Newspaper Page Text
_lmno.m_7.te, etc, dli.e G?fnin9-_ B_,_T*B BaoflBWAl Thkatbr.-" Lb FMo de Madaiive Annot." Mile. Aiaiee. l.iuiflD Opkka llyL**--" Mltlau-onaer Night'a Drtam." O. I. foi Nibi-ob (lAki.iv.?"TheBlai- Crook." OI.TMI.C THBAI*EB.-MM0|.ll_8lO." MiaaLydia Tborop BBflk ttloN IHjl AKB TTIKATEB.?'* Fun ln a Vog." Tbe Vokea Kainlly. Ballacka Ttikatkb.? "Mlml." Mr. Dion BonclcauU. O.NTRAI. 1'AHK fl-ARllt-t. ? ?UU)_-H.r NiRb-'B C*on<'ert fBcu-hiiT T-oaaaa. Jnbc*. to OVbocrtiscmfnto. . . i si BBJiTfl -Thtrd i'attr-flth e^ne^- ,. .?,, ,j ____jl lUNkiN.. am.^-2a ana 3U Ol *5_M-RO0OOJ and HAHXtnA-Se^mthPaor-itheol BUABD AKP IMo-BB-TMr/f _?"?*_. _S,_Ii ^^S^?t_coia_iD. I iANCI.b l'?. Iii -1-l.sB .MU-'Bfl-j-rm- / uy. ?VaflTBmu /.wr-iiaia'iii^ DivMfll) Noti? , eolumn. I .. rv.aO,\r-IA,ryl J-tice-tilh t-olnn,n KlNAMCIAL- StrtntA F__^______ ?*<>??mn li amntai 11 . ,/ Page?6th co.iiiiili. HB^WAM ?____XrM__-2_Mt-0-a Hoataa, (?? _?__.*?. matium Faat-aat UoiaaV'kM Kabmb WANTT.iv-no_ Pftge-Tl ttkaata. l'?nr '.rri .llt.t 'Til corimna. In^kT?? rli.i*. K*r? >''W Bt t.tb, Ith, fluil 61U colurona. i in tn in-"" - ? ?'?? *P?V? atli .-..liiiiui. Li, ai Mon. )> --SrrfJilA Page --6tli coluinn. 7_,.k'.i .'/, /VlffC?6(1" fl't'lIDD". . . ... _%___n\h.ri-:MtNi>-_..flV) fflflfl lt> and 6th f_rtfT ABI) Fotna. 7/)ut- Page?31 column. BU_b_? um -' ?>' MarW-b- /'..."'' /?fl./f-crri ciuuin. *UABKIA..K> \M. DKATHB-Ftftk Ftaft ? I, , ..lii.i.ti __^'t\ - ,,,,,? Pnj.-'AUeolowu-.i.ojhlh Page B i fllUII.U . MiBieti iNsriti MFNin-TAirvf Page -Ut column. >,: w Pl... icatii >m Bhaia Fwgt -. I BOO 81 ~'U^*a K_alE?tati Ior KAtfl. i;i:*...hi.TN-/A.rrf /'???--'' .?..Iiiuii,; . in H.inl P.tgi -I odIbibb; ?"JJ"*fc__ --TAirrf /M-'--"l t orillini; OOBlfTflT //Hr- flfflfl ?-I ^.tfl.i.i': ATAivnt.N-n.rni'.'l"-.'' ?'u,?a* fiMM.s mM.- IrwaW P,t,je-<\U .-..ln ui.' mi ita ut ai ? n?w?*?faia Itroe?8tB cotanaa. RiT, '.riflflvs \\ iNTii,. M.u.KB Third /?'../-? ith and 5th , ,.;:,,. l, mu!.t-f/.tr.l Page-ilh .-oiuuiu. ..?.Ul NOTII ? l UM Vn ir -'.li iiOuir.n. ..;... in. Kl. l.l... tor .s,rfl,...-/_i/r-5t.l>lIlU C_ll ,,,.?, . -I ii.imiili. BTKAMBBB.OCBAM?Thtrd FBft 1-COtflpB. t?Third Pagt -:il and ul. columna. '""?? ?__ 1 i-i HK' Nl'uoi'i '(Ti -Third Fager- Id BflBBBBB] , ,,, in r.igr-'i ii flfll. i in ii. ItlWBOMlT Mv) > oM ).hn- //,i'(/ I'ay-'l.lwlinnn. Cnsmesfi _Xoncta. Obbbbal A< < H.r.NT PouciBa btthb Mi.xni ___ Taaa?Tb-tbikbi 1. bb abp Aocipb*. laaraAaca i?._ " The ?'?-- IlKAi i - orsi -I'l.M.i'.iir. in the world ?. .1 . . , ikk i. I'i.?."!.. Pbrj bbbb orarii , , ? ?: i.i.. 1 b, all iu t??-'? ? .- ' ' atl | .torei in ? ? ':_ SotiiiiB of all Idodo are Bmch Improved i>y lae?_uit.--.fl . -r.ap ..nlBl..' tb' Otfsaa estbk shikb TABLI -? k !i i,.ii i-.i: i-a r ia r.eipr jou t.,11 no aort go anlbsBltbs Hal!_ 1,, Da. li__.m__n.Xlr_ I'a rir.NTS.?Tlio oelc bta'M Bit Br. Bfl "f whirh Dr. llrlmhold aal tho orijinalor. U flfl B_B__B_oa-BBari_lflflNaa1 Mamt Baaatm ?f .ba 8rinai7 orfini. rr.toriBij Bbatler I floi.titittlona. aud oterCflintini di biiity and diaraaoa B-.tiM! froa laprudtnra and exreaa. Th.a grrat dlarttic neter faila. ?BflMfl ?!..>uld bt partifBlai to let Ibe ?.-nuiBe. b-rar. Ih* Doe lor-a wrn.tnre. Al, .1 Ml! i- JflflBI W. Bflflfl!, SeaYotk, Bule Acaat._ Wbimob SHAKBSPBABB.?SlJ ShakflOBpOBl-BB . Joaa IViiii. r'.'1 ,b Taa Tkibukb Lacroas litu M aaJBtl 6_ ~ Aiit sni-i.-.r- wm liii.i iii Int. TfllBUBB Ia.-r?R K-T?a N" l.-' mmmot Aii . '.uliea. Cel.Tar-d ia tb. Na ttuaa! Aeadeu.t I unra.. ?i r? (c . p, u,?,i. iie._ liu __UBUMi Ai.mana. tor I*-:--. Price 20 Of.Ui a*T-?tor>l._ 1 iu Si fi v Sksse-a. bv Dr. K. W. liii.vmond, ia Taict-BK Lacrcaa Errai N-. t. _ raiBUKi Lectiuk Extka No. ?. Tn Mitioi or Cbbatiom. Aa f.iB\?r P i.-mrr Auaibit I Hfl IIAM-laflA.*. I HBOfltT. Twrlrr Iftarra driitrred b, Pn: ihf Hnianm ol fl ..jiu.r.i,.- /? ?.' it('n iKt inmoitor ,,? ,? dac Aaiiaal life pr.ninl o? ? fnli 1 r _ .,. a pagaa, (o.l i!l:.i.i?-ej -.n't, nu-tiom .ngr.t.ugi Soa K....T. TaiaritB I-KTIBB Kitba Na BlOST. Tb,? riflc? .!.<? .-..!.:. na . i!eai-r,,.fl.oi. ut the woodflrfBl Fo.i,la diaeor tr-1 in tbe Koeir .*d ? a:air* hf Bk. lal- ' ..Her* Bipaflllaa .r.rr ' BBI t. bf aail. 10 cenU: IBS (i.r 1". f>-D.?. fire for 'ii eenifl. III.IB TBB TBIBS8B New-1 rl Nn.f ) itra >.'.????!. fls.rif, n'nr '..rr M) _% : ir<? anj 130 Kngrat.ufB. aud < rvfl.ii -fllolii ? ? Ban .rt (ur Mfl rrnia. TEEBB OF THE TBlBVBE JTaiiy Tcinrs). Mail BflbaankaiB flOpprannnm. _*r.)-ii-V. iu,. i i.. si:. Mail Suhacribara. 03 uaran. W-BB-LI li.'MiiNR. Mail .Subgcribera. $2 per auiium Atlvertising Katca. Jiin.v Triin . Oc, :ie. nnrl f 1 pcrline. Pkmi Ui.fki v J i.i iti nk, 25 aad 50 fl-ttto par lina. \S k..KLT Ihiiu m . $9, 9o. and $5 per line, .*, i-ordiug uo po&iliou iu tba paper. 'Jerms. ca.-ib in adv-aiic.-, Aildresa Thf ___BUBB. New-York. A-.Toifi.-'in'-iii" iflofliraH at up-town offir?*. .M? W. Sskl-st.. or KM <i1>'? - kl-aC till f p. in., al re-jular ratea Tiik Si __~\\ i.i ki.v Tiiiiunk wiii ba r*.';nly tlu. iiioiiiiiiif ai ? o'cloek, iu wrappcrs for mailini,' l'rii*. 4 ix-nts. Pertont le ie nn Xeic-Tork for the Kpring and Summtr ean hare im ;.|iii 'I BIBI Bfl B aiicd to them for tl ptr month, ur tl 'Hi. im !ud,ng potlnge. For tl.eielvtire ot OttampaMat, meat fTo are trueeling tthroad ea'i hatr any of (lir ediiiouy ,.f lot. Tl'.Uti *t -i.uilt'l Ut their bank eri m thr , iHiily. one month ; &*mi ttrrkly. three m.,nl!,i ; Weekly, tit monltit. Intring tlu- rotittruetum nf the front of th* new Tnbune btiiifiiii;/. Tk* Iii'.. . iy '- (".('i.f in tht ftrtt tmilding in tht rear mt Sprurr..'. fhe liibune Cnun'tny j;-im itrni ih- irtijtamr, and is entered at theteeond door un.n .*.,_?.-.. , ? ' .. a the oid tiie. FOUNDED BYHORACE QREELEY. PBIDAT, AUQU8T 99, l.ra. T?-fl . I ?flllflfllflfl ba.c bflflB Bt-iit-iieed to (lc.?tb. A un J.-i! uf nierit awardetl to Bfl BafUflh llrui at Vi,nui luis Ih*?-u de. lined. aaBBBtf IBfl 1'rt-in h Obb-bbi la taklaa aBflflflfl-tfl toi- Iha MM ol tu. brtad BM flflflfl :ii i Tlit- MiH-iissin.i Ilepul.lican Convention made further n.imlniiti.iriB. - =* Tlieifl aaa ?reut destruction of pBBBflrtf hi Hflffl Bflflfllfl I'.r tlie aloruj. . ? ? A fatal railroa.i .if. nl fll flflflflnfli Ifl Wflfll Vlrifinla. =__-Ttie ( i.-dit Mfl.i.) i>-i I** be attlvely opiio-ted. =r=i The lloiiaa of KeprenentativeB la b<-!iiK prepared for the neil aeaaiou. _ __ RtlicllB rotulnir tu for tlie Huff.-r tr.t tty the Ileirant lire. -bbbbb Tbere waa a fatal aocident at Dowuliiirion. tfl IBfl HflMB-flflBBB l'-iilroad. _=_? Tiie Iov,a train roblier*. urt- actiux dcflantly. . .a T!i<re are oiiljr faro e-ooa ol yelluw fever la New OaiBajBfl. ControllflBr f?t liroerter adrnl'ted tliat tbe fortner ITf-puty < 0]- TrfiiBiu-. r it.tti.fil tbe Hrooklyn Treawury of .* t-rlJflin.ODO, imt thf fl'i'y Trfa.Biirtr and ln.*. l*onilamcn li.ive BBBflB Bflafll tbe elty'a low**.. =-= Tbe Exclse Baaaa u r..ui t.. have i.. fl u tiiatXi by the LaajakMBBa ?,r th' rlifbt BB cuf lnjiior dealera for pcnaltlea. ? ??-? The Lkot-k Coniiutaalonfl-rs Arny that the damare done t'.rir uiaaoiiry by tbe City o." Limerick provea the work I.. bavf been ill Bflflfl, -??-?-* twMti Hcott Is eharged -aith tou:ii>? di'Wii a iTimiuara offfn-sfs. _-. -= Tm-Oy?-r niKiTerufliner fliran 1 Jury wire chargfd by Ju-ge JUavla. ,___, Ji woniaii waa ahot for r.-fusliiK to marry anoiher'a /nifltliBiHl, andth-f aeMiilant attetupted Btiicldc m -= The KiuKB (V.uiity Jail ComiDlttaa ejauiln.-d the l.rua.l and ii,.at bllla. ? ?- (;^1J. 115l* lir,i* llel Tberiai'iueter, 07?, T??, tfl!)0. _____________________ A full account of tlie il.-struction of prop<-rty ?coal?-g haaa tht- rc-ccut storms upon the t-(xiHt of Nova Scoiia in printed in Tiik T mmsi: lo-day. Tbe old foriuula about tbe niemory of the oldent mliubituut -K-a-Uis to be litendly true in BBBB cabc. _ Tbe ?aitllll of the Stnte Teaeber-.' Aaaada tion of N.w-Jersey, which dOflod nt Viue lund yeaterday, waa devotcd to iniportant and jiractieal diKCtiaaione, of wbieh aa abatruct will Ik* found in another plaee. The addre?8 of 1'roL Atherton on Edueation in New-Jereey waa f ull ol biKnificant facta and -iitrgebtious. - a. Liqtioi .l.,ilir? geneially ?rf| he deligbted lo I.-ahi tliat lio* Kxciflie CoiuiaiBBionera hitve diM ..vered tli.flt und.-r the new Chartcr they 1, uo rifht tAt am-aaat their own reinila Uott AiioM-r patfldi Ifl ttfl <lii...r will b,* h, ^ it -..ill pioWbly oot ka bu niaui.ii-. a tiaaaTaqr to tho gonUe ap prcnticc*, Dn^nport and B1is?. who framed thi* Charter, to see ?ucb u coach and flix oa tli.M iliivcn through it.^ The DbtfJlt MtMMfT, warned l?y wlial ha* ********* faa Tm: Tamoaa arialive * ****' truo B-aaaatar aad mflaaaa of Qaaiife Rih-y, i,j,K ieaMed to wm*\ i im bttee tka Gkaed Jury for iti.lictmt-iit. Siiinniury dealing with this notorious ofl'ender in a court where his fri.-nds ia uot **t ou tln* beaab i* aeeeaaeiy. not ..uiy Ikal tha _8._n.Bal may be paaiaked, bai th tt tii.- 4.ftii*,-r win) aneeted him _aaj ba pMtotMd, ttt tka cuiprit now at lafge ia daily Ikinataabif tlie poHeeaeaafa Me. Tho letter of Jolin Brown of Ossawatamie, Wbicb we publish to-day, la a rcmarkable doc nmint. Tkoegb ba enitea ""d<*r aaa very shadow <>f th.' lafl-WB, thero ifl little cxcito mciit and no 1.8|air in Ua wonls. Haw thorne once aald he dcerved to be kMfBd f?r BM-J-C MM* an atrociouB ************ of probaWHt-ea, bel it cannot bo deaded ttM bowerea ba aay hav.* Bafled aa an efgaataei Of a campaign. there are few men that ever lived who understood better how to die. After Jiiilge Davis had chargcd tho Grand Jury yesterday, tke foreman asked him in a wlii.-ajuT if tlu- Jury could invoatigate aaaaa not brought before th.-in by the District-At tormy; and the Judgo iu rcsponso told the Jury to fo aheiid, and if the District-Attorney iii.I n't att.nd to their dinctions to indict hitn. All of which itiquiry and advice we take to be Miirsilil.-. l.ut some iniiitliciouspcrsons may be dttspooad to tliink that both inquiry and reply rofloet on DiBtrict-Attoruey Phelps. On tho i-ontrary the whole procceding wa* complimcnt aiy to that, for iinder the old regimo of Hm Ring tka question would not have been aakad by UM average juror, and thc then pre sidmg Judges, wka. hiippily, preside no niore, would cerlaiuly not have charged as did Judge Oavis. - P0L1TICAL CONFENTIONS. Three State Convcntions were held on Weilnesday, to wit, a Democratic Convention at Wflkeabarra, Peftn., a kepublican Conven? tion al Hadiaoa, Wis., and another Rcpublican C.nveiition at Jackson. Miss. Thc Peiinsyl vania Convention noniinated candidatea for Judge of thc Supreme Court and State Treas? urer; the Wisconsin Convention ui?n?inat_d (.ovtrnor, Lieuteuant-Ooveruor, Secretary of State, und Treasurer; and the Missis sippi Con? vention nouiinateil Covernor, Lieutonant-Uov i-ii.Dt, aml Secretary. ln Pcuusylvunia and Wkaona-B they faiaked their work in a siugle day; in Mis.-aissippi, where the Convention was compose.l ef a majority of colored, who aie not accustomed to such things and are to have a good time an.l make the most of their oppurtiniitics, they tjuk two daja and enjoyed thenisclvcs. There was notliing striking in the proceed ings of any of these assemblies ro far as re gards the ticket.. put forward, nor, for that matter, iu the "platforais"' they adoptedL All of thein r. solve.l tlieir regulai series of plati t nt j* -s. Tliere WM an abundaiice of words in each, and iu each probably about the same aiiimiiit of Binaatwf aad ef ea-raeataaaa. iu dt tti, the only thing wurth niciitioning in all rlie pioceetlings was the act of the Pennsyl vania Deniocrats in clearing their own skirts Ol tlie guilt of tka Salaiy (Jrab b.-fore for mally denouncirig it in their resolution-.. The r>?piiiliiition of Congn'*siiiaii Speer, who. with his share of tlie (Jrub in hispocket, was namcil for Cliainnan of the Convention an.l coinp.-Hed to withdraw his name by thc profests of his p.-isoiial iiii-iiils iM waO aapalit-Bal aaaodatea. Waa B ve'y ri'lteshing i-pisode. O.herwise thi-re was hardly BBytk-Bg worthy of Kiiu.ik in all they did. Tho I'enn -> iviiiiiu Daaaeamey naalaad at great length the whole ground of National and Stato politics, covering it with Uie glitteriug gen eralitits whieh are inaib: so mu. h of in tlie lanvass and so littlo afterwaril. Having had DO lcspoiii-ibility fnr aay State or National l.-j-'islatioutfor ft loi.g time, they felt Iree to launch out with deinin. iation of what had beea done, and praadaea of tn-aendeoa iiltuins in eveiy dneclioii if they could only li.tvi tka pOWer. In Wiscon-in, the. IJi-publi cans wero obviously cliastened by*e eriticism, atid accordingly moro carefnl in etteraaeea. Having been in power twtlve vea . i.ud met the vital tttMt of tho time during that period, they say they have fuirly won the title of being the true re lOini jiarty of the country?-though, having had tho opportunity to carry out tln-ir reforms in these twelve years, it is not quite clear why they should continue to be so called, as by this time tliere should bo nothing but thi-ir own legislution to reform. They are carefnl to add that " the i.urty is " only responsible for sueh nieasures as it in "dorses and approves," aud "cannot be cx " pt'cted to vouch fer the individual hom sty " in all cases of those it promot-es to ollice"?-a very loose doctriuo, which, if accepted, will ic'.ii ve the party in power of all responsibility for the charaeter of its oflicial r.-prcsentatives. They also condeuin the Salary Gmb aml de? mand the repeal of the bill increasing the pay of Congrcssraen, which is well enough as an indication that popular opinion is haviug a good effect upou party lcaders aud party con ventions. Put as a whole these Convention* have been very limber and lifeless. The people take very little interest in them. They have lieen foolcd with platforms and inveigled into the support of candidate.. for whom, as the .Viscousin Republicans say, nobody is respon hible, until they are tired; an.l they look on iu a weary way at the performancts of tlio j.oliticians wbo make Convcntious and tickets without cariug very much whom they noini nate or what they promise in their resolu tions. "A plague on both your houses" is about the fiura of the popular judgment just now of politics and pnrties. AN ESORMOVH JOB The proposition to add to tho Public Debt oi tka Ciiite.i Btatea tka debt* of tka South ern States ifl to come before tho next Con and it is cxpected that the solid vote of the States to be relieved, aidid by sonie bribery am?ng the ba.-k pay grab bBBB, will carry tlie thing IklWIgb We can? not naaaj-M wkal aigBtaaaata will be aaed m favor of this Job, but .lo-ibtl.-s there iire Congrt-ssmeii who would undertake to prove it to be a meritoriou.-. act to rob a bank. Yit we regard this as u Mtious matter tiever ih(le*s, beeaaea it la plain that Btlll-oaa of nioii.y would be innde if bontls now wmth froin six Ci-ntfl a pouud to ten, filte.-ii, tweiity, forty, and lilty i-i-iits on tiie dullar could Im- r.ii*. d in value to one dollur nnd twelve i-.-nt-, whieli j*. tln- eiiin-nt i|iiiiiati.ui Im I'nit.-d Sial.-s t'ur Bixea. Mom-.v eeaM ba paM out i.v th.> uulliou to Bocura euoli a roeuiL foi tlio pro posed robiVry would put a cloar ono'.l million dolhirs into tbe pockcta of thoae wbo mitfit own tbo now almost BB-*??>"? PN*" whieh goes hy the name of Southcrn BBOflrt ties. The Btihnflll. wo observc. in aen??ii?ly a<l waaaaai by several iBBB-am laaeaala aaal very tendcrly handlcd l.y somo Northern MM, BflB ive d0 noi tlMt.k it Wlll n.t with BBBfl* tMM e tl... Nnrt ). wlli.lii 11 from the tax-p.iy.T* flf ?**? ?_** ,, i ..i ,?iili two hundivd iiiiinnii propooea to loai wim ?-"" dollara of additieaal <h-bt. ? Maaeh aia* aara paaaed - ?**>* Miooa Mow to the credit of the l.i.t.,1 gtatea Every owner or United Btatflfl bonds n.ipht reasonahly oonsider liis prop.-ily to he at the mercy of a band of robhors. It would not take long t<? Iranrflfonn the plunilcicrs ol' the p?'ople into plundcrer-. of tli" '..i.ndliolil.r*. But, even Kiipposing the bonilhold.Ts to be Ktupid aaamga to eaaaMef AaBaiBlooa aaioi what nn impctus wouhl be givea to pub 10 robivry in tho .State capitols <>f the Souih; aye, and of the North too! How Ioiik woaU it bfli before South Carolina and Lonisiauu wire ugain twentv und tliirly millions in dfl'bt, with nothing to show tor tho money except a lcgion of s< ouudrels just isuch m ara now aaa, Um oamj difbreaea being that their neaHaga woui.i ba ira ttaaoa tioa toil The ptababla eoaeeejoeaeea of any asstmiplion of the Southerii Siate dflbta by the National Covcrnment Bia tOO horrilile to ba dwelt upon. We know that the history ol the counlry in blotU'd with the NOOfd of some ji.hs of a similar character, such an Iha M sumption ot tlie debt of TflXBO, but Qo_ BBTB us from this greater iuiiiuity ! Let tho?e who, trom waaianaa of Jadgflaat, or over-conii (lence in the inteirrity of earpet-baa Legjaha tiires, or a paaaiaa for eaaibHng, or boaapaia iiiisfoitnne, ure the owners of Soiithein no, ctirities hear their laaBM without OOOiplaiat. Let them not soek to involvo Uie naliou in their ruiu. _ TIIE WAR OF FACT ION IS BfATB, It in pleasant to hear tbat p utinib'T of Krupp guus luive been wnt to tlio Cariiata ia Bpaia. It is also Bgiaoah-e aowa that tbe Bagliab yuel.t Deerhoaad has buadad a cargo of anaa for tha Cflriiata, oad been _aojht in the act. rbeta la naaaa ta baaa that. tha Krapp gaaa will fall iu tho BBBBO BBBBBflt into the hands of the lladrid (Joverunient.' The Ropebtte of Bpaia has veiy little money. The mon are hi cal paittes which have pluiidciod tho country have left no cash in the Treasury, and havo pOQtlj impaired the public Hcntinient which niaken tho prompt and honest collection of taxes possible. Kor thin reason we are (,'lad to beat thut arms and ammnnition are eOflfliBg in from abroad in such a way as to allord a reasonablfl) pr.'sumption that they will simui fall into the hands of Ihii Reptiblican army. The (J.r mans. who ar.* sonding in iniprov.'.l aiiil lcry, of course jre tbinhin^of BOthiogbat trade, nnd prohably have already pockcted thuii pay iu advance. The English, who aro assisting the CaiUata siniply because they dislike l.e publicanism, have their reiiiibiiri-enii-nt in their own OOBfll?iences. A mau who teialfOB in the ececntricity of W_flt_BX Doa C?BM of Hotirbon to be King of Spain aoght to pay liaii.hoiiiely for it. It is rather a pily thal B Carli.-flt. siili.scription BOOld not be opened iu New-Vork. Tho Lnglish COOSI i . .iti v.-.s lu.c contribiited luvishly. The N-ew-York peo|)lt. who revcre llniii would dattbtlOBB be glad to do the same, aud it would be axaolleail .li-ciplino for tlieni to l.ise then money. A lew Wfl-eks ago the prov. 'ts of tle I'te Icmler di.l not seern absolutely Iiop?-l.flfl. Hia Qnnrrala had aaiaed some sli^ht adoaata aa iu BiOOaj an.l N,iv;trie. The Kepulilicaii iiiii.y aooBBod attaokod l.y an opideaaie of buflbor liiiiation. Sevcnil BJ-OOA eities of the South had broken out in llagrant insunci tioii, fol? lowing tlie tfl'acliiiigs of violeut daaBBflBgaea who pre.ielud the taking aml pojiulHr doctrine of provineial sovcrei^nty. Oue canton att'-r BSOthOf pronouncfl-d, and there <li.i uot BB-BB tohe loiie fliiou^h in tlie (Jo\einnicfit or co hesion enou.i_;h in the urmy to reiluce them t^> order. Iu this ensis tlie a.liiiiiiistiafion iu Madrid fefl to pieeeBj an.l I'i y Margall eoold aot savc a brafBBeat large oaoaib t>> ga aa with the tJovernment. St nor Salinciou suo ceeiled liiibb at tho (laikest hour through whioh the Uepnblic bas yet paaaada Tha situation has aJBOB then st.adily iiuprove.l. We dfl not, wish lo app.-ar to 00 BBh-Bg any compari-_on lu'.tw,'eii these two stateamen, whom we IBgB-d as e.jually pure and able. Hut iiii.lei (he linu hand ol Salmerou tlie ship seenis to be ri^htin^. The Cottea BOpeai to have regained their self-possission ; the uriuv a gnat portion of its (liscipline an.l spiiit. The voi.e of reason and law is heard om-e more in IfadlH lrtnn the eloquent. lips of Cafltetai. and the national authority is re aatobUahod ia Seville, Cadiz, an.l Valcncia, by the hands of the army. Ihe insuir.'ctiou still remains detiant iu Cartaiccna, hut it has ceiised to exercise any conta^ious iiilluence, aml, aaleaa some. unforeseen din.ister prcvents, we may aapOOl the pacilicatiou of the city at un eurly day. The hope of the Oarlista, as we have saiii, lay solely in these Kepublican dissensious. It was tbe andilen and violent outbreak of anarchy in the South which peranaded them for a moment that the way to Madrid was open to them. The same consifllerations im pelle.1 the journals of feehle faith and iinper fe.t baowlodaja among us to cry out thut tho sticcess of l)on Curlos was tho only thing lhat de... nt people could reasonahly pray for. Nothing could be moro hasty and short rightada lf Hon Carlos had come in by virtue of these ('oniniunistic riots, he would have found a ready-mado rcbellionjon his hands far more terrible than his own. Hut the ('arlists were utterly unable to take advantage of tlieir npparcot good fortune. They seemed incapablo ol moving away from their prea? ent field of operatioos. They tind it easy enough to rouso the peasantry of tho bills by the sight of a banner they adore to the point of a few days' marching ot hghting, hut fiirther than that tho so-called Carlist Bflf is not to bo trusted. It is formed of men who nre sohliers to-day aud descrten- t<) nioiiow. It is ?aulli.-ieiitly nuinerous to keep two or three provinces in coustant tumult, but is incapable of taking the tield for any senoiis eaaipaign. This was proved tho other day in the fight near BetOt_Bi where tho lurircat ('nilist. force wluch could Im* hroii'.ht tagBthat wan Bi"n.ill\ defeated, althoii^h hravely com iiian.letl liy Ollo. Tristany, aml i>.?n Alphouso himiM-lf, all of whom wero wounded. Tho re? mains of the army are said to be rttiriug t.nvani the I'renrh frontier. The iaaaa <>l the stniR^le for good govern iin nl iu Spain la not yet deeided. We. have lii-vi r iisscrle.l that it was. Hut it is impoti hihle to <li uy that the Madrid (ioveiiiiii.-nt lias, ou tlu- whole, it< Ud iu every ilifficult jniittiite wiih judjpaeati aagaeityi nnd aatf BOiiDciog patriotioaa. Bpaaiab Repabliooaian haa thua Lti lualiiicd lUoU by ita vvoika. Aud th. pa in no good reason aa yet for pradicting it* failure. In Bpite of ?ll obslacleH iu their way, tlu. moderato Repiiblicans form to-day the strongt'st party in the nation, aiuV tho only 0_a whose pernianent succcsfl can bring peace to Spain. -^__^______________________-_. \_BOOkt FV,. PLOBDBMMMk W* kad aahapnj eeeaatea to say Beea Ikaa ? llioiltll :ikr", Ul exposillg tkO def.dfalioi_S ol !,. S. Mill. iad IL I*. Kxlniiin, that tka out rafeoaa ptoewHafa by wkkk Daaiel Cbaaaeagr was appojaled Reetive. af tba Brooklyn Tmst Ceaapaajr at tka mstigWea ef its counscl, JadfB Alexander McCue, were iindcrtaken in aader te eeaeeol what wa had ae keattatiea in Ikaa pceaoaaalag "dowarigfct rekkeiy.* That was temporiirily stici*es..ful; tho con *?> tlnifiit skillfully laatafaied until yester? day, wh.-n tke pablie o'lieials of Brooklyn re lu.tantly adinittcd thit Ro.linaii was a dc I'iiiber to the amount ?f fcNMOO. Tlie method of his ..wind!.', as det liled else v. !i"re, cin be blielly Loll here. Uodmaii and Mi. C A. Sprague, tiie, City Tr,*afliirer ot Biooklyu, wero pio'e.'e.?iu point of fact, t.Mils?*>f Al.-xander Mel'ue. Rodman renre aeatad HaCaa in the Ring Bank, the Tmst Ceaaeaar. -_aa?aa was his representativo in tka City Treasiiry. As a CrOiinecting link be twoea tho City TliaiBaiJ nnd tka bank which waa run with publio fiirul. as a capital, Mr. I.odiiian was anpointed Depufy City Treasurer and Secretary or Treasurer of the Trust Com? pany. As tke former he received public funds an.l depositeil them with himself as Treasurer of the Trust Company. Or rather he did not depoaH them with himself in this capacity, but k. pt *}l<y.i,0iK) iu his individual capacity; hifl fraud was faeilitat.-d by the dual charaeter in whieli he acted, and the conseqitence is the dtifalOOtiee to which we alluded on July tM, and whi.h is now iiiude public on this August _'.!. Hut we doa know now what we did uot know then, that all this time?indeed, for a y.-ar pist? Mr. Sprague, the City Treasurer, has had cvidenco that Ro,linan was a thief, and yet hn continucd him in his offlce of Deputy Treasurer and the Trust Company rataiaed him as its Baetetaiy. k y.-ar ago Rodaaaa'a <l. taJeatioa el iSOyQOO was diseov tnd an.l paid Bf by Mr. Sprague. Plain men will eeaaanaa tkla late complicitv with the tlu.-*. No motive will jnstifv a public ollieial in eotitiutiing a ooaftaand robber in the public scrvice, as Mr. Sprague certainly did Mr. Rod? man ; and he must cxpect to be set. down as Ua aecomiiliic. II.* has beggared himself of money in restxiring what Rodman had stolen; ha <? uinot haaa la aattla his laecal aeaoaata bilitv so cheaply. Charaeter is uot so plcuti l'ul as money. Mr. Rodman's singular conduct nnder the, his cool detiance of public opinion, his ponriatnma la reaaalalag la Brook Ivii after t-onfessin-,' his ^uilt or knowing that it wan eany of prixii, bave apneared BtaaaajB te many. Th?' fellow is a cool rot?uo, and like snbtle men of his stamp he knows his strongth. If Mr. Bodaaaa had ha.l ae _eeea_p__aaa when Mills died Brooklyn would havo known him BO more. When it is admitted, as we have ln fore stated, tliat .Mills and Rodman w.-re not aleaa ia tka knowledge-if not, indeed, in tlie .-..iii.ti'* ion -of i-riine, this surprise will eeaea aud Rodaaaa'a aoadnotaapaai uoariateal euougii. ______________________________________ TBM BBATTMMBD PIER. A great daal of iiragifBiHea in several pabRaked lapeeti haa given tho faapfeoeeoe il'it, tke stone picr at tho Il.ittory had be.-n jti t.-n.- illy daotfoyed by being run into by the i jtj ?.f Limerirk. The facts are that it was uot tha pier whi.-h was str.tek, but tho buik heail, whieh is siinply B shell of stone tilh-d iii with sand, and only one eorner of this was .h.iiteicd. A few thoiisuid dollar.. will repair il, ,m.l tha Stcamship Company has given .lireetmiis te Uio Dock Coinmi.ssioiit-rr, to re? pair it at the Compaiiy's BOOt The ac.-idi nt, whi.-h it is clear now was the I. sult oi ignoraiiie BO the part ol tlie pilot. has served to show the -ttrcngth rather than the aoakaaai of this work, the initial one of ., lerfaa of deeka to extead cventualiy for loity iiiilis .iloiii- the watflt front of the city. Tka rcalatannn efl-cei by tho picr head is easily aoaapalod A oarieaa ealealatiea -beea tka di. placiinent of tho City of Liiinrick at 7,000 tons, and lyr rate at tln* time of the ao .ideiit at three kn-its an hour, or uboiit live i,.,.t a aaoaad ThJa velo.-ity, ealealated for a boily of 7.IXK) tons, is eijual to .,:._'\000 pounds rrti*ed ono foot, whieh the formiila gives as tho ?oaaain of tln* blow. Baah ;i blow would litvt- carried the v.-ssel entirely through two or three wooden niers. As it was, the stones which were struck by the bow of the vessol were driven into the saud lilling about three 1,-t-t, lour of the granite blocks were broken, m_4 about twe.'dy others displaced but not tlu own into the water, and the ceincnteil jointfl fiaetined. The pier itself wliich adjoins the bulkh.-ad i.o liiled in with cement blocks. The effect of tlie sa:no blowon this part of the work would have been hardly perceptible, except, perliaiis, on board the vcsscl. Tho question raiseil by the accidontal experiment, and now agitated, i.s_would it not bo cheaper to till in these pieH with cement,or asphalt, or build them entirely of such tenaciotis stuff a? the latter Oiatatial t It ifl a question already under dis tlliaahra by tho engineers aud economisU. REUIND TUB CUBTAIN. Nothing givee a clearor insight into the Ho.-ial status of natioiifl than tho adverti. ing column* of their iiewspupers. In othor pages you may And reporU of tho state of their weatber, health, advance in s-cionce, foreign r. lations, virtue, vice, and mortality, but in their advertisemenU <rop out all their idiosynrraeiea, the queer littlo odditiee that separato them from all other peoplen. Th.-ro is the place to feel their pulsc, aud ?oa where it differs from our own. Take for eiamplo ono issue of a leading London daily. First comes a notice of a ser vant temirorarily out of plaoe, ouo John Joiies, Bged nineteen, who had been chargcd with assembling two or three othern for the purpose of betting somo shillings on a borse race. H? Itti been very properly heavily Iliied and informed by the magistrate that " a domcsiic wivant to be oceupied in so " vi. ious a paaaalae a* iM'ttini.-, arguod a wo '* lui det.iioratiou of public nioruls." Iu thr very next oolunin is a uolico of the same raee, al which tho I'rince and l'nnceas of Wales were the most prorninent spectators, or as Ihe rejiorter states, (heir preseiiee graced the ... r.isiou. lf the unprejiidiced foreign reuder ,, Dot i-.inviiieed by this of tho solid advautuges of wealth und eocial position in Kngland. wlureby a vicious pr.ietice iu one rank is e.uiverted into an aiiiiable Boadeeaeaaloa ta aaetkac. ha can aeia aeaaa I.I.-1 of their V.ilue lo the g.-nuine llritoti's ?iad by th.* mlr____oe_aeat wberela th. ci.diUiia uf Cii-il.- Dalo tuo aumuiouod to serid in their claim*. Charlee, it appea ra, waa a caahior in a bank, who marri.-d about two months ago a young lady of bis own ciaiw, with every prospect liefore them of a gonteel life, and, if gentoel, therefore happy. \t one fell swoop Charlo-i lost his situatiou und his gontdity. What roniained 1 A young Aiiiei'icini would havo put his sh<> ildcr to tbe wheel and his wife would have befpad turn it; hut tho pair of gallau. Britons pfafBtiad U> face dealli rather than work and ahabbiaeea. They took laadaaa-B in order to perisli in eacb othcr's aims. Hut that the _____ might be as gente.-l as bfl'fltted tlieir position, they packed their trunks. left a will bequeathiug their jewelry, paid the landlady iu advauce for the annoy iineo which two moist, unpieasaut bodics would eaaBa her, aud then kept a diary of tho ell'.'ct of the laiidauuin for the benelit of the Coroner in Oerman, Greek, and Euglish, lagaeatiag in tho last entry to be burifl'd un? der the same clod. All this so admirably drama!izes the dolicacy aud retlnement of the aristocratic tendency, tho rosolve to be goateel or <lie, that we are sorry to spoil it by saying that they wero brought back to this world of bad ton by a stomach pump, and urrestflid on eharge of iuteudod auieido aud inurder. The next column, however, drives us back to adniiratioii of our owu dernocratic ruh-rs. Here is tbe Kmpresa Augusta offcring to be stow pri/.(rs of ?101 eaeh for two competitive essays, ono on tho bo-it techuical surgcry in time of war, the other on the Gcneva Conven? tion and suu'Kestions for its developnaent aud ptrpetuity; tho essays to bo iu Gernian. Eu? glish, or French. This is a woman whoso hus baad has just conducted a gig.intic war to a successful elose, ortering a prize to the men who can best show how war is to be mado leaa fatal, or how the higher, noblor decision of reason may be permanently given the plaee af brute force, aud war dethroucd by poace. What right has auy ruler ta mc.bllo with old .rstihlished ciistomsf Why does sho not beef to her needloT That our Englisb cousins have not ol together abandoned obl-fashioned sentiment for uew-fangled coiiinion-sense is B-OWB in the next par.igraph, where the faithful are exiioited to pay honor daring this earraat week ta Bta. Marie Ala co.pie. This BBB, the udvertisemfl-nt BtBtOBi was ti visit?'d personally by our S_vior, who " laated his head on her lucast aud procceded " to take out Ufl own iierfrt (iu whieh hers "lay likca burning atoin) aud plaoe it in her "body, niaking her tlie pcrpetual guard'-in "of it." Oa this was foundu.l the Worship of the Sacred Heart, and to her shiine at I'ar.iy le-Monial all the devout are calle.l to make a pilgrimiige j price of tirst-?'lass tiekets, ?Z ', aeeofld alaaaj jCI la. Baadrada of ao_k_ John l.ulls are goiuor, not with cockle-shell and staft, but with well iilled poc.k. l -books, tfl resort to thfl lUfllaillBlll oar, whieh 000000* panies aaoh train, loaded with meats, ero gneoteo, and ehaaapagflaa, &-c, tke. Hut here BBBeflg the deaths is a notice frora one of tho colonies whicli stops the critical i;ye. On June .'., Alice, aged U; .June 4, Maud, aged il; Jaae c, Qeorge, aged 10; Jaae 1, Mary, Bgad I; antl on thaavaaiag of the same day, Kolicrt and Willic, Bgfld 1 nnd 2, children of I). Richardson. Among the births is that of a Sflin on the same week. Tiie horror of the hinted story, the Btfaaga laat of the order of age ia which the deatha occur, the theaght of the mother lying by ber uew-boru b.ibe, iguo rant that it alone of all her little Oflflfl was left, baaiah all other Eaaeiee from our min.l, aud briiiL* us back to tho truths that uuderlie all facts of love and loss and death. A K-rt?.-it daal lew i.e.'it aald ia tho aawapepefe lat. Iy aboflt i ht* ilitlfliiiiliiallou ?f tba Wiaatsni iail w.iv ?aaaoja_a to aboHeb tba arbok apabaai affaaa passes; and at a mecting of offlcera .1 B n.miljer of laapartBat raoda, h>-l<l this bbbbbmi in Ob-oaga. ;. f.iiTiinl resulutioii was adopted to that eilect. But tha aatabaaa ta wai dflfld paa. Haflfl we havo a printed coiiiimiui'-atioii bflfll tbfl I.iindComniissioiii-r i.f tba Hurliiiirtoii Bfld B-flflOfl-i Kiver Kailroad Cflflfl pauy infoiTiiing tbfl F.ditor ?f Tiik T-OBUBfl upon what terms tha B-flBflBB-l eoinpaiiy. aad thfl Chicago. Kurlington. and IJtiinry road, with wliich it is piac tii-aiiy eeaaaUdflaad, will aflatfaaaa t<> "aaebaBaa courtosies." Th.*. ilitor, to state tlio case hrielly, is t.i pul.lisli tho "coiiiiiiuiiifatioii.a" l.y tlie railroad coinpanv, and t.i forward cpies af Iba ajoaaaa ooBtaiBiflf Iha aiHelea. Wedo n<>t know wlicth.-r tha Bflxi-Bftflfl Bfld Missouri Kail? road CoaBpoaj baa baaa bapaaad apea by Mr. B. F. Camp, er any other chrnnii* dead-head who preternls t.i ii.- aa attflfl? af Taa Jitnti .s_; baa we think it mi u'ht tfl be pretty w.ll flttdflffltood hy this tinic that !i.itli..r Tiik Ti.iium: BBT any other tfr.-at BflWflffl. per BflflapBB free Bflflflflfl, or op.iis it-s coluuiiia to " roiiiitninicati'iiis" af tht cliarai t.-r ltfcnod to in tlns tir-juiar. Wherever the Americau may go iu Kuropo, ha -'?< ins ta ba tho tiaaM af a ptflaaaohaala awiadla, An Irish nowsp.iper, whicb queerly enough sp?-:iks ,.f >ur"oxotii. acciit," admits it "is very d>-ar ahlo that Ainericans should visit Ireland, and thut tho improssi.Mis af its character which they carry liriflk to their native land should be as favorable as possible." It justly surraisos that these impressions are not likely to bo favorablo at all. if tho Yankeo pilirrim tinds hiiuself phlobotomizcd at evory BBap flf his pngnaa through tho KaBBtald Islau.l. Tho (iiant'sCatisoway may bo wouileiful, the Valcs of Wicklow charniinir, and the Lakes of Killarnoy <lo lititiiisly romautic; but all this natural grandetir and loveliness will hanily soothe the wounded ingsof a wayfaxer who is eharire.l ?1 fortea. b.rd, uml break fast, with 7s. Hfl 1. for attendance. A man cannot take much comfort in Itflffl?_f if he is laoaad ba Bwaaa aaapaaaallp to save bimscif, a ritranifer in a straiiKO land, from insolveiuy. At least, he must ke.'p money enoiiifh in his pock.-t to pay his passaxe back to th.) land of bis nativitv ; aud it would BBBfl that to bo auro of tlns ono nnuat BflBp out of Ir- land. _t One of the most beautiful iustances of devotion to the Caiicasian idea we bave ever seen is hIiowii in a receiit piiblicalioii in a Wi\stern pii|M*r. Mm. To-dtl, an excelleut Bonrbon uame, calls tho world to wit ni-fls that one year ago, "discovering * the husband sho bad -ivvuiii to luvt: and chcrish, and?if BBfl wasa good ehurchwotuaii?to obey, was " part _agfa,n she sacrifiod her own private feelings and left BlflB. 1'hiukiug, very propcrly, tbat such an aet i.f in..ral ben.isui (lioiil.l uot be pern.ittt'd to periah and 1 >>?*<? its fru.-iifying power in olilivion, slu* piihltahflfl Ibfl fact. doing violenee to her iunati. inodetty iti tho intereat of etlin.dogy. It was very baudsoiiie, but she, iiiurht havo .lone buttcr if she bad thotixht af imiUting JiK'l or Judith or HTflO-Ba"dflflabUr, BBd taken th*. fl-risp acalp of her t'anaaiiitish lord while ln- BBflpt. What a poor ereature must D.-t-tli-moim fleein in eyes like those of Mia. To.lil I Ofl thfl vhflta, we are rather iin-lineil BB eonKratulat.- Tfldd BB bia Bfllaaflfli thau MfldflflBB flflflfl bflB BBB overy. Asitwasnot fittinu' tbfll a l.alloon OBOflld 81088 tho Atlantie without B ivo of I'iik Ti: i ii - UNK on lM)iir<l. Wfl engagod the BflrvieOI of a cupal.le e.)ir--sjK.iidiMit. .tnd applied to The tiraphir fur a plafl-fl. in air-i?lnp. In reply, we were infonued tli.ii tli.r.i Bflffl I.Iv r.Kiin f<,r four iti tb.- I..I laaa, aad tbfll iha ?.? irtf wiii eaaMA ti Mat aa, WM ,ii,,l D.niai.1.10U. a Bflviaotar, aad I I i, peadeatt Tba world naat thefflfprfli-lyapoatba im.iL'in .1 iaa bb l i-.i'iuM] af Ihutfaaailye-Nlol a. ....!.!.I .jl tho Ulu, TOPICS OF THE TIME. HOW TO aSTOP THK GOT,D PERIL. T' ia ao much and worse in tke BT6iaira nm of parttaan pB|>-ra about thr- gold m_r_*4 that it Ib r-fronlniirt tu aae aound common aenac va tm* with which we bave not of laU. of te_ enjoyed tho pleaa ur.t of agreoloi*. 1-8 ro*l irouble about irolrt la lhat Um facta affea-Uutr Ita c oiriw. BBi v.?in?> have bt* en peraaat. ently coneealcd <>r ?188808-88088- by M* 9*IU**R*k Whether int.-tidod or not, tlif Iflflflfl haa beeu to lurinafc tbe very fo*i<l on whirh _rold npeculatloii waie. f-u. On* ility the bearaproflt bjr the un xirtaliity; the neif, tfea bulla;?but alwaya au-l everywlier*-. Iftirltluiiite l,ur,ni?}__i snfffr... Thl. un.-ci'taluty at.- con*' i.uval i_ I'ui.lin* Tiik Tkiih ne haa aomj-l to .li-t.x.l. Now, while tha petty party orifHna aeo lo tho altiiatu.n only a rhanee) for slantier. or at for '* JB8_BB8_BB the pirty," Iltirper'i Weekly bn* fhe coura.ce aud aeuaa to aay thl- I The newipapem, whirh are bniindltif. tlie gold cIIoim. ainl prndtetlngtbeir earlv faliur. andcoll p i,. r. r.-ail/ r. iiiltrrliix thrin tlie | -I'rvit.* Ifl ttM \.>>rl 1 f'J kr.-p.iK Il|. tu.- r-our,l|_ ? ot II..* li'-ar- III BOl-L .llnl I.-I.lptr |BB i>'"11'- t.i .-"I! lt ahort ln tlie ***** *t nal.i ,g r. rui..-a wiit-i! Jay (iiiul.1 tnrow.-t up Ifea ****** aaal H drivea ttat* tln* ti.'l.l. To.- situatlou tajm.a eii',.._c!i tow.irr.ofc plain Ulk. It lsduo to tbe ptlbiic tlii.i Iit. I. >i> |? nltioB ot affair.. ahould tio *tt..e.i. T. ntpnoeai tba i_..i.i * mjh_ a* il. *ih rate iuen on the verire or fallure. aml ?'.. .lituto nf ca*h meana, la ainiply ailly. Th**y an* aotblng ui U__b kiuti. Tlny aro bold, NChMaa ipeoulatora. wbo bave jradually po-w-Med thi-m.el ih .>' all Mn- gold In tfea country. an.l who _ro no- BiaadllTlacreaalaa tw lr ap pareni bol.ilniCB hy purcliM-t-a of '*phuiii<iiu foM," an al the rlicht timo kbot wlll pornnt lli*. driier to Idovelop it_.-tf. and |will rep.ut the atorr of Norlh-Wo ateru on a far gmatef aeale. It moat ba n iu.-iiii.i-n <l tti*- eorner nf Blacl in-'.-y?foor yeara affo?fall.-d siinply from tlie want ui n.iveau4<- uf tho Krtit apeculutor*. if ti.--) UU MM toicether, aud had *|iil> tly Irouijlii the (.overwin ut, noi-1, they could bave ftiitti! tne I.*-ira iu -?'!'? "t 188 ? v. ry in,tu of them wouid have _e.u aaaaa. Uafl u> BU ?> up lo tho capt-tln'a otlice. There waa no poaalble w.iy of A? it waa, Um oaasoteatora ptajred UIm to '-aea oiher, aml all three of tho lea.lcr*. I at tnetr i.ea .-> arfeau tlio I* rc-.idt.-nt ord.-rc.l a sale of flve imilion. ><i k>'>'1 Krom that moment there waa a n.ut a ikih-i ?l unto* qui peut uiuoujc the meinl>eri >.l Ifea elluae, aad aul* .ruppad K per i ---it iu an hwur. If, la 1888, tm-tm*m tliroe t-biefs aftiiiK alnnwt ladepeDdently ol i icd >:ii-r, lli.-re lutd -*** but eaa ***** ot n-rv.- and couraiie?? th.- Mitult nilKbt havo B8BB .ery dirftr-ut. If tho auiall party or?ana cousider the welfare of leRltlmata. buaineaa of couaetiuetice enoui_h to warrant _ nhort mtt-ruii_?ioQ of their |B8B-fl888_aa I tori.-a alwul TnuTRllilNE, what th.y ni-<d to do ia vory plain and in a domaiid that feaeaa_8BB th.- IBaBBBBf Defflataaal sball quit playin_ lut.) the hainhi uf the gold gambl.-rr., and morely Ut tho truth afeaal the amount of irold lt haa. The ripeculatioo. whethor Uf hulla or lieara, tiirlvea only on falsehool or uun-rtaiiit/. Toll the truth and atop lt. Othcrwlse, wc oooe oiom waru houct bii-tiuc-n mf-n, the p.-nl in gtaro.' 1HTLF.R AND "CONTHAIUND ? 77ic Baafoa Trnvelhr, whi.h coui'S very near l.iiiii.,i liutl-r orifiiii ttitt'oiit *|iii'e r"t'i'is ?;i bn Il_v_r, rletii.-rt tho story of th<- M isa uini* tu <' U>t irt wha ? |fl__M Uiat he .tnd not Butler 0B8 th>- auth>r of tlie U-rm ?i'rtiii, " .i* ippiit--1 to tiu- NBVB8 t :n;)l'.)>- I in ai nf thc re.M-llion. Afr. r .|ii"tii.? from Ifea (*n|.l im'* aturr hi.-t accouut Bf tho nilcrvit-w wilh IfeB <-.-n. Tk* Trarrller nay. : If Ifea narratlon irt to be h. llcvert, (Ien R itl>r r-. or ered from bis aatunlab ment tbe nexl dayauttl leatti "ta . -i.oliiriii-: tbe _aejtr?_B rontrabaM uf ,i-.i l ii.i.'.i.rited io iu>* United Btatea." li thu priKiiiiiiiiiloii la -ti. ir iniirii-atioti, of ooarae all Ibaiaaa of t>,!-. vi-rv inipi-oiM'.l" itoryla, iad it ahowa ta wkM Btrsltatheeaawaaof an. ti.iv.-n m ti.ii uiateririL. for tit*fainiii?{ l;iiu,.;v.-u ao tl.<*>' falrlty lit.-lurv A eiugle of fnct ntiowa all thu> to Ih- falae. (i.-u. ISiitli-r iit-vor .Ii.1 ?'i-anu. tiny p-.x-l .uiatl m -tealar inif .alav.-K t-onttaiiaiiilof wur aod .-?>? C-.-iim ; them to tke United Biatee," or .oake anjr publlo order on thal nai.Ject, it'i.i a eopjr "i bi ? order i and proclamationa i>'ii? li-i.'.-d a- tln tmu- iin.l tll.-'l in tie- r.. -.r.l- af ika W_r Department. eatabllabea tbis faet, a'.d the wu.>i- nar.* tivo wh" li ii, Tr*nmt***4 twlea oalla tii*- attonl ua of iw ltja_>'r? lo " a.* a \ ..lii..:lf I.l- t.-n. i.l Bt_tOfl?OBtM M lba? r-liown to -o aiuiply a Itaaaa ot laiaafeBBeB. GERRIT SMITII AND MISS AITBOIfT. I.eirit Badth write. to Miaa Sus-in 11. An thony: ?rto.i.iti havr *M fflM fWR BBBI BIB BBB BBBS to pay it; and not **-** to it! I **M ymi hen-in tho nioni-v to pay it. If ymi *liall still 0BB-B8 iloi'iitao. then uso thc money, at four own .Ii*. i__!??_ tn nromoW. tiiccau-c t.r W...IIUI **B*a**iM "" <,v'i a aaal wat* tor JudK- Huut, but holda that. he '? err.*d iu allowin_r l.ii-i .-teli to look into Tho I'Dii-titi-.tioii." "Whit. I cou.plain of 1*., that he did uot hold as vold. of ar-zuinn them to he vulid, any t.onlt iu tiu* ir*ti;iinent wnich 888BBBi U> Mfll to f..vor Ihe di? ment of womao, aud i-ooaeqneot rohbcry and il.--iruction Of her ri^Ut- . . Tliix ?or.*l.,p <>f L.e OOOOO tution!?bow I'liiiilmi. and bellttlinKl 1 vonld?____! erary Judgo, who tendaio iii - * tln ia (uud nearly t.vcrvj itlir-, y. i, aml m'uily t-viiv ?:.i?r peraoo >n.i* iu it) niK-rtt tind hix f>ffi>* arreated bjr the w__ni.n_rea* au.pi.- ot I);.iiit.-l Webatar. TUta p_rl.miiu.utly li tuai mn.., whom iiiiiu-f ii.ittti;- .1 toaoarla tae lt gbm ?phere of ahsoluta tui l i*vi*riii*iiii_r law, had loehi rotafl lun noul hy hia worahipiif Hit Lui'-'""0'" "'?'- '"* "'*"*'. at laef, to tl--.">r. do other ln* rto Ioa on i.i- _rat tatooa tiu.nhiaahameleas confOMion ol iiiehbaaew rahio. And all tiu , BotwIthataDdlnjcthe ? loaatttu-Bm wa. i u hu oya the grval uulwuik of slav* rv! POLITICAL NO'IKS. The Mississipin Democratic Coiivenlioii wiB ?884 ai MiTidian ou St-pt. 1'.'. The Democratic Legiola-tvO Miiiiieinal C**k* vontlouof Fraiici-:-.. l.av. -. ll. a t, .1 n flBfl N___flB_8_Bl nominoteti Maaara. riuiip ataaafe aad Pkaak H. O-ff-B tor tii, state Biaaaa. The lowa A.liiiiiii..tration orif.KM nr ? HKag coliinin^af80-88IbBfeaartao f'11' ,:i f__-al FBnB_aaf ('oiivi'iitii.n in tn..! llati 814 aai BBMaal Ib aa/tafao, [f itiliiln't whjr vaata woi i ? There u pretty Miie to hc some al.iriu wh.-ic tfea whi.-tliiijj U *o vigot OUK. , The Oliio People'.. party heM a rattteatfea ?oaalag .it B-MattMa, jaM Batateaj, wtma *i?*< ?-aeB wero made by Col. A. S. 1'.. i and ta*- II.>u. 08B88JB E. I'uirh. llie latter ir.'iitlciiiaii snd he hml i-.-m n.n*<l in tfea i).mo. r..ii.- party j*. i aa lon* m u retalaai any life or .pirit; th;U partv w.i.* now icut; | w i-su.-a imd Brlaea whleh it.* leadera did imt porreiro, and i.ew condition* to which it waa not, it. ,<: ailorm iu Ohio w;i* hollOW, vapll, uinl v iik. Mr. E. M. Chanibeilain, Clmirman of the MhBBBakBBBtta Lafeer Beform Commlttee, ha. is,u..l aa ad !ree? to thc pct.plc of that State in whloh both tho Rt-publlcan and Democratic p.uti. .-. 888 BBBBaaO d, ind all roters called upou to auataln oinj 11,>> *?* caudldatee who vtiii I'lfti,-;tfeaaaaslfB tafavartfea aaa-tawatBl ? tcn-hour law. A? for Gov. MTaafehan. Ifea ailiireoB rtamirksthat if the p> -pi-' oould ??.. ? . m* ? i-i oaa of Iha liui'i rn..r'a i liair" they " would 88 .l>>i.t?r a real sorvia-o to Uuinauity." Alexander H. H. Stuurt of Virginia thna wrltra of the politieal ounip|t'\l.>ii m tlnat " Tbo iaaue now Joinetl. and upou which the p.*>>pl? wlll Im ealied on to n-nder their verdiet, it whw-h raee. wlnte or lilaa-k. Is to govi-ru VlrginUi. Il ia au ia?u. l..-twee? and Intclliijence BB the one UA* .iml lifnor.ince on the other. I a lu..: tliat ..inon__ the o.lured> tlurt< aro B8BB8 8Tfe8 pi-taesa ? k*M **UU* of Int.'lllnenic, and whos?> moral worth 8Btttl88 Ifeafll tr> our r.?i?-ct. imt ? ifBafi*-1" nii'ii aaaaai Arr UuAM* maaa of th.-lr vaoa are iicnuriinl, ln?lolfiii, i-i.l unflt dt-pu-iturien of iiolitiiial iiuM.-r. .-*liu.ii I *,- <? .n.w lliem to _r--l . ainlroi of llie toti-ri. i.i- nt, l. i-.a-t ;..-<? wlmt would Ix* tlu* i.raftlial i it--. t.-. South i ar lina aud I.-iiii -i.ina are llandlrg iiiaana.iiiti>:!-> to flu- i" uple ot Virtrmla. ohio haa haaa tk* aaal of ;i goe_ many in W di'p.irtiir. -. aml politltril I. *, .tud lt noW praaaata a bow bs-bbmIIob Ib bM party ralattoaa la tue enajie of a dlscord nm>ni( th.- c..lort-d vaiia r... The <'ouve>itl,)U of C"t..r.'.l BBB w_,i.-li ni. t ,it ChlUlaathB n-.-.-ntly waa a most niifiii!il.-ant pMfeaaBBB. 9 ? Ifea Hr*tt tiiU'r itn inciiiot-rr. tll-iilitid 8 'li-ti-rini.i itiuu to tlnnk for tlieui.-a-lvi-n, inrate td 8f -BfeBJ UA U t!x> psMa lilt" a tlock of t-lit-t-p. Tlit*y BBBB toteit liotvu o reaolaiiou, whirh ? e.-alouH lirtitluT pB88MBa88 B8B ? -ni.-.l. MBt8-8f the "aplcndid aucceaa" of Prcaldeot ti:.tut'* ;nlin;in>>triitioo, and >lid a.ihrr r.-l..*ll:uui acU i-,ilful:itti'l tii .-'.-:?' -'v k'rlere tl...* laayal ln art, A nrott-nt uiraiii*! tln* ui-t.oii of tho luiivi-ntlon \\d* made at Ciie Innatt .i few evt-iinjCB liitcr. when a ine.-llni. waa ht-nl, aml U.e " aue r. .-." r.iMilutlon, ].ra-M?-ur.-.I i.t the ***** j.-.-'fii-ialer, vm.-iiiiiuai.t-aiii-uiit adopted. TWa***** oeeofopialaai i_ a haalthj iIbo, ..u.t pocteada * ..... i dcairalile rraall the end of tiie colored poopla rotlun ..*-.. raoi aa uiaaee for ilur n..:i.f p uiy. Thaaa pcaieal Ceaa-ee_-aea who are wait 1 ii ii l.u tie* popular iiiillKuatlo0 "tol.low ov.-r' In-lorn th.-y f Inlr ahar.- of tfea ?..iliiv>- niu.t fe.J distoiiraK't-.l when tlny s.-e that lu.-i.-.itl af IBhaMnCi tho _t> '? iii growi Btn__a. aaoh <i..>. am a paoal af how it ia apn-adii|8>WtaaB88 tlie follxwim; tr flfl I?? I'uiu. n.y'B t.,i lut-r *****, The l.tivt-tni-e (K.m ) Tnbune : " 'Tb* kkM I'lB.-eeof the li ?v?* tan. la.nn hei-u ttlieal l.y uie* of liutorio.ialy luw 8888881 B_1 BBi liutcUa. Tbo <??u|'licitv of our pitlillf tnen witli k'.i h>K B h> uiea tat pliniili r Ii.kI In-h.iiic a national diaeaee Ibal waa luat ap pi..... iaiiiK tho vitiila of the __8pOhfeB. The iimtl acht __0 ol .outhcru M.-1-eaalon inutit have i)e.-n prt?ecuted to an.. .--.ifiil, had iu>i lli.* l.uiuiii'iea powa '"il'l aanmab n> npeu ihelr ilr>- upon u>e N.iiluual Umi: in CharteBtoa harbor. The ami i "f thal aoaaaa .-r.llr.l a waVerlM nation to Ita r..t.r.iul |>n>tluc?.l a I. linittlUfl ul IfeO ?.ai-t,*.l rli.. Wra. .1 li i |-? B-Bfl Itlnl .|Ull*k aUlBBOl I..Ul pltlltlf MoiHl. ll.'l ra ."lir plll.ll, ll i U iu;_|.i havt i_>iitt on in n - "r plouOor unUI .,,. . lr 1,1 Ul . ihe -IU i* lnH ...i.i.. i>t :i-, i rt-ckleaa wiiuiiialllj ol Ihe *.i >rv t.aiuaod Iho' iiidi-U-.i.u o' iho.iiliro ,4ryVlr-_."*