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A UKITAKIAK PROTEST. DB. BELLOW8 ON THE EVANGELICAL ALLI EEmuEm BV ATITTUnB TOWAJtD ROMAB CATnOUOB A*T> %E*_ HlAl C-KUITIAJIB?TIUI KKtATlONB OB KOMANW" AMI) FB-yntBTAWTISM?FRACTlCAI. BTKI* TOWARD ?RAL CIIRISTIAX AUXA_.CE--P-ATF<TRM OV TIIK WTAMOKUCAL AUJAMTR m8CTr-IKI*? ITY, TRNBTB RRFUDUTRP AU ni?H01?OKlNtl TO trOIT AND OON TRARY TO RRAKIN-THB TKI" AUJANCK OF* iniUI8TlAN8 laAIMi-K WAN TIIB KVANOKUCAL AI.I.lANl'K. . , . Tha following ie the aermon P?"-^ tiy tbe Rev.Dr.HeurrW.Itollo*-, * *"^*n_*?*_ htM huud.y eve-lng. on Uie "Keal g**?***"* t-tua." and ealled oot br tbe exc.usioi, of l ultanans tputn tbe ooumil. of the Rvanget.c-l : _~' .._,-* all baitlaai IbUi *i?t IwsJT.-b*t_?r w* V ?SWiB3a^1&^ - BWBMB?aBfl Wrfeili*-. _i-'|_,"'It-11 t*'' IU" JA _ . Faui'a ooMe doetrine la tbat a con.roeii t hrbrt-apirit Ual is, a sp'rat tt love for Ood aud tr an. a lov. for Okrial aa tbe cxample and patt.m of all gctillcncss, stif Brnng for otber*. forbearance and Bierty, an.l a glorv ln ftlaworkof hope and la-ve? unites BBBflfl- flfl tbe most dtflcren*. ediieation, pnjurtloeg, siatloiie?sncn as Jcwe aad Oentlles, aiaalcre aud slave*. How much nmre. tbrn, Roniamsta aod rroTeatanta, Tnultannns and I'ni tartaiia, Churchmen aud iiTb, Conloriniste aml Boooonforinlrtsl I am afra.d that thls nohle _c-.uli.a- has boen ree* part, foricolleii. cv i the v. ry houi vlun it Bflfl Bflflfl) lfl eo manv tttttOU &**) ouely bnnored. And I be* leave now to aeh wbat tlie groonrts of a real alllane-* are, Riich aa I'aul would ap. prove and how far tbo ftindam.iital pnnclplea of tlK* KvaiiA-eiical Alliaooe are eonsistent witti tt 1 Let BBB aay. tlret, frankly aud bi-irtily. bow tmly I Bfljfltflfl BJ tbe general Ump?*r. tlie flne abllify, the earnest real tt Ibe Braage-eal Alliauoe, whlch to-nigbt littsc* it* '.pleii did antl most Bflaaflflflfl-I meetlngs iu thia clty. I i ould apenrt the whole cvenlug in prilsina lta general inao airttmeut and ite glortoiM purt.iaca. I douiit If a more anpertaut nllgioiia i-onteiitlou Bafl laxn held aince tBa Apoati.*' hi-st rvnerul eoaaeM at J.-rn*a!cin. Bai it l?-n y outi, aa a r. pro_ae.iitai.vr tt-A irunrli an t,f n mnrc Ub. i ll ami. iv- l thiiilr. more av<***t<iHi and rhristian faitb, ro ai.ow ra whnt icHiHt t It fiitis tn meet tbe larccst want. a t? .. un- up io ll.>? full atttUI. of tbe tn.a.nre af liin. Itan ci.niv and ao !. < t'lipreheiidiug umt.v. I beliere it !..- si rloimly falled iu ttnt part of IM poliey wbleb l. i xt vi.-.,, ai ,1 iiartov.. .m.l iK'hiiid tiu act uul fieling of ol go,.d Chri.lian*. und I wil! try lo ahow in wbal its f,.ilure* Ite. I begui xiith its jititiule toward the Rouiiin Cattioli. I. 1 believc thut _. raal alliance cxlst* anottfl rhrtsttan* n. ii m%Tttt, tteer, *aon Apoatollc and Chrl. t hia,- lli.iii am xtliUii haa fviiiid expn-iTiuon lo ourgr, at.m wunt'ii.T, Catbolic or I'roieataut. a laraa pari ol tba alleged dtBen-ncea i.ud oppaBlUonaof religlo-aoplnlon lu ai'omiiiui.iti like our own, fre. itfl rotw. ihluk, u.'t, live, au.i wois.'iip, ara aapor-fltal. foraaal, relieaoftbe p,twt, and haic little iu tbem tbat diMurhs aaflflOUal .a.l eoai.Tti. HOIIAM. _ AM' l hliTKITAKTim BOfl KKEMIES IN AMKKT.A Tbe most raAtflfll of -ill?tliat between Knmani. u. antl Prot-rvUiutn-m?which li.._ uttra.-tedflfl much atttntlou Irom tbc Alliance, bas lost ita llvlng issucs in irreat pail lu Une countrt Wlare power is stlll ln the hands of an nertvllTnry aud tltled class, and tflfl State can and doea eontrol laBfl-OBfl is amatt. r of BMaartaaaa wbal ehuzeb, Roman or Proteatant, obtalna ?ontrol of Ibe 8tat?. Kul iu Au.i rit.t. ? . ? it the pt ople eontn-i ihe BtaM: are th. maelrec the Btate and tbe p'f ernmcut, BotblDg tmt the M'taal BOOTeCBMrfl oi the li.a)..nty of lh. ihoj.,1 ? fo Kovanla OOflld KiVO lt ab aiidtie <i detcriiiiiiii.a'ieucc. If it ofild .-.'iitinte the niujority of onr people of it*. iruth, of aouraa ti>?-y waald boaeritaadetn IkmIi itiiioicor Us* in tbi ir i-olitical iu.-tiii.tion-; In.t li, ni .. i Tc .ii. Ivcii-inism must itaaUIOtbB otiaract. r a.i.1 Q-TflTnBlaniira of our aaflfl-B ln a aegree ilott ?. oul.l rci.ily mske it oflly anotber iorm af pT-teaU-t-tia. Tt-;it ls ex .etiy what the Old Baliu'i c*. ii > tn w party flNBBed tv ih. c.xTravai.anii af tbc lat. iKciiu.cuiial C' at Koino, BIt doint, or bare d.u.e, m Cicrmanv, BaTarta. and flwiiaerlaud. Tiu-re ta uothii g io ehuoae betit.-. q Uiom ..nd irtTi'dox rrote*taiit-. iiesuita, praettoally, lt is uot the It im iniv-iu or ratho'.i. l-tn of "lir pooi-j Iriah, liormui, or St.utliern Eumpttitn popalatBM thut thr'ji. ti. our rollia'tou* frwdoin, bnt only tbeir unnrnnce aud n.i.-Tiikcn iioiions of politJeal Uberty. Bdueata them, Aii.i-ri' iinir.c tluin, aud altbiuirh they uiai toic tinue in Bold IBBl tO tlo ii lli'Ti.aniMii, iia-v proTB to 1*' et ..iii ut MtlflB-B and piNvtl (iiristiaiiH, Who are Just as much OfMOSed to p< rseeut'on or itnaofl tbe'-tata,lual a? little wiili:igto disturi. or < v. rthrow rellgioualllierty, or our repul.n. uo I- ra el _rer?ei__>fl_t, n* we are. Xbe fpIlT whlch wonlfl Band together all I'rotestanta against all Romaaiatala our day tai country ia Ju.tae _r._i RDdl-tlleai tbal wiu.ii wmiiil band all Rom.taiata itt-alnst all ProteatanU. That baa been tried and*tl m many eonntdaa. 'l'hr ?td *]..i.t el tb. Boman C-Hireh ba* biU-erlo vainly tn, l lhal io Aiutiii'it. It haa aoiiitbt to bold tnui-ther lta dl* i-ip.. - b) banaol exeomainnieation .md ol?arefliritual tiri...-, .1.1 '.t (-xK.lik politieal lulliicine. whieh J'u' bave enoooraged mr aelflab party nuiU. iiut uo lrtsb or Oeriu.iu Catbolieoan live iea yeara lu Au.erli-a. guarded as bil rea.iing and bi- Bt> laaintanee wltb Proteatant cbristiauity may Ik-, \nt!. out disoovertag lhat ti.e iBteJIlgenee, the worth. the pui li. rp.i.t. iue ttaedom, UM wtalilinf the eouutiy, aaacTtf due io Cflt-uBa lafloe aad otatata n part, B aafl flaa tfl itoman prtnerplea, is not . oiii.e.-i. .1 witb Konmn pntptatei that UM -ii t oi i_.nia.iism Maol verj vitaiiy repreaented iti -beHfi of Hr eoantry : thst it is dy_B| .u aplte oi hn aeeli cai uetiMtv, diiiig in iplte of its apreading -barebea dliliK lh rl'lt' of ll* I't'lilititl li.tluiiv it IS oa ihe U. a.i fcnit ol Uie lifo ot tbc agr?-oppoaed to it* apirfta and Maflfl ouly an an exoiu-, or ai a uioittiinciit of tbc pti.t, as an oaha ot the Old WorM, H* a foml r.-. oiU'Ctlou of home, nn a auj*'!* atitioii ol lA'.orniit people, or a jx.licy of people who live t.v ii in:-i< riiic to ni|?Tstltiou, oi as a *:inci. f.nt i ol pMtlal . uuo uu Ih rn out of due tlme, and Wltb a BB ,. og tor what ls jtaai and goiir ; m sliort, it ii au aaaebraaiam lu our niue. KO-AKl.M TO B? gf?T"*} DT I'Ort'LAn I'l'l I'ATIO.V. You Bhaarra, I dare say, tbc ataadj iriowiii of tbo coatly aud I'.iintiful Roman Catholic Cathedta] on tba vory tb' .i. rt *of tbe _it>, prolatiy to ho the inofrt axpensivi. ami.itioiu i|dflMUd luilding, ecclesiast, eal or aflflflVWlafli ou tbia cot.tln.nt; and p-rnap* you say what a j't'if ot the rfmrage. v.talt,h, ft _ii_t reUglgu ooatcr and lutluenc of CathoiiciMu! But I loog At it frt.ti. a van diffen-ut point' of miawl I ten., ut.. i ll iltfla-C la lurdlv a city ol a baadred thoiiraii people 01. the whole J.uropi ftn c.ciTiiient tt,. i bn* uot.. ratbedral bt.iit Irom iLxrve to HKht eeutuiiis ag,t, eciupar. d wiih which thia wheu flmsheil wii bfl M'<oiiii nr tbird rate 1 I recolleet, too. Imw it kaBailt? _wgely trom ibe <'outrii.ui.oua exaoted oftanIroaaTery uiittij.i; g. hut fiii.i . t giils; tbat lt ia bmit iii ;i ci'.T tflal is oocupMfl larflelyb] emigraatat it lea^t ot.c tlnril i-art l.tdnau Cfltbolle; hullt by fort i*;ii blood, ii, a foretgn i-pii.t, and by attena to our enatouii wbo are gradually beeotmng P-avencd with ti en. Instead of woi.'teiitur at this eatbedral, I woud.r oot more tban at the Temfdeal BaaTaaorln BaMLake Olt.V, wbere foreliiu iKi.oraoee m.d uatiit traft have a iiioiiuin. i.i to tbe graaaeal nnd nn-i tatal und iii.'M i i'l.eii.v i il ol fallba. 1 *ay tbia caibedn.l te afl aaacBruniaai and all it- paraileig in om AmerKan tsitiet ; tbe] ouly wiiiit bold Ko-iauisui still luis un those wbo luuught tt from foreign latiU*-, and tu.t at aii H'bat sln-uuth it has to itand om cllmaio aadaurviveaoeuianr of Ameriean acbuoling an.l fne life. Miaiiwluie Komau Catbolieisui is uefful ;n MiaiateriBg to tbe i_u_lious of cmigianta wiiom oi.r CAoutry bas attracted. It bas, tauaides Hs cniie , lutcilhtOBt miu iiu.iwoii.cii in il and of t, Bept ijia-eiy uj itaoid i -t-stige aud iia a*tb. tic attrac t.onr, ^i.d t.i ln tter reuaoua. But, I bave no fe.ur of lt, aad Ngard the apprilieauaiou* of ttiare, who hn- t; ia-aii. i. i-r.M utm^ it ii* - priafliaal soure_- oi liuiuoritu y uiidtir. .tiui ine.,irit'ii. witb eniux* dtsseui. It ri.ttt r TtHtrains th. mt and _rroaines* and vioienec of ue maaart in a way that 1'iotestiinta bave no ioi an* ofualug toward simllflr. oi roii?Iin ami orofle iiuuiaiiity. Wc ahould hevastly wm- oil. it vt. inuri baii.' tbc i-eople, vtitliout Uu ( cliuiai, aad p:.' Btli.Mjd. Aud Ui. people, uuo. or l.! ta.vKi.i and Mii* r_tiiu.i-a... tflej larga . ara, ami t o niatrix <f im. n ?>r <n.i eriaaa and v.i., aro, uii to ue ItuieurOered,alao tb.- lurg.- antl toj..ous sourei t.f our band labor, tb. huflden oi nur . anulr, railroads, aud wti, r. Uoubtieaa tbey bave la.d tnorc bnt _* and ia oi.r *, LtMil-Lotirfc.-, oii Tioi,*Unt churohes, and -Riiuna tlmu auv otb.r B-Ufl or ull otbera: and the fl-t*.*- olten Bei i, Tli<- t,iU-rr aud m.ither* al Ji.Uire*. _*. u un n banls-lai-ous, putiiotlc, auu tiovottxl :o tbe pul.ilo w. a,. 1^ t ur Ba patictit BM linstour fn.o prinnpi,.,, tti,.l maKu nr. ciiurch. Konitsb or 1'ioteataiit, tht. obteet ol nur fear or abuae. W'but ean tbrlve ju b lr.. louutry has a rujht to tbnte, audlf our ciiiuaie aud mm ial so.i do not inodify Roiuaiiif-m into a wbolraouie, ui. at Iht woi-t. a imt poisoiiou* plant, 1 WlU aLandon all faitb la pupdlur t tluc-atlon aud reilgloua tv. uiuci. tt.i- tu. alliauco betweeu 1'ioteaiaiit toui -ml I'.o.uauinn. A BBBBTANTlAi TRCCK tMOWt rHOTB. TANTB. Iiut bow much more true ls it. that there if a mbstan Ual trui? of iii IM-BB euA a uulty of tofflflBflfl among the ProK-ataut laefla of Uii* couutry whicb ls not repreaent? ed by tLeir creeds or ti.eir oulwaid fellowabip, aud xilii. b evang. iu al aliia_c*aa, 0r liberal aaooeiatious, flo iiot mut !i Ibrwaafl. and perhana even imsrepr. icnl. We |i?\i I ii..n ioi s.t> lu.w uiany forms of ortbodox eon ffw-i'iu* in thi* (outitry; perhapa a hundred?a honrtP'd diDerent chibs<-s ol eatel-a lu matteri of worelup or atata-menta of Ik-IilI. Manr of Uiaae aeets do not eoin BiiiT.e witti utifi otber in ibr fnnual c.-l. hrstiou of tae Lord'* l-._pp.-r. Hut i-uppose tbey dou't! Wluudoeslt iin.ti i xtepl Uie ekleteuce ol aome crotebet. oaprne, or paitiallty. barlng it* root g.-neialiy in a lilgottd. loeal. al uailing. ur aome love of Ihaneranin, or aome aeiiht- of rivairj, or aome pnde of opiuioa t We tai. sn.b ivople biirota or faualiCN but tbey aee ofb-a Di<_at excellent people*to live witb and trade wuh; good ui'iA'bti.ii-, kindfrteBda, adnHrab-e rbrmtisna tu fbitir Siat'tical livei, but aimpiy from Uaiitstlom ot miud aud tiaiiiing, uiwrow. i.-iicwtod. i-rejudued, or o^.r. i..7i )i M'gaid to tbeir tbaological Kaa. I b_ivekDoau of people wto tbougbt Utnl a^Voiugto l-uiasli iu,llions ol tbeir -MlrtBaai aud .*C? -ilfi-i ,L_D.tei..aibeU of, wbo wert _* Srswai sxat if.wW.rffl r.rgi'^'.-.fbd.t.d^^^ sr_sJ5aM?*^W-?^_sfi " * ___z\ Truiu, wbleb sa-aiter ot. r the garoeu wa.. tbe food of un k in wn gatberera F_*__w'<gJ?f,?.g* [_ ettemv pri tu.i-y to tmt 'l*""^.^^1^1 our -rutt Protesfl-i* aertfl. M ?"/> '*'^u i Sab poiota agaaaflaflMM. xou may .aj. - iium mt tJLtxmu.t. -flRva. ami aa tl"* the l-raa-relleal Allianee baa pab Utt_t,_ aad ao tndteate what Chrlttlaiia are ezpeeted to atand hy. Knt when they eon.e togetber, all thf leadera will begtn to modlfy, to hodg,, to enlarge, to awcep away thc lcnc-e*. to denjLtbe excl_-.lvcat.lrlt, atid to fot.'_liadow, or rathcr, tupprcs* the oxlatcnoe of a tharlty, a bope, a faith whlch la above tlie platform pnbllcly Wbatlu I. Iligent otiaerver or n-eder o.m fall to ronfea* tbat Wbat ia olkectlonable untl exclnaive and *_ i-kratlng ln tbe uvnwed erei',1 of tbia Alliauw-la not what la inunt real. viUl. and effectlve tn it. All that ta v.fal lalove and rcvert.noe and jearnlng toward Je?u* ( hrlat, n deslre itt eeuimuuHuto Hla iiiii|*rr and aplrlt. Hi_ hope aud Illa huliiic-K. What ls tho Trinliy, tho Viearlou. Atouomont, the Jiulgmeiit l*ay, aml the vcnlut of ruiu lor all 0011 vcrUd houla? -hut ia the alleged I*iity of Cbriat eoru pared witb the unlvcrwal longing to ae* the world oliedlent to Ilu preoept*, and lllle.l with Hla apirlt t Ia not thM unity exlste nt in ?pite of the forinil dt v.ratoi_> and aeparatl'iig dogma*t lH.iil.tlea* thl_ recout mc.rting hae eexvod to show H and to UMTflfl-M )t. PRACTICAL WrFOkTa TOWAKI. CIIKItmAN AUJANi'K. lf I were. seked bow the Allianeo could prove thnt It wa* more in earneat thun tbe reat of thc world for practical uulon, aud hual aome other than it m ntlmi i.inl m.i ..ii at baart, I would aay: 1. "Yon arc loiul in ticploriiig ecctariaulam and .llilkion. I'rove your charily aud faith then by u,ccting Ifefl ouly eeriotv. evil* thoy producc ln a 8888-881 way. Thu*. here are thuiiriuiiil* of .mul] to'.vim antl (-ommiinlt-ic* nnahle to luppt.rt well. wn foar.1 three, or|8'?n two (hurch-1, bataeeetariaa *p_rit atnl iu.irt* uiain havmg two. three, fonr meager, wilted. melaoebel) churiboaoi dif fort-nt pciHiiurJoiiH. nii uliko futile,aod -iiugi,-lliig. und _i. i.iug up j.riicticiil enmlllea, and mauling und unitllntiiig the body of Christ, bc.lrtc dch.ibliig thc puid aad dlaoouratrert inliibster., v. h<> atarvtr uml dwindl. hv ovci-___lllpliiutio.i, und iuude i| ii.iu- apbert) and eupport. lat tbe .pint af choill.. lm- apirit of the Alliaiica. inclle or adviae theae. (Jhiit ti.m* all Ui nnlte about Ifea l.irgcat nut leuauf al'tinatiuh rn ,-t tbere la in uny glveu t,.wn,if tt be Epiwojial about thit. or P_Mb.t-rfi__.or that whlch eyer I. Ptiougcat, aud nll givc it u g. ueroua and uiiiUd tupport Whete tnen. i. _t.und.nice of people and mean* to OOlO-Mfl untl ut.other Indcpi-ml. nt rhtin-h let all inve tbe next largc-t -eet of (riatlaoa * ehance. In thia way good aolid ehurehea would grow, and au ablc, liarnod, an I wi-11 mpparted minlatcr be n 8ton .1. and ac, tar!.uii__i be pructic.illy rebaked. Anv loan practical form of unmu tl.uu thia ia .aaeiitially mervfv pluyiug ul agr. .-ment. t, ih, l >, ik tiuiiit uud charit.hle and vlce and eiim. raproi-ong agi ucif* ot onr gii-at fl-llee are now largcly wuaU-1 by muitial jealoaay uml donltling aml trebling ovci the aiiiii, dl.strl.-t und perfOB*, tif tbe niiictance of teeta t<> H-huit the antarpede-Away of rivu) .lcnomiim llul.v llllt tt Illllon ______* illl.t tllili_. U.i.l thi- l-'V.invell cul Allluii.f iiicuna.itivthlng, th.-M- ai-i-t*. ougiu lo r.-toiee io each otber** fljoed work*, and to favor to the ut__o?l each othcr'e.eltl. i< nty. Lel thon tbe git-al flOOM I donot ii k wo ehotiid be couniorl la?_____ toaoiber aad diatrict the city cut mt.. inltafelfl tolda ?f MaaroMol andcharltubie or mlMlnaary aerk, aad atnae la leare the Eplacopallaai In ebarm ol oae. tbe M.iho.lista ol niiuin. r. the I.uilieriina of another. the Pro. hvU-riaua of a f.iiirth, the Bapttsta af u lllth, uml *o on. Tiu* woui.i Bitiirc u spiciul aml tft-ilcn.y, uud B noble rlvalry nml emrilntiiili frcc trom iiitcri<Miicc, woi thy .f tlie pie f,-M-(l aiu.puthy uml fellow. I.i|> of IhuAlliuuee. YUnm anybody ezpeel tina praaUcal aattyM ras__8taaa> tia:.'.f lubor >-rowing out ol iiiiitual rt-s_>ei t und eon fldfiiw' in aaah attor i U u.'t, why uot t lli*. *.\. i l Mu.N 0*7 THK LIH-.KAI. l_H__ltP YHOU TIU. JkM.IANI'K. As to tbe exe'u. ion wl.ii h Liiltuiinii BBd other I.ilaral (.'hriflllan* have BBjflMBi Irom tho Evungclioal AHlame, I ilo riot believe it repreacnte even the intuoHl f.cliiig of thc great body of thc delegute* or the denominationa thev rcpreecnt. Really, wo havo Uen ehut out because our Undeune* are eo generallv felt, an.l an- M MtlTfl in the orthodox chureh, that lt waa hardly tafe and prudent toconffHH Ui uli the world thut the old wuil of paitiflon hu.1 ho ftr fitllen ilown. and eoul.l not be r. I.u.ll. M tbe real fuct Thi .iuiiiiiiant an.l Imng ith ua m tto oruodoz chureh to-dav ac largely >.ur Maaa,sad Bol tto aki orti.odox dojjmuB. Tiiose laat have aot been aarrea dered; tlicyuio not forgotten, tbey ara not dwowued, und thaj uie Bot_fee__allenll.i oreonacloafllj dMbi Ik red. Hut they are ou th. tb-ail Bde af Beaplfl'fl i.rama aad h.-.iiiH.'Tfeej to not .i.ut Intu lhe pra. m-ai drealatloii ol Ihtir llvingthoukiita; tfee] rm oot that itiil Meafl froin Wblcb thev inuvf. Vuii BM IK'W ll IH Blth OBT 8-1 Bl |'>'P m.ii araaefeenof Ifea BrangeUeal acboel. Tbej preach tnoatty iiistwhat mu m, aeeaetotaed to eall L-bcral < hrlHtlanitv. lt I* iu tbe mr aad blood nnd experleai < ofourtime. The iM'oplt; iic.'.l U. and Wlll hara 18, Iiut tbey .lunt it labeled, ur they pr.icr it t\.u wiib ihe old biiM-l left on. N.-w. raa mav auv, ho_ loconaleteat, unprlnelpled, illt'gical, th.-ae litx ru*. orthodox uicu arc who JMTI l.ii. ral ChrMtianltj ln tbeir feearta aad mouths uud aa orthodox cxeed ln their drawer ot la tfen hacfe of tlu u houdn. wJii.b from time to tltafl they hriag oal aad read r. picrii ii. perfeape, v,iti. oce-uoaal \i..i. i,.. i then i* no Beeeaaary a*aM af baaeatv in nu tin_. we all have -,i.s i.i our mlndi aad bearu, a?wellmllnng onra. Thingi aud peo|d? o___o latert-ted tw, anddrea our afhatlonfl and ecoupk*d our time aad luvoived u- la actlre profe_*don?, that aare lo*l tbeir power In onr heart* by change in tltu., plaee and feeimg. But wi eannot wbolly fotjcol ti,.-m. We help them on om ing li-t or li. out i-"-i_-"t, ns w<-l.(-p fhe i.i.-'iioriitl-ul MeadBblpfl that haTe been anpet-edod ur nfl ?tlons out KTOWa. But th.y nic not .i.r pr... iif-*inii._ of life or onr preaent chofce. Tbey are aot llvlag, bnt thev moat not la- buncsJ, but ..uly kepl ln Iea, lt M erbM-itiy m, in jM.t. with tha pi.uks u. tfefl Kiiin g,lic-il I don't IfelBh *M BM fll tbem i? rcullv tlrm, and falhr, aad w,.i.,?.t cuivu cation reeelve*, ln thc waae of a llvlag faith ; tbal la, it doefliiol characterlBe and tokn or flaror the preaehim of Um in"Ht .-.'?' Dted and charaeterlatle orthodox preacben of tfee dav, mach u-sa tha itfa of orthodox .oinmuuionaaadcommanltlei ir.-ui them. Tlu- pbvtfonn of tbe Evai g iiii ,1 AUIanoe laat f 1. TUUim.i? iDiliirtUi. i.. ??- ?unt.?,ai_l aufli, tOtymtb li'-i? Hcrrp '"i^Tk. rijbt i-il -ut/ M ;.*?'?.* judgiu.-Bl in tl r mt.ri rrlaUoa bi tbt V Tb' Baitr nftbi Omtttrm Md tb* Tn_ll. ,-' ' * Tlie Btttr ilrf .wt, ol lm... . ...ju. ur<--.) 1...- j Tb( | ll- wark ,.f ai.iu.ui. at f.r tM iui. ot B.kiikiB-1. aiMl li.l u_..i,t,..i.l n,i-n- -r aa ?"- ***!*? 1 ilr _ irk i.f rbe Hol.r epint ib tlir flflB*-____t flM MB-M .1 ei TM ,iat_orUlit? of Ibr _,>ol. lhe MMurrrrlurB of tl_- hoij, tb< jaflr Btt.t uf thr ?,,r_l'b-. ??r ir.r 1 Jn.o. ' tir.-t. aill. tbr rlrr: a, lr). ?.? tr.urm ot ll?- r.ghtmr,.. .d : tlir . 1*1 tl puo ,,1 l.r.., Mfl. 9 Tu. ,1m-' in.titiiti..r. tt th* - ? mrt.tti un tiuu ard ptntUtii) ol tb. orJiuaucn ol ImuUiiu ia^ lua Uiru'i Yup '"lt b-iBt, bowr.i-r. ii .CBrtli ilr.-lirr-l th.t tin. ttmt .Brrm.r? 1. *M '0 U rea.i-rsl 111 B*. x?m .1 .,r 1 .r.i .'.? . __*M .?.,... . ... ea nor Ibr 8* "' ,1 a* n?ol'.-_ .n bibuihi>" ,ti M tlir rnrlil .1 r _??l?to il-tr.r .?,' limiu ot t"' r.?' t> kllllk_l_BBIll, Ml .? . ,1 ,-.noi, ?l ilu- ciaw- vt ptno.t --uii, 11 ii JearBble ., e_bi*ce flMBfl tl.*) Alhai.- ? . _ v.-aTt.-iM or titr At.i.iAsrr. msrr. <?_.>. The 8MBM rippend.-d jir.tlv inueh iieiitruli7_-? all thr.t prtcedca it. Uut thc ariuri. .- ttoOMBlVM BM nut, witb ,-xe.-ptiiins. llvlag artuies. "Ifefl Iiivuie inajiiratloii, antborlt] aad aa___ Maar of tl. tortptare_,M i- toalaaad tu l.ii.- the i.i't Ihut lhe ivbuic Iboolok'icul w.irld Jg ta* Iiatitiir und dlatruatini, uli hi.fe.lM rce.ivf.i idena of in ?B-rattna aiii.nh.iiu reeelrod M_bi mt uithontv.aad of aufflcienc.i." Tlie rurbt aad duty <>f prirate Jodgmenl la tha tal_ra_etat_oB o_ tha tortptaraa m imie,-i ? gi?ti oiii tutement; Imt how um. h bai orthodoxy really reeogntted thc rljthl ;ind cntorccd thc d..t\ ( N.iy. ii ir m.t in M.ite of ortbi.doxr an.l ita a.K-lul and apirltual baaM tbat we b-Tfl daiadto ejterela tbe right orifalfll] the duty 1 And arc n..t ti.e fundauusutul* whlch fuilow tlu liiseivev -.1 viui.nt lestli.t.uli ul Ihi right I Wlu, wlll cti_r.- 10 tut-Tpret thc Bcrlptnrefl freely n Ju> itttm Med, niider -u, ;?1 BBd .?? 1 r. -.ii-: . . I pettaltlc* 10 rirnv. nt the eoaetaflMa* iu iooh- iiini!.iiuout,iia i Kor in atuiice, I aecepl thfl doctnoe 01 Ifea right an i d'.nv of private iudirtnciit lu tlw lut,-rpn-tatlon of the"Pcrlpture. ; aml I -BBJ that the teueh uTiinitv-'f pii-ou-s iu tbfl Unity ofthe Uodhead?the thlrd uriKde of the piatfonn : I drny that tbey tcuch tbe uttcr dcirrnvity of buman luiture iu tonacvjufbce of the full?tbe fourth arllelc ; thut thev tc.i.ii tfefl Inc_j iiiiiiuu ld tho 8011 of l.od and lhe Atouemcnt, in the acnao ln whieh Ifeoae uie aaad? thut u aa iiiipivin^' the jir, i'ki-ti nee of Chrut aa a dlrlaa par. aon and lhe wrath of u (Iod that ni-edfil to tx- ..j.j..-.v-.. .1 ? whlch la tbe auli?taiice of tfefl llftb tirliclt- j 1 deny -'tho luatltlcuiioii of tho aluner by fulth alone," whieh im th,. "siitn anu 1.. If it meaai whal it w-1111>. tfeoaghl touieun, tliat ln 11. t is uiuri importauc lluin hioralily <>f heart an.l Ufe; aud I deuy thc want af tfea Holj Bpirltlo thaaom v.i>'_>n aud-Hiictittiatioiiot the lt it 8BBBM lhal lli* lloly Sjdrit i? antthiiig but Uod Almlghty alwuta worklaf in nnd with lb<- jln-.-irt- Iini 1 MM0MB8M of blfl rhiidreu. Cbrt-ttaa oe atavCfertttlaa, o*mam*em_ttyat un 0OU*-_.__Jj_ iu t''11' P"r' "' ?'"'" live* .all.'l ___.*cd and thal l>urt of their livca callcd lecdlar In the i-iirhth urtnic whatl bellere and dltbelleve it ao ti ik, U. lhal I 1 un only ?ny 1 BMM88 iu Bfefl luimort.i, tty mt Ibe atiul, aud I dlnlxrln-ve iu t lu- renorn-i llon uf tbe tnidy ; 1 disi.cii. ve 111 tbe peraonal judnmcut uf <ibri*t, but believe lu tbe aM >.f om urlncipte*aa Mtaf Oad'i oww ln tbat ever-ective jnrlgruent wbleh aecompani. a our daliy Ilfe and conduet. 1 iicllove ln tfea eternal bleatcdnea* of rlk_hteouaneaa, without thiuking thut anv men are rbihteou* cnough to bc ol perfect bir-Hnedneaa, au<i I in the eternal pnalflbiaenl of tut- wn r.i d, but not iu the ct.u_i_l puuishineuJ ol wickednea*. It it rtghteoaaaeflfl tbat i* etcruairy btcmod. and uot merely nebtt-ona men. lur thi n ai. uone -. und it ia wn kfilni as tbat is eternally careod uud uol wh ketl Ult 11, foi thore an- uimc who un iilo-.lut. .1 i,ud wh..iit rii.ii. Tho iiinth uitnic would Ih-cimk-iT if It aflknowledged tbe Dlvine luatltution of the fumily. of (?.iDUicrr., of agTlcnlture, of buman life, and eaid thut 111 thia ?en_e tbe minlstry wua a Dlviue Inatit.itlon, and thal the ordiuuncc of BaptUm and the Lord'a Supper were bolv liccauae all aymliola aoquire boliuea* by artiicd mw and trual uaefulueaa. Are my right* of j.n Tate interpretation likely to is- re*peeteil, after frankiy giiing th"" reault* ot tm-m I Am 1 not aufl-ring tho IH-n?'i, ludei-U, happlly la tbnee daya whou f/-ele?la*tical, dogmatlc, or even evuugi-lical alliauce* do not determine onr aoeiul iirlvlle.goa ur atamling aith our Icilow meu-but yet a* acicru a. public opiuiou will allow t iiui let ua look at theae artiii.a m-'idn, and oue by ou> : _tbii*uTio> or tui. BtKin. Bll HB niour or inn ai* IBMUUVr. "The l>l*lae Iaflplratlon, Autborlty, atidBufflclency of fhe Holy Bcrlpture*-" Of c__r_e, tlila ln *o_ue*_u_e li reoeivad hy orthodox aud heterodox; but not Ib tha way lu ahlcb the Reformed churchefl received It. They tuugbt the verbul and ph nary lnapirutlon of the Hcrlp turee, the ab-Olute autbonty of all part* of lhe Biblo ; tbe eciual authonty ofthe Old aod Kew Te?tament and th_ ai.ttlT,.!... y of tbe _. rlpmro*. ln a *en*a aaataMvaol ti?- ir____--aof rni*ou aud eommoii nei.**. a* well a* Ula to.Ku. diiclopmcut. Thi* old *en_e 1. tto MBM la wuirb nirtii. ,-ople an. auppc^d to ii.i. rpret hla tlonao new. iiut 11, thu aeufle. ll 1* BM received either |,v .? cbie* flnaiwMB, ttolltolMl profe_*?r*. Of bg tbe lnli-1 llgent people ol the OOtUkUT -toj Know that tbn Meriir tur** _re ik>i verbally Inaplred, and Ihat th*.v are 11.? ?Hr-d ouly a* being thc nomd of *h?t Inapln-d iii'n *aid fn lauguikn.'of thelr own; aud that the loarm-d world hu* no deilnitlon *aU*f*ctory *nd _ettletl of wbut Inapiratlon u?or ofthe uieueure iu whlch meu are lu *pired~or bow mucn err.u, toperfeetloa aud mla lake may umnat with lt; thal Uh ir uutbuilt) ?? MM'i.uil Ui that of ihe uioral iea*ou to whx h thoy are ad _*_______ ; ihat Utflv __-, anbl-ct tu fn c lutflrprelatioii. Xae riabi of wivaM Jtiogmtut tae AlbaiKt admlVt ln tbe aecood artirle, wblob ia. _ hefieve, tbe only abaolotely iim end tfewnM bla arllele In tbe whola piatform. ThU all Proteetenta agree ln proclalmiua, but perhaps none are whowy and abaolutety fallhful to it. It is usually _??'? praetiesllv IntiTpreted Into mnte a .llfflcnH thlng?tmtl la, tbo right to int.rpnt Uie Bcrlptun-s up to tho polnt wborv tlie liitorpriitiitioii iIik-s not ih nv tle arUtUen or ciceds wbieh cii.ii Churth has adnpUid. The En_;i*.D Chureh, strangclv ennnjrh. i* probnhly more eonslstini lu ita allnwou.e than auy otber Chureh 111 the world, " c-opt our own. Uut neltber tbe* nor wo are wboPiy tofcrant and fuitliful lo the print lp|.-. W. f.llaw wltfl snspicieiis those wbn ndopl from strictly a rr"' vletioti, brttader and fn-er vi. w* than our own: WIBMBBfl weougbtto say aud ln feel that if a mau 11 vesaCbrwi'"" life und profc-m-s lo <*? a heluvcr lu Christlaulty and fc n-ven-r of the Herlptnres, and bls opinlons, If privat.', ur.'wliollv hii owu busmes. ; lf mndc ponlto *r arirue witb thi m, wu may disllk.t or amttyPJ*** Mteui, or Ui ter stlll disprote tiiim, und It la our nutj ?" .lo ao?but WB have bo i iKbt to refuso eilb. r tbe Chrlstian asmo or Christliit. fellowshl|> tothe man who clui'"'* "? and baa Uie aptrit and Ibe uliiiracter of a Cbriat ia* ln his daily Hfn and eonteraaUoo, Nnr batt wo a rtgbt;" eal that with anv tlu-ori lh al vicws, bowever piruueou*. Ut caunot be a Chrlstian. ttttt 09 THB (KIIHIKAU TIIK 1 V'AKNAT ION 09 OtBBto] 5. " Tbo uiittr ol the (iodbead and the tnnity of t'"' peraona" m a proimeltion whlch, in my Jud,. iucnt, contratlicta itaelf. lf we believe tbe tlrst part we t'.'ii.iiot iM'linie tlie last I Iflflflflflfl flflflflfll ciK'Xl-t i wbat pe.rson nin-iis Is a sepnrate eonaciousnesa, lifo. atul ohnraeter. A trinlty of |*Qrsoni in unity ls uiiscripiiii"u li, is self-contraillotory. It oiufuse* ro llBlon at Its very oore ; lt inuddlna tho stroam at tl" fuuutAlu bead. iiio triuitv Is au liiventioii of platonii Ing pbi-osojiinirs ln tba Al... ilidtlitn Cnilicii. uv.d wae iu w i ungnl hv i.'hrist nr known bjr ihe Apoatlaa. 4. "The iiti.'r d.p .ivltv nf bamaa n.ture iu ennse onctice nf the fali" is iinotlier itatement fnt.tilnii* and in nrltrin uml tenaa, onknowa to Ohi___t_Tvm Ktangeilste, un inferenee from Paul's rhctoric, cntiTiai . to all ohsertatlon andexperteafle, httle taore Be'lereo ln b plain seiiT-e hy iutcHigrnt ortbodox people in OUT tlnv thun li'nursolvcs. Wor-.V' ls a ln,*.- ani '"' moral ductrlne a?. far aa it Is Ih ilcved. It exenaea Mji t.i - piitting iin ongin on our mttiirc and predeeeeeor* , and not ln onr own oonwclenccs an.i wills. Itconluso* tbe sense of reHpoiisliulity, and mak.-a men unlcrra.c ttielrowr. powers nf ohcilu-nci' and obllirutions to k.-oii their lives en-et and pure. Tbere ls depravity ennuitli lu tbe world, and fenrful depravity, hut total depravity no liumati belng ever awof felt. If II exiated lieoulo never know Itwlf, any more than a heast can know ll N a Ix-aet I Agalu. 5 "Tlie Incarnatlon of the floti nf Ood, Bia Work of At.iT.euient for tlie Htiih ot M.itikmd, and Hl* iieeBatorlaj Intereeialun aad Balea." 'iini .s tt." -wn urtiiir, an.l it Is not toomnch to eav thut It B jangneaB. tochnlcal. trudiflonal, and dead, w'hirh arotise-. ta prnc Ti.i.i Idoaa wbieh eonfuso and perpirx tne pl,iin ot.Jei-t of Clirisi unity. In any oth. r BOttae thn. ihat in wincb aii eoale, belog tnade ln Ood'i ImafCi an inc irnation. of Ood and Chris t. only nmr,- so as bfl waa the purest, l.rlghtost, Bwr.-ti.nt ImflM of (i A, any snui ever prescntctl m huiiiiiii tl.--.Ji can Ihj InU-Migibli' cail' il Ihe Ii.carn.irlon of Itn- Hon of C ><1. The wurd "atoiic ment," only oncc used ln nur fcnglish Heriprnre", hiie is i a to grow Into un Importanoe tha' . Bul'l n? i.c lncit a.-.'.l ii it lov.i.d iiii) whole Nea Tc-.t .im '?'; uud it cii.nds our iinicli t.inn iinporiiul i loas. 1 tl lu* |sir!, a- popalai it BBBfl, is preeta li ooutrun to ' ??? -s ' ?*''iit u*- oi ibo woid. ii. .t pr-aa-IiM Cbrist as llving and tlymg to reconcile man to tiinl; thut ls to MflBfl man know, love, tud "'" Y LLs M.tktr. The EvatiKcliiiil Aliuiiif iu its u_si of it - followlng the Rcforiu.iti'vn aml tba Catbotltridea bow - wonld perpetalB tfle fai...- an.l imschievoii* idcit, thal Uod uoe.ied to be reeoutlloil Ui us, ui.i.ic wiilinif io mi' give. rtluuii-Uid iu us, alter beugalli-iiat-aironitw tuce;'d and aon Ottt tfl OOT alde' Thls ih llie remnant of un old, fearfiiliy-nioted stiperstition, wliteu iu aii falso reliKimis bas (Iui kened over tbe f*c>- of t.- 0 aa a ioving fn. ini ami fatflar. Tue Uoapel aataa to biutK good iicus, nr to tcacii ua i, tliat Qod Ioti .1 -nn era, aaa wiilit.-r to mm tiu nt. uml to da lt reflolred bo eaaoge ia lus owa luiu.l ur I.-eilnifS, Uul only In llu ir lifs .md bearta. Tliteta what ibe doeUine 'i Uw lucaruatl ;. and ihe doctrine of llic Aft.u. lu.-nt h.ive long aii'l '?? '" lu.ic v pit-ven ted manv uun fnuu aeelng aad feeling flnd i't is eontrarv to truili, to ."ci ip.ui' , to aolUUKTB st-u-t, ..mi alinoei to tbe geueral Intellig uice ol o u tn milk-- raeb .nt arftele as thia a ground of i-i iniiiiou i if aeta jn.uie in un BraageBral AlBaflee. JL'HTIKICATIUN IIV }__l AITII?TIIK IMIIOitl AI.ITY OK Till: -UI I . 6. "Tbe Jiistiticiitioii of tl.e BMBBflfl Bf B_BB Bafl-I another ra.iieal error, whltb bas been eiiormonsiy an fa\, iul.!. iu practical inorality. It is Just wbat p?0_ ?'' wbo bonor tlnc woids und loud prof' ssions aud antl m. nt .il eim.iions al.ove g.-otl solnl work for's im provLinent .ind biip[.iiiess und vniue woul.l tmttn to 1,0 IMre. ra:i:. i- Indaed tbe re . ol worka, bnl wur1.. are Ifla priH.f of fiiith. Man is savi-d ._s.M-uti.iiiy bjr nelibni liuiii nor aorfca, aad m vor i>v ihtnaeparation Irom each oriHT, i.ut in Un graeaof Ood-H-al ..-, tu tiu frregill oi . ;, i uul hr. , Imi thir u'.Il l* c?:i,litla...'.| oa ??!..'.rcii' c aad i>iii<tu..l i'igblei.ii-U' n?, tvhitu Ifldflfld am BBBiafll llic. 7. "Tbe aerk ol Iba Holy Bpirll lu Um eoiivfraim ainl saiii't.iitation of Um s.nii. i " coutaiaa a tratb ol t u uiuio-t inipori.i.n.. Bul abenUa Holy Bpirll te aia<ie I.. sj.e...k throiiitli .'.nvtbii, * hul nur oonar-OuaaeaB ; wte " it is iu.1 i". oguMod im tbe porpelua) roii i ..i Uod ln om natuic; when ll ls .i pcl-ou np.iri!' IroU Ood. aad ii Mi|.|."-' <l to han- a ipe. Ial aork olber Uibi. t lutinuoua work Iu tbe ot onr biatrla, bj lun t vci? plc (lliik'. Wiirniiig and coi-ilorlilir,' spin! . I rerj aonls, ll Is a tnlsleaduig, uoteuable, aud .1. i. preaoal . Ion, wblob Is i ra. t.i iil) ol I tlie f u ? titoiin'itiul. iioicnt, ani oonrafleooi unuds, tbal fw e u.e real ;.tcts of tbeir splritaal llie. s. "The liuiii Ttalili nf tlie sonl. The r-ant i-'Ction of nn- bofly, th- j..ii-incut t.f tha waaM Bf atr Joaai (im !, wltb tbe i taru il i'i. --? duee_ ol ? < I tbe eternal pnolsbmenl ol the wletetf,' ls a aentenee wuiih tu. iids ti'iib unl fvii-itv, tbe KaaonaMe and tbi aimui'il, ll.c ki.v.m. and ih' unl.i owu. tbc ci'.'d'o"'ai'1 tbe rc]uii ive and i ruel, In -tun a nilxture tb il .,? refoae aa a ahole t" taUi it. Tbi Immortallty of tba soul. the Jndiimeut ol the world by tbe prtaeiales ol tinltaUmiiit. tbe eternal bleaaodnaaa of tberlgweaoa, are Inylullt lullv BOlUMWletfgod B-fla BOB. Iniinfl ni- i.'-uir.a imn ot taa isxiy ? auy proper use of tba -m-iis wa rejeeti lae ex irt ii, ?? oi i. iast .lu; of tadgment orer anleb Cbrbd la lo ? -ol lapenoBW. rejool aaa b_mi?abuaeofpiotorIal lilii_r.iai_c,*incicillt)leninot 111 .-iccoriliincit w nu tiu-iii u.i t. uihiiia.. of Oofl's flapreautay aaJndgu ,-iiitli.i tbeparpotaal |_*_soeal tttAttg on m his go-eru Iliellt. lt l-J'ISt .lh iredll'lc Iflata I. lllllll I. g'.vel 'l.Ui. I.? nlmtilA beiihlc tOliaMTB ltmlealings witb vic. nndeninc to ine (lid nf IU. Xl-ti in e, ll al IDg lll criln.llSiS BBWMd, 1111,111 i,i-i.c.l. un- ondemnefl, as tbeli ?''. bb tbat Uod ^ullUld. tio.l's uioral goicnuuci.t Boepo an ., w.,} ? open court, aul tfle pinn ipl. I Of tbe '.O.-J tm- pnncipif* ci wiiiiii 11 )* and .ver Baa b leaadoflDis ir, ,1. Tbe Judgmeol d.iv la perpeMal. Evaryday 11 tbe laat day, and Cbriat ia Judge unl; t- ? \v . ..cfor. - baad be aaaoaeeea tfle nrlneiplea >.f Oo_ra hidamenrs Tne eternal punisJimeui of the tin-kcl la nuc u tnis resueflt, tbill Ml. kcdll.-s IS pl llll__l. .1 US lol.K Jr ll 1.1.:.. ni uii woiids; but tuat i.od. Bfl 1 a certain crisla, coiiiihI* MdMfl to tte Mi-k.d fietcr Ibal be mav puairh tliuui Ion ver, or allow 1 1.0 for 1. ii-Uttfin o orrctuiu to OU tlicme afur tbe greal probatio.. of alife, wbitfblaonen aaaaad _B Baatboa dai-uaaa, aafl ia .omparativi iy icno runt, prnvideiilialiV T.I. i.l. i.n.1 linli,o?al, ll su 1 laxtklllg that onlv liuloleii.e .tud eustom aud fr oret d>OUt ol 11 ptwsilulity all.ui* lf to is' profeaaed. li eoald "" "' believed by aane men il II were taagflt lor tbe nr.. time to-day by au anaa-l flroppod Imin beav. u. lt is 11 p rvecaioa utpociioal.cxt tted, Orieutal Ianguag , originalty spoRen tmt to plant aoeb a temMi y. """M; titm a- tnm 111 int-n' iiiiniis. hut onlvUi rtimulat- pui . ucea i'.i tb.. t'lioi-of tbe cuBaa?_ne_Meaoi.ttt 1 ?*Ti..?lilvine iiisiltuTlnii nf tbe Chrlstlsn mlnlstrv, anl tbc ubligation uud porprtultv of tbe unliuau-e* oi b-B ti-m ami tbe Lord'a Bupp. 1, we receive, uut u..t iu au> alatrlaband teebnlcal seuae. W. ...?,. pl noneof tbe siu'.-rdntal Itlens cot.iiccT.mI wilh ordluatirin. IM BN i?tiy i?a vocation wblch lias it_ t.uibority aml wairain iu tho iiiwurtl cail unii (ael to follow Cbrist in teai Ihuk Ood. will and proii.ilinlug bls love, aurt pewoB-ting atnnera to retara to duty. The minister ls .uu.pi. . . without uuy oiniTurtl ortiiiiuti.iii. Am man wbo bas tna inward inii 1* 11 pnc.t already. The uutward ion...- 1 re im*(ul to ortler, anU nlmultl no| la- abandolied, but tln > ma. eiwilv pu-a-. mi.. aui? _S_.ii.> cju *.... ?>? more tlie rites ol baiifl-m uud tlfi- Inird's Bntiper tJbau wo ilo as Unitttlful, ten.Icr, h.tlv rite*. rM?enttiil To Tti. "in naid order nnd perpcti.ity of liinst au lusiitution-. May they 11. iei Im_ lorgotten or ueglected! Uut to pui into them. or upon tbem, u virtuo sei.araie froui tba. morai and npintual puiport?a value w BMB nibcrcs 111 Ibe rites. and uot in Uioir apintnal and symbolm **__}_ tlou _.ud u*r?in downmrlit siip. r-titloii, and L- wlioll. oppoand io Uiiir-t .-. wiii aad the iptrtl at Bia leiu-'u* IIIB lLATKOHM ...M.HtlM fi As DIB-OMOBIX- 10 UOH AM. tllMliAIlt .1 .1 lll-.l.s.iN. Thus i lntvt; piaiuiy di uii witu tu.- platf ona of tba Kvatigellca) Alii.ii',1!?iu u curs-iy mii'.ini. aad unly I'l tbe way of oouuU-r ?Utouieut-aa lt doea not itaell arini.T, but assiiuie* its positlons. 1 dfniare tbal my oon stiousness as a Cbilstlan, a follower, lovr aud scnai.t Of Jeaus (_iin._t, npud-ties theae fuudaiueutali a.< di - BOBOrl-flfli Uod, reproat-nful of mir nature, contrary to ica-on, exaKgeint-uii* ol Wcilpture, fal^ lo any I" r' manent hold ot t'liristlantty, and, next to the bAnt-r p.i smus aod appa.ltea, tho cbiof aourne of ski ptklsai and supt-rstitiou. lt ia against skepliolaui aud atiflaraUllon. agulust Iu^maulsiu aa tho ivpe of oue aud IJU-rul t-biir* tisuity aa the type of the Otber, Tbat the Alllanee nas dirtBCted all lta a-greasivn force. But tbe cbjel ikeir tl.-iiu. wltb ttbleb lt chiirire* lltanttuie, aeleiiea, pblioa.*. phy, Ibe presa, an.l tbe w uoie terid.-u.-i.-s of tbe ume*. n morvljr tbe BhapfltaflBM lelt for lta own piatform?wblcti balf Iif own speakera bave lu eaaeuee repuiliated lu Uu u apeevbea, uever formallr, bnt by tbe spirit ol tbeir addntaaoa. Wiuih I* moat likoiy to 1*8 wroug and U Ulndbund?a pl-tform of techulral, onelena* iua1, uiiT.ii>-v_ai, achblastto proiMWltiotla, or tne gbi.oral iiiiini aud tompor ut aa agn Itoculisrly aclTve, free, lnfjui tltlvc, earnei.. {""} taoroogh I Th.y irive inp tboir oaaaa. la IU riootrin'tl liaim, when ttiry s. knowU-.tK.- Uiat Uie *pinl of tln* Niiietcciitb Century l* contrary to lt I Wbai tbey cail HlcepUclfm is veTy larjely mereiy new and glorlntu light; wbal tbey brand aa Inbdelttv ts a hroader, awi*ter, nt _,i. r, murt) asaun-d faitb ln tiod; wbat tbey oail tlm prlde of Keinou h oui) tbe recogultlou of Ciod'a Koaaoii lu Hliiiiauitt . w-iat llie.) cail HJc'IIuk Christ ll were..'.' ri-(.'*ung tbau u_i|s rfe-t.'cxtrai agaul, aud iu a mauurr uiispixitaal rouceptlou of 'Jhrlit, whom tboy dlai-rowu .?i.m tbe AlmlKbty liod to put into Hia Ynlber'tand Iil* auvorelgn'a averUsting aoat. We aieaa lo bonor Cbrisl by bouonag Cbrial'a owu aecouut of blm*.-if, ?"'? ''>' woraklpuig llliliod aud our <; vd, Uu Faliicr aad our Ka.liar. wilb illui aud all aaiuLa. Tliaiik Ood. tha KvaugDlicgl Alliance, a m.ble txviy, jtnd with moat lmpnrlaut and blcaaod intluem ? ? l? folu.w Ita uiortlng, was far lal.r.' lta own piatform. Bany ot iia chief spT.ain ir aud ap*-ecbea nri'.l. J oo cbauge to make tin-.n thorougbly ac-_>ptable te na. I rf)"*0** '" tit-lr eomlug toariner, and ln tbe _rlinioui raee tiugathey have hatl. fiut as they bave aaaumed to exclude t nlta rlana froai tat- I'lole.iat.t i tiurch. aud lgaorod tbem afl dlauwiuxi Uie.ii, and atlneked tb-ui aa lulidela, I bato ibought it my .inty to afaow imw iit tle tbeir raal wortb d.-jf-uib-d oo tbe u um ol tiietr piatform, aud bo* minb laJflM tbi-. t.uc aliiauoo of all i.'b.lstiaua u tbau tue Kiaugrilcal Ai liaur*. Tbat liod may prumoM His gn.rv aml tbe building up of tbr kiug.lom of bia Han, by tbe.r ?eal, aud i,y our _t_.lil> lo Uum aad dui>, m ?y aioil aameat pravar. CURRBNT PISCUBBIOX. COVFU-fMrTrfT EXPEKDTTWRFA an DBPL?AaABT ifi-Miiifi.rrr. n-m TU Ntw-llwnm tttjxtter. Tiik TiuaiiNK, in un urticle entitlorl "8.rionH nmtiii _a? for Congn ?_." tmtt (ual " from tfefl _r*l ol Hcu tetnt,. r to the he_1nnliii; of the new year, lhe Becrotary uf tbe Trf.-iMii-y wlll ho roqtilred to pav out n.ld to thc amount of one hiiBiired und tw_nty-foi_r million* of dot Ifira, whiln thc ccln reKoureca of tho treaaury up tu Um flr?t duy of Januiry are oattmated at 8B8feaadMd aml twei,t>-tbri-e millions, in.ludin_ iho Alabaiua award." Tlila la it rather Hturtliiig auitcment, uml thcro are man/ ? M wonld ia. gimi t.) Have it n fited if It can be. In th.a flt-tteniont tbo'uuatoni recelpua are ?et down at t fly mil? lion., whic ii i? cjrialnty a lihcral eatlmuic. Thc reault will bfl that the ttnlted Htutea Ooveninmnt wlll be coin pcilod "i. re-ori uguin, aa ln wur tiiiien, u* thc paaar tliill. rind pi Intlng prcai-"* to pay lt* nttiutng expoiiao*," ae.-ording to the auine anthunty, Wc thln\ thut tne siiii.itiuii .m uni. _? griro a_ nua boen ropre-oii-eVl. Prmt in_ pretflet running night and duy to auppij tfea Qorent moni witb ftitirln to pay Ua ..rdinury expen*. s Ifl not u pica__.utp.B_j_,||llr to.'ontemplate. A STAKTUNCI KXtlllllT. _ Prorn Ttt AlnnpM* Apptai. In another column wo puL>.i?h an article fnnn Tiik ,\K,v Toaa rKIIHlNK that i* aUrtliug iildcrxl. li tbe iiv-iiieH there ln yv.iu aad facta aiut-d batrae, aaa that tbey are we hara no MfeaM to toaM, it m iv Ixr thM Uio BCflMea ol Uie lie.uniry wlll be *el to work Bftalu to inrtke up a puH.ii.,lc .I.U-tcacy growin# out of thelaeOcleaey and mtamun.igimctit of thc moat Ini portaai department "f tue Qovernment Tlc fi^urcs, bb tii.y ure (,-ivi ii i,v Tiik TitiniiNR, read uh if nrcparcd by our who Iiiih au lut'iimte .ici|iiu.uiikiiir_. with tho allilm ui Uie in-i-fuiy, und abow on Um lat of Jtiiuuiy there will i.e a d. flclt of nearly a million, with but lltili chaiiB. ror inrih from tli" BBMatM or r.-veiiiic depart nn nts Im fon tn. lli .1 of the foilowlng iiurutcr. Ho mm li I' i a I'n uiurcr wim ha* alluwe.l hiina. lf lo be uianiuii l... .1 jihi vouirolled t.y a ap. cuuting tynrtloair. aad I i.t hlinaeif ti. thc pnrpoaca ol thc rtBg whlOb hus run (.rantanl tb. (,_ vermnetit. " lljw loug, O IaitiI, ho* loiul" TIIK ONIY RF.MKDY. irrrma Tk* BBBflMfl lixip-Jek. Tiik Ntw-Yoita Thihunk nLiUtn that the onrrene. paymenUol the Oovi-riiintint .uooiint lo tOOO, Kt) PM day, aad llsrcc<MptHaieim>yiil_iiit $._),(*-_; tuo ('i. !l,'__st uouench wcca in uddltioii lo Uh uurnmey reoeipla Ui iiiaku ita ourreiiey illabtime Ut nin. Wln;rtj ia ibut lo come from I Not from gold.of a hi. a ii baa 1. i* i bau vso.i Mi.ox), wlnch will :>?? ml needed tu nu- i ,,1-,-rn, ig gnld Them will be oo ro eonrs.;, ii, but to put tlie urtiiliug [..eaa lu ope i.iiion,.iH ,u iii.r aar. to matk exberaotaa. Wha tber thce ttatemenM of Taa Taiauva be oorreet or not, wc uiay reedily .* i i bal onr pr. .soni, Hya-ciH ..i haokiag and rnrreoey may at any time lobjaet the todaial (Jovurn ?I 01 I., ,-,., irra .i... nt. It i.-sla i-nliriiy upon publie . utiilil.-iiei ulitiii! ln thf (rovi-rumcut HiMjurilioa uut in i...r haal i .md baakan alao, HffOBM wuh a IMUM-i trom tht 1'rovtdm.e Prttt. Tni. Tuihi'nk _gurea Irom tlie montlily utaite 'u'i.t, aod the et i.. in. ut ut puymoiiia aaaaM Ttmm the Traafloiy, aa Increaae ol tim paiillc doi.t fot the montha ul Augtutl a id J pa n.r. The Wai Depan__e_rt hM aheorbad over Ma mUmm la t..u t_,> imniiii., , i-i at 11,;: i.iL.- of aixty iiihIioi.h u y.-tkr, uml ln. Nav> ii purtmuni levon mill iouB, wbMfeMM tto aaM ol foiiy iw? milliona a year?ld u Uaai o. peaaa, Hixty andfortj oiake oae hnndred and two uiiliioiin.>f tWO ite;i.irtiuiiit_i .iluiie. Well, tlie p. pi, v.erc pi .iniH.d coonomy, rcivn. huieiit, aud ie f.i..i, uud ui,'/ ara gniilna it?wltfe a raaceaaaal QQHCEBMINa TTBL TANIC. A .YtUNlM, IO IXIRAVAIJANT TWOBtM Yr.i-n I'hr I'dtip* l.att. Wlh thi r the prosenl panic ba tt more llnrry, loaa t,. i.;,HH i.vei. ,,r | he ci.d ol prosperity an.l tho pre lade M fti aBa rtliwatari wimh *haii invulvi-tbe eutnv country, aa TBB .sl R YOBBTBIBI nk. MalB, wi-. hnpo unil ..uiialiuii, Ual', ure a fi.w fac.lH whieh lli.i in luc fui 8- i nor. und ot Ila tvnich we aliuiil l a. oi., aa a uuii.ui .u.d n .Iivi.1ii.i1h, Ui i-oneef N IW, lt is ;,* e.Tt ii'i rih lai" We culilrut, us i-omilHUil ti"t a Uti a* iml i. Iii iB_. kocp g, tllUg dciper uud decii.-r inlo... bt? .i.ui exp cl io i in..,u aa Bxtawraaaat an.l never. TheMaaaof lio.-O-.oooort,-0,ouo,oito of grei . I; prevent oar baiog ploobed wheb _?< ,,r,-1 ...u. i upon tu pav '-if'- e thomaitflfl of miUlaaa ed dolian i '..i.t. .iu.-s. wnatever tbe Immedlate retnB oi IBa ir.oiru. p-inie. ii is a lunt ongat to ln- hardeq, 881 lag Ul lo reluru to liu_ita ut ccoiiouo?contraotiiif. in. in ?.-, .1.:.; , anl p_ying tlu- old ua faat aa poaaibla. Ttier. is i ii ether aeneat way of Kftting ml of them. ex 1 ?? i,sn i ,,s tiun tvav g. Ih to ne at laat, 88 .lelite uccuiim lalc ; BBd Ulanuuea: f t-, iu IfeB eud, inore. I xihiubIVc yet. A I'.I t'NOI II "V THB 1IANKB. ra v.s.-urv. Tiik ,'iii.ii nl iusks, ?'Snall it tit) Biirfrcry ot oaackerj ( ' un.i anawera it? own nueaUoa hy domantl mgan extra teflflion ot Congreaa ! iin-r are eaoet where tfea r iu. ui i- worflfl tnaii cto d-floaflci TMbTbibomb iu i> barig'it?i tlns, it.iit n r-utnpiioii ia tne ouij aare tor uut ne n.i ui troable o, aad Itoi aev, abare all otb etfl, ,n ilu uu.,- lo lesiiuic. Bul it M88M oild to ua M iu il ,e Ni v Vuik baoka aaa and ehoum reauuu , layau'uu at th. moi cni they Bave tuapanded p.itin. ita lii ifrcei.i'.itiiH. Theee baaka made a trom l .liuilc-i, i , k-iic it m. hnaher name, iu suaiieiiUina' tbeir i nu* ol bu u ieaa. tbeir. nm 8 i tneved, not i> reaumlng apecto parmenta un Iiy ii lelurri a( .,nei Iu all cx,'ilt..l|,,n of coiitiiienee lli tiniUM-it. ., whieh will befflt eoiildeiH c ti.g the pco pie. Taeee b..a beea ne dlMraM ol theae loatttntlonfl ,, ? Bare* ael InvHed, und invit.-.l bv tlmnlity. .. itr. imiii Um I'oueU] baa ao n aaoa t<> iioutit, uul ,' i: baa a ri^-ii to demaad thal tba KtNO-lth bfl riiowii wh. n It ih mo"t iiie.l.-d. A COMU-CT 81 ITKMI'.Nr. rrom i'n. tk raat ru-tr.. Tm Nkw-Yurk ritiiii'NK.wroiif-'on fho farifV. in ou* of tn, M.iiii.l. ll |, p. r- Ifl lhe i?uinitry on the ei reaey qaeatioa. A- Un i .t" eraah Wlll make this ?abj.. t pi Htill . Wl l. :..f'l fll. tol.u.VII.K irxir.url aa nol . m* vcl _______ hia iicwikiug of the httul atti ntlon of overj .,-? n itatea tbfl caae M all h'lmiui .\|.-ri te. aad ln-'urv hus i vei ,1-ri. r-ltaiiil it tu bc. 1-ii rinci.u tnm ih tfee i-i rtuiti end of onr preaeat wreB-bedflTaiecaol paper < n-.iit. [taara: lt 1. a a" >i uml Mflwta* tmtt?. But it ii nor tatr tu loiik fbr tLrr .1,?i .... rurlurr , te. tl. ,t> fr.-ui th. n.c._ ',i tlir fotuy tOWU M * i. mmtltf?mt _? i_-vc u,.i our Inaorir.l > .-..-. ...,r'..,.ri.t ._.|_-n-r* ? ae* happi i.iii| iron, a.v t., ,|,r?.,k llr. ra.'-r.i?r lar.'a pooylt. BflfflrBBfll Ir.rhri : tr.. ,-.rrr. I II -IMI 10 D 'ttf ro ., tk io* ul | ,. i Us n ... nruiil mr,. _..- .ctan' q(B*_h_fll *l |i 4 ta; .ilr.i rtptmalM uu iii f,r*, r.i, irr llf. nr tsrr_ia_?uu m wih-ik . lum. .-'r,s? fhe ?o.r,..ij',IU irJntmt. Tni -faw-Yo-t- Tbibvvi tkwttt ttw daager ol ti,.- boal ;.. i.e tha r< M itMM ?i itbfl mov. BMBI <.t thfl . m tto w.-si t>. tto reaiiuurd. it r_tvH tfee fltoppaaa oi tm mon iu Btol iri .ni, ii,-ui',-r. tto fl-Ofpaaaat nhip i.Uol for i.'h v-"_l l, uh, and cotir--.|Ucntlv the ruin ....... I. .oui. tn.i' " -uli hiliidtvils of million* of -on.ertlole w.-nlth on hand. tbe wheeiaol tr.ule ,i. tl.,?-_-. I. and iintiiimlH-re.l evtla rolhiw awift bebliul." Tflil U ii-- Ih' w_.,ie ioi.v. Xhfl V. i-nt BOMMBMI the real wcaltb of tt." roautry. vul Ute l__-iiuu.-i p.iy Iti prleefot K or go to the wall. IThlle tufa I* thi ,.,.-, wc tuiv, no o, likMOU to a great fliiuncuil BrMM,>i's SOTJJECTB. I I.l I AM' .-I-*- I I.AIiCll. ; i m i'lu lltbtpA Hetnmel. I'm: Nkw-\u.ik lllllll b,Y, it.llUIll- tO t'.tull lish >n:it .r.-i labor haa baeB-OaadM hetoprodaetire ua Blme luoor, i.-mark* : .. [ t.'.r ? . .r.rv lr,.. ? t- l_t~ .,.,.n ..r. ?-,. : -,,il l.(M. ? ., ?', ,, ra.-. ? ft!,,- rr rrr ,r,i. l.-.l) , S T.'.HISK. attt*. Tbt ro.paaf ;h..:i ??i ,-l ' aul'Bl.l .111,1. ? ? _ _, Iat..i MMflBfW ? ,ott,,n. ... a ka Wc hav.- unp commcut to kiihmlf, iad lf we arc m eir.-r we would bc gl id to he eoCTi ctod bj any of the ln. telligent I inn".-. We d" not thmk thut Tm: Tkiiiu.nE sj" Dgarefl provethat free lahor hus i.een as, tlectlvc a. alavo liti.fTr. Wfl irrrint thit viewed trom u North-ru Htand point, tbey hare thal a*peel bai we who rt.pln.n. boutfi. ua a muiur ol fuct, know that the freedmeii feavd m.t work-il over two-tttltOl ?i aelj as th.y il.d Wfeaa tbey were Iferrea. The quctlon maj theu' M u-ked.'if ttn* b? *<?. how ih It that of four tci-at cllou eiu;.* two liui'ir Kou luri-i, MN W War, ar?i ih,- average ol crops for three yean baa baaa nearly eonal to that of two reara feefoM tbe war t Wfl have tblfl to -ny tn explanatmu : Firat, tue cciisua must Ih- re.erred to m ord. r to leara if there U not a great dlininiiflonm the other cr.-i"--cereula, tobw'co, 4c. Iu otb.r worda, while the cotton erop may be' approxi mately na larf?, Iher.- hu* been a very great falllni. off m the pr.r_?K_||ou of breadatuffa, and other lciwlliit' ?'ni l-* K..f..u.| tbe cotton plantera have becOBM acfuallv nmio lut. und enii-rprlniiK. That tfl to *ny. th._y uie in. r. iicioicdiii HicrowuptTHOiial clforts u>c far miire fr-rt.lirei-B. and eolMvate the aotl OO ii.ncli more avlentitlfl prinwp.e*. Tu tucse f?~ta. more tbuii to uny n.lTlit, on tl., palt ol tbfl net-ro l.ihor. t- to l" utliibiLtrid. itfl Vfl bellere, tl,.- rW coippartion ot Uie ii.-uim a*gtt_u by Tm. Titinuiir. TRV.lHtRY HrwiKKKKPIXO. #r.?*, Tht PorlliitaiM' ) Argu*. Tiik N Y. Tkiiii nk i_ followine the ,?ccre tary of'the Trt-amry with a ifctrp . ttc* mr hi? i?i.s.iti taeie-T monthly clcbt Htuteuienta and muutbly atatf menta> o pavmenta made from the Treaaury hy wai nti.ta, whieh 'hiKTBiBi-Nb claima.amt very conr- u. iveiy ahow*. are aa un_atlHfactory, ao far o**?*oar mtelUglble inaigbt mto the eondltlon of the Trw.a..r> .nd tn.- monthly co_t of tbe Ooverumcut. __i ii*c ( h.m-. . cllaracttr* ou a te* cboat. It ?-U tm- v*i?oudHure ?_?____, Z tbo1.wo moutba, fa-r?t^p.?aar. und Hhows that they are *? the mt.- of W__tr999_mayean incl.idlngDeU-iuu-.lutcrcat on d_bl, *c., div-.. ? Uich ia ?40 .*.,?>, mur.- tha" laflf rrar'ar.s-elpia. ln other Wi^. that the (iovtrumeul m rat"^ ??"** * ^Xl* ot nikiiTiJVr off uccordnit: m ihooe flkuica. ll udi_s . oi paj ing it , n. as-v*,i,, ,?. ^ ? h to monlh toi li?A7__5aM3 -r_.Brfr._itV U-ta .. tru. R?___ntft&??y^T ?**!ih" *' ***,w ??"" Tuvi i?h?ullt-altber that it doea uot mean tt?Mf#d ? ("hall know thf cxact fluauiiUl coudition. or that lt lu t.nda t_ ivV the |nf,rrmut.,m, bol 1* unul.le to (lo tt tn ?.l luteliih^iraaer^iUMr tbe otb***. are f,m _, orthey toUhCMaiT Mtaad M daaaivat Wbm ? m i__*_of Urairu, probaliy __________________ THB YAXVOntD M01*0C_ 27.C San rraMttbeo Jiuimim is aot plwwd with tM iTfl-ideuffl nxrdv* ot Burncbo and Sloloek, whtategroundof juttiflcatlun wa* tbat tbey were anb etdlnete* and only ob. jad ordei* TM UiUkMn toyt they are tborougb pa.*ed ra-eala, and add*: Bamcho and BBBBtt are Cu?.r?at.*hefl dioek lndian*), and _*de th- ir burne m ib* Lava _Md pnor to tbe w.r. TievTm__se.lJa.-wbeuhe tried lo m, ure protraoted p.'a_e Cl thec-aaatioiiiof boatllluc. fbev were for w__--llr-t. la?t. and all tbe time, aod were MBMM lhe ailbertmu of Hchouchin wbtu hr ridlculed l-skiiitb.? cavc, atlheliimtof the parley wlta bteele, andplar-d**. cup on tne cbiefuin*. feeadla t-.ken of hi* Th_y favored the m_*H*ere of tf.o OMBMBBMMMB 8B4 a?*J*Uxl M tbe woik. liuyw.-io ouiv tm inatruuicniH ?.f iu thut th. y aaaun_4fl|a tloiia whtrh he aa.ign. .1 to them. Tbey were otjlytoo anxloat for op|Kirtuni_oa to *__*)t at the wh te lytoe*. Yeouu who urt- p?M*o__niy acquauii-d witb Ifea Modo.a, aad are f__i_ll___* aith tae wrtimmuit fc_t_j. ? of tbe war wtn feel anilone to Bntjw Um real reaaona for BOt t-iMutina tbeae two aooaadiato la eompaay wlttt .a**|. Beheaeblo, Boelon Ch?rlay. aad, _-v_t Jlm, wbo pn*? ably paaaed awuy abonl tio.,11 to AAy. DliirT OF rOUTWAL D18GV8S10N. THK CHIEF jUH-CJUr-t-P. JIO PtilJTK'IAN WA.NTI.I_. fll ... _*\f f *\_mnp. bjlflj. ]****? ***** i fb**k ) Tho. diapateh fruin Wit*thin>rtoii ? tWW morn luiraa?_oi_iut,ui.ciun.that tho l'.uwdeui ba.1 taaderefl ihe manile of Chlef-Justtoi' Cbaao to Ken.itor Ib'"'"** Conltlln-T. re-wnkeiind the faar that BlMltflflJ Urant 11...1 made another sciioum mismko. Tue d> .'Mila-ih is nol ..11 flrm.'d, nnd lt now appeara tbat tlie story of ConklHi- n aiiporaflaiaafl waa n eanard. W<* Bflafl hope to so* tbe an Uie iiupublicau presa ol the c.nuir. inove.1 by this UU ie .care to cxprcss oue ulea and fi.rclmv tliat no oue, lennx of all t Iw Preaid-nt, shall fall to under tsn.I it ln ita ftllleat ineauiua. TbatKloaMsimply tbal Hrr parti waaM to scc ao mere poiit_ci.ui roixt.l with ibe ermlue of M.ii-hull and* arrrwar- fnr poltti.-al s-rvui?*. iim Cbl.f -JusiitM-sblp abmil.l 10 ?. ...fcrro.1 iu ?.coidiin. <? witb hut on.-itlea, tnat of i.-uii.x.i,t puiity aud JudlciAl alnllty. II ehoiild Ise grven To a mau who h;ts ertven his lifo to tho study aud praotion of law, a mau lo whom lurtapi-denoe is u fiutouiatiug ami .l.iiglitfui aunject. who luvcs the law for itaelf as a D UBtBT fcnraa liis art. Itshould be tlvon Uiamati whoso oaily lif.i has t.iui. . inui to icmird the piiiHTiploe ol law as sapmu.c, aod uoi to one wlioin politicul ambltlon an.l lutrtgiu* have 11. u'c deiloient In le?al lenrnlng, or tauifht 10 nrard m:.rtei-? from tba ai.iiidpoinl of poiioy. Tue lliwi fcatwceu the Judleiary und the I_~-Kl.r_.tiv.' ninl Bzoduttve Depart mciits ho Us> broadlv and ilmtimtli dl-Vtu. 1. 1 tbe C-Mf<JuaUee Be 00 politielao Uka Coflb-ufl or Jflwi toa, bntajqdge amlnent fnr laarnldg ln tbe Iflw. Nirr THK I'I.ack Fi>it A BAtABT QKABBBB. Arrm tt* DrtroU ?Y*t I'r.f (/ts*l Mr. ConkliiiK's frieodi BBJ. t<?r Inm ibat 11 be took a aeat on tbe beaeb he would <tu.7t blma lf of Ibe parttaaaabip wtiieh is imw one of Ma ttartlngniabtuK miirlis. aud .ipplv bttntolf dillgeiiiiy to the new work aaalgoed him. A.lioiitiug thia, atlil tb. < un.f Juatiee thiD is not the plaee 111 wliich a mau . lumld I. arn I ohjciilitin to lir. Coii-llng*a iippolnti.iimt Beatflaa his 111 in llic l:iw,.iiul Mr. l oukliug's legalexpex-Mioa> emiirii its a period nf but nlne t ears. iixre llaOOthcT coinpr Uncy. though lliat alulie snonld eertalnlv lx' sull.c11.11t to oi lidciuu it?bia c.iursi'ouUm Siilaryuu'-st Ion. Ttu* eannot be palllated by any aetion Mr t v? .11 k H11 k ma) now ntf tli to take lu tbe light of the rva-lnMiin sstopt. .1 by tl.e Ne vi York ib-publuaa Hlaln Convention. Tui aentlmeol ol the people Un the aalanr irruii Ims been ao often m.iiilfesuxl thui tt Is na'.irtl t. > aapflbae even rrealrtonl Clruut eould unierstaml tbat m.-y do uut desirc loaae KrablKir* lu hlgh pl.ic.s. A CO.MI'AKISO.N IIKTWK.KN BBNATOflfl BOWfl ASO .'ONKI.IN.i. ? Prom Tke miuotmAor .v *it*n 1 H t,) Activi; ptiliLiciil life itt <|uiU conKtiiii.. to Benator Conkilng*y t__st.-s. Tn n oonaptcuoua ln tbe hf 11 iim aul d.'iuii.'s that aiiltate tbe iiutioti from mii r Ui iiiicuiiifeiciicc would Imt mueh uiorc, vtiii liis foellnga tban to drowae upon tbc beueg Ina black iiiiwii, iliMiui'il to IbflM to itb.ti._ct iiririii.i'Mifs aml i.ovcr hk) biuisclf iu tho iiiuriiiug paflaM. Befle ot these oljccioiiH tmn ba urio'd ai'iiuist _i.ii.itor ilnwc. He Balaa BM draaa-aarad. aml aba fuss nnd leatban la Coakiiag iikesso iiiu.ii debflbt, Ha baa Bafl tfla expenenee .tt tfla bar and oa ibe beaeb abiob his foaagar New York e.iiniHtitnr imk*. n.? already [><>* MTSs<'H i.iiniy .(tialilioutloos for Um . itic ibut tbe OflBaW would have tO aotiuirc. Ti.e dltfcreuta- iu Ibe 1111 11 ial cirnstitutloi.tif tho two men is lu favor of Howc, wbon wo weigb tboiu fur a piaee iike tbat. ??--?? 1'AI.TY i'KOSi'KCTS. iiii. O-ilY WAY TO PBBaBBVB TUE BBFUBIiC-fl TAItTY. _*r.*a 7V /s'lKisipi'liJ ./on?oil lltrp.i It reslH with the partv BBflBBfl-f Ut ili-riili- itn fiiiv.iv Ht.ttilH aud Iflfla. Il ean eiwily 1. taiu tbo oontl denee of tbe people aad tbeeontrolol Ibeootintry u n wlll, atul it can itn easlly foifelt Ihetn. Two tl.i'i.- it cuu uud mu st do. aud tb.-Ho oover preitv muob tbe tthoit _roiui,|. First, It mu'i-i nauiinatc aud eleel uoue bul if.sitl men to offlce. rteeond, U 111 ust Introduce riifid ccoiio.ny und a gflflaflfll reireiitiimoiit 111 llie aduiini.-tra ti.ui nf aBalra. Ttu- taadeney of ibe tiuu-s is to extr.iv.t, both ptihlia and private. Tue exi*.'tis.'s of tlie National aad moat of tue Bate OovornmenUi are lnoie tbau they ou^lil to hc. antl shunld b<- inat. rially de Bl-Bfl-B. Tlmi-s are " har.l,'* money is ataire, Tlie people nre heaviiy t.txcil, and everythu.K catia for econouiv untl reiici.chuit.iit iu <,,-iieril,;.lu!a.. i.'i.ii.auil uiuunipal fjovcriiin. iit_<. The party has tbe power to raflona this reform, and muat do 11, A linpiii.l.can Fre _ ltlcul .nai ( oi,_;us- were eleeted last yeai' on tutspk-dg.-, nnd the pait] Isl.oiiud to carrv li out, boneatly. Tlgof oiisli, tlu.roii_.lii.. It ia moiti tban a uiuttet- of hot.or to do .0,111* a matter invoiviug tbo exiatc-ui-o of Bm party. I^:i tae s.i.aiy grab is.- r. pealed and tba inereaaed iata ries lie put bitctt to tlie old fluures, no as lt can is Doiisututioiuillv done. ll Uiert are auy sintoure', l.t th. in be abollaned. L, t tbe apprvpriaticma lo cviv d.* p.irtment hr eut tlown tn the lewew pt.ssll-le tltrnre, attd nvery sui-eruunicrary clerk und etuploye of iin; _*?verii meBt dlacbarged, tne people exnect this from tbe -?? pnbllcu pnrtv, uud this it niu.tdn.or lt wlll lose aud deesirve to lom- tle ptcsilK'.' and power. IIIK 1\|)KI'KM?KM I'AKIY IM O-UTOBBU. ri,,,. ;,,. .7/,! i..,:at.T?o BmltttmlBip I, ?-.-:?'. 2*i. The lnil'iii'-iili'til.s yrstfrilny laid the fonn Jallaa for more than a loeal party. Beltber tin. liepublioan nor tba Dwooomtle part eould have adupt. .1 aucb .1 piatform. It obotalna the eaaentlal prln cples 011 wi.lcli th? next vlctorinu* natiotiiil p.irty MBM si.iinl. \v iiatun-i p.trly ib.iiics ov irunrt* tbeao jiruni ples will go t<> the wall. Tmrc 1 _ un prospe, t that the Hepiibltcan party, as at pffaanl t.i_r.iiiir*vti. will snrvivc tiritnt'r-'' "ini 1, rm, 01 wiuci. ouiy about two yeara ra iiiniii. N01 ir tbere tbe proapoet tbal tlic |Mmo criitie party 111 Its prt .-*--nl conilltiori, or In any eoudltioo vsj,., u it will ihi lue,;. toattuln, tiui Uiko tbc k-.i.l in the ncxt ii_ttioii..l, ..nv.i.a*. im Bepublicaua wlll batre bad ulc.iseof power fnr 16 5rears. Thev cannof Knew thut leaaa aceurdlng u? iii,;pnseiif ouUaob. lt -Maa-taaao-it' uated ior u tmi.l term a*< a deaueralo cxp. .in-ut, tbe wbole cmiitrv tvouid be aronaedtn oppoaintm. fh. i-*ui s wuicii tbe pl.iifiirui ot liio lnicpeudoiits umk Tin -taiiiuiiiy tboae wblob aea bewg r.tu.,. 1 by ihe good inenof borh thcold partlesall n'..r tbe country Wl. - i.-vi-r tt.trs a?_..iiist tb__M dtxiaruiious m->k._i his tlcrbt 011 ti.e, siih , ui-.iu-o be v.ili tie founti nwistnig rlgbt, oumber , and popolar lymnftthy. Greal queatlunaara fortiiig tlieniselv.!*. upon tfle com.try. BOW to .1.-..I ateel) u uii tlie on T_ hadnwinic uud ct iiuptini; power of monopollea ; ibe taiiff, wiUi all Ita abuaea ; Civil 8.-rviie Keiurni, whah is .taiting for son." partv l.olicst an.l lu Uipi-udiiil ..iiniigli to citiry 0.11 itt-jiriuciplu* ; tbe land granl .oni iubald> abuaea, wbleb uav.- tbraateoed toc-x li.tiist tlie dorualn by traii-fcrrinir all tu* BraBM laiitl !?> a few gieat corpoitiUons?I uu*e antl olui r .ui; cballa-ga tbejadamentol avery aoter ln tbc countryatan aarly day. M.-n ar<- nylng, We me teady for fln. moveuient. Tbo time t,as MW for tbia nea departora. Tuat wuicb lo gooti m a mcai way is good wbeo BppBed ro natloual rilll.AliEU'IiTA I'ARTlSASSUir. THE IP^IBATTB of vominatiov?PBOTBbT AOAfttBt iiii: i.'\rKNMii).N Ot himi RCLfl iM" .i.mi.s nial Thoiiiiu* II. Speakmnu of I'liilatlt Ipliia haa ls meda puniphletoo "roi.tu-ui Partlea imir (.-flflaa^ Al'ttses,"cnl'.fng attcntion tothe evi! of ilrawlng party Ini.--111 Inenl iiffiurH, and having esprclal refi-renee to the ei.rmptlons M Phlladephla pt.lltiei, stmia of the r. sponnbiilty for whlch he endeavors to show belnmra to men of bigh poaltion in tbat clty. Among tbe more pointod appli .iitious be makeapt tbia texl is tbe foilow ing, a itMiiluis-i-nco of th" .._nii|.al?i. of 'li: In June of last 1 car ttn-re appean d iu tbe papors a 1,-Tfcv aililrcs-. fl bv 1 niimhcr of ifcntleui..ii r_> Y. Tbe idnri' which. to use tlicir own, they " tteg bave to reijne?t t.but tuu will coii*eiit tu go beflorfl themembers ol tba Republlcan party of ilus clty aa a cainllilith foi uomination for Recorder of lieeda." Ibfl uutnf 7 to tbis i*a|a-r are aa followa: Aikxam.h'. Hknki. MAinitw Uaird. ,f t;tt 1 .m i-vtr. .Iimtw P. VraiiPi:. XlOKtOI MtMu iiaki.. Juiis MKl WKTH- RELl. j.iiis Ot-Won'aBog'flCo. j P. hki'.ikr Ai Bokb. w,T7i.t .. jrivir. ?no. R. I.rrn.R. J l-'KAlLhr BMITH. .fA.MJ_? Ia. Cl.AOK.lR_r. !?' l.AUKt.1.1. liai-iVVfirCB. M. liAt-L SlANTtIN. li 1? well known tbat Mr. Waltou was so fur moved hv this tlattei um tiibute aad appeul as to eot-tnt to oee-ti>t tlie LamiiiviTiou. nnd vtaa..-lei-ied; aud, aa compar.-d witti ln? pr. t'.ei. a* ior., tt ls due to hlin fo ttay, tba; hw uiau iigfiumtof tbe offlce baa lie. n bii:bly lattsffcotory. At tba time, bowever, aflieu tli.-.e gcutlemeu tbust _;ate tl,.ir naines to the public 111 support of Mr. Wnlton, t!iere,W-_*H_ri_dy iu Boinitialiou tor tho name paflflflBfl 1 Kiu'l.'iiidii of iioquosuouable loyatty to Itepablicau prlnelples, pr< Pmlneutly qualifled by clu. atiou aud ex l^rieucc, and of hl*cli sUodiag aa a eflB-fln, who *i_TO__d to pcriorm Uie duUo* of Ibu offlce af 'a siilny of tb-.nou a year, jvhlle it wu* well knoati that Mr Walton Would de m_ti.ll tb'- usuttl ft-e-., yielditig lu tbo Ki-ooaler, aa rarl oualy . -tupale.), froui t60.oeo to tlb.xXX) n year. Of court**, li ia undemiootl that iroTwitlistnadliiK the snpp.isnT hin gu.tge oi iblsapiitaL, lt was a Uevice of Mr. Walton bimaelf ur 0: liir poUtical cunfederales. iu his bebalf, to procitre the inflomi'mi nr of the gritlemrn mhonn uamei are artucbed, ami tbia they ware willlng to Ifmd. being in cfltet a pui.Ui; retioiameiidutlon to tue p._opl.. ov. r tti.-tr klcuatnr.**, to eupport Mr. Walton for Kecnrder af Iit-idi in preiorem o to sli otber eaadldatea. Nono t.f thcro Keuticiiicii 111 prltat- bualnels wonld thluk of p.-iylnalBn.OOO ayear for serrtces whieh a man of, to sat tbe leusf. e.|u..l .tatiduig ainl qu.iliticatlona offl rel in gwotl faitb to perform Inr $s,U00 a year. But wbat is of vaktly inore aignlflcance, tbc* gentlemsu oflTrring to Iterform tbe dtitloa of Beoorder of lieeda for a salary of t-.ODO a year, waa one .of a nuu.litr of caqdld.tie* proposed for the diff^rent city nfll rw? bv a niimis-r of _rentlemen wimhave t*^u conseleu ii.iiv.iy ianuriua to i<?tt-*rtb>- gt>veruniental cnndttiou ei our -U), antl proi_<>sed tbe ayatem of aalarics iu licu of feoa ui one of tbe most imporiaut mi-aaures to that eud. Tbean i|ierUl indoraera of Mr. Waltoa, tbcrefore, nnt onlv recommeud tbe people to do what they wouid imt do thcmselvce, that ti. to pay flso.oyo a >ear tor aeTvio.1 tbat were offered to be jerformeil for B.,<wo a year. bul aet tliemselvi-s up ai the siistatnersof exiatlngerroraarid corrupt-uaa lu our municipal goveruineut; aud al) tbia fur put ? Tbe uatnee of a numlx r cf tlieae aame aantlemen are also foiiud uuiu x. d lo a (taptr iMtie.l imm.t'liaU'lv pr. i'1-dii.g tbc tii-itiou of Oi tob.r, 1*771. oautlouiug tuape.a jiit aptinst votlug tbe Itcfortu ticket; to aootb.-r. reeout niendliig Willlam li. Monn for Dlstrut-Xitoraey ; and ta anoih.-r, the prevlona year. indorsing Willlam K. I^*edi for 8bertfl. andao fortb Of tbeae by tb. taeelrea. uudcr the ciToutuiUoe.-*, 1 sbould for mv part bave little 00.11 plalnt lo u.iike, t>ui tbey may propt-rly be taken Inm view iu rouiurctian wltb ibo taoru recout ioauifaatot\ tne apiKirent aniwue ut abicb aarrea w gtve ciiaracicr U> Uie wholo. , JLl I cbarge tbat more or leaa of the oamea found to tne pamm ludomlng Messrs Porter and W.?ltoa arr. am.rin those whost' taliimanic iwiwer rescued fr-m the penit*-u tlarr Hrown. the convteted repcater; aud lf b. ihie. in juslteeis done to any of tbe.... tbey a?;M ww*? ???-_ r. asful than otbera lo procuriug aod aaai Ing pu .lietbe, tbt^Tl-roaiuaul aud At^ruejr-ai.'.ieral Bave thus far OuttntA it pr-.l-er to -uhfcold. ***__?__ ?Ceo oi a re-_l.SU .1 iw-r-i fr?- _** JTZnl i?1*1" Miitallvra in, and tnue viu.-cat** tbemaelvea. Tno more imiiiediate purpoae of Uie aatiele ia to un. tea* aaalBM tba -exM-Wdoa of Waf rale laM mar ematem BMI year." On thia head. Tt Myfl : Tbe terma af ?ome of tbeofflearalo ?'*?~" ?* ** enmtaa aMeln.n wiN exteud "ver ""f,,*"**""1"' 7^' WiU the ef I'huu...lphla K?"''''?"*V?,",.,,rt_ tne* ot _U_wlM tbntwAtbPrm io he *tEE?^M.BMa aeiaaaof m.n, and thi* ouieet for n_bl ?"?*?*'??? h, '.f.M?,.-wtnc.,t it di., loee*. to he reocnc.Aon_ tlut l arand m-aalon. wben .mrri.y. like tbe foroe " n '"J?' " tb* ecnwr of obflervatioo to BJl the clv.lltwvl world 1 Tboae men have lui.l tbi ii plan* for a ?_-? i ? < t"fy '" \ rnrtmr. By their o any nmetiilmenl 8HJ Hcglatry law hast Wuii.-r. tf.ey uvowd af tim tmaie.wiiei lb< ir fiirof Uie reault of ? electiou. Btili tlnir m-u r mii.aflon to perpetrate ?? much frani ?? i" ? >'' ,K" "rrr" ?arr to make tbe reault aure ; and tlnir r-rint aoini iiating eiei ii m gavfl iciii wc 1 en iciii'i of a proflc-eiicy Ui counfing tliaf .1. fl"- evi-riifilngln fli' w-n* of BCHul I. vnte*. Ih. re ir uih- thiu.', *nd uu' 8B8, lhal ean i.ipiei.-iv Mrt ut natight tbeafl *n II lald plau* <?' traitor oufl iblipilty, and thal lt, thi arooa d lo ign.itl- n ol un ontrag-il comiituiilt.. It raatal i* to 1* *.'iin h..w far thr> rpiril of our luu fiiliciH ol r.7? la to be f.iiin i auionar na al thc i-ml i.f 8 c i,t,n . bow man) there ai>- M prot* ll-KiRM. Ive. wur'by of f!w l,,e-?li f. <>f? frer a-'V .1 _in.)iit, aui u, do t i.v ii iliity aa hi prr-Hi rviuf uur Insfitiitioiia f?r p.-ivrii; aa ihc. h.i'.i' Ih cn baiiUinl down U? n*. _____________________________________________________ II nuLTi.'ic -ti.ita\h i.* atftfltf An artic.l.* Iiy tlie llcv . Juiii'-h Fn-emiin (iarkc, Uv right pi bninng, ll l"' d"?'?e?l iu tt*e MM 18MB uf Ifefl Mt/tMlitOt Afur revmwing thf . imjiaigi. iu il Ifl .?:iu_-t:.-,, h. m, I lhe folluw Ing aiaoaa otfeer tl Tii.-rc arc t _?. i" i ..- Ill ri g.tnl to party all* Wbleh, I Hank, I'" pUlnlv a.iown : fli st, Ihat no pn v;i.c__i__.U_ri>fap.i<t. is .Hiiin l lo ABtiaan * uwintnu tiun w!,iiiis".ir fl io b, mad ," - -I. -'?' ' I'y. thal no one foi fcit. tin- tK'lit bv Wotiimi.' u OeAMrnhr lo a cotvcution. Tbcilr-lof thi ne peiBtou* <I.h-h uol n* I a bm.- argument lo Ita ?'.-.jij.ort, fi r it i* ge:i?r*lly ar ,<pfcd fl,- uli bnt v-t ,'nair. w ptrfmMM. II ih merelv npplymg to peillloa tlu: rrotct mt diAitnue oi IM n-'ht of pnv.kic Judgim-ut. Tlie ductrinc of aii I'lufeatuntH m v. ooght lo peioflBo tnemberaM a . i.u . I. uud P'spf |; ita rul. . and teai hlng-. i? P? wm-n lu.-v ure oniMieeJ tt* our iidgmcut of w u it .* true or fnlv-. right or wronp. Ho wc b-come iiieiiiimia of a p irty. and we ouirtit io defer to tbe tosMMM of M* ponr iu uattera of uicroexpcoieufly aud when- ao priudpi* ih lnvolved. Hetwe.-n ttvn catidiil.tte* we mur have a BfefllOBl but we onght lo Hiippon tlie inodidateof our i> irt> iiui.-NH ln la a man wuo-o character or wIkwi pi 1101 woald Ih- jilnl.ily bofldta to the paltlle g.MMl. Hnt lliOHf wl.,, ivlmlt tint ifle nglilof liulil>iginh*re* in cwry olli.r toier are dis|H>ai;d aomctluii-H loitenylt to tboae wbo take part ln u ooorentioo. Tin- araaaM Bl is tbat uli 'hc .BeflBbara af acoiiventlon *r<- iMiiind by tn. I< cih.iiu of the inajoi'.ty aud muat aoide hf IU reflulf . thi* laa taclt promla. . un Impli.-l eiuiriict whlch cai'h make* wiien he 8BMM it. It ia naaiimci, la tbi* ar gmui -nt, tliat we gomu* a convention atinwingUiabiUe t.y ? i. n Bot tbli U tha tttt qaeetliia tk Maaa* h" fur aa Wfl do ao agr?'e. good falth, no doabt, r..|iiln'* u? to acoepl Ita oooclualoaa. Uut thc Blae! to ?>?? il. i ih, What do wu Mad oumelve* M toi Wtt ar* bound, ua IJudgc, ouly to thia a* delegatea l? a Conv.-n Uuli : to BOeept llr nuuiliicHS nn thf tatidi ?aic* of thc party. and Ita reeolutloti* n* the regu attetaaaefl of the party. 87a BM aiio iHiund to puy reapect to tfee dectaiooa of tacfa a Ooo roa tion .?hi r.- tbe aaly pulots la illapirt.' an- pe. hoiiiiI j?wreri>iiei-H or uuostioiiaof < x|M-?li,)n?.y. Hut wheu maltora of right und wrong or important principlea are ,u is^ue w>-faM oa. k 88 our raaerred nghta aa frce and iiii)f|amd*ut j^i uu and n-fuM) ui hc ho slavoa of a mon. majoniy If all m.-n jjo to a Oiuientiuiiavowiiig tim priuciple, how do we break fuith with eacii other l.i actlng ac cordiiig to thia principle I The right whicb wc clann for uuis. ive* we fofii-i-.i.- to mir oppoaaata Tui y hate juat tfei MM8 righl.s thut wc have. LETTEEX FRUM THE FLt'PLK. liraiNESS F-DUPATION. To the Ediliir of Tke Tribnne. Srit: There has IcmK boon a gcnorii! impw* aion in buaineaa comtnunttiea that thc *. t umpliabiiii M of a generona cours^ of atiidy le hy tio meana really eHueutiula* a preparation for l.naiueaa 8BM88BJM A few yeara of plodding worlt with tho ruuilaroenUlH. uddiug, pcrhapa, a amattenuir of Freneh or II coi.Hi.Iere.l ample, aa pre iimi aary to tlu- traimng whi< h the *iiop aflord*. Thuatrhooi preparaliou tor a clcik shiii, ln too inauy IniLiuoe*, 1* an 888888)881 MBBfe r defermlned by tbe tuercrt vagarle*. Tbe routiuir, trcad mill work of thc ?hop ia 888JBB *o early lu life ihat tha lOfeOOl canuot at beat deal thoraighly witl, the nidi BteaM of an ETigiisli cdur.itiun. fhe MMBBMaad uiathe mutlca, eonscrjiicntly. are left compnratlvely tmUiuehed. and ure pr*. tleally s.-aled vulumiM to fbo mulority of tradefluaa. Tto abaunt aotipn tbat acholai-Hhlp la valuable alouo to the profea?lon*, aud tlut a few yeara of work in meamrlamg lacta uud foruulac, an- aii that la neeiiod for aa.twea la uffnrn, is oaaae ol tiiulu,i<i feet reaulM itttcn.llng the operauona of prcpuratory ?cfeaola btudica arc teieetcd ot ran-lorr. io MM Iba whiina of chjiu aod pareut; iui tht- oapnceaol be sutiaiicii. a> ., n .ulr. proper elaaaifl ation beeomea an impo?*lt,lliiy; and working wltnout a chart >?f icrad.-il otudkes. HUtrucUiii. ar>; couipcllo.1 lo t-ili ml tlum uml enenty iu wea.taome cfloita to promote the cluahlng tnten at* of u *core of jupiia. eaeb of whom la riiiing a apt ual feoato 10 graUty elther hH own. ,.r tne pareutul ca priee. if aul.J. et uuktten of atudy wciw not clotcly rulated. a?i tnat llK'. maauri of ono ia eH?,rUtlal Ut uu oafold-ug of ih.- dICJ.-ulti.-a of lifl legitimafe tblfl c,.ui>o would not Ih. ho palpuhly otJeclonabie. ff pirvnii woald cohMidcr and BCt upon the facl thul c vou mdlioere l.-ariiing ih moet. *i. .li'n'U-.y n n hed i vanol -< rraa ? uf tho hHturiii order of tueeeMlon in HtnilicHaH w. II a* of theliiwaof mcuUl growth, the work af u.airueta.u would not en.v 1" nr. u'.iy r-iu.p'.iilc.t, but rejKlarad 'hr. ? fold more eth.-ient. For ao far na eootmoa Kngllah atudle* ure i)oiii'..-riicil, ti.e iotort-Ht* of all MaBBBBeB p.i pilaare idt-nuvui, au.i tbo baat ichuIIh wlll M h.i uiod uy cIom adhanace toa pcoperly gradcd.eurfMaliaB, StAe-Tork.ttept *', i<3. <? u. ii. T1JL ThmWOBbTt KKI'OKTS 01' THK l.VANl.KUCAL AI.LIAX S. To the F.ditor of Tht Tribant. Bai Wc* laxir people out BBBt iu llie ?ub urha, who eannot aaaM a " pilgrimage " to New Yorli to aee and bear the great und thlntng lrghta whteh erowil the city, coneole our.el vea that wc get the next beat thlntr ?t. t., a full report 8l tht procccdlugH of tli, Alliauce lu Tiik Tuiiii ke. Ab, when anything of imiairtance 888888. Thb I Rinir?e riae* above compeUt.on. aud give* th.- most complete ai.d corrcet account of Ibe defng* of tlie Alliance. Tlie eomplalnt of the JTr-w-Yorkere wto eaikiiot ilraw their Thihubbb on acoouut >?f t0e"rna" upou thom. holtl* giM-d he're. To make aure of your PHfcr vto havo tocitll oo tlie newa<li ulera hefor.- 9 or i I oYlotk. aa it la not eaay to get Tu* TBUM BB alU-r Ui.t time. Of cotirae thuao who are lat*-, ur do out what they rvud, can get aome of the othcrs all duy. Manv itntiortant papci- have been read ut the > Ila c whi h aro ouly obtaliiahle through Tu* TBBBCBBj ttvee, wltu ibe uunierous dua iiHaion* antl ..pinuuia of promliienl and lc.iiuc.l men, aro well worthy of prcacrvatloa. lilUburyh, Oel. ?, la'A- ' 11. KiXiHB*. THE ENOL1SH ARISTOrRACY AND AMKKICAN IVBlULTIONri. Io tht Editor of Tht Irtoone. Siu: The Kev. Dr. Krimlley, at Steinway Hall, laal nlglil, detiouuoetl afl a Ue Mr. Bradlaugli n .kMerlmu Ihat the .Jiiun h ?nd arUtoeracy of KuglaoU rvviied the people of America. I seud you with thi* an extr*. t from an artlcle prluttd in Tk* London itme* of July 9, IIM sufltaiolng Mr. Bradlaiigh, anl I rnpim' vim t.? print lt. Comui'-nting ?u the l'rotective Tariir*y?tei-j of Amertca Ike itme* aaid: what a dcetwy aro tbe*.* d< gen.ruie mul ln*eti trnto people prermnng for th?mae!r.a l^i-yaremt ?huttlng themsetviw ont from all aiaiifcind iu ortli-r i? work out aome phllofloahle drtaui of |?aoe auit iliii^ cenee. Tbey have not even the ahort-.?l>;htetf wlmlnni >f th* ('hlneao or thfl Jep^neae, who. in their happy ean rc'f fcared to be contauiinalcd tiv out*)'l.r iui?rioura.-. The?* people are itol.irtcg themselvrs only ln onler that tn.i muv ln.tulgfl ineir own hene vica atioontrollc i With this oljcet thev ure reiiuciug themaalve* Mecea dttiun whteh la a wn'n.fugto thc aorlfl. E.m.i.iSiimab. BtbottrWi oct. 3, tafc iibw poRMfl op BXPtgugramtA To tht F.ditor of Tke Trt bn n e . Sik: In a rveettt numbor of Tiik Tribi'NK appear* fl flottee of I>r. BgttmBtPt new form of cxplo alvefl aa poteuted ln Y. igl.iud, tbo ol.),.. t i....i,_i te n.ix twoor ntoPB raaurtalfl, non^, bv thcnmelvea. IlUt fjlIlilUK' UU I'XpliMlVf. toBip.HIUlt W... II 1,111 lOKlllll'l. I'cmnt me to aay tliat a few yctrs a^o ( rti-viwd tbn aam. tJiing. uilng nearly all of the aaaatfl ?n employ <l uv i)r. Spreuaoi, uud thal mniik Utalfl W8H ?"*de M Maatingon pithllc worka. I flled a rafeal in Jtoaaiy, I8Q, coverlng theiaain feuture* of Uiet Invcoflou __**? Luary vtaut h.ta urt-vciit.d mo from lirintin,,' ti.e Uklog Into public usc. imt bellcvm,,-, ihat ?u'.j.. :h ..1 <1uk ovwv aifd iov* Hhotild he aet rtgbt hefor,- fhe pntilte, I luuko tbta couiuiQUication. ML*a K. Liiviaa Locli Sheldrtikt, -V. 1'.. Uept. Ib, 1873. THE KIN QS TIIK TUIUUNK. To tkt Editor of Tkt Tribnne. Sm : To-day, m traveiiug from Brnti iwhea.I Beg, tn t., to L'uiol aqnare, I not utiahie i., hud a Tuin i aaea tbe roun-. I MBM ?et any of thc eifefT paper? thev were not " all Hold**-Mit f would Bot. N. w. hlr, I nn.ily malniain that the taalt i? yourn. Y.i eaa niak.i your IHAlter atuplU aiul ilull "U'l rirmar . il... foi ? i.?l ?' did notpuhiUh. aa your rofeajporarlM do, uud theu I oukl flud my 1-p.r. Bal jou will not-thut la lhe word. you wUI uol -aud tbn* jx.u coui|hjI iho |0 travel t> tk ruile?li. *eanh nf ?Tnini nk. Hui I will im; U .he?le.l. I shall at-flatapliflh Al mile* if noocMttry t? luie I, a iho aearch. 8. n ^TTor*. Ocf. IX. n-3. GCARI>IM1 AUAIX8T KLK.TIUN HUtD?. It has bt*eu r? jiortetl tolhe uml. im..u-hc?1 tliat pr,.por?ilot,? "lor fraudulent votingat ihe apprriHehiiig biaetien*. hemtofiin. ixi. ualvely pracii<e4, are avw b^ Ing tcpeatett uy BVIBe of lhe mtp?<'tora ol eieeUoaa. mich *a regiflterin^- rtie name* of votrr* lueorrei-tiy, ai?l tbat oUirr irregu!.ir lu -., wuli-b flhow lurouipeteafly anl diaboneniy. dls' filug them from acruug. Voteia ure rhen-tore rcuue.ted to flei" that their are i-ih lectiv ingiatcr.-1 ? and alaoto reimrt to the rtaeideat o| thu Board of 1'uJiot coii.iunaloufra or u, a.s. tosra No. t8 Ea*t 'hir'.-at, anv aut-h uct* of Irregu larttv or lnfoe,p.ieiii,. wita deflntte part iculan and n .poaaibla et iiooi >-. li i* ..... kequi ?t, ,| ibil ln avery eleetloa dl.trl.t lhe fn.-ud*of a pure eleeiioi, arrangn to have wnn romi^tent p^raon or prmoua pr, aenl at evflry reaiMerlng oiiicu dunng th.-uat...; regiauy t>? ec.-tliat tbe ilghiaof v..ttr- urid n?. pr..\ i?,uu. 0| Uia l*Warflre*|)fli'a,l. W. H. RatlBOa, I'..-*..Ifiil, i.t.*,*,. H; N **>?*'? ?*??' ifllaiy, of the^ Y. City CoiuicD vl I'ollticaJ (tofona.