Newspaper Page Text
??* XXXTI).1S?-I0,2i:i. NEW-YORK, KIUDAY, DBCBMBEB 2ft, 1873. PRIOB FOLR CENTS. FORKION NEW8, TBE rivn. WAR IN SPAIN. Oal (ll THK UKFKNKKS 08 CABffACHOU 1.1(1 M BBD? AN AOl'U?KNTAl. TfffflflflBOB MW008, KikIiiv. Ileo. _fl-S:?> a. tn. Fp-^cial dsspat< he? frudi C.irtayena aaflflflflfl a1 Fort San.iulian, ?no of tlie ?.troii-.'.-st dflfoflflfll ol Iba city, ha? kaoa kaaaabfli. An aeridentaJ aapftaabM in thc lYrial Battaoy, PB8 Urday hiilod fcflCBtj <>tli.*-rrt un.i uieiiof tl.e l'. '-.<',' ihr flfltflfl. _ DCPLO_Cra THE BiHABA. OKK11VKI)'s l.M'll'tniaN ll' 'MH' III'VVN i>i-*:in -sm.ti ii 08 a ..lil.Ai ritAVKiii; ii'i 088 Oi m im iRAH-un: KM-r.ifliru.N 081188 niK auancaa oa n_i aa_uava aaainB aa* OOaa i.iM'a.v BBI.ifl'i" Bl kmWBBk* fltO m-m'T. 'itnou an OTffflijwM noaaaaaiiaaaai ki raaiaiaoaa, Wfjmar. (..rinany. Nov B/-L88I NV.dn.*<!ay eveninjj a far. vi,11 (888888 8188 Rlvflfl heW t?> tli?' dislir.iruisbcil Afiuaii travt 1< t, Oodflfld RoMfr, wha for tfirc- ycaa pat>t has his boiuo in thia qui.-t IMIa QwaiaB iwpital J-.v lhaaaarlaayal Haai aaa H<.j.iiiowski. tb<- tilit-i.r.'f tha Htiiiiann-he Aatunq, I wm i-u.ilil.-.l to l>c prcsent and to bear tbe detailt. <>f BBM ui lli.* niost itit.-r.-~-.:m? pl?88 *>f rxploratioti whu-h baa baaa aadaatakofl <>f late yaaaa Pachapa Ha moet rrmarkal.lf f?-:?tni.? io that it shoulil li.i\c U-<*n bo long ne-rlrrted 01 "ia-rlook.-d. Tlir namr of Roblfl baa bflflfl racntioned from t.iin to time. in roiinta tion vvithhispr- viou.- Aiiia an journcys, in tht Aun-ncaii DOWOpapen; bfll B Bftfltl h of ln v ?;id-. rfu'.lv advaOtlUfl?I lif'" will no doubt Im- n. vn tn ??al r. adoca Ua waa ben near Breaaaa, in i.-v.i, aad un-' fl.-iit.fl. <.f \8*m t.fli.'-d hiai*aa*boy ofl"). into th,- inilit.iry mflkfl Ut 88881 -1 diuii.K tl.e Bekkinr-a-Haifltcia ware-i IBBA wot Bfld?fllflaa?iwd l-.iiiiMif ut tJi<-;.- i.f iiUt.dt iba waa ap poi'.i.fli offleer. Foi Bavofal yaan afterwaid hc nMdied m.-dii'inr at thc univ. rsirics ai GStttflffeO aadHeidelberff; then, iaatead af Bettttaf dowato lha exeitiaa <-f bJa art al kaaaaahflahot oaTflta tflHwaaai, waadered taioogh Aastria andttaly, and noiiiiv. -it. r iii.n.v onreeerded adTontoraa, tazaod opaaaFreaeh aaldiarsB tha fetaaiaai Id-nina em pl...\.il in Alflien a#aiaal lhfl lobettlowa Kabyiea. li, r> ba Naa t.i th,- raakflf aaaaaaa?*8aeaivad Betaeal ik-eontiono.and?whal ttoatt Uaa88aB88?Mf gNaflfll -ai.u* ?aaBared lha Aiakta laafltflflflja, in th, isr.i i{..hiis l.i .-an Uaeapletatiena. Dia-mii-:.-.! nn 8 Mflflftah physiciaii, hc eiit'-n-l tht K.n'.'.l'flia of Mt.rocco. practn-cd for a time an.l with ?jrrcai BflOOMflfll PeB, und in tho ct.ursc of 8 > i ar or tivo rlsited all pflrta ol tha country. Daring a jotu-n.y to tbfl 0 i-iM-f 'liillK-t, in lha Sahara, ho was attflrkltd bj thfl IliaiVflB of tbo carav.ui l.c had joiln-il. pl.ilni.Ti ,1, BflYflXflij w.uindc.l, and kft fa.I d-a.i oa 11.?* aandfl. Ilaayhoaia aftcawaida aoaaa d< rvi-flh'-flfl. pii-<Hii!2 thfl aaaaa way, f-m ...i Uaa aaaily (imi-- tiifli.i Ihlral and lo-** of bl-'od, aad ptaaad IhoaaaaNaa aa ba poad Baaaarttaaa hyatayfa-g wim liim until iic n.i- iiblc to travel. HaflhlM diumtctl Afl] 1'it-fl t?-ii.l'!c .-xi'fl rifl-m-.-. ha ritxt iiiiali't.'iak la r.fl.i'ii tlic (?..-'. .'i Wtteh had lii-vcv l.cct. riattei bjf .. Enropeflfl, ln this ba was perfeetly ?aceeaafal: ha explored tiie tamoaa eaala fkoaabe gianioi to aad, aecretly aaraaored and a_ppod it. an.l tben iniiil.- h;^ Wfly to I-ipoU hy tha niorc iiaiiih eco Oai.-flir i>f Ghfldamaa. Thiajoaiaay aeaala aaaaa-i li,, ini.y\ ili.t ii.g an.l iii:i>oil..nt cxi.loiatiouu of thc ? .; ,--'..;i. .. l.i \H<io tititr.i visit to fierniany, Kohlfo re titriiid t.i Iri;..,li with thc lnt.-ntion <>f p.-n.-t ratinir a inflflwiahKWM rpgion cfllled tha Hoaar; bflt, babfli <i>i,tii u- amona tha Tflaaag Araba, ba weat aa M"'ir;'iik. tbe rapital <'f Fexaaa, aad thtrc w.,:r?d ni.i :i M.iia lt. 1868, fOI th.- oj.portimity of cx te -'"fl-fl ln- j.iuiuny tu -...ui-iiu. iu Caualrail A i, ,, ,, . , :n tl goodfl, li,- Mt ont wilh u Miiii'l i.iii.v.,n. iimi in f"iir -aofltha, l.v way of I'.iiin.i i.u <-i?i .nt- followed i<y DmBaaapnd Clap ... ;...! ;.t Knki., lha capital of BoflO.... lIttclic:us.ciUiiicil Iba litci.l liisiinfortiiiiiitc Btfl ?iflaaaaaa \i<-iit/ ??". Beaiaa aa, wba waa aaardMad flfljiiaiflhlaa ihafmntim ofWaday, hy aadea of tlic .! oi tii-u . fl.-iiiuy. K"hlN. aevertfaeksa, aaota ,_-.r tn w.u.. tha . u itai of w.i.iav. aaklnf 1-atiiii-ifl-i.i-i to tnv. 1 tbither, aad whfla waitini foi il., eoflw* r? ni.i-1 >l'i'li.Micy i j t!ie i-.nintiy ol M,ni diua_tid iiii'-'ia.u riv.T Benaoa Uv tbk lln? be waa ahaoal wtthowt Baaaai tlic . ui:-1 cial tii ni aarioaaly, ami, I?atty, _i I?-tfl-ii.ii.r. !?*"'",hfldeeiied toaaafca hia wayta thc i. ll of ( DfllBflf this hc pflflflfll Ihnoflgt the _.Dfldomef Jakowfl, whieh Bflflmvekt pii-vioi.f iy .-ni'-i.-d. aad feOowed aa entirdy aew roiit,- tb. ic tO tha H.-niii', which lio dcsrcn.l'-d to ita inn. tn.n with tba Niner. Roblfl inf'.rnicd mc I,, .... ,, ootaparatiti ly f.-w diflkaltiea and daagen whik trflveiainf thu nr_;aowa lerritory. UM Nigai h.aaad ti.- aaaatoy in aaaa?gbi j:,,, ia ika ' ? i-t ^ii ?Bfaa, whate hc foaad an _flfl?ah atOWOttt, aad reaohed Liveipool ou thc Jd of July. Ibi'.T. B f.r,-atzaaoathawflia ?flv>-r. Bo__iwaaaaaiflia Afrua. Ktnif Wilh.lin of Ptflflaia apin.ii.t.d him ?j.litary corrc-por.dcnt. tu accoinpany thc Knvlish aiptflltthfli to Aijvs>ini.-t. Baaaada tbeeflaapfldfa, from tl.e toait to Ifagd iii'-. aii.l aftflfl tlic 888*8 tt Theodoaa aoeempUabed asaae Maiited hat taaaaaatiai azaiaBatieoa <>f tba Abjaaiflian hiihlaaaa A year laoflr, i>artiy aaaiatad by lha FraaaiflaGflvaaaaaaaa, bc iind.Tii.ok a i??ric? ot rcn, itrcben anmnir tln- (Iifck ai.d K"m-iTi nlic-fl of thr ('vr. naica. and ?wound iii* a journcy lo thc oatahlflted Oafli- of j.ipit.T Am.n.i.. in tbi Libyaa Dcatrt, For thr laal tln.-,- veara, l.oi.lf-, has baaa oeeapy iaf hfcBoaaf eflteiy aa a leotaaei aud wfitaafbrtha i.r<A.S.S. Bia atyle ia eleaxaad aataaatedt aad hia dfl* -?, riptioiis, jMiliapH froui the very aOhflflaoaa ai thcir tonr, eaavey ??? *-tron?. iuipri-s.sia.ii i.f mthfabiflaa Tl,. hiroisiu ol kia n.ttirc ih BflffBSled ... lus j>cr Bonai appaaiaaoe. H ? is;. stnkii.Klv haadaoaaa man, abflataixfaet?i?iflbtflwith <t.sp blaad bfl?. biaa apafli and a-i alu.'.fl-t 0f80h pri.tilc of B08B, BBOfltk and rhin. In spitc of Ma f'Tty Jtais. and tii- ciioiiiioiir kaaaahlpahahaa'aaahia*mtma, iw da><*s not appaarte haaaaah over ihiity. His bcfliiat h aaUUeriy alaaoal t.? nrvcnty : hut this ifivc.B hiui an air flf autln.iity. ?ahithi- au clciucut of \ahn- iu tlic a., <>in P?ahaaaaflai of an lln naa aaplaaaff. aflpea IBM ba hae marncd and _Bfll hunsill a stat. ly boOOa itre; tbeGraud Dflkfl has bflatflWfld up ?n buu thc ml.- ol Hofrath (C.urt Counciloi I, 8fld I pilflflBII thiii will U- his futuic lioiuc if Ailah ht-ap him back victorious from thc prc*?'iit adv.-ntuic. Tbe idcaof au exploratioa of tbo l?> 8Ui or.frniat*Hl with ^.blfs, bnt th<- rcali/at.oii ih.rcof is due to the Viceroy of Bgypt, It is aalf 8 "few inoutJi* 88888 tl.e nlan wai. hroached. p8888Btad, aml ?flOaplad. It is ono of the nafc-,t. Ini. fest. ami B-OOl prattical'lc wMflh can be tmagiued. wheu we coo tiApt mcans and probahlc rceults: und if I hud not l>..r_c_ tbe Traveler froui my hlood. 1 shoiild hc tempted U> aek lor a Bubaltfru's 88888 iu tlic cntcr ptUrY. The s.ipi^r was bo simnle ;ind Ipptflprifltt ka its ehara.-tfl.-r, 1 ahould like to oflcr it un a ii.,?l>l fo' allBituilar c-lcbratiousat honie, ahfltflWfl .,-tt.i'l. bave bollow spl',1 at au imiiit-tisi- , o?(, an.l an op. IKirtuuity for the gcttcn?-up of the ttOkt to .Ih tiiiKuiBb Bflfl?flalffla witboul m.i' ti r.-uaid |a t|?. ifllij'-tt or itt. rrpredcntativc. Wc bad a plain. Biib Btautial bill of fare.iucludioK carp and 8888888 for ulioiit one dollar apiere, each ordering his own Wtflfl. and payieK a few cents towards the' uio.ii-rate a?n,...:uf tii.-'l hy the diBtir.irniBbed i/u.-t " Knowledge" was tbe firet toast, and " The Kx tlmet Oerliard Hohlffl," the ???< ond : after the Kiplorer arose and ezplained to ub tbe aci^pe, eipoc - tation and* of hin underUkioa. J 1ns wan the end of formality ; wbat ren.ained wa* pleasantly Mwial, and uot he reported. hebJie firtt ealled our atteotioo to tba faet tbat tlie F.nvpf Wfl liti'ivv i.i t.i** 881X0*8 Nil.'-vulley, ht ! vi ia n wiii.-li uu.l Um Bfli bbb_. 4.11 tii" aaaa. tba taflii* laCT bl B_-_fOB-_b uot y. t tlfrdiulily, known ; but wbaa wa araaa aba f.'-v BaHaaai _al__* Bflfll t'? tbfl vvr-tward 4.1 tlir. rtv.r WeflTt on tii.-baflfleiBafl a BBflBBB whirh ia Rtill. forthc mnat part. B BflaflB, on 0?r m-ips. \V<> know tliat r.t di tflflflflfl vuiyin.,' from luo to 17a inilen vv< p-tvv.ird there aro f.tii BflflflB, IWfl ti wlii.-h urr* largfl and w. 11-pnp alfltod) and V- t ouly one Kuropciin 8?888431'.r.l all of tbeat! Tlii- w.t* tlu- Fronohman, ('nilliind, in tkfl year 1819. Tbfl I-ittleOasi.. {Oonin Pana of tlir ? aaaa i liaaab-ad IOOtadlaB waat af Minych, on tba Nil" ; Ht ill furtli' r. in tlio latltB-la of Siotit, tlir capi t.ii al Uaaar Kjrvpt, and 175 atUafl fl_Btaat, ih thc Oaaaaof Fanfreh; tbaa, 109 Brilflfl ncarly daw wrut ?f TWbflfltJfl ilio Qraai Oflaia (Qaafa Jfaajaa). with tlu. dasis oi Dabbel (jriag botwoea it an.l Pbrafi-b. Twflortb_ea l-.ii__lisiirii.-ii have Tiaited 111** Graal Oitfi*.?onlviif'.ur dny.*.' journey frotn tho Nilc?on BeOOfl-flql its aucirnt Kuyptian tciupl.-H; but Cail laud, I bclieve, is the only man wbo bflfl OTflr fflflflV tiiit.-d ;_.i vvrat us Farafrch. These four Oii.s.w arr di?|x..-ird in a rurv.-d line llu OO-BOBTA flidfl toward thc Nilc; tlicy aro tind.r BfJP tian irovciiinirnt, and niust havo frr'quent latflf coursc jvith thr towns on the rivcr. Brvond them, B8>weicr, aaibi?a wboaaaafl ia known ; ncarly a mil li.m BfljaatflBB?fla (aaaaait tothi*. aay aai aaaolata tcrra im. ./r-ii.'a. lt BBBflBfl tolerablv certaiu that nu orfruni-ol, independrnt BflflBBB cxiHt-M thcrrin, !>?? tvveeu Waday and tlir, M. iliirriaiican, l.ul reports of very lar^e and fcrtilc oascH have froui timo to timo leflebed Krypt. an.i tho poaaibi___-ytd Ma_aa-atkBB" BflBBB BO havo Bflflfl tbfl 8_Bfl_ iiirentivc wbich _1?-<1 tho Virt-roy to favor thc c\p.dition. Thr liativ.-B of tho OasiH of Farafrch say BBfll hix day-' journey to Iho westward thero is a largo 88888 rallr.1 Zerzur5a, iiiliahitcd hy ncKrocK; Bflfbt or t"ii ilay-'.iotirnrv furtlier to thc west in a r.-ion rallrd "rufanih"?-aid to br a vaflt (lrprrs t-ion in thr Dflflflrt. two or throc hutulrcd BBBBfl in cxUnt, aud flbtfltadblf wilh vvrlla und gTOTflfl flf datft f bBB 'fo BBB Roiithvvard. some |80fl_rapBflfl> eOBJeOwfl-fl tliat there is a chain of mountains, ri.-iiii? tfl a biflbt of aifbt cr li-n t-OOBBBd fflfl-t I have Bflflfl BBBB thin chain Rot dowu upon BBBBB. Init I liavr BBBbfla I" diM.ivcr upon what evidence, and lioblfti infoniiH inc that hr m ar.. ly Biaeetfl to Iind it. Von I'ciirmann aud l?r. Nachtii.all are thc only travrlcrs who have prnotrati d into any part of thifl Krcat rrsrinn ; thry have skirted thc houth-wrst.-rn l.oni.T of tho I.iliyau DbBB-Sj wl.crr, B-tflDdflBg to ward Waday aad Laka I*B*fl. it ia gradoallf Ufll bi tbflBabara. Wara, tba eapital td Wadaj.baaa inurli more northrrly loration than wu.a lonunlv BBBoeaad i ii lir_ noai-ly weflt ?f DoBfela, tba aucimt eapital of N'ul.ia. and uot more than t3.*>0 nnle.a dia tant. iu a ritiai^ht linr. North-wrft of Waday. ncarly half way bfltWflflB that rountry and F8SB_B(81 a land eaUadlibeat. whirh Dr. NanbtifaH Bfleeeedfld in ixnrtratiiiir. makiiK J.;ik..* Tuad hi.a stai I iiiK'-point. Hbeaball aa-Blyreflara to dtiUssttoa after bla darlnf B-P-oita, be vvill briof us tba first Batbeatia iiitrllicriicc of tbfl. rr.ioii. Slill furtlier, ami ...Li-t ward of Til.r.ti, ia _ land rallrtl " W'.nl jau^a,'' said to bc wil.l and moiiiutaiuoiia, flflt. Ut* babitedbj .,, warUka raee Thc BBfartad O.-u-iiof "Ful'ean not I.e very to thc uorth Waad of this " WadjaiiKa'' land, an.l. nhould 88888 I.e B v BBOflBtflln IflBfa dividitu: th^v two, it mav Bfl* eoutit for our iirnorance of botb coutitrirs. Wbetfl BBaaay and re-rularlv-trav.-l.d 8888.8881 ronfr faiN, in Airtra, two or thrrc geBBfatJO-fl Nttfti.-c t<> oblite lat.-ail aeeidenta] leograpbiea] Imowledge aaaoat tbe people. Tbo flaptif tfl of Iba expeditlofl BflflflBfldTflijarigbt wiuii Boblfa told?a tbat ba ha4i Jaat Iraeahrad fl letter fraaa Dr. Naditiizaii, aetaa_jr aa.lflaa la Iifara, tho capital flf Waday, in .lanuary l-atl The i-oiirit.aion or a peaee Baflwaea tf.o ki4if.'.ioniw Bfl Houiiiu and Waday had cuiil.l.kfl tlu* inlicpidtr.iv alarta paafltaflta wbara hia two baaaie pflflOflflaaBBBi (Voirdand "/flB l.riirinauni BlVBBBMkfl, and 888 proa paotl arr now Bjfled that ln- will BfleOBBd in crosaing ])ar l'ur aud eOO_BBf to tbfl nv Ui/.. d world af. un at KbartOB A- l'U- -Ob_-_.b_S plaa i- very siiiiiilc and piacti.;.!. Ki.irhimf Egypt Ly 1). -4. I. be tvill niiiiloy two or i iin , vu .ki* in auBflitinfl hia e-oaditioa. Hia atait lafl point Will hr Uo town ol wUBJBBI. tflaB888BBB1 tat-tiaaa flf Ihr railroad whi.h will BBOfl BflBBflflt Cairowitb rpp.rKtr.vpt. Awttpof livc days from Minyrh vvill tiriuiT bflfl tfl thr O.isi. [of l-'ariifi. li. Ix voiid iif not befan I wluch jioiul evi rv BBBB; will i.e ai'ontni.utitm toom knowledge. With tbeflt-flfla Bl hirt disi.osal. hc Avill bfl abir tO Itfl-b thr Rrrat (l.i-ia Of Fuiaiah (if tben is BOeh a place] iu .-liiotlit r fortnij-lit ; and th<n. BialdBg that a fl.f.lial, tfl pflflb a* far BOO-bward and westward a_ may hr poaaible. The expcditiou will be the flBflfll BOflafletB lfll it** si/r that evtr Wflfl I'laniied. Four coinprfeut (irr maii. (holar. will. ccoiiipany Kolilfa?a hotaniHt, an (-t.iiiolij.-iHt, a ?BBtag-BfliBBd a niirvyi.r. One liun drad pieked eaatabi vmi earry each two waflaMaaba of Ufht tralvanized iron. BBB_-Bg an entire prov ision o_.80O.aafl poflsflB ?f watflr, flacBtfld BBjafaad UaBby cvaporation. From 8(1 to lf)0 additional camrls will Ik. takefl for thc pfltfl-Bfl and l.aEKn*re of the exprdi tton ; tlie caiiu 1 (lriv.iei will bc Will annid and un d?r niiht_ry discipliue. l.caving Minyth toward tho end of Dm lubcr, Uolilffl expc< ts to be back .i.-.i.ii by the end of March, 1574. Ilo luin the great advanlago tbat his exploratiotis rointiicnco iuiine diati ly, and tliat, whatever may I.e the bflfll remilt, lio is perfectly sure to clcar np a _reat dcal of un knowii BjaaajBBpby. Therxplon-d trrntory, of eotirac, will be anni xcd to EgyfjA. Infi.ui- ot livc iiioiitlis, thcr.'forc, we may expert to h.-r fl new _t<uy of Afi icaii travel. If 1 am BO. Hicatl.V luibtakcu, it will bo one of 6j.rrial iiitere*t. A brtler lt-adri tliau Itolilf.a eould haidly bfl found, a moro niacti(al jircpaiatioii baa uevn I.r. u maitr, fl more prov okiunly attraetive BflflfiflflB Bflflfl BBfl e_.i>_. I ..xpect that thr seiiiptor Story'a BBBafatf **.**ibylla Lib.vca will lift her dark browi* and atare in alarm, whrji ahe linda that tdie no longer o*na a myatcry. n. r. THK VII.LK DU HAVKK IHSASTKK. IIIK l.l'.MTi: OF i'ASTl.I*. W*_-M AM. UB, COOK I'ltOM tiik TrnkUM. Paator Weisa of l'aiiri givi-8 in thr* TariB Tem/jx ii. tK-iouiit of hia Ta_*8fl8 iu the I?Cti Karu, aftrr U-iiiK rea. ue?l from tlie Villo du Havre. Bfl wua left ou ifoaid -fltli Mr. Cook, beiog d-cmed loo *ick to Ij. trauw ferred 18 tlio Tnuio-utuiu, wlueli rivccived the bult of tlie rateaad puaarugera and rrew. Tiie t-Bptain of tho bec-Xata at laM axfaatai i? laaab liraefaal la a rliort l me. biil it wn* fouud that the ahtp could ouly I* kept alloKt i.v uiakiiiflf ootiaidrrabl.) repaira, aml tt.ou only lu th-- ovtut ut a c_li_ BBfl aml favoiahlo wiud Tuia was dihiovered ou .Nov yii, aud all of the two followlti.. 4l?v w. rr Kiwnf by ttir maitcr rarpentrr iu t.rotertl.ii. tho t>?~ with plank* bii-1 ahretitiir, aii'l atreufl-turnit..- the bulkheail, whieh proveulrd thc wutcr froui i.oiirlu_ iuto llu* hold. Iherr wa- a 8-8*88 atorm fnr thr.e duya. and on the _t*ih, wheo tBB 88818 wera m r.-rKliueaa to al.audou thr ahip. an.l Ihe builduiB of a i?'l OB8 evru dla amni tbe Hrlliah y.uveii huve ln alatit, mfl i'-(-.*lved thc .r~w ef tbe l.orh Earu wilh Mr. W.-iia nid ln* eoii.paiuot. on l.oor.l. A d?- Hti1 tbrearat* w<-r?* nl*.. hrotiitht on iKiard Iro.u tn?? ataBJaB 888881. Tue itniiaU uureli. Mr. Wrlaa ?a> a. aerU-Od U> re.aliie the uu a i'i,.*.,of her ..iw paaaraaefs. tat tke mafla 1.188 niiT.-., ,. ciuht davh. an.l on the ?th of I?ec.*iul.*r he aod Mr. .".ok irotoiJl.oarda pilot-lJoBl, whieh i.n.u?ht them to 1M iii.jii'h, whener Ih.y wrnt Dj way of IjoihIoii lo I ar a. Hoth W( re verv uint h cxhaUHt.d. hut Mr. W.-na 8888 tt... rem. of thta ean* wlurl. thrv r...-e.*/.?.| on l?oard ilielaK-lil-aruaua ihe liruwli Ifluaei.. and ihe *l_h( of home whiihtheyiicvcr aapactafl lo aee aflBla. uiada th. u.'aliooat forfcet their uil.fortiines. FOKKIGN NOTES. The n?w J-ugliflli Holieitor-Geueral, .Mr. V. rnon HarcourU ti-_. ritfti-ea to auawer laquiruia from the Qakai Kunfdoui Alllauca aa to tola viewi.on tha round that ha atver haa aud prohnhlr 88888 will fllra caw-foricnl Btaflfafl aa to hi- vot>?. Ir he did he would he uot a i-fl-prrariitatlr!-, hut a (1?iW>icat_! of the pe-iplfl. A atrauirt' nccne took B-BOfl B. Tokci, Japan, eij fhe i;___r,.r? hirthdav lo iBe eraolnaa dlusfli was pivcii ?t tlit'l.'mperor'a Bun jirr I'alare to tlie Por i-i.u _MflBMB accredifed to 18888, 1 rashltna, tlie new MMflBfll f.'i PflaaOffl Aflai.s, preaMed. Wttli tlie deasert I i Harry H. I'aili. s, n* Bllllflfl' r<.t<e anil pr" pmpoeed the bealtli ol tbe Kniperor, wbl.-b be ?crnu. I.y a ajx-reh. At tho, flbMB fe8 tOttoA Bp88 888 Pi. n.-h Miul-fltcr, rcmarkin- It waa lils turn uni lfl "ix-ak. Tln- ...iitit l.iirflv ri--p?.i?.leil, eicualDK biiifrlf, an.l na lie reau.n. I Ina k*ii( Jmlite I-tiui-li.-tin. tlie Atneri Mitii-fltcr, ..fl-". to.illir " I't ..-.p.-rity, liappim-as. Md pr..u'rr?f lo iflfl Movrrei_-n awl Bflflfllfl of Jtipan,'' wlu-t. Bll Harry, viulentlv intcrrnptinif. atuit bun off MflBr pletelr, rootlofllng lum lo "lt <lown, at.d crvum out " No tni.r.-," "No more." Jt.dtfe llit.::i.atn Ifflfl?W-8 Ina seat iriiireriilly, wlten a llvely dlai-u.-Hioti pusiicrt tho ti.tili?. in %* i.i, 1. Mr Harry heranto TflfJI niiu-lt flKlflfle, ,.,'i,l.tnl ny Ikal tlir aeniltiiriil was nut <?f onler, an lt liitifl.,l.n,,l polllle*, flflfl aiitfl'-rfluoua ln lanKUiire, _im " tiu- BmpflNff am* tflfl |M-..|.l.fl ;" but tlie Judtfe eoo.IV li.forinrii hm Iliat bfl ui.ftht bavr heard of a rbnrrli wnhouta t.i-li..p or a people without a rrown. t?U ln .ju.ii-fll lf II WflBfl pflflflIfllfl to bave b biBlmp wltliout ? rbureb or a flovflfflln without B ?><??.ple. W'lirn ptflflflfla for an auswer. Mlr Harry relucla.itly artmllled it coiilal n?.l l-e, laii.l tiiiiutt.li_.iely Jii.Iki- BlBflflaa giin'l-naturcd.y ooBjCffltulfltfld linn on having " tom. tu bia way cf thiukuiK." __________________ WA8BIBBTOB, mn ii-ii BIMBII to tiik l'M ikiI sTAir-i". W'ASiliNiiiON.nTliurBilay, Dee. tt, l*,!* Tlie C'lnef of tho Hurean of Slatlstic* fur* IH-.1..-S tii.' fnllowtnn cnniparativo slatetuei.t, showtiiK sonie of thr |.rm. lpal .lrlii-l.'H of HritiHb atul Irlet. pro_ diiceand iniiitifa.-tiirf-Beipi.rted froui the I' Kn.K to tbfl I'liitcdHiatcs iliirlnif tbo 11 mi.nth-i eudod Bat. UO, for thu yrara 1K72 and 1873: Aetirtrt. t*Vi. *5?5_, fntton iritiiifai-loi.-, .-lf** ro-Mi. rarit...\'19.i*bH *?*? I l'M 2 - "4 ' -. . . IM aiti ?..?;'".'H If.n, i.?r. ttiyW, l.uit. aml mi. l..m. 62 S ?.' ?.''.'.'.s.l li,,i,,T*ilr?.,i?t ril tona, t-ni. 411,071 l,,,ySa Iruli, hiKip*. llirf, I, : fl-r. . i?l ll.uor pllUa, kmeV.. -' WB 17.W.8 I^lll. pi(, rollrif, lha.1. p.lfllt'K Bflfl tO.,i"?, _r flflfll I. Mfl Mflfl?I tor*.' iflBMfMflii J ir-'i,". .'.'ill ,47 -V'-'O t.7.4(K>;07'J S.ll a,?nu!a. i ,r*. I.fid ?."(!. of ull er __ tai.n.. flUr.-.'ld ?7i.'.i'| It mmt ..( a.l li; .1.. aa.ui-. *.,...',:;<> .Itlirr artirlr* of n.k vnl'. **ln*. fli'-.'OlO IO'.',*!-. (lil.Br irliri.. i.f ai.<l uUrr io.,t*r,*li, mmt. 8183,0211 87 '?? W. ol, ihrrpin.l liml.i.' pa^-lnJ.. '-.ltttUll Bl.iOhl IV....I <-l,,tl.. ..r ?,?,! lonrj ?-th ____,_, mmatmm ruBB. . M8M?8 4,''..i:i,oi7 Waflflflfl *tott?,.lail a??jl.or ?i?>l Bflifl-d ._ w.lhothfl-r ikau-rial*, rarUa. 81.332.81)1 M 1SM.7 C.iptU. jinli. 0.0.0,4.,4 1,804.881 waianfloroa aot?a Tlir rcrorils fll tlic Trc.isirj Ui-partin. nf shnw thr lu.rrhaseof atreet-car tlck. U, niul uot Iflfl <v IMiiililnri- of ?4_.<KX1 Hflflflt flflt ticliila, :U1 WBB ?*? luiic.iu-iy itut.-ii fflfltflrdar. Thc t'hrisiinaa f.-st.vnl tm univrrsally rrl.bratr.l ir. Waablaataa t<>-<tay. ti.c aapartaflaafla bave beeu mttaA ; those in offloial life havo flflflflflWei put.lir af fairs .in.l th.-tnsrlvi * U. roasf lurkry ai:d pl.iin piniiiiuKi tbeaafldl bajaai u.ade luum.-if u aalaaaaa flflitl. bifl tiu horns an.l (Irr .-ra.-k.?(.-<. n...l th??r -*hi. ipend tlBBfl .'th.T Ifl liiauuii or lalUag 88888 new tiiiua.' bave Baaa aBotd&y. cumiyAL bbcobaOB, a m.<...?i>v tPtmmVt vt bbw-haj?*aaia? r,iwflnfflfl, n. H., l?cr. Ka?A biaodj aflrai took place at (in.veti.ii lant ?-v,-iiitic, c-""?"'^ out of an ,itt,inpt l>y .Mi. l.aa 1 (i'1-ary in.l a PIOSflflflM?I natnc.l Ulor.well, bOlh liituxirated, t" enter a l.ouse of (iucs tionalile riputc owncl hy a P_afl88flflMBBflflflld0aflf8, The reaiilt of Ika tl?i"i Wfla the .l.-utl. of (iouye and tm. so.), ayoiiin; in.m, who was klUflfl 1-y O'l/aary with a i lat. ; Uu- mortal WflflefllBB ot BtflflkweU wtth an ax by Ih-- cldi-r (.ouyr, au.l a bad afl'-tindon O'ly-aty'H froiu a club uscd by ono of the f.-niale linuates nf tbe houae. a toi ksmiin ___okaad in aoaroa, BoaTOBj J>cc '^.?\ shodiiriK iiiuirilor WBt i.?tiiii..ttr.| at No.. 9 ItOTlflflfl flfl, 1 flPfllfli k Ifllfl innrninir. J(h*,!,Ii T. H,-<(iirr aml AntotiK- <i Htntfl, b.itit younir Qaaaaaflfly i irnai ou Um ti-t??i?* of leakaaaiia iu*.. nml si> i?t laaathar la tki 8hapb wbere ??ataal wi.s shi.t, an-1 .iiiitilaod with a hat.-iiet. ll.-p ncr, on bemg arreatid, coufei-Bcd Ifc8 coinuiittal fll tbo miuiler. a DocBtfl cuanuii nuoaar DaTTON, Ohio, Dcc. '25.?At a ehootiny- m;.!< li to ilui. uf I.l|.-ii, a fllllaj;r tirar hrtv, tw.. brnthrr*, John an.l Het.rv Htowr, .juarreltd aliout loaillnir thr rlde, and Jolin calle.l II. i,ry a liar, Wbflfl BflflUJ dlOWa rcvoIv.T anil Jobn, killi.icr him inata.illv. Tl.e Hjifl-rtatora, l.f-inc nnii'li ?i. it, il, raiitfht ind luiripr H.-Tiry (o a itinb of a troc, an.l wh. n taken 8eWI Ufa W88 < lttiicf Too mucb wl.l-l.v flflflflnd thr tn(?rhirf. A NEW VP-TOWh BOTEL, ii ai r t mh i kbi nn I'siFifl un: i ii rn- ni -st. A bfltel to bc known un thc " Baokiagh?n is t.uiUlniK itt tl.e wtkflOal taraaa ef Fifth ave. and iifti.tb Bt. Itwllleefaa aa atea of Uflflfl afaaaa feet, witb a fr.'iit,-n,'i> ..f IM f.-?-l on Fifileth-?-t. The followlnK dia-rtiptioii ?r th<-i.lan I" trom the arcbitoet*, William 1-ield it Sun. Tl.e i-etitriU jtoitiain, H Iflfli in wiiith, is fllabtBlflrlafl hl-_h, atul projrrts onr foot frnti. tln- mnin l-n.-. Ifefl enil prnjectlotis aro e;.ih 'IC tatt wi.le. Thc reuiiiln.ler flf the l.uildiin? 1* seven utorics liUti. Tlir elcvatinn of thc flret ftury, tln-fliflor of whlch ls three fr,t abovo tbr walk, ia treated ln tbe Roman I.tulr atyle of BrchlUrturfl'. n.r Kt) ie of tba fl-irv.ition abera tt.. tir-i ktory is Btaas l.ethean of the I.u.ic onlrr. The flr^t sfory Is con niuft.d of Ibll.-villr sfiiiililoue, rcKtiun upon a Quincjr i_raiilte base three feet hltfh. Abovc tbe Urat story the front Is of Hatliinore hrii-k, wlth B888M Irluunlngi. Be tweon thr tnfltn i-.irt.lcr and (hr pround story coriuce are two horltontal Ltnea of rlchl>-eRrved bclt.i-ir, lutrod.i'-r.l to rellcvc tbr prrrsinderance of vertieal lities. Thr aUKles of tl.e pavll.uug aud central portiona uro uiade a pionimeiit f. ature, Tbe prand portlco tn the c.-ntri- of tne front Ib 30 feet wldr aud 12 feet deep, nuppi.rted t.y alx ornameutal eolumiiB, itartltiK witli IiedestalB BP88 a paibtcd baae of qulney jrrainte. Thr itialde of the portlro 18 rntlrrly of atone, fluhorat'-ly executed, wHflc tbe celliDg la flulshed iu rarved hoAUs. Ai'.'M-ihe portlco riaea an ornain.ntal centrr of atone work. whlch extends throiiK'tl four stoilea, (rronpinK to gethr.r eiK'ht -Btlndowa?two lu each story?with elroular t, aud rarved tablrta betweeu, aud dividrd by atraiKht and arched pi-dlturnta. Thr top of the buildlng i ? flnlhbed witb a hrokeu line of oriiaiuental oornlce, aud the i.ntral portiou ahows a (rrcuping of B.-rollwork. Tlie Flfth-ave. |M,rtlc?, wbicb forms tht- ladlea' en tranre, la of imallrr rxtrnt, but ln every other reipect la executed lu perfect barniony witb tbe irrund reniral portlro. A tiled court-jard cxtenda on the side of lbo , !,.!? -' entrance, and pu'l-hed granito pedratala, of unlQue de-iifn. with flowrr vaaea aud raudi labr.i.ui- will fa nn IU attr flitl.flti-. On the ni "iiiiU floor are tbe two dliilnjr roomi, pnt.llo parlora, Bcrvlco rootns, offlccs, bat({.i_;e-rofl'?a, ete. Tbe iu .ln ball, it by M feet, la ln ihe 888888 of tbe buildinf, atul is entered through a clo*rd vc-atlbule from tbe praud paatflflk Tblaball contalns thc offl'-.-a and tbe urand atairt aae. It ls 2. Iflfli tfafllfl, with a w.-ll-bole .i_i.t feel square. II Ib enllrely flrr-jiroof, and elaborate lu It la IlKbted by a dome wbleb la hi?hly de<-o rated. Thr main ball of tbe flrat *tor> la flnlahed wlth deroiatetl flOaalaBa aaaaaaal arrhea wlth nrndantB, and ?flaflMBI doorw aml w.udewa. Fiotn tbls hall itarta tbe ball to ibe laflies' siiimne.-, ihe to the dlulng-room. und the ball W* tbe prlvate alair*. Tbe hall to tbe Udn-' eairaiiee is en fert ln I. nirib, ?rr,i./fc-'d ln lire dlvlaio.ia, ..mrke.l by deeoraled arehea to eor i--l.( wilB il,--* of tbr Urfl-fl- central ball. Io tbe c-Rter uf >sarb d.vialun Is ? clreular nlcbe, oppoa-M* wbleb ar? wid? door* lead.n_r to private au.te* of MOflBfl. The Iwo diiiluir-r'xinia arr ?J by 73 feet und ih i,i .? (<???!. rr-t?-rii?rifl, in.'l are dlvlded by an ..r,-a "I !<? iiv >.,, fr, i. fl*i.irl. exieuda to tbe top of the bouee and timilshi-a the aurrnundlnK rootna wlth 1 i_rlit aud air. Th?<ima are rouuretrd aeroa* ibe oprn arr a I.y m -ffMflfl "f Klaas and iron. At tbr i nd fll the la'tlwa' ball I* tlie ladH-*' isirlor, M) I.y ls f*-?-t. Thr ?reiitlrtnen'f parlura, 6s by 1. feet, ar* flflfll of tbe p.rtiro, and i?-.?r tM .Iuuik r.fl.fl.i,-. Tbe Btalrs to tbe haaeini-nt are on ? lino with thn main rntrauce, ai.d lead dlrectly l<> tae. cniitleuieii'n totlet-niouia. (lie readiiiK-rontuB, ete. lfl tb'- flrat atiiry. uiwin tbe bnl.-oiiv of tbe portlc. is Iflfl ttrand'drawitiir riMitii. 50 l?y 18 feet. Tlie hotel ron taln-fl. above the BflflflflBflBal, 1?J KueaU' ro<>m*uud parlura, aud ir, otber r.MiHi* for ue.- bail-liujc l* ln.ilr,1 i-i kteiiin .nd,r. ? t fur tbe liullfl and lariie room*, ati'l fllirre. radlatlou for Iflfl rouote partl uud tbe dr.iflfljfla r<s?..a. , All tbe partitlona rrat on brlck walla or on hr-i>v '.ron Is-a.u*. and are aaid to l.r eoiisiriw led ao ,ia to In.ure ita t.ii>( v, an.i lo prevet.t ihcir flflllliafl. lrou ?-,i,l. i> .t, frauied aruuad iim -ti.i.r. *?. au.l over (he main ball ceil iDg, und all tbe new liniiroveiuenta lu are i i.ii'iue,! to have beeu luiroduced, >regardleaa of expeuae. Tbe ealiiuated coBt la Major Kdward Wri^ht, who at one tinu. was I'.yn.aater ln tbe regulai aro.}, and waa one of Ihe i.ldcel aod wealthlest cltli88881 (liu-aco, died aiiddenly ou Wedutaday uijlit at b>? l_?_ i-?*;ld?ne? u. tbat eiiy, Hfl wflfl MBkaaOflflflW of Ue U?b. _ Voak. 0HBISTMA8 MU8I0. 1IARMONY OT A HOKIL'AY. llir. ( ItllMlRNH OVKRHKK?.IOYFI'1. tBOTBt IN THR 1IOMK.H OK KK II AM. 1000. liaitBB Tfl.Nt. IN IHK (-III-im HF-1?OIjID HflM IN IHK BKNKVO IKNT INMTm'TIOKB. Throngh tbe (-hilly aii pcaled tbfl flbbflflfl of 1. iriity, flM firat Bflflfl of Chri. tma*. Bfl midnight rang out fr.uu tall tflflraa ba>8 and there throughout tlu* citv. Tardy revelrrn atnggcr.-d Ibl?flb the atreeta with anatc-ieaof druiikrn wing, and the alow cara wero erowibd by XMBMB who.o .el.-bratii.n of CbfltflflflBB. Bfflbfldbflfli floflBflta-Bf aaa aflooaa. Tho windows ofmany bflflflflfl were wt ill tiright witb _flfltfll Iight, and l.rhiiid tho curtain tbfl 1-fflfltBf hight fll tho Chrmtinan trce could bo dmrernrd, and tho hubbtib of cbildicii, whoco wouhr antl d? Iight had not yet Rrov.n stale with tbfl unwoiite.l hour, flflflU Bfl hflflflw* From ?tat< ly inan a-BflflflflflBfl BBBBBBBfl of music and ilimly-di. <NflBfld forttiM g-flfld by tho wiudowa in thc BBBBBcbflpaf the (i.-nnan or iiuving ta tbfl niear-iircNof tbo wallz. Asthe hniira wrut hy lighH palfld -i.'l ? tkat out aul tlu' flflflflflbfllda bflflflBBfl still. Tlio Iniatlo of tho holiday IflBBlf bflflflfl early. Hotira Ih inr.* Miioris.) in many IflBBfltB flrowdfl miglit he d sc.n hurryini. to the early manHcn of the Catbalk ibambaa Bfaa before tbaflflaadfl aliaanV lira were u*tir with tbfl nintiitiK BO and fro of tiny bflfl and irirls, VbOM BJflfl bad hardly dlflflfld dur in?r tlu- nigbt soovertlowiuir w( re tlu y with 8?80888* tion. At the BBI-flflt hour wlun th-y darcd to bravo r.-|iipi.f tii. v w.rc up, aad llgbtlj elad w. ro hunting for tho treBBflreB whieh thrir ronstant faith in Baatfl (.'laus ha<l biddrn th.-m to look for. Tbeir prif trt otice, found, there BfBB euch ahouting, Bflflb sounding flf lov-honis and oMfltlflfl, flflflb BBjaBBB-Bf af every BBflflflf imflflfl?deeJ devite, tbat nle?'P fled from tho family. If tlio juvi nilo gil. Iflllfl had conlincd tbflta 8a_tfaaaiaaa_i to theirotra bo>aai it wonld havo bflflfl well fnr the peaceof harasccd i-lcrpcrs thrnugh ottt tbfl city, who wero riidely dihturbi-d from cher ihiu4iB-Orahaj Baaa by ov.ry rartefly of BBaaaaieal -oiiiul whirh it has i-nt< rctl iuto tho b.-art of tho bUiall boy tfl dc-ir.-. Thoday hroko with a _____ nky and air .hill and hcavy a ith inoi*turi*. 1 he doiibtftil peril abovo and tbfl ri-rtaiu datigcr und. r foot appallrd many w bBBB ?iodfl ha.l baaa hcnt upon chur.-h-goiiig. The N-Tiflflfl at tho BflaBBB CfltbeUfl chur. li.'fl were tbronged with paticnt and dcvotit inultitudes wb888 adiflirati.ui the iurouiiii- nplcndor of eeremonial aul dr. .inition broiight <>iit. At many of tho other BtBB i'lan.a. bawflrer. there v*-;..-. noauch preaMirc of att.-ti.lati. r as informir yflflBfl. Ni vrrtli.-I.-Ri, thc magniliccnco of BBaBCfll aud lloral orua BaeBflB ba tbe PwtaatBBt Bfiaeepal abarebaa wero petflffll to att r.i. t' tb088 BTBflBB IflfeflflBflfl for iln* BflCtad charaetrr of thc annivrr-ary broiii_lit tbaaa ta naaablf. TOa traaabflwa i.y tho aaBibec nf tbaaa uhn lu-nly adtbdrow trbaa the best >>f tba mu*i< w._. over aul fhe BBTBBflM bfgan. Fifth-avc. traa brighl witb tba BBeriaggteugaafl ebaraBr-foan i. -.iiniiig honicvrard Ifl tbfl early flftflflBflOfl. Fi.ifn tbfl flflflflflflfll ,-i-pc. t of the Htr.-et- it uiight baTebaaa _upp.?scd thata large part of tbfl Baaaa impr.iv.i! tu. u BBBBBBl !? i-urc by prolonging wbfltf iticraing n.ip um oii-tiloflflly. Toward Bflflfl the bil had ..i. iitiioiiii'tiotily animated lo<>k, and Ii.-tuliv 8B0 ot tbo leatleaa iv ..ry bidls was lafl uulis tarbed uii laio al aiflbt. A prevab-nt kaaaaf a holi? day iii tbe BtaaeaJiae mind Boaaafl to efltbaaeo fllaifiat BBU?ited liilliaid-pla. inif, with a drive bcliind a taatbona la tbfl aavraBaf tbe day. Tbe eonditloa iif tbfl rofldfldid n.'t aMflflBflflja tbfl lattaB aaaaaoi nn nt, but in the afternooa tho favorite flatrafl Wan well talrn ui.. Tbe th.-ater-. v.iv flBBM ii.ll.V (riivo both _*f t. i ii. n.ti aul evci.intf eiitertainuiciita whi.h wi ro piitroni/cd with the in rvilal.l.. Ii.iliil.iv ruah. diavvititt 88888 tbetUBUtda tban tba rhureii Barf-Ooa bad beeflflftl aaa. Iba Btrefltfl fll nu time durinc tbfl dav Bflflfl I MWdfld, aud ti... Bbaaaeeef bbb?attoa aritb tbo oloaiiiaof tbfl Ninii | u.tvo tlirtn B dnll look. A few tiandn of "Fan" paradad, laaaBg tbaaa the MOrigfa-d ibickr.," tflfatber v. iib bobbo targat t-i.tupanu-., i.ut withaat excitlng Btocb attention. 01 trav.-l iu sti.-rt i ATf aul by tb*. letliBB tlu-rc w.ih roupara tiv. ly lit'lr, and tba BBBBbflfflf trips WBB IflBBBBada In thc harl.or au<l rtrara raaaalB aara osaersJly daa arated with baatlag aul K.iia eoloi . Thc Baeaaaaaa af tb. dajt wan ebbaly di.ti.-tir Bfldaat-b aadoBO. eoaae before tbeBoblie eya. In tb.-iii tlu N i_i? no la. k of .iiii'!.>n, no dep8888t8fl from kIooihv wrathrr aul iiitlc dia. oiira^riunt Ir.-m tbfl piu binir of the liuuH, amoiiK' tbfl uii.-iiipifl.yi-.1 Idloaaaa haa yet bfloogbt on no great laei-flfleef aoflhring,aad thara -a- ooaaparatiTal]' liitlr diflUtflt-BB iu tbfl ullj.jflfltifldfljj. flblubilld ii..t i:i:d Bflflflfl llaflflfl-fl in tlu* fc.tival. Qood flbflflt wan aluioHt nuivprnal, and where there WBfl h-an iict-H iu the CbfltflBB?MI batit'Uet, there was oftcn Bflflh *JMJ in family reiinion, in tho intcrcliaii(iTO af kindly fcclinir. and in thc thor<iui_h aeceptaiBflfl ol tbfl wh'.l.Bflflflfl aul im-piriflg Bonfuuent in wtnrh Vtilc-tide ih eii-hrincd, tbat thc day waw a reil-letter davtto iK.verty flfl well Bfl tfl w.-alth. A right joyous aul ni.iiioiahlc featival wafl it to bflfldiedfl of the Baaglflt-BBflffl of tlu great publie f:uuily. The soanty dalfl of eharity was enlarRrd and mado richer for thin, the truo auniverwary of chaiitv. when fla tbia world wa.* |_iven the gPBBtflfllflf (llgMtflb The on joym(nt <>f CbrbB?BBfl Bt t?fl Charitable institutiona waa geataral aul hearly, aud in the hitter round of livc** HUr-ta.n.-fll hy other.' bounty, ao few briuht dayc c.iDii*, tliat the pl.-n-unr of Mirh a fentival Bfl wan yeatcrday are of tho choirest, ho;h to those who impart and those who BflOfltVfl. A not< worthy feattireof the day wan the ntimber of rrecptiona gtVBBI by 88888888 of the publie echoole and ti\ flflflb -n reuiain dunng the Cb-flflBBBfl IBOflflB of i hc private aead.uiies. At theae roceptions there wae iniiili g.-tiuine enjovment, and faithful teaehera were gratiiied with toketis of efltceui from their Bflholar.. Sunday-aehooln and pariah BflBBB?I in aome BBBCBBBI of the rity met _8 Christmaa fcatival. Ar for rltib dinncrs and receptiona and pri rate particN thcv were pant counting. Thc hricf aud dflfldfld BBBUafB. yi.ld.d to early duak with iiul.t rain. making aky and air diamal to thi*?* who ventured out. Bfli m tbflflflflflflM af happy hoine-fl iiadflfl thero waa r-tore of b__gb_Bflfll and iiurth wlii.-h to*ik no nofe of heavy akiea aul in.-l ancboly at-koaphoro. An.l ro with lugh feaating ond luiiirionH nierrirrunt in tlie bflfl_flflboldllfll thfl rich, with aiinplcr. k.-ener pleaMiro?liecause to them pleikMire i- ao utrangc a viaifor- ainong thi* poor. tbfl Cluiat?taa baara wax.-.l gray aul trara BBBBbarad with th? pa~t: uuti ttiin moniing BBB world arou-e* ngain to . triving and puahing toil, ita fc*,tal gar mnitH laid aai.1?*. but ita life awectened and ntade better by tbe etperieuce aud the OK-uiorira of yra terday. ANTlU.Ms IN TBB CmV3m?JBm% M I.v I. fb l.\ IHE I UIEMA-U B_BflOOOfltVli ? HIK( HE8. Thc itreparatious for thc Chii-tuia*. Bflgaj_flflfl ln I < tiurcli w? rt* <>f a moi.' elat.orat.-** tlian i.i BtBBBBl any 88888 1'roti-itutit cliurrb lu tlie cit) . Tbe chur.-li wb* riclilv ( witb evergrerna. larga trfr* UeiL,.' pOnced betneeo th. wtndowa aml on eltlicr al4li. of llu- altar. Tbe pulplt ?tcp?. ibe alt_r rail, and tbe Bflflflfl Btt ~ere tflaflflBBBflfld witb bolly aud othor fver_n-en*. Tburt wara thr-fl a^rvlcua, l~*glti_ing r? al 1b m . t a m . an.l lo.;Oa ru The .a-t iiaiiixl traa tba rttlef aer?lc*. ?.f tbe day 1-8888_8_B88 wi-rfl* (-ODd.ietf .1 by the i.-etor. thr Itnv. I>r BB8BJBB I>ix. |jpaiiit?>d tiy lli. Kev. llr. P, fl.gleby aud tbe Kev Bleaari II.;. Mtiga ?!,,) Hougbtou. Ttu tnaalea! BaTftflfl waa led l.y A. II. Mcaaiter. the ehlrf orguulat T-- regular . ln ir rouiiatltiir ..! M i > aaiig, imm ou.pai.led i.y au ri- 1." -tr.. nt ?i ;,ati uiiii uii uiulrr tt*v?* OireelioD of II.nry ('arler, BBiialanlorttBiilii Dunng the aervlee Bt.i.a.t. "imi ti;.** aaoSertcrr br _ialUioa w-re rcn.lered wlth grand BBwafl. Hfl* '* v. Dr. PU paflBBtfld on the orl_in aml aaa?n*iHtions of I'-riatroafl. FT. Ml l'*t < Id H. II. flt I'auI'H (linpel (I*. K.l waa unrfuily ******** wilh itiiBll apruce lr?*ca and rarlandH of l.-iurcl. Tl.erc waa an early aervice al I.M n. in. At ttflfl there waa a elilldrcn'a aervice, when ttie fulKiwitig ( tiri.tuia~ 888888 were ning by ttio elnldren of the ehi.reb and Huridiiy-school: ??I.itunyof Holy Ci.ildhood, "* Aa Was a W'alk ing," and " Chnat Waa iiurn cu CMfltflBBB Day." The eblldren's aervices BBBBBd witb tbo Bflflg. " Oatlicr aroui.d the ChrUtuiar. Trre." The 888*1-888 were followed hy a s< i-iiiiin by tbe Kt v. Dr. Ilalgbt from tbe text: "On earth 88888 uul good will toward uun." Tlu' regtilar itioir fiinii-li.d Iflfl niu-lr, led byJ. II. ('nrncll, tho or gnniat. Tho 8?8-881 auiigw-.: "1 I'rlng You Uood Tldlngs."' FT. joiis'fl riitncii. At 8t, John'a CflBBBBb (-*. K.l, BB Varlrk-r.t.. near ______ -t., tba servirea wore eoudurtcd l.y thn Ker. Dr. Weston, IhB rt. tor, wbo prea.hed frotn thc text: " Ihe Bflflfl. waa made Itab an.l dwct BBBBflg ui." A woll aclrrti .1 iniiaital progratnnie wui perforined by tbe rcg ular cboir, led by Cbarlra B, Honr.ey, the ajrgani?t. a OB?CB I- IIt K< 11. (.raee Churrh (P. ? ). ti.e Rt v. n. C Pottrr. D. D , rertor, waaflncly ortiBmented with BIBIglBBB and floral .1.. orations. Tbo huildlug was *o densrly fllled witb im inlirrt ofthe. liurih and vimtora tbat, a snort time aftfl r the BflBTtflBa bad begun, even B88Bfl*-g room could not he found. Ttie servie.s opeiied wttb a prooes-lonal B-BBflBbf* Ilaydti, a" Uloria in Excelala" hy Oounod, anda ** Jul.llat. l)ro"l>y Moz art, wero BBBg durlag tbo srrvtco. Tbe Kev. Dr. I'utter prrached. . uiraofl or thr flflUBaioo-a The Cburcb Bf tbo 888888888 (P. E ), at T.-nth-.t and Ft.'th-ave.. wna crowdr.l wlth a largo aaaftflflattaa yes ter.lay niomlng. Tho cburcb wan haud.oinely deco 88888. _L-farg888B wrcaths wero entwined arourid tlio pillar-, aaal rrttr tbt aHar tltm wnsastarof gas Jeta, (uniileuiaiieof tho tftar of Ui'tblebem. Tlio BBBg -Bflfl covured witli wluto cloths, aml coutunied thr iiread and win.) iiried dnring tho roniintuiion 8888888 Tno Kev. J. OattBfl Hnilth. tho rcctor, read the 888*1888. and tbe Krv. Dr. Samti'-l Org'.od pr.'a.hed, tBfl?Bg for bls tf-xt tbo varfla. " I am the -,'t.od sbepherd." Auiung tbo muslcal Miaaaflflfl bbbb a " JaMIata Daa" bflBaaa-fl. a" <;ior_a 1'atri " by llaydu, and a ?' Tr Dduui" by Morcadau e. 6T. ans'h UBQBCfl. The servicea at 11. Ann'a<'hurch (P. E.), ln Eightcenth rt, near Fiftti-ave., yi-aterday, were very lutcr.-tiug. A pruportion of tbo iiicuibtTS of tho chiuch aro deaf uiut-a. These peraoua worej.seatcd on ouo itdo tbe cliurch, while the maln body of tbo bulldiug waa fllled with tlie other portlon of tho congregation. Tbo Kev. Dr. Gallaudot pn-aehed lh* aertuon. as-lsted by tbo Kev. Mr. (baitiberlaln. As Dr. Gallau.let rreached, the latter lnterprrted by mcana of|ttie deaf luuto alptiabet. Tbe cburcb waa neatly iflBBflBflflfl witb evt-rgrcen*. Tbe _??BBl BBTf-flflfl ronaliit-d of the nlnging of oamlB by tlie .iiiuday-srhool childri-n, |and of anthera. and hynms hy tka cboir. After tbe 8888888 tbu _uc__mc_t of ttio lluly Cuiuuinniuu was adiniui.tercd. or tiik noi.T <>avior. The iutcrior of the Cburcb of the Iloly Savior (P. E.), tn TflBBlf fllfl Bl.. wa. haud-oui-ly decorated yeit.-rday. The pilUra were almo.-t btflflaafl-BBflfltll .-vergreem, and Iba v.alls wore eovcred witb 8BBBBBB8B Tbe atteudance at tbo moruing 8888888 waa vory large. Tbe Kev. Dr. Ciricr, rertor, pr. Bflflflfl on tbo auhj.-ct of the birtb of t'hrit-t aud tho rodcuiptioti of uiaukiud by tbo flavior'a Bflfaataaaa ?n earth. __ta aaaBtaal aarvlaaa cousmed ot IBa sluging of BBflBaaMt, iiyinn-, and a To l). um, BT. THOM l*4'8 CHI.'Iii 11. Tbe menibera of st, Tliuiiiaa'*) CUtirrb (P. E.1, at Eirth .IV.-. aud ftfljtblrlflti comblnrd tho colebrafion of iliri.-tiuaa wttb B Jubiiee tfl Bflflflfl of tbo compl'ili'.n Of tbo _*0 yearI of tbe panab's 8888BBBflBj yesterday. There w.U a aarTBM at Bflfl a. BB. and auothrr Bl 11 a* m. Dur mg the latter aorvn-fl. tho Rev. Ur. VV. It SIorgHii offlclaled .ii .1 prcarhed. Tho cbtiroh was decorated wittt evor jrr. cna. fpoii tbe wall bcbiml tho cbancel there wero tuo 1888888 foniH'd of 8888888888, aud .ilno tbo flguroa "I-.i'' aud "lr.7)." tuado out of thc eatno materlal. Ainoiig thc BBBBBBl *aBB8tBB88 BBBB " K> rlo" and " Ulorla Tii.i,-' l.y (iotinod, aud a (.'hrtHtuiaa bj mn bg AdolpU Adu?i. BT. ir.NATti-s CBUBCflL Tho OfeBtaB of Ht. iBBaBBBI <l'- f>, on Fortietb st- near WtlBata. w ta flaaaeaflafl u. houor of tue .1.1 >-. w.-eatba of Ii.-itilo.k and lunrel wero Imngurotitid th-* walla. On thn wall above Ihr rhanr.! there was tho following ln s.-ription ln 8**argr888fll " Holy, ho'j*. Luril Ood Al iniKlitv." Tlir l.ft and riia-lit walln had tbe followlng lu BOHBdBflBI "Tba pc.ple that walkafl ln darkneas bave aeen a great llght," an.l " I'nto you Is born tnis day a BBTtar, whirh ia t lirist the I. ird." _a8Bfl8fl w-ro held on .'hri.attuas, aud a iimlni*_rlit 88188888*88 nt tnidtuirht. llu rr waa un nuly rrlrt.ratn.n at ~,\ a. ui.. yosterday, and a moruing praja-r at I a. in. Tho Kev. g, C. Ewi-r, D. D., Btaaaa-fl at lnj a. in., aud tbe 88888888 were cou i-iinii-ii wiih prajara at i\ b.b_ Thr aaaaBaal service<i iu,.-istedof ihe aliigtiia* of bjBBBBBBaf BBI8888B rr. ItAKlllOlOMKW'a UflUfl-fl. Af Ht. Ilarthol.iinrw'.a Cliiiicb (1*. K.J, at Forty foirth it. and MBOBBBa-81 ?>'.. thr 11 o'rlock/Hervico wai very fully uttrtided. Tho de oration* of tbo cburob w.-re rary bbbga*, aaaaaattafl prinrii..iiiy of evorgrreaa up..n tbr pulpit und a gretii 88888 on tho coniinunion table, wlth other verdant 88BBBBMB? lu tbe chanccL Tbe tniiaicai pragraabbbb loug, rartBfl. BMafbajb merit, aud was tiriliiant in its renderutg by a cboir whieh in chiiled sevural singera of note, under tbe dlrection of 8. I. (.ilbert, tbe organist. The Proresstonal " Tby deaf, 0 Ood," by Walters, was compoaed for the occaslon. Tho authem "O Zlon," and tho "Fc-stiral Jubdato in D" wero by Buck. Warren's " Ulona No. 1 in E," (aro/.zi'a " tlloria No. 1 ln F," and Andre'8 " Olorla ln Excrlaia" wero on tbe list of nambcrs, togethrr with Frey's "Te Deum in C," Qilbert'a " Kyrie," Ilauck's "Uloria Tibl," and tbe P.aln. " I.tft up thine eye.a," frotn Mendelssohu's " Elijab." Tbe carol waa, " O'er Hetblebem'ablll tbo myitlc ttur." j\t ibe Offertory tbe bas* solo, " Tbe p*ople tbat walked ln darkneas," with tbe cbnrus, " For unto u? a Cbild Is l.oru," from nandela " Meialah," were givan. After tbo commuulon aervice eanio tbe "S.iuctua" from Koa.ini'a " Messe Solenello" wttbout arcompaulmeut. Tbo -ucbarlstio hymu was " Brlght ahown tho srarg a'er Kethlehem's plaln," followed by Jackaou's " Uloria ia Exrelsla." Tbe recesslonal waa by S. I. Qllbort. Ti.e seriuou by tbe rector, tbe Kev. Dr. Cooke. waa from tbe text, " And when tbey had opened their troaaurra they pierented unto bim gifta, gold, and frankincensa and ui) uh. (9t. Matthew, Chap. II. V. 11.) CHRI-T CIIlRCH. At ihriat Chnrch on Flftti-ave. there were 88888) 888*88888 both al 7:30 a. ui. and 10:30 a. ro. yesterday. At io: ... the congregation waa large. Tho Holy (.'orximunlon wa.a eclebrated and a aertnon ureacbed by tbe reotor, tba Ke*.. Dr. llugb Hiller Tbompion. Tbe muslcal aerrices were reudered by tbe rwgular boy-eholr of 30 voieea, under the dlrection of Jatnea Pearce, organlat. Tbe ITu.-e. oiunal waa from Mendolaaobn, tbfl openlng authem by J. 1'earce, tbe "Te Deum" by Barnby, tba ??Jubllate" br t-Jnlllvan. After tbe Communlon tbe authem. "Lot ua now go eveu unto Bethlebetn," by Hopklns, waa aang, followed wlth Ir. nm No. llb by the Kev. Mr. Dykei. At tbe Offertory No. 12, " O, come all te r.anlaful," waa aung to au old Catbolie tuna. 8anctua, No. 93, by J- r.-i.-e, c-ine next on tbe progranirae. The Kuchariajlo bytnn, No. iob. was auug to a -ipiiiiiaii tnuo Bflflafta Kccessional was No. lt froui Mrntlelasohn. Tho d<..corationa of tbe cburcb wrra varied aud BBBBB?B_ I'pon the altar table Uy a tovely whlte rroaa of floweri, with a crown atjove It. Dlgber up ll.itued a star of gaa jeta. Oa the aldea of tbe aanctu ,ui were greeti rrorifl*. bearing wr.-.iths. wblle on eaeb side of tho arcb of the 188888 wai a pretty apire of greens. Eacb corner of the organ loft beld a Cbrutmaa 1 r..-, and thc rall waa hung hcavlly with greens. Tbirk lu ml- of evcrgreetis i-url.-d between tba great plllara, and were united heueatli tlie .*? ut?*r areh. llu tbo uf tlu* gallery flauied thr motto, "(Hory to Ood oa Iltgb." BT. Al.II 4*4*8 OBBBOB. At flt,'i, ln Forty .rvrtitr.-it., n.-.u Ijaxinitton tn ? . II,. -tliat arrTn-r l.ta-aii at inidiiiglii uf Wcdnesday wllb Ihe Boleiun i*el( bratlon of tbe Holy Kucbariat. At 10:30 o. ni. cboral mailni wrre glven and at II a. m. the aaaaM solrinn celcltration. At 3 p. tu. there were plaln -ervicea. Tbe flflflflflBBBB- of tbe aolamn otlebration waa very cla1~orate aud gorgeom. Tbe proceaslon, wbicb made a protulnent f.alurr, waa deaertbed ln Tiik Triu > m. yeatrrd,*.)' At th.s aervtee a aertuon on ** Cbrlat a aouree of }oy," waa i>iea. :.r-.i by tbfl* rertor, Kev. (,'. W Mon ui. wbo took aa bia texi tbe uintb rerae of tba ninth cbapter of -echarlBb, "Kejolce great iv, O daugbter of Zion; iboat, O daughter of Jeroaa 'i.-u.. lwhol.1: tby King eotuelb unto Thea." Tbe .un-io of tliM ma-fl waa of au B8BB> THK AGRKEMENT WITH WAin TIIK Kf Y WEST STATIOV. i.K.fAi.'it n "I raa itma f<>h ?af/aaa?fl-t?Wa* i.f tuk Bflioui fkom i?vnaaa bi icbji' a tkiki'M' < OflMBMOT?81 aWBBtBB* [at ?aaaaaaaa t<> tu? aaaaaaa.| WA-iiiNflira-.v, Jh-r. ?..?..?Tha ffl.llowniff l.w Neii ri.iive.l frun aspccial rorre*;>ondeut: Ki:t Wi -t. H:i.. Per.'_.!?Tho torpr.lo ho.if Pintfl. tindi-r J.ic.if.-('onirnfir,drr -norrcncc, l?ff K-v W.-.I laat ni?rht for Havona 88 a trip of oli<>crva'ion. ('. B. Jtli.Tit. Lleutcnant-CaioncI tt EagfaaaBB in th". VtAmi (Maaaa Armv: Capt tfeHaaar-/. aaaraaawp to Admiral Sc<ifr, and flofll P8j??8888 DOflfltstefl 88kaaai. Col. Munt will probahly make a report upon tho Maaaao of _wkoBhotot Hataaa, n.e Kanuaa, Commaruler K'?<1, 888 arriv.'<t, f'-ur day-i from Santi.iiro de Cuha. The Canandaimia arrived a6 Saritiaifo on Friday, th<< l'?th of 088888888.tfWO ?Q I before the Kansas left. The offlecrs on tlm Kansai report that they were respoi-tfullv trc.ifc.l hy the citizensand soldit-rs ;it Santiago do Cut.a, standing the excitemrnt attendiflf tho aurn nder af thc VirfiaiBa In this rrspei t tlnir r'*p.'. t AiEatt fiom that of tlie (.fticri uf Hm I'm'a. Tha Cnhau and Spaulah loyaiists :n tiio 888?88818 at BBBfl?08 do Cuha are dcenled in tlnir opiuions on .i-n-tiotH arisingout of the Virginius The fflfaa r w.-r? believed to bo in favor ol and tht mmfAB OftJOmi *k the conceaeioTm (lrmand.*.! hy the Uaited State.?n,f Spain. All is well on th<- k';in?aa and Canamlaigna. It is reported by both tho k.inias nini tiu- I*infA that Halph Keel.-r, a special 8888888888?81 ?>f Tiik Tribcne, l.ft Baatiago do Cuha on tho sfeumer for Ilataband ahont tcn ilavg airo, At Man/an.llo kfl waa uiissing, tlionirh hi-. baajBJBfa W8B88?188 88888. Not having Bflflfl'i ttOtt on tlic _lsf, if i.-' .1 tbal88888 Berii>i]sa''<-iil',nt kflB bcfalh-n him. The steanier San Antonio, fr nn Galv. Haa i" Uow* Tork, rcp..rls 18888888My Iflflfljh w.-athrr 88 tln (.ulf. A Bcvcro storm is ri-ing lO-lfflt. UoBta, \V atson and Clarfc-sa.n, whu 87818 dfltaoked ttott tho Saugus, left for HflflT-Task <?n QtO 00M .Vntoiu.'. I.icut. Winn, couimaiidinrf llio J'a.vnc.-, deaica thflt tliero is any iflBflBB88B lVvcr 88 that ship. 'I lu- ii,?i - tality ia suiall c-?iisid> ting tho lar^c ii.iiiil?r <>f rccruita on board from N< w-Orl.-ans. I?Mfl i?- .... ycllow fover in this vicinity. Later.?The steanier Valley City, fiom llavana, rcports tho arrival of the Plfltfl there this nn.niini:. AllLaqtiiet at llavana. S< v< ral vi-sscls, includit.g tho torpedo boat M tyllnfl l r, W888 mlrift ii. thc kai - iK.rof Key West ifllfag t!ie storm, but B8 aariOMB datnage waa done. M FKr.LTNO AT ITAVAVA. thr aaao-cac?a_n ih>t tuk aaurra i" ma AMKKK'._I FI.AO Irt io ke B8__88?8 wirn - i:xit.tatio\ cf tiie 8818118118 IIIWI 08 um .4MERICAVi:E?IDEN7S?F1VAN( IS (ll TIIK I-I.WI'. [fhoji AerKciAi. ooaaaaffoaaai aa tht. an bi IJavana, Dec. 30.?For two dav? 88fll Ua l itf BBflB heen ringing with th.? rxulfatiniH af fli<' ulf.'a Spar.iards, who havo baaa informe<l t.y thc lota) pteaa that the Balata ba tha laa ..f tba Uaited Mataft had been for^gnne, and that Spain wotiM n >i l?- r< .|iiirc<l to pay that frihuto 88 tln* bflflflfl r of Iho natioi which flbe Inni 18 ir.ciitlv.ititrai.-r.:. Thm infonnafion was lirst irivn i:i the .-i'!iiiin.? "1 Hm Diario de Id Marinn, H fnllow -: Wi- are ulven to nn<ler-t;.nit that rho VTaabtfl [Iflfl Om rrn.uent baa rom manicat.-d fltflHfl 88 Bflfl flflflrt flflflfl Amernan s.itiartron ln tbo Antill.-s. stflUflfl tt., ,. will BB nooreasion toexa.-t. thc sul.ite to th. lt ?*r. IBfl* ?Mflfl as tbe af,>rihaid Uovornuicnt (?? ?< u e,.nv :t..-> ?! of the Justmo of tbe capt ae. 878 888888 iounui.t- !?> a<la to-Uai'. To-day this nrw-s ivij- huppiein. nt.-.l l..v tiu fo.l. -* iiiK editoiial ariiclc cntitkil, " It la C riaiu :" In corroboration ot tbe newi Wbtflfl Wfl e?fl<- lfl tlx Diario at a late hour ye?-ter<lay, we are flflflflflfli lfl ?.?.., the assurance th.if thc (,'.i\rrtim.'i.t ac Wj-i.tti-.-:".. baa reeoirnizi-il that tbr stcaiu'T Virinnioi ha-1 i... riirt.i l.i r.irry thr Auierlean flaif. flflff this r .'>??" n .ou tflflffl does not rrn.aln thr ^11,-htrat doiibt tb8 Yir_-In:,n WIM B paai l?rli.r; fhat its <rew VflTC ptratflfl) Ht it tlm Ppaaaab felbaaali b.i.t pwlaiMlaa tu poalab bbaaiaa ai.i-n, ai.d that all tho ileniaud-, of tl.e I' tflOBBB were utifo-.ini^-fll. .N'uw Wfl eipi-.'t r.-pafalioii finm (l.r said (rovfl-rnujeiit. (.. Spain. au.l we fllflfl flWBM Um dlflttafll a.T.iui* vibiih tbe **-jaiil.->b Kio\ .-raui ?-...-. IBflfll make. All t_8 aaaaaa thal if tke_aaadcaa Gorei aaeflt has yi. l.h-d in tha m.ttt'-r of tb.- salulc. tha ,"-*i?a.ii.sii Gi-veriiiinciit will iivail il-elf uf efflTJ iiais-ihlia chancc t? paaaaat i lalaaa aajaiasl tl..- rni:.-.! Btatea. aml d'-iiiiinil thi- BB8B8 cousideraf iou a.i Ihi.i wblab wasawanled at tl.e lieiievaTrihunal. Ilu- cons, qiien.-e is that tho BflflB?h POOpla (Hfl flflfll juhilant atul have a-.?iini'-d an air arid BBBM?8 MM a iuore iralliiiK to B Anitri<an r-sidciits thun cv, n tln ir violont eiprosion-j in tlie eailier da.\a..t lha Virgiuiua c<?nipli...itioii". Tho iBBniiraaa 818 T8ff indignant, and Mf tliat the 688?kk-raiion of tho L'nited .Statcs for tho Spauish K.puhli.* has ob-curcd its judirtueut aa to the 808 ditioo of aflairs on this island; thai. this considcration, inetead of b,iu? rflj^ardfl-d in the true spirit, will lie loot.-d upon as W088?888 ou the purt of tho L'uitod Statcs, and that the Spauiards, feeling their strength, will 8888188 an.l bo guilty of sreater excrsses thai any yet comniit ted. When iuformed of tho details of thc sorrendcr, the American colony expressed jcoueral di-uust, de claring that, inasuiuch aa the Virgiuius had b?en gei/.ed with all oa hoaid, sho should be returned with all, in due form aml with every ceraniony. and that every part of the very niild 88888881 should Iss con9ummated. Tho eurrender of the VirK.nius is still not genrrally knowa oatside of otli. ial and American circles, and thrre is therefore nothing to say with rcgard to theeflect of the actual snrrender. With rospect to tho .urrciider of tho survivors of the Virginius, very little infonuation is known bere. Offi. tal advices from Santiaso report that they were delivered to Comm.ind.-r iiraine of the Jm.iata on tho 18th of Decruiber, aud that he iuimediately miXrA for Xew-York. Thefinanccs of thc island are etili cxciling the ittention of the people aml the ofllcers of tbo liyv ?rnment. A committee of mcrchants aud offlcialfl in-1.1 a incrf im;, at which a pian of extinguishiug the iebt was submittcd. The Treasury deht at the end jf the preaent year will be $87,783,17.5. The uu-isur.-A wiii. h the joint committee proposo is to separate the lehtsof the Trcasury aud -Spanish Bank of llavana, ?fl li.ih now serm i.lentiial, aud to declare the 1 r.- .-? jry cii liisively res'-onail.le for the BBBknotes which flaaa iaaaai for its account, and the Spanish ltauk Iseo from all ohligations on ar<'ount of the said ein.a noiis; to soltcit a law from tbe Spanish Goveiiiment flf the iiiitiondri hir.tiK tl.fl-iii.t.-sfl.f theSpaniah liank '? Undrrs, aiiit, frotu the date of the opeiation* >f that law, the Treaaury to receive and pay ali ob ou a tfold basia, eic.-ptiog duties. in which ?ase three inoiitha' gra< e shall be given. The L'o".i niiI.-.- ;.i..p..s.-s to applv *'.',>?.'..-.'.17 to extiDguiah the 1, t.i of the ltauk arisuig froni the expedition to Meiico, and the Santo l)..uiingo campaign, unit.nn hat suiii with tbe (MHjMI .-uiiit.-d for tbe nboT? iji-raliotis. ?AB8BB8J the geiieral debt to $89. tX.iAVi. Tbe couutrv will bu caUed upon lo par UBBtm\BBt ot that deht by means of an rxtraor.hnary ??.ntiil.iilii.n, aml thc i.-inauidcr will ronsnt of ihoiK tl'.'.flKii.tKKi of Ufit-o and fuaded d.-ot n.a uring. .N-veiiil humlr.-d aegroes paaaed throngh the city o-day ou tlieir way lo tbe iuterior to jota tbe ?tpanish army, and on a tranaport in the harbor here have just diseml.ara.Hl ahout l.OUO men. Sefio. vJanuel Calvo, the repu-wntative of the Zulueta or lavi-hoiditig n.tcreat in Madrid. haa returued lu llavana, aud is iu 88888 ...naiiltalion with the proiii iiciit ineiiiln-.B of the C'asiuo. 8eflor Siler. Ibe Miniata rot l Iti?iiar. who wBJB annouueed tu rcturii Ui Madrid on tbe 90th of tbia inouth. baa uot vn ?i*i ic>l. but rn wcfiLvd |a L.i ivvflu li. 'Unrit.