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ehiidi-n; hut we are arrown men. and Bfc Ib earnett. we.too.'iic.iri, pi-ntT of eeei^f****!"^ buay ouraelver. ln makiDi. tbe tm* food aod then chcriah ii. rootfl with all our meana ai.d a our niiKi.t. In th" tiaiiration from tbo eleyonth to ih, twclfih ehaoter ol tbe KpiMle to the Rotuaiw. im Ln. ia l1 i that bloda ut-.-thcr doetrtne and datf iiii4.iir.ui life, "peahina -enerally, witn tbe the ipoatie coii.1u.Ich hm expoel lioatrltie : and witb the twrirth l.e hesrino l.i* la citlt-aUiin of iiiiu.-. Al the be_*ini)liiir ?f itla flT*Sl trca tiM.he pl.iii-".! 'ti'-' ttio .leep thlniptof Qod, i.n.i Bt Xl. pxplorution with u pa? il what lio haa i?e"!i and beard? "0 trt" dep"- ''' ?*'" rlobafl both ol the Ola-oai and Browledfl- of t.odt" After rellevtot li!? OTerehariced apiiit _ri-.Ti1 atittiein Wbl B eoaatltOteJ the : inll. ha artdreeaee hlioaelf (vu. ninl'- f dlreetlna and ttlraulaltna an obedl ent aml holy ii'e ln heUevera, aod thiatheflBO be proao ,i ... ooutaol betweeii tbe doetrlnal a'.d practlc i dl-L"uonflof hl?tt-atl?el . Iilblta tli.- rel .tlon? e.Ubli-itiert i't tbe tawfl ol flBe twrnal between tl.e B-ftfl wbleb Ilow Irom OOfl ta m.ii, au 1 li" HTVi.-i* r.-n.ler-rt bv BMB BO he haa beoo opentoa "?'* tr,'1s' tina 01 "it., I'Tid pcimitiinit '"* fl \t iit. iy Into the lap ol l.ut here i-i ttie tnrntn* poinl : hen.-m>rtb ti" v." Bbonld ateam upaard. like a eoloain orin li nr-t piveo t '<;"'? ,,_,,,? Riiae. Non ..(_..,.. and i ?. I oqolra.t. nm n.. ma. i,:? .i.-.t ii"i>Kiv.-t" Hun ? DiatlNii ' "?K rfo.ten all fmnllo ,1, rei.yar.)<-..ii- ? ,?,., Itea an.l ."I"") V welltoexp ...,.l tll'Hl 8" li, ,, ... , ,. .i ? ' i on aiaiiai fooOng. Be ex ... M ll ? a. np whatever tliei little ,? ciitaiti*., in tlii.nk .Ul Tiiumrii ;-,eiiuiil aud iriit-, and wmk ai i otbera, f.ll mta. rr , Bbo preaoh up all ? ii * ti-th and tai-i )i.)oa t>i' on tbe left. L t lll ; ni other, I I...\. whal uun thej b ... . ? H.W. ,.??_. ii B llic power eii.p.i.yc.l ui run. x I . |i\- tl." inei. i'-rtof (i.-'l " l'|i ... .i w it ii tln* .iiiiu. latlori, The wnt.-i - HreCtllKf .-tmt M.niiiliti:'.- hiini iu li: iu . . lu U.i . \; .'-it."') l'aiil liai mit.lri no mi-t.ti-" l. v Vaa to p-t iiin.'f.i bearta aad U~ea . ' :,, ,!,, hO lll ttttc operatoi ; : lly in To pi vute ia" nai' i p '.i'i' ':.-?-.. ) . . rtthonl tba reaoi i . ii Will never nroand at I ..... n . .ni ,i , - ., ottO .1 anrt liuiii .n >? Htcp on tiu- aaauiuptioD th.t a uevotad au i <'" eannot i> ? obl ilued lltl.e.lM tii" p ... .'II IO tbe in ' tu? L' ?'"? J*''" S ? ?'' :?' '?? . apnumujl au.i pn -- , : ? itieuaeof . ? to ii, nnman iintui, wbli h <??. _ , ? i, Uny litnoro astliiu. -i ., trr r, DuOttlne, ? , ni to think a i.n.rt rance '-'rt ? llll --.0-0 ol ln . ?? Indeod beoooie a .11 the ? - ?? t'1 ?" ~ i.o.i. .a ,y attain the one of iif,?pn ? -.1 floodaeaa?aquallp well, . 'l_j.ii. ,Ul.,.,., in ihe tiaii.-ini-it.ion ol tbeir ?.?,,, . , itrai II I" Diitahle i't im .-i.i! u.i ibfl (l').'in. ia of ,,,.. (i :.l them all, atUiin . , . .-.iii.iii) ii thia niodi rn ohurob , .:. i.y men .ii poaitlona Id iin.laml. , ,,.r |, .ia" aaal y by th. ir tbal tiu'v paaae i throturb . like ih .-io wblob Lother en philoaophie re#ouerator of ttie -.?rn a loufl o i.'H and a har i .orwaul foi iui'iii I'.'plauoe hl- BBVorj , pon .aan ..I HlU dlflpoeed io a*k, '? II,IW iiii ?>,!, (" Aii, ll la eaaj f,,r tho. ?? f.r been ueepty exerolat i iIki it v np "iiiiii y m lta atoad ; butwbenooi rlty llIabJuratratBl "La t - alao tO lovu ono an 1 j ni (tot Jiir* eharity from tbe b >? m.uioitt." m..- wberoon balby. Wbora de tbe mod eiu apoatlea otiain iiicral liv.(aii pao bbota tbfl -t.rid if yiihtNi- ootblufl but tae worid to leaa yoor i.vcr on i 'i ea preo ut the eaae of a man obo . Iranced Bei ooolddealre, uml wno w__, not *, woeiu:iy Blity. " WLtol 1- 11 tllu .' ; nnd he rt.rt nol wall f,>r nn aniw.r, ? i;|, bla mind iint bo aaawot oaoldbBKiri ia oot bardoned mhu b toa, wiih even mi uuiii e ol doama, yet be crui Ifled Cbriat? . and confeaaiUB hun ln rehi.own akio. oadaaBor.- bj tbe act-usai.tai ui ne J-- * iab prieata at ihe dotirt of B. , io -a a- againat dogma ft-aa utmoat reverenee for the uf* aod teaeblnc oi Jo?tui' n l?t. Bnl be <l"l not Attplte doirnia. ni art tae Cbriat, iho Hon of tba bvlM Qod." Notb .i.iCiiiati.iil ean ln in nn tbe ci bort and Datioaol r.tii in anawer to tbeMaater't arU. ninl" .i.'.in ii'.i foi a confofloloa ol bia faitb opon tbe paiiit. And ? Btaatar rooelre iti Ho uot unly ,".. I theexo m ol it by ala aervaat, bul d. partlofl In boom moaeore from hin usuai hai'it el (.iim. iiBimpaaaloaod apaeea.ha broko .a ciev u, .1 and ei iltant oomme&datlon, " _ ftitthoii, SimonBatjona; for fltata and bloodhathnot r. venle.l it Ul :'y Kaitier wunh im m li.avcii." jUet ABOB I ?' eouipany, aad let tblaga bc t .iiitirt i.y ti ,:. i _?!.. :..ii. ? i b ; doctrlne truth re i. .1 by maa -either dootrtne ii ? ? aalTBtlOB of anmei-a ,n,,i,,,. ? m of tbe world, or Jaaofl Chnsl weokllBc. v.'ii run ' bediTlaitr of Chrlst, a? c <t. te i by Peter, i" ;i rloarma ; for that ,],,..,?,. fnr tbat iloi-tiia J.-^in dled. jfop __ a , be iii.i.1- lu oaoll ih.* t-iou ..I Uod tbat it u ti .tvti. inrt be Bire ln, lifi. ior n doama th il la diTlBe and oaoeaaa? if. the * itlOOOl hiiii.ei-. or (lnl he tli'iK hm iifoaw.n l,t ,i ?;, n moal make tbeir ubotafl. Tboaa ?ho aro uoi foi ( in Ial art acaiaal bim. Tba eonaOtnenta ol t trne rtevotion are a " lirlnc ?.'* \A l: itevi ik reii .j. red ia fl-erl-o. twtiod larendend whole, TBa i>ara*e iai lli a h:-". .. al, lau h.V l'-t.i. imtituiloiw underatood. .'- -. nl ?..,: | OWU Dortv. int thfl BOdy ,: .[ is preaeotod nol dead but ij vm?.- i altar to ba truroed; lt ia a iife dev<>ted to Ood. l.ove m tlm tln, ti, , ln tbil OO, tOO, tha flrooaiue .. ij is ip. Ial y demai i bOily n for tlm Lord, it n.-ura the Uiark o' ? ira f arf.illv Breodoi-Bllr h .i.ui 'i an. a id iin ooi : iivc not that whlflb Ifl . lotbor Uii.i.): read it wltb i loB-e,a i by tba bajt-r of Ood. Mi>w u.-, m.i a p. nny, l.ut a l. aii -l I Iblfl Ul tho ouly oo.u Wblob lil" ^?i.-ai kiuR uii..-..- iflaacaaad auperacripllun hath h 1 Uod** Beader itu-ro ? i.iiii di.t tu- 1111 ii ic thut la (io.l'fl. As <tie a. ... - t_ - - ii reaeonable? raUooaL II tfl ael tho arhitrary though lovu.- ( 1 addreased by a fath.-r to hia lnl. - b.m. ibe :..i '.i; ' ellai tbat ha may be tr-inod to baoilr. oi I.' >,a ,?:,.-..? I ia rtlh.-r the work :., au aJuit Bon-a work which . i , , ln nhieh he int.-iii ( ... , . irniii--nt inoeaee, praetload m i,,.t to: UaM, iiuil now i-e-iiiii.'l i.y . iwn I- tter, ii not a roaaonable ? b i.t ti.iia i attalnmenta ui tbc Ito ' Batarty elemeutaof a paat dl.peoaat.ot-. u,.,, ? ,i iatian .ii.ty ta ro. , in 1.1 and maa, llie tbe Creator han eatab iMbed , ? nt tt lirlna i??..iv. Untt I. , a iiv!' ii-." 01 tii.- .?>.' in na ? of tlie iowly, . in.t 1 n.oiioaa ua.i BaefBifoot, Xu" muto-lbolp , ui 1..... ,..,., 1, ia ....-.-.!?... pei fi't. s.iiii mty between brother and brother ol . a 1. b all i. ? aoaa aaddaaabtei il ,??,! ln tbe dbboj auaab-aaol i.m in .ni ui,? lio.ii.. 1,: t,a remalnlaa portloB al tho epioUo, imi.. iiii. 10 oi.uniiai. prao t: tl eharity, e reduclng tbo wholo law to oae pt, to oue word Love. Ati.-r derottag nn maoh . 1.1,1 noi ia -11 ol i" titli. 1 ; ia fiuii. Aiu-: - 1 ifl tbe power, be lo ikaahxri lv to tbe BM lujt. loat li auould turu out that Lt- had laimie.i in rala. Ui-lBBBtalj wa iiiiir.. look t" rn Lord Ood for a baptiam of tbo Spirlt. gri tat of tbe PoO" ,. at wiii ii-i.i-r in tbe Biory uiu-r Jay , bul mediately a:..i laatnuneatally tbat lliri>ii<i. tl.e iiier. ..? nl Qod, ni.llii U. Ilc u.ihl 111 I 10 un i hlni .. tlie cLcrmti ? I. realiaed, aod felt, la now aad tt in.- n JaMmI itiULSKy hy lUo uiouibi.-ra ol ttie (Jhna *u Ciiuioii. Xbe aoeou.: toplr* witn " Peraonal Uelltfiori, IU Alds and Jli'jilcran. i ." la. itrai BBBOf OB thw ?ul/j.xl iiai- 1. ..rt by tho BOV. itii-.'iiti.l i-'ulitr, 1)1>., of llaltiuiore, Md. Shlapapfla . fl-Teohfllew. l>r. i'.i..- rl*aaaaa ofhtroDgiy i.mrk-d a i ruther fluvere oounteuanoe. Uo leUfld v.-ry l.ttlo ujku i.-otui", B-BMOt euurt'ly upau hl.1 Tolce tor tboemph. Ifl ifhiM uigaimi.t-. Hi* tuaumr wa? (llcta lfl(a_lta-l rthaa Braa-aaatatlfe. Aaalaaai hu wouid lJ(H t_ . ? ? H flXhlbltlea WlOl the remaik that lt OBI *.i'ry I'aiu.'ul to hitu whou 8i?akinjcoii this aaujeot. _ WHEL kklk;K)N. Ut T ??. iirv. nn.iiAKi. TVtAmTE, n. n. T. wl. would d.ivo u boat forwiird by row lu, . : B4 ?' - oarij lf bc omploy ouly ono hb- HlU-) . roaadaOi- he a prey lo every -. ft, i. Ull lt la iflflflM d "ii therockfloroar <a. A dlt le Juat ao with reirard to 1.1 .1-'I I . tho matter of ralvatiou. " 1 ?' ?')>' _*,(," _,? ? |b> '.'1 <o uot Ii-i.. v? that mai. beta avo anytblna iodo with hir II, 1 ttol. l H la Ood'e flxed decreo." l'.Ut ^_,) -, j -TiVork oui your own flalvation > mi .IIK-" "livj.ily ao," e_olaio.r lt Ifl .loelliu*. An 0( inm.* iipun 0 ir I ? > ii." imt ,1, 1 " I Ifl <.?).. tnat mn, eih U;r , ijtd 10 tti.l-iia loiiool Ulflaeo aai dp-aeaBro.'' ll, 4__., .-H U) a MUi to Uffl (tfl lluavcu. (I l.aa btnu wrmnrhttn us by Oed. ao.eretan greee. AadtfthM tu muu pertahnot.lf lt aonulroe''the aania of actinn, it _ wholly throuah tbo oAoacy of __*bm__TSjJ__7S aata (.aee and merey. If we reeet thedootrlneof bi.iiian ?n_ we attt tata all the Indolenoe and l.ii J ,!r otthe If we dlaeardt^^rt truth _f Uod*- frce, aorerelirt.. Indlapenaahlr ?__?. we wlll irrtdiialiT Und all ourprayitiir and toilmg only eo much I, _m1,__ dru.lKcry.aud will bo MatBtai, tb . .eupiu TSoilet deeUta.hawerer.ta en. r tota Bhtoajaaattaa, nor to ahow timt tho life of faith rcqtllrne of ua thc t oin ? ?, .nd iitiitu.i.??..'."'.? who work_?_ir aiidependedon hltinelf, and who pinyi, iivo.-t liourly a? if everylhm_ _iu, powar, vi.'tory, aaleaHua mbm he the _ouati_n of (,. ,i'? irec iner.'.y, tho opcrallnn of thut .kdori.blo Splnt without wboae nainodlat.- Influenoea the bo.leettnan would certalnly l>e lo_. Mv wMi la 10aiibm.taooae M atoaa reii-ctlotiH upon tlio most im|M.rtimt nulij''?'t Ih il taa aaaage oar <______>, aoaaa Iboachta ableb deeplj eea i,-i-n our paaoe, bollaeea, priparatiuu for Uuatli anu etrrotty. Religtoa (from tie trigt) _e?t>_ 1 he reatUrhnicnt to <;..U ot wlnch b..d oaITBBged )Ui-lf Hui). H\ tha rery foroe of Ihe tena we Bia rentaded of oar iiininii apoataa. aad "f lhal aaaaBlwg aaotaaly tatha tli. tno Jiin. pni.l.'itt'c I.r wliicli iruilt iu pailoin-d, tbe pl.tlnga, ol .l.'-i' liled fur r.-.-uu. iiiiiion wnh "the Kathcr" ar?. Batiatled. BBd uur cinire naturo? st teea, tntelloct, con-w-lence, pasui _u?-i. readju .od. lafejeel aaatgaed aaa ta Peraoaal Bellgion, it. aad lli ul. ran,?.?.?.; nol was tlicrei cvor a penod when thia topic olalmed more aeriona aad tmyarful eaatemplatioB. 1 r while in tli.fl.iri all ii.lmlt tliat there ran _? noeul. rtiiiutc f.u huiii.-ifl. . yet tn reaiity Bpeelouaooantorfelte aud n_tru__m. aa erery elde awrapttagaadeaper ?eding tbe doeti men of the Oroea. There la, ror exampte, an artiflclal orthodoxy, a dry lij-bt in the niuid, wlnch ened.1 im iiill.ieiio.i on ihe Ilfe. D'Aabigae talla ue that aitor bearleg Baktoaereaeoa uioii liiiinaii tlfl pravity ho iald la Bim. "Haw I aee tbal iloctrinc in tfee" "Yce." rorhed thc iiifl/ine, " I.ut no vou kcc lt in ynur heartl" [tWMthta arileo* yet profound qneattoa whi. h ied ?loo ol Ibe r-'reat blaiorlan; and thia li new tim imiuirr to be proeeed. aa to all evaaj.l_al truth. Doweaeelt, 1.--I lt in our boertel " 1 am BM way aiul thc truth aml tnalife." lt w oae thiii* to admi. thia Imperial eelf a_ert!..ii uf ..ur I.urd, aml a very (111. rei.t tblag to r.fliiii/. it : hai n?lhln_ ln xaviiur falth Wfelei M..p_ afeort of a full, coiitroiiius reeapBoa of u t reeeptlon tbat tiiruuo.i peraaaally -ct tha iiiimi. tho lio.irt, thc Ilfe. TBB ta th" r_l__OB ..f tfee .;.> .?!. It B ua aimple an lt Ih _? veio an.l aafellme. Tbere la, bawwrer, tae aaaeh raaaaa to for that for thia peraoaal foUowtaa Cfertet aad adherlegio lilu.i. nnltltadea a.lor.t ? loyaity tocreeda, confoMlona, ini faitii in wbleh ii Inportant, bai fnufi la whioh . ? iicrai falth in the arnttea w..r.ij may be tataliy utauken ror falth la that peraonal ttarlor. wboae Ilfe, ? 'iiniiie, deatb, reanrrectlon, are,objootirely and ?u_ iv. tfee ir,.m.i. inf .riiiui-., eunir..llin_ rulo ol failh to bii diKC.ploa." "Ifoiloa me.M Wfeaa Jeeae wae apoa .-ariii nu.- wiv. ihe uiiri.i_m.-:it of _i hia dootrtaee, the epltome ?f nii hi. aermona, hla whole hodj of dlrli Ity ; ii ii tala in _ii: ina atrlet deeaaad,refaMng to obey whioh Wfl " iaok one thinjr." and aro ratally def kOtlve iu CTcry tiun.. "Foliow un?;" me. not a relteion; Jeaua eame mt to tca.ii. Imt tu ba our rellfrion. Mr; nn*. u dOgma. Ma; ii"t a doetrtaf. Mo; not .meu deeenolee, apocry inoooMlona. Mretloal, eababatle rlrtaae, M<?; aot a ereed in.r a eonfeaalon. M>-; not ev.-n taith Ifl the ,. ,.,. Me; Me; oome follow me; thal B whal tfee ^a vioi requtrea of ati, aad ba wim Mgleeta to eoaiplj takea ap tfee wfeole ijia. t* i aadeai be iiaandareianda er aag i., ta tbe rery Uoepel by wbleh he bopea t.. be eaved. i'li. i, agaln, laatoado. peraonal conaeeratlon, wa de tcrt a,l aruiind ua tlu- r< of iiii|-<i_iiiik foriniill_ iiii, ol .iiii; rltnallaia-. of i ataraallaaM wbkah may be .i? Kiaoeful .m Ui,- exqulaite elataarr ta tfee Oreeh tenplea, but aro Juxt iutdo_itiiteof life ; wliicli lull tkeeoa ?. r. itaic tb.- t.^'i' aad faaey, feut leare tfee feeart um baaaed. We ur.. <? m-pri__<l tbal ui tke muiai of tha n.iootlUe liiiiiu.i .t-ii.n ol the Ooepel, taoo eaa atlll be he v. itohed I.} tbe luperatltlona, Inpaatorea, un i pageantry t.f tfee t.'iiin'ei. i.i Bona w? forget two ibtnca; iir_ i. tLal iu our lulli-n cuuditl )U i.HtkKluatiuii H KtronK.r tluiii . We. e t iiii in uiircnii.i. Taa take your Uttto to' a toy atiop and pBrobaee an agly auak. ii" k.iows yon ure bii f.uhcr anl tho m.iRk mitiiin/bm u i paiDted paembaard;/el wfeaa yeapataatfee ou? LiUe iace be i* i.-iTiii.-i. How do you ezplata tr.i?l It ie a proof that I.i tho ch.ld Imaainatlon la _ti . ii _-. r tii_.ii laaaaa. B ar ta lt atherwlee wltfe efelldreo oi atarger growtfe. a i.uiy weepeorei ?? The Berreweef Werther," or aome otber lODUntenial norei, !)?. i ibe beiiere it to be truel Doea . ii?* boI knowthatlttea pure flotion 1 Aaaaaai aaaaa aatara tha theatar. Tha HfiBlrt Doea be r_.Uiy auppuao laat he lota rkl li be aot oertain that the aotoi taaablea, with aaefe a raaftil countoiianoe, i? ool tfee Prlnce of Deamarfe, i.ut Mr. Joue_, whom bo met ti.e niirt.t before in a diinklng-aalooa l| Aud tbo lady?m b berduhereled ii.i.i und plctni-_H)ae Bileenee?doea be tinnk tnat aho i. r. alii tke luvc lorn Ophelia i Deaa be aot know tnat aha Jotics'-j ivift-t Vcl He hita tu.-ro bath.d in taara. And what la thc aolotlonol all th_1 Wo havo aii.ia.iy ? ven it. in the lady and in the BMB -ihiii tlu. littlo li )V?liun .lualion li Btruiiiror than roaaon. And now a ij.iv iinn iiaportaBt murai pnuuipie to taa aaattar ta I. tn,i, uml we will uaderataad wiiy Ike Motamenaaof B ui..- ex.rt a iua_ical spoll OTer people ln their ?enaea. TBeeeent u aaeaeaeeeret. ItMtaatapeeta elaa, ritee, f.-->tivaiN, prooeeelene, robea, eeaaere. roiiea,, prleeia, auu aitara, all _i'p_ai lUrotitly tu tho Imaglnatlon, Aad wooverlook another facl. We fonret that fhcan ieuiuoiiiirt are tfeeMoeteabtllefenaof acii-riabtnoii-. Tbej are pleaataa to tho unrenewed feaart, De eaaaa tbey are pei tomed to merlt uo<i'n favor. aod tkey tiu-. ii i iiic aaeal grateffal laeeaee te the eelf-eeMpla . oui uoreaoaerate aatara. Bor u u onlj la Popery?tbe maater-pieoe of luuuai. crafi?that rauglon UlUI I'l-yxtalu/.. -i IntO hcluctivo fonn-, thit inatcii -?!.? Biea are .. eounterfeil mr i>i.-ty. Tba Mttar boatllity ol tfee rhartanoa _as Indaiaiid aKai-aai Jeeae, beeaoae tbey p;r.-fl-ne.i tnat ka ___? Bbrugatlag tno gorgeoaa ma e ilnery ot ibe temple t.y whicti tbeir apMtaal jimic wai tateneely aattered, and waa reqalnna parity ol beart uml Ufa, Ami auu, ai tin.-. .1 iv, thc 0_kH of < liri->t, tho obodlcuuc, tbe ._lf-rcniiiici a nm, tn.? bollaeM uf the goepel etlr ap the enialiy of ii liiniiriiv. beeauae th.-y tim traditiouM of trn-1r fatbera uud aboliah inom oid haaadltary eaaetltio* whieh, iiii.i'T tke iiisniioii- |{ai ii of n Uglon, llatter llnir prnic, qolet their eonaelenoea, aad ara el h.k t.> ,m eaorod ii-'ii-k-MBB, liaii.siuiltod throUKii a loiix Huo ol bouorod I nu iiiiun ouly one otjier Hiib.ititute fnr peraonal picty. Thia %c in..'. li.^i.-.'iate urt a krirt of c .ipuialo rclieiuu, ,t derotodneae to eoa_ Ckurah by whlca we becoae, not Chrlttiana. iml oborehiaeat aadthe laapoaltleaa wlnch U,.'ii aml WOBMB pratititc. BpOB llimimelvca untlor liua .Ii-lUrtion arc aluioat iiuro tili.c. Btttt, pa hipi, .Inl .my body of ? Idten n gunl Un-in-u-lvcH ai ealtatod in n_ n a klgk and bt.iy eaterprloo nn tkaea wim ander tim i.aniici i.f the CruaaBora; yet aaver wae tbera aa amy uiure dcjiraved aml diiiulutc. And a m-lf .Ici eption, evory wli.l t* itifaluatcd. ii wttaaflBfld now lu ttinim m i-i ?lu. ar.- iho blffoted atlvooatea of nouio aoolealaatloaJ or gania itloa, wko oontribato their w.viitii aad would paar out nioiid for aome Cbareb, tuo tenete ..f waleh tiicy nnltker undcraiaud nor BaUere, and tfee uior?ll.y ol whit h tli.<> tiaat with umll-iK uacal oouunupt. Iliiqucstionably, tke very Blealea of tho geepet, all H. aitmand appoutaaeata,aappoBB aud raejulratfea(,xi-<i aaoeef eharaMBj Derda tke Beriptaree leeogalae m n iiutny imii wbo relux'.r. lo nllfy l.iiu_elf pafe* I-ly wiih that emplre whuli JeflBI haa aet up un tint .?.iiii. Bat few karaetoa feave been ao degradlng to tba r 'ii_iou of ua thal wbleh exalta tuiiii m luitramuii l il -iu, in ,i pi ii.itiioii I, ln, iibovt; naiie.tity of hcurt aml Ilfe. ISuiely If uulon wlili any p.tuliar K._lety were eaaentlal lo talration, Jeaoa woald bare i i.-..ny diiined tbat aoeiety. Bat aaither la tha ladtaatara of UU klagdon pabllaaed ta the acriiiou on tho iiiuum, imr iu 11)8 prograintue ol tfee laat (udgment, doea n? attor ? H.nKie word ahaal ekarek. .Noi eea Ikle aarprlM aa; for vi-i le ckarekeeare oaly etda, their ardtaaaeaaaad Mla latrlaa aic raluable only ai thoy protaote pi-r>oiial tn.n urm. So arror of tun Chareh ot Bome la more fatal than tliat whioh U -anliCH that B Ciiurrh ian do MHBetfetag im chauieally io ?iiv? ua. And aii Cbarefeaa praeUeethe tame unpoettuaa wfiieii get rtd ol religlon by aoneiblng thal aa. im le i"' rciipona; wbleh orertoM tbe graal t :.itii tbat ovcry ninii iiuint be bla own prleal; wliicli, iu Btead of eeek.Uii tu uwalnii aud iiouinu tlio npuit uf t utii, panltenoe, n.nictity, i>y th.'ir preyere, b> maa, lee noun, fccriiiDiiH, aarrleee, lareel tkeee perfornaaeea wttk a Aii|?rati[it>iin viilue; aud thu* katinfy BM BBaaflbM.? wiib Houit-thlnK afeort of bolliiess, antl tlx tb . boail ou kijiuc aaucllinoulou.i maihliicry JBBtoad of Cbruit. 1 bara tbat Indloated muuo of tba dauK.-ra whioh, at tha day. argaatly adaaaaaab aa ta laaart apaa tha graal auty of t uitu ?uu_ itue, peraonal plety. Wu.t, bow erer, da we. mean by paraoaal picty i Tala i? a qaeeUoa of eternal moment. I thcreforo urive ihu ai^w?r,H?-. k li_ lu t nirt. aa iu aii I ulter, t) anooi tain " tbe niind uf IBe .-pini." Iiy p.rsuiial plety I mean, flrst. aprluclplo. o new.pra cimia pnneiple; not a eaoceealwn of good deeda, bat a iplrltual prim-ipie of wbich gnod decda are the fruit_ aud erldeaeaa, Jt>- p raonal plety I mean an internal Ilfe; not out wa r.i i DtiTitiea, hot aa taward power, ao iimtinct of derottoa, t _ f.titii, prayar. aaU-iMBiolaBoa, habltaal eaauaaiea wtth i.ou, wiii.ii ih taeerporated aumui; tfee reeyeto im nii. of 0_r belllg. One of the moat remarkablo fcat linrt of our nur. ln lh_ eaer0 Witb whioh mon ooinhlne i.u ir etforti in evfl-i v Borl of eiiterprisa. In tlu. Cburcb, aa in ti,o world, wbatoret people wu.ii w 6a timv form a . to .1,. u v, uu , un.i, ibarafore, iu tno Cuurob ua lu Ibe world, oae "f uur p.-rllw is a reliui'i'i wlnch ia frum without, no*. from wttkln, tfee ii.i_aki.i_r wlcat we do for wimi we _c, aad BoaaaqaeaBf the aeglael el onr own iplrltual bealth aml praeperlty, wiuio ae aagage iu iho iinei-iii'deyetama or oouoertod uiuvoiueuta wlnch ui eeeeaatly .-iaiui uur attontloa. Uy perauuai pn-ty. I m.-an a vlializui? principle; a priuoiple thc ritauty of wbleb- Uka all real life? ia at teeted by ooatianal growtk. If tbera be apirltaal Ilfe, ll.iie will Im a plUgHMBlTB eulari;eiu.-fit of tbn niind and tupanatoa ef tfee _>ui; we wiil"Krow iu araaa."aad ibii tleviiojumiit wii. bo "aiiui.llufl. lo tho i.roportiou of falth" lu-" imi mony and _ yinmolry of tbe goepeL ln _ woni, Ibe peraoaal pn-iy deiiund i.y tbe ieriptarea 18 nol auy cinotmiiu. luil.uir..; ll la u n-ul. dt.ep, pr_.-tl caifuroi whioh dcrlTlog ite atreagth fran Uod, ra _ the aoul above tbe eeneee aad peaateaa, tabreode talt tamperaaee, ehaeBty, eelf-eoatroi, ebartebee in it tbat abldiag -ou_ iouauc_ of tue proeouor. aud power el .Irt-ua wfeit'li will cauae it lo be alwaya porfec-tiUK IU i.'.iveiiiy, havliiK " it? fruit uuto bolineiw aud I ,? l llll Itl.ll.Willl. iif,-." BeBgtoB. Penaaal picty. 'Ilievery purpoae for wbleb ? tHire our hiua iu i.ui owu l?o.iy ou lue troo" mm ?? thut ae, betag dead to aa, abould Iitb unw r.'_titcoi__ ncaw," aud If we uro Chrmuaiirt, tlie eubjoct now in hun ! aiuat tto prof ou ndiy lntereetiuir to ua. _or if wo ara Chri-.tiaiia, If wo have |iaa-iod frnai de.ath unto Ilfe, then ikerenaa baaa aat .mn iy a okaage, hai a aptrttual reaurroctlon,, i.?t only iuu. Ika Beaaa aml pilvilcKua ?f a new for. naii) reinliou ko lio.l, uul luto _ uew cuuriacU-r, tbo tttf iirat OoaaciOUi lu_i .lieiu of _ im b i-, un iii.-itii.otivi', irrepreeeible longlng aud rearu lu? aftor |?erf_t boilucaa. Yet bow far aro we from ibut boiluc... ilappy llie m.ui wboae Kood daataM rij)Ob into liult_, .boxi ( .11 tbou. )- pellrtU lu tke l)li" aoa. Hut. uian, t"? oricn the rararae <>r tbi.. M Moaralal eaperteae. We?ereawe wb?. are thc Maek era aad aotaatptee toe etken?woald we be alytaya alil .ug to iel Ibtiu luok into ourhcarl-l Wo flato ua, bow Uteffectual uu oui ctoareM eoorlotion. uur moet aoii nm .?_?. inin ma; eo th_t at iluica li really ?_ mi a? n i tk ,{.ifl_-i eiuniul kuoompllab lu ua wbal il piuiuiaoa, aa lf _au_-lng aio wero too mueb I,,r Ood, Not ene ol ua . ?u'a.raiu and aiMin. with uitu-r w.-.-pniK. Baeeaoiaiaiea, ? _, ?r.' ticd '.ml iM,uiid (>y ibe oi our owu a aa: Oui_ol.__i, O Ixru. of the pitifulmaa of iby graal ttuio.iotwua.'' yoi erea <>ur i lyera )">' heau un ?aiiinlf. An.l nnw why u ttue aul In omwor t.i thia iiioulrv. lt U ?r..iier.illy aaid tbat wc ure lall'-n. uml tfea naintaiidpolluiioiiot aiuaUli atllioro lo ua. li.l tim MBoa-ewrr, fortbeguepol lf tke dirtae raaaadf lor i, lt vi-iv nv.l. lUfliu.n. laiHhui) (uol Ihut wc h.voall ..i j iiiMppuiiiu it iu ike b".'.. afciefllBJfired aai i__i-? aiu'ivr- -_?? BMI oouv.ned Ui Ooa. Uavtbg Umted the lare of Jeaua, re|olotnir ln him with a Joy ?* M*avtkal>le and full of fllory. we heaatBi lhat we were totaTof dellfered fram the aoIlolUtlona of ?ln. Uut too aoon ihla Joy wlthered away from ua. too aoon th" trutb i.roke In bltterly upon un that wo wero not whollT ?an<v tltled. U)oao*>n wo wrrr, aruaflcd and huuibled by tne _ _ - ____!_-_ ....*-. II 1. ?__..._. tm llllfl llA VO oonaelouanwia o? renialnlnfl eorruptiona. Ia thlfl. hnw ev.-r'flr.xp.TienreT Mnat the i.roil' even after hl/i rcliirn. alll bfl ooBtlBOallr rrlarlmi hl< tatbar I Munt Uod bo alwayn tbua _*i*hon ,t,.,| by Iho motloua of ai" I" tiln own . hlalr a, I li lt n.ieiaary tbat aeload BhooH ever eeaarate boiwccu him ahiill beti hun a well of watt.r ?prin?iii_t ui> lB Swrb-Snallfo." -bifl iifleeol maaa that tben. _ m be in aa a roiiiiui.n IbfOTOf flflOdlaifep Unpure and poiaoo depre mto the e&o_e| ol nmi W"j vvhi.h _ pertleo ii,,, tiaart" of tlnt hopt uliirh 0008001 U? to I,'.: ?=?' fl.Oa.-a I. J)urn" ttnd IU1W Uedu.-t froui Uie v Irt u.t of tliat ataiiiin, nt tbfl .iT.-rt of wu . h 11 Ifl II WI'" TlliU'iVl flituB '-_- _ m i . . I J ahould be that wh oalfc la the Beearityof aa uaeuoa aml in the joy of an In.partl il ri-liteoiMiir-i.*. Uot mn ii avail iiiiii ii foroo-frowtb iii peraonal boii noai. thal we apeolfy ih" '"*?_?? iin and pefaUtt binderaneee wltb obtebeechl briatlan baa aome of which are la the body, otheea Ib tlm mind, othem in tha beait, the mmt fOrB-dable tu tlm imagiuaUon. Nor will acure bn made by prr.--ril.iiix tln u.uil atiti dotoa an.l pwcautloaa aaeb aa ia?tiu>r. aad prayer, ami n.nation. ami roadiaf the wor.l ot Uod. Me, pooder yearri tlm eternatly momentoua eobjeef. witn mn, 1. prayer, many 1001-, au 1 alter BBOfll iiinriifyliiir; * periencoa, ono areat trotfl aoo lg"'MJ_fl?*Jll ,l', ce.rtainty of perfoet eonvlCtiOO. It ll lhat wlh tba einidr.Mi nl h "I. tbe obh- aaoae of anah eeobwebie ,i. j,,..-;,.-v iii bollneafl la tbo dofoot "> oxir eonaeptlona aa lo the way of boi.? i bcb i i a ln tbe Ooapel. h_jli?bt "iie.l na toa rr.-.-, f.iii. peoaeal imtfdt*mem ihr.iuKii faitb in Jo-ih. iheerr.irof Umno who h'o U> thn law, to l .- '. own eflorta ror auaolatloa from tbe penalty ofant, eeema toaa tbe atnneeetbllBdneoa; batw? forarel that -aiT.i tlon from tha power an.l corruptiuu ol mii, Iroui ttt lU'ilf, inu-(t bfl in tlm aame, way. After all tbe eoBhoreralea oaaed aod wa_m?. itap^ prarn to nu- uului taoooteauble tti it la tbe -."v.iiiih nuap I.T of Uoiliann thn iipostl.i Ifl deecrtblU tl.e painfill COB OiuU and defeati ol a ohUdof Ood. wbo La ?..?ekiii* to perfect bollneaa bj tbedft! Uoftbalaw. That oaa Ibfl \.i i ?* f.iiii.ii. from _iraee."'from the graciouH proi of tlm (;.,-|., i wblob be deplored In the Ualatlane. Tbai only would I learn of JTOO, -a-Bfltwed V" thfl Sflfll-t hy th" worka ot tl," law. ,.r t.y ti." heaiii'Xof failli I Aro pfl ?. t iiivi,.-' tir_un in tbe Hpirit, are re now made ,, ir,-,-t t.y Ile. I!-.1 1 Anrt I may app'-al toef-ry Chin Haa,aad aak < ? *?? ?'"'' "'" ?""' |M '??""' couaequenoeabare notenterod Intohli own expcrluoa. i:.,, liiNtii). rear aoel with all ttatntof-flai npon Blm, rou recatred all you eamefor; yoaexpfl nenoedtbe poaro aad bloaaodoeflBof pardoa; andauon wafltbeeratltudeand lore. rtowlojt ln youi tKMom.tbat " i.riiii; mi Ifl from atflaj you beoOBM thfl raervauU ot .Uii).- -ui." old tim eeadaaaaaeetfl fleotiaool DM ttiocx duUIto poteney ol thia new affuouon permauently du IbaeTil propenaitl.fyournatore! On the eon lodRa ti .rv, in. ini.r'.fl-i'ii.i san be more rabatantlal tbaa that nm havr f? ' al Iba rn irel of Ibfl life and powet nt .ii, uiUiiii I-...I, Aml imw why thiol Whv l.ut Ihaly.'ii Bousjbt hollooflflby the i?w aud nut l.v faltii. No.hlng oonldbomore atBoere than your reaolutioofl, promi*** and ? Ibctai imt Ibe biiuibiinii aa_ee or tbalr uttor inaur tn . ooi niii-r.l you iii anaulflb to i xclalm, " o wrotcbod ii, ,n ti,it i .1,0, ui." bai .!? ror me froai tbe body of ihi- ii'-a'lit" N,.r rti.t vou unii leltof. peeoe. Htreneth, M.-t,,ry orer yoor coimptloaa anulyon repalreJ to tbe r.niiitaiii open for -in aad -D-loanneefl, anul, lookln?to Je?u , cantinfl youi aoul upon lum for flanetlfl i itlou Jiiflt aa rou did m tirat ror pardon, rou nttared tbatwxaltanl about, " I ilnn k iio.l tnroii-h J"*m? ihrnt our l-airil. T.ieom, paat ald, tbaa, lo Baraoaal plety, tbe oae ea . raaouroe coranrohendlna nnd mlne eOcacy u> all otbera, ta faith tn J-i-fl, ln blm wha waa called Jeaafl beoaaaa be woold aare lun pooplfl Irom tbeu* ,11-,;" ti..( only tbfl flB-l "' Bln, but Hom BIO l*_e_ lt woani to " iay Bflide erery welflbi and tbe a ri whi ii ,1,,'h ... e;i_u!y t.'--.-t ni," tberola bataalaBle oay, it in " |i oklna unto .i.'.him." If wu am t? Bato mir trnit ui.Ui holi-caa, tbere la bat one way. " Abide la me, epye j, iua. " ln ui"." not rn a ' bun b. " iu me; nol m ymir own work.t. Of ooarae tbe life af .very tim* dlaea ple of tlm ll'-deem. r will be a lll" of oailv ri-ll-ieuiKl. Bvery evaagellcal graoo aappoaafl aad raqiUrea oally xi ifuDi.ial. -oronlyeo. Ihe alaa moat fatal to Cbrta tian.i reipiire aml mippo-in rtuily telMoalal; for it Ifl not throu.ii iiiHii,reri?v, or evil InleBtlona, but throuxli Imloi.inoe, e-bmlnaey, exoeea in uwtui ihlnca ihat tboae who ara really eonrerted ao ofton di? hoi.or tbe holy BBBM they be.itr, uml pierce Iheniaelv.-i thi-ouirh with niiinv rtoirow.t. V.-t for all thi-.. lt ifl Irii.i ki aabdulag oor daprafitieeeaa _c.i?f lauu m worth j niu.!,, lll,- of utleinplc.l faltlllullieitH. At the imall.iil -kill if Hiiiiart, uall h.-iir ? paaaenawr toa ri.-hly furnUhed ahip, ao tba foebleM ae? of faiui. ii it ba aenulne, wlll umie iim to Him in whom dwalieth mi tbe treaaaree of craee aad atrenftb, aad wbo "ol Uod la madeonto ua wtedoa ..ii'i rtabteeaflaaafl ami flBBenaoatlaa Baa re llrinption." ln drawiiift thejio (ilmoi-raliona to a BlOfle I woii! 1 remark tbat, while we are aii lamillarwitta iboaubjrut dlaenaai d, none "f na arr fmulliar wuh iN fliaatneai md lta impo. t.iin'... Hooboeaa alaaoe ..i tbe preaanl Btate oi iiii) woi iii a 11 ln>nt feellaa ??') >' il-BBa la tak?i_ to hnu aeU bli iri'-at n nm- iimi aaaertltifl ala Imperlal aupreB* Hy aaal ataada ereet ami exnlta a* i lurvai tba lapuiiy eztendloB e aoaeata ..f tbe adorabte BoIbowbo iirvri eoiit.implali .1 fnr bla cinpu-" any -pli ? i>*? BBaTOWflr tii_tn tbe whoir t-.arth; whom tbree oontlnenta now hinp; whoaeTtetorieaare the atandlna miraela or tbe Uli.vernr; ObOM w,.r.l lun. t,,r n. .11 i.l nn. triii rentiiri.i.., beea tba lawof lawa of all olT-laea uatloaa; wbo, "tba bolieel amona tbe mi-i.t,. aad tbe mlobtteat .tn."..*.' the haa, wiiii hiH pleroed band, \ltt* -i empiraa of m r liui-'-n; liin* turi'i-.l Ihfl'iin Ol n-iitiuic-t out of lll .-'1.11,111-1, aml in BtlllBoTornl-ii Ibe atr..r,," who laora M, ii rn; iii r-aatea, raliajt trlbuaaU of Joaboe, oootrolllna klnimaod aabtneta.framlnfl aod ihapiDg tbaBrowlBfl ?tatora ol tbfl world, bloaalnalt oitb -ood coyerumeata, wtth the blabeet kaowledgaa, wltb tbe hureat biimanl tlea, with tha nobleet powerag wltb the deareel amenlthM aadabarttlea, witb " wbataaever U-aaare Joat, wbal ao.-ver Ihlaaa iiiotruo, whaimevor tiuiu't .uc luvely aml Ol i.'.)l)'l lllpDI'l." Bai let um not bC Imporunl upon by the-te, nxterual trlumpba. Tbe true htaadom ...' Jeeoa la ayttiteal ami niteiior. It i* Iheeinpire of li ilh over llie i.iiiirt.of BO i ever the beart aad tha in.-. laward aanotltr, pure, oonatralnlng loTetoOod and man,alnoereobedlenea whare .Iimui relena tbaee ara tba eieamof <>f bifl aaa?r elxnty, and witboat theae bo ootward IwflBaafl can ui.tko ua bla rral dlaolplaa. ii oe are to be ueful iu winnine bobIb, Ib adraa?Iok fll.) truo Iliti-renU of thn llr.lrnm.i, tho nn ret ls, BOfl bubIbo nor Irarataa; it ii. .m DarM iWnlarrn, "aeleaa la aii," tho couaUul pr.'tttiuoo auti power ol thu lluiy Hpuit. If we are to mijov apintnal liapt>lnes<, lf thn Joy of the l.-.i'il ln lo le: our BtreOfltB, lli.) ooni in.Ofl )....-- I.r. i>ii11 tlfd froiu thfl nl.iiii of UB, anti Ofl BBfll live day In th.* raaaeiOBaBeea ol eatlre eonaeeratlon to Jeeoa. *? Tba -jafldem el iiod." Uu reicB al (iirni *? m nahteoaaaaflfl, peaoe, aod Jay la tba Holr Obaafl." li _. tirnt bolteaa-, tnii peaoe aa i bloeeedaoea, L irtiy. our aalviitii.ii. " \V.tln.iit holincai nn tnan ntinll H",- ibfl I.n.i." tmm:iii liniiit bu.- >tt onfl tiuii) fdlt that tbe ..ue irreai flaeeaaaa uf oui ta bla *% 'i.- thaa liuiy foi I ,.in liuiy ;" uml atraiu und BCala la tbe moat BWIBl t'Tlil. .imi i.y cv.-rv diVOI-lty "f .MMJ.ll.ttl.* inlmall Ition?Jeaafl waraa tin of tim tertibte doappotatmeat wblob at iheJudiiiBeiil aball ororwhalia tbaaa v, bo foreot that lepeBtaaee ia m.t tba Btteraaoa of tha ttaa, imt tne ehanaaof tba beart i obo,U~taa la Balf-tadaUeiiee and rlll. BtOpafl ll."il < 'il.ria.-llrea, liy lhat Ullni ,111 lllllllO iii.ii.iy oi ii.i vi mr " prophealed la -Ua bbbbb, aad la iii iloiin iii.iiiy vt iu l.-rliil WtttBtt*" un ent"r Into thflflfl tho.i :hti. Irt flfl bruln to MeteoBooootaalreefrom ?n tuttii.ieaH or tiu- Baab and Hj).iit, iv-rf.-ctniK bolioeea Ib the ot Q ni." aad let na t-iite.r upon tniB lifo now. To inarrow may i.n to.. 1 ita, Beaa_ "r oot ready, aeatl Ifl Htoaiiuir ou aitb lUeal Btepa 'iim Hiiinuiuua may bfl BOdden ; or lf you paflfl into eternlty by a peetraeted atokneae, aeed I ball vou what iii-ai.i i.e.i Boataralo?a tn raaily worthi Itimvnig Tii it BOfl of two brother.. who hart hflkfl BBBB al eniuity waa anout to (lio, a uunUtur of JeflOB wan eirc. alliiKly anxloi?i to eltoot a 10000* riliiitloii Ix-twon them. Tno al. k mio h iJ Baaa Hm more viol.-nt lu lu.t BaallB-8] l.ut n?w he BflOOl ?Bfladlathopflopeead lotar-law. Tn.-y met. bbi,aum praver by Ihfl paator, eaob beld Ihfl hanil of th" othor aml profeaaed bodow foi lha pa-t. An hia brother w.ik Ir.ivniif tlm . hauil.'T, how.'V'-i, IbB pati.uit flB-Od hun baak aad aald. "Jamiw, i bBBB Baada it ap baaaoaal unii. i am K"ii'i: io die; imi remambar, if i k>-i weii n wlll bo jiint aa it waa before." Th?aoeae om real, aad u iiiu.ttiaU'H tiui aatare of prefeaeed ebaagea ot beart la a dvliiK hour. All Ih p"iilt"ii.e antl team m el elen.ily ; imt let Imaith return, an.l with ll i .unr. lli" r. -il i.aiioii uf llie mnii'n pOflfllOBB. II BVfl g-:ln Wuil, ll U Olth hin Blaa lum aa 11 wart liefore. May (_od m inerey navo ua fi-inn this an.l frotn a!1 rt>-lu Blona iu a u.alt. r ..f BBflh luiillile inoiueiil. l,t i-ax-.h ol aaaa paaa aaob .iay aa to H.,y, IB aaa ta hre bt Cbriat; lomeuiboriufl iilnoiuy then wo cau add, Aud to rtio la BaJn. l'ersonal plety, (rn)wlnc eanctiflfation of he.irt and lifo. Wlthuul Unr, aii mir bOpaa aro laUl nelf-tlr, eption*. '1 iilenu, eruilltion, w.-allh, inllu.-ure, life - m.iy wodedl BBtfl aU thflflfl to onr Lflfld, an.l tliiin he falthful m tli 1" ?t(iwaiii?ui|M wbleb ii-ve beea cnii'ied t,, u?. }jut i,t na ever roammber tboae worda ao full ,.r aoleaib alcaifl* i-iiiiry, " Nul loiir-. but you ;" anrt, whlln devotuiK'?ur unl ui.J eai-.riflea io iin-. i.iiu-.h aad itlory of our eon. in- iu Uodeeaaer, let im " hoi.l a r.>o.i eouacinuco " ua woii ?? " the taltb." let ua hn evor oi.r. irin. that aelf-iuantrry without whlfh. ufter Imvinit preaobed to irlhfTB. we our MflveNahall bo oaalawaya, ever (aiitlvaUng ttmt all p- i radlBg naui-lily whiii la ?lruui{lu, vmtory, | ,y now, and ihe r-rriAAiM anl earaoat oi ? bleaaed Lmm u i.iiuy. <) j.iauH, roiiiihaafe m tln* Inoellnialda iiieauuu^. A* I11..B ditl.l (ite bo iia ttt mt, liai Uul vl |-iriral 1 Ir-rli, IV l.u li n illirr .irriuu*, roiroda. Wkirh ii a pillow. uut a loi-, T-acti lr.Ui Uilti itj mm ani) luoiii iu a,? Mit'.ii, th.ia.. Baaa. ? .1 kt I i (Jr?lt I ??; pur. aul lowi; Im. Aiial Iit* ?i nti, ti t,lirial tu li, | Now tbe u.xi afl paaee timt hrougiu agalo from ib" rt.-wl our I_onl Jnaiui, irn-fit abopbard al the Bbeep, inr...i?'it tn.- bio'Ki of Ibeaiailaatiiifl oovoeaui uiaka you p.rin.i lo flrerr eood ?ork to uo iii? wUI,worklnjiio yontbal wintii la well pleaalni la lli* tlgat tbruuflb IflflOfl Ctirlhi. Ifl wtioui BB Rlory foroyer ami ever, atiiou. Another paper on the aauie aiihj. ot waa re?u by tlir. lirv. Wililaui Nant, 1). I>., of (iiniuuatl. Dr. .N*at Ifl ? irryiilow apeHker, even, aluioat inouotonoua ln ln-, tl' hvery. His maiiner la app.-ainirf mtbar tlnui argu iiirniiiiivii. with little C'lt'ire. An of hi" paper is appended : I'KI-SOiNAI. UKIJi.luN-lT.S A1D.H AHD 11 I.N DI.ICANCKS. uv tiik ukv. wm. aaai *tv -mo-avan |fa lari) ln or.lcr lo diaO-f-l \bt niil< nnd nmbmrnmrnXmOt i.f pafBOOel reli-lon, Bt Ifl Bthflfl worda, tbfl au.i biu il.-raiii . ? t.r lli" hclle?i i- ll. Iii* pflflBBBBl rel.itbma to th* i^ir.i Iflaaa OhMI, it taaaai <>f aaaal bapBdaaaa that w? have * i lo.n i onrrplloii ot Ihfl thioe chief fanla lu tho pioeenH of aalvailon: (i) The Impart ition of npintual life to the aoul ln rt rbuorauou; fO the elmoaing of the heart from all rooral Impurity, fhr?ii_ i aanctlflcatlon of tba aplrlt; rr) the mal.irit/of CtirUtlan character. I. It l? tbat there can _> no ptirlty of h.-art, much Icsa maturttT of f'brlatlan ebaraeter, nnleaa aniritu.l Ilfe haa heen !_p?rt<_ to the .our frum ahov e, We are by nature dcad In trcap___ and nins, an l IB or Kr to ohtaln aplrllual Ilfe wc inu-it hn born ac.-w, muat bfl. ciiiii.fl new .'i-n.itiin>a lii('hrl->t Jaeu*. It la M Imj tor a dcid aaal to grow lala iplntaal Itfeaell li f<>r ? ilrnd ptaad "r ii'inm.1 lo !_?> ciiliivate.l into ______ nf... I.lf. ia thn III .1 and ililn retjui.te fo . -owi.u. thir.-iinw.'.l huiiianilT ia _i>iritu_lly rtcad, an rt no man i .ni n m.i.irt a Chriattaa bycultare. Bplntual Ilfe Iea life from tbe dnml, a reaurraetlon from the deatb ..f am. " llc wa* daad atid la nllvn a_.iiti " can ba aaid of ev.-rv adopted ."iii.i ol ttod. Hplrltaalaad etornalltfe i_ tho lt.-o ir'flof Invlne _-r.u-.-, i.vir.l to fali.'U nmn l.lirou*li ib" miiii. nn? au.i daath ?i ..ur __ 1 Je_ua Chrtae. II. lf a muu ireeelraa apirltaal Iif"' fhrouuh faith ln ciiiisi Jttmm, it a man he lu (Mn ni. ii.i ia ii ii.'.v. reatarel thn wbela "oui ih ralaad Baa. tbe deatb of ata, ba baa paaaadfraaadaatb Into ilfe; i.mtho laereaelnaaf taa nnw apintual inn dooa not al 0000 defltrBf Iho ilfe of tkfl old .ua... The new iifoia itapedad i<y tke retaalnael tha mln.l, hy inl.r. il .-on aptNNM .'.iriiiiit Whioh a ."ii Htiini aar aaaM t>? bept Bp, iha aoal aiicru-tiniy eoaqaer in it ami beiua eonqpatpd, Bel Ihe iir-t of ih> chi^tiaa ii,nii ii ,t .atnl oni_l i,,',t to Iie acflh-t Hiiaii". -vfliol) _ ?tun.i.i.iikta and __ag.aad aadlflaaeoBlag au.i laela im ing ot iin- ganaaato. Ue who btottrd oat oar ii..n_irrra hionnaaa thii-k cloi.d, li ih ihad llMprccioit.ibloo.lto alaaaaa .mr ba ttbt tnm tiie reaetafl e_ tba < amui Blad, trom all unlmly d.-aire* an.l anful letnaer. Imiii U'e n-.in_. of prlui), im.'i or imt, fiom .ill Iiiil.iiu ? ? ? ti-'Hli imi iplril. Tmi cnhri heart puruv li nol any more apradaataf grwwtk than tbe new apintual Ufa w? ro ccivcd iu re_i"ii_ ____. it. b tte g-ltaf Oad. reaalrad by nn aet of faitli, iti aniw.T to fervoiil I'layor. I w..h mr ri' i i "H.t hr b-liannf 'I kra, 9*4 ?ail. . Mt th/ _!,_?1 U, imp.rl T...- ij.?, ; ur ij. III. After wehare recolved by folth tke lmpartetloa af iplntual Ilfe to reaenrratlon, all iinpcdiia i .arera> iiioT.n to our Kiowth iu graea ' up to ti_< neaaare el tae nlalurc of Iin | lUo _.?! , ..I i i.r.u." But|lb___. .irr Mliil tlajtee i.f in.i_.i_a.iii>. Th.' Bertotnrea apeak ..f i> r;.-. t mon Iii oiiiitra. wub tkabea ai,tt c.liildreu. Tbia toi 01 i1 ^etiorally applmd to the legitltnata reault ol Krowtb whioh la CbHetton matarltf, bnt ll maybe epplledatoo |o Uie nlallvo _.?,-,'_ Iii iu thu illHrlr.nL_l.i_n, ul t iirir.Ll.ili Ufa, ibr. ai, aabaa uml faii arowa aaeaaad iai imr- lu _ rtute ol BBBOtlAe itlOO aa well aa iii of all<,:i. na let ua baar ta Bktad that progreea fnym deatb to ln-. frum Impurity tn purlty, la ooadlltanal np ,n the reoeptloa ot ihe iioiy oimat i>y a, i i ot faitii. i.i i.t ai-,, bear iu tliat apirltaal pr >wth :? entlrely dlflbrM-t irom bi ,,i- ragatable ,,-i..*ili ka tli is: A plant nr an laaokee tke liailMoflta ezpaaeloa iu daa lliae. growi no m?r.:, Imt tbe oapacity of tke loul ta growlag < - like knowa no hmltj It on and on. itutif w? walk tu Um liKhi ua II" ii in Ikellgbt; if wll avaaloa wo bnaa evaty nettoa. nantlna. aml tfeoojtbi imn tbeall-eearcfetngn.-hiol taa preaeaaaof Ood, aad in. M.uii w.uii im- lu'iit reveato *?-> erti. om tti lowrilnp ia wnh tho Patfeet aml v,uh Hia ami, tttttt Ohrtot. A few unlmportaiit animutiimmcntii were ra*il'\ uml then the andience Jnlued in aiBglag thfl Old Qundredi " Krom all wlinilwell b,-|.)\T flm - 1. I Iha0__toff_ BtahM an,"." Tim in.if.Uiu thflB a.Uoiini'-.l. II W9t ion, imli'il t') ndjoiirn tho aftnn.i aii.mii until tim ?v.uiiii_ ao aa lo alluw tfl thu .loi.<_.itea lo at.uiul .iin nf-crniMin acrrlc. a al thn Mndlaon ive. Chureli, th , i idtaga "t _ hirli will t>o f .uml b.luw. BYBMOfa BBSSIOV. PAPBBd bt -in-'- ?___. J. C. JiAiini.s >.v. ___>_ PLOaXB, AND TIIK IlKV. W. W. I'ATK.N. Tha uu.ii'l.i.'it. ?. at tha mra_nf laat or-alng it \...ii i.tiiou iiaii ,.f aaaattoa of iha Braaaalteal ? , whtob waa a eoattaa it. tt <>' the aaoraiBg aaa toaa in tiuiaaaM pla..*, aad ablel aaa Btada Baeeaaary by tbe laiiKlli of thc paaflaaBBflBB that ha.l hflflfll decidodon, waa not aa lar<e aa at thfl BBM UBg aaaatoa. Tb* paaflaadlaaa araaa baajaa Bif_i p, u,., by Iha _aa_ag tt tim ruih iiymn, lii-iriiininir, " Aw.iko iu> aoul, attatoh every mi v ?, And pr-a, wiih v._ >r on." Tue lt.-v. Dr. l'ait'.ti, toabV, nckt niado ii pravci, ...ftrr Whtob th. Ii I ? J. ('. Il.trrt.iuu ut i.omion read tlio papof ou the Miiliject. " Family BaBgtoa." ?at I'Wlli.v BElioiOM. nv tiik IB*. ?!? 0. ii utuiMi.N. i>. B_ OB UKBO Bl, Muiluiii mt -HaS hai iBBarkad that if you nsk au BaaBahaaaa nt tha reri .-nd of the wori.i abare br n ?;oiii|r. ho wlll be aurn to icply. " lioinc" lli.-t thoii.'hla, bB hojien, wha'aocver lua dtataato f.-nm lu country, are turned always toward bouie. Tho iovo of Kntrllihiiicii f.?r tli.'ir BflflBflfl Bppaara to have been cveu thea aeteatoaB, tmt it laatlla eaaspl noai faatarato their iiailonal lifo. Tlu.y np imi flMMh "f tholr BaM Bl huliie ; llicy -i-.-k lln-ir chicf ptofl_BU_fl ul huiiie; auo.? all, their pilmlplua and eliarat 4fl> B|B formcl, for tim inoat pail, ut huiiie Now it niaii's cliai.ti-tcr la for l.ii.i Iha prlaalpal thlaa> Vhatha w. mai ttt mon lppart' uli. i. Hiau what ho i,.,.--.----t ?->. Hn- oiitu tr 1 lot I i uul in" daad o aaattoa ad aaaatl Moaaeatt ait how ba wl ihie. haw ha wlll ea)oy lt. to what aeeeaatfee aill tara it. taaatalwayedependaa what be Ufelaiaolf. And as hoinn ebtedy darterailnee thi.. he eannofl bnl Ihlnk ..f hecna wnh peentlar teadardneaa aad gratltnde. il oii_iii to futnnli, ti wu. Ii.l.'ude.l n t.o.i . . fuiuiab, tbe beat oondltiom for bealtky growtk and .1 rolopm. it. I'oi-flo-ini iii,lience uiwav- bare i bareln tbe ti.niiaiion of ebaraeter than the et|.i taattoa i for.'.'.in.ut of aay abeuaot priaeiptoe. rboeblld neod-i to bare ererytbtag preeentea in theoa tn ibe adnli ia eeldan ralto i ir.- tbal be baa nndoral ....i au abatraet tboagbt llll it B Utaatratad by aome coacrete rxampie. li.i_.lit, tratb, l?,ve, partly tauat i>" Maa ta .i-> tiini life If ilioir natuio li to l.e apprebended, ?ad .- _>..i tiiy if blgb aad h?lv beanty .- to be r.-tt. ll _m H tb. plaee \. bere i"-i waal Infl tence ii la thc aa ,.":.!, mt. All thal a clnld iBoald u-aiii, all ih' i>i'ili.i plea wbleb be ahoald embraoe and exomplify, be xc. m tiuiao dearcat to ij? iii, BBdaeoaeatobeeaad leallaeata hitnaell wli.a ho adaatre* ia tfeeta. Tbey prreent, or abould preaent ln exatnple, ahat they imn'. i'o by preeept, and the ebltd, uinl.r i.'iii aewer, takae hta alilauite eharaetar. Ihen tbera B a aertatn noral atBMepbere ta _iu.ii alone tha lite growa qiiK? heelthllj -tka ekaraetor la moldod i ad.aataaa. wfcere tara le warm and > where j..y la eoaetaat ae tbe iiuuhla. where ?df la for aottenlncare f..r othera,whoredlatinatlaaba outbj natural oonddenre, where purlty i ' - * pro me, there yaa hara tka eoadlttoB ib wiiit-n tke higbest raaulta may be o _ pi'i'ti'.i, aml aowfcere aa tke ?? eouditiona tu be m. t with mi aiin-Iy and au fiillj U IB B pl '".a bDBie, t\t yoa watrh ibe aroap tt bttle "ii'_t roa iea tbat their rariotia fjeniii.-i aro pieaaaatir exereia .i, baoaaae obedleaoe ia galned by lore, nol e_ion i .1 bj le u , geui roalty la pi ?_ tioed, not aelh-bneaa; retlnon to |oir, nol glooB.; the u.m.i to iiev.-r eraaaed dowa by bard, ahara law, bat i_ brigikteaed i.y kimiiy worda "i eaoou agaiaaal ami belp. Henee tbeae genial fonnaure induenuoe bave o.-.-u fiom um rerj beglnnlna. Pamtly Ilfe la .i ""i aaBt__ h" r,...t to la tfee rery aatara ol tbtnga. n haa .i.iriive.l the Ka.l, and c.-ir.n .1 !. joinl -tii_...t ':.'-. imlaa and earaeal ol reetoratloo. aa you read Ihe aweel Kiyla of tbe Old Tea tame nt, rou f.-.-i tliat tbeir pMnotpal ebarai Haa In their deeorlptioM ol bappy falnlly Ilfe : tin* lOTlBg, nii.1i-.pu.'it a.i.'!i..ritv of i>an-:il.i, tke ready, bearty obedleaaa of ebUdiaa ; tae eatlre bouaebold goreroed i.y Iha laa of tho Uard. ou.'hu Iha waa m tbnae daya aliuoai Wbollf d-pandeal f..r Iba Bttatoaaeaa of kaawledge, e_i__iaiiy rcll?lniw baowledga, iiiatru.-tiuu la k.-uu ,1a or oUurah uppaionliy did nnt cilat. lt ii.ivoiic.i whoiiy, off at any r_i?, pnncip-dly oa pi r.nt.i. "Tbeae wo_U ikoaebaU toaeb dlligeatlr to my Obll.lien, aml ahall talk o| tli.'ii. When Ibon Btttflfll la thlae bouee, and whea thaa walkeel hy the aay, and When tbou in al ilown aml -hon llio_ tuaM up." _'?? pla paulonatoly deelred oBiprtng iu thc bope tbat tuer wouiii perpetnate aol only their aaaM hmt theirprtncl, an.l wialnd lo ?ce lu th.m Um r.-pr. Im u.u BOt iioi.-Ij of f.-aturca, bnt of their meBtal oharaoterbttlee. what waa tlu* eailicat ordm itlmi toa tin prop.i _.itloil of .Imn. _now!?t.l_e lnUfct hfl Blflfl Ibfl latral. baeaaae 111? tin. bael ami iho m_.t Agaln, out of tho lauiily ar__ tho aatloa. Thc family waa _? _ :rui out of _hlih tho BBBaa iriew. Tb.- p.itnai.b wae tke totfeer of kta bonaehol , tfeea tho baad al ma trihi', Ikaa tho rulcr of thn natlon. Tne prlactplea whl.-h were at tka baak of f_ally 11 r?- thaa naturalty beeame tba baata of national Mto, with only aueb nodlBoatlona au.i expanalona aa altered oondttlona demaaded. aa th ? family waa tho unlt fn.iu wlnch tht oatioa apran., no uu- uation wm -ii ii badiaaahad Ite wktoat eitewl ^>ai Kimi.iy a eongarlea ol famiii.-a, uml tho obara. tor ..f Um naimn depeadad, aaoro taan upon amy nunir, on tbe ebaraeter al Ike iiousoiioi.l. Battoaal life tbaa, no lonn tlutii ludivldual, look ila form aml __-P W Iiom the dlaelpUae of hotne, und ?avo to the family a poaiti ui wbleh waa atoeee paiBMiwint aadaaered. Taaaaiae Ih.i,_ hulda Kootl atlll, aud evcr uiual do. Tm cliuraolor of a people will ulwaya bo a.1 lli*. B__-OtOT ot Lil. ic hoiue. lu Uio .Now Tciuiu.fliii, Ihfl umty of tho'hold, wlnch waa tka ^rcut Bhana aml pnvllege of the Jowiah family. la alvtitya nu pimti; iho paaaatofl ia to paraato and tbalr okU dreiii lioiu uio eiuiiraoed iu uio oavuuaut. i'arouta ara M ii.nn up tbeu eklldraa la tlio nuiuro aud i.d inonlliuu ol tbe L nd ; ebi.dr. n aro tn ohey Uloir paiunla laiall taiBgB Ac,|iiainlaiii'.o witb tho (VurU of ... i, ,n tbo reaull of lioun. IruiiiiUK. la montmn.-.l ua a aublool uf w ni in i ont{iiiLui.itioii "Iiom a imii tiiou b__l kuowu tha llolv Berlpturea wiu.b aro able to make tbee wtee unto H.ilvatioiilliroii_rh laith whieh la ln Chrlat Jeeua." lu. il.-ri. enl ot pl_l> irom ptii'.uila lo elultlron tl looked for, .uol wl.eii a.en. i.illa lortn tl.r. BBO-t BXatefn "1 thank (iod for liit) fallh Whioh dwell tlrat ln thy graadaiother L ua ami thy mother Bunloe, and l ma pereaaded that ln tbee ui_ ..*? Aml la tim Aata ol i n. Apontlea, tlmae eucbanlliu rjrurdaol tlie lic_iiiiiiu_a of curutiaiiiit, it to laoat loatraatlre ta ob-arra la how lurK" ancxteul tbe Chareh waa luiill BB "f conv,ri.i,l luuiaebolda, liuw frum liuio tu lluio fuiuiluta aut-.1i Bfl llioao nl l.ydi t uud Ibo 1'iiiUppiu.i _ .1 - a.ldcd to tho l.ur.1, and bow. while u proiulucuc. , I'. f..ri- uu known, wun (jiTcn io the ladlrtdoat, Ibe ui n ctiii waa lo iuc.r)N>ratu tan.liiea aa wldely a_ p_alh_, th l . i-i iu. u natiuu to aouagartea of. famnlao, ikaC'iuuoa ? btbaa uol,. eiu a of relixlouB fatnillaa,and tke truiiii -.'...' ibe family nlgbt tond riebneaa ami rlgar to tli. ilfe uf tb., (,'nuioli. ihe l liur.ti ao far lluiu uiiirp.ti,: l tr- plan i.r tl,. f tuuly, muai tiv.r bo ou Ibe uually 10* lu i, .ti _____ i.K'lli. for )U beal, luuat oolialaUiliI, 1.1 .1 hti'.Kl r_al, moal uanful mt-lubura , Mii.l lu inn, .. ..:,.. |u ./ in.ea IU tho hulno ? iii Um U.iiir.h ll*i f I..- luuild lu tli.nrlflb. Dr., in h.a "rt_?kefl_ after (iod," I || r. narked ??li.e uncicnt wrltcr . eveu tlin um i, .? _m ? , bul rarcly n-lcr t,vun ln Ibe inoat turaory n. t u -.r, i .iiulir aarlyreara; ahoreaa tban laao_roe(j .? tern poet-Tfeo haa uol liu/?r.'.l will.a__||a____l t . nappiuiHM mtt* tha yaatb a_M__ftoa-f ._ ..?..u.' ikiul tttlila Ibul _en. lally "Iim .il"?uai.i... i n ... tmi lhal In all pr..i,.il.lluy iiiii.l.'i.fli'd um . .t t . .,.? wua a illaro^ajiio.l und, lu BMB. i .iaoa, .. tn: .b_pl>r iu-ii.kI ihau witu ua," aod liniu lut. wi. . . i , prvp.1 ImiBM lulluiiUtaa, the voij. 00110. ,)i..ii ui oi j Vul ait fuiiitih.ii. Wio-r.' chriauai ity u ln iinj . .-i icr ?Mn degree Imaeagaated wiih tba eld l*aga ? eai.aa in l;.un iiilaiii, Iher. .fl.clefl? ? _- ? t,, ?.,_> ..vorrhlo doineelln .?-??n-n-* of roliKioo, an i i.v,< luiuraiaai priTiu. wutaliip K. traaalorr. ?. ir.m. i_ ,,,,i ?. ui lue UHurt- . ae if UM baaaa were *? .uai.aa...." ti.., OauroB b_u-J. tion, while U _? -. doi___ BBBB a iuallo? _ ooawenienee to have ? fM__tf__f____\ "J_?_ \\Tm\ot atedweiiinica-areamaliand crowrted yet. mum ?*?? aud it norer ilhillir ctlIIeI llllr. Ill' irii. . ia.. ...... . t ,, ' Iflon ol Hm Churob; Prot-ataBtuni of tbe launiy. Wa may add, la the deffae la whicb Choiobea approxi* niate to Kiime, Tlny l.v mrr*m <>n what U eoomeiaBUoai to tbe depreciatlon ol whal li domeaUfl ln n il.iou i 1" th.- Otgnt la wbleb tbey adopt a thorouflh-eoini taatan-um and ol aroto tbe eTaacelioal faitn oo tooy viiiiie domaatla nf" aml ealtivata -ooa-aaaa pieiy. nOBRHTK) TRAtTI OP mK I'lUlKIM FATHBH*-. These roni.irla-.tbl.i iiinn who, li) MM reaolved to ero.a Ihfl At.antlo ainl found a uo- aettloiui nt on the abotefl of Arncri.-n, wer ? men rtntltiK'iiiliinI by fainlly reliition no toi-t than for linliviilual taltb. Thoy had b.-.m IftON frotn tha laud el thoti hii Ui l>y tho flf BBl band of pflflflO* tion, aud, tho.i_.-h Ifl HoUaad they fouml a friendly wel mdaqutot reatlnft plaee, th.-v never felt then K.ilvea at home. lh- i-.n_;l!-.ii laaaniaae, the -D-UhIi Hre fl-tflt ttie Kmcii-ii in,ni i Uie vt. re all deai tn * b im. Thay oooid not be li(ip;.y thoee; Ihe-ooold aotea dure tha thoucht that their abeolO loaa tbOflO. an.l, there ara, tb. t aouohi b eoantry wnoro thay couid ... their faith and train their bouaebolda ae tbey b.-llevfi'l Ood had en; ilM& It i? BOt re.|iiire.i of mn tt) tnvori tho hia'ory oi tne f-iuuly liio ol U^if Uuu.().ji|_te ii Bcendinta or of thoae ouo oorapoee mm Kfoat and rapldly-nrowlne nation now. I eannot douht that the boeae tradiUoaaol tboae daya atui ilva on. ihat faiuiiy i 1 .-:.,ii rtlill .1 ??? lta part falitifuily iu Bp holdlflg thfl lifo nf fl"' 1' Oplfl in freihiiivfl-i anrt rtgor. llnl tno l'llirnm KiUiera wer? watebed by a band tbat ramalBfldat bomaor retanwd after yeara o'cxIUi. lt wa* mal nl) by men of tbia atamp, wbetber within or wiilm'it tha eatabllflbn_eok tbat -Vaoeelleel rcii_5ioi, oaa kopt up iu Old iftnala-d, aad taefla taem tt b ia ipread 'i.i lt baa reaobed iu preaeot dlmenaiooa. It wouhl ho iiiT-reatlnir to eoaiparo tbe two itreamfl that tiu .N.ii loriti from i.ui aaaaa foeataln head lha one ia other iu 111. B u ila- I ra i ai my dle poaal wlll not allow ma ta f.n-.w Iba Kna-Uh eorraol f.iiiii'', iuo. evou for a -loiount, to Bt t_0 Aui.-ricau. i'./riuiii) ' Bftei tho tlo parture of th.- Pilftrlm PBtbera from Borope, tboae who in ,i I.. Et ii. . : ... prlnoiplei aud reaolved lo carry tbem out to iho fOil bad. lf we exoept tbe perlod al tbe ... iw.i.iltii, hard tiiu.i.1 ol It in Kaffland. Many ot tii.-.o, al liio-'th nioit. al them, betaam Moneoflformlatfl, audthej bad to laeea lea pabilo worablp ohledy by atoalth, or iiuder roau-ioUoua wblob _opl taem i tlnnal mar. Profaobly theae rery cBeoka lo poblii Bbli i.-.l tui-iii .rn vu.- aaore -lllg-a-ji ta eulttvete i l'li.Kiaii- Iii rloea would beoouie more elab orateaaa ??? ln e ohn ,h became inore dutur-ed aad nn tertalu. Ai any raio we u.ive uow aml tben glinin?_m ol I'ami.y rellfllon la tboae daya, whlrhare . ,|,i,..i,v tj,. i.iti'iii and refreablnir, aad wbleb acoount for tha di !>'li and I i'-"n **". . ... i itii.anif tbaaa la tba Ofcetob wbleb M.t.i.ew il nryhaa lovtogly made ol tbe bome ?r bl i oblldhou i at Woitbaubiu f and Btoad O il--, wbere ralo aad order woro etri Uy maint-lned, but otaerejoy ituil fi" 1 .-i eti'iilly ll ..iin,.o.l. Ui- father. 1'uilip ii : i., ?...,. i - rayflto .lf.i" on M.i., aad wboaa lta imon tban tbe Btroog eatarBOBWutfl to oraw aaaa loChrlat, M-.niiin.-au l llll'. Y'.a wi 'a iimi ? . I lUl . ' ii. 'il'.l tn ucth.T for f.iii.i. worablp, but aol t.n be and hlawlfe ,- i , -i. ret, tor Ibey alflhed to hvo aa mgracew Uhrlai tbal tbeir preyera, t.i, prayer* toffotber,ahould boI ho bin durod. "Tboae do well," bo wafl aoonatomed te aay, " thal pray m..ri.in_ and cvcnin. in their faimli. n ; tbOOO . i ? rtptiumai bul iui.-<e . tbat pray aud re i-i anrt fltujt i>- ilm ..iii,..." iiim rule io* in n-u-.i i.i.. .i v-'i. Beflaiuna wtth aanort bat Bolomn iiiv..n.iiii.n ol thedtviaa proaoaea oit a i . lll rioti of i't." ? r ai Ipleaaa tor be oaed to ) iy, ?? tiu-vmi.) of ni.n.ii-' aad aalratlwa abaaid ba lo tbe tm en, ... . of i.c . ile next road aparUoo . i f in. lu " prayera," he woold rem i.?, " a kJ; by tbe Word be ipeakfl to ii.-; Bad la tbere any reaaoa thal oe ibuaM ape. ln !,?? t.i.n ni.c ir the prieeta were erery day to bara ? ,! I'y ol pra Wtuibi ,'.. mi m imllyhe alwaya expoooded, and lirm ho lia.l ? . .i ii ?. "IXiaOM . . iii-.i-." ay ilmefl ?? .inui prliiuK. and - . with." Aficr in. exp .ai tou ha would aak ui - obliUraa t?r wm. iutofwhulb( ? td wuui.i try to imprcsa . wnte . be kn.-.t deoa i.n.i otiii-.'ii prayer, aod "taol that im fjoiliy Bhounl atldi'.i. t:i.-i-t,ly,Ui i duiy with tho oaiA.irtl oxproflBloin oi rflTONBoe .inrt co-lpoflednetfl. Hfl n i-tlly fetcbed hii mattor itml expi'eaelouj In pr_yet trom the ehaptor lhat wu.-. read. aad Ihe piai.n that tjua... wbtaii ?.. oii.iii, v.ii y ,.u . tr. I oiuob to aur up aad ex ciuj prayinjr fi-ce**." "' i...:.i j.i-r Aitii iicmi.-ii knee . d tbeir uiother; tluat. i-, daaOed of tbem to pray Ood to bteaa tbem ; wuloh bl. ? nut w.i? iriv.ii wan gw?t-olemutty auu afloction; uirt it any ouo uf them were abacnt, tbe j ware tom i Lord . iu and y, ur l rothi i i or, you aad ,, -in: alatet taat ui." Ainl kut any oue ahould euppoee from tbia di.- nutlon that i - en rei. i ro tr ii'mi, iik.-lv io .iiiT'int rather tban attraol the m m , " M ni .li . ,. ;i ta.vii to . - ;;i "i ranta, toi h , i i.m.,- ni,i i ia ln tbfl lertieea. Tbe ij tuo more ploa?oati w ;.. . i.i,. i, i.T i V, r in u i- lay, )..-....ii what a wi ai meflfl la it. Boflh au ozoellaat facuitv bebadforreo ithomoatewe taodamiablu i ,..i ..t iu im. world; and aooareful waabe,like to ilnvr a-t i he ebildren coul i g?. If aome good ui .ni well woulu tt \. itinanyol tbi prejoddceaa oa are apttoi.i'i"- .ii'-Miu i ligiou,wheu tb. aerrloeeol it are ma-e a toll a I i ra." Iheu be <-u ..i i.> make tbe Lord'i Daya day of apeeial joy. lh-.. ommoB -1 iiiiUi.'ti 11 i.i- tamlly and rrt. uda on the roftbatda) w ??>. " Ibe Lord ia riaon?be tt rtolo iiiih-c i," and tbat w_i< tbe keynot. to wblob a I ploymenta of tbe day were oet rhevoieeol pralaa . more frequeaUy beard, auuleota oi aa exnlllaratl-g tl iiiii.iih.ii.i . ....?,- l tbfl BttOBtlOB, a toae "f tbankfutneaa au.1 nU'in.-sa malntained. jjulMi. Hi ? ?' i i.ot U. j. i.i tor tbe forni.ifioii of liis ilirerlly ieli-ioun. ? nbin ?! ? , t,, nm '.:,. ir respe. I and .n i tlou, ind Iht roby Oraw tbem toto the putb wbleb ha parauod,forb w._i , -, ln on tbem a . oot ex empllfy bimaelf, Bi tbem areat treedom witb blm, ..ii. .i.ii ? ; .uy >ubj"rt Ul in, ui I ln.."- ,. ..', p .i.i.a Lo ,_iv.: i.,,., .i latlflfaotory anawera Uewaarery anxioua to make tbem prefer i uaraow r . parauaeloofl ot niu-,fuarded tbem aaainai "ml tdiu* blab tbinga," but urimdtbem lo b__goi aad thlrfll after rlfhieou li. enooureeed Ihem bj ?* une dool '??.! atop (?> eounuit I rl u Ol Ood, B . 1). ul 'i'ti. [ a l..rm ,,i aorauaat or t-imia i-" Loro'd tiuppor. ______ ..y prayer, hy pr.iiar, bj ij an matio loatruou iu In toe B rlp v raallon, by peraonal ezampla and ii to make th,) f.n:..iy iBlljpea a . i-...ilily I I liin 1. i . ful thal all bla i tui irni ln - . iry for ploty. Nowldoaotn in to aay tbat all parenta bara tae koawlodge or kkiii to train tbaarfanilly aa 1'i.iiip Henry did hia, lmr do (moantaatll tn it a.i -ii uii.i i '"pi td ' 1, butl do in .i.i taln thut uli ouKht iu fieot meaaure t" aaploy tnt* a-tue dellberate tboturbt, iaa. ?? tha eduoatlon of t..,ir >i may uot be a tblna tt ehanoe, bnt a tbln? of wir.rly-11-der.'il purpOBO. Aml ? w.aild a 1 l that m tlie f.imiiy Ufe of Khilip Henry you bb? tbfl tlai-g whiouluthat day au-ly pareuU almod at, aad to tbe . f tbalr power earried out Ihai plao. I before you oue i'.pro-.<iilati*e i-fltaBfl ' Mtbar liin ,, imrtnurt uf lUi'-uipiiuK, wiiiit m<' u aa ooobl uot .uiow, lo true tiii blatorj of famlly roUrioo ir im tboae daya to our.. ii.u 1 , . li iii 'i tbal ihe leLnpoii.-iit.) >>r tbo f iiuiiy baaalw y*btettet tho eaiue orleraathe geaeral rubjnoue Ufa "f tbe afoj anl ll la ao in the proauot -ar. Kuw ioj of mut timea u to tr.[om?ti.! im m thouaht, rt,.. .inui n .in tbe ..i?iii;i.ou ol aii'. .ii'.r-n ttii oi-.i-d, treoOom from convention loui la tbe ebotoe of amnaement-, atyle >.r Urlug, partlea, ofle.. ate. Tamtaadanry laeapeolalljr manifesi inione tbe eaaler, lor ulaaao- of tha oommunlty, whoae oonaaquont babiu are unfarorabla io t.." cultiTatloo ..f famliy re.iirioii. The ii.i.-h.iiirti eompleto their tiav'? bflBtBOafl. ana eome bome to a lata dlaaor, alter win. h thay aro lll.alUaillje.l lu aUj Lli.-.? Whi h iliiin.lU'la tboufbt or ell lrt. ic.-ii or axcltlnfl . wbat tic-y aeok; ta.-y have bb la-ia- torqulet domeatlfl pli a.^nr. ?. r recmattoaii, ao dlflnealtlon n> inatraot or iulde tboir i Bl iraa. roay omll lamlly worablp or raduoe it to a more toiui. keep before them n mewhiebtbey oan uml' iv,i lo re i a , but allow aecldeut rery much to uo tt-i uiiiiii wbal n aba l he. rn.-ir apOii naturaiiy apa-aOa thro'i^u tbe whole t-a-ly. wh i ai Uul prefer a feverUb, , mnal liio to a Uie of rt-x-p. qulot enjorme-b K,-.i?i..ii m .-ioh a bO-aeboM m.iy n..t .... : uouu,ed. buievldaatly iloaado llttietomoUltheohar> actiir or eierate ibe Ufe. i n.xy tbai I -inii" teadeooy of thli)_ii. hut I woald cnreluliy artrt tbat, aa a m itt. r of fa.'i. tbe oxoeptlona are botb Dumoroui .mrt da-anttul. Muny ot Lietine.t t-x.iiiiiii mr laauly railaioa aie itbl ta i.n laaad ta thlfl raah. la the i"?. aaay nn 1 woaUUy ebaaflflfl whei-o .fea.Iy, dilhfent wt.r_ dBfl-B-dfl icrtutii Btiud.iir.iH anl rul_.laU-.rv, BBdteedfl teebeob boflbapea ilatlOB aud lux.iry, muoa of tbo old, Qtuoi, domeetlo reliiflou-till provatlfl. Fa.u iu prayer la malntained, th? cnil-ien ar? r-ffutarly m Blr.irliid lll tUf Wor.l ot'h.iin I InAlWBOe all 1 B-UMB jiioazortBflalatary iHiiT.r. Ktob bere,! h_aay. tbeto ih leae uf ayatem tban tii. r. aaad tobe itml more ol ir.>.> iioiu, aad tn i.i I- by uomea 14 ilteaetbi r idl n-iiv,tut?--ii. Tue ta ti md 1 111 ? preeaaie 1 to tbe yoothful niiiiiin n"i iu Ioj loal, ii..i<uiiiti.i toiuia. out witii mn frreh Hiii.iui.iiivt) diaoaaawaa of eVmpuure. Ine in.ir_ii i?ki-n yrocijilciivo 01 imi ? ua lie ui Chrial 1* _latla promiBout ratii-t thaa my ayatematle aecooBi of bla Itathiflf .'.i.i tou" of f ?'(* iy aaoeramflBl laleaselern an.l i.airiotod; m-t t* rto , > by aiilh .r.iy, 111..r.- by |?i miv.iiiirc ..:. loTO. Iai.'- ?f llbcllj Ifl BUOOOd lu i.ior eiiiio to ijiet 1, fllyle ur 1 eee, oompanlonabip, amuao meeW, aba aad nu*. no doabfl, ha* iu ^rave arlla and i.c ? i-^ua to llie Iai-. liuUln uu.l Ii-ioil-ui" luoul .l.itlihO lU'Ulon.i. .. r)?i lh" faiuny ilm ul lh" moca eoBleol o-taeaa. Butaa the ohola, tbo hwa Md Kiiii. a-i oomp-red wu 1 tb-paat, appeartobfl naany ui|_ui; aild lt 111010 U .eel .y .aueni.ui., wru ai i .i.ig.-.l ?etiptur-lkuowloageM .. u le.-a-utoo irloUoo, theru n iiiuio ol ralionaJ, ?puiia..uii.>u.<, uufoiood, uo.tiihiul Oirt-ohoBBeeoltha oerklaa eia_?ori it m difflouit tn apoak witu -*.i.Uti. u... a.i- -coumoy. Auiou. thn pioua p'.ul.U.'Ul.aa.c .') . I -? m -""'I w 1... -. -. 1 IV raal Aud rery baautiiul. Paruatede tbalr i..?i i.. ov.-r o??,a uu. .. iii.tii, * wh uuflfl -WBtcouttoedflpaflo, iMuttUt. iflwueaai tha woi iimboura arbiob tuoy aava V..111 tu.-lr uklre 1 "" - lu-aa, aad BBBdol raal .?a u ,i..|iu . ?.._ .-..'? ** u ttiaa; aad lu luflutra tn.i.u wi'... >v " BB-ipfl-o*eaBdoi prayvr, luey . .' , ># . _, ,y 1 ..,.? Jllioaal ?-...'. |. in wnlra .... . ?| ? rci.uu ? , ic : at ta tea, ii 11','' ,1 ,-. f witb id 1 . it tue bun day-eebewl. rbaf *? uot . -,-x il.l.'tini iriab-i "I' i '" ''l Iho ir..i?ji-.|. billlV ol 111 Hii iu a to Ua. Ua 1,1 'II, *. ,r |i.111 ,. 1 ttai 1 uia ? ... ? 1 toi ... 1 iiuaole tri ad ?ulBfl wUaaul > * '? "' Ibal im ru i. i.n B_eae ol truii n-llam ?? 1. iti workuitf ol lli.ui . any ? ' ?*. ? " ?' i" w 111 a l aay oi tiloil, M,-rn in OU 1 ? '?)' ???,,.. j, im in,) c .(-au tim 'AA* ')'" ' ? ' ' O* Skl lUOinui,, tu tlll* aunriO Hlill, il Oa-tUul 1. n, ,.,.,, y^ __, fmmm 1/ Ul WUl.alli, I..I.U att) (.aUa-Owtl U ..... L ,.,) !,,..?, , i,,,.y_u >. vlr^iti. and allow tkeaw-1-<*- the utmoat fre-dorn of eeaarfc ia rofereti . to .ib)erU the moat _acre_ Hurh mea aaa bar.llT ho aaid. lu any proper aenac. to have* u alt -__-?..?? ?f prayer la never heard in to.trdwell loira tliey d.-Tolvo on tbeir w.rea the care of the chll -rcn! When work .. cmlcd. If they arc fund af re.(Uog ordiacnaalon.tbcy reeort to tfeelrelake ar d?_-*ti..?._ detiefl If khey bav., no aueh tofltflfl they m,,k_, tbe* wav to tho p nbllc ho._a.-_ low tkeateta. and other M *.. _? ,,f aueetlonable __.a_-.t_at. Now thia irreiici. )u ,,f i*. honug mon baa many eaa '_, hut the i_<iaouf ra.iwia the want of bome We. The wantof bome U.e ww, <i__ ut onee an . i!??<' md a . auae. lt 1* tbe oibee of pc_?_u iini_ iief and Im llxlon, and lt la thc oaaae of por ._?! nobetlef aml trreliir-nn. Had IfeOM BMB oato n,.,i. per aolial Dtotr. tb.'> woiiifli bn tani. ua to bl. . tbeir I, , __ - _..ld Ou Uie other iian.l. bad thev true hom .. ttter would la, eootUntJy a.i.roii,.!.d by lnfliiem-?_ *tttea would tcinl to ereatfl aad fo-tot u Ilfe ol peraoaal pietf. Tim waut of hotne life laralrea npaaawaB> aa atoMB ii'icro wlnch eh_to their beeru and I id* t.ara inl tato irreilgioii and then into ub_.I.*_. Noto m_ a___ato u* ?o BMMb tue MM or cvi. aa 0\_\ 2S_atlo_a. "He that walkotk aith __? mon ahall l_ wlac, but a ronipm.ion of_ aOuii be deatroyed." raaatoflartheiBttmaay tkaetraaaar ,, ?)?, ,., ; ., | e Wh l eafl '-ver meaflura the Dower of lmiiio i wim oan im iglne" ihe diee-Tautagfl u. wni .1 thoae men ure expoecd who bav. DO proper b.jn. n. bul arc uaat amonir ererr kimt of mtoektorooa _u_U-i.o_a_ Hi.-t ___ Ihat n_ M.*a _??uq*.'J?1>? P*'","iL[*% tlonel Ip ia leeraed. aad tke imnd ia (urn.-rt t. > ibe .;_ X Patber. H la at .'.. ma that love _ ealttraled ami tba heuitieopeaad to Hun whoaa aaaaa i_ iov. '-1**' bome tbat oetf-reetrainl ii pra.-t..-c.1, and (bit tuenti >paaato_a wkiek ezelto to reboltloa a?.a m.t G0.1 .ire b... in ia. < w. n ia ai 11 "inc that latoaae deetrea fur tho w-_ furo of tho .? depiuul -nt ou ua aio awakcmvi, and tbal tbe aaad efdtotae b.iip i? ao aharpiy f.-ii an to .io_??d axpreeetoa ta pruy<r. lu a woi l, baaaa ia iu>? v.-_y our h< rj of, aad bere, if ev.-r Ike _r .it Im. I. -I worklnifuieu tn Kin-land. an.l .n,ie< d all thr worM ure 10 M iiotnniy tomperartlf aroeaad to a mbw of ra j'_oii. imt nermaaent > attaebed to tho Ckureh of tibriat, lt wiii be daaa by toaprortog thatrhaaaea. or hr belplajt Ihcui to form n ritthl eettaate "..' lln- v.tiuu aad bl. fl_adneea of bome. Two nr three poln'a of _r? it prae tleai importanoH i BMkyrafarto, taeoaolflatoa. I. Tl.c peraoDal r.ilKK.u of parenta wii! ln looitt lual MMM gtvo tka kei nui'i to tka ral.gloaof tbefamlir. Tue very con.-nption of retlgtoa IB Ike n.'n 1 of r.i'.idren .? ituivcl fr im wbat th.-y x.-e iu tbeli par,.-,i:?. and IfeflBfl f.u. thiy will Hardly unu al auythm_ a'.iovu tiua. Alt arrangementa toi laatruotion and aonbip ara madfl hy parento, and dep?-mt br tbflto . hir.u tcr aud aplnt ou IBa t.'.').? of tbe pareato' retlfftoua i_-?*. Chlldrea aie .11 . Imltatlre and re-.-pllTC. In their p!ay tio'y atut r aml moihnr; lo all tbeir latoreoares tber are toklug linpreaalona from fathei and mother. Aml wM 1 - true ln. '.'i.T.ii ia emphatloaily true in that w/n.;u r.. i,..-.... r.i'.-ioii. Bnrely lt to a aale aaa tfeoagfet, tint wa ... iHtr.nta art- _____ ?_? imt.i Whiteh uur cUII tlrou wlll oertalnlr 'ake up, arc aetUnx tbe |..i_era wbleb oar ebltdren wlll eopy, ar.? exbibitlag tbe -pini wlnch our eblblrea will eaieb an.l parpetuair. Sure.y auae of ua abould lUowli to i"- u aaattar ef aioi_ui Wbat our rtwn r.-ll_i.)'n lifa nnd what our c_>n_c<| iral paraatal nitluence aiiul! h". Vr'.) BN l>ia?'e.l iii our Uuaoi anlo th ougli dilU ult puillini; for a hifc-ri aad. aul wa should toae oare ta quallfy airaelreafor t:i" fuitilinem of tnat ? mi. Ihalowflfforaaraa. ar. iBaa leaMtahara ,,.?. o-upiSii-'d tbe purpoeo of ikelrexLatonoe wbcu ihay luiv.' _iv.-ii tdrtb tu tbeir aaeoeflaora; th.-y pr?vido off ipringand dto, Wub manalad toe htrtk of edprlag ia o'..v ureliminary i? their cklel work. tketratatagto U to a hlirher litb?a iife apnitu *, .111 atoraal. If tbto tb agbt wera 1 r. r ta taemladeM pareuta u th. y babituailj tolt tbat aa from tk_a then . tak tae type uf their natural Iir.-, ??. they wiii, tuagroat ciLeiit. ?.iko tbo ty|?- of tm-ir ?pn i.u .1 lilo, they woiii.i earaaetty mt|._.r . ?? maaaarof p-ra^a* tbeaoughtwe - ? boly eourereeUnu ami <1.mJ .\ii.i tbto K'.'ii i" a aeeond r ? il. the raa potud.ilitj uf pareatola tuorjunly ia?naed i,ii,.iih,-i lentia ii.i.- their owu tn.ui.u_ aad dto l-i oar rouag aad taadac feera wa aeed tb* foaterlageara el paiwato. Ibey ara to m timu_iit, oon ., win. ii.i wo i.iaiii to tkiak,Judaa,r. oi?a fur ouraclrea. Tkea aith ;? ?'? ad hy them, and tii.-r.-upun aKin t.i liit-ira, WC Mke uur own tailepondflBl ?i_ii.i. ti lli. whon wc tuu? arrlve at mauirtiy, an.1 bare, ao to apaalr. a mlnd and 1 ona leaee anu w..i .,f 1 ?. nwu. oui tralulag daea uot 11 iee, ll only p laaea _ a ttf U wUI no preaoatod uader i-._t conditlona uiilu--fl* wu l. .,. uf a told, and iMiim ?, in onr tara. toa retatloa _ pa aducaUun u tbaa 1 irrted rerr ui__ Uy ? 1 ,uir eblldren. tn watobing ovortbon) ae ar.? illy tralnlng ooraelree, _ooj aaaka om h trto leatier. All tuat ia dea. --t lu our aoul la broiitfut out _4 we ii.ii.n i" tbe ilmple worda, ..?- wateh b/ tka auii inm oouob of our owa littlo eblldren. Our Intalleota are u-..i'1'd to their Bl aaeal activity in _-ar?li of tralb i?y lautrteaiU ""r vwu liit'c-uhiliireu. Oa. iku.U d ,'or tm- fljreal 0_l_Iomi tobafl IUhlgfeaat and r'in_-t tiil lt ia qatokeaad hy ue l?. _iuku1 lore aud I our owu lutio ohii.lrcn, so tbal tho uu _l lo fi lence of uur eblldren .lp.i.'i aa to moet ial iu.y. Bntbeeid ithto, tbe more fully we realne thfl -_raat n.;.i.i of our work aa pjr-iii.1, tin-_*iav.r do wa tofll our ; lalbtlity to be. Oureuxleu. ferront prayerthaa li tn .1 wa may be wur'.!)y uf l mb a tiu _, thal we rnay liev.T mlltoed tliner ny word ur rBB_Bpto tl!._.i wuu aro ?0 aotonuuj 1 ommitteu to ua by Ood, aiitd ar.- ao ucar ta our own heart*. We are Intenaely aolleltoua th.i wo may adopt tota oar ereed notbtaa hut ??ruth, th.u wa may irapartaotblng but tratb to theaa. e/,s atnv? tliii ifeutiv uiior atfif-. u.itiul, iiiii w - in ij hfl oompeieal u> eontiui tketa. w.< .iim at habltaal oonaatanoy, ihat wa mai 11,0 111 .10 foreiuly ur.-c L.i'-iii to bo .', u. ritrht, i..ire, r._...< "?)'. 1 .un the rery .1 are _ be tatMi f.ii t? tbem b_b moet powerfullj upoo aa. aad U inaa ? ,. blgbar uaii ui^ix perfeel manifeatoMOBa ui toa III. We ahall nerer aa paraat. eoaduot Bm cororn Baeat aad tralntog of aar faml li 1 Ib tha rlght eptrtt. aa loaa ,v,' lhal we ur.: aotuiis' under (_______ aad are bound to earry oui 11: -? will. Ha elalma to ho aa pr.'iin, lii every dej) ii t uciit ot nf. ; ln ei iv ii.-f.;ulIoa by tiou. u. a ay mbolieal aet of umiiori.y, Ha .;.-? 1 almeelf Lord of tba lampla. Uy a miraoiiloaa Biaatrattoa of tbo aapurtorliy of np,-,.. to iett.-r u;ol Baeaey to ji_.i__i,-.ui, He d" olarcd blmaeU L ? 1 "f tbe EUbbath. Au.i by Hia praa eaee aaddiTine bonntlfulneea ..i the marrtaae toaatta c.iD.t, ii.- deelared hlmeelf i_u-.i uf tho f_uu y. Tma creat trutu we ouxbtolearly to apprebead u..'l a^waya iu r.-mi-mlier; f,'r if we f..r_..:i tala f.w't. and auppi_? that we are afcootato ruton la our owj kataaehaia. wa ahall tool ouraeli )., ..r p rfeel Uberty to tr_ oar as porbaeato, to follow 0 .r owu eaprie -a or noatrama, aud ta taaa eoaaael af aaraalree Bloae--tfcao wfctok we oau bardiy lmaKiuo axioiiir enl?bai if w.. underatoed tbat aar real paaltKa to lhal of wurkfl-rr. nader Obr_i. wa aball aaaaa tt aar bIm to earry aai Bto toaa. vre aliall umat curcfully iii.|.ilro whai tto haa enj.iii.i! on in.. -11 j ..t, uml .nl ear itreaalb ahall try tu n-aliaa that. ur 11, ou toa other ti 1.1,1. wc aappeee mai tba work of ti_.nin_ our el,l.,lr..i to 1...1 i.'nolly upou ua. aud tbat we are reapoaaible for tbe toauea, thea ta tbe ib gr,-,. in v, htob wi- aro oonactoatieua ortluudlr uiainnt If, we aball feel inxJ .j I ?> wo aiioaid n<- uu fa.thful, aad to aaaaony 01 ttmt, akall tomeuaaee mOl. " wuo 11 audtetont for taeee tkin_at" itnif we tuuiar at'.o.l Cbrtot to tbe areat keaeheri iiut ilu ia pna elpal ta tbtohoaM eebovl, aad tkal w., aro ouly aubor dinatoe; tkal Be bsara iim real bardaa, ami thaioor uiaiu bualuee* to to ? ad oui i bildrea 10 Qlm, thaa tbo w,-lt;_l of rcaponaili 1.1 ?? . ?_ to b.' o|>;)r.'.ir..Te; wa put 11 ..11, bowerer, aml a joy tu ael 111 OCHMMI l with ll.m, uml whiln luprem. ly daatroua i>_v oui apiru uui k u.u "ur tea. hiiu. u :. i| 11.1i. Iv uiui iv. ? .y _ let funb botb II1.1 ti um .tmi U.iii-"-ii, oan rn v. r.lmicM ealuiiy Inava r. -nii .-> 1.1 iin, aaeared n> Bm (traateaa wnrd. * -1.11 r ta.. lltUe oae tu e /mo uuiu nae. lur uf aucii m ia? kliu.>l)ll) of (iod." biuoewabare aaaa that iha .'burch ean reaaa aad hoi.i iti bigbeet lor. 1 ouly aafao i-r._p.-ra, .1 ia ooiiuiuii worthv of ean. _i tboagal ahetkarChrleatoa ???.,...,fliiutiea ure .iulb_ciiu_ aliffu lu tuo amonnl ot laient apliitual power wbleh exUta tu tuo family, but wbtob m aerer eeltod hy tbem late aatlre exereiea, 11 to iiiiponaiuii. that auy adaojUBto auiouiii ol r, lu-ioua know.. .l?e Can be lliiparcd, ur tbal iliiiucUr 1 aii be torii"d toto r>tal)iiity uml hanuony, etmply i>> ...uruh oiii'tri. Ibla la tba warfc ofhoiaai hat _m a to a waaB wbtob iho (.i.ui. I) can Htiiuula. aud n. Ip. Iu UM oiueu Bmeeto wbleb f bare i-e'.i-r .1 <_j? mui in B ;,,o,t)4 earaeetpaatora,aaeb aa h*m,t aad Beea bmb! .u.i geatlj oaU . hi?_l tke fauitil_ of tbuir ii.ick, uud i..creby both -li'iiui it.'.i p ireata to toaat 1 mir kouaafcel :a wiih ear. und aaeertolaed mo taaalH of nunr io.t. biu*. li uul ixuLuiuutiuua an: lu public ncliooia tttoo* rallgtoaa oateofetolnga woui.i b,- tn i.ii_i,.ua Boniee. Pareata ?i_ hept np to ib.-ir nfelldma w.-rc cxmti-1 to .i? tbuir boat.rtil'glniiiralaiaawart*"iti1 10 uo aagardad aaa priu.o ol'Ji'. l lu bome life, aud bouaebotda wefffl aared Hfl lual of aii IgBMBafla 'Knorauea mt auripiural truili-amt of tbe nxi.i lUaai of CkrUttaa ofearaotor. Pareeti aml paatora aaaa thea baaptly eonjoiued in th of chlldreu. Ou pareiiu, tbe cliuf re_]i.iiiaibillk]r reetod, bat paau.m llgbleaed that reepooeiuHlty, and Bulated fl-tt'Ti ny drawtag oal laoalto, .vn_t uaefal btote, drepplng worda of reareal <> eaaaaraga. iiuiit. ruehaada of pareato were i_.hii. atr.-iitueucd; oblldren were broagat taeo to face witn taatraaataaj uud tell tfee lalaaatl of hia praunal pic?.u,c aad lUutiKiua. TUus huiuo wa_ qu t>- ii jy tae tilflparalMB ad ti.. 1 burch; tbe Cburoh waa etreagtheoed ami cplan tobad ny IfeetffalataBOf hom... auj 11 i? tu be ri-ared tha abaudonmant uf tbto praatlee t" ?_> .a-ge ?u ciU'iil 111 Eiixland la ouo c.iuae why rt-liciuua iruiniug 111, ,1. aa toaa eyatemattoaliy paraaad thun m tuoae uay _, aml wuy i-o.i_iou.i kuuwieilge la uow au iuiaou moro bi.tutv and auperfl ' tl Bay BOi tfefl taealtoa alao be falrly put. whether aaa in.tlu tuu-on w.i> rev.v.iiauf rell^iuu aiu ao evaudaoaat ami tka lual reaulia oCiaa f_u _u far ahort of tbe tirt* oxeltomeBi ami promtoe, to aai thit me graaa eoa _.-i _,,u,o aud eouformatory powi r iif boino U oompara tlroly unnaod I'rotr.u-iod pucui; meaBagfl aro i_id. raeltng rnea to white bc.t'. m my wbo were thou^tit paat bope cuK-'iy ory for uioicy, auU PaaaaaaM lo aa <l. Hut we tlu uul timt Ihat ot tboae ao mofed uml i.k'itatc.l a proporitoiiato iiumner aro Kenuiticly tuuv.ile.l an.l iBBtlflgly ad i?"l U> liic ( iiarcu. Wa/I la uol buiuc tbrusl i_ldo 10 luako Way fur pub.ko doiuouairaimnf Aro nut hoino dutlei uco_a aaxiiy liiruwn Inio __>eyuuoo uy tho boar Ut wiuoU puu.ii) aarvtoaa uio proionacdt lt tb<__a airanipkly ox.iitiHl teoii .,g? ouly btnaaaa tlio ai.iiiulua tou hiKher bome lnc: If tae aiemb.ia ef ine luiiulv wero lanii'tl ilicrouy u> atudy U11 Waidal (,.| i.._cllici, to pray to_cib.r, to w.ilc_ oter oma un.iib.'i', tu t>xliurt ouo auolbur, aud XJtat aouaul lo tb open ._.! |_-r|H't.iaio ibo fe?uu?;a wbieb, wllbouleuetk hoip. q.tu klv dloaway, taeee rcn,.iraabiea?_i_ na _!_?*! bo na neb In annllui; i.iewiin^a u.. ihey ure ln tmm-_li?ia i-weuna, .,11a uu'.n bovome tua of a uew i_?i_ 1..1.11.U. day. bo.,1 i... .nr.'u, iho euiiulr fuuiily .ia but tbe auadow ot oae i__er, puror, aohtor, of whiob Ooom um greal latimr ; ibai " lamt.y to t^-ttii aud beuveu,' of wlu. .1 tu. Apoat.e apoaka no piyoxxaly. lo tbal tamlly we profeai t.. Mlona o ir homc_ an. wido apart, *opot ul. .1 iroui each otucr lu aome oaaa by c-ouliuouia aad liui luo u? whn h binda u.i lo oacu oliier u tba tto of tbe apiruuui ttmugt ** or* biethr.m ia taa Ubareb. w? b?vo oo. uia-.. o*^ _e_> homx*. I'rot W ri I'lumcr. U. U.of Ui,. Tbaolagioal-tamlaary at nilbBMlM B OU tbe toiv. Dr. Harrleoo witb u aaaaff ou Ui- auuio atit-K-tk.aud . b.n kbo -.adiua 01 lt naeaadod, ifea BmhW w- fattoto _>. u. ot ?Ja__?__. 1.:.. 1 id a P-P-r oa'K-'\aaa of UcUglon-U.n to. Kaaa 140m rrodaotm*." BK-UilOr- AT ?T. r4_I__, M. K. CIIURCll -rj_>R_| BT I.IK BK-. JAX4YA 11. Kllfll), U.B.. __.11 BY Wt-Ml UBNT UOA.ll l*-Ur__, U.1K, LL.l,., OV XAAJk C01. I_H.1I-. TtM) u*?ui_44- x 0 _ tUa day al bu t'aul'a Uiuroli,