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? AMERICAN SOIKNOE. ^_ 8AVANS IN CONVENTION. (BT TCLBOIUPH TO TIlB TH1BUK-.I Tobtlanu, Me., Aug. 30.?For the flrst day of tbe M?S-ou tbere is aa uuusui-lly htrge K*t_.*r.up of Mi n___nt-3r?oI tbo Amet-cau A-taoclatiou for tbe Ad ?a_oen_?nt ot Scip-oe. Tboae wbo have attended pro Ttotu mrdUttRn. havitiB beoomc awere tbat tb. flrst day la aetialij. given to luore oipanizaUu-i, are *P* to P0*'-* |K>D_ Utetr ooiuiiip to Uie aeeoud d__/ ; bul tbla luertinn, owliMt Uiw-ly to tbe oncrBoUo manajceuiout ol the BfcreUry ol thc AMocUtlun, Prof. W. P. Putnam, edltor of The American Sataralltt. got falrly Ittto Ita wcrt at an early Boar. The Prealdent. Prof. Joseph Lovcrinic, made aa ednilrab-e off-band addreaa, in which ne dwelt upon tbe loaa of the Associa tlou by Uie abscnoe of lt?> retirtitB Proaldent, Prof. J. ___WTTtH-e Smith, -wbo l?__rrrni_ _?a conntry in anotbor capaclly at Vlenna. He spoke ef hla own lon* -tervice as Secrt-at-y of the Asaociatiou, and tbe pleaaaet rela tlotu into whieli bc waa Urought by lt witb tbe nieui bera. Ao unuaually laree nuinber of new members were pro poaed wid elected. Tbe orgauixatlon ot the meeting wa* soon t-ffectr.l. Tn the aft<_*noon, several pepers were rea'1 lu each scrtion. A-ioug theae waa tbe fol lewinr hr Prof. F. W. Pntitmn of 8?ilem, Maa*.. ?JJ.'*. AM) . YCI-OPTERl S AND 1II1-IR A-LIRfi. llavmir my attention dlreeted to tbi* group of fliliee by tbe ?poc-u_eu_i f ollcctt-d by the UDited Statea Tt?h Coii.__l_a.i_n, unrtcr Prof. Balrd, I commeneod an examtoation of all th_ epec-niMia which could be -btainrd of th.> group. I bave lonj. known of the exlst ?noe of a npeeiea of Llparla on tho coaat of Masaachu* aetu, speciiue iih havimr been oollected m lon* aico aa 1S5?. and exhibiWHl at titae ln tbe Aquarial Qflf-BBI ?of Bost-ou. The satoe speclea waa after warda coDocted _?y anveral pa.r_.ius during the Winter mouths, and I <r>__-e several titnos d.edjred lt in the ln Salem ITarbor; but tt waa not until my reoent rxainlnation tha* Irmlistir-d-uyself tbat we have two apecles ot the jcenua UflBltl ou our coaat which are Identloal wltb BBfl two found ou the nt.rtht.rn ooast of Europe, They aie tlie Liparit vulgarit and the Liparit Montagui. Ttie L. vulgarit, with Gunther and Lntken I conalder tlir same as the li-ieafu* of Lepeehtn, Ib thus tor only known by me from ttie American coa.t by ei-jK-iin.-n* MaA**d l.y Dr. P..<___rd and Prof. VeTrill while toiiiii-'.tcd with the I'nited Statea Flsh Oonimls *%**,_. Those were oNaiued ln several localltiea off the Jtvw Knrt.nd*at itt about K> futboms deptb. The J.ipart* MoiUiffvi aj'i>ears to be the more common speclea on oui New-EnRland coaat. many spet-iroons having been found iu p..rtl__i(l 1.arbor, Me.. 1 >y Mr. rbarlea Fuller. ftI_flB BBW Bflflfl OoQflBtB-fly Prof. Vcrril at Eastport, Mo., au.l bt Mr. OaflUflflj Mr. Sa.-iborn, Mr. Ale_. Apas.-iix and niy.sclf _1o_k the ooast of M-is- t.liusetts. espeelally At Jfahaut and .Salem. Dr. J. Bornard Oilpm baa also _ ent roo BlBlllfl of tbe same speoies oollected at Ual -ltax. N..\ B >-- fl Ba Both apecles ure roentioned a_ooour Juicint' It is lnurestiu*.' to uote that while Z. rn.yor-it seems to bc the ninn* BBMfl_flfl specieri of the tw.. oti IBfl BflflwBCflfll ooast, the L. ilontoqui is the more ?n our aboree. The dl_r-rent-e between the nialos and feraales of aiMtcies ot l.ipsns haa uot yet been ptnnted out, but on . _ _____?_?! tht l-ir_.-o ______BBflfl -I sp. rlui. us. of L. Mon ta<r?i cclloetfd l.v Mr. Fiiil.-r i.t r?rtlaiid. in Febmary oi'sMareii. Iflfl. B-M vthieb were .vuieutly spawuui> MuoiiE Ui" awi??*.i at tlie time. I found a markotl dlt* ferenr-.* between the sexea, th.* ?___?_ Ivirii; roartlly di? tinptns:..-.l fro... tu.- feu ai.-B by having tbe flf.-tt ?ii rays of the d i .il fln (treatly prolonged, and tjuitc fl.*shy, wl.llo ln ii..-f.*iu..l< - t_ecori-8pou Udr rays w.*n* not bo ,iriKiu. , . - were _!m> qulta BBTflrad witli .-,,,,, Hns over tlie (treater parl uf tho IbodT. ati'l ?n tlu-dnrcil ati'1 n.v*.. I notieed that t'i.inuiaili.118 plir.ieii.-il like uiiiiutfl spooks o( ?llver, andonap] I prored to b. c?ra rpoaod of very tine, h.iir like ?___?-. wliieh wore easlly Wl.-tuelieil ; so tbu) Wt l.ivc In thia proupMiuicthini; ukm tto thc 'lcvi?'.ii -.I "f tbe grannlatloui or tuberoles ou lt ? tiotul autl lii.u of Ihe Cato-touioi-is niul *oni(: Cypn {Di>!-!.a, ai.'l <>t!..??- l. hes, during tli< Utne of greatesl t* xuitl riovel.ipment. Thero h.*om. to l?- the ***** di lyerall. ol '.i aUon iu L. Montagui *? ta L. vulgarit, _-* yir. Fuller Inforina u.e tli.t ? hen tllw tbe speetiiMni h. . *l wen motUe.1 und iuul.ltJ ttith -,i-\.-ntl eolors, n:. iu .il."ii..'i iii.;. ni-.- tll ot it nnifbrtn li?ht brown. ?Tn a -BTffl nm ii-er ol ipeclment of L. tulgarin i.ndiy .-.ul me by Mr. T- J. M.?.ro ol the Mu*. am, tfnicii wert i i r>n tl.e <vt_tst <.f Kni-l.ii'l. 1 loii'id iii.tiv >-',m ciiiii ii.-t tli?t w.-re __t,uipli liKht iii'onu. wit.'.ou. marklnp 01 BB] '...nd, while otbers **ti .?-?*.l the longitudln i! lln - t'< ? Breatar or lr..* ^.^tei.t whir-b led t?peeBlB toname t;..-_.!_>-.*i.*.a linintut. .ln Mcard to tue i_t_.uuiir. u; tu. ftroup Bwuerallj known Widei i-iitions. tlly ln w i__r_ to tt:? osteolojrical charaeter, lead ?MtOaa-Ut- .I rrlT?.*I!'^.tlM*-.'f tlie old proup fcjtoinewliat ililft*reiitly Irom wbitt lias \. t been propoetd (' --iv retnovi I i ? proper ? rpadogt-tttr aod Ibelralllos) frotu the pn.uji, itn.l ilii'.-pii '? '?' I-an, while io!iM<Ie_..u- them a dittinet Jainih yet rctalued them at <>i.e of iho tbr.*^ raaillea ol bi* rroup ?>' u-oble-oe ..?? ?? i iBool'. wilh QoatBer, put imily oi Uol at least a ?nb-order imu tb- Cyclopte__d_B au.l l.ipand..*, wlccb are 1ir ;, v umto.l lo tl. true t'ottoid., I i.y Oottut and Hemitriplertu tban t.. <u'.l(; pei or t-? tl_ Qoblea ?ud B.enal-Bi ''? ***** lApun* b.-* as irlose afllnities, u\ ?. ? lun '.vith Oottut :tud lietni rttt BB Wilh Cffifoft-iriK. and w* tiat'-ni tht tlin-. . teti by Cottua, Llparla, aod Cyolupierus, well marked famillea ol ono sub oi Vr, tbe onlv ?ha__ct_r l.y whi.h tbo Oyclop t. ndi. and l.ipsr.itu- ?re il.woiy uiilfod tteinp tbe i?'iiiiir toiiii.iii-'ti of the veutril d.>k to tln itiuoii. I i! ?? v. i.irul tinr; l.ut ii.-. this structuro is simpl.v lir.'Uclii aboat l>y tue iui.diUeat.oi: of tln* tuft iu a m.i!i 7? r i .Lu...>_. i>> tue several p. u.-ra, Mfl not by any iiiarL.v. ..ii.t..ii.u-1 diBerenee iu tba siriiciui- of the Qtis ln Cottua, I i'mu oiny look upon it a* a eeneric , Bara. u-r < omtaea w> tbo known repreeeaflaUrefl of both f...i!ilii - Ol ('?< :>'Ptt-ti'l.i- and I.iparii'.-, und tbo di? . ntativi ol < tii'-;- family witli 4iii. ?.f .im ii.lii.arv fonu, would uot iitea._isitaie the , ,, in ol a la.uiit for it*. reOflfltlfl-. flfl iu tliat c . iii.iy e.'-.i ,!.i.. ti.. itraotareaaofgea ? nc Vain.-. 1'.'- v.ii.ous inodillcatioiis of tlie vt ntraio in l_, c . . . ..f (*-i-outinu tln. vi."*. It is Binirul.;r tliat Prof. Oope iUk-s not mention,.-i >Cvolopterus or I_ii>aris ln hia reoent cUtsaiflcatiou; ?|.ut irun tbe eharacter be r.a* pivon <>t ln- pT.*,tt t* . pb?l>rauehil. ?> wbu-U hc ineludes th.* Uranoacopida. ? .... , liioiinii'ta'. (> *-* ' ottldas, lt is 1<- ?l>.it bo would have piaced tho farnilies in tho _Sroup had he not-omltted to mention tbem. But while Ibey would flnd tbeir natural position here bi tbe ...uld not be willmp to a.lluit any nu. li ,. _cii theu. aud tbe otbei lauiilies ut Tbe atudy ol tbe Iftrpe amount of ma'.-rial ln Tny, tor w 1.1.1. I -'n e*pt-i-__tiiy lud'hted to Prof. . ral Hiiport-Ut con .i i.t of tb'- ri'jueru aud sp>/eies of .og Um iu I ioa. -Utto ibal imi peueno j,, ,j . , ie 'an l.e puict-il on the char ii , for Uicy are very n.-arly alike in all <tj. .-,. ,,,.-pa*.-.->l inidt-i- my r-..*iou, or ou flhe cliaraeter ol tlio union of the ruys of tbe dorsal anrt tiual li:.* '?'?: li tl.oHOOf tlie coudal.-s I Had that tbore _- iiu dit! ?- i.i-i- lu tut- struciure of the last vert-br-. of tl.eUH ..i.i Ui ?> "\en iu Liparit puieheltut, whicb has tlio BitMt cel-llBB tail of ail e-tterually, the *kolet..ii abowa tbe l?r,t v.-ittbra with its -pxpanded spines tbe same as in L. Montagui, ilio._i.dil is wore distluetly sopnratcd from the oti.ii i differenceaareeimpl) ofapeolfleTalae. awjti. . .aiious are oouoUut witb each _p__ie_. ...orbital boues tn ouo louir t>o_ero-i.h lugtrti lllary to tbe poatertor eAre of yie pre opercnlum, and tl.e losfl, alemlor, ray-like interoper cu|Uq ir.ui tlu-n-.-t of Ibo opt-nular l.uuo iy,<i o ? .?irauibioBici'iil rayi, aie uiarketl thai' *" BTterr. >>f i.iparia. 'ji,, . , (li.trihution of the two famillos of Liparitia. is very nearly tho samo, and ii.t.-r. -tinp conalderatlona. Ttie following Ibutlon of eaebof tbe at proseut retop . l.i.i.. u.ark.-.i vtilb au __rtor_ol_ are t_*v ] have ->!'. i ? . lumpus -(iioeiiiaiid to New York, lie* i Europe. />*_??Urotnlaod to Eastport, Me., I west coa?t of Auitrlca. ( - ? ? ..\_\u6. i ... ...:.. ,i a.ka. i i ;;.;:ni ,i . uiault Harbor, N. W. C. A., fl * i . i i i Cal, . Frauclaco, Cal. ?... ? nlaud. I ..... iand. nui. dpitzt^rpen. !<> Maa-acbuaetU, SpiU H thf-ru Europe, Ei.pland. ffi . 'ncuiand to Massachusetti^ K-.irlsinl. 'IAfwrii ?intairtu.i-hd.i__, ilarbor (New Chile, about 1 .- -i I tliat of tho two faiiii to botfl ***** ol tlie North A it thoir Um!U are frum the Arctlo - '? -ten, Houih to a il >'. wn tbe Americaneuaat (New-York, . i! 40? -V on tln- Knropeati roa-t Cytlopteru* antl Mparx*). Throo oniiflirfd, tn lai a. ki.own, to tbe I- tl Wi rtfl P i- Itti . tWO lir.rK.rf. tlly iiu..* i preaamed t<> i.- eonilned to tbo s.*a of totir otber apec-tsa art Xouud ou the Vn.ori . rxtoudlmt only a.*, far . 1 .aiitii__i_l_.i_>-_r-#|.t_r aUrat _Aak.?',? B. - .a.s. tl.' IICl, .1 I.NAM. H>ji , > known froui the Bouthei-u i: . ,. . ra.and tbat U ttom XdeflHarbor, uiroui Lat. ItWtlB tfl our knowled^'u of the dis tr'-itioa of the (tr>>up, which m ono >f tlo* ivmilte of the Maaabtr E.pedlU-iu, it wa* ?upiiosetl thiit the lipuflflfllflflflfl at IBfl BB- ******* -Tfl llmlted to the . rn aud Uinixrate r<*_nons of the Atlantic and I , ,. L .;.'..* 1-, Iflfl iMtaol tlio B>?iiP. and eomes froui ? iw?irrr.of tln* extreuie eonth, while no lnt?-r .'i.ii.l ii, tue wtile .1 j." Betweca Eden Harbor IBd BBB Frau < ? ., tboupb other ipcclet maj .i_.i iu - Lttbei ii ( tuh ... > oaflt. L,r t..> .,!:,.' ittkf tire lovirt uf , uu! B> ition, nut bf l ? ? II)JH l_tl. i-OUIltrii n i * ? i <m own coast, tbey come to . i, aud in Bfl '.akc-u ou Uio voaat of Maeaatbu aetta and Malne br maaflB of thfl dred.e, which 1a now d.rtng ar> mtich in tne of esrafal oltafrrnrs in Ib creaaloa our knowledge of animal life In all Ita forms. In relatiou to t_e dlatriuutioo of the Cyrlopteroiila an.l Iiiparolda, II la intereat ing to notfl) tlie diatrlbution ?r the fatutty of Oobl-aooidas, ao L.nic coofouuded with them, but now acparated aa a family far reroovol frora the others oa atructural irn.unrta, and alao by ita general illati iixitiiBU. W uli" the ('ycl.ii.tcriil..' und l.limrtUm havo tholr grcuteat .levelupmeut tn and toward Ihe Are'l* tt gio.ia, the (.flobleaoeldie hare their. in and toward the troplca, tM'liiit fouud the troplcal and tera >?emte rciriorv. of the Paeiflc and Atlantie, and bavlii*: but one Kcu.ia wlth r_presentalivi'a ln tho Northcrn A.l.mtlo, one or two -Pflflaa only extendlng froni the Madlterraueau to tbe ItrlUsti and ijeaudinav Un coaat*. There Ib to be a r-oeptlon U. night by the City of Port laiid, at wuich Prof. Lovcriog wlll reply to tbe addn-aa of welootne. (Ireat preparatioD* are made, and the occa elon a Ul ba one of unoaual Interest. TUE AUTVMN CAAVASS. A DATB Fl___> BOR TIIK RBPUBLICAN STATE CON? VENTION. The Republican State Committee met yea? terday lu tbe Fifth Avcnue Hotel. There were preBent tbe Chairuuin, the Hon. X B. Cornell, John 8. Kuapp. Sccr.-Mrv.of Cyugu, the Hon. E. D. Morgan of this rity. Senator Wm. H. Robertaon of WestcheBter, the Hon. Juiiicb Felter of Herkimer. the Hon. Mr. Remlnir tonof 6t Lawrenr., and others,?in alL Beveu tneui Uora of the Committee were abseut. After a Bhort dis cusslon it wua rcaolvcd that the Convention ahould M beld at Utica on 8cpt. 14. The State Committee wlll me.-t at 9 a. m. on that day, and tho Convention wlll be called to order two hoora later. There waa very little flMBOflflflflfl while tho Committee were in aeaflton. Some fltreas waa lald upon the fact that aa the State Beaators ebM ted thia Fall wlll eaat their votea for Uuited -tutea Seiiator ln 1878, Uaa vanoui Couventiona ahould aelcct good men. After the Committee ad|ourned. tho membera gaihered ln little ff-oupfl and di*c_eaed the prohable action of the Convention aiul the features of the coniiug campalgn. It waa concedeil that aa thia Ib au " off year" in politicfl, there would be eomparatlvely little interest taken in the campalicn. With referenee to the probable action of the Convention lu ita aelectlon of candidates, opinlooa eeeroed to dtffer, accordinc to the localltiei whence the apeakera eame. The country membera were certain that Controller Hoj.klna would be noininated, and aaaerted that he would receive tht- aupport. of tho majorlty of tli? Uelegatat from the rentral and westcru aeitiuus ofthe State. Tho oppoaition, it waa alleged, would epriop, if at all, from the del.-jrates from thia sec-tion of the Staifl, and from thoae who are coutrolled by inein bers of the (aniil Ring, and those whoso c.latmH upon the ht.ite Treucury tbe Controller had b.-en IiiMiunienUl in UBflfliflff Secretary of State S.rlbner was also apoken of .i.-n 1'ipular mau who had a fair 8808888 of r.iionilnation. Al the cloae of the BBBB-Bfl the uiajoriiy of the member* left the elty for their iflflflMfl-M homes. Ctiiiiruian Coruell aud several Irieud* took the boat for LuiiK Brum ka _____________________________________ POLITICAL VOTES, The Liberal Dernocratic State Cent ral Com rai:...f MlanflflOtfl has (l. cifl.-.t I'i .all a Statt. Conven? tion, t? iut-ct at St. 1 _ul ou Bflpi Jl Senator [*OWlfl of litiff.ilo, wbo is the Chnir man of the Mflfl. Committee of rhe Leirialarurr to make a report upou the subject of ti an-portation of b_t__11 in the State, has is?ued u to the meinbera of the Coiuuiilleu to u.eet at Alt.any ou Scpt. 11. for IM purpo.. ... tour through flflfl State aud B-tfltfl-fl| "' faea icqiiisite io muke their n port. Thoj btliovc in callinp thinps by the ritfht ..nt iii I. wa. A Couuty Couventlon adopted thflfl strotijr and Bo:uewhut aweeping platform recently : ?? I.Tirrrajt, Wfl boln-ve that when a man steale he h> a thief; and Wherrat, A BBBjWlll <>f the pflHtk-Bflfl of l.otli portlflflfltflfll; t uii-fore. Utattttd. Timt wr ara Und ol bclnfl planderad; that Iti* a good time for tflflrfflfl to Blaud fn.ui Ulid'l" A very tim-dy hint to the Dernocratic jour nal.* ls given by their old associato The. Mittoun Repub Bflfl*.' "W-fBBtly BBflJflflfl lo the DflflBBflBfltk BBOflM all over the land that are continuaily iisserriiur thut tne Dernocratic party M flfll BaaB, that tttbj stop it. If they ke.n on much lonirer. people wiii bemn to thfl Blfl p-.irry a flflflfl, BBIfl cmiu.h. Wlio ev.r thtoka Ot trjlflg to i.iove that a live man ls not ft dead inuif" This is a speciinen fll the ploflflBB* pcraonal jiai-Kianhs wi.K-h WflBBBflfl BBWBflM*~ ur< pnutin. uii..ut the salary grabt.ers. The BMBfl (M" ) -Mflflflr cial s::.\>: " Comii.Ko, our ComluKo, of sal_ry->rrabblUK notorieiy, haa jrone to OBBflfl-Ofl v.ifli his family to Bflflflfl ? lew flflflkfl aud a portiOB Bf his flfll k |>nv. May every antlclpflt-fl olflfl-flBfl raafllva ltseif int.. a ?hosf of his 1 cinous crutic, ind linuut liiiu unlil Be disi-nr^rs Bla >l, potton isuiary aud resi^us ins eedt for au honorable UlttU." Tbis is tbe WBJ it strikes The Rittland (Vt.) filobe: "We all know the trail Bfld tend.r thread by whlcli Henry Wilbou holds on to life, and we BflflflBflflbflC thut thnc I'r.-.dciit.s di'J ta ol'.:. < w ?ithin n BflBrBfl of a BBBtary. U thfl? ahoald M eaOed Mbmb Mfflra fhi laa M(.n!::y uf l>oeml>er, finacinc, if yon can, the iiielt.ililc Bhatue, the huniiliation, and dissraee af BM flflfl Mat?Mfl H. Carpentt? lu tM aeafl of Waaalngtoii, Adaroa feBei BOB, JflflMofl, and Liueiiiii. The miud rjlmwks iruin tu. bare couteniplation thereof." The Prohibition State Kxecutive Committee of BflW-Tfll- l.a*) iaeued a flflB for a BflflflflflflBBM of all BJIIHalflaaa in the movement for a Prohitntion BflBBflfl n.ciit to the Co'.Btitution. at SuratoKa, on Ani:. 27, durn.i; th. OOflVflflttOB jmrty. IBfl object is to " eonfer with referenre to, and as fur aa |>on Blble. unite in- ealltnc a convention to noininit? .. Btata tickettobe Bapporied by Tamperaoefl votexa mi ? Ing fleetiou, and to tuke *uch other actiou as mav flfl called lor." This voice of warniiiK to the Republi.ans of Ohio < oiues frotu their unswervin. BBRflfl, IBfl I'teeelaad Uerald: " We tell our ?BBflBB.Bfl -Bflflflfl BBM ttie BflflB). nation of Ilill Allen is no .) There is to M BflBflfa j.lay tbis . uupmirn. The Deni.x ratlo party a BtrflflflflV to-<lay thau lt haa beeu ln Ohio for many fflflflfl. The couraite of that party has rflflfflflfl, and It wiii flfl Bflflfl tlu coiiteat rewilv.Hl to deserve buccbh, even lf it flfl not wln a vietorr. RejiublicanB must ojien their eyea, and they must BOfflflflflalfl rbe pravitv of the BBBBfllBB, for h victory over the Democrats this F..U wlll M ? Bardi . Job l?un .inv v.ctory we flflfll flflB over tlie e.uifed. r.iU'd force of Bick Kepuhlicana and poiitic iJemociats." OBITVARY. IITCTI BOO?I OK PEAttODY. Fitch Poole, who enjoyed much celolirity, died on Tuesday ln Fea body, Maaa., at tho tige ot 70 years. He war. the aon of a man well known for hls Ute rnry taates, an 1 after reciving a 8S8BBB8B sehool eduea tion. made gool uae of what other advantanes eame ln hls way, and became exteusively kni.wn for hia litcrurv attainmeuta. He waa for many ye_rs connected with the preaa, aud bia writii>i;s were flBflflflflBBBBfll by ll.e sanio g.-riial fpirit of hmuor and good aeaBO that made him ercrywhere a welcome guest. H> belonged to the Whig party, and waa the author of aevpral aatirical |and poluted ballads that were much (juoted and much enjoyed at the BflBfl. Among the-so wa* "Olles Corey'a Dream." llt wa? thoroughly conversant with the babita and BBflflflBBa flf IBOBfl who llved at the tiine of Mflfl salem Witiherafr, and waa tbe edltor ?f a certain tiiainiseript that turned up ut tho tearinir down of the old First Church, and from ita exaet hltnilaiity to thos. uf a more ancient flflBB Waa ireasiii-ed for some time aa a rare discovery. Mr. F....1.1 ut ditf. r.tit ti.nes the town ol IV.1 bodv ln the I??Kl*l?ture; waa a BflfllMTof tMBCBool . '.iniiiittee aud board of seioci-u-n ; v aa of 77>f li'inrert Witzard wneti that paper waa established in 1881 and retaued the ponltlon until 1868. He waa f.ruit-iiy of the Jordan Lsiilge of Ffflfl and Aecepit-d Masons. I'erhapa the niaiter of greuttaat inlcr?it iu hia life was hia eon lieotlou with the Institute. Hc war. the fotiii'ler of tho M'chanieB' Insttt'ite Library, tiie which Mi\ I'l-ubody afterwunl Bfl flowedwithbU name und tJo.OOO. and for ihe lnst 17 ye_ra of his lifi |has N-en the llbrarian of thut taflUtuilon, always obli -'i.g andtatteBtlTa, und holdtug the eateem whi-ii M rn.rlled. T_ou?h not a rich, he was ulwava 1 libarai mau, wat a fneud und aBSociatt- of Mr. Paal.y wbe'i tbe lalter was nt Boatfl, .oul w.v* well able lo redtfl to ion, many of the mlnor incidenta that took plaee durin. his BBflflflflfl. Al.bniiiiu Henry Anjrell of Providence di. .1 ,y 111 thut City. 11" 18 the -tatou.l AideiuittU vs uo dl. d wilhin a iiioh.Ik_ CHIXESF. SHOEMAK.KKS NOT STKIKK.KS. N'oiun Al.AM-. Btaaa., Aug. 20.-The ruinor thut the Chinnnieu Ifl BM BBBflflBf of Mr. Ch.irles T. I . BBBflB, the fhoe luauufa.turcr, bafl BBTflflk for hi?hor wu?.s. |M whoily uufoundeil. Mr. Saiupson aaya they are not on Mnke, and bave Bfll BBBB. The aUtleincut that Rabbath achool t. achera, wi.oin he hat H.liuitie.l to edicate them. Mfl Incltfad tbem t . atrike, 1* prouoiiuccd to Ih- wltlioot irutb lu any rflapect, 1IIUT \SU MOKDBft EB Ml' HK'.AN. Mii.WAt.KKK, Auk. M.~-A iiiivate b-tter re c. v, d here from Ishpiiuin/, Ml.'li., datcd, r?ya : Wr huve. liad a rlot here. A mau was killed Ifl rhe uticet and tu.) Barflarara wara arre?teJ. While th.-y mii' M?0 roiuove.l fr.mi IM jul 1.. tne .!? i?ul thev v.m 1 11 u fro 11 ni" ..iti-. is bb 1 baataa, aaa 01 iii.-m so : i, il he dlfld ln ? lew hoiirri, aml tli. otn.-i ao th il Some ur the rlogieaOerfl li ri ; und 1 .? othera are miiii ai 1 iraa Xbe I? i-i. *ia ??i l.r WUui the rctult will hi it is 1 , i-i. OUT-DOOlt JvPORTS. THE DISAPPOINTED YACHTMEN. TIHC NBW-YOKK YACIIT F1.K-CT BTIU. AT ANtUOB? ll'itS l\>. (MRBBBfl. Nkwtort, R. I., Aug. 20.-The yacht* of the New-York squadron still Ile at anebor ln New port har? bor. walting for a chango ln the weatbor. After Iwo fatlurr. to reaeh Martba's Vineyard, it ls hardly proba ble that a thlrd attetnpt will be made, t_.ou.-l. the mlnds of tbo v-whtnicn are uiooh more obanpeablo than the weatber, aud within tbe noxt thirty miuutca some plan horofofore undroanied of mny bo propoeed and tBflflflJfl-i. Newport wlll probably be tbe enchorage of the floet for tbe remaindor ot the week, and until tho so-called cruise ls flnl?ed. Thii ls not altogether disagrteable to tbe majorily of tbe yachtmcn, who nnd Newport soclety by no means unattractlve. This morulng tbe weatber is oa bad aa orer, tho wiud still blowing from tho north-eaat, though not quitc so stronply as yesterday, and a drizf.linp rain e.ontinuiiig. To morrow ls the day ilxed for tbe oontcst for tl.e Be.u nett Cballenge Cup. Noarly all the yaehts in the fleet ?will enter tbu lista, and a lively regatta ll expcetcd. Bchooners and fltfloffl wtllrecelve prl.o. of eqnal value. High hop. . aro entcrtained for tho VisIflfl among BBl sloopa. while ooncerning the aehoouori there ls a pr. ..ur differenoe of opinitn. Everything depends on the breere, aud according aa it shall be ligbt or heavy tbe chunoes for vlctory fluctuato between three or four sc.boouers. The Mid.-lcnio, Columl.ia. Pulmer, Tidal Wave, aud Idlor aro all favor Ites, and are cnpable ?f utak.up splendid time. On Fri day tho long-talked-of raco between the Ttdal Wave and Madgle will probably oocur, and on Saturday the Doug luhs Cup will be sailed for. Tbis progTammo, however, is subject to alteration at any tlme. Tbe Coluuibia, after hor arcnlent vestor.lay, on h**r retnrn to Newport, ran aground ln tho thick fop. bflt was flaatod ofl wltb little ditUculiv. TUe Madpi.-. which r.eeutlv ruu ugrounduear Watch Hill. is retlttma. and will appear flf tl.o regattas iu cxcolleut couditl.iii. Later.? The weutber continuor d.iblous, but tbere Is son.v boiK. of a rtear day to-morrow. At all BT-Vta, tho chaii. ..-<? Cup raee, both tor Mbooxteri and si??p., will be sailod. A disptit. has an.wn feBflW-flfl tbo ot, nor. of tbe Tidal Wate and tb? Madpie, and the lattt-r, win. won, feafl rettmed tbfl Iflfl lotho Club and refn.*'i t" sall on Frid.iv. Thero wlll. th.-refon-, i>e n? ******* unlessthe dillloullv cau bc MtUfld. At Iho nteetlnp of eaptalna, to-day, Um race tat ibe. Dflflpflfl. OflpflJflfl oftioially s<t down for rtaturduy. Tho weatber haviug clearod somowhut, tln' gig rac* t.Ktk place tbis aiton-.ooii. Tb.- flr*t. und thr Alarin, < .iliiinhia, Idler, Madeleine, Notti,-, Bambler, aml B.;.- wen repreaent*-. Ihe Beaolutea L.iat won m 7 Btaat-M ann 15 aatoada, though UM Idler ? boal wan beaten liy tfee brou-iug ofan oar. Tbe 1I0.1..I" sc.ill raoo followo.l, and tfee onlriot wore fr.ui the Alitrtn, Aiioe, Aiio.iitio, l.llor, Riinbior. Beaolnte,Taro* linta, Tidal (Vare, Vindex, aad Vlaluu. 'i_ic Vi-u._i _ beat eaally wo? la I mlaati i aad M flflfl nd-. wluu- Uiat of tlio Tnlai Wave wa* .ecoiid. Tbe course was about 1. ii. ? tn length. _ RA( INU IN YOHK-IIII.K. KNUI.AND. London, Auir. 20.?Thfl pritMipfll ttrtmi __ lln., tber.i-.uidil.ty of the York Augi.-t inooting, was IBfl (.reut Bfeflfl llan li ap Stakes ol MBBBVflflfllBBflt ad.le.1 lo a IWflflpfllfllB I "l -" Mflflflfl-BBfl flBflfl.. tt* Mflflfl-BflflBA tn rec. iv. .... ..itci'i?!H, nnd ihe thinlto _ave MflfltBBBBI two niiloH. . . Tl.e. raee wai won by Mr. Bretoa. i>. t. Loulae, i rear_ old, Mr. Marsball- b. _a. Bfeaonon, 5 year. oi.l. wai aee imd, and Lord LaueeUe- i>. h. Mr. F.>x,..y<-ir* old. Ifelrd. Tbo bettiup <>< fo.e lh<- raee was 5 to 2 ou tho tl-M -t tu.- wiln.-. . to i BflB-BBi BBaaa?, aud u to i agamnl Mr. Foi. Ib. ro wer.* U startet-. HAMPUEN PARK _UkC__L>, Muss., Aflf. 3D.--At the nut t - |0f of Um Il.iu.p'lcti ______ Ar.*iH-i.ili"i'. to-day, Hoiiu-...W.) people Wfllfl iu att. ii'lnn.-o, nnd the tra. k iu p.-rfoet t-ou dition. The flrst raoo wat Iflfl I flfllflfl of Mflflfl for Bflfflfll that never trotted beitor thau 2:11; D.iivO to tirst, il.fA.l to BflflflBfl. ***> to third, *A00 lo fourtl. Th'-ro flflflfl tl.ree tfaftflflfl. Jmlg' Fullerton, Ca iiiors, and BflBflflfllflfl. Jii'lpo'oitou broke hndly Bl IBfl fllfllt flfll OflBlfl Bfli Bl DlflflgM Bflfl subjeoliou, being dlstnnred in tho h.-ut, which was won by Heusatioii. Camors took tbe |seoond heat an.l Bflflfl-?Da Uo tfefl. flflfl fonrtn. B_flB IWj, 2:!5|, 2:2S, J:23|. The second race was for a purso H.OiHiof. for Bflflflflfl that have 11-vi 1 irul'O'l D t.i r than 2:31, lil.OOU to flrst, 11,000 ', Bflflfl. BBfl ta third au.l flflfl tfl fouitli. I glit -Bflfl Ifl Kti.rtc.l. BBd :i*vni BflBlfl Wflflfl trotted. l.-a'.ii.i. tfefl race uadecided,owinf to tfee dai?aefla. Ohio lt >y woaiwo heata and Barney Keller, Commodore, Winthrop Mt rlll, and Ool. Monlton, oae aaeb. The Bfth wai a leafl beai Breboraei win aing aader tha wlia on m r.m. n.-.-k _nd.-_.__ illoi'.-'.'.il. *__ 2 20. -il, -3-i ("lou-l, 2'.'25i, 2:35. TIIK K1N<;-T<>N r.A''E9. Kora-T.i.\, N. V., A11,;. 80.?Tliere was a fair ..ttoi..t_iioi ... tfea Fall 1.1 all.Ifl ol tl... Kiup-ton Or1vtii_T Park to-.lav. Tbfl w it'n-r wafl Iflfl au.l t!.- tia.-k tfl ?aafl onl r. T^'i 1 .-.-. wcrc n-'N. To.-rr w.-ro | larpc i.uiiil>(-r of otitn.-s Iml many feflflflM wore drawu. ii... i fl .H- waa tm a parae af ***** tm Ibiba ->IbbH Bflflflfll ; IMI to, |li)0 to secoud, |6J to third, |1.1 to fourth. P_a__.Bfl_.flfl Hartafl and IBfl raee waa flflfl fef .1. II. I'liillip'* p. p. Urav H.iwk. 111 tl..,-- htra'pl.t boats ; T O'Connor's g. P. li.iwn, ****** : B-HM -_iuu._i.ys b, g. Ooward, thlrd, and .)? B. AalpatiBfe- b. g. i-not, fi.unb. Tiii.e, *I7|; -:_(.. aafl ltt*. 11,. Bflfload i.i"- aaa toi . parao ?f tUO, forhor.<*s li.iv.- ii.-ui ti.-.iron i...; J175to tlrtt, .liri to sucond, M I" third, an.l 125 10 fourth feoflfll?and was Wflfli by J. II. Clian.l'.T'- i>. .... Moi*oy. 111 tbo flrat, Bflflflad. and flft:. beata; B. 3. Halioway's b. g. Bockland second, Benl.tun-i ?rtiia.m'* i> ... Lottle tiiir.i. and J J. Bornbo ik'i blk. g. Wlltwyok foiiilh. Time?_.H'|, BMfc an.l 2:3-1. UB PAKK UACE8. WiiKF.-aitARitK, Penn., Aug. 20.?The Lflfl I'ark taeflfl flfflaflfl this tM******. **M track was ln excellent condition. antl iM-tween 3,1X10 and 4.000 people weiepiesMUt. Tho flrst raco -was for the Iflfl Cup an.l $50, for horses flWBflfl m tho flBflfltf who had never irotlo.l i?-foi-o. Ihfl r.o .*. was won by Josoph Stickuey . Borafl Ililly iu 2:11>1. 2:15. and 2:45. Tho aecond raoo was fora nnrse of |500 for Bflflflflfl wli 1 li.'nt BflTflfl beaten 2:51. K.pbio.-.i borae* atarted. B. fl. Danlela, owaed byJoba i iiak. r of H im ra Falla, w.n. tbe raoe, tbe t__i_, fourth. aadflftfe boat* la Bflfl. ***, ainl '.>::ii. Tfefl tb.r I raee ?>. foi t-o>. tor BoraM wh?nad oevertrotto 1 i?*itor iintu i'.zi. Tberawere***fltarten Dlnab of PhUadel pbia won iutlircc.ti..iplit baata lnni-. 2:4(?, 2:J_i, aud_i:3U. the tOBO WE-VBCB BAOBfl postponed. The iDiitiuuance of the Btunii han inatlo the flflfllBfl at M.mti.oiitb BB beavy U...I it ba* laflfl ib-.ilflafl to paBtfflflfl the rnces till Haturday of thi. wook, aud XflBBtef and Wcdues.lay of next week. 8CULI. RACK ON THE CONNECTICUT HIVER. Spkinufield, Aug. 20.?The sinplo ncull race on the Conuocti-ut Hiver to-day, three mllos, for |M a sido, between HarriDgton of this olty and O'Loary of Watuatm, was won by Harrington iu 33 mlnutes 24 secondi. 0?eary flflfl niore tfeflfl one unniite bebiud. liefore ihe race tho betting waa two to ouo ln favor of O'Leary. ?___,?________________________________ RAILWAY LVTMMMBTE. 8IOVIFICANT TRfP OF A ffltffl-C The Kuilway, bfllWflflfl Bflliffel and Bt. J.iliu, which will coinpleto a through railroad route from HflBBBI t? flan Fran.lsoo, is alrnost flnlshe.1, and on Tbursday of last week the general BBflgBflfl aperit of the European and North American Railway ibipped a nui-_.ll truuk from Halifax to 8an Franclsco, froui Mlii.b Pla<^ it is to be returned. thiia sipuiflcantly annouufiiip Ifefl flflflflfe-flBflMfll <>? an all-rail line of com ruunlcati-'n LllflBfllfl th'?io two eltlcs. Tlio apouts of all tfefl railroadt* ?.n tho route lt was to take wer.* inforio.-.l of tne faot. and roo.iK.stod to forward lt as rapioly as ix.ssiblo. Tbe trunk was to bo cbeeked with the Inter BflBBB-Bl BBllWai .lock No. 4.1'*.. It Ifl so construeted that lott.?_* cau be put in, as in a letter box, but cinnot fefl takon out, aud among it- toll.ctioiis as it travels will be all the lflHlflB-1 HBM BBflflfl. Pflflflflfli BBBBAflf Ufl principal Ktationa, nnd such otln-r flflalfibat-flflflBfl the :. nl way offleers may see flt U> ?flflli Ofl lt? arrival ln .an Franclsco it will bo placod ou .ilnbition m the piiar.l of Tr_i 1o rooms. Oafl flflflllflfl of It wllltfeaabfl opened, ai d ? oanteeo eonl ilnlna ? ?i>r takea from iln Ailsntli' Ocean wili be tak.-n ont. <)n a.-t'n.r oal for its retara Um eaatoflB wlU SM IBafl witb wa?M from tbe PaelBc Oeeaa, to be earrtefl to Halifax HMroate .'.t tl.o trunk will l>o over tfee Iniorcolonial Railway ir..... Halifax toHt. John, the .'iirop'-aii ai?i Norll.. ... Aui.n .-ui to iianpor, tafl Maine Central to Port land. il.o fiaaton to Boatou, tbeBea v.nk, flew-Harea, aad Uait inid i" Kew Tork; tbe P. unsylvauia to llitrburgu; tb.- PiitMiiirgb, Fort Wavno, anl CIiicu'.. to Chleaco; tb. ( Ul'-apo, lliirlingto,-,, ann <> llney t? Hnr inptoti ; tho Rurlinflton aod Uuaonrl Biref le Onafea. aud tbo Uuiou and ( ential PaMflfl tfl flflfl Franclsco. KAll.ltl>Al> MllHV Tiie rontract fnr t ou.-liiictiiij. the p_***\ thr.iiiL'b Herpen Hill fnr Iho D.-iawaic. I.ackawanna Railroad was awardfld, yc.UTiiay, t? Johu M Andiewaof Bcranloti AinoiiK Hlfl -floW-B- riMiilcriil at the law l_rm of tho ."i.ipreiuo Judnlal C.urt at Conuord. ou Thur*'! iv Wflfl **** liol.tint. ra.lway l-oii.pauio. have m right toara-ta-olaal-fl prlTUflflfliitoani peraaa or pcrsoiis to cant _XJM__M inail.r "v.i Iboir Bflflfl I'lieCiiy <it DflTflnp-fl. ri-i'ciitly ohtiiineil from Judgo Ile.k un rximl' iiimiic wii rcMiaiiiiup tfefl I'i* Bapeii aafl BtPaal Ballraad ti*m ******** IfefllalflJ .yar.i.le spc'.llcd bytbc cliv. IBfl UflBflBafl . , ??,,, .-iiiiiii-l. il l>-? M-lt-or. an i'|,-i.-n rr ;,_. niYeii|K..i from .'''?' ' ? "? . . ua Ui i*. i*d Bflfl*'* -tlaalt? v?*? oouteruei, aud a recant inotlou to dtaaolve thn lat Uir injuncllon baa beeu dented. A projeet is on foot in St. I-onia fof or gantfllng a oorporation for purehaaing aeven blotBaof giound betwonn Poplar and Plurn-ata.. extendlng fi-ra ihe Attantio an.l I'u.itlc Railroad deoot to the river, wbereon to lar trtoka up?n whleh ull railrouda (roui the We.-t may reaeh ihe river front. It ifl now oxpected that the jrreat Internu tlonal Kailway bridge to ipan ihe Niagara River be iw.'i n liuiT.ilo uud Fort Krle will l_ .oi.ipi.-Ud. and a formal opeulng Uke plaep, koiiic tituo tu Oetober. It ia the euterprice of an tadepeadanl o .inpany, was beguu in May. 1870, aud ita osi will be asiioewbal uiore thau MflBBMBB The prope-r offlcera reprertenting the Wifl comin C-ntral Kailroad Coiupauy au.l the MlisUaippI lUiiroad Company hare Bflfflflflflfl beilore U?v. Waah Imrn to dlBcusB the BBBfltflfl of a further award of wrtlfl cate. After brief BBBJflflaaft, the Governor ceillfled that hobad examlned 40 iniles nf road. and liad found It ac ceptably built; that th*> Wtaconaln (>ntral Rullroad ( oinpuny. BBflBfl tue uharter ot tbe I-ake Winuebago and H.i|>f rn.r I'liiniiaov, la eutitled to half of tlie I -inl BflBfl ffl f"i th. '.-oiisii-iii tion of iwo more BflflMuflfl nf 20 mile- eaeh, l.nt tliul li i* not BflB?Bi to the other hail llll.l "a" "Ulil ? totd imorling U> law froui Port-g to BtaTflfli ???_!? TB thU rflrtlfloata ls attaohfld a aop. ulatlon on the part of the Wmcohsiii Ceiiiral (ompaiiv t il will only apply for a pateut for one half the luud uiilesi. ita right to inoro ib uftirruud hy tlie State Legisla turc, thu Supreme Cvart, or other ( omjieteut auibonty. A new railroad depot ia to be erected at New-IIaven. Tha buiidiug ls to lw 271 feet lu leii?fth by 5.1. f.ut ln wiilth. The foiindutlou is l.iid on 1.200 plle_, dnven from 17 to 20 feet Iuto tho .round to hard l>ot tom. The piles ure sprur-e, brought f n.m Nova Scotl.i. 'Ihe building Ib to be tlireo rttorlea high. with .i lar. >? haitemeut. Thero aro to bo three towers, with rouuded roofa. the hlghest point on IMflflnlflfl tower being M feet rrom tlie ground. TM foundatiou stonc ure r .rtl iml brown-Btone. The wall.*.. of preaaod onok, will lie re lleved by tiiuimiiig with poli-lied brownatone. lt will fla provlded with luulliouud wlndn.vs, whieh will M pi.lnied wuu arelies, alao of brown-stone. Tlie wainni; ,,?,,,,., will be large aod enuif.rUOly aud handsornely r.u uished. The trulua will uot ent.-r flM l.uiidlng, but wlll I'unio up flfl IM ao.i'ii lide, In alditiou to tiio building, long conimodlous platfonu wlll be built to accouiinodaile the heaviest trann. TEXAS REFUBJ.H AN CONVENTION. _? tXCltCVa BBBBBB ?UECiAiiAiiDN' OF rniv l ll'lBO?IIfl IM'I'.L? III .....MI.NAl IDX 00 OOT. I?A\H. f.ALVt-STON', Ailg. 20.?The foll').viii;j If thfl pia'form "f the BsyoMlBfla C-flflflfl?oa aflflplafl M Balaa aa flfli: BTfl IM Republican* of Teiaa, In convention Bflaambled atPallason IM MU tt A;iK'.is;, mrik'j (l.e MlflflfBg derlaratiBB M prlncinlfB: Fxrtt, That we realliiin our duvotion r.i tM priti.-ipl )fl ctiunctatcl by the BattuBBl B~p-bllcan platf rm, and r, tl.r wlaa and lust adtnlntatratlot] t>f Pr_adeBt <iruif. fMflfl-k We are flBa-flaliy in f.ivor ol ratablUhlnfl aa . niaiiitaiei'itf? aystein ol fr.-e lehoola, mcii na t-1 eq .' _d I.v ;ir*:.!e lof our s'.ue Constitution. wltbaueli ImproTi imiita :i* eiperleni-.. Mfl iBowa Io bfl fldvi ? flblfl ; aml we condemn the iv?,li.i< *1 aMIItloq t.y th- Thir t.eiitli uaglalat-rfl of the .systcui thfll Haa in opoiatl >u. Thinl: Wb Blfl in favor of such lawahy tM L'-gi ns wiii give fu" and sinpie protectlna to avery eltluo of the Stati ln tiie eiij.viiientof all bUrtJthtflM t flltlBao. Fourth: We are oppojed tu apnial lagl latlou, b lu-v mc that general laWB may l.e frau.e 1 v. I.u li i BO Obl 1 ita the uecesiity of apeclal Uwi, aud which woald b. mvi luatand 1--- apl lo M enaeted from flfll in.' mutive.. Fifth : We Blfl i.i tavor oi a Judl. loui Sl ite aul to un liiiUi.i.oli. flflflB BflB co,.Ulup;_ti;_ b> BttifllflllBf our '?''""? Bixik ? WoOfl-ln ii l.e taxe.l for puiulr parpoaeB, and Miavfl that taxatlofl iho_M M tatpoaed Bt equal and uiiilurin riiic-s upou prop.-ii), very little 11 ..n> Ui M pttl iiii.m in-.-i p.n.iu. v.l.iie w,' deaire to uuvb ourStute Uovernm nt adn lnlster-d wlth t< il '??.iruy, illka piKiui.'i.v it.i.l extrayaganoe, ira * ,i,.i,t H.-e..rdit.gtoitB .erin-. We are oppo tie ii.on flf any )iev pui.'ie flflbl . m.l we ure ,,;.? ,.-? li to repudU__D i? auv forni. ?.. i . | -.i> develi i'.' ii ' ol IM tbi l *. flouruea oi <>ur Biata flfl tflflarO with fflvor, and I end <lo pladce oaiMlvea to ext ofl ertrr reaaoBabla r i. ilitv aod aid toward tba i ihmoni of ??! -quahflfld and ladlciooa railway ?. .te:.. r?rfho State; tbat ihe ancceaa of railwayi in rtallj depeadi npon tb* earryn gonl lu i" r (ert good f_nl. ot ?ur oMIgatioBi Mnrtoforfl maflfl, by cap.lali-ta have bieuaud D?aj beinducedtO rome amoBg ba; aml we declara ouraalvefl op Dtwcdto tue enactooenl of any pm.lie la^- llifll in.?y u ?.| ,te uui qually upon .-i l_en ? on aeconnl of the n'it vii y, orb .Ilef, and that ,n f.vorof tholarg eat amount ol peraonal in..-ii. conalateul , , | foui p. .'-'li' In thi enj n ut of Hfe i F.igthh : We r.s|^.'tfiilly BflB tM Nalional GrOV. n..- ? lo iii-iiioiiai, dis.uiii, an.l j.ui upon a Beflflraly-ouarded itlouthe aavaffl tribei ibat ooaunoMllf aaraflfl onr fronttflflfl. tfittiAi Ai'ai'i, wc ask our (,:-'i.-r.ti G-Ternrn rei. ar ??such ot our clt./eus lir a.i u.iil-r dll nl.iiitli-n, au.l to linprove lln- hlirMlfl upou onr aa i ..- national Intaraata requlre doing m. v.'e troal i.i" pr.-'iu Cougres* of tM Uuited UUiei artll nolparmil iiK'If to be pr. idieedaflain ! our peopl ,ao is to treal th.-lll Wlth illiostie-or lllll.el'.i'ily I- en-is- thi lU'lill'-f 'u.u Tnaaa iu .i.e laat Congrcai dithonorably votod h ,ii.i Ir/afl .....! tiwk oJw- pfll '...... :. | .iiouid oc maOfl to dl-ja-Bfl Tlio licxt Bflfl BUfcee.lit.g BflflMflttflM BflTOB Bhort legisiati%-e -Cbtlons, donouuoe IM flflflt-Ol BflM of the JUIIlhLlfllataflM*.flflflBTPTfla tho hojM) tUatlhopro plo will elei't |BflOBBflfl. Afti r B 1 I ???8fll "r-' ' ' Tr. Bflflflfl, B B. Newton. Mflfl Iflkl - Imt -h.i'r. Mr. Pottofl BfOfltflflBBM moved ihe in st int BflflfliBfltlafl Bf E. B. Davis. It was moved tli it tin. M c.rriel bf BflfllflBIB tion. ? Julius rfchultz and Bfl-fl-t prfltaalflfl BgalaM lliisf-rni of vote, and the uiotion. flitflTfl Mflf flflbflflfl. Wflfl (iruwii, aud lt was PBBB-fCfl thfll Ifl?? ? '' flfl B*1 '? tlon? be cau by BBflfltMB. BUfBfly flrfB couutiCa an BVflBflfl rollcall. Mr.Pattflfl iiitroduced Kr. BrawflMr, wa* aflBBli Bad Mr. Davla. Tiie rota vai;on by OBflflHfla, aud iflBult-d iu tho nicuiiiiJOil-. imen nation flf ,1". D fll Ifl. Mr. Allen tt Bflflfll flfl. fflflflfl ? attm, Tl- H. Tayl'-r, A. W. Minor. liowies, Baliar, _*By ?f flaifloaflaa, W.iitaae andi r, Cflki. y "f OfllfflBBBfl, Bflfl W. M. BflfBfl flflflB BOBBl Bflflflfl Bfl I.i ut. uant (luv. rimr. Jii.Il'.' Nor in flfldlflfld. It was auuoii-c- that a majority of all thi ToU Bflflfll Vlllll,l fla i ?' ' Bflfl V I,,r IBfl el-.-Hoii. Bflfl Bahf.1 (uiey, BUU. r, Ali-'ii, Bflfl Bo-fll OflB ? flitt -flflfl. Dur? ing the flflflfl furTi.l r, who was uiii.-.'.n. c .v. I)iv I' flflfl Mflffldflfl ???!. At tn .! ii ..r Uklfl v-jie he mado a brief Hpeech Indoraingthe pla.form. faflfllflfltlnfli.' fl Cflflt-flB- ) '? M> ? ??-??l' MO ju.U'e Prtae, 8. H. Mtiiiifui, Balifllaui BoaatoB,. w. TBflfluaflfl C'.iuii.F. W. Minor. -Bflflfl Ford. and Ira ll. l.v.ui.. In th- Ui-' alflflfltflfl flflB Hiin. Tflflflfl g.ilnl for BflflflB, flfllflaafB .hanred M Thomaa. A rap.dcbaiis'o Uic-n to..k pUflfl, Bflfl IM Ball-flfaflBM 1 m nearly ai; unanimouB BBM tion of Tuoiuas. Tlie i. I tion* for Trcaaurer were iiiniierou*. Tho OflflflflflUOfl ad)ouruid HO 3 o'cloek to flflwtflw. JUQUSI WBATBBB,* op thk BBATT BAIBB, Anotli.r ruiuy day bflfl beOB n.l.h'.l fo tho iiBQffl mt n.e pa ; Bflfla. \;''->,,> '1|" Bteflaiflflflrofll IM Bflflfltflfl 8888808 Bflfl tl"' BBBflflfl IflMBBflB Bffl Bflfttfllflfl fo feel thu effect of Uie .MB-flflBfl unpl.-a-anl flflBlMlt ln the -BflBBflflfl ?f the nuinoer of Bflflfllfl, und lf WB-flBflf dayaan.1 brl.liter Bflflfll flfl Bflfl come BBflfl*BM will b. lu ui. I.t a Bfl i.utiuiely end. flfl far flfl Bflflfl-?T travel and recreataui are flflflKfl-flflfl. BBflBB IM BflflhlflBflfl atNewt.otl only flflBBfll fltltflfl Bl rain flflB teuipeat aro heard. Ha-flflBflfl M ?'? . .-.iiiecialiy pciclur., mi] . ? M IflBBB* "f Ui.BBfl] ?f stock oii t'n ir Innds. The BBBTMfflfl Bfl" )"!' BflaTBI nig foiaie |li-:nelve. from |_rtMf IflM I.v slu-plllga lar.e poitioliof a the Kialeiii uialkets. I | Bflil BBJ ta Mo;,l....i.erv--t.. Hrooklyn, Bfll ? flflfl BaBhfllfl- Bfl . au.l Ihfl Mlf. TT-k M rflBBl MM Bfl ?_? lflfl', oxing t" tue Bflflfl] raflflfl. 'iii- BflBflM ptaaa ?'??.?? ta Jui-"!, Bflfl Oa BflpylJ "1 BflflB BBJ Bflfl flfl Mfl wns Bfll "tf ?Mra BflflBfllnfl btb Oaaat M aaa oata M wottf, taadat, iflOflBta i lM Ml a b >t BaMMB tue bbb n..r Mia Wat,-r Mfl aa yei BflBfl tfltaefl Bfl. Ofl Moflflflf the road sjiiK -Ull Bflflfll ? ''? I'IM f~*"*l~ff. BM <'f "l.i.'li ls BBOflt fo :l feet de.-p, VblB Ihe fllhfln are Bflflfll ' dBpth Althoflfll i'i- iflfld la i __1B flfl tM Bfltthara Bfla l. aaflfl for usc, ai I, ) ,. , ,v..l Ii Ior B .!?--.nce Of el. ut NQ :??. t. .'iu ....I...U' nl WjllB Whlefl llne Boll ,,.",?, (treetfl hat ? do ,"w ii.I ,,,U | |,| ta n.iad ivt. lflfl l! UM ot i'.il.lli Wotkt , ? hal th... iri no i.i i tn.- ? ,.r\ ,t :??:. ? |' .\ ? "I iu 1-T1 ir. n .!?:??.--a'. I-. Mill ( with lM lioflollBr Micolaou pavemaoi, ... aooatol b ?>. -io ?.;. i iu- work bat ?: li ? ?.- '?. J reauari B ( i i I ngurea repn it mat ij 'ii.itof IMpavamaat, und .lu not ..... r lln-vk.ip i ii. an ' > .1 the .ir.-.:. >!'" " t'i.Bipletl ii of the atreet no beavy rk baa beeo doue nn lt, tt being aaed montl] n aear* a*. Althougb i . v. i -. i.u.i .-..ti'iin .a. aod i' lil elj to . time, a* uo .. . ,. .],.|| ou tue r. p nia BUflOB flflfl. . BNM-fl i iri'nitr. W" . ? i - r. i Okiui or nra ? - .mi. urrtcaB.) V laUIMUTOM, l? <'.. Ai. . I--I .. n, ) h ??? '. i .-,-.' /,..- mmIi '.'ic Bfl-Vta Tin- b_i"ii prflBAiiro haa increu .'!.\Nitli ??i i.t i? . . ... nuui weat ber, and raln lu i..u .. . New l. g ind M.i . ?-,.? ?;?? ? . - . . I. -.-rli winda, W( ,1'her. ir. IM i. ? . ? '.. Pr,.'in', ",'ieg. . ??? . .... fo ri o I.l ,..,,11 ptrttlui r rr l ? winds. falling baron-oter, and contlnned clear or partly cloudv weatber durltip the dtv. _____<___u___i.__________ Kor the upper lake region and tbe Nort!1;**^ nMBf tou.p. ralur... rontinuodlow btromcter. light UU*** Bootfe-afltarly U. soutn-wwiterly wlnda. flflfl MW or clear weatber diiiiiig the day, extept luiiie nort horn portion of tho lako regton, aad tktmoaw*** ward to tho Missonrl Valley. where tnereased clo-idin. *s an.l tferaafl -fefl wflatfeer wlll piwaii foiiowed by ri- ur twrotBfltflfl aad lower temperature. the winds gra__-B?7 aalttiug to wetiterly an.l north-westerly. FATAL AKKItAY IN I.OI.TSIANA. Nkiv-Oiu.i.ans, Auk. 20.?Ou MouiLiy uioin tnp laat, Dr.ux Bflflflflfl Bf and Felix BaBBflfl. who had ij'i-inoled at a hall, moi Iti <>! I Q?fljd l'r.nri.-. PI. L.ttnliy Ptrisb, to settlo the difflculty by a puglll-ite encounter, to witnes_i which flfeBfll l'W pornous ..aac inbled. Afior tbis apiit.ono, with Bflfl dr, pr-winp ?>ut of an old lead between Quldera. ind otfeen ln thfl erowd.foi lor. od. and resulted lu tho killln ?: of thr.-o men .... 1 tb" niurtal wotiu.ling of a fourth. Tlie flflflM lu tion arnv.-rt al hy tbe r's j.iry was tll tt Augu.-tin (}_iid>-r..v klll.-.i Carroll lllackuiau; that Hreux -iideray killed Al.-xaililre l__lvint*. aud tiial Atiatide 0-1.--.0 Bllled Dreux Oalderai Aftor beiaa ifeal .n>\*u, Blackman flnd three sboti at Autrustiu (..uideruy, wbo i- i? ?B and 70yeara old, mortally wounding bim. n. voial of ia. !ti:iitlpaut? in the tlght hare b<:on arre..U_. THR CHICAOO AND AI.TON RAII.R)\I> IHSASTKR. CbJOAQO. Aug. 20.? The Coroin-r'n jurv m vestltation inthe case oi tfeflOfe_M_fl? au'' ****** -BMlfl?fl dii_at_n-l?."d t<> day. The |ury Hflfll-fflfl a after al hi.urs' dellboratio!!. Tbey Hnd Ifeal tho eoU-tofl was caiised by tho crlminal qflN-BflflBflflfl of IMward Boan, the conducior. snd Joshua Puffenboigcr. tbo on Bineer of tbe .oal train, In nol tttng tho rulei and re_t? Lations of the railroad eempaa.f fOTemlng tfee moTfj nieutft of trams. Tbe OflflflBflfl has is.aued an ord'-c for iho arrest of both meu. TIIE CAPTtTBBD _fUBI>__BBB. I.OWEN3TEIN. At.i'.WY, Aug. 20.?The Brooklyn detei tives wh? iirreste.l i.ow"n.*t':in have rc icbo.l tfe-fl city. h.'Ving lafl the prlflOMrla eaatodj of tho Batfeflrlttn of st. ratharine.- They found I_owenatoiii at work in a ibop, aud flflflflfl -flfll out and inforiiiod hlm of their bu_i u.wn. wli. n h. I, iwed e.piis of flUill at ..uco. Hc flflld Ifl wflfl wiiilnp tn fo back. but tbat be was afr.ti.l tn-P " pie tbore wo.tlu h.inp inm. IL- BBafle s? veral eoniradio tniv Btfll -ineuts, but .ireuuously deulod Uie inun' r. -a.. -,_v IN'NATI IN__..>TI.l.U. IiX fl >_l IT' NR. CiMTNNATi, _Ug. Wr?Tbfl Art tji.iiinii.lee of tlio ClB-BBflll Iudu-ina. K._iio-iiiou reported lo Ihe . ?i>iiiini-..ioi..*r.*, in Ibt Ifeal ow.n.,- la tfea mobbI t*t***U ot Wflflkfl of art and Ihe __Bfl__p***i 9f*J*kuM*Uk* *l.;i". Ifl tho Art Hall, the flB-tflBBflflfll ot that IflBfl?flJ Wfl-tlflfefl nflOflflflaty. Tho 0-fla?Bflflfl wat eropowercd tn o.n.t-r wltb l.i . I'U- Catuuili-i'iii'Ts for peiiiii.s.oa to njarg tbe Ar n W nfei i_taa __.?. pp.of AQtMtt and'his sti;:>i:nth A corr.-.poiiilfu: of Thc B***M **J***tti*tr WM-M ai MlfeWfl Pflfllfeflflfl, uuder dal.- of Aa*. Ifl ai inc.-tiiip- ..f : .? itadflati o. ifefl Aaflfliflflfl BahBBii bi ii K tbi i In ?? I.. v,iw ol tbe raci tbat bmbi ir ? ? km lo i.'tiirn tfl t :? .r MTeral --<:li'i"l-. some la distant parts of tb>* c.oiiiiir), a i_oii.iniUo.wt.- .i.ipointo I Ul a of r. aolmioaa. Tb. m, after full dleeu-wlon, were Uipted A l.opli.ntne ha. booti made, aud all will go ii.iino wnl. work flaouflh laldoal tolail tm Bnotberyear, ivil, -..,>!? lio '.'IU --? '1 I' .??i.'lllll ot morii to l't'turu, li i ?,v. ,i -. .!-i .... Tbe ki-i.ic-t ol feelintw hare beeu .utertained bv all .heirtndents Ibr Prof. Agaariz,and a .l.-nr.* to relMTfl bim trmn any anneoeaaary c?re aml y iu t.n- ...ii..a.. duiiea thal dovuiv tipon tbe ,l.r.. ., -n.-ii an .u al II * ftrel starimg. Tho follow o_-.ii. lli. !>-.-,.ilutions adopted : i? Im i?na af tke ia.irwa Beflaal af Httartl |] s:?.v ? ihr ua.ii-fr.1' uted l,r.tow-.l a^i.B iu ',,11. ?ff.* Utta _U*oU i I.. I'tut. i.a-an iallwaaav aafl aatf-ncrllt?fl ? .._._..<:.. bit / - ? irnn iiiiBir air trt ttr* kaawmaaaaani ll an vfn ei^i.rrt. . ,? r ..-,rb--ar Wl to Pr?f. Wil>r ml . tli.'r r-outtant .itruJtnf'! taii luttra<'Muo, _? Bfli ** fiu\ Itci.irrt. H i iu.'. w I'ri.f >iu ..t, I'or r.lQ.Mr ltrtara. oo phrtka. g_ M_Pftai__fi i.r *i.inLi t.r d.i. H'ldl.rl. Ihttt.i Mr. Bir.knrll ar. trr ,n<lrl>tr 1'-. I .-.toatopt, k-il tol uu lutliuctifi; . t- Mr. < furnii!.."* lh? fbc-il wltb a ., ,-up--i . I'Klo.i lut ilre_g.Dg, liati- -Ifir-i'i n. ?.-.:-. ti. i ..... tup;.li~l ut tr.tb frni.lnl ..'.jsct. uf ituilr. - rriii-mhr- thr bMefaMM trbtm ?'?r--. ..II ai ih.* r.n?unt ai'l k.nll.r . ? ,. . ? M iu.'. tu iua.r oar af-'i_? itoliri f ? .tuik A. C, Ar' I ,S,.u.a Y. WiiiTsat. ) Luoa w. laarr 11. >Cammlttie R BaiTR, 11k: a.t B. i.'orv.s. I Mr. A. B. l.iith r, h.uiker, of Alle^aii, Mioli., UU ot tln* flflflflflfll -ffidfl by tbe n-oent upset of :t Bl tflfl, in Um w. ii" Moaatalaa, hafl IMfll flafl-flflal hn__-_ce la . ,? i..f. and A.oi.ii-ut laaaaaflie Obbm___b| of Hartford _ - am Ti_).E.;!_l.l'lllC NUTK... ....Wi'.li.) Tbo?Bflt Bflfl U fflfl__i wus dflfl flflfll _ Balea, Miaa. _I. i*. , -??i.wr.-.l tbal lirp>- qoantitiea o? olil ii ia ir^ llalaa fcaal ri.ln.t-1*. ia l.'oluailiat. Ono. T ho Brifltol Artillorv of EtHflflol, R. I, havo left rur ii ,ar a'.'-r tl.-t. dtrt' fr.itritMt at O-k U**k Uu*. i di. m p.iti. ;i sailor froin Brooklyn. N. Y., migbl* ** ********* Cfemb-d m taaalifa 1.,.-,', . Bt'lOfldfl ti flflfll iklBI BBd tiireu c.r lottUtf Califonil jKiuiil j.ttt.1 IkfMfk t.u>--i? ?a M'.ail./foi tha L-lt. The Rev. Dr. FT?*ndrick*on, Rishop of ttie R..I..DI ll ??:..-'I ' ?ol Hrm I* ..?.- ar-vrltt hi- h.arn. ' -?- ****** ..l ai ... <, >a: -a. t_ce.f_- b; a l.rge *?ttt_ri_g ?t bu Ici .?? _The reP'i-r ?.f tho lienlth oflf.rers in Ciiir.nn.it_, -.i'i..-.:.." \* ** timtiti la U* rii-/ lut wr*k. . ,:.-r.-v,.? i.r-_ -j! IttW ?.? tr.itu ***** n.l 9J irum ___?_? i ....ThoITon. Sanmol E. Diininick. Attorney-Oen aral of Psmtf Ifmrii hu ittactr* tkat hb "Slr-r hri-to.r.l ? -li- ,!.t of - .... v... M. U.r...l_i, *_al tbal it t-s ittpei m moura ? ? _Frio'.rr? A Workum, promineiit liquor denl ,rlllli la-axfllic. f oru tlir of l ora ke- i ?_? i"' ******* lU tu>.Luri*.; lo try chtrjit ul anmrrcaoti:. coaduct maJt ^j.init tbeia. NAVAL OIIUKIIS. WaBBIMBTOB.A Bfl. -''??Llflflt. -CDUimaiiiLTsHoiiry 9 |, . ;? Mi.i Dyar. U, M Cheatar,C. J. Baralar. aa_ I V i) Bl-rr;,-. Cuuln M. Tburn-t, A. V. V. , mt J. ,-r.', I>. J. II ' i'..!.'.*rf. Albrrt 1. ?_??, 0. K. M.-.1- - ii. BBUlh, Fr..iaiin J, tltittit. W. 0rt**m_O* \,,|i,,mj Maol ? _-rl K.*.-hr.-tr an. K,.a...rb N.l*.btrr .. ;,.*irurt. U. I.. "0 tba lw flC__fl__B__flBB rrici_ ,,.,,, , ., it (-r,v?n ^1. Wi oHrrr, to 'rmrorarf i d IiLlrnrB]..... .1 Barr lilt*. Bttr-larJ i rl AetlM Mt'lmater J,.bn I_ Wm. wu tt*td*u*mmg**, Uaat, iv... I. Ii.? - **** r.-rr .t :*._-!*>p Ifaw-iatfMIwi "_?,*-?*_? ff'.ni ~t M.rli.ran tol ..rdrrert r? Srwport, \ o.n:__a_tar< -fl- _*!**** ****_**__**?, ? ??'.al..:. ****** m* ******_ bt reorlfiU-. v'- _? '-1 ., , n-I t -..Oi* S I l-tf? of ab?B? f.r tbrtf oia.thi has .,..__, |m ? ? l ? ' ? -"[" "? J*'**' TUE 61AIB OF TRADE Kl'ft". RS-t MABRBTfl goflaflfl tU U ?'? r m-l.iaw.eJ oil, *.3#?_:l 05 per Ioa. : ctr; IUVana B-SC-JABQ-L riifixi A'.r '-'" Bw-a-fi |a_?l ?>* I__*? s'?tra 00 dira* lil7.iJ |>r-...i- >. ti'ri ti^ht, SSflS. M*_il ?j tbort .,,.",1 ,,-?u..__, ..a boaUua, til._?t>o pr.uiiiuu, oa Yot.t, l<j-ll p'-_ lt: M.IHKKTS. Iiiiot, Aa.* 20. ? vt'i-.t iu ?i?>i -tnnaixl. wilh bul littlr ofrriof: ,t ..... *.?..'r ii. i,. .. Caaa-a Dlehl, t-> .rn r, fll ;r>. 11 .* u .l.-ri irp..r ? -l itataoalati ??'*??. '>jo r?r V.. 1 Wsstantl 9 - ? ., ^1 .-.1 aa I'r.i.U* irrtn*. i. but nutii.u. iluin^. ? ii . i<^>, tng '."I.? !?":, -r la ? ?'. and th.pprn _..; dolaf ni-a-lt. ia'i.a- i. i.' ml .rrr.-n1.'. r.oat. > a'.-ai. ttlra of N,. I Spftat tl ti .4 ; Ha .' spn.'l at il 'Jl; Ba, ii Mpnnj rloaral .1 i-1 l.'l; K..r.-trl.'Jnc. . i.'r .... _ ,*l i* >'i I Ii.r Aiifi...: j-T 11 ir.ii.nii aitiuif (nr - uh N... 2 Ultat, ,i:>4 Iii i -tr . 17 ',-.. biil lor Bcptoiu-j'-r. |*> . . i i ..- but l..*.r. tal.j | i .'. at ?:-.???_.. _:....- i..; __en .._fi-r.ii., \ ?_ ? UtapUrt ii. I Rrjf.*f-*1 rntnrly nom .,-ii?r ariil hla ti-' - i ? u.. na. ... Iflfl. ., in .???.; Ba. '-> Pall *??trf.'.rr tr.|.T?. fll IS: _a rr+l l:l..No . -i !.....-??? -???! * ? . , llj.-r--., D0?7_K I'ro , ? ? PerfeaaMM BlB ?Mh|BI7 lS-B tr *1 7 :i.l '..i .? , ? .... i ? ? ..._-. rt__li. erptrmbtr qaot.'j ?t II 11 l Mr.*.. -_Qi*t l.ut Ina; ?'? I . s ?rt ? > m n i: >al-? ?t *bi _*., i -,. ,. .-..,. ll). K.--.-ipt?-T,lXSl blilt. Klour, 1 i.OiK) I,,,..,. H ; . I oo" -aa Oata, 1 I . haa} h-ri- .'"?>? I'.-h l: ri ,. ri-.i-nrt.u-iiMl.lil MU. Kl.ur, , . l,'i?i. Corn, .-..-IXI ba.- ***** .. | i _ _.. - 1 ...oriii 4>..l' aair. at Ki.ra 1 tnulf ,t |j ; itboit ta taai ?i'*" , ? 7, . ? :: ??-. ... ?t ***__ .... imtal tl Go-f70a. Bariaf aaailaa * ? ? < ****m "? V "l?._ *.. II 4 Vt.ul. a.-.. -l-^? Bf- ' ' "... _____ .?IK --r. ot .sb,.y._". al Urdla-lffl-a__, MMBaMl ?l < i ' .. .,.,*. .' St. Ro-t. ' - - V.-.-rluru.*.:! ' ' ' '_ It. wurda lor lt. ril aad I'ro.rt a?. . .! UM Y.t;..-:: m t':i.frr.rll*. ? ? ?? ? '?' ' ' wmmw * Wtlju_ ll .|.pr.r_ C.iilr Jl. I l-MBfl, tM7:l Ibit .nl.rpn.u. ., ; , ;-'.., thr ih-ia ? w] Mvhaar (B__fl-_fl ""-" -M (/a*-?a /H(r__t- ^f _-_ar PASSESC.KBB SAILED BOB MVBRFOOIi-fa .aamrt.r. H?n* Aug. 20 ___"__* ""* iaa.* o.iui.1. h iir,..r..., a. ar. ?..;.hb. sa ?^b"r,?%*____. I.-, HibL. K J,a*., Mr. lafl Mr K B.____ ' ".'"/_,^"3' (,*?.*. Haabfll* W B. KifBarll, Wr and Mr. H .rr B tmnem tt at DaWBai. W. I. Hufl. II. ?? "?*>>?, '?'""??_? j. Biranren* Mr. tba- l.r~ta. 0. T Ki.n. I> CTBB. fo*.!. klnaa-af-l. Mr. KllbarV, I). K. Mnrmaa aal aaa eertBBt. me. and Vlra ? hip... M ? Aglee _ B C. "__*__?__~_J!f M- V A ttafkrael. ls. Ull, ll- Wr 1. 1* aKravf. w.f* iad*)". flflfll T'vi.a. U*.. fl. < _ Mi.. Oa_r*_ ' M. o* h... ... <; W. Turn. r. l.r. K f1 II..:. C. * fl , D A Wa fl, 4 BfBfl ?.i. Kn. Balttrl "I ' I ? I . _'-> _? (?|*b'..-IIi V Dall., VV. Sl.rin. -taa, Tjrarr, Al*. Ua.-tab-*. .?*#?? J. b and wile, N. 14 Col*. B>. Wru.l*.. M. P /. ivs-/?' \i; BBB AR llt flflOa MVRBPOOt??/? ak^tm??*?? tflfl-1?. tn* M l MflWflfl A I ***_>B?_?a, I. Mu_*a B- laallja M, ae I.Mra .s*'e. ,-i .a V a.s. '.Vefe Be .nri Mra. B. I! Miat. lw . eW irt. .** .?., I. fl. ..k I.. I-- I K* l? , . r ;* -I I'.r . ..B BB# raflralWO^all M,-l ????__?_.? Mr aad Bra I.l rra.?. ?*"? "?''?? *VS__j_l"___ Ma Oirr.n I. II. Tr-lwrll 18* BaBBfl '"''?"_ "'? D_S J*? ?-'-?' ? Ba , B"""^ , ,.h', OnlTaor' Mr. Lal-r." O. ? .?_? " .Va'li.'il ' ' ' ? .P "f "_,_ , * 1?!' .-it,,- lalaaa J^? V./aer, I. J. BaOtfltafl. Mr. II,?T m.B. -if. iad Mr_ J. II. BflydaB, .'. Lkm*. fl ? ' . *? " K-..I. .Um. n.ll aiil-s. ,. (..,.il?i. O. M .. . Mr-. B* Bgaa .( I. HflB. Dflflha,. i. f B V ..k^.l' IkV ...I Mr- Wilk.n. .nl ' fl~ SltnltPl Ma*.ertj.?? ?-* SLiJarl, Mr II. 1.. .-. ' !!_TJ w?,,,.., <?', M. B. ll". .. M *, flaetfc, fll- tlai my Jre* ***_+_\ M...n...., ...J-.'..l.irr,. Hr.ialM ^J 4*. !..??. " r N -UfBra aafl 2 eiiildr*... .;-.. K a'.l-. BobL la. - w- ,????' l_.\Cm____ M.iaAII-n.Bdaia. M.a B.B-,....* Bfllfl* a*aa. fl "?tt*__? Mr. .n* Ma. M>a J. M-KukI klr .a ?.:-. >l -l -r-*'. i..:,nt. an. ,,ad, .Mr ('?., mi... J. I. it' . "?? _' " ?? __f ^*_f nr. ,orlMrs.J M tVaaitell Al.r . .-,"11,lr .''_ "r . J! , M I'ruaon aal -rt... <. II. lt**" ?* '''??'' ' WBar-a, t-e Bflf. Mr. aafl Mr. ... .."i a.r A. \V_i!o-. H'. ?. VerMaBk, 4'. n*t| I v Ba**fl * ' NirB?Ber, Ta?a_l .aw**B*r. ?.*"rrr l*??H, Br. B.*_,__.-. Mra "..vwrll. -ra _ K . fla-tfl*. B. I I 0 LATEST S1IIP Nl ?1.S. l/or o//.re SAip BflflB flfll .s'v BBfll Paie.i AIIKIVKI" rftrtrnitiipall.-r..'II.-I. I.M.-..ur. r. I.. rnwal lu i), n. (?S?ew? l..wn IO a. w.ii B ?? ?'. I [. ? ? Irya. Sli-tiaatep KeflalKor Krwiaae l*_l.l"i|irii*. w.:k aiae. to<J IflBfl ta Ixarllarl Mraiaahiu ( > , Sl. amabip ( .<I .?*akr BrB_f. Pflttlaflfl, _f?t_ >a?!.?. aad naaa. ta fl '?"'?' . .... B.r. ('aii.liatn* (Aaat). tt.a-u.ia.l-. Boalo* Aar, 1'. . i U '*??' ;, . . :: ,ni. Iltti:.. 1 I l.r. nl B-if c -. nr m Ib?bvb.B. B.), rira. FTaflMBB,Blfl ? ? iit a Bitk b*mp. 4tr. _. II.ik;Tbeti*. Bpa_BBafaa, Caraesa 17 tn. r.-l, .. . erm, OrtfAa?l (ot Litrmoo'l. ^.aaJr-r.. P_-il t I'i la,*, wilk ?V..t Mtrr Varwell (of Brllbt .). Vir fl. MM ' ' ?" '??-. ?'? Scbr. KeliflBiBr.), Bria-iaiB, W ad r? B. B , 12 Uy. a - jila?1_?. ICI..I. BKHt? a.ifllt 1SII l Ml B ?:. Cam* flolm*. II. . m .r l 11 H BfflWB Virfiaa. 1 I ll ... , t. i .. . .tl ? ? (*..? Raakpwri, II* lalli A. 1 n- Ur.l."i"rt. !4.?pur4 Ka """ H?,..N ..ll.r.B. ' ' ? ..,?,. il i li ? W .-kraid. ' "* , ... II..' ? ? ?? ' ? ?n rt.-k'.wd. '. Me. ladrea Pelera. New IIit.b. A.ic.t.. !'M?..l.".r. II.rt Bt ' rl. ?i H-llie ('.lil*. W..i. ?.. Balflfla, .'r..v,ka__ kli...?-tu ti '.V.'".nl lli.rr Ffl. I OBCHOBBO AT IIAKTd IM.ANU. Bark Ofl** (Aaal BfUflflafl, _ . , ,j ..... u (i.r |(__ si ,l?h.i. N. B. BAILB1*. ?lr.ra.hM.< Brrnarn. flM 11- BBB; Baflfl. t*t Bfbrrttm, THn.rr_ .,., (i|, . Mbbb, l.r U? r ??' a. " ? ' rjllkW foi liwaflafl 0*888 <Mf, flf |ea_.|B| .so*tl> t.'.mliBa, lur <?_.*?. , ? ?r i... ,-..?. m i Wl.1(l)-8.o.luWB, B..u*rtt?, a. rimilr I 0OMB0TIC roBTBi n...T.N A.. ") , _ _ k-DBT_BH Ho. ? alar B wfl. bar* v. Iifl* U.-II-. :*m !......!?.. ..-rr/: Brlfl >.' ' _? JJafla afl* isflaHaaaiaaeflt ffeflfl l_. WflatIflflaa PBaar-B* b,ra, n I ,, .st j,?.: (_,. Bartaa. Or MalaflB? la fla Btata. hrtfl M??, BBflfl Bakiaore isr Maalreal, arl-l tbfl flflMf tlflk sarassait. .... Aj? 20 ? Arnred, ? ? "r ,rM? >. a Tfliki W -..nia- rr?a I ' ' ,."i'* ? . ? , >?.. Vnrk . U?m* l(. Mrr...B (... Bflfl. ._ ,-?,?. ,. ' BBfl, ->' -Arn.-d. v.,r I K ll ..l '.. Iroa N B-Talk. .-.ilel.,. D ?..' rjia ln Bflfl l'... .OUEIGM POBT8. iH:BBS.r.)?-B AflflOB.?11 K ' ttily. 1 .w?fl a.,7. in.ia NrwYori. Aar '... (.? -BflrflflBt, tatjai h M lk. -.?*.*? ** fl u'ciix-k, aafl afflfleaiai. .TlrtBl SnriB_s, Ihe IMli'e.s Iron Ir-i-r Pflflfl, wafl wirr aprlne.. i.'uf'.rr, raUr| aaj ta* b. ... l..t H.a*e caa .liu../ carafl by ih ? i ?? ? B*>af, Truei aad Falae MeleacB. ? l,a*e'h a. th. T*_?I Bao^.H bf Park'1-.!...., n I'i...: ? ???"?. -N ' ?'? MAtoBBiAUA ___f_U\-JtOa__fWliaArW--l Aflflflffl B V. BB flk* lflfl IBflfl, kf 11 t. B. I. IC- ..??- A.ei. h-e .te./ea ui aaa PaaflflBBa Man B_? Bai Ks-kf. llo.a afBrsflklfa, S V. AU WatMt of IrVnaOB mml fV indoricd ibU numt and addrrn.. DIED. \n~ATEB?At hrr rea.ileB". M r*..rt Ure.rie pl.** Bro.klr*. aa M.i__v . t... i "?" ": ,v" u wi.'i.'in tlu 78t_ fear flf her age. KniT. -rt.iw. ??.!. ls Iwl.lai li.r ,aw r.-i..i*.- ? affflaffl BOfl Bf .1 I" \.or.. BclsUfBa ? . >WBB_ Hrr reaulal w.ll l?- tJkr.n t.. IfB-Bs*. ?. *?.? -..r lak bai i -., ra ta baaa llfl.BM B., l**?i bWi * Thaa_B? '(; __. rtdflflfht*. ?? t.iH l..f N.i-.ioIm j|. ...* ..-a Bflt-fafaad frlflBdaaaa iiBBlllBflr Iflfllflfl < - B -" flfl 11 _?._? Tnarad-ir. Ab^b*. 21. ?t I ?'?Ba p ? m.iB .\u lOOailBBflO (iit'i at KrwIlat^B. C.idd., napert flflfll BIBD-O'. BTfl-MB-ai BBM BM "*? -' ' '' ' ' " '"' *?'*"' ., _ati ? W. Bia. U thfl 08th rflarn II.. a .i a.adfnrBd?i.r*r-.;i-r-i;iiir ..,?...; H. .t.--" b -ne-iilrta tb- n -l.. :. "I "?? ? ??- ?'"? ^; ?? ??? I ? ? .^..4# (irib-it ouThnrxlar '.ltt inat.. at 'i p. a. t-XltW fffllln'r * a ,; ! v/ "-? _. aiera, l>-rei. wiiowcf tbe Ov.? Jataei flira-i *f Bai "ieM 'taa, ib ber oitb yir. . '.,it ..i .onnil kwfltflar. .OOflT? Alt'roluo.o. M.cJi.f, Arj|Mt H, Bfl 1j i?'i"r ,,f **M * Yroal. Tn* r.latlf** ?nd nf th.. l**rl|i ' ' r-, ..-.'r.1 W alicn.l tfla I?MBfll Iiiib tin- Nflfllflfla al b,; :.:br. i? . lU.wJay. Aaaru..: II, "til ?? oi-, ttuto tiie . bi.irb '.: < rat m a; 1'. V) rO-LKB?Oa Baaflai m..r.isir. (ha I8.hl?ak.. al .raBflflaa* fla. rrs mra bu i.i(n;* r?wu. bMb?ar. ta?i Paaa ...'.** ia'a (Ib.rl.. l?Bn. The reli' ica lul (nriil. i.f the finlr ir* r.-a -i. '. 1 'o ?!? tf:.l tbe fon?ral a-irir-. ,i /,.... <"., in ' al . li????. ar.- lalTalflB. ?.'htli(l., no Kndir. il 10 .(. B. Hlli.l.l.Ub-On T??ar, Mflafl li>. afu*r a _?_rt iiln*.?. Tnar l* wifr ..I Wllll.m h. Hr .1 .r.i. flaa?MM o I'.l ? ?'. S.u.'.h. .N ,i, .?..(l.iBtnl to-morruw. 1IKWBT?Oa Tueadir effnirr. ABfliiat IU IfllJi fr lli-nrr >?*w*rl H,-aei ,.f .hia ru., a_ed 17 reara. pu?_.i .1 h>,r -ii Mllt ll s. lk, a TB.?tr.*r' t'i "'-I T?trtr^iaIB-a?. halaaea Taiifl n I l.-?.i?.>n a?e- afl Kr' laf, Aaaraa; 88, H 10 *- 81 **? reuuini wiii lw iaa<a ti, Bflflflfflrt, . ? ..'. ffla. Bfl U..-BI. 11.141.1 'V u Bafliwaaafl, S. J.. We.1n??t.r|_g, BaflflBOB Datid Hia.Ilrr. (fled .17 n'.ir*. Fn* rsi Btrriret will b* hekl ... lb* To.gitnaoi Preanrter.tii l-aa- 1 ia KhI.t sAcraaoa,at3o-<*laah. ,r.... Isafl lool >,l -.ii.aa*r?^l. ai 1 in raBal aaafl ??' BaVafaow. I.OTT?In Klatliuib ob lb. lHtl. ia<t, a. the ?aileoca ol bet tflflflfl ??..???a A tioa ..itt. ei tba Vl.h jrear...';.-. ?<* H.-r rrl.t ? - nn.l 'm.b.Ii nf t'.e faoillt arr iatii? i lo jii'i. I lafl'-ra* ai tu.- K.f..r_.(i ( uur. li iu Kl.-ln b. ua T'.i?aii/, 2 lal .-tl, ?i J Oflfla p. m , witli.iBt )ar?hor iinfie*. LoVB?Ob WedBr?iiT, Au^uit 20. Mirii Lo?e. in tbe 111 rear *f has The rrl.t.f** an.l fri.B.1, of th? famil* tnd :ba%e nf ber tt >tr> fl * Lw. Jol.B Hirkirl, are rraiw.-.lelli u.t,i*.l tn kttaafl th- f _*n\ l<am lb* rr, AflSflfl ?)( the IHter. Ba 111 II .<bw .-k ir? , bs.T.'n fo ik aafl Vamt-aM., BrwoklTn, B. 1). st '2 fWmk na Kr.d.r flflbafllt 'l Botice. MO IKK?Suldenlr. it IflMMfl, A'.|UH H, Willurn II. M*)rs, ifl 1-8 fltlh r*ar uf bia ifc. Tb* relitiv-i aal (r.r'i.l* .f (h- ftmilr (r* innted tn kflflal ka fBBerd fruia ibe tnueuee ul ft SUkrui, lflfl Htiaoi it . knlii. Bflfl .1 10 ..'cl.Kk. PAl'MSOfl-At Putair, V t nn flfl. tt.- A.urvi.1 18, MTI OVartfl riilJU-l JiaBlHl IIB Tf*?*-** X .(.I Auot ?C?I flOrasifl 8 aaelaa, aafl 86 Baya The funrrtl tarric-'a wil. take pfa.-e at Ibe renlear* ?( hia p.pfota. aa Thuri.l,. .'..!?* -'I .1 l ..I' ?? l.'-t Baflfl ?... * I pflfl brrt at. l'J ffl. .U'I lil U- B. PKLI.-0:, li.'. AiuMt. i. BwflflB*. Orraiay uf Aml.. rbolafa, li??i i.. Bflflfl, BH..w*f "he late Alfrfd Pflfl, e,t. ?OL'THMAVn-At Jener Citf. An_*at IS, ia the SVh rrtr ef'_*M_ Ol.ria*. Wirurr. B.leof lue I.l* Hear/ .SoutbmaJ, ?nd taugklai ? tkr ,.i. tl !? .- K.aWrt W.raer ..f Mi!M i Bffl Oflflfl Th.rrl.l.......Ifnflala ?( I a a.mllr ... lov. r : l.. Il'jl I ?'. ? inerjl .,, nawaa-r, -l-t laai., .. 1 - *_**??? Mfl -fl 8-flHflfl, flfl (iranl .:.. Jeiw, ( it). BPOIKO?M "lo. Bfl lflfl ia*.-. Bu' OarU i?r S|.r...., .a tb* ?4'a_ r*mtmmu\lmrr]am (Ul be hrld m.b* Boek Charrb ?m_l>_>_ . ' ..:,*. the att .I..I...-I! ? .'"? . a. M.B...rra..f th. flBBt-SaMfla aad friefll.eltoe laaDT ir* re.aae'MUf ' ___*? iBiiiio' .' rfl ii ?I-.: Ifl flkM *l b.i Iit* rw_*at?, N* 0 r?al Ikartr ...,ru;ll >t.. .1 10 ...... nl. Kl Ll |\ iN-ln Hr...klrB. ..aTn.wlar. 19th mat , Mary liter, wife ul .he'l.te D..I.I Ball t.b. in the .ilh ??*( "I -r flM. B__.rall jb tbe re.iIrac* of hrr *..o. ?.. e-rt Ua,lif?*. . .'. DXalA, I'i, irl.r. 21.1 iail , l< 'Ml p. m. K.-.JUrea t-*l irura-l* lt. Bfl Tli-LO,' Il Bra llfB. aPflBBB-y flflflfl-*, AaflBfll 10, JihaM Tirtor. l.lo I.I..I.:' '?- ."?>'?? - :' <p ' BiBBB?fl.fla Ft.?ya*f_M. --J hwLi *' IB ?'flflflB, i".??*_?. _c i?_i, .a ut..). Vk flL-ACB- tt We.weld. N. J , -Bflflflfl 20. Wuliam Wallaee. Bflflfll "I. , ? . Rfllfllifea i-i fri*Bdi .re Ifl ?ttead the funerkl fr.iai tV r*M i ki i . I ? k*.Bfl.a_ l'r*aa Irai.a f-mt n( LiVrrr .t it 12.10. WI'I '.KP. ?Alfn-.l f W'.ller, ... lUit., ua bnarl tl ?!--*. Al^ena. BflBM .1 'ue ru h*re.f-ir. Surnal Notues nflMBBflflOfl .Tllnrral WatflTfl _________ ("ar* Rh?B...tUaa Oiaiawi*. liout. -.1 ktl.*u?>. ?> rof.l*. aal t" ?a **..,..! L.;r ,N.,n n.,1 k.Jnera. SolJ ia (|uirtt tud p....< b' >**B*fl Ctug_.u ' .,'?_*? '? HBflKT. ??(? ?.. .i aad Haarlac. TbIbb aafl_________? Tha Baala. as,...:. ot Maaical HanaBay. wi.* .ihair.u.aj. Ilr? *-? br.-..' a.. -r. n iaiBi;aB_-ai rikfl anaa h*. b_ 1 ribaaB I.8.1BIS* Kxtra Na. 8* TBB MBTflOD OP CllirtOf Am BABflBar PBOT-BT AaAIBST THB SABWIMAB TilKORT. Tvelr* UflawflOaaa hf Pref. AOAS8IZ hflfar* tk* M_.*a at i >my awt*o,*ta. *lCaakrtl|*, Maaa.. ***ta>_a( a ru. -aia.i*** b*w aal NMflOa i*(*ra*_*a e*a?rr*iB< Aaian Lif(, pra*t*fl ** ? a*B I, ma. tmtat .. . (kt r_*a. aad t'.ltuuat*d wllk i?anu ?*|.*ii**>k N0? KIADT, TKIBL'NB LB. TOBB BXTBA BO. BIQBT. Thii ?l.*-i ?!?? toataiai a Jaaanptloa *1 _i* w*al*rfal Paiiill lillflf arrl i. lk. Iiak; M.aaUiM kr U? Tale Culltg* BipcaltUaa 'ne*. a aflll Mfll-i k; aa.l, 11) miU , lw* foi li <*(B, lf* f*t _> ? tau AUrtm THB rmat'BR. Nrw T?*k. Nie* Bitra Br.wa. aaatalBiat Bflfl 80 La.ia?i aafl Ifll ???*...__*. aal -.a_? M.*-._ai Atrs.i,., *_?.,._,