Newspaper Page Text
Mb V0L- XXXIU.N? 10,090. NEW-YORK. TUESDAY, AUGl'ST 8, 1873. PRICE FOI R CENTS. BRITISH TOriCS. mm K0TE8 FROM THK ENOI.ISH CAHTAli. KX-nuf-BON or iionwHt.t.n (M-ffraor to tiik - 01 v TlBtl-rRICKH OV 11U1N AND COAlfl.?CORREPPOND KSCr. OY n(HKM*.:HT.fTFflR W1TII TIIF. TORE1UN OF ?-It'K IN liF(l.tlil) Tfl) TIIK IKRMlAfl CO.VTK.SSIOX. IrROM TIIK HZC.l IJIR eORRKflal-OSDI-NT Ol" TUE TltlBt-NB.', Londov, July 21?** Just nnd i>olitic, aud aMiiol loDg be avolrted," aaya Mr. OtB-MMBM respeetum the extcuslon ol housebold suffragc to tho counUea. Xlr. Forater la for It, M is Mr. Bniffl; th<- fonner ono of the most Influ'-ii tlal niouilx-r* nf the Cabinct. the latter perhaptt the tu.. t tutiid. It ii- all very wuil for Mr. QtBflaflOBa an.1 Mr. 1 .-t.r U. say tbey are only exi-iewiiiig tbelr ituli vidual opinion., and thit the 08888888888, as a ?.a-\.-iT,t_nt-iit, h.i* no opinion or to off.-r to the lloti-e. Hut it was icplicd BB an?*<rat>;y 'lat on BBflfe a qneation a rrimo Minister oan ool liaic a pu< rile opinion. Moreovcr, Mr. Trrvelyan'n hi'l for axMaflMfl tbe Hotisi hold S iffrago Frincbise to tlic ( ouutiea would have atood no chaiic of beiug eouM'lcit-d hut for the e\< cptioual favor acrortlefl to lt bv Mr. CllaaMono Wfe88 he 88(88, M88B ten day, Bfo, the tiiasaacrt- of tbe luuoconts? thc|;nittiiiir anide i-ucli | . uo chanee of paH.-iiii-'?aud took poaeeaalon of tbe Ilousc for (iovernnient 88818888 The t.i 11 could not be n-ud yeeU-rday a second time. Irue. Yesterday waa Wednesday, nnd a moriung allting, and the rulea of tbo ?8881 p. rn tt. d )t to be talked out without a vote. Iu an.v ca-se. lt could not liate pa.-std at tiu- perio.l of tbe a-fi.ui.on. Wbal Mr. Trev.-lyan and the pu'alic have tfl-aiii-.1 ix the ii-iaiictiou thM 88888 auch nieasute uut-.; aptxslily becoiiie Uw?next year perhaps, the yt m :ift--r laevotid fli-iii't Mi. fila.l-tcla. C p t-lu- ndhc-iou Blfrui fles that it wil! t.ike Its place in the Liberal praagramme. Tbt Torii-.?. ar. not hosiilc to the exMaaBMa Mr. -Dnt rai 11 *t<x?l reftdy to adopt it, if no luoie M r\iceat>i< cry could Ik- raxd wh.-u bc went to the country. But of a Middeii Mr. t. a.lfl-totie coine-s to tbe froni?roines inost uu. xpeetcdit, aud li.i--.iu I.aa I, stoi-n a man h on tlie faemi, an.l se. ure.l th.- poMiiou he ought to hold on auch a bb ai flB loinpletfl ly wt re the Tories taken I.y surprlse. so far wt-rc thev tnttt antuipatiiig au event of ltuporunce in >t-- ? at-. tliat iill the loadt-rs were absent ttam th?- II ? :-i . Tbo debate dragged. Mr, Phratar'a MiptH-rt was expected, this being a question on which be WBB8laaflBr MOlfl ttaBM Wfeaa be was an iudepenaent, and spoke for his own band. Mr. Gladstone was known to I>< ill. ani! lo'iii.e.i to his bouae. BobOfly ilieiiiiit-ti lhat Mr. I'ursler was intnisted wlth a niessagc froiu liiui?atnl sui 1. a im BflflBM above all. It was brougbt in ns a kind of paaBBBBlpI to Mr. Forster's speech, and fell were iikc a Baaahafeall than a mere letter. He was re quesicd bv the 1'ilnie Mml.ter jn state in bis bebalf that - ? * ~ZT*-frTmmm^Arm't*Lkr' iiu (?'virnuieut asa Otiveracuf'tii ?jiit'lio'hinK to Jghy, and whHj- Ik- regrets tbat Mr. TreveTy^ni'iVsTuJcn BblMafl (o liriiit' on iiis measurefl ao late as lo give the de iaut.- tha- - iu i.r of au abatract discussion, be, the Prime Alitiia-. r, ratuins the opinion he baa more than once m tiu ated?whicli 1- the opinion that opeua tbioietter. Mon than once "iii(licat<-d" i: may have been, but lt ig now tltH lar. d and pr.K laimed, and made the watchword to rouaafl a laa|ui..;..iiai pitily. aml to revive I conlldt nce ot ibt country in its leader. Tat- agrii ultural lafeaaaa aaaa . la tha front. He i? to bc reeogaleefl at laat a? a citizen, to stand on a levt-1 witb tbe arUaaa, aafl88IBOeltflaMBflaa ahare of political p.awi r. Mr. Tre-velyan'a M. 1 would afllmit, it ls cfltlaiatcd, 9C0.0O0 aaaara to tb* frant bist?t-uough to revolutioulze tM jio iiticai ayaaaaa al Bafllaafla Mr. GtBflatoaa is not lik.iy toadopt tbe in iu proaeut form, but is still le,s likely 18 rc?ttrict the seope flfl it in tbe MaaflMB whlcb bc wlll prepare next year. Jfo wonder Mr. Fawct tt deinaiulr. M kuow, liefi..-e 88 great 81 extenaion of the suffrage 1* conceded, 88 what principlcs the Uovernmcut MOfleaB to regulate tbe redistiil-utiou of political powei. He tven (leclarid I.c would not vote for auch an cxtenf-lon without tlit-t gt-ttiuir an aniwer to thi* queation. To svtber wlth the existln^ borou^h franoMee ii la to plac? jaowi i .i. tfefl iif tbe laborersof the country, leav^ ing other claases ln a minority, and Mr. Fawe;.tt Tfafite aafeguards for tbe minority ; in gihfT^forJ--. he wauts an BSflBl systtni of lu.iiyrtty ra:pr< ^entation I.t -tore h risks ihe country in tbe hands of the majtinty. You see IfeBI the days of great political queation.?<>r n- Mr. DUtaaB*! i'tii i-- Mb borrowed from Ihe Frt-ueh, blazuiit questions~are lay no mean* over. Batfetafl can . yest. Ma]'- dfl-claration this yrnr, BB legmlative meas ure. that i* ; bM n ll IB BpfOBl t" thB country, and fl Bayaafl eaaq rtaaa the most important araal of tiu r I c- j.v the faOawtafl paratrrnph froni to-day'- riiflir, . Tm iKKs Ebadb w..i \ i.i:iuxti"N flTadaeeday. Tbe ioii.|? tit.a.n of tbeUnlied81 haiaia.alat Mati-tiant-are altog.-ther beaMB by tfee i tti> fl'aiu iilian tnatket iu Iron und heavy ira.n gooda. Merehanta bave Botla Jnly beea doing ao little a* now for nii.iii >< ara-pui-t, noi wcic tbe weras before ition, at thla aeaaon. Tbii inne laal ? d( iiiiiii'i a aa niiuo na . To day no prioet mab-ara oaa qaoM at s prof.t wlll Beeare ordera. Dudley coal ? il. im; t'ooa! forue (a- ii, wonu Ocfoiefetched 17-., IttiJli' tt. It miifht lae worth wbile for some sonntl Free Trade B8fl8a to lafeB thi- matter iu band. TAtr limet flfeOBl I MaialBaflaMMiaayaaUa gn-at eaaaa (and Amcncun iiiij.ort< r-51 j-r. nr-? Bf the puoiicatlou of awkward faet*. Or el,. l?t th. ora-iiin tarove that tbe growth of tbe Ain- r:ciiii iron uiantifacture l..i? prospert-d in spit. oi Ife8 tanff Wfelab prot.-i-ts it. Ob Oett. r still, I.-t tlicn. ?ay that Ifie limet is a tanff pajsr, or tbat there is uo ?tu h BBBM 81 \V'..vcrhainpton. It would he best of all if The Waitt would omy I'iove, '? without questioning my u i... ni." it ns BflpaaalbBl that any such para graph sbou:d have aptK-ared iu The Tontt, and that I ain ' ut-oruig under a balluciuation" in suppo-itiii it < lil. The uon fljii. Btloa is so closelv connected wlth the coal qufl&stioia ii. as to iiit< reet almost everybody. I was talkniK list nii-ht wilb a scientitic man of great AMitliority in mu h mattcrti, wbo expressed the opinion lhat a larttc flBMMM m tbe pioduttidn of BflflllM iitflti was ctrtain, and that it would 1* large (t-notigh and rapid enough to make coal BMM lowir than it has been since last year, though B88I r again so low as it was tuo years ago. Right or wrong. tbe itnpresslon that coal must eome dfawn ls ?BfltMa. to hc vt ry treneral; and the impression will con tritaiiu- j'owertully to produee lhat result, Juat as tbe appt. lit-nsioii of a rise produced the rise. Mr. Lalng, C hairman of the London and Brigbton Itallway, told hi, atockb- <lay tbat aft?-r the 8888881 half ytar he fully iielieved tbey need not again pay present prices. That Coiiu-any paid IG ohillicgfl a Um for coal during tbe lirst balf of ini'i, 22-. bd. a ton during the last balf, 2ls. ed. the last fla nioiiths, aud for the next six the cost would b. 29*. fil.. liity haviug ev.dcntly cou tra. ted for the aix montha' ?upply before tbe fall. Tboae flgures da- ti t of B88BM represent the prices for houso coal, tbe laeat of t Iinii aells at 37s. It ran up to 40s. the other day. prc< i-ely Ltcause a small panic arose. People bad exp?ctert prici s to fall rapidly wben the summer came ?ud the deiuana fell off. Hut the merehanta were eqnal to tbe oecasion. They beld baek the coal ahips, the tuppty iu the market waa light, an imprtselon fotabroad that stotks for next Winter muat bo lald ln now or never, pmateordertflowed in upon tbe merehanta, and up jumped tbe prloe. A little reflection-for wbich there waa lucklly plenty ol Ume coDTlnced people tuat tbey were bebavlng fooliebly. Tbe artifltial scarcity and premature demand came to ac end toretlier, and tbe price wiU go atill Iower aa tbo world goee out of town, lf that be not a too Irish ttt** preesiou. The abaolute necea?ity of liniiting tbe pro dueUon of Iron for which ao many market* arecloeed la very likelv fo be followed by Inereaaed production ot ooal. Coal-owners will not submit to a diminution of tbe-ir revenuis lf tbey can help lt, and aa the price falls -wlf tbey must keep tbeir reocipu al bifU-nriner by ln creaeing ibe out put, Tbe corfVfponde&cl bttween Baron Reoter and Lord Granville haa been publlahcd, bat glves no lnformation aa to tbe poluy of tbe Government wbich had uot been g.ieri more fully io the diacusslon in the Lords last week. Baron Keuter** letter, however, is remarkable for ibe oomplete way In wbicb hc commita himself to blBgand. He aay* expreaal; tbat be dealrea to render tam roncetfllon of tbe hiirbest value to Great Britain. By way of warnmg to tlie Foreigu Office, be pointa out the rapid progress making by tbe Ruaalana witb their miliiary railways, aafl urgea |tbe importanee wbich, in such circuu.stances, bis owii eonoeaslon has. He de. iaret that be dealrea to serve tbia his adopted coun? try by lntrodu. ing hi? enterprlae under Enulish auaplcefl aione, aud lhat be doea not aohcit a subsioy or other uiatiriitl support from the Eogllah Government. All h. i* to fe. 1 itM-ured tbat in the rvrnt of dlfferenra-s antiiflg laeiwei u tbe Fersian (iovenittieDt andhimaeif, fll.uai?ud Biil rtcoaulM the validitj bI Bm atheiue, abd preteet l.ts rtghts rn* a I'.i'un-ii aubject, i*o far m lt may be lu their pcwer. Tlils very niodcst rcrpiest is very curtly derllned In a note signed by I-ord Enfleld. the Under f4oeretnry for I-"otvlgn Affulrs. " I ain M arqualut you." wrltes thla funetlonary, "that whilo ller Miijcsty's Oovernment would view with satlsfaotlon the eflorts of the Rhnh's Government to incrrnse tiy meansof railway. and roada, tln- rct-oureea of Fcrsia, tbey eannot bind thcmsclves otTlt lallj to proteet your mterrsts whilo carrylng out yoorengngetnents wltb that (iovernuient." Tbat ls the true rcd-t tpc suub. It aceius almost like bad faltt) to pnhlish such a corro .pondeiirp. Lord Oranvillc la not 8 innn to do any act whleb could !_? cullcd ati aet of bad f.iitli. Imi be ean hardly bavo refleeted on tbe po**ition in whlch he le.aves liaron Keuter wltb referenee to the Kussian Government. If Engliind will imt inpport him, bc mu. t tlirow himself iuto tbe handa of England's great rival in tbe Eaat; and hia letter to Ixird (Jranvllle la not of it kind to be relisbed et 8t. I'etcrshurg. However, tbe RuMians will be too mucb re)oired at Lord GranvilU-'a blnndcr In rcjectiiig tbo olfer to qnam-l about il. -Tor have wo h. ard the last of tho matter yot :u I'ngland, nor even ln rarllaniPtit. Mr. Balllie Coch rane I. to brlng up tbe wholo aubject in tbe Houae to morrow, hoplng to ollncb tho refnsat. I hoar that Baron Keuter bolieve. thero are inines tn I'er.laof great rich neaa; coppcr miuea, espccially, either wholly unknowu oroncekuown aml BB8JI forgotten. Ho haa a natural flaaai ef aaaalafiBg these aaBl he bas _ota Baaaaaan from aouiebody that tbo - liab, on i.eeom'.nR aetiuaiuted wltb tbeu value, ehall uol ********* his eoueoaaion. _ (). w. S. (ii.SEliAL FOBBIOS KMWA .FRENCII l'OI.mcs. 1:1.('(??., II lA'IlON dl Tlll: HOl'KlloXN?TH_ C_TNT I>_ 1'aris aoaa ao tbbt thk tx*t*~~i uk obabbobb ?ACTIOU OF BB I'I IIUI ANS -sri'l'I.KMKNTAltV 1 ' 1 ( IION. . I'ARI. . Monday, A,lg. 4. 1_73. There longer anv dflflM tliat the Connt de I.uiia ha* gono to visit the COBBl ,1c Clinmbord. He arrived at Yicnnn to-day, nnd w.i.. received l>y the Ktnperor Friiucis Joaeph. There i_ iniieh ( x. itemcut litro over the circum.stnnce. In view of the retoni lliatioii of the Le?_j___ aud Oilcans liruiiehe*, to whicb this piocecling poiute, lhe \ifcilaiiie eoiinuiltct. oi the Lcit and Ex treme Lt-ft of _M__MfllbJ| lu-xl daily . flB_flfl. ,-itiil are prcparcd to call the leuding jikmiiIuth ol their reapeitive paatBa togt ther when lhe time 188888 t*. take ik tion. Tlie t'onservative. liave eleeted 8 majority of t_t niombors of the General C.uncilt of the Iiepnrt incnts cf Siivoy, Kure, bikI Orne, and the Bfldlcala havt-cairicd the clectioub iu Dr-iue uud tln-Lower Loire. --_ _T * THB BBPUBLIC OP BPAIN. TIIK COM MAM) OK I>ON Al.l < >\'.-(>- AT1ACK ON VM.KN < ia -D0_ CAB-Oa ts BI8CAT?itai.ian* WAB vks *a*a io woaaoi _____t___ ibubbb-B ai un IAGKNA. BABOBIiOBA, Mondav, Aug. ?, 1ST3. Tho GaiUaa. al Prata da LhMa&fla ure dhidad iuto ******* ? ..Ii>.-. Xhi vti.oie teaa B a_BMaafl-fl hf Dou Allon-o. Loxnois. Monday. Aug. 4, 17 Advice. from Cadl7 to-duy Btata tbat the V.. . t__8MB . heiiaudoah i? ln that harbor, and tbat _be ba.-. onlor-d tl.e fi's_ate Villa de Madnd to ab .ain from ho.tilitit .. The frleate rcroaius nnder the guns ef the . henandoah. Hoaa tta* Talaarla 8aled IBa lat laat. Bta the aflN. that eannonndiug at reculai lntervals la goiogen, mua ketry flring is frequent, and thnt there hus been some desperate flphting. Four companle. of voliuiteer eavalry, under 0B____, tbe tenor, chnrged on the ******* attatking tho Gu .rtlia Civil and the Cnratutieeros. The eavalry 6utTe_d hcavily but capturcd four barn c.tdea The Goremment troopa oecnpled fbe viilage of Mia latn, bvit were di-lodgcd l'.v tbe innirKtnt artillery, whieh was aerved bv old . >ldier., de.erters from the BfaaBB army. The plaee was nlterimteiy taken and re tiikon. and is now burning, having been sei on tiie by shell. frora rttarto Tower in Yalencia. Oreat enthn?iasm prevatl. among the insurccnts. the defendere of the city. Tlie Iosbc-4 of tbe troops an: heavy. I. ttei advices from Vi.leiitiu.'latcd Aug 2. st;ite thnt the lxiinb.-trdment of Valenela bv the (Jo\ iriitin nt troops wai ex|K-cted to beu-in on Frnlay, luit wai de lerrad, IBB eoinmander BttBg BBBbB to get lii-. mortars iu posltien. A regular mortar flre wa? delivered IhB iiiornine, without doing 888.8 flB8M8_fl. A few i iti/i8M were killed, _nd tbe cbun b of _aii Htl sistian itiiunl by Uie 1. ui lia Tii.rii tlie (.overiiuici.t battcrj. rractiie wlll ltn provc u? tbey contlnue. A aaataaa eomliat took plaee in BBBBaaaa 88, near Valenci i. bet _een tbe iusiirtri tits atul tbe ?.ui i-iiiiiii nt troops and v olui.teere. One hundred and flfty men wen | ? .1 Tbe lat. st di-tpatch from BtaflM tbat an im portaut icizure ol arms w.i. BBBfla tln re to day. MaduiI'. Monday, Aug. 4.187*1. Offitial di-patches froiu Yiileneia to day report that ? . ..etument troopa are making their way iuto tlie eity. The forees advnncine again't Tadlz cntered Sau Lutar flt Baiiaiaada. ll atllaa norti. of tiie eity. Ttie Britlsb, BaaaBBB, and Cerinan eonsuls liave thanked Oen. Palra, cotisin iinlim; the (.ni.tiiinent Moopaal .'viiia, tof tha aallaat eaaflael of hM Mea and the jirotection piven to forelguera and their property. A reglment at Manre.a flnd up BB their r.lonel, who left his command with a BBBBBBt of Republicau volucteera. Anofher reglment at the Btirne placc has dismissed its oftl-ors. In the Cortes to-day a special committee was appointed tocotiMdor theeipedieney of authoriziiiK the l.iral pro M-eutlon of insurgent deputles. lhan was a law populnr demonstration ln Seville. yesterdav, lu favor of tbe (ioveriitneut. The memlK-rs of the Kevoluflouary Junta of CBflB a rc under arrest. Tbe City ofGranada haa surrendercd to the Govern? ment troops. Tbe Provinee of Andalusla ls eompletely paeifled. DahBfl. in tho Cort-e ou the new conetitatlon wlll open on Wedutbday. Batonne, Monday. Aug. 4,187S. Dou Carlos U ln the town of Guernlca, provinee of BBiajr, 17 miles north-eaat of IJilbao. Ycst-rday he took lhe oath of lldelity to tbe pe__ _? M ofthe provlncea. Rome, Monday, Auk. *, i-t:(. A Ieel of Italian war vessela bas beeu ordered to pro ev( d to caitaajaaa M aaaaa t Iha Mtaea-M of aahjeeB of Italy, and also to coo'perate wltb the other forelgn vea aela now there in whatever mauner muy be dcemed ue cc.-aary ln view of the aituation. FOREIGN N0TB8. The Biahop of Ely will eucceed the late Dr. Wllbcrforce bb Blahop of Winchester. The Prefeet of Lyons haa issned an order re qulrlng all the publlo gardena io that city to be closed ut 9 o'eloek ln tho evening. A railway accident occurred last night be? tween Ashton and Maneheiter by whioh 18 peraoua were inj ured, but none killed outrlght. The Port? 011 Snnday signed a contract for raiiing a loan of nt.OOO.OOO. The laaulng prico is to bo 64. and the Interest 8 per eent. One per cent la to bc ref-erved for the slnkiug land. No coniuuaalon or cbttf get nie io ho paid. LONO BRANCH N0TE8. Lokg BitANCii, Aug. 4.?Tho Prenident, ac cempanled by Gen. Babcock, left, UilB evening, by way of New Y'ork, for Wnehtngton, to arrlve to morrow morn? lng. No buainei** of t*p_ial lmportance requlrea hla preaence, but there Istnucb of a routlne characUr whlch haa been for eotne time Bceumulatlna whlch he dealrea _ dlapoae of. f_crct_ry Riehardson wlll leave for the Capital lo-morrow evening, and lt ia expocted a (abluet lneertog will be held on Wedneadsy. Marahal Packard of Sew-Orleana and Marsbal Ochletree of Texaa have arrived here from the Convention of Marsbals recently heldat Cleveland, the objeet of wbleh was to conalder tbe 4-iuestion of petltlonlug fAingress for au lntreaae of iwy. There were about thirty Marihala preaent, and a eommittee wai to dinw ,. inemorlal. Mar Bhal Oehleeaaa eaBafl u. ,e?. bm PiaaaflaaaaMaha pur 1?.m- or expl.'iliiliig hia slde of tbe dithi tillie.s bctuci :i himself and (iov. Davia of T, xaa. Mr. Ix-iit, ihe fatb.-r ol Bra. Gi__t. k* aiill very alck. and bu IriciAtU tajr ht- ls liable to dle at any nioment Among the promluent arrlvala at the West End UvUil, during the preaent week. are the follnwing : Rwhard SchHl. New Ynrk; Scnator Oeorge R Bpeneer, Alatintna; Purirooii (ienrral Parncs, V. R. A.; fleualor Frelinrtnyflen anl daughter*. Bew-Jeney; Dr. Harriay andOoL Vanee, r. B. A ; Oaoraa, New York; tne Hon. J. H.Htrabau, New-York: the Boa B. C. WariBOtll nf IiOiiitliiiia. (.ov. Wm. l-inckney Wlilt-- aud fainiiv or Marrland..!. .1. Mariln, suth (kndltor, Wa*hliigt"ii-. ( ak Croshy. tta* Va>tk: tlie Hon. John A. Itusliinir. N.-wark; the ilon. Joba Hoi-eliu, .N.-warlt; t hr II Ul. 0008*8 A. Halsev. N.-wark; tbfl BOB. Ileniv r.ik'-- of Arkaii-as; the Hon Mareue Otteobonrg. New York; Henor IK- Criartc, spaiiisli OOMIll Qlianial Now-York. MVEDEE Ot A BTEABQEE A lllll. AHTttY vs 1111 THRKE Mlfll-flfllOVI Iflfllll' BflTfl Aii flBkaoWfl Mfll ftttick on the head with a aaaaaa xt Ofaaaa und Ipatafl aMa, al u p- bb i<-s ter.lay, aml ten tvt d a wotiiui fiotn Ifefl elTccts of which fefl di(<i half .ni liour afterward. The wltnesscs of the itsssult aaw a siendor mau pushed ont of a flflllBB s.,1 881 on the corner by a man of MflM wiiat tiurlter form aud thrown iuto tbe gutter With a BMflfl8B the 888888 man aro*' from the gutter and wslked fmm Oiceu.-si.. around tho corner iuto Hprlng-st., wh< r<-the spfl-ctator* miw a nian iu a straw hat siidili -uiy spring towunl and strlko him on tln head. The stranger was prostrated l.y the blow and while ly lafBBtta Mit walk was kuked lu tbe 1888 8) a third assallaut Wflfl woro a black hat. The last twa Kssallants tben w.iik.-d IBfMU I8W8 Hprlng. toward Baaah r st. Bararal Mjawha bad attaeaaefl Ma a-ni.iii gatbcrt-dfliroutiii the inan wbo bad been atfacked, and on tllscovtrini: that he was insenslble asked some m.-u toeoiii--lo bis iiHi-i-taii.e. The stranger was MflM up and pl.ic( d ii|'"ii tiu- lncllni d - i llar door. Om of tho erowd M BN abieb bad quickly gathen-d f.-lt the a-ense lt -!- BHl pulsc an.l di-. im ifl thatit was bcatiug tt W rapltllv, aud tbe approai-h of death. Infiirinalioti ttt tbe crime was sent to tbe BUthtl PI8 ciiit t tttatloti-house, antl Capt. MIBlaBJB hurrled to tbe sisat. Tho straugtr was carried Io llie l*rin.e-st. Bta tiou housc, where died in a short timo. The 4888888-1 w aa BBBBfl lo M -i man of apparently -15 years of age. 5 f(( t 7 nu Ik-.m la )iii--tit,of a HflM couiplex lon, \i Ith aii tiiirn hair, and n f'lll BBBfl aml BMBBbBtfeB He wa* ili,--i,l a-(aiu|.li-teiy in MaM irarnients. His ptx-kets ti.n- M-ai. lu-.l, Ini ii-i difliciiinetits of any klnd were found; 18888 WM no Wt tg an i -mpty pur-e. I'olic- imn Un* maaaa aaa! aol from ifea atattafl-haasa toarre?t tbe rniirilircrs if poaalMa. Hotiii.bniaii Kfeler 88 utTivitie :it tfea8088888#thi tragi <ly wa-to!.l that tiu tiir-Ki eper of tlie -aloon had haaa 088 af tboae a taaaaaaltad lhalaeaaaada rii<- ?ni <-, i ,it .Un. Bfl ? Btal t-il.-fllnau, Klaue Mflflflfl, IXK* M *"d took hiiu to tb. a-tatloii-houte. Meyer usscrted bls inuo 88888 antl gava. the followiug account of the affray : Tbedeoe?*< 'i.idenii^ed Uk- aajoaa wblla two otber -rSu-m,- Marr ? ? ?*? '? -*|1iaC^.. . < rn-n?Vict-u I'--! aml Jcr.-niiah Fitllei?were dniiKing ut Ihe bai. Tiu- stratiitcr wa- druiik, aml attempted to t.iki -.nin ??! I ,:.i'i- nioiuv. I'tilli-r nt oiue kaoofeefl Iiini down atul lelt tlie -aloon. Tln- BBBaSBB got BB from tlie Hour and tfeaa tried to iw lnhlnd tiu- Ba bal tiikcn Ifea BBBl and put him ont of tlnors; noi 8888 Mrikmg hini. Baafl BMMhahflBlfl uu ii (iiiaireling BB Ifefl -lacwalk. and looklim out saw a nian in a Wbltfl li tt strike tiu stiatiL-er. A few luoments aftarwarl M wm tall thM tha bmm wm laal. laflha saiomi at tiie timi- aaaa Iwa aaaaaa, Mary New inaiiof Nn. '.-.; (.r. BBM st , Bflfl Maflflla Kirby of (l.irtl.u iaw, Meyer's aaaaaBl aeaaaM aaryplaa l ? ?-. i -n-.-iaiiy a? :t wa-contiiM..-.1 i.v tin- tasttaaaaj ol aaatfeaf wltaasi el IfeB Ann Mc( Inre of N". sj Hpriiu'-i. (-anl tbat Bha waaataafltag al Um floaaer, aad saw tiu- flaoaaaal leave the BflJOOB. Hoon afur be WBI M888l8l bg t Moiiiiin, wlm iii-kcd lum a question. nM inui ahaokhla bead, und W88 at 8888 atta. ked l-v B man ln a Bbttfl Mt, and l.y another iu a btkth bat. Tbey kiiofl-kcd tbe 81188881 fll'-w n. aud kn ked bmi _lu tbe face. Tbe aesail iint-- then tb d toward Wooster -t. Capt. Wll.lam* bad bflBB to tfeB saioon wblle tbi-'-? rienc-e wa, belng taken. and iiad tlxrrn found .-al. i beneatb tbe conntei a polloemaa'a oluh, whtoh ha-i i-\i di-iitiviicfltiic-.-ntiyuM.-d. H?> had alaoaeearedamo*1 Importanl altoeaa "f the affrav la tbe pereon of Charle, Knhu. juifltc Ifl of Bo. 11 Lispetiard-st. Kulm ii ii tbat iiiipiHiuing to paa* by IM BBlOOn, hfl looked within. and 'iti Mcv.-t strtiggiittg with tbe di u a- ai. Ma-ycr beld a club ln bls right band, and was apparently striklng the stranger with It. The eombataatt wt nt oul totbc "ula-wa'k, wnere the ttraager attempted lo pnll Meyer down, s. ataiog blm br tM l.-s". Ift va -i icsifl-taii. iiml, I'vcrp-iwcniic ttn- Btraacer, thr. w blm inin tba truiter. Tba atrBBfer aol ip anlwalkeda few Iaaa, wben b<- was attaoked bj a maa hav lns' a straw bat. and then l.v anotli't 088 havlni: . f?-lt ii ii i M nian wbo itrael tM bloa oatatde ol tM ??ioon a ? iboTc tbe infl-'iinin bljrht, ami hai -i imootfe face. Vfh.-tiK r the fatal blow 8 i- -tru- k l.y Mcier or oy the Bb iii-- i. ol i "Ui - ( aiiiiot bt tti nnilicd untll the tefltl ria.niv nt ni! tbe -a ii:, tae, ha* hc-eii taken. Al a lat-' liour last nik'iit, tha t wn aaaallastfl wbo laal attaeked taa uiiiiutri .1 tlian had ii"! i-t-i-ii ,nri ?-1 - ?. i. All tba flrltneflaea af tba uiii iv were loekad ma ln tbe Pnneo-at. itatlon 88888, I - ronet ToBBJI wa* asked to hold au iiiijii. nt. r.X!'l."-i'iN Dl A KflflBTLTABIA OOfll mim .' WlflUUflflABKB, Aiik- 4.?At tlic iMiinmtid Milo i "f taa Milh< sia-irt. (oai aafl Iraa OaaaBBBi, aM rt 11,'. tlii. iiiiaiiiini;, au eiplt'-iuu oca urre.l, by wbia b two lie n wcic killfl-d and IW8 iiajured. I.uki r.alatr, a Hi.-tatit iiu- baaa, waa MaHy barned about the hanil, and hc.i-l, liiit miII rccov.-r. .I-alin ITafeaalj. ii miner. dlcd wtiile Batafl rcinoiad from IhB BBBM and l-'ri-.itri'k, a iiijiicr, dn d Mliile laeliii.' iniii'il 88888. Tbo niiiK- baaa^Tbaaaaa BarfeaaM ru-hed to thalt iflBaaa, BBfl WB8 piaa-tratnl by th. aft.-r (laiu;-, i-ut was takea out before life was eitmct, aiid will get well. Flaherly wa- Uu- BBll liiiirricd mau ainong the klil-tl. aml lu leaves a wife aml mx aiui-ii'ii. Tbe eiploaioo waa caii-fl d nv one of Ihe intsu trylng to hiush liaok the danip with au o," ii lamp. IlEATH HY DBOWIBO. BOflTOB, Auk. 4.?(lu Sutid.iy flftflTBOOB x*rWB mm ttwm t aahablaa, BtabaN Dlgaaa ami Aiba-rt coie, bathllii; at It. v i n Bcach, (li-l-ea, bc(..nii-ciil.ilik'lcd 18 taa aal iraaa ami were lia aaai Oaaal them was a liackiuan, and hafl driven B88M p<--aple to tbo iteach, aul tbe olber WM 80 BBBfaalM by a young lady to whotii he waaaafljaflafla ObsM tbahaHaa wa* raaawaral wBfeia t? i. iiiiiiiit.8 after taa aaaUaatt IM tbe otber could uot laa fi.ll'i.l. WOBOIBIflfl, Aug. t? A son of Juseph MmIM i-l tt this city, ??.'<? t years, fa-ll into a p.uid at ltocbdale, Mas.-., Ilin- alliinooii, aud was diowneil. INKIAN OVTBAOBfl IN TIIK TIUHirifllUI ?. WlflUIBOTOB, BMg. 4.?Lieut.-lton. Slioridan, ln forwarding a report to 088, Hiertnan, says: " The Iliilians who are depicdatlng In the Mud Iliver Valiey la-long to the Northern Cheyeiines aml Arapahoes about Fort Fetterinan, and who were rceently represeuted in tbe peaee eoum il at itcil doud's AtteDCy." Lieut.-Col. Urackett of tbe 2d (avairy reporta froni Camp Maabaafh, Wraattaa T?rritory. that iha taflhaM mado an attaek ou tbe setllemeut of Old Camp Brown, on tbe 2*tb of July, and kllled Mrs. Rii-hards nnd MIss Hall. First I.n-ut. Whelan, wlth (ompauy U, iid Cavalry, bas gone lupursult of the murderers. THUtATENED REVOLT OF COLORED TROOI'S IN TEXAS. New-Orleans, Auj?. 4.?A apecial dispatch from Ban Antoulo, Texaa, reporls a threatened riot growing out of a severe rhastiflement given to a negro aoldier hy Capt. Toby, whose daughter the negro had insulted. Tho ofBoers commandlug the eolored troops aent word to the elty oftlclals ihat thry could not con? trol tbelr men, aud the cltizens Imniedlately turned ont ln force. The milltary authorlties then ordered the eolored aoldiers out of the town, and by their influenee qtilet wa* restored. REPORTED REVIVAL OF TnE KC-KLCX IN KEN Tt'CKV. Cincinnati, Aug. 4.?It is reported that the Ku k iui ln Owen antl Ilenrr Oountles, Ky., are gettinir very bold. They receutly vislted a Loulsville packet wlth the evidentlntentlon of dolng mlachlef, and were only det<srr?-d by tne threats ot the ofllcers of the Woat, wbo were well armed. mm CRIMES AND CASCALTIE."?BT TF.LEORAPrf. _1'atnck Mtirrav, a IflfeBMT, WM run over by a fr, .-! t Uuu, i.ti Kitiilili lUUu*, u* H?t4t;, tul (Uol llu*. Un iiajiriti llt irfriarfl. ....At Etvit HoHtou, on funday night, Patrick Mc (.rttl. t .(..nt iiata. tf* iflll, wu ,Ub*?i Ly ?? pmoi, ttxl |an>lfl*l'l/ ftUil) llajuird. ....Yostctdav, iii Lewis P. Kriiman. a ritt, ala-tla-r, wt. llint tad dtii|fro*tlr woOfll-l^-I b. ttfl. irfl-i.l??ttl fll* rl.iii-.- ol t tii.l f uu valnfl-Ii Nifltaoltt Ui li wtt rtrtlrtil; buliiiufl. ....During tlie tliiiii<l.r st.irin ut Tr.-nton, on Frl ,-?, I B H I ??ul, -.u luil.ull. iflll*! I-, li,Iati.ii., wl-" ifll.iita, wil* ? .1.* m**m Tia, ?a?li*,. tlukl. tbi Lkiat uliatl. iu li.* lwv? <rt**ia<<l iu.Lt/iflt?b WASHTNGTON. "nn: Bouinm olaiui commlmsion. t TWA IU) OF $.V!,l?)<,,(.)0 (TAIMK.Ii-THB PRIHittK.-. MAHH IV KI.TTI.i.\ii(T.AIM^-A UR <?)' CI.AIMS AND (T.AlMAMs iim I'ARKI). Wa., Ang. 4.?All lhe cl.iins pre aented t? tbe Beathara Claltns Comnilsilon, alttlng at Wtishlngton, umier the aet of Mareh 3, 1871, hnv. now been BBBBlfl-Bi and re glatered, and tbeli- number ls found to tw ?ri.Jitb, aud tbeir agirrogate amount is clauned t?, be BBaBBtMaa ln ex,-_*of tMJ.0flO,*_ In rhi-lr last r. port to ( ongreaa, the lomiulasloncrs estltuated the total iininbi r?f , ialma to be llled uuder the act at 18,000, aml the to be elaiined al 180,000,000 )i. ronnd iiuiiiuir. 'ihe extraordn>ary a_ rtions of the , l.-iiii, agenla, however, wben Ihey fouud that lhe time for tliinir ***** Wu? 00| likely to be cxtended for Iho prew-nt Iwyond tho two yeuri orlginully flxed by Cougr. h.?, n***** ln a cousideraiilc addithui to tbo rstlmated niiuiber and atnount of the claltns to tic fllcd. No leatt than i, j th aJattia repr. senllng. aceordlng to ttah_aatar Ugurc *, eonaiderably more than t*t**t* ?' rn n liled und, r date of Marrh 3. the last day allowed l.y law for tbe priacntatloa of clanus. Many more were sbnt out from paaaBBf eonslderatlon by the 888MBflflfl MB eipeited tei u,11,.,11<?n of the right to pn-.ient them, and there an Iniii k (1 to I.e mveral thuiisaiitl persons yet in the lato lnsurn .tionary iUMa who, desplte tho cx eriious of lheOoreraaieBt agenta and tiie attorners, have not i \, u beard of the act of Con grcss for the bem tlt of such of tin in aa were not adlurcnt. of tln ('onfederaci. Clalma are paaiBBtefl daily to the Qiiartcrmast.r _-_-__!aaflOB8aa_aeB*r|-Mae-Bl i>y laBBMfla of the tietter iiifiun,. il iotai r-tatet wtio have imt Jn.t leanint that Congrcp., pa-mnl ? ^jM-i-l?l net nearly ten years ago to pi.v tor i.ii.pi i-t.v uken for army use in the Htates uot in rebellion. (;,.n. Melgi, Mfl <_uuit.-rtuaster-General, will uot n-i-oiiiiubiid a stututc of Il.uitations for ,-lniiiis coiuing ix.i.rc Mm aa la tha bbm al bmmm lalaeatha ii-'.t ai OatoM coiiiinia-ioii, ami tha Otamataamtj <_____ bellevi s, frotn his daily eijx-i n-i.ic, -m | it BtSBBBI wbenevcr p.-isaed wo .1.1 be certain to excluda BBBM BB I itinioii-t .-I.ii ti. - n_alnst tbe Govtrnui.-iit frotn just settbdii nt. and that iu the ' case of the rtoiitheri. claitns, Congn-s. MBB either ex Bai tho timo for liling them beforo tbe C'oininl",aliitiers or sithinit to UM alteriiative of recivlng aud aeaaMattaa ****** tmuajty, umtaa iha DaflatBaBaaal right of petltlon, as uli the c-xciiul.-d i laimants have i n oli sign'.tinl tluir ititotiltou of pro.ecuting their eluiiiisdir. i-ti v beforo the Clalui. Comtulttees of thn tWB BB-Bl BM "f < ongrcsi. Uuder tbe scttlement eo ininle by Un-Comioi-Miiucj-jjj^i^ fi.^xuioujittve beeu Baaaaa aaaM 1(400 cla.maiits~s7at._Yed nl! over tbe eb ven Insiirre.-tlotiary Htates. the avvard. ex . eut m a (<niii>ur_t|\, U i-inall iiumber of caaes, being fm .. few hundred dollars BB-h. At the comiiig BaBBBM of Congre . tlny i-iinci to award about &Jf*J*t to ba slinilsirly dlatrlbnted, and will tben have dBpOBC I of iit.Ti.iT _ii per ieut of tha riutnii'-r of etalma rth-d aa i M par .eut al the aaaant elabaed. Boa lhal aU ihe ciaims ara bafore th. m * i an ba presentad nnder Uie ongi nalaet of Congreaa.the (__iniintaaloneri have Bafl pr. p ii. -i aml bave in pr._i a fuil digest of tlie elaiui.-. gn ? ing by Btatee aml couutici. tln .iiiitie. ot i l.iiiii.mie nnd tln: auniiiut. ilniiii..l. aceonipanli'tt by tb"- explanatory atatement that the naaaaa ata uiom- et eitMeie ,*f lhe Hoiithein siau-a who have within lhe paM two jear. tta* clarad th. nn-.-iv. to han- beea devoted adberenti to the UBlon throiighoitt the lato war, and the BM8B8 - Bl I value.- BBl tf liaiuiant. upon tbe Buppliaa t-oii vuliintailly or other wl.-c. ror tha B88 _ tln t'lilon foice- opanttBB Iii ttie . onttl, but not tlie ilainage. loss, ii'id datruetlefl uf real aiid pcrsoual prop? erty sujicrcii tbrough the easoaltlei ol warorlhaan autbor?ed ipoliayod and depredatfona of tbe troops and i-Biiip foi'iiwers. Thla ii*t olalataaa aafletafaBaata b.ia iitLii psaparud obiefly to ine. t tbe applieatioua of foiiiici olHcaraand abldlera of uie Uulonarmjrenrlona tu know who amona Mieir -outin-rn acqual___wea of the wu an. iioiv fl.iiuiiiitf to have ban botu loyal aud opu l.iitiuoiu rearaago. But the Cominlaalonera, tor tbe takeet ihe Infonaatloa to t,e ehtaiaefl. mtendtosemi iln- p.itiiphiet traa of chargo tu all wbo apply ln | or Bf i-Itcr. _ DBBT 0P TIII. DUTKICT <?r COLCMDIA. IIU. Dll-l IV i hM Itol.I.KIl DKXIK.H (KIMAIN .IAIE _l_.\TT-t TIIK IAC1S MAI.K lot'_I.Y DISTOIITED. ?\\'a-IHN(.T(*n, Atitf. 4.?<i. P, llopkins Dep utv ( oiitrollct of lhe l.istnct of Coliimbu. writes to lhe lltittiiiiiiloii liiiily ihronuleul to-day lo make " a paMI< corri'ction of tln- erron,W* BBBiaMBM "t tlM Baeal af falra ?f the Dl.rri,-t " pa_B_M_l ln rorn.r- JBtBBlBJ Km*n**t Vktauitt* The followiiig i? ibe bub_ianco of hi-1oininiiiii) atiuii: Tho fuiided BBfl bOBfled debt of the Platt hli of Coluui bit. im hiiiiug tho rn o-.i.i>f iha late oarparattooa, aa pei uiii. i.ii report of lhe Coatroller, amounta to the sum ot tB.23.B-i ao. of ihi- siiui the Commiaaloneri ?f tbe siiiking Eiind eommaod avaBaBB raaeareee toe the re iliii-ii.iii th, n i.f darlug tba eurrent Baeal year, melndlng tin- Blnkinf Fund _u hafl aaid now daa, aafl anaa hit-i - a- tti.' (''iiiuiil. lotii-i 4 Batt :.lrei((li ii,a ie, to tha iiiiiouii! i.f B_,_8. 'i'hat tiu. wil. be h* id and htiictlt applied lo the N_UC t.i.i. of tba di'i't 81 ii'ii'iir.-ii by law. ae ea, in this cotiiuiiiiii: v jn-i -i.n.i.iy ut qnalnted witli tn. iii.iiibiro of the --iiikuiK Ktu'd (_,8Bm__oa eitii iiriiiit. Tbe Oonunlaalonera are nn-u _BU rereed m llnam ia-. initt (? i. . DOt, .1 f"i tbeli int. _i Iti , and W*r* *? li t ii ii im their ri spoiiaibie offloea without regard to po Utlcalconalderattona. Under _M rartona aetoofCon mdof the. i. giriitttivo AaaaiaMjr of IbalMatrlol thej bave tbo eiiMre eontrol nnd manaireim nt of the fuDded and bonded debt of the tHatnct, autyeel tou innn ni . oagmaa t*. lh* mm tt |io,,_),o(K). IBa si-v.-ral ncts of the l.t.t I.'.glsh.livo As ai-nib!> of lhe I'l-lrict aiithori/rd an additioual laBOC U) tln-aiuoiint ln the iiggtigate ofll,o.*.2,6i?), wlulo tbo re Baureea plaoed in Ibe t oatrol of tnt Coiuuiu-sinii-rs to de iin debt, togeiii.-r wltb ihose alreafly al their di.poaal, amonnta t.. tha sum of the dtflbrenee. %i21.1.1*1. i" ing tne extreiin" limn oi laareaae aatBorlaeu iiuriiiK thla flaealyear, ahleh added to tbe praaaal dabt will iiiakc iu loiin.l niiinOei. :tt the 81088 of this tlseal i. ai, |-.',ii59,4?l -io ; _everal liutulrol tboiisiiiddollars less than tue amount iltintid by act of I SuBflreee. Ibe mg' iiioiiT- tloorv tliat the authority grante.l tho Ilu.tnl ot Public Works to levy special taxea fur tertaiu public iiiiprov uii'iits against the property ln iiitlte.i ihiTt-liv, aml aiitbun_ug tbe BOBlfl tB auticipate IBOb tazeebi tB leeaaef their eertlflaateebearma a lowar rate <*f UBteraai taaa tha tax uikau arhleh ttm earttfleabea nf iha Boarfl are baaefl, ta lounded apoa an erroaeona u.BUiiiptuiu of law aml fat t... The most luallcioUH dlatoruon of fnets by Koruey'a Sumlay ilom ,ng l hrouult eannot by any aaaaa luake tuisa portlon of thf deut of the Hlitrict. Tlie oi gamc act of Congreaa expa_elr peablblH the Boarfl ol public Worka frotu lucumnga liabilify agniust tbe I.1 triet. Thlafltopoaeeof the tolloarlBg deut, a. butcum flu flaaflay'VornlM Chroniele: euMnii if i ...lii-tte. fur . iu a..; lu ot liue for pit ui. ut ..( *or ditt-ior tke U<>arl. 2.IKK. ooo (Yruiot-i biwl oo icweri^e Ut. '.'.otrO th>t) ( . rltai-atii cl ?.ii-rutel. &0O.IXH) Ncitht >? l? it true lo ?ay thnt theoc c-rtillcitt s nre a deut ofthe Iiuiii.; of 1'iit.i.c Woiks, ua they r.-preseiit ouly ?o iic.ieb tuxe-i to t_reoiue due to the Board to bo used f'T eomplctlng the public iii.proveiueuta, and are us mucb a r.-nouree of the Board ua a deut, Tbe aud most laexeaeeble mlastatement, that tho geueral appropnatlons made by tho last Legislature wero in aseeea of the earraal ibtmubm to the exteutof, Ih the most iui-redible of all wiien taken iu eonaectlon aitb the gratultuus adviee that a comiutttee of exj*ort in . ..iiiil.u.ta would probably Uud the tl.-urc aa Btiite.l hiiort of tne .im, by over tl.oOo.uOO. T_e faetsare (juite the euntrary, aml, froiu a larefully pre pared st.tteuient by oue of tho rao.t aecurate bookk.-.-p. ers ?r the Coutruller's offlce, lt ls sbowu tbat the turreut rereaaea are talBotoBt M meet all tbe appropnatlons of the last lA-i{iBlollve Asaeinbly. Ttie fael ahould not be IohI atght of that provlsion by law haa Ik-db made for making avai_>bl<- uot ouly the tuxes ln arrears bereto fore aaaeaaed, upward of $_0,i)00, but also the arrears at tho eloae of eaeh ilscal year. Under the operatioti of tbis law we have avullable reaouruea for the tlacal year ending June 30, ls74, aa follow. : _ Ti.oBrial eiute. 1H7.4-74.81.900 (K>0 Lir.aie, iud _inoelliBe?iii. 'l'li.UOO TumIb UOO.4KH) Totil MBBBB.?;.!.___**&**. While the total approprlatloua for tha above by the Tbird LcKislmivo Aaeciiibly amounia lo leaa thau H.100,000. Cl'RRENT TOHCS AT TIIE CAPITAL TIIE IBOIOS.KU CHANGE IN THE ril___i-_>___ ELEC TIUN8. |BT TELEORAl'll TO THE TBIHI.KB.1 Wasiiim,io>, Monday, AUg. 4, 1873. Benator Morton UMlay addrenaed notea to hla aaaoci ateaon tbeCommltUieou Priv ilegea and EiecUona, ap potntiug a full meeting of tbat Commltteo oo the lat of October, for the consid-ratlon of tho propoaed amend' menta to the CoDitltutlon whioh shall effect a change lu lhe method of eiectlng Prealdent and Vlcc-Preaident. During hia week'a itay in tbe city, Seoator Morton bas been dlllgcntly atudylng and coiupartng authorltlea, legal and hlatorltiil, and wlll meet the Com mlttee fully prepared to drfend hia viewa on theiubject aa set forth ln hla apei-eh ln the Set___ laat Spring. It la lntended lo give tbe aesalona of Ibe Committee wlnle iu New York a acmi public character, andaetermlof tho 1,-adlug constltutioual lawrcr. and writera on thia apecial aubject will be mv it, d to addreaa the Committee. All memtiera of the Committee e?oept, perhapa. Mr. Mltchell or Mr. Cragm, ar.- exp.-iied to !,<? preaenl at tbe meeUng. lhe Committee. as now conati tuted. Includea Bena-T* Morton. Cirpenter of VhBMfl sln, Logan i.f Illuioia, Alcorn of MiBHiaslppi, Anthony of atUKlt laland, Bayard of Delaware, __<i Uauultou ol CHOLERA. Evansville, Ang. 4.-Two new cases of cholera are reported at Carnil, 111.. but no death*. Flve buudred famille* bave left siuco last Tuesday. I.miiahapolib, Aug. t.?Two fatal caaesof cholera wero reported to-day. CoLraBi'H, Aug. a.?Several new caaes of cholera are reported to-night. PER.?ONAL?HT TKLEORAPn. ....The reeeptioii given in honor of (len. Sherman ID ("ip* H". Il.l ? ?**!?? wil atr, iaia--r<lifu. iio w.i rteel.ol Wltfl (ittt cttb-uitim. _Joun Oa Wright, a druggist in St. Louis, died mtdaaola .a-ttcnUa tl Xtr tii. t btiict liuttl ia llitl city. II., blutb.r it flpifl.lifl-at.trr uf fla-w-Orlnut. _Secrctary It<il)e?on vi?ite<l tho Portwniouth lU II I .HtTfltrd. rraxtnitr tnd lalvndrd to prw*?1 witi, t'limnin. Iflflflfl ito-ifl.r, tbi Amx*** i* ihe T*1i**oom to BbBBBM *od Buuil **? m TEI-ECHAI'IIIC BOTBfl, ....The first copious raiii iu Salt Lake City iluring thn* ---H.*ibJ frll a?.Uni??. _lin.wn haa a?reed to row Higlin for fll.non, l.l. wiu, lb. It'.ltfl tiiO U I rtiwu..,*. Tk. t.lli* Iit, uut )*l bftu liafl. _llie Kail aiui ('uiiiiic? of DuiTerui ware pres rtX tl ( p.nwotili- cnnra-n 1; llil ftl 'aai ra.i.iut. A I. 1*1111, llir* it t-baru fci ?.., by Ibr Pr-i?:(i.i?l Oi trrt*.rot i-u _Priglialil Voillig's ell'oit :it Bcotiipromlsfl- ut the i , Nll ??? ' "' '-art! ,(!.<?(,-fu . I tii ---uw fl-nnir, Bamsiia ln <*.~ ta Bail 1 lllfllj tflrtti u-tira.i >, MalBflMfllBBM ri-Mll. _Tlie new cipit-il ' oti.ii? nu! ln lil iti tirst mcl in, lb 11.r.i. : . . ..Lro : .. ? .,.?!?.: I Wlll I-. . ??!*"? I litiLu Iui-.: u.' fl, IW, IH -. Mar Und. Henator Morton wlll leava the elty. r.-urii ing to In.llaiiapolu, to-morrow. THK EXI'lflORATIOX Of TIIK ItflMKY MOIVIAISS. 1-rof. Hayden, writtug ou tbe nd ui. froui tm- 88888 on the west sloiMt* of the IbM ky Motintalns. reporr* lln.t bis itipedition haat attaiiicd tbe suiuttilt of Moii'it I | coin, and anci'itiilneil IU elevation to be Umttt hai From tln, point at least 15 inountalns were s/cn which aro 14,(ioo fr. t i.iiovc the sca level, and -150 htivlna altl aaflaa "f IMMIaal above HM araflv, wMMBa iha bbmbB t.f Mount Lincoln tln- flaahafl P?'ak wa- 18888881 Wfehfl Ix-ars tho name of "Holy Cm-s" Bfll fl < flBBBMfll to be 17,000 feet hltch. Otl IU eafltern tMfl ure twn deep tisstires, crosslng ea.-h other at 11 tr li f aiigles, making a perf.-fltt cross, aml wi.lch at all Baaaaaa M Ifea yar ar.- uu-ii with tatrw, Ifeh uiouuuiti ls ln lia-v. al io Im- the lit^hest Iii North Aicrlca. Tho natiiriillsts of the cxprdltiiiii Imn- becu very BU.-sful. Thev htre captured IttM number* of talfleaa r iiib't*. wbich are only fotiml togb up iu the uiountaliis, and have sccured a n uni her of (peelmenfl of ptarinifl-.'in. wiil. h only alioiiml iu rcgiou.-uf |>-i pctuil snow. Tne tn-.-il'li of tlic partv i-t.xielli-ul, .ril m.i-' nl tlie nn m baia tijaul la loiaia 18 llh olij uy tho i*t of ocuu-r. IIIK ASNl'AI. SfllltlZISH -1. Tbe eightb unntial iSchiitz 'iifoit of tbe Washington Hehiitzeiivereln citnuieneeil to-day wlth a gr.iud pfM I *nni tbroinch the prin.-ipal streots of tblfl city. fllxty BBraabara of the Baltlmore fi<-hfit?<-n, with flairs BBl (upt. \l Int'-r's band iu I'russian unlform. and iil?-< tbre* Otber bands of miisie, were in IM 8888888188, Ab08l so c.irriagcs ariivcd ai tbfl I'.trk, wheri! ati inlilres, of Wfl come was ui.ule by Iho llun. H. Wulf, I'rc-jidcut. tVAHHINGTON NOTI-'.S. WAsm.S(iT(?y. Monday, Aug. *. HC?. Fuperintendent Ibibarry of the Ifaliluiore au.l Po tomac ltallroad appcarc.l before tbe I'olice Court this BBaSBBBg nn defcndiint lu a suit Hiuillar to tbal laU'l.v brouirht bv Cileti < ui-liiiitr iigaiusl F.-rn.imlo WoatYl doit, tao coinpiaint bataa that taa engine, tralaa. aal ear-of his IBM I teal.-il a i oiiiuioli Uillsaucc to tio aii habltaatala tbe nelgbborbood. floheartaa of tbe aaaa was had, and Mr. Huburry wti discharged on hujowu laaoBBtaaaaaa A large number of the BBthMB sent to the Wnna F.x liibitlou having been sold, or otberwlt.- di-pai-d ttt, U ha- been determined tliat one of tbe store-shlps Wlll M sutlia i.-nt to brlng home the r.-maintng BftlehB Tlie Otutrd will accordlnirly r.-inain for that porpoae,aafl the Hupply will sall for New-York in the latter part al July. leaataB Ramsey lafl for baaaa thi* araabM witn satlsfactorv assuraiices that the tioveriiuient will use lU good olllccs for the r.-lcase of tbo Manitoban pri-out rs until tho time-for Uielr trlal in October. Qbt. Aiatla t.f MlaaaaoM r< uiains iu tbe city for a day or twa louirer. ____________ 711 ll BEW PEOPLEfi I'A IUT. RATHKATION MflflMflfl IN CINONNA IT ? TIIK MVfl H I.K AN AVU DKMfl'CKAIIt I'AI.ITKS Iti I - I'l.llfl' M'KKfl IIIS I1Y Bflflflflfl, RAMflAT, i'l NNlMiHAM. I'llill AM) ( nl.I.INS. [nr nuaflAlfl to tiie TBim -?i C'intinnati, Ang. 4.?Tho call f(?r a nicrtitip atVVood'.- Tln at r to night to ratlfy the actmn of the IVoplo's (-oiivcii(ion rcccntly held at ('olumbiis di-ew a crow.ieii heaaa. Waa, m. Baaaaay paaaMal, with a tafl li.-l of \!tc-i,riMiIi'iit--. Mr. Baaaaay, on taking the ctia.r, arraigned bulh partic-t for hav.iiiit Ici-n false to the inl( rc-t- af IM pa aipli- iiiidcr iBBBfeflBBB rule. The Fa da ral (oui raincnt bnl B88B liureit.-tiiiB ln power at will, while the D.inociati,' party bad forgotten the doctriiie of the strlct cou.truction <>f ihe C'uistitutioii. Tlic MOM, M i laimi <!, Bal b'-fl'u cast reluetantly for Ihe pa,t few year-, and the timo had now couio for iu d( p. idciit ia. tion. L. M. Havis. tbe reprc?entative of taa Labor fWortn er?, made a sbort 888888. at tbe 88888 of whlcb M Nafl taa followinir prea-jil-le nnd rcsoluti-iu.-, whlcb, at tho cl.--' of the luecting, were adopted : Whereat. The Republican party has ceased tn he a in-ali- of prote- tion for iha- people, nnd the Ix-nnx-ratie party Mfl ccascd Io ln- B II iii-triiiiient or reform: and wbereaa tbe eondlttoo of tfee eeantryaal tb..- flhtraaa of tio people ib?tiiiimi a aea party i tberefora. lie xt retolml, That we. the people of Cim liinati, tio flereby indorae the platform ado].l bytM people at the I'eopl.-'s ( ontciitioii held at Coluuibua, the ilotU ot Julv. Uriolred. Thaf we bflfBbf ratifv their iiotnin.ttlnns for oillc. rs, aud pledge tht-m our be..i ty support at tne poila. I.tttiirtd, IfeM the name of this party shall be tio 1' oplaa' party. llu Hon. Aaa. Ba Cunnlnghain. author of the Allcn County ri-M-lutuaiih, taUaWM Mr. Hans, and WM n C(-ived witb tremendotifl applause. H-- said tbe Ix-iiKK-raiic party was 88 lOngcr il-t-fiil to the countiy, and BaM that party had no ri,rht M Iive after tbe purpo-es of Ufl Bfg88l8Bti0fl had haaa aaaaaapllahafl, aabayaaflttM Ma eaaltaaaaaawBa ini-ciiicv-ii-. iio'b partie- lal oiitiived their aaafalaaaa, Tln iiiiiveinent i-n-ling in tln- forinatioti of the I'.'-.jal,--' party waa bara of aaaaaalty aal wsaM aaaaaa!. Tiie Deinoc.iitii party might postiionc Its sucoeas, but could not flnaiiv preraal tae peoph froai aaaaaaHafl. Iha Haa. Oaa. B Paafewaa louiiiy ealhl f.-r, and in rf-spaanalltuy pp-'kc speciall? of the operatlons of the Cailiitntiiis Coiiventlon. He arr.-ugned both psrliet for di-iioi: By, aal aall M paaaasaflto aaaal Iha remain inir yars of Mfl lifa- in wlnpiunx tluove- aml r.i- .tli out of tbe laaaph ti our litaerti- -. I/>tt.-rs were read froui ex-Scrretary Cox and Judgo .Stallo. both tii ing tbeir adlu-ion to the niovfl-nicnt. Tbe foriner warned tbem tbat past experienee ca!ii-l for th' in to make haafe slowlv, and fo raise a h!gh staudard in tiicir eounty oomlnaUoafl as aall aa la Btata, Judge ( ollin-. iii.i noinince for (iovcrnur. was then iBtrodueed, li-- tra.dl tbe rii-a- a.f tha- oew party, ilwelling -i-c- lallv on the Ciuclunall (-oiiv<-iiti ui, w here, he said, i.v aai.'iatlntfl.- Hoiact- (iroel.-y, th.-y rejected tbeprlnclptea adroeated bv .l-fta-rflon, an.i w> n- aaked to Ihriw away all prineiplct to gel a mati BBO bad fooe on taa bond <'f It tt. Darla. He <l:<i ool indlcl Borace iineiev aa a bad man, bol aa an obstaele and aoddelnalon aa a Demoaratle eandidate. In notiolng ttn -tru-tan-B tuado by tbe Deuio.-ratic preflfl upon tblfl iiiova-meiit, and the cialm made for Mr. McMahon ot li.Mon tbat lie woiiid bfl .i D*iii"cratic candi iiiit,- beeaoaa be had Indlcated tbe errors which that party had made, Judge Colllnfl said bc, to.'. Imlieved the Heinocrats erradd at ChloaBO. but lt was ln this that tno platfurm atopped short of tln ili-niamls .af tbe peoplo, uml tbat there wa- r-i o iiflatiilng le-s tban ait'tnpli !'? raatoratlOB ?'f tbe Union. He belleved lo and labored for tu- aomlnatlon or Judge Chase ln'68, but tbe Democratic partv could Bot tben raise ltscll to tha.' uvvAfioii. Hc ftrgtied for reveuue re fortu anddMM tbanft'W tho most aartenu objeotlona to Ihe present partles was that baai men uml.'r?t.1 tbe Sflfcr. ts of tbelr luacbltiery aml u-.d tl.eiu |o tli. ir o? u advantace to tbfl detrlmant or tbe people s lulert -ts. Th> Haati Krcd. Hussaurfk follow.-d Judgi' Colllin in a -..??,-, li Wbleb elicite.l fre.|iient and hearty applauae. He claimcd that the purpose of the new narty was to fr.-e/e one of the old partles and to strangb-th- oth< r. The tacople's partv wa, for i-quuiity of i Ights and equal loaUce to aii meu. Ho baUavad tae peoplfl would ilaa-k to them as soon as they war.- persuadttd tbat it was to be a iM-rsi-teiit light for principle. Ho urged tbo re diK tion of otH'i'-holdeifl by abolishlng tbe Burcaits of As-rli ulttire aud Education aml tbe national priiitiiig-offlcc; and whilo ho did not lnteud to commit the. pai ty, or any body else, to his view*. ho flflll also favor the abolltton of tho preM'iit fV'stfin of delivering maii matter lay whicli tto Oovernment would coutract for delivering letfurs. <kc, as it now eSBtraatfl-fl, aml ior carryin?r,theiii, thu- .! - missiug 60,000 offlcials ln tbe shape of Fosttnasterfl. Thero mu-t tie, he said, u cutting down of iilllco-hulder* if wo would avoid plungmg Into Imperlallsin. Bpee<-bes were made also by Isaao M. Jordan, Oen. A. Haunders I'ritt. tho people'* nomineo for Lu-iiustiitiit (i.nernor, and Wililani Halier, and the uiect|ug ad? journed at a laie hour. _^^ YELLOWSTONE I.XIM:.. ITION. TBATBt IN A NEW and WILD REOIC-f. 4-woi.iK.v BivaaaaooMfla i ibbidi obbtbcu-? mi i tiru A- iitoMi.i" ni'i-iiy nra M.illl-Kol IWKMI'i - iBBBM . . ? I VVHi-kV KKGS-THK ?f_BBD-fl8 Of BBflTl 88 BBBfl ? ik. BflB iaxi - Of _____?- ii! 'is IB r Cl ****** pnaoat-BB BracUi OB_BBBB_Baa ai raa raaaBBt i Hkaut Kiviiit, Dakota, Ju!'' ?'- -Waa ? .nii. tu. -ie h .1 strea tn DahaBa **** * ma "?- ? thi.ty feet. ( hlonotlii't IC-llIt, lf Im ii-I BBfl-fl tl.lrtv lll.l' -. Ii: !? I . II VII l *?* I l-l-' ?'?' I 'I I ' bank lo buii t I Bt Mf lt is ju _ thBtt t. .'tyfict. I if l oil tuke il-t *[ lil, .. .il il. pt ... i It '?> I'I. flayi of heavy al.ow '<? ln.ivily liid-n Baaaaa BlBMal BOOt, ' 18 88 1188841 wlll get iln- tim.- t.( :i of i-rix-iug it. 11. ...ii BB ?' B * over two (tiiy _. Ia tliat two iai.. we'l lave ru.ii!.' thirty miles. Ti.:. te tiu or mii ? 1 ls known ua th" " BtB Bu .di " Tin ..? "nly nco - n.n\ part la the dea( ription of a .!? nn.ti tlils part of tln- country. Tk* iioiin is the gen. . .' H l.cnuy BBBM. At least it BBaM to be. Ii.< BB ar. of the t-a. th earthy. TemtH-r a cup nf strong rotfeo witli a llttle uiik aml fBB hsit. the. pre. v.ullngi.ilor. G n. Ciuter, wbom Gen. ..inley Ind *n t with tl.e 7tli i.u.ib v and a few iigbi i l-'l wagona tu afford .cib f to ib- ...i.-p. Itcl i.Ufciiini-", l. td arnved ai tins "tream the day BflB-flB, Bl had Co M I ' ?-" wat to riiia.t, aad i.'.ilt a brlil^e !:i li i.i. ii, oon BB whicli he had iTi'-weil his troopa BBd WM ! B_ Th.. a mistake of our gtiido and flu v,natched ? iinlit.oi. of tln- loals our lu ai v tisiin did BM MTlTeM until the followiiig dav. O ir MBBH BBN iliim?' I I baiist.-d by tli.ii pu; llr.g. ft tt* ttt BBBfl BBBd attaeipliiiaaiinth****** it wi*. dou itfsit whethei we i..uiM i so-a atlBOBl tHlllding nl,o"iei- brldge. Tln .trcam that ui_;lit decided the qm tiou .or us. T h.-avy ra.ns aw.lW-d lt 1 *SflBBBa8tJ ? Its lev. I ro - higher ai.d blgher. BeBBehBfl it MBBMi '" take a faucy t l t*B ( .i-t.-r*-* iuul... Iha br|.|_ BM BB ' to reclprncate lt. There wa* a aallafl-M BBfl fBaBj B8 elojieiiMiit. I a.iw the wutcr ( n Bf Bf I '-' I -?'-? 1 8888 r BBfl .tt la.-t BB tha iirnlgc fn.iii Bt te* Bd MB] Bafl on ito bo-oiti Wi bad no ot,|ie'. ifl *o rhe BB of thia bridge ; Imt it was tiukiii.t la II '?> 8*888. M a* wo m-.ilij.l it ii.ii t. lm -tr .un hafli Ihat it Wi..-* llll,*-.-..!, i- to llll I.e II .. . Ifl BB .lf* Ollllt of it. iiuTi-iiacil witllli. I'.'.- Iuul s, ' . . iiuugh. Il la afiet known, I BBPfBBB, M tl I ' l i-' I B I I tfBB*aat*BB*tft D I'lituu'iit thlt BB BTBiy ?"'|-"'' I ,?'' 8 vv ith 5,000 poundi wiii not tl'.sit ln t.'i 1 flef. lt B Bareheeaabtoto expeet sii tn-ii.a m iwtai aMB - a w.ight. It was with ref.-reni.- MlhMWBatel in BaflBfl armv wsgotis that p-oit'-cn-* BSara inwiit-d. Bnt, notwirhstati'ling tbls f M - BBfaflBBa Hin.e the war st.irte.loff on a uur.n y of _-ver*l hund aafl miics aeteeeaaaa atmntry withom a singie (??.. Maa, Iha aaaasa a tuat tbo toiiutiy Ba ? a flry a paaa tion. Tbls year, however, it l..i BM. k 99* aaaleeaa aaaM haaa aeaMaBaafl tha faleeheafl, i. w. if aaked for, MM there war a BBfl-1 B '!.* ''1 '?'!" BBBBBwU'-ie. anl BN I.I not g.'tl.iii;. '.V.'!, potit. | our wbole eomuiaud b_v ? .- ? i four hours. ax 8-J8BBCI tc.vt ]>i 11 : 0* ? O im itv. ii. n. si.iiii.') i-ii..'.t.Mi. i4>i' i Ba n i *m tblail" '"'? "i' f ***** * "" ''"': ' ? ** ' it up bliaatitf BaBBM thi bbb ' BflM I 11 linn h delav. M ijor _B__8B I I * t*Bf Bad BBBB BMBBfl atn .nl -( v. n o: elghr llill.-S. tUUf ***** ****** Utt rations. Ibe eavalry iu adv.tUfe iieeded rations itthen i- .ti> p >tre whei-tlaaafli peaaMaal ***** **** ev> rfre h -.'is'ror.-x. rtue it L- iu ?? tiv. .,. tb.- plain-. eepeeBBy m aaaaaatBa a aa * '- ?"< i *. tluli i. Ihi. . Ine extempnraiieous lii..1:. BM B-BB B feitile lu euggestlou and B* lt iu ex??* iti'*, tht man >.f quick 8-1 ntid r.-ady band BBfl 8 __BBBM B88B of amcaBara. alwajra BBi ****** '" come to the flvfaaa if a MMBr B BalMfl to a liiiiilinuiii'lUintifi of I 'ln'hing, B 8 make tbe littlo be has go to tl.e last v.-rgo of emlur | Yet aoldlers *re foitd of dlsplajr. Thry art, alao tourt N good uving. r.ut M BeeeeeH - aaaapa ?-. ba t bb b* - comfort BBi 8M8B BBlh out ?f B ismud al B B tb M -*' I one oiiMide of his prof aaBBB-alBMB Uka UB i ttt* h.-eanextetnp"!.-'' I BMBBM h t" meet BB BWifla H '?** has a full ratiou lu- U BBM t" '"' Bf t.'i B II. II Bfl a one. he can make up the r*--t Bl pflWllflg. HB taa* * tta economy is redueod to tir.t ftlB |" ?? I lf Mh B l furnlshhlm a cooking htove. A Bfl can w)l] niak, B catl'llestick. A l.av.uiM thiu-t tn tlie ground will ****** fur the Baaaa parpeea ea am-wer M pM flawa Ma teut. t aaleareB 8888-4,88Baa -s BajryaaaaafM *t a Bew-Tort bak.-ry, bahad M ..'. etaa aa* m lhe * Mj bb aliilislile. If II be true, a- I??? . v ? Bflfl, that IhB] have BaaB araaB b>i m-ai.-t la tha gafle,thaa Iha aol.Inr 888888 BBBfl v BSB8 M B _" Uf Me. I afraid that iti_ only iu tbls BBBM __tthee__Bl miiiutuuied. How should we g.t 8T_ the B.g Bad lj I It pto-teea fer aa eogiaeer. Taa probleai aa. - not tln BBBjiaaM I MMM B B_Mb_ "f UM etu-ne. r eetfa I ***** hawB_flt thal aratyafl raaeaaaacral thing do nut plaei i very high BBtlBiaM BB BBB ? i - corp I* "Why del not a regular ai-tny aag-BBI I I paay ihBazBeflBMa i" I aikci of aa aBeer. ,- Oh, B a be afraid of gettlng suuburiit. I'- BBfl -. w . BB P I along better without them. They work aah ? they have evervthing Just so. I'm i t* tt'"' '" ~! the aa*** aai Baaba bbsbb. umi Bafl M Bhaai aH ll"v "" (tood for." Bo this true or uot, w. bappllj Ban l*BB meu withus who are iK-tter than a iOB 8 deeB l n fer totr.-n. >tanley aud I.l*- it .Ba) "f ttn Mh I try.ourl'hiefl iKiuul.. ary. (ieu BtaaBj iBBtheD edueatetloilleii, and has liada w,.l. .. I th* riains. Bl has a natutal BBBl Bt Ut B*****UB*m, aml uuitesexieiletit powers of ********** *** tB* BBBfl aud ability fo commatid men. 1... nt lio 8 nently a practi, al H*- has seen lif" BB th* ttt** M all Its aspects, tnl served with gnnt ci-.l.t dirirg H war. II?^ has pussed through many trying e.\|-nen..-, uud never but ouie w.scallght iu ti p. ??' BBM I'*' BBBM not get out. Tln* bappeued iwut N.wY.ik, aud brougbt him woribily luto pahBl BBtMa HDile sttttloued at Davls Islaud, ho Baafl BBfl MB BBBl BBB stormy wuitry night to reicuc a pirt.i who h ni cuught lu the i.e. Ho reached them, but wu- unabl.- to return to tbo fort. Tbe Uoatu.g k 8 I 88th I Inm Bl out into the'-ouud. It was not until the ne*tt .biy tnat tt.. y were takeu off, with frost-bitten ___B BBfl 11 ' Baker, tbo qtiurtcrinaiicr. aud l.n ut Daaahl (i.mui.iudliig B* BsaeetB, make up the ."ln r BB I of oui uiiorgani-ed BagBBBI? B88fla -888888 M "Clemmo," and Duffv. tbe cblef _ BM BBflflfl MB88888, might bc included in Mi tt* ****** ********** **** **** ings wbich aave us n good deai al BBBhBk li'iM'id " Clemmo" was nonplussed here. aud s<> was tb, w.igoti master. In fact w? wero all lu a. **** ot extr. m.- aaa> tatton. It vva_ one of those places wln u a BBBfl ABU M thlnkiug may be doi.o to v4-ry littlo purpo-e. Ih. t.i-t thing to fla was to get forage aLd -lor.. over for Major Town-K-ud. Tbis diffl ulty ;n a atreain twenty tlve ortbirty feet wide did not present tbe uiagui tude tbat the transit of our wagon train did If w.t could get the foruge ou the other slde, M^J..r To wun-nfl could send back aome wagooa for it A 8B-VICEABLE IIOAT FUOM B-BS_-BB MATE81AI-. Thero were two propoaitions. One to coustruet a rope-line elcvated railway. with an tti-rial car to hii pulk.1 back aud forth by haud. Another piopoeitioti made by Lieut. Ray, waa to extemporlie a b< _t. All tbat be aaked waa a wagou bed, aome rope, and a turt-iulio. The rallroad flually gave way to tbe boat line. Tt.ere waa BB*** in haulltig a car back and fortb, tbat iti ceuter of gravity might not r.-cclve due BMBJB8B?_ wbleh ca-c we should rob our horsi-s to fei-.l the jtream On the other band thero was much distrust iu thu twat PropbeUonlly it spruug a leak aeveral Umce before t waalauuched. Hypothetlcally. lt waa ao ladeu with oouting-neiea tbat then- waa uo ueed of launchiug H at all. But Lieut. Kay aald, I shall show my f.nth by my works. Gen. Btanley answered " IflB and Anicn " A A wagon body aaa disniounted. It waa ?nBBJ8i on Ite bottom and sidea lo a heavy "p_u.m" whlch waa flrmly aecurcd by BBBflfl It waa the work of n fi-w minutes to mak<- lt aud launch it. Tbo be.ivy cauv .is effectuaily kept oul water. It waa aately uavlgated to the otber aide. Gen. .tauley aud Lieut. Kay w.-re among the tlrat to croaa th. rupid atroam. A uumher of men, -tatiouod on eaeh slde, eaaily pulltd th_ boat _.-(__,, n-ctiviug no little aid trom thecurreot. d* this llttle cruft we could safely put l,i..> pounda ef forage. lt solv.d one elemeut iu the pml i.-m. Iu Bve or aix hours wo had ferrled euough atorea and f.ragt lo niipplv the I'ompiii.y of eavalry aud two eou.pau.ia ?f lUtantrv that lorined the surveyor'i eseorU The neit .pieatiou was, bow should an get over eut *** tmatik Paaa,