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V0LXXX.I1.I\o10,.4.. NEW-YORK. TUE8DAY, OCTOBEB 7, I87S.-TRIPLB BHBBT. PRICE POI It CBfTTS. TUE 1KISH QUEST10N. laECirilK HY OHARLKS I.RADLA. *.!I. CBil'Ki. UBB TAV.S UEB ___-UB-_OBU,-B L-XD-OBM -LMT.imi. DB.rBBB.' 001 Wt?__B___B__B?ABl aNA(.-TMixT?ni- caims of __-_??bb kin i tAND-IKUKKA.UlS AM> HOI MIAliA l K.N PSO Tt-ITB FKOM TKI: AI DtlN. F.. T_t- fc-oliiiK <?*? BtranacncsB which Cliarlos Bratl ]__jri. aald, ou hi* ital apaoaraaaa bafore aa oan aa-iiToi a, aaaaad hia. to hold hia erd_aa_j aal-r t-Uu.n "My Mflflatfl" in BBoyaaoa until a better BBBj-a-Btanoa aVeaU warraa. ita bbi. had cvid.mtiy p*_?t"?i away hofora hr baaaa hia BBeead Wttire l_*t mcl.t at BtO-BWaj Uall Thfl |Cr?v--ttiif. l.i- fnei lootan K-.I-IV..1 ronl.l ?ot readilv he tiii->:i d-* t .*i. nor eould tliat WBhsta met him an he eBBBOBBOB the pLitfortn taaBOakQ. In I.n.i antl li.-r wnmjru. Tlie am: BBUlte. BBBB aa ffTtaaj nlght a faol daottoafroal extent, aloulttlt s*. |a tlie BBBBB-? hut tt WBB e.mutitut.-.l I - BBBB an.l woman wheal c.ti.iitc.i;wu-cH thfl im prem uf aaiaoal Ihoaabt. Tben wttt aboal i aaa_i7flMB m tha haH dalagataa ta Uie BraaBoHeal AlHance attrai ted l>y the famc of tlie ?\h aker, Imt o?#tiri((i lo ha d.aa|>yo_iiUwJ if tlu-v eaaae exp< i? haaraa] tlnug whieh woald bboob thefaraifthadoay. Mr. IhBdlaBgh waraaed t?-> hlt aahjeel more qpViiBIj tiii," in liin paowioaa >? \A heii i.e s.iiii thaf tbe BBOjaal ef Ii.t.'cul wuh not ane "whieh a man flheoM bbobI bb hia baadad baoeo." and thal be aoald so.- no rea.*<.ri *? wny whal wmb paaiaed U) Polaod flboald ba Maaaoi. la balaad win whata nt la Polaodahooidhetrea *>n i.i lr. laii.t" he WBB CBOfl-tld tl) tln ll,. iraa aaeoad to aooa in liin ao-aowl adfBMota af Mr. Froode*. ahUltj ao a b-rtorian, baaha faarad thal " when the hlalna.>w looked a1 thefrieb Qaefltien in-) riewa wtn warped, and ba wu ttpt to liK.k iit UiiiiKe roiind a oarBer." Mr, d aaToral a_fcot.Bg iaotaai VBOBf - ring, and time and inatin. i in pcrf.-.t hann.'Tiy with the talt- he WBB V Hia appoeit-oa to arpaiatkB n-.t with aoo* I . proteet, which broaghl forth tn if thi wh tn l:i\el ol 1.aleritti.m. Mr. Bradl for aa hoar and twenry -nuiiii".-. aad at tha eloaa afhia addrooitbe iuvitaii.'ii w:i- e\t. nded to tboflfl who had qoeotioofl loaah -: a i" "'.' i ? wen bf (iii tl.e f.H ".ll. Aft.v .a .niii.i :-l;itf..nil Bl flrarin apaacb in favor o odependent 1 ? hr- fhhI. he had aorer bo ***nagly I boariag Mr. Bradlangh'a ed dren.. " You ean nev.-i win B ' by the t'.i.-rd,'' reotted Mr. Bi in i- an att.-ini't I feai I ?' d to ho yoar obob-7, aod Iwiahtoi you thal they who adi jirc \ h.ttei.-t i u. nm.-." Thia hfOOffht OB i.ther pniael CnoBOBi who aald that tben ? real hm (or in bu d o. I tha baarl i Boghaba-aa la E-aalaodorAa-erica. Aftarl iatarrapti oa, the _oeetiof ekeed al ahootlOo'clock, Tin!?? Mr. JotlB Stuait Mill, in a ticiti-i on [rel flflyfl " tbal MM ???'?? li ii 1.1- ? ? Haa.'Wbatflhall be-ooe f<-r Iiateadf* or ? Wu heaoaewltb ir- liir.d t' rl Ifl toea-leai pin tbe eoaacH- ami aaaflflb i liaiir.nt r;,v tl.iit I-biiiilil ln-nmte irii-liiie 1 lo ward tbe foaattfloai Mr. MiU wootod it. 1 beUera lt woald be for tl.. '? BB-aad, uml fnr Ibfl 1" aail ? ' und, tne, it lha qaaaflBB booaaBO, "Wbal aaa Lrt io for Irilandl" r.ittier IBBB " What xbiill l'n __ttmmttmmVt (lo trfUh lt!" Ali.1 1VC1) lli -rbiriu i i.< " i-iKiii.'ti rn ' i tboronablj ood awflfl aoeflllT. aad wltb tht apeakiiiBas I mvv-lf flbflll flfreak troiDao] . jtolnt "f ft_~ . ...'fition to iBllBHOCH bi.- niaiii:. r ni ( Wltb it. I niclit tn tt** B-cUabiB-a'i Tlew of tl n<\- -*. v i' i ?- ? ?? -?' Hm Ibj wuh ?De Hiirit.rttl t_ ' irtofl Jai ia.ix more tbtm nlncty lt is ttii- : " ii . I . "1 tbe nKiit to tttm in laml aaleai abe ea with tha free oaaaat aad tba raal eontaal ol tbi I ? i.ii i ' ? ? , open t. _ j, v U we eutiiiDt rule ber i.y our bB-OflOOfl BBd onr aBBflHOB, B*fl I ? | kofhkBOi : toi tbal wiii b. , i.i-iit. I aaa oaa af thoaa wbo aaa bm bo iHaraaefl bat oaaa ialand aad irci uni.'" iw .-.I. Haaaai. lan.1. l thmV that Ibajoda-Mal wbleb la applic . akl l.t-tl.- lU'Iiruicnt appli.'d t'. tl"' otl.t-r iilso. HI.i i, Iiv I'-.i:i) HOI i"VT i ptaaooi tbal 70a iboald leob nt i aaM H al tbe uioiu. nt. 1 I not very far baoK, hr. jj ,. ,,;-, . w. flf] l.'il tfltl i lott. tlic paat,boi -iiali BTOflfl a little unv back tht ?miiu-h r' eu ta im lo '?oriip'-i Iba Btata tt tbtaai - n(,w , -!??<. w.- holdlnlaad t nr laabtofl ?t iba pri wai .aaaaaal - lo\? ur tiy tmr aB-flttaa. We lioi'l her t?. a f.iui ntnieri eiiiiiilry. Anv flofl ttIio will trav.-' Ibtoafl-i Ir.litt.'t atid M-e our bflliaflla; flOJ one win. will ko mio a nn.t pcrtioi. ?f bolaait aalflflfltbfl t. i.>'i.-.p'i!. npon bad ropteaeoted tmrtotly o awdl-cattoa, a ereive lowoaaooraofl an ihfl CarfOa lawitevaillBf al the preiw-i.t tiiniiiciit lt) tliat land. If you r.jrard tbfl fiirt ttiiit t-O-earfl now lu ttii- Jailx of Great Itr uutiitM-rnf men-1 am not aliotit lo quurn-l Wltb tti-ir IiiIlHtOll ; TIl.'V .ilf.-lnl.-rt llp.liti.-t Tlie lAW rtlnl v.erc coinmltt.d to j.nnon lor it?when you know 111 ?ranvj;i.- in tlie IIouw of LflB-B* and Mr. (.la.i-toi..- ta kad out of tt>e House of fomniona, adtuilt.-.l tbat ttie a, |h of TTa ne uni. in Juil w.-re tbfl OflOOfl UBB kkd 01:1 OOT eriiiniiil To !?< -in Ibfl leJBCBM wlnrh slioui.l Imv.) tnt ii tiik.-t. ni hiin.l ^uiie 30 or 10 veara ago ; u .- .011 have lieard tliat Lord Cranville, BOtaraUd .,. A 1. a - T v utteier of unw.-ii lieil wurdn. told l.i.. |?-ii.. flflOBfl_ Inm ot Hn* Bfl ?' fl-l -I-. thut um-i bad baca ladaaedbr Ibfl v.-ry BMfOflBaol M ,j? H ? . . ,,. io iitl lu take lata ' i.n-i'li r_ti.ii ,i,, j. _ aBbfOwlM waald ael bawi baaa tht u i i-ay thal laa ?u-i t latb isw t;,. ? jallt aa Ibeai fl-ea, aad tliat tbe ooLr. ifloaoaaa al Iba QenaeaBeeB lhal M bad aaaa wrong BetBoM men _BaaM itav?- laehod tewaio ?u- imi.- aaeoad lha door* ta thr*m, at laao t*ieUu...ii> i.f it> ..wu sliame aml iieKi'a t tt tl..-mutter [(? * ? apBiaoae.] -baaa aae aaaaa wha aaj lhal ir.-.i.u.en alwajawlS he 4liaa-iittlcd ; ttmt wliat^v.T we bjh.v do fnr tln-ui ?e e?n liot iwiUaf)-ttirui. I'. rtiup-i tti-UL ini.lit ttlUt ttoiix our tiav'-K duiii- um uidi Ii for tketn (lauKliter an.l ai> jilttur.' an.l thn would bB-B been beBt-fl ?-.tiB_ied if we Iiad -one ? lltttr- less. |LoOghtot.l It l? a-id, *'You liavi BOl Tui of tht* lr.nb ( tiurob ?ow. Ttu- Irtoh Land Xaw was doue, away ?,t?, b> tht* I-ati'l A.t ,ut ttttti aud -trhat n,.re .lo you mani t" I propoae with riirar.i i? tae *<i-ond i*omt to ui'fl' upot) you tl)?t, Klonou* n* the land meaaure wa wu the paart of Gla<l?totif, it la ytl lui-ompleta aud mnuf fliieiit; t-iat lt BBOfl not ri-tnedy the rr;?J evil ln tlie can, tbat they wAitt removed. I ahali urne apon yim fiirthrr tho-KliU) wrtii referrne* tothe loovt-m, nt now j?rev-_il Inr iu IreJantl?the inoveuientk-owu tt - Home Itui. - tt,. BOfBBMBJ of tadaf. wlilch h a r*-al niovraneiit th( n. IteaJI You u-.-y BBB tfc (t BBaMBBBBl Bf thi) euor noiii uieetinjrfl held. not in Ireland a one. bat ln Oiaagow, liiru.ibKbau), l_..eriK)oI. and -OOOOH Haelf. [IflfleanJ II B not an lnve_iKiii of to-day. hut tbi- ver> ?oOBBOOJ win. li I>?mel OCfl-ue!! adv.-catr-d la OflBBfl frotu oue ?.n_J fll Irelm.Tl U> th'' otln r BBl I 'he tiovernn.i-ut tUntiied tht-ir lueeUnK* and BttttO I "' l^F^ ?oto acoi,. ?p:r_f.y. Il la thr-a_.i_.fl uitn.-iu.-nt ao thn, 1 prupo*,. to deal with tnat, thu aoaBBBfl. BBd lo expieaa _iy .,?u vw-wi-up-iu that ik.1-1 fuliy .-. I tf-1 Uaat I otoy oa thli point ha-e a do.U.le diJI. ulty. -heflfl BU /rlflhnieu here pBBBBfl- *bo **?>' -MM I do ?Kit?rof_irai_ou?l),aud ther. are ragMBbBiaB barfl wl,.. think 1 ntt, gv too tar; and there may be Axuerieai,. who mar dooht.the wlfldom of my intrudlufl tbia molu r npon them at all. I beilefle that I ?ha)l he Bhhl to ??i ttty the wbole of J0)U. I beileve that. with referenrt to the Iriabmen. II ther wlll li.t*n to Wtt tlvik _0^BBf*9**t ww*fc ^ vi*w' *^ th' _ th. ni aaaataaa wettbtf al rou. ui'-r-.iti<.n. with tmttttmmt to th<- ?aa-MkaBa. t o*n aaaa .i? ktg* tor uim in l> hc h i-i 11 .-..iivrli.iiHiii'SM of thc wrong wo i Mta .ri'likTHI. wlnth ci.iiin.l-. hun to hcar thlx tmlbfoci haaaatt. wMla be bmmbt wub it. [Aaflaaaa.] An.l fur Aii.crl'iiiit, I think I ahall be able to Ju_lfy my deallng on the aubject __BN tlu ui i_w. I aaaaal prrt.nd to bavo |lhe tthdarly i_fril>ii_ 9 of Mr., and I dare not pro ?: _aaa cf fktker Jiurke,. ut I may . ,. c ui.ich I havo . f..r tticin hi.H lK'?r. i.l in Kuclanil, aud lt WaaM aa|hn n' c.'-n ir iny ticws of tlio :. h. nl in.. u. 1 t.ifl'in, if tlicni-tl of thc <h< itiul .(.niiliou rrquirfljd that 1 should i.t_r them. [Ap i: .UM j DO-B lvnr. trt v ->_t*vi .r._ .VT fo c xuuiiiie Um inntter fniily l prnpote to rc vi. _ th. ii.tion, antl -.lih tha Irv,!i-,h i p- pl". 1 .1111 in-t ROlBg ?__?_ iii'u .i m ;y I ii'. vt,?;>'?_'? ii,!!u_ from oentury to cen . baaaaaa UI wara to do tkal thc ottte reiation of our oi . ild afttgkt any MeaamlnlBg tka rcco.'d. And it ia ImpoM I- i- Bta rlv iiiii'ot'-' cl there nrc tOWt hcrr?I ho[.c they are Eni. xh ?tho think thi* a fair m-ittcr for lcvitv. I confeaa 14* aot. I aaaaaaa _>aaa_B nf __w___at_a aod di_ f | . .. : ,v to a Mate of wrctchcdnc-ifl-an.l thanic in tho t ircumi-taiiccM of bro ittit out hi thc pi.licy of extermlnation .1 think that a coan tr> vUekkM |..ii >-...'il 11. rtth the people of In ln ,i rticiilil ai any r., .*. t.? grappio with fhc to|.if, nnd thn* - n dono and more ?. .h aol tkeaazora LagirepaiatMaaadaa . ime to .-uiv. -i. [Appfakaaa.] t ..ii agrionltural oottottf,tt nearly 11 tint i.s from nn i nf Ika li ir-ii - ? i\ with __T;i'ii!iuritl i'm-.- tiif--, ini baaaaaa Bnglaad preveal i frnmfoiiow nir iiny lr,,.lc rt.Bll.Dg sl-iillt .1 ii' la ii. ii.[i ;,t all. la no tr.t'l.', iii. iiic.iMirc of Rkilli'd hiimlirraft to wbh'ti i ir.icd their kaadetka) Badaadkaaaal i' ,.:?'.. >t.i._:. You may tell loo a!i :. BOW ni"vilcd. Thut 1 _ jmt true; but while ytm taara repealert Ika atatute, ? baaaa the babitl of i'f'' touhaM' iin-iilleil r .'.i.ui. You ih.ek a . ; ? ? ? ,. . ?? _ r iiartlcular '. iif.-, .lli.l 11 lr, in.'". ? i.'e, b.V Uio nicic 1. |.e.,l of : IbOBgkta of a na _ ... brlaj to 1 vir ui'.,u tli<m. [Ap ? raa lo a Irolaadl Waaa [rlakiaaa __aat> ;]. toi iad, the Ka ? ra . .iu i of tbe ton.- ? I . ? aad ti..-y ttt trom . tono. Wkaa the ln .imeii ki : aa '"1 thf exported frum Irelaad, n I ___ ? tkey B pl th. ir Uve'ic ? - oraad Iba bid. i tato i ,.i iad n rn _toa Ikaj tOOk to (iliccp-fai iuinr, tb. bttt inl" Ba tiaii'i -.. ' tkea tl b al i" ??".kink ll . :r wool lau. ci ?' bol I"' (lili.'cnt, tad :? -. I poinl yooto ? ak( b t) , n. m _? iii Ir. iiind, ,.:i 11 , .i.iiili Wbo i . ii i-tliviiii. t<> eavn an i.nut.l 1;\.?..;... 1. I p it UM .r -.ikaiid ii.i ?, -.i-r;. ?__ altk lO thc Bctttak Oo.e_.a_.__. Yoa wlll flad tbat aa laal ai . n taraed Ik. l? Btl ? '" ?__>. <""' o* thc uial.'.'. . ipnTeattDg tkaaa (raaa peraataa tt. Toa lall iaa ? . ? _i?? i- -? t, tii-y i.-ci I'ut no .: y fceliui' of ;. I Wlll l.'ll > wimt -Inl 11. . -I, Dofaoi aanui . s,,, im.. Wh'iil.' ___dwi i, to whlelj I netd in.t __rtk_r aiiiidc iii ii.i- 1'i.t'' i ?i.<ii i..ifl_iiiid aai ttin n men w.i>.iit' aaa lo ororawatke Irlak la ! .!. two men .i.t a .r.\ fricn Iiclaad iu term- ..' i . .. 1\ ..r.ilcri fioin tinic to BT Waa ll'iirv Uka tka toaob af ... apnuu. bon parl i? omti ti Itm . i ,u nc I 1. .|.d- ;tl I'fliitit ? IBOBIOBl Whc-li m f_ _J tka mii'iik ..: ti..i.e tn tln-in i Iml ih.y D86 tbal awaaoal akea wa wata .i."vu aad tke/ v... ji.a tbay oaa tkal ______ to _?_ m tbt iiu'i.i <.f raogeane. wklcb wa eoald bardly bara n . ii.tii. . . ii, IOOM i. ... 'iii. :i Ilu | ..f powe. ; aad H tl .-., v.-i.i. Ii iii,- In -i lo.flk i.i a rattaer tbaa a rlgbt TkoworBaol alaqaeal tirnt ? out for Ii ??) fr.. im!. utiereO ;aai iilakaan tka opportunity ux- la _ i, alalattaa l_ tki ir own i i - [Qiaal aj p Witb tba worda ol n arj Qrattaa t..--) ?eie eoatoat. Thrre war. ii.. sorl nf tiii-c.if, n. - "?. ti" ttti Wben wa were weak tbey wera lo/a. aad wben we lefl nui . laataad _ taklag mi iowi .1. I'lin' t" attlkc a hio-*-, thc rarj ii n wLj iiad been traiapled apoa, naardad aad ? d nn witl u.iii tnm-. _ i.< :i _'? aara iik-ani ,.,i tkea. i.y braakma. tke bayaaata iw. hadiniu-t'i toticin aadtrlad to take baaa .i> i? . - al .'ii aa kad gLttm and hu.l alwutfl. bb__B_ked |HisHi->. J Iiclan.l being aa llj-OOnt-T. natutally th. iainl (lUt'Btfl.'i! l.- Ihe ,|Ui' .ii.ii \vhlfl-1: lii?-.-1m BMMtaa j ; aad Mi Mill. ui a Hpccch ni.uic hy hun ln tlie ii. ..i.-i ..f flOaanaeai aa Mr. Cbtekaatai Faataaaaa'i Land ? ud: Poopie often aek, aad it baa boea i?-'tpd ttus eTeolag, Wby tboold tbat tfhleb v. .rk- _.-;i ln Bnglaod aol work [relandt ot why tbottld aaylblag be aeodod In , , i- in.' I-" 'i'-i i.i Y.ngi md t Mh.-thT Iii land waa an oxeeptloa to all Iba r.-^t of mankmd. tkat they eannot near tbe inatitationa wbleb raaaoo aad ezpott" .-I ri b ire ttii.-ht iu.-1 in- t.?-i-t ciiifl-aiiii.'.i io proaMXa aa ttoaal protpertty. - ir, we were ejoqueatly reaatadad Iba other uifitit ol that Ignoraaee anam^t whieh n greal phlloaopber waraedbJa eoteaaporane.? ?? igaoraot of mn being igaoraat," aad wken welaatel oo the Miiic ruiea iii r.-|.. I to l____ and lo KuL'.aii.i. me abow anotbei km.i ?f doable Igaoranee, and at tbe aame tim. dlaregard the preee. wbleb waa ?,i on tbe front o Uie temple ol Delpbl; not oal? we do not kuow wbal we nndertaka ta gorera, bai ae ti.. n.,i ku.._ ?? i\-h. ii'i-ii e.rcnmataneea and Irlab m to aocial and agrtealtural eeoooaiy ar.- u.. . tud tbe i? n i.i. . i i"i >i ineea ol tbe I. iiiimii im,-. u i- KagUabelrcnmttaneea aml EnglUb jm-. nliar. Ir.'lan.l i- tbe ttOi* ot exiatonee, and buman ft-elmg, an.l .ii ; |t la Engiaad tbat la oaa al thc lataral fl-ii.iiiiu ia. if auy h'.iii'i.iiiic gantleaaaa doabta tbia, I i,-k. i-. iiicr.- aay otbei ooaatry on Bta fuc. tt tb* e.-trtti Iu whi, h. not merely aaa fn.f. Init M a _< Ii'-ral ral_, tbe land i" uaaad ia __??_ aatalea i.y om- i-ias*, uu 1 fitrini'ii l.\ aii"tl).' cla?t "f ciipllrtli-t f?rm(r-, uml aeiualiy cuitivaU'd t't laboieraaalr dataefcad froaa tbe ?oilt aad reealriag aalj day wagee 1 ireiund letlketka ickt of the world ; i.i._ and ia ih. OSaaa__BBl couiilrj. mi ukBB ajuaanoa BBaamBB, No_ [ aaaaaaa la aaal art_ that lan.i aaaakaa f?r a few aaaaaaata. i do not j.ropow to taBBHa you witb tb* hlaUiry of toiifibiatiou altcr coufi"i-atluu, althouirh thm muat n..f M ovctl.tok. d in deallng with tueh otK_tlons, liecttiiflSe tlic?e coiiflacatlona have left their hane hthiud IBeaa. Men who are irraii.lHOua have heen told hy their Kraiidfathej-tof land of whieh th.-y were wronrfolly <3i_,,H)h?ctflV..l.aud 11 ia utterlv lmpoa.ilhln to hope to hlot oui thc techug ot dttconU-ut and diitatiifactlon arialDg outofthifl. In fart, ln anr other couutry than IreUnd ?we wonld mlob ila loyal foeliog;we ahould call lt a I,a_l_ic fc, )it_. Wc hate pralned-and I bave beard our B-.-tc.-mei. pralae-tlie Mai l-oeauao they hare dared to hop*- te rccover tbat whieh waa wroefced from th.-m n . lonjtera_. than thia. 1 have heard our own Icadliur of to dar-au 1 I hoiiore.l him for the worda I h._rd. M 3 taaaa aka IM I" for hl* _eulu., great tt If ia-1 have Ixilr-J him praiae the . eapolitan* for their eflort te r.-. tfal'lmo -ihe.uMlvea, and eueourage ttam In ttaefod they made I liave Mali him apeak of the rigbtofttaltaliaDi. ia Milan to orerthrow the yobe of tU-Au.t.ianathatlbe? aroeaad up-n them. and I eoa fhMthat I eannot bellere that poliliee ehau-." altb the K-oKraohy of the eoitntry, and that whioh Ia vlrtue ln I'ol?ud !>_-.??_. aaM ?? **____* or that wblcb ,t patrlotiam ln War??w becomea tr__on in tliuhlin atreeU. |(irea_ applanae I Wbiu. B ia trae-and perfe.tly._rue-t_?I tbeae confl?ea tiona dautomeume back, I urga upon yon tbat tbey haic heen hruujcht dowu to thia rery day. What did that law mrau. wbleh waa only repealcd nuder ?ad Oto/gi; IV.--a__a|__idt__t laa maaa wkhtb Ditvcaied Oetholiofl from holdln* land at tttn I _m md IMBBBBH the qiiOHtton from a religloiia pomt nf flew. Imt fmin a citlr-en'B polt.t of view ?. eltlaen of a Utate whlch haa tn.-ti of all MBflflOfl und. r Ita hanner, ii nd wlilrti h.ui no nplit to liifll.-t upun men of one rc liflon t (limi)ilitv, an.l men flfl another n-liir'nu .1 j.rcfercnef; wliith flhOOld liol'l thi- aword of jaitlee ev.-iily t.etwern tln m all. What did that nn-ml If you tell me that tliat diaahilitjr haa gui.e more thaa forty yeam, I a.iy It ia not true; I aay lt llvne ?milae_er, whtta P-oeaataarl landlordfl evict?Hi cathoiic laaaata aad bbbb a araBflaaaaa to thoae wim were not, and nhut otliern out frem their voteid in flflfl* tion afi.-r dircetion. If yott tell ine thifl Ih an eiawrf-ra ,-t i'. in,-nt, I aay unfortunaUily it ia uot. I can fflOflfl fnnn oae of thfl Kn/llrih I'arllameiit to another ; I am not talkniR tlic taB-BBBfl ttt Iilah patnota; IflflB tryiiiR the fOflflt-flO a? an Kn^linhman tf the adO-OOOa of BBB-al-aaa lapaahlag ?a?cain)it ir> baal more than for it.flaud out of tlicir moulliB I will take it, and I.y tlicir evld.-iire I will ack you togtVOJOBrvcr.liet laaJBhl. [Appluirie.] Ynumiiv U-.ll tno Mr. Froude ba? done all tbia. Tiicre aro tmino men who paint, and some mea who carieatiire; ilicro are oome men who iiiteud |fl p.unt truly, hut whoao mindn are ao WflBBOd tuutthc pencil. when it tonelien the e.-mvae, makcn t wry Iiik' dCHpito tlieuinelv. a. Wmle I adralt Mr. f-OOOVl fc'cniiw, whilo I admit liin BBBOlar ihlp, Ua fnlturc, I do not admit the mrr-. of liis look wheu ho ifl leehttf at tlie IrlBb tiu, -tiaa ; Ihfl lae-fl Oaiped and around the floroflfl from i.n -OgUflb JMiint fll vi. ?. [L.uta'ht.T uii.i iipi,liiiiM-.| Take thlfl land matter, and take H r.mlv. Whal hav. you IflflOl Knidlords who have no MflflOal WhOBJTOr la tenaniH, who n-irard Ihe tenitnt- at mi many flBOBBI'*. otit of WBOOkfOld and life MOOd ini-lit lie Kd.ii"' '? I) -aeata WhO WON aat eontent to get a rent whieh wa-t out of a.) prol.ortlon.Ml.idioiily Ihfl 1111*. ry and OflftfllBtJ flf daath U tlicy did not B-TB lt iinliie.-d any to g\\<- lt nt .ill, aad who fliTlaattr toU a man uli. r. Bifl thtm ihall IB tfl ubitl. ohaat ate iaaghBac ?enjr, ohaai bbi ?aa ihall mirry, whom he Hhall have to live 111 Ihfl BBflflfl BOOBfl Olth ni.ii carr.i.Tv to lniftn rBB-Bfa, Do you think theae aie itiaajieiatlOBflI Why, Mr. Morrifl, wbo wafl Th* Lmtittt ftmm Oeexa-Bflleoei flad HW Titut ,.- i. 'i t..1,ti oi taaflaraataa i"-h Brteraai . now, Mi. Merria, wha waa !*? ffbooiOO_B_fl_a-Iooar,a-l_i ..f awldowwhowaa .-vut.-.i rrofl-berb. laai lhaaaevaa raaraaaa,beaaaae bar daoabtcr bad .< n iiirm _.-? -t tn.irii.-.l .unl bad iconelo kab-bltadi- renl p nol ii.. loiiiiiiv. iin ti i- ..1111 wbom tin- uiiii-iiti r hitd man i.-.l bad * 1 i?-?l and tbe agenl ol tbe eottoee, oecu ,,.,,! 1,., ibe 11 iiiinvfii in .(.ni. tu allow tne -oinautoreceli ibei widowad daajrbter back to lifle with tn 1. Tba oniv plaee lhal 001 apea lo bei iraa the Londou workbou-e. Bomebod. aaya, " Impoaalble. I will mi.. -iiiiiiiiiii.k- more " Impoflaible." thal flboold tnaki 10.11 blood boll witb ihame if you dou'l ki _ uttle iiiiu- ; fott ntoa hhtget Lhlogt, oui ol wbleb happaaed npon Oh .-rtat,. ,.1 tbe B-trqui* , 1 i.,i,-:..wn. andwaadeaJI with hy tbo brtlllantpeu ol 1 , uad 1- 1 untii' 1 ot onlreraal knowl 11 !,.,_.i,i:i exeepl aaioaftbow ohearefloolll .. upon uii ln-.'. qu-fltloai tbal Um t II ,k< nn.-. ln. 1 t.y Un 11 aMiiiiiiiii--- ; I v-ill .,,,1 ,.t another whicb bappenod within 11 peraonal expertenee. Tbe "i" wbleb Linton ? laa itory ,.t a i.y wbo bad DOfatbei aod in. : livin.. ii.- fatbei iiioihi 1 had occupied .. ? ite of my Lord ' rh. boywaaMa bad i"...' Uli eblrl oriuil-allt) a povertj ; tiiMt 1- arloe ka tbe eoaatry 1 1 ime Irom. had .1 uoi.-.* mi 1 1 Di.t. li ie II nor iv, 1,1 pi B. ! nf '. 1 irdi im '?? - -t j' teh 1 undui t..! i.. . ?,, bai dooa. Be r.,n aboal Ibe B* Ida, llu __,,',. :,ii t ber and arandmotbex were livluir, aud h. 1 1 Moiii. tiai-- t ' so to flleep al tbeli boaae at n.-.'if, and uei with an unei. . ? oiKrtn ? ii,- eatate. 0.laj tbli wli ki .1 b 1 - foi li- l.ini t .irt.?.1 in- wiekednefls wmetiino? to tii extent < f ilei pins 'o Ibe Bi Idi al olght, wbi b 1- aerlmc in our country, tbal 1- if you are].r, bul aot lf you ara rteh?1 till tatae oaa wbo --ii_i.e.-i bla bead ,-ti ii [refeniaa to aome oae In tbe aud , ___ . ;, | . i i,. , .... broujebt before tl i tti , WbO Wlll I nd >"ii tO la:l far 21 __y_ ;,? a raaofl ot a rapant, bm .f M.u iir.-r.rii. i.'iiiii'i' Omplj ralledperhapaafool thal ,- ii,.- lau ol Enyland.and tben ar,- ;i buudred people in , ||| ;,| ;, ;,-!. Tal It iit III.- p|.-e:.t Iliallli ill. 'I tl fll Btl. - Miat) wbo abakea bla bead Oaa notblncin tbe bead or ln iin! when ln- puta It, [Laufbler and app - I nevei o?eratate m> eaae; llla too itronc to need gtatiofl, and I bawe too rnoeh ibame ai an Enirll-hinan in tin- -tat. menl l han ut make la fo i t.. n-init to ? "im n im- boj roini tiii.'-H -'.pt in tbe tii id- nt nlfbt. i ,!.',,i i iar be fllapi th.-ie fr..ui eBoiee; imt the aaool iiad i..ri.i,i.ti n in- 1.1.1th.m tt n ,, ,V(. Inm, lor bfl bad i.-'-n -t pronf of dne-fl whicb wan heyond aii queatiou; be ooe :. belnx v.-iv hunary, kiiini a i eaudnold ll ror a abllliDO. Now,). i.ov win. wiii kiii a bare La ba}.I all bope ol rademption. Pboaaanta Bgure blgtx r tbaa i i r. ... ii.i country 1 oome froa, barM aud rabbita ?re far more Importanl tban buiuan beina*: ti.?'\ ii-vc iiiii.t. erU-laali ol maay a man, tmi even i inii.i, H.unitr 'iioih.uc ol In laad . oui , ,,. n.iiiH bi. Blled v.iin ni"ic ""'ii- - relal* me tu bbbm tbaa aaj atbei oti i. ...- I nr). tue ia nti.'ii.iin wbo tni:ik- n ii it..I ho. wbea [ -u .liuiii. ton.-e here,aad 1 wlll queteto blm from lta..- j..... k int, r r..n. Book, evldeooe before the Houae 01 Commoui., until bla nitar Ig-oranee aball rlfl la u - ti'.iunv ii-.uiiM Mm. [Applaui ,] IH< boy n-ed U* i ni ? ii. al. -....,. ti.a. ? lt laai *>*? ni. t' imi. and I ,,i,i.. ;ait? l auowcame and v.iui.r- froala Bnd an m in. ii.n'i npon p oi b | -. < -i" la i., when Ihelr - . |i tbia imi, iii'Tifoi. . ii ??_.,'.-1 hi iglve -laa'. 11 a.-. iii.i ware nol un inhumaa thaj did; aod tbe Bfleoi tben bitvi wltb a notice to qult, aud tbreau-iiod auotber, aod ttn-y wen obUjted to ntiut tbe boj oat. At laat, mi. alabt, tbore waa bitter, bittei (raal, the boj ,.ii,? aod IiuIok re/uaed admitt-iioi be clambered m al . back iMi.'iiiiv. and ?.i- turned out. for they were alrald i. ,,,-? in i.i boldlogfl, it waa all tbi j ba i i" Ure bj k n..ii t<. oome in aguln aad wa- drtrea away wilb a pitchfork, aod tban, lo pn vent i.un from i ? mblii? up, in-. wen laai. an.1 ln wo* tuiii'-.l ii'.iti aicalu. li,- uoi ? w,-nt to .-ii >'i' m Un Belda ? il waa luti.Id Uii,! Qight. and be fllept a alecp wbleb baa never ended wi. i ...x, ihfl iiK'.-.ii of lha M.ii'iui? ot LaaaO-wac war Ibfl iniirdi rei t.f tbal boj ? I,, un.- wha aay, "Wbal doaa aucb a itatement tti th.,! .lii-.iu i iiiiiii Niiiii'- haa it i i elll r. _.t ir.,u. ihe ..\ iden.. not <./ a lo.icii ipeaki i Like mj Mlf, aot ol oue ii-.. .1 to . xaffiriT..ti"!i a- i toi-y be bui tae wordaofa memher of tbo Houae ol COo-boob. He aara, ipeaklna of H;.'l.i Mavo. :u,il tWO Bei|fbbort-JI vin.i.'-,"' midwlnter, flfty bouaea were leTeled to tbe around, and ih. I.-.-l.i.tii 14'". f.tiiiili...- tuin.-.l t.ut to co ? i.itlii : thaj would. Uld yvt ovar aae ao atrlattao I IhOTa, i\,,i Mtttt i'i M itiiiKi). in my eheiker.-.i iife i hara baaa a piivitte tflMler.aad ln twecu IMV and Ifan I wa-. iu the (.'ounty ('ork. ?ta nt liallanehoiy. 1 hoie of v..u who ar.' Iriflb-BOfl w.ii Miiiit no iflaflrlptlea al thal baaottfal vaii-y of the baa whicb wttdabatweaa ti"- bUli Iraai c<.rk. ami in Hiiuiui.r M-.-iin iik.- a rarji Paradlae, Braaaaraafl _row llla.' 10 tbe aa.lllT'- ri.ll-, .111.1 hllDl 1 lilie.l Wltll K?l(l lllti" uj.i.niiiCi aod to virv ernnt-ou in tbe areotta -i,ii-,i. i weat there eo a Boremb-rd-j. Iwaaooeol a Tfoop te piot.-ct the ian o-fcaia, obaaadeoaM wltb Ihfl uccut Irom Duliliu lo uoiki uu ivi.-ti.n a f.-w iiill.-. from loolacarra, wban tha mm lirni.- lun.a lha i^-e- II w_- a mlMrable dajr?rala fri?*iinc lata aleal u* it -aad the ineii baat down wretobed dweUlaa att.r orelohed dwolUea iflflflfl IBei li tm hiipn. Thty did liot BMflh l?-atlliK iluwn; there \t..r ao Boariaato laha ap; ih.- walla i-ere mon- iuu.i than uu^riit i lr.. .uu.i Iherewaabol Uttle trouulaIb tbc i.i. iliaa ot tbem to tbe aroaad, w.-hud ?vtoerwflfa lilioul llir.-e parti .Im..-. wh. n out al one "f tli'm ? w ...mi niu antl ll.n.c h.r-.-.f OB Iba frOOBd.WOl u-it it..-. before Iba eapiola ol tbe troop, aud abe aaki ?! thal bei aMMfl niiclit be ip_r*xt?OOl for Innu, tmt f..r a httH wblle. Bbe odd bei baabaad had beaa bora ia n, ba oai iii of ti., fci.-r. bot .OII..1 nn- laaa. aod abe arik.-.i thai lu- n.ici.t I..-1.i,ii..lio .im in n ni tmm. ?"r da bad aa power: thfl loo a?> nt Irom Dablifl wanted to retba-kto iinuiii. Bla ttmt waa al bap_t aaaa. ami hc waald aat wait, aml that man ?'a? . iiinai nut we at.ri- th.-r<---ln front of ui, wliile the air-.-t OBfl t oii.llij. dOWB OB-llad out on a wn-tehed thinc-yttt eoul.l not rall it a Insd?and h<- dn.l Ihi-n wi- v.i-11- tlicr.-, and tlin-t: nIfbl*? afterward, while I waaaeiitry on the fn.ut g-U- at i!al 1:1 n, ii.i.y I _,ir.i._i., we huurd a cry, and wheo thu ftuard wua turued out ?e found tnii- pour wouiau thi-re a rav ihtf inai.iac, wlU) oue dead l>.il>?- in om- arm, aud au oihi r iu ihe other,. ungmg to tht- eold nlpplu ot her iile i. na lirt?-<t. And lf you i.a.l ln en hiother* to lueh a womau, aons of amii a woman, futht-ri of (>uch a womau, would not rebeliion havo noenn-d the hulieat coejK-1 you couid hear preached 1 Two h' and ntli Uiouaatid evirliona took placefin Ihfl iwenty yeara pr. i.-dn.< lr/*. im.hh: Can you mul Tiply the uiaery of thut ito.ltuot llrotber aep-iatfl from Mrti.i, huahaud from wife, the L'uiou woik?OOM ij.kiiic one, and tho other Koinfl out trvm*( to flod life if Bfl cau. 1'hia nyilem hafl gnwi ou uutil lt baa made a uiiM-ry ao vaal tliat lt will rcijuiro not oue act uf 1'arlla iii. nt iu favor ul wiadoui, not one atalute ln favor of Juatiee, not one di. laiatiou ln favor of humauity, hut -.?ueraiioiia and Keueratlotio of B-ueroui aud kio.ily trrutiii. nl, not to t.iiili! up hut in aome di-^.-c- lo* Uie hloody aum of lui.juity we have made on the pngo ul that biatory. lio you want a apeelmen of a real Kn__li?fi Irlah land lordl Take the laU-Marijuii of lierttord. It waaonoe the tortuur of my iife to have to meet my Lordllerlfurd lu I'aiia, and he took irr.-tl paina to lmpre-a upon fflfl thaa hia jteuerofllty. Ue told me he waa always ln tbe of aflalitl-x He had the uieana to -Miiat ever. i?k1v . Ue ha. dled euormoualy ricn. wken bBOBBM Inio liia propt-rty ha met his teuanti, and he Ui-dc a nretty apooeh to tln iu He told them that lt waa the iiappieat da/ of hu life, and I dare aay lt wafl ?the eomkDfl Into hi* proprrty?I am not al all doubtiug the iruthfuliii ?* of that?and he aald bow glad he wo-iu he to mect them again aud tkgaln. Ue waut frotn tbere to Parta. and with tbe exoeption of one rtait? I tlniik ouly one?that he paid to Ireland wbnu ba wBhitvl tbe Order of the Uarter, witb lhat exoeption he ncTt-r Mt fool ou bla eatata* a?ali.. Oe look from Uieui. took from them, tuok from them, ay, u-.k from them 11k*) a cold-hlooded Ice. k. wiUaut auy aort of eympat-/ ciitpt the flwallowlof of tba hlood be drawi from lt. Do not aay I eiaKflerate. There ha* lu?t Ueeo a trifll ia the ImhUn oourta In which John the Um Btttath ttttt* A CIIAPTKR OF CUIME. TIIF, JF.RSKY CITY AIIOKTION CABB. A NKWAI'.K BOO, IHF VI. IIM OK A ClJklltVOYANT - TIIK WOMAN, BBB .?>>??. ANU Tlli'. (ill'.l.s si i RMBBB HF.ifli'crii OBUBB ABBBBI ? __n____Bl K_V_l_.T|()Ni. Tht firBt fatiil abortion .ano that BBI I _? hecn hronght io n_tn ln thc _ t.ilc of New Jcraey wax that atinounrnd ln yc_tcrday> T_l_u__. Tlie vlctlm ix Mis* I.ta _, Vail of Nowark, and thc i.lli _, u ftli..rtl..iii-t Ix Mrt. McrcclU K. Metzlcr of No. 5. Erie tt., .leraey ("lfv. Thi _ place ta oatenxlblv a eonfectloncry ghop, and I.i tlttiated near I'ubllc fck'hool No. 2. In on*. of the flhovt wtti'lowx lt a tin ti^n aiinoi.Tielni. thut a " clairvoyant " may lic conttiitcd wlthln, and ahove that a placard with thc worda " fiirnndied rooma to lot" in coimpicuout let? tera. Tlie houae haa heen known aim.ii_ a certatn ettojaa of Krle lUllwuy cnipliiy_ aa Uie "little canily ttorc iiruiiad tin c.111,.1," thc 1111111.1 whi. li wan pnud-d 011 tho awnuig. It li allrgi _ thut a iiiiint.. r of tbeae persona were accuatomcd t<> frc.picnt the booae, thoti-'h for [iin Dose B only 11 (aaettaB of surmlxo. Tfct -11.11X In thc wlndow h:id nttra'ted ttt tt B_afc_ aataattaa ttt ttttt ttaa aaakj and aaaaag a_a_ who had aaaaaa tta watek aara taa raaarMaa of taaal pa? per*, who for 10 dny. had kept 1111a vl? Th'-y w. rc 111 rcality detcetivex, and by their petateteat laqalrtaa in reiaiion _ thc iiiac araaaad t_" Baajlalaaa of ika poiicc aai a akarp laakaal waa bept on tn. flkaaaa The paailoaltaa of ita __aw__g Mreil_ea_nl i!it"iisitic.i tba >__yialaaa la r.-iation to ika taaaa i Mimi.- Thc frta'tat r <.f th-. ai. Tbr wnrUl rrnnwnnl ???lagfltiitTflyflfltfl_r bflflflflflaMflfll ***ry d??fi__iln? m >?> n p. m. on all l.uaiDcaa loitUii. an I".>i. al I.'-t r?fl dflflflfl, N.> M Etit-it, leimjCUf. 1-a.liea' f.'fl., rfl. M. Vn-ial ajflflfljiaHflaflaa) Tbe houae wa. watcbed clOMily by tta poiicc. and it waa apaaly aOegad tkal Hia, Hetatar waa aaaaal mmi ti. d .-i.y ytiimg Kirlx Into btt abtttBB tta BtB_B_ _ Btaalaaj them pkotograpta "f Ikaa fatara taaataadii nnd would then arr.iugc fo iiiir...liii'c Ik. IBB to Pfl.tne prt.lti_:ite who hn.l paid her Io Nl ur.- a vit-ti.n. On Monday of Imt week. Ihe nfficer who wnt Watektaf the I1..11-. ropartad laOapi fo* Rt. i al Ita laeoai Praetaat tkal a 11 :m tad aaaaaa had aatarad Ita huii.iin_ nnd tkal the 'iiriinr had _"in iiw.iy iilonc Ou Huiid ty II A. I'laircf, aaaadertaker in Bewarfc-aae. laftwod Ita Ooaalj I' lau tkal an iinknowu woman Baddtod under xi clrcuiuttancca at tba pinee. Iba PoMee Dapart. 111. nf waa inforincd Iiy tho County I'iij-m laa, bat tta wlu.ic inillcr way kept qiiiet nnd the :ti if . of tta nii>-i_.-.i atarl ..iii-it waa pool poaed antil a btte hoar al 1 he nigbtwbea tbe pollia aadca iwaaiaiiirt of rapl Tan I i.-fl.i.-.i tka kaaa aooaaftot aaaaa kad taaaa aaaa to ea tcr 111 a hiirricd rii.iiinc r. Il waa Bappoaed at Ihe tinic taa aUgkl ba tta bBda. 11 "f tta de. aaaa. taal it aaa BakBeqaeatly aaeertalaad tkal ta aaa aka Baa of Ita ao Baead Ihta Baaa aad tta aaweaa, atra. Metater, wara .1 iad lakaa to ti.e taeeaad Preotael Btatfca. Baaaa, Itawoaaaawaa laetad ap ft>r tta atght. Tbt iiinti. who ?awa in* aaaM a- Prrdartel B.Craa_ral 1;, -ia: : , lereey Cuf, wa. aaadatai t.. 11. iBtaamaeBllj aaade aa atteeapl te preeare taak t?r ita, taal taBed Thc H'rc w. .ij.i : ,M u-Uiil. :i'id Bl Bb _l -ia. 111. .1 man wii.. k'i" ita BBBM al Alonz > I.. I I 1 bg tka Poitaa. Bm aaoaaal la akaal M Id, iind aaara taea ry tataea .aldo.whlekera aad ara i taata. ii. tosaap Btodmteoaapbettyla Ike aftalr, aad 11 1- iiiit'ir. .t tkal ba 1- thc paraaa >i_" aaaa_aaatod tt"' u.ri ta tta taaaa. At ia>a_. yaatatdar, Ure. Hetnler, M. 1 -..?:, F. n. Crosior, nnd _i_l ; , . ? r, I ; -j I'rcciiiet for Mr , M ? er, alia* Medca, tetttfled thal her nami aaa Mcrtcllii K. Ml?:/,!< r. aud tkal Btakad not "'"? Ika ataattaa aa laaaaaad, tba wfaaad h m:.i>' I,,. ?,:-1 r.i." 1. .M.t,i..iii.' Metaterta akaal M ..I j.-.. aad rattat Bta aai a__aaad ka deep ini.ui'i 'ii_ BBd ?"re 1. h.'iivy l.ii.'. v..ii. llr BBa, I-'rctl . Bta ii ?_. yaari aM. _taa eallod t.> iad ta atated tkat ta kad aatklaa to do attk tta , .'1 tbal ka "iiiy kaaaeaad by aeeidi bi lo ha i.r Ika taaai ataa arreated Be did aot, tawarar, daay h" kaaa _aa_daf ataaa tta nttiir. Kim i.aii, tta aaapaaUd aadaeei "f Blaa v_.ii. atated taa aai ita aaaal la Bawara and EllsBbetbfBC tta ii. n.e nr .-,v.iii_ M.u inn.' l__apaay, un.i tiut .1.?.. aead aaa .. triead al hla i tkal Bka I ..i aoa Bded ta ki_ a etart ttaaa afatkal .-1" aaa ta traabta ai.,1 te had takea aai ta the kaaai otbtt Betsler, at No. m Brta-t. taa Ita parpaai "f tarlag ob abarttoa pr.iiiircd. BadBatad,taaorer,tkal ta waa tai aadaoei ond 1. 'iu -i"i Ita JiiIk-i' taaltaa bbm ? prirate ei 1 tioawhtobwaearaaaa. .ittkaatoa altk. eaa Hia tV Btcaaart aara all aaawltia- ta tta Badaaa Coaatj .1.... it. tii. ju.i--. rciu- ti ta i. Ik. 1.oi.-c So. N i.i.' ' ? ?- a Mui.ii tao_tory balldlaf, aad U 1-1 tti a .-. 1.leli 1 ain.ut aU moatBa Bgolortta parpoeeof aiaklngltarallabta for Ibe btttl ii.??* v. in. i; i.? Mi|.i.I !'? aare taaaa aairtod oa. Ita 1 iniivi d lato if "ii M.iv 1, from Ko MB Ncwark .-, ... um ra ibi foraaerly reside L tta aore la h.' a . ttilcil altk tota and 1 ruidi-x. Ita Bppei atory lunt thr. 1 ht_t. aad Mi-. B. ilar .a^od tbem ,?, caaipaay attta a aaa akaai aaaaa *t aakaowB, and ata h.ix .ii-.u'i'.-i'il. Ita poiicc aaareked ti.e h..u-.. raatarday f"f t1'" hBatnaaaata altta with wbleb Itti aappaaed tkal aa Dp-iattoa aai .yei furin. d. bai V.-.II- aaly BBittaUy .laaeaaafal a larg. niimi.. r i.i lettera, paaapktota, reeeipta,-Be., weaa faaad ta tta drawera of .1 bareaa la oae ol tta roo_. aad bmo a iiox ot Piii- iiiukcd Karraai b .'.>.. Bo. W Qm nwi. b at., n. v , iiii.cie.1. ll.BB aaa aill erory arootag el hed tim- " Ita roomx w.-rc well _____?. aud hn.l Bl .111 t.f .'oiiif.ut. a iit.-i.-c aanberot lettera aan roand ..!, tta BraBBtoea. Ikajr arc reroltlBa la tta exti. Bnd ihow 1., ti.:.,1 ti.e .-l.ii.iow of 11 rtonbl thm th. ar?'?an mi, ensaged in in""i Infao.* buaineaa, Bome of tin m are fn.ui >oiiiih _li 1_ Wbt .ic-lie h.-r nx-i-t iin ? . ii.i _____ kKBBl >i ir.-wi tt. A ib__b laii yoaaa aaaaa ot pr.ipoaaleetag Bppea_ ance, drcsaed 10 l.l.'i'k, entci'd Ita ttot* ot W. V. I'li.K-'t. 1111.I1 rtnk.r, nt N" 111 Biaarl-..v.v. at BbOBl I p. m. on sunday, aud told the ci. ik tkal tata Nrrtoai aan IBBBkll at No. _ Kri.-xt., and thal Hi Wt* -iv.-n ti.MM'iu'.t '.au-c th" Iad] "f tli- li"U-e "f nn i,. qoaintaaee. nnd tbal ll waa all Plrtl Bbe r*fnaed to icive b. 1 bbm, taal taaleted thal tbe ci.tu thonld aoeompani her, whleta tae dW, aud winj utbered inl 1 the i.a'k rctu on tbe aeeeadfoor,ataIttaretoaadtta tHidfl, of a youn. woaMta lylag on a hed iii Ita room w. re Badame B< talei md a tali yoang man witb1 aandJ thiu wbUkero, wblcban?werato tlwdeeerlptlon ol Fnd. B. Croaier Be examiaed the body, nnd eeelng that tbe abeete wera bloedi nnd dlrty. bia _wplcioniiwere arout.-d. and he decim.-d to ln'v; aoyftlag to do _ith tbe eaee aatll he bad e_a_tlted hla .-mpioycr. He returnedto tbr itorr, end Br. Plagel atlll i..in_ ?i.-ci,t. hc ......xiilicd l?r. Back, tbe eonnty phv .. mn. and iie >? togetber vi-i..d ibe premlaeaat Bboai - 0 rlock tbal erealna aad foaad tta .Iv I- the bun ootitUia andamaopr. n nl wbnae deaeriptloo 1-c.h.- iv t,..,t ..f AloaioE Klmball. Dr. B?ieB at onee ordered tta bodj to be PI...-..1 oa lee and eonreyed to Mr i-oa-'n _Ub lUbmem k poflt-iaorteni examinatlon waa maiieaiii ,,.i.?k. M-in'ii.v. i.v nr-. Buck, Blrd.aod I rnto.and 11 waxd..i,i..i that deatb wat eaaaed br tta nnhjwftU .i-c.f inatramenta dorlag pregnaner, whleb |.r.,.iii,...i 111-. arrtage, laeeraUoa, tarforaUoo, aad Inllamm itloo. i.\..-i'i for Moi.-i.i iroatmeut, tta orgaaa appeared to bare been Ina hcalthv roudltloa. Wbea Klmball wae on bia wbj to tta rtatlon-hooae he xaid that d.ith v.i- tbe rcnil! of _i"?- eareleeanoflt; aud that Mrx. M.trler had tworn tbe k*'H I" ?"'< r-' - befOTC abe woold underiake th" ciih.-; ai-<> that tbepereona who perforiued the eperatloa were maataa, ao taat ll wa* ioupoenlhle u> xay wheth.-r tti.-y w.-r,' mata or teaale. The cafce haa hecu iriv.-n to (.'..roncr 1'an.low, and ti>* haaaleaed the aaere aad aladewa tt ttajtaaaa. Auin il.icat Wlll t_ beld BHlay. and a full nivcxIlKnlloii flBMBB. Pollre offlcer* were xent to N-wnrk, ycxler.lay, and ereryoee impllcated _H1 be arreeted rhe hou?e waa mirrounded yctterdav hy a lnrt.-c cro_d. who were ear. out to know the facta in the cate. Ihe body of M - V.tal baa __ u reiuoved to l'la^et, the undertaker e. I1IXTOK1 (>r THK VKT1M Ida W. Vail, tbe victim of Madame Metr.ler, waa the danjrhterof a pnutor employcd ou The gtmtrb tmtbf Artvertxttr, who dlod about tcven yean aso. ieavlim a wife aud two eblldren and about $2,ouO for their flupuort. Mm. Vall attempted to malutain her. lf and family bf keeplng board.ra, and Ida. who waa then ahout U yeara old, BSatatad ber ta ber bouisehold dutlcfl. Ihe xiuall w-titary for her to abandon her fltudiet ai.d work to maln -kln h. r younrer alater and mother, who had iK-come ao invalid. 1__ waa au eipert operator ou Ihe ._ wi.)_ mn ehlne, and aooti ohtained employment wltn IkeDomeatie Hewing-Machlne Company aa te ar her at IU ttore, ..... tte Broad.t.ataweekly aalaryof g Alooio t.Kl 111 hall. wbo brought Ida to tbe houx.- of Madame Meliler. ia the BaaBBBI._ iho o_1 oi IB wbieb xhe waa employed. aud her aJlfgrd hetrayer. Hhe tafl ber bome on Monday, liplaaJBII ?. to TitU, lt wm tbeiigbt, toine relatlvet in Uovcr, M. 3 ? nothmji w?t beard of bar by tar Menda until the new. of her torrihle fate wm divulged t.y the arreflt of ber allcged Detreyer and dettrover. Tbt newa of ber deatb waa withbeld from the wldowed motber nntu lut erening, and lt i? thouitht that ahe eannot aur Tlre the _rrihie ?hoek. Bbe maile pjteou-t api>.alt to know the wortt, but tbe mauner and eaute of her daugh ter'a death were couaidemtelT ooucealed. _ r. Jamea M. (omina oflKo. it.; Eatt Ttrenty alxth nt., >v* Iwl, waf ?BJ-aeted CmI m_ui lot auvka_(d vo_ ptidty wtth tta ttmbX Wl rnnd.tflt on MBf ..rrcxtcd added to thc MupBflea BflBBafl him.,..HU_ fflJEDEB Httl PATBB80 a PBOB-HJ OOBMfl BSCAtT-iiki> ur Ut W THUN TIIK _C__ OK KKI. I-.AY BUP->0-~D to iia'.k iiiiFiN BBASCBB DPOB thi: ii; niVKKI M.-IKMN- AKKWIT BB nir. Bl W99 II BUBIIBBI ii. Tha en. inccr of tkfl .?<<l ?__-_ tr un aa ita i-uc Ballaay, iai ta Patoraaa al n sB _> ? on Bunday, taw thc t.ody of a BBBB lylta <>" ??I ti-<_ betwaaa D__aafl Mflfla and Bawttaaaa Hattoa. a fl-imrt fltataaea ,.:>on, taal wai o to akeeh _be mla, whioh waa aaewlaB al u hiKb rate of ape_l. until lt had paf-cd over thc hody. At Hiiwthonio _alion he rfpirted the fa.t a few w-couda later, aml tho coniluctor of tl.. lirtt train we?t waa lnforincdof tlx- a??llt nt, i.ut did not flnd the body, aud gavo tlio word lo BBfl_k_ condiiitor antl mglli, <r coinin,. onot. Tbttf dtlOOYI rod ?hc hody of a man kf the Bflfl of tlie tr.ick. kBl paaa d il aaflaaaBaaafl to Paaanea, ataaa th.-y totocraptad, al BM a. iu. yaataaflaVi Bl Jir-tey Uiy l"i iii-i'ii Baaa aa to what they should do iu tlu- inattcr. They were onleiod to tako the Ixxty lo llawtlmrne Hfntlon. Thev accordlngly backtd the traiu np to Ita Hixit, and tht. body was (aken on board and BBBBBBfl to the potnt dcHtgnated. Dc.eascd tiu. fliaaaefl Bfl a la txircr. The body wiih honibly iiinuiflcd. i.n.l tkfl head kafl taaa cut adlompletely. The upper p.trt i.f tkfl kflBfl .in.l i l.u/c parttoa of tta ixniy wip- bbb friufully, and tho lega were broken. Ike lieail waa wrapned in a pieee of pnp'-r and faken wiih tiie r.-tiiiiiii.-. to Hawtliorne. The htBlB l.iy tm tkl BTOBBd III a lilntxly pnol at the npnt where Ita Wbt. 1 orer tbe head. Tta body wae not reeocnl^ed by any of tboae preaeat. a ramor waa aubtequenl v clr .ii. kted tliat -. lue one had sccn amall pu.-li I in front "J Ibe loeomotlve,whioh r.tu overaudikllledhim. Bome one alao aaid thal tmas ant ? . tnm of tte aecaaed bad beea aeea tlttlaa near the eooklag meai aad potat-oea orei a flre, ..iii. ar H. araa aaal yeeterday t" Inreatlgate tb >a l la way be enooaatered tta Bawthorao agenl aad -. * in. had a man iu eoatody, Be aare bla aame aa Jamea Balone Tu. aaeal atated that ha i.a.iun-' ited Ita bbbb oa tta stnoatb of a report ttal be bad beea toen morlng a waj from tbe i"..i> whea the englae waa backlng ui> t.i ramere tta temaina to the itatlon. The ao. ii->.-il had a large bnteher ai.if.. ln hla poaa( - and wben takcii be tt..i oookinga larg. ptareol n wliich, aith tta ki.ifc, iv.ri ' md to ii re beea alotea from Bohlnaoa'i alaugbter-hou ! ii, .iv v Uirer aatota aafl .i ?u.aii aaaof monerwere toaa. oatbepereon of tta prieoner. OUJeei Uoll . took him to I'nier-iiii, where he waa examiaedby tta Ueeorder. il. denled thc theftof tbfl BTl U - ln bla oot -.?r-iiiii. imt .Mr. Boblnaon teetMed toth. ownerabip of tbe ki.if., an.l tta pieee _ _aeal fltted exaotly mto tta ilde ol a aheep wblcb huiiK' up in K.i.ii.-..i.' ??i.-c. Whieh it had evidently I.e nt ak. n Tbe pi .' .1 timt he waa a laborer, and had livci in Forty???econd .... Hew-Tork. He im a nal Ireland, te abont M yeara of afl, nnd baa a rlcioui . i-. of t..ui.','iii'ii'c. ir- ?Aa-' oommltted tojall on -. oharga ..f Uieft, aad _iii i.e keld to aw.ui tta lan tion ol tbe Coroner. Pateraon pollee raeogalied ttafleadmaol elotblng aud goatea aaaperaon abo ' ?' ou Batunla) onaebarg. of drunkenn. aa, andr leaaed after p.iymcut "i aflne on Bnndaj morntng. II. imo in-. ii im.- m Mii bael Cllnton. and -anl be waa a labon;. itce ?". worked iii the Bterllng mine, Tb. i-.-i.i_itr- were oonreyed t? Butan't ? -iniiii-iiiii.-iif. ami Coroaar Aataaaa wni uoid au w i|.ic-t oa Thursday morntag. The inppoeltion l* ttal deceaaed wai mi rd t tii.- body plaoed on tbe railroad traek. In order to ,1 appenr itiat Iie Iimi liccu klilcdi.y Uie tlain Blkglneer i.'irn rof tba K.-it Ballwai etatea that two mea put offa weatward bound paaaenger traln, ,i foa r".ir> iiii'.ve Bawthorne, for dlaorderiy conduct, i 'I. engtneer of Bnir?hrr tiala i- atated to ii kro aaeal ao ni ii ., in tin- nclghborbood, oae ol whon. ttruck tbe otber a blow and nocked him down. A i iireaaed In blaek waa n,;-u earlj r< ttaudlof bj a lenoe aear tke aceae of the pr der, and wnen appruHcbed he ran aaaj baatllj a. ? i lot. Tta pollee aia eearehlag toi Bl PP08BD )______ AT BULL'8 FEBRY. UU. Dl M> in.DV <>r* a WOttAM l"isi. ii.dMIm. AM.isi, DBO i-VMmi>?a H__T___.Ua ___< About iu ii. ni- yaatardaj, Joaaab un.i Cor m inn, k.i. Ipk aaal aai ta eatah dnf. ao _, aeai Bail'a 1 . ?i-ri.aud Wta n itli.iilt -.?Kl lect frout Mcuck.-'h doek, lie-v mv, akal Bppaaaafl to bo a v.ry >taaaa l")f. and thev rowod ap '.' li vvinn the> aaaai aaaaaa ikay found tkal it waa th.- had. of a aaaaaa. Itaay took jt mt.. nicir boal nnd eeareyed II r>> tta BattaabaiB P'.'r. ataaa ll aaa tafl fca Ifea Oareaar, Ootaaar Parataa ol Bobotaa look i kaiB? al tta laaaklaa, aad laasored ttaaa I,. th.. Hofgaa in liuifli.k.n. Aiiii.ijiii.'tuii, bt at the Oaaaaaa. oih.e, tiu. BMMalaa. Ita wotnaa waa artdeatly ataat ia fmmtm tt aaa atoat, aafl <>f fair eomptaxloot tatdbeearorj good loaalng Ita featan , . . . ? n.i,! nut l.i.i'ii ln Ihe water m in tn ... ti. ,n . Her elotblng conatated of a blat-b alpacadreaa, with .i polonalae ol green Bearttta elotn. Bbe iia"l .1 iin-? ii.- i.i.a.- .i.i.i i.t earnnga. Her eyea wen dark, bad black hair lloatlng ilooeely, her bonnel bai Ingen iiiniiv I...-ii waetad uway. Ita aU_- of tta terrj boal Boelyaof tbe Forty-aeeond at l-'.n-y, uotlccd two ifl.'.it- bottom up tlo.itiuK .ii Forl ind il is mppoaed tbat thoy bad borae anae relatton to the r.i- , aa a rumor of a hoattng aocldenl pi Bght bad beea curreat. Feopta alOBf tta tbatx - .-p > i toal play._ l iii: ui IS I Ei TWATJO.S. llti'liAi.l.K l-.jriltlK-t Al IIIK RXXT BBBSION Ol __>_____?* >'"*>' MiMMi IBB \s a. .iiN'.ii'V BOABD 01 i'1'iii.if w.HiKS, TBB PACIPM BAIt - i vam-iiip ANl, |{All.M AY Ji'll . Illii HK-r Mii.IMI. __U 1 All.l KK. AND IIII. OBBBOBB AI.AIN-1 .Jtl'l.l .-IKII.MAN AND DKI.AIIAY. |lil Tl l.r,.ttU'll Tl) TIIK TIU!M W.v -iin'.ton. Oet 8.?Tbera i** no longer any floabt that tte aaa?_ lavaaBnaalaa aa tka aart "i Oaa greai haa aai -.'?""?'? v. and ttal tte approaahlag tull at uo tim.- he ulthout ita Bpaetal coiuu.iti.-ea _ InToetl-ilttia lala ttmt _ 'he akaaaaaafl Baafla nu-n,-' Um Uoaeral OaieiBiaaat Ite nr_ au.i aaeal kapartoal of thcHc iiii|iiiric. wUI 1'. dire.'t.d .ik'.nii . Ih.- t.f j'niiii ? Works for their prooeodlaffi la eaaaae_taa with Ihe iinj.roieiiieiits in tbia rin. T__ taveetigatioa alBaalM aaadaetafl hy the _mtt9tCt*9* mlitee ou the I>i.-rn t of .'olumi.i.i. a.. waa doueinfhe taet caacraaa, bai a BBaflBU aaaaaBlttofl atU taa aatad, and poealMT atointcommittee of ibt tv.n ka BTgad There arc thote who to aee th. ipo ai ci.mmift.'c "hall not BB packctl wiih tttg Ooagroaeaaea aBkaal a arataa, aadakreli Uaae li otmm. i-.-.l. Ih. Ii .ard to ivunl a mon B arcl.iii'-', rtirid, and liiijutrv. and (iov. Miephcrd BM laM tt .' ta da -> aol aaia akaakai a eaaoalttoa atf Maadi;. ni.-- '.t i iioieti, aa timt it i.h aaaaaaaaflel laat aafl lala meu. lt i? Mtd tu bt the mt. ntion ti what li known a_ tta King. Wfcleta lnilii'lci. favonte c.'iitra. loi-t arid lainl apoeiilalnr. to give Jeaaaaatata un.i >*___ an oppor tuint> ta mai.' ? k.'"";l (l"-lr 'Titl-iMii.-. ..nd . li irN'A<* *t cr rapl OB ag.iinat th"?.- e.impOi.111^' the iii iie whieh has Btelj inct with aiKh -liuKiug rchuke fioui all |.ari?..f Ihe eonntry. Tbe InreatUatlon a- te the allc_e.l improper iufluenee ii, the paaaaaja ?_ Ita lacreaaed aakaidy to tke Pacifle Mm. ..ean) -inp l_ l.ipant. wbareln Congreaamen were .ti-i to tara raeeirad moaey ror ih.-ir ratoa, ?ui i.riil.iMt I"' r.'iiiined at ita coBiing Maaion. ('ougToaa eiBlred laat Mir. n before tta Oomtalttee had c.niplete.l 1 thej-iaiiora. It la aaid that aome of tlie CoagRaamaa lup'i. atclaii- mciiiii. tne pre .nt ("oiufn'a*. altbough their natnee are aotglrea BeateaeaUtlTe ii_mi_.ii _ Peuoaylranla tnoved the impi.ry iieforc, aml it ia iiii.ler Htooflt hc iiifeiidtto pu-th it. Reprcaentati-e Wilw.n of Indiana. who wa- ..'hainuau of tbe < T_ Ul M'liilli.r . otn nittee Ka i. wiii, early iu the next _t_lon, eutcr a m.'fiou to r.vive bla coinniittee. whrn he wlll contluue btn liKiiiuy u.U) ihe Ceutial I'a eirtf Kajiroad aud ita hlttory. ahieh he waa fi.n-ed to ahandt.ii laat Hprin. I.y the cipiration of Congreti. It le Ina purpoae. lf tke BOCeO. tary aiithonty, to look tnt.> the oi>eriiti.>nt of all tn. road- wbieb Imve rcn-ived aul from tne (iovernmeut, lu rlndlng tlu- Nt.rtticrn Pacifle aud the Mempbla atid 1.1 Pato or Boattara __l_e. if b'M Ooaimittee propoee to in ak.. " a tborough J.'l>" "f l?, they wlll have work durlnK tlie entlre teaaion, wuich will, lu all prohaliPltv. lant for elght inoutht. Mr. YVilton. Mr. H..'?r, aml Br. nvnn ait) thc ouly membcra of tbe old f'ommitte. ia_M ted to the u.xt Congrea*. There it a gooi deal of talk ahout au in. e?t!_ation hy C.iiiri._? mto the aaaaafl atlendluir tin- falliue of tafl PiTBt Natioual Bank lu thit .iiy, tn ord^r to fllaoorec whi'tlit-rany olllcer of the (ioveruuieni failed in hia duty iu regard to the bank, aud whether fund* beloug in* to the uovernmeut were tuipropt-rly lu the Oont, t HI..H nf ihe hank at tbe time ot the fallure. Tbere w II be a further Inv.-.tigatlou lutotbe alle^ed c< a urt ofl*. H. Dittn.-t JudK" (harlea n.Sh.-ruian of tbe BortBara Dittrlct of Ohio, hrotber of Oen. audReaator Sheriuati, In deui.itidii,_ iiionci for luUucnce lu pataiuir eertain malter* ol le_ltlatlon throuitb Conooaa. Waut of time preveutcd Biiion laat, but oufllcieut progreaa waa iiiaite to luaure hit tmpeaebmeiit by the Jndioiai y i "iniiilttee unleM ne reaigna before tba aanemhilng of .'ni .-!.)_, fa the eaae of Unltod Utatea iha trlct _.i'l__- Mark .V. li.-luhay of Kanaaa, wbom the Judtciary Commlttee voted to Impeach for the lutcin'.r.iu- uae of intoxloatlug Il_u?r, iiixqiialifyiug bim for the dutiea of bla offlce, lt u prob? able that tbe accuted will realgn before tne mteting of Ooagreaa. lf not, tbe Couimlttee will procoed to lin peach him on the c? uleuce. wbtch ia tery ?tro-_ oaa uumlttakable. There arr many other fuveatlgaooua Ulked i.f, but particular meutlon of them at Uia uuie ool be wajTBiited. EVAUGELIOAI .W.LI.VNCJ.. TniT.1) DAT OF THE I Two UBSIOIffl ill i.t) UM i.v i;r: n - a i PflOOB OP ' BB4> ii ti. BBOI iv rio.i. .?-! ,- ? n -OB, IttK ri:v. john ( ? W. p, v.AtKRN, niB K. 4. *?*? ? X" a | ,,*). ? ,.,, I I \ 11 il oaa BB it 'O c. r Tv.. .- -e taal ? w.-f hold vi ntt rdaj? the Tht b-bbbbbI eaDad ? Tlio atteodanoe at each pl ?-' ??"? nfiernoon. B ' ;'t' " : _i \ li.illll.efoll. ? ***** in tba " "* '! i.-. l't. t. Theodore Cbriatlieb, D. D., ??' "?????? I D "' ** 1 ..(toi* Prof.W.F. Vr_rre_,D.D-Uoijet by tht B*t. l \ w iahb-ro,D. D.j oo ' Cbriatlaoitj aad ii" ,?.,..:: Etatttaauea. _.,.l l'l.nt'.,-im." bj the Bot. Dr.PaulZu__aafB_aa Ifodero :? .' l ,..,?, s. : p ???'? waa road b. Dr.Jaaa - Coabaa" tho Bebaiooa aat ji, v.-lx.mieii*," wbleb prowokeda V.'.'..ion. Browa, aod Hodce, in wl wm .ii...i:.v. .1. *--it.-..iii. ntly. Prlaelpel Dawaoa " McGill Co rl , .-.,-!, i-! roBCfl i" Pria ?:.('. 1 . Kxaatb, D. D- - '" ";i -Id-al PbUoaophj ;" I roiAniold H l.nyol tB-atea briefi Dr.J.w. ,r .....I Ua eaeajroB' i ?i Prof, Ed ? BBOtlkBI BB ? by." pi.' ??-*? The BBOoad o. .i BetieB *>t devotkwaJ morn BBfld throo-1 ? -? oi tha ? loirch, onMad 'Hyc_ tetday B-oratta. Eot-aettb i * .... ? ? bbb> ?,,1 .... t.. flfl na-ili.' ', II. Bar, Hr. -"le h ttPttlt, aad o'ii"ij. Dr. AOaaieepaooi !? .md I mi araefea road ii.. 'a i" taea tin* epeattfl el tha raa ? , . . . Bt, ' ? i.iali..'... al aiUancfl nt> ? i.t m ii iii 11 tbu i iad aad uii t: "' th0 pr.jfl ' ' bUlb iim-iu wn? aaaa bj tha flflaareaali.aod tba Bt .. Baao. - ,? -h.i.ln.i r.'a.i a BbOpO r frofll Ht. Paal** -pflfl-H to | , ,,. flfl two othan foOewad wltb ptaper.tha Bttb hymm *****_? ;i v.j.0 fl-M-Bflfl I Ollb the BOBOStl '. O- _ _ HEOLO [t'M. 9? iK?v. ... i vm in llu i. - imi BB Bl TIIK i aOP. BTAB1 BT ' BJ w . k. WABtt aa but. -Ota ? aii ?? . baa I _ , \ tfon l' illci'ciK'l wtth ii.' OM i twei I, i" I aod ? ,.,-?. mi \y ? bi a d ? ??' i'1" rc-i ni the ni ? ?' ? i ""lMI of .1.?!? gtttt ni 1' ' Ma .|,i.iii apoa ""; "-"r ? ? . mtii ... H .,i tha ati. . ? i . i- ii- t . . . ! ' '? Blled wltb blood I - " At th..... . i :? ? tha a. M. B. I !' |i an i i.iih.-r ? r J - ? 9. I theg - ? ' .nr 1 . ? P| . I'lll, -.- ? id v . -il. 1 He tni i thi Lord l* tbi ... t , .. ? uith be.irtfl .'.,-]"? ed lo Uml. li 'HB lli i - tb ..,,(., ' -|l v . .!,,.! |.ii ii Iiii i'lll..-, to -,.,, ,, ...? II ? - ? ?? dlflfl It I the I i ? .1 !(? n nl .t.r. I bul ,.' , . . ' ?-....' ? ' I ,,.,, imi.' tlie - .'ii- -l .-. ? ' " tlie -??'? ..|.|. i ' - ,,,,.?,,,[ .rraat iHirpow l erwBMfeaa l?.|.u ilolh- ..'? IB Alll i.i- ? . lOfl wi 11,1, ||. ,? ll: .1 ' ' f ll m lll" future '."-i -'' ?' :l ?'? ''ii'-'i ' ?'- ? *' '? i' r i . fttenee flhull bavo coiieiuded, t.<? ?*ho bave i ,,,r.-.i -ii ii ma.' '" fltreuflthaned lo earry tl Ti ith ..,,,,, ,,| , i ?:. atlll t it ')'? I'i.urrai iiiiiiiiint ihall lli cloi f. Dr. l'rlme th. fl t.-ok aa >>pp irtuultj to Biakfl the aac-fl - ,n iimriiiii. taaaofl iai.. ? ? t, Belfatitodn aatatieoa adepflpd bp Ihfl Am.-. aa BlaO Bo. letj. Rltriaf i aab ial aaata M the ailtoom ? tmyy ot t% a. ? lha Baard al MaaaBflflr* oi th.- Amarteoa laatMofla invite.l Bli tl.e ll.'lc-- lll i T.I tln ... ... aatatdfl uie t'iiy "f aTea far* to Itahati ?re tu i? ui't.i ..'? i of Mr. ? hlth adi a Dr. Tifl'.tiiy of \V,i-::i:i.:t..ii, PlOflldaal Bf llie tfaeb-NP toti Braaeb ol tbe Alllaaee, hafO tota-ita Ihe membera of thi Alllaaea to trial ttnat tity. Tbaaa wbo oeerpted wa apoa ttt lr ai ? ai ? i forei ra ?V k. ?; - ivoul.l bi.'ntii'* tln- .'..-!-"i tln- . ir,.- :;.. ;,: Ihfl hottia, und WOOld ther. foee ii Ar ifliijuatoetfl Bare baaa iMdfl to ihoa ??? ..,'? patataaf laBflflOfltttWflflflaaat-B IhaPn adaabol Iba Dalted Btatee, ki wafl ?* aO d, bed tt f> rrt I a rtfltt, ohb ii lio niucn d.-ired to tn.iki . t . hi ...,| ...... ,,.|. . ?f ihe Army of r.iine-ai . io t.e aimaioii of the Aiii .in-.*. la waa oafltoeB tbat l tWel whom Vflflfl tt-ftad) ?i." mt. ii'. -.11.. bi . pi Ihfl lotrlta tion. ahould alifinfy -,t* inueh lo Mr. Wa-hnurn. Ttie Praattaal aaaaoaoed iimt a aaaahMooaal thueity who took a deep Int. r.'-t |B tln- work ol the AUianee? the Baa. Oaaigfl lha iapflfaaa dolegatefl who woald he pleaded to i a,.t (.i-eenwood C.iuetery aud PBBflpeet I'arU, iu lllrookiyn. lo nfle t" thone localltiea from the door of the A*->o< i?uou Hall. ou Wodueaday next, iu .*irr_i_e? to be provided at bu ex peni-. Ou Wedueaday eveutng. after the riUe, tka dcle Cittea would b. left _! th.- door of tha Acadcmy of Maaa-, ln Brooklyn, wbere dinner would be prepar?d for ibem hy their frteod. ln Brooklyn. [Applanae.! It wa* neee? a.iry that every ilelecate who wijbed to ffl aiiould flive. wntten notice to the Chmrman iti the couraii i.f Uie day. The flrst toplo of the mornlnir wu, "The Beat Metboda of Coonteractlait Modern Inlldeltty." The ttrat papci va?read hy the Rev. Prof. etanley Lath.-a of BBBB Coltefe, London. Kv pref aeed the readlnc of hia paptr with the followlng wordi: I think It Ifl Incutnbent npon me to expreaa our very beat tbaokfl for tbe mo?t nohle boflpltality, for tha olTer wluoh baa been made to ua by Ur. Tiffauy aod foi tbat of hlt. Stuart. Of coarae I eannot ipeak for it-trfl. out for ?) *elf I ihall be moet bappy to accept botb, COl'MERACTINQ UXBF.I.I_.1\ BT l'lf-l. .-lAMi-.v IJCAIHM, KlNi.-i COUJtOB, LONDOX. What may Ik* the beat practical mfhod of oouuteraciloK the unbellef of tbe preaent day uaqara Uod at oaot tt mhtm aad to Uui_vi<.?-t tbal v? taaf aaU