^inui-rmc.ite, etr? _hi*_ (-tuiiing._
MB 10 It.ili.:. < i;-*r,i: "AiiU." Ml-B. Tor
rtant, I * , .mni.
??Oth* Hu." Edwiu Booth.
l'MI'- 1H..A044 a Tn; aii.k. - " Mw ************* *,M
? ?imti.p.y aOaaafU Abroad."
I. I.. Ka...
Mm..'* OABOBB .-Tl.-M.K-h Cr.aa.k."
.m.i I - ??'-???? K'1"'' ?V"im
.-,*..tK.:.-* rtl.-*.V?-li,'.lVN..r'l.
BAiXAcml II.4...1.-- UaaarWallBBB.
Ban bbi ? t i *?-'. a.
j.AKN. ?:- I 81 it 8HOW.- Tl K...'..
. ?-,? and Laajrana Oaa. i iai.
11 ,|t/ :,, .. 1' < Kl!- II.
r '*?' I ' " " ' : * __ _ V ''"'""'
Jttfct* to -l5i?crtiocmc.i.s.
md ata .-a.iiu.-i.-.
Kl ,i.,iiimn.
, , ? .l/i r.iy< C.li roi
koaki) 4*-i- R -tfl -ri/rd lVt-7-?1<-t,-'1 ,-*.<? 3.1 COluniDfl
I i r.i -?> -
i iijt?ib < i.lumn.
|l,a 14 . ,? ? " I iT.illlllll.
. . .n, pa --,,-.. , ,, ,111,11.
I.i li. i i 4\ .ii.4i _ .-iau'- 1st unil 2*1
i ?- a. | .' ? lli imItiiiii.
r , i;> 11 ? i /? a;- .1 COl .mn
lllll \4a- io. M 41 1 fi?1/.ir.t I'agr -Mii .-ol'lllin.
... ..-. II ii;-*. - a-.A i'av*"--d
H,,, ., . a-.-K BM. 1 4\'i" Nstt l>f8 W coluinn.
Ilu , i - ? nn
.1 l-Kltl-QIlH.
-,,,.?. ,,?:-.-? imn.
n m.mii-*-ALetk I'nor -441, rolnrnn.
Makki. ? ',","_",_ n
.ii.na: l.ighlh. lagt
, b iviiiiimv
v m- :/."-??' I .111,11.
Sivr ITB iTloit. ,.aiui;i.
i ,...,,. . - Pagt ii .Him.
I ? r\ I'agr?M rm
? y i i'?y,j'l, I'a.i-.i a-i.li'uin : Nl w
*Tm s i Rl .s.j.'/a
-, ? , r oa S ." oluniu.
1 I ,,./ /'(,/,- 1-1 f 1...I lll.
. _ . .1111*11
.". .vni- Tkird Paat Jd an.l ith
Ith iad Mti i-,.luinii.-,.
, io n.
i boai* -Mail Pagt?4th and 5.1.
tritMi aiinn.
1,1...- ITH).
. I' ..1 8 i.'l 4 SIxM /*8.r7f?n.l (V.llITJlU.
j,, v ? ,' / PBgo?tti .,'luuin.
L nimrse Xoiuro.
Is-: 01 M.i TltADBS AND O. < t I'A
a a , . ? - a
l , . b ....... lor 1878. I'n.e M
arala .- ?_
- .- I])! .11. Bll
ib laaa Taiaam, Laotaaa
j |)i ?:. W . Kayiiion.i,
4V1'1 llllll lll iii' lli"
1 . .,. Otl rerrd ia tbe . i
FARMI , - 4SD IIORTK t ll' Bl! ._ Bhould M 'rt
? - ?
I ,,
it Ni
i i i Extra No. b.
Taa Iitiii "* Oaa A Tl BBa
Tw '?. ' 1" ? Ifl-UB I ?'
tit'n ?- .- , Mua.. roBtaialai ? v.at imoBot ?f
... . . I . |?: l l-l ,ii, . fu
- .. Biaaeroaa aafrat nt
? | i ki Nn. Ki'.BT.
I ?' '. rl tr.T
Taa iKiBt-sa Rew-Terk.
v mm aal 188laBianaa.
? ,
ii.it. tbo M l-JabaenbBia. 810 aar aaaaa-.
i,. tB, ?.!i>erari.
. ? .I.Y I ll.ll Mi. Mail Sl.li.-HIi-a.T_. ii~ p?inuuum.
a ii v. r 11?i n g Bataa.
Paii- >, ..i.ni $1 nerlin..
r-ini p\ i , i;'i-.im. -?. and30eentaaar liaa,
BS, aad >'? iatr Uae,
iiliiiK Ui poaiiiun iu tbe paper.
Tetuif. i-abh in adraaaa.
Ad.lrtaa. iiik: IB-BBBB. Sew-York.
'ilvrrl!--- -fl ,'il ui.-t'1-ii otfire*. M} VV.
: al the lLiil'.-iii Offli t ' -
-..i: i.'Jtli .aiul ' ?'.li-.-t.s.: undatil.o
: Waabiogton-t., noxl
liixir totfae r.'-i-..,'l'f-. tiil x p. in.. at n-irular ratas.
Tbi \ r TB-Bimi will bc raadjthii
? - ? tk, ia wi aat aii iaa uiaiiiLg. n-ice i
a Fl Rf.i-B.- An offlie. fnr TKlRrsB Ail
:- DOtf i,|.< II in l.lltlJl.ll.
v . , |illB lata aad t',,iit,n?,ii.i atf
\-a! A.-i i. t.;-,)-,:.,, I. ,1 -,r maeitioii an 1 IIU BBW*TOBB
r .rant (Hr. -t to nn- l.iiial-ju Ollicr.
? .- jn> pertod -?*il> bc f.-eired al tlie
,?t? of i.e ii.^fi iua/ alwaji
V, ,.. '
\?_., | XBB Na_? Yokr TBIBOBB,
84 Floet al., ?. t'., I.0_'1,'U.
irlion nf tKr fr.int nt Ihe tt'ir Trtbunr
> , ,. iirrjrr Ttioy f<- fOBttd in the ftrtt
? ,? -rra tjortttttt. llie Tribunt tmunt.ng
l.,or, und itenttrtd at Ute ttiond eioor
thr ttt tiie.
kB$*ik 3Pail22 Hxiinxvj.
lhai Marshal (Scirano f* likely to be
in_.i.- r- k-- bi af Bpala Iaa laayaaBaMBa Aifon.o; Baaai
pnynilnafl aaa *m***tttil**ti aattfalf llaaaaBaal th)'
t (..., - .- . Tti. _*iaae81 Caiainet hau Uci-n re
.iKainr.il. . AniMMBf Loili-cliownkl liaa anain
?? ,-n i .inv.i-t- I "' iitHtitutinic pri.sio iu 1'rtut-ia wUhudt
the aaaaaai al ika QavBaaBBaaa.
The I't.--; l-:ii - ni**8*-afc*r- au.l drpartment repf.rfflare
ammm . p.-ak.-r Iiiiilii.- has decld.-d to
aiix.in iaa Baaai OB-BflBtHaaa witimut aaaaaa lnt.-r
(erenr*. -. ?? A efe-BB-l IB the Imtlan policy of tht
Adiiiii.i't'.itiaiu toaaidaaaaaaa atnetnesa, i??aidtot>e
pfakakai 1 ",*?" laaaaaaa of Ohio haa r_a.,K_i.d,
Wtttm aaa be.-u afpatoladlBkia
, , , _-^_ - Ttu- couitot for the lloua*) ofliicr,
it ia ?ai<1, will he tor>re* exflfin/j thaa [iraa a.a
tii-i|-a-aA*d. _-___? Tin- (,,.v. iTitiH'tat OaaaaBBBaaaaiB h..vt*
I |b ???. >ar <if acccpting 196 ruile_
,ft.-?-s,i. ? i , ., Baai ? a* Ihe C.n.trol.er of
l_, (-._T - itiia-iadi i.-k-lAl.itlon prohaliUiuif inia-r
..iiii. -.- A aa-uii o-Qtiiil aynopai-, a.f
Mi V4'-t', i ? i-;,,r* aa t'i, l__l_fl d.-fulpation sliow.
tt,Ht ji rracadailttaa in the ad_oini8tr.i
.,,? ,,*- iuk Baaaaaa ---? The i/ouiaia-ia NaaaVi
tl,.: -i,|. iir.-.I i* .'oit.i.-jittA-. lo protf'.t at Wanh
liintoii earainat the Kr.lo-T BBBBf ition. a ?The coi
air.'d i.i.Ti i.f rv .r.oiky toiiuAlly di uiiiud u dhart- of tho
Tii.- ajaal < I . laaaaaa manufiiettirer dl-appe.irfd wltb
a larre Niiin. 'l-i,- ?'!,..nlii< BaOBfl A. .oi-iatiou n-ferrcil
i,i>rni8 ia Baaklag la a caaaff-BBB?a Ciaaa*
iLi.tr-,. li-,*??.& Mawy <"ji)f.-ned wilh their cn-dlt'ira
in ra-ctril t*a a n'Aiirnptl.in in l.u .iu? yf,. Tho majonty
rrjKirt*. Iti lav.ar of, and .>ii|<*>*.d to, the re
autnptla^.T _f ajaecie pa>_iaa:_iti -tre PBBpaBBi BBI
ta> tho .(.'liaimb.-r of OaaBaBBtaa,
?=__bb Hont ot theeTi'li-fir-e 1 r, th,- cuie of Iiiv'.t_*j1I -iii'l
> .nriroro.ii ?a? aui.nntta.l. J',.ur iu ln tm.iat.
?BBB foui '-' BOaaaal Huarhey'e aln tr.-d accnupln-ea na
l.r.aiihinar inil. - - Th*'f'hlldreta'a Anl Bociety favored
ililaaaal ?- ' aa ta laaaaa tha amafeet of raaraata.
8-er-B Ouly two bi'li for ilty stoc*. wera. r.c ive,l
?jt. l_ieri_ion?eter, atp, iia*. uud itto,
Jtn.K?e Sfo-rman, w*tBtt fl'-ani'oilous reput;itii,n
iu aaaBBWlioa wiih tbt,- ffaa?lagloa khmj him
(.i-at hoiiniih ilMMdtt on tb? Ja4-C_-iy, 1_aa
i. -ai/ii' <1 1-.- M.'it un the Noi thera Obia District
', An ii,vi-tii,Mtioli iu Ul casn *4_ri paai*
0**% uio! Bt MOBM to buvo wit-i-b' uutitiiiiited
iu reBiiit.
S.-n.loi Um .tiiiui- poaitio-i a* one of tb. in
flu.-ntiBl -BMBBIBI Of _M Sinat.- MbBM C'oui
mittftfi 1'iitnl. | bi*. vii'.vn on finaio ial BO-Mftl
to gioat laapact, Tbe poii.ta brought oat in
?iur Wa?biu/toii di-ipatcbi-.. sbow somo of tlio
.SiUiito-'H puniiioiiH \'iy clearly; -.ml V.ny wi*l
1,. ijuU'1 it ith iuiticat.
Tht T**m*0n**i*mm of thi' Fr. n.-h CabinH -hb
nuicJy fo .-laaft b-hLta, aud ullotv Um Dako
l>oc_tel 1? r'",;c ^n *nci W- BouM ti go out.
without tM-oni.ing to mako an invidiotis the
crin.ination. Tho Duke dc Broglii* takos tbo
luterior IVpartment, which ia alwayi* tfcoptot
aaatgned to tho most aafiom politi.-ian in tlm
Miiustry, aml I'ocazcs rolieves Inm m thc Foi
i-ign Olliio. _
Mon Btringent nwoanroa with th*- Indiaaa
nro siuUUnlv diKoovorcil t.i ba iiooil.d :it W.inh
ingtonu (.on. BfcotMan'a propooed ~inii to tfca
.iipital is said to bt; partiully lor tlio pmp<*n?* tf j
ilotiainining npon aome now plan of ope-nt-ona.
People wfco h.tvo wnteked tln' oonne .>f tfca
Ailinini.-itr.itiou in tta tr*.ttu.ont ot tta Indi-in
(?tK-tiion aai Mnt a lia ayateen in not so aincli
??c. .Uil Bl ? -JVeUni which Kli.ill hold togotfcor.
lt in 1 forlorn kofW, perhaps whleb ia led
t.i Waahington by thoeooaaaWaa Jnal appoint*
..1 nt NoW-Ol-MBM. Tho I'oi.pl.'s OOOTI-ntioti
liiis do*ignatcd this coniini'itoc to lay b fora
Congreaa a memo-inl for tho rettef of I^nia
iiiiiii from tho Kellogg udiii.niMrii.ioii Md tfce
nintor.itimi *>f tfce 9*0*8 t*> ita anon-nt. ttbor
ticn. Ht-retoforo, tfca most eomlusivo argu
meota, ovou from Adiaialaaialaoa Benato-o,
have failed to mako uny improKsion on Con
greaa. Woaa-lfceleae, tfca peoplo of Loa-riana
aaaa detonniued to ponerere ln tfcnii appoal
lor rettef. _______
W? pi int to-.lay what i* ttid t*> be a
Bjnopaia *i tho tetheonai-g report. ot Mr.
Wiirr.'ii, oxpor, on tfca Pbelpa defalontion.
Alihoui-ii thiH dooiiuiotil. oo:it;.iiin severul ver
butim cxtraots from ..tlie r. pnrt, it .lnos n?t
tfcltrw any now ligfct on tho subjeot.. Jt di
iictly ehargea Pbelpa with fcarfaBg Btolen tln?
ii,..u.y, an.l the amonnt?#101.771 88 iwh
aponda with that pr.*vi.>u.-ly giron ta flto
patehM to Thi Tkiblm,. Conoamini Inrogn
Inritka iu the Tra-ran-'i ??co, it ie mid
tlmt th.y aro an inheritaiioo from provioii*.
A.Linini-tiations ; Imt tfca a.lvances and loans
tn ofidal siil.oiiiiniito-* .I*) uot appoax tta bave
aiuuinit.il tO any 88th BUm as that fceretofoia
niportoda Tho adranoea aro put nl H647 M
on tho 18th of Ootofcor, 1878. We bnve no
tniBtworthy inforraation doaignod to -Bttle
the i,.i. iti.>n of tho i.iativo roqponsib-Uty of
th. State Controllart and I-oaanier- ofticea
for iho Pbelpa tfcofta.
Tho Adtiihiistratiou eortainly dcmrvi - tli.'
eredil of ha-ring .**.> inapired tfce Waahingtoa
nunora with tfce bcoath <>f eontendtetaoo thut
tbey havi cnaantl to ezereiaa any inflnonee
n|.i.ii pnbBfl opinioa A genecnl _npmaiion
baa |on? abto-d that n ponee.nl aml bon
oral.lo rnottloniont of tlio Viiginiu*. ittmil il
probohle, and tbia baa g-qoeationably exi r
. m, ,i for tlio timo being ? wboleeome Inflnenee
upon tlie pui.lic iniiid. Tfca profeaakaial
orntoxi ii ri rl tbeii occnpation abnool gone.
Tho pansionato ohmor lor tmmediate w.ir
wbieb mot wir!. aoaae oebo laat aroel hn** diod
away lilio m.uikI in a vacutiin. Tbe exirartfi
wbieb wo havo pnbUabed ahow tfcal tfca ? nti
nenta of I bc lending Kaamala <>f tbe oonntor tood
d.oiil. .lly in the (linction of inoderate nnd
r. asonal.lo nioasur.-., vvliich. whfle vimtieatiii;.
iill oar rigbta, ah_H koep witbin tba pole of
law nnd npiity nnd aabaorre our Lntemata rm
u ns ttiaii mn hoimr. Unl-eethe aUnntionand
deuly clian^oft for tfce worae, when Congreaa
eomea togetfcer, ita doBberntiona iriD not be
iio-lwunaand by any out.*-..!** ptoaaarOi nnd tha
membe-a and BriiBUHB will not be inflnencod
i.v any iiaaeidoratfnaM bnoodoo the loaa ergnio
el popolarlty ln doddtaf tbo qneatfcma wbieb
uny eoane before them upon tlnir rnerita.
Wa moil not repeni that vrt ha-.o B6TW yf.'t
ioea bou the Adm-niatnt-M ii to neeompliafa
tfcia inn-it dnairnhki eonaiiai-iation. Il it ia done,
if we ol.t.iin tfce fiatisfaction of our just do
niaiid- ftron Spoin withoni war r*r the oeenpn
tion of Cnho?.the Adaainiatrntion nrfll hnre
aebiered a greal and iogWannte Bnoeoaa, nnd
,.ii.- upon whkfc W8 <*nn as hoanily congl-tn*
lat.- Bpnin m thc Unitod Btatea. Wo take it
for gmnted that our (lovornmo.nf has d?'
maaded full ropnration Cot tfce inanH to our
Ing. Tfce elond of dnal -. lut ti baa been
raisod nfcool the legal staiin of tfce Vir
gtoins doea not.fcide ot obsenre thia eoncln
i-ivo fart, that pho WM an Arnor
ic.nn THB8I.1. M-ttng umlor our a_ng, PBgtt
liilv oloarod by the American Conanlnte
al Kin^ton, -vsitli hor pajrors iu order. Tha
Spauiardn had no rigfct tO board and M_TCb
hor; no ripht, having done that, to oaptnre
bei; no ligbt) having enptued hor, trt
tako hor into a Spani-di port. It rosulu
froui tlns that they had Btfll leaa right, I.y any
no-ialloil procoss of court-martial, to (.hoot
auy of h.r paaMagOCI or or.-w, of whntOTOr
riiitioual.ty. Uut tho wronj? went fartlior yet.
They shot Amorican citizon.-*, ilicgally eaptUfed
Wathont notifying our Coustilar authoritio-a, m
ih.y -oro by treaty compolle.l to do,
ftnd even rudoly and insultingly dofio.d
tho pHitent of our Vico-CotiBiil, au.l
iwfaaed his ro.]uo-?t to soo tho pris
oners. Wo bave no 1*8880* to doubl thut
our Govermneut ha^ preaented thi" 888t with
all tho eBtBgJ it retjuires to tho (Jovornm.-nl'
of Spain, und hai* demandod full ropatation
for tho outtnge we havo safftrod. Now, if tfca
hopos ho froc-ly expressod for the- litst few
days be weil foumled, and tho BpQ-ieb OtfW*
i.-rnuiont ia nbk and willing to satisfy our just
deanaa-O-i it is in every point of viow n happy
aad ailvunt tgeous omling of tho roattfr, in
whirh we shall iwjeiee more hoartily than
othors, boeause to tis it has seeinod more dilli
oult than to niost of our rotemporarie**.
it will provo that a groat advaniM- has lx*en
made in Spain and in ll.ivana. in tho tro:?t
m* nt of Dnonial n-fcin. It will Bfcow, alaOi
that tfce i)ro*Kint Kepiiblicun (Joii-rnmonf ia
fur strongor, in tlie n.riititonanoe ol its pnuri
jili n iimi in tfce exeeution of iin ordor,-*, thun
any ot tho monaroliioal Onfcinota wUeb havo
prCodod It l'mlor tfce powarfnl andeflkienl
rade of -bod-d i'lim, it waa iaapooaible
lo roHtrain thr* l'liiiii-itl.ir BOtttl?lent of
Cnbn from any 0X008808 to wfckl tho
Whiaa of tbe bom niight drive it.
Thiotigh a half dozen nii_ii.**trirt, tlio*
naiuo nfofaaa arofa pxomiaed in raepoaaa te
the paoaaing BoUeitntiona of our QoTeraaaeBt,
but tliey w.ro rover put in pra.-tieo, siniply
I.., iaae they eonld nol be, Tbe Groawnaaont
uiuioi King Ainadoui wai nr poworl.H*. asi
during tho iiitorroguuin. Il, D0W, tban is
moiigh of nuthority in Hm oivihan n?.v.*rii
mont of Cnatofcu to kuoo.Mt'ully dofj ti..) pop*
ular prtjudioo whi.li always ridoe wiili ll.o
1'ininMiliirn of Cnb-i it tiill prove Ihat thorc
is gteotet foroo and rohcsion in tl.c Ui pulalio
llii.n any aM haa evor borotOfOTa siip;.o?o.l.
Two faeta wanld h****ih t*> ipjtnii tln** riew.
0m is that fliandlj nlutions still i .i"! be
(wnn tbe teapective iagationa and foraign
offlces in rrfadrid nnd WnafctoglOBi nnd tfce
i ? 'i.r, wbich in of the higbeat bBpottt-My is
fi,;,t Cnptnin*Q>-nond JoTollni boa taanfod
|'i< aidenl Ca-tf-iar that b<* i-, able to eiecute
is. niiUi*. nf lha Qooemaaaoi ln Cnbn. If tha
bappj lugorieaol Ih* >*-?' low dayninant*
tained bf tho ovont, wo ahall not rogret that
Wt wi'ie iiiiahli* to pro.'.ict it.
We are M_1} tliat Ihe iisaooiittod beakfl
could m.t agroe ea aaaM <>? tho wiae ror..n.iR
Bnonded bv tho Clo-ring'-bonae ?'-uiiinit
to... Hut it sooins on tho wholo b.-Ucr to
poatpewe tbem t.u a Uttle tban <*> brenfc up
tha ('loariiK-'-lioiino. aml flaOBe nppOM I-i hav.
been th.' .ilu rnntl-fea. Henntfane the * ?> idition
ofthobniikscmtinuo-iroiiiipiDVo. Th.ir-viipply
ot oiirrnioy now earriea th. n. bandaoniely
ebore tho legnl toeder leeeire, Afcroed thfl
t.iid.-ii.y i.** Iht saino. Tho llank ..!' i.ng_iiid
growa atio-gor; the ootntde inta of diaeounl
h:_v beea low. n.l, und tlm I'oiisoii'ioiit olloot
Ihto inunt si.i.n iu* f*-lt iu iwnter eaae ta
th.- iiiovoiii.iiim ui oai eottoa aad \'?eatara
Wa havo report-. fiom Cofl-fl-attoflfl of tho
Cbambec of Conuneree proponing meaiofiala
to Coagreai l'm' tl"' reatorotioo of a o-ora
niiii.u in.'an'ir* of val.io lhaa tln- prodoeta ot
tho paper nnll aml priatiag -preea. Heaara.
A. A. Low und Samuol 1>. Bnbooob kouii
mend cleady und anqnaliflodly tbe reeaaip
tion of sp.cii- pa.vi.iont-, with smh o.*n
traction m may bo reqaired to inake
tbe gl-eabaeka pernifinenlly ooavortiblo.
N.i w.'li liiioiimil nh-iivor oi tl..* coaditioaof
tln. OOOntry aml itn oiirn i.ry will d.-ny that
oontraetioa i** an ovil. Tbe real ipieatiaa i
which is tfca gn.it. r ovil, oonirn. tim. ->r Ifce
j., ??p.tiiat.ioii ol tlio. co.ntly uml demomlixing
Byatea ot irredeemabie paper. Booaarorlator
the speeie atandnrd aiual ba leatored. Tho
li.niii'ctioti, bo it mnchor little, whieh auybe
neeeaaary to adjnal prio i i" tho gold etnad
ar.l. must be ondared. It eannot poaaiblj be
eooaped. The oalj oflV.t of .ii 1 iy i-* to inper
mlj the efcilla ..ml tertftt wbieb an- the m .*.-.
r.arv"'CO')r.i|i:inimiiils of tho Enlaa stand.ird. If
wi* poatpone tbeenrgerj the caneerwill aurelj
(i.i.ii.iuo ita deodly work. Prieea will ii***
again, a now gt-t-eratioo ol apeculatorB wW
take poaaeaaioa of the atage, tln- old-tiine mer
ehnnta nnd ateadj-goiag bnatoeaa men Mii! !>.?
an powerieafl .i.** enta withont elawa t<> eaeape
trom the doga, thr nattoaal ehnrnoter will
agaia degeaerato. Beeretariea of the Treaanry
will eontinne t.. bo as Indepeodent oi the
i twa o\ Coagreai aa < oagreaa ktaelf i*** ol the
i o-flaaaee, ami nl Iaal we ahall retarato
the apecic ata-idard bj tho bock door of re
pudiation, after tho maniioi "i niiie-brnttu ol
uil tlio natkma who have rentared ?';. t*'i?'
Bxperiment of debaaing their mooey. Tbe
only t.i nii we bare to ttad with Keaars. Lon
an.l Babeock- i^eeonaiendatioaa is that they
nro imt -tuiii'i.iit!) dectded. Tbe ehaaeea an-.
that it notbing i* done to impro.i OUT cur
reney, Boaaething will be doae, an.l tlmt
apeedily, to debaae it. Lei thoee who I'--*->?
the lighl penail it to abiae.
Mi. George Opdyke- riewi Impr. ?*- na M
il..- reaaoninga ot a inuii wi.o baadebta to i>ay.
Tbfl nioni'uial iv iii h ho leiutniiicnd.n to l.o
preeented to Congreaa ?>.. tl,* Chanaber of
Commeroe makeo a ahreafd appenl t*? tfce ael
?flahneaa of tfcal nnaaerona dnaa of the
eomn.nn.ty. Aml eertainlj thr debton an
tntttled to raapeetfal eonaiderntion aad
to junii... Uut tlio gonoial ^'ood of
tho wholo eofnnrnnity in paranionat. We tbink
Mi. Opdyke i** diapoaed io exaggeratc the rine
of tlio In.n whieh be Boeaiathe oat!. tn apocie
pnjnaenta. Hiaaanin propooitioni thal the rol
unii- of our (iuionry. to ln* iiiaiiitain.il ?>" -
per with gold, eaonoi exeeed tln* Iboil of ten
do'.lars pm baad of the popnlation, ia naadea
tiiie aad [ncapnbli of prool Indeed, it ena
eaaily bo ahown to br nntrae. Ii.*- >>"?.
fitandiug aotafl u* thir* day of thc
Baak of Franee ar*- withia i ii-niioi of
1600,000,0001 while Ihe popolntion of r'ranot is
i-on-i'loivihly leaa thaa 40,000,000. Aa Franee
tui.-* no poatal eorreocy, niiu-h omu atill remnina
in I'irculation. The proiuium OB gold i** intiu
it.--iiii,il. wbile nil..i rircnlntea nl pnr. Tbe
aetivc oinuliiion of Greal Britain nnd In
h.t.d, o\?.-liiniv?' af eoia in the vault-i of the
llank of Eaglaad aad th*- notea m tbe baak
ing reaerre ol that butitntion, is m.i eattauted
at leaa than |-S0,000j000, ahidi ia aboal four
teen dollan per liead. air.Opdyke, ii appeara
to na, grieToaaly oyerratea the diffieoltiee <d
n siimption. ^ __________________
THI l.l si l TB,
Tbe spoctaclo af tht most natoiioaa and
OBoal powerfol eorTnptioBial e?er koown ln
A.mriian polttlCfl a.tiially lentenced to what
ia iiracticaily perpetnnl inapfiaoonaeat, and
dragging nut tho remnunt of hi* ycnr-* in th'*
oonpaay of eooTietad tfcioTea, plekpodteta,
an.l draaken ragmata, hai girea a earptiaiag
inip.'.t.m to political reform t-voiyarfcere. The
piuaetialioBi which wero ullowod to laagaish
ho h.ng ln New-York that fagitrte Celoai
tbouglit it infe to oflflae homo 881*4 mddealj
beaa reylved. Bonae <>f tho rognea who aaada
ooit.ain thef were aafe barfl beea elapped
nader nrresl; and scoroH more are (aak-Bg
in hheir ibo?, and trembliiig wfcflMTflt the
doot opeea U st tho Shor.tV witfc hn warrant
appoar ou tlu; thro-'liold. Good eiti/.en.-t have
pluoko(l up heart. Wlion Tweed goee to
inaokweU'in lriland they s?o tlwit moro
tliiiihrs ui.* poflflafcle than tho niont Hanguinc
imagtnod twa yoan ag<>. Tfcaaa u no crime
againat tho public whirh may not bfl poiflfced
if tho pi.iriocutiou iboW tho 800088-1) M*%*,
peraoreaaneei and aeateaefla. Bobbery of the
]iut,)li<' fuiidh, po.rjury in otlioo, flOfiaptloa <*f
thi* ballot, brihory iu tho Logislatilro?all tfcflflfl
offoiHOH, which havo an long bflflB praolieod
witfc imptuiiti' umlor the proU'otion of politien,
;in* takea oat af the category oi" go~eraaaiat
abaaea, aad dafland M moro ralgai feloaha.
[rnnbihnMfi with tht peeiteatinry aml tfce
Btripod ganaeatn. lt in na -aaMaae gaia to
hav.* made thia elenr, aml other eiti?? beeidea
our own are bag_-B_-g to tt* 1 thc eoaflO*
queni*. .4,
In l'hiludolphia, for instanoo, it |g ar*rvortod
tfcal th** Kmg, tfcongh it haa not anrrenderod,
haa ovidoiitiy I'ist bearta Tba greal nflort of
tlut oiganii-atiofi h;t* bOOB to di |.-at tfcfl now
t'Diistitutton, wfctflfc by n-vising the Kloi tion
lawi ?'ill rosioro to tlu [pOOple tho puiity of
tbfl mflrngO. Thfl majority iu favor of the
now iaatntnienl i** aaid to bo deebdre, and
there i? ao hope ?>f defeatiag it exeept by nal?
lii) ing the ordlaaaofl for a ipeebd .-U-otion
iiiaihuury in Pfcttadalphbk Ihr oppo-aition
wbieb tlm Ring oppoeea to Hn-* nrdiaaaefl bai
i.ot tIm-* fur beea diariagaiflhad by tln- auttci
pated rigor. aet if tho ee-federntea had uot
been ult. fly deflao-nliaed by tlireut. ning i vi
denoea "f nn aiaaned pnaUa aenttaieat, thej
had an i xri-lloiit oDportunity to iriak'- a
Bghi on tbia groaad. When th.- Con
Miition ovi-riuled tho lict of tbfl Lflfi ?
liilun il iai-.'d a v.ry drlioato iptiMiion
of i'.)!i*titiili*>nal law whieh has m-v.-r
bgea nuthoiitiiliv. Iy uii-iwor* .1. Boabgfcl how
i-ver bflfl beoa tl"- oppoaitioa thal th.* anil t.?
roatrnln tho Bpeobd eoninii-Bionea-, begnn >.
ti iday in tln- Supti-nii- Toiirt, aaa a (.reut ?ur
t*. i.,"1 people, nnd it wflati to hu a
jIBiml improaaion U.it it will not bt tttt-tni
onsly piisli.il. Aliirniiwl at tlm BBB__00UWOBI
of popolor rt'soliitiou in NYw-York, it in qaito
nat.iri.1 that tlx> BiBg <>f i'hil.ulolpbia nlu.nl.1
put. forfli a laat ilfort lo savi th.-in-ilvis I I"'1
i( || t-l.-ar t!i;;l tlu y BIO loiriti.-<l tmi dOBM-B
j/cil. iiml tlir* B-fOWdBB. olit.rv.TH iu tho
Btata toB us ahtet Um Ceaotitat-Ofl oan
,,,,t ba infoattirt Tht laterfoc ooa-*
fi.s ar. llioro'i.'lily iu oannst, nnd thfl
imI,' of rorrtijiti'iii is virtualh at BB aa_L Wi
irn.it theee pradietiooa may prore trao, -fo
s!,nil Ix- gladto beliovo tfaat tht r''iiovnliou of
I'i iii].-i\h.iiiia || BBKUOd; tli.if tlmro i-* to bf
aoBBTtafan l'li'' aa bonaot eleetioa bareaftac i
rtiil.i'l. Iphiaj tliitt biillni-hiix Btafflog, flalaafBf"
i.tiatioit, EbIm oountiutf. talaM IWaari-B. i"tirtn
.la'ioii. ''"I, i-'i'l iii'inlrr. an- BO huipT to be
iho pat.loiiahh- auiiiM-mi-tit-* of?-xnltt-raut parii
MOB, Imt ar." tO hi' triiitcil a- OOgBflta OflBB-Oa
an-JH-.I now ticati-il in Ni<w-York. No ilotibt,
if theae roey antieipat-ona of the Bete-Dera bn
t,-tii/i-il, tlmro will be a aoaderfal ehaage in
tboponona] poUtieeof tho Btote, aod bbbi who
B|? BOW all-powcrfiil will sink into oboOBfily.
Hm l.t ni bog tti" good poopie ol Peoaajlfaaia,
irhoo tlny baaa galaod their rtetoty, lo paah it
to ite propi-r coBaeojneneeo. Tho eathaaiaaBi fof
reforn aeTerlaoti rerj loog, nnd ahile the
fOtera art' neitod tlny. BBBI inak<< tbo most
of it. Eaorybodj kaowi that the Biag whieh
has hitii'Tto I'ontn-ll.'d the P?_a "? 1'hila
delphia ii eloaelj allit-d with ? BiBg ahieh
bai boea robbiog the l-Oaasrj at Harriabarg,
Om bargUi baa ibood gaard tf tho-foor whUe
the other eracked thi* aafe. -foa. it will be a
litliiiiluii-a failiii.-of jii.iiii'c if the tlghl1 ?>f OM
\f ii..t followed tiy the Brreat ol tbo otbor. It
-vvi 11 not beaaoogh to taiB theae bmb eut of oflee
an.l pnl better Lo their plaee. Thoy bare oom
mitted felooiea, aod the lirst oae tl"' 1""" -.t
people of Peooayiaaaia aiake ?>f thoir eo_M?d
patioo ooghl to he to proeecnte tbe poblie
robben to tlio full ozteal of the law, Wt
hare 8b0WB tli'in how to do it. Will thi y
folloa our i-\.tiup!t' .
iii Brooklya th re ia another ehaaee fof
I.i arorfc. The Biog io that eitj hai i
I,.,-i *,i Btroai i.v iatreBehed ai ita eonnter
parta in \.iv-v..r:. aod Phfladelphia, bol ll
baa had the grefcl Bdraatage ..f a powerfal
tii, ml in ih- D-atriet-Attoniey'a ofhee, and s<>
biag aa he hold powoi the eoBapiiBton Bolt
-af.-. Aa much h oine noathf ago formal
chargea of tlu- moal daoiagiog eharacter erore
prcferred to the Gorernor Bgaiiiel thii offlcial
bj tho CoBunittee of Pifty, ood the heariag
lus I.. .ii poatpoBod tiil this time. Wuh
aeeaaatioaa of intatnuiis orime haaging
,,..-,_ in. bead tbe pahUe proeoeatoi "i
Brooklya bdouI tbe Sanuner in a p-eaeore trip
to Earopo] bnl there i- t<> bo no noio delay;
aad on the lat of Deeembei the takiBg oi
i ridooee aill begin. Wt do not of oonroe
prejadge tbe eaae; bot wt muti orge upon
tbe real Beformeiaol Brooklyn the paramounl
importaiioe of begumiag their fighi againat
the Biog in t'i" proper plaee. lf lir. Brittoa
ii goflfy of the ofieaeea wtth irhieh be La
ehaigod, bii goill i-.m be proaed, and ii it ii
i.,.i be inu-' laeritablj be remored. Thal
i.-uli i.l.i.iinoil, tiio tttt will !>.- v;t}. ttthi the
-i.,iy of Tareed _oaj be repeated oa tbe othex
.lllf .,1 tlll 114. [.
unn: t \i> ni tm
Acte of aoicide, attribntod t" "hardtimea"
.m.i aaal ol empkrj meot, ireaie nwrj ti. obeenre
ar. in. i'. ..-ii igio nn ni hi i throaghoBttheco-intrj
I ii. inin .-nni the pinehof the finaneia] trouble,
witb ii uoBaeejaant deereaae ia the deauH-dfor
laiiur. i- imt fell the moal ahsrplj la boaaea
nrbicfa have boea Bceuatomed to Inzarione ea
m ,'-!?. r.,iiilaiuj.:.'* u-iially leavea to aoeh a
-nlli. i'nt remaindei of reeoorc ? for aomethiog
mon- than the Biere Beeeeeariea of life. Iiur
when a iliiiiintiMori nt prodoetioo EOUOWI ?
loog ead demoralL-iag ii,?> of bigh aagee, it
aeldoai _oda tamBiea aobaiatiog opon wnkly
aagea prepared for the unergeney. it mosl
i>o adfliittod thal our prodnring elaaiea aro fair
t'-oin beiog v.:.---ly 06OBOBI_ea] BBd pruili'iit in
thoir habita of Ufe. Too mneh i* ipeal io
-tijit-illnit.it-s of "Ih t, iiiiini'iit, aiul doBlioOe. A
fatlur coming all bi griaa d fraa bia t"il Ib
t'at-tnry or fiiinai-o HkeOtO ttt hi- ebildreD a-*
v.'fll dreaaed aa tboae of hi- amployer, aad
Bata ai mneh boteher'i _oeoi as if be irere a
eapitaliat, witha Preoeh cook to dreoa it. lf
ln- deniee binia li aothing and apenda a eut-.n
th-al (Or what, ouly doee him a great dOBl of
hinn, he ia eqnallj liberal, while his noi < *
tm**a% i" proT-diBg Indolgeoeea tot hia family.
II,- i- (UT-uil nf hir< boj! BBd gil-l. ami fo<>l
i-l.ly WOOh in his im-apa.'ify to ihny thi-ni
BBjthiBg whirli thej ni.-ty deoire. AlBOBg his
ooteide Mooeiatoa he maintaiiiM at bo iitth
eoet fl"' lapotatioB "f being a g??<><l fellow.
\H ia suii.-iiiiK' with liiin. and the rainj daj
aboal vihiih e-ODoeaiata aro itwaja prattag
?eeeaa to him mong th<- ioipooaib-Mrtee, or nt
IbBBI the iniprobaliilitii". of his lifi*. Alas! all
his piopporiry la at the B.OHQ. of unn ovt-r
B*hooa ailuuis hu h:is BO eOBtfolj wljo. if
they pay la\i-hly for hi.s lahor to-il.i\,
inav not want it to-morrow ; wlm aro Ihi'in
siiM-a aaatiag upon a greater aeale thoir
graater luooorcaa; md aho m;iy to*flB)now
fail fot a niillion, ibut up the f.-itory, put
,,ut the ti:'1**. *>u>v tho Biaehinery, paoae io
boilding Of in uiiniiiK, uml lOBTO the opi ra
tivo to .xist ns ho eaa, Tho ttttle bbbi tha nn
to Iill; tho Uttle form.. nri- to ho dothod ; the
hoUBtl 1-Hl il tO ho p.aiil, to say BO-hfBg of
iiak?-i-' ittxi lralphw-r hiii- abaody oatatend
iiiK; anil ittoflOthor tbo outlook is di..inal ami
ib hponito. Soiuo mon, unilor nuoli Mlble oir
rtflBiatoBffi hHa.ol.il theBuolrea t.? tho ji.iwii
linikrr'i dMp <t tho bar-rnoin ; hahiu of
?hiftlaaaaeee aad letf-iadalgoaee aad laaiBeea
arr foi im'I Md fostornl; thoro ia trouhlt'
al hoino, then ia BO rational ooinfort abroaal;
huiI m this \\av niiiiiy a proml. ili'iniitr.itit
AuK'rii'.in, who Ihoon tionlly eoaalden hilBBeH
the iqUiil (,f BifBOe an<l Ol nnllionairo, is
for.oil. in iimititicatioii af -piril, to niliiiit tbat
ln< il BIOOOtllBglj lik" a PBBBar. [f BOlf
n spirt ho Miiall he may gO <m .Irinkiii^, antl
lfiiv. his fainily to be ki pt alivr hy thi con
tent-i of tho pnblk loop kettloo; if the onfor
tiinato man is "f proutl, uonsitivo nitun-. ln
is iu ihuipr nl Imogbig or ahootfasgordrowa
iui; 0T poisaaiiini.' himsilf. \Va< ha\<- tttt rar.-ut
iiiKtan.'t'K of suiciJo bofOti u-, ami ifl aaah
raso "want of . mpliiynnnt" is BBligWOd u.s
the laaaafl te ae-f-aaflrdar.
Jt wotilil, ?>f oonrMo, hi- ntipirtltinus for nn
lo point OUt tht1 uttor sillislni.-sH ot tho man,
if a man Mefa I pcr-on oan be raOed wlm
[aaaaa shoto loast eapable of anataiaing tho
hiiriloii to lii-ar it IflaHtd arul ahoir. A hiw
hiiml au.l fathri who abaadoood bia foflailj io
? bai?iflg housi, wh.-ii hi- ogecUeoM _aighl
raoeoa it, aroold be aaireraallj doaonnood aa
B hrutal poltroon; and tho hi-.ul of .1 hOBOO*
hobl wlm hanga bbBBetf t?> oaetpa tho apoe
taolo <'f '? boM boarth and oa nhaaBtod
l.irihr is a oharartoi no nion- pCBBWWarthy.
A Iitth- plu? ?? fOeO ii grOfli way in this worlil,
ami wo ishoiihl he Huny to think that ..ur
roiintryinon al anv eiaia nro ihliciiiit ifl thi|
uaviliK |Bflllt| '-I '.liiU l't'T Tlio POOfOOt
man bere in rieh in eompari-ion with the
peatflflt man in any other country. Wo know
nothiug of waut iu it* most lrightf.il anpoot;
anything like u fauiitm ifl here iiiipo.-oniblc ; u
BBM of death by involunt-ary nt.u vation ifl
?ilmn-tt an much 80. It kttfl the stomueh
Wbieb Biitl'ors in Amorioii-it ii tlio proud heart
an.l tho iinpationt, noul. Wo suoouuih not to
ebaolate -vant, but tO fret aud woiry, t<> ni?>r
tiliiil pir-.tial ptidfl aml WOandfldaulf 0alM-B
rii.* Bnropenn paaperboaataaf bbi loopednad
windo.v. .1 rngfedneea, bia empty pot, anl his
,apitaii/o.i diaeoooa tha Aaierioan with whom
thinga are nol going wall thiuk- of notbing ao
iniich aa *.f ko rpiag up mpeaiaaafli aml of
hiding his iuipuvoii-hiui'iit from the eyofl of
tllO MOll.l.
It fleflfl-fl to Ofl that thi* i? a .piality of ehar
.? :.*r which mI.oiiI.1 Im- of greal flfltT-M ia what
?.*., in a.'oiistoiuod to call " hard Mincs." Itlfl
n.it, to ba aare, a doahrabie trait if it aspaada
in foree ia b-bdIa ahaai and labterfoge; but
it may I..- neef-Hjr exerdaed ia nutking tfce
bed ol a bad aaatter, wbieb is tha oaly pflnai*
hi. way of bettertag lt Wa havo arrired at
... poiatwhen our anireraal deatarity an.l power
ol accoinmodation may mitigato the most
pixaalnf irriin, nnd, fri good tiaae, remedy theaa
altogather. If in aoeiety al large then* is ao
reaaoB bn deapair, we naght to rea-amber
tfcal Hoeial aro but :in BggiegatiOB of individ*
nnl f.iriiim-s, and tliat ov.-ry unit tnust ib-Xt.
|0 thfl i.tiiniing pio.npority of tlio wliolo.
Tbere eaa bfl aathiag htal, notbing
penaaaent, cvu in the awflt buaentohle
prontration of trade and mainilaottiro...
A giant eountry may be iti aeed <>f refcenh
in.nt, bat it in ? siaat atOl. " lt naigbl bare
?I* ,u Hiii'-i" is a eapital o.ni.iol.ition for
.-v.iybody to oarry aboal with him. Aml ii
mighl havo beea. We are aot amitten by
peatllence. No bUgM bna wnated our ia
liiuuorai.io acrea, No InmnioB of ? flwd
.nriiiy has redaeed onr eitiefl to nafcaaot
deeimnted our popalattoa. As ? jiroplo wedo
uot know what greal geaeral public inffering
ie, An, indi-idlialfl th.re i* no troubloal hand
wbiob wt in * v nol n lolntelj confronl an.l
mnqniah; nnd it is f<>r tbe individnn] thal wt
have beea writing. Tho reenacitatioB oi th.
ooaatry haa aln.uiy began.
Calob Qoeten waeni sneh an ideal eharaetei
efterall. Thara lan aan in Eeat Cereatry, l'mu.,
wbo ia not a Uttle like him. His aame laJobn&
ir.-i.-iii _, He la afarmer. He isalaoaa aaetieneer.
Heialikewise Bpcofeeaof ?'t moate,aod rooefoor
.li.-iui*' ud aeporate alofi-f aehoiria, with ao aa>
gregatoof Beorlytwohoodred poptla. What with
iiilll.llV!!)..'. Ilil.lll* UV. iiU'l lU" blfl-fOl 'j.ll'l'-ln. be
haeapteotj ta de.
.\((*ii;*!i' latel] niuiii-'l themaelrea al Glidden,
town, in the preeenee "f choreb and eongregatlon.
TbeyatDply a*aaoinieed tbelr tntentioo, and th.-n
they i.m i-i eo. b other. II iaaooonrnglogte aotl. i
thal thoogb inoorati roaaeeaa toha aii tborafl
. -uil odberedto. Ooi poor aooa aaaj IWeto
. thal al)vli--lif*?l a ao._
.,1'isi. ..rn;* Mi-r-...:. aTOX- wnw rtvroMtMl*.
?? Iluiiipiy Dumptj Aiuoiui" wm broagbtoul
ni th. .ii *'**i Opera h*jh-.- lant m.-in, mul .*..i. ae. n t>| a
. ii.nv.i. Tn-* leeka Hke reel m.* tu thta
theetei ib '. tu the Inl Uaaa la many _re_ry peotha,
_ leeeaa Bhore the hariaoo, lerga !""i brUiiaet.
In lur) paeallor Uoa Mr. U. L. FuX i*? WBOl
tl.o yi't _H)j*r I'lu'iii'*) c.rl'.'it N *?>.*,. m.
B iii!i|*.iit?-- ' withool aoaedel iai wtthoota Bhadew."
wiiimtrm be Baaeeaaa n to* paoper roootlon he ih aa_
.-. i ru! tu thfl .nnl'.* -t i-xl.Ml. Wa ll iv.* H'.t n|*:ir.* lur
pr???,. nl '!' ' l'll)!!"" 'if .BW I" iti'.-tiiiilH'. IB liii'illtc
(l.iiiil, nor m tlmt i..w in .''?r.-itry. T*> 1000*8 U-* IToi-Imt
tlii'-ii .11 will ..iiiiii- IBB ti)*' ui.ini. nt. lr ili.iuu.l-i
mM, Hiir.ii irteha aod U * aaaheUiahed ?i!i.
t.ri..it iini *'H ? .Oeryi aml Mr. f ?
iiii-ii ,!.?, it tr un * mi tn i-n*! .wiii hia 'K-iirtf.'lt drollery
.iiii irr. pr.'-.lil. ini-. !u*f. lt B MBBOthlagi BU1 lf, '??
... i i h. rt wImi imt .niiy in.il iyoa aofh, bol
? ii-. .if .'li.ariK'tor in tl)<* indivnliiiillty of tn.'
j, atcr aod ol tj _bm trt i ii ton 1 Ib hla peraeotfleettoB ol
ini.i'.iiev.iii.-fni1 Mr. F.?t wn-i i.in.lh BOd **fl.'n np
o an !*-*i by :i artwtly tt; .-'it.'.i mhI anee. Mera p-rtieo*
irar raforroea to tlu. aoh|nal .un.-t be (eaerrefl tin
iiiii'iii.-'.' 'i..>
lt.).*IIi'n TIIKAITK.
Tho rovivnl of " tnli.il.)." at Rooth'ft Tben
ti-r?imiii.' 00 M'ni.li.y .if.ii:?preeeB8a ttmt t.*rrtl)lu and
ererwheb-i-f traaedy lo t Lt** Baaaa ajereaoea aooak
.lr. M, tli"ii-ii I' 8-008 8 little WB8B, wl.ii.ii iOOerolOfl it
wheo lt wea tret efered at iiu.* baoaa ihreo yeoraeao.
A inciuro nu iitiri'.iiic uml nn tfleodld as tliat of tlio
erriTBl loCyproa wooM hoaet oey tt*** aodflellaht
itt'.v i-..-1-ii.M ii_'*,-unil|!liin B80O-POOBOtOf ******tXL Mr.
Booth'a Otuttt haa eftea beea daearlhed. It ia an ol>vi
wum ri-niiirk that ha la. ht ihr ptiysicitl ntiture auil waiaM
ttnii im- ii.cifiii tn tiiittio .M-keaaoaaaoa kt-Bt?oe mat
terwaotaaay -bppbb te ba Ihe alaa of aetoal ataore.
IMt. iii lOtetleet-Bl atateiiupg*, ln liii-iit aml pni.i** *af
u. ii'TuU'* aoaoOoo, '.ia Boeooeeiow aaoaoeoBoliy, andin
ji.iiln* tom, Mr. Booth'a Uthillo B BBOBOO?OI tvlili
rfliakeniiO.il'.*''' tiiin'optloii?3ml tt-* fnnn 1. bOOOUML He
.i teiaa hi-* lorutat inimuut of i>.itlioa in the .iosiac: ?**'.?!]*'.
.ini without leeooraa to phyaleel phaaanaoa of I
m.ik. ? ttu m-:f--i..:ritlfe aa awful aml aa pathetn- BB lt
-:.,'i.l- iu -!i'ik.ii>.'tr.*,ri U>\t, Tn Ui.ht tn* will .;*?: / BBB,
aml .>n tlie other 1-808 8*888-888 "f tha WOOfe will Hnptiar
a* Shyloek. Ofl Piatiinlay afU'rnnni lio wni por-ioiiatb
Thi Stramj.-r und Petrtichio Mr Il.otli will horOBCtOd
eloreo I'ttti**, tu fotutweoho, wben liis ?ut*:a*ciiieut clu-iea.
a anaarir vur buiiiuu oob-jm.
This jouniiil nioiitioii.il, on tho 20ih innt.,
tlie BBOOBBBd bt-netlt pprf.)riiiaiu,<'?to ocour at tln1
A* ia l*iu> nf Murilr on l).c. *J0?m aiit of dcttit.ne (iiban
baai.i'a iu ti.ir.tity. Ihetfonnaaala Caha hatt, tsaeed
iiit.i .-tii*' oiauy wnmrn, tiiiltlreu, and agetl 1888, BOd
tl.?-, r*.'fii.ri'ri?iii gOW York aud otln-r 488888088 litii-t
?are unemplovcd, and lu 8 rond.tion of nuaorablt* l?
Mfr~wn. BaaldOtheOB888?08888B8B8 a anntlier anil a
,>|ii, ml olBBI "f rte?_-*, tlie wnlown and orpliana of iu**n
wlto \tnr>* slaua-litered af tli.' OBBOOBa of itio VirKituu..
DeiaaeBlaaa poaaaly, eeahaHaaad t>y cru**i baeeaaooaaaM
_i l l.itt.r ttrl'I, wt-iKlia wuli rOO-OMed taaa upon tlie-o
BflUotefl BaitBO Any tBttt f**r their relief aml BBBBBB 8
iii.tiiifnallr WOethl. aml tiiitt wlii.-li will I.e ruadi* hy IBa
ilnrily Ainatoii' Draiuatlo Aixot-lation ilioiild lr
_it peaalhla aoee-roaaaaaaa and aoppeeh ItaBaflB aaay
be heoght at tha raaaaoa haiBBi ami alehat an*i at tha
riJ.Jiu.-. .Nu. S3 WsM Tw.ntv fniirtli st.. ?>f tlio riooii-ty ti
tha Looe~ool lha Deeghlereel <'uha.
iBToan oa a_aam_*a raia.
A rhoorful inoidout of tho Holiiiay 8eaaoa
B tBe return of Mr. BolWOBB-80880WBM BhOW. Witli
i h.r.icicriii!..! .-iiliipri-i , IhB BTerlfl'a Fiir ti.ia amld.-nly
beea hraanhl t>ack nnd aotoh?ahed nt IBa Btoh iimi i
iiik?l.at.-ly Viunt.'il l>y 188 Aiiii'rlciin leetltOte Ktii ai?
ll,. a,?iin un iittriirtiiiii to pl.'itmiru .""kiiM ii iiiiitika
8M*8 wtt*, it wm ha ofx'ur.i t.) iiiKht. mi.l it wiii
ii.. ixiiiiiit.ii in ihe afteraeeo aa weii ea thoera?laa,
tliiriiiK' ll'*' wl."'*' pi'rin.l of Ita s.ij ),iiii in N.w-Ynlk. U
i-t.ti.-nln. M licfnr.-. of ni'iia,- r,i-, ma-v-iiiu. tmtttrtt*.
T-8 Uii.k llutl'liiii.- will it.-i.iin.iliti- a.tiiK) poOOlOi tti _
Wa ar.* toid IhM ii will bo auiitalily lioalcd aad \du
raa riioaoi.
Three ezhibitioaa of " Tbe Pilgriaa'' wUI be
L-iu t, ,it iiiiin Hall eo Tii-iiiit-i.. t iiik Doy. aod Ihlapia
t.artitl and nalnui v peOOtOBBB - lUOBtaataTB of uw ti ttu*
graateal -ami ni**-*. beeottful aUoaorlea la Uteroloao 4a
now egheed at BBeh low aalooa aa pi.t**.* iiae ttiofutot <>f
iu haooaee aad beoefltewllhla the roa hof eUeloaaea
in 'I.. . i.iiiiiiiiiuty.
i*)\Y cv-iiDK'ni oraaa aouaa.
A ii.'tv picoo, k'him'itii? nt thfl troublo.1 iu
Coi .i.n* * upi' "iie.tii_.ii'f l.>ii> BBatOe-OBOBB ll.'.tac lt
la.iiiltil "(ii. ...i'i. D.-iiv. rir.t.or Vi* t.iry an.l Vi*nt>. ,*n,-*>."
M.-a*ra. Millltt an.l J.lfr^). uyiniiaHta. wiii. ?lvillfiilly
perforaaonoe ti..-flvmn tropoeoi i.i-*" aafaor aoao tin*
at-gej BOd ?* \i" ii i-*i '"in -Boflea Meela Delli -Mr*
Wnre- i* MhOWwe ii r-.vnlNi.it .*.?-i'tivf> BSfl u .uinn. .1
Miiiii.if atTniiy litniort wiii in* kivi'ii aa fhankagitiaa
Tlio Ac:i(lomy oi Mu**..'. on ThaakagiTlaf
iii_ui, wiii botheaeeaeef * *m***u*V* \> rieaaa-oei -ia
wio.ii *r.\"x ii piiiniui* ut aelora oUI patttt-tp-ti tm tha
liitielll of Ihe N.'if (iniri-l) <*f Bl Aariu-n. m | i-t l-'.)jt>
llilr.1 at. of wliiot) tlio R?v II <? M i.-iliiwall 1. t*i-t r
'in inr i. ii.iin |irmiii?i..i >? i Haehea .iiouid niuiivo onttt
to imw t oreOfl -"d io ro-rti.l ii.
I aritia... ,1 froaa rira. Pa?e.
orally liclil ininii-li HtriiMfcr re*-'ry?. than ia held by
aajotharbaah iu BagkadterM?? BjaBajahad i.y ..nr
baahillg .uwi. ll oa . onilii. tiil wilb tii- ur.nloal
<:iiiti..n .nnifor.-nKfiit.uiiii y<t, hy I'lst B8aha_aiaa
or panii-a BBIin.-iiiiom-.l, it, Iihm tlin-r fiim it wiiImh
tt V.'ara pr;u:ti<ally ..xliau.it.-.. it * naB-TB, 99hi il bBB
BBBB BBVoi from luinkiuptry only I.v a mispoUrMo ) "f
tlu- l.aw wlii.-li tlnirl.rai it, anil l,y an iinliiiiii.-d iaa.uo
et [ :i[,.-r miiii.-y 441 tta ot i r BBI mity. lt wtk* a f.-w tlaya
age IhiaaOMMd with a lihe ratum.. aay, au.l Ma i>anb
in_r tli'partin.-iit wbb but little htroiiKi-r than our . ilf
NaaVmol baaaa wara in Oeteta r, aaaa they peoa.
tnally eaapeaded tBttht twrmttt**** He woald bea
ivi.o tii.tu 4v)ni . ..nl.l f<>!.-?*???? aii.I Buanl or ii,-' a
mmmt Baaaa with aurh axaaaded eradita a* wr. muai,
ti.aarily have."
M OO yoa paapOOe to An -_t.\tluui_ whfin Conin-o-aH
Baaaaablaa tearard Ine-. bi Ibi ".rr.'"' l'"
?? ii.at I eaaaet t.-li," a?awared Hr. Siornian.
"What ran Oon&r. as ilo '"
"All CoBBOBB, ran do is to IBtB-I- 8888*8 .,?rnnty
f.ir all <-iirr,'iny i.-'ii-'1, to iiiiiiii'-'ii'i ! ll piir with
gold; to gaaid acaiaat BrtUeial leaniti ia lOBaaaf
paale, ami thaa to Iaaae aO perBaaBfaaatabaya
wii. berlar,azehaagBi hiaV barraw, mti ordapaM
i*. th.-y will at th.'ir own ri-k "
l'llMI-YIN'. iiii: BEMCH.
liai.N'. Bjuma btbubb ai'I'oim rn ta an nuaca.
;nr rr.1_i.1t.4r11 ro nn lanaaa i
WisntS'.i'.v, Nov. ao. Cheilea T. a-haraaaa.
Uaited Stata* Juu_ef.>r tht Northern Difltrfal of
Obla a8_etl_t TTB-Oi irivo c_ar_,.-.- i>-i*-il. wliicb
44iti- Baada th.- tahp <t of _B~__tiBBliOB hy t-he
Baaaa CJoaaaailteea al ffeyi ami Maaaa aai Ia
didary, La eoaaectiea with bia UBpeaebaaeat, haa
tM-gaed nn aaaae, ami tha Praald-ot te*
day ap!)"iiit--<l Miirtiu WpIImt of Ohla <<*
th.' vu. nny. .Jii'l.-'. BhaeBaaa araa appotat-d bf
l-i-, -i.i, -it JohaBOB in H-ur-h,M07. Jndga w.lk.-r
11 ai a -Biaaln ?'f tba XXXIXtb, Xl.th. and XLIafc
l'..:i_.i.-*_.-?. trom tho XIV'tl. 1> -stri. I .-/ Ohhh, BBd
iraB-Bgoideda-iao abla uml aprigat lawyer. Ho
4,,.i- |ii-i-.i.iia'iy 4'i.v popular,and bia appoiBtaaaal
tojodidalhonots aaa aifad by bmbB ?t tht Adnda*
i-,iaii..n laodafa la th,- Btate. Ha wm bera m OU*
Bod baa baen Jadga of the ~I_h Diatricl f.r iva
\,.ir-, HeaBiBBBlfloTBTairr aaal Jadgi Atfecafea
Oeaeral of tlo- Btate,
A 1'llOIUlil B< 1I4N..K IN .Ut. BBMAfl 00-0lf ?' 1UK
W lamBOTOB, 1 ii.--.1ji-. Bat
WAtaVXatOB, Nov. -...-I.itut.-tl.-ii. >l,i-r;.l.m will
:.ni4i bera ioadoyor taa ttt tta par].I aaa
Mllioffwitb th.- 1 .T-.i.l.-iit, tin - ? "far,
11..- >.. 1, ury o? th. Int. imt, aad Ihe CeeflBiariaaar
nf In.liaii Ail'air-i 111 n-t^ar.l to tl..- trov.-niiii-1 t "l thn
Iii.it_-.n-*. Tbe t'r.'.|ii.-iii ralda bjr bdaa-B,darti r_ha
p? ? .-i.inm.-i. li.i.i r.-ii.l'i'.'.l il ii' ''s ".< '!-'?' 'n"r'*
lUJBllOOl BIBBBBIIW I"- BdOptl 'l to 1.? >-v.? 11T 1. i.r
01 -1 iv.iks, antl it i. H-OflgM tlu- prapoeed eenl
44iii n'.-iiiit Laeereral hnparlaal i baai lof ?'?
ont poliey for their gorera-Beat Al praaeal '.ho
imlit uy eannol tollo-.v iinr.ni'la:i ? ladiaoa oa theat
ii-.-iv-.iii.i-. ai'.l t!..-; 'baiag awa i "i -hiato
qoently eoBunil depwdationa ;''?'' retani t" Ihtkt
leeeirotteoa iu u-.urry to cect.'e pBB-8i.aB.0Bl bj Uia
' . .f tln< CaiTaBI V 1'- i' ?' ? '" 'nn
rft-TUIII.cnaliatT'II ". I ? ?' ''?
BeetlOB I "f tii- ii'-t of li.U. '-''.. w'.itIi |ir?v.il,-.! Ihat
iifl.T ttl<-wboi?-I'll.OOfi.a. ") of IBa iiri'iilitiim -aliili h3T*?
mt* -Uatribatad, -weaty-tre bbUBobb B-MHIoaal abal
!,.- -.'tinlraia-n lr-.iu tin- -.ankinic iasoi*intl-)u- uruMOiinO
la Maf.-i lartag an Baaaaa, aad -toMBalaa' aaaaaa
BtatiBfl having tuin t_?a tii.-ir prapertlaa, craOartaaa
lacliofl IbBl anioiiiil woul.l b8 4ritlnlrB4vu fr.nn N**
V'.rk, MaaaBabaaatta OBBaaetleBl, tai gBaOal laat,
11 u.l tlai* t'aautrulla-r al_- rti?;ial_8liii.'Ui_* Ulu iiul ua 11- . t.011
uf >4v, utr-Ure mllUona hut.! ol enrr-ocy, i - bt
ut.'l amoUB H.n BUI4M wlii.'U un- .lrll-i. ..1. ii ... Y.
tti.1 ".i- Southaod tu,- W--it. H" - "f ' ' "-^
l r-qulra trom thtea ta Uv.; yBBU n * KBlMtB
thlfl l 1 l.llTll.l. illUDiUat
niTI-HB-T ON BAlfC DlPOfflTfl
I1F 1:1 ; OB BBBM UKuat-iTioa raOBIOCnBO in
raaaai ob oBroeira i*< urr batiomai ob
navATfl -Ubk?bbuo BaroBCBM-ari <)K raa
A.r BBxanva 10 raa caannc-noa 01
W.v-ijini.tov, Nov. i").?The forllu oinm.. rit
port attba ('outr.ill.-r of Ihe Ca_T~u_) -i I eoflrtalB tlt?
fu11..wiih; ou the .iibj.-i.-t of " lat-<r._t 011 .l.-po.-it- a'i>l
OPrtlHa-atii.n of ctit.rl-8:"
In my Iaal BBBBBl ri-jmrt I r.-fi-rrpil t.ri.-llr to tba ''viia
raaulUag fr.uu tlao p..yni. nt of ini,-re,t upon ilepaieita,
an.l my pr. il'-i. sraors hava- fr. ijii.'iiiiy i-f.ti.-.l i..,,r.-al
l.-iortfi to tlm r..iu.' sniijr-rr. Tii,- tluU.tiu 4 haa Bara tual
tba Mopoaed keBlalBttoa br(Joac-_ai npon thia auhjert
w.miii appiy only to tiae BatloBal Banka. T.. aBeoi ?f
nn. li l(-?i*tlati..n woulil bo to oriii,,' .s-.ni>- 'nali- .1 wi
Ina baiuUr-, orn"ani.vi1 hy auiIi.Tity of th dlff ?t
stat.-a, tn dlreot c.u.p.-tii 1, B with tii- Nutio'i al !..i_li* m
?eeurlna tha aoeoonta of eon_*ponda.ota .n.,! dealt-ra.
Tii_N.iiii.-uil liaiak- 4vili be Aaolronaol retaiain/tbelr
bmluear.. and thi*. more Bnaempulona aroulO
n,'t h.-.sitat.- t? e?ada th?< law bj 1 lt rlBB "' B?ta aal
loctioti- throiuhout tho i-ountrv fr. .< of nh.irifc,
lo laay uiui .-?ti|aiorlia .witliout 11 mmiaaioo and lag i
diAOontit p.ip.-i al low rati-c Tlu.- |.r.,p<,v>.l acll.1 tlia
1 1.-,iiTi-.a< huoaa iu thei c ity of Bow-York, if aitopt. .1 by
tbe ClranoB-boiuaa of ibe pnoiipai eitlae of tn- L'tnun,
-.aliili .ln iiiuri'tn pri'Ve-nt Ibe B-JWeill of nit.-ri--'?n
d.'iiosits tiian any OoPBteealoeal enaetnienr. But tna
t-vii. resnliinir froin tno pavm.iit ot. lutereal apeo
depoenaaral-Tbo moaiiH coiiflii?*d to the att/ titTkA.
It in.iv ba .-a.tr.-i> ...nd ihat tin. euetoaa, vbled preraila
ni aliuont .v.-ry cliv and Tlll BBI tt tl**- I'i.'oh. b i- ,1 ???'"'
ui,,ri* taan any otbaf to Beo_on-lla? ta..- Baaa ,. ? al
bankiuK. .vtato b.nia.t, private tH-Bkefa, aod .
tlona unda*r tho gnlaa? of MtlBBB -..-li-. BTaiyBbMBp
ottt-r rat. ? i.r nita-n-si upon Oapoaati w ia. u ronuol emtety
b>. pai'l i'.v iliuet! t-u?__c-.l lu i.tritiui.ite hualneai Ba
tiu'ial itiii'iVs. .li-.sirouaof rotialunof Ibi; i.u.ln -.- of IbeB
dealer., aiso iu.i80 naualUi' off.-ia*. autl Ibe reeuli '- noi
oiilv'aii Lacreaaa of tbe ratea of lutereal paKl tiyibiKiaraj
maa, bat, a* a eoe.Bean-iaoe.t lnreatmcota ia un? ured
loaua, lirliiiiiiiK ulinuate loat hoth upon Uio BbBBBBBM.
ers of tlu* lianU nnd tlm dopOflltOtB.
TU'. kiu.l of Hitfiral-iti.ii) ntfil. (1 i4 that wln.'ri *ball
i|,pi4 to ,a,i banka aod oaafcen alllca, wball.? "aniBeO
iiudi-r tbe Natioual Curenej i<-t ar *tttmtwtm. A ia*w
proiiioitinK tin- p.ivii.etit iif laiereatoa ?lepoaiui?i tba
Natiounl baukA wiii iiav.- Uttle eBect, hbbmi fi.iiiv-., i -y
-laaiiuir loalaletloa un,l.*r atittiiarity of the <ii_ r* nt
-uai.-., and taa ..? i. ttttla Iidik- t-tat aaeb leK-alattou '*ii
br ail.t.iita. .1 Tbe .NtIii.ii.iI CiriT-ii.-y ai-l. witl'li waa
poaaed .larniK th<* war. pruvid.-.l lot a tna ,.t i>i"- aall ???
.,...- pei < < ni aooa all aepaaita, and mbaequeol inUTual
rerenua -BBlaUtion axteaded tnli ta*; to all d i?,-iu
ma.tr wltb Btate banka .oa.i amn. l-la.i. hankon. iiu*
at b- .--,, iiiini v at 4?.,r t.ix, and ahould. in nxj judgvaeat*
bO rCPralad Wltb otiier siaaalUl _iiterii_.l r_4a_i,i, Lai.
Hoa; -tnal I r-TT,1111111-1.,!. il l?-.-i*i..!.,,ii U i?rv
?oBed oii iMa t**h\ tt, Ibal tin* b.w N ia BBBaaaaa
M M r.'i?Tl ttna t,i\, a.. iar a.a il apiiu.-t u> tk>
iii.md deflOflMa, and tiiat au lui-r.a-'.l rif ot
taxaiion t?- ta-peoed uia.fa.nuly apoa ail u. |M,8i: a winrh,
.?iilia-r dlrocily or lu.ilr.'.-ili, are pia.od \*nii baaka
urbnakera,amb tba otf.-r it exp-actntton ol rocei.?a
iuit)iii-i. .sucii iPta'iaiaiiou. if rijritiiy autorued. ?Ul ii.8Y?
ti,, . U'.rt noii'iiiy to raduaetb. mi. of im -r.i i tb-_B__*
eut tlo* i-ountry, om will, nt tbe Muue lliue, pnrenl Utt
il..-i,'iiiiuiii<- orfanlaalbrn al la-lMa baaka, iba ,i^.n,i-a
lim. uf wlai ll Hlii.ill.l BB ;ill,.w.-'l "inv uiMia lio- i-o'idlHi.a
that lb_ B-ivm/A a.f ilu* pa-i.pi.' Mi.tll r-r ,-ii,".i!'? and
prudentlj lu.eeted,and tba intereal arlaiua "" i?*,j','l"?
,iitoi ,i. ,in, n.TBa- raaeoaabla axp aaaa, d - i-,ui ??* 'rou'
t ni,,- to BBM tU IbO depOOttOn aud tO U.a ajtlaii-,M.raoua
at i itaoevi i. , ._,
Tm u.t OfManb 9, isiW. atith..--,.r, a th- .piH'intmaaa
ulu r.-ivtier, if BB) I tt', er. i-l.ik oi BJtei t of auy ?>*?
tii.iiul bank aball oertlfj au) cht.ek draarn upun nm
bauk, uuL aa -beporaon or compauy dra?iin.' -iJi,,ti1
-laail uai.- on dopoalt ia sui.i uaak it t.,,- mi)'- aald aaaw
LacertU-ad .an .iiui.uut of ui 8t_'> .T.aji t.i ii- ,i:n"<",?
N|? lltl. ,1 lll -,l, II B-tH-.-lt Kl-.-i-IVrT^ ll.,!.- I)*?U .l|,|,.llNa.Tl
t.ii-tu.- .Niiin.n.i itinii ?>t tboCo-B-flonaeatlb "' t*fW'
York, aad I,.- N,'4*-i)iTi-iiti? iiaukiiti. Aaaaeiatioa uui-?B
tbe puAt >? ir ot rkilatloua "i u.a- a.'i; aod u ?_ '"*''""
trutiou of .ln- r.mtr.ill.-r n r i.ti.-i t,. n.-i-ily iiuiorro
tuia aol vbaaerot ha _ aa laBa 111 aaob 4 iouliaa
Tmtt KmiH-ror Williaui hfll boea ?i*ivi_n-?I *?.
Iti* pti\.-a,'...ni to k.'.-p .ulli-.-ly al .-f i"io Rall ?9'ir*
Tho Aii.livw .) .liiis.iii wii,- r.v.'tviiU P-tfn^
fora i-oiiiliiuiiti,.ii plBBB 11 BBl iu.- "* l-Bl 't'i"-!> " *
1 ni Fi Ui.-ih.-o BBBB wa.. BBI 808aBlBBBMBM 18OOBTBBI
tan* BBBBBi
AiolMohop Maojaiag hao booBgM au :o''"'n
f..r niuiid.-r iK..tuif Kr. B. Watatttht, ? Rt *> ataO baaaa
in the Ur.lisii ll.aitao of loiniuoua lor bia Uo.U Ul. ?
Koaian C ithollelaai. .
Tho Bot, WMUbm -o_?-i ,v d- ?*? l"
i..-ariv.-. ...pi.t.d tba aaa aaaae- biaoeaiacaiaaf **
BadnnBBTa tiimMUttat C*m?b,bai aaaomMBd ???
li.loo.iad -1.BIB.-BI IU- A.U...a l.at liUIBJb?fl8 BBBBF
va-irr* t.l.-.ai.tt.-al vtul. ni-'t ou.y ib-n-ii-ioua We tt **?
Y-.rk, bal wuh Ba aajbaal and baai aaatal. ^hrnmt****
,.,, .I_-____88bI ,ullor,<. Ho - riinca tba ttmt ini't tt *?
a,m": *Xtt m i.._fr"r-).i'-..iai rbir **?**"
'"...-.aiiaKlTal Hu.uiual). wUKl* BOOUiOO bll WlU _B~*