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New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 20, 1873, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1873-08-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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VOL. VYYII1 ...N0,10.103.
__:? JJ..II1 II lf-0K nmM "'.?"?? "
LONDO", TueatlftT. Aug. 19. 1873.
Th* Virnn? Bpecial to The N*W* MJB tbe
BjBBflfla-a of ***** *>. -tertlay. was a v.ry tame*****
?? wer* flBfe. aliuit MN persona present. Tbe Arcn
? Charles I/.iiis u.iide a cong.atul..tory nddres- on
__, m*m**m wrnaMt*** ot tbe ____iii.il.fl ????-?'
wttrrh a l.si of the euccessiul competitors lor pritee wa*
read. m_
IfcMFEROH OK Al'Si KIA-.TOR1E.S OF V_tB_.ll_.-_
Vienna. July ;,1.-The fchah uirivtii hcre last
night m... Blfl?B. wnere be alept tbe night ******
___ is IikUcI n. ib. p.tlaee of Laxenburg. a BflflBB-Bf
re_._Jei.ce ol the I.iuperur, about 16 miles from tbe
C-tty. l_u.iil.niv i- "??" flafll ****** i.J'il IBBBfl
art usiiallv j?flflfl?I WtUU the Bfltt-I does
not car. to lake under his own roof and
Into his farnilv eirele at Beboubriinn. Wben tbe
t__r romes, or the Empress ABB?flfl, or any
nt Ib, Bfl?flflfl? cousius of tbe Hapsbur*_a-(?ern)Bn
felaga. fl-feflfl, priiioes. and tbe like?th, t aie taken to
Bchoiibruiii! an.l rett Ived en famUle; but for such guestt*
aa tlie W. ib. ttitb whom a close iK-reoniil mtimiicy Ifl
uot. BBB rilnii.' to report, nt u!l to t>< tltMre... l-.\' nburg
m good ctioucii. Tbe Hnlfan of Turkey wus flBfeflrtat-t-d
lfeerewbenbewast.il 1ns viMting flfl? to his BM-Bfll
BflBBBfefl? of l.uropc, ut.tl uot ltug ago tbt Kbtdueof
Kgypt ii....1. a IflflHJ ftay in tbe palnce. The vil
Im, i. u very (flfll plao* of 300 or 300 yellotv
waatHMl one storv houses, witb green Jalotistee, ou tbt
lwr.it r ot a i.T'ilv park. Tbere is a rauibling ehaieau.
built bv Maria Tberesa, a triflo im_Kwiug in its inain fa
^attc l.ut dwimlling mto long one-etory wings tbat Ml m
i__ger lo Inrloee as much of the pretty turf aud flower
hadflae iposaible. and run off to au astoni*bu<g distauet
froiu tb. tei.tral Ktnicture. In tbe park is an older
chatean long fl?| gi\< n up to servant*-. iwsidt s n Huut
_oe? iheatt r and a iniinber of atUat tive feflBBM for
Ofl?I !??Bflflfl. ln the deptbs of tbe park ta park
wblcli, ln iuv aflfl?BW, ha* no equal in Enrope) ln a love?
ly lake, aud in tbt ink.- on au island a ptfltflBBflflJ? castle
BBBflfl tbe .'raii_.cntt.urg, whleh looks very old imlccl,
liul i- in rt-iility only a sbum antujuity. built Bfl? time
iu Uie last ct ntury. If tbe 8bah la fond of a quiet life.
aa be oughi to Im by thia time, he flflBM not ?i?li uuy
tnor. t. infortitble ipiart. rs tban tbe Blue Court, as tbe
I__ic ntmrg l'alace is ciilled.
The Bflflflpt.oii wa. iiu.te informal. Kaloer Franz
Juaepb sbowed gotxl M use lu BBl flflflfl?Tfl??flfl wl">
flBBBBBBf ? BBflM urnvt-d from a fatigulug Journey ou
?tnt fl Ifefl l.ot'est Bflfl fl tbe nea*on. T_e -Bflflfl- train
witb the Hl.abV party camt f1r?t to I't i zmg, fl flBflfl? ?
ihe Western Kailwa. . twti milet froin the city lme, and
ln tl.e iniu.xliaft BI i-hl'i.rhood of the palfl?flfl Sibt'.u
l.rtitii. H< t, tl..rt wa* a great trt.tttl ot Vituna
BBflfflBj BBfl bad gone flflfl l.y tramway, by
omnibux, aud on foot, aml bad ?Bfli fl tbt
bot miii. for Iflfl or Ifefl? Bfl?I for tbt .nkeuf a mou.eut's
algbt t.f thc .liain.'i. 1 l.iittoiis ainl bl... k cattan ofthe
I'lrsim tuoiiait.ii. A flflflBfl Bflfliipiniy ol ii.faiitry inadt
theoiilt inilitiirt tlisplay. Tbt train was befetad Iimt,
and tht B-BBB-flrhM t" tvatt BBBBBrBBtN I>iutfortu
for tbt* arriva! ct ln* gaflflB. " I_nt-tuality 18 tbt f*Mt
i.en^ t f Kmir " 11.\ * tb. iierraai. proverb; but tbt Hlutli
neenir to tbiuk that tbe "KflflB >'t Kinj.'-" b:o
* riLtit to bi as uiii'i'.iiciual aa be pflflflflfli
for be kept tbo ti.uu waitiiu. for t.m
?I Balzlmrir BB lonc tt.at itx. ci^tncr-r toiiltt not make up
tbe lo*.t t.iue. M BBfl BBBB?a wflfl is never it uitiiute
t-i'hiiidhniid, had to kill tbt vteury li.ur iih bt*t be eouid
l.y pB-flBB up und tlown Ifefl piatform antl tbattlng witb
tbt I'ert-an Lmlaissador. Fiually, ut balf-past 7 tbe
hand struck un ear-tort.iring tunt that w;> nii.j.sed to
he a Nflflfekfl un, nnd tb> tii.m flflfl? roliii.g in. E_M
BfeflflAflBBB-dBa-BfeflB?t. ,u"- t*9?fl catut -<.rW-.-U;
nan.tskaktnc foliotvt-d, and tben tt.ere was a sbnrt eon
BBBBBBBB. flB_B_fe Ifefl l_fle_T-_fl? "f an nta rpieter.
Tbe |M-rw.iiBi ap|a*ar..i.ee of N.ik*. r-e.M>i'i ba* bfl? fully
(Iom nta_ and m.^th no futtt.tr reference lu re.
Tbe iet*-a*tete t>f tbe tm aovereigus la?!t <1 tmt n few
moineute. Itotb tntere.l tbecar and _hfl train went on
to l_i_.i-nbiirg?:t journey ol tbret-quarters of un lmur
around tbt m.utbern side of tbe city and flflfl on tbe
feflflflfll?B?flflI tM-*. Tm Bflfl sUtiou fead bteu rather
??itiiy ailoiitil witb bot-buuse ahrui.s froin tbt im
ptriul loiin-rvit'ort. (>ui.i tbe >.:.1c oi. wfeiflfe tfefl BBflfe
flfejfefe (t *??' lfe? .'< ? . :..t. .!. Tl:i ftli. . M.t WfeJ 1. b.
_m?B flxpaeflad fla aafl. w? Iflfl bai.. AaMpofvfll
v.t t i*T\a t m.i). lanl tt-sid. the trni k, ui.d a I? awuitip
ehfltered it.. Mafll th-.t fld fron. the ^tatloIl tloor M tbe
gravelo.1 walk, where tt.e a!_tt fl_R_?I W? IBlllBB
The erowd was so -mail tbat every one pflBBBBOi view
t.f tlu flM im lu.r. Ii*. (fefl lulitge pflOpfl wtre ot flfl?
all on tu.iiil in tbi ir br*tt , iothes, and tliere weie jK-rtiaps
a thoiiaami Vi.-ni.cM- wbo bad come out tluiiiiKtbe after
imkiii. A tbc.-ii' tltsplay of huiiting w?* made from a
CtoBi-u U.iK stiifTr, planted oa Ibe lawn m front of the nla
lioii, und a sitre ol Hiiuiniiiaii tavalrvincu
I.ieketed tbe road. The BflBB?W BBd BM
fmut tame tl.wn tbe st. pn ude l.y eide
Mi.d flBflflflfld tli> t iiiiain-. tb. iiowd IBflfld a pB-Bfl
I.I..I t, i . :n i i. ,.| whii li tb. Ifl wu* iu f a tr-...
tliu*i_t>..i, tLt -.t...Igaa to?fefli tt.t.r l.ats, tlu vi -llt.w
)ii k. i. .1 BaMtilsB? (la.ke.l tbeir Wfetfla, ai .1 tbt ear
ria^< Ml.'iie.ioff MtfeBfB?-fli foilow.it flf oiher flflfl*
rniger 11 ntaiiniis'tt:> ti*k -Mflfl? of tii. Hhab's suttse.
tt.e Aiiatnai. An I.duke*. aud otber dignitaiie* m (.-.it
Irrii.K ui it. i flBfl, A rquailroi. of Hunitarn.ii i avalry was
tirawn up on <>... si.le ol Uie entraii.t, BBd a t.ui|'..iiy
wf Am-triau inrantry witb fl bflflfli <n th. otber. Tb>
truu.i* t* s. ui.-t ii. Ifefl Bflflfl fllBJed tbt ti.iri'arouB, dis
ti.?t:ii?. ii: fla BBBfl. aad IA rr.wii *rUAmB*eh*
Iw.'i.t thrt-t ______ a> tlu flflfriflffl dasbed aad.
art hw.it flflfl tfel if'.nl . .'ii ,1. Bfl? aftt r the i.u.'x :<u toul.
|.-i?\. el ti. M.ii u.t t. rn.. r tame out aud reviewed
his troopr. walking up and down the line*, Bfld tbt i.
tlroic boiiu t.. KLoiiliruun. A detaehmenloCFflt?n
ncrvanls hnd arriv. d s.ine hourt Niore, with ten
wmitu lo.i'l* fl 1-i.v.i.''. aml tbe i*l-ce bad aireadv
Ittmu lurm-4 ot. r to tbeir tendflfl un-rt.es. It i* i..iiti
?hat When tbi En.iKrur watttd IhflBBafe?fl Bflfl? of
Bflflfl? iiiieii .< il I? tfel hluIj aud bis ..ffict.Ts, be found
the BBtfl-flfl?i plUoWfl, aml nili s.ik _?Ml_p8B-B-i
Btr.Wlt ? t(.r Befltfl, UL.l bting tlall.p.td on bf
BhB flflr?atfl. wbo fead ali l?Bflj tfefl OBrpflta aad wtifl
?Bflfld to i .1' dfl-ffl Bflfeeft -flwfl_r-t_f-_- tta flfl <> >? 11
a-BBBfl ruin tfl Ln.pefor BSflflflBfld Ifl 1... a_.iutaut :
atflfly far?aaaa I V..1. Lax.nburg flfl?fefl Ihfl flflflBfl II
ww. bflfl? i "
Aa for Ifefl BBfll Bfl made haste to get Me dinner. A
BBBflBB? flfeHBBfe-Bflfld in tbe palace, aflflfl__-_-fl lo tbe
J*. rauin t .-*...iu. and imu.e_ur.-iy ro__st*_. Ten Persian
Hu.-i.it_.ri' - .?? * wo to tuble with him, nnd wert BBflflfl
batlt-r Prt-.l tn_i. tl.eir uiBSttr. tor tb.y usetl tbe kniv. ??
aaB___feBaadaaa_-__-?wB-fl be at<- with tnt -j_k? ?".
flflflwfljadfeflfeaaBB I tbo taMfl-flfllB. Afttr dn.uet
?a-?BflflBMgfli?h_l? ?B pflflBBflB afld.r wb'< b bad
htaiu ?ent on iu a-vaite, and r_t up io a flflflfll flflB-M
?ut iu tfeflflJBBj?BBfl paik. IB-fll be Uo.1 UotbiUg
l.ut re.t. -B-fl-MflBWhflfltflflB? at f*. buubruLn, and
?? " B" ' ? -. w.,i iv, agranti roiew of troope in
Hahfli raa?thi MLu,,ii. n,.w flaf i.e will stay t?
__,..! y.t aflSBflafl. H.- *BM?? M) ni*U anvtb.ug like
Bbe -flflflBfl I'.i*. it flt?h?ad il Load-B, I'ans, und
Ji.ii.1,. V:....... Haa _,!a.o.t m BbbBb-B of Afla, an.l
C?flalcastn-B-aaadtae-a? n0t t!,, Boreltiaa tbat
they BBB B flflfl? l.ut. p_. tu Huugurlai... now
?ajual Pflfl-B-BI lu Ihe Emp^, ??, -,,?, f,
BtiauT ot tho tuttoma ol their Tariur uu
tNt.tors and Turkey, whieh ia purtiy A,lhtu
_ad Ifl our ... x: dacr aH_feflar. Th, ra_ tei _,__ tliM?t...'
Vrowa. rs ** alfllfeflflfl not au untmual t^bt lutlie stret tr
t)f Vienna, and ewf-ii I'.iaiau BMBBBBfl Bflflfli oc< _a_
*llyU-...ii n.ai-eU. Tue uter. taa i that BM Hbab l. _,_
Ona-uui i'nute do*a not, therefore, e.reate thr furor ul
ruriuaity to ate bim that pn vailed in i-ugiaiid , and hu
far aa 1 uu obst-rve, bl. Mtit caua.*.. 1*-b?> poualat flBBfla.
?Mtiit thuu Iflfl ot tbe. < ?? ,a_,f iuouth.
fle Ugiu Bfe?atfl lo i.eu: i* paflfl ol tbe bad ruanoe.i.
?f uuMiait ai.d Ihavaadalflaifl hfl flMaad?afe_ it u
auid tbat b. rflBkfld tfel ...ii> t-..rU:L- of ibe iu?unou?
lmprriai tar iu wbicb be . ..iu* fri ? HalB-BIB by wiping
fclagro-My finitcrt* u;h u tfeflfl 9tt.-r ,-atin*;, and tbat Ibt
imrpr-t flflflfl Ifld W-tt dflfBflflBl Nat? N.-a.-iy all tbe
laaflB-flaiB tj latfei eantafM oi tbe ?-.-r
B-uj gruiidtaes an.* r.. ..ri. >l t?. l.. i-.- _ .ud ., c, ;[ ,ii,
B-flvBflflflfl flaflfl-lla tfeaBfeafe.floapi fl> bis s.'m.. ui
kt* privatf uh?- t^Uitiol !^- luund lt ia M _H . I . |
Mflflfll tbat tb, Hi.aU aud hit follow.rs eat. k*
B? ly of ali leije.s, and l.ad p/ .
****a"ibuie4 lo utio. Thc mjoui-.a tumaelf h^ea i.ght
BflflBf look. Wltli bla piercintr black e.Tea, lns h:iu*;htv
ii.r. i.iiil at.ili I) bearintr; inui its for ln* conrticrs, tbey
nppear no more tii.rli.irnus IBflfl ao man) HpinlardH,
llallaua, or any otber people of awartby ooinpleiiona.
8i ill, theae are tne reporta, aud they aeetn to bc wrll
fcuntlcd. Tbo polite Vicnncae are not Rivcn to alauder
lng tlieir k'liesu., and were not illspoaed to believe tbe
tdorna tbat eame from Berlin and Loudon. If they tell
like taU-B now tbemri, lven it ih from no prtdudi.e or
Madkid, Tucaday, _?_. 19, 1873.
Tlie Carlista have apain entered the town of
Tbe Corte* la now en*^?jred ln tbe dlacn?-Ion of tlie
new loan bill, Uie flrat artule uf wbicb im- l.eei.
mnric.KA". Tuesday, Auif. 19.1P73.
A deapirate eniraMT.-nicnt hiin )u?t taken plaee lH?tweon
a force of C_rlista uuuibrriuK 2,400 meu aud tbree col"
umna of Ppanlah R< publicnns.
The battle waa foujrlit ln the open eonntry. between
tbetownnof Berpk and Caseraa, nnd reaulU-a. in ti.e
defeat of the Keuublicuua. witti a loan of 300 uien aud
uiie k:un.
rlATONNK, Tuesday, Auk. 19,1873.
Tbe CiirliKt* aa.v tbat amni.K IbB 88800 Wklely dehvered
tc theui from ti.e Dcerhaflfld were 1,760 BflBflBB riflea.
|__-__an0flB] OB rilK AKIIEENE8E TO RFPEI UU
M 1(11--GKM.ItAL BBVO-t 0B MAI.AYS f-ABl I
Bfl__lB_flBw*lTfl lw- t'MTl.t. STATEK.
Wasimni.ton, Aujr. 18.?It haa been oaoer*
B?flflfl from ;i BBwfll flBaflflB .lnst returnflfl from th. E..st
tbat all tbfl tr1l.tr. of tlie northen. .lortton of HiiuiHtra
biiiiininri BOBflB-T a Ua imt. ii aafojaaafl thu fniit.m
of Atchecn. From one triiu B-BB8 la.oiki BB n hnvi left
_Bf_raflffflr flhuiifl?flflfl und none a>wBaaaa_fl-?flaal
the HulUin. The pepper tn.de ih temporanly BBBflBBBflflfl
by the war. (ireitt feara are eiiurt.-uni d t.y ttul'itch
an to tha Ktircuaa of th.ir rontemplated aecond attack.
The Dutch had ut NflflBBJ, ablBf baae of operatmur, and
on the way, 1M?J men, reflnforcenicnta frutn
Holland. It waa OflBo-flA tc a*w?flt tiie A-flbflflflflflfl
.-...out tlie nii.ldlf 88 Heplt n.t.er. Tlie rl.iltafl, m Hflflflflflfl
to aii ovc-tun- by tbe J.utcii to maiie u tr. Bflf mnd. Ba
fi n lie would do BB, every BBBB tfl ti.e BnBf under BBB
abould p? rlrb. A Bflflflffll Mah.y insurri Bfl?Bfl amoiii.' tba
DiUchauliiectBof tlie N. tl:'rl md Hir.tif w ttleinenta ia
iipprelien.lcd. TBB BflW? Bf lltBb? BafBlaaTfl hic flfl
nri to an Ainerit-an OflflBfllfflfl cloae reli.tiuiia wltli the
Unlted Bfl?Mfl, BBfiflB tIsmt. if this Bflflfl?rf flflflM BtflB
him prntection he would grflflrj in return B-tflflflfffl flflBB
8888?Bl pnviieR.a, allow tl.c BBflfl?flfl tt n..Vi.l Morr
BoflflBBj (atnl BBfl BM "f the Bflfll tiiuber BB B-rfb_-0_aa.
T.'.e BBtbafl was iiiftiimcd that the Bflttflf flfl] to BfflflUUl
bia BfBfaaMBflfl wfli to Beafll u Boci mi tataj io ua (TaBflfl
Btate* (jovcrtiu.cnt.
(Ikmva, Tuesday, Aul Bt, tM
Dakfl Charlep Fmlerick Aag-flfl \\ illi.nu of
Bruiiswick >e dead of BfflflBlflXf. Bl tl.c BBB ..I (!' fflfllfl,
Tbfl will of the late I>uke BfliTBB the flbflB of his bBflflflfl
aiid,i.craoijal eatate to Ua Cllf flf GtM v...
rtTBfll'T* ?__-_ BBOW-BB IMorii Ak ? Bl -
fBOaa BflflB BT WHHMflO fflflj auavh.mm. his
fooafl-B FiTi'ii.ii afl - iMi'iiiM'NMi m am. a n
BfltflJa-lT uriiASi: Of a i;t vci.i nO-OBT.
Panama, AatT. ICL?-JtbeJ-gb -Bfl rev.ltition
Bff l.iovi Uient whli h took pl.ice reci ntlv lius BBBB Iflfl
down Bflfl tbe Bflflfll Bflffl r.-lurii. - Bflfll OBBflPjal, BBflV
ter.- ((.ntiiKie ir. B flBBflrtWlfl sl-ite in fflflflflfll Aimnsf
Bfflff iiictit Ubmb ara raaaao af aa BBfla-M reviflatiaa,
,.i (1 p. oj!. no to fl.epMifh _M fi ar tli.it a hostile en
ciunt. r a lvi.cn tlu ]i upicif _M IflbflfbS flflfl the Qflf
iiiiii,(i,t tfllflflB Iflfl?Bfl of tlie wulla Bflf take plac* Ofl
fore ttnyV.plit A fea rtnys a|-u BflI BflflflflflBl BBB retary i.f
Ptnfe, Mr. BflB-rBflB?B, V8B Aflflfl?1 outride BbflaValB'
l.iliitif fl WflBt.Tflbflfl he wax uttaiked by a u.oh of Uie
Lit*r_l cr ( ern BBB BOftf, Bflfl reie.ived BBBBB ratl.er ae
TflN wuut.da in the beiid. The poliee Bflffl Bfld to BO
rtffl at the time. nnd by so flflflBf ffflbflblf Bflflflfl his life.
Tbi- ffflflflal N. IriiG.'verniiu nt ir BBBflBB?bfl BBfOf ???.
thf In.'?nl. nt, Qea. BflBfl, flfll flaaaaBB aba leaderc (f ll .
party tl.at ele. t< d BBfl. Bfl Bflfl t-een return.-d U> fOfl*. t
flpta flfl tl:eui, bj tlu iiiteiferrii.i ot tbfl r .'ifl.-iiul
forei bflTfl. 1I(- has hfllilflbiil _M 11 _Mrlffll BM n (! tlie
CorreoBo 6uverntiKnt Bflflfflaaafl tt plctrini.' airamrt BBfl,
t.ilT lils fflflfl?M I-, ti( v. I Ili.-lflflfl, l.y uo Bflflflfl M-cttl., Bflfl
i: i ,ni ii . nt Bf tbfl l.itienil piirty Bfjalaa fernfl BMtf B?B
BflBcflalaaj BflBBaaa. H? baalb?i Ua liberal, or black
BflBflf, ak-su.st bflfl. Bfld ciiin't B-fflH BBBflB if
any aid from tbe v%li,te, or < uiiseiv.itive pi.ity. who.
flllbflllf B OBfllTflflfl of Ib ir:c ln fflflflf, flfl not cnri
Uiiich iil.out Sabti-B TOf it Th. ireio r.il fc.-lini.- ll In
lavdi ,'i the retnrn to pow? r ol Ei Pre*l_i i.t Correoao,
now Mmistcr of Coktmbia ln ( oata Biea. Bi _?elj
addri -s( (1 a letter to (.en> r..l Kelffl, wproaehlnf
him Intterlv for lns ill tre;.tiu? nf :n.,i l? rs.-cuti m of ti..
v. rv BBflfl BOd BBItf tlint ... ( u-d Bim t ?? lflfl I'rehi.l. ii j .
? lvisiii,; bim to cbafliifl hii t*vo_ea <i t"- pn
parad hrr the oonfleoneBcea. A- tttm ?v Um bbbIooq.
t- nt- find a lea_er an attack wfll, doniiicss, t..- ma.
tneBtati troopa ol tieueral Meira. Th( lat?ta h.i
;,, ,, r. ? i :.%? I. i.r ? t-ouatitaeiii ;i-s, ublf tflrefanatbfl
ciiiiBti;,iri.,:. ol tl.. ^littc. uii.l bo flfldflBTOf to ward flfl
the atorm.
Col. Kttad Aizpiirn. the (..umrnider of t I.t Ftat,
troopa rn.d (l,i. f lead, r in t!n rflTolaUonBTjr troablei <>I
Aprii nisr, .md whn w:.? ntn.-ciiK nt 1 v flflDlBbfld to I'trn.
r. 'uri.td to Panama br tu. atea?at m thr >tii uir. on
his arnval n n- __m QflTI rnment B*r!.in flaced Bim ifl
priton, and alao ::rres:.(i b. verai utb.-n whom t?ey
islof couapii?cy. A lefl flayeaflOk Atapflirfl and
tiie oiiier leadiufl prtBtrnerawererelea?edwiutom bbj
reuaou I'-ii.c k-n.u ;< r Uw ??i_B_a Biufflflifllit. iiieu is
araboi rnrrenl tbal Oab. <)ofTfl<MMj li expeeted i ai k
finii Cci.it-iI Arnerua ou tbe sf-carn. r tlm L.n tl -
ncriiiiik.' bliouid he 88880, u:ure tnmble may bt tx
OOflffBOl Wllll HIK (ICI..V Ifl (.1 ATEMALA -IHK
aBT-BB-fl Of Htsi'i KAS?iiir qcesiion of
NI( AI'.A.il A.
Tlie (Jiuitenialt rroverrjineiit rjBBtfBBffl itr
contcst w itf, the diFf Bt?Bflfl < I. ri:y. BflBflI 1 P?Bflflfl fl
flaflflflfl flfl 1?8 arclil :rliopri( ot tbat reput.lie. Bflfl bflflfl
BobbiBflfl bflfli tba IB?fl. Bafl?flflo w..^ kammtb a whai
pr.'a'r. ? tli. .i.viinoi, ot I'al.n ,os mny hav. made.
Nuara^ua ls quiet and unoffected Bf the BBTflflaflfl of
Bonduras. tfen. P*rel>er t<K>k the (.'aB'.lc of OflBOfl :n Ike
latui st.itc by Baaault. Ta* gartiaoti ot ia mm had
rebelled :n favor ol tlie liivadini: partv Vy the rteumci
Han Salvador WfiBq.iiet, and ri-luiildiui? it* BBB?fll BB
the lauic frtioad in which it *tu(?l otfort the late earth
The (jueation of bonndar.ia tutvveeu Costa-R ca at.d
TTIflfllBfllB ? a.- far frutn Li tOfl s.lllid. Tlie Bflflfll tt the
latUr rflfflbia _MI?Utfl te aoflfl hoaiue remarkr B8f_B8t
th.) pK'tflUMOUk ol 4 V/sUl B??b,
___aTa____y_\ IN PEP.U.
Havana, Au,:. 19.?Late udviceh from Lnna,
Peru, report that a berioua aeeident 8008?Tflfl M milea
lrom tbat elty. A IxKiy of earth, B8B?BflBfll at lo.tXNj.ca.
eut ic yard*. fell from a BaflflBB?Ii-ridb into a falkfi
m-v. it-iv injuriu*,' a Dumber of jwrsons and d?mmiOK np
a rlfflf. tne water of whub had riaen 109 foi t above lt*
uaiial hikiht. EiikTineerc flBflffl of tbe BBflBlOB that tht
waler woald a aflI l.uiat lt> t.jrrlers. wncn it wonld rush
toward Lt?ia. ?awTflflf-BJ <-vrrvtliinir before it BflflBflB
merKiniv the low.i portion of that city.
A disaatrour. fire hu* taken plact' ju Utf (- tv
of Valpkraira-i, cauMi.p a BBB of 86OI..O0O.
The k.uub of J'etorea, Quillotar, Lifma, aud
t_r_fl-BO| in i hih, Uavt beec greatly _BBBBBt Bf earth
(inak( a
Ev tlie ravincr in of a tunnel at Shcpton
Mi..iet, Boraeraet.lanKland, four workmen ?tre kiiled
and /" wound.B_
Tlie nicuiUrfl ofthe Iron aad Btool lBati?
BBB < f lABflfl. ?'-lr'ium, uave town invited lo meet m ih.
Dfl I. l t-iit-i ? in 1K4.
Work on the ih.lybead lireakwnfei, Eng.and,
B IflBBflO, and ti.e lbf_-J Of-B-MI fflle-?*l?flfl ' ' *
I'l-.i. yeaterday. Tlu Tttutt fll WfleflB . IM. .i.tert Bttb.
i-ereiminy. li,'. i>?kc .,1 _*-TBtrurfli aaai*t*:(l th( i'r.ui.
of Babw,
__?0_Bbi Kteunici Ii.tci.i .Tiri\ed in aa-Bi
Harbor on Tuesday evi-.tuit, Jtt'ffl- flllbBBJ Im.. B
aOfflflfld tbfl io.stc.ioii ,ai,l?- T ,. ...atl.. I BflB BBl l
ani. foi BTappiiao, aofl ___* n.,,,,. aeia_i Bbortal <o..i
I Bflflflfl, irturi,..,! !o Kir._r.L.,.i fflf rtllj.;*!.' a. ,
Tlu |.ii;.ci|.;il tflflflk <>l ititerot frOflfl PofB t'i
thfl .'7tl, of J,:iy wu. f|,,. anwjaja ??,.,? , ,,, ( ;. :,(h
..: LflflB aafl ....... ........ i ,. . ?
the BBB.tta faaniBti abflftai eiflsa ??> ?
attnck on the Ohh-flfl. Tbe PaeiOc Hteam Navlirat'o >
Compaoy etnplovs Cbluene in pretercnti UtMT*_**__
ana. not so much for rhraa*. work, but l><-< aiise tb'.v un
inore Htt'ady and ttocile tban tt ruviaim. Tb. lalw'rJi
di-poaed io ve.ut tlieir rago against Uu* l.'liiiics-. ?"
OoTflrnt?ni learlag tfeat IheTa might be soui.thmK t"
litleal ul ibe notlorn of thr* afT.nr, had orden.t tw* nmr
lur troops and national giianN to remaiu under armr
am1 be in re__inc*s for uuy emeri_eni v.
for extranrrioN?tiik ?BBBB?flfl tMt*****
Tbe Brooklyn policc nrtthnrifmh hav. re
eeivcdailispateb fion. Ht. (atl.i ItBflfli OtU***, *******
ing tbecapture in thal place flfl Emll I-oweustciii, tne
allegedniiir.il rer of John L>. Werton. Tbo U**m****
cffoetcd t.y deteetives Williaui II. Folk and Davut ( or
win flfl tbe I!riK.kl>n Mflfl 1>< part ment, wl... tl i -" *_*__
bis flfefl*?feOflfljfl by obfaining from Ifefl l.astcrn lustnet
I'oat-fifflce a letter wlnch bc bad BBB. tohlawife. BBd
wbicb sbt had itiforui.-.l IBflflB after hrr arrest ibat flB*
expected. ( hief GBfl-flfeflfl st-.t.s tbat wben the three
women weie tnken loAlbaiiy Mra. Lnwenstein s_id K.
l)t-tt ctive Foi). :
I never .Ireamed what be hnd d.mi ; l.e flM BM hs bail
Ien given $5oio take it man aw.iy, aud b>- Ihus <
plaiDfldtODe Ihe manner in wbicb be obUlneo '"?'
im ui. Bo? BftBI fll BtOO waa iuIshoiI. aml iu?t w. tori
tbe |M.:ire arreated us, be eaaaa to mt aml saul: ' llu"
nah. l'\. Kot tOgOBWBJ ? v.i.v partu ular btn-inrts; 1
do not fci.uw e-.ictiv wli< :. I Bfl .11 fl-Tl i<> ? U, bnl ' ''
write and let vou know. and vou must come t'< un- ?!<B
lett ro? inotu-v to go aurl flflfll b.m. Bl "aid, "I "l"1"
not write to yon a- it vou Wi Ifl my wift : l si.all j.rel. ti'i
I a ii votir father aud m.ii must nol tel. any one to tm > on
trury. I will adOn? the letter la you at thfl wllllam**
burgh Poat-Ofltce, und you niu.t eall Ifefl? 1 -vt-ry ilay t.n
you Q t lt, au.l mIu n you do, . 0? nu'lit ? to me."
Tbe dflflflflt-f? r. tun.eil to Hrooklyn, and ou haturday
obtalned Ifefl lt ttor, wbicb was nppuivi.tlv wrlttcn fl ??
lall.t I to I... .1 flgfel?, and B? t-igw-tl " Chirles Volk
inan." One of the aentencee was tbis: " I am now at
Ht. rat.beriiie'n fl t'anitd.1, flflfll, flfl I KBB BdfldU Bflfl I" "'
for my l.e,.l:b for flflfl? time, Iwtflfe vou niul *******
baud would t.fl? BBd flfl "" B Bflfl. U >ou BBB flflflflfl
ugbt away. tfee trtim leavee," etc.
TheChirf fJMBkfltBal Mr* Lafl?BBCtfl k?fl BfltfelBB
of her husbiiiid'scriii.e before her arrest, hul did all it'
fl r pflflflfl to Bflflfl in his capturi
Tln* A-*i*t.iut Distrl-t-Attomey of Alb.1111 < .',v
C'hiif Bfl I'olce M.ilov, iiiul roioi.ci King urnv. .1 fl
Iirooklyu j _*ta.*r?l.-iy, an.l, witli .tiei...l of A-*i->t.>iit DA
tnct Aitornr.t I ullcu. ol.t.ili.ed froiu the oflicial" ol Ibe
BBflaftljra Bad \iiiii:im-i..irgfe ..iM.iK" Baati flflB?(fllfl
thowiiig bow mn. b money tb. ni.ir.lcrid m.iu bai un ? ?
po-lt flad wli.lt Bflfl? be drew flflfl jBfl flflflfl? Bfl B___B>
[..ii.tiin. Tfefl flflllfll Bfl BBl be M-i.t tol.ov. Du. wi...
win ?1 tii> n.... coiiiicition wuh tta Bfphflfltoa ?i,r""
exlratlitit.il flfl Lowonstt m.
Dflfllfll BHlM?J M"'ik hns been fl?I?Iflfl e-trndi
BflBBapflt% flflBl fe? wiitttn tii A?fe-Bflfl? b.r Mll m
flf?tlo? fl nuard fliflajaflflfl? ? Un ommum
t.eneral fl ( anatla. An i.ftu 1 r wi.l Bfl? to vi-.i ? I
Aft? to get tbe ii.icK-arv Mgi.atiin*. to tlM 9*9****
aud as soon flfl th.y BBfl flBflBfl-Bflfli, lu-tru t Attoi ?J
Moah will |.rtxct tl Mith them to Bt. CatbtTiiies. Tfefl
?IflBfld liuirdi rer will p?feaMl bfl bBflflflJ-fl fl l;'<" flfB,
aml tln t, b.ii.'1.?<! ?flt to Ifefl Ail anv autlior:tii B.
Wflflfl? batl flfl M ? dflffl? iti tht itiookit n Savn.gs
Bank. and tlrtM t it tbt MiioK am. ui.t 011 Aug 'i. T?o
dats i..ter hfl flflflfld ln* uctouiit in thi I i.i.ati.-hiiigh
Bank Iv drawmg ?fl |tt|_B. Tbis BMfl y was iu l.is
poflaeflflofl wi.i 1. la latt l.io.-ui. n. Waaton aerted
ii.u.i _, tlu latt war ui ( ompani 1 ol th, ntb BeflUni nt.
111..1 Walter i.Ul of Uu Tax-O?M la Biaakljra. wfee w?
t'uptiuii of tn. eoapaay,aa*a that he w? -JtuU reii Into
tfea Mtvice al Atliii-'toti Highrs, Virginia, aml rontinued
witb bn* regin.e.it u.I tfee battie of Hettralmrg, iu wb.eh
be lo*. hit un.i. He wa. iiiii-tered ont of Ihe i>tr\ 1.. en
..rt. .f, 11-r.t w itt. _ iu ..li pi ut .on. Betuming 10 Bn oa
ivn. l.t ts uutt u pi?i?-r rout., and foi 0?1 a vt-ur made
a fuir llvii.*:. He prt.cii.i.l a ritualion 111 thi- Navy -Y.ir.l,
and ln im' yeart taved Btonei eaontfelopni-haeea
fll rrttar* *i Palwet-o-at. Aftei laarlng tbe Bbyj
Van! in begaa to peddie i.a|>.-r>.. t.o..k>? aud n^bt nrt.il.t
? the i.-.rt.i.ut it tloe- not a?B tfeat ke fl? veri
ceaaful in thit enterprlae, 1 1 bt freqne otlr aolletled
< tfl 0111 uiui t.tb.r frienda (fl r-inull suine ofl Uiunev.
_._..r..NKlVr FIRE IN (Jt FllI'.C?A f'AHISl I 1 ACIORY,
BBBfTB-T, sM> iv,t> M BOOB1 Bfl 11 1 si i>.
Qt r.r.F.c, Aujr. 19.?A lin* brokt out in
Iirune's ruli.net fit.-ti.ry ttn" mornn.i-. l.ut Bl Ten o'clock
it was ..lii.o-t Mit'iluttl. It again not bea.lway, bow
c\<r, iiiul 1* Bflfl IBBflfl ti.r..!v. llu factory is fl
: . 1 -. ..t.il 1. flflffl flflfll flfl liiiul.er 111 tbe flflJflBhflJ
yurds 1.-11. fl..u.i-. (lint's ai.d Btfeflt flflBfe? yarils in
tbetic.iiitv ..ti .1 paal ilan.tr. M.C allum's br. Bl Tf
BBBfefl? ? br. tiit.nl BflMOi and two MhOfl?Bfl at
Dn?e.wfearl k**n bfl? bannd, a force ,.f tmm*
sailers froiu tln Fr> ' > I. ttifite, fl? Ol tfel Doflll
ur .lu ly, uml tl.< pioiu.tiul Bfld wat, 1 poluei.i, ,.n tbt
l.ATKi;.? Tbe tire ls now under control. Tbe wmd has
ofean?d. aad ia bh-wiag tl.e tl......* toward tbe i.tt-r.
Thi priucipal loaer i>t t..< 1 rc lt w. Draa. wBoae looi
on ta- terj aad Bt?1 ol liuiibi?: li eatltOBted af |1_0,000,
u tbere m-i_. bb Intarance of tnnxtx Abont 2Ui
1111. will Im thit)w ii oat ol emploi m. ot, Drnm't fa. tor>
.. ol tiit l.r_.-? ii. tl.. 1). tuii.ii.... J. H. l.u.t.
luu.iK.1 10.1. Iiant. Iflfl? IMflfll p.iitly li.-ur. >t.
tM Ml fl-1 11. > i.i* LOBB, -r* I ~* - * **" -t >.
Nr.w-l.i.i.K'Hii, Auk- ?'?'??Tlit- Si.utli SI..1.
Ihfll f.kl ii bfl?fl? l?un.'fii last Blflfel The l.imdiiig
wa- t.iu.i.! I > .1 .**. lloiii.t t A . ot . BBd M.itl., witb tbe
11.ui i.iin ri i.'i >. li a? la?rrid far tll.flfl. i?Inrti?
ti.soe 11. rn -t.. k. i:.i laat-Bj bad aai ba? .aHj la
pperatloB loi toati B? Bflaaaa?a Uj i_m lawiaat ol
Mock was B-B-IL __________________________
MTCIi'i: 01 A PBOfllBEXT (iii/is in m fl
Man> i.i I-11 1 ktut. li'?C..;.ili - Siaik, I
weiiltba tii'M Ol Msac?fltflr,flffld 13 >.atr.n t.r.,i.tl
|Ofl cl tln. .1. I.i.. iiitk, .:. :il.t n.;r >. . t u flittfld IB ftflfli
IflfllBflflt, bjrBBBB-BB. I' - --.--1 r. wl.o u. Ud as hflBflfl*
l.tjtr, thu mi.ri.iuc ftuding bis l-td unc.-turud, went
Into tbt larn wl.. rtiflfefl lo.ii.tl I ini _BflB_Bfl_Bfl l-.\ Ifefl
BflCk, dflad, H.- f> i t flflfll > i ly a f. m BttB?flflflfl the
lloor. atid bi. hat, < ravat, and 1 k?flfl w, i. . ?i, lulit la.tl
BEitle. He refi.leo t I lfeI I ..l .taik flflflflflfl, ? flfeflfll Ifl
tanee BbOTfl tfefl BflnnifelflJ. I'aln. In tttt * hfl wus a
Btate Benator, and haa oceupied othei nroflinenl pon
ticus, itiireitiittrt.it." greal aatooB-ument,aaBtarb
fl?? flflfll. flflfll?flfldfld niali. ln tl.o.lit al in baflBflflfli
aml bichl] i.-i< i :.d by un nii. ki.. w bim. Tfl -> "
ateat ef aa eflan bj in>. reeeatly threatening aotni
gatlonandtb, c-Hret- tBTotrad ln inanaL-ing 1ns own
prois-rty aie tht onlj eaoaea BMlfnt- aaiikfllj to have
inij>t.:t.d Bflfl lo tn aiiaalt bia txlau lu
Ariit'U-t, Aug. lt??Al.rutn Bl BBBB. who e.
caped frotu Uie Jflfll it: tbis eiti flfl Muttli with tbt
Birry gaiif (wl.o ii wert.ig tbeir BflflBBfl ktllf-d Jalior
Fields), agi.'.n atttn.pt. d to ercait- tbu morning, and
war tbot und fatnlly wounded by tbe wateltmai.
Michael Boy.e. Benw.n fladaacapBd into thr |a:l yard
and wa* runt.Inp at fflllflpflfldflk? be war ordered M
stop b.v Boj le. He pa.d no attt iitn.fi to tbe order. aml
Boyle tred fe iliot over bis bead. Httkept on, when
Royie tnot I..U. ibtougl. ihe tii-ud. Tbe pr.Boner is now
dying at tbe jan.
Nasiua, N. EL, Aup. 19?Two prirumer6
escaped flflfll Ifefl Wiitou Hou-e of CBBBBfltflB ou Friday
night by flBflfl? ef a flfl? made l.y t ring bed el.tbet
tocrtber. Oneof tbtm. a tbief nuined Jaino Buliivan
aiiaa " l'itk<_x " ?f .Nari.ua. fe.l, ia?lllflj uui injurits.
A CAl.lIt.KMA MAIL rIAC.V BOflttfl.
8i_l Fra.v(W", Auf. IU.?Thc iLitil stit^-e,
iK-twt-en Mt kt ,uiiii.e I.lll und Mokt liiu.n. City, was
stopped by two lughwaymtu tu.. fltfflfl from Mokeluniflfl
Citr. Tbey ?fefeed tbt paaaeugers, took tt.otin from
Well'B, Fargt. _ Co '* treanure l..-x, an-J deatrojred Um
mi.ils, papers, and a.iAt.rt.. r valuables. Tbt ottkert art
io pursuil Bf tbe robbefs. wbo are well kn. wl.
W_UlA-0-t>RT, Au^'. 19.?Tbe NiagaiB ex
pr<*s train, wt.icii u ft bero at P p. m . going flflfll, and
tbt F.tLira uiu,l iraiti, wbicb left Itain._hcrg__ii.tc P*
B., gotag weat, esmetnto colliaion al Mi i.u* .im r> U*e
lull,:_ mlii ? east i t bt re. lt u rt porflad only two i-?
_e_.Ki.ia vi re BllBfet-9 n.jurtd.
Loiisvu.i r, Auk- l.?.?Farinu- Bush, ealafB-l
ccnvieted tf Ihfl tmirder of her BB?M I blld lu Uarrison
(t.unty, K< i.tuifiy, bas beeu aeniciieed to I* hanged on
>, a. ;i. ll ... rt..l?.l tfn.t tbe woii.an ana ber rlii'lr''?
v.e:i .ti.rt it.f.-. aml thut ifefl dl-WBed 0? *t tbeir., ?
___t tbcl_.i_bl be flfefl to j>ro\flfl flf the nat.
P_nU_D____P__t-_? Aug. li?.?I.uli.ird W'HlBon,
. ,ii*. iii>--l to-day Bflfl. .liurif. rrt.-.vr.l yestrr
(i?v t.y t. :n>.* run nv. r'.t l ?fll .art !>,,,._-..! v,..* I
.f J.iiD Du.is V, .it_a.ii, idilor ol ih* flflfl
.11 ki.
Washington, Aiik/. 19.?A ninnher of lettera
have been r.-cciv. .1 Bflffl fruiu Qtiukci* and otber friend*
nf Ua Indiau faBBB iKilIcy thrmiifliout the eountrv.
aaklng E*..nitivr clenicnry ln bebulf of the M.hIo. ln
diaua lately on ItihI lor the luunlur of Gen. Canby.
Mauy of theae lettcrs BB-fl the i|UC?tloi) that tbe trial of
tbe oflcndera wn* llleiral, under the deCialou flfl tbe
BflfflflflBl Court in Um Mulligan cuae lb.it, tbe civil conrt*
belnjr open, the military tril.unal had no juriBdletn.ii.
Another question ralaed ls thut (len. i'anby w;w killed
while. atiitiK asaPeace Coiuiuiaaioner, and not aa an
oflicer of ihe army m war.
avbeae queBtiona wlll conie dlrectly before tbe Presi?
dent for lils action, na the court for tlio trial of the
MflflflBB wu* orifauiEcd in fflfflBflflflfl of ?n optt.iuti Bfl UM
Attorney Gmrral that the military court had jurladic
tlon in the jininlsee. The Judge Adv. eate OflBBBBi <>f
the army tukex the nauio view a* th. Attorn( | General.
and will approve th. fliidinits of th<- OBflft, as will also
tbe P.trrtary of War. The Preni.!. nt, however, must
appiovi an.l order Ihe execiitlon of the flflflt?flflfl,Bflfl
liillu. I., i -s wlll BBBBOOfl-000 bBB tfl Bfll Bfl?b tbfl Bflfl
uu s. Tbe iri.-iids ol tbe j.eace policy BflB?Bfl that when
all Iba BTBBflB?08 bj?j jbi BBBOBfl to Iba I-I sub ut Bfl wlll
Bfll flflfl, i tl,( B-aflB?Hfl of the BBBflflBflB of dcath. in fltflfl
of tbfl dnut.tfiil U'icrility of tlie. tril.iini.1 BflBfl* whlc b th,
trial t..ok plaee. On t-flfl?BBT hiind.old Brflaf BBBMBB
declarc that lln pMfltflflBt will l.e BflwMkfl I y UM opiiitut.
of laa fltlaaaai ObiibI aii?fli raflflflrafl aai hia own
aenscof justu-e ; tl.nl tBB BfbaOBffl weroi,'iiilty of eveiv
violatn.ii i f Ua inli -s of (Iviliaved warfurc bf violituif,' B
_Bg of truci. aml tl,< icinre were euoj. ct to tn:il bf mili?
tary law.
The M.'iint.iln frow?, iiiiriit,erinit nlwiut 2.SO0, under
th.ir rhnfs, Bluckfrct aud Lougbonie, wero in attend
Bflflfl, l( B ?B r with a flflBB flBflBBBB tl BlTflf CflflWfl bflflfl
.Indilli BflBfl ai.U the Mlseotirt Kiver. Tlie BflfBU "f BBB
CouDnl waa to Beciirc tlie coiHion of tbe weatern . nn ol
tbelr Crow rencrvullon, iu wbicb un loeat.d Kiniitraiit
Oab li an.l otl.tr valuable iiimes. Al.out 100 B?flCfB Bffl
t.ow and Bfla BBBfl BB i-oiiic Uine workiUK upnudlffcrent
parts of UM r. im rvatioii, an.l durinu the paat BBftflfl
pro-pi BBBBB Bflffl been examiniiiK a large ivart of if.
Tlu- new flUflflfl Bl <' 1 ai -'' Kork ure BBBBBflflfl to Bfl Bflflfl
.t portion ot lln r.sc.vatiou BBB wh.ch tbfl OflflMBBMBBfl
ttrre BBBBBB??Bfl.
The (inws have always l>eeii Bfl*-Bj to the white*
aud are the her. diti.ry eiiemlefl of the hioux. Their
rflflflrfattflfl Bflfl lw-tw.'.-n tlie s. trled part of Muntana
aml the iBTStt rly hnrflle S.t.tix. Tlu* has Ih en a protcc
Hon to tflfl BBflf-B "f Moutaua, and aome of the BBfl?Bfl
Bflflflfl) aa tt Bfld f.-> I Uke ili-iiliu- J.istly wlth the Offl-fl,
l.nt tlu Bdflflflfl flflfll toir.f on tta miniral landa ofthe
raa. rrflfli i tim- OBaaflaaofl wat ? tltatj tatattaM a
iii.-ctiiiiiiik- i, BBB?f wlth Ua OfflW Ifl?_?? l.y whicti
tbey ct-de all tbelr preaenl renerration. Mr. Brnnoflflflfl
Mr. Cir. I.f: Bflfll man for BflfltaVWlflt O.lorado via
( oniii.e and Iienvci. where tliey hold flflBBflf flflfl?0*1
with th. IBflfl in thi li.tiiTpiiitofAui.-nst.
Waobib-tob, Aag. lf*?Thfl k-flBOflriag t.-ic
(.-r.'Ki. w.c lflfl iv. .1 to dflf :
" BO-S-AB, MflflBBBB, Bflfl. ir. BBB
" Thr llrm. C lo i am,, S,rt, tui i/ aj tkt ttttet mr
" Tue ( , iiiiiiiHM.ii. r has i.hii snci Cr-lul ln lieft-otiatMK
atreat] wltbtbBQrow lafllaoa, l.y whieh they eeaia all
th. ii pr... Bl .< M i viitloti- taktOfl ternfory one thlid a*
large oa Um ht??bbii near J?dltb'i Baaln.
' Fi.tix It. I'.l kna i, Cliairmau."
THE moIkk ffla-BBBBO.
Gen. Joft Cn 1'nvis, coininaiidiIIkf thfl I'epart
n i ht of ('.'liuiilna, bflfl Bflfla-fl?Bfll th. Nflfl QflflTtflfl
n:i-:.i.it fflfl Klannttli to BBBB BB tBB Modoc Indiiin
BfflMflflffl Bflfl ln conllnooiciii at that BflB*,sflflbflflHUl
.; i.il.l.li- - of clothlllK Bfl flflB Isspiilcd trn:n Iii, inppl)
bb Baafl to pr.i.ni .iin.s.iai MifT.-riiit,' amoug tflflfla.
DflB-BaTfld etoti,:i | will !>.? Iflflflfld it pi.u i n atile.
The Ireiuriinei.t of the Interior, iu uccordance with
the nc. ii.m. n.'.atioiis ot Kopreai ututive a_flfl-*l Iflflflfll
report. has flBflflffld BBN to be BBflflgbfl ikkfii.iiet DOBgb??
11. I'oojcr. an.l othcratlflflflflfflaflBfl were eoflflBfflflfl ln
frands . i, ti.e CbOflflBfl und (tick.i-av. Id.liitf.s lu the
matter of th.ir boeh iiiiniiitii r, aad ot?ei do. - flflfll the
Government. Tnt :. -.rae/i iarolred In tbe traniae
tluii were MUnr 0?fl Bl?I? (Icl.aned ftoio pr.t. I.:?(? bf?'tflfl
the ??Baa Huri BU, aud havo made ii.rfieelii.il attempta
for iinisl.it.-ii.eni.
crin.r.M" TOPtCI at tiik cai'ital.
um Mi_\n v.n (i.Ai'is rXBB-T-BBOB.
V-BBflBOl-B. Tii.-.'av, Au?. 1?, 1?7I.
The Dflttfld Htates and B__?BBfl (-B-flB OflflBB bflflflfl
h. Id u ft nnal BbtflU-B to riuy. Ttu Bflpffll flflflatfll tfflflt)
rtlBBfllBf ti"' '.)'" tt Ua -OBflfl-flBflB flflfl BBBfl. Bfl
AaHirBlBB ( ouiiiiiisioii. r, Mr. W.ulsvM.rtl., BBflflBB?flflfBf
reeord the BBBMBBB?flfl of hiH n. vv flOOflBflflfll BflBflfl
Maiiu. 1 Maria (lt Z.tniarora. who BBBBBBfaa BflbflBrtaflfl
_____ bb?1 dlfllflfBllOfl tt BflflflB, Mi. Ast.toii, the BBBBl
of the Vntti d BBBb B, pr. Bflfl-flflt-B h Un of BffOlBBflflfll
.,f fif.cr E:eii.-e:vu. Avilaa* BflBfl! flf tl"' M.x.c.iu Kc..
pullii Hr. A.-htoti th.-ii ?Bflflflflfli fonually the death
uf I)r l'r..n.:? I.ielier, the umplre, whieh.l.a.i BBBflftflfl
nuct UM I-.-' nn i Bflfl ''? tl" ''(.ii.inir.ru.li, and moved
that tt.. Coiiimisslonera proceed to the election ef hia
-n. BBflBBT. Ifll ('eir.ii.iasi.iners atated thut ttuy had al
i..\. i. B-tat-l ai BBUk-aUflB u. tba bbbBBTi whui.
tli. y rt..: I..i(I Bfldfll BlllBflBMBl. Bflfl t?BtflOflflOfl U* B
lOTBtiOB ibUBlfl lerea.l.ed another meetiliK "f UM -BBl"
.. MBflJfl i"- < ?'!'. d. aafl Ua r. mm BBaaaarafl The
lUUflflMallltBl Bflfllfflflfll n.'f IMTiuif the -bflffl any
Bflfl rlBlBM.tflt oul> colitemplat.s tbe a.liu.lication of
penduBf Bflfl I
ma wawacot nao^norr?4j-b_-bbbb_bi ob rm.
( t m i Bfl B0TA1 i ___fl'.
In the \v'awa*ei n.ipiiry anotlier witt.ess fe.fifled to
day tbal tn. flflflbfl > i flfltfl tin. ?''< from Um bat
an.l tLis nftcr thu Bffl Bfl? BattflB Bflflflfl, Ibffl. I
four flstaaaaaa Bflffl flflfl b-flblafl a bflfbBj pur.haaed
dr.iikt of Bk a fla-Urj aa the BMCBBMI af the tlre f.'(.m
II . . ? ? ? . .r. an.i BaiBBtj any have fiiiled|in BBBflflf tu
fa raflflffflfl BflflB-MM t" BBBB that they lieiiev.,.1 tlu
ofti.. t.oat did all that wa* ln their power to
-av,- tflfl BbflBBflf Bflfl UM Bflflfl tt pasa-neera. The
aaawBBflf to-day flBB-Bfl it fflfOM'tl.v dear thut there waa
Doorueriirdir-ripliiie ou BBflffl tba suaimr: tuat no
MB >' l : ??>- u .uie ro ii*.- lur -Bfltflaafl that Bflflfl of BBl
ufti.i.- or.t. vt did anythitiK tt BflflflBflfla n. e to rcs.ii.'
pa.?*en?;i rr alter -Lt wa* beachtd. J"A? .Slur this even
bbj a*fi i
It would aeem that long exeir ntion from acudenta on
the l'oi. in... i.a.K...isc.i ihfl offlcera ol the Bawaflflt of
aouat of tin tu ii. relai protrtr fioliaaflfl, aafl. them .i.h-s
lu.t BplH-Hr to BBflfl '"en any DflOfBI asslfmrnenr of
dnti. .... .ase of c..:.rk.ucy. There was .... BM ln par
n ui.irto i.nk aft.r tho iniall boata ?r ihe tireextii.
?uianerf. Itfl l niriuecr. if would BJrMflr, was la the
ii.i.it of actinc aa bar-ke.pir. and it la not Impfl
iiiatti.. flreman vaii.-d ttie noflotoo) of baoBttflflla
UM Mflflfl mami. r. At Bflf rate, ttOoea '.ni tram that ho
cuuii.lered _ta_Mll rvuuud to look aft.r l:.s fires turther
than tokeep them aupplied flBB rat-I. IM flre never
coii.d hav. u,.i.lc thr nr, at headWBJ ll did undiacovtred
liad Ce iw-.-ii at bis ptH-t.
Tbe iiivt-t-tiicatlou wiii Bflabflbtf elo*e to ruorrow. and
the IflfUII cf iLrpector* fltkl Bfl aul.mitted (olHuperv BflBfl
B-BBM tor (.en flflaHB. " bfl ? IU return BBftflf the week.
y.nce BBl Wi.waart fllBBBBB, the I_.dy of the iAke, one
uf th. n.oBt jK.pular iteauiers. has been miuected, aud
flned |108 for BUB alHBBBHfflfll with the law.
'IHi; Mtl.ELI.AN EM1IF/./I1MENT ( A^T.
IbB fllBtlffll llaOUfllB ('I ttu IW eftiu Ix partment
still d.d.i:. to fjOB any inforuiation lu regard to the
ca*e cf BBffflB MeCllaii. Chief Postal Ci( rk hetweeu
thu tit) BBfl New Vork, who latel? re.lirned, but from
hi* ans.K.at.r i.nd flflaflf iiibordinateB likely to be cor
retlly lufoin.ed It U learued Uiat hia euilKfrileineut
Bflfll tbfl mail* asaaaflBBj lexi.onc and exteiided over a
term of three y.ars. DunoK all th.a time theJj.putt
icnl haa made re|>eated .fforta to dcUct the
iu*e of Uie loai of valnalie lettera, aLd baa
?.a.i.Uit,ed a aumUlanrw- ot the clerk* aud ofh
cii_a from which McGlellau. Ofl BflMflfll Bf hia
ex.ellent fano.v flOiiflflettflfl and tuppoeed weolth, hua
Ueu parttallT "exempted. Ktnaily. it la aaid, he w.i*
tatr.-ij.d n>- au aiciuplKe and fellow ritrk, vr.ta whom
a dtftlrnltr had ariaen, and wbo la atil nta.ie.l ,i. tbfl
rvic. ibekitater part uf the pt-t ulatioim had t. . D
Mi.ail aim.s .1 adollar or two from I.ltcr* paa*:!;*:
rrom ......tl.. rn lubaeriberfl to pubiiBhcr*. ot Northeru
ii.i.i.-:iriiiiH, ihe Libtrury Compumoti of Bu-!i?-. bflflng
Ih.i. ..l.r <d tu. ueavi. st and Bflfll tret)_enl loiwi-v
M. la. JUu has praetleed h)s oiH-ratioUs to -m h an extent
UJiai bi had u4.iiur.-d t!,.- repote B-aOB< Bla fellowaof
I, ii.cthe l,.st ?Tct.er" ltl Uie .Det-ai tm.t :. \A hcli n
viilfru'udutv. furty purioi.ied kkttan vetfl fooad la
j.ir ih. IL- m.de .. full ct nfeaai. n nl tilacaae to
th.iTofltmai t< i .encrai, and hia Ib_bb-B-*-B v?a* imnic
i.lai. lf ... ? .-| . i.
MM1 BOfl m .? II Bffl -MAKTIAI. AM...NG 1HK MAhlVK-.
ll.e BBBBflOr fll ( n.irfr .Martiil (Tdi I..I witliiii tlu
fBri t> fl moi.thi In the Marine 0 rffl f"r li.e trial of
pnvate* in iii >t aafBoflaaaaa, un bjbbbjbi of Baaotfl-ai
and other unsd. meauor., . xceeds thatof uny like |h rlud
lu th?- blatory of the navy. Gonrta BBflfl flflflfl BBBBB-Oti
at iilMiiit tl.r rut* of Bflflflflflflflt foratunc tltuo p.tr!. 11?
-uri.edi th:.t prup-r , .r. flflfl Bfll (tik.-n Ifl BB
IlltliiU Uaeu iu Iho toipi, aud Uettte uuiuUtrr. w> ro ae
eepted wboat. moral standlng should have di.nnal.fled
thero. Tbo Manne Corpa ronsists of but a f.w thomumn
tnen, and the army consist* of 30,000, yet tliere are qiute
na many offendera bting triud ln tho foruier as iu sue
Tabular siatemeatw, io accpinpany the aunual report
of ..eiiMtirer ?piuner. are being prepared al tht.Treaaury
Departtntiit, iiudGen. Hploner wlll begtti work on the
rt port proper in tbe courae of a few days. Tbe flrat
table, abowlng tho amount of moneys and B euritica re
Oj?flMd and i?llfljid ilurlng the ve.ir en'inig June ?A,
1S73, showsu total of |f44.7V3.9?3. Tbe B?ra? dail.v .e
Mr.ictinn of iraelional ciirrei.cv waa over |110,000. Tlio
umo.it>t oi legai leii'-ers deatroyed during tho year wus
?to ,01.,1-7.
Tbi Herretarv of War, iii aeconlanco with tbe provla
iunsof tboordtrof Aug. 1, haa appoloted a B?td-tfl
eonslst of I.ieiitenant-Col. W. H. Frenrb. BflflOfld-flflflt
nnt Siirgeon fbisll N.rrls, Maj. r Jatn.s K. M.rtlu, A<
si.t-int A intitnt li. m r.i, an.l Capt Jamea M. Millan. Kl
Artilitrv, io uieet in Wasbmeton tbe (itb of Beptember,
to examlne thc e....:....... ? met ntl> wl?lad for BBpfl-U
ment ns . < flflflfl Lfe Bfe BflBfl IB thc army.
l*i:i>n.s..i> i-Aiiixi-N Of Kt.'-KU? HBBC-BB-B.
Tlu Attorney General feflfl ltt t*_ laflflflflBBB-flfl. to the
Pr.-si.leiit that piirdon- Ik> granteit to P. Bflflfli fl- BflBtfe
riirohna. BBd A.ioipl.us Da?flfll flfld Geer? **_*}***_*_
Ol Borth < arolina, wl.o ar* now aerviii'.'out B nn.* in thc
Ali.ai.y' I't niteutiary for Ku Klux outnii.es.
Waaiunotoi., Tuea*lay. Aug. 19, 1873.
Thp Court of Claiiut haa lately fliveu pidgtuent tor
more tban fl-MMtfl iuden.ulfy Alexander J. Atocba for
lohaand dau.ai.ei. for hia expulslou from Mexioo in 1W-.
The rase in varlous forma has been before court*. com
luiteions, and OBBB-BA forue.irly a quarter of a cen
tury. during which period Atocba and hia orlginal
coansel t.uv.idlsd. Thenuit ls now likely tt, ae-are to
me neirs <>f Blfl -flflfl? l the conditional te. for which tbe
. la.iii wat prosccii-sd.
The IBflKM-H Departmont bat ordered the estat'llsh
ment of tht free deliT.ry tysteni in Burlu.eion, Iowa ;
Ht. Josepb, Mlxsouri ; aud Lravenwortb. Kansaa. The
free ilelivcrv Mfllfll bas been extended :o :)i eltiea
since tbe lt-t ot July, the whole nuinber uow being -0.
LOU181ASA roLincs.
OQBIBBIBB. BTB RBflflflB ihk ai.ii unativkof
Nkw-Ouleans, Aug. 19.?In response to a
t ciiiin.iiiicatii.u froui the citizent of Monroe ua to the
i>roi>er course to be purtued regarding Louisiana affaira,
the Hou. John MeEnery writea a letter ad.ising the
calling of u Btute convention ln Deeember. aud the ap
i.ointiueut of (icotnmlttee toappeal to CougTest. After
r. vi.wiug the coarte of eveutsin Louislana during tho
past year, Mr. B?Bflflfl? aaya the prcseut deplor
uble comiition of the State demandt, for ber
rescuu from eertain ruin, the adoptlon of one
of two remediea ? either the rescue of her
t-orruptioii pcrvadiug almost every department, by the
united flflfl? flfl tbe intelligout aud bonest people of the
Btate to tbe Fcderal Government trustiug that that
Uovernmeut may inslitute an honest home government
that will spure tbe people tbe confiseatton of tbeir prop?
erty now gradually goiug on and conaequent iuevitable
hankruptey and ruin. To any onc exlucated in the theory
and genlut ol our tioYernroeut, tbe latter alternatlve la
hard to accept. Bat auy Government promiring a bet?
ter future, however trregiilarly lustituted, is preferable
to one promislng certain iiiipoveitsbnient aod geiicral
When peopte Dnd tbemselvea flurrounded. as we are,
by desjK-riite and straitened cirruun.tan.es, cornmence
decaylug, agrlculture deiuoraiizt d, capitai witb mer
curinl wings iu tlight, real estate depreased and depre
i iiitcd 50 |K*r eent Bbfl? Dflfl. Kelloge's rule, and, iu fuc',
all vaIfl? on the .tecl'i.e, ana this ln a Ptate of bound
iest resourees, an.l ****** and alone due to tbe fact of
bad, disbonest, and lltegitimute government, posseetlng
neither the couOdence ot tbe people at bome or abroad, it
is natural tbat tbey wlll accept jelief from any baud that
. xti t.dsit, und will uot sU)i) to inqulre as to tbe regu
lartty or tbe lrrcgularity of the autborttv exerclted. but
I ho|>c fatt. is not so impfrir.iis that we shall be driven
to BCOQfll Bfl (fla??flfl a reinedy. Let ua hope better of
thoi-e who hold our destiuy in tht ir hands. Let us
appeal earni-sfl) to rnngret... frustlng that ftiat honorii
..... body, easting asid* all polltual prejudiee an,l parf
rule. will do atupl. justiee to a mucb-wiouged aud
lujure- people. ___________________
Ono of tlie liret nieetinge of tba flMBpatgB
in Ohio, to ratify the nominatioue made by the P.ople'a
I'onvt ntion nt ('(lumbat on the SOth of July, was held
ut Lnna, Allen County, on the lltb m-t. Tue attendance
was verv large, aud tbe intereat sbown uoerpeetediy
stroiig. Tb.- speakera were Mr. T. E. Ciinning
baiL, the iiuthor of the Allen Cmnty reso
lutious, Judge lsaac (ollins, the People'i candidate for ,
(iuvcrnor, aml the Hou. Fredenck Has-aurek. Mr.
Cunuingbam r, ferred u.erely t?. the growth among tbe
earuest and inttliignit men of all partiea flfl tbe feeling
tbat tbe time bud i ouie wben the people must strike for
frecdomfrom paity tyranny, and at tbe iflflfl of the
nn-ting be flpofefl for a short tlme a^out the Democratic
c.u didate for Qovernor. tfefl Hon- wbl **>**.
Judge Colliiis t^-gan a loug rpfr, h by diseussing the
reas.iis whv it bad always been dtfflcult tor tbe Denio?
crats wbo l.'adjomed the Kepublican partv.Ju.t before
and dunnt the wur. to reunite wltn tbe Democratu par?
ty. The tjiiestitiDH growing out oi Slav. ry at.d tbe war
aro settk-.I. but ot'smrles still retnam to prevent a reun
lon t.f tbe Democmtie eiements. Tne WhigB who
toloed tbe Democratic party, bc said, ren.lued " all their
orlginal ootionr iu. to a strong paternal government?a
government wliich shall undertake everythim. that tbe
ofticcbolders lor the time bt-iug aball -?>-in tor tbe
L't-neral good nnd conitnou weifare. Tbis V> bi- el, meut
bad demonti.red tbe Demt>cratle party. and Its foriner
a?-oc:..tes could not rejoin it. The Feople's Convention
bad spoken plainlv against a paternal government, and
tbe fourth ami nith Ifl? IfltlflU ofl its platfi-rm cou
taiued tbe cardinal princlpies of true Deiiiocracy. The
reinainiug poitionaof t.is spee. U were ttcvott-.l to the
action of the Ciminnati and Baltimore f oiivrt.tiont, in
1H12, en tbe Tariff tiueatiou. Tbe BC-flBrfl of tbe Lilxral
Bepablicana lurt year wen- fc?a?fefl so loug as
tbey were made " on tbe basis of supportiUk' 1'ree ii_ le,
_ eoiind ciirrencv, and a caudi.late who, like Aliitus.
Trutiibull or c/roesbeck, was known to be grouuded on
Democratic prmciples," t.ut when the alliance "eeaaad to
BB?flfld upon tbe idea of a communitv of prtoeifllea, aod
i.nored tne lantf. .aud went in for an.rhlng to heat
Grant, lt became a mere scramble for .polls, aml was no
lotiger worthy the attet.tion ofpatriots." Judge Oollloa
then eipliaincd the diflerence between tbe pu-poeilion
niade laat year au.l tbo baaia upon wi.;. b tu*- Liberal
itepublicanh and DetuocraU- united thia year. aud su.u :
?*Tfee way i? haas?ata; it lt oi>en to us;no oti^r
teemt available ; why should we uot uiake atnai ot ti 1"
Mr. Haseaur. k afeowfld thut ti..- BapnLliean party hud
gnlnediu streugtli by taking fln the Je_%l_c__aa doc
trine that all meu are N.ni e.jnal and free, u?! had t.r
gutten ita Jerr.-rsoniauism as aooa as it ft.li It?li sti un
in power. A1U rdwelliug upon tliisauuk.uiltedidea.* Mr.
Hassaurek turiK.d lusatteutiou to tbt- iniesUout of Ireo
trade __ul torrupuon in tbe pub.ic Batrflfl.
Klt.H'l- LEAGl K.
Wilkesbarre, Aug. 19.?Thc ninth annual
tueetiugot ibe I'enusylvania_Nbfl l.ijual liigbtr l_flg?
convened iu Katlonal Hall to-day. About ioo iJelegat?a,
Irom ali parw of the . tate. ure in BBBBBBBBB tfefl __??_*
dent, Mr. Wilhaiu Ne.bitt ot Alt<? na. ?Bad the m.-eting
to order at 11 a. tn. AftT a Cotuniitt -t. bud U-tuap
pointed aml aome llnanriai flgfllafloa BBflBflM
t.., rt-toluticiit were offered ly Mr. Wfl. D.
Forliu of VL.-acl' .|'!.ia aud ut.uniiuou.ly ?dop..d.
Tbe resolutions lutlorae tbe Kepublican party ar,.| l're.i
dent Grant, who tbey deelare is I'.edged to aid iu " ae
cunng a natuiril titil ncht* bill." They re.-.>i:tii?e tbe
Kellogg Adtiiitiislratioii ln Loofl-B? a* Ihfl iawtuloue,
und reeomint-t >t tt;. Hepubllcun hlute ticktt tothetupv
port of the i>eople.
B0tTO-i -A'*<-> ?'?'??A liiefflng W-s helii tLin
fi.n ueou at tbn Cominerrial Ltrb.uge io (istentoex
p!auat.onr>'f the pfl-Bflfflflaa?B->Pflai Bfl tl I l-tmer.'
_rang>?. Tliere waa a .luall utteudaiicr. t bBfllBflfll mt n
andcthir* latfltflflflfld fl fl?I BBBflflflflfl? ? denrlng to
iearn Ifl olieeta. The lueeting wa- ?Ilad to order by
tt.c i'i a ??,.!? iit <f tbfl l.xt i an.-!, Bdmrard Keathle, vfea
flt?daflfld J- C. Abbott, O.ncnal D. puty ol tbe 1'utront
of ?aflfeBBB-T.
Mr. Abboit state.l tbat he ai.pfaretl in the capacitv uf
a furt:.er. Bflfl M IflpBBBBB. IBfl flflHl flflflflfl wu. b tbis
fl?B I. il bflBf BBfl r?*d. aud wl.u*b it wus ib. purtsate of
the KBBBIBBtlaB I" BflflBflBCflBfld to IB-BBBB ??'' flfl
__BBa_flfeflfl|_-BB hiiI ,.rill*;jt. QlBBBBfl Ifl W ***** Hflflflfl
efe?? tfl. aad ho? . - a uraaca in Bofltoa. He
WOUld Wtb otl c I" t"> ' '. I. I UOt oi i> lil .iel'-. but thoae
in rvu.patbv witb Ufl ,^...rt ^. pfoperU refulala im*
i.-!?-^t tr:.n*|'t.il..Iioii qiMMUout uow lr. i,ueii.lt u.itatiug
tbe pablic mlnd. Al m ? nni ibmom i t l??? *-> rrniarna r.<*
raeeting waaeloaed, the.|M-nker toviilni i .;> d
in fi'i-i.ii.g .. (1 range to retlre iuto au _ji> ..oiu to ..u
nui' v. ll.. l.i ui
mof. t. -ttrry ncmt'8 descpipiiom op tiu- **>
gion-ms im.i;m)arif.? im vikuima akd nobth
To Ih* Editor of The rrt.Kai.
Sir: The traveler who follow. tho great Appala*
chian mountain chaiu fmra Canada through Nevr
EiigL.iitl laifl it ao depresM-d in tlie Highlantlaol
tlu- Hiulf-. ii that thc liiial wat.-rs nf that nver flow
through the niounfam barri.-r. To tbe nouthward
the ervafa!line Bflflflfl, thr geogrriphii.il n-|swul?
tives of thi nioiii-taius of lafl Fag-BBd, apiaar aa a
I range of low hilla until we flBBfll Hfl Pfl-flBBBB, _B
! yc_d which th.yrise into tbe Blue Kidge ol Vir*
gitna, which foi-ma the eaetern rampar' il Ihfl tire.it
Valley. as it is callcd in that <\aU: Tfefl _fr?-*t Ap
palachian valley, of wliich this ia a part. incluilt* t<?
the south ward the valley of Kiist Tennesaec.
aud to the northward tho Cumb-rhuid val?
ley of Peunsylvania, aud that of Ihfl I'i; I
Hudson and Lake Champlain. But it i*
not of this great geographic-tl dcp.<i.i<>n, nor of
the hights which form it* north-west sule?Ifefl Allc
ghany of Penns. lvania. tho Fewell Moiintam fe.
Virginia, aud the Cumlx rland Mountain iu Tt**
nessee?that we have to speak, hut rather of thu
Bloe Ridgt' in its southcrn extenBion. Tho travt | r
from Lynchburg to Chattanooga ou the BBB al Ifefl
Virginia and Tennewtee LLail road soon* seea ou hia
right hand the Blue Kidge cnhninating in the bt-nu
tiful Peaks of Otter, 4,000 feet above thc sea. Cflfl
tiuuingin hia south-woatern course, antl pflflfl-fl-fl
through the depression oceupied by the Bfltttfl Val?
ley of the Roatioke, he now finda that he haa trav
erecd tht; range, and that its Boiithivard ptBBBBBB*
tion liea on his left for the remainder of his joiin.ty
to tho coulines of Georgia, wliich ifl all tfefl tlistain B
among the limeatoties and other uucrystalline ro. k *.
of tho Oreat Valley.
To the south-east oB tho railroad fefl a.*.s Ifefl Baa
Ridgc, but a> birdaeye view of it would .lu..*. Ifefl i
uow asatimes a geographical importaiice \vl... b tl> flfl
not bt long tn iU northeru portior-*. Thc siiii_l?* eliain
which. we havo traeed from the Potomac divide* in
Floyd County, Va., aud from this jroint the m.iith
eastern branch preserves the name of the Blue Kiilge,
while that on tho north-west side is known ly thfl
varioiiB names of the Iron Mountain, Smoky Moiin?
taiu, and L'naka range?this latter, b. ing ai. al.< nir
inal name and far moro di-tinctive than the flflfeflflB,
is to bo preferretl. Tho mountain region boiuuh-d
by these tworitlgea has a breadth of from J0u>S0
miles, and exteniiH about 200 milea soutli-weMwai l
from Floyd County, Va., to Northeru (ieorgui, where
it subsidw. beneath tho great plain of the (iull
States. Geographically thia Alnae ________ i" in
many waya remarkabie, and lirst. Irom ite hight,
it being tho most eleiat.d region eant of jhc
Mis.ist.ippi. Ifefl Mimiiiifi of the Illn. Ki.lge in
North Carolina ris.* to nearly BJHfi tflfl. afeova tfefl
sea, while Ifefl hight-sfcipoints *t tln* OBafefl range ui
the same State reach about 6..00. oriuon- than -.<.
feet higher than Mount Washington, th<* BBBfl-Bfl
tingpoint of thc Wbite Hills uf New-Hainpsh.i.-.
The region between lh? _e rangea in North C.iri.lii.a
is an elevated valley, UM with fl___fl_B?flflflfl raii^^s
of hills, and having in its lotveat parta a hipht oi
2.000 feet and upward ?feBflfl the flflfl h-vel. AMMBB-.
as we have Been, tho north-we. teru border of thit
Alpme region prescuta tho feiffeflBt PO?B, U ia the
south-ea.terr. whieh fonns the water-died flflfll
divides the wafers falling into the Atlantn- fritn
tboae of the O-.f. lt ? ln tbis elevated viilit t, I
tho New River takes its riae aud l.iinga a laige
tribute tbrough the Kanawlia fo tlie Ohm.
No railroad BflflflBnflflfl tbis region, antl Ifea trav?
eler must hnd his way into it by riig-fcd put 1 n,
which are often such tfl at tir-t flgfel Ifl rt |n I ib?
plea-iire-eeekt-r, bnt Ifefl hills flBflfl ?__!>_. ? world ol
beauty aud delighf await-hiui. Tt. om limii tb?
North it is eaaily BBBBBBflfesi from the Bflfl ofthe
Virginia and Tenni'ssee Railri'.-i1. ar,d u.*- cotitinua.
tion, the Eart Tennessee Railrcad. Thia line. nl't-i
traversing the fe_BA I.i?i_re, as alrci.lt dflflflllfeea^
passes through the grtat Appalacliiati V.ill.-y, BBBB|
tho north-w<._*f liank fll the I naka r;n-i_c. i.titl it?
self att;iins at Mount Airy a hlgfel ti BJBB U tt ala.vi
tbe hia. Just bt-yout! tLi. ia .Manon, a rtaiioi. ,ti
Smyth Co.. Va., from whi.h, eatl.v in iha
mouth t.f June. 1 made my tirst exciiraion intti
the mountain region to the Botith-e.wt. Al
this flflflBBB the Hi.r.. of tl.e tcni.try u
exreedingly beautiful. The gfeadodflIflfewaa< l I
baya bt n l.i:i! their ti:..*t | n.->: al noii, .-.inl th?
6pecics kn..wn as the BMBI taifl laitit-l, v Im h in
Northeru State> is flflflfltoflfll t<> flflfl ?? ti.x flfld *i fe
here fonns ttdekfltfl Bl 1> I _B e.\t.nt. i.-m. t?. tln
hight of 1.') or ?-*. iflfll. With itfl Bjoflflf tv. ri..n
f.iliagt* tLi. plant is always reu.ai !.a!'lt, bi.l in .-ailv
S_ummer it ia loaded with great maswf. ,.i rcsy
bItK.ni, and fliflfl in bflBBtJI ?iih iti- EtlfljaflDl BBB I i
ate, tho kaltuia, our northeru laureh wbicb there
a-suines ttie tliiiieiisKiis t>l a siiiall tne.
On the hithtr cre.ta of the lulia tn ly
the bi.tai.-t will lad the ranr pmple
r.'S'-l'.i.v, tfefl EMd****4tm l flfl ? N_B_fl t*!.i> li
flowers enrli.-r tban the more C-BUBBB -Me***, .v-'.l
lt-86C"ii>i .iiious. and perl.at)* BMCfl BfeflB?M *. ? B
the a/al. as .*! M-ver.il s|.r:,s. Tbfl CrBf-BBl piflB.
one, tfefl swan.p fefl?Jf?iklf, flfl?flt-BBB inakt ? Hfl
air fragrant for milea. fllrfle tfefl tlain. rob-nd
_peciec, flhBBfl iOtWfl llBBfll BBBBBBB1 Ui AflM-M
green f.'bai:.-. forn e .'. ..--< Ifl. IBBflffe flflBBT, \.ir.vuig
from ycilow to war!. t. 'Ih. tlo.i*! ainl tkahfltBB-fl.
will find throughoi.t the whole flf this IfBlaa ?''
jt-ett. t.f ('.eli.'iit. In ai'|?i-.ai 1 ifflf tfefl lntv.ri.veb ki
-_-Uth-E__Btt*ru iBBBflBBBBj tt> tfefl BBBBfl alit...lv
notited must bo at.ded. in duty, thfl tiini|.i
creeper. wb.tl. lurt r-l..,w.? .;li..\i:.a... ci i grO-rtbflflB.
Of blflBBOBI BBB?UWU ti. ll..*.-.. ll'i Ii.itt *i t ii it o: ly
asculnvi.'.eii fl tl.t Ni'rtli. wi..:- b-flfci-Hja i *
piissi.iii Bowcf aad th;.' iwa . I 1 -.tuutiva plant.
tbe ftlrBatea 'liia trte|.i:L'. tl i - ? t*
lOB?fld B iti. r.'M - .'li.n-t!. g!.'.. Ilfl] fld Bi '?< ia, h;;v
iug a flflflfltfal aml d- iu-mus trag_aaaa. whi fl i?a
delicnt.- flod l.-arli. ry folifl ct foldi ..iu rln mk-..p
at tln. laaal t?Bflfca ainl ha.* g.'.m. . !> i tln j*!:.nt rhe
name of ife_t_u -i.:.> a Tttea forma ui r.geU-tioa
reinii.il a* that wfl ...'" approachingaaemi-troi ..I
reirion. aud wi LtBTi >?*.:'.y ln foHow <!<>\\ n l l.i rivel
valhyo to hnd yutca.s, lai.t.-biui.es, a.d pultoa
Bnt let rn retorato thfl tu^re aortliera porfioonl
our Alpine region, thc ui ;x rvaUi j > t ihe .\.w lut. r.
Th. travi 1. r frou. N> w-Ecglaud, v. i..* exfa * ts IfUgn
o! iiK_. bed* of laad and L'ta%. 1. ui.ii bum bovLtkra
K att? ik! ot? tfee iri.l, tni ? _rka wf what is callod
k.a. ial flOtion. '? BOrpflBfld tO li:."i BOllltOfl ol all tl is
Bflflfl- Ifefl Billfl tn tlicir vt-ry F-unitnits aro enventt
n.?t only ivith BflBfla fatflflflB, tuti wtth ?? dr?p Hirt
Btroi.g _-.il. which .*-, l.i--ever, very Ul il.' t! :<? btVclB
of tlav and li>am with which he t* fami.iar.
Ih" rockfl tl.ei-.M i\,s. although oi fnciafl
aifll itiM-a slate. like tfeat whleh previ.iia
overBogi.at a iart ut Haw-liBfllBI-d, feyraBBdflfl>
gotie a orot-e-jt ol di<eav wl.it v. bas niul. red tbetn
bc* .oft that they may oe readiiy ?ll by a Mfll or
pn'ii, altl.i ugh itliuuing all tfee TfliUfl und l.iytia
vfhicb maiktd their original fltcatifliflflBB. Withoul
haviiiL' ltful.it.k.-n.or ground up.tliea_ch._rti roiin*
have mo.tU.-d mto a soft cl.tyey maaa. ftiimm^ _
BoilSOfflflli -ad flflBB flBO-fe more, in tb'ptb.iwhieh
irom .r- i-eniliar ^tr1let_^re bas a luturai druu.ag.,
ai ti pewaeflfl-fl iiioM-.ivei- great ti-rtilify.
Tht tnia.iU- ifl liaH leaa favurable than tho m il.
Thc t.ij'-ts v'.inU n-<* from the plaina to ifefl BBBl h
aafllfa- bl fr.ijiient eht.\i<ra on this elevated __**?
gion. it.itl tt " B Bia ral grana which stowb wberav.tr
tne for-*t is mt il.iwu ttl.'itla exeelflel gtaring,
vbtk all thfl or>!ii:.trv eiopfl are caltiralfld ni'ti
greal Bncei **. l'lie cUaiate at tbflflfl bifhta of IS 0
tn '6,'**' feel ia .Hligh.fuiiy leBuerfld In Bn?mar.
lnf i*> '.t..' bi:, und the plagu.sof mua
k'l".. OlKlthflBarv DOkaoVB. Vet thialair reg.t u
tt.il wai red .i.'l wi-....- <l, tihcrt' every aere of .antl
., fl (ar tha UBfltfli parl ia Ibe c-oditioo u
pr.iat t il f",ert. tnt ofl fri'in coiiiii.iit.ication witb
tbe marketfl, th,-r?* ia little to Invfla tfea l____l i.f tha
ngiit-i.lturirt. wliiie.aiiui.tobtaiureuiiuu.'iuliM'piii-e?
t? i the 11. >' Labor. i. s. u.
LoJuii, Aug. ji>, !..;_,

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