Bl Bflfll iu ext.-nt; lia, fl tower IM feet hlgh, aud will otal 900 pei-,ou,._ _ A QftEAl UMU.KTAKl.Na. JoflflpblBI Jiiiiifisoii, colort'fll, nijff '-lo, wai ex t-eedingiy tat, aud wtsiijUed over Ono poBBdt. .ibo wua boru on the eunleru nhore of Mai > laml, aud c.imo to Now-York In gtrthoefl. Mhelived at No. U'i DefeBMB] ttm, wttha remarkably U-an hn-l'iinl, anal bure BflBBBal chll tlti-ti, whoae Iue, wore ull t-tit ahtirt lu early infaucy. A-thui.i aml otner dlseasea), ngcrtivated by but weutb.-r, , ,i ,. I Il.l iV inl-.. , un I'riil ,y. Euurmoili* :ii lifo. Iianr liaid.v t'Xpaiidt'd lo ?ttit inuru luiilimoit, luitii.-inilv ni il.-.itli, un-l BB raad] OUfle Mflfl eoald be found lurire enuilKh to foiit.ilu it. Atl ulidiititkal whO bal Itititil oui nf Baraaai'a tatwoBMQ w ., proMpil] aaBUBoaad. He QUickly aurroiiuded tbo bllffl c upse with m iai*t biad of i .*. aud niimcaiiatc'o cvutraite^ for tho u.n'.j roii.truetion of a atrong t_ix, f.sjr f. et r,,.*.*, anfl four feet wide, for il* raeeptlon. A< an im-ueat was ro <l'iirad by luw, be run to tba ' oroBar'i offl..-, over a mlio ti ur, The oox, he iaid. waa too laraa lo ba labaa iuu> the aoaaa t.y floor or wlndow, and woald have te i* pnt nver thr r,-ar fenoe lato tba baab y.rd, aafl. aa tM i*n C'.ul.ln'i he taken fo tba ho ly. i..- woald be i oaipi n d u> i ike tiu- iKxly Ci tbfl i.i. t. 'I lu- i .irp-ni botBB ,,? ;,? upp?r IL.or. uud ,l.i.-UApijAiii.'.ii .nd ngldity fast advancinr, It would Bave to ln, moved wblle yot rofcereat aod aa_B clently fli-xihie to b*, eoBfonBad to tba aaat* aaglaa of tiu: tiurrow BtBlrWBT. BOd. OBCfl Iti tbfl bOK.lta.Ml Itn laaBafaatafl * a aaliabla plaoe to awaH tba fttnerat ft emildii't be taken back tO tho housti, and, ttiere'or*, lt would have to be removed f.i the AttoRMl ?i. Cliurcli, rortini.iteiy ue*f by, but lt cuuidu't ln, iiriad over tln- f. ,.(?.-. ..n I ao the fenoe n.uai be lora down. ClerkToalaooa Baaflad him a ****** tor tbo *irinc_ funeral pieilmlnaries. BmadlBff baob, ba caat asni.t tha lu-.ii iing iiiouml of meltlnir lee, nnd, alued by talf a .r.zeii colored mm, Juborlo' t-Mik the body M Ui. yard and deeejitly plnced It lu th*. i.ut. I bfl '< '" 8 tura down. tba pot.'d.ioiis btirdea waa aolemnty Nime by a ronnd.i' uut rout.i tliroilafh a Maafl ulleywuy to tba (hur.h, w lieiu, by oi'ler of Coroaac Hcruiet.i., il waa rtawed by Deputy ' aabman on Saturday Dr. Cosbnaaa ga/.i-d fn sll.-iit w-iiiiil. iiiicnt, Imt jii'lsf-iniii-ly d.'..|iii(-'l te ii autop-y wiili iiiatiuiiA.Dis, und tba lun.-ral 881 viees eii-iii--!. A .filUal Ior a hearae, tho e,,r(>-ii. w h af l.-i.t safely cntctnbed. THE mVP.TS. CRIM-NAL NOTES. In tho Court of BpflM lal B aaiooa oa Satardap. Joha WUBaai aii __un___l te ilx " ? ? lea.iaty f*r .Ittntp-um tu psek p.i-ti ta ib Wuliinrt-a Pirk. I'eter Figueraa and Ant-.tno Gonzalea, rhargrdl witk lel.icf B.iita_.p*l tutan. "?"> (. - l-l. M _t-i/d.j. I" ****** amam White, to iwill ' I ? ' r . * 4 Piili-rtno. Pntniim C..IT" rltr/e-l wilh periarr in a li,tkr..[i rej tm* tefure K_^.at?r Uin*!, w** beld, 4>u Balurlai, ler *i_aiaaU*ii. bf <__. miwiuorr OtLurn. Iti tho Ttiiniw PoUoa Coart, befoia Joatlefl BhaaaV I.r, oaMal.HiT. Hnt.-i Rt*M*J waa ro-Lmilt- ' <?? * ? n.ninit n fnr tha ai_?a.l iteiiini'.il lao t*,iii %nu * itiwl t Iroa. J-kn Md. nomt A Ita 11 Jaaa*_....At Iba __>Caart isnenlar._f 't Ytnlt waa h-l-l Ib f. X) to taiw-r t r ? , I't"" '? ?*? ?ail wortk 44k), lue orop*rtj of Wir. sa to of ho. .'a? BBIBW ?-??_ At the Jetl.rs4.ii M.irki-t I'..!..- ('"iirt ystcrday, J.ji. _.i I'i.ii..,jii. ine r-ve.g.ful _l..u alu, ** a i -d u* 1*9).... BaaryBaM *>f B? 123 aaal Baaaiaa B. wo m bbb! a. OflJaai Urruaiof tu* _..b?i I'i * tu* hie.** iam. |.i-l vii ? - ? > . 107 VV. ? I..:t._,'it. wai h*M in$l .IMI) bul for J.rk 1< tl <? t-_?>et e* M.rrK_i,!-t of N ?>. __'l Blghlk itt ... Oi tbr C .. -ItertiO'in I t upl'-l itt. loekltl. rrra.ii I -oat ?* Oiti.l llirn. wiairre.wd tmri Uil Ualiitaai ( n.., u.U.'?? t 11* wm . .are Jaellaa Ooi, tmt iw tsi.a.ns. i.__a !"? ? ?iid.i:!i*rge-. DEf ISION8?Aco 1. ****** Caart By Jadaa [afrahaa-.*-P_ ttt raoa Ijl iU UIA. ? J. * -'I ?10 BBBt. DEPAllliEE (IE EIH.l.IGS MAILB* N".NI.AV. Aco. 4. Xo (jteamthip Hull IY A-i.. tt. for llior.i dlr.rt o. iu P ? ?Be? a' 2 r n. A Suy .- s.iot ?) Ui . - ?-' ' ? f -t Xo. 1 l X. B > ?? m. Naila lor I'-iiania. Atiiia __ll. _i* O-trai Aiawrraii ial __ i f. eiM-peru eU.. :?. '? <?* ** * a. bl _____? Hi* for Nurw.y. p-r < ? , ? -lt elo** at 10? B m 8taAB_Bia aaib awa Ba_a_'a a rt . i P. ..-.<:. ctoeea 10 oO a ta. ettaui-tj p -? ii ir ..a ll .rt-.:. a biaaaa, I'...-?:.i. iV_. -M-..-IA.11. A. .. 0. ***** ' ? .itowo an! I. a-aafclp Vtiil.atii -"?? it 12:10 p. in. A _>B|iplfr_._i..irr Mm Joekle "? ***** Xo. Ul S I... at 8:10 p. ak b^ tnuu.^ s-n. ji J ,. i..., frea. .tn-kia . ... sttiiniliip ie.ll il _ r. uu, Uum (Wl 01 i ulll-.-t., LllHiOUTB. Jlll'R-<!)AV. Aitt. 7. ri,.? |?, . 30 l. ni. A . !? ? airn'a- r M ? '? - ' "''le . . nuiter licioaed al 1:16 p. a_,aa. aa IBB .-., Ii..i....... .: 1:10 |. ni. ?- ? ? - - - r a. il.t ia aal Kama, t iba ***** ,.t\*e ?t 2 ? _?? * ? **'**} 2:10 .. u_, j - i 10.1 2:30 p. ii. 8_s__eh p iuul. tt 81). BL " BaUi i,i i_ '? ? ? ,b' "":"'",t? . .e at I p. nk .- - ?, ttt* at 8| ? Ba u ' '.-.iVi'ia I BJB. Siaaai. *t<. br i'r.a?ahip T/te-, .!<_? lt . p. ui. _;? aj-_. ti ?-?- 'i ; ? ii !;?' i i'. r ,\u. I X l_ Altli. .. * Miilt for F.itiCA*. 4sr-ct, t i Uut ?-- li-<rt, bjr tlie ? VUB ? / "?-?a . u t!ie N-T.-Vork P..?t Oi_<--?t*r. llea i-. _r jt u p. :i- Bmaaakif tt* *** NaOaafl, _i_.ea 1 ui-_lar lt ti p. (8. _ itr. B. B . ir .:._.! tl tke Stw-fork Po.i-OVe crary ii; at 6 p. a., aad(a * * i B atoa. PASSEaSG EII _.' Si //- CH. FO" r?i:?FV-/fl ,_.->-.-?!;' Vi,'!. .-,-.J. '-* ?('virVi Bir)ir*lr?, Ml i.iai-r. > l? !, anl flaafl-rtor, Mn- W- t- ' - ? '* - ? /I""'"* (***-s i Oci -)., Lo Jr.. Bj Hettta Oemiaa. J. A. h.m i*. iln. il. a. Seatera, M:.. Vegm, Mia. Bieaa .VIim Lia M-linli, J.^n N i:? i.-r V.?.. ? I Bn .. HrDar, >lr_a L t'?:jri, tu. x . 1 ? i- ' u mat. UlM Arseit, K. VV... I' - ?? ' ?- >'-.! ni.-tii Wi-iBi-i.iB, I ir u IthelUS LadT *a. ri*r, _ai-r Pn itr.idt. .Sun-nur fc.atrr .-.rifc lt,,,,,;, ..u der L-.-ih. Ura. i.Linilie v P. Webarr, PhiBpp l*tt*e*n, Jeaeah TrotmaB, Ji... ,l>... .i Bllkkia.18. Wra Al.niia Vti-iaer; hro.i .raaa, ? 4. A".rn-'t, J. li _ob.rU, 11. Sihauilin, Hi^o, FO'I I.i V irl'C'iI. ? fn ?'" 'i''. .. .l'lrivv, Au: 2? V W. R.tO? V. W. K.uu.; ? *? w i e ii l-j.-;- iitar-- " ,r', Mra. I*. I! ' ' 'Hm ia*l tur, . T. B. A ).__,. i; ,;. i'4i:....-,',. i I - v. M. ...Mf. ti...-* i i. ' Q K L.i.-..,.Vn> l. li. (..-..-*. W. II Wir: IS K.n.T,l. 1. H vv i- J..... M?n it (.>..:.-, Joaa T. -' Y la Mia P. 1*. Bb Ma, Ol U . _lr? 0. L. j.-uktea, i'*i, Marrir. Mri M. ?.. liu.a. M.t _i Sji.Ibub, Maijei H.iwirJ -: -.-. M: . P s- l. B. P. Jo.r, Mr. ? ii. 1 ( rin, Mr. ind Mr-. L-Urti J. H. Weatet-eU, J. l>., Mrt. -1 .V. K VVis.l.t. Vr? A 41 _______ .? wm, F-ir.;la i:_l lli, * . ? ? . . Vtui. J. :. P .v. '.a CilliTia. Kjcbard WiK-imau. O.t.a lliaaer | =.._ aod ' vv!,,te ami f.?r c-i.t-rt-n. M_at-r K. M i. ... Mr>. M. Jce Mamr, -_? Klsia Murrir Mra. 51 ry 1 ?? M Miinu A. M K n :ar i?4, Vt! ... -: J I .'1 - - I ? ?? Mri. Vl.r.-art.ic'itt. I, ll.. li nt Ci,l iaa. .. .1 C lir-'-aa, J"- tr ' ijl aui _.:.. >.!-.)! ll ... VV. (iillitl. bjiliara Ur.i.Lt.1, Mr_ M. J. belT Joba s.'i r i .- -i i, Jliiet C. JoLr_ C.i.u J. _. Wo d, Mrt. J. fc. B tVood. PlAK Lll htttOOli-ln Jl-iwiA./i ?-/... i, Ah|. _'.->ira. II, s.rr Ona Letl .Ld teri-int, CJ 4-ird ('i.l. .ri. vv. li. vv ji.. rteaaal , L. II i ., i J iin.-i I .,..,. ir.! ). M i_atv. ?i(eaadehlU. Mra B. vv. U.jli. cii..i .;,.. t.i.l- ? n ?**? X. it< kaoa. Mii, -....??_! r.e C. Blaaoa, _ H. _aa_^ I... i ..-.i.iKr ll'i.h Mnrr-J. Mni. B. Allan, 3 (-W :-?? ?? ._ 1 la f.nt jiairiC i .rr.n; a fr, B'iliUai NortB.Jaha _i. ihu--t..n. v*-. P. i'ruit"r. I aut. ii. I.."t'.'. Ia. >. Tl*** ? ? t .r [iiruicr.? jsjt. U. K. lu|ir.(b?iii, K. U Ma li., ilr. \_ik-, Jju.iI Uuaaa, Oto. A.t_. H . 0 La Pi rr.-. lutt _IV-fci_tO_ 1.-/8 ?_j_i_*_ia Cui-.'-W-a Ab< 2.?II. liraar. E.lwjid Kiltoo, VV. 1'. .-1..1 na, Mt. ii. ! ,H ra. ( iaik- K 11. C.r, J. P. Yr.t.r V.I*. llaK-1-.ssir.J. BaacM '? Me Vr ... rn... i Wl i' it-ia, Jal.B Katm. Mr.. Mir. ii'. i . I. lt. 8 II LcaW*. I >UI*a .Vitr, .nd wil*. Mr-. I*. 0-1-8-, Mra T. Muaj'tr.'. V a P. ? Dl irl, M. li. U.-4-W I-'. J. >lr. ?:il >lr. )? - Mt. Ih 1 J , nt. A.t Wi..i:..i M. 1. Ai.iriiD. Mr_J. I- gi .Ir Br. tn 1 II-a. U. L i i r-ii. M.n llurnii, -Ttiui-T Ltion. I.niiiiJa ita.ti. L. Ot, Ml. lia. UJ-,.I| <,)U i ro'.. 10.; -AVABXAH?It .,., .i8.Au iiu* _:. 1 or Al,. 3.?<C-ai r* V. tl II 1 ii lt, C. Vi. H 51 - .. J H. .. Y. H. , ,l (j aai iad tifr, X. <> llisti si ? ' irdarl *,. r.i- ii 11*48, A. I-rioit, J. IL.liBoa, T. * '.u.e, V\-i..,u J.a | ; . ? . ? . M iri-ti.l. IUU .-..iv a.menthtp *)fomtjvn**y, Aaf. 'J ?4' Oar ... ,,-., J J. .ra I., i :.-...- Deapa r, J.c ..?i oak, tai ??? *.? ? i .ofl, J. ia Onaa, A. AMLiAi aafl a_St, Mia. BaaiaU, i_ Jou?., uil* aud cuiiA Mi.N'Alliih Abfl IBA, i-tiD ritti. 4:681Baa MM. 7.1.1 Uuo. ut*. 0:28 r. 'IH W.4-K8 THK Bat I 1 gani. Il_l... BBl I flkara MBBB.... BiBI d.n ?*._? Perrr.. 5:48 ?,.|l V41T.8 (Hla D?.-^ r S.B.1I Hoaa... J Oa i (i.)t't U1.1B1L... i ill 1 ll.-ll ilttl KcrtT.. &-1 8BIPFIHQ ntTELLIGEA'CE. VOBB OP BhW-tOKR .Aco. S. , \KK.1). Btrt'si'iie Dji-tecit (Br.). Ai_k-x_u, hea.Ios, HwnllinJ, Bvarlof B 1 SttiauhiD (.Iim irria (Ur.) loiteflll. 1'.:' '. V Ii.-'. r .'. (V p <!ta i [ ,. 1. Btt 1, B-_aaa ria ."4.J kaafO u, o?l_a_a _( <-. M._BuUp Cl)de, _.(__?-_-. Gi'.Ttttoa tia K. r vv_-t. B B M.llery 8 Co. St.-ima .1-,, (Ic ivt'-i'iB-i-ll, Clipp, Bew-OH .nl Clart V S. tcua. . ..1 ...s.-Tiuau. U-U4 1. N-w Orl.-.n., li. ?.. ('(..(|. . np Mu....<.(.*. r. Kairc'.oth, 8.r_nu.Ii. lio .rl !.-.? I^u. ai"Mt.iliip Bao Paltidoi II Bati B B. ti Meiuahip , birl.-aloB, B*rrv Ci ari-.ti.i B t , ll _- Mumi k Oa, M?.j.ali p l^ku.. ln 1 ... .phu. Uini___ .ati__ui_?,|. 4_a TltiaiO-Jio K. C. K_l_bl. Cluijoiter, Q I .J C. K-efea H n.hip^ereai. Barira?. Coaten II. Y Moait, Wenfl htoimiiiip .--a:?*. .--pr,nni-r, \- . - I i*ia _ .V uod. M. miiufri A. ('. Surtri, VV I'l.IhI. a b.i. Birk 1 Ban Cu.iUAite (jftidu) ilii-l. BaBaaaB, iuticrdta. J. _ . BakaWB Birk Lnlcli 'Itt! 1 C_fll I _C\ ll.rl I ? . 4, . ? L-.li_| kU. B,rk N,irt,.11 _t"T. t liLenai I' I. Biller k II , .. ). Slliurr, Kai . I . . i ... :u:( ihr.) I,..'':, I' _ ???. J V. VV UiUs-) k V*a llrs-Ve'.nn 1 IC.) I4u!-.-i. Deaen 1. 1 ? \;, t-lii Bra., Btuti Mn -. I'.IM aatr* A B*e> li!.. ... .. 11 1! r.., M ti..:. _ lir. . . C?. y ? v Vo. Itn. I'.irtt I aC.ii 11 . IAr ). , ooutt. I'.HOt 1 I'ltrxr. U. .Vlurr.r jf. J ..lnu Aiii'lu llir 1, I.aa!i . Ani' . t,, VV itaon fc C_ BnJ T. II. llit!-ui (Br.), Baitnut, C_ u.j, 1 u .11 tt 1 -Veiaaa linn Aaaan (Br.), DotW, Cow Biy, C. 14.. lli_*T fc 1'arler. Bebr. Jo?? B.rra-rii l>pau.). .--aLt..-,, Tm i?ui_t fj. otutn, 0. BaiB 80a, a, ir K<i' nr. S?wi*r. St Pierra. Mill ?.- U ll . : >. j . l c.)aat fcOa ... ,,. 1 ,a ( .: . 1. 1 ? ,.... ara, Ju. b ? ??* ..1.1, i'oiur. lAi.-k^ort, S. S.. t . VV. l_?rt*.?t \ Br.). Berflaeti. Moaeioi, fcc D B. Ue B'olf kOa, l ? (lir.). Prr). M. Jobn. ... I, , ll.aev A P.r..r. haai v 1. vv aaaa lir 1, iiuui. Si. B. B.. Uru., a fumr. . (-f-r. U *A . Mi .1 lie;, liou|bif. St. Aafaalla. tu** Bata, C-ir'.r .1. BcBtlr-r. (jirnniB, Jiclnanlle, Beatlej, BfllBB-BM M-br j. _ teaaaaaa. tturh. Jio*?.dtiii*. vr. Biy. . r _a ..iitr.-bt Muuu, le.n.iUn.. IU., K. I). Ilirlbat kCe. Bebt. H. V, hUmtt, Cook, Oeor|.t???, S. C, llaitrr, 4.1 J. ,,1,1*8 BflM M.rr A. BflM BBMBB Wtltai-ictoa. B.flL. B, 8 M r'Nnt fc C*k Bt-kf. Baaa. ,--ou:k. H.-.r,,a?>u, W (_i)i.u,i., B.C. k. tt Yoma.k.0*. ^,l.r. J. VV. l),-'.?. la.'-r. il.:' latfle VV 1 , ,, .1 ? .! . K. ., H. VV. U.,u*._.c_i. hrbr. Bltokilour Vt -. ll. V.. J_.k^.u fc C* .s...i rro|tr?l Viu Vnittutaii* .le. ll8T*a, U. W. J.tkiaia fc (_. AlUUVKl). Bt_inthlp Soi_> Caro!:--, Btvlelt, CUalla*t4>a, wtlfc adac aafl paaa. to i. vv gm ..rl i ' >. - _*? _ huaaihiti U*ti*!icl4.r. Joue.. Wiluiln|>>B, wltk mdie. to Lo.i.lai* . .?.a..t|i Viniilt B. >"al*t. H8_lkk, N*?-Or1?aai J?Iy 20, *_th a_BN iLlpii. l.i Pr?d. Ilikrr. ._.__. _ - - Br.), I'rqukirl. I.statpool Jal; 12. *_. !l_a_0 .1. .1 ia i-auMlloBuo* A Uiir|?*i. , . , m BtaawUl hraaotwia. iiritt- I'orllaod, wiU. ml*. tad pm* to A B ' '.__! Oan R.ltB M 1'xrt'i*.'.). "ll" Ciaola. a_e 17 '.i.i, eil'i mf. Y,uk S a II aa - l [,,t Y r.lltu '' Ila'-l' V ._, IU U i- ' a. w i Ul at?ll. sn.,. (A-at). ln - ? ? ? *'??** j)lil 11 wili. lllal.l Lalftl. illt... . ? _a ia... wlikui'wa