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New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 21, 1873, Image 1

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VOL. YVYIIl ...N?'10.104.
|r?OM THE KF.Gl'LAU .OBR_.8rONf.E-aT OV THK Bflflflflfl.
!_______?_, Aflflj. 5.?An epitomc of thc politieal situ
ati.iii flfl] t>- fo_ml in the electioa. at Greeuwich
antt Hundee. They are a more instnn tive rommeu
tary on the aession Uian the most elaborate recap
ituiatioii tl \t liat _MM Bflflfl flflflfl antl WI Bflflflflfl ?
8t. BtBflflMfl'l during the ht. t tivo monthB. TbflM
rlccti.'i.s.ut a l.iow to thc Gfll cniin.-nt. and tho
rirciiiiistiiiicca of both, though diflflimilar, aro
b-mmIIj JBBiBfllnff JLTaqrl-Mbflflfl b-Nmb m one,
a Liberal iu tlu* othei, t-ut the morai in both Bflflfl
iaont vtbtch cannot bnt be distusteful to the Min
istry. QlflBBTrtlB. i- Mr. Gladstono's borongb, or to
ln* lii.rc Kt-iirate, the borough for which Mr. (.Iml
etniie. aittt, hiscollengiie having been thc late Sir
Davul Qalflfllflfl Y.ui havo not forgottcn how Mr.
(.ladstoi.e wa. tflflflflfl in South Laucaflhire in 1868,
and with wliat a guah of loyal devotion Greeu?
wich tillcierl a aeat to the Liberal h-ader,
and Imw hiplily ithe felt hflflBBB. honored by his
?OflUPlflBIM of it. Sir Pavid died the other day, aml
*.:?? liful an opporttinity t*o renew the expression ol
ber .'.laiiiit-iiislicl B-BflB-BBBB-M for the Priine Mmi.
Iti. Mr. Q_B-S-BflA sent down aa caniliilute Mr.
Anceratein. a man personallv nnexceptionable and
evt-n j-tipnlar in tii" boroiiuh. which in fonni-r days
bi Bfld W-j'tc-'ciitt-d, and voluntarily IB-tflflflk-M .1
A Bflfljiki <-l -B-flflflBfl-W. Liberalfl, who th.nii.lit
Ih. y felflBBfld claiuis M tlu electorfl of Grcenwicb.
BJM?Bt Mll ?iTIfl Bfl fflflfllal-BW There was Sir
Jol n Hcimett. a prosperous watt-hmakt-r and Sherif.
t.f Laaflflfl. Bafl i'i. Basflfl l-flflrley. Um latter a
H.f. in Lftflflflfl man and Radical. All iitt.mpts to
jiuluce the 0*1*0 tO tlOflVflllfi f-__H_rr__L The Ctuiserva
liv.ta. who wm.id ordiuarily have hfld BB dU-BCB,
ii(..i:i!..it<(l Mr. Mrtord, a young man of no partieiilar
BB.-_.tMfl ot pn.itiou. When it was ****** that three
J.ib. Iflll PS-???istcd in poiflf to the pol), Mflfl l-flr
BBflDj mppOBBfl that the Liberal vott? would be ho
at-altcied hctw.en the three as tfl Iflfl thfl Tory -lip
in. The flflOtiBOB w.ob on Saturday ; its rc<ult pub
tmkmi ..uiy yesterday; and lo, the Toiy is not onlv
BflflflB-, but elected by a majority over all hiH
BPfllflltfllB And worseremains to tell. The Minis
t'-Tinl candidate is third on the list. The radical
LflBgkf polls more than twice afl many \otes ae tho
G_____flO___fl AiiflB-tflB-B. Ibfl total vote in about
oue-half tlie whole nnmber flf electors, and fewer
votes than were given flfl the defcated Tnry taiidi*
datc at ttie _BBt clection HflBM flflf-BB thc fflflflfll
Tor.v .-aiididate an absolute majority. Then ni.ild
hardly Ix* a dflBIBfl proof t.f tl.e di-*-_;iti*_a. tion
v. Itia.li Mr. Glail-ataine has coutrived to IflfltHI into 1 l ?
own coiistitucncy. Such a defcat amounts to a per
aoi.nl alirunt.
Al Dflflflfla, tliere are not Tories enough to supply
even one candidate. aud all three toinpet itoi> for
Ihe BBBl WBBI U-N rals. Of Mr. Fitr-Jam.-s Stepheu
I lately gave you a pretty full BBBBSfli Mr. E.hvanl
Tflfl-Iflfl BBB tflfl BBB?bi ? d he too ifl w.-ll?iiou_.li
known. l.inxV l.al.y fBTB him fame, which Little
_Hod_.e ha*. not IflBBBBfli. Hifl politieal career bflflflfl
am) cuded with his flflflfl-BBBB-?I conteet bflfl J*U
Iflfl Ines.s when* hifl efi'ort cost the Liberal party a
aeat they could ill sparo. lie ifl known othenviee a*
a Radical with strong leanings to social reforra ofa
prettv wido kind; a Nonconformist, and iudepend
int > nough both in politit'B and charaeter to give
Ihe Miniatry a deal of tronble from bt low the g*ug
way. fdionld he ever get there: nomlnaUy a Liberal.
all the flanie-?one of that numerous cla_.8 which sup
porte Mr. Gladttone when it iflfl Hnd nothing !>. it. l
kkkk, The third was Mr. Yeaman, locally some
ImkIv, jiolitirally uotody; preordained to exhibit
once flflfl to the. world thoJlpa_sion of Sctcl.
Itoronphs for medioeritiefl. He too, however, Ik*
l.mgK lo the radical wing, and wae not the cln.i.-t ol
the Bflflfl Club or of Mr. Glyn, or of Mr. Glad.stoui
?in tihort, uot a party candidate. Yet it is he who
tei! right over ,tho heade of Mr. Stephtn anc
Hr. Jcnkinti.
Mr. Suphen, the plain truth is, was doomed from
tbe m*rt. The QflVflBflflflflfl **nt him down to
it.nt. nt DflflflBB. and DflBCMfl ncii.ln ___? back with *
meRriage tfl the lioverniiicnt that it eaa Bflleef . .nuli
datefl ol ite OU*, and flflfl not choose tfl .ubiiiit to
?rHetation froiu London. lt will not indorae d.ic. -tly
BBBindircctli this exi&ting Administration. lt pu.
Wr. Yeaman at the top of the poll BflB-flM it Wflfltad
kim. II put Mr. Stepheu at the bottom becaus Mi.
CJladntone wanted him. Like Mr. Boord at (.r.-cn
which, Mr. Yeaman at DflflflflB h__s a majority ov.r
averytbing, Of the minority votes, Mr. Je_akinB. who
w.ae known to 1^ diatasteful to the Govenitneut,
ftet-i about fonr time* as many votes ae the Govem
ment'fl ow ii flflflt Aud alao ae in Greeuwich, though
m>t to the same extent, nnmbern of the electors
aiuiply stayctl at home. Those who stayed an>l
thone fl_M vot.-d roneiirred in rejcctini.' Mi. Stepheu
because Mr. Sttphen wa* the Mini.terial nominet.
I'arty discipline ha* simply gone to the dogs. If
Tftindee and t.reenwich represent the country. Mr.
Dladatcine's choice lies between siirrender to the
Toiiee and thiowiug himself into tht hand. of the
BadicalH. c. w. s.
JBKM-mk BflOOfl -Ifl-UBflB im A PflflB-Bflfl
BRM_B- l-BLBBOCfl Ifl Hlfl illljllMIBIB OF
vn. BUKiHT?BDMfl- C-bUMBflt
Lonix.v. Aug. . ? There is something theatrical in
th. Cabinet cli.ingcs. hut they have a aenoub mean
InK and a weriotiB pui_>ose, which, 60 far as an ont
?ider can kuow them. I will try to state. All thfl in
fliient'i'fl vthich ha\e conspired to brinir about so
_uriou_ a trau.-fonuation can only bc known to Mr.
Oladj-tone. Otkm* are known only inside the Cabi
B?et. which haa the greateat possible interest in
keepiug them uuknotru eleewhere. I have befoie
_remarke.itl.at the assumption of kuowing what
Roemou in th. Cabinet, though Bometimes ostentn
toounly put fori'trd, ifl an aflettatiou, or something
-<?f*e. And club gossip ia rather more apt to mia
lead the ltiqu.iei tb.in ta> put bim on the track of
ajihat hc want-H to know.
Lord KipoTi, who wa.. Prcsideut of the Count il.
gomoiit, und the public is iavited to believe that
wery lugeut private affairs have india eii him to re
aign. Tht real truth is tliat Lord Kijion is a flflfll
Buau vthtMte place waa wauted, and who could le
niore ea?.ly iiermiailed to give way than any other
BBB-Bflfl <d the Cabinet. He is alao unpopular with
the country. beeauae held r*_ponaible for the Treaty
Ut Waehingtoii aud its BBBflBflflflflBflB. Mr. Childcr...
who was formerly Fn>t Lord of tbe Admiralty, and
iailed as BBflh, and reaignnd from ill health, aud
aot>i*eqiieiitly i ame back iDto the Cabinet as Chan
?ellor of the I>uehy of Latiruter, now again retirei.
Tbe pret.-jtof private affairs is allejfed in IBfl BBBB,
as in Lflfli Kipuu's, aud the real truth here alao is
tbat Mr. Childers eontributcd litile or no htnuKth
in that | _st to the Government, and tbe p<?t wt*
flflflfll for a man who would. Those are the only
_-_? men who leave the Cabinet. but the internal
chauget. are inoie uupoitatiit. Mr. Hniee. wbose fail
nre as Home he< reUry baa been ompletc. Bflflflfl.
?oes that proeeas known as being kicked up stairs.
He reaigns the Home Ocffie. get* a Peerage, and bu< -
?_M?da I>ord Ripon as Lord President of the OsflflcUL
an oflioe mostly honorary, rt^uinag lose ahility
tban Mr. iinu-e BBflBBBflflj and just the ?\*d lor a
man whom his thiei d_s_rt_i to displace witho.it di?
Mr. Lowe <_uite tbe Chaoeellorship of the __B<
i_ltf<.uer ar.t. ta! (^ tne BbBmM-B _b i" ki. ked
BBflv aiB?fl ?Bflflfli flf bj tke li'.-nr (>f". t|
in the Ministerial bierarchy diatinetly below the
Exchequer. Mr. Lowe ia King of the Men of Talent,
the " runartt-t" mau in the Cabinet after Mr. Glad
stone, hut from a variety of roaaonfl baa tacu the
worst Cbaucellor of the Exi heqner within tho rocm
orv of man. It waa abaolutcly nw-esaarv to iret him
out. He would have been the terror of the Govern?
ment had he h.en aent into exile, and la aceordingly
shiintcdinto the HomeOu.ee to be the terror of
even body .lsc. There is not a Cabinct Minietcr
who is brought offlcially iuto BBBBB t with auch a
uumber of people of every rank and position Bflithfl
BBBM BaOTOtary. Thcrc is uot a man in the Cabiuct
or out of it?uot even Mr. Ayrton?whoae capacity
for makiug biniwlf disagreeable to people with
whombcih broughtofncially intooontact approucl.es
that of Mr. Lowc. But the instinct of aelf-prew. va
tion ia atrong. even in Primc Ministors. and a*. Mr.
Gladatone had to 8-0880 between tliscomfort and
peril tohis Government, and discomfort and pcril f(.
others, he natiirally eflflflfl the ofhers. Cnnnty niag
istrates will have a hard tiuie of it-tbat is one clcar
Mr.Gladstone biinsell become*. Chanccllor of tbe
Exchequer, an oftice which bo haa twico before.
filled, and lor which he is undoubu _ly BBBfl capa
l.lo than any man living. The City?that is, the.
lm-iii. s* men?will brcathe freer. Tbey rieser hntl
im atom of contidence in Mr. Lowc, norknew what
a day mi.bt brinp forth nndei his liiiancial b adci
phip. Mr. OlBllfllOBB tlnytnist flfl tlicy trust lh>
Bank ol England, and tbe Bank itself trusts lnui.
BOldstocks010 worth rather more to-day than JTflO
tonli.y, or WOOld bc but for the baideiung of tho
ni.mey market. But aa aMr. Gladstone rcuiaiiis
Fri-Bfl Miuistei aud Lcadei of tbe JIi.iihc ol Coin
ltions, it ispreaumed he does not mean to keep tlu
Exchequer pcini.inently. His beiilth nearly brokc
down under tlie bnr.lcn of this aessinn without Bflfl
Exchequer. It might be said the Kxchequcr would
give him lcss Brflflble in his own hnndn than in Mr.
I.owe's, bnr that i-itOO <-pignuuniatii- B view to bfl
trnc. Tbe Bd_-_-te-tiO- of tbe -000088 of England
|fl :i s. liuiis alliiir. Thcic Blfl Bfl < N dci.ts for B Pl-BC
Minister liciti- his own Chnricelli.r. The liitcst in
Ktanccs. how.vc.i, ilfl Mr. Cauiiin., in IBR, aud Sir
?flflfll. IV.l. in 1K15, aai tbe labor* of the 88-08
have since been BBBflBBUialj BB icas.d. Mr. Gla.l
siniie's positi.'ti is fl_Kfl?B d, BBOIflOTflr, 08 i< hc held
only ("Tfl i.llices, wiiBfflflfl Ifl fact lie hohl8 ?Oflfl.
EObd-tiflBflf Pilaaa IC?lator ?w aaa thing. hia dn
UflBaaLeoAerflfl tb. Roaaa ofl Cataatoat another,
and the Exchequer a third. Any 0B0O. (bflflB wonld
bfl flBflflg- for Bflflfll BBBB. The prob?U-ta_fl ure,
therefore, thfll Hr. Gla-btone BBfl tak. n thfl Ex
ctoqaor till somebody alaa can beoal btto i( atth
out adding to tbe jcuh>usicn aml hcurt-biirniiig* fli
flhieh tlicre are plcnty already. It ih Bflffpoaodlha
Boo-ohodf eloe maa ba Mr. CMKIoifli waa ifl ;? taai
liiiaii. i.i, well loi.kcd upon tfl tlie City, and whoa.
i nt;if witliilrawal froui tlie Cabinct baa occusionc!
Bflljjrill. Theic is another Minister, the young. -t
m the Cabinct. Mr. Stansfeld, who had prcviuti.sly
distinguishui MaaaU as Fiuancinl Secretary to BBfl
Tnasury, and who would make a capital
Cbiiuccilor of tbe Exchequer. if a tabafl-lflflfl could
lic found for bis BBflflflOl dithciilt and laborioiis
Thus far the ehBBBBfl t fli ctotl uiay be suruinniily
desc.iilK.-d as throwmg -BBfl to the whale. Eord
Kipon aud Mi. Childcis ar?-K.criliced. Mr. Bnice
and Mr. Lowe are OJOflB d froin aflOOflfl iu which they
liiive become uiipopular. and put into othera where
it is fhought they will do ion mischicf. Tbe one
(lirtiin t Baflaafltaa Batha MIbbBij i?ibbbblw ba men
tioned. Mr. liriRbt returna Ui office. Ue quittod
the I'resideney of the Board of Trade two yeara Btto
on account ol ill-health. The Miniatry was tben
st i. .ii | enough tosupport hiHrctircincnt without any
apparent injury. Ho returua to it ae Chanccllor of
the Duchy oi l.arica-tcr wheu it is ao weak that it is
doubtful vhathafl even Mr. lirkdit c.in invigoratc
it; so discrtditcd tbtit it is an act of rnre p n.r
(.sity on hia part to associate UflaOaU BflBB
with its dc.ayinir fortuncas. Nor is it certain
that, in ihe peeuliar circninstanccs in which
Mr. QiBBBfltlB-O- G(i\eriiiiieiit now hud tbeni
seives, Mr. Bright'a ia the prcciae aort of
indorsenn nt thev want. If his hcalth permits him
lo siMikk in the House. their uain in dahafltflg power
will he mtv great?provided always thia Minis
ti y sbonld appear attain in St. Slej.hcn s for any
otber purpose than to annouuee its resipnation.
The runiors (.f a dissolntioii an.l IflBflBal clcction in
Jieceiiiber havo gaincd frcsh curreney since tli.se
OtaafCfl, wliich some ]>< Bflfl BaUflTB t.i hav.- l.cen de
\ised ,-xpresrii.v Bfl enablc thfl Govcniiuent flfl go to
the country with a strouger fiont. ln that OBOB,
wbat pait is Mr. llripht to |>lay. or what aaoliflB Ofl
the disaliea tcd is he relied on to OOflM iliatc ? Btto
management ond inaladn_IliMrati.a bave ali.-iiated
the general coniideuce once ao lavisbly BflflflQWOd.
Mr. Brigbt BOTOI bad. or prefciidcd to have, any
considerable talent in fld-BBBBOr-Bf ? ilepartineut,
and the department which he now takes is a sine
(iirc. The two hodies who have hflOBghtdefeat on
tbe Miuistry in so many borougha an.l countns are
tbe Nonconfonnisfla and tbe UoBBSad Victuallers.
Mr. Bright iaa Noncouformist. but not a leader of
the party, and he waa a member of the Government
which frauied and still BBBflflfl by the 'J5tb clause of
the Education act. the grcatest of Nonconformist
jrrievaiKB-s. Il<- has since denoiinced it, but in return
ingto the Ministry he binds himself to Hiipfiort it till
thev abatidon it, and they have not ___-BOBfld it
yet. His inliuenee will he ajrainst it in the Cabinct.
but hia recall gives tbe Nonconfonniats uo flflOBBBBBfl
tbat their deniand for its repeal, which was denied
this laat aeaeion, is to be granted in tht-next. Mill
less can Mr. Brinbta name be supposed to have been
huiiK out aa a flag to the LtOflBOfll Victuallers.
The real gain to the Government from Mr. Bright's
accesaion lies in the general faith the country bu? iu
his good aenae, chaiacler. souud poliii.-al judgment.
and conacrvative instiircts. That first, ond next,
his ability to Biipply what Mr. Gladstone want*>?a
knowledge of men and of public opiniou. Mr.
Bright knows what the country will stand and what
it will not. Had he been m tho Ministry, we should
have aaOfffll wbat are called tbe ecandals of the
BflB?OB, and it Ifl probable that that uuhapp. li iflfe
Cnivereity bill might ha\c BBBfl stiangled l>efore it
waa born. Few inen understaiid England aoavell.
Possibly Mr. (iladitone thinka Mr. Bnght's force ia
still with tbe Ha.li. aln, aud BflBflflBlad to him in tbat
V)cw. No matter. He will not get what he hoped.
but he will get aomcthing worth, juat at
this moment, aa much. The Noucouformiats
have proved that they are daugeroua
m-oplc Bfl trilie with, and that m auy re. oustrnrtion
of tbe Libcrafparty their elaims must be allowed.
But tbe most iirgent need oi the (jfiveriiineut at this
moment ia to revive tbe coulidence ol that uou
pt.litical and non-parlisan aectioii of the public
wbiihwantv. altove all thinga to aee the affairs of
the nation well administeretl. and ia not over par?
ticular whicii party is iu power ao long as mattera
go w ell. txade ia prosperoufl, and Coneols are trj. It ia
too soon to piediit wliether thia object can be
achicved. or how mu.-fc has beeu gaiucd by ahuffliug
tbe flOK- ?ud the new deal. Nor do we know
whethei ihepr.Kcaaia.vet .omplete. There ut talk
of Mr. MaaoaU-l tmiug out. but _a BBBBl flf the new
ruBflaaaBliii Him ii ral haa aofl bora Mfgaatad. As Mr.
HflaMB is n Koman Catholir aud was appointed as a
BOffto the Irish, ihere iaa religious aa well aa polit
lflfl] diftiCuJt., iu his casi?.
01 tbe muior .-l,ang.-s iu the ruinistry I nee.l ri"t
aay BBBBB. Ihe BBBBl iin(.(.r,'aiit is IBfl minori
tiaiihl.r ol Mr. Avrton lo u BBBl BBl BBBBffl, tO hc
?oaaaaflfli Bf Mr. Vf, P* Adam, latcly aecofld wliip.
Mr. Adaoi's elaims mn^t bo _a%_?njlt4gai soniebow,
aaMr. Ar.iiur Nfli ifl la t_ke Mr. _riyna BJOOfl,flflfl)
Mr. Adam. id eflOTOB, w ?Id not BBTTfl Bflflfll ?
nuii.. li Hr. A'.-i'on (?:? '
that Department not leaa heartv than that which
aceompanies Mr. I_owe's departure from ^
Treasury. Mr. __fl_flflBBfl*J labore, it should be
added, will bo much liithtened hy the appoiutment
of Mr. Dfliflfli as Finnucial Hecretary, and 1-ortl
Freilerick Cavendish aa a new I/ord of the Treasury
witb precedenco over the old Jnniora. Mr. LVkI
son has been Chairman of Ofl-Mflt-fl-flfl in the House,
ia well up in business, clear-headed and hard
worliing. Lord Frederick Cavendiah fl-BBBflflfl flflfl
of tbeDukeof Devonshire. Mflflhfl for the Bfltfl
west Riding of Yorkshire, and lnwt latterly been one
of Mr. Gladstone's private aecretiirieH-an odd post
for a Duke'saon to prefer. hut Lortl Fredori'k is Bflt
afniidof work, aud isatlone pflflflflfli friend <>f tlio
I'riineMiiiister. Like his chief, hc un.i.rtakcH a
double t:__. There are plenty of his flBflfl coturad.fl
who thiiik tflfl BBBB flBflfl asked to look in at Ihfl
Bflflflfl flf I-onls o.-ca-ii.mally flflfll voto as the Uuko
ofRichmond bidsthem. Bfl BBBB his seat in ItMF
ardy, asMr. Bright does, flfflBBflflfliflfl tM** Mr
Uright, however, really runs no iisk. but Lord Frod
erickhasa Conservativo BflOBBflfl already. and if
the (onservativesehoose to t'uht. they rnav make it
very lively for him. and very possibly turn him ont.
_ 0. *. ?.
DIflPDTB iv BBOABO to i-ii < i: \\.>i:k ____> OVBB*
iimi.?a sTitiKi: CB8BD nv |_B BOUOB *MM
\MlllK_-.i_8. . ._,
London, Wodnesday, Aug. -". i???
The iron ina.-t.i.-.of MB-fthflBtflf have tl.t.-imin-<1
upt-n alock-out ot Mlll I?th of thoir iiieii. to bcgin
on Siituiday next, and to bo followed every
two flflflBfl by a lock-out of oiie-tonth of tM
iuen Ihflfl employed. It Ifl probablo that
tho movement thus -flflflfll at Mancbestei
by the masters will extend tlm.UKhout thfl coiinti...
The iron workers oi Bolton urire tlio meu at Man
rhestcr t<> flflflfl the l.ick-out ou Saturday by afltriko
of all hands. l-BBBP-C. *i******BBfltttfl great tn
terestin this city as an cxtensive strike ll appro
bi i.il.-tl. The point.- iu diflPBta h.tween thfl Dflfltflfl
aml iuen have n f.-ietice to rates tfl |.iecc-\v..rk aud
o'.citiine. liieSuii.ty of _afl_L_MSn have Ofl hand
afiin.lof .-ji.VKi.OiX) with wliicti Ihfll wiU __sist tho
iron woik.-is. _
mr. i.i:iti.i.ic of sfain.
H v>i. > * ui m: TO vi-n 101:1-1...-. . ..i.i:i>-M..I11-:
.MaI'Iiiii, BflflflflflflBfi hoe- 9% t"75*
lt is reported that in thfl flflflfll ti a BBBBfll
oraill'itii-tiiiieiit of tl.e OBfflfl. whieli B flflBB**-M not
lmpiol.al.Ie. flBfl Castclar will ftt. Iflflflflfl, ******* vl
BM .. Bflfl *****, toendeavor to flflfl about a rccogni
tl..a ..f tl.e flpBBB-fl BBffl-BH.
Tiirce Bflfl petrnlciiui Mflflflfltll-N huve bflflfl flfl1
flflflflfl tn ii' Uli -9 MM Tiiiniti.'il <>f JflflBfl at I v-lla.
FAitls. Wedn.-day, Bflfl. B. ****?
A rt-port froin tln- flflflflfli iu which _-?__-.
Kocliefort wus "hipi>cil ior New Caledonia say. that his
fellow-couvlct*. ... nri. i.i tflfl UBBBflBM flflflflB-BB-l M
tbe cansc of thc < omnitiue. ma.io an att> mpt M lynch
him. The BBHBN of tflfl sliip ?BW pfltlflflfl M -*~l_n him
qturtcrs apart frotn au.l BHfl-flfl- Bf-flMfl tbo Cotn
llllllll-l BSt-Bfl. _
DMrnttt-ivi FLoous n india.
Lo.ii.os. Weduesday, hou. 20. \*ftx
T.omhay flisjitit.-hcs n-purt that dc.*t.uctivf
flooda bave recently affliet. d the I'rovlnce of A?{ra, ln
In.lia. Thlrty-flve hundred natite bflflflfl Bai BBfl
iiw'pt awajr. t**U bad been aonie Ioa. <if Ufc, ot tlie
citent of arhfleh no ******** i* yet furai-ied.
Wa.hinctok, ?**"_? 20.?Inforiiiation han
t>eeu NBBtfad her.. that tbo Mikad.i wl.l soon open . ituo
nosaki, In thr* Japan flflflflfl BBB, A tflfl BBflflflfltW flf all
?flttflflfl 'l-i. scction ls ieportcd 10. ah.uu'lliix IB nearly
every kiud of wealtb._
The cliolcra has bflflkflB out in tlie Tuiki.sh
j.rovttMBflf Bflflflfl..
Mi. -Hfl-fltmf presiiled at tho openitig of
th. iv. irii BasMal BflBifli M Hfllfl flfl Tueg.iay.
Tht- I'liited Btfltflfl fltttflflBf Cflflflflfll <>f the
Kuront an station ha*. arrveii at (Jreut Gmn-hy, Kn
Thc HfXkflO Ctim-'i'i'ss will BflflflB-Ufl 011 thi
16tb of neit Bflflflfl. MflBBlflBM Bflfl Bflflfl flflflfl of
the Ki-iuiMIc report iii. rcasinn activity in all branches
i.t bauBflB*'
The BB-fl-bflTI of thfl Iion aml Bflflfli Iflfl?*
late ol l.leire have aeeeptafl tlie invitaMon t?> nieet iu
tho t'niied f.tatci in 1S71. aml have iie-*iiroa_-<l l'b_!_del
phia a- th.- city iu whieli th' f will usaeuible.
At a BHHfliBg of Um Siuiihiy-school Union
of Ixmdon nn Tuenlay nu:bt, the Ktiv. Mr. Hartlty, who
has iii?t returned to E-ijrland frnni au Inapeotlon of the
pcbool arstemi >>f tbe United Btates, aimUr. m terms of
luifb pral>c of thc t-lli. .eiu-. <d Amernai. e.lui alioual fa
Cllltles, a* tu noth aacred an.l seeiilar mutruction.
The United Caiiidian Bodfl-lflfl h:wl their
aniiual (ratlierinif at Kin*k Bay, uear Ilainilton, Ont., on
Tueaday, at wtilch the Duke of Manchestor and bl< smii
Lord Mandeville, wbo are on a visit to Canada, were
Srescnt. Iu the courno ot a flflflflfl tbe D.iko flflfl be
ad been flosliona ot seelnj: and hnix-d fflt M *ee Can?
ada. as well aa other colonie-t, huve repreeentativefl In
tbe Iiupr-rial Miuiatry who would be ahle U*******
all matters lo which the li.terer.ta of tbe Dounuiou and
all tbe colnuii. were concerued.
Albany, Aiijj. 20.?At the meeting of the
Orand lAtdgr of Odd Kellowa to-day, a resolution, offt-icd
t.y Past Orand Whit-, to ameud the eonatltutlott ?o as
Ifl prohll.it aay flflflBfl from belnjt a proxy repraaenta
tive for any l<>.l_r>- out of bia tli.atrict, wai loat, not
IflMtfBBJ a two-thirda vote. The vote stood 1?to *****
'Another propoaed annndinent, offered by Past Orand
Oleno. prohibitlng l'a-t MA.ter_ from voting, was laid
on tbe tai.le. Alao ono itnklnjr uiit the clau*o retiulnui?
every third seRr,ion U> bo held In tbe City of Naw-vork.
At tbe tue. tmjfof the Oraud Eocamptneut tbe report
of the Orand 8<-nbe ibowed thero had been, UuruiK the
past Tflfi au increase of flve e_eaiiipi_eiiti, and of
inembershlp, 458. Tbe revecue waa IflJM 11, and relief
palil.at.MLT -..
Alu.ut 60 1 _t?t Chief* were admittetl as meniberi, and
the followitu! uv.v ufli *er_ wero elccta-d: Orand I'a
trninli, Thonia. I_iwrence; fiiaiid HiKb I'i iest, John
Oalbralthj Orand Henlor Wardrn, Franci* Ki.^eri;
Orand Jurimr Baaflfl, Jaeoi. L. Micbaelt; Orand
Scrllie, C-Mfiaa V. Clark; Orand Treasurer, Oeaiflfl
. iniiii; Orand Representatlve to the Orand I/?l_re ?f
tl.e V'nil.d . tai.-?. John H. Vlblte Thl. afternoon
James 1'. Bsuuden prououiterd a cul?pv up<>n tbe life
and charaeter of late 1'aat Orand Hcre Juuu A. Keuoedy.
lUi.TiMORE, Ati|f. 20.?7he JIaltimort American
u a iiraicji its c. ui.-uiii.il anniversary to-day. Tbe ottiee
)* bandaotuely deeorat.d wltb fla_rs, thc eat of artu* of
tbe state, etc. Accotnpacylnj; ita niurnlnii edition it
imlillshes kfaetimile of Uie flrat number of tbe paper,
iiated AuciiHt 90, 1771. wbicb. atuonir otber interetting
instler, n.i'laii.cii a loai; adverttaement of 0?f)rfe Wash
iDfton. aa*'ttlu_. C.rtb tne a.ivai.N.t.'.-. of so.ono aen-i of
land on tbe Ohio and Oreat Kanawba Hit. r-, for wbirb
be bad Just ie__ive_ a patrnt. ly alau prluta an llit-t
trated luppleiueiit, with a roap ,,f Baltimore town in
177"t. and a pieture of ita flr_t offloe. Tbe |?opii_irlon of
Baltiuioru t'.wa w_? thau onlr t.tr.e,
Providence, Aug. 20.?At Martha's Vineysiil,
__tl cvruiiiff. a carrl-ice cootaluiug Oov. Howar.l of this
btate and Oen. Burnrtdr, driven hy a youn_ ni*"? ****
KOlug froiu i;difarlowo to Oak Bimti, wbeu. from imper
foct li?_ht or aotne otbar ciuiao, tbe drlvo. ran tl?e veblcle
ii. a/a.nat tbe ralltua ot a liriditr. Bolb irr-utlr-inea were
thrown oul and Arv.rcljr _roia_-d, .bat fortunately
eaiupetl tiiure atttioos huru. Tasy biiva arrtvatl boaae.
A BB-UMB BBBfllB in notaToN.
Ho. ton, Aug. 20.?A (irantfe ot I -trons of
HuiiN?idry waa oriranlaed tn Bo.ton to-day flBfl taa full
i.ini i.er of cbarfcr tnctnl-ers. John B. Uartlett waa
t-li-i t>d Maaier. aud Hi-rbert Kadiliffo, Hecretary. Tbe
11- u h.ra jrc ujohtly uraiii dealera. Mr. Abis.l wlio waa
,..-......-.i-.i rn ... i*.f utii: the Or_n_.r* has Iflfl for the
I Bl will reium hcre
Wasiiimjton, Aug. 20.?Tbo Wawaaet invei?
tleation wlil bo rompleted on Friday, the e lainiiiing In
?pcctora having advertised for more wltnesse*. Tbfl
teatiinony thia uiortilng wu not of nitich imporlance,
but tended direetlv to show that the offlcera knew little
or nothing of the legal rcquireraents for their pordtlou*.
the captaia being Ignorant that it was uecesaary for
him to have a lleense. and atitlng that ho had never
n nd the law nnder whleh stoniboat.-t are IflBffflBtBd.
HiipervlHing Injiector (jeneral .Sinith'a r- Iflfll-8 to in
ri".t'.rH and witneaaca woro very pointed and emphatic,
and lufiicate thut he Intenda to make the remaiuder of tbfl
ex.'iiiuri.ti..u searrhing aud tbo.oilgh. Ile dcelar.'d tli.it
oven frora tnoagcr tcatiuiony to-day he wan runviiieed
that then: waa a want of dlBelpliue and order on tho
h?at, n Ih reported to-nlght that the hflffBfltflBfl will
revoke tht: Ui-ennc of the eujdrjcer.
tue mistakk in tiik UC8BflB B_*_fl_BBB??BB*
Washinctov, Aue. Ml Capt, Gcdncy, Supcr
int.flBflOBl of the Potomac Firry Company, te.ttifled Is
foru the Wnwa?et Commis..ion, to-day. The lieense for
that raaaa aa?aal ba i? aBMasfldBfaaaasflaa paaaan
ger*. lliiBwan received from the (icorgotown Cuatom
houae. Tlie l?..t Inapection allowed only :? eahln and 20
d. cli paasenirera. Ile afterwi.rd obtalned purnilasion to
earry boo a.l.litional p.-vtseugere ou a lliuitcd uumber of
cxrurtiona on the P'.toraae Kiver. The wirnc?a had no
idea how the mistuke aa to tho linutatiuii of the nuuibcr
of nassengera o. ..-urred ou tho laat ltispcution.
I'.tpt. Wood, wh8 wns recallct, aald the Superintendenf
never gave lustructioua to him to exercisc the crew iu
fire drill.
Afl i fnrther leatimony had been given, Capt. Hmlth.
the (ieDeral Bupervlaing luipector, lald that he littlo
thoiiglit, tlve flflflba ag?. wheu he left tlu-t cil) for ob
aei vat.ona on tlio OTflflflflflB lahet, he wuul.l BB soou return
... BBBBl here as a jurur in a court-roon. tli.- giMitlemen
now BflflflBflfl BBfl CouiuiiKsion, aafl under such painful
eiaaflflaflOBoaaB* Mi tBafla att?Aibq the flbfloba to the
BTaW?at I'tlng uuder luvcaugatlon; yet ttu Ir duty to
the law atid iustieo to B_B8?? who rhourn wlth almost
hrokiii linartf fhe loss of kimlrod. douiandcd this ln
quiry. fle trusted that Ba OBaaBflfltflfl would makea
Bbflflflflflb nve-ti r.ition, so the ruilty tiil.ht he punished
and tbfl lnnoeent go free. Hotnu persons thought any
Isuly was ltl to feBba eharge of :i Bteaiuhoat, BBBBBB BB>
guic, or a Bteatn l.oiler, hut, from ht? BflffflrBflMfl atnl
ohsi rvarion. BflflB w-as not the fact. It rcqulred
rhe Btfll nr n iu the couutry, thoae whose pru
fl'-leucv hatarded no danirei- lo IH" aud oroperty.
He tt?aeflall eoiiii. ? t. .1 witii tlie Board nf Inapeeton
would b? vi i. partloalai ln li.vtisiiig onlv men or th.
rigbt Kind, both :ia to still und private ch iract' r. From
tbfl et-ldenee of the Sup rint. iitT.-iit of tiie PotOBUtC
F.-rry (' .mpany an.l of tflfl BBfftfllB tt tbfl Wawaset, lt
b i-. ?? '..icrn tbere waa au BbflflflOfl of dlflclpllne, order.
ati.i proiier authotiiy on tbal veaael. Wheth.-r the.
cnilld have baved the bOBl <>r life l.y ncr. Bflfll) prccau
tu.iH. bfl wm tiuahie to aflfleri Hi trofllfl oot lafflttb
blaimpeifeet_nowle__t>of the teattiaoar. vbo wai to
blaine, but bfl wonld repeal tbat evirylnng poaaible
slu.uld he done to obtain tbe trutli, ln orOCt to furm a
right Judguicnt und fo aei ac.-ordingly. Be ui.de these
r markatothe Co_mlaalooera becasflfl Bflfli were all
Btflfl?ibOBt inen, and in (i.tielusioii Mr e\pr. ased hls
beartj aympathj and eoflrtfllflflflfl for Baaa who had
lost tlieir ne.ir and flflBHflt. Hfl wo.il.l BOt attcu.pt
topicliire tboBOIfl-flflB, b'ltl.'iey migbi lli?flllll tbe loaa
tad an.l tbedeep -looiu Bflflfl over niaiiy a fi.uiily
iinie. He flfllflfflfl tin* room with a flflflff ferliug of
i. gral aml BOtTOV, not oulv bmaaae of ttua occaeiion, but
be.-.iilrl it .>iK,iteii,d hia trip to tba W.-.-'i nt v.ii, ra. Il
was anxious to ho bflffl liefon- tbfl ('ouiti.is-u.n elflflflfl, (<>
give sileli aid to tlie luvcligation .aa lu.glit be requin'd,
BBd io BXfftTflfl BU svuipatuy for thosti who l.'attueir
li i. Bdl .iu l iel.ilK.ns hy tlie flflflflBtBT.
The ( oiuuiiaMOU adjouiueU uulil a-'i'iday.
TIIE AI.I.Kill) AO-rilACTIOS' Off I'lT.I.IC l.o.'l BO RB,
wasiiix'.tiin, VflflBBflflay, au_. j), i87x
It waa eharged sotuo svoeks ago th:it a uumber of nn
portant documents rtdatiog to the lato war could not bo
found iu tho War Department. Iu one iustanLC speciflc
papers wero ineotloued. Tlm Secretary. detormined to
tent the trutli of tbis general aK.-ertion, arcordin.ly
l.egan an Inveatigution ln fhe caae meiitioned. Nothius
could he found to sbow thaf the, papers wero mtalaid ln
the Departitieut. The Hecr.tary slngled ou( virioua im
portant casea famillar to hnuaelf. and Btbfln
fainillar to "ffl era of the annv, and di
r.r(. .1 that the papers 88 prod'ued. ta every
InatflBflfl thev flTfltfl fi'iiu.l iii eoruplefe order.
D.t.-rniii.e.I. l.ow. vi-r, Ihut flotBlflfl should hek-ftundimn
to arftre flt tbfl iriltli tn tbe inatte.-, the flerfl?flfl of
len ral >ld flfld exp. rlflOOflfl olhrer. wer- hrougiit into
requisitioD, aud thev too fall. d to flnd auy papers ml.-.4
lng. Docuiiients wiitteu ln dpbfll wero traualatod. und
rvrry eare taken to BICfltlfllB lf papers had beeu re?
moved. All were found ln tbfllr proper pl.'t.es. The
Beeretary baa |nat recoiTed tbe reportflof tbe at-flata
wbo aded him la tbe Bearch, all of whom report that
they can flnd notl-.lag uil-slng, and Ibfl Bflflflflfl li
now at un flfld. Hci-tet:iry Belk?IBP hlui- lf, aft.r a rigld
examlnatlon, haa falb-d to diacoirer tbat bbt rarjorda ol
th. Department ar. ml??!_?, wiih tne ezeflptWB of those
10 tbfl Bflell c.iurt-raartial case. He, howevnr, invitea
BB. flflfl who ean name anv parti. ul.r pap. ITI wltli h thi y
belleva to lw mlflalofl to report tbe ra.-t to him, aud as it
la imt.ihie toexaml ic every pap rln the Department,
lie hoitefl th" prtrtles tvho niav say that papers are BUflfl
ing wlll apeeifv Ibfl .lociinuuts to lnui, aud finthcr
BBfllflb will 88 Bflfl ll
The President of tbe Bflflflfl of IflflflBBflfl fll tflfl (horge
town r.iblid Schools, laat ni.ut, spoko before theui on a
reeolutiou whiefc he had iutroducd. declaiing that BB
ae.oimt of tbo lu. k "f fiin.N it waa hM-fO-BBl to open
s. iioola for the aeit year. aud that for tbe same IflflBBB
work Bfl the uew achool building should he BUBpeuded
The President said that he BBflflflfl the BflBBBBrtflfl to
biing the Districr autbontles to their senaea, and that
the preseut condition of the school Bflflflflfli was acrylng
fhamc. Ho wanted to know what BBflflBBB of the
Uxes now .onnng iu, for they could not obtain money
enough to pav f.-r whitewaahmg achool -BflBflfl. Thfl
-?solution waa flu.llv withdi-awn. but one was adopted
thfll heieaftcr notlces should Im- uiveii that all . uutracM
aud sularies would he paid when moiu-y eould he ob
taiued When the present District (iovernment was
or.anl'ied two years ?.o, Oeorgetown lind B llherai
school fund, which ii noi n..w avaliable. Four months
ba.k pay ure now due ro the public school teachcrs of
The Bonate Committee on Trausportatiou. whi.h will
hold IU next foriual meetmg at the Kifth Ai .-uu,- Hutcl,
.N>w-Yora, on the 4th of Scptember. wlll have consulta
Uom witb a large nuuibcr of reprervntutlve men of the
cotiniry. The New-York Legialatui- will be BBfltflBflflOfll
hy a Joint Special Committee from the Senate and tho
Assembly. State Senator Lewls of Buffalo wlll bfl
t'hairuiau of tbe Senato Committee, and the Hou. !?.
Bradford PltllBfl of Kluahlng .'huirruau of the AaMouhlv
?ominillce. Tht-.' flOBttoBflOB amllUel. .-t.li-.kKii.- wi ll
aperially repre?cnt the lntereaU ot the BavTflrfc
(if n Davla. eommandiuir the Dcpartuient of Columhla,
haa roor-auized his d.-p.i tmeut, an.l h.-raafler tbere
will be two d-borai-B dlstri.ts. M followi: i-fltl Tho
jrastB of Korta Boise. Cillvlllf. Uapual. Walls Walla, and
Cauip Harney, wlth Capt. Cna?. H. Uoyt, flaBaaai
'.oartennaster. to eharge. H iflgMlJara at Fort Walla
\vTlb. Kecoud: The posta of Fort* Oflffl DIs
auiaolntment. (fleveus, Vaueouver. aud Vaucouver
R'?, fltttf Capfl. Henrr A. Jonei. As*irtant g.iarter
master, m I harj,-fl; beaduuart*r. at Vaneouvcr.
(ivu. skbvick BSaOBM OOBDBBBUBh
Fred Douglaaa'i paper wlll agaia attack. to-morrow, the
sTBtem of eompetltlvc examluatiuna in the ClvilSorvuc-,
aud aay tbat lt laexceediagly doubtful whetber Preii
dent (Jrant couid ever bave reached a bigher grade than
that of lieurenant if lt had depouded ii|S)o hu aoiuUon
..lt.ef.)..ll"baerieaofqae?tlou.tto whU-B the Bofl.d of
-xaminara flulneot ill applicanU for promotioB.
TIIK modoc V-BBO?BBflL
Jud_?-Advocate-Ueueral Uolt haa eompieted hlaex
aaaluatton of tb* papera from tBe Modo.- court-artial,
aud ibey will he flnallr placed ou flle afl the War Depart?
ment m a dar or two. to awatt tbe acfton of tho l're*l
__taa ln? rfltflTfl. Pfltit4fl08 for Ibe. pardou and reioaao
$ ,_*?i.r..* nTr- wiU alao he auimiltu-d to the PrflBOflal
witb Ihe proceediuB* of thn court aiarttal.
illn-SIBBIITI r-)I.ITI('S.
A Viekaborg latnr aaya that .sen,.ior Amea wlll he
nomiuated far Oovernor io trjute of tbe atroug opposi
HOU, and that colored meti will lw aeact.-,! aa BBBB-lflflBfl
for Ia?uwuatt-OoTeruor,ia_cret_ry of 8Ule. and 8in>er.
iutendeol ot -aucatioo.
WAaHiN.iTON, Wednradav. Au;. Jfl. 1878.
At ttiere'iueflt of UkflSecrftarr of tbe Treaaury. tbe
AttornnyOeneral ha* luatrueted the Uuited Htatna At
tofuey for th* Diatrlct of Columhla to oondoet thed.
fenae of Mr. E. W. Hala. paytog teller of tbe Unlted
8Utea Treaaury, ln thr suit for damagei for falie imprla
Oiiment l.roiiflhl Bflatnsl him hv Clinloo Rlce. Thia ndit
aniw* Bflfl uf ? ebeek upon wln. il It la eharged tuCre waa
a forg. d lndurari.iie.it. olaeovered t.y Mr. Half.
PlOf, Abbc, who for a loug Uiu. L.i? pflflffflMd th
daily prohabllltles of tho Weather Bureau of the War
Departtnent, ha* recently been transferred to other
dtitlea, and another offleer frotn the *>W__* Army
aBflimefl M that poaiti?n. The flflBBflfl B ******____}
t.at. had Moruetlilni- lodo with th.* reecin uoproc. dentad
lalB-UI iu tln.* vl.-iiiity, which cjuals ?i Im-bea ou a
l.-vel during tbe ia?t nUi<- days.
flflflflflfll l!i<nui.ea are itill received at fhe Trca-tirv
iH-partment aa to whether the peiinle- fltaflfl ** IS-T and
ia_8__re_edce_ni_ at or are worth more than flflfl cent.
fo such inquuries ihe an.w.rof the Trea-uirer invarlably
l? tliat the flflflflfl in .i.i'-rtiori Blfl Iflflflflfl?_ at IBe Mmt ?t
th. -irfa.-e van., aml are inLriusIcally worth I ousi.ler_.b-_r
le.*- tban tbat.
Tbe Bflflflflfl1 ot the Treaaary haa inatructed tbe
Arwlstaut _Bflflflflfl_fl_ and det-_.n.i--'l dei-altsrles to
flfflflflfll payinentof all checka of dislmriinif offleer*.
exi.pt pension aueitts. tsatied flBfl -?'?? fc BB- flfl
wnicli liio objects for whieli tbey wtic flflflflfl are uol
The Post-Of_.ee Pcpartnient has ord<-ed an-"xtenslon
of tbe postal Bflflfli <>n tbe Mi.waukee an.l Northern
Railwav, from ITIIBSffl M tiT?B Bfl, Wisconsin. aud on
iBflO-BBflfl aml North-Western Railroad, from Blalr M
IIcn.Kin, Nchr.ibka.
Capt. Thiinas H. Patferson. it la said, wlll be aaaiimed
to the conimand of tbe Wa? funirtoti Navv-Yard in Oeto*
btr, in place of Rcar-Artnilrnl Oolrtr.b..r<>n_b. who will
then be detat-hed to ct.i_i--.aiMl tbe Asutic Sutiou.
Tbe h.ib-depot of artuv aupplles fll .reka. Cal., haa
been abollihed. and Ueut. E. W. Hioue of the flfll Ofl
alry, who waa lu rharKi' of it, has beeu ordered to )oln
Us e'.iuniand Bl 1--- Wallit Walla.
Iho North Carolina itobacco frowcrs and rnanufac
turcr-. yrvar r-ntav r-l-SSfl a State Assoctaflun, of which
Dr. r. W. Ke. u of Haltsbury w__e.?.ct_<i Fresldent.
No builneae will be trausaclcd al tbe Trciisury De
partinenf M MfllfW. flflfl tbr> biilldin? Wlll Bfl elflflflfl
durinij the day ln honor or tx Osoretsry Mcredltn.
in pob9 wavne-i-oss $r.,ono.
Cincinnati, Aug. 20.?A spcci-l dispateh
from Fort Waync lafl that a tire broke ..ut thistnornliiK
ln Danif 1 Ncs-tlc's bloek. at the corucr of Broadway and
Went Jifl.mil flt.. flflflflflflfl. by A. C. Keilaaadnii?
___?_ I K. i! ft M.-K'eii/i'*. dry flflflflfl ?tid tnillinery flflflfl
iabtnent, aml Clinsii.ui-pti-nei. boot aud ._oo aU>re.
Tl.o whole bloek au.l n*. onicut.* w.-re dctroyed. Ihe
lo*. isr-Miin.it.-<l at 115,-00; insuranee, |_,400, mainly m
Wc-tcru couipauics.
Thv cupola of Dotlrt A. (Jo.'t. Prtisfiiun blue
fietory. ui < iiestuui-st., Netvark, B. J., waa damaged
|__jo by tln* last night.
A fire iu a brick huilding at No. 238 Mflfl*
cer-rt.. in tuiscity. BflflflflMfl by John Thiolbahr as a
jfro.-erv, yesterdav, damatred stock 1-00.
Tlu- BofltOB Chair Company's Works in War
wii-k.t.. Bflflflfl. were da_na_red totho extent of li.SOO by
flre Ofl Tueaday -flflBB. The lowa is covered by Insurauce.
Burlini-TON, Aug. 20.?Presitlent Grant ac
ronipanled by Mms Nel_le|Oraiit, hia sous L'lysses 8.
...iut, Jr., and Iflflflfl R. Orant, Oen. O. K. Babcock and
cx-oov. .-tearns and wife of New IIamp?_iirc, arrived,
hcre on a special train from ihe Twlu Mountaiu Uou-e,
White Mouutuins, at 7:_- this inoriiim.. The party wero
received by a cotumittec of leadmg citizeus, of which
Mayor Podtfe wa* chairman, Bflfl procecded tothc Amer
i.-.-.it Bflflfli, wh.-re they br.-kfaated. The l'resident waa
theu accompanlcd by Judce Suialley, Oov. Uuderwood.
and othcrs, drlveu about the city, vlaitinif the Ethan
Allen uionnnienf, and other polnts of Interest. after
which he received the people ln tbe parlors of the hotel.
At 10:45 a. in.. while th.- liniik' of a Federal salutc was iu
P_n_:ri ia. he was SSOOSted to the Central Wharf by the
1-t IWiinent of National Ouards of Vcrmoiit, aud tooB
tln* Adiroiidaek. atuid tue hearty cheern froui the crowd.
for TU-omleroifa and I__ko Oeotee. Lleut.-liov. lait,
Mon. O. Bencdict, and oth.-r promluent citizeu?, aoconi
p uiieii him an far us Port Henry.
Lakk QflOBOBi Aag. 20.?Presidcnt Grant and
party arrived hcre at 8 o'clooa this eveuing vla Lake
f'liainplaiti, BBfl after holdinjf a sbort reception in the
P ir'or-i of the Fort Wllllam llenry Ilotel, left in a spe
cia! cou.-h foi li.eu's Kalls, w__re a train will convey tbe
party to bai-alotfa.
Iaiso Biu.N.ii, Aujf. 20.-Tbe Preeideat wUl return
bere io_iorrow.
Little Ki.ck, AtiK- 20.?The Board of Su
purvisors were iu ___siou ln the Couri-hoose at Perry
villc, on Mflflflflfl BflflflflflflflflBflBfl Mbrei. a fortnar
clorkof tbe couoty, backed byfour or tlve othen, en
tered tbe town. Tbt y b_d swom tbey intended to kill
J. W. I- Matthews. an attorney of tbe couirt, ou account
of au article publisbed ln Ik* Gazette reflectiDKupon
them. They attacked Mattbews in the C-nrt-houae,
l.reakmg up the court. Matthewa retteatedinto a st_re
and t.rr*d upon hin pnrsuers without effect. A brisk
ttto was then op< ued on uotb wdc^, duruic
which M.itthcw.. wa. wouudftd, thouifh he mau.Mtcd to
escaiie lo the woods. That eveniue his friends, to the
nnmber of 150, eotcred tho town, klllimt a m&u named
TWcc Miiic. aud his trowrt had left, however, as had
thc Sherlft, who ls uuderstood to be frlendly to Mores,
und wbo li now in this dtv. After tlifvBoanl of Super
TMpra i-sitmcil tbeir court. Miittlicwa hssl warrant.
i*. u.-d for thc arrest ol Mores, llambnght, thc _.heriir,
ai.d all others eogaflfld ln the affair. but at the laicst ac?
count tbev had not been sorved. Ttie affair creates
preate-ciicuieu- tbromrhout tho oouuty. and full par
ticulars will be laid oefore tbe Kxecutive to-alKbt.
fll fll WHI Aug. -W.?An explo_ion oc
MBBflfl about 9 o'clock this tuoruinK in one of the stiils
of tlie Conimcrcial Oil Rellnery, crtwsin* of Tulrty-sec
ond-st. and the AlleRheny Valley Railroad. The burniut;
oil eeattered in all directiona, portloas flylnf: into the
l'etrolite Oil Works of Waruiaey, Meer * Co., adjolnlnc,
tiudsottlnK tire to tbe cooper aud paint sbopa tbere, and
sprc-diutr tbem-o to tbe bleachlag-house and tanks.
Four men were working ln Uie cooper sbop
at the timo; tbree of them eacaped, bnt the
fourth, named James Metta. waa burned to
deatli. Tbe cooper ahop, paml ahop, and two
tauks of the Pctrolite-works and a 600-baiTel t-_nk of tbe
Comuiercial Itetluery wero consnmed. The lostt of the
I'etiolite Worka 1. eiatiuiated at fl.,000 and of tbe Com
mercial Ri'Uuery between |J,iX? and tb.OOO, on ueltherof
of whieh was there any inaunanc? Tn? flre raited with
Kreat furv, and threau*ned B Beueral contlairnttfon. The
heut could Ix- felt ******_ blocks away. The Fire Dc
oartineut was promptly on ___nd? and BBflflflflflflfl lu
cueckmi. tbe tire beforo extendlng to*other buildings.
Fort BoOti Aug. 20.?A special dispatch (o
The Honilor from Lcs CfW***, tbe couuty aeat of Lyons
louuty, states that creat exeltement extsts there. A
niob of 100 men bave taken poaseaswu of the town aud
anested tbo sbenff. They declare tbey will burn the
town and banir the 6henff anless t_e deli?ers up to them
tbe person of Keller, a man who murdered bis wife and
two cbiUlren and his wifo'a aister at Twin Hprinirs. on
U.t Suuday ntirht, and afterward.burned their bo-lec
The sberiff haa been keeptup the prtsoner hld siuce bis
arrest. aud still refuses to tell wbero be in coucealed.
Tbe u.ob is most den r uilned, aud tro.thle is appr.i.ended.
LATBK.-Ad'l.tionnl BflflflM frotn l/f*. CjffBM state
that after ukintf Keller tbe mob returuetl t? LflOfflflfl
where Keller eat a hearty dinjier. Bflfl* whub he waa
taken into Kello(t?'s otttoe, where an effort wns made by
inauy of our cltticus to arrest the mur.l.-r.i.is
deairo of the uioit. Oen. C. W. Blair of Fort
Scott waa here. and uscl hia bent en.leafors
to save. tbe life <>f Keller. Blalr has been av-oro it. .i.i.iit.
pro tctu of thc D.*irict Court. lie a.t(oui ueo tho Coart
until Monday next lli- then went with tl.e lnfnri..i.-d
IKipiil-.-.i lo tlie wood*. and addre*.ae.t tln* flflflflfl lu vm
dlcattou ol Ibe Uw. Hia roltiarka wcrc leuipc-ratc, but
not tattflicirut. EMer liarc was thi.-a oallct 'or and ot
f.-re.f pt-ver for Keller. at tbe cloae of whleh Keiler waa
talen oy 1.1 tn.-n aud uauetxi.
Narhville, Aug. -W.?A desperate light
occurred ou CBtlflfll flt to-uijthi, betwee.. oflluttrs Plum
msnind K*.-.., of ibv i ity Follco foree, and a party of
ei|_bt foiintryiiieu wboin *Uf liad arreated for flBfl-fllflfl
a dl.rurban ? la a taloon. Ou th? war to P___fl Head
iiuartera, Wm. P. Bidley, ooe of the pnaooers,
flfflflflfl to flfl auj further. and betcaa an attaek
or. OfB.'er It*rd. wtten a peueral rnelee occurred.
(.vorai siiota were tlr_d aad ?mvoa were freelv tiaed.
tifflr.-r PluaaflMU- *-? ii.i.1 iu tue right aboulder and
tifllcei Reod stabb. >l ka thc fo.-cuva-t.
Aaaoon aa the ahaMitD'C be^an, tbe party ? cut te red ln
all direei-ona; a cailon-d iu?u named fhaa. Allen, la
atiemptin_f l- atop oue of ttorui, waa ataboe.l i wi..- ln
the tbroat and U.-.1. and had bia ban.ts i.ad.y cui. lt ia
ibun^iit bis tvounda will prove fatal. TUe puUce are
?earchtn/r tt..* city tor tbe fuKitives, bul only two bave
becu aricat.il .a yet.
a Rownr M0! at a 0BVB0B pair
Atlanta, Aug. _?.?At a colortMl ch'irch Fair
laat Bicbt Bflfl uiBO.i..-rly colored meti ittack.d a
BMUBtta _B)raBflBtaliBed kt* wttfl ? kflll " *****
nUiol and ahot om of dr ...nt _*a ._.:.?? i. ,?? '. d .or.
i..i- rciti .1.
BOBBff??I IT THK H/K)K l)>- THK OOB?B B?I I'ril'S)
Off THK BB?POB 4NI? TB-ttT flfl OB_BBI0flflJ I**"
TlflIBflfl ifl BBBl BB08 BBBDO-fl) kxikditionh
AXl. THUU aOB IB 411. IAUTS.II I1IK T.(.Ri4>.
[rtlO- TUl a.i' l\l. K'Hlty.af.Sl'Wl '?!? III) THIB-BB.!
1'KAkK's Im.iMi.Mi', Aug. Ua? Thfl h._.l.|uart4 ih
of the Uuited B-BBfO flTBB. Comtnisrion are entah
liehed for tho preaent BflflflBfl BB '.1ns .-land in Caaro
Bay. The location ifl a half BflflaT. BBfl *4>ntb of
Portlaod. an.l the -IflflBJ Ba?H OBOOttflaflBB BBBj\ol
oneof the tvar.l> of ll.a* flttfi The w..ra of ih.Com
inisaion tbia year espc. iail, talflflflfl Ifl Iha i;.ii!*d
.Statcasea coaat north ?>f OaffaC-i I aud tha ( BMBBbV
tionof allaac. rtauiahlc bflfll flalflflflffl K> tht life <>*
theanimals iuhabitiug th. wnl.rsof tlnf region, ia
the task set before the Cominis.iion. Prof. .Spt-nia-r F.
Bairdoftho Sniithfloiiian Insiinit., and bb% aaao
ciatea in the inqiiiry. Prof. A. B. Veriil ti tak I ??'
lege, aml others who will be elscisli. n-nauied in this
letter. Thero bad been obsei \ ed duiii.g su.ceaaive
yeara a (liminiition ofthe tiah aupply on the Nflfl
kugbuid coaata which baa been eatimated by tbo
Fiah Couu-iaaionera of RIkmIo lalaai at a loaeof
$100 per aniitiiii to at leaat l.ouO pcraona resident on or
near the coaat of their State. A wide B-BBBBBOfl of
opinion aa to the cauaes and BKB nt ol tlns .limuni
tiou tndicated tho need of BBSBflhflBB au.l flfltaaflBBO
Luquiry upon all the poiuta involxd, prepatfliory BB
appropriate legislatiou.
An exploration of the sca hottoni atn h aa could
only be attaiiied by doep-sca dredgin;<- forniH an ?*
arntial feature of this invcatigatioii. Amenciu
naturaliata wero among the flflfl?aflflIfl tbe hchl m
reapect to organized expeditions BBfl dcep-w* dredg
mg; aud the great undertakiii,'*. of this .-bi.ru. f< i
which have matlo famoua the ciuia.-a.-f Ha Kriglidi
veeaela Porcupine and Lightning. flflflfl BflflBfl-flafll Bt
l.-ast a year, in 1807, hy the expclit iffl <>f tl.c I. I
Coaat Survey, principally with flflB r.BM?<? BB the l.ulf
Strcain, under the direction of Prof. 1'ieico. _?! tl.o
immodiate management of Count L. F. de I'.u.rtal.s.
iSiuce then, and.incitcd by the B-Oflffl ?bt WM
mtAo, there havo-been many _iioil_r explorationa un
dertaken, among..which may be inentioi.ed thoae of
auhsequent yeararof the Lr. S. Coaat Survey, includ
ingthe voyageofthe Haelcr, aml the expedltion
now in progrc?.of II. B. NL steamship Challengt.,
which ia intended to circumnavigate the globe. A
brief rcviewof the leading names in the lflflflflflf Ba
deep-sea dredgiug will be giveu at the elose of this
Great improvementa have been made within tlie
past few years ia the niethoda and implemenhi of
ocean exrloration. Altlioiigh it ia only hy compari
aou with tho impei-ect appliancea of former daya
that the great advancti actually made can berealized,
it will not perbaps bo deeirable to review iu detail
the atepa by which the present poeition haa boen at
t-ined. Su.hco it that tho BhBfl Light in eharge of
Commander L A. Beardalee, D. B* Wa, a steamer of
85 tons, aapplied by the Secretary of the Navy, com
pletely manned and eqiiipped for the use of the U.
S. Fish Commission at tlm placo, reprusents the high
water mark of practieal inveution uud scientitic in
genuity in appliancea and uiachiiiery for tbis pur?
pose. A brief account of a dre.lging trip upon thii
steamer will euable me to describo some of tb? ?*? _?
strumenta and the iieeful aeiviccs they .srforin.
The Commission haa tho valuable a. aiatance of -< ?. -
eral naturabstaof difltinction who tind in these ex
plorations tiuusiial facilitiee f..r proeccuting th.ir
reacarcbes; among those now and rfleently on tha
island may be meutio.icd Prof. Venill, Mr. 8. 1.
Sniifh of Yale. Prof. J. B. Todd afl-hflB. l?wa;
Mr. J. II. Emerton of Salem, an (kocomplisbfd artisi
who furnishefl the sketdies wiu. h .ic.-oint .mv ihia m
letter: Dr. JB.Holderof the C(itril I'ark Mu.eiini, M
I'rof. Aa H. Picoof Midilletown L'uiversity, I'rof. K, V
A. Hfl?flfl of the Ohio Wcsleyan OflUflfljB, Mr. (?. "
Brown Ooad, CB-Bborol th.- MldtQaooani Maaaai|
Di. Thomas F. Hr. w.r, tlio ciiii" n' OfloHh. -otr. Ifll
Boston; Dr. P. B. Cai-penter oi 'l.-rifreal. M. < !?: ?.
B. Fnllcr ol Portland. Mr. J. K. Tli'.t.her . 1 Vule.
Dr. Edward Palmer . f ffflflhtBttOB, Mr. P< BoaaaB
of N.w-Vork. S. F. Itiddlc of Phila lelphia. aiid Mr.
H. K. EflC-WflO oi Washiugton, the BflBjfltflf] >'f tho
The weather waa soin.whai iitifavorn).!.. | i
northeaaterly storm was l.rewiu.. aud the WBtat
Bfltaflfla of Casco Bay was rflflflh. The st -BBBfl hai
juat come in frr.m a lon.er . ruise tlian BBBBl, and all
hands were fiiulv entitled to ? Bhoti BflflB, h-BTQB
fleet of nia.-k.-iel Bfl-BBaBBB, BBBl BOtfBg B storm,
had .-..mc in froni 880, Bfld BTOfB _loltat_Bfl thflfll
m lvcs oti tbe lower landing. Thfl BTOflfffll t flflfl ni.
proiiiising; but Capt. Bflaifl-lflfl Bfl-fl Ifl M tttjt
t.sy of Ua naval olliccr the eflt-OB.Bflfll ti s< i. ntitin
iuter.st, aml flflfl read.v and flrflUag t.. __fl flfll tbfl
p.uty of BSplflOflBfli and dfl f") Bfl fl BB* v. I fl bfli tad
weather would pcrtnit. Toaaoertaifl Iha UB-fBTtflt
of fhe sea bottoflB, aml lo btillfl Bf MBB ' J 't
aud its iulial.itauts, Iha BMMfl - - 1 iBBBT MB Bl ifl
thi diedae. vvhicb. in tta flflfl?fll :")'".. i?lOBffOOBB <>f
Boraoiagfli thooooao aaataaat. iMag tjh?| la .u?
pai h.
a, a Iraa Bflfl. h ?? Nrt- '? r OflflflB i-g ? ?fc"?. BflaBB *.
He*** ue*. f iaa ?*
Tbe open iron franie acta Bfl a s?Bflffflff, and Iifta
from their be.1 all the stiaiu'e t'orms oi lile ti.ai ad
here to the bottom: they an- BBBfftf K(BBBBl Bff by
thia contrivanic. an.l. with fl gn-at flfl BBBBaf < ? mnrt.
are caught in tlie n.t bahOfli Iha -flflflfl. B ?' M BJ
evident tbat nothing is more l.k Iv tban lhal a
acrapcr.pulled foiwaid nnder pn.-h . ?.? uui-tan.ca,
should caich under a roci.; aml il fli.ie v.cre no
eontrivani is to incef s.u-h an . uicrgciicv. f!ie : i t
OBBaflBBBBBltB dredge might bt ;iie lact. VrBflB B
Iihlicrmau's his.k is CBBJJM m the roi ka, li<- iii.i.icdi
ately takes mcaaur.-a;., _,:t | __Bfliaa BWa. upon >U
In the case of the dredfle, thia object ia accom
plisbed by having one bflflfl?- flfl Ihfl drclge flfloa Bflfll
ouly by a light hue. It follows tbat vhflfl B hflfli
straiu oaaaaa bha light liuo boaa_k an.l riMhaarj
liue piiilatbercafterat oue tjnd afflhfl fiatue. ihfl
ol>\ ioua reaiilt is to pull the s> ru[s-r s.dewaj?. BBBl "f
ita predicament. Tbia iaa airn;!. nioiiii. afonoi au
old device. and ia o,inte etlicacious.
Thefroutof thedredgeis a rc t aiiguiar Irame of
iron ahout two teet hy.igbt aBB-BB, Ihfl limgeideB
eiteiidiug forvrurd a?aciapeia, t.ie abort aidc* fur
uishing pointa of atta.hmeut for huudlee. l'hia
frame forms the mouth of a liue BBBB?fli Bfll Bflflflfl
four feet long. Over,the uet a rauvaa) bag, open at
tbe bottom. te extended. which ecrvoa to prott 11 tlio
net from injury, while it ia dnorg-dovei tlu ra aa.
To bnug the arrapeia down to their work. B Bflifhb
of ahout 'JU pounda ia faateued ou the 4_-ag-r4>pui
ahoui oue or two yarda iu advancu oi tlie dr. dpe.
The drag-rope ia tnd dir.vctly to one of the liaixilea,
but ia atUchcd to the ojher only by a light lme.
The apetitlc value oi the dredgt* ia ?nattt.ajw'r,
and it hring*. op in ahundance the ma BO?lal which
forms thu sea bottom. For thia purpoae then.- ia no
moie etlii ifiit iostrument; and t_e deterniiuatu- uf
_ie charucter of the aea-bottom ia oneof t_e unal
important oh|ea u aought by tba Fiah Coniiii-.akio_.
But wheru the bottom a comparatively amooth, aud
tbe chief object in view ia to briug up the hsh?aand
other aiiKti niariue auimala i haracU- ristic uf the lo
cality. the tiawl becotnea a more aerviceablc irtfttru
ineitt. Affcr exhibitiug the workiuf of tlie drwlge,
?ii..1 brioci?fl ao ho iL tor oar exaiuinatiin, u u.ae8

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