Newspaper Page Text
-XmnacmentB, ctc, <Ir,.8 ffticmng._ notmi'l Thbatkb.-" Rrp Vau Wrukle." Jfff.rBort. liAtr'B IlROAOWAT ThbatBB.? " L? Kille Be Madiunn Aiijrot." MUr. Almr*. Gband OrKKA Houta.?" Jf idaumraor Nicbt'a Dream." <; L tVa Mblo'b (.AKi>r.N.-"ThoI?lark Crook." OiYBirir Theateb.?"McitUtBto." Mlw Lydla Tborop aaa. I BtOB rtQt'AHE Thkater.?" Futi iu a For." The Vokoa Katntly. tkAt.i^iBB TiikATtB.-"Uacd Up"and "Korry." Ulon Bouolcault._ lUiB HaU.-" Tho rilsrrnu." CaaiBII I'tuK (.Aiu.KN. -8umm?r Nlgbt'a Conrort. Tli.-??(lorB Thnmaa. JnocK to ^borrtiBcmcnif. ABCtBMk.NT*-.,aVr?ifH Vnrjt 6th aml Cth 00*0*8*. I BBIBO AM> I !SA>' 1*1 - /Vl.r-rf IMOe -.1.1 i'"1"1"''-, . VaxaoM Hocaaaavaa Baaa aaa IbBbb* etBBB Bia 001 1 '"',?., AJR> Kuuaa lannaTI ragt-S.t an.1 4th coluruns. KfBiNioaj I thfug*'uit ? HANon rt.B Bt -? > -'"' ^"^.i ? ' < (HARTM K-I1II S " ' /'?</.--itt rolU.Ull. v-rrnfA I'WT? lBl COtUnjB. Iuvidim. NOTICEB -r?ird /',.,/.?f.t.i.-oliimn. l.KV UOOM Srtulh /Mrye-l.tandW BBtaBrBB. o. kl'w..k-i a???? I aWagaitB i>fa-lat ?B BB kBOBL-rtargl /Vf7' ?'" .'"d ?,h rtilutntta. ,U:U ggaaaaiB J^Bja-BtB ?*0**- ^ Huaaaa, Ukaaxtoaa. HiBBtaa. A-.-Ar/vn'i i age-tin |ir,1'lM-" m. PABMn WvNTKi-SrrW PJ7^.tt.o..l.imn .,,.,,,. 4th. and Mh toi ? i.nii Mix.i.B- .v j/A ;Mj7" -tb eolumn. iinn. , ,. s, r >> tl I'uo'?*"' i-olllliifi. - ,c:!;,.:o,unin 5tt?UJ 181 ' ' "" U? ''""""" ; *"*** P<V' ?Jnaa* i'u^-lst and 2d ,:iiliB. NBW I'l BLICATIOB8 VtrfA /Mor-l-t roliuiin IO *l KBlklK r"i: -M >?? KBtxiKI tv ?krcomt rnot?Slh roi'tmn i nv *ro?ir1 Pagt v lnoi,um.: M? iuBBT inirta: ai Auctio* SVeoaal /u.7?-6th rolnrun- ToExrnAXor- ?eaaaa, faja mii loiuiun, ;li loluinll. MY Al i rio>?Seeonrt /'m/e-4'li ,-,'llltlin ft ftnth f" - itheoltimn , j.KMi 4tii and Itb rolumaa, <u-l/i Vwje?6th and tth ,1 f.ifft- .tlan.l4'h "OlaniruB. ^,, M.,,: w/e ;jJ colatna. ' " '' OOlUtBB. ij0 | , - n.t l'a<;t?Bth rol Prxgai ?ib roliuiin; C00BT81 Sttnnl I o ""I T" Wii -m Ii M ??'' l "'? '? :-s raa>aj /'ii^r -$tk foimnii Cnsincss HfllVff. f ?. - a a ? 987.000 Gi sfrai. A(Tit)K>rr PouriF.-i. >,.ii,aM l.-aa ba.m k <:<>.. Barxfcaa. ] in i>T >n- l\ ?t l'i \KI. TOOTB POWDBB Will k'ep ihe u-et Ii ?.. r-. t ooaBBoa el?an ?rl abita. S-, 5T*l wnKRfl ui the worM . | ? , ... Tt>y taake otit two hnnd ,? -,t. I bi al furr.iahin,- or eio'.bing awrta ib , . ,. lor ih<-.r u.rue oa r.rrrj pxr. _ daeal iiikvoi imaa^nalklo is impaTteai to ., 'anaooa UAtrouD l.xi I: >ou ?iil ual aku alaniurvl arucle, t_. 11. ck l>u.>t ]>t'i">-;t imli.atori kntnt-y coin ' t HrtaiBOLD'a Kxt. BrrHr. the diari-tic par exaaUeare i> a 'jr all diaeaaata of i'jo nr:i,ary organa and avina. ata. :u. . Irranwbo erar really Btiiije.l i u>ea af Uu bu. Ilia prcparatioa la aa xa-teb ai,; ? ? I " Rurfcn " aa eraaru la to aklmmad mlla, Ia faet. Baaocr fblla, ?>?._ ? |)1AM'>M) PotHTED (iOLl) PaOtBa |riarn?a.| 1 >., | laailk | ..-.a.u. aa? InaeLtioa that will facli t-a? -.Ue.i labatr. ,a bujkly aortb< of i.jtiee ta wi-ll aaol aataaatwa r>atr?a a.i - : ,-ii ,,f th. pr.a'-ni are ;? tbgd af . i.icaa?ary gaaliuea of tnnuea. n luark aud Ou/a '> aaa Prnr, . - ,' Jona F.iibt. manufaatarar of lae OvklPaxaa J kBto BoaaH 'lne:r aeianoi ?:lue ia t -i bj tba aaxaj BiBaa I.. baa baan ctgagad ia oar city m Iboir nuuufae a ? ? . <? ,., know the rn'acof PoiBT'a riai frora eon 1 ' ibetB lo ? ?>? ni-r inada. ? n.en aag oter i.lMBI otbara: j w M . latioaa i'.t.i (j?o .litiooal Hank. J A Beantaa i ?? ?? ?r >i:mi:?? Banl >f >i,ruk Ainar^a. I Filia Praa 'M rata R:i-i,anv;e Hani L H Lwwn I" -? ' t Watioaai Baak ad tba Bapakka, ai llaat. - r -Nak. Imi ui Ifggaa aad arBoai lo, a ( ,.ual? .NaMouaJ llaak. a in. I. Jeaama. > raa aat Baak of Aaaaa aa. , a rTati ,?: bana. Wia ll .?' ? rBaakadB Y. X. Batikinc j, k 5 Watloaal iiank. k, !l (. ? rtiu^oa] llark j, .. . r .. . . r- ,i I I raata ? Natiana! Baak. i la i raa. CaaBia- fdkaa aad Vtatbat BaMoaal Baak. Wa W Wi.kii Caa' ei Ualiallead Bana. a k i:o. ' Parga lt C: ??: .o'aiea BxarBta Ca. V i . M r ? fc Co. ltarelay fc li.r.ngatou. - \ , ,. ll J Ka inouj fc Oa., Ifew-Tork t? ? ? 1. er fc 'o. I'al'r lnuea 0-i t tltl ? V A '.oKon, Caabler .1?w V rk Uar Pl-k k MaUb. ald. II 1 Hoffaab Ca T. Ketelam fc Co A- taxaatBafB a 8 H C fc Ca Alanu Bxireaa.'o ' a B..K u Chaa. Oar-ua, Tire.praaiderrl Atlaniir Jfoiaal Iu. Co . ?? err.a'. Wulual laa < o . i Hir'?-,i a ainwai Ina. ( a. A y aihaard v? , '--e.i.laui Home Kiro laa. Ca M arrkj ? . I ? tai i Baa Tork L.fe laa ?'a toaa by all tbe pnuai^al aulcinera aad lewelera Jumn l?. ai Uoid Pec Manofadurar. v, : Aawi il,aa? ,ppoa:ta tbe ll.ra^d OBaa. iUtsFBABB.?Sn ShaJteapearean ax A'aiaa, r.p.,ri?d in Tua Tbibvbb l.Bi. rvaa I iru Ba l P ? ?> kl mail r.e TMMMS Of TliF TMIMUMM. IIaii y 1 BtBCXa, Mail Sulmcnbera. Slo oer annum. Fi.mi- V. t.i ? ?,. Mail Suitaciiueri. B3 Dtran. Vtkiki.i iniiusK. Mail SubBcribera, f2 oar annum. Atirertising Ratea. PaiitT?:'' ? i. IQa tOc, TTTgi anflfJt nBtTlnB r^i \;i W i he-.;i ! l.utLvr., 20 u:.d aj c.nts par iiaa. V r.KM.v 1 kibi m, $1, B3, Bjid $5 per lino, Ai r.i'iiing to potiuon ui tha paper. Taruis. BBBB U) atlTatncc. Adilreaa Thi Tribtjnk. Naar-Tork. Atlrorti":mi"nta raciaed ?t up-town offieea. 54? W. BBaVatV, oi W W. :iid at.. till h p. m., at re^laj ratea ]'rr$on? Itat ui i \-vc-Yorf: for the fipnng and Summtr (aaa nur ],' : lail Y Tnr.t ai mailcd tn th$m/<jr $1 ptr i" jiAh. or i' .io, >nrlu<iiny p'tttaye. Fvr 81. t*etut\9* of ?-:*!? I . . ?' uhij ur, ti unlimj abroad tau Auaa fty'i< '.'' ? :i i ofTltB TBIBtTira mailed tn their bank nf/ fjtriodt !>aUy, r>a? monlA ; k*m% Hr< U| U rtr bi , uAg ; Wetkly. nx monthi. Dajnakf thr eontlructton nf Mr trnnt of the nvm TV?6w?a is. . liaag hr IH'/um OftBj may be found in the fnt < rtur on Sprurt tt. The Tnbune Countlng ftnim aaaaa IkaJaVad Baaxr,arxtal utnUrtdal thttetond B08P . 'i.r. ti from tht ntd ute. FOUNDED BYHORACE OREELEY. MONDAY, bLPTKMHER 1. 1873. 1 . ( BrlutB are again BBkanfaj$BB| railway trafflc iu tto-north uf S|i?iu. aaaaaaa Nrw thaugcB are Utely to BtBI BBBBI m lUc Muiiatrjr. Thr auiroj rauj?e>d grrat r!er>tructiou of property in C api- Iirt-tou antl I':iiit<- Etlwitr'l iHlaud aud uiauv ilis a-i?ra at aea. a=rrr= Bntlati ('oiumlila will not be re a.tMled aa o;trt of ttir Ifew Domtnion by the Vnltfl StaUta. aaaaaai fcitvaker Blaia'/a proo^ecta are tllatuwaetl t>y a Wualituctoti itaix-r. aaaaaaa ll is intendtHl to rt-lieve e.nator (arp^utrr of tho rrcaident-y of the Benate. Thc Trt iBiiry will aell $6,000,000 In (told and bny BSofl.OOO in bonds ln Septeinber. -^= McGarraban haa traiiafcrred Iiik clitini to trrn lUiltfornta courta. %u a An ata rrflnery wag burued ln Prfeport, Peun. i, . a A d'anautau Ct.nitmtiioiier Ib ta report on tbe caae of tbe > it GaiTj- pnHoiicrn. ? -= Jud>ce Horaoo Or?> ia ap jiomted Chltf JiiatlCf of Ma&itachusetta. Kodmaii waa lolued ln Jall iu default of $10,000 hail; xrroaa irrejrnlarltiea are roported in tbe Tbi Co Mr. Warren, tbeaccouutant, i? toreBUineblBinYea t .r ttioii. - ------= A inlilioo doilara worth of for^etl New Vork Outral terttfltateaare aaidtobe ln cirtulationand a .aiatenuuibei ot tlaeiuUave laeatn avtigatt. ??-? Tlie Kt-ad 1n?f Rallroatl Ixind forgfrr war. arreatt-d. a=xs The Cou trollor pre.-wntaad his quarterly report. == Gold, 116|. J1J|. ll?i. TtitnnonitUr, 67", BB?,tl?. tl?a 81', 88?. We publinh to-day an accoont byour Vienna fOPTvaYKiudent of the Cdremouies att?n*ling the <i,ntributkoii of awarda at th? Kxhibition. 'I liir* lftUT chii-fly cofjimtii'I-A Haalf for tlu gojiiplitcui'SB of th?* liat of pruea awarded to dkiiuTican extiibitAirs. The act of brntality of wliith Mr. Charlrs ?. Ki liK-y wm tbe vittuu l;tMt Novemlxr in KBlHlgttTj J'OiiK Inl.tud, BJBaa, ar* our loadi-rs wi'l kujciiiIkt, lol'.owcd by hia sudih-ii di?ap kai for thia, bai ::!i < ?>',.)"?'nrf r*?-?'in.s |0 BB i'tiili-<l l?v the diAtxivery vt u MSariaa1 twaM iu Oyater H;iy, whieh his UuHWbI ulentiTy as his re mains. Tha peipitraiors of the assault BpM him will tloul.tloaa uow be bcld U> aunwor tor a graver eriiue. Gen. Emory report* 80 qniet A atato of thiogsamong the contendintf factions m Now Orleans that _a th.nlts the regular tmops m?y be now ruoved away from that niy tO taka pait in the corainff campaiKB agalaattha Indians. If thls is ao tho sooner they are mov.d thebetfter. Ho eoe eaa de?bt Ga?. Kmory'n lovalty and fairnoss, but ho ll sub ject to erdatab and t'11' bajeaiBta nt hlH g,'r viee are a terrible temptation to Mr. Casey and hia frieuds wheuever they get into troublo. Tho mo?t aerioaa step yet takon toward tln est.iMishmcnt of a new org.inization for reform ia State and National polities is the actiou of the Democratie and Liberal Com nnttees of Wiseonsm in thtvwiaf aside tlieir furnier n.'imes and uniting in a eall for a People's Couvention on the 24th of thia mouth. We print in unother colunin thi: pieamble and reHnlatioriri in whieh tlie two Coinmittees iigrced. They are certainly comnrehensive erioogh to afford standiiiK-room for all who desire reform aud despair of obtniuing it thrOBfh existiug polltical orgauizations. There is reason to believc that tho ?aelaea ai'd btaaderiaa. zeal of tho Maaitobaa offldal paapla ia tba eaaa al the kidnappers ot tha atlveiittirer Gordon will have n<> further had a-heta. Mr. Smith, _taaihnr ot tha Caaadian rarliameiit, fonneily ageut of the Hudson's Kay Company, has baaa sent to Manitoba to investigate the circumstancefl of the alleged violation of Dominion Urritory, and to deter mine whether the prisoners eaa ba admitted to bail without aad?aalag tha tategxitj of tha CrowBa Ha la repreeeated as an iutclii gent and reasonable man, and hopea BM en terlaiued that ha will sce some way nf solvmir tha ridiculouB diftioalty whieh has gTOWB up from fuoouicss upon our noithcni froutler. Our columns to-day give an account of the anebt of oue notorious forger and of the ex ploits of another who will dniihtless lill an itnportant place in the criminal reeonls of the ftitme. The Laneastcr forger, knowu as Young, or Horton, or Yaiighit, was diseovered thiaog- hia incoiiccivable folly in weariug a very conspicuous ring. Bat a filill morc skill ftil scoumlpil probahly slippcd through the baada ef tha OO Saturday, after f?>r_ ing and plcdgiug, either hy hiins.lf or by atfoiiinlieis, aa amonat of New-York Ceatral houds variously ttiinifltH liom Jl'H),fXX) to 11,000,000. One of hil instruimrnta VBI eap tured, and some elue may already he 111 the baada of the autborities whieh siiall laad feo the ditcction of the forget hiinsell. Other wioe W'all Street may as well put up its ihllt U'rs, for there sh ws B0 limit wliateverto this brauth of iudnstry. BMOOKLTJPi CBJJSCI FOR BEFOMM. Wa eall atteiitiou again,?and we shall do BB repeatodly hereafter,?to the ahsolnte neicf sity ol a thoroafb overhauling of the pnhlic accounts of Ihootdvn, as the only meaiis of ?BTDtf that city from fnrtlicr pillage at the baada ot Kingdeft MeCne, Fowler, Bpngaab MflfaaafhHB) and the minor freehooters of the liiiikr. haa lately heen devdojied of ovteiiMVe fiauds jnstifies tho peisi-tent elamor for refonn whieh we ha\e, mado for two years paatj and whieh we have nged unaided by the New-York papara, except The World, and opposod by the 15rooklyn ergaaa of tha Riaf, foi un hiipjiily there are no othej- ihaeti pabUahad there than thc-i. All, and uiore, too, tlnui we have phaigfBJ. has Iw-en proved; a delii it of baM1 a million doBatl has been di-cnveied to have existed for fotir years; the tool of the thieree who oaad theae Tiaaaarj faada rcated m jail for the fiiat time on Saturday niirlit, though it is qnite cloar that he OOfhl to have been there years ago; the Controller, arotised U> a aaoaa 0_ his diity, relievt'd of the deiiinr aliziug iaflaeaea of tha B__g? whieh had temptcd hira with promisce, has at laatehargad crime where others Buspected it for a loBg time; and the King itself, frightened for tha timo into silence, makos virtue af necessity, and iiistitutes a farcieal prosecution of its "eat-Jjiaw'1 once, its "scapi-jroat.'' now. Hut if theae aVfakanaenta pf fraad in the Tieasurer's olliec Jaatvfj our pa-t denuneia tionB, how niueh moro strongly do they enforee the present demand for further and full txaiiiination. Mr. Warren, the accoui jilishod accountant, who has proved with liguies that do not lie that 'wliich we have umquivocally charged for montlis, had just touched tlie threshold of the King's oomptioa when instantly and uncercmoniously the door was shut in his faec. It must be foreed open apain. The city ofhcials who have oleBB baada miiBt insist that it be opeued vride; tho Departinent officials who are BOBpeeted must not ohjet t to the retnoval of every barrier. The Couiniittee of Fifty whieh exposed so iuuch eorruption in the past must reorganize to oompel reform in the future ; the Conimitteo of(*neHundred whieh haseoneealed so many ir regularities for the past year and helped with its corrupted Charter to iuake othe'rs iiossihle, must accept the situation and no lonper play the mask for Whitiug and his associates. The death of Mr. Mills and the suspension of tho Truet Company have exposed fully the eorruption of tho Treasurer's oflice. lt will not do to insist that it ia Kodman's swindles only that have appeared. The half million of doll.ns deticiency whieh existed when Con? troller Schroedcr enurod otlico was never iu Hodman's hands. It foimed the capital for King cxmtractors; it was the baais of large speculatious in Wall Street ; lt was used to bhave note* ; it was a fund for illegal elcction purjioscs; it was used at Albany in emcigen cies; in brief, the Treasurer's oflice, through the Trust Company, was to the Urooklyn Kiutf what the Controller's ottice hero was to Tweed ; and the liinp drf w freely ou it. Agi tatiou in Citizens' Committees and in this jourual, a new Kystem of bookkeipiiiK' insti tuted hy Controller Schroedtr whiili atopped loaks, and a wholesome fcar excited by the fate of the Tammauy King compelled paitial rentoration of this rtolen half million, and bat for the aocidental death of Mills it woald have been wholly repaid cjuietly, Bl it has Bince beatJ aalda gOOd Now who rehinded this half million dollarst Not Mr. Kodman, w< kiiow. Who paid the lialance of ?86,000 dir.coveied bj Mr. Warren T lt wm BOt the bondsmeu of either BpnpM or Kodman; and in spite of the etfttit to show that Mi. BpBBfaM har. beKKared hfaMeM to rettirn Kodm tn stt alings, it will be eventually foiind that Mr. ic aionc did not rtpay it. It will not ba d.fii<i,it t.? -how where all i!im ? loej m nt t0, prhfl ii M 1 it and foi what, aud jrho ol tha Kih.'coiahi.'ied to rcMore it. liiVisti-atiou theald ahow all the cuccm BaaaMM of Mr. Chauiroy's appointment aa K.-cciver of tho Tmst Company. That was a conspiracy to coiiro'il the truth, not to protect thc rttoi-kholdi rs and ieBjOBltiatB 1 it involv.-d tho crinir of " ctinipounilinc, :i irloii) ; " a City ?Judjro, :i Siiprrinc Coint Justico and Bl Assist ant8!?istrict Att'irnry comliined to arratiiro that it pcrson in tho mterest of the ronspira tori ihooM ba ippoiatedi aad it wm donc aflor a ''i-Ninsultalioii." Kor ;i inonfi tho \l ci-ivi-r of this bBjBl aUMBj of this rrinn-, knew tho crimiual, and no. iv.-d from him P?rt of tiic BtBaaTn moiieys. Not only lhat, l"il be 1>< fiain tho iiii-iliiiin of odtiiinaoaOBtloB betwoon tlu> ti.ii f and thr Cromtniaatonerfl of tlu- Birik bg Fiini], who iT t!ny did n->t aOtOW before ;h;it tln-ir trust had bON slolen DJ I city oilicial. ccitainly harncd it bTBbBB the tnonoy ?rai n.-toinl ; itnif yi-t the.v aVOBJ did not cry "Stop Ute thi.f !'' Il'iw BBOeb ttbBBB BB n knew pn-viou.-ly oi the rohlicry Wpl bIwBJB r-niam mattcr of BTMpiOJBn 11 iitil invo tiiMti-!, and it snmsto UM lhat thc ix-ople of BrOOfllvii OOgBl tO carc to know this if tln-ir BM6M y is to bc iirtrnstt'd loiiiriT to the li.unls of tho sainc ofhcials. Tht BoBld of City Woffcl ifl prohably tho nm-t corrupt in tlu- wholo Ciiy ?>i" Ilrooklyn. Tho ConiiiiisMoiicis havo DOl tho BAllBlliBgW that Twood poHsi-.sM'd iu a complainant Con troller who had been ? rOBJOB from boy liood, and hcnoc llit-y havo BOt rosorlod U> such desperate woik an fotgiag and ajtetiag warrants. JJtit lt is iiotoiinns thnl ui.ili-r both thc Water Boflfd and the BoBftl oi city Worka l.iooklyii is robbed ol BtJDioaU iinnually imder tho goJoO of oontiaols. Tba wholo piii.^ned thcrc in Bjhriag 0081 tiacis is simply B swindlc of tlic city foi pri vatc protit. Invoti-a'ion will show this c.n clnsiM'ly if only honcst incn makc tiaWOOgli invt-stitration. Cmtii'ts Bfbiob should be girea to tba foiroot btddet invanabiy go to tlu- Bing ooBtneton at arighest prieeo. All this nceds rciormation, and rctormaiion OBB coiiic only aftcr tli irout'h cviminaiioii. We aaaOW couclusively BaBOWben how ovcr thice lmudrcd thoiiHand doliais lm\c booo BrjBaatarCtftfl frOBJB thi TaX Coih CtOt,6 OaVtOO. It iis not nicicly ti dcfuicnnj of iinpaid taxcs, bchintl which buld excusc tlio ofliciaU BOOk to hiilc ; hut tliio amount has not fOBBl to thc cily loii into thc poekatBj af tho Iiiut,'. luvcdtigatiou hhould begin bew ti bbbbb, A inillion dollars is unaecounted for in thc t-xpcnditni'CHof tho P.rooklyn BridffB CompanJ. It i.s h.-ic, badeod, the groatoBi Baindk ti tba Bing is penMrtratod Ov-ihaul tlo- booki of this ('oinpaiiy, and it will bc foond on cer t.iin datts wliicli OBB b$ nauicd, that sincc tlic airitation began tn theae coIiuihih thc booka liavi- beOB tainpci.-d with, ciitrics havc Incn chanircd, and a fruitlcsr, cll'ort madc tO romval BWindloa anioiintiiiK' to an iniincii-c sum. Are the peopk of Hiooklyn willim; to seizo tlic op]>..rtniiity which is now oll'cicd thcin to rid thoniM-lvcs of thcir pbindcicrs T Cliamc bai giTOn tho kcy tO tho coin:plion of that pail oi thc, Bing wliiih McCuo diiccts and a/bioh eontrols the Trcafiiircr's ofTicc and the CofxltB] thc Coiiliolln has carricd thc war at 0BO8 into Meljauirhlin's ipiartcrs; thc divisioii Of thc City Works which Fnwlc.r n.ininands is uiidtr buspicion, Itad Bgltrai which fopOBC the corrm>tion thcrc are in fiands which will shortly makc tlinn pnhlic; aml d"iiorali/ition and fcar are tijion KuiK>lcy and his followcrs ol thfl Blidg? Kiiikf. An inipoitant electioii is npproachinir; BW thOBO issiics ii->t to iilT'Ct it T ll K< torincis BBBBB aiiythiiiK. they shoiild nnt eiitlcr this npportunity to BBOBfMJ thciii. Now is their tiine for ai'tion. PMSILOVS Fiy.i NClAlMO, ControHer QrOOB has jmlilish.-il a ItattOaBOBt Ol thfl operations of the City Ticasiity for thc rpiartcr einlintr July -V. If thc Mpeiatiuiis of the Couiity Treasury wero included and thc pcriiMl covcrcd were twclv- nionlhs instead ol thi.-c, the doiiniicnt would b*valuablc. As it is, we have not been alile to dcrivo fmin if aay iiim>oitant addition to oui provious knowl edgo. 'J'wo monflis njro we rritiriscd thc reducfinn of the City and County taxes from thiriy-twn million dollars in 1872 to twonty-?even millions in 1S73 an false econoniy. In that .opinion we are niuch itlOBglhOBlOd by t-vi-iits which hav sincc taken placc. The projiei-ty on this island is now BtOttgBgad tfl jiay liiterest 00 1187,000,000Ojl City antl County debt, the totoieat on which, at l| per cmt. is $8a90BrO00 ? yar. This debt is inrnasini:, aml iniist eontiniio to lucrease rajudly if only tuinty-seveu million dollars are raised by taxation to provide for forty niiliion dollars of expeuditurcs. We think this city has about all it can do to take caro of the debt as it now ntaiids without addiog to it one dollar on any pietcvt. Tax-payers may rest assuicd that the. oidinary expenses of the inuiiicipal governmciit will increase ijuito aa ta-t as their ability to pay. It tvill not be eaaiof t?> aettle foi poblk hnproyemente ten years hence than it is now. Tho Cny (iov crnnient and the TiftgiBlBtTiTB at Albany miist begin to act on this fiaw, or tho inevituble ind will be luunicipal insolvency. Tlie aKKregate ainount of the outstamliiiir bonds of the City aud County of New-York on the 31st of .Tnly, I87t, 8fBfl $128,000,000, and oc the 31st of July, 1873, $ 130,(300,000. Uut in 1873 the cash in the City and County treasur ies waa $4,.'i00,000 less than in 1872, bo that the ':rue iiicrea?e of tho debt has been about rwelve inillion dollars, or ton millions if we allow for tho increase of the Sinkinj,' Funds. Hut in 1872 tho taxes produced thirty-two million dollara. This year only twenty-scven millinns are to bo raised, and tho Stato (Jov ? riiimtit rc'iuiios four millions niore of this than it did in 1872. Only a vcry small part of the ten millions increase io the debt within the last twelve months can be laid to the Tainmatiy lekdiue. The debt incieased bc (Miise tlio tuxes were iusuflicient, and it ia dcstineil to increase hy a still greator sum, we think, within the iiext twelve months for thc aame reaaon. Thc old laws, passed by the Tweed Lepis laturc of 1781, which authoiized and cont?m plated an increaae of no leas than forty-five million dullais m the City and ('ounty dibt iu one yeai, ata- still made urto of >>y ttio liiiaid of Apportionment to increaae our load of debt. At the session of this Hoard on tho 23d of Autrust an irisue of onc htindred thou aajtd dollars of stink waa yoted for the pur jiose of raiaing mouey to pay for repairitag Rewi-rs! This was done umler an act of 1871, and what is it hut a lit.ial OBnjrtag out of thc profrrannne of the old Tainmany Hint; I And i an this piolli^ati- B8BJBBBJ Oi iMirrowinir be fol lowtd nnicli aBBUBBt wiilnnit mjiiry tothe muni t ipal crt-ilu 1 II* ii B78 havt, iiuiler u Kt-turm ad iiiiiii-lratioii, thc [debt iucreasing at thu rato of ti n par OBaai ]" i aniium, or tfonbling iu abiiut BBTBB vcars, n latoot BBBBJIfJOBion which is out ol all pro|Miit!.ui tO any nn rcav in tlu ali.liiy id pi-'p-nv oafBrBTB t" cinlun- taxation. Wt an tO ll BB DOBjdfl f"r iiinii- lhan OtM Uuid ol the cuircut vcai's BtaatO l.u. aud ol that tax, atnounting to about ten million dol lara for the County of New-York. only tho sum of one million and a half has yet been paid, thongh the wholo amount was duo BBBf moiiihs ago. Anolhcr feature of tlns dis fraeefal twenty-si vcn million dollars tax i.-vy is that only six and a half millions are prm ided to pay inlcrest on the debt, while tha sum retjuireil is about. nine millions. Iu making thia criticism we tlo not ovulook the exiatenee of tho Btettag l_d for the paymcnt of Intcic-t on th- City Debt (?iimroller Grecn, in his lettci to the liajor of dniie 17, bmmI eertainly taeladaa tha iiviniic ot that fund (from water raatB) &<??) ln the three millions whieh ha dedaeta from tha estimales foi the niiscell.iueous revi uues of tlc eity. The law w!.i?'h authorizis the htiilding ol | new Ci'y I'risou cxpnssly re qoirea that owe-ftfth Ihe eettaated cost bc included la this fcar'a tax levy. This pro visiou is v.ry roo'.ly disregarded by tlie Jloard ol .\|iporti')niiient. We are hapaf to laeagafaM a great improve tinnt in the adtninistration of the City Cot eininent, but we cannot disiruise our opinion ihai the tinaneial polit y ot the last iive years, if iiukIi toagar peaaiaaad in, will and in the total destruction of t!u: crodit of tho City and C'Minty. . TBE 9CBOOLMIBTBEM snUTFJ. All our readcrs can rememlH-r that ,):.-.. i V time bi-foro tlie. wlnii thn Nonh and South. aadat the intluence of pav-iion, ol prmciple, or of prejudice, angrily confiiHited each other, and kept up a lively intenlhaaaja of roenmination. It will l>e re 111. nibired, too, that there was nottmig in the Nortli whicl) the South professed to like SO littlc Bl tha Nortliern schools, wbich were pi ti~hly pronoimced hostile to tln- religious aad civil peaee <>f society. ifobodp in this regard was more vehenieiit tlian Gov. YVise of Virgfnrfti who long afo foand out, we napeet, that he was soniewhat mistakt n. At any rate, tha South itseif is now in a position so en tirely altered, with the eoiiditions of the piubl. tn so roinpl.'tely reversed, that we are not surprised to lind comniou education no loagCI a biigbear in ( lalitudes. As _BBM reconstnicted State.s are at last tn have ileinoeraey instead of aiistoeraey, and are to be govenied by a eaftage indepfMident of eoloi, and, indeed, almost univcrsal, the neces sity of education has beeome imperative, and i veii the New-England schooliiiaster and selioolma'am will now be warmly welcomed and generoiisly eneouraged. Wo are not sur priaadi therefore, to read that a Teachers' Coiiventioii haa lately baaa hall in TaBadaga, Alabama ; aml we are pleaaed to read ahn that three ladies were preOOBt whotook a part in the exercises. The evi rlasting I'ilgrim Father i-. in Alaliama at last ! That. chief bughear of the Soiittn rn mind?a upon tho plat form?has ceased to be frightful. Young ladies who aetually work for their wages will no longer be ranked as slavos, for there are no longi-r any slaves to rank thoni with. 1'reju dieea whieh were oaaa ouiaJpotoara, and whieh proinisetl to be immortal, have fadetl away, aad the intclligent Soathemer no more featl that his boy will be in danger' of ruiq for life beeaaae taafht his A B 0 by a be ipeetae* d woman baaj Bostou. The TaOadega Ooateatioa seems to have been like other Conventions of the nort to whieh iu this sectiou of the country W8 are pretty well aeeaatoned. Mis* Mary Hortoe, late I'rincipal of the Mobile Iligh School, read an cssiiy, aaid to have Im-cii a good one, upon the " Kducational Wants of the South"?an inleresting as well ;is an iniportunare topit. |i_ Jluiton is of Now-F.ngland bloixl and a woinaii, we stippose. of Ncw-Liigland ide.ts. Her paper gave rise to an animated di.-i us sion, from whieh we nattirally inter that it cotild not have beet. a dull production, what ever may havo been the opinions aihanced in it. For scvoial years past, in soason and sonie tinies, we are obliged to say, out of sea^on, we liave been iiiformed that whole uiasses of aootaapliihad aml aaiaaaawaaiadod waaaaa in tliese United States were wasting their livcs in unavailing regret that no "mission" had iinii roachaa_ad to theai. War came, and it .vas found that they made excellent nurses. Peaee haa come, and it is found that, they niake cxcelli ut teachers of the Southcrn chil dreii. To a great extent, whatevcr culture the freed people and their childreii have thus fui reeeired has como baaa womanly hands. SpeaJdag laacaallj. we are ?aHadad that the Work has been nobly aml bcautlfully ilonc, lor small remiiueration, ofteu at tho cost of great personal di.-com fort and saerifice, and with soniething of a inaternal devotion, whieh woman alono could have cxhibitid. The of tho sex to have some small share in tho great work dtiiing the dreadful struggle for life throiigh Whieh the country passed, we are uiclined to btlieve has uevei been sufliciently recognized, and never properly appreciated. This has usually been the fortune of woman in history. Her Mreiigth, endurance, and sulleiing during great PBblk iBJiOTgCllllifa havo seldoiil been fairly recorded or adcipiately ostimated as to their results. Other things being equal, womeu aro certainly tho best teachers of the young, or of the old who are childiflh in their ignoranc*. N.iture having designed theju to take so large a part in the eailiest culture of the, race, could not have di nied theni the qualitics myessary for a work so poculiar, so exacting, and so delicate. Coaaeqaaatly we find that they have prcdsely the qualities whieh aro wanted?patience, usually swcctncftri of temper, and always the rlioiier intuilions whieh are sometimes raoro usefid than the niost carcful of methoda. Tlny have conseiences, too, whieh havo uover baea hardenod into insensibility by tho con stant contlicta and competitions whieh are iKriH'tuated by tho ambitions, small or great, of restleas and dissatis licil meu. They calmly and seriously accept tha vocation of teacher as a flnal one, While to most nicn it is merely a stepping MoM to somethiug whieh i? absurdly consid ered higher and moro houorable, aa if any other calling could be. so. ln the coming Kepublic, whieh will be wirter aa well aa greater than even the fot.d-m dreams of patriotism can now pre li-uro it, when tho wasto places shall have baaa peoplcd, when upon plaina now doarrted imperial cities shall have arison, when lrom oeeaaj to eeaaa our tribes ihafl have UA no t.riitory a silent wilderuiMW. it may be impos ? il.U. for ub to determine the political and so cul position whieh is waiting for woman. Her naturo 'niity suffer a chango and uppiirtiiuity qualify her for paitieipatiou iu all the diitics of the i-omnionwealth; but so long as the race retains its radieal i|iialities, lt m to her aaiB that the lirst tiaiiiing aud ing of tle- proxunate treiieiiition mtHt in oTiUblj be iatroatedj while ia tln- work of the oit-uuL ui buildiutj uu _Uto_ whieh hayo felt the blight and tasted the bifterness of Ciffl War, nothing can be done without, the School-kecpcr, aud but little without her who is, of all School-keepers, the ivent. SIIC SAMUEL BAKEirS EXPFDITIOX. Of laaa we have baaa ha] aa mako rapaaaaj refennee to the aspiring character of the Khedive ol Fgypt, evidences of whieh are con.staully coming to light. We have one dating from tho year 1871, whieh, if it did not thea at.ract mueh attentioii, is now calculated to do so from a knowlcdge of the niaguitude of the interests ail'ecicd. The trade iu Afn.aii slaves, wliich depended for it* siipply on Co extensive territory situated Ix-tween the bonlers of Kgypt and the country about Ztiii zibar, wliich is une_plored hy the slavc hunters, aflonkd the Khedivo M\ opportunity lor prornoting his tenitorial interests aud BO qairiag at the same time a rcjmtatioii for philaathropk iiiclinalions. Without tho in lluenee of uioro civilized nations, tlie slave hunters of the Nile would not men ly have been left to their infamous pnicticcs, but the F.gyptian Governmeut itsell would have super inieuded the hunting of slaves, as it did iu the days ol the Khedive's predcoessors. Among tho cxplorcrs of the Ndo regions who have halpad to form the sentirnent of civilized countnes against tho slave-hunteis of the Nile, is Sir Satuuel Hakcr, an En'glish traveler, who has contributed no incon niilirublu amount of. iniluence. Tho Khttlive, who eoveted the, territory south of the Soiidan, coiicoivcd the nlea of conciliating the Anti-Slavery advocatea at tho same time that he was prornoting his scheme of torri torial aggraudizement. Sir Samutl Ilakci was maile a pasha, granted a salary of $50,000, and conimissioriod to suppress tlie slave trade aud compier and aiint x to hgyapt territory at his discretiou. To assist him in his i xpedition he was givon an army of 1,100 men, and the further promise wus made that he shonld be reimbaraed for all tho expeaaei whieh he might incur. After surTiiouiiting numeroiis obstacles and oscapiug formidable daugers, he is now ou his way to the Egyptian ? to report the result of his expoditiou. From a statemeut whieh Sir Samuel Huker haa made ol his lalxirs we lind that his devo tion to the interests of his employer was not cxeelled by his attaehment to the humani tarian cause whieh he had espoused. On the c.ontrary, so grcatly is he elatcd with the con tcmplatioii of what he has aceoiiiplislicd, that he thtis aspraaaad biaiaelfi " I can ouly thank " God niost sincerely that we have. OfatCOBM " alJ opposition, and succeeded iu the niaiti " objeeta of the espedition?the ?appraaaioa " of the slave-trade, and the annexation of " the Cential Nile basin to Kgypt." If, of the two diatinet pnrpoaea whieh ha thaa undertook to carry out, he has been so successful, as ho assirtei, in regard to the tirst he is de.ierving of unliuiited coiunieiidation. His story can be told iu fow words. Most of the slavers were under the command of a seountlnd aaaaad Aboo Saoxl, wh<> hadinstigated Kabba Bdga, the chief of liuyoro, to opposo the cxpedition. On the journey to Uuyoro, Kaker induccl the native ciiiefs through whose tctn tory ha paaaad to ?abaai! to the Khedive's Governnient, atthoagfa it doaa not appeaf that they were implicatod iu tha slave tiaflk. Their touutry waa ooctipi'd by poitious of his troops, and he pursmd his march. Having arrived at Masiudi, Kabba Uega's cajiital, that, chief profisr-ed aUegtaaea to the Sultaii, and Kiiker formally took poaaaaaaaa <>f the couu try, aud the capturcd slaves were liberatcd. Owiag to tln- treai h.rous conduct of that chief a eoiitliet of seveii days siibseriuently eiisued, after whieh the forccs of Kabba Kega weredefeited and theii chief was deposed. Uiher cngagemcnts followed with ihe slavers, who had uiged Baker to hostility, and they were put to flight, although of the band composed of 1,300 meu, only ti WBRB taken prisomrs, and no exceedingly laigo nuinber was killed. All of the atocaa of tha slavers fell into tha hands. of [tha expeditionary forces, and the camp of the slavers was e.ntiiely destroyed. Sir Samuel Uaker theii regarded his work as aceoinplished, and began to retraee his steps. It will be premature at picsent to o_pres.s any ( opinion respecting the success af his ?laainn This will depeud largely ou the capaeity of ilie Khedive's Goverument to gar riaoo tho ooaqaered territory, aud his e*r_ di-iposition to preveut a renowal of tho slave trade. Of the two undcrtakings, we are dis posed to regard tho annexatiou of territory as more certain of a permanent solution. It may be that iu this prospeot we are to placo our baaa of a tenaiaatioB of the slave trade. Iu regard to a questinn of minor importance con neeted with the expedition, we do not partake uf Sir Samuel Kaker's exuberant aniicipa tions. His statemeut that tho Albert Nyauza is one sheet of water including the Tanganyika Lako is directly opposed to the theory of Dr. l.ivingstone. The latter ln.s personally ex plored the rcgion to the northern extrumity of Tanganvika I.tke, while Kaker, who went uo further toward the south than tho equator, over a hundnd miles north of tho region visited by Dr. Livingstone, depends entirely on the Btorios of natives for his statemeut. The uutrustworthy character of sueh testimony is too well knovvu to rotiuiro any demoustta tion. ___?______________ BWe rcmeuiher that when, durniK the druft riots^ an obliging mob undertook to biiru Tiik Tkihink offico, a smart showor einptiod I*rin11nur-Hou-n* aiiuaro iu abnut tlvo uitnutaa. It wa? neatly done, aad we were thankful for tlui respite, tsiough tln raricalu all came baek a?ain, WhBB tho ihoWBTWaa ovor. The aamo thfag has onurred on a Bjraatat 8C_le in Japan. Tlm fireet of iu the uorth wostorn part of the lslatid _BT8 B88B put out by h.'iivy nittis. The rebols, Bambariag 180,000, did u't relish being wot to their skins, aud a larga (i.iviriiiiieiit furrii aaaaiag at Ihe baa_i time, tbe revolutiouiats coihIihIimI to BB iu out of tlm raiu. This rais?? tlio ipiastion whethor water would not B8 iiuito ita aa tiro iu BBMBgiBg tlm |M?piilar ritgo. It isdotihtful wh.ithur auv tn>?t> wntild loag ha_g toROther, if tltily played upon by aix. or 881 'en ?aaaai liro-eiwnes. Habedy arat saw a rietat yt carrying BB uinlirella to pcatBOt b_BBB- Idiu the wnt, aud that itiiplDiuetui is laoeaB?Oaet witl, r.tpnl and flTeetivi' nvolutions. \oiftior tha A vcnirers niioplv tli.iiiiil', i'l witli w.ttor proof raiinpnt ; wliil.' _u.iih.ii adrantXCB would ho that a a*<>od inauy iii.iplii would k?i waahod wlio were uevar waslicd oofore. A new tn.'tnner of caUhitiff rata ia fx.ititiR nittTceit anioHk! liii- retumiiiK hoiiaeliolilerH in Madi non-ittei. A liarrol ia lillnd half full of water. A laviT of pawdatadaa$jh ia l.ud on ita BBI-MBj and ovit this a lay.'r of OOCB BM_I is siftrd. A i liair and ? box or two arn ptaaad unnlitriifiivuly iu tha tn uh horliiiod, tlie rat (raius the ralne of tho bar rel. He s.'.'.h nothiiibc but themeal. B8haa BB laBBBj iilitaa wliich teath liim ta bownre af tlm tn-arln'roiia laamlaHoa aa arbleh thal tBaayMaf Barfboa ri-ii?. ilo anitfi. hn leajM, and noes (.ently rlown through aaalaai aarb la his wataay trava. Ufaapal his* biaodaaaa bba dlaBNaai fraaa tbaadaaof tbebat> i.i ti.. v babien aftai aiai to cat tbair abara of tba probable pl_nd?___and aaa Ui mra ikeaiabj ln>i pitable death. Tho itlaa aaaaaa laffectire k- i-iin-t lll ? liltei, 1)111 bl akul.lli'l' 'O itaatlWI tt'. "I i..Ulul..iirr iu houuu ualurtk JOHN PAUL AJ SARATOOA. THK POHTMAMTKR'S VIKWH OF PBaHMH OKANT. A OMVa; VT'ilf 8BJ IVFATTTATTin OFTKK HOIDBBV? tafaYUnOBOBJ Of MIR I'RI-SIIjKVT's visir-ins CIIAKAITl'K A* (.OMI'AltKO WIIH SAliATOOA HOKNKKY ?THK VISITOIts DKCUP. A-ISO. IrROB AN OC'*BIONAI.( < IKKKaPOMiKNT ' >f THP. TBIBHKB.I SAltATiMiA, a\BBJ. 2o.?(ieu. Crant made BJ a BtBMl ,,i' a day lant week. Aml yeaterday tlie ruaA maater of the vlllas's, who has lotiat been proninlng? a drivp, i-alli-il f,ir ine with Iiir puny pttn'on 18 tbia. ilrivo 1 bai 18888*1 forward .11 e.u-er oiiun..:; in of profll .a? well na pl.anun , tor B*BaBBB8BV J idnon N an olii real - ilont, famliiar with evory farm -huuae. iii Him viiimty? kuowa Juat wliere ovtry beo-rooat la, an.1 wh.;ii tlu- ln aa an lAveiiT?l.i a<-iiiiaiiit?,l %-ifi ,?ll tlu-'ona of tba vill.of" aa well an tho agrleultutal -ta'Miei "f tha suburba, aml haa fumls of an-rdofe aml roininiAcoBoa atorod up iu the fereavaure-houae of hia ,a|n, i?ua tiraia. h<i >(?u oiiii wi-ii BbbbBm wiiat rk-b Baatarial for btotaty I hopod to arloau frmn lnm aa B88 io;iBBfctt. "A flne day for a 'Iriv.-," I p-mark-d, Bi tho atrty mare Kltty lald baok h>-r eara and .-t art.-.l. " Yea," he roplied, BiaVaBa with B?uli, " hllt I roacrcl that (it-ii. (irant 18 not hero to BBjBf it." Wo ilrove 8B ln BBBB88 for 88888 BBB. BBB " Hy tha way," he ? 8, whi-ohnac round on rue nii.l 1, nlv. " ilitl yoii know that Ueu. Uraut paaaed 1888880. lo ro iAt\ w.-.-k I" I nulilly intimatod that I didn't know rancli 8BB BtBBBB at tho Baaa of the QeaBBBIB BHaBflB] .r -im?< . "An , scaii lent thiiiaf for tho viliau;e?a perfoot gBBBBBBl for tha town," he weut on in a 111, ilitativ- aaataari "tba iiiflui-ni-e of jtich a inan caunot hc 88881888 ?? Hia paaatai bObbbbjb aaai win do ? a aarM of g>ood; it miy not be felt now, perhapa, hut BBBBBBBQT will 88 bBBB1 flt. 1 ;" iiii'l ti.rn li-r".i. Ii ??! foi warJ 111 conI? 1111>' ,ti*a of tB8 far b'uture, aml tn-klod tlio BJBB* BBbrB Kltfy'g eara with tlio whip. Baa prompti, roapouded BJ kiokingj the daBhboanl Into l'-atlnr-ioi---ti I ,?-?< "l '? . ; : ivfnl way 8B8 ha.-," explatm-d tho arBBBBBBBBBa " I wuh lhat OBB (irant were hore to enjoy it." " What in tlio g;piioral ebaraiter of the country roumla l.oul t" I i.ilu-ii, by way of pBBBBBJ at BBB BBBBBB af atatiatlca. "Koli.-r aandy," h<? ropllod; "hut for rt8BB88a it la not Ui bt eoinparod 'o tBB ,l:ar.?, lor of 'on, OtBBBa TBata la a BBBB it will do to xtudy ; yoii c.iii't gal ;?t Inra all to 8B88 ; he'?) BBB Saratoata County ; you'vo mtt to diaj dowu taaf ;md out eftai Ma aad pafl ap ataaaiBi tt ioa * b8*l roalo? mado of;" ,iuj tbe routtnasu-r B8J8BB lajmcd into alistnution. "Are thereauyaotaBtl f3uil!i'v, ln tho m-i^litiorhuod t" I il.-ikril. " None by the narne of Orant," he atM ; " thore on#;bt to ii-for tlio rrodit of tBe ooiinty, hut BB88B aii.'t. Hy 1 InMron an all nirl.-': but lf Providiiiio ltiiiU mo B Uoy next tinie, I'li call lnm (Irant." Bfa Mrovo on. Bf iin-l l>y wo 8BBB8 IBt BB B Ugkl olutl o-. iiloolfluar the lak-. Tho MBBB W88 8 luvely our. Kir. far 111 the distanco atroti-lioil tBB BBBB 888818, fi iBBBi bjr gtaBBagCBBra hanko, or aBBBBI tooleroii mU% treaja taieBBd out 11; Su-uinier B88BB. 888188 a rippl.- ,n?;uri.ed tho niirror-liko aurftv-o of tho lak>', and lUltBj their tiooomsof jfold BaiBi to tho BfaaWBOCa hiiii, I iv u,l.<,aa near tlio nhoro. It would Invo BBBBkbd ptafBBBtlaB 88 latlBak .1 BBBt .rifli oi-i-ik-inc I8W I88B8 aml tOtkJ tBIt oa such aatlBI; only ,1 iiln-h BarB I inoo, t!i,' B :'l'il, 'lipoerl by a tawny Imlian maidi'n, oiiulil bo ln BaBaea WttB BBB scciie aiol -uirouii.liuar-.; BbBBBBB Bl :?ir. waior, aml ? v-ry whero wiia tho stiaU'estiou of tb?- pntiiro. "What a t.ioiunfiil vi,w:" I 88*88*BBBBBBR Bl rafjt aillinr.itioii to tho fBBaBaaattt, " 8ort of," be sui I; "but wtion yoti BBrBt8fta? tha charactorof CHMV OlBBl it 1- BBVBeiB m BOBtpBllBBB iiowhiro." And hu wluppa-.l up tlio gr.iy 11,110 Kitty, aml ilrovo liv l.oth MoonN aml M;. i-r*'*. BB olisorhod ia Btudy ttialho nover thotiKht of atkniaf no it BB li id n't licttcf utoi? aad BBl oui aiiu BBV8 ???''"i 'tbnn; to e it aad drink. Pn it wetit on till BBBt 10 o'rlock at nlirhf. About thia time I sii(r(roBtodrhat m-, BBBBl M I catne awiv without tnv iimiii-r parBapa wo Bai kaBaar ta bbbm to iupi>?r. aud on lookinu; at hi.s watoh tha Pontniasti r BBtagBI au too. And aftcr a little .irKiinont tho (frayuin Kuty waa brouifht lo be of tlu B8BM ininl. and B8 tai kod ?hip aud kaaaai otr m taatBtt itraataati " A reuiarkablo amuiil, tliBt Kuty," .aid tho l'oat nia?ter; "lf anytliiiiaj happiued to mo aho'd Bai Uor way bome iu tho daik?ri markablo aiiiujal, l wtah (Iraut woro 8888 to t-njoy her." Aftor drivin?{ an hour or two a briarlit liizht BBBBBBB visiblo ahov- tho tro,- t,,p.. " WjBl I- 11 O '" I MatB8a "The towu-hall olork." ho roplicl; 'it'-tk'ot nn itlu nilnati-d faro, aml la tlaayl tho fir-t tlii 11 lt yoti $$a whea yoii i-ome into tho villino af BBBBti it BBBWI up BBBBl aud ahouMor,! abovo ovoi> tbini; bJbb?JBBI like tho i-har 1, fi-r of Uoii. <Irant." Wo (lroyo on for another hour and I ?i>t hun/rlor, bnt tho town elook did n't rv-om to Kot any'noaror. "Art you sure you 'ro on tho rlirht road I" I BBBBl ? ".Siirr I'ni BB tho ricbt road!" answeivd tho Poat m.i-tor. ?* I'volivod bere mau and boy for 17 ycara; tboro aiuta cow-patb I aiut ai gualni'-il witb ; ihom m n't a BBBBB that I do n't know wno Iiv.-r th.-ro. I.a-t Kall I Btuinped tho county for Graut. Aud if I did n't know tho road Kitty would tako u.< liotue aBBklgBt a.1 a atnnaj. Wo ouajht to bo near Chaee'n placo now." "Suro euounh," ho aildod a ?taatt after, * h.-rc It ia. and tfeero'.s CBatt Miatirlf sittuiK' on tli>- fiaat888801 wo',; iirivo up aad aaaaa la iiim." a\a4 aetataafl bbb ijray maro Kitty ont ot tho ro^d a little and pallal up br ;h,- BBkJ with " Halloa, (^liaso !" ? I aln't <'h;i?e," aaid tho main doirrjedly. " oh, no, of course you ain't, I kuow that ; but this ta Chane'B place." " No, thN ain't OBBaflBrB placfl." "BBkaBaaagBa I 888 now; it's Merrick's ; Cbaae'B ta just. boyond." " >',., :t am't Mernek'.i, and Chaae's ain't jUAt beyand uutli.r.'' " Of courso not; how could I bo ao uiUlakou I It'a Kiiick.-rbaikorV." " No, it ain't Kniokorbaeker'a.". " Jiidpo Sackett'a I " " No." " Whoae ln thunder ta It. thon t " " Why, it'a luiur, darn yo." " My fri.-nd," I iut. rpo-od ?ootlnnu;ly, "can you tell ub how far :)fftho town olm-k M t " ' Wlial town ilook 1" hu fiawla I "That ono-Siratona," and I pointed at thr light abov-i- tlio tn-o topa. "That'a tho inooti, yoa BBfat 1 fool. and tatflB 8B tn? maiu slioot 111 Ilallstoii ;" aml Bt WBBl mto tlio hoilaa, al.iininiinr tho door hohind him a<. BBwafl Itoiakeit olf ttahniKea, "I'm BBtiy he'a (fono, for I w.\* )nt iroine 88 aak hlra if ho'd . vor studud tlio BB8BBI for of (J-.-n. <lr uit," re markod tho U'oatiuastcr. "llet up, Kitl/.'' and ba touolioil ber with the wbip. Tln.s tuuo. BaatBi Bl .nuiaj up what was bft of tho danhlroarl. BBB 88881 B BflfiaBBl ae bia;aa a pioco of cordwood ouc of tho oihor eud of ttae pBtetaa Wo uot home some time noxt mornin?r, and if i-vrr I uml-rtake 88 atudy tho charaoter of tl"u. (irant or drtva with tho Pttstmaator agaio, let nie know it In idvanoe. Nor la my confldonoe in the abillty of an tBaaMgaBBl horao to tlnd tho way hoiue, whon hia BBB88BI ta at fault. iiulte ao atronic aa it waa. CVrtaiuly tho ifrav m.iro Kitty ia uot 88 88 ri-liodoii fordrawni? thoao nu-o diBiiiiciioaaa, BB88B8 is con.idoiable on d.ij-hl.o^id. if youai.rher oara with a whlp. aud thua bioaka up iht ui.oiot ny ot diiMiiat ttirou^li a l.-vil ,,>u:itty iiko saraiox1- Ba I '>?n w.-ii ?jaBBaataad roalBiBaciii J iQaoa'a lafaaal ta part with hor for any pnro that ho B8I | Bt '" BB BafBrBB. Uut i dou'l *>>e what ho *?> .11 fiiatit thafa BO atu:in!ii<, 08888 woiid-riin-it 1- BBB888BI 1 88 B) BBW BB paaa away tho timo now that th" 18888888 iaad, I baya 88888888881 that aft^r roai-lniiK a IBatBtB p,-n-,.l BB ttal one ta vory littb-tioubled about paBBbBg tiin.-; ill on* baa to do u BBBBl -?1111 and time alipa by you. IBBBBB thaai you wot of. faator tliau you wuh. i?u 08 uolhinc ia iBirl.i ul.n. pi lliap. , 1,1 lu.^i- 111 uo dl\.T.Iou. OUt PB$J tflj BJ la BB1I8BB8IT- BBilagtl 8 kJBfTj ? ?'' -"?? 88 8881 at ?? ru'-bo ir o! tli,-niK'ht I. fa.bli-imoli'. 88 b f8r8 888 know it aaa dav la a,'""" kaB ta itBar 1- lapatae "u Hut for ainiiH. ruont what would you bawe mywlur- other we have bere 1 Thi-re *ro ImiwIih^ ali.-ya for ladlaa aml fc'ont!i)tinii. and BBBBBBl ?>an |B 888*8 a:id 111 lulgro iu " tba flowiuai" to tln-ir hrart'a oonteut \ml toarKi away bettvr for the ex.-ma.. Dy far Hul ta ib uot nocraaary to bowl uioroly beoauao yoai no to iho alleya; aome couplea fo ta '? bowl, ' otuera ?o to " apoon," ?ad nobody ae.-ma to naa tin tho 11:1.1. BBB Mi. Wibovof .Mriid.ii, < oun., doaa not no to a.-o how niani pina ln-1 an aret down . be aiiu i'!v wisboa to -i-.-<?! 1 11.1 how luativ it la paaaaBbt 8B l.-ara laaiMllna'. ani tBeca ita f.-w ? Ba 1 ib baaa ktai ?t laatlakB BBtaBB Tin'ii tin-n-are tho awo lulian eDoauipnienta, with BBaaOBtBBBkOBtBBI aml lnKt. for l.ow aud arrnw |ir.u-tn-.- at i.ntl. I'i" ?una 111 uao are what ? t.x-kner paatal 1'1,1'n',.', ia kalr ta aa attO *a$r BtIbjbbb ID 1 lo- t 11 .,-t ia a u in I otib BoatBBM 8 b? dcuiOa 1 YaiC'it taal kaala Bfar, and a aaa taat ro.?r.. if you lnt ti.o aall'i "*?? laaliBB a >. \ ?.?.-ir ItBBl hor !> i|'B BB88M niiko Hu- nmi rSBI, aud ta ptBaaa tho BBkVI i baall I >> 81 lt, 1 didn't mak tlua ,1011 10 11 ? ' 11 l'-< ni ditit! tb 11 I 111 ado au oi.l aii.uUi.UJBU. v. Uo vvoU'd u.ui,. lf iu v. Ivt bv BCciuod