Newspaper Page Text
ot mnd and stone* in which there was a niixed ae* anrtment o( atar-__lies. eea-anemonea. sea-urchins. erabs, aml sm&llcr lithes, Capt. Beardslee prooecded to show us the uses ot the trawL THK TB.IWL f>, t>, faboe. or naatn. e. e, -**- 'ita 4, !f*L c, ?, a. r^-.r.t . Th.* front of tho trawl is a Bflflfl ten ortwclve f t tl.-- .11.1*. of which are BfflBfld ******** I.I >.r tflflflflfl. ftflB il depends a fnnnel sbaped net fll fl?_MBB ***** **** ? (i,,',,h' _____** br a tfriflg <>f BM*- on H.e forward lower edge Theae w> itflhM an.l flf Mt UU**** are sufflcient tosi.ik tl.e trawl. an.l it does not iiaiially need an extra .,. front. Bfl the dra,' rope. as does the dredt-e Pn.?_rlionfl or webe prooeeding from the Iniide ofthe'net. ealled pocketa. flIYfl to prevent li>hee caplnred in tl.e nct from getting ont hy the Iflflflfl-al Iflflfl" in. Over a smooth bottom and fltxtiug no olwtrnetionB, sii Ii a trawl may be Iflflflfl] -BB-BI hfl hoiirs atatime, till it grows so with itsae.-iiinulated trea^ures that ite safety rw|..i..- tkal II bfl liaiil'd up andemptied. Bflt, on tl.. other hand. it may cat-'h suddenly. Having ?flflflfl, Bflflfl Bfl stramisnt once rclaxed. it will be tom to flflBM. On the oth.-r hand, if skillfully mnyboin u'" to bring upalmostanvthing wliich it lB.__flfll.flfl- tliere isshown at thelanding the laboratoryon tliis island a rook weighing n.-ailv BflBBBBfl of a ton wliich the Blne Light br-iiKhiupiu the trawl. The problem thereforo is. ? bflfl tl>e trawl catchos to relii vo tho straln at once. tf*mm**U 9*k* a?ain to the cafl. ofa __-_--?_ wh Bfl h.x.k is caugbt in a rook. He endeavora by ???Bl of ln-* Bflflfl or pole, or both. to bring the pull directly over the book, perhaps, if possible, in a side warrt or backward direction eoiiipared with that by which it was flfl____?4 Iu our case this problem was BflBBfl-lfli during our trip on the I.Iue Light. the tirst tiuietbo trawl was thrown overboard; but, as will beseen, Ihfl " check stop," au admirable invention Bl Cflfi. lo-.ii.i-le., flfll the uifli.ulty. The Bflfl 1. s.i. ponded by a long ropo. was let down rapidly from a davit on the bow of the__ tt-amei, nn til the slackcning tk the ropo indicated that hottom was reaclied; the steamer nicanwhile moving alowly backward till n snit-ble angle was reached, so that UM trawl flflfll- drag propcrly over the soa bottom. Then. while the ropo waa still ranning out. a seaman ntv iiuk hnnself ont on the davit and tied ono end of a littht line, cullcd the " cbcck-top rope." with a eki'.lful knot, fast to tho drag rope, and the other end t<> the sule t.f tho Tflflfli. ln tlie hatids of a jack tar thiB w a_ the work of a moment; a land__inan would have flBflfljM Iflfl it for a half huiir. The business of trawlin? was now iauly betfun, and tbe steamer baeked slowly along over tho " gronnd" aelected at the rate of about a mile and a half per bour. With a prouelling Bteamer. backing is bettor than a forward motion for rrawling. becanso tli.-re is no liability of foiding the trawl with the pro peller. and also because when the traw. catches, and it is desirablo at onco to relieve th?strain, the boat can be started forward mote qinckly than back? ward. , TIIK CIIF.CK-STOP. A. i na-lt. b. r>rt? toaa, r ??*. -, -, ii_? of fr_?_l. H_a trawl l tm flten, ot what would boast'.-rn if tt. ? ??? Bot flOT-Bf stern forn ,'ilv thfl triwl oatdMfl on tbo bottom. Thc s'.iin . I alongon th<-light line, thc chi.k-.stop rope, flhich BOfl partswith a snap that i, i,,.,,;,; '; , A ? '? Ii'Maiit.y tlie oi.i.-r is ?,vtnt , i .. . ? ; _ut loug bBfoifl the tuotioti ol the boal i tn be ehi ibek ol tho drag-ri-i--. whicb thll fl-BflU ei.uti ivatire 1 vi'lc !, i' I ? 1 - * thl IB ?B. aml Uflfl is affocdi tl to let out;i., . . IIlmiaflli.finhflngM ThahoM is tii.-ii r.'i: lapniiy forward till il BBBBt-fl " flflBBflflti iw !. th> -t a__-fl-_g--flttial doMt-Mwiadtiifl kjEk** . . . . . ii. t.ikiiig in thfl Q: _? . . riiea fltt_ a little dt-xterous ni.-uage Bflflt, i? m (flfl iina'ii out on Ihe d ?\ i r ... ? ??? 'iic-1. tk* triwl is flflflUf ******** awav. It may tivo a better ideaoi t-WTataflfl. Capt. Beard * I -? ' tk** it ao tii ly takea the _>] Mfltljr " aee-unulators'' _m.,\ ..j,d iu thaB-it-tk dre(l_n:ii: . ? . lasflniflflBfll wh.. h interposo asoit >l .iii..!. ii-.*'.?? ot BBflflMBBjbflfl. in place ot patt of th ifl .-.":>'. -he ii.iiia-rul.ber, b.v -tretcu laA -Wr*__f l -BBflflfl strain. Ifl deepseas %w\ T,, * !i a lari.'" flflflflfli the flflflflflfl* .. ,.y |o iu ' UM coniiuual . for work ****** MBBflj _ut\v .1 the Flflh C-OMB-lB* tue. i.-a t-v.-ryiaffl-fl_fl-Mflti CB Bfl "IflB 1? flflfll I fl- t he, in te,,t anl flfll ? ' e Hsh Of fl-B^MM *_.*_** U*M*S ? ? -itires tliat flflflBoDflC-fl._B IBfl Bflfl'l W_Ofl we w. re rnjotimr fl diflBM flfl tbfl JJliiO-.ii'iit. an 1 w'. i>* aft rwii.l BpCflBd Bflt tfl Bflfl in-pex-ti _ : <>l Mfl flXttflfl-d-BUIJT charaeter of the u__. ntiiii ItT BrqflflJ-tflBflBt-fl-B HM-fltflfl. ..ii I't ikB^I UhUBflT, the rlis.ov.iies mudc in re lation Vi ih>* food uTid habit _ <>f marinn animals. and t).. IBlflflflflBB. tflflfl disctiverie* t<> jrreat MNBUBfl ar.l practi. al projXWB, I have not l.-ftmyaelf room tospeak in tbis tflflflflfl. Mflflfl flfl Hfl Mfljf-flBtfllfl BlMflflflBl fll tln flBBfl-Bf. *** wck.of tbo American ation for tke Advanoonteut of Hcience, are likely U> be of grcat_.r iiatt-rest and iu.;*irtance. TTIK nr.C>ItD OF VT-YTPSKA DREDGING. A brief rec .rd of some of the more prominent MMfl__BOBfl in deeji-sea dretlging will now be at* IflflpMd. witli the flBiflflBtflB-Sill "that wbih- the list Js far fn.iii e'lnU'letentss, it may yet serve ro give the reader wTJir notinn of the extent and Yfl-iflflj of <hefle a_rplol_ittoi-fl. The following are bfl_D_d i" Frof. Wvt iHe Tl ,ompv>n_ " Dejiths ofthe Si a' as ! _,g :.,i,'i-,] ;. knowK.V-e of marine fauna by duofl flM exploration : Ia 1818 some living __-_?, ?T.bythei.redi.'ciiiHa'lla'sHav. from }.?*> I ' l?tii,bv Sir.lohn K'.ss; I ...f. EJwBfdFol--- i.':-ril,'''lv. I.>tv,ecnl>.i....n.l tinijfl on : I the Briti-li l_\*iia> .::-din .!-? '.'.Ti'"iryi;oo<l,ir, M ,, l..-,., Bti I ll 300 i t'l'.uus; Cs'-t s'or'tr R.M., in ' at <i'? ' lionfl. Vintt. f-ovea of _5ti? ' I ol B. Rt/tenatrnp of Co|>f?hage_. and Micbael Bar. of on tbe coart. of ScaodJuarla, thoae of Prof. Sars begiflolng ln ltHP being of f? ""*"*; ??ce j Mr. McABdrow. 1?* tahM,'^^^ Canary ls__d. lo tbfl ^^TiTotilTt cahlo otrorationa, bfljBflbaj **j^g"?. volved (H.madr.Hlg.nff; Dr. Wallich, with fc 1-0 2 d M. Clintocl. in ? voyage to Iceland. Groeuland, I_u Newfoondla-d in 1800 did valnablo aervioe, va S^aMiaatm, were reported to.b,> Bntiab, A^uv tion Eflflfl I?a to 1808, comprising fatiua of Britiah coaat, down to the 100 fathom line ; ^JJ-JSJ Vf right and M. Barlroza du Bocage ?nl*??5t,,? OHBfla. Portngal I aud Mr. Marsball Hail in 1870 ofl the coast* of Tortugal and 8p_in. are among the more recoiit labor.-rs abroad, in this Ifllf. To these I im V ad.l the followiug: Prof. J. T. Wbiteaves ol Montreal bas eurned on extemuve aud productive investigaUons to a depth of 300 fathoma in the flnlf of Ht. Lawrenci. undttr the anapicea of tho Canadian Govennnent. Anmnir forclgn oxplor ations thero should alao he mentioned that of the Bilti.- Bofl, ni tho Pomerania; the Swctlish explora tiona of the North Atlantie in tho J ooophine, by Drs. F. A. Smith an.l A. Ljiingman ; of Prof. Mdbius in the Bay of Elflll by .larschinski on tho coastof I.ap land and in the White 8ea; hy Dr. Schmid in tho Adriatic ; bv Dr. O. O. Sars off the Loffoden Islands bv M. Vcrkriiseu flfl the coast of Iceland, aud tho ironnau Polar expeditions iu the Germania aud Hansa. . Dr. Wm. BBBBB Bfl, originally of Cambridge, Maas., and a studoiit -BOOt iflBflotfl, ?*? was, during flBSB* of bis latter yeara, tho Secretary of Chicago Aca demy of Science*. hegan dredgiug in 1850 ofl Grand Mcnan on the coast of New-Brunawiok, and mado similar expcditione in BiicotMMling yeara, among which tho cruiee of the Betaey from New-York to tbe Bay of Fundy is romarkablo. Great additiona to scientitio knowl.dgo wore scourod by his exor tioua. Hc dredgod alao in the Nortb Pacific Explor ing Expedltion under Kinggold and Rogers. Ono uf his expeditions was to the coast of North Carolina ; hia two i laat wore in the Gulf of Mexico. most of the collections from which wero burned in tho flamea of Chicago. Prof. Verrill _ reeord iu dredgiug ia a long one, hia investigationa exttnd ing about Mount Dosort in 1860, and in the Bay of Fundy and on tho coast of Labrador in 1859,1803,1864, 1868, and 1870. Dr. A. 8. Packard, Mr. S. 1. Smith of Yale. and Prof. II. Fa. Wehster of Union College, aharod largely in tho lattor expeditions. Prof. Ver rill takes out a cl_ss of Yale studouta every year to dredgc in Iaong Island Sound. Mr. C. B. Fuller of Portland has dono much work in Caaco Bay. and ex temlid bis reeeai ehes along tlie coast up to the Hav of Fundy. Tho investigations of Alex. Aga-ssiz with tho surffkce trawl, althongh resulting in dis coveries of the higbest aciontific valne. can scarcely be-enumerated with dredgiug expeditions. The readcrs of Thk Triuune are fnmiliar with the dia coveries of the Toyago of tho Hassler around Capo Horn. ThelaboTSof tho U. S. Fiah Commission in clude the dredgi-g operationa on the U. 8. steamer Baehe. in the vi.inity ot St. Georiro's Banka, in 1872, byM.ssrs. 8. 1. Smith, Oscar Il.irg.r, nnd Dr. A. Packard; and Ihoso under Profa. Baird. Verrill, Smith, and Todd, in 1871. in Martha's Vimyard Sound and Hiizzard's Bay, and in 1872 in tbe Bay of Pundy, with headq.iartors at Eastport, Mfl. TO PARENTS AND GUARD1ANS. WUKKE TO SEND CniLDREX-PKIVATE SCHOOI- OK NKW-YORK AND VICI.VITY. Tho following infonuation, colhicted from vaneil soureee and con.lenaed from volumiuoua oircu lars aud oataloguea, will further enable those BaakBBJ aehoolsto whleh tosend their you.ur eharcca to make im.'lligent selecrloB. Among those named helow will he found aeveral of ihe moat popular schools iu this vioinity : Ftoebold Institute, a boardlng and day achool for boya, Freebold, N. J., begins ita thlrUeth year in 8cp toraber. It la easily reached froro New-York by three daily traina on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Insti? tute was purchaaed flve years ago hy Uov. I'arker and other gcutlenieu, who corupose tho prescnt Iioard of Trusteoa. The de?i_n of the iustitutiou is to ?rivo hoys a tborough EnKiisb. education, aud pro.pare thoui for ad Bfllafl?fl to any oollego, or to enter tho varlous business pursnlta. The oour*e of sti.dy embraeea an Academi 8 nnd O?isieal iX'piirtiiiei.t. The Faculty consists of the Kev. A. O. Chamhers, A. M., I'rlncipal, formerly of Mi Bflfl Univer-ry, Iliirbe.r Mathoraaties, Klorutlon, aml Klutonc; Henry C. Talrnage. Latin aud l'hysioa! Oeo graphy , Wiu. E. V. Horner, lireeir, AtaUunv, and Phyal ology; Wm. C. Chamhera, Eunllsli Llterature and Natural Soielice ; Albert 8. Cuok, Euirliah De.partu.ent : Karl Lan.lota, Musto and Modorn Languages ; the Kev. John B. BflB?k Miauii Uuive.raity, Lecturer on Natural Bcience; -. B. liuilaon. Penmatiahip aud Bookkuepiu^'. Expeusca for boarl an.l tuitiou are lioo per year, with? out extra charecn. The aituation of the school Ib very beautiful, aud tbe aitrrouiiding couuiry unusually baaiihf. Brooks Beminary for younj ladies, with a apeclal coune for thone de_i?ning to euter Vna?ar College, l'oU|{Ukeepaie, N. Y., reopeua 8ept. 17. Mrs. Edward White, prini ipal, aBslsted by nine professors and teach cr\ The courae of atudy Includcs a Preparatory Depart? ment, with the rudiinentary Engllsh branehes and French, ard a Oradnatinir Department, rmhracing a regular colleglate course of study, requlring four yeara. Diplomaa are awarded graduatea vr ho are fully prepared tu enter tho BflflflBflflfl classes at Vassar College. A g_ : .ial elaaa Is provided to prepare young ladir* for tho e.irlieat poasible entryof the College courae. The IbbBBBB course for the comlng year presente such namea as Profs. W.l.ier aud Anderaou of Cornell Uulvenilty. the Rev. Wn;. M. Taylor, the Rev. Wm. Ormlston of New-York QltJ, and the Hon. John TboflBBflOfl oi Poagbkfl.-p.-.e, ainontr a nnmuer of othcrn. The terms are |nv per year, with no extraa except art studies and Oreek. Morrls Ecmale Institute, Morrirrtowu, N. J., ?n the Miniaand Enaex Railroad, acccaalhle aeveral timea a day from New-York, beglns IU lOih year Bept 19. ObaflfM ?1 Haieitine, A. M., Prlncipal; Prof. Sidney Wo lett. A. B , ?JtUiotie* aud Klocutinn; Mrs. BBflflflflfl M. ("arter. ocr?atotial Readinjra and IteeitMiona, and Prof, Ir.iuM (i. Illhlny, I'liiim au.l Voeal Ciitture. Tne eourflfl of study Includcs uu academic and eolleglata department, and a poat graduate couise for those wlshtng to nurstie studies after kirartuation. The BBBflbflflfll Ix.ardiDg pupils is llmited [o a, thal a family i.rginlxation may be, maliitnnu-il. Lectfllfla are given ou tha Natural Hciencas, Ennllsh i.itoriittire, and othe.r lopiea BBBBflBBBfl with tue flflfll flfl l_fl Iialiaaiuethodof vocal culiure n. uaed e.clusivclv, L)i')ii>:nni are onferred upon atudents who credltal.l) c.Kiiiplote.the full ra.arse of etudy iu tho Euitlish depart? ment. Terinii?Ih.ard, room, fuel. lia'ht, wasiiiiu-, Bad ii,iu.mln KiiKllofi hratu hea,.Fn'Uoh, and Latln, |4'K) uer aooum; day pupila, per quarter, Academic Dep.u tnienl, $15; Coliu_iate Di.partui*-l, tlO; I'lati.) and Voci.1 Cul ture. r.'> to toi, OU I'aintlug, $j'j; Taatal ahd Water C"1.T*. W5. jMutint Pleaiant Inatltute, privatta classes for lioys, la at Aiuh.iBt, Maaa, *. mlles north of Springfleld, on tho New-laondoB Northern Railroad, seven hohra from New York and four hours frora nostun and Alhany. Tho htilhllngB are on ai. emlnence, with a vlow embraclnn 10. it.ff. rent towns and vlllages, ono mile frora' ( niiege and half a inlhi south of tho MasHacht.setta A.n OellflOBi Ihe achool waa orguuizu.l ui 1S46, aud is conducted hy Bfeury C. Nimh, A. M. Boya received iroineijrht to elghteen yeara of nge. The course of >tudy includea a pninarV, iiiKhor Enauab?pupila in .-'... ,i havo aocesa. witnoul extra chaitge, lo thu valu al li .'(.Drsea of leoture* delivered to the atudenta of Aui lier-t Vo)inKt>? and a clas?lcal department. Particular latte'ition is g.ven to the pnmarv EiiKliah brauehea?5 ., viriiiu<, apeiiing, _w. luatructlon in the iuod era lat.,.-u_.:e* ia iflven by native teacher* wTien deaired. The scli.-ol yt-ar begtnflfsept. 10 and euds Juriu 53. Tho .bar." foi board, tultion, wasbliig, rueiidiug, fuel, and .i>'.t Ifl UiO per anuum. No extra cliarge*. Mra. Faitb C. lloauier aud Mia* E. II. Roekwall have a Jai.i.i> and day echool for youog Udioi at No. 91 Hprlug ai., Spntigfleld, Maaa.. which wUl reopen bept. lfi. Tbe ceutial J.ication of Bprtuiffleld render* lt acoeaalble from ull direi'tione, being flve houra froui New-York aud four trom Bofltoa aud Alhany. The nuraber of boardera lini.t. .1 to 15. The ronise of Instrucllou inclurtes thn ii.athematics, and tbe aeieutltlo and literary ...:> uiuraue.l iu our btuit s( Uoola. 8poclal 11 in given to biatorv aud general luformatlon, audvtu.wie ptiiula flhoso elenieuUry traluln. bas been de_Hitiva will rflotivu tho lustrucilon they iei|uire. Term* f..r board, washiug, and tuiUou iu Engllah aud Latln, ier year. aoo: day tuitlo.i, l>er Quartsir of 19 flflflflfll 180. French. Qfll*?flfl. inusic, dtawiuif and paint iu*; -i. , X?aa, 1' reoeivedat uny lluio, bul Ior uot leaa tban one guaru-r. Bay-Vi w InatltuUa, an Euglish classlcal aud eom ii.i.iii i.oa.-diufl and day sehaol for ttotb aexea Is at litbyu:., 1.. I ? *? k-tlet fniu New York, and witk 38 flallj (uiiLicitlug txaiua. The Intitltaie wa* flrflflflB?flfl tht?(?'? yeaflfl ago a* a private day school, imt in order to ineet ni'' .lo.uand for a boardlug achool a houte wa* ,,. oiu.uo.1 iTli.g at tha pruaent tlme ten Ixtaiders, ti. ui,".. tn nchoo ls lim.ted. It 1* dcaigued aa a hoiuo . tne pupils ciin Bfljoy the pleaaurea and c uifurta "I bome, uud at ihe aame time tv-qutre a 1. i.u.-ll 1 ilue ill..., an.l Ih- fllll ,1 for co.;,--,? 01 ii.- Bvbool la conducted i.i L. Ifomer lluflgBflBtBBBBta. Term. iht aiiiitini ; H'..irding Einnlt, poriul ikiukI. W00; iml honni, |3i0, day pupila. irtmeut, ?4U. 1 ouiiii. 1. lal, 860 ; elaaaical, Ir-aJ . ,., aud extra. ."1 u)ai ye>*r begloi ObflbO roruLAR Disoussioy. PUE88INO TOPICS. IMPORTANT TB-TrMOWT ON TIIK CHINB-JB QIH'-l |.|N. _Vt-t rilr ('kruti-B Uato*. Mr. Charlea Nordhotf is a man or strict Intcirrity andexoeileat powera of obecrvatloii. and we me iclad to haye hla tt-tltuony upon a inueli ?nooted niul p__ot1r?llv Importtnt ?nbjfn_t. ln one or ht. Prtlt _______ letter- to Tu.. TKirtl KE iie dla.-uanes Ihe que.Uoii il^U^ffa*T**w*rYu*zT**^ tt, ..... uiij li.ey wcrc cli.-aicd ,.r .ll lt- lt. d, U Ullkllowil. TU* tb. dou't dnnk wMflBy." Tlli; 1 AltM.Ks' 1l!Ot'III.K.S. _rom The tMUU* i _****! Nothing thut BBfl any ilirt -et h? _nng ii|M)ii tlie Fui inerri' qn ?nlUiu will bv duvoid ol int.T.-.I ai il timo nke. thia, wben ih" i.oiiu. al element- compara tively doitnatii nnd ins.ilutioit, iiixmt M erystalllss aboat new ideas, and pcflflflfl tlie wav for new nnd tni|mrUnt re-iulls. NothuiK of all that wc havo aeeu in pnnt on tbis aaestlon?and than B aat a leadiug arwspaflfl la the c-ouutry that is nol fllled witU lt?has stat.-.l ln atu-li brief spaoe so liioeh that is cleui aud undeiiiuble hs tho rcporl of a ci>iivet_atii>n between au llliuois correspond ent of Tm. N. Y. Triuhnk and Fariuer Huiiili, tln* -" N tary aud oriraiiizor of tl.e Htate Ftirniers' AasoeUtlou of lliinois. Fanner Huutli B B plaiu-spokcn uian, lmt be. knows sonie thuiK's M well an anv one. and can MU them ln a way to bo un.lerstood. Tiik Thibunr's flflflfll fl Um euaissaatlos oontalas IM ****** ot tho wnoio diflleiilty whieh has c-tlled into cxisienee tho F.truiera partv of tho Went. We ask every capitaiist, every rail? road" uianaicer, every prospcrous luhaiiitant of town or city who has beeu acc_-.-oi.ii_ to look coiiteniptuo.iHlv upon the. Ffl-flCl' luovemeut au>i *sy that tBBM coui.irr peorta an always aoaflblac, to read the Bflflflafl of Faimer Hiulth and say whether it oonUlns oue word which Ifl uot true.. II ih just as true, of oliiousit is of those _?r lUinols. and ib it flflnaiM tbat the men who flnd that wltb all Iflfll induntrv aud ecouomy tbey can hardly hold tiielr own ajfainsi'tlte forcu of llBB?flMa?, should have con ci.ule.i that there wm aomei-l-B wreng lu all tiim, aad ibould bave declded to trr tbe flt a combiuc.l eflort to secure a Mflflfll' MR. MGKI.OW.. LKITEB ON THK CKNTKN MIAL, IT CBB I><> Bfl BOB*! Jfr.fB Thr Phtlad'lpkl* I'irtt. ___2_Veltt**' I'.pbi-'" We havo lt with Hiteuiion and due ro*|ieet. but oonfess that at the .nd we were nt a los* cveu lo fllfljlllfll what ex actly is the writoi 'l auu - wbat coml he to d'>, Rn.l lf tban bfl aajr, Wbf he dlfl not sooner favor the anxious publio with bis views. If we undcrrtand tlds u.yntical letter, the id<a Ifl that tho "Cen tennial Celehratioii." whieh he admit.. to be not onlv riBiit and proper. but a l.e.-casity. slioiild havo iiothins practlcal or nubstantlal about fl, l.ut sbflllflbs a trreat iiitellecUial ab.tra.nion. I.vcrvbndy 1 * to write. and talk. and Unnk of UflMeSfltflfl our flBflMfll bc atowsd upon ur., but here H B to .ni. aad, to tbla oloudj .form Mr lti_.-low'* sabstltBM dlsappBai??>. BoauMbt-C Wbat ls posltive. Tho ii-uth, however. is thal thin wor? thy'*. ne__?tlTS attitude ls much more mt.illl cii.le, and, to speak tbe bonesttnitb. lus letter is neltber more nor le.*- tbau a bittei denunciatlou, Kaniished with aome statements which are, to npeafc tuildly, verv lnac enrate <>f the PhUadelplUa s.-ln me, from Mctaalag to end Wc deeply thi* letter has been wntteii. lt ran'douoKOod. lt. may dohariu, and wo bave f.-it ir dutv at once touotire, it, takitig ou-asion toexpr..s.t our KratiU.-ation at the frien.lly aud JodlelO-U leuiper in wUichTii.iTitiiii nk, where it a]'|>ear.a, couiuiciito ou it. KMINKMI Y I'lllll-KIt ltMflfl_-_OM. tT.'tt Thr .Ittr-York I'ott Mr. John nigi'lnw, through Tiik TbIBUVI ft fow flays aflfl. asafla soom BaggeatloBS torelatloa tatbs .? 1. liraii'iii of Ofl . omli.-.' CeaMaaUl Anniversary which an* . iii.nentlv proper. llr* objc ix. with n deal of re.i-M.ii, to niiikini: tho Oce.ision uli intrrnHtional e. l.ln.i tion, iH-Ciiil-e tlie evetit to l>e coiiiineinora:'*.! Ifl Htrl.tlv national. Wfl iunt flfl well esflflflt tho world to,* in SSMblBliaB the downfall of Napoleon, or tbe tjuisaan ro.val fauniy la tba sstabUafl I l.e Kuipir... h* lot \ !>c. -t that tlio people who Bflflfl h.-re fraa abraad wlU aaflfl wiih *.iy af IM -*i>ini ? hi.-h wiiiaiiiiuau>oui awapeoflte. Xhaflflf-UflBflBBflBflBlatW' national Kllnliiliiin winply as our js-ople bflflflfOflBM Vieuna?ioscc the show aaflfl make ?oasfl in the exblb ittou ol tlicir waicn. Tliat ti.i-> faci will rob the anuiver harv of it> charaeter, deatrnt IM dignity. and flflflfl it ono to l.e forevcr aflcr te.fcired U> aa a oiere comm. i. floaflb, ih loo true. lf wc iini*<t bave au cxhlbilioti, it sliuu... lie u UnibU B'ate. exbibit-on stn.-ti)-. T__i_. is what we would all l.ko to see, iM Mr. Bfgelow iindoubt e.lly azflflflflflfl M* coiiiiiioii feelin-'. Hut w*e are nfraid the tlme is psst for anv clmnne. Much aa we mlk'ht de siro to not' ia lutlMT plau adopted iban Uiat flnd upon, we must probably BflflflM 1!. We must probaoly, tJiere fore, be sutwfleil with the l'hiladelpbia arherae, thmigh |M pnople ot Uiat city, we-r.-nuk, may be assured that if ih.-*. M.*io even now to il.eir decialou a...l iiuiit the celebration to BBfl by the Aincruan people, tbey would lind it woul 1 Ball foi tn fl drgtt* ot en th.isi.irtlu Ht l.oine and iiiteier.1 h1i."...I v. .il.t. ili.-v liavc hitborto lailcd tocullst ui au mt. in iii-' il .*\.'.it.iti.m. BItOAD AND Af.TITAI. flBOOXM Of IMflflBBI. e'rom Tht Itotlon I'ott. Dofl-ilflM Phtlade-phia, aa ? vrhole, Iiuh not as hixli a ngaid for tbfl llou. Joliu BiBvlow as tt had a few day. ago, before he wrote, bis letter to'fnr. Nkw Yokk', riiticibintc the machiii.-ry now in sluit insh iii.iii-iii to evolve a National r. uU-iiuiai iu 1*176, aud tln.liiiK fault with tho tlme an.l plai. of ita propom.l celebration. At this early pcriod of C ntcnnial euthuai an.n which has be.-n boiilutf very flflatly la IM Qaatof City, Mr. RIkcIow has the boldncs to oppoite aix objections to tho prcflflol Bl lt 1* uow ahupiiiK iU. if. ile objects to Its purpo*').. a lucousiatent wilh tbe'd-'llnod charai t.-r of tln- ccretuotilal, coiihidei. It lo. _l,__ctii.i_il, aud partial in it? opcratious, aud mvohriuK tb?, ture of a larger nuui of tnoiiev lt ue..'i__ta_wLwbi.;h would result aooiicr or latcr in traa. latrmg tkaflflnntrol or affairs to the prcdotory ctasaes. TBls laflflflflBad of in t.i.ii-1 aa.l a.luat, aud mauy will iflcopy it boflldn Mr Blgnlmr Itaajr i?- pntfl BtroflB 'tenguairr. for Hr. BtflflWV to t*T, that "the liolieHt mstiiu-U ..; patnotinm would run ili>* il.-k >.f .-inlin.- in a loathsou.c job," but it wo.llil Im- groiitjtog to ni e a .llll'*l.-nt i:U? of men controlllntr the mterests of Pbltodelpbta b.-foro Uie uatlonlacalled upou u> luvi-t ln Ceiiten nial bto.k. A TEAKI.NO AWAf OF TIIIN PltKTKNSK... A>,rt? J hr Vtat-Ttrt Ma.U Mr. John Bigelow, to whoM auggMtioofl waa due the Inautturaiiou ot tho nro.iect of eejebimUag our QflBlBBBlfll. sends a li>n_rJ.*tter to I ut. TBIBOBB. protesting airainst the decradation of this louK-to-bc* - mcmorahle seeaalon byeoiicuntratiiitt the nati..u__i i_i_er ct in the flflflflflflflfll "wflfli-Tfl Fair" at 1 'hiladelphia. ix.r ?l.i nt v ... i-i.t.'ii. of the l^unker City aro tuakniK Ui ? OU*. ol I ll(* national ?aelillllielif i hut f.ivor* BBfl rolebiatJorm, imt Mr. HikcIow tt.inks aud prove that their show wlll not " answer anv of tbo prituai y or IndiHpensable eonditinns of a national couttnemoratlon of Ib" flflfl of 1.7G." Tbo vurposenof ihl. Kxhlbl tion are, a? he says, "flflflBflflflWl aud mdii.-triii." It " look* iiiui'i to the dcvelufiinent of wealtb than of. patrloti.m." It "tlravslts iiiBpii_ti-_i from a fl_ta____ future rather than froin a splntua) iiast." Audsohe tfoes on remoriaelcssly teartnK away ouo aiter BBflflM ol thc thln ptflflflflflfl wbentwith the Fbiladelpbiaus bave vail.d the real purpose of the.r mu.-h ExhiLrl MM, J IIE TRIT. WAT TO 0B8BBTB TIIK CKNTKNNIaI., ' ?a>m Tht Syrarvu JoartutL There is Mflfl. bflflfl in what Mr. Bigtlow bas aaiu with ao murlt car., and prix-i-.iou. It wuuid l.e" Jor.jble cvtn than it i*., lf iMiylMxl/v-jally auppoaed thal tbe city of Fhiladelphia was koIhk to surcotxl tri iu intention to motiopolire tbe celebration ot tbo Atuerlcan I Centennial. That la an titter luiposaibiiity,. Alniuly Jfew-York and Bostou J have MflBB pn*parations for BbflMVBflMfl of the.occaaion with scarcely lesa fornianty and nplrit th?iw Fhllauelphia. OtBflt laiirc citlus mll ao tbo tuinio tlunjr. Wo aay, theu, let 1'hila.l. Iphia c.lobrat.i Um- Fourth ot'July. IH70. in her owu manucr, and wltb all tbe eclat w hicii ahe cau throw about that great ?cca.lon. I. .t Uew Y..: k, .....l llostou, aad CBBMfl-t and Han Prancinqo, and New Or IflBMflfl IBflBBflBJ aud let every otlicr city, town, vil lage, hamlet, aud loui ooruers lu uli Un. l>.nal laud make ail tl.e demonstratlon It mav be able Ui makn in h'.nor of tba flflfl. Lu tbis ni inner, iimlia tlu-. only, cau ih>- giflal Atnericau BBflflfl do full Jualico lo iao uo-iujeiuoratiou^of tLw Natlou's LciiUiinlal. ___u_yt*__tA*t ci.aim tiik ra.ui-si. ftom Tht Nne-York _.?;,...-. If-there is to bo n Kpitial n.itional celebra? tion of ttie Ceuteanlal anywnere it muat Ih. suranwhem * aud, of all place* iu the Lniim. PhilSdnlpbui has tbo tirst aud highest tor tbe bouor. Tb? plaro la aa at?e*?lble, and on tb>. whole u, as any other It s. .?iii* to ... iha' Mr. Ittr.-low laws too mueh Mress oti the locallty of the t eUabration, and bia objections to I'hilaiielpiua it..ul.i **?*_ Wllu "ii'ial lf not addiilonal force against any otber cfty ln tbo |Union. But lt ia a uu.-. li"ii whether it ia advlaabhj__(or Me United Btatea iinv.-i i.iiient. as a li'.vcriituuiit, to take part ln aad con irib'iie toward any local rtalehratlon; and, still further wiie.t.rei tl.e j.ropii- * of the nailon can i.r* properly ren-' reaeutod by au InteniaU'iial ezpoaiiioa. How cau ao rihili.tloii of the wurld'a industry illustrate tbe Kn.wiii and pc.-u.iar rtwtoltr. of Ami-.n.-.m elvtlixation t A worl.l'a fair may be a very flne Uuug, bul lt is hard io at? how lt could sbow wbat America baa schlcvcd ln a oentury of ii.di._xiid.nie uuder republlran luatliutloua. A TKRitlPIC lli OW. Fr-ta Thr .Vrv- Kurl f-'uBiaifreiai Adaertittr. The llou. John Bigelow hoa lut the Phila d'-lplua Oeatepnlal a i.-infi. biow between wiud aud water, and carecued it ov.r llke a Dutch icalley atrandud ou a u.u.l bank. lie s.*e? ln fhe pr-?.iit plan of ttie rnan ai<era iiotbluv but a do.ii.-i to put baae lurre ln tho p.? . eu> of 1'iul.uieiphia rli'io kccpi-ra aud apoculatora. Uu a >.*i_;iiiilii- uionct -iiiakiui; liick, deiiked out iu ti..- Am.r lca_i flat: lu onb-r to looa Cau it be po.aihin that auch ln thc otum l Have those kcell t^u.ikors roally euteiod mto a ooii.piracy to boodwiuk a nation ol ln.... 1>- ul only ou wadlag up to llu national f mt aod beinit rcii.ipliic.l with tne apirilot'76f May Ihe army Of BM aiiecti .1 dead, tbe artlrttlated bonen of the li.-ruii dcfuucl, iii.ik.- uildiiUl.l Um**U U.roiiKb llln flflBBflfl ut tbat -flceiyluf. > Ut, I'.irv.-riii'.ii, if thia bo true I 1V\D KlPOtUTlOM fi'iai, /'ll flll i ' .1 ? ? ViewiBB tlu: salijoct from ** patriotie etautl fldlill. fll Mr llljiilnT prnlaflaafl tfl dB I'uuadi'lphia haa the rariit aad flttlfl to the oentral plaee hf *".*? ?_,hl"; _ . J_!-i _biw York baa no n atrn hut that of _l\_\moema%Ttr**da_ ,o-B>er.,..l Imporfncr, 80 th^her efforuVanatih lflfl placo ?? ^'^ar* only reaiilt In a coitple of falluna. one BXHiamoa bbocob. tr.aa Tar l;-.?_Ua-Joarnol _ _ __ Thk Nkw-Yobb Tiuhunb paUtabaa a im a. , i.i..,rit. l.-lUr iflalnai rhll-delpbia as the pline ?;;'tt;'e r.-uie^in at and pn-d.-tin. ...e Ullure of tbfl at S. Tli. ."Utor. ludco't. uilldiv **?*_?J??__*a*"*?. -iww.of hi-eorrcspoiidciit. l.ui msit.u .??* that flcotem ?J mrv1hllMtlon Bflflfll take flBJKfl ?f New-York Now JvcrvlMHly kuow. tl.a. oflfl Bfl-B cxh.oltlOU at onr. time ls anoughlor one eooutry; aud also tnat the pl_..? has Len flxed. aml thal ronual nolief) of tne aaaafl uaa he.'u K.vei. U. foiclgnora l.y tlm l'lesld-nU II U Bb-I now t.i Btop tbrowloii buidrancefl m tue way of tl.i-. national afl.kir. Bfll qnito Ifl "r.l.-r to a:i','_est uiiything whioh wlll cot.iiuce l>. lla BflflflBflfl. OOWBBfl BO m W I' Tar i'htio '? .. . . / .-jr iph. While linding fimll with thu (leflnifo plau \t llll i: IS llllllg BO <le,.,lily illl'l tflflak?flflflfllly BilVi.ll, ,.'t. Mr. Higelow u,a. BBtlllBf ?f l)i? owu to propnMi in its pli.e. Tho preciae olject uf hls epistlc, tl.e.n iure, lt Ifl impnssll.lo to (oneclve. Tlie Onteinual Bflbflflflfl h,.4 oceii adopted hy the Iiatlon, wlll be BBBBBBlflfl with lflfl , 1,1?1.-uiuiiiia 111 ..( ihe ii.itioii, aml fllll inevituuly a ualioyal iriuinpli uf the liiglies*. order. ? 1 - RP.iilCS OK *7?. To the WA b ta * of The Tr i bu nt. Siit: Bfl?BOi-g that every ettiflOB shouM take a personai Intereat In the auccess of our Coiiteunlal BBBBBflattBB, and tliar lt is his dutv to presont to the pub? lic auy aiiggOBiloiiH that will teud to enh.mee the Intereat of thatoccailon, I Uke the liberty to offor herewlth an Idea which haa BflflflBBfl to me at tbe aame time ao simplo and practieal that, thinking BBfl Committee of Arrange liient* would atouise graap aud a.lopt lt, I havo besl tated for the laat ls BBBflt?I to advanoe it. While we int.nd to make. on this fltting occasion, our great BBBflflflBflfl for the niuetecnth century, and while wo coulldently ezpeet to far surpasa iu eaeh partioular every etlort hltherto made by any BBfl-fl, ls it not fltting that In addition to tho lueobaiilcui hail, tho agrlcultural hail, and tbe numoroua other halU wliich thu Cotnialitc.! proposo to have erectod tbat there be one espei lally devotod to tbe perpettiatlon of the memory of 177CI To explain more fully. I mean a commodlous building lu whleh ahall be gathcred and ?BBflfl?flfl all of ther-lica of 177? and ptlor to that tlme, tnat can bo tomttt tn tho Unltod Btatos, ao that thero may be seen all Of tho Inventions and applianees used by our foro/athf rs. Tliere yet remain nearly three yoars, aud notwitbstandlug the work Ib C4inal.i? advanced tn other departments, this ia ainple time, by dillgent se-rclung, to oollect ull of tho oid niotueutoes aud helr Iflflflflfl atill exlflting. I would lnc.lude samplea, al lenst, of every alylo of farm aud sliop uuplemeiiU, huuaebold furiiiture. vebioles, ornanicnta, _c., ?c. innuinerable, and would have evcrythiiig ahout tho building preaent the air of 1776. evou to having the attendiiuta, who will be. necesaary to, explain. aud 0088*01 tho CflftflflBI artlcles, droaacd lu costmuu rescnibliug that of th.-lr gnuidparenta. Tue foregolng ishut the hri.fest out liue ef whut oau ho made BBM of the most, if uot the must, BBflflrtalfllflfl ">d iuatruetive featurrj of the annivorsary. (bflflfl 808 a nnmber of good rBBBBflB to support thia BflflB, which I need not occupy mueh spnee ln doinl.n... It will probably be tho only opportuulty to SBtflflB together tbe. o old BB?8a whleh aro now fast BB?BJffflBV* lng, and flflflB?888 many of them would be pur. lia ed and prcserved hy hiatoncal Bociotlcs ; it would tn the most Btrlking an.l plcturesquo way tlm pro.r.iss flfl bflflfl mado to Bflfl eent.iry ; lt ralght stinlulate ?ur people to the of their own history, of which thoy are as a rule, lamentahly ignorant. a. 8. Ctrreland, Ohio, Aug 11, 1873. A rSU TRADK .?r.ltl.M.Ai.. , Thd .ollowiru: BBBflflBB lctt.T from a Britirfh iron merchant appears in The London THmet ot Aug. 0: Kik: I venture to solielt your nowerful aid In calllng attetitioii to the preaent criticai state of ono of the. moat ini[H)rtaut tradrs lu thia countr) ? viz., the irou trade. I uoed Bflflflflfli* rerount the fllator* of tho last two years na B I*. no douhr, well known to n.ost of us that tflfl trade has pa~?c<l through a seasoaof groat pros pasilty, during which tlie ttlttieuiry bflfl Iwen to iiinkn iroo OBOflOb to lueet tho ileiu.uid. TUe uatural 0O4 v queuce luevitably followed, aud prices weio fnn-.-.l Bfl t? a point put a stop to tho dflflBBflfl oTOBB Bt-Ofld. This waa t..o state of thlngi Jusl a year ago, and ln rhe monih of Ootoher tbo maunfarturers, tlinliug theu?eives wlth little or nothing to do. redueed the prloe Al p?B ton, with theelTect of,' a rovival of the ue lhat ln J_uu_ry price* a_*in Oegiu lo advanee, Uti.ll tber reached the Bttiuo point as they liad altnln.-.l l.irit y.-ar, und witn the hamu result?v./., an luiiuedlato and oomptote OMflfltViaflljbfl deinan.l lrom Bbflflfld. During theae violeut Buatuati-oa m this country the. iitnnrloa?1 lutvti been *teaillly uud rapidly ext'-n.lii.g U.elr works, uutllat the BB-BBflt Bflflflfl?I not ouly w ll next t'.Jilupo-nttle to aell EBflB?l iron iu tho Uni'.ed rsiatue, but we flnd th.- Aiiieihiin ii-oiitu?iter* competing' with us iu the market. MuanwIili'V tho Pneo. ?fBagBab iron has already deciMTred ?i per tou, "witA haviug anj/ appreoi.ihle efleia whalever upou rhe flflflBflfl-, and I thMik It may be tikea for grantc.i, froin the eXptirir-iioe ol last year, that at least another ?1 _?)v lou mii.-ii couie ofl tiofore we can look for auy (VVflfflL lf thia wertfjll, however, 1 should uot havo thought it worth while to ^flrooOle. you witn the flflflflflfll coni niuuieatnin, but nave left deman.l and aupply to i.gulate prices, as they surelv wlll do in time. IjBflfltly lear, however. lhat with every iiiuii'.h'a corititiuanco of tbe piertri.t Bcalo of p: onr forelsn couip tlti.r.a aro gaining more aud more atreugth to lu-intuin tho airnggle. tor 1 lie trade of tht; world iu iron, aud wo may tlud our aelvoa by-aud-by l.-rt to lanienr tne folly whieb, by up prioea to au uuuntural levol, has offectually .lii.-iiiiii u a trade wlm-h wo havo alaaya lotikuil upou aa our pi.awcriptive righr. Ttio late high prices of Iron have bmnrht with them Jl,,-moal ex.iiiut?,'. (1. mu ls froui coill.ry owci-rn aod ?workuien, who, learulug their power, are uow loth to' meet the .iit.-r.~l state of hy ah.iting ouo jot from their cxtravfltT?it pnttoiisiotis. My object lu tiouhlmg \t>i. aith t?is atter ia sololy to tssue a solemu uole of waruiirg to Uio owniirs aml workmen as to the ^pronahlo oonseflue_ces of a pei? BtflflOe lu their flflflBflflt' iKiin-.y. EuaTt*ffd lu the lrxm irado as u merchant, and. -wiih (U.nuooU(-isfliearly all ovor tho world, f am lua. luosithm U> kuowtixitt-tly wlmt ? goiotron.aiid 11 au.nust vtoleintily asaert my bolief that a v.ry tflfl utonU_*?i_<ir_ ' 'of tho preaent high prlcesof tfflfl Tlifl baYflBBBOflt0_B ;.s taut?.ii tiie forotgti doioand for all future - tuuo1 '1'ho iron m__ufacturera are willtnir?nay, anrlorr*?to ic'iuic. pneaa. but they eannot nflord to do so at tho iircsent prkeaof coal aud laitor. Aro the conl owners prepare.1 to eaeriflce tholr best cnstoiuors l.y QfllflBnfllBC a price they cannot aflord to pay I lt 14 pretty well un dt-.raiood that the coUiery proprietors aro roaiinugiabu~ lou* prntllfl at the pie.seiil luno, aud, though 1 do uot lor a u.ouieut disputo ttocir right to got the liesl prico they oau for, I w.uld yet beg them fo consld-r whether their pulley is wiac, wlth a due iogard lo their own future lutoreats. . Iu 1 oncluslou, I wlfl give you an extraet frora a letter recdived laat week from aome Engllah frlenda in Aineri oa, -Aiii.-ii ?.11 show you how tbe preseul ?uui of affaira la viewed .m that side of the Atlautlo: We feel eualrjeat tli.t the miaaficlarera aaal femloetr, of fla rtw .tnil.nil uo ?"?r d> wlll before lu.,< be eoBfiacrtl <>f th* actaal areca ait* t? tr:rif dowo pricta atlll more ,f Ih./ ileanra tu retaia bb; fortt|B IraJe. 1 0 io IB11 tbere muat be * drtea? i**>l aad proiapt triiou on aii ai?*. for ilreadr u,, B>a_ Um* haa beea loat, al a eaarite* ln Ku|li.k tnaaulaela?rs wbieh ll Bflflfl b* i_iiaiMibla t-i eatn?tc Aii Ua rau rbief lliu'ir eauiad aad rtirt oa Uio** wbo ara rearoaiitiie for 14? tia, tb* wofkia?i-a, anlej. Joarulrac to wa. eiMal, bt proprralon *(s Jpoal *ad atbar alaea, >h* wtrt tow rrup.u^. We *arn job C_ui lt will raqau* a a*ei?_ aad kard puali lo ? 1 bark aariaiaj lik* tha bai?eai uoa* e_ju,*d b; Ku|l_d. Tb* Jtoa ___*? Lotorema thia eaaatrj ire a Moaj bod;. baekod br aaa u"laa,-* capi lal. Tatir opfl* ha* am. aad tlu, wiU uol Ul il paaa withoal a airi*;*;lr. ron maf deaead. 8* we 1*7, u.a f*or *r*/j (Iforl ?* bnafl cne*a 'Iowb. ?? br t'trlee or et?erwae, uy lo plu* b-ton Uir laaker* ?b Tiarwle Ib-fii-a ol tnis pouiian, 10 taal tb.r m*f BflBfl aa efurt lo retnett tb* error, of tlie put befor* ll 11 yel tou late. Truatiu/tUat vou wlll Innd the powerful aid of your poo to aave tbe Euglith irou trade belor ll ls tou late, I am, Bflfli oliedient aervant, AMtucii-M. Liatrpeol, Aug. 1. THE OBAOE LAND TR0UBLE8. rrom The .11. Toul Pionttr, Aag. 13. Scvcn tliousaurt pionuer ritittlers, who have reaided ou farrns ou tho Oaagu puiehase, covering l.i i.eti?* and Weoaho Countiaa in r-oini. i_*-t*-rn K ins.ia, beld a meeiiug laal mouth at a plaee cilliwl Thayer, to take im--tu.* to defeud thev bomoa from tbe rapaeity of monopoly. Tha laaUa, uudl 1B66, bu?iiirad to tin- In? diana, and by treaty aera to be aold for tinir BflflflBI, Instead of tluU, Qflflfllflflfl votcd Uart of them iv. a iionalio- ti> a eouple of railroaoVi, and the coui|.aukva went through taa fortn of tnin-h i_iug tbe baluuee al 81 per a, re. -Al tbe time tbia took pl?oe tbe whole rcavrrva tioti waa orwered with farm*. aud aa ludiatn.ius popn Jatiorietrtving fut a BflflttbflBfl ln a new c.siuiry. Tne act ?f tho Goverumeiii would awoep away aud couflaeate all tbe land en which ther bave so long tolled, and hand ilovsrto a body ot apecnlaiora. Tbe movement baa (.. .-iit.1' i'-t'r ( w .1 ai, iti. iniercsi of a ring, who look ou iwindllug aa pertet-Uy legiumate. Aud uow come the farmera and give not....: tuat they wiii, under no clrcumauaucoa, give up tholr houie*. hut will war ou auy auttmr.ty lhat Btieka lo dut.tri) lli.-ui. Tbey aro a bod> uf ue 11. too, wbo know tbelr ria'hU, and wUl not heaiiata to maintaiu tbem. VOTE OK THE AMENIIMESITH TO THE NORHI C.kllOM.VlA CU.N-lllUllo.a.. ?oa TV Rolttgh Mrwt. Aa*. 15. Tho retuniB of the lato elcction which have le'cn thu* far rooalvedcorrohorato tnn ..pmioi. expriss.-.i by ua a few daya ugo that Uio auieudmuiiU are lalifled by the average majortty of 'io,00u. We thiuk we uao B.ifely avert tbat they have all be?n adopted ; hut the .n..ii'i i.u.itai.le oppoaltlou ln a.uiie of the wn?i.-rn coun 111 . to the fourtli tbe one rnlaiiag to ex e.uptiuu rrom taxatia_. is very axv-aor.liuiary aafl aur rirulug. The auioudmeut dotsa not pr.puae to cl.angn l.e ainouu,i of the exuuiptlon, whioii 1* 8jou undar t_e preaent conatttutlon. llui Uio proporty so oxeuipt.-.l u Bpect?ad l.y naiur, aa wearlug apparnl, arm* for uiustrr, liMu..-hold aud kitcaen furuilurr., the meebsnical aud agrli ultural inatruuieuU for inechanicB aud farmera, liuraritaa aud McieutiBe luBtrumnuts. Hut BJflfll ...ii dld uol bave any ot Uio artielaa berei.i spi<riti,w| 1 Aiioidiug to Co prosoiil law he would lie alluwtad uo axeinplioii wbatever, akhoilgb he Uilglll have fl, m of .,!ln r kiu.laof property. Tn<- utu -n.linei.t .I'lo.rta eaeh p.-.iaon au eieiopiloD of aoo, not only un thnartn t_ .,..'d (U IUO ciiUaiilUlioU. hu. ou auy ?tlic. pulaolia'. propoii). TUE COUHTS. ENFOBCINfl THK fiAVINHS BANK LAW. a flurr a-rrwB?- TitU-Ti*-.. or m mi.-Hanics' AND TltADKBU 8AVINUH nANE. A suit waa broutfrit, yafltcrday, in the Su prame Court, under the mituontv o. tlu. At.tornoy-a.en eral, to enforce tbe law of the Btate problbtt-Bfl trastflfl of aavinps banks from nrtlntr as of more than one Bavinss bank, or as direclorn fll hauk* of cir. uiation and Hfl Btflflfll ?" IM ll cutilled Willuui ?Lloyd et nl.. bflfl of fh>* Mi-.-h_.nic_' aud Tia.lers' H.-vlntnt Hank, atf. 1 _?>'). rf Mr Murr.iy, tru .toe of ihe People's Having* Hank, CBBfttfl tttt, SBBflflflf tho same, and also of Mfl__fl_B_ BflffflflB Bflflk I J RflBBBt ber*, trustee of the __fl__Bfl flflflflfli Hank ; Tbflfl. -i ml, Chathnm Havinira Bank; and A. T. OBflfeB?fl ol tlu. EiKiith National l.jnl:, all of whom aro also trusteea of tho Mecliaiiics' au.l Traders' Bavluits llauk. Ki Juilj,'o Daties ap|>oarod ou I..*!...lf of the rcUlorn, an.l ifad tbe ..lli lavil.a, enowitiK tbat thc dofeadBBM wero -.-tw*,' iu violation of the act of isro, au.l BflBflfl for an order Bfl_B____fl them froiu _ct._?'a_ luauajieia ol tlie Mfchanlcs' an.l' Bank. Ifl BBfMlIlM Ifl the flflfll Abra!iaui R. Lswrenco read the itftM.vIt of the defendaiits. thflflflfl W..I ward's statement ls that he was appoluted Trustee of tlm Mnehaiii.-V flflfl Traders'Bank by BBl Act of Ineor porati.uioi _____ He wu elected Director of tho Mfl Maviu..- Hank, but dtd not act, and la not now a truiteo. Kooert MeMurray statea that he bas not l>eeu uu. rentcd in any otber bauk lor throe y,__ri. Alfred T. ConkliiK., I'r.-__.lil._nt of tho Bank, was elected Director of thc HfflU. National Bank Jauuary, 1.71, without his knowlcdge, ulteudcd only one flflflttBf. aud a.ul iu Mfl reslKuatlon. A Hlmilar atliduvit bflfl Mi. 1' ?<ll wa. read, nu.l flflflflflfll Bflfl flflflBfl tbat BfljM days' notico was re? qulred beforo*the applicatiun could bo; that this, l>eiur in tho uature of a quo ttairanto to dotcrmiue whether tbe dcfendanw were lawfully In olhoe, a preluntnary injuuction should not lssue bo/oie trlal; tbat lt would be unfalr to theae poraous, to c.utlrai tbo preliiulnary lujun-tioua on tncre atbdaviis aud i.ith j_ houra' noUco; thal tho dofeudauts, MeMurray, Conkliu.,, an.l Kosou-erK, wero uppolntod trustoos of tbe olher ._uka by the ture; that each of tho dcfeudanU by r. _tl*ciilnif hia po siilou ln another bauk was relustated in tbo Mochanlcs', an.l, flnally, that tho act of 1870 only contemplated tbo removal ?f trustees aotlntj lri vlolatloa of tbe law, or Gontemprnting some fraud or wronjf-'lolnjr; whereas tho motion before the Oourt was not for rninoval. for r?* strainiHR,aud thore was no impotatlon on the hoi.e.ty of the defoudanU, bocause there flflflfll M uoae, au.l uo aileuaiiun tbat auy wai IMflflfl ti* Ex-Judjje Daviea rcpliod tliat tbo utll.Uuu of tha de feiidauts ptove lhat eaob of tbe flflflflflBBM waa ap IM.iuled or fllaflflfl a dflMtfl or lru-._.-e of anolht-r bank, aud by _______M the BDBB-lt-flflM and Bflti-tfl BBdflril b<- v.i.-at. .1 ni. .-i.l--- in tbe M.-i-haiii.*..* an i Ti idera. for tb.. t\.o poflUflaa i ouid not Iw MM m deflance of fla I. __i-lal_re. Couus. I iiiou?_hi it waa bu_h iiuu* thc law .-liould beapnli.-i. K. ????nt cvciii. flowfld that lt Sbonld be rmidly eniorced. an.l tbat men iiitrunteii with tho bari?arnfil .aviiij.-. oi tbe labuii.... cla--.*- iboald Un ta oelven eo/nply Wltb tl.o law. J'l l?o DBttMlfl ro_orv._ decwiou. A I'ADl-O.M: Al TBE BAii. THK WKOBflfl Ofl A -IK--1 MUflCUB. The cano ul Vinctiiza Motto, tho ll.iliau p.i droue, charxed wltb Mfltlfl-fl_Bfl a flfl aml Bflflflflfl unn ln involuiitary s.-rvitudt- la violation of IM Iflfl, flfllfl flfl yesterday flfllflfl Uumiui.?louor Ofl bfltfl iu Uie i StaUis I.Utrict'Couit-rooiu. Tbo boy, Jflflpb. wa-n. ??ly wfl?fl flBflfl. aafl tflflflflfl I* npy M J. I/Owls's questi'inn, that be VM VI fll Bl I oi ***, M I lad l>c?iu tbreoye.irs lu this'ry. Ile BBflM bflt hia rnaster, VBflMflfl Motto. Tlm flrlflBBW VM pointed out by him as the man. Ile then NBflflMfl I I livod in the vlllatre of Calvello. Ua! v, b >fore I fl?IB beie; saw Moito iu uio houou oi iut u.oiu?r; he asscd me to ko to hl? hou*. . bfl I Ud M ? iM flire n.. tliit.i., and wonl.l brluir mo IMflfl BSBl fla) ; I weal with blflbaadbfltaadflbmfl?_all uisbi to ?*t u> Napl wborc lifitook me ou;l or tbe - un i, and li mo, with three other bojrs. (a thli f .tntry; l __0B,l k ,ow wb.-re tb.-> are now ; we livcd iu (.'.?> '?> -t., ai-d fl ?made uie k'u *M and fllafl IM t i' ? B With Oth I dr.-u ; tti? tollOAing work l.e to,., tu to bl ccntn; Motto fu kii.d lo iu.* IM flrat day,bul ward u--*d to beat me for iiot;; i."ir'- mon , back; na did tliis Bflfl Baiea,and pu whedtn. alick aud kicke.1 uu-; U>- ti> .1 ._e up, witb my h l gi Ui..:, l.y a rope, so Uiat II !i in ii.j ?>r. t*; ..I .. put me m tii.*. flfltlar, wh* re M K' p' tn '?'? m i r< -?" BBoraiofli 1 rau awafli a BMatb ***>, ? l had uu mouey to take l.ouic; \t< - I i > lleep iu im- ii. NBflflBraat tke depot; saw M McMoni/ tatfo at O-nirat Fark and BpaMM lor; BM I ive Bfl ?oiaa-blim t" flflfl, aud look o___o_ uie; u.d uo uroincra aud .-in.. .. at bome. On eross e-iamiiiation tho boy sald tflal ??"??r t^.c ?Mflfl bo was flfltflflflflfl to hrinjc MBM $1. T.i M other padronos al the houtc u QM>Bfl-fll.?flflflfl- whom was BBflflfl iu Court. To IM ? kMUBiflBloa . flfl -..; fllfl ifl tbat be could not read or write; tho ni flBflfl Bflflfl .aiitrht bim or apoko to Liai of " flflftl h aad BM BBBffll." | Tbe oxaniluation will is. MflflBMfl to-day. A CG-'V-Mili-T St.lT. Nellin Willi_?tiif?, known as " Little N'i-11" and "Tbo Ofl?flflflfl DflflMMl " flflfll ll .. v. -> r . i.. '. 0 ?' miinlouer Wbite, thruu_r)i Mflflfll Bflflfl4k lluinniel, for auiiijunoti'.n aud bul of Bflflflflfll Bflfltflfl -fl-flflflO.^ O-BB-M Bflfl tbe propri. t '.-"1 fltflflfl*! MflBBBfl for au m friugementof copyriitbi. IM laftlfl.flfllffll Ifl fl_M M conaist Id the roprodu.-i.ou ?t Iho MflM as the ? nitro-Klycertns and nlTaalfl baUfl-T BSBSatiOB." la " Fiilcllo, tho fltrabrand," at Vfood. Mu- inm, ind "Hkeleton IlanJ," at fti.. Uowery Tn.*ti r. tk* . states that sno ha.a 1h.ii pat to in.i-h ..;>?; .?? ia m i in - lur thfl copyri;rht <>r tbe plav. aud tbat she baa ippeai. I ln tho i>l.w:o ln v.inoua e.ticsof tln . oou i.rv aad < 'a-. tla OommisalfinerWhlta cave aa oider u> ohet. oaa_e wby an injiiuiiii'iii should u<a he flrsafc i cniMiN'.M. BOTB8. The enaiiiinatii.n of MaiLin Doyle &io\ Iluch M'_ C-Hi.iik'i. _"<;'i- I o' ?t-rii,plc__ Li .>*.? IU i. *a ... ? Uttuu., rrttenlaf. b*f_~- ' ..... ... - ? .? r - . . . . Aflrr u-.tiiur Ihfl -. Itfl rariit. on Mll ai-.f Ui. Cijmui._u_i_ier licu -__.. ......a. t. aw.u Um acilaa uf tll. Or... 1 J_r . At the Yorlr* illn-Pnlire C(Mirt. 7-flt____BT. kflflflfl Jllatir. Mi-Jl.uir, Yia * llollri, e',-. tn 1 Flf-f*t__-th-at waa hrM Iii $l,iSX> ' t? a. t?r.-r . abatg* ot hiidiwar C'.x . r ,4S... SOh Iwiiuit... tr*.. wb..n. ke _li. .?),.... n____f, .. the jt:'-..a.I rr.'M.i.s *t *"' I < The ttmmt fiajaitifel/ ilcui-4 ail iu-,..;oi<t ut tho .lurgr, aflf..-l Ba, ? ul 1 pt.fl IJ a ;- . At tho Tflflbfl VoYwc Court, yrstenlav, JaiBM E. Wnrtilmrx w-l rjunma ? I ? __*__ bl $aXI, tiurporuoj Ui I. ait ..,! t.n l tiiri ?> l>. k'?;., I al I. , 1k*...i.j: at_Tbe rn-aue n. r__ire.-J w.t.'i 1. a t. u < hri.i,-?_ ..m .!..- .1:/ (?_? tUira... . ..rhrai. MaL-ai k Co.. al Dnni..; ??. .. were eumu-t.-:: Mlthaal ii->l , N.. 21- S- . -. .? . -..., ( Hr.l.a nf ta. TH M .:??_! lur.. \lrQ ate uf .N'j. ilu t.'iir. .tie.t.. aul Thoau Moufcan uf Ko 1-4 i-.r-.i;. ... _.-?:< lBlOVfl?ABfl. in Suprcme Couri?Special lerm?Hy J-dflfl Dai LaiiU'lou m'.. Im: :.'-i.??!? rtiur.i ! ii'i for i.-. t .. ., j.-., j t'oatli-f -Or-rr fi.r ailo.aui-.. *n??l*_ Uf iuigt l '"ilr, L ? , -hbao Worn.arr rt a'. _gi. Ito-.l llfel, Uaift-tar, Itr. ? Mn. l.mua it *. **d ****, Superior Covrt?fipenal Term?\W Jndflfl Se.k'.'wi"...' i ?_tot a|t. lmrruw aa.l an... -i, nlrr tliat ia.w-r _* tatil. a,-..-- . C_-rprii_rr .?- Entoitlucliar - -Orier .. etMla. _aeCulio.|b't L?S t-.-nipaaf **L Sirotyr.?Oriier miD( tbe uaai-it.f aa..rUn-K uu IfflS?*? fttimrmtn PttU ?M-i*\ Terrn?lW Jadflfl Robill* (an.?Jo_.i H. Hilljrr a^v fla 1r.-? K H. ... tfl ? *? rnrco. Marine. Court?I'havtbert.? Mv Jndflfl .I.iachim?en.? fltflMflB ***? b*nr_t_.r< ? Urd'r a ny.t.., tbo .un ..-J ift UlUl I - ?;? ta Ur tlri_rrtl Tnru ia *t*tttt "f. Oak. _ a^i. *>?al.l>.- Ol ?. ..f talMtitutins. l_.n_>i..u t/(t M. ?t**t ar.lrr. (Iwrrr a?>. C'.apih".?Mul ."ii i rulri . S. imarti af _, Bai .... i.,. tmMdtUtt. iflfl-d eaaaila IB?aalaaa-.l| oiJer rau-r..l fi.i.ui... tflt. 6at'>au.? .l.niedi ~itb fllli rotu. *j JMfl IftlllUlt tf"*~ *:** WiiiK? DiJ-r ia -i n i-.? thr . ? . plt.ut. Jtnr. I.l KrrfBvio. - Motii.n .1* ?*.! affltf a^k _*i_ ? Mouuu tu f.c.le th. judiiiieol (nuuiI, ?raar tu.-.-X CAthM'AK Scrnsas Ofl Bi*-flMi CO..Dndleu iml J.uuurnais tfl Li.r.rr. 64..Ht Pttrrk'a Mar. SIHaae* Sapaa-ttiaa ogt. u'Cuu arll . 70.._ibrirl K.K..'i.,_?h<*rT .;U J-?rp!.. Ko. 'Mii.L'lt. 75..Vrr_.i,e .1 al. ab-.. I|,,ri*r n .1. Ta.Wbiin (ir-ttrf) t|t. Lit iac-io.,. 80..Uoepo (t-lmr.) aft. !>s noulin. 81..It Uir iiittirr._tr..ur Loew. h.l.ll... l'".i . tU..Hartt-!i>rurw t<l. liriolir. rl ... B7..Mor,an aft "?' !..'_. Bfl.._r_ke a^i. I'.iinu. 91 Bl'ijir ,ni a^'i lll t 93 ln tbr mat ?-.- .f 0 ? IBII llar li. Ti Ba ?O.iilBi a. f Ul..ln ll.*- aatto. ... f ..? Frra h . of :?_. 11,. .' l.r lua.lrr ..| . ... pL..'1] V.i. .h.iir., a .i(l. t, .r.-lu. >..h..Tr:at. un aflt I r. ? _. 10fl..Wlatfrt_ft 1U7..WMU-|1 l...'u?at r*. ll ii ? a.'. I. Al .u_. I,i,ii.?al. i.a liU M Pr. Irt, lu Iha i.:....r of k.atwl-.t C..1 ...I <>,l I ... 1U..I. ilir u-a'itcr nf Uui.lrrrt al. Ilfl Biii-Banlgl Mtak. . l.i..l(ir-.-llh.t. ? !' lll'.. l.a .rtal. li. . . at Cattta Ifl. IM li)'.. UO. 11-' DEPAP.TCl'.F. t)F FOREION BAILB. rni ttfUAT. ac. at. MaiUforKuro_.ui I'om . ,. < ? -? -i'g aad lltraf'-in arr uraai ihl.' .. r,.-.r,t Il:10a ? A -'UU-. -ra-i: j -. M p.fU_rt h: t?r. ?_J priol. : L.urr ll I _M i ?t :io- i-.ttl ' '?? * *i I flfl p. iu. Btrii . ,|. ta..t_' Ma.U lur llafaa. a rocl. br tb. tlrjm-l. .. " i . i ' tl. - I. ***** t. 2 p ui. a ?u; p-ftnl.i. . mturr lt c.o_ra) f. tbe 1'u t Offl ?? lt -J.4U a, ul fltaaaMSlfl *?dl ll .1 i iu ' 1I?U for bj th* ? "._ at 2 p. *t. Itatc-tbip al il p ru . f. > ' " " v- ^ > K raipaT. .... -. M_U_fcr lftarfoua41a-. rlow .r th. Sr. torl .".>?. 0B-. r.rir Jl.n d.t ti o n. uu a_...u?b.p Bmb NMaaa, ?__,,?? i'u. a., ?i ? a ? A at_.ll II il fn. N ta . _rl.-?:n tb. N?? Vorit P..>.-0_i.-r'rYrr-. la, ?? >i ,. m tad ."-< ' a M_.ii. i. - . r . it -.1 n ftttn, '' -I ? ti ii ? .-. .. M f ". St?__-Ml ,? _. . ri o? . a . n_t friiui r_M B< '' t." B1TDK0AI I Mtil. I-'?'??? >' ? .i_M..wa>?al tlfrrpool. t,r ii.r a* . '? I f.r .W V. |? -? - Ofli.. ai ?_'p ?. .... .'.f.._i. ! . I ' I 't.l., .1 ... al . ' ? |al -. -.. .. arateai BBflBfl I* el?*4 lt tbfl Paat'rfloe al 1 15 a, a. aaila tt 'i t>. _ froa foot of,|*t. Hefcoke*. * btreflk Oef-flflflflB Praataa rlra*. Mui >a **at nr taa tlac Ma.l* Ibr .st. Tboo?** AreroUa* R.-priblr Waat lafl?k> ste , hr o.' flaae.tku. Soa.b li-nti, *lo** i. 1 p a. flBflflflflpaakfl at .ip wi froaa 1 -:-.M.i t.i N B. ?aili .... Ker Wafl br rt**a.riiB Ci.y of llirifl-.a. oloae al 2 b. __ Baa*,?in Mili .Uo. c tr..a Sn- 20 K. a BOflDAl. An.i. 84. All .ina al lt a'cloea a ?? The loat-Otflve la Bflflfl Bflai 8?> BRllka. k_ PASSENGERS SAILED. KOR f.LABOOW-r* tleam'hip TrimaarU, Aef. '*">-B. Bajta* ?. W K.akioe. t A. lUoklrat, Y. ?. Wbin*) C. .1. TbMI*. fl M-Tbb B.r.v.J. P?- W.t?nr\, W.t' BflB. br. H?.*rl I W.l-wnag. Ma.Mi._- J Htt-rrl. Mlt. Mary Htirll-r B" K. fb-Ur ind lady. PiaLB S.Uate, aai laaUr Mra (mat BUIflg fltaaa Mary ttakg. al.a-V 11(1.) BBl aaaa, Pra?r,. 'I... .. M a. Mua A. Uarej, fla* Fli. Bata, Mr. McMiil.a, J. S. Fhillip. aad larty. B. Baarll. *. U. BflBBBfl a&'l ladr. ?, PliKrlAB KB\4!tnSCO-/B .B-nlMn Orca Iforn Aaf. SO.? BI-SulllTin. Blwanl kt .1 ,. Oala *a.l w.f*. C. I,..w ana*. 3, JrlaaihtcraandlB'ad. Mr, fflflBflf. F S. S>Bt. Miae Kaaa Moflffl, A. 11. Altea. flfll Keiraaaa. Aribar l ju. . Mr. Toler, wifr Mfl 9 'aigbtr;, Nn l. (_llayh*n aad 'J 'tt. ThoiBt. Carafl, Jaflafl y.,BB?, Mr,. Mary, Mra L. W. i.irk 14a. i/ii*b. w.f* aad rb.M Mra.*. r.ral. Jobn if. I.awren.-.-, 'luo I II .S. wjt. M.<( fl *b*m> ban, .Sidatr Haaiert. (be Hon. Kraoe.. Tbam... Wm. M ?!?-??, Wa. M.-i.?krr. Ilearwiae L-.lni. iad wifr. I 1. BflrlBflU, Ma.eai Urtta, I. t. Baaadai. I<* Aisbbi Oapede*. J..v|.,l Gat;*?*i laoa.e MoryMB, ...a Joa* Aaa Park***. A. V.l'atift-do. S. K. U.h Aaal 8flh_flf r. M. Bar_a-r*. B. Wlttafl Bflfflrt, i.U ' ?? '-_? ?*. I" Rl-harl. flf.Bfltfart. Hr. I nr?r, ??*. Fran- .? M ' "7___ KOIt l,(Vr,KtO(iL-;?al*ia?Atp JoVtAo, Aef JO.-U to. lf. BM Kil* Crotra, Wa. atiher, ', y, *'? ?__' Mr?. Riebar.*.*. fli. rrltbtra Mr. Uflflaaasf, Mr lt. <?n M ?? Whlrt*a,n- Mr aal Mra. U.akuu. T ll bfaaa, -?_* aaaller, Mlai Moaa-JBU* Uaaaa, flfl av*. Mr. and Mn. M-llerirf. Joha li.wr-.r*. II. J WIIH.B.., lai fjflflf, >4r. an.l Mra K_l.*r, M I ic II, J _. <>eller Mr. .iiart. Syk-. IU* Bar B Qtay, il. li., _fl K>r li. T. Scott, tbe Het. II. MiaarU. fABSJOfOERS ARRIVF.D. poon. MVKrti'.x.i -ri amaaba>t_mm_t Mr~ir~it. Ang tn.-? Hr ll.iwi i,r.,a. Mr<. W. S. Hainr-rera aad * rrai.t Mr. Ma-artJBfl . i I'..? ?"'?- ""> rl"'. ?_"'_? Mafli* Brawa, C O Birhari.on.Mr <...'|w_\ -*-B B. Ttna^r, wua and ?m, Mr. aod Mra. J Alde* A i ina. I at *?''? "?' ??? W.ia-ma, lt C Btbmy.tba Hrr. .4 B. i iaa atl aad - -. ''"_??_? n. r. Mr aal Mia Bflt<ii.a*, Mr. Cowaa, I bfli. Mclisaer J T, WUBe r*w, M *. haiiat, Miaa t_fle OUdaloae, J... b. Kidar, Jo_ I ???;1"Jr_. Mr. P.f.(..n. Mr(. 4. I(. Vrt.. B. IL rtafl Mr.. i'.d Jlrt Jal.l M?a Birker *t.a Ana Klrk, Mra. (arittii. W vt*'., A. *?da. Bl. D , !?%. VUitnor, L .4. B ill ? , " ajJ, T A. tofw. I'?.f. J. B Kflflfl- P. CaairlHil, Mrt. BflfflB, hlfrtal Mr* J V.-.Kta-B.liB, Mra. Mary Liaohao Cl J__J-_JS? ?*,.me Jahafl". fllia P*lawr. >lr .ml Mr. J VV !>.?_.! I ?? faa.l,. Mr. *u.l Mia. Jo*, '. eai _Ba , : uk Mr. a. kb.ra J. P. Tb.inM, Mr. ?r???V, K. OTTafll, Mri. /. J. l.a-. loo, flf. Pirk.r. Mr. Pa.hB.n, ()Mo Mrc John Powtim. YliOA STBTTIB?ifl ?tf_aiAtp hv_tAta/f?~, Ar_. .0 Bta rnt *nd wifr. AdolpbOliDi (nd **B, MaW.k, M... .N_ !.:i .<-!_ A. t'ltU Meikiow. M. MKblow, ilfllflBW Blllfllfl, MflMafl..flflfl. %?? rr, CkrUtiBB Wilrap, Baea J ..,',.., u..J..!iiiub aa.1 Alf. I Jj_J* a>b(. M*n* LehmaBD.* la-baann M1-,na, Jnkrn.a. II****. Arnold Woileil. Ji-i. Scbaiil.wakT* AruoU. Il?ra_i.a _?**. f-ritofer. Virtor, Kir^n, aad Cflrtfllafl l*aajfl, Ban* ''_.___??? AuBtMoBCh, Ana* Ha-i-B. Atitooio Jiaob.wa Klia.-, Wilt.rla. hKaaara. I.uun. a.idl.larl Kl.irn... .SiaJra. Vi.lii Ao.?u**u. Caila ( .ral?, barold (Jruner Louia' Taoaaa. BINUTIKB ALttAttti: gaa .iiei. 5:10' Nin au . 0 1J I Moo* !????. 3.JB .iiodr (.*?*.... 6 M ."dot-a .7 7301 H-ll 3*1. Bt*-.. OB* ___mm Has*... Q>4 Iflflfl"Bflflfl..- T40lBlO???BflBBa 8:1 rl 'B WITB* VH'.' l)*? i- W ... 6S3<(iof * aaaa,... 7:301 BB a?i. ? SHIPPING IN TELLIGENCE. PUT OP NKW-tOKK.AOQ 2CV. C1BABBB StfaT.hvp M.ho (Br). IfcirgBB. birerpoal. Will._a. k Oafiaa. >s.,._j , ;. i . , Bol rI.1.1 ke., B II. Kr-.-r?ee. swiiuabip Oc-aa Quern. .Seabory, Aititav-l. Ptatc Mul ,su-i?i-p 'si.a-ntliirpSooth OBmBbb, Becketl. ( _*rl_'.n. S Ct, ? B. Mafgsa .strinahip Brem"a tGer.), .Scliulenl^iar. Tir^ui'a Hfl .SoutUaatoa, JIiitV-J '-Bell. Bl.kemiB. Sarlilk, Cily Ponit.aad BBflBBBflj OM Domlni ? (Ue?t_ahip Ci i i Klla K?'.itel.. I_?delfl?a J Ilisd ?u-an.?hip.Su01af (Kor.i U en. Klffl a Oa Rt?TflB BBBflflOB. ?_a?iakl? Bererlf. Parr< I'la.-a-l.-ttiiait . JuQ?a. l'bila.!,-!;,!) ( Wm K rlpttTk. Hi.i 1-.-?..'I'.l i Boma l>?-Palaottfl Blaaafl-tiflOfl, Brig Caraetfl llflkl ('.a.:.i nr*.., Almna. Fuacb. hdr* k.O*. iiryCSar lir. I .'?-..I.t l'?r'.? ('ilaM S.- -, ?? .-. ?< ... _bn/( uuroalHr.). K.lkBrr, Onrtcaa, kc. J. Koilke k 8*88 ",!, Uc-'iir.I.L..--1:..' -Joha B. B. ? . v. li,-..a. I. Oa. ..'.?.? 1?jabetb. IVoawr, Cbarlaalaa. BbbUb, Thnr-.t?? k Lm .,., TflHaaaa. BartwB .New il? farguflaa . tjrf '- Wm D.Marfta Ch.ia WewBeflrord,J^^!__ !,W"** .S<br l'..ioai Ja. ka-.u. .ialfn-'ou. kfl.. >' U. Mali. r. it ?, > ___ ??.W?,l*.J_.aua?ille Ii-.-.,.. ?? ?- -????- ^ . Jr), l-Bfl < o-aw...i.., S.S.. U HUtVW , flafl H.iw.'l. Cnrtarill*. ke.. H. W. Jiekioa k (V i r - .?. Ke r, s.v-n ? H !(..?.? BC-t, O C Acliea, fll??J. S'J'?- Bfl, Bflflflfll MkJ*fict_iq*; Ofl _?*?*' AKHIVKI). ?te.m.'a.p 0,'f of M-tr^Bl (Br I. l.iT.rpool An% 1. Aa Q*--..t..?n HU.. witb adae. .nd p*?* U Joi.o (.. Oata. p laiv IJ-ll ni.k-tu tl Ih '? t-j.i .NorfatB. witb ?.'.?. aad Ba!_.-OMP._in:,.aStea.nlhip('?. ..u'.IIm. .".:>.:-,.. J ' '-.-'-" IW* M?. MiHflfl 13th. Oaaflfl lsth. M-uaa '.'.Hh Pi.erao '.'11. an-1 <.;'.r?)ue J'.itb. witti irmt md paaa. to lie-traoo bro*. ________ Araold, Btetl a J.l/ 30, s.I Htrra Ao/. ti. wuntalae. tad raaa. it C ?B__B**aff k .'... fiuar?l.ipJoa'fb Lof i.,r,. laa?Bfl. WaflflMfl. 111?88.Jflflflfl, Sr.liri.CI!.. Aag. 15 .?'.. t.. n-T. ' llark ...rar Ih-11- lot a.l..-??be), J"-t?. AlV-,py Mat J J. aad BL Hri.-aa J'll' 11, witk ralafl. , ?_ lalTliyiBl. H. S.l.-. r..i?-..n . Ilf". >B**. Balk Aafl?(lUtl,4Janaae*> M,n;.- . ? .. .alliat. l.r..- Bra it (of I'arlLiau), Thuui^^n, Triu.?d, Cuha, 11 Jayi. wilB "I'Vy Anna M.Knh'it (of Tuitaath, Mc), Kderia, Tri-inl. Cuha, iflflfl** Wltli i,i.,la.--l lir h .N.mwiukec (al Btugoij. PiriiBBia. diliirif n 'J dayi. witk afl ' Ur'a Wm. I). Aadrewa, Jflflflflfl, tk Kit't U flflfl, with itlt : _i|a Bajaaoa-iMALiot ), Uauk, fliHafli 0 aaga. flflB flflBBB "ilr^^ete^**1*"'1 '?,'?'- ?'"?"? K- ?*" i,1*c*- t,*',,J J dif*' "lU* "* ^mb"., Mirr K. Pite (of C'ala.i). Oood. D.reb'ater N. B 1(1 d*ffl, Bflka i-ina. -oa'.iag, K-e, (.'-Uanra 13 Uri. arUii flBBBBflflflflfla FORFK.S POUTS. . Qobbs.t'i*? An.-. -.'() -Tl.. -iu.1.1 I i- .-on.'..., Calm'ra, 0?_ , \..' 'J, iobcW bttt Uiia Bi.iruii.. (t J JC.oo*. aal ledfBi UrerpBfll, vrrtALB-s. __ __ KBWl)BDM?o An? 1s.-Ariital. alus Tr.r.-Brf.ihera, Witaefflfl. ., . , ? .. _#. ? I A Hn.-.n-. u.wn. b.a .w^u witn Inawo Iraa t?B II .- t* *,..'. w,;i(^.a.p'.., .aaa. iia-uia.._.... , Ani 13 lat :w iTS5h H 37 B .. aehi B bMfl 1'etf. ,. l'r.'.m BtaBB.flBfl-fl flBjWatTBl .pa.? wbal-; - ' aoraa ... - _?__ ?> /?vr /,rr/e.4f .*?,;, Artrf/r' ri'M /"')'/(? | . ,.- aa ftliBC.iia.iconb. LL 8KIN DISEAaSES, OLD tH.CV.ilS. .\. , .,- ir..m wtfltflflflr iiaeat pt .li-fll. caral . I'i.I.I.iI I.-.- .Na ?'?'. .' (.:*??.... . a .llin. _ C^AKD.?We beg (o iolorm our ouBtomaBj a1 thi' tnedr- -( Vi'b .art *t ? ? .n.i, ?..., 178 .a.1 171 . ? a a.? nlfrnitiUo to busae*... i.nurn al .tark ? v, , | wood l.uabei b^ini; al our auuw?aal a,l, UN '., 200 l. *,..?(., <:ini^r .sixt.-a'.. K. K. rk, Al ..'?, laTJ UliO, W. REAI) k I .... JtX) Lcwia-at Staiio.t.m. CLOTE & JjVNES. STATIOSERS, PKINT l I K--.. ,-, l i.Nk'-milK MA1TI F4(*n lli-K-i Ba, ).* FaU .ii -.(' irv.i maa* to 1UT Oflflflnflfllflflflfl \ ETTIXO NOITTHEBN IWCiriC RAIL ?JBOAU.?SEALBU PROPOBAlad flillra i.-- r,-.| it th- oBc, al L'J Hifib-are . ia ibe 1,'ur o( New-Yon, jbuI 1- . Heat 10, tVr flradia*? aad teiteflflall iha'. Mfl . ...j ( r^_l Issiweea ,i.e M.aa.ian and lr.iowitoB* ?a .r., 202 I . i.i . ?,l! t * rsoHred (or tbe wbol* diataan., or lec'aoaa al BflOBl -.. PBTfttf?er - :,,u-.ian .pp'.r ?l tbr ()_-,a of "i* ("b-'f K ,? aecr ta N * lork,orlola ,. _. I.. : M .o..oo_a M na. W. SliL.Mia b,(iUK.tis, Cu.oI..L<.a?*r. . -k t-.. ia iflTfl._._ ^EALED P1U)P08ALS will be reoeiood at kj tlia oflf uf la* UflflflBI H..1 lani.l ', un'.r Ai <m*. 'JO.fw* ! _a'*rlll for Ibe ^.,B,trTi,-.i*a of a propoafl lanafll tliia.iTl (ul|.,-r llill. Ui:J?riw:ll (uio pn BflflflflBO rirl Bfl r*?fl I tirlaai-.r of reiuofil). for eir'.b > i flTfl?flfl ...1 Nkflflflfll, aal Bfl Bflfl tflfl. I-w rk la uUT be r*.juir_ (or na.Bg aaid tunnal. AI*o, (?* lurh rabb'e maaoBrv aa maf be rqiirai ib rruintua; BflBa Tba aflaa. [inr ri-trrrc tiie r ?;'-.'. lo r.ject ?nr or ?:. b.J. .' i., flfl| be ,?., aal BOflflflflBB aBflaa i'f OBO. I. OLAB?B lacrraaa, it ?I ofle*. Ba A Mark*'njoi.?.,Jaoew, K. I. Otramboa.6 and Railroaoo. AFTEILNOON BOAT lor NEWPURGEL . \ 1' ..* !'..ib!ojI. Aai1 Kiaflflloa, IbbJkj it "'oiieLa. Wafl F.,i?! C.-rri*all '.-w lltaaarf.ind M, k.b T.1* MAKY PO.VBLI*. ttatfl Taflflf-Ma. Prar 38 trar. atlcrunoa ?t :4.30 o'aiaca. _ QODT-a _ll)h K. K. Ob" LOMO ISLAND. Ira,-. *>.r?rt aad arnrs d Bo.)i?t*II ml OnaJ it frrri** tt. Xa li-ia.. Arnte. 8: ltl *. io.?Miil 'er Pit?io?.i?. eoLo?et,a? K?'iaaa< and HcariMUuJ.S ().', p. _u i. a. - BsaaaBBJ ai|>r*_..8t88a._b ], ,,,- ,_, A(?'? rnnrrrt H*apa'..a^ ,?K?> . .war Oa*.-*.4 .10 fl. (B. 1 4U f ui - B*8fl*8 A*l a, .o...-?i fi.-iai.lcal ..- I Baflkawa, u (fl. IO:flflfl_a 3 4') o. ??? Hal i (fl Bag,, ?ob**! liraaiia. , anJ R. ru* ir . wi. '' l'> a. flk 4 ID r. bl?v r* i.iiad ?d Fauborwe Rn.r-*a.10.06 a m. i ll p ia Pl I ll. i'..a-.a?l, tao U.ana.aad. Bflflflfll 6:10 a. b.?n, _,*.-... .,..1 BaaBawai kipxaa . ?:44 a. aa B , . p. t. -la'io Aot, eouu*<Uua- li?_^a ad aul BaaaaflV.s:i>5 a. av kr. b, eor.Boci.Bg IU_p....J i ) Itoe .wav.illoi flk 8.30 (. ra.?8- m flaflBflflk l?a i>r iaa. BaflBfltaad. aad Baekakray, .?itiai it Bi?tiwirk at.7 IB) p. B. r rflWB ekeeka it BvM.-ritl aal Oraal .; Perrl**, i r . ? l,,B b**a?|.B, i, B. CABIBLU BflaaKflBBaBk 'rKDY.-lMl'IZKN'S' LINK for TKOl. ?. Pfl?fle, +1 : .. l>- *>.-a*i .....a b>*(. BOBBTBIBfl aafl POfl-dl > raP.?rM . I" N ifll I . ? tall) Sflfl a.raeir.pad. at 6 araalflfll p a. e*a?**4.-* wllk aamiu u-alaa aa Kr.atiiw. UJ -a .,,.... ,\,w Vurl .V.itr.I, aad Troy aaal BflflflB Ba.l.oad.'ar *ll | ? lal aad *'? IliB kiu.l ... 11 io saii*n>_A. LaXB UfloaSfl, .. .'.. HAA TkroBfb n.-k.ta ?,!.' ai b?(. ?<* ?k.rk ?-. ... d?^is.?m* Jcakl'M (KKN..I.L BaoenBt, XAj.___e_-4S_._T 8T_____HIF UU. TilLI. HIVER LINE BBB BflflOOB v.> NkivroRT amd BalB Bi fflfl. Ufl laaaaaat ari.Jad) ai b b a . ifManai ** tbb> Ba* u B**ow??u aiaiaaa, BKlSlfK. aad Pi.OVlDLWCE. Cflfli A fl Blfl-flfll Oatk B M S.awaaai Tk* ao*. flrafl ,a*t? to Ta*n.** Mrddi*fl*r* Flfaiatk. New Bafl i.n . 14...... I t.ixl. ataaiiaflBfl poaau aa fl* swakk akaaB ao.'> a . ? All* (kroBflb ilaflrta io tk. WllllH MOI'M .ao all .naaiBar aattla i* New- k**l.*a ..a Ib* rrartHa Pa* lit.sif aa (4 U41 iiraaawar, b'tlt B ?_.w?, .?*?_ . _m .,-,.,..r : .. -? .'o..-i Ki| .^ 0-m*. ? .uw... *aa b*. 10t8*rt-l-. aioaai.o: or tt lk* atf aa fla 4 P BAi ON Ba** .ai?.J**t. I, kl. Mas-M. ?- ? .. r- . *r*.( *.._.. bAHitd kJ?a..-aJ) POB IBB tXAAOM.