_7__.vvvill N?10.0.>~\
NEW-YORK, TIHI-SDAY, Al (il ST 7, 1873.
-,0V ok inr. aoa. am. ai.ikn aoa ootraaaoa
VT 'aiviamation-tiif BBB H M !?- ?wiikp.Ii
m-i.-i- . "vrii.KM ?'i MN. I B
(-,,n Mn; -. Aug.O.-H wa. evident la-t nigl-t tliat
tl., D,mo, t.itit Stat. Convention to-tl.-iv would bo
tl..- fltfl st ,lt 1*?Bte eonv. ntiou that tliat party haa
held iu Oluo for a number of yean*; atul M _ ********
out to Ite. Miti.v of BB8M who part uipa ted n, Ul
? IBHlUBP have not beforo taken part
in an MMMfl-BBJI al <Iie ****** ********
ihe Iaal fliMfle. Eaaaj aaaaif la th,
Btnte MM r,-pr('_-nt,_. atul innny of thrm had tinu
Btia'.lv strong _k_B__t__l_ ******* ** ****** of abflitj.
aadi* iiiiini.ti'-. The CaB-BBtiaa was BaM n tbe
(>!- ia Baaa , Ibm bwmb paal ai Bfckh vm liiled bf
ialtajalri Al U o'.l. k la IB8___tlafl U.e CeBTta.
tion was ealled to order liy tl.e llon. John Q
Tliouipson. (hainii.tn of tlie Deinoeratic 8M_
Conui.itt.,.. WB8 announced Hfl Hon. Samu* '
K. Hunt oi Cuicinnati a-s flBBBflBM v ft
dent. Mr. Hunt rame forwurd on tl.e BBBfl
atul tliank.-.l Bm CnventH m for tlie honot :iti(l con
tidenociini'l:.'' tn tliis c:ill to **t****t over its t.-tn
jH.raiv - n. He .aid that the ****** ,i8_8
U-Mol "-"v ft' )liio MB here as. etnlilcl
in IhM BTBBl ( ...nveiitioii Wltb ("U-titinnicies in
ii.i. t o,mt v. town. lnp. and 8C_OOl distiiet. iu evtrv
nu. rHlaant. aad aaailfl la Hfl Mate. [Ap
l,l,-.,-.| iin- l_-rai_ri_y of Oluo. he Bflld,
ii .- .i duty and a lniaaiou, aud Hfl ******
dl 188 818888818 of tlie party heat in
BMBBM Witb th.-w, rkings of this Coiivontinii. He
then mad. M Btt*}**** ****** ct. tho naturo of this
dutv ai.d iin ? B-iaaMa, iaB_BlM Hmbb Ib detail. 'ih,*
piit.. i| Im l * tht DaBBM rntio party bave not outlived
tin i BM i iit M| they will aaifl M long aa we havo
nfi,-, !'<;?? ? . bl -nd- TbB party ha. never
Ptiu-1. lt appeul. to the pooplo tr>-(l:iv in
ronl'nleii.c bv Na 1. aching. of patrit.ti<ra an.l . tatos
mikii-l.ip. an.l l*y it_ long and brilliant 18008-1 to
bMbi! bj Ifl jiiiniilflM Bhall ** abflMflfla Iha flald
inthofato of the enemy 1 [Loxid cries of "No.
Nc i.t us call in lacfaifl. Lei the waflbweafl
paaaalong th.-lino that "The 01.1 Guard di.s. hut
iicv.i Miii.-i.tlci.." [Great applause.] ThiM eheen
.ivdilur t!.* Bpaaah, the hand .truek up a
liv.-lt aii.i.ii'i thi ih 1' gatM shook han.l.-a Ifl labM
nf tiu ii r. tttfU <'! lnleln v $0 tho party.
('..I. Bflhefl A. Cm. t il.loof Atlien. MM tl,.-n made
-?? ietur.v. witli half B dtflMB BflBiflB-ta.
'Iln , '-'.liiiiiittecs wero also appl
i* bi btiug constitated M
foll. ?
!?? |. ? ? Beary Baacke; Ild. TI. C. Wkltaaa;
lii ; Baafl afl tkakik ; H Keoey ; V I
li.iti J Beflr; Vlth, A. II. T.vl.-r: Vllth, I. R. I
VIIIi . v Juliu Q, Thoiupsnn ; Xih.
B, -fewmaa ; xiith, a. B
V.n.'i..:. \;il ... ] ( I ?; XIYih, J. Vi. Jennor;
XVtk, Jeremlab 8 with. (tiai i
XVTItk, Joba ( Ln ?.. ; XVIIIih, E. _eahe!tua_; XlXth.
Mattl. ,, XXlb, Tho _us A. _!owo. .
TIk ( "livriti .ti tbea t"ck a reeesa until 2 p. m.
It piomjitly i.u -seuihh-d at that hour. Tbe botflK
? . ipaeity, from bottom lo top.
m.,1 lively Mttbaa-aaen waa mauifestod witb
tlie report from tho C.-ninnttee on Cn
deatiala Tbi t-pati wm tha! every county iu
lhe Btate waa .fllly tv_p- b ab fl, toi lhal II ? re wero
aoeoateata Tbal ?o* Penaanenl Orgaai
reportAil QflM Wiu. H. H.ill of .Muskingum
C'oimly f?r I'r.-nid.-nt. the namoa ot'JO Vice-Proai
flaata, aad W. -s. Btowb ol (_aeiaaati fa Beeretir],
witb -. Mwlatinta Tha Pl8Bio__l mado a short
Meeeh, -haahiaf the CflanaatioB t*i prodiotiag
ancccss for the tickct to _ be nominated.
.Tndtre Wb_BB_B Ofl ( iti(inn..ti, Chairnian of the
I onin Baa, tbea _8f0-__ a ph-tflana
(printed below), whiel aaa MtbuBlaatiea-ly r,
reiv-d aafl bi i imoii-ly ndt'i'ted. Tbe Committee
lor.;. Ceatral Committee pneeotefl tbe
aaatMol tiu g atleiaea tbey bad aelected, on,
ta. h Co-tfreaai bal dlatrict, ami the CoDrention
paoaapUj ? ? ni i med tbe nomuial
'1 h? Hut:. J .lm II. Ptitnain afCkiUk-iht th.n, in
a f-iw iip; "?";?!, i \-.i; -eaatoaWai.
Allen for Qarecpor. Judg, Fflletl Mcoaded tbe
noanin.-itioi) in a aboal apeeeh, euloL'i/iiif Iha fMtle
paadicting his eleetioa in Oetober. He
inov.d that the i i.le hi M_____4 nvjiiiriiig a cull
nf tbe ? ? ' ? i I"- ii (lar, il
iho Bemiaee ofl tha Demoetatie ****** lot
? Ohio by aeelamation. Tbis was ear
fieil by n i.i,;i!ii:ii? u> V"te, all thfl flflltfBtfB tiB-Dg
aafl Bwingliig theirhata iu mid-ait aml yeUiag ;.t
lh, top oi tbflil TOieea for ..-verai niitiuUs. Tho
paBteal poMibli enthuM t.-in prerailedi the Bcene
, .. I ? -ellt tO CoL Alilli,
cn of tbo Convention.
Sii eaaattdaMa were ttiwtH for liaatBMMi.
I td. hut thitc v. ,-i'f witlulrawu, Ieaving only
tiiK-e to i.e \ofi-.i lar,m f'ilii'\v-: BaHtahaa Baraa,
BBB, .'-uiiiiiel I" - -111 ? 111 Cai,. iiinl Warren It. Noble.
"li.. ti-t luii. t ataofl] Cary.aia. Bmbs. 188. Noble,
ftt '"' I'.??' ?'.? vt ithdi, vv from the ( "iite.*t, aud
Cfl I ..laud County waa notcinated OB
? *******
- }l-Vi_r-^U1':' *' ..ti, vvTts Uidyuiiiied fm
Jtiiigtb 1>{ tb, Supit-ine Court for tlie IUU tenn, and
rbarkfl \L s* 1 ibaea oi Tolodo for the vacaney. For
Attoniey-Gen, r il Michnel \. Doughcrtyof Colnmhns
?wun noii'inatedon thetn. t hallot. At this point iu the
proei th, Tr, dideiit rttceived a telenrraiu frorn
Ilr. Allen iuop'iiig |the noirnnatioii for GovernoT.
The rrafllnj ol the t'-h-grani eaasefl a laawwal afl Iba
BA-i-iie tli.it o.? .11.1I when Mr. Allen was nominated.
tbaah-BB WM N great that it wa? Bome time
befon- ordi-r could be rctored aud the Couvention
X,r<K',-c(l vtith -rl,-- neniiriatioriB.
(.K.rge Wfl-MM "f Siiiniiiit County was then nomi?
nated on the Beeaafl ballfl Ifl Treasurer of the
^tut(, a;,d JaBBM K. Nawt-aBfl, editor of 'ihe Marion
Mtrror, was ik nnnafcl l>v aeelamation for Con
ln ibt. Ckriatopher Sebank of Mereer waanornina
Baflea lhl Inl baBfl tk* uietnber of tbe Board of
I'tiblic W.uks.
Siriif; I' .-? vm. who haa heen quite ill for Bev?
eral days. wus brought in to mako a ahort siKK'lt to
tbe C;.ri\ .-iiii'.ii. Hfl -BflBaS-JT alluded to tbe Vind
BMflaeahe I.u. i.ee.ved atthe handsof tht Deuiocracy
and the entliiisiaittif mauiier in whicb ho had just
lu-. ii r. 4 ivnl 11, waa not auipriaed to eoe eucb an
init|H.iiiiiig Bfl tho J-ernocracy to-day; he
had Bapaaaafl it. It waa irrefragahle
f)r,K)f that the principlea of the party
were entirely eorrect. Democratic principlea were
iiionf upon whieh the Government waa founded,
aiid are thoae upon whieh tbe Government
must be perpetuated. He bad littlo respect
in lus h.art for the man who was aahamed
of democratic principlea. The Convention
La.i done a n I.le work and adoptod a plat?
form that wll .!, fv ( uli'ism. He finnly believe.)
Ilu- ti. ket iioiniiiuted would 88 8-8aaaa\ [Great ap
planae I
The (').nv, iiti-m tben adiounied with eheers for
rn-nator Thnrm_ n aud the ticket. Tbe State Central
Coi/uiiitUr. un 1 to mgbt, uud orgaiiixod hy elecling
tbe Baa. A. 1'. WbU-BB. Chairraan, and Itohert A.
Constable, Me^-ri-tary. The Committe also Pa_M_sfl
tbe lollowuig BMM Executive Committee for tbe
DcoKH-raey of (/Ino :
John U. TBompaoB. Jacob Reiubaxd, Auic* Layman,
M. A. BaBBBaBty, und __ l__.beluian.
A grand ratili, ation ia in progreaa to-night at the
west front fl Ibe IState Honae. Hpoeehea have
ain _*ly In-en n a.lo l.y Mr. Heisley of Clevelaud,
Harnahaa I. _t:r. 1 f M.uislield, Kansti, ld fctnifli "i
Hamilt-'ii. Darid M Wilaon of TflBBfBlflWBi Rfltflfli
Kcene of I_Agai., Wm. V. Laytm. ofl Wapokoneta.
iku. ti. P. Carjf of yL'iucii_uati, Matt Martiu of
('(?luntlwffl, and othera. All the apeakera expreaa
?pnlflflflAdflflflfl la-flflflflflflk Iha flMfltlhf ib very
lnrpe aml entliuaiiwitie.
? A III.I lltMCT NoMlVt IKI>?IIIK 1K(N. Wll.
i.uv KBWflfl.
Iflflflflflflfl pititaa i.iai'ATi-ii I
Con Minn, Aug. 6th.? Tlie .State Dflflflflflflflflk
(onveulion ;iH*eiiil.letl at the Openi Housc this rooinniK.
all tbe eountles bcinc representeil. some bv vf ry lartrc
delegation* The Hon. Haiiiuel T. Ilunt of Hainilton wa?
ehoeen teniiKirary (lian uiuu, antl matie an earnest
spccdi. preilictina an aclive eonte?t durniK the cnmlnir
<-auipitiKii. and tbe future ureutiiesa of tlie Iit-moeratlr
party. Ue wanted tho cry to ito flflflfll tliat tlie "Old
(itiard tlie*. but never surrendcrs." After tbe appnmt
meut of ci-uiiiiltiee* the Convention took a reoeas for
flliiitii i.
Tbe CflBVaaMaa rettssrinliled at 2 o'clork j). rn., and
eff.-efed u tH-riiianent orifutiirstioii Bf Heieetm^ Mr. W.
ii iia.ii of MaaaflBBBaa OBflflflf bh OhflvflflMfl. The foi
lowinK platform was ttiiopted with cheers
lirtolretl. Tbut the lieiuoi nitic party secks to revlve
no dead iHsties. hut stiinds by Ite pntii lpl< *, which **r.?
Miitfd t.. uii tiiin-. aafl drcamatanoea. It anppoita tke
K.ileral tioveriiiiient la all ita eon.itiiutlnnnl iiiuhorlty,
and oppoMK Dollifloatloo a&d fleeeaaton. lt defaada tfea
reserved rljihts of tbe itataa anil people, and oppoaaa tha
eentnill/.allon tbal would linpair or ilctfltroy them. ln
onler to pra-servo anil uiaintaiu th.-.-?e riflfcta, lt lnatflts
upon a stria t OOBltroetloO Ol Ihe r. tl- r.tl Constitutioii.
it reauta all attetnpta of one department of tka Oarera
litent to itMtri) or .u-itroy ii.e eoBfllltattoaM nghts or la
depeiidt-ni t of otlierdcpiirtinciit.-. li op;-oM-8i(ll iuterfer
eooe bT laa wuh the privata affalrt or bnalnaaa "f
lucii tmt rii|inr? .1 in-putiiic peaee or aafMy. -.oul atro
, .,n, uu- greateal ladlrldaal Uberty conslatent wuh
puli ic (inle . lt l.eli. ve* la tln- eapaeity of the people
fm -uIf-gOVi iiiiiieiit, und oppOOOfl ill property qiutliflca
Utiont ti. the t ii.-bt? ol luflnm or < llflbllity
tn bold iiftlt.. lt fiivorsa liberal luw f. r thfl iiuttiraliz.t
tton of foreignera. It Inalata npon eqaa md ezaotjaa
in c io u.i inen. Itloppoaea all monopoltefl, and deuiei
ttiiit tt i* witbla tke provtoce of tke Ooverntrenl t-- legli
late foi the laeti.-tit ofl particulac olaaaea .tt the e xpeii*<
aud to tbe iletriiiieut of tho rcnt of the cotuuiuu.ty. It
tben fon- oppow ? tbe lystem t-> whu-h a large pprtiou
of tbeproflt-prodnclng wealth of the eonatty i* aa
enipteil Irom taxatioii, and deinand* th.it hII eoaMltU
tiooal ii'.!.!"- .-iiiii. ln- u-fl to rfiin-tly liun i I'
Inalflta tliat om t.inll law- iboald ba formed altb a ilea
to revfiitie, utni not to ku tbfl aomaiai ity rorthe bcnefli
of part etilur induitries. lf i -1"- erlla Of
Irredeemablfl ( mr. mv, t.m 111*1*1* tii.it ln ibe return to
apecn paymenutrareabali be taken 1 - lalydia
mrti th.- l,.iMM.-** iif the - ountry. or ir-the
debtor claaa, II appreeiatei tke benettta conferred by
railroads, bul oppoaaa all eomblnatloBa ol railroad eoai
.(. preveni oomj ulilon,and ttnin ankaaee tha
cosi .f trarifl-i' ait.-ttio'i. i- .?!? !"->-( 1 Bll lawetbal i-nc to
capital uitv Bdvantage 01 .-t ..ii-or. It requlrw c
iu,,] ( i.kouij ln everi .:., irtinenl of tbe Oovernment,
]..l-i.i ur State ; .ii..t tl ' [TUptiOO, WkoeTOf
iiiuv :m- the guilty p.ir:n -. II 1* ii. ii-i. r> liuiUK , itii'l
in roanll ol Ita prisciplaa, a p-u.y of
progrcbi i - - flii maaanreaol rafona ec im
prorr-ment thnt are laWtlom t bj JliatlOC uud Coiu
mended by aound praotleal wladom,
h'tsuti?i, Ihat tba aealth of tba country la Iha i>ro
rliict of Itfl Ihl.ir, an.l tbfl bflfll li-f "f > 1pit.1l la thut
wbl kgtveaeaspwyBaataad lil t.. ihe pro
,-ui 1.,. -.ra- tbal laofla t"
p.-aataa [ iIkiii frmu (a ppra- -* I' I la aliu ti. niiprnti- their e.m
dition, aud dlgnifjt Uuu calilng, deaem ? aad n
.1,1 sympaiky and aapport Ami tbat we oordially
tire reaolutioni adopted at tke
kiiut N.iiii.nui ii*ii.11 Cfl'tiiiii-.t ut Clavelaaa, tavortog
?rl 'i.it."ii aml ii-i'-ji ration.
,('/. lhal alilitiuKh alwaya coh-titiiflng a l.-trtr.
nihjonty of tuo Aiuencaii people, agneulturalistfl bavt
. Btate (i i ed< ral,
?i,\ api _?-?, iinii never Infosted tha bi
Congreaa or tbe Lejtlalatiire wltb i.ai,t.>-i-1 - or rlnga, bnt,
? ontrarr. have *iiiii-iaii underdlflcriminatlng and
i:itii f.irii.-ai.in. e h.a- aaaaafl lob< arirtne,
rebjr pledgeonralnfl r? and (i"tifl-a-* < ffurts tooi>
tuiti for tkamaradraaa of tbeir griavaacafl aad aqaal
aud azael inatlee.
flaaaiaad, Thai tbe pnhhe landa abonld ba t.iereiiiv re
lervad lot actoal aettlera, aho dwell apoa and i-uiiivuta
tbem, :mit tfeat we will oontlnne to ienouui i and opnoae,
aa we bare alwaya denonnead and oppoaed, all gifta ol
landa by tha Guvt-iuuiciit to lawaporated oonpa
giwllflrf. That the creatft <1:ii)?/er to free lnstitotlom
?preadlng i-^irruptlon lhat Ibreatens the
uiu r deatiiaotiou of public v inui-. W baa tbe ( n'-lit Mu
bller franfla paaa unpunlabed; when - .caged ln
tiieinai' elevatedtoblgta nitiual po?ltion: wben eeata
in tbe Fedei 1! senate are Doiartuaaly BBrehaaad : ahea
vast suuis of tuouey aie cou uptly employed ln popular
t-iectiooH; wnon iu aruiy of offlt-e-boidera. w.tb tbe
sauctiou rf (he flcTPrntiiet.t. u.f- their offlclal Influence
iaa aoBtrol eleetloufl; ahea bribaiy M OnatoiaboBae
oftic'-r* leani isage; wbenrlngaol piumlfr
ers are tb* r. elplents of itpiiion* <af money approprlated
foi pnblic neej wbea offiolal defaloatloni
are nf fl.iic.il frefljueut oeciirrencf :.- - aroeljr to exelte
att.-iitioii: wben i'i ? rdoni raiieve dafanltan
from pimiiahni. nt und I'rei-nh niiul appolntmentfl r- w ird
t tiiin M..ti;... i an ibbingCongreaamen,and
wbeu ? al inveatigal ? rally wbite
g .ui.ut.-, iti* aot atrangt tbat menbegin to taaa
conHdeuot ln Ixae Inatltutlona, uioi thai the fama ol tbe
BepubUc i- '? .ioiii.-ii-.iit tb>- etTlUied
i i remedy tbem eTlla we in*..*t tbat reoeipta
? i-t TKliturt-.-fl" of Ihfl li'Veruiii.Tit rhall bfl dluiiu
i-ifl.-.i: tiiut ita patronage iha I be oartaik .1 unii aU aaa*
iirh.-.1: tti.it u abali aaaaa to aaorp fnnc
uon* io miiicb 11 in* no lltlej inn t.iiieiMi mifloonduel
and fraud and corroptlon m - .. ctnui- Bbi u t'.- i Iguronaly
cd, and tbal publle virtue ahall i? upbeld an.l
- it rondemned by the united voie- of tbe people.
| il We COIKletiill WitbOUI l''-el ie fl
action of I um liflfl in Kratiiiiji; atlditionul aalariea ua un
d uiiiiifl-uiMi.ie, and deinand tta Immedlatc aiui
: ? ? . , uiiii we 'i. qoui ' ever] n- mb 1
v. iietiier Repubiiean or Demoerat, vm... aup
IMtrtftl ihe law or reeeivt-.l aud ratfllaad uiou.-y proonn ii
tbereby, and wc eapeclally deuounce tbe cond
lent (ir.-uit ln uaing thaiafluaooeof bis higfa poel
Ui.u foi itf iiai-ras'-, iiiiJ aboat oUitiui atgflatata bmmB tt
Ketolred, llint tlte aet of the T'reM'leiit lu (."ttmi.' up by
tli'- biu'onet u goveruuient iu laQUlaiaaa, noi ebaaaa bj
li.; people, und bavniK no 11 ti.- whalever to mie over
1 flagrant viotation of ber rlgbta aad oi tbo
l'--il( ral Conatltatlaa.
ttmvltti. That oTTin departaaant ol the Oorei
belng ln tfea baada ol tin- Bepubliean party. they are
lostly rt'spoiisibie for the erllfl and wronga m legiautloo
an.l adailalatratlon, ol wim-b tha aoantr] camplatoa.
Iltfdred, Tbat uuder tlie tuiie-lioiiind DemOOIBtle
in.iii - r, Mitti tius dociaration of principlcs Inacnbed 011
it a- foldfl, w<- *.ng.xg* tn the coniiict, uini wa eameatlj ap
paal ta paflrtolia aaaa af mrmry elaaa. wltboat raaaN lo
p.irtv nanies or pu?t (Ufforenoes, to nmta witfcnaon
teruis of uriUfX eijualny iu the atraggla to raasBfl Ihe
(,'ivi-i iiuii'iii fioin tiie huud* uf iii.-h.iii. rt maa, and ra
d( in lt froui tbe llood of corruiHit-u wUlch tbuul. bi .t*
The nomination of Oovernor helnir n'-xt in order, the
name of Wm. Allen <>f Kos* td-iiity wu* Bflggaatafl mid
received wlth long couilnued chcerinc. Mi. Allen wa?
then nominated by acclBin?tiob,uIte.r ablcii three cheers
w.-re Riven for the nonilnei'.
The followinc ie the full tlrfcet nominated 1
For Oorrrnor?Wllliam Allen ?f BMB Coutitr.
ju-AeuUnont-tiHiternor?limiiiabiAr, Jiuin* of Itiebland
fi 1:]*?;?(me Judge (IvongT* rml-II C. wnltman nf Ilain
ilton Cotintv ; Hhort Tertn, Chim. H. ^rihtter of I.n- a*.
Atlorneytitneral M. A. lionicbcrti uf Prituklui.
n-i.t-ti. \\: Eimei offlummlt,
Coittroller?F. K. Newcutner iaf Marion.
ilember of ihe Board of Pubhe H'orAfl-ChriStian
Pcburck of 8188888.
?Senalor'ibuiiuan on belng called 011 made a few ro
mark* predletiug success, out exc.used himself from
m&king a long t-peircii on uccouiit of a severo sore
The Convention then adjourned.
Tbt followmg telegram was recelved from Mr. Allen
in answer to one notifying hini of tbe nouiluation :
" I accept the nomtnatlon, and deslre the Convention
to affl't'pt my irratltude for It. I accept lt becuuae the
( ouveniion, by liestowing lt cxpresaes the bellef that I
may be of some aervlce lu promotioic tbe *m ..-.-* of the
trreat Uemocracy, upon whose success, und upon that
alone rest* tlio pro*perlty, llOerty, and hB|.pln.H. nf tho
American people. Wa. Aiui '
Sauatooa, Aug. C?The proceedinga of the
Convention of Colored Ileputflllcans beld bere to-tluy
make it very apparent tbat tbe Adminiatratlou leadera
have boen plottlng to break np tbe eolored meu's orgaul
aati-ui. Tbe chalrman of tbe latter body la one Johuson,
a gllb-tongued barber of Albnny, wbo, for the last two
years, has beenjanitor of the Btate Senate. Thix mau
bas been aeduoed or deluded into exertiim bla iufliience
to put an end to tbe eolored orjeamaatton by promises of
aome position ut Waahington. If ls known thut Bpeaker
Coruell and othera bave sign.d a letter recuiniuendiug
bim for aucb a place. Jobnson bas aceordii.t;!} luk.-u
painstoconviuceall eolored men whom he could luQu<-nce
thut lt was (.f no cousequcticc f.-r tlictn to seud delegutes
to thi* Convention at Buratoga. This much be confessed.
His i flurts wero so far ?uc( cssful that ouly 17 delegatea
were preaent to-day, against nearly 100 at I roy a year
Moat of the time of the Convention waa taken up lu
lieai mK Johnson talk, Iaut he kfl bis turn was mo*t iiiiiiu-r
eifully dlssected, tboujrh wlth flflflflfflkM temper, I.y tbe
Rev. Willlatu P. Butler and Jobn J. Free mau ul New
York. Mr. Butler aald tbe Kei.ulilicaii leadrrs were
anxlous to have the oriiunix.itiun brokeu up, l.ut ln bla
opuiiuu it aai neeessary to muiiiiain it, both fur Us
iiiorul flflfl iiitelletttiiiii beueflta to the eolored race aud
fo BBflflflfl T b.'ir reeognltion a* a force lu jiolittcs. In
shorl, JobOflOii und Uu llttlfl BafeBBB of tiu- Adiiuiustru
tion leadflrs were tboroughl? dcmolisbcd.andlt wustar
riod unaniniously, Johnaon not having vnted, to efferl a
paaBMM8Ml orgamratlou, whirh having beeu done. tbi
Convention Imiiiedlutcly adlourned fl BBBfl B New Yorh
on the BM. Wedne-daj ln OflflflT. Thus the BflM
men have .1,. l.l.tl that thev wlll be ***************
than diaorgaiilied, and havo refused to walh fltfl t*
ii.tp wbuh was set for them. Me?sr*. A. E. Bm****
aud lienry Hurch and James Lewl* and W. (?
Cboster of Iiouislaua, with somo members of the -outh
Carolina Lo gisUlure. all colored, aro iu towu aud ***
in attendiineoon the Co.iveulion. Tbe.v were greatly
umused at the |s.vorty and tgnoranee fl parliameniary
law of the New-York BBM. antl some of them were un
flflfl I*. roi.eeul Uielr BBBfl"!*- The*t' ***_****, *__
laafl IM woa. flflfl Bfl Bfl at -miy weil latMfl ja *****
system of ****** whlch haa obtained tbe mipr.uis. y ln
their IBM HIH II Hiales- They are golng to ****** * ",l"v
(aisecho*. tbis evening, for the edilhation fl hhtttht*
Nrtaaafl -tfllaaa ot IM Bmth BaB B Bfl n *******
and Ibe distliigulshed funelloiiarle* from - outh Car..lin.t
and -flfl-flaaa, nbo.it iiO eoli.ie.l meu nnd ****** BB*
twici a.in any wblle. atteiitbd ?* spectutor-, uli being
iit, proachublv ordcrly and ***** etable.
thk vikoima (-onskkvativks at rich
ciates caixnra aoa "a white ba__ boybbb
mknt"-ACirm bivAip.Y aai aaaa .hy ********
pbb am. wnBsaa rAcnoaa?*********** ******
fnr IBUMBUK-fl to _i_ IBLBUB8.I
Rkhmomi, Aug. fi.-Tbo pr.iree.liiig-of tbe State
Coaaaavati-c Qomtamkhma to-day have Ibmb *****__**
1iie_ime, .-uul ui.l.u-ifit -a.-aliko to the Bfl d. gr.c
Tli.ordinary prcliuiinari,8 ofl oi'ganijMtion oeeapied
six entire hoiiiH, intcrspeisc'l wilb OCCafloDlJ -OU
calls of tm ciiinticH and SotideleKatcB, until whflB th*
,,,,- was tabflfl at 7 this evening. no *********
I'i, -id, nt or otber oflicers bflfl bflfl seeiirnl. Tb.
('?fivci:tion, as n body, ia ono of tbo BBpBfl
and most thorouplily reprcs, ntative of tbo white
and Stat.s Ufbfl IBI8BBB*- ihat was ever
gnthi red ns Yiigitiiii, BBfl )* ***** of Bflfl and BBtBB
siiiMu fot the e.tiii;..ii_ti. M-i.V'T Eeilflj _ Kchmoad
Bayatbal ll ia tbe mofl latellifeatConyenUoa hi
eveit-aw iu Yirginia, and onlv lhe iiitctix <i)r:i.-t
m-.-aS an.l Blbapflb tw cntliii_ia-iii afl the BBBM "1 dclc
r.itesa made the uilling and lilumleiiug <t tb* ? 1, Bfl>
881 endurahle.
Tbe Conv. ntion nppoar.. however, 80 ha*. ?'llv
manncein. nf and htains BB gflUB H t I i"'i^'- "
in all leapeefli iseeeaafa] aafl BeapleioBa Amoag
tl.e del* g.it.- v. lii.m- f.itu,-hafl gMM hoynnd boflfldl
nf the Btata ar.- Oena Jabal IL Early. Rtahngb
I ... riv.-tte M.M ill. n. and A. B. H?
,tI.t- laat tWO rcpn-'-nt'il Iha Btata ii. <'..!.
?? tan tha l.-hclii. _'. and Basn
lluriis. Dul.e. BBfl liiaxtiiii of the liu-t CoBflMM
K. iiiper. tln- can.li,lato of tktt*. HflhflM BBfl lhl
railroad Ib_ waa Ek Governor, i.s not iu lefl "? wbile
Withera, lus aaofl imaidBbb oapoaaat, ia ia tbe
city within eall "f lii-s fiieinls. ili-n. Maln. HM
mn-t activo of all i>aitt -ins. B B <li-b-_.ite t<> lhe
Coiiv.titi"!,. BBfl h;_ heen af work all Aaj ? while
iiiiur membera wer,- haafljiaa warfla aud dfleaastBi
,,i order. BpeUdaa IbB -Berahuj wMfi
iiianiy io ii. * upy ttme Ibt wbich ba otbet mm i bbIA
1?- owaad. 'mt it M-rvt-d to tii a, I.-.- . :? ??,';? and
tboroaably Iba laaafla ea whieh tba Cfla
HtiViitiMs iiitni'l t" fu-'ht tbil 6MB
paiL-ii. Thoy .are uiuiualiticd and cxticiuc
i-i th.-ir ,i"fnaiid.. f"r a white
g ,vi iiiinenf, ami propoM to mako that tbe eoraei
Btoneofl tln ir political cn-od. Hardly iiti I-'
wai-DBde te the ___M_a ofl mlary. the ba
baaineBB, MntrBliaatitm of FederaJ power, Intertutl
iinpri'teiueiil.s. or BBJOI tbe other .U'-tiutis ( f tl..
tbe ju*- nt M)fl iiniiiediate future. It wa_ alvvav
aml only tbo " everlasting nigger," and the dcUr
niiiiatiot! tu keep him in hifl proper plaee. Nothing
was Bflfl, eitiier, ahout UM liiov. iim nf oi lh,
Ju iimer.-itic party in support afl Hr. Gi".''
last year, but old Gov. Montaguo's ridi
rule of tho RflflabttaaM fur aeeaftlBg Bflgw
support aad bia fli siginti m "i Col Efiifhea nnd ah
foUowaea m tba "Bha_nt__j Jlm" al .irgiaia
pobtica wtm hetraved their Stiite tu if- BBB_B_88,
w.?;. i?-.-.-iv. d with reaadi fl laa^itei aad Bpplaase,
The dciuonstrntions .tf the 0__~_>__i all l_M>W( d
plainly BBOflgb Ihat tho ('.m_erv.itive heart of Vir
ginia is ess.ntiiilly in ita-old plaee, and that tbe
appt.-tl of b white man'fl governa__t f..r white
lliell is Still tlie Stlo'ig. -t. The iill'le ln e t<> ill1
Uka the ('utiveiiiKni Iflelf, lias baaa entirely
tsbite, imt one .Milit.uy Bolonfl _M8 heiiig
-% if-i l.li- iii tln- (iitire tln-a'er. Tlie c-orit ?t bfll 8 BBB
K.-iiipi r.iiid Withen fur the uuiiiiiiaiiuii for Gov
( moi bM heen vvaini iuul um BB***. All the oppo
nanfaoi Mahuii'- ani tha Railroad King, m thoy tenn
ir. bave be-ii deligbtfullV tiiriiing ev.-ry Htonc for
Withera Both g_itlfi__i aren Coatedefate aaM
oilit88j both areiif irreprtinehablo peraonal int* _fiity.
and popular atnotig Vii /inian*. Tbongb HahflBfl
K<mjK-r, it is said tbat bi- imi obje, I i- le
BBBM the I.ii tit.-tiant-Governor. wliu, | . I'n -id(nt o(
tlie Keiiati', 1ns iiiikIi BMM BflflfBl and ititliieiitiiil
liatioii:i).'(. at bis di.-iM.-al. WHlflia B urgid bj
11i.i11v whu refnll his volutitary and majnianiinoti
vvitbdiawal fnun the boad uf the ti.kit in tfl_ l"
make way fof the Walk.r Blfl I Mllfl lll. BBd now tlu-.v
(laini lie il.-h rve.. .ilniii.rr iiiilniiialioli. The Keuip.'i
party, koweTer, saecfleded la oootiolliaa the orgaai
/.iti..ii, and on the tiist test vote canii-d hy 40
majority in a vote afl W 8 BBBBBBUiOB ihat tlie
pi iiiisiiient Oigani-ation Cotimuttee ghoiild bc ap
pointed by tii.- temporary Cliaiirnan. H.irihan. ar.
BTOwed KenipeTmrTn, inatead of being aleetafl bj
tha AelegatM by Ce_imaalan_] DLatrieta T_
theater in wbieb the Conv, ntion was held was
handsomelv deeoiated, and comtortahly lilled hy an
ainlitiitc Whkb iin ludcl iiiiiny l.idien.
The election of ex-liepreaentativo Ilncoek a"
pdinaiieiit l'r> -ident this evening vv a_ matenal and
grateful lnlp in transaetiiig hu.-iiieaa. ln his B888flb
ao epting the ofticehecongratulated theiw.-einlilv un
being a Convention ofthe civili/.itioii of Virginia.
and biiiiHell on his eloctimi as its l'resid, nt. He
Spuke ill a tolie of Severe Bflfl iclelltless ( liti( lfl_l Of
tlie Fcderal Adinitiistralion. Another boBf tt
lilihustering f.llovvod, after wbieb nn earnest stru_
gle WM (leveloped between frieuds of Keiliper aud
Witbersin eflorts of the former to lead tbe Cunveii
tion to nomiuato at onco, whilo their oppouent
wanted to wait until mornuig uml the adoption ot
the platforni. Kemper and Mahono earrie,! then
point by a inujority afl moro thau 300 votea.
Nuiiieroiis resolutionfl of minor importance wero
introduced and referred to the Busincss Comuiit
tee, aud after consideral.lo deeultorv dis
cuBsion, a reaolution to go into the election
of nominees for Governor, Lieutenant-Gover
nor, and Attorney-Oeneral wao adoptod; where
upon Mujor C. 8. Striugfellow of Tetershurg nom?
inated Gen. James Lawson Kemper in a grae<
ful aud cloqucnt apeec-h, wbich waa grected
with tremendoua applauae. Tho name of Kob
ert E. Witbere waa uext placed in nominatiou
hy Gen. I'lt^liugh Lee, wbo also spoko iu glowiug
ternis of his candidate'a war record, &o. The nomi
tion of Col. Witliers was aecondod by Gon. Jtihal A.
Early, and tbat of Gen. Kemper bv Ilr. 8. H. Hoflatt
of Kockingham, and Dr. Reeveaof 1'rinco George.
Three bonis' aolid aud occaaionally heavy s|N_ik
ing followed, in whieh the in.riti and claims of tlx
cMiididatoa were thoroiighSy discuseed. Gen. I.ailv.
Mr. 1 iniii 1 of Lvnehhurg, and tbe aoldiera gener?
ally, sn*tained Withera. and, aa the contost grew
wariiier, hinted pretty hroadiy of railroad liitlticn* * -
operating for Kemper.
This hiispieioii waa repell-d by Kemper'a friends.
aml reiteratad with some m-verity hv his MflflBMMta
The strifn waa nearly even and to tlie aiidience in
teii_t.lv intereiting, hardly * taa* not having becu
A motion to ndjourn waa voted down by Kemper"*
followi-ls, who (b teriuiii. .1 to flght it Ollt t-> iilgbt
Tbe n.ll-call proeeeded atnid freijuent interrnptioii*
and wus timsbed ahout 'J a. 88.1 Kemper leadiug
wither* by 7S votea in a total of 4W.
Mi. \S illi. is made giealei abow of atrength than
tbey bad . \|..i l. (1. hut the lujiuad-. had coii.jUci.-d
Tln (Joiiv.'iiiiou will rotiuue auolboi tl__ uf woxk lo
iiiuab it? huaino-fl.
MAssACinsi/iTs kf.fokmkrs AT LOWBLL
I'AKTY flflfll TO IMI?Ut.S. Hf 11 KU ISIm IflgflBb
[fll tii.r.i,rai ii io iiik nttflflflfl I
I.owrn. iag, (..-'llie .State Labor iiflform Con?
vention held at ti?- Merrunailt BflflflB to-tUy doea
not indicate any incicaaae iu the niiineri. ul or \m
hticnl atraagth of tiu- party. hut flflnrfla flflrilti
falliug off Bflafl thfl tune when Mr. l'liillipn eon
aented to BB ttfl noiiiinee BflBB JFBflU ii|f'). Tbfl moet
disorderlv nnd al.nrtivr OeflT?tiflfl ever BflM hy
the I.al.or Ifeforniera of MflflflMhflflfltfll Wflfl Ifl M.u.
during anriivcruary week in Bflfltflfl, when it waa
virttially (l.(i?|,,| n(,t to make BBJ nomination for
the Fall alaettofl. At that time, howover, it
waa voted ***m* a convention .ibould ht
called with tl,o nvowcil ol.ject of aecuriiig
the enattment of a t.n-hour law, thua
dfl-cidiup to concentrate the ctiergies of the
party to earry throuiih tha LflfUfltflBfl ;t ineastire
whicli would ln- (.ii|iport<'(l hy many nu-mbora of
both of Mk don,Inant parties. ThflTflflflt BflJBM
era have had no orfflfliflMtefl Bfltflfldtflg hflfll fur
thflfl than tli*ifflM live or six yeara. hut Oor, Hul
loek, in hin lirnt mess.vge. spoke of the hflfllfl of labor,
und tliat part of the doflflflMflt was refa rred fo n
joirit apadfll (-(iinmitfee. Tiu re Wflfl tiu n fl coiiiiiiis
moii Bfl thi lioiii* flf labor, uml -inee thai time the
lltircau nl LflBOl aml BtflUaUl Bi which fllflda Ht lii-t
Kpcit in Iflfl, BflB bflflfl Kiiit-tiliiteii. llieia hflfl
flafla evi-ry fflflg :t e* i <??, ..tl ...ti,iiiiii. tt i.f
Ihfl LagtaUtaifl aa the labai vMflftlflB,
uml it haa ihrgyi hai nfern <i t? U a groiitci bb kfla
iiiiinliir ol iNtitiiiiiH for tlic i-iiiii-ttn*nt of B t'-n
liotir luw, The Imi-iiiU of the BBBBflflN gnf tlieir
liist report in IMI .iuu th?- Hflflflfl tef.ir.'d the bi'l
to the next general e<iurt. Siiu <-t Inn thfl SflOflflfl
flflfleiu-li year killetl the hill which the Hflflflfl bfll
passtd. Ihil 31:11 the iiiiijuiity of thfl cnuiiiiiltoc
raqnaatad leare to withdraw, l-m the bill ol tbe
iiiui-iity aaa BobetitBtad by a vote ,,i ihtm u>
one, and trinoipbaatlf paaaad tbroagh it.-. tmrtrml
tttgm witli.ai.t aiiieiuiliii nt. llii* Iull, wbl'.L intt
iiiefiiteof |tharadflaaBBon on NaebJag the bbbbi
brascb f-.i l-.t.la- nnd. r ,i |.i :..iliy .1 $S0 Iha I-nii'liiy
iiicnt of any u.in-T iiixler fhe nt/c of Ik or any
arooaaa aaai thai Bflfl in Iha ?aoufai tare af eotton,
v.oolcii li mh, lutcoi -iiu faliric* liuni' thflfl 10 hours
in anv OBfl 'l;tv ur I ' h "it* Ifl any OM Bflflk, BZflflpI
win ii neoeaaary to aaakfl rapaira t" pravaal the
BtoppagBW u.ii n.ifitiuii of tht- oitliiiitry iuiiiiii-K
<>f tht ii.:.l.
Tiu- ('(itivi-ntioii w.tv citllfltl to orili-r tn-da.v ln 1
II f'liaui Iht im. ( h.i ii ni,tn oi tha Btfltc Ceatral Caa
lnit'.ee iiml Oflfldidfltfl foi OoTflfBOl m 1800. Ha
-tuted tiu I88B8B8 tot tl.e BBBBIflhlinf "f the ('..iiv.ii
iion. and nrged the laapoaaibility <-f tiu tr rotiag lor
any of thfl (.nnli'l ite* iif eithfl r pai ty. Hfl Bfltdi "We
waoti eandidflti who vill learc llu Republjcan
party aod help to breah it np. Anotber is now un
aapirflot foi tlic Goverflor'fl chaii vha
doaa aot paopaaa to aaa bbm of tha
oMaahtaafld Ifltaaaoaa organi satiooi i" gat lato
powi r. I lu- oi-ji. imn hiis baaa Mflde t" ooe ot thaii
randidatea thai ln- engjoaerad tbe aaiary grab, bol
tbat laaflflMll itflfll eoinpiirt-I with what Wfl flflfl
auffering Kuitiiiiiiilly fiaain the handa of orgaaized
capital aad tha political partiea ol capital Ta Btap
tbal :h. ft wi ara bara." Tba Conreotioa aaa than
organixad by tha ehoioeol ax-Polioo Jadga Cbarlea
C-.w ..y ui Lum 11 laai ( ii unii.iii. w itii a -i.ill oi \ lea
PraaidflBtfl ttai BflflNflflfltoflb Hi latared to iln
advaoflfl mtm la thflflflflut Bfld thi flflapa rohaitarfly
t::ken by aeveial maiuifuettirera in redueinn the
hoiira of Iflhflfl, althoneh Ix>well"tvaa ntill in the
r' ;ir. In tiu- la--t hflflrinf, tln ir oppoflafltfl bfld
aliatiflbfliiti! tniny cf tlic cl'ja-a tioi.s foriiierly ur/. ai.
siiu a- tha- aal\ iafehility of the BMflflBTfl aaa eenoadad,
tiu- aoviafl to piir-tic wiuiuii 1" aaah to uaata boj
,',. V. p-iitV. lt Wli* ll.lt to IlOIIlIla.lUil Sl.itf lilkct 111
i.piaoa.ttoii to thfl two i'1'lit.fl.il partiea whieh now
exiat, bnt to mako iaanea on tbe Beoaton .uul Rep
n-.sental in- . and tu gflfld both llie <m tlBf pflftifa
la fuitiieriiii? di .iu,(iue lahflrnaaflflflBBi 4bbon
lolerant spirit BOB prevailad BflB0fl| their oppoiit-nl-.
-md thev Bfl lasgar Boaght to Miia traadiawi
Hebade tbe farmera of tha w.-ti; d q i tn their
demaiid* fur clu ap trtm-poitatiuti, OTgad tln- n-?< - -
Bity of BBjBti iu "f BtaU iflfloraaec aod ;i raooofltrui -
tiuiiuf cuuidit-, iiml cloaad wnii a ti.-tii.itiii i'"i? a
11 cf..nu boili npon tha lirini qoflBtionfl of thi dfly.
Bpoflthazaatocatiooof our curaney, tha r<ifsntfl
tion of our buiik.-, tlie iiiif'ftflTiiik.' uf "ui t oiiuiieiCfl,
iiie pafliahmrfll "f pahlh thMfflfl, tha Boppnaaiflfl M
( t.-.lit Moi. iii.i *t -iiiuliil*. th- f Kfl ti.B af all form*
tti Bsaial (tpoitatiiiii, fldflflfltt? "f tl.i- paaata, aad Haa
(lfVlltUall uf lillM.r.
Ihfl Cfliiiveiiii.an was fnith.-r OTflflOiiad by t'
boiec of a ('"intiiittce oii r.Ysoi'i'" :?-. ofl abieb
Gaorge E. MeNfliO, laifl flflatotflfll ta tha Baraanoi
Labor, wm Chalmafl, htrt aotbelofi tBo o? thiae
had b.cli l.iuii.li.il bj !. Ii.e('uli\fllili"ll. 'lli'C'i'Iil
:, ported a li.*t whicli was fully ui) t"
th. anal Uagth. Tli.y pladgad araiy wiiiiliyflw
lu vote fur uo caiidulute not pit:tlifl)'l ifl favor flgfl
Teii-hotir law, un.i i.'.io oraBythiflg peflatUa taia
fflflfl thB K.ll'Talill <ll thflflfl Wllu \llttll ilK.tlllHt ll.
aml (lafl-lare.i that (i(av. WflflhlMBfl Wflfl deflflTBiflgfll
?flflnfltllfli 1?ri fiiiintt'i iu'y ihanfi i" tta
iiunauof St;t11;-? i< I ttt I.ahor.
On cuming tupetlu-r acuiu iu tlm aftflTDOOB a Btfltfl
retitial Cuiiu.iitfflo Wflfl iiPI'uii.t.tl, aml B IflttflT
BBfl rea<l from Oan. Oliver, lato Chi.-f of thfl
HuifiUi of Uhflfl Statibtica- Bt BBBOIfld thflflfl of Ufl
iiit.i.st and good-will, aud liiu <le.-p hymputhy fur
thfl thaait-uwhucotilil uot K't thfl e.lucalioiithe.v
Al, ,1,(1. Ibfl only thing f?r them WBB Ihfl jaUbliSa
ii.e.it nf half tune BBflflflfll He deprccatcd fttrik."..
aml cautioneti thflflfl against ptitting any faith
iu puliticiani. Tiu ro waa tho Bflflfll arflflgttflg over
th.' rfl'8<)liition? b.tmtt they wero linally idopled aa I
whole. Anatt.-mpt toexpungo Ihfl BflflBM flfthflM
mttflgagBtaflttht*-" &??? thfl raaototiofl of eoa
Himnatlnfl iraimif" '" T*a*\ iad than was some
piuii. aml rsther r.?kkflfl talk, la a bich eertita Baa
aturs were tie. lar-fll to he in Uio niuik.-t und BflU
fn ely accused uf having eold th?BflfliTflfl to the tup
A rt*olution declaring the Salary Qlflh Ifl he a
i h ar Btaal, am! IhflBB wl... toted ther.-for, besnie the
rilfllllfll, wbo lahhtafl for it. plun.lerera moro
woithy of the peiiitoutiary timn of public truat,
waa tabled-31 to 7. The 188888 for this
action did Bfll apPt-ar ?ntil tho evening
BiflHIflg The lust rewilution oAlfld was one
condemning Attorney-Oenoral Roflfl lor his inter
pretatinn uf the Kight liour law, and thanking tho
rresid.-nt for ov.-rniling hiH IflflUoa Thw waa
paaeed, amendtd by stnking out tho thauka to tho
riflflhlMlt The Stato Coutral Couiuiittee met lm
uieilian ly af int the adjournmeiit, aud voted to ruiae
fa.flOO for the flgpflflflflfl ui the campaign uml to tflha
the most eflkieut ineaaurea to carry out the BBflfltfl
tu.iiH ?.f the Convention. 'ITiey propose to take up a
wceklv cor.tnl.ution of Iffl centa fruni the null
operativea in tho t'tatc, and the Exectitive ('omuiit
tee wae ordernl to prcpare the ncceasary books.
Oen. Butler'e inU'reet had been kept gabfl during
the day, ?nd hia name waa not uientioned, therefore
there waa uo opportuuity for cither party to dafllflffl
itei-lf, although ihe had hittcr opponentfl aa well as
wann frienda among the membera. Indeod, it waa
uiideratood that tbey were only prevented from
nounnatiiig him for Oovernor by the iicrBoiial aaaur
ance that euch an action might prejudice lua chance
of recaiving the uominatioii in tbe liepublu an Con?
vention, without which he could uot be their eandi?
An evening meeting waa called by the I.owell
Teii-Hour Lflflflflfl, in which IhflW Wflfl flfl flflflh Iflflflflfl
for restraiut. Il waa fairly atfiTided, ao well Ifl fu.t
that Judge Cowley in atuuitiiiiig Ihe ehflll fi lt Bflllfld
LlmyOh tO km*oloti*t tot llt fflCt thiit tbt Culi Vt UtlOU
had lo.. tban a hundred moml^ra. Heineidentally
liiutnl tbal (ii n. Hull, r was "a good enough eandi
dat, ' for Intn, a ninark received with applause. ha
Btewarl oflCbMbrlflBaaad Qaaaja B. HflHaill ayalM
to the point, siiiglingoilt tlx. past lead. rs of tlx _8>
piiblienii party for their condcmnatioi.. B. ***>
Cliainl.orliti followed with a shurt speech, (losing
with a resoltition denoiineitig the fuicign policy ut
ibe Government whicli pormit."<l theSIx nainlnab tu
interfere in Hpain. The folbivving rcsoluti' n was
nfl'ered by the Cliainnati. paaaefl iinaniniously. and
tho Cotiveiitioti adjoiirni ?('. with three (Ix-ers for Gi n.
Whereat, Oon. Untb-r BB8 nniinnneoil ht* puriwise to
peiinii the u-( of blfl Hiiu, - in tin- en.iing eanvaaa for
t.'ie nftlre nf Oovornnr and his oppouents, many ..f ?li"ii.
ure opposed u> tln l'. ii iiour lau,are making extraord.
narv ? f, irt* to Beeare ln. defeat; therefore
liekoleed, That It is alike our dtitv aud our ploasnro M
true meu to stand loyally by our frleuds whenj thev are
nlruck by our eueinics; that we bold in vivi 1 and gTflflt
ful remenibranco the ahle, ehniuent, is-i- .-1? nt and
faithful etfort of tii-n. liutler In former years to 88081*8
tho eiiactinent of tho Ten Hour law; that
all his iiticrancc- on thla siil'J.'ct 111 later
year* ure ln full aeeord wlth hia apoeche*
iu this hull an 4, oar,- ugo ; that wo havo entire eonfldenre,
ii. him a.t Ine me long U-ii-nd and uuliriug chiiiiplon flf
tbe TenfHour law, iiinl abould hla name Im lubmilted f- r
the siiffn.gi-sef rhe people ln Nov.iribcr nnt, we pledge
him our earueit support at the polls.
Bohton,Ab?.II?Tha Daaaaecatk Btata c,n
t!-'l Coiniii.ltee beld a UiCi-lllig to-duy. and assigned
,**ept. 3 tbe tlmo, nnd Wi.'l.'.t.r the plaee, for hflMMg
the ri gulur BflM ''"i M-ntion. Tlio .o^hIoii was pilvate,
but it is rumored the Coin,mtt.,- liidulged in a pretty
v-aiin iIlaeu_iou upou s,vi ial matters ooinernlng tho
present political outlnok. The qiiestlons of prohibitlon,
lhe recent moveiueuts of tlie ...ate I'ollce C'oiiiiiii._jiou
eis, aud kiixlreil sut'Jects, BBBM "P upon a uioliou or
Miggi-ilion Ih ing mado that ellort* I"' put fortb bf tlx
puriv tflaeflBlfl UM rc|_-ai of Un' prcseut smupluary
. tw- in regard to tne lupmr trultlc. aud tbat ugitation
iu iavor of ? w liole-ouie iucii-e 1 iw ln- ooinuiein ed uurt
pfllflBlflfl ln thrniighont tbo eoming eumpalgn. Tm*
wun uiet wltb nimng nppo.i'lon, uurt an atiiiiiatoil iin-1
raibet polnted dlacuaaion enaned, ln wbich lt waa
openly eaarged tbat tbe llqaor dauera m Boaton wera
ta favor of the profalMtory Mw aad la BagBa wlrt IM
Btate < '(.ii-d.it.ica, wboea eompt__n IBerconnived a
aml aili d a, d abftlcd. ilu- nucliii;,' tbeli ,ul|oiir... d
w.ibuui laklag :i i] dflflnlM flattoa apoa IM muto r.
UtEVkXt -.'' E 1. BOJSltA TION.
,,oV. Lix's BB-flOlfl 808 BOT BlflWtBO fll UFB
Ai.t'.ANY, Aag. 0? Inquiry having bflflB nifide
aa to tM I. b "ti- f"i '???.? Wi wit'iii'ii.iiiii' ?
Innn the llll r gul.ving the forfolt'iro of lifo iis
policlo., ho Btatea tBefl -is foHOWB iu B b ttt r to cl. John
W, ni_, his privato BBflfflai 11
ttt*: Tiio i.in gtvea tto tB-Brefl M daya to pai fl
the pr. iiiiinii is due, anfl virtuiiiv 8flB_Tfl8 tha tn wrer
for tbat period ot time fl the use of tM MBM) 10 WbMb
be I '-II- I 1.(1.
Batunds v afltbertaflfl Bm paymflal fl pn-iniuni* totio
maile nr BMflliflg u eertitled bank chi_k, lrnfl. 08 BflM
..lli.). lrumey orflflf. thus opeuln? u frtittful .otiree of
tofllroveray aml n__opr.aenta.tkKi, aml tbrowiag tk,
iii.'.Mivt uiem .. analag iruiurtclay ur BUaaarrlagi
on tbe 1 ii -ni n p
Ti'.rtl: Tbflte 8 BO BflOd raaaoi whv n particnlir
of Kisiitufioii... hniiiti beaingled aal for tbeae barab aad,
si i tiiink. um, won . i.le exacttoaa. If lt ba aald tbat
they are Inoorporattoai derlvlnir profltable prlvllegea
from tho laws, Mfl BBBawi i- tbat baaka Mand on tbe
ia_ae foofing, uml iln- latter flflgbt wiih eqnal proprtetj
be n qulrad to teffl paymafll for M daya, inatead of ? _<?
thn-- dav s 88888 now alluwert, IBd 10 rec Ive uiotx-v
beeoming daa M flaaa by eaetlflfld ebaeka, 8c., aaal
ihiou-ti tho mi'tii". Ttn- -um" abflflitBlloaa areeqnallj
appllcatile t-i Ore laanraoee eompan i *.
tf***: ***** Mll UBB eiiuc tiin-nt, in eonfiii-t wlth the
tmiveraal aml eaaential rala of eommorclal .
punctuallty, whicb may j.i-' bb eaall) be adb< red to ln
thi*. .-i*e a-* in IM aaaaflf aay fltber elaaaof tioneved
Irauaaotlona, aml ta .i eoma laity aa largely engaged a?
i urrt in men aatUe baali eai It abould be tb, aim ??! legla
l.ltii-ii. if lt inti rferes ut Bll, tfl uiiiiutain tln ml,
Inatead ol relaxtng lt m unv; and BnaU]. mattfln
of tbia kinfl may better be leftto aa__8i___Btol _m par
tte*, Ilke all otber ubjectaof coati_et,as tbe eompetl?
tlon betwaea laflfliaaise compaaleaol every deeeription
ln tho extencion of their buiiu.-aa wlll alwat* laflnce
i.ii-iii in iiii!.. ibe ii uot fiivur.tblo tci'iua itiiii thtir tiu
toanr.. ___________________
BU>___BFUL NAVKi.-Tiris* Of Tlir: TELLOB
. i*>. J*.
inr TEi.r.r.iiAi-ii ro run miruM ,1
Yi-'i i "W STOflfl iii vk t;, Mo'it.uia, .July 81, via
BBauuek. Dakota, Aug. 8.-JI_a tteamer Joaepblae,
awaefl und eoafaaflfld by I apt. (.'r.nit Barab, wM
hrouglit ti.o BflBMfla Ki-i Bflfl up fl PflWdCT BlTflT, lia
boon Booccaafnl Ib paflfllag IM rapfla aafl abatraetloo
neur Powder Kivor, reported by (.en. F.rsi the, and pio
coeded up the YflUoWBtOBfl with a load of forage for ih.
,.,|, iMion. Tha Josapklna ti b aaa boat, baill la i'.tts
barab eipieaalj for ihr Tflllowatooe Kiver, anrt wc
itunpiet.d oa tbe l&lii of tbB uiourli. .--ho H IM ttt*
long,-l feet bioud, 1 _-t ****** autl drawa IC ii:
WBtflr. BM will cunv 4141 [oiu:. Capt. Mai.h think-.
that tho river 888ld be nuvigatid to tho
Blg Horn. The Joacpliiiie bad no Uifllculty
-.vh.ih viT.it the nipil.a ; she niatle her way ,iguiu.-*t tM
ciirrcut at tkfl rab- fl Uw- MllM nn BOBT- IM Bfl Fort
Bnford July is, at t o't loek, aafl, aa Oapt Barab bad iu
ririin il Oea. BBrMy of Ins MtaaiMfl M BBB ud the nri-r
Wltb lu r, .t detaohment fl eavi.lrt was BBBt M BB881 bBB.
ih. . .t.alry BBfl bim n.*ar HM Falls. Thla anrt the I afl
? ied ten miles furtber up. 088. Farley ls com
palBfltfl mako a ilt'.iiu t.i itM'.il IS.d I.inil. aud will
nacb tht n\*r agaiu ti.-i.igl.t. IM JflMfhtM BBlflBfla
|fl ugo Mm BBd flBSB down the riv. r tonight. Slie
will piobalilv return to tho Yullowatone in tln Vail to
feiry the coiuman.l.
Mf-.8ra.___B, h*?4 ?)-?-V Gcrtiiiin N;iti?)ii;.l
COastttBttoaal Btata OubbmBob met Mr*tbBailfliMM.
BBfl BVgBBBMd bv th*' 'lection of C'ouiad Krcti* of 8ho
tii,y?an, I'residcnt, anrt D. liloomentlial, Becrotarv.
Ki soltitlotis wero tidopted (lenounciiig all sumpttiary
laws. advocadng fr.e trade, lajpflMBafl corruption ln
(iovcmiiient oiliiials, opiioeing all parties maiu
tulned tlirou_h corrtiptiou lu oppoBttion to the
rulcd ; colideliiniug tbo ******** E_a_Uic<l Of
Coiigross; assertlng Ctnireh an.1 State should be sep
urate, aud indoTijing tt;. ',ir-t nmeudment to tti*. Consti
tiit'ou ln tbat r_Wct; wblle tboy deplnre the hablt of
exceaalve driuking, tbey will oppo*. all laws luterfertng
w Itb U ?? inheiout righbs guai BBtflfld hy the Constitutloii
of the I'uiti'd Htates; oppoalng ion.-Ilrtaliou anrt mo
BOBollea; adrocfltlng okeap trauiportutlou; that tho
.at, abould imt leglslste to int. rf.-rc wltb the govo.rn
tn. nl nf .itles, aml iuviting BU parties. races, and colora
to Joln them. The orgamziitlou 1_ to be permauent, aud ls
to meet auuuulty ou or befon-tlx-lst uf -.ptembtr lu
eueh year. The last n-solution 1* as follow-:
lltiolnd, That the iiieinber. of tho Constltutlonal
ViiioiA in no way or mauner will support any poliile.il
party or candidate for offlce that ,'oos not liciu tily lu
dor. e aud advocafe the prUieipIes of onr platform.
TUere were atiout 7uo delegatoa preaent, of whieh 370
w .re of thi* city. _
Ithaca,, Au_. 6.?The Emancipation and
Civil Rlgbts Cclel.ration or the colored people or Weit
orn Nevi-York took plaee here to-day. A large erowd
was preseut and much enthiislaim prevalled. Tbe rlug
ing fl ohurch bells und fli ing of eanuon were among tho
feature* of the celebratlon. Frof. Luugstoa of lloward
Unlveraity, Waahlugton, wa* tbe orator of the day. The
feetivitlea eloae tbls eveuiog with a grand promeuodo
coucert iu Journal Hull.
Locisvii-LE, Aug. 6.?In Warren County,
Fy., last Mouday, a general flght occurred, ln wbich
Wm. Hblves was ahot ihrough tbe arm. Couutable llow?
ard, wh.Ie attenipttng to stop the flght, was Btubbed
twlce l.y Wm. Lurk, one of the ci.ntoHtant*. Another
cnn?tut)lo nnmoit Wngbt *truc_ Lurk ln the forebead
witb a Btoaa, inilntiiig B wtniutl from tho eff.-ct* of whicb
Lark died that uight. Howard'* wouuda ure not B88B>
aunli fatal.
Lowei.1., Atiic- 6.?Almut -5 o'eloek this *********
noon, Wililam Uobblna, an oxteiiilve tuaiiufucturor of
.team boilera, wus Init.tiitly killod by being croabed
under a boller of four ton. welght, tbe plueliig tu
poiitlon or whlch be waa .uperlnteiidiug at tbe l.n well
CMfl Company'* uew buildlng here. II.-was 36 )eur*of
age. un-1 Aideriiiiiti of thia citv . aud an activo buaiuesa
uian. Hc leave* a widow iin.l thn _ cbildrru.
Pllll.Al'il.l'HIA, Aug. ?.? The Cotninittce aB
1'l.iiia ?I tho C, liteniiial Coiinni.a_.lou MMM BBBBflB M
d*y NaaMariBfl pBaa icr UM baBdlaa la f__Br__al
Pfllt I'V f.ir' t" Iba (liflli.ilty "I ,I.Hdi,,g .1 Wlll bc
aeveial dara befura Ui? I8BBB >? anuouucoU.
llll. l'Ol.ITI, Al. IB___BJH 18 II.VA-.
WASIII.8OT0N, We.llX ? i.lj. Ad/', 1*1*.
Btate Senator W. A. f4ayler fl ***** Bfllbfl N the
I'nMih nt vextf niav. Ile brought flltb h.m a long in.
morial. aigned ttf the m.-ijorlty fl B* I Bfl B BBfl BBfl
ofthe BMfl proiniiient Ri-publl, BMM fl HBBBB, BMB-B
forth ln foreitiie m.inn, r the polifl'.il UMattM * th*
Htate. Tho iiieiix.il.il attnbiife* to the BMBBM Bfll
ernor, IO. J. Dav!.. rhe fuulf of ih" prBMBl -flfl fl
affili*. an.l h.l.ls him and the poM. y 88 haa adopted
re*|k)n1illAle for the fuilui. of the Be| io carry
Texaa at the laat election. It flaflfl th.tt hi* VflBM
Washington i* ln fhe inl.rest fl hh tlB0B)>Bfl__. Bfld
that ho MBBfl iiinte UM I"r'> ? xo.pt by
rctiring fnun the pflBBfl MMM, and a
him of alion.-iting BBBBf BBafl nun from thei
party, and proventlng many Ov-a.-rvativi ?* fmir,
lomtnglt who had 88 svmputhy Btfl HB MMMflB B
rarfher ullogcn that 088. A. J. Haiinlfoi,, Gov. B M.
Feaao and the BBBB whe BBBBfllMfl Wflfl WB* known as
!he " Ifaiiutton fuiov > tneut" iu i-r". Blfl nurty .to
cooperato aa i work with the Bepablb an party aad flcir
nominees If a good man M pai rorward, bnl tbal tl" y
i aiiiuir ?ud wili not support tke ptei nt m. uml* nt.
iim meitiol i I la -igix-rt by maiit jur-.e t lio . npporl. d
Br. DatB _ UM, aafl wbo cIbIm thal andei u pn.|-. r
l.-.ider they ean carry T?-_as for tho I'_ put.lieaii part)
Tbe Preaidenl li-tein-d patientlj t.. the i adlag fl thi*
rtt.i-inueut anrt to the urgumeui adranced br Hoiatur
-Sayler. To tbe atati-.inrut that one of the mm.
ImporMnt wttneaaea broogbt forward *? Ooa D-prBbad
tlled an afllrtuvit lu IM Fi.st .)'!..* in wbi 1. lt ta l
forth tbs.i i;..v. i) im- bad otitiiiii- il itn letter atgned b)
bim rtirectcrt againit Mr. (lurk by Intlmldatton, aud th tt
tbo faet* aet forth In It were not li n . th. I'n
i-ahl tuat he bad s. en tke fapt t- io ?, ?? - ion, and tbal
" the gi -i.tlciuiin's t( -i iinotiy is a iniii- o ir .'. i.. il aall i ic
fnrtberatatefltbat be bad given tio- matter bM,
attentlon. anrt hart hoard tMoplflioui ul n idafl _. voiul
d-partmcBM in wbieb Oar, Davta'i rbarge* bafl been
tiii-d.iind bafl eon'.- tu Um con. t th< ni-it.i
r.inalri in Jaiu trim ; hn also said that be I ld I
Gen. (lurk for a tau* ttme, aad nevei ... i rea
a.-pi.t either hln pnvat'- nr ofllcial B I
until better evldemc was Introdnced h- ih ld bold bim
guntlesH of tln- ci.argi-s pn-ferred ag.ii'.-t ln ").
IbB Prealden), to-day. llgBflfl th'- poatal treaty b..
tWCM tbls Govenirnent BBfl th" Japt aae i.-np.ii i ?
viding for bb a_a_iaM fl eetttaaB-Bflflaflfl I
two countrle* bv mcan.-of tho din ( t . . i| Mu i
Htate* mail paflMfl nlving betWflflB Baa Fl c' i ?? ?
Japan. The Post-ortlec fl Han Fruiu a -tiai! M BM
t'nitert Btatflfl afltoa fl BiiiMflgfl. aml te* i ?
ba the afltoa fl asehaaga fl Japan. t.t- r ita fl Mteaa t
tloiiol post.'ige IS 1.. eetifs on ) i- ' -'i'lig ti.'f
' an ounce or lo-., und an Bflflltl ' I
additlonal hi.lf (xiuee, to M Iflflaeed I
t oxpiratlon of VI months from tho fl .'?? fl .itivu.' HM
' BBBVIBBflfl into etficf. ine liiif.-l B_MM * Btfgl * two
' eaaflt*mt*flfl Mafler,aafl tho ji. . i- B-OflBa
j rollect* Iho regular riti--. of jBBBBflflfl BflflB BMM Bflfl
1 ehargeab'.n tlierooti by law* fl Uie Fmi'in .
Kvi-ry tnteriiatnuial b-tf-r i't Bt-fld in bfltk
. trlM shall, ln additloti to tM d fl Bl i> I
to BflBflei t.. a flne or ** eu*** t" :-'? tt* fln, d bi tl
epecBva ttoat-08_ea, Addillooal ro. ? poata?eare
1 re.iuireil on i ..-..I m.i i.) eitbel foi m faom ?
i aaafla, Britiah Colnmtfla, and t.n _<h>
ean Provtnoi ? wben iranemtttedennn ly by 'anrt i
Thn luit d -t..,i - I'.i -' nl'.?(? ibail lee, IM V
J.ipUllea,- I'.'St <)lll (? Ioi tWO i.'i - i|". ev.lt ?
? -tet from fni'i'igfi .-. d li ' ?'?
UnitedHUtea. Ineonvertlng Japnueae ourrency Into
l i.i ted Btatea carrraey iM Uulted state* dollar _ eon
lidl led ei|.UV..li Ilt lo a .i,.p.|i.. Btt 4.1.. iad IM) "Ht Ifl B
Japaneaa sen.
AI LBOBB IMI .'.I IN'i OB ' ll I Ml BB
Cipt. DbtM Braaa fl tM Beveaae Mn.:.. ttaaaM
.ti.!i:.aoi.r. |>. I'- to lhe.-. ef t (i > ? ' tln-'li. 88883 IBM fl
took ebMflB fl tM aeBeoBBr Bm LaMBleb
i l/.in on su-pii nui IkflflB BBfl eagagfld .n -m ;g_l,ng,
hixi nn pap. ia Tht* . r
still ruuiniig at large about IM Bflrtk flflfl M \
i Micblgan, tln- iis.ii.'.... ni.- ol ?_!.;?'. IM Qo___aaatiB
! tan fiiilv Bcn:tii.i_.n?'. PlBBflflflll ? . . miin n. . d
agflltin ttu- Moiuiiig Btfli aa ' - - ? eooal
bc giveii of the .ii ?? ad of inr |
B'A.sn.x.io.N, **4*t*4*J, Aflg C i
Tl.e trouble M tbfl psfltal inr u 11" 8 i" twoea Bi .? aa >
,\'e\ -Yoii; Bflfl tfl u.iii tti d ti Bj . '' I
(ii-in-ral act ? ptii.:'thi NfllgBBtlflfl fl CbMl ('., i k Mc
l.i llan, a .alu-t whom ehargesof rifliin; k tu i- ti.nl 881 n
mado. Tbere ls gen rai surprise ili.t the Pi - I
Departaaeat baa bnabad tbia a__tt_ ap aad t.i_a? ao
it : i i.. an_H and ; inlab bt, U r tbe
wbWb M stand.- i liiog.'.l. Iiivnwof hi-re m - a-on of
tbe lute Asalstanl Poatm iu r waa
Bllowed todrop by McLelian'aretlrl ; -.
The Pmaldaat, to-dav, fn ht I wi'h Cl.
Hiigho.**. Repre-entativ.- Platt, aml M' -r-. CfcBI
aad cs.rf-r. aflflBtfldOat BBgaaflafkta aarai iyai|
anrt hoport In would 88 BBB ?? Baffl] t* IM 8p|H_M
ei..( tion in Virgtnia. BBflxprflaa I hla wlllncnese ta do
Bll ln lus pow.-r, coii-i-i.-ntly Wltb ln- puaitioa, to uxl
Col. Hngaeaaad IM Bflfl"blbvn .an-.- laibal i
Assistuut Adiutaiit-Goiieral Yim Bl - I bv
iliieetlou of tbt . . . i. t.ii'v of W.u- iu makiii.- n BBBflBl
liive.-tlgatio'i of Gen HowarJ's 8800881 . BBB ti"- Bflfl
fl BBMBflMlag IM BBBfl ainotiiit tbt: (,o\: rnini iu i a
been defrauded by Howard'* BaaBtBBl fllabM -u. - < Ui
oers. After tbB ta u_.si-rt.iiix.!. tb, ' .i.i...
t.-rmln.- whether to bflgiBfllrll proCflefllflgl -BflBfl t.ie
guilty penoaa or not.
Col. BagBfls, the Brpablleaa eaafllflalf forOare__r fl
Virglnni. Representative Flatr, Mator Carter aud I. B
CBBBflBr, also of that Mate. ls id bb in'eiM'W wi_
President Grant fo-duy, and afterward ****** M the
Fostinaster-Gonoral and other H. ol- of DepflrtraenU,
tbeir bastaeaa being of a pollticul cbaracMi aml Mw ll
Ibg uppoiuttU'-lit.- to 'Jlli'e.
Andrcw L. Thouipuon iu jourin?> b_g ilown
town In a Broadway our, ytcterrtav BBfl_l_8_ 888 flflfl
harrassed by tbo perslsteutLy flSflfl pr. BIBM fl 8 voung
man, and sought refuge from tbe fauiUianty fl the plat?
form in the interlor of the car. On arriv iuu _ Byrtag fl.
he left the car without a auiplcion tbat after bc had i n
tered lt he had been robbed, aud wa!_4 _ to lus plaee fl
bus^ieasat Nos. M anrt _ Greone?_] MtBffBM fl tbo
llrtn of Thoropson A 08888, wholesale d.-an88 B hata.
An hour afterward several laborers 88881 fl IM * ulvei I
atWoosterand Canai-et., to cleau out tho .ewei o 1
with tho flrst bncket of mud brough up a butxlleof
papers. Patrolman Burke of tbe Eighth l'recimt. who
was itandlng neur, openert tho bunrtle und flHMIBNd
that lt contalned paixrs and bauk abeflM fl apaarflflt
value. At noon the offleer haud'.t tlx-papen. to capt
WUilama, wbo, after a aarafol exanunation pl ibem
found thoy consi.ti-d of 250 *hire - of tbe Elaatii Bprina
Co.. a oheck ou acity bauk for tfjo, a promlsaory not. af
|1100 nud memorauduui aceouuiaof a large wboleaaie
luisineaa. One of thi-papera bore tbe name aml bu?!oe*a
addnss of Mr.Thompson. doing to tbe mercbauta
Itoro tu Greone at., Capt. Wllliains u.k. d Ua *e?
htm. Mr. Thouipson BflflB apfaared uurt waa
asked by Capt. Willlama wh. lh. r be hud any
aharea lu the Elasti.- f- pring co. Ho roph. d ; "I do awa
84)ino aharea ln ihat company ; pat 1 |.i,:i-j for tb.iii. Al
thla momeut I have tboin lu a pm Ml of that cout hang
ing there. 1'il show them to vou." Then atepptog op to
the cout he put a huud .julckly luto IM breflflt pociet.
hunted around desperatoly fora ui laent, tiiruotl iiroiiinl
. lu afrantlo manuer uud cxcluiuxd; "BflaVflBfll tt***
boen robbed." Observing tbeu tbat tM man wM bad
a.akcd ahout tho atoleu shai.8 wa* ln eltlaau'a __?_, Mi
Thompaou auspected'hat be was oaa ->I tlx- iliun-s wD.i
hati oome to couipromise the rabberr. Aetlngen tbia
bollef Mr. Thompsou pbieed him-lf between the door
andCapr. Wililam., aud wasab.'.i'. toaendach k r.r a
policcmen when ttie offleer producod tbe atoleu buudio
aud hauded lt to him.
The plckpocket who atolc IM P <P' r* from Mr.
Tboinpson'a poflMl probably left ttn- -tie.". ear al W, ofl
ter anrt Caiial-Ttte., anrt then through f. ar thr.-w tn. m
into the ealTflrt. Br. Thompaou loat a ri bill v, ineh nn*
folded lu tbe huu.Ile.
....Aman haa b_en amstisl to St. I.t.uia who i?
iaiptci?d of Ik-ibi uae uf ,hr Ii.wb tnuii i_- m
The sU-atnship Ohio leaves i'liihul, ljihia for
Li?8rv_l, 18-i.c "itd '177 p**m*n?n ib- ? kttge tmrfe.
The Boelety of the Amiy and Naw of the Oall
haT*B_?mi)l_-i8 1-orlliB.l. Ua AJmiral bul*. pnirUu yr.t-MB,.
The eelobrat-d trottiug horse f*******)**
mtnti bf V*l- *w**h "liltt UoaM *ario, BiitAu, ****.. _?4 BBM !?a
It is ************ ih.it fraud has beea eflMmittefl la
tft ***** at tta *1 _ **""? .8 Baa - rBBttict., ib4 u taeapBBM ?"
H.BlUlinoB BM *8 4II08W1.
.I.ihn Hoffert stabbed Willium Cotli.ll yester
i?}, ii cbi?*|o, b?_B_ *fB-Saajv
... .Joaeph 0. He rt was killed v< vdorday while dig
fiug ? mt.) ll BitUiua. Biaa, br ail.u? o.a I BaBMaal .8- B
_l.ieiniiib Tobin, nu Irishinan, ugo M, waa
***** ***** ltalLi_f mt *>_?__) rufc. b._l|.|>?rt, lattUt BBBBBB
...Jahn \V. Young. ebarged with forging nion. y
o .lrra lu n c Tw* OUr* tVinrUo-Bta Ib (ln-C" laJ u(b.-r VA ulriB t.n.8
ku i__T.i nai fmiB UsbIm ln 4 b.t_|o ter Irtil
...A paawnger train ran into the rear end of a
frrilhl trai'i. n,irn,i.. tm lhl l'air*|?, Burltu.toa lo-t gui-f. _*l
rni-l. u?ir Na*nr?illf. 'tbi ntuwir ?n mi t,t _l l- ***** **'? <l*
?.__t,.i i_4 a trorri *nn H-8-. A c*4li? imimi mm*i 1. U B8?r*?
BM a. l -vtaa.) 1*4*1,4*