OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 13, 1873, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1873-10-13/ed-1/seq-6/

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-VranBcmtnt,, ctc, ?!)? fhSEMEj.
ACAi.rtwt arim.ir.-Atiij..: Italian Opwra. " Mimioa."
Mmr. NiiK-uii au.i Si.u?r t'liiip atnni.
I-hith'm TiiKATBR.?" Puivlion." Mn^le Mltohfill.
llAIT'a liRii.U.WAV Thkai'BK.?" Mm." Kinm.'t.
KKaaKK.i's Niw Aa?a-ni.T Kooms Hartz. Illiialonlat.
UBAHB-Or-EBA HoflNH llutiati Optru. Mmr*. !>| M.u-Wi
aafl iai..;,.; . i" -aaaaaa aaor.
Haa I iiifliiaT?ii? "iTrn tutm.* 't.e. Bac
Nini.ti'it (iAiii -Baai i';"ui."
oivhi-u* IBHbI?_. "Mfl-?flfl Auxof? 1'hlld." Mr*.
J tiu - A u.l' -.
I'M'.f, -.i tflfl Tlll-Airil.- Atl'.l Bflfll ri; " Tlir I
\iu i.t k- IflfAT-l "BirttiBP'it Bflflk" and "Ttio
iluriaiul'o.'ti ??" BatBBi it
flaaaaoaa Ibbii-Bibl Dbi afl-hflfln- Aaaaal Pait.
Y.Ain Bai i '?*?'? 'i'.ii.>n "i Paii t.u_'?.
l;.,itiN7...> 11 -i.i.?V.iri. I - I ..... t! M .nui.Pl >?
vm i bba Hovaa I
Siibt* Io -.dvcrtiscmcnis. __
ABOBaatam / <r- tttt I I fllB eal imaa.
I.AMa.1 UB 101
BANKIMO am> FiNAM iti-Trnth Fa>)r let cuiunn
l.iitKI. AM I Itmk tmm UiaflBTaflB. BBB *iu
,:i ai*. - Ial couhbu. ,?,.,?.?
CIUH ""1 ""'"
l'..i:i'..Kt, .T . Fa. - ? '' '
Dar. ibo A a*u'
lllMl- I '.?Ui.l.
I'l**l" ' ''"Jf ',"-'.'"m.'?,'?.,. Vtmtk
imv - a?.| ''.-ii eoliH-ma-AlBlfl
l-itnr t HlU*.
l.luZ-i _KAl.V__ Ttltt-ttAB a-d6lh
enth Fane-i I uml 4lh eolamBa.
;?', l;,,e-G li tt.uiuiii
i:h oolumn;
1- ... ii ? llltllllD.
j,*;::" naaa-. i>__*_-iat
n?T;;| . .;? M_ OOltUBB; BOBOB-Afl?Ttnth
|, K ,'?. . ' f. .ilill.tl.
. Itb uul atll I'ullltUilK. Nt
U '.
i :? 'tiicolniiin.
1, '\S
l . , illlillTl.
_HA._W- 4-ill M-41 I 00* *- ii'llllim.
'. eOlBBB.
/" je b.h OOllUBBi lirelfJt
' |1 ('(.llltlKl.
Mti I'u . .uliiliiti.
iil \l i . ? . I .... iii, , ,'lh Fitue?tilh roi
r i ii ItB i i.linuii; Nta
.'..I .llll Fifth
| .'('? /?,./- :tl. ai ,1
, . | . ? .Ull v.uwu.
'..ll rulllTTin.B.
KITUA1 ? ? ' - I ,r?''"'? I'mie?-l l .'uliiTiiii :
. aa.
U fi;- ttB I'l'l'inil).
iiut Olli COlUIllllrr.
? . | 1 ll t'.llllUll.
1,, J.' i ? OOK I.T* !:.??; M fifth Ptttt?fltB ral
uuin; iii) I'i.v.ii ITT ? />'f'. /'HTf flW tul'iiuii ;
( ,11 ? ' I, i.ll Cullllilll.
aViNti.': iti - ;i- / t al*Ptt?t lrtcalaaaa
On-inres -foncrt
Qfll ii.t.si I'..I.l' IBB ii im MoNTH
.,,. ___j ,>.*..
are < Jlean, Sound, W'hit.
Tntrta Bl Pkbkl Tv.utii I'.iwpkb. DtBigsta
mtll iU_
l?i . Gold I'_ *
To iboa* rn,- - ? ..? inren'mn thit will faelli
ut* ib* ?
ur. OM < ' f ? iao*t _*|vort?r,t lotirtioai of tb* prraeal i|r? n llnl of
t paa tlnv' i.. >a'l_ii tk ... .iei of tr_iu*i* m n.ar? tai iluri
I'. tu, . 11 t ocli irr tiioi. of Jumb Fiviit. minafaatarBr of lt)?
t?. d l ? Ba - Ait,.r Bmmt Tbtt tmtttm rtlat >.
le..,_ k , ... iu our c.l.. io tbeir uu-ufic
tVr, 1 "bo know tbr rilcr of Kr?lbi'i Pa*. froto *on
Har: ii>. ? ' M_U_-__ ll.ea. lo
P8B rt?i mij*.
. . :: *B .,, .1 ?.,r 1,000 -lilBril
J I .v i l Hatrepolilaa Natioaa B...i.
Uoo. -v ' Pr* ?' . I-i ai a'r >-tiv.nal Ilauk.
J A 1 rtt Aiaar.?i.
W- A
r h i - - N R-pak-a.
. i . | .'. Ral ? ial _,?ak.
I tatal Ni'. mal Baak.
laai. - I .awl'.rl (oni.tr .N.tioill Oiak. .
Wu.. I ? tn: I!?Tik tt At
I. W Im b. (arn tr li.oa Hitiouil bank.
tVra B.l b. HautofN Y. V Ttiaklm Au-ciatlaa.
I I KooUvwt- I'ra.. iail Atlaruir Nalivin! H.-.l.
Wb. H Ioi. lr. * Nati uii Baal
JiD.i Baall Prr.i ,rut Import*!.' ini Tia'rra' N.t.onil Baak
J. M <raar Ci.b ? r Rbo* ? jl L aibrr Nitioual Bank.
i'o W tt ,?ti I'uiiirr Buli'illr"! Uinl.
turlr. It-ltt k t *. Wr'l,. Farfo lt Oo.
Uaita. s:ai?i Btpraai C*.
v. ? , || n- _ Ca Barelat ii l,'Via(ttoB.
tmm ? h 1 lti.mi.nl k Ca_, Niv Tatk
W.biIow. I.a.nr _ 0*. Dillt T.??*.
Gt* b tr.imrACo. A li.rJon, C.iblrr N*w-T*rl U*r
Yitk - ll.lrh. llii.
M 1 >tr..n_fo. T. R. tchira k Co.
, ?.? t v Iri k Ct.
Ainmtimrut ? >_n * Uargiaa
_,. i> I laabi Vu'ni. Iui l.
l.aui.i I ? M '-niur.v-.a1 Mut.Bi lo. I'o.
Il.ua. .' - .t Mtrranul* Mutti.il Ut. .'*.
t. 9. xx t . -.. . t Hom Pu? Iui. *'o.
Horr.i fr, . i >'.,. a, - Ktv-Tort Lif* iua < o.
tloU i.y aii Um prtaa-pal i '.....rirri ibJ lemUra.
Joh* Po_.Bt tirvlJ P?b Slinnfieturrr
Ho. 2 Aitor Hivuar. oppont* tbt- Hrr* i V*.rt
1.1-TBii P.itk. Ba, 1 li.r irriei of Arl .-luiiiea, tiel.tirr. ia Ibe Na?
tional A<\_!.:u, . oan* I'r ,r .'. erril*.
Daiiy TBJB! Iffl, Mall -abfltfli-flffli -fl'ipcr aTintim.
SflMI-Wl l k: *i 1 IlIBUNE. Mail Sulisirili.-i a, BE ver BB.
BfflBBXT linr.iNr. M_til Siili.vnlivrs. J- per ituuuni
A il v r r I i s l ii e Katfi.
Daii.y Tkibi n'B, -i ?..?>)<?, fl0t%9_e, 73a, and $1 jierliue.
Skmi-Wi i ki \ I liiiitsi., -ia an.l BO aeata i>fr line.
WBBELT I iiiiii NB, *-. $o, and *"> prr line,
Accortling to position in the paper.
Teni-t, eaafa in advanc.
A.ldresa. Tiik TitiBr.NE. New-York.
AdrertiMTnenia iei eive_ at ni>-tovvn oIThos. ta\ >V.
s-^l-et.. oi WB W*. 88d-at.i at the t-ariem OfBoa. MBB
Foniti.-av.'.. l.vtw.. I. lafltbaad l_Otta-ata.j aod at tbe
Brooklyn Branch OfBoa. 833 Waabinfltoa-flt- _a_1
daartothe Poat-___Ba, till sp. ui., at regular ratea.
Ihir-ing the rrmttruriion of thf front et the netr Trtbune
mttildimg, Tht fWAaiW <i*i*e mny be fmintt in the tirtt
tmitdtng m th* rear tm syritrett. The Tnbun* Countlrxg
Hircm isuu li.r tint tl'i'ir, und isentertd at tht teeond dw
dtnmi Sfirurr tt. e,i,i'i the old titt.
Tflfl __tyaBttnaaflaai flrTflfw_a_a_Bfl BMHaaWaaia tha
KrcDrli .li I.UI17. a Bfllaajfltlflfl flfl Muiiar-lii-ta had an
iiitrTvii-w with the Coimt tle ('haaiboril at Balzhurg; a
nirtttitig uf [flnjMelaiteta will Ite held on the 16th of Ovto
betc. I. /. ? uituiuir taa* ndmltted iu evldeucc
iu iil* Mal - b llii- M. xu hu (. unnrrm. tiu*. .let reed tne
*eparati..n "f t'lumti and State ______ There have b-tn
*n'vere rain-*tu,-uj* in Cuba.
Thre*. |.i?t.'l Hi.otit were nietl at ux-Kenator Pomnroj of
Kaniaa la-t Suturday, ln Wimhunfton, l>y ex-C'ougre.*8
?BaOaaWBI uf that Htate, who Beelaaai that I'omeroy
iiad run.t.i him uii.i l.i* faci_.il>. romcroy waa very
aliKblly lujured, aud Couway was rt li-aaenl ou hall. __=_
I'realdeiii iirant reRardit tbe late panic .... a atamiiede ol
. eflfaflflfl-eafl. and thluks it will pave tl.e way for a re
niiiiijitiaiii i.f Bj,. . >e paviuenta. He alitu favorit tiroiiibit
iuk tbe pB] meJit of lntereat on |.l.'po?itH i.y liauit*, aud
-would rt'i'iiniuieiid the e"tat.li*liiui ut of a jxiat-ottlce
Bflflk. *=^: Yellow fevi-r raitta with uuabated BH-tfl
ulty at Mi.-iuphis, and addltional deaths are reyorUxi
froui 81irevi.pi.rt, MontKouiery, and Little Rock,
The Kv'Mti..'li'-al AUianee cloaetl-ita Mimluna aftor con
auitriiij the f." ti.-rnl topica of "( nn*tlanity and Bocial
Keform," " <Iit.-i1.ui I'hllaiithr. -py," uud " 1-rtirular
_tvila and Vu flfl." Fl~e Kreat iiiairi uiettlnifs were held,
ni whicb Bflflfl aaaa Wtm made by a large BWflea afl
tielegate*. Tho BeT. Baal II BehaaaB dehvered the.
< I.HiInx ad'lia nt. - tmm C-Bliflfl Bradlauirh lectured on
"Workiugiuti)'8 M'rongr.." =_.- _ Bi-Tr?*a?urer bpra.ue
atted tho (ity afl b-bbBIjb to ma.aa tfla Baaaaa paid to
ruver Boaluian'8 defaulu. an-aai -Bflflfl l.at.knipbey caar
.,f .i.-.rif.* liird (Jriunell & Co., chargea of
<*)llu_tOi. au.i ft)ii*p!racy flflflfl uiade. r_- _. Totn Bowllng
won the anuual aw.a paute*, ftflflfeflfl-B the grand
national hau'litap, liniiBtcad tiu: tb.nijpa_ii() 8take?,
aad SprinRbok the luile heat race at Jerotuc TatV.
TheEuchan'rias was the wiuuiutf ya.ht ln the Onean
raoe. __=__ The Controller cimuiid thal the * ouiinis
MflBflflBflf Ai.tiut.ta ha<l made reckleas chartren flflfl-Ml
hia de.parti.i.i.t. ---? Oold, ldej, ltw|, l'?-i. Theiuiom.
Bat, bb', c., na. _
A con.-id. r.ilili- rota-M 'it WBtn from Ifflfll
phiB mny \h- tliiiM Kiiiimii'it iii?: Tki ravape.s of
Ihfl yiii.iw f. nii ;ih< t-takoooip tttt r.li.f in
Bt ill ni'i'iii tl. N. w-.uik nnd ItB Bflbwbflfl
tiiiKlil)'"! I -flfffl 1I111.1. liliii.il thingB alri-ady ;
but tLi.T IflBfll tlii'tiiiic |a hl.K Ui n Ifl eonti-bfl
(l<?I^. Tht iiC'DllIlt* HllOW Ihflt tlll' mmmmmmWahhOt
uow BOtog toiwaid Ip not more Uiuii .ui-cicnt
for the rlnily nrW* of th* plflgttr-atriekrn
ptople. l>o not lot thn good work ?top now.
Tho reform to whioh Merieo hafl been tond
ii.tr for a long timo haa at laat rocoivod offl.-inl
?notooa through tht adopti-m by Boatraa ol
a UtW providii.g for 1*8 scparation of (Imich
and Stato. Tho provisions of tho aWT, ot
whieh wa pabliah a aajjuttiy thit ?orniag,
aro roiiimiMidabli*. nnd. aalea. ttM <.overn.no.it,
maaJfeeta unduc lererftj ln theii exeeaaoa,
M.-xico eannot fail 8000 to exucrienco b.-mli
c-iul effceta thorefroin._
Many al Iba flofetga delegatea tt, fhe Con?
vention of tho F.v.ing.-heal Allianeo ocoupicl
jmmkmtemj NYw-Ynrk polpita. Theoa aentle
inen, for the BBOOt part, prese-ited tOfdOl wliicli
iwi.* speeially faeah fr.mi tlicir own fields of
I'.a.-tora! labor, aml wero, ther.foro. inUrosIing
to their lioteaera. Oa tha liffh pace of Tbi
TbIBI ra wi- print cxtraeta or sunimaii-s ot
,-cvi'i.il of theae diaeoaraee, whieh |hre a very
fair aketeh of tho apaaheta aml aenrioea of
the .Iiy. _
Mr. Bndbtagh*! thinl looturo, nt Coopur
Institute, on Siiiunlay night, in printed in
THI Tkiiii nk thia moriiing. He makes au
eaxaeal but hy ao bmobi ?/iolea. plea ia favor
ef land reform, and gtvee a definite plan for
rrsloiiiiLr ti) e.iiltivation tlie WaBtfl lands of thc
uristooraoy. Tlio prosent leeture was not Ieaa
r. m.irkable than thoso whieh have preoeded
it, in its rskillful nnd eoiiipaet statcinoiits, its
, \i.|.iit sinccrity of purp .se, and ita OllfaiUng
tiiet and discntion. Mr. l!i'.nl!aii?li left New
York laat night to l.ciiire in New-Eaglaad,
Bltnator Poinoroy lnv. Him. enon^li of UaOWl
to aaawer tor. We pnrtee. aajaioal ihemawk
ish foQj of trjiagto f;i-t.'ii 011 hun BOaM lm
propei aet, warr.inting OI even pruvoking tha
attael upon Ini iife by Jadge Coaway, last
Saturday. Tlie .Judge bas been liiorhid, if not
insrine, lor nionths, und one <>t hia thlusiotis
haa beea that the pabtta m.-n <>f Kanaaa
wen- in a couspiracy to keep liiai out of
public life, leet bo should provc a .l.itiftcr
OU rival. Ia 18*8 tm he was considered
a very proinisintr membcf of the ultra
wiBff of Iladioal Uepiiblicans. Iie threw away
hu ohaaeea la political Ufa by aa ahia Bpeeeh
in the Hoaae, substantially deraaadiag on the
higheat anti-siaveiy poaada tbe ebaadoa
uient of tho war und tbe reOOgaitiM oi the
Southen Confcdcraoy. Sinee thea he haa
ril.vavs been a luckle.v. ofiii'i-lioldci' 01 moiv
liickl.ss oilioe-seekcr.
Tiik Tkiium: iaaaee tlns moroing Extra No.
lt, ooataiaiag a eoatplete report of the Ooa
fereaee of the Eraagelica] AUiaaee up to the
hourof itsailjoiirnim'nt. .To in.?< t the waata ot
maaj peiwvaaatteodiBgtlie meetiaga, who were
oUiged to bave the .iiy last week, an incoinpl'te
report coiit.'iine.i in the tii-t M pagee of thia
Kxtia was leeaed oa Saturday.) Extra N<>. 12
ir. an insuo of *t2 poara* fonr dooble ahaeta,
, .juivalent to nn inniiy oeliivo roittioea of 01
.liiKiry rfae. In thia there an oonpeiaed,
without eurtailincnt, all tlie important
papers whieh appeared in the daily re
portfl cf Tiie Tituu.NK, nnd, in uddition, many
othcrs not previously published. Theae it-jioits
h ive been carefully conectcd aad revinod;
and a table of eoutents, and a coiopl. te ana
lytical liidtix witli ret< rences to page and eol
1111111, have beea added. He paina bare been
apared to make this Kxtra a eoniplete, cini
venient, and aeeurate history of tlii?> most
iiiiportaiit. religioiH eoDventioii.
Thil Extra in ?ent I.y mail, post[iai'l, for 2-"i
, nt-.: ten eopi.fl \\ill l.e seiit to one nddresi. for
$2. Tm Tkii'.i'm: Extraa Noa. fl and 7, ooa?
taiaiag thfl Kev. lleiiiy Ward IS(vrher's Mig
Kehtive Leetarea u. Miaiateeii an.l Extra
No. 8, with l'rof. Aj;;issiz'-* livelve LeO*
tures on the Method of CTeation as op
posed to Darwinisin, are Ki-at with the
Kvaiigilieal Alliiinee Extlflt for 40 eeata. To
the fotegoiagi for oo eeata ia all, there will
be added THI TUBUVI Kxtra No. 10, illus
trated, mataiaiag the proeeetUoga at Port
land of the Am. ii.'au Aaaodatioti foi the Ad
vancenieiit of Siieii.e, whieh include a debi.te
Oll liarwinisiii iind tlie 1110-t eomplete BdeBtiflc
ugnraeata for aad agaiaat the DeTeiopneoi
Theoiy ever presented 111 Aiiieneii.
There ifrt every pronpeet that the n.nmeraey
wifl ahow an unbroken front to their adier
naiirfl during the Full oaaipalga ia thia eity.
Tammany, after its decisive vietory at 1'iir.i,
has aee'-pted the overtures of union from the
outside orpanizationf. 111 I bceoniin..' and ae
ciiiniiioduUng spirit, and tiie liomiiiiilioii- abonl
to be made will undoubtedly eem.nt the pro
posed ullianre, or at least Heeure liannony fot
tlu- inipendinp elortion. With the old qaarrel
thus stopped, the Democraey w ill be B formiibi
ble aiitiigonist.
lt will not do, liowevf r.'for thr. party to trust
too much to its eappoeed numeri.al Btreagth, or
to the troditioniil disciplme aad doeihty of thc
Cemori-atTclnasHes?1 Ii Tammany bopeatowia,
even witb the aid of Apollo aud Mr. Rooaa
velt, it must place iu the liebl a much hi(v'her
elass of candidates than it has been aeeus
tomed to nominute. We have learned by bitter
experierce tho importanoe cf an upright and
digaiaed judieiarj*, and we warn both partiifl
that the nominations for the Supreme, Supe
rior, aud Marine Court* will be scrutinized
this year with unusual care. Tho loag li*t of
iiam.s saggested by the Tammany delegatea
on Saturday was not in all respects encour
aging. Wc find in it some that arc perfectly
unobjectionablc, and a great many more of
whieh the best that can bo said ia that they
are doubtfcil. This year, moro than *m r
before, the choicc of candidates of the hij.li.st
possible chaiaeter is a politicalj neeessity for
auy party. Neither Deuiocrats nor K. publi
cans can afi'ord to put upon tlicir judiciary
ti. k.-ts a lawyer who is better known in the
ward eaucuRCB than in the courts, or who has
followed partisan politics for a lifiag iu pref
ereaee to his profbeaioa. If the naaageti are
wise they will aploot the most distinguish.d
jinietitioners who ean be indueed to aec.]it
the beaee of an eloction.
In the noiainatioiis foi Sheiid' and County,
Clerk tlie Tiee.l of circitmspection is almost
e.iuitlly paeeatag Hoth eheae oflBeea are im
DfOgatated with iinpleasiint odors, and there
must be a tliorouKh reiiovation beforo they
can bo miide alaaa. The people want this
jear a BOt of eatidi.kite.s who lmve h;id 110
I'lHiiiedion with the old rc^iine. Thcie in no
coiifnleii.e in uny af fhe aueieiit and doabtfol
s.t who havo hiuig for so in.uiy v,.arn .,,()|1II(i
the City Hall and applied tliem>elves mi cloaely
to the riiniiiiiK ol the iininicipal niitchinu.
There nre, .h.ubtl.fla, hoiik- hoOeOJ ltyeB*IBOag
them, bfll thc people don'l h.-licve in then, aad
don't Wttpl tp v?>'?' tht tlieni iiny umte. We I,:,.,
?ddreeaed our adaiee aapefiaHj te Tanaway
11.ill, beeaaaa Taanotay h.ts a imd tapiitattvih
to pel ri.l of, and is Btt*rjpoood t?. be boaeatly
trying to leloiin ito. H ', but the BBBBe luiv.eo
ia eauallr aindituhlo to tlio Ucpublican iu,ui
ntrrm in citite thoy nl?o want to reform them.
Bolvee. Both will do well lo reinomber tliat, a
largo coimtitnenoy of voteru this year will
aupport the ean.iidale* of highest personal
chiiraoter, without ragard '" PO*jkf?
The week whieh is to provo so iinportant I i
Fnince ptfBBM wiih im imporiant vi.tory for
lhe l.epnblic. In tli" cb>."ii.ns held v. sterd iv
to fill vaciincies in thf* A-wmHy fiom four
Deporteeata, the BepabUeaae appear to bave
carrled all foar trith aatJafaafttorj aiaioritiea.
This resiilt will be received with reeliogfl ol
piotoun.l r.lief by the Left and with corrc
apoadiag depreaaioa bj the Ught. A powerfal
eflbfli waa otoele by tae Oow-omaaewl ta ttofaet
.M.Tuiik-liy 'illheii. i?.-H llfll.-iit. *il the Nievie.a.nl
in tho Hauti (;,p.>nne M. d.* K.'uius;.!, who was
l.ealenin I'aiis l.cc ins.' h. ',\.islhe cl'ii ial '.*a:i.li
ii.ite, waaaapported by ihe aaaie iatereal tbat
d.feited him iii ihe capital, and '?..-'' Ij op
poaed i.y the eoeeerratiw-ee who thea Bttppertod
hiui. lt is poaaible th tt the toil whicb Iw* beea
?ppareat for the?laal few ttayi >'? "" potei ol
pr. paration waa dae to thc '? aire of both par
tfea toaee the laaae of theee elcaitonleonteete.
The Ifooarehiata baoe probably goae too far
to rec.-de, in their iktl'inpi tO bringlacll thfl
J.ourbon dynasty to Kr.ince. I.v. ivthin',' indi
eatee a deeperate reaolatfoa oa their part to
paah the matter now t<> a final Uaae, The
COBlte (b* Ci.iimh.ird is reportcd at B 1*8
berg <m his way elther to Bi laaela <>r to
Swilzerland-lliough in view ol the anii-cleri
oal riota whieh attraded hia toraaer l^attleee
journev tO Hel-'iuin, it. would ihoflJ ? siii-ulur
i;i(li-(i:etii)ii lor bim to oho '? thal ooaatry
now as his baa? of operatione. Tbe neetiag
betweea bfaa nnd lhe deJeajatea of the
Right has already takea .>?"<?-'? ??? flom'"
modtn rivrn-U betweea th:- ahaahite priacc
and the con-iifiiiioiiiil aaaemblj will of ooane
?ooaei 01 later be edopted. There are bw
poiata on whieh they a_.r<-e. bat the..* are v.iy
impoit.iiii ..n.s. Tbey waal a king aad be
waata n kiagdoai, aad raatten i ' aacat,
such as ih- aml charl r, mojt oltiraately gire
war. If they eaa reoataMiah the aioaarohy,
ih-re nill l?e no tron'olc a''eit ..iliiik. the
throne. Tho progeaj of thi Bearaaii are iaf
ficiently nuinero'is to o'".i tl all imxiety on
that Boore. J * ? 11 it li nol probable thal M. de
rhaiiibi.r.l will iadalgc hia medhafal eoa
si-ience wo fai M tO BaaOW hla yOOBg coiisins ot
Oiieaaa, who are oot omharraaaed by aaeb ha
pedimeata, to itep before him lato the throoe
he has been waitiag for all bii life,
Meantinn* the Cov. i ntneiil, v.tiile DOt BB"
peariag t<> ihare a. tirely la the Bobetn
the dyaaatic party, aad while In faet the Doc
de Broglie weaia to faror tbo prolongatioa of
tbe j- rweea of Ma. M IU pnrauc the
BTOwed Meadfl of the RepabUc with ;i perti
iiiiciiy whioh must be u i ng as it la
iiiiii.etii.'. They bare probibitod the dreala
tion of tbe letter of M. Thien I > ihe Mayor
ol N'rmcy. in whieh he Bftld the I/ft viHilyl
Bnpport the Repablie, the trieolor aad the
priadplea of 190, aa Inexplieable freak of oag
.-.?im; tyraany. It moal be admitl .1, how. r. r,
(hai these e\!iibitioiiH ol petolaaee ure nor
Biiaed at tho Bepahlioaae alone. The poliee
ban alao aeiaed aad ooBflacatod ?eTera] thoo
aaad portraita <>f the yoaag Napoleoa with
ihat dexterotta little apeecfa <?f M. Booher, de
livered at Chieelbarat, ahool the (lag. '" faet
there haa been -.o mneh diaagreeahle i ilk
abooi the banaer of late, thal tbcre has come
to be BoaietaiBg poeitiTely bapropei iu tha
siiiind of lhe word, in coiiM-rv.ilivi' eais.
While ilius basily eageged in oombatiog
ineie triiles, Iho Moiiaiobfel I < iniioi, prevent
niiieh tnore BerioBB as-aulfs from appeaiiog
agaiasl the dyaaaty. Oae jonraallsi prorea
ihat the CoBate de Cbatmbord baa aoi one drop
of l-'reneh blood tO live hun.Ir-d foreJga iu his
veins ; for admittiog that H?iiry ot NavaiTe
was hi-? aaceator, aod waa Prench, both of theae
poiata beiagopea to diaoaaaioB, he aud all his
.'.i'm enii.iiits bare aaarried breigaera, This
argameol i-. trivial eaoogb, but. aaother li
inuie fi.riiiiiliibie. The Legitteiate Preteadec
is e.'illcd an ilifuitiumte BOO ol' lhe DaO de
Beny. Hia btther tnarried iu Ea^aad a Mra.
Browa, with whon he lived toa yeara, and
who Irtue him two daaghtOTfl, BOW lhe Mur
qaiae de Cbavette and the Priaeeaae de Kau
eigny. This BUUTiagC .li.spleased Louis XVIII.,
who nnniilled il, and married his n- pheW iu
1811 to the Priaeeaa Caroliae of Naplea, th.*
niolhei of the CoflBte de Clianibord. Neitliei
the Culiolic Chareh imt tbo Legitiinist party
admiti the poaaihilitj of dirorce, aad the aiiiia
liou thai lieeoines iiii awkward one for such
true belierera as thoae who owe allogiiiire to
Henry V.
The atteinpte.l fitsion between the Impi rial
ists and lhe Kepulilieans had its begtoaiag
aad end in the inuioa|nmdono8 baewaea M.
I'ortalin and 1'iiuco Naiioleou. The tivo latter
writen eettled evcrythjng satirtfactorily, but
the next d;iy they 'were^.roinpily rcpudiated
by their respective parties. The BflaapflTwOltl
will, of coiirse, flnd it to their interest to
Htippoit the provisional or^'anization against
the eotabliehaieat of the monarchy, but Iherc
could bo no tusion between them and tho lie
poblicaai Whieh would not be equally ridini
lous for DOthtoTlM isnuo of tbo Monarchy
aKaiust the Kepublic ia beconiinj: more clearly
(lefiii.d, and ii very few daya will decide
whether the dynastic party can earry tlnir
BChCwBO through the Aflsembly. If they buc
c.ed, a stormy period of parliamentiiry turbti
leaee and civic insurrectiouti will open for
Praaee. If they fu.il, the aipcria*oa_t of the
Kepiitilic may at length be trio.l under reuson
iil.ly fair couditions.
The punx'-io of the City Charter iu provid
ing for the appointment of (JointnissionerH of
A(cotintB to Bcrutinize the books nnd vouchers
in the officea of tho Controller an.l Chambcr
lain, was to prevent elaboiate fniuds nueh bb
Controller Connolly and bis associates were
emtbled to earry on in Mefeey for so many
yeOXa, and to fitfl tho people exact mroniia
tion at fdiort intervaht of the combtion ol' the
city finances. The report oi the Coinuiirtsion
?rs, published last week, 16 a proof of the
value of the law under whieh they are actintf.
Tlny havo broiiKht to Ught irrc.'ularities in
the Kinanco Pepaituiciit whieh open the door
to fr.iud, iind ie'iuiro instant corre.tion. The
niosl s.rious of them date from the old order
of BsliagB, when the I.in^ waa in full posHes
sion of the niuiii.ipil ticiiMiry; but bisid.wi
ilie-e, thete appear fo be litawtahtof faultri in
th.- M.y.steiii ol lii.okkeepinic, *BLth as would DOt
l? ((ih-i.ited lor a day in anv lneienntile M
tobliahaioBi Thete is ofl ooarea n<. insinua
ti.m ajpdoat tlu- totegrity of Mr. Oroetji but
We e.Aiinot leave the pul.lic mon.-y with BO
bettar aafagaaid *hao tha pemonal hoaoaty ?.f
the I onlroller.
While the Cotnn.i isi'iiieis, how ver, h.ive
doae weii in pototing oat f.mits iu thc Deth id
ol dOfag biHines. iii fhe I?. '.ptil'tilieut of
aiaaaoat there ia oaa partinnlar in nhicli it
rn.'ii.H tu nn they liavo irruvcly miatukcn their
duty. Thoy wort? not uppoinled for tho pur*
potto ot nutking out .1 oiwo again_t an un
populn- ('ontrolli)r. They wara not eipo-ftoil
to condnot thia oxaniination in n himtilo spirit.
Their bUflfaBBP wnt, lo pursue thfl inquiry with
atrict iiupartiitlity between tha pnblifl flfld oot
(,f tlio pabU-'fl MiTViiii-t, unii tvhrii thflf found
iinythiiiK i" thi* iuu'-onnt* which they eould not
iiii'lirtliind, it wtw theii pari, of course, tfl
ittik f*'T nn -tph-B-*ion. lf thoy hud iOM
\bb\ irt BhpaM bflTfl bad ttott tbott nn eewEI
iv\|.o.siiion nf tht* condition of thi Depiirtnieiit.
/__ ii ik, we bflflfl whiit, appears to bf ono side
0_ -,t aoottOfl-flrfly, and wc shall not. knotv tlio
ffhola truth until flfl bflflfl tha Otber. liiTiti'iid
uf gi-iflg Bfl uii ni'i'.iiint ul tln- ruiiditiiiii of
tha IliiBiiiflifl thaj pctaeeafl 11 nalaliifl-fl ?r .)i>
pflreat l__etrfllfl-itin_ nnd BB-pieiou. Iteflflfl
which il worth BOibtag until wc bBTfl tlie
CoatroUer'fl _o__n__i_____rf m it. Mr. G.raen'i
explftnotion Bhonld havo bflflfl eallod hn bo
fi.ro thfl report wai ina.lo pnbHc.
Tbt btfltory ot' thi Bppflien. dtacropBDcy of
fBiflBi in tho'flflfloamto relatiag t<> tha B-flhiag
1 ii.nl ii nu D-BlttBtJOB of tlic unfiiir and
oflbflfllTI -piiit ill Whicb tlic ClIIIBHfl-?llllBf
bflfa doni! tlicir work. Thflf found on tlio
boohl UbbI eeitflio bondi to thfl _u-tOf__t af
I were beld by tbe CominiaBioneifl ot
Ihfl Sinkiiifj Fnnd. " Tli'.so houds,'' thoy
repoiti "dfl n.)l apjic.ir flTBITBl thfl l?omls held
" hy tli'* Cofl-fl-laaiflfltt-fl Bf thi B-B-ing Fnnd
" as liiind.'d lo us, hy oidi r of Controll.T liieen,
" hy tho Stock (.lerk, for exainitiation." Bo
tbey eonreyed the Impi-aaion to all thfl world
thfll tli.ro Wflfl fl iliticit of fStiflEL If tlicy bfld
tflkfln tlic troiihle lo imjiiirc of tli*.* i.'ontrollcr
tshy thcflC hoiids wero, nol tn tlnt tiu boi wilh
the niiici Bflourit-Bi betonging to tlm Biak-Bg
I'mid, tlic wholfl lliin^' would have bflflfl BBfldl
clear, and [thoy would havo BOOH that thm
was ncilher deticit, BOI -TegB-Blity; thfl bondfl
wcl'c liot Ifl thi* ho.V lu Bflflflfl, Ml. fiiccn Bflyfli
thej have not yet left tlio bfladfl ol thfl
eBgiBTer. They are leprefleBted Btetelyby thi
le.-eipts of the-Tity L'hiiin'.orlaiti.
if thi r 'port of the CoflU-iflstoBen hai heen
baflty in this bnportafll piiticula.-, it oiay
BATI ln on hiiHty iu Oth-IB, and tlic public will
cnnsoquelitl.V vicu theii sMtomcnts Wlth inore
or kflfl tuspirion. Wl need haidly BBJ thal in
i!;ms diiereditiag theii own work, tln* Co_b
Dlifl-iOO-Tfl take Ihe OtOflt ellVci ual uicius lo
deitroy their -aofahien.
D || a pity thfll Uu* I'resid' nt's liiiiinei il
Idefll are nol as fOOd as his inieiit.otis. I!e
Wfltttl u rctiini to ipedfl paynuiit.-,. He wunts
? disciiiira^ciiiclit ol eia/.y Btotk spoeiiliiti.iii,
and of biiildin.: railrn.iils witlmtit, ??::i>it:il. Bl
wBBtti mi ? nd io 'l'" tollj of the pflymeot of
lateieal by piirflti bankfl oa dafly b>l?nc?.
Nothiog conld bi bettei thao these wiibea,
l.ut be propoflfli ? poflUtri B-paasioB of thi
curiciicy, by ;i law spioil.i'iilly Buthorit-BgIhe
iiiiw.'iiatr tbli Iflfloe of the forty-foui inillioiis
wliich bia Beetetaiy has ain u!y begOB. II''
propOWfl !?'?'' bflBB-Bg. Hc would al-o like a
new National bflnkiag efltflbUahment, to be
known flfl tbe Poflt-Offloe Bflaki flnd, while
piohiUtlag the, p.iyim nt of iui. rflfll on "le^i. -it -
hy anv Otbut banks, he would.autho.ize 'his
to jt.iy 1 per t*. nt on th'* BTOIBgl bilaiico-*.
We have thi Mghoflt ivspec! for tlic I'lesi
dea 'fl obriou gOOd lnt.nlions in l_BUiee.
Bfll Wl bfld not thonght befon that any utiei
iiTi'-c from him or from anyho.ly COUld DOBflibly
make ns rejoicc thfll SeeretBij Riebaidaon ia
siill at the bead ot the TreaiBiy Depfl-ta. nt.
? !,. .,f caiieatniefl now popolfli in Vienna
gi-ea tln- A'ntiini -BMfea-lonot the beaettiogaina
o-thaGb-fll Poweifl. Plaaa_wa b?ighty d?ia iaa!
lagapaii a flwot-i.lapraacatfl Prida. Enrland i- ?
it rawt.v f.iiiiilii *<f.ii.'.l ..ti i .? ittnti bala, aad i-< aalled
At.ui.c. Jiii77ia _>.'s ikitiiii-r an.l teowhag hy
un.i.r the naiiie ol laiv.v. Tarkay lollfl on ? aofk,a
faflodflUaqa-i it*. Lazair. Piflaoa, with a inana Bfll
in mn* hand aml BgtflflflO. B-flBipflgBfl m thfl ulln-r,
.1 iti.'.'sfldn.iiiii* flflflflfln, Bfld is eallfld Imiaodoaty,
Bflflflfl bi .i ttil.i i'.iti'uiciisi'. and lapf-flentfl Angar,
Beotlflfld is a hon nio Iflflflifl dropplofl tfl fllflflg flfl B
iiii.iiut.iiii ui.l.', as LflSlfleflfl. Bfll Amcrii.t has an
ti?litll c ipit.il sin lliMiitiil t') r!i:tr.'irli!i/f li.T. Sln*
ttta <>n a jiilc ..f Pab.Doea-aeribbling fniiooalyi
Ihfl inninitv tbtt rriiii'S.ifltfl lii'itix Ibfl flflflflflBy Bflflflfl
ulItllBtmuAillifllli If Aim rican jouiii.ilii-iii ho in?
.l. v...i u .-ni, than ifl bo fl-fli-hfi bi i viiiin. it b aapital
Tho Ifaaaai boaatta Booaaaaathia Ifadieal Bociety
ha, {flfll I.' .1. bfltdiag its flfl?I BBflflfll IiieetitiK in
llost'.ii. Wa pulio'iliirly BOt-Ofl tbfl 0_*-1__Bga_ldl-flfl
nf tho prvai'l'-tit, Dr. Woadbf-T, arbfleoaaidarai lha
asffllatflfl of Tho hn-MOPflthifl a_fla_bflrfl hy tho ol.l
Masa. Mod. Bflfl. ifl BB .'xccdim-lv Bflflfllblfl spirit.
Ho w-.xti f..r takiiiK Bp thfl B-flBtlflt ko ooiiti'ini.tiiijiis
|] IhlOWB d'.wn, a.-kin>{ m.lliiii),' Of tho .iomm.iiit
school, rolyini? upou ?thlflg BBfltpl 0-thfldflS
bo?aopafl-flthao-i-fl flnd B-flfltfa-fli flfld wfllao?tog?
, a-WflfffcflBfl ull la')iirini5 lur tho BdaflBOflflBBfll af fl-fld
i, al tu ioiiio, of whiitovi-r namo, nati.mality or nux.
Wc isppoflfl that than fldghtbflTfl beea flo_nrw_w
in MaoiafllBBflflMfl. if oflflapflaBflaifl bad baflo poflflfblfl,
1'urtunatoly or uiifortiiiuitely, thfl di-bflflflflflflfll thfl
tK-hools aro f'lmliimontal aml -TBOOO.t-Bhll Kflflk
may Wflflfc in its ?wii w?y; it i.^n't flflflg to soo hotv
both cau w..rk tflgllhflr.
Thu flflld whirh iiiixuiim flflakflflfl Bfld m tha Hflflgflfl
County Iii'li Bflldfl is flflld to be of flBflflU?10?lity
?what thflflfl is of it. " Ihfl mtunrity of it," says thfl
loeal BflWIp-PIB. without Btflflh ri)?anl for vorhal
iii'.urary, " bl tw.-ntv-liv.' c.irats tino." Tl mako up,
boWOTflfi fnr any dolioionoy of Kold. " rnhios, gBBfltfl,
nnd also omi.ry" alrOuncL And also irrindatonoa!
It nitirtt be rather iliscouragiiiK for a man who goos
out atM'king aolil. bright, pfflflflflflfl, and Klittoriinj, to
baK nothiuK better thau (friudntonos, eapafl-BUy
whon we eonsidor how hcitvy thflf must bo to carry
home, and whal a large Bflg ttOOi Bfl Iflfljflliad to bflld
. \ .a a ttW of thflflfl. Howevor, a flflfld _triml_tono ia
battflf than nothinif, tliont?h it would bfl rather
expenai'o to aet f.r a breaatpin.
A .uoor disrovcry Iim Ikmti BBfldfl rospootintr thfl
Civil KiKhtH atatut- iu Arkamtatt. Ihfl flflpflbBflfl tti
a pi>rv)n of rolor fn>m a flr?t-?las?railway car dflTfll*
tipiMi Uu* fact that tho atatuto, bf tho .miismon of
tho word " uot." BflgfltBTfll iuelf; for it, roads a? fol?
lowa: "IfB fflflBOB -hflTI IBBBfl any Ifllflfl wlnch shall
affict aii' P?BflM aliko without rei?ard to race
or tehft.* lhh. would BBBBB to rondor it incuuibeiit
utMin railway and othor flfl-HOflfllloi to mako dis
tiu. in.iiaou Bflflflflflai of raco aml color. Still, woaro
ie, lin.'.l t.> think that a flflflflBt cuiiuioii-latv court
wouhl hav-' Bfl tlilTuiilty in faWflg at tho BBB-flUflfli
of tho Laghlfltnf.
Onr roportor wan mistakou in MppOfl-Bfl tho Dr.
( uirv of Viri/iiii-. who n-ad tho pflfflTflO thoAlli
anc.i of Chnii li aml .State tho othor day at Bi Pflfltffl
ltK.rpiionpilnur-. t<> bl Ihi i>r. ibtrry who
c.lits Tke t hifttnn Adeooate; nmi lienco, in tho head
lnifof hkreport. h* tory lajafltly ommtibai tbt
anP-MBBM-t ut iiirrcii.'o botwoon Dr. Curry nntl Dr.
Crooka as an ?Bfloi-fltfl- bfltwflfln rival Mflthadlat
clitois. Dr. I'urry is mither'an editor m.r a M. iho
tjnt. Thf at-Bweefl- eaptoaa aaaapa_ edltorial mpar
vmion, and Wfl take pl.isiiro iu corrocting it now.
The Mi ri BBtOfl l.ihiary Asstx iation, flMOWflgBi
B_ tho su. flflBBfl. tbflb I'lilliant I'l.urse last Winl.r.
pi.-.tit for tho .'"iiiuiK rieaaon ouo of the iiio-t
tiii.i.tivo flfvifla "i I'.ti.r.s wbieh w? bara flrai
MA eotiil.iiioil "ii BflBB^fl -ard. Tho naiins BTB
?natedacaa floAokflit pBflal lhat t1"' aiBflapn flf
tt,ia oofliflfl ITflplol ciually Ihi BObUfl an.l tlum
m[.?a. MflahflaaiTitai MflflflTH hBB?t*ft-**bj_r
IVtt itUi'IUa 1.1111.1 Atlii t. ?'
To tke Kditor of The Trtbnne.
Sik : You ask mo to say, now that tlioCon
ajBOOOOOf806 Allianee lia* eBBBBBj what prin-tleal re
aulta lua? Lm autlilpated from It. " Hut what 068*1
i-uiuea uf It at lait I" aaid littlo Wi!lii,liiiln?, Ifl lhe
88886. na tbey told her of the battlo of JHenlieini, >.f
wlilili B8 outwar.l aiul a,-iu.ll)ii) ?l?..'i 68*6 la Bal soiii* Iii
UM poem of a white, 1080*1, htinian skuil. 88 lt n
BflBOi : Wimt B88i 668066 ..f tin 0880068086 I And BfeOl
V-.....I come* of our aormoua and aueraineiii* I Wl>>,
they go on froin year to year,and tiiniiy BVfla s'.ill I ri la
Ood from the . aith ! Ym. Imt .-uli of 10881 0008 88666
IN.rli.ui of B iii"ral and 8*0*11081 BrOfk) 88. li "f 10. '"
beara Ua aharo lu tno rsiilts wc BOOO ta morality,
li.ninr, iin.l yrooilnrna ln tl)0 | coinmioilty ; and th.tr
cfllclency iwicina to be miggrAted to ua when we hourly
uak. How would lt bo lf there wem iioii" "f theae I If
nn n ure bri.iiKlit n.-arer t" Uod, and tfl BBfl uii.f'. r ; if
the world t.i i BBM tl 010. h flflflflfl i*88l tS ' heui ; if tlx'.r
amall. BBtBOfe alina ure dlsci-iae.1 to 10886881*08, 8880 186
ii,..n..iits, nnd iBOf a.'.'t 1088 8*1868861 ..f 68600* and m>
hirr ahjeeli u. paeetaoi for 6*000, they aaa aorfa iMtu-r.
and Ih Btl uilluem-o wlll bo B668Sr tB tBO fwOOTO | nnd
llicrn Iiik" t.-eii 66888*0660] 88888106101881 already. Hut.
It may bfl aiid, thia ia Iiut "8000068801 |.1 wiii."
The mean iiur of Ifela BhflOflfl can only li." thut. it .* f.">')'l
will tliat wlll not laat. Who haa I riarht to BBf tliat 1 or
It muy BB ineant tliat theae .Ieiiioiistr.iti..iia of it ar*
onljr teruporary. V6 vtiiiat all go baok to
our MbTOBV toil. Well, we know tliat. But
aro th"y thcr.-foro uaoloas I Wle-u a t"<"'
8688886 tho Atlantio twlce for aome tnterehaiixe
of gnod wlll antlaffei'lloD botween hia mother and BtOiorfl
and liiiiinelf, who ahall aay lt la uae loaa I And whr
ahould not lhe ex.ili.iUKO of iilfeilloiiato and 88080668.
Iiv (861101 aith a mother chureh or aister ehurehea be
of laUMOafl valu.-, tOOOffe iiniiiedia!.' vi-i'ilo r. sulta do
not aaoojart Tho moat pnioticable 1868181 uttatuable
ln tlio rimrcli are" love, Joy, p.-aoc, Ion* atinVrliikr. i..n
itaaooa, toaaaaoao, Mtfe, BM6*aao68, bBtpaiBBiij* aai
wh.n the CliurohM full of these her pow.-r wlll luevt
tttl.lybi) felt in tho world. The t\lia8Bflfl BBI 881*6*1 tt
I. nt,on iu a most cLupLiatlo in.iniier 18 thOflfl 668*181 of Ifl
llfloaathaaahl kuowa aa "Bt i M aaa pro
etoleaeitaai'lint aai ptotoooi eoortotloa taal tailea
BMaamaataoroi i>v laeaaaalraa,oaa Ihraogl chureh
rite... Imt tiiioucli falth ami bf CBOtBB, II 1800888 IB8
riilvrhty POOOB tln-y BIO 8(660 laBflOaeOwOd, Ilns Ifl BO in
i,,um ii i-.ii)ii- n-aiiit. ii aaa aaaaBiiatiatai taa aaaor.
Baoaost obbIiii el lao paaale fea wimt la i aUai taa "Bim
pla OoaOaL" There have bflOO V 'lM'" BOi !"! Ir,'N-''"' "?'
ptat Utararjr iioillian. Bot tfee bbm! eerfllal raap
were ci.uiuioiily niado by tlie iwavuibled thouautid. tfl
diatini.t, aaaiaroai aooeooeeBjaotaol wh-.t woui.i be
. .;.i iliiilm.uy " vltal tiuilis.*' fin, muv bo r.-Kardod
bg aaaaa aa pesoloi fanatirism. ho it ea, u la tht
f.iri.itr.i-iii of tBO ni'-ri wbo BBVOi BUTOOfl 01801 Imrbar
BMO.Oai ofthe men who Ind thc foiiiidniioii of thia re
potaUo. It taaa aoateaalralai too ooealtalllir ?' ealaora
tion atiioiijt tbe Churcbes. aud abown thut in auy con
tiiiK.'ii.\f they aaaaal tagethar without eeaheiraaaBaoBi
.. iiprnmloa. f?r laoy oa aal aeeoa to
p 'l..-i ou tho i?roiiud that truth din.iii.sh
,., in impoitaii'-e, teit 88 IBO groini'1
Ikol trotb is t" i.e tmmght, BatJo, .lef.-iei'd. pr rpagolad la
i,.ve ir haa siiowii tliat largefl ataaaare bofore Prateel
.n.i Cartalaaaaaa .taaa bbbm Botoaualaai t.. Baaia, ttaa
f.-.rof win li i>ri)l>n!i!y ili-l uut'?'. 66 oriifinaie tto AIU
aaoo. Bol iu n's niui'Js ii.*.. Baaa oalorgai tlaee ttaat
evint. Ilmiie. isonlv one of ui 6788000601 unf ivonil.l.
io iiuin iu aottara, aoa ettaar n raa* aeeaae poi ? Proweet
aotiatoarfl BtaftagtvaflBBlalBaaeroralls. Btae aai i
toae to taaioflll al Ufterty, aallooal iBflVipaoilaoflei lao io
Btlaotal Itaa f.uniiy, aai taa flatrll of praajreae. Tne
Protfl . iiiti.m of tho AlUaaofl Ittoaaal tbfl bm ool inau
;. .nl 'Iut h.ia iiot.'i.'ii tfefl nBBM 0 that
mi.is._s, piBBi qattaaia el relorl, aai araee codperotiea,
Boi missi..n.u-. eoarte*j la oeeapylaf tfee ?' tt 1.1 ahlea
la Iha wui-i." i..eiy ?laliftr aai every aaMtohaaoo
00 866 i'l" word lu na JB8t 66800?WBO Btll the luUueneo
i.f th - " Ma-s .ou Uny." as tim 06?fllttee ou the I'ro
graaaaM eallai Prtiay, ahaa thia work paaaai under
i.iTi.w,aaiwfeoaaai Boaae ieteraUaai tapraaah,aai
thiuk, aai feepe, eoi gtre,ooeoa686 a peraaaoaai power
in (Iii.s dii-.'.-iioii. :iiid how piaeticiil 'Iie reault* are m.iy
ba 6688 in tfee popei preeaatei by Dr. E i.iy. Tnat 1.. no
narrow i.r eelOOta BiflB thal lil l.i a m in OBO pra\sand
Xiv.-f, ie.1 0. tpC ti M'-lliod.s'ii, or in.ill- Ptoafejrtorl too,
but lo eon.pur, iiii.1 no | ive a world. If a iu.u is made
>:reat by thiiiklni,'of Kre.t tninsf, what au etilargiutf
lorce i.s in Iho true tuiasi unry idea whi.li hafl BBBB iiiac
nill I so ii.iuli in tlns COOferOOOa. fiin aame r.-iiiiiili
appliea to Booioy-echoolfl, ahlea occook i uu eiithuaiaa
tir Bi66ling aai to lajr-preaehlaa, ahlcfe, Ifea aaa jt d.
no. tti ui 6 8660*80 t'ip;e, was so lirindi-.l !)>' (ieoriCO U.
rttuarf, tfeal n/ -d m.-n, I -.ii'ii.d ilrlaaa, an.l oolii-r
" fri'-mK" could uot Olpfl awav thfl tflOlfl un tiiev .-iiuie.
TtaaprobaaiBal iieaimit with itaa Laaooo. ?aaaeslooor
ii'i,--, ood tha plaeoeol Btaerieel Baoaralaaaa laopara*
tion in Baropaaai Ajoerlea, aara elee aaoailoai artth
tha m.'-t aaajei latereet. aoi bmbi thaaghtlOl bm n not
oniy ol)lu.uod B8W 6800661*606, t?UI i.'i.-li.d new lui
\Mieu rhe thiohere of our tune come tagetBOB iu Con
ifrcs.s or iflfloeiBiliiB It le oat aappeeei tii.it tfeey aa. Iie
by vot.' am on < eoatpetlBfl Ifeeertei er aoaaMtle aretenu
of edu ritiou. lOBOCBOCfl doea uot di.sip;i:.u iMatWe lliem
Uko nintts before tho BOO. Tiiey do not asually
pus* renolution.. Tlny 66818880 v;e-.vs, report f.ictn,
aud BfOTflBOf 606 unothor to lo?e of BflaOOOO aud BJBOi
aatttala her servioe. This, und little 8686018 altne.l ,it
l>y the Al'.iiineo as a workuiK body in confereuce. aml
tin. i.s afleqaatfl aai mOaileBl Bwatf aaa au.i th.-n
some w.-ii BaeaatBf aaraaa | u ttmtt one feoowfl who bas
iittfiided aui-h s.ientitle nie.-tlnw) labora 68 get an 08>
pn-iision of opinion ou a favonto hjrpttthflOtl or a clier
iniied prajaati Batttta aaaarala/ataMl aiaal?altoatali.
IB lt i.s with aiii'h rellifioiii confereuce*. The AmirtOBB
niind is so hrilnt iilti'd to settle thiliira in fl6B6fl lueetinifa
that it.loca iiot he.titate to H8h in them tlie aettlem nt
of tho hur.lcat .iiie.stions. The 668080668 of thc C'oufi-r
ence wLsely deelmed such reaponalbility. W* aay wiaely ;
for wh.-n, aa was natural, 88800001 views were takou ou
IBO duty of the htate to the Chureh -the only matter oa
vhlefe alewtaaetj ipoihi aere elleltetil lo tho eoUlBtoa
of rtBB wlnit v'alu wonld th.-ro have been to auy oue iu
a Lo.ly of good Amorleaiia VOtlOfl down a 80080 or two
Eii-.'ll-.liuien on the QaflfltiOB "f eritahllnmeuts I Atnl tlie
sanie thlni: ls tru.- as to vai ioii.s 000661806 whlch idtsoiii
uuac.niainted ?very naturally? wtth the aim of
the Alllttuco niiKht have winlieil to neo dlsciMted
and aettled, aa for examplo the aueatlon of seeret
aocieliea. On the other hand, 886*000 niaiter.s not Bhao>
lnt.-iy n-liirioua received favorable notlee. Tho POflOO
r-oi.eiy had a uooil word apoken for Ita object* ; tboUKh
l?o*albl> aii Ita 6866*1808 a? to war would uot be 8888001 -d
by uiany. Mr. Her?h had tlie oi>i)ortuuity to inuoeulate
the ?8888006 wuh hia lamt.ible yiiy for the bruto croa
llon. IfeO alavery that atill eiiaU and iuiullea a alave
traile waa aiixuiatited ita lt 08606*886 ; aad tho proper
coinmlttcea had remltted to them tho vlnilant care of
,-crtuiu Hapiiritjbtethren whoae .niiafortuue it ia to auff.r
for aaaflflflBBOO ?ake, but wh.wie 8068 probably would not
be BBttOrai hy i.iciiiiitiirc publlcity belu.! k'vcu to lt.
Tho utuio.it good wiU ha* beeu iiiauifeatod on all
hauda. iniiiisl.-rs aud p-ople, tho citf, the publie inatitu
tloua, the railway and atevMuship oompaulea, and Indeed
all lii auy way capablo of doinit auythluif, up to the
I'roaident, hav? 8888 appreclated cordlally and thunked
waruily for their Liudm-an. Frcnch and 0660080 havo
|.,i kid hand-i iu i.'liiittuu maK'iianluilty, aud our people
of both natlona may well b? led to think, as they uoti'.-e
the .-Hteeiu in whlch the Chrl.ttan men of th.lr faili.-i
1 ,in.I.s aro BBtaeSBSi m Amerloa for "tho truth's n.ikc"
ItaQt ioelaath 10 tiietn. Tawrts ba* b.-en , ntliiidiaaiii iu
UM pahttfl 8*8800801 BBfl we doubt uot many a warm
Irleiidship luia been 608881 Bl tlio home* that aahhBBOi
hoapitality. Thoie have b.-.-n forined. we aro glait to 1,.^
h. w, BBBBl of tfeflOO atroiiK. thouath inviallilc lmka, tliar
lilnd iniin to man, U.un li to l hurch, natlon to BOtaftO J
aud there havo beeu kri.en to aii f88i Inatltutlona
Baaaaa oa aa laaaraal ami uapartaaee wim h u win i>e
our faillt If we ullow 66 68 '.o-l or bolittl.-d.
Youri falthfullv, J HiLX.
Srxr-Yurk, Oct. lt, 1MS.
A pfloraet paoai an aamiaa i?-<iior toajaat thi
Acmoa oa raa oaoa oo cajrraaai e.v.
Tli? uitimiof tha Daaa oi Caaaarbaryia taJtmg
part in a c.l.bi.ition uf tlafl l.oi.l'i BapfaB ut tim
MaiHaiai eajnara Praahytariaa Caaarah ea Baeaafi
tfea Mh nist., ha* .'.uLs.-.i toaaa diaaaaaiao aaaaog
BBBBBbatl of the AllKlicikl. feal rrot.'st.int r.iU.i.'.ipiil
Cliiir.liea. iin.l tlio loll.'Wini. NrtwOCfl Bflwfl 8080
ortittoa te th., Di nn, au.i to Btaahop Pcattorof tin*
t.uM'e.so, w.i thfl Kui.t Rot. Dr. laear, lala muwiouary
biahof toCaotral aJtriea i
io ihe Tarp Bao taooa ef ttHMtbttbtxtrg i
vkhy ih vi aaaa taa Daaa iaa i i aara thaaafet it
rik-ht to 66*18088Blatwtr t8 IhO BtahOf ?f New York. (a
|00] "f vs I, un 1 now t'.ive tiie lionor (., lne.l,.s",) 1000881
loe tha aart faa ita iwfoatBi to aare lafeao, laat feaa
du , i.i tho couiuiuulou tcivlco al Dd A lauia'a I'lcaliy.
ferian Hiuroh. I b-. voo to btiheva that I ha va nodea**
ored to aaflfll all e.pre-alona tbat oould eanao -ne<-e__
tary anooyanoe, ?n?i I am anxlooi tbat tbe intimatioa
of what I bare done, ander a painful aeaae of dut/,
ahould ttnt eome to you from myaeif.
Yoo will art-e tn- rreillt, I eat auro, for havt-B unAer
taken ao uiieonic'iiiial n tw.lt ti-ry reliK't-utly. atA y>?
wiii peruilt tne to uiitl, tlwt notlniiK -thort uf ttt re__>on
Hbfll-Matta?--aflta tii*. hi_h afl_aa WhAth i aa am
wortlilly tl" flflflB- nav'' BBBflflfll flM to pans a r*ll ?< tloa
uu any ixnime wlilch you mitfht hav.. tho.itfbt flflal lo
i.uri.ie. ib') ftitorlmr Bfllfl BBMBaBflflflllflfl witii tba
l_i*hoi> uf thfll fl-Mflfla, r.**i>ecti'i){ tli.-, flOadB-t of aafl t*
riuiu.iit ami *u )a-.t!> aflflflflflaal aa yeaaaelf, uainatu-i
?f -.,1.-1. orarlty, taai i araaaai Biiiinuitiii^ bbbI i Bbtb
Oaaa ta tfla jaas-aaaB flf ht? <; ra.-, tho Ar<.iibi.hoD tfl
With every Iflffflfllafl of roHjM'.t. Bfl-flfB me to be.
v.tv Be-aaaBfl aai aaaa Nr, ymm talthni aai v.ry .,b*
ilto.tt eorvant, WtU li - OaOBfla ro/BR,
Lata matlBaary Blafl-fial Baaa aafl
119 Entt T'eenttjlhinl tt., Bttt Ynrh. Ott. *-, WBB
Tothe Htyht Her llr. Vnlltr. Bifftflf tt *?"' y'rk ?'
Mv LOflaBWBOrj 1 hsve iflfll Mfld Wltb flBBf IBB>
i'.-iii, iu thia Biiaalai*! lapeaa. lhataa aaBaaal parflaa.
?oa at ttit;_riii Ni'wYi.ri., aa Mm aaaaalfla .?f - aaaaflBBi
of tlio Ki'ai)if..l..-al Aili tti'". li .' BB f'r hflflflCtaB WBBta
iti mt iiuTiiiiio Jiuliriu"iii, M tiuo tu y..a, mt Uu- BlBhagef
tiii.-. Maaaaa, -n.i ?uat m due to Btaaaatf _* - H?bI .ry
at Ihfl -ii-ltsh riiiinh, Bfl Bfl fl-Mflflfl BlM BlflMai. fl*t
vaii..iia ili'iioiui.'i.itiotia ln a c.ii.iiiiiii.l'.u wrvif . uhlott
d____TM mat-rUlly from tbatof thn KuKliali aud Am.jri
e.in l'rayer-buoks.
Your Lonlshlp i? aware tbat tho D.an at OBBflarhflBg
i.-t niauy years my st-mor, tli-'. Ba Bl BBBap-Baaai for
uioiits an.l laaaaflafl al ti" aafl-aaay Btad, aad that ha
?aaanflaflaaaal la tha Kaflrsp tUtlaal OaABt .iraior jaflta-fl
irhtah paaaaa him iu thn IHnttoai al our ?agMeh **____
I'leliT onlinary rlrcunistaui*.;*, tfeaflfl Bflflal i.-ration.
would bave mad. it lriip-*nlbl_ for bo iii*a_nill:aiit a p*T
louaa mynelf to oriti.a*.. BBfl BB-flB?l al BBfl s > -fl-aflfli
amiao reaaraMa. Batl taai tin'. taa Daaa afOflataa
Baij - -oiponiloa la thfl ?rirr tr tt ' ?aal
ui.'i'. iy itBTf-fri tnm Ma reay ttttntAy, t.n lhal Mia
fraiiK'it wlth i>,,M.*l._li! tuna, qu.-iu .?> Bfll li, lf IBB-H '1.
Ur. 1'ayne fliuith woaul Ba lha B-M tagflfl-HTfl. I Vu?l
ti.is foelin* of uiiiiu It also tbal, I r.j..i.o t.) Iaaaa, "f bt
far the lar^t-r p.irt Bf tfla so caliu.l _v iuk-IicjI ?.'-lioii
of tbo Ghatah iu Maw-Ta-B-1
I ani trlail Bfl flflflflflfl fflfl tl.aT, amlil VflfltflflB flflflflfll ot
an.i.ty ln tlio i'li.inh of Kinclatnl, Wo I iv,- BOTafl bfll
eeeaaiofl as yat ta laaaaat - BraaaB af aaalaaaaafllaal mim
-^) itntvc aa thia tviucii tho Daaa o; c.iut.;roury Baa aam*
iiiiiiitl iu your iiu. ?
Dr. Ba_-B*a aaotiraa fur paatwlp-tBBfl la tha eaaaaMB*
Ua bb Baaflaf affla_-HM-i la Mm Pi aflj t"t I ?" CBn i
M.i.lii'.i.-'liiat'.', w.-ff iiu il.tl.'-T IBBBBB Bt "f BB9 paf
aaaal Haeaartaaj fl>yaa_Balfi aai laaa aa-aaataafl tha
BttflBfl yoaruinif Wl.ich BB tf'.u.l in.'l .uul.iii <? B man WtBt
furininiiiiizini,'tiie iliff-ri'iicis tl.al BShM BB-Wflfla BBfl
M)lf aud tho in auy < li: .-t; iu ouiunmnitic- wlio aro, alflfl l
eainiiK'.i tmm Ihfl <i ifltatflfl ami laMflWflhli .if hai awn
rii'in-!). Bat I rannot hr-ljiolH rtlBg thal ll WOahl havo
I.. .ii t luoro aaaflflgaaafl. ami, i mn H Mi a tar aaaaa Af
mll..iut lum of aclloii, ba.l tho DflBBiBaBflBfBlfl- HMfl
irroif.ilar vimtnre for thfl proiuution af CBflMl-B uiiUjr
ta aai owa aalhalflal tttft ahflflfl al I aaai i ?? lalaaaaa
woul.l luivo beea as irri'.tT, anl flhaaa M e.uul.l aat b^ve
? if thflflfl u-.i ur wiio-i) afltfloriti ????
iiilb.iltal tiigiut.ii'le* are l?l tr..l.
I , a i y tiu ?aaaa hflffflahahlBa-flt watloasan.! unsta
BlevflcaoaBb. gflfllaafl.wt-1 aa-wapaBthlaM afvhaB
i a. ,i.-i Beaaaaaa t" aaM apaa haallllli I ? tha tiattt laa of
tu. < flaaah as au axaaaa aaal apalegi furaueB-lac
m ;.. tim.*. ??
ur Baaaa. Bai tha aaaall af Bhai azp rtaaaal BaaaflB
Aaaaetea aaar Bc im mon' iii*tir.rro.)i?; fur, ta l a m Dr.
. laBaaaea exa afla, athafl
tbo iiroun-c haM out bjrtha K| waB la tbia
i mti, of i a iviiiiu- i biv.'ii flf iaa! t? iiu-'ii wflfl vir- tv)??.i
IftrohyfhA iiniitii'iii'ityaf i BtaBfllBgei ? I
_jgU | . thaa ,i bbI taha aa ladel uaa i.
Taat tba ChBtah orefl ahtah you piaalda Btafha
1 aml Btr.'i._th.iii:<i la that WBI : .? ls *o
?BtHlla-Hlj acttlni: her-ell to aflaaBBflllh. a.ul wilb
.?,,iy toeUag af tBTflflaaaa, aawell ior foara U ut ior
tha* Blflb t-d raapoBalbii i r?nafl--B,BiUafla
uie to Bfli hfljW*i ui) Lflflfll -Bshap,
Your failhfnl aml agBatlna lta Bt-thflr,
wm um QaoaoBTo-aa.
I.iti" Misoi.uai) li-aao;. .it Ztiuibar.
WamTork, Qct.fl.nw._
IIIK IldV. Al.lUYl) I I MtllN'.!,
The Hon. Alfred Cfl-BflB-Bf of Georg-I died
on Thui'iaii.iv.at Ma lata laala-aaa aaaa haflwahii Mr.
riiiiiii.ini? was a BaBflfltaflaaflBet "f laflaafl flJh-n aa tbe
BBBOT MiBSourl, wbon iti IBBl Ba wai BBBB-H-fl Q .v.rnor
ui r .ii i.y i'r, .-i.i.-nt Baaaaaaa. iiu aataraflaa tuat
olilce at acritii al tim> iu tln* uffv.rsof tb.- T.-n IBM y.
Sinee tluir sfUli'iiutit at tha QfflflA I lh IflMtfl Bi IAH, tn?
lfontoafl had haea Bf hal laraaa with tha Pe4ar_laa>
Ihorit-H. Oal. Steptoo who, in IWi, su ?>'(?. .I.d Hrif
haii) Younj? as (iovoraor. wtts latafltflfll froui oiiterint; aa
tka -Bttea af Bta a__aa By tho taa-a-aat aaada-tal tbe
Mi.rn.uu8. who aaaliuii'-.i tii.-ir BaflHla aeta aaflU, la lsafl.
o..-iy riiiTfii Btaflaa afl-flflr,wlth ihe inaiapfllaaaf au
iiuiiaii Baperlatan laat, wm nt 11 to fl . tttm Ihfl t> r
ntory. It was tlurin_' ilns coiul .Iua t.i ..tfi.rs tiut Mr.
Caaaatafl wa* niiiM)m.'?.l Oararaor, an.l Ju Un B i. ??* '.f
Iiuli iua I'uief-Ju.tlco of Utah. A fo. fl ul Uflfl flflflflb
aaflarfl-pfldaacadaflBt rs. sm aaal Ba |.r,j-.ii Baaal
iu tho dlaahacgfl ot Ihau |.ro,s)r tBaattaaa.
ThaMflfl-M-fl flflflfl fljaaatljro-.-uoi al t...* aaaaaaah of
theee troojia. Yuuii|,',iii hi-i-ayacitv of Uovoruor. i.cuod
a proi-liiiuatlou laflBflaat-g tha ariu.t 'is B n)ul>. .iu I for
BiddlBfl lt to ontor tbo lVtriturv, unl c llUag tha BBaptB
tt ptah aa araaa aa itpel ata adraaea, lha anari haa>
.nr,aataaai i.tah, aai, aftaa Baiag iiaru--.'.i iif ihfl
.Muiuiuiis, w.-ntinto Wiutot flBal-Bai BCBf Vottt Bt-JflBT.
Oa Btt. BW IbbT. Ott, Pwarf l?*-h-a a iir.t'ia-iiiiou
laafariag lha I-nrllary to Bataaataaa af aafefllMa-*
inthe Dftiaiaf IflBfl, hawarati By tfla lalaireafl? af Mr.
Tauti...* L. Kaafl of Naaaylraala, wha bai tttt up
L'tall bv way of Califonila, 1? an itf l.-ttor* ITdiii Plflflfl.
dont lliiihaiian. a ."utl flflfl.iratBIfl-Bfl ttnt t>ruui?tit
thaat iit'tw.-oii Oar. Trflaaaataa aai lha MUmaoa i"t'i'-rs;
atul towanl Tiif <? ml of May an aoxnent-f w.u? otlrroil tn
and not*.'|>tod T.y llu-iii.B.irA'f nt7. XlM tru.'in ??'>?.u aftrr
.uUT.'.l Salt l.-kf valiey, aud laaaalBBfll till -I .y. tsaflt
when thoy mtn witb.l.awn fruin tlie IBailflaay. (iov.
t'unitiiliijr rotiialiu'.l in afl-PB .luntiic PiaBB-Bat Hu.ili.ii.au'a
aduiiuUtration. aud was uot afiortvard proiuiuent la
politieal Bflh-B*.
I Ol M Ml II. t\ HiVY.
Count M-flurtfli hfllotphe Chaiiee ia TtrnTiyptB
dled, tictobcr 10, In 1'aris. li.- v..* i.urii Df. ? n.iM*r a.
17W, aud wbea a youn?c luiin took an ?attTfl |<irl Bfl
Kr.utb patttlaa. ii? waa a wm tn B_heeaafl al -ou_a
ruilipi**, aud was iTiaTf.1 hf 1. ii). in tttt, a \**>r ot
Fian.f. H" IBflffl- to private Hia Bl t'-'' IflWflf-H et
that tnonaich iu IMI, but waa elfttod, tho yaflf f'lloa
iuK, m the lifpartmfiit of Indro-ot-Lolro, a tnember af
the __f-i?Utlve As-toiutily. II.? NpraflflBflfll llie *am_
Dapaaflaaaal n> tha 1 aaaa -asB-attt attaa lha enuy Wrtut
of LS'iimber. U.M, aiul lii'i'aiiii. it *uj)|.ort. r ut ti.., Kiu
y\re. He wan, ap tfl 1BBJ? B Qflflflfl?-Bflfll rat..lld lta, but
tbe aid of tlio Aila.in.sir.itii.il Imv i.m- Bflflfl witblrawo.
Bfl was at that timo defiMted. In IV.! hr was i>roiiiet_4
to the r.tnk of afl-flflfl of tho Lflfl-BB flf Wtttttt, and tltiritifl
the Framo liiiinai) w.ir took an a.li\>- part lu proturiiijc
ald for,the ttouiuifil. aai Bflfl-Mfll m q BliWflflUflflflfl tba
diau-Mrttoa af tho aapphaa aaal -raaji thu nnd otivr
I'ounti _?? for tho reiii-f of tha Mfltraaaal la tbe luvaded
tliatrn U.
j_mi s BtTflffl
Jiiines lioK'li*. Ka A., thfl Wfl-M-BOWB ivaJnter,
dioil at ln" n-i.lfuie lu ltrookly n. ou l_-BBfl_f ,ifl~r
nuoii. tn tho STili year of liis atf< . Bfl was a nativo of
lov-B carniiii.i, Bat aaaaa Ba Raw-Yerh ta hu youth, and
r.tudio.1 his art lu tbe aluihu of lha Ule i'rof. 6. Y. IL
B-MBfl. Ha .i.-lu.-v.-.l di.tlui-tlon ni portrait pi'utliiic,
uud his Wflflkfl a.l.irn pui.hi* atul pnvato l.uiltliu<a
thrutiichout tbo country. Aiiioiijf Bia t'aiiif*i *.tt.i* wera
t.iihuuu, ciny aud Wabeflflri aaflaaaajraf ttio aaaaMafl
uun of Ihfl tnue, m ix.lnical lifo, litoraturt*. und tba
li arurti proleaaloua, bai u btoa paiutoal by mui. Uo waa
one of the oldeil uteinbor. of tbo N.iiluual ,-ialoiu/.
havluK Imhmi oloftod an A._aoei.ito iu HjO. atul au Ai'._de
ni.vi ni in is/.i. i> ixiu- tbo Utor yaara of B_B ate hia
bealth torood btin tt) p.ies iniii'b uf In.t lune In tbo .Soutb,
Ifld hia works, therefore, it*Idom apiieared lta thn rxhi
Diunmv X'.u:.
WflllflflB W. Marryatt, ussistitnt astronotne-'
of Ij. ut. Wh.*.'lfi'? BZBlflfllBl Kxintlitloii^iliod ou tho
Otli ln*t . at lluioinai, Muii-inn. of BtflflMflM BB-flr. Ba
-a-ibiin.d liier.v. I'rof. Claik, ahtttt a-U-noui-r, wl_l
i Jaie.aili; lil* w ??:_.
Fred. Qfltfi lluWliinson, one ti tlio f.imily
of _iBflara, ia BmA,
Mr. Fndeii. k Dflfl-h fall'^r "f thp wlfo of
Pn ai.ioiiiiii.uii, -in. rery Baahta BaaMBi and nn aon.
Laala D-at, la B-.? rery i rttlaal coutiiiion.
ThB Kuii>ci-)i Of BflBMBt han flppa-BBBi Inn
fUllflaafliUm BM Dokeal Kiiabiuirii. couuaaa-ar
Bf the aoouud baitaiiou ot maruiea ot ibo BBflBB Bot

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