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-OL.VVVIT1 TVO.-flllS NEW-YORK. BATURDAT, SBPTBMBKB ?, i873.-TttlPU_ SIIKI-T. PRICE FOI R CBNT8. - \ . l A I 1 I.?- . a_.,--~. 1I0RK BROOKLYN FRAUD8. IS TI\K ilil'ST COMPANY SOT.VKNTt BBB HTtlCK B-P-BBBl AT ? ANU QMFBKBB AT 50 e_v?> on T-ii. BOBJ-Jt ? MO U8I OK Assrra ?-TAlNAHI.K--lV.rl.lrl KAU/WAY. lllrtil S 8KW1M. MB?BB?i BOOOB BT?IM BOBOM. -M? -OR__l> OBBR-D i-BOBM TIIKM. IBrir BBvafsal diiyn past, in eertain narrow eir e-Vea ol Brooklyn, rblefly au.onc rii-h men v ho invi-kt in SSSf-kN and l...i,iln, bul not hearit auioiiK the larffer ehiss ?f paaBBB men who are depoiitora of tiarrt-eariicil money, tbere 1,.. ? n_nrsth_l thr Trunt 4'oitipuuy, whii-h -a?ly mn|? nded iiiuli-r ni.ib tinhappy clrcuin^tancca. aml whicb had roeuiutdin auch a myaterioua miinm r. was l.uirt.riipt. Tl.ere BBfl been no time slnco its Btmiien ston on July 19 that B-Bhlfl of Its ?<.lven(-y have not beeu by thoae most lutimato witb its roauago aaent and mont. der.ily BMaeaetBd tn Ks auooess, As soon aa Uie r.jH.rt- i-e.-uh.i Tiik Tk.hi nb otMoe a eare ftil ?aporur. iBBMl-fl ?nh tbo luatory of ita supeneion. was iBre. te-l BB ihv.-sti.raL' ibe rumoru. and wbeu BBd?Bad of tbr taitd:> oi truth of Ihe iuiiior U> publinh the for IBe iuforn.atiou of .1. ixisitors; for lt isthi?c_ee who ara really Ihe aaaal n.t' r.-s ,1, and who ur,- . ntnly un rf-ant.-!.:"! "< tho _iana_;iuie_t aud eousequt ntly the l_wu>t protei-tert iv ,1 den.urre? wero mst rrn every harul. Tbe aaspa?oua persons who had knowledire, ot the faetsron oealed Hm ... at al toaal duaHaed eaaaaa aaleaMaa ti>< m, Bu-f.arth.-v Wflfl-d he held aecoutitable, and In hope, that tbeootniMii.i iu whieh they held atocif wbi'-li eould not be sold at any prlee nilcht yet pull throuich. The deuialsof MeOlHlBIJ eaSM frou. the ofticialr, ol tlie baak. wbo areint- i, -rteil ln BOB?aa-Bg the baadfl whieh have been i oiiiui Ut-<1 tl -. i-nini^li n,:,,r'... , taon wa. ol.taiticd to )n-tifv Tiie T__KT_a in wnrnliig daaeatien bbtbIbsI plerilBi taade la a eotparattoa *<> ___ ; IhM has been. Theae r.porta prew ?o ahMkaad taat that tha riaMdaat araa leeeed yeeterday to ebtain a eertiflrate of the e0unilnor-n of tho bank from tbe areo-i: tant who han lat, ty boen Bfl_aa_?fl_ the i_oVn. But it win aa seaa from what Mawa thaf the aivoiiiitftiit certltles onlv to the eoni f'iiexs of tbe aaaaaaBB] and m aa laMetMw with a Tbibubj ??, pvrUt tm\ _h?8d uny ku,,wied?e of the eharactei ol tho ?eeurittes whieh _\> to make up the*. Aiiion^- thr Baapleteaa faets di-iov, red it was lfarned tbat !'. sKiekhuldern whlch wan held M a aftfrtr ni of Iha bauk was a failure. BOBM of Ihoaa whe ?> M I M p q N pet eent of fh'-ir Btoeh ?tne, ,1. Imi '1 f., le v>, and havo put their f-t<? k on ihe Biarke! ut BBM thun tt Bflfl 888- ti WBBfl it BOBtthen. #n<- neatteeBBB who paid tin fnr Bm not k oir m <i it Ihe BflB. snd a rwldcr waa found. bnt after some lno,tilry he dBBHaad t" re,:?? Ivolt. It was tnen ofn-reil to him tor BM. and lt ? m de-l:ned with tbe aiiroihY.iiit rem.iik, ?? Not ut any pries " tn hardly a quest or. that mueb of tbo anap.eior, aUatbiiK; ts the t,ank ariw-n from thn maiin. r iu wi.i, h ItbasU-i-n BB-Bfai Mrty. The expoMire of th, fm! tbat its own rouuarl thr"W It nitn the h.ii.'ls of a re fteiver who was it? aetual Prealdent by coHuslon with aJBiaaed tha Bafaibm Oeart, aaBaaiaaaet eeeaaMat The lact that BfB I IM r,-:U!r;it!on a lliit.-.l ]?? who haa been unil'-r tmiOtt 8aflha BtBBt tmi wha Maa _rely taopendent on it for the forther advnnieinei.t whicb he ?_?? Un, aaa m.ole it.i I'n-i.lent, BBd han e.iro fnlly coneealed fnnn fhe pahMl a haa8r.8_8BI of "ts as srtf aud l.abiiitle-, BBTfl alarra still. Tlieii-h litti, i-'..?ii'wn of t^io iiiitur.- of theaoset*. tbat little lnereasea ihe anxiety aud iloubt- an to the ?olvi nry of tl.e ..iu, ? rn. It n? well knowu, li.,wevi i, tbat amou_othtre (1). if ar.- BMBdM of bo-.m I Maeahaadeoaiwldeh iino.iw were loantd. aud w-iiioh aecurtt'.et, ar. v,:i kiiownto be titterly worthress. Of this amouiit u,,t one peaai eaa ever bo eellected, tbouifh iha offie.-in" hapa ihey win he prood m l__e?M snd tbe ainount nnv a? well 1m- p-it rtown tm Umt, Th.-io ?a overdraUn ?,f Mr. Mliln for tHT/iJi); but his rstoto B bankrupl, n? BM uritieo have beeu obtaluod la sati.iy tha same, and it B haOWB thal ihe K,uic tlare aot punb tin been i.-ht aaa of than, who had his father'.e ronfldenc- ttml jH^?r_.<t? (ln, Hmi'i M , rreu. will revtai the loanu.r in whieh tbey torruplly used tho .au l'if mileiif. Tlim mm us mniply a bad debt. and tne )>.ink offi. ors so set it down to proflt aud lonn. The bank a!n<> , ,,,..itn aaaeafll tta a*net.n t-o0,0O0 of tho roor.K.irf.- bomln of Iha N.-w-Hsii n, Mi-.ldletowu aud W'llliniautir Kailuay. Tbere la v-.-ry little .l.nibt tlnu turtu baada ara B__tfe mii.ii Mm Umb _wto face; it is a yroiiii in arhathai ktt raadaaa ever pay tha latetaaBea tbe haaaa au.i, .-i i daly Umb ' auuot ue nallaed "u <-x ct|.t ai a haarj bbbvbi Iha IMBd Umbpbb] mbb ind. nni M BBtaM b-'iu- bv a p.r. ner of H. Caa, MIUb, BpaafBB aud Kodman lu a 8--V. i_k Ma. him- t'ompany, whoso riuban.. a miliira! ,oi,n, (fl ... <? of Ih8 '.u.iii ot the Tiai'.Ii oi_pany and the BteppBB- "( '"" ( ,v Ti*asnrv BBOjajrl '?-, is aunotiLoeil eMOWheta. Tiien- ar. alao auioiiK li,'- BdaeM t-U.100 bl ol >uudh._aii^juot't gogea nn Itrooklyu piop-rty. N'one'of these ean ha< ?aaliM-d upon al BBBB aud probably eaeb will have t > wan the fuii nm''.t hui" t" nm. aad thaa ha faaaetoaad, MMh?Mvadthal a_-4eal_i_ -BBm beadaaadaBBt gogt-it are uiHin paapatl] bemngins: to Mill?. lt w.,. aMa r.jK,r'.-0 i'i II - ? iii.ei-iioi. tha' Maai b_d bwii inaib m tax e.-.tifl, jt. ?? ou whuh nollun_ eould he reali/ed iu many vearn 0 BerdB?BCi-CIBBB-tBK_tlV( U>afO_ftd *beik I - r ra __?aa Bhaatt bai ll aae Baraed mai UBahad baaa pattly ndeeaaad with HBjaaefihe stot k of a Sfcwui.--M.i.-hiiie CompaDy, whuh JadfB BJoCae baa prououue**l au "atlive compauy who-e BMo-,Boaoioi. aaa not eaaatad aa aaeth aanrth_B>M The re_*on whv he MahBd Bfaa li Bfl woi thless is ex jSaiir-.l iu another coiurnn, Aluong ihe d'-manil loan? stsrured by . ol'ateral- th.-ie an- flflM b> bfl lmnionne ioaii. t" thfl I.ithfoi. hen iiik M.ieli.tie <'?iu).aii.,'' and ,lu- BaBafletaM are tbe( ompany'? bondn. Tbm louu )? naid tolre tM?',00U. baif l_8BMalaafllal ?l"i'? at tha OoB-peaj 01 thia Ceaapeay, JBdfa KeOaa, Milie, Bpaasafl tmt r_Klman-ill ihe __d Company JBlnir, .., ta- r, enojit K..|H-Hat..| C'liauni ev -are dlrcetora, 11 leouly jual lo add. howt-ir , tbat Judge HeCafl deui. tae BnaaaMaa. Th.ii, it mii baaaaa lhal among Iha aaeeto me tbe raib.wuiK teabtfa aa I aatlhlBefl aaea Of^irnia bea_B b'da-BBaajM Beadeaad Baerti'* IMMM Cnon. railraail i u-.. .uo.ia.- seMiiig-uiaebiue Milleoieri'iall . MlABt H!,H-k.i-y,.ooo (I) Here are oirr a mHiiou of doubtfnl and worthl, s. ... eunt.ea. On.-tnn. ih, BM*? ly doubtfnl ono?. and it eBMhadeaadthai ahaaami eaabtaae aeat haM a mii lM_ pa) |a wrii h ,-uo to ta Bddad some Mafl?aad M ?- f""u meu wl,? l-tu~a with ?HM. it wasaiH., -1 Bthal iha aaah had baaa Mada iiahie ___B_hadH?deatiaa B Iha CMjr T.eamry. Wm.'.Km.n MBMaaaaf aptaaae'eheadaaMB.aaB.taaadai io e,ne Bi-o?if. i a had _aa__i MiaMad, aad, la Iha ___atla| ad iKiuo-ii.ei nlBOdthfl'.u of tbe Coa.pnin's tubiiiii lor thia euBB. Thepeeal-a ??. lhal on jaly al. MeCae, Mb eaaaael, had adtoiaUy atatad Iha d m_m ef Iha aalj M ha IBBMBldh ami ihaaah. u waa aoon fi.ui.,1 ih,. tlie aetual au.n on ,.er>,,?it waa onlv BS67.8KI _n, the bauk .- re-pon?lbM fo; what its books abow and it* eouuief Ji?? adnnited. TIiib que^tiou eauaee gtrot doubt of llie BBBBIJI -d I he In. It tr. luither v,i<J tbal'the new tiesaurer, to 1* ar> polnted next Monday, will, of . aaaaa, immerliVe'v ilirin etit tm .-iti BepaaBM atttl M Ihe haaa. l*ahlM *p_8ea will lunat' on ibi*. BBd .! 'h hBBMflad U> bo doubtfnl if Bhahaal aaa ataad aaah a aaaaaad ?; IhaaBeaaaaa. Ttoen- bave Ih-oi. manv dsria'stioDe t?. the .outrary. but Uw-M-are frum 8B_88flll __? are liMie r:ed.!e,| - ,!h a atnrt IMflli Me t-BU. and who arr haawfl to have iod maoiod tii' trntb M l'_i ? V.HAI PBBMB?81 BB-BB -? - Anclher BB_ed teMerdnyon Pl fl _M nt ll .po. U. BBflflB-M hJBB rf__Jdin_ Ihe ch-raetei of tbe aas.ita Bai, aa ?i,l b'.-'e,-... heelie.led UttM .>'<??? (baiiittrei. -rai a*uial of Ibe all-__i'.._- 0- inlolvei.e. . Tl.e Iv! k-winif iat-f )).irrfl-w ilii-li !w? piace la-t al Mr Kopia'a heflBB I 14, raahaflapaBdaheda atat _wnt of thsassetsaud Bhah-MMaariha CBvpaaj '" Iha -_-!--'*?'?? ,hai BBa? hMfldaaad no lalaflei aia rou aJUlaa '<? fom.ab _a_>t A. Ihave to-day leie.ted tba lollowiur fiom Mr Warren. wbo ha? fnllt ein.ii.i'ied ihe Irook- I orrKBo*'w'.nhm K. Wam)..n. n rn... Acconn j ni, Naw-.oaa, riepi.... Mia > Ttw tlou. ktpirk. n-tprt. Prtmiamvak Brooklafa Iruttiom SasaBia: l be_sva 'uat i havo Ib bbj paneeeioBel] She ue.-a.l data tor a full n |"'.l of BJ e.xaii.lHul io. ?_f U.c alfai.n ol .otll eompaoi. UnaBBBlaOCOl *"?" wbwbyoi. an-* .. at-qualutad hara Ibae far pi< .??!-"' an araaarlaa -"?''? '??wardloa lo you aach a nporr, whicb. to the Biteal th-i my sfata-meiifn may be deeiu.-.i txastworlh), will, 1 iui ton-dmt, saiiafy any laii aiindfVl prirxiii of ibe entire ao.iiiduef. of ibe ( ,,'iipa.o ? I hown to fliul .nn. iii the .ourseot a few ilaye to utAkt ?a,tJ..- a,i,il voii euehanpori, iiieunw.le I you for liiBtiiuiin r>ie/circe thfl iueioeed ditflicateaot n?y irial b.'ilinrf. and eenrrsl balant-o aheet of the Company, ex blMUaa nu- eoiiiiitioii 011 IBa aaaralaaet Au*. a, ibto, utie.etly afler tbe setlloin.nt u.iitlo by tne Kcceiver aud tho fofnml resumptioii <>f baMaeaa, Kt-<|iio*tlh* a short roiiiiniiaiiro of ronr patlenoe for tbe pri'dueiion ot tho n-port, I aui, with _r-at r.kpoet, fuitliinlly, your olH-ilietit s'Tvant, W. K. Wakrfh. When Mr. Warren shall send me the liat of assote and liiit'illtl.s he Miieaka of 1 will furnlsh It to yon. [It will be eheerrcd that Mr, Wama saya nothtnjt wh.tever about tho assels und liantlltles. Mr .Kopes probably nu-aut that they wero eontaln.-d in tba eenerul bei tnee nhe.-t. l!ut )t will bo wt-ii helow thal Mr. War? ren doen not eertif v fo the value of the ~e_.n it i. n; in faet i... ini.r bM had th. .... uor any other pirsone thau Kopes, Ctiauneey, and M.-ciie.) Q. Tioes not one-quartcr of the depnslts, amonntlnc to B2.001 i,ooo, conslst of eity fundal A. No, Btr. My renol lertioti ia that of the ansets 1:100,000 of tho amount la tbe fuud, and tOtl.OCtn of tho stukin* fund. Q. Ih there not another slnele do|HiHtt amountlne to miu' '.liinj. like |HK),4XX) 1 A. No, Sir, nor auy amouut likrlt. Q. If either the eity deposita or any other lar*e de po--its were e.ii.ed for, would uot tho Truet Cotupuny be ]iiar_,l iu ,i peril.tis eoiiditiont A. No. Sir, very far from lt Tl.o ('oinpniiy i? etronerr to-duy than ever lt was, for two reasoua: l-'.t.nt, iKre.iine the call for euiitri tuttiou t> tho luiprovemeni of eapiul stock oover. the deflcteooyartataafro_ the Btleeoadael of ita former oftl. er*; and m-i-ond, lieo.aiise the severe e.xpetienoe witb wbleb tbe Board of TtUBtooa ha.? boen baptifled maki-.- u every way probaMe that they will be more vi.hl~nt con oentto* tue trust cumiu.ited to their eare. l_. Wi'l nol Ihe new (ity Trea-urer eall ln the city ftnda ,<n his Is not surh fle* t um probablo I A. Tbe City Tre aaurer, aecordiu* U> the vroi i?ion* oi th,- new Cbarter. haa notl-ui. to do with ihat ii.ail.r. It IBBtB with V.u- ('ouimlxs.ii.rior of the >,..kiii. Fuud, who, by it.n provl?ionn, ha* tbo di-posl tlou of tity luudi. should dflOflBIt beat to hare tbe etty'a money wltbdrawa, it would notafftct IBe eredit of tlie luntituiioi. one lota. (_. An ibere uot ta tta ar->.;a B argc numlK-rof roort pi._en npon property whieh eaaaol be nadilj reallsed .... I A. N,,t tomv ki.ovtleil-o. The ItiKtitulion h.ridn i liiili- iiiur. ilian B?BV880 <rf boada aad, whuh ,??!. bi Ralisod apon wlthoal mocbdelay. q iirrw iDii.-h of th.- MiiiMTiptinii of |Btoe_____et_, te ina'ki- *o?il the eapllai BlOOk, bai- lieei. p.tid inl A. About llTO.MK), OUt ol the $:.'?.. (M. Mllm,: ,:?-,,. BBfl beoti pald ln. Many of the BtoehtaMeN nm and have tx-ori out of Iowa, Wbo liave aigaldad tneirinte.itionof par ini; up t li. ir .bli, leni , -.. Ever. thiun, ""wtser. la asKured. To rover any defletency, aotea an la any poo> BessloD to the amount of |6oo,(Kj(., fik'iied 1>V 1. t' usteea, !.. iru.iaute- tta r, plaela* ol oapltal rtm-k. ij. Do yon know of aloeh havtaa been 'ffercdafM eei.tnon a nol ur, ibe i.uver, attereiaaitnartoB,nl?aaa 10 I.ike ll. aud Ihe ?< Ker then ufl.Filig It?Or M OBBMI A. No, Sir, I do not. lf eiich took place, however, it is ,ui exrelloht indieatlou tor tbo Company. Aasunilu* uuttwheu tta Oompany auapeadad taeetoeh wwumj worth Oo eenti on ttte doliar, BO ofl, r ,,! ,,, ,'uu would mnke the stoek eqinil to $1 15. and 55 PMM would ?aata - worth (M eanta pur vaiue) tl?; ttarafofla. the . ft.-r woald uut u-iitau- eaalaet Iha aafl_B-_Baa ot tha Company, ., __ (j. Now, Mr. Ropea. flnaliy, is not the Brooklyn Trust (ouipiiuv .uiu.I..- -aiikropt tblB momeatl b._loiaon t'.,;. iii'.'n.nik of'K.iiTiiiii't i-: tbe Board ol Trualon are uot shiikoii iieeiniM.-of tlie diltliiiltiea nnd-r whieh tbo Truat CotnpaDy tas labored ami irom whieh it i? now < in? ik'in.- tbey nro det. iii.iT.ed tbat uo! all the energiea bnt all tta wflfl-lh tbey poeaeaa chail hefally davotedtoneuacitatlaB tta Traat Oompany aml aaeta lt conform to tta orlgtaal porpoaafM whMh it wae cs tabllsbed: Ireijuent eoiumuiiKyttions frum tbe olher mii-l-UH-e bave -allell'd Ul.) lliut lt BOW beeome to ii,, in ii matterol pride lo eanr the laatltiitioo atone; th-v are earh and all ol them lully deterniii.ed thal tta . oinpany aball aaawat a.l the iBfahMBaaM oi ihe uOliera -lid the publ,e. THK p-snTWi Bl Brt-B-a-BI. A report-rot IBa Tklbi BB _M evenin.-, on Ih8 i i|,i 11 acr ouiitant who exa.uiii'-d into the aicounts of Iha Brooklyn Trtut Company. aai whola now BBM?fBd in imi. i.i.iiii-.At Uie oxlent o! tbe frauds tn tne offlee of the c.iv Tresiniirer. and the meanb of their perpetration, for tl.e piirpone ot BB_?d w'.at luiormalioti the Ki-nile ? Ichl bave toimp.irt relative to the nonndnera of the Truit Company. The interview opened by the ie j.orter'a anktnp tbe followin. fBB8B_B8 I o Vou e.-rtillied, to-day, in your letter fo Alderman ?opaalettaaeaadaeaeed ihe Tmct CBbbpauy. I* IhM la ha iiuiii.istood aa aa AdaaaesBBBa al their s.ei.ntie?, ,,r Be vou siiiiply un an Iha! tlie b<K,k.n aro all ftiaiitht I A. I rotan to aay IhM, lhal M the bi H of my Ik-.Ui I the Tr.e-t ? wadtttOB :it the tiiut I cxamiued itn books. about a foitni_-bt :iki. to meet auy demuutl that eaaM paaatMf m nimie npon it H. Ar*- yon not BWan _BBl BBMBC (be ikn*eif there Hre nm:!. donb.ful eeear-tlaal A. di eaflneIa_ aa at ?jiiaiiited with tbe chaia. f rof all tbe jk-isoi.s who have ?rone aa ee,iu-ltlea, but a* far as I know none are deaht ful. t.. If yoi. wi re told that the I.athrop Sowinn Ma.btne Compatii, taB by M.Cue, Milln, hprairue, Kodman, and jiraathflra White, haaa BtUI a Maaa a_aaai of the IPaaB ( eeapaay'a faada, an.i wan baatarapt, would youstni i>e lievetl.eTrust Company nolvent or cafe 1 A. I neverheard ef any ?uch eOB-paayj kaow BtlhtBg about ??- .-an aay aathiag iaaa_-_aa it. Q. Havo you or do vou know of a ra?e where the stock of this rompany has been offered for srile at tr, eaaM oa adeOar. the pereea who aaraed tetahettde .-llniuir lo rlo mi ufter an i-Tiimination of it" value had heea b_4b and the aalMt shea aflMaa it for 55 eenta on a doliar 1 A. I hai<-n-ver heard of Hiiy eiieh < ime, but I be.ieve that tbe (tork uf tbe company is wotth dollai for tlullar. AKOiHi:i! h'tniKN B-f0OONCEBN. .. HiMI'AM(.N BWIXOU PO HIK lIKui.hl.V.V lilXS ll.SK \SIIIKK. IU TBC-1 (CMI'AVV AS1, (IIY _B_?Ottt PCMM WBMT To?iiik " i.arilKOP < mMIUWIKIN -KWIMi-MM IIINK" OBO'4NV': P___ Tli_ lii.vnti-r.v an t<> uliere tlie iiioney ot tln Brooklya Unafl OaflBpaap an.i iha CMj Ti-eaaury of BroahljTB went to ih r.i)u,liy taMfl solved. II v, ii bB leuielirbei, il !ha! .tiiimii; tbo llieu who m du BOd I ? H. Mills lo ln vi nt BM nny M tho N, w Ilavrn, Middletown and Will.m.-intle Railroad was one Joua than A. fl. b.te ol >u M Bnad nt.... mm. l^h.lKl? thaia< U r was none of the Ix-nt, but who ilid a varioiia nnd appar ently prosperom business and who passc-d for a wealthy rpiiu, althoii_lt it is now be was a tiesperate apeealatee only, oud has haaa de aaaaead an eaeh. it >s Mated Whtta laaMaai MBJM ef !he baflda of tho road above named us u bomis for loamiig the i oinpany HV.OOO on its stock to the amount of 1?0,000, when it eppean ta faet that it waa tbe money of the Truwt Compnny whieh Wh.te hsd ad raaead Bn^eeqiiently, lt apiK-ars that bo raised a loan from the same Truat Company on tbe bonda ne had ob taiued for niakintr the loan to tbe railroad company. ii now appean tiMt wim. had aiM, e Baartaa bmbUbb ...iiip.ny. with a oapltal of 8_00,oou. or, at leant, pro trBsiutf to bave siieb a capital. He aBMl ted for and has pablMBad BB Ihl eards ol Ihe ootupuny tbe followini; liat of dirertora: The Hon. Alexander M< Cue. Brm.klvn. 1. B. Mi 1- il'ii-idi ui Hrnoklvii Tiunt Company). ( a Bpraaua (Malford A Bpraeroe). M.T. Bodmati (Beentari ol Brooklyn Trust Company). Joaatbau A. White (No. 36 Btoad-nt.. Now York). it ailltaeeea that tata M the ?id g*ug of tbe Trast Company come airaln I 'llie faetory of the oompany was loeated at Frankfort, a auhurb of l'hiladelphla, and about 40 or 50 hnuds have. been ami are still employed. But they have not been pail for four weeki pa?f. Tlie Trust Company had no s.K.ner laiiod thau the aewiiik- maebino eompanv sloppr d payment of its hands. The men have irrown eiauioroue f,.i-their money, and promlsea no loii(rer satmfy thoin. The maihinea liave u.-ve.r sold to any extent, and the . .i.reru has been MtafB-h-d ^om the flrst. Ai a late hour yeaterday mformatlnn. was received at I aa Tkihim'. ofti.e of tbe ernbarrassed condition of the ( oinpany and reporti r? were at one* dispatched to l.arn the aetual faets. White had gono to Phlladelpbia, Md'.ie had left Brooklyn, Rodman was silent, and only hprairue eaaM ta badaead to taik ou the aaajaat. ln furmatiou wai obtained, however. from another trust wortb.v aounethat the BBBB?fl waa a hiog aflair and lhal it B_d 8 tolal failure. The whole of the .-aiutal. win. h iiotwithsUndinj. the retloenee of Hprairue aud Kopee >s believed to have i.efn taken from tne Trnst Company witb only The t?,u?ls of tho " lalhtep Coii.hiuatloii l<ewiii|.-MacUlue .. BBBpaaj ." B8 eaa-MBBBi for the loan, has bei n suiik. In fnrma.ion froiu I'h.ladf Iphla pflM the lo?s at fciOO.OOO. The MIlB? tBB BMtaBMBM may ihrow some lik'ht u|?in l h)y new Biiik swindle. and i-eveal to Uie Trusl . ompany and the pcnpln of Bronklj u where a porlion of their money hnn PBfld Mt A t_?BBB iaP8Ba8B ealletl last nl_ht at Mr. Kprarne'a reaideure lo inquire of blm wbether he waa a dir. cttirof the " Ijitbrup Couibiuaiioii _>.?.lu_-Ma.hiiie ( orDpaiiy," aud what ihe bietory of thal enu-rprise waa. Mr. Hpra_,ie saul that he had a ilirteU.r In th< BBM panv, and suppo?d he was now. He fookno lufereet iu Ibe BBaMBT. ll was a atheiue (.'oiu-i. up by Milb- ulid Itodman. aud now tbat oue was d. ad aud ih, oih.r uiidei a clouJ, he BhBBB-B thal aa* aiiffleient M maBfi funda short aod p? srhBffl tulKhl ai-coiiut for tbe fa. I that tho uorkuin. ?< ri ui, paid. ile kuew _o__K ol II? liuau. uii londilion ol tin eoliipaoy, iu faet be took no uiteroat ,i. IU affu.ra wl.ut ?ve_. Me aonlU protor not to *ive tbe l_l bialory of bl* tlon witb tbr enterprlfe Juat now. rxecpt ?? aay lo *re.neral terma It waa Mllls and RoduiBu'a alTalr. la rrBponae to repeated inqnlriea be atated tbat li. tind Dot mveatrd to auy extrnt tn thi eiitjerpnae, BB tiiat luanatue waa uaed 88 aasiat otlwrs Ui their t-fforiB to iiialte tlie toruiiany a aiit-cei-. Judgo MC'ue wa* aought lor bnt waa not found. and tbe reporier aacertalned tbat be waa at 8888-88, LonK iHland. AlOerman aRopea. however, m BpeakinK ?f Mct'ue'B BBBBMBBj-B with tbe enterprlae, aaid that the latter bad apoken to him 88880 tbr atatetn-fntH whieh had been 8-888880-8, to tho * ffn.-t that be waa 88888801I with the Bewlnn-machlne companr wbote BBBSB f-*< been tiven ln part redemptlou for tta forjced cbeek BBI 850,008. Mr. RopcBuald that Jiidge MeCue had BtiK">? tlzved euch BtateraentB aa Bt-M BB OBOOf p.rticiitar ; tbat he. bad 88888 been 188808888- in any BBBlBfl 8088*888 company to tho extent of a slnKle dollar; that lf any ii_in_*ie_ jt atated that be wa* or had beeii to eon BBSaai ho would retfard thc BOBBBBBS-t a* a alander cal' tPmmmmm to liijiire him, aud utwlil |B8888i BBBlBBt feBB iit-cor.lluK to law. Ald.-ruiau ItopeB, wbon i-tked whether any aewlnt m-cblne atoek waa coiiH.dered ainonK tho bsscU-of tbe lirooklyn Trurt 088888807. r-BBl that lo Uie boat of lua baaalaiaa it whb not ; that the only Bcwin_-nia(-htn. atoek whieh hu ha?1 any bnotvledtfo of tt. eounrction witli the baab waa Bome that had baea Ukenlnpan payiuent nnd na a comi'romltc tn Befflin,. a Iwi.fmo fortred iroldr.hrt-ktak.-it hy Rodman or Mllls-.uiie yearB a_o. He aOdOd ltiat tlio newInK tnaehine Btock inentiou. d wh? net roiinted a-non-the *"-eta. Mr. doclmrd to make any atatemrnt tn re-irn to l.'.a couiu (-tion tith the Coiop-itv to tlie r. porK-r. nr bara aay lui.rvi_w witb him or uuy niem-.-ruf thc preaa l.ere.ifter A _8_a_aa report*. wajasent InBrurrhtf Mr. Jonatbi.n A. Wiilte r.t M Bruad-a... bnt 080-0* llutl no nn-li naaK on any altm either at the entninee or iu BBy of Ihe hail* of t-nbotldi-fl. Hv tiuit of pei-Oteal laqulry at di_ereal o8_B_tlatbe liiciiiiMB, it witJ. BaaUy aaeertMBaid tbat M?.%hlle made hia he.ottpinrterB itt a atniill ofhee ln the narOf the luiildiut. on the third floor. KnteriniT this i.fflre; -Which a ainall aiiru itro_e.-1.n_ from tbe __* nuinif aniimitii ed to he Ibe ofll-1 "f 9. H. BeattB, broker, tlioreportrfr found lt to coualat of an iiitenor room, 1 cioseilhy a hii<-h railiiij?, with l-toaad B-tta WtadoWl, whieh -oncralodnt*. content*, ontaaldo uf whieh wm a natrow itnte roofTor paHBajrewiiy. tn which were Bealeu a aml a Uov. , __. _.. Q. lathr-ra uian hy the name nf .1 A ~ btte ln thiB (.mcet A. (Iiov) Yea, 8ir; he ia hcn wIkii hc i- m |o?jb_ imt he baa m-w aaae to Pblladelpb?.. (J. Wtufn did he leavr lor I'hliadelpl'ia I A. iliot I 1 81 trrd|ly afternoon. , _ _ q. When do yon expert him barkr A. (boy) To inorrov, uft.-i nuon. Thc man hcn- Interraptuut aaid thal be not 1*.- back to-nio-row aftCJJ-MOO, and that he would 88 more likely to be fonnd there on Mou day. "Wiii raa Mat- r_?r Bautel" aakod tBea-aa, Thv name wa-. clven. " IW. Mr Whit<- know >ou V he inqnliwd. " I think nof," wn Ibe rcply. "".omwbat jil.u c b1i.i1 I 1 aay t~ "I'.oni Hr-uklyn." " Krom Hroott lyn," cehocd the man. " vcrv fall, Mr.'Wl.ite will piobribly l*e hiitk 0H Monday." Ilinulrlea wen- mibfe .,ii.i,ii% made of the Jan.tor ?1 th* Uuildinar, who aaM, whcn a*kcil Ihe aatare of Mr. Whlte's buatn.ta*, tbat H' lia<lBo miinv vtx-atioiis it would he hard to f. II whieh oi,, litn qaealloaar referred t... "I-j Mr.Wbita -?abe M\tiii_-iiiaihine baataaaat" aaked tbe reporier. "??, ii-,1 taaiBfl irinchlnt-B. railroa.1 hiilldinr. evetvthinu: I .unl Itnnk of llieiii all,'' wae the rcfjly. It WBO QBlta tbal thc man anap.*oted _bo repotter knew all about tbeatairnewm loqnlriufl about, und laimrliit; uiiiler the IM-Iief llutl hc had t.een Btlalabea for a Oeputy a).. r.ll or elly manliul, thr reporier Ult. A LULL atthi: (TIY B-J-L iiiFAMKii: si'iiA.iiK BUBBBBIB^BI DBI -.m.ition aiiv a-BOBO-Ur- aa-WMC-BBOJ ikiai.? BBB I'HAKTTIt 1'R.ilU.KM. Tbi nioht iniiHirtant in.-itli'iit iti Brooklyn affairs yeBtrrday waa tht bBBBBBB-88B_ retiicii-liuii tt City TreaBtirrrBpraflur. Ab itrevioitslv reportf-d m IBB I'ltllil >R, he tendr red 8888881 daj ?< ..iro a vcrbal n-ai^ua Uaa to the Mavor, couplcd wiih tho condition that it ?should t.ike. elTict upon the 8888?88801881 of UB 888888881 by the Common Coum.l. BBBB? now ubautloned tbe attempt lo di. tat* terrna, and aaka for the innnediste* appoiataaoBi of a BBaaaaaar. Thc laotBaaBoa wa* em itt.tried ln a bncf eoiumuuH alion BJ?1888884 88 the Mavor ttudt.'otnmou Conut li, wlurh 0888 no rea*oi.H for thn atrp. Mayor Powell la-ned a.all for B 88888-1 BBB88-BJ of tlu- Board of Aldtrmen, to he hcld ou Tbi?*da> cvrnini:, foi tho purpoBe of rereivin,. the reBijfnat.oo of thc City Tr< asuror aml app intiitp bia tucce.aaor. There waa u uieetliif. of the biutl-oi.en of HpraKtie, aud Rodman ln (jonirolb-r b. hroe.lrr'B oOlv*-, yeaterday i.iornlnfl. Tlio Cotitroller atata-a tbat several of tben> were wililnfl to aettle their Inttillitiea bf p_>mr. caab, but aa 888888 obierta-d, lt wm> hualiy 8888-0 M aftWI U.'-ir n.atr* Indtfidual notiJ-were aijrned bv all of them, ex cept Johu l'attou, wbo detl-ir-a that he ha* no wialt to evade reepoiiBibiiity, but ia 88888880 BBBB prlm ipie to thr fliviugof notra, and neter aliriia them id hht hiiai iiftw afftirB. lt is Btalexl that Mi. l'attou will probably be sued for thc amount of hia liahillty. The uotea BtfBB arr payabli- Jan. 1,1874, and BBBb 888888 the indi Tidual pro*.*ortion of the Bi?mer'a liability for the BBB> ilency of lits.ouo. A joint a_re.ment wa* m!bo skut-d to BUUtB-aaaaaaap for thc aaic al baa paaaartv BfafpraaaB and Kialinaii, and drduei the iiin.iiiiii. IBB?red froin the total i-oreretl hy the note--. The hondamen .xpreaBed Uu-opiuion that the property aaBicnBil for Ihe purpose hy Mr. Kpratjur would nieet the wbole deflelency, and that tbere wuuld he no flOBOBBBO for tbe t.akln_ up of thc nott-B. Mayor Powrll told 8 reporfer ye?t,-rdny tbal he fa vori il llie l'lan of 888888?80 tbe piuonui, and said thal he wuuld willinflly eprak lo Rodmnn in BbBBb- to the wat ter. but that he wna 8888 bl-i tu'itiTe? would 88 tni?eon 8_raa_L Thr (irand Jnry will be lmpantled and awoiu flfl Montlii.v inornin-. It lt understood that lioduian'fl 8888 will Ik- BflSBBBBBI 888888 aa the inr.i ia 880888881, aml a ai>ccil> indictu.i ;it und an early B?kl, which 8?10881 the aottilit; a*id< of 8lio BSfflaO-BBBBaT foraiin... are promiaed. It waa Iiie opinlon of u.any iaBti ra. yeaf'-r.lay, thnt tho aciion of the new Charter, wnii h ataiem bBBl no city offli-er who is counerted with an\ Oauklni: iiialili.lion in whifb the of tlie rity ur. ilt i-.ait-.l ahall retnaiu m aS-88, ** applieable I.t Jildire McCoe, ..Idrritian Kipley Baaaa, and others. Mr. Itopei hold? the tjKjgition of Chairuiau of tbe r'mance CVunnnwce of tht lioard of Aldurmert, acd no mone.y can Ih paid out without hia ai.rmture to the 8888888, By rlrtue of thia pn-rora tive, it ia rlaiuied, he IritpomcB a d.ahunuu*; efheer of Ihe t-ity, and ttura eomea within th* proi ialoiui of thia art A lutlfte of the City Court haa eitv Junedletion. and baaBM may be aaaaMaiB- a t-ity oltltteT, aml aa tho lallor rlauan of Hertum 8 of Title 11 .!.??? nrrt r<-atnrt fhe ap plicatioti of the rule to IBB?B?Bg and rerr.tvintr oftltJerH, bnt ditrlarra Ihr poaltion of any rity ofBoer Tacaot wbo tierotp':* connei U-d with an inrtitutlon ln which city funda arr deporttud, Judn-e McCue and BaB-B Hh trlct-Attomey Culit-n, whose conu.*ction ailh the Triiat Company are well known, are thouirbt to retain, tlie irally, their city offlreg. On tha other handfit ib e.lain.ed by the opponeutB of thi* in^rpreutiou of tbe aeetion, MBBBB BBBB membera of the OBOSBB?BOO Of. Oui Jltin dred who were lotereateil in the fraimn_r of the Bea-tion, that tbe djeburainir and i-eelvinit offleerB flf the UOV do not mrlndo tbe Mayor or tbo Chairman of the I ?? ( oiumittee nf tht- Board of Alderiue.ii; und lhat the aj-aope of tbr bi rtton Ib limltrd to n-rriving and dlBbHra iug ofllt-erB ; that lu tbe cla-t?r " iu faee auy city ofiieer ahall hecou.e au ofBoer, dlreetor, or tru*t?-e of auy aneh lr.atttution hin ol~ee ahall imtnetdlateJv he 0888880 TaiBIBt.*' etc, the w-rd* "any oftl^r'' are huitt<-d in their appliratton by the pre-redlnt. rlaniw, referrinir to diBlrarBltiK aud rei-eiving offieerB. itenjamin ?'. Trary ru alao of the opinlon that the ixiiiit ralrtfd wonld nof effe. t auy chaojee IB tbe. Ity Coierumeut. It could uot be po-ubie, he aaid, thal auy recelvliif or dtBhuraing- nfflrrr of tbe city holda tbe poalnou of dire.-tor or iruBtee of t.nv uiouoyewl lnatitulitm wbrre the rlty's money ia _e|*oaJted. Mr. Trat'y thoti_ht that the ab arncc nf the word " auch ' ia tbe laat t'lauwr, hefure tbe worda "rity offlcer,** waa a aimplet a_8M?8, WBMb woold be iinmediBtely u_der*t<oo(l, and uo uaauo L> rai-r-il on thn aunie.-i. trieaator tV.-rry.who had aBtoo?h bb any one ln f he l,e_iB lature todo -rth Uh' framlnit of the COarter, atva theln ti-atliui wa* to 1'iit a atop to the pra.-tiee which hud Iuiik preiailed uf pi rmittiut membera of the Riar to run their tutnk* aud mout-yed icatiluiiona with IBa anl of the citl funda, antl to ilm ar.e.i in futnre all conne.tlon lietweeu (lll ofllt-lala and the nii.mi.-rra of fhe-?e lti-atltu tiona. What efieet a rigld) coltaU-ui tiou of tbn ar.-lioit wonid bave on <?< rt? in men now holdtnt otti.-t; ..nd.. thc ("ity (iovrrnuirnt he tvaa not pret.ared tu ?*), ll 88 had uot invrn the Buhject auflli tetil tho-_bt. OPJNJONS OB THK HTUIT-OH. wm. a. corr. A Tiiim BB IBpartBTa v.'4-t?riliiy, r.'illiil iipoii Mi Wiilium A. Coit, an old reauU-nt of lirooklyn and nn ii.iat r (al the i nn.iiiitlaM Ot Kift>, who due* bUBltieis M a nal 888888 888888 at No. i. 1'ine *t., Nia York. tn UM-. riaiu hia \iewa of ibe aituhiion of affaira Mr. Coit aitld be bad very little- ? ttki to the n-marka of Mr. Back?oaeeaad olbera paMMBedta PrMay'a Tkibi jk He airreeil with them fully aa to the irrare aapect al Bl Taira in that ( :ly. and ala*. aa to t_e l.ea eaaity of rlfllM88*, iii(le|atiiileut a( tiou on the part if 81118888 10 n-actie tlu ,il> fnui the hauda of lla ofll, lal pluiilt-rt ra He tUoiiglit a nuiiiW-r of tb. B8SI kn08TB and mt*at tniat wortnj ettltena ol Bloablja akoald bt raiied lofetber for a i.nifi rt tin thal they aJmitld aall tu tlit- uid of ulliir* Wbo Bt-ig-t b8 tllflfla-tetl b> thoe- flul n,. t I.i | l.aa.tlli.1 1.1,(8 lloy 8-88-1 aitr.8 BBBB Hu tl.ue ?a* fm*. i--a GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. THE CANAIHAN RAILWAY SCANDAL. HKOO.VD UAY'H I Ki.i KKDINOS OP I?B KoYAI. 0_fl-> MlSfJION?COUUr.SI'iiM.I'.M'.K HKTWKMN SIK BBM?? i ln HI\'.KS ANU MII. BKATTY?THK EKKOItrS TO AMAlMiAMATK IU 11VU 00MP?Bfl?_ Tonosm, Ont., Si-pt. 6.?Tho fim witnoss eallod was Vietor HaB-BB, who (BfB hi* epMeflM ia Krench. Bakaaw BatMaaj about nagotlatlaaa ba* tween Sir Hugh Allan and Amcricaua ; wasainom haraf Q___*fl BbbbWbb Cinimitu-o; kaav Ihtko buiiib of moiu-y BBBB mibnci il? dby ____ towatil tlie oleclioti-; heard Mb Uugh Aliau was a Biib rscriber; did i...t know t.. what uitotint. Mr. Ii<-iiuliion, to wliom Sir llngh Allan p:iid $7,000, was next ealle.l, hm ___| not appear, not having ar rived in the city. Tho L'onrt arljouniod for nn BOBI to allow Mr. Iloatty's letU-rs, wliieh wi-re prod.tcod yesteiday by Sir f-flBflda llinrkn, to be taken down and appeiul. 'I to his cvidcuue. The first laBta pointa out to Sir ftaaata Um f'_iibility of iwmmIibiiUiib a PheUk liailway ui.-wuly by tho inslruiiioi.t.ility ti Atiieii. an rapitalinin, und sueli (Janadiu.i inllii.-iiei- aud capital Bfl could be Hiibhiilued. Sir riauris, in reply, -taflfl ihat Mr. H.-atu. and thu A.ner.i an eonipany wlueli he ropr.-reiiied, undof a nib-ipprcht nsiou respecting tho railway and tho polioy of tho (iiiiadian Govirninni.. lt" Amurii-an rnpitaliMt-n ent. red the oompany, an e<_ii.? nuinber of Caundi.'in eapitali.ntn of equal ineann iniint nlso 1?- iiit.-restod. It WBB i.eilhor tho lufention nor pl.-tco of tln I iliari (..iveniiiii-iit to BBMB pttBOflfl iu eotin,?> t ,.m with tl.,) BBflpaaa] woik. The lir.nt tliiii^ iM tln tiovi-riiliii-nt to eoiisnler was the of l.ind Kiaulrt, and the uiotuy they would B-TB t" aid tho road. Bafaaaa pattep ttmimkkti ipofl m ptapo" .it.oncoiild BB eiit.-rtained. li.atlv's ,n.-r..iiil,-r is B-BB-M I', tho lirst, on Iv tlmt BB uiiiioiii..'s hitii Batf aB repii-rie.ntatiie ol Ain.-ii, BB ____-? BflBB. 8BfBdJ__ in tl.e ,attaBBBNM aml uriniig iipim Sir Prancis the neceHHity of improving the tim.. Sir Fraii'is replies in fl letter intiinatiiig that Boatty did imt know BB WM t.ilkir-i_. abont. aml he, Kitsiemaii, aud otlu-r*. liad by injudi. loun pro tetdings injur.rd a nnileilaki.ig. ? otllillg of iliipnl i.iliie wasdoln- in IhB afterii.xili BBB?all, the tiiue hB_BJ oreiipied iu readiiiK uvci the t% id. tn ? MBB ;l euii'.-i ll.v rendcin.l. 'Hui e are no in.tii- arihbBaaflsaa i.and, but aaaafl aaa aspaetad io inorrow. i^ir l-'r.mi is BiaC_a slx'hily aiii.inleil one of his atioweiH in this BB??I r: " lt WM nover pro jmihwI by auv one to give the (harter, and tho (iov erniiiont never conteuipl.-iteil it.iinn )t to any "i>< until tha finliiie of ihe ttkttt to am.tlpainate the two Caiiadiau couipanies/' THK KEKl 1ILK Of SI'AIN. AM'iItKK C_-_X-1? (ritniS?CONDITION Or* Ull I.OV BBX___n poaon n an aao nwTfbihtiti bmib* shui rt al_i I AlilAi.l.NA lu B_M_>_M? LokikiS, -tiday. Sept. 0, I87S A tlisptteh froui Madiid this _MMB_Bg a,ii uuunces that tbe 8paniib Minisfrv lum ___BP_88_ A spei ial disust.b from Bayonne to Ma London Hour aayn tbe Mpanlsh (iovemment forees in have ?uf fictsnt proyinions on hand to lai-t them throoifhoot tle Winter. All eom-HTi-tal trafflc betwe. n the ,nv and tho port has haaa aaahlBMed, M e_dBB t<> attav Hall i.iay for tbe j;uui ol tlie SpauuU war "tilpa. ' Mahkih. Frirtar. 8opt 5, 1173. Thesu,.i?<.r of President Balnieron bas not yet baaa appointed. Bi t.,>r QeBlalaB lafljulneae ? eeadltMa of ac cepting ofur^ tbat tbo t'ortea tak.< n? n aaa until ali.m j'orlaiii aod prenlnic moasiu-os are .Imposed of, aud then that K afrjoitrn. whuh It should Im. able to do uliout tbe l?tot* Deeeuilier. Ho also demanda absoluto triwers ln u -JJoir witb insnri.enU. Tbo ijomen wiU meet in aecret setision tomorrowto settle Ihoirl Is. Wuen tho new MiuisU-r lit aflBBflBBBd BBflaB flalmerun w.ll prob ably bf. cb.?en Prosldsnt <if fhe l _rtea. The Impareiat soys lf _M -Btl BB_?ad powor. d.-ie fraUs will ln- M-iit to Tuba to arran_i; terius of peaM with the imiurcents. Val. ni ia has been .li'.lnr.d in a statf of siere. The hBflBBJMfll I-fldB M 4 art.iifenil is sending emli nir.i i, wbo art- pleutifiilly provi.led witb n.oiie.v, M l?ar eelona, to or__ni_e a movemont M fav,,; ef ? srparato j,,\ i iiiii.nit for (alaloiiia. KKKNCII I'OLIIKS. A__MCA_I ?oniui'Hi\ io BBflPlAI umii: : i tt, in hovoi: oi im: BB-CBLK W It-H BflOB OP * l.M.K .11. lol IISAI.. TAbis. FrbUv.Bept. 5. 1873. The Arnorican lesiilent in Paria yes t.tday propoaed to display tbe Unltod States &*g m honorof the proilamation of tho Borublie, but ihe 1'ro fiit ,,l,.|'-'-t. d, aud they aliaiiiBUiid tho i.leu. Tbe Mtnialer uf tbe IMBeMB haa i_s..o,l an order pro hh?_Bjt?I publi.Jitioiioi tlie I-dieal l_pabliean joiir ii.l, l.r I'rupU Hourrrukn, heeause. of ihe flppflBBtBM M l'lcolmnnaof art.cre* m.-.tiag MdMtafhaaaWaad oon teinpt for tbeOoveinme.if. DBFEH-i OF -UB BRITI8H MJNISTBT. l,usi>r,>,, BBBB ''? ' .-' Thr- iiiiniinl t.t the BBBtBI cntlcrs ol Hheflield took plaeo in that city yestorilay. Ita _Ba_d H,,ii. Koi'eit l-iwo, wbo was one of the (fitosts. in re s|K)nsi- toa toait, defended the pobey of Mi. OM??MflTfl i,.,-.erniiieiii and espreeaad aaaidaaafl M Iha raian ". Ibe Liber.ils. _______________ WA8BISQT0B, nu: i-Ai.Ml.Nf Of Tiir _aiiama IXOBMXiTT. WMKiN^roN-, itldajr, Bept. >? uas. Tbe 8i ndicate, yeaterday, couipleted tbeii iiauaae trolm ,< inie.-teil with Ihe paymeut of fhe Alal.iiui .11. demnify, liu money hafinRbren daHlWadM the Brlt IsbConsulat Now YorLanda re<- ipt fn.ui Ibe I'liinil MiirsTreasnry for |l'JO,<iOn coin M rnalte np Ibe fu'l amo(_tof |I6,-(..)0I\ whi.h Is now in the Trrasurv ?ur Jeet to tbe uulir uf the Britiab OarBfflBBBBl On tbe 16: b umt., tiie d_f ou wbub tbe aaard is due, a forinal tramf.- will be made, und tba ne.-eaaary exebani,o made betweeu ll.e Biate aud Treaiury Deparriuenls. l'raetically, ho_e\rr the wliole IrBBflailtl-B 1? alreadj I ooipl.-te, and ihe. money will W-lir?.-srod in now nn- r-r eeaM al on,. subiect to future iscisuuioir aud dMpaaItlea bv i eaanaa Thus far, bowotci, uoueof Ibe U.tuoattious eouueeleU with tho pavment of fhe AUbarr.a 111,1 ?miiify api" 11 '? tbe Publie Delrt staleiuents. Ibe deen-ase of tlll.d.USK) ln intcnst hestinK da:o dunn?r Au_rnst bav ln* b... n dm to tbe eettb ui-ut wlll.Syndlo.tro Bm Iblfl |BM88,808 de? livered oa the 1st of June. ?Wbolhn the GoTernmeat psra tiie BradkaM tbe u-ual eonadaaMa uu tbe BM?. .Ui of new in whieh the i,.!uia aasr.l ta tobe luiestedla a mati'-r 011 whlth BBOSl ,-I butal treaaury edfclala s.e IdBs-BBl and oilu-in ii-solutfi) ?H.'i.t. li.LKtT rtriu.a nKnicnVii) iv Notmi caroiiva. Cliector 1'in-ney Bo.lmiof tbo BeflaatB l)istn,.t o' Nirrtb Caroliua informs tbe Kovenue Ktireau thal Special lieputy R. H. l'attem.m and the soldirni umlor Lient KaMdaadaapad iwo BJMM dMtHla-Ma M laparead Oeaatjr, and made twelve 8-S-flM. on tlie ;tb of AaaaflB. On tbn l.tb thrr destroyed four and madr eigbt arreBts in MeUowell County They tbeu proc-oded to South Mountalu. Ju Buike Coin.ty, ?li-ie Ihev de sttoyed I'ljfht _Mt1MtMa aud maile 17 arrr>ie. These eiltbt dUtlllrnes were ? . lose provimify to e?< h ntli. ? aud informatioi. was received gf _fl arMflthflW hfltap nioperatioiiin Ihe Houlb Muunfaln, bat tBltherpt-flnM aaaeaMaledb] iha BBMt_8aaaaa al the BtaM Batberl lies. Utul. Masl an.i DBPBtf B_r8_al n-nvet- ben: arreatent npoii a twn.h warrant from JadflB CMrt tot _wtkmft_o^-rty. Ti.s BiMeMer, howefar, aapeta w.ll rrtuiu neit wrek lo tbe BBMB locallty. BBd BflBMMtl Irdera! aid if uerdful. lllh 1-All'M rltlAK-K'.X. Comnnsfloarr l),ui? haa lak.-u uo BfliMa ratatlTfl to tho patent rlgar bul. ?bleb be baa lieen BBBJBdM B.lopl.and to protnt a_ai_"t tb-- af tiltar ?IBBllllaiBia "f ?w York, Pi.ilBdotphia, and lUii.more apiwared before b.m aome wrrks aau. i.o\. 000?1 Aiioi 1 Ifl B-BBB-a Oov. 1 . eke of tins Diatrict lu.or_.ed aoiue of his ftienda, tia-da), that hia aucsaaor would tx- BPpaMtod wiiblniodata He haa laforw-d tbe I'rtiid.-iit ol bi ii.te-l.oii to resign. WAKH1NOTON BBM. I'r.if. nuyilen wntes frum the headuuatlern i.f ri i* Au* ? . 'We bave .lUBl aci-o-ipuabed tbe most uiBcull i?_i ?! tta B*a*?-lta Beoenl of ibe Ho>y 01888-8 rr-njr, vrrfieal t*>nre of B-M-J __j "f *"""? Tba ia .-tk ia i3,wo tttt aBara tba *e._, aud ai*o..t e,i>-.i i*?i al.ovc thc v iilev, aml M ao h.-d-ed In ly othcr iiioiin talnaeovered with it net-work t.f fall. n tlniber lo.k n? f.nirdaya to a-t-t to tt." ll" aaya.1 _*o l rTnum u.e i.ttitiialiii(.u?-ii ii." ni'.ri aaeeet tai iaa oBOfau. OuB-Daoat. CMpaty Caaaails-aaar al lutemai iw aaaa, i.t Kone M ?iinn_fl-iii, HL, to lavrsa-aaM B ? fratfla. which 11 U 8-8888-0 ?ill not t-Befld *. ".""'. ulilio iL-h it I" likely 8 W' II organl.zed syBtero of plimder baaexkOad fur feai 1'ii.aoiiai frK-nds of Mr. I*. -.inclB of Thr TV.*./ 1'imtl, now Ba8?afl8 to -18888, *-y ?.?>?. BB BBB 1-888888 WBB thc laMotloa of roalflBiBa TBB tUEEAOBUSETTa (,on:n\oi:slUP. BXO-AB-B Of <oii:ii-:-ii'.s BBIW-BM TBI m - - iiov. W-0B_KJ_a AiiKAi*- an OffTB i:-in*i.iii:it BB> ji . nn Al MD BBAIBa [BT TKI.K.iKM'll Tl) IWM TKIBI'SE.l BoartBf, sept. Ba?Tba eoafc ri waxeo b*b__b, .ind tha a_a_alar aaaaa ?>f _biaa liaaaB-BBBat-a Bepub litan rapraaaat-taTcaoa tho tOaarp ot 8-ea lahtlBg onc 1'or thfl iroicriioi-iiip. und two to prev.-nt 1-8 fallinir latO Iiim elate-t, baea-BB more und mme aad ex_at-ur< Tha taro eo-dklsti t< daj foi Um tnrt tUao bIboo tlu* iMfftao-ac of thfl ciiiipaiini. Thc Qovoraot vi-iti-ur thfl ciiuip of tiu- BaBoad -ariajadfl Lo hia -apaatty i ' iii.iinici in Chief, Oaa. Bafko -toobataip pvaoeatflB M;ijor-(ii -iit-ral ol tlic! 18 rolaatOflB iniliti.-i. TheOooero] a~o Iho flfsnawr. Rowalhed aptotha -OTfltaor, oeoooted him with a " How tt'vc do raa ffhfl vaaio __o bmt ftiond, aml aaftflt-d mtO ( oiivrrsation in wbieb bfl too*. thfl -Btf-Ol pirt. Ileanwhila laa baftic grawa larcor. .\a b tajT-ra ,-aiiiR BTOf BBBbV Bl tlio BB-OB08- to __ty an eoly II an twaaparad arlth ItBU irbUi Batlei -oat-rta it. Iho fbotiagoo-Bapto tiiisiiour: Batler.SOTi rTaahbara,Kl, b_mI_bO0O> totte*- or nn.-. itatn -BlfgaHonB, bm I et \ will bo coiinte.l for Bfltlcr. AflBflBg Bntler. piaB aro Walj.'iiei.l, -l.i-io Cyrai Wakcti.Id is kinp; WflflO Hoylt.m. 3 -hofl OBWB, and Wtsiiiclti, o bnra of feod arhtpfl and ehaap tdgatB. Waflhban hu* eoBOO-tod Mat-sb tw hi, tba boaaa <>f Waaaaar, aud aiadorar, ahaiethay'a w'tnitiaiy. Tlie plfl?BBO8?0 BBB" turc nf to-nil'Ii''i flO-ksaaaa taaVa Waahbani meii is thfl d'-fcat of District-Attorriey L_B_8S Bfl a 0-l0CBBa from CaOBhl-ltB I'V B 88*08- IM to II. IflSBI -cnta livediioih hariag -BoBaod m p^obbIb, tha Btate I'otiiiiiittei'i in a to Bf8-d a Cliainnan, for the party baaaB. ara paad paaaldi-a a-kwaa, The Adrertixer'it BBB ilt'iiartur*' 0OB0OI B BjOad dflOl of I'liinniriit, BBOB-lj l-TOrabla, and inak. I Tht IranUrr liotvlcdiloiiallt. aud would lihfl I" tliitc it out of tbe party. raa cat-OBao in bbw-bbdoobb. \nv-I.KiiKoi<i), S.-pt. !i.?Tliifl .ity will m*d nlne O-UajBtaBSBt Hntler antl bjx for iVaa-hurn. Tue Oflflaaal Ward will **end a douhltj laaajBl?Mi tltr*?e for BBBB. laatbBaaaa BaaiatBiaa Bttoaataa Ba whmhmtn\ ajjlaeBaataa 'hree for Waa.hh.irn, aud Saiigui two fm Uutlrr. ini i t rF>r aaiUB-t-. SpniNOFii-Li*, a^.-in. 5.?Tlit) do-Ofato olaa _taa io ui_ht lathnr set Hntler 808188-. Bl 888 88888 aaaaa aaaaaaaaal ^..111". Oat lataraa fool al 1 a.aa.i WaabbarBr-Bi Be_er,_8Bi eontei.te.1, 18. CbaWaraaa n-raud Oaatbtidaa 1 aaaaaea ar.- aal baarfl traat I-t aa tiKurea 08881 only 88888 half the 008*88ttaa. l ?? clianceb Btill are stron(tly fOT Witehburn. for ihe 18888 11 i to elect are atore nuttirally hli fban Itutler'a. 'imk i"i:x \s BBMOCBA-IC cunvknnov AVfj-TB, a^ipt. 5.?The 1>( inoiv.itir. Stato Oiaitnlltwi bbb falafli ra nritrr at onsa. m. a prayar 8)88888884 Bf tho Rcv. FToraro OU-t. Thc foliowl.i. reu'liitlon wanintrodtu-ed by Tf. 11. P-'po of Maiaball I BBBtOBSB. Sy tba CwM-taraUa tttty tt Texa* taai wherr.iB the BiP'leet <?f the, annexattoii of fb>- Pa of laddo an.) 1H-, 1.8888?--, UM 8888 Bfl-tataO, and wbereaa b_ul par_ibi-T an liMatlOeil M laaaaaat, ooiiri.-ally, andotberwiaej; thcreiore lx- it jmiuu firrif. Tbal (ae D-_M*eratuiparty of Texa* aaa* .t-e of aaM aabataa ot j.nucT,.iion. lol. J. W. Hteel ot tj-oa/ales. in a ..hor' 80888?, ap l*e_cd to the I'oitreniion ur* paaa ? reaolulion eiiir.-f.u-' the ?7_ipathy of the DaaBBBtBaTl of i* t.i* for tba flypaaaal paapto al Laa-alaaa. k ? atatiaa to that elle.t WikB BBBBBBBi Bf a lai-8 ui .? jorrly. The flrat b?liot for .ioicruor BBBBlM I BBBtBaanji BaBardOaBa at ffaaaaONi da*. Deaaaaaa aCCa-BBat-to, 1481 Johu IrtBkBO Sf ?-_oin, lll; ?'. B. Wiuklrn.f ('jr-i.-iia, lufi K 1). Walker or BacOfBaaBaa 75, fronf. r 0888-81 aro I'Hi.l'.l lt Bl 8181 .18 18 B KolI aaiiaba B. ijhj!.t; naaaaa-l-* aeBtBanaa; nae-taat. U8 nhatua. lll laalbliBa _IBB the Bral ballot, tba rriaaa. at B. i?- bTbUbi attB-iaw bta aaaa Tba - ...Uot m miw hcin^ iateii. 1*888881 BBBOBBf prevatl*. QBXAT I'AKMKK^-' UJXBTt-ICI IX IOWA. Ciiicabo, -S.-pt. ?*?.?Wiisiiinifi.'ii, faora, araa IBa aaaaa of iaa totaaat l___aar8' BkeatlBf wbtcbwa* .-t, r aaaaatMad m n.ut B-8le. The esaaal aod power of Um anaaliatManf tbi paBtaaaat baabaa-ry araa ni.own i,v itie attaaaaaeaat '>u -rans-e*, wn.. BBarebadiapi < raasMa, baaitao BBBaMfBaUa niottoej*. aml taaal m me raoa>Uaa at baabi ?.r.ier aud aaaaaapaaMO b. awaaaaa -atafaO wttk aaaBM?MUa aooatat?kaa Eaa a i bat al taaaaa aa tBa araaaO aara k%\ aad Baaa aata froin 8,888 BB BV 88 farwn i>t pn ?ent. Ther B888 hi B ad Oraaaedbji Hr. _M8B_f j> a-BB-M, Maatai of 'hc Ba tioual TIlBBOT ?" IB_t tbal Ihe O.dei uf fh? l'atrons of Hn-Ui.tndry w.-r.) in | fenilcil ln ei.J.ii.- Ihe afl-B-JtaSBl BB-B881 M Mat : |.,e fartu. i.tI" miik tottoihei and to bBltflB BMaMOtfOB | It raill i-iiabie him to but 8888880 -lid b*U 8-888., but taaaaaraBatlM eMaf ur Ita only Bifaataoaa ii B I aaaal o" blahBB ami boooiaB pataal ; pica, and would ni.tko Ba -lembor* Battat men fl_| ttoiii.u. PalimiB Bluiilid uot ne^le. t ?lltliii. tBBjabaalt itt-n.i m then- puiiiicii O-Uea with utalar aara i ttVkhtt h.*d baaoaaa asflsafl i rua.niy t,.-. BBflfl ihe inar-aof IB8 088881 had bBBB uuiiii.trineil t)f ii.T.i paHoealdaBaa, He ?ui tha hadaatit-l raaaaaaaf un* taaattj baifB tta pataaaal power bt IBtU: haiidt. aml he buprd tho dny a-auideo-irj when it would or deemed aini icii apalii nt.- duiy to watcii ojei aar libBBBJeaal thc poiu as to ilrfi-inl itictii on tlie l)Allle lit.-id. -Bt BOXl 1088-81 B8fl Mi-.t Julla h. 4ian?Uon, a farnier'* tUii.hle:-. Hrr '?-?.-i h ta.t-i Uie o.-at of the .1.11 . f'lll of ifoo.l IilH I . .'iiuptioin irf our poiitic. aaB of ?ood ad.ko to n.-r bietbren._ __ BirUBIall A.V l I.M1CAI, . (XMM1TII.K ThO rowulai uifctinic ?>1 -_8J K.'publiraii COB ! tTjn IJtirlMittTT wbt he!d. ev. innc, af itrpiii)ti._n I il.ili, iind B fair niajiiiity tf tho deletrateB froui the vati | i,u> -itati l.l* 8888888? to rno roil cail. Thf BflflttaC wat I raUsri io order l?v HujiIi 0-1-888, 1888808881 O. W. | atlltiK .ib -et-teiait. TJM__BBBt1-fBOBB8MBI8B i r*o*-tad aaall for |K_Baaf .-'e. Uoaa tat .icie^.ire-i ro tne i st-te < ouveutiou, aud ihe dain aa* iixe'd for F.idu.v, ? 18. (.'barlen H. Flau.o.ei offered a raaolu-wo re I j:_r-ln_ the fBa-t-kl atluna for tuetuDcrahip iu tlie var.oua j lUBBbBBBB DBtllnl laaBBa-ttTBf Ii waa lo Ihe 8-BMI I __uat 881*88aball ta BflBBaBB-aBaBBaaaBaaa within ! u.e ?floaaaj al tai caaaOtaUBa, nr eiiuinie m aaaa \ tarablf. *iii?. al tue* eleetiou injiu'dtately pt8> j . ealniK UM reni.iion of UB P8BBB8BBB8J, ahall*> i i.ii)|Ntr:eJ aut nf Iba caudidale* for natloual or Stalo I BtBaea who aara aai raaaaa-if alaaai iu uuininatiun hy ? the n ift.I.r iiiitv.ntlonB of the Republican p^rti ! Cliatle. -i IfflOOBi 88888881 BM BBOOBBOflt UM it'jol'i I i.nn. Htt aaaaataiai tbal unno *ku wrre Ini awiy it i tue la-t elet-tion to an honeat xtipport of Iforai n (i ? Oaaaalai Wm the ntier^ i*er*ou. _toald uoa he aa8-8d raerinia.l.itt ro iPtiiru to tb'l?* boioea. Maay of tbete ? ?i5_iuded Lahei-tl KuPMltiiCBUH Were re_di aud uioie ' t ii _ n willlai iu iT-tuiu u> tbeii- fortuataiicu?tuce, _ilhq ?_s |*ri-fectly -rililni: to wurk Bhonider ta .*_t.ii'..ler witb ia The fiii-t i'i?> iho UaBiaranoMt. pa.rr had ?yrn\n I iu iii ini and rri-Md' lo alitrw any otie to fhn a tu tbair ?? ln? blood. wa? ito M?tao iheyabouldd* Iikrwu-r. liupeuitetKe altuull be forulvea. t_rorjte BliaB, ir, ored ihe teaolution, aud bciieied thai thu* pasltaaos abaaM Oa.fBBf Baaaaaatraaaaa <he i H.uner* reijulrml fo ahow their eoiitrltlou at the poll*. | Pra-aUlemU_rdaorraaiatbed rae r.inafitini..ii iiml , iioajti all rfiiuiiKliient* n. tuia n. ttier, autl llutl tbi* oiu i iiiilit-e . iHilil ooly rxj.reBT an oplntou, wbii-b auunl n i aoaiae i>e aMIflBtorj uoaa baai d.ntri.t rloba. ? "' lliisa llioted the b.i .litutloli of " Bhoiild" lllBI88d "' " ahall," a. to tp.alitii.ili-._a, atidvtilh thia amunilmciit ibale.joiutaoii oaaaod by a aolaaf M yra*. wm"- k tasatattaa ofrred i? Col. Kiu.-., rrtiue.tiiiir iaa itoard of Aldcrinen to aet -itii.uit il.-liu ii. ihe i-iuidrmatinn or, ti'.n of tbe tioimiaat (in? ina.le by tlie Mayor (he te murkcil thnt Iheir n|ect,,.u taould do no haiiiu, waa unaaiaiouBit oaaaed. TIII- VKLLOWSTOXi: WAK. (,! v. fisTKi;s OTTtCUL DPOBTOF THB ioN.ii i; lavKK ami BM HOM fk.iits. an ________ to ni'.ov aaaa uuaiaa. oom-Umm INTO AN AMBt SH-TIIK HVI.IK MtK loMi'SS KiVKit?thk ?HllffllfT Of tiii: pnNIM l-D-p IIUIU JJUI 81 Blfl 1 IBB ni.i M",:.\ BB-l?BB TIIK IVI.hNX A.iAIN OOSOr?U?? To Rr.rKKaT? TIIK I4_BB- ?>N" B_4 II OBsd-l (l.ll.IAMIV OP TII! i OM- lN/>- , irRoa tiik MflCUt niRiii'ii'M' or rflfl tbir.IBB I M> flflBft __?_ Kivki:, Montana I-Bs, hdf, 10. - Tln- foilowing MOflfl. Caaahf--?? mI wpflal "f bia .BJPJMB-BB. BBB- BBB IndiaiiH on tho V.-ll?.wat?>i>? L.v.-r. Aujr. 4 nnd 11. an BBOOBal of flhlflh _flfl BBBB. telaapapbai to rm: T___n i BB_BQ0_BT_BBB_IT-t_OB TlM I-V__B-.| Po_r_T_ l*i_i ta. > YritowsTOvr Kl\ i lt. MonT'.m. haa.18.l88a > JeMaj .li'i-f-i. lajfa?iH Qtwtrm, TdhmtUmt Btym kttm Hia i A.-tin- aniaa th" _bb_ KtMM8af Iha : in e,BBMMB?-ft I P___B8__bIb1 I uVlockon thfl iiioini:..-: nf Ihfl Uk bfl*. wttb Bflfl Htpiadrou of flflf flflflflflflfli. n.iiBi>.rin, ':"";1 '?" ?'r". toe.plor.-a BBflta onr flWflh thfl ni.iui loluinu iiiove. H_\u._ reailied a point BB Uk Ii Uflfl" Btflflfl liiier, near tho luoiitl. cl Iflflflfll Ut BT, B-4 -ev.-riil _il_ in B-fBflBB. and while wai.m,' _M at livil of the t'nr.n of ll.e eapedittofl, li- ii.''<l Si.nix iliu-bed boldly into _M8__I 8- tm.hM witiru flhkh my BflBBflBaai hai Baatai aaai uMhiib d. bb4 altuuiptad to Bt?BBBt? afli haaaaa Pioftaaately our vcd.-lt'-M di-.oi.-r.-.l the flpptaaeh "! tbe Ifl d-BM Ifl -MBB to flJflB tln- al:i:in. m tsfl flflO _? ti, i .| BMBBooadBara Mm k__?ataaflai B?8n they kept u|> a B8B-M ol* y.-ll.t. o. i-.isn,:iiil.y f.-waliota. Ah HiM.n Bfl thfl B8JM__BBM BBflM iiioimt 1.1.!??(!.-d Oaph Mosl.ti. t,, in,,,. out in pm snit; at tho MBBfl ttflM I MBfladwith Aatruapita ?draaee. ae___adad i>> i-' __a_, P.W OaaMr. FBOawteg tha IbbTbbb at a i.r,-._ ? Bap ?aapte-BBB heeaaaa exeited bjr the coafldefll ha cxhibited by the -iv B_B__ in our traat. fl?B88 BBflU ? Beeaaai Ial?_ flfl aaai a baaap Bwwth af tffl-bar \shii li . too,! aii,ni, tha rivor ban_ BbflTfl, When al niosi wiiiiiii ml.- iflflaa of aail ataahar, i due daal ? t-* s.juadroti to balt, flhOfl I with tflfl md.-rlie-. all lu - iuj. well uioiint.-d. BflBBBM<-d aftei tha BlBfll ." 888- r t.o dovelop their inteiitions. lWevding a fei\" l.iiiulied yardn in advatico of the BBJflB_MBi and keepiaa a wBtch-fll apa aa tha Hihat i.> n.v l.-ft. I lialtod. The six ___?? ? my fiont BBBB halted. asif to tcmpt further purMiit. lindine all , ilr.itH in Bhtfl dii.ilion BBMBfl?__ thflh B?flfl BBd inteiitions were i)iiickly made, e\ideul; ae Bf aooner wa? it ?eeu tbat wo iiitended to ailvance BB further than. with tlnir cliaractei.stie li.nils M_l yi-lla, over HB well unuint. d ?BH_B_B IflBBfll BB pertect line fniin thfl eilir.-of the timb.-r. aiiilehariri d doflfl upon GSapit Biajrlaa'- BqaBB_aBi_al Iha k;uii^ tiuie eudeavoiiug to iuten.-ipt tha BBB? BflBtj w.fh me. im: nol 8 . IBflT BTTA4 K AND BBPI lAKD. As flflBB a.-t iu- Bpead 0- tiie tliopiuir...-.'! aa vi ui.h 1 Man iiio.iuteil breflfhl ma vtthta hailtna <Iim.i Cafltflfl- tn.'ip, I .iiieite.i thal a__aar_a .[liiekly liirnw fnrw.inl a iliMinoiinteil UBfl <>f I'.nin inaudaadeaiw lo aaaptp a bw bdiaa aaa_JBfls Tha-tderwaflabfljrad witb Um paaBaal bImbU aad aa tha Sioai bbb_ da-i.iiiK haaafd. aapaattap lo lide down t'.n- >.|iadion, a llflfl of B-MMMflMad i.iv.ihMii'-n i,n>' baaa tha paai and iahverad, alinoi in the _eai of tho WBiiiefa, .? vsUey ,,t eathiafl baUata. winah beaha aad B?al ii-Hii their ibbbi in ull diioei."()?-. aad taat ?ata thaa aaa B-B?a re.-ii.ig baai _a asddle. ih.i.i.e.k _.-.\. nerlainta ?__? bbtdi_poa__aata t, tha .-ii'-e.e.i:n-_r pttaek erbteh tn kaata onr poemiefl aoatd aooa make apea aa i he great mperiority ofaai tiwai a M aaMiboto, the laag dta taacfl Bapaafltiaa BB_flfli tha BMia 88e_BB_-Laad the i? Ui t ,ifi' iiviii.i M.iii.d tiiai thavaada aharfl na still ooaeealeda poethBB a_ the BBflfla- aataiia. ni.!.).?-() me t<> B0B_B8 my UinveiiniiI-. ul liref. str.i liy to the d.-i'i ii.-iv.-. Thfl flfltfae Bqaadiaa, eaaflad thi h__B_hoh?ft.Tra*i alin '"?*?' aad aadeeaal laSgbl OB bat. The Il.dr.ltH. outnuiubeliliif IH ;.!lli"M ITA to ou,-, erfltfl eaabled t" flBflelap bi ?., batWBflfl their liucB. foimed r.i B B__BWji-__e, BBd fhe ni.- r vti.i'h il..w.-d at 8?i baaaa. Tba littlo beh. of tfaflbflfl ni Ml.i.'h wo had BBBl lii-t att.i'ked iuriiied a very k,..hI tal ouilnl hatflflfli wliile thfl ' r,-t of a BBBBB? table l.iud, ooareaieatlp loeflted tMa the tiiaber Baaa u< aa e-.-.-lieut iiu.-ot dflteaaa. rha laafth ai <>'ir bm aad the aamb-r of tha tmtntf paeTaatad aa bbbi bai nu' auy t'H' '? ui r.-s<-i-vo. lln-rv ai BUabla ai l 'T ynd uiaii \mi-.iti tha ahjifli?h h_e. vhiab was ia n alitjoarliaaaf battla, Bbbb the laathai al bbbb Imi.U:i_ boreea had to ba tadae d,aatbateaeb bai j ti.oii'i lu-lii eighi hi.iM-r). I'ntil tha lad?Mfl flflta made tO MBtafB-M fn .-Iv of onr (lihplaml aaaaaai lnil<l_t-8. fiouaaatlj i hargiap aa i<? aaa imc .ind liriiiaf with KreuL d.iibeiatiou aml BMBBBCPi i ipi. Uoflaa tau ndaadl eaBaaaaaal aloaa tha aa rt hue; I.i.-'.il. CflfltM I'Oiiimauded tlie < eul-- ; mv \'i jutiiiii, i.ieiu. Jaaaaa t'aihoun. BnatwaJ. <i tha i.M-ht, and Lictit.Cliail.-BA. Vtiiiiiiu thfl asft. a PVT?J A.ii'ii'i io PO-ci 'in- raooai i on i nriK POBI ii ??. The iii-,1 tadiaa __ai vaaahat fi>... ina p..... ??? ? Hioody Kuiie," tho Ciaw wba aeted .-? aai BadB and seouf. Haaa after, 1'iivale Charita B. MUb . ? 1 ATroop. Tth Ciivalry, BB?c.-i-d.-d in B8B?_fl BBBf* bine l.iillet diieiilly through tb^ baiy tt a 8-8? win. had beon , outpii uoua throuuhoul thfl . u_ai.eii., nl. At thfl BBBB) MBB knowu Bfll -Bfl baiiiflB ble<l many of then pafllflfl. while, Pfliflf ta .m. -I., I ? tered posilion, ihe only iBBMffl thu.-t la: mllu iod upon Bfl 8TBB 88M mau Bfli tflfl BflBBflfl w,,u.-ili-<!. BBB of tha latter baiai ahid ". thiaa placaB Wad ing their e_'nrt? to _B_BB ba. k ?_ liaB uuavaihug. ti.o Iadiaw now raaactei la a.-oii... ex|io>liont. H;. an'i ul-ntl.i ].r.-.-i.ii. -.-. l.-.l piai., Im V mi tiie iii aareral plaees lo tbe tall Bnflfl flhieh .n-.eirii tha ftaeai la aai fi mt, bspiac bj thia ?Baaa i" tetfl bb ba_-tathfl riie. .m.j thoaiaMh u at theii' alaaaaifli fBdlflaatesj fat ue ihsia w?* uo flifli piev.uling ar tiie tiu.o, flbilfl thfl gra?-a neely.lry flBOflgh to bfllfl Iflpiily. Takiag adTaataffl al th<- daaafl iraitB-B tt Baaaha ab_b rose fioui tht. buiiiing giasu, thfl IBB-MM. hy follow ing the BBflBM of the _______ BBflli flftflfleaa tuve to ubtain ashot at ns at BflflBBjaiBtfrdl 8__Bfl rBBffll bfll my men. ahaafflaS thal no ta ba api'ieheuded from the hIowIv advaui tute __MB, Btted upon the hint given bf tho Ba.a_Bfl. aud by takinn poeitions fltflflfl t? the __u.ea could frequeutly catch an opportntnty to BMt4 a ahnt thto.igh a birak in tbe ctirtain ol BBBB?t. and in this way .urpri-t- the Indiaxi by tbe adoptinii of his owu devi. e. THE KLldHT OT TnE _0t_ Tha flglit beKan at 11:30 _ m., aud waa aatfli withontcessation ontil near 3 o'elo. k, a!i i tl.itaof tha lu.lian.i to dialodgo na proving uhmkct-_f.l. The ludiabs bad becoote extremely waiy, aud bad attnoflt dieiontintied their ofl'cuaive inovementa. whe.i, my auimtu-tioa having ruti l?w. liflfl?hi to mount tho aqoadroaandcbarge the ludiuua aiti the iatention of dririnf them _r_n the field. Capt. Moylan promptly had hiB mea m fhe aadd!<\ aud t__.wiugfoiwardaOmouutf_.akin_i_iera. uud. t ] irttt Vamnm. the entire aquadron BBPtfli f-rwatd at a trot. Ko aooner did tbe Indlaaa tliace _ our mtru ilou tluu. .iorpito their aup-rlonty lu uauil-ra, tbev eowardly prepare.l for flla-t, In wbleb p-pt.rai.ui. tbey weio BBBfltfl ?-_8B8i wbeu Oapt. Moylaus BajBBdiflBJ . barxeil '.Ueiii au.l drove tbeia p-ll-wH fur thnn- an'.ra Kire pouiea. BlIlrHl or Dadlr aounded. motv lefi on iba biiltle ni"uud oralouittbe _B88d BhBM -i_h_ Bo rap iillr were tber for.eilto Bee tb*? "'e> ?> ?',.' oed , l Bae T-^t_ raaas