C*.>KJ-B-l*OM.I<M:K BKrif_BB TlCB rOl'K ANO . "*"
TTOW Of lATH'll! "SM THB rcu'V. A81_KT> TO
tfl, Tl.e* la). O.l. 1*. llir
("..rraapninlanca hatwoan lha 1'i.po aml Ibfl B-fl"
laaror Wili.ain is ofheially publishftil.
1'hol'opa itiilos, A:_;. 7, thut thn ui._aur.Hi flfll Bifl
M v|rt_*y'? Guferiinitiit Him at tha fitirttructioii of
i itbfltBBflflfl. Ue i_ uua!.! ? todiacuver BituMou for
such savc.-ity. Bciag int Tmod ?nd bflttorlflf thut
' nipamr is BtflBfla lo Ihe inoraaaa or 0*tMmmtt*O
,,i thia bflflfl! poliey. bfl pflflflflfl flfll that ina-amw m
j.inoua lfl Obf-Bttaa rcligi.-Ti only tend to undermino
II ? throna Ha Bpeaka tntthfp, nn frnfflfiiltiaiw
lOflll ii hii dutv, an.1 al! tha baptized. even iioii
<* ttholi?. b-toBjdflf, ia a Bflrtfllfl flflBfl* lo him* **'
t'harulMvB the lhal BBfl ******* wi" Um tttetrnmry ???>.-?_ Bfld araaladflfl hy
! ? iviug Uuti to U. iiiuiiii'! t?> tho -onperor aud
Hutl.orraan Bfllfl?B flflplB? Bflfl ?. rajoicinjr at
i.|*)it,u.iiTv to corr.tct error-. telutiug to Oonnaii
I:" the I'.ipn wua trut_if.illv infornied, he
a ,)?.].1 Ik. that the (Jovarniiiant eannot act
, .1 tho approval i.f tho SoToreign. The Eut
li'.mrd-ioply retrrctsthat a portion of his Catholic
railijiM-f". pilaat-, havo orfiani/ed u party which
ia an-'-J-.Til in intrtgue Bfflflflflt tho MsBB
, _-B-b_D| roligious peuco to tha extent of open re
? rflUfl-Btflfll exi.sliiig luwa. HflBflafltfltflJBB-flfltiOBB
..* -iiiiiUr BBBBflBflflBtfl in part* of Europo und
la Aiuoiioa, tti dflfllfllflfl lie will uiaiutain order and
i.? tfl long ais (iod anabloB him to do
aa, o-on BflJflflBfll tho nervaut of a Chureh which
1 - sup.'itwfd larknowlmlge 1 ohednBMfl to BBBB-BT
.7 a t-e.iim-iidmant of Ood. Thia iloctrina
.?? ii-'ii.-e. howeter, ha rogreta to soo ao many
- r> tn PfcBflBBB disown. He ASfflflflflflfl the hope
t tt now tho Fopa haa been infonn.-d of the truth,
a .1! BBfl hia authority to terminate tha agiUtion.
;, bfl dflfllflfflfl btiitta Qfld has no connection
Ib flfllifljiflflf T BTfltb Hfl takea objoclion to the
J' tpflQaflBfl-Haa about oon-Catholioa, and tounluiling.
.i,-. dinVranoa of boliof, bowever, bhould uotpro
\ .t flflfl living iu i-sace.
? ? :>: !.<T\\\l?r... BBTWEES TCRKKY
-.-. '-wcr A'.ainst tiik OOO-B- OB BOflfBU
: >WAii:> sKiiviA AM) iiosNiA ? Bfl B0BBBBBOB
r.r BBfl-BR awaitkd UT Tiifl aBB-BIfll UOT
Vii.nna. Tue.dav, Ort. 14.1873.
fBlblBb MlflBB-fl of Foi.iirn Aflaint reeently
ilar meiuorandum, giving a oce
?I of an Au. tnan Cflfll?I\*B oondwt in
|l .mia. and coinpluiniiiK of Uie reeeptiofl of l'rince
? i, |\ .'' -.-I vi ,m Vi'-niia. The Auatrian Oov
i*. bflfl takrii ofieiise. and u note from tbfl
--":-? :.-_M*tat tha IflBflfl of tha flMflflfl
kod ioi with some anxiety.
iv i.i.mcs IN' KBANCE.
h hy K. rUBflfl TO uis rt.UTii'.ii. BBIBBBB
,t IFT8A1 i'u: IHB skut.kmkm flfl imi.iiicai.
h:ki i
i'AUis, Taeadar, Oet 14. 1873.
V tflBflflfl will -ive u ilinncr tfl his fri.-iid*.
? bflBflflflblf ou BflflBH-bflf next. Couut da I.eiuu
Tai. Ium reoaivad an in\
0 il flttfllBfl Bfl artiilt.. written by
? ii. i,eTn.i.:int', Aowiafl tho nrfeal oeeflflattj
:.!, iu' nt of thaiHilitioal dithcultioa
. i I'i .
lha f.fiHtriirat.iniiti"^ that th*. BonspflffiaBB eflB ?
tti i.i.'vthir.l of thf vote throw.i by tho Kudi
? I :,t Bflfldflf <- i l.a ti'.nA.
". Knurla, Dspatj from Hm DflB-ctflaaal oi tlie
Swih. b?n utv lure.l in favor ol tho licpubli..
v \v |fl BtTlLK IBOBBB1 1 > H tB
- mUB C-B1 LvlM IN UB la'I'Ali. BBI
l-l V lfl PBOVlflflOflfl II ? .l-MAl-K.VA.
? ? \tttttOU, Tueridii}. Oet. 11. BBB
A R|?ftf'.id diaput.h tfl Ibfl Ittae* from Csrtaganu
.nW tlata ot y.iatti day. aaya: " Tha Intrauaigate
.. ?ra a?uin leui lufl the, and a naval cn
iot iii t il. -.1'ti.itechara.tar than tbflfl oi
.-,, inlav w BApm/tei to take plaee. The cotnmaud
-BJUlgflBil bflfll hua bt-ou given to tbe captain
v.'I 'tli I'l"
--Tt that in tbfl bflitlflflf the 6th
t: 9-? men, whilo their own
* "flrBfl ? . ,_ , ,, ,?,
Mai.RII). Tueaday. 0(?T. 14,1871.
A dM;>f' h from Lfl I-hna. u flailaa froui
mptabttOTy ttOtOOOOA lfl beard there,
? in Iboog-I that aii.)th.r etigaKeineiit lietweeu
, , , aai tbfl insurgent liect ifl
\ i - hflfli Cfl-t-g-oa that tbeprovi
. mll ..Tily laai thr* ? daj - bflfljar.
LflBBfl Tbfl BMBUflflfltfl "t CBlBBfflM attributo tha
..f Hiiuu.lron to tbfl cowardire Ot t'ontn
7ia*. vt'hooid'Ti-du i.-treat ugaiuttt tha wiahaa of the
. il.-. lu.- Bflflfl he wiii Bflfl bfl snflerad to
c. 'nm m. 1 lh" li-'J't anu'.u. Their VflBflalfl sailed out
.,: tlioh iib.i I" -day <<>r B BBflflflB- tii_ht. hut lin.liug
t ... BMBflt ii"t ior, retired.
? -, fl nu MAIT-tIIM.S kximination ?
an'iki. Dflsra-Cfli t.) nu. I'i'i flflUB
?KB-fl-ABOB Kl ' .v-TtNTivol'i.K BBBB.
Tttm, TmttBty, Oat, lfl, lars.
Tbit c.' Bl tbe (.ranil Triunon waa
rr twtlcd t.-dny. Tbc rtaniinut.on of MarshallBazaine
^r-*,0?atiiin.*.i l? tn* fflafl-flflB hy ttie
r;"-iidrnt. tho aaea ? IBBl Bfl ni'ver was fully
i. ? ,r.? -i I .i Ma. M.i'i.iii Bflfl bflaa inado autiordiuate
ti hlut. II"- .lum. d .'nt Bfl reclv.d aay lelegmiD
?":->it.t..i.:.lnT.i ti ??: IBB* in quai
I. IB Bfllfl fllBflBBB-jl ? tbe.-t.urt. Baz_me explrtin^d hi*
Rl'P-rant ...ulrrct ... . .....uuiincau. freflv wltb the Em
ti tfle gtmtbi th..- bfl i...ia_;bit:i" Bfltarwaa fu'iv
Hinu_ui.*.d tt.ii. t:.' -iiiiu:."ii. He r.a.i u ttapatek
wbiri. watae-ifrdflfltbfl I" ? ? Baa_q_artflrfl Bailaf
l.'.aatairft ?.f M'tl 10 lha "ierunn BaalMBMaflaV at Con
aT.,,t,i,..,.ir.. Qtmim tb-' c-*- Oaaaaaaa would in no
>'_a*. tuait j on I'aria
ii<_mti. r.-.ti'Mt.-ai bli AAi.frti')_i thal ha wan not tn
Bamofl fl MatMabou', _t-lv .... ?? until BM 3a'!i nf AtigllU.
jT. r.Bf. t-. louflaaa- Baaaaai oiBar **attm, be oirerad
fl__flaa?Blla a_PBflfltol b!7 ,t?;.iueut-. Tb? Praaident
r ..Hy BtMEbty would H l-t?fl-l aBH BlBflfl affldavita
I , tBe('-?uri wben tbr tun- f .r tb<- exainiuatiou of wlt
j, ?met bad arrlved.
lue tf.ltitg nt th.t tO -av'7 proeei'dlnjrs hiive l.peu un
fflvaaaflflB la BaaaflM
Uav_ka, Oct 14.-Advices from Uuyti state
?hat Jeat-al wo<l aaTi-i-i othtr til__en iu _V?uth?Tro Hayti
viAited <>y ttrtere bun",raiio ou the 381 b ult. Man.i
!, .ti*a*e w^radaaaaliaflrd, r?n,U Mt.wn ofl, ?uA innn ??rn
tttm their roota and tarr.ud ? frrat dlataun- Ttnt'
?t m ct.iirtld.-r ible !..*. of llf*. untl arri'.u* ilatn ._.'.-t"
aai^fflflfl- Tba burncauc dnl bat r<;?. n port au afi mii
4'. AliXCATT-a _
(ine hundred aud twenty-tivr thouaaml ponbdfl
1.. t.iil'uiu wm ebipped frt.wi LlverjHMil u, n, ? tttt,
y.-nU-tAny. hy tbe aU-a-U-Ml. Ab>aal_.U.
Tbt l.iuik of FiBf?*-* rate was iulvaneed.yea
t.riav iiico?*a.|t-?ncaofthe ha_vtr ord.-ns t?.r rold for
? nUxd HUN, amouuUUK in tlie Bglfreicate to
* ?,'?'JOl,? ?, r.
Mr. WHIiam E. Baxter, M. P., m a public
? i. - . 1. ial Dundat.. nl-'ht tri-ftire liw.. "r_.-<| i,,,
,?\rr, ntTrte w.Th thr r.iiTe.1 STi.taa. KT.-ry publio UitU.
Ln n mA, aatould v.irt tbe rountry.
Co-iBiifl-io-M A. II- Meacham deliveriHi a
ateouire in Baii Francisco racently on tba Modoca.
M. i-.-i-T-.4_, bfls flrritten & paiuphlet in favor
of tbe lauMKllate reeaUbUBbmenr of the monarch/ lu
I'rof. Tayle/r Lewifl lfl to deliver a aerics of
l.?*tum to - Mederu I?ll_eliljr " before tba itudeBU
t.f Kut?ani Oaumge, New Jeraey, lh? oonunn Wintrsr.
1'rwBdrrot MacMahon farora plaring on the
?Vandoma coltuan a BUtua of KapolBOD I., flreBsed ln tba
Vxgoaimy coataoieof Uf M orbrooat and aa-tU cooked
UMfTtnwDA** A. S-. W__3_-B-l ot Norttt Car*
olu.B iiiakoii tbn atartUnr anncmnnefnent that he wlll
soon br prcnared to prure from tbo njost autbentlc
aoiirt-o. thatu elrtioied oalony of llanoaalant extatotl lu
Noith ('.u-oiu.i 2,?wya?r? before Oolombiw w*t born.
Aiistiirebi B.y, thn nnwly-appoink-d Euvoy
Kxtmorrtluaryand Mliii?ter-I'l<iitpotentiiiry of Turkcy,
whi prasa^adtaPfttatmgtb(irantye*tcr.iav, Uie usual
' eompllmontury apooclioa balug uhmi?.
Mayor .Fohnston of Ciiieiiiiuiti waa (hroivn
fjy .in a rn ru, re aome time iisn, aod ?ii.tuliu?I whut tr.W
nl ft "*f -,ii|?i>,ih*"1 to Iie iin-ipl)- Mtnno lirulsu" upon bia loft
')_nu lu.M-ii.' of getttug w.-il Mie anu ccuii.iiiiieil 10 a
mtrotf.'md tmt u?cli?*i o-'Hilittou. aud it ln uow leair.i
timt a?*,"l|t*1'(>n "'*.'' be tmmtttmtf.
Vr. tmTBWBt, author of tim "Lifcol JnHiis,*1
wrife* to tia ertifiwof thr Oet/rntearf, ot Herlln : ?* Ninrc
I ,.i spnnc l BS88 suff rod fnuu a (ll-eani- for wbieb I
iiavr tmrnghkemtmai Ohrlabod ta rmtm?m cii?.'?oe wiurii
pbyetolaM bnrn tlecliin-tl liiriiraMe. aml wl.irh Baa ...m
jH-linl me IhlM lonir time to 88888 mr l)U'r?ry llbora,
tt ll iiolil tht- l, ipi, uf ini Im-hik ulile Ut reauim- tlu-ni."
It wiw to Alcxauilcr Stuart (of tbn fliui of
K L. A A. .-ii.urt, r, (liier--), aml not Al.-\anil'-r T.
Mfwart, nn tr is atated lu ti.e rcjiort. to wboui tlio Evuu
gt I rul All.aiii-o jMR-ed a voto of thiuik*., for plat iiiii ut
(ln (iinpiiKal uf iu. inint? ii iHrgo number of carrbigOB t.?
(mii) Meu ic I'liM-inct I'arBuud (l.eenwood. Ttieopeu
riirriuifi-A wbieii oonveyed ao miuiy ol the foreien ilcle
L-iittsof tbe Ktaiigt'llitul Alllauoo to ObbBtbI 1'iwW ou
s.ittir.lav were not provtded bf tht, Coatntittee of Ar
rangBBMata, imt hy the liberality ot tlie Uv. l*i. II. 11.
Kind. ________________________________________________
ACtlOH ok thi: nut AMPCHATIpW.
Thon was a regular moeting laat evening of
the New-YorK Ilar AsMN-iatlou, at No. 10 Twe.ut)
Hiaatb-Bt. Wm. M. Krarta oc-cuplert the rbair. In
iui urtliiiire with reaolu tiona borrtofore paaaod, tlie
I'n -itt nt inipuiiited a ('oinmittoe to eouaider tbe sub
Ir.ct of amcndtng or rvpcaliug the iiuiikrupi ln wn.
Mr BrarH add thal a Commlttee had t**en appointed
t.t eaaaMai tbe autiject of au elertivejiidlriary. BBi tbat
Du m.i.j.iiii} nf the profeaaton was uot iu favor ol tlio
elective aysteui. I.ut of Uie appoilitiiient of judgea. Iu
tbe iih-iiii'i- of the CouHuittoe, Mr. llvarta oflt-rcd the iiik. whieh wero udopt.-.l :
Retolrrd. Ihat thil iit.Roclut.ion enrneitlv recnTninciifli
to tba people of Uie State of New-York tlie odopuou uf
the CoiiH'itut uiial anu'iiiliuont.s to Iie Miluull'cl at Ilu
eBBBlog Nuvc intier electtuti, pruvidlng tbat jtidK'*a flmll
i.r ippmuted U) UtC (iuvt-rutir, witb iho a.lvico uud eou
f.-lit uf tlM Sl nate.
Kejtolotd, That the Exeentive fommittee l>e in
Htriii'ietl to take tmtb iuiu-iirc? MBMll MOarlBf I
proper prmrWttm mt balloti loe the ur? uf tba ratoia apoa
tbeie CiiOHtitiiticnul auifiuliiient* nn tbey iiiuv tM.ik 88
| aml lo tuke nll utticr DCOptt 1111.101111 8 to 888888
the adopUOB of these aiiii'iHlmt-uts.
Mr. Lirocq io muveit tbat the reRoliitioiis be publiahad
iu Ilu- daily pb|mtr, twioe wce.kly, froui tbr piaaaal luu.
uulil tbe tinirof electiou. Tlie m.itloii w,n cjith-.I.
a car noi:>K gVbmmV tB no?TON?Ifttt $i.r,,i?X).
BOSIOH, Oet. 14.?A fire brok" out thi
forciHiuti in tlie long ivuo.len car tbed on the brldeo of
the Kastern It' 8888 the Charloe River. 08T8B <>f
tweue car? of Coiuliictor Lligbtcin'a Ko. kpurt traiii.
whicb hsd re.ently nrnied aud mn into the luilldiiiK,
wer.t aaved, the reiiiiiiuiuu live Ix-ing luu uni. Aid
flnuiiv aaaaa bmm iha altf ttt i?>at. ami wimt Ihreataaad
lu bB a .li.s.istr.Mi-. Ilre v,u* 8888 KilUliied. Tlu- it'-.tnu
ttaa ul the car an 1 ilr.i" li"tii*-i?)\ghl fran.c bBlMllBgl
wttMiutuplet*-. The <ltiu.ii.-e tu the Eanlct n K;iilrtiiid
Iim.Iki- is scri.-iiiR, but will not delay the iiansaK.' of triuu-*
to auj irrcat ixt.-nt. Oue tra.-k .mly wlll bave to ).. i.
laid. The onlv loaa to the Boatnii and Mjine Kailri.i.l i?
ib tbe abarrlng of tbo laraa pu.'*. <'' Btaapera oo tbeli
bridge, i.ut tbey im- nut raaiderad aatlrely u*-i"-,?. Tb.
ralue of tbe btdldlnga eouaamed was nhout ao ooo,
timt of ilu- Bw paaieoger eangkXgtX Ihe wtrai ol ihi
Weatern i aloa lelegiapl w.-re n. arlj all eol ..n
Coiigri ssiuuu Ellia II. Uolieits wiii.B lnuii
Bar*pa that ne wlU eoWB hi-. I.ack pay into tht- Treasury
luiinedial.'l.v upmi bB t.-iuin.
(Iin. Oarfi.l.l made tbia notnble rcniiirk in
| IBB nt-pee, h ln Olil.i: "Tliere ls ntl> t qaM
latiltag in Ihe eoaiaraaltT that paMtleal paaHea ure gotag
to Bteeea, ami tliat ptahaaa it i? .tust kr w.-n la Ial l ban
ao tu pinrna' .ui.- ot aaa aaaal ahaaalag Hb?i tt lhe Uum -
li fouud iu tbe facl tbal i Bimllai faallag la ju.-N.ii, al la
.. good iiiiinv rt.ite-- baaldai Olii".
Mn*. X'uginia L. Minor, lormcrlv i'
uf the Misao in ^tat<- Wnuiun'i. SuITragK A^wK-iutiuu, bnn
iiutitn'ii tu fhe of JUaBBBBfB Of .t- b80ll (uutit.t.
.y?? tiu.t hiit refaaaa tu ihaaa b ratara of berpevp
.?Ny snhjoif H taaaUM, un IhB Krouud thut under thi?
.let-i-ion ai tin- tapaaaai 08u.i <>f lhal BIbb>, tb* baaaa
frmine rorertt, i-aiiiiot imu tbe iiiuiir.v it lu-i'.-n Uh tu
pav tax.'* tiii-i.-uii. and furth.r beeanae nhr- Utinka tluti
tazaiioa BltheBl RpaaBeaaattoa the aaa >.f uii ijiaaay.
k MASOXIO (()NFKKi:nci;
Tbe OOUl aiitiual cnelave of tlie X. V. State
Cir.iml 080 iiiHii.i.-ry of the Maiunic Order of Kinnlit
Daaiplan bi ? api tti la Vawbargh pembMrtXP tmmmxt,
and wlll aastfaaa uutil thtmttg iiit.-rn.Kiu. The ufti
.(.rH uf the ..ntiiU (' iiimKiiiilery, .vcRtcrday uiominu,
weie 88888880 bg lluila.ui Kivi-r .'..iitinutuli ry No, M
and vi-itiUK knicliti frum their qiiartei? at tbe L'niti-il
SUUm Hoto) to the Masouic Ilull. The kniifhta were
oominaiided by BaUBBBl U C. Ptmi. MiltHic. Tbe m -
sioti upenc-.l at lo u. tn. Tne ('uiiiiuundi-iy w.m i.iii. d tO
ord.. hv (Jrsii.t (m\*%m*WrQt ^ir (hurlea Kounie, uud
thaeAearaaaawerad la lhatraaaaaa Ihaaflsaal tb>
(ir.iml.'.taudard-Hearer 888BJva.ant. Eniiuent Sir Aaron
Culton froin Lafayette fioinrnand'-ry No. 7 wan chn-. I t .
tho poKitloD. At the openlng m-rviceg tbi re were pret
eni lepiaaaiilallTaa from ai aabsiitaaM boobbbobMIm
uf tbe St ite. The aimiiitl muiiave wa* ..[.. n.-.l
m ample furui bv the Blgbl Eii.iiu-iit
(.rami OoBmander Hr I. Lfti" ilowall,
ahHihti-d t.y ttn Oraad Ofticr withappropnute knightly
reremonlea. and praver l>v ttie Kmuieiit Prelata ilr aml
K.-v Juhn (>. Wiliut.1. Tbe (Jrund CoiiiinaiultT tlu n .1- -
hv. red tbe BBBBBl iicMrc-e. Be Rtate.l ln Pie otirRC of
hu. icuiariui that jHtaie and guod will hud reUn.-d
throiiKhuut the lortadlction dunng Iha punt year, atid
little demand hud been rnud" upon him in hiR oMetal ea
pacity. On motioii of (iraiid Ri-corder Bobart Wttmyy
tbe Hiiin uf |iso win donat.-il hv thia (irand Ooamaaderjr
lotbecaaeaol ebarltylo Meuipln?BndHhraveport. Oa
iH-balf uf thn .irand ...ininauderv (irand Captaui-Oeii
eral (.'harles Itouuie pn r-enttd tu Paal Oraad ('.uuuiumlei'
8ir l'.ul.M-rt Nt-wlin Prewn a lieautitul gt>M Jewel as u
mark of aataaaa. Iha alsaHaa af adteera w?a made tt.^
upi'ciul urder fui Wedueiiday at 11 u. m. Au iuviiation
from Blr O. P. WiitMc, oa babalf ot tbo HiuIroii Blver
Cuniinanueiy. to attend a reception aud tutiKjiief. ut tha
Oi^-r.i Ilum-e ln fhe afternoon waa aooopted. A mrt.t
pur.nii- aud review will take pUco to-uiorrow.
un. RSH JBB0ST c.nmiti TiDXAi, BOmtBBgMT,
Tkkmon, Oet. 14.?TBB* Conatitutioual t'oin
lui-i-iim imt to-<tav. A great nuuiber of ndditloua'
Hir.i-udiueuta were offered and ref.-rnd to the eou.utit
t.-.-R Thc rrport of the ('ommlttee on Rlcht of BuflrHjrc
uur th.n liiken up. The 888888 llniitint the xigbt of
ftueisnert to voU ii. 10 daya after liettuniug citirent
was utricken out. and tbe matter waa left tu tbe tourtf.
A* tenldi nce M an clectlon dlttrict wa* put ln a*
a r. .|iilrement in order to vote. The I/cltlature may
have power to provlde for recelving the vutetof peraoiiR
wim u,uv tn- in the milltary "r nnul aorvlee ln time of
w.ii The fomiulRRlon flnally ogreed to the aniendment
tbal i very hlll ahall b?ve tbree dlatiixt readinKR, Bee
tli.n by aet-Uou, ou tliroe dltlercut daya, tbe tlne of a
Inll ool to be taken aa one of tbe readinifH. Billa are tu
Iie i.riiiteii before introducd. Tbe queaiiou whather It
itliai, re,|iiire twu-tblrdt or u majonly to van* a bill 0T88
_-,i.,v,dn debated uml paataoaal. Tha gmfti ptett*
it'-m .,' tue L. gi-.lature waa 'iobated at length, aud poat
poaedon a motion to make It 1500 a hcbiooii, In. ludmg
-.i.ii,mi. ry uod even-thing etRe. The amen-iinent jir.,
i. cilng ibe liberty ol tbe preut in Uo BBBBBBBB) ou Ii>-ir
lanv^ -i. ti n.m n-ferred.
\\, continua to hear cx.ellent aeeimnlH of
Mt I .ii V,-''- KiiKlliili Oi*ra Couipuiii lu thepiutu
,'ial lOWBBOl KiiKU""'1
.Mr Theo.lore Thomaa, who haa juat eloseil
?eekof uuceru at tlmut", devutci aaa ewealngol
, leaerl.aio BeetbOTae. plariaf tha stu Hyiupnuu) auJ
ru,. toat ovi rtarea i" "' tnime ''
Mr M ii Marefz.k bringa hi.- opersi Kca^on
*ihl* c.ty lo bo ubi-.ipt clt.-e nl ilu-.-uti ?( tlir im, M-ut
u\.rk Ttn ie will l? uu (? i lu. .uBi '<? IIhr evi-iili,.-.-, Ml
fur to'-ioorrow "Tiie M*kic F.uie** ll .ii.iotui.i-I. laat
i?.,i..i?t i.i;>i*oklitlollllth.;h.,iiBe.
San I'ltAN-cwco. Oct. 14.-Delchiiye, a uotori
mmBfbmi Apaeha, baa left Verde mtmyfgtgga. Arteaaa,
w.U. l..?? ruilower.. Qia, OtttB b.o. to Ue tmtorva
ttaa murr 188880 te prer. ut tbe remeiulug
Bpachaa fiom golug ?u tbf warpalh.
U ibk - LMBB hchuvler, witb a amall forcc ot froo|n
auaiudim, t8aal*,par*aad DalohhTO aad Uiibaudlu)
mlle.frou. the W**mt Ki-iervallo.., Ariti.l.a. Tb? troopa
eu?.uut*-red a poi U?*n Of tbo baud tu ur tlte BtOUtk I t
th.- Veide.aud kille.l ll warrtor*. Jwlehayei* itul at
S;:i(,ii> haa BOI .'.-i'lleil in getting tbn*e m (o-i!
adu.iraiiie pi. turei or Wilkie OoUlaa Iii oarta ?'"' 'I'
lOipeliai ?,'/.,.
..laiiiea D. Young ahot at ('. '?. Tl.otnpscu Ihree,
aaak i*oi Ukia* at-at, m Mn* .ku. lKlrfi.i Tim*. "" '"
iDiitmilMtiRl^ I'?h_,i^i-ii- aaa.A* tl' I*.!!." ?-'
uoi uriuoi
....Jamea lionncy aaaaullt-d bis wife. MfH
Roiilrj, ilClbcuatil, tmit rtt', tti tt,i tt: ll.r oaii, ? ul>(, ">?"'
mt i mmuA abttk >? prakaBij Nial 11 t.., , , ., W< om Ur?t> V.l
iK tfm?et?flilr. Ut an crali li?a, liir .,?. ,tu<m. ' "
DB. ?r\i>Fni.iiNt>'B Ai.UKf'.aa or wki/*omb?rk
MAIth- HY DK. Tlif ANY ANO <.<l\ . HIIKDIRKIr?
a vi-tr tii tiik whitk MOT'ar nuoin BMBnBBi
BBOB t'T!K"tt>rvT BflAl+1 ttft mr. flBB_0M_L
|... wf_?ai. rnii?* niM'iT'-ti i
W \7iii\(.ToN, 0< i. li.?The riflitiog nernVn
<>f tn. Ktmiireili hI jllljanrif uu Pi|B_delpkIa tbia lunrn
iniT ..I 9 iv". .... a *pii ial Irain f..r Ba
r.iiiiiii.ivl.ilitin l, |hn PBQl lalflhla, WillliniKt.iii ninl I!al
iii.inr.. K.tiiitiiid Oompaat. Vtaw, ? atatMa *?
tlie f.iriii.i, Miey wrr* tran. ferred t.i th>- liulfimnre
an.l I'liluiiiBc Ruilmail. and tn.-t ny tl.e Meti?iMilitaii
liran.b i.f the Kiaiiceiic'il AHiaui'e >>f tf-Shiflfltaa, i-.ui
t-iMinia'nf tbr Bafl. bl-. Si.n.larland, (Irav, Walkln*,
WUiteaa, an.l ciev.-iai.d. ifr. Suu.ierUi.d tntaamai
TIia 111 on In b.ilf t.f Wu-liii.Ktoii al foMoaa:
I?R. HUS'.I Itl.lMl'S Iti W IlIKa
PATflBlfll atio BBflTBflBI or tiik AiiiiMf: We
imt.- in'i'i. ...-nr vtiUi CBriatlat aalatafMai laaaatl yah
tm vmii wav to tiii- >? :i| nf .iiii laii.t.lry Tu loob BpOB
t mt .I* vtc ,ln tlils ilnr tttt u* wilh BBBBB ted en In ttie
i.atmv <tf onr BoBH, WBB atvall ?....r ?-.iiitlii_>. wa
|fMl t ,,n aa l.i. -.-rvatilI ut tl.e M..?l Hlflfl (iad, ,.b tiu
rtefelKH rr nf tlif- trtltl'. UA the .-Iihiii;>i<hih nf tli* l'r?**, na
Ihi ulli. * nf Hia nnbl* i-.Mni<nnv flfl piopbet* aml apo*
ile*. eo.ife?. ...a, nntl iniirttm Vfefl fcaVB |.i'..e!in..iad tba
BOepel uinl liave l\e\u iht- f.i'th wlnrli wa* one.- del.v
eii .1 i" llu- * nnt* i-_BM wifi. n^Hiid tnrry lliimiuli tl.e
nif.1.1. We raflfrt that ?W B nol in a fMriher aiitita in in tl.t ial niiprnieiini.t. Tln- Uunt ? .
.hnrl, bul mir li.ti- l.iwani you i* BtTOflC May Ifla
biPH-.ntrof tbi. Ilnly one attnle wltb t nu t.never.
Ibe tiiiin Ix-aiina thi- die.itwruiehed VB-Bflflfl arrlved
I.eiM at i-.Vl this aft. inonn. tha ilele_ra_e* lx iui; rei-elv.-.l
bv tbe weuunned I.y a paal from th*.
cliiiiKH nf tbfl Mt i liodl it BptflOflfal < burt h. Tbc vi .ituni
r.a.lii ii W.ll.inrr Hol.l in ttttt ???* flflBflfl-flflflfliBOt
were <_* corted l<> tba publle parior u.ljolniiii* tl.e dinniB
r*.om. Tln j? iiiiini.. r.-.l BBBBl iW. und inrlndlnjc fl few
iadie*. totcather witb re*1d.*nt ineinben. of This etty, thoro
were preliably BflBfeflflBflB At-ienihl.-'l. I'r. TlfTttiy, aet
iua CBaB) aaaa nf tbfl ?BaaBfllBfl Cjafluaiatca al tbe m. t.a
pnlitun liraiub nf tiu- Evanjjelit-i All.aut-a. iu*id il de
volveduli b.n. to cxpraita to thell .H*UiiKi.lHtie.l tir.-tlir en
th*1r-ratlfleitllnn thitf tba Invltallon to tbi* eity Iiad
i.i-.n ;i.-...ptr.l. Tu. I_r only reitret wa* tbat tba anauire
menl* wtre nxe?i~nl) ?.tcb a? Ii.i.i) -Bflflfl
uitiivi. tt little. aud tli.refore ihe fiTiii?litie_ of Un-.
r.-f.-pimti eniilil flfll Ba inado u* aitroeable .ih mia m.,
inaiiy prapaaafl. Tbe Baaaaaar oi tin* i.i*inei of oa
lunibla would eive tn tln- vBBUflf frltnil* B *el"oina fo
tiic .ity, when it paaeaaafafl watli Ba foim.-.i laa tha
matBtttaai peaaaaalafl tt. ihe BaaaiBHfa M?n*iou, tb.-re
ta Bfl |.ta rente.l to U.a i'r.atulent aml ii.en.lier* nf the
(al.inet. TIiih Hnii'JiinaeiiianT flPafl r.-relve.l l.v llie En
fHaBflflflfl tn thi ? cninpiiiiv iitlli vii *> nf "liaur! Hear !"
Ait.r callni- utteiitlnn U tbt prniriutnnie of iho exer
ei-.a, l.i. Tiff.illV _aid Uii')' felt thal tbe whnle
on.i.itry wai indel.u-d to tba Evanit.-lical Alllum-e only for the rharaetar iff the meti who Bflflflfflaaa.
it, bul for th*- plain. flaflflflflta ami eln.|iieiit
_t;it. in. ni. of Cflafl-ttfla faaflfl aai pa-aaBpflaa exproanad
iti ibentyof N'div-Yoik. HnAiilluK, tn tbey il'd itt tba
Rdil of tbe nutionm OflfflflflflBflflBi BM M Impoiitin
BraaaB al Um Aiiiau.-a w.-re bappy M Banag -u* tbeir
gnenU irentleiiien of inch prinelple*. hnldinK unii ahar
a.-ti I- a7 tlny do In Tlie MflfflatiVfl G-flMtBUI I niiiiniiiii
th | to win. ii ibey Balaa* Ail Ibal aaaflfl i>a woulil i*e
drnieto make their Inief *ni.)iirn pleuMiit, with tlie bnoe
i., !t t i.t-v wtatt fllwafviflflflflflafear tmatt IMaaii of ti.^
|,.v. t nf I". Ininlila ?n tli.-tr r.tnrii tnii...-. ainl in their
pt n. i? a-K tha priiiei|ilf* aniioiin.'-il fll tbeir re
..nt i'tiiiveiitinn inay l?- pei i.t tna u .1 to all ^i-neratioiui.
Oor. mu |.ii.i.i: at n.ii* *taiee ot tbo pro_eedii_?H canie
Into Um rntim aafl wa* -Bfladaaafl to ni.- aa_BaMa, wb<_
iii-eivf.i inui arttbapftaaafl, BMOaaaraai
...iv. BBBffBBBBal BBWflflfft
It i* a pBttfUflffl "f l'I"'.i'i"'". _'-iitl.-tnen of tlie Kvan
plliai fllBaaci la aaliflfl t* vou ? raaflflfll ?atflflflaaflfl
Tlm , uj.itul of Ihe tinit.-.l SUt.*. I'l..* iimi I" Waihioif
m.i Bf *.' fliallaa-flB-afl ? Ba li. r>pw_wH-fl ifla ____*
reliaal rburabaa ol tfla wo.i.l. ih ui. etevi lajll oflatwati
an.l nni.nil.ii.< ??? ta> our eiiin ?!.*. la vBoaB labail I leii.l. r
to nai Uit lit.Bp.lallti.-_ aml lii-eili.n.of Hn l.iBirut.'f
fo Inm, iiu 1 IiubI tliul tom >i'it BM] |Tnv. iii ull f
.t,.'!-. ngreeiiiie. and lhat It _BSf Ba (ran_fht wiin
|.|- t-atal'i.' r.i nlloi'tli.ii'T ln im h MM all ..f nn.
aiiort Bfaacfe wa- gnatai -.ub affflaaaa Tin
l?. TillH'l- of Uie AlllIITir.Hli.l tll.-il fll. lflflfl, lli. lU'llUi: tbn
,,.?-, ttt.ii foiu.i.l in ine ami pro-"i-ed.-d tnttii-Ei
,.-iilit. Mi.Ti-ioii. m.i'l'-.l bt <v.'V. ."Bli.'pb.'i'l .md
ll.... iua;: _.ii. .".-. rtt.ui Bfl \tm lnilriit. l Iptt
ul tli.-Wb.l' Hon-. . liie.t wi " luki-n I" Tbi- illiie l'arlnr.
- li. r. the Pr.'-Ti'lei.t aml a I tln- iik-rn:>< r . of the CflB-Mt,
axoapl laeaaflBfly DaMaa. wbo wa* aapaaaaaBB-l B_r a*
M-iiuiT H.'ereti.ry i' BJflflB wuinni.' to Iflaatfa tli'-in.
Hn '?!aat. Bn. Ptth, Kn. BMflariaeaaafl Baflghlara.
Mr- BaBoaefl, an.l wviral ...bei la.lie* wore alao
ff*m iu. Dr. TiiLiiit. aft.-r lalrafl-nlag tb? flaarfl paaafl
in ui dciMiatftBi afldraaa-d tfla Paaalflaal aa taOawa .
I.I.TIAIIK- .'1 I.K. III > IM .
Mii. ___a.WP__.11_l Etnnp lual AllitilieiT wbieh ba*
l....... in *-s-iuii at Ba? Y'.rk wai :t irallierinj. nf i'lin
tn.n uunlafBcaaatlai iba Prataflflasi laltk Xhai aaaM
haaa anaj t%aoa, toi bMbtcB tbaa-MaaatBaafllflflflf
their tlinrt-he-; tbey tlelili'-ruTiil aflBMJflea8f flOflflflMa
inni.-B! Chrlallaaa, ami n BaaaBBaafll] _aBav?4
that ttni* aaaalsfl-BMBlaa Bm Baaa ilvaa MCflaflaiMi
atlmlaflup. eiilbusia-in awak.mii m f liri.tian Wtth,
alulltie IMI Of I'briaTiali 1elitiiv*lii|i .ira.l. - '
.?mii. Tlie i bur.'he. an.1 ettflH-M nl Wa-liin-i >n I. 11
len.le.I, tbrniiirh tbe iui-i.l Matro|M>iitaii l.ian. li <>i tln
\,li.i,.t ' , ,tn Iai Itatl .'. 'o 'be ton Uli ll' I ^.i'.i.i. to Vlall
iin- latiaiiiii eapitaL Thev Bavi eome Ib raapoaac u.
invitiltiun. aecou.panied by many Am. ruan fnenn-. .iei
[aow han tl-.<* boini .f ytaawallafl tothe Preaide nl ..;
tln UOttOd State* aml bn- '".ilnnet Ibe nfli ?. i - nii'l tfi'-m
|?i- .,1 tl.e BVBB-O-a-l Allllillie, tmi wlll tlr- i 'tivit. ) Ml
lo |,i.u it. an liivoeiitain. led Bj tlie l.eun ol I'u ni.-llnii t ,
lo nur lleavenli Fatuer.
tm I" au "1 ' '.niierl.iii v tben offered fl f. rv. nt ptat.r
ainnl pinloaiiil .bII.iiC' . II" BOkefll Ibe BMSBB-fl nf llenven
on tbia e.iiii.try, where the All.uii.te bad Baaa *<> bnapita
lil v i.<. it > .1, and ptay.-.i tbai iiii?;bt lead ta
jit-.a. e uml good win aaaaaa aM aattea- aai uii ttta, tmi
nlu.l toiretner al! the nieinber* of tbe buiuan
fuiui.v. Tlm Preaident, in rejily t.i Dr. Tlffanj, aald:
It :tl_i.r.i- BM f*l V Bflflfl! Bifl?BBfl 1" iie. olne tbm Alli
u.ii. to ll.. . M.iTal of thi' iT'-at nation. wlnrli I f." I ll
Ihe fliert "f ull tllltlniiH M flfflflb nUt the problctu of
yn.ii l.iiiiB,,.,,. [AypBraaa.]
Tlm mt ui'a-rs ofl the Alli.itie.i were theu feverally ___?
U oil aaad t.. the haaliflal ay Oaae_fl "? Btaati <>f PflBB
delpBM ; and the eereinniiv nf humlHliikinv* lmvlng baoa
ajeae Ifliafljfl. the IW.. Narayau Bbesbadtl M Uouibay
?-a* ealled upon for *otue rcmarka. Ile n.u.l he waa
very luui'li atruck wuh wtiat ln* ba.l neen ui thi* eouti
iri, aud i*iK-iially wltb tbe Nflflfl/tlflfl Ibfl PlflBBflflfll bad
?ii. u inui. II appeared to Inui tliat tbe Auier i-aue ear
i nd oui tlicir -tpuit of indapendetica lu ev. rythltig, und
Bfl wh* b.ppv to tflfl ibat iu iree flJBMfltflA tbere wtt
full IBill?BIIB lilx-rty curric l out lu uli |clr_iirn*t..ncei
aml rclaiioua of life. He hnpntl tln-time would toina
wben . ut b :i Mpirit would prevall In bi* natlve land. Ile
hoji'-d ttfl t-Bfl would entn. wheo tl.o ruler* of that
hiiiil, whetber Hritinh or uatlvo, would ahow their al
t:i. hinent for tbe I.ivlne law; fnr he flrinl.r BflflBVfli
tbat tlieie wa* no aaaaflBflflfl Bl any natloi. whn-h did not
mt knowlt-ilitc tho relUiou nf oai BflflflflBMCa " Eur dflBt*
i-iin.-ri.-_-. eialteth u nation, but *in l.i a reproui-h to any
poopla " Ti.e 1^-T. H'ury Ward Beecber wus Ibeu
ealled npon, and aald :
I al'o t.eve a pt,if"iti.1 re?ieit fnr fh.> Pree.d*nf of tba
t uti-'i Btatea, a- be ia ul.uoat Ifla onlv u.a.. In tbli
lialiou u bo lllilik* B flOOfl deal Bfll Can hold bli poace.
|I.iiu?litii and apyiaui'- I
Tiu- Kev. Matteo Tro'li. I of (ipnoa wa* then ealled
up.ii.. und affei .tutim. IhedifBeiilty he Iia 1 anperif u< ed
in .i.-ltiK requentr.l to *peak, uld bo wnnld nevertb.-ln*a
.; . * . ln tbe of hl* enuutrr, uow faliluir in atep
Mitii freo Ani. iira. Ho eould only expreia the wi*h
bera tbat italy aud flflMfltfla Nbould it" on irm la arui
pr.K laltii ni; 1'ivil and r, li/mua iilKity tu the whole
world. l'mf. I'bnallleh nf iJi-nuany wai tben oallod for,
Bli.1 aald hc-bad hfii.l of the mau who tvi_* aibed to
aaafeeaaaMflB. Bfll iaflMflMB, Pflaahttah* ur^ed tn *.t
iu*l Iwn AfllflB-i he did ?... ia I ll...*.' BflflUl were ".v.i,
,-il." [LallK'ht. r.) Ur, Btflarl tlnn iiln.o'in.'.d tln
flBiflgatfle woald vlthintar, a_ ibe l*reflHBBi?_,. aafli
I* ,i.ii m paflflflflA Baflflfl milrn id tr^u m onler to tlll
aii.ithi-r . iikHnci.i'.nl.
i:\knim; HLWricea at tbi chinOHB-b
tiii: ukan or i amfhiuky am. irriii'itMAr nnsnv
fiit'KTMi?BXSflCVBB n.sKwiiBRF.
Uit ti i i..,ntrn t. im; i inui a>. J
W i.-HlMiTON, Oet 11.?Tbe Mifropnlitaii
MiWinHit. iit.. piaafeylaatta.ftnl CflatMaflBoaabaii
und 11 .n.iy __.pi-iopAl t bflBCBflt tter.- oruwde.t thi* ev.-ii
iii.'. Tbe Very BBV, II 1'iwie Hmilh, l.'.uii of I'aiiter
hnri, af Trlnlty Ohurrh. aald fhetr ennvoastion wa* nnt
for u jivlilieal pmi'?>??, bul to i.lvance prlut lple*
have their foundAtlon lu all that ln rlifht, an.l
Wlll' b lilte rl.tajlf, to n.itiuiM. A* Boflub
n.en we li*t.. . pnd* m tbe j.nwer and glory
nf Ainerica. lt haa vaat naoiir. ** at.d Ilm
ttttTHtmtBti natian* of Buropa oan iiad in It a Bome.
iti" mti.d ihri.ikti btu-k fmm eonteaipiailnfl what,.. um l? iu a teiiluiy ln co.ue. . uii luiial bold
lue ii.ri-ui'iai plaee aruonct tbe n.ii.oiM of tbn earth. and
fur tln.- iea*nii Aim-rica ahould tm t-onaecralad *u Cbnt
Ua.ri.v. Wbuiever dlveraltlea of oplnlon tben
iu ,y l>e un religioua mattara, . >t ean be
l,;iriin.oi?ad by love. aloue i-an removo thj
iepin .. b ol dltlded aanUionuta on the *.il.jant uf (.'hrla
ftaoliy. II* !*??*_ formir.i to lha naiu wB?u all llie ,
Etigtlib BpeaBti'* ?"?Wa abould have one faltb and
ereed and be tinlte* ? the ipMBi of thn Ooapel ovrry
where. Prof. Dornei of Berlin followed tbe Deaa. The
Rav. htattee proohet of tlerteva reviewed the blatory of
rtuteiunt'.im ln luily, tud apoke withfmurh power
of tbe faetliUea <'hriatiaat\lia?? la Auietiea for
deiuK good. Tbe country had bam lotrtiaUd wllb M-n
tulenta. aod cerreapoudlna rotvrue w?*dd bf rsqmred.
Tb.- lle v. I?r. J- C. Harriaou of London m*i*l bn favorable
itnpri-aNloni of Amer.cana had 0,-eu ImmeailirAbly nut
iii-iilert hy ht^ vl'lt h^re. gtoj) WArn pTmrtt Ofh-n pre
amitert to fhe l*r*aidant. and felt tbat he oogbt to be
pMod tn takiog br tbe hang M Allitn -e power
fiU im any prtnce or puleiii.iu* of eartb. AU Uiat
linolilein Auierlcai^bouud np ,n ua relnoin. Hin ia
Uio diRgrace ef anv P88fla tiiufornnty la imt. found 10
nuud or lu nature, I.ut Uito wiU ho unily if tbn apirit of
love prevail-i. w "-'i thia love we may irlury ln v;trt')ty
The unity ?f I'"' K'Nni'di Chureh U fortnil iind arli'l i ll
Wr work foi" the whole world. Tho lm-.pi of MB80I80 baa been intiniUcent. and wn.igiin
tlu.ugiou for 't. Tlie Rev (:. Dallaa Maraioo of London
tmtmti "ho < tgttOtftt at Tiinity (burch iu a tgggtB W
ereat power. Hn r.tfernvl to all tae tiicetimet ol llm
Alliniii". I" N?* Vurk and to tbn iroo.l accomp.uh.-.l.
He _.(<if the im.nenac liifl.i?u.?of the Kimiiali Ifl *k\
um r.t. e,an.l of the ifanonaihility af all wbo apol;.' tl. kl
ii.iinue toforward lhe ClirUiian w ,rk lu wblcb they
were euiraeed. He alao UrOlrhOO tbe foundatioii an.l
rn,. ,,f chriattaalty, aad BtBttaed tint ii wta aavaroa
pmmt if"' 'f fiom.
At the Firet rroNbttertaii ChBrch atldrewiea wen.
made by the Be*. (iaurije Naahk I'aria; 888 IW. I*r. Ooului. <*?u?v? ; prof. P*iiiip Hehnff. NewYork .
the Ke?. I>r. Kaoi, Ireland; Dr. tMotightnn. l,midon.
aud BOhaia All lhe-e ap.-.tfecrii eipreaaed war...
BBfjiaflatlaa ad tim -Baaaar of tben lanopHoa
m w.i-lii"-""M ind tliroiinhoiit tbo fountiy.
At the Ciiiigregatiimal ('hun-h Dr. fUuiigbtoii
af l^iulon upokrt in tcrniaig etalu.d admiratmii of tbe
iM-aiitiful tombmtf ut thia country. It u impo^siiile, ite
tmtt, '"? a" '" thbhb and f. ..| itlile lt 11 lm om
neai of feellng aml unity tliat tbe power liea.
We can w-.i-inp the aame Ood altboutfh uot
tblukiiig alik" in mlnar rauUera. Ttm tukeua
uf ihis were like the aetlllntrof lnncl litrda oo
Ibe BBat of a finp??ikii? uf tlie. eomiiiK ahore. Wa
?hoald be aaftad mto p.,rt i?y tho bjbbsbbi ot
the a.iinta. The Bev. Mr. 1'roiliet ni.ule aa
Bddreaa tt tbbi tbaaih ai--.o, iu wbnh iut re
f,.r,,.,l t? tbe furiiier pownr ?ud duwnf.ilt of
gp. aml atlribuled itt preaent Infeiior ooiulition
to I.u k af frecdoui ln the Chriatian Oluuch. I*r Kmkin
niiiiiiiimc.l lhal tbo pholojriapha uf the inen.bcra of the
Alliauce wern to be takftn to-morrow at tbo Olipitul. llr.
l iiu|,ImI1 (. olor ? i), from the Cbutrh of Afrle.a, made a
IMeeb . ?IIBBI "'th appruciatluD of tlie new beni.ti'-. of
iree.luni in Chiiatlan brotherhood. and thu
Alliauce ui New York from the charffe of ?ny paniilitv.
ataiing that be aud bla br.'tliren were mtumtod to full
privilci/ea on iui platform.
Ttn- Mctropolilan Cbareb vaa ttttw t* I la ovnrtlowiug,
and hun.IreU had to leave who roiild noi. g".t MBtB
Tlie s.TVii'.'.i w.-re opened by Dr. Tiff.tny, who intro
.imid the Chamaaa, iir oaiiiudet, Prealdant of the
Daaf antl Ouuil. Collein; tn tlila <it>. Tho Kev. Thoo.
Cliriatlcio of Boiid waa introduci'd. Ba thoiight
that ail'-i viMtihg Iiiilitpnii leiico Hill bu
u.iiil.l bl imi. p.'n.lent ennuirb 10 dopllaa |8 8P88lf 88J
ni.,re. Ba ini baaai thal Waahiagtaa waa kaawa aa
Iha < 'tv uf uiaL'iiltlient di-u?nce?, Iiut th? gre iteat dlR
taii. e waa ita nothing t" thoae iionilulated hy Iho Evun
(tiliijl Alliauce. Whatever otber aii.tlcnoea bad
Hiifl'ered from loiig niieeidiea thia audience
would not, aa all uf tlie 101008088 were
rir.ttv well worn uut. Hisfathcrliind had aeni ita <|u da
itn thouRan.lj. to the ihnrea nf thia land. and i.un
.liidi.if tli.-ii prayea aneended lo the great ttirone m
liehalf of the riglit dunng the durk daya of the Ameri
ian wai. Nowh.-re had ihe AIIi.iih-i> inet witb audi .,
hearty welioine aa bere. ll? to o.irry ba. k
witli hun 8888188881 BBBl tno pOOflB of Aiiutiih
Kounii Ita K'teat work. TUe lt.-v. Mr. Ileikly of li.daad
??ld thut a > (i.iiu.ina wi i.- here M wero Irmbim-u.
Thev were ererywhere. lle wuiild try lo aay aoiiietliliu
thal ttoiil.l da lilimelf c.mi.I. lle refrrred tu tbe ilaya of
iit? nalooBBt. mi asifaaaadtha betlal that aaw Oad
waa iihuilt to pour BBt hia aplril np.ui tliem
Ba mlleil BB ti-1 8801*81 to BBlId ut> th" boti-<n of Ood.
aud 88 in'o the hitfhwav*and hvwava for lim'icra where
uilh lo do it. The K.-v. K. P. (ook of I'.irla BM 1.10
iborf BfMfBaa, and m .'onipirini; thn rnpitala of I'aria
nml W:i?hintftoti he ffuve pralae to Waahlntrton in all
tl, u p.iHahM t? t.'liL'ii.UK hli.'ity. Tn.' Ib'v Mr. M.(';,ll
,,f M ,1,. li.--t.-r. Bagtaa l. n-'^t apoke. The wrln af
l'i..(, itaniiim. he aaid. bad been likeund m Ifea ll-heaol
iml., p80lB Iiui wero jomed iu one gonorul atieam,
ind Iba tide B88 ttBmg* *? matter by what ia
uoiiiiiiatiuii they wero kimwn, tbuy w.-re uue
iu Clniat, r.'geiiei.ileil lf lua lilojd aud
ii,-,m uf lhe Uiuk'.Iuui- Thoae meetluga were
in.-iint t.ihbiiw |8 iha world t'ntt, tlm.iKli rrutemti.ti
w.T" divided into B888BA ""'V "" BOiahlp BBi Wttb
togetber ;im one familv. The K.-v. Mr. (iiahaui of
Berlia, Praaaia, a BaaHOBBaa, nuide aanMng lafaraaae
r? ihe patrmttc remarka of pre. eding api aliera.
The itP'af <iueRtloii wua our duty to Oad
Tl'.- irf.-ateit -n-rtimiiH we.e fhe Ri-ttimin 80 thn Mount
,ii,| ;lt tlu- l.aat flupi*er. Tlu- tttt. W, Sh.-Hhadn nf liotn
i.ii reteried to bla 8880BBBI evp?'i leiice at a lirahiniaii
, mi abeai hlapaoaja bobm htrb Pangb and wnratnp.
- ,.ii,.e that was i? very good poaltion fur him
. I toiiched hla heart Thn Bible fn him waa not a
lagtp .!? vi-.-d r:tbii." Tt eaadahMi laati that
? ,, ,.,, t.i when I'hiiat fauj;lit. Ihat had ainee then been
..,,tta, ..nd that will reinaiii auch until tiaio ahould 8888B
i liriilianily waa itruwing. lle wantod all to regard lum
Hl ,i mt iiical iii-iiiIht id lhe, body of #8888 Chrul.
Tlu- llcv. l*r. Aruut of Kdiiihun; ?poktt at UM Mctro
IMiliianObuieh, aud alao at the Cuiici.'Katiuunl. At the
i.iii.-i he ipafea at laagthaf the baa alti to bodenved
fruiniuia Alilani'.e bj thu Chiiatlau wuriil. aml ?f HM
a.i.ied aathaabBBB aalaai tatha aaaaa af tb.. paapolall
,,t | tho Morld. He Mii tbat the lord'a anny baa 8888
ditide.l b) u wall bullt 88 Bf 188888* pl" tur.a. aud
eer.'iimtiiea. at MM time ao high that (liff'rent i recla
could u?f 88881 eaeti other. P?r hla part. iHhaajt
tb* that the CT,iwth Bf the Protiatant ('hurch had the wall, he fear.d ro have tho wall
MiB.iy deatroyed leat aome abort loggi.
brotber ahould atiunlile tberi-un. WM had
iM-en in thia eountrv mtiiv tlin.-a, iin.l oa aaeB
i.Mini huine tnok ki ener eon vlrtmn of thn.natloiinl
nintv bluding tbia eountry iiud Knglaud. und added love
ror tha beaatiea and advantae.a ,ol thia great couiurv.
II,. speke of the ua.f the Alliance in arfloalBg
PioteHtant chureliea to z.aloua e(M>|?erutlon iu
?,,,. Bdv.ttice meiit uf true ntllgi'm. 8B0
r,.ferr,-,I iu Bleatag to tbe l^rfet t imity
.__*.1 will that now aeemed mipreme amoiig all the
otembera of tba Alllaaea. At tim Meiropmltau Gtiu.. h
the -anie apeaker waa liafennd to with mu.h attenimn.
He mM tbat the deleatttea were alranifeta, antl wli.-n
_\. iiearera ?ent thetr delegatea Bhaaad, bla own peOBU
would tit at theirfeet. Tbe UUkinif of tbe Alllaii, o Uul
tttou dotie, but it waa f?r all to
M,,. tbat the doinir ahould ome W*
reierred iu an aniiitiug way to bla adilreaa to the I>.-?I
aml Uiiinb luatitiltlon lil New York <'ity, BBd Ui t.n: lact
tbal what he had Mld did tmt feaeb th" afiider.ta at
omr. becauae lt had to t*e Tbeir facea were
rttill utieii hu luadna poiut. but llghted up aoon after.
He hoped tho luterpreter *nl uow come aud uxaku tlio
wntt "t the AlMaii,-.- known. .
lt waa announred, thit evenlnir, that a ap^ei.ii tr?ln
would leuve Waabiugtuii to-uiormw aftornoou nortb
mtt_, BBd ihat tho ddriMtca w.mld meet to-morrow
D)orr,,w mormug Bt the Oapitol. wbere they would De
nb.nogriipbed, tbo picture being mtemled for a popuUr
ntiu.iTtne. and that (iov. Mh.-Phcrd would entertalu
thrnu at luncb, t.Mimrrow, at Wlllard'B Hotel.
WtR PlirtRTItTIT. 1
r (Jiiibv aiuati ovncr.H.S
A?U..e*day.Ocl.l?-!??*"? >
Oiri.'B Of TBB -
WtlBiMOruB, I*. ij., Wedimaday. -
Svnopiu fnrtk* ytatlll hourt.
The bfeTOmeter bai riwn deci.ledlj stnee
M,)Ulay night throurbout the Atlantl.'"?'?'? ?'''' '"
",w blgbe-l over .N-w-York aud theuca, to ?"rcb (aro
*k? oreaaure haa rlwn and BgBl" tBBBm ln ???**"?
afortl. Weat. Houth-weHt.-rly W*mtamw4 p?tlv > < ' 1
aod clear weather prevainover tbe (iiiii at?^??u ' '"':
;,,,,? Vallev. and ar, alao reported from tbe upper laket
u,?liheMt'*ab.aippl Valley. _______ m*gLm*WWmB
S.irtb-weamrly wiodBiiud cl.-ar weather wiu J,r*'1*1'
ov..r fhe Mlddl.: and Ea*tern Htatea noatf JOMOet
%'tt, ai.ow at.d brl.k uur.berlv *mib. have contl/iued
durl.ig t>*e day in l i.u, and I.ui."
For Wedneaday ln the tiulf tiiaw* increaalng eaatcrlv
m\.t,\., f.illlug tiarometer and cleai wcituer, eicopt po.
,,.,lw 00 the lliuucdulte cOiUt. _ ?., _,? ,. ._.
t-l, tha?outh AtlaiitlcBttteB. n?rth eaatly wl iuaan d
JtZttPxy elear ?aaibar. fot m* Bkittte state*. ikLfttna
Zmoithtait with *,?nt,rhitt ktyhtr lc,,it?ralur* andeltar
"?^r'Neu-Kiigbtud. nurtb weat.rly ??fe!t4Jg2JJ
rloBuy aod dea? we?ther. For the lower lalea,, iut r, a.
T igrt.u-rly wind.. falltig baroineler aad t*HJ*fhito*o*
v ,,?rtlj cl,,u''' "eatber. goT tne up per ^bj-eau dth.
nirlb weit. north-aa.t atnl ? elat wiuda. tlllug tem
mratmo ?ud laeraaatag eleadlaeaB
A HHWW1 WKtttP _*p ?XTKr?r wrs
puftTi.AVT), Me.. oct. l4.-Tnfnrmfttion wm
MBIfBd m thn.-ity to-day. from Tleer Uie. of the lota of
tbe aehiH.ncr B. T Warren with all on board -18 meu.
?nmr namea. aa far ae known, are aa followa : Capt. T.
,i nckerina and blt aou Wlilk Ooo E , brother of the
c?ptaln, and IJ. F Stlnaoti. all ol l?eer tlie . J. T. 8hl. Ida
,lf w.lroliigton.lf . r., narvey Deck^r of Rotlland, Me.
Th,, reat ofthe crew belenged ln N na s.* anl their
utoteo are not ko^wo. Fi^ar i*f tboui l??io Wlduwa iad
Irmtltaetl troMt Flrat Fat_*. _
l>eea auUiuniy of law to do ao. I . l""^ ?*
i^ now"*? g.ven Wnen lt U giren lt w__t'ha
mora Ihan tbe eoulvalen* of oeeowin* erpofVra
of artlclea of ui.taufaelonea whioh BMllljWP
artiokat of import Ordera will coae for Urcc. ainoiiita
of com. It Wlll be all in a.lver. wbil* payn.enw are nol
neoo-aarlly ao. We lierome tbe niitniifariur-r uf thia
c irreney. with a protlt. aod wlll prot.ablr n<-eure;?!?*?
(10:1 of our par lu Uio iuurj pre. n.u* I i??"
UmuKbt uiucii about tbo reeomaeodattotia I f?""?''
make to (umirrea.. and tiave cbanged mr mltid al.ghtlV
In rogar.l lo ba-iknur lawaainoe 1 laal bad tlie pi.-aatire
of ,i peraoual mterview will you. n w uot neceaeai v lo
aute wbat tho-i . li ingei arc. bot auae llu-y maj UOdOrga
f irther.imdin-ition. 1 alitt! gtve to the h>,I>i<-*i<. b?W
BVor. luy Bioccraet tbouaoU. aud will coun Uie vuna of
IhafO arrlUoo IfeH baatlty, hol if ltaalUthrthaar
vi.-wa 888 would like to expr.-a*. I will bi atid k* h* .r
thaM Vourairuly. _ ll. M. liiiAai.
TriK ttwmOB MffraM Ai.V(K-^rKi)?rw<? HKrn.r.
pgWAWt a PbgBWB PBB TBWBBtmPBtkt oa a<>
Tbe (Jov.'rniiijr OfeBfeillM of tbe omth \Zx
I'.ii.mge bave lmen dUi u??in?. aiucn the r.vipoiniiif Bf tbn
I.t.ihiiii/e, tueaaires lor tho clesrBaee of their a'Ock
IttnanotiOBR Thny hsve, (herefore, deviaed n vy.t-'iii
of buyin-r bai aeiiintr aMMMO aomewhat alnnluto
Ihatempleyed on tht l^mdm Hlnck Btchanae. The
nuw Brran_rem?nt periiiiia .rinaaotiont " for aeeoaal,"
wbieb luay l>e aettle.1 twioe a inoiitli. Tbainoliioil ia
. inle.(lm<l in (Iie ttthntttg 88898081 8Hta8| ki l?e a.lB8d
lo tb., ptaaaaf HttaMfeaaa of tiw stock BaBMhRfc ?' lh"
luemlMira i-on ur
ln addition tu praaaai aaaahadaaf bai ioa aai ajIWag
a'oejca BteMbara m.iy bar aad wii " ior aaaaa at/* ?raM
i. ii.iu " tor" way b.) *oUltwl Ivtlc.e a luuniu, ,,n
auch daya nnd in aocb wayt aa nhall be ptrlcribod bf
iba OafaaalagOBMiatttae Wbarafar the re^ui.r ?..t
111ii ac dar orriira on Hiiiiiiay.ur any llgal imuoay. B
ni.iii be doici'io.i to tim ne.M, regular bu
i Baeb new aorodnl iball rombteaoe three baalneaa
daya nrior ooining acttlinc dav. Intereal on ae
t-oiuiUriillUiiu tbree .ava or ov. r auuli 80888010100
telier at the rate pf ati pei enl per anntim. to ba caloa
lateil by daya. aoeordina to l.iuk iiMtire. Miiluilrte
puatta, if caile.l lor bv .itb * tniver or aeller, ahall ba
madit uc'-.'OKliu* lo provieioua of Artn-b- 15. ul bV lt tt*
?1. In caae of liefauit oa tue pai t of anv aellitr " for ac
eoiini" tn Hiitiaiy lua oontrael witli purchnaer iiy *
o'cloek of 88Hlla? day, Iha pur.'haaer ahall pfoMM M
bara Iha ttaak baagat la aeeerdiag to priMnaama "i
Arii.-le li of bylawa, it being eoiidtnoiieil. bowerer,
tbat thn ottioor of tlu liiinl abaJl i-loao tb<.itr i t Bl a
d.ffuronf., of in p'T .'.'ii. fi.i'u lala m Ic*. without int.ieal
oti.-ulaliou, uiiIium l.ii BM Hi*v at ur witbln lhal Inml.
I lu tiaao uf defaiilt ou tim part of auy liuy.r " i.u M
eouiit." to t.tri-iv bia MBtraei witt. aetlar by - ovio. it .>:
B.ti.lliig.lav. tbo aeller aball procoed to have thn etoek
aot.l oulaooonliag lo Altuvlo 2r, of oy-luwa; It baiug .ou
diUoued, however, ibat tbe uflloer of taa Board iball
alaaa fhe oentraet ?' -i io per eeat frum
p it ihiiao priue. without nilm.-at tiilcuialioa, BBBMBba
i.ui ^?ll at nr wilbin tliat lunil.
N?tr l Tli* thymtot kaviBBlbtaaa ?r.-.>ant enmn,' ra Ibrm dlll
pr.?rtarl,?utir ,u aul *-.-?ii?i. i.u. farm.k ?tBrifOl t.inf, ,i* -f
ff.-al ?p?-.u,a.i?e *...?,tf Uf ra nl fi.,Qlr_? u. oh_i.ii.ic>- li.keUM
Mbrtl| n.,r ... Iim! .. "iui-f
-MaB Tb?ok)?.-lol th- rli?a? ia t<> pntrrtt. BBM Ut
v latatal BaMaaOaaa, latkataaily. .ii'-i " wtmi.' or ,'_m_m___ '???
?'?..? ,t *'.,..-., ttt 1.??.'r.,,i.'.. t..- <?n?r,l lauiaea* af th'Bl.^k Kc
, li?n-rt, inl, ib uitiwii' mWAM, muaniUy a* tnuuoa* io Xit,?? ot
aiQ.i.i.-c 'Itnw *.t-, Bail il MBB
Tiiom.n Deniiy. ir , ln c.tlling the attention of the
memh.raof IhaStOeB I'\iliin.;e to ttM in.'tliod. wrtle?:
The BreOBBl method ef apeculitting in ?tocka on 8 B88l
baata, ralflng upon eall loaaa M the meaai ol carrylng
Ibi-m, and fi.-o .?i-riiti.'Bli.'iiof oli.'ciia ly B '-w of
the baaka aa tim lu.'tiia of cn.-h.iiiifca, haa been f.uin
dcf.-i- ive bc perlodi of nntMualeicitement, aad tbe aaa
reauliaol tba laat few weeba atabe It maalfeai tbat tbe
tlio. k Bxebaoge muat ad ipl tonie n.-w pbtn for ip . ula
live dealtugi. Ihe adoptlon of tha pUa ot buymg and
aelliog M for aeeount," modeled tn part on tbe Bngltab
Byttem, appllraide golelj to tbe tpeculatlTe portloa ol
our np'-nnlon-, ;\n(\ not iiiterferiuu with etlBtloC mo.loa
of doiBg buaiaena, WlU he, ta tbe wrttrr*a oplaloa, of
L-r.-it adraatage to bb. Tu.- Bettlenieot aunng
tbree daya af Ifea preftaaa Iftoea daya' traaa
BcUona ta aay etoeb?eapeeiallj if the Boal aettleioenta
ara raade tiui'..r)i ? de irlog-boaae? wlll largeiy dunin
lai tne rtak froai turged rertllleatea, crtitl. atlmi uf
i iiei-ka, ai.d tranaportatlon ot atearttlaa frDBi ptae. mj
place. Holfleuient-. fur accnint nf for caah will
be of of great adVaatage, too, la mbm "f mbtm and
aaexpaeted deralopiBeni ..f bb? i bbbm that glreahoeh
to tbe buBlaeaa eutamuaity aad prodaea paate, hy ei?
lag tmi.- io dealert lo arraaaa aad prorlde for tbeir
eoatraeta. In regard to the mattatloB of loaaoedaal
inu'a '? fnr account" to a Bxed auiu for a tltcil pettmt, it
m t.-ry i-vi.leut that. la fui'-. Ol tpecolative ex. it.-in.-nt,
II wuuM largoly lorreaae bnalneaa, aad the gre-^er
\_t it'iii.n.i i.f traBaaatlona ibe batter chaoee
,,f pritit n there to tno mambera of
tba Bxebanga, elther aa operaton nr raniiilaaloa
kera. rhe ezpensire eperl im >? ozbtataad uy bbmi larg ?
operaton iartag tbe lut few reara bf bbbubi of "mr
Bers," ur irom paniea broaghl oa t.y large Orea or iiiim
pected faliarea, bare dnven them alaaoat entlrely aal of
Um mark.'t. If llBJltatlon would be aimply pr.-caiition
.uy, ni.'.-pt timl'-r extiaoi'.lin irv . ll.uui>t uii'Oa. hiicIi M
tba North W .afcrn oornor, .<r Cbleago ..r Boatou tin a, it
riiiotiiil !??? adapted aa a KBBfi upon our ?pc<'ul.,tive
trsaaaotloaB _^_____________^^^^,
uiaToitv ni i.i i)I!.;am/ahi).',-wh\i i; -
Ho-iToN, Oct. 14.?Tha ueivrt of tho icviH'ii
tion of thu ehartet af tbe Ilidtoil (Jraiu:o uii aaioned
aoiim couiuii'iit aaaaaa aarlala ataaaaa af baaiaaia
?aa. Tbo opiiKon aaaaai mrnmf wim haw walehai
the -in.rt c.ii.'er af tfei Baataa .ir.uu'>' Mean t<>
ba timt Ihera la ao mtti tor the aparattoaa of
an.h a aociety tn the city. nr even la nut p.ut of
N.-w Eiiicland, aud Uiat if left to Itaelf it will
iiuietiyespira. ThaOraaae h.ia beeu la aztaoaaaafta
or an weelta, bBI II baaM yet olilv ab mt 11 m.'Ui!.. rs
enroiii'd la Iti raaka tha Meaia al tha Boatoa Oraage
BBpthal if dbB Order la lunit-d to farmera theio will
-l.rlnir up an Order of the I'.ifrona of luduatry whi. h
will Itecome pnwerftil in niinibora witlun a ahurl IUB8,
aml thni the (Jraiiurea tliuling t!iciinelvea in B hop.-Ieaa
minority, will ba ouly t.H. _,-! t.i ie av.ul th.iu.elrea of
the opiKirtuiiity to ui.i iiitn liifliii'bi'.' BBi powerhj
unitinir wllh tho theu iloiiiiinint Onl.-i'. T.iey l l.tmi
further that the BtaoaBl tr.uible Iad ita ornrin iu a loii
troeerai lhal oaaartai M8M two faara baa, whaa
the Secretary of the,., (inii?"' B88M to
BoaUB and atteinptoit to form :t 18881 Oraage,
Mr. Nuvna. tbe editor of The Floiojhman, and
i ?l. BliaflhBBB, th>- secretary of the New
K'leliind Agrfeiilttirnl societv. betBg tho principal men
who wnrkeii with hun. Bii 8(818,tt MOBM. w.-re taken
fnr aome time after ward. thounU Mr. Ni-.-dhiui claiin*
that he had thn poailiuii of I*.puty of M Ml i.-liuaetta
off-red him. and wben Mr. Abbott waa appointed to
thal l?'at, amne llltle time Bgl, he conteated hia n;bt tn
form new OfaaBBB, 18 r? ''.ive anything to du with
them lli.' matter waa then referre.1 to tho
(J, ind M.iater. Dudley W. Adams, and that gen
.l.-iij.m. it 18 imaei-H'il. wif bout knowing anythiin{ of the
M-Blllll iiifliicnce of the (iranite, or a:iv nf tlie
atMaaafeMMM of the caae, at onco utave bll aupport fo
t'nl. Naadhaat, aad aiitned bH appointment to offiee
Mi Ki lly, thc Ndtinnnl .Secretary, refuaed to nfflx hia
aiirnature lo tbe dncuiiicnt .m arc,nnt of the repreaenta
tlunai made to him that. tf appotuted. Mr.
wuuid blt intluene.; t? auppnrt Dr. I.orin.:. aud tt
,-ouirul tho t.rauge tbat it would really BMOBM I
?? TAiring Clnb."
Thia ln the at.iry of the Boaton men. who mv further.
Ibat ttmt* thal tiiuo Mr. Ad.uua haa uover leceiti .1 BMM
than Uaif a tttOM h tt.ra oppoaing tbeirrematniu>: iu the
Order when they wera remotcly eonu.-ct.'.l witli tha
in-iuu lnfereata. and thev were wiitteu in BMWef
to hia owu eoiiimunii'iilioiia ln regard to lhe f.-elitu-a of
prnttlcal farm.-ra upou the iiihje.-t. Thev aniiouiue
their deterinluation 10 remaln ln the Order, anl further
than that, they propo.n) to fnnu uow OrOBBM M fa-t aa
l?)nitil)le, belienng that wh.ii their ca?o coinea before
the imt.unal toininltteo for a.ljuillcatlnn. that body will
rtH'OKuize the value of ao important an eleni.-nt Bl that
of the Roeton mercbanta. and wlll de.lde that their
aetlon waa perfectly JuatlOable.
thf. ppmmggbft puoclamatiox Of tWAbWOBtttm
l*r.-aid?iit tftttt baa iaaue.1 tbe following pioclaini
U?a' WAnUlX'.UlS. I*. C- ")>t. 11
ft'jthe Pretitfent of tke ffntted St.ilet tf latKrt t
Fficlamutuin: The approttchnu elaaa af another year
briuita w.ihlt the oc. aaiou for renowed thanktgivingand
MknowledaraieBt to tha Almigtity Rub-r ol tha aal
vt-nte nf tl.e unnnmlMired ni.-rt Iea wblcb he baa beatnwfd
upou ua. Abuiidaiit barv^ata have been,' di" re
w irda of luuuatry. WHb lucul exeeptioun, bealih haa
be.-iiaiuonutbi bletalu*'! enjoyed. Tranquii.ity atbome
aud peare wtth other natlona hai-o prevalled. Fruiral
luduitrv i? ^?mllnllll^ Ita meined re, oifniUi.n and Un
in.-nted rettaida. Ur?.iu.illy. but uudor the provi
den. e of Uod tuxal/, aa we tmat. lhe na
tiou ia recoveltea trom tbe liturertng reaalti
?f a oivil sinfe. For tbeae ai.d uli
Ibeolh.-i nairaBM TniUltr-'H lt iMH-oiuen u? an ti gtagat
to return bt-.utf.-li and gntt^nil ackuowledgeuieata, aml
witb our fhnnkaBiving we mar ntute piay.-ra for the
ceaa.itlou uf l?. al bd8 (i-iti|M,iarv aodumiB. I tllerefore
recouiiueiul tbut ou ThuraJay, the r,lb dny ot
otut, the (teopie tiint lu tiieir roBpe.'Uve ptaoai oi
wor-dilp to make their acknowl.-dtrefuetita fo Alm'Khty
.,,, 1 for 11 ia iMiutili.-a and Hia pnitecttoo, and to olU..- to
Uiiii prayer* tor tbeir .'.uitinuaiiie. lu tniuo*? wba-reof
I I, tvi- hereooto lel niv tia'id and i auaed tbe -,\il crf tiie
Uoit.-d rttafr-a to Ihi altlxed. llone at the I'ltv of Waah
iiul>,u tnia Itili day ol <*? lober, la tbe year ot oar l?rd
1-fTi audof tbe Iudcpeudeiioe of tlie lJuto.1 tlialea iba
ma i'- rt- uBAar.
lij the Preanlent: BABIMOB l*l?IT. Beereiary <K Hfute.
A oolliaiop qceuned ao the Newjcraej ?'.?n
tral Railroad, on Monday nlgbt, between a tr?lu bf aaal
f art aud tliofltn Kranci.a.'o eipreaa tiiin, wbi.h leavea
JerBeyCityatJIDp. m.ln whi. Ii thr,..: pawaaafeaia ***i i
0'Onlrlofunxi: I'Uooip.oaa tram aaa i*a.-i-iii? aaaa*
tlm enrro at fort J..hnion n.'.nl fionaA. net B-rtf-.a
_*?W. at a raptd r.ite of apflflS end ? ,ck "10 ,n,ptr ***
inm. whieh waa oroeelrifl ffla tnoB At tha '?J*?*
atattit ilte eei.ter. nmklnc lornlrlo ImvOC ttttt IMe
coal care an.l aiuio-t deniol-ahiinr Iba loreiMotitr
lli.-lnen An.ea.thn ?...-.n-ar flfl tba pm-.eugfw uun.
whiMU_td.lownl.rauk*. hii 1 ionipeH triupt Om ot'tVmr,
aml oea __4.e_.0d bl ln. rl: ,n .:. A 11 eBfl .m ?-__???*
tH-iiHei] alteuf lh?? boly, and UnAoitr ano ??? * ?** lo tn* hotua 111 I'...l.i i.-u.lit.i Wm- W????"?*
hrakameii an th- .- ip. *_ ,,- nn, _...? luidlt 101*1re 1 au rt*
tle Iiv.i'l .11 I 1..11I oo<- li ???? I.-.l. -n 11- t?-1- BAO. ?o Mn?
N vw.irk II .?,a_.l. T......,a* I. VntmnnmKb ?>' l*Ml.i?ie?
plna. 11 I'ibb 11 ?? r, w im Itirown from Ile- |,l'|lo?>' m-t
w t7 baijly bfOMBB- and oeeaflfll otl_r< aflBflfl-flflfl* *?'"
imn il ?.' ? ^ii r <i|.ii . i.i, 1 ..111.. BaiMreoa t tf ????*
1,.lalll wl-.-M'.l. ml ihe t. ..,'? i.'c e*r l.i-ily C'tmingrt*
11 ?ii_-> rero .laiatia.1 1?.? JMMfl
Tiik. WwEEVt Bl nv.'ly tha innrn?
lafl. TBfl UfaainBnai BBIaaae pnmotmt** WmtBmtt
a^rirnltir il pi|K"r_. anl IB.fM-t-llttttttt nrbrtmmn
mAke It an Btttttt 1H1' m.-ntier foe Mia ._**_-*??.
K.mi, end UHrflay iflflBt-. ri..' f._inw. t? BiaaBaflflflfl
liatof ifaronf.-.ta: Ao Bpfl-Mfl of Ei Ml town.Iti Brr.
lltrfa Money nnd I'ini-. Moaton l-ter-wv ttiAnt
....TheClomuUl-ntitit. My l.-itle a-.l ln thr- Ktatt
(i*oeiiiT? Bnl WaaWe Ttttmtett B?eaawa Th..
QM <'iith..lie*'?raaHn_fot:i" '. inirele .1 BJtBflflBM In
llu tmi MtflfCfll OBBBIbI BoflflB H.o.e lut/*"*-.
IBfl Mon. Il*m. 11.-d.le-. o-i K.rm.n. ._* A Ittionoaa. ..
BtflfflBfl Baflflfl .11 the Open (lrn.i.i'1 . Hn 'r.i. .11 fl*i??
OntA by tba Hn*hel HrtW lo W. ap w.M. (llli_t
liai.-li H...tvln_r*iriii?i-I... I M,.l>k..L.u'?riai
liatter. .. l|,.ri.clitl._r >l S-it.-i tttt BMMfl All lll. liirrelin- |'.e*.(PuM.-il.vli flflfl ratltlla-r*
iri.lta. 8.<->l. BBaflM BBI "?> Bttaflflfl *-?'
TifllBI An Au' licttl-i (iin. .Irilffl Tupwe tif
ttie Time... Hi-Hi-lieal Tit-,- l'I innnr . I'.i.ili .......rn."
fl-flea und l|-ar-M in Om_m .* BuetifltB v*
1 ii|.t.rieu Anawere 1 K irei-n. *A I'bitiJttott. N"W V *r*, aud Mii**'7|Ia!Wv.o* M-tv. Tha V.ifnrpxxUr-l Al
l.anaa . Tha Nvw-Ynrk UbBiaM T.e llry ,>??????
Trade Tba ?Bflflfl HBUBBl BUflfl,OBBflflB. M.0.1I.
Oaltfl-i Qtafla, r.-nf.*.?M. Banflaaa, ami nttu-r Mnrttei*.
_.-.. The 1. iitori .1 Niibi rtt, in- tn r.,ilotva Tl.e Oaflflflflfl
l.'.eot.on*. Tbe BvUflflflBB "I kttttttt, Thf Aaewwf.4?,
1 U: '.-."a of nn BBflflflM lu He. >.'.. WA-t.-at , PAfxtlOtmvt
ti.e Allianea.iiml TiiKTviTtiiNt: b*h Nrwa?mpei.
fritO-l BAVAIBAM fa .'.n-.a.'.ta ,UnU.iiUr, Art II M B
l'..ia?r, Hi. r. B. lloilTi,-. a*.i 'J r.?l Iraa
\For tttm BBBB ***** nre Fuurln l*tuy |
Ttl??. ah.u l'I. ..T Anal,n., Ca... at-.. iVt. f., *a4 Baa
tt...-.?,, .. a, ;-i- i ii.... :..f it a-flar. i co.
1T|iii_iiIH**"tT-' Laaaraaai, tBttmm 1. <'.'? lta_fl,a_BflflBBB
W'b m>l_' ?l_ 1 IK**. t" I'i'l Iwa.ui.Mi *>.' a.ilalMP I o
.vp Co. 11. Binaaai, * M tta >?. a? a
Rutrrt l?.*r_*a. . ..
a|,l|, llall,...!.. Il.fcjvlt. I'M.lia*. .11 kaflB-fc 'a ??" WM Bfl Ml* ?*-*?
liark Kinn (Nnr.l. Anofl*rn. M..,na tt iut. i" '_??**.
li.rk r.)ii?.,in( Kiar... I),iu . r_ 0O4\e_, >.i btttttm
Hark Aitrlm*.. ,ii' tt ??i <t. Irna. IBflaaa .'l'' ?""""
Hark I'roj.lBic* | AuaM.I. <iol'r. ?. t.?-?.. IT V 1 "., Um. ??>
-. Mt i;n.
Bflaa-MM4_Beafl_.B_l f.'rrrp.Hil. Oa-iha lo- ll.mMru ?!_???
Caall- ...rll.tuu: Ua*. lor s*.anaan . Ja.*'* Mo-r. tot i:ka?l?A*?.
?1. N . . tV/anjlr iui Soi'
a IBB?Baaart, i._rt,i. w rioa.l?.
.fct-ti" . Ott 11 - AiriTtBl t.ark* C.rrw Vt ?*>**. haaa Ore*.'*-*,
-, ,,? .iPafl lih:i-...i. Ilnuai l.ara 1'o.i.a. laf ..??.?lurk p*?
li.rk i* tbi. part u. !v h?.1 leraa; ? l?ak at * r'lr ?* "" t'tfc .**t. Mfl
ll..- 1 Ih v i.p. *f 1,,'I-J, *la a'a__t|*-l_Bd Iti lrl_r,i l? iwrl.
l.,Kri.K?a M>-i .K tlrt. I I -Pub'1 '- ...r |:alu.r..,.v at*B_.B__a>
J..u H..l..-ra. Trein Lirrrp...!. aa l.aaaa liark .m.a IhxiJ..* ftomn*
mn. b.ika ti .1....1 IJ -
i'Maa.a?ro> .XI 14.-Arr r?1 irimattipi MauhaWaa liom nnm
Vor. TAiik. B iai flibaaiia. _*?? Hair I*aaa_a4 aa_a fl~Ba-i
Kl .n...nia. Irum Mr. S*il?J. atramafivp (itoi*.*, fo* Hrm
-, ttrni (1.-I. 11? Arr.Tr.1 ?tra:n-hiiH Munl* .mn? fnn* N.T*
Vwrk ( W.inri, tttm t'b.lail* [.laa, Mr.ifiia*. Iro*. BaBl_i*iaj l-".!
WiilwaH trom I..r?r|....>l: trhr*. I*_? I MraaarTr Irom P<_r'li*4,
lir.irir* ll. lr-n.1. tr..m 11.- '.al. Kli-.' I'ra-ar Imnt Hrnaaaa. t'leaira..
p, Viraoand Rapuiaa. fo. N. .1 Vtwk T..- (.'r.n. , Png ito.
?tli; rr-.. Wttt* .*|i?'i. B 0 . >'?' UtttpO w.t ap-?"" BJ ba.l VVi_a1
?1111I. iu illaKr.a,
Ilarttl Ot 11 Thr Biraina*.ji WiI_.,ii<Ihi, K*?to**,
ttii.-A k*.v- ira'ri.lai' aftrrn_i?. I'** l>?rk t. ? !!??-.*?_, .?l tm
ln < Atil.te l l.rT.r.1, Uolb tnMa Ncw-Verk. ba.r arn.wl li.-r?.
.] ,.,,1 /.. ut II - lh-.1_Bt.or Ual .1 am.. Tt.iiagi. -Baofl.
a.,11. Iraiia N*w t.irk <lvt I. .-ar ..'aaloa, arnraal nn: loaa alVtiaoaaL
flawiiaa Ha.0-_.J4_ r*i??c*r. 1 ..?? 1. ot wi r.__a u<_?__- f?_?
Ciliia. lo.t b.-r ' ,.? M.mi*?i* -eilml*;. an.1 f>,n Bfll tk'* a**rt
f.,r rrpaira.
l'I* Uiilltt' tlrt II -l'l_.t,ark l*..,.ie arnr-.! 11 ilua part U. *M
pi. .r.1 uptlirrrr*.^ Ibr I1.1I brau.l.-r if .lUa^t* TM I.-._?!. ?a.
ii hhI b-ranw aaanaiflaaMiOtL B. a Mal fmr II tflfl* BBI
iruat 11 J- 1 >. A tr* aul 00_u I . > t'.'Caa'..n
i t uiil I'eople. >loo 1 ??*r .?_. ?..- aprlvara. IMW
, ,, ,,,. (r'il* i_rt?_ liuawr*. Tb.- Uiabt..: la. aa, I,*.*
brtaaTla'ar. Itoida lt.ip.0-* r?ali,r__blr u><bt and itar Bfl c?r>?d.
-ayinplom- ol Honrn .* IhiKr*'. at*..fl-* n.rriookrO Wormm
,11 .hv .11 .1 ,1 au.) t)o*r,a r.u** _ nit-Ji .*.. ?* r-,?o?t_l _ Af
I,, .' . u'linu""-'."!' iiKitwB', v???.a".* .laawna, 01 Wotm
1. .??!_.?. ar* ?.ta;.le aud rllrM**! tl, <-nu a boi
I'.leat ar lleitHirrtamali.
;.- IV t. fll I f.,il.|.J k Hai* aill mn ..a ll S. ?Ti.-i,o.?* l.*4rl
Ibi. a**k i* r*r* aii kiail* of Kilra irr Aean-_.ioa. ?.riio.ii o*>*. ioogrr.
.ai.r.a ?r lualmiii.ala. Wt warranl ? .* r**r? aad imttnnmtul e**a ?a
r., n r iaa. Wnr aor* tlirr* .? oa r**r *o bad hat mt *?n **r*. *a I a*
alll .1*1 tlrr?i.r ?r ,iiaal,p..l?l a*)r o??. HafcT7aa?Ba? tt, l.?D.rAla ot ttm
...I aaaaaaaaaaA .tii../,w.No i.i^.l Am*-*t. Pb.la_irii*_a.
" tt ii i, nm,ln,>.i be .-ouatiiier.-.l llon.-a.lT nntl It?"H?
I. iU f?ll-rariU'il'l. "f 'i _uld 'i allor. fjlbll* aii lha roga.-riaaala
l-< nrai inll raar !_? r.,naider*<l honrat gold . il .?v_kl w*H aai w**_a
?afl flflaaMiaroi*>rtinna taii ii ta?irpi-t*ial*ai. aad tkaaf- Ib, I*
anl !l rir.ta oii) or Wi?r*I<M. tb*r ar* a li'Tnt.fal p.a-_ie*t aiueJ
*mli.b.a*alult?r,ut." V I* Thr B...I nf lllll Mirta" Amrnran*
Tiail.iur Ko<lan.l ...nM |* t> Mr. 8T?aaTa?'a Hto- 37 BBMBfl*.
li,. ., .1 i...vl_u. l.i . .uiprrl tn, rh.M.v alu.-a ol I -t-oaral jold an.l gtm
j?w*lrr. trng-t wilrhaa. rl.H-ki. aol hrooa*.. .'an: .^.t* Duat fra*.
To Aa-erliaem.-l-" _w*?t p*-aa**at. poou-'.aad #fa4t*aia
nt, |.,.u iui a...rrii_iuK '? tnn Taiausa KlU* abrrto. a* ?,o.ed bt
? li- i,..ri.iuipl?la*l*.>ita*utr St* llMMiaaad o>|__m o.~ oar I?*_m_i_m__?
Ail.i...-. hiti* tratrrlaT, tti* Brat da* of .U pablirat.oa, aod Ib* atea4f
J.inan.l oBflB --lll roBunue* for Prai. Tjodab'l battan hltri, aa
lsbal nrarl) a jrar a^o. Dur Pamier.' Wnt" Kitra. f.r abieli a
,,lrrrrii erratrr tban lhat of th* afl-MI Kitra tl iodiraud. wi* T_*
tmt n* Thur?liT th? I?th in.t. and aill b* opr* la aidla. laaaai a*
T-rti,*oi*-'i ??t.l W?.l_**dar-*rnii,|{ at lha it.artahl* }r?-?ffl?ii?_
! ?* o.lrr. h, ib*I ahuald lr* .ir^aatianiTl aitb lb*raib. A.dr**.
Ta* Tauaaaa. B?? took.
Troe md Kalae Hrleaeo. a aa**?b al tb* Tra Uli Ba-?*M t,
I'.I-'.. * Paiaaaa Lairrjaa Barat Ot. B.
tOLTPB-flABBflB MBflMflTaBM tt. ?? _*_*_*__*_]__*
l,ri.l.-.i_*i.-au liiuirl-.. Wni. II. lt alkrr. I.a*_rl V. tioUnn tt tUl
u?i N^-i.. t.i Kaunir II., tcrooi dattiht*T uf _o?rp_i W. Vt^un,
l.mnarlr ?i tin* ciIt.
TIIOMAA-M.tB.iTON-l'-Tboralar Or* !?. al tb* f*Sai*a_***. Co*.
nn-g.uoo.1 < buicli. ln -?t. Mmf, HaU__U. 0. 0 , ol Maa to.k.
Babartfl T'.vi.iiaato Anni l,?rtrt*_*, d? .i{hl?? of WtBiaaa U. __??_.
t..i,. to. , bo.b tt Brookif*.
AU KttEtWt of Marrtaqet tnntt be indenett tntA ftM
namr aml -NiflnflB.^__^__^_^^^_j
BAC'CTfl Ln Omttf <lrt lfl, af??r * long tmltttr* Mmtm.mrn.
Kt'r B.rkua, wil* of l b?ri-a Ba-.**. *<*d iM ?**_?, fl -Bfl-B MB
TLr ,rl?tirr* ?nd frimd* of lh- ar* r*ai>*rl1ullT nf.lrd lo atU-J
_*l faairal fr... h*r la-. r*a.l?cr*. No. 'ilS W?t Tmoita-I .
.,. Wr.Tn.-ail*r 1 ."eb mat, ai 11 a. na. llec MBatn* will b* Ulea h?
I,,,. na,. b! '.ir ii'rirn*at
. t.-PHKLI.-ln llrtxtklrn on M.,n.|.T ti.' \i IHI'.i. aft-r * ._ .*?
,(__? arr.i ?_*-! i*ara. Jobo I aiiipb*!!. a a*Ur* of 1** fanak al BK
ulaai r.ioiiu I., l_*l*._l
Tlir vrlatiTr. ?*d fn* ar? rr*prr.l*llr iunlr.1 Ui it.*n.| tb* tnmt-P
tnm iua Iai* raaidnc*. .17 .*?a?/-*-. Br?..lijr?. ...TbMf-Ur.On. tt,
al | ?'. lu?k.
llOBHIN-1>* M.*.liT.Oci Iit it'Jp. ?. .Jaraea Bi-ard. *m *l lo*m
an.1 Marv .1 HoMmo ic-I I ""?"? ? n>oo>lt*. aod lt dara
Hrl_lif*aand inrooa ol iba laiailr arr tonledi to tUr?t
Ibr (narrtl from ibr rr.. i.-'i.'. ..ilaapartu. ', l 2 ll,c?. fl , tttttt*
I.n. ou W?lnrrf*v aftrrnoo* a. 2 n. rloak.
[ll KKV-MarfarH A.. Ib* bah.rrd d*a?birT of J,-ra?l*h aaal _*a,r
I.iiTt al Ii?i iraalrr..^, 10 .No. I lliforl-ai.. btwikli*. aa lh* JI*B
?..*r ?f brr nt"
Tii. lneada aa.t rrlal.T** of Iba ( ar* r**.?-l_iHf __nl*4 to al
-.1,1 'Ih- faa?ral. ai li a ui. tb. 17U>. Ui tb* Uallm.ial. imia IMair I*
ihr i rtuitrr. ..Ttbe 11 >lv I'.oaa
iil X.M.NG?<>n Mon.lai OM 1?. i't" ? linzartn^ iliaaaa. Wiltuaa,
i,.a_,__ il ib* 1i7tb of bta ae*.
T:.* rr.atiT.. ind frianda.f 10. taaaHr *r? n.p^.farllr >a*.l?a lo altaa*
tbr fus.ral '-om bia Ial. r-_-.lro.v-, -.'-.ij ttrTnuta*t.U at. Iln*_i.>a, aai
WrdiM-viar alUrooM. *t 2 _>lork.
II \H--lhi Taaadar. Oet. 7. ** Ioii- I- I Mra _.*...*. H*#. **a*t f
1 apt llf-rr ? - 1UB. a?e>l 1*1 paaBk ?' taralb*. i_lbJai..
Id,. .Mll, - I _r?.a., U.l U. Tiua**. 'w.on-i uf W.lkaam nUrCom/L
Kuurnl will ukr plarr ot 1'h.iral.T. < ?*! tll.it7p._a. fraia ar* lata
rr...l??r* li kafl-MB-i "-. Bro'iklTa.
UM'KIIM?Al l'app*ol*wa. oa AaatiT IKM. I i Mar, Vaa A .1. np
Ai, i .. J.ia .1 .7biiiuvI Oa.loa.
Fuii?rat o* Wr.|n.?d.r, l.'.tb. at il o rl.ta-k. frotw K1r*? tttt?not
< iiirrii, Marktt-it-. Nowari. N. J.
PAH-l?On Tnrwdar .?.?ia?. 11*1. 7. al tb* fr_.?a*o? lA bt. WJh_t?
tVillamaiioit Prui tllnriua I'hi.iu.. I'.r.. .*. ?;'.._*.
Th. raaiaiai war* tal.ti ui B.Tiawpwrl. Vrn*.. i ar .?Irmral.
KANM.<-llo*4aT itn lil.flflflaflBI tUaki* m,t~ullnmm? ?*?_
? inr-al M Wr,|n??l.. Ott IB, 'rum, kr, Ial. ina Jrar.. M ar__a_l*?*
ii., rl oo?l?a al 3 p. aa.
irrKKKHNH-Ot. ItatarJar 0* II. IK7ii al 7*_ork^?-. fbo^o.
aail aaa ol t .i.f n ii. au.l Mar, ?.?!.**. a^rd 1 ~_fti .
n. ,...*.. aad fr_aHl. irr r_MT__fcUT inHrumTto___*______*_*__
MiBiiBf t>?. IB-ai 2 fttmtmm. mmttmrnttmrnm m -?
pairuu rorurrolMan./ a?i i>*K_lb a.?a- Hlv...
ilad-oa R.-I btpot. I btrnro. *.. ? 1 af-MM
VATI BIrflflJflB-4?-_J*_*5t t.t tnmmx.mitmt tttm Him tmm,
t n?.l ,. ? tb* S'Jd .rW "f brr ^?
V.,r*imtn.ilt m tbtt-Ut. Ib. IflM __?..*_._ .'*l__k. a.b. -.??
_..u.i ii r.iarlir .?rl.ll ** tlll !.?__.etl* ite . Ilurr R . .ntmmk
W1Kot'mZkt -Jna- -BB B- Wan. ^rd 'il ,..,.
Wlll fl?Oa TawBarDet- 14 kdnra*4 4., aoa ?/ BBaflM 4. *a*
. .,_,. Willu. -N- I f aar.
r_. rrl.tiT.a *ud frirad* t~ trwDn-lfaHi ii.ttnl to ttt**** Hm Inttmt
r,.__ d_* rta-unrr of B A Wl*., ., 1 11 l_.aa H Bi**lra. at IS
uSt7*TT?aral?> liitb ,uk._
Sorrtat Kottcefl
I'owl-I.IMre B-BBBBbawTba awMa tm Barao. aarra* tk. m?ntmn
un HAII'KI.AY ill H, l?7a wil. otom m ihm wfla* aa UB*.
PAY al Iflia. an WKIINi^aUAV ai lfl*.* m. tni l.a ajTli. Ka
Wl? id*. ?_aaa-lv?W_??tl4-.
IH..** 1. JtVI-a. 1*,^.._*,,.