-.muocincmB, c.c, Ui)._ (_t??ting.
AramUBl Ol MDBIO. Italioa D;>ra: " F.-Ul.t.?? Mrae.
BOOtWm T'.K.rBR -"Finelion- Mflflfljla MitohflL
J)AtT*H lili.i.DWAT TlIl.tTKlt .-"M.l\ " KtlllMOtt.
(.hand Oll Bfl liu-__-.-lt_l.aii Offlflfll " I-? Favuntii."
?aaa, Ln. .
?-ii ?' ""?" " T 0. *****%
OflTVM in. f. k. ? "Madaoic Aflflflt*fl (?hild." Mib.
OflflMB A Ofl
i.ATr.R.-"T.'iH(; in va <??
\ti.i? .... '? "i"lu*
Ktm aern.
baaaicaa Im nmi ' kyaBdHiahh A.lalf-tr.
i;Xit, i tu lt: Bahlbll
it u?At s aud at n: v.m te .-i 1.0 i: gral
: ?..
bn lo AhvcrtisemcMf.
iai.) nm t m '"'i eoioauu
. , ?ji t.n antl
J ii (??.. luitt*.
H.-AKl ' ..ll I 11 lolUIUTlS.
I I ? I -. ,
, ii ,v, tb roiumo.
? Ol M
KlS' I """?
l> * II- . t
i,.in,i v ( .??</<* t ll .oiunill.
.,, Irl
| |
. rolumo.
a t i.i.i | I b colunin;
, ,i ,1 ? , - " nth liige?blh
? ? .1 itt.i ii.
Itb co'tiuitl.
i Itb .-iiiiii.ui.
m it r iton.
, . inth i'-.j.*? i
., mn ?
. Iflft TU,/' 4Ai ahil
?'). to ?
il I a lll -.*. ' 1 i .*.- ' rrn. '.', / 11I1D.
Mtili.T l
v*-.. I.vli.i.i-vn- IBd Ctb
. ..lu;
.11 .i tOO.
ro Li it coi
utiin; i . . . .
U.i.i.u'O. Jitfiucs.
i?.i ? ,
\. \ , i , Sound, \\ hitc
i'lll, _-.'..
Tiic beflt 1 . the world
..-.?'. T
Daii v i. ? " M- - ?; aonom.
a 'I mu.
,i? Miil Buboorilx ra, ... i?*i aauaai
Tlli S: -i.'-Wi.i'.Ki.Y TRIBUNB arill Ih* roady
tl ia iii.,iii. ,. al .t ni.,).!.. Ui i.r Dali-lfl.
1 :_li?..Y, OCTOBEK 1". I I
',.iiiii..ir.iiii"iit of ' .- tbe foreee ol tl.t
. t .. i, h-ve beea
, ..ui tba niiiiyoi the latraaatfli
I ood r': a, OUo aaai
i .-' ni.' of M.
Kur.fT'a niioll v . Bfl 1 illlt ilc
. I.l 1,1- '.
tttm tt Ui B
j,.iit .- .- a-. lt ii iu
Bf in i.i il -.-.ilty. t ae ourronev
r m raa la ttt i ?? b ia i ached abaol
t Buddiofltoo aad bia _>iity ami. d
... \V.it,.;i._
.i. ti.it <-ibati i'i.* pa] an l aalariea aot draara arlthta
i?u ), i ;i ti.. 'i..a...;_, .. i bai
Tbree mt: ...-I- "f thfl 1.,'aT k-'-'i.-.i! \lliauef. wrre 8(1
flBaaaad bf tha Utr.W li Proea.aatki el Loadoa, c_
i'reM.lcnl \t.. ??-? y of Ne.t-il_i.-n. e\ I'; i-mn.-nt Heff
bh-Bflf WiMai itowa, Tttt. AtttU al nwltiarlaod. aad
,.Ui. ii .ui ii.. i.i, : *? iaii-.ii,iiniy aad (,'ivil (i iveru
aaaaaV ? ...;?? Ifiaiatei-al
M.i.iH.rt." The OooiBiBiioBoca of Aoeoaati
tad that the foaded aad boadod d.-ut or tl
and I'ounty B-fleaflfld lUtjflflflJflfl Oa Julv _1. 1?73, tr.ul
ihat ."?? ...ir.u.'-t bad beflo dieeorered ln tbe
< ,,iiirii.i.-r-i ue tbaii of no 'i-.h. ? iptaj i Then *--. b
dii i.c- la -*" ba aad i ri i ii ? ia ?;?
. uiiaad tb.- fin'.ur.j of a baablafl boaao.
,_-._; tiobi, i .??... MB, Nflf, ThaiBBBBielai, -3J. Bfl", bi|?.
Wai! Sii-'t WOB fcviri.-li v s'fiiliy. Wiflfl
uun will r. nu mt.. i tbfll |bc bflaka btb prob
.il.lv not iik- ly. ;it tlura Btflgfl ui ttio Wflfltfln
<|i'iiiiui(i tot ciiik n -y, to affard Bpecial facili
ti,..*. in thfl w_j ti Bflsj money for Um Btbok
I Bfl-fl-OgC __________
Dr. i;riiii>. who Wflfl BM of thfl jiliysiciitiis
diflpfllfihiiit irom Now-Oriofl-fl to tbo relid nf
Sluevoport, reportfl thfll tha fpidemie whicb
li.-tit flfl Iciiitiil'y vi-ifcd thfll city, iiion* liuiii
(icciniiiiid'- it, bfld boh lu'ii cbocked, thoafb
Um iiiiili-'iiiui poiflon eflnnol i>c thoroagbly
Mllfld iiii . 1 u.x-ii oal l>y W.ntcr. Thk ia
i lii-cruii-' BOWS, J'til thfl pl-fltM s-1" rn-"
Mclii|)liis; t.'n Ufent Bflfld of BBBJBhUICB il nut
ti t ov.'i, ,i;iil tlio ^urJ; of ch inty flhoald not lu
tti iu.nl tiu- BCtMigc bflfl oiiiiicly ?lir-ii>
what -BTibly oiijcct thflflfl eaa ba La koopinp
tlie l.iid'lin-'t'iii purtv ol thfl riscuci PO-Mrlfl
crt*w uni.oi BOl vcill.iiic'? fll WflBhiflCtOfl im BBBtfl
tliiiii iiiiylxuly iflllBJlhl 0. thfl Nuvy lA-purtiueiit
(itn (liviiic. It would BBflflfl flfl thOflgh tlic Jioor
ttmOttt Iiad n;id tioulilc ciiou^li .'ilrcady, witli
oiit hd-M *??rit* il M ptiflOMBI on pnrolc now
tliat tlicy bflTfl n airlit-d home. Tlie 'l.t-. a
|i.trty rcn-ivcii the MMM ticiitiiu nt, \mt then*
ivtut flOt-iflf in the tcrttiiiion.v iilt. itvunl ]>?_>
lirtlied ollii iully to WflRflfllt lt. The intention
<if the Nuvy ! >. p iTtiintit BBOtBM tfl bfl to keep
Ihem in W i-.lun_.-ton nndiT Ktrict injunctions
Ot flilciHX' ti!l Btch c.m be e-amiiied BBpflChtely.
Our Ntttion.il B_0fl BflagB at OwflB-flOflf ha?
hecouie ftln ady a floutoh-U und ajijuiicntly
perra.ineut institution. lt Wflfl in cxci llent
handi from the beginniiiK, founded nnd on
ducUMi by iuielligeut and bOBOBflUfl -M-. wbt)
had no pnju(li(.ce or jtrivatc tnds IflBBlhflfli11.
Jt* nnw haii been lif?--?d with livtly in
tereTtt by onr citizcn |oldk-7i nnd it is not
WUBtfc-flf tn.r.foro that at its meetiiifir ou
W'edne?d;iy morning so larKc ? dclegation wan
pro-ent from our National Qtlfl-d. 'ilio flriiig
waa very K'>'"1 COB-Uflrinf thfl Ufh trioi which
prcrailod, and a proof of tbc imiform mcrit of
tho coiit.Ktiitits was afl'ordi'd in tlie numlxr cf
tit-fl wbieh ?(ae made. Our rcportH, in uiioUkt
roiumn, of Ihi na-ctiiiK of yetUiiday, givo a
full acconut of the furthcr pfflgNflBOl tlie e_
U-eiaoa which have so au_pici')U**ly btigun.
YeflUinlajV isc-si.n of the BrflOfflHflfll Aili
anoe was devoted to lnlfMlfcll ainl impoi
iaat dwcussioiis of the relations betwecu
("hrmtimiity aml eivil fcovernment, iind tlie
mutiml infkeneo of religinn aml liberty. The
nn.-siion of thc support of the tttmtV received
ii bcoad iin.l ptaetkal tiMtmaat lt i* rgmtw
tO bc iruTttt.'.l timt Dr. Curry's ailniiral.lo atl
ilr.-s on tli<- rolutions of Chnrrli niul Btate
^himlil Inve K'ivi'u rlMlB thc incidcut uhichis
deaoribed in Tiik ruir. ni: this MOCoiog.
l.ijicr v..is iinolijcctioniiMo in t-tvlu uml
ihoilght, BBd i' if >,'", ,u('n tliou^'lit host to
_ if, obI of defereaee to Ibe raaeepti
0f some ol our gaeota, Um obj.-.-t
? i,:,v ? beea ftoeompUabed ia :i Ibm eon
toaa way. At uli ereata, the eoaay agftaha
I ielf in .mr oolamao. lt in growiag mon
iu r.' <\i.lr.it, .in tim aaaaioBa oooUoae,
thut tba Cot i.t. mv? ia to leare, m ona'ol iti
Ita, un cxirciui-ly v.ilu:t!)!<* u:.tl MggBflUYe
oolleetion oi ealightened ooauaentarioa bb
bbbbj fital poiata of Chriatiao bitb uml Iin.
WbBfl tbt r.v:iu:*'-li.*.l Allinnce nhall have
eloaed iu aeaafoa, after tbe Bost memorable
weeh of ita exiateaoo, their theological bb
tip -.lt.-, the adroeatea of " ftae B >hgi '.." ara
? . li .ld ;i tbroe dayrf ivnventinn ut tbe Gpoper
(JbIob, beginoiag ob Tues.luy BTBaiag m\t.
Theii oumbera will b.-.ir ao proportioa t<>
tboeeof tbedetegataa win. bare dariog tbia
week repnoeoted ih.* miliiom of Protestaat
Cliristuitirt throagboat tht world; i.ut they Will
embcaM aaaaj geotleaaea of vigerooa un.i oal
iv;i'"ii Intelhgeooe, arbo bare laade tli.-ir naxk
ob Um lit.Tiii.iii.-, thc. Hi'iciiei*, uml tbe Bpiritoal
derdopmeol of the time. Thc Ber. Joba
Weiaa, Ihe Ror, 0. B. ProUdufbam, Mr. Jbmm
i .11' hi, Col. T. W. Higgiaooa, aad otbera will
t il ?? part in the dieeaaaioaa. Wbat they Bhall
i !H)t of interast to ao raat a pablie aa
to wbieb we bare atiaiatered dariag Uie
week paat. Bal it will be the worb of clear
headed men aeeaatoaied to kooa diaoaaaion of
\i:;il topiea io poliabedaad loeiaiTeatyl?; iad
I-,- Bare of BttonUre aadienee.
ne cf Ihe Btraage ereattura broagbl from
Ihe depthi ol ooeaa l?y tbe dredge, ure do
Bcribod aml Ulastrated in a l.-tt.-r wbieb we
pnbliab thia fBoraiag. The work of Uie Uoited
St iicn Fiab Conniaflkm BMbraeoi ? tboroogb
inqoiry inlo thc. food uml babita of fiabeo; um!
eoone of thoae raaeaiehea it haa beea
the good fortooe of the skillful oataraliata
who arc aeaoeiated with thc Commiaaioa to
diacorer many foraM of marino life bitberto
onkoowa in our wut. rs, uml in aome toal
i-jitir- ly i v tu aeieaoe. Theoe iBToatigotioDfl
huvc :i |.j .-ti tl M well as B MioaUile in
tereet, iu i iditxni to the earioaa B0?dt) of
liieir result*. Thc whole qiicstioii of tbe
futurc of oir aeaooaat laherka, wbieb bave
for niiii.y yMTB heen doelJBJBg, is depOOdOBl
lijion our kaowledge of tbe lif? with whiob
oeoaa teeaMj aad there in an iaataace
iooed when. thoojooda of dollaia bave
beea abaolotely tbrown away in bb OBperi
moat ni raisiag lobetera, eimplj boeaaM <>t' un
ignoraaee whiob the work of the Fiab Com?
miaaioa baa beea the tirst t<> diapeL
In aaawei to uiultitiulcH of inqoiriea, we
,;. re i" ibj tbat i'm. Tanuav bopea t"
i -ii" oa Moniiiiy un Bztra ooataioing i
oompiete aml eorreeted reoord of the eutire
proceodioga of the Kvangehcal Alliauce. ln
ipiteof the inodtlearefal reporUag, iaaaiaorable
errora <-i??? j> into tho great bmm of loattor,
largelj reprodoced by phooography, wbieb wt
hitve heen pristing from day lo <luy concei n
ing tbe woifc of tbia hody. Theae error-. are
c;u. lully corrccted, and severul papers. wlnch
h.'.vc boBB aoeoaaaiilj abridged, bk
reprodooed in full in Um Eztra Bheeta
now paaaiag thlOBgh Um PIBOB. When they
were fiwt aaaoflaced wo did not imagine thal
(hc work of ihe Aliiance would pTOTB M VOl
iniiinous. ExpOOtlOg liist thut a nin^*ie donble
aheet, andthqp thal cortaiaiytwo woold cootain
all thc ptooeediflga, wo plaeed the priee at.
tcn ccnts, and atte.rwar.ls M fifteea peata.
ii aow appoara thut it will reqoire
tiirce and a half an.l probably foni
donble ahootBb or in all from twanty-eight
to thirty-two pagea, to ooMpleto thy work.
Two ot theee aboeM (atzteen pagea] we bope
to h.ive toady ou Batardajj ami these wiU bo
btrniabod to all who havo forwarded ordera
nt the prieea heretol'ore named. We ahall DOt
now Toatare to lix tho prioe af tbe
ciitue jiiiblicatiou umil to-mornnv, wln-.n we
Bhall bo bct;cr able to know iti UO, lu any
c.ise it will not exeeed tweuty-live eeata,
For the samo matter, as was BBBOaaced yeB
tcrday in tho Alluince, it ia propooed buuie
montlii benoc to charyo $5 iu book i'orm.
It appean from tho laat two atoathly atato
tiieiiU of the Public Debt that BOBM piivate
oi)trationn ia boud swuppinK have beea going
ou bctweeu the .Sccretary ot tho Treasuiy and
the Syudicate. TheBB aia eatirely iadepeadeal
of tho Syndicate's contructs to tiike fifty
millionB of the new fives in place of the lifty
iuUlioiiH of iive-tweuties ou whieh intcrts.
eeaaed June 1, ami lifteen niillions niore of
tvttt in place of an eojaal aniount m live
twciitics, CiUled for p.iyincnt NOT, lf,
These private opcrationn, ho far i\* they cau
be tiiiccd ia the JJcbt btateiuents, blaud uo
follows :
Uy atutoiueul af Bcpleuilici 1.#11,15-.,.*00
Iiy Bt?U;uiDUt uf October 1. BMXBM
Iiy ttatenient of Uttober 1.IS.SOO.iviO
TlM above eix per wnt boada arc, exclusivo
ofthoM called for red.mption June 1, and of
IhoM purchased nt varioui* times in this city.
The live per cent bonds are exclusivc of tbOM
beaod aa repreHentative of tho $15,500,000
received from the Uritish Governmcnt od ac
c.mnt of the Alubama award. It is not our
purpoae at thia time to denounce thBM
Btdtat deabi ft with tho Syudicate, IhoBgh
tho effect of them is to niakc it iinpo.vsihlc to
aetfaaate rhe Biipply of gold eonaiag nn thq
market. Wo propose to ibOW that the Boe
retary has it in his power to proride bimaelf
with eurrenoy by sullinK gold, aud that be ll
under no necessity of TioUtiog tbe law by
inaiag tegal teader aotoe la ( the
li iii it of $3.>8,000,(Xyi, M he i.s now doin^.
These operotions with the Syndicite, niii.le
public only on the 1st iu.-,L, we ure obligod
to consider becausc they h.ive an importaat
. Ibct on the Btoek of gold owned Ly the Gov?
A dispatch from WflflhiagtOB 1 ' I igbi te
Um AsM.ciaic.l rit->< eonToya the aaooaooo
ment that, "owiag to tbe sniaH reeeipta f.om
"revenue, Trcasitry otliriuls pgj if will ],p
"aoeeaaaiy t.. issue $M,oO'i,o.K) ,,r 19,000^00 01
"the $44,000,000 rc-ei\e to meet e.ilTi-Iit ex
" p. iisc.s of the Govt-iiiiui-nt dariflg llie jues
"cnt month." A full moiith ago, iu Tin:
Timiu.nk al Hept. io. we w.'ir.'i. d tbe Becretaiy
ihat an BCtaal .leiicieiicy m the revi iiiie was
not jiaBrobablo. Bad iv.! eooaiderod the q iea
iir,:i bow it woald be mot. \'i'<-. eoaeluded
that h;a bcitcr eooiu woald be to mU
Ko!d, even tLougli it should bo ncccs
ftsry to use a port ion of tho
coin Ix-longing to privatn depoaitom.
On the Xhl of Scptomber we admonirthed him
that, the rei-eiptrt of Ihfl Treasury would fall
ttventy millions bolow tlic expcmiilureH in the
three mmiths remaining of tho ralcndur year,
nnd we Hhoweil Ihe dilflitultioB whu h would
llliflli?BlHj follovv his paak parahflae of thir
lo.Ti million dolliri' B mb <>f bonds. Tfcl
MSl diy we urgently repe.ilcd our wmuin..
No, liuviiiLf ut thut time a..y knowledge thfll
eigbl and i.iic-li.ilf bOUom ?>f Rre pet ..nt
bo '1 - b ti hii'ii nul'l to llie Bj BdiflfltB .ila'iunst the
clevcit n.illioi.H Ol .ivo-t.vcnties OTO flflfl- flfl
from the Bi] per ee.it ftflbt Ifl AflfOflt, we .111
dflRfltfld hy that iimoiint tbe (.ovcrninent's
-tici.'-th in gold. W? aie BOW eoiiviiucd giat
it is enUroly poflflfble te U* Treaeorj ko pt?
vide il-elf with nrrr.my ta the rcKt of the
year hy Befflag gold; that there will he ao
n.-e.-iiity if thfll BOflBflfl is iniTiiediutely tflkflfl
Of i, niu- B dollar more of rtirr.-ncy ifl BZOflflfl
of tbt ". -3*00 ,000, and th.it thfl prc.-cnt ovcr
bflflfl ni.iy bfl vMthili'.ivvn withia tflfl daya.
l'i.-t, BB to thfl ahilitv flf Ihfl TiciMiry lo
.??il v.ith itfl gold. 'Ihe e.i.ii BWWti bj tltf
(. over !ine:it
(. .,.i,er i.wna.WBfB**m
BBBB, ibiee. Baflfllaa, flr_U|-fl-B?fl. txny...i.i.tti:"">
The paymeata will bc Bt tbc oataidei
Far II TO ivvenUt-rt, |)j*t .lue, BOl BBl fBt ttt
' -mbrr i.itor.-at. "?"*>?<**>
; tttag for Balea.aay..i.ooo.ooo
Iri D.-i-omher CoagN-l will he in Hcssion
Bnd c ui iiii.viilc for thfl Wiinls of the Trcaniiry
by addit-ooal log-dfltjon. BB- alao make pro
v'i.sion ta Um baada taOhur daa Jaaaaqr 1.
Wt huve DOt included flbOTfl thfl **?!..,<>00,<M)il in
l:\e-twenli.-s CflJlod ta rcleinptioti Noveinher
Considering tbfl aeeeeBitaee of Mr. llieh
at-flon flnd the kigh quotfltioaaaow raliag ta
tbe nea boada, ii ia to bfl koped that tha Bya
dicatc will p.oinptiy pioride tbt TtBtmvy
mtb the fnadfl to pay ibt -fllled boada in tttm.
Howerer, if tbt " sei.tlcmc.ii." as it ia
called, ia dalayed uatil tltm New Yeax'a,
,,,;,,.. |() the preeedenl already ertablialiod,
Mr. Btebardaon'a dUtadtiea will aaqoeflttoa
Ably be inoreaaed. Neithai hfl~a wa takea
i-ito -coooot the $S,ttMO0 <>f iataraal oa Hm
I'u!,li?- n.-l.l due nnd unpaiil iit thfl datc ol
ili<- ]. -1 monthly atetement, becanae at leaal
,ui equal snm will be left aaeaJled for nt the
end of ncxt .lanuniy. Lel the Beeietaiy, tbea,
freely tell bla ooln, aftd look to Coafiaaa to
do-iflfl aaaaaa ta fattiag it baak ifa_a? whiek
may ea .? be done by weekly aalaa of aew
liv.s tm gold to the highoal bidder.
Boooadly, ? word or two aa t<> ibt a_bd ef
? * nl gold on the gold piemiiiin.
They will, of course, aepceaa the raloe of
?? i.i. i-i r aj taead aalaa af eottoa woald de
- tke viliic of th.it ataple. It in even not
abennl to Bappeee thut the pre-Bitm aa gold
might for :i period entftely di-appear. Onthe
Stb ol .Iiiiu?, ouly (..ur nionths ago, gold was
Belling ut 1181, and il has hoIiI this y.ar flfl
higfa it.- ii.'.-. Tha priaa ytateiday, ia ceniii.-d
i'luti.-, was Tienicr (mr than to tlM price of
tln ('lh of .lune. The value of gold in N.-w
Vork depondfl, in tho long run, on its
value tbroaghoat tha eea-atareial world. It
is absurd to aappHBB thiit the sale
ot' Itvcnty millions from the stock
in (he Dnited Btatea Treaaory will have
tbe effeel to depraaa the ralneof gold oiae par
cent ovet the ent_ra aaif-ce af the tanefltrifll
, bnt it m.iy tary Likely prodoee that
eonaeqoenee teaiporflrily ia New-York. Coa
might then aettlfl the ii'icstioii of rc
inmption hy providing for tbt eoureralea al
boekfl into iiitcrc-t-licniin^ boiids, or hy
fldopting some other incn.iiire for _MI-flfl--g
the v.il.ic of thfl papet currency. If no such
iniiisiircs aboold ')" t.ikcn.ihe taappearaaeaof
? liuiii on gold would be iinrely B ipn-s
tl .:i Ol time.
Adfltitt-Dg that the balaaee af phyaaaata iH
now in fnvor of the LTnitod Btatea flndagajnat
Kticliind, it doet not follow that there is no
?utlet for the ahipmenl of aorptna gold from
NtiW-Yoxfc, or no altfiiiiitive hut the -Bpottfl
ti.uio! t,-')ld irom London. Dflriflgthfl pn-sent
week DO gotd of any consc.|iiciicc hns lu-i-n
withilrnwn from the Baak of Kturlnnd for ship
liicnt to this Jiott, thought iit eiirrciit rati s of
exchange sueli ahipmanta would ykld a ptoflt
The reaaoo ih that the t-anaaikataa to Ncw
. ork of linited Staics honds ia even more
lir..lit!il)l*. llenee, bonds are Hcnt in plaee
of gold, and donbtieea will eoatiaee to
be aent until tho anhaaga Bgaia riaaa
m) M to liiiikfl specie shipnienls tinprotk
flblfl. It shotild iilso he rcinciiihe.cl thnt
the rataa af ezehaaga aro now iVrpruBBtd
by the r. luctnnee of importers to rcinit
ln the praaaal aaaa-taia stiitc* of our erodit
sy-tcin. The haliince of payments, which
il the more correet tenn ta the fact partly
B-pceaaad hy tha phcaaa "balanea of timie,*'
is hy no meaus certain, even in the pna*
i nt i-iitircly eicejitional Btate mmtl our
taaigB commerce, to bring jjold?u New
Y-tk ta azeeaa of that now an route. (ioid,
like cvt?rythiI)g, else, is attracted to theea
Bfl-keta where most enn he had for it. Therc
f.uc gold taead to par by^overloadiug th.
lniiikct i_ uot cxactly the permanent icsimip
tiou of Bpccic paymeuts. lf hroii-ht ahout in
tho way we suppoBc, it will be an evil, hut
st ill an evil of far less magnitude thun the
B-paaalon of our legal tender rirciilntiou to
?j;.".,(X)0,000 or $.'^0,000,000, aud tliat intlation,
too, without wurrant of law. I,et Mr. Kieh
ardson takf coiirage, then, ainl BflO gold,
lycrtinp the law rather thau the clamor of iu
tlatiouists. .
A small party ia ridiciiloiiH, of course. It
belng the law of sinnll politieB, as Baandflt-d
by tlie giftcd pOTOOBB wlio hold otlices on tlic
aae haad and tbe eqnaOy giftcd ptraojm who
t'.;uit to hold them on the other, (lut thailj
?aliiill l?e only " two great parties," any uttciupt
to set up a third ticket or organize a third
party i? aare to be deridad ;w viataaaiy aad
iiiipriu tiiahle. From the practieal politkiaa^
poinl af view the Liberal Kepublican OoBTflW
tiuu at l.linira wan a very uhsurd g.itherin^.
l'ul was it f The Adniini-rtration party cou
feaaaa ta enough in its own platfoniiH to work a
ii.iti it me of public eoafldeaee. The Deaaocratlc
jiarty with its iinfortiiiiiitc ncord whcncvcr Bad
win itvi i il has beea in POWOT, is in no hetu-r
. -i. Tboaaaada of haeeal men iu hoth patm
tiei ailrnit tliat this is the condition, Bad yet
so rttrong are the lies of party that thiy (..i,.
tiiiiie te vote with thcin, and tO think wfek
tlic Mlieming di?niiigogucrt who inaiiagc tln,,,
that it in tha hight of thaaxditi to eigatihe
il third pflrty or vote u third paily twkcl.
Tflfl ginlleineu who met at l.lniira, Bfljd
pflflfled n -toliilioiirt, aud lioniiuiitcd u M Bfl
(..:..',, did prccisely this, and, a? they BBJ, ttt
the prechM reaaaa thal hath part-M have ton.
! public (oiiliiJciice. 'J'liey ii-i litni y
udoiileii au excclleut plattuim. und b?l
nome ?ood sound talk from Mr. Conk
ling upon ouiTent politicul topica.
They made at hast three exoellcnt
noiiiinatioiis, nnd they ttmt thc people as the
i, ,iili of tlnir ilelilK-iationK an opportunity to
do what, after all, thc time calla loiidcst for,
to wit, to throw oll' thc strirtuess of party
fiiilty und voto for the besl men in iMiiiiinu
tioii by both p.iiti.-*. It in said that Uio gen
tliiucn coneerned in this movciiient want
oflirc. Very likely. Kveryb'xly who votes
?galaat a poataiaBter waati his oAca, Th.it1-.
iin.lersloo.l. This, to bo Hure, is u quccr way
to t'ct BB olVice, Iiy roUag with ft tbird party
in a liopeless minority ; hut. Ihat makes no
differeaee with ihe logie of the Caatoaf bflflM
and I'oPt-Ollii*.*. lt stundsto reasnn that who
(.ver vote*. aK.iiiist the Adtt.inistrulion w.mts
ollicc, nnd only thoae who supp.irt it aro disin
ti'iisted. Tbal Ib tha Caatom-hoaoa nawaf it,
uml wlio ahall say nay to itt
As for the r. sulls ol thc Convention, it inny
Im* said tbat in the ipeoei of th.- Cliiiirinan,
Cot CooU|ag, and in Ihe adinir;iblc seties of
rcsobitii.ns ado|it,-d, il presents u body ot
aoaad polltffBl dootriae far aaporior in all rc
apeeta t?. ny platfbni of the year. It deeia
with pablle qiiestions iu u uiiinly, oiitspokon
lns'iiiiii, hiis.no ev.isions or .,..iccaluicnts, and
jnvitcs canilnl JfldgflBMll ot it.i aiins and p'ir
DOOM ?s IBt forlh. It. itfltBI forcibly and dis
tinctly wh.it hundreds of votcrs of both tho
old parti'S bclii-vc, but whieh the other plat
forins f.iiled to piesen! us OOgBBtly and satis
factt.rily. HaviiiK doae its luisin.-ss in a dijj
nilieil and sclf-rcspec.tiii;,' way?iilboil thc inde?
pendence ol' thtmgbt and frce.loin of cxpicssiou
,,f the ddOgatM made the pRMBBdiBgl sc.in
less harinonious than Ihe uiai liine-riin conven
tioiiH?this body prrsuiiled iti lickot, and plat
form, aml now lOBTM both Ifl tlu; hands of the
people. The cclfctic ticket may not be suc
n .inl; preBoal BppeataooM lodleata that it
will not bf; so long as Iho Dcniocratic party
keepa op ihe aboa of eontiaaiag iu oiialeaeo,
thc preseal BUMiagoaMflt of tho Bepabliean
party ii IflWj to ooatiaaey and the party to
retalfl power. Bat wbaterei oobmi of thii
ticket, Ihe Conveiilion has d.nie a good tbiag
in ollirim: the people an oppurtiuiity of break -
ini:, 01 ul lea-t UMMOaiag, thc letleis of ii blin.l
uml Boreaaooiag party allegiBaee.
Thc first rep. rt of the COMIBiasioBen of
Acciints, pubhslicd in full this BOBIliBg, OOB
lirins BBBpidOBI of Um incoinpetcncy of Coa
troller Green'siissistants, whieh wehavc not bea
itatod liei.'tofoie to expreaa, Some of the itate
uierits seeiii to iii.lie.iie MNBOthlag wor.-e thaa
im-ouipi ti iicy, thoogh wc in.-line lo tho belief
tlutt Umm eaa be explaiaed. Hut on wimt
grooada the IrregalaritiM in bookkeepiog um
io l).' Becooated btt is bmcb ttaa we eaa c.m
ei'ive. The ezpOBBM OBght certainly to put
?iu i ml to tbe im-'ni s.v-icm ..f keepiag pub?
lic flceoaatl mainly to mystify ta.\-pay.is.
Tbe reporl shows, flBBMg other thiaga, tbal
for an issue of IlljOOOyOOO of Revanae boadi
no lodgM has beea hept in tlie Controll'T's
oflic; oulv a lOBM j'lurnal. in whieh the
datea, nnmbera, und BBMHtati have beeu en?
tered us a BBerebaatfa ahippingolerk mighl mahe
roagb eiiitii-s in a "hiotter." nt tiu- Markot
Stock uci'oiint live pagBBOf tlie prcsent ledgBI
are miaaingi and yet th.- bbbm bookkoepen
who kept thc l.ooks at tli<- time of tin- losl datd
niv still eiiiplojKil. ln other ilflaeo of
sloek than thnse iki.ii.-i1 abovc. itt b.uids
,,f |t_MlOOO bare heen iaaaed, eaeb aaaibered
**<in.-.'' How eaay it would be t" oouaterfeit
tbeae, btc Wull Btreet deYolopaaeoM hara
ibowo. The Bialdag Paad is ehargad witb ?
homi of 1100,000, paid tor ia 1971, aad 18,000
of inteif-t his heen paifl ou it : and yet tbe
bood waa aot laaaad until Coartoea aaoBtha
later, in 1^72. The iatereet may have booa
paid tO the Biakiag Fund account, but there is
no reeord of lt. And yet it is ceilaiu that
the suni WM paid and reeeipteil for. Thr qins
tion is, who got the money. The BBBM Siflkiag
Paad aeeoaal boogbl .*?'.m.'K>o of boadi whieh
an* pcoperiy eharged to it, bat the boada an
not tO be found in the Cotitrolhr's offlee, .and
as far iis any rOCOffdl show Ihey have
not he.n c;inn led. 1'uiHi.r invesii^ation
ahowa that of oin.-inii.liii!-' ebtima there an
BBBBBroai t?111m Whieh have booa uiiproved
by ezperta, eoaateraigoad by the propei otli?
cers, tlie wiirrauts niado out for their payineul
and the MMM UgBfld by thc Mayor or Con
trollcr, and sometinicn by both, aud yet thc
warrants arc lynitf undelivercd and unpaid OB
th.- deakfl of laoompeteat elariki while the
eity's eredlton daatoi ot briag suit for their
AU thi* may bc explaincd to eslul.lish no
corniption ; but that irregnlaritiM BZiat seems
unquestionahlc. ln cither case Mr. Green will
fin.l it inciiinbent on him to call his stibor
diiiates to BOCOaati As for himself, New-York
OWOI him too much to condemn without a
beariag?aad wo hope he ni;iy take Ifl early
opportunity to be heard.
It has heen oltcn remarked that it is far
casicr to usk coniindrums than to answer
theiii. Whaa Mr. l'ip weat to walk with the
friend of his youtb, the exercise was made a
toiturc to l'ip an.V? deUffat to Puuiblechook
by the*mathematical qiiestions with whieh tlie
lattc; bcKuib'.l the way. Our Scnatorial Com
tnittee, who have conrbided their sesnion und
left rfs, wim to have devoted themselves to
this ple.'ihinp and innocuous oocupation. They
placed several qnestions before themselves,
and considered them iu varioiis hypoth. tic.d
li^hts without any senso of leapoflaibflity for
the answero, nml wrnt liome rcfrcshed by thc
confercuce. Tlie qiiestions were: 1st. As to
the abolition of the Electoral CollcK'*; 2d.
Dinct voting for Prealdeat ial Vic.-ri. sident;
ld, \'otiug by distriets, with tvro votea for
each State at large; 4th. As a iifccssary con
Heiimnco of the forciroinj?, the powan to bo
granted to Coupcss for reuulatiiiK chetions,
and estahlishii'.K' tribumils to decido in case of
(?ontests in any distrurt ? State. There were
a fgW snbordin ite qiiestions to cover cases of
rcsipnation. dcaih, or ties, uli of whieh fur
uishcd Riibje.'ts of a-neable and spiritcd fon
veisatiou to SenatoiH Morton, CarpenUT, Au
thony, ind liuyard. These are four of the
?llOUgaat and BBBBl wnlely iutbieiitial tjiembers
,,f th,. Sen.ite, but it was scanyly pOBJJble
ih.il tliey Hboald arrivc at a solution of a
question whieh it is jicihaps not unjiisl to say
aaeb one ol them icrt-irds fmm u partisun
point of view.
There is a f.ir moro important matter in
volvii.K Um purity >?f ol.cuons, aud sooner or
later Um very ctistfiice of frce Kovcninierft,
and tliat is thc widc di-Lni.e in tiioe betw.cn
BtatB und lhiwidciiUul elcrtionn in thfl yc.irs
'.vhentlie liilter BBBBf, \Vc supposc no one
will bow taka tlu traable to daay that enor
iiioijs fitiins, BBBDOBtiflg to miliion- iu the
t__n*tjtt*k WtBB poiin.d into tho States whuii
held elcctu.ns duriug tho BtUBBMl and farly
Autiiinn of last fggg, These mu WBTO parlly
wiuiii,' from Uivil liorvicix clorks aud paat
maaterB, and partly aiibscrihcd hy b.ml.ers and
linancier*. in hurmony with the Administration.
We do not hero contend that the rcBult would
have been diffcrent if this had not heeti ?h>ne,
hut tha faet thit it was aoa__daied nis -sary
and was done is adinitted \ry all. There
il no compulitig the h.irm ...ccte.. hy
one 8ca.*on of Baah lavish expcii.litiirc.
All over Noith Carolina and Mainc a VBAm
witH regarded as so much mercha-idisn. Of
course lha niajority eould not he liiihcd, hut
CVeu tliose, who BBflt iinpniehascd \t'*_ felt.
ihat tlny wara eoatribnting tiu- priee of ft
vote to their party; and thoaaaadfl wero
booght outii-.ht. lt is not prohoble thflt this
inoiistroiis Bzpaadltma will he s.on repea ed.
It is very suic that tho lunkcrs and L i
who gave no frei ly of tlicir Bttkfltaaefl ta pia
vciit the panic whieh WBB to follOW tbfl ?!.(*
turn of Mr. Greel.-y would not find it iu their
beaata or their paak ita to repeal _\\atA al ptaa
BBt their IflT-flh contiibuliom. Tho elcrks in
the puhlic olhYc.s, Bbo, tresh froiu tln ir vie
loii.-s iu St. Leaia nnd Hnltiinore, would he
likdy to thlOW Mi. II irian's BBBflflllag eircit
lar into tho WBBte Dflflket I if the regolflf two
and a half per eeat were dcniBlldad to-day.
Bot tha niisiiiabla preeedenl reaafiaej aml
in Bome other thaa of itraaa will ba d ad
ngain, if aaaaaa are not taken to prereat it.
Ttda iH Hciireely possiblo. iiii!.-s.s in somo mo
ineiit of politieal lull and calni, when consid
erations of puhlic iiitcK'-t, nnd pri. ate con
aaaaeMa an* atroager than tha dletaiaa af
eaaeaaea. The poHtidflaa of the Btfltea which
aerra m Ott pn-baiaary -t-miab-groaod
where tlie. IVsidoiitial fight i.s decided, derive
too mueh politic.il oooaeqneaoe aad, te apeak
without, ii-.-ai-ivc, too iiiiich money liom these
rthameful eonteata to I.c wiUing to j/ive them
up mereiy for the puhlic good. Bai thehoneat
citizciis, who seecciy flTOBBe of life BBOre OB
leaa inenmbered by lha rubbbib aad Doiaaaee
of Ihievish poht.ic.-i, OUgbl to Bfl-M theii* oppor
tiinity ut timea like. this. nad remoTB one
enormoiis louree of Bomiptton by fixing <h:ir
Btflte clcctions on the day of the national
eonteat, at leaal in Preaidi tttial years. If there
he any 1 lui'ul or cot;-ti_.i:i m .1 UOflnfl hv
whieh Congreea eaa aid la thia aiatter it ia
cciliiinly worthy their most ciiafiil i.iii .ci'in.
A diat-flgflished mnrderer, oa trjal in al??
flflchnflcttfl. on.-.- remarked to his Lowyer that
ln thonght tbat tbe proooedinga wci
"a little tciiioiis." .'ia he a ia eonneted nnd
daly ezeeated wa aappoaa thal ba tound tbe
inbaequeat proeeediaga aomewhal leaa tin
loaae. Wt fceta beea liring (ao to apeak) of
!ii.< in b tniay Mflfloo of tinancial defalea
lions, aad were bt rinning to auffoi tt* m jnfll
? toii.-h of iu"ti' i iry moaotoay. Under
a ilisinnl dispensation, w< feel tkal we ongbt
to be mneb obliged to J. N. Pieree, jr.. e q.,
l.ue efl-hier of tbe tf< n ' Bank
in l.o.'.cil, .M.i .. in iii- itory ot whoaa ab*
BtraeUoaa we findjnal a point or two af aor
(Ity. Perbapa II may be thonght that thia
KBntlaaaaa araa awderate Ln bia i
Ile niaile no grccd.v flflb. Ih h,,s l> :.u gniltj
ot' im exteaaporaaeona Blchiog. II ? I b< n
liitecn yeara atealiag fraa 180,000 to |1
It in qoite u hore, we confe-B, to flnd tbat
Mr. Pieree " has alwaya borae aa Irreproach
" flhle eharaetar i"t prohity and lntcgrity.N
.'.mr [rreproaekablo Cbaraeter ia gettiag to ba
u Hort of nui.-Tiiiiic. Wc ore beginning to flnd
oat that a man may be Blto
too good. A (ainl who mnlntaina an
blen-iabed eccU-iaatlffll rehttionfl; who bflfl
uo vicert of which the world koowa aaytkiog;
who ia a nioilcl baaband, a perfect fatber, b
gi uinl pbQaotbropiflt, a pnblic-aplrited citizen,
whoae only weaknesfl is foi dabbling in tancy
stocks nt tln- Bxpenfle of the in-tibution whicb
eonflidera itaalf fortunate iu aeenring bii
acriioca thia adooirable aad w. U-ronoded
and, BB'Wa m;iy s iv, iile i:i-shirfed eharacter,
i.s not. altogatber aaknown upon our ex
changes, and, iu fact, h.is ceflflod to be a
nnvelty. It undoubtcdly luids ta tha aestwith
which nt the hrcikf.i.it-t.ililc we pemafl the
story of the l.itcst "dcTelopments*1 to fmd
thal the deteeted operator waa b freqaeni
eiicouniercr of tha BMtaphorical tiger; that
he bad a oflflflion for awif. flnd -xpenaive
Bteedfl: nnd that he v.iis liberal ln bla notiona
of lidelity to the Biflrriflge relatioB] for the
reiilly "respcctalili?"' meu uo not tbea foal
that so great aa lajery baa beeo doae to
their sciisitivc coiifiatcniity. In tbeae peeuli.ir
daya we aoapeet tbat tha anmitigated ra-cala
inu.-at be lo..king up. It WOUld he -ad if we.
shouhl get all our tiuo stock moraUt-M re
versed. Iiut lt-t li; iei uni to our I'icrct-, jr.
Tha first thiag whieh is thonght of hy
Batoalahed aad kalf-enuy bank directora when
it in discovLTcil that the Cflflhier haa been mak
ing wildly baa with Uie fn.ml.-i ifl the villaia'a
bond. That is trhat they IhoVght o_ on that
Mciting pa__i.Bg in Lowell when Ihe liglit
flagafai. acaoaat-eaokiag eaahier wai ,uu
inartkeil. Mr. I'kice's houd becanie suldeuly a
most ialereatiag and deeirable doenmeat. .vt
any rate, soiucth.iig might be reeovered of tha
Hiireticrt. It Baaaaa aot; at leaal notlung can
he ic oveicd until the, boad i.s found, BBdjOflt
now tv ;it v.ihiahle M.s. ia a-s BodlaeoTerabla as
tho loht baaka of Livy. It ahoald hara baaa
iu the private hox of the I'rcsident of the
hank; hut when they weut lor it, in oitlcr io
lind out who were the (lclaiilting geiillcnian .
Bureties, it was not there. At the last aecount
they wero still looking for it without BnoOBOfl,
Now, a houd ia a verv unnecoininodatinK sort
of instrumeiit. You eannot suo ou it unless
you cau produce it. Moreovcr, it ia a well
rtettled priniiiplo of comuion law that
you caunot hiing an ai tion ag<iiii>t
Buretie? unless you know wlntt their
aaaaaa aro. Tha iaatraaaeBt m.ay or mav not
be linally disoovered; the imporlant iioint for
tho puhlio in, that just wheu it was nm-t
-.s.iutcd it was missing. In thesnine way Mi.
Pieree may or may not ree. ive the polite at
tentions of tlio pollce. ile may BM thi-. he
restrained iu a building maiiily eompoaed of
Ktone and iron. Ji is ccilain thal fof BOBM tiaM
nt lcaoL after his iihstractions were well known
he was walkinj. ahout T0_y nuii'li al large, and
makiiic ai'iiingi iiiciils wilh tho untoitiuiate
Dfaaatan fur a return of patl of the money.
If he had been Maght piekiag a Docki-t. or
Btaaliag ;i ekieken froaa ita law-proteetad most,
ha aiighl have aalonlabedaaderea amaaed lus
captora by propoaiag to be left ;it bherty to
make bargaiaa wlth tbia rictUna of bla klep
loiii.uua. Il ia true lii.il CoL Nctilli.uii, the
I'lilted BtfltflB liank I.\ uniiici', Wflfl hovciing
aliout Lowell aaoaaftar thaexpleaioa] aad ba
liuiy have liio iye mi llr. Piereei ji. Bai
aalliiag is partaln li taaaa aaaartala daya.
Ves, one tiiing is ccilain. Mr. I'lcitt*. ji.,
owned an clcgaiit villnat Mulha's VincyaKl
where thag aald tha aaaap ateetiagB.
TboioflflolBloa flMflfl (iiiuii.imi tbaa.iii-iiinii;ti
>-..it Bflfl iIi.iii.hi voiir w. ailicr. Iiut thfll i-.nl
alwaya paealhla arafl wltha waflthoc ba_e-a ntuog
ui. B-flhta flfld Boaipfltaogpflob-bililka inr iu, it,
au i Bafl-iflB BBCthrflflBl H(|iiiill thut Cm.'ht tho
Mcta tho other day, atid drove her ggtfgtt ir. sliore
thut slic hwl to jibn, ia duinif wliich hor grrut uoena
was BhtMBBl hkua pipA-ntem, ?n<1 her mainsail went
into sh.>"st.i'i,iifi. All ni?ht tho wi. nciiildiiiir out M
M-it bafore a north-weM w.nd, nnd Tueaday imvimit
they iish?"l tho boom aud patchwl thn nutinsail, and
Mgia aMblag baak. ThByanii IdtUa v.txtUmr
hot on raaaaay niuht, but wero unalil.i to conimu
nicate with friemt* iu Hun . n v. vvlio wrr- .lliiriixvd
fur th..r safty, iinl.il Weiln.rulny fon.uoou. lt i*
to bo rt-ifruttod that thLi Btanch vessi-I aiul her
piucky eiiuiuiiinder aaald not tafea part ia tba raaa
whieh begaa yaatarday, and Ihi Mail ?., aUoh i*
. Itroniclnl M BBOtbM PBBJB of Tiik IBIBOBB. Tho
laaaMaailadaway btgaUaat styin. the <-'iio aUoaA
as Ihaf pasaed out of ?<iKhf.
Iha Oeaaeetieat papiH aataide of New-iUven ora
oalbagattaatioo M some _dagaha laaaaaa h iho
rotoaf thatettyea tba Capital ajBoattaalaM Mou
rhalatgaatTata poUad ttt auy "f Iho ;..wu
odkanalaaMd it tha aaaa tbaa wm JJH. Ihaaa
beiagtwattekati la the fiel.l. the p.'trtics watrhad
eaah etherea timt tota, theagh uot m alaeatj aaaa
on thut ;n to prtvi-nt ,-i r.-!iiri in BBB waid af *AgE
? r un roteea Bat aa tba Capital oa. - >ou
they ritiini.il 1'M.vi. idl hut 'lf, of whi. fi WBM at:aimtt
IhaaaaaadaMal rhe total voto m lergas tbaa timt
of hut, Bpriag hy '1.000, and BBBBBll Ih" I'r.-ti.l'uti.ii
voto hy MB, Iha B infiTii papen teaeh Iba Hubj?ct
lu.i.iiy. ;ts if s.itisiie.1 thal Novv-ii.iv.'t) baaad aaaagh
alraadj withoal betagatinad up anv ?aaat aat tiie
taal -ie in a ki -at -.t;it<> of aaaaodraaM aboat it.
V'n -. Baaa <i. tfaaaka fully aaairBMd laal al|M m
?? 1.1.?! i" tiu. impr.-i.-i'iii aha im<i ateated m Tobsbbp
iu '* La Sonnaiuhiila." Indeed with a UagM of h?vr
clafes one epafB M apt to Ik? very much Uke
iiiuthiT. Liave aat of conmderation th* jrrcnt
di iiie.'ii' purts, tat arhleh aba hM aatthM ajaaaV
fioatJoaa imr panlwiWj aaibiltaa. aad arerfthtag
oxetmijthaaaadhuaaVaagfa whiahal i ihth>
its her bibbbIbb roaahaatiaai Bha dMB aM aaad the
.-ii.ui.. i of iii-.ii! iv adori .1 bf ti"*. atdiaary kaaaaaw
aintaboBiakM her apputtaalHM ifl cv.ry
fr,,in h i ni st MtMBM te her laal exit. nnd d><? it
allhoal abaaiaf tha mon aad tabiaaaawairaataMa
Ubertiaa aith tha eaaapaaM. lt i. tha MeaB
thorooghly artiatta work uf tha kimi ihat hun
beea praaaatad to Mew-Tark aadiaaeaB ia oai tin.*.
aad it bM whal doM ooteftea balBagtoaaaMaa>
caUam, how... ?- aarfaM a really BBBgaatia BfhaBi
Thli is partly owiog t<> tha .piaiitv ..I tha roloo,
arhleh ia pheaoaaeaallyelear aad peaetrattag, aaal
retaioa all Ba paritp of laMaatlaa and
,11 ita flexibility, au-1 it m p.irtly owiag to
th? ii.it) liilelHjeaoe >>f the riagar, whiah
suppl, . .r,- tl..- il.-ft-.-t <>i j,.i.--..n, mi
. thoogh .! ia nut BjBBpalhetaa, m
>. .' Uertaialy Maaadi MaaataMB
caedain Bia Lagqoita x* baarty aa aathaflhaaa
m that whiehaaraaaa al the ratoe <>t BUaaaaerol
l.iin-i, md hM BBOOBM wns even BBOM ctn
, ? ai*ht t!iau aa fii'-siiiv. II
thebardeaof **l.m-ia" to i?'ar alaaoM ataaa *>*<.
Tan.heilik'-, voieeJwiM. in BO bettar i oditlon thaa
Breniagof his.i.-iuit; aad aa*4 L ieia" uffeiaao
, . ... , .! M.iiuiUI!,' laltu.itiolis lik ? " i'lillllto"
to diatnu t eritieal attaatioa tttm the biIbmi
bbm al a taaor, ableh ia <?f boomi I
the li.. .-io bad abaadaat laiaaM t? r.-m *iu tha
inin wtoaght up'.n tba argaa al thia haaaaa
irti.jt. Tii'-ie wen- ?aaaaaai ladaad ia wbkh Um
roka of his youtti so'-m.-d kt BOBM hack M Imn. ard
thM h)\v h.'W greal ba ai ial bara
i,, n. i ie te wete paaaaajM hi wbb b ba i aaMd tin
*,i M gt ati i tbaa aoyethef t.-nor now oa BV
Uut ba BoaaattaMB failwl in hu fivuiti- i
an.l tlio ri/iraw often J?ot BltOgetbM I" I
his aaatroL Ia Ihe "CU mi traoa" qaiatat
laeapeelaUy Beoapleai uj, aad m it w a aggn*
v.ited hv tin* hellowitlKof tho hi.it.>:)?-, Big, M lli
the perfonaaaee of thia aambaewai rery f.ir tmin
. la, i iu. vv..ii.l"ifiil?)ir.,it. bowerer, ol Mbm,
ui Muraka, wii.no vatoa triaaaphed in tim foni; thaa
, ,,v.-r t.-iu;r, h.-uitoii.-, uml ..n-li.sti.i logethM*,
s.'ivc.i tba b aaa aad aaaarad ttt it m Baeeaa
Il iu.y ba loterred fnaa what vv.- Inv., al ? }
? Attitm was not altogeUi r?
' :ri in f.nt WM M nuifii W0B8B tit thia OflaM
tbaahe waa laMPaliato,N thal wa euald hardly ba
1,,-ve him to hotho ...iiiuo pcraaawho BMda oaeha
Baoderatoly h:ul dMaa. In additioa t<> a rei ?? rathM
tha Wi)'.-..: f')f VV.-;ir, llO ilevel'ips, IH VV.- e, : ?'.
know him h.-lter. an ext.-nsivo v.ir., .'y
of voeul viees. with such an BBfortanata phyaiaal
vitality that WB OBB uover hy any BOflBibilitjr bmo
Bight of theui. The lunur scene at tha baglaaiag
ef tho opara. whorein Athton t.iik., ovur
lus fiiinily allairs witli J.'aymond
Barili) and Korman (nauio wHhhald, aal >.f
r.-sp.irt Mthe daaliaflflef bia faarilyl wm .-n-?
atmc t<> the laat degiaa, tHfl Baa *U who aaade alittla
blt Of reputation bf a cre.lit.ilil.- a-.??nu:;.- NM <'f ?
sinull pait on Btoaday, lost it all 1 v?t aiflhl bf bein*
one of tim verv worst Arthurt who evcr put on
waddiag elotbM.
Balvioi appeared last night m BBOthM BOW oJi.ltw
aetar?haiag the sixth of tho bbtIm uf repceaoaAM
tiuus hy whieh he is eeflBBMBdiBg Iii:;..: t.i the
kaowladgaaad adairatleaef theAaMrieao pahlia
ii.- bad bafBN baaa s^.*n as OdMla, Ing "nnr, Conradt
Ha-nlet, aad Faolo. If.* was BOW s- i a l Ila Clad
ui'or. Jhis pcrijonage^ is the hcro ef a live aet
traffedy.'by Sii^hBr A. SaOmei; aud, sp.-akimj with
refereuce to attrihutes, con.lii.'t. aad exiViicuc.-, i.?
-Bflfflptly eaoagh he doscribe.1 a.-* a eombinatiefl t>f
BpartaaoB aad Ylighriaa Hoiaatype ..f aaonaoaa
phyaiaal figM, BBaawaaaad hroelty. aalmal t.-iui.-r
aaaa, und tht half aaroia, half dellrleaa, aad ? hoiif
leiuiiuc deliauce of tyranny, toi: .re, aad bBBBBflM
All persons of massive physi.iuc on the Btageda
sire now and th.-n tt play somo j).irt thal will .illurd
a veiit for sup.'Tabtindant vitality. It is n luvuy tc
tli.'tn to r.'V.-l in a fn.| ri-.- of the
l.iiiwny limb and the Mpaaded larfHX, to
ravo about the stacc, to t?*;ir a pMBBM te
tatt.Ts. to snort and sw. iit aiul bunu.l, aiul t'i*lly to
naliaathehlghvaia ad >BiolM. Baliaal Baeaaad to
extilt iii thiaaaaadaf phfaleal fMadoai if.- < aaa on
latigbtoaada taagh taata,halted. Ba aatealaaa1
curled hair aml a heavy uiu.-tt.u Ic. lt. loobad
lik.- Bdwta Ibrrost. He m ? >. - ? 1 wiih a suppl?
strido and with an air abova thi COadltiaa
of tho slavc, but it wa ubvioiu that
ha aiii.e.l at being aothiag bbkb tbaa a tremeadoaa
aniiii.il. PlaabM af ? fria^ lardonie, boBOBoaa
loora bow aad Bmb iit ap bia . I a i ..n.i, ia tha
atrooc aeeoe ia the anaa, aa in tb t. i iti aeeaa ?.f
Baal BMtiBee, he wm taadet aad terrible, Brith
pleaflM "f nn t-iuoiion af patecaal love aod al baaaaa
niaarj bigbet thaa the geaaral (eam ?t hallng
Ihat in.irk.-.l this .-ml .i.lmi, uf. The recomitioo
wm thriHiag, BoMaeh tbeaitoatioo woold h.ive
dooefbraoyaetorof eoMpeteal d Baaaa
ut the Baaaaa peoph bm far Boer, aa acbap Aud
to tha laat tha perfortnan. a
taaeoaa aad Moal aoiqna ia tbo 0 -? Pha
Intelleetaal aathnalaaM then
At all areata wa aro aneonaci im of an impolae
iu th.it direi-tion. S.ilvuu lus done rxceedlaajy
well aomethinc wbieb wm acarorlj wortb del
uli. Ntihotly diiui.tt'tl bia abiliti ia i
Hinta of thal taenltf have beaa ahaadaatlii
ptvea, all aloun. Hui Gladiatoc tttg atti tha
Bmaaea ol plaf-goera bnt the lnt*llectoaI puhBa
i\,it. !s ;i, lu, v -lu.-jiti of B I . I..r "iil.r tr-iia
au aitist uf BOeb 1 ? .i aaeb a
.1 n-putaiiou. ! -,..., .ill. ,t
pefora tba ,im,,'s- aud
applaudad lo !!"? m al rorli i ? ia wanaar.
Biitaora Piamonti ?? ' tyfaal
ll untl .1 i.il ,!. |.r.iv tv t.. vv! ? 1 1 ,-r i r....>
rvi.i.-utiv doea ao ? '?? ''' muv ' H*"' ,n
v, st?.t wiib apraatdVal. I arlifif*.i ? ti ralpoa ac,
and vuil.tiii raul I ? -? ? ' ' ',;'v?'<' "P,?> ""?
ueoaamu waa uimtuaily k". . . i. r
.. i aml >m. tuieaque i r< iimi ., i-n... i ..uly iu
i iu ,t aml (ovth aati tbaCatarumbaapd tha
i ollaeuub