Newspaper Page Text
Vol.tyyiii.N? 10.112. NEW-YORK, HATURDAY, AUGUST ,30, 1873. PRICE FOUR CEIVTS. PLUNDERKD BROOKLYN. aiflX.l.NI .NU FKAU1W KXTENDINU THROUGH YEAK8. A BTANKINli 'Oi B-801 <>r 1IA1.K A MlUlON Mlr UklU*- THB __-t_Vt_ lt NI) KOHTfll I> AMI) TIIK au.I*. ky B_KB_-B-i Tiiaoioii rkckiver niuN' UBV-N.) Fll.TUKR ___aa__-_-IOa ??*? IHE HtlOBfl TU BK AlXOWKl). Ttie Btatoment of Mr. William E. Wa-rrcn, pnh Hfltx-d in .TfljBterday'B Tiubcnb, cauB?>d great exciK* menl in Hi-ockl.wi. Hia high rcpiitation an au u-., aud liias j.iwi-ae statemenu-i of liirure*, pre eJiiilcl tlio idea that he had m._dc any error in his eakl..' i his further inYostiiTJit-ons were foivianl t.?.aireily. Hut BBBM?lav, mnch to Uie fl-mrpn*. of everybody, aml to the indignatiou oi tho** who learned the fact. City Treasurer Sprairiu' ?put .. stt.;. t.. all furtUcrluYtBUg-atirin l.y <_l__p_n_)iiifc with Mr Wairm's wrvicea. A reporter of TnK Ttuni nk leanmiK'of thin called upon tho Treaaurer lor.ii. explanation, but noue waa vouchaafenL Ap idiention to Mr. Warren wae made, and after some flcl.ty tl.c delirate qn-r*tion was awk.-d of him. inl.v, however, a Ioiik ecri.-_-.of quc-stious had flflJait. d from Mi. Warren the startling stateiuentfl Oivt i, hcliiw, all of whuh will be ftstoundinii newa lo the awindlc-d people <>f Hrooklyn. They show eoncliu-iMlv tliat for years the Riug iu tho City ; i ?!.. mi usinrf nearly half a niillion of public fiuiilB, and that only withm a year or two htis r it.onof nnv purt of it Ix-en compollod. Tho '. had with Mr. W.UTcn is detaih-d be low. Hm tignrca were corroboratotl hy niiuitc cul oalatioriB flBVOB-Bg a larpc amount of paper, an.l Bl ? - with tle oreatcst carc. ne spokc ! .nal rar. f.illy, but, a* will ho been, in boii.c 88808 BBB] p>*-*.ti.cly. the BBBM afBBB Wim Q Mr. Wiarn n, you said yPBtcrday that yon were W-airiitiin-r the Hrooklyn Hinking Fuud. and had foiuui H..I".' ' '< rooked" in it T TI.ivc \<ii reac! cl any re^ilt to-day T A. Y.-*. B_r; 1 Ifld that .. ,. .Imv.ii out of tlie Mfl-k-BflJ Cund in the year IW, thr following sunis: i . ,. .. , j. as.ow Total..??? an.onnt appeara fo have beoa IBl?l?ad to tlie fiiii.l tl.ii.ii-.-liIha l'i.'.'klyn TruMt Compauy, ae ful IflWBI Anaiut 8. . I Jt.l* 1, ICTi. ?*? Jul. - . 1 . .at 9.~ 13.oW Total_WoO,otH Thia la.*tt-menti"ii."l **tim r.f fllO.) was pai). duriBK Ihe T_tpen ?.'>.. ofthe Trutt Company. d-BBfltti >l By Rudman iu tho Fultoa H.iuk <>f Hrooklyn iutwo Btinie aa hOflflBfll Julr .1.-.B___| *n . IBB-Ia-Ba_ .. Bl a XV, 40 Thi? BBBB, which inrltides inten-flt of fiW. 40. wat ?trawn A.ii: 11 hv a warrant aigned l.y th<- Cotmuis flfeon - ki'in Iu -id for $-9JBB 9% which waa .1' ptakbti ta th.-ir < '..iit ln tlu liiist Company. ?q | ..>ii(rakn.iwnwLer<i iliia had cmno f ...ii, ? A That I cannot an?wer now. _ U wjtfl.i.fliic uiil. IhB 9-Mwl hflOB IBB. tfl 1I?T:t a. It appears cod_1u_i\< l.-. that.tlu laat itcm eame BMfll Kodman. q, Could it int ba dflraloflfl- who laaanad the teet f i't. fiirlli.i t i<|tiiry might timw . g Bflfll \".i BBBBB-Bfli Ihflhflfl?B in the ConfTol irt. ? aaa t" this ?aHaa al Ika *?? A. I'arti>tII\. Bfll I have tietii unshle t<. .1 tbe l__.el tra'. of it. ? \-.- AiK.y. Q m BPakflfl iu | our report t?. ? a .liti'-r. iu a aatwflBfl Iha t-ooa> ? . the Controlli r cf the lal aiu.e iu th. Triixt Company,an.l th. nc. otinteof the B hl.h I tilllik ' weii ..%,?! ??.'....... ou a certain date. I wouln like ? : _|b ,i -iiiiilar c.niiparisou nj.ou any flflBflfl <lat?e. :ui<! if|*o what you found. A. I BflTfl nuui.' ainlfl a couipiuifoii l?-?lav for the year 1872, an.l \i iv ium 1. r. iri.t to stutc that there ha*. cvi ileulU t-een a large dt faleation txtietiiig for more than j? . .,.,,-. | ,-t I have here a memoraudnm flCtha ain?fl . in ? from the laK.ks this afternoon wln.ii 1 have no ohjection to iriving you. lt is an foHovii-. uml IBWWI Bafl tlie rr.a-.iii.ifi inoiilhly re potl to lli. Coutl" H ( "t the 1'r.lHt CoinpiuiVK .lep.,. i bfllflBBfla in*ihe TniBt, ami i.ia. th. - i.f iliit i' n at the end of eaeh month: Tra.. C 'I t.alai_e^. TVIcl. , t--,'._ 84fl_.53l 11.8?W.?- ?** ' ? -c. .... ;I7_.I10 JC I ' 1". ?"'.''"I -w Arr ?? '' ?*. :*-*?.7<> Ifl : lt. _e_.M7 41 B8. 8-..-B7 21 J?|. 1 . tl1..V_l 84 ' I 81. -Tf.-t'O W Ani .. - 1? ' M. Sbr.lVv 62 a v.rv.i a.-.i.i.) ia <"??.m,t . 18??.(r_7 5'.'.181.M', 18 I li 08 (V.O- --.17.,(XV 4& jmk l -169 tMl.CAl 38.tiiiAbn 'Al Mr. V :.t I lhaa ciitiuued his Btatemcut hy add in_r: i,i,' ,,,( | , fine thi*. afler-MOfl to aflfltlaaaaai M-#tl, ? t int<*iid dataf afl heif Blte. Q^Whatlndm i*d yoa to co-MBO-Ofl tho otaaataalkwi ou Jitn. ' I-l_l A. I, wiu |peaBB8 that was the ' \\o a. i-oiiut.-. wiu. ti w.rc BfflBfll rctioii of Controller S, hroed.-r, v. biflfc mati B ? .'."ii. nioler my siipervii-ii.iii. <^ i, .-i \t.ti nt.w timi thatwheii tflbioedar eame BBBoaflflfllkflflfl Wflfl flfl <-\iHtii.flr defiihatiori in the a.(fl.iii!M'l th. CltJ 11. .'?>)H' r I A. Vo. ..ri iIuk ac 1 : n-t ( ouipany there was a dcfalca t _. w... thia -ii ' -A- Ea. Thaaawaa _ha aihai <>f ? ?> ri tiio Sitikini; l'uud, makiiig tflfB-fefll iBMUM v '? H lli.-u hin.e |a_flflflflW BflBM 88-08 this I -.I liilta'i.ii. i.aa heen rtductUT A. \e*. Ihe BitiVi ? Ui ii niaili iroo<l. uu.i the irel.eral fund ia .h.-rt now ouly $V_,UU0, BgBBBBl ^C^.-OI 80 ?nJan. 1, <_. VTLat Laa conrp?!!--l thu pradual rehtitutifl.n t A. Tlu mu . . .-!< iu of IxMikkeepiriK iritr.xluc.-il t,y Mr. Kthroedcr, uii'l the more hKoroua and. I mav a*y. ii.' i< hfl.iieflu ailiiiinistratioii of the office, which <?. leuileie.i it \. t v iiiu, h more difhcult lor tbe I IreaanreiB..Hi.-iala to comeal their criminal ataiiipi.iati(<iiB . f Um puhlic mon. y. aiiixANoiiiu.UAi.KMii.iiox"aaoac-BW r.' <_. You aay *? more honeift; ? w?s the pre\ loua Ad -jiniB!i_a.)oti Mahaaasll A. I ia aal nay aa, l.ut ti.e laat C.n.troll.r Bflflloalof offioe leaving a daticien ty BaaBpBBBBBl of a.lS.4B HU aa 1 have atated in ttu ** ' "^"l. "ot to loeution a still IflBBBO dehcit ?BffBpjM l. for the year 1H70, aa ahown hy the ?ffOa-atrollerV annual report for 1X71, pajfe 7. <>" nf. iniitf to thia report it was f.und that Cii ai-oll.r,?. Ontthii Bfl taken office had to prepare the **?__ anauai .xiniiit aefaaapaaaalfla laaBoaa f..r itn. Ap|?t..le<l tfl; tbe aUtcnjetlt of the City Treanuu b arrtraut ? the following atartling note: N"ii. ai 711> , , .i:i,,u.kB.-A, coiflliiia to t_e annual f*^'rl?''', ? f.*> BM y eai et.din-r Der 31. Iflfjo aa* taafc uiaBMfl tlten la tbe dl> flaaiaaj iK-i._iglug' to tbe ae.eral fanda of tbe corporatlon were bb fellowe n?.: (leneral FunO. j.. 17.1781.8*. 75 Hevcuiie Kund, p. 19. 263,7*4 7B - 8888.81. 60 I'und. p. IB . 47B/.M 73 ttiuking Fuud, p. 'Ai. Xl-jJM 47 TntaJ.11,677.101 68 A.timl aniount in tbe City Treaanry ]x-c. 31, ltJTl.a* Bflara atated. 1.0S_,7_8 64 I aei 1.333 15 In thr teTt of the report the Controller says " the difT. rcm-e betw.-eti the Trcasurer's halance and tlie C.''flfl la explainod l.y the fact that warranta are drawn and eharged against the ae counts which do not reaeh the Troaeurer, ln somo instances, nntil after the lapnt- of several days." Uat fnrther iuqniry tle\fli>peil th. l.ut that differrufl -ca of the kind al lud.-d to never ainount tu anylbing like half au.l liou dollars. NO Fl'KTTTBR KXAMINATION TO HK AIXOWKP. Mr. Warren had ? showu groat roluctance to con v.-rsing, hut at last tbe reporter -reut-rred to ask him rei iiivc to the report of his (Jimuiusal by Mr. 8paaMB> (->. llowlongfllo yon exjK-ct yonr ex.imination of tlu t ity accouiits will continuu T A. lt was eou cluded to-day. At leaat, Mr. tpBOgOO Kignified to me li. w ould lcvc no further occasion for my sCrvicea. i). I?oyonme?n to say. Mr. Warren, that it is a fact, as riimuied, that the cxaniinat<>n of the books of the city is to be stopped at the rcry first IflTliaa* in.ut of thetw* astotiuding and long-continucd traudu f A. Hardly that; only I have done foi Mr. Bpragnc all tliat he asked me to do?namcly, to i-.-c.rt:iiii for him the extent of the existinitde ficiciicy. I hnve bc-cn BBBJBBBtfld by Controller SchroedflT to oontinue my examiiiations in his oflice, hut 1 do uot think auy other de part ment will he in TflflttgaiO- now. <^. Aud nootherbanks T A. No. I think not. Besidea ?t prescnt I am oxaminiug the Holtokcn Uuuk for Savinirs, other iustitiitioii-t, and a " lame duck'' ruilron.l. and my lime is lan?.*ly occupied. q. Hm BBflaooohaa ptaafla witl aaa-tteafl yaat work in Hrooklyn? A. Jdonot know thut. (_. Do they not iflfatafl flfflB?BBttBf I A. A very thi.ii.iigh iiiv.v-:ti-T..ti('U ishould he made of every de? partment of tba City Government. Mr. \Varrt-n Bai.l he had nothing fnrther of interest to couimiuiicaUr, aud the reporter ictired. KODMAN A LINK IN TUE I-ITVG. a ?)N or mk. Mii.i.t iKBaanaai vo taba, skcrkts? whv D__flBB-BB8 Ib l/OV_l> aflSflBBB THAU T11L I.HiHT. The dcatli of Mr. Mills made a gap in tho orcafljlsation of tlie Itrooklvn Rh.k, aud dcranped Its I'l'irie, Jnat aa ttie dcath of Anditor Mafon, ln thia city, emk-arr-ssrd Tweed and hls conftnlerates lt aeason. Tlie nnexpeeted death of the, former 1. <t to an Invcatiga tlon of hia aflatia, reveale.l the fitrt of hia default, and t il the counei tlon of Roduiau with the robberica. ("oustomutton aelaed the llln*? meoii.or* of the dlrectory ofthe Trust Company, wao, wiser than the dlrcctor of the llowling Green Savinga Pank ln thia city, saw that tn order to avuid a thorou_rh lnvextiiratlon iuto the affairs of the Itanlt, they could not afford to let the lnstltution gn mt . baiikruptc , but must carr> it along at all bazard*. Ilet.ce their rb ter nnn.itiou to pa.v up tlio deflriei.'-y and coutinuf o|ierationB. Tlie fliii.r.-BBK.aiuav thus bc stated : TheTni't ("orr.piiny was orj-ranizt tl M :i bank ; the a hlef MflBBflM of tlie BBM N__Bfl_ BO directory ; tbe money Bf the bank and cf the OU f Treasury wm fre ,jiiei|-,l> ottauied au.l u*-__ by the ineuib?-ra of the Ktng ?aflfl iiiBidii ient BBBflritPi '" 8B8_B M aaslBt tdem ln earrylna eleetioua and li.'flu.'uelnir let-Nlatiou ; and the whoiilaaaaBM of bbbm who aaaaraBai thi bank wasto make itati lustitution which abould aupply the Khik wiili money tn eniergenciea. Tbe Ring directors knew, it 1. c,_in_ifl'1. that iu BflflflflBaaflfl witn Ibe jrrovlHioua ol the new Charter an exaiulnation would le made at an eai.y Bay Hiui Bflflflfl thiit Mr. Kniltuiin's d.falcationf ln ihe City Treaaury would soon Ik* brouifht to ligbt; und Mr. Hpragtie, wbo knew of tbe theft hut wa* lgno rant of tb. BflflflflflB, asked Hr. Wflflflflfl to make an ex aiiilt.iition of the ac ounts and ascc.rtaln the defkiency, in order that he nii-ht make lt irood. wnn the aflBlBtunre of bla bondsmen. It wan atated yestcrday. by a BBBflB BflMfl r "f the Hrooklyn TT.iat Ooumanv, that ihla eourae wa*. deteimmed upon by ihe membera of the Riug, who had kuowletlM* of tbe defaleatlon, ha.l shareil in It, and benetlted by it, l.ut who feared to make a BBBBflBjafll of Rataflfl, laal aa b_bBM Mra aaflfl them ami iflvtal their ci.niiection with BB BBBflafltlflfla In corroboratiM tt thia atatement. a ir.n tt Mr. Milla told one ol bia IflOBl ad\i..ers tliat be knew thut hn fntber ha.1 BflflB BBOMBflfl V ?rflflfl into the raeshes of the Rmir, and eoiiBeqnentiy had bt-coine poaBeaeed of many of tbelr aecretB. Tneae BBflflflll hia fathi r l,ud Bflfl)* Tlie fflflflfM Mr. Milla etaKvl that tbere w.i- a BBBBflflMMa eviuced to Bacriflc. bia IfltBflf un.l ron the heir.of their Juat duefl. He kuew that if a Wlflfl OB jioaltion ahould be made of the aa-cta there wonld re main a considerable aurplUB over the ludetitctln.-Ba ; but lie I,. llfl-ved a teiiileiicy was matilf.--.ted to do his futh. r lujuBice. Bfl added. emnifleanlly. " lf they atienipt tn (i.oat us out of our due or BBBBfllflflflflfll njy fatlier, I w,il make such a reveliilion of Riuif uiattera aa will atartle the whole eommunlty, nnd ahow up a Ring wnich la more eorrupt than any tbat ever ex:.-teU ln New-York." In eorroboration of the view that Kthelbert B. Mills waa not the prinnpal couspirator ln tbe frauda Bfl8_M trute.l in the Trust Company, one of bia conftdential trieiiila says: ?'When Mr. MiIIb waa a member ofthe law flrm of Hradley, Milla A Woodhull. he made Iwtween 110,000 aud 118,000 a year fur aeveral y_.ir_, and luvaria l.y turned a <_eaf ear to all oflera to inveet hi* money ln railroad euterprisca, bank atoekx, or in anything exo< pl lua leBitituale busiueas or real eatate. I nt:l the time lio l.ft the nal eatate business be never gave a BBBB, or ln doraed one, having very IflflMfl- views ujion that aub lect. One day be told me he was worth alx.nt ISWt.oof), and ahould ahflflfa bia buBiuess. Ue thougfcl of . tat'i.-t. ni: a trust company. Hoon afterward he Ufl< t me and said be had arranjjed mattera. He aaged me to uke 8_,(*00 or worth of stock, wbicb I apreed (o do, alth.nigh I aslied h;iu whj he pi??-d to louve a ItuaineBa be undersiood perfectly, and oouduet oue he kuew iifitliuie BBflBB Ue said that be propohcd to make tbe bank a at? pping-atone to hia re tiremeut. II" would bave a MtMf ot |5.0(f. or ?..mX) a year, and bave abuudaut leiciire. II. BflflflTflO the ner vitfl-.f BaBBBBB, who went tolilinliighlyrccocimended, and froui that time he becan to be uuBUweaafi-l. Rod ruan's perauaaive and olly m..nct-r Uu him into *iK*eula tlon. In my BflflflflflM Rodman urjfd him totake hold of the ITIUlM-lllll Railroad enterpu-M, whleb tbe fornur asaured bim and myself would pay ion per cent on the uivi stinciit. Rodruan l*ca_ie his evil geniu*. He un wittlngly BBflflflM er.taui'leii with the Ring. Tbrouirb Rodmau they u-i.1 him to furth.r trieir cLds. tbe bauk their lnstltution, and u.wg lt to favor tneir Bcbemea of plimil.T. A (reutlrman, wbo la well known ln Brooklyn and tbroiiir'ioct the wbcle counfry, Bflfll the bank, when ibe defalearionoccurred. |ir.,00(J, which he bad MflflBBOi on lnauffl.-?.*nt secunty. Knowlng that flBflfl tbe offlcial atatement of tbe condition of tbe bank'a ereditor. abould be made public be would not flgure ln a credit, able liirht, be offered an exorbitant rate of intereat for tbe oar of an amount wbicb would euablc bim to canetl hi-debt. Tho amount wua ttnally obuined. It aei-ma that be bad hypothfl* ated |20,o?J worth of a Hrooklyn eity railroad BBBflB wortb only ',6 cent* ou a dollar. Tbi* would make lU value etjual to tht amount of monry he had borrowed, wbereaa tho Uw requtiva that loat.s can ool> be made on aeturlty worth twioe ua much a* Ihe aaioant to U borrowed. Tbia Ib ouly a BBBjBB of the uiunuer in wticb the bank condu tel ita bualu. ai. lt ia atat*- on good authority tliat Mr fpraeue, tbe llty Treaaurer, who ia said to have surreudered all bia property to covcr tbe defaleatlon, w? requeflted to do ao by tbe memberfl of the Ring, wbo Bfllfl' d to reltuburse bim, aod tbat bla action waa eonaldered i,. coasary toaave bim from a proflflecution ln whleh he inulu M delenae __MBBM ihelr relatlona wlth Rodman iu bia depie.latioua in tbe (Ity Treasury. Tbe following ataietneuUi abovr ibe lnti male relatl ii.s of ihe Ring BflMBOH with tbeTruatCom? pany, tbe (Ity Treasurer, aud all the pnurlpal entcr pnaoa which offered an upportuuity for piuuder: V, ni ( . Kiugalej la a.lli.fl tor of lln Hr. iki.vt. TTUBt Company. one bf the bnndauien of the (*ity TTflifl-iurer, Ibe i.ii.tiai toi for the Ilempotead lUservoli, wluch iuts aii ad) ' oil ..n Hiin." I.* BBflflflM tt BflM ) , un.l tbfl lui.U-ti'-t foi ioi Ui'. I'.iii* Btreet aewcraov and p., m ineut J<>1>*. ln one of whleh, the Atlantlc-ave. NUtoiaon pavement Job, bc ia aald to hare received 8-0,0-0 from thc Company for ble effortfl lu nbtatniui. tbe c.ntra. t. Uelatbo controller of the m-.ua_.eui. m of tbe Baat Rircr Briilirr- Company. Alesaader Mt (Me ia thc (ity Jnage, a director, aftor ner and ceuneellor ol the Brooklyn Truat Cor.nany. and director of tbe MctroiioliUn (*_? Company aud of tlie Park Bauk. Hc i- ent;a_red in u...ny cntcri.riaca which he haa puahed throuuh th'- Lcm-lalure. Ile la a dlroctor ln the Eaat Rlver Brldice Coiup M_T. Iaaao Vtvn Anden laa director in thc Brooklyn Tni?f Company, onc of thc Park CfeBBBBB.ilouera, and a director lu the Eaat River liridire Company. C. A. Bprauue i* a dir-ector n. the Brooklyn Tru-t Com? pany, aod City Trea. iircr. Thi. remainlnK director* of ttie Brooklt n Trn-t I'oui puiiy aie all couuecu-d with .imilar eiiterpru?e?. RODMAN IN A POLICE COIJRT. Mr. Rodman'H house, in has hrrn 888SI ly watched for tevt ral day* hy eonttahle* and de tcctlvoe. Tbofle who were guartliug thc hnuae yc_a?r day, to prevrnt thc eacapo of the dcfatiltcr. were Con stahle Layton. a-aaiatol hy two men BBBM >! imm I I.vnth und Tbomas Miller. I-etei-tivca Power* ainl Wllliam* nf Pollec Ht-adtiuarter* wcrc alao atatloncd ln . iKht of ** house. tbe fonncr ln front, while the lattor orerlooketl thc rear of thc prerni. ea from tne window of a houae in The con.tahles were aluiilarly _t_t..neil. Mr. Layton atutcd to a r<-porU-r Uiat ho waa BUtBg uiulcr the Yerhal onlera of a prominent oflicial Intt-r eated ln tbe caae. Tlie dcte c.ivca aml tun. tahlcs did not work togrther und wen-even Bfl Bfli tmu., thc polico ofBr-i.-ila claimlnfj that the rnnsUble* did not feflflfl tfefl power to BBflfll _____ .tefaultt-r. ('ont roll- B aaid that he waa not taklnp* etep* to arre*t R diuan, antt Mr. Ipminie did not dt-slrc to inovc ln theC.natlcr bc lf Rodman wa? intlmldat* .1 _M BflflB?Bfl?I wonlil not pay. iFinully after o ereat Aflfll nf U.e mvstrry, for wliirh the Brooklvn ***** U fainoua, K-idman was arreated hy 00881 -BflM and hrouglit 88 IfeB Thlrd Pre? cinct Polioe Btation at ahout 7| p. m. yeaterday. E. T.lWood atutcd to a Tkiiu*__ reporter laat evenlng ttint Rodman on BflarlBMJ that a warrant waa out for hla arrcat, nent anofiee to tl.n Criptain of the PiflehMt IflU" Ing hf-B thal he would hold himself tiit.i. .t to hla or? dei*. Mr. I.tnitnan waa iiccomi _iiie?l t<> the alatinti in.n*.' in a aarrlag ? b? bia phyaletaa and B, t. Tra' _ and K. T. Wood. Th.-v went befoia Jnettoe DeliB-Br and hli ttlvndv aaked thal be ahould b? a<imitte-d t.i ball. I hiiv amount of hflll, Meaara. W.mmI and Traiy offennic to ticcotiie hla BUTPtle*. The Juatiee rci however, to aceept tiail, preferrliiir to leavt* tne qiii-ation in the I)i?trit't Atforiii-v. Bodmaa'i physlelaa then I. |.r> Mllted to tl.e JllMit thut hil p.Ment WU *_*tf Vflflfe and hhatteiiot li. h. Iflltfe. Il WOflld nmler tlu ->? clri-iimatani-cii, he added. not ho juillciuua lo k*-cp him ln thc Htatlon-houae over ni*ht After a pood deai flf dtflaaaalaa thfl .lur'iee ini.iiiy detor mini-d toallow Rodman to go bome aeoompanted hy an offleer. Rodman left ttn- captain'a room tn the .tatiou* flOMMI ?t ?boiil lliiJO p. ui. A* he was l.-.ivitii: iii. room i. Triiu'bk reporter aoaotfld him an.l Bflfead rur wuu- ****? tirular*, t>ut Ro<1iii:iii m.-r.-ly wav.-d hi* hnml ...yinit " \nt now." He aeeined to t?e in hl* flflflfl. heallh aud Iflflfead flflt-BBfl bodid when Mlll.'* def.ili-ttion w.i* dl* . i.n re.!. On leanng tbe Btatlon-hooee tbe nartj enter.-ri Hu eaniage whleh wa* ln waltlnc, and aocompanlcd i>\ D.-rctite Baaehoi tito thlrd l*ri>lnt, w.-ut to Koti uiau'a houae in Unloii-r-t. IHE AOCOU-TTAJTPB KEr. ..'.'. Tho folJowiug is the ofliciul laporl af Mt. W. E. Warren, the flflfet- a flflflfltflflt ' B t Ifl Qflfll r.i 1 a.iil E<lucatli)__t fund* iu the City Tri-iiaiircr'a hamt*: I herehy certlfy lhat at tha Iflflflflfll '?' <"? *?? Bprflgflf.flflB, I have .-artful'.y cxauiti..-1 Ine acroanu a" with tlu-1 ity of Brooklyn. and roand llie uKKreg_te tiahvucc due frotn Inm at thfl WOfle Ol butineaaonSaturday,Ang. 18, mrs, exelfl-irflof inter.-r-t On tho dnllv halanee, pavali'i- bj in Bevcraldt posltoriea ofthe public ii.oiity, war I-.ii'T.mI. I furtbex certlfy thut l-ald City TieaMirer hflJ prodOCOd to u.t- Mill*fae t..ry evideiice that lie bad on aaid aliov.-in. Bttoned date t'li -Vt ial rlllli" hin in.lln r -1 ilt tl Ofl -BBflflU Ifl Ihfl fnllowiiiK iiann-d hank* lli the City of BrtMiklyii tai the credit af the aald Oty of Brooklyn on accouut of said ;u-i.'reir.ita- lialam e i . . ? Ilra.ah- ll-tk.8281.701 !..'. I Mrrl.nlr. Si Trs.lrn 8_2.?lfl .1 Kttlaail City Baak. __..07_ .;?'. ' M- .(. '.r.r,..... 1S7.?10 bb l.,.?f l.lni H*n.. 880,-816 75 | At.,.: Blata V1I.B81 81 Kr-i N.t..._.i. 357.H___ 27 | ion nm' ?J.?*.*? ,'-J.1/; *b Mrrt?iar. . 67ti M'.l . .1 i llr..ilr Trorl < n .1... .ft.l.l .... Ttrtatn k Cilitra*. 14 ?>.;- Wl I Ki.?u Nanuni ll'_ l*__.811 88 <>ntr__i. l'.'A lon IJ I _-?_ >ttil^, . 1MI7.1M.' t-M !! 0? ??.^eirt-L4ii..?. _.-_?_,___,,? Anoasl 8fli U* .Ur.8^ 407.r-<ll 12 A__..uDl<? btaik.. II 304.962 00 Upparatat tklkia-Bcy. 810_tl>. | u Zmhmt. ,;'"1 Hra*.T-_ frt.n. Traat UM. 4.U-H 00 j?rm?i buoH. _aajai u t h< rt l.v ii rtily ttut Bl BM IB.flflfll flf C. A. gp-flgf-8. I have ,-arefullv ? xainined hin actount a* City iTflflflarer, Wltfe tfefl Hoard of K'lin .itlnii flf Ihfl Oty fll Hrooklin lailBMilia toealdTreaeiirei'* lx>, an.l ).ilt thfl aggfe ).- itc bai iiu-e Bna 'roiii him i? * .mi Board al tiu eloaa ol tiiieiniaH on fcuftirduy. Auu. JJ. 1878. axalBfllve of in tenflt, on the daily balaaoe payabie by the Bererai depoaitora nf tbe tchool money waa 8390.181 70. 1 turtiier certify thut laid City Tr.-a- i* i ba? pnnliited tu ine . itti-l.trtm v 8TU_8BeC thal B8 Bad *ui aald dflfli tbfl mwi.iI -um- nl i.M.i.ey r Btatdd nn depflflit Ifl Ihe foilowtDi named banlt) la Iha City of Broo_iyn flfl aecoaal m bbm agaregate balanee : l.r.l Nuiuiral Hai.!. ** bt: m'-U'i.*, Aui. <?? i .1 Naflc-al Baflk. ?? aar ***? ?**?. Am* 2'4 ?? l_o :i'. . - M>r[.?n.c?' X?tii'U?i B?Dt,?? i*rr pna, Uael, AuK. .3 , _ li T(lU].83.0,1*. _ 51 an i.-iTi ..... Aix i.l !ur IflflVl IL.araJ ..1 *******.B-M.IM 17 BflMflfll aa flaflaaa ia 840,188 17 AM'.rrnt ..'... "iHi U.I . ay l->'.ooi' l had ihe eoflfltflt of two Itusa. Amount rn-elvetl from L. Burrowa, .oHeoted Dec. 18, l>-7^ *:>9'Mt 13, of whiohdepu Itcdou aauie day lu Fulton Bauk onlv I2H.V94 18. Iciiviuir iw.ivo nol acconntfld for. Aliu.iiut ri-ceited froin L. BtHTOWB, eolie. led DeC. 17, IK'2, 888*884 18, tf whlcfe depoalted m Kir-; Batlonai Baukoult l4r.,>-'i 71; dlBerence nnae-ountcd for. am... _e. Tui..,, aa aiiuv., |.'.i',ooo. wra_ B, Waxxxh, Iii-jii eior of Accouuta. fkaitis n OTHEB m.rai.tmints. It waB reporU'il, yi-sti-nlav, thal a largB <1< flcuncy cxlBtcil iu another di jiartmeut of the Brflflfel) n < ity liovcriiiuent, and aome pernni.? atated lhat n wa* ln thc Departmeut of City Worka, Imt thc ftflflMBB. "I the Departuient denicd tbo IflflMB an.l Control cr echrocder atipirortctl tbe deiilul. It ia atated, boweter. iijM.ii (?o<rd Authority that a \?rgv defleicDty exi-m lo the oftlee of the Collector of Taxt*. It !? undcrstoud that tho demit apaaaaa tadag th* tau**} paaBfeMM to that <if the pre.ent Ineombent, asd extentl. over a ix-rind of ia nr is veu-. In converitatiiiii with B Tfent BB reiniter aome tlme niiit. Controller Bchroeder aald thal _ndc_ tha t-yatetn Whleh pr.-vailed prevanu* to the pae-aire of lln- new charter. it Wflfl __B_-flaaife_8 totcll whether ,.n\ *li Bt-it ex iHted or not; that tht* aflflortaalttM fnr ptunder w?re nmplc. and that uo cxamiuation of tbe CoUfletor'a tnmkii hi_*l cvcr t.oe-n __**. ll w_e utated ye-t.-r dav thal the cxatniiiiition ha.l r. realfld t IteaaiTfl friutt*, i.tiiniintii'i: tolarircauin-a. lt in aald that tt will t?lo four or U.e cnonthi inr tfea Ouiimiaaiaa appfll-feid hy tfea i_m*i L<*gi_ Utiirv to Ouiah tht ir labora. WABBJNOTOB. M1-IA7EMKNT <F 8BB. BtTI-KR AIIOI 1 BBWI-M-fBB oaaBBH-N inm'.ms. WA-lllN<.ro>., Fridav, Ang. 29, 1R7-. Bflfl, Hitl.r'i utatemeut that tbere waa flflflfflBJ BBd Ids Commlttee iu Uie laat Houac a uewciiapir torre ?p.mdent. aomelimca the c-ditor bimaelf aa i lerk, gittinc U a tlay durinif Concn-aa and - ritiu- lettera for what hc could get out of the i_twi.p_aj.era hc.ide, la not alto ectt.rr correct Of 29 commlttee 8888-8 84 tht l_rt Houao of Repreaentative?>, oialy 10 hiad eveo nominal couuection with uewspapera. aud until thc pa<_aa_e of lUe Ilatk l'ay blll, none drew a aalary irreater liian lt w pi-rday. Among the leailitiji <"oiunntt*e*. wbo?__ < i.-rk w.-re uot ncnapaper tomapondiuU were thoae on Waya aud Meana, Aiiiiroprlauoii., Judl.iarv, Militarv, Bonfen , and ludiau Affairi, Ediioation aud Labor, aud the l.... trict of Columhla. Thct-lciicof Bflfl. BflttflTi inminitt.e flfl thc Rcviaion of the Lawa la al. o kuuwu aa the lieu.?ralV private and coiifldflDtial-ecreUrv. while anoiber ot bi* i ,i ik* _pj>earH on the ro.Ia of Mr. Klnir. PaalIflllaf fll the IIolu-c, flt a aalury of $1,728 per anuum. 811 KLAirS-<lll. Thi Wothinglon henlintl, Ihe oritau uf the Na.ti.uml G< rmau Brewcra* Aaioelutlon, iu ita Im-ue for toiuni row, aay* of thc rafl?il flf OflBBfll Klaupte, iii from Stuit gui t and the appoiDUneut iu b__ BfekM ol Br. L. C Saiu a..* ot Floiida: We veiituro to aay thut Mr. Fiah. bf reuiovinn a <.< r mau American and appoinfiuk ln hii> pia. e a uep:o t*. he (ouaul in (iertuauy. haa ruiher p?id nn ugly i-otni.iimcni tai tbe *orth and eatiiufltluu of our ritiaena nf (.eriuaii lnLli i hcre are ut-ally twioe aa many OfltflMfl Ann i. < ar. Itviiigflii thia country afl then- are flflgm a anti if Mr. Flsh wauted to _ive onr of thc latter a Cub. ulatt, he unght eaaily bave lound aoother place than (-t.ait^*ii, and witbout being uecca. Itated to reoiove a i.cnuau Irom tieruiany for tbe purtioae of room for au Afrl* an. Nor wlll Ml, Viab auooeed ln eiruiu..; hiiii*. If hy p.cadiug tbe nec_aaiirc? of the ac.rvicc, or tbe K*r- ati r eOn ii tuy of bia laat ael._-.t-on, lor it will t^ veryhanl fnr our Am. r.. wi (lermana tu oanceiTe that a BflflB will in.ile a hettcr CoubuI at tbe oapltal of Huahla than an ln* tfllltgeot, well-educatod Oerman Aimriuu oitiaen. B'nl Mi Fiah pflrhapa again pl-ad iu hia defen?e that Mr. B.?< k wauted auch au appolntuicni t We a.uecrt l> wiab that 1'ieiident Uraiii would pav aouu- aft. niion to ll. ..(,( i.u.tmei.lB ol hia . they nr> r.. awk tvaiilly u.adv thal Ibty uiuflt mjui. fOBBIOJf HBWS. THF. BRITISH IRON TRADE. CAl'BKti or 11- liUAI.I'AI, IlKfl.'LINK?INFI.VKNC? Of A.MIUil.AN MANUFAITTJKR8. L-flSflfl. Friday, BflB* 28.1". The Time* Ihin inorniiBf has an ixlitorial on the iron <1". "tion, the htinl. u of which is that oue of the fincat, market.. BflflBfl- ovor pflBBBBMi (BM MM in ii.'i.ifi gradaaBf aaaa_aa Bbk Bbb <ii.-_sters in tliL*. ilirfl-ctiou are uot yet e.iid.xl. The I'uitt ii States are competimr auceessfully for the control of the iron traliic with Canatla, South Ainc.ica, au.l tl.c West Indies. They have conU-tted under immetise natural disadvaiitaizcs, hut thev havo BBBflJBB-M EuKland in spiU- of BBflBfl, Slie cannot. allor.l to be _____ aml sleep away her tiuic, and wasto BM money while B88BfflB)iflf with thrifty, active, aixl mtelli geut iiati.uis. Tlie Time* thinks much of tlu. blaine for tlu-state t.fthitiKs it deacribos should fall upou etrikers and trades nniona. THE CANAPIAN SOANTMI.. aaroB-x oa raa i___a__r_j_ ht**"**"*"** oa mr. Ofi? Mii.i.N io Al'i kai: iiKK.'in: thi'. 0090088800? l-oi.K Y ni uir, oi'i'OSiiioN KBMBBBB [riiOM -UiaOa-_aDfl__.0-BflBflBflfl-MflB flO-BB nuncM ?] Tohonto, Au*. 28.?Mr. IIiintiuKtou, who BttglaaQi pr. I" ire.i tiie BBaraflfl aaaMflt Ma Oflavrfl* mt ut ln ihe lae.tlo Railway matter, BM Ixre.n olll.-ially aiimnioned to appear before tbfl OflflBBfl-BB-fl appoiub d M in v. ffcite th.-iu. Ia ni) li.fl-t l.-il.T 1 hiiil'-tl tli at lie would NlflBfl, aml M h;i- Bflfl lnforiucil Mfl CB-fl-B-B' Moi.-rrnof hia determination to tlo bo. This need not ueceasanly luterfore v,ita tlie ol>t<vt of the OMBBB-Bflfli unlesa he can Influince Mr. McM.illen aml other iin portant wltne.-ac.a to mtlil.olil their evidenee. Ue was riUiie-tetl M f.i r ru - li Mfl OBMBBBMBBBflM WlM ? llat of thr wltnes ?*<?.?. he mlfrfit wi-h to he ex uiiiiicl. m Tiler that they ni'.-lit ixi duly m.nmoned to appe ir on the Itb nf MflMaaBM in the parliament BTOBM M Otuwa. Iu .1 flUnlao te oflfly Ma b-bbbb? Ba bMBm M raaflflflfl at ?BM lt nirth, of wlneh th? fullowiUK are MflflBfllfl IflB* portant: I BeBarfl tbat it la a BtflaaB M par-flaaBaMflir priviie.e iBataBoyal C.nlsaion, Isauad wiii.. ut tbe Bpecial Baaetien et tBe Bouae, Kiio.ii'i taka a..v eonntBaaee sf or lOioald .. imt ii eall oa me M i'i-iif.v words wbleb I iiave i?|H,K.'ii on iii,- floor of tin- Oommomt, and tor wbl. b i n-iponslble t" tiiein, aml to tbem oolj. I feel tiuat I ki'oni.i do no aal wini'ii may be eoaatraed Intoan anj liiM-ru,- ln the attfliiip' to reniove froui Mfl COBO ?BBI the con |_et arnl t ontrol of Mfl inr|iurv. I helii-ic tbal tba ,-i,-..i,oi, of b ( oiiiiuia-ioii mv,. re* ;i btt Mfl ol that fim. I.iiiieiitai prliiii[ile ofthe .'oti->tituti<>n ?vhu-ti MBBflflBa to Ihe ('?.uitittui*' Ma rlflhl an-l d.ry ol miti.t tinir inui e introllinf tnanfrlea Into blgb polltl. u off< na tli it it tarolrea alao .. i.r. a. i. of tliat rundamental pnn riple ?f laattce wbleb prevenuMeaoea 'l from ereatlB_c tkfl f il'iiii.-.l au.l eoBtrolllag Um pn*. iiu.- foi lin-ir lnui. ThlK (-(.iitairiN a very i-iimin..ry of the ottjectious Bfllvan.'til l,v tlu- iiiiiflo-itioii irener.illv to Me royal com ii.|.-i"ii. The k-flflTtflfl nf M8 L'ommlHslon bythe BOB party wlll not BflflflflBflflUj. MM the XtafBMaaMa, an Mfl BfMBMBB Bi.-aii.Ht Mfl (Jiflvt riiiin ni BBfl Bflflfl p.ctty Klven lu the new*fl)iiipiTH air.' w* MflflflUMflflfl flfl tlio Mflfl will eertaiuly l>e BfO-flBI forward now. The text of tlie CominiBaioit Bflfl BflflB pflMiflBfld. :it,il .- iiiev. iy r. Iflfll t Bfl 1 Bflflfl alTflfl-. tor< ahioloweil, BBflflfll Mflfl* partieular. I mforuic.t vou tli tt Mfl Oflflfl* iniBMon.-r* w< ro not BBBJOtefli M i?-port M flflflMBflM upon the evidenee, bul mmply tu collect il tn a judiclal uiauner :iii(! pr.acnt it to Parlininent for Iti IflflB-flfl. Tin*., li, i ft"( (. Ira wliHt tti.-v at-e l:in!f'-.t to, hut tu sd.iiflon tl.. v nr. M a.-eoii.piii) tm ew.l.'iit'e \wlh " any BfMMM wii.. ti they i.i.iv tlnnk fl; Mfl-tflflflMtBafflflffla." AM B-BBM Bl lulerpr.-tc.l by the OOflflflBtaa presi aa i onatitiitiiiK Mfl t flflflflBfltoflfln BrMliBton Bfltwflfla Ma two parln r, flt iit] im iu- them authority hnally tu fla nl. upon tbe Rullt or tnnocirii.-e of the (Jnvcmmeiit. Thal, however. OBfflfl-l Bflflfl the naturo of thi-opinion*. MflJ mavexpreit-*. antl upon Mfl w.-iirht irlvcn to tlu m Bj Pai liiDuent. There can bo Bfl BflflM but that the ultimate Bflfl-BflB WflM flnHB Mfl Pco ple'a reiire-x -ntativea. The policy a.lopteil by the Oi.po-itiou. of uot takiiiir B-taatflflBfli BBl (On.liiit, r ?' |b i.roaei'titc or flBWfl tlnir ehartres, ia inteipreled By the MlnlaterlaliHta aa implyinK that they have no leiral cafl-e. Public opinion now resrardi the charcpfl afl of a kiml which BfltflM BBBfll HM OflfflflflflBflM Ifl B l'ditl cal, but uot iu >? nioral BBBflflj an.l thiM ir. how the objei tion of tlie Oplxmition 18 lakltl'' the Ifl Vi ?-. i-.. I lflfl "ill of the handf of I'arliniuenl is accoiinted for. IBflfl Ui BflM ia aM-iiiiiiiii: moreof a [ MpBfll in watt k Ml dence of corrui.t eieciioneerlnK vwll M apl to M MB ait-ht of. The toatfln of the Oppflfltttoi Bbta takafl to -tiimoin. th, .ifluntry. Kr. KaeBBBflto, Mflte li-'.iiltr iii iii' ? liou*.. of Coniraor.a, Ih nt BfflflflMllfl BflflB Bflfltlfli flflQflfllfla the S-iandiil. In BflM "f ll.e uiat itni.r provinics Ihere eiiflBaBtront; Mettofl known aa the Ann p.uiv, which oriKinaliyoppo.i .1 ( BflfBfl.-riat.i..n. aml VBMB no )n tu.iICK a jealoiixv af Ontaiio uml QB-OBfl. Hflfl?BflBM lieiriir an Ontario man, flflB flflfl WB8 Bfll BlWBJI miin lalaa- that the maritinie pfflVMBM have i^ot mon than j,i-iice in the adju-tuieiit of t.-rma of co.if.-.lerati.m, it may weil I.. iniiiglued lhat hia miifion la H"t 1 BBB M -? Th" Antl party an: the only Govei ntnt nt afflflflflfltfl M ihe flBflW-BBM of New-Hrunswlek and Nova S.-otiu. Mr. lilakc, who is Ncfeaafld IBfl BBOfll BfUHflfll orator BflMBO ti". OpOOflltioa, haa been counfi-iia'tiiiv :l d.nioii?traiioii at Ilovwnaiiville. in < flnlnri... at wiiich he il.. I.u? 1 that (he waa a crluif. tliat Mfl proceedlnaa oa tBe iiith IB-*. wera In rlolaUoii of Josl ee, a ml thut tae app uiiiiiieiii of iii.- Commlaalon wa. aa a t of political tyraiin... Baothet deiaoiifltratl--i itii.tli.-t the poweffl tnat i.e in- alao t.eeii ti'iti ,i: Drummond ville. neiir Nn.irai-a Hail*". aafl Ifl tBlfl w.iy r.M.liifi'iiiriry |.. liu,.* are arunaed. Bhoold tBe Oorornaienl trlnmpB, I would not wonder it trouhlous BflMfl flM Ifl -'??:> tor ( jnada. _ i hi: i.Ki'i hi.ic of BPAOf. m____Lt IIIMII'iN-t Itl.lWl.EN llll'. ( AKI ISI-i AM. i-i.MMi M--1S- ihi:i:aii.m.Ii OQKfUCA-_0-M \mih GKKAT llllllAl.N. Mti.uio, friday, An.-. -if, 1810 Tho CB-taajaaa iBMUKaaiBi haoo UbctBtcd all Mfl Oflfl?I BfltoflflflM M MM '.tv. IBfl CBflttBtfl, ui turn, lilieraie all OflMMflflBB ptlflflflfln who tflBBJ-fl to fall iuto (hi ir BflflB-, Many ofthe < Oniiii nui-ti wlio Bflflfl been impln-ated in reci nt exee?-_e.*", are llieinu to the Curliat line^ and euliniinc. Oflfl (.'.'Uiil- Mfl 21 Krupp puna m i.o.-itlou 1,. fore < irt.ifc..Tita. Ailuifliiil LaflM i*) st iw'h the ?.|iia.lroii ?hich recently aittmpted the tflonibarduient of Caita irt na. It is reported here that the Cfl-flfltl an- BBBTCklao flflflB Tafala. J.|g BUBllBfl flf IBfl MBjMllJ of the Coitea t?-day it wafl reaolved to auApeud th. Hes-.lou of the bodv BflM th, lat of liil the M of \uvetulier. It WitB BtoB Bfl i.Ietl to pas.t a vote of BflflB-?a fl in Ma Miulatry before takiUK the Iflflflflfl CaitTAfliEVA, Thur-day, Ann..?, 1373. i.aht Diirtit the OBatvrtflfl laata wm iMwtrflO tf Gaiv. ?., ?ln) Bm i" ' .'f'llei ? t in th. maiirfl.- Bl MMflra, IBfl r.nlifb Admiral Yelverton Infornn*. the ret.ela or his mt. nliuil to mow' M8 Vitlorm an.l AIiiiuiih;i tn (-I'tiraltar. At a meetine cf th<- rebei.i the majorlfy de culed to opeu Ure from th< fort. ln i-i-n tbe reuioval of the Spi.nlali fhlpa ia attempted. The Aduiir.,1 gtTtt ib !i>. ir- wftruli>K, un.l tbieutena lo hoiuliard ? BTtflfBflfl if tbtj fort* tlrc uj-on the .blpfl. V: BIOBflAfl, Filday, A.iir :?.', i?; <. A few Ppaniah voluuleera entered Frauee, mar Monira, )() aear. h of (ai !,rt^, hul u|*fl,u the paflBflflOl i'ou pflBfiatMaM re*i*t Iheir advance, Mflfl IflaflflflflBitBfl froutler. Ri:m:i.i.K>N in ii-mkai, asian < iiiis. anoasaa laiaiaiiiiiBM oa EHiva bi thk ai'? MAN flOMVflAMfll II. xaaaaaaa. Tueaday, Aun. ki im Private l.tlflTH n|x.rt that an liisuinction Bflfl-B out in K'hlvu an'l KkflkBaO ilnriu*,* the aboeuct, of Oen. Kauffinan. 'len. Venlfkin gu-ll.,1 the r. billior, and de.irojed Khokaud ia na,et. Kuaaian ex aetioi.B have Im eu leiied on 100 lealein ut tl. .;. Uloveuif Iit. II B reported that Tak< M Bafl B 'lead. TMIfiRATION FROM Q______Vf. rOKi:i.,N KMI.iKATTOS AfliiTMS lo U- t.Mki l.hlfl Hf. .M tlhl'MA.NV. ill iti is. Kt-idav. Aur TJ, 1*73. Tho (Government hua oi.ler<-?l ihe expulsiun fiom the coiUfltry of all eiiumation ageuls who fall tn prova thal tbey are licrman au'ijecta. WHITE -KTTLKKH MIKDKRKD IN UM. -Ufl.MM,*,, Kiiday, Auv. il, I H Late advicta fivm tlit F.ji l_l_iii?l8 un to ibe effect that a rcl.eillon baa broken ont, and that the rebelfl have murdered a numher of whito acttluri. FOREION NOTK9. The ftimral of tho Duke of Unmav ick took plaee yeaterday at Oenova with royal BfeBflflflBBB Tbe coreinonics wero very nnpoHliig. The Intcrnatioiml chca* matth at Vii-iuni waa won hy Bteinlia. Tlie aeooutl prlze waa won hy Itl.ieki.uni, the third by lndera.ii aud Ihe fourth hy Ih .aent h.iI. Mr. Beiile, Preadl Mitiistor of tlio Intrrior, hat> aent it circular to the I'refects uf the I*purtuicuu of Fraiu-e, dir-ctlnir them to itetimiMrat.n'i* on in.* ith of Si-ptemher, tfea aiinlvei'.*ary of iho pro.laiua iiuii of tbo Kcpubllc. The boilir of a flaT-mill at Hilloroi-tl, flwed.-n, cxplodod yeaterday wltb tcrrifle. force, de atiovlng the mill and adjoluinj, ahop... There waa no loaa of life ln the mlll flWtfli tn the BfeBBBMBl of the workmen, but ln the nther btillil.n_a nlne persona wero killed aud a large nnmber liijun-d. Tlu- Kiiii. aud (iueeu. who were al, _t nhort dlstauce from the BflflBflfll tiie flapiOfllOflj haatetie.l to tln- ma* and d-IM-tfld tbat every men..i.e deemed nee. rv.iry lor the rcllc-f ol the wounded ahould i?* iiiiiiieiliai.-r. taken. TUE OBIO CAMI'AIGN. IlKMO* RATlC RATII'ICATION BBBIIBB BBB|f F.X iiit*it"M iu-ri..iYLU?BJBBOB "Y iue hon. .ViLLIAM ALI.KN. inv Baaaaara aa thk ____aaaa,i COLVMEtOt, Aug. 29.?Thc* DmbMM*-** ineet in_r to-niKlit, at the OfBTfl House. was a large u .sein MflgS of pSOflt. The houao flflfl tllleil from hottom to top, and crowds wen* unithlo to get lnsldo that secmed aniioii.. to 888 Bfld the dtflttflffliahad staudard BOflrflC <>f Ifea Ohio Demotiiicv. There were many ladiea In thc audlence, whoso t-i.thu-lasiu waa aa uubouuded a- tliat of the rotui-t portion of tho asseinblaife. A ,-iiort time hflcara_oviock, tfea Ua** wniiam MU* tmu in, BflflBBBPflfltad hy H<-iuttor rhurniaii, Ifefl Hon. Hiigh J. Jewctt, Col. Ueorge W. Monaypenuy, Col. B. Burno, Sen tor _Tl.ouni.on, Seuator Putuain, DB. Trevitt, and other diatliigui_jicd party .icaden. of the Democraey. As soon us tlio audlence e-iued Mr. Allen they 1-e^iui cht-t rmir and appluudiiiff. ainl thin wuh contluued for BBflM time ; it was a suleudid ovatlon. Tho old _U_U._ui.-in is in flBflflBflfll cotidltiou, ainl looks un older tti.m flfl did wheu he retired lrviu the Beaata of Ifefl United states in 1849. Tiie Hon. Wui. Trevitt, au ohl-time frlend of Allen's, pri"i<Ied over iho nit-ctiug. Ou tukuig the chalr he mudo a ahort specch on the aittiation and in eulogy of Allen. Benator l*utnain of the. Chillcotho DiHric-t was i ntruiliieed aud uiiule tbe optninif spcceli, wheu the audl ence were impatkiit to heur Mi. Allen. Bl said that his ,ii?>l.._.ry fur BpflBfe-Bg at uli was tbat ho might dlspose ot ttie ass&ults* upou Allcii ny Maesrs. Morton aud Vflffla ln their speechea, which the Itfladflrd-feaflaata of tho Ilemocracy would un ilnul.n.lly paaa by in elleuce. The .pcaker afl_flflj_fld Ifea action of the late Democratic Stato Coiiveiitioi), und apoke of tho unanimity with whn h ll a ratilie.l all 8V88 U? Slato hy the D.-iuocrary. He tlien ijiii.teil trom theAiheua sjioec-hes uf Mcssra. Mi.rlou aud Bflyflflj and nhowetl flflflBfl they lia.l Kait.l.-d ,. sj>fei.h delit-t ifll h> Mr. Allen in lRf.i, m order to uiis r.-prt-seut aml a *ail Ine war Iflflflfl aud position, aud iloscd with a quotation from oue of Mr. Allen'a war Bi>eeclie? ln which he denoiinced tho rebele and the rcb. llion, and iu ii-ti-d tliat Ifefl I'liion ii_u?t he maintaiued even at the taattM* af cverv man and every dollar. It was for this siK ii-i), a.aid tlio sueaki.-r, that Secretary Stauton tele grapbad to i,ov. t...i.i to iiiiiiik BBflatflB au*-u ou n. half nt thc- Admiiiistratinn, aud assurini. hun that lt was worth to the t.ovemtiieiit tm.ouo troopa. MB. Al.l.r.rl'h S.'KE.H. Mr. Allen spuke BflSt He sani there waa hut one po Hfl-fll tltltltllfl tlfTTI tlie people Of the United Htntcfl J uli other ijuei-tioiis ure auhurdinute to that ono and im rgv in ii. That question la, whether it will ho pflfl. sihlc for tht- Aiiii-ria an to piirife tlio grvai pnu eil'lei of populitr i ci>r*?*< ntation from th" polliltlnlis whieli now eonUitnii.ate if, aud to keep it free trom lllllllBlllllialBMl la the future. The principle of reprtscntatloii was uuknovrn to tho Koveruui.i.r- flf antlqnlty; thfly fl-flttfld thfl aovercurn pow-r m ma.-.. eveiy man f.u liIu.Mit ifl his own proper persoli. aml noi wrlepwentatlooot proxios; lu that waytfeayd* elar.-d wliat -iia.til.t be law ; w ho IfeOflM he prOCOOted to Hxeoutfl iHiwer, antl who sh'i.iul be l.aiii*bi_d mto flxtlfla Tne repraeaflf tire prtafllpla bagaa to show- It.-.-lf wuh tho uprir-iUK of llie Bflal in 1.1.1 le nr husiucas elflflflM lu the f*taies of \v. -icrii aad Bootbera Europe, the lat-rreatiut elaaa thal Bfleod batwaea tn** hflredttaiy baroai aad thfl iien-'liiaiy .** rl* ol Iflflflfl liartuis, l.ut it tli-l not dCTelop full) antlI after our Rerolutiofl aml the admtlon of tbe < ? i"-liliiiiou of the liiii.d Mai.* The prin. i plfl of lepifl?ntartofl ls co-azteaaiTe with the aorerelgnty ..f the people | thia 88f__viga_j M ib ? ?tralned oalj hj the lensou aml patriotixui of the people; thia.overelgnty i.* delegated by fhe jieople to npi.rieiilaliM-* iBlOBffellfll ai1 tfee r tinillcilniUK of mll' l.o.fllllli i!it, . tllt' t-llliri llltllli* llffl rl litii-ltj hatiga npon tfefl purity ol Um rept-aootatlve orinciple. T? flhOW thfl natiilt: nf I- ptiM-nlative BOTI rniin-Ut. tho ?peakei took tii>- illaetratloa ol the aloctlon ot * mt iu!?*r Congreaa *.u the aecond I'ueaday of October, thfl ju...* . .-iu- i.i?:ti Irom 6 lu ihi- uioiainu totiiutln flVOBlBg, Durinfl tiies.* uttito houra ..ll iho haliota are ca?t. llie people IflTffltlflg theiuselvts flf lln ir sovereijci.ty, ci.nfen uiu it upon tiieu- n-nreaeatatiTfl, aad tins trflmei - dooflpower la plaoedln taahaaflaflCuaflfliaa. n tuai man aoefl wrdng Uur same prooflfla t .au oi.i> hfl i-P-_alod; lim. in point ot .act Uu. people are anflfllfligfl*fll thia t-.iiintry iii repreflentatlTC govflraflMai flttlj twelra hour* ont of two yearai timr Mthanaked trnth [langh tii- aad appiauflfl], aad ia n gard lo tiu- Bxeootlre power nt um iiiii-d bialea, thoy aru aaraiBtga ouly iweiv-e feoflia in four years. iii. Ailc-u thc-u uliisfruted furtlur. Puppoee, *ai.l ho fnr liis.iiit**. yon_bo___lbe_oaufortum_ii aatoflleeta mau fOS tom Tflfl tfl. who w.anltl take tfefl oath flf ..lli..-. tliat hc would faithfully exeout'.* the IflUfll aud tli* i Uargfl tlu- duties nf tliat ofll.e, and that after iu* iiu noii uunundful nf tho dutlen iinri.scd upon hun, hfl *ought pleasurc flTOITWfefl-flfllflfl l.ut at taa po*t of tiuty at WflahhigtoB City [applatuej; who had laknii luor. uta.k'ht iu the wiiitl. of h.s eiKur ny the i.teiin l.r? </.'? tliau lu . upert ihiii_( the o{?*ratloti* of the gTflflfoat guTfl limeaflt iii lliewoil.l: wbo kuow full well iu..', Quaucial aad laxrgaiaertag corruption wu-. iIowIiik nui.ii .ui tii.aflsir iiued : thut be was the oue uian on- rih w . atood th<- iea?t i ii.uicc- of bolng al.le to ?tfllll . . . ol (-oiruptii.u. -.iippo.*.-. Ihir. .*aine, hiirbly ti,.-:. .. :n, ui ali llie ii..-i,t of ln* ...l.niel, "liotinl ott tlooh ali ine mt n kuow ll to the uatiou an.l puK out fl f.w ofeaeuf. men uiitl put Hieiu in as lahinet Mlaifltflffl, who, BOt bfling i.uow'ai, weie never paflflJBB??llBBfl t*> tfel pc-opit', auvl he should job iue tvuule Exocutlte power to llie*.* four or live Miu,.-tei* thal Bflflfli ii nl ba-eu h?-anl flf h> the people tx-fore. layiag, " 1 _auat go "tf; here, I.dvs, take th... aud do the bflfli you ......" iatniatlng ihem with tfee appoiui iiieiii uf lt>vMX) . tti.. Im'I.Io *) inroii/h wbose hauils tho whole maaa ol the pablie money of thia poopto had to JM-- .m.l io Wfeflflfl li.mile an llll ine use (<ro|...rti.n ot It would bfl found to stiee. [Apg-BUafl,| ft ls not sltnply that Ooagraflflmaa aere niiie<i ln th** Crtdit Mobilier busiuer_i; uiy l.oai, il lou flOflrld "Oly iift the i.irlalu aud 888 BflW u.a.-y other ........ories hat) pgflol Ifld Ifefl I'rttit M>.iiii;er rog-fll m, then miii w-nulil thiuv [applansfl] ilun: wore AouMlflaa otfear rogucnea as gnati ' >i ii"-.!atl-u va.- the re-urt of an a.-t-lilenl?:t lawsuit. Oakt . ?.iueswas ec-iiiouilcal flTflfl in uis rii_.ii.rier*. [] Ile waat-_ to put hla mouey whi ie ' il w.niin do Iflfl moat cooti" [laughler uud appleflae]- thonwBoflthe] wwiflflflflfllto leare, i.a\.n_.' e-.lialir't'itl Mllo.llt I .-ouit. of _iippl.v, lheyl.".iatilied|fi,.__0 uideee. (laaghter.) TBej laM lafl U.-1110. r it.a atd tt, Mt ti.. Iti pnbllcana b_d a u.ajoiiiy iu luth II .ua ?-. of Cou Dl .--. flfld ha.l thfl Keimoncans BMflflfll lt not one Deinoa couid havo (_ot a BflflBB in it* , lr.1, u -ir. lhat A_tU'_ ftum* *P to Iht huar uj pvitiy :oprtii._ tBM BA8BACBCSBTT* QOVEBNOMSBIF. IIU. ___rVB_-C_B PHIMAKIE8 ? OBFAT llAINM H.K Gi.v. lirn.KK in aaatoa *m> auBaraaaa. [Mr TKI l.tiHAI-ll fO TH8 TKlIit "SK 1 Io.-ToN, Aug. 2..? dflBa Biith-r Ut* NBBBB to i.e pioud of tlu dilifrtcnce of bis frienda ln tbe City of Bflfltflfl. Where two years a_ro he not ouly 41 of the 104 itelegatea, aud carried only 7 of the 14 wards, ho hat t-wept tbo wards and se.-u-cd 11 out of 13 wards, and C. of tbo 80 dt :? t-.a>> :* 1 Im- 11 to-innht. The caiiciuies wore ln the iiuiin orderly, thm.-l. luauy w.-ro packoil by Denice-raU aml th< llll n.ff wlncti flflfl ulvtayi b* relle.l upon for aui h tUtUU** Hi*. r. iiaiiM in aome warda w* re rciuarkaM., hat lu m-sit caae* lt wat BBBBB Vfltfll iut tu a_fl the check Ii.r or the re. ult showiii thal the m.pectors, as loug aa Ifeey 11..11! a check i.n t 1 ii man. wt :e not at ail particu l.r agaiia t whoflfl if iiiipp,<ued to fa?*r. Itiitlat'i, auppt-Uis ..uti several <'iu.toui-houae men. llll leW IH'inol.s of liaitC, While their Kpponcnta have 1 hofl-fl nn i'ii_r Ibeir d< le^.itea Cha*. lUie ex Asan-tant Be> retary of Htate; Hor_a <? II. Cnolcd rc el Prrr.d. ut of the Bflflfllfl| Gen. .-.11..,ii*l M. O.iiin v of the Alderuien, auu Cburles A Ien ex Htate Attornc. Di-pflteties raneeralBg fo-inalit'* eflfleflBMfl ahow tbat l.ynu ?eoda il delt-iiala *, heade.l hy Uullfltl 8tat?s Marshal I'slter, all for llutlri; Loweli it, all fur Httiier; and Nawbaryport a. oul of 1_, for Hutler; tbun or tbe Ml tb U-ntes rbosen aa above, Butler yet* III. The alitniunt eu.enl of tbe resiilt at LflWflll wa* tlie only tiiitiif which eiillvened hlflCllntoo apeeeh th.- . vm 111K ; Ilun- wu* flTflfl lt ?>* Bfltfeaah-Hfl tl.aii ..t Waketn nl, aud ilu> appfetaafl ..< \.*ry nikewarin. BflTflrtfefllflflfl, the .a... .i-t* Iall, .111.1 tiu- rt* ill ol to-o! rht'fl work inuat Ii Ightea l.ut. Wa*.l.i 1111 ii, fi.euds nol u ...ll.'. KAILROAD PKKILS. COI.I.TSTOV OV TIIF, iirOSON KIVKK Hf>ATX a atoaa bxtbbm ox ? aoaw wan k oo buctb-iik (2aaa__nT of na aro itatD. Four wh'1.8 HKothii mornifiijr, Tm. Tkiiu sk detall. tl Bfl p<irticuU.-nf arallway dwaatei < n Mfl Hflfljl son Rlver Kiilroad, fltflflflflj four p. HBM were BMHM-f ruid twelve or lilte<n sllKhlly injufc'l. lt oce.irre.1 flfl ar Tarrytown, and was BflBBBi Bf aJBflflJBO flfll riuin na tlo track aud aflxlkiiijcan eipte-i tn.n innvini.' at the BBM ?0 M BflBM aa Bflflfl. Yeaterday, oo the saiitc mail and at no CTeat dlstance from tbe am<- point. oe.iurrcd another rallway wreek, whieh fiiilfl BflMB BM 'hus fur resulte.linnoloB.-iof life, tli_u?;h th. aflflflflfl "' BBflflflBl panaewrera from MBMM death seema mf..'??< ? ?? Tho rireumstanrcs of the diaafltcr are a* follows : The flrat Atlautic 8?fMM t-flHU BflflM Al.-ai.v at 1 a. i_?and ia followed by the aecond exprt-nfl only 35 nules later. Aa the traln? teave I", t bBM flfl '' tbe lntcrval of jj trt.nntca BflB BBM nOflBflfll MM an.lno u thia point the SKcuud train ia-fltipp >ne<lto t>e al le.i.i 13 mlnulea distanl froui its BBaflflflflflflM until tbo fl.r and Centml Depot is reaihefll. Y<?rcrd ?v maraflBg Mfl OM Atlantie BXfOBM was behind tune. It ha I BflBfl dilaiuetl weat of Alhany. and another Bliglit delay at (hat point placed it, aa the result proved, ln MM M< MM perll. All went well until the train reached V irt Mi.ntgotnevy. lflfll milea from Albany an.l a portiou of the lurt nme bul already beeu r.-jrained. At a abort MBBBBM Im-Iow thia point, aud nearly tbree mil. a above Pcekxkill, a KalflM train was delayed by a broken truek, and the tlr*t At? lantie exprcBb was ciidatigered. TnY train wan aBBtBki, however, without .11111 ulty. auit eame to a atandstili, ?___?? feet behind the diaablcd tralu. BteflB__Bfl,Mfl aecond Atlantie expivsa, also lienmd flii'ie, can.e rtisl.ii.__r on at full spoed, with etiKtnecr aml BBflfl-flBM _BAt rant of dauirer ah.-ad. Aa the eame da-shinr rou.ul the curve at a shiirt dlstance a'o,.w th. piaci "( ? tion, the BlKtial tt daixrcr MM flrst Been hy tlie . BBjMai i. and the fllxnal of -down brak.-s" wa*. prompi:. efeeye-i. It wa* too late, however, to avoi<: the ciilii.iwn. UMflflB tbe apecd of the second tralu l.a.l BBflfl ii.ut.ri....,> checked. and tho enirtneer ofthe tli--.' BBfltofl tfcfl dat Bl had starteii bia enicme forwani, IkflflflB ol ttmtm rnt apeed could bc nhtaiucd bo .luddenly. Tin-enirlne of tbe aecond train alrnek (he i flBB ? ?" M the flrst witb a ternble Bhoek. and flawflfl throii.h a portion of it, earryinjf cverytliini: BflfflM it aml pilun. BflflflyflflM au.l furniture in hopeless i.-oiifit-inn. The , ... thua shattered was a eleepnj? coa.-li. aud tl.o.itfh well fllled with unconscious pas-enKcrs. Uu- in.iiry to nouo was great and tho niaji.rity BBBBBB)- unharmed. Ti.e most rernarkable ffl'ature ofthe aceidei.t flM that nearly all the pasactupT.-) injured were in tue cecoud ear tr.uu tlu-rear. These paai-enjrers aay there seemed lo be .t second abock, m)icb nioie ?everc thau the Iirst, aud that lt was this whieb cauaed the |irinr.|?al Thus of tbe pas*enK<-r- in tbo rar wbicb waa flrst Btnuk and moat BflBBBflflt* shatter. >il by the locomotlve, nearly all eseape- uuharmed, while tlm majoilty of those ln tbe ear precedlng wer* more or lesw in)ured. The BflflMflM Aflflflflfl- at BflflM H a. m.. and tho p i-.eii.'t i ?< were nearly all Bltepine at tbe time. IBfl VBflflB was rleared away aa "oou oa potfiiile, auf flclently to allow ihe psssaire of tram-, au.l the wrecked expit..- ii;iiu with ila Mflflfl-flf vietiiiia moved on to Peekrkill, where BM-BBl attendance wa.. p.ocur.d. a'hen the newa ofthe dtsaBter mached this city, thn auperlutendeiit of tbe road uud other oilit als Btaried al ouce for the 8( ene of the wrerk and BBM reached It. Tho mifferers were carrd for as well as eircuaisiiuees wouirt a.linlt, the majority arrlvinir nt the KflBBl CBflflJfll Dl i'"t at about 0 a. in. They were there met by lir. Ja*. W. Ibtni.ey, the surjreon-in-chief of tho NVw Yoi-k OaatfBl nnd Hudsou River Kailroad, and tbe i..i.--.i v aurgkeiai aid was lmmediately r.'adciel. Tlie followinn is a lial of the wounded: Be.lell, Bdward W? nf No. H7 Etst Fi'ty-seeond at, compotiti'l fiMifluri* of hft arni. Bedell, Kra. E PT., wife, ,.f Uo. 1*7 Eaat Fifty second st., sllicht wotind-i ab.Ut Mfl h. id Bfld f_M Bngb uji,C_arlea F., ?f lojarad la baak. Ch.ipiu, Mrs. K. W., ot So. il Oruioud-plaoe. i-i-ooklyn, bad aealp Hil.lnth, Wiriatu, enirlneer. lnjurus to head and lireant; leflta niau-th il. Miller, lit"ir_. W'., of Bfl?flfl. M. T-, IBjflnM flBOBI head iii'l ue' k. Rfl-'ilman. Juseph E.,cf Jfo. US E..-t F.Ily secou'l r I,, leB hl.lir-i'li. Oneof the (rreiiteat sufferera is Mrc BIbbB-M W. (' uipiii, wife of (?. S. Chapit), Treasurer il Ihe DaflBfl i.iiiie Miviiiflt. Bank tn this city, and reM.l.c.- ai Ne. -.4 Oruiond-pluce, Brooklyu. reo-ivod fl BBl BBflfll M". left eye, e-tendinit to tbe bone. Dlrectly i.a.k of this and on the lt ft temple ls a eui whlebexteud" eoinplet. a over tbe top and to the baek of BM Bflflfl. Bf MM Ifl*. the scalp is complctely divided. and wh.n u,B... f.i the rtniis ye-itcrday, <>n one side th'- simIji OB8 IBMefl baak and lay ..v.i-toward Macar. Th. MbII aaaaM i.a. - tured, and noue of her bflflflfl flflW MflBflfl. IfclW 1 oi the hft bflfli* are t.adty eut aud ln c BaM was ?. verely wrenched when M_ffB8_ from tti ? Ot o* i ?>? cutSHre evldeutly cauaed by spliutercd wnadawl <? '? bv elass. Hbe was taken .linetly to tl..-1, iiBtofl Hotel, and was last evenlrit in a ?itna ..i.liiii will probably BBBflfflO. BBB bore up bravfl Ijr I Bta . bt . latoflM siiffirtiufs. and couversed iit;ou-...v Bfl Mb BBBBMfltfcM uiiafortuae. Sbe was Mt BflflB toOkflflflfle ond BflBflk from the n-ar when the -h.,i k BflMfl. H M, in.'.l as if the roof of the ear was arflflflfli in snd the paBB BflflM BflM i'.:."t iu Ma ruius. fhe striiKVled as w.ll as BflflfliBl- iti lor i.,.'i iiinif aml BflflBflflfli conditiou to fr.. li- i and waa soon exUrteatfl- by aul from witbeul from th<* ma?ts of ?rlas?, iron and timtn r altb wbieh Be wa* --li.- bad i-e.-ii fpeniiiic a ten dajra with fn.iids in Batavla, aud lefl MMfl <>u Mfl p" wo..e. -.. i 'K.lwardW. Bedell. residir.irat Ka. li:E'stK.ft. Bfl ond-'t , received a rompouutl fractur. o! tu? i. Itaii.,, two inche* above the wrlst. Tkoflflb Mfl UM B -ev. i. !y ahatt'-red aiuputatioii wiii proi.abiy not M BflCMaanr, Last eveuiuif Mr. Bedell wa* dotag well n.< iiijiirii'Ssustttiued by Mrs. Htddl are a .-.iirht (utBi'ov.i tlie left eye au.l sllifPt brulses ahout Ibfl tatti. A, Tnm tma reporter called at their resi'l.-m" laat nijrht, flflfl r the ear stopi-x-d about six inilcs abova Pfl-kaklu. Mr. Bt-d. 11, who, iK-s.dei. mystrlf, waa the oiili oi.e in IBfl atoepino ear who bad yet nseo, immcdiately went < tl tne ear io learu MflflaflBflfl- th<J dcl..\. Bfl aoon suu ,, t;uiii BflflBflflflBlBfl on the down trnk. Bflfl MBfla .'ii the ear stouped ahout aix mll.-s above Feck-kill. Mr. Bedell. wiiu. beddaa mvs..-lf, VB Ml flfllf < :? i'i ll" ?l**epiii|t ear who had ytt riaeu, liumc.liaitiy went .'1 tin- eafl I" ifl.irn taa chubo of the detav. He -.Mm *u* a tram woroaeklBfl on the down irsek. aml iniwh BB allciupt to enter tue BlcepiUK ear lo isive nu-. whei, bfl aaa kcocked iusen.ible. After the eseilaaaaal was over we found tbat Mr. BflflflB'B sjin was iii'oken.M The eoilisioi. oce.if .on< d a B'eat i-fliii,ii)fli- ion aoiouir the oc.upantti of Ibe s1.. pliifli . ar, nifli.-t of wr.uin, oi, the llm impul*?e, rushi ,1 iniuliy o, ( of tlieir rooms reaardleaa of the conditioii oi then loileis. CouBidertnc tbe poai'tou Mr. Bedell BHBM bav, bflflfllfl at Mfl time be B-as Btruik?for he ?aai huvt beeB tkca on tbe rear platform of the sleepiriK-, ai-it ls w..|,.j*rii.l how he esiaix-d witn li:-. iife. I saw onlv IMflfl ollie.fl ?* h.fl compiai i.-fll of b'-ltiat hurl | thev Uflle Kl*. < baplll und Mr. Ki'.iman and BflB of .*?(>? 140 BaM I'ft. IBaflBflsflt. About M minutes after tbe colliBiuii our train BVflfllB?afl on for New-York. Mi. BedeUaad I, i.t.wev.i, a.ioui al Peekskill, wuerc ne bad hl- aim OMaaflO. A TanirM" reporter eallad OB Kr. Bc .uiat. at hi* resi Oeaaa ia?. avaatao, su.i flOtoiae- trom the foUowlaa : partteuiars of IkeaeeMeBl: Ba, tofttfleT vtith btaaou a.iotit a veai* in Uk'' . '" cupied tht lafll e.fluii>..i nui i.i .ii I th>: n ai ear. Ile had at about l ... antl wu* 1 uenrly dresaej wben tbe accident occflrrcd. lln-p.uu-r. ! ? ,o in the alslo lookiui; lrom u.ei...r door, evldeutly aaw tbe iralu appi?ucii:iia, aa Bfl *""' tli'Uly aprauB forward toward the forwiuu end <f tka tiaiti, and at the aanie lnstuut hls BflB sp-u-,-iuto Mr. Hedinan'a ann. erylUK tluit theie w.m _**ag*t. Tlu r..fllii.i siepp.ii upon the ear Beat tbi- iu unt tm 1,<-,,., .. tlve oame plunptiiK into the etr, ann iu r, ,i <? aliooft ti,.i iiciiioiis uiai.ari latber aud lou w. ii i'iisi.1 fli, a pauel Which bail laliBB preicdiior ti.. u. ,.i..I . e.rii.^ the way. Wueu tbe tocomotire aiopped, pn bat Ij u feet from tha rear ot (be ear, tmtit fut..?-r aud aaa were ulivo and almost uulujumd, Ibounh the floti I1...1 1. . . ?weptout froiu uuder tueiL.sod tbe flcaumi.. inatti>*Bfs and furaiture bad been eruahed and 1.1:1 n -I ai oul m ron tu.ion. Mr. Beduiaii at otut- puahe.! Bis aoi llm ui-'i fl . apeituie, inui folluwfld hluiaell. ile UTifled _. Ma t... .iiHtor, wno aet-uitad fllaaed, ibe neceruiiv ol nasteiiiin.. u, IVek.klii, where lotttllcal eare could be the ..tu lertia. Ile was traveiinn to eompai y wltb Mi. h. au ll, hl? bruUier-in law, and *ith mib uad been Fpauaiiun a I r w 0 ay -. al BflBBBBflfli A 'luiuts'a repotier alflo called on tbe aup-rritcuilflni of tlie road Uat eveulua. Ile aalfll tuat lu. UBBflM ot tbe aecolent wei. aubataul.aJ?coin-. i. KviryaaiBB poaslbie woald be flloiie for ibe aullerer?i>\ il.< UaaifljHaj The 1 "inli.iior of tbe flrat Atiao'tic exurtaa ?a- . ,n pended lrom duty yestcrday. FIVE FEHOONS AM) 0THEK8 INJDUKD M.AU Ml llt Di. 1 R.?ir, Aug. &.?The night eitpre.Hfl, Weat, ou ibe Detroit and Mtlwaakea Kailroad. conaiBimB of ? i- i*g-*ge. -ar, two ptua_eu_er eoachrs, oue aletpiun; ear. aud two emigrant cara, laat uit,-ut bec_mie diM?i>ied, .1* loiiaeiiueuce of thp euglue tbrowinn ofl tbe oilvn.jf wbeel about a mile aaal of Muir. It waa followed br a tbrourh frcicht train, wbleb raa Into tbe rear pa-?saaer i_r, killiuK four woineu aud one cbild. und lnjuilng len otbtir 1 ei.aoii*. all emlfrauta. M.-dical B88kM_BM waa _b on,.' pt... iin-,1 froui Mulr. Kone of thoae 1 r. 1 tir.-.i ar* laaaaiaaBl wouuded. XLecml_rabUiBi? li.lauUMifla