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NRW-YORK. FRIDAY, AUGU8T 22. 1873. PRICE FOl'R CELVTBt yot.. XXXI11.N??10.M).r>. roKKKtV NKWS. m ,i?.i 0Ofl itwmATKm ?Bccaan afl <BaaaaBB primaot-BU >n bbbabb ?. till- Wllltl T ! A.i. B-ABBfl, f-flfflflBf, Ang. BU BBB BW^flBBflflJBflBlBBllflfl t..-.lay BBjtfl tli.-in. *. . - lrwtkii.B to n fiiBi-.n ?.f tlie ('.in-ervi.tivee.'f tbe T-inIia |(m,?4?*i- _ g , A? w.ll" ti* LflgfltllBlBBB m the kfltflffl* i.f tli< ?-?_?x*chambordfeflTa aaddenlj eoaafl t.. an m.l ?,,,?- I diiU'ieiiee* apon tbfl queatiou of il.ig. _ TIIE SKFUBLIC Of BPAW. ?ROOOflOXB 0 kBUBIfl 'N-' BBBBl fB-flOBBBfl ,, h bm i.. wa OaBBBnaTBT BB kb M-I.W - i tl.l 1-1 tfl I'" -*1 Bfl BBBbBIA. i BflflflB, -BflBrflBfl*. Auir. 21.18*7... A BpflflBflJ l-BBBlOB to Ihe Maudard flfljjl ftfl f-ari. -. ' iflflfl -flflflfl KU". Porret-r-rav. UflBBeflfB, OIlO. aud Dflfl ' BTlflfl attiotint to 26 strouc battaliona. Makkid, Thurad..)*, Aug. 21, 1878. Oen BfllBlllll" ?*-- the -flflflfl QfllflB?Hfll 8B BflflllM flflfl. M.....1.1 OBBM l.? Bf the chief BBBBBB BBfl "' tbe 14. put.i.' an for.-e- Ifl ti.e lio. MfltB BflflV-MN I BflTOflP ln|t ?. v. and Gen. Mononefl to the BOIII'":.- lof VaTBl T!i. < ... i, by a v. t" of M yeaa to 83 nara. haa eon M.1,1.,1 Ifllbfl atfll hv Ifefl cnil ll.bunolB of Bfl-JtBfl. BflB of it- fllflnil v.boparti.ipated lu tbe oautonal luiur Bflflflafl. _ . ._._,,_ HB l.UMIT BflfeflB hv tbe Government force a ln tbelr .ir - viiib t t laaargflfla aroto Ix ?rnt lo ti-' ! ?).'<? tfefl B_fl_ah army m I Th, flflB Bfl flfeflCflrBfllIflflflflfl 9tm__9t ~ t_rN, : .t .'-,000 men of all BBBBB tfefl BJfllBBBBB BBfl a a.tively Bflflflflflfl Witm Ifefl ? |.. -ll at)."' ,r bb, an.ountuig to 9JM BBBB, to t:,k-t;.. l.eld A i |M B ? IBBBBfltrifl ln the Cort. ? 8?pflflflt-B the rlghla duiing the couliuuauce _f tbt i.tiM-.t ti.??? Th. amifltoi of Wi.r ha" received (li.patfi.fB..nnonnc ? iv.-n plaee ... U I ana nnd . ..rii.t iflflflxoflfltfl. wfeafe rflflfltted ir. * ..' Ittanl t i. tary for the former. After a fleeperate Bflflfll* lflfl UMflTflflfla utterly flfllflfllfld. Wttb ? ( '..killed and "B-o wounded. Aucng the 1' OatkB. Bflhflfla at.d f*l_flflfly. Tbe BflflflB Bl l'-erga Laa Igaafla ?fl tt full rttreat. nd Ni ii tiin.ri:mi\t. DI m - -_,r, . .MISn.I'ON t.l.alN in AMf'.m . nn l-i Ofl l _nin. Thureday, Aug, 21,18TJ. M. BOOB-kflOBi H-O-BBOt of CflflBIBW WIl :,...-.; i ? 1 I a a which be *?\a tbe diff.-i . u-M.1 grain kapaaiafl into ftt An,:, .. iBfldotfefll IflflflflgBTIBMll "ill Cfl-fl_BM to be m ,., ti d Bfllfl tht i*t of -.lot.ei utxt. THI CAKADim scandal. gliK UBIBMI-BOrTT-** in a XBTXBO POfl-TlO-I? . m. O-BBQAI 1'"-iu'.n? 1 i ii:-. I.. Pl BUI -Bfl r..,vNi i ..) inr oo. m -oaaiflaaTfl iraoa as oa -flaoouui i aaaBBPOBBi bi ob thf ii Ti.ucnto. Auir. '.o.-Loril D-JMbH. .*_**_? rfloeof Oflflflflfl Bflfl bflflB flU Bflflflflflf-B Mt flflttl B BBW VBflBflflflfl. Hitherto evirv . ireiim-tanci- ol BB _?._(! e\ -'? '' aUj I'l.Diaiit, _1 aw.pniailty I I Bflfl fll parties BBBflflfl-flA, and tniglit feflTfl flflaaaBBBBflfl J Ifefl BBM BBflfl. tt BtflM tad ti.iitni.if.1 BB fflfl flBBBBflfelI fll thnut bliu. Bflfl Ifl BB BBtflflekj Bflflr fea wat flflBafl fla? la aKaewaa ii- Iflflfl _?:, bfltflflaaitvfl bbbbfflttHaalffl-Hflflj ta : tn, m fail, Ifea BBfll for wl. exuu, bli! fea jK.iuilarity bflflBflM at Bflflfl _qi,iM.c..i. I' flflfllfl Bfl uu aniuslUK BflflflBBflfltary hjk,,. ? ; (Bflflfl to fflOfl Bflfl th. BBflflflB BBfeflflBflfl BBflfl him bf CfeflflfllBB BBWBBflflflrfl wliil. BflJfltbflW-fl p. i loriii'iij, th. mcicly oriiaiin uml pmrtot ula /uncUonfl, ree*uv__ the feflBflfll oi fl pn. t*m i< flflfl diaitenslnv- prlnc '*.* !>;.ri ^u. IB, flflflfl. bflfl, BUil Man.:..huient.-; aud Uieu tfl qflOtfl tar n. . .,..,M.r i! al'it-e of the BBBM new t-p.iper-. whif li tapp. B with hiii.iitiont the UflflpffltfOf PBfl ru^.?i, . r. lt,,.'. UHB-BBBB rition'id brflfl-tolo -Mk ... .... ,,i th. pn rogfltlva ri.iik.i- L.'t uiin_ti>r..l; thiir i'.r.Csli ?BflflBilifefl iibb?t Irr afea r_fflflflr,arfeia n?i?T? h Bflfeflflflfl fl?flflraaa a raUBflaa la tfea The bead aud front of Lord Pufl. r;n'.- BflflBdl] tbat Bfl MlflWfld Ifefl m.t ur of ha a-l.i .??;bb waa b JBltflfllfl flflfl,flflflpaflbflbly fl* oifl. Bll H Bfl] flfelflfefl Qflflflfl-.oi-Oeu. :ai BBflflflflfl bflflfl ..wiih. Ofl Ifefl flflfl hand v Bfl a M ?ni - Uj iiiahoui rillBBBBfll. flfltlflfl ttfl IflflBBl BflflBofl, Bflfl r?,., h-. .iiiie.i Bfl-Bdflflflfl, aad < i ,h, ,, . ? ... wui. Bflflflfl a .i-k eoflfl. ?el aml loUflfl it. Ofl Ofl Btflflf flflfl 8 flflfl] which ?. l.\ Bflt-BB ou tl.- ' M-B-B* re, tfefl Bfl Tflfllfltflfl, ?0 Ifefl - nf the Ba.ide.t tfea i? "pi. 'e r< pi- BBaOflBraa. Blaflty-rr.BB__. ? raraai '?' Beral Bd IbflBBflfl* th*flflrfltflt aafl?ofllfflBa tb.ww- 95 waifed BBflfl Mt, and bc ma.le ?jBBflha r. |.:.t,int rflfl-flaaafl Ifeaai n.t a aaaapl ha BBflflflB)flflBB BBflflflB Bflflfl bo l.ud cotninltM'd thtlii tu writ.u. rfel I' BBBl ? .l'Kic, Hiui the buhatalii" of lt _. a flflB BBfl "?' ih BBBBfll ^c ba- a.iol't. d. Pfloy 8 of all partif!- h. r. npor.i IhB M u verv billy thing for hiin to liav. done. for :t l.tvi BflflB Io cntici.-iu Iha au'loiiB of a i _?_? wfefl, hy ? flataa afl Ifefl Biliah e?titatiaa, ??? Ofl flfl flrfflflC. Hut the nilIiiie.H of tbe r. p!y BBBl Bfeflfl fflfj BflbfllBfltltt IflBflBflfl for flxlug wh.r 1.. flM. He Bfltflfll out that flflfl pn^tpoiie Bflflfl)?f thfl ;tit-1:-rv, BO far u- it has ail ? U frflflt. th. lailtin ..' ih. OflBbfl b-U, ha* IflflflUflfl wholly froin Un ?Im i..ti. Ta of iv.. Bfld BBBfl ).. yon'l Iha control of any one OBflflflfflflO. ln i. fci.-rii. ' . thfl Underc.i i.ior. ;p??i.eihU Miiii-lcra, wbicb would bo IflflOB ?Bflflfll to ealllBO flpwa tbem to IflBfeDfe ha aaked u|K>n aaa . i Bfeaarii b. juaniied iu takmg t?? grave a eK p. und -what flflfllflflflfla could Ihfl] b-oii! hhfl lhal tht Pflf-flflBflfll of the Domlnion would Indoie. hu. J. an ait of i? imttaal Jnterfer. nce on lo* paal IfeOB waa be placed on tbe born- of a _jl, BBBflB : !.y t.iking hia Miuiat. r.-' fltflM fefl WflB nure to ___*, flflfeflOB, an.l t.y IguoTing IIfefl wa* t (jually aure. All tb_t i-f i flfldfl do wa* to ltan toward tbe party hc d-cuied Olfl . flfla u. Ibe Houae of Commoiifl. " You yoaraelvea, gi ni.. i. n, h. eaid to the deputatiou, ? do not form an awtu*. aiajurity of ibe Houne of Ccuiiuoui, and I bave BBflBflfla t:.i .< ?Bfl, o- ?***< rtaiuing tbat tbe uiajniity . BflfeflBBflfefl to tbe opinion jou aavi- flflfl. -Bjuiieed." Hi* tbe gravlt> of tbe cbarg*. aud the -<i-.--ity for an inveBttpallon, but couaidt-rwg the .tipr... il i BtflBI Bl h_i evldeiue. to grant tbe prayer of feapflt-Ofl-on f.'-'ul't '??' to proclaini tbat he, the Qflt ?r.,... ..en. I al, Bflflflflflfl BflB Mmi-terfl guilty of the ./ . _j..fl,(lagainBt them. Hfl BflflflfeBflflfl hf BBflflflB. lt^t wlii.i Bfl bad B?flaOj -i'l bt hi- proiogution flfllflflO, Bbat.aaaoui. a? fla Coimn!.-BBM had eoncluded tlnir a_Bflflfl wbfleB fl?M Bfl a Bome two montha or ten BM?a. fea would call Pni._uieut together for an _ka<u-..Bl Beat-ian. Aa | B th> piraonnei ot th? OBBBB?flfllaab IBBBBOBMBl Ofle member "Ol whi'-ta appt-red m a (t."f'atcb in Tilt Taiiu ?<?. ot Ihfl ifl. -BBL, tbere i* not uiinh tfl I . aoid. j jr, Quwaa Of Ofltara \*aa placed on tbe U-uih BJ Uv ,, ;i kBflfe-o CaaflflflM Bflfeflfltae Bui.iwiu. wbb in tru?t. d w.tb tl.c tuek of (onBolldaUng tbe btaluttr. in tbe *_ap< Ifeflf low etand up to tbe year BBB, and wa* appoiiitid flfll of the CoiumiB-ion for tbe faulnoii ol the OBBBOB ?t l?w aud flfljOB. m Or.tario. flflflp _>ay of txaw.r Cflflfl flflflfl froui tbe bencb, a^ted a* Ariotraur l.r the Piovlucet.f ^uent. uudti Mfl pi\. vi*io:.^ ..f ? Ti ( lii.iikh Vfltth Att, le*?.'' jBdgr I'olerie la a Lower OflBflfl-M jflfla tt IBflfl 14 year*' |__Bfl_BS. -BOflfl .r< the uieu lo vboiu r.ot'1 Dut aarin haa iiiW.Lbte.i the 11 flfll MfflflBM ?<f Ifefl PfeBBfl. Beaadal; but tb. ..pptnitiuu pr.u.8 BBBBM tb. m nr Being alrong |<ilJIi(Bl t-urtlanti* of tbe present (luv ar.iui. i.t. Ou*. due* not tn,* n.ii, h i,, u. u ,, BOfl_BBaMB*e ot Cuntidiaa ne-w *.j... 1- r-. foi net oul} Ba.-. aaola a atrong bl_* lowiu_ i(b ..v?u party. hut tiiry ull BM-ta/to i>c moat a___rup_loua iu tbeiratyleof BflflB Uol. It fli ill rte aeer, from what I bave et;.te-| that thu action tabeii ..' 1. (lOver-or-Genera!, a aien .nk ikaoe ui couiif. ix n v. 1; .1 tfea i'lirihe Bflflflflfli,feaa aaaflokal .. wnre al.are of putl.c attention Politlcal pcri.(.- in the Ix.uiiiiioii an j.ieii. e.iiiy Mfelflflflfl, BBfl BB Hfl '>pib? aition eoiideinu Lord IliiOeiin tn uo tiieiiBurr. U.'in-, ABflA?_floflaoflflflflappaal lolfefl Baaa QflvtftflBi lua BflflflB, tt uiay w. 11 l.e IflBBgflBflfl ? M. a . to be very -BBlllU I" H-flBBBB, anil be certi-lrilT w.ll be -?y-lf fl| ihe tir.ii.-in.' of cc.lonlial *********** Bl ulfiice ?f thia fllflllll I-I* ?",,?; ln Uir r,1"y atnaflj aiiu.i.-d to, whaaBlB he tafl-fl Um utmo-t ??*?? ?? laiwafla -avaUflttiia-tt* bi. iiinlifllliBflBB; partlality. Bfl flflflfl oouilekt flBfl. to arguo tbo point, and ?Mfl lt well. though ** *-**** * mt******* ?- w,rf' -?U |?t blli. to <lo it. Bfl-BB-fl "f ?*? ^"?,llff' a'rtt"1,t PtalfltT] wi.uh uo* BflflB _?-*_??_ Ifl BJBBIB-fl BflflB, Bfl -aj*: It i. tr.i,* aaflfl charge. bave been -^".^"f \n,'' th,-. _.iitl.*nit*u. t harce. whi-h I ini"!.!! reqalre U.e In, M t/ai-J-h iiurlBTt-tlB-noB. but, a. you yoareelTei re u, rk ii. t ,...r ...;.n,..ruu<l,?... tb* truth t.f tfeflfl. Bfl. BM r.t.aii.s iiataflt-d. Oaflot tl..- ulfeon ol th. .?r ,..?....?*bi.-h baa madeao palnfW aa *?P*_?._ npon the pnbbe kai ada-tttred thal mflBT ?f h" at*xt> mVnlH Wfll- lmr.iv.ann teflfleorate, mi- ba. il. iiie'l <> . Mth th.- rarrectnrai "t tbi dedactloaa diawa ftom IB.__. Vaiioua aaaei-ooi eoaUiaed io the i...n_t.v-- 01 Ih. other bave Lecii po*ltlvely i > nfrndieted I? me t,..v.ri.or-t.?.ii.rai. upou the at.-eiigtli of .ucn cvlQ_DO_ ua thia. vo dtlTO from bis F gentlomen who for yaai- hava niiod the htah*1" oBlee. t.f Btatfl, an.l ln wfeojfl l'.irliati.f nt during tb? reeei.t .<>..moii h.w repentudlv decUred IU contlaued c_a_hU*noa. li U um* oertala di.ciiwi-ii.. i.,n. appeared taconn-etton with theaejnattara^oi m n- algntfloane., lo reg.ird to wh.-ii tt.<- fuii.-t ?pia nation must be k-iven, but no proof has ffll been adduced -?ln. ti mi-.ii.HaM!> i? witli ihe oulpuoie tr..: sactii.n. of whleh n i" aflaerted they faraiapait, however q-*?tk>na-le tbey bmj H.>i.-:.r .t. in nkit-. ? i.. ju..(_iM...ition witb tbe eoirflflpoodflBflfl to wh-cfl Ukey hute .x-.u appeuded b_ Um pt-son who haa po._e._tjd llllIIN-lf. Hi* ba. cvldently given tlicse Ifl flfl-flttfl fciuud well w nl. tbo t aua.lutu*, bul 1 iiu.i_n..: th.-y WflflBlBflflflVBflBBBlBl hiui more if Bfl Bfl- <U?c"Vci.-il Hfl of IBfl l-H-Onflfl of ? true r.ilcr. A* .1 Ifl, thflflfl tvl... bflU l.y ota- Mt of politieal flf___flfl_ flflflBfl Bfl if Ifl BBl i.ivon-.l Iflflflfl BflflB t? BflftlflflflflMfli WMDfl IBflflfl flBfl Bold opflOflttfl ?_?_. luit.-hlui hc-aitil., tvlthotit troiitliiii. thi.-_u_.ilve* flflflfll thoreaBoiiableii. M of hi* BlflflflB Bl I The n ' intH-r.a of tl.e QMBBllll-B have alr.-ady prt> eeaflflfl ;.. Ottaw__, flhin tBati lahoia fllB amatamm la afflwdafa. Jin-wiii vithfln.- public attcntinu fllaMfltaflfl-flBBfl flflflM ntratf lt Bflflfl Hfl SJflflflttflfl flf tii -.tiil: or iiiiioccnce of tbe QflTI i.t. I - ' have been thrown Ofll that.Mr. JI.ii.lins.toi], who ongin ?Bj ?Hlfl IBfl iihfliita. mn ril-ii Bi tn* eFlflflflflfl ha I,,-, i: :,, ***** Itafl-UCh bc stioul'i Miii.ii lui I't.-i' nt f..r ci>ntt:iiyt; aafl tfefl Iflflflflflal?flflfl Ifl thal tlie tafl.-. tiifiiTiott l.a* BBl B UM* ""t of ihe l.un.l? flf I'.ir liament. A.? IBfl flflflflfli diiif- ot tlie C_g__-_--fl-_ will be of a public liature, and -J, tbe evhl.-nc?lf tl.. I I lon ptavfl flll tfeflt -flfl BB ? ?_?_< fl flfll fefl BflBBlV flflfl ilrinuiit.-ry of Ifefl OOTBtBIDl i.t, WfeflUMB Riv.-n bflfflflBB I - 'int-iitary ftuniuittceor a Ko.val CfeflBBfl-B-flfl, todo M i.i.ii:.l i :i>.** ?f ,i l I theli Bflfl the QflllllBIBflBl B to flBflflfl flZtBfll -Bl i>> tkeaa traaflaetkBia Ifl eertBla, aafl < __. otatloB i-o.. ? l.-iiii tha e-att flagiBfl i" flfclefe lt la ifl-* i oi eompromlaed. THE TICHBOEHE TBIAL. limiBBI "i OOOBBBI i'i: iiik Mi r.s-8. ItflflDOB, r.iur.-.l.ty. Aiiw. 21. ltt*. Mr. Kcmaly, th. IflflltiflgOOflUttfl-l lot tln- ilc ft-useiu liio trial of tiie BflBfeBflBB ti.ii'i.aiit. flflflfl-flflflfl Bflflfl to tbe jury to day. Mr. K.-tu uiy to ?paal on tl.e 22.1 of Jiny, an.l hBfl flflflflflflflfll BBl aitt fltlfla of Ihfl tt.-ry Uuv . iiue, tvitn tlie exceptiou of Ifea adjoiuumeut fi?m hatiinlay to MflflflflFi and ?" . x,r.i a.ljourniuent froin Ifefl 'Mul ot Julv to tbe 5lh of flflflflflti in . ousftjueuoe of the illuewi ol a Juror. VOTES FBOJI JAPAV, II K ll.l-IM.VIHiN*. 1<> IIIK KMPKBOB Ofl O-IBA? uu BDIOI i-i.ii.Mirii *'u uu.'.r. iu :?'.% ... BB.B Iflfl KA-Btfl i i /? IFIIUMAM.L. 1*1' NM ' ' HI'' " 1 -I.M'F.ST OF TII I. TRIIU'M. 1 _ n*o, Julv _."_'.?ln l-ffflld to the inatt.T i.l th ? JflflJNBflflfl B_Bfefl-__-flMW*l pflflflflflflflttBB to tfel Yai jK-ror of China, the opiiiion. t iittilain.-.l licn- were flflfl. x.-t. >'..! only flBfl BBB-flflfl rt-.-eivt-d llrtt, lmt BM IBfl-flBOfl VBI totally and eutin-ly distinct froiu tbat of all Ifefl fltfeflfl -OflfllfB Mlfllflllfl Tii. y all went into tui H -Iflflfl pre.M' t.'if. Ih.T, aml had tl). ir little pttt.i pq mtible. ahout pret.dcn.e and tlie order of their tn trance, while aflflBflflflaHflflIfefl "j_un_.e_-.l_ ter of tbe nation.-," went m flrst all BBBBfl. Bfld earrled UflOWfl iutei-[._.ter, too. an.l aHoflflfl?fl. (? h-fla if fla Wflfl*tfefl flflflfe?Biy, ..>tof a "youutc. r.*t. ter," but of some old flflOtfeflB-i law flfefl lit.ew flflfl rtflktfl_aafl. knowm^, flared BU-tBtata BfetflB. Bfl flflfl ..r.a.tml tfl Bl u.,n..\ iffll t.iriiu al.-. a* I'rniie Kua_ bini IB-t(Wha Bflflflfl tfefl pint of flBBttflflflflfl Ubher). und we ?bj BflUciTfl tfeat. wltfe flfl bbbbI Ugatflfli ana partly lui.-n, intt-i/.-illcil liyllie kflBWlfldfll IfeBl h.IflflfllflfMI l-eutlUK hl* IIMIfl-lflB. fefl gflBflflfl lf bl. pflBflflflMM ?> and histurn Uflflflfllflfl Thc- Uil'louiatic Corps ut I'ekiug, Ifl-fe-f that Ifefl Japaaflflfl BafeB-fladfl* wa^ to tt tii-11<?__? n. fl, tfeat tfea Blfl l.r BBfl flfll ii M-ltle.l an.l flflBM ? n I"' fllfl r.-.l, at Ifefl 1 ..-. B-MBflflfl bflfl-M li*1' BflflflB-O-J iinit.-tl Iii a l_q__fll that BoyflflUflB ^tl..^lld be tbe Iffll oue ailuiitttd t? Ifefl auili. in??-. Wben it w,i* flflflfl tlit-y . ried out witli ont- sm ii.rd : " Wfl flflfefld I Ifell IfeflflM tM flflflB. ai.d ii waa iioiif!" Thfl i* ui.i.ii!. BfljwflflM wouiti ba.e t' t-i. n ? i-..ti-.?'.?ifoi aa] (all n la tii" >?!?jr, aud to biiu Bb.ul.l flflflflllf t-fllflBfl Ifefl fltaflf <>f hflfllBfl tou.iui-tt .1 ir lo a ?Bflflflflflfl- IflflOC. VfeUfl. at Ifefl flB-BC tiinc.wi-lnay i'i'i.iiilii.r tliat hfl < ni.'.' flfl the ii'l.i. ..:ieol l.a ii. L -g.'i.iir.*, ln- Vi' t"!'. llul ,.t BBflflfl bat li:;l<* pt-B-ptll-fli 'I" Bflfl ? fllBflfl ta-riu, bt- . ii. '' h"t ln- *W* IOW, Tfel l,.i:i'a*--.i'l'.i i hllMllj flUHtJlfll fllHTflflfltf*r*. **k*~-? bo will toiue di? rectly to tfel flBB-tal. WflhflfBBB-flfll i__i|.ortant notifli-ation ^roni the Oov CTB-Bflflt. Oflfl IfeBl Ifl, to nay the IflBfll of il, U'lviir-'-, aml tbat will, I think, t.> in tln-futnre. l-'r.'in thiadate the exportution of rtflfl B bflfl, I' it>, per ?alflfllfla ll liaBlflfl Ifl any one. n.itiVa- oi forei_;iier, Ifl evport rne, -.ihiect ...ily t>> IBfl BflflB) BBBBH flflff i't tlve p.-i cerit. WL.-ti tfefl treatiiH flflflfl fn.uie.l, ltwa* eij.r.-.-siy htlpulated that eerialn aiti.l... Iflflfe flflflflfl p. r. sultiM-lre, aud riee, hbt.tild imt i?-1 arried oat <>f tb. coiiTiiry. Witbin ii.bort tfeflfl. tlie prohllntion, Bfl f..r flfl uopfi I and saltiK-tr.* w.-re flaflflflflflflfl. BBfl -Bflfl r.-iuovi-.l, and now , bf ttiit* IBflflBfl e-ict. rn <? < nn al-.. hfl flSBflfl-flfl lt u.i^t be thut rn e in tbe -t.itr.if life ; It 1? bero-wbat Ifefl **mU Ifl to balafld,_____ we all kuow wbiit bappeueil tliere in tl.e b\i<-k t.arof Ifefl i>otatt>-..>t. Nowance lia:ve-t BBB never utterly fn:!; wlieu it B ba.liu one part of tht- country, it wlll hfl good ln anothflr, and in a year of plcuty tbero la alwaya a hflfll i.irnlim whi. h Ifl fltOCflfl Bfl BflBlBBt B raiuy day. Thii". ad.lod t<> the short yleld, ha. hitherto ?nflflJ- ******llBl ln I'i'-veiit nt; a f.imii.e. Bfltflflfffll ing tbat tbi. year tbe .urplu. Lt eiptined and thut Ifefl crop fail. next year in Slaw, rblua, und Japau, bow in the to be niade guon I It flflflfl. flfll imt bt made good, aad a aeasou of auCt-rlng anll want wlll cntue, or elM , if they must bave rice, tbey inunt p.y tor it ; the country wlll be di picted of money, and a fluaodul panic wlB follow. lt nuty be ol.jfi-ted that where they export thi. year, tbey recelve will hfl ?Bflflflfl pay out next year; but tbi. is not .o. Wberc lt wlll eo.t Japau, tfl a tiiue of acareity, 17 a picul for Mflfl, ?bt* about I-60, und a larve part of tbat in /. i.l*. not money. When tbe bad ve_J flflflfl come, Bfl flflflM it ?arely wtll, a large outloy will be nec-8_ary, am! wben it. tbat outlay to come from 1 Where la tbe m.mey tbat niu-ft then be bad to keep the jx.ople from .tarvlnj: 1 Japau i. now exudirrg coiu trom every pore. Bflfl internal rban_fi'."-auu her foreign ixiiatious rendrr an outlay of inoucy neeeasaiy tbat nequire. all ber pro durtlve power lo.uataiti; and why .*h_!_ld ?_e cnmplicate itflalr. hy civlng away ibe duily l.rtyid of tbe pBBflt--* for it aiii'* to ..'iviiig it away tfl ?ell it foi alltth* Bioiiey and thou d< totc tbat uioiic-y to otber pflflflflflfll 1 Tbe Jap_tir_c nutboiitltia w-cu. tfl tlimk iu tlti. .tralu IflflflBBtflflfl. tU t*mf feBflfl flflflfll bi tbo edb t allowiu* ? tbe exportartion a t-iauae wbleb a. tollow. : *' Ilut tlu. p.Tiuir-.oii can l>e at uuy time rctoked by glviug two rni'iitbri' uotice." In otber woj J>, the Gov. rnmrnt w.iil.l play tbe part of the bulla aud bear* in Wall-*t., ?>,(1 luanipalatr tb. ih-inaikct to euif their owu oon UnlirDflfl *T \*t*B Wbat thc r.>.i.)t will flfl Wfl BBBflfll till, l.ut Ifefl BflflflBBBl BMrflaTfld .* -MU llai< tl), Ja.ancse fl rlghi la abrogate or l.'.'.d IB BhflJ-Bflfl one or _uy ot tfl* elaaaea *t thfl treaty aafl UtmwmA aaffltaa Hat their plflfljflflN I The v. ill l.e r.-t, *r.d !?> tln miuintera to Ilnir MflfBI Bflfl flBVfllflBMflB l"i tfeflflrflflfl-Mfla. I 11.1 ul. tbat thfl JaPBB flflfl flMBB ..tln. <<..itiii__e tbe prov.-ion ik Iflflflfl. flfl flfllfl. I'.'.iut; flflfll laaBHtfl BtlM ,i (.,,. it uiiiiii ha iiiaiiitt.-iiy unfuii lo Ifefl tuer. Bflfl-B eoiiiinimity to allrw the OaflflflflBBBBl IhflflfltTUflfli ?f eipi.rtiig or not ,is Ifeflf IhflflflB. BB . ? *? Mfltfefl* uo.i. e t .,1 b tlu*, Ifcflj niu.i.1 ehaafli k. \ llllii ^ i:i ;i i i ,ir. fl?- -'laila Lflfl-BBflBllj .lajK.^-J ,.f, or *be Wlll be flfl da; ol Aflfl-fltBflSI. lllMfl Iflfl J.'p.''""'-''our: ;? (in* .1 |b Kc ,\e l>_e ve?M*l <'i|>\ fll **e***UT**A "?''' ta ll. il.' ?. i ;., . .._. UL clalmcd an.l uno-wned. Then Mr. Pc T~ng, aa the rrpre acntative of Peru in Japan, plaerd a man ln cliarge, and ln hia ciiatodv Bho haAifltill remained by mutnal conaent Bfll on the 14th of tbia month Capt. BBBflB tnd the Jitpancao Forelgn Minister addreaied Mr. Ile Long ? Joint letter, in which tbey recited the facU of Ifefl BflflB 88 above, and then PBflJBflflflflfl Mr. De Long, ln order to aavo furthcr expenae. at once to aell the veaael and all Ix longlng to ber by puhllc auction, and to depoatt the bftlRuer, leafl eipentfa. in aome bank at Yokohania, thero lo lie BBBBB* to tbe juriMliction of any competent court. The flnal paragraph of tbe Jolnt letter rtiua thua: "It being und-ratt-od that this artlon on your part Bhall iu Bfl caae bo a cauie of any rflflOBOfllBtUt* ??' the Governineiit ol th(- Uflttflfl MflflM M a IflMBfllf" Bfefl will bc aold on the latof fflfl Mfl, BBfl i'- B B* BB prohaliie lhal the Japancae wlfl buy ber tL( m.-clvca. II'AI.IAX I5ANDITS DUPEBBBD. flOfl-B, Thurrtlay. Aug. 21, 18t3. Tlie Oovornmoiit has rOOO-TOd intcllipt'licc of th.- llfl*lll?llllfl of a Bflflflfl Bflflfl of rflhBflTB who ba\c B* a long time ( i.ernt.d in tbe Mrlnlt.v of Falfrno. 81x of tbe briKand.a wire killed and tbe n-at captured. FOKKH.N Wm Th| work of lajing ft flflWi from T.ihl.oii f<> Ba flfl, Itr.nil, Bflfl BflflflB. Tlie Bteatiicr BBrTttO tlie wire on Bflflffl Ifll ""i yeflterday uiormng. The colkctim of Ainr-rhun jonnials BflB other peri.di.aiH, made by Mr. K. M flflB r of, nnd for whleh a BflflOfll fll BBBBtl wat Bflflflflflfl at the ViennaExhlbiHon, eompriaei fl.noo apeclmen copn-s, anu |l floflfl up in 118 iinif.riii voluui fl. Tlio OriflOtfll TapBglBP-BflBl Coipfl ot RoW York, during th-'ir IflflBBl ("tidoratloiiR M I'i.leBftne, in tr.i.luie.I B BP bflB* I?* Bflfl P'antmg, whieh prtttt iaea to result in Ifefl B8fe-B_ BBfl of B'-ieral hundr .1 tboflflflflfl Bflflfl BflflflBltT. ____ OWB _J__UfiS_*_li tii. expedltion, ln nrderlo prove that pedcatrlaniam i? nraetirable for geolocleal and botanleal mrvr ya in ibbi _,,_?, lourney from JertiB.r.i.-in. tar w;.| <? N;,z;ire"i BBd B n il CBna*. Ifl floofll __f*?u PA foot, ln ln ilMiniiti.-i. and af 'OUipllab. d ? witboul in M ho.ira. wfefefe B ,,'"_,.tl; Ihe uflual horwebaek llroe. Ai-erleaai r..-. nflv a.r.y i rrom tbe Holy Land aay tbal Keamtl l;'" V, r.i new GoTernorol Pale.tln. laamnnwho *\? .<k- -.< ? ' alanguagea, uml wbo la attaebfld Ifliflflflfflflflm ..! Bl From tlu- Ifll tO -Bfl .c,:i <-f OctODOt next BB cxhihiri'.iiof 8Bfltt-8yt flflflDfliatifll Bflfll flflfli?ta BPP f Ba e4?? tha asp?Bw "? "*??????' iwaredtai t.nv al Lflflifl in IflfUfl flfll Iflha pi'- a larwaa, I ,,-i.ind. tn BflflflflflflM with ttu BBOhfll toBMCBB-WBi vlneli v. Ul b8 in B B Ion at Ifefl Maa tn"''- *"?*? ' ; Iba exblblttflfl h t" hrtflo BflOor p?blto notii e lh? lafeal bc., iriflc appllaneeB foi Improri-fl fhe pi.?' J?'" " and promo ing edneatlo-. Amona tbe* i cluded: All mattera r-latlnii tohoufl. ;"-.?,","'I'; dillnfectanta, .1- o.iorai.i-, an'.!-. I'tif. au.lotber " :;'f; rela.Mi,: to ll.e pr. veii.ii.i. ..f'l.-f ?--an.l pn - i ... ." Uealtb ;..M i'-n- iu i-lotliing au.l dr.-*-; ; mo... 1-... r^whooi-ulldlngi, achool deaki and l-rnltnre. BorUofapplIanoea nppertalnlnif ... tl.r adraiwflfla"I ' ..,???.??? w?ac?. thfl proiuotioB ol educfl km and be ? u. m ol the tu ; . . ' . mity. a nerelj aofltlofll flfefl-BB orfll hflflMflO] Bfl apflcfl aad adfliliilon. A COMBT DlsrOVERl ? /'. -? XtOTA i BOM l-OBa fl-OiBT. To the Fdttor of The l'ribuur. Sii:: HaBo-i-BBO-iaa laatltatka haa loeeiTfld thw BMCB-Bf :i t. JflfNOfck BBBBBBBBBM Bt flf liVfl dJfl cuvery of BOOOBflt by BorelU nt MflflBfl-DflO. Im-" hoan, R ii.iii.itts n.iiiti. righl MBflOfliOB : ?v flV n mJaotea amtb -oclioaiiao, wttfc a rapfci notkai. .ii.-ini Hbbbt. TBE __UBBACBUatETTB COXTEBT. f,E\. BOf-BB in BBfl OWB WW-BBfl? nr. mXTUM Tt. CHABGBfl AOAUOT BU VtBTCB, aOBAIJTT, am. ik.m.-ty-a RAJ-Euao poanun ob ai ad % KBOAXT. [oi nuaaAn i<> raa i_u.aa.1 JIi.ston, Aug. _1.?IJiii. Ilutler jjiinta fl 1( t ter ln Ihe Trnreller thia afteiiioon, m 'I to B. '*. P;.y of Bflfltflbflrflflflfe, the fll nl'iIBBBfl who fll tfefl BBBM ni- of Ifefl I-flBpfBBflfl t.nii.n in Maill.or.iugh la-t \m .k i,.! v Bopofl 'i hfl laflarMii * h] tfefl F-OfetMCurji p.niy, aad aafl farMM aapleaaaal tfetaaa Bfeaal Ifea woili.i-l.e QflTflfflflr. IfeflOfltflflffll bflflflfl ''i'-1 ll't'<.T hj flBflfeuiag Ifefll in-wii not lower h-fluail l.y BflBa-atiflO ,.i .iin.\in-Mr r.iv'- BBMrHnna. hal be Bhaffly ai-u _____ t,, iMt? tb? .s.ii. im BBflfl arfelafl. h<> r,:* Haa to J?UT/ them. He pfeBBflfl puilty to the ebarcfl * b. _f aa ">...... bi erbmtaal l.-.wyer." aud -.ii-. ?? if i... ne tn .it v rflfla, flhafl M eaOflf M flttfllfl a high Iflflfe in flflflfl-pflllflflii-tfllhflwTBBBfll i b in.-ivv i.flfl >.f Bfloral fflfl fflflflM M Icu-i. ;.ll> BB hfl wbo aa\B thut ' He Wfefl driTCfl bfl flflflfl BBfl* hlBBMlf baf?*.' Ifyouare rlflfct, th. n IhB rir:!-;'l'p'.inte 1 IflfldflB fll flM oppor-ition to ma, JfldjtoHflflr, wfefl dflflflBflflfl Ifea bbb* iBBOflftflfll erlmlnal e-afl* tfefl _?___? la* Iflalar.wfeeM i Bfaaa : :iu M IO?bflflflfl i r.tnmal- Ifl bflflflfl of tl.c Govern ?., t, i?u t Bflff] B 'v.ry h.-avy bflflflfl BBflflfll turpl in.le.'" Ifefl'i , .ol.-*.i"i:y of !u*ing"ainti." tion.-;" atnl fea has BO flflflM flflfll '" flfl8 flflfl "f tb. BB* a. tn-' BflflflBtafl * Ifea lflfl MflflflfJ BBflBflB i,n. m ii"' BM i. - Ira y. .i in colleuv, he do_8 nui r.?!...? tha fefl*. BB Mflfl -"? I "" M f"llowa: Aaamam *__ s;iV thut IW( * Ifltfl the WBf eolnparatll >' Iv -. noof man. Bowdo ro_ BaowtkatJ i ttred athe aame houae, drove n..- llkf hor* ibbO Ihe eame narHage inen tbal I do now, and kepl tbe aame number ol te* vanta a-un Belghboi. bnoir. Wbal lay.'anthority for tbal aaaertton tbat l rame ont of tbe war "ofleof un i-i. hr ei ii noi tin- rlchcflt manof New-L-glaud 1 V\ __t ii loui i-\id':iff '"i tbfll Bfl?er_onl ll..\. .m , rei ii tha i - -? ?.'? '"'"ii t" -'' bm t ix lat, i" knowi, 1 owned otber or diferent pt_|i_rty tben tban bowI Tflfl bbt: " ln I"- gianiif ipecnlatiooa ror tBe Doat-o-lce," A*.. i- roor erideoce for tb* ."?; aertionl Al*o, Ibat "li? in intiiig iti counsel f,,i tbfl i r. >lit Moblllei int. f..i- lar.-.- tofl*. W Ii-kt ib toul- i.u. I.-ti'v for tbat ar-acrtum I Do ion Know Ili.- bfl* that I nlii.t"! a lal..- f.??? IO tbt ?i n.i tbe < i. Ill Mu' and wa.? neti i c.iiii-. I for tbfll corporauoul Beflecl a momoat. Have yoa uol almply .ai ii.-re.i np .tii'i roiailod In a public aaaemble mia. rame ?laudefflol mv - i.etin'-1 Bflfl newapaper u-?. 11 n.i, .. .? ni.uif witir-eit i. ipotuuble for tb. ui?a reaponalbillt] U> wbicb I int.-i.d to bold \?u unleaa yoa Jufltify yonraeil ti> tbfl I'M'oi II I gi'IK* tOl oDglf*- a pail-Uiakel ?t v.ry moderat. un ana, aml bad tefTfld f.-r )< nr- a- man ol tbe < niii'f.ii. t "i. Wfllmfl?tfefl oai\ _*a? >? m < ofl BflBfl, BO far ae I Baflfl e\.r b. ar, where a inan ean BUflafl ,-i t.ii-'.n.-- "I - Hing him* if -ii.. aafully acd profltably, iiecati.-e ii remalnfl wlM tb* < ha rataa o-8_ebCo_flmittae (,, .,-, wi,:li i i.uin- -I...1. bfl BBflfllflflflfld 1 und BBy . lalm-lil W?U H'V. IU, 13, ..r a IM.T flflflt of hi. flali.i, If It 1* a KOOd one, fi. have II gflf/flB ptioiity on .Ibe li-t. for a cuuaidi ratloi ? aad Bad flflflpt "." '?' CoocfflM roportofl io h. wottb half i, iiiilii'h, while u.v e.iual partn.T ln tbe pall bl?Inrft had not eome to auj Biich lorlnii. ; lf I bnd given ? vi denoeoff-Cb wealtu by building a houae r.rpartflfl \t have coat |M),(XO, and bad bflOflflflfl a in.iua.ei * a Batiofl al bank upon my gairw, aud always voted lu favor of tt)* BattOBfJ hank lu'en-te. whili !n . ongi.--, wonld tb.r. a* harfl Bflflfl v.-n eoaaderable iaort pooafl of acru* Ing me of bavlng Bflflfl rn\ pul.lie ihi-iIihii for my own cnolnui. nt, ( ap.fl.illy ir I aad uii Maiblr tn. auMof mufl int mone/ tlcin you have now t I aceuae no pm. Ni.vt. >..n are iiirthcr plflflflflfl lo mj". I h.ive "ti?e.I iftiixi. aiing drmkB. aml iiaif Bflflfl BflCrWB to fefl drurl. " fvidiii.e bara y?B tortb* Baaertioal Aafl Ifl* Ali.t parpoflfl <1" make it I lio joii refti-.- to 1 fl" opcrata polltlcally wntb m.-n who n*e Intoxleatiug .iiinkel If flo, are y.m not u followt-r of the iluiuittou Hail iii.elmg. adVOCattag its caudtdale.when t.'int mfot iii.' aflafliflfl to pr.side over It a uiun well Icin'Wii ;,- ..p. niv auu pui'llciy n.'toiiuiiB and baoitn tilly tiM.ig intoxleating liquor-1 I luppoar, ror, ttlal I sboiil.l| gatbet up and t._i 1 duwu .md umld into a eharge all thflflflflfllf.flflflflfafl, flflfl*** mI'Ih Blandera tbat l.ave ctrrnlateil in the b?BlBSSAS ?' ha\. Ik-(-n|br.iiight to rneby your eu.-nileMilK.utyoiio'!f, MBfldaia lu c.iimeeiioii with the oth.-r eei during yur Ure, would you think lt quite toflflfflffltt or Chrtatian fer me io uaaert thf in in tfee rofltr?I a.a truihs I And would you think lt a full Iflfll flfl? an exeflM when they were denied by tho..- who kn.-w IflflflB Ut hfl falflfl to af.ol(.|fixe tiy Raylng. aa ywii rfid, ? I havo no lnteutiou of ml*repre BBBttafl Mr. Fay X" Cuuceriiiug tbo eharge of a profane man, and tbe ataiem. ut made hy Mr. Judd tbat be bad been bBMbbA t.. hnrn tbe daily papers oi?Bt iiiuea wben they ? 'i.riiaiu.-il rt-piirts ..1 Gen. ButU-r'a apeeches iu tbe . BflftS, eo thut lu* family ahould not flM them, ttie Gen? eral hits Iflflfe hf saylng that be flflM Bfll flflBfefl the B* ihiB Judd lakcf. and Iflafla VOKf vulgar BOBOpaOBBB Bflfl tiiat lf flBPflflflfl fould juetify profauity, 11 would be t? *ee Ibe cauae of temperauce ad.iH-aled l.y atander, c.lumny, Jpnontnce. aud rt-. vile BbB8flflBfl8BBOOlBflfl whieh en rv tbinkiug mau kuowa inuatof u.-ccfiity bc llcfl. The wntt-r aigns bini.elf, ? With aa much reepcot ua poflBil.le, w.ui olH-ili. nt servaDt, B. F. Butler." ju IWfl PBOBPflOn HflflMB Washim.tdn, Aujf. 21.?A proiiiincut oflicial oi n.i Gov.-muient wbo r.turn.d to-day after a *tav of .1 we.-k* In MBiaaehuaelta re|K.rta Gen. Butler'a BBOBflBOlfl for kurreaa aa e.'.tieuicly faiut, aud tbat lead iu,: BBpflfeBaflM of tbe Htate rrpard bis defeat ut ? ,r (?..ui..- l tti.-d m advance, Hu own letter on aalary .'. pn ? ..i.iinc JI...u.- npi) buvc iiijurtd iiiu. A LOXGSTOHM. TTIE CITY ACAIN FLOODED. DISCOMPdKTS OF HOrSEllOI.T)F.KS ?. HHWF.R ITON M_i.Wr.R-KAMAOi: Kl'oM Till. tMtOL Tho rain Btorm, wliirh has coiitinucil at hriot li.t.-rvaU Uure ln-t Suudiy B-gfet, epeut ltri forrc on n.ght aflfl early morning. L'p to W-flfllBflBf evenini. the ralu flMflfllflfl rather than PflflBB-tfefltalB-Bfll 9 p. m. the beavy drop. began to l.attcr, gradually falling more rapldly and with lnertawd force until tbe .torm reitcbed lt* higbt, and water MU iu MBBflfltS. Muiiy fl-fl ***? li.iv.d countlesA rain-.t'>n>i., aml pruled BlflflflflU on bitvlng an flflpiflflBflhll roof, was* IB flMflfl fln ti tbe water which MMfeMfl down thruuKh the c.-iliugri, and tlurefore .pont tbe ni_ht ln pa_t_* flfl aafl flawa iu v__tar__ra_fli aafl bbbbbB- Bflfl" brellas. eodravonng to pie-? r ?<* tln- eiirprtri and f.irni tui. withcovering. nf h-BflfeBta, flfeflfltfl.flfl anytturg flfl propriate thnt BflflM be tMfMfMflfl. W..*l. and j.aii. were pflflMt-flflfl-Btf scattercd flfeofll on the floor. to catch the flBflfl whlcu tri.kle.l thrtit-h the flflttBfll ?nd down tbe wall.. The heavy rain eontlnued Bfltfl flayflflfet yc.ter ?BJTB-BBBlBfl. wtn n tho Mflflfll partly BflflBfl up nnd ? eU-ar day wa? apimrcntly to follow ; but toward noon, wh-'ii the flflflflfl,1k. wero tlrt intc and PBflfM tfeVB-f-M aMde tl> umorollit aml WBflflfl pruofn, tbe tloud. again grtw bl...?_, and the. rain fell beavtly tor aluiost au hour. Imrlng tbe aflernoon tbe .ky again BBflBB to grow clear, and det ld.-dly the mott BtflBBBBl hflfllfl that bat.- l,ecn .pent during tlio wc-k were tho-ti after I p. in.. wt,,!, the .uu flflfl iinvailed tn Mflfl set;iug. Tbere were .bowcr. m the flflflflBflflj and at ________ Uo pros wai Bflieutoui-agiiig. OflMBMflflnfl VflaflflB N-flflflflflflM could not coneeal their woi-tblesHuea. under tbe p.-aetr.iting ran. of flflfl" n>-.lay n._l.t. ,,.-,.1 Vflafe tflflflflaMflflfl flflflflfl BBl Iflfll tl..>:r f. anl > flfl the lOBflfl fltBBfBfl tbclr BBflflfl. Tl.e pruu.ipal flflflMfll Um m 11..- *M HflflBfl M -Bflfl Bflflfl M the BBBBK part *t tfea Ifefl flflflflBB flBBflttflfl in whi.h live tho " f'|u iit. i - " nn va. act j r.'iu -> *. tv ri Mflfl Uoatlug al>out .ii IBfl hnfll p'.n. 1* and b1ou_:1.?. The people who oceupied tliciii v.i re much frigh'cmd, aafl many Mflfe ?afflaaafl iho ***** atmu*******, in u.e BMraiaa VBflflBfl in Mflflfl of thflflfl lot. were .taiuluig witli tl.e wiii. r up tn the BflMM. .-.. Work ot. Ifefl mipiov.ment-. ct. tbe li ii k Ifeflflfl the Urand Cenlral Depot w.m MM - NflflMflfl by tbe ramfall, an.l t-flfl-flfll lafeM daiuage wa.tlo:-. j.i BUfllMMflfl flflflfl for the flflfl tuniiel fl. r. ii,!, a tv;tii water, aud bailing i.e.'tu wben tlu- taln ? ? Bflflfl, It flll] ibiy hfl fcotue flMfl -Bfflflfl work i ail le B flflflflfl along Ifefl liue of the improve im i.t. Whcrt-v.-r flMflfll iraprnveiiiciits flfllfl inaUing th. work wa. d< layed for a long tfeflfl. B t-BBflfe Whlflfe feflfl feflflfl flBfl Bf the Mutual BflflHflfel bj m BmaA-t-, Brtwaaa B?th wn'.iam aafl Stoiifs-.., fer tlie la.ting ..I fltpflfl, flBfl left flBBBflfllBd Wafl?Mflay alflht, aafl wben bm ******** ***** *lt' I .! v. ar. UMfllt itb water, Bflfl they were eoinpelleil MBflUMflfe-BBflhfltflflflVflflfe flflflM l?- h-BBB. Sirong Bfltfltaflfl tt. re BBMflBflflfl !ly ******** Bf IBBBfl flfefl had flflCflfltflfl U flflflflfl H.-o.idway l.etweeu tlid Afltflfl BflBM ui.l Fiton-tt.. wb. re a iayer of mud two Mflfeflfl deep flBfllflfl flM flflflfl flflfll "f 1.flflBB, IBflflflfl-flfl it an lnr ].. flf^lHr to BBM ntthflflt UflMfMMlf BBTfl-tBfl tbe tflfl. a:.d I'c.lraggllng tfefl ft A t'l-patch wa. ItflfllTflfl ve*-t.r.lay morning at thfl ?flJaaM Ui. flflflfltn UBMalfelflflnfl-i Ofl_-f-ajr,flta_-B| that a Mflfl. flfl the PflMwflH BadHB- haflhflflflCM ii .1 away, ,tt _... ii:., l.v a fn Mfeflt, and IfeBl BMB had iiMu. Mflfl. ly M flflfll. to r.|>air tt..* flBMflflfli *'ut IfeBlMflflflM be Bflflflfl UMfl Dfl-flflfl MBBflM Bflfl-fl Bfl Ifl" stiineil with sufetv. Tbis Will fllMlBMI th? huppty of pcnchi. ln the market*. Tne . flii ts i.f the beavy rain were BBflfllflflt in flooded flflflalfl BMfl-fl the water fr *nt m flflM Bflfl -Bfltfe-flfl. I.-irge <iuantitie. oi fl.nir, llme. flflflflflflt, and fltfeM trrlgbt wliich had Bfli u left iui|..-rf.-<tly Mflflflflfl Mr tfefl nlffel upon th.- i'i.-.. wen- Bflfl .'l'-i.ii'iy flaakflflflfl by vatflr, The IflBMfl by Iflfldflfl BflllBlfl were much le** th. y wi.uhl Bflflfl Bflflfl Mfl for the pflaflflflflfl of BMflBfeBflM who tv. r. wained l.y flfefl MtfllBflflBBBB of ia.t wei k. BflBfl lner.'- ul BBflflflflflN BBfl PBfltfe *'.?> at BOB. 1M, 1T7, 1H5 aafl aatshhsrlBCplaflflfl M Bflatfe>_fl_, wflflB tM BMMflBaB* .pimriUH for tfefl flflfltfe "f >.aler. BBCflflfl and other api.liiiiioes for remuvlug thc water were ln flflflflflfll flflfl during the day. DartBflthfl tMaij weatber of the last few day., the lefleettOB Bf :hc gaaUfffet fll flBW-Tarti flfl IhaBMndfl Maiflfethflfl BflflB ili-m.'-fly m-iI'k- on.Long I-!and for aflMUflfll af-lflflO-fl. Tm* VBfltflflfl h". ? ?>- iiluiui i.r. il iu a manner eh-fly r.*? uii.liiis the Northeru LXffhta It feflflfeaan aitaflflflflfl on other o.-ta.-ioii. al.o, All .} MBBf B Uiistakcn for a roi.fl.igrn.iou n. tbe city. HAVOC IN BBOOKLTN. XRB LOfl-?-Bfl ho.'I>ki.-a i.iivi. BCUMM Thfl ?_.ini.-ij-rc- iu tliisi city WeBU tfl li'.vi greatlv CZfl-edcfl that in flBfl York. Ifl Ihfl Mwiaflfl MBtfe "f H...i.ii!"u-ave. MU Miet-fe tawarfl Kc-.i Il,?,k I'.'.nt, Bflfl tfeflM flflflfl BflfBlflfl w"h wat'-r. A ii.iml.i r t.f hflfl-fl flflffl nrt-fl-fllBfl M tfeflM iKin.l., and (Bfl ?.'"i BfeflflM Nflflhfl- M tl.-ir ifeB-lflfl-fl. Ifefl foiili.latn.ti* of of tb.* BflflflM flfl tbe flflfl in at Bfld li.'Ok, flflflfl MflflflBfld l.y tl.e water, and Ihfl 01 enpaati had U tmm* BM MfltataaM M afltflkfefla M Mflfl tbe b.iilrtmg froiu Mflfll .l.-.tiu.-tion. MBfl] pBflpM wbo lut n UM hflflflM M I BfeM fllflfl ?f OBWBBBfl Crt-ek, mto wlncb tfefl rain flflflflflfl i-..?.---.. ut Iv, B-ffllllflfl H" MMB MflflM- tal'lv, were ot.li_.-ed to leave tfeflM . mM v iii ?'.- to ....iipy them ui. tii ihe w.iter cau flfl fl-BBM- off. C'oluuihi.t, rBMMIITB Van lrrutnt, BMfefllfl. DfltflVBfli BBd ?ib< r .trceta were irttcrly MipaflMhM M BflflB ?iB-flfl, Tbe tlrain i>!|>' * M W.ta r. flfl Ml IflflJT M OtflB. BMBB-bfeflflflflfllfl-flMflfllfli flfl flflflBflflflBJ nikrht and ? hBfl-I ifllflfll. Hfl I" r-:-l> : ! IBlflfl of the BflM Iflfl fl-flflflMrtflfl flflflM '1" tf* ***** ***** wl'i'b BflM tfefl *'.i|' flflBI tbe ruin. ct Ifefl WBBflfeflflMfll Mflflfll i?. ?fl-tafl-n.fl OB.,1at tn. MM fllUfltty-t,aafl tL.* Bflflflflfl who l.v- .ii tbe v.cinity eay that the stcuch Ifl ali.i.'-t unetidiirable. That iKirtion ot tbe laistem M?trict bound.-l ty Ni.tth Mllfe M. iWrt?fl flflfl.. f-fll-flfci and l'..."i' a\r. t.a* M flflllBIM MM MfltffBVtofltfl BB flBflflpMB ? I ,!.,,;i B__flflSMBl flfthl BMMBlflB Hfl DMMMI B li_.-ht.-d t,t Ihfl Williauitburgh Uaa r..mpaiiy. MflM of tbe .t'ores and flWflBlBfll were*.I I't' ta.low caiutle. und ki ro.ent* lamps but tbe utret-te wen* in gMflB- Ifefl jiri'iitii" 'au-' M the non .upplv of BBfl waa tbe flooding of tbe uiain. from Ifefl flSI flflfllflfl rain.. IN THE BUKJlBa The laU' flttflTflB liab irnatly ili-v.istatoil tlio Mflflfl-Tiflflta the MflBflflJflflM BM tt> Mfl-BIII fllll BM '" tnfllBfl- Ofl Iflflfl-BfeflBlflB-fll "f a:l Mflflfl, e?in-t-lally gta-X*m* BBBftf i.i.ncd. flfllflfl of gralli tbal look.-.l prouii.*lng arenowlying Hat. flfeflBttflBtfl. Bfli t.,,iny uot fl?flfth ol B_M v.a- BBflflflflflfl.flflfl B-flll aU'l veg-liibli . are almo-t. iitlnlj flflMfllfll. Ifefl U I' - Kr?pb polm oi tbe North Mflflfl 'me have M flBBBJ pla. M BflCBwaafeflfl B-T-fltflfl-Mflfl BflT BflflflflBBflMfllMB. Tbey Wlll be icplae.-d ae -ooo M p..*-ible. J.IflfllIMl ou tfefl Norlbern flflBSli r-.-y Ilailway at Clo-ter, N. J.. wa. waabed ..way yctcr.iay. The beavy .tt.rm of Weduead.iy u.^rbt and ti.terdav ?flflflflfl ".< gratliugof tbe Midlaud RalMflflflaBMB ***? Iiuibam, tOMUh MflflM, Mflfeflfl. t:..-..n.) Mflfl U-aiu being thrown tfl thflt-Bfl- -BBBBflBBflfl-flflttalflfl were greatly delaye.l, und wt.rkm.-u wrre b.isily en Pflflfl all day ; tbe track B Bflt BBl ia a MM condition. DOIB-BB- FALL OF WATER IN THE ATLANTIC BTA1 RA THB PRirTRA.TKD XAIS BTI.liM - TIIK WFATTIKIl flQBflUI Bflfl-flflfl? TUKIK fl??Bl -OCCBACT. Oui. lvei-k ago la.t Moinlay, thfl WmtkttT ItureaU "probabllltiea" flBBBBflflfefl people flflfl ***** nonal rain." might be evpee.t.d in alino.t every .mrt of the Ttiited Ptatea. Th? M Pflflfl-flflflBB >\.r. BBBMBll] UflOflOt. with tbr. flBflflpHflfl M . beavy flflflfl M ?BBtfltB Kau?a_i. The followiug inonung, Aug. U, " oecasional rain." were again ut down for all part. of the eountry, but In tbe Nonh-W.?-: Bflfl tbe upper lake IBflMfl tbe Vflflflfeflrflflfl aemrally fairor cloudy. In all otber w.tion. eu.t of the Koeky Moun taln. cloudy and rainy weutbtr pflflflMfl-feBBflflfl, wbile. local itorut. aml beavy raina wore exjnri iu many place. throughout the (_ulf, Boutb, and Middle AtlanUc fuU*. tbe Ublo Valley und Tenneaaoa. Ou Au*. U th? " probabililu ." were eloBtly w-ather and rain for tbe Middle AtlanUe BtaU-a, tbi-aU-ulug weatber and rain for New lngland. HflflMflBBl rain and cleuriuj wt-atiier for tbi Mflflfl lake. and M '??? aBBMl Bl B_fll ,. .?-, flflh Bfld ran . ur Ifefl ."->-t n tfefl Btflfli and flMflfl] ?>?-???' H ? itorma for all other aectiona of the country. That day. however, the "p.obabliitlea" were deceptive, for a flrvere wind and rain storm wbb experlcnred through? out the Mi.ldle Atlantie Statea. Ttie itorin was due to an antl-ryclonic atorm of great dlmeuBiuna In aud north of Canada, and the nbaence of fllgnal fltatlons in tbe Domiuion preventcd tho Weather Bureau from giving a ilmely waraiug of tbe approach ofthe ?tortn. Tho storm eovered the country froin the Caro lii.i.B to the lower lake BBfbfl and Bouthrrn New England, being particularly severo in I'eunsylvanla and flflfl fM aey, attended by brink to high north east winda on the coaat from Maryland to Conncctlcut. Raln areai were alno reported from Tennraaee and tbe Gulf Statei, and heavy raina from WflflMfO B-B-BBBBBBI elear or partly cioudy weather from Kentueky aud tho Lower Missouri Vall.vtothe upper lakes, and from Nnrtheru New Knglarid and the Bt Lawrence Valley. The iwfeMJ day, Aug. 14, occasional ralna were predicted for all BBBfl?B8 Bflflfllfl tbe 8 utrh Atlantie Slates, where flbflf weather, Wttfe occasional rains near the coast, waato be expeeted. The a?orn. of tbe day boforo continued In tho Middlo MatflB, Bflfl exfendc.l north-eaatward over flflfl>_Bgtfl?!? being Bflllbflbllj aevere along tho coaat from New I 8] to Maine. On the 14th tho Btorm spent tta fnry, Bfli hesrv raln f.ilN hflTfl BMalaaai every dav in Iha gr.-at.-r por Bflfl flf tfefl Mlddle fllflllfl I.'glit ra!i..t havo also been report. d front the Mfl* and moat of tfefl H.nitliern 3tatea dutiug tbe lnst four or flve dajra. Litf'.e datn property or to tbe flfOM bu Mflfl dono I.v ther-o Moiina. except on tbe nii-'ht of tne la-ib aud during t> lMh nnd 14tb lllfltflflt. Wben tbfl atonu flr* hroko ln tbfl Muldln Btatflfl, tbe lin menae fall of raln and tba heavy winda tbat prevaiie.i deatroyed ? great fleal* property ln Kasiern Feniisyi raaia and Uaryland, paruoularly tkttg tho raliroaa liu ?-, aad along tbe coaal * WewJoraey, and nuoed tne cropfl in aome loealltlea. Local baU.tormaalaoflM a gr?-at deal * damagc to.the crop.. es, e. laliy lu 1 enii Bylrauiaao l som.- portumaof New-Yorh and Maryland. itona haa beeB oauaaally protractod, aud a gnater ann.i;nr of water haa alreadr fallen during taa imuiIIi riinii il.irm. anv whole month aitiee 1?14, with tflfl excapfloaof the moetbaof Jaofl aafl Aafuat, 188T,aafl July.lK72. Tbe ilcpthof wut.'Mii th" Ml aiaalppl, Ohio, an i KU-BOnrl Rlven has vairlfld COt-ddei-btT diir.ngtbo paat ia daya, ia *..u.' lailflnnn aa much a?isiuebes, but tbe avaraafB depM a oow abofll the aame as nt tbe hfl* ginaing oi tbe atorm. Tbe we.ither reporta have Benar . v proved to ne sut.stantiaily eorrect, althoufln "oceu.ionstl rtiin.-t" have not always Ocou as ligbt aa tbo reporu would neem lo lndicate. POUBTBBB C-Jfj-TiBOflTfl \s_mii:i> into a mf.aDOW. Kihkwood, DeL, Auk. 21.?Fotirtecn boat-* were waafeflfl into tlm MflaflBBB by the htflflfe ln tho .-an.i!. Ifefl following ure among tbe boata: Late and Karly, Mary Jflflflffelflfl, T.idy liorett... Mary Bfflflj. M. K.-ever. liamlet. Flyiug Fiah, and Hatlie Dioant. 8.V eral* will l." total wrei ks. liit. i;:::ih.k ot i uu uklaware axd'K.tKr. OAXAL I'Miiini awaV. Wii.viNGToN, Au>r. 21.?Tbe foeder of tho DBBBOaa aud ?haaaOflaha Canal waa camed away at . n'<flflflfe tht-i mornin?, BBflfllnR tbe loai of a portion of tbe Dflbfl are Kailroad Comi.anv's brliig.'. A larire force ia worltn.'L' "ii (ln? rep ure, hut thero ib much to bo dono before traflb eaa ot raflflMafl. thk BALTmOBa ani) potomac kaii.koad OB *-! ltl ( IH'. Wasims.'.tox, Au;,'. 21.?Tlie BflJ-BBOffl and Tiiii.tnai BflflfflflO, which has been bi nously oli-.trut.-d Iv n Bflfll Bt?rflBB, hflfl MBfl fflflfllfflfl, and thr flflflh traina between this city and New-York will bc NMBBMfl to uiorroW. BBTBBA1 norsF.8 UBUB-Ufl-BB-fl. Ki.ktdv, Aujr. 21.?Ailvii'cs from ChoBBpOBBf (itv Bfll iba* tfefl BB?Bl la broken and that tho watir haa IlllllfllflllUflil Bllfl Bl feoilflflfl frotu wiih ti the oeenpanta ii.ii io bfl eairted out. A break ia also rafflttflfl at D'la Wflffl Citv. thk OBfflBHI OOTfOB OaOfO afffctet). Ac.itsTA, Aflf. 21.?Tlie woatber for the pfl* bB days hM be.-n unfavorable, cioudy and flflt, with 80* nlgliti. Tho cotton of tbla .ectiua ta badly IfljOlflfl by runt. NO BBBflOVfl BOBB Dfl phii.adf: PBBA. I'lin.ADKiriiiA, Aug. 21.?The sun is flhining here, though II Ifl fltflt iliiii.iv, witb soutli-v. -I Wiflfl. lUiiu fell ull u.ght. U.U without doing Bflflflfe AflBBBflB. TIIE FIRE RECORD. i.\ __aB-fltt, aiai toflfl. 918,000. BoflfOflT, Auir. 21.?HflOOh-BBB- Lubricatfflg 0:1 Works in chelsca wbb burned tbis mornin.* with th. .r (onteut.i. Tho building was owned hy MeBflffl. Cbfk it Wi.odwar.l, who 86,1)00 and are IflBflfflfl for f.i W". Mi ni-hmanV atock was valued at 85.000, beent.-i some tltxat worth of machloerr, whuh is a toflfll wncb. Ibfl fltoflh and Da. hinerv wero laflflnd for 112,000, Ihe fire Is supposed u havo been tbo work of Bfl iiit-iuiiiary. IN WATERl'OKIJ, WH.?fOflfl, .10,000. ItArisi:, Aag, 21.?A lire at Wiii.rlonl, in Ifefl county, wbicb hroke out enrly ycstenUy BBBCB?a, flflflttflfflfl W.Mge _ brick store, occupi.-d hy Heg _ . hrir. ti,.ii-ii, Chri-tiaiii-en. ahoe Bfeflfl, Bfll-?- Bfl-T?fla ibop, aad UolbBbrake'fl bla-kfmltb aud wagou siiop*. Ua- .oen Ifl Bfldauib '1 at H8,0M i \ri v ivr. WOOD PISBfl Efl MirniGAN. Dktkoit, Ahj-. W?QlOflt lires are Otfliafl in the woodbot JflflflO Couuty, Micbi-au, near tho VlllafM *_b*_feflfM and Tawaa t Uy. Ibe latter pfeafl Blfl Ho.ue danner. A l.iKi'M.iriVK ANDTANK OF COAI.-OIL BBBBBB, Piin.iDti.i'HiA, Aug. 21.?A loi'ouiotive and hlflk of conl-oilou the Jui.fiiou, helongin. to tbe l.uu avlvania Kailroad, were burned to-day. Tbe loss is llC.too. Ki flBWBUUB, A. EL Hafhflfl tV Co.\i yoltatf, iu North Cfllbliflffl. Ma*-., was t.un.ed ou T if aday uight. Ixis-, , iMMiafli A lir.-, yest. r.lay, on tbt tbird floor of No. iMWaa PBrty._-fl-?_wla th'* pby,?*?____>*aartfl. Uti_c by ilis. O'lioikI, daiiii... d |100. I.II'CTFNANT WHKKf.ERVFXPDL.fTIOV RFTAUDKI). S\i.t I.AKi, Auir. 21.?One of I.i. ut. Wli.-cl er'B exploring pnrf ic a. in eharg- of Lteut. Hoxie, |J S. BBfl-?Bffl, has been greatly delayed iu thU BBflflflfll Ofl flflfll Iflflfl by the dBBBfttflfl of two paekers wbo took..' uiulee and hOfBBfl, _88fltf_Bf tbe party of fhe BflBflfla of tran<p(> LlBflf. Bfl?B imaiediately st;irt. d in BflTBBrt* tfefl flflflflftflifl* Bflflflfl fey tM BfeerfeTol B awar OflflfltT, Bflfl BlMf travcluig Beventl nlghts BflflflflflflBfl b liipniririg both BBM Bflfl anluiBls. liu. flflfeflP ptflfflfllfl tfel pflft* from niaking tbe r.-ndezvous at Fm-i M'ln.ate, N.w-Mt Ktafl, as w.i^ f.iutempl.ited, Put lt fllll not BBpflll the results of the B8Bfl8_rfe work. Lu-tit. Wfeflfllflt, witb tfefl main fureo of the expedltion, is between Fort Win gBifl and < aaa) Apache, Ari/i. ia. Lieur. HfllflBfll, lu ebarge * tb'' party wblch stat *d from Daat, B ne?r I-'nrt Wiugate. Ifefl fBfltalfflflfllbBl tho ur.- uliifaitiiy. Tuo uatioual astrououil.u! oton-ria BBBBMOfflflB,BBflBB UflOfe Wheolrr, aro appro afelag coiuplelion. _ A( IIY1TT OK IMK OHIO l'l'OHIBITIOSlM'<. COLUVB-f, Aflff. 21.?Tbere ure IBflflOBfl to Mflflffl thut itbe IM-fl-flb-feBB la thiB istate iuttu.i BUfldflfOflkafl fhorouirh cauvaan tfor their flek* thau tbat party bas evor i_ike hil-crlo. A Becrei BMBOfla wa_ rceetitlv beld here Bflfl fiuid*. weivral.ted an.l dele gatee appolut. d to BflgBfl-Bfl BBBM in rmeb tonnalnp lu Fraukliu County. flfl a part of then pl.iu a Pio!i,.itiou picnio waa beld to-day in tbla county, whuh was utteud. d try fullv Ml I pemons. Mr. C. J. Stewnrt. i h'*n caudidate for .(.o-.. rmr, ej-oke for three hour* to th. Btalttta-fl tfl Ibfl flflfflflfflfloffltMbfltiflfl of i)N foiinwi ra, Me i* aiiiioiiii.ed |0 flpflflh * LoflflOBfll mi.rrow and fllll pr?M'cute a vi_oroua flflflflflBB * IBB BBBM until flb*MU aatf, m FATAI. RAILKOAD (OU-OQB IV OIIK). ClN( 1NSA1I, AiiK'. 21.?About 4 O'cloek tbis a'ternooii the Cunll. oth ? aeeouin.odation train on tbe M..n. ita Bflfl OMflflflflflfl Kaiiroad .irtiik a frelirht train i.e: i.t Muntgoincry, totally wm kmg l.i.tb baBflBfltlVM Bflf bafgage aaOflk Tbr.-e un n eiupl..>ed on Ihe tram MM k.ll. d. ""id three oth.TS badly acalditl. Tbe iiaui.'B * thf fbtba are us follnws : Killed?Jaiue. 1'ar \Miig, l rai.i i.'un; Mi. Mowanl, hflflflBBBaMflflMI und Cfeaftofl KaKber, BfflflMfl. BtflMflO BlIflMfl Hoth.'t, Witii.. i.i....i.e. rxpraa* Baeaaeafler, aafl one ..f Mfl .?.. _;ln.r-. 'II.'- paBKengeri. all eeiaped U.illurl wltb OBe e\. . ;.'lii . a flflBtieOMUl whowue in a tia;-gage . ;,r aud allgutly iiijured. ____ _ nn OHM loioiin. mati; . onvi.ntion. Cliil-i-I- "ihf. Aiik- 21.?llicic ib every Cfltioli that tl.f Mbfflfl M..t. ( ...iv, i.lmfl wtilili in. .: ln re lomoirow will Ih- a \e:y ;.,i_i one. A large Duui Mfl flf Ma tflfl* fl?HBtBl repre* men of thut ia..- ha'.e fllnaflj BffiflBl I-' n-'ii' tr.i.iia an* M ,?, r, ,: Ifl I ? . > Bflflfl flrlll i... i i ? ? :.. WASHIXGION. C..I.RFNT TOI'ICS AT THF. CAP-TAla. IMPOKTA-NCK OF Tlikl THKATY WUH Hfl C-t-'lV INM.t.vs. ffiflBflflBBB. --MflflBBBf. hflflk ??? i,r,i' Tbe Treatv J.'*>t BflfflCMtfld flfll Ifefl Mfl ?iniain Ot*W ludiant of Mflflfl ina tf Nflflfl OflflflflMflflh B r I.runot. ?n-t br which In.liaua BBflflflBflfl tfeflM -.-.rvafmi. ou the for B n.ii'-li ? IMr?I irt. I* one of the mo it Mlfllt?I Wh* h 1. ? l.e. .. m.i.'.e tb.- IflkflMM Mflfl Mflfl tlflBfl. BM A*" ******** i ?--.'? iv at:" u conuina more than feflMflfl flflflflfl ?*I??I ****** ,M? traverted HflBflffe _M ***** '< ******* BflBttV 380 tnilcit, bv the Nurihera Pacltlc K whicb, now flfeBl -BflMfl tltM ? Ullflflfltflfefl* by tbe voluutary witbdrawal of thfl IfldtoBfl, BlHM M titled under Ml chairM* M IflflMflfl flraaU ol ?? flflBB for SOinlloM Bflflfe tlde of BB il**, BaB-VBlBBt fl?fl tract <>r Bflflfli] 3,.?'a,000 acrea of Ut. M-*U* flflfl until recently, and, *? tnr ta it i? known, no* Ifefl **m* of 113 bharut ol the flflrthflflfl I'-cilb- flallroad ****** IBB Oowt bave oetupied re*. i vullon <>n tbo Yellowstono H.\>-i MflM lut-, aml bave alw.-.e maliiuined uio.t flfl mlly MMMflflfl with the wbitea. Tho General Supeniit'-ndent Bfld th .r own agent in tbeir ropoi- laat year comint di.posltlon in the wanneat *.. p.tld tliat they were a r.arrter of defenae t? .. i; i-t. i u Montana aud tho OaUatin Vailev, ptot. them aguin.i inouritona "f boatlleHi ??* had been 10 * :' ?x'"' ,IV ,,: diali foe. that thev were glad ?f the opportBBitJ move to a .af'r icxi i.afmu. The tr.atv wlll ct... fore tto bcu-ite ucit Wmit r lor ratl?oatloa, J.-? PKLI'AiUN'U BBfl TIIK TKANSIT Ofl ffl-fll _ Theoffli?,1- of l_e Naval Observaiory M_flfl ueary corapleted the plan of operatiou f..r flbflMTlafl tba of Veuu., which will BBflflfl M DflMflflfeM. UM Eu.l_tp__rtler.of llvc BflBJflflfl each will Ik; dMBBflflhad, four to -U_tlo_s iu the tioutheru Homi-phere, .iud tln otbera to tho VflflthflBfl, Those going Mflflfe of tl. E'luator wiii leave _N'ew-York next Spti-ig iu a uavai Mflflfll. apeciaily prepared aml flttfld lot tbeir accouimo'latioa, flfettfl ot;.> r. mn pnfefl bly pflflflflfli to their atationa by mail iteamer. Tho po.ta ln tbe rtoiitberii lkmi-pli.-re will be on the Kerguclan I.lau.l., Aucklaud,and Van Mflflflflfl'* Land. In tho uortberu MaflflB tlu-y w.ll i?* ?flflflflfl at Yokobama, KaflflOflfe-a -banghal, and u.-ar the Slber.aa hflflflflfl, Attcr tbo ihe ouaervera l.t tho Southern BflflBBBjftflBBfl?i Bflflfl?flflBBi by a (.?"?'i.'inent abip, tBBBBBOTted to Japao, aad seut home by mail ateaMflr. Tl.o vtbolo flflBBBB-flfl w-l probably oceupy a i.-ar at lca.t. i.a. b p.nty Blfl MflM_M aetronouu.a aud plmtograp-ier, witb a flflflfljMM equlpment um! apparatui for'.t.iaiiiin.,'_K-rf. .-l o>. tion* r. cord of th" branflU. Ptof, Harhneflfl * ? i bave Bkarifl >'f tfee partlefl aad ahflflrrauoBa la _a? Booth ern aafl I'rof. Bawootal) o." th..*.* n. ti.e N'ortbern. Tbt* o_.ect of tbe . bae <? ition, i?r nbich Con gr>--. baa approprlated |iv>, u to detarmtiM atora aocaratalj tm dutBace betweea tM earthflBd Um ioa, aad tfefl ****** ora at tfee head ol tn.- axpctlitlon exp nt to i.e abie lo aelUe tbo dutanco wuhlu ball a ot mile.. 1-i.OPOSTD N'AV.U. V13IT TO TIIE HiMAN l-l.tNW, DlflfflMMM havo feflflfl received fioui Ca*., fommaiidingtb.* flBBBBflflfl BBflMfl,flflflflfl July 31, at Corfu. lie proposed to .ail 5 ou a cruue BflBflflflflMM of Ifefl 1-1 flflflfl of the fesflhlflflMffl. I ?_____?? ula, Zaute, Cejlgo, Candla, an.l MUfl. BfelflB Ml been vi.ite.l for sonie t.nn* Hfl by our v.-*. is ef v. ..r. and ri__..i At-i*_J aboat the ISth of Peptt ml.-r. T!,.> TTiTraih aiKl Wachn-ettaituthe aaly ????cl* "' "nt "?'? l tlutt b.ive visited Corfu for thirty i.-ar*. Thflt | IrequflBted i>y the BBtional n ana laaatopptaxplace for maar mail and otber MA, aad the point to which a.i good. for aopplvlng ihe Tniki-ti ProTlMM ol Aihani.t,oppoalte aad i.ui nv. __|h * i_iBtaiit,.u. broaahttorrflarraaaemeal tortt?wport oa h-Tfflfl and mulea. Tbe mercnanu of A.' tlmee C"me tbero to utnke pureh-i..-.. lfefBfl M bhw ..... ... of IK-Holeuui are tololfil BBBOally from Nflw-York, and when hy nu-rcbanl \< *eh rcturu eargo-a of oll~e oil >>r frnir bm taken away 11 any ? ht proCBIBd. lf H"t. they g'> fo the fruit pa.rtr. l<-r them 01 .MA lli. pfltmlfl-BB ba- been l.r'juB'lii to <ol.u m A-.a flflflflflC Ofll Llib ADVKI!TI*I'M The f'llowlug tiicuiar bae beeu l-..u.d r.nai tfefl VM DaBBrt-BflBl : The attention of tle Bflfl_fl_B_f fll Win ba\..:- b, ?> called : '. ...* ol the tucutly raqaeat adfertii rueuU to be ipera wbicb It i. evldeal wiii imt r<... | ?' lwople t.? tvhi'.i; osClee tke adrartlaeaieni ia dire< ti d, liia ?> n nv ordered that ia all caaea where tbfl i.'ltertl.?1ng< r Bl ..i .ftt'ial ln.iC.r be .ugglll onlv tfee aamefl ot aew papera th_4 I oa <.r clrciiliitli.ii axc apt to du tfefl gMflt-flt MfTtCO M t* I partm.-ni. lf au uffletir con.ider. that the latenat of the tl?vern ment reuMlrea tbe pnbllcatlon ?: au _.dvc_-li-.__eal Ib au*. locuiity where there la no ol ipei ... B ?oy newapaper M>t oo tbfl ofBol M ior authority to aiiv. rtlM -houid _. t forth i_.ii. IHB AMAlIf .-,^1 _HM?a JflflfeMfl waaat BfeflflflfeM tmttf iu Ju'y, and wa* lo pTBOflfld >?.ou to the iu_*t flt JflBBfl, Ifefl court-martial caae. which cai.'-d l BMI I >i tl" v.taat-la of tbe .-<iua.lron to v!.:iii.liai had bflflfl I on. la I ... t* * gi.-uenii t'lder flaar Aftnlt-i jflnkm i n fi"i Lbb-BflMBtenoe dtamtMal M tfefl '?-' ol i. .. ? mander'Jame* II Itowtaafl, MM In aommanil ,.t tne Pfllflfl, tflfeo WM ti.ed iU eb.ilg. * ol aad eoadact BBbecoailaB a aaatMaMa aafl aa .?;:. ar ?f the navy. TIIK tOC-fl AIT.ANn.' *l. lOBOX. iBflMBflfeM Bfltfl Bflflfl rtrcem.l BOM Ib-" kftflMal Wm. BflflMI Taylor, commandii.K Ihfl ?w'-itb AtMBtifl ?Mflflfl, flfllflfl Bl Kio de Jan. ro. flflnpM?th ' -ti of hi. eommund good throughout. Ifefl yelto- f-v. r iffd eutinly .!.-? ipear.-d MflM I - flfld HflflflJ were onh _ec-i.i"i:nl a*. .* .it 11 ? t OBflMt i.e_i?eeted to re.uain at Bio until ti..- latt. r patt of AllgU.r. Tne Ti.oli.t. r.i for t.i. I'I:... I< '?? r oa tha lltfe laat, Tha ff aafl waa ? flonl lideo J__/II. YKLi-t'W VBV-B i.n a 1,1.111 :i NOT. The Briii-h i'iig r.itnu-, flfelflfe BCllf-d Ifl BaBBBMfl BBflflfl frou, Ila.riuii.ii- flfl MflflflflJi feflfl ? lofl Mflflflflfl board. Oue man died ou Tucday. auu iw? ?>!!.> I flflfe witb f.v.r. A Mugular tt ..luivnt - - MBM >h.- Tflflflel lay at Baltlmor. .!.-. ...n - lug ei rao 11 day a ha cafle flf ferer appeared, bai on tb. ? d..\M. to li.uu,.ii.ti Boadaone al .-?:.: b ?_* aUaafeafl. _bu ia now Lmnud u. MoctlBBl Btl Civn. flBBVBBB The exaiiiin.iti>ii of appiicatit" Bfl UM* -MrfeflhlflB i'i the r.>.t-Oflice DflfBrt-B-BI Ut-gui tflflflfl*, BBB. r tl.ta Civil NflfllM ruic ouly MTI ? vaflani n - . x.*t. Bflfl the colup.-titiou Mfl the ByilBtBlMflIflfl hat. raleiv be? n ftflfltfl- tll -ll at tb'- pflflMBl tline. TIIK 1'AI'K ul' TIIK M'll'.'t: 11:1*1 "M..*. There ls BB pr.'baliility that tlie ttt lla* Bl I i I Bfljt-Mfl or cumumtf the MBteflM ot thfl MartoM aouTlctadhy ...ii. li.iii*'. court?tartlal. The papera wUl '?>? f>i wnrded u> Loofl Braacb,aod ....;_ ai d kaexpaelefl tuereou. _ _ WAMUMiTt'N Nf?n>. IfaMfl-flBOfl, Tii..iBdajr, flBfe. fl, ini. A Hoard of BBflJflBI i BM-flBfe t" flflfl MflflM a. Minpio;.. MaMfl 8-flMflf fl.ritfl l, Kajflfl ?_?> B, M. iTi.l. BBfl M.i. i '.iirb B.BflMfl, Bflfl hflfl BflflMBBsfl i.i ih.- BflMi 'a.-v i-i w.ii-. t _aofltatS_.I__ui-~.oti i i .1 _*,-|'Vlill..l . oi ia- -".'ll U.'-r*-.. : .... \ ai. ioe thc con.w u< - - I bnttge flcroea the Mi?Mppl al - wbetaer tbfl bndge wlll pf i lioo to Ui* oavlaatt. ot I fll ?> . aml il mj iu m.-uuer lla r. o.trucuon ca.. l?. ii."<I ii>d. Tlie (7, B. *tei..i-1 < <? d* ? * IU hfl t* *i_ lor her i at Kew-Yflffe ahofll thfl flMh "f lepfleMt-Mi Bflfl Mflflflfl tor Inr i'i'pa. ..'mn f-r n*_. Ikivl* hBBB fllflBB. OtflflflB hiU'-.-.l :> b.-i-n -1 .. n ' 'T tlie j.ii j).ii:.t.-,'i wi :h- h atDafl _ raiici*, " I? r .-. ,i s. rvn*.-. Bbe wlll be resfly Id t!i. iiiiuac ...':. Li Th * Tieoml. mu < >>i ' > ! Vll.inl.e M .1..?:. -ll; l.-iiM- >...tlon foi tfefl l i . . t . o... ;i. i-t oi I..-. e.n.,11 next. I'rof. 11. :;i -, of thc Muitb.oulan IflHltfltMfl.BBfl flt? t> n liug tUc iu<*. :iug of the A.-MoelfllMfl Iflfl ti..- A4vaflBfl> un i.t ..i ."*'.. in ? Iflt r..rtiand, Me., aill. at tlie BMIe ot .on, make a aoi-M oMDflfetbou-e .-.pniutiitt. Biththt new of tmprwTlnjr t_a preaenl ty-.temof Mg flnanlfl an.l Bflflfli -'tiieraily iu -im: ou tbe Atl.uilK- ?oa_t. A uiartu- general court met-t. i.t No.tolk on tbe -iStb ni.t. tor the tnal of private uianu. .. Ifefl Ml lowiug i* lln* deUtil of Ibe court: OflfB fflBBflfe t, Hik-r, Firrt Li.-i.T. Chfl-Mfl L- flB-VM-flal-M ItlflBI. I>. I'r.'t Mauoix, Firal-LlfHii. C. V t'orta-r. >*?. ?...a I.itut. _>_iiu_. fkott, ,.ua Li, i.t. ti. 0. Bflflfl.BBflflfl Adioc-tttc. Ti.r l.'iit- .1 fitatt ? iteamer Hu bu.oi.d arrived at Rio oa Jui> 7th. flflfll I P"flflflM paMagi ot J-n da>a froiu Key W.-.f. Bbe KOiue repair., coaled, an.l aailed aga.u on Jul. M Ml I ni P-BBflMflflk The oflicer. und crew w,i. io t.""l hea th Inforn.atlou ha. I?>ei) reeelved at the Navy L>epart tn.-nr AflfltfllflBI ?flflflMfl' Adani Markay, _t.. di.-.l iBdlialJ of apoplexy, ou board tbe TieouJeroga off tbe ioa .r or H Tbe l i- led Htate. iteamer Wyomlug, Oommaader ?', itailed tiom tbe llauiplou Hoaala tlil. toi U.-riniida Bflfl thfl W.?t Indica. Tbe Attorney Uenerai will leave Waahlngton to-nighl on a to . > racuac, N. Y., to be ubaent for a weeh or ten daya. T.n- I'tiMd.-ut l.a. rrccgulK- Charlea W. Riley aa '.- i,< i.n or tflfl ojuu-o ttU MflM m tbe I'uat.t) -