Newspaper Page Text
wbleb, Ui the abeeooe of Cbartea Hoeo, ht. P., wbo bad Betiu aflfllfliied to tbe poaltiou, wcr. prrflided over by T-Oaldent Caowr 11, opened by the uliiftlu.: of the -iflth hvmn, Ik-kiiiIiihk, "Ariae, my eoul, Btretch every uerve." Ihe flucoeedlnjc devotional exerolaee were oouduotod by tbe Hev. Dr. Jeuklna of London. The flret paper read waa hy the Kev. Jatnt-a n. IMgg. I> V., ot the Wealeyan Tralnin. (k.llece, Weatinlnater, KoBla-id. Dr. ?(w atated that he would take a purely Enropcan vtew of the taaaMea. In Holland, when* purely nerular acboola axh-k Calholie preoeptora are appoiuU'd lu ihe aointnitnitie* wherc that denomltiatlon prevalla. The ehlldrcn of out-door paupew ?n Euicl'ind uro uow obb*?d to pi to achool between Uie Ago* ol 6 and.13 yeara. T1,e FB-f Iaw Ouardian. pay the fiwa. Tbe Oovernmcut puve (Bfl tl.e aecular rt*.ulta of BBOalar Oducation. Th.r'e are 11.000 publ.ely inBpecte,l rt. awOtanfedBIOfltOfll. havlnir about 2,eO0.000 p.ip.l-o:. tl," rolla of attoudance. ,A flrrat niajority of tlicae aehoolB have b??n efltablmbod under the iiiHiirneo of flhfl Ohnrch of Enrland dnriiiK the li?t ?o yeam. The Bebool boanl ec...?'h? nuralxir ouly a few liumli. .1, but iu a fow year* they will r? ach two or throo tliouriund. Ihfl apoalter dweH flflJOB the Mtenjrth derlved 1-y the Chureh of laadaad ttttl tbt nclioulH which,lt hiutontabliahed, aud when the vitM>l(i country wlll bo aupplied with aahefl-fl the Oh*ireh of Knuliind wlll conduct their workinjt". Ir. Uu (iuv.iu.niiit unly pay. alx.ut ouc-tlili.l of Uie eoal of .lei.iiiMTiitiloiial aoboola, while in Ireland It defrivi. faor-flfthe Of thB expeneca of Riich m-hooN. Ifl all Irirh ha li01 i'i* thfl ('ate.ilniii of ro.ipcctlv " li'ilomiUfi U"Dt> tircvBfllleflj iu Iho uciuiiy wherv the school ic -itu atoJ is t-ught Attlie oonclu-ion of Dr. RIkk'b paper a diaciiMion wpoii it IB-OOfld. The flrm np aker calletl uikiu wa* the lt w im . HeO-Bh, rrokiiiont of Meeetea 00-Ofa. I'rcKi.i.i.t M-aOoflb. Ttu-i.ii'iect ihol Boabaaofl-flflOflfled boobbj bj Ot. I ttt la aaa tc wbleb BayattonUoe ints Ibob attracted for tha laat qaartar ol a et-ntury. Ibe llrv. ti,,.i nt tl,.-in..i,icii; e.lucatioii ii BdvaBClBfl 1 ,,rc ,_ loiit tae three ktaadoBM, Koalaad, __** imi.i, aud 8eotland. tbaa tt bad been ior aaea _?___--. I .rt. in- bow adopted la tboae oonntrteaare . nood. l t..mia Rnglaud waa fluiltyota . DOl . rtaiatiiiif lt* Ifiipli , whltii han 1011 tion. .1 for agtm, It waa aol ao in -oot land, wben the paoplfl wen edaeated from tl.e time of John Kimx rtown wani. Hm in it 1- onl.of latc they bavi imt a peod arafleia tt Bdaeetioo. I am aoi propaiwd tocr.ia lae it m v.-r.-lv. lt viorka beautifully. It BBTOa Ui. flu ol coiiMiriiee. aml BBCnna c.lm atiofl. ti the *i? I. people; aad, Bbove .tli. loaeearlocoblur-lory "<iu oaiio:,, . t every chii.i flhall be edueatod. .hat ahould A-.a-.ea. lt baa beea the law in Mwo-a , . 1 put iu . xt it:i.ou. It ka now tn iik run 1 xoe itli n tn ?'? and 1 bopi will pn vaii 1 loeal buitriiii deterinlue wi .1 ui. i.-.l..*. loatrai tion r-ii.tii be, bul tin y uopnae on .un paitnt who la unwUllui tu 11. . 1 .... aot all tbe eeealar lnetruettoa. aud , tad wben tbey vn?h to han- the Bible, iiuii nn. 11 iney w.r.h le h.'.vr tbeahortei ratecb->m Uiii_:i. al llberty to do ao, interferlna mth . in iicUuil l am uoi .'nt.' BBre aliarlil la- flUttemontfl hc" ;i? to id.i.alioii Inaiional iu Irelaad. H i? u?t ao, aud rn \ci haa beea bo. Cbnrehea bave bo riebl t-" Wltb li.rtf.ll-iiull WhaU'MT. I hl'pr WO Wfll BOl nyi,,.. witb th. .":? and emlnont gantteman who baa ad . un. I i.t'i'i ttere wlll be nu dlapo-ltian 111 inis ouiii.t.i 10 iaterlere with wbat hai' beea tuiu thfl Be ciaoinii .ui.'iiislrurtiuu f.'i'iin | l ihiuk Dr. lU?fl ka oarryinfl Bia ro an 1,111 .m.i 10 ? in h l i" ui 11 1* the rtuty of tba Btate t?. ,. at ih. people be iM-ractod, and yee bavi norlcbt to ttawc p i'lll". if yoa bave not previoualy ln alriiit'.ii ... H> epi .ki nf vo.uiit.ii'i ii^tiii.iion; but wu. 11 you 1. ave 11 to votantary you Iad tnat n. tbe ,,. ;i. ta tbi people bare aood trtuoat-on; wbile lu th- , .. you have littir ?'; 1.1 i. . I *tood by _ai lou ayatem. laia prrpared to aaj tbay a admlrab'e ayaflrm rat tht n i --1 daa. lu kiv . otland, aud I am prepared to atead by eu ..f this eounuy fur ew-mentary aduoa ti.ii. j tbc moal preeloua tegaey tbal baa hunii a a wa by ear tath-ra. tol aa aeea it, an.l nt tBiureaaeaatan thb.queetloa. [Appiau.-..] Mi. _-.,,i., of JajiuXuu I flbali apoak only ol eommon . out ol tbe louiuiuu purae, avauable 1,1.11, In daallna wltb tbofla aoboebi I wlll ...i.tuf ihr olaaa tt..ii eaunotdefend cblldren who, if iheir mladflare itb wlUgrow up atratabi ailndedto ui.l um ind 11 tbdrmloda are warpad or naBlecttdln p, 1 iu..iiciit;.v cruobed tbrouabtbalir ...nn fur tiary aeiploea 1 i.nrt tbal tbehiatc ..i.r kaowledac )>i,rt lamorala. - .1 riBbt wbleb cau iu uo t*_y wuatev( r be ilrani, frt.tu ll..- , iulil; a llghl that lnu*l Ih- Heteetod by I. It ir a riaht iu which tbfl rate-payei- an Intereated, iu wbleb tbe are Iflturtetrd. tbfl t_x-p_vtr? lalonated, antl iu til l.o.irrt 01 luiiliairtiiient OUfbt to bfl luuT.r dldreo bave a right to aecular Inalroe > itheBtateli boond to glve it, and v. itb him. 1 BBP, alno. the eblldren have a rinut lo .11-11,1 ; ln uioraiii, ami tbeOtate ..- boond to^ive lt: an.l 1 aay iht ia is a ooujuoii ataodard 01 ararala in a LOd, Will, U llli.Il Wlll. l.lllltiB B Wil.l e.ililiol Iiii -ti-.-Kbi, be boa bf oae me plm_-oet, aad ub' i. ? foea nijxi*ii tbe .-ai.n li* ,1-. - ,.1- .iini. |uav M ia.r l*ri li ? htaiUClHI li, allrt .1 1.- Ti il'ly ILil.l. tu li_uJ. 1* tin f.uu'*ri ol iiioraiH ri.iuii.iii toalll T... Biiiii, ti. k a ,r tbe .'."Uiiiii.n etandard ol rellglon. Tbe jrti- ? ..ii'iitrrt tbe Old Bible, aod tho uld 'lontiiiii'iit and Uie New are tlie cmiuoti maiirt aiu i.i ui.ii.iuty unii f-rflllflBO I mt it you aie Roi?a u- *;,>( i be laatnn '. oo you _ia?i a< t kl la giren rtflbtweli, bone-Uy and taithtuily, aeoordlui to ihe rtuaa bod dowa, an.l yoo aiaethave toepet-tor-. Intbe laoudoi ra, i.i'", board wc bave aol hiapiotore aiicr .? unr. Yi.u uiUiit alao havaareapoukiUlo teaob?r. 1* t a : . t( mti the Hlt'.e, and i,y tbat yoa iiii-c ttu- . liar," 1.1 ot tbe teaeberaaol the tc." ...1? Ml pl,.,>urltluli lr. lhu>: i'Ulllll i.1,.,1- OUt'llI Ilt aot.f. i?< '-.'>. Il l" ...ii tlic i_em 1 ., . oi ai.V yoi.i.. i; upon tbc report ol a public inapeolor u. of tb it . ti.itl in s ich Bible. Mt. VV ,,r ci Lontloii- 1 iiiii iuiu-b iii-..ppi iiTert that auiiii . ? i i."i follow Dr. t-Bhi to afiord to tbe Cooft r Informatlon reapeoU-B tbe Amerloan . and to ailur.i thal I?tortnauon ln tin llght o' in. liia-r paper. In tbeabeenei ul thal informatlon,per :....., bc permitted lo aupplemenl Dr. Ulgg't -i ,i u.cnItt 1 ;? "iK "i ht ra, anrt li.>,' bo i aball, aa fai nn l Ikiwblaexample loavoldlaa t'omrovenlaltoploo auti a .- tui... ii. baa eadeavored toper ? rou tbat tha fltate. the eeatral power ol Enabiod, if. aol reaponkibli for reUgloua luatruetlon. Ua iia a dlBUnctlon between loeal boarda and tht lmptri-1 power, lhal )? maflely a dlatlBction In I., ltK-ai board ia Ihe uttfe for poffivaeaj tbereterr, wbataver Ihe board Oulil, ln. M..U inli.-l iKt b.iti li Iii t. ill: lt. I i. i..i iu Btatiuitiits aven ln xeaare to tb.- "i a ... powen He mu-i uait- forfottoB tirti tii. n_,-?.. i - ,. ,,., r hat- araated laine aauua of nooaey r BehoolB, and granted a eap ta tion t.r t..r tm ittteii.iitiie.' >.f onUdren, krreepectlve ol Uu- iJ> lii.c t.f t-illneii. y in leitn.ii.i_. I eanuot, tiu Kfore, >,.i,iur. ti. . i.n.i mi inm *o Iar aa tiie hrate, by tbfl ix.t ctr" ot it* power, aad tbc expendlturfl ? f iia pnblk mouey, malnulna aeboola in wblob rellglon la tauflbt, i- reapiaoalble fur tbe i haraitcraiiil eflfl-l of thal , blnir. Ile has t.'lil you that tba acbool _...,,,. , ., itroufl entreui h ueui ?r it,, i Chureh. IbeXn__abHoncouformlsta say mal i- <i flreei iiijunti.e. He Blaoadladefl to the aya ten, la ireland. H.-*ai? u.ucu adtaaa ataaebea lo tba jH-up.c in Enaland ?lio Inalal thal laat-ecllOB iu day B-bool* ahould be accuiar rat tn r than IOllab>Oa. Bfl byioua UmcUiDfl in tbe aeboola ol l.nnlanrt i? miaerabie, in, lh, a ni. 1 i ould amuae yoo t.y cuttiii- paauuK. i from Ui,- rt-pi nn ol tbe Iti-pcctors of Hchot'la m tti-latirt, wnicii Mi.'ivi. that tbe w.-caii. tl rellftoua in a_run."i. wulch i? Kiven lu uuinbora of ttiono aeboola la a miaerabla faroe. Xhere aie thriHtiau naople ,n l.i.t-lanii WBO think that the achooht Bhould oe Mtit-iar aml not re.iifiou*. Hut 1 beUe-fl that l ex prcaiaihi nentlmentaol tbouaanda that it ia in rellfl-oua lulliei.K ix.rnm-il by the toacher rather than lu the du|_iuair ii.stiai. tion glveu ln ihe tn hool, our hope luuel il" m. tar an HM u, intliicure of Ihfl iin.rtr.-ii ia ixiiiftii"). An.l I believe furllier that 1u*t iu prniMii Uou b* ( iirirti.ui iii.-u t.-.i that ;t ia their rtuty a* Chrni tian* aafl ka eoaaeottoa wuh rcii.i'iu-i orfaBUationa, Ib lake in haad tbia work of reUctona inatruetloB, wiii Uie iM-ur ol ihis raui.'.i.i aml ol other tountrie.- M UftOUal) ertu. atxl [aVPPbl ln l.--. baa told yoa tbal tiiere munt l*e denmnlna ttotiai Bt-htaolo in order tbat tbe parenta may hava n.< r.rht < i -.1. i i.- tluir cblldren to ? bai aebeola r 11. -?. iik,-. ll,',,,, you tbere are thcSu?a_d? oi p-ritUei wben pareiiMcaanotaeud tbeeblldran lo the aeboola t |,,.N ? rn- only acboola tbere are tne arbeola of lh. K' a:'i-i" '1 liiur. h. aml that mu-l OOntlBUfl tO l>c ttl, , . . . . .-ti? inixeii i-yHteiii coi.tini.t-h. Hebaa not tol.. vou th.t tbi re .- '; b_b cinii.i uetwei a tbi di iioininatioii- ainl the national eya vt,,. i| BUppofteraof achoola an ii(,iin.'Ttieir utmoel to preveal aebool boarrt.-le^l tbi ii own Aeboola ahould aiUfer. They mai bfl QBlte i.-lu but I aui lor tiatioiittl e.iucatiou. [Applum-e ] Anrt all I bave m-. n . t BC I vi-itert thiB cotmiry han lonfliniert me iu ti.e .-. t.v,. ...ii. i d.-.-ire ka EiiKiaud ?liat yoa bave la Anieu..., and not oir p-e*"i,t ayatem. [Applau?e.] lt i? n tn.*. lit' compromlae, aad bafl imoerahiv faiicd. I bave Um huuniiatel nr I \ir.tcl your eommOO echoolit ami c>.mi uiei ii.iiiiwitn the ae boo ia of Euglaad. My ltopt i* t.,,11,,|. M eantlaaaaee of the arelem ee havo, but a porely uatmi,?i rv et, in, la whieh the nation wlll flharge itaeil witb thi* creat work, aud M*e that the worB ih pnypari] porformed. [Oreel appU-ae.] Dr. kiKfl?I ataply M.hii lo ony that I have made no atati tii.tji iu tbat pnper whieh (I.m-k not r.-poae ou tht* uuq.u fltionabla authonty ol blut Boobfl, anrt that there are ne graala tot rreetioa tumie In Eagla-d, axcepl (.ucb m, wtie pr< inired uutlcr ti.rm.-r dlapoatUOBj tbal tlie czlating ael nN-liaheii balteiBB flrante, and that the M< ttie...-I-- a-ke.i lor lhat nbulition aud ettineU lt, anrt tbat l had the honor of prouioltuit tbiil lution. Ihfl Bflal peBOf ?a? Bf tha Kev. Vr. >'oah Ptthtt, j'ni-.-eutcf yahtOfl-Hfl. Dr. i'ortciV j'aiar waa an unuaually lonn and fl biu.etive oue. The 30 tiiinutefl plitced ut bifl dlflpoflel wafl um .1 up 'oug before he bad flui?h.d the addraafl, and, ua t_* tiah- al th( aaH aaaalaaai him ot the aaa*, be l>roi_pili retiied. Tht Mim ot " Oe oo," bowever, were aooll ri-irsated that he wan accordt-d about iin_i.iotea more. Un- flebjBBl OBB " Modern I.lteraturo ln ,u R, la Uon to Chrihtiainty." I'" _*o*____*_____8___*BtaaBBBB -- ._- 1--. .1 I. i-r--*|.,-^rt i our r, m Uiere i-adiijr tor tha teadt r?. 0*r\?\t.e* uab{i'"_nd uTuUvorable to ^tiuuiiy bat bTbad UM to couflider ouly thoae wbitb were ^_-_y_-_-a-aO>wa.BM_al?i-i tttt^iiBnljmjmt xgrwiiar-;,nMU y-?'^&'*zfi****' had Baaaa > aaoat kiu.iiy urx il* pre_cii(_( iu I? . bao Hm _i.ii*i**t*, ami 't ni*pvor?d titv ui evvivt of popula- novela. Panthciam in literature waa chleflr a erotlmeDt, bot not thc leae formlrtanlo for tbat reaaon. The new athelam atarta wtth tn,. thc.iry of developtnciil, tindiiis Iie )? ai-lratioii ii Coaitc, lew. .-, Mill, l>ar _ ln, aml Hpenrer. IlertxTt Bpencer waa never weary lu hla oaauya d.iai_t-..vl for thc popiilnr ear, ot Hiieeiinn al wbat hc call od tbe ( .irpentT tboory of thc Uulvemi?tbethcory thal fluda a liTintr liod luultc wua ua forward ua itnv tlu to aat forlb hla tloi-trine al the Iiitliuti. Jobu Pluar. M.ll waa arouai'd u.apit.ii of uioi.ti ladtoaattoa athfaaa aeil_cthuul eoaeeptton of Uod, whtlout toe aame time hc uiiwiliiti. ly I.-ll back ou thc Uitt.iy of con H'l. iu-. wiii. h lu- h.ul Ki-fl-nt all hla life in refuliuK. The Allieiein of iit- ure waa nn trulv a acnlimi ut aa 1'uniln ifl-in. 1'ini lu luu M.iini.t to etlmulale thc IflMctoattoa by rafereae. to eloiitlinml; Athelam appeatod tr, aaeaa enrihly thinaa. He paaacd m > i loeoe_(tort___tiiad< of naedara lltara tuic witb reepeel to ti,.- laota oi Ckneltoalty. Tuc-< IBeto were tke toearaatto. aad tba nmacienaa tioaalble ucci.dire.l facto of hiaU.ry. Tli .t moilri i li_raliic<: dia traatod end deatod theee taeta aaeaaatbaantaed] bat tnut deiu.l and diaUriirtl did DOt l.trin with lil.-rriturc. Phltoflophy tl.. i tii'.'biri'il timt nn_. daa w. N Impoflfllbto, on apevuiaiive k'loiiuda. EUaterMel arlttotom mxI uud r Inik to Beparato tbe su|_ fiom thc aataal m 11.<- Ubitotton reaarda. Baalaaaa reoo_ nir_-d aothlag Iie-, inoxorublo law. I.IU-ra tnre aowdeail _i!n toeee daclarattoeaaad insinuatioiii _nh thc a.ivamctl _cii_i_<h_ of Ihe a_>. A mau vyot. of inli-.u-Uvi tli. puul.j. und il.o_.i_.da ol flippaiit Joiir ualij aud bpl. uil-ua ituod Ivrwurl ty rcitra. hls woi-da. until it would _,_,.ii f_.( The uii-a of a aaper n.ti.irai am; woude. werjdng Cbrtot bad beea tianiaucu from aaaong cdratofl aad aekooto ef bteratare. Bai tbe (hn-t of ibe New 1-Mtaiuciit coniil aml would not be diamtoaed trom ike mtad of fnuhf.ii bmm oi ibeee limee. Theparltyaad woader of tiiut graal waadared bamanlty eoald aat he deatod. He next alladed to th<- poeltlon takcii Iiy hiHtorl-al atid llterary, antl showtvl tliat th.-v aaaM uot deuy all bcllcf iu a eiii>eni.itiii'_.l (,'briat or in nuiat'K'B. The _c__ mn th. n adjourned. Tue )ollowlii_ BaaM waa to have been read, hut time not jH-.ruili tiuk' it waa eubmit (.-,) fur publicuUou . MODF.KN LITEBATUBl AM) CHKISTIAMTY. BV TIIK IlKV. A. 1_ .LMlrX-lN, D. 1)., Of BBBBY. BB* UI_..I>. Then* are MBM t.iinifH wlnch irive this _il> .loct a aj? cjnl elaim Ifl bc lnok(nl at. For example, BMM l-iti . xtru. rdinary profuaion. IJtcritturc baa att.ilneil to aueb dlnienaiona tbat lt mav lu aaid lo tieeverywhcre. It snrrouiula ua like an atrnosphcre. Ir ia not ae it waa oncc in Inatory when wunderinir tulnatrcls, . tory-tellers, and troubadotira wero the only booka in Kurope. It li nut a. it was laag aftir thf mveution of prii.tlng, when baaaa mbbb ?BBaaahaaaaaB hy Ba mbm "f iha peeade. It ia not as it wus ( vcu a few ycars ago, when th. papcr duty aud other . iveriiiii.iitnl re.tuctium*. grrutly Iim lHil the prodiiction by liuiitinu thc aale. Now all such i.rtiii.-iai reetrtottoaa an- geea Pa Oraal Brltata. at toaaUi ?'"' tbe reault to aometblng before wbleh w< ?taad almoai appalled. Wben, apart trom booka, prop? erly _)-c..lled, wa tliink ol thf legtona ot inonlhly imd weekk pertodleato, aad whea to theee wc adtl the diiih newapapera, iu boaeea aad workekopa aml at all rallway atanona, Ib nn rlada, w? eaanot belp f,, im_ tbal tbere ..- a power Ib tke mi<ia: vi aa perpeta aily at WOrk Wliii-Ii.iiu.it_t fur MflOffdlBg t" Ha ii.iliir an.l tend.-urr toiuakt-uior uutr us, aa iudii nluals, aa lamlliea, aad aa natloai .. power wktok impllea .. ti mendoua reaponalbllity aomewbere. or ratber i i i ? .i b. ra. Kor. althoagb it mar attaeh t" a..m, in a ip. ol .1 degree, nu man aith any patrlotlam wiii be able t" pm lt 1 ntlrel) awar fr,,m hlmaelf. Il la oertain thal atblBgof tb.- nature ol literature, thu* ni Inoeeaantly eupplled and ?0 onlreraally dlffBaed, oittal i.< ezartlng a prodlmoni lu floence of aomektnd or otber. Kor aitiiounii aii litora tint- topaaalra al tiret. not creatlng aoola) tondeactee, but tmi. tlmldly reflectlBB tiu.a.' timt exiat, ral it ipeed Uy pauea trom thia popllage state, aad beeoaaei the prtoclpal ntitrtnicnt ol aoclal tendoaelea, latooalfylBn wbat it retic-ta, uli it p'to down to thc \,r\ aprlaaa ol buman tbougbl aaU aotion and attataa homcthniK like u maatarahlp of aii tka ekaaaeli <<f i.fe. It _ar 111 riew ol thia aahtto |_W_ of literature that a .-?.it. -li.iii aaid. "(iivc me tbe maktag ol .. people'a ?onua,and 1 witl gtreyoatbe maklng of tbetrlawa;" thc idea i-iiijc thia, timt a Baaala'fl aaaga. laaaaiaeh aa they uu- tke laagaage ol emottoa, ootae up _ai greator deptb Ib 001 nature aad witb a more fervid rtow, aad muMalwayhkavea atrvaaer koM uponii tkan kuts Wktok ar( B im.Mer of tilililai nm CalOUlatlon, _ tn ip.-d am i ioiim-1 for u ti. -fiu-d end. The latter are B aoeial n.?< eeeltj wbl. h wc almply aee. i't: the ronaer an au tntolleetuai Inattuet wbleh we oan nol reetol?tbe tnu " apeaklng oal " ?.f our aatara in all tbo.'- eiretun Maa<wa wben fi apeak .mt, ami wken it.. toagnage beeamee at onee tke ngn aad tke meaaure ol tb retneaa wbleb n laaa, Uenee all people* bareeoncs laad that, t,.o, before tb. y bare i? _>i Jnat baeanee tim> bave p.i. . 1. ua. eumtIOBB, afl.-ctlona. ilui tlicir " conif ." techmoaUj apeaklnr, are oaly oae form of llterary art; uiui whal ia true uf one ol ita torm- to ? .prillv true Ol them aii. ln order, ladead, t<. _i ?i thc fuii meantog of tbeatatoamaa'a profound aaylag, \\<- Muateenabtoi tto nuni "muu."-" ns Btaadlog for all art, aad tkeaitbe ooaMfl eiuiieiiitivc, __baegh Bomewbot ladlreetly, ?.f thc truth tliat art, 111 MM t.n m or other, ia tbe refuge Ol our nature 111 I v.-rj eui.'tiuiial alnti?timt toto Wbleh It inaiiiictii.-it paaaefl la ita eadeavara t.. rlee oat of iteelf, w. to aay, toto tbat faltor Hle wtaeh la aaea alream m.iiu'.'- ii f. ela ite. 11 oapable <>f. The proTinc. ..f aelenee and legtolatlon 1- uot meaal t.. be iiup,,ra_e.i, and tbe aoclal aad Indlvidual ootoforta vthn h tlow froui tbem arc not fo beeooraed. M tn Is of eoinpllcated faeulty aad ol maulfold aeed, aml even t in uk iu tbe wori.i baa itr plaee aad im pawar. nnt earely tke dtodaetlon ol humanity, peyehologteally ?peaklag, it.-s iu its Idealtom (to wnkh r.-iij.'!.m glv. Buataiamenl aad wiaa dlaeffetioa), aad Ihaotbe Induenee ofeuebtblnga ia to the eoal aaere Ikaa tkej aeeaa, Md tka whala Bnlreree heeowkee, andei toe ruldanee ?t (,,,.i, 1- 11 aprtogflflflflboard t,> t:,,- npirit 10 ita buuad toward me ? aad Iba ikadowleee. Di.iiASiM, PBAXI BM uy Muni.iiN 1.11 It, tbci. lur., of IM BNataM MpflMBMB that tlua Mil.tle laflM ncc. wlnch B :-n MBBtaW !.v uml BO nolrereally ut work, akoald ba iti propar Mndi _ioui.i be lu uuisoii wtth tlie a|iint of ('hriatiaiiity, iimi toafflBg iu thfl BBBM dir.-t Iim. wtth lt. Aud y. t wha; do we fimll Mueli.iiu t'.uulit, blt . . d !?? Oed, vt rv uiiieb Whteh tt true aud good rootedln Cbrtotton Bkottre.aad fraltad witb Cbriatlaa _______ Hoth. BibleandTractBo ini.t. wa are greatly Indebted onbothMdea of tbe tu ean ii. tin. ragard, aa 1 1 pray <?."! i?. Mbm theaa aceo' . .. .1 MON an.l mO_ lli Ili.'ir imlil.- 1 litleatoiB. Tne> are .uuiii nt eiicii, lur when we i<>ok torth oa tbe v. ..I.- n. ld of BBodera litoratare we nmi _? bm fir-t plaa. . iiriuti to Minplv aad cnlireli bu<l? 111 11 r_ ati i-iUi' iit, ll it can be saltl to lune am, aud bad Ui Ita eoaf bwi Thtotowkal Mr. Ckarlea Kalgat aalled iha " -aii..1 ga lic.i." m tha atraam ol a,.w.-r litoratare oi . be aaid tbat " .ai. the Kai baM tnat h. loaaa 10 tbe blator) oi tnm.' and m....ri ir. rak.ii togatker lo diffuae ainotal iiii.flfl-iui tkraugh tke laadla toe aiiai?- ,.i toe m,fl-t ralaar aml bruiul iii imn." Aml if iiiiM waa the eai? la toaa, when tbeae worda were wnttea, 11 ia maeb iiii.rc M now. Tin- quallt] 01 tbia -ort of liti r_.lnii- ie abeolut. Ij orerwkel-nlug?a litoratare ol aueb a Uiui t iit Io eall il m lohal ln to aay little or BOtklng. Il toeoant aad brutol?todeeeat, too, ap to toe Uauta ..: tlu- law, and oftea beyoad tbem. ln toadeneyto. of inuiM, all ia tbe iiiiet't.on of tke eart of ille it deptete, tin .dtuatloneol whieh are made uae of for the purtmac . ing tbe tmi luu i'i attoiulatlng tiu-ir naaalona and jiaii.teiii._r to tbell lu-!-. Wfl m < .1 m.i w..iiil.-r tbat appetltea nortared "n aneh garbag. abould turnfrom tiu leseona ul thc lniMut.nari w nii .liaKiut, aud tbal tiun < ln BbOUld be euiptt, Vililit I.. ei-hopi. Mlul MMaOS BN fkl 11. Under auch a euitin* the bearl 1 woree tban atarred? ii i- polaoned and petriBed; coaactonee ia kin. .1 oat, an.l what of tbe Intelled rematnamna. be only aa the nur \eiorof paaatoa ami iaat,the demon la the bara ..r swine, ilnja-i inir them down the a(ie|> of i^'Uoiiuiii.iii.. oonceaalou into tbe foul m'u of tadnljrenoe. Bat aow, la tbeaeooad plaee, tben- i? a eaaatderable piopoi Mon of modera litoratare wiii.-b ,_, mo fur go nd to Ita arttatle qualltiea, bul deeldedly, I in?>- aiumat auy :i\..? edly, bad in Its morality. Thia, like ti.e pr.-ccdiuif, tl.ictlv .iu ai-'ts of works of lli'tlou, aud to u r.rtain i-i tentol pi" tiy. Of toiirm.-, I do not object to aaj t-iii-s of writlni's on at-count of their form; althougbwben tne eeeeaoela bad, the Bettonal lonu ia the moal ea suariiiK. tb* literature of tM dr.-uua ia not to I.e de iioiiiicd auie it la .Ir.iinatlc, Uur the literature uf thtioii -1111 p.y ti.-c.iui.- lt to Betltloua. Tbeaeairt parttcalar methoda of expreeaing Mntlmenl and tbottgbt, uud tti< j areperfeetiy legitlmate methoda. In ti.e nanda of %BMator th.-y may i..- mlgbty fur pwpaaa. ami worka under thi* or any otaer apecial dealgnauon are tu bejudged of by a referenct t<i tbeir aplrlt and aabjeol matter alone. Tbe oramatle poeti ..i tke Beatoratlon ?? wbo sainiteic.i Kurope loiiiui and gatberad .-^cry rlee oa Cbrtotlaa RTOund." we enmmarlly oondemn, nut be eaaaa tbey wen dramait. bul beeauee tkey were uroeal. ImmoimL So witb many norela al Ike toal eentaiy, und bo alao with not a few ol tbe preaeat day. Xhaiaa *t* many aorka,perhapi not of tue very btgheet art.bui itlll worka ol Koompitohed nud powerful wim-ra, whieh havt been introduoed t.y traiisUtiuu mto Eogltok llteratnn , wblcb, !>>.th dlrrctlr ou tboae who read tiu-iu, un.i ladlreetly tbrvugh tb. tt Influeat a on othtr wnu-ia, wbo art-lcti to lmiiau-tin-in, have a wldcly rorruptiug effect, and tbat, too, exteadlng prettr hiirb up la tho eoclat ac.tlc. Tht-re are auiue wilu-ia,, who bonl hs ,1 tht.-i.ry tbiit tbe Ii.t tr.-atm. nl uf aueb aulijetu aa involvc tba (letailH of boeial aud doiueatlc imiuoraiily lsuolonl> atlinia. ible, inl MQBMBTy to tho coiuplcte uess of llterary art, and that Ilt* rature iu uun, a ailfft-ra from ovcr-a.iuea-ulsuue."- la tbia regard. Tbia tbcniy ia u\u_fc,I, 1 bellcvc, by oue ot the iu_t 1. hiu.,1 and bnlliaut, and iu a geutral wuy, one of the moat ln ti K iiiii- and'iciitiiti of thc I'i i-ncli. o! the day. 1 refer to M. Tulue of Pulls. Hc raiaca Iho ijuc_ Hon wht-ther literature 1. the better or iho worae for Im-idk etrl. tly morul, uud he cuii?,d?r< that it la tbe _ ,u_,-. Aud this vlow hae found advt? atc.i iu EukIuuiI, uutubly lu Mr. Alrcrnon Swlnburne, wbo uot oul> ueiepia the tht-ort, nut hi?s ln txl* owu p.H;in_ Kiveu it uu lilusbliik.' practicu! cflcl. Aml ali.ii> witb biiu. to uae tbe woidi of a vtntcr iu Tk* liailg E*m**ttmm young ?+ nieia of tbe na.iij. geawatloa aeem Ineltaed to n< t up a ri-iu'tioii a_tinst Ibe cxoceaive BBrtflM of tbe laat 80 or 80 vears. The) conilder ihcir iBlrllrfltiml Ltmba tottorad. uml long to frcc tMBMhlrMfromeafltamary reetrtottoaa, authut n becum.a u aerioiist|ue_ilioii whatMl ur not auch uu lmmunity from Ihe reatralut* of cunveutiunal mtu.iia la a dcilrable thibif lu theae ilava. Xh'Ab regunl to liun otieatt-flB iu the abatract, I ahould aay that il ia u. iti.. r tlcairable uor allowahlc. ln auy daya, un.i for this snupie re___i that.Just like aii otmr men, wnters are. bound lo be morul. WhBtorei el_ tbry muy be. Tbia la Uie flrst law of ruliouul life, und nothiUK oau chanac lt, ur for a mumi-nt su-iM-ud lt, aud aa rtKards Ufl t_iu_| neoea aarv to tbe toinplt tcnt. of llterary art, Wblcb la _. Tuiuck-. Plca, 1 ahall oniyka) ibis-lbut lluautieaboaii, uml thatit bar I.C-U ahown by a rcfereuoe - > me fundu m, nta .riut-.ple . both of art uud of the buman mind that BUCb lleraae xl oppo_d lo true romptoteueae aud fatal to tba bJgbeet ica-b ot an, abclhei in tbe Uuirary fotui ur any otber. _. _ . It were airan__e lnd? .-d lf it were otberwiae-atrange lf thebiKbeat bcuuty whieh ll aa the .arlhly ahadow of baavi-n'* bollncaa, oould be _>p.oi_h-_ ouly by eucb niirywuyi; aad 11 lhalleaanrewitb ahiehelrUMaa_a? eiety baa eyer fouud lt ueoeeaiiry to trrat tboee uumer ous.aaaoclailoui wlneb natbeired round thc tie of BM were ineompatible witb complcteueaa ef tniolleftaal work, whieh la juat a uuvana uf progrt aalve elevatlou for _M ratr. Y H were ao, then we ihould I- compelled to ?uy, "Wrlreui. tbe incomplr-tc, and periih th.< UrM tbat i.r rooif to oa ouly tbua." If ihta l.e uv only j,.,Ui to tbe . mpyieaii ot nui.ii i urt, than let uaBy tow -ia vt kui Ovwu aiaoug to? toaiiad div?bU?a aiid toa vul-ar moralltlea of Ufe. We would not ln thi* wav know ^(mkI from evil, even thu,i?rli Hatan pronitecs aa of ol.l that wo Nh ill " be hm ?fo.l*." To K|M-.ak of tbe h*ik>oi to Chrifltianltv of a literature ni.nni.ii._r froui BBBh u riKit la .;uite aiflpiTfliiinnx. O-l whlch liiilrt*. r.iiiiiiioii moraliiy nu enetip lhat II ?." tu the w.ill Im fore llie faucled rt.ilialuiN of nome OUO tlieury of atathetlea In of oourHc dealal ol all nii|_ioi>. aBO la IhiuikI to iroat it uiji-.i, whieh indei-U lt inrt, or *c. mn lo ilo, tn wh.-ti M. Tame nsxyn iu In.t rteitcrli>tlon of afaaday earvleeln Bdlaborgb, that "the daatrlafl el lha M-nuon, tbou_rii rathflfl ahaliaul, mi-i.t awahfla re flecttona Indivldaal reaeoatair ta eome hoeda, mon eapeclally in iViuu r or wbea ratn lalla " Prrbflfe I Hlmiiil not bavfl -.iui that thlfl wafl u Jeat, " ?oaa la n rj aaaeb ttfco aae ; f,.r after all il ia at oeoe tne kct-notc anrt |h" BBBB ot M. Tuiiie'n ptulonopliy. "1111 Inui ie..t.i' eondllMBfl tloililiiale BBBB, anrt he Badeitehflfl to aiplala ad thal mau hM boob or done, aad all tho diCarenecfl ra iu* htnt ot .loii.K in iiiil.rcnt ui;... inui piaaro. by a refOraaee to theae, intii.tii. .1 tratba, ladivalaal, suhjeetive avtia, Indepeadenl oboloa, oi detarmlaatlon of mind, ae f"r Uttle or nothtnaj urt, philoaopby, reUatoa, eae J",: what Holl, cliinate. anrt tnpoKi'uplnc.ul fraliire.a Bavfl nnirt" tlieui, and th.-reime w ,? mii.l mn woiilt-r \ M ) miirh Ifl Untl him luaking BBBB*! reHctoaa tc Iin- ' ' ",IH; 1,11,1 no vwth Ihfl weather. All the flamr hBOOter, a lit'i.ttiirc bora umleTHiirh laiaeaeei moat be tBh-reutty bul. lt can never, for it t.. pflflMBBd at tlie foaatala. Oar ouly boea aaaaotalag it i? ihat it nin-y nut feaaMc io/im long. A 1,(1 m.w 1 toaru Aea another braneh nf lltoriiture euiphati. allv lnartern liter.ilure. which la l.olh lalWfl BBd tmiaorlaiit. It i* ,,f a inucli l.iirher t.i fn- than Ibe I"> ? e.-dlliK, txitii; iivowedlv proin IhiIIi of iii'iiili'y anrt H'ilKloil, imre ll, Itn BMt-VO, totldor iti lt? foellnK. "' ,1''' '" Iflflfl BBOelill nutl arli-atie ln Uh 0X000000, aad, fof all Iheac leaflO-fl, exeeedlngly faaelnatinir, aml a.etuaiiy,} belteve, rtoiiij.- ||O0d ln a way ; t. lt OVeh, a* 1 tlilnk, WOUld do BBBOb more were it nut fur -auu" ____ aeteriNtirl Which tend lu aii.-ther ilin eiiou. I r. f.r to thoae Moelal Htorieo whlch .tppeur m our rellartOUfl peilodieale. aad whhil are more flxtoa?hrety roodper bapathaa any An.l what i toi Ib man] of them ii it hoNivlity, not in.l.-ert lo n-liulim, bnt to < verytlntii.' like .1. Hm al i.riiefK. Tbey aaaarl <>r hMtaaaate tbeldea that Mi.h beltefahava ooly acoutractiuj: ami bardening efleel, an.l that they are rpitc im-oinpatiMe With tbal fr, r play of llie huinan hpnit in the Widfl BttBoapbere Ol liiuniiii iii iiipathy, anrt that BOBfleiOBSaeaa ol thertvu.e, whieh i* tlic true anrt only rclliflwi f,,r BBB. ItlJ B tn-.- whieh Ifl l-uiinrt tfl have l.c.iutlflll bkMBOBW BBd nll miinii.T nf lruiT, Imt ltil i.x.t, lf It have anv, Ulac tliat ot the on ihida, bfl in ti.e air. lt miiat havo none -oI.ik down into tbe Moii of poettlve dootrloe, or tbe wboie \irtue le aooe. Anifit true ta polnt of fact tii tt the aei "ptai.i e of a crted meaol tbe atoppef* "! ?'" spirituiii arowth, ot aa If.oe th. ware not the eaee tbat tbe I'uuin anrt the Jobna, tbe Lotbera aod Culviii-. Th. Bdwarda anrt tbe Bodaea, tbe -.lexandera, ih. Letgbtoae, Henrya, anrt Chalmera, and aii aaeb Kreat treeitnf nirhteotwneiiN a-? have urtormrt and enrn h, l tlic world, asif It wen- uot the eaat tiat roehlwere dt-( ply plai.ted iu thcNoll of U\crt anrt rtt tliillc b.-lief, anrt fl-BI that rrOW up, or nn if it eould be true tliat tm Intellect, whieh ih Buwoaud lo have malnly to do wltb doftnia (tho'iirh that ln l.ot Nu rxrlu-ivrlv thr raflfl M many Mi| poee), were aoehan Irieeourllable enemy to the beart that ItBMtat-iwl t.r- hcizeil a:i 11mprlaonod befoi iie.iii aaa tiav.- Iteedam t.< boat, ..i ?? ll it w. re i ahlc ihat (i)'rt ahould mal a revelatlou "t Hi- elll, Ind nll. .ne iu. 10 lake jiiNt aa iniirh flfl xxn little uf il BB We llked. Neveithelt?i,'thlH nnrrith in^-uf triltli on the Blt-1 of a vaaoe flentlmentallam mei t- ur oontinually "' prea int, ami a- oitcn -.ui aaywheie alea Ib ui<- * rlal ilflBiflfl bb wi.ieh i refer. Tb-re ta ln maay of tbem, too, a vaaue Idea arlta t* g.iid te the loaptrBtloa ..t Bertptare, " ial_o| .wav," aa one baa ntiiervcil, " ity value nn BBPOll nili an f'11!' 'iv. , tandard, both ol tratn and duty. M iklng tbe Bihle not iti.- \w.:il of Qod, but only n word <.r Uod, ? blcb ia 10 l>" inicrpreie.i and let'-.l npon only In tbe meaaore tbal lt reoeivea tbe aeal of thi indtndual eoaaclooaneaa wblcr baa brought Iato harmony with tbc aba l.u. wlll of Ood." hOWl ii n imi hr.i tu nt mrt Up f'_ an.l p.n ti.iii.'ir rt<iiu.iiili:.tio!i:il l.elirf. 1 ani not ralieil up'.:. I" ,!.. -,. Hut l reiiaiuiy pn.ti'Ht BB-loat a lorm "l uire paaaini under tbe bbbm of relialon whlch aaaert*. or laalnoatee aad aeea all tbfl power ol Bctloaal art to . nfur." th" rdoa thal no BOO- th-BJ ai B rtt iltiile belief IX rc.iuii'ed. I bold tBBl Mii'l nn ni to be oppoaed to Chrtetlanlty, botb in lu aml ptoc*nrta. " Prove all tblnit*, bold faat thal wftlrh Ih |tOOd.H Thcr. i.iu-t I"- fl Hfhl anrt B wrone, a tni" aod a falee, la the _mtter al what wc bi - urt... .I*- win- waH ihe BiMe tiTei. na al all i Aud how c.niiii tne Ji un im aaM tobave mach advaota^re ovei other aattoaa, eeeryway, andebledj tbat to tbem bad beea committed the oraeleaol '""tl There rarely la BUOha thli.K aa trntli m tlic, anrt tbe mb-tpf Ol the 11 tit ii iti theopbere <rt Niljdoa maat br attendeo by runs, qaeneea more m noui man tboae attacblna to t. in- u-erahelfl anv other apbere, Aml I queatlon verj ii.u.h tho praprioty of m.akiiiK work.- of ti.iiun tl hldoflof lndividual opluiou. H aecuin to ui- t.< he tak Ibban iiiniii" advantaae "f art atalleTenta, il im nut ip.nrt polley iii tbfl att'l.i | fur na man run m:ik. im. ol in- im.ii.ii.iiiy ebararten t<> anforee Bb e ? a lodl vldual upiniuiir itiiiu.iit i?_--< 1111.k." tbe! .'? ifl'erl of ln-- OOrlB BBd -B-BOllBB from Tluil ralafl aa \M.rkM ..r mt. tu auiue ol theae rtioiKM, tOO, we llurt verv l.ii-c anrt irrei en-titial rtewa ol i >i\ tne Prondi aee aad pi 11 tt. Tbe Ub rature I bow refer to bt exceedlnaly popalar, bnl In tln N|H rte lt I- cveet tllllkiv UliWi...!. <? 'III". It Iia. bBVl miirii tbal la court iii it- leoaoea ol pettenee, bopefnlni m, Beif-abneflation ami rellaooe In aeaM dlm way ou a liiL'iii-r power, all wrouabi oui with conakterable iirtism leellll- anrt rtinmalir nkill, Imt flUll m tbe p.ulieiil 11. ;it wbleb i have glaaoed we bave auadi tfl r. pei aad to bc Wiiliiiful i'a' Tbere laalao a eonaiderable roofl uf lltoratui m-cirrt witb tlic oaltui i-i Miiuui, wblob enforaea a theory uf llie Whlch haa Iniiell th.if I- plailalule, uml t.III, even fa-cniutni?r abt.ut lt, but wbleb, by maliiiir Thr hif owb eeater, eberlabea aa anbealthy eelf eonartouaneaa, aad l ree to reliaion, whu-h muat i? Bupn me it it la aaj thing, oaly a Beeooeary pleee; aa ooe nf tba flBflflflia wbleb floltaae Baahefl aaa ..f, hIouk wltb many otbera, t.. attalfl itn profeaalonalend, tbe p ifciiiii. of our BBtare in every alde. .tbe,the ?? i'rii-t uf I'liiTiiic," aa le- waa called, waa tue carlieat promoter ol thlfl view, followed InEuirlandby Thoiuaa Carlyle, and n.. r. rerentlj by Prof. Uuxley, loi Kii.^-ai it irom a loaieriiii-nr |n>int of view, and in Ur moal -I'lnliiai ar|M-.i, l.vJ.Mi. Mal tli. -w bl-Old. With nn- and rofoate qneatlona, Pn ildent M.<'..-ii !. 11 di all vu tn aii bia ' ?'. ii.i.i' r:-in kaovi ledg* and abilit. iu bia ?? (.'hri.-tiaiiiiy and Posltlvlam,H and alao Puneipal Bharp "f Ht- Andrewa, Bc tlund, In bbi bookentltled, ?? (iiitur. aml Ed iihioii," whtt* both n-n.-.i - of thetheorv ara baodtod lu a maa nor oaaflb leaeee Ihtalea ** aotblna lo ba doatred. iii. Boau a, bi '. i B-B--aaa, am> m yy. wbu, i fll ii. 1 triMt lhal no one,mll tBBOJ for a moiucnt that ;ii.v thii- I have BBldla iin tatert I > upp.?ili..u tu liiel.'.tiilr lt! Ihfl true BBBM "t the OOtd. Oa thfl conlraiy, 1 uiain t..m lhal thiH iituiiy of it iu aii it* paieraad Blghflfl feraoi la aet un re oleaaaal than H la proltablo -part from tiu- Biorea uf po-ltiveknowledfie which are tbu.tained, it ih HliunilatiiiK. cnlarKliiK, BBd el.-v.itiiii; fruin the vi n ot iniii-iii_ tha miiiii ii. tn ciuii.i. t nit.i lha aroei iiii.ltn oi -!it in aii pia.i i aod all timea. Tbaekerai u-od toaay: N Coltlvate tbe aoebstj ol irour tiettera," and Wl -iin thia eiiipliiitii allv bv tl.e K..I.I.V nl Iit. rat i.r.-, foi ii latioduefla u? iuto valuable aoelety?tba meral and ililclli-i tllal t? thr woi Irt. 'Ihe hy ln].at hl/.iliu' BtU di ni m..i..-i iu iiiiint .ia i v,.ti. -in h ma their werka.aad eeeaea ara kma to regard tbeai aa fliiiid.i. -Nu eti cn , ull. .ilt lut.iilitlc.-a lum fTOaa their proaance. Tbei _re h. .iiri tmaty campanloni in all tbe outg .,..? "t their mind. ife baa u*.-a wlta thoai aroaad tae world He ta i rounded tbe rt' ptha nt bum m paaalon vntii Bbakeup r< hr ha-, l.i. aiic 'i ttu- iweel aalofl ol paredltfi wltb blili. be baa wandered tbrouflb tbe far- .it reaion ofailaflorj wuh Rpenaer; he haa ellmbed the inn DUVealtj ind nn tin- Delectable Moout-lna flrttb Banvaa; bfl .'mr wept over tbe monotalu dalayaad iuum-iI to tu iaa waterfall with Wordawortb; be baa troddeu tbe I.ol.i rcit.uu of rhlVBlric roiiiaiirc, m whicb tlie Bterfl taaturoaol Hlatori aro aeea tbroecb tbe oaeertaln tm II ? tlt Ol lletiuii, wltb B>Otl i anrt iie ln.,- paaaed IbrOUKb tlie .11 itt ullelr ut pi.M Ity .111.1 |M,rert tl.til dal* aboOae tt aaaaery aad v*ee arlta Qrabbe, Helatbetrae eoemopolltanln Iho oldeal aanae,and be flBdaaoclety to hi* iik in a wberover he ateaja, Bla urn*-"- ai" ever lliure BBlBtOd I'I thfl Vulri-H nf tlir flt-tfld, llll'l Ol* tfW( II laa iabeaeeth thi ahadew ol reaown. Por iiim llixncr mi k- tbe a iu-11 Om '??? aod the woea afl Tn.. BBd tbe thi,ml.?iu.1- BBbeei of i)i-tiio*Ihiiu h yet llnirer in hi- fl U -; BBd *tiii a* he peeafla .ion award ?itti tha atre iaa. Truth in.,i l'.enuiv au-h-.omp:tiii.ii.*. There nr<- ehaaata ao fruin time to time iii the Itirth ol a*-. mir-, foi R i inreleaparlneof hei prodl(ieaol tbe krltier t>pr...iai aip ia aeperatad trom Aip i>\ a lemrtbenlufl plain, hut tbc h. iiruii Mn llii-lu-i froiu hili to hili, and the BUbJaceUl i.-vei i* ever rafloood from tuiai oboeortty. And there la i.i. Intl.- pie.'tHiire iii ihe iiiiirkini; "t thoae 0an1 -ii l"- "l if.iii.18 IbB Bteep of time. Agi-n i-Li'-i'i 'rr Hom. r'n iamp appeared, un.i Bjea aaa lha MaataBBflwaB wm hflaad. Tb *iitt nitnr. l*nrlhi cnlnnWD T, tmt Ainl (Ot. a MilU-.i l.irlti arlr.1 aavi nmrr : ! Iil. ir. nu. rear al..! art at ..{.irr... t, ?.,-? A,r. .ll"l a Aafflflfliafl ".'"' -' .I.HI < .!.. r h.,u, Utafl ? v. |j IflOflB tttt rr il rl.,,ar, I.i dr-ra-r il ,1.1.1 ii. lta!. il ro**? T.I). U-.l.tiill rrar, of liollil, ilartlra. |,lll. B?mtll ill ?(.'. r..ior ia uur i..c il .a*L Thn. ..url ti.lrt rlitr Uit.. tkt iiirn gtlt far i-tT tbru .hiiiiUK pllniH- ifili Do we pity tiu- ...a,, wboee iiiiii(iu.-aa. ixctodea MB fruin ine ifiur.e- ..f tIiim uuter w..r ti ot rrestbw l Wot laaa m he taa ot,)e<-t of pitv to wbom tln* gt* al volome <?? literittiire m .. bcbI.iI BooB l this Imirht world which lr tbe dwelliiifl of thumrht anrt of tl.i.'k-i umiuif fanciea, whrre niinrt han tt* un nrenler anrt ite lapoilH. ;t? tBB??MflOMa pletui-i of the heautiful huJ the tni". nl pulace.- af en.iiiiiitmeiit. eitlle.i up by more thun IM art of the BaeteflB Magulan, aml atated with more than the wealth of Enflteru niacuinoeuic ; wla-rc faiic.v flltfl weav it.^- her ini.umtiBl'le *t>tii?, anrt Blfltory lfli t.achliiK fi""J the txiok of tiatioufl her nolernn lentsonp, and nct.nce, fr iu ber watch-tower, poiiitt her teleaeope to the pkl.K.'"" a,> wltb her plumtnet the rtetith* of au aluic-t fath omlr&i mitiijiiity ; and philonophy wiih ln r nuriut t" tbe heart, i? lookluir BOOlwara with iBlruvert-d eye ; aud hioirraphy is M-ttniK up n.-r BBOdflfB hflfloafl f?r lue fnturc. %n'i ("" t. v Ih bIIikiuk ber UielortloiiM nnngn, ? Itrtd tb.n*l ? ill. mt rralhr.l ?*??? tl 1. U> pi.rrr and rellffiui), fur abe too ba*. her Ihroue n. tlun palfleo of tbe mlna, eaat over all tbc irirdle of her love, Wblle ber radiant fnrehead ntnkei the itar*, and her eye " looke Xorward Into etcrnitv." Kut the ii.-aicr a thlnir la in it* hpalthy and nortnal oondltlou, no iiineh the more perilon* Is it wheu u l* "" pn.|Mirly u?ed and fall? into the flervice of evil. Aud wo t aiiii.'t De biiiirt to tht fa< t that ruch 1* the ense wtth our inuileru literature lu tuauy re?pe.u. lt pander. P? M": *at!oiiail?ti., lt Btlfliiulatofl paanun, lt feedi many evil rmiu of ikeptlclim in r.-latioii Uith to ( hnslian _tx*lue*B anrt t.'hrlatian truth. It weakena the Intellect hy itn luperttelallMii and r?pid BflOBBflflleo?obvlou*t)e?? fcr tae -__(? of haite, aurt tbe elreuuimauoe* in whu-h much uf it il e-p.-r.trd aud tu be read ou railr..?d jour t.i v*. .Vi , beinK the . onitaut demand nowmliyi; while that wbiih ii more aul:.l lo llflcbaraoter ae tbe expoueut of pblloMopbic niaeciilaiioii aud it.irtitlllr tbeorlea li to a creat eiteutopiKiaed io Uie very poaalblllt) of aipirltaai ?eutltueut aud a teli<_.?ui life, rllmluatlufl afl it duefl tbe fluperuatural elenieuf from the world anrt ?uforrie* a life wbleb la purely flenauoufl in lta nature. i? at aii eventfl matarlaliatte iu tta liuut aod rawre. "Bcienee haa done ao muebfor m,"aayn HrlBeipal HB?rp, " ln tlm way of increaflitifl our comforta and removiny 'iiai.y of the Burfaca Uli of life, that vaflua aud exadirer ated bopa* are enxertalned of what It may yet do tot Uie healiuK of ihe deepeit dlaorderfl." , The vaat lu, na-e of wnalth, too, lOBB-M to a BvOOO, i^tenUTiuui, and luxurioui life, faili lu uith tba c-rrcul. wlill* tba areat r>umpetitlon In huainefla and tne oa aruiit-d fanli-t* for loeuiuwUon. kinp ap au iucuffl."t bj oo meaua lar.ja_.-c to iuouxuu vf tb? uhhiu, Aii tbli, of oourse, in our litnratum, ainee wh.f cv. r an iiice tl>inks and fccla it must ctprosa la Ite form. of art. li |. flr^i ? .yuii"i.uii lieluro lt ta acnua. a uriiip toin or B.rtiietbiii_ d.e|Mir than lt_-.ll, whieh It i.cia ?i?i atraaotbeu by tne yorv taci of e_pr._u_.iir |t. And bl BM B ls not BM rclv hy attaaklac Bm tlteratore ihat we mn. _"-ck tu .1" _ ood, but alao by ati ukn,. Liit: lllci of willeh lt la tho ex ...iiicut, and hrlaglng Into play more ..nd .uorc wta !*? ami pmyerftinjr _\\ i,oiy Chriattaa IndUBOOOB; uud lil _" far aa bteeatare itrdf ia ee.irued, aneoaraidai aa I eli oulatina wbat to uun.l lakablj pura iad goud. . im imiut _ty of kecplnx ch t.i ?ui ol ? haebel than Of iuat llltag it wiih _rain ; au I lel na i 1 Ibaahfal tbcre i ni.tiii at our coiointi'i anttteicnl to tii.?i .uo tn ebaff, abundaat tbough II be. Iu too U-bleatou, (m,i ,<.H|_ia'( oi iha literature whicii _____ out el It) tke. ? ia |fa i m* I oara of a barraat, wktok aolareaol tMeaemywMI t able to ekeke, un.i ablok. made vu .1 bj tbe power el th. Ho.y (iiiost, Hi.t-,11 rei ike eartb antk tboae tratta of nxbteooancaa wklch aball be ratkerrd tta toe prale. aad atory ol Qodj anto ilfe everb_tlajr. Wo do not la toad to ii-nt witb bm BMM wt. lor all toal ?" ean e.tb.r pru.iuHC or Uinaioii. Tbero _? too iiuic.i Bn and mtoer. la tbe wartd lor ikaa BBd Cbiefly 1>_.o.iii?? the w. rld 'I BM B >' BetBflM that tia i.l, - M Itoaghttoda, Bat were the Bloto away tbe am wotmi tter aad tbi m.aer] uoeper, (ur to Umt _M 't woald M Ba without eback aad mieery aitkoat beaa. Ib iu lar an tht world ia aay w.y bettar Ikaa ii waa. i- ia toe Bloto tkal i, ti touakl tno aorld to tofnk, aod r.h nme aeed aot ba ee aaxloao to put oat tho rngta tt Iba giaut ea wboao abouMera ll ataoda. We aaaaat (orgel aran toe todirret boueflte wa bare denrad fram Iha iuii<. inim Ha li:lluflfl|,e_ on th.- k''-'"-i-jI MBBaMM or mii'iili, an ladaeaae ao Bjreal aad ao aalatary a*. to (uatifv ib ? ooaoioatoa tbal aere toal ttttde. aad wbM wa owa to it BTSA .--i_.._i.iv, .ii.fl'ii-.itd, tbe pbitoeopbte Inddcl wim (.0 di il ii, BhVap WOtUO ai" 'dilv Uml b.uisoll iii the abyaBaeof barbartom aad a gaaaral aha?, Aud toat is oniv hh i ir bai ii. taa way?tke goto uua. aa lt wcr,-, whieh It thmw. o-f f, "ti. it? cbariot akaeto in ita Beawraee to rtolory. Tluit victory 1.1 aehtein l lo the don__a of tho mdlvidual loul, to w.ut.h (ir ii hfl p-c-i'.ed) it briri.'a Ii_rht aml graOBj and a splrit of Imliuo.., iimi n BaVlor mtgbtj t" savc. Tncse ai-o thintfM for the lota of wbieii flMtkflr acteoea imr pklloeopky prorlde an, compeaaatioa, And tiii" miut l.e reui'-ml' "i "'l ln vl"A of ihi' illiliii/iilahlnu: f.-atuie oi ii,. n,ii laltty a hh u la bo a rlalaa ererj aboro lato pramlnance, namely, thit a B aot .___!__. for it- ..wu iaki, aa it ware pare Md . imple, i.ut ler Ike sake of a eertala sti le ol acl. nt n ? pr-xrea. t" a Ul is a ______ io Im' ne, .'.'iir , and in tke way al whtoh t ipintoal Motlmenl and belie* In tbe aaparnataral to unpoaed iu -u ,n,i. if tbat be ihe eaae (wbieb, h .wei nr, i uo not bellere a>. ini'- aelenee .? innot ix. bia lered, bai only hetoed by falto ln Ood and t-he Bible), yet, I aay. if tbat bi- toe i-.i-. ,ltd.Ibi II lo I?? ? ? l ? ua to tno dlamal altoraattre ol Barrendoriog oar, un.i aoo mK ho,- u, in : , ii.,i f r toe preaenl .u.i>, Ml for Um awfui atul .-n.i,,?i fuiiin- thal MUTaat r woui.l mvolve, WB .1. in aml t? Im- ma.Ie BBeN .11.111 .1 of our gronnd, ao 11.. be lupplied with mucb more ? itlafaotoi . .'\i.iiiie thaa wa Mre v' bbm tupplled witb, before w>-' nn cvii tiunh oi BBtertaintog Ibe aaffgeelton at alL What wa Mre gut to dto to to glre all ol oar rtreaath to thc proinotio'i of au i-i iii htoued C .ai'iit. Bpeaktog, wrtting, aml lr. mi; m the aplrlt of IbeQ not aetlng ln anj aay aa lf we wera afnld of the ara ol tbe i. .i i, bul > en oo iu bto own ipbere and aoeordlaa i" i. i ablilty .'oumii i 'in.- tt to ihe world br bia 11 eommltttng it to Ood ln bla prayare; in wbieb eaa ?Bail hara r, aoo i to exptoi tkal wMa too erenlng eometo in IIM a Bood, toe eptrlt of tbe Lordeha ihfl .).? a ataadard aaatoBi b.m.aad thal eooacr oi- later m-- to tbe LerB aball be aritteu upon literature aa v.-eii aa upfliu erarj other torm ol Mmaa __tivny. THE TlllK!) BSCTIOll-. aii : aaooa tttttnttv xt taa a_ni ma tTB. c__>bch ? i \ii,?n.i.i ?? i'i.-. i . u.N nv ibb Bxy.doaara I'.M.M.K, I). I'., Tiu; ill.V. IIKNKY BBBB i'l Bl Hl u, .imi i'uur. li.tMi.i, 1*., ii. a.?nn. igaaaa TION OP TIIK . NSION. Tha cv.-iit ol thc day waa thaaaaakM. of tiie thlrd -. .ti u ot the Alii.nii'.' at Dr. Ad-ini.*B C ea Madlaooeqaare. Her.-, taaa balara tha baar aaamd for luei'tiuir,HOWda of poaplB rapidly icatlierei), drawn th.Ihir bg Ihe ai'iioiim f .nenf thal thc popular Enirli-sh i ff. u I.. r, the Ber. foaeah Parharal Laadaa. aaal aara II. nr.v Waid li.reeht i. _M_- B_-__M Iho BBBBttBg i'li lli" iBlaiawlag toato, MTha Pulatt of Iha Ap-." na parttoalar maetlag haa beea loag loohed harwaritobr the .iii"h..t< ,i m .iiini'iiii:-' an opportaalty to ntttotoa aml]..ti.- the .liir.'ient alt Iea of tho t_0 dtrtBBBj aa wall aata aata a bm ralaable hintH from ci.TKyim n who, aa bbm "f Iha datogatoa {eaaeeeend hn. telf, "havo Iiiii to tl.O v,ty hottom uf tho BBhJaal nnd ftoho.t up -0 tlu-ro B worth keeptac." _m dlaeaaraa al _>-. -*bbbbb aBghl ptrbafg ho betteff il.Ilm-d ao an oratinn. ii:.-. werto wara heard elaarry an nn-r iha w, um-, wincii waa paabad, low, galhatoB.aad _a_a> Thay w n eaaa. eial.ii r..iin.lly aad .Titli itrcat emjih.t."^. Thea' Wai n.i. rrupte.l cuniiiiiially. iiut tha inU-ri uptioii ? made ta Iha ahaae of bearty aaaa__aa aad rjaeato* ttaaa of approraL timh waa eepeetolly 1 Bbla in laa ta___toto rtotolty ?t tbe palpit, aioilii.l tiu- fool of w.i.-... mitliv BBlal_Ma Ot |ir,.mim nee. A tvfll known aml i ci - iti rc i 1. i a.", ruan, of Booteb birtb. waa to aotod f'>r bto-loBg ?f axpi tuih-.i r.-p< at.-iiy m a Bahrhbar aa nu' rarloaa pMato al i ur aathaa wara made, with "That'i tha .vay to taik '. " "That'H gaapal tratb, lf thaaa BTerwaeaay. A.-. IIM POffttofl "f UM paU'T v. ai.h r'leri'cil t Bttl the paaattoa _ MaaattoBal preaehlag, ? tay rato. beard to matter, " Tbat'a Daeaber. ami bla arrlral Vt.iM lookeil for Vtltll _I. nt ll.teicl. Wh.le tim _ \t i... dieee ibatal Ihe R'v. iuni-i r. KUbderal Draw Thea togkal Beauaary--waa taaaa deUrered, Kr. ?'? . bbm iu, ami ibrawiag aa to bB balf-Mhlaty atoab, aa> van. .-.I m the palpt. al thaa "-? _ ihe Bapar, Bfl : ipake (to* aearly M-Btoat<rB la bto totoaee a ka hla tiirn lioni tha ailflnnce cil.'r. ol ** ..n.i h_8B Imu," Bl ba daacrlhad taa own taaal of th.? tmiy typtoal Iin aehir?ni.ti. ycrniuK for hia li-llou -iut u. Mi. i.e.i iu r, mo. allhewl hatiag haaN btadB lagatobed ptadeeeeeor, hroaahl up Ihe qaeaaea <'f aenaaUeaal palpB ui-.oiir.-c. lr.-at.u_ il r. i') ..milarly, aml I. oat aearly raaada edlaagbtori bai ba eaaeladod Bm i..|... byadraaetog tha atoa. that It waa aat aa aaeb t<> haar Baaaattoaaltalh that people aaaM to the preaeher ae il waa baaaaaa ne bMB ta d ta u baaitai aud t_rc lay Iii- power. Taaaaaaaaalaaaaaraaaaal tho twa meu ie aUodia Muniitr. Ihe___Mb dlrtaa haa iba BUI taee al Ibe BagltotaMaa,dart balr aml Bde-wbBBrre, whtoh are .-u lowed to Kr..* taa dawa tari baft aharti a bright, baallbj aiwaiitaitaa. daik Btaurp ayaa, whtoh tm inirthfiil at tim.--. an.l ii.lit.-r, up WOadarfBlly uml'-r tho in.piration ol iut. _?t _tr?ii_ly ezattod. Hc i.a.I- BB tm ly fiom MBBBM-lpti M-.ry rapidly. aad geetana _?? Baaally, aad B r.-miy wnh aaeadata aaia_ag _u<i :. ii;- audi.aa B appeadadi IHE PI__.IT Of TIIK ACK. l.Y nu; BBV. J').*-i ih I'lKkili, Pk i>.. OB UB_M_B. ln _l_eB_B-Bgi eraaeatahfUy, __? gBeadoBof i) Miiaehtog my aaaaaadtoa ttamaghoatwlll im tbat, in propoitioir.aa WB follow thc Agttbttbt inctho.i of Maaagaad appljtogliatb. wBI _? prtoeblag ba adapted M tbto day "'"' --11 aahar daya o* haa__n a_a ami waaa la tttmt to wieid the Brlgtoal power, lt B not n.-.dfitl to recttr to th-i ori^mal BMthBd of prcachif.l Mia, fnr elainplc. tha Ptaaibtofl uf the Apaatle PaBtaBd taoalra aoiuewhat mto it - aulMtanre and manner. What did Paul, Uu Bpoa ttoofjesni Chrtitpreachl Paul hlmectf anawera the ?lucatlou : '* l pica.-h Chriat .'iu. ili.-l . . .' "I p__Oh thc unaearebablc rwbee of Chrtol - . ."*?' brlal ttmt me lo pr. a. h the ."-"." 11 ero la dettnltoneM ol eouvictloo. The mau in,. ? bta bnatoeM. BBd hla mlnd ia Mt npon it without doubtfalaeM or dl.tri- i., He doea not lu.a.h about tbe gaapal. Hodoeeaol iboa bowabultuily Be can al __lr. from loucLiuc it eren wben it oeepu. Iw posiihte for brm i" aacspe from touchingitaltoaetber. ( ontrariwiae ba Braaiabea tn.- goepel uh U fuilncaa ot ai,d Aith a lUpn we dralM to make u un dei -;..?.: and felt. Tu Paal. Jcaua( brtot blmaelf waa tbe .'?.-in' Thc mrtii vi- Ibe iiiK'tiini'. ibe doctrine waa tbe uiun iuu,? ih, preachlBg waa ajaaea__d by tboae?le m.'.flia -h.tii i-.i im' p. ireoua lltl ol toe bavlor at the bemd of all life. and make tbal peraonaUty the compto neiii of all beina. Tbna maeh thea ror tb. iBbetance ofPani'i -to: a llrlng, djrto-. trluupbiBg A.,i,..lity aml uiic-_.ii_ aii ImrHIT. IB It B_ B_Cb a Lord tbat U net_od lu tbia day, when men arc madto wiekeaaeaa ..nd haw become mato reof thi lr pwn . .rfi-i Wa n na- ii nti.reil a.- to the -uioalanc Ol l tm n prt-n. h in_ W.i.,1 m._ tbe iiianu.-r el IM proacborl un imt polut a^o tne Apo_ic nv, _ka w.tb peculiar toatriMtive emphaM-. We aah bim. How do mu proacbl Ur aa aw.ra, - Not with ulstluiii of word.. toat tbe Cl Cbrtot all., Ut U- Ui.ulc Ol t.otie eff.ct.' ' My p- UChiOK waa boi wnh enticlng word. of man ? wisdom. . . . . I rome n?t wif h c _, eiicnry of ipeeeh or ol a kdon. This law Bl hi_m'? h would d< atroy m.i.-t. iithH of what M tatoelt calied "ch .ueut preaehtog. Wuat care is beatovicd uiMflnthe ni.mufitctuifof MBten "?. how pt n. ,. ?re imoothed ami roiinded: how aaxtonaare many a|H-itker- leat bt ualipiuqu.nittty they Klioiild luii-air tlie rht ihui of tht-ir ui- raiice..! Ih Mt toll Uie "?i.i dom yf worda'* whieh tl- Apostle rtli- ouoly coefiewed toet tlu- ( r _? of cbriat abould o, made of none t Are aot tBaaa toe ??entlcm. worda ,,t mm'. wla-...n WDicb I'aul avoidcd lu lu* uiiuiatry 1 I put tae caae tbua lutermaativt-'y ratherihan doirwaiK'iiiiy toat I abould araa u em to t.rtnK uujuat rearoaeb, or innn-t ncdicie pato on i?me boneat man. Am I tbeu dMeeaataaaaatog Si htobeei u_-_of ?pec.hor would leaciude eloqueueo froiu the aanctuary of tbe Lor.l I lar from i(. ?eetaa thut wc rnnnot preach without wor-^.a, f would have In worda flt aud MBBM_b_i on thc n_ it hand of Truti, I would ktai BMMUy, oud ou her k.i haud I wouid ?et.Mumc hut a? th.>at(_-d togetber In ibe amUing li,rUt 1wVuIdaar-Nowat'idetb ftuto. BeMdy. BBd Mu ?.<; hut tue _re.a-.toftU._nTrutli. iTutU U the in nt.iteg.iantltv; l^auiy aud mualc ure an.l dct-nnlnate e'lementa. There toa darnrer auiu.,* at, aud lt abould be cJeailv poiutad MM-B dai.gtr ot BBtttog up au idoiatryot m. rc wor.ia. and ut draw ing attetiHon to the caakct to the dliadvautage of tbe lewcl Wbat do we often bear reap?-etlog a preaeher aud hia preachlugt That be B B *______* apcakcr; that hu touguaae M exyuiaii- iu ibuaieneae ?nd belanre: that hia aennona are Uteniry Modeto, aml that bta empo-lthm la a aiudy in art. Tlila ia thou*ht to be toiupilm.uUr?-t.umpiimeDUry to au eugel of the Lord. -lutue-T*it_ bre and put in tru_ ol mijchty thuu derlnaa- a rrearber of tbe <tob# and revealcr oljuag m.-ut ui aaaaal 0otf ?pe.d to the etoaaaaee ..f; but aa for tbe mere aeutenct- makcr, bB pulpit ia a atorv of car red wood. not Lebauo.. ?r Be-ha.i, aot tbe moun Uina of myrrh or tb. hlll of fraukiuoruaft. Tbe proimbliliy la tbat tbe Apoatle Paul would bo 1m pau. nt w.ili a good <J_il ?f wbat pa_?ee amon_ ua aa abaaaaataaaaaatog. Would he totbe mi at (??_? auit. toe ureacW uau. u. toe Uum aod abvweU iu btaim. , upon bnman flln aad haman wmttt Wnwid he lta wi pfe-med w)th an eplthet tn io forirel a doetrt-ei? la tbo un-anbor ? aiin/iin- triek-ter ln the one of worrt*. or a i. a, ber a. nt from Uodl U>.i ua have aoiear iinder?tmi?t inir upon tbaaa potata acopc, and uritency of ..ur work. ..? i ,i? ii mtfbtirv with both hiunin. Tbere le a Ibhrd weeeHBa w-kflh tbe Ai-vitia I'aui win BBewet IB B reiiiark..blc liiaiui.r lu wbat npirUiild voii COBdiMi your minlHtrvl R ar hia replT r ? I_WOB?W?n you m BflBhnnafl aad t.aratnliuiteh trcrahlli.K ... win all humnity of mln.l and m-itiy teor*" .1 -varnen c.eryone i Uht nnd dnv mth Wtttn." Mark thia aa on.i arotet of inc Ai-ofltie'ri power?lie alwayn tell hia own waakaaaa, aml t <? alwavmiAw thn tiaiheiir imiiciiu of 'Bifl wiik. He M.iiir ilu'i ; li" ; he wepl; he travailert iu lurth 1 Imw le.w BOBpflwt?d (he oxi-tence of flOflB experiaaeael BoboM he eoulrt *>(ai)rt aUme ; ao reao lata lhal BoHhai beedfl aaa aalMa-BB obom woofl him; yet w_. he aa a rnin laia-r nf th" ero?ri of Chriat. Panl did not ttl.iiipt hia work in au ofT hanrt uianner, un ll Ii" w.-re Kii|M-n.,r to I' and (v>nl-t do it without ir.ii.i ur . ifu.?!. ll t> nn BOflBWMOB ulKiV.- him .1 B uunatad-Bd naarked Ihe moat aa-h-aaarlea ofl homao reaoaror ?ltacorebodaad (oaa-?rd htm uwe aa ntiar Iii-.. I ?' ,V li..." naii he, " ti auQiclent for thoae tlniii_a \_ Tiiiikoi Paal weep-Otl Wlien he w. pt it BOB with " aianv i" -ri " Wiui C'lul'l BflROfl bBfl l'ml, y word -.ti iu u liko a boltertna-raat, v*t wi... soBM ary Wtth t.aira ao u.iiiiv aml a? I.itler I A jroort deal of iiaeful wuik u.ay bfl domi wuh Initle, but wilboal pail..** Wfl BBB never ?et tbat apncial an.l imi - ai i-.htiii') lufltteaee whtah Baaebceall he-rfla, apcuk* aii laoffua-BB, uul aheda Ihe li-it of hope u[x.ii all live*. PalhOfl ia nut, lartrert, one-ililort. Thum iflO BatbOfl ' itiuabter - well aaa pathua of leera thflflela a -odiy lauobtar, eaaily enoaab fllallaflalflhablfl tttm tne mmrt ui. Dl Ol t""ls. ..rifucinnt applic-1 with patlum meana n< at.rv tu. woruioviir; artriiiucnt wltlioiit puthoa iimy .ni i un iii wooila.Iitat can eevee peadaea aafOeaaol luv kncflfl ui l-:,l..",r) of doliftht. Wl) l_lll.1t have Ihe BOW Bfl n.ll ii Ihfl nr,', . ' I, .,niu, ti.en, it thfl nn .rrtiineo, the manner, and tbe BBtrit Of I'a n'a pr.-iniiit)'.-, I flOBtOOd, ln anawor to tho i|iu allun whieh ia InvotVOd ln my nuhject, that In pro pintiiiii aa wt: reliiru to Apoelollr doctrine and metnod .alll unr preaoluiig ho adapted to all tlio preat nooca Kiti-.-a of nur own aud every auccoe.linK airc 1 truat I i.m uot violntt*i|{ tbe iiplrlt of OB bOOOM eharity m flx ir.- n,ic llie li.-llef thut the time ln at hand when tbfl prraouiofl of OhrM eru.-lllert wtthnut tl >? wu-loin .-f mero worda and with mm-h trembUng hihi patho* wiii ba UM only oriitmul preachiiig. Iti aome .itiartcra nc b '.'" a a'lii'.-l, bat BOt B chrial rri"-iflert ; a charnetcr m Iimi.ii/. hut oota flaeriflee for rin* ur a BM-lator -_? tn. . a (i ..1 an.l man. Wh.-ti I'eter tnnitiotirrt the uia " of Cniiii tu ibe a.-i aa rxamule to all preaebera even.ion?'?Jeaua Chriat of N iMreth whnui vi- oruelSed"?tbal Ifl tlie full atyle anrt t.tleof tiii) Bavtor. RotBoaa aHetahea mav arlau oot of itn abbrevta tion. We bave imw to be very deflnlte ln tbe (Catement i.l IIia n.imii, Itectun" many ful-e Chriat* have jrnne out int,. tl..- worl.1?cruatnree of tba 1-traflBaUou, apectera H.. ii in iii.u.,1. .i dreoma, panited ihiiiKs fl_ede toordei aml w4d fcr a pruc. I_ot ua ln ho fonl a market-pla.. t* imiiiiM-r tiiat tlie narne of the Induite Havmr, (lod thn Miii, ia ji-nii-?Je.mi Pnrlflt Jflaofl ciinatof Basaretb? Jeaua Cbriat ol Naaar.-th whom every man ha-i crum fled i.y ln- ""... groil idn. ThlB .i.t. i. produee thfl BUbetBBee, thfl manner, amt tbeflpiritoi ipofltello preaebine, maota eaU tu ? iu a .ii'.u iai mlnl-try. An Inexprrieneed uia.i ii.i."it, OB H'-..riii__ tbe raOBfl of l'ail"a picii.-Uiii.. BU. ,. iu. , mv poaaiblltty of nmedlly ezbaoatlna it. '? i-i, ?,.ii ( .. -t nr. i11r 1," h" iniu'lil exi-laitn, " why that may bo done ln aaormonor twor* T-.teh are the mi i ,,f iir,1'ir.uiee a: .1 vaiutv. The niaturct uml aii. at men la the Chriatlan mlolaary will tcatify, with teitri- ol de ighi aud thaakfetneaa, that the araeieua myatery "i r. demptlon bj tbe Crofla han ever mon; growti before llie vi ion of tin ir ravereoea aod tove imrii it haa fllieii all tbings wltb lta u.ouniffll, itt holy aud tnflnlte ?jintf. Thej wlll t< litiry IBrtBet taa! the r.osa of Cbriat - tbe Chrial ?f Naz.tiein la thfl only k.-y wiii.ii can opefl Un Boerotaof bumanBlatory. Apart fi.nn tliat Crosaii ooufuslon without hepe a wil.1, flereo flirliT, enrtiriK iu Ca< bopeleaan aaol a beaafafrave. lie wi.o b.i* uo eru crfled and redeemlna ('hrint to preeeawaatfla lus little .iu n.tii the iiiirrnweat nmiiH, huiiirh he tnay n iu hii'." wlde liii.rtyof ii.-tinn. Be ean hut i... ii; ik- eut. Bever ai?'ak to tnem -to ti.elr Bfonlefl, their lle.n t'-hiiii-.i,'iiiirh.-lplcaat.eaa,their d.iml) anrt oHPir.itloo*. Hia mniilh )a TIIie.1 with nna-knijc, at.d bia wnida are iiirtriimea.aof ctiielty. Ah for hia i.raycia, ll,. ? nr.- aa litldfl with brokii) win^H, turniei.lcrt hv Their o .ii impotence, te.-'.ifyiti- totho Bteeaoaa of bb inatinct, but never reauhtujf tho ratea of ibeflon. leeet theo uut oi) itudOBtOt Ood. that the Kr.ut, dcar nnd at.d , ,. ? ih every wliere. at.d if thy counte afl a teneher t?e ,l,i,n.i. | ln anv other ineri.ll.iti, tlioti alntlt ne us a tbicf amontl men, an.l at laat be datumrt aa a nlav< i ,,f aoulal iii-.ti.ry wi'.i almw tliat the praaeheM who have taken tbe deepeat hel.l of luimaii llfBhave beeoawet laithfiii to tbe oroaa al (iinat; nthera have had their ?*> ward f"i diverfl oftn and B-eellfloooa yet bryoud a momentar} ipplauae tbey bave bad bai litiie Uen upon , ia of bnmaa bearta. The preaeb iu. ot Jeaoa (i.iist .iiiciili'ti ha* alwaya elleited the ur iteetanawera from theoa who huve Beerdtt. Tti -.* auawerfl bave condrmed the diviuity of tho doctrtm-?. inui .iri thfl of lxavmi uiK.n tbe prcaclier*. purpoao iti.d uetlio'l. What have ti.oee auflwem la-en 1 An Bwera ol pealteaee. of bwraltr, of aaiiiia, kiI.-i uu fleeouBl oi -in, devotion to the Bedeemer'i Croea i larvlee wltboel waariaeafl, ? puramt of the loet, a he.ti'iiiK of Ibedlaeeeelte teaoatnii of the u-uoraui, Riui andeapaoinaprayer ierthoaao-0 are out of the v ,.V. Whal : ea.llta bave utteniei! prcaclllUK Of au OPpo _,t?- lin,tl 1 ivrttwtry, flcioiliim. aelf-wornhip, a tneuiocy wltboul ii lit'ioi . a tiiti| 1" WltbOOt a -rod?thflflfl Ofl bave found, together with a K'i'fil'ty eotd as dcth, aod i, ielf... ui ptkin i r.i.i nr; the grave ; but BOwbera have M,. ... .-. vi red tbe " Uvlaa aaeriBei " aad tbe ... ;i>- tell* ,i"iniii wblob are born ol tbe atooement of dod the ^on. i althfal_eaa to tbc apostotlc doetrlae anrt BMthod wlll Bave the prea iier Irom aii Ihe aanearoaaa ef mere de* Domlnatloualisin In tbe ezeieaafl ol hai miaiatry, aml froui all otbar nanowaeaa of thoeaht aad annpath.v. Denominationallam pro|ierly understuo'l anrt wlfldy ad . red ia moal oieeUeol us.-a, yet we eaauo. hai i loo Uttle of II in tlie (hi iatl.ui pulplt. In tnopitlpltw'o ibould iir.r tii" utiiveraal _aneaa4*fl ef <iort'>- love to mankind, and not the provtaelal utale.-t of z.alotrv and Bectarianlauf, Thfl Wlfle p.irtor ulil bare ht. elaaaefl for privaW teetraetfiiB m maay imidii , r Beeondary ami relattve Impaftanee, hat hu pulpli wi i be -an, .1 t" Ibe proetamatloa of the eterua] irutu wuieh maa aeedfl in all ptaeefl and atalltuuea. i in- brinaa me to a peial wbleb aimuld ne tr. ated v,ith dellcate .ii-.-i Iminatloo. Tbe preaoher'a iips need uot he M>.tled npon wb it are eatled aueethma of tbe aa]. yet, In im "i i: aii, h. wiii troat aoeh qneatlona nmi. aa fuiiv t,\ tho eipoflitloo of areol priodpleo than by bo ,. miufl > -.. u.i pleader,oralaklnfl Iato u mere debafa r. , ,.| ; ,,,? Oth a i.aii.l. Iiiuat bfl BMdfl lor llicu of , | ..,.?; ,.,., _h- ;i,ii |ir,.|iiiiir liillilriiri). 'i'helr nre niin le-iein Ol dt-iioinliiatioufl Ifl whuin we irlorlfy (i. ., i.,,l T.r whom ?e eau never flOBflt To tlinuk llu,., wha are --.< emlly iiialHIed to fttactu- teeular oueetlom ll. ihe BOaraO tt B rellg-BBfl arrvirr. !??':< h Inrli luil-t inr ta a law unto tbemaelvee. i have bo refereuc . imv remote eoever, te tbea wbea I argently advlae tboae who are jToanfer thaa myaoH to Ktrala wblle in tin- i>uipit tia>t,i the ui.ii-ua.-i..n Of all paroehlal, M)-.iilu:, iioiitleal, and otber temporart mMtlaoa Tnev win tlmi ,' ?, ,i, .,, do a .tn mt .na. ,i--lni; ancb taptea. ln leartiuif puolli WoraMp, in "XpO'inilliiK Ihe Hn ipturt-i, aod lu Bold i.ii'iii Croaa over the wbote t.el.i of nuinan ?lu Mini, the tl'ieat la.wers of tue uiost hr.;i,,tut pn- uTii . iii t> tM evlui.iareil. .ia to " preaoblng 10 the day" I havo ..rtlatlfirt opinlon t,. expreee. lu nn exeraialoB our mintatry there Ua iliii.-'i il.<l wr ape.ik veiy lou.lly anrt eli.quetitly to rneii wbo never bear aa, Ihe vounjt pteorher raadfl the laat liilliila-r ef ii anelltlflc revu-W, uml laataattr alln ttmiu to tn.- fuiiiporitlan of a aermon which i- t,, 'J...-tiui tlie loxloalpoal loo ol thfl revlewcr; ret, BUfl for the tiaor of tbe preacbar and the dignlty of the whole -ttoatioo, nut a uiau in tue BBBflBBMy ever beard of the uttK-le, and the revi.-w.-r hltuaclf is uiu w.ire of the very extatente of the pnailu-r. Peaalhly, loo, the people may uufortiiuately ri-uieiui.rr ii, ui j. itlon Wbi n they have forgottcu the aimwer, au-1 ihu- im prr.irhrr may b'-come Uie allv of ttie ukrptir. Tbal Born" people may be pieeaed with the kin.l of preaehlng wmeu i? ailnreariert to " the .lay " u, far froui improbable, aeelBflJIhol it never ttUngt tho conaclcuce; lt never condeeoanda to eater tbe reatoe of moral di* cipline ; it la aimply a BObUme Tlirht in the atr, lt the cx cltmg piuflieea Ofl whlch tm*. oontestanu Ueroelv siiikc al hothinc, aud hit it witli mai.' ,,.1 .nt iiri-r'?i')ii. There la neliher irnuy nor sarea.-ui in the Miit.-iiieiit that iii ilstoutntf to sctne preuclicia, deecrvedly eonnptcao-a tui.1 influential it mar be, oae ie. ivee tlm luii'ircflaiou tliat tberfl ls *u eajjer though Invhilble auditorr before them. whose tne ohject i.- to tln tbem tba ne nt the end el every BeataBOB, und to eonvlel them uf liinaey in the conatruetlon of every . at. Ihi- Ifl BUppofled to !?? the " I'rr.i.iiluif to the il it '." Tln- fact u that in fluch caaca the pfcaeber ia rather replying to ihe booka whlch he has been rea-ling duriuir the week tban deTBting _d-_eelf ta the treatnu-iit of the uetinii expenenee repreeented by bifleoaarentlon. i am tareooOBh from denyiiix that notice alioultl ho paid tocurrent crituiain upon Cbriat ia u doctrlno. but quite Bfl far froui a-tserting tuut mtll notice ahould he pairt from ihe puipir. Wntten attack* are heet met bv wntten defenst-a, and evtn were it not ?n in a literary point of view, lt la cer tinnly more bouorahle to lueet an eueiuy un uia own |.'rt)iiliii tli .n to flre upoti hlTn from tho rity of a prlVlleRed poeitlon. More than thi*: the curi* paipit turned into a medlum for the BdrertiaeaiBBt ?.f UBcariatlaa boeka, taa -.iitrant vtotatlonol putiiic ateward_hip. Preaebera bare enongb to ti.i without de irrMilinp the aauctunry mto an ateua of ei parte debate : "Tke beed tlieretore unto yoitraelveB, aud to all the Hoek over wMeb tba H..iy (ihuat batbmade you over BtM r*. to fee.i the I'hiiixu of dod. wlilch ho hath pnrcnaaed Mifh bl* own Blood." lhat the gosi>.'li?a BieooBae to ha-aaatty rather tuau to any gpecul net of ineii. will lie unaninioualy airrced. The (..'hrlBlniu aunc tuary )M uot a hlich achool for tbc techuical edueatiou of ,i few paptlo, bul a fn*e put.lie ichool for the liigtructiou .,. |hfl wh...e world; ttie rieh anrt the poor meet to? gether; the BMfltflf atid the icrvaiit, the oid mau nnd the little cuild; the atroug and the Weak, aii are there, anrt UJK)U theui all the r.iu of a eommon bleaninK flhould deikend. I. .?* of sympathy a \o** of power. If tuproachi r* we bocuuie *ep_ratert froui tbe lotumou niasa hy laetakiiix ouraelvea loeoaafl epeetatty ot our TpeattOB, aa for o-atuple the refutariou of B.eptlcfl wbo uever lutco to ua, und the __ ttru-*-oae. uienriea of whaofl eziateaea alaa teatha el our nearera are totally unaware. we ihall eut our-civt* off fraui t:i..aecurreiitfl;of nympathy upon whoae right uaofl" much of iniuiaieriai u?eruiii"*_i depcuda. Kruui the luMiiairy of pedantic ipehatura, uiuihera (wbocc live* oM-i.laM) between paiu aud care) wtil re tiie without a word that cau make tbe faiuiliea Klart ; in ile ehilrttvti will iBcapc?? lioiu _ troal vtcariuea*, aud men ut BOBta-BB will turn away wah Ihfl paiu of ku.-v uua rtlaiipi'oititiueiit; anrt thuo tlie nniti iii.u ihould bave ri.iiie iii.wit upon buman Iitt* tt au aii/i-.l churited wiih meaa igea fruin tln-it-cret placea uf tho M.'Ht If igh, Wlll bacoflM a im r>- > iialU-rt-r uf utipivtltable word*, t_.ik.iuii au ui.koowu tuiiiftie to im-ii who inug tot trutb aud love. Ai to the uiauncr of tbe preat-tici, I mav evorna the BBM that the day will nerer eome wbeu ludividuality wlil tea?e to (I^Iiiikuiku tlie lulniBtry. Il i* wrllteu U.k>u all Ihfl work* ?f dod ; wbr ihoui.1 It uot ho wrltten upou the flaurtuary, tue chiefeat and umrhteat of bl* crea ii, u.l Who aiu I tbat I (houid tlti.l fault. eeinuirluualy. witb my hrother'a way I Have I had aome aeeret ravvla tluii f i oui lleavtii whieh liaa been denled to thui I ll*th Uod made bnt oue lnatrumeutl I* uot the trumpet bia, and the luie, the or?ran, and tbe infltruuient of t*n atrinm-t 1>j I not bear In his hoime theii-*- *trm i>al*. tue throb of druum. ajul tbe mlverof iweet bellai tvrry nian miut preatb in tbe way iu wbleb hr cau u?e hia power io advautaat?ibe advanta-te alwaya iwiufl tlie ai-iriiual prt_Tfa-of tae hean-r, aud Bafl tho were elevatiou and f.ime of the apeaker. Il would appear a. lf to wma woridwidf renowu. to make the earaofaU iiaimiifl tinBie. il tfl nertiflary to paafl throuith a period of vflcuae aad -uU?uui?i_. J^iulUeaa reay?xUhlJH> ______ _?H. ttaelf kiM- efar OentiUfy aeldom tgt jusa rta,.,n?.'!- 5 *? -??j- % oalmaeaa-te BoaMttoMe doomed to iim.tatioa, ir .?.., tbttttrmy. The men who b.w ta* rome thc chlef Xljntr** in " Wfwil__ ._ pat pl te of all landa--th- mt u whow "^ "___?_?_. out of fh. w _v plaee. und by the mort nnl k-ly ?*?>? ti c rneti wbo _>!<,__ to thc w?rld have all, fn "?'"*''' rr'", ...-n ,, ?y-w__ and nn cffen.c for f? time ? m aori. e_, _>lt hia t_en __ of e_eh of fr.'-. " bf nifha ori aad B Had, wby baar re biM i " bai if 'hf' "'?'* **? l,.rd haa ticen lu tnm, nn-l lua aoul lia* -" 0 tfio '*?*'' lug-piace of the il<_> Gboat, ba haathrowuoff an __? ei -!. ii. . and _tl_krlt. of e.irlv pracliOO ?na, me a inuat-r aml a rulcr In th. ktocdom or m_ Cbareb. Th* ft_r to, buwevcr, tbat in ati Boa like thia. aoma young maa maj begto ae *'* ape un i end aa n (boi. Tr.,t li to tar, h? ?111 nuiaal c_ in i iimi.ciea an rl c-ecnlri.-iti.-a without kBOWtBg aa** ni.. uf B_ apirltaal paw r.. n i aeami of bto mod.i. riien in n.i in H> f?i it- i aaaal waete m.r tlmatoBay ;.i. toreclatm aa . i nun. It wa i .. ?" |f tbere muat he "a ann of perdiaoa" m e\?r^ eompanv. In Miili a iniin tlurc i'a L-n-it law at w..rk. au.i hc, l>> bto madaeee. toglrtogall d__g_t__ to make lua eallln* nnd . leetlon aare. Bay bleda. beabort and bladealbaaa: ' Tu iin'-" wbo ti" nol i re n h let nu- _v na <i< . nnl ?? 10 B targO BXtoBt th( ktnd o( prenchliic Whi. li ia popular. I look to bearere ae well ai to . fur a (renulne rcform of tbe puipit wbererer reform la noeded. Yi ? miist inatot apon hearlng tne OoapelI Wh nyoadleUn - ii-h between gold and tlnarl, whea yoa boa yo t-u.f for the mere frothlri-.'.ar'ii of puipit d llle, WUB yoa uruteet aaainat all trifling with tbe realit!e? ..' ,.f.- aad deatiny wben vou _. t yoar faee _ke a dlnt aj_ln_? ?il tb.r ia nnanb-tan.lal ln doctrine and all tbat la vidoua :n r.Mai. you will *? OB dltTB tm Iir- Itog trom thc nnl jut aml l.anlah Ihe lallow euBBdler fn _ tba Bltol BT __M Xha i_.\. J.. . Partaa v._efoiiow_l _. Faat. Kiddtr .,i tha i>re - Tlnolo Kcrninary. BMI lOrHOM Of l ..r.u Hi\i-. BY PBOB. <______ P. KII'I'K.;:. I-.I). Th. panlilaaa ba_a_a _?> ia aai wbataaa wa rannot i:iv. nt mui.c m w i..'<!c of pr. a M-. ??> hmh will ln.provc upou or aupcr-u?.!<? I!.. >,ri_n<al plan, hut ratticr whollnr tte eannot hv meu. of Henptoro aml c-iH-ticnce aml BM aul of ihe li M tttt* i.r.i..-ti.i a-)it Baaaaaa ap ba thalalaaaaliaaaBlaaaal plan, ae that hereafler ( lin.tlan' may ba made toattract all cara, Imprc. afl mimi-. "i'l win all hearta. Tbeae are not ti.e daia of BB__e_. but of praye* and ( .iriaii<_ work. I_?t na, th.-icfore, witl. pra. tical enda iu view. jimced to a l.ri-f an ,ly-ia, . < _? tag to d'termine what are thc eaaemtal el. Meatfl of that proaeblag wbtob wa* appointed by tbe Krei.i Bead ?f Uie Oaaaah for tti- i ___aBa? t.i.ii of ti.e won.i. We aad laal Ba fiiiidamcntal i.l.-ii i* baaad npon thc m.i.,1 nature M man and hla toheeeul' of eomrounU-at.aue from bis _l_w__a. Uenee bamaa np? aro rmployad i" i. huuiaii enl - and liiiiilan heart-.. W? Uere ..rik.. the .-lu.- toa ..-ri.-r. of .... met <?? wiiuh ha\.- ilwaya ho- n f.itiud in ilu- Btteeeaafal preaeBlaaof tbe paar, and _lu. h iic.-.l t.i la- e.m om. .1 iii .1 _r.-at.-r de_n c Bud B Ore H?" . lUtCUfllllid 111 tbe pr'ailiniK of lli"' j.n ,1 ut ai.d fiiturc. l.-TUF. rOWRR To'AKKKar AND.'OMMtv" .1 1 l ! ttttttt, Maa are ______ arara ta C_r__a_ tnah. Thay pmfer eutcrtdiniuciit, ex, ilcment of ihcUn.i, BBBBBl ment. tadb_aa_toi aaythlag that arBI toara B_eaila thc imiinatlonaof their luaria or the Wtf WBldBMai "f tbclr llvee. lt 10 the pr.... her'a 1111-1:0-- l" lucnk tl.,' btkII that 1'Hida them. fo di .urt) tb. oti.') aud dtoeaaaga tbeir aasMttee fro.n the worldiineae tha. abaorbetbem. Tbtalaootto be Bicompi.abfd i.y wrprteea or by Mtartinn. paradoxt-. Tbei .> eaelto atfeiiilnn f'.r tlie nioimnt, bul u-uiiliv tbey wlll r.-n. r both agalnal tbe preacher and bia a___aa_. Trweand 1 iie Uve proachlnj. demamla a manncr Wortby of im truth it aaaka to proelatoa. Tu.u _?aarr maa. t?-- dnr'a ii.-d, thoiu'h aot auatore. Ii moat todicat. aeonacioua nei 1 of thc nupreme lmportanec of the im .-:, re lo be d. iiverc.i, aadabe extiame aeeeeBBMaad timfl^- tatioomrht to iixoivc it. .Suihutou_-iou.siic.t_ wiU bantoh lortaallt) aa aa impartlnence Bearreb ieaa tolerabb tban frirolity Itaelf. It wiii api?-.-i! i.Hke to the nrlt r> -i..-.f nnd Um ecnaclotiB wanta of tbe hiarer, and havlm,' arr?-a_il i._ atteutioii will toad lo fuati-n it up.,n toearawtogli tereal of thc them.. Ho preacher ean bold tta attentl. 1 of an amliciice ?ho ha- not taaaerUBl tboagbta to ult-1 and who eannot ullcr the 111 .11 a wortUy of tbeir lmport aml dailfB t_a_B__eaa of artlealatloe, ahiii in emphaHis, clearncaa of arran. 'meni and 1. rvor tocto in -i\ aii hara meir aaea lor tnl? objt et, aad w. ;i eam iiine.l, ...iKht 10 a. .-ure an 1 vei .tcep. nii,_ LitereM to tba ti-utii flttored to applleatiea to tha haarl aaa '.oo bbm daattay of tne beeaw. tt.-THE QfAI.ITY OK I-TAKTIN . IviT'll. II').. Out-?f thc mo?t imiKirtant pbaaeaof _M_t . I hamc ter _ mthiit 111 whlch Iie i.ii|a-ii-_ aa the wor d'a ?rrcat Tcachcr. In His t.:. hitiK ofli.'e H. not only ckploded thu 1 ttmt* wim h, tbaaagh Maa*Baaaa__ay aad i?ve of am, bud Iouk brocicd like thu k darkneaa ..v r BM ininda of batl J'*\*.** aml Ciiitih . hut Ho _Bt__a_e_ ? _ tt 111 Bf purc uml poalllre truth adequata lo tho -auts of mauklnd. Be atoo im-1 la a cicar ii^'ht iii.niv in-.tlia prertooaly i.ut dimly n - realed ami bobm that had l_t-n partially otoeurtd uy thc Bhadows of crror. In tina mauncr Ha illnatrat-d "11 own dactarat-oa, "I ma tbe waa,toe truth, and tbe ua." ln toe _-cat ootnmtoaion be 1. vcatcd ins mlniaUT- wkh the teacbtogofflc . inagnlfylntt Cu ;r wnik aa tlie lii.tructora of BMB bj a doobl. ?trc?>? "Go teaoh all nat'om.. teacbinit them to oi-crve aii tblBga whataoe_a*I hareeommanded yon." it to oolj in oompllaooe with tblafeatarc ol the t*-c- lor*i 1 ommand thev can tlaiin hi" adtled pr. " Lo I I HB wnh you alway to the end of the world" "Apt t.< t.-.ich" wa? Btoo tne requireuicui uf a r< pr>' (..i.fiitivc Bpoetie who requlred hs a>n In tbe -_<i~ 1 < 1 to eouiinii toe taaehlag ?_?????. aa it to itill-eqniradol", "wlbemwho ahall be abie ...., h. n othern alao." Tn.- perpetaal renewal of buman ooctoi) by BUC-eaatTe grnerailona ?f ti-r yoang aad laeap* rfeneed make perpetaal tbe aeeeaalty ot ibe m-k af Cbrtotton iuatrucrlon. Hntlfltwen 1 1. tbe fatnom Ieaa deptba aud Bm Induite erteniton ol Cnrlatian trath demand 'or it erer mw apptleattona 10 ihe chan^ linr ciicniii'tanccs uf huinaiil' j, B.d mvitc Ua atudcii- oiiw..rd to evcr n<w and 1 rpaadlng ici_,-ioiik of thoueht. Tbaa h t.i tbatwblle eecuiaroea tor* azhanata nn,-;i witb sperlal ... aalona, aod ereo Bcience bc_om_MB tato thal la toU*," the word Mto tnith of Ood ar<- ._iik>- perenntol fountolna.erer aead Iiik forih itreami ol freabnet-i aml beau .. It B toe p.-ivile_e of the prenelior to.Vfl from thoae itiiii.t aiiiB and muitatci the watera of lift- to tin.* " toal BBB Ki-r and tlur . attcr rixbteouauca." v.hi'.vi-r elae nrcachlug may laek. lt oii_hi nt-i'-r, eoiiaidertaa Ihe rtchneax and productlreneM of it' themea, lo be bam b or imi.iiitfui of pradtabto Inatroctlon iu nfereaaa ta " the ihniKS of thc Kuir-douj ul Uo.l." in.?rni-Aiuis. muu i.u opavta 1 ni- 11 aaaaaa '? K1.ov.111_ the t.-rrora of tb. taW," lald I.u.!, " we pcrmiade m.n." lt wau the c ' p__uaa_u Whkb the Savlor cnjoiu.'.l uih.u hia di_it>l>-a an a meam. of luducin^ men to eome In, that hi~ Krii.-r'r. ho.o-.i mijjtit be Ulled. Hinco the ooutrol of att. BBaa aiul II. imt.artatiou of iDBtiuctiou, however iui|'iitiiu of tin I aelvce. ure ucvertliclee-tu bc re?anled aa lui'.tii.i t? tba huiicr eud of eoavtaoloB meu of apirltaal tiuth a_i religioue duty. Ab (iod aaa luiplauu .1 reaaauug BmbI li.-s ,u every luitid, il ie tiie Ipr. a. .id'. dut) l> __Jg Ci.risliau truth vt uhiii tho action of Iboae t u uitiea. - that they may bo enltatc I 111 tti. receptUin and lu thi.- eud he muat he a lovel ol trulh, au 1 B-IM UlBB uai.-ita Induenee, aot only ln bto life, bm ln '1 - modea of reaeoalng Bo maatol laaerrattoaa mu_ i> uiiowcl touiid.riic hto atatomcBte, aa eorei aop -1.0-iu ba paach hia caador, aad aaaeaetoaa to betraj hia lack ol coulldcuc . 11. Ihe Iratbl Iie __aumi-.i to i.tter. ll,- uiollo muat Ik-. *' Ha\ Iiik beli. n.i, tlier. foic do I . onk,H aad in aho- iiik foi tb toO l. for the laliU (ual 1.1 IU tnm, be wlll uot fa>l to per-.uado otiai r- al -? iv.?1'_i:ac_[.-G g.toi'Li) ABOVBB niK _MW toa X It wus especiaiiy de-ittu'-d to paach aadejatohBa thal _icnt und ofteu aUaaaad aaaUBt of ararj tai aat, ai _ b, however averac ita poaBBBBai may bB, BBldeM bBB to rc spond to earneet reaaoniUA' tn " taBBBD ran.-c, _gh_a_t> nc?ri, and a Judtfmeut to come." I'ow.-M. M and vulu.? Baa tor trwa rettotoaa aaaal ar.- thea K_a?aa wbtob awakeu no eehoea in ti.e aBambera ol coaa Wuereae the failhlul wor ! whieh atarttaB Mto ai.i.uu a doimaut I'o.ieciouauoB-. of >c-.Ut befora Uod. uud con fronta a eareleBe Miul _i(h ,U own ibortComiOga uial tbeir eoBaeqaeaoee. to of prteeleaa value m the moi-.ii blatory or tint M.ui. Whau th? ,ou-... ? e ii properly ai-oiiaoil, lt U-coinc.1 an ai.kiii.iiy ol uul. l,l P0WM l? anl tbe preacbt-r la bla furtiier _ork. It Miiplu- toe liaU-n iuijciir, the teuder beat, BBd the couaeniiuu wlU. Tbua it u that thioiiirU tne odlee of uraacluug Oml w?rk> witiiiti meu " Ut _..! aud to tlu of i...-> ><_u aaad pieature." aad yet ta perfeel hanaoay wtta ihato mui vuiual frtM tluin of l noice it'ul at BoB. V.?YH?A<lllSlj ?___? _BBg Tlli . N-IIll ll.M. Aa man embra.ea m bis i.atur-- the uio.-: \ ui u -I i gtttgt aud ?__ceptlblliUee, w> pteacbiUK w_a aBeegBOd to ad drena and lutlu.-uci every faiuity ol bia baaaa) ' ' tenacly fallacloui, thci-eforc, ln tbe theorj of ?ou,e !bai prt at-Uim; al.ould only uudn .?a thc jutl. mt nU Tu.t iu deeU ib to be doue ia a au.i i..ithf.i. uotntier; tmi ttM more tb-lloate taak ut _aru.ti._ tht heart and _iudliu_ tbe emolioua i> uot to Im- left nmloiie. K..r thn lu. rc ia no pown? cq.ial U, a n.'ht ex __BBM aml an un alliete'lexpriaaiuu of tll? ri-lutloiia aBe. t.?'.a. How BWB ta kbe tlaeeic ut Horat-e, mmttmg raaiaeB if >ou wouidaee otbera aeep," coiupared wiih ihe tn art mitr BBBBB of tbe Hebre* prophela ikud t_.alitii?l. Ia?len U) JernmUb aa Ue eiclaima. "Ou tbat my htad were _.uc_ aud uiiiie e_ oaa founUiu of taara tliat I Biiabl w. >-p ua> aad, niKlil for tlie ..lai 11 of tue daugntei of my people !" Alao Uaulel wbi-n be .anl " They that autr ln teara aball rwip ln . y. He toalmx-lb fortU aud weepeta baWlkkg precioua a__ aha.. doubt Ieaa come agaia wllb rtjolclutr brlmrtng hia BBaaaBB witb him." nepvaaaaar Wbe cbem__eor llluatiiaii-aacold. unaympaibcUo uature, or wbo_ ideiaa _ propnety would repieaa everr .-u-oUon tbat doea not freeae ln >U utterauce, to a poor i_pi-a-aia?T? of him wbo ?hcd U-ars over Jeru-kvlom au.i wao weot at tbe of l_ia aru. If "love ie tbe of the law," aod if "CluiBtian fiuth work? by love aod puriflea tn_ heart, tbt 11 lot uo pr_M-har of tue UoaiK-l fcar or __ to , beriah ? i-untuuiiB. uive fur lua fvllow-ineu, and to nniia. ma m._a__ witb a-aiintiiof teutlmeiit tn nl, h a ,il __.ofl.-ji ii-iKid boarta and mrit down tba ol_lur__-y of toaaa. WeU haa it becu aaia tbat be aho __ I_ moat wiU prvuch boat. TI.?TMB OBBAT aBD. AIB. ABD _t_t_-T OT .B__C____Jia auot'U- bb iu IBBB ai__ eaa tu tba baviob. AU other e-.__.ut_ fucabae la tbto. Uenee, wbetner by Inatructiou, ptrsuaBlon. conTtction, or rntreaty, ci by all .ou.bim-d, tbe |i_?ober muat by aii meaaa Blrlva 10 aare man. Iienee aiao that metbod, or coinbloaiiou of methoda, wblcb wlll aare moet ta wlttumi queatloo tbe txat. At tbia potnt the contrulllnc purt<__? of toa p.eacber wiU greaily taflueaca the charaitea- of bia paaaiaiaa. Moral aud apirtioal resulta rareiy eoaue 5 awldeut. The lawa of lutolloetual aud apnltuai mfli eaoe ara not ieaa uoaitlve U__ tbomy wblcb Kt.veru S "_ Si^StTSH H____* "?l*l UlT bB Blory of (,od aud tbe aa to at uu of m_n muat studj thoae law. aud ava.lhi_aelfofthcir power. Of aii th. k___ ?!_! wbieb u m pwndi _a uH-a to wttt, tii viB\n_SSi