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fona. gt**n? the nnmbena ot tbe varlona counta on the warrant under whnh the Jurv eonrlcted. Judge? Aa to tbe reaidue ot tbe ooante, you flnd him oot gnlltv 1 Foroman?JJot gulltr. a pajunuaa mowmtt. The lnimedlate efleet of thts v.r.lxt ean be aa well i -d aa de>onbed. The word eaine lfke a thunrtor elag on all. and was fol'owed by a reteaae of the breath whtoh bad be. n reatralnod ao taaj BB the brcaafa of tbe epeetatara. braaaa bia inatlui-t.Uid fb> leai baada apea tbe aataaaaa i<eft?ro hlm. and like a mui taa bajea t-> aatj at the law uid u,.wn aaaara aaaa, fum bi ng wtta nu ajiakaaaa wbb* be aajaaied to um noae. Mr Pull-rton looked atralgbt at the | iry wtth a eoaate uance bwaaabOa and balt amtllag. The othrr Uarera "f ih? defeaae whiapcrod papbtty, taeleaaeaaaaal ba tba BtaaaflaMaB, Plaaara. Jfiaaialn, -,. ivekbani, and Allen. were aa lUgnlned and ex preaaed na Uttie aaUsfaeUon aa th-y poaslbly rould after thair BAlbiag hut aueceaifol Uoota. whlie the ceutfal ? tbaa uaaaediata groaf?tba aeerrleted Tweed, ri froni a baaBjtaaadal blaebaaaataahad pabaaal friendaund adb.routa, exhlhited Tery Uttle of aaelbM tbe daebBba bbbb! baaa aaaaad bbaubal at jurv, tl.e.i at Judiie. and 1 latly at lils aeaaaatj ertab au an aa mucb aa to auy, " w..u. eaeaa> flBBBa doyonr BJBBBt 1 ani wauln.;." abtr. Qrabaaj BB any rer.Uet exeept IB tbt CIBBBta. and oapecial excption Ba the apaabd ratdft t. aad tatbe undineor not aaaliy <>n HBta t"t iu IbO verdlol, quicklv foi lowod. i.\-JirU-e PalbarbKI Ui. u dumaudeJ that the i b wa aaaa, | tbaa'.l trie Jnry: Centlem"n. you ha\t li.d a \. ty aruuoua l.u>..r in hoariug, duriuK tbftrtalai tba eaee? a raataaaaaat al ofbtaaaB, Ba baaafl la aaa hargbu you to teaaaa you it? Bfl for BBB Btaaaaaa you havo piild.aud for the nn b ia i aat lawatebyoa ataaaajdwtbiaoaae. I aa a paaaaadaj ttu paap aoaay thateince . u. keep us tflaaaabar. wo wish to taaoar you aad beartfeU laaaka for tho Undaaaa abewa i ot iba aaaaara wiw bad us bi ebareje, fof,. laaaarla wuich tbaypettagaaal a au ageaaabta daty. iaa aaanjaaji ?aaaBBaaab ? tbea aaaaad aa BfBi a <>f judrmanton aev eral gronnda, bal Judro Davia aaid he wo.ild bo paal to btMi bitu w< re be aal aafaBy aaaabaaadaa tbo paaata. Mr Urabaao aeejeadad thal it aaaaaaf to bba au lusuit aalagta aap tbat apaaat bai aat eeyetbeea fatty aaaaad and wiuoti ba uo? aawortby of baagtag, . i he bad no *ueb lntent. BC bad xpr. a .i bta BBattagtbal he waa aa BBaagtj al that tt wouhl bo a waste of time . i. Mr. Orabaaa aeetred ?. i ?? n. w. he would beal hiiu. ted at leoffth Li? poinMagatn, wnieb iCoonbad no jurUIlotion under tbe e, tbat the aei or lOto waa repealed by tbe tel af . tbe wbole p nii-hinejit lor tuiaofleuae, uu I ' '""'? ..? . ?_ thel ?! bi -.'. three arifiimonta on i i.y Mr. Hoot and Mr. Bartlett, aad ba did ol any aae for hnu agawi BB m M | ; ge bla i: wa. > olrtedtbal tbe Court ouirht tobe and . ,.? mi.i1, ao to epeak, drop atearof plty !.... Now that tne Jav.liuof tu>- law bad . waa nol out of ptaoBa aud i . ir- w.i- 001 untair. .i ,. . i retoaed to d laj ?.?ntenee nr.ttl noxt v,,, Mr. tir.iham until Satorday. . re naoved to eoainut Tweed loeoatody, and tbe t arl ordered bba to i* p'.aoexl in the iu?iudy ! it wa- only tn\r to tlie defenae to aay d moTtng for ladgaaaali muvo lata i n .? oa each einmt. \\, urabain tnaiated ilie Court bad alreadvde ?u. i id U .. ui n.t. bai Be ? ? ... tbia tmporlaal queation. Mr Plielpa, tbe IMatrlct-Attorney. then moven the er\ie i : ,.'.iii lurKriday, but it wua ttually i I anel tor Moodar. l ,t removed ln the ccutouy of brenuanand DepQty-Shertff BbHdde. w UMTTfl or ini: sr.NTKXCE. T!i. v. ;.lict neorded upon the books of tho eaart ?? ? "Qulltj opon the DaTbfaoa eonnt?. nnmb^rln/? 213 to lt? tn lualve: 'he Uarvey ooanta, anmbertiutS7 t . d tbe Keyaer eomiU, nombertna iioj< citots,! Btaiiij ua ta ibbaaduitaiab Baa aol kdiu ot oounta." Mu. was expreaaed. ye?terday, by tbaaa wbo *it:n aa t tba brtal, aad Bejaaa, to baaaakaakai or in.t j ae eaateaaad aa tba aaelaaa eouuta oa bad beea aaaad tudty. or abataat taa ?();, M BBvaead all tho eounts. Law y r-, aefe dtrtdad aa tbe aul.Ject. |aud preferrcd not to ii tbai eoablasaaaaa tba law on the aul> . ibiragbt paal rwaed couid ba aaa> >ae yaai aad laad pjaj aa |eeab aaaal of tbe ladietaai nt: or, la etaat aardj. a^ there were 220 counta ladJ ? nt, b. eoaddha aaataaoodaabpj jeaaa* uapftaoameati aad laed aa awBarajata ed t55,iwo. The . uraat from an oplnion r.n.l.rel by taa tho ur--i baalal Vbb. m. Pwat i, loaeaau apwbetbwaa uot tho "Oaaaa . .1 daaa araBeaaaaaaaaai 1 feadanta are TafyotbiaeaBBatiaaaed tbeoffaneea ta the aamo Indlctment, taowa aa hietaaca waare Hm parry . 1 .--? ! BJ th* eonioluation of a gra ?t 1-. l.on lha oontran, lo mv judrf . :u> ebarged wltn a varlety of ..-?: ? .11 1 tmeut, laatead of havlug . uenta .1; i.u-t hlio, ia irreatly rclievod troiu . the otf. naea fioiu tho \.ij ,? are liroUL-ht lu a BlojM l a ? bla ? tae there ml?bt be ?.5 punlabtueuts ?r. all tme aini tbece were at ladlet , wblle the angte aet of uuit.iiK th.-m iu a i di derataad. wlU redu.o tbe ptnv , i.r Tbe reealt la tbal tbe defend -..;..! bclug lajured, la a'tbatautiaiiy beuetlted I a '?' ,l tbe uuuiei'bUvpuuiabiueuta lor the . . aw ?>!-i-em undoubpNlly to indleato that ln tbe l>.iii? tu?; iirlaoucr can ouly be aeu 1 1 'int. TWEED AFTEB COXVICTION. n: 'i < ii.'iinitnt waa aaoBjad l?y tho fact that 1 . .iiiiiniueil to the cuMtody of tho kecper of tbt Cttj Ptbaax, bat tbat tawaasd af aataj aakaa to the aa tak.-ii ta afcaap by bkl Hherlff, There it? , laeaaaaag, Tbe uaual commlt BB nt a l BMMta out by Mr. 8parka, the Clcrk of the Conrt, byOfOi l Bf ,tudKel>avla,whothenre?iue8tod8henffBren nan t.. pebMBBBraB cbarg". Tbia waa done, and BbeObi aaatbtatae ?he aafe baaptBg and pro ductbM tbepfbaawa ou Saturday next for aenteuce. tbt ( onrt-room, Mr. Tweed proceed.'d with Bba PJ B offlee of tho latter, and waa there abaty of Dapaty Baarbai Bbieids and t ahlll. Al <. mpatiit I by the Pepaty baartakj Tweed pro ecede'l !? b - edlee, aud waa engaired for BBflM tlm. ln aaaa. A BaaaaaB of pereons cailed durluu tbia tiuii, but he daVllnedtoaoeall outoneor two iiri.ei'. Meada. He profeaeed to be aatlMfled that hi? in' a atay of iireceadinjra, and uitl Baaatyaaew trial. Late ln tbe afternoon Tweed, nc oaaapai paaa^daaaaj proceedod to bia up-towu aaabb a Mt. Taeatrkeaaaaal aaaaaa to aay yaai what conrae ?ill U' ' I bj BbBBB. ludeed it la not oertaln tbat Ibatff.m uu ou riaturday baa Oeeu defliiitely ? ID] "OMMHUS" tSUKTMEBTt Tba imii tiiieut upon which Tweod was trifd - iudictmeiit." It contalncd 1 b bea nrtalod oecupied lf050 large octavo .iitl vullty ou the counta coverlng tho : MrTtrbta pTbwbtaaa A co., Andiew j. . and a. .julttt-d ou tho counta btlla of Iiii'erao.'i & <U)., C. D. Bollar \i. . - Miil.r. From the flrat eount of tbe .wa, tba 1 baraatot of ibe otbcr zi& u*ay bC)U'! 1. paepaaeftaa 3tate of aaid for tbe hody aftbe city and couuty of b'ew-York, uyou tbetl .mi.i,preaeal: b lecUoa of an oct of the Leghlaturo w-Vork, eiititlfd "An aet to BUUte . , ,, ,-:... !-.rii.e aoveruuient Of tho CotlDty of 1..1--. .1 Aprtl BB, una, M waa euaeted tbat all jiKbiiitioa ^ua.nst liic Coiiuiy of Xcw-Vork, lncurred . ,- 1.1 the paaaage of tbo aaid aet, ahonld bo au >li>or.>f the aaid City of Mew-York, the < outroiler, aud tbe tbeu Preaiileot of- tbe Buwrd ol Bupervi.-orb of aui.i touiity, aud tbat the ainomila vlileb ahoubl be fonnd to l?e due abouid l.e provlded for by the laaue of revenue bonda of tbe lounty of ^? w Y?rk. payan.e duru.K the ye?r l?71, k' .1 tbat 11. Board of 8upi.r*ia<iia iu tne ordlnaiic* levy ,,: ln'J, 1110. it an amount auttloleut to par 1 tbvinteioat Uierf on, aud tbat aucb cutitoa aj ou .1 ? pald by tlm (^luipUolkr to tUe party or parton eiiUU.^J to recelfetbe aaow upo" the certibcate of the ofteere ranied iu Naid aee.iot). 'ITiat at the time the aaid aei BlMTTli law, and at a,l tliiiea ttereuaatter roferred to, Ao/aualii.oakoy Maror of tba Citv ol hew W* Elcbaid li. tlonuolly waa Couuoller, aud Wililaoi U Tv.. t.u wu- tne tben Proalleut or tbe Board of Swat-i ?.*o.a; BBB tbal at tbe time laat aloreaald aud at tuo aaid 1 ity and County of ^aw-York, tne aaid Abia baa Oakay Mall. Mayor, tbe aa 1 Blehwd B. (Ainimiij. (ViatraUer.aud Willian M- Tweed, Praaldeat aa afon aald. ac<y pu-d ti? a.ud jm. n. offlr^. tiuat, aud f>iapl?y Ljciu oa auuiua'a, aud tnU/'d upou and ar>umed loe - < njoined upou tfiem roapeol ivriy %* afarnaakltn the tlh aeotton; anu tbat at ail tbe 'iMiet B?er.aua.'u;i rtlu; rcU lu, tlu:y aud eaeh of tbeiii, . uiel boldllig tlie pubUo tru?t ao ..1 lAiiiiiuiii to pei 1.(110*.^ iiMii^a, an't i,oi to wiilfuliy nezleet to perioi ua aayal ? u,-au. aml i.ol to do any a. 1 po> na^Mpi,<> auojf w-tUvv A'.u lu* iarufa aloreaald 00 f.iriX'., . ? .1 ?l iu* . . . oi tbe ~t-waa a oertala llaMhty agalnat tba aald Ooanty ?N?wT?lnrurr*d to UM pa-aare of be hM aet and provlded for by UM aootiou, and of tha klnd Tt ihihitv rcNrre t to in tbe eection, naraoly, alUbllity of be ??ounty of New-York to imy for ccrtaln wnrk. Sabar! and tiiaterlala furnlahod to th? county bf due aiiitioriir to the pamaKo of the aald aet by .crtaln ner-on* dolog bu?ln*M th?n an.l tbore uuder tho naineot Kcy.-cr AC... an.l whlcb llablllty waa at thc tluic hereluafler tui utlonod aet !?.: th in a cortain papir which oontelnad a writien utateuieiit of the claiui of KevaerACo- iiamolr, a atateroent of work a'lfRed by aald Kevaeri Oo. M biya i?*?n dona, and of labor and ui ,ti rla's rurntahed to tao oouutj, u? *huh UM follow Uig Ia a copy: OaBBB Awlit, N?.-. <it? ?<n forrrt KiraxpiTcaaa, Tbe CVootj ?t .>f? \"'? Yu Knjtet k Co.; fraiclraec, ? ??. ln. 18?*(.r ?BM*t Ml plomtiltit kt?. Cointr o8e?4 tnil . _>Jj: IV M An?. ii, l??tf.B30,0M U Int akic up to M?t, ldTO.. l.ll.H ?..< $Ti,biHi D-i | mt! of SfTier h Ca. it,r?.n(lf4. On th? fce* o! th? MH ???! coirrtiu. . 20 ?i>J Au*. ii ll ?r.l?fc. W'o IhtcIo ?H. I .1 W ,.,. M. TiwJ. Cb?in?aa o! toiaiailtcaj t. A. W >.:wir:. Ilitrk of M..i C?m?ilir?'J Tha jurora nirih.r pronent that on May,?, 1871, tnie bill waa oreaeutod to tlio nudlior* uaiucd, and that thcy iiufa.tntully, wilifuliy. corruptly. aud unlawfully did neglect to andlt tlio liability and to examlno Inm the yalldltyof tneolaiin. to tha rroat dutuiige of th? couu l\ MtBaartl I'xuuiple of utheraou~endii.g, agaiuaMjic. toiui oi tUc atataMi a:.a aaataat UM paaot of tuo pcupk. A TAINSTAKJVG JPUY. A nportor of The Tiubinf. savr D.ivitl Paiaaer. pbbbbm af UMjary, ia*t avaatag at hin raaV taa ?, No. r.'S.s'nthat. In reply to thc reporter's BB Mr. ralBBB i-aid that the lury bad agrtod BBaaagtaaaaBivaaaataa divui?o anytbing wbich oc ourred in thc Jurv-rootu reirardiiig tbe ballot aa taken at yarloua tltneo. Hc aald that bouiu of thoin did not un d.retand what tbe fourtb count coutatued. Xh< BBrBBB BBdag consllcrath.n wat>, " Corruptly auditcd tbe ac counte." Th?y r< turuod to Court on Tucartay CYciniig and a*kid, "What con?tltuted tbe fourtb count 1" and yoterday morning thcy askcd for turthcr iuotructioua rc<rarding tbe BfaBBMB BVpBad t<> thc aanie. Thua llttlo BfOgMM bad bocn tuude UM ni^bt. but aa soon as the portlon lu doubt was ex plained t > tLrin tbe ycrdict waa rendcrod immediately by a full ballot. Mr. rulmcr aaid tbat he did not belleyo tbat auy uiombcr of the Jury bad any luterest iu the prosecutiou jt d. fense. Thcy slmply luteuded to do tbclr duty, and givc thclr Tordict ou tho cvidenco prc acntcd to tbtui. Thc caac, he continued, waa acuriom or.c, but thcy took gBMl paina to undcrntand cacb count clcarljr. Belore tho ballot wua takeu on BBOh count?tur tiuy aaaa tabaa up and BMpaaad of oae by oue?tbe qucaUon wae put to eacb wau, " JDu you charly undcr ataudtball" If any uiiaunder?tauding waa mauitcatcd took pdaaOj uud tbe voto not rccordod untd oYery ono know what: tho count wae, and kuew bow be waa votiug. Tbey bad been vory cartful, and alibouKb the wcrk BM lor.gaiid tcdlouo. not a couut waa va-iacd up.?u uulil it uud been tborouRbly cauvaaacd. Tbe only uiuaudor atandiUK v,a? on ouc couut ouly?the fourtb count?and when thc Jury rctn-cd yeatciday luorninK, uftcr tBBBtog thc Jadget cxplanatlou. UM y BM0 BgfBBl on tbat. Mr. I'aluicr auid that thc Jury wcro rery bBBBBBMaj tbrou?rhout the cutire proccedinsa, aud parted ln a pW and frien Uy manncr, oach one BBOBlag BB liad BBBl hJ.-i duty. Mr. PabBat aaBU not glyo tho rcsult of tbe lir^t ballot, bal fiom Ha raaBBBa, tbe rapartaa (ndgli th^i tho Yerdlct was a uuauituou* ono fruui thc tii-t. Tbe rcporter aUo callcd on Mr. WiKiatn 9. Mcnrnrr of Ba 115 t>C:oudave., but tbat aBBSMBBBB ictusfd to i;bf unyaccouutof UM dcllbiTationa of UM JBI7? baMBM tiuy Uad Bgnad muong UMMBelaaa not todOHO. Ba ?aidthty ha.l uoobj.ti in mukln? tbe BgtaaaaaB\ auy inorc tinn any paitf af pjaaBBBaaaaaall aajaaaaa aan peataagaaot theyha.i aaaa prlrataly, iic ?aid thcy did not tully BgTBa on the fourtb count untll thc judgc bad gMea taaai faitaw MaaaaatMaavaat aaaa this bad aaaa d.?nc Baahraaift was aaaa over. AMEESI JLND 0ON71CT1OX OF 0OU2T TBMFS1TES8. TEIAt AXD CONVICTIUN OV A GAN'G OF OUUBTBB> vanaaan aoam oamuxa? wkalthv fakm ElL-?, ST.ATK A.NU NAttoNAL OlHtlALS VOUXB cl'ilty' <?k ufxaaUHJ A.\t> ppjuibq n ootm? COBBa mobbt [FEOM AN OCCABIOKAL CORREai'OSOEVT or TnE TRIBU1E.] AaMBTIIXI, N. C, Nov. 17.?Tu-tlay I iwud you thc BBBUtoef tho trlals of a portioa af tho greut gaug of couutcrfcltera, " abovora" and doalera iu the ?? aaaaaf1 tn tbia Btate. No: i h Caroliua. Ten BaBMOi aud Bouth-Woutcrn Targtala bare of lato beaa ovorruu with conntcrf.'it uioiicy. T.'ic bllln and fractionul ctUTCney, and thc ailror andgold coln, thnugli poor and gcuorally vrry martinttc In BMMB, baVB f.umd aiuong our too greody morchanU aud dro BBBBaad too ignorant uountainet n i* MBdg trancnilft sion frotn hmd to Uatid, but tho faota ellclted proye that nien, iiithidiug thc BBBMI of rich plauttra, dealcr* in llve stook, aud aaBMBBaaaB have lout uctivc aanlst anc.c in then. ncfarious traua.u;tlon8, and have glvcu a ?ort of colorlug of BMaMBtBBtttty to tbe businoaa. Judgo Uick baa con. luded thc labora of this acaalon of bU Court at Aohcvtlle, ond U?t Satunlay it waa ad jjeavaed. Tue taaai has been saBjtayed iu taytag tbe per.?ona BBBBgad wltb lsnuiag aud OOBUBg lu couutorfelt tuoncy, aud ihe records of daturday ul?;ht ?t?ow the fol lowing convictlona: Dawtd Irazhr, for p:?A|n? aud deal lug iu count rf< It gold BOtB of the dcnouimatiou of (1 60, waa BBBMaoei to bard labor lu the 1't n.t -nuary for thrce yoara. Leu Ileckcr, a rosideut aud plauler iu West Virglnia, wuh convicted aa a wbolesalo daalar, Jaaou 8. liyde, who wai formerly thc ILgh Sberiff of (Jrahatu County, waa fouud gullty of connplracy wlta otuers to pias and deal in oouuUrfeit mouey, aud wau aenUiuccd to bard labor for two yoara and to nay a flue ot |l,ouo. Tbe fact caiue out iu hia tnal that tuia inan, bitbtito trustcd wltb tho exctutioo of tbe law, baa been for years baud-and glovo wuh robbera. Adam Cablo waa aentcDoed for two ycara at bard labor and a flue of tl.OOO. Ilo ia a rlcb plantcr of Cbeo'vah, Orabam County. JJo ls oue of the iuo?t vlllaluous look ing of the gang, but hlt wealth han enabled bltn to ahicld biuitelf froui the conacquenoes of hii nuuieroua orlmea. Joel Loylng recoived a aimllar aentence. He baa been ooa of tne moit BOttfB of tbe dcalera and ?bhoYcrs" ln tbia Btute. K. L. D. Biucuncld. of Charlenton, Swain County, got tho full beneflt of tbo law?two yeara uud a Aua of Uurlng tbo war he waa flrat ln the Confedcrato aervlce, and then a captalu in the t'nlon army. Bcfore the wat he wau tried and convicted of niurdor and aentenred to bo hanged, but escaped tbe gallowa by ?ome trlck of tbe law. Not. lomr alnoe he wai prcent at tbe cxccutlouof a murdeier, aud wbiij the black cap waa being BBBBB OfBt tbe faoe of the t ulprlt he noticcd blniintbe crowd and charged hloj with bclnrf an turttl gaaaB Bf UM aaBBB, Ilo haabeeu abot at rejxiatedly. and promlntnt ln the ceuter of bls lorehead ia a buJlct wouud, and yct tblsmau sincethe war baa beeuadeputy marahal of tbo Unite 1 iHaten, and eniragcd not ouly ln oompoundlna ertiao, imtiu lugb acta of arMaaporaoaally agaiun the Uuveruuiout which ho had aworu to defeud and proU'Ct. The remilt of bH trlal 1* a yery a;ttla fautory oue to tbe law-ahidiug cltlzena of thu fciute, and rt-flecta tbe bljchcst eradTl upon tiu- braye aud mo-.t efJJelent ottlcer of thc SeorM Borvlcc of the Uovern ment. wboae akill haa orougut hlm t? bU Juat deaerta. Mre. LouUa I'cnncllv waa ouly given aix luoatba ln Jall. t<ne w. arrc?t4-d In Knoxvllie. Whea urrcattid chebad aomet;joolnc"<untcrft-it mouey on her pefBOB. Mrn. R. L. 1). Burcbtlcld wa* convicted, but in couaideratmn of atx and the tbat abe baa a babe about cigit moni u o.d, ber oenteuce waa euapeuded. The uiont notonous of tboso who wer* convicted and BOBMnaad to hard labor, wur Joaeph Becker. Ue ia a dark, aaturnine-look big wicteb, and tiiougb lutluiatviy aOBBaoMd BM gang. waa. wben arreiited iu Texai. iu tbe cmploy ..r t-lieirs 4e llowck, aaa bartouder. Ue ia au ex-uicuiber of tbe >orib Carolii)tt*J>.gialature, aud aa ?ucb. baa beon uitruiiiod wltb tbe loakiug of the lawa of tbin Btauj. Tbe aireota iu tbe aouib-weatern aectiuu ol tbi? Btate have been 49, aud bave baoa dlapoaed of aa foilowa: K.arty-ulue uiha of ludictment have bc*-u fouud againut iwraoua aonnaaaad lu aotue way wiUi ooaulerlelting and alteriuK countorfeit luoney; two havc bovu dia ehargvd for waut of proof ol guilty luteut, two Mlal buo.been Iguorod by tbe Oimd Jury,a.tv0u bave b.cncouvlcteo aud acutenecd ; t've eaoaped anerarraat by the M.coui) ueputiea ; tlve aie uo? iu |uil waiiuig ti lal; Ibroe piaad gu*lty, aud tbo reuirtiudcr aro out ou 'lue ganga of eounterfeltera are tecbolcally known aa thc Plaaaant Black, tue McFee, tbe Oiabuui County, the Burcbfl.-lil. aid UM Mitchcll aud Yaacry 1 ouuty ttaugs. Flcaaaut black ta ovcr loyeara of agc, aud f..r tb yoara ba* beeu iu tbe couutctfcltlng baameaH. xlo ia worth lully BtO/w". aud la a dry gooda lucrcbant ai'd botol keepor. ln bia gang arc tue uaiuea of Adunou I'crklua, L,^, Becker, Jakc Llncolu, Ocorgo W. V, hecler, l>. Sueara. Joa?pb B,.ckir, Ld. Mpe, F. L. Bradaaw, and V, a Howek. Tbeaa mea bara all beaa actlng tn conwrt in tloodina tbo country with tue BMUttaa "atufl." Mclee ia a CBaMMB by birtb, aud bao bean eugaged bere aa a manufai turer of g.ld and aiiver coln. He la a partneiof Howck'a, and blu gautr luctudrt- Jo. Ib-eWer, a ii.cmb.i of UM M. C. Iii-Kiaiature, aad, wh-ii ai r m? i, fufonaaot UMOraad Juxy.ol Bowan Couul> : 1>*\M Fiamcr, Dauicl iai>e. Jo.Mj.b Oray, Johu K. KiUif. J. A. and C. P. Lowder, Wll iiam Rryatit, and Flyuu Brada iaw. Tue narucKConipoHtug Ibe i.ralium Couniy gautf nl?" Jaaon C. Hydt:, J. C. Howtk. JuliUMllraonbaw. H-niy Dlliuon. Mia. IVno^lly. Adam ? alil.?,.!.,m.hKo^h.H <' (.o. , o y, itn i Joel l.oviug. Tbe inii.;bu. .1 gtuo< couipnaai it. l. i>. n. uhUeld. c. Biirchfli-id, llirtuu .-r. I>-vl Ooambara, ',l<n Fran Cia. na-nui l 1 ..oia,woii, Y. Wi.aruiii. Haui Ml J< oklnt, aud (i. H.Ukkey. tne Mitcbed aud Yaotey < tuutygaiagla beadod by Ctuu. Buoaaaau, wltb Bou Bucbaaau. J< M< ? i ..<i., .... .i u.dcbur>, J. t* llyaii, lli-ury K. I.i...y. J'.J 1...0 kbiiin,imok J'oitcr, It ni > llutloi. Joim lii.i, l>avi? UUI, .Nainau Burobii >u, apeaot* Bar md JouaCraiie Tula aaua ba uuw WalUng ti'iai. , LOOAL MISOKLLANY. THE fUJOJOt BOILER EXPLOSIOX. BK(HNNfSQ OK THE COHOMKB'd IMQCKST ? TnE BOIiaCK UNaJUIMOLflLV l'WOMOUNCKIl U.N9AFB? 1K-11MO.NY or DAOOBTT, (0 I Akl'KMER-EN GINKKB. Tlio invostifffttion into tho PJMbbbi of tlm cx ploalon of tbi) ateam boller at Fourthave. aud Oiio huad rei!-.iiid-twenty-fovouth-at. on Nov. 11, by which aeyon peraousloat their llva* and niany (rthara ajaas lajBtad, aaa i>reuu by Oaraaa Kaaaba yaabaaay BMeaaaj la ta* preaenco ot a lar?e number of *i>eetatora. Th.-re waa an lmpoalng array of counael. Iilllon, Clyrte A <:.?. bclng repreaented by Me-ora. Alexauder Thane, (i< nrce T. Btowart, aud Mr. Kot h; Bemer A Coyle by T. Hall ; Baruutn. the englnoer, by Ocorge BBBrWabj Baluiora, tho owuer of tbe boller, by Jarub Voteneh ; and Tr.u?.?>-, CatlollA Brodhoad uppearod fur tho fauiiUe* of the llttlo boy Brett aud tlie [UdfatB BjM, two of tho vlctlms. Tlie taaakaaay w;w aearly aii that of petaeej who were jir.aaal at or liwr.J near tho BBaBB of tho exploMon, and Pba e\ldenrn waa lmiiortant, aa ahnwlng that noone wa* ln roni-tant attenrinnee upon the boller; tbal fear* bad been exprrosed of Ita aafety ; aud that a boy was fre ijuently left to tatc care of lt. Kurther tbau thia, one wltne-s aaataed thal bo bad i??on the botler eutirely deeattad by Uioiu who ahould huro been eouatanlly wat' in..; It. Corouer Keaaler bbJBJ tho proeeedlngs with an ad dre*a to the )ury. Jolm Ornnton of No.'j,370 Fourth avo. waa tho tlrat wltu.^a QBlbld Ue atood in tht Court laaea baddag al tba Boab'aaa flaertag Pba tatb ra when the cxploHlonoeeurrod. fbBBBgtaa was on a platform, and aaaaaa rollers were pl.ved under it to BBBVa It. At thetimoof tho BgpbBBBB the ujen wt re ln the aet of ralaing BM niachine, and It BBBPJl upon one eornur, so that PbtJ paall put a roller under. All the other boller* that tha wltnrsa had at tho Fourth-ave. wotk. had been on wlwla and been niovedlbylbornes. Ho tbouirht that tbo exploaiou waa rnuaed by carelo.'ft BBaa, A maii uauiu.l l>?K?ett, and a boy, bla oon. wore ejaeeailyla aaaaaa al taa aaika, The boy wasuau.iity it tba aaOer, aad Daajetl ran taa en?ine. in aaawarta tba taeettea at a patleaiaa jeaeeat, tba wltaaee aaal tbat tba BBBBBI waa not let ofl while tho boiler waa naovlnR. ll.nry Baker. a of Ono-htiEilred-an.l-firWntn it.and Fira'-ave., bad BBOB tbB two 1) itfirett*, f..rh>ir and lon, ln i barp of th* boller; he BBfBf BBW Baruum, tho engJueer. there al dl; aotnotlmee he aaw tb? boy thcru a'one; he waa not pjBBJ any partieular atteutlou to tbe boller ou tho afteriioon of the BBpteabBB, PabM laekBBB, a prautical enainecr, baafltBB of the juiy, waa loaotatad by Iba fanratT t* a-u any (aaatbBMbiiabv ti. n 10 Iba noiler whiob Bttgbl BattbJBf lli.-iu" elven. He obtalned uo a.ldlttonal luforuiatioa froui thla wuucm, oaaavaa, Baaiy B. Dryer, proprletor of a Rroeery store at Oaa baadiad aad tawaij ligklb ai aad PBaalbaaaa, wa-j In bla eellar wh.n the expl.nlon Ile heard the tiulan and the breaking nf glaaa.aud all the beavy g.iods In hia atore tuml.led down. Bj ran out and aaa tba BaadbaabedyBl Bba Bu.'for.i la baataf bta laar, Iba dead Itaaaa arrt ou the brtdge, aad the braaaa boii.T aa4|aabria BBBttaraf absat, PJaaaaBkad aaraa aeea taa aagbaaer, Bamum, aatll he aaw iiimincuurt Ho had aeen the Uagiretti ln ohar*-a of the ma.hlue. and often aaw the boy th?re alone. Befoca tka aapaaataa ho uad aefledaaaplaaap that the PBTBBBI ln IBBBBJI ai it wer I uot BBgbBMBa, Mr. Jaek Baaaakadtbi witaaaaarb Baa tba baaba wa.. waaaaMfH abib) M aaa baaaa aaaaad. PbaaitBaaadblBaBkaaw, and the juror tbaa BBptataad to baa faDaw<iareaa tba aataaa af aapaaaa >t 'i ataam un.i the dauger of expioalon from " BBBttBg" BI tiltlng a la.Uer wlth atiain BB. Jobn Biek, keeper of a aaloou apBBBJBl the BBBBI of the IJaaetatt ga^a avbtaaae wbbab aaaiBBaBaaagtbataf iba peeOBdlBg witnearCi). Uc BJtag *.iw Bamum ln BBflgp of the baflaa. Baaty A. Beyer, a batfer, at No. 1J51} Finrthave. was m ins t.hop when thaazpaaabBB baeb piaee. Aa aaaaaa iiO beatd the oalaa aa aaM) ? taaa/a taa bal taa;" ba aaM 8j ',.e..MJtte lt wa.- an.old, nnt.i -lof.kilu; thuu', and he w nn nlnayi" afraid it waaM exptodei aabad aaaa tba twe Ie.iri.'. BM in ehar^e of tbe bolkr, but b-vi pBBfaa BI ? liain nn there. Win.aui Moore of So. 2>: F.nst Ooa-bandred-aod. tweatj -tn -1 ??'. i ortaborata i tbe teabmooy of oth.r wltneaaea aa to tht maooerof naoTlagtbi b ii.-r, undto tbe Dagptte belag la eherge af lt i aritaeia hadpTopbe Blad before tbe aeeldent tbat tbe baller woald exp i,. ,. aaeracl ba tba fwiat of tbe boller wblrb bad oeea nlleil op aitb wbita ta?4; a aaaa Baaa dMagalre araa with hm at tho iiui", and ho aaid IBal BB ?woi.l.l not, like to atAsd Witbin fl;tv f.?t of that boller; tblg WaeabOWl a we.k b.-fop' tlie exp Mr. Jaeb wa bt gaa aal tut: aaeattoai ol aad ar<,-uni|{ with tha witpoea. aad waa Baally aheehed by tt:e Coron.-r, who aaid be asael paoleel tbe wltaeaa. Ua allaeea Ibougbt the eraek waa abatU aa laebea abeTO taa door, aad wae about 10 laebea loog. Argnateai bcre en ued bei to tbe toioiiet an l rartona eonnael a^ ta wbetbet the , raek opened late t,':.. ftre-box or m;.> tba i...:.?r, and a ni.i dlnj and deaultory diacttaatoo tookpbi i Offloer Jobn W. tlaraidc, af tbe Jlariem I'oheeConrf, wtitie watehlag tbe bolatlng m teblae(to i bl 'b the boller waa n i r iv< h. d.I loa Bi., ba trt i aa boi Daga< M aay to tbe i. an atteodlng ihe bi Ute, " Yoa watnb tbe ? eam gaaa ; I'tn gotng to gct wai r;" thia waa tbe Irat tbaa vrltocaakneu who bad cbarge of tbi twll rj tbt i wbowaaatteadlagtbe btake o; tbe bolatiag naeblm bad plesty to dowltboat watcbtag tbe boller; wltaeae couldnot i lbal bt areraawany onelnebarge .?f Ua boller e\i.i'i the b y, ln tbia o.-e- laatanee; be w^-* ln ttiebat.'t al wateblagthe aaaa workin^ tf.e boller. tieor^e \s'. li ieaferd ol No. Bl Baat OBe-haadxedraad twenty iiftb-at.. tatioi of tba MJaa Baaaford wbo waa kille.i. waa next < dled. kboul a iiiiuuto.-. afb r heex plo?lo'n'tbe wltaeaa amred ou ihe tram Iraaa tba etty, an.i weut to eroea tbe brtdge at Oaabaadredaad twtnt\ eiubtn-at. There waa?large erot d,aadhaaaw the bodr or the itttie rtdh...i glrlj wltaeaa a;t. found taa dead body "r bla daaghter at tba atatioa iioine: be u..d Irequently expreaaed apprebenaloai ot iln- '...iI.tV aafety, uotlctng tbat u looked ddapl uated and ni-ty. and tbe boiatiag :a< ^le (reqaentlr ?-ot out of arder. Wltaeea aabl tbat ba h vt aaaa t.>id tuai ita m h Pallowa, eoglaeer at tbe brewary eppoaiM wbera the boller atood, bad i xamlaed tbe boiler f. 'lore tae .-xiiio gi.n. imi had paonoaaeed lt aaaafe; arttaeea bad I Oneatly aeea tbe boller witb un ouo in ciiarKf <it it or near li; be had n?t reaialaed aeai it lon* hbaaelf, alwayabeiug apprebensivc of dangei : ablfi tbe nn n were BMTtBg it had fic^uonUy soen tut boller " BBBbMt" ove.r to one ^.de. _ John 0. Iia^Kett of No. 1 Kaat t?:mhur.dre.|.an'l tweBtyaecond-eu depeaed tbat ba aaaacarpeBtet1 bj, bat aad ruu the boletet attaebad (o ihe boUea fof two \?. ekB) h.i>m.' been em,'agcd by J;.' .jr& Cuju,.., the ooatraetora; did not ban <har/.' of tho boller, cxijj.t under tbe ittrc.tiou of ihe enKiun-r, Jodn Diirninu ; fft.l iioapeciflL ord.rua towork froiu .'na^uiployrrs but lia.l Kiiierui ebarp ol boiatiag tbe <Hrt from tha pu to hii lu ih. ? Tne witnoaa dut uot leettfj very alearly aa to wbo bad . barp ot tba uiovIi.k of tho baller. Mr. H.iruum iiad ebarp and wa*- praaenl moal ..f the time; tbey i^ecau toinovetli. BBglBB a aborl inne before tbe expl.Mlr.ii; they ne.v.T Hiove.i lt wlthowt tba fareiaaa'a aedara; Mr. Bamooa waa ptaaaat wbea tbey baaaa to mort; looked ot tbe boller aad aaid that^eve-ythitiK waa rlgbtj wit tiea-i neM.r fed the boiler nor ha.l auythuiK' to do with it; oceaatouaily he wtnt IMpaeaaaaa Bl tbe enginoer and looke.ialfhe Ki.iiKor, l.ui BeTOC tarucd tbo w*l.-i ou bimaell; did n't thlnk that anv on. (v.i OJd aaytblag to tbe balk??wb)baanl tba aajtaeer'a.ordere; wrtneaa waa four feet from tne boiler whrn lt expl.xle.l, and b.iird no praiuoultory aound.-} ba Waa not iujurn.1 beyond telnit tbrown Vloleatly to the ground, and ?<orened BBaBBWbBt aoout tbe t?oo and Deck; hr had no opinlon aa to the vauae of nu explonkon; tboiiKiu there bad been uufuel put intoth.i flrojuat baforettba Bre*doof was open, t\* waa genorally tho iaae when the boller wa^ looTaU; Juat t?elore tbo expbwion witn?M trle.l ihe fauceii aud found water at tbenpoer one ; no ateam waa ioam/ .of to liit Uiiuw.??.!;:.., dnl uot know what tho maximarn pre=>.-<iire waaat the aalety valve; tbe work HV jireitMire wa? from CO U) 70 pouuiU; the Water Waa eouveyed oy a ruboerJBBaa aaaaaa tbe ptttbtO a Latr.-l, aud putuped mto tbe botle.r; bk)eettag wutiM- waa tbe laat initiK doue U'fore beiriuiiloK to uiove, tbe c niiff reiriater biK at thia time M pout..l?; did Bat kuow wlui the prea aure waa at tbe nuie of the exploaiou; tbey had only nioTOd It about 10 feet. Ihe aitneoa deacrtbed froui a diagram tho boller and the holstltiK engine, holh of whl( U wt r. to^ether ou a platforui 15 feet a.juara. Tbe proceeduiK* will contloue to-day, Wbaa the boy Dagaatt, B U uuuj, tho oukiuVlt, and the cuutiacior wi.l be exau.lued. ^^ DHfOKDAKT BPJXNCbTB OPPIOCAI* At a aaaatbbj ti tlio Hr.ioklyn Baard ol t'ity Woiks, beldyeaterday, areport *?. IBBBiaBa gBBB tbt GencralSupcrlnieudeut of dewcrs, annonuciUK' that tho aaacaament for the expen-ejj uf batbttagtba Hu.lnou-ave. aewer bad been appor'.ioned upou the pr.ip.rty bene flled by tiio tuiproveuient. A resolutlun waa adoptcd tbat a aurvey be. mado of Adauia-at., aud^that all uecea anry lnformation relatlng thereto be furmatiod to tbo C'oiiiuion ( ounell, aa rcqueated. For aoiue time paat. eapeolally alnoe the olertlon, it baa been rumored that tho f.iMia! fe-lings between the Coinmiaalouera have aaBBtd U? exwt. Tbia waa exeuu plitied yeaterday when a aliarp and acrimonlout < aiou took e bataaaa (kajJd isioner Fowkr aud Uoui miaaunere l'altn. r aud tTklBag bl renard to c iiuplalnta whlch tho foruier aaid had beou Juatiy inade agalnat the depertaoeal for refuainr to reaimnd tocertain rcaoln Baaa wi.ich ha.i baaa paaaad bp Ba Bourd of AJaaraaai relatiUK to uuttlora concei i .tiK wbich the Departiuunt of cin afarka paaaaaa aatttaty laformatlon. t ouiunaaioaer Whiilug expreaai-J bla ? at tba atatt Bient, and profeaaed to le> lariorant tbat any reaolutionahad beeu nnattended to. f'-ounmalvner Fowler replied that in any evotit no harm could grow out of aakmg the H-orftaryu make a auuable reoponae. He thou;ht unneeeaaary delaya had ooeurred m auawcrluK the raqnaeta of the Cvirnmon Couaell. < ..m mlaalotinr F?lmer reioarked ta*l Mr. t'oalar bvi nud deuiy.aawlth aneleotrU ihi h, at .ke t.> tne raaiUa tion inat aomething ia wrona iu tba Deoar..t ..f Cny W< rka 11a ?iigxe.?t??d thal Mr KuwIirVi atm?uoe duritig tbe huiiiuj i at ?ak. u. irge edgbl bare na.i aouietuin^ Ui do wi'h any d.-iay that orourrod ln r> p yii.K to rea.iiute.ii. of luquiry ottorftil by Abbaaata Wylm a'"l otber? iu tbi Cuuiiiiuu Oouncii. au.i obara-iid Mr Fowier wtU oauaitu Uie roaoUliuu* M) > tm unnotlced by hla apeeial requcat. Mr. Fowbr con tradtctfd tbe aaaertlon. and added ; " I bave no pnrpoan In oflerlua the reaolution except to re?pond to the re uueat of the Common Coiincll. whoao wlabea I have ? Iwara reapeotod." The Hccretary waa dlrectad to re ocrt to the Board of Olty WatB* any reeolnUona of the < mbbmb Council that have not rccclred Btteatloa, wuh tbe roaaoua tberefor. _ PWILIC 9BBQBL MKASrKF.H. tue bBTMOB or haumufji aBVBBBaa>rAPVBAU p?u mr. iirsToUAiioN 00 OOBVOBAt l*tIHIOB MKNT. Tho rafaaaf moeting of tho Bo>H of BdUCBV tiou wua heid yaatetday aftanaaa mthe haii of tnc Hoard at Grand and Elm-ata., all the memlicra nein* |,n-.nt except OBBBBBBBBBBBI Hoe aud .Kelly. A coin BBBBMBBBa waa rccelved froin Mayor Havemcycr an iiounclngtbo reappolutiueiit fortlircc yearaof thc aeven obbbbbbbbbbb aaaaa bbbm afeaaaa wiiiexpire on .iun. 1, im, aa Mtatcd lu Tm: Ikihi Nt; of; BBPtba BpaataBBBBt of thc following Inapeclora of Comiuon Bcboola for three yeara froui Jaii. 1. 1*74, to BBBBMBl those whose tcruia wili tlo-n explre : K.rit Diatrict, Jobn l'attcn : BacOBd, BaablBgtoB Tboaaaai Third, CharMa Bpaar; PVMrta, Harrey lt ajoodas Fiftn, Aloxaader McL. A^rnew ; BUtb, Mark Bliiuiciitbal; BOfl n;li, VoodOM BV i?on. Thc < ity gapactataadaal ptaaaaaad hia report for oeto ber. ln which h" afafed that BBOB the la>t nport all the cornorato sebnols wblch aro aubject to the aupervl.iton of the Huperltitetident bave bBBB fMttoi BBd Inapcctcd BBBBBBBJ I" hty. Th.-re arc BJ of theae ln all, with 183 BBMbaBa, of whom. hnwever, only ? hold liceniea froin elther theclty or Hlate. BBBNOB, tho Hnperlntcneent thinVi all ahould bo BBBgad to have them aa afBBBBM of pro|K:r qualiflcatlona, alnco tbclr aalarles ure drawn froui tbe gcneral achool fuud; furtheruiore, aa tho BBMB arboolfund Ia dMtJlbatad accordlug to thc nninber of Beaaaad Maubaia.tbapAIJlaaaa $47 jcon aaabaattaBBad one, reacbiiig aconinlcrable BBB of moucy iu the un jrregate to which ll l? really cntitled. Oaa hundrcl and ?rvonty-one claaaoa wcrc exatnliied in theao achoola, iu inmi <>f which tbo baauaattaa appaaaadaa BeaaaBaart. Tbe whoie BBBlBaj of pupll* on rcglator waa 10,.'40, with an atfcn.laneo at tlme of examlnattoB of K.?>7. Tbe avo ragafai aai paat aadtag,im, waa fl,:w. Tbe provlaiona of the law prohibitlng thc teaebing of eecta riau BBBBB, Ac.appear to tie (?owplied wltb, eierpt tbat ln BBBM of|lhe BMBNBI of tbe Ciilldreu'a Aid Uocleiy It l? reported tbat tbe tcachcra bave niade a practice of cotninctiting on the panaagM af UM Bailptaraateedat UM eaaalag aai af uaing thc jiinie BBatav>aaag*eaa> tmy to the pagaJabBaa af Um Board. araue in aomo easoa, alao, the Apristlca' Crced Im been (re aaal by tbo aaaatafa Tttu haa, aaaatar, beaa onM.'d to ba BMfBBl by tlio Hccretary of the Baaaatyfai 0 baavaaad. Tho uaabaca aaaptayad aa> P .;r !" baaaaaaat, aud, BBaataB%aaalaaaaBaBaBB> m MBB, but tbclr opportiinitica for BBBBBBf BBI BM liim-.d to produco cutirdy autlafaetory WBBltB Tbe ord-T aiiddiacipllnu of iiiany of HMM ai.lnmla app-ar M Ba laty aaaaBal iu UM mbbmu af the VBaaala ChMfdMn ..itia nparMd that tba MBtoMftaaBeBtiylaa prifc t, and that tbe work donc H ncith'-r thoiiii/h m i.r BOB iinjiortant in nMBlM. T.'im he ,), badaa Ia a aagraa ia dabMBfaaBaaaiaatMaaadpet bai i to a aaal of BBBMBBBt aiipervl~lon. II BM BMBBd all UM cv.-nuu' MB8 da, BXC pt UM IJU'ti B IcoN, to bi Mapaaaad. 01 bB bmmm BaaaaMMd, 283 w.-re foiuoi t.? pcaaaal a aradlMbla aaaeawaM toi?> rpect toorder,aud Moaaed alaoMoannder eflkuaai la atruction. Aii utaebera doemed Incapablool properly conducting toelr claaaaa bava baea renoved, and bon coiuj, teni onca appomted ln?tead li.wa pupi 1 Bava b cu rcgiatercl In theao aohoola aluoe tbey opeued, and tbe averago atteudanoa u u in-.-n 1j.-.m. All ln.llcationa protniae tni accompllahmontof mncu efflebjnt aervlce by tbeae achooU durtna tbo preaaat WlnMr. Taa mouthly rcturna for Octobor froui tba MEaral grammar aud priui .r' a boola -n..w a ragiaMrad auinbei ol m 1 ,,r |i .,-. aod an averaga attandanco ol BABU, which latter la ?J9u in ej tor Ootober, 1873 1 rol oavaof teaohara' abaaa m waa i,46j, or 6M leaa io.ui dunug tue aaoM n. >ntb ..1 btal yaar. rueCommllb on Baiarieaand Ecuuunuoa.M whlob wm reffrred, aeraral montbaaaro, tn aoMOdment to tbe i:> lawa,oB red by Coanalaatonai Baardalea,prot t.i a an prlaolpali of famalu graaiaaac aobooia abaii re .? i\.- tbi ntaxiniaa laiary,iuatead of tboae onli who i,.n ?.,!?,.! for tcn >.? .1 ?, or or large k booU. proaented 1 , n ,. agyene to *tie a.l.uiioii of tbe atnenduicnt. Tbe report, wblch waa -tgne 1 i>> Praaldenl Neluvon and 1 oiamlaalonera Farr, Beat, Vonndya, aml Brown?abare m iioritj of tbe Commlttee waa aooompanled by no rea ?oaa waatovet ior rcfoalna lu aaake (Ba change, tor wbtcb tba 11 ladlea aoat deBarted dtob raeelTtog tb ? tnil uuirj ol taair poalUoB Bbto rapoaladty and oarncatiy n .1 .... 1 witb itrjng argunMnM. Aa tba extra ez l incurred bj n^anting taa reqneat womo w leaa ihanM.loo, wbtcb 11 ia cuumed UM Board eoold aaallj affurduudertba elroutnalanrao, tneactionol tBeOoiu mlselonera who ilgned tba nport ia n-,.rjL-d lu auine ooart 1 dlj arbllrary. Tber. porl ol' the CouiiiiUtco on lcacberA rclatlvc to tha reat'orattun of corporal punUbiu.-iU 111 tlie piiolii: ,, WM tsaUod np, bnl aflor ooaatdorwbte dlaouaalon waluiade tbe apeclal orderlor the noxt ra/ruiar naoet i,,? Tb?report reeitea tbat aftcr a earefal oooaldora tionoftbe aubjeot.and couauiutlona with naan tirtnrlDala an 1 loai bara, tba Commlttea beuaTeatbat for fbuDroper tnalntainanro of dtaolpllna and tba uetter nroinotion or Inatrui tton lu Umbi hoola bdom mora effect ivo ui.10. ir? a tban u.o-c uuw allowed aro needed o.tcn I in- oi tbe teacbera,and it rooonunondaibal tbo power to iiiUict corporal pumahmonl ln extreroo eaaea,arMr erery otnar roaaonable isaaaa baa oeea trtad, be eon farred acain ou tba princlpaiaol malo maunar-ocbwola, A ,?.,, ,,? j,, 1,,.,, ul tho reatoratlon ot corporal puulab ment ln the at-boota, algaod by oyor 1,200 pnncipa ? . pi - nt. .1. aml aet lortb thu iinp u u?u. haviog aoine iu.ilncteat oenna o: goTacadngBanuy aud indolt'iit achohua. ... Tbefollowtnaperaoaswara nppointed aa Trnataeaoi Common Mchoola, 10 1111 yacancuso m leyeral warda: ii.iur King Pillb Pfard ; ThomaaH. Ui ade.Seyeutoeutli Wa t. Fl ???? - n VV' k"' ?IgBBMBta WalJ, WalUi Car'e-' Elghteentn B'urd. ai Um chftf ul tue im?etinir of th<> Board ol Bduoatlon, Ihe Board ol Ti uteaa ol tae Ctty College aaaemoiod, with the ?t< luoni la tba cbair. Leare ul abaence foi ti\.' moDiba, witb fnii pay, ?.e graatod to Pfof. wi.iiam II Alilii" 11 0:1 accoiuitol poor bcaltb.nio: dliln I of hia pJaitiou to bo performod oy hla aaaoclateo moanwblle. TheialaryofinoHacraury of UM Board aaa taaora duoed troui tl.sou to tioo, aticr wbicu tlie Boald ad jouibud. MUHICIPAX POLICT. TIIK All)i:HMF.S' VofK 1.) OITB THK lir.IMIir.IKM> ok raauo B/oan and pabu $i/mjM baob. to ruamaa aroas P0BCVAVaTU>yjta raaoBVjni TiiK. BJOnarnoa loam votbd i?>w>. Thc Boacd nt Aliitniicii init yaatofdayi I'nsi dent TaBPJ lo tho I'halr. Aldcrniaii .Morio> BBBrad B resolution IBtaaatlBg thc Board of a\Pf erUBBBBBt to appropnate p^BJa\gM BBOb M UM DaaafBaBBBl af t'unllo Woraa and l'arfca. AMerniau Slorrla aaid that gM aaaattaa aaa an BBpartaai aaaj and be f,.lt n-luctant tn BBBBPaBBg it, But be ? thoiight that th- BBOBB] loved laboring rucn of tiua cltv. BBBBBBBM froiu 10,ooo to B%iBJ BaBBBBi -hould BBaaaptoyal rataartaaa be BBBaaatodbyabaaay. Hc kncw tbat thc Board of Katlmato un.l Apportionment would glve rcapcetful conaideration to the reaolatlon, aud Ba had made carcful In.juirica aud bad aaccrtalnod that at lca?t 5.U00 iucii coubl be aaapMyad in t-acb tie partincnt. Saleiu n. Walea, Preaidcnf oT UM DeparUBBBl of P'Jb llc I'arka, aald that ba eonld carry on tbe work In BBBB lugaldc aud Kiveralde I'arka durlng the Wlnter if hc bad tbo rnoncy to Bi BB (Bjaaabafaaai Taa Barl sai.i that thc appropnation of 11,000.000 would not do bla dejiartuieut uiucti irood, aa tbe publiC Iniproveinenta had to be paid by aa<o^on"n.ta on tbe land Hnproved. If the Coriunon Connclt would paaa ordlnanoea ortlcrlnct certam work to be donc, ic could eniploy any nuiutierof meu ; work had been be cun alrcatly ou tbe Baatatl BaalOfaBBi at oi.e-hundred and-touth -t. Hc sald tbat|'J,:>io BMB arc now ctuplojcd ou tbo publlo w.rka. Oa Novcmbcr 1 be bad ^,00.1 BBB, but alnco then 7u0 had been dUchargcd, and 2(0 of them einploycd agalu. The rciolution waa adoptcd, Ahlcriuan Ottcndorfcr. only. WOUag aaainjt lt. Alderinan ltellly offcred a rtaolntlon which waa adoptcd, that PBBBM bB added to the iipprnpr'atioin uiadeforthc Di-partnienf of Publlc Worka for 1871. tho t.inn* to bo expeuded ln n-|>alra to atrcct pavementa. Ableruian liilliui{a uiovcd that the Hoard take up and aaaaldaa thc Frovisionui BattoMtoa for UM ycar 1*74, ?mi Alderman Koeb aatended the bmUob !>> BMTtactnal tho eatunatea be rcrerrcd t.> the vanoua Commltteea nf the Hoard, UM BMM to report at % ap. cul BMBttna to be bcld ou OOXt Mouday. Tlie auicudiucul wa> BOOOptod aud adoptcd. Aldenuau Morrlainnvei] to take from ttic tablc tbe ^e^ olution approprlatiug fi,5ou,buo to thc [nduatrlal Bxni tutlon Cotnpany. Tnla ndng done, he lnovci tbe adop Uonae that a rotO would t>r ..iid tbe BUlklUod. Bouic of tbo niciubcra in vottng rxplaim-.l ttieli votta, aud tbo rrault waa aa followa : Aarnnt'T'-AMfrmrn Plinafiu. K.-!,-, ar.l bM 3. N, |*?i?e? AMfnnen I'n.r, Kllhafa, l'...v" ' i?uacD, V*lfoorr, tiu^l.t. MfDi.Miurr, Murrii, an.l V?u BehaUa- '.' Alderuiin K ? 111 > WM BIcnBOd froui \ ..f mc. and Ald?>i Mea Otu-udorier aaid that he f< It probibiUid froui vot lug, bciug an MtBrBlMd p< raoii. tiu: raaoaxatAii t\nii;inuv. Tlie Board of lAa^latant AMcrun n tuct yaatetBBy, I'l.alilcut Wade in tho cbair. Aaaiatant Al.ionuau ll'-al). Cbalruian of thc rlrH-ria! Coininltiee appointi .1 to pcraona for aud ugaliKt tbe loan of tJ.aoo.oou to the Imluatrtal BfMMUoB 1'miuany, rcportei that tbe fJMB mltteo beggod bave u> recominand tberejertlon of tbe rcaolutlou. Tbclr BBBBBJ for thl- actiouan, m brl. f, aafollowa: A aiuillar project haa failcd ln |otm i couu BBBa aud tho publiu would u?t aup|>?rt on oxbibitiou kt-pt ?|. .| ifroiu ycar to ycar. Tbe Cornuiittto reforred to tbe BXbtBittoaa jiven bi UM Amoriean inniiiHto for two montha eaoh ?nar, aud tboiiKht iiiat ir aucban exhliiition aa tbooao prapoaad w.u> ragaliad. tbe Amencau luaUUita oanld Boap open for b toagar parlod. Tka paaaagaol tbo BUi on tbe grouul that workmun could be ?aiplovc.l tbey tleiiighl wa-. Ulireaaonablc, aa BMB will aoon be ciu plo)ed iu the uutliilaued publiu woika lu llua . ltv. Tba t oiiipauy ?'?) h tbat a ?r?ud arl niUaeoui wonl.l be Inlro ?!'?'.:J. but tbo ?ity aa otooUug a ui,.a,-, -a. bullding on Manhattan-aquare for tha ume purpoae. and to whlcb the admlaatoa will be free. Flnally. thev atate tbat the elty debt la m.w over and lt baa been eatlmated by tbaaa oompeteat to JnJgo tnat wbaa tba worka alieady projeeu-.l aud tboae lniprovem. '?'*'?'"'" BBeee aar> by the cliangea in tbe gWgrapblcal UoiltH of tbe .?Itv are completed. thia debl will haye aweTtadte B200.. 0.1,1.00. Ih.y atate, tnerefore. tba II ia unwiae. lupoUUc. and uuiuit to their J"^!"1^ to a.l.i to thu Indebtedoeaa M.SOOOflO for a work whleh, to BM the le.i-t. WOOld be of ,,... ationa .,? ralac totbe etiy. Tba report ? >? -.n-'oeo bv ait tm liirmbara nf the (nnimltto- exreplinK Aaalaiani awrr man reboa wba waa abaaal arbaatba na-uatutea aaaa plaeed on tbe n pori , , ..,_? ,,_ Oa motlon. tbe report waa reeelved and adopted by tbe followiag rote; _ _.. . n,.,, aamitifp '..r.t iUfrmtt r.:- Claaey. WTwar. Heajr, TVaba, ThoraaL ? llnvit, HrucU, Hoiuan. U*T*?. ?""?? aaa, kraaa, Kaaaai bbB WtJt 18. .Ntfltlfr?Awiltint Aldrruiin K-Mr? 1 BOABB <>i Ai-iottTtONwrxT. Tbe Board of PJtbBBM and Apportlontuanf met f'? taraapaa the OeearoUer'a aabaa,taayernaraaaayer ta tbt . batr. (ohtroiiir Baaaa aayaalbbtalPbaB at appro praatad ba tba PaUaa Daaaataaeat, ta pay taJaeaea ba eleanliiK the ntreeta durlus Nuvemlmr and !>'?? Iba motion wa* adopled. A reaolutlou waa off'-red by Iba I otitrolier appropnatiug PJJM r.. pata tho alley* betwaaatbe aew ataada ereeted al eraahlagtonBerket. and to piank the Veeey-at. pler. The Corftroller aaid tbat thoBiau.Uiwnera had ereeted tbelr etenda at tneir owaexpenae, aad the improveaaeabi aeraaaaaa uceuea. Tbe reeolntlon waa adopted. ,?,.?_ Areenlatloa waa adopted aiithoriiltip the f to i .-ii.- B1415.00B in atreet Improvement and aeaeaainent bonda, to take up tbe aameataoaot wbtcb wiiif.ili one before Jan.1.1811 A eommnnleatlon waa reeelved from tbe Commbwloner of Publto Worka. aakiBg the Board t.. antborlae the Coatroller to tasue B30B.OOO addltlonai < ro ton water maiti at >. k. to ln pipea bo aa to enlarp tne dlatribotlonofCrotoo watertbroogboat tho atty. lue ooBBmualeatioa waa lai.l ovor. THE POPTAL BJUtTIOPJ. rimrtresarc freqnently bnitivlit IfglBgl Poab> Offl. ecmployeaby pafBBBBloatagBBBBBy aotit thronghthe oadta Tne paabOBtaa aaaatale eiaim that la a taap pea? portionof cuaea the thofta are comuiiU-d liyclerkaor BMaaaaaaaa al tne paea >ns aaadaag or reeeiviuK BBaaay. aaatiaataBaatargaaaaa baa aaaaaBaaada daaaaohyaaya baa bj abtai tba pjaayaat aaaaBy iBiaafatal The Paal <Mbaaoffleida t.ii of taataaaaata aaatk tba goiitof .paeaaaa aaaaaaaily abara aaaaialna baa beea breagbt bi llitht. In one e BM B fBBBg Boy of prevloii.-ly t.h.melesa Baadaal abatraated a IM aota bfcaaaletteB wtaeb he BlUrwarda ragbaaaad, aad ta aaatbar a eoaJdeotlal Blerk was feaad ta aara baaa la tba t aaataat babtt sf laktag Lu. ra from bla eaaptayec'a aaaAlaag, Tlie woikof the motiey or.l. r ile,. utm.nt of tbePBBb Offlee la ateaUli lncroa.lnir, aa la abown by at mpan ?on of tbe buaineaa of tbe New-York Poat-Offlee for the flrst 18 deya ot tbe preaaal tnonth with tiiar t.o the laCBiiperwd Ual moutu. Tbe f.diowing aio tne aaM .al ftapaHOel 1W1? laehrira . B3ST.11B 00 rtaBMiaaW ar^iu bbU Bew l w 18, .uc.uaite. ju ..!.>?< oo ,?,??, . $100 ? ln 'rfaja". ",-ft'ii.u ? ii . LtolB^BMbaari. *aa,7?a ia . t I,., mUnmfmmuun Oaa. 1B? 1B,laaaa B(j.> 33031 1.110.31C 50 LUl ,?,.,..?, . *" 1?.?56 29 kmhMaeOct 1 ?? 1- laalaai?. JJ3.8I1 ;'* iacWu?.??. ?*nm titf QAUPJ 011' riii: COAfT. Tba stfiiner ICorro Caatle <>r tbo pTow-Yotk aad 11 kvaaadbfeel ? dl Itaa Brnrad al l bla poel reeter iiny, aftei arery atenaj paaeage. 0a Itoaday algbt, abaaaaTtbaDatawara eeaet, tba aaroaaetaf Baab t<> btJV-a poiut wh.eli tba aaptala of BM ateamer had aoiai aaaa taaataal bnfam ta tbat leeattty, A BBrrMta ph) foltaaed, taa werai bo aad btob expenenee.i, an.i the Bl BM I v. a BBtbJ 'I ' ' - taf to" for M BOB '. K;iring OtajBtaWa Hinway, a llr.nian, whlie BtaadtBg BttJ tba paaai tj aaa aoibaialy aatbyai ahout the raiaa, neck, ludbaadt, Thfl -te if -,. mshlpgOeata, vhirh ^rrlved from ITanibtirK .eaterdai. reporta encoonti rli g a terrlble ?; from tbe uortb-weat on tbe utb lnat, a/ben U milaa from PTra 1 i.iu.i ibe abrhtedaeankea aebooaet with the tops of tac BUUta only vi-iole. OFF1C1AL VOTM OF 10WA. BJBJI IT <>F TilP OCTOBBB BXaCTtOai?TOTJ OB go PBjarj roDoa tao atrpjanBTjaaann <n.- pvbuc UBTBUt noa. -is73-__ ?isr?? -?B Jl U'.H. m. > Btatb. Ji'v. sm.fil. t'.y- AmiM. Km, Uk (J..1I rauntus. AbtrDKihr. Prln.lle. Beck. H.ll. Yonnf. brti AaBir ....... m s'.a.. 721 m.. 701 m \ ... 8T3 IU.. B71 BM.. BTt BT1 Altamakee. IfiCO . 1JM 1,Bl.. MM M ? Appa.?e. l,aa *::i . IJ1I I ! '?"? ?'J6 A.i.iiil.ou. Ull) %?*?*.. Wl PPJ.. IU* 1X1 Bentou .... I,'** l,.<ii.. UI! W4B.. 1M4 9C7 Blaek Hawk.. l.?a IU.. UU 151.. UM PJJ . 1.1J6 _ 1.205 i,iaa.. i.iii m Brcuier. l,'.* ??- 1.^ att.. aJM 4.B Buchanan. 1.1BI . 1,191 1,111.. l.aad b:-J Boena Viata... '-M '->'?.. M9 Bl.. t\i 61 r. 1,914 lJ<t.. btai UM.. \,ui U6 Calboun . ? "' IU.. '?>?*'> W.. ^-i lOt r.iiioll. 4i'J IU.. 420 Sl.l.. 4M Ca*a . *il . M* 42tf.. l.i/Oi BM Cedar. IMt J,.:i.. l,'i'> 1,0M.. 3,919 MM Cerro Oordo... LOtO 114.. I.wwj im.. BI] l-i (ii.i.ik.-.?. bsb . MJ . aaa nu t?in. Im.viw .... MM . Mbl 4U.. MM fr( tiarke. "'i? 771.. IH TM.. MM PM < 1. 6M . 87J ,. r^4 47 ClaytoB. 1.''^ l.BIB.. MBt. 2,'tu I,W Cllnton. . J.OOB _ 2,1 ?? . A, J6 2,428 Crawford. 4.0 BM.. 4iJ MB.. 420 212 lulhia . ?4i ??4.- ?4!? ???.. UM 591 n,u. . i.?ia . 1.-2.; 1, '?... i..v, um Decatiir. 1^B4 . Ijn ?? MM BM Delawarc. 1.M1 IfiU.. 1 "i J. .1 , bMt bOM DeaMolnea . l^JIt 1...I . MM Mfa>. 2,52,4 tlM Dickinaon. :12a . .. BM . :i;7 BJ Duboque. 9.Ui 3,.'.4D.. 2,1-9 MM.. 2, i.vl 3,M1 Emmett. 210 ls.. Mfl lti.. 221 57 p*yotte. 1.727 . 1.710 1,00-2. 2.-7t MM rioyd . 1.419 . 1.4-41 iaj.. i,?u ?ja Praoklin. 112.. w tJJ.. ws.i al Fremonl . ?i? 1,./:.. BM MM . MM i,:,ri Ureene. 8?>7 a.e.. &'?* IM.. "(A 117 Urutidy . Olt I , 111 * - Ml 115 (.Uthlie.,_ '.'II 802.. 912 PM.. PM 40-1 Uamllton .... t'-H . ??> 472.. PM Bjl llanoock. 21a. 24.1 . s<i Haraio. I.M1 M8.. 1.27a 799.. 1.7.15 t:'i Harriaon. 1.0M MH.. MM MM.. MM tal ll.nry . 1.?'??? MM.. MM 1,517.. 2.514 1. ? ll,.\.,r.|. t,9M M.. UM 24.. PM Ml Hiiinboldt. 417 141.. Ml . 410 |8l liln . 127 B.. 12fl .i.. M I' lowa . MM 1.IXW.. 1.258 1,061.. 1,4X9 9a" iMkaon. 1*97 . 1-896 2 60a.. l.Hit Ml* jMper. 2."i? M*T.. 2,016 MM.. ^.NH 1,(U7 jederaoo. 1,318 1,'iM.. l,.n? UM.. 1,772 l.t.v) Jobnaon. MM MM.. i..'i'> 2.011.. 2.121 i,'ji? foaea . l.ii-'i MM.. MM 2,**., 14M !.:?? Keokuk_ l.:i57 1,Vj?- l,.a9 MM.. MM MM Koiaath. 613 I.. 644 1.. 5/f l.?* Ua. Mta 9,6-1. ?.?i*i o.s'ji.. MM 2.yos 1 um . aaaa 9.. 2.1,1 um., bjm um Uaiaa..... 1 ^ . i,->?4 <??>?? MU 7io Loeaa. ?w MP.. mi 1.. MM 7p' 1.VOII. 241 - 241 . H7 1 lUdkaoa. l^M l,?u.. UM l.-art.. i,:..i 992 Maha?ka. l.'i-H l,1M.. UM l.TM.. 2.547 UM Marioti. 1,'.^9 2.1)^4.. 1,5.18 a.ONI.. U.iU) 1.W1J M..riball. 1,4'Jo. 1,5?9 a.. MM a7l Miia. 774 W5.t.. 774 ?w.. um na Mltehell. 1,475 . 1.475 34.. 1,211 n,;4 Monoua.. 457 a?7.. 480 .147.. 075 tff Moiiroe. 9\W IM.. 999 b2J.. 1,296 79? MotitK'oiii" IV ? ??l *iri- 8s* *??- 'J9? 46* Muacatioe..... 1,66* 1,60.).. 1,675 l,4?i*.. MM \JYtt O'Brlen. 4'>* 1.. MB . Ml ti." OaoiolB. 9M . MB 1.. ? pap. l.078 "42.. MM !>!?.. 1,414 739 1'aloAito. IM MP.. 277 261.. 250 21<J piymoath. ... 76? iu.. 7ct y., 474 yl pMBbOOtae.... SM 41.. 3*1 40.. 2(i.t 7l l'olk. 2,706 2.141.. 2,"m MM.. S.OOj uil Pottowattaaue ijfli MM.. MM UM . i.<r.t uot Pewaabtab.... I.MP . MM UM.. i.9o5 e?5 ItlllKgold. TM 245.. 7:t? 240.. BM 2ll baa . Ml M.. a29 94.. ;jt)5 fto Beott . MM MM.. MM 2,"..'... M ? Bhelliy. *i0 2J?.. 36i 2J9.. :wi m hlOUX. 4-;i 44.. 4t>4 44.. .'aet 11S Hlory. 9441 . V42 710.. 1,420 ?in.\ l.n.i . l.UJ . 1,123 ??0.. UM 773 XbykW. ao7 647.. 806 ?U?.. 1,127 4C7 Hnloo.. ?'ts en.. 5</7 5iy . soa ui, V.IM lilllell ... MM UU.. 1.481 UM.. l.b*0 1,411 Wapallo. 1.7.KJ MM.. MM MM.. 2,13a 1,757 Warreo. 1,211 1,009.. 1.240 MM.. 2,111 a'.at Waablngtoa... I.4M 1.-.63.. MM MM.. MM MM Wa/ne. ai:i MM.. wjo MM.. l.^att aw IWebater. TM BM.. 7ht ai>7.. l.oai Ml Wlaaebago.... BM . :?43 . 275 19 V\ liiek.... 2,l:i7 .. ... 2.141 35.. 2.01S 9*2 WoudbUTj. U 16.. 948 112.. ',>.*) i..5 B/ortb. ....... 487 . 457 . 394 96 P/dgbl. 426 72.. 435 66.. 430 V3 Total.'JI4.991 PBJM l'f.taa 76,477.. 1*2,359 74.t'.>7 Tba BbBBB rl?-urc? Bjrva the offl. iai cotint of the vote for Jadpa eftba BapaaaM Oaaat an.t Papartateadeai M PBbtta Iiiftrnetion aa <>ot. li, ita returu.d br the Kreou ItfaOaaaad, Iba ratanaaiarfBafaraaraaBl laeutenant (lovoruor will be eoiiiit.-.l by tlie l^'iruilalunv The total \olv (or Hu;m rinteuueiit of l'u'io In-trii. ti..n aud H.iprriiio J.i^U'o Una year la 165,2'i and lf<2,f.62 reap.-e tiveiy. LaM v.u tba totai vote r..i Paeretaiy Mgeata v...^ MMM, Aio.ij. Aberaetby*a <K.ji.) nuOority for paperlataadaal <.f PabUe laaMaeMoa ararDaaMIW. l'rliidie (tatl Moa i;io!\) :s 14,711. Joaeph M. Ile. fa (l>p.) majonty BTBf BenJ. J. Hall (Anti Mouopol) > for ajpMaaa ladRa i a\Mb taMMdeabta T PaaagOaap.) binl a malotttf M PfJPJ over LMwanl A. Uuilberl ( f..r 8e< retary of BtBBB, The BBbMl BBM tbia year In lowa waa, hewever. eaat In tuaui ourioua waya, io? uameanf aou.o ot tbp BaBMbV d.itoa aabbj loiorieetly aiveu ou alai'Mo umuo. r of bal baa, Baaaaja uot lnciuded m the ai...v.> tabta. lo Blaek il.iwk l.'ouuty Jamet Be.k reeelved ?2 rabM for b.ipieiun Jodge, b. *'. Baii reeerredi rataala Caaraaaa (ur biiprouio Jadgo, aud UI lu Clu.ikaaaw i and J. H Hall recelyed l.Wl Ui Clayton. Th?r? were alao :???* arattcrlng votaaoaat on an Indeflnlte niimber of natnao. ForRoperlntendcntof Publlc Iinfruetlon there were IM a.atierlmr votea. and alao a large outnher of votoe caat on Incorrect namoe. T. W. I'rlndlo received 45 votea la Black Hawk County ; D. W. I'riwluU. 1.1VI lu ftoono, and K. W. Prinytr, ? in Cbcrokee. Thc otber crrora wero aa followa, BMMBBg a total of ByOB votea bBBBBBa U> ba caat for I). V*. Prludie : r-mtim. I). W. Prlnglt. | CtmmtUm T- B. Prfwfla.'i- UM Cbickaaaw. too Black llawk. :Wi Davla. U4J Cnlrkaaaw. 6J0 FaycIP' .\S*n ( on.lnoo ' Ployd. IM Harnlltoo 4": I-ian .t ?*? I oii.j/, f, , ? Hl Total.5.T91 CI-1 I * W. Krb dla WuoeabMb .... . 37 Appanooae. 6M Wooiiburjr . BM Ca?a. 4M . . i)'-ratur. . aaa Total .I ?*"/> . Mouroe. ?T0 t. W. i'o.i.-. , - Black Bawk. MBI T.>ta?.1,?u Butbanan .MU_ TllK 0OUMT8. A HROOKI.VN 90MMHAL. bva ptvxaVB M 11 aaMJBH taaaiag gtvaBUat Appli.'.'itioii wiirt BBgaJo on TaaBaaaf laat to Judge aaUaaa, m UM OltJ Court of Brooklyu, l>y F. nott, BbmmbbI I auafeaay? ataaraaya, af una euBvato tha arn M of SBBBBB kin-.-ba, editor of Iht JtrootJyn iajfa, BB a BBBBga of criiulnal BBM ? B BB* 1 tho w.fe ol [BBBBa T. TMM. gBpartBttaarai or puattj taaaraagaai m Braaklya, tac tii latt. r af arasM Ua ?? bbbbbi va aro connacl. Mi. Fh ld ?!.IBBBBOa daaBBgt I lo Ibc auio .ut of aio.ouo. Jaaga baaaaa an bal taa paayavi baaal M ordor af BtTeat, Ixed the BBBBBBt of linl at BB^atoaagaaaead UM aad rtatae baadbaf Ba Blcral of KngBOaBBty. M" DaealBarM irre-tcd caily yea tt-rday inomini: and taBBB M UM baartfPl ofhV , to wblch piace ue aaaaaaoBBBaaaal ByWUBaaaC Baaaaayaal Mn bacl Chaimcty. who ot-'crol BMBMBrBM aud wera BMaaaalMhMBBaaBBBB M aai bBbbo bbbbbI aaaMaa, B.-iow ia a aapj al UM ai. !??. >t af 1 aMBM B. PbbBj oa bbmI UM Bffdoraf arfftal aai gtaaa .11 CUy CaiB I a/Bi eeaTfan ?? TaaaBMB.?Ia>Bta?t.Tb naa Klnael . '? 1 ?? 1 belna dulj iwecn, OBBBBBB and Maltti aa follow* : I reaida iu UM CHy of Brookiyn, on 1 1 have aaaa? tr.enced tblaaeUon by tho 1 ingand lelli | raaaaaj taloat Tfaomaa Kjh .1: 1, who la ai>*o a rcai.lent of ?aid ( uv of Brooklyn; ihte aettoa M to re lamatj.or debauchlnK thoyirtne andaic ia ?? the HfTctiona from me of m> wit-, Bmclina 1, ii uud I olalm darnagM for ea*b ii ury to tiu- lainoiint ataaagBB i aaa on taa ittn iu,-oi or laat, aml tor twelre \c,r^ priOf to tbat 'noo i mn.- bei n. llvlug with aald Emehne m raan and *tfe. ii-i.i onrrealdanca dnrlna;tba aama partod 1 >? aoaaui tdeClti ol Brooklyn Biimio tn- monthof Auguat, lttl, 1 ,| defeodant, Tuomaa Kiuaella, Baa MN *>?? qualnted witli my ^aid adfa, Bmebna FleM. lt ??-? [Kimled wltb hcr; theyhav< roade appolntm^nM and aaalgnattoua; they bave mc aecraUy by aaeb ep* pointmenta, aomatlmea aecompaniad bj ai ? an pcraon a.. t aomallBMo alooe, at vailoc.a plac. 0 Ml tha Crty ol Bow-Tork and Brool tn tha County of Klfiw, in tbe County of <n Ulge, and ln tba Counti of Warraa. Thc oorraaponueuoe of aaid dcfendant ICii m Into 0 1 ? 1 ""-r theistiiday of Noyember. Ittaofaa amatori aBaraa Mr antl bavtrt lu ui> iniud no d.iut.t of tbe p 11 ;...-? and conduct ol tbe aald Kni-cila aml of im Btfa On tha idl5ibol Noyomhar tbe aaid 1 f? idanl and iuy aald wlfe. Emellna Fleld, m.-i in tha County of w irr-u. ? * ? m I bava bacomo coni ? - 1 " mia* poaaesaiou of thc lettera ol t..c aaid dcfeudaat. Uueh intervlewa were wllbont mv k 1 1 ?on MBl Bv meb iutcTcourae and by thc BCtl aud ueana arhicb led M lt, eonUaoed i?r nora thaa a vi-ar, tnv anl w fe waa at inu a in -' ? 01 uilieiueoa aad conditlon approacbing unaouudneaa ol mlnd, ler whleb 1 .1 I i - 'i hi rundar m?-! I iti t la Orangfl County. Tbe aald cf ? . 1 I haa dehauebedmyaaid wife, haaabi uatedand d< atroyra b.r affectiou foi me, haa bm... u up tbe peace 01 my lauily.aod Baa dapnyed me aadmy aBlWreu~oao of wbom,adaughterol tboaareof alx v.-.r-.i- th ctuld or th. aaid Eiuellu ,1 dldronolalo u tIF BiBltlaaltB BOWIi UBUi BOIf. Tho DoaaVifOMi Itoaan Ubol van ?iw con ciuded paatatMa] M UM Qfeaatt Oaart bi-fore judnc ?ar nard auda jnry. Bc.'aro tho au:a:uiuir up Mr. l.nttoo ?adaaMallMlaan BBMMa aaa bbmUM bmbpuIbi ao faraa thc two Howcn-wcrc comcrn.-.l. Tn I k-rojn.l ol UM BMtjBB waa Ciat th- newsuap-r bad BaBB provcd to ba a . .rporation, and that each pataea BaaBHMtad Btgb II ptoad ln the rclation of au a?cut. Thc two BOBBBI mea m taa paaatai ol aaaaaa. Br. gaaaBtaaa, fo MBMaBBBB, BBBBMd inftt it waa provcd that rh JJowena aaaa PbaaaaaBnaataa,aadpeeaUail ixaar] 1. baarai, \>ha BBBBBd that bt v...a a iu UMeaBpBBMBBBi IfB BBB aaapMyad by tue eoiporatiou. aa waa al-.o bia ?oa, aar.BaaaBaraaa sai.t that. aaaryenaaaaaaal (a* trcapima ls M.'vcr.illy aud Joinily liaolc; tbat b; 11 ad tue ri/lit to bcniu au a.-tiou a< any, BBBba antl a.! of tbn bm '. .1 to raa bai ?aobaaaj and that a bbh waa a proprlctor cveu if 11c did not own u!l thc BBMB, JudjfO Harnar.l. in rcply to UOa a--< luiptiou. BBBl I Toaobtalnad a JadaaMBl aaea agatnat Um Mrpara1 Um. It laeontalned m taa pleadlaga, wbiciila partal the record la thia eaae. 1 uunk tbe aTldaaca U aMna thnt the oorporatlon runa tbe paper, m<i that tbo ogeaM an- omptoyed by tbe eorporatloa. 1 ahall ao ebaraa tba [tbinktbatwoBowona an olearli noi . bie. Tbe man who doea tbe wroai ia ... ,.?.t..oa havc your rcineily, botli agiinat tue Maa wno ktiowlugly publlaheatbellboland agaUMtUM eorperauon. I can not, at tbla alaxo of tbe proceedtng*, diaium UBi <,,.. pbtint, bni laball rhargeUM Jury tbat Uicao t*o rueu uc BOt provcd Iratilc. Tlu ^0 reuiarka of .fudge Baniard aro lai|>ortant, alUMBgb tx partr, aa iM'arintt on tbe ajaaaUBB BbaUBM a ?m kaoMBveaa i>c aBaaateaad aad aald a?api>prictor. Mr. Britton sumincd up for thc defcudaiita, aml \i M fol iBBBi by Mr. tj.utd.Tion lu hia own bchalf. Atler tha Judgr.'a charge thc caac waa|givcn to thc jury. wbo a.'ter abi.ut two huur.V couauitation, eutcrcd the coiirt-rooa? aud rendcred a verdlct awarding xi,.,.aj to pLalut-tf QVEE>*3 OfMJBTT tXHIBBg, Thg Qtaataal County Court aml Ooagt of gea.nona, Jitdgc Arraatrong preabling. a??,iafeit by Jua Uaaa OBatBlBBaad gaaaBBBfeoaaaaad at the Oaartd .ua^, Noi-th, ou Mondav. Ti'e SfBBd Juiywera lu ac.--.nn onc day, and found 11 ludictnn nta BM BBBBBg ofleuaea, arcong thcra ono for murdrr atJ'n>t I'a'nok OaUlgaB tor the killlng of l'lulip lt. ,.1 iluwuro, at Jaaaaioa s?uth, on the i?t iaat? btaaoaai 01 Jaaaaa I..i.uon. who ia bcld in tlO.000 M B BBBMM agics; t.dti Kau, hia couuael tnadn a moiion for a n duction of tlie ball, which tbe Court rofuaed. DaaabBBj who waa Mtaated uikui thc Baafaaalaa of onc Ofaaaa a aaarb t nt the Massachusctt.i Htate Priron, u> BatBg BBB of thc inor dcrera Of JBBHB tJraluiii, tlu* L ttic BOBO ?BBaaadBBj waaordercdto bc tak.11 to Ma'sacbiiactta for lder.tlflca tioii. OaiagU)tbeabaaaaeef i>iatricr- \tt.?rn.>> iiowa in(f, ny reaaon of lllneaa. the Court appointed Tbotnaa J. Yoiuaga and joiiu Ficiuiug to ropceaaal tba peop.o iu u* erlmlual aotta The Mlewtaa i>riaonera were tncd in th.? Coiir' of 8'*a alona, convicted. aml m ntcm-.u : .loscph BaaBkaB, Kraad lai.cny.two lodlctmenta,Btate Prtaoa Ma ftsaaa, *>o? >ear ot bard i.iiior; Willlam Wolrart, BaaraMrj t.ilidde gree. fltatoPrtaoaoaa yoar; Qaarga aud iian: ll>tL petit larccnv. ( ounty Jall toiir niontha eacn . kt< aard Ward aud Alex. Burkc, petlt larccuy. ("ouiny J.H tour 111011 tba each; Jobn Martia. KTaad larcii). l'ns??a onc ycir. Barney Powcra, 1'atrick Builer. a:i.l l>?inel l'lau'urty, indlcti >i for aeUlng Ibfior without a Itovaaa, a-1\ c bouds 111 $JJ0 to app.-ar at Uaa BOXt t<'rni of Court. Wiiilaiu TarMy, aUaa Baddy tbe BbaekaaaitB, waa ar mlgBad upon I WO tmllctiucuta obar^'lcg blui wuh crilclty touiiluiala aiiddott-flrfhtiug at WuoduaM'ii laat V .reh. Varley pleaded not gtulty. aad waa miuntte.l to iJiiut tbe auut of ttoo. Tbe Coint a.ljouruul yoatrrday for tb* term. _ MTY PAID ON A NAMi: In tlio Utiitcd BtoieJ Circnit Court. yfRtet tay, in tba aaaeef Daaaa Ttetai agt. faaaaM M..rpuy, ?a Coilector of tbia port, heretofore pagBBBBd M iHa Tuini.NK, the Jury foun 1 a vcnlut for thc plalntitta tor tlfti OJ, in gold, ua au exceaaof duty paid on twpoiied lac-a. The Coilector cl.inmd that tbe BMMBBM ma-la of allk, aud BMBIaBM BBMJBOI M a duty of 60 per 1 cnt ad lahaaan. Tbe plaiutllla luaUted Uut the> were kuowa tothctrade aa thrcad lacca, and tberefore hable to a duty of ouly 30 |x'i OBBl ad v tl r.-m. In hla eliar^'.- to tlie Jnry, Judgc Hblpniun aaid, In eflcct. that not 'lic* uia tcnai <>r wiiicii (ooaean aaada, >>ut the nuiuc ftvaa to tli.111 by the tiadc. dctcrimui a what t.'n-v .trc for tk* purpoae of pavinc dutlea on them. laaac I'hl'llp. Wa. Itaalay, and L. O. Clarke tot tbe pbimutt*, htttth au! t nilcd Htalaa Uialilct-Altorucy Treuuuu for tuo de CIVIL KUTKS. l^ouia F. Poat waa appointcil, yosterday, an A- l-t c.i l nited Btotee Dlatrict aatoBBBf M 100 pfaMOOf Will.-t BaagBBj who reaigned ou BBBBBBt of :ll BaaBBi [fl UM M.irini! Court, l'art 1., bofore Judge Joachlmaen. yeaterday, tbe follovkiu^ iiutueata an 1 ju-bp uieuta wcr. takcu for tlie plalntiffa iu each caac, vttb coata and Bift allowancea : Lcvv BerBOtola att. f.,lilia McDooneU, lor fjMB ?t; M. >ialford f. r tne plalutifl. aud 11. I'oricr for ttic dcirndint. l'hilan !-r Lh-rliy mn B''" a.inlli. t'.u.iiu.foi f--!-i it: lt \\. fowaeoBd to; tbe plaJU tiff, aud Jobu 11. 1'rapp foi tbe- dcfendant. Tlu" hc.iring of tho U'8tiiiiony iu tho fgaaaaaai will caao of Iticbunl B- BuUcr, dec aaed, waa r. aauied paaaaaaa] bi tho &urrogate'a court. Kcix-n 11. iiuti" the brotber of the deecaaed, waa BNMH x UBOBBg, BBB aa? BBB facta werodlacloae.t. ? F. ?Dunnmr f r th" pro (.oiieut. uud Bainue, H. fourtuei for ib<> eoatMM it. '? 1 ai ciaatMtad bUI aaaa >.f J.'iio* r Uly, drcra^ad. taa 01 1. ^l waa wlttodrawn yeaterday, aud tbe ?ill aom 'fd to praboBa. TbeeaUte la wortb abaaM 1-o.oiaj. A.J.lto v for tbe propouent, aud II.1..1 UbMBMO **?' lii* coiilt alaiit. Iu thc Maritio Court, Part II., bofore Judgo oroaa. paaaaaaT. tbe foUo*u*a uigu??ui aad jud?aioaM