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TIIE AliOTIO QUKST. m* A GRBBNLAND TOWN. 8UKMUT01TKX AKD ITS PBOPI.B? KAYAU AUD BATAK1CK*-*BAL HONTIM1. iraoa tim irmiu ooKRaarosiiitirr or tiib TaniritR.] U. 8. S. Jcniata. Hoi>tkinui)UG, Greoiiland. July 1?.?Leaving St. John's, Newfoundlaod, on the 9th of thoproaflut month, the expedition in aearch of thePolaii* arrivod on tho 17th, without oapecirU adventur.'. at Sukkertoppon. one of the amall sottle inente of ('Tcenland, whoeo cilucf article* of e\|">rt are the cl. crskius aud seal oil acnt to Pcnmark. Sikkr.rtoppen baaa population of about auOEsqtii inanx and a dnzcn Danoe, and is gBWidbi over by a liaiiuth <"liu-f 1'rader, who al><> t.-jHic.-a in the tith* *t " fiovenior" and deporta hinuelf nn a Prince. Both tho Ooviirimr and hia assistant were mWBti Ife the pat.taloons and boota MPBtBtB to tbe Orcu l.kiidi'r. ttti the olil-tiine cloth coatandcap. tpon ? mr arrival. thc m1i.i1,. population tiirned out t<> 881 thc largi-at vcaael that had BttB eutored theii? har l,..r. T.MiTi. ignornntof their style of dnwa. and thoalmilantvnf mbmttBti both ttexce, it would be difflcult to tlistingniah ti.e man from tho wonrnn. '1 hc man rniul* hia hair atraight down and over bM forohcad. ..iiiv parting it nfiaWtl to ?abli Mn toaee ilii-.tlv ahead of him. whilo the wuinuii cointM h.-r l.ii.r ia a long plait. fonunm W into 8 k.iot.m top of IM head. wlnch iseievated itbmit f?ur imhisfroni tho acalp. and licd with a alr.p of ,.,.|,..rofablack.bliie?.rrf.l?.I?r-thewid..w i.-uigiiisfiupuiaiiiHii.yaalBakiii.b.*ii. tka vv.fc iy |h8 i'l."'' BMi thc mai.lci. bg tht n-.l one. Thc plcxion ll. "i'l'cry liko that of thc lndian, tlicir lunr blac.k, aml tbi irooeo nat, while their chm-k htmOt are broad aud proininent. n.-.-itly hiditig thc BBBli appcnduL-e whon tha prolile ia pnwnutad. TW ka pi'tah. oi iMiiper with Iio.kI attuchm.nt. worn bf mthmWtA tbo bood of tho woinan's being MB* largor in v.hi h to earry. thc young babc, is of aeal tikin with ii.iu'iiirigs ef dogakin. Tho'iit and Imi ds ;,r, rilao worn hy both gtBbt, of lhe v.iiincii 1" >K iu nioat cahoa vory olalx.rately and ar riMtii'nllv tinnmcl. The pantaloona of thc women raaafe oniy to thc kaaa* whilo Ika feaoia made al tinely MbbtH soalskin. nioely crimped and sow.-d with thi ? li.Li'.s ofthe d.?r, make tluui look com fjrtal.lf. AbVK.VII BOM N.WIiiATION. While thf women and chil.Iron oongTcgated tinc.ii thc hiH-s.ii.. thc meu, who arc moetly huntertt, 88MM ofl'in th.ii kaiiiks, the fraile?t tgemWtB ti naval archiUxtuic i-vor put togetber. lloiating om* <>f tbiwe folloivs mi laiitnl, athmlod me ati opportunitj of giviug Ins Lavak a eloae in*i>e<t.ioii. Wo fonnd it a greater novclty lhan we ant-iripated. It w,*ui lli 1884 Ion.,' lroiu atom to stcrn. II inchoa wide at ib trreaUvst l? am, and 10 inchoa deep. taporing to a point at bOth mds. wiih a ge.ntle upward curvo. Ihoak. h l-mof tlielmatieTnadeof tholightost wood, ll tiiuTiil with Malakia from wiiich thc fur haa heen r.-niovcd, aud whieh haa beaa ao akal] t.mncd Ibal it ia yuite trauapareut. The skclcton _\ nittilc t.v th" lii.'ii, an.l conaLsts of threo lougitudinal etnpa.'f wood on each sulo Btretohing from in.l to cn.i. aud hln. l.lod at each end along the line ot the aatirallT. f-r a hngth of about throo feet, hy strijiH of 1h*iic. nioidirto give it greau-r atrength in re aiflting tiu-. tlert* of tho ire. Theee are aurrounded by etrip*. of wood, pluced about a foot apart. nnd afrongly fti-dcticl to tho longittidinal Btripe I.y thc tendoiiBof thereindeor. The sealskin covering is put on hy the women, who new tho picecs togethur with ? tiiiclietit-pointcd ncedle, thrcaded with tlu, Binew "f tba rcindecr, and th.-y do it with a dextcri ty and ?!nnj,'th that ifl really astonishing. The acamaaro ufterwarda coatcd with a gummy sub ataiiotr, ao thut no wator 88B hud iU way through tlicin, the hkin itaelf boing perfectly wator-tight. EXPKirr uoaimkn. There lieing no keol to the kavak, and ita bottom aearly, itfl ocenpaut would scem to make if top-heaw. but with tbe practice and ncrve of thc kayaker, hc does not htaitatc to bravo a middling hoavy aea, riding over the wavee aa graoefully a* a dtick. ArrtV'd with his riflc, harjKion, and hird spcar, allof wlnch hc very adroitly iwee, he ehouldera hia kayak, carriea it to tho heach, and lauuchce it. Tbere i? uo opening in it exoept a round hole mid way between each end, jnst large enongh toadmit tho boatmaii ae far an hifl hipfl. .^uirouudiug fbJt midahir holc is a wiavlen rhn, with a groove arotind the outaiilc near the hcalakin ooveriug, over wlnch tb? hnnter lacee tbe lower edge of hifl watcr-tight jae-ket, aud thua faeteng bimaelf in mul keepa the water ont. He then graaiM his tw-o-bladed oat in tho middle, propels hnum-lf al-.nir hr dippitig it in the water on each aiilealti'iiiitelv. antl he darta at a very aatODiah* ing rate mt ppeed, until he reachca his hunting gruiiiiil. When ba sii^hte a paal, aml g.ita witliin thiitv v.'it?'.- "f him. im throwa thc luirp<a.n, MM ai-hliin) miaaea bia murk. As scam as the aaal ia hit. it atart-s ..i! to aacasa. The atufl ia then iataehed Irom tfee dart to whieh is attached a stntnd of raw iiult,laatened al the other md ta ? buoy or lloat carrled on tbe deckof the kayak, wad/** aaat an when thc Haa has l,e>.n all run out. hut kcj.t slj.'ht of hv Ibe kuviker. who aoon exhanste the strength of Iim vii tnri. tnd then capt him him. Tba l.a,|i.uuauxof hukkcrtopp?narerathercleanlv looking. ikinl iri in their dreea. Wt- viaiUsl one <*f ihnir natiw ilancca, aud cjuite enjoywl it, thua re lievmg tlu- liionotonv of ufe on ehipbtutrd. We left .Siikkcrtoi'i ? tion oameto Holstein borg, a of ttO nnlee from Hukkei-toppen. The pfMiple h> re. with the ex.eption that they are dirtior, are much the same aa thoae of our laet port. We have nurrhaacd 18 slcdgo dogs aud seveial acal ekiua to aa made un iuto clothiug for uae in the ttoaxoli exiM'iition. We 1,-ave for Gouhavn, or Diaco, ae aoou ae tbe fog hreaka away. LIFE LN THE POLAB REGIOX8. A YIKW IMM tv upkbnavik mountain?tttTWB ll'-.lil:)|i U'KBKROS?A NATIVK BALL?gfifBBB CIWTO.VK*? KWJCIMAITX OOO-TKAMB. truow nin nry..iAi. ooBBBsponnraT or thi TatnriOR.] pytBmtm Skarc h ExPKnmo.f, U. 8. 8. Junuta, !T!'Kh)fAViK, iirc.LlaiKi.Ang. Tt.?Oodhavn, on Disco Ialand, the ouly place visited sinoe roy laat lelk'r, ia tbo port whieh the U. S. St Coograsi canie to m 1S7L and dopouited etorea for Capt. nall'a or the Polari* Arotlc Expodition. We left Holatoiuboig on thc 21st of July, at 2:30 p. tn., aud itvtr.hed (iodhavn at 1 p. m. on tho 22d. Green* land ia dividcd into two Inipoctoratea, each comprlsing scvcral settlementa or tewns; and eaob aettlcincnt is preeided over by a Chicf Tradar ?ud bis aasiatant, appointed hy the Daniab Oihh BBMifel. whioh governa all the nflaira tikmmmmm Mr. Muldrap, the Oovernor cf Qttmttt*, ia a ime young bachelor, 'Hi years of age. Tbe harhoi of (iodtuvu ia pcrlectly laudlooked aud (raaa all gaica, aud if we were obligcd to wiuWt bore i think Uodhavu would be preferahlo to aty ot lur hai l*or we have here in Gree u land. thongh it in hardly large "tiongh for more than two veesels to awiug coiufortubly at tbeir anchors. whiJe there it depth of water enough at the entrance to permit a guod-aiaod iceberg to float in. While we were lying tbere, two niodiuni-ai/^d bergs did come in and cauaed uo iucouflidoiable troable for a time, while w? w?rf trying to k?-p them from bnmping againat tho tttmft Wc tiually fired iuto one of them with one of <>ur Bixty-poondere, and reduct-d it to amall fragtn. nt?, Onotiei-i.lcof nellce the town, whilo on the other are two Ifebla monntaino. nsing to an altltude of 2.400 feot, Wiih ntarly vertical aidee, though froai the ahipthe.v look comparatively eaay to climb. One day we took a jonrney to the raountain. Aa we a? couded out bow Idtr after auother, each one of whiih we Uiouffht would be ti*e laat before we came to the level laud. aU>ut two-ttiirda of tbe way up th, iiiouiit.iiii. another one abruptly prenented itaelf. We linally luavod ut the leveL aliout 1..W IM alxive thc aaa, ik> we.iriod that wo defcrrod the re*t ol our eoatetapUMall jonrney nntil aoothrr day. ''? the aay wc ? i?0M*i a ?mall glacier, about 1^*00 foot in l?ii|th by Tm io width, whieh ifl eo rapidly melt ing that it nakia agood bized atream, and flowi over tbe parpn de u!ar ti.lca of ihcfce mountaina of n,ek m ast'i -t i ? antltu] liacMa^BBlH it rca^h.n timbeach, v,. -. u il -appeank aml foruia a part of tl.e efeasa. 1 Wt fouud cooRid.rab!e v.geUlioii, ...'..Ial i,y iho Munli atreaiaa Aowiiig through tli'tti Krom th. potTn wo reaohed the mhw wahK'iaid. M.,naU'r icoliorgaof every iiangiu thkt sliui-e were doatiug npon Ilu oet in eveiy diw Plon, a*. far |8 iho eyo. onld reach, graduaHv drift lut io tho touthwaid, CuTivetly led mo Ui tx*uut tbem. I wflrohed the nombar ol TM. wbea my eyeB beeame wctary. and I led* tba temaindar onttl a mon faroraW? Ume, nd retnraed vj dlnner. In the erening we ttlaoded . oaUv. ktUfltiW Thoball-nx._n(t_?odT_aa carpenter-ahop dunng he day) ia abont 16 loct aquare. and thore men. MflflBt and children all cnn-fregated t*o partiopat-. in the fos t.vitiiv, of the oocaeion. Tlio floor waa general y erowded with danoers, while in tho oorners. on the (arprnterV heneh. and in every spa.* thive.feet mitinre. wi*re huddled groupe of children JaroclymTrethan kne^high alao engagmgm the nativo danoe. not wholly nnlike the " hoe-down ol tho ftoutl.oin ncgroes. The dancing. thongb pecu liar. waabottor than wo expeotod toaee. and iu the inWvals there was aome rery good waltring. 'I lu* band .onsiHtod of two violimt, both well played, nnd n small keR with a pi<*c* of seal-skin tiglilly dnwn over ono end in iinilatiou of a drum-head. There waa no opporttitiily given for tiirtations at these dflflflflfll fur ttfl moment that tbe music stopped the irir).. without waiting for their eacort, nished to ono side of tbo room and huddlod together like ao many haaa, Nor is there any fcar of torn dreiwo- hy ateii pingon trals. They escape all|nucb difficultics by I.. ing. lail ia their simple attire of aealakiu jacket, hr.-ctfl-flfl, and boota. t)n tirsi Ifl-d-Bg OB flboffl wo were met hy the male purtion of tho coi.imumty, and a few furthor .rn wo met the women, with their infants upon tluir baclot, caniod in a kiud of pouch or pocket; they gBBflfcad un with a reepectfiil bow, and witb a broad grlfl upon their countcnaticca. The ncxt tbing which ;ittr:t<*.t4Td our attontion was the atrong dtBagroeable smoll from tho tirying slabsof seal incat. Mal oil, Tn ?1 blubbcr. and olTiii. The comforta of Esquimaux lifo are-not numerotiR. Ahalf doxen soulskins eon stitiiteluHl and bedding for two peraoiiH; they also bave an iron stovo in which they burnyeat Itho onlv tu.! tlny hivci, two poU for boiling rico aud other lofli, a rntio lamp or pan in which they burn rval oil, tuaing tlii.-il Bflflflfl for wicking; a half dozeu dogs and dft-gfl, a kayak, with two IflWfiflfl and han>oons; li.shiiig liiiM, material and implements for repairitig clothitig; and (no matter bow poor th.y may BBfl* to bc), 1 bave never seon a famlly who did not pos scsn a ilosk, thongb very few of them are set to tho oonect ttflflfl. Wo had siaalakius dressed and pro afltai for making clothing for those on board th.* Tigri-sa; also, for thoee who compriae tlie meinbor.. of the expedition iti onr stieam launch, to go to Nortbiuubcrland Iislaud, via Cano York, in search of the I'olaris. Our utay at Uodhavn being ao briof it was lmj-osmblo to havo tho dothing niado up, hut the bAflfllB and otber- on board the Juninta who had purrhasod rorne for their own use, rcadily nuitrih titf-l tliiTtn to aid the expedition. aml the inont will fiirnish olhcrs in returu. to be made up in this plaoo. IXK18 AND I-OG-TKAMS. We pnrcha?od 18 sledge dogs at Holstcinborg for tho Mfl of tho Tigross, uu.l left them at (lodhavu in chargeof a native, whois to look after them and bfld them untii tho arrival of the Tigross, when thty will be quartored on board of that vessol. The hledgo dogs of Grooiil.-uid are drivon in teams, each numbering from four to sixt-ten dogs; they alwaya go abroast of one anotlior, and frequeutly becomeentanglodin their endoavom to hranch ofl* in other directious than the ono intended by the ilriver. The harnftss oonsist of a singlo trace, niade of seal hide, which passes from the chest over tlie IiauucheH to the sledge. Tliere are no reina used to gnitle thom In any particular direction. but they aro dixectetl in their course by a whip with a lasb about '10 feet long, while tho hatidle is only as many inches iu leugth. It rt-quiros a great deal of pflBBfriflfl to use the whip dexteronsly. At first one is apt to get the lasb wotmd about his body, or to strike himself. A ilnvcr, though his leading dog is wel! drilled, rnast learn to bit any particular dog in the eutiro team with this strand of seal hide, or else he will have flfl lontrol over them. The nattves make a practice fll traveling in couples, ?o that they can nlicve ono another in usiufl tho whip, which they Iimi tediouf. e.mployment, and by this means one can rest ou his sledge, followiug along after the forward one. AMONG THK ICK.BRKGrt. On tbe 20th of July we loft Godhavn. receiving a Kiiliiteof six guns from shore, and spod on our wav by the wavingof iiandkerchiofs by the ladies until wo were out of eight. The sca was full of IflBBBflgB ainl on the morning of tho 30th the offlcer of the dock aent ua word thatat natunil bridge was in sight. We rushi-d on deck and saw, at a distance of about four milea, a large berg. with a perfectly formed arehway rurning through it from ono sido to the other, tiie. tunnel Imiug about 2U0 feet loug. Later in tbfl day we lan close to an immenee berg, whose top UtWttoi high aliovo our masts. Weestimated its luirht at abont UOO feet. breadth IVVO feet. and length 800 foot?all tibove water. Snppoeing tbat seven tirat-s as rouchof it wassubmerged aswas altove water, it givea ub. approximately, 040,000,000 cuhic feet, equal to 17,#17,1-2 tons of ice. We paaaed htindreds of theae immense massoa while making the passage to Upernavik. oome of whieh we eaw exjiloile with a lond report, Bonding fragments in every iixaotiofl. A dense fog .otting iu before night, and shutting the land from our view, we were obliged to run along very Blowly on our course. As soon as the fog Uftfld, the next day, we weighed auchor and ran into 1 pcr navik. Thls is a very open harhor, and liablo to be sealcd up early iu the aeason hy icebergs staanding tbein selvea acroee tbe entrance, where they aro apt to re? main tbe wbole Winter. The harhor hae been known to aeal up aa early aa the 2Cth of August. We intend to remain here until the return of our steam launch, the Little Jnniata, wbieh ha* gone on an expedition to Cape York, 300 miles to the northward, thence to Nonhnmberland Islaijd hy sledge, wbere they expect to flnd the Polaris, if nothitig is beard of them at CapoYork. [A letter deacribiug thia Little Jnniata expedition haa already been printed in Tiik Tmn OBB.1 Peter Jenson, who aecompanied Dr. Hayea on his several expeditions, and ia now the obief trader at the aboTe-named piace, reporta a great ilc.l of ice between here and Cape York, olthough the seaaon is more open at this time than is unual. Jen sen, having been marhed latoly, eould not bc per* euaded to aooompany the expedition. THE LAST MIDMIQHT 60_f. The daya havo now commeoced to shorten with us, though we are able to read at midniglit without the aid of candle-light. On the 8d, a party of us c)imb?Bd the bill ao that we might look at the mid mgbt sun for tbe last time; for on the next night it hid ite lower limb below the horizon, An island prevented ns from aeeing the borizon. The sun commencod to disappear behind it, and at midnigbt all we eould aee waa itfl upperlimb; it thon hegan to riee again. Theeun, ineteadof riaingin tho Bflflfl] and settiDg in the weat, aa we were taught at aehool, riaes htwe in north by eaet, and aeta in nortli by weet. It ia now rapidly cbanging ita plaee of risiog and to itmg, aud in six months will rin and act in the aonth; then it will begin to travel north again. ? We have bad the privilege of eatiug |aome very fine venieon, and Bereral of the eider dnek, which we in.d far preferahle to the canned meate tbat aea faring penplo are obliged to live upon when freeh proviuioiiaruaout. We have not yet bad any aeal meat aerved np to ns by onr eteward, but if we remain up here this Winter we shall undoubtedly ac.uBtoni ouiBelves to it. Tbe 'inapector infonna me that it is not in tbe least ohjectionahle. aa be baa fmiuojitlv dinealnpon it, and is rapahlo of judging oflita qualitiiat. Whilo iu the _-_ uth we bad dailv u[K.u our ttblo balibut and cod; but thcie l. non? iu tln.-. aeetion, much to our rtflrai, Our life here would be very dall il it wflrfl not for our hiintiog oxpt,,i,^,on*t -nd rambltw over th.t hillr.. 'Two ot our oHleers have taken up photographing, the instnirai'nta and chemicals having Mflfl pui char-Ml at M. Johu - by suhftcriptioiui of the oftii-cn of tho eliip. Onr ui U..U. Uiouah not first olon*. have taken k. ".tra vicwn,and we nxjaiit at Uie end of tho cruise ?> bave a fair eoiloctinu ol riawa ufl Ureaii. land. Itwaa ut thia plaoo tbat Ur. Hayea bnn.-.l Mr. Itihaon CaruUiaia, I'-aipBut^r ot hih _-p____iti_hi, ilisijravoiH |till Wflljpreaarved, though it eonaiaifl milt of n rude dome of ston.A {lihsd im tbc top of Uie coffln or box, Aud will remain Intact gi-iierati_.OH. Tbere i-** D? uiotber tvarth in tliL- aootiou to ic aivfl tbe liodi.- <.f Lli** daiiartitd oiiiia, uud tbe j'*?.itiiiiau < u.e lur abi.vedc-Brcriitiiig -BflfBBBBB-Blii of ibr?l?'a.!. I ., wttttmnttl bara on Aug. 10. 1?B. _a tlm plot m t apart a* the ci.uet.rv. N.*r Carut hera'a ..av.. i* ? oi.., of William 8imm?ii. a native of bhie!d?.Knglan.l, wbo died ou Oct. 15. a__i -'I QENEBAL NOTE8. Sewetwl howefl have died o? oolio in Somcr aet Connty, Imi. A baby in Troy, N, Y., has tceth ffrow tag tkrougn ita noae. A lady in Sflfl-flB btM mado sorao pxcollcnt allk froiu ooooona raiaod in that Btate. Paaj.oiipt.ri. in the Clcvoland street care have the prlvilege ot purcbanlog reaervetl seata. An nogro in Wilniington, Del., aay* he pl. k* up, on nn averagc. T.ano plna Id a rear. Barn.iin Rectireii a vnltiahle addition to his ornlUiologioal ih parluient rocoutly ln Adrlau, Mn h. A Chioajro judjye fined a talkative swain $30 for telllngof ttla love. too oftcu. 8he had lilm arreatoil. A mVnibi'T of a baao-ball elub in Baltimoro ran IOO yards against a tmg borae an.l won a wager. A loftj-niiiiiled and bigb-flyinj, lien, in Ororkctt Ciuitity, Tenn., bat-ihed a brood of ehlckens in tbe toiMTii.rit liranehe.i ef a Ull tree. Bcvcral p.*f-on were ln|ured in reraove the young onea from tlicir periloiu poMtion. Tlie Chiof of tho Boston Fire Department haa aignc.l the pledge, an.l tas.ied an orcler for orerj man In th*. depsrtmnnt to do the aame or gBfltafl. T.xY rtctitlv tbe llreiii.-n take thia aa a uilld oflloUl Joko, for onlv 14 out of 1.5 have slgned the pitpor. Then* ia nothiiiR like being detini.c in raat ters of medicine. We read ln the advertlaetuent of a eertalnpanacea that itcure*. "oaaea of *__*__*__**__ Ing." Tl.e qoeattea t* wheth.T It would Bfl etjually gtbi c_*-a of M ur ol 28 j?*are* standingl The rminiurera of thi' Ohio Reform School are sendlug mt invlLaitiou* a re.inion. BB in.-ibera of tlic pres*. cleiirimen. of Tl.e I.-glilatiire. Ae. The Intro-notion i<> whieh re.a.ts. " I-aitir -ean have .-upicl mu . we WON eoiup inl.uiH itt tho K*fnrm School. Eiist IIiv.'D, Conn., BWOtfl in a BB_Wb4 of spe? cial ct.iiBiahlea, and on a flunday evenlng atZtr?lM uieloi. thlovoa au.i locke.l *h__0%tt_ *__*_* 400 friends of the captlves, wlm aallled forth to rt.acue them. were dlsp.-lled hy the rcatlln. afl the not act. A watrr apout on Lake Brifl waa reeently scen from the of Little Mountaln. near Clevo land. Three fltflMflptfl at ni.nintln__w.iro ma.'.o- the tirst broke Before n-uc'iing tlie douds, the seeoud wa*. th.. eompletc spout, while the third broke up in a den** mlrtt. A TflBBfl paper chronicles the eominp of tho Wiut.r'.B* in tlil* manner: "Over TOii harreli nf Mhlrkv arrived M the . t-aT.ier BMB BflBW ftjfl mnrn .im Thi-.l-.our la*t e.inn-ctlng lloB witti the ou er clvili'.',".l Worid, aml ll* nrrlva'. lu our preseut souues trateii ca.iitlliu>ii, i* verv cheerlng." A coniiiiitUTO haH bBBB appointed from ttfl Illinoill Htnt-e li.iitr.lof __.itialir.nuin K> iiiveatlgtite tl.e manner ln W-HeBBMflflaaWBfljj itoB&_)Bm _&__*. which ni ..e.'trcd on the aaBBBB-WBt DOOKB ? 1871. hate dn.iiptiiI nut of exifllen?? Ptrbaps they were hurned ln the great flre. IU'Ci'iitly the BgBIBI were piven of the amount of ehewing-irutn or wax mannfactured hy a N,wJei7.v Ilnn. iimi now a Went. ru paper l hroiitclee ihe im.i. ..iiiuir an.l aarroa aaeape from oeatB of larea little gnls who had tion ehciving this conctictloti ol red oxlde of inereury and Pcehwax. The alacrity of thi* KfafBtOBi V. Y., rtiiiull boy lfl great, for tu less tbau two mlnutes fr.un the btirstlng of n iteer harrel in a grocery wagon, :ri reprc sentatlve* i.f the rlsing I'cncration went dodging ahout that vehi.le, wlth all dencriptioQit of metallio aml enltia pota, catehlng tke fnaining Mveflflffl Iho City Soliritor fll riiilmlolphia h:w de livered an, at flflfl reqneat of the Mayor, tothe effect tliat utrect mu*iclati* are vagranti, belng rlasned ln thn act of June 13. vai, among " th"-- M raoOl goltig ahout from door lo door.Ot placmg theiiiHclves ln Htreeta or hlghwayi, or other roadn, to h_g and gathor aim*. An ngotl BflfftO woman, after riilinn* several timea between I.. (irange and Memphls, at tbo expenito, olternately, fl| each of Uioho plaee*. tho autUorltla. ?Mfl-WflBa trvlngto ahtrk Ihe reinointlhlllfy of taking care of her, wa* flnally lodee.1 Ifl tflfl polu-e atatlou in Memplns; ull tho cUantahle inatltutlous rcfusc-d liar admittaaee. A Rficond MeftflBBB-B- haa been diflcovered in BnaO. Ile lfl one hundred and scventy-uliio yeara of ai_c uud npeiikt of haiipeuing- a oentury aud a half agn. II< reali the few* frotn 8paln wlih gn-at Jntcrc.t, and iirge* aama of tu_ aBUfltaa. grandchlldren. aud great ifraiidcbildron, of fwb?m he iin* Tii, to go and enliat iu tbe 8|aanlnh anuv ninl Baflflfl their old itire. A leanied gentleman says that tlio rausko toeit are acut hy l'rovidoaco to proserve us from the effect* of nialiina; that inusketo nctn, and aucb like coiitrivanccH. are a ftdfUb trlck to ohoat the little creatarea froi . tbeir well >? troed Mbeieteaee. Maly the pblloaoph.-r would heaitato b inomant, liefore clai.plng bla baudB on oue of theite little *' blenaingH." A Warin Sprinjr Indian rocently nold to a uian in OtflBflfl aeveral trlukcta and ornarnentu theproper'yof C'apUin Jack; aml tflfl Bflfllflflf of Cali fortiia I'loiie.t* have been preaented wlth tbe onlv driitn wbicb wn* in the iKj .vniiiou of tho M.mIim'i durlng the late panirt-gn Tim druui w,.* matte By knockiug out tba head W I O-O-lfl box and apreadlna* froab ox bule over Ibe -idei. WflflWaftOB hut a whitc olephant on hanil, or atrletly ipaafllBfl. the luammoth itone for tbe ba?e of tbe Hoott monuine.nt I* so beavy ttiat lli* iliftlcnltl. * of m.ivliig it tr.'in Ihe veaael to tbe gro.ind> .tr* alinost In *iirini>unlalile. Tlic wlmrf i* nol .ufe, and tl.e, it in H.iid. will not allow ao Imavy a welght to paart ..ver It without inJtiriuK or deitroyinK tbe con.r.te an.l woo.J. An iBBBflfBlBt. hulli*. to be over 150 ycnr-i old, is ineutiuno'l as oiim of the relica to be cxblbitodat thocei.taunlal exbiiiition. Iiut because there are a few wnrni-h.ile-. aaflBa in it, a I'ennxylvaiila paper ca_it? rt .ni'!- "ti U* t'lalni* to be a ladle, nnd ln*l<lluu*ly Btatfl thut it iu.iv huve bocn a atralu.-r. To label a*tralucr a la'lle, aml pfakBB it m a national exhtbltlou. would oait a Iihim of doubt alHiiit tho many bouwihol.l gooda of Waaai-flton, wlnch floaBUflflfl will bo tbere, aud this would be . itiipiy iutolurable. A Portland, Oregon, newspapcr, after enu nierai.i.g thu various iiiipr.ivciii.-ut* golug ou tn tho burned dlstrlct, suiua np tne sltuatlou ln tbc tollowiog paragraph : " In fact.tthote who wltnessod the soeno of desolatlou that overspread tbat part of our clty leaa than six w. ek? ago, aro surprlned at the rapidlty wlth aBlcb tBB waate ht hetng iflaHifld. Aithougii iome n the linildlng* now iu course uf erectlon are temporurv aii'l riitlier ball affilr-., UM general character uf tlic lin provemeata u laara subitantiai tban that oi thoao which were Baalaajai t.y tbe tire." Capt. Clarko of the ahip Rnnrise, from New York, who wafl flaarged wlth crnel treatmenl of aeanien, bas mado a statcmeut. whlch ls publUbed ln the San Fraucisr.o pauors, lo tbo effect tbat the three men, wbo lt Is alleged committed suicide, wero accidently washed overboar.l; thal tne man who makes the churge. was forc.d by tlie other sallora to sloep whero tbc uuituaU were k.-pt on acuuunt of his tlJthy halilln, and tbat a.l hand* w.-re fed more tban tlio Goveruuient allowance, wlth additlouul corn, rlce, salinou and frosb uieat, lu which btatcuicnt be la Bustaiued by tbo cook and atcward. The neventh annnal Convention of the Amer? iean Institute of A_rchl_eota wlll t>e tb* Grand l'acifle Ilolel, in Cliiaag-., on the 15tb ln. T., when tbo an nual addreaa will oe dellvered by Viee-Prealdent W. W. Boylngton of Chlcafto, ln the absence of Preaident Iiich ard L'plobn. Tbe procoedlugs of tbe Convention will occupy two or tbroe days' tlme, durlng wbleb offlcers and atanding couuultteei will.lie eleeted Keporu froiu all the i bapt. is aud commltleoa wlll bc preaeuted, aud j.i ofc .-l'.iiial paj.. rs prepared by uieniber. vt ill be lord.hate. TneOonventlou wlll close with tbecustoui axy aunual illi.uor aul an addroae by a prouduout cltizeu. A rib of a 0DM-. whale has been found in Anne A?nindel County, Md., lmbeddtd 200 foet bolow tbo averago loi el ot tbe .nrrounding oountry. Tbia curloilty has taeen seeur*d by Dr. John P. King of Baltimore, who glvea tbe followlng theory of the " why aud tbe where fore" of It happenlng tbere: Thia akeleton w&s d. |m,-ii?.,( when tbe couUneut waa subinerged, at a BflfltoawSafl tbe Allegbauv Mountalua ware hldden by tue aea, and ages botore lue Easteru Hhoro of Maryland l-ocam,. Ury land; In fact, wbeu the Atlantio and Paolllo Oceai,** mlngled fhelr waten and rollod uniuterruptedly acro*i the, Auierl. ai. i I'liiiiif nt. It waa depocuted tbaro luug any quadrui>edal animal or nian appoartrd npon thu earth-agtsa before Adaiu lived. 1B0B 1LAXVFACIVBEIN BEODE ISLAMD. FCTlNACrKa TO BB HBKCI-D?<_tT?tnKltL_irD IROM MOLTtTAlN A VAJJT HKD 0? Ollit? HiCll Ukl.,si 1 -i THROLOIIOUT TIIB 8TATI. BBl [tltOU AN OC-J-MOBAL C.<BBP.SH>"iaK_TT OV THBTBrBmra] I'KOVn.KXCE, lt. Lf Oct. 1. ? Iiliode Ialao,! haa protrably more Iron ln proportlon to her popu? Iallon than any other Htate In our Unlon, and jt__ ______ aome nmmportaut exceptlona, ahe haa never produoed any, al though ore of aeperlor qtiallrr, both magnetlU and bcinitito fouud ln uiilltuitcd tjuantlti. * n, d,? 8late. lC-cently tleorge f. Wtleon of the hiiu,ror<l rtioiii!. ul Worka baa made aoine axaelient caat-itoel lruio tb-i.altvai.iua, an.l be purpoaea, lt _? aald, u..-?. luutl the -iiuaneaa and to eroot tiiruao_afgr eaat-lroo. Maiupi'-a of Uie atael lutvo |uit been iooi to markirU The prooeaa la an luveatlon of Ui. VtiimmV .vliuKt ex'-rtioaa la ti.i* duattiou may artiuao Un. p<>ople to tbe liai-orlauoe of Ibniubject, tbougr. ktiod.i Uiaiid leotos i x< lualvely tttttti to tbo n_?nufacturc of cotton and wooleg aood*. Cott(? nj,),,. niug waa l? gtui ln tbia 4tat" aa early aa 1710, aod water prlvllegee ining ai.amlant tlie huaineaa haa botmmo a ipeclii.ty to iiich an e.itent that all large nxpeudlturr-a ter ulii. r ih.iii eoltou or wo.ilri. luiill ara usually r.-_ g.iiil. il a* r|_. rulativ... m-inutActiiilng txtlng m..i*ir)^rr,l tlieonU li'^Itlinate and stapla buslueaa fur thi* nttl.i Btatr. VUmr inilr.* froiu tba well known aud thriviag towu ol YVoonaocketia "laiiniiirluad lion MeuuUiii,"ao ealled, one of the woadora almoat of the flbttn. Tba ral.-.a ia three mllea eaat of iba ime of the Provldenoe and Woroeeter Itaiirond, and about the aame dlateoee from tbn Poatoti and Krte lioad. A oharter haa been obtatned ?nd the route flurveyed for an Indopendent road to paaa the mine. thougb a liranch roed oan be readily built, or a tram rt*ad ean he, latd. Cumberland Tron Monntaln la aearly the hlgheat land in tbe Htate. Iielaa MO feetabove Bde-water at Prtivtdeiice. On cloar daya Waehuaett Mounlaln and Mouut Tom ean he dlatinntly ?een from the lop of the miue. Tho rock rlaea to the very vortex. ?nd oan be hlaated In almoat uny dlraetlon at a very triflln* etpenae. The whole hlll la one vaaf hed of ore. Thero have been many analj ac* made of the ore ; thifl luadn by I*r. c'hllton .>f New-York la lielow : Per and pnitoxldra of Iron.M.BS per eenf. Sillclc aold. J6..0 per cent. Titanloacld. 90b per cent. Mmr..Mpereent. Magneaia . 8.H0 por cent. Mangaiiew,. J.10 per cent. Water aud 1888. l?l per cent. Total.100 = per cent. Thlfl rlrns a rather larger peroentage of Iron than aonieothera; hut all the aaauva have been made from mWBWt rock, and lt aeems to lm i unlvenial rule tbat all oilnefl grow nrher In mlncral aa thcr dofleeod. The ui.iiiic ucld haa boeu conaldered an ohjectlon ; 1*ut lator ezparleneea provo It not to i.e ao; atid now we learti that Kngliah aUyil makera have ov.u nn|Mirted titanle . m.i from a ual rall a to improve the qnality of thc* ateel. Tbe mine lm. lu hlatory aUo. During the Frencb war, as early as 1733. tbe Inhal.ttaiita of thia colony made from the ore from thia very mltio, mlxed with a Uciiiatite ore from Cranaton. K. I., oanuon whlch were u-c.l in tbe aervlce agaiii.t the Frencb and Indiana, aud tlni" il haa aideit in carrylng oui tbe fui-r.-achlug polley of the great 1'itt. Id 1800. alto, raiinon were agalu Baat ihe?- ort-a al H.,|?-, a amall Vlllagn ou the 1'ailtui.-l lUver, lu Ihi* Slittc, for John Hrown of Provldence, who ? lontrii.'t Wlta (J.tveriitiiniit at thia date to furiil.h lt guua ; aud, what ia ainnular, the guua were caat bol ;,.?,.! s.ii|...s".l ni.xicri. iiivc iiiii.M. aml ouly a few weeks ago thi'Hocloty for the Kticourageuiout ot Domeatlo In duatri (Mecafng cotton aud wouleii goocb). to wliom baa iHieii pr.'s.riiti'.l .me of Ifeeaa early guua, duly mounted, tia.l it ou iho Fair giouuda ou exbibition. At tho foot ,,f th.- iiiiiio la a lueellug-ho.iae, with the date A. I) 171)0 over tlie door, tho beama and iolata of whlch woald to-day he too anwteldy even for ahip tliu o,r. Tho gall.ry of the huil.liug, wblcb would .'.?? crowd.'d with luo p.-ople, la aupported by oak tlmbers ni..rti-, d iu'" t'.f fi.iiic. whiob aic ao hugn that they oe? cupy uearly half the lnterlor. I doubt if a Callfornla eurtticjuako could evcr ilialuro the. aoiouity of tbia aaored i-diflcc wiiicli crtaiiily hlda fair to defy the tooth of tlinr for many a year to come. Ttiough Ithodc IaUiiil paoala have not appeared to recoaiuizo iho luiporlonco of thia |Hiaa?aaion, still many*. auch aa Kanion, lu Maaaachuaotta, whieh oarlv aataced liitoibopri.tluciionof irou have regulariy earted fn,io thia u,lue their aupply, and a large flriu ln I'hila duluhia lakoa tboiiaauda of u>un annualiy of thia ore. TUE COUBTS. a novel ntrniim suit. Tho caao of Edmund llaum agaiiiHt tho St. Nlcholaa Inaurauce Company, whlch haa heen on trlal iu Part II of tho Biiperlor Court, before Judge Freed nian and a Jury, for the paat week, terraluated vflsterday mornlog, the Jury hrlnging m a aealed verdict for the def.-iidikut, The piniiit.ll, a retall dry gooda dealcr itt Morriaama Weatoheater Cotiuty, flougbt to recover (t.out ll.ltW and Intereal on a jiollry for fl.000. upon hls stock, ailegitig hia lo-a to have been over lio.uoo, and Imving tiuurauee. The defeudant, alleged fraud aud ovtivaluat.i.n of tbo stock and damagc, and alao rellod upou tho provialon of ita polley nrohlhitmg other liiaurance without noticc. Tlio plaintitTa ovldeucca tended to estahllah that nt the time the polley waa taken out the pi.titititl'a t.rokf r Informed the defendant'a oflloera that tlie luaiiranee la dofeodant't company waa to nc part of a total inaiirauce of tu.inti. li, defendaal nalf evidence whr glv.,n hv the appranor appointed on ita be.half (who had falled lo iigit-e with pUilutlfTa at* pralaer) timt tfea loai waavary Maafe lcia than ciaim.-.i, uud tliitevidenro wa* aupported hy that of thr in-.ur aue>- potrolmon an.l ..tbera who viewe.l the aeene of Ihfl hre aa to tbe exteut of the biiriiing aud nature of tlu gooda dainagod. Ac. The defon.litiit further provod that aevcr'nl coaoa of gooda had beeu reuioved ehortly before the flre. Judge Fnu'dman g.ihmltte.l to tlie jnrv the qneetlon wlinther defondanrt offlecr* were notltiod when the policy wna> taken out tliat other tnsiiranee waa In Uiuded, and iiiHfructocl them that, if they believed they wore ao noilfled, and plaintilf Miippoacd ntlier Inauraiice waa allownd, that the piovianma iu tho policy prohilnt ing furtiier lnauraliei- without notico were luvaiid, and the laillcr blndlng ou the defetidant. The tjiieafion of fraud waa anhmltted under lnatriicfinn that fraud waa to be made ont antrmatively tiy thf .lcfeii'taiit, and that any overvaluatlon to Iie friiiidiilcnt muat he willful aud ciceealve. Th?l'...irf ordcred un eitra ullowauco of flve aaaaaaiM. tfea defendant. Koardinau and>liiniii f.,r plamtiff; Van Hohalch. (Jlllonder and Tlionipson f..r defeudaut, (Jaorg*) W. Paraona tt rouunol lor defendiiui. THR 8TOKB3 JHRT COMPI.KTED. The actual trial of Eilward S. Stokoa for the murder of Jiiniea Fltk, Jr., on January 6, 1*72, wlll ba tx'gun to-day. After thc whole of y;?ier.lay"a 1888108 had beeu apent ln the effort to ohtain three Jurora. tlio ilat waa eompleted. Tbe namea of the Jurymeu are ap ptmbmtt Tliomaa Wliitn Ilartholomew, rctired engineer, of No. 4ii Eaat Flfty aoveuth-ai-; Joaepii llinek. provialon mer cbant. of No rj Aveune A: MwaH BterllBB CBlhOBB* liarneaa u.akcr, of No. 70 Irvii.g-place; Jacob Metfl, clolh ing dealcr, of No. M Bflada M.tCfcafMa U. l'eters.clerk. of No. ti New-Mt.; loatspti H. Winaton, cltiiiiiiiki-r. of No. UM Uowery ; lloralio B. Uny, ot No. U6 Kaat Kighty w-vciitii rn.; jaiii.-H Detaa CBbb r, BMB ug.-nt, of No. 41ii broadway ; Joliu Croflalcy, Jr., carpct-dealcr, of No. 'AA4 Uroadway ; lleur> Jaaper, relail groi-er, of No. ll Heury at.; Itohert l'urt.-r, poeaflt-boofe mauufaeturer, of No. 111 Naaaau-?t., and W(u. L. Baudford, llverv atablekeoper, of No. 1,'JU broadway. IRif MMNUM UHTKMCID. ln the liuitod Staten Oircuit Court, JgEggga dny, B. F. Kueaell and Kobcrt N. Waite, rounacl for John I>ovliu uud Phibip Ntwman, convlctod of atteiuptlug to glve "fltiaw l.ail " for ChrisUipher Flood, who waa fouud gullfy of compllclty iu thc Sprlng Valley dtatlliery freuda, movod for an arnnit of judgment on the groiind pf varlotia alleged irregulantloa. Aaaiatanl t'nlted Stati-a Illatrlfit-AttoriM-y l'urdy oppoaed the moliou. Judire Itencdict dciited lt, aud fleuteoced Newman to remaiu ia prlaou for one year aud tlie montha, antl to pay a Um. of ll mo; Devlln flve montha aud a rtueof ll.ono. Juliua Fitteii ploaded gulitj to opening a lettcr eutruated to bia care when a clerk in Uie Foat-Oflloe, and waa rc mauded for aeuteuce. _ A UWUI CA8E rOMPROMISF.D. A ?uit was betrun aome time ninct* in the Uulted Btate* Dlatrlct Court to recover from Auguatua C. l*owulug, Francla Uouaherty and (Jraham Hogere. 8fS,ooo, on the ground that they had lmported gooda and "entered them ln violatlon of the lawa relatlng to cua Uiau." The caae wai never tried; but lt appeara from thejudgtneut reeord that, on the Ith Inat., It waa tof.tled, that U, compromlaed, by the defendanta' yaying $30,ooo. CIVIL NOTES. Judge Blutchford of the Uoited SUtea Dirt tnct Court dlrecied, yeaterday. the Clerk of that court uot to furnlth the presfl with any lnfonuatlou relatlve to any tnluuctlon order In any hanlmiptey oaae, until lt haa Is-en utci-rtalued that the order haa been aerved. Tlie aervtco of auch au order can only. lt aacertalned from the " return" ot the othoer acrvlug it. whlch ean? not t*. made imtil the " return day'* apeclfled In the order, tt tnoli 1* frecjtiflutly a week af U t lhe Uauiug ol the order. Return waa made yeaterday to an order on the c.nirollor to flhow cauac why a mandamua ahould not lfl?ue oompelllng him to pay the late Cbamberlalu, Mr. Palnier, bU talary for r, dayi at 830,000 a year, aa flxed hy the late Charter, whlch went Into operatlon for that w-rlod of time before the relator'* aucoe*?or took oltli-e The return allegea no appropnaUoa aud ? aet off lu tbe form of luterciit ou moueya."*"The relator daniea the truth of the allegations ln the return. Judue Faheher took the pepera. tkninael for the relator, ex Judge Beebe; for the (Jontrolier, Mr. Andrewt. ln January, 1871, while E. C. Campbell, pro prietoroftheManhattaniloufle, ??aex-flt., wafl ?hoveI lng ?noW from the eldewalk ln fron? of hit houae, Mr. Klrhardaon. Preflldent of the Dry Dooh and Eaat Broad ,. R?iiroad Company, camfl aloog and onlored him to i, ivcJ away the idow whioh he had tbrown on the trat^iT aud on hla refuaal had him arreflted and taken ilfori Jafltloe tthauiliey. al tbfl fiaaex Markflt Polue T.ort Tbe complanit waa cU*nila**l. Mr. Campbei ,.?,,wlit an uotlou for falae arroflt, and the eaae waa trlfd ,,, ihe Court off'.m mon I'lta^ before Jndge Low. yea ?,.iay Hpeclal lo?ee? were proved aa tha reault of the ]_},"ti and thejury awardeU BBt damagi-a. -. Tefltimooy waa heard in the contented will j^aaot Bimon Fraukfeld and Klua Cole, deoeaaed. ptankfeldtoft au e*tate of atioal pn,**. Tho wlll oflcred for probate waa executed lu UM. After provtng the cxoeutioa of the wlll, II waa than proven that another wlll flhown waa executed ln May. 1871. It ta , ^*jli||ar f- ? ?*?? tbe laal Wlll waa deatroye.1 b/ ,r,aU,nUtor tor tbfl puriawm of allowlug tbe orlgltial wiii to tutud. Davld McAda?fl for tbe propooerta, an.l Tvlwiiaei'd ??d Maeou tor tlie i-Ant^etanta. Iti Ihe rtut nt Miaa Rlia* C.ihs lhe grouu.l of tbe conteal ot the will tt_7 thementnl loeapaeity of tha de. e.lent, and teaii ". wM ki ven lhal ahe ha<! iofu-nlBk-' oT thet.rain _t| ? i? ttmc <t wm tnnibt. Trnn 4 Doaber for tha eoBteei uule aud Jmi"? 1'- Cainpiiell for tbe propouenu. ' HlVtv u. N0TE8. lt thc Ji-fforaon Market 1'ollce Coart, yoflUiriU^, T:\tnl*. a.x,t? J ka.b9 ?'-> n,il.a.klt, Wl* kcU, ,? iaUuli. uf BJOOb^l. lot l.olll,.! uf th* htlUltt Uw. lohti larr, a in iheCuatora-bo.uie.cluirgeil .iii .k iH" U.O.IU. l.rtflM. iulatM? otflrn fru? itr CaaXtmktmm, ZTh33 i?.^?^* '? bbxio Ul, kr l ???l^WM Bl.l-Ul. Mill.r and Saaniel H< rgutgti witli -*.-not*t k? lalnml U. i;.??r?u>.-i>t ??t ?* <W t.i ?. . >.nr? qai.iit; Ti\^uixm tttnit^ trm. mm ytamtaty la ?ft.ok*U u.,t. t>, i:?,u .aiaiiw" Ot*m,it. At tbo Court of fionoral Hcaalone. before Be^ordct H**k*M Iaataa.1 taai rt Atlnnw. Bollra* *ppt*rtop tot tbo ooopj*. Wlll.aat -Tlr. m* tmm E?Uy tmm M-Ur -mit-kfl trtifcj****.*_*** ttt hr*a-lH lata Ib* |Hln ot Vrtittttk WajMac a? to IBd WtW IT*. aaaaa*. IU. aa- a*mll*? |IM ?_tW ?f umUnp; fott >??_"' K?IIt wm J.*. -irjwl. .*_ /Hia* wu trud aaa u_i*-iUd. J*-?_|'- "u" for ika pnuneT* . Sar-h aoi.ort', rl__?*J witk ?Uo.iof B33 "om Vr?*_.i__> Antoaln _l*.l- af II*. 104 B*_t Bif .t-rr th *t. "n Orl. 1, an f.a.u.1 roiltr ni r_a__-dn_ fnr lontcc*. A Hnrttiurl fnr thr it laiad... Rnaii Ort**k am -hirg?d wltb uttlnr Iw t* Ib* t-!-_?'it hoaa* Ro l.U'2 s*r_B,l-?.*-. aa Aat. 4 j oa** *ull mt. Willum V. KlaUiac *nd Wa. ? Ilow- for tit* pr,* mrr .. .Tk* tettowlBf prl*o?rri Dl.?<-*.1 (to.lty:* iahmaa. ter *t*altn* a ra, n>? tieart worth Bill. rr. m tb* l>n_.jlr.*i? Railroad l_?m pony ea ?*pt. 4. wi* nat to tk* P-initantiary ter au raanlb*... Juka Wm, for altrniuiiof to uaauil Wil I.m II. Iin*. ( kr*pw ia tb* I'cnlUali-rr *t IllarkwrH'* Ialand. hy in., >tiu| ll tiii. It* tlm** nn Tt*.'. IA *,u ??nt lo tb* Ntal* Prtioa for onerair? Pt'nrk Hrrlf ut.1 Mir'i?rl, fo, ??uulling Tb maa J. B?notng h*m oTN*. Wr.i Kil-M.ilk it, M.1 iT'wnptlitf to _t??l * w.lrh ami abaia wortb ?l_0 o* Or.. 5. ?-r. *anl to th* Pr .it-atl*ry for tl rm _Bnath_....l.*lta KichtnUoD. ter _*walt1n? Hmry I'.r trr n' Ito. -10 H*?**tb-*?*.. wltb ? loifc. oa Ti?pl. 311, wa* *rnt U Ibr Prnitant ary ter oa* ronr... Wtlliaia Haffrny. ter air___-r $__0 tion Wiiiiai* 0_a kl* of No YA tui llro tdwar, on Anr. IS. w?* i_ at to tb* _*?_>.WoUary for _li monlhi_Willlaa Brown, rolore.1. ter lUotapii-g to at-wi loth i*l worth BU7 <m B*iit. I, froai t^arl** B. Kirr?r ,if Ro lli lion . ... w?* tnl to tbi Btit* Prlioa tm _.>_ rotn . ? Ithn CahUn lli** Jolia .-.oll* to, llr* io* ? lolhiuf oo M_.li__1.Trum Ir. ,: I nn* ?rth?t__. hort Mowtrl. ttPlr-r Tt" .1, R. It , *? **nt to lh. _____ tltry tor ru __mtTu_... J .aa II. Klatur. for earrnag no_c_t*l*-l w**pi.~* on ,1apk Ml itliriil to lh* 1'< aitrntury fur Ibre* mouibi-.. .Miihaal Btrckky, ter laaaall iad iHllery. nu **ntto tk* Cily Pruoo for .i0_?. _ _M*BEBfBE-*ctcr. H. .StipreiBe Ctttt ClBflBBfl ITT .Fud_re F.-inelier ? Bg*low ttt. __r*w.otTL-Ji-_g?_lit grtated. r.*_o tOA ?-?? -ltil __Mil gr*u'*a By J*dg* B?ro*tt.?Brewiter *gk Manning -Onlir ?rltl.l. , Rr Ja.lf* Infra_?__,'-AII*ttoi 1*1 AII*rT..n.-<?..rr.-t.l_d. Br loigr tttrhrr?lUoll aft. Siall. ? tt?port ooolnoe., _udj-dg_-?*t af dirorr* gnutod with ooata. Saperior Court?Special Term.?Hy Judge Van Vortk?laittem ifl Jnnn?**.-Or.l*r of r*ff no* *. FtoUlitif igt. Bnrk ioghi_B.Jr.-_Iotio_ grinUd iU. for 20 diy*. ?eiri|t, Merer ? Ordrrth*I pltlntif- p*_r to d*f*ndmt tltatonr *nd tbO _o_ni?l te*. H_vhr__ik *ft. ofin-ek ?tot mratorarvlora wilb pap?r?; onler nt r?f-t ootn. Po-rerl Ht Balmont?'irlar dannnj ?..ilon ter noo*_1?r_tiou oficttoa. Brl*i*n*. lfl. Paavtrt iad w.f*.-Or_?r danjin* mooon ter roni....rilio* ntttttot. Mflaea ??. Jotkmt.?Mottoo pintrd. 5inlh Naii..?al Bani a*-t M*rrl..?Motion ?r*nu.l Brar* tl al. tgx. tr'.li tt al -Orlrr .r*ot*d. V,*tilin|?r agt DI?trirh.-Or_?r *r*str.l. II a iaimii afl. Badar?Ordrr fraated. Uart Mk fionw.?OrJ*r fiauleai. Brown* afl Bn.wae.? Ordar ter Jo-lfraant ter plalutiC Marine CAtwrt?Vart IL?Bv Judge Howland.? lUollion R. Kerr iad aaa. a|t. Mich_?i MlieiMrll iad ?no.; Lu.tii Jo'.r. ?a* ter platour. aod 11. U Man..* ter dateMUnk ?V'*r_lei for tit* p.ain tlif fi.i JlOti bOttmln ul t'lb ter tllowiaoe*.... Jarn** Cou.tB*and uo >(i Willum 1. WrifM ird -lo , CL 0. V,n, ter pltititif, iad _. A. Wrifhl ter .*.-n<_*Bt.-laoTi_-t for th* ptiintifl 'or fW. 12, wlth "r_* .n.i .... til?w_n~*? ...W K'*t Hall *?l rhirlt* V. Hallojr; J. A. ulwrli (ur plaliUff. and A. barinfir ter d*fa_d*nk ?V*r_li?t ter tb* d*f*ndiat with r.nta and A2_> illowan rt. Fatt lll?Hf J ..lfa Np?u,ilinr.? i.m.r** E. S'ldilar afl Thornia OR-afrll **il aiHl.i M. ii. lUnd* I ter pl-nlll _n,l lirorf* B. Sailh ter ie-nai.*-?Inif-eaX ter th* ter HIH., wilb *oa_i. and Ittr. al lowanro*_B**io*n afk Ba_*f..rd . k tot pia.uuil. *_d C. W. Vu Toori* for .Itfcudaat.?Ctie (till oa. I'Al.lMUtRS -! u.l 0*T. Bri-aaa Co-?T?I'Maaaaaa?V**mBB. 1 ? !?*? SU, ?1. 91 02. 9il 113, 114 1118 Ytf. 141. lftfl, Irtt. lT7'a l.H '-'*. '_.?0. 214 Oi*bk*i. T?ita.--Iofc 51. 62. 109, 110, 1 11. 8. 7. IH 28, 4M, 61. ?5, 09, 70. 'UA, 'Mri, HO, l't). 140, 112. U*. 141). Ut, 101. BB Spi.aai. Taaa?Adjoornad anUI Mor,,l?r PiBT I ?fiavu, 1 -Alror *nd T. mninr baliri?a*. PiBT II.-772. SU.ntM.r_g_. Mafoir*. Btipbbiok f.THT P?BT I -BiBBorH, f-. J.-Mrt*. 251, 1,031. 75.1 6lil, 7.V.), 809 705, 707. 769, 771. 7711, 77.' 777. Pa?T If.-Paaai>B*v. J.-Woa. UOs. 7IW 3W? H'-'H, 56B, 720. 502 464. 624 650. 72H. 730. 732. 734, 7SA CoB-r or loaaoa 1'lkit - l m.ii. I ?*? -I'?kt I -IUit, Ofl *___? ?,* H6<1 126. 2355. 'iitalj 2:'.JH, 2:159,23.1, 2362. 2364, 'l.UiS. 2369. 2370, 2373. 2371, 237'.. Pairr II-I.'.bw. l-ttn. 1969, 2148. '-W.'J. 2841, '-'312. 2343. SB44 2345 2316. 2IU7. 2348, 23l!< flflfl- 3351. 'J3..2. -.utiTi Tbkji-J. _ . Jalt, J.?Xo_ 69, 70, bH, 74, li, 22, 3C, ll. Mimxa .'nrKT?Part I -flttti. J. 20fl?,.M*-*-*t*l. *ak l).inn*il?. I Bflfll..Arlil-M aft. Pnala 393-1 .Ilow* agt T.llmaa. .H-hului ttk On.lof. ?2'.'.r,t).. laaarm ip. Wit?i. 3PB8..WtUa ift. Bi bj 1:Hili..HchoaaaaM *i_t Kuaiaaa. \ 2ie.M) ?^k Hufrlmaa. _i',lT4..lli,'T_ian?ft l'r*u_?M. 3U34..I.ambard agt. MeM.r.o. 2530 .Uow-B.1 *fk u.* Wllk** b.irr* l".?l a.,'1 Ir>u I'o. aOflfl..B_Ma* lfl l.rb I...* 249H..l?_b'?-_.-f''tgl. J?ot**r_ '."...,.;..y.urk ifi. Van __b?.c_. 2.12b..Uttoll -ft. llnjjark '.IH2.. W?tmor* i*t. .'?rt*r. ?Jii.M.l.Tv aiT. IVw-r. '_'934.._lo_daunT tft- aflaak, 21.67 ..litiii-r *fk I'bilip*. 1941. O'Xnil igt. Alkioios. Tart II.?ll'ltrUWD, J. 23P9. .Wli??l?r igt'M.i'il,.'. | !)501..Cai-a igt. Ko*hl*r. 3163. Mirkl.iT i?t . 163B. .II?rn?t_-n i^k CbibdVr 2511. .V?n Ail.-j ift. TrrraMr. 2570..Tb- P't r-ma tOt M?uo 2H!Hl..Brnin*t.>n aft. N..w...n.| f.rtoring ?'o. af t Filbei 2S4-..fala_aaa ui. MrKana. 2577..Baat* ?ft ilamr. 21H-.1. ?fk Htarrln. 257*1. .8?m* aft 8*_i_. .11 l'.?..Uf.i*a ift LawnaM. 2579..Min* ?|i. Baaab ifi- C'ooa. I -atiO. ._*UBe *gk b?m?. Part III.?, J. BBM. K rlmiii igt. f. mttt I ?_*-e.H.._ab_ *?t. II*rb*rt. '.'iil7. Mc ,*i aft. lirc.mao. 27A_..i:oake ?-?. K*nn*r. _:._... Harli an. W?i?ri. 2'Jirl. .lottt *_>. Tbo Ai.arj Lif? 1893..Onat m.*t.._. lo.. Co. 27i;7..Ra'ilti_?nii .?k liiuinger. ' 2941. .flbieli igv Herraann. _:?-'7 *.*i.t>r igt I.fsarr. , 2940..Oll|_fb*f afl Tor I>*li _7S_..Bn_ara_i MaOBBa, wi"1 ibJ Laeliwaaui 2VJ2..llTi__en afk Jobnakm. R tt. Co. ?ft. Oodlrr. | B7BB W*ub agt Wifnir. OatliAi. Bim.owi?HArKBTT, R.-T.rnto* Orlik. ar?ori P?t*r H*lilr, launlt ind Ititu-rr. Will im I vh a.m. hnrglarT, AoniaMiai, Loo* Krua-n. Ktt* I'lrarr, Tbiiau* Bnl.iniuu, H*ar* Paf* grand l*r r*n* iil r??*l?ir.f itol?n gooda-, Lor. krtiwiii. J?oi** llrn.ira*T __?_. al llrlrae-., gruJ l__.c?i,jr, Juiu U?;te, Wiliiau M?r*n, iuttnj from Ihe pawaa _???_?_______________________________________________ DEPAETOEB OF POEEIOB MAIL8. WBOKESbAl. O'T. 15. Mail* ter Knrnr* t'i gi.wiui-.Tia ?n.l L.Tfrpool. p*r Itriai Wi*_u*iU. rloae al lllirtOa. OL A Kupplrl-*oUrr Mwl fvr.iiMll>l*-p?*t*ff Iriu-r* and pn-ii'a) oialUr ia cl,___d at tbc I'oal-Udko *t 12 M fl.eanubio tttt trom Piar .Vc. 16 M II al 1 p. as. A i-iuaai in t.'l.ia*,) Mail il I'li lir Ibll Im*. Mail. ter Rurv|w ria Hoathiaipl.ia *nd llr*m??. ft*r tb* ?t*?ni*M| lir-?i. vi (loaa at 12 M. A MapplrinrnUrT Mul for po*t*(_ I, .trr* au.i i,nalcl d-jlUtr .1 clo**4 II tbe l'n*x nftxrr al llflfl p. iu. Hl.a.ui_.- Mii* lt 2 p. ni. froui teot of i'birdak. Holaok-i., i'lll hsUAl. Oct. 16. Uall* ter liuri'K tia I'lviuvaUi. i iirr ,aur-. *ud lUmbirf. prr itwiin ?hiD BBfla. cloM at 12 M. A SunpiuueoUrr Mal' ter BaaMk polUfe !? u-M an.1 iiriu'r.1 uiAtt.r li cloi*l at th* Po_t DiSc* *t 1.30 p in. Str*in,l;lp ial ? al 2 p ra. Troin loot of ThinMt. HoSotra. M..I. I?r IliTinn dir*rt. ti? lh* Tt*_inahip I .tf of New-York. rloa* at 2 p tn. A 8ti;vp!*in*nUrr Mul T,.r 1 ...T ? paakhfa l*-tt_??_ and orm'rd maiutr ia c.o**al ai lh* I'.-i i'li-* al i:kO p. m. r.te*in*iiip aail* it il p. m irom Piar.N,,. .1 fl I Hall* ter 8?nU> Dor* igo. Sim*n?. Ba bt _T*l__*blp Tfb*?, cloM tl _ p. ui. -i_.aii.ibip Mll* at J o. m froia Pirt Nu. 3 S, B. l>Klll.V . CT. T. 17. Mall* ter _f*wrotindlu_a cloa* al tb* flc* Tork P_*t-0?v* ttm- flfl at fl p. t\, t ? II* i'.i. A Man ter Hii fn. S tt.. I* rto*a>l tt tbe .tew-Tork Po_t-0tbet tttrf tt] tt to p. IB , aud fOM Tl* H,T*'_vo KATI'KDAT. Oit. lfl Main tertbe I n '"I Biaadaa aalT, Tiaguu*u?towi tnJ I.iTrrpool, hr Ib* Bilu*. ?loa* at 12 M A Sappl*m*nl*'T Mail ter doablr poatag* lrtt*r? an.l nriot*,! nutfr I* nluaed *t th* I'-rai Offl. * l| i flfl p. __. etram.bip aul* at 3 p. in.. Irum Wblle MUr Duek, Pa Toat* Krrrr. Inrwij I'ltr. Maila for tb* ti.intiaent of Kuron*. *i* Scolli unalon u*t Br*n*it |a ibr it**.naliii. Doiiau. <-la_>- it .3 _L A .H.ipi,l.>nirnU.'r Mail for vliinT,l*-|vo?t*g" l*tt*r* tmt priot*.! millrr il rlo??d at tb* Pt?t-OAca tl llflfl I ? nu Mnamainp aail* tt 2 p. in , trout f.?'t uf Tbird -rt., Hobokea. A Inr m 11,-rmtL ?n.l I>ub*iii AaM Mail la **rn n* thu I.n*. Uni for Krmr* direet, nt Br**t tim Hirro, hy tb* _t.*__*bip P*ri-r* rloa* tl 12 M. SleaoMbip uul lt 3 p. m. from I'ier Ba 511 S. H Mni* lor IIat.o* an.1 Mmr.., prr th* lUamiblp Cleopitr*. r'?n lt 11 i. m. A Supulrivrntiry Mtll Tor iloobe-portaf* lattan aad piiite.1 mttrr i. tloom tt ih.t I'xVOAix tl 11:401. m. ttie-uahla uii* tt 19 ?.. Truni I'ier .Na 3 JI. K. Mail. lor Ker IV*.t br mrarn.nm Ciir nt Aoitio, cloa* ?t 2 i. nu. bi**i-abip uii* *t 3 D. ra.. trnm i'ier No. 20 K. li. MIN' II 1 M.VlTSAI ltil rlt**. Olli .?ae mu. 5 21 i Maa* riiM. 0.1 . < ..? wit*k rat* oa* ? t * Ita'T llook... *.*5() lOora Hia*..... fltBl I BBB BBfl. fl|_a 5:20 *,'.? WATBI TB1? D*T_* p laadr hnoi... 3'30 i Oar* Uud__... 4:U4 I llell <i%U) fenr.. 5:63 SUlFFUiur IaSTELUUESCE. PORT OB SBW-TOBR.Oct. 14. .'I.EAKHi. Btaiaubip I'*B*<1* (Br.), Welxter, l*T*rT>ool ri* BOtttttttn. P. W. J. llnrat _ MtMiuinp W?tTi**?*I. PotUr, Port-ia Priuc, N*w-T?k ml W?M ladie* ..teaniahi. I'o. T,wt*_ib n Ito. lir ar'von HkTinnth, Mnrriy Kemi it ? o. Memaah.p lituerik, I_*wr?uf* .NorltiU. kc. OH bvmini.n Staaaablp C*. iiMiaublp Wrtuoa*. Cooeo, Ric-unood, Clty l'_lnt. ud Ntrfuii. OU DnraJnion B_M?a-B 0bt ritrimib.p Jiaea Adger. Lnrkwood, Cbarlratoa, 6. C , J W gnlaUrd k Oa Mt**_iablp Morrn I'tnti*. Mortoa. flatani, Wm. P. Olrde k. Co. Sta-Biak.p (i-all.e <t?a>r.|, Wilaoo, liambuig, bjualb, Macbod k a__aa Biramibp RrfoltU.r. Kr?iii?n. Wsl-oligta* Lohllani Kti-tmabip Vm hir_ni*hu. Kin.u. Inxue. I' piua. L_i.._anl _tl_a_aa_iip Co. Mrauthiiv IL rtlry.Utvl*. PhiUdelpbu. RteimibiD Srtrut. Bkiurae. Bcarton. II. V. Diaock. }tt__mibip B?T*rlT. Pl*r** I*_nl*u1el?ni__.'onrnnl. NorJUB. Pbilwlrlohll. ab.p OTvaron (Br.i, T*rr*ll. _i?aruool. Boiirlng li Arrbihald. bblp Jo?_ Bauyan. U.lioor-. Bcrtlriax. lu-.. Vtnttk Btmr*. Hark T?r__kn? ilul 1. Uira?iaoi. I'ork or Palinoulb, NI.-nTieb - I'o. Hark im-.,l, lAotki. VauoTiaa, BoUerdam. Slorovi?b k i'u. IUit Oniart- lBr |, _____?. lia?_o* A/rn uii Uoo__-_!*_, B. PiUiek Bi*rk KmpreinBr ). W-Jt*r1>rrg, Ia.ndoa, V___ Sltan-Ji Il(jo Birk nkuld* (Nor), l briti*ua?n, Curk or Ktlmoulh, Funch. b.lyt k Vrt Torrlvl Innt (Br). I'orper. Port-?n-Prln** 1. flinr, fr. lirlg Craol* (lul.j, -cotto, tor* or Ptlmoiib lur or_*t* iohaC. lirig k. B. ti*T*, llirkne**, Part Bortl, 8. C Ltntt k Co. Hm CUuvliD.i (Ur). Vtu Kitgns. K rbiuund, Vuaoh, k_Jje 4 Co. Bnf Lola (Sp*-.), Oirdar, Serlllr, ttuhin* k Co. Bng l.o|hrm? (Br ). Pruer, B-ttoui Xibbrl k tlanotMT. tu-lr. K P lM*n. WiMrbir*. Sumforl Rtaatterd MinnTtrtanog Co. Ottt. Btlln Bortoa, BtuUy. Bumlord. Htamterd Miufaalurlig i'a. AHRIVEt). (ttaiinnhlp Mt?i (Tratrhi D-idaa, Buiierdia 9?pu 29, wlth _*_*. ir.4 na*. Wl P'llirb flflfl b Co Ntr?___*hip Vtuf-anl . Br). B*il*r, Labrwlat 7 day*. with BB ta B P. Iim. k Ba, _ Au-maliii l "I'imhi*, < tirtii. Ii*r__a Ott 0, wltb mim. iad put. ta Wm. V. .Ird* k Co. ...ramthlp t,'l*T-l iu,l (Br.). Asplelon, M ,itf? Sepk 20, Alasrt i'li, ald p* _*"1 0ibrtltar 391 with tr?4 lo tinmra k Ai)oliul'-_, Mrajntblp Iaa-o tirll. lllitetntD H'< (Ity Pulot iad 5orfclk, wilb m.1** aad ptak t,< Old Hoa.Inlun Mrmihip Ca. ?HcMBfia* Hrnnff tot. Ittm, Wila.agt..*,*!!. ... wltb w'.m. iui __m. _> Mlataaibii < . ' Ma__aahlp IbiBpiu*. lr" taood. Cbarl**??. Oet. 11, wltb aaM*. aod oom. to i. W. goiaurl k I a eUih Vifiltot ioi li.alf) .lil**. ttinifkl* 20dtfi, lihaliMk Bark -da iiaid b Btflh* xO*t-i, Rlu.iu. Ualte.t 2*3 da... i* btllul, Bark H*.* Tode (Nor. 1. Joa*; b.r_ ScbUraUt* 2! ?'*)*, iu hal.a* Birk * oitur'i i'lt?! |. 'ATtrus .,l ur*it-r.'"> du*. wilb uit. Urtf Velocu (Ital. I. Roaatno L. fhorn tit* _*/?. wilh mdn. Brbr 1. W. 1-Ba, Sinait JarkaouTu r ltidnr*. wilb yoliow plna. ?. ? maaaa bitbb a.h> c >A___"ak B B. f irk. Baltim..-. M. fl. Rhrtk.ll. i)?a-g*_owa.D. C. K. J. IUu.l.1 ..n Vi.f.ui*. li. IL Boulb. Vir^tiiii. B V Anm.irk. Tlrgiiili. fcr. Hdu .?. V K M h.iiri Vir.i.,1. J II Lorkaood., U H. Hopkioi. V irgtuii. Utll hllaa. Vtmitin FPrnt Kl.-tl-ili. l'i,.i....-_c*. li ll_-*..;. I'uiiUi-. H U tioo'd B??tvn I>TralB(a__r*l WratpoTi. AJI..U, Uu i-eport. Ur-.a Cuablng. itri*-_L lltir rl B. Ui, r*a.iu*. i. l.'ri U. '. N....1 g??**. P*ll l.'tr- Trlrau. Horw-b. i). MB-flno Boari*. fkarToa <Yn. H.-Awit.. brtf ^r. f?a. N.w-Orl*.**: t-ar.Bt* -b*i. llmirll, .. ' ? 10 '.- "?'? l.r.l.ahbarkllll.ll.Wl fr,..,. l'..rk patttBf ba?l. ttmfmti '?< ho i***a Tba hng l?*|li, Milrba-I *l M*w-T..ri. la aIm r*i>ur:*vl .? low -k. n*,X la. Tbr Nalll* Mtrk.lil*OB tbr ?*i*f* froai ttii.u.aflo". R-*-. t" fttatrau-l'itacir, a ol It ?__? laOalvO .1* tnuni Ia* la .a?li-*". KOKKIUN PnltTS. ?_0_rTU??fTO? Ort- 14- -' "? ***** ii*r-.* U* di Iia* iteamib ? Mmtrltrud*!., fioa. Itaw-Tork 0*1. 4, ??? D.eiBka. t_u.kd.til,, "^.V-kB.'.x*. H-ilta ??ata Un* iu -tihip Gaorgti l'_?ptr, frvm .N.? *i?.i<?.i. 1, far i.l?f *. bt*Air.T*d'..m. itloT.i.LB. Ott 14 -ib* AB.b.,r Un* itriukLp 1'il'foriU, Iral* froa.Nra YorklKt I tertilaift w. .rrnail um. ihi. morilif bi.B**.-,. <>*u 14,-Tiw. All?n I...* *tc-a_.ip t trc-wlaa. from g_, *? a*J t.mtt*??!. i.?* arrlTM hont -POHRB. Ork 1.1 '*? 'ni.** ?*??' of * * Ulaad. af? V?|nrl*?r. tnm Imnioa *i*l wi* ort** rd'T. .-l-lpbit hT ,.i Ka.l l..,a Webb No. Ha \Htr LtiMit ifkm ftttet te* AeteulA Ftt/isi THB MONEY MABKKT. ornciAL uki-ort, a. r. *ro>-- txaaAitat tAi.nt. OCT. 14. 1873. CIOVBBMWFNTKTCX'K piP-taTWKYT-IOJ <V(TT.OOK A M. 1'.'.000 1, HBv R?? 'U...114%, iiOOUl 5 30 Ow B7...111 Cp.*fi4.. .10T 1 5.600 .-.ilW't 3(><)0 0 H 5-30 Cp.Ttt... .im*' i.imjo xi ri tt io op. ?ab.?.i io% I ?2VIO.llH'.l 20.000.110V. 11.00OU ri 0 20 B. '67..111 | 1.500 3 ouo.Ins 10.UUO 17*6.. Oarf-I iH'* 15 OUO. .110% 10 dClAYCm A. M.?8A.I.R8 IIKPOKK. THI CALI fnwn gelat 100 2011. 188. 50t). 1 ?mto tm fca). 800. 180. 7("). 88B, ;,ia) 'HiO 1<M*. UU IM :t.M) ???.a).a 56% 100.. 67 100.r. '.,1 500. 56% 'UM. &*>S? 100 .e. 56% 100. 60% an- Kniwif i-r, C7 100.a 66% um.?o% UII* HaA Blrer -.7 57 58% 57 56% 66% 56% 58% 56% 56 bt bOH MH fl.,', M r,7 17", 5"') 'iOO.. loo.. KK).. 800. Ita... 200 . noo. aoo.. w<> . lia*.. Otnt.. UO.).. aoo.. 87% 87% ?7% 91% 87% T*t* 300... Lat* atiora. 1.BO0 ... aoo ... *a> .. 900.... ?Hn).... aoa..., loo.... BOO.... na*.... KM*.... 300 ... anj... UM..., 200 ... Mi..., ?MlO... 1J8.... 180.c 100 . 400. 100.e SOO. too. 2iO.t. SOO.e. 06% Union Paa It .,it,..,( ... 90 ... 88 .e. 85 .* 8fr% ... 65>? ... 65N ... 61% .... 85% ... ?>.\% ... 85% .o. ' > ... H5% ... 66% .?. Ofl ,.? ?',% ... 86% i .c. .10 , ... 65',' e. MH , ... fl*!', I 88% I . *>% II :ts?% s?% 88% il* rb* tMH M% luu ? 300. tint. bOO. 800. .'(). 18% l*% 18% ie'? 18% ii% 18% I1S 18% Tae,**, Bl.* I.M*. 11*0 B*f J- ?*o*v, ll*0 .... nw .... lot) ... 10 ... 100. ... aoo. tork I ,nti 800. floO ... 1?0 ... I.K' ... 2'M* ... 100 .... 100.... Hlfliihi' tat St 100. 00 tx. I- '.. KlO . ?% li-)........ Tii 2in>. 1-'. 100.r. 9yu. 100.a, 88% 8iM 7.000. <? lli<>.e. ?1% 100.e. Al 100. ?'? 1,100. 88% Ojh, .u*a..-.j?if 108. aoo.*? 88" 200. nn 'ioi.*A 7% 100 ....fll 87% ID" .' ;% aoo. HH Kr,. lUilwi/ 87% 100 ... 87% 100. rutvr boabi*?IW a m. Satet of 8*ute Botttt gitltrrrt* fltmti BtmBWtB P***< I'taii - Kxnrett StoeJct. de 18% lli* tn\ 48 300. .(IM) 800 100.. aoo. 280 loo.. 100. 900. ? XPi i-U Rs TM ?A.\ 2 . i B CimliQifle. i.JfcJ 18.000. 10 fc Ha* M M lOi*") .100 Muii .-v.ulh-ri - Y Oti I'.i U B 88 t; H,. it u i.i a 1,000. 73% 10,000 .?. 73 11 000. 73 i;-!i..n Paeile 10i. Iie 3 000. 49% c: ll I fc Pae 7i 3.C00. 99 OM? ?* M.iaCon a r 7,000. 88 l>biu fc Bm 9A M 1.0(H). 79 Bi! fc t !'? "" li* 10 OOO.103 Fixirth N.I Uuk 5. 08 l.nton Coiupaaf 200.he. CO Weafc-ra UaiM Tii 400.bc 91 Mf.... KMI... 8-M* ... 800.... 900... 100.... 300.... 400... aoo ... ioo... ioo... 100.... 100.... 400... ioo..., aoo... 17 % 57% 67% B7% 57>, 17% 57% 57% 6(1% 56% 6o% 56% 66% if V C fc ii'' 100. 1(H) 888 400. 500 888. 800. Boo aoo. ioo ioo, 880. 700 700. 100 500 600 1,200. 87% 300. lo.. 400. ?80 fM*.*. aoo. IOO. aoo 1.600. 1,100. *5\ aoo. Ki^ 50(1 . ??.'?% 400. Hf, 100 .c 84% .Ji. Muire 100...bee. 86% 87% ..r. M .... ?>.% .... HH .... H7T, .... 87% ..o. 87% .... 87% .... b7% .... 87% .3 87"i .... 87% .... 87% .... 874 .... 87 i .... 87% 87% 88% 86% K.,% 80% 86% 8.,% ? I I'UL.t 8T IOO Hi aoi*. 84 Cbic li .N IV K K IOO.r. Sll% 40. 4" naik^iio. aa ioo... ioo.oi. n ioo. zo K J Onlnl ____^ |l. 10% U. I*",'. 7i) 40 iia.., CVta*y fclt I.Ua* KM) . ;umj... 300... ??)... 100... KMJ... aoo... 1(M?... 100... OO"). ioo... Pot... 81)0... 100... aoo... ?ue... iod... 100... 100... 200 .. HAI... 40') . aixi... 800... 600... aoo. 2t*0. ;i tt*S 66% 6-.% 06% 6>i% 88% 80% 6-;% 06% ei;% . s 66% 06 65% er.% 66% 86% 66 63i 65" lo?. 100 20<) (yr.. 88 H E 87 S rfl\ 86% 888 2<m). ?88 188 lo,). 1(8). Bll il . I'.ulUIl Iimi . be.g 2*-% 1 h.. 88-1 liM). 88% 100 .r 28 IOO.?-. 17% Tvl" ? .imI fiU BOO.. or. 42' UH t". hl5. II ttt 85 100. &? 100. 55% UM).e. 55 Delfr l!..K'o!?l 10.105% M.1"? KM*.10J "" 2o' TtWm Mul 1 0 31% 30.).c 11% 100. AC'. 108. Ki% 90?. ?N 2iki. 31 800.r. 65% Kui.e. ao% 600. 65 100. 20% 100.?. 64% t-MriuaBion-M 200.??? <*% ?IMI . ..... 53% ChiefcNWPfef 100. \_\ bO. ? 53% 100.hc.efla 100.i?. 63% Htrnwi UK 188. 64 m.?.1<>7 1'olU.l 8UI?I Kxpren 60.M8 110. 53 800.107 10 . 6d% ioo...!* 1.107% Rfi*R*.)w?r *W.?*i"2l* 100.... ... 46 200.IW* ?0O.M.1S. 46 Unlo'i P?il? JOO. 46% 1,200....bfl. 200. 45% 100 Kt.- Pr-f 300 86% KM) M.I m I'aal 1'ref 200 10 . 66 800. OOVEltNMKBT 8TOCK PEI-ABrMKNT?12J o'cr/)CK. r. m. 8 000U 8 6e. Cp. *81..113% 2.500 0 8 5 20 C X l.(MM).e.113% 10.(M)0 U 8 1-90 t'oop '?2 a%.100% 10,000 U 16-M 9-t. 'Ob. 2%.106% 1.000 0 8 5-20 Cp, '66.107% 37% MB... 100... 3oO ? iia... nm.. loo . aoo K'd.. iui) .. lOo . 1(KI . Bo.t<>,,, II V i.'rl. I.M). I1* Oel. L*rt fc lt Ml 10 .. 2' ? ..*. 88 ano.8* 11.L - .-. 1 , IOO:.. -l?a 81 10'.1?% aeu. ao 908 .. .. V '* Mnrtu* k \Am?i B K IOB ...bc. 87 O-i" fc 31 im. iaa... -ie. loo..., ).,... . 100 Kmi ... IUI.... 808 ... loo ... ?88.... C.ltlC b* e. 21 K% a: *, h ?-". <t ? ?it, tii ?/?.'?' a-% 12 100 . 1UV jn.) . T'H 2< ?% Joo. 17% ANI* 'ii __ UO 1,(M)0 U 8 5-20 .'on '87, 2%.111% 5 00.) II ? 8i, (nr.110 2 000 2%.HO 3 60* U .?> 10-40 (Vt.9%106 i/.i.i 0 8 j.. i..n Hl 2%.IBI VH O'CUH*? 8A1.KS BKk'UBK TIIK CALL. WnXern Unioi Tel |8% .. 66 e. 65% .. 6-,% a. 66 .. 54% .. 64 \ .. 64% .. 54 e. 53% .. .',..% 63% b i'i 5.1 64 62 51% 3.M) 100. 31 mi [80. KM). 800 UO 100. Uh*. 500 100 ioa. IMM1 loo. 100., ioi 25. 100 KM). 200. 800. 100 loo. 100. 100 600. 100. 300 aoo. ioo. 100. 100. 300 IIM).13. M 300. 53 i ?r.'.,,i 100.e. 57% 100. 67% Oinm.,1. Iiliui Coal 50<*. 40 PliMflc ,_ KM) . 29% 300. 88 aoo. a?% 6a 19% 5J% 53 62% 52 61% 53 63 u% 63 53% 63% Krie Pr-f 50. Cnion 1'uMie MO. 60., loo.. 8 TCfc HaJiofl 06 17% 17% 17% 30,* ? 00 188 :,o. 100 100. 84% i Boe*. bflaafl BOfll. 500. 300.. no. MO. 2IM). l.IMM*.e. 81'. .ll.D. 8l% 200. H Km; . K5% 1.0.8). 85% 84^1 I 84% 8i , 81% 81% 86% 64 83% 83 . . H (i.% 61% C4 61% 61% 64 04% 6-;% .;?.-% 61% 64% 64" IIMI ii , 8tP |.i.. IIMI llH l.i'l... uw .. I 5im)... 1<8I . 200 . 1.000 , .<-. 83% A 3.% M% :n .. 36% . 8.'.'. ... bii'* ... n't .' it . 21% . . 21 ?* ... te . . n% . 22 '. -"i ,.. 22% ... aa ... aa% H% ... av% ? U ... 23 2.M) . b',% 3oo.o. 8.1 OiMl... 100 Like Miirt 60'*... ioo.... 200... 600.... loa.. 200.... 900.... 400.... 100.... IOO... 300... 200... 100.... 800..., 100... 200... 100.... 70.). 61% MO. M\' 400.?- 64% aoo. 04 '? i MBCONI* BOAKD? l O'CI Ot'X P. M. Soletof SlaUHnut*? BMMttmt BamMi thwot tmt Hatl rtfi't- Hoortu Atock*. Ae. T*lto.? k MO.. ? ) 180 Haa Ic MJfl 200..0. 18 I.mi. 1:)% H.a 4. St '.,?*. bk Vrt "i.i . -ht. 1T% C c a Ial i'fti BM . 1P% 1.D.I0. 18 ... 38% C '.Hl-H e 88% ... M% .e. 38% 8B8BM 8a OM 1,000.. . . M Paetie 7i. I. 0 4000. 63 Weateru Ihmb. 300.U. W Scm). 55% 100....89. 64 M 300. 118). 900. aoo KM)., 118). 200. 200. 100 . KM) . 200., 31 Mt.. 400 63% 63% ... 63 ... 62 .. 61% ... 51% .. il ... 61% .. 61 .. 50% .. 50% .e. 60 c 50% 2,300. 50 CaMun Cuapur 40 58% P.ctle Bail 200. 29% K 1 C fc Hotlioi KM).be. 85% 300. MO, 10. 300. 100. 300. 2(H) 100. HOO. 2(81. lKM). MO. ?00, KM). l.MJ KM) aoo Aa*t?.> Kikmm 50.U. 52% M . 58% (le. fc PiU. K (J'.! K>0_ 78 25. 79 85-% 85% 88% S5 % 85% 85 84% 84% 84% 84% 84 83% 83% 88% 83% ? l.'u.te.l >UUa Ki 10. Hn* k..lwir 46% 3iX) .... .. 45% KmJ...i30. 45% 500. 15% Bri* lUilwif Pref 100.e. 06% Har'.m HaHnai 600.bc.1,16 20.lt8J 60..105 X J C uUai K K 50.U. 90 Uka 8l...r? 86 OO. 100 31MJ 100 K>o ioo 200 300 aoo 2.8) Kmi.e. 83% ?MO. 83% 300. 18% 59 17% 17% 17% ? , % 84% 14% IX | i,i% 64% , 64 'i1 64 m% ' 100 20.) 100 200. ?8). 2>M). 3(M*. 400....a r 100.. .ar 6.t 61 62 '? 82 V) 62% 62 61% 60% 60 .?i% 61 % ir 81 i r . 61% ? r. 61% .ar e 61 -, 61% 61% 86% Ki k UU Pi.i UR 11) 98% 2IMI. 98% Bii fc M i'ui I'iW Iim) Ui.iui P. io.) . 26.. Iimi 108 I.-... 11% BM. IT C'bir . M W 100, .. .be. 37 5(> . 37% Cblrk Mortb Weit 1*1 I.MI e. 61% KMI. 61 Chn- t Bll .nt K K 2181. 8* % M ... be 8T% i lo.o. m.% too.... H . .. 85% "oo. .. 8^ 2IMI . KS Tai. U. <b S WeA 118). bee. rt\ Pm.rj% *.! 37 IM. ?T 1<8* .C u$\ lOO I | PitU. Y: Wfcl'b i.'? '..Ml M IOB.... 83. 84 UM, i - I fc I.S. 8T 100. 86% Otum h lil*. l-e^ ?9 800 Ma, loo. 7.MJ. KM) 9iM) 3"8). 100 Mnrm v Bimi 1:1. C, c fc i c 18% 811-Ba FROM 2\ (>TLi)CK T. M. TU CUiHA Of 081 MX88. S o'CLOOK 1'. tl. One g..lai; I Jirie fr-f> fni 411). 45% ' 100. 500. 45% Hirla. 10.) BM 45 'J.1" :mm) l'*i. 1 ki |IM| .'?'.I I.M. IIMI .. 1 100 Wei'.ni UaiM 600. \"0. 8<MI . llH* . . 100. aoo... .., ^oo. 600k. Un).... ... rieifl Mill KHJ. ?2.). HLI llwlaei 3.MI. 7U0. 600. 100 - ioa. IOC. 200. Km) . 600 ... 800. 100.. . aoa ... Calui I'Mile 2(8,. 3<m). 150. 9tM1. IOO 50 4'.i% 4."% 4'<% 49% 40% 18% 4 1% 49 2,',% 35 ?t 83% YAXt B% Y.2H *< % 82% 83% 08 81% 83% 17% 17 16% 18% lfl% MM, i "i B Wa?i k 100. M ax tttt 23% 11% 21% 21% ai *IS 21% E9H ?30 41% i3. 45 .... 41% | 41 45% 4 ? 44% 100 100. KK*. t,m. 200 .. tt. 30*1. -*'0. ?200... UH).... 900. L.1* Mwr. TOO IOO 700... ? ft::: 600.... 5(X> 118) ? IOO... 900.. . 300.... ?ou... 8.10.... 45l> ?? "?TiTr.r;.% 400. 61 Itoet I- ?-? 2'M) . . 7.8)... IIA... 8t Paal Itr:. KMI OM 61 ritl% I 8.N*.. B% S::;: Oli% Hia fc 'I li flo%: VO", 1. m.% tt s 18 7?% aia, 91% IN| .. IT , imi iim fc dt Jaa. Tt r. im%l uh. 60% I- % 80% ?ttir.,*. k 0.*k*tm too. mt loo. tthy .-Hf 4tX*.S% IOO . St% 4-Hl _ M't tVV. Kl.% 900. . M