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CopejHaodflOpar eee? to ????? >? P?P**. bnt few ->Uen had been thua ?tralteoed. II'waa the general oplnioa among the menwfaolurere tbat the flrm would rnllthretiEbtheee tronblee, elthough lt undoubtoJJy waa lebortng nnder a icreat mees of obllg?tione. There tiaa been. he deolared. no ooncerted aetlon among mann PjmMMOMMM to Ooae uillla and to drpreaa wagea, or to aid any MM or houeca. The atAtemeota made ln ?omejonmalA tbat the failure of the great NewYork eomwiaaion hooaea to make thelr uaual advauces of l?o-tbJrd* or three fourtht on tbe prodaota of tho New fcrgland mill?.iha3 enu?ed gieat crabarrasament among manufaetnrers'uioat be unfoundcd, becauao tbo cotton ii.aDufactuior.H, at MM*i do not do linaineaa In that way now. 8i>ine veara aco, .nanufnrturlng nilght bave been fcrpt M on ?",rh ndvwncca. OM tbe BEOMflO Mi b I B BMflMBBOi. l!e nlniaelf ncver witlripated productlon la Ibat wa>.?nd waacerUIn that little or nothlDg of tbe a iid ta now done among the cotton BatthV lle waa equally auro MM MMMMM MM u"1 BOEOOi '" a^king ald from the Oovernmeut to oaUflTfl IM BEMM M<*t of thcui.nnd tbe MfEOOh were eonri .1 ut of ubility to get on BrtMOOi outilde ald. Tbere MO OM 0 OMM tMtMMO 00 tlie HMJoM m IM trade, butthrrowaa no moro ogreentent tban iu oth.-r llno. of Mim.raa. Ho hln^clf tbought Oovemmcnt aid M not nc-rted. Thoae wbo flo deaira II ?ro dh-.ded OBOBBig tbe.PMtveaaad ?oaaiMMto ifccirop.i.m tbe way tu wb.cb re.iof MoMi be glvoo. M hjM MMB ol the MMM uor. a.1.1 MottbOJ bow ban OMM bjoom lo MooooMMMMM. IMm oro EMPOMMIM MaM No MM PtflMtMEEflf tl.., de,..,,,,- - f th.,, were laken out ... MOOMUc lan.i. th.-u hbeeMe M balf OflM ?ven all Wintcr would an aMai no diatreee. ?MMM i. riEWOMOMMTUfllWAMflmWMMAEElO. Ilonry UppMUTlMOlMM of tbe OflflMl MMOfOOMrtM < uuanv. WBOaBBflMt, lt. I..WI.1. !. MOO 6 300 M' ?. i be .. , . , BboottMOMMEvOjpEMMMo MEMOOeMe ?llBBbrrj. r~* Mfl UpMM IOMMMMMEJ CMajflEaTfl Wooieu Mdla, and ? M 11 uMOflflOMd Ifl otucr \.it0? bbbm betaitac aoMrpnoaa, aaM MM ibe PaMM MJlla o?o yol raaalagaa rull tlaaa,ood will oostMM MMM for tbc Baoaaaa, Ibe* wota vory favorabiy eituutcd at the be BiaaMl M" tM mpii.Iuvius larg'. contracta to lill. and no good* BO, and thcre M Otffl a brlat dcmaicl for BMaMyMiofttalroMMEfMMro. Tt.e wooicn fldHoore Doweomldci agtbe qneMOE of atMM ?POE balf timc, hiiu if in IM MMM tiareia anv MMM at IMBoelal will bo in running tlme. and not la wagoaor BfOtMOB, No PJMMfl 1 land BMUfl bave yet rcdoecd aOM I M MfflBO. >M n?i] MflM, aa tney fear to drlveawav ra, whoao pjMOM t"ey could not readily BBpggj *> rttjriMoooa Noafi ot iht> niauufuc lantl ItyBBOflBMOOMOrOffOflOIM. Tbodgh lliey are eftflBBOd by MOfttfOoolMMOf tbo tlme, tbey ?tanJ on a BOOad OOflM, Tbey tako a flMOrfol TMO) ?I tlie luatt- r. BltbOMh tbey Ofl not OXpOOl MOfll linpivv By tbat timo tbc pTOBBEt flJOBOral MMOBtaM MrMflgaflf mny llghten. lVople are attll afrald Mol ">? t '"'?r not rinvo tourhed MOWMM, aM MM fear MaatMOMflfl OOMOOM The general opiniou ?inoiK ? Ba !?? l-',iiid mil'.-owncrs ls BE0MM0OyM0? foitiBOe Ol Um ic\i r.iiirut iu tbo wiy of nifla'.ii.n. Tlny ? In nur of MOoMM tbey will be fOffOfld to go tbrougU Mfltl pre?ent troublea agitin aouie tlme , || ?!,?. M.inv i f thcin MfOB a PfOOOM or apcedy r, lumptlo ? att. T ar tlilul as 1 do, ?.,M Mr lupiit. ibHt it will i)o long befoio aameui um , .ii i>e foiuid. Ttee abrtaka-fl ib rawaaaad i ne.ral diatruatof anjthlnK bot oash haTfl pronght ? i, n >i ,"? ition tbat reeanptton eenlfl hardly c n?> : ,,.iM,n,im emhaRaaaaaaat, IM Kt.o-ie laland it,, ,r,, bave thelr beat for nianu fscta ,f iIk in. iiidt<-..i. in thelr affurtateald i M) bave atraloed tbeir atrength a li:tle. At flrot li- oui.icl at f.l iH-r cent. MM at T, 7J, R*. and ..ow i Jtut ai the saiue lune |misoii? woo nexotl . i paper on tbe Htreet are forofld to pay 16 or A* nlgbl !" ' ipei Ifl t eacli bank haa faT orrd IU OWB c.mIuiih im Iu dliteoi.nU, 8? ti;u? aoiue manu .,,)??? a lef| io iijc tc.idcr BBatflMfl M tbo Tl ? bai I ? ??> mui h difflculty ln g. tiuig < ur , , ??, , a to pay wagea. Blova tbe panfc began we Wl ,0 i tlme to pay * pereeni pninium for n t?,i ...j. [.,? daj wegea Pavoa wnb?nt i>a>mg a prenian. We beTfl paM Ifl rull aud peid promplly. i ,? r.< harc be ? naaon tbat BOflBfl nnlia fcOTfl pa d i ,ii,>- ii bank rdera, and that othera havapal of pay Dientl ra. Aa yet there la no auflering iioii iiaudK, doi will tben be. ?nleaa tbe iuepeo?loD of work laaueb atoro aeneralaM entlre Maa tbere now itofear, Aa '?> "p uled diffloulticain ?? t Bbodc Ulaad ? Ua aad theii acenta l u ay ^ay tbat 1 bave hOETd Ot ooue ol in,-no, , and ttiiuk tbey BHM1 bave 00*0 exagger - j,,. n oe i dim ei bad aattoa amoug oar mmUaloa botuea or to lustaln r to BMkfl HiTuiigrtUieutafor 8uspeus.on.or io i ut d%a d workmeo'fl oomro, aho repreaente tbe Oreasfl Mannfae ?' Waiwlck (33.000 sptudletl, wbichiiaa , .iii'itiig on tnire-fjunrtora Oiue for a rortnlgbt. a* meouie other oompaulee aow ou full time, aald ii, u nioat uf tbe maoufaoturera In tbls M:afo adiuit tbat Uiey <? n alTord lo run on bair titue for tbrec BWBtOe, If ,,,,-,- aenooa ea?o tney i II tbe BOBOf iroaa tha banha wnleh they ,,. , ,| ft>| ) ? llty of 8elllng tbeirpapei reentolt Oplnloa ?a to Gov ef ladlvldcd, lt the OoTeraaaent bbuuii u> ??? in the way of luflatiou, tbo iaiue of tbe wboioof lUe )-, alone woul I not in ike money , becaoae lt would all be awaUewed op la M * fork. TM I'-nMipiion of aataatnetad enrreney j,,\ uieula t'\ tbe ba.iks would Dflt relteve tlie prflflOBl rmbaiTaaaaaenU ezorpt la Mfl way of Baablag ll aaMai /., get iiioin y lo pay uagea. llut tbU lt not o TflTJ i b. Evea if It ware n>re>aary to pay i nrniiiiuui f"i currency.a montbly espeaaa?payday in Hin.ui- lauutd couiea montbly? of oue pereentor in tbe amount of tho pay-roll woold bl a inlliog draiu. Tbe njilla wltb wbicb I, *aid Mr. Hanla, >im loiuiei 1, ,1, bave I proiupt ,.V lu full. Tbeb.tnk. tinv? been llaeral lu uuiking dtaeouaM faraaannlae inr^ru. TOBBB M iioi mucb dOhpoodency nuiong tbe ?n.i.lor tbey aio contldcul of u levlval ol buai li BMJ not couie for three uiontba, but capital.st8 *?nl not ho cnppied hv tlie delay. Tnere in DOpl of auflnring a.ijoiig thbopcrallve*. Taeyuro ve.y well ti^ do, and uiany of Ibcu huvo laiga depoaiu lu tbe aavlugt baaaa, y.lK VKKIINO AMON'aOTnERWAVCrACTnRERSAWT) A0ETT8 i.i??.!)?. JOEBOO Y. Hiullb. a IflflMMi bank ptflflMflM nud ? 0000 .ua.i.ifactiircr.repreaentmg tbe AshlandCoii.p.uiy. at Scituale. K. I , wi,i< li runa 100 Iooum; the Sciiuate < oiopauy, ln tbc aame place, wbicb runs '200 loouin ; the Jauea Y. R.nith Manufuoturing t'ompany, with 300 loome, and tbe Huutlnille Munufacturuig Compuny, at Wlliiuiaiitic, Conn ? u.lllt wlm-h la tbe aggregato run BflflBO i?.iO0 aplndlee aud ctnploy about 600 banda?stated that all bia.nilia are now ruuuti.gou rull tlme, and no day for otoii partlal 8u?penslon had yet be<-n flxed upon. Ibelr gooda bad been eold upcloaely, and there are Bome ? ontraota alill ln Land wb.cb do not expire 1111 January. tbe duline*-. In trade, wltb tbe dlfllcultlea ln oollectioDH *nd tbe other troublea whlch affect manufacturlng. ua>' rompel.ia, Iteaald, to reduce tbe running time; but we khalt nevc.r atop wholly tf lt w pos*loi? to go on. We wirdi to keep our poopla busy, aud wll! ?tr?ln a point to ie it. Oflif nulla were not oloaed e.tber In the orhdi of an.,7 or MEI. Manufacturer* bere geuerally wiah to glve Ibelf baafla all the vocfe tbey cau, and wlil uot drlve tbea away by suspenslou lf tbey OOE bfllp It. Tuoro will t>? io c t for ecouoiiiy among opcratlve* thlaWlutcr, and if manv of tbe large mllU abould be hhu', Metfl ?nigbl bc c oiMlera'ile auffenug. Tuere la no uuauund . the buaineaa to ioudb a.ariu of fa.lurca. Goo 1* MvObOM BflM cIoko up, and luanuiactuicrs are pntty well preparwl to go tbrouarh tbe criai*. Tbere baa been Jiaouaaloii among tbcu as to tbe proprlety of tbo (iov . i Dtm i,t ir.'crferlug. but no appeaJ foi ald, BOI any gi B> ??tally agprOBBBII deatlfl for it. tbmk tbat reauuip tion of BO. i ie pavmenta Ih now exiiedlent, but for u,y jpart. ahi.I Mr. Hiii.tti, I fear thai BBOplfl w.mld board -j? -.?? a? I ej Dow keep uan k curreuoy. 'lue lualn factor in the preaent trou wmy Ifl wbleh peopla keep niuney oni of etrettkattOB I ba tiaiika bave done tbcir lK'?t la fllarieuntlin Irei 1) for ail iiueaof irade. and bave giveu ?II aawlMaaee m thelr power. Thelr oflheen bave fcit ? bat e?cry dollar iu tlieir control waa only h< 11 for tbe cood of the ,? opl . ai'il ahonld t* uaed for tbcir beliellt. It Udeplorable, how. rer, good BflMfl of uiauufaciur . ia abould b. a, l.iug lu tu itreel at U or M pei teiit die ouiit. Tbarabaabeea ao eoaeatted acdoo of 1'iovi alaflkflfl iiank* or aapMollBta to rodeve uanufactuiem, tbough ti.e banki batre baaa dataa all tbey could aluglv. v.-itln r lm> e tbc in inufactoren made any coiubluatloa iooat topjother In eattina dowa ti.ue or wagea. There iiaa oenu ? fl liMflty BtTt ln pai t puat? lu H curiein v l" pai v?, g,-B, Out our utnla bave pald ru iy lu caab and prouiptl.. Tm pruep at la uot altogctber diaoouraglng, ae Ibere M pl my of Mrengtb in tbe trade, jnd aa y?i certainly tbcir la uo hi.ftering amoug oper tiivea. Boitu Uhode laiaod uuuntacturera are lauoi,ng i a dread tbat the priueipal iun,uta> tunng flrm lu the Mlate n,av goUOdflT, lt ?" 'rue tbat ,be li.ilujit.ei> of iiiat tli ni ai'eiiornioua. and tbey are pa.tlng extrava ^jaiit rat?K lor tlie u?e of moU>> , but tlio dlitirultlea of botlon havi been exa?rerated ny iguorauce or maiire an t ibelr hnmenaa) raaoaroea beuttled. Ti.e ra vival o( ui.iiiulaciuiinic iiet.v.ty BMlM BOBM aboiil ere ,.i,g li., ie laono bad featnre ln Mfl proepect. lue s. w<) , m fBitora bara reaolrad tbat the; mly for eotton after Ji rj i?. n,, I - will bo tak. n. 'IbW will dlvertthe ioov.ui.M or ,..uo:i froao htw-Yvtk to JSngland. aad ,11 i.t) anleal th. oowmuirut loeh by bu) liig azoOaiifO, or lu boujo other "jfilMflOlOtfltlTt Tf tbe Manv.lle Mllla.wbfb employ .-, aud witleb ir>- cloaea . t ; ?f the ? at Pawtoxat with n.llrr.. alao uow elo..eil, aud alw of Itia Oiitral Ma.iul.ului ,iitc Con.paio, wUo.,e milla ln 1'laiuU. iu, ? .,uu., ar. DUWIUUUUU on tao-lblid* tlme, aald mat ll n.,d noi .-ot been decided ? ben to -tart tne M mrl <iiaoe Milia agaiu. Hnen tbev it will prababty '.,? on f i i iiiio rOO] *cre obnged to atop. iuey ooujd ? ,it keep up ii.4i.ut*,?tu.ilig Witli Uo deuiali l f,T gooda, witb tbc prfee of cotton de. llnlug, with tbe <oat or mip ^llea, tne d.ftloultiea ln niakiiuf eoUecUooa, and tlie U^iuole iu laleing i urreaey U> pay Wagea. Mlopping inay to aoino cxieut di-, ratirea. Tue outlook for inaiiulai-iarin^ ia uoeertMB. li dependi of fl torae \n>i>u >ue coadJt.ou of (be dry gooUn market aUU tbe ln uo V luaracl. MoBOf la voiy tig.l uo* ia t'row loaoe, und luiuer beaw.Dg good uuroaa taa be auid ou tic ? treet at trom I" to U per ernt dlaeoBor. MaBflfaefren geajerallf boi.* f?r at leaat a | ievl?al Of la ale? weuk?. Wauy ol tbeiu liuua ald aliould b< giv, u l.i aoil Waj I Kttiiey, but are al vamiini oa lue p.uni wmtu i tbl '<uveruuiOut abou.d tuterfere i>y la.uoig tbe roeerve or to OoYernwent interferenoe. We haro ro t.o ?p"?? d.ffh ilty in wtlbu Xrw^k^o^he^aX. bave been forced toh^nd to N-w x or? ao ?? e (n for It and pay a pramiiim. I ?r'"?J"1 "?,_. mflupiion In f.ill. but thefefleulty "^ThSp? "?r the decliuon to atop tha mllla. Tha r?Ri ojpi o ren.y payment.hj ^3rhtfl^i?ki Itia pay worWnien. but woilld hitrOIT"""? ourre?0y. bard work to get earUflad cheoke aa weii m ourro 07 OENFinL TKOSrECTS H THE NEW-ENO 0" ,^M.AM>MIDDLEBTATBS. ItttrCTlOW AT PAI* n.VKK AND UTUIHt htASM taiBaPJiil TOWN9. A mretinjr of rcproarnlativea from tho ffltj rcrcnfcotion maniifaeturlnc eorporn.loua In Fall Rivor w?R BOid at the Boarrt of Trade Kooma Wrdn-aday oven BM n.rthe purpoae of conaidrrina the qneation of re d...-h?tbe workln* ttaM In the m.llR, The wHl. were aearlr all repreeented. After hearliiff reporU from dlf f, reat CRtuMlabBicnta nnd dlaroealoa on the Btihjcct lt VOOtOtOdtbat Of and after TacPday.Nov. ., the uillla aball be run on balf tltuo-fnur day? cuch week, ruhl boan a day - All tho mllla. 09 ln r, eoMO mto thia oxraafeaaoat, cxcept tho Hookaalaa'aBdBofdaf bave coutraet* for the hOOBtb of Novembor, nnd the Rnbenaon and Fall I 4 iT'nt WOflhB inill. Tln ??eimTaoinploy about It.nCO operatrveo,Badwhoa m fuii opotattea tb.-ir noatat* paj r >Ua aaaoaat to abont |460.noo. The ?a l miii of tho BordVl Cltl CuiaaraMCB Ia now In fnll operatlon. bBTtng itai u .1 the laal of iu *oo looaac laal w? k. Xbia nUI hac beeBlu ratartedln tbc leaat tlnae etaee lu loundatlon waal.tldof aay mlll wbtebbaa men batltln !? iil Wtm dnrlna-tba Baatlwooc thr?e reaeja, aadthraaorfoar njoul ia moru would bave beea eeTod bad potabouiwe. tldrd of lla forelgO tiiMchllierv bOOB loat In the Rtoan .r AtlaBtle. Tbic njaehtaerp waa fuiiy taaared. aad haa beea replaoed. The Bnll laBowIn tall operatlon.and , | eootraet foi a<i lla prodaottoa uutu De The IIiaeton nnd Provldenre K lilroad Company haa dj*. Bbaraad about forti oftfaeaBBloyea thta wooh^aad ? uj nrop(?f'l t.> re.lm e the nuniiier of traim on acoouot or iack of hualneaa. A wport that the Maunkeai dteam Cotton OotnpanT would run IU milla 00 half t.ine ia ,i foundatlon. All the mllla aro runinni? oufnll Mine , TbeL.i troo fnrnaeo haa " bwwn out mr iter. and tbe Klaaa faetoryl* ?pectedto auapen l r tiona aoon. rbe Aalaajaan Miiu at Roekport havo Rupptnded work. Ai.I ?Moper?tlvoa ???*%**? of waploj uent. Work at tbe rope-waik in tba < oariea. imuilM'.''! NavvY..rd haa been aiiHpoiuted. and tne Conatracl ?u l> partment will probablv diaohar*.. hair ,,f tiieu . i iploye* ttarvel, Davol A Oo., maautaetureri irfeottoa inoiciiery at K^il H.vor, bave al?o roduoe.l ih. |] aaakhM fon-e. o.M.-iiAj.if iiir. mii.i. apaaanrai or p^aauafOwifi PKNN., OBT OV KM1M.OY.MKN1. Tlio ofh>ct of tbo panic in inouotary circles and ihe eonacijuent ainftnftMon ln huaiuoaa h?s hBM M ihrow about balf of theluiU operative^ m C liuautown, I'enn., out of euiployiucal, Fow of tbose who havo uork aromaklnc full timo. Thero ia llttlo d. tn md for itooJ*. and the aaaapeel tm the ^Vlnter u not encoiiratf Bafi Tho annexed statomeiita wlll irlve aome Idea of tlie prcM :it eoadlUoa of tln* braaeb of tha trado in (ierman t.^rii: Jiutton'a mlll U worklDc 0| lo 9 0*< loeb at BiBbt. on fanry cooda and hoplcry. Tbo eptaatBff dopaitMeol U maWia* nbout flve du)R ln tho week. About SW bands, tnen, wornen and ehlldren, have atendy work tn thi-t e.^tublialiniont, wlth a fair BtaapoM of wort for Bome tium lo oaooa. Iba phada arhaah are now M ap tarnrl out ure pctaatpaUi from haol aaaata. iharabaaaaaBaafaaauaMB tawaaaa,aad no tBaealty haa jul Imaa aipaibiaoail In ohtalBlaa BaaMMatoaoaBy frcui the banka to satiafy Ihe payroll. BraaaOB'l BUll II riiuniiiK toai aadahalfdayi Ia tha a?ool oahoatery. About Uo-tlurd.s the uaital BaMbM Of handa are ein l. iiie proapeel for h ooatloaatloa of aoi k n fair i Ti.unnaii, Ir.'a mCi ih runnlagoB tbrei ?qaarterc i i irlrtn?woxk to about iba uaaal onmber of ii.nic'H, lf tho weather ooutiniiopoolil, tho mlll wlll prob ai.iy rna n awatb i.>ii?or. Mr. Tbaraaaa iu?a eald bla handarecularlT durlntr too ilnanriai troabloa Aaroa Jotie* U femtia are ru:iniii<t on three-Ojaar MTC Mi?', witli abont balf the ihiihI forOB. I Bpeaoor & Co. ?re iiuikuiK* three-quar uia tini" m aoin.. braaebea. nnd fn.i tnoe n oihera, Thev are workliur Bhoat balf their hauda, and Bill oonUoue to ptre emplujnient h? lonx asKJfiiH arlll tell, Benjamln Allen 4 Brotber are etaployioa aaariT their raaalar foreo on tliree-(juarU:r? nnM. lh.v ara tuiadtiKtiut only auch >ia the iimrket Boeda foi in ?eut riipj.iv. Bobert Oartledae, Kiove noaonfaetun r, U ?oikinit nfveii hauda. hU uaual for.'e, on fuil aad nv.-i uuie. Bcjiohai-d'g apiuiniii; uuli ta runnliiK oue out of taofBaada aJltbe other mllla ara rnnniogln abont tbe aaBaa wav, nnd aaperallol thum mttj abai .1 >v>ii wiihni a aaawi l'ABTiax cxoaora otr m iro.h A.vr p/ooui muj.* AT POKT ftCHUylRK, N. Y. Tho worka of fnPJTT Kay & Co. of i\-irt Scljii)ler, K. Y.. whn h iBflBlle tliree irou nnlla, two WBolOB Eiilla, aad OBO WOtOhtd uull, have not BBOBped tbc ttTccts of the panlo. Two of their iroa mllla urn dosed (000 BiBM lait l'all),and one bl ruuiiliitfou half tiuie. The woolen unlla are alao ruuuiiifc on half tnue, ?i.d tho woralod mlll d*e daya a %n?-k. Tm rt? are about 4M) haiiti empl?>od ln all the work?, mo?t of wbom are boyg snd g\rhi; only a fiw are meu OOOMaaad lng larjm wairea. Tln-nionthlr pay-rol! Ia ahOBl t",''"' At !a VOOtaa millaahaalaaro n.anufa. tm?? I. aiel in the WBOaaOd mllla fancv worstoda are mado. Tliia inill rimi flvcdayalna week.and wlll proftai.iy contmue to doao tlll about t MlatMaa M aui?[>ly quite a lar^e Winr.r tra.lo lu that artiele. The Iron ini'.a are uae.l lo nmke htBgaa, hiitta, bolta, rivria, aM. Tha tra.Je tn thoae artlcleali .juiie w. ii ?upp i'-d at praaaBt i bn parttal aaapeaalon at Koy & ("o.'a uiUla ia undouhtedly ownu to a Iack of ordere, aa peraona who deui ln iack gooja aa ara mami raetored by tbo Bna eaaaot Maka eoilaetloaa, aad are buv.a?-only lu binall tiuantltiea to aupply tneir aaod (r ite .I'liianJa. tlooda bo bv tlnin ln anticdpatiun of orders, aa ihe ni irkct U very BBOtOBdy. the rmsACEs ok wbbibbb raaxaiXTABia. The Lake Suporior Corapany's fumaccs, Bavaaaph, htathaaa A owoua; tac ciiuton faraaoeOi Mcaara. Oraff, Heiinett <t 004 the Kllza furnaooa, Mea?ra. I..?iii{lilln &. Co. ; aud the Iaubella tBtBBM a, M'-sar^ K ? man <t Oa , at littaburifb, aro ayaln lublaat aud ruiniln^' witUout lnterruptl.m, thonion baving BMeptad tbo ro aaaaaaof afpefoeotii their aaeaa. Iba Laoi fur nace, Carucgie A. Co.. haa oeaaed op. ratioDi--the men r.fa-;iiK to work at the rednctlon. It w?a atat?d on Tucao.ay that tho men would now (to to work, but that the owner-, were miwllling; thry ahould NOBMOi OTOB at tbe 10 per oetit reduc.tloo. There ia oppBOttloa to the ri - daotteB ?t Boha taraaaa (M<"R<r* ttoawhoad & co.), and alao al BeheenhefgM'a bot ahatbar tha'y wlll ^o out of biaat alt^Kether, or eoatlnao oa, wllldepeadapea tbe uctiou of the workineu. They eannot run wttboot tbelr conipleiueiit of mcu, and If the rneii tli'iik Ii lietter tO ptaDd ldie than to wutk at tho reduction, tht-u tbe fur nacct wlll havo to alop. The rolling-mlll of Uoirerp A nnrohfleld, at Apollo, I'enn , au^peiiiled woik on Momlay, ttirowliu JOO men out of en.ployment. The auap -iir-ion Ia auppontU to be unip..r,.ry. aud tne tlrm guud. Zbolt m.l ui 1. ?. htmrrf ia aill. m operatlon. M BFSINESS TN OtOTB VI! I.E. To tht Zditnr of Tht Trtbune. Bntl I read in tho rorrtspondence of Tfll T.'.im nk of the 26th lust. the followln* atatemont, wblch, lf nncorrectcd, uii?ht do hanu to ui aa a eomn.unlty: " I am lnformed that tbe towu of Ulorera vllle, ln which every bouae lt a workabop for tho maDu facture of iflovta, haa been thrown iuto IJIeaeaa by the effecta of the pauic." . 1'leaae let me aay that thla Ia uut BtBlotly accurat'.'. Our munufuclorlea aro aot all t loaed . no'.thc.r are the iaboren of every dweUinf houae out of euiployment., Much II bdng dooe In maaufacturinf;, und moat of our emyloy6? have oonataut work yet. Thia will conti juo wlth aome abont a BMMth leaaac flome of our manufacturerK, haviiift pot pkraagh for the jrear, have ?iopod thuir busmcaa topthe BBBOOB, preparatof] to aettlmaup. and aome of our Uruis will ooeupy one or two montha in thla. I) usiueaa wiLl b? toaumed utraiu about the tlrat of Jaiiuary, lf there ia no furthcr ilraw back to our trado. Our tlttle town feela thp efTi.t of tlie panlo, aa aoy uiauufacturioa* diatriet, iu their beblBOM collecilon*. aud yet lt la not ao in uch depcoeaed I itiier ua rei;ard? lt? buailieaa, or ut colleetloua, aa lonaa Would hare me puniio baueta. ap ouo ji?mu> nntaa. tjhwnUlt, t. tm t>et. 99, 1p7?. TnE DARKEST SIDE OF THE PANIC. Ttn rOi.naK cueaas aVPfaWIMj nhOM want 01 KMrLOYMa-NT?aPPaaiJ PaOPJ Oa CJ!AiaTAULK INPTlTrTlON'a. A Tkiuune roportcr visilt-d yoetcrtlay aev eral of the rbaritablo luatitutioua to aacerlam what effect the moneurv preHure wa? havlng uimn tln in, ai.d to learn what exira provlaloo waa makiuic for the poorer tlaase* ln view of the approachiug Wmter. At the ofllee of tbe Comuilaalocera of Charltiea and Correc tlon, at Thlrd-are. and JBlevenih-at.the Soperinteiident, Mr. Kellock, lufurmeU blui lhal only the uaual approprl attt.D for the aaeUtam e of Ihe out door poor had beeu ralled for, and tbat no eztra provtalon waa makuiK for them. PaaptawbO have lieen thrown ont of eniploy ment by the Onan.lal depreaalon aie bep-luulng to ahow thruirelvea. Mr. Kellock UMBJBt from all lndlcatlona that the Bfaapaal for the approaehlug Wm? ter waa rather gloouiy. About peraona have reertved ald from tbe Inxtitiitmn, and OM.'Oo have been )>*id out duririK the paat year. There are lu tbe twentjr four luatltuUont uuiler the chanre of tbe Couuulaalonora V.OM pnaoneraand inmatea?ai leaat l.ouo than the avcraxe numb. r; aud yet, iu the face af all thla, BO M ira appropriatlon or proviaion haa liecn inade. H iud houaea, which hnve fre.iuentlv been eatahllahed In paat Wiuters, have beco ? xtluaively the n talt of pilvale ei.terprlac The oillccra at Ihe hoaibiuailer* of tbo Chlldrrn'i Ald Boctoir. at ITtr ff t.?"t Paartbat.t raaaai thal tbota w iif riagtaaa bbbbI al thla aaeoea,oopoeaallf m ? ?, j ,,?;., ath, Klllli.aJi'l BOfOath Warda. More, fainl | ae.nt to the Weat than laat year. Ou Wednc.aday iweoty taunllea toado ap pboatlon lo bo furutahod wivu BBBoaB ihia la the largeet number they beTO ?*er recelred. Many of tboee who apply bave be*n dlerhargnd rrom fa, tortee. Tbeir lodglng-houaea are more erowded tban uaualattbi. eeaaon. The Soclety have a great tuany appllratlon. from the oountry for glrla. bnt tbey eeeni to be relucunt to leare the city. In the lodglng houae No TM Eaat ELcTeuth at. they are aeeoron odatlng one thlrd more people nlgbtly thau hcretofora. and mauy of tbe applicanta nre factory Myi from I'mvlrtenee. and otlicriuanufucturlngtowoj, who bavo apeut tbeir laat cent in reachlng tbe elty. At the WoiMngwonirn's PlOlOflOlM veME, No ? niccckcr 8t? an Inatltution whteh aupplica flrdflM for teaohort, Jtradeawotnen, and aewlng glra, every clasa lndeed, eierpt bMOOMOf OMIMtO, 'be OpfljMO* tloua for belp bave fallen off tbreo-fourtha ainre tbo fljiauclal trouble begau. Thn girla and womcn who havo appllod for places have MM 100 Mf OflM n.'iro tban bcfore. Tlie Hociety keep a liook for tbc flling of romplalntu from WflflflOB ? bo bave been d.-tiau.lndof tbcir eurulnga. aud wiioiii they BfMflt lu tbe eir.irt to KOOVefl thelr.lan.i-. DoTlBf Ma .1 ? ni??!,tu !? eomplalflta of tbut kmd werer.rded, againat 4w ln i) toiH-r, 1070, In Mle Inatltwtloo, wblob knowa no rellgloa. Batioaallty, ar eeler, MOI peraoaa bavoboanpfOTldoa wltb eapfejrsfloot dunug tk? pu?t Atttfl filrla* Lodglng BflflflO. oT* M li tfaii'OpMOO. IberboTfl aa \.i had no Inrreaaa laappllcattvnaover tboae of last year it tbta ie laoaj bol tbe glrla are wHilng ,-i.t plaoea lor leae wagea MaBfonoerlr. ortroao wboapplyfox lodginga one-tbird .m tban ordlnaniy i:ic v.niiout uiniii \. TfceSocletj baTfl plenty of.f, iin.l ue\er retueeai. appllriint u bad. Plaoea bave been touudtbll inoiilb for M glrla, againat 13 tor tln inoiiih laal year. The m itroa ol tbe liiMtitution ibongi.t Ibe aflwiagelrla would feel tbe efJtate of tbe dail Mnaei in,,-1. M,coi-erve,i tbat vhllfl aaaafl "' tba girla eee? Inaplacet werereadj to go tooltleeand rlllagea wltbto .leaof New-Yorb,nonewfw wllliog M p to ibefarWeat; Borwaw Mej wllllag la ge among tie> farmcn Tbe latter, ahfl remarkaOj obUlaed aatTaaM lD tbla ClfT Cblefly f.i CaMIe Uar.le,, At Me Preo Labor Baraoo, No. 8 ? linton -plaoa, the Siip-riiitemieiii aald tbat bla bualoeae bad peroepilbiy Increaaed alnoe the u.lary preaenra beg?n aoflae or tbe appllcanU for plece botrlag loet tbeir l..aa aa >? oouutof the bard timee. TM laatltatloa baa touod plaoea for aa tnaay an sw applleanU lu Balngleday, wbile tbe ararage la about 3M datly. ib? auperlt ent atirlbutei iha Increaaed btu.aaaBiueb tolba um proTedmanagementol MelaauMtioo M lt no flnau ol ,i depreeaioti. _. ? _ . . At u,c Newabqya' I/.dglng houae, Ko. <*Park-place, Um uv.iage Domber mgutly (urulahed with lodg ?M againat IMa vcir ago. Tbe Baperlntenrteat aaya il?. 1. >ya don't pi. k u|ino uoiny jflM Bfl lonnein- BMffl mi n iwllabln* tbeir own booU.and more ladiea tbeir own pareela tnan formerlr. He reperta bbIb Breaaad nuniberof apptleatMaa traaa Mfl towOEWOEM for temporary relief. .__.?. A , ,-? TM rtt. Jobn'i (iolVfl,ln V^rlrk?t.. rompoaad of ITO riemlc ..--DMMtlj yOOEfl ladiea aud nieii to Si. Jobu'a Cburrb?bai been compellad (<> pioee lu aa) miraerv for waotof fandfl. In tni* department eblldren bave beea takeaoara of dortaa ti.e n.ty winie tbeir motbera were out lo work. Tbo average uamber cared for baa been 17, wbleb baa beea Increaaed aipce the be giiining oi the paido i.v only one or two. Tbe a?>win? aopartuient waackMOd in Auguat. lalblaOi gnla bad been farnUbed w,U. work. Ifl tbe nmuloymenl ofllce 1C dt'J?tllUCv gillS buil bCOE PTOTlded wlth plaeea duilng tbe OaeL 1UC UElhl la umler Ibe" aunerrlalon of tbe P>r. *JtM Wtewall, Wo. U Baaohot., and be appeaU to tne pobUfl for ald lo eaablflbln to reopea IU doora, Be raperta Mal ae aoe eooaeeMd uitnii. n c lyeeaaaUry.and tbat all coolrtbuiioni are Hi>i>r.>i>it.ii <i for tbe iMoietii of tbe auflViing poor. DonaUona, wbetber of mouey, tlotbing, or pEOMMM Him be aenl to iu- addreaa. At UM PtTfl 1' in'- H ?uae of Indmtry, No. 1R5 Wortn it tne UnportntnnrkiBl rapotta tM Buaaber nlgbtly 1.,'dgci at aio, ugaiiirt 340, the aenal avaraar, aJthougo tbere are no more applicatloni from ootalderi forald tban u-uui. Tbe tncoii.e of ibe laatrtntMn lagreatli <?? duccd, .ma it i? burdened wltb adi bl of IMMO. He re porta tbat durlaa tM yeo* Bton tnan tOO^OO meahj bare beeBglTeu, 103.0(0 poaada ol bread, beetde yegetahlea. groceriea <t ., baye ih;, d uaed la Mfl beflut ami araa lo tbeout-dooi poor; on average of ON ohlldrenaredally ted ut Ibe tiiblea; M0 chiblien are now livmsr la thfl boiiac Tne arenure expana ? la llOO a day, forwhleb t.'a iiiMiitution li largoly depaadaal upon voiuuurj aaMnV "'"ai'ioiImt lioneTolenf aoelety aolieitlng Bld l? the PrleM AaaoouUMaa, wim.n awaka* it IM <iuiv la prepara and Knd out tor rmployment diacharged prleuuera, for wbon - leb artl ilea of el tning aa ?wnfort raqnlrea are preparod. AU k.tida of garac nt. oad ordlaary under wearwillbe tiunktuih recelred. Conirlb^uona ma beaent to tbegaaoraJ aceat,A. "'? OMIOoo, M oto.II i ontra-ot lilK 00AL TKADi:. a MMOOUOM OPItMOl IN TiiE MMM mOMATMhttl ?1.?? ai. OAiao ffiMinornrrr*?tt*t" ?*? wmom *.ai.b am> Ki.TAu. ofltAiaas, A figit nt thi UK?'ti(HH of OMM of tlie lcad bjg ioal i ouip iiuci jiftcrday MM0MMMM th, f.ut tbat MM braiicii of tbe trade haa alao liecn OMOMd t? I coiialiiciablc cxlent by tlie pOOMk Tln i ia eap, cially tbe caae with tbe VbflMOOJfl OOflOEOOE, tbe local and rfltall Irucfe a* a rule ooiilinuing vcry good. while ptMOO, whh-h bavo nalfonalj lacnaaad aoaaowMI aooh bmoM dunng tln paM vcar, fccin to bave BBttIM for tbe Wlnter. At the I'hil.ulclphla and BflfldtOg (auupanv'a OflMO, tto. 0riEf M-.II WaafltOOM tbat tbo t,,t,i,<w.,, ralber qu.ct. not whnt tbey sbould Wi?b lt to Im-, atlll not no ,le prei.aing ua aome had anticiputed. Aa yet tbere biul bflflO UMJfl tTOEbll fitnoiig ibe ? oal i.(j,iJera; one llrn. only tbat tbc) kiuw of I ad becu oliliged to BBEpflflhB, Ibla waa an BaOtOfE Uini wl'h abuudant OflflOtfl, but tbe tlgbtnemof ibe miiiket preveiitcd tbeir uuking OBllaO tiona, and a temporary BBBEflflkEkMI BOOOflflfl flOflflflflOfp. TwowooM ofMrvaM Mfl aaEMOra resoafloi nuaiueaa, nnd prataptly bbH p.i llablHliaa. fofar ua tina COapooy waa ciireincd, tbo agent atatcl that th-\ bad now more ordcra on band tban tbey could ftll, and they were at leaat alx WOflM l?lnud ln tln OrdOEO. Thla dld not Iniply hii> EEEEMl OOEOOM of btial ?oflfl, wa? flfloaaoaocfll bj tttaeolty ie boMtbe tbe p,,ai from tbe mlne? to the market. Tbe n tall trade u. tln lr varloua iir..ncb bouM'a ln tuta cltv waa good. Ai to the ruteH.lini.aid, tbey bad by niutual airreeiimui auiong tbe ooinpaulea beca nuai.ig tbo priee 10 BflflM per ton cach uioutli for marly a jcar pa-t, but II had now Ix-eu dtcldod tbat tbe OoMMt BElflO MM alculil atandfortbo EflZt H)W inoiitha, wltb IMcaflflfMMM one au" of MOTfl OOOl upon BtbJM there had bOM a fur MMMOtOOM Of lOceiitapcr ton, Thia WM OOOOfltflflMd tiy the great acareity of tbat alxe. It hflfl tbo dealrti of tbc flOflEpEflMfl tu MM tliclr clrcular llat wltbln IflOflOfle ulile llgurcH dnrlng tbc jireaent truublcd atuto of inanu facturlug lnlereata. Ah yet tbey were runnlng full force ut tbe flMaflfl, uor dld tbey propoae any rcJuctlon ellber ln tho nutuLicr of tliclr etuployca or thelr wagea at proo ent, but u general OEOpOOMfll 0f tbo largur luuuufue. torlea would icrtnlnly render aucli a nieaaiire BflOflflflflMfy. Mr. Ilort of tbe PflflHM) Ivunia <o ii. oinpany and thcr trudo BflOOOOd to be aoniewbat oflV.otod, but to wbatex tont lt would be diQlcult to MM, Tlnir regular xalca wcro made Ifl Mm-h, and tbe flMjflfflly of tbeir bualucaa now wae only tbo fllilng of tbb?e coutrai ta. Tho retull trade at tbcir varli^ia placea of bfloMflflfl eoiitlnued good. Tbe rloalug flf uiany of tbe maiiiifactorlca would ptubfl bly etill further nffeet tbeLr Ima.neaa, lndeed lt had alrcady iflMMO indlrecily. Mauy ordera uiude would probably be cuunUTinand-d. They bad tnade It an lnvarlible rule ncver tu ' truna uct otber tbau a etnctly , ,i-:i bualneaa, ?flkOflflOapM the contractora now flfflaa anxloua to gaiu tlme Ifl thelr purchaaea. Aa wuh many other eumpaiiiea, tbey Iuki aiicady beea eooipelled to reduoa aoaaaarbai tbe nnuitur of employca at thelr iiiiiir-, and nt::i furtloi rcduotiou M-eiu, ,1 piobai'le at iio <llatant day. It waa of llttle u>e to briug tbe eool lnto tbe Baarkel BtMflpfaa ent nlgb niteh of frclghtag', BBd low Bttflflfl M bfl ob talned, cnpKciailv wblle Uio (lemand eofltlaoed aa lubt aa at prcteiit. IteflBl it IflOal three tlincaaa inucb at ptfloaM to gct the coal into thc mirkft na lr dld 15 )eara ago, yet tln price Imt waa little or no Inghcr. At tln- ottiee of tbc Delawan aad Hadaoa Caaal Oaov i.'inv tbe nifetii repe.i.ed theatateaMDtealready netad lle aald tbcir luieiiic?? BfBI BOfl aa yet utfetet to any materlalextent, atlll gobag be ataadlly at tbcir miiifn, BBd tb. market ?a^ c,, ly g,K)d. Haica. perhapa, wen mn ao nnnk aa eowlfl u. wubed, atlll tbey nngnt l>c inucb ijn, icr. Tb. ir , ,r, ular lut waa the Mtme aa with Ihi-utbera. Tlicy had not aa yet reoureil th. ir MflOfl of BBBplajMla tbe uitne, but dld not know bow aoon aucb a uicaaure m.^bt Im. reudure 1 BOflooooty. BTATKME.NTa Ol" ltFTAII. MAUM. A TkiB.'Nt n iM.rter called to BtfflflM of tbe leadl'.g rctali coal dcalera to aHccrtam If Mflffl would bc auy riae ln tbe price of coal dunng tbc approachm,' , .,| 1 aeaaon, and wbat, If auy, buil been tbe > 11, ctof tbe paulo upon tbe iiiule. TM poM i-o< m" tobaie bad ve.y lltlla tff.ct upon Mfl r.tail MflJon, Ofl OBflot Ol tbeir Bal for caau. Oataa Ofa about tM BaaM ai Ioal raar, anJ. tbougu prlaaa urc ao aa avaragi ti bigher tbaa tbej were a J eai aK>'. ) M IMflfl BMBU to bc Bfl a.illcipa iiou of afiu tm r rlaa. maee laal Pebroarj thn byadlug coal flflflBpaadaa bave laareaaedthelrprlee 10 eonta p r ton ? ai ti n.ouih ; frelgbt rotea bave bM BeoE Increaaed. Tbc retail dealer* do nol eb iaga tb. .r prb ??, until there in a n.-e of aboEl w. ccm* b] tu,- wboleaale eoaipanlea, ao lhat ainall fluctuatioiia bave BO cflcct ujion the pnol panl byeoBeuinera,aad ihcn-wni uut yru.iauiy ueaat BOaagfl belore Jauuary auli. 1 nt to atf. ct tbe retail ptkOj lfr.Tboapaon.El Wo.43Oold-at., amd tbat tbe rolall ,,ri e (,r (?,.i lui BM cb.ngc.i Maea ii-i Pebruary, aad lt waa not promblc tbat tbere would bfl unv eUUgfl lMa ?ear. bfl paolfl had atr.-. n,i n,e boala. - little, aa it ia on a aoah baata dui hu n, t'aii aud u int. i lle ibat tne Iteading t'.ai Uaoipaa* bad retail ofllce* lu the city.Uut flad ii"t tlunk tliai tuia had afTr, ted iiu ,, i,m of <? ai. Tb. prloe bad advanoad aboui tl a ton Mii.c la?t iear ovtin,- to tbe cunhniat.on fonned ?y lue bwM < ial aotupaolefli Hl? waa aa goud aa It waa a yi ar ago. At J. Hkbl.iiore A Hona, at Kourtb ?v^. nn I Thlrteeiitl, at., Mr. MMflaaffl "aid ttie rcuil prlofl ot coal bud .,,,, .bang.d itanlbg lliejm-l clg.u uiontha, and would aet prebably taflayoar. Tue pamc had uot an.ctni tb. pi m , ha,ea wrre ua large aa ua.ul. A \ aai ago tbe rual aoBipaalea were aelllog coni at m eeata y: tou ,e?? thau Itfloattboa to prodoflfl it; bat by formlagaeeaiblna tion tlicy b ol rafaad tlie average oriue auout tl ; but ti,, ra would be uo furtbri rlae. Mr. Biddleof Rlddle, BnadU AOo. of No. i;s Fifth ave., aaiu Ibal lle pftflfl of coal had n.r>: duilng the rlnm.oor, imi would not prohably go auy blghor, tuougti if tbere wen. any i bange it woold be bighei rathei mau luwir. Tim reia.l price of coal bad ii,,t cuauged a.uea la^t J uly. aud aalua wtuo aa larga aa uaual. Kdwa.u LUlotlof \Uv Ora o( UuderluU A LUloti uf No na Fljthth ave.. aaid that earlr In Oetober trade waa irri qutat, but now it waa aa ?o<xl aa laat year : tlwjre proiiabiy would ba no advauee ln the ooat of ooal thia year, aa amall fluetuatloua In ralue did not aBVet the retall pnoe. Cjlleotluni were dldoutt. but he bad Klvoa eredit aa frooly aa h.f.r ?. THE FIJRNnTRB TRADE. TIIR DEMAND flM.U.L, AND TTfK MAMUrACTtTItB NEAHI.Y UTOPl'KlP-A MltllE BTOCI IV TMK MAll KKT?Gl.OOMY RPjOaVaOBl VOU WUUKINtiMKN. Furthcr itiveatipittion on tho part of Tuibi VI rrportora Iuto tlie alate of inauufai luriiu{ InlercaU uu OOf tho provalllup' BOPfOOatao lu linam lal in ?tt< rl haa l?een nindc Ainonir the furnlturo dealera and mannf irtnrera, general depreadon wu? tho rule, Mr. Pbelpa, of I'holua, Doremua A Cohbott, No. Mfl Caual-at., aaid he had paaaed tbrou#rh aeveral panlra bofore. aud hli expeiience bad taught hlni wladom onouKh to pro pareu> aome eitent for the aud.lon coiulnifof tbo prea cni ono, Ba had foi; f r BMathe bofeaa th- aaaotlag "l thoatonn thatthcio waa tou mudi luv.atiic'iit in ci.tei priaei that were BOt kajftlMOlk It BM.I t" liavo ?oeaaM kbe rala fM avarp ?eiebOBa who had a few taoaaaad dollan latd aaldo.abIab ba BldaotlMBMdi* atelv BOOd. to tako a " M>" lu tho BtfOOt Wlth It. Specu latlon laaaBdBOf Baballl rallroadahad hoooeoaMBOB wlth bualneaa men all BBMMBft BOd ho had f 'lt aomo tliliiK In the adaMOpBete that bedl I flnanclal evll. Con aeqneutlv hla flrm bad propared taBBBM esteut for lt. They had alwaya oouicht for caah, aud no0 tuoy b.irun roducing their erodlt aalea aud a lorteninir ato'k. They bad a faelory al llrulj;oporl, Cmu., BBBB1 thoy ordl nary cuiployed ioo iu.-u. They had roduoed the nuniber toi\ fhep had alae the aaatraei la tbo faraltara la? partmeut of tiliu BhaJ pmmi; nul wnero ilny had Ihe apttea of Battdaaj froM :s to im nmu, tbaf aaw wortaap aaty ~.s. Taey bad alae dlaeharoad a fewof their BMB at t!i.;ir faitory In thla rlty. Tli l ..r.lors wore BOBObafl M v>ry alowlv, and M fnr aa It w.h p.niilile they BtadB Bp onlv BBoaah BMBt ta I I tBOBB. Thoy had had BO ordori couiiterinainled. Mr. I'liepa foun 1 that tho fur nituro dcpartineuis alwava auffued ln praportnm ah otber ludualnna afTeUul. May w.ia th ? beal uionth for the buaincM, BOOBBM Paajli uauully wout to kPBP> kaaptad iu si.ii.or toaowad tho faraltoM apealedea iiioviiic div; but Oaaabocwaa tii? inxt. aad Um aaal* OOMOi tba monthlUia yOhf.BBB010011/BBBladIhBtOf luai jcir. II. thoagal thla oaaMlikely t.> i>d Moob bbbn Mtag that af IH',7, aad fel'. BMM appre henalon for tho welfareof tho pOBt thau ovor awfM ?. Mr. afOOta ?f llio linn of liruiier A BBMfB of No. 75 Kln^-at., aaid that trade had fall ? ,i off A ii ii ni Imt of ordera ha.l been e .iint.rni ui tcl. aoni < of thoiu after BM work had been ncarly oompleteil, iinl othera tho work on which hud requlrod vory Mkillful and aaeatai haBdaaa> aaaBna h ui amty ami bobbMp trate, bui boili lud papj a.ilminy Baaatodi tho oity tralo uiore eerioualy than the c niniry. Thoy had dlacharged noiie of tbatf no n up to UM pru-mni timo, bui could not aee how tbaf eouid help doiiix ao noit wt?k. T.ioy would urrange, If pooalblo, to kOOf tBOh? BMB OB balf tlmc, but It waa doubtful If tbat BUBB?BMOBt WOBtj provo MtUfaOtOfJT cldier to tli<tnvlvoa or Ihe BMB. Oetohar aae "tie af haa heat aaoaaha af the year for the trade ln ordinaiy ttflaeo. hut tho praBOBt 008*000800 bad entirelv rulicd RM pfOOpOOfcOOpC I illy aa tho llnanolal aaBMhwaaflMaaaaaaaBtpai ta laave haMBaoaaaa M BTCpaaOiMth Mr. Moore BMOMBI tlie ato.ii of fiirnl turoon handiii oity waa very larxe, bat hia tlrui haapiaajaatttttaoa haad ?* paaaoto< Mr Wataon. of tho flrm of Inir oaidl. Witaoii A Co. on tlie i;.i*oiv,R.ud tbat th'y had 101) men BMpMfOd Bl their fiotoiy on half tlBM. T.ieir trid>WBB aenouMv deprea?-.i. it waa ehlefly loeal, Ibontb iV", bad aome trade wltb tbe ImioedUte eoautry nitabboibaoda. Tho l.ualneaa alwava falU off In Daoeaabor aud remaina dull nnitl Mareb m tOe moat onllnBTji tlmea, aml nndor tne nreaoBl preaaore ba tboatbt miifht >>e bo paat neaa wlnt.v.r tranaaeted ilurmg iho Wlntor. TUare had Mfar, been bo f..n m tbeprlceaol funlture, be rauae of tbe blirb prleec wblob akiiie 11 iber iu thn trada cioi.maiidod. Tbe fra waa iiiaKiiiKiio niuro atook, aud ?m earryiBg oa no aradil aaatOOM eaaapt to vory iriist woilliy old < uatoiner*. i K ruinoii A'o. etato that they nr? dolnaleaabiial Baaa UutB formeriy. *?Be?uHj la tho Btatterof aelltng furultare by tnaialliaoiiia. Tuo?' hive m olu aoiuathia* of a apeetalty of that, hut uow they uro nwro c^tofui aa io tbe ablllty of purtiea to piy. They koep no atock ahea.t beyoBd their ?i?aolute ii- ? M. T.i.'lr aaiM if k?u orally to p.-ople p.or or In nixlerito clreunmtineoa, wBoeaa aamed bawaltfee thoir forottora aadoBnaot rlak waMlagfot toed. Bhopdo not manufaoluje fural tur??, and l.ave BO hOOdl eaoapl lB 100 al.ue. A K.-nny of Po. rn llu.laoiiat. aaid that tradt aaa groatlj arproaMd Taett oaea aofaworklae only on uaif tlnae, aad they '< 'liose l aearly every tlrui m ibeelty bad bi oa eoup Ued to redOM tbe uuie..; buiodi r of their worblaa fares. Nobady aoooaad Mhafaaay M huy wlih. aud It wn^ IBlBOBI to allow Ioiik credlta, The aalddle elaaBBS, or obbbM aaaabuleeof mtii amall aaxaaota pal ??uy M Um awak, wrta wboai Ihe tlrm niilnly deali, were unwliliiift to porebaae >ny inoi-e faraltare than t'ny abaolBtaly aeedad vbea ihoro waa evrry laMltaattoa of ? liar.t Wiol?r IbreuUtnliot. h. p. Kiitie of No. 110 Canal at., ireenieagedla tho beddlBg tralo aiime. BBal UM clerk of tne flrm at ii.'l tiiai tne baaMOM waa daptaaaad by tho paaM preity liiU.'h aa hil hraliell-a of bUaiBOM 1" -ople l.a 1 to l.ave beddlBg, but uiider tho pr.'Valllnp' tlgbtB. ?. of tlie timex ttiev atthoi Bood ..ui iM'.i'iou Moger taaa thej otbarwlae woaM, er whem thejrwoald ordinarllv boy halr UlatlreJ^a.?a tl.O) OOBtenl theintolvrd wUli buaka. Mr. Byer, aa employe of P7. Il i. . .r cmai -t. la the almence Bl Mr, Le. , aiM ihut the tlrui was iotafj aa well thla Uotober aa laat, Tuara aaw bo ardora aeaateraa ..1 ad. bo in.M diaobaraad aad uu iack of or Uia aoaatap la JSWaXBI AND bll.YKUW'AUE. POtWI OY MA.NUKAC'IKKKI'.H A.NU IiKAI.KKt 11 ll.W I.I.KV, SIIVKK ANI> HUaiaa WAKK AND WArillKS ?(inKAi aaaajanoa pj paaun and pbo4KB> 1ION. Tba tavBaUgatJaaa of n Ttnamra ropottex inio rartoaa ladaatvMa taoalted M hia nudinir n tnore bOpofBI feeilnR in rcKar.l to tho proapccl* of trad.- In tho near fulure. r:ir.iiiv A Co., de.ilera In dhmonda and Jowrlry at rjaaMHOOjaaM uud ITUtaaBUi Rl., aay that aofaraa their retall boalneaa la coucerued It la Juat ahout tho MflM aa laat year at th:a tlrue; but they upprehcud Ihat ibcns will bo a fullluif off In trade tuiluic BTOBIHBBM au.l Do reiulier, except iu tl.ut w bioh b. ioutra lunnedlalolv to tho holidaya. Tlnre haa, on tba whole, been a roduetlou ln th. Ir hi-ini <*, hSBBBM BBtOteOBN lt haa had a atcady aioatbPwM paat M paMVVbtM of lato, aa euuiparod lo laat year, BO prOgtBM hau been made, Ono raaoaa wbp ,|M"' bata aat f.-it a peatttva aoprooetea thua fur, la that th-lr wholo Kall Uado ba* l*e?u witU out-of-town dealera; hut from thla tlme Utrsagb tho holidaya their haaBMOC wil! l?o iu.-tly ln tho rlty, uud wlllprobabt) focl tbe monetary itnngeney niore or leaa. Collcrtlooa are not ao caay aa luat yeur. Most Of the nianufaeturcrs BBfO about the usual atock* on haud. N. irly all havo elther dla< harged a porilon of their | inda, or are IratblM BBOM 00 ahort tiuio. Tiffany A C... have liot RBOOOBOd th-Bl forec. I. lt ha\e MOMOOd the tiinc. one thlrd. Maiiuf ictiirora, they aay, are BBalBBB to MHj nnd OoaaOfaoaUj K""da are chcaper than they havo ???. u hefore ta tba aad teu ycara. lu their oun OBtOBillbaiaBl PJMJ BBTe hOOO radaataa pthMe t.. aaoel what taop hettova M aa a tadaottoa ta valaea Ihe laxpoftarloae of faiu.y Boode aao aaaeh bpaOM tbM jraai taaa Betatofote. The taode which f. Bl tba BeBtOBBtOB I" Ihe ejMBtoM extent nr- tlion.- of Aincin ui ni.iaufa.ture, whi.h havo BOOB made wlth ln?hprioed la'.or ; and the nianu BMtBtaea are anxioua lo 0 11. BOt only aaaOBM tbtp BOOf taa BBoaop. hat hooaaae thapthtah UMpaao raaradaos Uaaaaaaat taaa aaal Aa to future pesepseM, taop foei ?oacataa that hp aaal hpctap brade rtn hava fuiiy re cover.-d froiu Ma hMapOfaf* d-IBH?aoou. Hall. Ul.ok & Co., at Hioadw.iy and ?t.. who tue . 11"?<rivf "ut taetr Jewetrp ba laeoa aad hava tn <!><?> .1 their atock fi.uu to Ojsiouo alnee the deatb of oa. "f the (Um, BBJ Ihey.Hti dtOOOVOI no fallin>c off tn trade fioin that of fornicr .\car<. They have BO troublo 1:1 BOtMOtkaMa ?a IBOtf BaBBMBI waa nioatly wil.h the wealthb r claa?eR, who do not feol the UBBMdlata -ffc ta of a crbls like thia. Th'-y Ihlnk thero U Juat aa ?:ood a i banco for bualneaa now aa ever. alflce there la au enor tnoua wcaltb In the conntry, and people only want a lltt'.e tlme to pcnvir fioui thoir aeare. It.111.l1l ^ lUremorc. at N). 6e BaBBBMt* BBbMN Bl dJoBMBd |cwe!ry, rtporl that thclr trade na.< BaflBB Bl .on aaaaBa dtom that ad laal >ear nt t:.i? 1.1m. ..u.i iiouk the praaaal aaaraaatai wiu aaaataae t<> tne .<iui of tlie year. . xi< pl what 1.1a) be reaiio.l ir,.m ihe aale of hoiiuuy ejeoda Baoi havavadoaod hhe haaaef their em ployca one (jiiartcr. Tl.ey aay that thclr aaoda, OOOBbtf imder the hca.l ot poMtive luxurlca, are BtaBBjhl] BBBia atl. ctct thau BBf othei. Thla ia the flrat tluio atnoc 1?61 BhBtthOphava not hapl th.-lr hauda fully eiujil ??? tho year round. Now they ure djapoaed le glva OUt ail (1,,-v.oi? th.y aao lo hatp baBB BM kMOtBMJ claaaea ?taag Paiith a Bedgee, laaton ta lowalrpal Ba.1 Kahtoa haBBj MBBfd Iholr l;ade aa fully aa ?ro4id aa laat year up t, e.1.1. 1, hatM OoOOBM there was a falltnc off fr >ui taa bbbbo Moatfc a paar aaa al ^ por ceut. OoQaaaaaa i,r, alow, uiRii/ of tboJr cuttoiuer* aakiaff for eiteusiou*. They reganl the preeenl aiau of uffalra aa aalutary la ltaefficta upon the Wcatoru dealera, in coiupclliUK them lo rt-duoe their ?!? ck ?. The dlauioud bualneaa, they aay, dependa ui>on the weaithy. claa?, who are not ai uiu.-h auhjocted to the riaka of buaioeaa, and lhat tlie retall ib'.tlei a 111 tiieir a*"' wi.l be aiuoiii; the ftrat Ij roallzo th. reyual ln Hlx wooka ayo they reduoeil their f,.ii ?? oii?-lialf, but wlll make no furth.r rcluclioii. Oa the i.iiitiary, thOJ I01 a fair hoa.Uy liado, which in 1] il eeaaltata takinx addltlooal help. .1 ? . pli WI.Mihol.l, a inaniifa.'turer of .11 tmond )ewelry at No. iao Itro.Mlway, naiiall; euiploya ao 10.11, iinl li,i* iva^miy rodu^od. \uo uumie.1 vuoUiiiil. U? aubioloaloa a go?d trade througb NoTember and l>*?m^r.>"?*?*"/. the t>??t month. In the year. lle thlnk. the fOll fatOO of tbe oriaia haa not yet bern felt iu tbe Weet. Hla tradOU moallyo.der work, from peopla of wealth, aud la not n.uoh affeeted by tbe mouelary atringenoy. _ M. PoxA f;o., larddn.tea ac No. 1 M ..don'ane, bare reducod thelr foree of workmeu one-tblrd. Tboy report tbeir trada aa only throe-fourtba of whai it waa laat >e*r at tlin aeaaon. , Tbe florbam Mannfaetnrln? Orrapany al No. 1 nond af, aod whoaa factory la at I'rovidf.ioe. u?uailv employ 600 Two woexa ago they radueed tbe time of a portiou of theaa one balf. Tbeir buaineta la i ' Whohaaala. Tlielr ret.all trade betng new, ther Mi I ' data by whlc.ii to makti BflflaBOflea? witli yc .ra Tr ide bfllag EaaoraUr goo l lu Moremuer an I !?<?? they wIM makem furtner rnduetliri tn tfme, but. on tll" coi.frarr. export lo flflflplof a atrongor foree. TmV aay tbat piate'l gooda do not fafll tlie b.un.iciu denteaaiefl *) innch i.a MflOfl BMflVa of ?olld allrer. Tbere la a gruw lug de.nand for tbo foru.rr, ahfc h rire pur< luiict now by people who foi.iit rly lud.ilged lu flnef gooda. I ? tMna they report aa oclug fully aa eo?v ifl a fear ago, Tbey Mlnh tbat wbiie tbere la aaually n imi aft. r J ia. I, tiere will be tbo inual trade lu tbe, tu c mae ibcn afcwlia wtll be ahort, and retallor* are now Mldlng off aa in.ieh aa poaalble ln thelr porotiiteea. Tbe Mendeu Co., wlcae f.Wori r li at weat Mortdcn, fonn., a.y tbat up to tael o-eok tbeir trade waa the sa.uc ai OOflJal TMrfl h ia boofl no radfloUen m the force of ludp. Tney floal l flell BH ttt gooda now tii iu tney care .,,, the foetort bartng ardars far abead of tha auoply but tbey are dia|>oaed to BSflfi la. flaoBoaMMfl opouing of now aecooate. Tuey aoAUtpOM arevlvalof tho hnhd.iyi. ' --- Itobbl'iaA Applfl'on, at N?. I BOfld-flt., OOOMO fOr Mfl Amerlean Watoh Coapaag ?f Wadtbeaa, Ma*?., fe.t tiui bualaeaa, up to the poofo, ?aa ahaodlof tbai f iaitvcir. out that It haa lately talle.i off. Tho fnrtory cmpiovaftf>)htuda,of wmch aoaibar OM b?*e reeeatly been UHciarirod. tbe leHiworki.igou three ,,?,,,, ten l..,, - Tbey raport ootteetteaa n* ratOar atew. Tbeir aalea are moatly to JabbOflfl, wno oou.pleli. of dull Utnee and iwquently oak for exteueloua. At preaeut buai oeaa ia improriot, aod tbo proarwet |?a inai tereogood. I bfl WatOh Co.. at No. 1 MahieuUiuc, ?i.v that bualOOM 004 BOBOOagOod dunng IhU uioata a. ?**??" tinluated Tlie foroa lu tbe factorr baa not ? bnt on tbeeootrary, la Ukoly tobe MmmmI.alatflitaey ?, whl.-b will bi p .1 ln full run I.I..H; ordcr aa aoofl aa eotapleted. Tboy report eollee tlona..a^M,d. Tley bave l.aen. and aro attll. abflflfl of gooda to im tbeir ordera proiuptiy. rVpU-inoer an ??? reubei bave uau illy bean tbeir beat inontna; aud tbey aaUelpeto tbolr refaloi IfadoOM OM MOUMMfl of ibe ;"i,", ., WaleaAOon at Va II ITAldMtowo, ogMtoof tbe Unlted Statea Watch t'oruptay, a?y tbal Irada baa lic-ii witli thctn ab-iut two-lh.rda of tbai Ol laat year. At tM factory tbey baTfl i.?0 Mfl foioe oofl M r. Prom Beptember t> .ta.iu.rv ia u,,y..v thett beet tlme ror tnde. BoyoadaiartTalta Dceeabor, tbey tuiuk tbo depreeaion llkaly to laat ai. W'.uter. (ar er, HaOaiai A I? ?E I, at ifo. 1 TJond ?t. tDBl tareraol iine taweiry, aaaaily employ at ttc-ir .i,i,.r/ n. Mewarb w haada. Tuey at tini raduoed Mua fo IflO, out tiui daya ago they luoreaaed 1 to 3M. luoyrc ....? trade aa baviug falbm off one-h?,f. a-i eompared witb tne aiiu.o aaaaWB laat year, but aatichwta a.fatr buaineat dunng Soreaibcr tad Deeember, rhey bope roraareneral .- vuaiof trat. latbe Mrtag. rhayare notforclnaaalae.aathel* euatoaaara naturaiiy w.iut.x ie?.i?.i, || rnppla l U butlueaa bad b'?n aa| oxpeoied tbcv WOOld now Im workius; fli'U Mad ? Mulford. llale A t'otllc, ut tuo nnuiber, and doiugib.) MHia klui ?.f bnaluaaa, wert ru factory with IU mea m Beptombwr, bal bave du.'.ed Mfl forua uuo-qaauo.-. Tuoy Mpfl for a g M trado iu lJjce:uucr. ,,,.,. Baldwln, Rozion ,t Peteraon, maaafaelnnn.of um li.wolri. Bt No. i .at..a,.li ipiU) rrom now uaui aiter tha IwUdaya, and are workiag to uiociit. Toej tbinklbat Uit ofopa auat be wld. and that miiiev will aooo i>" eirealatlug freely a ain. uaualif ? lutploi u> baada, bul aio u?w wor?n.g fl/UO 160. They will mako uo niriln i rodootioaa ln tnalx foree, bnt, on Mfl eoorrary, an ulElag ef rep i poraouoi tboae dlaeaamed. ruay aay t ianhe | [rade aeooaa to Ooarlab ia mo-a wuoa goooral t*.?<io ia K<iod & Hirton, at No. 3 OJalOOO MOO, ?OOOfMlOrOffl of platod ware,hare dm barged uo meo,and are roa> iiiug oa full tluie. if bu iine-,1 doeta't roriya ifter J ia. i tney win rMooa Molr turca-.? thiiig tbaybareaot done beforo ataoe IMI. HUhorto tney i, iv beou ran Blag thelr full foroo lu the bope that tr deprewlon iu trade would prore aaly Mmporary. i'ii-.r (aeUitiaa fot kBBlBOfli na.e inoroaafld oum i*.t poas, uua on now largei i bau a?ar, ... . Huratiaan li.-.tbora fc AHIon, ln Honil>t , mam'fae turera ot niuliary gooda ln fiiiladelphia, report b aa good. Tuere b . heeu au redu ioa iu thelr lu and tbey aeeno ocoaalon for any. Toey Iblnk bnalneaa will oavo a battof toiin iu tuo fUkurd iu aoaatHtuenoo of temporary deureaaloo. i ey reg rd tua wuoio troubloaaroaaitlogfrvm ilaokofeonflu noe. Hcbuyler. if.inlev ?k U.abam of Nu. Vi IfAldOErlOnO, mauu.uctu.. ra Of flaQitaVy uo i fao , | i U, bai uu'igo t im handa, aud are a^ ou foli ti.u . PradleyALooklla,atXo. i-> Joha-at,, mauuraetnrara otgoido.iu a, report tbat they hare all tM tboy ciu atumi to; aud tbal tuo/ do uot uiitiuu.Uu ouiUll Ing Ualr foi ...... Kmiii ii i? <? i tlitu'cr, biannfacturera of i>ra?:?? tta, at tbe taue nuuiber, aay Uiat they bare lu* of tberr workmeaaioee the paote began, aal tiiat tuay bavo all luu b.ntutaa tbey OaE ut.oud to. i LCE8 wi) mi!.1i!m:i:y G00D9 rrtADE PAlLOIIi HEiiiND-Tiorrri.i. raOPOMOtM M PMMBOTO Tiir. BMAWO, A I'nmi.NK rojnirtor vi.sikul yeotordjy it jiniu Mu flf Ibu lalall dflilatfl lo laoaa, aaihtolfl rtoa, ia4 aatP linery ejBOfla, to BOOOOMM dOflflBEE ' Iflflfl M of MMMM bud MMMMOd iu 00O0M0MM flf MO MOflM aaatiaaaaatt iu miuourr etrelaa. It waa goucrally au kaowledgad by all Mat tboat bualaeaa waa oattailed in a MBEBErfl.ytt Qfttto 'b?t evi.M.t Ma* oooay badoartol paMd, L:ttio lintflTflaflnlwo>biolrod lerMMoaooc future, but it waa Mfl EOOOfal BplBlOfl that with Mfl ?pMMg M OpcMg MMM tlMM would come. U',bi:d PJrowa ot Pfo.OM Breodway,daatlMoeoIw aiveiy in laoaa aM aaabfeMartaa,raaarttad to Ma ro? parOBf tbat booMooi M Mfl owoM bad beoo from -jo ?o M (H-r | '..t le-ia tban d'iriiig Mfl OOROOpoMBEi uionfh of laOtyOflf, nuuiber of ouatouiera probabi) bMOOOO Bfl MS| but ti.elr MOObaoM bad MM OOOflMod tfl BbOOBOf matorlala, aud reniark ?ul? cauUou waa niaul tflttfld by all iu aoie, riug k> a fM MryoEpoEOiM BWflO, valeuclcunca.jpoiut, aud flflrOEBOM autl-ied awri than auy other bniucb of Mfl bnalneaa. la all I ibura bad beeu a toOlMd reduotlou tu prMOO. ITicy wi ro , oiupellod tfl flM dOWE priooa, aUhough IbM waa not warranted by any rodu-tion lo Ma BflM of lmportoil fBpda T ?" OflOflflM BBaaoa, M aald ba,l proved au exenptior. to tne genetai rule. In an ex , poMflfltooofM yooifl to obto baoMoflfl la BioaiwEy, fltor> lugotbor pflflMfl and sliuilar .uonetary cx ttouiout, ho bad uevor kuowu a tltno wben attrauttve priooa would not alfoct buyera, yet MM waa tlie caao utiproaout. A reduction of from IS to jo p>r flflal OfoapjM MoMflMMOd nalea untlclpated. Bfl dld uot looit for any MMMM of MEEEOEBdoiMg Mfl bflflbiayoi MoopMOOf ecouomy? a vcry couiiiieudable apint?would laat for mauy moutbj. (JpootM VboMi tlioiu-li, Uo lOflEgbt a aboOffOl luture uttul.ed Ihciii. flM With the opcuiuj >! Si?il-:?? Would be utet a uiiioli healthler market. Miller A <iraut, dcalen lu laos and on.brolJerlea at No. 87U Hroadway, afuted thjit wb.lo tbey ull woro dia uppointed la tbeir trado at tbe preaeut ttruo, atlll, wben BOflMOOOd witb that of laat vear. lt waa very Uttlo leas. L'util tho preaeut uiouth It bad been conalderably larger. Tbey bad uiado oxtenalve preparatioua for ol MadtoflJ tbeir buainuaa, aud, with a largo atock on haud, tbey were coQ.pelled to for. o tbeir gooda luto tbe trade, aud at tbe prlccs b'daed ,Ue protlu wi-re ujeeaaarlly HMalL It waa ao wltb tnost all tho dei.ora. TbUolBSS af gooda had uot in M fEOtfl been offc.ed at such altrno tlveflgurea, and atlll tbo deuiand waa UflflttOd. Tbo coat ot pruductiou, on tbo eoatrary, bad conalderably toflEOOflOd, caprclally alnco the 1'rencU war, and tbe forelgu market would, be MoOgbt, undergo no cliunge, ulthougb it nu!-bf M alightly aff-cted by the dlmlnl-hed ,l,in.uel from tiiiacouiibry. Thotg Bt, LoflUfl bEBEQb luui waa umre ultecied tban tne houio OOfO, aud had foinuTiy done the leuding bnalneaa. Htill they were hopeful, bclieved tbe woral waa over, and that thev had Int.eto fear iu the futuro. Mr. Oraut remurked that lt waa truc, aa atatel ln THE TBtBOEB Of B rocut laflOO, that tbo laoe bOMaCflfl WBB Mitlenng iuo?t fro u tho ,x tenaive amaggllag oarrted oa, aod thatitwa,* tact of wbicb the ',,,.. raaaeat ahoold taka aooea. Mr.Bhawof Shaw A Kaon of PJ0.14M Broadwar atated.tbat thelr trada ?:i< very dall,aaoM tbougtit that generally li would ptwva a prctiy u ml Wluter for dealera. Bat tu.n oondftlon of tb.ugs aaald uot laat loug, aud 11. I:i- oplnioii tbo pflBM tvcul.laily would prove a bOEflflt lu pultiug u'.l bruu. Uos of Ou-uneaa upon b Koundcr booto ip io Ma paHt two ar three woeM bOflMflflfl bad been :-a good aa lt waa laet )ear. Tne bo!i doy oooaoo, M flapaotod, woajd bnug utioui ooom la* provcmeiit, but trade would uot couipara witli t.'iat of toatyaoff, Witb tbem.aa in, ilmrii bad beeu a a.uall redu'i tiou In pneea. Tbeir cualouiera were a tew leaa ,11 iiiiiiibri, but a'.l leemed to be maklug purubuaua lu lufH quantitlM nud of le-a expeuaive mat,-r.ul. At < o'orgc Kieiiu.und dc Co/a. at Noa. 783 uu I 938 BToad way, little Infoimalliu waa obt.iined. Ouu o( tbeptrt BOffl alated that BUflMflflfl waa very flJOtot, atHI tbey had not ua yet beeu forced to lower tbe pricea of gooda to uuy great citcat. Tne preaeut buaiueaa waa far frutn i,. ,,ig an good M tbal of laul year, aud lUoro waa a a.uall chauce tor tinicU luiprovciucut at p.caeu),, evcu duilng tbe ho . lt waa alinoal unuoatTbui to uiake uuv colleetioua lu tbe eonntry, aud little ooald bo anttilpatcd wmlo uiouey iciualucd -o t.gln Btdl they were not grumbUng; tuuch greater bualueaa migbt be done, but tbey cb.eiued tbemaclvea very fortu iiaie 111 flolBfl ao well aa tbey were. J. Daoioll A Boo, daateri to faucy gooda. Ucea, and uiullncry gooda, of No. TM liroaaway, bave a BOfffl cbeerful view of Mfl tflotflf*! Ntln-tfl Tneir trade haa Uot |,c, 11 iiiiii-n atfeetcd. lu laoaa aud eiubrolderien tu,) rcuiarkcd tbat little waa doiBflj, thougb tbuy bad made the Miuie reductioua In every ijualli v. II. u'NeiU a Co. ol Noa. W and OM H.xih are., exclu Mva doalera in mllUoery goo.u aad litB'ilagt. lu aa ?WflfMtbfl queatlon, atated that ttu-v w,-re a.-Ming f.,r inore gooda ut tbia tnue tban laul jmi. bul lluy bad adopted a atrlctly casb i>*ro.i. gortoaately for them, iheir atock on band waa arlected at u.ediu.n ratca. and (lu.y weio replcuiabliig lt aa clroumaiaucoa actually requlred. Btlll there wafl ooom raaeoa for Mia great re flaaflOan la Um prlea Mt, ?a gooda oouid now bn oourht at Wfealflaala ul aaOh lOWflf ratea tbau bofure tbe paulc ; 11. faot, hardly anr raafloeable otfer waa refuaeu. For tbia reaaon lt could uardiy M axpeetod tbat tben would be auy ...alcrial udvauco to retail prtflflO for BflflflO ttOhB, Tb.u wo.iiil bn perfeclly aalUfled lt bualueaa couttuuud Bfl 11 t?. for. uotwtthatandlug tbe low ralea, Urge aud aalea for ceah 111 ide aiuple amenda. Mum l.da M. Bauber, daaloi iu uuillaery gooda aud truiiiiu ,.? al No a 'i t b ave., itated o? mg 10 tim uuusiiaiiy pie weetbot aad the p une, toauf haMJaaoa waa aluoi.l al a lUadatUL Wituiu tbe paat two or three daya, wltb IM oomlag of oold weathar, ther.. b?d bc-ii ?>u.o liuprovemenl. l.utle rmluellou lu pri.wa uouid b? uaade wiihoui aAtuat lo**, aa uioet o( tbo (r?de had eelerted their atocka when the eold rarea were rary hlifii, attll aaeh a reduetion inight be foroed upon tkeut to rioar out taelr aupplo-a bofore Hprlnir. Nover befora had anrh an at'rw tl?e aaaorinient of railimery go'ida bren plaeed ln tho markct, but aa yet there had beaa llttle deuiand. M.?aea Clark and Mrf.atiKhan, at No ?JT aixth ava., ropeated tbia newa, Moa ' iark ,?aie.l th it up to the lal of O tober huaineaa bad beea very food, and there bad been nc Uck of ordera. Tfieu raine the pv.lo an.l tne attendlna* Uirlitrieaa of Ihe money warket. If.-%.|? i4 faailUea were aoeipelled t<> praetl ?> eooaeMy, and laoiea, a- 11 W.iild aeeui. to IU orer laat Wlnter'a artn-lea. Tn la waa rery late thla v.'ar. PliOOJ VOSB ?<>ni".fbal lower, but had roached Ihe hottoui, aa amall IUip<irtalioo* wnra now bciiltf r.IVod and llor ,a] f r all. Hhe thoujrht thv Norember an.l !,???.-embor wonld flil tba mi.iioer* wlth aa rinieli wor? on tneir nanda aa fiar . .Milrt p i.aaiblv al'eud (..; ln f?. ? ... UBprBVBd . :? rably ftorlag the paan w?. k. NF.WAHK MAN'CFAtniUrvtl UirEKEBfm HiK nai f *T i.miiuim^kh- .ij;aj or aitw* ntkuct naant, Informition nn Um Um o.n'Iition of rnanu MaadtfBdoli Wawert,ohioioad hp a ntaaraa repertef raatoedap, |uatin>e the coaeloaloa thai taa geaaral nnanciai M ' <>f the paat 1.1 .nta kae failcn upou that rlty ?UI< ? HBM ??<> ?' vil'y. Newark beln?' Uran!ly eniraKo.l In uiauufa.'tunutr enterprt>?ie,Baa haot mora affected by tl? cotiatnuned ataio ol diiam <i towna moro Kent-rally eicaoad in OthBB paMBOhaj and hM con*< .| '? -niiv a IBOBM BaapaaakM M BM B out af emploj .u< ut, tln uuuiln . um out of wurk m iiiat ? u> I.. uu i f OallBlaMd M not haa tban UVMB a ii taalaaac eetorptiaea. aihof BMB retall traaearfbini. la ttaph) BrttatM or Bsaaaatty< ara aaa Bhaitp at a tiandaiiii. aad it oi. m oa aaaoiaUy taH the BBBM ?t..iy of deartb of buatneaaanddlBealty ln tba matier af eoltartlono. A geaiieaun of uieana, reeidlac ln that | . ,? rler taal ho bad t>? ? n oflend A pr mu >? r taa uao of raou.y, aiol that aBad tn.rnrairca hat been utfered hiui al 15 per BOBt BMBBBBh Ba in luru WBa BBablo todraw hla monej '' al laviaara banka arlahsat th<> uvai ?..t:n. bilao ol BBa > i la|*. kbaj t >u^ Bparoaoaoave of araa. n th . ? tbataeptrttafoaa> BBTvatlBM Dteveilod oi ? iej ai. bmbb] . i?kiiiK. the retall rj BJ thau ^ v?,.tk I to U) a oo ? ?>- , ia. i orat to thoaaaooo ratbet u ia indl ittooof r.-mra BM heollhfalin ac la trade ^ bm bm ib i v-d llueuf trade are deataadfli Bat Macli diteire aaBM very llttle eiccpt in BBB BO two oae?a, wUera ap. ? Ml takOC nt BBBaBtaaep aro hMBf ? UBBBBBtOBBd f?r a fore'tfu iiinrkot liuildera haVB M aevcral Iimi uioea atvppod *oii? aa BBaaaabed Mraahataa an-i tha aaaaal Of uew bulldli.p-a ko'.uk up la BJ BM <"eul MM thflO in lorinor oaaaoaa, eeapaaaa "?d p.nuioia b-nu* ;,.i;.j:i!ly,.iut of wiik Nr,w..rk, ! Otaapa had Blooaal .J. I I ? "? aa , u iu tio i , ? 4 leaataeae waa uiadc the BBbJ M af ? deaai a c... bbbi rattpae eapa, haharMOi and BMOOBie foralaalaaa, of No. ta B i Mnwaohava haeo ooaapad io taia buainaa* i) r?*n. paaaiutf liirmiih tlio thfBO apBBI POBOM Cia; BMM o??ll oVer Ihe BOBBBTJ . BaahBM BBBl lae> 00000 tOMOr tbati bualneaa to be worae thau uo*. BBi BBBl 't M i"'l worMi followiiii:, loe adlBg I' Ll'? BaaOBBl ? B OBB. htf. A?oaa of that th ui haa }0M r-t iro.-.t .'-... . haBI lo P ?? 'Pn. datiag wui. h ho Uiudo the hBtBaa BaaaaaM af taa ^oau tries lhiea|,ll arbtab ho pa*?>-d a api.iiai tua j-ot of uhoMraliiM U ti taat Auierica can lucooaafallp eooipate vtth tba worid M aat aaaklat, aad tbatd rtaaaa la tbat aao ot nia: M imko BMCO M0B0] taaa M aur atbar ooaatry ?a^hai deethat kdaPj aa u.'yui mj kattata ate now oui of uMptayMaoi i? Voaaarfci aud ptadinMaaataet aaa HBoaptBaaa taoaoa bnaai pprtvoo. n.'< B tba aaeaaaal iBaaaaaaaa twe.-n tha taaaatoM up ot taa PaM and ajtahM hbaai an.i taaBappxaiap af work apea ? xt iptaafaad taaaaaa ttptal tbli lathM wjrk mualiy MptBOBi Povoaahar.BBd if tbe preaent tlnanoi..' atnaano t I latiijuec, Mr. A^aua Faaaataat mauy Moaafaotarera attl aeaattoaal/eoBhatV raase 1 ln the mattcr of prociirlna- Haoi an.l aeooaaarp !ai>..r. laaoaattaepocPJ tba aetMOBBMBtafafataBBi ?aaooafbrtae kattore,aaoot of thoti Pall ladP/iBtei atock iienigc.nirj ladforearly In tne - Iflthad redluJuly a would hava bc ? d atatreaa m n? extreme, w I if tha pre i ial ?i nc oi toiaaa eontlauea v>**i toe aaaaoa i?* auinBfaeiura ot iua Simiiik aty.vs H will prove dlaa < aexl pear'c trade. U>'.\ n J ? ? "?' '"" aeaooueaath botb manuiactm ii - i . -V , ,o autof aaaooo are oatof atyle, aad eonaecjuenuf uead propettl." Tala Hiuj laieud to d.-cuaiao awae of tbeii banda, aithomrh tbere wlll be a largo roJu< tmn la ttaae. rhaj aay tbat the preaeni oooail n?n of toe nat otauufaotura lu N ii arl ia ai>: uaaead hj bui d. .uu ot erders. for U mouej aaa ... pleati u-i katAucaat tbere would aot be men i i tha w.rk. Itaeara fahaa, wnaiiou .v i o. ?.r No . m J>? tfi (..?m djirce-et. are manutaitun ml koft leit 0 i.-. i<w V " nariiy cmploy a^.i '?ip,*J TBua i-i tho o:..> otfaj i ?>' ??? panlo ui?ou i ualaeaa aaa im->- i ti. faluaa ..n* la UM Oepteaiuer aules to tba exlaut oi u.aK;nK ii.w^ry loa RtiuttlbK dowa of work ^ .n..- .? naoally auapend operatloBe <t tati BMbo M r?Bi uiril Bprtag aad huaiaise ktylei aro i.oier auaed upou, aad wiH reaoaie awra ia * joa ? aitu their faroe of aorkmeo r?d.I, lmwaver. - v.-uty O r OOUl 1 ??? I . a o.irlueaa axperle toe ..i l. yeara, they I i>-> dletton tbat mouey wtu bo aaa) by tbe ml uieofarxt Jauuary, au.i iia-v ara arraujrlug lueir piai.a ? i ...??? fai y, ??:. i, i..-.oi? tbe paale, Bid tonr to bi bioi laaaulae oa peototiaaa A alow BBttaa traJn la Mrll KjM.ola.l/ i,mi jcaaou Btada oaaiere eoeaervaUve m ina mattcr of F.ii rrdera, m i ta - ;. i oaad of [aiilii* oti iu tia.'.e i'it axporteaoad thej aa Ueve to be dua aaore taUuM eoaa rvariam taaa t? iitm paale propei A togotbi r. thla Qrui i iba .? eb< oriui vlow or tolaga,bal aovortheleaa a/oowua thoOravabava lUOIilionrd tbat II UM piea??iil Bn'i i?l coioliliuli 1011 tuueoIutomid Wiater itwtll pio.o ai*Ai.iuas u? n.? BBtHaUkaufaotarluB 1 iter^*i. l". w. Vaii Ja i'j . at IXnloB and Market-aW ma fac turo UtBaanwlineuf goodaaa v ,i. . ..^a.i tn. y vniliirtiti fliat the fullini; . tr ia tUeir btiaiu iriniUai'ie to tii- Baaarlaia aat) Ml IxaM ti a.lo ww i ac thla aeaawa. but opeued auarp aud ??maM NMttaaed probabry to taa MtddM .?t Hnt?ta\m. M iny larrf.' ofden on b iu'i ai ine ouoiiiuK M Bm ao-^-oa *era ouvBtertaaaded, aad thej ai noi o ? . aaiplopMM moro tb.iu 50 out of tneir ootap i BMBl of J.*) u ..i.J?. They aaantlnti aa tbsehtaf oaaee .<, appraBoaalua a u >??? B)Buufacturora,tlM faoi ia..i . i ii tre o. > i.i ?, aiffloulty tbat they are ti eloae to k mb dom wbatqaactar UM aaoaop la to oomc wltk ahMote pr.> curo auocx tor t.o BpflBg aUrtaa, work apofl \?io. ii ui iai soou be^-iu lf it ia oxpaotod lo niip,.i> u i MaraaB ln BbB'. J'ho atattec of limelj retiaf by tbo iiaiika la ao louajar a BMttei ol hapo/al oaa> auleratloa, and depeudeooe uuat taarsfon i>: uaj upoa the precarkma obaneei >>: i urd) i^.. otnma aud UtdlTidaal acowMiBintattaa. Kxoamaga m ai-*> ?o b.xa BBddiStoult toprooure tbat u >aprautioalip luiBeaaiuM to mako colleottona from dUtaot ouatom ra. laati r. turna froiu the ? ilea Of laat BprtB* a,e avtyM ln, wiiiik, heiiijc addcil to Ihe roBBBI Fai. .r.iJe, MaBBB a bma of oredii ahleh n laaoi dei -aa*. ProMptaa Bat tadteatlOM taey ?oo UotlliuK apeoiaily eucouiu^iaa for the fuiiii^. Cotay A Mcwart of Noa fll and TU llroad^t. aro niora eboerful; Kentienien'a atUi bata i ipi Ulty, imum appareuiiy loaa aff. . I. <! i...ui othei bCBBOBMBl toe uat 1.1 *ri bmlBBic. Taeli rstall trade la aepeeMllj a'.x'd; aud althouiia their factory ia rBBBIBg o.i shuit tiuie. iber do not expaottoctop altaaatber, aad ara atraadp RecurliiK atock for the maaelaolurc of Hprma ttilea. Tbetrorden wouldJoatlfy iu ezpeaae aaeaaai ?t ta# taoiory of |1,?R) per week. bal lue ?l-txl< ulty or pr^eurluo bank aiaoniuaodalioii ...akea ne> aBaBCJ ? BaBCB <oii"or?a tivapolteT, Tneir ri i.i.i trade taPue -ri? ba*a haa beaa betor ln tlie paat two weeka thau lu all the. aeaaoii prw vioua. Qenarally epaaklagi they fouud eotieoUoaa u.ihV ealt, bat tbere waa a hvm dltereaee t > bo uoa?rvod ia iliUerent aeclioin of UM aOBBtrjl . i Wcateru N. w lork there waa only a aiitrhi back warducaa to of, wln.o lu Mjmji uuvtia aud Pooaaylvaata it w..a nearly BBpoaelble to eolleel an? th.ijjr- Thla llrm Uiuk '.hat It t'ie preaeut alilujfen.y i oiu.iiuea iuto Jauuaiy it wl.. iev.r ?> all proapeoi of a tT?od rtprlnK trade. Tli. v cive H aa thrtr up.n un i/ial lf I no bauka rould and wunl.) a.topi a moro ltu*>r?J poln-y th IJ al'ou.d entrr uouu a luoru pio.-peroaa IraUu ?uia Wlnier thanaver beiore, P/. Ni ai al >o M BahaaaB M? ? ike? a ap<>eiaitg of tha aaeauXactare af ladhM* fui n.?u. iu baa i.i'. ru* depreaaloo la hla Uae of trade ap to wltaia a f..? ia>?, and doea not anti. lpale anv marked faluuir ..if in bia Wiuleraaloa. Ilia rooenl ablpiueuta lu ladiea'iur bata havaexoooded UMdoaoo wiiica heooaatderca vary fair i.da.ueiw.. 1'iluie ou>cra, ho iav?, are UtytBg iu a? lartr* ?tockaaa lu foruier aoaaout. aud he Im-Iiovm tbere attt be no ihiiiikajfe ln buiibeaa except ln tho oaaea of a Um bnyera who uiay hu\e becoroe rouaervatlve on BQCBBBtaf tbo uuaettied inouey niarkot. Uc uona uot bellaro luaa t'.e preaent ll?hlue?e of Uiuney wili coutlane, Oooauaa the eollectioia aredally irrowlog eaaier. WhlOii fa<u aa i ii.iailrtu a aood Indnutor of the currcut of mouelary affura. lho ricont warm woather bad nouiewual da I i). .1 hla tra.le, but uow that eoolot waatlo r II al uaad he antleipatea m ahitrp demand for hla foo.U, wblon aa bollrvea lo U<- aa aupio a ucovaeiiv aa B.ur. Fif.y four men are empioyu lu hla faitori, acd Uvjr are uow oa hall tlUio. LOWII vTAOKB PtuTillflal aaaoaa a.nk BBhOKaAafaai ix> buppbpj murr. That hiboi ad wcil m tuipital ls audcriiig troiA tbo alriuttency of tbo tuouey luarket la provod by WM propoaed reitu.tlon of tbe wagea of maaont au.i orick layera froui |? t? pi so per day, aud lhal of laoor.ra from ti W to 13. Tula a> tlou on tbe parl of the iKxuoa or uiaar ter BBMBBB ta to take rfl'.-ol on the lal of Novouibor. A IBOMfBI reporter, from couveraall.iu w itb anuuiborof ihe nii.n at work throucnout tbe elty, yeaU-rda>. aae lod to lufer tbat thoae Itnmedialeiy mt.-realad wlll acquinaoa. Tba general expreMiou aiuoiip' Ihe more luwliigout Jouruoyiueu la: " rt'e don'i ?e? bow we eaa lieip omaelvca." Wuat tbo tralea uiii.un Bai do la a inaiiei of c.iij.cturo. aa tln ir uiuui?'ra are uu*ill lug to tp.'cuiato vt\ their probable BOtaM ae a i.ouy ii tuu iu* U. r; bui U ia aeimralir eoaoodod that anv oppoaitiou would be i.iie ia tn? face of tuo laie llnan. iai rrlais wueu ao uxaiw are eaiuoriua lor wora and empluvment ou any l.iiua. ia deairablo. Wllb tba .ouipieuouot taa loiiidiufa o?*W Koin?( up, aa tow If any uew ouea aro U> belnauu, a iirka uuuiiH-r of maaona and nnokia)cra will b WrvWB out of eiupioyuiouk. Tao proapoow of tbia deparnuaat of labor lor tbe preaont Wiuior are uot ouoouiaa" >*. ?"?! II ia ballevad tbat workuian will naloliy aooov> UM ??* ?-UM.W0O oi uau ?aa??.