OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 21, 1873, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1873-08-21/ed-1/seq-8/

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TBfl CBflBI-lXBP IO KKCOKl) A Ut >**0 ttibr A8
rh?pt*?r 80? of tho I-nwR of Ni-w-York, S4hv
'Bati 1, wae app'.led for the flrat tiB?e yealenJay to U*e
Bflfli?klBBtton of a dl.pute IB t-a-ae-r. of flflfl ???? '?_'
Vo.rt br JmXga Iiavla. Laat a.outb fimoa ?or-arn
BBBde an |U | 1 ' ? _,nrtaa*rf ?? ?*?? eemnty. anflfl
?JBBfl-BflStf ftflflfl. M. **_!_______t_\t
?oiflr,.,w,t_ .br aaal <????' "knowl^''';"_;, ^
flflrnt to br rrc.Btrred. Tbr RriTtfller, Kranx Bl*rl. r*
Sfltia-T!! on ^^''^"rjr'i::
t hi. ntro coantr, and that hr had uot
tLiStrta a-.?! .he fl-BB IflUB tn. ? f'U.l bflflfll
? SflMfl of th, law referred to.tt,.- fBBaflaa
__T?iBBiSfl tae naiiil?**- tb* B-B-aa of l Bar
**' *" a_? -ni. ar>nolrfe<1 for tberY>nnM',.of K.nefl.
?S_*_T_ flflfl. by law ii. Ihra flflBBU lor fl-BBfl b.
^a apixut t <1
J_?l|"- l.aM*. m hlBOi-loloB. aar*:
TH.a Btf t.k rflV.t on July B Thfl Le?Watnre
a,' ...? th. I.. :..f ll) ..ull.
i.uil.UeU will. il- r. t,,;ir. :
_, laaiirl laaaafl othei ronuli. - w? it li i> >?? -r to e*ci-i*?
Biit'h otber r.uintv: au.l lt wa*
?,_,, , , ,, i ti. r< :l. \< tl. ni rr.-m ttie n ?"""')
uf-ain i_ lln r . ... ia! obaraet'-r BBfl aiKnatun. c.-rtifiert
tn?u U.: ? -Ul I. fl tb. .1 :.J.i>..H.tL-...t t_f J'1^"'',t;
lhal ,11-1. ... of tli"..' f.i't- ah.'.lia t..' "1.(1 Wlin
tar aarfl oi Lflfl flflflflt] la wblch tlic.r nilarj:-.
jBBir--- *?*? <m...-?" " a ?? ?? O"-.;-;1
thn, tr. ?, ? offlrtal fun. ? mi l" r
ftiroi. .1. olj I. tbfl <?.??.? it in wl.icti lir ilo.ll h.'ve llled
tjM , .,, (,r b.a ;.i'i>.'ti.ti.)'nt aud li'B Biflnalurfl i
flne* ? B "r!t>
Bfltdi.. tmrtez beitii.
m fl. larv .'1 Ku i- < ofl. ' .a That rounly, Ui-flt Ix i n
?,.? ., K ..i Kiflp CouDty before lt ran law
rrrted ... th* Rffliatr. ?f New-.ork. Tlie
Bru a. . .ini.lv <'iii;it..'B thf notary'fl .enwrrn bo BB Io
?af,..,.. ndel (l.i ?rfl-.-iTI?t nr. intnsaan. r>?, Ili? ir .'vcr.'lM'
Tbe ..rtificutc sti'iiiid iBd.eata
%l?,, . r.ii.ii aad of fl_at countj tin
__1 .. Boflfl ::.'-t- thiOfll i.rc uom- l.y tlu
?__,..._,. u to" ."? . and U waa the ilut v of tlio Rl
to a,.,. .-nui.nt; t.ut tbe .|.ir.t';r.n l fl
___,_. a bb li iin|H.rt iu.f flkflfl he ?a? i
, -. .,;? i i' fore the i ouru. Ine
-. uo ftff*r*~l nui on v.
A- ; ! ; \i Metd-j <?) Ju.lg.'
. ? im-oii Pie-a, on i.obalt of
, \ f-T e. aawAtaa. ta flaflB|_l i__ti___
, , .1 ?ii.ir.v due Louir. liieral,
aa W. I. : .... l.r 1 pflflflflt fflfl UOIa IBfl ?-?!?? JTflfl tflfl*
...I BJ Uie Boaril ot Audil, of
w, i,?i .-ii -.nfinbor, an.l tin- t.ill was
. (.titr.jl'nr (ir.-'i. ma.ti- return that
?a*.,, >? il:*'iiMT. 1 thar liieral
lMMl , ___ diirinr BflOflBfll BB?lflfl flflfl*
,i..n. Tn.- Cflroflaataa Oanaala?fl-flB
p-( inl . ii the iii.iind tbal thf rrlutor ba.l an ai-tion at
B? IflBfltflfl aTOflflJB K 'iiMB.'Ti overrulcd the
a i - retiiiti. aud Ifefl vo.ut raia-d b> tbo oounwl,
i B tbal lflfl fl. ron .if tfea ?:..hr.l of Ait'lit waa iti ll.e
OflOBBfl flfl .ij.i.Un tul. BM lliat il wa* Hfl. duty flf the
flflflfl BBfl lull had heen audlted, to ,..iy ihe
a aflflla ii< atcidiiikiy iflHU. .1 a tfl rt-nii'iory mau
T.i .vprnor'a Room at fhe (My Mail.
ajkw ..i.itii > i? i itf lire UflpartflMBl luillihru-* m Ci.aii.
i ih<- t.ir.iiliit. ..." rhe <'ontn.li.-r'. oltl ?
; i. -tciiln.) ..uu I'liii: hy
Mr. Baiw.ll of tb. fftoe, for tne mm-uayin.-nt
ibi .! ;is BBlarr i.v JflflUoa
p. ;. ... baa appBatod on the k"".'"1
I] l-;ii :>..-att\ -I uu .1 186.800 nf
. I.. ll.e- lltv. 0 l?l.I.IH"11 lo lhat to
a. . bj lafl Latfll ln lflfl day Jai
I.? uouhl Iibw .?-...,M.l. laTMdfOl
tr,..*i n.i.. -- ' !v7i.
a OflpriMi i oa mai ei aul. nv i-.'K < oafa ca_at bb
Tlu a nt.iih 11. . < profoT-OJ I'.v Snp.rvi.flor
_Pt.li. BBflBfl Bflflfl, Ilrvoklvii, aira.-.-t
BUtinfl W 'ii- Ifl l i "ii ? '. >I in i..tcr.l*f> Thihcni..
ih iti fl BoaaflrriiMii aaflflBMBBal BBBflflfl p_ltt*el_flfl in
Wiai i Ht. Mfl flflflB _a fricri.lr ol Ihe form. r ).'ie>t that
BBBflflflflflflfl BM Bflfl,IB'' ?' "' ""? fllicnff euii>liatii'all>
atrarrl tlu BfllalfJ tt 'l.e IflBBflUfltaflB. Mr. OflB maln
, ? ht hu.i, Imt
?flaBflBBBB d". .:-? ?? it I"' M .''? The Shcriff,
la PflflOflflflfl a .'i',1- '
l,!,i,i ih. eharfl**, boib aa a wfn.if aad la OetaO. Tn
flw?-;irit re ').< flref rcmil. rhat I have cbarci-rl (';<? rcuntf
with flflflfl Bara 'K.ar.l n.rire than wua. fnrnlehed. I nav
__?l ii?lc larlhln. hri-i 0,'ft, chatirctl
av..r> i to ln rii-ard lo fl.' -
-> uior. daj'i' l>,.aril tban Iain
? 1 n.rfku ii.< aame al (liirl t I.ar_.-,
Bbai i.... "i ttM tit^ i.re rbarfl?fl] f..r ln *".i?l blll wbiob '.r.
?otir-fiv fi..n(1iii.-ril. iha priaorifra never havlne Bflflfl
a* ni lai la.l i- flflflfl lafl Iv falae. In .n~u.i r.. the fourth
a-hrtiait. tl.al tli. rt. la iint n_e ou. of BflBflJ r. B liriK..ner.
1h.it?-. ...ii.intrt, (l I th. countj Jall wtw r. mairia lu
Jail for th. ln I tt rui of bia af_trnrr, I aay that there ire
?k niit..i< r of iri-ou.iB dlacbarped Iiefore e\j.nati..ii ol
__. -. u i,.. by | ...i uiei.t nf riiiCe, or (.ril.-rk of tfea ii.urt. aul
Ju ... ? ln al .'ther Bflflflfl tlw \ ?riw tluir
anl. ii.e (_. Bfflfl cnattfe Uiat mi.uey i* re. elvrd .it
I for th. i'i> r.itioii ol priaonera, for which no re
turii M muiii to th. |.t..|wr amhoritv, ib ahforiii. ty tala.-.
Thr I ? H.Ui.tUiKIl-. t" lllk' llia.li- out b)
Ibejueli (-.U'I ilelivnred to the ii.
r. pn ? - than the pr_onari rtaili In Iail i.r
a nt. mi; aa pci ioi__i.tu.ci.t( ib also abaoiuUly
fai .
The imi.ntHticnfl ln the Berentti charff tbe fl.eriff al?o
r?at aai.l. .....I ... n .-.ml ti< Ihe ei^hlli .liar.e, that he had
?r*?li?eri ii . . .1 for flflflflflf jirifloner*, he niain
taitied that ther* waa uo BflOflflBflB .? the law renu.i m?
blui to turn the rnon.vT over to tlie .-ouiity, an.l that l.e
wua rtadi lo make returna whenever eail.-d ii|'..r. hy the
Board nf BBfl i v laora to do ao.
.? THI < Pii
Tbr COBB?aflflBOa BBBJIoIbIoiI nn.ler nn act ?.f
tbe i>i**.t Lfloaat-ffl to iitm?c a I'.ati tor tlie rciiBOllda
flion Bt Br.M.k.yn aud tbe tflflflfl ?'t Knu;. Oflflflflfl and thi
dlviaioti of the UBlted t.-rritory, hr'il ita fourtb BBflBtflfl
lu tbt ( oui.tj f'oiirt-houae v.-Kerdaj;. the Hon. John A.
I/Oit praaMBBB. IBB foilowmg Iflpaft, in tbe form ol an
ari. wa* Bflflfll .v-d :
A?T I. t'n the rernia of .OBanltdatinjr the CtyBif
RrtHiklM. anl 'he ta-iwii* ot KmiH ouuty into one rtiunui
ik?l foieriniieiil, and the diviai.t. of tbe teriitorj Iheieof
ii '. aardfl
r-r, 1 The ptit.'-.p pr. jierty of fhe preient Citv of
lii.Hikl.... *.. 1 "f eaeh uf ttie touuty towne, ahall ht ....
firaiae-.l at l-'" I"' eent uialket wn'.nt-; tbe amount of the
?Bflflfl fll flflefe aa-fllltj r.i mg aBrertaiixd. tbe aniount of
tbe BflflBfl-flflfl fa.ue uf ita pafedfl |.io|*rti or olher aa
art* flball iw ded.uted from ?he hi.idii.ii of the del.t, if
any thert- I*. of ea. B. atid the au.onnt nf the a>n t* e'.all
-wr.iuie a cotntnon deht iiibh. r.'ie whole (it), aul thr
mapattj tht.ii Bflflflflaa tbe BOflflBB-ii prflpcrtj ,a tfla
fll ht.lli 4.1.
Bfll J. The i-I.raee "publicprflparty, bb berflifl Baed.
abail t* ...i'i< rt-'-iHl aafl eonaliiieil io Iflflfl flfllj Ifl - c
f,r<>|M-ri\ h. ie, nii'ier the Un, lutine Ui an.o und-r ju.ia;
n,ent and ruflatkiB.
m, 11 ;,t in tbe adiuetuieni of tl.e ('Ai.tinc dehia
and i it-dita of Ihe iraatii.t dlviauiBi of IBfl < .ii.utr, eaeh
town and the pirfleui City or lirooklyi anall Iks _b
)w iwetii flflflfl >'tl.t i iiahlc only for IU own imtel.t.
uml < nt i'i- d to '- owb i.roi*>-rty aud taxation lodefi,,>
thr priinifHl ord ii.tcrt-et of ucti tuatinK lndrbtadnch.,
aba.l bfl eiiru aafl afla.-Baed accooliD-ly; but allfu
rlcflla inti r.-ata. propert) ..aluis-. aud deiiiBiida what
aut-ver rM-ioi.ir.UK t". or to act i ne lo the towufl and
a__*tiUl ( iv <<< li.ooklvn aimll be.oua to an.l l.e ve-tiU
lu tne (Ky < I Hr... kl.u a* uropoaed lo be -flOBOlldafed,
aad au i-aponabillUBfl of euatrr the u.wn* oreiti ia
favor of thud puriiea ahall lie a?ei.ti.eil nv ?Ld i
,..'..r. .<l ai-u MM Ifefl ' ty ofBrookljn a. pflflflflBBfl to l.e
OliBM lldBU 'I
ha^. 4 i-u,.ti levine a* flha" bara a hauiticr intb.-u
Ja?or ahall t*r .r.d.t.d witb the aauie ... il o la\ levy uf
tbe riiau.nir tci.r. nnd aucB ae have I'U'.lx i.i.ijwrt.v IB
*lf?-M?f the'.i ,i..l--led_e?aaUail Ofded-t'd .n ibe an
ataal tal l.vy witb tbe rf uU or inlereM aeerun.B fioa.
?ucb t.ro|*rt i.
BBC. b. Ibe warda cf tbe iiieaenf i .ty of Brookiyrj abali
bflaabyeri totn. k..ihb aud a .k* rati of laaatlou fui
BBUUie'.pal ju...
rM- C Tbt <--iiut> towna or a_r.i.u.tuial ?*r !? "hali
ba aul'jett to laaatlon a W( w.th th. flfkolfl ..i.i lu
Xata ftueial ei|if BflieB aforraaid, eirrpt aa Berfliaaftflr
|.i.i>ul?fli A?r i.Khti-a au-eetfl aad tb. exjwu.e of tiie
Firfl. l-i.ee. Waflt r an.l liea.ib Utpartni.
ha. ; ln aii levitaof taxes or aatw-B-nii-i.Ib on prop
rrtr in thf aevri?I Uiwua, reai?*Uale Bol dividvU or ifll
ai..it.'. uBtalna nuiXtino IflU kbali b* -aaeaaed aa now
mXot.ru .iifiiral lau.lfl.
en b It,.- p.(.j.if of anjr town or porrtrm tbereof may.
abrii. 1.1 ibt-v iail deatre, foi n. a dlatrifri, and Bjwn
ta. ut-lil.o.i ..f a m. toriti ?f rhe ..wnnra of tUe lirop-i iy
?rfclfaaiwl Uierrfor, tbe tXimuioi. i-niaetl eha.i im iud
aai.1 diBlfirU ?U_.u tbe InrT.roiv . bArjre.il.le witl. tli"
Tivrnar ol airoel iiflhl.ua.and tbe Water, ... I'olut .
aiKlHealth iHiiartinenUoI tbe ' .ty of li.-..k.,i., .,i
Mf or aii ol .h. ui. aad iberBupofl a^ii difllnci m^li Ix
?ile hable tor it? pioporimuAW ahare of Uio . onl of
BBtabliabiD* and l.iairi.aiDHifl the a.iu.e
hix.? Thr r.tv of Birokl.n nhatl be dlvldeO lulo
aardf.asBt.w jan.M.led U> lafl, t-X-.pt tha! th' (lt\1_l?.v
lia* bt-tweeii tbfl Th.rtt. ..th ano Niueteeiiti. Ward* ana .
_8 tfla aeiuUr i.i li.iiM.uuve; aud ete.-pl tbal ltl
Twenflf a.-.ud V.ai.1 hIibi int lu.l'- tue ano). of I
TarB. bimI lU_l jB.itio.i ..1 Krauknn ave lnui: aoi.lherly
ihfT.of b-twoca O t-an are. an.l tlie bohiImh-Iv leotindary
?f aPraaBBri Parfc; aaflaaeb of tbe coaati lovna *ua;i
B-iiflfljlulB a ward _f tbe prnpeiKd nonBolld.'iUd t-llj , to
U. ki.owi. *e ibfl TweairaixiAoi N-w l*..i? Waxl. .be
7ae.ilvB.-vfi,ih..i I UUanda w'ati, Um - *? ?1>
?r Kivihuali fl anl. tl.f TwwMt.' u.uili.u (4i-veBeiitl War.:,
tiie Tbir.ifib oi Nt w l!u*tni Wanl
Hat 10. ?-'">? I ('uaay. m toe couofjr toWua ahall Ix
aaaii.ian.'.i it ('.< ? t|wime ?,f wai.i fr.wi... ei. .pl wl.-.-r
? I.. law, aml ciccpi wi..r
.--fj-eed aud yolier. <i ?
^JS*Sl-_laB?Blfc?-?.B.ll ******* ptioted.
TM CoiDmi-..on tbcn a_.-t-.--d ** oat ????
nOHPI Ol-flOM flfl tiik camiaion BltBflflTf'
___.***** m*mm ot **_*_**-******** ****_***___
ile BBB (-uvi-nUoiir*. ln the ji-atforu.. ol wbub tn.
(,L.,/I..a <-.-_- Ld-peml-nocand exflflflBfl na .a,
m**-f*J***mTi.ibi b?^ ta.. ___i_ ?*0*
n.,n,...r. fll Hfl hfttaei h-ve ia virw tb* BBflM
T .,,:,,-e or MBfiBB ******* *** >m;? ';0,,;:rrt
Lit.lv th,- OBBBB Jfl-ttk WWBB -.iTira from l.r
__Xr-a i. bela* flfl?B-BBl en.tre.y ol Oubaua, while
ttie latUr U all < uil .acliii:, and tue i.a?t _i*tt.iy tt
wh|,-h |fl ? eooiewbat iini.Ittuaut NflBBt of jwtlous
r ti.li> itiiltl.vil'.ii flflB-Bfl Bfl flflfl in.-uit.rrfl. At tbe
uicetin* laat eveniDK. be-t-deri the I'n.ldent, Uen.
MMHlion, Iflflflfl flflBB ****** *?? J- --'"-tl.tt. Klllmrn
| *, fl ? -...Ui. A t. BflflB., Oflflfl-Bfl -tt-H-ffl-. BBfl
\i.'t.'. nui. i. Mr ciB?liiTTnl-""* M.i.-ias. tar-flfldjr
CflflflB Mint.ttr to BflflflWd I <?'4- ***** an<' ***___** l,T'
(liiilnn fl-Bflflt. ****** Wt Binelow, P. Oon_ BBB MM
mat v othrrt. Tbe procecdtng. flflBB flfl__r HtBBj BflB-B
b__*.n?aa aad uo _>..*???< hes bt -..ik lln- order, aml thfl flflflfll
iiik atijouriicd m __? tban half un hour. Gen. M.Mahon
?flflflfl ttie object of tb.BflflBi the lanient.it.il* _B_flfl-flflfl
ulii 1. fefld all.Iflfl. .1 Iho effurt. t.f thc ___9flflflttffl Com
initue in VaflB-BBtflBi -fefl Mflflfl *m***m ot aid
whi.ta_>p.in h> 1.1 BBf, v.iti. Oonm.uui-i-oi. oue bandand
ta on tlie otbflr, and wttleb rni.'i.t aa weB be put
ontef .liiht: and he eoncluiled bv dcciarinic 'be mev
tli.l'le iH-i.-xMtv of doablfl vigilancf. double _rii?'it.v, aml
<li uble iiiu-k, a.kintr only a f-U t\v\d and iinpini tl Bflu
tr.ilifv. ThcOencral then Hiilirnitled hl. n-si_riiitti.ui ?I
tbeotli.. of Ft********, wbub wa? flOWPtfld WltH[UgTtA.
Tm oitii?!? waa. ob fell it.otu.ii ? Httlfl later, ..fTi-r.-tl to lae
Hon li.-urv Wllaon, not wltb th- eapeetauon inat h?*
would u.*t< i>t it, t.nt wure __. ,.u e xpresMon of. onfl.l-me
um' taapect. tiuU witb tflfl hoi* of obtuiuiuK iroui hiui ..t
n tnpHthctlc letter.
Tke vaiaiu-yin ibe li?t of ViervPrefldenUcaii-cd b>
Un ii.-f.fh of Horaofl Gifflle. waaillo-LoiimoUaaBl
. .1 liaclai bj tl.e afllecUoa ol Cbarlea watroms wbo
il. irenited bi* own ui.inty to till tlie pi_t*e of lua )iri-.le
,, -,,i l.ut promlaed to irlve i.oth tlme nn.l eneraj to tbi
,.,, ., .mi expreaaoB l.t* ri.t.vietmn tti?t aaeee-flwai
ui-i ..Ibdii.l. lu. li. t of Vin ri.Mu.*.i.U.-..r.i.i.a Mr.
WfltrotW. r.'.tv roaail-l of ihr Hon. C. M. f IB), f" *.
rraak P. Blalr, Oea. t'ha.. K. f.ratiniu, Charlai I J*****
aml the <iov. riiiir*. of ali the Btatea. Gen. -ufMahon.
l.aiic H. r.nilev. aml Mr. Watro-.is wen* then appomt-d
a Commlttee ol Coaferenc- and Oraauiza-lon. antl tol.
A J. 8-ulUi, <ieii. J- J. Barttfltt, and Uflu. KUbnrD Kuoi
were appmuted b tou.ui.tt. c to prepar* flait?l>le reiwlu
nhi-iv.. to tlie.le.ttliof Boraefl Oi-eloy. OflB.
Mt .-ali.Hi wan l.-niliiea it voto oi tl.ui.U io. -?? t_n ful
ML-rv.-u'i, ..i.a leaderflhlp aa**Z****r^^JS___
iii.n.li'.urneil aft. r tue uppoiiuinent of the nUBfl/B-g
new Kxeeut.ve Ci'iumiltee:
(.en. Aiiihr.'se i_. BaiflMflfl. fitn. ( hae. K. ur^UB,
O..U. i. m. < ka]. 0-a. Al.-i Bkak i, ( oi Kihau All. n.
(&S Oordo-_-raaje-.ee--. M. lUalaa. ?;".? W?a.H.
> 1..1M-. u.-u. J. H.N.ii' Al.-u. il..- i:.'.i. iH-fi-las l.ol'-r,
Uflll. .'..sepli J H.arll.lt.U. ii. K.CHt.?<(..'...., ...il. Ai.ra...
lii'Tvea. (..-... M. T. M.-Maimn the llou. Uaat? 1 . BallOT,
l.tn. KiltmiTi Km.x, Oea. Jat-ob bbtirpa*. Oen. W. vy
Atenll thr Hon. ('li:... W.-ilrm. . OflB. A. M. < . . milh.
Mniiri'?? m Bundy.F. W.BH_ow. Dr. CUBtafl waguer.
thc Uou. Cbiia. Bl_c_._r, Uauu l li. L.ddy.
a i.i_ur C__OB and roon fih-it-tkk _____fl_-l
1,1 I'lTI!) IKMP.lKAHII.V.
A Ti;iBi'N_ repoittr luadt; iiitjiiirieB at ihe
larceit eomni.s.ion houtc* ut the fruit bu-iu-a., flflfll wan
informril tbat riciir-loaUiof ptflBBflfl were brouK-t to
thi. city, ye.terdav, ao romlnp by the n_iiy oteamer from
1/ctvep, I>rl. K;trh car contaln. ah.nit 4im rr.ttes though
thc rrgulnr llmlt for a car lond Is 300 rrates. The cau?e
of |__B glut in thr n.it-.-t wa** Ofl Bm t that Suuday was
Tolowfil by * r-tiuy day lu tlie peacb ___cti..n. On
n.iUit-r day wus there any pitkitii', bo that on IBflfliflJ
:,t mniK ii*-.* <jii:uitilv of fi tnt Iflflfl Ifld irniiif-.i'ate cutl.
t ruin and ihipnient to uiai k< t to fefl aaveU froiu epoiiin^r.
Ahtlte laBflflfllflfl?BtttJ euteniiKitieeityouauy BBBflBBBfl
,lui lln. MflflflB l.a* BflflB ci.ly M ' ar ISflflBa. U ___Bf ?B_
t.e Mflflflflfli that ttirn* was a heavy prearinre in IBfl
bafltoflflfl yt-.-trnlay. Hfl _rent nuu.ber of rnr-loud.
urrivlnifat onre, and the uiellotvne.s of inm b of the
fruit. pusbeii down prices to tht* lowcst point. The rate*
raugetl froiu ll to I- Bflfl tralr, according to lund anu
<|.ia:itv. an 1 |; wai ********* for a f?w fancy x..rt*i. Al
ita.-ci- ll-TUre. tht Ui_u Ucalers were eaj{er U> work off
their itoikf.
i lu it- in no .xpfctaflon th.-.t the reoelpt. for any
. day Will BBBBBBfll tho*. of yeitteiday, BBB By
ihr liu.ldleauil l.ttttr part of next week tbe ihtfl-flflfltl
wi.l probably flfl xreatly redui-ajd. Iloum-keoper. wlio
bara i.ot proearad tBatr BflBaal BBBfUBi for aflflaBrr-M
wlUflfl ill to drl.) um. 1. I'i.--. r Lflflflf pruti than
..--ti rilay'.a are bar.lly to l>e looke.l for tln- y.-i.r, IBflflB
tho fulure nupi'ly ni.y be uia.ie ud of tiriuer aud le.*.*
Iien.bable fruit. Ou a< count ofthe beavy rain. tbat
?Offl followed ihe Iflflfl ilrmitti. fflaflflflfl Bflflfl luatureii
mkI len:y, nnd tb- Mflflfl is to Bt _. nhort one. In a
.-li.tl- day laat tflaflofl 21" rur-load. IBBCfefld ttflfl city.
Ih Mt. ii Wi:ilL-i- afl! tii.* .old Sprln-; rhiilid a lar^."
ji.i I of Ihe i>e:ifh flflfltlflB Into l.arreuuesri. aud the Iflflfl
iitek ol raiii aft. i muJ uu-i-l lni.i-ti of the fruit v .... li
bad _Ul.fl-d to iliop fl"iu tlie tre.-x. Iu .Norlii
tni I.eiav.are Bfld .Northrru Maiviauil Ihere
ia little attivit.v in pr-ach-__theriug, fltfltflflfl
evert eneu:y ?_ tai.->l last htuutuier to ?.-eure thc
al. iiidniit erop. Thr .nme i'i.i?'"i whleh cut down the
.i. ofthe erop Of lrTi Bflflfl lOWflffld its '| H.. i 11 >". I I ? I
ia t-i in-r.Al 'i? ',-iiorati'iu iu all the well-kBOWBflortl
,i i.h Uo i."t .-'iu... ;...? j....tl.i.i of laat year, either In
. ,/,? ot lu rCiOOSUOB*. Tlie dluliOUtlOBOf IBfl prixlll. t I
..I flooflfle, ra.-i-d tl.e prtoM tb.? yt-.ti, ai couipnr d
wltatbofleol 1171 Bai Mu- _rre.it Aucu-t *t irtn has cut
deeplutotba kope. ol greal Rain eut.-rtaiiie.l by tboae
ifni. rmiaera wlio havi aeU aUen orchardi In tbe udd
,,r tii?. i-t-ri'ral fallinifoft. lAtt AogU.1 m thr nirlille nf
tti.a peufli MS...OU thr. pner p *r i ratfl i i::i<eil froui flfl, i"
|i to. lf tho rain had uot aoiten. .1 the frull ai.d prereatt d
piijkii.K ou Mou'ia\. prieei i n> rear vronld h.i-diy bavi
gone at all '" )nw the double of li_?t year'.. ratea Tbfl
pr'-it .j.iaiitit.ii ii*"d bl tue .-aui.iiiK NtabUfllB_Mnt*.
whi.-h muhi t.e lapplted wlutbrr tbe erop l* _rri ai oi
intalli ln Krm? meaanre rellered tbe n.ark.-t of Um
?rowdUu toflfltBfli ot iha flfl&aoa'? ImalB-ifllatoaflhofll
.]ia.<. Dea.rrs fltfl *.*tiii.ii_ awav, thir* week, a RTOal
ii.., ofaoftlruil !- Sew*En((lanil, up tbfl Hndaoo, and
mto ih? iuteriorof llie Maie. tuu. also t?k>ni_ <>tl n'ltin
of tbe preaaure of peiikUalilr fltwk- Tlie noftn.^s ..i
thit> vi air peacbea aod tbi < fi*. i ... tbe itormlajpro
diicinK tbeir tpeedy deeay are >-ii..* n I y tba qoaotnb -
of aaaaaUBf peacaflt whieli bave been .cized hgrtflc
fn.-'it- <>r tl.e lioji.l of Heailii .vilhill the pa?t we. k.
IBfl New-Vork eunimi-aiou hoiisci wb)< h an laraely
nitt-rt-fltf-i. lu th. i?ea.Ti trade hav. enfonntef-d formlda
ble oppoaltleB tln* wanou in thr effori* ot i ertalo apeeti.
atoraol ii.!v rlty.wba *n eoopwatlaf wltb l-ilad.-i
plua and haliimore houset.. The flcentt of thu eou
tion weut throuKb tne pe nti neetloB, atoool .it ttci-u
ato, and off-rr-d t l Baf BflaoA r^l-. t* fioiu II lo |l ?_. per
t-rate f>>r il.eir llilit tn liie or. Iiai .1, thfl oitt.-i. to Mflflfl
all airaugemeriiH aud n.ee; all expeiiMee of traBflpoftfl
tio.l. 1*IIKC 'iial.tltl'-r, \..r>* Ml 1 in This " fl] , imt it U
Nt.teu that tln* ral.-ifii wiio sold th:ou_.)i e.unuiii.ion
fle flflflfl liHve ui?'le iuoie nioii.y lli.iii ihe oiiiertt. The
foruier ha\e iflcfllffldliBfli li t<> $_ /.u pereratfl,leaa
eipeluit-a. Hteauiboat tlauipoitiilioii flflflfl ihe Iflatb
h.ci iou to N.-w-York has floal tl.lsraear.ononauaver.it:..
f. .to IflWflfleeni.per crate ; by iml the pr..-e hatavei
Mr. Toviist-nil of Townsi-ii.l, Dyt-tt A_ OoM
nultb, attn. nc\? for the _iana_. r. ot the S'_a Cliff Gaa_Jr>
Mflfldag A.tooiatiou, ifl BBl .uit i.rn.i^lit against them
l.t Mn. F_ll7at_eth l_ainilr>t. (n-cently re|M.rle<l exelu
sively iu Tiik Taiui >i.), flXfCflflflfli sUouk hoi.c*
tbat biK tlieiilil w.ll U uble to provo
their iBBflflflBBt. Their st.tetnent it .wnrn to
hj tbeir Piealdent, Mr. Battertball. Tbry admit thut
It,e3 pttmmti to exthaligo ci-iuiu laud wuh Ibe p'.itiu
t.if. iitd tbat tiieyflied it? valae at 11,400 |>er flfl tv, w lil. li
they think . just pric*; tbat the a_r-ement annexed to
tln- i oiiiplanit wa. pi. *eiiti.! 'o the pu.lut.ff, wb? reupon
ibe demanded tbttt it be .auoe'ed ; Ifeal thev prflflflflBfld
io Ikfl p'._.iuti_r:t Iflfld Bl the l.tud atSea i.'i.n, and took
:t bar-k be. ?Ur?-. abe tto.lld I.ot IV. rent lt er p. rforui her
than- of 'hr airreefiienf. nnd that they eatuaed tbe asree
m-iit to be recorded. and clanued the property fornterly
knowu a. BflfllaB. Tbey deny ail kuowiedge of AMMflfl
io the pUint.ff. and doubt ber ruieinciit. in th.i dlree
llou. I'ti>y ater lhat their part of Iflfl aj;n <___..? nt
lu.a been kept, tbat tii- -y ?re nady to
L-ire plaintlff a de.-.t on their part, aud have
kt-k.'l for one on hrr part; that they ha\e p.ud pialutift
|. non aud received |1.1U.?, Ifefl sti.lov.u_; il.eu. thfl i
inailider, >-*hicb bbe rafnae* to pay oter, aod haviur
trlren th'- ?o .oeurlty tol It, afl ibe prtnul*eil; tbat
after tbe exeeution of fhe a^-n ement, aitd befon* Ke.
l) Ut*, tbe nlaiuiill took ponM-taion of tbe land ooti
v.yi-d fo lier l.v the a;i.*ei.i.*..t wltit defeudaut.' con
aea! aadiu letaadaata lu Um cflflo oi t-e land aaa rered
to tiie.a bj the iM-r.-ement, al plaiutlfl's fiiuaent. De
f_odant.Oem.ud lhat plaint.lf W.inp-i e.l to perfonn
h.-r put of Ibe iirrreriienl. and to neeej.f thoir deed aud
a.ve ber. or, lf tl.e rmirl d.-una. iti.n Ueuiaud. tlial
piaiul.ff i* -oiii|K-lie,i to i.a.*. dauiace. to def. Ddaota for
Ii. i refuaal lo carry oul ber port o: tuu .ip-oineot. Mr.
Tiiwiia_no ii.uik.lh.il hia t lieui. itie v, illliiif toand the
wkola taatt-Tit ibe pU-utif. mll pay tae fli.am al.r_. d
U> be due Ife-kfl. H * under-t._*> l froin .-tii. r toitn -
triat the ?Oliawlll U. wirt:itr.i?n, uud tuat be dittit;uil>
Wlll ln- aelt.-.l bj arhlilatloii.
it ir Bflflfl Iflfll l-y -JBBBI who pBB-BBI lo la.
c nv.itfli.t witbaflalr. lhat tho Deutocraiic AMl.tanl
A fl-fl??? w ll fa.l Ifl th-ir .ffort lo efl-.ta Mflflflj__JBB>
tjoti of tbe Bflflfl, Ah?.l?taoi Alderniau Mon.by. lt la
clAlioed, haa nevei k-lteu any one a pr.tt.xt for tielie?
n_* thi.f l.e flflflM BBflBOBfl ln' -flflflflflflflflB.
-rijt* ?botn be ha. wurkad .luca. Ibe oriraultaUun
of tfefl I'AJird. AMistanl A uerrriau KcallDir, too, it
II to vtork Witli Un KepurV
v. , i. >. - i > irafld, aud if H Mfl IN
b* decidod lo hold a a?ee.ttn? *t>da?. __ Vt**??n M
,?? taggrag a ^*xja*ye.
Thr mi- intclliit-cnrc waa rrocivc. yi'-.teninj
in Brooklya of the flflBflB-,Q? 0*8888 T. Kelller, law
rejKirterof Tht Vnitm, aud 088810 P. BOTOOk of rar;
7wNfjt. aihlle batlilng ln the flflfll at Centre Mornhea,
fcBflfl IflBflflflaflfl lu.Mlay uiori.nK. Bfllfl Bflfl-88 were
waabr.l awny l.y tho utul.-rtow and have not beea
rreovered. Ab tbere ib Bfl .lir.fl t. lejrrupf.lc flflflBBBflfli'
aafl-RB BaflwflflB tt..- bbbm vfeaa. ttm OBflwaBBOflflaaatflfl
and lirooklju, oi Ni-w Y.iW, flfl BBflBfl- of the 88880
Nflflfl bnve flflflB received, but It Ib auppoaed that the
iwo vouu. JourualislB wer<- baflfeBBJ. nnd that while BBfl
waa enrimtvonnjr t<> axaiBt tbe oiher. who bad been over
come hy rrampa. both were carrn-d beueath the iurf
and drowned.
Mr. Kelller waa 28 fflflflfl of Bffl, wbb a narlve of Pertb,
Beutliind, and bad BflBfl flflflflfltfl- for tlie law. Ile eame
a ihe I'nlted Stat.'B four ] Bflfll BBfl. Bflfll ?"''', ?*?____ ___\
the poallion of law IBplflia. Ba wa- a BBB08 BBflfl. aud
l.y bla falthful i.tteiit on to BB flflflB BBBflflfl B livellhoo.t
'nrhiui-.if aafl Bfl Mrafl aattar. _toiaal_flilBW_a_.
iii_M. >n - ti.__rr. ii?-.ir Kiutoii r?l. _.,
>';. l-iwc w?fll.o.n ... lt:.rhadoea.W..t taaMaWBBtt
voiirflofaKO. aml thone who kiu-iv BlflB hear witn. ssto
_? hlatneUantl Bo_OT.blfl l.fe. Bfl haa _?"???"*
w.th .New-York journala for aeveral yeara, and *???*
erallv reirard.d aan p__3Bt-kln_, al.le reporter. J?otn
hoaiirl Mr. K.'lller were experf awnnineTfl. ?*__" n ""
have been aome unforweenf Iretiiafltauee that lefl to their
de_ih Tbey left Brooklvn ou Mouday mornlntf on a
ti ! .( mu. au.l tho aranriatea of Mr Uowe tn
::,.;..'?en:mkdra letter ^??t3k?~
mm.., artflf bia arnval. wheu thfl BBWI?l bAtaaatMWBt
.,.,,,,,, 1;,. "Joiirn wiMic Fraternlty" wlll meet at
vr- ,V, r 11..U ?t 8*8 P- BB.. to-morrow. to UBe action
ni, ?ard io Mr. K..VM-'. death. The *****_?<&*?
(Inl. ,.i w bl. I. M. Kelller waa on.. of the bflfll playera,
ba* iKiutpoiicd indefluiti'ly Ita vit.it to floiton.
Tlie BobH of Fire UiulerwriU'iH adopted,
yot.-rday, a new tariff for li.fluriiuce upon hoiel*. tn
wtil ifc flflflfl- B v.iii.ty of int.reKti.iK deiaila. mur centa
wfl] bfl tfeB niiuimuui rate. and additional t_i__cswiU
bfl ?>_? m the followiutr and in other ca?ei!
F..r hi-btfl Bfll W? 75 and 85 feat. B?fl?to?_1_fl! for
?_>h additional 6 feet, 10 centa extra i l.uii.lii.K'. of iron
ra OfeflPtta t"r..k. 6 MM extra; if of rtoue lOceuu
'Tt -a wbere t-.i-n... arr leaa than M IneBflfl Aam Ba
r, i' ..V i.-h than I feel Ifexpoaefl by adlfltaiBfl i-ronertv
_ ! ,'?t- ei-tra; Man*a..l rooffl not of UOT or -late or
oth.-r fir.-proof matcrlal. 80 eenfa extra; eflllaraafl
li e.u? nt olumni noi of brl. k, (icor.ia plne, or irou
', , ,it..ibie ehamber. to be flile.l mwitt.?;j? ?''
lou.liictor. 10 ceutB extr_; Btflllfl BTfl Bflfl of llrc-proof
marla I. lOeenta extra ; elevatorfl not Mirrmind.-.l wlth
r -ui i'.-k walla l.i.ui eellarto reof, and eopaflLaafl
uo i.ii.v.ded with iron doora and BK.ue or iron___?_?
.,.,?, extra, tuain BbUwbjb Iflflfltfeaa I bfll w>o>. and
,tliV-r* leaa thanfl feet wide, 5 eenta extra ; floon not
, rmed of irou htaiufl. tiil.d ifl v. ul. Briflkor ei.ullur n.a
er I 0 tnts extra; BaB l.r i< > .IUMBBt_tl0___7 and not
irovdod witb fllobea or wlre aereena, Weeafli eitra.
r-Sk_? where raa tban B*e Bllad palla of water are pro
viidto.vt.i bpbo UOfeel aqoare; wben two bxm
are". Kf|.t)...a.'l. hail; wlicre flre alarnii are not
nr-Tlded-n eaeh floor. and a flultablfl imiiCert of bra
extlnn-ahera ; aud where. wben the houae; ,.ec....,inu
d_t.-s 100 or more BUflfltB. a Uro orcanlziition aiuon. eai
doc. not cxiat (tbe employea b lflfl pr-pcrlv
urilieil). JC centfl extra. Bt_a_lp|p__ not ______ ?u J\n
,.,;'?, l.tie.1 with metat, or otbflrfllflfl ao protected aa fo
iieai.i.iov.Ul.y Kateaud Survey Cointuiliee, IS cent*
Mtra Wbere ateam P-BPB, provlJ.-.l for lire purpoeee
onarTeapabla of thrown.. flflfl khIIoub a miuute. con
!, .".ri witb the aeveral ffoora. and provlded wlth ault
aMe hone connections. Blfl BOl pri.vi.led. Ifl OOTtfl extra.
lloihrfl not OUtalde of tnniii huil.lii.^, an.l not lncloaed
Slth brlcb wallfl and flrepr.H.f pavement, nnd not pn.
vided witn flflflflpaaaflO "P ouUide main buildin., H
lents extra. Failui.. to provi.le a Bflttflblfl numher of
_Sbt watebinen. a eenta Tfefl roUawtaB Uble
wflj iliiistiate tbo worktiiKB <>f the n.w ti.riff :
Kate wilb- heluei lur Pro,+ *ri
i.u; iledne- iniirot'- rata alter
tioa i.ir aie.ita that lap.-et*
iui;r..i.- rui la BB ifl BBB Hflfl?fl
m.-nta aade. rr.il.. rate.
p oi a ?i Tfl Bl ?''"
- .. .. i Bb 1 flo i oa M
. ?_? 78 i aa i io i m
:::::::::::::::: S g II
,.:::::;:i5? a iS ._?
MflTflflB-aPa-a liau. ?; io i -'5 * BO 1 'o0
The CallflBlflflBlliBlflB nl Accounts are still px
amininc ihe accounta of tbo variou* Departinenta. They
are at j.n-s.nt flflflfl BVfl-aBg to a'ccrtaln the exiict aniouut
of Ifea < itv ileht. IBB BBBfl- that Bflffl Bflflfl la-iic.l froni
time tu tlme and those r.-illed in and 80OflflM are care
fully exainn.e.l ainl tiote.l. Tlie cunceled lH...da ar* ri
laUflflfl flflfl t'.v Oflfl. On a alnKle day the ('omn)i?r.ioiierB
BSaflflBBB- eatifi-leil BBfl?I Iflflflflfl -utiiiK |14.lil)0.o00.
The fouiuiiF^ioin-rfl say tbat thejr are retarded
a their B-.'ik I.v the BBBBflflJ of the Controller to
u!lo- them a autllcient clencal forre fo aid .n tho
u-ork of exaininatiou. The OBflflflfl-BB iiai.ua tbat
un.icr im-pii.M-.aaa of the toacroattogtfea aaVoflfll
(Iflflflflfl] bIou.tb ol Aceouuia no i lenral fon-.- le Bflflfl?Bfl
for. Other Bflfl-Bbfl-l of tfefl Bflfl-fl "f Apportionnient buj
tbal Ibfl .lenral force Bflfeflfl f'>r BflflM Bfl pal.l froni thu
( ..ntuiK'Ifll ~urid. and thal pavtueuts had bflflB Bflflfl in
thianianiii i- lo Bflflflflflfl BOflfl-Blflfl to perform c*rl;ni.
dutii? for Wfetefe the law flOBB Bfll provlde.
Tktt Mi-Moimry Sodtly ot tbfl Metlnxlist
Kimki upal ( ...l!. n B flfliflfl '?xi-t-llent flflflh Ifl iti foreijfii
BlilUfl.Bllll aapnnllitjla th>- Waat, Tbe atiaui.-r Idaho.
foi? l.r.erpool. ye.tei.l.i) toflkflflfl a IB-NJ8-BBfll lalior
erf for Itidia, couKietinir of the Rev. I>r. (Jray, Kr. flflfl
Mir. Milleiiiy. Ifefl Bflfl. MB, Hflflflfl-, the IJcv. J. t.
S.o.-t. Mibk Moueli. and Ml-a IdflflfllQi The two laat
nui.1 BIM BBBfl Bflfl Bf Ifea Vflflflflfl? PBCflBflfl Mifleiouury
, and fltfl make aa iBBflflrtflfll flMMBB to tho
fnr.. already th. re. Thi- is a ntw fcature in miaRiouary
oifl-r.ition.", aud ix provinn icuiatkably BBBOOaflBla MIss
Mou.'il i? a ttiorouKbly Bfl?Bflflflfl BBJ -niaii, and pot-8 out
iiupt-lii'd wltb it full flaBartflMBl of BBBflfeBaaa and ap
paratflfl. ___? BwalB, flflfll flflfl BOfflflfll 10808 alnce hy
the aan.e BuBtfllj. B now l.-ti.oririif ai a phyaician aud
t. ... n. r in I.t. Xl.'.W an.l rleioil V vi it'i _n Bl BCflflPlfl Bffl.
l.a.lien flflBMM uilly bave BCflflBfl a tfefl bOID*fl fll tflfl PBfl
ple. wbciTfl _?nfl btb fltfilartol. an llne ibm ln the aouble
rapaeitj ol ine.ii.al hh.1 Mtiritaal Bflflflflflfl. Ifefl B_fl
Mioimrv Beeretaiiaa, Dr*. Daablel, B-fly, Bad Bfllti, wen
|.ie?.ti', Wltli M>* hki.lm.tre Bf tbfl WonMfl'fl rt.Miety,
aad a iail..- eonpauj n; tiieadt, i" bid tbaaa flvoaflflafl
on iheir 111 u..il ul ( .'I'ri.'i.iii i v.iiH'fiu.itiou.
fl RfelD ?)i- TIIK BEflJB.
Ni.twtth.fltaiiiliiiK tlie pabUflflJBfll ofticinl an
ui.uufemcnth to the contrarjr, the ?' BBflflfl" flfl ttu- BflaflB
tnarktt Iflflflflfl Wall -sr., yeMerday. witb ruuiom to tlu
fffect "that Coii'iiirdnre Vainlerlult wa? dan?eroiiBly
iii at Paratopa." Theae rni.iorc were accompanled By a
lUdden mid on tlie Btoek markit l.y Ifefl **Bflflflfe* Wfcfl
dtrected tbelr . fforts to breakluir flflWO the price of New
York (entiul, Lake bhore, and otlnr V.iud'.l.ilt nlockn.
|. -in,., for a Ui.nui nt B.i/.id the geflfltfl] ojierafors,
and there viasaruah to aell Morka l.y the timld. who
thonirbt tlny saw indications of a painc. Diapatchca,
however, were Bpeedtly aent to Sarato.a, ?ud replie*
received tbat tbe t'oinuio-lore waa m BBflB-flfll healtb.
t'onrldeuce waa restored uud tbe market, wbicb bad
niaturiallv dfclinid, ri flfliflfl BflflflB to even bifth.-r
nK'!ir"- tlian prcvi.iieii l? :.?re rbo raid of tbe
"t'cai-." The t henry of tha raid B tbat
the " beara." fliidini: that Ihe Bteadineaa of tbe
Vandeiiult fltockH inieifered with ifefl flflptflfltiOB of
othei Btiflka in wliliti they were iiikllflfltflfl, detennined
to make theru tbe oOlect of Bpeelal attack Thev ar
eordliifl-lv *pre?d ru.ii.ire of the rotiimodore'a rlckne?B,
which l.-ietil. ueil etuall ojm r..lor., wlio lirhavpd lhal Ihe
icnuit woald i?- fllBBflt-ona, uud eaaaad tbinj tuneii out.
SiuiullBii. ..iibly with the ruuiora tbey " hauim.-red" Ihe
market with IflflBPflflBry aur.ie-.-t. The rcuiee of Ihe
m.irki t BBd ifefl 1i.if1ualii.n- ..( prtoaa are liu.) flflfl-fl-bflfl
lu tha ituaiif inl . t.iutuui of (na IBCBOBB.
ThoniHs V.-iin, ajre 49, i'l-tt-r Hanlon, ap '?'?*.
and Adum McKenzie. aife tt, were preclpitated from Ibe
topof au oil tmik at Devoe'B Oil Works at Commerclal
at. BflB t'nton-place, (iref npoitit, yeBterday arfternoon.
by a Bt-affold Kivlt.K way. aua iu tbe i?ll Vetiu bad botb
thUbn und bi* left ann l.roken. Hanlon bad bia ri.l.t
aukle broken, and Mi Keniie'n bcuII waa fru tured. Tbe
inen were removed to the hospital ln Fourth-a.
Mary Connora, age 9, ot No. i-bj Marwhall at., Brooklyn.
fi. O.. waa eaflflfet, yeaterday, lu _\ weavinfl machlue iu
toe factory, No. l.'*5 WaUr .!., Hrooklyn, atid wa" toru to
pit-.e. before the flllRhteat effort could be made to rencue
William Wondbouae, aee 33, wa* fltruck on tbe bead.
peaterflay, bi a ptect ofilaiBflra Itetnoid't faetor, *t
Ninlli an.l A.ualie-ata., Hrouklyn. K. I).. ana fatally lflfl
Bflflfl. He NflMflfl at Bfli 'tfl ri.iutU Becood-at.
Cliarlrit Maiflli, ngr tn.. tt tlrujcKiet, reaiiliui.
and dolUK l.i_)iueae> ut So ct) Mvitle-ave . Hrooklyn.
euded bi* life last evemng h> aBflfeflfeflJ hirna. if BB the
BOOM witb a aurgeon's twoedged kuife. deatb belnfi
almoat lnataaUneoua. He had beeu kuffenug froni nta
of inaantty aupeiioduc-d hy an affectton of tbe liver, and
hr had fre.iue.itly thrwatened lo end hia life flolentl).
Ile aeetneti to ha greatly depreaaed yeaferdav, and aud
d.uly leaving bia Btore and gotu* Iuto hu ateeplng
apartroenfl look tbe knl/a from li* . Bflfl and plouaed ll
up to tbe handla ln hia left atde Tbe hladr pencirali A
bla b.-Ji t aud be fell baavij- upou the floor. wbere he
died, Bflflfllfl hia wife, wiu. aaa in an adjoitilng roo_, bad
un opiit.rttiiiitv to aur a Iflflflfl, He waa reiiorU^l to bare
Baea in p-OflPfltflflB (ircu-iaiaueea, and lo l.air- ananuf.ie
tuied lool bcci wUlcii aa* ?i.:ual)tiy aold IferflflffeOfll
th nt>.
rilt;t.M(.ttrri.R T->.T1lR0..?, AT! ICKIJIItOIf ?I_ PARKROW.
Onu-70. _a___-70? 3 p. _t?7r M_l..|bt-70c Af'jf 70V
NnrYork Hotd?tiov. William Finkney Whyte of
Maralanal ...Attur Hoatt? Mflflfl Ooaror, aad la. k-f- K Y- O'l.a
nnr nf .ll.tnt ri.t'oarrHa?_Ban H'lll.a... Ir?nrknrlrr nf I.w. m. ffjvt.
II. W II ?,.,.r of tlir H.pial Brrrlf* ..-rrrril .,-?_. Hr. Bflflflfl,
.,..... . I ...|i. ilAlftire. at VV_h,___..., anl I ynit W FVM....M.
Ifttkolm lloul... Tii, H.._. T C. Hla.t ol Ow<*o. N. f.j thr H.m 1
M. I'.mrtui of Aoban. N. Y.; ******_********__* *? ?,_\*m
oi Protiirlran.a. J 11. BkHWp..*- >lflB^flafl. _?__ ifffl
I 1 , ol p..<t_a, OI.10 ...,/!* -.-rn-t ffo.-J?Wt.l, b.
Il.ltiii. .rr .
??, T , , h_itt.rU of Ow .0 N T ..-.-/?.'?? -f.,_tf*-J.l? r-fflt
^.T'.rA". Vl'~- Itllrl-Tb* II.,/.. I. BIM ^-gjt}
!? . ... MtLlorM at bebruerutr. *??* **** B-._-fl_-fl_l
K_-.-YO.-K I'lTY.
Mnsic tliiria.U>ni?uti at Mount MnrriB-.iqii.ire.
Pilot bo.it I?. Mi..-h,'ll, No. -, Wflfl Ktruck
l,y juli t l.oat W. II. AMpiuwall, No. -1. clRl't flflflflfl .mitb
. -.1 of Bantly BflflB, at 11 p. nt., Tueaday, but neitber
veanel wa. mucn duiu.t_.ed.
At CaMle Garden, yesterday, 921 ftniirrantH
arrived-i. by the ateamer Nftpoli from Maraeille., *J0 hy
the Ht.aii.cr Waahliifctnn frotn Havre, and 1C3 by the
b,< i.n. i Cltjf of Mouireal Iroui LtflaifBBl.
New coiiibinationH are fot-B-Bf in the di
rectory of Facltic Mail. Heury O. tSU-hblua waa elected
a director, ye.terday. In place of Johu M. Ilurk, t*_
flfflflfl. Tbi. ia re-ardeu a. an ac^uiaiUou to tbo " buil
party in tbe Hoard of Dire.-tor*
HflBBBM I.oRkowiteit has bf-en appointrtl Vicc
Pre.ideot of tbe Hoard of Tru.tee. of the Eclertte Medl
cal Colleire. Mr. Bo.kowitez ha. been a liberal frlend
of tl.e CBU-flB, ai.d lr ut believed that Hut identiflcatlon
of h.ru wilb U* go\truuitut autfura well fur tbe lustitu
Tho pavement ?f T_iberty-.it., between
(burrh-.t. and Hroadway, B in a ahooflliiK coiidition, the
.urface n.-inc In in.uiv place. I.rnken up Into hole., aome
of a bit-b Blfl io large aa _crinu.ly lo iiiip.de tbe paa.atce
nf heat y tciinn. At.nut M f. ct froiu liroadway la - ruiry
llflflgbflflflfll 10 feet flquare.
A suit bas been bflgM in the United Statea
Dlitnct Court by tbe United Btatea i-cainst Holomon N.
Woolf, Alphonac ifl hie.thal. Mo_e. ____fefl_C. and Albflflt
An,: i r_ to recovt-r iT-.Oou aold, a_ peaalty for rlolatlon
of ifea CaataflM iawi in allefled aaderTalnatloa of iu
voict it. Tbe captaa will be returnablu ou Aur. ....
A few ear-loadf. of trtick aiid work horses
arrived from tbe Went, ye.terday, and were offered at
lUfflBflfe. Tbere are about 2f_ carriage feflflflflfl ln the
uiarkef; still it would bo di__lci.lt to llud u flOpflt-flfl Pa.i ,
11 baadfl high,amoac thfl anmber. lt i? axp-cted tbal
tl.e ir.arkct wlll t.e wetl .upplicd witb all _iud. of horbc.
Uurini: tue flflflflflfl flflBflflfl.
?A bloek of Btorflfl, -0 feet squaro and five
.torit- biKb, la buildiug at tbo souib-weat coruer of
l'e. k ol.p aml Houtb-.t. The etoren wlll t.e of brick witb
niarble t_______flfl__ Four Freueti tlais aie b? iug c.i.i
pletedai tbeBortb*e__fl_ar__r_-Eiahtb_Ta. aafl ^'*r
Twentletti bU They are of l.rick witli irou tiiunnlnn",
flve stolles hlKh. lind tfefl fll'ol flOOTI Wlll bu Otcuplcd aa
atana. 'i Bay wiii eoal about IMJH.
Coroiier Keentin held an inqnest, ye. terday,
ln the cuse of Tbomaa Dillon, wbo died froin the effect
of u.Jiiriea received by bclnj? crunhed between the ferry
boat Bflflflflfl OHf RU'1 tlip ondgo at the Cortlnndt-st.
Ferry, ou Aug. 11. Tbo |ury reu.lere.l a v. r.li. t of occl
di nial diatii, aad recoiniiii in'.e.l that proper imans
nhoulil i?- takea to prevent pt-r.on. froiu laaii-fl or
?BterlBf the hoata until they were aeeiired to tbe bnd*_e.
A li-tter from Conbul-General Hay of Sy.ia
bas |BBl been received by tbo ffllBflttflfl Kxploratlon
Saicieiy in tbi. city. in wbicb it is btated tbat tbe Society'*
BXBflfl-flflfl. under tbe coi.irnand flf I.i.-ut. _*t< < v.*r, went
luto Bammet fjuart.-iM at Aitat Mooataln, la tbfl bmn-B*
t_.in.-i of Lel.anon, on July 'H. where it will .nen.l tbe
heat.-d term n. worknit up tfefl DUpfl and offlclal r.-|M,rts
ot nr work. All iU i_i._ux.i3 flBfll iu K<-iud bculUi aud
The Grand Lodge of the K<-sher Shf-1 Bnrzel
reaumed ita aea.lon yeAt.-r.lay. The Orand Sopherand
QWUfli Olflfl-T flfl ln.lalled, ex-lirand Stre Uuatavut
l.evv, the irrand Cohen, otflciatlutr. Newnian I'owen, I.
I ?'. liinaun, A. KUinRer, JaCOb CBflpflT, and J. Itarris
\t.-ii efeoflfla au Kndowmeut Commlttfla. Tu>- afteraoon
h hIoo wa* I. -c.ipied bt tfefl repor_ of tfefl Commltteei
oa Lawfl, Eatlmataa, Flnance, aud Ktate of ti.e Order,
aud of tm- t.raud otlltera.
Thfl following were the reecipts at the Con
troller'a offlce yeMerduy : Arrearn of taxes, an_ees
un nt-, watei rttits, aud in'ere?tr BI.5T9 85; a. b?.-8auient.i
for .treet-open.iiKH and ini|.rovementa ai.d iutere.t.
UA** r^r, ati* of vltrifled BtOflflWBIfl i'lre for sewer*.
U,17I Mi i ...io., aater reati aad penaltlefl, tXMi U;
maiVet rtuta and fce. aud iiiaikct ccli.tf rout. I1.5.I2 '^5;
jin.i e.l. of anl.? of tlve .?oii.le.iii.el rtre-a*ii|. Ii.es .,ml of
-even < oi.dt'iuu.d horher, H.jT'j 15; liceuae., I15J ; tolal,
|l.i,4.J CTt
rniB_l_Tl Chandltr of the Htalth Depart?
meut, in coiupany with Hmiltury Suierlutendent i>ay
ainl Ao.*irta.it --.notary .**uperiutci.dcnl Janeri. uispecteil,
\. r-o r.lat, the ?t_au>?hlp Alp'ii'iii.ii, tl.e flflflflfli uscd a?
a tloaiiiiK n nd. rmp factory bv the New-York Fertili.inff
lompint. Tlie Airoiiiiuiu i? am iiored Ifl the Nortli
Klrer, near tfee Ni-w-J.-irry ibore,aadorpoalteFoi?etb
it n. tbla city, Tfee Health Olll.-er. fouud that tbe ptocfl?
of reinleriiiK WBI very olt.i.-iv. , aad wlll piobai'ly ad
mav tfee coiiipuixory rttuoval ol tbo veosel bBJfBad tfel
lllllllB of th.-. flfllbf
The I'ark Comuii. siotitrs opened yesteidaj',
in the pie.ence ot the Controller, bid. foi UO Iflflfl fll flaal
aud four ruontba* supply of Mfflflflfld gflaffll for tbe
p.irk*. Tlnre wen- tflfl) Mfll f>n tm lorimr antt three
for tbe li.tUT. A! a rt->.ul-_r nitetiiiK ktU iu.iiiedi..tciy
tlii-reitft. r, dritikiiitf founiiiiin wen fltnetfld to flfl
plac-d in tm*. tiiwe.aiit l'.?rk. Bllla t<> tte loQowiag
.luiiitiu;-* w. re audlted aml dir. cted to flfl tenl lo tln
1.:,....- Departmeut for pavnii-ut i l_uliit.-ii-_.il..,
|911 70 ; eoiiatriicf.'.n. H.M961 ; uiaiut.-iiaii. * ot tindner.
|.-4 o?. _l.it.li, ti.'jo. i'i. Tue ..ward ol a oontlact f...
irour.ii.lii_:- OB L'i:ioi.->n.iar. ?a* pOfltpoaefl, BBfl tfefl
nn > tlii- Hdjouined ti.l _:_.. p. lu. to-day.
Tlu- fimeriil ol ________ Bfllflfl liutht-rford Stuy
vesant, wife of tbo late l'ettr liirard Ufllfl? Bl. took
place, ye.U-rday, at to. Mark's Fiote.tant Epiacopal
Cbnrcb, tbe K.v. I.r. l.yla.i. e, the rector, aml the K. v.
lir. Kheriuiin tieiug in tho chanetl. Tm- paU-0.Mfll Ifl
were T. *B. Lmilow. W. K.ui'.al!, J.tine* K. LtTiBBSton,
ju.iL-e Boawell, Antbfloy J. Bleeeker, li. il. Fn l.i*. Dr.
\s.lki*. B. Bobloaou, F. Pritae. B- Lenoz K.-uue.ly, Jou
Btfeafl l-uwanin, W. B Pflpbflfli. aud -V.tli.u, ClB-fl-OII.
lli* Hou. HattUtoa i-'.-u w;t* oa* of tho DMoraaia. 'i Be
reinaiii- were n.ieired la tfefl lauiilv vault len.-atl. Ifefl
rbun-b where ln- tm- aaai-* ?; i'et< i Btayvflaat, -CBf
i ... ., oeral aad OoTerBor-la-Cbiet of Aro.terdam io
New-Xetberlaada," aml ileflcetKlaBta of iut* fltoflfltlBH
WUo bave U.td rlucc IflN.
Visitois at Prospect I'ark last week, 112,293.
Tlie lity has to itt* ertilit a BfllflBflfl 0_
lUIBJM U iu lne Iflfl?Bj it.clud.u_.' MMM M in the
Tru-it 1'oiupany. The Police Insurauce aud Keward
luii'l au.u iut* to l"-C,i_r> VH.
A siK'eiineii of the nian-tisli, or inemiaiil's
niiite a. it ? -Kiiuetiiuta calied, ba- beeu cauicbt at thc
Fi.hin-T Rank. and brouirht to thiflCttJ tot exhibltion.
II is loiir le.t loUK. ai,d wheualn. ?__ffbfld tifly pound..
Itb K-B.-uil.lauce to a uiau 1. very itrlkiUK.
Loxo Island City.?-At about noon yester?
day an txplotsion oct-urre.l iu oue of the tank.iii the
)_ird of liurke'. oil work., Mtuated ou thc caual, at tho
foot of Twelfth ?t. Tbe report wa.? beard tbrouirhout
the city, aud ihe alarm given. The flflflfeaflfl tjuickly
re?liouded, but tbe fbtiue. were .inothered before
their arrival at Ibe yard....Yeaterd_iy inoru
ini: a bnrklaycr named John lorii.r, re?id
taa' ln Fiftv-nlnth st., V.w-Y.irk. lmt etu
uloyr-d by foutriictor Woodr-.itI in rebuildinff Ihe
?bed. ol the Htandaid Oil loiupauy. wa.* tak* u with vi.,
Usot blee_Jn_t froai tb< i.o-e and otootfe. Uewaatahaa
to ii.flflflIflfl of Di Dennler, wlio could do uothin*. for
liiiu bBI mi' < i' >' I'.at h< ifeoald l.e taken to Ihe ?Utiou
I.'., . t>n lort way t!:.re lu died. Act lli jf I'.nolier
Brown reodered a veriut that tfefl ************ ot
., tn. ;itia_< of the taaBf-Bafled branr .MtMi?The
t'o ill tt< e "f tbe Whole of tfee l!o:.rd of Aldeiim u. to
v Ul-li wa. referred the Invt-.tlnatlon. of tfea traaaiflO
iiou.of lUe Water Hoard, uiet Taerlay evenluK andoi'
calii.ed bv elettlna 'ieo. 11. Ilanter. Prflfltdl lil of Ibt
Itmird of Aldernien. a- Chairuian of the C.nniu-t.??-.
Wifbotit transaetinjf any oilu-r liuhinert.., ibe t ou.iuiu ,e
adjourned tlil 1 o'clock p. ui, to-u,orrow.
ftXWMtW* Tfefl I?fl-fllllflfl fll Sevonty-one incet on
i leaday ??calafla toeon.tderwhat acttoatatahehi t*tn
.-ni*. lo road luiprovemenU. The -outti.-rn m-.-ii.-u of the
to_u|rUiUiatbat all re.. ut iuiproveiueut.,in tbeconairtn
tion of new avenuc. aud wldening uml jlBfllflfl ..tiier.,
bave l>een contlued to tbe. northeru and eeutral ne.tiou.
of tbe it.wn.bip, wblle lt baa been ahllflfld to pa> it. ftill
ah.n* of tbe great expet-w. tncurred without tlHrlvnyr
any advauta_re froiu tbe improremenU. Tbe roads ,.- nV
ma itiroii_.it tbe towu froui Iiu.tiv.ick aud
Willlaaiaburgb am in a wrrtebed cjji.il
tion, aod almo.t uli.ni.oncd tfl- travel. Tlie
Commltu-e wiii probably titke __juie u< nou wbicb will
rooiedy au mjunice of whir-u nearly nalf of tl.e town
<?oinpia.il._A new botel l. to Im irumedi.telv e.vcled
mi tne .bell ro.d. ueari'alvary Ceuwtery, nv tne preaeut
propru tor ol tbe Brldire IIou_ae at tbe 1*.uuy Itrmac ? It
i. laid tbat tbe i.ew .tn.iturew.il be tbe Ut^.t and
ino.t ex(cn.iv? public bou.e on ilte weat tnd of i_outf
lalaud, outr-ldi) or Urot.klyu ...Tbe daily n-teipi. of tl.e
Kcrelrer ef Taxe. aT_ra_.e abaut H.iWi a day I ml-.- ten
day* ruiia.ii iu wbicb to par taxea vtitliout tbe additmu
of ibe l.-tni per centr '"** tbau one-half of tbe Uxce
b?ve N-eu toliectad.
Wooo.iia.-Tbe nho"! frout.laaat thu plaee Incres-e.
Tbe oioperty levi. d upou hy tbe I oil. .-tor ha. l.e. u ??!d.
b.n tlie viuiiuia bave einpovef. aeaaafll, aud lillir- tion
will en.ue. ahont a year aro tbe di.irtct wa. ?< t ..IT t.y
tlir Sc-oa.l < uin.uirf otjrr. Iielufl takea at>out .-.juaiiy
from Ibe Wt-.t FlBflfllflfl anl Laiirel 11.11 Dliinrl- Tbe
Brit aot ot the truatee. of tbe nrw diatrict w... lolevy
tXhOti for tbe eiectiuo ot a i.ew acbool-bouae. Tlie
paymrni of Ibe ui wa. rt-nted, aud tm* i <?:
lector refratuod from )e|{al ata'|ta to rnforce lla
collectlou r*ut>a.*(]ii'jiiUv tbe au.on.it BfMOffl -,Uu for
tbe wiMKil-bouM. wa. re.lnn.-d lo ll.ooo, flfll IMflfl flfll
.dd.il I.. the ii-vy for jriiiieni! (ebool purpo .?,u';i.t u
?bcae .uoii tbat tbe eoll.ctor i. new eudeavonua to
Bwtlert. BeiTerai. wbo rerofle to pay, and wboaa property
haa *veen aeiBui, aver that Uiey havo BflflB taxed for a
aebtxil baihuiijc wlibiu fanr year*, though lu another
?Mriet, aud hflaflfl are exeinpt froin the prc-ont aaflen*
xi.ul hy law. Tbe Ux amonata to about i per eer.l ob
the a?Bfl?d v ilii.ulon of tbe proper y ln lflfl lia.rlet,
whleh taken In .w.nneetlrm wltli the onaroua town Ul.
entailrt m'eal luconvan.enca aud bardahiu ou tbo aniall
Rktimoxd.?At tho l._,t meotiriK of the
Cnunty Board of Henlth a reaolntlon waa Bflflfflflfl to
tbe effect that rhrowlng brewera' .raloa ?n tbe aoll or
In tlie wuteraof the oountv ahould lie, prnhihttel, under
a penally of lao for eacb offonae. Tbe iliapoMtinn of tbe
refuae of the l.rrwurlea, wbieh tbi*. reaoiution ia lu
tetidcd to prevent, haa herctofore been a eflflflflflBJ
tflTtflfl flf flfltnaai-t Ifl tbfl n.ik'lil'".!''?1 of theae, < it-i I.
II li.ueiit*. Iii Moiiie eaacfl tho refunr- haa been duuipcd
in:.. poudn, whifi) diinu'. th.-. ri'ccijl drouti. and coiino
?ii.cut low wau-r Baoaaaa Bflhaaira. In other eauc.* it
Bflfl BflflB strcwu uiK.n tbe ground, and baa bflflfl a flflfl.
fli.iut *ourc? of anuoyance uud dlacoiufort to fflmlllfla
n riduig ln tbe vicinity. Cowa have bflBB Ifl tbfl BaMrtt of
fcedlng upon it, and in mtuv luetaucc have bflCfliflfl
iiitoxicated in coi_ir-<i-fluco. Ifefl uuiaau. o ba* repuat
eilly bflflfl brought io tue attentlou ot tha Il>'..ltb -uthor
lti.'B, but no notice haa u. for. Bflflfl taken of lt.
Nkw-Iirhjiito-.? The Caatleton Aanoelatlon for Kfflal
Proteetlon bave flaeint a eomuiuiiication to the lioanl of
Kxciac, uialfltlng tbat the Bflflflfl nhould uot be aatiflfled
wlth men-ly neiralive evidenee of good rharaeterou the
part of apnlloanta fnr licenae, bat ahould n uu're I>oal
live proof of ti.e reflpectabiliiv of tbe .lcal.-ia liefon
allowing them to anll ll.ii.or. The village otri.-i.tla have
deeided to dlsconttnuo the worx of wldenlng the fllanor
road, in conaequeuce of aome uiisun.lcraUudii.g regard
iiiB the aiirvey.
EnOEWATFB.-The Tillaire Aldermen atieeeeded ln
having ,-t Bflflflfl?kf, laat evi-nlnir, with elght membera
preaent, flflflfl Ifl appolntmg a new Kxclae Ci'ii.inltte.-;
t.ut anotlier att.-inpt flo fleet Ifefl ninth rnemoer waa
unauceflBflfiil, the vote aa naual standing 4 to 4.
UrrER Qiakaktinb.?There aro at preaent twleve
v.sM-1* from Houtb.-in portn at the Upper Quarantiiie
anchoragc, diioh-rging cargea Iuto ltghtcra.
Jerskt Citt.?At the uiectin? of tlie Board
of Aldermen Mayor O'Noll'a vcto of the Board'a aetlon
lu autborizing the Fennaylvanla Kailroad Company to
take po.aeBtlon of and clos? up Pl. nioutb-_t. eaat of
Oroene-st., waa received and lald over. He ax-erted aa
bla reaaon for ao doing that the Iloard had no right
under the cbarter to vacate or cloae any publir at.-t oT
Tbe Committee on Bathn and Armonea reported tbat it
had leaaed Bflflflfl* at Noi. 27 ond ? N'ewark-ave., t<> bfl
Bflflfl ua t'n aruiory for tbo National Ouard st a ye.trly
IHB IIf fll. 188 Anordluanoe wa? patflod autborizing the
Krie Kailvay Company t? 1..V tracks B-TOaa Ninth and
Teiith-at*., to connect wlth iit milk depot. The Couimit*
tee on Public Parks waa aiit__i-iz_d to procuro aetteea
for the Park grounds at a c..?t noi to exi-eed t:,? The
North Iluiliiiui County Kailroad Coinpaiiv wan
ordered to reniovo u ..iru-o.it ln New-York-ave.
On motlon H Aldcrmen Tilden, lt was pro
i.oBc.1 to r.Btliid Uio r.polution rey/ies-ftng the
Hoardof Fiti-i-ff to r.-rdgn. Tlie motlon wan lo.t by a
rotflofaix to live_Superintendeut Ilnpkiinou of the
JeiBcy City and T.ergeu Horse Kailroad Company hat
been appointed Supertuteudent of palace aml ilaep__f
. ir-nn rhe Midland K_ilw_y....Tho uioue.y-draw. r ol
Freuud'a lager l.oer aaloou in Fliatflt. was rohbed of tli
ou T.tefl'lay night_Jflflflflfl (Joodwiu of No. '20*1 HflfllflOB
er., New-York, who waa arreated at l.ia reildflBCfl OB
TflflflilBJ by Capr. Vnn Kip.-r. on a cbarne of l.ur^iary,
\i...a tukeu before Juetice Kceno for exauinatiofl yeatet
day. J. P. Butherland of No. SO We.it Hanillton
plaee, whose house waa robbed of giwirta value.I at |Jio
during the ab.seuce ot bima. if and family on June 13,
. lintitlfd ashia iiroperty anuantityof goods f.mud in
tbe p.i.fl.-.aiou ofthe pilHoner. other pei-una nieniined
him as tiio man wbo luoko into J. B. F.morv'a bo.ia. m
Jcrsev ave. a Btiort BBflfl Bflfl, Thfl pri.-ii.ri.-r waa rorn
mltt.-d to tbe Ilud.ou County Jail to await the actlou of
the Oraud Jury. Bfl H Ifllfl to Bflffl flfll flld aeveral f. rii.B
in the Htate Pnaonflof vario.iti Otalflfl?lb- ii';w BteBflfl
pOfltfl Bffl BBBfl in Ci-nrral-ave., near Manbatlan-ril., I<>
supply the northern part or ihe city witb water, waa put
In operation yeatfli?iy_jBraaa Krown, a lai.or.-r, ,-w.
pl.v.d l.y Vaa Keunii- I'c-k, wan held, yestcrday, on a
eharge of ar-Baultiiig hirt wife....Win. McOregor, a BUt
chlnlst la a-tadaon-afl. ah.'P, uad a -Bflfl* tuKcuoilby
tin- tnafhiuory o i Tfl. fllflP.
Newark.?0-k_*J?flfl Huinnn, a eontrnetor, wa. ar
rcxtc.l. yenOerdM, and flflflfl BK to- diivmg a mule that
M_.a in.llt to li- out of tbe btahle. llic/tlore i'feifc-r
waa nl.o nrrett'd, v-flterdav. on a aimilar . i.arg.. aod
Hned|10....MtB,'1. B. Pflfldlfl baa piflflflflBflfl tbe Home
for Aged Women with tt band-ome parior or.an. bhe
parebaafld the instrunient from the Broflflflflfew tne Bta
of ttowera gathcred ln ber coiinervatory, from Bflflfl U>
time ...Tbfl ubutnientfl of the Ceutral a\.-. Bti lire are
complfte....!'. T. 4uinu baa received a letter a.sl-iiig for
spacc at the etatc Agncultural Fair to exhlhlt frult and
ollicr productn of Kanaas... TUeo'lore Na__-flB8r, a car
penter, wbite at work upon a building, yaaterday, f.-li t?.
tbfl .roiiri.l. uml flflfl eev.-i-ely laiureil. He was e.irned
to bis bome at No. 129 New-.st....Chrisuua An.dt flflfl
arrflfltflO, vestcrday, eharged with atealingBTO froui Bu
cinnah Afldrflflflflfl No. UH 1 *riiiee-.t.... Ihfl IMh .inulver
eary of the WuBliingtou-at. Jcwi?h TflflBflfle vi_,. etkt
hrated last evening Dy uervicea at tbfl Teinplc and a
dinner at Dramafic Hail_H.-rrnaun silckel. u oollector
of arr.-aiB of tuxea, made couipl.utit, yet terday, againat
a woman Bfl?lflfl Mary Augu.t.ii.. from whom ln d- flired
a eollect a t.lll, wben BBfl tflrued upon lnui, b.-aliug.
kieking, and bitiug liim BflTflSfll] ? ? .Alitflbfl? I'n.kas
wax i-omplaineil of bl BB two AOOfl for cutung bis wlfe
ln Ifefl faee wlth a J.ifkkiilfe durinir a quarrel.
HoiiiiRKN ?The QflflBBB? Couucil II consl.Iering the
quentloll of preaentlllg |i,l*0l) (o tbfl St. btrntj't UoepiUl.
k Bflfl avvar.l.d to Tnnothy Poley B flflOt-BOl l"t
trUtl-iafl two WlngB to Putilio flilniol Nn. 3, for tU.UOO,
though ttie Legieiniiire autliorlzed tbe axpeadituri ut
only ll'.'.'OJ. S.ven bids bave bflflfl it-ct '? vi-.l l.y rli.
Counctl for buiMmg a uew truek-liotise in F.r-t-st . of
wunb IbB low.ei a 15.20'. Ifefl coiintructlon will bcgia
at ouee....Tiif IUTTeylnfl o| th.- T?ciftli-?t. improvo
meut hiiN coal 13,500. ...Du> al D, JohaaOB wafl Beld ln
I ne Bflil yeaterdaj t>. appeai t..r trial oa aebannol
beattufl bi- w.r ?_Tbe annual excanioa of the -.u
beld AB.aoeiatlon will oo Balfl oul pi 4 ...JobnOebtaMt.
a H.aiii-11 ei.iulovi-'i nn tuc Lr.-uicii ateaniablo Uamufloa
ni.i, b .? arrrai .i y. a terday at a Oaaattflf )>y arflflt oi tue
.,. iiiiun Couaul.
JolniMrN'amiraa'i.i II. unr.l Kc-.tiy WflTflarRStfld
in Br..<-ki.n. ..bt ..e ?.?, u.r th.- ?'...?.?. .1 tlelt of a li .. .? aa
rilu. .1.1*6.0, the iioytttf ot Jamea U. T_?afl rf BlflB
William Huttn-11. a resideut ut Iliifricl.l aod Pal
toB-iU.. Hrn.,kliB, while .ui h:s Bfl) boaaflBt B.BOajB.. ?ateNa.f,
wii kn.H-ti-d (en.rluB hr l*a ankuoau roiiift- .nJ r.ihh?l of bu waich
i la _?fl?y. ll* esaii..'. flaaflilba lu i___M_k
Fruii. isl'i.iilaii.ai).- L8,c_ No.50"2Eafll _lxtt.Dl_e.fc,
r.li a -ai.i.t tb* liia nl i **Bi'i. re?t.t .... ibJ Iflflaifflfl IBB l*T. r* .? . ,
. .kuliel Car.em o. ica ol. *.( run ot.r l.r ? ?""??''? *??;".
.1 Baal nr..._Bir. faflaa-W, inii aafl a I oi turr ie?i biokeu. I'Lr
ilm*: vf (he w.^oii. aU-BB Kiel.t, waa irreeled.
The Iloard of Polic- BOOflfllfld ...?'-t.i.iav. t!i- tOB
ignation ol Cait. A)an_,B fl. WtUoa ef tbflThlrt)-*..i Pred.
ar-J prr.niit.-l _r rieant Jteuh fl . b.rt ..ftle i enth 1're.in.- :.. th. virint
.??t. Koun.l-tn lii.lwrt 0. Wel.b <>f flka BflflB-B Plfldflfll bm rro
Ikfl raakaf BcmariL . ind Trennrer t'hirlirk
m :.? BpM i Ifld * niBBlltffl li. e..n* r w.lo tbe Bosril of App- rl
?addflt? iu.i.i' whether th* dlyiraaaar] iala i eflaflWefl ta bflfl* B?
? irieaaf 14)'> flfltrfllaei l( adflifaflfl latkfl juecnt foree,
I e_i.,at^r* kafil g auth...-.i.-.l *orh ?n Inerdl*.
AK.rx?mi' -loix Ai.oi'M 00 ihe aitair.
The BBflflBBBrO of I lurpo numbt-r of PfeBUM
men, women, and children. on fhe 4th of AuguK, vhHfl
enrainpcd between tho White Muii'a Forkaud ihe Kepub?
lican River, aecording to all BflBflflflfel wad a
cruel and preint.Iltute.l itlfair. Th-; IfliW-flflB* Btflfej
waa puhlisbed iu IBB TKii:r>_ on baturday,
Bflfl to day thi.t of the r-ioux tfl ?.lv.-n.
Caj.t. Aiibou Milla, of tb.. flfl Cavalry, wming
from M.uite riatte on the 11th init. rt poits that C tpt.
W.nliold'.t I'otnnia'id riaihtd tlie BflBflBBf tU.'uiurdcri
ahout four hour* after tliey were coinuiittcd. He fonud
hetweeu ?o and to oodio.-.?a'.t. ex.'.pt aUtbt or tou. belnx
thonc of women and children?liorribty uiutilatcd atid
kclped. Thia is a uiucb BBflUfll uiiniher than tlie l'aa
Bflflfl IflBflBflflO, and it may v- I BBBflflfl l''a' Ba ??)i..;x dnl
in it l.uru any oi their vii ilni.a. Tlie Hiotix side of tbo
atory 18 aa fcllows :
fkr.atiuan sn,i \ ChXtr, >
Whiti: Maji. I'OBK. Anr.S,Ifllfl, s
Col. WoODWAiiD. Coutinanding Potl, Sulneii. \rb. -
Sllt: Ofl tfefl in.'iiiiug of tbi 2 l oi tbi.B uio_lb Ut Ora!
ull ,h Hiotix Indiana cauie iu froui a ICOIIfc flfldreyort d
the PflW-flfla iu camp ou thr li>-i lork of tiie K 'PUullcau.
The nflwa rreattsfl ^r?-at exaumeat in canip, and tbe
Si..n\ de. 'de.l tOflfl aud tl.'Jt Ifetm h+'forii tbey Ua.) liu;
to atla.k our <-at:ip. L.ttte Wound eame t" Bflfl Bflfl
_ek..i if 1 had auv order. 10 Bflflfl lnui froin trolng to
flghl tbem. I told him I b..d not. Ha * di he had ord-ra
not to go to ifeflNT reaervation or umoug tho wbile-^ t>
hgt.t tbem, but had un 01 l>tb ln u-gard to this parflol
tlie fountiy. I told him I Avflld BVflTt- him and i?ethe
Paflfleea, Ml he xitid 11 would tie of no u??, a*. the
young meu batt deteruilued totlght. aud no .u'l.oald
atop them. They rav I prevented tlietn frim flolflK ''?
tbfl !;??*, and they eame nnd wtole tlieir Boraea, kill.-d
one of tue.r men, and tuev thought tne Kaine thtug
w.i.il.i oo ur if tfefl. did not Blnko tbe Paau-es flrat.
Ttu v aurtflfl out on the Bfl, and were ).>ii.."l by rna
Ur.Uea from Br. Ka'm' ranip. und |in.<-iH-.i.-.i ... Ui.'
1 'awuee cauip. Ou tl.r- moruiug .-f (!?<? ItB tflej eame on
a ,amp of about 80 lodilfla. Tn- y ?er.-Ju.ti n.ovlng f.iajp
wbei, tbfl Bloax cbarged t:.ein Tl.c PflWBOBfl BOIflfl are
v.irioiia.y eaiiiuated iroui 60 lo llfl, m.-t.v wju.l'11 aud
ihlldren. Mott of tne m.-n were un* m. and the Woui
inppoaetbfly VflTflflfll I.uniing. Tae Ocalallabi took
aii.n pri-i'.ui-ra?U.r." ww.ueu ki.'I f"ur childieu, aii
fliria fr.8- two Iflia v.-arnold. rhe Indiana whu have
ihe laritunei. are illa. k Hear. Torn Bflllj . Ma.l Boraa
li.aai. llitwk, Oray fiya'aBOB-la-aaw, i-lvlug Huvtk. aud
1 tit lw- Bl ae tahiel.t. A whlre man by tbe nan..'?f .l..l?
Will.nmeon h..d rbarge of tba Fawbeea. They fought
lir_v.li, out iae Siuiii. outnuni-erod tni iu, baviui; JOu to
BOO nn a. Tbia n-port i* M neat aa 1 can iret _t BflM BflM
Iwror killed fn.m the lu.flunn. Tiie Pawaflflfl wiii kuuw
tflflflflflfll numbt-r ibey l.st. KUck ll?ar ba* flXf-flflflflfl
hl? w:.ilngue*8 to alve up hia pritotiei if tbfl OOTf rai'ieit
deain'? It.BOd I 'Dick tae otht-tn will und.itilile.tly do
Ibe aame. Votir oiiedient aervant, AMuink Janib.
Lu ii._igebouta.i-n Indlaiiflof Ogalalab bioux Baud.
A I'l. aM'0( KI'.T ABRE_TF.D.
Thomiia Murph',', uiioa " Uublia .Ioi','' a
plckpockefl, wiu. wilb au accotupilce waa airealc-U April
17. by UeUftive Farlev, ulSi. i'^m a'? i.iu.dral, flflfl
?feflflBflOBOfl fr..m ttie cl.tfhea of Ifefl o."leer, WBB 18
arreau d on Baturday in Pi.iladelpbai. Pfltectlve Far!ey
weui bcfoi. tho ('ran l Jnry. on Mondiiy. aud had
Murptiy ludicfed. fffl IPflil BfOfllnad fl leqiiltitiori fr-.m
......Int au.l proct Bflfl I t.i t'oflade.pulti. Oa i.ie*day
c\.-i..iig th ..in i. lu. a, .u l l.a prieo... i ... .:..n .. ,. a.nl
.ih l,.-i, ), ? ?? ia , Ifl th-? Dla:ii.t Atljrnry'a
. Di ? . Marfl.y wat. flflBB kfllflfl to tbe T-lllfl.
B-BBflflflflflflfl |
Bub.ie-T's Flavoring Extracta Bold cTcrywhe-tw'
_*Y0**_ Iflf-CT POBfDBB will deatroy M l_g
kaft'' at wall a. l_al ?-?_?, ro" "-la, 'miaa liifa. laa., kc
Tnr I-iwrra or .Sciknce, b repfy to Mr. Ood
tria fcf l*?f. I. I- T-ara-ai. ia Tataatfl Lat-r.?i Iit__ **. _,
I ni?n?tH|Uiire, ."flJow-hork,
-Ho. 10 aUraikd QnnI, (.'mefa.
-oi,! aoKMTti yi Kiur. M* PBBBflBAB wtTrn.
w 11 hereaftcr retail their own productiona ifl
New-Yoik. .__
special nn
Parties desiring to havo tboir Honaet
Decorated or Fnrnislied for next Fall, wlll
flnd it greatly to their advantage to have
same done during the Snmmer months.
A considerable reduction in price wlll
be made for Furnitnre acd C-rtai--,. or
dered now for delivery in Septesiber and
657 and 659 Broadway.
icol Msofl &
686 Broadway,
CMaa, Glass, Stormrt, n. Catlery.
K. _K. iSkt*
Lr.o.F.NTS*'. DIABBflBA CBOLKBA MOBBUfl, at ~*latoi _?
fhar-* fr?.u th* bo.. ', m* .t.rpi_*U ta Mle-B or t?-ai?f nia.m lf tak.
m_ KAi-HAV. ? KhADl Kl.l.li I ?"- * _-B__?_, flt
.i-akuifi or luMit-.l- trill .ollo. ih* _w ut th" tt. K K?..< f.
For It-fl.-bf, wl'tl.-r ri-k .r crv ? .:1.* u - t''?*n f :r Na... Falaa
.nd Vl.tki.ft. in tfc* ii.-t t-l'..., or K.,lcr*ft. I'.i'-t trr-.a- tk. Uftf,
I'l-ana. .*??? li.nira ... Uu .'i.r.-?, P.iat lo thr !'.... .? 'l-trt..?/t. tafl
P___.o. lllkia-t, BJ-DWATO RBAlfT HYt?Y- wtH ***** i aiifl-B
flie, inj .ta i-,n:.nBr.l .*?? I.t a fr a 4*f* ?_.,_> a tfra_a..*.t t*__>
Sold \i} Urugg.ju. I'r-- W _____
tapaii ResolYeiit
CHBONIC ]>.si....-ks, sci.oitj.a. .TLCEU.
Pi'i.iFlK.. TUl. BLOOO, BEflTOUflB HK.'.LIH IBfl viuoi.
t LKAU -KIN Mfl BKAITIF! I. COHl-J-X-OB tt* ' HY.U TO Alla
SoU b, rtru.ptU. Trirr fl prr B_
DR. I..\I?..\.Y & Co.. M WAMBB-tt ST.
l.MMU.Mt. Pinmi B..-MI-.0.
FiKK-riioor u n fi p
TIIK AT.'I.N'TION' tl MldMIM ia dir..'*. :o ??' awrtl.-l-I
eoattrnetiBK BA*f8A_B BOOU! anl rfndma* t**-.* f ??.?_?. k'*_
unCnr.i couibna.ilr'r ina>.-r:a. an. nl ,iimt.i.K lUiN, .-__* I B. taa
el___S-____, We blf a allen 1 maiir an4 nial. t-._t.ro. rai, ?Uti^t-rf
| , ;>r li. arl ef PaiWlMm .j. artll .. to ura.. ?o- .anaia. aa. ara
prf[>arril loai.!- turU fLu-tj. ?or lo tic-Ml. o?en l.i atra a?/ltk-aj>./. ^
a.a with Bl -t *"^
J. B. & J. ?. <-OB>EI.I..
fl_U__TACTCB___-H OF ALL KlBOfl Qj_.?_J*r **Vt ********
1KD.N H.B _.L1__>I>.>S
Bflfl.Ufl, 141 aud I 11 fK-NTKH-S-T.. >KW-YO-U
"GA8-T1GH1 ? BBICK-fcET l-TUN m K.
'-. .1 M .MJKK ' PORTABLE Fl ?.NA<'F..
? ol'H FAVOl.'ITE" __l_T_tte_ OtBfl Raiifla.
nilMlil !' roWEKFTL, and ECONOMICAL
ni. li.'-T l'<"'! l-AB OOOM IN THK '_n.__.i_t.
Wi -Ml) i'M v ' ' IT., B. T.
-KNn FOK ('IRt'l'LABS.
S60 BROAUWAY io. __BIIBIBBBIM? W* _____?-___-?
. -1 aa4 .Ba.?? hy tV *--ll_-? '*??'?
??? _. SATt'BAlt
MlNhR.lL WATBRK Iflfl ?*> Iflfl
1-^ | |"-^__. ih.-...........flflflBfl*.CSfllB-BBH-l
?T I I * mafl-UB flf-B-flJ-fl ommm* flfl jflfl* flj
^ Bl* ? |?-:,...rr, Mr. ttta.i kai.afl -__-*??
M.r-U 1. 1S7'..
HN.SQriRL:.97Fulton-flt.,N.Y -Watthrt*
? Fla. J.?._f ?_?i _ltrti?_ .t!-.rw_r.. Irt* .?-?. tf** Bt-> t_
tati_ta-. .rafllt. Kf?r? u^itif ?utfintt__4 ih.i__,n,_> . ^.oaitf._
STBICTURE, FiMBl__,and Rlea radiciut* c^d
n_.til_.rk.il' taaattt -? aaa-an-a fr-ta '??>*"? '"CTtT
CTI-JCTDKJ. ... tht, UMyjJAi ??jg
H ..?,W-.,U'|-...,*1IW?, _k.a-.lv^"^?? "JS
rur. bf IU IrtthmloM T_-|. t.f* -?_a. *_*__**_ .i*n_____o
...r.ral (i__a ?. KD.TilO> il WXOB. *??**??* J^fltV
i.'Vmhi... la-lg.tj:cfBM?>f (r-t- oBe.ka-r.f-_.fllafl.lla*
to ll ..?-.?.a
tdmm *****!*Mt ***** ?** 9mmm*\ *tnk **_-.,-**
aow r_adt. rutrnn ,.?rrra? irnta tta k
"Tlai. __. __. M.I-M t _t_fHP-i-_ af tka w.in-lrrral _ __
._!i .T___Tflo!!kf M.c_ui.tu T.l. lall-ft E,.r.si.ta.
^_lo__7*a*Utm^**llO**a*, *** l. IS -->.6-f?
_r_ ___!, .HhTkl. >f kf-T.-l.
*i.c... T* . "' iu ttmttm?: * '-w -flfl-fl-flti
. . 10 c.. la.

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