^mnacmtnu, ftr., Cbw ?*f^?i_ 1 i <>?mt^>Tmo8IO. -TtoliM^oi^: -Laela Dl Laa* uii-ritMH>t. Muiu. Nlkaaon. Rihitm* Tubatbb ? "IBae*an.M *?**<* MHrfcall. Ii?it*i 1ta.ut.wtT TBBATBB.?"Mat." Kiiimet. N?w lt. hi m TB?AT8B.--Xotra Tixme.** T. C. King. NiBbu'8 Oahiikm.-' Tba BlaeK'-rook" Oi.*?rn Imbatbb.?"Oraad UucIm-m." Mm. Jamea JL Oatn. i:)iit?B flyBABK THEATBa.-"Tha(;,ini?aCroaa." Waiia.k-. l*'??Tra?" Iiur wiaa* Boal'* aud "The HiirTMiii|>,H*l< r " Sotbern. laarrrrTB ?Dar and Night. Annnal Fair. Kutkt.i'i Ni ? An.kMBl.T Ki)i?M< Htrtx, Illij?i?nii-T. KiiniwiMiM 11*11 ? Vanettea. Tlie lloyal Marlonettea. |...r I'i.i.ii. * .Mi.aA II ii an .-Varietle*. Swott to AftwtwemrnM. IB isaam Hrrentk Page?III) and iWh column'.. M*?BiBBHn -i? im, BAMBKBB- Ft'th Fagt-Cla col? umn. im! * r?entk Page Iai cwlUBB. IU>mn,, am. KiKAari-U Ptftk Pui/t *1 rolinan Ii.iai.1, tBU Ronao?MbmbA Pao*- l?t. i'l. ?'"' " ' uiiit* lluaiiaata. N.,ri t.n?tiyth Ftuie?lnt ro'ttmn. nM min rir-enth Foa*--1*' rolumn. iiani i... A. v . mii .-? tttg/MA I'age -ata ooliniiU. I>a itt l.r- nlA JMgt - Sih i am. KiKM.t Wabirii- Tonlh Page? ld oolnniD. Mlta* ?? >? Pu_t " ' i"111 ?ia Patye 4tti, 6th, and Ith roliiuina. I.t* tM II.m.i- i.uj'dk Fage?tlh dilumn. xit.tsntoo?Bleteamk Four- atii oolamn. I,,,. (tyri , fenlk Paat j I . imiiuu. l..M.rAsi> I,,. RU l.rrmtn I'agr - 1-1 i-olumn. Vakiii* t*n -im Miim* ttnBt I'age Ctli ...liuuii. MABBUOBB tBU DPathh? SetentA Fagt 4llti mluiiiii. BiacKlXAbiorn l.hrentk Fagt 6.1i ooluiuu; ItrelftA Pagr . Ai.i.iiii.ie. Ml ai. ti I tai iu HbNTfc? TanlA Ptuje?(Ith t-oltiinn. v?? I'l hi ,, vi OBB liuhtA I'rtne- ith roliimii. ij.i.11 I.rit BaUL (irr Ttnlh Page?itt ool .nin. Bl ? 'i> i vi - Tentk Par t.i i-olunin: WB8 Iik.m IVrWk Page \.t roiuii n COOBTBI fenth u ; AI AOOTIOM?Ttnil, Fayt-Ul aud M culuiiiii* -nii. rt \< ?? ??>-. trtttt PU9e?Ll raluinn. tAVIBtia I.O'.- e.. renlA I'agr 1.1 i-oliitnn. rMTIIATIDB* u tVTBD. BaitW Kleeenlh Fm/e -ll rolllUli: rBBALBB rhrrrtih /'atfe-:M niul tlli roluiriM. Ml-NOIAI N..1I BB -ArrrnVx I'age bfl ("illltlili. .-,irtm l;AU.KOAlM-r?M Fujhlh liif?eih ooinmn. im. Uur hiinoth Crtft-Aib rolumn ln i.ii Bi kivi PKfirr.BTT -lenlk Patye-M col ...i.t,. (itt I'mH'PBTr - lenlh I'age -2U colinuii '. . ??! BTK1 ? IrnlA Fagt-id tioliiiiili. To Whom IT Mai COscTtRJl -7eniA I'age?3d coluiiin. W.NIBB llkwili.*- r.letmV, Fatjr I-I ti.lniiili. Onsincso Xoticcs Bbm Pla! in Likb lNiiiRAMiB.? The all ...*k !?? ?f Ih* TaATBtBKi lamaawcaj-oiirABT._ Iii* sm . SlMM by l>r. R. W. ILiyaiond, ,a laiai'BB l.i aa Kieai Ba l. tr.tr 5 t-enu. ___________ Thi Titii-.i nk Almanac lor 1?7J. rrice % -.. >??- * t_ NVri.x-. i.n;Nn \ki>I'):\i;i.. -Si\ Sli,iki'>p.'.U"''iii >i.di?. lt 1" .>? tVB, in r?>-u'l tv tho jcourao of the lunaer toward n-rrta an.l ll.'-uiu. ? ^=* M. Ttuera will jtIt.i a dluner lo hi* political frt*-tiila ni the Kr.-mU Aaaembly. ?-* The inaurxaat Tewela at CirtanenB wpnt oat to attaek the <).i?eninM.ul tl tk, tmt, lludiuit it preaared. they retlred; (VHitraraaiA 088888)1 of cowardir* by the Inaurjrenta. ,--? ln tlu. iaaaiaa trlal aa iuteroipted duipatoh, at^uoB tliat tli.- l'rurtxiaua would ool lnarch to I'.rm. waa read. a -- Tii.-re waa a deatrm-live hurnrane ln tlie toatbern {mr! uf H ij'ti Tlie i-lacUon returna from Ohio and Pennoylranla, winr.aeanie.io v, ry alowly, lndioated Demooratie iralua aud Kepubliran viotorlM by reduced udjontwa, al i.,?imt? ni Oti lo a I*emoeratie rlctory la eonaidered poa aidla. Tka EtpoWBtBXt ntaJoiiUea la Phlladelphla oa Oiffhraut ofll.eiH raiined from 10,900 to 15,000. Netmlth ctodto(>>n?;reBBfromOreiron.=?a=r Tha iof?t?n delexutea to tbe B/antelicai AUianoe Tlalted ttaahi?i;ti?, iti.1 iv.-ro wcl-oniad by Dr. Butiderlaod. Dr. IlKaay, (iov. fthf pberd, aad -Proaldeot Orant. rm Tlie l-reaOdeat h.i? .n>[>"int.-4 >'ot. n t* TliBiikBjclrimt Day. r Ttm ll.uM liiuillr ttii, we mnj aa wt*ll give np tliia particular bmnrh ol aboriginea aa wholly rcprobaUi. ? Kleclio n Daj in thia State ia Tiieaday, Nov. 4. There remain but three da.vs of registry in ihi? cily before that date: Wcdncaduy, Oct. lll Kiiiiay, Ort. 24, and Saturday, Oct. 25. So far, Ikfl regiatry han Bflflfl very light, and there is nol innoh prospeet that citi-ens will uni foinily ixcrciae the right of suilraice. Atfain we urgc tlie dnty of inimcdiately rogi.itoriug; uu.l for the information of thoae who proposo lt. yuu*. wo direet. attontion to the offlcial iiilvirURenient. publishod to-day on tlie BBBBB pn;re ol Tiik Pl-BOVt. 'llie serinoii of Dr. BflOoWfl whieh we print this moruinK iu rcully au fl_|_-flBBBB tlie uiem bera i.f tha KT"at 1 _oti?t?iit Conferenee whieh Btt JflBBt fllflflfld Ufl seruion io New-York. As the reply of one of the ablost and most cou Mrv.itive leaders of a Unly of Chriatians who ar. .'itcluded irom the Alliauco it will be read with intereat by tlie profiwaora of muny ditler int creods, and renew Uie intereat in a aubject which was prelty ftilly discuased at tlie mect inirs last we.'k. Thfl bflflifl of Ohrist.ian TJnion wu.*. one of tho inorit iiuportant topica in the lerent ili_.cu8.~ouH, and lt ceitainly ia uot M'tili'd yet. _ Tbc attompt of the Taiumany and Apollo Uall Democratic factioiiB to unite upon loeal ticket-. for tlie OQflfling eleetion aeems to bave fniled. At tho Judiciaiy Convention yesterday in Tammany IlaH, it waa atated that Mr. James O'Brien haii declared that the Apollo Uall party eould umto with the BbBBBMbbbb on better te.nn? than tlioee offered by Tam nuiny, and tbat no alliance with tho lat t,i wan -BB-Bflia It being impoasible to niZTetT upon a diviaion of the judicial otlicori, the Tammany party procecded to niaki' nominations indepondently. The Bpaetflflb of tUeso two fuctiona disputing over the distiibution of auch "spoils of oltire " aa the Judgeships of our Supreine and other I'onrts is fjuite encotiraping to tlie believer in ?* free inst.itur.ions.n We invite attontion Bp i inlly to the txeatment aeeorded Judge E. L Fan.her. Ilero is a nian worthy of tho Bcnrh, and given BB it I.y appointment. Tam inany seareely contidera him, but Cdrtts 513 votea for Abrahain 11. Lawreuce, aud 511 for Cbiirles Donohue. THE QGTOBBB mmLECTWEE !t is the regular report of tho "offyoar" in p.jlitiis?geiiend apathy. In tho States from tt Iiich we have any returna tho vote is inuch BBH-let than laat year, and so little intcrcst i.s niauifestod in tho result that. but littlo pains seem to have lieen Uiken to colloct and for witrd the returDS. Oregon, whieh held a speeinl Congreasional BlflotlflB mi Monday to till tl.e vacaniy occa sioi.etl by the death ot Itepreaentiitive Josejih (.. Wilson, Kepublican, haa choaen Uie Uon. James W. Ncemith, Deuiocrat, who was Senator from that State from 1881 to 1867, a War L)em oerat of great pemonal popularity. liis mii joiity ia aitout 1,000. RetuniB from Pennaylvania indicate Uie elee? tion of the Administration ticket by u larife niajority though reduwd vote. James 11. Ludlow, the Democratic candidate for Judge of the BapBflBM Court, runs ahead of his ticket in most of the countieB, in cousequence of the ilissatisfaction witli Judgo Gordon, the Repub liean nominee; but tho latter ia undoubt edly eleeted by a derided majority. The cireumstancen .?f the refuaal to allow an ex aniination of the Treaaurer's aicounta, which in aliuost any other State would have proved fatal to the prospecta of the candidate, do not seem to have disturlved Treaaurer Mackey at all. He is roelected by a large majority, reeeiving in Philadelphia over 25,000 majority, while the candidate for Supreine Judge on the same ticket had but 10.-.7. The Itepublican candidate for City Treaaurer haa 18,762 niajor? ity over the Democratic and Reform candi diitefl. Ab pn-dicted in Tue Tribunb yeater day, the Reform movement made very little show, and proved itaelf an insignificant element in the eleetion. Tho people of Philadelphia and of the State seem to Ite fond of Ring rule, and, like the eels in tbo fable, quite enjoy being Bkinned. Taates diifer. The first returns from Ohio ahow consid erable Democratic gains, and the DemocraU had hopea, if the same ratio of gain is held throughout the State aa in the countiea heard from. of the eleetion of Allen for Goveruor, though the vote for Noyee, Republican, in llamilton County, shows a Republican gain over the laat eleetion, when the county was earried by the Democrate. The lateat returns received at the hour of going to preas give tbe Legialature to the Democratfl ?nd make the eleetion .of Allen probable. Thecarrying of tbe LegUlatore by the Democrata givj;B them the Uuited Sta_ea Senator, to iucceed Thur man. The retnrns frrnn Iowa alone Bhow a heavy vote. which is oceaaionod by thecoalition of Democrata, LiberaTs, and Farmera opon one ticket against the regular AdmiiiL.tration cau didates. The Adminiatration ticket ia believed to be eleeted, however, though the returna are incomplete._ WALL BTREET. yeaterday fleomed tbc worst day since the eraati came. In the Vanderbilt stocks alone tbe fall indicated a sbrinkage in valuea, in live hours, of ten million dollars. ln the name stocks the thrinkage aince the outbreak of the panic amounta in all to about flfty uiilliona?aay eighteen millions each on Contral ami I-ake Shore, and fourteea on Weatern Union. Wc deplore tbe wild panic which thua ?ac riflcea Btockfl at leaa Uian their clear, bed-rock value. Bnt we have no aoothing sirups to offer. The intlation in tbeae and nearly all Uie other aecuritiea commoiil- dealt iu in Wall Street haa been uureaaonable. The enor motia pre?Uge of Mr. Vanderbilt haa earried ? verything he touched to prieea which tboae ou thf inaide knew to l>e utterly without jus tilic aUon. The reaction waa iuevitable, aud it goot aa far to the other ertreme. For the wild PBBB3 that has aeooflipanied the fall, nnd for tlie neodleB- and wicked aaoiifioea that aro iiitiiilod, we havo mainly to thauk tho obflajjiate old luau who refuaed Ui aave tbe fbiiim Trtifli. ComBBBT. by paying bifl debt. The anm he deelined to pay?though on that eventful night hia frienda and followera labored with him UU midnight lo perauado him to do this simplo jliaUco?wae a million ?nd threc-quarlera. Thoae who kuow whftt ahare ho holds of the Btflflfet tbat go by hia name estimata his own losaea, by reaaon of that nighl's willful refuaal, at nearly or quito twenty milliona. Ile haa had bia reward. It eannot be possible th it Uio present state ..f afTaire in the Street BBB I'ontiniM*, Tho pro poaal to permit on tho Exrhange BtO* traiisaclioua "for account," with dflflatBBflBB twiee a nionth, will, if adoplod, aflo.d luarkeU rclicf for the present, whatever may b? thoiigni of ita ullimate effect. Tbe brokers themsilvcs eannot long continue the pni.ic-str.cken W? aelling Weatorn Union at h\ *^__^_TL awanna aud Western at tB. Sm-W -?*? ?? ?rc hkoly to improve tho ^^^JflfwS ,her witboum. and *9**m**+&__Z ?ixt_ daya benoe, l>e bewildered at tbttt BWB tollyLiuiliu.ttO aee the cl.B?c. Ull lt had " Kut lot no man im.ig.no tbfl* this -BjMB uneedy nwimiption of balloomng. lt will be ?r ouKlit io I?v-mauy a year before the aver ago Btdflkfl totich the prieea of a month ago. Wo havo wide-sprcud distross, ouor inous deprceiation of values, general fin.in einl disturbanoe, and a Governmeiit piti ably _fllpl_Bi Wo forla'ar eriticiatn on Presi ileut Graut'a lotter aud other otitgivings. Rut wo invite all tinancial men who know tho dif ference between printed paper and money to take note of the talk aitout tiirther watering of our currency aa a reniedy for the BBBBI BBt evila ; aud to couaidor Uie eommon efl'oct ti water when throwu iuto eauldrona of boiling oil. ____-_-____--? TIIK V.CT10E8 OF TiTV, ALLTAtfCE Tho great Congresa of tho orthodoiy of PtflBBfltBflt-fl- hun held ttB ten days' scsaion, and h;ia adjuirned. Tlie dlllflgBlBB havo koiio tfl Ml the brief interval BfltB?B their flflflB plfltfld Iflb-flfl aml thflfa retiirn IB tluir bomea, by visita to tho Capital and to some of our principal cities. BflfotB Uut vibration of their pnyen and hymns haa died away, b. fore tlie gurliuidfl wliich wi'lfomed tbem in Asaociation building have withored, the City of New-York exteuds ita tolerant hospitality to their re lilfious anlipodca, BB*- the weary repoiter who laai -Bflflk re.'i.riliTil the utteraneea oi liishops, il.Mii-t, and dnelora of the straighteat sec.ta, are now Hhuipcning their pcneila for the iiieotings of the most radical and oarnest enoinics ot ? iloitrin.il Uieology. ln the eon* t.-nnce of the " Free l.eligioniatsr thia week, iu Cooper InsUtute, the boMflflt and clearest forma of denial will probably ulternatc with the vagueat utterances flf myatieal spcculation. Thore will be aomelliing, pcrlmps, to shock aml inui'li t.i bewildiT thoae mimls wliith have bflfll ai'-customed to a alraigliter tradition. Bfll whilo it ifl scarcely poaaiblo thut such iiuport? ant practical reaulta can follow thia Conven? tion aa tlioso which may reaaonably be sup posed to flow from the Evangelical AUianee, it will hanlly be denied tliat. Uie samo dcaire for truth antl for the wclfaro of the race ani matea tbo few ilozeu acute sclu.liirs and preachers in the Cooper Institute, which ga\e auch enoriiious vi-or and vitality to the eu thusiaatl'' tliousands which lilled last week all our public halla to oveiflowing. It would aeem that in thia (mll Bfll of num bflfl liea tlie moat evideiit IflflBOfl flf ibt hour. The minila tliat -Bfll BB abaoluto iii-t'il of a peraonal i.ligi.m are r.iw and ifl many ways exeeplional. The m.isa of iiiiiiikind, whatever uuy bfl tlii'ir inielleetiiHl eharaeteriatiea, tlnd it bard to live without Bflflflfl iinmediaio and acnsible depoudeuce upon a higher power. Ueinrich Ileino exprcaaed the cry of hjniau nature when he said ho BBBflt havo "a God to " tvhuin bfl eould talk iu the sleeplesancaa of " midni-ht.'' Yet it is in vain to npflfll una nimity upon this all-important que .tion. Then; alwaya have been men whu uatut.illy turn to atithority, and othera who aa naturally IflfflM and deny it. The one camp will sirive to exalt tbe importanco antl worth of intlividual judgmeiit, aud the other, througli whatever chauging phaaea of proteat, revolt or develup inent. will mevitably t?*nd to eome together, in the unity of religious brotherhood, of whieh tho highest and most boiieticent form wliich tbe world haa aa yet bflfll vouchaafed is hia torical Chriatianity. WJlLACIEB OP AN F.LECTIVR JUDICIAET. No donbt the specioug urgumenta of the managing politicians in favor of an elcctive judiciary will have Bome weight with people who are rcaUy desiroua of baving honeat ad inini_tration and a puro and upright bench. Tbe ciap-trap?for it ia hnrdly anything elae? about tniHtiug the people to ehoose all the otbii-ra of goverument, judicial aa well as legislative and eiecutive, bas a taking souud, and a good many people aro deceived by it. There is, of course, tho plain BBflwBB and denial of eommon sense and ex perience, but most people prefer listen ing to demagogiieii- logic to taking the better counsel of their own observation and eommon sense. So when the demagogueg, the trading poliUcians who hold judget-hipa like all other officca aa part of their stock in trade, for barter or Bale, lift up theii handa in horror at Uie thought of taking away the right of the people to ehoose their own ofticera, the average voter takea the shock and repeats that it will not do, that it shows diBtruat of the people and lack of faith in popular government, and all that 6>rt of tbing, and refuaes to take the appoiutment of jud??es out of the caoens to put it into tho Eiecutive Cbamber. It is a beantiful tbeory that a free people can well be tnuted to select their judicial offlcers. It iB simple and pretty, and digui_.es politics, while it ennoalea human natui*-.. Jlad we never tried any eiporimenta in that line, or had any experiepce "with caucunea and pulitit'-il Aaehinery, it would be bard to annwer it conaiatently with a belief in tho capacity of man for wlf-goveinim nt. h Rut faeta outweigh theories. Thia matter of cbooning judgea is a queation Itetween two. ___Ji U either Cancu. or Eiecutive. Not by^ nny means afl the politicians put it, a queation of taking away the nghU of tho people. The People do not act any more direetly in the one eaae tban in ihe other. An elective jud,. eiary ia no moro iinmediately cho?en by the peoplo than one appointed by the ?K. ecntire. Iu both caiiea?and we beg the voter to consider tbo Btutement cflre fully?tbe aelection ia one remove fiom the people. Your caucun ia not tho People; very far from it. The caucua or priuiary nuxTting, or whatever you may pleaae to cail it, ifl a vnry small fraetlon of one party?a Rtill mu tllei ono of U.e people. It haa a sort of power delegated, or aanuuied to la' del.-. Kated, to it t.y the party, aud ia iia.il man aged aud dir-Cted alwaya?and we BBBBl oI*k*wi wheu we aaj it?br a rory fcuw iu triguing, managing, und often diahonest and corrtipt politiciana. ft i" practioally the ma rhioo hy whieh a half down men man a?, aa many thoaaand. Here ia no nopular choice. U io tho merest gnuimon to aay there ia. The people are not wilhin gunahot of it. The queation really ia whether an iutri*ruin*f ring of oue pitrly or ,hp othur, Qllll itmVptBoi niul irmaponaible, Almll anloct our judgns, or an Kxecutive tJBtBti by the people ahall appoint them, subject to the api>r?>v?l of an eWte.l Senate. That i? tbe lairest Rtiitement of thc afltBB^BB U tho preaent BtBtt ot our pohtics Bp other prcsenta Uoa of it in fair. fMl ciil.ivc!) of the right of thn peoplo M clect their own ofliccta haviiiK BBBB bruahed away, it is Hiinply ? ijucstion between Caucus A,,d Govcrnor. Onn iH M BBBt the poopln. aa thn othnr. Whieh ih iiioh! coinpotont to seleet tlie jiiilic.ini ttmttWt of thn State T Through whieh of Him irttfltufl .'luthnritioH ahall ap pi)intiiientH romet That ii the plain aimplo (|ii(*Htion. It ought not to bn diflirult, to an Hwer. BWB we aro enlirely Hiifn in saying thnt whilo New-York has n.vnr ha.l a Gov enior who had ko littlo aclf-roapoct atid BBBBB Et reaponaibility as to appoiut a iiotorioiinly ineompotnnt or coirupt or other wiflo unlit man to thn beneh, wo have had and are contintially having in Inith partino political leadera controlling BBBBBBBB and dic tatitig iiominutions, with whora political servicea wero nlwaya the llrst and fitnn.su the vory laat coiiHideration. Onn ha* but to rtiu back over thn reeord of our Governora on tho one, hand, and take note of our ward politiciana on tho other,to diseern tho difToronco between thn two methoda and dociile whioh ia prefor able. Apropot ot tho di*caaaion of an elnctive judieiary, attention may properly bo callcd to Ihe ncgotiations now going on between two factiona of tho Dcmoeratie. party of this city, Tammany and Apollo llall, for a diviaion of tho oilli'ial hjmhIh, including tho Judgca to be eloetod. Apollo Hall, by ita Committee, tells Tnmniiiny how many Judgea of tho Suproinc, Suponor, nnd Marine (,'ourts it " wanta," and Tiiinniitny anawera, sayiug how many it will " give." It in a pure matter of bargain ing between tho mauagcrs of theae two fac tions. The peoplo havo no voleo in tbe matter. No conaideration of titoeaa entcrs intoit; it in aimply a division of judicial ollices. Ih it nncesaary in addition to this to describe tho mon who " run'* theao political machines .ind their litneaa to seleet judgoa for tho propleT How much of a wrong would it be to free government and popular inatitu lioiiH to take tho aelection ol' our higheat Judicial ofltad from these " governiiig tmEggBt* nnd put it in tho hands of a responsihle i:\iinlive, subject to approval by au clcct ed Senate t -_______________^___ TIIE MiOOELYS' EEPUB1.ICAS TICEET. Tho first visiblc ofl'ect of the agitation whieh Tiik ftlMWI haa for montha past kept up in Brooklyn aft'aira wuh the defeat of Messra. Tracy and Jourdan, tho Kepublican managera in the Convention whieh lately nominatnd Mr. Followa for Mayor. Thero had beeu other minor restiltM, hucIi uh thn arreat of Kodniau and tho indictment of Sprague; but these are in-.ii;nifieant conipaicd to the one Bmm we have noted. The noniination of Mr. Fellows wiw at onee, aeeepted as a conccasion from p.irty to publie Hpirit. It also assupoil thf, auo gggg of tho 1I(-pul.lican party, for Mr. Fcllowa araa aboro roproach, and it iafoated the oaa bryo inilependeiil movcinciit by piactically rou dering it necdlt-.-s. Th? deelination of Mr. Followa roturna the most important of the Mrooklyn nominations. |0 a Convention whose previoua aaai-inblit'a have been iiotoriously mauipulated by politi cians of both parti.-s. It now remains to bn ncen whether thn Convention will aguin pro vide an irreproachable mau for Mayor. To do so alniortt eertainly iiisiires its succcsh, for the DoMOCrata havn benn dnteetnd in so much loiruption that they aro without entliuHiastie lollowing. To fajl to nominate a good Mayor wiU nyatdUae into eompact strnngth an inde pendent movemeut whieh will earry all before it._ a THE DEIIT OF hOUtEIABA. Mr. Kelloprg of Iiouisiana has published in Tht Pmttmtr, an infortiiation " useful to iu " vi^torH," an oflirial statement of the debt of that State, and accompaniea it with tho u?ser tion that it is in every way complete. Tho table, whieh dons not differ materially from other oflieial nxhibit*! that havo BBBB from timo to tuue promulgutod, shows that the State hai '">w out honda amounting to $22, 302,800. Iujunctiona againnt &>,5U4,0O0 of this have been issued by the coiirU of the Statn; ou the remaiuder the iutereat has been paid up to Sept. 1. The value of this I,oiiisiana debt statement would be greatly iuereased if it told the whole truth alwmt tho linatiees of the State. Ono form of Stato indebtedueas, aud by uo mnaua tho leaat, cither iu importanco or amouut, ia entirely otnilte.l. It has been the custom both of tho present Administration in Lotiiaiana and of its predecessor to atttle claima agaiuat ita Treaaury by iaauing warrauta whicb, aa the Auditor and Treasurer are generully uu able to pay them, and refuae to redeein them when they can, BtBBBBBtAt a kind of pajier money for favored officiala to apeculato in. Tho amount of thise outstanding warraute haa never been made known to the public, but is varioualy eatimati'd at from live to twenty million dollars. Whenever tho Kellogg Gov (riim.Dt get togetber a littlo more money than in required to pay the current intereat, they aell it at auction and Utke pay in warrauta iaaued during thn preaent year. Onn of thoae aalea waa advertiaed yeatnrday. Northnrn in vestora are not very likely, in the light of paat experience, to put much money into the bonda of Soutlmm Statea whieh are atill under Carpet-Hag rule, aud uobody will be dnceived by any of mtt part ial exhibita put forth by tbo desperate advouturen who huvo luiuod Southeru crodit. TBE ABTOB I.IF.H.IHY. The Chrittian fnion, laat week, contaiued a gnive and well-eonaidnrnd articln, whieh we arn aincerely glad to echo, in mbuke of the peraiatent attempta of a portion of thn prnas to eaat diacredit upon aome of the litorary trusta of thia community. Chief among the targnta at whieh thoae wantou miaailes aro direeted ia the Aator Library, aa to whieh we (l.'hire to aey ? mbW n?rn<-at worda. lt is very naiy?nothing eaaier?to flud fault, aud having an accidental grievancn, or having none, lo eonijiliiin ot the BhortcoraiugM of thoae who admiuiftter auch a trust. It coata nothing to carp at the iiiii.l.'.iuacy of thn d.ad Mr. Aatoi'a otigiual eudowinent, or tho living Mr. Aator'a rontributioiia to ita aupport. Tho crititi aa Htiniea that ho koowa tbo exact amouut at the dispoaal of tho dnad and tho living, und, iguoriiig tho thouaauda ot uukuowu eJuiuia un their gcnerosity, haa uot the leaat d-fflcultjr ?n deciding bow much the oue otight. *? j"1? given and tbe other ought to give. IhM which people of thia aort never attem to thiuk of. is how mueh, in the way of voluntaiy l-enefaction, has been done, and what a debt ..r gratitude ia due. Fanoy what New-.ork would be without the Aator I.ibrary j u?t aa it is! The grtat metropolis of thi* r'nion, at a period not more reinote thun ninrtet _, years, hatl no atndenta' lihrary. There were rireu luting libraiies, but not one ot tlie only kind that careful, patieut study neeiLs. Kvcry other city waa ahead of us. The Fianklifl Lihrary of Philadelphia?uot, howevir, a bIikIou.*.' but a circiilating librury?waa tbc gn.wth ot more thun a century. The Roatun libnirie* grow up under tbe proU'diou of ht-r I'nivcr sity. Then waa it thut, a Now-York nicrchant crented a great institulion for ua, and not only hns it fBM on, growin_r. alowly periiapa, thongb siiicly, but its oxuniple -Bfl stimulated another New-Yorkcr tu emulnte nnd it uiay l.o excel it, and in ittt Ihau two yoata Wt ean Itoast of what no 00?BIBBJtj in the world can, two great Libraiies founde.l exeluaively by individuul uiuiiitleenee?the Aator and tlie Lenox. lt ia of the actu.il rather than of tbc pros peetive institution that we care now to spoiik. Ifa distinclivc feature, it aeema to us, is the atrict thlelily with which the trust Uiat Mr. Astor creatcd haa been iiilministerod. With notbing but conjecture aud usceruined reeulta to guide ua, we are led to the coucluaion that, to thia very hour, there haa bflflfl uo ilepiirturo froiu the line of duty whieh the benefactor proBflfflmd. And who shall complain of thia! In thia our sorrowful day of trimU Ix'trayed and confidenco misplaccd, is it opportuue to ask theae Truateee to deparr trom a line of conduct which ia so clearly marked . To ask them to buy more books than they ean afford to pay for?to open the Library at night when ita rcaources are only siiflicient to keep it open eight hours of duylight?and, finally, to aold Mr. Astor because, in the exerciue of a sound judgiueut, he ehoosea to take hia own time aud lo aeleet tho object of bia bonefactions f All wo know aud feel Ls that we havo in New-York an institution where iu leaa thaa twenly jbott half a million of atndenta have fouud a home, wbere uiost of the standard workaof our own and other lauguages are ac* cceaible, where there ia a acholaily atmi>sphcre, uml relined und geiitle nssi.ci.'ition, and where every want ia met, by intelligent courtesy. This is quitt. enou^li for us, and wit are in perfect uecord with The Chrintutn Uition in ita bifb and diserimiuating praiae when it says: " During its bnef exiatenee hundred.. of thou " saiida of acholais, now bcattered in ull pails "of tho woild, huvo b.eu uided und euriched " by ita treaaurea; uml in wuya iuiiuinerubli., "uinl with ever increasin.,' effleicncy. lfl socicty " liein'titcd I.y tl.e existeuee ol' this silent, "motlesl, but- moat bountit'iil inalitiKion." Thn Cherokeft Nation has ilauallv heiu tbotklttti a Mighborfaood in which r..i'i.-1't for I.iw ..aa ri.it ? .iiiii.l to unv f.matiial axlafi.. BBBflflg CflflflflB-Bflfl ut leaat. Bflt we bflTfl rar.-ly flflflB BBBB Bfll idfld dis BpffOvfll of in.ir.leT aa a popular sixirf than that ex hibit.il hy Thi t herokrc Ad ot ile. At n tOBBtt euinp tueetiiig h.'hl flflflt tiu* M..r:ivi:tti iiii.-v-.iuii. ci-rtam Bonaof HeliiiltnrnMlapeiinyby aellinc whiskyonUie iroflflflfl 'Ilm lflflfl! pflBflBBflf-iBflfll ttei-ntin ly ain".'.' with it: "ItflBg-tBlH lOBBtft-M anv mio that tlie il.'vilshoiil.l intirii-ri- witli moi ttorks todivert them lo his owu iinliol.v iiotiona. thb unluwf ul practno wu* Ibfl ?BBfl BB-Bf tity, Stata or ii.tli.mul autlioiitii-wero thore, uo n-prei.uiUi ti?f>a of tha inihtarv rterviic, uml only nbout ? ii.._en ..itvul uilh-tira win. woia piam-iit ou ilufy. No guna wai^ tiual,',unl u.itawoul of flflliOgJI Bflfl npoLeu. C'.i.iBid.riiiir tli.it Ihfl \d.uiral foi.ght and eonqu. red ill ono of tho iiiott r.murkable actiona ut aaa. during the late war, it ia hunl to cmyrohoud thi* cold in diftoreui**. Theraaraf.Twtliiims-iuld.tr tban r?uthfiil piaty iin*,ipiilie.d i.r BB-flfldgfltflflAi Tbfl u_tK.il fitttott ot IhoM-uull Bov lanothing ai_rat.rdii.arv. and wbon ha doas oondoacend to ahow a? intaraat ia oaap meetiag it ia juat aa wall Ual ooceeabneniabottld o't bo allowod to laat upon hia damask ohaak. Not ot tlii.-* uinxl waa tha oondoctor f Bo.tton is awaUow ing up tim aajaO0Bl t ?wi?a i.aa a precadent ui tha eaaa m Um CHjr of London, PfBtgt thu work of ab Becptiaa htt hgtb tBBmW ,J" bBBB a muoh groat?r BSalo. A.'outury and a half ago tho original city. it was said. ' l.;ioliiii.tl niiuiiii of Boatou. is not, at any rato, pleas int to look at from tho soutiiiioiii.al side. Only tha protty little town of llrookline. whicb ia rural, ricb. and innnitnly conifortable, declines to bo aliaorlwd. Thu derision nearly isnlatee Brighton. ono of Uia new accesaioiis, tgbgt B?n?ton propor, aml may givo riao U* inoouvaiiieut ooinplicatiow. Boston caii now Imastol Buukor llill, tho State Prison. ggi tbrn Nai y-Yitr.l. but tbeso accosaioua, togother with thitl of poptilatiou. aro merely uomiiial; Bostou had tlll'lll uli, iu feet. tn-foi l-. The London Tmet rogarda *n. Crant aa a candi .lut.' for r.^1. ctioii, an.l says that his ohoice fora thii'l term may r.-sult iti i:oii*hjmoucom of the groateet mi portanco to tho ltopublw. Couaidtring our quad IQBBiol oloctioua as a aourco ti groat disturbanca MDil eorruption, tho Kuglish jouixal tlnuks that a continucd roeloction of a satisfactory I'rnsident dur i uk his lifo migbt bo oxtremely benefieiaL Tboar ticlo goes on to say. " it would be vory likely to a* ruretheaeniees of botter mon. and to reuder tba BfBOOM of their ap|H*ijitinent lessdegrading *o them ttlttt and to all concenied iu it. Tho detailaof a riaaidantiai alooHoB oio tthi H thia side tho At latitic with BBMBMMBl and with disgust, and tbere .tn. many signs that they aro looked on in much tha sauie way iu Ainenca. lt would he worth whilo U try a plan whieh could do little barm aud nught da uiui h good. lt is thc simplost relorni that ovor waa larncd out or suggestod." Wo tl.iuk that ao agricultural fair held upon saudy Capo Cod, Mass., is entitlod to sjiecial aml hoooaahb uotioe. Tho show at BurnsUhlaon Iha Hth iust. proved that jxiars, apples, grapea, quino*. poachea. a"d cianbcrriea can all bo grown in that blaah Bamstable County i that cattlo may there lm fattened and awine bo brought to porky pttmrnBt and poultry made to thrive. An exbibition of lini hrwkd wo should have expected, hut thoie was alsa an exhihition <>f line buttar to niatch. Thoro was a good dinuer, such aa tho poor Pilgrim Fathora noT.t nizwi tbis paper exclusively in her peraonal make-up." We have alwaya known that journaliam hud its deliKhts and compensations; aud tbe ou here uidicsted would he, porfect if it wtre alao t?r lata that Miss Filkiutrtou read the aforeaaid QeaagiB newspapor beforo proaaiDK it into the aar vioc of ber toilet. tt-illy th?re ia nothmg lost whieh sball not b? found. ln North Bridgewat*r, Maaa.. laat 8phua^ an . lileriy citiiou. while planting potatoea. loat hia po<-.keH?ctuxaa mm thal aufc lo?^ withtHit kaow.na >k