Newspaper Page Text
_-tm_.m_.__.., ctx., __b?? fcormng. Aiiif_ or M i-buv-Italtan Op-ra. "O Tra?eto^_,? Ma_.ui Htlaaaa and Hlcnor <a_p_nl__ PAgttbWg Tiikatkr.-" Fanchon." _*?_?<* Mltohcll. lUlT'.a. lllli.M-WAT Tlir.ATKK -"MltX." KtlHIl-li. .inii>iiii il.ii .K_-.teliai.Opc._fl " INrfluU." Mm?. l,u. oa aa_ B twa* __u_i_. riik. N ?_ I.i : ui trkii.-" Nuti'' OAMtt " _ 0, ?__"_. Niiti...'.,.,, ui "Tim MaakO OLTBTM lu. \ ...K.-At 7 aud li " _____ An.ot'a Clil...." Ml- J_a_M A. ?)-it" ?? Vmo.n Bqh akk im vemx ? tba ... aara Ctbm " Wau-kCK'* lui.i.i.- ""BaawteaVi it >..;." tmA "Thc IBfl-IIBMllllBliT " _>tbcr_. A_KRir._ I-xTlTrTr.. ?Day Htul Niwlif. feBBBBjl Y ur. i-,XIN Hui _tataaa Bi Palattara UoanMOB ?!*'? ?A\ i BB_ at li V.tri. tie.-. Tne BB__J M-.fl'iift ??-. i ,m paaroi 10_uuHotrai "Wai Itreal " _ ixxotx \o -_\_iiicrliecmcnt9. w -imi.m- linoll, fWtt ? 1. i-i.I flT-tli ......iinli-. liA-W.N.. II... -I . AM.liAMil.l-.-> l'*th TMt* WB *** lllllll. litMlviAVI. KlVkseui- \,?IA I'age -Bto MMBMB. H..AKI, A_i, ? Ut ..U.I-.1 ealBMBe. Hl ,| N, - - I-I IU flUUIII. Ml s Hfjhih Fagt.-.uh nu>l o.n (?.il-r.>RAl!... _ OTlCEfl F.,ghih I'age ctl.t-olui.iii. Daa. im. ... u.i mi..- i "jhih Fagt Mhouliunn. I'h.vri-ll:, ' ' ' "!"" '? DlVim BD ... ' /''/</"? 4"> OOlBMB. i.r.. ? ?"?'""';- _.. __,_,._, i .... ? -. r*age?94 un.i rt. ralan-aa. ., lUa.M.v-. be, _ ?te*Uk P* H__.__.-_i. Farmb w .mh. SintkPaae ?..I.-..I....... il.,r_i ? >UIU- B>l BOW i ? I'.ti/r -. I) . 81 'i ...luinns. . _ ANTK.) /.'"' __? -'"Hl K' ?.-.-. ? , .'...uiui,. IV.IKI,,,,. ' ??',/".,..? kl, itb. aud tta culi.ti.i.H. i.ot .. ii eoluaau. I.k. nm.- t-i mii iin _ F.linoih Page- clninii. I , ,AN i,, , . - ...,.//. / .,./. lai ??,.uiui. MABBU. am- ..tu. MiMti.'- ?_____ I'age toi BM iiiiin. . MaUnAOM ?v" DBATHB?Seoenlk I'o'ie .11: ciiln- ? . ..rrnlh C igi -Ial OOlilUUi; 1 lil f.Ml t'.fllulliril.. MUBICAL lB ""' Page-t h ci.liiinn. v- / igklk .'.- .' ?? r '? '.'I'un. iii u ;.-.-.. i . Halb, im Viatt _age- ial eo. iiau,; li i .-> \iii/A f_HB '--1 .'.'1'iuiii; N i._ Jki:.-, Pb_- 1-t ..i.iiiim, .... -nii _.?!* -i.i __bmb; at \i ' noa _a_ Pmgt i?t aaa ?_'l .-.. III. 11 Tl -. lUUB nt \' ' _-_? Yi_'_ -_#*? .'1 ..'liiiiin. -?.nv.- ! ' . ? ','h Fmcjt Kh i "ilninn. i. 11!,. Mau - Kttoentk Page- 11 eotoaaa -. lih /'.ll_ ll III I 4lll eillUM HH. MLiit, \ Seotntk Paat iltt roluun. am. llAii.i.tiAio- Ttntk Page- Uli. Mii, aiul eelamaa MI.AMKK., O . in -Kightk I'age C.lli coiumii. iM-'lll i uii'ii. To Lar, bbookltb PaorBwri .\<?f_ raee M ool ??,,,. iln i'i-..]) ni r - ttntk I'a/r 2,1 MkUHBB. ...nm ri:'>i i n fintk Paat MealaaiB. _nsiiU*G5 XonrrB IU. l'.Mi> 18,000 ( ...iM-.-1' to |780 i?t da. lai _ lli.. 1m-s: Bbbch or Sr-i-KMiKK- m tbe worid are tba. _____ fc l_ua I'ti-i orrr tao Iibu.I r__ r.nrUra I t ot rloibing .lorr* ib Ur l.ui.flti --. or iberuaaJ look lo. tbeu naise ob rrerj \.,r. I uk Tribi m; Ai.mana.: tot 1878. i'rice 2o e-*ot?. s___.____-.^?. AitT srii'iNT-i wiii Iiinl in Tiik TmiBI m J.acTuax !i . ?? l '?? larlaaal An MuJiea. deli.ered ia tbe Na Uoo.l A Pnre t, erlt. _________________________ I ?, si \ i s - Dr. K. W. Kiivmond, ia Imibi.nb 1... t *i . v\ i im on mi \ki.?i*kak!:.?si\ Shakoapeareaii Malir. kr Un I.ui ll ai.t. rep..rieJ _. 1'iiB TaiB.Ka LucTCBB _ 'J'liut Kl I.i ? ii Bl ________ No. b. r.i. (, r Oaait.aii IN I.IRI. Ul I'K.rtKJT A.IAl.iaT ink U-Ukwu-iAB Taaaai. T-r't '?? I*'"' Aaaasw mttlt Ibr Mutriim of (??,?;?.,. il>r. I*?. Maaa.. <?<.til_imu_ a Taal MBMBtaj arw ?nJ ? , r. nrrrr, ni- Anina UB |iriBla>l oo a full Trrbati. - - -.r, uaineroiia ?bgfafibK_ . ,>? Ka.iif. TRipfl-na LamU Kxtk. No. Biomt. Th.. .Iirri ?,!... ? ., -. n. adeaerlptloa of tbr ".mdrrral diari.T aml ib Ibr K.r-,.1 Mo mialBB br Ibo Ial. l_lir|fe Kxpeiiiliou. raaa Taa I k i b r ?. k Nrw-Tarb. ijiainii- ..trr ."..) Ux-tomi aod 1..0 hui.raTU_fe, . i rrnt-. TEEB9 UP Tiu: TBIBUJfE. ilAii.Y Ii.i:.; . . M.iil .Sulisi-rihc.'- |10 MT BBBnm. ___-Wj im v runtrNK. M_l Suii-"nl."i.. $5 i \Vi-ki;i.y Iiiim nk. Mail Sul,._-iil)cr_, s>_ per aunuii' A il ? e r t i ? t ri _? K a t. b. Dailt Tbibvnb, 30c._0e, 40c, _*, 75c,and $1 perli-e. K.lMI Wi i 1.1 1 I Kllii NR, 36 uml 50 c-iil.s per line. WkiLhi.v I.:i:.v.m:. *'.'. $3, and $5 per line, A.coiiiiiiK to t__.iou in tlio paper. '1'fnuM. ? u.-h in _ii\ai)c>. .8. Iiik TBIBUNB. New-York. AdTcitisctncnts i.-. riM.l .it BB-toWBoffloea,54. NV. . .'.l-?t.. oi 308 W.aSd-Bt.; al the Harlem Offlce.2,888 J'.)iirtli-a\... between l'Jdtband 13__-eta^ aad at tbe lln_Klvii Brancfa Offloe, ;?s; \V:uiliin_rt'>u-_t., naxt do(?r W? tlie .Pa_ uHee. till B t>. BB. at reifular ratea. Thf. Wkeklt Tkiuim. will l>e ready thiH tDorninj iii oo'cluok, iu rtroppoT* lor xxuxiltug. i'riou li ?<PUU. Thb Tnini-MB i-i EtBDrr.. An nf_.-e fnr TRtnrNB Ad Tfirii*eii)ciu>. and Bubecnptioua la now opea m Loadea, ?.()._ Kle,i-..t.. K. >'. AilKi_iul. aml CouUticnUI a.l _*e_aaaa_>M la ____._* taaeerttoa la ix* nbw-y.iur Tkihiinb Bhoultl I'O bciiI .llrcit to tl)e l,?iulon Offlee. Huhai-rn>tl"ii^ Itor anv |m r1"><1 will l.e r.rel.M ?t thc Baiun olliie. aud ainjrle cojuce of the paper may aiwaya ho obtaiiietl. Ald.-* Tn_ N_w Toaa triih-ki, . Pi _t-et.. E. (.., I/indon. THirtng Ihe no'ttrurtion Wt thf front of thr nrw Trtbnne. bntlding. T%* Tritmn* Ottre may br found iit tne ftrtt IntU'loig i). _? rear on Sjnrnet ..(. Thr Tnbuixe. Counttng Roomuoi, Cn ii rtt ttotr, and at the tccvtxd door uUnm Sprtirr tl fntU the old ?i_r_ IV<tHNk IWUo Sri J wi We FOUNDED BY HORACE OREELEY. WEDNESDAY, O.'TOBKIi 8, 187:.. T R \ V L E S H E E Ta A ia._-" i>,' iv i.r CBrttflta _M baaa dcfe*tod in the rrnviuccof BaTarra, la^ato; ? i ..lumu ol 1,000 taaaa aaatoaaBaBa aortta from Oartaanaa, i>ut waa Brlrea Uuek. - -' ic of Fieiloii.-i VII. waa untail.-d ui Oapaafe '_? 1 - ? tbe taaaatae la I ..iii.i.ia, m. ai, o, hi.- li.-.' .in.ii..- threai. iiiii?. Tne liaaral bBata Oaafaattoa al B__a idcipeeted la f..rui B"I*aeplc'l ln k. t," intlii Iiid: Uie lx"?t ineii nninl n.;, _ i,y Hl B i.iiMK-aiiB aud I_.iuocratB._-__: Tlie vott ou iiiB aaaflffltlta al B_aaa aubuib-. resuited yaatar <1.iy 111 favnr Bi uniicMiif (hail.atuwii. lJii?_itou, uud WMl Bail.BIJ. BBi aKaluat aiiu.-xiiiir ?____?_. J..U11 n i-i r r_.aaafeaar at tfea M.-rciianu' National Baak <>t LeweU, Ifan. in a _afaa_at for MMM m uu...-. . - 1 ne Baeratart al War ?._. aaawtaaa.1 a t iiiunjiflieiiii) ol Hvc uicmbcra for tbe ercctloo of a n.-w uiilltar) j.n-iiiti at Kock lalau.l, III. _?.*? Or?v. ruvter. bud au cxtniordiiiary acaalon ot tbo MlBBle _ipl>i l_i_ti-il.'t BBfl t" auienrt tbe uie, liun laia.t. Thc EvuMirelli al Alliauce incl ln fuur Bcctluiia. At Bfl aiM-iatioii 11_H Ihfl BBB. Dr. Win. Aruot of H-cotlanl. tiu I.t li". J (' Il.-irnaiiu Bt I/.iiliii. an 1 BtfeflBB read |>n pi-ra 011 " .'lu i?tim l.ife ;" at 9t. I'.ini'a M. K. Chur. h, tlieKcv I>r J II K?_ und tfefl K-v. l?r. Hiuipaon ..f KiiKlainl, BB_ I'i r-i.lfl nt l*..rt.-r of Yale OaBaBB t-nu-.i.l ,.,,il -Llii attoa and LiU-ratii!.-," at II "1. BTiiiara -PrBBfeytaaiBB Cburcb. 'tli? ?___, Di;. Varaaa of i. aaaa, tha Bar. B W, Baaehera und oihe_.dlr_.iafl.oi "Tbe l?iii])it of tbe Arc,*' and at tlie liii-Mlway Tal?:ri)iclo " PmXtmtg BBfeaaB " w.i* the topio. s^_-_M_a AiniB B. Dttkaaaaa laaaarai <?n "Kur Yoi_ OwnHak ." au.i tl,e BeT.Dr.B_B__J repiicd tu ____?? HradlauKb. ?----- t. ?-_ * Knevala, au?.ir tBBlBflB _ Wall-at.. iaiied. Tbe pr.x_edii._ lu the ctae, ?f tbe >. .tional H.nk of tbe Couiiiioni-caltli will t_ >8BB_a__ C.A.8pi__nc was urrai _ii'-d. la ?_______* lor rJinbea aUuneitr miui'-y. audKaU; Stoddard, tbe MerrlK?u?. aud BB-lBHTtTI _.-? ?*r"t mmmm fl-buriffWii;iuuia*ard_) wiUb-alvantotlu Grai.dJury. -?__-T-u?Ta_unianj-?i-u eral and Klna-Oiuntj Democratic Ocneral 0?iiiiuii- e.-B made Btr___- m _u fur boldinK prini.iy uio tnu.-. KtuflaU-atlou wa* _.__ iu >'oa-YoJi-l aud coiitiuued ln _BBa__r_ T__. entriea lor tbe occan yitcbl r*,_ were auno _i<.?d. ___>. Auoiber ai r_t wa* lua-le iu tbe Jer. y (ity maii?ractlre raaa. ______ Ooid, 1104, ll .. H' _. Tbern)ouie_r, 45?, _?, 44 . Snow aoaaaa early this yeur. Tlie frosty nir of tb_ r_Ki.'_i in_icii-_- tlie uppruach of Wiu tcr, wbk'U w Iicralded by u BfeQW.ajtplM in tha girV?r_tt_ili_ c_ Pa___a/hrB___ WhaUivtr iliaoouifi.rt may rouio witb tlna Bomfcwbat un .aul?l?* .'old will be bonn* witb pa__MMM vtlioti il .w it'-ueiub?red tliat Uio uIa_:u(;-tttiickcB poople of tho ?J(<r.t nn* anT.ious.7 Lopiug fur a uipping froat. One of thn \tttr-nt dcfati ntirens-for it i* dif fi? uit fcicnping tfOfl- of them?ia ropotted from l.owell, Mhsh. Tlio cashior of tho Mi.rliatit-' Xationa' Ibink aoknowledgc.-i a fhcft of about *?.o,ooo mul obUftafiJ handfl la T> ?--* r?-i?mt n>r?. I licsc an* "sitch'iig timos" for ttt BU? and boldoia ti tnii-it faada. Thi peeo__--itl of iilmost t very MBM in tliat tlic porn.atJOllfl bOTfl ii.'cn gafag on for years, aad -bai ibt peeo laton wen BBB-Uy "aboro to**A*b9BL1> Tho jn?*Viiitinj- Htiingoncy r-eciu . tO havo aWOOgbl a mal deol oi diahematf aud irj rot ta Um tjuritM'-. _ Our Paiin Ictlcr givos tlio rel.iti.e ftttl ..j iho LegUfniei iithI Orii-.iii.--i paxtieoton ni c.-icli other, iimi tlic poatOIC of tlio do BrogUl Ui-Jatijr towaria botli. Tha time la rapidlj anprooehing wbea lt wiU bo deekled whethet loitr hundred geotleflBfln uro ulilc to *\>-ty ii iitiHii nnd iniikc it dcny ita will. 11 tba Ricncli people siil.tT such an uflYmit tt tl"' handi of men liko tho Comte d. C_u*inbord nmi tba Dm do Brojd-Oi tln-y w,n aatabliah tln-ir cliiiin licyond disputo to bfl-Bg llic inoek cst und moHt olrcdicnt flit-MM on tlio EaOfl ol tlic citrlh. _ Bpocial c.tiresponilcn. e from C-ftagenOi pnbliataed oa onr iifth pogOj f-1^'* n idetoio ..f tba state of Rocicty in tlio eapilnl of tlic Caiilon of Miirciit under tlic rulo of tlio wlf constiliiU-d olliecrs of tliat iiiutinou.s wealth. Sinoi* tben tho att.ick npoii Aliraiite haa fiiiicd, aod tbe tnoamet-oo appeara *o ba noaring it.s eloee. Hian nerei an iiior,' ciiiist-l.-.-is icv.'lt nor one doatitnte of tha possibiiity of peno-aent Boeeeoa. Tlio fact ol tlioir atlciiipi'd eoalition with tbt Cariiati ahowa bow little of gcoaiM radical i-ni tlic 100000. rufTian.s who led tlic eiiieiito. Iii tlie copions report- of the prooeedingt of tlic Braag-HoaJ AlHanoe, pabUahod m Phi Ti.iiu'M* to-day, will lie tound hcvchiI papaTB of iinuBtial intorcst. ('onspicuous nmong thfl dMon?him eroked hy theafl was ooe oi iiiiiikid power on "Tho l'ulpitof tlic At;e," read hy tlio BOT. Dr. Joscph l'arkor of L*0 don. '1 lie deb.itc. wlnch VOfl led hy thfl Bot. II. W. BeeeheCi was sharp, etear, aod ( \liaii,il.i\c A printed npofft inadequntfly otrnTOft tbe Ufe aad rifot of lO-h i keen cn coiinlcr of lota'ic aml flloqaOBOfl ; bot it io riohly worth tho attontion wliich wc invitt lo it. _ Oot. Powflta of fTt~rtr,rr>. fortWed by the opiuion of tlic Attorncy-dcu. ral of tbat Btate, made proelaination tbai the O-iflting eleetion lawa wero null antl void. _%flfofOfB, then eould bo no eleetion tbia yeor. The cxtraoidinary decree earried dismay into tlie oamps of tho Aiuos pait/, wlio denouiietil tln (.ovornor's aetion as rcvolutionury. It wan designod, thoy averred, to defoat the eleetion of Ames. who rivals Alcoru iii hlfl ftldor as candidato for (Jovoriior, ___ wtth ^the soat in tho Unitcd BtatflO Sen.ite ifl ?uoHpcetivc. (lov. POWfln, howevor, hai called au extra sonriion of the Li t,'isla*ure, for tln* pnrjuinc of amenid-og thfl eleetion lawa, aml so the threatemd reTO-Qt-Ofl may bfl BTefted. Thfl fiinny part of this whole proecodingis, that the Attoriiey-Oeneiiil. wlio BJaTOa thfl d.* (, tho Govornor, and tho fiflgfalatOTfl now called together, aro all illcpally in otlicc, it tlic eleetion luw Ifl invalid, for tlicy wtTi all eleeted under it. Bet-hdng Iho abaarditjr or hin po-itiot), tlxi At lorney-Oeiicritl lian ).iih liflhed an addcnilum, wliirh BBJBj ln thal tbfl law wan not Bneonatitational when he wa. eleeted, but it is now. 777/: trOBTBBBB PACIPJC BAILROAD. Siueo tlio dituiBter wliich has on rtaken llic Kclicino for a railway from Lflkfl -Bjpeiioi to Poget Sonnd, tho pabUfl have bflflO rciniTidcd of an inipoi'tiint OOflBBll?lOO of (.crman linan cicrn and railroatl mcu who vi.sited this coun? try in lrlTl to inquiro into thi.-i very pnijiit. '['licy travcled over ro much of tho rotito &.< was then open; thoy mada a ___mtfl exainina tion of tlio of tlie eountry and the, probab-litiefl of fatnn tnUBe; they looked Into the tinancial condition of tho company; nnd when they went home they made two clal.o rate -OpOftfl to who had Rent thttni,? namely, to tho Union Hank of Vienna, and to a company of onptt-Uetfl in I.cilin. Thfl cx jiliination of tbifl inquiry waa that thfl North? ern Paeifio Railroad Company piopoaed to nogotiato iu Europe a loan for a largo amount, Hecurod by a first flBOltgage on tlie property of tlie road. The loan waa not ell'ccted, and it hnH alwajfl lieen undcristood tliat the report.i of the Commi-sioneir) wore highly unfavor ahle. For somo roason noither of these docu ments waa pennittod to see tlic Ught Jiiy Cooke fc Co. nflmaed tho bmdea which Her lin aml Vienna were unwillinsr to carry, aud tbfl bonds of tho Northern Pacitic liailroa. Company, instead of being Uikon up iu bloek bf foreign capitalists, were sold in small iiTiioui.tB to investora at home?to farmcr-i, stiopkeepers, widows, and poor clerjjymen?in short, were converted into a popular loan by nearly (ho sauio agencies which Jay Cookfl & Co. had used in bchalf of the (iovernmciit dtlling thfl war. How far this popular dis ?iciniiiation of the tieeiirities has been earried it would not bc ea-iy to say ; far enough, at any rute, to render the document which we publisli thirt morning most iatflNOtiag readJiig lor ,i .-reat niultitudc of POOplo. Wit,) a greal deal of troublc we have rtr-ciir.-.l bot- tbfl ticriiiiiii reports, and we prescnt this morning a translation of that of Herr Haaa of Beiaio. Thfl two rapoita agree foryeloaelj in tlieii (hief fcatiircs. Both rcach tlie coneliision tbal tbe t'ompiiny does not offt r a r.ut!i.icnt gnataotee for thfl paymcut of its obligationa |0 tbfl boiiilholdcrs?nideed, that for some time alter its oomph tion it is certain lonaahfl (lefiinlt. Ilcrr Hiiiis IbflfO-OCfl adriflflfl lus prin eipalfl to have nothiiig to do with thfl loan. Ilcrr Pottl of Vienna is equally dceided in lii OpfariOfl as fn the prerH-nt scli'*iii(' of thfl coiu I.iny, but he Hggeatfl a plau tor thfl erea'ioii of :i r.seivc fund flf |KM)OOyOO-, by an fljflflfll ment on tlio stockholdcrs, out of whiih any dcfieicocy m the intercst fiind nmy bfl made good. Tbfl lcport wliich we piint tiu- inorn inir has been ahown to the I'ltsideut of tbfl NortliiTii r.icilie. BaflfOOd t'oiuiinny, atid iih :t nuitUr of jtistioi. wc piint llflO his nmaiks upon it. Uy a comparinon of tlie two, any ono can nee just how tho cntonn'iao slainls. Hen* Ha;w reiKMlH tli:it the otiniiit' ? of thfl cost of tlio road are g-nerous flOOOgh, M ! tbfl land will iu time bnng B gOOd pri.-c. f >r it i-< gcneially of cxcclleiit quality. If thfl lOOB should lx? taken, iherctoie, tlio ik.iI cuilil ')> oomplaoad with the ptoeoodai iad tho bnad h.tlcs woold be sutli: n-iil to proTJ Ifl tot tbore payiiiO.utot the priii''ip,ll :tt iu I'ltiy. VThetl Bl thfl coiiipaiiy eould pay totoreat boworw on the boodi is another aueation. Tho intea-flt would auiouut to $7.WO.IWO a yt^r iu wld. That wonld rcpiirc tt xztom annual incom- of about _fc_D,__s(>00, tlie protiw on Aniericau rail Wttft Hiii.iiiiitiiiif on tbo Bvcrairr. lo 35 per ccnt of tlu* Bfl-__afB. H'*rr II in BBB ?_ no pnm !>,, 1 of tho N'.rth. in PflflMfl Ilailroa.l eaniini? $,'0,000,000 a yoar for a lOBg time t_ crmie. Th.- pmeeat ix.iiiilittion oi Um _______ tbroogb ... li< Ti ii pnfltn i.. only ___>--. un.i if thfl whole ______ develnp Bfl ra.iidly _.y i. Jlm Iit'S'.ta haa dflTO-Opfld B_M0 thc iiit_"<inctioii ot iriltvi.s it WOOld B-Hl _??_ ** IW. ncittcre'l over 630,000 r-'i i-'.rc Blflflfl of "'irfnc--, a popiila tion only _?per oeal larifl- ,,1;iIJ ,]"* ol Weir Yark Citj al Uifl P-flfl?>t n""'- 'J'',irt r""''* not yiehl nii..*!i, an.l UMt-BBBtltlBtiBBBlal trade wonld add Imt little Ib lt I" aaflfl of l dofidcacy lo the eoroing- Um oompaay .? allowed to pay *bb tatowU h-v l,,,ri"Nvil I rr""1 its laii.l fiin.l, W_dfll m pled.ed lor U.e ro demptiOB ot _M l?on.l .. -5?t f"r many yc;irs the laad fund will ykdd hwt little. Tketa ure , tUsuttte ROTeromeot landi aloag tlu. line ei tbe raihi.iy whSb BBa ht takea Bp n Un tha hon..- ...'.<! law, an.l linnicnsu fcnctl of tlie raUway b___ bmb* bfl Bttflriy BBaalabla until (here bBfl bflflB BB cnormoiH adviinc" of sctil. ments. "lt laflfltttJii," flOB_lfl__a HerrHaaa, '?tint a lOBgflt Ot BhOftfl- 1" vUul wil1 ????*? "inuiinlialcly upon tb. opftBiBg of thfl Iim. "daring wlni'h thfl boudiiolil.'i.-. *_ill have to '* fotOgO intcn*_*.'' OfCOBIBfl tl:i? Ifl BMI* <>r ???? ft BIBttflt of opinion. 'I.u ip.'-ti 'ti d?P-Bdl npon pro?.,. bilitiee, There may ba aa eatraTBgl"' deauuid loi- Norl'm-.n Pafl-flfl Ifl-da. and an uiiin. oedeated raab ?f baiBigranta mto tho Begiofl ,,f tbfl ye-loWBl MM BBd h".-.tilc.; nnd ho the company taxr ean _?.O0O,CW a y.-:.r, in ^ t.i,.,: 0f all _ <-.;.""i.ilioii.- 15ut Wt fed Ut say that. Hlfl _MM_BI _.iv.-n I.y th.- Beriin towet-gBtoi ttM blt'avorable fadgBMOt BUJ v.-ry BtflflBg OBflB, an.l that notbing has vet i>?-urni! to flhow lhal bfl _m miatakea. . h <<> '"' _**?_____! that Meaasa. Jaj Cookfl k ('.>? looked earefally into tm- inait.'i, ju.! oi.l BOt Itrgfl UM Ih.ii.1h npon penoaa in,. ein-iBataaeea wl... eoald ,,,,? af! >i'l tO lo-'' any -'f th.'ir hMOBM, tbey bad Batisfl-d th?D_?liw that thfl latenfl. would bfl ngulariy ptid. Baaken who aader taha to d-flpoflfl ol aee-xiUaa oa Um faith of tbeu* owb aaaoraaoflB an booad t<> do tbat tlu* public WOBld be gLfld of BOBM foi* tbef _B_er_aa_lo__ D Ifl fll?af bow the roid wa.. to bfl buili. Coognaagaretheeom ,,,',-,' land eaoagb t<> p:iy fat Um whole work, aml a loan waa t.i 1)0 raiaed by Baortgage ob thfl land. What we an eoriooj aboat now i.s Um nn'thml by whicli thc flompaaj expeeted io pay ita Intereal daring Uie Uae whea tbe land woald be aaaalable and Um tnUBc bb developed._ TI'.K BAZAIKB TBIAL. A mon perplexing iii"! iniinit. I.v mon hn pottaat caae tban Utatof t-l" Tichhoittfl claim anl ia bfltianiog in Pnoee, aad bida fair to rival thal weariaoaie aaM ia leBgtfh. Tho wit , an.l wnttcii doOOBMBtfl to I'i* prc.-fiitctl in evidence arc alr idjBambend by Ininilreds. Thc tri..l i-< held at thfl Trianon. and thc little palacfl will bc. orowded daflj b_f_UM lradini,' petBOBfl in the so. ia! an.l ollici il i ?A Praaee. The c.nri in ____ up naoBg the geaenla bigbeat in rank aad npotaUon in the army, aad ifl preaided orer by th.* D_o il'Au n.alt-, who in deaigoatod by pahlie nunoi a tiu- l.icit..?:.ui.t .I.-n.-ral ol tbfl K-Bgdoaa W_0 is to L-nir.l the f'.r thfl OflB-iag of thfl ("oint" de CtuHobord. Th? trial has alao the addiUonal I rhicb ifl confern l by thc piflfl.-.iic.c of emineateoaaael. The pjroaecutora bave beea eelee-fld bj tl.<- QoTeramatil ;i dae BOBM ol the inipoi'liiK c of \v..rk, .?m.i tha defeaafl ii to bfl oonilacted bj Maitn r_aehaad, the BMeal advooate ia ecim_ud caaea now at Uie of Paria. Thfl i-tiiic. ol' Um trial ure of BB _BpoitBBflfl Iwlitlin^' the (iiirnily of the (lriunati.i peraOBM antl thc. Bettiog "f the Boeae, Tha Hanbal i* accafled of the <gntTeal oflbaaea >known tn tbo military c.ulc, of tlie iinj.i. .itiablc cipitiiliiion ol' a fuilUBfl. aud <>f BBJUati-.-ible BURead. r of an ininy in thc I'n 11. Thfl trial th.-rcforc. in rotrefl not. menlj ln-* r.tnk aml npiit . but bis li..' a-* well, for ilcith i; a p_B_hmeat BB-dgaed by Um arUelea of war for aadi .!'? Unqneadea. Thia ia poafliWy Um point of vi.-w from wiiirh thc e_M ifl of BBOBt intcrc _ to thc Hanhal aad Im frioada, Hut it. i. not the point iii whiflh Mn- pnUifl opinion of Praaee aad th.- worid h moat conccrne;!. Baaliae i_ the appamtt defeadaat, but the real one ou Uial at tlio Trianon i? ihe Beeood Bmpin. Thc negotiatioBfl ba* tweea Me_ aml Cbiaelbanl aml Wil heliii.-liihe; the miflflloa of BflgBiflB uml Hoy.r; the Btatfl of tlio army whieh WBB bhut OP in .Metz ; of th. unny wlnch war. I><-1*- n at Forbach and that wiiirh Kiirrcml. rod at Bedaaj all these detaila are of Jn_n_t__j more intcit-st Ii) thc rcaili r ef historj and thc ntu dctit of politics, ar. i idieatiag the eoadition of morality and eTicienry t. whieh twenty y.-arn of BoBBparUhb ha<l bnogbt itj Mrraata, than aaptofiag Um loyalty or tnaehe-rf of Hanhal BaiafaM. The world b_. little intercst in the qaeatioa of bia ___ but at thi. hoar, whea PranoA i_ aboat to tix bsr own flitaUny for yean to oome, ibe will not fail to foQow witb a paiiiful attcntion tlie devi lopments to bfl made of tho eharactcr and thfl lflB_e___a of that syst.'in of jrovernincnt to whieh _ ho _nb niitte.l qaieUy for niany ycirs ;ind ratili. d by npeated pldbiaettea. Trialfl involvin_ niinilar con _ib lati.m . have liecii ?ecti in onr own and in Bagttab hi.itory. Tbe proaeeatton and taflolal Btardoi af Ad Bjraff for hia defflOt by thfl French at Minore.i, iu tlie b t rentury, had it_ Oftgifl in p_iUeal finitno _ty, and v. aM cariicd to it._ n_h_BB aml frightftll iod by a BBBBB political panie. lt a_B not, as \'..ltme aaid, " to en "cu.irai*"' the othm** that tho BriUal Min irttry Rhot lliin lnyl and BM_BOriOBI 0_Do_B to (hath. ll WBI to belp tbeir own __U_g popu larily 1>t a di^ili.y of rigid ttbgggj and vir tuc. Nflt a tithe oi wha . wai piovcd u^'mn _t i-.n. Kitz-flJotm T.-rler after the Meoad linll liun waa evon all. -*.-d B_aia_ _da_ra] Byag' aml thi ;*U manj clamond toi Um ezeeattoa of tbat i.ii'-.-r, the popolar feeling waa Kaaer? i ly Batiafted by Um racdiet <>t di. aii _l. in t . caae of v,yi' tha pinaiKiiilloii b_mb from jiiiiuie.ii noiiMM. iii the aaaa ol Portar the oll.'ve wa_ ro.'i t..i| Irom poliUflB- inotivm. The : fnr of f. ? ine eontainx wilhtn ita..|f theaa alaa i : lt in BadeBiaUa thit he w is i ?? | .) , i? f.iiliii ehlef than to lal_ (iiintiv, a l it, i. rpiaiiy eertaia Ihat the Qrojgt inaeol Itaew _W?y wgge pUcdag tM i.iU jure o inn rbeo thflj ?BBBBOBad biiu bafbra the i' il. to one Ol ? . t th, re is ri enrious ?ii i i mh a 8 .lii'ic ni,.- ? jralilc t!i" ' neiny Inn . ; ,.- jj^ t- -..ii . - i 1 ih i.-<*iii,-d i-onii,; ,m\,.r. Thfl . ?''?! < i. ." nasHUM tl.oui;lit Uie pfoeeodtngl . Poi .r an oiilra_r... Th.' -luab-tl .? L-i. i lleu thoaght the ? of U/ag vv...' r. .ii" apoa ln'.. own Tj, , i'rinco V. (h.ulju. it ifl n?Kl. l,-_a offr-red to tr-tafy that Bawune eould not pos ?ibly have done anything but aurrendnr at Metz. In the laat instanoe, the Marshal has shuvrn equal dignily and pnuleine iu dc (lining the quoationable assistauce whieh such cvidetifo would give him. MBBLPMIE BED HHREVEPORT. We eontiniie to publish ttBBB day to d iy ar OOOOtl of tho spn-a 1 of the fflllOW fevi in tlie Soiith.-in flitiflO. Nci.hi r thfl pmgrcss of tlie diaflOOO nor tiii! iicc.d of aid has, wo be lieve, boea oaggflcatod. Iradt* aud uidustry of all flOttl nr.' almortt iminediatcly paralyzod in a town at tlie flrat ailveut of this rieotirgo., ainl llu* poor, who are uii.ilile to fly, are thus lcfi ponnfle?! otoo if not attnohod by tlm j, '-iiileiice. B?idflfl thil more g.*m*r;il neeort Mity for aid are the wauts of tho familie-* of llio-ie wlio have ilicil-.-liildreu suildenly left orphaM in a coiunitiuity where all MOOddonlj iimi IhomaelToa in poTerty an.l immincnt periL in tbo Caee of tiu.-. groai aaflbring*bow? eii-r, tliere is n certain warmth and cheeiful iii-is in the lepOltl of aid wlnch has been scnt to tbeflOOOrged cilios, and in the fearless con li.l. ao-, too, uith which liicy appeal for aid. Incoitsi.ler.iic, alms-giving ifl a practiee we hOTfl ?Iwfljfl steadily censured. In llie generality of flflflflfl tlm trucst hfllp which wu OWfl to our weaker brotln r is to teaeh him hOW tO holp hiiu BoU -OOt to il. padfl him into a p.tupi r. liut when that ifl imprurticabh', when this brother e:ills ta us like Jol), out of a deptli of loOfl wliich we have never proved, "Havo pity " npon mi'. oh ye, my friends, for the hand of "iinil hath tonehed me," he. ahould havo tlm right to iink for belp ua ono that claims his own. Is tlicrc not enough aud to in lus l-'.tllicr's liotnc, uu.l wlio uro wo thal shouhl keep it uuder lock ainl kcy 1 \\ ii notfl among oilmr eoiitributions to tho ?nffozon ;it MompUfly large wbooilptio-i tttot tlic Jowti of diflerent eities, and WO flnB atten lion to the Eaet simply flfl one notcs tho stiik nig of a clock Ihat in.irks tln; progrcss tho wurl.l Iui* made in timo from day to day. A few iiiinilr.'.l jreon ago, Chitat-ano iu every country WOW htiriiing an.l slatiglitcring tlie [laoMtiw io torce then to dlflgofffl mmm ot theii lioarilc.l wiiiltli.only too lux, they thoiight jn tlicir cliaiity, if llic burning was not por fonmd on a spit and the slaughter ptoionged through booiaof tortire. To-day, tbfl Jew OOt uf his abondanee atretebea lorth an enger( MTing hand to liis Clnistiaii brother in his -<..c atraJt. Wc wlio profbaa to follow Chrial flhonld uot suirrr thoofl who I'cj.-ct Iimi to prove theinselvos hi-i BMflt faithful diseiplefl. OUE CUBBEBCT AM) BPBCIB PATMEBT8. What ifl BBOaat by a tlrprecititi'in in the valtio of paper money T Simply this; Baofa dollar of legal tender ********* iflfloed by the l'liind Btatefl if* ii promiofl by <>ur GoTern iiient to |)iiy a spccilic ipiautity of gold to the bolder of the note. Bnt tho bot ii thal ucilher in thfl I.nited St;it(? nor in any other country in the WOfld will this paper promise to paj exehange for the weight of gold oor* rc-poiiding tO thfl nuinl.crof dollars B-P-Cflflod ,,? K-i in... ll.]!('(? tbfl poper ii tmly mid bo be depreci 'ted in"value. Hciioe all arlielos of ,.,,.,nm r.-c have with Ofl two value-*, a popOf v.iluc nnd a gold viiluc. Ilciicc all ptfeOfl OX presscd in tbfl doptOC-ltod eiirieiicy, wi'li -.ii.'iiy an exeeptioni ohow ? great ineroooe BTOt tbfl gold prices of tbfl s.nne articles bi? f.ue tbe hanifl of the legal tender noteo. is tbc aaaa. of thia depredation in the value of our paper money 1 Beyoml a donbt tben ia now no renoon ta it, exeepl tbe ctic-ive ooantity of paper which bafl been pnl in eirenlatfon. When we say that thfl 'luanlity iti ciiculalioii ifl c\<i.--ivo Wfl -0 not incaii thal it il ia ezeeOfl Of thfl ainount required todothe boaineoaof tho ootu-trj with prices at their pWOOOl IotoL Wc say lhat thfl prieefl aie gold prices. Kvery man wlio baa reaehed the age of thirty jonn knowi l nmi hia on d experienec that the preeenl prieefl an-, on tbfl BTOengO, much higlu.r thau tho ?nto-wai prieea, He hnowfl that live dollan will bardly go ns far flfl llnee doll.irs nofld tO l.ifi.ic tbfl war. The Siipcrintciident of the Ccoani reporta thol tbo BToragfl prieea of niauiifacturcl goodfl iu tBTQ were more than tilty gflt cent higher ihiin tbfl prieefl uf 1860. l'liecs ??f labor, real csate, rentfl ln dtifl- aml many other imporiaiit elciiieiits in tho OOOt of living have riflOa in tho sanie piopoitioli. BOflOTiption of sp.cie paymontfl monno a leetiletion of tbo qnnntity ol paper in drenlation annVtent to eqnnUM tt in fnlno with gold, with tho neceooflTj rifbet of eqiiiilizing Ihe prieefl of eouiinoilitii? in geaeral with tim prieea rnling in eomatriflfl which tiso gold and (oOhflt things being equal) with tho prieefl prcvailing, in this country before tbO war. Without a general fall in prices and such a restrietion of tbfl eireti liting inedium wo shall never, in this g.ncra tion, havo anything worth calling a resunip tion Of Oporifl iniyments. We shall have no rcsumption whieh will last. What i3 the meanure of the depreciation ? Certaiuly not the pieiuium ou gold. Gold is un artielo for which there i-i now but a limitod ii-..-, and Iimited demand, in thfl I.nited StateS. Ai ngoneml tbing tho market has been over Btoeked. lt has boen the poliej of both M.?-rs. Uiehaidson and lloiitwdl to keep the ^uhl market glutted. No BOOOflf do ;my signs of scin ity iippear ihan tbfl Treasury -BflflOOOOfl its sales. Hcnee for three sueeessivc years wo havo been ezporting nnoh more gold than our ?InOfl prOatOOOd. The stoek in tbfl Treas? ury has been great Iy diininishcd by tho con test of the Secretarn-s with tho nntural ten deney of the prico to ndTonoo i>y innoon of the ("liminishing supply. Without donbt intlio l,i ,t three JOOiil our eurreney has somewhat iuiproved iu puichiising power. ou aceount of Ihe growth of tho country, but nOTertheleOfl the tendonOj Of the gold prcmium hm bflfljn |0 advanee. Jlut if the gold preuiiiiiii is not the nieasnre of dcpreciaiioti, what is the nicasuicT We ahould siy priOOfl in geiieral, us onipai).! wiih our former gold prices ami the preaent gold prices of tbfl icst of the world. Engli-Mffl pcieflfl within the last two years havo ri.-en itlhive thfl iiviiago gold level; what is tho (.oiiH.'qiieiloe T Kngland's exporW fall oll', her iinporls iii.'i'iWBB, and gold begins to IflOTfl ll,t. . oiintiy. The coiitiaetioii thus prodticed ut her (lUirency vs ill ineritably bring nbout lower prieeOj and. cofltota the eqoiUbrinni to which gold priflOfl Urud lh ull U-iioii- eloOt-9 uulted by coTnmeico. \N'a are no.r uble to txf^'ae Ibfl ndiflfj error of in Of thO plans lceniitlj blOOehod for (he r.T-umptk'ii of binrcio jiaymonl-. Kcsump i p c ipeew pnyo-flD-i^ if by t-'?.'t io neaht Ihe ili'gT.adatian of tho sterk of gold uow in thfl i'rciK.iry to the vslae of groenbaeks, nnd the it'Iditioa of one hundred millinns t., ibu pi ut voluiiie of rum uey, will surdy bfl a failure. lt ib true that Mr. Grceley proposed iiiiiiiedi ite n-unnption, aud. in the eueum ttjooeti then o-iotiog tue tlao coukl hara boau i earried out. Tbe Treasury then held orer ono hundred millions in gold, and tho anrplua m come of tho GoTernment waa an equal ?um. Rut tho -W-B-TO would havo been followed by a great contractiou of tho logal tender eirculatiou, produred by tbfl How of *poou> out of the country. If ten inilliona of green boflha had hom pnoonlod for rodonagtion i? order to got ton millions of flpOfliO lor oxport, tbfl opcration would have flMOOi a eontriietion of ten millions in the eireulation. The onddon annihilation of tho premiuui on gold would bave cheapeiied all foreign goods, and havo addod in ex.u tly tho samo proportion to the cost to foreigners of goods of our own pro doetion. DflBflO our cxporta would have been ebeehl d, our importa stimulated, and tho bal anoe in gold which wo shotild have been called on to pay greatly increaaed. Tho advantago of thn mode of resumption, no small one, by the way, was the promptnesa with whieh it eould havo been put m foroe. Wo do not think tho samo tnotbod practieablo now, becauso tho stock of Oflin iu tho Treasury is too amal., and hOOOWOfl there is uo stirpLus incoiiie. On the confrary, tho Secretary at this moment is intl.iting tho currency to supply the delicieucy in his current reeeipts. The quickest practioablo mode of gotting bnek to the BEOBBt hasis now open to us is to contraer, or at Iflflflfl intlexibly restrict, the currency until it is nt par wilh gold. t'oiin* what may, wo have got to cross the ehaO-B. Wo have ut baat but a choice of evils. Tlicre is anotlicr road to BgOOte pojBBOntfl OQBOllj certain, and that is by intlation. If wo keep on expanding our ciirronoy, it will assttredlv fti, Ilm way of tho -flB^pBO-fl, tho Coritinenral money, and tho Coofoderate BOtOO. It will in fallihly collapso. Foi a while wc may st.unl, as we have slood, lihfl the 001 between two bumllos of hav, but, we shall very soon begtfl to move toward the one or the other. We shall niach bard money cithcr by way of " free banking," or some other kind of intla? tion, and a tinal blow up, or by tho narrow palh of intbxtble restri) tim, if not ab-olule eontraetion. They havo both been tried nnd never bcoti found to f.iil. Wliich sh .11 we have, T _______________-__?_-__? 8CAPE0LD El. Jtjl'EM E. We havo pernoed, aritb more or leoa edifl eation, all ihe Bpeeehefl HMdo by the Ifodoe murderers pnvious to their exeeution ; and we lind in only one of them nnytMng hke tho tisual eipro?lono of roUgioni eonftdeaee in the futtiro state. Old Schoiiohin did say nnlOflfl this was pui into his moaih by tho in t.-rprcicr-"l will go lo moet my Potbec in ?' the Spirit f.anil.'' To Im* siiic it ifl impossible to tell what tho vener.ible S.hon.hiti BBOB-H by the Bplril Land. Be m** hoTe bad in his iiiitnl ii Laad ot tadenl Bpirita; ho maj have had some notiOO of a llnppy Hunting i.rouiid where Ma "fatthfnl dog woold bear lum "company;*' but our opinion, from tln whole tonOC of lus aiito-obituary, is that he had a crude aml OOnfnflOd IdeO Of golng somewhere whflOO ther(> were no while folks. For tlio rest, he talked very mueh as conrictn. fa urtkuki mortit, talk' in th.* New York Tombo. Tbere dotoi wgi an oble aml carnest preacher yet who did OOt WBXB his floek Bgainat the dnngerof ttootingtooienth i.e.l repentnnoe, aml wo never.dd aee that it made ntnch dlf-wenee in the pentaeoa of the penl, whethcr a m.ui dled iTpuiab' twoeti his abeeta or diarepntably in his ahoea. I'roperly or improneilv, tbeae un.leaii -a.agcs p-ere hnng mueh like doga with too lirely a lore .tf million. tfoel ol thcni, in a brute way. had all iin- of thoeh-Talroufl Marmion in the BOOt (>f a heavy a.aiu-t M pnttOT* " hv* prayer.'' The last .him. OOnfflflflinOH of Captain Jaek, of Black Jiui, and of Booton Chariej aie i.lela of beastiy stiiicisin aml animal ptnok. Ouly Jlm the Sable, in qnite .1 h-ainin w.i.\, flnidi "It oe "aretodic, I tliitik we should make Bome *urangementfl tor our npiiita in tln* other " w..rl.l, aml I would like lo bear the Bplrit " Man talk." Jim cvidently regarded thechap lain as a mrt Of Hcivciily Afl nl, of whotu it wouhl l?e prudent to procuro a through ticket. Do we ipeok aon-owhat lightly of a BBOflJ .-erions matter? If so, it is certainly in no lightuess of spirit. Hut when WO eou-idor all thingn tho ehontorj pmetieod by usin our dealinga with tho savagos; tlio bloody swindling which they, in turn, h ITO practh od upon us; the utter Inck of spirit ual eitlture in theso haiiged man ; tln* prbboblfl fcclings ol' thoee who banged them; all the eircum stanccs of the diagnoling. boworof neeooonrji loene?we eannot with mneh eqnaa-aaHy read these formal profes-aions jmt into dying QlaDtcl-flfl1 inonths of a hope which they eould not poflflIblj coniprehend, uul much ieefl feel. The gOOdseOBOf God Ifl inlinite, aml wo know that His merry endiireth for ever. In the divine OCOnomy not even these low, animal, frontier liTflfl WOfO wastcd. ThOflO ereatuns, too, havo gouo tO tho placo prepared for them. As Ihey have thus gone, no more to lio or to tio lied about, no more to murder or to be inurdered, no more to bother the Secretary of War, the Indian Dcpartuieiit, uml the Yearly Meeting of Friends, we seo little good in trying to 0OOt a glaimmr of spurious, strictly theological picty over tluir e\it. What wo who are still living most especially aml sorely need is to get rid of all manner of pietenfle and hypoensy, of falsehood to them and to otirselves, in our deoUngfl with feUoW ereatnrea. Tho Red Man, for nearly threo (?(.nturies, has l>een a botlOW and howling htiiubug, tho soureo of inlinite lii-iiiceiities, and of endless aud empty paluver. Our soul sinks within us at the reeolleetion of ihe un mitigutod nonsonso, the pr.tty thuitrical talk, the roiniintic dclusions, for which Cooper's Novels and falso are inninly re Mpousil/le. Bnaiting the Indian with ono hand, we have peited him with tho other. Alwaya feadf to iboot him at the flhO-tflfli no? tice ' aml upon the imlfleot provocation, wo hoTO aoppUed him eojoeOj with rum und iiligion. gunpow.lcr aml gOOPfllj an.l while talking to him of lUcrnal 'l ruth we have lied t.> him nnd consf.'intly tompted him to lie to us. Wo have kept up a Beriefl ol' hollow fiotioni nnd itUod npon poliey nf phrases. We trust that some time ihcro will lie au OOjd of the tinkling and woiin-ejiteu vocatmlary of Indian Treiities?of tho talk iiboiit the QrOal Father, whethcr that flBOO-M tho Almighty or QOOJ. Qfant. about the Il.ippy lluuUng ijioiinils and the PfithfolDogi M end of all this praling iciiiiniscctice of tiude ..I Wyoiniti),:. llu I .oiieer, und Hiawathu! Whut is the ti**e of repr.seiitiii!,' a l.edikin who is usti.illy ready to abobl and scilp if uot nt tOU, as a low-spiiitcd and atniuble inin slnl. pliiiiitively BHiging: " 0, why due, i. , " Whi to Man follow my palh T'1 Iu all om tl, d iniffi witb thflflfl troiibl.-soiiio nUflO ol n paal cra, we aro for jusliee, honesty, and kiudtn ..; but wo aro IHtOWiOfl f'?r (Uiuinoii setine, uiij uUcily ouposod U> all luitlii-r dramaUfl Umi I li.l.lU V I MUSIO AND THE DSAHA. MIJHIC __U__| OF_I.-II.MA PI BVBflBfl. Mr. Max Maict/ek produ.ed hi_ thinl nUr lut nikfht at tlie (iia_d Opora BaBBI BBfoe ? iti siclirnrr. murti emaller than an artl.l of Mm . E_M -i _.i.._a'_ (.plati'lid rcputatlon bad _ rtirht to (>xi?flct. Mck* dl M__BBBM eirrptlonal eelebrity tu (bochief ce_ eraof BMBflflal (-..iliur.) ___. I, Alvtfllna MM plnudlfaof l/ondon and tl.r- o.ntmrnt wnh Liera aud Nlla. on antl I'n tti, and a_- '?iw.i'i to tn aith >i fanjo well iu. urad BBfl a pliion already eottl nd ln tim hl .il"ry of ul. Kor her Hrtt app- araneo I.i Amert n aho cho.. Uio part of Amina la " _-_? floniiambula." When ihr- ounin niwn thn eUge we u* .i___. Krarofiil wo Ind _.d BMMB fl_ur? nnd a w.-.alth of blonde l_ir orowa-a* >? i>i..i_'ii. laaa fl-Ba ???? TBry f*-" 'rom ':,n id?_l of the almpla youni. peaaaut _ il. but ahe waa olearly a thoroi.__ adept ln BB ?aaaaaafl il?. alilaalaita -BoBbbbb bar flrta#aB__fla,tta ? p.-rino,'* it-pp-roitly tlio Bflffflataa___BBBl lu uinpb. Ihaa_alaaaaaa_Baf ?_? _**f*Jf ono of dlaappolntin.-nt. Thern wim MMethlaf B_fl? I...H in h.-r voi.y?;--lt waa not txn.tlv flBaffbBBaVhafl _oinetnin_l.-aaflr_i.iol than that: a au?_re*Uon tr...t the bloom bad dlod awny Irom if. BMI I I ind__rI_ililo (.liurm wbl.-.h no v.-r ..utlinU lli.) BBM___ ..f lif.i had fMfeBMi. Thia aaamad t<) tia Bflfl Amimi. bnt a maMire lltlla flno l.dy m_*.]..-_i-in_ in/.mlnu'f rlnth.-i*. S.ich, we aay, waa tho tlrat Imprcae ion. The mflBBBBfl was >j n.e lc to pcreeire, however, that MM v.x e was aa elear and lirilllaat aa It M gtti Ime; lt laatronij. lt ia pcnotratinjc; It 1* feeaMNjaaaefla ; amlitaoara with caae atnong gbttt difli ult hi_li_i to whioh moat aoprano volf-r _ cllmb witli ?____ flflBM. At h. i, lowiiru tii., alaafl of tfea fleBi aart -f t:.. arla. Mine. dl Miiritra lndulRnd ln ono of thoae ain.r'._f f.-.iu of vi.,-,.l-..ti.iii for whieh ahfl* ha? Ih mm _____ ikDil from that moincut ln-r viotory WMO Wtth Bbt B by far tlio moat brllliant voeallat we havo had _<?_. Oer lotla 1'attl rivala har ln BBBM of tlie ?_*______ ttmmttt* iubbib_f"*r urt, imt taaaa feeth IhBBBBUaaaa. tfefl MfeaV lllBBOB.aai tli.*. _<m_ taata wlnch r.'Kulata all B_Bfl _ Mnraka** .o-'al flH_>_BJB Ttiotnll.ln ita a-vora) varI.-' ic-.. the run. tha iro-w.-ulo, uml IBfl delir.ou-) littlo hir.l IU _ ataccato with whieh Adoliu.- l'..itlt., k Ihfl tow.. .aptlva when aho flfMWeM BBBB IfeB BtBBB flU thoa.-aiJBBBB _lllflh-BBB Ifl M'li-fl. .11 M'ir-tki h i.l it Bat MafBB_. fBO. Slie Uaain* rr to d li_ht coniiDUsoura BBB flflBBBB tfefl .niiltlliidi'. and w.- oan "i.-iily belloT-i tfeal wlion alio BBM |IIBBaat in?na__r _ may hBfB foiiiflit for hi*r and ?_ iii.-i, .-.t thr.)watfeaaaaamaatfeaa tmmk, BaraeBaa i i for no .'ti'-ii li'd crill. IBIB. lt Ifl BBBt, <t i. i-f'.l. _pl?'? jiriat", Iml tliiiMUKlily c?iiVfl'.iti..u il- tfefl k.n.iof that _______ Bfl _a IfeB luini'-nt an.l ? i. IBBl "|>r __ iimi 'ipnii UM iicinnry. T.i.- r.'-t "f tho .'iut aaafl aot d.-tiiin Bfl Bg V.t.ibI ?.,a fair BBBBB]- _BB___ BBfl a BBBt ?> __-__B| Btg. BAMm i,.illi,'In-t .1.-nit ai Unil'iliiho. II .lil b.'Uci tli' iii.) aaaflBMBaa who aaaa faifl?i BM alehl brntttm, _?? hL. M not frc-th aml ho haa no ..tyle. T.'to I' a littlo fllmflBllj at Ifea .__. of tiinr-a, waa uow and taaa M taajaafhaaBi _*_ th.- HBhaatn. aafl taa r,.pp .?iitatiiiii M a wln.lo i> ,-mt-d to huvo I)""'. BBI ' pr.laarai aafl tbrun PbabmbI i" aaata. tt ia ptttmt* dlffl_.ltto oiiuiu the ief_aa__waaarai-Btrfeaa iBania a .llll-__BBflfl .v.-.-y BVaalaCi wo aro uol bUiiuu_ auy in parliciiliir; we ouly atnto iho facta. iiik BBOOELTB _B_JUJ_BOB10 bOCtmWT. Tlie coiii'.rt-t of thfl B_00kljB Ph_k__B?flllfl _.),!. ty Him y.'.irwlil BB?afl BBB '.uly atinouii.'.- I, BB BBB inr iiiii'itioii of Mr. Tfea ofl afl __e_a. ?aaaa aoa Baa i will fm ui di.' flfeM part ..I IBfl Bfl___a__k Tn<-i I ? Bl t. Iti , bb. . >_a 11..1I11 _ tu. taaaaa. Ifea Brat ata I tar Dee. flfl, MBBBaBnuBflBalae Iha aartaa feaa twt bbbb ,,ii, ?-,!,,' i. i.'.f ii,.- Brat tii..)'- Bjai?aBB*Bi 11 b* B_afl_?"l .,r.i i:.iti'.-t ?* l-ii v.ii.i-'." i:. .'Hi'.*?? ".'?? B* l,and ooa ol -v.-u.i_.-ii'-.. !." _. ?a aBppoee, whioh Mr. Tuooia. iii-oiiii,. .i nt om i.r tii. BOBBBfH law J iljr. Br*. B __U? ., Mi.. K.ilo?_. aml Miaa Cary aro to bo ai iouk the no lu TIIK DKAMA. A< io. my Ofl mi BBO BBLTBlrt __?_>> L.iHt iiij;lit at the Ac.nlemy ot,?whieh fM about half tllle.l wim .,...|?t<>i-.?BJftB 1'oiln-o ?< Il\c ... t tra_;.Iy of ?' FianciBBB oa " BBB Bflh '. au.i s iivnn aj.pcarcfli m tin. flfearaataf "t -'?_?.-. IfeB .BlBaalaaaail bb! vaM aaaatraeiae. ?u,i aa_a_dy it ?ukkflsataakatary a-^ b-bh a_ B aaa ?_> MaaaflB.' witlioiit Hacriticinn cv. ry tktmmag tfeal '?? dr.. imi.,-, i, woll ia i-vi-ry inoldout that H BrtarBBI iug. I; i- imi IhB | mi "i ftaaaaaM aafl .'.>?.), imt t'ie ? >-.if nuutttWt, tfeal BBrrlaa aa tha laaa Bataeti pho aafl itb ThB fr ?tht*. * ? ? B tai i-,)l))!,|l).ition of luor.-ly sun|i.rii) ia t n , 'im-t' i ?? I) ln:!-mto t_" .Irinia. now. v.-r, OBBfli I"* _iit?-rll nif. i hc Mi.iry afjfiaaaaaaa da H1_Ial h >____ to aii iaa 11 ? of Baatlflh iroeiry. tbtWttgt Ihfl ui'-.iiiim fll Lfllafe ll.inl'a ii.-auii'.ii i.o-tn aa iiii* aaDaat. B< i eapartflai a, la iea . o.i.-nt, waa Uka thatof liuiiu'v. i-, wha bmI Laaaa_a li, f..r.- _o inot Artiiur, an.l Iov.-d tho kiiu-ht I. .ore al.a iidniir.-dtlio kin _. ItWMfBaM fe Tttgtf tfefl BBB__J BhJBfll Bl iiiiorc.-.t. aad.aatl f'> aar, taaaialla bathaabaaaV-wkflaa .'tcr ind i-oiii,u.;t .in- B_BBBth_ Ihfl BBBM Ba_M_Bk Blatarl acarefl tim, ai hw w tuo horoiiio B Baaaaraaa. Mii.-u lhaaflt-lfl Franr'fcii, iu this -Aauio BaeBflj fll ?-? -?'* I'oiiit-fl.'H, a_a__ faam .ik-", at tiie aM ? Ihaataa; ..nd ono <>f AaMdaal baat aetar. Bfl Bla L. DaveniKjrt. pniv.d lt thn lotn-h torinonti-d, wh.n ho pl.iy.'.l tliat parl. in iiok.-r'a aflBBBf fl_a_*aBlfl Mhjaafc ..ilvini, boy ttmt, tmi n_.iii Baal laat alsktta aaMa guwl* n **%**? iiitt.-ont tv pi- ..f in.uly laaa, Iha aafartBaata mttt wwat'. to ba "ur.-, bo v.ry much BBBBl r Bha hafl lattfe. laly alouo uud K')ii? about hia BaaBBBB. Iionr.inr h!. aorruw and aayiii-r n,.thlinf about it. Bai tlicn HhaM would liavo baaa uo dmmu. and no cxpl.o-ivr' volcaoe of paaBaaaM fron/y ttt Balrlai to aai fOC -.??nsltivo aaflBBBB t" rt'l.'ro. I'i,.. n,t,.r in idfl 1 Ifl Ix ra. .i -it.ilwart .suldlor to btgtM Wttb, and tmtt* irtet B lt_ viti_ lir.ith.-r, n iinbly courtoo'i* (BBtlaflBaa. BBfl lliaily n liui'iaii boin _ torn by doa.lly Htnfc b.twixi love mii duty?ni wi.M'h in.iilli't paBBflBB BBi 'I . i'l' 1 y IBfl yn t.n'-. p.iim. Siivini waa ot hu BaM la Hai laaa BBBM B1 Ml tliiid. Thlfl WM linuiii f.- ln _. >?. 1 of tba m.-rlittati wirn.tli, in.l m.-r.-ovor ih. -re w 11 a tiioiiriiiul Baaatf M w.ll it-" ? tl-rv for<_>? in hia axproaslon of It, whioh BZBltBfl alrk.t tha siiljo.flt nnd the hoaroca. Uputi tiili |_rtniit uro. aaepaa Baaaa_a. aafl Bnawfl. Baltlal haa aB Iha .if .y uiiii.-f ry wliicli bn'>k"in thfl irini of in lultlvo ifeniun nn 1 supcrb akill. i. iinlly ln iha work, and tl I ipl"ii?lid btir.'a of pi .-on I' .v. oator illy outof the action of oxpcrh'n.o up oi th''li-v?"'. latfeMB flJBBMBi BBBBaBflflBBI we ouipliiili- liitiui.v '., iu achlcTcmont ln art whlch w?i fu! y wonhy of ^alviui'a uinii)i)l)toil fflaflBBl but of whi.-B wo <? m now ai?..,k lu tho maaa. Ho waa ui.;>l.i,iJc.I to lli> colio, and waa callo.l BaflBBB tha flBVtata at tho ond of oach aet, with -thoutri of .l-lir."it. hi ..?,..ra I'laniuntt, never an BBBBJBBl BBC_kM. BaModlafll Fnm BBBB, -iu.1 waa auch an nna ." of __'itla woiuai.tio..,1, if not of taHBhlai iioaiily, Bfl rontl -r.-.l J'uolo't ir;in.fli|?>r,a', lf uot rutloual. Tlio linivoT part of Hi? hiir,|,-n, In pieceof l'cilii-o's, rctr. tl..- r.-pr? il ntlvo of the !_-ihiiio; M I ll laan ol,_iuont ttmt, ,? In.lica (lve of thia la.Iy'? .loop niric-rlt.. of f.-.'lnir. doneat.a ( iit.-, Baaa dmmatio tnitlnct, and outtroly i-i)m|M)'.-al 'ii:l;..llvc -.ktll, that aiu- more than ouoo dlverted all.-r: tion from Un'p:t;turo-..|iie BBfl BflflM a_)iilea of Faoln. t'> tha moro pith.-tt- ?awfltafl whtofe flMfeafl raBBarM auiofo-l tlniii lo .leplct ? Tho part of Ciiida, th". fata- r, ___ ttlliicuiiy gtttomata i !?> _____ l,. nr/... Ittveteiul, [':,, ktogl B i.i Bfll aml .lr.-.--.-.I Miioiiiinonly well. Um ti:,al flBaaa bein_r tluakily ataaflaa aml ai'proprtatoiy t-!,lr..,IC. HAI.VI.NI Al WAl.l.At K'H It will t_ i.oo.1 BBWB tO iiii>-.y j.I^v-roora who pri'fer BMBBBB porf.,rniaii.-ci lhal Mr. O -au fejM Bf r,m_.'.l -i'li Mr. Wal'a li fur a i_<rfi>rui_ii_t- by rialvn.J. nl W.illaok'a Thoatar. ou BflflflBBBB ??''-' ri)'>"n. luu p *j will Iie VtheUt, aiul BbMM Bflll BflfOM 'u hla BBBBl BBfl ,.f Ihfl Moor Tlie lual upp irtiiiiiiy, for thfl preaBBli .1 aeemir Ihe ira;;.-diun in tiii-t rharact.-r a lli iltua t*. af. l.u-ded. _ _ PEE80MAL. Jeflbtaba DavfB Imt baBB _bbjbibbi**\f ??? bt I^iuiaville, Kv.. but la now reeovriiii_ .liiilK'e J. B. B___ lu_ rcrijoned Ub_BB_B_I (l.-l.-i.'al<- nt larno ut tlio l'.-iius, li.iiil.i ('ouitUuIJ . .. Ci'iivi-iiiloii. Dr. S:ile, wlio died recently, wbh tl.. laat of four ?IfU'i-iueii _h.) liave hol.laii.v'.-ifl-l-'lv tho v.o.ua__ <>( _.? ih. ui, _u_.. diiniiK- tho i>__i it- rmatt, Jolin UocMHle, who efltaMMha-i tlie bflBO_B_| of la_c. l__r in Uiu ,-oimtrv, and .u-climul ifcd al__k li.ii.i.ioo thaa b.. __?_ iic.uiiy '?' IhwaB-T. B iaa M. I.iiirieii, of __0 Freuf'i Nn ional AaflflCl blj, waa rcieiitli ao 111 thut hli flBBlfe wa. BBB B. ... Bfl ia one of Ihfl rl.heat propriewra m Ihe (lin.n . ia IfeB BBBBl fll Ihe t __?___? d vluo.iard oi li.,ti. ili.Dii M. TMetB, it is -?irrently BtBtod la l*ai.-. Mill I,,...,!!..! aa a WiU-.-- *' ^hr Uial Bl Vj.).. J H,,,i?,-. BBBtotoBaaaahBtalU _a?e? n t . . .iu, -t.-d wiihlhe early hl_..ry of tn- ... > ... i .>,_)) nnr. C__vf-.Jti..ti_o (.r.ty of Mia-lelnis.^U i_ a... I t,. iMioneor IH. ?r,'itwt!n-nliv,i_. II I a ci I. tii .. /.mr iu?"lin? hiifh. ?al-hi '_- piuuU b%. il,_ ! _v,;Zii_'r?w aaflflBUa-aa4 *iui__?_ u_mI ,_ .. l._-^a>,_,