VOL.YYYH].N? 10,093, NKVV-YORK. FRIOAY, AKil ST 8, 1873. PRICE FOI'R CENTO. Jm sm ia.* i VIRGINIA C()NSERVATIVES TIIF STATE TICKET COMH.ETKI). COBDUL AIXIAKCB OP TMK OFPQflWa IA. IK.NS -?cm piiBtBIHB MflMill ritoMii is an AlTlVB UBlllfl-N ,,.\ri-M!'I.Airil. int maaflara io mi niaiuu | RifitmoM). Aug. 7.?The uotninatiiui of KciuiM-r at KoYloek thii- niorniiiK tiTiiiinated Ihfl Bnggk foi tho <;nl?-n-.:itoi'?1 ellicc, !>ut (Iul tnd end the strife algatmtttitatwhieh hai*i diTlind tha C"t?n\?-n11.?i,. |ir BaaM phflfli <>f IBfl Cttht whkh fl-ti.'i-'J ai inifl- ?five th.-in a ahaaaa at r. 81 Bflfl "I1"" Maa. Mah.-iu . to wh.uu tliey atiriluito Wttben't defeat, aad aa opoettanity u> flflata ita* iinrtmii apaa aoaaa tawaiita at th.-ir flwawtagof .:ty. 'Iiit lal. Iii.iu ti a.ljouriiiiictit Iaut iiinltt Bfld c-.Mii Bfl (>i>i*Ttui)ity afl recoTit iliati.m. an.l this morning gravn apprvhensioua ol aeriofll Iroulilc ?*,,n (iiieiiai:u(i I'.v tlic ahkfll pollt Ifllfl? iii tlie Coiiifl-iitioii. Bf ? liai'i'v Bflflkfl of jKilicv, promi nent fricri(K of Kemi>.T ;ui(l Wifhan il tcimiiicil to mt tiie Qaafliaa ktiot, if paflBhlay flflfl naawrt Ihe (lirti.'itlticH in Ihfl Mleclion of t .iiid uiiit t s for I.iciilt iiii'it-fiowrnnr and Attonicy-lit-n ,-.,l l.y Buddag Wtthfllfl Am .undidate lor I.ieiiN ii ui'-li-iM-inor. Whflfl l-oiiimiiiiietited Ifl tlic C'UiM-i.ti >it this propOflitklQ so f.ivoral'lc to itnity in tiu part) aeiaed tli.- dalaflfllaa like wildftre, aud waacantod lij amilaaiatlnai At ii..-t peartively i tii-iiic \\ it'l i-* was tin.iilv poisuadod 1-y (icn. j bal Early aad othen to aoeapt Iha wwalaatloa ai a dut\ lahiflfflity, and whflBflflpiflftaflbatoflIha I'liriv.-iiiioii n> s-cinfy lii* torttiiil aaeflfllflaca Iln bailding f iir'.v ahooh witli Iha aathaaiaatk plaudita nf the dcleuatcs and anditoro. Bflth Cotiveiituui mti jaeoplc f. !t tliat a pctil liail baafl 881 Bflfld, atul tlie iimtv (f tlic party 888818Tl'd, At llii- fltagfl ?f tiu- proeaadtaaa, (jov. Walbca reaebed -and, ai.d in a few glflWiag B8B taBWfl ic'LTailiilatfl-d tlie Cuntt niii.ii flflflfl "ii. :u;.l prophe- ? l.ltlVi- \ la ta.ry l.y ?ity aaf ii any thou-aiiflls. >o similai i 'Uilil BfliyflB th ? cinhusiiii'ii nf the Coiivcatinii and tiu- atiiln-k-c iltinnc Ihfl delitcry ot tha Mef ad drcaaee ai 0*8. Walker aad Col. Wuhc:.-. 'Iln : - waa cl.' ni'- liixui the ("ti \. nti B, aod iiiiiiiciliatclv tln-rc cn-iinl Ix-twocn the i - m ii a nt lu-ra-ii- malry iti COKlta-M a!:a! a (,! i . --."II. ] llllt 1(1. tli( ( IcV.T BflJOkfl of bB ? ni nudriag Withera tha latefortbe M-ciiiiil poaitioa npon tbi tickel aid di-si]>.it< .1 all appn iln- noinitiiitio.) of Vi'ithi ra difltartM '! nll pievii.iis air.iiii.-. ii.- -1- flfl t* tlic cai:tli-f tbe Ka naper Mahflflfl alltanic. aml uil day yesttidav e\lnhit?-d i-ii;.i -ii.:.'ili. Riehmond and Iht alliai claimad tlii- j-l.ict- Ln S.r. I?aiiicl UP"ii tlic BBON <>I lii aarrieai io Iha party a? Chaimfli ti tha Ko-.-iitiii- ? ofl tln. Stafla i'-r mrmrai yrurn p:i*t, wliilo tho BflfloBBoa r"-i-t. d i.iin aa a B anhafl, aa toa bld, auil aa g in tln liy f't tli? exigrnty. Caocaaaiiiii witb refereaci tfltbe eaadt* ?iat< im tln- An-.-in-ijHJaaMfffllabip has baaa aetiva lastwfldaji aad Um eanpetitiofl daralopad iisa-if Ifl daj in thn ntnabeaol tba eaadidataa preaealed and it, thr leagth aml haqaoey "t Iha vaeahn ia iiiu'iiii'v of tbeir ciaiins. In ii"'!. neeeiakai Mi. | ? favor ?af Wlll ? ih< l.te -t' i,:,tii?'. Mr. Qodwifl "f I i Confi ? ? -? Kinticy oi I'i.ic.- Edward vieic paeaafltad acl arged by Iheir rc .i fi.i;,,:-. w.iii- i witb diaeaBBBOfl and :tiiii.'h, th. (.'laiivcniioii linally iut hi...rt . ,',,ii,al ili-pl.i>.-. and al -,'; tieioflk p, in tii-ilay pifleaaded t<. eaaaplela th> tiik.-l livs. ki fiu fl caniitil iii tot AfaOiney-IJciicritl. Upaa Iha IrB baLVfl Mr. Daaial reaeavad a larga |.inr-ilit>. and, with a vifl* lahanflaaiy, the fiitnils of Mr McKianey came orat la a badytoMr. DanieL Mr. Wnii., i n.a \.ai ? large rotc and waa a lar midai-ic eeaapetitflt for the ch.-it-.. Tbereanll la ?d .i" bariag aa aperial aignifieanee, tboogb (ici.. M ihfl.iK (- < ik iiiics riflW Wiilk Vti tailiirc |fl Iha iifl.iitiiiiiti'in flfl fl dafaflt ol M Little Biliy," Um V '?ad kinc. 'li.. ( .bbm11.iim- partyaaten iln- fteld wiib a f-trwtiK tieket. itii.i one wlncli the flhlflWdflB CoOflflfl vutivc pelitfa?.aii- predii t wiD iweep tbe Btatfl by al l?ai.t 11,000 iiia."tit.\. Va -piililn -aii? .'i-hiiit tiu ureeKih nf Iha aflpaaiag tieket, bol elaba that their ow? kfl "i .:i!y meritoii.iii- at.d aqaally popolar. 11' - . t" bfl OM fl-f (Mr,iianliiiary ? ?. Witbers, andDaaid and othn praaaiaenl I . ? 1 Btnaap tha State, aad Uomiaioa, us ia Iha daya . .f Yan llun i. and J'flilk. will l.e tha thfliittr cf eflflfltlflflfl harbaaaaa t.ti't lak Maa Tbaaaavaaawill ia. ln. auinnatcfli bytba ('i>iiM-r\ativc-fl Ihifl HflBllUbj fl nitxrtt iiiicfit j t" Ix- held iit tln-th..it.-i, ut whiili al-ie a>[., :tk<-i? fr.-tn every jKirfion of tbfl State will ?flfltflflflflta Ihfl CflflTflfltlflB v.ill liiiit-li its few ro i . ift'rniKin rcees8, and an dark, Mflaabeaa aia ciith!iiiii>tir aad cn l.lci t. and a\ow a porpoaa t" work DOflflflfliaaiy for ii- ? ladatiabat laaaahad under >.uch happy aflgariea. IHK i'K I tp.AIKaV Ofl rfllBClfl I -- aiAL Kkl.ht- DlBfAT(ll) > ?. the reaxheruliliiiK ci th<-('onvi-ntion iit tm* o'rifliflk the Comm ttt-fl on Boaiaeaa, iIhoukIi the Hon. .Ihiih? H-nlaa-'ii cf Cnlpeppi-r, r*-jKii tcil the fol lowniir aaslaa al raaalotiooa ao Ifladeataratieoai prifuiplflH. whi. 1, vi ic adopted : flTi tn. repeaeaatatlvefl of the CflflaarraUaa pflflfk afl Viik'ii.id. tn t uii\< mioij aaaeiiiliiefla. d<- dc.-lare : *"irti.- Ttitt * eofltraol <>f the eoDrtltiuu of Viririnla tit.il.r ?-.ii,a..-riat!M- gt,vt rninent wilh the c.ndilli.n aaf tb.-. .-..utii-ru btatci wibih have Ih-.-h nnder Radloal I ' ' ?lea Ihe wiadom of ttn-pi.ople of Virirmla 10 tbe mi<.|.tiui uf tbe r plan of Htute p. lie), and demoti ttraOa- ;t.e nidanty of i-oiitituiibsr the power.. uf th. Ha'< imi.n.mn t ii the control ol the ( ouafl-rvativc people "f the ( ouium nweultb. geeirnrl Ibal Ibfl ebla-f purpfl^- nf the C.naervative laarti . ' \ i. ? .. ?* to M-niie t? e\,.M titixen of ihi l "ii.uxi.*' altu. wtwithei tiative or adopted of tbe Wblte ortl). " exael m.-.l impartial iu?tlee aiid to pruuiote. li ni"*- and benetleeut legutlatioii, the proa prrity ol oui wboli iieople. Third: lhat (he Conaervatlve party of Vlr?finia. flt* rUiiiaitir aii porpoae <-f eaptioaa boatiiity taUaa (trant ? U. juu^fl blix. nupai-tia-ly bl bia oflteial attlou; aud wiii rurdia. i ctioptriiu in every mta*ure of hia aduiiiiistra tion wbleb may be bewllcnl >u iu dealga and ealcn lau-ii to piouii'U- u.e welfareoftbe wopit,auil io?ui tlvai^ m i.tiUienta uf i:ood will Imtwe. n tbe Olflbtenl aaa ' CMll Of tlie I'UlOll. louiih Ibat tbe intereataof a UiTg* aectlnn a| n,ls IJaiou, no leaa tn*n iUom; of VirffiniH, tl.-uiaual tbe ata?ilv . nhu-gfl fl.'.' i.t ..ml ( omtdfl-Iioli ?'f tha Kreat Jauien Rlv. i a.ad Kaii^wiia waitcr Jloe lhat should aaaaaa] ttn. iilcr. ol lb.- Ohio wilb tboflfl of tbe Cbe*apralte. aflar.iiur lo tiie l.eu iiik |ni|iii1nIioii of tbe Weat ebeap ira.ifl-ptirtatiou of their prtxluetfl io tbf pointe of kbipHitut. aud uiartr ol trade iu th.- Baflfl Tbe compie liou by tbe (?<>!< riiuu-ntof thi* greal de??igu by (Jeorgt Waniiitigtoii would t-t) mu additloual bond of union be i?n ii iu? couiiii.i.'.it.i> whofle iirodueU and c.iiniuodi lie* ivfl.uld yaxrm uxet U.i line of the grtal ual.oiial worh. >f'(A we reeoguiae aa a fundinueiital political uuth tbai tija^ti iheintelngrflcc mid virtae ot ita pcnpie inuat reat tbe proa?i? rity. pow< r, and pretfmineno* (af a Htalc *A* |?,im witb pri'ic to tl.e tucecaaful eatiabli?hui.HDt and paaiweaa of tbe free iM-huoi .y-t.ni of Vlrgiuia, itiaugu t.ttra* and aaflflw lafl iiiidfl r <'ircuni?t*uo*? of pe<-iiliar .iittx-ii.i.i. f.u wlm h we are iudci.ta-i i-. the wladoui and ??*) al a ctiuM-iViiiive fltflta .iuvi-itiiueiii Llbaflfllpr* *i*?oii tiu^bt ta bv toaUnued foi iue to, -nn t iiad slon of th* free scbools for the wUite and colorrd ra* ??** rrsiteetivelv. Ke_)lntiona were pas sod der laring the late oystcr law opprcssive and uiijtiHt, and y this loeal tralning andexpe ri( tu r for efl. Ptivu concert. Iu tli(-*e lucet inirs tlie fanucrs act without referetire to filtur Ki puMieati, DrmociMtic or I.ilieral influcnee. Tho farmer- flfl 1'ord County Btfl in BflOTeatBB at l'a_ton l.i-day. Dclcgutt-. were in attendiinee lfl|BflfleallnR neaiiy cMi'y m liool iii.lrit't in the eotinty. Nin.-t. nths of thosi- paaaaafl were old ttaaa BepflbUaaflfl- Baaflattaaa i.l'i'.iie.l i.t iiduiii ing ruilro.ul cMcitioii.. th. aulary grab, Blfl cr.iiit?*. BBfl Bti form. of paltti aal diaiioti.itv. Tl ? v demand tkfl vpfletal leal of all ktofla ba fliarontlnaa-l BBd thai Uu raOroafli lie (oiitrolled hy l.iw. The raaolBtlOOa elOB8 with un (iu phatic decl.i -.-ition ihut the laniurs fl Ford County con stitute tiieniscivi i a aapatata iad laoapaaflaal Braaotafl fion. upart f.oiii the parties of tlie di.y. A I),-le_ate OOfl ventioii flaa i all- .1 to BBBfl BBB *k to muiiinate county oiUcers. ihe BBB*** ******** th* ***** BBfl most in flu. titial ever lul" in the county. Th,. liroo-iyn (Wis.) (irango nf I'atroii-. reprcscnf ing Daaa, Back aadQreea Ooautlea m.-t tm****. aafl BflBftafl resotiirioi:.- in fi.v ur fl tba IflfllflfltflB fl Ofll ? Waslit'urtic. The fartners of fentt Co.mlt. Illii.oi-. Wltk tkatl _UBl Baa, aafl ta tba aaaabarfl MM taflaj al Blaebaater. lot were ail tim Nfl I'v the Hon. W. C UOO, PlflflflflBl af tka Btata Farnara' Aaaodat-ea, aafl bf I H. Baltk, ratary Skaaflfl-Baa fl tkelatflrwaa roryBog BBfl heafe.l. BBfl WB8 li.-t.id tfl Wltb (su'ir att. nl Ion. II. i ..iitrai-K d the hove:? m wln. li bBBdfflflsfl farn.. rs _, i, f..i... ,1 lo iivi witbtkapalaaaa awaafl by nfliioafl monojKili. ts nnd iniddle-in. n, and paflffcaaflfl tkfl I 8flJ eonif, if other maefllefl IbOefl, wkflfl lf tbfl B-Baara were boodwlakefl aud iwin ? .i as t in-v had in.ii. ba aad bfl boya and tbouaaiida ol otber laniitis and tkeli boya woold rlde aome of the - oot if tbe BtaB andtbal n__ByalF_ would bear htimun finit. He Drllevea, bowever, aomeothei i-iiicdt would ba fonnd, Tba aadlaace applanded tbe ___________________ MA1LWAI niTEBESTA niv, U_B *.,'?. tl.'iil' Bl im: PK_5SYI_*4 14 BAU. BOAO. W.isiiivt.i.iN, Aag. 7.?Tha IVnnsviv.ii.ia BflUraafl 11 flfl aeflalrafl aaaafBia aaaBv. Baa fl fll Bflfl coniplicatlou*., flfl tl.r- railroad Bfl8888 th!- city aafl-Jaaaaflrla, aafl tbfl Laaf Bttflpa Baraaa tba *******> mae. Tkfl Kichuiond IBBfl Danville Kailroad Coinp.iuy has deeided to surrenuer the Iea*) of MM Bflafl Carolina | ,i. from (.rcn-dxiro to (Ii::,lot,r. and tf)u-i ti-r uuiA.-ite ail suita a* to its vaudily and the rigbl of BaBBB to ekflBOfl BBBfla "I ?' ?-' fl T.X11 NSluN ti-? paM i:cM* I -.' II llll I t\ ABBA_8A_ I.ii 11! K* * k. .\u__-. 7.?The iii t poaaPBger tiain south ot tl.e little ______ Biver ofl tke Caira aad raiaa BaUraad weal dowa tt v.ay. Ika littk n i? '-('| rnilo. below Arliadelphi.'i. BBd li lu low Little Kock. Ike traek Bytag proeflflfla at tbe rate of a tl Ve Blfl it ll.il I I'i : .ttlu- .litet.tit !i to 18808 i .:: .'i.il.it ll.vll ROAD ? IXB. Poi_____, Aag. 7.-?The Boston and U ai l-lllro.oi lll.l. le S fo.-ll)*'. ilttCIIipt to mfl ltr tl .. il: - ? ?! tlie une of Ilu-Muiic ( (iit: i, to .1 i.v. bal 8B8 fi-i innlly ti >! ii bad Ba Bafl afltiaafB pnaeat, in ..- .1 1 to 0 S.ke 1 l.i |:i . . s-a;,I_t (K.llila for i. li. 44 -llll. nu: niiMiNi- oi iiii; REW-YOBB a.n;. 08WKGO .MII.I.4M. liAl! BOAD. MlDDI.I'I..VVN. Aag. 7.?Tha New-YoiK ;tiul Oflwega .Mi'ii.ind Railroad Oonpany make Htddletown, N. Y., th^ tz-rmnusof th. Kast.in aafl Mlfldlfl Dlt and ptaaa ibe prlaeipal B>aeblne tbopa B ra ItVII ltd.lli N.i.' i -. Tlie lirfuicli of tio- Floabing (Loag Iiland) Railroad tfl l ttflfld BflBI WoolHdfl to t'u- City of Flush ine. i* m-ariy completed, aml w::i te opened for traval afewflaya. Rv tbls new rate toe time between ii .ii. r ? in I'oiiit aad i'm n.i.- ..i ii. i.i aBoiti a. d .mout yi llilliille.v Thfl Ifawpflrl liain on the Long Island flBtaat K-iituuK in I'liuiii- favor, aud ls uow dail> well fllled with 888881 ****, This new route to Boston ria tke boaa laiami i. u.ro ui to Oraaapaft, and tjo-u. e l.i st( _i n-i to Ncwpoit, ,n_y Ilo It-foK h( . oli sidered a suci?NB Thfl Eln-liiiif: bratich of the LiOBg lalflBfll Riiiiroad is f.i-t appaaatibliifl aaaaffleBaa, and wiii be ready for travel by ahout BSft Yi. This new hraneh . ?? io1 from Wliifleld throin.-h lh* villape of Now town, and Ikaaat B8B_8B Ika BBflflflOWfltfl 1'iu-limi; direet. From Ilimter'- I'oiiii to W iiilicld tkfl trai k of Ikl E__Bg lalaad Ballroad wlll ba Baafl. Mr. Koc, tka aontra, tor, is pushiug foi ward tliewoik ol pnc-driViiig acrosi. the _i-ilii_. Thfl route cf tlie new BajBidgflBBd Htuip stead (L. |.) Kailroad has bflflfl fll I Iflflfl upoii. Kroiu Bay ll.dgv the road will cxteud throu_h I'lalhu .h 'ioc,iislup, with a siation auout a mile suiiih of 1'latbu.sh; il will pass Ikaoot to SprinKfleld, ttie tlrst iiii|.ortaiit station on the Houth Bfla Kailroad c.ast of Jiimaira , 188008 H will use the BBBl of the South Sule Koj] to Iloinpntead, w ueiii e ??. wlll niend to Jeni.al.iu, it baiag inteiidcd eventually to rxtend It to I'ort Jeffcrsou, and tbence to the east end of the I-land, BBMBBfl through the pttaaB p_j Norih Hidc villane*. The prapflflfld loute 888888 aoatb fl the lUiportant villa^es of Kast .New York, Woodhaveu. Clarcnceville, and Jamaica, BBl lt Ifl pva I_aed tocouatru'.t n hraneh line through these pl__s, eoaaeottafl flitk the Boutli hul. Ko.td al lierin, Siation, bfltWflflS] (.'lareiiceville and Jaiualcn, aml runiiinu tli.-m l through Jamalea to Bprlngfleld, The nute seiected ia vct.v dlreflt tn-tween lta> Kidgfi and lleiupsti ad, nnd Ihe Bradflflaifl M-fl M he ,-asv, iiu- iwampa tbrongb Bew Lot* and Flatlands prewnting the . hief .llltn ulile- in the A-Aiii. tructioli of tiie road-lssd. It is said that ilie Lr.ii.i ii route refei rm to can be c-onsti Bfltfld at a tomparatively irifling eoat. ________________________ WASIlTNGTO.S. ******* KOK A MEAM *-I_)OI' Of WAIt. Wahiim.io.s, Tnursday, Aug. 7, 1873. Proposal* wer_ opened at the Hureatl of Construction and Itepaixs at the ^a^ y Depurtmeut to-day for the con? struction. lnrludiug all uiBt*-rials enept live oak tiiuber, ?f a Btaaa siiHip of war of 640 toni rompleio for sea atr service. The hul* we_e aa follows: Nathann l M< Ka) ot New York.IIniJMAi; Thoiiiiia hta- k of New York. Ilis.ooo. Douald Mi Kav of Hestim, |16H,U_0; KoImtI E. Jackson of Boaton, |16'..,'_5<,, Jobn W. Lynn ?f 1'l.iladelphia, 11*3,000 ; flf.) additional If d.-livered at N.w York and ll,,. u addi tional if delivered Bt Boaton ; Wililam W. Holes of Chl r.liu, |. . na.. Jotu Engl.ah A Hs.ii of New York, tltKA.O,.,; John W. OrUatBfl of Bflfltflfl, |17?,(I. un- disfritiuted amoug ti.uuu Hop nulid, ra. Tlie eoutraci foi wmoii i. u,-.ers ma i. u lat wiii not ba awiirdMl UBtil S. ti, iai> ludH-auu bfla pfltflOBfllly flBBBl umX) ibe mda. wUla il * ceiMiraliy ovuycued Uu_ tflo new bflflflflflfl wfll he built at John Roach'* worku at GbaaflSBflafl the Di-lawarc. BBCBAMfll ?lK RSWflflAFI I!" WITH rs-IAND. Tn.- i'uHt-onice DaaawBaaal ba* muat ? Wttam whieh aayi: The attcntloii of thit TR-partmriit having be? e*""* totlic . ir.iii.i-triii.fl- (hat Btflfler tlic reif.ilal '-'i'- or u ?? linti-h Paal oui-., Iiui -h iM-riodli:?l*iH?u?-dat 1"J,'r';''| of imt inure then :u daya, and pnnteil on ah.ct-. Bll < ???"?* logether, are rlaaaed ue newflpaaan when forwaraaa ? the malll 10 thin fluiintrv. and HflTgfld wilh pohtai? a? - be tr.Hli (I Ba flawapapara atnl charged with pottaXJ eordiucly. i l.ut i* lo aay, I wo .-i-iiIh ..n each r.'I'V ? ""* eicardlng foar ooneea lo weight, nud an addtnouai. niiw oftwoecauforeaeh additional welgbt of four ouue.* or fnn tioi. tberettf. fBBTlLBBCB BVMOBE A'ttTK 1 llflal.l.ltt flpl IN T111*? - "' Ul year-. tbfl hUflUl fleffl ii.l-.eral.ly P""i- ******_ ct.ielv tupportcd t-y the Iflflflfl of the bov, who 888* fl al.otit 11 a day Ly BatUflg B8WB|BPBrB, Oa TBIBIBJ ni^-iit Iba bay araa* baai bB bedabaal u e'etaea, a?d told bB father tli.it he wu. fluffering int'-- U l.v '" "? ? wtrnwrna la bB ataaeaah. All Iba tfmfmoma ot aa attaul of ehuiein uiurt.iiH Wflfl* BBflfl BBBfllfl BflB*. anil llu l".i" "< a.e.uii.1 ta ba atektag aadai the attw-k. Th.- fiaarilj did not ?eud f.-t I phyatoiaa, bewi v.i, imt fHini iai tbfl itel ttuy Bl I" Bl th. v could. At Id o'eiflx k ll.< folluwin-.- dn bl- BiaflBlb failcd mi r.iiuilli lhat Ibfl Bfll alai.ucd fiither wafll tu tin- baaaa al i>r. BeCflea, at Nu. 5 BfllllBB. ti.nl .i>k(d for inedleal I anrc. Ur. MiCn-n Wflfll at 88*8 to tbe baa**, bal aaaa roaoblag tba ttat ruuu,. laaad ih<- bag to a atat* al eollapai. and tn MBatly tmt dyiag. a f. ? ?laotaa afu i Uo'i !eik tiu? huy .lied. Iii reply to llu- phj ?-" '?"? ? ?? t\uii lafl Toi- in (-anl tl.at bB -"ii had 1-t en B a8rt8B8U*g twlea fl'u th<- afi?iii""ii aftba daybawaa labaflBab. in th. ereatag ba had eataa aa ardlaary aappai w Bcafl.linttrr aaest, and t.a. Aboal )?*< i>" * aaa el "?? flaugbtarahadgoaaaotfora pltebar <>f ala, aad apaa bd rataralag wlll II tba boy bad draal a . i liipior, ai.d bad tbea goaa ta bad. Ia eoaBdarattoa ol the .'ir. niii-t.iii. t - of Iba boy'edeatk Dr. BeOMfl Wl it liis litity to tofona the lioard of Health Ibal bfl xuspected tliat tba bfl] bfld died fll Afiati. ebolera. Baaltary Bapartateaflaal Dai a*d A- laal Baaltary BoparlataBdefll Jaaea went te Ibe baaaa wto t< tiu |."\ bad di' d. yi -ifl nl.i>. and BBBflfl an aui"i-y Bfl blabodjr, To tbelr great gratlfleaUon Ik v foaad tbal ti.-ath bad aot beea eaasad by tha- draadad peatOaaae, i.n' thai II waa da. aaaali itakably tu iaflaaaaal laa '. Tben aaaaa rtoa-watar lald fooad ia Aa .-i.i,ii. ti ; aorwera tban aay of tha aaaal tobeaa al A-ialic cholera. In fi.l.-r lhal th'-rc may bfl 8* ?hfabfl ii.mh . Ii.nvi -it r, llu ? pi.y-ii BBB Mi'iintlcd llie B88BBafl rn ui ib I-tm) . aafl will iiaw -m aaalyato made al IB ciniitioij. Ibaboaae 1* wbtok Ibflbflfl fllaflwaa Iba*. eogbly disilifet-ted, and ihe proeeeB wlll be ra [-.-itt. .! r it week to eome. fl bflflfll 88 ('i:r h itidro! iind-lw. nt> Ilrrtt -t.. ii.-i.r lOurtli-ati-.. wh- Iflla -i pattafll died, cn Vx itncMlay. of a .-cierc foru. ct t !.->.< ia nmi i.n-, \t..r aiflflodi-iiiffl-i f'-ii reflterday. . c I H:\ RAI Afll - li tttt l.l Bfl. V tim iiii. Ani;. 7.?Thfl eh'dei.i teapp-ared ? ,:n i.., ?,. i. n. Tban araraatgbt aaaaa, twa al Whlel were fatal. A- t .-t il is BBflflflflfl H IBfl ? popalalton. aad la raaard bj eatlag Bartaa un-.i ami lM-ii.iif. iiu Mayoi of ( l.aiuii."v-.i ba.? nuuied a pro- l.i iiiHtion fi-rti-ddi.il/ tiu- BBB or BSMbBaa of Bll iiint- aml ? | ' ?? ?! Ilolhiw il t t . Kt., Aut. *,.- -Tiiice tl.o.ii.1 dtatl. W888 reixirt. fl ftttl r.lav :ind om to dav. (iu i uut--, Aag i. tmttt iit.- BiM nnaara afloatla tba aalgbbof boad al tbia atty aa ta ebatara la tbii i ? ity. a talk wuh phjBuBaa t.a- iii fc- ut ibawa tbal fr.aiu U.e l.i M infui-liiilti" ti ul'I.i ' Imii? ln-fl ll .'1 a ,a-('.- of ( llull ia Ollt-fllde tll. I-. I .'a !i illl. (lf whieh I1- wci c fatal. Tiiere are now b.ii ? th?- city, and t? u af tboae nre of n tnii-l t] i>e. PBILADELPBIA BEaL EETATi FE iwrwi i-w STCBIOl'fl BOKTOAOBI M8COVBBKD. I'liil.Al'i 1.1'iiiA. Aii;'. 7.?Thfl .UK -litrattoti uit.. ttie inniait- .iiti.iiiit-iii b) Laattatflraaghtbi Maa recarflof mortgagea abawa tbal tii<- t.-*ai BflMflntdi Bflfldadwttl uut eieceJ $.'.".().'. Ibaa hai aa|yBapari aaa Bortgaaaa ba*a baaa dBaavarad, ataaaaUag la pi ittt aad ii" 1*88. ' - ? lal t -to bllild li.' i .< !'.-- 8 ill probaMj ba eiada gaad by aa K.. ..r.:. r Houaflawa, n h<.-? olerl wai ?> i- mv ta IB fraad. SaIIKI. <) ir-l.li'- Vl-I'fl.l-...- A' < II-c-.l tl II t'.iii ?. '.i mi- i bimib 11 icra. , . /?-..-1 ?. . A glflfll d'al hflfl bflflfl fl iid flii Un- (i|icr.itii)iis of taa wcil-knowa converaneer, C. B. fl Lealie, tbi fall p .1 iieiiiiii - ul uii."-. i.iiinre van uu-ii i.y i? iu im public mi'ik' time agot aad ihar.- are teorefl ut nunon Ooating upou thi atreeu reflecting tuapictoa npea bii boueatv. Inan ii fouadatton f"r the bellol taal Br. I..-i.i-i.a- notacted aqnarelj toward ia- patrooa, bnl Illl'-l Iaf Iha: lllaaall- liii . v.llgi I Ul iul.-. ili. p.iltl. la IMIP ilic .ll1 flfll..." - . BT. 1..-11. ln ttit lia h.a.a ui.i.ie ni. arrangemenl witu 11.. Baarab Clerl ln iiu i.. i. ni. i "'..(. wboaa aaflM B Bartaa w, Bram m i.i ii ii.a iu -? mi - ui tbe ofBce w.k- uatler tke control of Ji.lin A. 11".i-t-iiniii ?l>i wbn h Mi I.c-iie Iiiiii-i II wn-. piitiiitttd io make aearahea, aod bi tbe payuient of a f.-c tiu-. -a an ii.- were fltamped aa rorrecl b] itia- clerk, lu tblfl way, Mi. I.e-i.e - -inn. d tii.ti t-i u.i.ii piii|ia-. inifl a ere almoal II doi entirei].- !.-ar of itn nmhranee.whereafl tbaj were beaviij mortgaged. By kbla moani be ob iii.iirii ,i....!.- 11nin bulding aaaaewUoaaan*ladlvbtaflla vith wbicb to carry on hto eztonalri real aatate opera inui-. and 11 \iaaiii-i perbapo? ink a? aome Bnnwnal ereal iu"iit;iit tiu matter ta tbe -iirriii i - be aaealbfl aad |aara before tbt trand waa diacovered rhe operattaaa ol Mt. Ia -iu -a-. in ui.iiiily tu tn luiiiui-Ud wltb " Ma.li-uii tqo ii> , .. I". i-ioiM rly n. ar lin Naval Aaj Inui. Larga enn^ of inuiny, iipcn martgagea, ware Itgltliaatel] ralaedontbi bonaaa maklag bb thla eqnare, from ll.ita to t'fli.laifi OO ???' Ii , InU SaU'-. I'l.ii! .i 1-t nn .alifl- iif fr. uni lllciit ?< are lu-. M hleh hi t foi lli tbal tlie prupet tu-n w.-rc in the iu ai u clear, otber mortgagot ol llu amounta were put upuii iheiii, aad Mt. Leatta realto< .1 baadaoaaalj by II.- i|.l liltiOli. Ibaa far atiout ite.otflo worth (af fraadaleal mortgagee hati? liei'oiiK- kiiowu. Tht rt lo no tli,uiit lhal the fltata itit i.ts afluiit ou tlie Knct uml Ifllfl k'liiphfl al Iu utha-r plai-.--. wiii.h i*et tln auioiint of theae uperatioBA at a miiiiuii aod tiiei, ara t-ru^s aaaaai riiiiuti.-,. fpon ttie nn ouiiug ol Mi Waltoii an lU-eordei. anil Whea tberfl oaa not a lueath of -u.-pii imi Bgalnel Mr. Lflfllto'a prulnty or Illiani iai hlaliilit), In-applied to Mr. W'allcu to he allowed tu aiake his own azanlaattaa aad thea 188 the elerk tu put a ceal UIK>u Iheiii ; hut tlie BBW lb aairder very jaiaiix-riy r.plled that be would not pcruut buflineafl to be done in that way while h< had ebarga, Thera i? ao charge made ngnlntl Mr, Booaaaaan or hu a-lcrK (.f dl-tionc-l). Tluy rolled luipllciily uiMai. Maa good cbaraetei ol Mr. Lealle, for tben no maaataod ia iiu.*her oattaaattoB aaaearefal an.i coiiflcu-utioua cou veyancer. Mr iiouf.eiiia.raa aaratlea bave aii bou re leaau-ii by Cuun. lie, niui ii ..-iluin,Uul wti.-ther there i? any raatady wfclek tba looera mav flud. exaepi it ba froni flr. Laabe, thrungh . ivil or eriuiiual proeeaa, Mr. ixxuv - ll. Hio\eii-oii propoaaa, bowarer, to um tbe Qoaatloo ol theu Ib'fl'ortler'h llalulity, and lt is aaid a (aae wnl hc nfliidt- up for the eouit ifl a few dayi-. llu Itc.diothUH far known to bave heen ru:?ed ttiroiiirh thi aajaaay al 'aiui aaarehet were ny a it?-? i?-t of M-eond i!iurti.'BKCifl ou si baaaaa of Bfldtoofl-egflflifl, wbiie,. thougb nnknown ta tii? people loaaloc tbera wfl**), g. iiiiinc tecoafl mortgageannoa Ibaaa. Tue dia- otety ot Uie**. doiuKt of Wr. LeflBa tht- gciiuiuc une. wa- aiiia alil''I hy tha- Bporlooa one. Then eanie an invcatlgalion, aud tlie i. i-uit tofeaawB, THt VKHMONT HOI.UIKKS1 IIKIMoN. Krri.ANii, Ang. 7.?The BflflflBi day of tho Verniont holdiert' Iteunlon ha* bflflfl a flflfll MMflflflfl A i-iniitlfiil day, a lariff galhcnng of toitllera aiid . itiieiu-, and cliKiueot orat, Doublcday, Ruluuton, (Jnliii). Hprague, Vearey, aud fapt. Trumliiill. ln ibe eveulug thero wi. a gmnd torrhligbl proeeaalou pantlng ihrougb Ibe prluelpai rtreti of the village. IK1HT BETWEEW REVENL'F. orrirEW AND II. I.K1T HRBUMi RirnMf.Ni., Aug. 7.-A tight took plare Jfflfl terday ln Keott (^.uuty between a flflaaO f?rc* of flflfl?fl8 offit^ra uuder n tbe icl ui ii tisit af 1'bainl.ord t.i tbe Count dfl I'aiis. tb.- l.tit.i imi ( baiiibor.l at the tloor of his lioUi. aml ,-scoited bim within. IRE IEPDBUC Of si'AlN* AIIA, K flfl A K'VVN IN f.tlil /( (Ifl BOMBAflM-KM er vui'NiTv WaPBMMU> ? CUBBIIIUIIOBAI, ,il akami i- BOB i-.ntt.i nn o. Mti'Rii), Thut. day, Aug. 7, ttt* The Cariiflta have attaek,,1 Org.irziuul iu ' o.i A t onsplracy has Bflfla di .overe.d to give the Iflflfl up tu the (iu it.y, ai.d many ariests bave becu ti ... Ika botuiiardiiient of Valene.ia has leon suspeuded. a fl.tg fl tii.it h.ivin-' bBBB leiived from tho insurgrii!. n (jutstuig a pailey, whicb ,s now goiug on. Ibfl Corti v BJ a vote of 1.4 laaa to 1 Nny. have passori a hill BTBBliag coli-titiition t! guaran'ec- to I'orto Ku-o. A deputy fmiii tka colony. iu tlie eourae of the del.atc, dcland that tl.e ul.tnd ttouid flvfljfl IflBMMBflfltfcflfl to .-p.llli. Ttu /?? .'(irrifi -. ? . : |.,.t Lsp n icr.i is extremely i. - j ? n lar iu tbe (ortcs. BAYOBBB, Thursdsv, Aug. 7. 1_71. TIk C;tr',i-t? claim B victory Bt Elgiiota in QBfpflieOB, K Bflflfl liuiu H.m SiIi.ia-lian. Tlny state that tbey t ap '?lol otic Kepuiili' .tu (Jeiiersil aml fll prl 188)888 ih.isi iv, Tkarsdaj. Aug. i. un. Ttm Bt***tt*mtt*atk********* ******** flaaflflatbe truth of a eiirri nt r-|iort tliat 188 (lerui.iii Coii.ul fl Caria ? 'T.l to pl:t.i fl:e (ipf tired lll.Uig. Qt t. - i - .ti ito _i pflflflB fl ? BBB are making Inafy sn r !. I 1,1.1 |8 t i.f ?iOVI rillllflt to BBBflkl tl"' HliTClialtlg d BBBBfl fl Ika war. and it BBgrafl outrage iii ta_( :t tii.llioii or im.ie out of Ika OflBBflry fl Uus ttay. POREION H0TE8. Tha Oraoga s,)(i,iiiM?t Liaerpool fflfltordaj wcli om. d tbfl I uiiadian (iraiige .J. puli. s w.th a gi ..mi |l,l!lli dl OliillMrsilloll. Tbe I.oinloii joiinials of yc-lcrday Tiioniinjf eai tr.uii. t t.i, n port tbal Prlaot Artfcnr B baflMlkfld to I'i oi. i -. (iiyra of Deninark. Them bave been Baaaetoaa raflwaj Bflddeata ,ii Knglanddur-ngfh*- Bfl ft ?- ***** Bfl Baa fl htt, loitunatf iv, bflfl I..-. I Hfkl, bfl many i'TSous bave rc (( ve.l iiiiuric*. The clcciion in BBBl Stan'onishiie U) lill the mu.uu v iii the Bflflflflfl 088888888, OBflfl 8) the death Of BT. McCteiiti, resiilted "l the return of Mr. S. ,'. V -.pp. tl., (oiiM-ivativo caudidate. Mr. Alsopn 888 jonty wa. m.i. Au oilicial latter, -___bi BaBoa, Italy, July f. ...vh: "(ii. tiu aUBlBfl fl J.""- ?'?> ? t'rritleearth mflka aaofliiad bara, earrylaa daatl to ***** aafleoa. BtemBtton to all. Iba (had are toiiiited bj ten-. the. iimt. iiai i.ijurt doni. I.t millions. Of lhe l.iilidi.igs of il.. ( ,i> ev.ry fotirtli ?r tifil. l* r. ndt-red uiilnhnbitahle. Tbe prliiciiiiii monumi-ota an- overthrowu or senooaly liiiun-d; every where a ery ol aitKUish is rai-fcd Bflfl 88888 foi prouipt BBfl 'flBstflfl reuef.'' Afcoidmp to the mw Cirtnan monetary law, for nu iu | in * irciilation I* B fl siil.rtituteil the na tii.nal fflid si.mtlitrii. the mark (value B S-10 eents?.lieii,g tka aall fl Ika BjeaBfotoiaBoai aafl afl flfl eflaaaa. Ofld (oio* coiisist of 6, io. BBfl M mark*. The xiilisidiary esflflfla i? fl aaaflfl of 6. 2 ami 1 ntark Baaaaa, au.i so aiid -U OJOflf P" mato.racture.l ou account (if the Kdiplre. and issued in eichange al pur ior lhe national Rold eolll Tbe whole aiu.-uut of ttn iiiter aud token euinage ll nol to excei d VI. marks imt eapita of tne popululion of the Empiro. wbich witl ?aba ib.- Baaa Baaaaal to WBiatblag ov?r ?i(?'.,??',o(_ m vnlue. Tbe Ituiitb-snitb is einpowned Io pre velit en tirely tbe oin-iil.itioii of foreign roin*. and to donde whether the Imp.nal Troasury receive foreign currcm y at the rate lt berrtotolfl bai, lo iiilanu towna, aud in rurhca*.totii Uu rat*. r.itllJa... 1.18T8, all baakaotoa uot luniimg ui'-i.i tbfl iiittioual eiirrem-y 8>ateui are M i?- ealled m AfH rth.it time only *ueh bank not-s flfl flre redeeuiable Ifl nalionnl eurreiiry will be jflflflfld Bf allnw.-d to re.uBln la elrmlfltlofl. There will BfleflflflarUr ttt a large resl.ict.on ln tbe frate ot (he gold coluage, and yTreher lo fhe varu-.i- BOflfly i'"Tk. ts flflfl worid p?r lirularlv I_ind?n ; aml II"- -. at.u. wiii also I. n.l rerv hlionglv to d.( n-HM. th*- ablpmeai ol gold coin and bul lloii fio'n, lhe I i.ited Htnte*. fhe I oinage ..|? ratlons of tlie (iirinaii Kinpire duniic the last ls uioiith- wululr.-w tetiiporarlly from if* aeciistomeil * liaiinel- M-tweeu li!. .... imi and t-no.iMi,i??i of gold. aud cout. BipUtei th. Hil..tituli"ii"f Kol'l ' "ii.* in Plaee of tl.e large amount ?1 silti-rhilheili. th'- -titnil.iM .ii tln- (..rmaiiHtate*. HISFoEir.SE.S Of OCEAM .slEAMEES. A wiitrkin vk. -i Ofl BBI Cflflfl OB HBUBB, l_,Ni,(,N Aiip. 1*?A large quantity ?f debria from a wreck. d 8888-1 ha* bM I flaaflfflfl! fl ad Ik8 88881 of Ireland. Tb.- wrerk i. 8Bf|l88? i<* have been th?t .*f tbestBu- Uaaataunuttip Ataa****, ut***** lett BBaflifl foi New York on Haturdfly la*t. No *urvlvora from any MtOflBBBO-M vicinltv have aa yet been beard of. and BB8B8BB more drflmtie m ffgard to the diaaster eau uow ttt t at i . ,1 A ,,. KMA - slfAMKR MI_MN?. Durinjf the BBBt few day_ cotihidenihle Binlety ba* bf-en felt io rertain i__*fl by sail would necea aarily be slow. Ttie captain of tho Rhein. whicb arrived on Monday, report* tbat he *aw a vesw-I. whlch be aup poaoH wa* the Arndt. on Aug. :, making wav under sail but lie is not certain as t,> her idontity. and it ll is.ssil.le that itwaaono ofthe steam.-rs ofthe Nations.l line.whoae general appoaraneo i* 88888wliat similar. T.ie unxiety ( oiicertitnit tho BHaaflfl ateamer i? uostly conllned lo the friend* of the paaaengeis. Tho sgents fl Iho line il-elfaiid the underwriU-rs havo llttle four coiiooiulng b. r safety, and doubt oot that she will bo hoard from within a fow days. Tho F.. M Arndt Is a new steamer, only rceently completed. BBd ls now making her tnlrd Urtp to this port. Hhe ls valned at about tHMBBj and is said io be one of the *t*net.o*t and most Btfl worthy v.-s aei. afloat. Tbo llst of ***** passeugors who etnbarked from Hto,tm ls as follows: BBt Adatna, Mis* Atwood, of Iho I'nltod Htates; Dr H. Dohrn. Dlrector of ihe Sfoiiinsiiip ( oiiipanv. Sti rtin ; the Ki v. Dr. Hchwitrr. aud fainily, A*la Minor ; H.-nrv Oehnite, l_.iil.--k passebl aud ehild. Miss T.-resa Sandt, Carl I'oleuti (merchant), Mrs. Ixudsb I'olentr., Wm. Krandt. August Schmldt, Miss Flota Fruyer, _lax KfflO trowltoh. August Moael, Miss H.-nrtefta BflbMlvaflflfl, Fredenck Hcbulta, Miss Adelalde M.-lnuiiti, _ll_of I'rus sla; the Kev. A. Cnm, Miss Ilosalie Oon, MiflAmeiia Cron.of lir.'iiitteiii.iii'i'. THB y..7//.,()/..V-- TlTT.E. A **************** I'ARI.IAMRNT III___fl POB IBOIUBUflr IN AMKHICA- OIIMHAIKIK.. KKI'KATEl) TO A NEW tt___BK_L Mr. Whiillcy, for twenty-two years past menilier ofthe Itritiah I-.iilluiK nt from I'eterboro, arriv.-d in tbi. city aa Wedtios lai, from Fngland, iti order lo olitiiln testl mony favorat.le to the I llflBBBfl to lhe Ti.-liborim tltle and e-iate, iu wbose 88888 Bfl has from the outset taken a flaap interest. He told a Tribinb reporter, last nighf, tli.it a man appeared in Kugland about tlireo weeks ago who pretended to bave been tho steward ou board tho nor, a.1 Mr. Whallev invariably tcrnis bim. As the man gave evl donce fl s|H'itkiiig tbe truth, aud corrotionited tmportiint tostimony ain ady given on the. tnal, bo thoiight it ad via.,liio to come over nnd -??( if lie eonld iind corrohor siiivc proof. He had 88-8888881 bfl imiairiea to ooinc exlciit .iln ady, wlth very falr 888 Mr. Whallcy lalke.l about Uie Tiehborno c.iae nt.on s.'li iatili Bllflia BBd with perfect (8888888. It paflBBBB .. loiiiiiiici, lie (..od. of opecial interest to all who spcak HM Fiigli.li BOfflBfa H tha lirst daaflflO and tbe pn-soiittrlflbib iii Baaaadaaaa with law siiidiustice.it is HM Bflfl cxtraordinary )ii-tance of judicial uiiscar risige known in history. lf Iba claimaiit )s au linpostor, itissltuply woiiderful that for 88888 years he should hav. set tbe belrs ofthe fl_B_ fl 8488888, and then tliat tho (iiiveriiiueiit shoulil have taken up the oudgols in dofouse uf asuit brought to 1888888 privitto proi>erty. Lut, he conlinued, tbe _*******? pubUc do not 8atB_l tliat ht ih au imiMistor, aud they dl itisiu.t th.it ht: sha'.l h.c. e tlie same inenna of proof tkfl are flflfl to oitiiTs. "H is ilue io inlliiencos brought to bear upon I'ai IiBBMBfl aud tbe (,u\t rninetit that lio does not hate 10888. England is BMBfl Btowflfld Wltk .le-uits than auy other parl ol tkfl worid, antl tht.y BIB inre i Ihcieiit Bflflat Dr. Manuing's tr.iiiiing thau over oefore. Mr. QBdMBOa protei ts tli.-ui, tl)('Ui,-h whether he U one hnut-.lf la BB iu duiibt, Baaa ba dacllaad fl aaawer tka aueatfoB wben i pab liely pniseuted il to him. Tho Tiehboruc trial was an exjx-riu.ent on tbe part fl the J88B8B to l.-aru whether EagtoBd (iiis'ht ls- not only tbeir home, bfl then ettafli l. Dr. Maliuiug. aud BM Mr. Oiiul .tone. is ut tho head fl tue Krilish (ioverninent. 'Tiu- pri-s- B uiitz/.i.-d, and (tcrvtiiiuK is BBppraaaad wkaakkiBn adTBiaaiy apaa 'iu l.oiiiiin l atliolii prib.-tbood. " It is generally BBPfflaafl," he added, " th.tt tho Tieta bflraa Baaa o tarraaadBd with Btyaflry ; bb Ika aaetrary this a;,]ie.aritii'.e fl my st ho- inoth.-r, and lives wlth her uniii hor death two ji.ii- iat.-r. Bfl ls reoognized flfl Bil BflfBt hy b.s noigh 8888,808 is so far baflOTBd B hy the pnliiio tb.it lie n.Mlily raises Aioo.ik _, to aid hm. ut proflflflflflBO bfl ei.iiii:. Fbe ytiiiiig r aon, Altred, who _i ? ce. ded ti) tiiu aaOflBfla the dea.h of his f.tilo r. never beiieved tne biother to be doad ; but ho had ditd ln the 88888 time, .ii,i! tlie property w.is iu tkfl hauds of Bfl widow iu tis.i fur a youug Bon. Slu wrole to the n.other .(-kiii^' if the claimaut was her verltable son, aud slie answi itiljinai he was. The family 60licitor retnrned tiu .iiui.-an-wer. Bfll -he did not wish to luiictelt; slu- Im liinged lo one fl the luo-l inlluenllal Koui.in 0888 olic f.uuillos iu Liiglaud?tbu Ainindales of Norfolk? ...: toauabl tka wkaB power of iaa J.'-uit party M lu-r aid. I);. M.iiiiiingis a it.a head.-uul .- !lu- Bdt-Mi fl Br. GBdatoasn Baaaaa OBtbalB aflblrai Um (.otiTiiiiioiif baa laflllBlad tba paaaM____ Iaa aar uul why wiin, s.-es havo heen gafhori-'l frotn all ?arta ?t Bfl warld t<> laatalB it, fl a aafl fl irom a_ . t> ?l.t., cach. The fa-t Ihat th y BBBt Bfl tkfl tiray fl \, BMaaaa OMflaad afl flapaafliBB apaa Laafl BbUbb nuioliy n-la'ive fl fhe tatoo ?___, vvhi li dflfefltfld lhe alaiaBBBi aa bo tod triai, prawaa that they 8a afl eaa> Oflflt th.tt ti ?itiiiiotiy tru-rworthy or flflBflBflBff, fliougb B wafl apoa tkat aolflly tkfl Ufl] bOMfl BmMi .-barge uf perjury." Br. WkaUaj akaafBd tkfl Ika ?pint fl BaBUab law wa* vlolaied ni tlial the BflflflBflfl had Bfl r.-oeivod b_ fonuaiioufl tka oBaaaaaa who wflaa m bo brought ?fljalflflt liim. ?Bflfl tfcfl natuie of their MaBflM87| nor bafl88bBBBfltflflfl t*vHie BtBfl fl briug WBOBBBBI for his dofense, a- is prov tde.l by law. He 888.81 flBfld mmt li.toily fl Iho stippn s-lon fl freo BJflBBb. II BOfl another nienilier of l'arliament had boen flflld iiii- eaeh, itntl arioihor -50H. becauso itiey Bfl dfltaaaad the TBkkaraa aaaa fl a pflMB meet mg. Tuoy worn not triod by a Jurv, but by a court paflflflad "ter by . ir AlixaU4ler Cockburn, lA)rd Ctnof Ju*tico of Eugland, whom he s[H)ko of as the in.ideru Jelliies. ll.' had Bflfla an BddNBB to BOBOB* . tittit-iit* on the subjoet, aud uo publisher would vonturo 18 print lt without porsonal guarantees against loss, and when printed uo one darol to circiilato it. " It tbis state it '. 1 loli-lli ************* he a.lded, " tbere Wlll lie ?aay BBtta Bay Hfl___tlaa_fl_df8B_B___B_ iiosmd lh.it the (hiof Justice of the Common Floas, S;r Wililam BobUl, bad beeu adv.rse to " Hir Kogi-r" from tbo ?farf, .md that the I. >rd Cblef Justico beforo whom the pre-i nt tna. Ifl paadlflfl. evincod hi. partis.iiish.pduiiiig tho tlrsit trial by assl-liug Sir William Hohill on Hfl tx-mb. and hy actually passing vvritt. n notes M Hawkins, the adv.r-e coinicil, ouo of whieh road: " If I wore judifc and you 88O088I we would have had tbi- fellow Ifl Newgate long ago" Having already projiidged tho eaaflj ,t *-u a vBBfltoB of Knglish u-a^e aad Blajtllab laatBfl for bim to presulu at the present trial. Mr. Wli.' loy said that the course of Sir Alexandcr C04 kbum in adi'iLging all words whicli might intliient'o itiriiu. B to lie iu contempt of court, wus oven worse thau that of the notcriou* JflBrtflB, who relb-d upon BBBM ?'f eon t.iulit fl court for his most datigeron* onslaiighfs upon liberty und 1'rotestanttsin. -ir Aloinuler Co. kimrn pr.ii tu-Dlly ].r.)claiins that he will allow no freo 818881 sion ln Knglaiid, and there was nothing m the annaU of Jam, s II more iiiitrinrooiis or tyrannlcal than this. I.onc BBABCfl BOI 88. Loan Bkan(h, Au_. _ Piafldoal Ghraal r, turn. d froiu Waaliiu/toii tbis afternooii. To nm'ht bfl rflflflflflflfllafly Ii""" injury by n ruii.iway team 88 (BflflB ave. The bot. I*, to-day. wero througed wit'i \ i, itur*. The Old duard. accomnaniid by ttie llth Kogi iiiont Haiid from New York, dluod at I'loastiro liay and ii-ttirned home to-niglit. Tho Bflfll leiueit's BBBflBBI -BflB far tka Wafl Bafl Caa, fl BflBBtaaHi Park, oa tkfl Mtk laat., B VflflJBflBA WIIB general uiterrst. BfBBO BfllB U 188 favorite, three lo one BP.ITA1. MtTtHKK IN __B_____T. Evan'.vii.i.k, Atig. 7.?I__t niglit hix BMB, disguised, eiitered the boimo of Mr. Kobert A'.lon. a w, alihy planter, Hving *ix miles froiu 0WflflBbBtB*, K f, Mr. Alleu and bi-nephew, John Allen, 8888 BWalBSfld by tiumlrudi r . wbo al uticc lM-gan flrii.g at tueui. A .it-ii w.i ?hot in the thigb.and hl* BBfkflO in fne bre_st. ifotb 8888fffld fl Ika road, whtro tbo v-niiig mau'* ,1,-ad body waa found in tbe BBBtBlBB I'liere ia im i uio to i lu- uiiirdeii r-. imi tbo whole neigliixrlmod ia arouaod, aiid a viguroua aeareb i* beiug ino*..-m. d H1KK--I I IMB* sK\rr.N*CK.I> TO ITNK AND IMPKIs OBBBBT, \N oii( i.-it i:, Ma-s.. Aug. ?. ?Eourti ,-n ticr man Itrrr _uler* were auiuuiouc.l ii.-f.n-c t:n-1 entral Dia tri.t (ourt Ui-dai, mtirt uf ilo-ui tm tbfl tkltfl lnne. Su w. i- im. .i ?n?' ..1 ii. oi-ts, BBobBaaad to iba Baaai al Om I0(ti4in for *ll muutba, aud ordflflfd tu bnd 8l.'?*' >*all Bfl tiAVloiatetni law for u ycfll. i'iev _H uOLnmcd und i.ioiitl tm l.i.l iiioiii.-j. I TUE HAYDEN EXPEDITION. KXn.OKATIONH IN CW.ORADO. CtAClAl. ACIWfl IN IHK ICMKV MOI VIAIN- *' BVFRV oi flflflfl BflAOTT?flOBBBB flUB*flffl fltKABflBLT 1- Bflfl ItATK. iril'.M AN OOBIflBBttlaflOflflflBMfliflflf or THF TWBnifE.l Twi.v I.akks. Colorudo 'JVrrifory. Julv ll?Afl flfltl .itatcmeiii ol place will hardly explain ificlf t?. tl.i rcaders of Tflfl TltllU.VK. I Ailll flflflfl tflflid ? httti dfl'Mcriplioiiof the pr.Krut locili'v of tlic .ninpuf the Initfl-d HgflBflO?IflflJ?1 flflfll GflflflflflflflflBfll H,'f vey. It itt nmarkablc mough twn wators are f.-d ; below, they ar.- boooded by rolling hills of bowldcrs an.l gravel, wliich in (th' r n- igh borhooda would thcmaelvee almosl bc n-ckoned Ifl moiintains. A bflOfld ritpid -tr. BM I OBBflOtl thfl tWflfc Bfld thaa hurrie.-a dflBB MflOM thfl plain t<> ii.in and IWflll the Aikauaaa. Trout of IhflM tgyu iM ai.? abumlant in their fl at'flfla fflholflOaiflarlai BN tfl-hl of the nunibers and tiu- inun.-nsc Baa fld IhlM Imh a.-* f.irmcrly taken here: bflfl IhaM piiiiiitivoiiiix- bflflfl paflMda and the concoiirse of anuh-rs lia.s redm '? Loiiia, aaBMflaaad Mflfl*afl] and bb exeecdingly bm! and comfortable public hflflflfl, kept by l Mr. I cloao by. ia well iilleil with v'.-un*. Ihe BBBM B BBfl Of IflflM rcsorf hflflflflkl B ifl ? r healtii aml pl.-.i ?Bia, tln- graadaesaaey and Mlabrloaa diaaafla >?""? pcii.-iitiiii/the alifti. tilty ad itcccsa. \ maii ntage passcs twice a week wit hill a few m flflB Hnl it inas bcini^ .in iiiip'irtiii! put of Ihfl gfBfld glaeial pheooaaaofl flf tha lagjoathat th* lakea .I their flBROflfldiBfl flfloat latereB aa, ProM tba gergMfll thfl flflfll cliain ii.ivc Bflflfl puiii'fli mit iat* the tniiin valltr* riiflnof iflots wiiuii tboMofMOd .-I ii Sivit/iiliiiul an-at least not 8BB*rior. Wa hud ?aaaerideataigiuolglaelalaatioa B tha aartbeeo end ol Ibe .->outh I'ark, but b*BB tln v an- BBflflb ini.tc-trikmir. M"st ao. parhflflfl,fll IB BMflth ?'f Hwfflgfljaof Clflfli Ci*flk, m Ui Etatfl,a (bwmHm furthcr down. Tbat PflP MMM ni"r>- daaply hollowcd out. aml wn li a str.iijrliii i > OV M hflM Ihfl ititeiior ol tba- . h.tin tlian tiiisi.t.- ? BfldfrMfl u.i -i-l. - itntflt imt iato the plain twa graal lataral inor.iiiics. liii ic.-i liiifii. atid as IflgfllM iflalopflflfld araa nt bha t..jt m ii they wara laanamae railwad eiiiii.inkiiifl'iit-. Whea* wa an- il iath amoplag aa tiiin.iffh.itfai.il thfl dflpoaMoa "i terariaal n.o riiiicstii.it bare aaade tha laflaai aad H waald ba ? inaisi ititai-a-aiiiitf flpeelfll -nuiv iu glflfltalflg) Maa plain in d.tail Hfl pliciiouii-iia a^ fii.-.v In re 881 tu-.-a-ii-civcs. flflpa. i.tlly -aa t. !i irby tb< lake, wwieh ?boaid bflffl baafl one wa.s aaade bita twa byth* .Imppinir uia inoriiim- B0IOM it. Tha !< tatt daep iatbi partfl. When I last it poii.-d in v-iii ttt i ira B Paitftay, llu: parl ic< rciiiiiiiicl BBI ci-al d ?- it. ikit.i.'<-\ c'.ii-ioiis mto thfl Deighbortng moou lini ind d'-aviirini; to work out tbfl dflflflill "l gaologk -tr;.. ? iiit-c at tliat inainr. a BMMl importaol anl critical one. l)i. Mavil. us MflMl Mill giffl fal foD tha !*? ?oiItH.ilitaiiicfli. which Wflfl* highl] -ail-i. tflfJT. I I"' BXplONH Me"- piutK'ilail.v foituiiata- in ladlBfl :il.iindant ( hara. tcii-tu t'.-il- botb of thfl Mluriaii aml iln- Carbootfarova aanaa, aettling bejoad a p?t .i.lvcntiirc thfl BB Of tha -tratiti.-fll bflda tltiown flf by tha uphit. I.? as inj; Fairplay, we came down tl e u. -t. i ot IhaPflffc till w.- eoflld turn w.-tiv.tri!.... i ? i bithcr spur of BaBfllo Moiintain. atul 88*88lr. ai!i? \aiit-y af tbfl I'lattcKi that of tht drkaaaaa bj tba u.-tt-rnPaaa,awooderfolly ragnUr natural r,.aai way, having aualtitutle at it- flOBMBJI of aboal ll.HdOfcet. Wfl i-i'eiit OBfl ni-'bt B little belofl tim .siiiiiniit, at tiinber-line ; and thaa, WflileOflfl party cainc dircctly to tha Twiu Lakaa oflfli tha Paaa, Iha n-t nrflBgaiflfladtfl thfl Ufl oa il"- Uflhtfl i<> tho fotit of Biitlalo Muiiutaiii tt.sclf. whi. 1. wa.s a-ci uilcl aazt day a.s b tflipoirraphii ii -taii"'i. Poraaii doefl, tlie rather isolat.-d cxtrcinit. oftharflBfl "f which Mount Lincoln iflflflMMflBI Bfl iliiifl-'iiiiilw-i/ ou tiie wc-tiTii aigt flf thfl Boatb Park. aad oaa* niamling tlic whole liuc af the Aik:ii.-a,- \aiiey aa I bflYa Atflflribfld it aba rt, with tht Oiesn MadM ka yoml, this siitiiiiiit was a most iinpit'.-.sivc aud a nto.-b iii.striu.tivo poinf ot vn ti. ld.i not M-ntura-;i .:. piction of tha aaaaa, MI ahoald tlny** with ai tempts to dflaerib*the kadaaeribable, aad trahava iiHuintain-i b.i'iuc Bfl Ig MOBBd txliu li will (Oininanil rctrions aa yet almost iiiivisit<:lit M I.iiui.lii. M Komwhat over II.000 feit. It i- proba? bly the BflB to wln. h tlit-ii.ii.i,- oi HaiMii-1 wai. giwti fnai joaiaago" hat till Iha flMMiflftha Barveyatfl pulilislied. it will t ontiiiuc to Im- Bflfll tO tMflflflaJhlfl to identity any p.unt. Ilic MflfldMI ol Ihfl Im-s| poblBhad uiaps, aa regarda thia wlmlc icgion, ara licyoiul all act titiiit. IDOBTIira ABOBfl TIIE (lIKiiiiKl.M, K\\sa- Crrr, Ang. T.?A sptciiti diipfltflh tn n.t hnntni < itii Raaaa fr, ui OaflBtrvflB^ Kaaaaa, ?an iiifui'iiiation reached that place yesterday that tba t'lierokee Iiiili.in- were bavltiK a hloody war amcixi NBMMtflM at l .i.iy'flfl HIiifT. Bflflfll B Bflaa wuith ot there. Thutroutiic urew out of the election beld on Aug. t. lu which what B kuown an tlie MflB lactlon wero mieee-afiil. The btber two factioDfl an- t.-rmed Idde pafldflfll and Downlng*B. All tb.- partie* are determtned, and the pr.it.ahility i? ihere will b?? a hloody war yet. Tlie latent rei?Tt aaya atmut 15 aiuied men of the Rua.a fitetlou are lyluic fMB and awaititig order*. Their op |...ik nt-. iln ia:.- tiM-ir di-tcruiit.aii'flu tti coniiuue tba flKlit- _ A riXA-i fOWl ATTACKID IIT INDIAVS. Wasiiin(;i('N, Aug. 7.?Inforniatiou hu* beou i-eeeived here from Han Antouio, Teiaa, tbat tbe litlla Uiwn of Mfl was lately attacked by a large band of lu illuni. 40 iu uuiuber. They captured ?lo, k, attm-ked tn.i Mrxii-atifl. wou.idiug one, aud murdered Dr Mitnoey. ana 77. l.ut hm fauiilv eaeaped. Th?? aavaae* doatroyed a.i tba furnliiire in and then plundered tbe bouflt- of Mr. (irabaui. wheu tbey were attacked by Mflflfl BBBBB*! wbo had bul four guna between theiu. The aavaara were rouiiK'lled to n treat, und were U>in? purnuetl l.y l)otb aoldierfl aud eititena wbeu tbe metmtngtr lett. Qaafll. *,,?.< u,...: ptaii