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FRU1TS JN SKASON. NONE TOO MANY JN MARKET. tKTNW-ON BOARD 01' A F Rl Tl \ I--1 1 - l.l'OV*. Tll <*? .uk MflBB-BB BBlBi tBIfBBa BB80B8, MUBl ABO 8-4?lX FRirrs. Jiott within heaiing of the 01 tho nilt_i _Vrr> bewU, tt* the left u* 8Bfl8 <?>e Ne*" Wort ttrtjbt?***, ti*,- tbi- BBoflaa ??*?? ot tb****'" ***Ait*r v__-a whicli briiig to Ibe Met ropol." it* UBB*** wt*i*kily fl l-HMkum, pme_ppi<- . 8888888881 ornuget. tamtaaa.an4ati.tti lumiii BflflB t*** Bfll *0 ***** *,tb Ihelr Bowaiirit- iHMi.tlior Uke w> mauy laflai Bnfflrfl ,.t,-r tti, Wflter* fl Ibe K_*-t K.v. r. tlie ?f ihean ***** aluiort amiafl aai lBlBrtwlB8fl. KanKlnc iilooa the wtiarl nu ?* ***** fl i.mglil. .mll abedaiiar.1 Uy >-' owuna ?f th, ************ 9******m ******* i? ?_)?* iBooBbi BaflaoBOBtfl Ilfllll8lllll.ilIIMT d..ri.i?tl..' Bfl__B_ iiioiiti.-i UW i.c_l in n ,ue**uirv It U flBB fl BMB and mt. rc. Uflfl ?ae to -itne-* whicb would re,..n ;t to lhe apot, ?ap.-_.ll>' ao if coupled th.- .-ourl. -> of one * ho I* iai.,.i,_. wMB IB paaa*. _a*t bow, laoflc* IB BBflpi r 8 _. ,mit il lo the BBBBBfl umiitti fl Iuin ?88, the fnnt-1. Bt** ****** c<il.tlliiu-to arn. c BflWBflB tb.. BBafli ois*n Ba -Baaa aai t'<? xi.cettiu- oBarl la lu.-i ?'il' "'nt i-i''*1' f("' "w 888888 to paaa BflM O-BB-Btfl ?'?>. Btfl 88 88888 -uunner Bay may bo HOI Bfl thn* wulk. or on board ******* fiiiit.r- wuictiliii; wilh BBMf ?'.<" lli. yr_ ew of oi'.i.*.i*liiic Htul I lu- iiioveim Ilt* ot lh. in xi-,1 er?vmI <-i nieu UU* ii.iint e the frtnt, a miort, _c.i flaa,afloaaaflfl tfl jrflB-fl, aa U arflOfl troui bi* wow wh.i. hafl an.l l_ urd. thi.t,_h >< t 88 188 MBBB} Bfll fl I' Ui ,.Mttai_.Miil uf linen, aud i .ii rn -a Bt all BBMB8 liiiA'e iiinloi lia ***** flflBBfla BBfl froiu tht 08881 aiaucr- oi tl. aaa Onltcd BUtes In.peetor flf | - .1 11 I'lOSlVil. _ MllO ll.ta f.r 8 8] ****** flfll ara. nl th. BBltvfl hik! drpiirtt'.rc fl BM lnu' rroai u.i. .*uy n-,'u*. in t ****** oltfl Br. Boflwiei a rr|MirU.T of Tn, TBU. 88 BBBl-flfl BBfflflBl <*f tbo fru.i. 1 ia*i vaah, aafl _,t- aaa i -*i tofai tu **** astflaata of th. grflwtb of iaa Bn ik"i Bafl itaflBi IBa paal BBaaaa im t_-M) tm, of loiir - ipfo-ataaaat -iti't acOOUDl ot Uu n-'kl.-oo -s of iti laUira. _ho In-i.mii DB__fl ft* ttt* ******* lafl Bft-Bg. T_r 4i?4|i B BBflO aafl B pBflfaflflflfl to the aniount of rr.tit aBifffflfl. rfltj U l_ ***** - Ifl B8fl8 BaaBj hikI II la . 11. \, - fl i- iu i. fully rli>e, or. flflfli tl, ?_ 1 ****** ?'I..... iiinl ***** o,init_tii. B)dlflflflBflfl?flB. Iaa 1._ium i'riiii-, from; co.i, with a 8B8f8 fl 8888888, an* wariv BBlnaflflfl. aal .1- aaf88 aafl BflflB aaattatfld taffflory dinx'tiou, the markel*, t-orner BtBBB* -. aai flflflfl -Tint latal-J-.ili imt .nii tbeir 88818. X-M-fll-8BI *.f lh. l.ioutiti. Ik._. nre liiietl villi eo,0:1 imt*. Whlch ?? BBjarta ?um 1- an ttii-n ttoicfl in -ni iii rt_lil poaii.oii ui .oil r.ti-e.l bflflBfla. Bflfl 88 tiu v nre \ti> tii.ii-i Bflfl******* tr**, tka* b:t\e B>88Bfl_fl_fl flltB ?BBaaflBaon, k tmt ************ ?BaaBaoBflaiBwad up..!) itn .1. h-. v.i.iti. 1 ii-.. 1 flflafl aaa Itaa fl r.i -. ii bflflfflfl ta I' I the ?e;i BBaOBBO- BBfl BflB I pretty ?lA-iit.801 BBflaaaaalty tvit?i BaHngaaf ailagka ba**** hii'i uar t'.,ii tiie owaen examlnt th. ooataata to dli ion! Bflfl o.ikIi BOfl little of tho pret 1011s frnit i 1 Baaa wltt eaia ami raiiitiiit. Afui .i.ii iKtlcr psrt of tln- efl-Qfl 8? B88B rt ! ? ' .ill.v li.-iilded I'V tl 1 BBBfl ?nd wou,. 1, wln. Mll Iruit at BBflfl 8888888 BTfaflflB -t ii. -1, ?., - .."? 1. ft frait, -iiicii tlny .? ? t. n ni- 4t?t. laflaaflflflfl-. not 1 ? aaaa tii.-y bara aa aoi iui.1t}. A- iii.iii.v .,- 1. ..i l'.ol IBflflfl ln-r.iii-i Bf* ***** apaa lh, trfltan, aad fl, 8 b ha fla I ln the lotti r i-.rt i>: fla 'ity 8818, l.tiu I1..1 f ibe r,tni ? iuin 11 aud glrla wbo IflfM I tba doa n ata. 't ?- Mm I'ltrtitu'ti tfl tbe IbB traffit, .is tbe?e Booplfl flaaai IB BBflfflaaeaBi >*f tiu i.uil'.hur. uu n, nnd _re , 1: ? ' IBBB.1 vv. It li.-..ii_h: i. ? ' iii-- in bB '-Kinv Hi-torv fl tb, 1 ? Braflfl ia Ni_ Voi_,-' in 1 ift, joi.i, 11 ( beaa * ' I'.tviiioiul, abont . M-iiuill. Ou Ibe \.?>'.(_? Ifl thi* City the e;.|.taii. t. 1 . . .i. ebatpaaj. ..:-. aaa of * ? ti . iiii 11 ou in. ?,n ta Bal t1u14.11 :, 11... . '?: - ? ton, wiu 11 GBptalaI 1 iu- j'K . rn. (i ibe I I 44 iU. ,1 bflfl. I. of Bfll ? I' :? Wblel !'?:. Ih'.iiihf l'li neit...! l.y tio- di-'n . t.- K tu.nii.Ic; ..| ttu- LiiiiHIiu- tter,- r-ol-l fo An thoii.t ( r.i|ii.iii, ;i fr . ? ?'? fll 1 Ifl ttu flfl Fiv .!_!_? |, :tt 11.. Bflfll B flfl liu.c 1 1:1 n 11 A81BB ...n tll). 1 4-.-A..F. hIs(( Irom Hiir.icoa, IflJT flJOBBfltdfl fl i| ' I:uIc, tv:tli IbOflflBBflfl fl flBt 11 ? |. - - !.. ; tlctka, Wblla iii tl.e hold could bc seen a* uiaii) 88888, tifihll} lo.t (.tcliuly jiat ked. A .,|ua,l of men t- er-d the fr llit in BaakaB BBi yaaae.l it uy tblflflgb '!.<? h.ttche- fl otltcrs wl.u u. I n d aint aort, ii it. ibrowlBB Iba waatUaaa truit upou Of II,( .( 'n. Ilu : ?!? ulfil 1'. lh. "ihcr, wblle tii- _.i fnir Ti.i 8aal fl the 1 .i.:.t _as Bflflfl hi_h Wlth I'.'id pit.e ttbich thero aro-O an odor ctiKire.ting the 1 mi} of a deren hrewerie*. Tbe ahlppora of tins -iiit.r. .1 a had io-r, tlioUA'h Bfl iu- _ vre aa ba* 1 , ** rflflflfllan radafoa da}. iiiro witb h c&rgn fl I8.0O0 flOBOflfl-*- of whlch lf m.i had 1 ?erl.hed. bouiotluies the eariro prove* a total Ioi*. aml )f only oncfoiirtli of tho Bfll IB BBflfl 88808 Tluv oauses of lutm are nuinoroue, ?0101 tiiu.-r t^oiii lung aml *ev.-ro voyajtes, makiiik.- t ue 88Ba_i-} to aflaa the batabaa to prcvont tl.e Ri ii 1 Bflfli 11.-44,1,1- lata tio i.'.id. Tbe batabaa flBaflM bt bapl open. H.avt tl.uuild BBB-BM are always terri' Mt l-'etwck told of ii ve-i^-l whieh arrived at laafl} Hook aaa BlgM nor loug tt?0 aud waa dctaintd there liv Ilu ii ui.iiiiiise auttieniie* for Beveral hour*. Ikaifla the? paiiM- a tr. tm uilous thuiuler etorm swept over ihe l.;iv. mnl ibfl I'liir-.ii']' ??*, vtbieb prtviously Wen m nn kinii.tullv iiuu cdiidiiion, were almoat totally destroyed. lt <ti.|_>rt!-i! wiu.d put ln tbofrult dry and uot too npe, tt wuuitl do vi ry wtll. I'ine-applea are imported fron >;i, ntb. ia, Y-au Salvador, Matauza., Havaua, t liaracoa, aml I'oiice. 1'. K. A atraniter aeciiiK the im meufce lotnl* of f.ust UroiiKlit on ttmrc, _oul_ flfltflrfllly an-k bow thr \a*t amounta wero dUpo*cd or, and an itu IM-ru r <4i_id BBOBflB Imn reudi'iy. Be.ido *he quautlty oonatimrd by tlie residenM of New-York and it. vUlnlty, wataOaOflflflfla that of any city ln the worid, London or Tari* Bfl I _f* ited, there are per~on? upon wbom the luiport-T* rely to purcbaav their fruit. These peojiii uaually purt hast in larire (jiiautitie,*. aud in a few hour* tbe fruit 1* htiii'ped to all parta of the country. The 18 ciiitiea for rapid iran. i.oi ia:ion are euch tbat only a few boura are iieeded for tlie tran-jxirtation of fruit to a diatauce of buudreds of miles. Many flrm* ar. 1 11. the purrbase and _hlppinjiof Weit India trult, aiui two t.niir hiii.'ic ln tl.l. city buy nearly half amiiliou of pine-applea aunually for caunlnff. llll, OOI ****** TRATB. The importatio-i fl 888888001 forma an extenslve tir.n.<_ in the trade of totelgn fruit*, and tbougb lt aoero* luiprohal'le, the average percentaire of loaaea by docay ia about one Bfth. The icenea on board the cocoa iiut faaaafl are Bfl **) intere.tlng aa on boats oontalijirii: otber trop.cai frulta. The coooanut 1* not eaten n.ticii nnti! afttrlt ha? 808888 throngh IBl nianufactory aud tn. kitt-btn. It i. generally depiivedof its hunk by the natAve., wim alao aeal one ol tho tbreo eyes whlch to tl. - Uv ..n n.i.. netrnhlo my*teriea to llttle cocoanut lo>. m. :n order to t.alll. tbe tbicviug propensltiea of the pi-raiiiliuiiitliiii sttlp rat and lnquialtlve cockroacb. The nui* are Ibflfl <' otited and placed ln bags for ihtpmcnt. I'ociiii.iit- iu, prinrlpally Imported from Baracoa, f_n Kla*. Boea del 1888, Kuatan, Honduras, Old Providence, Uranada, I'roviuretou n.CarthaRena, KJnastoc, Jamaica, I'aiill, and Aiplnwall. The nuta Irom Central Ameriea are au| _ rmr Ui ihow fruu. l)ar*c<>a. beingtblcker meated and B-PaflBBJa quauty totboae from Baracoa, and ln many 88888tB | wili briiig double tbe prices of ttalfl l*r. Uw (aaaBaota flfflO fliked : " What l_comei of tt, oocoanuU, imported uito tbu (ity 1" It). eaclly aa UUM Tl)* re ure in .N, w-York two establlihmenta whi re hundred* of rhousands of these nuts are aunually fleisicated, 01 pBBJBBfl and pa( up for cullnary pur p*ae*. At one of tbex. establlakment* between 13?.f. aafl Iflflfl Btt pr, paro-l u.ontbly aad aent to all parta of U? United Htatce. 0B88O8I rmd h-mona are shipped in boxes from Ha v?n_, Majaini.i, ffflBM P- Bta Banktoa, Ban Salvador, I., - HOflb Mi-a+ma. .Napie*. M_Uncb, Vaiwicia, ,_uoa, and otber placea In tbe Weal jLdies and ou tbe Me'llterran, m 88884 Omnm- aud Iraiuu tree* generally attaln fl the *it* and beifbt fl app.e tre*.*, aud n fully-growi. or?n^> tr?, wtll praflaea froiu vut to J.OOD oraug,*. Tbe iiui luzunai.tly ci. 1110*1 kiada of anl, and oear fruit iu from il,__ to flve y*aia. Xho fruit, aa Mr. Boalwick ?aKi, 1* ff?tlior?_J l.y meu and boya, after whicb it i* |.?t k.d for ahipment. Iu thla proecu it ls carefully aa ai 11> d by wrapped iu papera by young glrla. and Biiaiiy phbcofl iu hoze*. Iu aaaorUug. lf any or the oranirea nre fouud witbout ru-ui*. tbey are rei-. I- d TLi* liielhod of gaiheiiiig and paoklug ouly nj.i-il'-*- u, tbe a?rden* of lhe Mediterraii-flu and tbe hc?t re?f? late4-l'_-UUUu_* of the Wi-nt ludl.-a. lu tbe portfl of Uie lau.- aourofl of tottsigu fruita, lhe oraugee aro ofteu abakeii or b*au u ttuiu tho treoa, aod some tjuie* car ted from the loterior by Dl teami, over rough roada. and fr*qi.-atly put io vaanela wet wlth rain or ata water. Tba otbor tropi,al fruiu are eaally dl.poned of. (irape tr ult la an luaipid hkuo of orauirr. aod not mucb Iu Sarot with Baw York,-ra. Hbaddtxk aiao bear ? r__ml,l>__) lo appearaoce aud taate to jrfjrr *****vaif ata*aaa ********* Itm***iikm* M??anvrO ?' ' """v,? ... few barrei* ol tbem , "?' , ,i ,,i au. ii..-.. M'.-u ..tifli ibeirarmai ihe ."?r .-,' tn...- .-i f.i'.r lime.aweel 1L..v..r. ESnttrwrliitt.-.t.-.l l-v ,.n.. l.i.-.-r-. vMil...|'t-.-"' ii?,wi.-.-..ti'iiy?-.-a.?'i Hi.ii.i"-!-. rn.- t("" 'Vlal'r Sltaat aol it-aa tlmu jo boxaa aafl a?ward le Ml ammttmt fleatred.tbn vn'-'" varywg la amount MaacdlM_JJ?J oiutUiy bfi.ti.1. and coaaiUoa, tbe damagad fruii aeUliif Z, Irm l* U ...,.l M oesta a ba*. Tha. aiuourt of eapltg t-iuiiBatt.t ui th. irafla tanc* iioi.uiiiiy. Laat y aar mt il.Ul Ulit WBI itllllUt 8l.tKXI,(>lM. ini; 11 a. ii OM flflflflfl. a iii.aiifl i paaafe aaaaarfl la Ifla ball-flrflwiflfl ragiaa <f auu tk.i I-.) ' t< rtii.<'.ve*. a wiiiw iflflanflfc aaaet (la.-lla. w.l i. lllt v.,.1.1.-. al till OW1I- 1. " llli'lfl": rtngtag in Ifla eaaa, fl aaafl aaaan - flfl '"?>' ?"?! . , nt tiriiutii, whi.h laal 'I fat ta naay waaka,haaeartalled Biaafe al tbebaautraj Ifll paflab .r. l-v canaing xa aearelty ol lruu. rhe pr*t,tii|V* frult-growing reglos oa lb* Atlantle i aat la caltoa tbe 1'. uii..-iii.i. .uul comprleea tba threi cauiittofl <-f oeia ware aod lb. aatar i oouutica ol Marylaud ll l ').-i autbontr tbal there wlll be ouly a tbtra oi tiie umiii erop ol peacbea, th.- prtfloiflal portlon ol whlcb wiii be ln oratea, ttn n ara au peaob. i ... New Jeraer exoepl :. f. w around Mnin-town. Tln tiest peacn ii tn n.'m Jcrt-fv ur.- ptoated iii corn nntil tne iraaahaflM i? baar. aftarwhaak iaa around topiowed ..mi barrowed withoui Iba plaating i.t aay orop. i dnai - gi i>? r.i u \ ii-flid, though iniiiy i'i--"I man are. Wben eaMlfaflaa ka aal attended ta, tbi il Iruit .i- iiii-..ti-f.i"tvty and tln buniui profltable. But thla yaai tba m-'-t ataflloaa care aouia uut bava in .ni. 't in the abaeaaa "i rain. A aew ?arti 0 i.f thi* fruit appeared itt-?t year, ami mo* tbe tirxt ia iaa ii.-i.i thia MMa-uii. ii ;h called ttotling. Early, ana u ratoedon the ca.t y xonoi Barylaud. it i* noted forllfl CimueM. eolor, aad ttne taute. Haie'i Earlj tollowed, .nmi- aow m market The Etrli York oomea n. xt. rroth'fl Early ia alaa ta atarket. Old Mlxon. l^ta Kari Ripe, Late Crawford, Prtuee'a Ran Bipe, .-inmk, M..rii? Wblte. aud Beert Bmock app. ared InrapM aacetailon. Tli.-liic. tpeeiei roentloned to fully rlpened ln Octooer. lli. Delaware croji fllll l?- lar* I ti'.." tbal pl >'^'Ji' " M-v. though it la -1" rt Tbe bualneaain Dj laware toi ; ,iu,i..i u.o.fl--ui,in-nll. ti....i in Nea J"MY,1t I, ' uiubaida ?boa evi-h di . .-f thrlfi and eara Tht i> .-? wara miii ratoeraaoltiTate. n ad Itolonta IbeAbofl? ?. - rieuefl. tbe Kuiquebauue, Bllit^n, and Berra^ thcugn tbe i..ti. r la noi mueb llked. Tb. erop wa. U daya later tin-n Hr.auti the ilrnt fruit waa of poor qnallty. "? -,.,!., .,.-, i.i.t,.- ditplayed ln tba rarioua marketi wi re, bowi i.i... -""? Tbe Iruit ?ow wmrng Ui ifl M!,.-iiti-,- better, I'ut tbe price*are burh. Altbougb i. - ..' fli. " will la.'-n-.i-i. 'nt.-l M. tne MDiill er..p, tli. n nml tlutt i-l tbe fruii r.i.-fri.. It i- mM annncomuion siKbl tose., abonl Morriatown. tbotiaandaoi tre. ? on tbo mountnius uearlnflvery fairiy, while iu iln- valiey beneatb tli*? tr.-.a ar.- Ktrit.,..-.!. One imn. i- Bpoken ol wltti n-.e W.iwo troei wlm-li will uol - ai ?ri.,i,.-- and acoreii of aimilar o:ia?<-s i'<auiai laa- im n tionrfi. t'iia-i-rin. ij.kI erop wlU be ln erataa. iiii.i aarj f. ? baaket* will ba ahlppad. Ono ..t the cauacaot iuu -, .-tn uj i- -tn i.n i ibai Uk i --.uii ii'-'- ? f "" ?'? ? overbon Ufltyaar. Tue erop ol tne l.i.t -- u- o -111 aiii. -MAIIkili 1I:IIT8. Mo*t of tbfl iaaaaatk firaall ?ow la market i.t-ioncd ro ilic uii.i '-i -i-.-i toa. The di.' Itb tl-Htroyed tlic BXaalflf ? tm etflflflb --'"-'i aurttflfltfl -ti tbfl trafla etn' tli.-y ti'-vcr .-:iw BOCl 9888 tlfllt. Tbi MflekbflRl ipa an jri i la Iba aaarket, bm tbeq aia aafl tall M tn.iiiy ii- hi-t ? nl tii.-v urc bflaall aad of tnlerlnr ouality. Moal oi thi blackberriea ooni< fi"m ??? . , ,aiid th.- ilaek t ipealaocome fnuu Suu-e, .uul fr.'iii New-Tork Siate. Ihi eberrlea un- better, and tbe wpp y la larger; but, ai uaual Mormi ' t-i ? 'ibi ring to the afona. TUe cur ranM are pleattful, aad are of a better quallty tban almoal any other klud of amall fntila. rhe wliorlli orop i- ? -'<?'? M.t'i! ' t than u?mtl. Hu. kli berrlei xi i tlm erop of Boow-berrlea i- nofl lanje. !,? w .: hi I- along tbe banaaorine . Newburifb, PoBKbkoepaie, Croton. and Marl ;..,!, h tor tha- ImproTemeai - I iii.- lruu. .uni nm 1.-I.M' nuantitlaa are dauy pouring iiiUaiu* Loug l.Uu.l, OunuecUout, and ?ew Jortej, inin,-h .. i..ii. portiao of tbe l*e.-<t btookberrlea, the aeaflon Ier which continuea throunhoul Au*ruflt. TTifl tlelicioua water-mflon i- a |>opu.itr Irnlt, and H la rery itenerally cullivatcd t?irouKb Mlddl. ,,..,i t?a.|.t!l.-l'l, ?-' l!.-e. I'l-l "- BIU B1B0 lU nuantltie* ol melona diaplayed dally in waflhinstoii tud Falton marketa, ..'.-l Ut fruit u* ?t flood Quaiity. aellinit at roaaooabto pr ea. Ttm melonproper, or ujua-kuielon. ie iuucIi more iK'it and luaeioui thau t.. wutt-iin.-i.-ii. aud M Witrni, drj i.-jiitr.-d f.,r it-. ?!, i.i.ii cf r.ain baa bad lesa effectontbU fruii tban on tnosi othera The uk lon Ifl moat abuudaut aurioi . " ate i: th< mi.l.IJ and I. , uii irly cl tpled to tbe produot, >plj .-1-. t.i nu,.) immenae, and tbe pevflta itrcai?.ii ...ii.-. uu Btb -?'? -ii pricea. the wcfiteni i-if Ol H 6 u' jr.niii tin- aeaeou. Tt.< peaebaa ol Mapni Uonnfya* ii, .. ii b< ti. i tlian thoae io Uu Eaat, -n.a the appli t an ., ri .ut;i., Tbi (ini'i'! i"-.'!--1- immenae,larger ... d?-(.i. t.'mu baa beea koown for m ? ihu iui iinii i- .. i.ii,,1,1.-. i.ii-1 inui) Bue looklug apeol Ul4jnt . ..i.,i ln iii.iii.-. t, tbomrb ll witi tn , imv are ebeap aad picutiiul. THE BBOOXLTX UB1 BAlfl. Tbe Liberal Geoflral Ckuaaiittee of Urook u .ii, n B, BeUaa i , r tm B cutivc < i.!iiiii:t!cc uptioinK-d : I ? ?? w.ii-il. Jo.'ni Gbabaw; Tiiird, Win. Davia; Kiftli. y M K'.-n ifc.-..ii: l.urfii liinle. i-.v. .^.-v.-iill). (J. Oai d-.i Twelftb, li,.i...; Xliiitaiiilli. < baa I g tu . i.'i.. K. L. Boott; Natia t.alitll. .lt"-- l-li Killlfllillla; TUfll'l --I ?Cilld, .lu.-CJ.U VM Iiiniii; Tweuty-tbird, W. U. Mui. n; TwantJ uiii., J. It. Allil'i.ii. ? iij.r ti- ..! i . fll Ifl I tn tbfl rn- ni bbbbUbiffl tbi flafl-Yuik Btal i i ralOaaa') ai Batfltafla,balag (caaaafl?waa ealled aponto glva a akatob ol the labora ol that Coaa ;? H( suit-.: thnt tbe (lutimit. -.- iiad iiit-t. isfaattflg la la aaa a aall Iai II t-tttfC LlO.'iall C'lilaV.UtlOll, lallt fl iBIfll UllllllnT Of lll liiiintiai Daaaaarala weic pavaaflti wfla aaraeatlyra* faaatad tbat all aettafl ol tbat Und Ttl,.v .... i.ii)- tai.< u arbtab ?ilgbt prerent a baarty eoSperatloh ol Di'. and Ltbaral . YtoMlnglo tbelr aoltottallnaia, tbi OcaflillliK ? Stalfl c-'iiieiitioii. iaut a aab-Oea was appatotefl 18 confer wuh the tofldlflfl I>'-tn'i ciat?. Thla Oo?lltaa aapatlafl tbal a majuniy afl Ibfl leading Daiaaarata wara willing and anxioiit t?. ea opcratewitti tbe and xm re r\*u raafly to Iflflflta thi riUfliimalliiaarfjaatlraly rnnngnliinftl t" i?.-a tihhk of tne 'itxbt. exiiue, tiowcvcr, iik-- fl-x-Licut.-ii.av. ilc.icli. mi ic ni f.ivnr cf ina.LataiiiiuK Ui') old OrgBBlaattaB, Bfld but uol BMrglag Mi-.!. tbfl Llbaaala An Executive Coiniuittt a w.-^ ayyatatad to pnaymn paoposl -ii'iiiiittt-1 ta Iba Da ral Otaa mittae. Iba reeonuneiidattea wlll nndoabl tbt two parttes sball coopi-rate on n t.a-i)- <>l > "inrtl reprc bcntatioii, wltb two (U-Ici-h'i-p fraain ea. b fltautai laatead of one. Mr. Guddii.l tboagbl tbat thi* paflfli would probably bo rt-.j.-.-t. al ty tlie Dereo crata, lii ?wtuch ea?e, lie saiil, the Iiberall woulflt g-o on, aafl Cirlit flMlHpllua niiKle-.-iiiiid. U. He thoui?Lt that very little would lie accomplialied tlno year, aud, in faet, tbat it would ho miKrif Baajflfll ?flaeaaa iraia bbibbiI at ur-t, for it ml^bi uuu the rtatng laaiiy. Of tht? iiltiiii.ita Hi'Ta M of Un-I.iIm ral iiarty lu had uo douht. The !a*t ?ix or < lyht inonllis Iimvi mon tbiiu proved, by tiicr iflTfllatlaaa, flbal laa h aa charged acaiiiKt tlie Aditilni?tr.iti(iD. At the 88888fll thu addreM the t.'onuiiittee afll.jotitnrd. A GERMAN CAMI" MEKIINO. A camp iiK'Hintf for tlic EflftflTfl Gkmiftll DlatllOl "f tl.e M. K. Church begM Bl Baa Cllfr, near Glen Covo. ou Ttie-day <veuiii?. Fflfl P8l8flfl8 V888 present. and tlie, ecrvicea censisU-d of a hrh I dlacourh<-, followed by a iira.ver lueetiuic. The BflT. J"lin DaMaflar, pat-turof the becoud-gt. Germau Cliiirch, Bflaaahafl yes? terday uaorninK- Tbe Rev. J. C. Groth of >ewuik, N. J., eaaaflflafl the puipn at ap.m.,aud la tba eraaiaf tin Kev. F. w. lnnK?r (l Bnslaa, L. !., dellverefl u <ii courte. Bfl B8T. Mr. Lutz, P? i i of the Lila triet, ii it-1 laifli "?' Iba axerclaefl. Tht- au-aiuer ArroWBiulth, from Vl w Tatk, Ill8fl|1ll 150 vicitort yest.r.Iii.v BtatfllflflJ. Tho groaa la M uille.i froui >*(-w York on tbe flflflflfl, tbo runniug time belng one hour and tbree-quarters. A fair proportlon of tbe vlsi tore are Ainerlcann, who caunnt Bflflflffltflflfl tbo fltfl. conrset, as they are delivered In Oerflian. An Engllah aervice ia, bowever, arraiiiied fora portlon ol nexl .-iuu day. Anioiiit tha clergyman preaent raaterdar, beaidei thoae already nauied, flflflfl J. T. Wmfa ul now Tork, Henry Kantcndick cl Br.Kflklyii. E D.,J'hi!ip Btflbl oi Metroea, N. T.,Ckmt.Beoaaf Turaer'a Vaila, Maaa., I aaa, Rrockioeyer of Eliiabeth. V, J., M. Habball of IaoiiK Iilaiid City, fl. W. KlBg of Fhitliiu-le, 1. V, anl Kl.-n Fofltfl r of Hew York. Geo. btehl of flew York, M.irtlin Lutv ?f Hartford. Conu., W8N alho preaent. Tbe u. w tlir.-. -atory lioU-l ifl not ) al i. itipu t.-il. Iiiit tho work la going forwai i Wbam eompleted, it wiil.-i. i,n. modate a&c gnaata, flerefltr-flve vnitag*a buve i?-<-n huut, hon.!-of Ui. in eaattai IMM An "OM Ladiea1 Baamer-bouaa" i? huiitli-jg utxt to th?- great " Tai"-r It if an olfabiHit (>I tln- liistitiition ui I .'. aecond-et.. New-York, aud waa pr...|.cied by A. G. Kliii ardhon of tbfl lama plaoa, WB8 ir.tvc tba Iata and con trihdtcd liiiK'-iy toward thi oomptotlon .f the tuiildtiiit. Heverul aeed womeu bave already m - upicd a portiou of if. aud otbert will do i-o aa naon a? tiu- r.,uuia an- lu readlii'fl-N. Baaafl cf HM wciik-ii Wflfl are inmalcn cf tba Kaw-York Baaaa baaa raatbefl tba adraaoafl aaja of ue lenri- I'lte la tba aaaaafl aaaa BMatuag balfl on tbia giouud tne p.-e-i ni teaflon, tb< Rret baviag been a Uoten ,-. A third wlll oih.-u ou Auft. 16, and. i t 1.. BflM of i; iioiue i amp Maatlag LARORH TtmOTtBl A(.AIN-T MACIIINRRY. The Coopfltfl1 Iuttriiatioiiiil I'liioii No. -'] bflld a tpeeial nieetlug at tbeir lodge IflflBBB, N... 50 (t.urt-.t., Brooklyu, laat uigbt, with Bflflflflflflfl to tho .trlke at Ba*8BB88fl8 A Elder'H mj:ur n-Iluery iu the Ra.teru Oiatriet. Gn July Ifl au i-rder wafl poflttcd In tho re flntry tfatlng tbal, after July 23, tb?- Mffftal lf Ihe to<'I* f. w(aiild nn Iflflflfl* ''? i.t. tlt.I III'- ui.-ii did u?l Wlilf untll II'- ttt, bul left their itfa.ta un Julf 16, Bflfll wiilcli BflM th< itrike lma. beri, iu inoiricax. Ofl tbfl BBI I brouiiht fr.uu Ht. Ixmia, ('hteapo, Ri).h?-.-tci, Hynn a.e, Pnu-iiia. and atoawbaaa, aaarij all aaaa baoa indacad ta lulil Iht J'li.'-n i'iliioil* lu the .Iiini- ll.te III i.i luid iiiudc grraogemeBtfl i? flt np tbe a Inery wnu ma ehinaB -*hu h i.ui'i im- operau-d o> iM-y? iu.i.imI al tki'ko -rXuiaLUit-k. jm otH/Wtffl aay tbe> are wiiliug to ?ive the marhluc. a fair and -8888080 trlr.t, flfll ot'Ject to tt.e. eiuititivment of labor. Thi*. or eoarafl, wtll Bnd to lower at***, ovet-Mot * the BSflrbet, luddrtfle out rhe .l<lll,.i eooper* Tn- men an- conl. dt-ot Iheyiwtll trtatapb errnt th'. Ba-Btayra Klkli: A A /. WE LA _T r___& COMMENT. ON TUE I'ROJE(TEl) KA11?. TIIK MTT. ************ AS a BBBCB*__B__a <<'s MTUAlY-(OlNTI'.ll C1.AIM. THAT THFACnONR wim. up. iii? nooeo raiiB aauBipmiMt 11INTM UIA) l.IIIKIt MH- WIM- BB 1)1(1)1 (illT AHAINHT TIIK. liOAD. Tm: Titiri ni.V cm -ln.ive tcvcliition of tlie < ..-i,?. mplitted BflB iii-iii.?t the BflB Ka.lwity < nuipauy was |fea MBjBfl fl -i iu tnl aBBBflBBa ln Wall-.t., ft*** ri.iv, where Ilic llliuntlotia were inti-n.lcl B I"' BB, OflflflBBBfl lo the incrlt* of the ******** *** varu-d \utti tbe intetctsof uu nti Iimls in tho itoek niark. t. If they were " Ioiik" of Erie they 888)888888 the sutU u-.-toek-johl'iiiK BBBflB, I'iit if tt".v wer.- 'VIi'Tt" tluy ti|il,eli| the I'lojet letl HlUBfltB 88 I rigbl, Ofll ************ '" eoflBBflttbflI'K-'iit liiic aflflriBBflBBBaa to taaaafl Ifl a i.-ifi ii Bafl ohiigutii'ii Wlth a view fl clit iiintiK ****** Intoi-ination on tln fl tha ta**, a Bbbbobb lafatfarwaBafl upou Beveral perwafl BflBBaaaaflwHa the iflaflaai Ika pro ******* BMoaBaa BflB-Bfl it. |. U M. limltiw, of eouu-el for thr Iuu Killwnv OflflB pauy, said ihat bo hud BBBidBBBBl BBBMBBBB _8B_fl_M or iufoimaiioii M iurnisb 88888*8188 **** ********* ,l wnavery uppiireut, how.-v.-r, that it was a 8888-8 or B_OB)8fl for tho purpose of olitulnlug au order from a Federal or St.tto Judjre that would B_ba__aa ?__ B-Baaaaaa tho new* woafl ik te_irflpb_l to LOOflaO, and ranso :, flaaBBB fl tlve or more jkt ceut ln the pn-e of the flflfll Ifl tliat city. of totii-i', If btich iinonlci 8888 BBBflBBi it wotilil Biinply rc*ult in a litocat.ou, and would I.e n uiottsil ln a week; BBl tk* olijc t of tl.e cuu-pirutors would be acrotupllalied. Aarou J. Vi.uderi).'.el WBfl alaa itpplld to for informa? tion, hut he did uot Bfl ttiat bc was iu a po-itiou to fur 'Hf.Ii auy _*yet. One of the paBBBBB most lntere.te.1 ln fhe fnrthcomifiK suit- Btkaoalaflgi d t_ ,t Um U at u il ippaaasl B raa lKIl.iM. was tliifiifu!. 8X888. tn deel.irilli; It to he I. *toek jobliiuif ojieration. This, he said, was lurorrect. 'Uu- .ilt. are to be brought iu . "<>d bBB hy tho B)___ ot Erie preferred |ttu k and tln- B-fltflfl, Hartford and Enc flr-t niort_.i?e bflBfll BOBIBOtflflfl t* UM Bflt Bfll way Company. IhiihtiMl81 ifl tln Erie B8B_8l8flBBaflk claim thut they bave the tleanst proof _BB_Ofl_ (Uiul on the common stock declared and Bflfl Uttral tiiontlisairo was uot carned by the road, Imt was paid froin 8 l"..u Wh** 888 BBgOtflflfl ''}' tht BBgBfl BB88B aai fat wbi tb ?ritgig* *>?-? fl iha ro,.d have baafl f*y*_, N r tii- any (l.vijeiul I'.-cii earn.-d for the piis-t -ix. ii,oul li-, altbflflgk it 1* uaOfiislflfll BBflfcae dlvMead aa tha eaBaaaaa flaek ia.s |fl I.. (leclaretl. Tlie BflBBBSt n-q uiied t? pay tbo dl. i.l. ml on the coii.iiioii .ato. k 888 M, _xv . ?. uud tln* is to lie adil, d to tlie ebllflalBOl fl the IBBfl, and 88 tYf -ta-_B-tlutfllBflt -flfl havi to bc paid. lu-tead fl iniprovlngln BBBBBB ital eomlition, UM Iflflfl U -tcadily ilti-liiiiiJK- When tln-I.M. i-? f IB I'i_. Bflfl Bod rt ? ? H it aaa wltb tba gflfl-flflty flfl aeraa par flflfl ..iiiitiuily would l paid un it if euri.t d liy the IBBfl iiilore any ilivitl. i_tl ibflflld ba flfll 88 tln: 8888888 r-tock. If. .is B i1.ii.iaflfl, ttkB ilivld'.-nd BBM 88 the 8888 nion stock wao fiom li.urotv.-.1 fund*, und imt fiom ttu earniiin- of tlie IBBfl, this wa* piainiy an mfiin. DftbflBpBM ofthe . ontr.ict with the holtlers of BM pref. ricd stork, .uol tkfl latter had fflflfl Moiiud 9* ?pplj ins- Ifl the BOarM l"r au liijuncti.'ii to rc-trnln the iion 884 I'.mii- nf fl I> diviilelid aa th' rouiiiiuu .to;k. I. .? naiiiicd gu.iraht-e iug of tkf t'liiuts fl the I'.oati.n, Hiirtfortl ami Eiic Ballroad aai a fraadalaa! Maaaactlaa tm the patt of the oll.n-i-..f MBB ?? ? T_8 8_8_l baafl, bfll ibabaaflflaa bflfl I] Ibb-BQBI bnlrtora. anfl tha i___n o! ike Brfl BaOroad bbbboI now Depafllafl the aaotraet A ****** of the bu pre iuu Cuurtof tht L'i..i' I a biuillar cile Bflfl s. ttii ,1 TbflTfl Wflffl BtkflC fljflflfl inui.a invoit. d. -iiu,8a pflaato&Bridga nnd ElB Junc tion Kaiir .td Ma braaeb load, i rt?fllao Boai BoflBto to th.- i i i.i ??. it ba?flMlgatk - ?f nt, htm* aad |NMMfl ihe baafla taau ? p-1 i ? al tataavfl, p i| flbflai aaaraaBB i by the EiieKillwiiy con ptuiv, Bflfl, B uddiiioii, - oea! ilivnlf-i.d ou the stock asthe raotal of Ike Pflflfl. nu ,i.-s i ? mi 'i UBBflOBBBfltBRtflfl uiuii i tlie!., 801" rupi aetkUB* uu nt al BMb aafl Oaelfl. Ikasa u uo* a coiifuleralile aniount of 811881888881 PBjaMBl. A *ull broogbl in tio-. aae alaa lo t anpel p.iv ma* 111 Uuion Car Ciuup.Kiy flflflflfl a larifi- auiouut of rollinu abaak on ibe Bi la raad abfla Mo wafl was B aaaa a e*m> .1. ..!. iii.ii .1 Bflflld Bfl pur. haa- nny. A **$ I nmoiiii' tvst-pai.l f..r e.ii !i nilli' traveled dv flfl rollliii: aflflb. i ba anaBfagaa fl paj bmb| b ro 8-BbooI ta akafll | i ? iflflfl BltkOflgB the contraef n.i.. i.ii i. piuli.ited hy tue preseni Brtfl olli i.u-. -'?? 'iiici Mraagfli aa II wat ?aaarally B8fla__?fl B ton al .1 ********* i nrilcil VMlh lt tka Whole BBd aaB p.iff- Tba ah uni'' inni iii'-a. Weaicn, Bail (. liipun ha- in.-iilly n i -..v. 81 il ii Bflfl fio.u tl.e i ? . Baflwflj (' >iiip u.y ln th. oluo i.. :ii-. ll.. aaflerstood to bfl oBly a partloa "f a large clalfla wbieb ?, i tah ? ira nii;. -i'. ,i ,1..]. iu iba Bl BBB 881 l" i '' pal'l. OBITVAET. M. t AMIlI l BTAI-INIII-..I.II "N BAI A tclcirniin ltccivfld EnBB Pfllil lati lai ?liltlt I.lllloillleC'l Ibfl ' li "1 M. ( allllile-IIj .n o.iiion Barrot, tu tifleal fl Iba i'r. m i. Coam :i ai Ba OBl tin -on of ,i. \. ii.nroi, wim aaa i. flepat) to thf Oaaf-Bttoa ABllBg thu Fniuh 1^?yululioi,. aml voted BgBlBBl the ilcith fl I/.ul. XVI B Oflllofl Baatfl waa ban B i_'i; bflstaflBd towaad Wii- admitted to pi u tlce liefore fltBlalagMfl inajont;.. ******** the n ot tln l.uipire dii.i:.-' lhe llundr.-tl liay-. Ile BBBBttkaBai fsii.el lo reiilir. ? iii hopc- un tiu aaaaad i aflaaaliflflb baflaaai aaa or tba aapo s-itum, ami soon baaaaa ? leadai bbmbb tke Libflaia DflrtBg the retoliilloll of UM h<- i.i. i |iteil a *. ;U iu tlie ('(.[istilueiil Aak, .ii,.1. alter Iln BBB llou? of .lu IBkfl Deeemln l, hc 8888888 Mfl llist Mlliisii) fl I.oui-Kapolcou 8fl Mni!-t"i Bl fttattan, li i -,'i hc iJ. ileavored to flfl 81 mediator batweflfl tkfl lagBlfltiT, \a., mhly .iud the i'f Mfl, nf, bfl BB Ibt tirw-i fl tlie .liv soiutiuu of tin a ?.?ii.t*i> ba waa aaa al tha flrat t*pr. U-.tdl^nlli-t Hu pioiei BlaaV nnd I.e lelu.-d flolfl pill-ln l:te. His eoiir.e (liiniie thr PN8B_MMy fl M. 'I uud BaeMabflfl is taa raeaal M _aj.? aaj ii -in. bea to it in detail. an'son UTIBOafOB, The (Icatli of ABflflB IiTiBg8tOB ou .Mou,i;i.v affl-OBBB, wai B mo-i Mflflflfl imd BBBBp?<BBfl blow tfl is-ni.ti.y Ineiiil-in New-York. 4Hk?gb fur IB MB veir- BB !(?-!'' Iui. Iioeti witliout tho elly, aml aBBaagb iariai BuM Hbm ba bas heen protaloaaBy oon i.i i i, tl fl .th none fl IM t'iieiiiea- Uiii i. -ts, yet hi-. iinme baa aaaa baaa Uakafl wm. ikaai fl proBflaabl . Ufaaaa "f Ika a______t, aafl Ma Maafla baia a. aBawkaaa were many and true. He wa. tbe aon fl Chlif-Jm-tico liflBga* ton, aud wa* i.orii iu thi* eity, on M.i.i l, |BOT. IIo m tered Colleire at an early BgB, completed the cour. ?, ain' was isrii' witli honur. His lae__ktlOB8 led huu to the l( profes .ou, BBfl Ua uliie.itlon WBfl dirested accordniKly. He never. Iiow.-ver, oructlcid th* paaOaaaBa bc had afcaaaai, tboagb he wouid imdfBblodlj huve emluem8 iu ,t. Iu youth ho a.ia^t l.iliy fond of atblelle sjioits und exeelled Inphysitnl as wella* in mt ntal cdliure, Iteeord- -till exut of vanous Btklfltlc fcat* i? rltitiiicd hf him iu bis boyhood, whlch were nt that tiiue Iflf88flflfl M p8flflBj8M of dreugtli aml coutnite. His eiiui.tti.ui coiniii'te.l, he vi.ind to Euroj". and spetit BBVaajfl years ln travellng on the Coniinciii. On hl* ri turn he as.uiuetl tln- i.i.uiit_- iiicnt of bB rxten ?ive .-Btate. wbich occupied nearly lu. whole attentiuti, tiioiik'h ho still found liu.c to duvote to the study of h - abBBBfl prutesalou. In chnraeler be wa* noble and iiiaiiiy bb well aa taaflar, aafl by hi. paraoaal ijm. iir i> . ni.ide frieiul. of all wilh v. it)i fl bflfll bfl BflBMI lii imitait. Ou biiiiiniay inuriilutr last Mr. l.n ni_stoi) waa *ud deuly stih-ken with pnr.ilv ttfl, .uul *.ink gratlually till Monday afteraooa. when aaaU aaaaad. He reioalned uiieoii-i-ioii- trom the hour of the The Wife fll Mr. Lmngatoo larrlvea bim. tocetber wltb Iwo daagb tm .nd ii ?iii. Tl..- ft.i.eral will lake plat ,- rrom BM l?te rcsitletice, i.t New ? lirlilhtoii. l-ttateu I-1 i n.1. at 11 i ut I.. day, itflt-i VfllebbM reuialiia will fl 18888 to the family vauit at Qiwaawflflfl. JiilIN* 8. STODDABI). rrof. Jolin F. Stoddard, tlie wcll-kiiown msthematlrlan, dh-d at hl* T**ldenre, near Newark, V. J., y< nt.-rduy. 11.? hud beeu au invalid for i. BOg iuin llls funeral wlll take placo from tb* Firat Uapii.t Cburch, at Newark, on Eriday. oitiii'AltV BOflBB Huirh (-clston, a prominpnt citizen of Halti mon . died, on Tueaday, at blaroiintry aeat In Baltlmoro (oui)ty. Marylund. He wa* born In Eut ?80088, 0888a, luit utiK-utcd lo ?aBBBSM tM) yeara ago, whore b* aaifl-sed con.ldcralile wealih ln trade. George **W, Cflflfl di. (I al Dremlen, Ohio, yrfi U-rday, m hia *3d y*.ur. Tne 88888888 waa a IfBtflOfl fl ohio for BgBBta, aud wu* tho U*t?f tbo family of M.Oor J,.iini'i;.i, (a**. Ile waaa l.r.-t l,?r nf 048 LBWB <'a-* of BBMgaai iv-ui ***** ul io u. U_rge W Cm* ot!'.__ ayiiahla HOME NKWS. ? ???> TIIB!tflOflfll KB. AT lilcHNBO.S'H IN PAHK KOW. 91B,_;0' B*?a-?i)- flfl. flflrfll* aiamakt-71' ht'ttlu-* rioMINP.NT ARRITALB llrer-oori //awK-Iiortl DtinraTen and wife and Hr. Biaril" " K".'i^. ?f ?'T hlauit ot Borfo*. ind ( .pt. ****** aUuL.Mn Cohi ...Afth ******* ll-tti xXnakm Camttmat P-n*"' nZlbJgt W. P. AlVea af the (Mrt flf Ap|*.h. 0. E Whlllef. fl P. "." f'.it T'.rr nf Ragliim. ind J.iba Keh-I. lf?W?I?, -,**y'JK! Hrltrl-JmAt* He,? IL Bel.te. af KeMfflter.. (??"rae , . (ferhaia. C*** ol Ue LaileJ Ht.Ua BeaHe, aad JuJ|t? K W. Ilu^bn of I ??"?i!*",, .Tt. VWkalflfl ItoUl-lie Hflfl. Hllpri ?&???<? "',?,?"' tl, Hon M. II. T.i'e'iell af LnaWefl... Wlll.ia. PWbte. *<? d.nta>Ilk.Alle*B?r Vilb-f Biilr.-.l CviapiflT, "? B- ''","?' ^rIl l.l of tbe rr..t?l lulfliab?' Cinetaaif. ifld ^^^32 jeilti<li>, oia tbe ai) lo Bl* l.omion. ( <i*ii.) niiwyouk crrv. MitKir nt Moiuit fltfltfifl flffl Ifl at 4 9**** Thfl IflOBM cf tlic Mcrcaiitilc l.ilirary will Im fltaaafl for repatifl from Auu. u t? t*?pi-b Quict aguin ifllfBfli in tkfl bflfll of Castle (i.'.r.ltii. |aaflBBflflj~ Iba imniii?riint? were few 111 niim ber, and epeedlly dep.itad for the Wc?t. (inc of tlic- (lirt-t-tom of the C'anton Coniji uiy annoui.ccd.yebi.rd.iy. 8 Bflfl ttt, flTOBfll uiill".u dt.l Inr* hml Ixcn rccclv.-.l ln Bflgtaflfl Be the iiiiprovcuiout i.f tln ( .panv'i pflflflflTlJ. A??i?Unt Auditor CkOdfl of tkfl WflTfll OfflOfl. who wae reiKirted to h.iv.- flfl ?'.-1 t-.u-ly tli- ipix-arad, r. turiicd in b.a dutli-a. yi*-crday. ?>niy UaTliiit f8Bfl on a ehort excurBloti to Conej Wlaiid. A Ifllfl iiiiitihcr of the youtliful iiiin.iteft of tbfl Ilt-tarcw Oflfflafl Asylutn nnd I M 888*81, Bflfl "f Iflfl iiiiuii Baaaa far floldtora' aad flalloi.' Orpbaaa, autoyod an .-xciiiMun up tue UBflaaa, yaataaflag, Ifl a auaiuuoai aml bBBBBk roiiiiiiis.Mtiti. r Van Nort of thfl Pcpartmcnt (,f l'uialic Work* reports that the miinber of butti- i- B tfe* two Iflflfl flaflflflflt balba flflflflfl Jalf man Ho-,.i.:r? uf whi'in wi-r?- w.imi-ii. Tii- largeal number of bat* eri< >'U any one day wnt. lu.lil. Bfl Tuoaday, July lo. Tho Legion of St. Patiick Bflflfl refiwl pBBlflabifl hy tiu- roiieo 1?tt, ***atm*tay, tafflrafla withiiiit tin.iiileiliitr to I.iv nslile tli. lr inii-k. n. A Knlgbta Tcmplare orgaolxatlon were refueed perm to' a f.-w daya agn 'or nyt couaetitliig to leave tln -ir BWOtflfl at liiniu:. A flflblfl dispatch has ln en roreivod hy J. G. Dala.aajaafl ni tne laaiaa flflflfll Btaaaa8?flaaaaa?fl?lfl? nmi ihe aflaara <>f Um ataaflaahlo Ctty a* Waahtogtaa bara 1-e.u dl.miafled from ihe company 'aflervloe. me cbarge made ia fullurt- iu oalng the lead ->u tba ij.h voy uiie of tht; lll-fated aieuuier. Tlic fuiicrtil <if Lovcll Piinly tOOh ptflflfl flt Ki ,t m., vo.-lciday, at bB Btfl I8fl*iflflfl8, N'-. i-Wt-t r rn ?, \.-nthHt..i)r. Borgaa al Bt Tbonaafl'a Chureh, ,-,,M.iii. tlo? iln- -crviic. a large aamher ol promlnent r, . iii.i- wern nretenl (., avlticfl their regard t?r nu oia aad i.iiii.-d iii.-iiai-a. i,n i. ii.iiiii.-, labafl uj tu. P ,, ?|, tfl ii Ccjii-lciy. Tho Miiiried Mcn'.s Associ itiuii aro to take part ln an exeuixiitii tu Ontiitii 08088 I -l A ? It wlll laB flflfl tbnr baTfl maito Sy yu laaboat Hata ?oa*aafl tbabaraaCblcflgo willatopat ?'- . f,.,t ol "tn liiiiiiiti'i-.iti' Dlnth-at., B. EL, al I >? n bj .- .x. ni., tbey wiil im Booradta tbadocl ai iue ? aateru termlnua m i-JK'nty-eixtii tt , wbence tbey wil i t-.i tba aoene of their Bati ? ? The foOowiflg win- tlic rei i iitts at the Coti tr-'lin'-"tli"- y.-iiril.iy: AaaaBBBflBflta f?'i ?ttt-' IliKs and lUiproMliii'iala Bflfl int.-ri'flt. |M*M B) a;. uf taxe.fl., aoH?-88iu?iiM, w.iti-r rcnt nnd ititeront, I ,( m 'in.'i, i."ii '-. lerry, and market ct lar renta, aud mai - k.-t r.-nt-. and f''.-. t.,f'l'> W; Croton wat.-r r.-uta and penal H.-, IM4I h7; nenplta ta bolld raolta, |8M it; iii.ii-e-a niui ni>e?, I-ja ho-, imt* Iraa floarth Diatrict Po i- - urt, flse; tetal,? ?.:? i 11. Bowi (?t icsitliiin , AN taiflhtng -is Wlowfli .: blow* Buua froutd ofl tht: n.-rth ni to -f Baal} -v vetiih-.-(., I- i ? " ta I. xi'i.-i'iii aud Tblrd u. i.,.uai".i t'f brawa-atona tronta, \wth .tur.-a aadaraaath, at tie aontb eaat aaaaaa ol Tweaty-efartb-efc aad Third ri , aod aeveral Obio Btone fronta on tbe north ildeof . rty-ninlb-at., between Blftb and Badlaon-flrea. a n> ii-iurt biii-.k ii.-.i-...-. laetorj to approacbing corn it ihe toutb-eaat corner ot boveutuavc. uud I'urii.-ili-i-t. .M, :it7. Sitnon, Ullttfld Btfltflfl Ytefl-Cflflflfl] flt Ii.in0T1 i and ll- id uf a vt.-1l-K:.-.wll (it-riUHU baiikin^ iirm, anl .afl. yifllaadaj. la Iba Obabri*, traaaBaathurg. Br. balag Iba OaraMHi anent for tfla baafla al . Aui'-rit nn .uit , aml Hini.-* will, tihii-- Ifl tn.-i ? ..imi!), vi-.t i... fl cratai. ol tii Trt lanry al fl .?hitig . i alao ti.Ittaa uf Obieago, Ciaelanatl, an.i ri.ii i.i. He waa receive* bj a large i-.m. ol pruuil uent in nu..ii citiBfl ii.- ai tbe wbarf, and ace.p inled ln . ,,rn.if- - t.. Inn hot.-I. ll.) will iruiain iu thia eouiury .ii.i.ui tli waaka. ])iivid Miir|iliy. Bbflflfl dflfllh IflfltflBOfl Wflfl (?(iniiinitfl-.i t>y (i.v. iiix to flBtrBaaaaaafl for Btt, ra c( Ifflfl iln- ii.'wm (|iiletl., l.ut iv.ix i-vid' titly rniii-li .1. 11.? Htatcl faaflBflBfl lli.ii 88 flflfl imt exp.---tnl any lnt.T fcrcr,i-i- un thi- part uf tiu- (J,,v, tiaur. bfll bflfl baafl fttlly , ., |, >:, ,i ortbawoni Ba eureaaad blmaetf a* . fui for tt..- . i ti, ii in. aud aaaerte.1 tbal bencetortb hii eonduct woold he pi tii tworth) H rtfllted by bli i o*a?. I, William V. Uowr, an.i bj Brennan, t.oth of wluuu coBgratulato* btoa va bu i - ip from th gal 'llu- tiiiiciiil uf .!?ilin H. JflBMfl t.xik place, tf-ntcnla.' afl- iiu...n. fi'-ni I"- Iata ii-iil'-ii. a Bl So. Ml Watt niMathat-. the Bmr. i?r. i>. J Blafllaalaofltoiatlng. iiu r. iiiiin-wi ic in- taafl ii a laaawoofl c.i-k.t. wttb ttlvi r bandlea, wbb k a.r< n d wltb Soral ofli ringa. ? i - iu i. .1. I'. Iiii<1. Wiu. P. Iflfliii.t. j< ? pli Beeflloy, ll. lli." lt, ii, H.iri Dualap, i-'. li. M. New ,, ii , r ii..-.-, and William T. Anderton. 11,,.,. ,..,i, (ir, .iit .i large aumbei ol relatlvea and 'Mi'iid-..' ih.- (!? .-? flt-'-dmi 'in- whom were many well kti.iwu hattere. Th. remain* aara eaarajrafl toOraaa i iai. nsaat BBODKLTM. l'.irk IkiihI-i HHflUtiUtiBgflOfyOOfl Bflffl i---ii?-'l ln the (.'unlii'i.i t ... -t ul.iy. 'I bc Kxci-c CoiiiiI?kiBOTfl rooeipti during juiy won ???.'?', aaaaa ??, BB B. W'urk has bflflfl BUpflndod on tlic DflB Tflb* , tn a,.. im tfla B?T. Dr. IblBiaaja'a eoagwgatlon, i il li ttat. d, tu a dtoagreemenl batwaea Iba eonl aetore. Tit lUiihlinp Iusjicctflir giflatfld 10 pflrmitfl to ulter aml repalf bflU^tllflfl and W8B iifui n i I of 11 \, i attoni ot Ibe iiiiiiaiin-.' law darinfl Juiy. Plani toi i^ ut iw bulidlagB wara apptflvad. Tbfl thu'c-story blifk toncnicnt No. 03 Par tltlon at. la roportad aa balag laflflaaflflaflfla caaflmon, tbefreatwallabartagbalgefl iaut, and hcinc iik.-iy ta fall tit anv inin'. Tbaaflflflf llllflIfl Wflfl Vurk. The matter flf the PUMOflfl in Hiinknipfry BgalaB the iirookiy i TlflB Ca?fflay aaaa tu bai a baaa baaafl by Daitad Btatea Commlsalonar Wloaloa i .i.'i, Imt rn in eulisent u lutlher iid|o(iruiui-iil flflfl had fur OBfl W<-ek. Tlic Hchooner .Matilda BlDOkfl, from .Jack.sou ville, Florida, arrived at tlio ('oniineiiial Wharf yiMter al.i.v, aml th.-Ileullh IJoanl wa? BflflSBflflflflBy iiiforiiii'il thaf two of the crew ill wltb yelh.w-fovcr. Ati ln vettigatton abowed tbal tbera waa no yellow-Jfever ou board, bnl lhal the report had beaa itarted br a board ,!i^' bouae ki eper who bad i.a-.-n aasaroasaf*] iu M-tiiiu; m)Iii- ol tba e.-auieli lutu hie i Iut. l.e-. The Aniciican ludian Aid AaaoHflttoil has istucd a lonif BflflBal Ifl laelt.ilf uf tha- MoflflflB, iu w hich lt tlainis tbat lt is etideiit that no inilitary euurt bfla J ur (l.u. ln the eflflfl uf Cipf. J.:. k and Uut ln tln triai at I't'it Klanialh, OU July 9, tlie arlfltaal anl flflfll . uf the war and the d.-ath of Canhy and BBflMfl wi-r- entln ly lirnorcd, Iti Dbafltoflfla fn putd'c opinion ln tbatreglon, ahowlngtbat an jury triai could uot na' bad there. Tin- Aaaoetatlaa arirue*: '-if tba piiMiii, i- tu Iiui.- a trlal aud fuiih.-r liupriaoo uii-lit. then lil bclialf aaf lualii a- wi' dciiiiiinl all tiu eiirvivura of tboae engagod ln Ihe daughter ol Bodeca uuder Wrigbt aad Bom, lu li-".2, and alao thoaa wbo attii'-k.-fli ( aid Jaek'a Tlllaateaana mnrdared lun people in ii.-,-. idImt iuai, ba iiiiiiieili ii.-ly arr.-at.--l ,iit-i ptaara ln i h.inn with Capt. Jaik, uutll h-iii parBaa have a fmr m.i.." LONG ISLANI). Ni.wTiiws.-Since ihfl beginniflfol thfl pob lii-ation of Ibe liat ol 4,nt?i lula tu ln: aold at auL-tluii by the County TreaHUrer ou iM-ootint of unpaid taxes, lt had t>een aasatlalaed that inany of tlie owncru of thc-c lutn artuiilly paid the taies, and h- Id tln D i cii'tri. Imt that the uioney w i- never tnrued ov.-r to tht Trraatirer. T Ifl flaflM fll pflflflflflflflfl Ifl lb888flflB88 bfll uni \.-t been determiaed apoa?Tin- laqaaai t-' iiii|iilr? inin tiu- eaiiae of tha- fatal a.- id-nt at tln- Tflomaoaare. croaalag ol tbe Bluahlng Bailroad but Tbur*day ha? in i ii luither itiljoiiriifl-il until Saturday erenlog_Tlic li....rd of Bxeue inn atraa aatb fl tbal aii pereom toaud n. 1 init luiuur WttbOUl a li, iue,- iifli r tiu- BosdflJ ln h I'tiuii,. r, wiil be prusa-t ut.'d. ...cuutra-tui'.i hare be ?flfl Wfltrlt ull the aalal Na-W lalWtl p.lllla 1,1.lil, Iiit . I i' .ill.ll, iflflflfl i.v ihe Taraplbe Ooaap tnv. lt win i>o wldanafl ln luany pia" i. aud put ifl parfrel ordei tiuoua-hout the . nnre toflfltb. I., flM I-MMi riTV.-The newly laid Wuiuli'ti gu< rup'-, i iiii-iitui'.iiti tbe rceciit cMi-n-iuii uf the Long (ity OMllgnl t'oinpany't inalna BflflB Uniit.-r'ia I'unif tu inuiii k ii laa. leaka mi badly th.- g,m baa baaa ent afl, and lueli aie at florl teStUg the Btpfl wltb water cjt i led froiu a powerful foi et-puinp. lii tlic Iioim- uf BaTlflfl tho i ipeiiNi. of uticuvciiiiK (hc tnnliii iu Bflflflflfl uf tho leaka. _At 3 a. tn., yeaterday, it ehild 4 waabfl old, aofl*i Jiinch l.> neh. tn Frrry-.t. wai Bflflfl flflflfll ih it* bflfl, Tio-pun-nti. iiflaert that II waa perfeetly wcli |fee nii:la l-cfoie. l.ut Ilr. Uravefl refttae* a Iiurial eertifli att- until tlic t ur.iiii r Man Im-cii cuiiitultcd. Tho latter baa. 88801* Hiiily , beeu llifortned. ...Th.- t .iiiiinuit tuuueil li.ivo au tiiui't/cd tiu- eutii.i.iit,fl?- apiM.inted to iBveatigata tba uf f iii- uf tbe Water liuurd t-- a.-ml for p.ipera aud 8888888, and to eiiipluy eolliina-.I tu euinliicl the cxntiiluatluu ... itic lirel Afnean Batbodlal l.pi-. upm ( will bold a fa ata ml al tiu eliun ii iuul.lliiii tu iiiKbt_Aetlng Cin mui lliiiwn held au itifliueat Uit liliht ou tha- l.utiy of the t-hllfll fuuiitl lloillllit'in tlic oll flurfcfl I'lfl-a-k .rn Muii dav. A verdlet cf death fnuu Beptarzifl wai i-nd re I. KLI Tiu- Rev. A. C. K< 84, (he n,ifl paator uf the UibKii'iiaUubttl (.'liuicb, baa benuu lua latnir* Tha u-* rt. not iit* for tbr Flnahlng Braneh of tbe 1*one ____ iad ba* bflflfl lM.iwbt for fl.OOO from C. B. Hunt. It ll attiiA. (I on JflgKer ave. A*TOBIA.-1_? new Kotnnn Catholie ehureh la om pl,V, "nd wtll he d_dlf___ ?,n S .0 Uy. li I- ex,.. etcl .I.ut Iti. hop Mel-s.n^hltn aod fl numlN-r of o.lur prOBB. iu ul men will ins preacut. BTATEN ISLAND. CA8TLBT0N.-Th? fotindert, flf The Ci__eton AflBBflflfla for Legal IToiection are .le_riniu,d U, op Baafl atrenuoualy crime and it. BBBflflB tlir.?._h?ut the town. anrt it i* und.rstood thnt one fl th" 888881 M BB e..mpll*h this resnltwlll be the employment of detee Bflflfl, Obflflfl duty it wlll be to r.-port ^taflnfledllqaor store*. a.xl even lu en* rt one* when dMordef y ? BMnbtan, flnd Baaabliag Baaafla, aad ev. ry otber .? whl.l. t,...yeotne under fhcir ob-ervnlio .. r I- H' ,Vl.?e,?!,??- of tlie Ais,?-li,llon ii.eli.'les abflfl 80 flf tkfl Biustp.o.uli.ent r.-id-tifs <*f the town. who lu vr pflWI 1 to iu er. aae their aa >" aaa mi may reqaia ? FA, ."KTvnt.r.-Tlie memner* *>f Trinity Meiho'li-t EolacopfllCb.n wlll go on aa ?? urajoa aa**Hod?" It.v.rtoioriiwiill uu Ainni-t 11 Tba sic.,^ . itWi Cook has be, ii -BgBg-fl f,*r the n,r?-i?.n. and wl) '.w Myer's dock ut 7:15 .i 80 , I'-rt Ku limoi.'l ??' ^*jy^J?7 Villeats, Now-Bl'igbtou at Hil5, and ** .il 8Ifl **i O. T , at 9. _ ' CMPTON. Work on the new JO^JJWJ Iblaplaee baa already been i .??!..., tl,*-diret.i, of ,l,_l EuKli'ier I _,(,!.. Tlie *** t**aom ?" ?*?"| pull. .1 down, ni.'l ti.-- land .* bflM *__*******- A fcoroagB if* in of aralaaga is U i*. aflaB-Bnafl Rll nun M..-A 8888*88 fl the Iflflfl IBB _e ntlcmeii of Ibfl Island hav,- ehart.-r.-d tbfl sf.amer Jo_.-pli.iic fori ??"";" li?l,t eicirhlo.. up the Ufldflon Biver to-atgbt, ,,.?., e.u of wi.ich wiii bfl di rotefl t". bai Itabta pai poai -? iuaiaiBBiiiia Taaaai Waiinek'* yad.t 0?)tiflibla 1,.., niithor oll IbB Plaee. MIU *********** iBtMfllO '"?"'.!- HIDSON KIVl-.l. COUNTTM. Pise Pi.ains.-T1i. body of Marut HflffB 88888, n deraiuod woman. wbo has been mlssing from Iloston 0BCB8H sinco last April, was found In a pBOfl M thi* plaee on Tuesday. An inqueat was ******** *? ***** dnt al " Drowned while liisaiio " was renderod. Okkk .ni K..H.-A BMO on the farm ree.iitly owned hv KlizaTompkina, ashort dlfltanofl f__ t0? ****_**{ *** lotaUj it. itroyed by tre, Tuesday ev. min*. A large qmu.tity of l_.y whicb wafl iu the l.ara waa also BBfl Hlllll'-il. M..I iil.ANTA.-The flftb BBBBfll excuralon of I. '?'. LortRfl, Bu. Ml, t. at.dA.M, ' (.rove t ..,lt piuit ->. riini.f.. A large iiumUrof iBTttadgaflflaai couipinied thu IMOB HEW-JEEBET. JBBBR CiTY.-Tl,e Eciinsyh.iniii Kailroa,! coiiip.uiv has raeflfflfl peraMaaMfl from tt"- Baflafl ol Al'lerinen to 8f8fl its proposed m-w ta**i over Plv tuoiith -t.. est-t of (u'cmi-, wliicli Int- MBB bBBB r.-nd.-r.-d iiupilH. al.l.) oy vohi.lei and whioh B fl no Bflfl to tkfl pflbUeBBBtkaBflogkfb-a.- seeond Mfl ?t flfl wflar msini* wai BBBfl) ******** Uf settlng an engine at piiiiiping thera out. Tln-y were BBBBBBlfli within tfll mluuteu, and a factory in tho vlciulty waa ObllflBfl U -u-pend WOCk for waa! fl water...A woniui BBOfld [j irk- li tin * on tbfl llis_lii-,'ii*'l"ii I'i' ?d i) from a ttoee o'opinm. The County I'hysieiitii eoflld m.t as."-i'tam , intended to eommit auiclde oracci ileiltally took nn over.lose of tbfl dTUB.*_ ?)? >' '?'' .oi.i.a'liiwy.r. priiclicuig OU tho IIl_hla, }<_t. rdfll un !e,lo.,k to coliipel B Ju-tice to P lease B t.liiilc dlcnt a ii.ui iu .-ii arreated lor aa aaaaalt. Tl ? (,.iuiuitt-il....T!ic Board ol Aldermen on im day iiigm adopted ? r.:?olution r.-questuiK tbe memoera or tm: i:,:,.ii of l-'iiiniice. whirh nodv ls appointed t.y tbem. to reflign. Tb, B ardof Flnaneoyeat-td?y annoanced tbal il wm.I.l,.it noon toHl.iv.eompi* to Bflgutiatloafl lar a loauuf It Ifl prohuble the BMialRMBWlBtflflB teuder the.r rflflgnBtflflfl. Ni \v.\n_.? A numlM-r fl fbBb_8 huve l.een reported thn week. Among tbem an- tboafl ol Ja.- '*? Bi ftiriiiliii'i-ileal.-i; Kint .V l'.ti>. r. a.i-u and bllod facturara; Martln * HaMerly, H".ir and feed; Isaao N. Dcbenor, balr elotb manafacturer, utid S-ckle s Bazar. v new boae '-art for Bteamef Bo, I baaanrtrafl B, i. Mr. Dennlson uf Orace Protcetoul I Churcb haa teiidereil his reaiKiiation ? A new Bcfl alarm bell, weigbing tiu poanda. wiU ba plaoafl m tuo B>wet k .. vii'.ni fl.OOO im- be, n lubacrlbi .1 t( the IudusUlalBxhluiaonto-day....Muaie ia ihe .-mitii i'ark to-nigbt....Ttafl Btreet Committee award, contract for gradlof and enrbtng Uneolaare. lo James Btnltb ...Tha Bflwca OofluflMaa owl Iaal BlBBl and aai-ied to introdace ordinaacea for kvb.1 BflWflTfl. XBfl mtracl f rth. Mill Brook aewer waspost Tlmotby Kellly, a laliorer, of Bo. IM Ttcbenor st., was fatalty inlured Ust evening in juuipiu^' from tn (, o'eloek traia ou the Paaaaylvaala Ballmafl, al ('he-'nut-.-t. Tba traln *aa golng at tUc rate af about ju ml ? - im hour. liJib of hm li'ns worfl takeu off above tba kiu.. Bfl removed fl Bl. Biebael'i Hoap i . . NiHtiii liKii'.i.N.-a fi w- treekj ago u florlal named Vietor li.i't marrlefl ? irrrl named Leti tia Btetabacb ibewiabeaol ber fatber. Taa latter fletaanded ine siiircii'iei- of tbe marrlagfl eertlflcateu wbieb be iiiou?iit. would uiiilify- tbe ceremony. The demand bciug K-fii-d, be beat Loeot w that bia llfe waa, i-t red, anrt tben took tbe tln, wb i reatat, d all she io hi* boaae, wbere be Loekfldberap. Yeatardflj imii prol - ed to bave Information tbat Laeol bad another wlfa in New-York, aud procured a warrant fm r the Utt, ..?? ' ' will pruhiibly bc beard lo.lay lf I.acot w BBB to leave iu* bfltkaa. Baounrooa.?k tk*** th* lntT, aaaa flBrflfl flflwaaa lllla llll.t* llld VVe-I Bflfl, WOOll, il ?t.ll|oll llll Hie .) ( iit .m.i .Ub.ii..v itailway, aboal oaa nui*- away. Paa - nr i.tkcii tbrougb to New Vo'it. by thia route for 30 cenU, Inclu Iing fcrriag . Tiie r ira od the N irrb :.....I of N.??... Jeraey 8 M eente, witb ferriage ? i.ii. Paaaenger* who bave Ioaa be?D compaUed t -uiiiiiit io tuu azaortiona oi tbM nonoDOty uow boplng tor sum tly and pci tiiaiu nl u-n.-f. oittv .. ii? :.i,:i tn ii i- be?a arraatfld foi ? ini.ia aortb B_ fmui Wililam i. : in hli n-i'i-. . Bom ? of tb IU lU ? .-.Oll_V Mi ?? B_-tlOfl Ull't BflC ?- I * I . T Wl K thrown from tbeu oarrlagfl on iu- --.... 0 ? "f ibe lad] ? and tb.ichiu in w, i ' Injured. and one ol iho horae- wa* kUtad. Ihfl team ior|_,-Ji,'. i'm i:-an-.?__rlag Juiv, Ckarlat f. v ilgkt, i for ,-ii.ui-e Ai Co.. siik wearoi-, t .1 11.-^ i ? emplo) ii -' ii.on.-}, .md stoie a MSiromalel .k. ite 'ii.-u ati i uniii d. oi, i . ..t.t aitoruoon ? arn ib d iu Phlladelph i t to tiii. olt., .thin ln ,t.irt (.ollillilllcil lu J lli. Uo pro mi cdle-tilu tl- .11. KtARNKT.? Williiui Hrv.uit li i- ? i th. Btat, i'i ,a,,i, ,.., gear lor euterlng tbe - - ? ;.. I lletAt-, IV Iti. Inlflflt tO BMfl. 1'OLIC'E BOl-B. Infoiin ition oaa received al Ihe Corona.a offlce, rf a sil_ li_ _? I n. , . ...... afl (JoVtsruoI'i I-...'. l'atiiik I'tttiv. aaa Bt, ot Bo. ???? Weat Forty , , .. Ililoll Witil 1 i : . ili^bt wu ui 1. Tha body oi JoaephM. Lnatroa,aga 9a,whoon8nn tia j fcll friiti, UM .ri.oklt:. r.wsit.l, nu !____ *l tlie l_t of Xo^le **, Ixoui I'., ... alcril/. .lun.ic( of Brooklya laanedawarraaly, t?ni-j for il,.- iinit if Wltkia F. PaB, a aasbtai. bvt*a 1* rw. .? iiiu. aaiJ an t-_t. *r wu nut tu irrct luui. tl. .,,:,, P.. CIBM lll.Wll iad jutn;*l frn.. Ur*. II *_ |ick*J up tB**Bi:_l*, .l1 i. t*li_T?l io bt i.i. Seroinlj 1 _iii_. Tbt Board oi Polloe mflda thfl foTfowIog tranafon ra?___aii sirg.aAit .-ir.ini trnu tb* I Uutrirt ('imrt, Stt-^it Wll.uiDi fr. tsi -iltrtet (uurt i.. .- . mt iad s. r.t-.s.t Wood I i . -.ih I'n i i.t !.. Il.r Tliirtirtii I'r.ciii-.. VVi Iilm il Ki|.p ail isl*i.l.-il I) | ( arkd aialary offlsi.S00ar?*li Paflulaaa Patliefc M ... wn Jirrn pTrrrn.ii.iin tu .? i-i-iv. i n-wrl cf _IH) ffum (S*Wir(i?uol fliaflBiaattm* * Bata ttamt*. TUE FIEE RECUUD. IIIK oll. BBI-1NKKV FlltK. The Aiistiuiii l.riir O.scar, whicli OBBghl fire the t>.irnin_ fl HM _tat, lard OB 8/8888fl Hunt eiV l'oiiif oii Tuesday aftei noon, and wa* towed up tl.e liver, wa- -tiii barafla faalaaflaa 88 HB baa b aopatfta th. m.per end of lilaikwell's Island, aafl u tull culum . ot liliiik aiiioke iu tritcd lhe pl no flbflCB -hi: Iay all da.t . BM wus of Ufl Aiiaiii.tii f. n-hiinleii, owin d hj \ Il,l-.-l lil.'a. (lf Klllllle, Aii-trisi, aafl ni.aiiie.i f.u IBt hit'l "U bo.ti.l ii.?i luirrels of oil, wiii-li h.t 1 Just beon alilppcrt, nnd whieh wa* fotitllr tlc itrayafl. The eaoflafl of the flaaaaa florlag Iba ban in.- of tlie oil works 1* iiuiviisaily couiiniiiiteil It 1* stated that ttie stenioer Moinsiuiia save.I s.-vinc ship* by tott ]!>>_: tli.un away from the 88-BlB| wharf. It 1- iiuder-tood that the Captain of oue of tln- oiidaii_ere.| alnpt oll'i-ri-d a tiiic-hoat m.iu $ .taai 888888 lus ship, BBfl slgiicd fl bl I for that auiouut. hut when the ship wus afl ot datiger, aud the AgbOfll man pr.-.-. itted lu. tull to tbfl aKent*, they refuseil to kivo bim more thflo 9i0<). Ilu loss of iioatwick * ,'o. ou their two biirges whicli wen ntiriied wus about |7,.'iO0, ou whnh there no iu?ur ance. U. W. Hurke's QOflflfla County Oil Work* wi re f..i tiinately provided wlth n \iktge ,-njflne, wliich threw three powerful *tream* of water. and *aved the worka iron. uii .liiui.ino i icepi a niignt aaianbkia The M.ui'liird Oil C'oiiipnuy *<t a^e foreo at work, yesterday, eiearliiK up the irrouurt aml NBBOftBg tbe ilclirt*, whlch emiT-isted mostly of Imineuse i|uaiitUlt _i ut iron hoop*, wbich enclrded tbe burned bantla, tka cuipili} will linUicdl.ktely prOOflfld with the rebulldlog ol tn* slutil*. A* ttn-xe wen- onlv U'lnporary *tnit-:iire*, little time wiii be r. ipnieii t.. replaee Ikflflt. Xkare were Ht ttn- tim.* of the tlre luore tll.ill 300 iii. u eiiipioy.-d |q the }?ril, iuo_i of wiu.ui witl lie retalned iii tbe work or pi.-piiiin_ for r.-iunidiiu'. The reteutiuu on lhe part uf tbe Ciiiupaiiv of tbeae men Wlll keep mauy f.niuliea frmn tiu loflbrtng whiiti wmiid hiive foitom-d tke floforoed Ull. nea. of the einplme*. Yeriterday flftflraOOfl the eharri"! rpmalaflof uiot Mjrara. who lost his lif.- i>y tha explo-loii preceillug itie lire, Iay iu tho und-rtakcr's shed -ui Central iivc, uwaillug the uiovciiK-nti. of the Coroner, who waa t<> have laauaoaed a Jary raatarday imu Biag, imt f tiie.i to aopflar. Hia appareut nagllgeaee excitea unlavuntblc commeiit. BLHKWHBRB. Hunway'H woolen fiutory, near Pleannutville, Md., wsa buruud yeetorday. Lo?a, fl.uOO; meured fur t-,A00. At 11 p. m. on Tuesday, a flre wus discovered mu barn uwucil hy Mr. llot>crt?4>u aud beluuirliig to the ?ttgaflsM I'ark Hotel, at BBifMflBflfl I'ark, N J. Tho IBSBBB spread rapldly l<> 88 adlolulng otitbutldlng used us a ItOtflbaaat. BBfl a* luere were no tueau* at hand to ritlnauiah tbe tii.-, both boildlaga with th.-ir aoBtaafl. n.i lu.IiiiK ii i,ir_e qi.Atitlty of hay.ti ?i. _-k ef .< uupii-in. uu, three iuul,-*, aud u boi-c, were ??med. lue lire la Iii lu \ i-.l lo liave l.een the w.ob of au iuteiull arv At one iliuo Uia bulol wm In Imuitueul daugor, aud many of tbe gneata ln aa eiclted war begao prepara* BflflB for dcpartur-. The losa m. bulldlux* aad stock was |3,W10, and tbere wh.BBflflBflflfl. Tlie South S'de Itiilro.vl CoaapBflf of Lflkg Island hn* neenfir flflBfltflfl s* ivstem of tttftttf ttt ************* flfl* ifl baartag akaaka bbiIbA ? . ..v doi Bank Cbeeks." Attaebed to eaeh eheek are four roa pon*. oue payable at the end >.f esidi qutrter, the Inter? est belug at tbe ratf of a per eent. anrt tbe nlllmflte r, tt* ment belna goarantfied by a flflflfltaJ de;_>.it of fhe pBB> pany's flrst mortr_?" l <?nd* with th.- New Y-ub riond I)epoHi, Coinpaov. Tlie eb__fl ,.re Is-urd lu rt. lu.tmna li.lis of 81, tlO. tm. flfl. and $!(0 eo h.aii.l.i- l 8, linn. - aliie at lhe ( ompauy's offlce at tiu- coiivciudii. . ol it.e The ciiecka are of eoiirao guud tur llwi tr.?, iipi.n deinind at any time, but If 1 (ld UUtll lh, .. '? r. t .-oiipons __ ome due. will ne worth tbfl interest Bflfl, Wh.-n tl.e lua. .-otiisiii rn ? oiiii a il..i: f.-K i i.. ' ?? B )/ Im-eoll. (.fe<1, or eiehanneil for a uew one wlth C-.<lpAAfl 'or .inofher Ttu re i- a Iflclproflfll flflVBDUgi ln tlils mefhort of pavmetit, nut lt ls betleved tbal lt wlll tw aapeelally adrantageoua to tbe employfls, who wiii thus belnrtiu-ed to bflblti of ecoDomy. Indeed, tu? -!_?j,)?* htktiM ch,.(k-' i* aBaoflf aaoMaa laaa aaaaa fivor witb tt)eu>. [AB*a,*i-_eB_.| BliBBTI-i COOOiJBB flflkflfl ******* f-0887i l,yo\'s Kabhbtb. Ibbbcb Poanwa ia aasflflMflraal ***** ano **4 taaawflifl JJJ8T RECEIVED, LARGE FANS. 8TTI.BS FOR TUAV1.L1!-. ANI) FOR W.vIiriN'l. I Ul I?, WITII ( IMTEI.AI.NK_ TO MA Tt .1. TIFFANY & Co., 1'NI'iN SQl'ARB. GorhamMfg.Co. Silversmiths, will hcrc.ftcr tc.-l _B_1 :-9 in **?** SALl>E<)i)MS, BBBB OTBBBT, - - HBAB BBflUBW AY? FACTSFOR ADV?_TISERS! CIUCLI.A IJi'N Ol IH CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIMES. **_* rtT Y'-.r, TIIK VVITK1 V TIM'-- hli *t * 8vTRd,0NEHC io_op-rty,*__,M daa*, aaa ii......* * inm *au BALF A MHJ BON BEADERS TVfnlln.ii** tlbl* Ubtbtt. I IflBlfll - - iln. riB88ial_a4i_cr(Bt St ,. , |, , v . pi'.' *_( i.t I V- 4. AKUUMU .- 1( 88UKA8KA...'s. 140 BBVADA - l ffiFOBBiA.::::-.::.:.: ???.. ***?********?? KlliilllAII, . i'.' E'J*-J.??^EY"" t 4?;.NKcTi, I'T. _ o__A_V._ "., Ni.H'.iC,:li..l. DI8T. t-OLCMBU. '-'I }>HIO . S_Si:::::::::::::::: v ; _____l. f ILLISfilfl "?? raCABOLIBA t I..D1AH Il.lti.lint. ? ? **_**. , . lou t . ? '' " t 1 tlt. ' ? KAS8AS........ ' "N,,,sl . RBBTlTgl. -.'.1 [UffllB \ 1 lli |a| t\ t ' : :;. 1- __-tviroima UARILARD. "? WI.-CON-IN MAWACHUSBTTB . 153 vivMlN" BI4HI0AB. ' . .', MINSK-oTV. lu' ' . ** V1laSl>all'l'I. _ _. HISSOLKI. To Ui ii--? B< i. fl I ' . . beil*n liTtorh I lOWIII __.1 * ? I ' ll Wlll hr ?.kuii?'.- . ' _.,._, From VV Hl KI. _ TIMk-. -n.l wboac U . mn-, MBabaa ?>? i.t Ml -??'?! B baa ao. i hi tba V*i*i Btakea _ _ ,, Y?t riirll.--r i-*rt:.-.ili:a .-! tr??a '??- _" m?*8tb Ia H f H A I.I. ,*r.t..,., ii - v ..V-..! na. ii - ? ?? i 1 IB'inBltl. 11. .4 ? '*? SPECI Parties de_iriug to liave their I_ous:s Decorated or FurnisUed for next Fall, will find it greatly to their advantage to have same done during tho Sumnier months. A con_derablo reductioa ia pricj wili be made for Furniture and Curtains or? dered now for delivery iu Septem'.or ani October. B. L. SOLOMON & SONS, 657 and 659 Broadway. R. R. R. ASIATIC .HOLEfcA, CHOLERA M0RBU3, CURED AND PREVENTED BY RADWAYS READY RELIEF. BOWEL COMPLAIffTS. L008BBBB8, MABBHRA. tlKu ...t MOI ? _al ***** ? nti IMLaVV Ai'.a Kl Alu ..l*-tm??li4ia. u* arakin. ur laAaitUilc ?iii I.I - I >< ACIII r*rllaailafba. abilku _rk rr i .,tt***. Laia.)i.o. Paiaa .a..*.. iii Ibe 1: a.. ..... af Ul* J ... Ilraf.t uro .i..l , BADWAra b -? . tBLil - -' ut CBl*. . .1.. Ffsr* M .. - DR. RADWAYS TIIE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. 10 TWt ct un oi- ti i CHKONIC DI8B_U.E8, SCROPULA, II.CKKS. CHHONIC BHEl'MATISM, ERY8IPELA8, KUi.NEY. BLADDEB, AND LIYEB C0BPLAINT8, DY8PEP8IA. AFFECTI0N8 OF THE El \<> ANU TBBOAT niBiviai tiie m.t,.)i. BB-Toaara hxaitbabb hbobi CUUB ttU* ?Bd bkai nn l ioMi-1.1 \io.N iai BBBB To ALr. Sul.i t? l'ru<i;i.tA I'n.* il |*r lii.'.ii*. PB. KAUWAV Ai OO, H UAUKI.N OT. nK.8QUIBB,*7 Eultoii-Ht., N. v. -Watdwa, ? Kio. Jiwtlr., *ui suriiiin >. <<_.,. ? . *** t* ,n,iilMt pro'.u. Htett ,r;le\, ttatt.i'.rr' . BETHESDA SPRING WAlii;, FknM HAI KKMlA VI - il ickiowlcdiad b? lli* iu,.tt . u. ; - aalj . ar. f a Hrt|kl'i li.aru* _)lib*t*,. Drapit I ?', , itipitlaa, Stvaa, Oraral. l)naa*i uf tlir*r. lotl 0**ila l i i-r. i'-,.,_,_ F_m| hl*ti aatl .mlr.ii frrr bf Ur li K 4 I II Oflrcs. '100 Krnid-if law-Iark. Pn-. rrdnfwl oa* utarttt. ttTKICTUKE, Fialula. atul 1'ih - i.t.h, allv * ' wiiloal Ib. knif*. s-umc al 88-B-flaa flvai Luatuui*. la^aia, I'lMiK. _ U* G*ii*ril:?? ii't-mi. I' *. iuu >B.I l.f'ru, .... of tka Er-. Xou.Ttt, iaaP*__.H8__l A UAMBLW.B.U t_Uai__gt__B?*_. CTRICTURE ol tlie URETHRA; oftetb )_7 II1B11*_1?UC ?( I'.i** lll- iillull, lIi.urJ.lj uf iliAtillli , lll I., 1 tur* t, |L* t'lillifotoin*. Tfc'n itii raa i. kwaaaad la his pfiTitfl iu ('(ilcitlt t.r KIlWAUl, II IdXtlN M ll.. KiiiUiriif Tk* 8**lp?l,' 4'. Plflk-*.*. I*?ki** 'ib call* bf pott uUo* bown bafl _ l? 0. 1 u. J, A8.1 7 lo ? a**-iaafl _ TMlBl/lil LECTl'kJ-f E.Yl i;a n*m*h THB BBTIIOD UF CIIEATIOB. AB KAHNMsf PKOTB.1T ACAIBST THK OABWIMIAN ITIBOK1 Tw*l?* I.**_r_ _m?_a !.. i-i?f AtiA.-l.' .,1,1, Ui. Maaaaa .-I (t,?, Mhfl a4 4DaBndf*. M im. i-.i)l*;?i-| i raal t<ao?l ,1 aaw ia* raanatHls iifurKntiua <oBtaraiB| Aaiuial Lif* |).iatad ?? * ail I r tm*. ?_?! *f *8_l 1*|8*. aad UlaalralaJ w.i* Baaaiuw aacranaa*. BOW B8AUT. TBIBIBB LRcri'KB SXTKi Ilo 8 Tbu ihMt .Im loatalBi ? _?a__|)ti.a vl tb* wu_rrfl_ 9m*mm ****? m_ tu ik* RtMky MuBiiiAiui br a* V... Co)i?*. kiuWitiva Fui* ?ii.|i. wiii*. b) iui,l, io r.ou, Iwo fo, lt c-uu, 5 _>, 18 ?anl*. i.M THK I tll I.t. > K Xrm t .. Mia* Iiu. . h**U. cuitaluiui .t.i SO Lai.uir. Iiii 1-U Ka?r..tA., imi 114-11 B.ii__i t*IA4A_. fvl V) **ala.