OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 13, 1873, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1873-10-13/ed-1/seq-2/

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rArir.s i._ thk i 1 v. iror. i. fl. jom fl, rn. i>.
BP. II. AI.I.KN. I.I. !>?: THK l.'.'.V. TBOflLU W,
i). n.? thf. ijitk iin nt li i flPAH s; HMP. iiinkv
t RB-flOff, I*. t* : ttaB BBT, B. C W-fllB, D. i'..
tui. BBT< ? ? I<IV. h*fAi BB-OII ui ? i:, I-.,
tttt fl IBT OTB
l.i:.ni thi ?. i.f lha
1 . i' p I i On Bnaday
- will '?? -? -fl in r . a.tiu r paje)
live poflt mflfll meetiagflwara held. _nd__-U-B_e-"
ablfl flfll-ioiu, of whii li Tiik Ti-.u-.i \y lias room f<>r (
n:,|y bl _>J tbfl
foreign del Batea ia tba rario-i I-flflfl
thtm briefly fltflted, eonvej *. grander hnprflfl"
rfoo ' I
thaa aay worda wbi h michi I d ?' ai
eoaotrj aod eitj thi i i w'"'1,1
bflTflbflflo rn.ue il.L'i.ii.iti aod leaa ontho_i-ati* Al
the aaa mtooA Ihe* wflald '"'*
bflTfl baen t* ported tn aay otli.r. .iv'?* i"?lly us fli"v
hara beea by Ti __*
aekt...Ml.,i.'.,ll.t iilltl..!'
int.-r.- ? b. dBflfotbaffl
?I ,:,!.' m ,: , :: ttfld tbt-fl^flftflBOO flt thflCoo
? ??".
->}?. : B ni.-t Ia Aflfloeiatioo Hall fll li
o'clocl P
publiahedbelo- in full. l.v tlie Ber.Prof. 1.Harrii
.1,,.ma, I'r. D.ofTn r< leca College, SoathWal
. P .wr;" b] ll
W. Flemins Stevenaon, Dnblin, Ireland, oa "Thfl
Woridng Powet of the Chan b- How t" Utiliae 11 :"
aadby tbe N u. VT. II. Allea, LL. D.,of QirflidOo..
lega, Pbiladelphla, i n . bt Labor t,.atioa."
7i?. v - tion mat in flt.Panl'aM.E.Chtneh,
rtiiii p?pei- wen leflil by 11.?- Bor. Thoiaafl W. An I
lacLondol ttiflfl I'tiilnTithropy:" bf tlic
Bat, VI Mubleaburp, DJK of Bt. I
Hn-pit !. '? ? "?'-??a Commnaioa Ber-ioef aad by
th,- iar. .-auiui.f GeneTfl,oo the
Tht third -' ? ."ii iu t in the Foarth Avearafl P___
t.vteriiin Chttrcb. 'llu* papen read bare were by
Pmf. Henry \. Nel. D. !?.. of Laaa I
Beminfliy, < lineinaati, Oblo, on " ltit.inp. rance Bfld
i.t tha Bot. '. . C. Wioea, I1. D.
of New Vrk.nn "Chi-rf-flrdtyin it.* Rt-atiooflto
bj il:, Ber. E. Bobia, B. !>..
of Paiia.oa " Imlnatrl tJ la thfl
iv v.-i.;. of I aad by Hearj I
tm " Cr.:. II ? t '
'I lie. "t.tirth >. tion, wlilt.i wa.-* i: ? l-A-Dfl
Ilurtine.-as BlTJOB flf tli" Allianc". BM t Ifl AjMOI Ifltl-fl
Hall at t.*." i>Y|.,.k in tlic B-tomoOfl. Ad_
?.\er-iii.iii- Ly T.i" Kev. Pr. Adflmfl, the Bot, Jdfafl
Hall, D. D. i Lord .Mfr.-l Cbarehill. Um Bot. I>r.
naohaOf Pariai ttie Rar. l>r. Donrar, of Qenaaayi
th.- Bat. Dr. QracflM, of Caflflda; tiu Hat, Mr.
Oraat. nf llalifix; the Ber.EDr. Onadatoa] aml
Biahop Cnmmlnga, of Kentneky.
Th" Aim rieaa Bi ineb of Um -lUaaee'-Ml bn
aiation Hall itt fonro'eloch ia the afteraooa. A re?
port ?f theii aetion Ifl triveii bfllow :
?[],,. i'itt(, - t on Batarday arflfl-Of a. Aa
aooifltiflfli ll.il lo d-MOflfl tba cui'j'it of "Yoanp
M. n'.7 Cbriatian AflaoeiaUo-fl." A papar waa rtu.l by
Cflfhaa Hiaiu.nl. tt*m ot New Votk; an.l bfliof
flpaoobofl wew aaada hy BflT?n_l Bpaakera
-HM-BOfO BBflfllOB at ABBOO-ATIOB HAI.I.? Taii Its
hy nn: BBT. PflOB. I. H. Jiisya, rn. i>.; THB
rkv. w. . IflOB OB DOBUB, am> iiii*
llt.N. W. H- AliaBB, Ua fc, Oi aniABn I'tH'
Thn int. r.-.Tt whkh Wflfl tiikcn in llic Eviiii
(jciieai AlUaaea ay tba people ol Ni ?-Y..tk, Bai ay lha
itrgo nuiniMTuf ttie eaarfly aml tfle laltyef t:.c sur
ruiiiiiljiii; (?? initi.i, tvi.u : . tlxtg t.u- eity
duriiiK tlic paal weeh.mateafl of leaaanlnf,aeeaaed to
laaii-ifii la 1 irdtbfl latter daya of lta Bizth
Qeaflflfll Oflflfaraaea, wbieh aloaad ou .satuniay tvcuiuu
I_e Pliat Ooflloa aiel In laaofilaHon Hall.al io o. m.
Oi. 8itlurtiav. for tlie l.i>t iu.I .. in U.l-. eity.
At tic opaalBfl of ti.e boi tiu*.'' "f tha elflhth
liyiini vii r.'-u: tr. it'.il lii-ti ".'I. '? tl " i. BUkBt a i.r.tj.T.
Tln I'.' v. I>r. Citt. .1 "f I. if.it ? ' , :u I'.nii'vl
Tauia. next exMadei aa laritattoa ta i"iiaii ot hia col
leae ta tha foreUa deleaatea to tha A-baaeatabaprea'
ent at the ikdlcai Bl tli it BOW liall. Whtofe
is t? take plaee aa < ? t. U. Th" Bmt. Dr. Heii then Id
Titeii the f.u taa, in l.ehiilf of the Comunttcc
of Arratii." uict.ts, tu vi->it t\n'ral I'ark at 2 y. tu. Car
riatc*, Be ttttB, t-uul.l he in waitlag for tbea. nt thal
hour t>. f'.r.. ABBenal.na BaE The fareln flele_atea
wero thcu m~ltaflto"B-tPb-OBCollafla,al their ton
VeiileUC, h.t tbe li ?? I'i' .'Ut POttar Ot thal niritltu
tion. Tl.e cneral to]'lf for eOBBl-OrBHon dnriafl thu
lOraMiOn WilJ K f'l! ill."'
Tbe _B. it' i Harria JaaaaJPb. P.. at T__Tteeo
CaOAfe, it. Paatb wTflh a, here read khCpapi r ea Ihe sut>
fmti ??('hrisii.ui'ti aa? -flfaradai Pawer." Ibe <ieiiv
cry of Prof. J.n.en wan plain and clear, aud ln bla a.l
dreaa ho appealei to the conuuuu aaaaa ol bla hearara
by layinia' B-Ild farU befure theiu rather Uiuu t<. en
de?-or to Icaii tlic iu t- e-iiclu_io__ hy forcc of argu
);l V. rflOP. I. 1IARIU7. .I.a.VT>, I'li. V.
Them is b doflfl coDnKiiou bfltweeo n .ipion
and ?Oiallll : Ibfl BlflTlTfl the flaHfl-M the puicr the iao
rality tt proflaeaa. Wfl can JutlRe tho one from tho
other. aa we know Iba troe froui thfl fruit, and tho frult
ttiiao from th. tne. Ihaflfl are tiiauy in the preaent time
whu ileny i."* ui !y Ihfl cxistence of thls conncctlon, hut
Blao Ila peaaibility, aad aai aaly iu possihiiity hut ita
de*irabiltty. They maflt be kopt apart, iaajuuueh i
they are totally unhkc, baving no polnt ln eomiuon
withfeath "ther.Itl.e aafl r> ferriu. to thls world, the
otber to anuther aflalfl of cxlsUncc. Tho harniony of
uiorality -.fl-flarflei ay connccting lt wltb tbe fon-lgn
i .. tuei.t ofircliciun. Tbil 1? an aucicnt error, a hci.-sy
** i,,. k pn -. na l i" a eaaai-aaab-i flinat la the aucicnt
world. The Oraabfl ind not hihitate to attrlbnto to tbeir
podi the moat BflflBeflfl criinea untl tbe moat dlsjfraccful
aini; etili Uu} npic-cuted tbem as tbo defeuders of
the pultllc moral*, the morality of tbe Btate being
under their pr..t.tti.'ii. Morallty accordinnly haa religion
not for iU -aourta , NAfl or prlnciple, but is aoniewbat lu
tcrnally conuc.flai w.th n. 8uch worality caunot bo of
lon_rco?tinuan<., no inure than atree bavintr no root,
Bat ttai ext. ru. i.y la the soil, BM ht !p falllug at tho
flr*tAuittof wiml hlewtafl upon lt. lt was linpoesible
for the lircck to form a correet idca ooncen)ing this con
ne< tion Inasmucb as liis eonception of Ood as well as of
u.au was wrotitf aiul luoorrect. Mau was not reg-rded
asof nn|Mirtaiiee lu himself lndiridually, but only ae a
??.,?>?. , a sul.ject of civil KOveraiucnt; ln
f__.-t hin'Telatiun to ttcnl was not Uikcn Into account, only
blntrelatlou to the iiiilver-f, to th?* B'ate aml soclety.
AK*ln, the Tin*.'*. <i<*<l was a Pantheistic and not a per
soi.al Oiril. It is no wondcr that flBflat mch circum
stanccs and In sucb a connectlou nuther rHlglon nor
nu.rality floun?he_; and at the time Chi-Oiaulty ap?
peared the moral and relljrtoos world waa golng to
wrt)o_: and ruiu. Tue anti. ut wurltl flATmfl done its
uunontlto found morality on lt? own basis failed lu the
uttempt, and BttttBM powtessed no powcrs of moral
(levaUou, lunk hy its own ?eight, and was tbc
meana of lt* own de?truction. Chnstiauity
bn-athed a new IpMti 0 new mursl p..wer, li.to
a world actually rulnlng ttflfltt We may regard
M tbe luadanieiital Ibougbt of i hnhtiai;lty that moral
ity ibould La-e for IU foandatlon a n I'gi'.u* fllMBOat,
aud whicb it P-OTfld tbe absolute nec-_*ity^that tbe ror
mer ihouid draw Itfl aoaHa-BMBf.ya-.thfl fary power
of Ufe. from the latu-r, lt began a BBW epocb ln the
world's hlatory. Already in tbe moral law of the Old
Tfsument, in the Tcu ( ommaudmenu., wbleb eontain
Uie e-orveei and moat comprebenslTe comireudlum of
etbic*. tbia comu aHflfl "f loorality witb rehgiou la ac
knowledircd : Ue ttrat tabie referring to our duty to
Cio_,a_-dt_e flaaflfld to our duty to man. What tbt Oii
XeaUmenl baa In germs, m vbe Now we flud iu full
jfrowUi-nd iB-fl-ap-MBi ln Jeaua morellly baa reached
IU fuliiJluatlug iKi.ut. Iu bemg oo tborougbly lnoorpo
raled la Ui? DhBiaflfla. aod bi*tor>. lt ia inve*led wilh a
p*tr_oBaiai.'l iitiuginteresl. Tbo moeal iawforur-.l in
Him a Uternacle to dweli Ifl. l.ut llu Ule in tbflfl rvu .'
?of man wai a Ufe ln Ood; a boly eource ol His life ln tht
world waa lli* life ia i.ixl.
Tbe aupwrlor.ty of the Old T.attftrnent r. ilifl.n over al!
beatbeu rcliglui.s and moral .j*uma llflfl ln iho trut.h
tliat it regarda ibe rnvealud wlll of the boly Ood ai the
BhuoluU* poeiilte prtiiolt.loof H.orulit>, hy w'.leh man Is
to regui-ti. BM ti.v.ial eouduct; uul luastnucb as thlx piln
ClUlb *?* ll.eora-.r..l.-.l li. )).- |_w of tho iellerttUd lUUd
ing over ngatntt mrtn In a purely outw.ird manner. IU
.li it u t. r wa* neefwarilydefeoli-e, Its form uaaroldably
teniporary.and lUdeveiopment hlatorleally rondftloned.
ln the Bew Teatament, Cbri-tianlty is repreeer)t**_ as
thcomii. Hon and.tt tbesametlme us tlie soluUon or
Jn.laisn.; it l* . t.e tB-UBBflal af the ol.l TiHiaiBBl roUfl
ion, ln a^f trasllieliitwrct-i.toluedtruec^ntln and. n
eomlitl,,,,.,! ...,'.1.ents..f Oofl'a .evtvileil . ,11. hut to f. I.
ingtbea Oh-tttia-ttTaboMflbaiafllhaaaaaaltoAtBaW
and t.-'varaiy tbrai wbleb was aeaamaad by
tbea Wbal waa Btfl to tbc one wm death t_>
?i , Al t. .tiini.letioli of th" B-Uda-fl. tli"
. ,i. Tbaa tttt aald aa tha ?>? haad
nt llirtn' I* tl.e end "1 the k_W (fllBllB Bm ?). ??d Ol.
i tba laa ta lha ptflpbatas i am ""l
.? ,.,-,,. tmi tofdUIH.- The body of truth re
., ,i,,i !'. tbe Old H-etameal la mearporfltfli tai
bcautifnlir preAerred la CbrbflttaltT, wberaaa
tba dreafl in whkh tt was clatbod ls rent
N ,..,r ,, boi loat, ii.- -flrm naly i
BMtopervflmflBtMfltflrflltp, lanaartalM
r to trana-terr aa taae nnd evancscut aa
OJ10ll rteraaet-er. ln C-O-rttealtr. tbeoiM.
r edrastafle, Bai Braaflhl tata fuii
- | inrnal tote tha Baal ground. nnd
:r wboDy. Tho sui.joct aa whlch i
...M.,...l,-"liriMiiiuit> as a r.fnruilng
,?,?,,, ,viiii_'nii(l iinitortitnce. .'hriitlaiilty
.?,,,;.-!.!, VlU BBW niutives. We have the hl.li.Mt
tu UberaUrjr Ifl om i-'.r.i't eeadoet toward afl,
fftrlBg Hitns.'lf lor Bfl. Obrtfl-B.fl.lp ha* notonly dirc -t. .1
?lir., time tu luiiiiiiity aaflTtrtne,
?1 i.i-iii-?. tueiit tu be huiiiMc.
- iuii.1 b* in you wbteb was nlso In Chrlit Jeaafl, i
laa ni tbe torm al Ofld. tbougut u aol aabbaaw to
i? Baaal with ' tB, aai Mab apafl Bbfl the form >.f a
i'.ul. li . 6. T, t Chr istlunlty has nlso cxer
i Ieed ii n fermil g 1iifluci.ee on teleaofl. art, and pattttOfl.
Betaad "f aatartafl aa tbaaa datallB, w flhall flafl
your uttention to thono prluctple.t which BBflflfltflafltfl
oonatltote tbe ofllBteaeeaeflaf the lefeernlafl paweraf
rhrlatiaiiity. 1. lu thfl idea of lieing perfeot u* Uod,
(t.n-tu.uiiy iu..Mt ap uu abaatafla ataaiAid "f amraUty.
I'lti-- la i poaltftfl ldeal tvnioh ls to be the end us wcil as
the r. aaea of aU bamaa flfbet,
U.I ,,f belng the son.* of God, we
t. r Livt u n* to eome np tlually to this hl^h
Maiulanl of BM raiily *cl up ln tlic tiuspel. nnd of aceoin
pltoblnfl thoee ihla_a whttl Ooi la lha New -baaameal
. ho flr.il is tboldealof (-lui-ti
i .a tfle lahfltoBfl prin.'ii>ie, tbe nai
rmntrliltfl 117 tu carry eut the i.riiiiiple of tiu
blgbest fi'ilu Ol re!l_lon lu our AWa b_flBBdeOU-flfBB"
tion, Tlic moral prineiplc whlch li tobe tlic eiul Bfl well
| ("..iti..11 iliar.iLliT and couduct, is to be
I>, rfe, t ... B a- oarfF-ther is. Tb-*, then, iiiiiiiic.7 tiu
eiitin-, ni ? oadittooal eoatentaa af tin* aaal lo Qo4 Bfld
tn-lTidei con.iccijtioii al tbewbole
man to Ooi aa Ibe hlflheet good, tba eoaeentratloo ol
la om coatlnnotu cff..rt wlth tbe rlew ai
? . ?? tbal aad?la flboat.aadltldiaflandaaeeaalafl
?ala, afl invoiving the eatlN devoted*
tfle aaarl tohha, InoTadfla on the oae haad aii
lore to men 01 eraatei betnRa ae faraa tbaaa ara lerei
, or Bfl f.ir aii They tibttirl) tho purlty
nm! abolto- tbe abaolBte-? of our love ta Qod. la pr..
ni baaaaa bearl OUafla too fondiy aad
nndnly to otber oajflflta of atBflUofl thaa Ood,
it I'.uv, rt., tbem Into Idoia. and la aetaalljr gvltty of
,-. ood reqnlrefl u? to laroblm ao lateaaAly as
lf tben wen oOotber otyeeU of aJeetSoa iu thu wholo
I , .11 tbe other Band, lore to Ooi lael-d-i
l0T< , . ? rarai God B ta maa -, tbe I tt itoc '?> ??
rerealed bimaelf In tha ereatare, aad aa tbe iaiteii in
rlflht aai proper aaharfl-datloa to th.. u.riiiit", toraaa
i ma of reve'.ati'ii. aad aabi aaa wUUbb tm
slrunii" ' to BflTTfl BBl parpflflfl. I'y bearing iu miml
this doable polnt ol rlewwa shall bo in a poaltiofl t<>
. ttremeaandaaderataad rlphtlp tbaaa reaflAi-a*
blefonaaol la wldeb a Aapertelal aaada at
tiiii.kinia' bflfl dtoeorarad aa -Bpractaaal rlflorlaa ami
.ivultliiig aU OOBtaet Vttb the ttorld. "lf
jt.y maa eo 11 te bm uu.l hate aotblalatharaai BMthar,
and ?-fc aml clilldren, nnd brethren and ibrterBi >ea,
aiiillus utvii Iife BbO, bt Oflflflfl- ho my disciplc."?Lukc,
".-v.:: tuat ihoflhaal aad gtra to the poor."?
Kattbew, zlx, U. "HoflBaaflaaflflrTfl tw* fl_aetece.n?
1 vi., -i. "If tbiuo eyc offend thce, plfleb it
?,it."?Matbew Jvlii., fl, lu all thls wo hiire >iinjily tl.e
? , --ing tbeprincipiu whieh aaapbe
the ebaraeterlaUefl af tba ethba "f th*
?, .1 aii.-uiuteiy retjolrefltha wbole beart.
I/.ve to out fe'u.w-men i.ught tfl Bfl MibflmilUlll to tbe
li. at iiu'. "f 7> n'lug Ood inoretbui'oughly and perfcctly.
WbeaeTer aapearthbj poaflflflflbM would take away ami
le tbe aaarl, laterfi rtaa arlth IU eatira ieroted
., td'i -.ei'v;.'', raaderlafl M -BeapaMe to reaeBnee
i.n tor tbe aabe of the Lord, tbea wa aboal 1 aot heattala
for a nto-tent aa to oor ebolee, bat tabe al aaea Ibe al
Terriaiive of Hiiciitl. iii^' the ciifthly fur the BBAfl Of tbe
bearenlp, ani arre ap tbfl latereal of the world on the
BltarofOodl B-Bfldom Iiut wo are hy Bfl tiieain lo
draw tbc wrt.t.'; Infrrencc thut, earth'.y poeaeaalOBI la
ihcrmaolTfia aai un.ieraii atawamataaaae aai eaadtttoaa
of life untit uh f..r yi.ltllng our beart eutlrelt to Hini.
This w.iui.i nreaappoaa an laaaaflalvaala .luaiity bc
tweeaBOoi und the world, thfl ONfltflfl flfld tbfl -fflflr
tiui. Tlus u-iiu would ho quito tBOOB-U
wltb the Stvior's expresied coutldeneo ln tho
all rulliu'pro.ldcnce ef (i.ui ln the natural world, as
weii as in the spinturti BalTerae. WheeTflfl c.ti
sucb ap-epethp with lha wetba of maatlefl ami aaeb ap
j :? ' ..ition of tbc bcautles of the niatcrlal world MOOT
Lord uinl Bat-Of YflflM ChaM ' Be was a (.'reat atadeot
of nature, and from this ho bOfTOWfldbifl hcautiful aad
eniineiitiv in?triii*tivo parahlcs. Ile was also jiarticu
larly sociaMc, enjoying the cuiiiiiauy of frlO?da, ev.n of
ptil.llcaus and ?lnner9; and ln thls respect Jesus ditT.r.il
wldely from John tho Baptlst?tho preacher of repeal
?ncc? with wiiose a-cet.r1.1m lu. hatl little or uo sym>p_
thy. Ihflflfl Bl Bfl deep, linpassablo gulf found BOtWflflB
tiu nhflloaa aad tha warlily apbareaof buman Ufo, ho
tweeu lifo iu li-.l aud litc ia the worltl. Chrlstlaulty,
far from lguoriug moral life lu worhlly spberes in the
Mat, aad fuiui.y, civillzation saiictillcs them to its uwn
us.'. tnaklue them ull servo as orcant or iustruments for
theadvanoetnent of the Klngdom of Ood. Religion
has its own ipb.re, hut stlll )t ls like a
tiil.hty itream wbleb does not alwavs care to
conflue its waters witbln Its own lied or rhanncl, hut lets
lt overfiow Ite banks lnuudatlug, enrlchlug und nour
ishlng the mrroundlng flclds and meadows. Bflflfl
the worldly elemenU of txlstenco are to bo well
bedewed with the waters flowing from tho foun
taln of life. lt to true, ChrlstUnlty bas its sjk.
clally flaflrad day, sacred pla<'es and sacred meal,
stlll sucb is Its transfurtning flflWfll that lt converts all
tbo days of the week into a Sunday or Suhhath, and
erery plaee nnder tho eauopy of lleaTen into a plaee
of worsblp, and erery meal into a lacrament. The
whole earth ls duiy eousecratcd hy the I_?rd and Iilshop
of souls. Bidigiou ls not to resemhle the prie*t'a (town
ot lurplice, wbioh to only woru on Sunday and left be?
hind ln cbureb until a ilmilar occartton would?call for iti
lme. History and experienc. Inar ample testlmony to
tbc fact lhat gcnulce disclples ot Jc*us havo bocn found
lu all condllions and oftVes, ln overy kind of buman
occupation, and that tbe splnt of Ood does not eon
flne ht* operatloni to the halls and apartmenU
of the Chureh, but to also workiag wltb sllent lnfluence
ln the l.tmy market, ln the cnrlous studlo of the artlst,
m the -ilent cbamber of tbe poet and pbilosophcr, that
he aceompaniea the sallor ou his long aud perilous
Toyiige*. aod the soldicr in tbe Tery beat of battle.
Piety or Cbrlstian iplrit doei not ttdhore so much to a
iiartlcular occupation, doee not dwell so much ln a par
ticul.tr plaee, hut take* lt* aeat ln man's henrf, In Bbi
lnner llfc, and tbere from its hljfh throne faith, the jfrcat
rulit.g i> inciple and power cf his existence. lssues com
mauds, and exerclses a sileut and mighty iuflucuce over
all be does nnd suflcrs.
Tiu rfllfltl? of fbristianlty to tbc world our Lord has
?et forti. iu th*parabtflfl. Iheee earra ao Uhaflrau lha
[.uinl t.f view we havo Just bocn conslderiug. Ttie King
iemot Hiuveiil* like unto a ix-arl of irrciit priec a
iu.ici.ai.t h.ekiug flOfltlP pt'arls houubt, sclllng all that
Ba liat-Malt. xiil., 4.-11".. A*_in,ttit B-Bfl-Om ti 1I.:.\"U
ls like unto lcitvcn which a womau took,
and bld in three flMflflapflfl Bl nual, tlll tho
whole was lea vcn.d-Mttt. xili., H. fbfl first
of theae parablcs exbiblU tbfl Klngdoiu of Ofld ln a
purely rellirtous sph'ie. and for which cvcrvthlng aaflfl
must BB KlMti uj. and bacrl11r_.l. Tlio cxcluMienesl of
ri-ng'-u ?>?< ui* to lut the great pulnt ln thls pantl.l. . Ihfl
, OB thfl other hand, mirrors tho Klngdotn af 'ind
lu an earthly or worldly sphere, and shows Itsi-lf a* a
eml-Bptlaetplapaafltrattaf witt its uu.iity bv
fluencc everytblng lt comes ln ...ntii.t wlth. Ibfl Ufl
jforrant spberes aud powers of life whu hChrlstlanlty af
fi-i ttitt ith IU piuetratlng ltifl.i. ui cs. are the atato,
faiuilv, letenea, and tuorals; Bfll this inumfold lifo It en
ters, aud as 11 leavcn diajtolves ln every partlcle of the
taeal Ib whlch It tfl bti. Bada atbadiTtaAaad-hrtBtlaa
t diMotremthewarlfllpephaeaa of uie, leui.u
ing ihe wholfl lump. affcctlng the very BflBflW '.i ?o. u-iy
maaaeretaad mjrfltflrtMi fluaaflr. laMfllatflfflfllM
l lanotparoflptabU !? thfl ayaef aaaaa,bstlou
,, ebtefl/ hnowa bp Ito operattoaa Bfld eflbeta if
vre fikc IntO cuiinident'iuii Ihfl flOWlflflU uf Bflfl flfl thflflfl
iflrablflfl ib-flfar.VMtttBtthmtho prtaetpUlai I
mtbantber.wa c-uuot Bfll IflrmfltAlflflflfld??
TlowofChri.ti.nlty. If ^tu ylew CbrtflHaoltr exala
aivelr aa a pcarl of rreat ralue. for wbleh you auit
Mcrlflce eTerythlng clac, you wlll flnd youraelwofl nnder
tha Beeeaalty of renounclna; thn world, ahunnln* all In
tcrcourae witb aooiotr, retlrlu*- Into a cloi*t?r, or a
IIII6.I jlBBI. Blllliai BhT-?'? ?"a relliooiiol
thc Anchorltcfrlara and bern.lta. wbo diaaociate rell
glM from aectilar Ilfe..Mllg ?- ****** ??"*>"?
onir -hat bolaoaa twofflity te tba aaton ->f ******
eo?tr..,liat.u(tion to what ia coinmonly floUed tbfl
worlrtly cpherc. Bnt thia view la antatconiailc. BBttfe
|..,t.'r an.l tgWb of 106 worda ln our UBBVa Iflll 1111117
prgyere t - I proy oaa Ihafl lh>o Bbeolaot taaa Ibaai aol
?f tho world. I.ut that thou ahotil-M keoff the.11 froin
,.tii" (j,.hfl 17-15). Tim i.i.it.b IttbaebtaaaaU aol aftba
world. BOI th.' irreat urt wliicli Cliri.tiaiiity toachea ua
to ptflitlci ia t<> laad aa aaaaaaalaaod Ufa la tbbi eerrapl
wnri.i, t.. aaaeaaatfl araa oltt paadlaaaa aad aaaoaa
without aDewtai aojaaatraa ta aa aaaeaaalaaaat bj tbo
roiiliiit. It 011 lhe other haml, w>' MgBld t'hi-liiimut 1
I -xciuaivciv us 111.-,iv. .1, oa tii.iii !"? ii..''-(? i.? thfl aaagar
of (lelil ili^'thc lii.J'..itailiro of lallgtbO kOOOdfet its.-lf,
an.l -f luluptioi: a v,c\v of Chi ir-tianity aoaardtog M
wbteb tbe Chareh, laeearoaaf taaa, baaeafeM BBparga aai
or r. .lnii.i.iiit. aod redoeaa Ueell Lota tbe Btata ti
?oraltty aad aaltarai tboae Betag labaawagaly learaotl
by its tgttit, th.- i.iii'-! 1- oooaaed aa leaaot aeeoaaary u
a Baaarete lootttwttoo. Bal tbbi w agala a aooaeaetl rtaw
of tha aUagdbaBof Heoroa, aatag leaaiead ealyaaiai
lllceiitas to tho hav. 11; th ? flBBlTBl BOWBf Bf ."lirisllanlty
ls not licrc fully re.oKDii;-.1, HB IOBOOOM i.np". BOO 6 B
imt, properly 111 kiinwiedK.-l. Aecordi.itf lo the hiath
-tan.l.tr.lof morality ln tlie OeflfOO, wc aro to I0T6 tin
\,?tM om .;.! witl all aoi aaatTea, eeoJ, atad, ami
latrOOgtb, a love lin.llYltcl, BaWelflte, I.ut on that
tttcouiil, uot al..-!i.it't und cuipty, luiliicli.il a
?MU to llvo a inotiki.sh I.f.-. witlnliawim:
from th. WOTldOad hrcakiiigupall latereoorflfl withhu
ni.m BBfltatJ. Tin- BJ ho far fn.in 1' Lag tbfl BMOatag of
Jcaus, that bfl rocii'.lr. love t'Ond Bl tbO fnntful root,
pro<iiictiv.-..f aattre bJTota Beaa. loaoait, la tbo eaaov
lOCIO, OOd -nhi'iiliiiatlon of thc aliHolute lovo htQmt,
i.iv.-to man aaaa aaaaaaea aoaaaoaaaakal. *********
love to man Ifl not to l>c Mmitcil Bf Uio natural diii-r.'i.I
of uiiii...... .--'tu no BBd i-.iintry,-.vlili-li previiil 606600
,,,,,,. a aelgfebei hx oa toagor a.- ba oaa aaaardlag a taa
iiii.riirttiiti.ii of Maaaa a laatpaalea of tbeaaaefl paa
plaar Battoo?bal aay aaaa BtaaaUag ta aaadal haaa,
abearei aa may bo, or te oaatooaret trtba ot aattoa aa
may fcolaog. 6 man 111 BOOd 1- BOT lielKhl.or. Tlns meBfl
inn, whieh J.'huh lirouirht outof thc law of K6II6, ttM
lowatret bao a. reretoaeelredet. Tblea pteialytaBgbl
i>, tin. taaUwettwe potobwa af tbe eood BaaarltaB, wblla
jcaus hiniR.-if BMnUlid with pofettaaoa aad Beatbea
oaaaoaaeaa aod OaMaiHaai aaa Beietae, ajratti be
lo-lp.-.l Ibfl .111111 mii.-li OOOBBO, wlill" Bfl BBfel BP ttM
faith of tbfl OeotHe eeatartea al Oflparn|?M as ? BMdel
araa for the peopU ol teaoloaa wlrtle beieoBloaed
hn hearoreof tboaaftool Oodbatag beetowed wltbool
.li.-tin, tion, wbo 1 t ? bta eaa ebioe aa tin' good aod taa
bad.aadaeodatb rala'oa tbo |aat aad tbaaajaet, De
BOB by Bll tfell ov. -Ii'.i 111" allil r.'Ii.oveil III" Mn-ll" OM
-i,i-iii.s-, aod in--.-ni ol .1 partfaalar lare toapartiea.
iai- iniiil of ri(. rtaiiiiiiit'.n, tie ll 1- BfeM ' '1 lOOltOH '1 MJTfl
to man. Niitnoi.tlity is 111 Wtt BOaWttOB tOBO Htlhordi
BOtfl tO liiiinanity.
Tha iiiteriiai boaoiUeeaaaai af lete a bo*o to tofllflled
?peatataograad rdeol we ua reaoeeted i-> reoltaetB
0111 lOTfl toward 60006*06. 1-060 ttttt BBMBfl 10 me to
liiivi- plipuaod a coinpioinis" aritb NBOld tt "iir love to
m.'ii ivii.ii ai aaaod ui" aaiaiaa, *?Howael aaattaiy
hfotflor ?iu agoiaal aa aad i (aaajlrfl htaa Bll ?roa
iiiii.f i" nu .1- a -ii r.t'.i.i. oora dlybted aa tfl Ihfl aaaa.
berof itaoee, abetboi tbreo et feai tooea, tetattlt
imi Hi'.ii. in.-liu.'-.i i" I'.iu tbo rabbbi ia tbeir warea aad
louc fllflcin?Ina aa tn.- point, bot propaaag aol t.> ipttl
thtr tiitl'i ri-ine, I.ut to add tbfl fa toi- lOgetbOrtO aOflfefl
up tba aaaa total of eeroa, "ttll Mrea tbatee." woll
1I..11.?, sini'.i) Peter, Ibofa haal proeoedod o atep or two la
BdTOBOt i.f the l-.w of love aml fornlvcncHH. I know of
no other Btaaoa ahoaaaaaaaf to th.. oid Kaeeo Peter;
after all, with all thy faulti, I lovo HMaatilL BotOflOfl
1','tei's liiw of forciv.OhMfl .s.nlsfv tbe BOrtor 1 l-'.kr froiu
it. l'eler BOfl ad.I.'.l thfl tOt06 aml four tonetlicr to BMktfl
seven. Jcsua told hiiutouiultli'ly thc eeTOB aitiiti, not
hv (m-vi-ii Lut hy s.-v. -nty. Imv BOt tmtil IOTOO tiims,
hut'until BBTOOty tini.-s aeven. J I1.1t n tho .i.iHiai.'rt
l,,',v ..fji.'ik'if ne-- tim inin is Bfl lor.'iv" anolher who
ii 1- .iir.'in!" afroxi I'Mini'.-. [fyeoforglrfl flOflBwOaaa
timt, yoa'aaa j ae well tbrglTe tbaea tbo wbole ot eoee'
Tlns ls Bfl lmI.-tinite liiiinh'Ji ; il is im! iBlOBded tbal Ihfl
I'la.t -um -lionl'l 06 1 BOOtOtl. botfl lOflfl in.l liimw tho
w.iy to couut, diw.s tf it aadarfltoad u itiun tta, hai aerer
simlied the miiliipli.-ii'ioii tal.l", or at laflflt tt
has aii arithin-!.' of Ita own, a flnttttpUeottoa
tai,!" Bf Its ovi) makiiiK. Doflfl B mother count
haraeaofldtdadaofli m boi wayword eblbltgWbara n
tin- Bintbor al i aaaM m.t .!.?. ? 10101 ? aaaettea an in
siilt to thn Ii-ciiiiK-H ol h.-r h-artl 1006*00 Ol reagflvtttoa
eril f..r evil, w.i ifeOOld Hinfer a .loui.I" luinsti.-.-. lovo ?ur
iu. inii's, bboo thi-iii thal earee ae, ao good ta tbeaa that
Botfl us, oad araj fecttMai wbo deepli felly aaa ao aad
pereeeotfl aa, tbal we may aa tbe i Blldrea "f our Potbec
who Ifl In llnivin. (Matt. v., 41. l'..l Wfl nnist thor
oughly ovi-i. ..in" the e"ll hy Ibfl POWOI of tha v'.'o.l
dweQiofflaao Bo oat ward aoedof BoaaooBaaeo aaeao
arabte by aaytootward toaoktord eaa aay leoger eattofy
tinidrrtaa adU, i>ut tim aoanttlawaftaoOtMoalbMlebi
BBOO "'ir luiviiiK' witliiu ua a hoiy, uncoi.(|ii.-r.'.l.lc. laotoa
(li-l(i.-)tion, WBMb in order to 660060 III OWB BtfltMOfl
BOd Ih nol to Bfl OTflO BflBfl Bf any BTll BOOOTef kfi'-at, or
auy ohatatlc however .1:111. nit. Iu po<-. ?????i th.s |,rin
ciple withiu Bfl Ofl have a trnn iropy of Boflffl BMBOl ptr
fi et*oa,kbatag uailabaij or tii" dirloe aatore,
Wbo eaa eaa aro| ofi'iiiytinnuhuin-r taaa thta mo
ralityl Who can ,1,-iiy tli.it JOOBO bflO OOt ap BB BbOO
lotoblflall "i'..!i..i.i i bbbIm bU tbtagaoew.N Thia ii
true ln a moral us w.-ll aa lu a lOllBlOOO aenso. Jcau*
II t!..- _K-re.it B. f.'Mii.-r in tho d.-partiuciit af morality ofl
will aa in th" ipbOtO Of rellgion. Io tba OflOWOl Bbfl
hiifhe.st itoimJ or turnrium bnnum l* reveal.-.l lu a gMTy
whieh I'lato nor Aristotln knew or even eoineiv.'.l ,,f.
(hrlatiauity has not 66066000*] itaelf witb leBttOg up a
perfect stauilurdjof morality. Uy OOtOg tbbi m i.., .!, -m
woald ii"t hiiv.i aaaaBM Bba aatoraMr, BagBflorataa,
and J'-- l.-.i-iii.-i nf th" wm Ul, imt would at fartheat only
imv.. . niiiii.inc.i aeeaatblag toward the parlaootlao
ivml BaprOTomeut of Judaiam, ilcvelopiiu Ita prluriploa
to thclr full cxtcnt, teachliieaomethiiiic thorou?hly now
cit of tho moral law, even to thfl lOWgtfBt hliu*,' If and
thosc most eoororeaat with thc contcnt* of thc law. Iu
order to become thn Rndecmer aii.l{Kniri'nerntor of the
world, lt waa nccensary tbat Ho ahoiil.l earry wllhlti
llin,.-.lf a uow religioua prluclplc, aud from that 660666
to implant in the heart of IIIh BOOplfl ? principlo la tho
poaa.-Helon of whlch wc have real power to do that whlch
la ininiii.il).l.-.l lu tli" Word <>f .iod. Iiut tlila uew real
principlo w.ih u.i ..tlu-r than tho ooiisirlousnoaa of Dlvlue
Uouahip|whlch|JeHUH had lu a manner poeulmr to Hlm
aelf as the ooly bcgotteii .Son of tho i-'athor: " All thlu^a
arc dellvcred unto rac of my Father; and no man know
cth the S'.n, hut the F.ithi r ; mither knowctb any man
thc Father aavo tho 8on." Whatever metaphralnal
bankfrrotitid la to thia pccuilar and on^inal conaciout
noaa of Sonahlp on thc part of Jeaua, the purely dojj
matlo queatlon do,w? not coucern uh here ; hut Uiaamiich
BB|thfi|cthicai aaaaaaaaooaa of the BBttglaofl aeif-con
sclouiincaa of Jesua are here apoken of, we luiro timply
aud lexclualvcly to adbcre to the openly-revealed
faet callod Iti queation from no dogmatlo palat
of view, that tin, divlnn BBOOflboaOOfll of Hon
shipou taa paet atjeaai aflaoaaaol iu the haaaaalaai
ccrtalnty ot communlon of love between II ., fiplrlt
aud (iod'a Bplilt. The tucarnation haa tho flBtglaa
eondlUon of uian ln the Imaxe ol Ood for lt?|preaupp,i
altlon. and Hio nianifeatation of tbe Ron of .iod ln the
fleah haa for lu natural aud nccetaary tonacquenco tho
hrinifiivjt of many " toua unu> Klory," or the adoption ol
tho aon* of BBBB Inlo thejtaailly of Qad, ___ 0tuer wonJa
tho rellirloaa cinaciouanoaa of aonahlp on tho part of
Joatw waa Itnui" li.it.-, aa ifar afl he waa peraonally con
corned, and 6601*0*000, at thn aamotlmo, a con*clouannM
of ttK! Koneral (.nd-aoiishlp on tho pargjaf BBM, II? i,iw]a
actual in his own aaea what human nature it cauahlc of
The oriKinal d.i-tliiy of the raee waa fully r.-aliied In tho
mlKhtlest an.l Beoool of her BflflO, and thua a poad and
(trand and etllca. HMM BOglBBlag Was iiia.lr, wiih tba
vtcw of enai.iiiiK Baaaaaaad t" uttnm to iha huh tmt f,,r
wlnch they OflOflletttttB. ttttt iu the Honthip ?f ju_m
that relaliou B6*T66BOOaoag to tho 6860681 of (ind and
th, nature of man waaKiv.u aa ga actiiBl faet, wa* tn
vealed in a peraonal hiatory. ln BbaaBMBBWtba 060>
hitniity ot BeeoflBtaj raallyaad aataattj arbattboyajMaJg
hc, but wcrc BOI m r.-niuv. Man 68640066 an actnai ton
of God by as-i-.-ptlikkf the Tcv, latton of 0fl4l0CfeT**t a*
heavenly Father.
How far lu-n in thia a new, r'al prlneljii,. t lf 11)lln |, a
i-iiii.i of (,..ti, taa i>i'. la a wiii u n.> loooea aaabia aoi ?*
ternal tobim, t" w lii.ii M BBhaaltB aaaa 9m*ttw *tBT lf
poolehaeeat, at hoaoaf rowaefl i bwt kimwu,^ iiUn,^.,,.
tlal r.!ati..n toi,.el, h" fc ls tti.tt iu aataa Um viin o|
Qod he i? fuiuiiiui; in. 'ii - imy aad perfaetiBg hla aoi nr.
IlChl'le-, ? ll' n .i . h.l'l "f .l."l I OtOflfl ti kimw tlrit _0 l4
Bfefl ,iti|.-.-t ?.f 8od'l falli-'tly BTffl an I .-a.?, BOI BOlV ho
v Baapeabablfl and iw-iK-i- whi.-ti paaeetb ander
BtBOMalag, I.ut eurn. ntly (leatrea t.. iov. (|,?1 m ,,.|1UII
ii-- ih Bofl traa ilaraaad by tha aoMwIaa al hu aaaa. bbh
prov.'s v,i,ji || ih.it aaad an l ai. ? afoblfl u.-i p rteet Wlll
of Oog. Th. m.ir.il loW ih in iw wrltf.'n ou |,U h.-art,
aad in no loiip-r te htaa laad, kflltag i-tt... .
fteautag uw, Bat a ttrtag, foJeaaataa *puit 0...1
workoth lu bim tmth to wiU aud lo do of hu tmmt rrlnaa
ure. He U no loeger swayed by the Impulse of his un
aplrituaJ nature, but willlngly obeyi tho rtletat*,* of
Ood'a spirit, and doea all trom love aud for tbe glory of
Dr. rrlme bem read t requeat thate lariro BBaabflfl of
thn foreign dele_a_t*s uu.l several promlnniit BBaflBbflflfl Bf
tho Aiiici loan Brancii of Ihfl Alllaiico were to uieet in the
adjolnlng parlorsti o'clock p. m. to traii-tct priv.itn
Iniiaiiiea-. He also aald that Iti uddltlnii tfl flhe meatlBfll
whlch were uniioiiiifcd ..ti 1'iid.iy to I." Baii on H.iud.iy
rVOatflfl, liifi.riiiatlon rsflflrilflfl vMflBJ flafl piintcdiu
Baiardap*a tiiiiu.tik. a aaaafl-Bfl wouid he Baii la Bba
Chfliah of Ihe Di.i.liplafl 011 the laiiuicveiiillgat 7 o'clock.
Tlie papat Whh h was n. xt ln ..r ler on tho progr.uume,
thut uf the llcv. W. Flomlnir Stevonaoii of Dui.lm, Irelatid.
on tbc aabjeea, "The WerblaflFoweeaitbaObaaflb
OflvtaU-ltaa lt," was khafl Nfld. __*. iflirflflfluaM^a
very eloqucnt speaker.iiiid hn flddlB-B, dollv. re.t lurgely
witl.uut I'f.rciic to i.olen, .all.il forth flflflflh flffftflflflfl
froui lu* hearei i.
Three vt rses uf tbc sccond hymn, beglnulng " All ball
the power <>f Jcatis* nattie," were tflea IflBfl,
'iim paper of tht Hun. W. BL fljlflfl. I.L.D.. flf Glrurd
i '..iii ot, ut- "Iba i-iiior Qaaattaa-,** waa thaa read. Be
uealt wlth bls eahjflfli fimii a prutii'itl uul a'lirti'litn
l.olnt of view, and bls B-dlflflfl flflaaMi ta I.t witu
otBaral aaaewral iu the BBdbmaa. His papaa wiii appaaa
in full tn th" eilra.
The itev. Dr. Atwuter of Trinccton OB-flga and rreai
.I.ui \t.i..iier then .leiivere.i nh..rt addt-flflflfl re_!*irdlllg
the *uiij"?'t treate.l of l.i Mr. All. ti. Dr. I'riuio horo
BB-aaaaaai H"tt th.t n.oetlng to be ho'.d ln the Ac.a.leiiiy
of Mu.-le ot) Hituday eveoing would hc presided over by
Mayor Ilavtuieyn who would ho suppn.Ud. lt was
hoiKid, hy tbc lJon. .rodenck .'reiinghuyson of New
Jcrsey. Dr. A.i.itn* tli.-i. aiiui.i|iii".| that the Bifl, Dr.
Il?h'u wuiild *p.uk lu tho Chureh of tbe _--r.tngi.rs ou
Hunday c.veniug,
Thr last morning sesslon of the Sixth ilcnrral Ootifer
Bfloa wa* tbea flfflflghl lo a abMa hy ii beuodi-Uou by llie
?Bt*. DT. tioodwin.
?nn: noowD ncnov.
MoiiMV) MBflBOM ai nr. PAtn/l m. ... r.mrnrii?
tttt, WI1.I.IAM A. Ml lll.i.Mil li'., D. D., AM> THU
i.iik < di ir OAABAB-V.
Tlm BflCMd Mi'i'tioii of tho KviinRi'liial Alli
aaea ui"' hibt, Y.vii'f m. k. Charab at io a. m. ou tiatur
day. A very falr ttWBtOOt, comiiosed mostly of Iad:.-*,
uearlr iilled tbfl ehureh. ihe gt-ncral silhlect aSHlu'lU'tl
for tho cotimleratloii of tbls sectlon was '* ClirlsTian
PAllaatbrapy." nicluding adilre--ies upou HonpiUils,
lf,._.u s?ea, Kefuges, -flflflfli School*, Ao. Tbe ninrn
lug ser,i?li>n was presided over by the Itev. ('yrurt D, Poss.
It w.is opened wilh the .Bflflflfl ot the nluth hy.nn, uftor
which pratcr was afl-flfli hy tlio Kev. Wlnthrop W.
Bearer. Tlicftritpnp.tr was by the U-v. Ibflmafl W.
Avellugof Leadflfl upon "Hu.tpitaU." Dr. Avelnigls a
mau rather Im.Iow flflfl average nn.-, with B tlmi facc,
wii'i black side whiiker* aud hair. Hn Is a rnpl.l,
ucrvuiH *i>eaker, u_ug flflflflldflfflhlfl euiph_sU. Tno pa
y,i-r U appeiiiied:
. C11K1STTAN 1.1IL..N TilROPY.
fll IIIK HKV. TlloMAS W. AV Kl.l N'l_ Of l/iVUDM.
]f tho t'xct'lh'uco iinil valut* of ayslims und
tu en Bifl tfl bejuilge.l of I.y thclr fiults?and tlian this a
mon Hgitiinai" aai BflaNaBfla te*t of worth aai un
worth can scittt'i'ly he toiicelved tiu n the friends of
Chrial anlty aaad aai he Bfrsld tosubroit it tothe snven -t
serutlnv, piovlded Ibfl rule* fll bflflflfl lilul holieny Bfl
eberrrei la lha Jadgaaafll Ibal ii taaat, Vaty uatu
peaplaaia ta Ba laaad wbn Braiaeapabh-af parealflafl
tiu. ataral aai tplittaal Beaatp ?f lha Ohrbflbm apaflami
bnt who caunot Bfl bllfli la the iimtori.il adffflfltflfflfl that
Bbtb tottmt 'ro,u ? Dawbmafl m aabaawleflfle the
ilivme erlfllB "f tbfl rcll?'l"H of Cliri.it, they Und tliein
... s, . ri.-- moal ready ie tai*" a ahare la tba lodt-putable
hlcMlngall baaconferred opon tba world; aadmaarol
tbeino.1 Tinilent oppooeBta uf Cbiiatiaaltr owe toelt
aiulity nnd opp_rt_n.tr for aiviailjug ii t.. tbe nuurii/i
iu.-i.t lt Baa aCarded tbem t<. tae foateiing care
it ha* ctt.'iie'l "V'T r li .-ni ?ara ladebted lo it
iiif'iitfor half tbeir otdlaary duiy amrelea. Btrange
Bad 7,.'i it ii, hut aot mi'"uii'i.'.n, ty n.id tbal the
feather, wblen /llr.*. ts tlic arrtfw polatea al tbe flocel "f
Tn.Hi ibould havo beeo tak.ti irom llu- pliilui. i.f tbal
uiessenger himself; bla wlna lt aat wbleb ranncd Uie
?ir'hct'n n.ia.it luuw proved a i.iv.ritig to him during
tlie deveiopmeiit of ma boj hood'a atiwara, aad la erea
aow.aad wlll Be eontla-allr fol-Xag Ita rerieal foea
witiiiniti pruteetlafl gaardlaaabip, aadaheddingsooh
dew.v fraia'i.'iiu'" uii.iig tBa path turo.i.'i Ufe. pl
up-,'th.it it will be ai i.'iou-ii ti../ BMrred bb_UM lha
ui, .'.'hiii.i oi aperpetaal Bprlng.
II nn "f ti." ai. agonl ta of Cbrlattanlty are thimi who
li i.e "fl.'U Ii.'-l ? HH iit'1 i'U'l 1'iiri .-).? ?eiuu-ni of i'i pru
, in.l inll'.. ull llir prilielpl. "rj uua ihtreoiil
mti," uaV" iia.nuv aad nio.icaiiy eo-elnfled tbal Ibe
lystetn uul its frleada were iiKe theaej tbal ra IaIob
? ut a nvii.iiiun fur hyp... risy; tlnt tinlr
ri.-iii wu.i cut.ipo-ed of nohio worda, but
th,- eolul'l't luaili. Up uf IfBObU tl.'.'.l i
:m,l )? iu- i.,e Io elillliar lur lt* Hllp|ir.'.?.?l'.II aml e..
tlii.'t.'.II. I 'his -I .it. of llll... I n too ul.'.oi daiil Mllli Uu
natural enmlty ol tbe bead towarda Ood and truth le
-iu iu l.v ua. Mieii peraona ara more read] lo i.isvo ob
Ibe fall orea tban oa tba ezeelleaeiea ..f prof eaaora: aa
bmb ara aaore laellaad te aaaa iBtereatedijr oa tfle aaa
wben eclipaed ihau wbea ibialag ia Ita Inll aud uu
cioiitli'.i -Tpieinlor. Hut of iii.li peraona we bea aa
.,f jii'U'iueiit. WeerjT, MiM>?M, bat bear I"
UAS'i i.kiit T. Ofl-fl-fltlABITT.
lt ii n.t my defllflfl la thtt P-Pflfl tO ?pcak of these
i-.ii i.s of i nri-Ti in pli'liiuthrui.y whieh eniit"inplatc
ilire.'i spiritinl rcsiiits. Wlth these I know tlnt world
hus littlo sympathy; but rather of tbaaa which, as I
hav. itate.l, tho world hai learne.l to Baaaa estent to
value. aai "t WBk h ll does not b.'siute to avail Itself. I
aaallaabea*tfl*n_fltlt is in Cbrietlaaitp. nu men in
theae daya are ladebted fur tbe beaeflte tbey, perhapa
iiii.'.iii- lutialj ,.'U|">- lel iini.it I *t_ , iu paaalof, Uut tbe
mirbty apinitaBl eaterprlaea al bome and abroad,
with Whlch tue etiiir. ll atul, to a great FZtent,
The World H fumiliar, ui" l.ut llu* natural iie
v?lutiiiiciit of Chriatlan philatithropy in tne hlgbeat
phaae. lt is pity for unmortal aonla, perublafl ln Iflno*
iim .. aiui guiit. ai woii aa obedienee to tbe dlrlne com
liiaiul " 'io te iuto ull th" world aud pi.-a. h tfle Ooapel
to ev.rr efeatare," wbieh ha* icd to tboae araad aad tu
apiring openttlons whlch. a* with it ehainof K'lldeti
deeds, are gir.liin* th? globe, and wbieh oae day hai.?
tlu-lr due ineed uf unlvcrsiil aeitnow ledgiiicut. Wben
ti." -lorious mamt ur.- aatBttoi before aa awed aad
?idiiiinii). world. While, tlier.'fure, It Is ever tu tM pro
.laiiu.'.l. as wlth a truuipct, that tlm n liflion of Ji ina la
A Hptrit intl nytatiri). et.liniieiidli.g Itaelf tO eiiltivaleil lii
tellects, aud y< t la anderatood hy thn hiimnle ln ipirit;
wh.ie it aapptlea nmpin thaaaaeferamditation.wbleb
wiii wcii repay tho at-deat aad tbe reelaae fur tbe tnue
tl.v.'t.d to their eousideration, yet tt ii alio?an.l tlm
we U.-l-n to Hhow-an emincnllv practuul aud hu
manely iieneticent roiuion, oae wblei wai lateaded i.y
Iti Divine PoBBder, uot only to druw men uack t" <i..d.
l.ut tnl men I.eai. I tO < aeli other; Whieh, while ttbtaoatM
tba soui, Bteaaaa tha Badpauwi wflleB la -otoairto
tit mau Ior tbo enjovm.'iit of heuveu, hut for thut ol Ihe
earth too; a va.it deal more tluiti hc eoaldperaooally
do apart from ibe mflaeai.f exer-taea, the Bopea it la*
aiiire* and the cnc.'iirai:eu.eiit lf. attardi. On its baii
n.rs it nas e-tblaaeaed tur it* laaaad lha worda Bhal
fortucd tfle l.iirdei, ol tlie BOBfl Of li.thuheiii, "tilory to
Ood lu tbe IliKiust, on Earth Paeee nnd liood Will to
Man " rhllalitliiopv, or love, to iiian. did not lie^lii with
t'lirutlauiiy, wa* not then Oriu im utcate.l, Imt was one
of tho carllest lesitous eiijuliud 00 our race. It was u
eall to mau to ohcy tho orliclnal luoiluct whlch lio.i ere
atcd within him; nut whieh waa interrupUiU lu Us de
veiopiiieut. At ibe fall BB douht aOtfl-flB-M WM BBfl of
the pnucipal aad iterhaps tho very earli-st ut the prod
ucln ot tlie deadly upus treo then plantod, Kach of the
two prlmary oflenders wus ready to ea*t tho uiaui" of
the ilrat transgressiou un th" other. wblle tbe Wmguage
of the pntuiUT munlerer was bul thn key-uotn Vu mll
iiuin iit siuular siomtul repudlatious sinee bieday,
" Ain I my hrolher's k.ie|K*r1" Airaiuit this ,ielllshuo-.i
the ditiuo protesl was very early made.
The lnjuuctiou to show love to ouo uuother, wa*, we
believe, part of tbe normal creed of btimanlty? a portiou
of theuuwrltten law; as surely aa lt lics BflBbadh d iu
tho flrst reeorded utteraiu??? "f tlie divine oraclc tbat ex
prcssed tbo wlll of tlw Uod?'* Bflfl shall lflflfl thy
nelghlior as thynelf."
liixl haa laWl the a_e to tbfl root of the hstnful trec of
seiUaiii.eriii hy tho moat fuiuiul BOtef *<lf detiiai on hia
owu part whlch tbc uuiverao ever tKiheld, when lie be
fttiiweti the " uii?|Mtakahlfl glfl " of Jesus t.'hrl*). That
tbc Kather lov.d the Hun, wo know. Whal tlien, that
lovo for tu, which Iei Ba the aarreafler ol tho ihve.l ourt,
wbo bad dwelt lu tbe hosoin uf the Kallier. for us BBBB
and our salvaiion. That il iul?ht off. r a sacrlll.e Ior the
nu of Ihe world. be must uoed* hecoino one ol iw.
"Poraamaab _* taaeb-h-reaara parlabara at Baab aad
Iiimnl, ll" alao hlll_t.il IlkewiiW UMlk )>ai t of tllll -u.lie;
ll.At through ileatii lie luliili! deilri.} I.llll that hU'l Uu
power ut daath." Hiue le tu? wrtuiu Ulaatratloa of divine
uhliaDthropjr; aad froai IBe rant-ga ground oftba Croaa,
Cbrlatla-lty tea. he* uun to love oue iiuolliru ?heii<j.fortli
ma-lna iua ov. ii lore la them ifle lUiidard or wflleB they
mu ii. iiieaHuti- Ibalra Iflward aaeflotfler. Be timt now
the llnnh' il lorlll of hiliuuti excellelise, lll hlilliiili r.-lu
tiotmlilpH, 1* to late our nelghlior, um uiurely tn ..ur
Balvee that waa perhapa the luftleat ataadard br wbu-b
to regulato the duty. bt-fom Cbristluiiitv eaau ; hut imw
tbe M'liiiineiit ls of a more . I. vaied i harautcr?tbe
Btaiul-rd ui.iveraiilly superior. Iii* laaflblBfl I* " that
)e love one another as Ihavo Inteil ymi." lil* w_ts lUc
love of one " who uiakath hi* suu to rioo ou the evil aud
uu tl.e ifu',.1; .ul nriidiTh t.iiu ou tlie Ju-r aud on tho
uuiuiai ;" who did not -rmt till he eould lovo u.* wlth tlie
l,,t. nf eoiiiiilaeeuey, eould prouoiiut?<? ua porfrn't, but
wi.u " ieui.iiii.ire.1 ii* in Iii* low ?atate." ii" '?> v?-.i aa
i,.. aaaa Ba bad Beaeme .hk. of u??nay, be baaaaaa aeM
,,, ni Baaaaaa hn ia.ad us; .md bere la a tre-_end_-_a
myatery -wnile we an n> lawa oue aaaBbar liecau?? wc
i,i, hietlimu. Ilivolvi'l Iii our toiuuiiin t aluinlty. but lu
I lli ouo itj-aiul b. l,t'liio ut di iiverutite, lalllng, ,tll
of .ii, t.ir..u_iii ou" r> latlonablp to "the tirat ii.au wbo 11
,,f uu. sarth, *.?rtuy"?re.l.-emed, all of u*. through
?'tlicaet'uuduiaii who U lUeUuu fi.un lloaveii."
A* oue pi ii" l< al mul es*lly diac--ruthle evid.-uo.) of His
),,>, !.. u*. sti I ?* i.n e-uu. |>i? tvliich WB ate f. lollow.
tli. Mieal louii'lel <?t 1.l'tl.ill.tUlty " W.'lit at.tuit ilulug
..uinl" Hoappealedtob_tworaaa_iwi.il a* ttla w?i>i*
,,,, |.il thui BliiHil-rflaH-flflT laba Ihr Baptlil Be w.,*
w fle inat ahould eome." lu ble*-Ing otbera a* we aball
I,., nt.ii. we ui.* lu he inutator* <>f Ilnn. Au ofdei ul Um
u.ibi.lly- tlicUi.iirof tlie 1 'to-.*- u.i* ln-.ui iiinliiut.il hy
' llllnl. It.i IllSlgllla Is illllple " llavili;,' llll.. -ral,"
?? N.ui" ol ii* Iit.Ttii io aimaolf.'' aml on tbe obTema, ?? as
wo Bare tber-ferfl opportu.uiy int ua do j.;ot*i unio
*.i uu a., eapeelaUj unto Ibeia aim are "f tbe bdueabuUl
Uf tno.'-." Vti..i. -ii ii" I'laii uui'uu lo lYiuuh l.o aoai
la uttaclifd la aeon Inwnvn In ptdeB) thrcadaa acntcti""
wbleh nnfolda th- aecri't of thc lnapiratlon to a true
pliitanthropy, "Thc love .,f Cbriat foii*tr.ili?<th Ofl.
ci.aiaTiA.irrT tmb okkatk*t civiii/kk.
Onr propodtion Ifl ttmt of all tho Mflflflad ngertclot
whlch have beea nt -work f..r thr, iimelloratlon of the
oon.llti.mof liumiiiiity, .'brlatianlty at.inda preCmlnent
In tbe majeaty ttt an tinrlvrtlcd aOptOBBaey. It hi. !>een
tba p.i.-. ni i.r Blaaeflt erery klndof prgaalsed atreaey i.y
whlch men have Ixini lll.'.l ouo anoth.-r. lt le.irn. I Itfl
if-sun fr.nn tfee iiivin.. Maater, aod roactal IM Idi
hn.i froin Ibn Cioflfl lli-win. w.,-1...I ni, ,iis. !pi,-s' feet
H.ii.l. " I bore ku. n >..'i an . tampla tb ' 1
a- 1 h iv-" doae i" vou i" i...' r. ..(? (t iii. rn ii v tbe ..??t \u*t
iiH'u ptTTtmtvmtd, Bat ebeoteB aml BifelbU tim npirit u
VV'hll.', :is ml-Iit !h Bl 1*00*04, tfefl prltn irv Btteotlon
of tbe Cbareb "f Cbrlal tms ii r.-.-,-1 to tbttflawao
M.ttlulit ti.e Ir.iuiiPv flicit.-r nf lls s..i-r.'.i m .
iin- in-!i iiare ol tin li -..-'.'
take, wben tboae tbat bad p
parted witb tbem to all 0*00,0* erery mau bad
yet Cbnatlaoa ho.hi undantood tbal tbej
Itliall eompaaatoii and ttndneaa, and render belp to
oineis -,Mi.) aere ool ol tl eli I
BMitloto wbleb im ?! were atterlj oouied ln tbe
paitnv daya of poaoBleai tbe poor aml wretcl.edfout.il
f..w ,.r m.ii" tn belp tbem.
onjrtaal ? and foetei tbe rruell et ol I ??? m phi
waabardly likely tooreatfl aod Donrlah ftentle aad pltt
ful . m itioi a. If thc pi. -' ... d tb i. ? ? ? '??? "- "'"
jawa " il i aad did paat by the woundeo ai il li
muoh more did tbe n.-nen and
j; a is i. f.rv. .1 for Cbriatlanlty t" m ?
aniw -ra m the blfltory of hui ?' Cal
* ary tbe ery weot fottb, "Uaydown mytlfe I
world," aod tfee proelaoiation made wlthln tbn
ol tbe AcropolU, M Ood hath made of one 1
natlona tbal do .iw.il opoa tbe feee of the eartb," found
. iin.i.l the <? ilamoed iplendort ol tb. I
wbb anderotood ollke hy One*inra?, tbe aia
tberalei olCooar'a bouaebold thea aa "io Cbriat Je
-u. ibere waa Beueeforib I r J. w,
en. nm. isioii nor uuelrcumrlalon, barberlan n"r
Beythiao, boad sor free, but Cbriat wa? all lu i .
Ic aro. .1 t.i "piiton, ae tbeeieet of Ood, boly
|..\."i, i.mi. la of in.-i, I. s, klndneaa, bnmblem h ol
Dvieekoea*, loBoeaff haa," gtrdlna around Ibem '
Ity, afl lb? bond of i" rfeetoaai; aad wbaMoerer th ?
lo word or deed, doiuj* uli m thu u?uie of the Lord
piuiTi.-.ii. aaaatui oo oaavnavarrT.
If wn Iie axkeil, " Whal uood BM riiriali.inlly doin- to
thn world T* and wo toOW, from tfefl .[u.irli r wbOB
fooattoa r./.ii.-s, ohat B bmm?I by food, oa polal t., tbe
woikH of charily und 6*0*aTetOOea and BMroy Wllfc
whtoh tha worM BBoaodo, aod aaawafi "JtoboM tin
Kood ; fur thehe aro tho 0600066 aftprtag "f Bbfl Clirla
llan ayatem. I'an a cu-rupt treo brUkg forth iroo.l fruli
-fruit llkc talB f Wo ank nu-ii to lool rouud Bt thfl
hosiula! ., ,(li-|..-!i-aii"', 6001 ale-.'.-nt, bOBMOj Hfonna
tori.-s, -choois, BioMbeaeee, ai pboaaar i, aaj Iobm I i 'i.i
Mimi, tbo .1-af, tba .iii.ni>. tbetdlot, tbe Inoaoe. tbe ln
elin.it.'. lli" reiugefl lor tfefl f.illeu, ber Jut
qnenta. and otber axenelefl for overtaking .ti.tt i
atill'; the thonaand iii.s to wbleb tteab ls bea, aaa ln
qulre, " Whcnce aprana they allf
Boapttala, blatory tell*ua,owe th.-ir orloin to<
tianltj ; fi i the flrat tbe world i
.. aud r tbe tlli ti a ol thn Bl bop of tbat
cliy. Nelther there, nor at Albei ,00. Bome, tfee hUli
-I olvl Isatioo, "f political aladom aod 1
the cbOf.cn abodi tof pbfl
arti?tic -kiii, waa its prototype tobol.U"
tbfl -11. ill temple of E* tlaplua 00 ao lataud ut tbe Tlbor,
wbere Uie maimed and alck were left to tti -
tudeor tbe punga of deatb." Cbriatlanlty Bbowed"a
more exeelleot way." In all tha ceuturlea tliat bave
p iaaed ovi r the < 11 th tl 11 ? tbe llrst ol
Ooapel, lo tbe .i.i'.mI ai well r.i ihe brlefet
aet penodti ?.f the Cburch'a butory, Cbrlatlaa pblbto
ihropj baa aerei paanml away. Flt. monaatli
iioiisi.f tin- medieval UmM were diatlnouiabed
axerelaeol ebarity totbe *n-k aod poor, ao tbat tl the
lonoraot mul 1 ide were rery Imp.
witb tbe myateriee of tbe faltb of tbeir iumat. ,1
Buytaiewere able t. ? oomprebend to loiue exteuttbe
work of a l.-ii.i.iii tnat broupbl i.rt'i lo tuava iui li Iriuta,
aod ui alnlj I. ui 10 in 1 tl .:? ... oj of tbe
materlal advaotagea lt aecured. Men were i"
amt thej ptve Ibem m< .11 ; tbiraty, and tbey aar.
dilnk; fltraoBara, aod they took tl
tbey clotbed tbem; i.i.. an.l they rtalted 10001; ta
prlflOB, aod. tbej came untotbem."
It waat-auredlj totbe toaplrattou of rrliglon hehad
learned frum tbe a iw reatameol lhal II .ward owod tbe
Impulae tbat aenl bim fortb ou bt* embaaaiea ol 1
Lbrouab all il"- oouotii. 1 ol i; irope, i" dl ? ?>. r .
. appal Lua ?" " ?"' "' ,r l"1 ,n bouaee, uuul
ti.e iudianantcry ol loaulted bumaulty loaugurat. I 1
clialiK" i and UOtblBB Uif'ThT t.i lUCb BD H.lln ne" (.'(.illil
ftentle Elli ibetb Frj tn raeli to
tbe M'lf-dcn.ai ood p raoBol peril to wblcb ber \
. ii.-. xp..,< .1 her, iu n.ir atti upt, .1 aud b ippil
...--:ul. 11,11.-1 to01 i?. un tbe rtamoiilafl fury aod *.u.
i.'dlied-s Ol li" Btle. lahlc liiliniles.
, ii- i-n ts -1. tn m ta aaa vt cai \MiTie?,
In all poblfc CfllllBtlbO th" p-nlu-s of 1 lui-ian phllaa
ni pby has paaaod aaaaag Bea aa aa aaaal of luin.
?? Wlnn Ali-xaiiilria aafl tlflltod with tin- pboTflfl <l ..'i'i.'
/n i.f t; -lUeBOfl, tb. Pag iaa d. lorted tbeir ,
, n tu,. . bii ,,t tbe in- a--. XIiej .;
du: iu tbe -ui.' t-, altboot araa tafetaa : ?
bary tbeat whea deed 1 thoy oaly tl
iiuiu the cootealoB tbemaelrea. Tbe Cbrtat
couttarj, to'-K tbe bodlea ol 111 .r bn tbioa lotbeb
WOltOd upon th'ill Oilh "Ht IhinkiiiK "f til.'lus, lic.s, lulu
lalor. ?! to tlieir M'.int.. an.l Iniri.'.l tbOaB m ith Bll DOeelble
ol tbe 1 omrau Uy, j re -
byten and deacona, lont toolr owb own Ih
tiicr Betf-denylng seneroaltr. bad wben Cartbage waa
rarlabed by a timllar peatilence, lo tbe r. ikh
ol (j.iiiiis, the Paga ? too -n k aad tbe ?
an<t iii<- atreeU were Hlled witb deod bodtei
lioatlT loerfl i*ed .ti.- loleetion. Ko one 1 1 ne ne ir them,
excepl for purpovea ol plunder, but Cyprian, callloo bbi
people log. tber ln tbe cbur b, aaid,' lf u.-.:..?....
10 .mr owa, wbal do we more tban pablicani and
hi iiii.-n- r Aiiiiuai.-.i by hli. word*, tbo bmmu*
i,,.m ui th" eiiiii.h iin nl.-.1 tbe work l>et .????. 11
ii,,.?i. tbfl rtoh fftvlng monej and tbe poor
labor, s.i tbal Ib ? ibort Hbm tbe bodle* tbal alled
Ifea fir.-.'M man boried. abo, before Cbrlatl
tamrbt men t" 'I-' i'. over IbouoBI ol redi emina eaptlvefl
iak..n in \. n f >': thia \-i- ....i' 1 '...?- did,and
i-\,.i, .uld tin- e..ii-.cr.tt. .1 reeeelafot tliat porpoee,afl
was .ion.' i.v Aml'iiif" at .Mll.tii." Illev. Mr. 1. t.i.)
Ib a oot fouud, uow. tbat no aooner doefl a ooiamlty
bappen by whiob widowa Bnd orpbooa are atade, no
?oouer la lt known tbat tbere la a wldeepread dl*tre**,
arlains from famine. war, ...- pefltllenor, eren ln otber
i.mda, than tbfl liiin.-i i.,u pblloutbropy ol tbia ooaatry
uml ot Bntrlead is atirred lo Itfl deptbat?tbelra mora
thaa iii tbe world beeldefl ; ami i do not bealtate to Bay
tbal ii bi beeaoofl "' tbe rellxloo wbleb h..f made tbe t?o
oountrte* wbat tbey are lo ...l tliat lagood in i
aml (tven tbem an flOTlobie pretSmlneBce o\t-r iho atOet
natiniin of tbe eartb.
ln pteparlnn tblfl paper, I tried?hut thc ta^k waa too
berculean for me to aooompllah?to aeoertolo wbal
amouut >.f money, durion tho last balfoeotury, bad b en
pouiadioto thu treaaury of ?ur lonttoapbllaatbroplc
liiatitutioiif?fnr t.'i.u ,-it.- maj perbapfl beregordeuaa
toe center bf ptallantbrople aotlon?ano I eeeayed todo
Uto bbbm wlta yoar own .'n> >.t New*Yark, tnhlug tlu*.
aa l preeaaM l may. *? tbe coanterpai i >.i London ln tbe
old OOUatry ; hut 1 lailed Iiom iho >cry uiai,uiludo of th.:
tiiitisriANiTY's oaoavaraao cttA\ttTrttx
i)ne fa)t, lioMt-vr, itiii.-iti.1, f.u v.iuiii i \>.irt hardly
preparcd. aud whi. h i-pcaka volumes. Iu Lomlou I
a-t-.-rtained?und if l Ol N a.s familiar with KOW-Torfe aa
witb tbo 6*006 aaelaal oity i douht uot i should i*u aiiio
loaaaarl iee?otbliBafltallaraa exiattuic haio?tbere am
800 dtnVreut chariti. J, formed to briu ttf nirn, uud ihe
raat majorlty of tbeae relatfl totbe body, Itaaiimenu
uml wants, enbraelna erery tnrm of diseaaeand mlaery,
Int-ludioB .ninn.c tbem tbe agad, tbe belpleee, tba inhi-m,
th>- lucurable, the orpbao, and tbfl oidow,
With one departmenl of Cbristiaii puilatifhrony?that
of nui to tbeorpbanfl of reapectable parentaoe?I am.
perbapfl, from tne..tli. la) position I have heid/ur tbe Laal
36 year* a* Honorarj Becrotarj totbeAaylnm forFatbar
r.>rt.s Cblldren, ut Beeobom, oear L indon, more fOmlliar
than many In-ri-. I flOteet eivlit Ol th.-..I.l. st an.l beflt
kii..wn orpbaoBaes, tlvo ol wblcb are In or oear Loodoa,
audoffer thc follotsiu* statistics witu refereoofl to tbem:
ChiMrfO. tb. polillo.
8f Ann'iftvlft?. whlfh haa a.ot f.Tth dnrlaa; itt
*B*twa*t. :''),K, atMO.OOO
Ihf'."iri.'hBB'Workiai Scho-'l. * ,HW 4"OImn,
Tu? I^.u.Iub UrpliaB Aa.luiB. 1.70a ( UtaJ
Tto tV.ii.uvil luf.iit .l.vi.ra. S.0OO
I LeA.jluui lat Ftttfti-., li.l 1r.B. LUf.lr,.m.... Ml>0 200,000
ThaCri.s.i'T OrDBaaai*. tUiifa*. X.,*uA aloeb the Ihrec
twaih-n tLmtij pf. HV.1 r.oo. 163^00
?Ma?.n'? urj,rian.|,-f. rrir l.inninfham, l.nill ?'J et,..owe.I
b? u.f fjunlfr, aiacott .<f. '100 000
Aa all lUeOtratlOfl of Mhat UM phii.iuthropj lu tu<
heart .>( 000 BBOO, BOd Bfl B < tni-tlan ininl-sl.-i. eau .i. -
eiiniillHli, lil inee.ill rOUT .-!?'. iai attenilon to llie live
liialitutloiia fotin.lc.l I.y tlie lau- l>r. Audrew H.-ed of LoO
dou wboacvl.it to twe eountry, aa a aeputattofl n m
tl?.'.-..iKiri'iratlonal I'nlou of Knuland aud Wale* at
yeara airt), aome h. re may reuieinl.ei, and who ?ru? the
father of the honoraolo mclliher from lU.-ltney. wlio BOfl
preaidodat more tban one ol Ui" ifl Mlonfl ?t tbUCoa
ferenee Weloundedtbe LondonOrpfean,Wonetead ln
f-ini nml the Reedbom PatberteM A-ylami tbe Boyal
Hoapital for lunall.-, and tiie tdlot As. iimi a! Earla
w.m.l Burrey Tbe lorn i r ins reeeloed from Ibe pui.iic
036S.*J16 amt the latter t Mijj,*) Tb. M Br* iMtltutioaa,
aptotbettaoe <>f Dr. Iteed'e dflalb,len ream aoa, ae*
oordlna tootoblfl alren In tne Uie writlen by not - i -.
ainnuii!."i to upw.iHi of one million pooadfl aterlinr.
In ins wlll he wr.ne with Lala own h.iti.l- tboae i.'iiihm
OMWortMl "Ibequeaih tbflflfl aVaylOOMM i.iv l>. mv.-il
ooaatry, witb aa eoroeet proyoi tbal Ibey bm.
wat. iied ..i.t wttb \t i.d 'in and iMjnevolcnee ; ih.n they
?ay ae W. i.t fr.e from abuM un.i pre* r,,-,i iu eflleien. i.
and reOtalB, ng, uft-r ;\g,\ tfefl ine'J.oi lala ol that dlvtne
efeonty wbtefeexaltetb oad Kloritleth ?? people." ln"
tcu liiBiltulioiii I Ikave eiiiimi rat?-il?i-i.ry ,.u<
of whlch le tbe otr-pnii*r >.f Ubrtatlan pbllantbropy
? have poaatfOd frt.u, a l.emvoleiit public * - -
or Boarly tweati ?Uttoa .i..ii.ir.. aioeo wniiog tn.
BbOffl l luiV" i... iv,,| a jnihUcatloU dflflaB_flle I "I tiria
t.au Wi,rk." .ind wlilelt rlniiiati-d froin 'h" Blble UOO*C,
aml from it I Und tliat litat >flflkl the ?'IflflOkl flOOIOtlefl "1
Ni.H-V.tk, tli.- Krnat nuij.il il V uf Wbleb . iuIu .?<?.? (.Iiiliiu
lliroplil ObjflOM. l'.ll.S'-.l |J.i.a'iim, Wfella lt Un
ln n li >l.> that 'l.e liir.jin. s or tho VOBMflM >
liaio.ia mul beaofatoal s,m-i,.h.'m tu Ureal
HriU'.u for lhe in.l year ani.>iiiii,wl t<> * l.>.*... i.v. or
t7,J4<i.ii?). Th... 1. fur I...i mt tlio iiuiri. , fi.t H .1. | imt
tahc uu,, n,..-..iiiit what im aaaa by avflry ort
.-Iiur. h tiiriiiinh.ml tin. 1'iupitn for tiie good' ?t Ita own
.. I iii-M, ii. in. -uu may i.e tloiild. d aml tk.ar.
fiiilv r?pr.'tciti tn-. aiiii.iiiiUyiii.iii tlly BBpeatted fot i .
pflwpeOOfl Ol l hri-lian i.lniai.i nr..|.t Iiut alliritfl it ia
not ai, inl;ctl thu lt. I'jl i.t luoiiey rat.e.l lor phllau
iiii.H.ir pwrpflflfla thai abowa tin. atioootb >.t tba
ptallaatbropifl prlaatpt* ,m Mtoetblua elae, wbleb no
.ikina or .irillniu.tl. i-.m r.-ir.-.-ni. Ttinik of tba peraoaal
t -.11 atm fiimii. ruUil uul iinr.'iuiiuer.ii i?.- wlil n i. nacaa
Miry in earry uu uii tu,' laalltutioufl -.i UhrUilau Pbarlty
aml Im-i..-\, nn..-. jinl wiitiru i. obeerfulh rivau |,v
liniiilre.ls .uul tliousamla uf iratalttOlfl aml \ri uffen
aitdiy miniinilen.UuMl aml aluif.-il laborcr* Tblllk Ol tfefl
lUtirueiiiin. to Uu- p??r *i\oii hy utyriBti* ,,i bearty
alid lovluK woihora, Wlioui Iho OOTld i.oior flotM al thmr
?I.i?l.*.ri0. Mnilfrln. .'lui.fj, "tl,-,tH?lB.Btwef W_>r*j?**
JiDOU.000 l^i tu hi. rviuiuiii hauaiwtaut uuhih,^. P
toils; of iho iheuia.iii.ls ef men and womew
whu visit tha hc.tsidcs of the alek and the
homeaof porerty, to urinlstcr to bnman wauts, and
often under olie.niiatancea of the greatosl pttrrl ln
bealilt aud life, aml raaaember that as them. were orlg
Initted under tlie Insplr-atinn Of Chrlatlaolty, by turn
wlio had eenghl th? sptnt, an are V.iry stlll rn'itlntMliied
and im riotu.ti.'i l>y men .(.n.k.'ued bythe aaaaa tt~ia_
power, who " do lt a* unto tha Lord aud uut uut.. men.
A* of tba ' irly Chrtatlao w.,m so ll waa aald, *> U 11 tnm
,.r tbi iu '" thia iay. Katroaa eapei talty deroted tbaaa.
to the worbaol eha-Uy, foedla- tb- jneir aud
mlnl-tertng to tbe siek. Tii*y vuiu.,i the meair-st
bovci* and 'be in'Ht dtoeal privm*. " Hut what ' ea
th'-ti." . 1 Ti " i'i'au. " will ?nrTt hi* wlT* t<> gn iti-out
i..,ui aae aaaeefl i" aaot ?r. t>> tu.. ii,.u_m_ ,,r a'Huif.nit
What h lUaliuwbeg to ?U'al away mio tha
i d, tpblaatbe ci.slu of th- inr.rtvrv Uw-*b'
oause this.roi' ooe w"*"" BBhrereal.lhei the yxmnt
.,',.1 edtuiraiion, and .uuiveiod
; Uicot. airiiiev IBat cul'l < Ifect h.ich reeailtt.
(Vm' ' ?.!!?'. of N'-wY ik (...leiiiia..!,,,,(Mn om
ro all infldels aud impagn-re of the wettfl
nf Chi-lstniiilty, who aak wbat g"<"l it ba* emr don.i
;, ... ui . .a' a' : . n ptr, " looB nt thn
:.-' iti "I to tbli II 0 "".ly. fur
tt.nlyarruuiAnt al preeeni vou ?adetstaafli
aml who, wlth a roi ? .-? in" ao-Bd ot many water*.
I - ii.iy have id ..ve.l
? mi -I")' aeed, ii<
t ..ii truiv *av : " Wncii llie >??! u. nd .?e, tbaa .t
me, aud wben the ejre aaw me, ll aare -llneea toaje,
? . i.'il. au.i 'lu- liitlut
? | . ?? 'ii.- to belp Iriu. I
of him tbal vt,.ii"...ii u, perlah came apoa _ae,aad t
| fnr j..* I put ?>?
a rlgbl i'*'1" ** '* *
robe au I * rtlauem. l wu* eyei !?. il
I a lit'l.ei Io th" |*M.r ; ami lB?
..Inch 1 kuew mu, l .t." Aud this net
li.it ou
Ic -. ii", * imewhat mon tttm
...uu with the ? of uuiiiiiiiitv. tbaa ia
more lo aocor-auc* w.ia Uie
dtriae n ad.
i ? bmb irr witiioi.t IfluVfllflfl 01 ?
taaaB tbal lha eaajeaaate flf ?*_?_??
? -i" of tiu Ir trojilii"*, flflfl with?
out any he.p from the sy*tem they .epudlaU* I ltioir
. haad l ab aa flfl abbi ?, IM al aa '> flbflj iu
tbe cxlilbiu. n va -ihould luy our BflflBfl Bfl tin* and tliat
i,,t, BBd aiflbfl tbfl nu'live paWflfl a* hariiig IrCeti nup
p'.i, il hy oar BB0C BBBP-Md (.liiiitiaiiily. If, lu helpiug
md-apflaaam paaa Bnaaaalfj of aay of flatfbh tn-y -__._
thihoii't' of tho aiifllBBtlag thBBflbt TT tho work, thr-jr
nm tha rt-'k of being daaM a*h us kka aam afl Bttta i
iiiiietii laha tiuir liflbtfkamtbahaaaflj
.I hearuot lavriads, ti.e, erj ' the mere imitatumof
Cbrtallan beneroleace, "Jeaafl wc know aud FflaitM
ar wbo ara v i" .
Abt tbe day is not far oflf when cv.-n these whu npi-na
. v,l. fai-.lv.'if t hiiiUiiuity.as if iu book-were a tmudifl
of old in..-- fai. ui. wlll bare to tba theyooa
-.-l'uiin i'it powera ol all th U haa
. i..im in hcir-is to oobte ?! ted. ; tliat Inet-ed ?<f im
.tuu. .ui ie i...' . | ? ? ''" ami i *. n is a
- | H hav uu. d tho world wlUl
. mrehol 'aii.ii aai bo oflen amltaaa ou
bt eheek, bul aba wlll ratnra a h-sa for a blow s
- .a.- iii... but -hc wlll not rerile egain; tba
rld iu t, pnrsue ber, oal aaa wafta
;,? __ a. ln i . ?- ie i. ui,.... ? ii tbe ta
.; if I.r iui;-t giv< inui .'i'li.-: ior ln *0 duiafl
, .... ilsol ii." m i" .ii iu-* haad BB uot
evii witu gou i."
. , ni, ..1 brothi r. tben fore, wu i me niio fche
..-ity an i beoevolenoe wbki . haa r,c?*
,-;,.., | i i ., j t tenipkt tii.it ii and i rea
euktrging; on. compoaed ?>r livmir atonea, many trr
. . IHllJ -..uaiilri. ainl p.iilTiu l .i.,"T iua
, j, .1 icej and aatbe arehit. il of Bt. i*. iPa
t,!,!, i;,,. litan '? ui" Iral gaa > <>n
ine giorlpua itriietura tuat riaea aronud ului, t.. dueorer
_ lulna and -?.ii, aa poiuir
ln? to I B eona ru tl .rew
a. li aif I.. ho met wiili ei, rvttl a-rc,
and v.i. .ai.ity. would uovei l.....n
. uie world, i aaj : "Itt amammttim im_mtm
??jii. Bar. tVii'min a. Miiiii'-iiUcr.- aaaJUMa latreiaaad.
u,- ai o l* .1 ior ' ? * aafl af Tiu- aabjaflifl
tbeaflbt lhat tta Hal? OammaBloa do
?BObaa uuy. The paiier
. apoa tbat Babh 11, aa Mio wai
jonrc roioiuHio-i bebyicb
hv TBB BET. v. ii. a. mi lll.; m.m:.;, B. i'-. _? **?
;..s m..-l*iiu.. BBW rOBB
r btpfl l oaght to Bpo?og_n f?r not kiop
l am Bbflfliia -a\. 11 mt "i ibi |bjb 'sn.1.
...it l uu; in ihopro_rau.mc; >ct my oi.ly afaflflBB '?
thatI am atraagty mavad ki ni_,ak ou aaaflhi r?oie,
l :. bi I WboUy .trcvaltui to tb l toiiera. iojno ol
f, aot iu ipprcpriate as ouo of Ihe coucludiag
papam al lha Oaafaiflflflflt
ProceediagW-th iny Bflfllflflt, whi.h I can ireat only
in tbc pl.iiti wi.r.lsof tt woi .. r ralh-r tlinu it simaker,
end aot after tn,> aelea Bfla aaelhad of t.e ai...t aud
;.v mea who bare preeeded ate,! ob-enre.wa
wen w. nol av tutom <l tu tt,
Tii..t atu.'ir- Pi I ithere ls ae
i- , | IX (0 ii" ?ii.'i.iit.'.l. lll l.i" ol)
ioi tbe iu-.. thoirt* Igio i. i'ii.ir
unity io tbe faitb aod ia tbe rardlnal dootnnea ..i tae
., ij."l ii ct'iTiliilr not ol.vlo'ii In tiu ? .
io tha BTefll pBBer_a_ml ot bbIIjt?tba Leraft
-their ohaairaaflfl of aBtefl Balaa ae
i wltbia tboir owu eo-h ?? .ml
' ? Tluv tuc't c.ii'h nt their i.wn, lut rti.lv ut 8
... ? iitiiuiuniui.-iaiiie. Bow tflla, aa an onHaary
Iherwlae. Tbe-omiuunlcao??la e
\ i.f .my slzo eould not form a ?Ingle oo_r
irrogdtlon. Nur. if iber conld, woold ItN desirabla.
. re th ir Cbareh Uobkn. ae to cail them, eheta.
uu ii r tbeir own paatora. aad _mld their tamiUeaaad
frionds, they feel lt a good and pleaaant tblng *o i ? par
tlclpate iu tii" sacred f.- 'it. They bare an In lUni oa
io go lur it iie.otid tii"-e compaalee <>f ImoMdlafla
bretbrea, Nor la tbia aaaocbU if u be ouljr a aatural
preferunce for thuir ui.ii aaaoctattona. for tii"
mentul m le?and eaatoma t.i whieh they, like their
t,. i ni before tbem, Bare Beea atx-uatomeil. but when
tbey do ii ou reUfdona Krouada, wbea tbey u...k. itu
tu itter oi eon* !? nci. when the> woold tori 11 tbe i'u_i
muulon ait"K"tiu:r rather (haa pertahe of it ..uniua
ol their .mu aocietiee, then li la tbal Bt-wetAI
lo u.l it hv its mlliic-t naini. wi.nh lt
I. Bard t.. racoaelle with aughl of Baarty ia
a of imliilvt.r.ilill) iu tha oae httf
,,i . un-t. Beea i bbbj aat te o.' uader
-t.,,,.1 aa adrertiag to auy particulai t.?..l>- wt
Cbrlatlam who feel eonatralned t.. cloee coniiuuntaa
fr. iu i un-i.i.eni-y wltb their ipeclal i I. There uro
liin- i.r.'Ti.iei. 111 that sateuurv, iit wbom i woald aet aa
..iii.ii,. worda,aad at a ume .ii." iim. l nier tv. whafl
i? en i.u.ii among a.l Protearant ri.rl-tiHii.i?'lieir
avoid.ti.00 ofl .'iu aliutlier'S I'liiiiiliiini.iliai; au nvuld.BBAB
Ihe u,tte leinark.iule stii. <? tU"> Ufai | u.ely
anv utiier rellgloni oooaa-oas. Tuey <iu aol t* ttmt to
aorahtp la one anotber's aanctnanes, thej llsten itiouo
aiioti.i t'i praaohlug, thiy go band aad ii iad la w..rki <?f
piety and banevohinae,iu iho anawal their .-liel-ini;
nut wben it romea ui oommuuioatlng togerb r, taata
thej liait-.iicy are raadj for uuy ,."t uf urotherll__BB
l.ut ti.ar; atul *o tbe eatraordiaarj tiii u__ <? meetopamt
tbal ni" laai alaea ut wbleb tn.y ah-aid Ba vn.iug
alwaya i.< be apart, la tba laai pt-oa al abieb tbey aai
wiiiiuK erer io iuci.
W. i" InowtOflO-a with what i'i f.arftilly tvor* lrt
Mtcii it.'ieii .tion. the wratblai oontrorera -. I ?? .iwr
tbeoiogieal strifes, Ihe mutusl exoommuuieatioua, of
whlch tbt* bleaaed ordlaau-e ba o Un
o?mr "f peaaa. Iba net eeati r afl war -wa aboald *^y,
lli)W true Ihe p.ir.i.h... of OtU 1. u.l. "I "u uot . .nur M
?end peaeeoneartb, i.ut aaword.*' Tbia flcroe aealflar
oplnlon, mag-ifled Iato eaaeotial faitb, baa uun ro* tbe
moet part eonflaed to rnflgioniatle roea ataata, v i.i.of
ull couili.it tii'.i, le l-t know what tii.iii'i.r of -lur.t tbflfl
areaf. Huppily. ton, It ut ratbei tthlngof the paat; bat
.*??. Bowever, w.thout lea-nig a remaloiler ln that
wii.'i'ii is tiu- BttaM iu kimi. tBomrti i aa ka da__ i .-cra
iiientai "Xii.niv.'iic.-., tnu v.n.at oypeeile ol wiutt
woold -""iu uiu.it iair be -ai i.iiii.'tit.'ii . ni.- prebeaatBB
nea* ; Ibal ai*.'. ihai.k Ood, li ptmalug uiv.tj. A
lutppy iiiaiiate Baa tt lafla pean Baaa _-aiog
on; the feiiciug iu of God's o.'.ird by u.au'a
? livic.i ii oue ui tlm oi.l waya Whlch w?
ar.. dlaeorerUig moat not aeeeetarlly if. hima U'eau^
thaj ara ohl. wi ar" ooaalag n.t.? a "."arer aad froer at
moap_ere. ri.c olghl m tarapent; tbe dar ta at haad.
Tiu-icy imi rei 1 and froatworh "' eeul-alaailo_im. .*_
gealea la the darb. are m.-ltiug under tbfl aaaaBflfl_fl?
vaiieing I'ght. Wc l.itve h.d unl. ui .'.uni. iiiii loi.i. Cflaaa*
tiaiiM uave aeknowledg-d a becomlng and miema amBa_b
eaaoe m fortatttog awBUe Ifleir diveraitiea_a-d Ib aa*
jajinic tluir tgreement Ui the anprama and L>r.ci?ua
trutha embodled lo tt." s-ceaaaeat. i- >yal totheebarahaa
ia whieh rrt'Vitieiii'c Bae aet tbem, _..n._ ibi-iu u_a
preterence and lupport, ihcv owa a yet ..i.ii< r alieglaaaa
U> tbe law laid upou tbem tn oommon: "Tule do ia?
iii.'i,., i..iu <?..: ii. ." Ule oae ol thi encour__lug alflBfl
of the ti.ui'T, an aaoendant Banaoay ot Ooapel eoafloaC
uiuid tbe Iar df cbureby AleceetLand a.i -mii uot ua
worthy the oooerration of a Ooapel alllaaee. *so, at
li-tt't, ft aaema to your -p_ak. r, *ho begataofl-r t.mut
tbougbta ui>t.ii it eta hiscoutriuutiou to tbe eoalereoee.
With rei;ur.l to they..- uiiieii i ouiuiiiiiioi.r, 1 aiii.uiit tliat
the tlme baa eome when ihej ahould .: aod
and regnlated. and tbat nui-Xy ln order to ibelx liuuig
a repreaentailve eharaetrr. Aocordlngly. ti.ey sitouUI
i.ut be ao mueh extempurary gatberinga uf aii an.l uuy
.-,j,.,i pe. ple uioved to attoud lbem,iu ol peaaoaai i.oaea
ty tli* i: brothercomrnnnloante w. tbeir i.-*p aiireeaa*
grcgutioaa- not, of eonree, io tbe exclaaiua wf _u othrrs
hut theae ??.< >t. i delcgatcaand proxli 7 ibenl i ivnu tuo
uiaiii body "t tba ? ointuuni a'i: g totemblj, nliiab
wu-idtbaa wltnem not only Iar Itaelf, Uit u-r ai. iia
v .1 ti.i Onlon in Cbi
1 nt it would be .* reprea. atatlra hui. woai
1 ..i.ut let ll be e-lended mriher; let lt e-*araaa
more tnau only eertaln loeal *? ' "w Trr
1. .11 objaet 111 Mtw t* tu* uiiItu "f tbe
.: braucbi tof tbe Prote?Uui Cbun b. 1 ":i'a~__
muni. Aml mark _owe**ily tbal coul. u c_v-on
I ? hat a *ltu?lc proceaa. Tboae dtr. t?oi braueiiaa ia
tbritblflbeat coanoila, their ayiioda, theii ...uv. ,u'na,
wJut-lol CbnaUAB amiiy. II w*-?,afb*?^_;._'*
win am diploimtcy, aitbout settlinci "f J"***""JJ}
without in.itin! oonccealons-a compact ?1?','ll'J/.*'1*
_.ma"a oa u *aa\ lUr* noold be an __<^*________
1,, ...rr.e l.ici.l ai'liirOla-SSlci. ?'"' iMmuIeol ul Ml
""f, .i'...ii abo*p..k? fr.cni.t wtu I*lou*through
{*"_, a, ...ullhe di-a-UtllW HlUle r- .fl. r. .iui" l>> Klle
ftKrfr?fibBBB_t-aiib.lhatr_B Lord tba ott

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