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? ISriPj v^ NKW-YORK. RIOlfDAY. DBCBMBEB 1ft, I873.-TRIPLE SHEBT. PRICE FOUR CBNT8. WA8HINGT0N. TIIE NATIONAI, FINANCF.S. ALARM AT TltK MM0VBB1 ?)K T1IK UANKK1IFI 00a> ornoN ov thk. ti;k?.sory -MQHI ok sk i;i: TAKY T*Tf T(i MI1KT TUK. KF.sroNMl.ll. 1TY OF TUK rROl'dSKK 1NO.KVM ON lO'lUI" ?*V- ANl> MF.ANS < OMMITI Kl.- III 1S Hl KJIHMS TO 8TATK Itltf BjajaMM IIIK IIBBUO l'KKI' IN CRKA8K1. 0MUMMH ?***' MONTH 1111 RBV1 MtKH NOT 1NCKEAS1M. IIIK UUHMI1IBH OB BVAYS AND MKANS AMI AITUOPMATh >N* 01 pkrkbtt aooobd?vmuini to ? bbhjci d aNu mUO WoRk'- STOIMMP. [nv nuiun to tiie IBIMBB.] ?WABTMM.roN, DM. 14. -Tha aniii'iMicri'i ;it tbal Rn-.rvtary Kirli.tXctMon WM in wijlit i>f ttM bottOW of hia nioiifv ibiaaa. baa aaaaed alm<*t evaq otbai ?ubjtct if ih.Miis.sion to !?<' lOTfOtUO, ] BBteid ly :ui?l to-day. and tli. Cabaa didloaltiea aad aall havc gtaaa paaaa aa rM?" ?"???"'?"?? i -'?"?'araattoa MM alann at tht aaaeaffl iy of v.iiat Tiii. Tiit.u \i. li.. ?ditori.illy vvarmd Ika coiiiili.v lor BaOOaba wuuhl aurely oorur. It BffMBBia It 't SwrPt-m- Ki haidson. wl I hfl foiiti ! tha !iis f>> 'lis'.i Bli nddMi iiiHU.iei'iiieiit "f OaaTiuaaa rjtad aaadea laa^ iaareaae ai IniUM |f imtliii toriad t<> ablfl tlio reapoaalbtlttr ef makm.; UM In N tf :ii>'"' <!'< rtwaMetlol ttM W;ivb and aaaaaa Committee. Bc fafl btaaMheA tha eab joct in whmiiIIw arttb oartaia ineinbers of tba Ooinmitt<< . vsli n it IM uiidfihtoiKl tliat tlicNr aaaaayafc iMaddtMBa l<it<i tothaCoBtuaitaaa,aaa tmu foitii tba anjaaag al tht ajaajattaa a:i<i ?aklag i?'vi>'r,;i!i-i,(t I'l.iiis :i* la ahaaBiaaaBbelB crra.*^!. awaaaalH bj ?1ip laaaaaai lai nlBattai tli< I?aamril adayoi tva rfbir, aha OeaaaailBee m-. i%..i n pli eal tba exaaetei letaaraaaatalaae ! in tbe brtanal I ( | proTidtng fai tlu IMftmil ?:> tatamal taxoa, aad Oh aibaj draara la 11m I - ftawaa, ro!i:;iiniiii-' l>r<^ mions !<>r T( ? t.tnfl un tta aajonliia I i iebillawareaoooaaaaftMl b? ataf mai katard InMaaawaaon.altfBad, it i? rapoxtan, bj Aaaataol - i ???' 8awj?r, Taa awaiaaii ?>f ????? <:oiniiiiti.-. ?r?n todigaant a1 thia actanpt oi ^r gjeha di ?b !? : ' Ihaaduna <-i ariirtaa in.. ? ? ? - ";IIV h> i.? , . ,;ni.' taaaeiaaiag. lli<* lailaw to sv ptaaalaed latter, V.v y aaaaaad (? r . .1 aa :in aalarl to dodf* bahind tl mittee, andloa eaataBafdtaal aaaatiai oo Fi day, aad paaaad ? naeratie* aaUng taaaa ia arrituu foxda i f Uiatkm, and laraalaottefftkc .,,., ? , , :? bai commnakatton a* thc pfaa ti aa] lazatiaa, Kadiaqaaattnt tnat I (!ll ., : iad um arapoaed Mr. Kir' i. ?'!? a/aa drirai aoraai bf taia molul on. ' ? ? ??? "? ll1'' f<,f0in i-nt :.h:i- li i i .iiiil vkita laiha aaaaaM oi b> ,.r(li(lJ, , . : th i Oaamittaa waaM !">?>' oMiciugai U f?( i-'- Tha BJaaabataaCtaeCaBunlt IM .,,, .1 tl.?t tha whala aaataararaaaal k,.,,; a , .:.;,! ii?. y waw prepawdta , ,H ,?, . ? ,,t in Haanata kt Ikajaaytaal {hl.., . Bceretarjp'i aobaaac wffl a \Mth dalagatiaaafraao . n ).h tha prapaaad ,,.,.,. , ? . LiflM v. .11 i-? 01 I ?: I m <>i thata ..:i :.t UwTKaaai ! ,. totaal aorttoa of i ; tbal additk>nal1 txi tkonaj l-i-n ?? ' ' ;""'! :' i ? d tha laeraaaa. 11m lataraal Rataaaa, | : . md BC aaica* ataii ' I'ubl1'' . .,1 i. it aaoBth, bf una , |y $KUW0,O(?, aad ,. d daring " ??** bj .. tharaaaiata al ooinaw mei t the latereal oathe I , . ary payaaaata ia ,.?..^ ,; . ?.. m-1! gold to asajaai n< eutaat axawaaaa have Oof tt.eirt;.?i aaadat ia B., (, .? oaio tot aac acfan !!?'? aaaaa aatbaaiaad ? i. Tbal eredlt a< .,;,:>? l-o ?aiataiaad , tjaooalta thc aspeadi tmtm ,,-, .. | ? ot onliiiary exawaaaa,iatataat on 4i( :>i . of baoda f6V tha 8takinc Faad. It , , . . i i i!,.it. m m.w <?f tha ahaolntc tdaiag that cradtt, tme patte] . | i.. lolariad aa toxeadei ii eertaln U "' ?';"'?,,| l,?' '?*?"*? w,tb a fnrtbrt , ? ? naa lof aoaaa aac ? ,.r ,, ,n r::k 5 dd %bicb aei ld raa laf a B a ?*? aaeaaaMy. TaaajadaaahM wci - i ??? hi bawakaj baea ? lax. i apaa I'u.i.. ipi aa ly caUaatad aad an baiihiaamaa I th ? la reajaid to tha no loc: ?:. i>i iui aaa, apiiiaa, railroad and ataaaabaal , i ,cc aad aalaajaaph com IMulea : n laxateou, tha Bai raaara wfaaa to tli<> aaa> Bomoln d: ?? it a to the Oamarifctea ia tha letaar arfj tli0(\.. i ,( latcraal Rarama, ahureli it vm itatad thai roch urtidos ha<l baaa aa !,,(..[ ai ? ?ld !'?? babli yi.M lha i?vfin;p raaiared artahaM m.v OMtaaae cf t|. ' ....: ;,!,v ebaaga la thepreaaal n.vHt*-!!, ami in-rauw ti:- taaaa aa llaiaaartialaaaaa 1^- < ? !i- < u ''. ?itb ?'?" laaal poaaihla katarfereBat vttb tl?. yl. ,, ,,,, ? ? I thi C? i::itiy, nink- tl.ctax F:v.i , | |b( publle ? f? a-* littli m pai Tb* Seeratarj argai aetioa ..t tl)?- t tfUaal Aa9 Plaa> l,ril),), . , law wblch mayhaaaaaaad tota> (l).^ .,?? will aot h?Taaayaaaaaatahla iti.rt t i aeveral monthi aftaritaaaaataaaaaX aad ataaalhadiap Itloaol thap oplalan bMa axpatv ?liiiir<->> will pri'Y-nt tho ?ame revenne* from beios: naliaad u woald a^cne oadai morc faTorahh ?jir<iiui?t;ui< < Att<i i" ?:? tw Baerpfary'i lattar,tbe Ooa> aaMaaaajwataM tabtaat aoaaadatairia aaaaJdaaaaaaa, but t<^)k no formiil artion. Mr. Da?(8 ha? oitiw |in|>ar<<l tl"?- fo'lowuiK h-m>1uiioii. wliich he will ?ajhaaM u> ahc Oaaaailttaaat hM aaaetfag to-morron imwniiij'. :?n?l ahlel ariQ prphaUjr, bf it-* amlionty. V i?>iH.rt?<i to tha Baaaa daotaa aha dayi wttiriiu, ti. tu'.iniK aaTal taa wvaaaai iaaa iiiiom ti?e iat<- laaaaaal aaaaaaaaai laaaaa apaa OaaaraM BaanHnaatlTti <>f in<r<-i?w?<l taJBtMBj or a rMluction <?/ Baaaaaatan ij taatafoca, aalt iutoitid. TliHt tbc aaaaa of th? ?rv?r?l drpartmenrn ?>f t !>?? <ioT<-rnru?Jit N* dlru'Wxl to ThvIm aiid rtilm ?? th*-ii i'H<> r "t exi??-nditurfc* for Ui<j Dext flscal year, luid rcptirt ?ucti rfduction to tho llouap, U> tlie t>ri(l that *n+ry tllort at reductlon rtiall t?? flrnt Mbauitei bdfon u*w tiurdei^ iirt niip<jBt<l upou tbe l*Ol>!f. Wlnl< tbt Wafl arid Meatis Committae arp averw to ^rapi'liin? with the problem of how to taaj in crt?aM?- UxmBioti witbout arouaiug publu haaaaajajHM aariunint tbc AdiuiuiatratioQ and the paity in power, aad hop?' the estimates may be ?o rediued aa to makt uew Uxee unnweaaary, the Cominittee on Appropriatiorjoarp dinpowd to pnt forth effortg to ta?ke Ui? ta*k al Mr. Dawna and hia colltsaKH'M . Ii|rht*r, by trying to diBrover wher?? tbe ex peoMa of tbe Govrnimeut iaay be cut dowu. Ilwira wilJ be tbe moat popular ta?k, but it will be at the Bame tiuio the^ mont diCBcult. Ika Leadii of departmente and bureau afflciab axe all tho wbile iraploriDR thern not to cut dowu tb?ir eMiiuatta, aacb ofhrial itiHiatinR on Kl*eral allowancea for hia brancbof the pnblie aer y\< > witb tvi um. li claroor and pertinacity tbat one would Uuuk tbat tha whoia Ctofexiuuaut avuld aa to ruiu if hm tl> itkiikIh wito not irrantcd. Tlic Com BjattM will prohaldy l>rinx 111 a riN->!utkmi to-tnorrow calliiiK ujwin the I'rcsiih-iit for infonnatinn as to thr pohlie workH which Itavn not yct liucn comiuonred. bnt for wliifli nppropr iat MM wcn* niatlr. l:w?t MOJBM : imd also, tlic WWkl MW under w:?v which can be RMptBded wil liouf KcrioiiB dctrimcnf to t hc batamtO of tbe (towrnnient. Wheu this infonnatinn in ob t;iinc.l. it In propowd to p:wvi a bill repealing tho I i\VM :nitt?<n i.'i :u t!if wi.'ks nol lu-unri and covcrinp tlic inoncv hack mto tlic TrcaHwVv. and diioctnor thc atoppageof opoariioBj onthoaool thc gtedw Tln -e pnlilio works cnihnwc foit.ilicationa, nver and barbof mipiovemortta, a,,(l buildiiifru for rustoni btMH :uul poM.-onicn*. It U believed that in tbin wt\'$B\0aYLjQOJ <ir $MflO$fltO at leaafl ran lw savod. II UM <Ii i'.h(imc:iU tlo not rc\ i?c thcir aal imativj in accordanre with tln- reaolntion of thc W'aVH an<l ("ornuiiltoc, UM Approm iatii.nn Coiiimittce Will BO d.mbt w ilo tlirm doWII to tiio (ixliiil of $10,000,000 or 9^000,000. Thoj it wiii ba nen that Um two !<???<!inp Cmnmit tifs of the BlW arc in full accord. Mr. Dawea, ChantTian of tbe WiiVH and Mcaim Ommittw. ba* lr.'ld vi J t,rc cnnf.-i cnre witli Mr. (iarfield. Chair man of tlM Anpropriati''oinnuttcn. and with Mr. Khcrni.m of the Senate (Joniniittee on PtallM All of Ihese IMtlMMI aro ajrroed that ocnnomy nniHt be tiio lirst nnb-r of Um d.iv, and that M iMNM of tavition iniiHt lir inailc uritil oveiy mcaim bM heen tric.l to BMSpfl tbe pnmt dillh.iliy witliont it. Thua far. Mr. BiehafdaOB seenis to utand alnmst alouc in favor of tlic unpopalai bmumkOi Senalor Sluriiian, t'liauman of tlic l-'manec Oom mittcc, bM Mlled upon SiM'tctary Bfahatdsoti for (oiiMiltutioii if rt'Kard to tliu prcnciit itMt of thc finaiiicM. Ilc cnlled tbfl B* ntarv 's attcntton to the RTMl neccaejtjr, not only of rc.viKing tlic otiinatt for tlic lifxt Iscal yr.u. Imt of inuin(liatfl\' tttOffUng all 8Ip0Oditom tliat Mt not ahaolntcly m 11 .^ to i.iiiy on thc mailiinciy of tliu linMrmmiit. Ilc eited totbi BeetetMy thc eoanc panasd bj tbe Den ocratic A<!niini.-traii(in aftcr tho pMdf of lHa7. H.v iin r.>'<ut,\conicr, twi\ poniblt ezpeoditanwH niadc munilatory by la%\, wa? Htoiij>fd, an<i thc ortlcr i nvi r-<l a vi iv wnic rancc imolvinp BSttMl p<i tainiiiK |0 e\t--y dcpaituniit. LaiM nncxpciidctl ?ppropriationa for pnblic boildinn and pabHe ^^(>^,>^<>J \ urimii kiius W6N J'ctuinul, t It- - WOffcj not bBgUWWB ftbtndonedt and tuany purtially nndcr way wcrc M oucc biiKixiided. Whcii CaagW WttH aft?r that panic, it still fnrthor nvlurcd aSMMM and ii',i'ily int down ttitfwatTt Btlll, thc fleflciencj i i:n at t!ia( laU i in thc MKiM thc $tt>000/10fl lean V/bicfa Um prc.MLt COBglMi il DNfMliof to takc ii|' \Na.-< aiithorizcd. Thc Scrjctary. who srcirs to bfl nt'trlv wlpieM undcr thc prctu'iit trymp tin-inn:'.-incc--. ami wbott Hiirprisod tbst th?' CommJttM tmWaji nd bfeuM Nhotild axyctai any doaUt lhat thc bills bt scnt to thcin but 1'iiday could not bc m-mctliatcly MJMd niulcr ? call fur iLc provions qno>tion. hkmiik not to :i. i Ibwuhl ihat eootMMBj wm om of Uwjwriblt tbingitbat, v.hen it waj ncftiwdi szpftMed tbe iiiok; dCflMWd opinion lhat if tho btfjdl of thc (Ic p:irti:>cnts will now hold on to the nuzpcndad appiopnatiouh ho fjr bh it i? pots-^ililc. and if OMgBMi cau l>e pn vailrd tipon to ndttOS thc ratiimtOI it cvcry poinl v.hrrc it is po^ihlc, tbtTC w ill be no nc(< s'lty wbaterev for topoaing a dolfau adoitiiina! taXl B, Tln-n \? koOWl to bc fully tliiiiy lnillions ol ihonry in thc Trcatair,, nppionjiatcil to certain objectc cutirclv within tbe duer< rion oj tbe varions CaKiiM t oti'i :?? ;? i fia Of to UfOUJ. Un 1> m thc Execntire brancb of tbe Ooreriinienl takcn ?oau uciion it is prctt.v ccri.uu ii wili icctivc iionte t? '1<> fo froni Cwu ; Repobliean reprew ntativea ir?.:M every ran < f (b< eoontry are in ? greal etete ol alarai orei tbe Bai > elalaitaation. LadepeadeM and eppoaattoa Mwa* ? :nl oratorn Imv beeil eritiebdo| 'h" purty all Smnmi-r for thc utnTagalH a, i i<<\ ibbm of 1..-1 Wint'i. anil -vcn thcir own CODStitll nf.* ha\ < takea ap thc Mdary>fTab isd eaniafeddMMwbo \ otcd for or took it. I>n coininir tofetbefi thr BoMC bai takea h<>hl ol tbe repetJ ol tbe Mlarj owtodle In a spirit that ha** Vefleeted M DOOMf apM it4 i-. .?!.! :.. n i i ol olated to toei< aae thc- poafldeooe ol ilitir consiitiu nih in iln in. \ ci j ft w ol thosc who hmc eentribntad to the eodleM flow of talkapoo tht bavc manilcstctl any apprrtiation that ti r, *>aa aoythini loapropot in thr- ajrabbiacof apifica fraao *be l.'nitcd statcP Traaaarj, and Lneraaabig thcir own aaiwriaa for the futun $2.5<A) | y?ar. Thry arc nol horry that tfcej itole tbe nioncv, but onlv that thc DOOple bavc ( th'in in tho act a: d axpNaaad Ba dcci.lcd I disapproval. .Iint at th< tirne wbea rcpr^S'iitativcs, T>v pcrsonal tiplanations and aXCBJaa, and tlnir 0J i-t?ot tnnf in quibbling ov.r a duty that OOfbt to h.ivc been dooe Kii.i i fully aaii ai oooa, baToeajoaad tbeaatanthnol tbewbole oooatrf to ba aeBtered opon tboasaad upon th? ii aapopolai aabaoie of ehwdaFi tbe letn* tiirv of thc TnmVJ discovcrs That bis Bjoaef is ncarly all pono and that buea tii i j -1 ho incicascd. Wbal infcrcnifl will tlic people diaw t ThcKc nnhappy rep . ' tbemaolTeftj WID tbep not lay thc (l.iicicmy to tho mcrca^e of oalancs and othcr i irea ol that ktadl Boma of the aaoaf t\ ed ltnlelal<pe in Waahiaftoa fraelj prediet to-night that.if thc Hoiiso aaaBOi thc bill.s Seetl-lary Bkbardooa baaaani tothoWafi aadMeawCob mittcc, .<ry lawofthoae who vot? fot thciu will cvcr 1k> nt-iit back to Oaaajfoaa OlTCSITION TO LNCUEA8i;i> TAXATION A'tONG COV ejaajajnaf-ihk tauxcuL ojramm to be PIHtmB" Vi TnE 'KNATK TO-DAY. |BBBBBaX- puksh msrATCH-l WA?iTisr,Tov, Dee. 14.?Tben is at prescnt a Eeuerai in<tii*poi*iUoii ftmouK aaMataca of CeaajNOi to Inrrca^ taxation. It ^111 not ?>?? iOM nnlcw ttif nrrcf $ity can bo ileaftjr Bhown. Tho reiomuiendAtion* of ihc Sccretary of tb* Truiury in nta reccnt lrttcr to ?apnoaMattfa Powaai WPJ ba niNru??ed ny th? Commit tce of Wayn and Mcanit at their rncctlng to morrow. Hi-\pral ineoibi-rs of tbat Comimttu* s^id f iayttal \\h rc would be no baaty actlou upon the lubtect. The Maaaaay DapOtfbjaM 1? noraeuhat prfswd ror niont-y, not only by th? fa'lin* off in tbe rcvnnues, hut bv tbe extiaorditt?ry approprUtion of K.000,000 or 15,000,000 for naval paSMObl and the early approach of the redrmptiou of tho fiO.ono.OOO Joan of \*H>9, a bill ln relation to which \t now pendiug UMwecn the two houaoa of Congre8(. iivcr two tbtrd* of tbia loan arn ln coupon bonda, wbich nome of tbe bolderti arc dp?irons of cxchanginc for flve j?? i eOBt bouda ol tbe faaded loan. Ttie Baaeaa bave aet ai>art to-raorrow for tbe dtRfiia aion of the flnancial (|iication, the m^jortty of the Com initte* on Finanee ht?vm>t. on Wednemiay, reportod a nxointion harlnc in vicw, not only tne rodempttou of tb<? IJnlU^J HUtoaiiotea ln coiu, but meaaurea wbicb will furnioh a rurrenry of utilform value ln golfl or ltc e^juivaleiit, and ao adjunted aa to meet tbe fbanglng w?ut* of tradu aDd coujinerce. Mornt?tra of ('oi.greaa, jreiieraiiy, m nt?w privat* ly (iiacaK?infc? the inatter of currency. Bome of tbem bavc airr.ady introdaoed in theii reapective Housea, billa or reaolutlona containiOK auch ii.. tltodaaa wouldln their opinion afford tbe reJlef at t.r< aaal n-ijuirea. A larfcf number of thf-in favor an iu aNaaa of currency.eittifr bv rtloMlng tbe Tieaaury or fiank ii-.ii'f. or ao arraiigemont for what ia called an elaatir currency, maklng currency and bondi at all tltne* iut*>rchange?ble, according to busiueai intereaU or UHi-aaitiea. THE l/)i:iSIANA KLIXTION CASE. THK IMfW ON H<?TH H? f fOMMrTTKt TO TAKK THK CA8K LNTO CON?lUEKATION I(? i.AY-Ho-iii o? thk aomnmum oomwaan OF vDcmub Imt laftntim to thk T?inrr?r..| Wa^itinoton, Drc. 14.?Tbe SeuaU- Cutnmittef on I'rivileKtaand KlectioiiH, liavmK Ij?*ard the ai?ru Bvrii* on botb aidea of tbe I?ui?uana coriteated eloc tion caw, will tooet to-morrow for ?ta oonaideration Mr. I'lncbbai k reHtii hla caee on tbe de <mione of the Kiecutive Dci>artinent of tbe l j.iK-u ttuUa (ivwriun?iil. wbicb bw couuael hold caiinot hut bnbiiiilinir BpBfl the Henate, and < "n paaaehaO determlne thatthoiwdwiaionearcerTone oiib. Tha)UaMeiBeaaaa, hin ?aBaaBteaa f-av. h r<> quired by Kection 4, Artielc IV. of the OeeadKBtlaB to jrtiariintoe to I>ouHaua a repnblienn M* of jroverninent, and by tho a<-t of Oeagreai of I1M Ibe rraahlnal in aoJlwalfedj la eaeeaflaaar loatloa. ta wmtaaand. by profilwtlfra. Ibe 'i5-'" aaata te diafecae and to aaa the BaUUary forot?! *? 'eonntry |o paabaaa Ibe nirbtfnl anthority. Placb banbtaaaaaal bold that the ftaaadaat, la bfci i""1 '?' miitionof laat Sprinjc, and in his aet* hofore that. eeaaadsaad the. Dattad .suteUbivenmient, m ali M ?aaaxaaalBBa, to the Kalaaaj aa^ataaaaflB. Tbaae aefs, they hold. BN not bVbh ?f the IVaaldBBl rwtmp BBdar thil Caaaaaaattaa aloaa,bal afahe PaeBwkarl pxi TrisniK tli?- |M>w?ir riitif.rri d ii|?>n hini by < <?" ffroMH. j\ow. it would be absurd, they aav, f?r the aaaate, arbaab toaady aaa at tba aaMdhaate braaebea of OaagffaM.baaataatai anthority and aajraVaf " ariuaabiaaajaiaaajM BaaajtaaMBl ?fbiab bai beea Tt'coRni/.ed bothby tho UniUd Statea aud by tho Baaaaaaa Cearl of thc state. Mr. I'iii.lihaeiVs BfBOBCBtB bold tbat, no matter bow nuirh raaafaltlaa tbe aaaiBlHg OaferaBMdi of LaaJabaaa otey reaatta freai tbe Phaddeat, IbeBea atf etill han a richt. to deeJde for Itaelf whieh of the claimants ia tatttled to a aeat in that bodj, and that In datnrmlalng thal aaaatloa libaaa rifhttaiage lattrfftmaHaratrffB every faet and iii.nmataiKi'ot v. liii h it can havo coxtiuaiae. They aaaBBBBM hold thatit leeocapeteal to aaaaa bafan tiieConimiite* that Mr. l'melil.aek waa eleeted by a Leiriidature tbat bad no laajal axiaBaBaa, and aaaM not baaa. Batb paitaaa ata BBBgaiaa af aaeaaaa, aaeb < labaiae that ? tnajority of the Comtnittce wil! reaatt iu ite f ivor. _ BTATE TAXATIOH OF 1AIL10AD8. K prcisioN to Bfj BBIIMUUU) BT IU BCPfflDBI OOtTKT io-day m in CABal ok RBJMA*KA aOAUlBT TBI CKION fACIflC RADJaOAD- PBOBA JUIIIY THAT IIIK RtOBI Of ITATBi TO raJ BaliaOAM ni.M li.wr. i.i'ii\ji> OOBOBBB MoNAI, AII? >\ II.I. III. AW III l.H. In. Ti.:.r...RAi ii Vi iiik ntiiu Bl I WabbTJBGtob., Dvc. it.?A eaaaaf greal baaartaaae thraagbaal thi ooaatry a aX H it Bjab Bjtaad, !?? da eidadbftha Uaitad Btaiaa supiomoConii to-mor I0W| :ii.d it is bUiaaatad aith aaeb BBBBhadtf n Iba part of tha Coiirt. aH to pnt BBI ?BttBC BetBBBBMatry at laah All the railro.ids thTaesboal tbe eoaaarf tbat have ri'icivcd aid trom Caagreaa, bbyc beld thattnaamaeb aatbej arare ebaitared by tha 0or? etnnifiit and DBOTC 01 MBI BBBJai t tO tba OTOBI of the tio\ (tiiiik i f in the m.itt.-r of maiu, troope, MfpUea, etC,the] \s'i. ? \( nipt froin ta.\aiion by thc Btatea throagb abicb tbaj paaB. Haay oth-r railraadafai ranoaaeeoUooahaTe beld aabataaitially tho aaaaa gioimd. Tbeaaeaea ahleli tha Bfeeaal deeialea aafll be Baaie aa that af taa Bhate ef Nabraaka agaioal the l.'nion Paetaje ffalhaad. areaad ahaat ? month wio. It bj ?adetatood thal the Coerl aifl agafl :^s' ti tba ri^'lit of a Btate to t;:\ freight or paeawigan paaalag throagb Ita bordera The priactelahj noa^ th^ aaaae h thaf rn tbe Wiaeooaia aaaei n tbe Beadiag eaaeaadiBthe ifevada *afr. but ia aooe af theae waatbe OovaraaMBl latareaiaa. Jt b) eoajoetarad the daeiaioB arill be ia tavoi- of Wtbtaabai aad that the railroada, Uka athar aaaaartfi aiaal pay tii-n -iiao oi Btate aaaaaaBaaata. bfaaf <>t thr etbat Paoific railroadi bafc nita nf ? aaailar eharaetei fikraiiint thaaa, bai I bia Ni braafca eaaa a u af i laafi ? ? tathre < baractex, the othafi *N'!' BfabaWj '" witlidrawu. _ CTJRRENT TOT1CS a t TBE CAPITAL. liii. NAii'i.vw. eivn. BIOBTa Hi'.viMio.v. WABBiBOToa, Dae. M. 1*73. T\i" rcealta af taa aate Mtaaaal Ctaii Blgaie Oaavaa> ti ."ii. i.i 11 iu laai <itv, an- ai* taOaaai fba aaaaajaa af nn adiirt"-1 fo Coagreaa ;?nd Mi ? paoale m baaabl <?f laate caiiHc, i!xi lanag Baaata aHl Ha i, or aaaa UH agatva laai ta it; tha argaaaaatlaa of a Kattaaal Oaaaatlef i ,\ ,i i:ii.-i 11,.iettag af aaa bbmbbm frmn m -u Htau and T< riit.ry, ?itfi an eXecBttfa loiiiuiltlce, laaaaai m Waabtagtaa] aii r\i?tm?f araaaAaaaaaaaraaaaafajrai tb?> laaettaaa aaBfanaa by tke Oaaaaanaa ; ladantag ,? r Baaiant and all etaae frlaaaa af i>ri??.'r>->'; taaaklBg Preeideat Qraal lae bleeeartaaj lawealTlBg tbe im-nilirr^ oi tti'- C nvntinn, an 1 tii.- Meadly uttrr Baeae to tbeao; orgaaialag a OaaaaUttee on Jaatlaai tn at Biaaaaai Ui ce!?biaie tb? uaHin?r<' of a Ctvil RigaM billj taa Oaaaadttea aeaatati of aa BMaaaai fiom aaeb btate aad Tenrttoirt aapoiaUaca Rattoaal Ulatorteal and BtatiatMal UaootattoB, t?. r>i>.?ri laiaa Katioital EieouUve CoaimtUaaof Um Couaeilaa ralatlof ta tbe latereata oi nn oalondraoa; raaolaUoai infaYorof tbe kadepaoaaaca of l uba, aad koaoraiaa taa call ior a OoorentMa to take BMaaurM for taa i rarUoa in a/aaaiaatoB of a raonuoteDl to iim. (.'iioiwi aailan und ' ?oldiara ^ tto fi P iu taa laU ei?U *?r, AN lMI'OKIAM SI.WI'.i! MA< IIINf. I'AIFNT CA<T. Iba bmm luiaaftaal j'.it> al axtaaal a t .>? aefeta Obb aaaaa la tbat af aJBaa it PaaBaaaaaaaf Baar>Tarfci ?hn petilion for anevi-n yrarn' rvteimlon of ttipir pat( nt for laegtagi a eaYrtat aaal upon BtwtBa*aMaBiBoa Tb? Baaaatafae aaaejai for utiaft?aatai aaarBaaaeaaat declan-il WttB BBB BBBgBI puti-nt, and tbo oomlihKd pawei o! tb?; 8CWlujc-inai.liliie < ouipanlr." imm BBOgBtd Bt u?ht thr loTeaaoaa. haaaa af taatli ttttaaftaa en ?u*il h?*:<irf Akius iV PattBaaaaa k-ot n gaaldaelaloa from tbo courti'in thcir tavor. The OaauBaittoaer af Pattato nuiuedi uclv afli r. ofi:larcd a ffcond inlerfcieuoo, tUU Uaaa wtth Um pateat ofAiianu. WUaaa of u.. ti.n <n Wherlt-r A; VBaOB. Kurtbor lltiKatlou cniui'it, aint it w o DOI unlil UN tliat UM JafeBtOta KOt an Imiub af thiMr aatewti MaaattaBB^tB^aaaigaaaBaBaaBlltoai to tii. u,an wbo i. .?: been rf.Hitting iu ihmui', aml tlicir piir ebaaan eot aa aianaaloii for ?ot??ij paaaa tiraai tne rnt?-nt uitic'. laenaiRf BMMiBlaeonaiaaaBMaataiallf r^.iist a inrther t-xteiif loD to tb? ori^inal invrotor*. Tbere i? njn.ii.i-d to Liti at leaat &?? mio no olv*?l in tba < aaa WUnCtMD ML'1U>EK ON LOMi IHLAM). About 7 oVIock on Saturday BfaaJag, Jatni p MaQeathj BBaajbt Baaaaaaaa on /newtowu Oraak?aaari tbe Toiee of it man on tho barjro Vlrginla t?Trlalm, "Oct offtbiabarce." The worda wero followed bj a nr-laub, and laBBBMaaltlf tbere cauie up rrom tbe water tbe cry, tbree tlBBBI rrpeated, "Ob, my <iod." Mcdratb jrava an alann and tmuti'd for tbe drownlug ujau. Aftcrward Offlcer Wbalen weot oo board tbe batco an<! aneited the eai'Uln, Jobn Wilaon, on sunplcion of bla havtnK murdered some vne. On iu quiry it wau auiortairn-d tbat a man naoird Kdward McGo.dnck bad bwu on the barjre dnrlnRthe aftiruoon. and wasunaceountably miaalug. Thc crnok wan ?li.i.V' 'I tutbe vlciuity of tbe barjfe. UrappiioK irona were at iu-t naed, and yetMerday worniuir BttOetacMk*! body waadragicodup from tbe boifoiu of tbo craek. Capt. Wii-Mi? aftknu that M- i.nhlrlc-k and hiaiaelf wcre ou frlendly Wrnja, and tbat tbey had be?n drinkniKto getber on tbe barge durlop thc afternoon. Hodoeauot adunt, bowever, tbat be quarreled with McUoldnek, or that be la reaponolbln for bla friend'n death. The aaa l>ected wlll be thafeaghlf iuvpntiKatod. A PAITKR MCItPEREB ATTF.MrTS SriCIDE. Lowlli., Dec. 14.?A shocking murder and att'iiupt at biucide oecurred at the IWratford l'oor Farm siiiio- tiiiKi betweeu T l??t oljfht aod 8 Una momlnf wben it waa'dJaeovfred. For two yeara paat Samuei Iljldretb. aboulWyear* of ace, aod hia victim, Oltrer Jjoland, age li, a native of Hillerira. hnve |been inmatee and room-matei at tbe lnatltuUon. Tbey ntin d aa UKiial laat eventng, and no Doiae or dlaturbanoe waa heard during the ntght. At 7 o'rlork thta mornlng Jllldreth ? a- ???en by the aon of tbe keeiier ataDdlna In tbe dooraay of bla room, looking aa wrfl aj uaual. Tbe n.'n dld not appear at 8 o'clotk for breaifaat aud ibe room waa vlsltcd, when Dolaod wn* found oold aud iltail, witb a aeTere eontuaiun ou bla head, efiduutly cauaed by a tthn, and hta throat eut deep in tbree in rMimi witb a razor. lflldretb lay upou anotbor n. .1. l.f tbroat cut witb a gaah nearly nx u. h. - luun. Ba ix alive lint hlh reeoveiy i- doublful. Ile wai- of a yiijinl aouie d.npo?itiou aud hud recenldmputea wltu Douod. ? mi THK PnEI.PS DErAI.rATIOH. Aihant, Dec. 13.?In the Court of Oyer tnd Ternuuer U> day. tbe caae of Phelpa, tba allea-ed Htate Treaaury defaulter, waa. on tnotlon of the |l)iainn At torney. xut to tho Couxt of Couuty ttoaaloua, abiek Uieola IU Jutiuuiy. _ _ _Tlie Unv. FaAher iMirvan, wfioae reoent deelar iiati oi m?-*lu. irM. ta? <'attaiw fcm. nmt ??> >i?u?>i at >?i. Kt.i r,.!.,, .ij.i ?b<, ?Jf?iU?.l ? ttclan M*kikf ?? tipaMri ?! I ?a<...i'.!.. iu I hlM U) tyliraf. !.?? ?rn.?u ? kaiubU ??><? ?*|r. I kltrt 10 ArrJibuavti ilfiniHi alMiMjiii kx Umlu aa<l w>OHI U U uii> tia laU Ut cawafc. THEAGREEMBNT WITH BPAIH noTisAnom kokthk wumowvl TIIK najBli AND H'KYIVl.NO PIUSONKKM TO gfj IUB* KK.\l)rm:i> RlMI'l.'IANKOltiil Y Al I1AIIIA lli.M'A iiik najj aoii u? PSOCSaV io niAT POarl i" 'ark oaaBosovm nP)iea?-WBio>rauiioiui AT IUVANA?A I'LOl 1U 111 U 1'HE VIKOIMUK H? '?-'TKAII.I.. Iniporfant preparatinna bavc heen made, both on the aien of thc BpaoJah aatheritiao hi Onha and aa that of our QaVeAB* tif', for the aiirrender Ofthe Virginiiia and Iicr Knr\iviii(r paaaoagOTa. It "w now Ptnted, n, a telegtaal froai H:nana, that both tho vea.-ul and tho patuuUKera aro W he uurrciidcrcd Miniilianoniihly. Pof this pur|OHe th.; Spaiosh ?t< aiu.r BaOSB ba* t.ail.-i from aandange aitl tha ptiaonetBa and i* ?'N|*:oiod to aruve to-day at ilalua Ilondt, whero tbe Vir BXBtafl rcn'ahM in char.;oof a fajpaaJah inan-of-war. flathaiNhtaf oai OoMTiimont thc Dispateh WBa erdaradta havalay ffoaf laal iitfM aad proceed with a piebai eraw to takn atanrpja of thc Viri-iuiim ;,t Babta Bonda. InstnictimiR have alaa heen aeai toCoaunaadef Brafoe, at Baatiafo de Caba, in lagaji to tho releaaoof the priaonera. Tbe proelaaaataoo ..f the CaptabvOaaatal eaneed auacb exetteoeeat at Qavaaa* aad ttawprtrnleTdfnrrattre tioiu* took plaue. Au allc.inpt grao ulaomadu to burn thaYhaJaiaa ahile ahc waa m that port?bat the pojajooa imulicated wera arreHted and the plot frua tralcd. AKFAIK.S IN Cl TA. poitiak MMoawnUTfOM AT BaWaWi IHB vin BOmn *Mi mr. sritviviNO i-asmm.i its to gg M'1:1:1 ?\i>i'i.u? himi-i.tam-:o:>i Y at i;aiiia ii"M>.\. '?.i ? BBA1 i'im ? MflTAfCa.] ifwANA,TJae. !.?{.-?Laal aighl a pnrty ?f nea, nanberiag Mvcral baodted, aoaemblad In Campo da llarta aaaam, aad ptooeeded lo a body to thc rlaaa de Araua, giTiag \<nt doiing their progreai fnthatrdiaoatiofailiiai al the departaiaaf tbaVir giaiao i.y toad aboata an4otbardiaofderlydaajea> atratioaa. Oa naehiag the Plaaa da Anaaa thcy gatberai bj froai of tha palaoo of t lif Captabi Oeaatai, wbare Haay ranawed hiioiitniK, at tho oaaoa ttone ex ataaatag theii dteappiohatluu ti tho eaanaaf ? aaav her of peCBOOO \s bo have favored thc dclivery of the Virginlaa. Dariag tbOH dcnionorationrt kcmt.iI .hatmlcao ^lv to arera tircd. It io baliared they anen aeeidaotaL Two8paoiardowboeodearoredtopaeifj then.'oh aetaaarerolj boatled. Tboerowd liogatad in froai of the palaoa uniil midoight, whoo Captaia* Geoeial JoTellax appeaiad and addreaaad tla-m, and oaeoeaded ia ptarailiai on tbaai todiapejaa. Hav\na, Ucc. 14.-Tha iian-i i w:tr laabol la Catolloa rataraed ko thia p<>rt paatatday< Bha l*ft the Virgiaiao in eharga of a Bpaaaab gnaboat at Bahia Hetkia. Thc Bpaadafa oteanM B i aon hao naih)d fr.>m Bantt agoforBabio Hoado aitb the Virgtohu ptlaouata oa i.oani, and U ospactad to aniTe at tho laut.r placfl to-morTow. ItbaaMenafraagedthat tlic Viiglaiai and ln-r larriTtng paaaangan and ciaa aball be delivarad to t be Amci Irano at tho aaaao tfaaa in the port. t Bahia lloiid.i. Bajraaa Naaalnx tranaml. Two battalions of volaab i,s ate oa dnty foi tbe piaaenatioa <d ord. r, and patrobi orote eataUtabed throagboal the city laal nbjbti '1 ba ringleadei of th^> demona|rattoB on I'miiy nighl h:ih beenanaatad and wfll ho trh.u by i oii! I martiikl. Cajtain firnrrol Trr*TTr*i '* a opeaab tothaTOa nnUteea to-dajr, decbuadbe knewall ajaad <-..i/. n.s Mib-d with him aad arould aaakal ia pattiag dawa aaj diatai hulicc. a rstmuaa tmain io amtn tkb tieoixtui m . CBBO oa iin: n iiav? ai BATAMO< ]hy raxaoBara t<> rpti tbibi n 1 Wajhiwotoit, Bae. 14.?Tbe foflowiDg baa heen 11.. iwd iiom a apeeial eow apondt nl! U\\an\, Dee. It, ria Kr.v \\i.m, Dee.ll rbo Na\.v Doetoi Qallatdoandjoui aaaataawon WTednaa> day aight, attampted to bara tha ?irfjiaiaoattlM hm aaL 1 i aj aato anaab d aad tht pb t w:w tna> tiatcd. Tln- Oavafuaiearl briea ba oappreaa tha ?aaadala latbai dty. rbayinfiainaaafTivoratWha wara aidatad taWtahaa fraai Baatiago ta HataaMtj paaehad Cienfoegoa, hut traco rataraed to fWhtlago hy the Spimi'li war te.-wol I'azan. On tha roate the Baaaa gjaaadnd at Cayoo de la.- Doee Liognaa. and from to twentj of tbeptiaonen arc reported miaaing; theatorj. bowerari io onVially daaied. Oenboata aeri oeal h?r tbe raliafofthe Ordeaa bavo baaa aaatto baatiaga facthe rcii ??m: of ttn aj iaaai 1 -. Acfordinp ta lapacta from the interioe the Cobaaa aantajod Bayaaaai Baaiaaaaoi aad tha ragtnawit Caaadaaaada V/afaaaaadat l^aafacraag. Thaybillad OoL fetebaa, taa athat eaaoara, and a*aay ptrVaaoa. dltaraaebiag tbe towaa theao ajape abaadoaed. The fuhans exult at the rctnoval of thc Virsrinins from the harbot >>t Mavana, hut tlii.-? eanoN gTsal indigngr tion aaaenf the peaple, and tha Voiantaen threaten todiaband. Theeafeo arc exeitad, and tha procla* niation pf Captaia*Oanecal JofaUai eieitaa aanflict iog cinotiona. PBBP1SATIQN8 IO KBCBIYE THE I'KlsoN BBfl ANI? \1>si;e. uMiuauoan 10 laaanaa ?oovi ani> axxaaujnMni HitAtNK? wiiai OfJI RaVWaX UIPKiagg rmsK or THK. WAY IN WHICH 1HK PflJOTOOOC ? TO BK 1 XI 'in IV?THK DKSl'ATCU TO TAKK CHAKUR Ol THK VIlIilINIIS. lai TKi.roKAPufro iiik TRini Hir.l WAgiiUHnua;, !><(?. 14.--Tha foBowiog baa baaa reccived from a ipntiial eonaapoadanti Kt Y \VtftT, Dae. 14. -Tho Govcrumcnt dicpateh lioat I'into wtint to Havana lant night. with l.i.-nt Alnick I'aluier, Uarerof diapatchea from WjudiiiiK ton vial'eiibai-olaforC'ommander Kraineat Santiago deCuha. Threo meavnirers weie ?ent from Wa?h jn^ton with uniform di.?patches, but hy diflerent routen, via Ce?lur K. yn, Savantiah and lVnsarola. Thc me?*en(?cr hy the la*t arrived fiPit, and wae iin mcdiattlv acnt forward. The dispatchoa OBBbtaaa lajaraetlaaa ta Adrniral Scott a? to the surrend. r of the VirKinius, and to Commander Iiraine as to tho gurrender of the prinoncre. >aval oftkera hero aeem inu< h diaaatiHtied at tho way in wlnch tho ij|ianiarda arecarryiujfout tbe toggoj of tho protocol.and tbink that proper reapect haa imt boen shown thia (lovern inent in the ateidthy departnre of the VirgininH from Havana and' her mirrender at an obeeure port. Evening.?Tho Despatoh aaila to-ni?bt with four ofliot'FB from the tlajpdiip WoToeirter on board, and an extracrcw of 119 men from therawnce, to reoeive tbe Vu-giniiiB, and probably take her to a Northern port. The Despatch will carry a full coinplement of oflicers aalaatad from tbe squadron to take charfre of the Vir?riniug. Aiuoiir theui aro Capt. W. I>. WhitiiiR. Licut. a. Maiix, EnaiaaO. A. Calhoun, CaftabVo Clatft wm. Whitiaf <i*li of the Wateaatart, gnd S. H. Landiu, First Aaaistant EuKbieer of tbe r.EN. MCaXW* RESIONATION. RW l SAI or TIIK rRFSIDKNT TO ACCgn it. |UT iki r..i.u 11 Ttt tiik ri.11.1 ????! Wa8HIM,io\, l)lx. 14. - The Statc Department ha8. from tbe brat, rontinued to deny that Gen. huklett kad tendcre.l lu.i reaiKuatlon m Miuiater to Spam. Olher otlm-ia of tbe Uoverumeut well knew that ? the Miuiater had telegraphed hia reaignatiun, and thcy alao knew that the reaeona he aavigued for hia action were tbat he fell hnaatdf humiliau-d by tbe ooorae of tbe BUte De partment in it* failure u> coodoet tbe Virguaioa ne (totiatiotiM tbroagh him. Tbe fact that be bad re aigned waa <Mmfinned and verified from aaTeral aoureea. yet the HecreUry of Htatecontiuuad to deny tha jepurta. it ntay now ba atated tbat tha fraai dent, hu? pafaaad |g aeaeed the reaJgaatiaB. and ihai Mr. Bkhlea iiii ho aaaBBBaad in oiiire. THK NAVAF. aJTEOPBUTlOS. I'ltonAIIIK AMENIIMI-.M IN TIIK SKNAIK OP TJO noi sk iui.1. poit a Bpajctali ArrnojitiAiioN. WASHivoToaj, F>cr. It.?Tha Beoaie Conaaittoe <>n'niH will iio!<i a BjeetipgQBMooday,to oooafder the Bpeetal Aparopriathm bili of $1,000,oki, aaked foi bj tBa8eerataryofUM'Haay,whkb aaaaed tbeBoaat yaatatda*. The Citawalttet aill aaaaad tbe bfll, Baakiag th<- aaptoariBtiaa $tflOQj0ty, tbe aiiionnt oiiuiuaily aaked for bv the Beaiatary, tbe BBtoeat appropiiatod bythe Beajaj not beaBfgaf* fickut ta mect thi: DOBI .-it ;????. ofnie navy. OTHEE NAVAt PBEPABATI0W8. V PBCRKABB Afl vil IN TUK Nr.Miirt; Of ffOaJUtBM atthi: nnooKi.YS BATT-TABD. Tbare aragonlyg dlgbt eeaaation of aroik ai tbe DioaaJja ^ urd reeterday. rToarlytOBJateawata kepl baay la tbe rartoat ae^ertateol -, aad oa tho greataetrrttypnratlet. ffotwftaetandmg all tbeaz paetaikaaa, no araara to deereaeo the praaeol laiea tw vn beea teeeltaa. OB tba taalaaaft warBfa paeaed lethe iwrtaaet innit. aad in aaay baaaaaaa it iebepeap ihroueh th* mght. bfat ahMBB ongiueerlng dcparliixMt of the I>|etat?.i ineliidiM twomfa of men from Delauia ter'i worka wbo relieve rach other every li houra, thc Bagaaaafcag taaaaTBN tartaaa day from tho worki. Tb< y are xtill littinir In her Iwiil.rtube-i. Hho will 1k> taaaa aaat ta taa aUaaaa Dr> Dotk, in Brookiyn, to iiinrrow. The BMBBBba hao BBBtB on all her unpptten. and her BBlBBtt are nearlv throntfh work. The painter* will kivc aaa a atat ?>' ataeb paBal in a f?w deaa, after wiiirh abaaaubaiaaa) tereenrtaa ?artaeaataaaaaa workoit readily, and her machtnorv ia in gaed order. Hbo Httl! BBI at tl.e Laag Daafei and it 1* unrertain when "-he will leave the Yard, a-?hi: i-i tor hartmr defense at thi* poiuf BBd I" not waiiled iminediatc ly. rtome of tbe otil era at the Yard are llielinod to llnnk that eho will not bt aeaaaad aaafi uut laaaata wie re taa It loa Um preaent. Woia wh.h Kept up ou the Fior..).. throiigh haturday afgataadaUaaa paataadag. faef few of the aaraea tarBj ttaaaaB, or pabBttBI aaift afler 4{ 111 the afteruoon, baf "ia baafa men, aaeb a* pf eate, aaahaabBBi BBd U ile;--makera, BOt Bl a BBBBl deal of extra time, often vMirkinir iu douhlc pangs uiifbt and dav. Tho tweniy Maab gaaa aud tw? HBaaaad Panataa aaaa* BrttaBgtha liotda'a aatBBrf VtM b? put ou board tbia week, and ii njexpec'ed that xlie *ill Ixj ready to fltart for Key WeM early next week. Work on tbe Mluneaota waa kept up throujfh Saturduy nltfht and all day yeatcr dav. a laraa Battaaf of aaaa aaaa aaaaaad aa tbe port* , iBattan aud eeaeira on tbe taateaaki lier ?aaa tiela aaalttoa. aad riggaaa aaaa aaay putting on tbo babi tayt aad hoad gaai and aarblag ou ibo aavaaaal rijririni;. ThfJ ateBBJ BBJia !<><co wuh traimferrius: coal frn-ii taa eaaat-baata alaaaabla laaa taa baakaaaaf tbo Mmnertota, BBiefe ueurly lull. Byaaaan froai aTaablaataa aa Batardafi the foiiow Inioaaaan bava aaaa gataebad aadaaelgaagi t'apt. s. 11 i,.ii o pjaaa tbo uo.iton KaTf-TaiCeraaieal to com i.i.nid ti.e MlaaaeatBi Li?:ut- OaatBaadee H. b. F^oenon ttoui tbe liiooklyn yard, ordered toJbe Mmneaotaaa ? Xiciilne; Ia.Mlt.-ioiiiiiOiliin'l- (J. F. F. Wilde fioin tbe Baatea bTavf'TaidL aaaaaad to UM Mtaaaaatai Uaata. 11 m. Beedfi 1 tici laaaaaj ami.). 1:. PlUtaaifi Maaten J. M. BrttTlpT ajjil U. IS- i>yor, KuHigua OL F. Em neiiek aud M. ?'. Dniiinlek, Muhhipioan A. A. Miibelnoii. Chief Knjfine.r W. H. Huehler, P.wt Afii^taut Snr^on W. J. Hiuion and AMiatant Huriri'on 0, A. t.ravatt, Ciiapl nn J. J. Kano and lioat twala An^ell Keeue, are arieiBd to the Minneuota. All ;,i. aboT< officeraare torepurt at tbe yard oa ibo 2i<l inat. Oomtnander Jamea E. Lovett la ordered to eoo> nntnd ihe Dietatoraad Ltrai Caanaaader H. P. Pleblng an tbe Lxeeuiive,; Ijieuliiouiiuaieler B, F. Laiuber, MeuiH. a. V. Wadhaoaa, Jonph (i. Batoa aadC. B. Btoektoo are ordered to the aaaaa reaael. The fuil detail af taaeaia for taa Reeaeke ii?^ not t>"<;n aaada puniie. Ninetv-.-ix men 'roni llo' reernltiua offlee lB New Oi Ifailn arnred M tbe yard jreaterday, ?ud 100 dmco troaataa aaaaa taaraa are esaaai d 10 aajr. nn: NOBroUl sav, ?, ai:d-thk M * yfi OlTEfl OOBTfl DTTO <?"?MMis-ioN-woKK on MBBAYJWtABt [Bf 10 nn: nUBOBB.] Nonroi.K, Vii., Dac 1;5.? DlOgaaJ aetivity ptaraUad at tim raed ladafi Atfa'eMob tbat afaa> aaaa (be aarhaatha tfayaaaaeaaagalabad*aadbat batiert aaaa leeted by a aeaaaaaaafia aaaada coid vaur, with aatttaaatiefacttoa. IwataraaaaaaaiilTed about iiooii, from Kearpoftj aad aaaa alaaad on board I11111.1... it!\. Bbt w?nt iiifo rOBlBllaatoai a few liours u^-o. and NtBt tnrned over at ouee u> her eonituanhr, i.ieni. Dvyar. Kaa atajraavat la 1 tteaa tnc, and w one of tta <>f tbe. taaaa abaa buiit iu tajaj by pn rata aaettaatj ior Iba Oafaraateaa, Bae buii ia Iiobi amt len^tb betaeaa paraaadleabwa 137 fei t ; BJ f< i|, .she in ;At ton^ Inirdoii, has a 300 barat powei tagteft aadeanaMt^aaikaaaadtMlagaat larward. Hat iiioi iic.ii.--e a b illal proof( bavaag an aat> aaa eaatagaf qaarteHaeb tbaet Irfin, aadabeaaetwa bnpedo hoaaM aud Ueaii rlgaad laraarA n< r crow aaaiban M bmb. aaa raaalvad taOiag [erdett to day aad will arababtf aall for K-y bTeat bjaaarww afueaooBa Iba Mlawlag i< a f t*; 111.-1 af hei aaaaa i; Ueateaaat-OoaiaHMdar, V. Kara Owree; Ltautenant Daoiel W. DaTia, l.x entlre mti-r: Ifaater D. D. V gtewart, N'trigator; Aaalatanl Pavmaeter, I T. Browo; Aixmtvm Engioeer, (Jeo Cowle ; Knal n.^. iiu.m Oater bauaand U.I*Orae: flraVclata Apotaooary, iii*aoi Badcliff nn Bavaaaahi aaJ< h i? aeaely raadfi It te be uv .i u a water atore-aaip aa aallaa ordnaaee atote afclp al Key \v?ht. The aorkaa ih?. aTaotdoBlan.abbib \wii ba Itted < nt at an ocdlaary payattert ship, will be,'iu in aaraeatea aTaaday An ordai fr. iu aTaabbigtaa badaf Iptretafii the pay of in tablalata la M w perawntb. Heorgo farklo, the apotbeearr of the Mayflower, wbo s,, mratertonaly ditappearcd toaaa time ai:o, *m ar reated yaaterdaf u?o.-inii? aud toauuci iu tao guaid baaaa TIIK FIIANI.I.IN TO OO 1NTO C'< 'MMI^SP>H TO-DAT. Bosion, Muhh., ])(c. 13.?Tha Uuited Siaies frlk'ate Franklln will go IBM eoinini.<sion on Koadaf. Over one BBBdrad gjaa are now aatajlafad lB the ar-ei.a: at \\ nt-iio .mi, thm tiemg itoi.i.ii- tbe u.iual uuiuher. NA\ AL AfiSIUNMKM.S. Wa?him;tov, J>ec. i;,.?Lioutn. K. M. Barry and tJrkd Hetonce, Mai>t?rs J. M. Hawley aud ti. 8. Dyer, i:n-igim (>'. F. Einiuerlrk and M. ?.'. Dimmlek, Midahlpmau A. A. Mirhelaon, Paaaed A-Miotant Hurgeon W. J. Simou, aud Cbaplaln f. J. K ino have tieen Brdatad to the BTJaaaaataea the 23?t IwaM Edaat. wm. aTaltb to tbe rereivuig-Jihip l'otomae ; Ma^ter IT. T. Monahan and Pavmaator M. B. Ctiahing to the Die.tator on tho ?d Inat,; t'apt. 8. B. Luce haa been detaebed from tbe lioaton Na?y-Yard and ordered to tbe coinmand of tbe Minneitota;<;omniandor J.ik. K. Jovatt hastieen detaebed aa a memuer of the lioard of Innpeetom aud ordeivd to the aaaaaaai of tue aaaeBM Dtataaaa on baaaaj innt..; Lleut.-Ooromaudar II. J. Picking froui the tafBata Statlon and oid< red to tht l>ictatorax KxeeutiTe; I.leut. Commander 11. H. Kolxson from the N-w-York Navy Yard and ordered to the Mnine?ota aa Kxenitlve; Meut. Oaaaaaaaaaa 0> f. f. wiido haa i>*en aaaaabad from tho Hoaton Navv-Yard and ordered Bj the Mintienota: I.ienr . Couimander B. F. LauiU-rtou han aaaa detaebed .'10111 the Naval Aeadeiur and ordered to the Dictator; Lleut. A. V. WadBaatt from Bbb TwrpedoStatlon at jfawpott. K. I., aod ordered to the Dietator; Lieuta. .lotepli (J. Faton frnm tba Baatea hTaay-Tatdt aadOL H. Btacktoa froin tbe Pltllintelptiia Navy Yard, aud ordered to tbr Dic tator; liaati J. K Piliahary, from the Twrpedo sta.ion ; AxjUMtaiit-MirKeoii ? . A. (Iiavult. from the OI110; t'blef Eugloeai VV'tn. <). Buebler, from apecial duty at Wii mlogtoii, and Itotuwaiu An?.'l K<ene, from tba Boatoa NaTyYaul, and ordered to ttie Mininaota ; r.ient. M V. Barnea, froru ibe t^Maandaljriia, and )ilaced 011 BBB leave;>- ^.riniri (>.e, froui the New-llatii|?<hire, to Ihe Triara; Malo II. II. Jobiiaon, from the ktarSower, ta taa New-Hamjwbtre ; and Heenuil AB<.o.ian' Bagtoeer ,Iobn J. Hutltb, froui tbe Mauhattau. aud piaoeo ou aivk leare. ? THE (,01X)HAD() AT 8FA. 0* BOARI?TIIE COIORADo AT SlA, De<*. 12.? Tlie V. 8. Hteam fri^ate tolorado ateaiued oiit over the liar to-dav, boiind to aea and to the eoiitbwar.t. The e< lerlty wlth wbleh thi* DiagiMfleent frlgate haa been fltted out r?-fteeta er?<<lit 011 the Nary-Yard and her offleera. Only a few dayn BBM ahe waa lying In liarbor wlth nothinif bat her tbree lower maafa utandlng, aud now ehebaaalttheparaphernalUof aahipof war. But forthe delay la atortng her powiler, ahe would have been off flve tafb alaee. Tbe followiog la a ootnplete Hat of her ofl1?*n> : Q?p?. Oeo. M RanaoBi, CnmiuandlDg; IJent. 1 ouiuiaudiua Kdgar U Mrrrliaaii. Kxreutive (illlrrr Lieut. C'vaiuiandiug Iloraeo Eliuer. Navi?atiug oOlcer; l.ieiiteiianta, Kdwln Longneeker. J. K P. Ragadale, HiixwaiOeid tUIlraAae, W. Swlft, Karl Kober t'hlet Eo enaar, J. H. Fiuaay: Pajr luapector, W. W. Williauia; edlcal luaiMX'twi. H. Y. Couea; ?'apt. W. B. U?uiu>, Commandlng tiuard of Martoea: t.ient. ConiniamlinK BA. CUu Marpby, Marlae Corpa; Beeond Aa^launt Ku gUMor, H. UHioaaou, AaaMUui Hurgeoaa, U. M beott aud II. bf. Martlu; Baalgu, W P. IU>; Mnlabipuien, Tuomaa and Htavoua. We bope to have a favorable ruu to Key Weet, aad to reeelve a few niore tuidablpiuea aud ataaaaa, af whleh Um ahip a bbbbbbbbbbj thart. GRNERAL FOREIGX KKWS. ?~? KLCCTIOK8 IN ERANCE. fDOQag OV KKl'l HIJOAN ? AMUOATEH. Paaja, Daa. u. i?t3. Baa tinn* were h< |d fo'liy in the 1 >. ; artmenfa of the Anlx\ Finistcrrc. and Si ba-at-OtaO for members of the Asfemhly. I'at'ial rcturna indicatc tho elec tion of th<? Badtoal candidate in the ggjba and of fwo Bt piitdicans la finiatetW and .Stine-et Oino. MARSHAE IlAZAfVK'S SKNTKNf'E. I.FTTF.R FKOM TIIK. P1USONKR TO PKF-TI'KNT MA<^ maiimn-ifttkr or RflJ cov.v-ki. 10 b*#BBb> pgflR tiiii:i:h. Paki*, Ratnrday. I)ec 13.18T3. Marxhal Itnxitinr, aitio? roceiving notico of the rotmnutatlon of lila acnfrnce. tiaa ? rlttcn ? li-tUT to Prealdent Mao.Mahon, iu which he naya: " You remern Ix-red ttio daya ln wlilcli we acrvcd the rountry totfelher. I fcared tliat tho iinpulac of your beart wouid be otcjt nuatored by Htate couaidoratmna I ahouid have died vttboal raaxattOlaaa hteaoaaaaajeadatfangl thaaaaaa for mcrcy vindlcatcs my bonor." M. Lacbaud. Bazalnc'a aoaaaatj In a Wtcr ta ex Treal dent Ttiien, thank< timi Barhavlag espaaaeel hianpin lon the Mar?hal-waa lnnocent of tbe abaiaao ui>on whicb be fM tilcd. A LETTER FKOM M. KEONIER. LonuOM, Monday. ber. 15 ? a. m. M. Ileignier haa scnt a loug lajggf to The Timt$ complainintr of hia treatment by Uie liazaiaa conrt-martiaJ, and oflVrinjc to explain Lia couduct bi BofO a trlbuual conMatiiitc of a rtpreacntafivo orVAa Timts and two other Engliah eJitora. Iht Itaaaj dechuea to takc tart In tbe inveatljration. HOHfaWT AND spatv. EX^rrTMr.vT at bkrun ovf.r thk ffHIFHIr Of MKRcmxT vagaajtt B XaTJ lOQeVOO akoiii IBJLtBOk LONDOf. flatnrday. IVe. 13, 1873. A BpeglgJ ilispatcb fagaaj Uorlin to fhf gafa> don Ilour a ?y? t Ue commanderof ono of tlic (icrman ?.?-?.- acized by a Hpantsh. man-of-war in tho Hooloe Arehipclajco and carned to Manlla, write* heOBO tbat bluidelf and crew were a"iit to pr.aoa andk. pt tlu-re two inontbs, durint; wblcb tiuie thcy rc< iv. I H tf haran treatment at the baadO of tbe ollic da. Ttie llmir'i dUpatrb aiya publlc htflltag ln Gerrnan/ ia niu.h exclfed overtbe geirure of rhc v<- l?, an I'the fullcal nati*?f?cfion for tho m.sult to thc- Qaraaaa (lifc* ia do manded. THE CIVIL WAR IN PPATJf. the xnw coMMAM>i:it op iiip. Li.iu..;i.i; POakOn at caktaokna. maoeid, lalaiday. n<e. n, MB Con. LopcJiDouiitiiqutz, thc nuwly-appointcd rommanderof tho forces baabagtagCarta?< n?. arrived in camp yestcrday and naannied cnminand iiriiu.-diately. Lant evenlnifhe held a revi?w of all th-- Iroi.i.'". Tbe boinbardnient of tbe clty baa beeu tciuuorarily auepeuded. KEC0:;CILL\TI0N BBTWEEH CAITlLil AND SAEMEboN. Lonikin. Monday, Dec. ir^-fl a. tn. A di.spatch to 17ie Daily Stus aajl ? com ptSM riMi.nciliation baa been eflecud Lctwieu Caalclar aud Sa.ucrou. _ TIIE ASIIANTEE WA1. DXjrggi OP SIR GAKNKT WOI.SFI.KY ? RgndttT OF TIIE AMIANTLES?DUJLASLUJ AMu.NO Tllfc DKlIIsII UOOHb Tx>M'Of, naaaraay. Dec n, i873. AdvicPS fTom the Gold (Joast to Nov. 16 atatothat Hir tJaroet Wolselcy waaon board tho ablp .- lu'.oin suffeilnn from fevcr. ?? had baOB illforail <l ...*. Tbe uiedical atatf declarcd tliut the atnwk w?< aii^ht; atiii, it babag ti.o flr-t Hir Oaraal snir-rcd (M.'Vertly. At a councfl of tlic Jintlhh :oitlnirlfle?i and nattve ehicfn at BTapobMB, It waa do U r.nlued tbat all thu rann-c* abould ba Ii>r> luly ea> llated aaearrtera, laborera, aad pollee. Thli law went into operation on .Nov. 10. It lo?x baaa loolooc delavcr). Tbe Aahaatfoa baTO retraatnd to [wa*atd,a4a/'a aiaaab beyumi Mamiu. All tbe aktrailaBea ao fir bavebeoa tnaifnlfleaat.aerrlnc mereiv aa axecctaa n> tba natna alliea. l'ntd tbo wbiui iroopa uiww, notbaag aaeagfO \ull occur. I.- Bl <-s..I> ?. H, 1873. The ? Tt.afra haa antTOdal Urariool irom ibe r.oid ccat. 8h.i^ tii- aaaaottaa af the agagal ?aat theni vcrv nnlif.iltiiv. Oa two VOH ila M BHM were dowa viib tiie tivi-r. raaBtafrabad ?e\t.. eaatheen board trom typboid favar. TIIE VIELE DIJ llAVIJi: DISASTKB. A PAJTlBl LI-T 09 PKUS'lNS SA\ ! I>. WilH IAR iici'i.ap.s <>k iiii.i:: aaai cz, TIm following Hat eootaina tha Daaaaa of ?oom paroaao aaved, vttb tbe parcical m of tbali i ? ai, ??< c'.ven In tha London jhimuiIm af Dea, il Mr. Jiimea BiObaPi Wo. K Ilriiadway. BOW Y .rk, 'eff tha ilup "a a pbi.iK; leatadaboul tbree-qHai tew oi aa boar, an l tben wa- picked u'> by a Prem u boat. Mr. Heary Betknap, Ko 8 Monat V rnon-at. Ro?'..n, anaui from tbe wrct)., and Was pkbad u;j auo.U ali uuur aiiet bv au tii^li^h boat Mr. Androw McOreery, !fo. IRae Beatrjeaa, ParH, left oefora ?hc taak aad ?i> i lakad up aboao ono buur atter by a Freni n boat. AJfn d Barbaneon, Sfo. 10 Iti? d ? IT-im>re-. Befgtam, ?waai fr.nn ti.e wrack. wttboat ^.i>p..t, ior onc i.our, an ' wai jdekud up by a Frani b boat. Mr. Ti.pbil ? Lorlaux, Ko.0 Kuc aa Batlgnotlea, Pana, BoateddlrMt f'> ^n Bagltab tbtp aa a, aai >*aa pb ked up bv a Praaah nont. /? ^ Mr. LeOrand Cramar, Troy, ifew-Tork, aanfe with wrcck : g. v.itly injured abOBl tli-hcad; ttnau-d atmut on-- aour; MTeaayan Entllab boal: laatanauaU Mr. B. A. Wittbaua, jr., N?>. II Weal Tnlrts-fuurth-er~ ffi W'Yoi k. iwam from wreok, t?and rapport, aaaaad alxiut ouc boiir, and picked 0ifdjff an I.;:,llab boat. Mr. and Mra Williaui K. BWOTt (awift k Alk D), Now H<- Iford, Uarted ftitca, Jumpi d oyerboard a :rh lifa pre aeirara, loatod atiout aoe boar, a id ?? ra ptckad up u/ au EugUab Ibe/ bare c'^t a itau^t. i r Mr. Fraociaeo Lnido. Koa. i ] and 131 Malden-laao. .V. A-York.and N'o. 35 BM dc Laxemboarg, P.ns, lett tlie abip bcloro-abo aauk, floated oa a plaakOBO bm.r, and pteked up ny an Eajrliab boat. Mr. Ch;4rlea B. Watte, Brevoort lloine. gew-Torg, and ??j gtaaaa iTaloaa Tarla. oank with tho ahin. aaai (or a tnoe, tben fouad apleee vf Unaber, aad aoated thrc il'.i.u ;? ?!??< of an bour. Ho waj p.caed up by a l-'u i.< fi boat. Ha baa loat a ataoor. Mr. M.Ko.ikey liutt. -Vew-Y.-rtr. sanb with ablp, floated with piece of iIuiIh i- threi-ipjarteis . f au Uour, and waa pi.-kcd up nv a French Mri.. M. A. Hulkiey, Hi^'a, JTcw-York, aank wifh the abip, floated wilh tuiiber ono bour. un.l w:oi picked up U.v au Euitbah boat. Mbc baa luat a dauiihl. r* Mra. Ut-nry 1). Spatl >t6, UJ La Balb> *., .(Iiicajro, Mi uoia, aank with ablp, rt-.iteii witli tnu' er OM boat, and waa pu kcU up b> an Jbua*:iau i/ at. bii? baa loat ibrea cUildrMn. ? Mrs.Cfegte, Parls, MBaWtth sblp. floated witb tlmber nne hour, and waa picked up liy a Fitsucb boat. Bbe baa .1.-. n.'.- buatialid. btlaa A.lilio Breeden, No. 27 Avnae de Tarls. Vcr anillc?, Krance. and New-Y.>rrf. aaak with abip, floated witn liuiber oiie bour, aml waa picked up by a I'Yuucb bont. Hlie haa loat bir fuiber. m.ik Paaa? Blolaaor, N>>. ao Bro?d-at., Now-Yorlt, aank witb ablp, Hoaled ou pilot'a ati-pa Ibr. < .ju.iiUra of aa hour, and waa plckcd up by a Kieucb boau rib. baa loat li>-i inoiber. M i - Marv Hnuter, No. i> K it., N, n ]?< rt. It. I., aank with ahip, floatcii on t.uii'ir oua bour, and wao |ueked ui> by au EugtiagJfboaL mh- baa loat fatber, tuother, aod oapkar. Miaa Anna Hunter No. II K-af., Newport, R I., aank with abip, floated on tiuiher ono n.iur, and waa picked up by au fcn -? li?i. I'.iat. Mic baa loat a aiater. Mi.-sea Mad?-lin? aud llelt ue MixUr. No. 106 Beaeon-at., Buatou, Maaa., aank with the abip ; tbo fonuer floated on tiinber three-ouartera of an bour, and tbe latic.r oa tulot'a i?icpa one hour, and tbey were picked up by au CuKhah boat. They have loat fatber, uulber, two tia Ura. aud crandfatiier. Miaa C. 1..U-H, No. a Kaat ^'venteenth-at., New-York, aank wltb alup, floatei on tiaibcrone hour, aud waa picked up by au Knxliab boab bbe baa loat luother aod aiater. Capt. Surmont aank with the ablp, awam for three qimrtera af au bour. and waa picked up by a Freneh ii. ti. i apt. l'aray aank witb tbe abip, floateU wuu ua> i? i r?r two boura, aud waa pieked up by .? Freuob boat. Fn-at oflleer at hia poat lowered bia boat and aaved tbi.?c roacurd by tbe Y rt-uch boat. Pmraat Vie aauk witb tbe ablp, waa pieked np by tho freaeb >>oat, and tben aamated to aave paasencera. becoud i'uraer Dubec awau from tbe ablp neariy to tha EacUab boat, and' waa tben picked up ly tba Freuob baaa. ?aeoad Bagbkoat aank witb tbe ablp, floated with tlni Ikt tnioc bouta, aud waa tbe laat aaved by tho AaigUab boat. * KOREION NOTES. The abip Preaton, whicb arrived at Havra on liee. H from New Orleana, waa burned at thatplaca ou Hatui duy. bbe bad l.tau balea of oottoa oa boaxd. Advict'S from tbe Cape of Good ilope to tha lTtii af Noveoiber report tbat diaturbaoeaa bava ao eurrea aoax Natal. A baud of uadvea, led by ooe of tliru own ebtefa, are oouiuiitUaa mauy exoeaaa*. Tba Brlltab tiovernmeut haa aeut tbe v..Iiinn. r- axalaat tbeui. A aoii ot tbe (olonlal HecraUry of NaUi waa knico lu a latc aktrntub. |/*r ?4A*r A?r?Va Mt?* m t**r4 #ea*.J