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trm ?_____ fl-flfl tiffi*tm***mkt* ronff." The nun""* ** whieh he left that Legaiion ib only too well hnown^ Mr. Johnaon, who wanted the plaee ter aome ono fl hu frienda strotehad a trap hefore Mm. and BM tm p?taM__andaensttive arhular fell Into rt. anfl pre aented hia re_gn__on. whirh waa at ouce aooapted. Jight nominationa wore aont in . __ .v v. Mr Johnaon to hli one aftar another, by i*r. 4******-? the taiaaioa during th* t?ne whea Mr. John Hav 88888881 it - Ctari- d Affairea Among thaaa n___. we_. thoa. al Hor__ Greeloy, who waa cuxdlrmod but declinad to anfl Henry J. Ray rr. ud. Frank P- Blflr. jr.. Senator Cowan, and many otben who wer* aH rrjected rc_ion__a*ly by the a\a*Z****^ ? * ^SEL^JffS Watta ot Pennavlvama waa nominated. and Mr. {.n?-ni;an)?*Di!'wLo ifl b uatful fnend, had him ftt_W_W-W*********** Mr. Motloy r_arn_l to thi* conntry in the Winter of tt*K and IM ***** d "n 8888? haod the moflt lively *KUj\*U-*9* of aympathy and regard. He dalirerod ?n flddri-* upon the 1'hil.iaophy of l>rog__B before tho Bflw-Tfllh B Joedety, whieh waa more ? read and Bdadiad than 13 usual with such acadfliuic utterances. Iu tho eampnign whioheleeteu ? k aome part, and his name waa >i'.-n Nbjgflgad .iftcr tbe election for a plaee in the new OaaBaaa. He waa appmnt*sl Minister to En icUnd. and went abroad with instructiona to bogin ? man, eoerge tio tn-auuent of the Alabama. caee. Ht, had soine pnliuiinury convereation with the ga 84._T_._y upon the matter, bnt ai.y d.tinite progrcaa waa made go acheme .aine up in the Senate and Mr BOOUMB thought proper to opposo the wiahea if the l-8B__afl in the martor. He voted againet tbe anneixation pmject and Mr. Motloy waa irame diately r,Hiiip?tod to rojiign. 'nn-aetion of the Ad .nnwtration betrav. <1 eo petty a spirit of vengeanco, th.-iiit beOBBB no-(__.ry for tho State Department 1.1 lnvt-iir some pr.text for it, in the offlcial behavior if Mr. Motloy. Tnis w:is uteinptod in a pnhliahed '.ngonuous iu ita . tat,-tnents of facte aa it waa indecont in btyle. Mr. Motloy, on being 18* ' by lien. Schcnck, went ove.r to HoUaud, Ifl -tupbiiiiie with a __d-Bl_B____M froiu the Quoen, >tid aet'led down more us the guost of the f.iunly to hla favont. hut long-nogb. t< 1 _>rk "1 hi-tori. al rnmposition. Even those who i_aa__A wnli Bflgrfl and Baaaa M-flBOtlao tha ininner in whicb he left the public sorvice could uot but conpratulate thetnael vca on the faet . it hi- exceptional powers were henceforth to be liaTOltid t.o u Bflakwhkb hud the Urst claim upon imn. . .siiuUd be tiiude or unmude by a . ,. We, fii.y oue Motiey. Bfld *vi-ry hour paaeed away boai Bfl wurk of his llfe made tbe worid _o miu h tii" paaBtas. But thn, coiiff_..tui_. ua *4M)ii to .i aad. UM labor of so many studioue yoan haa bomo ita legitiinate .mt. Tho historan haa suthired for a laBBJ nnie from painful BBBTOOa maladica, superindtic. d _v Iea ;.'? "lectnul t-lhut. Th.* dispatch IBOflfflfl lu-st *v.ninn mdirates, with lacooio hnitality, that the end of this toilsoiue and The 88888888 of love aml fri-.-inl-hip and th.- ********* afl 88-888.8 will oi ae the : to health, ? " protract I BM to the int.-lli M_L But there is onlv too much roaaon to 888 eforts will he in vuin. The Am* 044 boao of tim afl deacnptii n. 1 i ttnae daaghtfln : Btiag?1 . a much worth and di_ mty.'T . ;y extended mention of them here. m_m_mmwmm_m_-_-m-_-_-_-_--mm KiyGS COUltTT DRCXKARDS. n ->. tttc 8-l____T____rr or tiie IB_* nm ? prfxanom i UQC'iR. Tbe BOBOflJ mooting of the Board of Pirec tora of Uif IuebrlBte'* Honr .)' K.n.-* ('ountv. Wflfl held last eveniu* ln th* flary Bnilrt. _ Tiie BapaataflaaY 1-ni, J \v..iit!.j" rt fruiu wkich the f.. .1 .:ii_ Bxtra itle: Whole nun.n^r.if Mflflflfla mtmittnA ta**J*t*r, IAI : m^n. - - .i?-l^, JT ; .1 niarn.-il, M, wnli" u- lialii f nualt _ ;o tiieir re . ? ..' tben. 'i?? alcnbolic - .tiitiiiiau I -I. Many hu me bia ibora unilnr r...: BC tin : . i'lor .<i ... y ufe, and ia tbu. re!*_'? li. iu .tlmn . tvta liail to ' :.iAin. nit.r;ilntie. livilrat. - in tiie I-. 1* frotn om ?oeltllT ? bave takeu fron. have mail. it - of hyilrsite ::-* bave li MaoBa Biiowimt tb :., tind CO_] bik] 1:-i. -4 .:oni{ tbe re auitfloi iialii-Lita laat veax bflflfl . ? auempted BflBafla Tbe report tben B(v?s on to abow tbar lmprlaonment tit ilruiikt-mit--* ia of uo tx-u.tlt, autl tbat laws fur tbe ,!uei)t of tbe luebriate, ln .iluiott every luatance, hive provdd to lie .in tUfer fa(.uro. Tlie Treaaurer, Th'-m** J P -?-!-'. J?J8. and tbe . it_i._B ti ,-**** 50. Tbe followiiig offlcen war^ alertetl: Prealileiit, Jan..- iiiiihan: 8l8fl_P-flfltdflflt, ? lary. JoanWi ein?Jobn H Pn J *i. I . . -.iiu. I W. KlcbiirdBoo, Aiulr- a - 'i D. Maa a, C. Fflnnflee, l ll. PaaatMB, -. Mliue, )r, id, II. C. Ca TUE LKJIOR IMLRLAT. r?a _T_.ii*.-, _fw_ _|. Trimp. trnmp, tramp, lhe bflja aro mareh . nv iii.iuv it (Lieml Hi.tyfuil man of wnich wili, before twelve r.ioQtbii *Ball li.iVA, 1 ninjiii-ti it tbfllrcoorafl,Uaflflva ifl tiiit icr_ve if s flraflbfl-d I Bver] yt-ar iunn? tbe p?*t flcWMlr ba* w:it.-*-.'1 tin- hiuic Hucriflre; and si.ity 1 ihut annv rtaily to '.ake it". plare. It Ifl ... Ir.n aud our ? '!. "Tratup, timnp, tramy "?Uie aoundii eomeio u* in tti* ,-(-ii(K-* fl tfla refltflflaafl the HriDj- 'up. traiup, trainp?tbe earth tramp, bc cauiy of tiie ra I to ira death. uat 111 tSod'a naiuc ui. tliev fl^btitiit fori The pnv I courormiiia to a aocial ? u*__k1 hiiue* with ahai: - ..f iiHili.'in tt;. iii'lic witb tlie tiunlen of pauper *)tli felonH, of di - ua from tbe prod ctlve uidastrieflof the conn;rv, 01 ruiiiiuiT forttui iklng bopflfl, ol iir,-.-iiii:_ leatro) -.L,^ both Ixnly aud me. ,i.iiiMi:i| of 1. ? .ijuor lntereM. oovertDK f very in. ut of :t. relv on tlie Uiaiuteiiance live without lt. It never .lul live w ?. - | :H4 the llguor interest UABiutBiu* n, st will ooflt Amenea i i'he cllt'ci la 10 kh the . auta*. 11,, ogfl tfl the , ountry fl tho -raffii iaa aum mi _tup.-ii-io;.i. thal auy flgure* tt t oiiMct us ut iri ??:ly de-trovi tauiuui.t of lii.1tt?try -4_critli.-e(t, ibe umouiit flfl urea.l ? :.e unuviiilinK -01 i- pauperlaiu, tbe bratal -. make . ulably viul, tbat 1 . .tl tt the A____i pe?. 1,10 .io oot ri_) aa one raal . bi -< aBa 1 exi_t aa r - ?1 bo and lt neruaaary to iwake. a t. b 'iiav ll : iu _oliAi?ii'* I--* ot tl. .1.(11.. bo ilyuir :: ' 10T M.11C wiilfiali 'loubl "ial woiui 11 ar,: BUfl . ai ruiii luau nuui auy yolill ?: tieforo tt... caa BflflBla l" 1') I"*1 mateli 111 1111 -'I'.II ul auyt-ilig nat a l.aliy t.y , mat witbin t.u uiutty will be : iii^u it. rue (>raa_i_-itl-UB <(f foiida at it* eoiuiuanil. tl.e iiooDfl thoae . bBMflflflB la pitted ei:ty itml fhe puolle uiomi*? i_ . |. . . fc* , . ? ial ap* n -'ii" Mfle "f I ll . ? .ind tne I fltfl-flfl I"..** tben tt. f In ,.r.-*l ill., 4__l?ii,i,K '- - ? te ? MUlflflflB , intBiion ia aetuaily *l*imau*td ai iu fu.. c*Ua,ii ji it auiu iin ui ? ,. -.4uu ui dried up. The Tut-payeis' Conveation of Frun aiaee i_m ut/i 1 al loikkkkl n caflfl-tlale lor Ibe Mavvraitr. FORfiiQN NKWS. the republIC OF 8PAIX. Sl'RRKN'DER OF INSTTRaENTS hX ChVl7r-lXriVRlir.Tr nOOATM CAl-rritKU BT TIIB GKHMAN8 A.T MAL Al.A?rillH'KKDlNUa OB THB SIISNAMDOMI. Maiihiii, Wedneaduy, AtiK a, 18TS. The insnrgents at Cadiz bave snrrendered to tbe mtttoniil troopi. Gen. Pavia, at tbo bead of Uie Re pulillcan forooat, euterod tlie oitv yeaterdav. flaflor Raneea hoa been appolnted Prealdent of tbe Jutita of Cadil until tbe airlval of tbe autborttles. Ttie (ii-nniiiitfl have captured two inaurgeut frigatea ln tbe harbor of Mulaira. A powrter mafftttloe ln Valeneia explodod yeatcrday, killlna a irreat many of inaur^i-nta antl woundiug a atill WASUiaoTi)."!, Au*.?.?Tbe Navy Department toslay recciv.-il ii dlspatcn from Capt. Wellea, oommaudlna.' flie Bnenandoab, dated Cadiz, Au*. 8, in wbleb be aaya: " Cadiz ia in poaaeasiou of tbe (iovernment Mfl888> Tbe lnturK.-nta aurrendcred without flghting, aud tbe city ia ijtnet." IIv aays nothing about bla eondact ln that port. F.>r tltlb and other reanoni-, tbe Departincut does uot cr.-dit the recent teiegraphic stateinent of tbe llh mst. that be bad ordered tba Spnnlah lnaurgent frurate Villa de Mitdrid to abataln frmn hoaUhtiea, and tbat tbe vbimjI remalned at anohor under tbe guna of tbe Shaoandoah. A bill baa been Intruduoed lu tbe Cortoa providlnic for tbo ostabllsbment of a peual oolouy on one of tbo L:idrone Ialands. The Government lg eoncentratlnir a larire force of Kondarroea in Madrid for tlie purpoae of Uiaaruiiu^ tbe (liaaffeoted unlltia battaltona. Sefior OloBaga, late Minister to Franee, baa, Bfl8flflfl Admlral Topete, tenderod bia aerricaa to tbe prosent Government. The German Consnl at A'merla clalma daraacea fortujury to bla reatdeoce durlnij tho buuiDarduieutof ttie t-ity by tbe inaurgent men-of-war. The Govemniciit troopa have rpoccuplt-d I.orca, whlcb baa been in tbe bonda of tbe lnaurgouta niuue ibo deciur ation of Indf pendenoe of Murcla. Tln- MaMflflflta bavn galned poaaeaaior, of Oriliuela. and tlirtat.-ti Allcante, M nilles dUtiinf A dapal baa left Balauianca for Madrid, to uegutiaie a t-ouipio inifl-o with tiu- Baflflflflflaaiit. t?ince the openiuu of t'.ic baaaflaadBMBl 200 Hhells have been thrown laB Valenciii, flflfl llie troops have .nlv HM M f/mvards. Tiie iur-urcents are makluK a uioat ubstiuato nwtstanoe. Tin- liisurp-nt fleet bas landed a detaehmont at Motril, nn llie eoaat ol tbe Provinee ol QflflaaBB, All tba- Qat ernmcut funda wero .--m d, .ud a eontributiou of 18,000 K-vit-d. BERLrc, Wednesdav. Ana. *. 1?T8. The Protinzxal CurrerjiondeiLZ ixftlriiitt fIiut the uf cflpl- "Baiuw aalltaa tbe diiii.uity arlatag from tbe capttire of the Vigilanto. Hancttou of ins mt wonltl have . :u:plietl recotmitlon of tbe SpaniBh lapflMM by tiermauy. A eottrt-raartial wlll be beld in hi NVASlllSiiTON. Wedneaduy, Au*. ?, 1H73. Onpt. Wolle.i. coiuinanilintf tho Hliciianuoab, Mfl grapM lroui (.udiz, uuder diitc of the 5th mst., aa foi |0?fl Ba 'I in Ifea paaaaaalBa at the GoveniaMiil toreaa. nia Mirn udtred witiiout flflhttaft. The city itiectlon wlth BM d'.-patch the aeftnff bead of theN'iivy D-p.i.'tun nt piflflaflflaB aa abaiird ibe report pubiubt-d in a Nt w-York journal tliat Cflpl. W.-lii-a haa forblddou tlie Spaamh fri?cato Ville de Mailr.d from flnnn ou the city. IIo tbat Cipt. VaOsa bad no authority to take any such action aa that inilicate-l, tnd could not have done ao unless he hait --learly BflM MflM M bis :>rot>ability of tlie story U still fnrtlier strongth. ,-nert tiv BB fac: that BtflM tbe dlspateh BflflflflBfltafl B in tbo New-York paper waa dated the Ith Iflfll., Iflfll of CBflfl. ? ? A"K- 5. m wlinii be BBflBfl) no uien ti -n of haviui; had imv loiiiiuiiii.fation, eitber pnv.ttt or offieial, witb tbe aaaaflBflflflB M Ba ?BM fla Madml. iKiiiiiiuiiili-r Bt-yuultla prououueja Uie wbole dispatcb i therefore, a cauard. ? EHB1BGOE8 Of CUBA. ??OBBB Ofl BflBBB BI tiie QOTBBB' MB.NT AT MADl.II>. Wt.-iTiNiiT-.N. Aug. ti.?The teUewtag Mtba afBi iai tratiblation of tha tii tree of July IS; lBla\ H embargoea in Cuba: iniMa inlBBBBfl bv Bfl BlaflljMfl of ntnct v, wbleb form tbe flflflhaaflBflBM BMUdai flflflMMBfltta Mflflbiflflfli flflfl flaatraaa oi reaiiiinit, in all that pt;rtalns to hi? <l.-p.irtuieijt, the uuplcst fattaiiutlile Be miflaialg - taaiafl with ? ni apaa Ma flflttaa, ta giv* ;ur:iur"'.nt :it'-vti-m to tbe flflflflnafll -,tl :::.p.,rtiuil queetiouii. whici.. in tliitr relittloua to tbo statte ,f maur rerUon t!:at exi<t8 in a portlon of 'be lerritory afl ' Bbfl, may u-aii t.- eaaaaaaa of iiutin.iit.-,-, m artatrari acta, more or lem. grave, mid to thr employnifl-nt ->f forci ugaiust tbe persouality ol tbe inbabitanta, all of which are, unfortuiiutelv, taa IB flflflfll tu the hiatory of itll in MMflMaaatrflflflMa Upaa uudcrtakuiit to stmly theae <ltiest1ona iu tb"'nifllliiient of one M tbe tlrat ilutiee ttt UaiMMi ata M tbe Coiomea fouud and . ould do no leas tban ^e?'k to reform a utate afl thinifs tn hi* iudirnient completely anomaloua, namely. the czlat ' 1 paM i' riiimratioii of property wrested from rhe Landa of tbe leintiuiate ownera with no other for mallty than a simpie execntive order. iul turued over !-. uu adiniiilstrative << BrnilTiaad with pj lagflMlttpBIM uaine of NM <i "vernnifl-tit, to - ' MbM 1- T tht BBM ? ' aii'l, tO the InJ'irv of tie ffamill. I .r mip laort, and to fhe .lctrlment M tbe pul.ln wealth, wlio.s' diiuinution is tbo inevitable reault of a waut of reipilar lty aud order, and ibe abaenct- Bfl flttfefliawal flt Indi vidual inteieata ln tbe control aud iuanaK*>muut of flflflp erty. BBflbflaaaflHtafl tt tblrpi, bealdea bein* ntti-rlv at vaiiance with a paMIMal BpataBB wboie nt i. tiaaia must ever be iuatiee, stern, yet conKnier.-ite, BB moved from tbe rancor ?f party upirit and fon-it.!. motivea M paaflIBB, lo-nd 1.Iflfl ta B8 8B888 IflBflB Iflflfl to etnbitter Bfltafll B8B niiiiento umra and more Uy tbe sad e (f BBlaaty, Bfl more MaBly felt, as it lias been tbe more suddenly and uneipeeiediv BflflflM and muet moreover tend to render protitleis a i^rut p.irt of tbe rii h soll of tln- island aml to lutroduce dla turtiance aud ditorder intotbe YVnU-mt ot proluct.i,:,, ihHB iDterferiiiir wlth IM due flflflfl .-luiifl-ut. The Cuban lu-ur>;ent?, thoae | ? BBBflaasa and Ifltatton with th.m. and those wbo more or less opeuly h ud tbem prote tion and aid, thun eontnbaiiiiin ? , ;.:? lonit a er-iel, b.jody, und destructive war, -loubtleaa nnrit .-tieriifl-tic Hupprcsaion and exemplary punisliment, aml tbo more so to-day wh.-u tbe OflVaaflflBBM M Ibe Iti pflbbfl pledgea to all tbe cltlrens of "pain, on eitte of the seaa, assnred aud eflU :icl,ut< Kiinranleen afl reHpeet for tbe ngbts of all, and olfers the meau(< M iiiainiiiiintu: tbeir oplniona and propaKaumt tbem, aud eauslng tbeir ideaa to triumpb Ifl tbe only inanuer tn wbicb ideaa can tniimpb, ln a soclui atructure ral^-d uiaou tbe aolnl foiin BflflBB, truth, aud Rflflta BM 8TM tbe iie.-d of euib ptiiiisiiiiient cm coufer upon no : ,?'it IM power to deprtve those of iu citneus wbo Mray from tbe rlifbt path of tbeir ludividuul iieaui of support, and to flflflflflflfl flpflfl tbeir families tbe tutter nt-ceaitity of bei.'?fln?f to-day tln liread tbat BflflBBflbM imt yc-ierday on tbelr tulilea aa :: of tbelr latxT or Their e<otioiuy. Apart from the fon-ijoiii),' eoiialdcratlons. there cannot be found In ltiteruational law any precopt or prlneiiile atithorlftlnic tbia claaa of Mtzurea whkh iM-ur upon Uieir face the ?tamp of eaaflaaaflMai neither nnder any souDd judlilai theory |fl it adinisiiblc to prooeed iu such a manntr, nor yet cau tb. .- -1 t-ptional flBB "f war author!r.e, uuder auy Iiretext, tln- idoptlon of preventlve iuoasuiei of aueli trauaceudent importanee, aud who-' n tbe otber banil. ti ,,i ma--. !ti-.nli ta ihumetntaiiy opi>o?ed to tbe punsise that BBjMflfl tbeiu. nslderation of tbe f^cta timi flfll f,,rtli, tln- BB i-,i Miiiiitier peaaaaM for the appflaval of the C(>uuci. tbe followtUK draft of a flaaSflfl, Tbe MBUalarM BaOflMaMa, Fha.n- i.- 0 tt BflB v < flflflflru a. Alddrxil, July 12, MB. orru iai. DflOflflB In eonsldt-ratlon of tba repn-MMitationa wt fortb 'ij tln- MltiiKt.-r -af tbe OaMflflMb tbe U?v. rutneut of the K.-|aiilal!c flaaflBBB tbe MMBBBMfll Aitiitutl. All emtiiiTijoea put upon the property of luiuru-uiflt aud duloyat iieraonx iu I fl Ajiril JD, 1S6SI, Bflfl dectareti r. !., ia'l rn.iii ln flflB fllMMtl i'rareut .I. - BflflB, flflfllMMfl 11 tln- Madrxd Hiutlte, nhail rejcb tho caplutiof the Ialaud of Oflflfl, AW. II flB prniM-rty alls-mbaraoed by virtue of Ba prowsiuin il Ba MaaaflMg urticlo alutll ba forfhwifh delivere.i Bf '" IM BWflBB B MflM repteaeutaiii a-, rlBfl ii .in iiietii auy other juitlfloatlon ?-) fdiinal'ty tban Hiich an may ta'- iiee^wiiiry to kIiow tba linlit iiti'l.r whieh they <-Ikiiu IU BBfltaBflflBfl or for tiu ir flaflaSBfll ..'fl^ntilicailon. il! lii ..ida r that fflflfllMM Bfl8flflfl oul of ibe piTi-edliilt pi . .Uii RflBflB ni< y .uni aiispat li, ihe CBptflB-Oaaaral, Hoperlor ClTll nor ot Mie I-iaiid ?r ( in.i.. -hall fortliwiib praaaafl to oraauiae. undor bu own uiuuruiuaatiin ? mumrA tuim. BflflaA flf BBfl I-Bflaflaat fl the Audono'.a, afl VWa Chalr man, the Inte ndcnte of Cninr*. tbe Civil Qovcrnor of Ilavana, tbe Att_niey-<ieneral, Plaoal of t_e Andencla, and tbe Becretary of tbe Superior Clfll _ovei_uient, who shall act aa SeereUry of tbe Board, bavlng roU**> aml vote tbcmin; and tht* Hoard *hall sntmnnrily and lu the *tiort4i*t poeelble time decido upoo auch applloa tiDU* aa ahall be mada by the luterrsted partlea witbout any other appenl than mar bo taken M th-- i_'.ver__unt of the Repnbllc throngh fbe mkmhii mtnlitry. Aiit. IV. The Board fl Atrthorttle* rharged under tb* forr golng artiele witb tbe dla-robargo and BBM8888BB of in.- property of Insurgent* uud iBBfal pernona mar, whenever lt __u.II appear nrodful to Ibe thorough geflflaaa of the que.tlon*, ronsnlt the Board of th* Pilillc Debt (Juntadp la Diinda del heretofore churgi-l wlth the administration of pmperty embarcoed by exrcutlvc order, and may aak and ohtain from the tribunahiof every iurl?,UotlOD and froin all 88-88 88* pendeneles or tbe atate. tbe data and aul__-_*__* tvbicli may be dcemed niM-dful ro *noh deelalun. Art. V. The Mlniaterof the Colonlea ahall lasne the neeeaaary lnsrnieiions for the ex.-nitlon of the preaenl derree, orsuail deflnlU-ly Hpprovu lbo*o whu-h M8V ,M' paflflBMOfl to the end by tbe Board ol DMOBBM ? Tbe Pre ulrtent of tho Go vrrimetit nf tho Re puidi. 18880880 I'i r ___~__i The Minister of the OBBBflO. Pkancisco 8u..En r 0__MW__. ililtlriJ, July 12. 18T3. AFFAIRS Dl MEXICO. BSBQOTBBI OK LOZAD.V, THE INSC_<*,__T miKK? PBClBIO-f IN FAVOB DK TIIK .IK. ( OB MbIU'Wl Aug. 1.?Loziida, Ihe chief of tho Teplc rebeillon, waa pursned and capmred by Ofl, BM8BM. who fotmerly founht uuder him. II" waa tned by court-tnartUl 88 BM 1-th ult.. and ?hot on the morn? lng of the lvnh. II- r.-fuited to have bl* oyes 888888*1, iiii.l lailllBg wilh hu faee io the tlnug ;party, dlud with great 8808888. The J.-auite. havlni? appealod to tho eonrta agalmt the for thoir rxiuilsiun. the Clilef-Juau,"- of the _u preme Court Baa pronouneed u decialon la their favor, craiillue them the protr. tion of the laws. FaTorable oewa bai be, l r " Irefl trom .11 fhe mifilmr dlatrtetfl. TbflgflBflral pueilioatiou uf Un- i ountry ha* ?i ... .t .ii .iiici.tii"!!.*. New bbM. fllvflr, aafl platniB tuinea hav.- been dl u-ovcreU aix leatfiirs froin t l'.y. POUKt- NOTKJ*. Mr. Willium E. Baxter, Joint Seeretary to the Ilntiali Trea-urv. hn. reilRnrd ttiat flflfla The suit ot Madanie Milliores haa Iw.-n Hfl* . uul the piamtitf ordered M pay tbi Mr. J. M. Tbaeber, of the Diaitgd Btatea i- .'.ent ofl ... 'mw sn aba bb. haa baaa tavBafl io a a B in the I'ceiii Hliftil" * oto.'."..- it 'ii if ;>l .ee A duel wa_ loogbt, yesterday, bfltWflflfl M II' rv.. edltor of fhe ******* dr tf***, nui M v'loiif.fhe WflU-OBBWB PtflBflB aullioi and ;oiirn:illT(t. T.'ie i:ilt?-r wa? lUgbtlj woaaflafl ta tne rtgfl baafl. A di-spatch from Vieiinu sayI the interview oiiTue. day, hetwien 0B8BI de Chainl'ord aud.Uii ?( "uut da Ps.n* wus fl a woM eaadfl- BBtaaa aafl tbal Iha i. aiiu.ition in Kiaut-e w.i.-. Bfl flUBflflfl to 'luniia tbetr ci.u-'.'iaai.i-n. Bb .lolin A. Macdonald thus Mttloa the n-port from Moutreai itiat ba bad utte tnpt.-d fl I-nuiiiiit BflBfl-8. The diBpaUih ia to an tii,|iiirintr frii-nfl Iti Boston : Rn ii kk D8 Lm?)', 1". H-. \ug. rt. 1_"3. It la nn .nfamou.i tataehood. lUe. Jcliv a. Macooa tl .*? It haring beoeoae known __ *.*"ie of tha Iradlng men-antlle men of Huuiiltoa. Canada, that Mr. Preetnan _. Blake, United _tnto-( * .'s-ul ll flfl VM fl nttN from lu* oiwltion. thev A? , uied to giv.- i i)..n(|iiet in nu bonor. Tbe banqnet .ll-i iT'li A* ,,f H.,: || .1 and BOflDfl-Waa colupllli. . . ne IBflflfl. The following ,1.-.-i.-c, whioh appcired in ih, l*tt***? itiuttte fl tbe lllii of July. oltn laliv pro riallUB tliat tue .-unilencc tf*B**U UA t'hiua ln M laat o?l t'.eil, in prinrlple, for gaoi und for ni! time fl 888881 "The li Yain.-ii haa proitrnted .-, tuctnorial M tbe . ffect that KtivovH of foreiiru BflBBtfBfl IflBtdtag in tii" nipital bave loiiied in i requflfll tliat they may bat- BB audienoe to prefleni Iflttera fron ibaU-OovernBaenla W (?iiliiinaiitt tliat tlie ror.-UMi Knvoy_ reMdlBfl ni 'li'' >!'!' I .i r ii liave lirnugtit lettAft trom Mieir < i'.v.-rniiiiiit* to li-.ivi-r ba uilnni Ii.l to .ti" (iiiillence. Ita-. ih-. t H.ia." i large meeting of elttaaaa af Montronl. on T lesdny ..VA-innif, raaolntloaa were mlopted .-.illln.; for a paotapt Inreatlgatloa by IBa Boaaa fl Coauaeaa Ihto the I''it" -? iia'.iin-t tbe liuVisni ir fl ihe l'aniie ?aUlflflfl- Tk* BBawflg wa- aaa nf these ?BBflBBflBBBl "-lie .I.i.ii a inni up io thi* liuiu have ro :.iriied iii(|,iirt- Bfl-* eaoaed tbroafbont Um ? uutrv .nui' lit.ibii- aneaaineaa and anzletr wbieb oflfl enlyb. a incd by pflbUe aad aolawn laqaeai; m i t ? l.i? in-** a petttlon twaefl on tbeaa reaotatlona abonlfl be ? ? t proroffoe rariiainent until tne Boaae of Commoi g ;iuh!lo opiuloa on ,. _.:*." BOLITICAE WTl r.e Pitt***r*agk C*y**a**t**\a eaaiBaiaa Mr. i.-tt4Tr to Iheeffort of the verdant -lioil.-iiiuii tiii,., u|..iii iiii.itlu^ tk ealf be had tll'id ut. -aid ?flg to bit it :f it vt:* _ (leer and miai :t if it w?* ? Rm n-i-iii; , mparMon u ' ? if BBlaslag iin- . .i.f Br. Qroflflbflflk Bc-iua ta l.rotiKbt down f_veral. 1 he . lectiuii iii I-.-ntHcky, on Monday. te " 8888188 md BMaabflfa "f tha irviTMBture paaaefl off verv ipiletly, the I) iilet-ting -Ii? llon. James W.Pat. BflflBBr. BBfl MflfltflMg moat fl sindidate* ler tba Legtalatara. rba relan tsfltvad tbaa ffl i iiiaagtii_ but m> one u.u duuiit Ibal Kenlucky ba* _ou* Diinociaiic. Tkt Bafleo l trrriisrr pfoaMNUioea tbfl atate meiit that Mr. Butler ha* tht B8gpS8l "f thn Adtninii i . :n bia eanvan? for the i-overnor*htp " B pun- m -.(-ntimi," snd _v*. " there I* not a shrcd of fmth about i." T'i BBd fl a ' hv iititborltv," and y?t we maM i>oi;to ba lafBra l before loeepting it. wbo aatbor Maa it Tl.. flaaa all petal la Um Moae dirortion. i.ii. H.rvlev'-i trouble-4 aeeiimulate. As if it Wflffl flfl MMBMB tfl flflflflB uiioii tln- gflflfl -imu ihr flfl. BpaafltBUMf f"r ni tim attaaaaeaa, wlaa ami .mm*., fl Bo new.pnper formerly edit.d l.y him. here com.?_ RB I'mtty Anjti, .-. Ib i'i ? co* liltcliinif into Ilr. Nct iiiau. whicli lt ercflltl.Tlie llttrtfont lunet. odlt.-d by BflpubUCBB i-..n_i. a.iiiiiu H.ivtli-i." Ihi' Slnte .Jtiunml of Ki, liinoiitl 888008 us that f li.-ic -.-.88 "88888?BOI iiiill.i ' tt IBI Miu.: bfltWflflO tBfl tWfl favorite BBBflMaB *," liefor- the I.ynch'uirc COBlBB Uun. It doe* "not deny tbe ahBffBfl uonfuslon aafl e.xeited f'-elll.K " M th.BT88tfl8, Mll -rnvi " it ronic .-ariii-r ot _? MapalMve aaflflflw aatraBra BOflaafl -.ur BflflpM than of auy u-uil.-iirv to flMflfl iuto elan* und eBfaaa." "Taaflattn party," u taya "SBgpaafl Bea (Jnt'it'-t admtntatnirion eorrtinlly aafl lovsiiiy " It al-o reiuarlis ihat " our ix-opie-' iiate " Lot tilt lo tbi a si rewarsaBB ******* " Haa la tbe more el__lngfrotfl the large L aud lur^e C in I_.ta!ty an.l CflBBB Fa OfB-fltar Willis B. Machen of Kentuoky' who lllled thr v;?-au. v B tk* DTBBfl Slat.ui -euate, fiom Daa 1. 1*711. to Mar<'h 4, Utt, eauaed hy tiie death fl flfl IIou. Oarrett Iiavli, ha* wrltt4-ii a letter eipluiuiutf BB four vote* in favor of the " .slary-irrali " The lii' oompoaed ma.uiy of remarks upou the iiu<-_tl?n of I'f'' redenfa. and will nui (eud to ti.-li> Mr. M.i.hen toward >.)ouiiiiK 'iov. I_*alle'8 888888888. There U one Intcrest lag ^tat-.|neIlt, oii^'iiiuliv made, 8688888, by BBBBBM Carpsatflr, ln Br. Bacben'a i.-'tcr, wbieb la: "flotaraa I know. no wnruliitf voieo .ttraiiiat the tulli aaa raiaed fiom **f i|ii," ibe gBBBBBBaa eannot lie a very dlilia'tul BflWflBapflf nadcr. BROOKLYN'9 ITI.ll'.lTY OOBBIgaiOBBll1 _?_ BBBfUBBfla Tho I "? iiniii.-a-ii.tii is of ChiiiitioH met in ttfl f'ouiity, faaBatflay, aud had an exclu<d flfl ctiMiiin over the i|tieatiun uf maklun contraeU for ?up pllta. Cummiaaiuuei , 'uuulugham cbaraai ht* B88__8fl8 with fr.iud ln lh" ni.iin.i t I uitru.t* for Ma .nd oth.-r a_8_H I8d iBflfM iiisiiih-v are working in the Intrreat* of :i .'onfractor. ' rlnir. Thev appBBB M bave reoeully awarded a eflflflaaM M furni .1. MBaB BBB at 10 i <-nt* per imund, unii ttie BBfl ehu orv, ttortu fj aaBB ta gold, ut l cent per poiuul. li Ix ailiged thaa tiii) artii -ie. caUUot t.e fur ni-h.-d at .ueh low paflaa, ..n-i uio i" BM u su. r. ly a Iiliiol to keep thfl eotitra.t BUI T the band* of ? iiiiid. r.. Mr. CtmniBgbflBi beBere* Ib boldlag iln- ' oiitrai tor wbo put :n tbflfle blfli up to hl. . onirn. t. .ti .1 ii.ot ed to bntc i i heitl of tia and MaO pflBndfl Ol iiiiciry or-iorefl. bai tbe otber, omtniBBlonera rotod to tul'.' tiie prop..8itiou. ( i uuiiiuguum ln 'I'tiir'i ttiat bafl "ii done witb tbe aampln* ?( wiuo and whiakv rei-elved, whea roiumlnaloner Powelt |. ni- _<-i ln t ond rniuaikiuk tbat tm wmi I *??? n thn laiuplr*, and tba Comiaitlofl would buy iho ... t? ll.-l. lt lll. .1-. d '?aa* Ilic piililisJiitiu house af OflBBge .ImM -V Cfl. Whleb Aun eai . . Ir 11 i , ? :? i - i. .. . , , ?? ? , flflTSfl 1 bj uo oew memb, ,*_< NortB, i well ka_iwa mai .11 un, .in.i Dr. A. V .lo.. i-.r l.n.'lo, uiiio. tM,,! wa* .1 / <.e T'llt'l-, Blata. lir uetv iiilina_.-lii' il Inr I irrn aai I |/rn ultn: t.l iod ll'iirik iin,! lh. ,,, wdl doubtlea* piovi Bitlfla iiian ai nvaaa .1. tad n.i- :.... k iiubllahlns iniaiin---* ol iln-lli 111 will iwu.ui evi-11 iarm-r dlmruali.ui l 1 ,-iv ? 'Mi'ilil ?-fo Hn- iiott Bflfl, ninl iir.-4.etii anv al 1 - .1 .'?nt I.v th. li-_li of ..ut ..11- ol m. larne ? nuinlHr ,.l ii.i. iin : . I. IOI 1 1' .r (t'-'l . orantf. - Judd Coiiiiiini,. witb Orange luii, Preaidenl; -iiii. lal Vloe Preaideot; A.l' Mlller, fl |T.-.Ii.l ni : I.. A. (.-iii-*, ii<tt*t_4?l. daiauvl U ? ******U, lt.. 0-_->Ut-_. 0UT-DQQft SrOKTS. DTTFALO baces. SKCOMD DAY?6LMSATH1S A.M1 CUCMB.YllNK TIIB WINNKI13. Bltfalo, Ang. 0.?The second BflflHflf of tht. RufTal.) Park Aiaoolatlon, to-day, wtta fully up u> (be expertatlonii nf -bev aangulnc, The weather waa delljrhtfal, and a bra"lnfl hroece from tbe north-wnat in...ln tha atinoiphure dharinlngly eooi. From early mnrn all tbe ratlwayn lea.N"*? to the city were erowtlod wlth paaaeoflt-ra. At an et,Tly hour every rebicle that conld be preised Into awrvloe mn* erowded wlth buman frHght, anxlotii to wttm-aa thi%rontest for a purse of ?ao.Ofia Fully ivooo persona xrero* on th" ffronnd. Tb?. dlsplay of pnvato aqnipagea wal uunurpaaaed. Tbe ladiea flflflfll faeh year to vte wltb -ibe st<-rner aer in lnterest ln theae exrlting and ordeily cWtesW of ipeed. Tho horaea ln the 7:31 raoa were calle-*! promptly on HBfl, but, owing to d? lay ln aeorlng, did :i**t grt flflM BBtfl BU oYiuck. l.w li. ,1 u-n ,talt--.l. [flfl 101 fl flfl I>na? and Dflflfly lielnn drawn. Jnu Irvin* had the paM Ciuiors took the lead before n-a. hlug tbe .jmat^r, and baafl Ba sam.. bmm tiu. Baaafla, ataaaflj flflbBBM by Fullerton, *en*atiun, alHi (jloster. Irvlng waa ?.hu* out MflM Baflflflflfl, HM half-iulle p??ie, owtn* lo hreaklng hl? martliiimle. On th? homestretch tho horsea w-ro Bbraaflt QBtaMMMMtaaMflflVflaaflBlfl lf a laaflB la 2.BH; nimter Baaaafl, aml Fullerton third. In tbe aeeond heat the horsen aot atarted at tbo aecond irial. Caraora leuding uud Uloeter well up. At th? (luarter polo I' illartoa, rmnors, aud (lloiter wore n?M-k and neck. At tbe bali-mile pole Cauiora ibot ahead a laagtfl, Full-rf-n soconrt, aud Gloatar third. Up tbe bouie atreteb QflNB led, and oame ln ahead by half a l.-ngth, winnlnu tho aeat ln iiiiii, Fullertou ??cond, and (iloatertliinl. Iu tbe tlurl heat ''traora led, Fullerton anoond, and Gloster third. All the boraea Wflflfl BflM atnl BflM to tbe balf mile poie, but at the HHaflJMllB isila Camora waa a l.-iu-th ahead. Ou tbe li..m?v?tret<h..s. r>*nrion druvr Bf rtpidlv an 1 wbot BBBflfl, MflflflM tb? best l.y tt lenrtb M iili*,. 8en?atlon g?t Bfl l.-a-l iti tbe fourth tteat, Fullerton serond, ramors thlnl, aud Gloaler laat. At tbe three-aiuarter pole P illcrton ip, Sent-atlon coiuIuk in by a lenirth and .1 balf, alflaBff Ik*flBM Mflflfl B Ba ntth bo?t BaaaaBa un ui waa at Maaa bcat. ifllMrtaa taal tbo ;cad, laaaa ?--.- iim,). Tin- MflaM aaaa aafl fl? ifetlier to Ba ti.iif jioit on the hnmr-atretrh, when flflB sation iloiwd up aDd won thn heat by au lenirtha tn 2:2a. ?camitr. Baaaflua. n 1 1 1 1 '" Pallrttei. 1 fl 2 2 2 ? . 1 1 .; 1 : '' ****?. fi 4 l l l Jiu littbg. _ n***- ll.lf. rmimt. , 1 oui, Bianad Int. _ ? 1 Y .t -.: . ?"ifUiD^t. 1 :.;?? 2.2* In the 2:t5 race, vi liorses wero ent. red aml elifbt staitiil, Wiiter, Aithur, Itovn i.e.U". |r., aml t**ttf Fnr fliaWBa Ai'.-r :..iir BBflfllflM 8 flBM siait i. fl lllla ?i-,iii Oaal MflflM taa i"'1'-- Plaataa -ihot BbaM 1 aaapla -f laaflBfl MBea t*m himt the faflfltaB |Mile which was sonn MflBBBM I BBflB lcn?ftn? whieh ho rualiitain. .1. Ob Ba ti-.tni-str?-ich RflflBBS WM beld in, wlaalafl Ba baaa by flraaraU laaatba iu Bll, Arobia aiui LoOflfellOW .fiimtur in ne.-k and ne.-k. Cicinenfine wa* MMoml mid Little Loiiiffellnw t'.ird. [atMfl.nd baai I'lant.-r tbe-le.iil-of l.oiiijfcllow. ,,u.l k. pi ' to IlM liaif iinie poi?, but broke at tbe tbreo-.jiiart.-r itretch, '?'.i-tni-ntiiie .-eiiiifig abeafl aafl winnimt tne r.ic, ... Plaator Meond, and BaoaoNa third. in Ba i.'illil l.ettl I'lailti r tad. Cletiit-ntiLe .-.(?( ou.l, ililil IC.-.-ii-r tblrd. Vt Bfl 1l1re1-.1n.1rt r paal l'l.iiitcr iiroke an.l 1 l'-iii. tliliie took tlie I. ad, coinlitK Ifl 'lie winner . In 1 li.- fourtb baai Uttla LoBBfelfow Iad, K.-ei.-r taoond, u.i Plaam tbii 1, bai (inirt.-r aall Longfellaa btaka,aad Clementlne -imt ilnad, wtnniug Ba t bbb M Ba heaaa alialtili by mx leu.-ttm la 11111.1. n.nt?Btl?i. .1111 ?r . 1 ] | fl L.m ? ? . 7 7 .1 '. LmeKriW. I '. | l MmdoIii. ii .', t I -.? I ?; - | ? - lOaaialalMI. 5 S 7 Jn. Boi Biliv. ti l ? Q.irta-r. li.lf. IIUl. Kntbiit. | il BMafltaal.!???, 1:I5'| .'Jl rtnrlliMl. i lil . ui?t. 1i17?b ..:i-% lASAlOOfl UACEfl. E VRATOfliA, ijmtp i?Thfl rai uii? tDHBflCTOW MflaBMta i>e utiii-tiiaiiy MbwaallflfcMa*IBaaaIwpaafl anl events an-on (bo eard. Tlie fl; -at ia for tbe rleh KflflflflB St:ike?. f"r flir.-e.v.-tr |l-i ??nrr.iii.-i', Ii.tlf '-irfeit, witb |l. .i" ..lal,-1 -ic iiu- i?iia'ii .ni, tWB mllea. ? . I tli -: ,-ntr:es, nt w'lieli Mflflfl wiil -tart, M :iint fhe aiaku will be worth tln*, to tbe winner. ? Bfbak, OBBmBt, TM DHTaafl^ MaaaflMfl, Aiiee Mit. in-ii. WMapar, Waaaatof, ami Maaaflaa flpataflBM 'un ieoo saaaawflfll ? M r.tu and waa uut ln , bfll Hu) MttlBg !.a-nlk'llt . Ililil- itl'S ?hat bu Is uow ii, rU-bt. I;i tlie 1| m:le ra. e, wuh 100 i i aaafl, aM Balaa .n--ni'-i'-'l. Ifl Ba IsUlafl r u . tl tiiiles. IM-i'i----. Iflfltafl. Cl I -Iiiiii:" W , IBfl BBBB ?' l PflflM I Ila aaai flaaM ta alibl >v IBBawai iu.,1, -rtiu, Sjtnr.-lwk..,.. * M. ... i'lll ... lK.1 . 115 ... 40 AlK-lBl'.-illlL. .'-' Wli-ra-r. lJ.'a w flWM. !?? MIII IflB i iiii ' Kl' ? WiBflMrar. ?-.'t") nu.n.. Aniwu. aTawfl....*, ? H Ml.fllSO ? Btiiii W. 100 ? WalM. Iti -?' The MBafllM waa tne raaall >f tt"" p"ol aaBtad "ii tho Saratoita raeur at Julit:-?r.'". ni flfll Btty, last ovetiiug. ?BflBBB .T.Kiu?rwo anaa 88888 8 8 88 8 M-lfl-ir.liI. 80 '.tl Taa 'i'a I'"l 1 '? I i-l 109 l.'afl I ,') HuLHrK. In.ati.lii MJ I'. 1.V ?. '-o ifl - 69 ? -? -? ? ?' '? :j 12 \l I UV* fc Ori.ta-l,.1(1 lu ? 1' ? _J .. -? -i 10 MrDinia-l.flC) i.-.;i'ri'tl""?- IIM $18 ??<? '''' "" J" ? ? . ?. ' -" -'? 11..r .Wt liCt ?.Ul..l 10 I 10 .. ?? ,-'' ?? B??i?. IJ iO li 17 !.? U U ID . i, Mfl ... .'I ?. ?? Ifl t rmmm^.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ? " ld lT, 850 BM ?i. - *****.*j -? 5 :.! ? . : ii c? m 2 I -.1 40 H 117 WM of pools at Cflflflfltaatta'a re-ulted a toBflfl I t?!inmii<-t"i.iiii aahittttttt B M B M io Bfl so ESSse?! . . 5 a .s fi g :: :: :: :: " ..::.::::::;.ij u u n u _o u _o ? w ^ rM\.M mtmWk flioiiiW. 85 |3o : ?? ?" ??2 (hil.b.^.... B 1" t ** \: .* \t \\ * 8 10 I J Ra!^:::n ih _? J j> J J _:; T?uU.835 flHS tnl 8io? tnl tll *)>' ro* au. .ttu-l1* "' Wiidrrrr. a ,. . JIU H? K^i-ui.? ll-m laam*. Ii.ii. ??? ?-,.) :.'? r.i *l"> tl*' . d 11 _^ I.-iid Twi Mfl tii tbi TUi.TTINO AT IXBBTIfOOD I'vi'-W. PUMTWOOD IMtK. \iiB.?.-Pti?iM,?$ai?lf.irhoraa8 ?an Iii.i nitir tieiui Bfll 111 J ,,u t Lnuhen'. b. tu. MolV-a - 1'i.ia . hr. ib. LiJ. aagm. . * ' i J a. I'.maiu, ? L.l. II. M.irypl. ' .. W.U.....-.^- ? tt** DIT?fl?W?-|?!.l 1. i.atmul i. - . , , , .1 Itirt-tf, 1.. m. Uit, lA**Lm. - A. . . A L.U.I. . ? u. . 118 1 -i.?l .'. i'lfl-J - ??"? : ki' . YM.'. ?'?*'? S.iiAT.iiA, Aub'. hr-Thi n.iti.mal jlgflflB iBintiaa (...irt.ii.ncut f..i i flfll ipMa fla* - I "f Baa Y- rk. moro ??? . , iflflM taaa ****** xhamoi BM aaafl. w ?.)?.. for H . .li-n Mlt.'i'-I I- Ifl C"-'."- f***m*_ i mtm attei-dau- ..f flMMan MriflflMfl <n.n.) 1.1.11.-. BIBIIbm BWfl ta*.IMMMflflMfltrflflBBM M rWdaaaa,88ffl(aB aa mry, tam Bra WaaatM aa i , ;,?,? MNflB MMfl mm*FWmt ..'?-"rdtns' "? ' .ni.-a, -abii-a fli r ilfl il taa Baattafl. Tb- eatrl 1 a ra M \ I'.roMii.' ;.--iim'. Obla; Capt B - I ""? rr ? !*SSg ? ?t'ni ??? ?ii-kiia-<-. waa iui a''*' nt'-'- "" '"?'iinii ?,,,..T. |...,? - Bt............ a nd li..,-.ird..: ??!... ll ?? u, iu I.,,--....-.-'... lld noi mwu BBlU aftar ? p m .li.rm,-. ..iniii^ ? moruiu?ai?u'.k a. "? '"?? "' i iiZlir i*l uw,. an.l ."" a..lli ll. I'BlUe. bom**itu, t *tJt-*li' *u* ^^n1*" t* S* T**- ?*?? waa not w iroort aa wv anfu-ip ited, bnl thn diai-auc.. at win.-h tba ,-onteifnntJi atand trom ttn- ttapa wa? flv.? PBPfla KDwu-r Hi-in ia euafloinarr and ou'y >4 "mu*. ?bot ia iiaofll. ,tt |ii.-?eiiM im v.i l,.iy apjiaAia Cj loaHie twoen Hrowu aud Uarnaon iimi trr A rostch ffamo waa plnjed on tlie fh Oeorge Clnb'i ground at Uobokon yeaterdar, between the isee-uiil mevi-iih or tho 8t. Oeorge clttii of ?flflaflflB, and tbe Mauhuitaiia of 3tat?n IiluuL The <iuie waa witneaaed i.v i large iniuiber of n|M-ctaKira. Tne playiug of the UU i.eorio) 1?ivh waa iKlinlralile, espeeially thnt nt iul siint'i. roa iieatt battlag aaa doneby >i . ward and Chipprndai* of ttie Maabatl um. aad Bawntng uml s.iikIi ot iiu- iu. Oaaaji - TBa rfmue proved ia ta t -ana- ,uii-at iii i: ? bn-.-ure-ii'.oil -1 :?) ..) M Uvor of the Ht. Cieorite C'laB GOYKUSMKSI WKAlllEll UK I'ORT. WlB PBPtRTMfllT. 1 OrncB or tiik GflOflfl in.iiL orvn-Bn. - WAsniM.roif. I) t ? Tinii tii.y. Aag I?l a, m.) .-runoptu for the pntt li hmtrt. Tiio baroinet.-r baa fulic.n <m tho Khrer IflflM aaflflBflflmtm JUddM liala^wlB aouB-weatarl) wiini-i rtang fe.niiemtiiri-. oi-i geaefally - -:tr ? -? i'ti--r w.-iterly wlmlat. .litnlnnilied praaaflflfl, md a-ioinly weather lr/ Northern Rew-Bnglaod aad tbe Bt, bawiaaaa Valiey j ?oatb-weatrrly w'ii.i?, warra, partly eloudy wii*ih.-r fi-.iui MicliiL'Bn M Ofeto aml tlienci t.i Mis*niri iiml Kentiicity; uaalaitraaflaaaaba?tariyaiad tenipsriirure. Maafly aaatbaa, aM raia n u <.'oa?r aud iu Uie <iuit imi s<> .tli UlaaBB Blatflfl. FrammMigr*. Fir Bb Iower lake rvgiou, Wi-stern Pennsvlvnn'a, and w- -t PlnBalafalllBgharoaKter, s-.tnti weaterl), rtiiiii.' t.-miM-rai.ire, partly cloudy woalh.-r, auil occii rttonai Iaaa] r .ms. For tft* Mulilie. U.'toiie Hlatet mutth-ieetterly xeutdi, ttertrmer. rlrirr. uitit imrtly rlottitxf iM.t' ..n.l Iim SI laflWBBflaa Viley ?*?>'. t tl we ti-rii- wln ' >udjr aad rarnaaa waaabaraafl Uk-hI rain. For tbe ,-South Atlnnne and (Jiilf Balaa -..niili-eaaferly aud aaaB waatariy wimia, biflbai temperaton aud partlv cloudy wnnlli?-r. Kroin low.i 'o .Mu .oK.m nnl iiieiicc to Soutbern Mia (.t.satinpi aml Kentoeky -omti w.-^t-rly to m-rtii wcit.-rly w:n,i-, partlv .loinli- w.-.ulii-r. Bfld 88flflBtoflal run Baaartt are partly uiiaoinit iroin tbo extreiue Norlh B/asfc Tlir mk nn; Ui LUMBBB tkadk. Frrtm Th* ll.jy 'Itu . Mirh.) 'hmni-lr l'"l 1 Tlie pitwenl oonditioo ol tbo lamber market tapreity Lf.-nrralli known alraady, thtn hivinr baan Bf nbaflin "f aota aaaa our .ast report. Hrlefly, the ?ttnatlon la tl leen Boldlafl off for - pricei, wlitln fnani-.r.irrnrer*, tielievnir Bal tt .-?ait the prn-ea of last yes?- oiiifiit to prevail, bave l?*?u iiuiditiL' -tiifly Bow Ba Fall aaaaon ind posaible early ? iafltag of navlirutlnii irm approarhlnir. and m:i:iv ot nn- Ea?torn uiarketa are wltiiout iinavmioa tor tbetr PBli ataeB. Tbe laek of boran at tberalina laa made tliiht fltT-es for home ai tho manufa'-turcr* in iev. Imt. tbe market haa not 'aea-u ,),-ok.-n aaaaaa lhat thev are BOfl certamlv on the wltinlnif -.'de. V.irn.iis indteatiom from tt r i1 -<-t1 t.o thli ?oni-'ii*ii'n. Vtlioiik-b flu ' 'i. au'ti mirki-t does nof il! tuiili.-r ao liretliv as -aome othera, It 18 worfbv Of BOta a laakira them ara iieidnning to baveti v1ew?, ud ? fl-^t reporta, there ta a '.?iiiti-tit-v lawBid kaaprevM pttema. Witb all tbe oompiainUabout the luUnaaaof tbi ? ?on iad tbia aart of the fear ?? > ?t? dull, agoodly flliiiiiitity uf iuinner tiiin K"ii.) forward durln* the uiontli loaed, il.iKtom-houaa r.rd- ..iui^iiiik' m b a ef naarly 8JOOjaaorer tbe jone ihinmenfs. The followlaB utine -tieiw.-, Ba shipineuia from llay City for J'it.t- .iiid July, I6*li: Jnnr Ml f.mthir. . .-Im. 8.873000 5240.000 Hlt-rr,.. I 187 Timuer. Bfl Tie BaUiaaa ot tha aaaaoa i.. taojarl M nmny con tlnBenaina. batb Ib Ba maanfaetarfl aod bipnn : si'ver-ii milli t.-'.I-n-t-r ara reportad Idla, .r na-arlv aa.). wanl aaf Itite*. whicli un. Uiuiat ap OB flu uut aaaaaa come down attboM faai bmwty ? iiut --.irly !? !' iv -io ?flflflfl iBBproba iii.- otlu-r r*x**tx of thi-. ktmi wtil be .1 vi loaada ln ngard to sbippluir, w<; have en ?ei.'.i apoa 'lu- ' it'rr parl ol tl tad ifter tba next tw?i montha the -nd will be uneortalit With theae eonatderatlona .n rlcw, ami 1.110*111^ ihe aamfliil af iiurier tliat iinisi tmt fl ? torwi'-d '.?. ni.-. t tbe Bcoeaaitiea of tM Baatern market, tbfl proapeota for . iiveiv Fiii i -i are uua, .inii: itiii-iiiK'. Tbe lateat reportad -. '.-: - vi'. o Ki-'.-rn parttflfl it fll. 51'.'. in.i ta, ruei" haaa BaM uo larga malneaa tra tiona. _ AUMT ITTKLLKiKM K. WtsiiiMiroN. Aug. I.?Tba followingure tlieselec -.Iinu t.a ik? I'm.iieil tor ?oi>.. ituifnl t* S?-o(.i| lumlceiDU iti tbe irnr. ,|1 J -rt ta ?BBflBflflflfl by t biirti. Tben ??? r* too-ii 100 ipjili -iDU: ArmanO Mln tna af V,m. II \ IBaW M H tr'lll-rr S J . . ? ,- . K. ll Xra, A Iri i-r' ... - \ .1 i'Mip'. tnaaaeTanfleiyt Hinr, ii?i . - ...... -mtm: ll-T.T 0. ''ir ".?? ? >- -'I m i li CMBlia ' s ., ; iv ii.ra M rm>i ? ua Kill ama; J.-^ph IV Hacm a??? . i - M .:) !',.-i.ijt?r . i->rt. I <r S?r^-'int tt t nc uua 1 - *m H atnl V K.iutighmi .'l.rk .t Hm, II ulQurtrn -f tha haflaiM ,f U.? Lil-? ; ... . . t ,. .,. i l,fl,.r.(W.?n.iir Wm. LaaMiK-r. fnrmfrlT i.l? M tiir l'n!fl?a| tilmlr* M.i.ur. hmmamri Jaiua H. laaMwaifl, >ai? ul laM lit> Jiatu ii. l-irk ?o<?1 Y'- ? ' "? - ' .?-.-! ' ... 1(1 llf insr, Jimi. ' ' ? J.,h(a il 'Vi C !i.i-.r..Ji I . .( -a-nilor "UaKltiar; ,|.,bn ?irr*,*-u.x M-, ,r ?? - - ""-' *t . , ttt. 'irt. A. B. mea; BafltM b. Swua ut I' im- -"*? Mivaiiiippi. Wti J. Tiirtu-r. ???. ?! Iba -1 stiWa "li?? Knaii-m. ?> tm iai Ctapaar II, 7B OBvalfT Qnib i Thm mm , y ? n Mtfli ilin: W A '? ?hin?..)i : Jinei Ct mm M ? r, Wttwi i ??' \ i u'i. lr.rr.rt Y. II ?(I, ..wtlier ul Lieaiaaaat-i omnuuil*. A.trn^i- * iaty. lb* Aacnttrr ol Wxt bm :ma*.l * gtnrnl ntnitr prnrn', i| 0m nta Ittlom to !)? .at..'- ? TUfllttOI -tf tbi llaon fl-|!i.i:!il'l B . i .J .li-.l >ie, tUl ?rh -bt tbbixlr'.itaran 20 x ' -.. i b? tli ,1. li.? puirl ?nrh B-inli -,l t rat, >^ , V ,r ?n itbrr lUuuaiUuB MjiII bl U'hi ii ii.- ' ? ? ? iBrtflra l^iut t'Lnlir Imj'.-.-ca m*ta*a4 (inm '.-? K.u.u iad grmtrj .'uar -B.-Bihi' IflBBB flflaMBMB B flaBmalBafli tir wir nrrirtm?ii. ?!?? f,llown<-B*ia?J ,-iilel?, crialiiwi ?( l*? Mtt:i?rjr Ac?l?nir, in ip IMiiotid :att? 4lBf f '??!' OtttU ll.iMfl trntb :he .-iut uf *jc-/i teoiBt. (rom lb-.. Blaflai aa flblMfl Wflflaa B. tttmr, Waary t\ Aro 1. BMaafl, ibutu** U. ilin-i: m i', Caflrt ,.n,r?i s. ii ,u M . n.,n, '? LiixDut; ia Cataiiy,t'iflii tr Kr.D-.::i, itb Ci.iirr, I'lilita J.?*i'b II. 1) - 1.^,1,. ? --. it,!?-rt l.fliuiUn, '. . ,'ivilrr . ttla-m Kir? B. 8i . -1 ' - ? : \Ti: , . mtgt Y. K. Ilin-.-r,:. , .. | J .di. I. I, tnit-b. .ibirlM .x. Altwrt S. I'qmmin.. Inmrtb Oer**rl ? -11 I.. KbII'D. Xbtt lia-). PlUil.-r-i A ? II :fi 11 i iliairl r. bn.wL. I.t Iiiliutrr. C.mlrl Ui ?li T limli Si* luCiatrr, Caflal WUUa H. Cartori 1 -ith Infio -, -,-, llxiru IV:--- ? V Sxitb ind K."!??r1 H.-winl: lilthlo f.nTT fl'nia-l Siaiuei Bataflfl IM liaiititrr ( .Ja". <irurre k, |0ib Inutiii' l uirtl nrt Jlltb loliutrr Ctttrt Iil t. Hu.taa,: Ilfl I'lfir'r.. l ij.u -.iti.l .ui I.-.OH I' Bnnt. TJi lul'intrr iiMrilnM *, f^rr. l.liln-.- -.'!u D 0a?to| -Ub lalintry. t'ldit Yligtt 3. tirirum. . fl.-ril r.-galiti.-ni fl * thria- mnnllii I *rr d iSieois to '.hi rriiuii*..if' n -?' laflflaMaaaflMafl inifl Ia ? ??itB tbe*. rr?uiiu .ai ili the i-niait--, il-ore mioM Wlll laeraui ntbtir lUlu-Li ,b 'L, flflll -il ipp'e.u ..( .rn Tlie ip., lal uuuiapiidiait ol Tba Cobhb -rl:n. ar tii? *T,flO VMBB ?n''r liv -f Jaa* 17. ipeski ll ij.I ,wi of MfWal irtir.w.,,1 'lii.b.iiua ia lia? .tiBa-nci- flfl u A mill pnatiBf prm, .liBir-HB. hat leut bire bflBB t.oBdna .Ed. ?tr:tt|.J Mfll ai.J -iri-uiiri ii u-t ?? tbe. b.?" orJa-ri ud I mieai fur -ultiBg-jal tirmeiiu ,-.1, V.:.i- -?Maitl umt. tl,. Albi.i VV uni ii ibf iLT-rator iod niBufirtur.r. iad cliim ib.l bl bu the m., irl(-ratt.a< il,1 frealui* uiirtutim m ibe world llowa bll i tt* matbg iDirbiBM for comp?ttu.>u . iad ;ait t>..?..Bd ,wrap.)Li I tie .tte. il i M Bfl ?f KiiKBixB. I uil-e for - , '1. tm ?,1 irr, ir.trlfl. T!.etr !? l.itliing !!. I b eairaei up io ;be?e lu lb? i-iL.Uilitiu. iLou?ta li.?te tn uiaty al iciUi. _^^ THB BTATE "f TEADB, tkrAttA BABBBTfl Hirivi t,ii .1-Kicbinite Srmer - B -? ' 'aai. r*r. ? . . iriauuu, ou . ^i? a- _ HOMRBTIII BAUKKT> .?."'. - Wl.e-,1 afl-.l. II tt o , . . mauiai. ? m l,r tmtt n- ? . . ,] ?IBLABB - iower - ? ? .. ,,,.. -...I ,t ? -%*. 0r. . '. fl.KI.AH. .1... . ,,.[... ..r larn**. ? ? . i '. . ...r-l- laeraa. lu .... ... Mai ? .. ' < I -. . ? i.ifll U> - -? ??'?? ?' . . | . . .;....' ? a . I ll.avei Im anl ta.,ti.r-.r <iu?.' -u- .'?..) Bkaa 1* * aa ? , .-m -,1.1a*. Ill'.lll. ' -?. tmUm - MBfcaa tl- i-i . I .1 V. lirmt ,0 II l?? rmog*tram ?IJ 1 tm**u.a fmm* *m* lUitmn Al \ lb.J)m* liaUfea,*. tml . liU'M .Si. Uodal (*__? ___. ia ?**> do- H_*uaU-^.-00 i__ . Hhu. ii_XW _a_L VV-.-.I II.N8) :,uab. Cera. Iii.lMMtaMB. 0,t*. I OO") Itm* Bf? aaB 1 _0 II.*. r.i8i..i A .* S .!(__? iai*, aal m. k.-H W.*al lall __l (lrr_.,ni,v *ah, ?( Aid'-t Bicautia ?>. >t m.| ?-II-r 4u((_?, 41 ld'*. -I I Bl p.-ffibrf. 81 lf. B*ll*f <>?_?_. r, 81 iH1*- !'??** ? &a*? Burfl. --..rr -4.|,,.nti,.r -?..i ai W*k. Whu* ".. lnH'l* 19-'UIV . D.a..c~1. 89a, <Aa'? 'llll ovi i ..... luw r ?!ra nl Va. I OM ,. (* N-i. - _.-!. , Bidui-B. _-' '**-. Yr*.tt,U Ina. lo il**_<. !?_'_? i tt ikiwr^n S_i 10**i***lk*rw, 8'4-lfl* *4a r.'iU. I OOO tw.*. fUiar 7 (X8I -??*. * iwat. aa- .IVHUB (>?"? Sh (i.naaia, i ikm) r.i.h Klowr. J ,i. . 1 Iwa.. Ali'.l, 14888 *__> i , mii OOO ka* A n.w..wiini* 4a, ii. -AI|H-._i TarB*Btl_* .|8__ Bl 17 V _-.*?? , | ? , ,t Sira. .ci. * .**! ft tni Bl -'04-8.1 88 fer I -law Ui. aal v.rpa. . 4/ ttaalf a* _ B BlBBBfll Pwilibbip .11 4*r. ? -('..Ifcraqai'' ******* ****** __. ?. 4.i<. a-_BBafl ibm-i. B'-Ut-aia. rr5!-. tumoit KM iln.TBWT..-. ,Vu? 'I ?i:*tttm ****i* Oi">l 'l_1iBir' 1T|' wttta . .i.u rtmmlU?r******, J u*lr*. aaiea. itt, Ui**, ?t*_B I8I8I.B8T.I8. AU. li.-OlWIfWI IH1-. -*.(??/*. )_._. -.?. J-.', _..... -i.l, l -ua l_l*_ , ... il ,',?.... ;., -1 - Wfl-W BMfl wat eu****** *, ?.r, _.. I'lOl*) 1 ,1.1 taa 1 ..1 ' **** l"** VI . .... tr . bbi nrripta, 'IHIl lai*: rtym* ****** Um) tmt* u,... kO umkm. a_i4-a. B.iRiii- -a !-ill .-ol r _??_? Uw Bil'tli-r '?'? M.1.1I. _?, i . n-.. nal rc-iii. 1 tale, *,*?_-4?.iai-l*a, *..? i*__). bj , .. .... . lo.ina alaa. . . Au .tu... ut?ls Mi-flliagi -fa* _N?t*U. na . 1 -' lia*. In-Oiuui, .Vii* ?- --.ol worf.-nt* OHiairr, . i Ordlaar/, : ? . ? - ? Mnvlln*. ... cr _. MM baBBi .(HU:. . ..*.; aki |i- ? ? -aiaa. . Wu.?i-.i?Tii*. ibk. 'I Maa B 1 .-> U ?? -*a **? .- . . . ??'-*. * .1. :?".? t**.,**, ., t-a,,, ._,/ -, ??..., baMaa arm ,,ir-nnci Ittrbi (?_? .1 ttpmru?******** "'V I 1 .utcl 1 1.1 ii.iisa.ii... Aaa u.? ..- iraai -'.ala. ..: _ Maari - S -*?! ? a - . enpB 111 itoa*. 'J .... i-yisTiN.i ? i.orus MARKirr Taan PMaBaoOHflflflflbBB ______? i? .1 ._ cvrri.K makkkt 1 . iur | -__rt;iti '.hr_ .*._-,.'_t>. 9.','91. tlt*?, - 1- w?ll IOa .w-r S, Ipfaf uw. 88 UMa-MI lfi. 86 rsi'lHi SO laaa. flfl ?.._.. ? - .1 l_IKy; Traaat |a_B; 8MB ?.i fo i_r.ii., irnrai *i M)?8I -tt ? |?i-.t, 1 ..1 1n_ r a-'liij -fi.1 lf * ir IMBIBVB ta.BOlAW -T8TT, 81 '*.-_-* SO iw Bm* 'lll,' iag) p_4*8 w.ik ll ?_! _"*l fBt lai 1.2,r ship MMtWE, ;r,r nlh.rr S~*iip Vnr* ter. Th.rl 1*1? AKKIVI'.li *t*wm.h o 4n*l ? Uli |. Sau.l ****** July ll*. wni Um*t<U* _7_. .- A*r**B Urmi. Uin L.ora (Oal , VV .nB--ii. lie t.-i '") !?,a wt' nalas. l.anrai.Ba ? Aa*t ) aaBB-BB. Baaaaaa* 88flBfa ?.tt. ?H. .( .Suuaui I'-ra-r, _.. li- _; il ( l.rl , Uni; Wef laaflt (Ilal ll_tii_i,. ruiiii** H'i Utra, -tb _ili.hui ??? i I la,i :."-ia OitraBar, wita m-w. AMiir. Maru i'.arao:., tjraul lia. aMl.l.Ll. ? -. T .1 |. . ' '?' rr * a Iw (illMows (.r.t. W 8.18TB. 'or BflflflBl Aa.. M ,.4_,l.?. .ul l_w* _ ..... i ,r..._, . Wi.v.. - . .r DOMBflTK tort_. Simtob. Aa?. ii.?Im.u, itdutaui. .in i*i, frtM* l'b(.a.Wpa?. KnilKI..> . flirtsi. 4u^ B_>ThaaaaaMBa ? BaflM ia s-* Ij . itiiteO bere p*at. ruay .ftaruouB. -I'OKI'.V. 4u?. ? ' ? otBi iN.'i Iruia I)ut>ka fll Trae and Balw. Sfiinfi, a St_-.*ti at Bl .fflflkl flaaqaai. af Ptlta --l-l, B Tflia !4 8 LatlT 88 I.I 1.11 Su I, 1/ XMEIED. Btata***?_0C_WOO_-*-a Moadit-. ..ariat 1. u ?-?.*_.___? af im anfla'a paoan *} ife* Ba* i .;..? w. ll Caii.pb*1!. )-i?.a ir. . :.. irK-tw... -,_..')J,K-_)b Tarnur Vurn-' ? ????? s i . IV ll.uB lu l-.tBABr- l . .1 al* WITTKB?000_n?At Ftuhaih ia - IT3.M ... . u ... . :_? ti* ^ fomprt ol Klaibaaa. _ .1/1 \olieeit of Marnaget mud V fadflWd B_l 'bB name and addr*?*. ^^^^^^^^^^ HU 0. tl.l.FV-Iu S-w.r* It J ib M.m, ?r t.ifwo I. MTil'i.*, Hmntp HalBliuio. .)_? ".tl ol tViliii. H. aid M.r i ! -i __? ? ?l unl Ib* fiiiftil. uli Ttiuj?_ir itt-.? Blfl 1.18 t n-rnnBi-iii t..- .?? R : ?****. 1 vnilr ar* mprclfallr iai M i ,f**A ? a. r?a I rl. Bt'iti.t-: ' nUtiiia l_ ia* Bar, A. Barir,_ *t* ', ft* Ll BM ?? from _..- Chorr* .,r (lir K?:_iirr, nor. Koartb ... .at, !'** .l l)ni..i.ii. 88 I'iiii__.?. .1 I ii-.loe* p. OL ."Iti M''?On _aafl_*f. tn.n.t . bBbBBW, Vbbb Kilar rtintp ?? . .....,-. laW FiiurUis ? . a.-:T.I B (_wM ?. Clir-.rr. TraiT.i- ' ?? ??. f,.r Ptaialakl, akari sirr.**Ta i Laafl lii-iia pivrra |.ir*^> PKItltlS- Vt ' .iT-piqai. Aacaa. '. Orortt Fer--. ir?1ir, Aarnit t ? .? _. *t tb* buui* - ??>?*? f[ i.i ga o -i lti*i?< Aid.iBai r B__T| VtH< ?' H ?'"' I IW lf* i .t .4 :s Cainagaa il i IKktAN' ? II A8*-B?t ?"? ?t .?'??.." I.l*. - ., Inti.tni. .1 ti.- ? ??'. . I :.i 4tU-afl LutuBrrii.i st. Bark'i - taaaafl .,... on lu-ruiar. AuK-ai 7 -. - . M vltllKVMKK'.ir Au??.l 1. ?.( J-'a B. Mirrroo. r, ia dn -iliii r*ir ..f'.rrm*. l.afamilr ar*-o I _> atlaad tba !un-ral ftn tb^ rr ai.l--.. .( '.- I -?? u uw. J. X. V-.ik.iil. ;r N? a WaB 'li*. -uadreil-ami twaotj . BOOB IB BiaMlfa, " B. Moua :n'.hi77* ,.__! nf 'aa IV r*_ r*.il te* *ud fn?Bd? "f The fimiit ar* ia*B*cOMjl bttU-I-,o rt , . ? ,i_*,ia:**~. ..ii I'siur_iar. il - .. ia. Sl' V11'KUl')-? Ob lutTHiii-. Auitiiit j. AiH.adrr _*m*rtr. agflgl ? tod fnffldl ir* :ant_d ta Ub ? lt* .4,1- btwiiifu. ua i naralif, ... _. II ,.B i ? a i Ba " 'i C i B.: V ?? iei bn-br aaiiBad l* ,****, lt ItJ .ounni .'!_.:.'*r ,1 1 ?-(?'._'a. an. ? I, l:i?-,al 7 Ta. . ?irtal U*S. Sc.r.r- "ll " Ttl_sl t-. ?:t.Bl. ti... s.n w. i *n_r .a I-ilr?_i ... ii, .ml. r j ? ,, r U. ,a..t)Vl.g. V. IBI81.P8 ll !(r.i.ili?-i. on Ib* "ith in.I Kmnr-h il. -?8 ul Joba A. ib.I Mir. 1. - Th- rrl*tiT?a aad 'rt-rala ul u- lamilr _i* rratiertfnli, inTttrt t,i atlrafl lhe tunrril lm 18) !__??_*??_, un Thor-iir. tbe 7tb inM.. it " p ta. shiklds? ai nflaaB, 1.. L, aa MobUi, Auzbii i 1871 :)*?? ... rada. kwgaU 7 .: -' :i. I tta* nimutma .a... SSIl-KKN?,a.?i.'.rBlr Ati.u.t .'i, al tnl OmBB, X I t'.ru. L.ulnH. ubsaafl two i.,1. Ilunal at t.r**awood ( r_M_er.. ai"t.v,il K-'in*. ."it* ibiU. WBBaa Sut-hiai, lafiat mm a i. .n.i BaaB v. _ s aaaaa, Itrlit.TM itn. fneadi ol tb*, ir* '?*' ~ 2 .iti ,rt_., 8(8 BBfl.. Baa. ibr r*?.iir_K_i ol bu uarrau M il tt r-t " a I BW VKT-On Atit?1 i W- Inm K. -Uawirt. ioi .rf l)i>' 1 mii Mir| ' ?m-r. t tt I aflf ri:,- .r.-.. B*8f 1 au-a. Bltmkl I. I tl '-? .l-'l- '* aTOTUIIBir l\\ b,i ttao'.mrr. Krara*.. N l.t W..Ii.r-.i, Mb ??****. i*.l IS rnn. 17 8ati. '. ul tb* faaiilt .rr r.|?. iiuii. uni** I* aa t*mi Ibr 'aarral. ua ___, "'"" ?. iaa 'i i--'- ' ??.....- -'. ma - ..? lurk. i-i*" v-.a BBabBfl - nd, .1* .nT)(l.l 10 Atrt'l -br fuBrril al . i.M ** ? a ibunKlar, A__aal 7. .1 7 _ I. ta. \ I ,, ?... nrt. n.. Aa?_a( I. Tho* l'. Wir, ib tb* tiTlb raa* . . _-?im__I!t sui.__i 1* .Itaafl 4 . **r na ? _-.,rs-..r UBlU^ti tl.llkl - mSKlt i'.iKII. Wl t>.. ? itiAi bi Baw-ToBl -M ' Waabiaf!..* (iia, ' a.Jirf. tb* , a ,** ..!?* 1* ? -'. ria ii' Tlb UIN M IUI i .Ytr*9m*l*. kt*. ,. 5occiai Nontcfl I hii,._Hn?(. Mlnrr?l Wilrr. _,,?__ Car* H.?,a- ?'?? u~ J" *_*** aqaarta **4 ***** b* ****** ? . _ .il.Hrr -..tM ."m-ili . . *J_*}_**t ttti 81 IT ? ,.,.,'...l,...?lliB Mll 4 .. . . BB. 1841 ?? K)8 i. mmm - -n-i ~-nnmt) md Hi-artaa. Vulae **** ********?*. TB.- K .?U. ?.,.:: -,":u...-i H-r-.-;-. ?** *?^u?- ? o, .? .i *_.--._ ? r*i-i if- l?4 .. i.a a .l-a So. i_ li.tiaue liLiic Kxtra No. Bi tue a a r it ?' I ' t OBBATIOB a.s BflBBBBI pbotbst B8-8MN thr aaawuB-j iBBBflB . ,, . ,.r*J 0, Prot AliABBlZ bafori tb* tiM-Brf (.v-(,?A mliiiJii. Bim.. aMBBBMj * ***** *?*>**? ?* wr* *?* Baaa I i? BBBW8BBB ?uic*r*>8( AbismI UB. |inai_* n i bll , -._t ui .i(H f**t**. **i iBaflBMB wiu ..*_(._ aaajaaBaajB .1,^1 B-Al.T. TIIIBCBB LBCTrBB 8TTK_ 1.1 BtailT. Tln. .*8?t ?'..?aoBleiai . taaanpUoa *f tb* ?o__r'jl ..ail. Maaa* ?M ,s .ua Ri*l, MoaaUit,* bi tb* T*l* Callaf* BiBadtlliMi. Pm*. ui(l8 wi>ias .j aau. 10 aaala, (?o foi '..'..aau, l_ Car Bk .- . flMWI ' Ht i ?ll.l'BB. Slw Irrb. ! ?... BBBfl _*?_ aaaUiiiai 88B IB lnlWtt bfl __> _*? -'i-flb | aal 8flflBaaBBB_a_BaB80aBaBlB