OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, November 08, 1873, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1873-11-08/ed-1/seq-6/

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^mnoftncmo, ct.., <_Tl;io (focmng^
lOiBMH op Mo-uc?Al 1:38 and at 8: Strakoeeb Itallan
Own (Oinpuny.
Kooni'a TiiBATKK.-At 0901 "Lidy of Lyona/'at 8:
linulel. Rdivtu Oflflflh.
I>al?'b IIROAI.WA1 TiiKATra. At 1:30 and at8: ?? Under
the QflfltlfljaV'
? kMO ii.i.iit Ili?_r.i*.~-At 1:30 and at 8: ??Itouudtlio
Mi.it.'a (iARDKM.-At 1:30atul atB: "The Hflfll -*?_***."
tiniii't. '1-iikatku.?Al flflflfl fll H: "Kip Vuu Wiukl ? "
Bthmi m. w.. i..
|t*n PaaBBflfla-a Oi'KttA Ilousa. -At .:-- ontl at 8 : Varie
I m .N ^.j!Ai:KTiii:ATEB.-Atl;.0undat8: "The .
VuiA.u'H THKATi.a.-At I:8flrindat8: ?'8he Stoops to
i a.u.jni't." Lflfltai iv.i:i _*_c
, rr.?:>iv aad 171*01 flaflflfll P-'r.
Oao Bai i ll i__?iai T,,i' Pl ?n *.
i- i I'.tfMiii'a flPoai_>*fl lau: Par aad Braalao. At
.1 ., i, nn,-. . afl i K..ui"i..-..i.-.
$BBti fo Ad?-Tttaat?(lltt.
- hirrcnlh Page-Ith :in 1 ftli roluu.n ?
0-J.KI-_l--.O_-?8 A.M? l,4ilalli.*-J'f.ll/l f-OM Ji
a ,,.ililill.
BJkBBlM ajna PlBAX.-| .I?-Viiilb ___* 6 o i'"'n ni",
BUlABU 4M> KOOMB- H rreitlh i*B?S?II Mflfl BJ C*tfl-BB_
II M\) - Ni.ll.i.i Sul't f'.fi/f?lat COIB-BB.
. IIIM'K*. 1..I. lit'MM.-- . ilA- HrtfkPaCe- llttiltlUJU.
iBATioa NOT.Clta? IftntA I'agt sJ ooio.uu.
Damcibo Aoaukbib*? Klmth Famt i-i eoJuwu.
DlYUlBKIl WoTICIta TtHth Vitur .11 n.luuin.
Iini i .i,i><?JCf?*aaM I'ltie 2i I-" -ii.ii.
l.i'itm-KAN aiim.uiim m.m.-- VmU P000 IH. 5lh, and
? ... UflflBfl,
F.N4BC-AI intftTnr tfl aml 81 oolnmns.
Tisl. \i., .'' ". tth /'..;/* t".,;i no,uu.n.
IiiMii.i.K Kleoentk Pttpt liaciflwwta,
Bai I- Wanii.u, Mai i s-l.trrrnth Ptitti - * '? OBlBIBB.
tiOB*?*, (AKKiAt.l.s. II ,U;m BBj fl ,?_-a__t k*fl
n'.'n i"-'? vin'A /?.i"--~i ecflaami Booorotn-?lotm
I . ,.). I.t, C4?l il. ll .
I, i- ? ' ; th t . li an.
iMflTBUCTIO*. l ghth i'age -C n .olu.iui- Btaflfl I"__n?
1.1 aai,i.ii..i.
J.l . II R| AM> Ml I !!->'? I
1. , .S <?..,-. 1 I .' ' .inin.
Mll.M.K A.M> Ma... ,Ml?ili.- . 1 'Ut T.fje -6t
< olillllll.
Mai biaoi - ami D :" eolumn.
Mi-, , i ' ? ? . uiu ; TtveiflM
Pa ..... "? ,i .... i fl i. aut
Mi"-!. i-.. iN'ii.i .iiMv Etet n'-'i i ? I'.b I'a.iiuiii.
I'i- ii-i>- \-._-? h!ir niii Tm, Jl ta,lu.nn.
Niii I', ,.; li a l K1B8 , i ,",,? 'i i \ ti.'i COlUIBB*.
Kl I IGIOl Ib'l - tl lil il.-.
li. ti I-i iii: 1 OM mii. t'lTl i../'i " innn;
..l.i ? i rol t ? . ? ? ? ?''
. . .; < ... M III .'... < I .
bb; at Al rrioa Nalfl /w/.-ji eoiuui? 'lo
i , I.IU..I.
-i.i \. a ii'.N A.'/rr .,,-,/? Ifi* . ll t olu-.nn.
HAVIKOI UAXB-.l/.f. /',/?/ . ? , ?? 'II'
-iii .'.iii.:.- tVAKT. .'. ??! ti , - i. rnilii l'.njr?1\ a , 1 Ita
?' i IIU rt
tj , i- , un
nn H in ao .??- -' ' ? i .?? tfl aafl G'a
..nai 4 u rol uaa aa.
lKt. m ti Sntih I'age- .
I'. I _ T. lifllHtBLTN l'...Ui I'I > .Ylll.fl /VltJ. 3l Col
' | I , 1" . . I i I 1 l ? ? /'?' ' ? 1 . .,
T(> W.li.tl ..'.'. \ l a f\a KI /?"/- .i.l'iUlllU.
\\ im ' l: liKSOKTfi ?' ? ? Ini" i.
LUGlillT.S ISOilll
i, i ,;? ? oo'a Baio Di , i-< tln" abeol I
" Iii M li .1. ACI iiH.M I'" UUE- Bl 1IIK. Mon 111
ii i, . . i.irt aaa Ai i uaaat In-. hu, * t,,
I i ., HOOF Bl II 'i ? I - ??
? a.. a..Lrr bf
?rmaii,,ii. ai-i- r !?> I ... i V .1. _
Rev. il.inv Witi't ii...li.r Biijai "W?
., 1. rr t.. ill p. raua* wb a* ava
, ; .-.? 1 -,..! , ? t
, .
?j . . . . , ? , . ?
... . | ? . - I ii.u-aie.
... M
?.: M IM ARTICL1 . ? I ii" -.lf.'if l'<?;?
t.,. I. l>., I
' -
na * ? - ki - ? .
, , . > . tb* - ? ? -
? ? ??
rl - i ?.,.-,
? i i
Bttfeaa ,'. .?.'? A K WiiJ-oa ,. B :?-.
''Iiu- Triouns Ai.mnna- im i*t;. fri-*. SO
cat* tm* i.t * l _
I'hb m.vi \ m ssi -. l>v Hr. R. W.Baju
la TbIBBBB I.Ba Tl KB KllKl >" .' I" ? "> ? -r,t-_
ai.i Mi'itKM-i whi uml in in.. Toioo.no
I iniri KiTai Un. 4. .hr arnra ut An MnJiea. deair-rrj ia tha Na
a-vl'iir . aara-. Pflf* '? c i,u_
ii h--..n Mi'.hK.i'i .BK.?Six 8hak.
atarii--,h? ii'-i. ""..- a . in iu* Taaamm Lact tt
llll. .1 I'r ' '? ' t ____________^____^__^______.
Tiniu ni I.i i; Bl Bximfl N"o. 8.
Taa Mbth.i. ,. r t'litnoJ,
>.v u-,n
i i.r. liAatnaik* , >
X-r\. , i \?i-.n t.-w th* Oaaawa fl
Cara-.tral.ir/h.ft. it .'-.tnun Ifr. Maaa,. f*__l Bf B I -?
(fB ?aal m-.n.alilr ,nf?rn,at!.ri r..Br-r?i'! Ani ? " I "" a lu '
Tr.hBi.* ?twi ot tighi pa?e?. iml iilu?-.ra--_ ari,? niatmuii..it.ii;i
Baa Krai.T.
TairrN* L.iUKr Kitha No Eidht.
Tbliabft ai-.. .,,"ia il a-i.r - " ? larif
t-ffllo th* Bwi? MuiBUKial.r l.ie lale t ?? ? >.. ' ??.
Prira- HierbU, Ail.rta T,,B .? iasr ^.-l,.rk
Nib* Kitr* Jil'-ew, t ' .Bfltaflap.
ar.lrr.ll blobl.rr Kei ,,rt Ii.i ,',
Daii.y Tmmis'F.. Mail Babaea i.ern. S10 dt annnm.
B-oai-WarKi.i I wai ik, Mu.I Sni - d
Wt.1.bi.Y 1-uom. Mflil -tabfleaibflfl-kBApaxflau ?
_._,*. arliaiaf Balaa.
DaII V 'I BIBl M . 'Ak . . "C -I'".'. 50c, ,.".e. iiinl $1 prr'...i?.
SKMi-Wiihiv 'im.iiM. 28 aud Ooentapei liue.
Wtbhiv TkUOU-ii B2. Bi% and $5 tmx line,
ruiiifl tupofliaiaa la tbep:,.)er.
Termi*, ca_L in atlvunc -.
AiMi-n*- Tm: Tfl-OtWO. No_f->T-_k.
Adv.itiie.mems I.. 'ivt.1 ut BO-tOn- oBeaa, 8. W
|___r>flt..C4 808 W.-SW-atj ui Ihe HarlatnOfllce.51,383
Kt.uiili-.iN.'..l..-i\v.--ti l.inliitn.l IS0th-?ta.; an.latth?
llr(?.kl>n I'.raii.l. O.lii-t, :???'> WaaSbiOaTtO-l-*t.. DCOlt
Uoor to tii--. I'n-t-' iBfl . tnl B t>. B8_, at iafl----. iat?j.
Tlll. T-UDBOOI H T.i BOPO.?Afl flO-flfl fat Tiill'.T f?. A'l
-, ni*i ......I- m.,,1 -..'iH,'. iptiniil l- ii .tf o|?'ii iu l-.ii lon.
Ko. 84 Fleet-at., K. ('. All B l?h aud CouUtkSDlatl ad
v< I'liNCiiit'tiia i.n...,i'-.l I.ia*rt_fl oi ma Naw-Toaa
lkiii ik ni..'U.I t.f B*Bl tl'i't I lo tlie Lon.lon OflM*.
Mi.,w iii.iioni for nn imrloii wni !?? recalrafl at tne
?aiiin ..fi:.".. uml BlB__0 enata*af tlie paper uiu. alwaya
liBI I. _
Addit--. Tn- NflW-YortK Tridi vr.
M Ibaflflflta l-;. C, I-ondon.
I>ur,tty Ihr BBMflM '" '."? of tht front of th* nrw li-.bune
tmiiding, Ih. ,?". r i.i io tt fmoil in Ibfl fi tl
bvtlilnig nt thr rrnr m, ffprntt-oL thr Iri'iunr Countlni}
l.uoin tf*B rhit.rttjii.il, BBfl i-.riileie<i ut the itcotul door
ttitrii S/ir,re tl. flmn tht tttttitt.
Smtyoxk ggjltj Zxibxitit
Pourof tbe paascnirers on tbe Vlrniulns were eon
iBOBflB-i to Ueatn aud ex.-euted. a_=__n A Dew Cabinot
baa l>eeii -urined iu Oflflaflfl) tlie Canadlnu rarLuiiDftit
haa oeni proroKued by tbe Oovernor Oenerul. ?-j.
PHflflflflflfl eotiapiriitore airalnat Preaident MacMinon'a
nlec* bave tieeu acutencod lo vaiioui t-rm* of iaipriaou
io ent.
Conirreaatnan Plattof Vinri'l* cbarRfalhat the Con
Birvativta carr.ed the elottl.n ln tbat Htatve by Iruud
?ud inliiuidation. ==-? Tbo D_roctor. of tbe PaatBBfb
?flflfll Kitilroad declared a acrip dlvldend of flvo pao
000% - ?- HunrtretlB of emplo.6? hare been tLtrown
out of worb iu St. Laaflnj ?n1 at Maneheater. X. II. -=
Iho yellow fevor la rapidly di-appearlug froui Meropbla.
,_a Ht_t? Granir? waa orirauired at flffflOBflfl. -*^=
fhe aunual report of tlio K<-_iat4?r of tbe Treasurr ahBflfl
ati tm-n-aae ? Amerlcut. shipplnaof aearly 1C.000 bon*.
?lui.tlily Kt-pirt Va, H of ib* Bureau ol tfUtlatie*
atiowa tl.at nearl.r 4?',oo0 ImmlgTants to ti.o TJulUd
rtuitea uir.ved durlng tbe yoar eudiuu Jone 30. 1873.
Adnliao lu *toek*w__, can-ajd by tbe advanea lu the
ratea of diaoounl abroad. Tue aareU of tbe rnion
Iiuat OMBfflflf wero aai'' H .xoeod tbe Mflb-rttfla by
more than a million. ?-^=? Tbe itat-itiient ol tbe En?
Wi forj,-er waa ruled out in the trial of tflfl flBflflflatT**
IrvlDB arid Parley. __? Tbo eiiioi.sflfl of tbe II i.n
? ipal UovernnioDt nezt year will be over ei_.it mii
.'lotia more tban tboae of 1878. *-__ Pnlioe
. ..tnini-*iouer Cbarlirb deulea tba cbarK* s of coinpU':lty
iu tbe election frauda. -*s-__ Turee Jurora rcr. obulued
, flBM_?_fl_f lo tbe Twte.l caae. after sbarp worda bafl
paaaed between Judj-e bav a and oounael. ?___ Tne ?t
iftiiu.iit lu tbe Poliee JusMca InJunetloD cas* waa re
?uriied. -? ? Tbe Jeraey C.ty lioard or Pinaac* bave Bt*
tBBB to cut down expenaaa, -?*-? ludlcinicut* were
bflflfl iu tbo Kt 1*< r eu^e. _-_?_. Uold, 108), 107, lwTj.
iii.-i 1110:1.et'-r. tf,", BR, JB1*-_
J.'ill I.r i-^lit bllH hlH'Jl I rtltlliittlil" ("f fii Jl'U
I na>oii vl om tf ?.-= i -?
snceohes i? read with Intcrost. Dut the vivld
hkotdi of his latc nppettrance at llinninghaiii,
printed i.n tho fi.urth BBBje of Thr Tkiiunk,
will ODinaiiinil a wido and aaliafactory readin>".
The portruiture of tho proat ovator iu ono of
hi-4 fiue ofl-its " coimdetc*.
Altliou^h the amoiint rained for the ouflerors
nt ".'???lipliis, at tho lata election in thia rily,
iv.-is not 10 BBTfa as lni--ht havo boen oxpected,
tbo rosull atnply justilies tlio wisdoin of tho
oripin.il BBggBBttoa. Tho total Bt:m collertcd
throii'-h the contribution-boxes iit llie polls
\i.is 6'4,?32 51, which li.ii. bi-en inorcased to
$r),875 71 by a liberai giit from the poli.o f?n'?.
Thk lisuro raptaaaBti tho gifta of iho _u_Hof
tho pi-oulo, rm 1 will bc apo-ially wclconu* lo
ihi heiplesa und noedy of Meuiph-*.
Two acwcapoBdeata. dJaeMa-Bg I*-*. expedl
i-iuy mnl ii ll ltiiici* af M-irt-t socii-tii-s from
4>pi?4).-4.to |)4>inUi>l viow, uio given spuie on tba
iliii.l pagaaf Thk Thiiilxk, to-day. BaBBBl
tveiilH hivo broii-lit this subjci-t prcmiiicntly
bafore t!u- pnbUe, und tliat pirt of it wliieh
.-p.'.ially r.-l.itt-s t4. eeUagai i- liki-ly to rec4-ive
a thoreafh i-xiimiii iti.iii. Auolhor bramh of
pap il:ir tllBCPimon 'thai refetriag la eertaia
rlmreii BBBfaaaad tlio aOagad daeUneal I'rot
i st.iiitUai?ia ho-pitably iiceivcd ou our ci&hth
page. __ m
Mis^iisij.pi is reportod to havo piven a
.1 eiiire in.i.ionty for AaBM for (Jovernor.
v.iii'tli-r be will ba allawad to take his na*
|| yt-t to be d.-ttT:iiiiii'il Bf tho conrts.
There ll a woiid. rfnl anitnint of compli
eatioa abinit tho h-.Tility of tha e_eat.Mli
Bad tbia bat Btaj have di-icoiiraged many
\oteri ; Init tlio Al.-ora party h now M fully
out of tlio flfbt that wa atait exped anlyja
eoateat bt'twaea the exiadag Suto Govorn
ment aml tba paiaoni j i*t eboaaa. There ih
ii.aly to be aootbe. or tbe Ijh^ and bittcr
.j vinvl-4 wblch hat? dJagneed and iL_tracted
^. in.i.iy af Uie Boathera Btatea.
Oa tba eeeoad and tliird pagaa of Tiib
TbibCKI to-day we piint a full aml ran inl
BtAteiaent of tbl lomlitioii of business in ii
-n.it Bamberof loealitiea in the Nortbcoraaad
..il lie Btatea. The rarietjf of tr.ide tatanata
repetted apaa nnd tba Ihero-ifliBrai with
uliir'i tho repetta have l)f**-ii made up coin
nond tben to tha BBrieaa attaatiaa of tlu
reader, Tbe ooaclaaioa to whieh one must
itnivf, aftt-i a pi-rusal of tli.se letteia nnd
...ijui-t, i- tlut tiie eeodit-OB of the lo-intry i.i
i!:i;iit)vm-,' ratlitr tii.ui oth-.-nviso. Ih-ro and
tbere aoaie tUatraaa is itn-nineif; aml, ia not
a rew plaeea, the Wtift-r proepeot i.-i g-eeaaj*.
i; t ii la rvi i. nt tbal tbe eJTeeti <>f tho proe
tr.ition of baahBeaa havo baaa e-Mge-iated.
Iutl i.!, hoiv f.u tbe tOOtt af thoso in.wjt liki-ly
tn b.- aflaeted havo amred to daaaea tbe d?
;i:is-iDii, wa aaa <>.)ly aaeaa. Oat eanaapsad
i nn' ahawa tbal t'lero is aiaah appreheaatoa
and very liitle iliatrosa. Operattves iu Naw
Ivii-lanii iii;iimf.u*tiiriii'-r toivns aro mo-t likely
i.i svlbr fiDin eomiag li.ud tiim-rt. Wcslwiud,
the pnaaare powa Ugbtari and tba paat
| 111111111-.' aml Lfae-frarktag dibtrkta <>f Obk aml
iT-BtHia l'l-niisvlvaui.i wilhMand tho panie
nmch more ctYi-i t uily tlU-B pot-uibly could
have baaa erfpaauidt
The ndvanee |l*atlBa1aj of tlio iniiiiintiin rate
af diaeoant at tbi Baak of Engtaad to aiae
inr ii ut il i-i-it.iiiily au t-v.-ntof grBTa iuilKir
taaea. 'J'h.s rate witbia ihe last tbirtf yonrs
llie. baaa but twka adeptadl aml in eaeh aaaa
it Maa tlie precui'Mii of panir. Uut thero ia a
Hiial diffmaTfi iu the poattiaB af tba Baah
now aad timt la whieh it foaad itself in \B">7
and 1!- ;?'.. 1 u.- Baak roaorvo i.s much -itioii^i-r,
tbabaafaeaaaf tho Hatitaw i<? all appeai*
anr.-s in o.i n BOt_ad_T footin-;, untl t!to piin
eiplaa by winch tbe aatioB of the Baak is an.l
Bbeald be aoaarned appear to bo aiBeh bettef
Badaratoed by tho baatBeai elaaaea of Bazbtad.
All tbaaa wa bapafa] aVeiaeBta of uo little
OOBBOqBOBro At t:ic ila'.o of tlio laat rt-tirn
i.i'iivtd hire by mail (O.t. 2j) tht- Baak'l
laaatTB ?an forly nnllioa dollar.s, and WM
oijual to inori* than our-'hird ot tho total
atnount of p ibl ic aad piivatt- depaaita. Siuco
t ln ri tbere has baaa no paat lan af bolll ia,
a.ni. until liiiu wti-k, no diatarboaea af any
uapiftade has manlfaateil ttaelf in the ataeh
Uut why tbeae aacca_alt*e adibBfaa in tho
rate of httaraat. tbe reader ru.iy inquir;-. T.?
tepieatat, ns la eoma*oBl/ daaa in N -w-Voik,
lliiit the action 4if tlio Btak iii Miaiply to itop
tlie ouliloiv of gi'd to thlaalile of th;- Atlaiitie,
id a ver.v iaadeqoate aeeattat of the aiattar.
1 he courae of fhe llauk i.i pnucipilly -,-ov.int .1
b/ tl.o statc of its aeeooata. ITbea tba *li
rtirtors h;ive BBOB tiio ri'-nivc dwiadle fraai
seventy millioa dollari tn foity, i.i a few
wii'-kn, they wonld hive b.:ea tbOBgbt un
worthy of the hotiorabli* positi-jiis thoy hold
if tbey haa not takea hut's t > protict tho tnor
ruouB uiterests wliioh depaod on the hohtbty
ot the credit of thi. bank. Iu the preaeat
ca9e a drain on thn l- tuk's reaaaitaa had aat
in fro.'.i GermiiTi.-, C.inada, and the Uaited
States biuiulliiiie.Hisly. To the Banl. it i.s
of little con^oqience whether the drain
is Btopped diri-c;ly. or tho loss BBtdc
np by ttitbd awiuK k'oM BfOIB tlie internal cir
ciilation of tho Kiafdon ai ff un tho Couti
ncntal room y inarkt:i. To h-tve taken n.i
sU'pu whatt-vtr to i.isire th* f.dveney of tlie
iustitutiou, a.id thal. too, in the Btrir.i'S*. Hctmc
of this abaaad word, would n tho preHout BgB
of tho worid ba aanddared midiie?s in I.ou
do", wtuitt'.V4*x niij-ht bo thaaghl of it hcro.
Tho pesition of tha Hank nt this time is anal
oi*ous to thal of u fihip whleh Oadi Itealf la a
tea-peat ou a laa ooaat with -bbb-MbbI aea>
rooin. To aafl ??-.?aiK'ht bBBBN t.'ie wind would
be coin.--t.i_l4, b*tt certain distruction unh?s
tbo woid ahaaM t-:ia*i-?<i or dle away. To elaw
ofl' iu the tut-ih of t_e gale la p rilous, but in
navifjition, at all evei.t-*, fa re-. trded a? the
only i-diiBO Which ott 'n tt ho_ u ot nafi-ly.
There are tao-..- iv.ii U-BBB the Hank of
Engliind f..r not rvilii;-; Btnfubl ahead. la
thu op.nion of tbaaa eritlea tba roeka an.l
foaming breaker. Iiau* BB reul t.istcnce. All
ie, or utioudd bp, ojo bnuuli ina of p.tpi-r.
Tj bear them t.-illc ono B-iffht bo p.-r_uadotl
to l-elitvo tbat if thoir print.plcs were acie.l
on it wo.ild bo as im^04s;iile foi tha oonimeuial
worid to eneotinter a a-viroity of money as for
tho t.-ricHtrittl Klobn to .4.*.:l out (f Bpaee. Hat
wha-*vcr bOOfidl and liuiil. t!urc may be to
the -p <-ulatioiis ol tb. t* th.-ori.ts, it is nn _4
inittc-d fact timt Biuee the fauiou? repoit iu
1811 of Mr. Fiancis liaravr. Bpeetal Coroniu
tae of the Baoaa oi C immo.it, known aa tho
"Uuiiion C<*a-a_ittaa," Iba w.-i-rnt of apiaiaa
h.-H boea Bt.oUKdy fa favor of tho iiliu .st
viiilame iu in.fnt n..ia,' t-M val.i- of tbe
ni-mey of __-fl_-d iu 'doiJ <* irrespondenco
t-'iiii tbiTilae oi |old tii,..ii--]iout th-* aaav
m-inii v.oii.i. *Tbea tba asrhaafaa falt aad
K?ld I "iV.-S l*...l'lo.l I ' iTW-t 41 1 llltltl.H lt IS
ni.-n th.it tho cili
roney of tho island is depreciatod in comtmrison
uith that of the rost of tlio worid. Now, tho
directora of tho Hank of Ens'laud aro, from
tba aaaaaa aml Baaga-tada of tho frn-at e-tublish
nient which thev control, vcste 1 with a power to
inni-ase or diminish tlio valuo of money,
I i raiso or lower tho rate of intorost, to fo-itor
or discuar.ise ap.T.l.itive i-nturprisc-i, aml, in
sonio mWBBB, evt-n lo ch.in.-- tlio prices of
eommoditie?. Hacli npow.n a* thia tlu- prosont
A.lininistiiition 4>fotir (,->vt*rniin'iit has iMS.iyed
lo buil.l np for it.-olf, and, iinfortunat ly, it
has la a great BBjaanfa aaeeeadad. The Board
of Diro-teea of Iba Baah of fag-aad regalbta
the valuo of nvin.-y, and nri! thi rfomitoof Lho
Mritish financial worid. Tli.it inti-nso onn-orva
tism nmi appearaaee of idHdiry, with whleh
the EagUah utuKritin I ao w H the wt ?>f in
raatiaj tlnii institutiotis, cxirit iii iill tln ii BBI -
fcction about tho lliroclors of the Baak. Tbey
nct upon BOtWag l?.it whit tbej coiHi'lr-r tho
eetabUahed priaeiplea of eaand ft-Utaclal doc
tiiuo- Siuco powei BBBBl oxist in sonii* s'lap.
and booxeroiaed by eoa*ebody. lt U p_a_-?*a
blo, in onr opini MB. tint the re^ulation of the
iiirn-iipy should b** vostod in a b urd of con
scrvativc ini-.-i-hunti", liko the Diroctors of tho
Baal nf fSagbafl, ratbei than in uide.irned
aii l laosperiaaeed po.lt_e.aai tif the typo pro
duniiiiaiit oi lati- JOJkti in tbe l.nilwl "iiates.
The Boapaaaioa of tho Baah Ac:, ef wliieh
Boa____h bis lit*iy bm aaid, ii rimpty aa
I'Xtia-l.-^il I' niiisiion pivon by tlio Ministry
to the Baak la a tim. ot pmio to iaaae Ita
i.otes agaiBSt mo.mtios. Hy tho Act af 18__
the bwaa af aotee, aaprotaetad by an eQ-al
B-Boant of coi.i aud bullion aotaaliy in t.ho
vaulls of the Baak, le can'ino 1 tO ft'vonty
liv.- niillion dollars. A anapeaaloB of tbe Baak
Act is, tbaa* aa _u-tbori_ut_oa to traaafer ao
cuiiiivs fit.ai tho BjBk.Bg to tho [BBBB do
p.irt.iii-vit, and tnako Bbtaa a"" umt thblB (''
such nn B-oooiit aa the aaeeaa ti.-.s af the B mk
lag dip.irtnieut inay rci'iiro. Tlie ainouiit thus
i.v.icd has ncviT beea kuge. Tbe operotloa
has nr. oliict on Ihe cmivi-itibiliry of tbe
BOteey and tho edditional BOtee ure B-BMMt
iniinuliati-ly wi'hdrawii. Tln n- is no iimhoii
tu thiiik tbat tbe cinei'.'eniy wblch justilh-s
aeaepeaaiaaof tba Baak Aat ia at all imn-i
aaatf ebiea at tlie laat aaeoaata tbere were
abont lorly millions in notes and coin in the
till of the Jl.iiikiiij-di-partiii.*nt.
Tno ptocae liaga at Taau__J_y Hall on
Thursday Blgbl lorui B stiikm-,' i-ommi-nlary
on iho aatrageooa areloai af eoadaettag
maaieipal aff-ira la Hew-York, aad aa ample
joat-fieai-oa of the eeaeare paesed by Tni
Tbjbubb apoa llayot HaTameyar'e aetkm at
the timo ol tho appOUBt-BBOt of tho pit'soit
i? .anl. If there is aay dapaitaaaataf tbe city
a.liiiinistr.ition whieh DBght t'> bo strirtly
imn-pini.4.ui i: i* tho poli.o. Tba eaatodiane
of oi.ii-r aad niiiiis .ri of tbe law, Bka the
jodgee of oai c.>ar;s, aagbl la eeamoa
dereaey to liold tlii-inii-lvos alaof froa*
politieal QBBITala BBd obafJTTe us rttricl an im
part ality bltWBBB eontemliic fiictions M tin
law Itaalf. iMiiyi-r Hanaaeyer, hon ever. eboae
Lo iliHi-otr.ir.l this obvious iiquin-.mnt of
piapiiaty. m>d ta appar-ba tho poUee
betwaea tho partiea oa tho pria
dpia af pivin-,- to aaeb a tbbrtt
af tbe Mioils, nn.1 ncutraliz'mj- the ehicam-ty
of one siilo by tbe latrtgaeaaf tbe other. Oae
pr.if.vssio.ial polillfllan was rc! un-.1 i:i tae
Board by tha LegiaUtvc. aml tba wmw aaa.
Boieao-i of tbi Mv.yoi'.i appoiateai woa tiu
rh.ii.iiiiin 4-f tba IJopublican .'on.milfi-o in
this 4-ity, aad a leadiog aiaaibai of tba Uin
cr.il Coiniiiit.eo ol TaBU-BBBI Hall. The rt^ull
i.t only what Baighl have bi-on exnei tt-.1. The
poliee f?ic4i haa baaa aaad m aa raalraaie-1
of diarepatable poiiiici;;:n t? naiiipa-Bte ?*U*c
t'oiis. Oae C-onimiss'.onor has be.'-n i-miiloyed
iu lavyiag po_itia_l BiaeeaBBMiteBpoBaaBpIoyaj
nf the I'ost-Ollicf, in detif.iieo of t!ie (ivil
.Sirvice itiles, uud annthi'i has b on Ignoa-JB
ionsly e*.|>.lleil Irom the Taininaiiy (J.-in-i.il
Uoaanittee on a ebance af -raaabari nnd band.
Beapaatrag tba truth of tba ahaigaa pra
b ind agaiaat Hr. ohver ChprUeh are do not
profeoa to 1> ive any Hpccial laformation. Wo
do knov, hi.ivi--.ir, thatappaaraaaaa ara not. in
Me Eavor. The p.?ll-i tloe 1 aa Taaaday nt 4
a'eloek li the aftenooa, aad it was aildaigbt
i). :> r,- tba poliee allawcd aay ef tba retorne
to in- iiiade puiiiic. Tlie Igarea ttott aaaeral
diatrieta weta li.bl biek until tba EoHowmg
day. and u Conaiittce BBBl fcO-l Tammany liull
to uiiiclt ibe I'.alice CoBUBiaslooeiM raportad
t'lu.s-. Biagaate to bo ia eloie eooaultati_ai
wiili ' c riaiu geotlOlBeB of a (] ii-s'.iojablo
"rliaiitciT." It was onlv by lir.nv-ln-.il<n_j tbl
Comiaiasjooeri tbat th<* Cvanaittae praaaaitad
tbe Denocratle e*itdidate for the 8eaata in
tlie VIItli Dis'.ricL from b-in;- COBOted ont,
That ut unv rate is thoir baUafj and thi-y
ebarga tbal in thi.-, eohean of fraad Mr. Char
Ikh aml bia RepablBBtu eoUajgnae wero oni
ployed together. That aoaBatbb-g was tba
lii.iiiir with tho rat-nu ou Taaaday algbl
1 -v.-ry aewap-par aditoi kaoan, foc the dcluys
woro aapreeadeate l aad aaazphuaad,
Roaaat eltiaaai will bo bbxIobi for an in
vestiButiou into this ufl'vir. but it must be
OOfldoeted in a bettei s[diit than tbe inquirv
nt Tuinmaiiy 11 ill. That edifyin^ politician,
Bt*a. P. ll. BpbBahb paaaaatad the raport upon
whieh Mj*. Chartteh was e-peOad, and tharoao
lutiun araa aeteaalbly baaed upon tho alli-xa
tio!i that tha power of tbe pahco had baaa
aaad "to praraal aa baaaat eanvais." it was
evideiit, howovcr, itll ttrOBgh tho BflB-tg
tuat tho nal offi nso of Mr. Chartteh was
Blfaag hi.i power " iu behilf ol a man riiiining
?'in dirji-t oppisiiiou to TftfBiBBBJ Hall," that
lM'im;, ns ovi-rylimly knoivs, a nuiih 1,1.uK( r
ciiuio than abaat-bg lha Fotela. or for^inu' ro
tiirus.or "apiioiutiiis thieves" ns laapaataa of
ilietion. If tln- c;isi- i.i to bl h-ft iu tlie Innids
ot Qa__ Spinola, aud old |B-~p_igaa_| of tnut
tddoajt wo aaapaet ilmt pabba raftaa will not
be Hadieatad by tbi readiat. It is clour that
if any lraud was atti-inpt-d Hr. Chartteh did
uot att4-iiipt it al.iiie. Mr. Uagh Gardu-r mtist
have beeei in lc.if,'uu witli him, nnd Mr. Hinry
Siuith, und doub.l.ss othi-r polii'.ians who hold
phaea af tnut la tho Caetba* hoaaa party.
This aarrapt anaagaaanti if it existed at nii,
was Iba Irtiitof tbe ridi tilous ulliunci- bi-tiii-i-n
tba Caatpaa heaaa nnd bpoOo.Hattt it aaaaaa
taaa tbat tba Rapaatieaa Ceaaattttaa aagbl
to tiiko up tno eaaa whleh Tbb.bm.bj
hfj tiiat.d in this vory liiisati.if.H toiy
r.ianner, and ailtninist.r d-Mipttaa to iti
own ini-inb.rs. B_e| I ctmrse is ttu-t it ?il
not only by a BBBBe of honur but by
p..lii-y. lt ia tbe bight of abaordity ta allow
Tiiiiu.iaiiy to fltand f'inh BaOWt us tho ahaaB
piaa af aa_aial partty aml haaaal alaatioaaa
Tiio It'puliliiiin party j.ist now is in that
peaitaBt an i ah._ataeiad m ml whieh trafaaatly
roUaWI niisf.irtiiiic.anl w.ll orliilly ii|i|)i,ivo
the ui ist I voro tr.-.ilin -ut of any af Ita l.-.id
era who aiay hivo baaa faaad ont trym- tn
rhoat for its hi-ii'Iit, an 1 ii >t sM ?-ndma:. If
it iiiil otily BBBTI Ib tliis in itt-r il tniy s.i it -'i
frnm T.iiiini my a greal daal of eradil arhlah
j th.it or-'ini'.ilion d .-. n ll d -..-rir, aal he
tween the virttie of the Cuatom-honsft and tha
vungoanco of John K.lly it ia poasiblo that
tho city maygot nn imjirovctl polico.
5___r_nr rahraritt.
The Spaniah iiiithoritios in C__fl_ in order to
pralify n tlirtlnt ?i>irit Of lOfafllffei bnvo
committed an oct which ia cnlculatcd to
emhn.il them wilh flt MMl one cml
probably two pov.crfnt rotiutrics. Only
uk. dfljl uk'o wo flfljbtiflhod Iho nnnonnce
m.nt hy teh-<*raph from Havnna tliat the
VirfflJflfl, leiti-n-ffl-l nn nn Amcrican vess. 1,
aml frbflflfl rigbt to bear the Aniericnn ___|g bflfl
iitvcr bflflfl (.nici.illy withdrawn. flflfl eapturcd
l.y | Bpflflfflh (?linlioat near tho ahorcs of Ja
ni.ii. i, iind that OOOafl flf thfl piMlflHtfefl OflOfl
likely to Ito tricd nnd UflOflMI, Tllfl
M0f___0fll7 ininace hflfl been carried out
with ____rt_-Og prompt licaa. Four of tlie
pfl_?___fe__ tiikcn on boanl Iho VirpiiinH, OBfl
of arbofl. is nn Amencan ritizen or 11 Hiibjcct
of Qroflt ...itain, hfltl been flhot nt .n-OtlflfO
,],? Cflbfl- Brtttiag ______ nll qoOOt-OM ti inler
iiiitioiiiil polity, thfl preripitaney with which
thia art bflfl bflflfll eominiltcd meiita tho sovere.st
r.pr()l.atii.n. Aa if elTeetually tO dc.privo
tho pi.s>ni-n Of any proapect of tho clemcncy
wnivli Hiffht bfl li'hl out totliein on n ctt-pflfr
riioiiati tliscimion of their eflflt. thoflo'__&000
li'HS Bflfl were hiistened into etcrnity within
bai tmja of their captnro. Tho (mOflodlflg is
liiil.iiroii . an.l will certainly flflll forth tho
intlij'nation of eivilizeil nations.
Bot thflflO flTC otli.-r eirciiiiHlanci'4 ronii.i't.'il
witli tbO flflflfl whiili 010 lilii'ly tO prevent, the
?iirp.lriitois Ol tbii OOt fr.'in ciijoyinj,' tliat
iiiipniiity whieh tliey probably ftotidpfttod.
' I. liiithonly nnder whieh the BoflO-flb coin
moodof i_-?e*- t'te Vir-riniiH is of tho arooJccot
kiod. The rciteratel flflMt-OU of vniioin
offlciall in Cflbfl, timt, there WBB DO ____Ojrit*>
li.ii. ia thfl lolaad, oro well Known. Ifl tbfl
f.t.c of tbCflfl .lidaiatioiir., o Bpflfliflh fOObflflt
__M0OMfl tbo rifbt to capture fl rcflflol aWittog
iiinler fl nciitr.il flfll on tho hi_.li flOOO. tt ifl
a nflitflff <>f n'> tiMMog laBpotfliflfi ?wtm in
time of war, tor o Powot to oeoreh o ncntral
TC-oeL Bv*- in Cflflfl ol fl biockodo tbfl rifbt
af ii blookfldisg rflflflol to ioi?fl ?? Dfl-tra
viskoI not notimlly iliseoverod ffl Ommia II one
ivhit'ii Mi.o'il.l only bfl i-?*?*n*d wilh groo_ob>
nl:,Hpirrioii. lo Cobfl theio ifl no blookadei
tha very IdOfl ol 0 blockade. Ifl OfflOOflfld tO tbfl
ih.H.ry i.y which tho cfloTtfl ot the SpflJ-lah
OOfthO-it-flfl in Cnbii bflTfl endcavored bl Bfl_>
BCOflfl tbfl insiiirt c:ion. lt ii truo tliat,
iu 180-flj a brntal dVOIOfl flf Ci.?>tain
Qeoero] dfl Bodoa w_i_-n?_od tho determiootloo
Of tbfl I'liithoiili.-s tO OSflCC-Ofl ? lODOTTl-lflfll
(iv.-r tbfl eiiinnierce flf thfl ___joioiflg Otft-J bot
tho Doitod Btfltea Qovofatoot iflagflidfld tbta
____u__ptk_i of power na laMOfliotoot with fl
m Otfl Of P-flbOe, tO which it OOflld oa!y ollooi Ita
r_flfl.ll t.i 00 hiil.jecl when Bpfltfl flhOflld ,'ivmv
beroelf tO bfl ifl fl Itotfl Of war. ln vi.-iv of
thia flOOOVBOfl ni'iit thfl fl-Oflffl w.is paitiilly
_00__Uled, flfld thfl fa t ol thfl BOO-OflfltiOBPfO
DfllgfltOd l?y the Captain-Oeneral.
Tbero Li n<> MOOflflit_r to ootoblloh the fart,
which is known everywhere, that thfCO w;w
uo. aueh blochailo of tho COflfl ol pnlfll
whieh WOOld ho Outitlo.l to tho de fomt
chaiiutcr rctpiiied l?y internatmn ,1 law.
Tbfl Spaniri'.i (iiivernnifiit bflfl flOBOflfl?d irr. -
viu-iilily thfl right Of Anieriean OOflflfl?1 t:> e.n
ter thfl P-ttfl t>[ Cflbfl. ln Janiiary, 1.S7D,
tbo Aiiieri.'.in fltOflOBOC tJoyd Aipinwull,
re^'iilarly cleareil from l'ort au I'lince, Hayii,
ior Huv.iun, wua taken near Nucvitflfl by a
Sjiiinirth wir OtflflOBOri DfOfl 0 IflflflOOOtlflOflfl
l.y onr (iovernnieut thfl VOflOfll ?a* rOaOOOOdi
thfl claini of tho On-flSfl to iiitleninity was
pioniplly p.iiil by thfl Bpflfliflh (loveinnii'.nt.
aud tlie carto wai flloOfld lo tbfl BfltiflfflOtlOO of
our Govcinnieut, whioli bfld made a vigmoii-j
'!: iiianil for lepar.it'.nn.
It wonld flom thfll thfl mniiicipal or mii t try
BOtboritka nt Hitiili.i^o dfl Cflbfl. tO janiity
their nnxiety rinniinaiily to pnni.sh their prinon
er?, el.uine.l the r.^'ht to pflOOOfld a^ainst tlu
liilN r ik plratOfl. Uiitil fiirtht-r dfltfl-0 iro re
11 - j v. ??1 of thfl circiiiiirCiiiic.'n flttoodtegthfloap*
tiueof thfl flln_rf_B.tt will bi'pi'i-iiiatinetnili-'
etirt-i thfl ri_:ht to rogflard thfl erota an piratca.
Bot rn. lar Ofl it known thflfO i-( liltle i vidence
upou wliieh tliia flborgfl could be Hiistaini-d
bflton ?n ini])iiiliiil tiiliunal. Ai for iho pro
vincial authoiilii? at B?tiflgO dfl Cobfl. wln.
iiHiiiin.d thfl rigbt tO dtterniine n'.ce qoeotiOM
of ltit.rnational la.v, who wouhl attempt to
rottoh for their imparlialily t
Tho new Co_llllflllflM for POflflOylfflabt to
bo aoboiittod to tho poopte ol o opfl_*sIa_l clec
Iion on tbfl tfth of D.-ei inbi-i, prupo.si-rt OOflOO
very r.nlical eliiinff',>i' The CoafOOttoo wliieh
prjlmtfil it, dofliflg ita Mfl_tOM Lflflt iMond.iy,
hofl jurfoimed ita woik conscientioiisly flfld
faithl'illy, nnd liai enibavored tfl prodoofl an
iiiHtriiiiient in wliieh thfl liK'it-i and liberiics
of tho pooplo ohflll bfl c:\ietnlly goorded, and
tho most f,dnriii>? iibust-H flf the old aystcni
leme.ilicd. Tbo miut important prorlflioofl are
ihi.rio which aiin tfl prrvent Bjieeial flflfll
locul leKidiitit-n, thoflfl which uro dirict
od fts:ainHt the giowth of gNfll mo
OOgolfalO. nnd thfl flbflflgflfl fat fllflOtloflt.
olliciiil tbiiure, oiith.H of olli.:e, kxta, intended to
prevent political comiption. lt ia ponsible
that riomo of the prohibitory elaus'a in the
att will be found upon trial to bo too atvecp
b_g iu their opcratioii and to defeat thtinselvis
in coiiMcqucnce, b.it there Ifl BO doubt thi-y
expiOHa public Heutinieiit upon the Hiibjotln
trented. The provinioiia of tlio artiele re.poet
_0g K.iilrouda and ('anitlai, ft.r instanee. cover
(rronnd nevei betoro toiiched in nn organic
Oflflj |flfl?g l.ukri'ly into detaila i.i regnlutiiiK
freitrht cl.arKc*. prohihitiuj. tho flaflJOfla_aM of
Iflflfllfl not necennary to tho lni-:in--a of
a coionion carrier, foibiddinj. freo pflOOOf.
reqiiinng that uo otlicr of a railio;id or
Bflflfl] company ahaU iiiniinh tnat.-i ;ah or anp
plien lor Miieh eonipany, tno.?provimoiirt of ?
Huerilie eharaeter wliieh bavo not herttotore
bflflfl incoriiorated in the fiindameutal law.
That they are EhtflflIdbd to lurninh remedies
for exirt'iiii; flbOflflfl eunnot bo dflflJod, tmi they
uro doobt-flfll deinaudi d by populnr rientiinent.
Whether or ii.it they will prove prai tieal and
rtiiriwer the oxpeetitiona of the authora in a
OOflOa-flNB, Iho anlution of whiih will bo
ivatobcd wilh iiitoro.it by Oflhflfl Statoa.
Tl.e Bbgagfl in the time of hotfliflg eleetiona
from Ot-tober tfl Noreniber, ho nnt in BprtflU
d. u ial y.ai the wholu foree of bolti partiea
uml all tbfl uiaeliin.-ry of eorrtiption and fiaud
m1i.i1 1 not bi brou^ht to bflflf upun the State
iu Oetober, in or.lcr tfi BOtOIfl iln pOflfltflgfl and
?? t.'*-4-l npon the irfneral eluction tlie followiuir
iii.iiith, ia 0 wirte one, that bflfl been fllgfld
htl-a_ofo*fl Bf Tiir. Thibi'MK. So ul-... are tho
proviiiion. LflflflOflflflng tho nuuiber of Stn
fltqn aad in in.) 'M of the Hoii.e?tix*
ini* Halnry and ??Oflgfl uud foi')>i.i(Hn_*
their incro.iHC diiriiiflr the t rm for whieh inoin
bflflJl iini ii'Miij:, nnd inikint* tho KOH..ioii8 of
thn [aflglalatOH bieiuiial lofltflfld of iiiiiiniil.
Tboflfl ohflflgflfl oaa oll la tha IntflinOl of pova
polltioa a.il I'-Ht logiibtUofl. Thfl LimitflUoo
upon -peeinl nnd lo-nl lo-^alation. rrtnrh of
which is interdicted absolutely. and tho rest
so xeatrieted aa to prevent tho reenrrenee of
tho most gbBT-BB abii.ies, will havo un 4>reel
laat cffoct iu ubi-Hihinj- tho lobhy nutsance
und romovin*- a fruitful sot.r.e 0 eorriiption
oad erinio. liicnnial leBBBtM of tho I.o?_sla
turo an.l probibition of spocial legislation will
do moro for the extirpition of the lokbj than
all the laws thal could bo BbtBM, t_bTB\ the
.llla|.'|-r. . ,
A blow at baaty and ill-cnTisi.1 erad legWa
tiou is strurk la tho arti.-lo which raQBireo
,-v.iy bill ti> l>o read 4>n tbree diffon nt duys
befbia its Baal pt-MfB. the voto to be tafeen
ob tha last by yeaa and naya, to be roeorded
OB the joui nal, alid I majority-not of a qtioi-'lin,
but of all tha-aaaeaoaBa, to ba reqairad for Ita
p taaftgO, Over-l.-.'i.d.ition and baaty togialatipn
aro tho bano of tho counfiy. ThJi provisioii
OOght to.be eftcctivo a-ainst both. ll woOld
ba -V4*il if every hiiilo had just siich a (Jonsti
tutional provision. Lo-isluturos would be more
likoly to undorstamlwliat th.-y are nbntil, ar,d
it would not be po eaay to " pot th-vttgh
Dlaeble-oiia eoaet-ooate. Tbe ebaogea lo tho
urticle regalatiag tho Judiciary continii- the
i-h-ciivo ayataaa but laeeeaaa >l?e aarai of tho
Supromo Court JadgBI to tiventy-oiie laatead
of fift.-en yaan, do BWBJ with tho al.lertnat.ir
syst.ni in rhilailclphia, and, und-r ei rt nn
lou.liiions, piv.iido for nutiority i< I-i- ?-'?i'??
lion in the voto. Tho pardoniii*. powi-r, which
has beea ea Bba-aefaUy abaaed for poliUcal
parpoaea.ii reatad la a Board of Pardooa.
oooaiatbig of tho Goremor aad four Btate
An experinent which, if tho ConStitation
shoul.l be adoptad, aUl be wato.-d with
more latareal tbao parbapa any other, ia that
in rclatii.n to tho inffrage, io tbe regolatioB
nl \vh:.-h svvi-r.tl reform-t aro propoaad, tbia
ono being to praraBl etaABg b.i!l.?t-b:)x.-s.
To ib) this it il n-qiiiri-d tbal b.illoU t><
BB-tbefad la the ecdai la whieh tbey an n -
ccivoii, and tho BBtabef laoofdod oppoaita the
bbbm of the elaetor eaatfag the aaaia. Eaeh
i-lTior has the rigbt, in addi-ioB, to wrile
his nimo oa iii" boel of bia baUot,
or havo it wntfbn tbereon for bio.
lt is proTidadf-laOtth il whoaoeTer ihaUattatapl
to inllai-nco BB <-h.-o'or by OOITOpI IB -.ms lhall
bfonaelf lorfeil tho rightof raffhtge; aod alao,
that any eandidaL- wiio ni iy be g lllty of frand
ontliei'li-'tioti law s!i ill beforever diaqaaltfled
li.iiii any ofBaeof traator nn.tit. The praetical
opcratiun of su.-h ;i prorfaiofl "iii bBTB BB Ib?
teieat for honeet ettiaeoa wbo bare for a long
timo viewetl witb aiarin thi: eorrupUoaj of tha
Tho lnstr.iincnt aa n whole ie worthy the
aoppori of g i' l aod b ineat dbbb of all parth b.
ln many ot itl f.atun-s lt is i-xp.-rinn-nt.il.
bal its objeet Lo er try ea ? ? a__ai to be to
reatady abaeee aad eatabUih rmpro-reiBenti.
k .!. ?-. imt ni-rt tho aiewe of tho politieal
riaga, bat it Li La thi latereatof ttojd gorern
Dli Bt, and OOght tO be r.ilili' I.
No ono harriee t?> draw a Botal from the
eu-ne <"T a waak or so ago, where a vob-bb,
who bad beaa Btalibed four tiaaee by a aolkj
mnl oattoga lerar, raf-eed t.i taatity aajaioal
him, burst into tBBTI winn his BBBtOI r<- oi
tbraa yaan to pnaea. was aa-BWDrad, aod
arept on liis Bhoolder a. ba lefl tba Conrt.
llo araa aalky araa theaj <.id aot reapoad ta
Iht ouibur-t. of affoetioBate reaaarea] refoeed
io ba toaehed byber protaitat-OBa tbal shc
wonld w.nt fat him. Tha e-ra-aaataneea of the
mur.li-rous BBBaalt clearl.v BBOOgb pTOTO t.io
briitii) sclf-will of the man. De BBW hll be
trotbad waikiBg with a yooog girl whon h<
?jid aol like. Jio apptoached thea* aad eo__
inan.l.-tl his ut.i.im.-l tO q iit tha ennip.'tiy oi
tha other. Bbe aaaware-. *8be baadoooine
?* tn> hirm, aad I wiD aot gire op ber ae
" (iiiiiintanc'." Dpaa this tlio BBgry earage
aeeerted his aathority Miih a dirk-kBiC. aoaaar
ip-ticilly thal il"' BBfbrtBBatagirlwae tiiou.-ht
to ba niorl.illy wouinl.il. Bbe rtcovoif tl, liow
.'Vi-i*, and the liat BSB Bbe inaiic of lur Cili
raleaeoaee was to pabliah her darotioa in the
coiiit-room ta tbe ruiii-u who had raddenod
iiis hamls in ber lilood.
Such BB incidi-nt as this would ^ivo food
for wi-iioiis tbOBght t8 tbeae who are ii'trr
eeted in tho btwe, baBian and Batoral, whieh
reg-lata the relat-O?e betwaaa men aod
womoii. if thia were a BBBtter to whieh as
iinich tboBght ns Beatiflaent were gaaaaaily
givon. lt is not eBOOgh to call this an ix.*ep
tion to any rulo. Tho recortls of the poliee
eoarta, tho laeoUeetioai of all oflicors of t!n
paaaa, iind of all well m?':<nin^ but ailigaided
Beigfabon wlio hiivo attOBiptad ta defead aud
treated wobbbb agaiaat thoir baabaao-,
wonld only conlirm tho paaalad iuf4-r
cuci's which tho parforautaoe of t''e
Other day exi itid Ifl the inituU of the
aitaeeeea. " lt appeara Uke they pratanad
" to bo usoil rou^h," an abaeraaa)! <>Ki police
man raaaarkad. Mr. Baade deaetibea a raaeal
whoso bawk-liKo f;ico iou.sed the distrusL of
uil the men wlio nit-t him, but did not niist*
any prejudico in tho breasts of " thoso whitc
" dovaa who werabonBtoba ehitabad.s There
may bo gnmethinj- ot cyntc.il BB-gg ratton in
this, but -baaa Wm9 ure aaBad by their btisi
ness or by charity amoni? tho poor i r the do
giadaid. leara how praaapl and fbrthfai and
appan-ntly williii^ ob -diouce is piid to raf-BM
by thoir b4*at4:n, bruisetl, aud tranipled wivos.
There is niany a womin in Ncw-Yoilr. to-diy
who not only supports herhusliand and faniily,
but endtires his BBO-gMi cruolty without mur
niuiini., and furnishea him tho nu-ans ol
vi.-.iotis ladalgaaea with silent, BBaoaaplalBim
rosiKiiiition, und who would resotit witli <_,.iok
BBgat any itnputation upon his person or ie
This spirit is not cor.fined to those In htimhk
life. The BBBB iu Filth Aveuuo who beat
tbelr wiv.-s ure probably not ntimerotia, but
now many are thcra wlioso daily life is t)Upi\
with a.ts of iniriil crui'lty moro revoltin,- to
any n-tbi.-d sonsitiility than tba club or th<
kn'fe of the tonenieut-houst-T Tho surlyjr,',
tho brtital rotort, tho stiidiod conti-tnpt and
m-prlect which many men BBB to thoir wires,
and which would iiiHiire their prompt chasti ,.?
unnt if ladalgad in tho aaaipaay of other
BBBB, ilo not, to any outward s.cmiug at loasf,
alter tlio ilovotioii und loyalty of theee wouien
tOWaid them. Theia aro iueu. B_|i_B-_g t<> ln
-"i'litleim-u, who ncv.-r thiuk it worth t\htlo to
bo eivil to their wives, whu jre
lii-vi-itlalosB aa suro of tlnii* obi'di.-ut
lagBld us if they w.-ro llayarih or BtdBeybi
Thoy iui", ua thay think, peif.clly bappy iu
their domosticity, and it would he hant tu
S4M1 wherein tlwy are not. Tla-tc ure BbBBI
who beliove tjiero is u Provid.*nco wluoh
WBBBbee OTtt drimkuds, which sustalns thoir
totteriu>- slops on t-lipiuiry plaOBBj auil whi. h
sotti-ns the pivinir-stones for them whou Uuy
fnll. lt woubl aoiiit-tiuios tippt-ir that il biinila*'
eara tn_s oadared tbal wbaaiaae aa aapaflalfy
iiiiiin and scllis'i BCBBIp is .liivni latO ? n
riaaOi a woaiaa of Biore tbao aaaally antellc
rhnnietcf in provided for him. And Ihe mora
thfl HCiinnp is dflVelopod in him tho moro th*
nnjjol blooms forth in her.
'Ihirt is not 00 nflfiT fllth which rcrvao-.i bflfl
?__ft_rfog tfl do* TbflttfflOl glri in tho iflflfc
knew that a man who wonld cut her to pirco...
for dinobeying u p-tulaiit coniniand waa not
M flffOOflb-fl or aifo _ mXVBMttM t# tTOfll hflfl
lift: to. Bnt tliat lOOCiCfll to inake no d:ffer
enco. Bbfl fl_-_rfld liim BttkTB nf;e,r his inur
______?! OOflfl-lt thfll bo_M-. nnd probnl.'y BflflOl
tn mako hflOOolf b.'lii-vo iho I d iootrTod
MOrO-bflB _bfl r,-'.-:v.-'l. This b? n'l very wcitlc
aml OSflOPOfflttBg iJ'i doubt. Bot tboflfl who
wish to plflOO woinen iu i Liliona flf flbflfllfltO
eqofllltj ?fld llbmit-tj ?! OOO-dtt-OOflJ viith tmm,
wonld do WtM oe.'.oiioiially tO OOOOMnf thflflfl
factfi, nn'l tbflO t> ad. whet.i.r, on Afl who!..,
thfl world an it il w .nii! lie bflttflf if thii
deplor.iblc weali'icsa w re finally flflfOn.
Th" m rnKins in flrtj Oblthflfl tc-morrow. %t
ln.-,^ S;in.l.iy, will, 00 doubt, if ***7 ""' l "t
pfCflchod altOgflthfT on thfl tOXt of thfl pai.io
Bad the hanl titOCfl OOOllogi od?__dflt_f .. -.?! i
tiry wainiiiK by way of _-fl IflflM th. n-npoii.
BoflifflOrhNi and tbe nec?-*sity of _ri_B_ag tha
rod "will bc pn-acheil to DftYfl. flfhfl bfli
lOflt million-", ind l.'i/ini". wlio arfla anoridag ,.t
i BIOO. work Iflflt week, nnd tblfl ii di.v.m to
bk n.'h br.iili.'i'i f-btfl fur thfl cr.imbath.it :.:11
fiom his tab'e.
BotOOthl-g -fltt-Of than rc-ii.Tn-.tion. po.rhnp\
flwoil tl-'' New-York Direo arbo ookfla tiii-a
iiniii ii,- io lin.l Ua money itone, but bioaooli
?opototod l.v floioBBQiflbli gflM bBBt Bta brotb*
rr... What thfll BOOflflthi-Hj ?* OMB r.-v. n- I
rrioodfl eaa t il to-moiTow be?ter thflfl aoj
but t?? o ir 1 . _B_ fancy ?-*_? M_t of it nnd.
eomo to th? boohrapl in a tbaaaaad conmion.
plocopeUy oaya- lo tho -floro fflet tbat ba h
M aOflbth fl BmVB BflBOflbg MM l~ fi
day; hi* lOflgl Ofl BOnod, btl br..
aad mtHi ; tha N ? eaibot m aa i
ui:i.l an ii btigbl aad taaeiag to-day i
t!iouj_rIi tho Coofla-rootioo CooBpaaf bad oot
jrone t.i protcflti it girafl hiat Joot aa keea
pleaaare oad prido irbea bifl boy Boh oooai i
;(,:i,,. nith ' ICbool boa_f_. 0? win.. ihe
ebomploa'a bai al eneket. aad when bia llt*
Ufl friil l-lflOOfl bilili thfl wiu.r itflfldfl in bii
: ,, beflOM wi.li th m tbo fflM. hillo.k
al (.ic.-nwood whero her mother liea. Hotfl
.?an hla lOflt inon.y come BOtWOOB bho flfld
tbat cbltd or <-r.iv.-T It Ifl of them, not it, he
th nkfl wli.n bfl prajfl ia bb own fui-Li-n,
Mhifcvi'f that mai b<-.
t... mttHaflU bfl owiit-d _aay batfO cirat i
1,1. u g__U_B60T ov.r him in the eycs of bii
-. r.anf, hi-i oelgbboc, bifl .ricnd, even of liis
riiii.-iiiiii brotben la tbc c'.arch; bat wa aai
be OBN that in his nuwt purse-prmd monient
!.: kaow that iln-re oao Oafl bofbro whom ho
BtOOd ";i Ihfl b-vcl of the pro-ind filld witli
etopty bflodfl. Ib- ?i!l be ve_y1ik.-ly to I.K.k
;.t bifllaolf to-ila," ii. tUo -rtime s.'.ii<hi:i7, eKr
n.il light, aid .n tho fare of aiu-b
-rlaloa will i.ot be apt to indiili*o in
bbj laadatloaa ot Un oara siir-tly la-rfgaattoa.
Ai.otlii'.' whoi.'-iomo les4.?n lie w,U lenrn Mflfll
l>r..l).ibly irt tbal tliis goldeo plamoiir ahoat
liim bai aot boca balf m lieoild-fiag to his
?iajirttfitf-i u he Mppaaon- They tooh bii
meaaaio loag ogo? und bb urooiibac!.. oddi "i
i >? OBfl OOhit t'? hi-* Iflfll I_-__bTOi If niij'
roopoot or ltoataga bt Uckfatf to him to-d.iy
he may bfl tol r.iblv coiil'.ti.iit that iL wa.. the
money only whi.'. d <irv.-d it Ibafbroi biit ia
nirie ieflflca or.t of t. - ii lr.- vill lind that ita
bifl fri-n.ls witli a finner grlp now thal
thoro ia no u-^ldoa pur.j to iron Iui palm or
Atier iill in a mo'i.li or two he will bo k ir
prl <l tO find in.'.'- i.i ic i m?>.(: r.-il tho possei
,:o:n aii) wbieb BW left t'> him than li rr*
toforc. Hfl will b?Tfl tin. OOt ouly tfl hflOOOM
.le.l'.iiin'.i.l v'lt'i his (hii.lnn but with biflMelf
i:i aoflifl other ohararfliff than Btoob bwoker.
He will K've u> ballfl 0?f a*_fltfl n_OBflfa pi-r
hapfl, but bia Old tboau wfll ?it more omfort
ably i_d obflt more beoly r.t hla biblo.
If bo c.-.n bo loogor pooi graat mioa into tha
irei-o'iy of tl:<' Loid. lie wiii bo nn.ro lil<.!y
to gito tho tflUb of ihe widow \it'u her nn ?
E_flfl_gaa.-OB nt all Mraatfl will not bahn t
blaj aiuodjiialo? it lo Itfliag to ba B-cfl-gne.
when we loflfl the gUttflriag stiad.w wilh I.. t
ter chaneo of __tt?flg tbfl BObflfflflflfl.
As f.ir prooohlog loalgoflaioB ii L__-_raa ii
daoger ol starvat.on, wito iball do Ul Ood
lib?flelf in Iiia ?wa w;iy may enfotee BBflb a
loflooo, but oot hi* fetto "??-..na t!ir<>u_;!i arhflflfl
i.nilt it i-i bo rtti'iiia arhflto ba dooa to-d?y.
Thfl lofl-iiag al tbfl eoaaiag VTiataf will f..ll
BBOflt heavily flfl 'he htin.-st l.ib >rcr. who i M
eoataat wua his luirl arorh oad flnagooi t!-?
man w!;o caooed it by Ihe part bfl lw.re in ttie
giaanriil g_wob-l iic -uA roekli? oxpooalitarfl
ibooid reoogaloa it bo bifl Im booUn?a c
furuish thfl bOflgiy Wtrnt I rcatl. BflfldgflBtM-B
ean bo proaobod o'lth oo ro eboaeo ot* itb.t ta
toBec itflooaehoi
Ittawetlkoon-I ? floalltlofl fot arbtal th*
BaBfl-IBayia aaal ra _ >oioo oati <t \ u r
e.i(jue LogOBOlty i'.'"'! I ?'? ?. I al *-'" amBt ralUfll l_f t?i?
prejudicM or otbai paaoao. lo a h?Bfl Ltofllao aa* a*
boy co lod an flflflQQfll -h*ar_laBBa__*-t of i..m.
Whileni'iii'ii r.flflfl loog iga, ll,s aaoalaffl-a afl*
BBflnOfaflfldtatanttOA-n, ti -trttiditfOl wl.-n BBflV?fl-ty
raiue to buii. -i_J thmom. ll.') bflflOfl flUflV ?-?
linuriiy _Aflallghlfld bygM hal ___d__-Baaaaifla_flafl>
cucntf T-flbtlflrafltirflOi 1 oi dnal BaialiBfl! am
teiuiuied tflgriori i.o flflfla. 1 "'"? *?'*' I? bflfl i
in hflfltof Ibfl b Hflfl da? '">?' '?'" ? di*-_fl_nl ?* v.
artth a bhflflk t i.i o\ m it, taoo, Ua -hro ii laaOaai a.ifl
UlllB ITI|J.1-flflna-nl ___! BB*J Ifl 018 B-Uf fl
MB_-lJa?a_a4_r*dfcPu?-8oW' .. lara* Uttaea. ri___
hetiuvertfi! t : l ikflflod _b*fl aBBflUa tfl
ni.ply .it tbaa-ftfl ?? OPa? tfla Uo? < I arblflb Bm
tliis'i.tacii^'i"" 'Walktai b fknbie Bn-BUa.
Tbaa bold a oei r. lli. niii'' Itoy taaghad with ilfl
,'.il.'.J.-..r.'. .:?,' .? i '? I ????' ?-??? J ' ' , ' V
tHtHrn-y^'d i-atJ-aU-aufl wamau ? __a_B lflfld Ial) -i
Dr. Albaia-fl. _-? ? '"? h ' "?? hfl fl_K -:*?
vn.b blBB t-vr-.l O.iT -i _ifl lOflB-? ttt
ajaaaad ttom t-tpaka . > - i . I i "a
su.o*. N. .Un. aaa ba lataabod tfl tbi Baaa I
uuoflti,.,- tbaa daflfl -i"' tflk-fl i lu.-, fc-fl-flanll ;,e
woulu hafl ^ ? ? :>? I'afll ?*-? prd-fl" l""1 ??t-o-'-i
bnt v.cd'i 1.1... io :...u .* I'/.^a ,,ruv..'t.-i of wriiin|
ttjiooll. 11 bflfl *T( I li ' -* i fl'?d a*?*"bafl il ? *
bindtutii Inbtfl-o. lltooi . ??- ?? ,,f ''" '
r.'.i.'tli. ' l K-fll llt 001 " OflflthOl it ' '
un c\c, .fl. !._;!?- flflfl pn Bflfl. ? al 't.>:."..'.'-*? ?
Baaa an.l t dflc ra thaa, aod blg-ia i;-Milt_ to ibfl
BaadaflflUaa?a. Marrag. Oa* tfliaa ia bb aa ud
tor tb* pMfltafll h dldurl B*1 ll to Thi tamoa
ktoiid- lt OJOtflflJotlOl vi. ! . '. If tflfl fr-ad
tiVf Ufltfll , .ii._5..-. tl' .* ?'-? ? '? ? ? H?yid li.iit
ui, ? .. ii- -Ofl) -'of : i'i ' i-' . I"'-' aUa__>8
r iilab. __________
Tliiar.ni'-e:. ir> o> a K'." Ilfl i-ll'xt??i lHii'
o:iM...,al-.t,:.", HV Tb ? -'?' flfl li.\'.'i'"
aitafld la aflfl-flf tl iw > ia<Mbl i ? laaooit ??
fioulo-nlfll drlflPl'OI ? I difl b U.irfuuai'r" ?
bo diiflflflflflan. aui ?_ a. i* raag, aui) no ta -*
I'ln.ladptoai. tioBfl aia iiu...el bfldaahiflb ??
t;..i Mayoi Bii.i (nr I afl mmI aia f'.riu.M.' " :
BBflfll thn inipiyveuit'iiti n'liali \.?vo .nw tu.
flflriafl thu paat ,v < -?*." H ill__*_Bi fl*aflhflfl?afl pa^ - '*'
izena gMabflCfllll *n> n vit.d t? tflbflgflflt Ifl tfll i""
H,..'t"ti.iti. Tina in. t.i.hI ..: mi .init tfla tl.iv in.lu n< a
Hl.'lil.-I' flOII t ll.l'O tll.t_l 1. 1.1 ik.UIU.UU iu l.i,'. i . . '.
l.lt u>al Ua___fl

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