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tto Onmmtttee of Arrangeoient* of U.e Phiia.lelpbla Braneh. for tbe very klod way ln whioh they have in*de parparetlona for oar pleasure end eomfort. I theretore ?aciroet tbat loch a motion be put to vote. Tto motion waa eeeonded, voted upon. aud carrled Bto hymn whteh beglne, " Oh for ? thouiaud tongue* to atag my dear Redcemer's pralee." wae then Ming. and tbe pronunclation of a be.tiedletiou by tae BM, 1}r ylb tto eeaalon waa a^jouracd. TIIE B00HO RKCTJON. ?ORNtw.i IBBBRM AT 8T. gmtnJt b\ ': rin'RCH? l-AI'KIUl WUI) BY VIIK81I.KNT IAMIHKI.U THK HON. J. I. M. rTKRY, AM> TBCW. 1-AMF.L R. OOodwin- a -BMOSBMIM on IABBATB lai BVBMB. Tbe Biuniing w**ion of tbe tttmti BBCtioa aaatmeneed at 10 a. n, ai tto M, BtttPt M. E (burch ean,. i.f Twciiiy-ereond-et. aod Fourtl.-ate. Aa in all ?aprrrlouaniM-uuicaet ?"'? Cbun-b th. re waaa large attendanee. The Chslrman wai. the Kev. I.r. .;. K. Otooke of Kew York. After the Baaal pn iimlnary ex mrttit,* rreeident W. B. Camptoll, 1). !>.. _Bew.ll BBI wtc.k N- J-. r*',d tht> '.'"owlna P?I>er on " Tbe Influeuce ol CMMMMII on OMB and R* llgious Liberty." onuRiimn and ubebtt. ar HMDOT v,.u. cami*bkll, v.ii., DW<BB0Xfr wica, n. j. Cliristiaaity is tlie power of God abiding in Bia Word. in Hla i*-ople, and ln Hn eupcrnalural 1'rovl aeori, tn order t<> Have men. Ita central truth la tbe worth of a hutnan Mai, and the pur|>oae of (iod to eave M. The huniim aoul is tbo lost sheep, thc loit ataaa of ellve.i, the loit wn of the parablea, and Uod aud tbe good aagrls rtjoiie wlieu the loat ia found, and tbe dead ion la alive BBBM And to eave a loat aoul ia to froc lt from tto aaM aml deirradatlon of aln. From tho eullt of sln at enoe, and apaa beileving. From the degradation of ata little by little. pettetentntn et oradarim, Btep by aiep, vei aurelv ; for Ood la engaged in lt. and lt must ao on Batrattaa from this degradotiou is, furtbennore, aaeogn nn iu ? btat tto taal one ta made ahle and wililug t? ilo ihe Wlll el God. Hls capacltiea an.l susoeptlbilltlee af doinirand delighiing ln the true, the Juit an.l tbe gn?.i. tfeedi v ealarge, aml ut length M shull atum to tbe meeanre of tM atatora al IM tulaeaa of Ohrlit. Btawiaat in paapaittaa aa IMa aradaal worb advaneei, Ma man WlQ nive tto rtgbt aad the room toentoyall Uiat may tie belpfal le im. hlgheat weU-toiag, and to he tretol Irom a.l wiihnut wlnch may burdeii it. Aml per t,<-> iv ii aad rellgtooi Ubertj la Ibal atute af aeetoty in wbu i, aaeb eoc ii- allowed to s.?.-k, and ln heitied ln MeB kta, bis ?wn hlgheat good. Wa are very far, un jct, fruu) toTlag altalnod thia p< rf.ciion. Antl as to tha kntxTli-et uiaiillestuilona of liberty Wbtab we do we, Iberoiivietion testnuig thut they are due dlrectly to Cbrn.tia.iity, aad our coiiflitent exi-ectatmu of far better Iiui i> iu tlie future ran upon tbe pn.tuiae aml power of Woil itlon. ; fnrwe can Uml elaewberc tho BMton eu pwble of proiiut ing tbe dealred reault. Tbe eein.tli heart of Ma aataral BMaaaya: "Il i* ""t tttrn nu-. Ptmm bm nbio. the daepel aad the Irenbeeled ollgareby, aad tbe Biunii-.ruus army toaiaig tlie aml swurd " No, nol Frum tbe m-it'aii. luircnewttl heart, uuiiiflueuced by I'i rtotk.nifv, etimes rn. lifliiig up al tbe down-troddeu. Bomring Im ? tho imlividuaJ, uo glTtag bim room and btilp lur lua gootlneas. Tlie Chriattaa, howerer, wlll bave no quarrel with tbo hwtonaii. who. iu tracing tbe prngrtaa of tbe pioplea, aaamoratea tne power of tue awatd, Ma pewer ..t weallh. tbe powei of iearnil.g. and the power of ittlveli trtu n- t'lieiinii-tanrea, aud eo fortb, as comluelng lo Ibla pn.giew. Itmayallaobe. but ir thut progrcss bas in iti,, i nf tbe etamenta ol eivil und religioua liberty, tbat I* a canng for tbt imlividual man, it will Im- dilliiuit to MBtowa ttoetrvageoartettoo al me Chriatiao that be hiiMl tto awocd, nnd tto waalih. and tM taarnlng, Iberv ie a luglier pawef wiuch nivi - ttooi aii their f.ui-i . And tbat i^ tto tiulb whieh Iie* Mtoddad in C'hrialiau tiy, aad uowbero alaa, of tbe wortb of tto imlividmil aoui. wbleh <hmi lored an.l Chrtai dtad t<> aare, on wim-b Wbeii aavt ,1 the li-asoll of love ?af wiitteli l>V tbe Bolf Bplril. " tbou ahalt iove th.v ueighhor aa thjaelf." Aud then- too to fluda lUiheddi.-d tbat otber truth, " tbat Ood taiUa it.)U of I.i.- It a.-ueil, hml om ^, ? ho aeeli to tio 11,a Will:" when thev wtui p.xiui one natlon to .u.uther, from aaealngdomtoaaothrrpeopta,Be raffered i... maa ta **, tiu iu vvroi,-.', rea, Ha reprored kmts far tbeli a.ik.a, uviiik', t'.iub nol luiuv alioiuttil, and do uiy propbeta ao aana. Aml ao, Um, beliind thoae tbinga whieh the hiatoriau eaiis advtntiti.'ii. i ih umsiiiDtea tto Chriattaa wlll dta* ?ovor au Prorideaoe, wblcb lakea uif tbo ebariot wheela of tiu- ' tieuiie-, uud BUkai themdiive aeiviiy whea Goti'a tiuie of inaiatolmlag eomaa tvundlHiid He la aboat to ramora IM ootward tiegratla Uoii ot hia reeovend loat oii.-h. You i.-uu-mber Uialn'P Butter, in lua Aualogy of Iielii.;oii. layi aln.ut Um teadeaey of raaaim to pi. vaii orei brnte forea .wiien tlmo or pUoe for counstl iml eonceried uetiou have tM^-.uaff.rd.d. Bow, Chnattaalty la tbe reaaon that it lt iii tina world, uml iti- la witli aii < lae here whlt-.h li Jnht unreaaou in oppoatttoB to al! thal ?. i-ht. the hlg!,i?t gtH.l of mau aa a iu.ui. Now. Cbriat )? bero Ma wiadom of Ood far thia end. Tto n..iv Borlpturea are tht wiaduui of 'iod foi tbe saim-eud. Aml all who ttotbi-wi:. of r.'niat ara tto chlldren of wtadom, wM Juetlfy it by tbeir worda and deeds, and help lo make it |irwi?i,i c-vij tbe foiiy wbnb ia iu tlie woiltl. And aii eiae la iniiv, ii,e aelBabnaoi tt siu lu tho biiiuim heart, )ii!ei..-.n*-U by the Bplrll that bow work. th iu tlu- i-hildreii of dtoabedlenee. Uul tlie wndnni i.t to get tM maelen. aol bf tba extermlnation af tto i.Miiuit, but by freelag them treea tbeir fmlr by oonvertiug Ih. m frotn tlu ir oppoeltlon to tbe i_j.livl.lual wcii-being oi men Into ita friend> und tolpera. To . Be. t thia tto agt nty of CbrlattaBlty baa beeu tleviae,! and aot taoperatioiiliy.ii'd. Kor this tnd h. lpwaaluid upou Uiiuvthom mlghty to eave, and.theretore,Cbrtatbe ooiuea tht Meili.itoi. Henoe 11. ia the l'rophot, the Light ot thi- w.Tiii t<. in H.. teaehlnn and life all Uie uutti needed te free tto , art;. fr.,m all Ita tgnoraare, alus, and WOO. BO, U"', aa tbe I'nest. He dn 1 a a.itriflco for tto aina of tto vtmid , Hia atoaemenl being fiuiKbeo, He lirea to intercede, praylng lo tlu Fatber tbat, for Bta own merita, i v. ry prayei ami de.-d ol taltb may be tbe aarlng of mea. And laatly, He toooaaea the huiL-, all powei ht ing Intruat. il to ltlm thal iie may ^,-rtt-i-i all coiiPirneih Iiii work. llut Whlla th, rflli ii nt itgent in all tbia li Gt.,1, the in atrim.ei.t:ii agenta are Cbrtattani, Aad tonc. cunst ?lut.a Hi* beb. v ing jieople medtatoia nndei Hlma i, la i timt they ma? do His wurk. Henoe, aa piophei., they tae are tto atBki ofthe woiid, wbo are to bara Cbrlet'i triithr. ao wrltten oo their hearta. and ao llrlng in th.-ir tbonghta, > ap< rteneea, and at 11 .aa, that there Bhali Im-.11 tbem. 111 a. iut- fa.nt degr.r, that ?iK-uking by aatboittj wbleb waa chni-t, tbe '? real Pioplnl. Al jir.c-'.a, tOO, tie y tli -I otfer themai'lven, a iiviug aaertfloe of eonaecratlon to tto terrloe of Uod; aiul imn, ai mi' tceaaora, they nii-ad tt.rough tto martta of cbriat, Ihat all iM-nign i-nda of .'Lriftiainty may ba jtame.i ; am! nga, they have a real autborlty und'-r < hi-Hi. they may bratae nndei tbt ir Tei-t, anu bave powar to IWereBl many 11 had mau und many a bad woman. kimra und eeaamonera. fTom dolng ttott ertl deeda. Thua Ambrone, liuhop of Mili'ii. fr-urmg tto Ixinl "f uli more than the sover.ign uf thi.-. worid, eicloded Ttoodoelna, for his aeta of ernelty. Irom the .-Iiuri-h. and ny uppeals te bia eonedenee bad pown tivei liun to prevent anotber terrible I fl.ia.oii ol UliMKl. And a" b.ul Jobu Kiun power ovtr Maiy yueeii ot Beota and toi n<ivia<-i?, stopplng tbeu. from pntttng toti.iitii the eoafeeeoreof Cbriat, in tootland, tbua fur Lbenng in an i-mim-nt BBglM tht. -Keiorm.itiuu iu that Macdom. . .... Tnua j ..11 see ttal the whole power of (,od la l.rnught Vo l^-ui ti.ii.ngh im- Inviiie Woi'l, the iK-oph- of (.oti and tbe pt-ov ul.iit, o* CBriBl tO overioiiit' evil. Theie is aa aaeae] hen uil.-.iunt.- foi the fui'.eat lesuita of eivil nnd r. iivioti-lil'.ri.v. iianieiy, tbat then ahull be not Ii ing i<> lunt 01 deetroy. Aad tba detlaiaiioni of tho Btriptnrei arc full aod expttall that muh a peaeefn] ttme aball b* eajoyed aol oniy, i.ut it alwl. be tho yrwiutt oi tbi- itiviLt-iv appointed ageney. But ure we .thit t?. abow that? brtatianlty bai had any nwili ilti.-. t 1: tlueiit e in i .iiiilug eivil and religioui lib? erty 1 Wc pnuii-e thut Blnee tUi-1ustruiueutal ag< titi ot Chr.-.--, m'.tv ara men, we maal exneel toflndtto name aaarkaol hnpcrfectlon abonl the reformaton woik Whieh W? aee ln all Blae man hai bad 1 ouimitt. d tu him. An.l ttn- laini; rt..:>-.i, vv.- iep!v tbal froin tbe lievniuitig of hietory ilown to tbe hirtb of t'bnst we tlnd 110 trace mt .-mi liberty ontatto of tbe JewUh tb.-iKiaty. K^e wh.-i. ti.. re 1- '." r.-t-ogiutii'ii of tto righta al 111.ui 11- aa iiHiiv nliiiii. no eartag for bis mdividuai iuieresta. Tbere are j.rlv il..-. .-.<l a raring for them. ii)it the wai'iiiiieiv ff -t>'it-'y did not run M take eare ot the todiriduai. He waa ibe tool of the aoetety, but hia tb.- end or tta at tion. iiut to tto Jewlih tbeocraci (wblcb waa mai a preparatm t' ilu- faadamental trutu. in ?>> f^r aa o.d - tiu- love ..I'- neightof aa cimkii n.i Oot. inmeni wai formed for ib. well-being ofthe! ami be wbi uonscquentlj heii?-.l aud ptOtet teu lU uli bl* eivil rUfhta. He i.a.t .ilao, in one M peet of it, mn religioua lltorty. He aaa protected and betped u tto eaerctae el tbe trne worablp of Ood. imt Itottooeraei knewnotiituf ol relljBoaaUbertj ln tbat xAini aad moet important an\m,t of 11. the u,i. lution of Umih-who Uld Uot reteive aud piuiltt tto Moaal. Knial. Tben ma to bave bad laiioii lor te Uglo.ii dia Wheu then Cbriat apiieara. we flnd hia teaehing, ou all puniUi, aut.n a* we hav e de? nl^il ll. He lutu.eatei all that in wbleh the Mn.-un dtapeaeaUtfO bad antnipated, Iiut he 111., -n mor?. f..r ibe Oiial I'-veialioti of love will 0* tul'.ei tii^n ita bvgiuniiigv HU lawaof toloratmu ?*f religioua dis'.eui. for example. When Jauies aud Jobn, v.-i.. d beeause certalu Sauurltatia did not ree. ive t'hrlat, Ngg.d the Mait.i, aat lag, "i,ord wilt tbou thut we eoUiiiiiiiul nretoi.ime duwi. trolu beuveii aud eou Bume .tbem, as KIIm did!" He turutd and rehuked thetu, layiaC. "Tl know uol what ii.aiiii'i of aplrit ye aie of." < hrlst eame not to destrov. but ta aawe. Aud be r.i'tiki-,1 his dlswples for faiilug to ap ilKi-Hitt' Hia apiril uud tbe i>nria>e<- ?f hia eouuiig. All tbat HaWUpoaei toaicoiui'llahouearih intbe benefltiug ttt m. u. Iii wi.l effeet by love Ui? sp.rit is love. __il Iie has uo otber way of winning over euoiniei, bnt hy gentleneia and foibrarauee. Aud tue Ilfe aud power ?t chriatlanlty, wheuever lt hai exhlblt.d vlUilty, b,,? consisUMl in the posseasion of thu inlrlt, wbich conttituei the vei.v l*. ing of ( hritt. Andix-w, fbrut havmgaeceuded to heaveu. fhrlati bi itv goea forth upon Ka miaslon, bihI lt produced wondrous .ha:i*.ei lu many diit.cilous.IJut lt wa. ,eu tun. a before lt* luflueuee had n a.he.1 the hiate. Iu tbe J..,, .hr.-, eeiituii.-l the etate na* besthenlsh, and ^rlatinui "fuld bave uo offlcial couueitiou witb li. U?t wti-4) th, Koiiuui i-mpiie had beeom* a tt,? .-alxi ChHi -STTempire. then Cbrtatlaai ru.ed Bot tto laMrmeal emrit af tbe (iov. tnm'nt waa beatbenitb still. __a aStataa innueuce sbow. itaelf -??/{.^JJ|;di^-?{? oow and then; but MM tiou. __^f___*___\\_S^_\SSS: M IJteir aad tto iirlsoi abeuer aud a lesa deipoU Cbmtlauity. .tl ? of *__g ujijjrat.on of the .a^nVdV^??. Si -^ thT^ 2: werld from falllug into barbartsm. Uj doing tbia as was Tery natural. the (hurch beeame a 'o^t BOttUYtue Mau:. Tne Cburoh, lu iu deallnciwltb B'*f'?"*?"-?? bSTMoratto ignoraut.oruul barbanan tb.j I ar l? ererytbing good, nohle. aod human w?a foundjmwm QnXhaLlie. Tbli toingkeptin Mad,,BB jM W? woadar that tto Cburoh at this time l?r"f ^ ***,r^1'1^* moU^u ot ibt ?ute. it wa. ifetdad aa aetbjag bmk Um bad aad wartbtaM part of tto |K*ue>' *i?*i?* nf hnmanlty, flelflxh lu lt* altnfl and eelflah in ita pratv tiera and if ln tbe tniddle iure? the flMtte I* cnll*r1 Sarra Imprrialit Itajrttat, lt Ib not taera iu it*elf, Out beciiiiBc me Pope hu.I ao luimeil ll. Hut tbfl Keformatlnii rhanged all thia, and intieh for the b' tter. Aii Ibe Rctormcr- and Ibelr follower* rrcng. Biaedthe HtaTe, iu arewflaaaa witii tfleteaehlng of nt. n* un orlinatw ihi Tbe l'roW -l-nt eoneepUen <>f the Ptateatid itarlghta and dtittea, tbna differ fntlrely ttmt thut of tbe HouiatilHta. ln tht* l.utber. Twlofta aafl Oalvta BflTBO, and. lf tlielr followera of a laler j--ri<?1 jro ln Boinewhat dilferent illre-rtlonfl, tbe VBflBoa m lound BBt ln B (IiBerencc of prnu iplea, but nf cireuniBt-inee*. (iiciiinsfatM'iaa whieh eaa he eaBlly exptaJned .?iinmx. ibe ilevelopincut Of Uie politieal ndeol tbe Tt. foruiaTlon to be aoon Alopped ln the north cf Burop*. an.l etreaaMtaaeoe aaaaad tbe eppaalte i" tbe we?l ol Kurcpe. iii PTaaee, for ea.tniple, tln Bagneaoui beld tlie I'all llOfl lil. a* nt Tl.e Itiflil-licr*, H t" IM HT.ilc Bl.d lt* dutle*. AflflOBfl tbem. itl-o, tln-re win- BebobM rmlneal In aeteare, wboee wrlU-gfl, eren now. nre in lii^li c.tniiHlii.ii. And the view* oi all **. re, tli it tbe Btate maal eare ror lu eltlaeaa, tbat etvtl iiix-rty i* tiu tulil orilii.itir.ii. They. furihcrmore, m-U -d <>n tbeae priaelplr?. aml beld e?peciaily tbal tiu i-*rj.te n.u*t bav.- no prl-Uofted rtaaaea. .hn. in liwn.Ju*) i^-fore iito batl c <tt OoBtra*,De Mornayaad htaebaplaln.Cnandieo, i-mpeUod tbe Prtaeeof Mavurrc. aJterwara iicnrytne ivtii i.f Franee, to make tbe whole army apubne*eon fraalan ot for the gm.n imiiiorHliiice he hnd eom ii.ituil :.( I?i Itoelielie. Thf Imaiillty also of thear I'i iiii laat. te tbe ahoolntUai of Fr.-ueii royaiyjraa ?> utrong that it turned Ibe hecnilu. friendBhlp tl . ram-i* llu. I*t into lltter hoatllity. Hut evoa bere ..mul t BOflO ltdvaiiced oiiliiionB an.l proOttflBB, about i-ivil l.lic.t), iel1?it>uB toleration wa* unknowu. __'___. 1 In the I_ow Couutnea tbe contceT sgalnxt The clv.l iuki religioiiB tyranny of Bpala waa Just the ?pfl-ldlngol tbese piineiplefl of tbe lleformaiion. lt waa a demand fora doveruuietit?uu ordiTvifio Jkri?whicb reepeeted the civil and IBltalfl? llbertlca of the jaeople. Aml here tbeae pr-MlptBfl trinuiphed ? rivll lila-rty tri uinnbed, rtii.ioue llberty triumpbcti. Tlic Ii"w (ounlrlefl led the world ln adoptlng iu BBBBB nieafltire C-ff-Bt'B law of .toleration. Bl aaaaaa 01 rdatn bad heiore wiitteu to Mir Thoma. More, thut a better aai eoald t>e madeofa beaattBt-oa to bara bim. BOl wltb bl* weak iiflarOOt-f iTxfnn trtilhful Wordfl were iiothlng but a aentlnieut. Hut wltb bl* aoantrymea who fougbt and hlod for freedoin thev were n boiy pnn riple learued froui Cbriat, and by praetlelnfl tbem la even the nitutaiire tbey did, tbe Houandex haa tbo bonor of leadinK tbe vanof the artuy of Chrn-t. And ao, too, ln Euglund and Bcotland the real proirreM in civil unerty nnd totatattoa b_* baaa Ihe pewdaet ol the Refonmiuon. Iu like nianuer revolotloo baaev-ry wbere borrowed tbe lorea ol u* politieal htoaa from iaa Proteetaata oi tboatxteeotb eeatary, tbougb itiia* aaaa> ]y aiwajriperverted theui. in eoBOlaaion. prrunt me to aay that, obcivII aml rellir ionn llberty Ifl the taaBBB of I htlMianliy, bo it ean be ?ndned an.l Moared by Cbrtat-udty fltaaa. Th.. noble liorli I'altiH Tliat flUte aluue wboee elt-BeUfl tlrst u-eoiue the freodmeu of Cbriat, und tht-u torChriet'i w,ke love their iicurbU.r aa tbemBclvert. Uo form cf toveruin. nt uffor.lfl au BbBOlatO -imnihtee for libcrtt aud no couaiitutiou wlll be a aaiefaard ukuiu.i corrill.llon. Tbat Btata BlOOfl has llic a-?,na:ii e "I per man. ue*. who-e cltiaena, fbriBf* rreedmen, aro eonae crtiunl into tbc muHterv of BOlf. B-d U.e RrVB "f W-fl niKhi.or. Wfiiiiu. not yel uttaiu.-d. V, nn more ol Chriat'* flpirit in tiu* hc.iYi. wc *hall .-.<?.? a oorreapondl-fl love of man, aad u largcr and mon- benlgn d- velopmi nt ofcitil antl religlous ll-erty. YVuhout thatWf riliiill Uhvo no edvaaeement, but retroflreoakin. l?oee with tbo worda of JaflflBflTflfl Mfiflo.j"?flOoapel S tbe fultliinieiit of ull boiM', tbe ^rfcctii'iiof ull ohlloaopby, the Interprat-i of all revoluiioim, tbo bey to all tbe aeemlnfl oontradletlonaol tbe pbyeloal and moral world- iii* life; it i* iiuuiorulity. Blaec I bat. known UM ^aTl..ur eveivtbing ia olcai?witb blm tbere ia nolh lug 1 cunuot eolve." The next paper, ou tbe ftame Bubjeet, was to have ix-cn deiivcred by the Hon. J. L. M. Curry, LL. I>., Rtehmond. Va., but tbe MJflfl-fl- bud read nearly tbe whole of his du-couroe, when it was BflflUod to hitn b> tbe tmkling of tln- bBB thut 1 be 30 fl-flfltN tlme allowed to apeaker- bad expired, wbcreupon he stopped ubruptly lu the muldle oi baaaflOooa, lattred to his wat, aud _a_oaad.aa_alafla eome forward, notwithfttaiiding tbe flflfl-MMfl, I'T tbeir lougaud coutiuued appluui* and cri.a of "Goou," un ndntakably BbBOBd that they wlBbed biiu to contlnne his addn-BS. Thle iipplau?e, -wlnch bad eontinued sev cial ?laattt waa evcnttially Btoppfld by tbe ap(M- u.,ii.a of the presiditg ofticer in front of Ihe platloiin. He balil : 1 BBflflM wlsh fo Vnow if tbe nttrtlence want tbe pro longatioa ot thta dtoenaataa. lf you do *<>. n wil l* ave deep and aiuding wonnda. I felt tbere waa not beld ln bi- addreea ? fnll reeotnltlon ol tbe ImpUed Uimtationi under whieh we bave aaermhlfld I aave, therefore, etii.teiiUil mvst lf by notlfyliig bnu that bta tlme haii expired. I now subinit wbether it leeoorteoo- or ( bru tinn tbat tiiio dtaeaaalon hbould ba ftirtiu-r prolonged in Ihe ltue wbleb lt ha?> tbu.) Iar taken. [Applauic.) At tbc BB-OlWlaa of the i*re*ldent'? remarhs, tbe Hon. Mr. Currv, wbo was reeeived with great appiaiii-c, aabi: I will m.lvc the problem of coiirti-By by jrleUU-fl tfl tiu litnitation whlch bas beeo proper.T impoaed, witb tbe moal earneel nnd ampbat-e pgoteat Bflalnsl tbe Implli A oenntre ol the Cbairman that 1 have been diaeonn. or utir-liri-tian. [Applaufle.] 1 flhall not MOB. I WBfl dlBCUBilug a prlnnple. Tbc aub.iect wa* aflMgned to mu I.y Di Mii a 11', tl.e of "Uni'li Oi ( li'.in ll ilint Btate " and I bave beea most careful, as 1 thmm-hf, to conflne iiij-Btif ilmply lo tbe dtaenaaion of tin- prin Ipie. I bad onlv two more argumentoto make,ooe tbal il oa* nn liiiu-tti'cc to the t.ttier dl tnunlliatiniir, antl n i oadb I wasgoing to BflflBfla in an iiri.-iiTi.oiit to nbow wbat I tbink I ahould bave beea able io demoBBtrate. erea lo tbe Battataetlon of tae CflMdnaaa, ibeold Ba differ from iue, that it i? unBcrlptural [ \pp!iiu-e.l Tbe Praatdeal ai!nii. alepaod lerward, aaald eaaaMara* bla ili-tiii aai ttmt of "Curry," "Curry." Wben ijuiet Wafl re-torcd, be ?.ud : tttt Bl IflBMflBBfl. tbat wc art- Anierlean f'l_ri-t:an*. 1 bold* wlnch have been u-.-ci.tcii l.i l.t tbc apeab-Ti hti.i a* profoondly a* be doea, f?r I am aa Ameriean toa Ilove tboae iratha, aod al tbe proper plaee a .n take K-r.-at pleaaara m tb.-n propagai ion . bai 1 Uke to Ilillik tOO tliat we are iKUlliil. ainl I atu U" inii. t.v tlic rule* of Cbrintiau courtcHt. Vou will takfl my WOnl fOT lt?WOO'l you I? tbat I bave alreudy Ixieii iu formed by oue of Tbcbietbrcu froin Bbroad tbul il of liiHcuBslon i? paitifui, deeply palafaL Da not Inrlte M.iii goofltfl. tben. deai (rleada, tothe prolongatiuaol a iii*. U--.OU wbiih wouu.U an.l gtievefl tuciu. ( . rtamly wa wlll Bhoa a* flmeilfiana Ibal when wa korlta a Btranger lo na, wa ran remembar all tbe obli^aiiouB ol a jur-t coiirter-y. |Applaurte.) At this BtagC tbe llou. Mi. Cuiry BJTBBflfld a few Btiaa a? tf aitout to replv, but did not do co, tbe IBflflMMflfl, without a pauw. baving BflflflBBBfli __? adilrein by ____? ing tbe t Muirregatiott to ?lng tbe hyinn, *' .I?ub nball reigu where'ei the buii ilueablB BBflflflaB-ffl jourueyB run." Immediately Mr. Curry put on hiB overeoat. aud while tbehymu waa bein. xuug fleU-eeafl-ly and (leterinedly walked ofl tbe platfoitu, aud down tbe Blflta to Tbe iront door, Beeaaapaaaod bp a anv pMUaaaaa who flaaaty *ym pHtbizcd witb htm, and warmly ctiiurratiilated lum <ui tht B-Ofl-ta-flfl of hia discourse, whii-b Ui aapBBflfldia full: AI.I.IaNCK OF CHUECB AM) BTATE. BV -Hi: HON. J. U M. ClitHY, I.l.. 1),, Ol 11KII MoND, VA. Tlie subjwt afiriigiit'd is the tipediciioy or riiibtfuliienfl of elliaute l*tweeu the cIvilaudeexle.aiaHU eal power. Wiibout uiinlii- at utiiit verbal accuracy, the queation may be variounly tttated. In an 'Ettab lishtueut" proper! Can civil fovernment rigbtfully in iBtffltfl with lllierty of flBOflfllflflflfl t Ha* not every ratioual lieing an inalieuable right to worshlp God. free f loui i:iok*Btation t Has Kovcntinetit a right to diracriml nate among religlona, ua Mr. Cladfltone phraw * it, " to ehoose the national religion 1" Ahould religious congre iratlouB recaive tbe ?al?ne* of pa*tor* from tn* State, aml ue eooaooaaatly plaeed undt-i itr. aopahnt-_4o_ee i li ou^ht t>. Ik) preiniiti-d thai liiteriy i* not BBunatrilnad ln t-iiae nor social anarctiv. nor to lie uaed " for a vail of wickedaeee." Llberty Impilefl n-Htiaii.t* and Umitatloaa, aud bxibl* where each peraou i* iruaiauleed the fidl ex e.eiiaa- of hiB 'j. ultie* hi.iI i!_.lith BO Im.* a*, and providcd Tbal bc d-r: * Hot ilitci f.'le Wilb B like f Ull BS-M-BB 00 tl.e pail of otber*. Str utere tno rei non ulienum laedat. la t_e aaaartton of tba rigOtaol eoaarta-oe tflapeaee or the BZtatOOea of aociety ie not to be dlalurbed. Tne 1. gilluiate aiithi'iit.v "f tbe nia.:iHtrnte i* not T" be im porued. Llberty doea nol lloenaa enmea ii^ainat prop? erty, M mii'ltit. ur goacrmueiiI, or liiilivl.liul-. Tbi* of oonablooee. tln- n*rnt aud piwremitivfl of mau, ia flBflTCld It i ? Iai ne unb ol.,i_atloti mi ibe paii .f "therr. Tu dtareflard or latertaia wuh un* tiitnt ia to be fatae io autj, io vlelate a ??cie<i tblng. CbnaUanltt b..? beea niieu ained wlthelvllflovara lit.iit. Blnoe tiu tbinl eentory of tbe Cbrtetlan era. *u. n a t iiuiit. iiiiu baa baaa. oatetde of tbe Ualtod Htaie*. tbe inv.ttiat'lc rnle la Knrope aml Amenea. Baobapoliet wa* iii'liii e.i, iu pait, Oy Um la.t tbat umlrr the "I.l rovenant atbeocracyextatod and tbc eu.. lovaran(aot wa? iu?t;iiite.1, In a large defliae, to maiutafn nnd f.'Btei religion. Civil ruler* for aali aggraiidueeturuT, Chriatiauity, or rather eci ichia-iUai ori_auita t.on*. to their corrupt purponea. Goo.l. but d.luded nn i.. iimuKlii it a duty io fi.Miir lij pollUeai BiipiHitt tbe ( hn-Ttian reliirion. wbea tb.- Ta^Kil Hieranby l.eeaiue domioant, it aub-idi-td Ibe civil power, und held il lu vaanalag*. Tbe Kefonualiou. wlinh, 1ti sotne reMH-cta, wa* a proteat ratb.r than a reform, byafatul Munder, topud, wltb IOBM uio.iirl catioua, ihi* tt ronit of l*oiH-r> . Protestant govt ruine. i., to reatot r.ipa. > nnd prouiote tbe icioriucd rv_flloa, took rcllgl'.n nti'U-1 tbeir lii.t.-rluK eare. Klug. an.l amperon aud itukec claimed to lie tflfl Hend "f Ibe t hm. ii iu ib.-.r diituiiiioiia, wara raeaflaiaed aa Boeb.aad exeri'laed flome of Iho flov*r tflai had baaa wltlwrawa froui Tbe Toik;. In l.iiglaud, tbe Oalh of haprema. t, re oulmdof pernona takuiK offlee, diatiuctly and toriuaily ?nrt.-(t<-il tbe 1 itfbt Of tbe ?..Ve.le)gU to Ik- tbe Ht-,1 of lha ( hureb. The goternun-ut clauua Ihe n_f.t t.i l>-_ndaUUif fnr the National Cbarcb, aud the i'arliamei.t l* an autireme ot.-r ibe Cbareb a* over pn.|-rlv aud llie. Wheu C'hnrch aud Hutie are BBlted,tboBlato araetl t-aJiy aaaumea lol-Ul-dlly, arn.gate* tlie capubllitv ..iui tne nifbt t<> i-lt iu Jutlgmeut niiou (reed*. nnd lo dcier Ui ne Wbal IBB cbureb. wbat i? the cburrb. wbat 1. true, iiiiu wbal ifl faiae reli_iou. Atu BUb-Ubmoal pr.-f. r. 0U? denomlnatlon to anotber, and tbrowa u.e tteiKUt ao thorltv lHitt.r.aiid iMllueueeof ihe (...vtruuietit in fan.r of a pat'tn ulal BBCl "I rrU_i.,..i.l - ttot* al.i.ii.K aeteral deuuiuiuaUou* (,uvcrumeiit MtaOl oue lorcci-ue it. dta trimmatiu- favor. H uke* uu- deoomlaaUonluUj oarV ner-bip eaiauiubon lt. poirootoaa lt, __***_**? hy *i?-. ia. u?*. punlic property, eaeloaKo pitviie.,-.. )t jH.wer Bl Male <bui.b IB tbfl I*U e, and afiBaeilajiii aaea rlvil offlcerA to aotorca aecja BUatlcal di* 'phlll 'ibe liotetlilneul thu. p.a l a aearai tbc Boverelgu pn**er the tuau or tbe womau wbo pror,-*a?a a pariuuUt eread. ttaith a oue BeonoiM a iit.-nib.roT a pmiie_cii fraternity. and by a mv. r*- iru dii/tto monttrun ia htld Ul. a* a unue projier p. :*.ui luan lm lc*^tatore(i f?-1 1*j.wv. Lirathtdra, hia orth'.doiy 1* ctrtiflnd aud be ataud* Iftotr tue couimunliy WitO tbe H,ia<ri//.atMr of tbe poweiB ibal lrt. fepaialmii of tne ('burib aud Htate ia me rt-uioval of aii politieal r> ?traluu aud poiiucal aupport* froui a (.'hriallau dcuuun nalioij. It u.cai.a reo^ioua njualliy of citi?eii?uip, uot tbe placlug a.iote nor below, bul ou a plalfonu ol pcr faafl etiuailty. lt la tue proclanuatiou thut a rlti-eii flball not be favored, pie|udic( .1 lu prop cm. reputatluu, aoci_i or _uflu.-_ i<o__-u, oi iu any rtght or piinlege whatsoever, tn oonvyjnenee of hUrellrf.m. Dtroroe of Chntvh and State u an a*??^ tion of the wrong nf rlril liiu-rferenee ln matters o> worablp and im ntiiulfttitkaMe deelantlon ttwt lt ia !W ter for tto .ioveriiment and bettar for roltglon t/> r.-nd<-r nnt.) (i.-.?r the thlngs thnt are (>s;ir'*, and nnlo Ood tbe thtaga lhal nre (l.xiv Tlie dl?ttnetloni between whil ia eivil and what is religious may bo tnnde siifTI ,-ientiv el'-ar tor all prtetieul ptirnoses. Whut is elvlI belonga to tbe pronwee af Itoetrtl garerwmeal snieiy. Wh.iiTeraHgtona ia, from gronu'ia of expedtoaer, ** well nn i,ee...amirilv from its chunw'er, OOtatdc "f nvn eontrol. BotlgiOO re->t? betWBto <}<h| nnd tlie Ottr aeteaee, and Ibe klnadema of thi* world tmvo no rignt nor ootapnttmey lo preaertto <>r enetiel "? Ti,.. people of tbe UnUed Btatoa, ln K.- leral aud Btat* gaaernmenta. deny the furtodtetton of tto ? igiatr-w* iu inittli ra of r.liL-i.tii. untl ? n|..t tim " .liatiiietiou anl tbe hi. - edne-.l" Of 'ill en'li-,- s<- p'liai um, ., r^3? I" 1 cn 11 y. or .-tiiireii and Btate. Bellgton >? neitiu-r f.-tt.-re.i aat ea itawed. Tlie F.-.i.-rnl Uonttitntton, ia Artici" VI.. Bea llon Kl, de. larea Bwl " n'iii-'io.ii BM ahall never he JW" iiuire.l as a .I'lalifleatlon to anv ofllno <>r publi'* tr"',t nn,ur the Unltod Htataa." Wlu-u th- pruiel nt tM Oon veniinn of 17*7 wa? anbralttod lo tbe Mi.t.a for tnelr aeparate ratlflnatton, tbree of them pr..]*??>.t Bdditlon?i gaaraateea al freedom of nmecteuee. I" ''' J r eoee le Ibla Jeatooey >.f laterfereaea witb IM ni.>'t su.-red personai right, tiie tii-st aaiendment ef tto Oonatttutton prortdae thal "Cimcreaa ahall make oo law reepeettag aa eateiiltahmenl of reltgfon, or problbitlng ilu- fr.-<- exeretae t!ien->.r." Tlirw nrll.-l.-a esclnd. I-' (i.ivi rnment fram any ulinihiatiiiUi.n of reiivrt"'1 and from all power ta aot oa the eubjeet aii tto BUte'. iire it.ike euipliiti. in tto aperatlon ol niiaointe religioua Uberty. Tbta Amarleao eontrlh"t',,n la tto a i. aee "f politlea <iid aot apring from ln i ? r raee or oppoeltton to the Christian rellgion. __J_ro' eeeded, la aaata Imtgt Mory, " fnnn a lotamn eoaarioiis n,?-.. of tae rtungvr* from eectaataetieal amhltlon, thc big.'trv of apiritu tl prlde, aml the Intoleranoe of aecte." it a?< laearporated tata "lir organie biw" ln the nit.Test nnd aa promotlve af P'""1'. apt rtt oal rellgion. "T., thi* .-..i.mi|. ration," a. <l ??? "'? waahtaatea,Mweeagai ie aaeribe ibeabaenceot anv regniatkme reepeeting rellgion from tto Magna Cbarut of ..ur eountry." J.iheriv of worablp waa imt regarded hy tto framere of our Oot. rameni ai derrratlra fi.-i-i eivil |M?wer, nor as aeonceasinn or boon of pnliix >' *-'"' aroatty, hut aa "a right Inhcront in tu sonality ol the iiiillviim tl eonscleooe." ii.,v. rn m.-iii i? a iH.iit-.iiii ergaatam, aad II bt "f ""' essenee of Aiucriciin Iib. r.y that tbn <iov. riinieiit ahnuld l.e eiilirel.v,' f, .mi, ihiireli''-. and reltglona denomtoatMae. Tto aeparation la no longer aa e\|Miiiiieni. Ii inta tto approi ul ..f erery Brtnteu eal .leiioiiiiiniiioii .ind of erery potltteal party. Ihedii fen-nt detiomlnatloni are nnerally proe] pricing, nnd Mtnlatera, In thc gat., ara ii w.-ii lopported ai etaewtore. < hnr. l al nu men.ui nnd M clllcicnt. Cbrtotlaa m t.v iiy n as ln t. lltgeni Bonday-eehoola ore aa namareaa aa I aa well eoadoeted. Benefeetkmi for Blble publlcatton and dlitribntlon, for mtaatoaa, i imr h bnlldlnga, edaeatloa? for uii beaeroteaee are aa Uberal. The people of the Unitwl Siutes are ua well rapplted witb tbo meaua ol rellgion ua uny liko popnlatfoa in tto world. chnrob ;?-, ommoiiationa at. aa .-mp'.-. and aa well dlatrtbuted. Iullilelily and hereay havo aa few .oiiv.rla. Tblsaoc eea.- ofthe voltintiiry nati-m. auiply BUbatanttated by tbe eenaii-, hai Le.-u in'i omplialied in ipite Ol dtaadvan taitef, ami rei eajnala iiai heen Bona for Ihe .'ihi* inn iiligion in eoiiiimea w lure milliona are expendl >l to upimi.i eatabltabmoata lhal bave extoted for <-. atartea. Vniuiilari l.-in niuta eorrnl>ornt|oii 111 eoiuiliie-where an Katabliabment ta aHertatad by toleratlon. A eom panao'i ui Dtaeenu ih witli taa fhrered aael ean bi m *ae witboi't pr.-| ta tlie arguaieetof fbe mexpedteney of tbe re.iiiii..' apoa state favor. TM Bon-eoBforming rhiin Ina un- i.ut gener.ill v mf. rinr iu puntv afdo. lime, iinitv of fuiih, barmony of parpeae, atrleta diseipiiue, or conautenoy ol eondoot, te tto endowM ehureh. Blble, and mtaaloa, an.l tr-.t aodettaa ara aa weii auit.iiii.-.i nv Dtaeeaten pcoparttaaalal] ? C'liurehm.?>.. Tto p. oi .md deeBtnta ara ofn a eom|?lled u.n iv iiia.n Dtoeeniera lor rengioua luatruitii.uu.iii pub _? aufMlp. lt would tie uiirandiil nnt teOOOOeda that state tiiitr.ui tge baa knaured inperlor ealtare ta a portton ..f tto inin latry, aad bai giv.-u i,, tbe worid peetonad aehotan and i-mineni praaetora. Inapitael thia adaataaloa, I m.iat a Bt. p .in.l !.',,- oppooliou to union on grounda more impregnahle tban m.-ra inexped.eucy ..r luiuiitiaaallr it i- wrong toprlaolptaaadinjunoi-. la praetleal op. ration. I. li laun inj.iiv tfl Um When 'iov ernmeiiia un deiiake imp aalbllitiee,tto] traqaeatly ludict inioler iii.e grtoTaoeei ae brmg itomaelrea mto eontempt. Oorernmeata Mre ao janadietloa orar the eonaeieuo.. Thia laextra-tarritorlal. Oorernmeata canuoi ufiord io lone th. ?ympainv oi aneountoi tto Juel prejudie.- m tto goreraed, ar de palpabta inj.n-tl.--. ai. Eaiahlisbmeul foatera nettoai ol arbitrarj Mrarament, oultlratea op poaition to Uberal priuoptoa. Tto pulptt often refleota ih,- oaarlee and wni. ami aapooaea Uta rauae >.t tto iiiurl. Tlie mlvoeaiia of Ibe ,!iviiie right. of king-, ol paiaiTe otodtanoe, tto opponenta of revolutton, ol nnl reforin, ol poputar liborty, bare uuiformlj been tlu- lil:-. of tl.t|l..-ii.i I1.-.I1111.'''.I. Tbe ii-.'.'? I 1 ?-?- ol tbe iinioii of Chareh aod Btata i-y an iueriuble logic leada to th'1 rigbtn. a.- of abaoluttam, ol deapotum, to tto danml of individual iiii<it> and Uie rtanl al prlrau iudgmeut, to tto auppremlon of free opimouandol tto ? iitorti "i political a. ti. a. Engltab blatory la full .,1 jroof.- t.f tb, aa aaaertiona. A nefen IU , ..iiilitioii of pollUaal mi in.- 11. l.ra/..., Meviio, Prance, Oermauy, AuaUta, Bpain :""1 Ki r'i.,vv- that tbe nnlon la perplexinggoverumenu, ubau-uctlng reform, fumentina itrife and BUte 1, Ugioni gi 1.. ii' .1 tb. ' ? 1-...i. -. tto por* rery many ol tto outragos of Popery. A <Ute r. Qreat Britain into tto anomaiooi poaltion of d. fendinc Ux Angllean Chureh wub threa oui mltiistrjr in Enctand, Praabj tartaniam with one ln i.,i,.i. mi th. .M.n m.oiii graatt la Irel md. AoeoeUlng to Hooker a nattannl eknreb la foanded oa tto fiction i.f aaaktog rrery a mi 11 n member >,f ^ani ehureh. Araold of i: ?, ?? wm am aMi ta frea, :f from the tame bj pothi rporaie ia,w era,witbdistinctoffl eaaud miui triea,tbtu enbal iin Mtme peraona aa mbjucta aml commuuieanta. men and churehmen are tbo u:..i..i{..r mutual belp aml dt-leu.i. TtoBtah "ti. 1 a premlum tolnaln and hypocrtoy, To gi-i bonora and emolumeuu men be , ,j,..,"t- of : ? ar< I M< i >' prln ciple le eradleatad when men uii. 11 eom i aberifu, maglati tt< ^, and Jodg. -, aad whea ? pettr eon rt,,i,l, li foi bidden io t v.. uto proce ia until b. I tbe aacrament of tb. Lord'a Supper Irom tto haadeol ai ilued elergymaa, aa a p..rioi iLe pn iertbed Induetwn Into . iTlce. U, lt ia a erona toetbei d. aomloatlona. P. tl <.f v.ew ibi boautodeoialoa of ttoOoreramonl ? denomlnatloaa compoaedoa equally worthj aad l'.'riotii- 1 11)7.11-.. tto . H. 1 1 ? I V -.. i-.iii' . ie!".. ui'iit 1- to lower tb. r. !?' ;<? 1 partj ta Ibe .->. tof all tboae wim regard tbi Ooveruuieal a- p..?-i ?-..! ol lupenor wla iiom. .- 1 .ii.. <t "aoeietj ' ;- tranaferred to tto Ishment,and few thlnga are more n.i despotl. loao tiiat profannm ruijim whiob " I.,..ii a. aiu! haa ita belug" lli tin- BCCldenta Of we.illh. or I.1M11. t,o\. I liilient e. portlonof ita eitla ameth. majurity,aadanb ).-.ta t.. InferlurUy, diahooora tbem aad their rellgion, puta ;t penalty on tlnir torm of worablp, .',_...._.- tbem at th. bar, ln tto coBege, In tto puipit, 111 Turliiiiueut, uml iu all places of bonoi aud imm. Dla aeiit. r 1- 11 ii nu of i. pro.n ii. aad BW li ;i paraoo 11 .iii'l.r b atlgma and ln a etwta ol nnlform desradatl . v, \aiion-., prol. ni'.il. I oiroding liisnl- ia not b) uctn ot ml. ration. 'lo.era' ...u by . iov.-i iiment af tto Uod-glven, Ind. leaaible right ol woral Ip, la an Impllca tion of tbe rlaht to wltbbold Ubertj of co tctenc la a ittoglng iiiMili. a leatbawne aaborreeee, a wb'ked n.aa iii ilu- -igbt of Oad. It iiiukea wor.mlii au aotol polltll al gl.iee. Ult! ia B l alpliMe i uutlH' .1 b<M D "' to negleet diifv uml 11111 in tlie t.eltl ol Ihe C0B8I t-ivli authorittei. 111.'. It proaenlien nierit and m-iki a anoth' r i|.iiiiii!e.iin 11 Btnem i.u oWce. Io Bnatand, nnder Henrj VIIL, o good inhject "a.-.-cpt ?? 1 tto Maaa without tto Poge; nuder EUward Vi. iu e . ht wt .1 totii: under Mny'i.e took ba.',. thi M .-r. aiel afier 11 ehitatli Popetoboot: nndei Ellxabetbb ibem both np aaata |" darina tba lah rn gnnu P waa. it ibftobedaad tto prayer-tooh was bit. r dlcted iu prirate bonaea aa wi li aa ta < bnrrtoi; atu i th? ReiUiratioa, Rtrllament relaatated the Epis opaJ iya tem ; and uow ln < lirlt.'.lli. Ihe nnl,.n of CbnrcO kbd Btata unikt - a eii./.eii u mn. .-oat if. in croaaing ii" 1 or dar, be would keeppaeewltb "the oorporat. reaaon. lt d^prlrea eldcena ol an rqual partlcfpation in nghii und pnvii.-g.-i-. tocaaae tbey eannot eonform to a re ligtoni ataiidard a. t up bj mea wbo bave not tin- logtos' aptltudee. and arto wen aol aetaeied foi ttu-ir plety. it iniike* ? dtptama "f a i-oii.-.-e, a pommlaalon f. th. army or n...J, a I>,rei,r:i ni_baiOn, a eiowu, depend .nt on being iov.,1 "to tto a.-ct huppeni for tto nooee, 10 to tto farortta af tM gurernnMnt. it eemoeli aapport ol a denominatlon whieh i.a.-- not the iippfi.vul Of tbe tat pay. is. It 1 i.t.- of pn.pertj, for wucnevi-r a goT?niiient. takea from its clllsem more than ia neeeaaary f?ra )u-.i aad eeenomieal admlolati i tion of it- tacltiamta aflalra it eommlta robbery. in aaaklng itaelf a party toa moaitroui Impoature gorarn aaeal i.-ad? ita own i?-..pi ? Into a moal fatal del .?ni- 1 tbem i" aegleet peraonal regeneratlon, tbem Into a tataa aeearltj hl ""ir memberahlpte ;* nationalehnrcb, and tboa make-. itaelf ana. ei ibe iplrltual murder ol aeorM ol tb m* wt ? n it ? iv Aa eatabtlahmeat to a wrana toourboly rellgion. Mn. ti .1 wbal baa been aaid, eapeclally eonearnlna tha Idratlt; of' ittoenahlp andchinro memo. rabipbaa. qual perttneaej t?, tuta potni Pvbbc prafesslouofa E rellgion Istotuetluiei ronjolaed with prtrate luctedn imii,my hai taken refnge nnder eorer of aa Otabliabment, atoundi where relUdon ia enfor dbj i.iw. oermanj and Pranea arttb tncir akeptu lam are Hot p.-raiiaaive of ,in K-til.liahliienl. All tbe BOVWrelgnl of l.iigliu.l. from lle.iry Vlll. to J.itut-s II . dnrln?* a p.-rul of IIB years. the hoy Elwarl VI. exeepted, emptoyed tbeir aapreaaaey ta oxtiu gnlcb vilal rellgion. (Noel's I'uiou of t'hunb ai"> Mate,BB.) Krouue etatea that at on.- Bma oldlna toaa w.-rt beetawed ou mea ?f tawd Ufi aud eorrapl ;"' l.avior M -iai defeete were h< . epted In oonslderatwB of spliitual eoinphieeney. Tlie t'ornhill jtagatine ot 1 I 1l.1t. ^.l^ - , I ,|imle uot to IllJorse hut to ShoW teiuli DClai), ?Iii. 1 imn !i of i.ngland is braad a^ t.i iL.tion il.ain. bl||h ne to K'Uimtiisiii, uud low as to lli.??^at ; tmWOtt all ullk. witb tue dew of h.-i fatu.-ss alid in- -..rate j , .oli ln ilitTeretitiy arttb her ei eJt-ai.??tien !ioi,..ra.'* llialmp CBienao toMi oBlclal eonneetlon w'.Mi a national 1 Imr' b. 1 'iiiim of 1 bureb and Mtate dei-Tadea tto Chnattan ti iigion ii) inakiug ii d.-p. nd.-ut ou the eivii power. II vtb Init- ,|iieatlona of < ti-ruai aiginu al I , invuiving tl)0 aaaaaaa afdlrlaa tratb and mau's peraoaal retatlona Ui bia riiuit.i, ln meu ol tsrn'l cnaraeters. "Tiiey may 1?- men of bigii ju m of i... ipnii' pie, reltgwai ororvfaae; rwung menol ga) tty and laaaion, oa oui meu of invrterate luimorality; thev iu,, t.e wealthyer ?ieej#d 111 ii- i.t, Abeolutiata er Ilriiiia r.ita , aiK.rianinn ever fnretnoht al tbo ite.ilb "f tto foa,01 keraer elrle Matera after gota; lorrriel pieusiire, who-t- emplo) meula BN a.-ldom moie aerlOUl thaa tto opera or um inee liatih. or lover-. pfpartj, wboeeblgpeetamMUoamar tota kecponemlntatai ... or tiiru aliolfiii oai. it Ulabonori tbe U.I) Bplnt M doum.iig Hh oauupeleaca. ii laiia la tto awora to do ti.e wera ui apiruu.ii weapaai -, it eaeoaragaa dtou aai 1' Ofld .Ml pr.u.otia Weekutuia of failli ; lt ta lulvt ?!**? Ul bumllit) aad iptntoaUty, aud aeefca for other eia of alr.-ugtli than rigtiK-ouauesj, pcace, and Joy 10 Uie Be y ..boat. V lt la liiiuriotis u, tb, denumiuatiuo in alliauce. 1' the atraacUi ol a chareh or a Mnninlnaltaa i?' m n? ap.r.I.ialil), wbat Menaa.,1 may M autlK icnt lo ii< luoiiatyte tin- iiijuriouaiiri' of tbe ?lli?uc?. Au BlIaB* liebiueui 1* la)aaliee aml oppie*-i. No BMBBtaa. i" u.eilut u, abow 10 oii aeaeiobij of .'i.riaiiuua uml U?a uud oppreaetoa injun- im wroag-deei aa ma,:. ??* tto aullirir. l"i,j,,al iiim iiiuliialliiua eiia' 11 Irr ma..'" tint, initai.ou, i.?,ntm.iii, Uosiiht), aomaUmoo arm (.011 BUd lialred. i'airoiiage la .uvariab.) a source of ,-i iiupt.oii . an.l Ihe Inaloi) of Btata MliglOM abowa lhal* < .'UimublUos are uot oxi-mpt from tueviloon m,,-,,' Au eaUowmeut mu.^.w, a dau?m> nation, and altraetfl the worldlv, the eettleh, the ,inil."|..ti? TT)e KTitem of to boneoeea le an ;.(Untl v? malady. Advow*ona are regulav iirtielea of nierehaiKlluB, adve rtlaed in Ihe newBpaprtra and aold at l))iT)He nutery i,r ptival*. flale. Prinn tnii taflflj rixnt of preBenttnant, rKwirleaa uf thfl eon?nt of the inbahlutnta of tlie |,i.i i-ii, Uave eome non-real.t?non. huge b-h irW, *Uirvin_ Ineomea, apnrtlng and dlefloliite eleritymen. Menof frlToloiiBpliaraeNtra, of lnrt.iel pnuclplos, bold HvingB iw pMperty, aud beatow them for other eouaid er.itionB than a deatra to *ave bouIb or promote thn I'.i ili'Mii. r*? Kli.__.loit). To prO-'-t the preflent menl und Indiirlion of ou worthy pentotiH nnd **""'') a i Iiim mlritfltry, lt ha* been fonnd aeeofleary m Kugiund io buy up living? b? tbey baaaaai vaeaat, Btata favor dtvorta BKBaflton taaaa Unnfe aplr iiuai to tbtaflBaoeolar.ofld by ereatin* aaaoaeof de penfleaoe enervatea. To make eittaonkhlp and ehureh inr.nlM r*liiii Maatttral, la ta'ci* formaiit. and worldlineaa, and inii-wiii,..., tinwerthy eleinenta into ehurehea. " "*~*m Magaaae aie aaira eneilr foetered than Hun.... Petera." Oatoa of Cbareb aad Htnie i* an efeataeKta refona aml prognuu.. " In Kngland lt mulll.i-ed tlic rolniiniitloi); |? Kranee, lu parta of (Jeriuuny, in Bmflfl and Italy, ovorcaine and cru-tbixl ll? ll .iloue r.ivn clawa and leetl* to the inlqul eitiunN, and without ita ald the ixiwerfnl eniifrateriilfy Ol Iroyola wnnld havo been tialll d. Aa tbe unlon had previooalyeorTBBtad lhaiihurthae. eoat the Brfanaa it in ei eni. d thoir mn to punty of dlaeiplit.e ainl lo *|ilnt.ial life." Tlie iM.wcr "f tl.e civil BMlB UitU', iia.-.t fi,r the i.nat11U.n.iucc aml aupiv.rt of relli-lon. aaa badaa laealcolabla Influeaee m eenapHai rhhe tlaoity, and baa beea a prt.litle f.uintain tt inn.inierai.le evi.-a i'm. ?aaaberae. a Btate OaareB bavi. tiu-ir bami*. ii'-ii aad labor u mlei many dbtahiliixt* lu doloa good. unim nf ti.. in,".* iu ttu*.Mreetion ara leeoaaafl, while m.?iiy uioiiiiiern are lnilifloreul lo itpuitual pioe penty. VI. My last argument li tbat thn unlon of T.Titireh and State I* unairiptural. Iu an aaaembly wbere auoh ei'iri'.afi-nt opialuoeare beld i am amharraaaad nv my "'? ti Indivl 1,1 ,i eoBTteUoaa. a MvtptarnUy constitutmi t'nareb "f >-io-neratod jxTsonB, eheeaa i.y Ohatat aat of tbe world, aad aat made up ot bafl aafl flflofl. abflaoi BOd tiiiu.iu*, kafldel and bellovcr?a aeparate, loeal, vUlble, Independeal soacregattoa oi befievon, aml uot ii patli. .l.'iioiuli.atiou of ChrtB liai.*, a national IWgBQlBBllOB. B colleeflve oorpo r.ttiDii Bvenpreadiaoa whota land, eaaxtaaatva larvno rlaily -*iiu politieal booadarlee?? floeh an ladepeadeot, loeal ana.iiil.iy 0f c.tlntt. iu tuy upinlon, eannot lie tn al llance wlth tae Btate, nor ba iu.?ed into tbe imiitioai altbont lorlnir the eaaeiitlal tnarksof uu A|Kiatollu 'iniiiii. I .nn fortatdden bere byeoaamoa Oartatlao oourteoytoargoe tha queatien aa iiu* hTpatheela. I, tberefore, take the aommea Preteotaal vl.-w, aud from (landpolntaiaba bold to ar_ert tbe uutcripturalueas of tue um uu. ReMgioa, aaa'a r*lafion to hln God, la peraonal and itnlitloual, un,1 e.iniii.t Im- viearimi- BOI eoini.iilHory. In tin- eeonomy ol Qod'a gra. e, a oatlonal rellfwn, atri.-tiy ?peakla&laa wtoclaai, aa abaardlly. Thfl liuiy Spint regeaeratei by umu. Tho Holy Batrtt. work upon tbe Itidividual beart la ladiapeaaaMe ta aalvatlaa. io love i.".i wun iiii taa bcari aadaoaltaooaatralaadoaly bt tb" anu ee.ient l.ive of (i.ui. state polioy may c*tabli*n a . Hiii andanforee tta ootward ouaarvaaee bypenattiee, nut Ihe uii ml, tbe beurt. and the BBO-eutii.e, e.iniii.t 00 fel -1. i Cbrlat'i blogdom ie not ot tble world, aad Hfl i* tl..- Bopreme, abaoluto, aUtale Dead. Not.-miM.rai prtnce eaa be. Before PUata Iaaaa aaaartfld iii-tkiiig ahip, aad Ib aaeb iBBaaaeraa teahewthat lll- deoda* nu. waa eompatlble wuh the lolaof an eartniy goven.or. liis blogdom i* iiidepenileiil of elvll iiiit.hority. Over Uii Mi1". etfl bo earthiy poteatate baa Hplrituul juriadic ii'.n. ror a Btate, by exeeauve or iegi*iuiive power, to give law to ciuiatiiiiii chareflaa, tc Baaontoa ereed or Biotatry. to detaraataa tbo gi.-aia and tho mannei ut taair goaaenai at the iaord'o tabie, m a more Bagranl aaarpauoa af aoverelgnly than for aoflof thfl Aaorea to a*Humo to govern tbo world. Chriat and III.. diaciplea proelaloMfl aad praeUeally artaeried *.,ui liberty, profemog laaprawoaaaot Bad death to labmie Mi.a t.i tbe eiaiiii la their worabip. Chrini eoauotaBlooad Bta dtaatpo-i to areoeh tno Ooapel ta every cieatur.-. Tbe BaM ib the world. I'uioii ii.w- barrad, aatfl ut.-iy, ooabaH of Eumpe na BealotiH KvitngeliBia, nnd rttateB even yet .at ...i'theirterrttery*t-to park-baa, aud problbit Christ'i miniatera from preaehlnfl tbe Qoapal tberala. Chureh andBtatahave aiflaroal faaolloafl ami dlflbtaat mm -ii: ? Oae look* ta tbo oveit aet; the other ineludea tae inii. r ufe. rin- aai iv flbarohea wero oiwaalasfl, grew, and proopered -ader Ibe prtadpta ol ab.*..iiit? b. paratlon from civil fluthoi-ity. Pnor to 313, Koverniuenia never , n i ,i Bfl-l-tanrrc **ln miny aoaatrtes, timiutcii auay aflBBttaa uiiiiiu baa lieen tbe allianoe of ftaii.l and ..i. .nnl ? tm n.itb.u*; tbeooatpaet of tfleprlaat aod tiu p U' atata lo araab iaa ncaia el Baa-aaaaaa; the c.iiiibiaatwn af regal and prelatic-al tyrauuy io represfl trne rellgioa." loeplrBtloa aajiii gtalafl aa aa aol al worablp. Beoafloaaoa la aapfljan of ebareboa an.l mlalatera u a duiv aad a prlruefa. Tbe eoniubutioni) be Bhaartol aaal volaatary. ciinatiantty never nn to etrU ralora tbe riifbt to mahe aaaaaamanu and , uin ei ii,.,:.. v iw iii-. kn.K'iom. To patroalaoaii deaoml iiatiiui-i i* noue tne le*a u violation or the Now Teata moal thaa t" patroalaa oaa. Tbe Improveaieat iu puldie opinton on Thi* anbjoet haa i,e.-ii waiuierfui. a few d.iv* aflo, la tho Baaffartaa I'aili.iiiu nt. a eoaraoof tafllalatlon waa prupoaedtobnng .ilM.nt the MBM l'( laU..u-t MtWOOB tbfl .-Uateauil rollgiO-fl bodlefl iii UuiiKary a* exlat iu the Doltod Htatea. Much ,,r r.-it.rui ki i.t Bflflfled. DiaabtllUee areaflttlImpoflod by ii..ur,' fjoTammoata. wbieh nadertaho te paa* tortbe aad rognlaia aml aoopatt laMolaOi now iiiiptlncua liaptHW. Tno aecond artlelo of tu., uuuaUtnUoa deelaraa an ahjaal of thu \ be **toaaaUfltlte eaaae of rallflloae fraedom ? verywbere; tobold ap the aap-aaae auiiiontv of tbe Wor 1 of Uod." 1. dlgioua frocdoiu ia a BUBaOOMB While rn. uob-llowed union et.ii* between Cflarab aud Btate . lu. I.ui." l? rriteh uiiiouaexiBt tbo tnnre tlilll.-u.t wlll be iii.-k<i iiieiitiif qaoflttone irowiBflaal of ui.-ui, an l tbo I...* B-eooaafal vmu i>? lud taBare tt _Ma__Maa? f 11*.- t.f rellflioae fraed ia_ A t r the riflglfll "1 Ibfl hyinii, Ttttt. Hatnuel K. Oood v. ll., Iiiviiilty Mll '"I, P-fl-di pbla. 1'.... ileliveie.l llie tmiiialBiaddnati aa **_-a EBaUtaotCltU aud MaUflooi l.ibeity uikiu Cbriitiataiity." lJBESTT not F1T1L ro cHi.TsriAMrv. u\ Pflor. i'ivu.1. it. (ioonvMN. i). i... Of nu; i.i \IMIV .-< IKHII. Al rilll.AUKl IIIIA. Iiv Clinstiiinity wt' uiidt rHtiin.., uo occlcsi ii-tn al I.i.'iar.hv <r or/aiii/; bfll tlie relidon UOth Ulteil by (iiiiiat, promillgatdl B] hin Apoatlea, Bet fuith in tb.-iiiu Bealpture, piopaflaaad aad peaaarred ta tbe aatlfl by Ihe piiaa blag af tba fli-Tti aai baa power of tbe Uni. fjhaat. iiv liiiertv we uiiiiir.t.iii'1 m itber taar* laaaaasaaai Baaaaa laC-W_r_bot Mada. wmie Mfl aod ... , tii | ,vi rnnient Ifl tt) Bflflflra Iflal order whlch ls .ry to the largcxt altaliiatile ineaMire of IM l-fltalg fur all. the nnd of civil llberty 1- Belf-la'ovcrntnent, and lt U-ffttM "'at tbe ,-ivii governmenl ahould giv? t.. every ua a- full an opportUOlt) for flttaiolDg and cnjov ing That end aa tbfl righu of otbere aad the good of aii will a? imt. Civil ilbertt mav exi?t under auy form of i'ivil xoverument, bai II ?eemaplain that it i* lwet *.-,-.ind where a popnlar coofltltotioo can i** pennanentiyana uuleUy m .iotalned. BeUglou* llberty Ifl n.-itber ( Mar nor .-.?.?iilaiiain nor imiividuiiliHin nor uidillerentiitu. It doea oot ,' iot of th.- etalma, tbi Bbeolnte t ii.ii.i-..,( Ood aod Hin truth ; but it Iflavea Iboefl elaiuti to be addreaaed to tbe mlad and beart Md ...liaeieil.e ,.f . VctV Uiiill, BOl to hii BOdlly n,-u Blbilli.r bta temporal latereata. It reiie.i upou moral .unl flpirltoal koflnenee. oot opon pnyBicai foroe. lt ifleoDfliflte-l witb tbe profeaaipa aud maintenntice ..f thi moatmlonteandproltxen. botlfl moel nllyeo i .tei wben tbe ByiuiRilM of eommunlon, retainmg au thal la eaaeotlal and raadamental to true religion, are tbe moel comprebenfltve aod nuiple. ( hrl*t i re lgidu wa* .-inbodi. .I iii bimaelf. lo hn. ebaraeter aad oan aafl 1. iichiug. Who, then. wai. ile, and wbat did Uo teatd) I I... .-..ii,.: Ood vaa* born m a Btable aad died oa tue ll, waa bnowo by hi* neiflbbori ?? tbe earpenter and tbe earpeBter*! aon. HH dally Wfl wu tntag tho pooi and tbe lowly. Ile gatbend aeomaaay of Bataaa lu.iia.l.i, l..,so.n'frie,i,l* iu bl- eaithly mlnlfl Ut. and took a pealtent tblef aa bb eompoalQB to raradtae. He thongbl tbal tbe pooi aball bobbmi the kingdom .i beaveo. and tbe meek flball tobertl tha earth; that Uod watobea over tbc bnmble_l <.f ma elndrei. wuh inore tban paternal eare; that Um aagela, whfl alwaya bebiild llie (ae-uf tlie Father. nuhiatcr to tbem. aid. thal ooi U him tbat denplaea them. "Tha arlaeee al tbe uenuiea." *ald be. ??exoreiae lorflehip ovw them. uu.l Uleirgntutoneae-enlaea-tborttyafoa them, but bo aball tt not be among vou; l.ut wbueeever^ vmi H gn .i amoog rou aball be yoor mt-l-tor, "f? wbaooov?r of vou will i.c ti.e cluefeel etiaii be flervaat ol a i. Bb much for in* roi lo wero amoag tbaaBBBlTea, To tbem m due, t? au bla prc.-epr.s-iiot io xiti-n. or rulet-, or iiui'ii' -. ,,r imv in ..utlior.n; aud ahould bli lollowei* t.e called to .11 Mi.auce BOeh fuii. tious. be bai I. ft the spirit of theae buui.) praO-PM, aud IfloOfl tO gOlde tben.. Y. t he never utt.r*a Watfl l.i make Ihe p?"r diw outetilc.! or lurmilou . tfl render tn.... k Uoua oi envtoafl ol the rtab aad *__?**__ bOfllile l.. tt..-in. ... iiiiiUitii'ililoreaeh their fllaflflB. b' never aayaa lyllable lo atir up a iptril ol flodiUtja ngamu tbe ronatituted gon ramant, avea tboogli tt waa Un uoi, de.api.f.aiiiof it uu.-. lli-comtiiaiid tt llendet to i.i- ,i mr thia.-t iim an ii mmtarm aa i a* la .i rn, thinflfl tbal are Uod'a." Bm lt m??l be iwmem I' tliat ("e-ar an.l bi* 't'POtie- ainl i-llaual-. aud all the mi. i..,,.., oi uu* Komao titrttttmtttt mm ii.y.a,?i *-,,-, ,,_:.,i.i. t .*i)i?g. it-youd um baaafla of hia kiugdom-tuai _mgd_m ot iue trath tae wm. u be waaairTnglawa. b.i.u klagdom.thal tyrtnmtaA,m a Bv.i.-m. waa a foretgu eiemont. Tlie Ai?>-ties r.-n-w a..d.c1ei?,?l..tea.i.i..i: -f ibdr alaater ttofldM tbal .....I ia do ier|..-.wr of peraooe. aot ib.n wtuku-\t>r aay maa ckaitb tb bbom ?**** r' ____" ',1u",' _%}_t2_ ii Betber be be bond m frea. -Bff laaeb tbat ?i\ Chrto tiaua are bnubreii. aa childreii of a .ouiiuobiF, tber aml i..i.ei,,.-.i i,vi. ...iiunoii flavwr, and tbal hy toaa tbey Bhould aerve one auotbor. lt ta tha man. an.l BBt bta Bocldeaie tilt--* tbeir view; lue ?ou lor Wbl-b . died, aud not IK eit.iual cir rnemtane-fl uf w,,rl.llv digmty or of worldlv,,..-, thal meaaarea thaflr latrreal and r.-.U!. ? Let Ihe |MH..." *.)? l**t- al.ime.ia. ?lejoicelu Ibathetoox-lted: bot tbo rtab ia tttm Bata mafla Kwi aud lie ...iiiiiuin .mt eoudem-fl Um ooatamptaoaa treao menl .,t tne ?? p,.or mai. IB Vllc raluienl. *' ?e aee MB raiilag, i?,i!?(-,..' iaya lt._/*__>__"*__* _*_* mt ...any viM u.eii aftea tbfl Baak ?******> uiigb'y not manv uobie. are called ; we are **...'*? aii oue iu lurifll. where tbere.* ueitb.-r Oreafl UOT Jet." ui,,',,,,, '-et.blan. bead unr free. Uut Cnrl.t Uall in .ill. .,t t.e Al.Icr.allrrtUeexaiiiploof their M.'.uuxi,. dtatlaoS; ^.."?^^fSiS Mii'jet l t.. in.. uitfliel power.., to me lawiui K?ttru ineiu; u,,t nurUauH -aiiuM .-aobjaltla every ordi taia. oliiurnbe l,..'lV-.?<'i ifllree.audnut UBlaX u.eir hbarty fur a elo_aul i__liciou-__wi. ou aa tne aan-au ?f Uod." ?e| uu*<"1* nl,uo* ?__* tbere Bboald be ordera and ...t.ruiiieni in Uie t, uaei* tbat we ara aaaahen iu ono Dt-dy.aod lhal aii uumlifra uoi Uie aatno offlce. D.u it a io Imabaacvefl taat. t?oag\^i^jaBlfl aai ta U.eCliurtb Ur*t Ilm B?OUO*. yttt*_tf_*_i_ltOtt ttt huaaell aml I.l* colieaguafl iu lhal offlce, We preach m.l our*ei?a#,t,at Cbriat Jeaua tbe Lard. aud our.elvea jo-r ??ir>iiula Ior Jeaua* fluke," uoi f.?r lh_t we have domiuiim ,,.ci youi faitli. bul our h-ll?-r* oryotirjuy. Ai.d Ht. IM.-. eiuoru prcBiittent aa beiug bluiaelf tbe r t. ilow ,i,,.,yfi, ta. eoauaol ifloo_ajlvoa uot aa laefla "Vi li-ti'a heuume, but aa exauiploa W tue BocK. laflOOI. U.e imui.Uia of lio.1 were approved aa aucb byapaotal loi ? au.i pri vaU-BO, _bu?*-. aud ooutempl " K.r 1 ttiiuk," aaya bt. faui. " tnat U-d haa aeot forth ue tbe apoBtiea ittl. At ll were appoiuted uuto Oeatu ; farwaaraa_riaea*aetaeta u> tha wurid auu whpb aud uitoau, aud even uuto thia preaaut Uour we botb liuug.i aud tbirfll. aad aro nabod aad are btifleted. aad bare i?o eertoln dwellinr-ptaee. and labor werttnt *?th .mrown bands; being revilod, we Meae: toluc perie .nted. we soffer It; being defamed, we ?"""?*?: we sre made as the tilth of the w?rld. r.ud are ,f ?11 ihtiign urrto tin. dny " Hue.h was the hlghesf d,g ,) tv ta wldeh tnen were called ,?the Ap?ta< to < bareI. tfboh WM the rel.glot. whieh Christ and hir oaliihllstod. Ho far as the Inlluenee a.l'l s?lnt of au, 1. a -llgi.K) abould Iea ven buman aoetelf, h'>w * _ V^'\__ ?oih the und the low utiapcakai'lv hap|'l<r,... oonllng to the noble seotlm.nt of M. Jumo. M tbeir mi.tusT approxiinatinn i Chrtatlaatay lar* ti.e verv aiime foumlat.on f.u permMMBt eivil llhertv. It. Is ih t.-riy uiiiikeaay aaeredeetrtaaaf ttorlghwof nm.. it InonloBtea dattaa rattor than rurhta. Br it? doetrtoa >.').< spint of ni.-,-k inimiiitv an.l brotherly Uire h la m imonalrtteiit witli tho eoarae and violent and ll deiiiauda of a i.ekless luob, as It lawilb tto C. IM eanalng polley ofan tto raMtaai daapot of uu autoerat. (,'lirlatlaulty aloi.n.-elua'lv re areaaea thut splnt of baaaaa pnM and aelflabneee, Whieh tetida itlike to cruah an.l t? uuderuilim tlie rlelng fniine of eivil rreedem. chrisiianttr Is popntar without being revoliitionarv ; subinnaioti t<), but imt e.m servatlve of evil. Doiil.tloss, ua then. aiiv.iva invve Im'.-ii ao tton always will Im-, ln every eominunllv, meu of In fe.rlor niontal capaeltiea and m..rai shTBHet: Iiut while theae may aead to ae, ln eaneen Begraea, gaMad aaa r. Htramed,*Chrlsilanlty forbida that thev abould v.-r M trampled upon, or ueed aeerelj as meaaafortM esaita tion or aggraudia. inent of other*. Cbristiaiilty tci.-hea ?a to aupH.ii tto week, aad nnt to make ttom auppori us; to lovo tbem aa brethren, to Ih> pillful, to Iie eourieous. boneeily to diwiro that our in feriora should becomo our equato, to respe.-t their humauity. aud to seek bv all peaatbta uie.ins tbeir apeed ieat elevation an.l improveineut. Christiiiiiity li hope itil; ahe dooa not doapalr of tho elevation of th., iu.i*a-? of?aaktod,ec glvetheiu up to u hopuloas and intor mtoabta degradattoa. Be lt so. and ahe would bav,- aa treat them as eblldren. llut obll.lren ure giuded and laieraad. not tliat they may be kept always ebll dreii. not that the mmg tmftf tbe baaaa an.l dlgmty ot governlng, BM MM Ui.-ir d.-spotlo ipirlt may Ix, gratill.-d, nut tbat tb. ir weullb aud oniiahleration niav l>e ln i-rease.l, nut thai they may live at their ease on tue tabora of tbeir eblldren, imt that pureutal sway may tie perpetuated, bat always with tho exnress bope siitl aim these eblldren may soou lc-.irn to gtii.l.- aud gnveru tb.-uiMlvea, aud eveutually to guulc aml govern otbers lu tbclr turn. Buoh, ChriUianity would teaeh ua, should M tlio tn-atuient of all tofertor elaasee ln sootcty. Tbe hicne-t idoal of the Cbriatlan atato, ta " a governmeni of the people, by th" people, for tto peopta. Vftoa we aaaa fram theory to faet,aad laqaire of lnstory what haa beeu tim actual lufluenee of t.'liriatiauity upon eivil liberty and elvll Ilfe, lt is neeessary to reuiciiiocr tbat tbis divme rellgion uxerts Its lullueuco throiigh liiiiiuin^genelea and orcaix, an.l tbat its proper fcffects ttt liaule to be modltW or Ob atru.led, aud evon pcrv.rt.-d or anuulled by the inipei-feetinn or reaction of tho me.lium through whieh it Is triiiiamllted. Tbis rellgion is pure only at Ita souree, antl it is only by t-onatantly reeurring to tbat aource that its lost purity ia to be restor.-d. laH us be thankful lhal ln tbe tk-rlpturea we havo tbo m.-ans of tbua reviaiting tliat souree, aud tnukliig fresh dralts from tho pure. waters of lifo aml truth. Now. lt is but au uiapealllBB to say that wh.reve.r the tendeueie.s of Cbrtottanlty are moal etleetually reached, IU proper reaulls are moat thor ongbly worbad out, there I hrtatianity win exist in .ta moat coiuplete uud charu.-teri-.tio form. And every Btaga of progresa toward such a constiuimatlon must be so much vnotage grouud for further udvancement. If Cbrlatlauity tends to promote eivil UtH-rty, or naturallv eoalesce with lt, tbeu the exlsten.-e of ctvil lilnrty muat renct advantageoualy uponl.'hn-itianity. Neltber ean i.e tho frlend of Uie other, or they muat be mutual friemla, aml that. thotigh e.ich may have miny otber frieuda ne aldes. There may Ix; many other inftiienooa favorable to eivil Iberty beaules Chnsuanlty. and among them may even l>e aome ofan uttorly irreligloua aml autl-Obristlaii . ii.inii 1.1, as, on tho other baad, there cortalnly are many intliieuces favorable to Cliriatianlty beetdea olvii Ubertj. Tiie tamo 1s true of the selectlon of Chrlstlaniiy lo geiieral llgbt and knowlodge, to civilizatlon aml aoetal culture. It is among its diviuo credeutlato that lt falla iu und hannouiios with whatever U>uds to the ele ?.aii..ii and happiuess of mau, or to tbe unfol.ling aud eiilargeiueut of bis powt-rs; to the perfocting of humanUy iu auy of ita aspecis or relations. (Jhriitianlty haa lu proper aplrllual purpoae, wlnch la no othei- than to lesid muu ou lo the attttiniiit-ut and accoiupllshment of th< bigheet end of his tieing, ln hla relutlou to what la ahore aud o.-yoml tbis preaent world. But notwitbstandmg this?or rather preciaely becauso of this?lt la ln cou acloua harmouy with all tbat ia true and be.iiiUful aml good, with aii thal ii pure antl hon.-st and vtrtuons, with aii that la lov.-iy and noble and mauly. The more perfectly man la developetl as man, lu all hls noruial toealttoa and relatloiii, the better vebiele to be.-omes for the manitestatlou of tbe full jKiw.-r aud gmrv of the Chriattaa religiun. Hueh a de v.-lopm. nt, from whatever eaiiM-a pioceeding, is. buinauly apeakiug. a prepuratlou for L'hnatianlty; for if thia religmu cuies to raiae the falleu, to elevate tbe degrailed, to guide tin: errmg, Ut enlighteii the dark, to ounoblo the mean, to refnrm the vtetous, she eannot but weleome whaievt r will help her la her l>enign misslou. but litrht aml lii> erbv aml love aaBBM bat help her. Chnal tlltl indee.l oaee my, " He that is not wuh mo la aaalaal uie." but it wae of Satau He tbon 8i>oke. Agalu Hfl aaid, "' Hfl is not agaiuat ns is ou our part," und then lt was of weil-totaattanad but partiaily-euligbieued meu Ue apokc. ll is true. mau'a nature la radically parrerted, aad the iH.-st thlnga may, ny ahaae, baaaaaa tM worst. Wlthotlt the ald of Divtue graee, without au nillueuci: from on high, without Icaveu of (.'hrtst's re? llgion man ean never reiicb bia hlgheat developiii.-nt la relalioiieltner to the future world or t) tnia. Kvery i iwlii .nnl l.'o.hI teiideuey in bim la, iii ita noruial evolu tion, ready t<> arataoflM aml embraee OBrtottmtty. Betae tillc aapemltooaaeafl aiidpblloaopbieprule and prejn.lice nn, uu part of mau'a true .lcvelopiiient. Hut thuigbthe evll of uien'a uuture crops out every where, yet, ou tho whole, taleUeetaal hghl aml aaltara are more favorable io riin-ti uiity thau brutisii darkaaaa aad leaaraaee, Ignor tnee may be tbe molher ol Mtperatttleaa devotiou, uul, kuowledgo la the foater pareut of true rellgion. i -briaiiauity deee uot f.-ar kuowiedge or liowu uiKin ii; rattor. Mi baM eeatmaada aud eoa> munda it, " Be not children in anilaMlaiiitliig," ia her iii|iini'tion, " Uowbtlt. in mall,-.- be ye ebildreu, nut to underatandlng be ye meu." "Ba m.-n!" Men are what Cbrlattanltv wauta; not ign.n-.iut aalldiaa, but in telilg. nt m. ii. Brery soul may ia- la tn, Bgbl of Ood loiiii.) proctoua, yet tbe eoareaaloa ot oim St. i'aut nm oi mon- couaeqnenee to tto adraaeemaai al tto Ohrto ti.iu rellgion- tacb aro tho law aud movm. nt of DtVlaa l'rovitlonce?llt.iu tho gatbering iu of whole Uiaaaea of Igliorallt liealli. -li at Loilicea, nl n.i.'i.ii, oi even at ?eiue. Anu, aa eivil lilierly" muat naluiall) belp lo produce, iu a glvi-n eoiuiuiiuitv, a greater numberof meu -of real,lntolllgent,aunly meu? lt eannot fall M exeat a favorable Bw taBaaaMmapoa tbe piomotmu botu of tb,- iruihandof the power ot ChrtoUautty. Moreorer, oiv-ii liberty muat give . urm iianrfy atreereeepe for eietttoa aaddtffiMagBe own 1,,-uigu lnllueuci). We bave oui) to glanee at the btotory and geograpby of Chri-iteudoui to Uod thia view .ii.nnd iiiiiy eondrmed bv faete. We ahail Iad Uiat wh. nev.-r aml wiioiever eivil l.ii.-rty lia- heeeme ipii.tlv aad Ulimaaaallj eataoliahed. tbeu and there, haa 1'iri-i tiaiiity ba.t us purest and uouieat realuatiou?naa ex cite.i moat wideiv Ita trauaformiug ipiruuai lelaeaee lu iiermaiiv, iu liollaud, in .Swii/aTlau.!, iu ?uglaud aml i-icotlaiid, iu America, iu Fiaiico. The old PMaBb ltevoluliuu la ofleu thrown back upou ut s-i ?ettltog tbe whole guesliou againat u-; but ll ia ata-angelv or sluilioiuly forgotteu all tbe horrori of tbal revoluliou aud all Its uuthoutiv orgiea n-.u'te.l not fituu clvil lilier.y, nut were the tuil n>-i.-< auiy truit of tbe pr'-reding ag.ia of clvil aml r.-iigioii-i doai'Ollsui of gnutliug aud niloieralile oppreaalou. Tue Btbetom aiul tue apmt of Itaenaa already exivted ; thoy ,,usiil tuo eviia of the revoiulion, antl w-re nol .la effects. VolUure was already ou the scouo nnd bail i oinpiel'd bia cin-c-r. Mi-aulime. so fai uacivil lineiiy haa reoalted from thal revolui-oii - i-vi'ii tboagb atiieiaiu may bave a bauil m prudiicing lt ; for Ood otten t)iu)gs good out of anl?u baa haiaa . blOlllng to l-'rauce aud toK.nope. Our grt-atest lem n.ii.ilts eomiuouly pteoamtt from a v.iiieiy of i .ma. a, aud lt la aoiueliines through tho en Wg ol ix vioioul aud daiigeroua .liscaso tbal the ayatem ia moat thoioiigbiy puntled aud luvigoniteii. Had uoi aaaa perrareely laalatad upon ,,-?., mtiug tin- ni-a of )utiieiii) tin- tptrltat ua iri). oa Iha eaa haud, aud, ou the olner bau.l, bad u.t .i.ii"..- to" inn. ii of ihe old religioua aad eivil deepettem i^-eu reatraloed .md raeioied iu tM ooaaerTaltre reaa liou, tue bli*,ing roBiiltiug from tbat revon.tion n.i.l ineii greater sini. Uut aner alL m thn pnaaaa nioiiieui, ia tbere uot more of luteiiig.-ut. pracn cal cniiaiiaiuiy iu Uuuagr.i mau iu Auairia. lu Fianeo tban iu* or It.>.y oi in auy ooaatry of .burope wuere eivil uberty haa alwav-, "i- until re.-ently, beon auppraaaedl Tuoae profeeaad fneuda of Chriatianlty whw, to tto faaatuml aaal of bilnd ouaaarrattam, msist iip.ui aaaociating clvil .inerly wuh inU.I. i.iv au.e-aiu.-iatu. ,,1 t hrtoUaulty with deapotiam aud oligarchies taBkl lil,.,il ll,c ? uu-e ol ll-iiele.lg.ou a -olel- wolllld tii.iu . o.lld Bvartov. ucou tndailad iry lailellii ami athelam wuh laal. moat -tf . .ive tv..iia.ii-, Ihey put the greateat ktumhiiug-nluek in tu<- w..y of rellgiua : iMy m.iKe aeat iuii i.u uii.i ,iiiieiin ot ItaiamaM. wto weaM ottor .... c, b) tio.i'a .i.ue, b.- as 1,'nl iut .'uriiliaiia. ?ju..' |ar?ra A ttootam ",'-, ba )iirtdeis, beeaaaa I III,-I,an. Wlll M loveia o!, defeude:> ,,f .-.i.v. i., a.iv aataa af aaa ia, bui after aU*aa aaaaa IUi- I'Ulialiau eis, i iVil il.-elll UUi doill'isbeii uotva.-r' outaiiie of. rn i-.i.-i.i.'1'i aud iins is a McwBaaM feet? ao au eiiliguicieil aad Urlag Cartotiaaity haa always n iiinaiied ii.-.-i, ii uoi eielaarely aadm me ey,-a oi atrll Uberty. Aa Cbrtottanlty irakea tue b<".i fraaaMa, *o liaaeaea make ib<- baal .'hnatiaui. 1*Uat religioiiR liberty reiwta alvautageou-alv ou t'lins liaull) ueetla uo furlber argu.imui bul tue siiuple ap|Ht?l to blat?ry aud facta. The rehgioui deai?illim ef liomaii I'ntuoiic louuiries serves meii-ly lo leop tlie Ugiit aud truth wmch m.ght icad to r.-toi mailou of md aud featenug aml lo edu tate, or rather W leave uuediieated, ms-isea of in.-ii".-ini-h.-aibeii. su|ieratitiou.?iy devi.ut. but morally aud intelieclUBlly weak au.i e.i.ldisb. Aud in Proleai aut oouutiies religioua inlolerauoo baa umfoiuily re aiiit.-.l ludwai-ltng *ud paraly^iug the r.-.nri-iu lt wa* tieaigued (o protect. This ia abuudanlly nius ti ii.-d lu tue religioua hiatory ot Kuglaud aud of America. Iutoierance hai alwav* beeu foliuW'-il by religioua leeluilou and doetriiiai superd. lalll). To pa?i at ou. e lo tbe preseui tluie, toiup.ire tne eDergi>ti?', latalllgeat. aggresstvo apirlt of l'roi. aiai.tiaiu iu Beataad, ur ewitaeruud, or America witn tue cold aud torpid couditiou wuicb the unae nlxg lou haa, at leaat uulll very nctimy, uiauireale-1 under tba pi'iiulnii.tiu ayitem uf l>eumark and Bwedeu. Krror,. "trupUoii, uouacioaa weakueaa may Ue lutoler aut i but truth ueeda uo sucu protcoiion ; abn rejou-c* iu her owu simugth, aud Hiber iierleci adaptatlou to mau'* nature aud wanla. Slie doea uoi ireat maa a* a inBulau wnt) must ne la. ed iuaalraigbl jacket iu oidei lo oo kopl lu lue irue rellgion. II.i.l ChrisUauity neeiled the proteetlon of aa iutol eraut reiuiousUespoUim, what would bave laocome of bor iu tbe earlieat aod pureai perlodi of tor kiUory, whea ati the power* of the world, both eivil and re? ligioua, were arrayed ln deadly buaUllty aaralnit burt Aud now eaa ahe now bope to oubdue tbe world whiob lieth lu wlckeuaeaa, to prevau over the Brahminum aod huddhiam aua i ..iifui'iauiaui, wbleb bold poaienlou ot IadiB. bbo (bliia, and Jap?n, oonUiuiog about half tto PJgattr tiouof the gloimt Wben ahe aah* tbe Cblbwa and Japatieae a free entranoe among tbem. ibal! abe aaw Uti'tunui that ao muu aa ito g^* tha upoer ooua taara ahe wlll iUH> ot bar gwoua aad baniab tto r MahM ur cousigu to prtoou. u. u?rlure. aud death, all wto rotxuo la rtoelre aar tuaiaiaa aad aaaform to tor sa1 ^7t JLSf ?_?*wfltt tf "i-S? flueh an intentrOt). aae ?-? ..__._ t__ aud fatrnea. Ifl ?? n0U5^IM " and*'bta MrO-tl" nn atich gpirlt did J______*_, **______* in noaorh prearh The Qeepal of the Kiugdom of OtO. ,""J?J? ipint ,11.1 iu- bpoa Hia great _?imi_-Ba-l?nlnt^oy?a) ROflW at Na-treth; and K OO *t*fB *_**** un world to be aabdoed 0. fllfl ol-?'n* _ BJflen .larnea artd John would bave called flflKO Ov tr.,m haa-aa U. connumo thoae wbo. ^IUJM** ~ r..ivn Mim, Ue mer-ly rcbiikcl tbem aoying ?* Ye know not what manner of at.itlt v- aM o', lor " fv.n of Man la not oome to deefrov BOO- livw. oui ii? ?avo tbaaa." t iir..ii*nity ia not to eeovort joaw m rbarlem.igiie aonrarlad tbe Baaaaa Bfld I B?? ?{?' MiiTtaaonei ber fmival* are no lo.iger 18 P IUrt.hnl(>inew'a evea and Uu ill.m f**_Kr* h.-r Baatei. are uot to be Biadu tuore (.'V""" aud aolemn h>- holot-auflU of hundn-tt* "t lr.ui._n ? ni autn rfi- tn: h'T i>. roea and uha?ipu.u ? are not lo be Tortfiieuiadj-. aml riulipe and Bt-afly Mary* aoo Uaki * "f .tiv.i, her t.*r merei are aot "? ba exblblted in A'hitrt-n-i tn aod fl'aldi uelai Mtilea, ui Dtlt-b i.i-*,.erc?. ln II ? ? >l Uooa. in toquieltorial tartoree I - ? ibdelu iiii--..' Bo; turningaway from au - ? - to tbe worda of JeBtifl : " Cotae onto aie, all , i Ibal hiboi aud are beavv laibn, and i wlll glvfl \?*i rmfll lake tr. ipoa vmi aml leara K bm, (ae i am _aeoh BBd L?ly iu beart; atul ye khaii Bu-i i??i unto yeoi ?oal*." Aud bear Ihe Apootle aaj np: - Bj ttu _rentleneM and BoafeBOee M (i.nat I ' you.** Hurb la tl." flplril la win. i Cbrtatlanttytata go rorth lo borhi..mi.m. . torie*. Mi.-h ta tbe *|'int ln wnn-t. tbr ifl t<. gropple witu tbe free thouu'iit aud Ihe Tttt at.d ? gnroua arUvi Ue* .,[ tln- preaent and tbe couiin. Bfl) . 1 ?? ?!?? her wa.Turean- nol earaal, btil miflbty IbroO-h (...di<. tho pui,iiik down-I ation-i'oi.ia. Civil aud rellgwufl fr.e.ii.iu aie tue condiliou. ol her real Btui cotuplot lli lallglBBfl freedotn we mean ttmt Uhere fltaOBBd BB, nnder the law of tue laml, treediiinol i - ?? - >t, oi *i>?<" . aajdofpreae for aii kind* ai.d n...... - >? twligtau, ln eltiituiK not only all .l.-nomlualU'ii* "f > hnaUauB, uut Judaiaiu, Mohaiuineilaiiiaiii. pagau)-m, pautuelaiu, ai.o atheUin. Of eonrae tbe btate uia) bavi itauwnn-iii while tttoieralea all otbera; and mal-rlOUfl l.i.nplicrn. or iiumoral pracii.crt, or Lmi antl lacBlee-.a -auu*lOpoo Cbrtatiuiilty, howevcr they may ae.-k to ei.toe tl.e.. selvea iu tbe guiae of religion, may !>** t.-u ue. law an beiuK offeuMve to tae moral ?< a? and Um w. ii being at tfea coiuuiuiiily. l'rc.n-iy at IUl*i ptflut nii-e i|Ueailona may be ruiaed; aud tbea, aa lo 0-mpleX, praetioal uaiu-r*. lt may ut fliflkn t ?" io frataa ui deiliuielv i? provide for all real nr auppooabb aaaea. Bai Ihe prutclpta ibonkl b? i utvi i - tl K. ilgMina KimIiiiu. How many tbink ao bro-d a toleraUOOila coiialatent witu earneat lov.ilty to ( bu?ua-i irnin. Mut ?uppoaeCbrtat tohnretold tfle '- iflarbaun *eea, aud llerod and i'llauf, iba*. lie propofl. 0, M -?< he aud ni* taUowari afloald oo ..?>o- ro to uo, Ui pm m. all down ny fone and tbea wltb tbe uro-fl haad l (Hut tben wliat ol tue *' more tuaii twelve leflMO* of angolat*'. And BaBOOBI !'? t< i '.') boBfl l?"" riimou M.igua tbat if tbe la I aOowOfl M he would acnil Inm fortbwlth tu loitun ..nd tbe flaiueal Or I' to bave tol I tbe atl'hilitipl that if ne Ua- power h. would arourg. them: and. luatead of tliruatuig th.-ir fael into UM fltoek-, would hind tliem to UM "lake ainl l.uni ?h.-iu Upou tbe K|.ot1 Of to have aiiutiuiie.-l t i tn- Atlieiil.u." on Mar* II.II that a.t mhu. an tl.e < Urlatlaua ,-i ...iil grow Btrong eaoach. they woaid dnva them oot oi tneir ttm p,..,, Uirow down tlienallara, aml c,.:ii|.el laeiii tB B t Any la ChrlaUaa ebarobee, or atrlp Un iu "f inolr boo-* aml baiiitb or kauaolate tbea all I No; Corteaaud Pib_ito are not tbe t^preflentaUvee of ibe BflflOttae nor tb- Baodeifl of UbrU i.m mUBtooartaa. .?aucb waa imt the smrit in wbleb tne Ooapel waa nreaehcd at tflfl -l-t, an.l aiioh BOflfll m.l i" bl tue *pl it iu wuieh lt iato oo profeflned anl pn.piiiratcd noat. Hitrcly. it baa greater advaatagee f..r preaerviag ItaHf and inakiiig proKre** now tban it bi'd tl.eti. ll it aoe eeeded-ben without ibe preteetiea and aul ot Intatoi auce, stlll more may It sueceed wltboiit mu-Ii atu ir.d pt-otectlou now; for lt will liardly be BOXvetfled tlnt the llrefl of lutolerance are iutended by Ui'. u.e l'rov.d. ...'? ub tbe aporopnate medera AobaUtote for the prlraitive mlraelea; or that wb.t tha auffei uut of peinccuii.ui did for th* puitiy of BflB aarry cbureu tue exareiee "f peraeeutiua i* to ." compliah Ior the lat.-r (hureli. Cbriatlanity n.-cla only a fair aud open il. ui; wtth really eamoel aad faitb ful adherent*. wuo bell.-ve in tbeir I/ird witn all tn. ir bearta, wbo love Hia ui..*-i-<l aaam a* Ht. rem l'ltt-.l It, an.l ttl.'i love tht) amilfl of men even ii* H" loved tbem who da-d for their redempttoB. UolBfl forth ln such a hj.u it, tbere i* no daaaarof d?, Bo donbt of inoaeea. Oar help ta la tha boaaa of tbouard, aml a NTOBfl lOWOT ta our God. Oar boi* an . oonfldO-fe an- in the irutii, la the peaaeBee of Cbnal, aafl in the power of lha Holv 0-Oai "Aud wben* tae aplillof the Laid is. there Ifl llht rty. l*.i inalit tati w.ih pionounced by the Wtt, n< .ry I). Smitb, afu-r ttlucu ibe Beaaaal ataflBfl. AFTERNOON 8E.cSION. The afti-moon nession ol tb.- scc-uul tOOtBOW met at Ht. TttttPt tmOBOb Bt > f. tt* tm tBB j?fflflfl'fll di*( ii?*ing the general topie of CbrlDtianitv und Iaberty, ou whicb paper* had been read at tbe morning aeaalon. Tbe K'*v. Mr. I'aettell of New-York preanl.-d. I'rayer waa offered Bf Ufl -BB*. ^r BKi-flfl B- tytg, jr. afu-r tt bu li tbe Kev. Dr. Bl-OOfl- of lirookiyu BBfld tbat M waa the giorj- of the Catiioi.e oaoaaoaa uow iu taaflao that n. r> - tbluK waa BBflB-OBal ttilb Bpflfl BOflBI and full and fn e di-euHHiou w.ts tol. laflflfl. Tbi re wa* BBO top.e, the rela? tlon of Chureh atul BtaK, whieh ttm BBpaatflMy fl-fl-BO 'l i.y tht: KaalflB flOleflBKat and WttttB baii BB int-'reBt to AmeriCiiug. ae Ain.-rica had no Htate cbun n. He bflfBd tbat the dlseusatou of that matter would be left alto getherto their fri.-nd* acreea th" wnt. r. ile alao au BMBBfli that the Kev. Dr. Mark IIopklnB, lale ITeal deut of Wiillatus Collcge, would repc-'t Kl l'?I" ' *"' '?" Sabl.ath which he bud |uat read at \ OOI i.timii Hall and whicb ia pulilisbed in full ln the pmeeedinxfl al tbal plaee. The Rev. Dr. BBfl-BM tben it-ad.iiii- p.p I Tiu- Praatdaal a*w. .i now f..r it ba.i baaa BKabllaB-l lhat the Sabiiath was nece-sary to the w.llb.aug of wan, morally. intellectually. and phjaKflllT, The IflT. Mr. Bflflk-K replied brieliy, Urnt afl to the pbyi-n-l polnt of view. He aald cx|iei i. n | thOOti tbat those wbo ibe Sabl.ath wero better w..rker?. Par? tiea were known to bflfflfaflflai ov.rili. WttB) Moun talaa, and thoee ol them wbo bept the Babbath arrlved at their defltinatlon aooner, and in lx*tt.i -iiiit-. .St waa it obaerved lnl n-gartl to cattle drltcn ftoui Vi rmoul to New-York. Tho*e diiveni who flBBflfafli -ta hi.t.iiaib arrlved wUh Tln flf I uttle iu prime Mfld-Uflfl. while tbe othertt were not ao f.irtunate iu their Jouni.-ja. Havin_t mentloncit BBfflB-l other aurh MBBBasaBfl BttadBd u> the bcnetitB derived, froui a moral aud laflB-flfllflfll |>oiut of view. In fliiawer to tbe queatton of a gentleman aa to whetber tho Chrlstliin S.ibbath flfll Madlafl BBlC-tH tiaus. aa the Jewi^b Wabbalb waa on tbe Jew?, he nt I...I tbat lt was BflflflBBBd the seventh day tBtttti tn- B day "f Nflt, The day wa? to be obaerved accoidloe to tbe wanta of flflfl) ?imt lu the apit it of The Jews :ut a inere fonual flBflflrfflOflfl. hut for tbe pflflfflfll fll eievafng man. The Rev. Dr. O.Midwln of rhibcle'pbia novle a few re mark*. after wbleb tbe Itev. Marl; BBBfllaa BaMfl-M i.od ha.l tneu to take care o! theii bBdtafli luln.l-., an.l m.ul>, and tbe workingniau tlmi tbai ui keepiug flflfl. BabflaflB aceordlng to (..?!* law, th.y would Iiad tuo higb.-iat tree of refrc-iiui'- it. After i f.-w r-iii.iriiH by tbe Rev. (-uuneet Uaroeeou Cllbfla-allJ and llberty. a hyinn waa fliiug aml tbe mtt a'on closc'l. _ A MIMCIl'AL BXCURSION. -iiik rOBflXM BflUM-Tflfl TK-1 tWB i-iand insti 11 it.l.S.-. About (50 foreign ifllflfl-CI tfl th- I'oufcr MBBfl of the Evaiigi-.icai Alliaiiee Visic-d tflB BOB-B1 IU atltatltflt on Hlai BWBl '*. 1V..r.l'?. aml ItinduIfl Kh-B-8 a.t .fiie*!-of thecitf. Th.y flBtttd Tttm tflfl fool Bf r.vcnt> -i-lh st. al 1" a. lu., teat. Ifl_] . Bfll "inp.niaU by iue Hayar,tfle OeoMflfl?taaora ot Chavlctaa aod ?Bflaflo* tion, and several BJflBBBen flf the BoBTdfl of Aldcrincn aml A?*i?lanl Alil.iuieu. T.ure *.* BB titue fur a thofuugh u.?i)i-<'tion of Tbe vanoua t.ui'.diuif.. and tln> vMtrara aaflp vaBmd thiouvh thtm, tu - few luataucefl itareadlbg to Ikfl flflflfld lloor. At Kandali'a lalund tbe thildrea of the Aayium tt.-re drnwn up i:. Bflfl K rtteive then liailor*, and a tpeeeh of weietiuie waa nutda by Uenry Bavagfl. Couiuila-iouer Kteru waa d by t.'n- M.ijoi to the BOKflaKfl, and maib- B KU I ri*ech, to whi.-li Dr. Wcllou ainl Ml. .. d. Afl ibey were n emiiaik'.iig two Ittrir chlldren, Kiouia Uard uer andTom (.r.iiiau.. ala.. made Bpeeehe* iu tbe drle galflfl. Tne pai'ty rtaltfld tb? MbflafceflV M-rcury, ofl Hait'i Ialand, where the ba.ya tiiaviiied tbi? Itgfll tf, aud a.idretvtea were ni.ule by th.* Mayor. Aldcrmau Vatice, aad tbe Itev. Dr. Kiach of Parifl. At I p. ui. the company baal arrived at WarO'fl Ifllaod. and aaaembied ln Ihe large ball of the ln ebriate Aiyium, where a well-eppoiutcd t>uutiuet had U'-n prepared under the direetlontttflTflfl-flfl lin-nuau. \t th. clo.?- of the rrpait, Dr. l^oehet of (Kooa pro poaed tne lut-llh (ln cokl waler) of Mayor BaVflflflBBBBi wbo replied iu a brlef apeech af weloome lo U.e delegat* e of tbe Kvangadleal fAllianee. Tue Kev. Joaeph K. far ker, iu tba oourae of bifl reeponfle *aid: lu the uauie aad oo bebalf of tboae who may be de aoriDed iu aomewhai atublguoa* iangua.e aa f ore urn deleiraUafl, I tlejlre (o fla>turu the moat grat-lul aud eiu pi.aiic rcii.a-iuuoo ef thauka to )ourael!aa Mayor ol New-York and aii the orocera by whom tou are aur rounded aud witu wli-u yoo worb in oontiiiual aaaocia tltui Ui tne clty. Bf* ?r" ex?.*a?e<llagly obllved lor tha kiud coxutntf yoa have ext~u_ed to ua upou tbia aeea aiou. Your Hoiior haa truly aald Lhat we .iiail uot lor u?t Uua day hy our draeidea wheu we returo to oor owa Uouiea. AaA tor my owa part I am Iree tu eoufeaa tbal aiuoe 1 have eome to tbia country I bave had re**d to ma irsson* ot btxrpitallty, whlob at flrat I received wlth a IMii. wouder, beeauae I tell that our owu hoapttailty la cuu irwl did uot ab.. w lo tbe <rrr\at< ?l ooflalhle ad vaataae. I myaeif bave oome from a clty wboie boapitaiity baa beeo eelebratod tbrv-ghout the world; 1 eome from Iioudou. a ott}' which haa nevar been alow In extooding hoapiultty to dtatiuguuh-d atranfen. I iw-n..T- i nytmk correetly wban I aay Uut ahould tbe Mayor ot -taw-Yurk over vlalt tbe Clty ot Loodnu be woulu bare a reoapUoa worUty tit hia great tuunHpai pnaitiuo _od of tbe graal eity he woald JBaaBflBBfl. I b_d the pioaaore, laat aigbt. to praaen to t.uuo poopla ta your eity, aad duriag tbe ttourso ot my obeervauoufl, I Uieidealally aauUouod the i*ii>i of tbe yun-ii. aud it wm raeelved wltb avery d?uioaau Uflfl al BtmWBEBh Afl Bfl Kaflliab_oaa. | wm earflioUy