OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, September 01, 1873, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1873-09-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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I/OL. VVY11I NO-IOli:?.
CUtK *>P THK BONI?<MF.N roW.KT* "l>> OUB, ANF1
wariiin u> mmam mt woam,
The (aBM >if Uodiiian h arreat and imprieonmcnt
?Jaaalaj ufl Uumuu aa Oaiaiaaj with all aariraai
mw ot. thepart <>f the Bcvcral at Ioik ae if tbt> ?lul
iiot thems. lvcs km>u bttBC pubhc did, tba! it ?w
ull a Ution. EMk Mi knew liis ]>urt and proinptly
cani'iit "p Ml ouc-ull but onc. who happened to be
callcdoiit ot town at thc cntieal hioiim nt. and so
Boda&B, hfi Wtfhool aaa of tlu ?'(?<'. ?s.n.iry bondRmen,
haitogl moBt inuxptTt.dly t.' jail. Tb* excito
M| MSMday tlu- icc.-nt revclationttof iniBgovern
n?tnt iii Brookiyn banaawrl ?? f( vri n,:tt "" Si*t,ir
dav whca liiKlnmsE's oxcliiMve accouut of the
rintofMiMirii 11m Muking Kimd wasread.
Thcrc ik a wMhUpHWfl <oiivktion in Hrooklyn that
bo ?nkipal dcpartnicnt 18 above suHpicimi.
Thc CODttOllct^l btter to thc c\-Troasurer of thc
flU DtipitMll TMIWWJI'll ??th favor. and tbe
ann<>iii..>!iiciit BMKM h.y tlic Mavor i'i the eveniiit'.
that Kl Wmmm, the a<uU< acconntant. would re
?HM ln- I lU.rs. which have bcon carried alrcmly to
ao kik naaW an ia-iie. w ill bo cotisidered an eurnest
at aaraxcnirtgitiTttt*Ifttt<*> Thc Xai oilicc, M v.ill
?tfftM beloW) BMfKl ?iuly att*ntiou.
On Fiiday night, altbough under arrcst and
?waitui* exanilnaiion, Kotlman ?w allowed to Bleep in
liic own kHM iimtcad of la the Station house. wherc
poliie MpHMMM rtqulre accnstd perBons to t>e 1i? Id
Thcrc waB vcry general condeninatlon of Foltee Cominia
Kioiii r Juurdan for thi* coriHidcrate trcatnicnt of the
laajQ whoiu all look uj>on with conicinpt etthcr as ynilty
luiiiKlf or a* oi!6 who has bccn usetl as a '? caUpaw ;"
bui ihc rotnrnlp'ioner appears pcrfcctly lustiflcd in bi?
act by thc <?.-rtitn-atc of thc policc MtfMa that Kodmau
vw 11!, aml i? ratUt r to be couimcndcd for lils hntnanit} .
If thcrc 1? Manic to be attached for this act it Uiodkb to
tko p?>li?c Burireon, and the actual illae*8 of thc man ?
hi* warratit. But at anv ratc Bodman alcpt Fridiy ni?rht
At liviiit in lomfort, and ( ?rly on Satuiday rnornln?r
op<i.(lt'.i p'Tfonnai.i t "ith wMd BnKiklyn wa* to bc
lulicd iiito the hchif lhat Koduian wa* actually to U'
H.' '. II l.if houft* ln conjpany with bip counscl, E. T.
Wood, and in charKc of Capt. Ft rry. abuut 8 o'clock,
and VaatakM to tht Hutlcr-?t. Station Ilousc, whcre hc
reinatncd 111 tb* rosy oftl* e of thc Ca]>Titiii until Jticticc
lxlinar bad rc.i'iitd hlB oourt-room. whcn ho wm takcn
thcrr. lli^HpintK wci-e uot of thc lightcst, thongh he
affwu-d an mdifh rcucc to the cunotiB and contciuptuong
Baa< of tht b>?tander?. Hcovendrcw att*ntiontohiu)?olf,
Ik.w iiiK .uroae the room to intn whom hc had prcviously
kardly Fnown or notictd, touchlnc with hls canc passers
l>v )n thc c >.urt-rootE who hail, ?ith A li< ate ron(>1dcra
tion of (iin iMflMaj tlioiiKht to pa?? unobBcrved, and tx
thRw.uti with thc Major, who api'tarcd a? con.j.lani
ant. and thc rorjKiration Counsel, wbo was proBecutor,
pleaaant and facetlouB vorde which wcrc out of placc
nndei tlif ?ircnrrmtancen. All the whlle, nonvirhstand
int- li.-.i.niiitv air, thc deprcBh.on^under ?wbicli hc ncr
vously laborcd wae clcarly apparcut; hm dcnirc
V> attratt attci.tion wae not iui-< on-trucd into
aa apip?al tor t-ynipathy ; hc eovetcd thc noticc of tlu
lea*<t, and, ar Kuilty meu alw?ys cllng to thc delnsion
that couic thint Thctu innocent, hc cravcd tho kludly
look of tht meanest m thc courT-room. It Bceincd a Bort
of satisfactkm to him that thcrc verc a Nttl or two of
moancr t ulprits at the samo bar, by eompaiiBon with
whom hc fclt himcclf Tot VkoOf i^nolilc.
Alt*rnatcly playing the mtek part, Bccking
for Bympatl.y, and thrn the bravo, tbroafcii
iatc whcu hc kncw hia only Bafety lay in silence,
Im at o:x tmif sald pitcouBly aud pllifully, " Allhougb 1
ani in a ternMe positlou, I Bhall oome out of thix with
eleai: hand.-." wLile a-. anothcr moiuent hc dcclared, " I
mii imt tlic >>ne who got the goldcn egs." At anothcr
tlinc hc dcclared that BptaCM had begtred hiiu to go to
Earope ; at auothcr he veheiucntly unclarcd hc " didn'l
inti mi tf l? niaUc a MSai goai." Whcn vked to tcll thc
wholf tmth hc eaattowly answered, ren?emhcrinK that
bc ha<l only hls confedorates to iKifrleud him, ?' h'ot yet."
Thc cai-c wa* callcd by Ju?tic? Delmar, and E. T.
Wood, for tt.e priBoncr, waivcd an examination,
l>u adctl ? not jruilty," and af ked that hail tln-uld M
fixed. In rcgard to the atnouut of liail, Mr. Wnotl pa
ih> '!i kUj i' B iili.d JaattM Dclmarthat Mr. Koihaan
M witiiout tntauB, iclying sokly on his fricndu foi
irlicl. aiitt afcked that fMJW i>c flicd as the amount.
Mr. biW't .l>.iL-r*'0. It'-Iicring that 150,000 was not too
much. and thc JiiMico iningof the sani') opmion thc
tiitil waB flu'd at |.Vi,?to, two B'ircties ibeing r< quircd to
quaiify taih ln Uou.OoO. The prisoncr's coitnscl lm
nnuiat< i.v >-u( I out a attt of habcac oorpu.n in order that
thc !?.??:. lui-ht DC nducd. Thc BOtfan WU ai.-m-cl
lattr tl th( afuruoon, but Justice Rathwa r,cfuht'd to re
flucc Um baOt aiulju--t hcre thc farce was thau*;ed intoa
?erlous draina as far as Kodmau was tonccrned.
Oai " I Vtnan had been obtalncd carly ln thc dav,
EliaB IIottbkiBs. proprictor a#thc 8t. J.inns HOtol, Ncw
Tork, having offcrcd hif MTtleta Aiothi r ^-ci ilciuan,
?who had cxprcuRcd hlmself ao willlng to qn;;lify for
HOO.too, wa?, nnfortunatetj for thc pjisoner.out r>f town,
and anotlur had to tx* hunted up. Thc ulmli' of tlic re
icaindtr of thc day was Iftat bj a fruitlci*s ?carch, for
thch-toiid fioiidMnan could not be obtalncd, and tlnally
thc iiftu it in 1 hartre anuounccd that be niust take hls
l>ri?on< r |o pri^on. It wa* at this niomcnt, whcn < vcry
tit'l" '11 in.iiiMliatc rcleaBi-waa abaudoncd, that Kod?
mau flp-t rca!itcd his pocition ; and whcn flnally hc wae
? d at thc door of the County Jail, his Jaunty
inanni r had wLolly divappcarcd and hc no \ouKt r made
an 1 flcrt ti'C"ii'ca! hin diprf*.-ion Thc room aanigued
to.Mr Kodmau 1" in the top floor of that portion of the
aalMtafl InattM ?" Kajn.ond-ct. Thc floor of his
rooui l* tiLcari"ted, and he oc<upiid, on Patunlay
jn^hi. i'i.i? of tht ordiuary Iron bedhtcadh w.th which
tiM'rooin* arc furiiialit'.l. A number of hiB frh tidb Tifl
Ifcd 1. 11, teM. rday, iniluding one of his couiibcI. Jle
C.'d not ,r.t< nd rt liglous Berviccs wuh the othcr prta
t'D*T?. A Tkibi-sk rcrx>rUT vlBited him last cvening
?d<1 ! at.it Lim wuh bai coat off, walking up and down
hih room. H. iii.'inifi stcd cont-idcrable cxcitcment. aud
ta r?ply to ISQalftai Hitiil that he had uotliing furtber to
foniuiutncau-; that w henever the propcr tlmc came for
I.ium to o.k. hi- um i .tionB, which wiuld virtually be
Midi teriki hc VoaM4* so; that a do-pogilion BCt med
to t>< uiamfoteil to uiake him a scapcKoat, aud tliat hc
y i jnotcct h.ujBelf. He declined togive any turthcr
inforiiiat.ou, and t ?w etlaa t that, while hc nu ant to
*hrc..' :? iatci? m thii sv-ncral way, he iuteudB
laaaaaiaabraMaaataatnai u tunj Batihtied tnat they
nouu to aaaaaai him totii* f^tc
Kodu.an was arrcsu-d on a cnmlual Buit, and the
oflo ? 1 autborlrcd by Uw to proM.-cut? in BUth a caac ib
the iJihtncl Atloroey. Th? Aotiug I?istrict Attorncy
Imj |?-ub to Ur Edgar H, ("uhtu, a tephew of Judee
Jlt( uc, and ouc of thc nicnibem of t?;e Kmg. It waa
BaaajM that lf hc btaagM thc ?ult againnt Kodman thc
laiur ?>ou:d naaai thc Kil^. to avaM th?B mmU thc
?u.t u.-:?. hruuglil by the rorjoratmu CouiibcI, Wui.
C IX Wilt, who lia* do buBiucBi with a 1 nnunal
l?rt?i; ntion. At any ratc, undcr Uie Kuid
aocc of Mr. I>e Wift, thc Ring nucecdid lf
featlaa Rv><:uotu cou,u>ated bj iso,?io imn. which
Wl it 'urniBtcd. It ib now ftatcd that bb ?oon a? Kod
Uu>u 1* admlUed to hail hc w::i abnond. Thc Itiu^, t.^i,
?ai ufii .u to loae |6u,U0V 01 tieOle that Mlin, if neie'si.r, ,
tn oitit-r to a\o.d 1 xpoKUic. Koduiau, of aaav bj kipt
11, jail forunl.urttiaic, aud theproblcmof aocuring rxnd*
tuMlf to appt ar a difflcult ouc Thc CataMBJattaa
I'our.MVc tadoa m thc casc )? f**ertly commeiited on,
a,ud ii. wImiIc Iflfjal i>ro?'CM>ayaiiiKt Kodman i? declared
U> uc d ?' toilid." J'rounntJit laVjaaSMJ liitt Jo- p ??[?I r
ciiuiki' wouid have bat ii 10 procure KoUiuau'B Btnat o^
aatattaaH ln td;B ca*c Lt wou'd havc been hclu iu
(,?,! 'o (ioaldc the atnonut of hi- di f.ili .it.oa, or luoti tbau
a*0i..uo0. Thi.i would ha\c kci uitd hiN jhcb< ntc, lor it is
?1 winthcr thc Maa in ub pnwut iaavaaalaal
toiitJ.tioa^wouid have vi-nturtd eo diih h laaodoabcfnl
a Bp> culatiuii. At the taine tlmc, the 1 i.iiiiiial tall < 011.d
have l? < 11 ,i,m,tuti-d aud pn?scd to an ib?u?. Ae it if,
?h? 1, Ktidinan m adntittt d to bail iu 160,000 hc may leave
tht rouutry.
Tlic KtaU mcut that laaac Van Andcn wna a dtrector in
U.c Krookl/Li Li.dgc and the Krookiyn TruBi <'ompauy
waa aa error whu h crept into .uaturdayV'Ifciai >i, ln
? luriu wt.11 h gdVt thc >i?prcBai<<n tiial hc waa ac.'ive
with K.l.geley Hprague M< Coe, bai thc reM of tlu Btaj
Iu the v?iK>..<- ciilcrprUM which arc irttfOyaM ihi
KOptity of lr.jjk.iU- i>'> VaL Ai.tl" n -u a MMf bUji B
holrtf r in Um- Bank and Ilrldge, but not u partiiularly
Rnronr bad It 01. Katurday that both Hpra^ne an<) Rod
inau had attemptod tn corouiit autcide. Tuc repurta
were fUtioua. The (^ily Treaaurer was Mi and do
preaaod iu apirlta. Tbe bondaineu of Meaare. Bprapue
and Roduian had a conaultatlon on Batarday. Aa Mr.
Hprague ha* turncd over $210,000. tbe city, they tboujcht.
wa* aecured from l-.xa from'Tiodinan'ii recently uiacov
ered de.'ulration.s. It ia btated uj>on good authortty that
UchIiiihti'k kMdMMB were not aciinainted with blm
whr ii they aaaumed the rclation, and that they did M
Inmi lt waa arranjrert that the fnid* of the City
Treaaury ahould be depoalted witl. the Truat Company,
and that it waa undcratood that tlie bank alumld have
tho uae of tbe fity'? money. The fart that Kodmau
?Ml atrauger to Uie bondanien at the titne ia wldely
commented on, and M ia belioved ?hat aucta nu arrangi -
meut wa* made through thi medium of peraons BM1
pnwerful than bimself?tho?u cunnected with the Rlng,
dlrectora of the Trust Compauy?wao MH able, by
mlmg the city'a niouoy to control electiona. ItiHatat?d
alaotbathin bondamen will not pay up until they are
mied.and their d(fen*e will be that he did not coinmit
thi fiatida in bin eapacity aa I>< puty Treaaurer. but M
anofliu'i of the Tru.-t Oaaapany,
KeiH'vml Httcntidii iian taa cullcd to tbe
tWMItltll of the Tax iVllcctor'a offlee. and It ik uiore
than hinted tbat cxteimivr frauda may yct be diacov
ered in that denaitmeiit. The ataUment of the Con?
troller pnbl.ehi d In TilB tUHII of Juue 19 to the effcet
ti.at m ?. xamiiiatlon of the booka in the Collcctor'a
ottlee would ahow defaulta of nilllioue waa a aliantlraiit
one. The amount* plaood in the Collcctor'a hando are
very large, eonictluie* excoeding |lo,ooo,oou aunuullv.
Tlie money for the Mipp<ut of tlie t'ity (ioveniment l
pald to the City Treasurer and ].iaied \>y hini oti ItfMM
in dividend-pa* ing bauka. The banka pay the city |p?f?
tent, und uae the m< ne\ in WaU^fc at uaunoua ratea
The inou-'y eollectcd foi cotinty and Ptate Uitaia ;uid
over to the County Treaaurer, who d-.^Mjaita it
ln hia ywt bank, vhlie the lutereat paaaoa
into hia own poekct. The tax-rolia are kept by the
Tax Coilector for foux montha. After the M tlilrly
daya one per ceut per incntli 1? addfd M lli< taxea for
default. At the tuu :>l fout m "tl'? tk$ nioiny if lunied
owt to the Itugihtrar ot' Arreara for eollee.tion after the
rollaare eiibinitted to a aiii<erueial exaiuiuatloii by the
County Treaaurer. The latttr takeH no rewipt for thein,
and makes lo eiubiiiiaUou to anertain wlicther M not
thr three per eent fnr eolieetion feH iieen paid. An at
curate wcountant, vho ia thotouKlily conversaiit
wlth Urookiiii flnaneea, and wno heid a ahort
ttme afc'o a hich poaiti'-n in the City Govem
i.j? iit, ha? mude a r..b ulaUon of the MM
which aln-uld toTt MM MUM< over to the tiea>
ury and the amonuta really handed in. Thua in 1867,
thcre waa levied iu the tity:
Kor em t.t.?!-?8-!2
Vvr H?teT?i.____
Tlir<>? j'<-i r?ut ior coltf.lion. lu.>,U<iJ
T?l?l ?mont for follfc.ipn.HJMJ:,,J
On thia over |l(ai,Ooo waa lealizcd M lk( d.f.mlt of one
per ci nt i?er nioutti for unpaid taxea; HMM ia j;i\ n M
the amount received fioin interet-t at four p? r cent on the
ainounuou depoKit ln the banka. Theae amounta, If
added to the 1163,003 iriven above to pay for the mBM
tion of the tax, make a total of $3'J7,0O0. The accountant
?>;af il that at thia tiuie thi tity ?aa collectinif about
12,000,000 per year froin aaacasmenta for local liuprove
uieut*. The three per cent on thia would be $00,000, and
rhi? defaulta at least HM uiore. Theae, added to the
$327,000 prevloualy glTWtaMlM $417,000 iu all. Then the
city realiztd froni lieenac feea, As.?ea?ora'feea, wharfaKe,
flnea, and other aouu.?, at leact tit'.noo uiore, inaklnk.
$437,000 of eity rcvenue -which should have ln-t n paid
into tht? Treaaury'ai:d dediieted froiu the next year'.
UMCe) taxex. Tho aetual amount whieh waa returned l>y
theControilir a? city r- -eiino waa $179,093. HuhJ4ined
ia a table ahowinp the atnounta of city reveuuc WttUk
it i? alie^ed ahonl-l have b"an tnrnwl ln, wlth the euuia
returned by tb? loiiiroller for live yearn :
l*!im?t?) AnnoTit*
imnuilK. i?Ioim4<
1871 ....$441,118 $.;:.:! ?4tt
Tot?!i..r.','^70,'J'.'0 Jl 401,71*0
No (.alrulation haa yet been made for 1872. becauae the
(outroller ha?t not mHM(d the amount ren-ivn!
frotn eity revenne m that yeai. It will be noticed that
tne i<atiuiati? on whieh tlie ealriilaticns are baaed are
$M !"*?? rather thau too hi?h, for In U71, wncn thi taxea
for 1H70 weri' loado mit, tln MUBMtCd amount i?$2O,000
leaa thaa tM Mtual rae. Oa the wkole, tlm tablc ahown
tbat $t*ia.4'24 of the pnbtle money durmjr flve fmn i? un
it.-i uiiiili-d for. i 'ii- uiaKe* .in a\ei)i>ri' o( H61.CM $0 pef
year. 'I'he exauiiuation made by the Couuty ItCMUrel
0 11v relatei to the prlncipal. and bai do referenoc to ihr
n.terest or defaulta on the taxes. A enlli ctoreati Dorkel
liilf Of thi- di-luuiti", and D0 one will t>e the wmer, It>r the
it<?faleation will oniy i>e dlwoTeied by aocidcnt,
I'eoplr mealiwhlle aie itii|iin iIiK wliat bOOMM of the
$M6,424 Wbiob. OD ? TOIJt li? w. e-tln .ti . ninaiiiri tinae
louiited for. The rein.-dv mven bj tlir lant Lt-jiialafure
i'oiiHi-4?d in the appointinent nf bOoaUBUBtoaef of Ar
rt ar.~ arni iMMIWHtl He i? an BppolBtefl Of thi OOllectOT
on whom lie ia to ae( as a iherk. Thia tnre*tt(BtlOO n*
now prooMdlOKi iind. aocordlaf to a atat-" ment of
I/.-innei Hiiii'iitfli", tbe Culle.toi, made to a TBDC1TI
niioiter on >aturdiiv, will nut be oomple$ed before Jan
uai\ next. a matttr whi. h ha- ez< ne<i noeb ooataunl
MDOajr people i? tha' tbe ex.iliiliiatiou now ROtOI 0> ll
not m.uli' liv an able expeit, like Mr. W.irn n, but
l,y iim of tlie attaihea <>f the ('ollecfor'a offl-e.
1 iilleetor BOJTOUgbl ha- Kt.it.d that thi-r.- wil! probaMjr
tx foi.ud adi tiii'-ncy t.f $i.ooo,ooo. whi. h b? layi eaaaot
bt belped, uh it ih for unpaid taxia. He -iya that prop
erty fMi/.ed lot taxai d'?-> BOt aluaT- uiict witli rraily
??ie, ,md until the ai comita aie ?ettli d tlnre ia alway? a
deAdency. iiut it i? itated bdod exeeUaat aaiaorttjr
that thi-e di fliiei;iii,- eoTei ap larnertafaleattoaeol
taxea wiiii h have baei ooUected bnt oot retornad, or in
c ,i--i i ? bere tbe i" operty teiaad h?s baaa noid, an bxdohjii
iniii b Mn.iliei tii.-tu that raaJUajai haa beeu turncd into
the treaaury.
A TiuiiiNK r?iioit?r rallcd at the Con
trolli rV oflic^ on Saturday to nmke baajatrlai alxiut the
atauding defltieiity of $8O0,uxi. T?eputy Controller
lUteeh iuformed the n ji.irt.r that the Controller had not
known of the dthYHuey until withlu a few dava, and
had he known of it he would have takon meaaurea to
have bad it made ifood by the Treasurer. #It wa? tli-t
made kuo?rn to him, however, by the ilmc-:o?ui.-.- of Mr.
Warren, the exj>ert, wUo ha? been examlnini/ the books
in the Treaeurer'c oltlee dunui the paat few daya.
The laat TTeaaurer of the r'ire Jji parfment \\a- Iluuh
Mi LaiiKhllii, I nephew of UiirIi MiT.aughliu vulKarly
kuown aa tha " Uoaa." He wae aceuatomed to draw the
amouuta fwun the Controller and depoait them with the
hrookiyii Truat Company, on whuh he gava cherka for
Uie paymeut of iudebtedueaa incurred by the 1'ire De
paittueut. Theae paymeutn vaned Ironi $l3,ooo'to HM$$
a uionth, but fhere wac alwaya a larjce balauce remain
ing with tho Truat Company on whieh it allowed in
ti-nat. Thia lntereH amounied to wore thau $a.ooo,
whii h it ia eharged Mi Laughiin put into hia own pocket,
luatoad of creditliiR il to the departtuent. Controller
!-ehroi-der beeame aware of thia faet, and on Suturdav
aent the foUowing letter to Mr. McLaughliu, deoiaadim?
( OWWOt Uaafl OKticF, Bhooki Tjt, Auk. 30.187J.
Ht (IH McLAI'oiil 1?, rx litatum tut lirparlmrnl.
hni: I have rellable tnforim tlou iu niy poHBeaaion
ahowlng that yon have Hppioprnteil to your uwu u?e an
amouut exceeding $8,000 ot citv money. coBaiatln? of iu
lorext on tbe deponita of the Fite DepaftaaaM Kuud. Hy
ntui nm* tuia amouOt at ooce to tbe City Treaaury you
Will aave trooble, and obli?e, youri re?peotfully,
1'. A 8; ilKOLDl.K, t'OUtroMr.
Mr. McLaughliu received the eoinmunlcatlon witt in
dlfieienee, aanl that defalcatioua aeenied to Ik: tbeorder
of Uie day. and that he had given bonda to tbe amount
of $10,OjO foi the faithful jurforniaiiee of hia dutieu, and
if hi nvi'il anythma- to the city lt would t>e pald.
It ia iiimored that Koduiai) owea the Lmc Island Club
$ii.i?m Home timoajro aeveml memliera of tbe Ciub
aiK'tied a note for that eum. They ouppo?ed that Uoii
n ii. a? treaMinr, would dep' .-^t the note with the
Ti uat < nUipaui . but matead of M dn-poMng of| it he held
it Miil aupplie't the money fioiu other aounea, inaiiily,
ll ia ihouKht, froiu the fuudaof the Club. Thia notu
foru.a part of the aeciuitiea with whieh Uoduinu'a defai
eatioti bai been made uood by Hprague. The oftirers aro
now exaiuintngtbe booka and a uiei huk of the Club wrli
t>e hild tl ii. evi ninjr.
Aloeruiau Itonia, Preaident of the Urooklyn Truat
C.mpany, atated on fl.iturday to aiium.>? repm ter
thut thrre wax no tfuth ln the runior that a fotyed goi.i
tlm l foi $40.1100 or $*',ooo waa in the vaultK of the '1 ruhl
?/oinpaiiy, and couuted ita part of the anaela of tho eou
eeau. He nald tbat tbe only foitijUaliuii be eouhl thiuk
of for aueh a Matement waa that t wo yeara aaaj a larpaaj
ibnk for Utiout $M>,(KKi III Ci'ld had bn ii t.ikeli unwll
lingly by eitber Milli or Kodinan Aa aoon aa they be
<?!,.? iiuii/i :lji thi akaal waa fruuduluit, they a?w
the peraon from whoro it had bM taken, thc mattcr
waa couipromlaod, roatltution w?b made to thc < ompany
of fully two thirdBof thc rabai of the ihcck.and tho re
loaindcr wa* cbargc I to proflt aud haw.
Mr. Warreti, tlu- acninntiint, wrot* a Jetter
It Mayor Powell on Haturday tn which. alBBl lattlft"??
tothe eorrcetneBBof THK Tku?ini:s utatcment" H r.
gard'othcBtandlngdcllnih.T, bOtayBI ? I havc prom
iHCd Mr. Hchroeder to oome o?cr next wcck and contiuuo
iu> iu\cBtication Of the. Trcaaury acooiiui*. I rcjoico to
ttt that KodniHii haa baM arrcstcd, and have no doubr
i aaa raaaaa the ".out iu laaaaabi tTtdaate of hi? crnrn
nalitv." Mayor Powell, from whom thiw h'ticr VM BB
aaaad at a aaa nour ia*t rBaataa. italad that hc <ttd not
l.ohovc that thc Hoard of <-ity Worka waa irullty of l"?c
ni-mg any| fraud-. thoiiirh it coliwted nearlv ll.ooO.Oiio
IK-.ryear. He did not think frauds woull U- disiovend
inany othcr dcpartmcnt of thc tity (iovcrnuicnt. In r< -
gard to the Tax Collector's OaaV i, hc Had that hc had
hcardof atrkk which u?ed to be eomnion at thc Tax
Otlm- hy which BOincbody ni tdt a lot of moucv. U< did
not know BBfBfl <'f ttic mattcr to ativc an accoiint of it.
llrilid notthiuk It waa in o|* ratinu now. Tb- t"<k
ittairel btaan ? ?irlff? biiilaa at tBe tux ttMaj and
.i ofaalmlaaTof is pereeal aftcrwani on thc aaa.' totai. in
answcr t<i.'i'|ii''ttion tlic Mayor stA'txl taatl >ere aaa
beeaaa propoMOon to baTe Mr. w.rnn exanilnetae
DookKof tac Baatiaf City Worka, or of thc Btl loi
Im tor'a Otlicc. _
Imm Tht llrooklyn I'reu, Auy. JL.
PitiR Crii.aa . !?? you wart to aaa bw I
?ome ?Tir tt onc or k-imI M<.. _ _ r
Tho forepiitiK memorandum, m ItaeU and
without i?xpianatiou woold, ladead, ba aa eatgiaa to tac
readeraol Tht BuntUt$ lrtu dldwe notflreaom?[oi
planatlon. We gjre ii.iiiiil havc rniiiincnt lolbe punlle,
TIiIb notc. tbeorigtnal of wbicb ta now ln oor poaaeMion,
wa.- iMldntBaed to the AatMtaal Dtotriet-Attoraey. "r.
i, wbo ia alao ono of thc priratc attorocya for the
itrtK.kiyn Trust Company, and a oephew of Judgc
McCno (ouc of the dircefora of tlic ubm eorpora
tion), l.y Calwn B. F'att, a Ju.-Uco Of UM
Papreme Coort of tho BUU of Haa ?"'??. "
waa writttn and OjeMrered juat ouc bpui
infore Mr. Cullen applled to Judgc I'r.ttt for tha appoini
mi .it of a BecelTor for tbe Truat Company, tiioutii.it
applloatloD, ao taade, Jodgc Pratl appotatcd 0 iniaun
cev aa Beealrci ol aaid TrnatOompany?b? at tne aaroe
tiino ?eii fcaowiaf that Cbaaaeey ^,.? ooe of taa
dlrectoraof Um defanltui| bank. "Come overatooce
or Kcini Mic," maaaa thal i: Cullen could notatjeblni
(Jndge Prati) at tbt Ubm bi iraa " on haad " 1or iaclap
pointment ol tho Rrcerror. ba hhoniii aaad taa Judgc of tac
( ity Coi'it, thc ultoiuc) and cnn-clot thc Tiu-t OOBl
poo], aml Iiim ii? n uiicic. AJexaoder Mi < uc, to arraage
mattera beforc tbe afair v?ai formalb hrought mto
coiirt.aiol iiiulci thc notli c of tlic puldic, and na moet
falUtfal raprataatattfta Um paatta |aaav
To the W4it0t of The TriUune.
Bni In your laading Dtwi articlo, 111i.-* nioni
ing, on thc Koiltnaii ih ful? atlon It thc htattintut Ifeal
uuioiiK' otlier uio'iieyctl iiiHtitntiouH wlfh wliuli .ludf'
Ak-x.Mt.Ciie ia toiiiici tcil i> tho I'ark RavaaBI J5ank.
Without lutcnding ni thc remotcnt dcgrcc anv n flVrtioii
upoii hiiu, I fccl that it a on.v jaal to a vcry worthy in
htitution,whnh is paaaaaa it? kajttaaataaaaaaai m
thc aaal ?aaatnotohoii ?anaor, to atata taal lat gcn
tb in ni naiiicd haa no couaeoUoo whatorcf araUi aha
l'.uk Bavtaaa Baok, aad fartber that the inatitnUon Ia
uot involvcd ilii.M iiy or iiidlrci tl> w.tn .Mr. Koiliiian or
thoBC allegcd to l?e awHociatcd with him, Ii i;- propcr
for mc to ^tatc that thc only mlcrCat l li.ivc m tlic
Btatt4 r i.- in bebalf of a frtead who la a Daromoa.
lliuoklyn, Aug. Mi. 1K1X
WABHI.N<*Tt)5, Aug. 31, 1^3.
The Ompii$f$anflaig cditciiai thic Borataaaa aaa ?
for a . ohnaa and a half Hpcakcr Blainc'- political poof
tion aad jntjtttt, aotlriaai flnHfialUoa ln Um way of
the organizatiou of thc Xl.IIId CoaarOM audwhithlt
I-.?clari-B of no o.dinary inagnltudc. It says :
?? Oltl loadatl of thc Houbo of Reprencntative* inay
havc booooc to foino cxtcnt enfecbled hy tbe dl* b
of thc laat schhiou. Imt tbey havi- no; lieen killotf. T.u >
trc aliic mi ii, iiifiiiiiilial ainoim ilicir iol,?lorcr?, witb
tho motive beforc tkoaa of tfeoaalrabloa aCtbevova
poiitirai iivcH, which wiii atimulate tben to a dagnc of
v:gil.mco aml actlvitv. If thc eaaao of Mr. lilainc WOOM
i-ufti r discrtxlit thi'ough ? Joiadtn of laaaraaai with
tbeae partiaa, it aaaM laoat asanaM daaaat
from thcir oppo.-ition. If rompeUed to dle tlicy
will dic lianl. aad thcrc ia W tcllmif thc tiiaguitudc of
thc ooaralatoaa aatcb arUlartend tbiclrdlaaolotloa." 'i'he
.irticic foiiclinlcH : "TIiIh uiakcs the jiriitcut condltlou of
affaira \miIi tin- orgaoutaUou ot Ooagroaa loteraatincaa
i ipectaclc It in not to i>. aroadorod al baat Mr. Blaine
ia wiiiing to cvudc thc iiiicmma wnich pnaeata boroa
bo formidalile tt> his oaoooator. Toilciinic itic ciindidary
to thc Bpeakonbtp voald bo eoawtod an act of oovard
loc ; to taii in election woold bc three-fold mlaery. Tha
fnturc of thc lifc of a BtTODg aml Den all ainliriou- n, ,n
banganpoatac daj ai two ablob foiio\*? thc oaaoM
bliug ot Cougrcba ucxt Dcccuibcr.''
?orrraaj cou-miha^ natan uani
Thc Trcasury Departincnt BoeMjed to-.lay that UritlOi
COltnabta ia not cntitlcd to thc besi llts i.f thc Trcaty of
WaaaiagtoBi bo far as Um frat iMportaUoa of Baa. and
flsh oil ia couccriied, lt not having heen a iiart of the
Doiniiiion of ( aiiada at tl;c tmic o[ tho aiK'tung of thc
trc;it\; and aluo, iiat tlic purt of ttic ?ui.| DoCDiotOB OBBr
hiaccd in thc tic it! i". lliat portion on thc Atlantn -ilc
The atata DepuriaMnl ha? ai?o exprcited UtoaaaM
lufonnation from cumpcicut lOaitaa Ia to thc cilci t
that Um Btaata wiii MaaaadaMeli aa ?aattaa Ii Daaaat"
hcinliive BtaatM ( ai pi nti r froiu BB 1'icMilcncy pro
Uwmort. aad atabaali eMettakla plaoa Baaafor F>n>,
oi M.clnriii, who a .is hi- atroageot oompeUtor la.si
f-iinuif. Tbe raaaoaa for rir. CBrpeautr'a ri Urcmciil tra
of a iiioat ohvioub aud xeocralljr UDdoratood oBanater,
jhk KBaTTOGKT Kt -Ki.rx 0VTB1OBB,
A tajlbajraa to thc Bttataoy-Oaaarali from thc Daftad
llam lltBiBBj tt laaaiiHai. tTji. taaaaaaM that tiu
lattcr haa forwiirdcd liv m.i,. | rtpejd of tlo KuKlux
outragca iu Kentutky, aud fmthcr Mtya that wh.it bai
ticcn pubiiahcd aoaeatalaaj thc aaM aatraaao 'b true?
lhat thcy arc tven worat tlntn alrcady n?poit<d.
NKW-tua.iA.s-~ BaVOKRD lKANyuiL.
(icn. Finory of NewUrlcana i? iu town on otlii ial bu^i
nt-BB, and reporta all dangcr of colliaion between th<
rlTal poMttcal factloaa la that city at i>a*t, aadtaatU
will bo in.ih aafa aad daatrable to aeod aouit u( Um
tioopa how statioucd thcrc to frontii r BOBtBi
TrtBnibTwniB v<>ibb.
Tbe Indian Kun-.tu, ttthoaah it ha* lltllg?tlj la
?jmi? ii, h?? rcccivcii no iufonuuiiou afBattforrolatlvo
to thc reportcd Fort Hill ?aaaaata. Bo far, therc ia uot
t von prooabtlit] t' kiu ?atbon the rumor. Thc Oooaaata
Mooorof Indian Afiatra haa board aothtaaj of the ro>
portcd Fort Hi 11 massatrv, aud aattfClj diccicdits tho
Mr. Williatn Mcdarrahaji, wc!l known in connection
with thc litigatlon agaiuat the Ncwldna Miiiing t'oiii
pany, will aoon lciivc TfatBttftMl for (alifornia, whert
he haa cntercd BUit for |T),ooo,ooo taBBBBl iBBf fBaBpailJ
for quickailvcr takcu (loiti tne iniiic The caae will hc
tned ln toir oue uf the cuuru <il i hai r-i.ii c
The Senatc Pelect Coaimittcc on Traimportatiun will
mect at the Fifth Avcnuo Hotcl, NerYoik, aa the 10th
of ScptcmlKT, and not thc 1th of that niontu, aa baa becu
atatcd. Iherc aili ba BMOtal Mr. Wiinloui, ( halrman,
aml Mcs?r?. Cuuklmg, Coeofar, aud iJavia of Wcal Vu
The Secrotary of thc Trea^ury ha? directtsd the AaBiat
ant Trca.?ui-?r at A'cw-York lhat during the month of
8 pt^mher he inay aell |l.5oo,ooo ot Bjold on cach Thurs
daj aud buv t-vai.uoo ?f bouOa 00 the third Wedneaday,
iu all, aell te.oou.oou of gold and huy tSoo.uoe of bonda.
With onc excrption, Buch of the iiicmbcrg of the Houae
of RcpreBcntativfS-tbeirtcrmcommcncingith of March
laBt?as havc drawn thcir montbly pay, bave takcu. the
full ratc under the ucw compeuaaliou law. The oue
execptod haa drawn at the old rate.
Oakea Auiea'a hrother and exeeatoT sayg that hls
cst.itc will uot -cttlc morc than |3,ouO,Ouo, or aboat onc*
thlrd what waa caiimatcd at hi* ileath. The Lct n-ult
of all hia Pacltlc Rjiiirnad opcrations and apeculatioos
turna out a puaitivc loas.
WidOOOMMf, Au>r. 31.?I'nofliciitl inlornm
tiou haa bceu leccired hero that thc iJomiuiou (oncru
meul ha.-i acnt tbe Hon. U. \. Huiiih, M. P., to Manltoli*,
aa HpCtial ConimiBBioni'l B) kaeaiTB into tlu- farta eon
neittd with the arreat aud impriaonuicnt of Amcrlcan
citizcna for the atternptcd alMluctiou of Go.dou, and to
coDHUlt with tbe local uuthorltiea an to liic propriety of
thcir reh-aae ou bsil. Mi. ^luith'n leport will prohahly
i? Ui.idc iii a tcw ii:?> k. llliill which tilnc uo aottoa wl 11
i>e takcu hj tbu DumloloQ OoTaraaaoat. Mr. Batta i?
an old ageiit uf (hc lludmiu lUy Company, and particu
larly tinalibed for hi? miaaiou.
laJt fuAwemoo, AdK- &<?A lawvf Bkadi of
earthqiinki warfcltalthc Miaaion .iau Jomj at 4 o i loi k
thii- aftciuoon, I'uiiaiiig a good deal of enltemcnt, but
H-i'iiing la aa oaaaaaa. The taaai vaaanMttBaavyal
laadwoodCitj aadotaar towaa la Baata ii.ua Valtof,
koitih oi um- ouiut, bui Haa rarj aliaM io oan BVaauooti
DiSTKinrnoN of nusM,
an llWIIIliajjrtjag CBBjBMOBY?tiik kmiekor not
namari -m imcmjA cajb. utvwm m
HBBl riIU u*'s 01 DaTUHUI anii mkiim..
|FHOM Tlti: KKiil-I.AR IOUIU:?l'<>S I.'VT 00 DBJI Tfini'SK.l
Viknna, Aug. IS.? Tlie ??< retiionieH at thi- diatribQ'
Hon of arissa were Bxoeedtaalj tama. I ba aftaii did
not take BBBM i;i tlie inain BxUbltaM bmlding, the
inoat a;>i>itipu:ite plaoa fof it. bocanat thalotaada
in ao crowileil with show-eases that fliere i- DO plaM
for an au.Iieiin-. The id. a of hoidmg it m Um
grounds, hke an Aineriean BBBaB-BM?etinir. iliil not
prolmlily Bteai to tlie managers. A larire h.ill in
tlie laliyrinthiati liiaaa of butldinirs tli.it form tlie
imperial palaoe of tbe Rofbaxi aaaeboaaa. The hall
is called tlie Winter Kiding School. and is uaed. WBafl
tlie Court inhahita the pahwc. for tlie e<|iu>frian m
??tnii tioiiN and diverpiiiitis of the iniiieri.il hoiisohold
Iti-aroom of impc-iiig hight. with stmroed and
arbitowaabad aaOa,aad ialoaaadt? n bU oblaB, aap*
piniiiig t-.vi. faJidrloo Tba loor, ordiaatil* oi
doot) ffM ooTond with boarda for tba o. i arinit. aad
ihere were 00OM ae.Uity d< eoiatlonr of ow'/l.ii
In fiont waa a tnbutio with acarlet catpet, for tln
An lid.ikea, aad faeing thia a BBltBTTC waa raileil
ofi for tha dipaoaaatJati aad hifh irflHaTft Next
aajaa tba apace for tba ptaaa, ajadbaak ol thia tha
exhiliitora aml genera) public were mawaed a** thick
BJ they eould staiid?live or aix tlniuaaiiil of t!i??in. at
a rough gueoa?and a thoaw md aioie were in tLe tWO
Tlie Bupatui wan not pn $aat.VHehM takaa mch
a wnriu inten ?t iu tlie F.xlnhition, atul haa been
oaab a freiiueiit viMtor to it, tbat ii in abaaaaa ftaai
the BfowaJag oreat of tha ajrhok nilmr ia a afav
gnlar lintiuistariee. About a week ago he wttit t"
lii - Siiiiimer chatc.m in Ischl, and Btohablf will not
leturn until tlie lioi u.ath.r and the ehohBTB abata.
He was n preacnfed by Ihh pfothar, tba An hduke
Cari Ladwic, tba Lord l'r..!. i ua of tba Bxblbltton,
who a a tall, aafMotaaad bbbb, aitb daaidod Hapr
burg featiirca, :ind the uievitahle hahl apot
<.11 tlie tcp of hia bead wbicb ehanetariaea
the f.miily. Jlo eanio out from behind
the (iiit.iiiis at ihe baek of tho BhafjC
piiintiially.it 1 o'eloek, EoUowed hy the oM Areh
daha Albrei bt. iitule of the Emperor, Coiiiinaiidcr
iti Cliiet of the Aii-lri.iu aitiiv, aml 000*1 of Austrian
WilUiafftoa in a Miiall way. After him came the
An hilukes Uaniet aml Loopold, OOBatM of the Km
pi ror iMith tall, aohlieily meii, with gray hair aud
1m-ard. loiinvMiitr theiu waa OBotbat pcnoaiaaai
foim, who dui not oaaaa to ba of aaaab aoooantifoc
he plaeed himaelf agaitiat the wall at a potttadaV
tan 0$ frotn the Anhilukea, and atood 00 tiiotioiile.-*
aah theie until tln peiloruiiiiiee waa over.
Aa ooaa aa the Axebdakaa eatarad, a baad
Batehad aadat tha eaaihag oaraeb aa tha
oolaaui atadaa of tha aaatriaa aatJonal hymti,
" Cctt erhalk trani d>n A'mW." J heti t'arl
l.mlwiv hhiiI a (in/eii WOtdi or ao, wheretipon the
diinral DitaatOTi liaroii Schwarz-Senborii, hegan to
li.-t rcail the naine- of DflTWH to whntn tha Diplotaa
i.f BoBOf was .iv. aiileii. The reailmg 01' ui'i' <1 B teili
oua half hoiir. The wiather waa ao aultry aa it i wI
ia in Vieiuia during inid-Atigust. aml the crowd.
p.wked like aheep in a pen, with BO aoata for any
body exiept the golil-enihroiilered diplmnatiats in
front, aiHiti lieeatne hot and tired, htit, with tho re
aiarkabk poUtaaaai and patiepoa of a Vtaaaaetawd,
mailenn aigimf ilisi oiitent. Whenthe ll.iron i.nished
ba ttinieil $0 tho audienee and Obid, "(Jod hleas; CikI
piote<f, Ood keep Hia Majoatv the F.mpimr Fraiu
Joooph,* aad led thoac around him ?ho eooldbaaj iii
;.i . ing three che?ra.
it ?aa lmpo.sfiMe to <lo aaoaa thaa (aad the Uat of
thadlpkaaaa of boaor. Iheaamber ofasedalaaad
? iMognition dtfdoaaaa" paatadkatadiiioaa, Tha
Hst tUla ? laarto voiumc of m pajgaa aad embiaaaa
abOVt KflOD tiamea. It ia aveinahle dtbiaaof honora
tli.it th?> juiies ha? t oboweted Dpon tba axhibitota,
Tbeaatpoaa ipniaii to have baaa to o?aba aoaaa
award to eveiylnnly who obowsaaat ntorioiis artiele.
Alter the leading waa o\er somel"'dy made B ah'Tt
spinh of thanka m tha oaBM Of the ex
hil.it.aa. J he baad plav.d the natioti.il hyinii
ag.im, thO tired An h<luk-.s who bad baBB
on th.ir foet for three-qnarti ta of an hoiir.
maiie baata toojeil tha aUtfona, aad tba aadaoaoa
paaradoal thmugh tha oaa oarron dooi kaafearfal
exaab,andaotha athui aadat A? ? oaaaaaoayii
waadallaad ttfakaa,aad mtght Jaat aawanbare
baaa taaittad aitogathai? It had ooaa of tbafaa
pn afirc Caataraa tbat aaaiaapanb d tba dattxibatkai
of prixea at tha Piria Expoaitioa. Tbarewasao
eoofeniag of boaonb} lmpena! baadi Bponaaoaof
enitnent aeln. \ cmetits in art, acietire, and mventiou.
A t.iiioiis raadiog of oaa>oi bj tha Gaaata] Ditaotor,
whi.h in.l.ody i.ued to luai or eiiiild hiar if tbaj
watit. tl tO, and B ro\v ol Anlnlukes in c! ittatiBf i.ni
fonai -tamliiig on a platfona f"t tba crowtJ to aiare
;it that eaaapoaad tha aThabi parfoaaaaaaa.
With tba aaaoeaefaaeat of tha awarda tha Exhi
bitkai inay i>e aaid ta have taaehad Ita elbaax. The
axbibiton dow baawthaii tata, aad tbotr Latatcat
v. ill i.aturally Jlag. Manv of th., will ratatabOBM
aad le.iv. thi ir wit.s in ehaxga <d agaata, 11
?iflala haTfi baaa daatribatad with iaah btTathaaa
erosif'y that the ir.nnh. r of the diaappointed b) no
doabt less than at any previom Woihl's Faii. BtiU
thever.v prodigality of the juries < reates u OaBM Of
gruniblerw ainotiK exhihitors who lmvo ar
ticlea of aiiBftlonal Bjerft, and who
bad theins.hi.H nwaidad with aatj ejajpoi
medala, jnst like thOBO reeeived bf hiiiidred.i of
otbatawbooa ailicilaa t" ra do ooaBtaataoatotholiB
ii. exeellence. Thero waa, in faet, no comparison
in-tituti'dhy the hartaa batwaaa Hke BiaVeb - la tba
gall.ne.xof dill.retit natioti". The MedaJ U)T Mtrit
in.,,!.- imly that the reeiptetit ha-- aliown soinetliini;
iiniitonon.s, aud tho I'rotieaa Medal that he bflB
lOBBa valuahli! ilesigti or inventioti proilmed BUaOB
the I'.ins J'.xposition of tfJT. The Aineruan ex
bibttoai ot BBBiBf aaaahiiaii lerexampaB, aat bo
ifjeoaaltioa of tba fa< I tba4 tbaitamaeataea bm the
b.at in the world. 'Eliey are given only the BBaaa
inedala wlmh the Knglish and (iinii.uis rcuivr.
aho hive uiade iluui.sy iwiutiona ol thoL*
The only prize whieh confers a Teally v;iluahle
distinetion is the Daabaaaaf Baaot. Of theae there
are m\ and Ainerira nceivea only eight. Four of
the eight go tfl the gfotip ot l.dui ation. The MnitU
pooJaa laatttatioB tata oaa, tho KataaaaJ Bataaaof
F.dn.atiuti anotluT, the btate of Maaaaehuaetta the
third. aud the City of BoBBM the foiirth. In inaking
tl.- awarda the jury waa intiu. nced hy a knowl
edk-e of thC DBBl work for the promotioti of BBiaaaa
aid of piihlicedmation, accoinplished by the re
eipVatB as well w hy tlmr (oiifrihutions tn the
Fxhilutioti. The Baaaxhaaaiaa Insiitiitioii exhibileil
a complete set of ita publialiKl nporta. Ita
aehtivement#in tha tield of acietitilie naeaieti are ?o
wiihly knowu in Furope that it reipiired only a BBf
aaaaaaoa tba oatl of tha laa hawneaa Jaroraaa 'h?
group, Prof. Hoyt of Wiaeoi.aiij and i'rof. 1'htlbrick
of Boatoa, to sirurr .i nnaniax bi rata ba bba award.
The dipioina to the li.in an of Ednaatiaa aaoaahad
lorchietly on thegroiind ol tta aflbtfa n "rcabi/ing
the Edaaattoaal paap inour deparnnent. Tha Oaaa.
niiaRioner. fieu. Faton, made the plan of the BXhibtt,
ond mi ured autluiitit cuoperation of collegiataaad
intibiiipul iiuthoritiea to carry it out in
part. Ihe Mate of Maa.sa< hiiai tta atnt louiplete
a. bciol reporta troin ail her ti wt.a. *he vvl.ole
f.'rtning a i oinpnhetsive exhihit ot the vvorkiafjof
h.i Cofll.n Bl hool -iateui. Iio-tnti i ol.'.' Ibttt d
pbototrapliaoi her achiml honna. whool furuiture
and appiirattiP, text-l.ookH. inupn, rep.ita. and
abartaj givmg tall I fiiiiuf1** ? to tht coataf
niaiiita'iiiug her BolaBOaB?tha a:t? t.daie ?? ?>?-:? n. pi
ti ai biag itadtea paiaaul a... aad auwta tho aaat
Bciieat axiubttof aai tuv. tba bisb cbatactci oi
thc pul.lic inflOtit af both thc city aud Ktate, which
ih kiB.wn by adBaaaiBB throtighout tho worid, of
BOBJBB dctt riniiicd the Jury to award them
thc diplonia. The rciDiiinmg t"??r DBBBMBBi
of Honor aro pivcu to individuals. VYhile a
larir* hiinil.cr of exliiliitora art? iJajajaaiatad
at ilnirowii failnrc to ohtam this covetod reward,
tlmc mi m.s to !>?? a prettj general acquieacenee in
thc opniion that tiie sur< eaaful fcw, wwh pcrh.ipa
OCM e\t.-ptiuii, tanl.v merif thc dmtini tioti. Tlic fol
lowinf ia thc list : BBaBlrf* 8. Wlntc of l'hilatl- ipjiia,
fordaatal laBtranaaai and arttfaeta] teathi Waltai
A. Wood. BbBBBI Falk N. Y.. BMWiBf aad rcapiug
machiiiea; Williain Se.lers iV ('<>., 1'liikuielphia. P"d
dling fnrnacc and tooK and Corlia*. Ncw-York,
for pcifci tion of Htcam-cii.citK? Mr. Corlias i.- :o>t
an cxliihitor, although hi-t irnprove.BBB an- BB8i
BBBB B numbcr of cngincs iu tho F.xhihitioii. Tlic
atriou of the jury iu awarding tho MfJBBJI prize to
BB iincntor whodid nol go to thc trouhlo or expitiw
af ezblbittBg hia invcntion ia oxcc,ptional, and gtYtB
risc ba rmii h cottiplaint from BaXBBBI who BBBBBBI >'?
UM I>i|>'ioiiLa ai Honor aml failcd to gct it. With thc
linreadiness that h.w dianictci i/.cd thc iiianagcinciit
? I UM Kxlnbuioii from UM lirst. ttMdlplfBBBBBW
not yt t priuted. Thc forni hae uot cvon beeu agreed
11,'on, no I cannot givc thc text.
From tho fact of tho ndatjvoly aBBBll ntimbcr of
tliia incdal awardcd and from it? peeuluir aiguihca
tion, it niay f.iii 1\ be tvoiisidcrcd a higher pnzc than
themedalof mcrit Thc following ia tho list of
Atncru an cxhibitore who rcccivc it:
Joaapfe ?aartoa, PBUadelpaia; nnkoi, Ac.
Andrcw llrlent.rccher. ('inoiimati; at.mh.
Caailea kUartce, Ncw-York; UUaocrapb i>ress.
Deortetta Dariiiaaa,Vew-Orieaaa; aux-ar.
M Wi-rk B Soo% Cniciiinatij wiiicb.
Bueaa Y.sta Vm.cultural BtoMty, t??n Francisco ;
wi' aa,
Jiii-h A Hiward. Huff ilo; bathcr.
I.i'ly. Yomig, Pratt A Urackutt, Lynn, MaBB?| boots
:*r,.I -.iioeB.
Bllltan A Ppeucer Manufaeturlng Co., Hartford,
(imi.; forginga.
Weatfli Id Lock Worka, weatueid. BT, Y.: loeaa
JobaG. !>.?<..? B Bona. Phliadclpblaj r?niage whecls.
Jobu M.iiiH vt.-, B?oar-Totfci aoda aratcc apparataa
L? PraafBOo., Hoatou; chroiio-litliographa.
Tbiimaa lIoaaeawlB. Haa Frauclsco; photographlo
laodacapt a.
C, K. v>. tklne,8an Pranela o.'phofographlc landacapea.
1? M. Oaborae A Co., Auburu, N. Y.; ujowera and reap
i i-.
BftBgBI Mowmg Maclnue 0B>, Provldence, R. I.; mow
W'ardcr, atltobell A Co., Springneld, Ohio; mowers and
reapei ?.
Aultniaii, Millcr A Co., Akron, Ohio; mowcra and reap?
Johnston narvcatcr Co? Brockpurt, N. Y.; mowers and
E. Bentiaajton d Boaa, Dloa, N. Y.; sewinirraaehinea.
Pn keniitf >V? i>avl-. Portiaml, Coim.; ttCMB cuifiiie.
Baxtor D. Whituey, Winciicudon.MaaB.; wood-working
A.tun WartB, Btepaetoa, N. Y.; machlno for cutting
tlothinvr t'v ateam.
Browod sharp Maufaeturing Co., Providunco, R. I.;
mllUng m.u iiinca.
llowea, ii.ihcock A Co.; graiti neparator.
(,,o. W. llowc, i iivcitini. tiliio; kintilutr-machlne.
Howa M.o iiine Co., Ncw-York; Bewing-iuailunca,
j.iiuc, Avery, Bpencer. htaaa,: iroolaplaaor.
baBaer Manufactunng Co., >i.w-York; ec*ing-ma
l Iiinca.
WBeaMT d Wilson Scwing-Machino Co., Ncw-York;
m's\ ing-mai hinea.
II. ( . ( oTOTd WowTork: bruah-maklng niachme.
B. C. Tilghiuan, Phllatlelphia; aaadUaat.
Ki.app DovetalliBI Machmc Co., Northampton, Mass.;
doretauiBx macbtBe.
Thou.aa Ifail, Noithampton, Masa.; viacB.
Boraoa u. BigaioWi wateoobar, Mars.; ahoc-making
B. K. '"-turtcvant; ahoc |iega.
Secor Btwiug Machme Company, Ncw-York; scwing
Weed aewtaH Machlne Coccpany, Hartford, Ct; acw
loa BMcoJaaa,
W B Ii. Uo.iglaB, Mlddlotown, Cf.; punip^.
Exi i i-.ni !,,!? ktai hinc Oompaayj taa iuacMue.
Morac T.wot-Dnll Company, Ncw llcdiord, Maaa.;
Johu 8tcphcnaon A Co , Ncw-York; Bfrcet car.
Lewu Mlllar, Akroo, o.; dvuaiuometcr.
Fj.rbaiika A < o., IVow-Totk; loalaa.
II. Ii Juati, Phllad Iplua; tbutal ohair and tectb.
c. F. Taylor, N> ? Torkj aiii>.-uai luatmaoal -.
Fraaa tcBwaraer, Waakloatan, Mo.; ettbera.
BTaatta A il.m.liu < tranw Oo., lioatou , cablnct organa.
sinitii a a eaaoa, BprtBafloul Kaaa,; rerorfara.
Natlonal Kducatloaal Aaaoaatttaa. Waahingtou ; BCt of
Amcruaii Iicocraphical Sacicty, New-Yoik; photo
gra|ih? ot ii aaorj .
-Ouyot, Priuceton, N. J.; charts.
l>r. B. ?i. H'Wi, Boatoo ; booka tat thc b'.lnd,
st.iic vi Obio; adacartooal axaiMC
( it) oi Traahiagtltai If il, l modi l and photographs of
(II hool-l]liUr< -.
(Intmnati l'ork Pafkcra* Asaoctatiou; di=play of pic
lurta and alauatua.
11 c followmg Auicrkaii t-xUibitors aro awardcd
the BbtdBl of niciit:
TBe looaaB DUoa Crunblc Company, Jerscy City, N.
J.; Aincrit in wrraphitc.
Ricaard P. Rotbwell. Ncw York; iron orca and coal.
Btatc ot Blbaoaa; oviaerala.
^nsro Taaael twuipaajr, BattOi BJovadai uiover of
i 'o a iti ek lodc aml i oiic i.uii oi laiacrala.
Witbarby, Nsbtrraiaa iV 10? i'on Uoary. N. Y.; orea.
Korthera Paatda BaUway, Ncw-Voik; aaatoaaaal
e{H-, um n.
Angco Socola, Ncw-OilcatiH ; rice.
I^-wi- L. ArmiBtead, I..wichbnrg, Va.; tobarco.
v ?niictn P.it:ht; lUiiwa) COnpaajr; graiuu, friuU,
?i oda, orea, ,\ .
BtateoJ Iniiana; farm producta.
um. R, ?faraat A <o., PaiiadelpBtai tagtftoaata
l.n.ii Sbl ffcr. I>iuis\ ille, Ky.; pepsin.
i bartee .i Vfblta B Co., Kew-Torkj c.cdical chemicals.
Coiif.itc A Oo., Mow-York ; aoapa,
Proetor A- Hamble,Clnclnnatt,Onlo; toap andcandles.
ki.iiviiic oil f/ork*, Kew-Omaaa: ootiou acedoila.
f I l'-a-i. Bofralo, N. Y.; oila.
H. o. Hoti hk - , l.;. mi.. afaaaj c^acntial oIIb.
BMiB, 11!r 'b d Oo . < lncjgo; corn atauh, ic.
>, , i ? s a-Yorkj eoaeooea.
bfrijfoaaiiii B Robblna, New-xorki draaa,
H< ory Bowea, Phlladelpbla; glj i enae and pcBaaB.
(,.(? TbiteBloa,! ipe Ohrardeao, Mo.; dour.
Bradtalt Jobaaou, Ncw York; rygara.
Adolpb A. Jiai'.cr, N. w-OHciiii-; -iiK'.tra.
Beaan, rhorn B Co., New-Orleaoa? sleoaoL
J.,l,t, 01 b iBi Bon .V I o , Philadelphka; WLiaklea.
n. K. luuitar, Sfaw-Yorkj wbtaky.
Joaaafe Meaaaaauai ?i?u rraoetsco, Cal.; cocoons and
ciiatntierof Cotuuiercc, Mi'.waukce, Wla.; graia.
BtatC of luuiuun; ooalt, lrou, aud stone.
ytate ol Teaaaaaae; coala.
a i'. Kuilock A Co., cim innati; halr and brutlea.
i barlea Moralnaatar, Naw-Yark; atarob.
l.ii, khariti J< '"-. Ciiicimiuti; luril oila apil petroleum.
',< -i ii Atkiuaou, Cliiciuiittti; oiN.
Fii.prc Lubrk iMngOll Oo., Kew-Torfe; olla.
i . (,ro. aioaer, W< w-Yorkj wincsaud braudica.
i i BCurtra, Ifew-York; wine.
II. Malllard, Bew York; aiigur.
Wbd. Uadcrwaodd Oo., Boatoo; canned gooda.
u. a. Auaar, Naw-Orleaaei aaBaapaad pepi>er.
\\ ?jter ii ikci B Co., Boatoo ; choeofaate.
Pranci- wi.itaUi i kv >on-, Bt, l.ouia; prcucrTed meata.
Waa BrtkBaaciio, Chlcaao; preaerved meata.
j W.Camott, Ncw York ; ciirara
ponoTov B Pliiu-inci, Ncw-York; ca?Blmcre.i.
j_i. Oerq Broa., Ualhpolla, Oolo; dooakln Joaaa
I hoiii.i" A Co , .Vf.v-York ; cai-simcreB.
Jhh. y. .^mith .Mauufacturiug Company, Providcnce,
Ii. !.; hl.irtili.'s.
(,.,niLi i, i'.revter A Oo., BootOB : ihirtlnga.
F. BacBaa A Bto, PbilaBalptuai ahirta.
BaMtdcaa aatBaadar company, Ncw-York; suspend
t. N. Mocty. Ncw-Orlcana, I?uisiana; bhirti.
lia a Ka-kci, Ncv-York; ahirU.
Mr.ritl Mahl r, Ncw-Volk; goode.
JoLn Faiiu, Bta I^iuia. Mo.; clothiiig.
iimi v Prouao Coiipcr, Ncw-York; clothing.
W & J. Blnaarf. No* York; carpew.
OoltUiiiilli. Ha?'Krack it (o.. New-York; glovea.
Fi|?in C. Uurr, NVw-York; Bhoea.
rtmuei Mauufatiuriuit < o., Ncw-York; machine em
hroidcry and Btitcfiiiig.
f/aed Bcwtaur-Macaiaa Co., UarUord. Conn.; em
bro.deiy aud btitching.
WUaaa eV?wing-M u hine Co., Clevelaud Ohio; em
broulcry aud atitchtug.
DauMBiead d dcBaBor, Ncw-York; ahoea.
butkiey, Loekwood A Oo., Ncw-York; sole leather.
Anthony P Baar dtOo., Baldmorc.Md.; aolo leather.
r.iurau, Fabie A Moont y. Luuiaville, Kv.; eole leatner.
WlacuualB LeatBarCo., Mllwaukee, Wia.; le^tbor.
( u HaathtTraT B f~in fftatraj BMtBao Baaaaaajja
t/Baoaaraad a/liaoa Baaraaj Machine c^aipau>, New
York; cib.net woik.
Barataa etove Companjr, Proridence, R. I.; cooking
B ui Beaor A Co.. I inclnnati, Ohio; atovea.
fatei - BroUMtt, Haa York . ilicara ami katrca,
Johu OtOMaBti t iiii iiuiiii, Ohio; TeulilaUua acbool
htiiee ?tov*:b.
F. II. Baray, ?pnnglield, MaM.; akatev
Baratati ortculeai B Colc, New-Vork: etovepipa
jiecph inxon Crunble Company, Jcracy Cl'y, X. J.;
grapMie i m IbU a.
DtfUBTiaa a? atanalactttJloa Cooinanv, Hoaton; axea.
1 M Broa, A h, ::geiuaii, l ,m innati, luoldinga.
a B Parfea.
J Mt Uenuott B Co, Clereiand, Ohhi; tfriudatonea.
laiaooJI l Martia, Nea-Yorfc; braaaaa
imvul A Huiiici. PbUadadpbla; cbromo uthograpba
llure.ni ot kukraving and Printiug, Waahiagtou, ii. C;
e: k't.tvit.ga
Wu. K. UowalL Ncw York; photograv?ba.
JaOKt Luitiy, < laclaaati aaatagraaaa
.- < w I Alui.uiat toiiuB Cuti.paiiy ; pbotograpbera ap
id ni; H??! btr, ( ln. ago ? photographa.
c.i i-cit, Pa?a.
?aajoi i 11. apj < Ai.iivt; paaj a aajaj aaajfaW*
fnr iki.f.hh wu to taa TBint BA
Mtt.wAt-KEF, Aug. 3?.?The cail for b CoaraaaVa
oa8opt>H to he aaaad,la-morrow. joiutly by t?i?
Dcmocrati. and libatal KYpubliean tba* ( onimit
IooboI Wlaeaaaln, bi raaataed hatoaa * "aowdb
parture''toward a uniou in favor <t refnrm of all
the element- OffOOOi to tlie party in power. It bj
left to the Conventioii togive the new movcinent ?
narne, and derlare a plaffmin. The Ch.nnnan of tho
DaaKtOtatbl CoBBBiitfee ia Geor&r H. I'a;tl. a inerntxr
of the National Cornmitfe.. at.d e\.-ry BBBBbof Bf
botb tho Deaaoeratk aad Ltharal CoaaiiHoaaBaaa)*
curs in tbe eall. The folloving reM.lutiotiM. aoV pt d
by both Committcoa, detiue the pi ci.-i i haravter
at.d objut of the new dapartara i
Whtreut, The iiidu trial bkBBTI -t- af Bbl I BBaBTJ I
aoaaaaaioi thi badfatth aad tertetted ptaeteaaaf tba
partj ln power. and eapecially of tbs i na. tinetit aml
p.rp tuatiou of lawn dceigaed to eneoiirage inouopoly
and to unjuitiy mrk.'i ?pii-ui alaaaaa at i%a esaaaaa af
the wholt paaplo) aud
Wherea*. The i\il* eomplained of win tn. iliy eon
Cide 1 to i BM by the lb puble all BUU < "i.w i.tmn M
sembied at Ma?li-on ..n Wedueadav U-i by ihe t... '
that.Coiiventioiitofndi.rse tlie CaBafme or $BB I BBftJ
Admlniatration af ita own cboiee, aud hy ita touipulH?*y
oondemnationef tbe luauy faun? ot it.-, oaa aatBJ ; aad
Whrrra*, The Ropiiblican party of t.. jtaf i- e.inteiiiiii d
and abandonul by the more llta ral andinti .ligent mcoi
bera coucorneil io ita originaJ orgau.zut.oii upon i? .-<
now extinct, han failed Iu all aObMai?<?- '?' r' ofl
wilhio ltaeif, aml in uiai.lfe.'tly p.?wer. :i ;t..
doiniuion of ei.rrupt leadcrahip or t1 t i.li IBl ? ol -?
lntereata whieh an the oouri ? Bf 11 I'Wir,
Kcsolcrd, That in tl.e oplnion of tboee ('omMifteea the
tinie baaaaaM alaa >;i paMal aad ? - llba
Of Wiaennaiu Who ne. k 'ln . 1. I tlon i.f h.'in ?', e.ipal'.r,
and iocorruptible nw-n to otlire, aml a ci DjpW te and '?? r.
maneiit n-iorni in piii-lir aTbaa :rr. I p >? ? ? Bf p.;-tjo
lltlcal aaaoeiation, ciniul?t unite ln one ii.nvaaCtaa up. <?
one platfoim aud upon the BMM eaaeUdBBaX .unl iw--<rt
the cacrcd r:ifht of i lecting tlieir own nilera iodaaaa>
dent of eorrupt pui tv power, und of the dlet.ifton of ..11
professlonal pohticunn aud pillllcal ru.g* i.liiid tinBB
wilb or apo'.omung therefor.
Rtiolred, That in pursimme of thia opiatOI tln Htato
Central Coniiiiittees ol the I>? on . ratn m . Ubaial BB>
ptlblicau orgallizutioua af the State Bf W.ii n. BBBBB1
aa they believe in full aecord and Byaapataj with the,
masaea of tho inti llg.nt propia af < ur
Btate, who recogu.ze no \iriue in auy
polltical Pai'ty be>uTid its p.".vi : to ir.v in
honeatly and well, do berabf aaS 0 Mala Oaatraajl.t.?
r.in-1-r .1? two aaaaatai from $aai acBataBBalaBdaVa
aeaibly Ii^trict of the State, to BM M ? :li< I itv of Mi
waukee, at 12noon, onthe .-ith.lay ol s peinln r m xt. inr
the oomiBation >?? caudidaten b.r the Blate eilni ? aml th?
further dei .aratioaof a platlotwof p nnip . fl BBfl I Bl
tranaaetlon of au?h other bualoeaa ? I tn.r.M.e oaaaaad
propiTbythe Cotnentlon abBB BM$| and we i-aim-a'./
mvite all Dernoerats, LiBBtal R pah iaaaa, aml a$Ba*
elect.ra of Wiaconaln frieudly to general re
thruugb eipial aud imparti.l legiiilaMon, honeati iu
oftlee, and iigid eeonomv in the a:liiuM:ntnitioii of pi.: ..:
affairs, to ualte in the elcctiou of AataaaOaaBi eunl Con
ajoBfawdtlbfll the Oaataajaa and ?aafBaarj af ttaa
Joint Executive*Democratic and I..inr.il aaaaatBaa
State Comnuttee be ruiucated ta pn paia .? BBfl fnr ^a:.I
Ci'tivintiuii in . i.iiformiiy with the toi. BBBag reaoiu-'
tlon-, aud to publlMh the aaaje, together with iheaiicno
turea of the tw.> Couimittee-, aud in conneetioo there
*itii to pubii-ii taa kaaaaaaaj laaaBaai ami renoiuuoua.
By order of the Committee.
CKi^ TT I'u | . ('!?;.ll liiail.
Ebil Waim.k, s< en t.iry.
?UCaKM iiik \..mim:k.
Memiius, .An?. w.?At tho RapablicM Coa
veution h. Id at .In k-on. Mi?-.. the toUowtaaj ptatioiiu
and reaolVltOM weie adopted BBBalaaa
The BepUbHOBB uar;y of the s>t.ite (,f hOaaBMlppt, a
Courentlou aaaembled, recognuea ? thi trwugcat ?vl
dence of the perfeefi.ni of our polltical ? r. i .' ti.e i;i. t
tbat we d.. in.* nii.i a ne. aaaary to aaaka am new itipmt t?
ur-- . : aoBOBBce .ui.v new dogaua, but miiii.Iv ui imimt
<>iir ateadfftxt f.uth in old Repualie ib Ia uimai h , tu wi(:
the paeaairataaa of tBaUoMMof tbe Btatea,tbe atrn.-l
enforieiiii nt . f the !aw .f . .|ii.il rtcbta IBd i.nviletri - li?
all, uiuviishI educatloo, ntie ichmeat iu . xi? uditun ??,
ngld eiommiv. and eijual aud UBiform tax ilion, .?
tion to fo?ti liug aajaopatlaa at tbe expeaai oi
. ..in! bi i.e-'y. e.ip.i. Uy, ami fl'li Utl aa tln t. | i r
pi.litieiii pr.ferin. ut; tbat we are .j ;>? ? rt to burdeauic
tlie reeolirtniet.i'U Ol t ll- - itl II ' I -I"-: ppl V. : i . I 1
repiullateil fnioti and r.:it?i-' IV nk b .??.--a.'bbt. It
iu, iv be i-a'leil, eotitiaeti'd bjt I^'i I Poeo iJen ihi; wjj , .nt
by them repml ite.l, and we pledge ouraelT*a lon '.
bv every lawful meu: - in ..ur power. !.',? Anaufl pl n U I v
tbe s.tate itevernmen; of ai'V BM all aBi h ib r.r
U,- are I'pp.i-ed tn l.utiiifig to .ii.lr.I> ut i.'her eor
pora'b.na. iiui.la d.ei.it. .1 by Cosg. t. ?'!.!- Blati [or
i-d'ii ati.'iial purjMiHi"., ,.nd we ilemanil the prompt re
peal, by ii.e iu xt Leglalnture, of tbe !aw iv v
rulturaJ arrip aad tba Chlckaien wbool raada ba*a cei a
diverte.l from toM lacr d oblecti . templat il I ,
diiiinrn ; th.it wo f i\.II Wei ia 01 ' tli I
ture ; that ??' recortiize ll" '*? tll '."..' D ? eXlBt! i!
bv law. iu the rlifhta of all ehildren iu tln -'.it. tOCO, l
privilegea, Htnl to aecept-neli m . . | - ol(, ?'
fei.'e^, oi bbJti raitiat, aad ihould aoi ol bbuJ itiftini
tlolis ..f iBBIBiBg .;. IIV t" i
or color. H" ei;mi in-h't-, iclTea toeBfOttO
the HHid iih'ht* by apptoprial ition aail ara
further jiiedge oumelM-a to tho *u|<port of o ir pr. ?? t
in-tituti..na of leniiilng, and our DCeecal ?dacalioBaJ
lyaaeaa. a.- bbotb expiaiued.
'HtM.hni, riutt we ji.-ive full rattb iu tbe isteai I
hii Kxi-liemv <;? v. it. c. Power*. t- .. ?? -p i
poettioDa in whi.h Be baa beea ..'.. i apoo (? a. t,
whell.er aa cluirmaii of tbe K pablieaB Btatl K.\.. a
Ure comnuttee, LteatoaaoMlOTeraor, oi Cbi I i
ilTa of tbe State be baa ororeo btm Ifto ix an
boneat, aml feurleaa advoeate of Kepuu ran prll
uini a firni wappotter of all tho-" meoaa ? eaJi atad
to adfuiice the piaapaiatj of the lUUe.
A renoluilou to iii.b.r-.- fhe K<:'..*;-' Ooren aewi >.f
LoulHiana waa rereivid ^ifh -iirh deiuon ratlOBt il
boalllty that the mover withdjew it. 'lue full bcket ia
aa followa:
Gen. Amea for Governor; A. K. D.\ - i . ..iii'.T
I.li'titenant-'iov eroor: 4. Hill (? - . n 1..1 . ol
state: J H. Hollaad for rreainrer; W - O.bbafof
Auditor: flllajBB B Hairm for A11<? ? r. ?. 1, ? eral; T. W.
Caidoao (eotored) tocBupertatepd ntvi aVtueal '?..
Gen. Amia made a hh-uIi BBBtpUBf ti.. aaaVBBBl I Ba
Imuiediately after tbe BdJaaiBBaaBt <>: taa 1 i-i.m iu...u,
benator AJaBBB BaVliaaa I an m. . . Ban II"
arralgneXt lieu. Amea aa the Beeet viada&BM Ba B
< ougreaa ugaiuat the iJouthern wlntea. H annouiued
himneif aa a < andidate for C.iveni.r, ai.i rallrd BpoB
the peoatl of BD panien to ex. I ? Und ?f
friendrhio betweeii tbe whitn peopie and the i 1... k
people, aad to reaeue the Htafe from bondheldern uiul
pohtical iiuapa.it>-. ne waa fiauaaallj paa$alv$ib
heaxty applaaae. H. C. C.irter, the defealed rjuulidato
for IJeutenaut-GoverBor, aleo ad.lrei*yed the n:eet:ng.
He aatd he had been promtaed the ajaaad PaBM on th?
tiiiket, but had been betrayod, aud wonlil Dot aupport
the ticket, but animiuii-d himelf :?? a . aiidtduti '. r
rnr. WMkCBWtm 80TElIfl>t8BIP.
aajtoaaj or the peim^ky bj.w-n<'N<?mi ii bjj ?
IBJ08PBCTS?OOaMKNTfl OK 1IIK lti>sr,,s pREM.
Bostos, Auir. 30.?The 8uniui:iiy of natilt*
of the waxd eleotiona for delegafea to the Sr?te I oum n
liou thua far, inclnding iloaton, abowa an i . tl.m of 1 U
liuttcr to 3a Waahbnrn delegat???. Cou'..ui i.tiug uu tho
reault, Tkt Idrrrtittr fRep ) aaya :
Kcimiiltcaa iaucii?oa werr held laat 1 ight Iu tl.e lari'i r
ritlee aud touim where Buller uieu havi- enatrsial "'<*
loeal orgaiiitatianc, aud where there waa a rvaauuahle
proapeet ot eleetlua' Kutlcr delegate?. Large aa the
laucuxea were, the auti-BuXler Hepuhliean* wore weak
eind. as lt wa* well kuown Uiey woidd be, by tfle ?1?
aenee of B large nuBil?er from town-many roore thaa
euougb In aiweral w?rda to have ehangi'd tbe re?
ault. That tbo oppooltlon were able to iJect drle
iratea tn four of tbe flfteen Warila Ia, nnder tbe circum
etancea, tbe beat that eould be expected. Dunng tt.o
laat moiith tbf-re baa beeo a great aee?aalon of meu at
the Navy-Yard, whoae rotea were eouuted at the Ka??
Roaton caucua for tbe flret tlme. and inoat of whuai will
uever be aeen there agalu. A large nuu.vr af
IiemocraU helped U) awell thelr BJaJonty. lt be.ug
i lainie?t there, aa io other ward?. tbat lt a lieiaou waa a
legal voter ia the Ward ho eooid rote for delegate*,
wbatcver hia politn-a were. Uader aueh itihtruvtlona
from htadijuarter* thera waa Buire or leaa DaaaaeralM
Totlug ln all rtie warda.aIUi.oigh lt waa au. eragfuily
chaileoired iu aeme of tbvui. Where the caucuaei" ?eie
Ii.rtuDaU euougb to have cbairuiin il:?|afe,i to BBVB
Bm * .<>a raaiea ~"

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