ftom the atag* of hlatory : atar-worahlp enr-trea 1 pnr*
fpiiehtam endure* tn Afnoa. ootwithataodtna the a*
laulteof Mohannnedaiitstn on the one hand aud of ("hris
linnlty on tbe Otber, Tril>e-aof men in Arabia, Afnca, the
i-i-.ii.1a of the Pariflc, stlll elina to tbeir pue rile, grO
to-oue. Iii.leoua ninls, and aiiiiua'iy pfapltntflaj tbem
with hntnan sa.-.rltle<___ TneatrauiflJi laearnaBoit* of
KrahnaniHii, it. o.ld praetice*. ita einr-l or .legni-llug
InetttaBona abide wlth the p...>pk> wbo flrat oberlnBad
ihein aa maanrti of loo aad aaow abtdo ln
Apr.l in ahmly co-erte, re.*ntlnir the foroo of
tbe yerual nxiu. Wild is tbe hope that either
of theae reltgiona will coaqtier or expel the
r?*at aad exnrci*e i<*a away over th? modeiu world.
Vainapimrcntlv 1? Mte erpeetation that eitber will so
far prevail as Ui altor uiateri.il!> tbe proporUon* they
now m.iinlaiu iu regard to ona auollur. Chrla?
tianlty. in m'lfe ot tlm acil ot IU nila
ntonarioa and the energy of rfta organlz ttions
inr aprea.lmg Ua faith. uiikc. "no such Impree
Knin an tae ouui.le ntligloua vt .ui.l aa to enconraae the
iH_u?f m ita owu uliitnate aopremaer. KeiiKlou Uao
Tniieh h matter of race and clinnitn tbat. until thew
t haa ire, renirioi-i lemalns v.try much the aame. And
thoae iiu ii.>l c.t.ange. litoc bold* its own, iu apile of all.
Ii may ntnli it* dwellmg plaeea, mav initigle. ltnciir
rniiU. but ita t-hnrncter contlouea aiuk-fttetoii, and Wltb
1..7 I'buiat U r ttu failb eu.liu .s
I* It urgod that i-ouaideratinnaof this kind are out of
plaiot In dntcusslng the roligioii.. outlook lu Aun-rlca.
no reIi_..on hut Christlanity flafld bfl taken iu BflaaflBl
Of N-tnm worahip, either 1n tbe loftv form of the an
cient etar-ft-aaert, or the grosa style of adoration paid to
ol-oene bnaatr. aud reptileti. tbere 1? noiie. Tbere arn
T.iulutud.i* " flBflaa 1.ad i* their b.-lly." but they are not
,,rg__i-_ed into *??<-ta, aud ttie plMflfl wbere fhey ******
are uot oal.xl tflflflplflfl. Tti.* ilirt-ij.lt*- >'f ****_______**
Un, tom u, count. Thn Mflvaflfl of Uie dlgnifl-Ml
r.infnciiiH mlahl ..II i>e <??.cie.i la a am Ul r ><>in lSi.tli
ntaiimin is anknowa b.-re. u uidhi-m ls eoaflaed ro re.000
or ao.oooCiiiH.-r' . tor thamo-l ptt* I*M.r. Iiuinlilr stn.ng
era, tho ..if .ouriiig ot tbe i oieeilaj BwpU-e. ICobamme
danism ha* no _ao_4|-B. T..e et v nt i ...? Haeaatn ll neyer
bearil. Ji.'la.M.i l.uil.ii noble U inplea in mir chief cltles,
aad perartaetee tbe aoaerb litnal of the Fatjiwrs. lt l*
ii.-h. and . itrrlcs n.shead aloft la tne New World. ilr.ivt
ri? irair.li tii cunou-iiwoplo hv tl.e ?uti_|ii<i eliarm of
Ite aeeooiatioua. Hut Juiiai-ni atand.* ou its dlgalty, ls
mrelnas of nutking prnaolytc... aail LlOODteBtto be a
fciantl aaatni v m a goneration that w.'_t e-ttr for new
tbing* 8be looka lor bo domnnou iu tlic Umled-Uates.
throT.* .inun uo . iia..e:igc t.t ber ti.iu_.lity chil.l. l.ut has
a griuily ecrei."-atM-oimn in LoUtaa ber chlld mui tliat
barereia vttyt i -Ba. uor b. r n ..tuial *trengtb aimted.
ln .i aarr-ej wf iie i-eludoua Beld, ttiat i__.it.il Orlantal
i.um eanunt lt- ovcrlnokotl; bnt H h<* 1* UOT annri- thn
...iiilmU.rir in Ibe _rt.ua. i'uo laitb that ba* eurYived
tbe Blddlt. Ages la not llkely to du-; baving eurvlved
id,. ja-r-.'. uii -ii.-. el Huroiie. .he -111 linr.ilv perl-t. ln
Uni inoiw-T. "1 .-tm niu. Kutueiilier can we iblnk ahe
..nmi t.. amcBupro-aaoythogo. Her tuisoiou i_
ralhei ihe iinvtcriwlon of a almple, jrare thelstu, aini.l
;im- ia*.'in.iUi.- BeflacUana t.- looiatrv v?tueh tin aam
aaea bold out Ooce more iba atll naka ber proiont
B-aiaw llie mo-ern worflbipof lia-l tind Astarte, but
? will di.ip liitlc hy littlo BBB uld Hi-brew peoullarl
Uaa v. ill I..-. t .ii,- iliiiig > vi i v ilc atlc ot ber Url.i.tal
. ..-riini", an i vt ill merge ln f h" irr-at current of raimnal
_iii wbieh labearina Ihe tiivilma hnrrl"rs of fmtli
; i i nre'- has rn, power .unl Bppareatlj,
n . aiiilnl.i.ii. wilh ih. Itiiii-ed, ll? prem'iii" woul.l imt li?
kaowa ware II aot for tbe oooaaioual v i-it of a i;u_uuan
.n_.-iiiury. wh.iin eiiqueito requii-ea to worhbip alter tbo
ui..i.licr nl lus i .unl y.
Keiiip..!! in au erloa fin.is ezpreaalon ln tho Chureh of
Kuina an I tbe neciH nf Prateol .ntiMii. Accor'lllig to tbe
- oi is;a, rellgioa iu the Dflttfld Siuun w orgauuwd
>*o follnws :
I. i.l pnpi-.liitlnn nf the U. B, lrTO.. ..3 s,>..JJ71
itttlt. igioa ciiro:it!icnt.'ll,6C*,_*._
TuUii iii.i_iIh.-i ol eburobes.. *i.f*tl
Cboirb*- Sutiana.
?rflbodlata.si.'!. _v.__._ii9
liapusHfnil kiuds). IB,tfll i.wo.i.ts
hi-eauyUiiiutt.i.oil l.i*_a.W4
Bomau Catholka. s.aot. l^ao^ii
r.>ncrPKati..iinlS.sti?..... 5,715 1,117,'_1J
K|Ha<>o|ml rroteeUnt.. _,?ol 0*1.001
Irultooraii. a.'HB ?.7,.ttl
Reformed Ueraaan.1.1*0 *ji.7iw
?'<'hri.ll.it).-" . _.P'.'. HCVCOi
l!u1te_l ltielhreii. 9.17 2?S,0!_5
Ui toiau.a i.utcti. flfll 2-n.riH
Frioiidi- . fl 1 -'-1 BN
rum. (VJ I10,8BI
Kvaoirellcal Anaoclationa... Oil l*i,7'M
Ifl-HltBl*. nlO 156,471
Moruioli.7. 171 OlgtM
Theae Bgorefl dO BOl Tell llie BXBl I truth, uoi Uo tbey
fTrcmnd to t.'ll lt. The exint truth .iiiinot 1?. ,|i,.
coicresl; l.ut IbOX ciaim to tte tbe n> ..reat piactlcahle
.-.pproitt li Ui il. lf Ittc- *?-. t- v. ? i.iu jeaiou* oT tbeir eth
ciency it* of th-'ir BDpearanoe ol t fn li in v, tbere wouiil
lHv Irmn iiii.-_.hii., sts i.i nifard |0 i. tmi! ..T.-*. Spintual
lanwcr tlo.-ri uni ko witb uihoii.tm; nor .ln iiumtx-rM >-x
praaa It Tbi bniamalaact maj he tne weakest. Itairo
hi.d im'ci. a meaaure of strct.K'th tbere wouid neaai have
,n\ PrtiTiw-taiitlsm nr al).-Bf 3f0 or 400 rear* ago
Bo_ae wmh t iuiai, ndii.n in tba BToat.
Tiu- mny pi?,[.,-. .tiui baraarlflbt to complainnf tbc
almve CHtltiiHtc nr" tbe people who iire imt lu.-iitioncd
init: ihe r.ilinnaiisut, who are Ior tbc inn.st p-irt iiiinr
iTHiii/.ed, i.ui niin pooteea a greailtircoof latelleetaal
]. w. r, and wleld au i-xtensive ltifluetice tbrouitb litam
tui-aud MiH'iai -Bfloraopraai and tbe ?'Oome outcrs." a*
ibey uractl to Ba talleal, wbo. as thilr naine impiirt*, have
i.iiic.l lli- r!.iiit..ub aituitt'lbor, au'l formed asaocia
lioiiamore or Iia. eoiflMel OB the tu.i- oi mulual aurvico
aud feaaaflerif lavw VBeoa cann.iT i?* eoaatefl, t.ut any
<--umalo ni iv iai"ii iu Ainerica lhat omita tln sc ia de
TiTCtltc. Mi'iiimui-iu in_iit? a louti iniiMi, hut i* a pbe
Tinmenon of nn inoi.i'Tit. Katln'il.-m luakcs nu iioi.se
Vfeaaaaar.bat excr;s a aubtlo, deep, aud unghty lulla
. I., .?.
Ttio reliciniis strength efl Americ.i xu shared, then. we
mnv aay, amon.; ihr.??? diTiatona?tbe Catbolica ol the
ihureli ol Bfl BBB, tln. Prot.wtiiiit aeeta. iiicluiling the
l.jiiacap .li.ui.. lil tiim . \t_rr-un- and thn I'uitiiriana ut tbe
otber, aad Uu Katlooalista ol all in.ti.mU. Tbe luqmry
Tiinii itinitK Itaelf to the ooaetloB : Wblob ol tbeae, U
eiUmr, i" nkclv tn ae-t-taafl IBe fuiure of re!l_ion m the
I uit.itl butcs I I- ? ur. weiirU a i wi_tiicruiprobabllili.tr..
l't,., I'bt .ii li nf K'.ine ln Aui'ii. a ir tti.. stioiiK, antl la
dt-atmed pniii..i.iv to beattongcr stllL Itannmbora m
cr.-.uie. Itn cliuicbes aro haudsoroe, Ita touirreiratious
aie larirc, iu prlMfll aro aotive, ita pastora tli
miiikj. ii liar tl, uii-biiiK aemlnarlaa ami oolieflea lor
men uml wmii.?:?, i" lirinu* hnusi* m aliumlaiice, well
piuoed. woll aoflewB-i well admlulstered. It watche . Ifla
n|iLMji liiinUi ? and imprtTTea Umm witba.inurahle adroit
i.i-in aud i om age. Ii has WOalth aud autborily, tlie aup
la.ttnf ? BUhhMre tl.onirh cni.le public oplnlon, tbo ad
vaulagc oi ?iil..|iu:> au.i tr.t.litioi.s of einpire.
tiik niatK or BflflBflBBfl-.
It is perfectly or^aniaetl andotttcored. Romanlsm ls a
uuit of fott-e, 1'omp.ictand vital. Bome is an emplre.
Tbe ilhureb i* a domiulou, a country, a fatherlaud.
i ._ibtilic.ir.nl is. m fact, ln a rery ltteral senae aud to a
very oonalderable extent tbe beliover's country, eren
more ho thun ia the ..unl nf his l>l. th It ia ennc. ivutilc
that k.>iu inmni B-flfl-fl <iulte destroy the love of country,
for lt is a di-i iiTc.T power, haviDK worldly meana nt Its
< ..tnman.t. ano .-ontinually demantlluir coneesidona and
pnvii'tcoH imui Un- isiate. Tuis i* i.v.* tbe , nne bera tbau
iu Kurtux*. bul it is -tiii to at.jri.iiii exteut tbouaae bor*>.
Tln- Catli"!iv - ' inghl Tn ln .Ii to Ka'neu. the aource of
all tua Mgbt aud iiie. Moi-e than ouee already we haver
lt.cu in ul' uue ? bp tbo liroad of poliuoal interfere-ooa
froui the l-oin .ii tit.-i.iii'Hy; mdnei}. wo are perpotuaily
iinea?y OB that a. ..re, ntifl th?- contlnecucv m.y eome at
?flaap BBoejeBt tbat wlll di-piny the formldable power
,.f tbe rolii: nu wl.i'h haa iuu?- tbaii BflM eudaugered
the imaoc ol i-U'?')*'.
It i* now familiar mformatlnn that theCatholic Ciinrch
iti Auie.a.a ha* n*.H.-iyetl antl doea annually rooelve lari:e
eutlowiircul* from iin H'.tttti. lt bas bcouduscribod ua tbo
f*Ial>li*.'iei chureh of Ainerica, a tltle whlch, if undo
mttimI i.ow, it is pr? uict-d wlll be tleaerred at no dla
tautdai. Auu wby may uot eutb a preditiliou eome
trne! Wliv l.'tit in t Ili.tuai.istu mipplaut l'r<jtoatauh__iio
or eaaflB ,r H pleeefliaal, reduce tl.e . matler aecia to 1n
-Ba-floaaaa, aud becomo tbe prevalllng faitb of Aine.r
Home will mu. beeaoae the Roman Catholic religion ii
jTicomp.tM.lt' witn r, puhlicau lnatltutious. But in thls
tb.-ie uiiiki Ba toaa aooflflaaaa of thought. it eaa
M-ulooiy bu iiaid tbat tbo CmUioIil rt-iigiou aa B reilKiou,
a fonu ot faitli. i- ineouipatlble wlth itjpublioau iusUtu
imti*. Why *hould it be, any m'.re than the Prof*.tant
reliffion, auy uain- tbau tbe Jowisb rollirlon, tbau the
rvluclou of thta.7i I Kt liiiiou a* aucb Ua* UnlblUK U> do
ti ub politieal luiiitutioiis or forui* of govt-mmeut. A
ixdytliei.st mav bc a* good a republlcan aa a monothel*t,
..n idolator aa a *iiirltualist, a pantbelst as a thelst Re
liKiou cx|.it___?-o iui raUtionot tlnt intlwidual eoul to
tbo univt r*al tou . Coiut ive of tbat reUUon tu, you
will. civil aftiilrs remain unaffected. Caunot a
rapuNioau araaflflflp tbe VlrsT.ii, eupplleate tbe aalota,
, oustiit lUiai.iiati itiigeJa, boiior tho ttaciiiin- of tbe
Biaa*. aoefeaa bla siua to a priest, swallow tbe -oiike
.-ratcd waf.r 1 Wbea. ut the eunn.'tiun between faith
iu tae Roman Cburch aa the Botiy of Cbirat and faitb lu
iu, 11'aaUl.ly I" iiiab.iK.' tbeir owu civii aflalrsl Tbe
i atbolic raflflloB Laaale-tea devoutueas, bumiiity, grati?
tude, ui.Hi.aiy, tiiei-kiir-M, chantv, aaptratioa, aaiutli
niMri. Aro *iitb grtiiut lueou.paiible wltb repubiicau
isuil Huit the r.-pubiicau be iu-if wiiltsd, rude, vloleut,
uimorupuiousl A repuhllvwrnposed of devout Catho
lio-t. luou *u.-h aa tbe Catbolic reilirion haa produoed
uicaiu aud agaiu iu biator.v, would i?- aucb a republie aa
\.? in ual watl l.'iii: to act, auitMlel rt pubiic ia wbiub ttii
ruio UvTauM* all _? i m .
Norsu> Uicre ton <? ln tbe ohj.-etlnn Tbat B"manlam ean
iml ?xi*l iu au iii'elWctual ouluiuiuiil.t. vtVie the (atb
clio vomiuuiiiti.J* of luly in l-e |>alwy daya ol.'tlie
l.burob uuiuieJloetuall Wero tbe att-at Catliolica of
Y loieiio I'l-a. l'?_lua,U.l'*na uulniollevtual I Tta* gretl
eal uuivtjr. iue. t f llie Ubt> intKl-m world bave o, eu
i aUio-lo. bome ol tbe great. ?t unuda of tbe modaru
vt oridkave boen Catholic; uud UieulUl' aasuming a-ood
tlr.al U> tnko tm gr.uiud tbe lu tei Itv l uall iy of tue i^jople
?,i'Auterioa uui< k-vt itu-d tbey are certaiuty, ewift la
i?-,w-beu__oii. vcrsatna. aympatbetio; but tbey arafan
cifiilaudaiorTur.al.-uipat.euiif toil t.-r tluii-oaa, euaiiy
tu^i, _od_H|i-..d lo r-ltectJou, lncapablo ot ?*J?ra
tUoaibt. -?rin.iited to p-ofouud apoo-latJve atodlea,
e^ukSut alUi aupirtiouii liupreaalou*. aat^tled to let
^.Tuluoul* i-aa. for lUaaa. Tbey are Buowlua raUier
r^^uugbfil. Hen._*al.abilityto be ***___*____*_*
'??? any xtrong iutolleeflaal
.-i__U_. mutul, car.ied away by any *tK>n? iut?slle?u_.i
IxHimToyt* irorT-rTully renvafl tra-.tiou. or a ____**_*
,m*\\mt. K_ov,_o<lgt. U tbe only aullielent ***______
aaaii.Bl auob aurpnaea, aad anowledgeei, poBMwaea oy
t&jary law. li woald not be wouuerful, [*"''*___?_
ai-Ogi.ai po-eoasiug aueb sluflular attraeOona aa tbe
? -i-hoiu iniiTi.Ki . urtaluly baa-iu many raapeeB. ae lm
i.f_-_i?o?ui toauv au wiuulag. ln uutuir as U-aulUui. n
mauy a.. gi uiai aiad rear-wabte?a religion ao a.iroitiy
nduiiuiatt-red. ao aJtUif uiijT expouudtKl^oo Uelloateiy ap
i,iu*d, were to *t.ai out ot the BUaduiT,.f IU atitifl-lty
.uA oarry oupl.va ibo pa-aauro-am-bi-ia mluda antl uuda
t'jud' d Uaall* of u uiiuiulna. niranger Uungs hara aap
peaefl. Au aba l-utiinb mtilet ramarka: " Aa tbe apeo*
tiiiiUvaol Uio.mc unfta lurtb-r aud fuitbor away trom
u-s um uariow cvbl~uta ot Uia ai.< iti.t foi uiulatti -.
li.utm wbooliog to tboae lonuulailei cUng Ui ihciu uli
tbe laoro ti*Bti>. and io_t.i_rt.l tueiu aii tbo niureeu
i*.r*iu_o_ialy liiciili ye_tfli ag? y.,u eould uoi bave
fv.und 6uo biou n. Kughth oxdem to poiition tor auricu
_*?- cualoaaiuu. 1 ? <.;?> ? . baic u.u tsui.ii .ut diKiutao
thaua_a?l_fe? Ahii.viity tbat prioau by Ha.uHau.U are
t_aebiu?--Ml inai ia um lt. Tue oid-faatiloued aaodera
tiitii **t do. triueis LUauKexl n.U> euUiU-uaaui and e_uuaa,
aud cau- ago of _*..:.ii>e ia ai oo Uio age ul tb-apeuiug aa
l*ralil_ou aud saot-rdutaiistu."
J-oi an ilitu-li-aii'.u ol uu* pnial Ibo prodUrHHi* irrowth
of ctpiriluil.a-i u*_v i* titod. Wao iwi-uty . oa? ai_o
i tAltd bave suirinv-xl t??i uow Uundi' da of thoiiaauda ol
imuum woulu in. li?uia oo *_?__!_ of au lutiiuaia eoa
acioiiaronneeUc-between tbfl vifltble aad tta __?*____
de.flned to bo ratloiiaii*- m* - . ?? ? ._
Tben tho groat nauio* were VolUlro aud Koa-flt
thoae name* are mrelr flpo*"?
- -itrttiMlnK now ln Pranne but a tremenaous
?.n . f IhT-'Mc\ell_lon. under hfeBBBBM i..,p..Ur
uTTsii .hai twodu_a_ar-.-l-aa.ot l'rot?* ant rolurlnn 1
IT,,. Rit'tiah prxate ivatch their onport.inlty ** rloai-ly
Thi' K''.'11*11 I'I 'T "'?*? r-rwv* ii . ?'.*? i ?--_? ?
^Ttl"l*roU-Hi_.ntpa?ior*waiobthe_ra, aud Uke oau*-*
produce like eirrct*.
Why. thon, may not IComaniam ultiioately beoome thr
rellplon of the Amertoan pcoplo t For fleroral reaaous,
theae uinong oLuers:
1. Iu tfea tlr?i. place, havlnc onn. hold all bot flupreme
away in WBBBBWtmtm, tt lo?t It throo Iiundrrfl yoar* ago,
uud ha* uuv.r beeu able to regain itevon lu lUownsuh
|ect lamla. No power ever wio-oed* ln rullng the glube
tw ie.-.
2. In tlie next plaee Rome is not a relinlon ao mneh u?
sn fiiipir.-, a duiniu.on, a aUte. The head of Ita
t'huri'h l. the Kinir of Klnir* ; hl* aitbordtnal.'* are
piirins; th" ii,fiijl>er**r_ *ub|(vrl*; tha .anlmala aro
.lut.-stn.-n; the prlcst* aro potliloiana. Komo elaliu*
uiilliorllr to rulein t-inporul ultairs, tocontr.il the Bdfl
oatl.lf tbfl people. Hho treat* wiih forelgn attifeeon
terma of equalitv, aa their 888*1 even their fluperior.
would abare their eoiinaela, diotate their polioy. Her
\t aaelon for _ui>rem?nv ih iKiiin.lle**. Hhe 1* linperml.
Itv ii futal lna_.net her flJBflflailhMfl ure with monar.iii.-_
A fatal lo_l" lead* herto ahraaftfeaa hai oaatar more an.l
more, ann to make all power oonvergr thltbfr. When
the tomt not rule, Bto toalaiaa lmra.-if peraaeated. lt lt
e.aay io aee tbat ?nch a BNMBB-M M wholljr incompati
ble wltn Ripubhcaniem. Rapubllcanlara ma*tia aiif
rellanc-,. aulf-aaaertion, the kihg_hlp and pnoaUhlp of
tfee lixliridual, eommon oducatlon. i-qunlitT of prlvlleee.
aelf gevornmeiit, liborty of conacicnoe, freedom of Ixillnf
ai.d wor. hlp. the (hurch Indeuandaut of the Htute.
Acainal aii tiunc thing* Kome as u pow.-r prMaata Bb
puliiu imsm M utterly irreconcilabbi wiih aBtut. (iiur h
?u (.'hurch that Blalaaa 't>e right to toteffore with publie
nfi,iii-H, ur demuiidaauppjrt from tbo _ecular arm. In a
rcpiilrln-, rellgion, inu.t oonhne itaelf to Hpii.tuaUUe_. Iu
u word, H must Xepurelv und aimply rellcioi..
I um well awaro Ihat 8888-88*8. uttconaaif compllelty
of Home wit.i deapoti.m ik donled. and on tiiirh an?
tl. ..mv. lt i? iiae.rUxl thui tbe Klliaiiee bctwcni Cathol
lemm and tyranoy x. aa aeeldeal anMag out of tbe.
IWUIlllBI lillMIBMlaiBTI- Ol K_.rop.an p.iliilf... Catboli
iistii, || ll dfe..ire.l, Mimplv Iov". or.ler, aad ll aolto Ut
diHfi-ent whether il fludn order under a uioiiaictiy or
undei a re publie. Iu Boropo Bepublioan_tm meana
mi.ualli-D and uinrpliv, whieh the (imr, b deteeta, Iii
An,. irica it moauanoauchlhliig. In Auiori.-u il ia ._*?._
clated ttith obedieuce to aocial niloa and ro. p"ii fur ln
httt nt iririM. In Amurien, theiofore, the old tradltionul
oonneetlon, betaa aarvtaeabM bo lonaer, I* dlancarded.
Tbe 1-omanlat ia aiiiooroly a Ilnpublican?loves tim B*>
puXllc, and never wlaliea to change It. Thi* may bo t^ue,
but afl lu Aiuonca havo not diaeoveri'd il. ll U u rnu
plo faet that Rcpnblx ann in Anieriea do dread thc
Catholic Chureh, and not without cauae.
Bul what KuaraiHoe havo wo that tbs U.publlc wlll
rndureln AmericaI AU tho guarauiee it i? pos?iiile
that nif n Hbou.d have. Thn d^voted att.k--liU.otit of tbo
nnlveriml people to ropubllcan Inetitiitlnns; an attach
mnii Blt -BBBli l8 Fuailh 8l July oration*. but iu tbe
fo_rful ___.irifloc? of tho m_?t torrlble eivil war on reoord.
in an expcndituro of treaaure an.. lifo aliuimt fabuloiiH
toc.iiiHnlfr; Ina watchfnl Jealotiay of it* rolors whieh
rinis to uureaeonable leuittii* of *u?pioion; iu a murliid
ilr-ad of Cbeaaitiaii iu a hatroilof uraumption, a d"tf?(Kk
ti.>n of mooopolr, a Bfllf-afl* rtion of tho commou poople,
at) ambitionon the part of fb?-oiler*, au anplration on fhe
xariof women tliat inakos all thoujrht of monareliv 8*
i. ss than ridlcuiou*. Tho ?BBBTBhllta in ?"nliuiBiit
umoiiR u? aro of no a.eount whatever, have no loflnaBOfl
wliat.ver, und never ean havo uny, for they Xelonir to
thfl tlxltttanU portioa of tlie <?)inniunlty, iho *bow por
tlou w_o wou. 1 -BtM WM to tXtrt liillufnoe, if Ihey
w.-rc not ttKi we?k.?ltepuhijc_iiiisiii deollne ln tfee Qnlted
Htaferi I Yi.tl tnlght nn well talk "f it* ?pread in I'ersia |
Jluiierto Bome ha* appasaBi ohiellr a* a rafealaa, m tto
? Liula'd Stato.s, aml her BapflOt m ullunun. Let tor ahow
'nernelf a? u dominioii, aml uho wiii look u Bonster.
Aud ur a domluioti, *.he munt ?how heraelf a doinmlun
npiHlnul, if not 188888888- CulholicUm. lf uot unompire,
ir ii tiiui't h. itoiiukiiiitiu i* a rellK'un of aiithority. J'ae
liberty Rhe KTaiitj. 1* liberty to profeflfl tho truo religlou.
whi. b ia her owu. 8he. pi-ofnaeos to hold lawlnl domln
ion ..ver tvouls?iu bold tho key* of the ktnjrdom, fl tlis
penafl tho ?iu.'? of (.od. Ita protousioii in inoon
-i.r.nt, with' that ratiouul frcodom of tboiiuht, that
tull fiiianeipation of intolloel whioh repiiblieaiiHiu
domund* iu bei udhrreuu. A true, eJUts without a tr,.
iniiil is u tbluK lucoucoivuulo. Freo oduoution, freo
ju ;i in ry. fiee preaa, froo critli'i.sin of mmlnitiuiis, fn,.
moiitl. ..tion of notiul BaafM i* tOOOtt iin " wiih enliirlit
euod oraltoi-td convlciioiia, supjione a rea-on eniunci
put^-d trom con.rolof uuthor.ty. And tbi* tbo Baiaaalfll
lannut allow ; he clfllBM authonty over coiin. lenoe ;
bnt u eoiis, leuee ent-.r* into evorythlnir, hui anlburlty
t-it- tids lu ov.TiihtUK. aud tlio *way that oitlia itcieif
tplritnal, loaenslbly U flxvanded over temporal afltlr*.
B But there ih srttll another roaaon why Bo_aaniB__ ean?
not be tbe relik'ion of Aiuerioa. Iti* the reliifion of a
raee. aad Ameriea la tha luud ol man. racaa. thfl Latm
ia they urn called, ure Cutbolic -the ItalluiiH,
hpaniail*. Kreuch. Tho (k,IU aro Culholic ulway..
without h, bikltiitleuut oitceptiou. The Enaliaii an I'rot
eal mt Tfefl inuhty (lermamc ru.x wlnch la eouiiiik- up,
wliith ha_ made mich prodiirloiiri flrtdM M the last t.n
v-fiir.. and l* dettinnd U* rule iu the imuieili.ito future,
is 1'roPMtant. Komo cau uo moro rulo slt. 1'otorsburf:
tti.iii Ht. ivtor.sburg can rule ltotne. That _:ii|_lan_
bhouid ev.-r l_c-un* Catholic ia au lroposatbillt). Her
oouvw-ioi). could lt bo eff.otod, would ue uoiniuui
niiT-l_. Benaatb tbosurfac* tbo peoplo would Iie 1'iot
-Htaut. K.nii?>? t-nautnd riuxinitting to the Pope!
Tho strcnirtu of Kome ln Aiiiurltta lles ln tBB dfrteend
aifts of the L.iUii auceator* aud lhe number of tbe Celtlo
popalattoiia. n* ranks wero fu.irmou*iy awallod by tbo
muu xutiou of Now-Mexloo; but that eannot be douo
attiin. IU hopo is iu tho Irith emuiulioo . but thai ih
ulr.-udy matchod by tho U.riuau, aud will ?oi*u bo aiir
mviBioNfl or PRrrrK. TANTfHkt.
Dinmlsslni:. tl en, ihe liuiuiri of Komanism, Ifefl elulras
of Protestantlxw preaent thomitelvo*?meaning hy l*ro
teetantiBin the aciually oritanltod sectt. They neod
not detaln us lnnu, Protestantlsm l? a frroup of uccts,
?aaM of them vory powerful, somo of th.mi vory weak ;
BMl BBB aironffoat unable to annlhilate. oonqurr, or ab
*orb tbe weake.t. Their pr.iportioua do aM matertully
rhatiK'' fi't" Kctmration to unuoratiou. Of coumo, they
make reprinai* >ne on another, a fow .cire* of peoplo go
uiiii ual ly from oueoamp into tho oppofllte; but neither
oaatp exporlt-nce* ituy oonaideruhle ditforonce from tho
dofeetion* or acr|Ui?ltlon?. For thn mmt part lt ln m.-re'. v
a cbaiiife of iiniform. the adoplioti of u new button. Of
Int.Tiiir oonvornou lh.-ro l.i little. Tlie Mi-tbodi. t eulls
iiinisxlfa Unituriau, bnt Ifl * Metbodlflt fltllL The Uui
taiiau Joln* tneEplaoopalfhuroh. butremaiun, exrept a*
to a few externul*, a* tcood a Umtarlau aa be wu* before.
He boldi tbe abbmoraad, bat iay* twnpnanuou a.liffor
ent word. The born (.'alvmiat will *till bo a Calvinmt ln
aplte of blfl paaalug over to the Lilieral rouk*. ?? Ulooii
1* stronirer tnau water." Tbo Hocta desenbo cLaaac. ef
inlnd, aud hare aa many alncero inen'hors aa they huvo
aympattieuo n*turea. Tbn flamlii|_-hearted are Kv.in
Krileal ; the co<,l, proper, morall-iuic are Uuitariuna ; tbe
Mnnraciitul are unlveraulltt* ; the foruiul am EpL-co
pallana; tbe throlojfical are l'r._byterlau_. It la qulte
out of the queallou that Um cmotioual |ieoplo Hhould
earry tbe day over all the real; that the formaluiu
abould tratherthe vaat niulti-iidnnito tbeir coiniiiiinion.
Theratlonal will alway* be the few. Tbo aect* ifrow aa
the population Krowa. Tbey pmeorve iheir n_lative pro
portioua becauh* the population preaervea it* relativo
proportlonfl. Bnt no one ran dream f"r a niomi-nt of
Mf tiiodiaui or (.oUKrcktalJOUttliBUi a* Uio aoatuit-U roX^iuu
of America.
But why may not the iiecM comMne ln an alllanee,
ofleuwive and defeuaive.audeo tliruw tlu n OBlMd iiower
atoklutl their advoraurteal Wby abould tbf v nol drop
iion-et*ei.tialB _nd fall back nn eaaentialnt Why ahould
they not acoept the diflltrence* of tinifortn, bnt afflrm the
BiiX.tttii-0 of do-'triner And i* not tlu* preiiaely what
they are douyc - ae.-klng BBltT. braafelng down barrirra,
ohliteratinff divldlnic llnfa, abukliiK handa acrosa the
l.ioody Kulfl What 1* tbo uieaulng of lhe Chnttian
uulou* but tblfl - Wbat, lf not thia, u tiie 8vKuili<?_ui e of
tbe Kvanftellcal Alliauce I Iiut bow many can
tbey oomblue, and how elnoere ia the rouiMna
tioul Tbe union doea not embrnoe all Prot
etttutfl. The famona Allianoe whiob ba* l??-u
more than twetty-flvu year* a-formlUK, la atill a very
imperfeot leatrue, chiefly amunit Mf thodiat* and Prrabr
tfriaoa. Great eeot* like the Ki>iacopaliana, llaptiata,
Campliellitcfl, ClinaUana, are repreai'Utod partially, if al
all. The Moravlaua have more than their ahun-. Tbe
Mennouite* do not eome in. Tbe Swedontioripan* do aot
purttvipute. The Uuiverealwu aud t'uitanuu* are ex
iluded. The Frlend* are untnvitod. Tbe ahow la lui
poifluB bnt llluHlve. The larae iroopa reappear airuin
aud attain, u* ou the etaae of a tbeater. Tue llludoo,
with Ula liron_o faco aud hia white turban, la a bcot-b
1'reabyterian ln durniae. The diveraity 1* not bronght
ln and re.oncil.td, ll lt left out.
U, aXu.utuii.; *_c.*rlaui*m, I'j-oteatantlam abollahea lt*
Ita jmrullartty ; beretofore lt haa lived aud flourbthod on
Ita diversitie*. The larrinifof ltapartlo* baa been Ita Ilfe;
the luie-aaut fertuent, the ferer of coutrovaray, the *eal
for doiirlue, tie euthuaiaaui of faith, the luiaalonary
?pirit wuh iu porlld, tbe thoolo^ical bate* of rlvaln.r*,
the alteruati-Ut paroxyatna of fear aud hope kept up the
euerifleaiif tke l'rotealaul world. Tbey were 1'roteat
aiO*; dia.oura^o all that.rebukoIt, allow tho tiieoio*
ii JR fervor to ool, bid controver_y o<-a*e, ohanife the
txileiuioa mto iruuioe, aud whal remalu* ? Tbeexpen
euce ot i>ln and graco, the myatlcal uulon of the aoul
with IWf redeemer, whlch HiiXatitute* aentlmmt for Idea,
liwart for head. _nd wuiveria tiie ifrand army ot retorm
ora mto u Xami jf Hjrattaa
_>KC_.ii?? ar __OT__n*ATrr__t roirrr.aaBD.
The EtauK-lmal AUlauoe, partial oa lt waa, dared not
rnui.v_.tr tbe Kvungtaioul oro-il. It boa*- by <hunje
that, but madfl uo polut of it aiuoe tbe i_i_n__uwmii'-l
of IU exuteuce. Tbe prupoaitiou to do so would lead to
end.ess di-CUMlun, whiirh would brnak up tbe body. >'u
dcfiui'lou oftfiBi. could b? a*:reod ou. Kverv artlclf
would be a bidden ro.-k ou wblcb ihe ahlp migut go u>
piroe*. It wa* propoeed io adopt tbe Mloenn crecd, but
bow many Prot rrtant* could fervently re<-lte it I The
only cre. d t.-cll*vd wu* the Apn_ll(-?' rrrrd. whlch muy
niean much or oollilnif. One u.enWier of tbe (Vmfrrence
itravelv a?k?vl wherelu lay the diffir ulty 6t r.-eou. illnjr
Jiarwii.iain witli Ohrletlanltjr. an.l thon au>_:,-e?ted tout
Ihr unltv BhuiilH I*. enlarged by udiulttln* all whi were
vtllltxir to aeeept the tust, of jr-na. love af Uod BUdloTfl
taf meu- Kut iiixi^r auch rafl-Mcattoua I'r'.t.-t il lan
Oiea ? for-*roteitaiiil*m laa dortrinr, an.l ir the do. tim.
le alven up. Froleatantiam. aa a power. la rnded ; itfl
trlu.i'l'h, im.lr-* tbeaoriroHinalanreH, wo.ili not Ihi tbe
triump'i of l'rotealaul lam ul uB, bul of > uiur-thlnr
verv ilifl.-nxi- It wonld t>e tho triumph ol lut.
tiiul UU-rty. t'-alvlu. irul-er, Wi ..ley wlll I* outo
iimca uo more. Xlu* truth la, ProwsUntiaui ia uot a
.'iiber m d-cuio. or oraaaiunioa. Iiuaunit
i,l.' iu Min. ..'i'i- iiut llie rellgion of Amerioa
muat iw l_.UJI_s.lual. IU b_iila uiuai bo l__?u_hl.
Tl e hoi^lu ruui-lt-, ib* buUdla* full*. TU* Kv.u
toiioAl Aliuucc u a u*_f.*?i-u Ui*t - loioawtatiam _. do
ellaliur; tbat lu foee-Romanjaui __._**}. pmhaaB
aad Batlonallsm on tt.in.ih-r-nte preaaiha it hanl, aafl
tbal apeeial elloil miiat be made to meet them. Tbat ia
aoonfeasMtaef weakneas. A more signal coofeealnn ta
this/l'tal wrien the trlbea aeaetnble thay ara toldto
iiiBiiim iImi tbey aball best couquer tb" enemy by
throwing down their weapona nnd reaortlug to exburta
tion ana prayer If the Aili-noe bad runs nut u truuipnt
cail like Litbar's, had boldly proolalmmi lu anoient
faith, bad emblaaoned on IU bannor Ihe atern eonfcsslnu
of the Fathers. had reafllrmod the cnrdmal tdeno of tttt
tbeoliijiT. hud vlndlra-t'il them in thn Uifht Ofacienee
and pnitosnphy, had elalmed their harnmnvwith tfla
wauta of huiuuiilty and tne need* "t tbt hour, ha
Hhowi.ortrl.nl toahnwflbetr tnd-?aaaBWaaaaa t.. hn
man Hocietv. bad rallicl IU lukowarni B-Njfladaaataa to
tba fl.ig of tbe old gaapel. kl jaooJd _?__ '?>_[<*?_?*?***
cnurage.lf D.l wistlotu. In ilmdiulug to 'Ib thi* ln pui
ttu* forth ch.uvly generalitlfa ln pla.?f BBarp Mgtoaa,
it admltted its reobleaeaa, atul fell ib allh tbe moal ratal
ooot-Bd agiui**! Ilir tonaeney la
aorii I rcfor.n, Horlrfl seienoe. tbe deltlcatinu ... char 1,
IZ woirtbip ol t.uluire. reprta |!?l??d o! llHlfff'^
puliiicain plaoe ot prayerl Ti.e bgi^caa dtoeraiSof
tliaThPoloalml JBpir!: ulinwa thr-f rl.? fuf.in. ib uot for
Fnitoatantlam, ut le.it as orc?ni-<*<l ?l proaei i.
Il were folly to ullirui tbat lTolestantwm bas run its
roursc, livod tliniupli Its perio-i of oaefnlfleoa, and must
lutncelorth vislbly deeline. It baa by no meaua__it.i_.ht_d
IU uotirao ; ila imriod of ngolalOOH U uot eud.-il ? iu do
cime is far ott I...teatnniisn. i* rlc.h and lnfliiential; IU
nhnrehe* are. iinmemiu. Its OunaUtueiieie.s large, it sect*
aiutiilloue, itai.r.iai.ii.-.rs .-loqueut, il-.applUii.i-* admi
nhlii. IU tra tiii.,.,* noble. IU aln.s hlgh. Its hnpc <-,,..__
dent. Hut the fiitureis long: Uie nuui.lry Brow. faat;
ibaflBMrieaa aaad u-laatla, --'???? wouid be toeUab
iicss Ut ovcrlook tha for, BB tliat are WOI kin- ugaiust lt.
Botfl Hnmini-m und ptotaatBBBBBB bB-e BWM ?f'"r"""|
wurk. and will tiu uiniu uion* hefure tbey arn diainisa.-'l
to ti.eir rewar.l. Itu' tbe work lhat rt iiflon__*"__?&
Iie done In Ainerica we caunot bcilcve wril bu uoue by
. i'li' i of Ihe..n.
Hi'iumiAU*- ani) nn l-OBUatfltBB
Itoliirii.u iu Aincrua ciuhraca a va-l uuiub.'r of peuplo
who uru neltber UuuiaiiuU nur l'rotostauU, nor t'hris
tiansof any dctiue.l name. but wbo, iu Bflfl-Bflflfl, poli?
tics, societv. Jilerature. jotirnaliam, rpr .aent tb.? lu
lollectiial foroe of tho Araerlonn mind. First of all mu nt
be, inonllonedtheHpirli_iali>.U. rlpirituallsm lt rapldly
Orvomiug a dutlinct for.n of reli-'l'.n. II B Mfl ____*__
pieco. The.ro an> difforenl mtboole atUr-aaabmimUa*
erotnaiioy aud a school tbat li dflVOtfld tfl Tnii li. I. l...s
diirernni ph-aaopblea-a p-Boaopflp of LMtflMt. which
leKiUinat-M paaaiou, sauotiUoa app-itil", au.i oii.oumges
theloa kln.l of indlvidnalism tbat seoksdeve,upumnt
tbrtwBlba"?o*aaWa-'l-d-lira--e tt what it cail* nature,
aud a pbiioaopi.y of lailh wbioh lays great atnea oa Ibe
moral an.l spintuul mluuioiiH, i.nd Indulgee _hubngbt-*t
l.op.ts f..r T.i.tn ou tln- ground of cnltnm aafl rimrity.
Tbe lower school, tlmiigb u.ud and vehouiout, ls rapidiy
Kiuking in eeteem and JeoUalng ln ii.il.ictic.- 1 bebigbei
is g-lnlng ii. lUrngth und lu dignltr *???*__* Wrl*_
alism growa the c.iliner nnd more uitollcci.u.'il it be
coine*. tbo cloiircr n.s vi.-w, Iba loi'" r Bl luuito uf
aapiratlona. ka teholara, tblnkera, t-aeher*. ootne to
proleaalt. it takes on a nnbie ebaiMteraad r-.-rUh
wid.. iiifliicn." loraaflB tbc appar elaaaee of ?.<cl -ty iu
Usucs. lUcxIrttcnc. i.s a fuct lu the n-llgioiis w?ral
andaiaei of vast moment. i* unqoeBtloaaBle lu his
privatniournui of ibe rear lflflfl, rhaofloia Parfcaa*.aa
iiuiiarti-iandkitoui.iiae.rver ol ibe sigiis at tho Uiuos,
wrote; " It si. ins nnw lunrt- likeiy ibat ripiriliiansui
uill beeO-M tne icligioli of Alll ri.-.l Ul in 'U IM ll .'.ni
timt Cbristiauiiy wouiu beooBM tba t.tii<)uu of tne
B .iii.iii Bmpira, or iu sM tbat MobaiwaBdanUm would tte
Unitof tin- Ai.ii.in.'i popotoUona. I. Ubaatnorceriden ??
tor iU wond.'is than any bisti.ric fnr... ol leiliciun bitu.-r
to 2. Ii u ibrougbnui flemoerattc, wntt bu blarareby
l.ut mspiratiou open to all. fl, li dooa tttH i latoa to I o a
flnalltv ? it i* nut apunr.M./i ttaitt, but B pttmetum /tuent.
4. It adinits all tln-ihruths of laiflBty?i IflBpflfl m
aii tho world's .c.Tla."
IhaiiSblroug loalimuiiy from oue wlio wa* nol liltn
aelf techiiifiilly a Bpiriiuali-t. Bj tbe Inillis oi r 'llflioo
and raorality, i'lirkor ii^'tnt t'n eeeential tra tha, ihe
divine. rule .?.V'th.rWurl I. tlm iiiiinuttiil (lov.-iopinei.t ,.f
man, thu Mipreiuaey of moral laW.aafl tba BJOi ?l one
oeaaol tbe buman raoe. Tbal propbeey wm modo nearlj
tweotyyeanaKo. Mai-wbai hreaty reaw hif.-doiio
toward Ite fuiUllii.ent.
Now spintualiMii iii. nolbing lo eommon wlth mtlier
l;,.ui:ilii-m ur I'l.'.e-I.iiit'rtiu, l,< uni' I't'i.-ii/. I ...rin
1_0 Clirnflun Thcnln.y ll rcj cts ctiIh'Iv, abOtO r tti
,1,1'iiiiiHH ne t^Ken a? a *vs..'iii, nr Miitily. oae Bf ona.
Tbo avbomtt of sulvatiou H haa uo .oucciu allfl] tbe
draiiiit Of icil,-mpll.ui lt never atteoda Itbai a liaiiui
of uricsu ami pi'ic.stt rafi; taa Idaa ol a ebareb
do|io*iiory of th* diviun lifrt nnd tbe souroe of in-pir.i
tnm is ulU-rly loi.'. .n lo lt-s tiiu.lcs of lnuii?lu. IiUis
c.irils tbe itulhoritv of the Bible, Ani-' the . I.iiins otjetvi
tn th* let.i ul plain huniHiiity. is tafllflbreil to tlm hc
iicpKul ttirBiou o, Ciirmtian Instory, disiru*_j< tfla rc <>ra*
of ecaleelaetioel pona. b-Uarea m OaTolopmeul aaop
poaed to fall, IB foaiaaa m oppoaed to eonreralon, m
obaraeter aa oppoaed r<> reaeneration, la i.ii.uaii *ui
tiia.tuiy asata'aiiiMl buiii.ui tl.-pruvii.v, la naluial gtrotl
iki.bs aa agalnat lupernalnral graee.... aalreraaJ reaaon
as Bfl-lasl parttel iiispiratmn, in ulllm.ito b.'ulitn.l,- tm
nll as againsl ullituaUt wauiud- tor B f.-w. lu u wunl,
U lakts B ut-w Uopui'lum aud follows a ucvv ].atu toward
a now go.tl.
flnd tbia it doea Beoeaaarily iti oliedienee to its first
prliieiple, in BOOOrfl-MOwltBIta nicfiiiiblc loglc. T,il.
il doea tor all wbo reoeive ll.wbat-er Ibay van lalt
the chureh,?. or not, i?y wbaK-vci- DaDea tbey stlll eal)
theliisci'.-.. wlmtcvr thev :n iv MlB p.-rsisl ln liiiii.ia.'
liiciiiM.lvi 7 TliiH il iIim-s wiili.n BM o i.ai.in ol (ur..sii.iii
,aiiuiiiiiiiioiis iiiuum.'iiil.lti.
|,.i thn i' .iii.i.irity ot SpliitnalUm h th tt lt baabroken
down tbe wall ol HCparulmn l.ciweel. thi* wurli! aud Un
uext. ln so d ink' II l"^ BB-fle 1h?iIi wurld* conliallv OBC ;
U bas called iato view one spiruual -Bleeraa ; il baa rc
vi-nied tbe fact tbat peaee batweeo earth im Beareo,
the uinrlil aud tbe uuimirtnJ, the liuiiiaii unl tlie di vln>\
tbe MOBtnra .m.l Iba tia-lar, Um aiaaaa aod tbo samt, i*
nol aomoUilog m be effeetod, hui M.m.-i!iiu_; already
made, BOBMtblBg estaiili?h.il ln tlie toustitutlun of
luiiiK't. eeUbliabedfrom tbe Bofflaalafl. Tbit rerelB
Uou revoititit)iiu.-s niigious fai.u, efleota .i cunpluie
trauaforinilinii ln tbe obaf-OtOI ol roligiutis Itl'.i- lfl
faet, mak.'s religion in ev.-ry aeaae a oea Ihing. Bellg
i.n hiiheiio im* Imbimi smi mhii i.s regarded aaaderiee
for recouciliui: ibo here and Iho bercatU'r?for uiakiii^
communloauoo between boaaoo aai aartb poaBBIe. Mow
tbe flrat word apoken by BplrltoaUao doolama tbat tbo
unity never waa brokoo, aad eonaequeatly laat allda
viees fur rcsturnnr it may Imi Oroppod ai Buneeeeaarjr.
i'bo pricst is an iapertlaeaec; Iba Cbareb i* au niriuu
tlou without ,iu objeol; Ibe Bible la a oobla oolleetlon of
baaaaa MImbIiiio. imi Iba reeoed tt u apeeial ravelatloB ;
croeds aud i-oufciwioua is-k.- tlnii plaoe iviih otU.-.r p.irty
maolfoaiooa Medlation Of ererj kindiadlapenaed with.
niiiuuiaril), as heiiig outwoin uiacltiuery tuat flflflflBflflfl
tbc oiiginn-ruiiiii.
'ibu* .Spintu.iliaiit bt imt utiot.h. r fouuol i ln 1. tianlty.
It is auotbor tbing. lt has uotbing in iMniiuon witu
1'brisUaiiity. lt htut uo coiinc tmn wilh lt. Tbo two
sysietiis du uot uud.'rstau.l ouo, another. Tlicy may
si.eiu to eooxiflt iu tbe miuds of many uusu.spectiux' pi-o
pla who are cbiirch uienilM-rs, aud, tbey faury perhaps,
..ll tlie .I'-vuiil.-r cl.ui.h uicmhers lur thn BOW Bad hcau
tifui faith tbej i-ii. rtab, tmt tba intrlnak laeoapailbllity
of iba two aebaaaaa Baaaflflsa miiiiifnst tba jbaaMat ae
ci,unl ls uiioln u! Ibo inimrs ContoliU. hpintualisiu ls
p.-ipctui.lly t.tklng people out ol tbe rhuuiies. Wc do
m.l Baal of ii* iinngiiig any la. It has already i1eti.or.tl
i/.cd aedMflO- I'roi-at.iiiiism beyond rrpair. lf It has
eieitel laMaflect OB Rnmanlsu., it U mereiy boc.aii.n
Romaiiisi i does allow iiitereourio between thls wurld
and tbe otber. aod Ifleiafora Baaaaa to grant aii tuat
BpMiaalBBa dt-sire, artdoaea iintnely of permiual im
mortallt). Uul wben lt is und.Tnl.Mid, as lt must l>"
s.ioii and ounht to ue lmtiu-dUi.-lj, that Icnitinl-ui doea
iv.i i_ni.ii in .iu v .1. k-rc-c wbat HplntualibU desire; lhat
lt tuuiedes nn eordial svmpatby Uitwoeu llie two world.,
but leave.s the limral gulf Uiwcti ttiemas wide aa ever,
uud aa hopalnss of overoomlna exoepi by tbe medlatnr'a
belp ; wben lt cmiea to Ue feli tbat tue lntercourie Roui.t
allnws Is au intin mirsc purely of conde*f_oDSIon, patron
a*.-, pitv and graco?a prmlege accordcil io thu saints
bwlow by tbe aaliiU above? that tbo wall i.s imt hmla-n
down but oi ci ici.pnd by the oelestial angels for OMlBlB
.. ciesiastiial purptHies. tipirituulisui wlll effeot Ihe >.im?
d ?iiini'iiliaaiinii in tho rebgioii of tbo Romaulal tbat lt
bas f.tti-i U-'l iu tln- rebgtOU of tbe 1'ioteslaut.
?piritualisiu I'-ts tiu* houI of mau out ol a car*. The
fr.ed bird, uuaccuitome.l by loun conflnement io the i, ??
of its wniKs, tiutii rs feetiiy ut Brat, anti perhapa flropa
Iii Ipic-s ti, tm- itiiiiiiiI. ihe mr nnd tapaco bewlldeitt;
bul tbe vi inirs iu a little tlmi! will reoover tbeir str.ugth,
>ii,.i tli- u the , p mul n will revol it. the widtb tbat ap'
pala lt aud Uy toward the sun lt fears.
Id uiiatotv.-il league wilh tbe general purpuse sn 1
dritt uf IHpiiltuali.ru arn otber powers U-a. codicIou* of
tbeir mlssion. less eompaot ln tbeir array, hut in BBflM
tcuiii nt'i ixu ie_, iiguiUoaut, to vt uu h a word must bo
Tbe first ln Itnportance ic literature, wlilch, ln ita dif
fereiit forms, gives exproasiou to tbc BBfld of thu age.
Wheiti. r ln- i.t! ,iv bo tbe power it Is repuUtd to ue, we
no?Hl not uuderlake to judge; but as a demoustraUoii ot
tlm actualiy existiug atalo ol thought ll ls of va*t tig.
ii.tit.auie. It is a populart^iufeasion ot faitb wbleb, if it
Ci-uld I,. luierpreted, as oAourse lt canuot be tiearly
would be doclaiv.T uf tbe peoplo'a faith. Oue tbing ht-'
eraturo attosU bv iU very existeuc., and tbat ls faitb
lt. tbe tapitcttv or tho buman iniud. Wbere tbia fa th
doea aol exist, literature ia lmpoaaibie. There bara
b.eu ag.ii wben there waa no literature, wben no b.H,*?
were wriiten but iiooka of piety, whicb couaiiiure
a atnall d.-partment of literature, but whiuu t,,_,rU
by themeeivoe would uot deaorve tba name. -* iLtcr
uture iu tbo moderu aense of tbe Unn 14 not u Cbrimm
produrt. Tln-revival of letters was Circ.-k aud Rom?u
nol Catbolic or I'roUaUut, Tbo tnodola ot literatur" are*
pagau ; tbesplrtt of literature is pagau. Its m>.u 1, the
aoui of llberty. ln an atmoapbere tbat la iua of lioerty
lt eannot breathe, Literature brooks uo ie?tru 'im, *.n.
dureano dktaiiou, reaouu the lnspeolton of authorliy
d' uiu.'ls Uie rlgtu to yrint uud spc.ak ita f ml UiuukIiI. .'
Tbia faith lu the natural human mtm. asmim.a the'
1 .iiniity of tbo Biuil'i paaaport to all tbe r-..-_u* ,,f
thuugbt. I.iUiiaiuiu aokuowledKea au pritlle^ng 1 msie*
atlmlts ho speclally lnspircd booka, d!sirg_irdt iho
narimiic biirb I aards that arn set np over the kitr* ,,(
thooloxioal a> _u.mi, lni( waiBa witn pnla stey iu tbe
W.1>H VS, il ,1 ll III.Lll alvllin BBOB tr.nl.
la it aay nutrrel, the.n, tbat i.nth Romanlsm nnrl Prot
estaiitlsn. couiemplate wltb nn grcu favor thn tnC(V)llj_
iii_t douiiuiou of hicraturel lt oertaluly ia nol 011 their
ilde, ,md iho esseutial spitit of It Is ln aiira^'on'sin
W1W1 their*. Literatare tiears 110 ilistinctitely reil^ioiu
Cliar.n U'.r; lt uirrnly redecu tbe mlads tbat njake ir
Itth.-vui. rnflfllBBBi II m ; lf they are unretlirluu*, *, 1,
il. iiut ituviiiui it-iigiou*. uniullga.iv, ar lrriJIfMiiu*
B a.s-.-rts lta own t.ih.f.ijr as a produci of iim tiauiaii
uniitl. If uiireligloni. it makeino aimlogy ; If irre ik-iou,
It guirs mio no i.uuuli ainii: If religiniii.it aeeopteao
Bouda and ooDfeaaei .u> aUeui.tui.-. TBat tiUmtira bt*
d. pai iK'i Irom .,1 thii.li't) i* ei idi-pu IU Iiiiah 1* ii, fri4..
dut.i. AO..M' a:l ii disllke* tr.iflitiou. lfs lu.rs arp t._(
..I ?.r pn.'-ilt. Nn uouht t'_r:i!!n gr_at h-litpi un
.l.rlte .ill ntr-r.it.ir.-pr..p.rly *o called. lt iflaa r.,it [>?,
e..s> to say wbst ih.-y _,rc , I.ui lt 1* ca?r ttmnt what
they are m.t. They are not lx .lef* tu speebil rcvi'|?tloai
uml put 11 in tx suiiorditiiito uusitlou, ia tue dciinAlltj uf
llic ustiinil beart, or thn lui.dotj.i.icy of tue 1
aaaaaa, nr tbe )?-.* t&an wfln-ihlv aane ? of u.e MUian. nt.
f.lllv t. llll.i^'lli. ill.l, 1, IAI V i'lll tV?lll S.t, Wlll.'ll Iit ? tb.. .lt. ?,,|,'
ol ll* 11*11 remiurce*. ll d.*r>s nnt beliet ? lli llic laci 0( u
full or tl..* m-? 1 of a reireiii-rutinn. lis'*ymputbjea aro
ci.tir.iy wltb tImi spe. us of pbllrtsophy wbleb tul,,i;i^)a
maakind, takea 11 as tl ia, aud boiivu-al tbat aU UUa ln u
U worlh'8"m-aB*u_ tt 1* well rnough to lalk a* Dr.
MmiUon <W !>*r-y did hrfore tbe KTungellfiil Alll.ineo of
th* ii iportaaee of ooarerUiUr llB-r.tturn into an Inttru
me .liiltty for prouiotluc tbr) uoapel; b_t_lter?ture itreir
,a a.tuxborn proteat againat aoeh eonveraion Utera
ture Uut pr__-.nttbjei.foi_ treraendou* faet of the two,
,u__lll6iiheri*-ri iw c..ii*-rted hy tbe othor.it ia tho
Ooflpfl tliat la likely to be oonvertml to lit.-raturo, aml
iba aignlar faahlon. too, If anch hook* a* " Oat, ? A)ur
and tbe " Prluce of the Honar af D?i ll " tr.- a.imple
W.-n- Ilif rut.ire aimply to TOICfl tbe Oonpel il -i.uld lo*e
Itarharaataraa htoratur. lar ttfl Toflea mn inuliitudinoua.
Tt-rbtitoallr. Irtfkrna wua not s ('hri.tiin, Thaekfray
-.,. nfll a ( brlBtlaii, ttioogh tmlti were great HgbU iu
l7ter?mre. lf Dfl Hiinpaon's praye. were gr in'e 1, llf.-ra
,ul(. would Iie forci d to aUm lou the only prlncmlo that
,..,,, ji ojtist.-ii,'". n.iin. l), faith ni th" liiiiu.iii niind,
that priiieiple whteh la ifefl gf-'inul of * philosopttl , and
lum *ui?*_ance of a fuilu ul fhe nuuiu tline. To ilctrov
it w.mld he to d_-ir_y ihe coutral beliel of tbe modern
worlil.i. uelief thai haa hardly v.-t li.gun lt. .uur-".
......, I'liaTikturo I* uot in many roapeotfl whut it I* dealM
i.i.'it -boulil be lt o? laa to Iba eondltlon in whiob tim
iiiiinun m.ud at BNflflfltl ia. Hut that e.mdltlon wlll be
,i?orovci only wb.'U tuo faith in it beoomofl uooler; i-er
anily nol wh.mit.liii'liiieaaltogelbci-. Thc coiitrlbuli.iu
h it lli.rat.irr makea to the rollglon nf thr future may
?. .m?n enengli; I.ut it at all evont* uukra thia one in
1,00k inugaM..**. new_nui_?r, work ol liwtojy, woi^t, uf
im.l_-opbv. w"? ot fliriiou, iu poeiu, h\mt\r,l*mat, wlii-b
tho reatlli.? world devour-.
fuiiri(.'B a. d mn nr.tiniof or titb r.TCits.
Another faet ?r ln lhe It-tligion of tho Future is acienco.
Voi tliat th_ reault* of acx'iitifl. luvoatigatiou arc yet
widtiy d_T_fled >>r tlrmly eata-Iiahnd; ixit thut MMBttto
iloct-likC* aro popularly receivod, or aoirnlifle book*
g, ni-riilly attiilir-l. Soi?.ntiflf nien wiah thoy wore?uot
Ihat tha profaaaad t<-1 haraof ttkomae bibm oumeroua,
?r so liighlv reven-il. M.-i.-ner l* a. yet ln Ila lufaney,
an.l b*a uo watoMM put torward aa diailnetlveiy ll*
own. tolealU-l iiun dlaaajfM amniig tueuiaelve,*, aud
diap'ute aatona tt. tiaaelTM, a-. rakaotaatlv ?? the uu
sclnitiflc do. Tb-rn ia no eiiunil or err.-d of aeIfll.
but tu.re i? a foelliig a .noa 1 that tho nietho 1 of aotenoe
ia the truo m. tn.al. aml It i.i fell Ihat tlu- metli-d of
teleoofl _ oppoflfld to tha metbod of kfeeoloay; tfeal while
thcoiogy atarir with tho a_siiinptiou of truth, fldenefl
aeek, irulh id the region of facl; aud from tblfl feellng
ariaet uu unouay aplril of akopli.-iaui wliicli BUkBefl
tieuplx wi," know uollilng aliout Mlenofl disl riistiiil uf
religmn. The ikeptleMu ia in tho air. au Intniigible
thiug many oolored. many ahapod, hut for that v, rv n.u
aou aii Iho u.oro pirrvaiing aud powerful. fjiuoncc pre
vuijs IfeOfl far rather l.v Ifefl approhcuaion lt ouu_oa tliau
thut hy tne bloiv lt .tnkea.
M.-ieiice b> lia uietiiod ia dlraetly oppoacd to fhcology.
Ita ji: iiii.it">' uaauiiipliona ure fa.ul tcj Ihi-olog/'a Usual
pr.-l. iisloiis. TbO "Ohrt-tlan" tlie.-logy atart* with tta
iiii-itwii that nut.ire ia erooked, dlatorturt. ewii. Heicnce
si.ii _* with tho (Miaiuon iimi nature ta thn Milid work of
iriiin, uud uiusl l>" Htiniifd iu ot'J.r lo flnd irulh. Tue
protealani Hieology l.*ya .lowu flrlth aapbaflu tbat tho
miud thikl Mllilha iiafiire la not an B8BfaaM orgim.
HcleaM lajra dowu wuh aajaal aaphaafl ttot tto aBBd
iv.ii.ii atudie* uul ui" la .t porfoc.l oigan, tlio .ipp.iiiii.id
orgm. in 'ad tho only ur_*un floaoeirabie. Oa tbeae
reryeppoBite fotrBdatlon* aimilur ?truetuiea i unnot b*
buiit. Tue rcllgxiu of aeieun: must be a very dlllr nl
tbiiig from lhe ii-.ligiou of . uiioi J. ,.uuui.->ui or liot
Tii,-n oaltaMa of Hplnfnitliam, ou'aide of lite.rature. out
alde of flcienee, I* an Immeiiso maaH of iti'ilin inin 1.
wbulLr aaoraaaltad aa >oi, wbkii i* gimmw ?b.iui
after falth, bul not __ropi_m ia tho dlraotloo ol profaaaed
Chilrtiini'V. glopiug rutlier iu ? v.-ry oth.-r dli't-.-tlou. In
urder Uiav.,1.1 tbal. It may uot ta, rellgion*, but cor
l.uiiit il ia i.ul (in irl,,in, .nm K ih noi ijoin eli,ililo lhal
iiuvthiug ahorl ..: aooor-Jalou of aatare mii inak" lt _o.
u nropoaefl tta _ iidr.^t ntirariflfl ol falth, bnt u? a_brt ls
i? laflonnhi ibe faaflof tto BartawMfe faiihof aay kind.
[t la loOflnlJ fuuiicd lhal ( liri.-iemJoiii, witli It* varioua
oommuuioui aoron Bodern lo-Mtjf. !!_t uot twu-tbirda
of tbe people of the Uulunl Sr.ii.s piofaaa anv roligiou
vkh.iie.ver. And <>f th.-ae two-tnlrda a vei-y largn propor?
tion U uofl-POflfld of poopio wbo n.fririy pioi,-.s_?Bta fur
..iu- pi aiiothur IMmob eud thcm.eivc* by a reilgiom
n ime, but ar., at heart of no ereed .ind no cliar.ni.-r. ff
ChiHvCU luu we.i'? all tod, uud only wlx-ut gatiierol IBM
x.iir,.. ii. BflUltl Ihj very upiiuront lhal whuiover the ro
iiKiuii of Am-tica mlgUt b,-, u wu* uoi Uiat.
The religioul out look in .Vuienci la ItoMfOM BM eriuiu
.tn.l .imi. bul from wliUln-i t-t.il eild, u f.'W p.llit*
miiy Ik) pr.taeulcd aa clear :
i. RaUcMa iu Aiuori.M *f.n ha asithM BaaMafll nor
I'rol.uituiit. II will not bo "< inatiaii" ui auy r.i-og
inr 'l m ii.se Of tlie lerin.
?j. Tm, niu-ioH of Aiii'Ti-- wni ba -. i.-nriti" thal ia,
wni i'i,.-t on u luiiii.l.iix.ii oi 8oii.l facl, uol ou a fouuda
t.on of tradiliou.
j Keiigiou in Am.rl'.i will Dfl UOaflCtarl tn.uu.logiiiutlcal,
line,, ii aXastieal, BOl B matter ol ,X il niliution ur PBTU
uiiv iii.int, bal a xiat'er ol Uto opiiii.Hi, viu Ixutiiig U88U
uy ii.siiiiriii-io w.,rib.
4 K'iigion la Aiii'-rxa will Im, piuelicul. no*. nierely lu
Ita .i.din.-.y a-iisc of dotaa guud, hut in Ul" _-r.rnlt-r
?aaaa iii x.-mg hBBMBat aflac a part of fcaatan tttmttp,
,i , ijiistitu.ul .'leuii-nl in tta touiinuully'.- dally wtril.in-.
0 Agaln. ai"l uiiovo all, r.-,i-i,,u in Aunrica will hn
froo. llr.spint wlll I..-th" spirit of li:.ert>. lt will con
. -. rata tta hataaa BBad t<> ita logii us.-a of rtlaaorerlng
in., ii utb, aud will tuiiiit us foliow- wrorkisrs, all iruth
teekera, ta aar aad even told, in.-iary Mieallfle, pinio-*
?ophleat,earflieflfl bowttor .aii ItaiBMlraa,lacurUma
... iu v.bat nauio tlmv are Xaplizeil iu, ailiiiittlng, W.-l
.omiiii.', i:'uiiiinig tha iifiixiat niMTly Bl dlimiBfllllB uud
il timilo.,;ka bIujcnod.fltia tioao p_r*oa-,pro_a-__onal
oi- iitei-s; bo8|,i:aiile io (.ri-.-k', H.in.ni, Peralaa, IimdOO,
MnvMilmun, Jf w ; h .apitiXX; hIs.i to tue pru.'i -...ra of no
t.Hiii wn.irovei-, .mii aaktaa H'ui tto ufad Bhall x.-bdl
.u-.v.ini flthat la tiooer iv rejeardad aa truo. i'uis apirit
of liii"tiy will be io tho new nitgion wliat lhe spint of
f.ntli wua iu tht old. tih-fllf th tfefl very tttt tt reiigtoo.
Ueliaion 1* liberty, tta toadaaa pf iho ienlt tta atukd'*
,-uiiii.i iiiailon frum narrow tboiigiita Ii Ifl u lic'p to
wind this 1-oinlltioii of iib.-ny thut the Freo K-'ligioiu
\-.... I.tiion lia. I.. un urv'.iuiz'.1. It UlMMaMfl tfefl llo
e.i> as woll aa il oau ; il lu.stit utea it a? well MII _? Bbla.
That muu wlll hfl keafl rfl_l___*ua i_s Im arowfl older, I
eannot beUeflia. 'rxat h* wni ba x-a-s reiigmua ander lib?
erty aeei_? lo mv mimi impussiXle. Aa ni" huni.ui min.l
eiiiai'gi's, ita Maaa taoltlpl/ aad eapaad. ifl he_*M gaiu
111 gr.tli.leIir, lls Vlsluli tr-COtDflfl tLiii.-l.-liil-rllt. K.U0W1
edge brOfl-loafl tbfl world, iut.iilgeu.e rt-vf.'ila the lawa
i,\ v>iii. b it ia coudacUr.l, cuiiuru i-xtouda the reiatiou
talpaof '" in,- uii i iiiuiiipiies tfefl boada ol lywpathy.
i X bettar oroatlnn ia iu_dnr*t---L, iii" claarer Ua .livmuy
ia re.'Ogui-_.;d, tfea iiior.; f.tuiilully ia its .M'.ler vrncrit.nl,
tuo moro piofiiuuiiy uro ua Xf.iiity and goodneaa
adornotl. Tuo pi rfittiy frt-e, tbat u, ibe pertoctly en
\ill_ti.ii, thn piiie.otly noruial lukii. will wor.ship lu ;i
toiupio of tIioii-v.ru M_BB8fe pBBtoa thau Ht. lvier'a aa
Ut. Ifltiii'? M UBBflTaf Ifeaa a Mat_ndlit ofeapol ii" wiii
iiii up un aepirattoo thal makea ibe litauy of tho churcn
..-"in eoll aud brukeii. Ii" wlll bend befoM a deiiy M
ih..'!. aiip-iior tO lUal of Cfeltatl inloiu Bfl tiiat t* Uio
I'.ieitlo IfliBflMleo'fl Moi. Tho larger tfefl miid, (balarger
lli ? deltj , ibei.'.'lt'i tfea hopi Thu |iuet said: "Au
hooeat man '? tta nobleat worx of Ood." Tfefl pfeflo__
pbei MpBMI "Au hBBflfl (iod'a ilu* no'.l.rat work or
nuu." (Jive tia, tbou. iho lioiiosl BM and wo wlll have
lur iioue*t Deiiy. Oitt us tfea muu of iiit?_rity, tha
wlxil" mun round aud complff'. aml lu. Borahlp will
alao x?- t ii ii aml ivlo.|iiutc, a nornbip ua .-lor.oii- iu apiril
ua il laelcar iu Irulu.
Mf. I'lutliiiigliaiii. Bi tba concluainn of hia loni?
riiliju-ss. wlixli occiipici uu liour an.l a lialf, intro
(luccd Uio aon ol tlio Kev. Dr. -iaiiuot of UiMou,
wliu ajKikc ae IbIIowI :
UI.MAiih.. UY MII. (iAN.M.r.
1 ean hardly add much 18 tbo aiatcmrut we have Juat
liht.-nod laj. and in B-B-Bf that wonl, whicb wlll be
BMMwfeM BafcaJ-feai i aaal Ib raaflad you, tbat wheu i
aay " nr," a. I ahall, lomv ux-.iii tho_o whom lt cou
_B8Sa l *HI ttf to antwer oue or two queatloua,
auch aa*** etraiigi-i, **i ing one plflcar.l, might aah
uf himi.-l.. ?r ask lua mrlghbor; *u.;h aa Ifefl 1
Wh.it 1? tliia gtte BttlgttWt Aaaocutlon, und what uro
they bore for t " Kemln.ling you that. I only say ? we "
for a part of ua, my BBJBMW woui.i be that wo are lufl.Iela
whobellcvein rellgloiu (Applauae,] We havo been
lately huving un Kvung'-ilcal Alllanee fettto nty.anl that
ih HM u?me whlch they have glven ua. We tt copt tho
name. 1 aay uotlaug agalnal lhe Kvun_all.:al Ailanc-. I
think it wua a aigu of luueh no l, ... far us ll a iaa llca
ofanrtfelaf. II b_b__m that Proraataiill-iii li haeoatlBB
a eutlioilc. ProtcHtuiitlsm. lt un.ni. thut tha old de*
fenarn are ul lusi partly guiug down; tbat iho onl lluea
ai I i,?iQg ptilled away. They euxi aa uni ife lu ihoir ad
dfaS8M and platform, und ll uiftiiis that th.-y
ure willitig to fall back on nieio fiuxl.tmrnt ils*
li nu-rins a witler hrolhcrhood ln the rmteatitnt
Uhrlftlaa ch.trchta, aud aii.iv thut la g-.ud aa
far aa lt goea. 11 u trt?y| e.UI m intlduU, antl wc accept
ibe name und are giad, aud would ivot have unotlu r
name riven ua t>y them. Thiukof thelrplulform. Firat,
lhe divlne ln.pirutlou, uuthorlty und aiifBex-iuy
ut the. holy Hcripturea. Wo bcilcve lu tho itlnno
InautiatMa. auihonty and (iiHki-ncy of i.-ti.
..".oiiil, tlio nght and duty uf prtvato Judgment in tho
intiirpretatloti nf the lloly Scripturci. Wo beJievo ln
the ngbt and duty of private Ju.lguient In thc lnt.rpre
lutton of all faet*. t'tli-rt, i beuiilty of tho (iudhoud. Oh,
bow dceply we believe in tbat and the Trinlty or the Duty
Why, tbat ifl tlu. f*lut<at myatory of. what we bollor*.
iiie utter depravity of hnmuii n.it ire, hv reuron of the
fall. _rl#ii,'V.. 1,1 tim ti'tit capiicily of huui.tii natiiro
I.,- reaaon ofthe uicnut. And tho ut.ineui.'iit fur the aiua
of inanklnd, and Clirlst us a medlator. We
b.'lteve that the one viuarlon* atuuou.cnt la only a
rlumty ayuihoi o( one of lhe Kreatcat law*.
Wc believe ln every puio w.iniau a* a
me-llttor who HfU ut un to lh_ hlgber.
Jnatlflcation ot tue alnnexr by faith alone. We
buiieve tn Jii-Uflcatlou Xy tiyinfi- to be Juat alouo. We
brllrve tbat ln tho Itiuermoat acnao you . i:i put to the
trordl. Aa to thc iiiiiuortultty of the aoul, thn rtaurief
ti.,ii of tbe Dodr, th* ludguieut of the wm-ld hy our I_urd
Joaus rurlflt, 1 Uiluk moat of'u* would ?ay th.tt we
tlo not wrofjBii to kuow what Ue* txyond the
v tli We believe in tho potency of tho uiorul mw. aml
aiiy of n* wbo huve expcil.iico tajr With deptb of meun
ln_ tbat we bave a acnao aa of . icrual thiuga wben we
air'ob.ylng tbat moral luw. Tne dlvlueui.tttuttonof tne
(hrlstlau miulstry aud the onllaaace*. We buileve iu
tbe divme In-tltiitiot. ot evcryttlug ihat i* hcayful. Mo
vou ?e? we are tulll"lfl aud Bfl are wiil.ua to be
known u-s I'l-drla. bo. fluae We treltr.VO In tbo hl*h_*l
uuth Tbey spcut their flrat day ln glvlog reivaru froui
differint oounlriofl, aud each report *pok* uf tbe
iii.K-_sln? numner ot these lutUel*. Theie are
?,rv inany buioiik u*. There uro two c__ta___;
onr of tliote wbo ftel that all Uu* chaufje of view u__J*
towuxd ii.) nllKlon. They uro ltid._____t uud earcl***.
Let tu-it go for a part of ihe infldelity. But moat of ua
wco'taiiduii thit piutfxrm wUI uever lat ro._;ion go.
Weaie lufl'X'l* **ho bcimve moat _uihu.iaaii-_.:i> iu
Anothflt qu.stlhii w.mld be?now did you come to thia
ci'iuee of vlewat I don'l uudetiakc t? aay wbatiila
th it we bcllovfl, or luott of u? lauievo. lhal -iu come
out t,.monotr or tue day aiier. Tue n-o.
wm howerer, oaturaily w _il.l cooie-Huw uave
vou' conic t? joiir ciiange of vi_w*l ' llow I
Bv reuron. [Aptiuiiao.l U w_ji luevlUble. Wo _crr
liurn lu Iba uin. tmuih Ca_ul*ry,_iuil aome of u? iu tbo
laiicr haV. of lt. Wc "oiUd uot help it. Ii ia om- oi tu*
n, r-lilliltC- Of OUr tilltn to Iie IxO.liila tO-.lu. . Uri'iui"
u, ...it chuitk'i ol vlitW* Ju*t a* iho Bvaiiv'ol.i'al AUuncr
eni i roilrFroteiitautiflX-. lli?*l lly rou_..u. .._ppl_,n_..|
Tn.- I'vuiigoUcal All.auvo U to lay olutugiug iu i.r*?.
for lutunc. a* w.i tv*re ac.-h m tue r.p.,rt of Ual .vloo
.U>'? iu<? I.UK We boai.l from ou* aiM^ikor iaa. (ne
world Ma* lho_i.Uid? of *g_._-.l. _l'iti,_i li." oluor thal
tha da/ ot , r.-aii..n Uld Uol m.iau iwauly l.ur
imatt, t.81 DotioA* *ud ?ki*? oi wiuk. i'uuo I
waa a general leaning toward the "?'n^"
thcorr. A cood worklnghy|K>the?lfl, *ay? on" ?' ,.7 '
perhap* tnie of pl.mt*. but never trae of man . ?*>"_?
gcneral Ifanfiitr ihat wav. By fetkao.? thrT eannot i-xp
lt. and outof thM name r_a*on we hav? goaa oo rurumr
than they bave Into onr inBd-lity.
AootherqnratlOll mli/lit lie ?*krd, perhapfl. If yOO.
then, nm Inflilol* and hava gone ao lar, arc voo gomi- ">
eut youraelvc.. off ontlr-ly trom th* < hri.nan (.Burch tm
yon. the few, agalnat thoao. the nmnyl Aro you
guing to auy you have nothing with tbe
parl. I No! Nol No! Not u maa a.-tva
fhar, thtnka that, tx-lievca thnt. We r_?!We ln evoln
tiun. Thut meiiiia thut the paal I* w aii lhe pnuvf nl,
thut it nrier ..nt X.- _ol out ofthe prfr_nt. h'lt it BM8
meatia Ihat tbe day muv come when a new npmrlnn muat
lt.-i.-coguited, wlifii tfea v.iiiatlon gocfl *o far thal thr
ol.l name* are no longer f he true name The m-w name
?aat be takea, aad la UmI new bbbm allflhaaMaaaa
are emoodiod and leproaentod. Wfl do uot cut ouraelf.
off from tha paat 111 unv such MBM .k* the wiae ouea
efe irgo 81 with most unxiatlv.
One more (juration he mlirht aak. If vou do not em
roarae. taa of from tha v*** auJ (l" ,10t denyibeoi-i
dogmaa of Cbriatiaalty, why d.>yoiiaorriuph._-i_. th. facl
thut yon are inlidelal We wiah to lake th* new
?iHiiie. Why t Beraiiaei we catinnt help wiabing to be
loiul to the truth. Wo have ano iher rcaaoo. We h?vr
fri.ml* and you h?vo frknda, wjjo_ ure .fe.liug their
wty off of ii_M Tf^v-ttjirwiio TIT) nut know wben
lo bd who, do not believe In Hell, bnt who dowantto
beil've in Hcavon, who wonder if tbal (iod whom they
eannot ?re here 1* reully there 1 Thev flnd it hard to
eonoelTO IL lf men will atand up ?nd I iv, " Jiut afl wn
hav* given up all tlio .e old viewa. we have gone for
ward and have cuught the new vltiou, aud f,*ol II tbreo
Mugut our hearta." do wo not wiuil to ciuiihaaizn oat
mfenionta. And then for fhea.ik- of tho.se fnend. who
thluklt with uaa matter of liidiffrrene.e, we feel ll a
matter of euthualaam. We want to apouk tbe mo ir__t
thtx.ghllii IhO lieuie.t iiiulincr.
One reaaon m.,ir ia bet ause, If v >n aee (Jod. yon want
to tell men ao. If vou feel the apirit ef pr .ver on yon,
you wautto let lf oomoouU lf you foel that all timar
thing* ar_ comlng down ii|>on ua, atnkin,: inlo our
Dearta, aendmg moiit Into llfl to l>e pure, wr eannot
help, outof our falth and eiilhuaiuani, to tell mon how
gruii.l aud beautlful it all 1*.
Tliifl cloaed iheoveniiig'a proirramnie, and not a
fcv. amiled a_ thoy tioti_-?l the markeai dir__ron.e
between tbo ooncluaion of tlio exorcl.teu here and
thoae whlch diatininiiflhed tlie Evanirnlieal Alliance.
Mr. Knithinghatn's l>. m-.lii-tion wim. '* I Md TOb
frood ovciiiiig." Tlfl followmg is tho progratrnao for
rRooitA>t*F rou To t)?T.
"lv-rleslaittlr-a! ttttti PtWt Bel.BMB "?mrttbf by W.
J. Potter, of New Ilfdford. 10 a. m.
"The Fur.-ign Mn. ion ..yatem."-Kisay Iiy Francia E.
AbtKit, of Boaton." II m.
"T.xatlon of f'hureh Property/'-Kway by Jrirne*
Parton, of New-York. 8 p. BB -888-81- on the a.tveral
topioa: T. W. Hig_inaon. John Weiaa, J. W. Chadwlck,
flfl 0, Uiunnit, 0. O. Ames, O. B. Fmthlngliam.
r>i- \ i it hy MOtTiWKit m. UHMi-TT? A COM.KOF. So
cir.TY ?_____) aOOOfr-R-JMJB.
I uur\, N. Y., Oct. 11.?A party of atudenta,
nx-ii.ri.-rs of tlu- I appu Alphu frat-Tinty. MM about 9
o'cloek laat night ou lhe aoiitu bunk <>f dix-.Mtlo Creck
|fe aiiiul! atreain whlch runa Juat outaido the town), for
tho purpoae of " mitiatiiig" mto fhe my*terle?ot their
BooMfj aaa af Ifeafl Baaaaaaa. MMttflBB m. Logg-tt
Tliere wero abuut 12 tu tlie baud, altbough thu B88BM of
BBB8MB noi knu_n. _M8Bf th.)*e known wero (.'. W
vl.isun, C. EL Loc, Iloiiey Northup, uud W. P.
-Uurgca, l*.*aiile youu*j I.-ggott. It appear* from
tto totjtuuouy given__at the Corouer'a lmpieat
that ItMflM and Northup had left tho
IfelBB allBMB. _88t W.__nn. BBd I^HBOtt, atandmg near
Uie i.rmkof the ttorgn through whieh fhe creek rnuu,
tb.- latter urobably haviug hla BfBB bltndfol.led. The
three ataed for a M8M8BI M the olge, of tho bnnk, wben
a ruatllug of tfea loavea and BSBBfeM waa heanl, aml
ItargM and Nortliuu on turning arouud fumi'l
thal tto thrre tod 8-Mffl in-d. Il'-arin* groana,
lhay IMBButlatllT l*** flBBfll fl rcach tho
Xottom of the gonre, and ln doing thia
they niet W. II. F.intund F. II. Miscoek, alio MMlfeeM
Bf th.- K. A. fraternity. Tlio wholo party 8888888-84 to tho
liuttoiii of tlu- ravine, Fint reaehing it Brat. The three
nnrortunatca wero fonnd on an ahrnpt brvnk. obont flfty
flal from the top. |__8J8fl and Ia'o lylng doae toarethrr,
flaaSB aafeBI alr.ut ei^l.t (8Md_a88__. Northup going
fur a eairtng.', met 8. F. ("rane, a profeaaor ln Cornell
liiiver.slty und also a niciiil.eruf thc K. A. S.cl'*tv. and
PBtf together. proeunug a ciirnagn, retunied lmme_li
ately to tim apor. Waaon und Lne wore placed ln itwith
i.ut llitleTroitble: hut lt waa neceaa-iry t? wrench a gate
from a ii.ighXoiiiig fence fl 881-9 -B8Jf8fl on. The three
were thnn tak-n to the Kinch blo.-!;, and att.'nded by
l*r. c. W. Carrflr. It was found thnt I.'ggett, after fall
ing over the prrcipleo 50 feet. had atruck on hla head.
fra-turing Ma sknll, Xrealimir .!>.? BflBM of the noae. and
partly di.slocitting tbo mik. He lived about half anhour
ufter the fall. but wa* unconacioua and conatantly moan
mg, "Ob! Don't!'* "Take It off: Ttkeltoff!" referrtng,
it m suppoiM! I, lo Ifea biindag,' ovrr his eyea. Waaon fead
hla collar B8B8 illBBB, and wua allght.lv hrtilaed ahont
tto body. Ir-e ha.1 hu thlgb arvereiy hrtn_ed. aad, lt Ifl
foarcd, rulT.'re.l mtc mai in|uri"a.
HartflBM M. I>!ggett, the young man thn* smMonly
klllo.l, w?? the yotingeat aon of rommlaeioner Ix-ggett
.,r tbe Uaflad Btat.va Patcnt OlB.e. Althotigh he waa
only 17 year* of age, he haal gruduatc 1 at the Col um bla
LBW Scbool of WaaliiiiM. .u <itv. nnd had BBM placed in
the Unlveraity in thia town ubmit four wecka amen, for
the purpoae of taking a eoura" fl tfea mcchunle arta, in
order to flt hlmaelf for more uaeftilneaa in the 1'atent
Offlce. He wa* a nutivo of Zaii.'*ville, Oiuo.
Ilu family are at preaent in Washlngton, fl
whieh plaee. ln BfeaiflBM fl a telegntm from Comnils
MRMB Ir-ggett, the remulna, afterbelng emhalroed. were
brvaM_-d raaflad iy BltarBaaB. The Pm_Ibbbb ciaaa ot
the (Jnlveraity.of whlch I/*ggett waa 8 nieinber, aa ?lao
aome of the profe.iaora of the Unlveraity. aocompanied
ttoraaaatoa to tfea tmpat, Waaon i* a Baaflfearal the
Bophomon Claaa, from CtoreMad, OfeMk l-ceiaai*.* u
gophomore, and oomea from orauge. B. J.
Thia mnrnlng at 111 o'.iock, the followlng jnry wna
.iiniiiiiiii.it Iiv Dr. Miir, ln tho parlor* i,r the Clinton
Houae: 8. I*. Ualliday. foreman, Oec. W. lflfeB|_M
Wm. Noble. Alleii (ir?>, Jaa. Tichenor, l*. B. Htewart,
? iiarle* Hammoiid. t'harl.-a S. S-unian, aud II.
V. Miirohy. Tho wltnoaaea exumined w.-re m >atly
uf tfea K. A. st... itiy, und gave e__eutlully ihe
facl* already atuted. Aineng the wltneaaca wero Profa.
T. f. Claaa uu.i J U Marrta, _he iatt.tr of wiiom w.ta a
very impoi'taiit n.tueaa, M BB wua thc onlv one wbo
IrHtifled that LBB-MI waa beine imtiated. The Impieat
wll Ire couiioued a* aoou a* l.e aud Waaon are well
ciiougli tv tealify.
A E ? 6.7'. IVEE ES TEliFUISE.
ihr most BBBBWBtBBM l__flUf?____?_ ? AMBRrrA-f
Froa* The ln.leptt.tenl.
Wc ar?* fifir.iin LndeDted tlii_ week to Tiie
Nnw-Yii'iK Tiui't'M. fur rt'ivorta t.f tfee P.i|*Th read ut
lhe Kvutigfllcal Alliancr. Tho tbanka of th" Alliunro
liuve Ix'f n fr.-,|ii"uUy expraaaad to tim New-York preaa
fur the tiilln.'sa mtii vfeleblM prowedlBjtfl IttTe Im-cu re
ported, and ln ihta cuterpnao TBB Tmiif.vE haa far otit
atnppedita nelghbjra. Thc p.pem read rueh day have
uppf ure.1 the followlng day nearly in full ln thut Jour
nitl; antl thua th>- (onfereuco ha* aiiokou uot ouly to the
rlinite.l niitnixT of ia-oplo who cocld bc OTOWded into thr
room lu whlch iw soasioua were held, but to thouaand'
of intcreatetl reuders all ov.r tho land. The LMlaBBM of
tfefl iii.-eting is tlnir bT tto anl uf th. newspupera voiy
greatlyniiiltii.il.*.!. The roporta w.-re ln aome caaes lm
perfeot, owing to the haato with whieh thoy were put in
typej but they have been correctcd, aud ure now prtnU'd
in u mammoth extra of Al pagea |and sold for Ib ocnta.
home benevolont mun ln each of the denomlnationa
ought to aee to lt thut 8 eopy of thia extra 1* mailed to
every home mUaiouury lu the Jund. We eannot too
atrongiy expreei oar admlraiion af thl_ brilliunt enter
pnae of Thb TRinrsB. American jouruallstu canbouat
im moie crodiUtble acbieveuient.
IJNStlirA.'sflEn RKPORTINf-.
/'r?ak Th* Cm-MHUM LommtrttaL
TLc tTTetitia.t ...hitv-uient of Mwnuat ie
portmg tnat haa evcr o.-.-iirred waa that of Tuk Nkw
. diik TaiBCNM with the Evangellcal Alllanee. Triple
aheeia ev.-ry day bave beou requtred to earry off the
euornioua voluiue of inaiter. Tuk Tiiiui.sk, ?p_u__ug of
tbta, auya Ita reportera were
?___?_!?_? _i_riar___ tbrouah h.ll a-nara atartian aad laktag nntn
In a. BUknr lanta?_._. Th. frrnc*, (l.rauia, aad W.lib nnmui tt
rrlra.1 ai fall altastloB .. tba Kagbah. K?.r? munuag a ?..iuioe of
r-Hm?a, Utaratai* kaa baaa pr, tetiml te ntt reailrra traafa froa tk* ilpi
or tka prai af Iha ma.1 auuri.ul Ji?iu_i ?l Um auckl.
Wc are glad to aoo that Tuk T-,mi.._. 1* able to iay ln
thi* oonueetion:
Tk* l..-*ithf ib i ragall* lagtarntatioB of onr riiealitiBB bu r.hMM
arrf-.l .tiiB-nua la l_? la.t few nerk.. t__ oar nllli-u. ara uv* rau
l_rra*.ii.^ froia ,1a? to itt. Onr i.l.i for ?..t.r_i; itiil oor orlrti
for'ko-dar txeaai iboac f-r aar lao .??? oi xbn tmt.
It ia lltorully true, a_ Tm: TBIBOBB aay*. that lt* ro?
porta bave been " on a ?cule larger thun has evei bi. ri
attempied by any nkher Jourual." The full rt-porta nf
the Alliauce Ulled tw<# buiidrDd rolumiia of 'Iiik 1'kiii
t ne, aud will be aold tu uitirJilra of Ibiriy-two pagun, at
t.a aaata..
iirr. nuBUNB ri.cvMKD vr B0B__CI gukki.ky.
*y->n, tke Hrovklpt* lta*lp At_r.*.
Ia Ni:w-V.*k_v Tbiiiiink hiiH r?ii?i>n to oon
tTT_.Lui.tlo tt*i-)f iiptui il* .ai,'. lucrcuaiiig lufluun.-e aud
proflperltf. Thc Jourual wlmh Mr. Urreioy foumtcd
baa fuileu Into hanila that apare no effort to make lt ln
aii rnapaoti Borttaj <>i IM iiiuatnoua orb-taaler. lt ia to
day, more thuu uvt-r, a iKiwer in tbo land. (ialberiug
? ..-..rps of wnl.-ra UttflUTDBflMil for ljnlli.iucv*l.y uny ou
thta md., of the Atlanti., the editoriul cunduii of
TBB T-IiiDNK ha* Baaa, fnim the vurv atarf. an untnter
rupudji.uiualiatlo inumph. liin a uliiy uud ouierpnae
whlch all ,ii.bi,i.-_'.l juiirnulista have . oniiuily reeoculted
ln ihe ni.tiMgrnn-nt of thi* great pajM-r. flnd nn BDpr.
prt;il? ellmax in He volumlooilH polrgkit reptirt of the
pi.M "eil.ugs of n.u Kvaugi.ili'i-l AJUame. lf llr Gioeley
w. r.- livn.g Id.lui. lua bea. two.i.d bo cheerod bt tfee
nnintter ln whnii tM sn-at work of hi* life hui h, en
t iHoii up au 1 narried ou. lat TaiBllNB iou.il aak for uo
hifclit r louji'lliui-ui.
WIlilDlli A K1VAI.
Hfm Tm IVrU-ml (If'i .lr;?,.
1'iir. ..Fiw-YoiiK Tbibum U far .thcad of
all other |>ajiera in ih? fullmSM of it* re port* of the
BflMflM r* ?*" iMifme the Kvuogelioal Allianeo. Tha
n-iiorla li.iv, aventged elgbttmu eolumaa of *_i.l aiuin.r
rwoh day. Tub Taianaaahawa aittafe euteruiUv la ?u.b
? -
B ptt*
ulr ii
SKflmoN Ttt ri.TMOTrrn OflTBBCBh-dVBBO-BBI nr waa.
?i,rrrr.K? ritOM uko. wm. cuktia, kiizabiwh
HTt'AHT PIIKI-rrt, ANI) I.OUIAA m. a__i.i.tt.
Tln. Aimriciin Woman Stiffrago Aaaociat ie?
met ln IMrmoufh (.hiireh. llr o._t_lvii, M half pa?t II
o'eloek yeaterday morning. About :_oo peraona waei
prcsent, M of whom wero fleleiraioi, 14 Btatea and Terrl
tori.a belng repregrnted. <"ol. T. W. Higinnson pre-uded,
aml BPfflflatfld ? committee on crtHieotlals of II roeia
iicrs, wilh Mr*. Trvy Othmt, of nn"1naatl. O ilrmwi.
In bia opening remarks, IUA. Higfrtnaon sald that aaw aa
ci.-ties had iKten formed In Mune. Vormont, flew-Yorli.
Now-Hampshire, Kbode I.laud. Newsjereey, aod eoeae
of tbe Temtonea. Mnt. I.ucy Hloue, Cbatrmaa
of the I.iccutive Committee, read the annuefl
report, wlnch Oflifl-fld the progroaa uiado
during the year. Tho annual reporU of tba
several HTato ansoolattons W*re ealled" for, aafl
their preaentAtlon took up a larirepart of tho mirniag
gession. Twoauxlllary sooletlea have Ivvb formed, aad
many uieroorials preaented to fltate LearUlatiiree. to
Msssacbusetts Ibo m*morlal waa raferred U? a BftrtttO
1!omtnitt.*e. Ou tbe tfnal vote, 77 Kepiil.licans and two
Dflaaaflflflflfl voted >u fnvor of woman auffrage, aud IM
llepuhlu.tn. aud 17 DomocraU against IU Tbe repori
for N.*w-Ynrk Htate wse BMd by Mra. Jidla
Ward Bflwfl. II e.numeraU.l tbe flfll flfl takaa
to brmg tlio IPBjflflt before tbe Asaombly.
A full r.pnrt from Iowa w ts rr-ad by Misa Callanan. By
the now code. wlilch took flftfll J*'pt. 1, woman hava a
rcni.dy at law against BflJBflfl sellers who seli Intottl
eatlnsr drinks to th.ir bu*ban<1s. and bave alr.iadf
bcirun to takfl fldfflfltBflfl "f B_ Tho adtiiisston of WflflflflB
to tlnt Order of Tatrons of Ilusbsndrf and tho VtntMB
(Irang-s, aod their edueatmn on equal terms 111 all tba
colbges and acboola of tbo -tete, tond to fllflfflBfl tbeir
Mr*. ('ameron. pretentme the Bflflflfll report for Dete
ware, sai.l that hv tho ofT.irU of thfl wutiiun of thfl fl'atea
tbo Coltega of Ddaware Bfld Bflflfl thruwn open la
womnn. Rspnrta from afl-flrBfltflfl tOBB note of maag
eonverU to the cause of Woman Hufrrtia**o by **___ ?*
I.flfcflflfl from proinlnont advooate* aml of tbe dutrlba
tion of many piibUnatHn*.
Mrs. Ttaey i. utler of C.ncinnaU gare an icoount of ber
labore witb a Committeo of tbo Obio I_eiri*l ttore, aad
said ibat ahe CApeoto'l a favorib'e report from thatooM
*l.l*TTF.B PROM flflflflflfl WM. Oti-TIS.
A letter frum George WilUaui Curtia v,as read. Ha
i.y* among otber tbings :
I do not, aa vou know, antielpato any Immedl.t* ra
stllt from tho dlseusalon of the q.icatlon. Ii rel .ns upoa
reaaon -loue, aud bas nouo of ihe aooeasories wuh wl.ieb
a d.-mand for the baii.T la uaaally anaed. Boa lutto
impresslon It has as yet real ly uiitde ii|xin publio <>paa
lon laevident from Ibo utier contcuipt showu for 11 by
mio of tbo politieal partlea aud tbo polite ludifferon-o
of tbe other. Yet tbeso partles rotnpri. <t those wba
have the Bnal decision of tbe qucitiou. iiu- tbe luei
orable loitie of eommon sen-te an.l of e__|ter_eiici'. whieh
bas constantly amelloraiclthe injustice of tlo la-vt in
r.-K-rd to woman. will at lasl iiivest tbem with an e. qaal
\ Moe ttith men in cleoting tbe lawfltTora.
I trust .ineerely that tho naga.. ity and eloqufltiee ol
tlio Umveution will liaateu that day.
Col. iliitglnsou appointed a Committee of Tmi aa
11.1*1111.84 and Nomlnatious, with Henry 11. Dlaokwell ofl
Massaobusetu, t'bairman, and a C-aumitto..' of Yi\n ea
Kinau.e, wilb Mrs. Lucy rtwue ai .hannimi. liWere
a.ijourutnent tte congriluiat.-l thfl Cotivcutmu on tfle
siaipUcity, clear-beaile.iinesa. and dlgnity shown iu tbe
NpO-tfl and proceodtnga of tb?; s.-ssiou. wbioh hc bad
never seen surpaasetl in all his experienco of r>-for_i
movomenu. Mon wero proue to conslder woman aa
vagtie and ludeiinite, and to deny bor busineea abllita.
hut tbe dlgnity and aenaiblo oharacter of tbe uiura-cea
of tlie Couvculiou thus far were blgb pmof of her ea
pacitiua. The CouvouUou tben took a rocs*_* IaII tM
p. in. ?
Al the opening of tho afternoon session, OaL HlJtirtn
sou n-itvi iim foOawlag ictu-r a-draaaad 10 Mr._ i,uag
stone by Mlaa BUflBbBtB Btaarl Pbalpi 1
am..) bB, HBm . Bept. ??, i*n?.
Mr Dbab Mrs. BNBfl : .My iBflrat at rmt Betag ai 1*- U
atteml lh. inecliliKS of tba Aii.mMu.ii BflBrBflO Ar-r-t'la
ttoo ttii* year, is BOl OOBBOli i ny tln- pleaaure of expreaa
ingby letter mv warma.t nvnipstby wilb their ul.jee_a;
but, if wo caunot do vbiu>.a. we would, wo iuU-.t Uo iba
next beet tbing to lt
To sav thut I belleve in womanhood ttufrrng* wltb
my whole h.-atl atul U.-art is v.ry imporfectly to t-ipi-aa
tbe eafleroeaa v.-ab wblob I hopo for it, aml tbo .?->
fldeniMt wlth wbleb I expot it. Ii will oo-re, aa oTh.r
rum thiiiita ..oijie, flreoaaa It is nflbt, Bai iboee foreea
m i.i.ti " inaki! r..r Bgbteouaneas" make h.__ue siuwiy. Ua
we not often trip up oiirsef-es ln our pllirrlmaire t/iwunl
J1 :i:ii. by attnbutiug our own m-uso of bunsror. an.l
liui ry and beat to tbo fuilness and leisiiro aud ciliu lu
wliuh tho objoet of our pas.slonatn snan-h BtorOB furw-rd
to meet ual Thore ls sometlnng v.ry Btflatflaaat u> ina
stud.ut uf proirrcss iu the bislory of tbo lor.ruuiicrs el
mvolution*. Tnolr eagcr coiitld.11 c 111 their owu im_ue
diato auccess, their p..th iio iMiWii.lertiieiit at tbo mya
t, rv of tbetf appareut laiiurea, aro r.ob witli sii-gt-Stloa
fo any one wbo means work for an unpopular cause.
Na r.funn iiisiihi'* evenly Ui iu ooosuuimation. If B
doea uoi meet appureul ovcrtbrow, it uiuit -top at tiaiee
wlth tho uneasiuess of what Gcorge Eilol ralLs ila
*' growlug paius." Hut growing |>aliis are uot dnstb
tliroi-.s. I11 Uie uamo of gmwtb and Baflflfl
l"t us Iw exaot in our di.tguosis. I bafl
fallen into th's train of thought lie-cause tbera
?aoBM to have heen a concerted aud deliheruto att. rapt
tiu- past yctr Bfl The, part of cortam ot ibone ,ipi_o?yl U
fh* tluirough elevation of women to .irwcrt thal our Ui
tluoii'M is uistiuotly loaing gruud. Iati spomuble asaer
tiou Is tbo lust refugo of tbo torte wlio_c a__jra_-Mflfl
bare fallen off in Tho fray, and "oaooaacloaa .iiiiilhda
nou" is as yut a very agreeablo cou.Ii! mn. Il inigblBo
replied iu tbu laagnafa oi tho bymubooki
"lf U.i. _*1aat_.
' I'u mei Mil'T
Pi-rhiip. to the Dtiusiiacr ihis bas not Iveeii one of our
fi*t peaiB. Vu ..'ifl actually engat;n.I tn tho strug.ie ta
linpruvo tbe e.indltion of wnuieii ean for _n insUal
douot tliat it h-s bocn a stroiirf oaa. A siicnt. sura
.iwarTcningof womnn tu tlicir aaa aeoda li laking plaaa
ou every hand. aud it is beoominir evideni that uulfl
Daaa 7 of wotueu are thus awakciied. llic muf'-uieiii U
eufranc.biao them niuitt BOt aalioi|M_e ai.y very iivld
?ueaaBaOB. I^l us t>? cnntnnt ll ourairenirth runs for a
Ume to tne mukiiig of MMBBla. uoi U> tho Irial of s|hh_U.
I am, iiia.luiii, vory ataflaratar,
BUUflflVfl fTTIAHT I'llHI.I-B.
Col. niEirinsou BBBB read tbe followiua lottor from tba
autbor of "IflBBfl Women :"
OOKCOlcl). Misa., Ort. 1, ItfTO.
Ytr.kK Mrs. (.tonr : I am Bo u.isy ju.11 U'.w proviog
"l. oimtn's Klglit to Labor" tha*. I huve no tlm.- to hrlfi
prove "Wuiusn't Kiitbt to V ue." WIi.mi l BBfld ???*?
unto aloud Ul tbfl famlly, asktnic "What sb.ill I say to
Mrs. Btone 1" my houored futner, Instantly replied :
"l'ell ber you are ready to follow your l.ador, sure Uutl
vou eould uot bave a botter oue." M> br_vo old u.otb.r.
wlth the ariloi of many umiuenchable M.iys shiuinfl
iu her faee, ciied out: " 'i'ell b'-r I am aeventt -tbree, hut
I mean to go to tbe poll. befon. I dte, evou if my lluae
.laugbters havo to carry m.t." An.l two lit'le ludi al
reanv muaterml 111 ailding BBB ch.-eiing flflflBfll " U*.
ah.ad, Aunt W'ecdy; wc wiillul >uu voto aa muob as yott
like." Hncb h.'iug tbe laniper of th ' su.all conveiitiouof
whicb I am uow PiiiMilaBl. I aaaaal BeeflBafla i? aay tbat
Uniugb l mav' uot bc wilb you iu tbc boly I ibaU be ia
Miirit, aud I am, us ever, bopefullv .a.l ucartiij yntira.
1 11 1-1 Mav AUT._Tf.
A letter from William I.luyd Ourrtsou waa read by
lleury B. Biaokwell, in wbleb ha auid :
L'nliT<ta tbe end of the wurld ia at hand, or all chanoa
of buman .idviintciiitiit is BOBflflfartB 10 be rat off. tba
politieal eq mlity of the women wlth Tbe men of Iba
land 111 aure ol HCcomplisbMient, simply BflflflMfl it M
just and right. It may not auccei-.t IbUyearot tho ne?t_
ibou?h it otijrbt to be coneeded wlth the least posslble
delay ; bnt. whetber soon to be eujoyed or aiill liiiig-r
un)nstiy Witbb-U) all oppoailiou muet uiilmatoly ga
dowu bofore it.
CLO8IN0 AiniBKtai:-t.
Mia* Hineman of 1-itUhur^h matle an addreaii explala
ing the origin of tbe movement for womau auffraae. aa
sertintt Ufl venly aud ueoesaity. bne gavo many rea
soni for womau'a neidiug U.e ballot. Mrs. I_uoy 8to_o
gavo InsUucea of opprosaive laws witb refereuee to taa
drtwry of widowa whlch were ln forco ia somn Naw
Egglan.l Btatos, and wbieh bore very bard upou womaa
be. ause they eould not vote.
Mnt. Abha O. Woolaon of Maseachnaetta, aathor et
" Woman ln Amerloan giieiety," answered at lengtb tbo
0i.ji ction against woman sutTTage, that It would injnro
tbo> famlly and woman Deraelf. The Rev. Celia Bor
lulgb. the assertions tbat tbu Oovernment U not a re
public. but an arlstuoraoy ao long aa the auflraga M
ttoiuel to woman.
Mr*. M.iry A. l.ivertnorc of MaaaaoboaeUa foaod madb
I'ticutiijgeiucat for tbe oauae lu varioue stxus ot tba
tinies. dho would havo womeu aol aail Uioy airvady
boea tbe responsiliilllies of voters; would bave thoui pal
off frivollty uud every athcr cause of offenae to oppo
licnts, aml put oa a soTternosa nf spirit and a gracioaa
gravify of BBfltfl aa behooyed thoae In whoae bearta a
great work lay. She exborted tbem to remoaiber thafl
tlnv w.-ro nnt arrayed twamtt mea aa foea, bat tbat
they were workunr wlth fathera, broibera, bu?baud_?
uu I sun* fnr the beatlntereata of tbo whole raoe.
Au audianoe of a thousand persoua asaaiablefl al
WjBBBBUB ibunii at B o'llvick laat eveoiug. Tbeaudt
enoe waa attetitive, bnt uot .l'monatrattve. Col. T. W.
lllgglnittn \>re?lde<l. and H. B. Blackwell and Mra. I.oef
htiinemvtipled eoata upon the platform. A tntt*^_ot
grtf-ting waa r?ad littm tho t^Ulforuia Utat* Asaoeuooa,
i.n.i a lotuit ol mgr-iat U> r ihh--b_*i v aiM-uoa rroei Mra,
l.vdlaMartac^lliTof'Wairland, Haa*.
Missliul,liih l> I*uid "f Maaaaeb.ia.TtU m*t then ln.
irotlucHi. aftor wbt.h Ue rcfa-rt of tha ****_***_**
Nuuii.i.iiioiis aaa reooiafld ?,",- *otfd ^ _'*__*_? *?*_*
\t *r,l lluiso w is cl. oted PreaUeul tM_____*>__*' JJ*^
anda Iuiib li*t of Vl.*e I*re*ir1cnts, among wbom wero
Col. T. W. ligiiua..... Uar Uoo. H.-ary WiUon. aad titm.
Mm. 1'ur.ia. wa. orur-iito-. ^^t.?? *..__<__
Iive.ud by Mra. JulTa Ward Utpe, Mra. Mary A. * 'tet
._. ...<? m,- t r--.ua W. n?ru.t,