Newspaper Page Text
vov. yxxiii.n? NEW-YORK. FIUDAY, AIH-UST _*>, 1873. PRICE FOIR CENT8. BROOKLYN PKSrOlI.KD. ROPMAN A HEAVY DEFA1 l.TKR. m* TKKAMHV K.UttlKI) t>r HVKR f___0,U)--TttF ?F.NKKAI AM> RIHCAn.lN tWWM V'tU'HKlv-THK city nauaoaan am. *u Baaaaaaan makk AOOK TIIK IX-*-** TO THK CITY ? IHK tUKhlM. m __t ma i imjpbibbi an Broa.klj n ha<l Ita Iii .-it __liiiip.-*<- yestcrd.-iy at a coni paiiion pit turr to the Mills defalcation in the rob \mty of aaej VMyM of the publir funds by thc IVpiity City Treasim-r, M. T. l.o-l _uan. Rumor luia BBM baaj with his yiiine, aud BBBM l.r .evtnil wieks, antl wlion ho to tlie ...iiistry neat nf a friciitl a few dav. ugtiitv*-* tiriiitetl about tliat lie Imd ubs_<.nd?-d : but npon Um iii-v uhdV proini-t retiirn charity cloeed ker eitrtt ?ntl woulti n-it h.arill of hun. A well e_iM-rl. however. while i-xauuuitiK the BB* rotintst.f |1m MnM.klyn Trnst Cinpatiy. wa.. suni l.y tiu- Citv .'i-iiMirei to probe the fin.iiici._l conilni;,.. ti thal piihln- ollice. aail tlu* rivsult t.f lun jiivestiiriitii.ii wiir* <!.m Iom-iI yesitiday hy the Con? troller ui tl. Bd-B_BBBBB tliat $U\U00 of the (.enei.i! Ci'.v F__-4 and $.-0,000 of the Hoard ol Ktlncilum Kund hnd It-oen (lc.jioiled, and that a y.-ai rn BBBBB ago B .1- fault of $,V.,_UO wiis di6 covr-icd and inath- jrotrtl l.y Ihe City 'I'reasnrer. Kod man in thus BlBBWB t.> ** * tlelaiilter to the amount ?f $_''_.(*-.', and a** the aecouiitai.t ad urtte tl.e Hiiikmi. Fund has heen U:iijn!>?i tviti.. thaaa fljcaiee ***\j fall far kelew tlu-t Btl i ii. aiiit.iiiit of the .1. fiile.'.tiot). as thus lar a.-*., ii.uii-.1, aaa ban aaaia >_<>od by the City __aaaB_i*r,Mr.Spv-bfB-B.aad his b.-nd_n-u-n. Henrea p-?iha_?s v,;i- a rouUn ix-ipetrat.d wilb more cool M_,?i ii> r eaaa. 'Iho difaulu-r was at iincc Ii.-i.uly Cily'lit-iisiirer and Secictary ofthe Tint Cmnpauy. and h;nl only to credit Ihe city ainl n_?.lcit 88 t^ru tlie Tnist COUUUJ. Tlie lnoiiey i-aiik in his speculations with tho laU. Um. -diin*. 1 _ ~t**i of the truth waa _?_pt under a boshel for a time. hut now, when Ik* Treasurer'a kaakaan aml compared with the bank book*., 8T< ??.- thing la b-Oagkt to ttght. BODHAlTfl lir.FArr.TS DISCOYESED. RitinoiM of a luavy default in thi* l_rool..yn City T.ia-iirv flilt.l the air yesterday. and when th. fluaneial o 1 in the t'ny Hall tho fact wa* l thal M. T. ITlllllllBB. forincrly Secretary of tho Baaal vi. TtwU OBBBBBBJ* i'"** ***** Deputv Cily Treas? urer. I. .1 n>:> B I HM I tv of |H8,000, and that a previous default..(NM88 Lad BBBB made Kuod * yoar aico, al aeeagB. Bi kuowledge of li wm smoth'-rcd at tlif time. ??ll.? tliitt tl.e tr.a.ury had l>ecn robbetl ei I | .i*'.o_i.iiuiri.t Bl the Citv Hall and on tlie , bnt it waa not newe to the City Treasurer, Cort l.mdt A. _-pr.ij.ue, for be scenm to have becnawarcof ti..- traaeaetleae of hia deputy it.r eoine ****, ?ud le I'.ve BBBB Umporariiy sucees*f,il ln bia efltrts to avcrt auspicion. The etartuiiir new* wm flually told to a memocr of the Board ot riii'-ii witli a stnct lnjnnation to keep ttie aecret. *M ttir.,ui.h Uim thc public were made awaib of tlie cle.itnlt. Ttie ufwi ot ttie robl.t-ry causea tlie itr-at ?-?t airlltW nt in ail i*u._ita ia. und theaa were uot le-8 tunii ?_... i? i-ni. rii*_iiuc aaaat la taaeenMBeaaf tbe Cll_r Ball aafaea tka Ceett-ePei*! oiu. ew_ts openeti iu the iiioiniii.-. Ci.iitriill.-r Scliroetk-r B_fMa_aa at 10 o'clock aml w.i* Bl BBBM aiirroiiti.lcd b.v report.ra, poli HuiaDB antl Itankers. wiio demanded iit.ormat.on aa to the real stivle of aft ure. His adnnsslonscaufliiued the wlilipt-rnuf tbe -trct t. M. T. Iloduian, in tbe capatity of i>. puty City IBaaBBBBBj had deliberat* y Btatea t_i_?,rO0 of the paktla moiii y. The 9KU *t ti^.ooO, whicb i? ihe luit *( l.'tiliar;.-, i. t.eii.-v. tl to bave been BtBBM tliiriui; Ku'lti.aa's p irtuersbip with tlie ?Ikelk-ft -. anil tke -iiiiJ*-* takt-n trom thc Caty Xrca*ury wcrc nn usetl la apt culationn ln wbich both iuen were enKaicc.l- A? yet it ia _Mpa_al-_eBl learn bi.w lou_ the tltv i.PJvial.- brive kUOWll of Ihl rubbery. lmt it M . licv-ecl tnat Ti-easiinr Ppraitue waa uot iirnorant ot ibe fart__ win n 1 ? ntade tti. arr IBfl ***** over a munth BflB, ?with Mr. Wenaa, HM eirpafl accountant, to exatii.iie thc iHK-k.* n/ hla (lcii.irtm.iit. Tbe eum of 830,000. whicb waa atolen BBBM time a?t>, awellit tbe default to |J< ..ouO. J ii thl.-. caae tbe money appeara to bave Beea B8 lonswuli tlie late E. a WBU, for it is known tliat tlir.-.- tlrivx nftcr tbe umUf wa* taken Kt.tltnan and Millx It.iini it ISO.OOo to Jobu K. Pruyn, the .1. fanltiiiK aatei taa Oeatael Hank. This d.-fauit tkeOQ lYt-jvur. r, aecor.lin_r to ruinor, when tbe Central lUnk failed, aml yet ka rt lalnc.l Koilmau BB ht* ,1,-r. :-. . I >i'l iiiailt up ttie dcflviencv in tbe citt V ac? count out nf bib own pockot. As iu the fir?t ease, bo in , r> . fi,.. i .,pj>car- to bave bein made to aoeea Ifca ticf.initcr. <;iry'lr-a*ur,r . pricne, in tfcc prcence of witneaiie*, B. . 11- entire t**R*lf,au*fclekeede mrii dr* tt u.'.i i,"t?-*. payable on or J.u.ii.iry nexl, to iiiithe tioinl thi- l it> 'i IBBB. The. C.iy Trcasurer'a liouilatiii'i. are rtS lolloai * : H_ * - ?? "' I Jolit Pattnn.?:' . Kot?. .. Wu,. C. K.-f.le..... 10O.OO0 MmmOU 100,000 | ,\ . .li,,n of ihe weekly balr;i!'-e-*h~ct of ti,. ii,,.,r i w.i* Iiubb. Mr. Bea-BBB ekjeelea ta tt ae of uo i,..l'.i, a.i.i*t. vVli.-u he fonnd tnat lt could .., .11 rt .in tb.- contioi.'-i, i.e aBaaaaaatae _hu-i.i-.ti H llMBIlIf Tlu- publi -i.ti.ui. it l8 Mtd, led lo tke | , i.r tka ciul.t z.icuit nt, 1.8 iii his ,-florla to ctt-ruj. tr.u.'i).,- ekatgea aaaa fcea*wM_ieaaeeal the puot.t f.iiui- than tlu-.v r. ally had. B/kaa ak ? eaaaat'i a-DB-BtaaHea of tke iwiiiatike1 aivanctU f<ir aaaeagh taekawtfcal Kudnian was a defaultor, Mr. r*j,r,i>rue ma.le ?<>t,.l thc ?uu. of 188488 l.y UM sale of bis luteii-. t iu The Ilruoklyn I 9 lv .iii.iin \.m Aii.len. lt ix also ruinored that Mr. >? racat baaaawBl Maaa-Beea bi? father wWa MA __n w.,,. ..t lrv-iiiifton. and a slmllar amount fn.'i) BeatfhaB paraaa. IBaeeeaBM were u.nowed kaerdai le eiiabie Bpeaaaa t<> Balaaea hla accounte. a iBeaBeNMrikf peeeea k?8B8Bei a wporter, laat even Inu, tltot laal Kpnug Kod.nrtn of the Trurat Oeaapaai M Um eaaeaat oi ti_?_,o_., iu Waii-st. for Bpeoulalivt p.iipowr. A _< uticimiii, thoroiiKbly converaant with the man u.ii.<-: t .; laurea,laiaal-uanalapeaBBr, laat aaaatag, tbal tl.e- cnt.rt aUit>uut of Kodiuan'e rob brr? | *.i_* uot yet knvwn. A* far a. could bo a*- er taineri. n | IbM wa- about t-OO.oM ln ail, bul tbe la?l Btfr %a* not \n coiopleted. "11 i.,.i - iiiiwhat txld," continuerl tbe uptaker, ?"tbat ll'luiaii -Uo.ild Kave bail Ibe opp' of doing what bc .lui. Mr. . ; rafiie knew ol tbe lln tt of Bil.oon a BBBB BBB* BBi IBI did not take anv latepa to bave the thlcf i.-,,.,Mfl. Th.-_r- tbiri(,'8 could 1?- uinln the BtB ebaru-r. t. nicli did uot oblige tbe Treahtirer to make a^ j-a-ir,* i ,i -i.n, u,_nt t<> Ika Controller. lf ln auy of tbe _Ut< lucnla UUk* n> itoiaiuau auy fl^urcn r.-prcseutim; Buioui.ii.ut .ii) tuud* iapeataeel aartei tiaaa tbe true __oa.iii.lK od ?b*porit at anv ol tbe luotitiitlons, as h.ip* jtahii. il *ouie , m*, _.o, uo Kicat i.otit e tiu taken of il, tkt tbe uie. in i.tli-e were nol ru-aj.-a.ied of unta.r dcalinj;. But Kodniii. lr uu out aud oul raacal. lie iteot lato ul. bis apecnlatiouH recklea'ly tiecBiiHe he >ii. w l:t* bud BB-BBBg to lo-e. Uo l.aa no l*oi?arly wi.icb van t*-* aeiict) npon t>y ib.i.r) ,. b.r prop. rty Irciin. ui tbe name of bia wife. Tbt itMiKttieiil aj;?mr.i ui? 'or $..uon, ctit, rt,l laxl Piiin/, ?fctiwr tl..* lu tbe e.xaiii.iiatlnii now Kollifr ou of tln niuu.a.pni Baaka, tbe Coutroller'a aud Tnraaurrr'a ?aaaaalaaea ih mg aeapeeea ami ba_-_eaa_. aud tbu* ati) .I'*..'. p,.!.< ) wLin ti may cxn-l wiii be diacovcred. The ac ouir.aiil baa by 8 I BBI BBM tiiilMieal bia taak, and tbe dit? i> i tn . ttMit* up. ar I a.,1.1 tK-fore, near)) 8_ao,?aO. For BM_M tlinl is Iriii.n, Ibe auio.iut of KoUmau-a rol.b' r*?* tna) lr<- nior ibi'i douMe lhat 9*9*** ? a t...i\.rn( tln 'lrual('o_i?iov, Mr . ban inr a. dh_l?i.ut d auy kuuwlcvtljte of ibr. llr ti:a<l lU??l?.?.,'lr-r 1.1 tll. rnt ttlli-li. lic.VOIld llu- llcpolall *? u Hm- TrujtlC'.inpany, ai.d expn-K_ed bliuwit well pi.-am-tl aat tln ai;i.i.*"-iica ol *?;,! .i.iov'a aud ltolluan * acvouula. Juu^r Mi-Cue ?w ii-.iueated to ataie auy luiowle.lare a? Bal_bi hava rafaeAiiiB tiie BaialaaiMa, but tir, nm-.i io aay auyiiiliiK about )l. Ue aaid be never bad ha.l aeythn:- to do vtitu tbe Treaauier'a aci-uuiita, and had beeu informed tliat then- was no truth In the rumur of a dell* it It , ,?iK-< rn* tl rio one whether Mr. Sprague liad or bad uot aold ina laiank iu The F.tiylt. Witb tbia be M eiBeeiy diamum d hi. lutervlcw. r. The followiUL- u* tbe auuatauce uf tbe statement of Ibr C-rpornUou ilouiiM-l. Mr. lleWitt, to a reporter: Tne euin-aottii, ti.> *.-; Traeeeaareai to aiami ... .i.e plae.- (rt |l . . ii.u'. puMic fitniln. Thf City Trc.istirer cives bont".s to tlie amount or |150,C00. IIib dcputy gites a of 15*0,000. Tbt. law uuder wbieh timm* offlf-rrs arr- ap pnr.itt-d make. an.T emht,/.l.-riictit of BBBflflf a felony, ptini-iliaMc hv riiic nr Impri iiii:i,'-.nt,.ir hotli. Thr uiaxuu ...u linprlsonmcul ib Btat<*il to bo flve yeara, tho tlue flliKcn -tn nary with tho court. Tbo OflflBN ler bclieves that the citv will sustain no loss. The Cily Treasurer l.aa bbki rni-tl ull bia property to tho city, and done all in hlB |h,wi r t<i make irood the deflclfncy. Thut Kodman nnd Mil s are tbe real criminals secins to bo tbe ouly t-OD.iui.iou wanantod by the f.u ts. THF ACTOFNT.VNT ON TIIE TRAIL. William E. Warren, tlie well-known imhlic arrniiritaiit, who haa of lato bflflB maklng au itivcftiira ii.ii into ihe affaira of the Brooklyn Trust Compauy and nf the ?BflflBBB lt.nik f?.r Hnvlngs, und who is now asccr ciiiiiiiK lh?* ftaMt condition uf ttu BflflBfl-flflBBl aceounts of the city Troamircr of Hrooklyn, wai sought out. laat BOBBlflr, bf a r. portcr of TTIE TRIDfNK, at BtB re.M.l. tuc, No. 5J flflfll Fitu-enth _t. Wlien a*ked for lnfurmatlon BflSflflflfltaf tlie euaOlttofl iu whieu he found the BflflNBflB if thfl ( it. Trett.surer of Hrooklyn. Mr. Warren wiib quite r. t nut ; Imt iiftcr Bollt-itatiou he cuuBeiited to uiake a Btatoniflut in rclatlon to thr niaticr. I l.egnn, BflM he, ihe ion of the Brooklyn 'I niBt Cooipany'B afl?rs on the. nth lust., but before I liad BBBB to innko my fonnal report to tho din-etors I wan called upon liy fl'ity Tteasnror Bprntftie and Beveral of bis friendu, wlio urged M to begln as soon aa poaslblo an exiiiQlnatioii of tlio account* of ttie City Treaaury. Tbe chief oljeci Mr. Hprague liad In vlcw lu settiiig on foot this in-.(iKtiK.ition w;ib to learn the exiK-t of d-rtain dettcioncies, wbicb be H.ispecU-d tbere were in tho tunJa o/ tlie Treasury. He wlahed thia luformation, as be iiin.Bcif told mc, ln order that bo niigbt know wlieiher bis projicrty was sulBclent to u>alte good any dei'alcalion Ihere ruleht l.e. II<' said that the people of Broi)klyn had shown their iuiplicit coufldeuce. u bim bf intruxtiiig hiui wlth Ibe eharge of tbo public money. and tu w:iH detcrtniued to l>c worthy of their trust, to ice tbat their BBflflfll flflfll wbcro th.y desirod it to go, and to make good, beforo it Bfltnti pul.licity. any dcfal iltere miglit be. In bflflJ-Bfllag my invcstigatlous, I went on Ihu.sday, the 21st lnst., to the BB-OB ol tho Controllor, and ufler BflflflB labor aac ?.iiicd that the amount due lrom tbo Cliy TreaBurc. io tbe City of brooklyn, at tbo eloso of business on Baturday. Aug. IC, was I3.407.S91 13; wbicb aroouut, as appearcd froni Mr. Bprague's weckly retuiua of tbat date w_p. then ricpositt-d lu yarious banks ln tho City of Brooklyn. I IBflO mfl8fltB_ Mr. Spraguc to Bend at t(. the BflTflBfl- city banks and have liis pas-i-booku wiih them written up, aml tuo several Bfl-Bflflflfl appar? ently cue from tbem venlicd. He complt.d wltb my reijui st, and 1 bel.eve the apparent balancca due from tli.'-c l.ankH on Aug. 16 were found to bo correct, except in tht case of the Brooklyn Trust Company, in whouc BtlCBBflll there was a BflMfll'paucy of nearly |2OO,OO0. AflflflnUaa to Mr. Pprague'r. BflflBfl the balance ot tbe city nioncy on drpor-it with the Brooklyn Trust Onpany was a litlle over IWO.'.'OO. Ou roicrriiig Ifl IBfl lclger ef th. Coapflfljr tfefl Bfllflflflt ii. favor of tho " City flf Brook i_ ii" waa only a little tn 818888 of 1300,000. I subse queiitly found Mflfl certain checks, wluch were depos ind with the Trust Company by the (liy Treasurer U> tt - 881 tlit Bf the Bflflflflfli of the City of Brooklyn. wbicb bad been di-bonorod and eharged back to the said ac ctuiit, wore paid. Tlie-fle r.-duced tbo diffcreuce to BBflfll 1100,000. Bome other itoms which I afU-rward fennd aBfl-t-flfl- it Ifl llM.OOO, and 1 60on lcarned of an oth? r lt. ni ainounting to |.r..r.,(X?J. wluch had Bflflfl depos itni in th" Masfeaataa- Ii.uik, and. BaaMBflia 'uat auui trom l-Mtaaa, 1 bafl BBMaa whioh i-tiii remain. <i ia ba ?? ((uuited for. Beiua to for tlns dlffer B-flOfl, I made a wnttcu r. port to Hr. ?fB-flfl-. ou tbe ud tl'.it The next .lay I wao ralle.l upon by Mr. Pprague's conn B8l( wV. iiKi'iii'"! if the B.iin BBflflflflflflfl Bl ?'>' r. port wu. tl e entire amount of the d<-flciency in Mr. __atajmr_ accounts. I told him t Imt it wai*, so far as roiictrned the accounts reudeied by bim to tbe Coutroller; but that tlie <vy Tre.isurcr was by law the Trcatuircr of tbe Jt.fl.iril of Kducstlon as well as of Uie C'ifly Corporatlon. and tliat 1 liad not exitmlneO his accouuta wilb tluit Board. Both be aml Mr. Bfl Bflflfl "'en Bflfl?fli me to ex aiiiiiie tlio- Bflflflflfl-B wbieh I did. AflflflrO-M to tbe Tl?Hlfll- bflflka tiiero was a bulaiice due from him to tfefl Buard of HliatlBfl ou f-'aiurtlay, Au-.*. 23, of H8BJBB1T, Mr. Bflflflflflfl. >t atf aflflaaatlflflr kflflflfl had . bOflka with the banks ln which be had tleposlted the cducatiOi.a! fuud*. wntt'n up and BflBBflflflfl Bfl Aflfl 23. his accounts with th< Buar-i wera fouud to stand Bt, follotis: I-.Fit.t-laflioBalB.Bl.?}!*?_?!? 22 IsPaHsaBBBk. '-."-.r1 _?_* IsMs-bss_b Baal.' l'_l ToUl .8340.184 17 Tln? Mim, lieiiuitfl d fiitiii tha .im. flflfl "'?> Board "f tion from the City Treasnrer, le.ivcs oOsflflMM Bflf l,f l.iO.OOO. . . Q Can yon infonn roe wheth.-r the nmounto you hnve siioiieii of ernbraee thenkonera belonring totheCom ?,:- i mera of the_ilnh_ng Pnnd ol tboCltj of Brooklynl a. v,..-??; v.A'v di.nt.i. Tfee City TTeaaarer, althoucfa on. ol tbt Couili.i-~ioi.erh of thal land, ls noi tlu ,,;?,, c.flti.mH-ioii. All luoucys in tlu-custodyof thut Cuiuiu --.'"> un , <>r sl.t.u tl be, ?l< .toaibttd wiii. Ihe H'i, T ,.b( .''.mpaiiy. Conaeq-enily the aeeoonu ofthe Cltj 'ir- .-ii.". do mfl BflBbrflflfl IBfl uiourys l.clonging to t:i,'-i iking l'.iu.l. . _ O Ii <? i. ni any otijection to sfiling wh.ther your in itlt 1.1 t ii: ? affairs <>i tl.r Trnal -Company diai loaed ai,\ti'i'..,-r iiiitifi -.i i i.i.iv.? i" Ut'- aeeoflnta ol Uo- Biah i .11 A. '>'.', ft.!-. I uid tixa.iiiuc tl.ut a< > tiitnt .m.l :',,_'ui some rery i rooh i thin?s m lt. 1 hare Bfl mei... randaor tbe examlnat-on wlth aae.batll -ahI iiiiti..-m tui I (U-i"veieit naodl ii.itncc thal the nioneyt- be loliKlDB to tb. a rlon< - n.ivc ioiiir ii("-n Umpered wlth more or leaa __ Kodataa, ihe latt* BeereUry ofthe Trusi Coiapunv. Tfee mootnly aooounta ri Bderad i>y biij asOoeretaryof th* Company, lo taal Controller, ahow the reeelptflaad dlahnncmanta of tuat Company ujr,i K ... i, montii on th.- aeooonl ?.f tlu Kiuknijr Faua u i -.i.i- !'i<e n-uiiiiiimI'lm depoelt, ot whal ai."i...l r.''iflisiu 1... <i. ifloalt, with ti.e Traat COmpany. The baaBi of tfee Trust Company ahow qalte dlfferent balaocea. I am now eiigiiKe.i lu a furllK t cxaminatiou of tbese ac "'o"l)i(l vonflnd anvthin*? to ahow that Mr. flprai'iio ha.i-i pot-.tivi- baoww-gfl ol aay tt tflflflfl -fl_-ta___Ml A. Nn. iioibiiiK wbiitevci. . w_. - . ,.. O llowi-i.tild it i.t- iM.-cihle that Mr t-i.rru-uf. stiould kiiov. Dotfeugol tbeaedeflotendea I A. He aopaarsto luve trnated ? vervtbln.; 10 Ibilman, I.u- depnty, aho ti-ansa.-tcil all tfea buainaaa, aafl iu whom be teems to bave placed impllrit coiifl'l. Bfll (j Who Biirued tbe re.-e.pts for monuys paid ln to tne rlty treasury by th< ta\ oollectors aafl ?flalfltflI A. Mr. Bpri rui sigii.-ti lflfl* BflflBBflflBBB, but uauaJiy tbey Mflfl aiaa b) Mr. Kodman. , o Wbat ib ibe general condition ofthe fl'ity Treaeflirers books I A. They are in v, -. -. ,-."d ord.r. mdeed; they art* now kept aeconliuir to tbfl metbod luescrioed toy Controller SobrOBOflr i previoiiB to his aect .siou to that ,,Ui(.- no tegular U>okaof aocount wero kept by tbe City To""l'low'did you flnd tbe booka of Ibe Trust Company 1 OflfllflflllJ IBBahtflfl, Bhfly Wflflfl in L-i.o.1 Bi.ndition. O Have you fonud anv B-_BlBflflnfll wbicb bave not , vtt s-ained publlcily 1 A. No; none at all. Tben A no Ifltereel was allowed flliereoo. U Vil jou pl.aae state wbether there is any de fl..,,'Ucy in tl.e Siuklno Tiind bllls due from the Trua Company I A. Bo.Bir; tbere was a defleieney, but it h_\b ,eei. laaOe gotd. Aa I uudersiand, the money 'u.e Kodiuoo. it having beeu by b.m deposited m i ' i*uii.... Bank, uud upon tbe rcsuiuptlon rfMBIM l.y tb. Tt ti.t Company .1 was drimu out of tbo bank -ii.liii-p...-1-t.l wuu tho TniBl Compauy. .,_..?. u Ii ha- been rumored Uiat tb, te were defalcationsor d'-niii-iKit-s ji. ii..- aeooaata of BBflflflflfl? the Mftrtmam* Inllro-hlyn besM? tho.-- *_? Met bad to flajaflBBijflfl i.ui kuuw auytbing couoeruiug tbeml A. Ho. B.r, i ba" is.rt.cir.alled BflflU to it.veailgate the condition of the Bflflfl?H of any other department. ADM1SSIONS OF THE OFFICIALS. -im: cOfllflOIJ-flflfa ibtatkmknt. '1 hc COiitrolk-r said: I want to uiakt; tliie ao abort uud as murh to the point as M. T. Kod man. V -puty City Treasurer and ex-S_cr-t-_y of the lirooViyiiTru-. flompany. has beon found to be a de taaltertfl the city to tbe extent of |li?,ooo. I have met bi. Uo.idameu. all eirepl Mr. Klugsle,), who Ifl oot of towD, and I have seen Mr. Sprague, City Treairui-r, and as a reault tbe. ttoing is srranged, _atid the defl. ieucy uiii ba made good hy tbe boudainen aud Mr. tflprajrue. to thai. ihe cli> will not loat: a dollar. Tbere was another flleial.-atioo of |M>.ooo a year ago, which wm made good l.y tbe City Treaaurcr and tbe matter kept quict Tbis. tbe Controller aaid, was all be bad lo state. but upou being queatloued bf tbe reporter. h" added tbat Ihe pniscnt defuieatiBB waadtridad txlween two aci-ounls, to wit: V*s,o\n ou tbe Board of Education fund, aud 04.000 Bfl the (rt-neriJ City Fund. Ui?on being asBed bow It poMNlile ior Kodman u, awiudle the city so largely. tbe fl'ontroller repdwt that tbe posalbility Msided ln Kodman's ?i*?ini{ lt. ibe doublo eapa. Ity of Dcputy City Treiistiier and nnrrury nt the Trnsi Coinpauf. (B-BBBflflflttaflfl Bflfl-M BBfl Ifl ni .kc lal.,-nt ilcin. nt -1 ? received from the rlfy and Bflflfll it BBflfl 'ho book. of Hfl Treasurer asifdepo.-nt/d m the Trust Company, antl by l>eing Becretary of the Company no one etmld expoae tiie fraud. Hls* to the Oontroller. however. were BBflflB as Dcputy City Trettsnrcr. and noi as h-ei rotary of the Truet Company, and. therefore, the Truat Omipiny could not BB held rcspunslblc. Tbe Controller flflB aaked when and ln what maunor Mr. ltodmau'H deia.ciiioii was flrst discovi-red, but he deol.ued posiliv.-iy lo unawer any qncstlons. TIIK CITY THKASl RKl.'S BTATT-JBENT. The City Tiv-nRiircr, Corflandt A. BpaaajflO, was found in his oflice i-urrounded by ac.onntaut* an.l evid.iitly hard at work. Th. following lonvcrsation enBiied: RcporUT-The Oonti-ollor has ment conoerulng the defaleatt? of Hr. Bflflflaflfl. Bfll ap.ixt from sctting forth the fact? _bfltttfl-fl&flflflUflfl was 1148,000. and that tho Bflfl-flBBSfl and you are to make that amonnt good. bc doolines to glfo any flflflallfl. Trensun-r-Whatever tho Contnillcr Bflfl told you i* right and there li nothing more that I can fell you. Keportt-r?Are you not in a position to aay now by what nieans the swindlc was carrlcdoutl Tn?si'rer?I am not. Reporter?It scema rather flSfltflflfl that you. wlth tho booka lu yutir posseiiBion and the fact of Ihe d"falrarion, should not be prepared to make lomo kind of expla narlon. Treaanrer-T can't help that. Cnntroll-ir Bohroeder aald all then- is to bc flitnl on tho snbje -t at pflflflriflt. Report-cr-Wh. u did Mr. Kodman sioal the money I Treasurer?That I can 't say. Reporter?Aud you can't say how ho stole It 1 Ti*easurer?I cannot at present. Keporter-What do you mean l.y the term t 1 Treasurer-1 mean tiiar as things now staud there ie nothing furtlier to be s:ud. Iflflafl ln the iliy another interview was had wlth Mr. Bprague, and he was BflBfl- to make a full an.l falr staf' - ment In relation to the defalcation of his dcputy. He replied that his expert was bmlly engaged In maklng a full and complete statcment, aud rhat a*. soon as it w.m prepared be would give it to IBfl fflflflfl, li.foic tti.t statemeut was prepared, with Its faots and tlgures, howevci, he declinc.l to have anything further to say. TnE MAYOR_ BT-fl-Oa?RT. Tlio Mayor waw diaBBBBlag Iha matter in Iii-* Oflice, aud when the NparBflfl askod b.m to make a stiite D.cnt in rcli.tion to tl.c BBBttfll Bfl BflflUflfli to do so uutil the Cotitrollcr should givo hiin the facts aud IfBBflfl. His iuformation of aflfl dcfalcalion, he said, was uot siifli cicntly deflnit***, but hc Bflflaa__flfli U>at latoajfla had already BBBBB BBflfl tho iu Ifefl treasury. Ti.e Ma. or expialned the nianner in wliu-h BB8 treasury ,)?'l been rohl.ed. He said lhat ?iolinan, when he rei-oiicil city money as Deputy Troan.rcr, had, at varloii* tiim.-a, entcccd tho full amount on the Trcisurcr's books BB being deposited with tlio Brooklyn Truxt Comp.uiy, but had failed tfl turn oicr tlio BBflflflf to Ifefl Ciiinpiny, aud had not euU-red Bfl its BBBBB BBB amount ho sliould havo dflpt.sited. Thua the Treasurer's booki showed more money paid Bfl iho Company than the Company 'a books BjhflWfltaaiflflNflBi. Kodman had. by vinue of hiH po*i tion as l). puty Treasurer an.l also aa H. eretury of the Company. BBB_8 one luaud play iuto theothcr, aud tbenctr into his pockct. _ RODMAN'S 0_J_U__ Tlic defaolUnffDaaaflf ('uy Traaaaiea, M. T. Kodman, 1? about *0 years of age, aud resides in a brown Btoiie front mansionat No. 375 Ciiiuiist. Little can Ik asccrtaiutd at BBflflflfl! tonccrniug his movoments liefore be camo to Brooklyn, but enough ia known t? ahow that his career has beeu an evcntful oue. It ls learned that be eame onginally ftom Oriskany Falln, ln thjs State, and tbenco removed to Ution, wbero ho bfll BflM tcller in a bank. Sul.aequeutiy he wa9 traced to Ohio, VfeflfB he is alleged to havo ruiued hls stcpfatlier ln.aucially. He ______ eame to New-York City, and after a short service in Uie Qe?Tfll Iflfll Ofl-88 as clcrk, went out of it Into tho Bub Treasury in tho same capacity. flast II ls fi'.iii'l he bflflflflflB a member of the Ilrin ot Boiimaii, Fiske A Co., wbicb faib-d, and aflerward caabier of the GBflflflfl Bank, whleb, after an exlstcuc*. of a year and a half alao failed. Boon after tbla last event Mr. Kodman eame to Brooklyn aud was made ho. of the Ti'iist Company. Wflflfl (Jortlaudt A. Spraguo baaaaaa Olj Tiaaaflim. Mr. Kodman was bbp?toflfest dt puty, _ und furumlied bonds lu t_-,-0U, as BlflB* Wfeaaa ___0flB. Mr. Kodman waa Scirctary of the Trust Compaiiy ou July 18 last, wben .Ethelbert B. Mills was drownod, and tha defaiilt ol MAgM, wfelafe Iflflflltad Ifl fl BflflaflflflBM. of tlio iU_.iitut.oii, bflflflflflflfeaflflfl. >o BBflflflB Bad Mr. MilLn'n ovei ".raft l.i tu brouebt to light thau lt was founl tbat Ki.dman wa.-i also a defaultfll in tfefl BBBfl of UMBB li" ie mau at th< Iflfltflflt waslntln.ed to Iflflf*tfefl lafBlflataflfl, but an exainliiation of tlie Coiupauy'a afla.ia soon Bhowcil his (ltbial to bc falsr. di, the morning of July li, it will bc remem!>e.-e<l, Elbell.ert B. Kf-fl, PtflflMflflt of the Krookivu Tr.lsl Coin pa-iy, was drowued at (on. > l.alun.l. On July lf, it was dlBeoTCM- tii.'t fea feaa" afe-flfli hia traal ati.i tafeaa BUBflN ln money, beside impusing a loss of IBBMM BBflBfl upon tfefl compaiiy I.} BpeefllBttflfl-. i'urthcr dcvdopmer.t, after this was brought to light. Miowid that the Ke. r. tary, M. T. Kodman, v.i.H a defaulter to the amount of v.i"" adertod nmoh Mirprise and lii>h.'iiiilion -Lii. la w lial nfearafli "flflfl tan 8r_.flfl.feai tha ao* Bflarflflaaa w.-re against bim. Baeeaalag fllafeiflflfl-t he Bflfllflflflfl 'I rhat th.- luont-y had bflflfl borrowetl, though in BflBflfl Bflfeflflaaai Bafl BMBaaar. a iBaOflfeflfl aaa flfll flBIBBjIfll BBBratlBBM flflflB made. It was BflM BBfl flflfl mau was oonneeud with bflflfl- upou the pul.iic iw.u. y, an.l that hfl-had iled to avo.d tbo flBflflflflJflflflflflfl flf BBB BOfflflT. Hc had not ubsconded | lio return' ItBBfl .!? ni, il tfefl rml.. BSlfl iiiiM. A dl-patdi was ptihlisliud ln whuh ba abflfli tnat Ba wai afeflflfll flfl tba baaaBt ot his bealth. Out <tf dofci.-iici ro the wibhes of the Bflflfllfl Bfl was willing to n turn to Brooklyn. This he did, aud haa IBBBflB-B- flflflfl flflBB. Yestcrday morning tho fa, t al tfea def.ilca'ii'U was again moro ?*rnngl> 88888080, TlitS I,,,. n wae moro detluite, and the amount was -i ,te.| to be 1200,000. Qraat flXflttflflBflfll ??? araaaafl. Hodiverse were the earli. r rep.rU tbat lt was dittkult to tell who were the persons concerned. Tbe City Treasarer, Mr. Fprague ; tbe Controller. Mr. Schroe.lcr, as well as Mi. Kfl.iiiiiati.aflaaflatai to t*e taaattafltaa. Afterward, when the matter was more thoroughly luvusrigatod, fl was seen tbat Bodmati wa*. the ouly crlminal. Mr. K >.l man BflflflB-M a bflflflfl fllflBfl house ou Muitb-st, ucar the Tark. An attempt to ot-t-in an interview w.tb bim reaultcd iu a fai.ure. a BUMOB OF ROD.MA.YS ARI.E.ST. At a lateboui lai?t niglit a npoiter of Tne TRimiTii waa given to uuilerstaud lhal Kodman waa under air. at. Ho was removod from his rtaidenco by two oftlfl BBI .irmed with ibe propor warrant frum Assiat _i,i Uibtru t-Attorney fl.ulleo. Kodman will be arraigu.-d to-day. Tbe offioials at hi-adauartei-declined to give any info. ciation rcgarding the arrest. aud Mr. Cullen could uot l?e louu.l._ TH.>.<.KA1'_!1C NOTE9. ....Jc-TeD-on Davis lia" rcsurucd tho Fresidcncy of Uil l arifllmt Llt Co_pBBT. ln the cricket flBBtflfe at Salt Lake City yest.-r im. tka atB_naB l__B_..s_sa dcflaalwl toa Ball L.i. ir. I.l Hal.. The P-reBldf-nt of the New-Orleana floard M Hs-ita'aaii tflitie ara oait la.. taao* ot Mm ftte, io tkal ntt. la flj.ltriKit Tnaa lit.wttrr, aa snl.r Daa batu ia?uaJ rUl ill usia liia. Hto.OrliBB- ur BraaBaar aill bs aabj.-rt tu qBariolLa. CR1MES AND CA8CA_.TI._S?UY -_XL_t____\__ Kni?_st VflWa fll QaJorda Mi__?.. while mling on 8 frVifil ut tb. Nora-.tb Kaa-. aaa jans- ut, aad r??.,><?j ____a_a fctephen Doneiran waa poisoned in Lowell ?n ,-aj :..? isk.sf l)Bf yo-8B Baalfl kus la snalala lot ?r.liii.rj: i_JBn?a W BBBMI An nnknown man and woman were killed on tk.T-B.T Kanraad atat B.Ui RrBaanarr Coubij, t??_n_aj. t^l, aaa 00 |aan .< agt. aai lat laaa wa* l.lnJ. .In Chicago.? ytwU-rday, Boane, the conduetor ef BW Baal traia ib Uir <'lu<-a__. bb- Altoa Rsilruail wblrb Uurrl ik raerkl lernba luaa uf bi. ai BaaBBa, aaa ajiasaal aad aamaiuaa t. i?. I Georgc Man/Tani, wlio waa ari?-*t,ir*i week ae BBBM ul tatiabug aad m.rftitg fl.l* Ltr, aaa ...irrdsr r m u,.itfl_ au u.. cbarfB af ?nitla? to bi llia l.ait__*i u-ris ul u. 1 .rcatt < "Lrt. Col. Wall, who waa chargr-J with perjury by J B l!a, _.? aaa, 7?tal?rd.t, ia Ball bak? ('Hf. SflflKBaryad al lk. pr* !, ?i.?8.liaa Juift Oiotea mM ot istr !>|,i.l jbj; awiul ?BBflfl-i Ufl. et_8B? a*?s_i_ A party of rutliana aaaeaTibled yeatenlay at PflsVtiirr a. Ur k.asr part ol Unlt. MBBL MB-fll U. t..r <?. r-lllji Iflfi to oiumm a pna. ___< ba.a-ea Joka l . l-aaot?aad Jaaar. airr.t, bai U_a i?be. is-ila-d .ad amaaad I-a ana-pals ..J Uu ulbtr D'laaoa .During a pirnie ?>n Tneadav af hampt<,n I'ark, 1 | ,,i, il. ? Irnar'iii_ K-Jl".,' a r,o: , lam? CaBSBI ..1 ...,t .a.lB-M aaaa aaaaaS Hur,. ... fl ? TIIE SHAH OF PBB8IA. ins pkpa._titi._-. kkom vicnna. Tiil' 11 si ivi iiks ai st.iioNitr.t'N.s i.i.ioi) itii.DtM.i:. [KHOM * Ml.t IAI (Ollltl -luMU.ST OB r.lK ___-___-?] Vikvna, Aug. 10.?Thc .Sliali bM |0_M nt VaaI, and bia lar.wt-11 t>. may be >-ald t?> t?r a f.irev-., !1 tn E im|*f. ile htops in I'onstantiiiopl,-, it iu true; l.ut Turkey ia Kiinpc.m only iti iiu....-, und il* capit.l im ulinoxt aa Aaiutir a city ne Teheran. There tui wiii !>-? BBBBBa people of Iiim own rcl.irloii, wlioao civiiisatlou le of a piece witb ln.-* owu. IIU rt.-cptiou by lln* wlll bo ouly ttm mi-eUng o[ two Moliamniedan prlnce whose doininions aro coiitlituoiis, and wiii ponaeHi. uouo of tho picturc-<|iiely ineonjcriioii- f.ntiirf.-, of his eatertainment by tho nionarcbs of Europe. Ita hee_-aaei bBafeaaln with Ha HaaaBBBla amiKoid l.u-e, hia l!l-u)anuirn aml pr..clicca. uud his trani nf porirt (.us, dtrtv, aud iii.leccut ooiiiiier-t au.l Imk.-j-H, will liia.l i|ilit? at hoiue I i _*******>, ai.d wben he leavcs. tbo Hultaii wi l nol tlniik it noeoat-ary lo bave his *|.iarU.r? clcan*ed wilh m...p and .li. ii.octanta, M is now Ik iuir wlih I.ujreuii.uri, 1'aUce. Thc closlun Mtc ln bonor of hia i'emian Mah-sty took place at Si hnnbriiuu on Tliurslay Btgh-. lt ls one of the uuwritton lawa of ******* Court i-tl.|.ielU. lhat a rWHag BBfBBBtgB slliill _8 cut'-.taliicil with a BBBJPSr, BBBBBk Bnd flr .work. at aohoubruiiti, and that thc public aball bc aalinitto.t to the __-_-_-BB to inarvel at tt.o rock.t,. and lurlita, itiol at thc more durablc spleudor of tbe imperial pcrnonaKes iiih.h the halcony of tb.- p-tlacc. Thc ff-tc for the Bfcak waa Just like a hundred otherx lhat have gunv. before it. No iiiiiLiual ru*r_ wur, uiudc over the " Hhadow of I....1 on Earth," an the I*.mian p888i htylehlni. He got tlio BBBM hnnoi-t p.tid to Ku._ ( _ar aml KatBM wln-n th.-y came to BM their " dear liolli'-r" Kr.iti'im Jo-cph, nnd w?ul.) le* puid to PM-Meat Ma. .M.ali.u nr I'l-.-Mideiit l.rmt i{ eillicr of tbciu riho.ild v i-H Vieuua. Tbi: liaaeBBB BIB the chief B_B8fl__e of then*- Ttt**, and thc. only BBB Bl '.de 11"- BBBMBI ln which tbe public Im luti-re-tcd. Tln- imo.hi.Im bark of tbe palactt are peciiliarly suit'-d f?,r a pt roit-i-liiii,-tli play. A loii|f atrctch of livel sward, einbroithred witb flowi-r-bctUaml wihdin.. p.itliM, and Hl.ut iu l.y wall* of clippod tretrn, ends .ibruntly la a BtBBff lull. At the foot of tl.e blll la au itiipo?uii{ fount.tiu called llie N. piuu> (iroiip, with tl_,ures of tln* BM **A and bit train of tritons aud nymplis, and on the hiiiuiiiiI MuimI* thc liiuri.-tt.?.. atraatan ai Hgfcl Bieaae sat__-__tB_te broad eutablaturc. The hillii'lt- uud Un- t.lorictte Iiirni.*h back^round for Un-works, which can Ix. Mttrn hy 10.000 people on tbe lawu aud tttill Im-U?t bv tbe iinpernil hou.-lioht aud (riicMtM from tbi- palui.; ii.K'.ny. 0a tiu-,.,-.'...-ion Itkaagkl tkadtapiajrralkef a.luapou**. Oata tka wtadewa on tm Uoor afifca I,ii..... w. i, liiiimiiiii,.1. aad ib.if aeea aaeelaiBi taateraa Baa_ la tka lieea ee tmrt or ut*m hec-Matag tht -A.tik- ,iinl 11 iwi rbi-il*. fhe heel of the show waa Ikaekaweref roekauaada a_aa maBeeBt-wtBeeetla itii.ii in d by two aai eklfa a hatterj of artiihr., postcdout of ritrht b-hllld Ihe lull, kkR*i awav iv hii. thc pi.-.-.- eaa haretai nui laada ?? UUf ?"?*'***** Tlie Bmbt-bi niMlaith. wn,- ti t.i ail elen i__bbmI io bm Hm Hhuh, chauKiil Inr iniiid nt tln- iiit.iii-rit and BBBM 18 tbt- !.;<-. Ii ir, r.ii'l tbat ln jrn.itly iMffBBMBdWith b.r bcailty aml -Hfaltj. .iml mIiowhI kBTB iv-prtthal had Honieihinir v. ry like i.,,\i.*h biisliiulmns iu it. Ho wore liln moMt (la/.zlniX, aml aiuohj. Iiim <b , "i *' timi. w.i- Uo* ?? li.tiii iii'or" or ",S,.-a of hiflil," tbe Jki_'? -0 di.iini,ii,l in tbI vMirli:I. OB Fiidn. BBBTBlBi N i i-i! Du. .j l ! f.- .1 l.ux. inl-ur..' with aii in- teUewan. Ba altaee-l hia planaaboat kli route thc ,!iiv 1" fore, ainl iuat* of tfoiii.- to Tri,-*!.- ln vvi-nt bi. k tu Ilaiy bf way of BaltBarg, liinspr;ifi_ aad tiu- Biaaaa- _ka w_v tn- aaaaa?aad vvcut tiinvt fraei V*-roii.i to Ilr.n.liM, and tlicmn by se,.i to OeaMM?att-BV-B. Him reason for the chan*.. was a dc-irt! to h-i- ajraiu tln lnoiititaiii country of L'pi?-r Au.-,(ria BBd lk8 Tyn.l, where tm- Beesaey pleaeed hlu bettM Ikae bbj uuui. h> hahad eeea la Eareffe. Tke parttn BBeeaaBtB atl_ez cintmiif wcrc as ijub t as a fuin-ial. Thc little stiilion w.-isclu-.iplv adnrtid! wilh thc BBBM I i.u-rrv.itury plunu ti.,.t haaeeed IkeBkak'a arriv-ui, tka bbbmiadeetva. wa-Mpread aloiiK Ibt- ground bcaido the ti-tin, tlu- xamc rt|ii,i<iraii. of cavairy and couipauy *>f ii.fautiy MBM [M,-,t, ,1 at ttie p.ilace faBaa, aud HM naun, biunl plnytnl tln* |aiiie tiiiic a.-* hl ilrovc out with tbe Eiiii'i-mr. Two or thn-i* bi.iiiln >l pfople VBM BBthaeed nt tln Bt.ition. Tlu-lii_rKriJ.'c h-i'l bi-i-n put ou bnanl th*-. tr..r. un hour bcfoia-, iru lii'lmv |k8 d"t-'M runl btnl_, tln- n tl* tallcd lnarc and tln- icm, winea aml provi-ions, but uow and then a d p.iintt-d trunk arrived on the .houl dt rs of i. I'.i- in .rv.iiit. Ibe l.iand Vi/.icr, iOoklBB v.rvtn.t BBd unoui.o.labl,' iu hia black t t-itt. tl with p.1.1 litce and ,lc,-oration-t.l'.wait.-tl pati,,,!ly upou th? platforui. Tln- tlve dirty-faccd boyM, wlu. ,.r.- u pt.sed to be ihe Bkak*s mbb, out <>f tka aaMki - *,f tln- iiiip.-nal car. iiml the vvintioWM of tho BtkBTl " wcrc tlln tl withlntil- covt-rtd with the t.ill, cy liinlncal, tni!iiliM? bat whn h a I'i i-i ui BMBMM IBB Bid M m ll jacn-iibl.- BB B .'liinainiii BBM hiM P-ftaO. 41 10 o'clock thc CiniMTor aml Iiim gaaet elll-icd the fol ),,,,,*,.,i i,y ? f.*-.v i'. r-i.i.i aad Aastrtaa e-Beera, :,i,il vv.-iikid Bleag 'Mo carpi-t until tb-y 8B8M M tbe Ber, wliirh .totid out lu tm lil.tziu.: -nii.-liii.t*. The .-p--<"r* pi.M* r-. .d a ti. a.i r-rcnt i. aad itaiBd iit tke Bkehtjrlt-. taa bbbm htad *,t , *u-i.--itt Il?-> ? wo Bid hav.* for ;i flfl chief t,r tm. upt .lok. A.nv.-.i m tka Btepa at tb,- .-nr tka j.arii haltnd. tka ttt***4***** ?*_?*?_ *>ii Iall haek. eaeeat an brtaepsetar, ead lae i w BBaaarekfl *io" i faa bb eaeh a.tnri torafea laeaadewltkeatibbbbIbb "tkeSiBBei-ir, t;ill,crcct,di?:ilill''I, aml MB-ftMBB, IkB Bkafe Btll ?*? ***** ie-*, aioiit hy a a_Uaa laeh u. hia eruel suaky eyes, aml in tho expr.-j.ion of Iiim BBSBMI ui* uU.. Tu.- l.-ni-n.. won- UM linlli.uit unifoiui of au ,\u-tii..ii Field und ou his BBBflel w-*-s BBJBg 8 mlniittiiri- of tU -hati ^ci iu .1 i.itti> md->. IkB BBBI BBM Bl thc " Kln-.- of Kinjfii" wa? a l.?-_o BtBBh M * Wtth larire -l. i-t. ralaud hattBBBj tho froi.t thnklv ein* MaMaead wuh vm,** m bbM Ibbb, -daal Mw-BBaef Kuropa-aii fii-hion, tlie ii*ual hlu. k I.-r. wuh it.M BBMBBtd ?inl illiiliioml oinaim ut, lln- BCeek-d BVBBd vvith ite )i-web-tl tollt and Hcahbard. and ? H.-idi. worn acro*s tho br- a*t, ftiiddcl wilh what iBBBBd lit>" diamoud l)i,? I Iicm ?each bro.cb a larKe ,-u, u,ilad hf BBBBIIm dtout-H. Thc two meu seemod i-i me to tjplfy iu a strlkiiu" way tbe two ontiiient.M of Earope aud A-.u the on*! iii.elh._ent, p.lite aml n, ibe UM* luiiatical. iirnorant aml sensual; tbe oue tbe head ofa l.-r, at, cnllj;htened aml proirn-.-vive iiatum, the oth. r thc cblef of an iwiluled and people wboae tivilization im no more advaneed to-day than it wiim lu thc time of Darni*. K.icb appeared to walt fair the other toapeak. Fiually thc Mlutb said somctbi... iu 1',-isiau lo the lnterpreU-r, who said to tba Enipcror iu Fieucli: '? Tln- ______! Ui " UM k* BBBBet tlnd words tii expre... Ins >;rntitudo for your Miyi-atv'a kladnen.a." The KHiperor btiwed aud IMfHedl **The vinit of His Ma|<-*iy li.. jiiveu tue much pIcuKure; I thank buu for it." An.llicr pauae eiiMiit-.l. Then tbe Eiuprtor *.tid : 'Adieil! Hon voyaxe," and the two nhook hamls. " Ailu-.i," Un Shah, and turnin^' ht* wout up the cur ntcpM. Tbere wBMitoiiie delay _B j?ettiiiK tbe traiu off. A few I'eraiau otticer* limtered upon the plafforui. The Eiuperor, who wa- no doiitit luipaticiit to m e the lu*t of bm troilble.-ouie K'leiMt*. eall'-d to llu- old i.'oiliil .'reiiut nillo, the niaster of oeremoniea, "Tell tbeui iiiey nniMi aboard." The Hbah lotiked out af the car wlndow at tbe aili-ut crowd aml at tbo kIuuiIiiik Iii tbe l.roilinj; ann. llc *pnke to the Interpreter, _h<> traaaMBad iu i-'rench: " My ma.tcr ICfNta that your M.tje.ty tuvi^t rtand lu tbe hun. It im vt ry Wurm." " That Ik imtliiiu.," rcpllctl tlie Euijicror, "I am uited Jo lt." Fiually tbe whmtle blew, tbe comlmtor tBBtad Iiim BBBB, and the train moved off. " ilon vo. BBBV BMd tbe Ku.|h.-ior " Adieu," called t.hi k the Shah. Noixwlv * he*-r.-.l. Am the Empcror walked tbroiurh tbe htation t.i l.i* irarnajre bis fa*e waa ajflow with Blniles. lie * n .t l.iiii:, lmt I bavenodoabt bo tboujebt, " 1'huiik beaven, ii a nv.r, aud I aui nd uf tbe fellow al last." REPAIRISO THE ATLANTIC CABLM, ,nr. Kit'i r Mir TBT foind? advkii**!: wkaiiiiu. IxiKlMis, Aug. 28.?Cayt. Ilali-iii vrritt-8 froin the (ireai Eautern lhat the hroken cable had lieen urap pled an.l rais.-.l t*. the surfaoe at tbe ponit dettlk-uale.t l.y tbe elertrlclaua. but upou laBtBBB the wire tbe f.nili was found to tie utiiI to Uie ea.tward. Tl.e (.real EaU eru had cxperlenoed ailverao weatber. A aern-a <>f alternate foRM aml ^-.iic>> bad r< inlcr-tl tbe work o( jrrap piinit BBaeedtactf, but CBpi iiait-tu i* aaaaiaJn tbat tbe fault will aoon tie fouud aud reon-died. a i.n iiiom mh. _______ Te .1* Hditor of The Tribune. .^lli: T_M l.'n-iil hii-tern was nn tln- lOUl ii..i ,., - - t *-v 11..- aaaiaai . .. * ? ? _hey hvl had only C- hours of worklng weather. Wir!. flue weatbcr, Capt. Ilalpin has great hopes of ls Ing sucrossful iii BBflflfflB-BB and np.ilring tbe jWflflBtO. I Bfl catilta itlreidv piekcl up was in flBflfl condition. .'wu- Tork, A.ig. IY. 1HT.1._OT?-I W. 1'OtD. QEEBEAL fOEEIGE EEWS, THK (TVIL WAK IN EtiXK. BABOBlCflU MtJ-IBBBBB H7B?Bfl .1 iBl IB 10 MflasO> nos. Madiud, T.uirsday, Ang. 28. iX!X TLc firlillorynifl-n of the Il.tiocloii.t fBBflaOB whomutinied aml endcavond to bnug about n volt, havo BflflB tri.-d hy _?__, u.arliiil. Twelve of tlie BMfll gullty are sontence.l to death, and 30 to tran.-por lution to tl.c |M*iial .-nluniaa. It bas BflflB us. Ttuined tho cargo landed on rhe ('..:..( of Kiscay by the ste.nuor DflflBfeflflflfl BlflfltBB I of coiiileliined Auit Mflfl Kiiiall-arins. Tli, (ioveruiuoiit has inr.inuatlon whioh leads to the bflfll f that IBfl Cirllst aml the iBtrflBflflflflflBM aie actiug iu comrert. Bayonke. Thursday, Aug. M. 1*73. lt is roported from Cflflttal B8flflflflfl tbat Dflfl OBBBBfl hua lssued a flllBBJ?I ordor agilnst lntcrfercnce by his MBBflfl with railroad couimuaication. Tlio penalty of doath is -flflflflfl- for viol.itlon of this order. Tho Ctir l.-UarereDBirlng tbe telcgraphio lines ln tbe Northern provu.cos. THE GERMAN EMFflUL OOBUfl <;aruoiitj ?flBOOB rflOBB - morixG AT -KIPSIC. 1IKKI.IN, Tlmrsdav, Aug. 28, 1873. Tha Roaaafl Catliolic Bi.-aliop Koltt h.-w been BSflflBflflfli to puy a llne of WO thalers, and Bishop LaflVflBflWfl-l oue of 200 thalets for infraction of the cc rlBflBBtliral lawi ln appointiug c.ergyiu.u wilUout ob tainiug thosanction of tbeSUto autboritits. A telegram from Lelpsio says riots havo occur.<*d there lu whifl h a uumber of pflflflflflfl wtrro lfli'irod. Tho Bfllfeaattflfl wcrocompelled to call BBfl tho truop-J, who dispcraed the rioters and restored order. Ti.e .ity ls now traii_iiil, hut the troops are posted at vaiiotts polutssoas to bo tu raaOBBflaa to preveut any r i>,ntion of tho disturbauces. It is not stated wbat o, ta ioned the rlots. a maribii BXPEDrnofl against the A..HANTKI.S. LOBBOB. Thursday, Aug. 88. 18TJ. Tba Govcrumiiit fllecided, to-day, to Bsiid.iriexp.-ilitiouflflfllOBaa Coast C'ustle against the Aafeaflbaaa, MOanaaWttatbtf wiu commaod tho ex pciition, Bflfl wlll fefl i*.i-oi)ii)..nletl by a d.-tingui'hod Btaff flf hlB old flflUaafflaa ?f tha Bai Ottat, iu udditinu laHflfllflfltfld ..ti.' .th who aro to organlxe the natlvo lintec lt", ie-, lS.MKl Bttflflfl, No Krltish iroops wlll aocunpany the oxpeditlon at prescnt, bfll two biittiilions will o?. k.'pl iu Mflfl-flflfl. to (nopfl'rato if Mflflttflfl Tho c.pelliioii wlllleavo Cape Coast Castlo afiout \. .-. \.' w an.l Wlll rotiirn in March. Bfl operatioii.- aro to be coufllied to tbe cool ae ison. THE I.HF.AI) TBOUBLE8 IN PARIS. i'Aitts, TUiirHilay, Aug, 28. 19T3. A Hji.ciiil BBaaiflfl of tho Cabinot Councii was bflM yt-.t.-rday, to BBflflfl-Bfl measures the Govoru ment m ty bafea to allay tho troubbs caused by tho high ,,?? . nf l.i .<!. It is not y.-t known that any <' aetloa waa ,i teradafld flpofl. b?l it la repartfld that the Cablnet wero of tfefl opfnion tfeal tli.: Oorernmeni is aittbortied to aboltafe tbfl dlaerlmlnattni dutios as to , ? reals wiil.out .'"nvokiug tho AaaflBBWjr for icgtalativ at ilon on tfee aubject. _ AN BXP08tnO-i MEDAL REFI'SKD. Vienna, Thunday, Ang- i-, Wt. Considcntlde I'xcifcin. ut has taeii eteatad ?.--,_* th.tatfllflfllflfl ki the affairs of the flipflflMiflfl by tba refaaal "f an taflllafe Hrru B>Bflflflflfl medal of naeiit, vfeieb was BwaaBad i>y Iha iud/os. ? fokeidn mm. The Bflfl?B_ Count of Mandcrotioeiii i? ?ti .Ki. Puiitip the past tlir.-o monthB tho French ruliroada have sold HBOM tiekctH to religious pilgilms. Tlie project of an Intoriiatioiial Poatal Con in-fl'-a, to bc BflM iu Btawt, *?_ wiUcrlaud, haa been ab.ui doofld. It is ftnid tliat tlu* French r.ovr-rnniont hns been BBMpflflei to ahat.don BM tatflflOBM "f bt.ldiniT IBfl trial >>r Kflflfltfll BflBflBBfl at CtU-BBflaBflf. IBfl tewfl ','" uot iiff <r.l rti. n.laary a-oommodatio-a tor Uw court. So othei- pla c baa yi-t baaa lie.auii.flted. THE NATBAB MUEDEE CONfBASBD. OCBIOUa sTArrMKNTs oi' john' t. ir.viMi ai ban nUflfl l.-aCO-HIS l'll.ilt.UH.K I.NSA.MTV. sw Fi:.iN<aaooi Aflff. H, -A nuua Baaaad ii\in^r. ln i,,il iioio. oi .ni.--bm ho i-a ili.ruinrticiei afNathflfl in Ncv-York. He 8tiV3 the lioiisekoeper's son inU ihaaa tfl dot-fl flmrdfli al tka Batjaatkn ol Waaa niL'ton N:itli:in. He tl.inks tbfl di.iiio ti hi-* tflflJaA' w:is M.N'iiiy. Tha foBow-Bf ia t'.io aaaataa a of Ua cor.fes-ioii, iii.i.i.- tliiB ev-etiiug: Tha Oaa waa atfltoa _n?m a aBflxflrflaaitit- efeeat: ? know where bla shop u; ae entered toe houae al tbe baaement; the houitekeener'i soa went ln and left 1 lateB up co Vf '"iilil Bfll .., troul.le; afi.-r \t.- go( into Ifea eiimm l baaifl the beii rtafl nine ' U BBBBBfli I" Mfl flfl flBflfl Bflflfl in the dark Bfl Bflflfl or an hour and ? half ; II fl Ioiik linie?I" rfeflj?? " WflB flfll ao lata?vfeBB .. BBBfl .'.iu.'' down aml -t.'i. "I've lli.-ui-il ifee old m..n -." we woai up Malra ; he bad Btroeb tt..- old in .i, me or rli tiiin?- tm thfl bead ; wh.-n bfl aafl) fefl flM goiug to f ill. and belBB ..fra'.tl Ifefl fall wnill.l starlie Ifea folks, lie . .ni.-lit bflM af flbfl BBd lnil hiui dowu ; I bave got in mv lioii-o Ib flew-Tork aome PaciOfl Hail Btoa-.aoaM ilo-ioi'. llarifoi.lanil Kne. aml some other iiiri ?-? tbere li a -.:? Ul mem iraudam I'ot.k i look from the old man, paaea ol whleb are ln Hcbrew: ll. i.fl an- aoi. B i iiiui'.t in It?Ihere is Allx-rt i uiii./o, Kamuel |U wib Cumn-UiBa of FourtaflflU_ at ,)aud Dr. Is.o; vie ouly col. bfllwe? %*JM aini ttfioo; tbfl aate Bta opaa aata **.- matttap'-tatTBj i weat li-'.m tli.- . ; 1 Itayed there wlnle tbe mau d li.- I lii.lfl and laee ; Bfl had blooit ou tbem; wheu wo left tlu- old uiali's roolll lln stopliod to look out of tbe door: Bfl fefl dld bo bfl too* hold ol tho casiugs, aud left blood mark*; ttiaflfl wflifl Bclflta flf bla_ae_tB. wa then concluded we would no. mara tho feaflflfl that nlght; it Wai oppoalte ft- Fifth ANenue llolel; tiu-ri) weio a gtioii tu.iuv Doltoeman aroaafl; wa wero afrald we woald liiM.iiMtiil BRflfltfld; Me auijcd lill aboul 0 o'cloek iu ? tn- i.'i.flniing. jusi a? wb weal out tfee froni door, a man waa pasalna on the oth'-i Bld of Ifea Btreet wttli a tiu pail; be lookct at us; IBflfl > Bfll BflflM along?a *bop ftri; abe liH.k. d around aud i.i"B patlicular Bflflflfl of ua; my witn is iu Ncw-Yura, aml I have a lUught.r U fflflflfl of age; I .1 > imt want to tell vou BaflB-B or citii.-r <>f ifeeflfl mon because it may not Ih* ilght; I bave told tlie Chief of Poliee. but 1 am afmid Ifee* are nof going to work atiout it nirht away ; I havo i.ei-ii exp.-' t-.iig to aee it ?n bovm ??! erea Btflflfl, i fleal wiint to Bfl lmngetl, bfll I BM Wfttiflf ro sulti r a |ust puiiishuu-nt; I -*a.s born at Baaayai-BJ they call it irviugton; 1 ani rciai.d m Waahinglou Irvine. The iiian'oiiteBMiig 8B_8 intinit-r of Nathan says lii.s naiue is JflBM T. h ving. Ho ( aiiie feflffl ou Tuea day ae a sailor on the wlup Coulnakyle. He DOfl-BBBBdlOtfeflaaatfld luato, aud gavo his nauie aa Iliown; he waa thought to b*)in?ane; aConimi-J flOO of Lui.acv could uot .lotorimue, Lut be appears aane. Ho waa Iflfltflfl-fl- to jaiK_ a Ji vc.p snor iv BflSAflBAB. Litilk Bocc Aag. Ml?Tia Hon. Elisha HBBBBi Judg'.-r tli.-T.-nth Clrcuil iotirt, wbo reaifll.-B at (larkbvllte. Joliuaou Couuty. while goin* bome to dinuer ye-terday. was abot aud u.ortaily wouuded t.y some uuknowii iierson. Ile died at l o'cloek in the lue deed ib thought to bave been perpetrai. d bfl ? mau wilb trboae wlfe it i? reported the Jadoa bad erlmlnal relaUooa. r.roat luiiig.fl-ui... la expreaaed at taa act end_erety , tt?t Mi.l " mail.* U. l.Di.K tl.c BlttltJ Pt.'/) w A"*1'0^ To<...fla.i fliiatitlaproftiuuil MbaaUBM at ihe flapUol. judge M.ata wasiecently ap.'oiur.-d t.y _ov. Haxler. m*. -> tiik CATTi.K. 0188008 ?n ttlBBtrVML St. lflfl H. Auir. b^.?About 25 cows havo dlcd here wKbin two daya BflM rom the Spaniah fever ?r rflXflfl ..'ttie diot'aBe. K.ery precautiou haa beeu takaa io puvenl tbe apr.-ad of the plague. A MI-.VKKK IFAMOM I'ASK. DuiinK'a quarrt-l MBBflf seviral uien in a lUflM Bflflflfl ?t BflflM Weal Thirty-aeveuth .1-. '*?? laat Btflfea, Johu Hharkey. ago W. of No. XJ4 Weist Thirty Boeond-at. waa atabbed ln BBB si. om-u bv Mlcluwl ?flflflBaflf ?' "?_____ Wemt,.b.i. Tbe WBuadad ma.. w.? takaa ?,,., i'r,omot M.Hion t..?.-e all '; } ""-; -?r ??.... leitei -xaiiilli' MK'? wound .,...1.1 ? la.i.l .! ?' i. .. - rber wai ibi n Iflflfl i M TIIE STORM IN NOVA SCOTIA. OBKAT DESTftUCtlON Of raOPEKTT, *.. BOOMKH IMO-U. IXOMQ thk C***AMJt *W* m tuu imnnaa i aoaa D_a_n____r--%T____ai,n ttttBt Aw,ii-t;.*.i.i..v.vr OB-MWa ora loat- tuiw. Hai.ifax, Aii|f. 28.?Accounfe of tbu itc n* tlH,.MBBBBB storm in tbi*. provmc- am conflnnuliv . toband. TLe irale was acv.rely felt ln tbe i ... *?'>1 . ...inty of l'ictou, where irrrat -luinajtc waa BBBB. It. . I .? harbor Ihe tlde rowr toa irreat hl-bt. aml m tbe **** trees. fences aml chimm ya wete blown down. ai.d BBaaM andchatflsMcatlend 11. all .lirectlona. Tlie fruit aml oi-uami-iital IBBBB M___-BBd r-evt rely, and M 1. fcarcd lhat ttiill icr.-iit r I'liim... was .lone to tln- BBBkl ***** U the cun.ry. The j, in ihe rea; of ihe town of Pl M .. wblch wrn-more. exposed to the ts,n:l tha-. Uu* 888881 part* of tbi: t>-l.v <1,-iroy.-d, the Kr?-""1 l,-,UK?ti.-wu wlll. bramlicsof BBMBBad irreei. fruta uud veifttables. Fcucc*, tcates, and lu CBB8 UUftBU* iipible of bcii.i; movc.l hy tbe ?.ntl ar*- aculW-i I aml helda. thi> 1> uv *?? of tbe fmit trees are bluated und withered, aud tho tfartleun iu town K> u> rallv pier-cut a luOMt ap.re_ara.ic*-. Tlio new wharf in co'iriaeof.-ousiructlou for the Valc roll.cry Company near I'n tou landiuir wa* almo-t aaB-MBj *i< - ii),>li.* A portion of ihe railway ut PiBBM laudinic waa BBM wash.-tl away. The new r-i.oi nei ___88 BBft VBB ****** asbore t.n l.sber's Oiaiit mile of tue hu. i.'.r ui, 1 mu_ ilur-.l coiimuI >rable in|u.y. Tbe httg Willird I.r.ic, owu.-.I by tbe Measrs. WeMson, dragned her auclior an.l wr ut a?l*ore on tb. .itut- side of the harbor, bJt lt im h?>i?cd Hbe ba-* notiii.-taiucd material Injury. The m nooner I.iniJin* Starof 8t. John, N. 1... w.t. driveu no fur umIi tre al UM ,1b-Kiverll ia MuppoMcl lt will be alunmt luipOMalhle It? Ktrt ber back. At least'JO otber acboonena wt-m di.v.u a_boro ou tbo aaiue siite oi' the harbor, but iiiomi oi th. i.t ure b.-liovcd to M coiuparatively fre<- fmmiluuia_c (oi tue l'ictou aiaio of tbe harbor consideruble quuntiliw. ..I luinboi-, &_., lyinic ou the wharves w.-re carried aw.iy. Tbo publlo wharf aud a few otb.-r* have be.-u moiiu what dainaned. TUe ccllara aud wareho__e.. alonir W.itei - wero flooded, and quaittitles of flour. nult. nnd olhcr 11 r isbableartiilca wer** injured ainl de.Mtruved. Four tmdir-i werewa?bed away at I'ort _Ia_lluK?, where tbe K-l'i waa also BB8BBB8J felt. Tucrc are aetr-n VaBBBBB BBfceaB atPort MBtgBBBB. four at Pirate Covc, ,'our at lorl llaw k<- -buii . and four at I'ort Hood. Tbo wharves are ali BJBBB1 "' 1'oit .Mulnravo. Several ti .nia and house... wero blown down. und <>u?i cl.iid ?aa killetl at Cape Jack by the fal.itig of a n.oae. __u.twi.rj of liallfal tbe _ale waa the tlcrcoat that ih.m oter this country for years. MMtBBJB, tn-, I nd kMBM w.-ru blown down and sircwu in every dircct nn. an.l it i. MfBBtad that two tiuliuishcd cburcUeswore blown do-.ii at Cape Uu. Tbe same accounta of fhe tllsastroiiM cff,*. t* of the hur ricane come from otber acctlonsof tbe l'rovin..-. T? the weatward tho frait crop has Iuen aluiort who../ destroyetl, aud wlihiu a of -00 mile. fences. trees and barn. are proatrated, and shlppiug __ama__-__ lu Hautspoi t three acbooncrs broke uwuy froui their raoor lucs, aml w* re more or less dainuyd* The f r.nt crop <>f Kinga C'ouuty aud tbe adjoiuiug couutiea MutfercU ter ribly, but uo estimat. of the dama^ecun be formed now. Thousands of _ii__hcl_ of eholce fruit ure M-utt.-rcl ov.-r the Kniuud, and Krowcrs who anticipated buviug large and profltablo crops will l>c beavy iBBBBB Tbo Ciiuartl steamer AIpLa arrived Inm. C** Hav riim afterno.ui, and give. furtber paetMaMN of the _r..'>i tbere. Tue following i a Ibt of vcmmi 1- aafcBM und " ? BMMdedi tekasasn 0*wt**\ Otkria, Mury Oeiavta. Jcddo, Welcoiue Return. W. N. Hub . .1 II, VV. II., and MBaada Veeai kUm******* tta**, OtUE, *Ma -tuuit, Ea Pliitu, Hultli- 11 , aud Eucy. Tbo followlna veasel.M aro <li?masttd but not ashore I The__iasta,J. Howlaiid, bark* N .'lutnbill. Kanny M.i'um sel, Mi-iii-itn, <j. I' Alba-rt. Pooiouu, in-al.le a in;it. tK-r or others whose names could uot be as* t-ruii.-.l. Tie Kicatcr uuuibt r of the v *-. i* BBBBBI V_BB8 BBBMB .tieuot Kiveu ure BBMll M-ibin. .-* :.'"int r.-, wlnch b..vo i?.-:.K'iici-iiiy aaan?i up hBjraad alhepeof id>-n m cation. Tbe whole numlwr of di..__*tcrs to -i:s*<-lri ut (ow liuy amount to SO. tncludiujt voa_>-l* _*h?re and .!.< ma*te*l. So far as B-Certalaed b>at oue iuc was io^i?Uiat of a pllot. who-e nauie ia uukm-w i. - fmui the Welcomo Ri turn, the only tnaded scboouer lu tbe bay at tbe tiu '-. Dartae the bi_a: of the g.ilo tbe crew of tho Ung O. J. Troop bataa higBeeaaaaaaa fcBMtki laeMMdeea *eu-. breakiug over tfio vcssel. Capt. McArtbur badahaet ii ui ?-i over Llu. aaads a tlisturice of two uul.-s, ai.d laaaahad to Baeeor ihe expotetl t rew. ri.. boat w.-n manncd by Capt. _tc__I____r, it.lpii tamlor, aud i'ut.I. Martcll, ui.d UBaae biiive fcllows wtre Nu.-.iaaiui m M..vinxtbc livt-Mof tlio-t- on bour,!. algfcl m iiiiinUr, wbo woa.1,1, in ajl probabillty, othcrvviMc havo prrlahert. After tbi* tbe Bellant boat'a cicw atarte.l to tbe r.aiiiii of the crcw of the Pomona, but thci ? bon. waa swanipcif at uu. t aml tlic> had U return. ibe crew wa* ijueiitly piacctl in r-tfety ou laud. fke eilicts are U-rrlble. Not in tbe memorvofanr rcsident ha* tu.a desUuctlou BBBB knowu. At tha MaeBBf at an enormous outlay, tbe im * playctl fcarlul buto . All the n.-w w.ak aud a |miii..,i_ oi tke obl ate iront. Ine dot k.* w. N BBBB aBBBNBBA At Beluuies a wh.trf, aimost all new work, wa* al*,> il*_ Mtroy.d. The itamaij. lo tlie wharve.t ia ,.\],wiu reaek uo. rljrawi BM whM* tkeaskeraaaaa Bfaa.laeiadtaa t,:,: Mehifftaa.aml peBkaak/lMaap over naajaa it ia exaaetadtfcai n.>>it u bb u* m i bitv, !.,_,-1, alrita ii MkBBB at tue ?:? v> in! haMBBM >?t ?BBBI Iire ton. Tbe follownii. ia au ad-lnonr'l liMt ol \..-'la MkoH 81 _ydne> Harlior: tk-htKiu-.r-i.'iide, Virtoria, Amoliii, lieorfiaua, Eilcn June. Mur..-ani .lanc Km,nl Tcmplur. ioaafklae, JakB <.,iiuu, Mary Jaue. TeiuiMr* am., ii. W, MeeBB. Mury aud CbarlcM, J. K. Uom.-r, E.izal briMlic; b.trkM V.-i.fure aud Out.-no. ll i* k.u.1 tl,ut th* dSM uot c.iilaiii nayedaaa a leet of Vaeaek BtkeeaeN eat hi there dunn)_ tho Kale, and, lu all probabiuiy. R*** U IkBBB have beeu wreck,-d. The-choomr Mary I/Oiilm> of GUmceaU-r. M.w-m., waa cauKht nt the galo of l-uuday, wben _B luil.s aoulh-wtaB of -. ul ImIuuiI, and wa* badly ahaken from ^teul to Mt, iu and fiom dock to uiaatbead. blw- pui inio tlu*- .'mrt v, a* tenlay to repair. Eiirbt veaai-la are BBBBBB al t.uja boroivb. and every wharf iu tho harbor there aid a nuu.ber of storc* are dc-ir,.y.d. The bri_ N.-pma, froin Wallacc for llonton, im anbore at Saud I'omt, CkBBBi wuh foremast gone aud fall of water. lu Aiiii-o.ri*h I oumy maDy barus aro scattered to tbe'.r-, aml u.e dcstr.i, - tion to the cropM is tuiuiruae. Thc wUarf at Anti_fiit.i?b la tlestrovt-d, aud n Htbooiier whi.h wa- faateoe- n, n driven awhore. A man uained MeAldcu wa* drowi . tl tbere. Four vcseels are asliore at liaynciti Catbedral, iu Antlgonisb town, aud badly dumaiued. lt la eetiniated that the damaK? 18 __-fB_Bg Bl If-BBf willamouut to 87-5,000. The bark UaBBBMn is ai?o amouic tbe ltst of wiecked veaaels in k_ iim*.. McKuy -i CBBB-HrBj Moore __ In^iahau.s wbarrea were damagod to a considerable txteut. The IBBBBf. tenau Church wa-llftcd tbirty feet. a nuuilx-r of t.u.iii* inirs were uuroofed, aud aevcral 8BBflBBBBB wen i.lowa off. Tho tclca'iaph ofllce aud aix aere cariica away. It ia reported tba* th. re are upwar.l <>r 30 v. ***** ashore at Point Cal.doula. C. 11. Purtu uiar-a from tbal nlace an.l Glaee lluy lutvo not beeu MeMaed. Tbe ?Saaaaa CBkaiea u auo amouK tbo m of wrcck.a veaaeta. _____________________________ A BEFORTED MtiBMiCMM. THB rTRST XF.W8 OF T1I? AFFAIR. Nf.w-Orleans, Aug. 28.-A Bpccial diftpntth from Waco, Texas, savs the at_?a-dnver bnn_ra in uewa tbaiaUrge body of Indlana aurpriaod aud captured Fort Bill, ln tbe Indian Territory, maaaacrcin* tba women and children, and aearl/ balfol iht* itb Uuite.1 Btates Cavab-y. NO ACCOUNT _-_---lV*D AT GEN. SUKKIDA.n's 1UUO QIAKTEK8. Cuicaoo, Aug. ******** The report froin Waeo, Texaa via Hew-Orleaua, ot tbe attaek bv ludlaaa on Kort Bill. and the ma*. a.r* of womeu aud children aud P?r_ of tbe ith lavatry ia undoubUMliy an erro**, ua ne report ol auch aa attaek baa beea r.o-.v, _ ?t i? n. stieridau'a beadquarters here, whleh wouid certainl_r hav o ba cn the caae if one kad beeu made. Purthrroiore. (Ba ilb .'rvvairy I* at Port Clark, ou tbe Uo Uiaade, and uot witbin 100 milea of Fort Bill. THM NBW3 DISCaSDlTKO AT WABtTINGTO*. Washinoton, Aug. 28. ? Inquiry Lae be*_ made both at tbe War Department and tbe Indian li_v* reau eoncernlng tbe reported Indian maasacre at I'ort Bill, and tbe offlctala In both oflkea dlacrodit the report. Two couipaaiea of tbe ltrtb Cavalry and aereral com paniea of lnfantry are at Fort Bill, and lt ls rnualder.**! certain that if a tna-aMiM-re ocrurrel infnrin ition iIm-i, f tsotiiil have ri'iichtd Uiio pr.-mptly oy uucarviroa'a \>.i.o,