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HOLLY TRKK FKUIT. HAKTFOKD BRAKCH OK THK HOIaLY TRF.K INN* A U-OOfl. !_________? TROM fltJOTOfl -TIIK BBANC'II AM. na IKIBI-TABY riUKmi-??-MI.41' AM? 0000 84.4.1. F.IR THI. POOIV-AWt.MAN'.*- BMlOfl. kMB IT. WOKK-IIOY-' AN" mmmttt KKIMM-MOBBI--A UAY B-JMB-rT ASV 9KWlNG.-llI4Hil.-A 8YSTK.M 00 ( IIAKlTIr.-*** iraoa aB0fl0*aBBa__.0flflaB_BflBnBBB8flB rtiKTRinrart.1 HARTroKP. Conn., Deo. 8?It is a fact faunliar tn many rtvadcrs o? Tiik Triihtm" thut in tho City of l.c-ston BBflflfl waa established a frw Winton. BBBflfl a choap 188888880-1 for worktng people. whose contin u*h1 88-BflBBflfl waa guarautood by wealthy pe?on8 ?*? bonevolei.t dipposition. lt was an attempt to pro vide BBB pooror fllflflflflfl with IIBD BBBBfli f?od at thc lowoBt Baaatala cost that would rcally snatain a neat and well kept temperance rcetaurant, without niaAing h r-crioiu. drag upon thoao wlioestal.lisln d it. Tho ih.iiital.le Mr.*. JflBBBB T* Fields, who waa tka lirat aiul rlii.f .Bflflflfl ta the inattcr. flflflgj 4 the (-.tal.linlininit in honor of the mciuorv of n v.-r y flaafl fn*-i.'l afl hcrs. Mr. C-Bt-flfl Dukcus.tlio "llolly Iroolnii," tlitis local b;?l.itation in New Eagft-Btd Ut one Vi his most lillfllliflg Cln intiiias Kt*> rt?*_a of (IM K-'-latul. Tkt -Bflfl 8B llolly I'r.-o liivs ko tlourialiiil and pro-penil that irratts havo baea made antl aot t.flt iii-onir o? our (.\uint-. tkat ut citios. all ol I 1.. lu-vc. arr atill llotirialiinir; for with due carr this kind of hully trro will llnuri.-h in anv or climair. lt is the . tory of tlu- llartford holly trco that th i.a letter aaaaa be t.-li. bt thc h-.po that thc ttfl BBflBBBB-Bl gnr-vth will Icail tfl B ?BBB gBBM-fll ralttT-tiaa of this fmiiiul tr?a m othn l.irgo . . Kaily iu Ihe YVint.r of mVtt, 9 ttm gnitlcin.-n i.n.l i:..lir-..i aaltara a-,.! bbbbbbikliflBBtaad toflaaka tka e-garaa-Bkiia Hart-tN taaa. aaflaaafll la aoaaiflaiafl. lag in -?<-t*t"ii* Tlio gciitli'incn vvcrc largelv int. * , ...I m liii.tiiifartiiiing. und batl im BB? ti.ndi-d f..r piobiiy of dralmg an.l tm pavmr v.-rv i.nii'i a-.t-niion i>> Ihe hi.iltli, cilurit ti'.n. aiul (oinfort <>f o.p. ura. Tkfl laflli?**> wrirlli..! r.-l.itivca ;i'i.l frirtitla. I Iir d.-sigil of tlir pii.j.-.-li.r- oi tkfl llailf-.r.lllollv Inc Kianrli vv..-, in th.-ir aara woaalai lBaaaba H a aaal aafl aa-aatltiigaaaa, where pi.-.m aaaaaa atlcfel en) >>? mti, piain. aaaB-aafl_al Baaala at low aaltuB. aafl wlt-oafl aag aa i-baa of tall raaaaet at lad. BtB 1.-ik?>'. It waa also IBaagbl fea.*lt>lr. lu a 8888 city liW.. oi.t own. t.? Battfl Wltk tbfl rt-t uirant plan a titketaystcaa tn aflgglitaa eaeagaaaala to tho poor, the tirK. ta to i><- pareaaaafl bg aar -tt-8taa_*a8Ag-t~a at-av l.y th -m to tlie B88flg BBflljlBfl 888 relief at ilior .l?ors. \ *:i 88*888 that 88 8*888 mi .lit 88 overlookctl. tii.r. wcrr tbaaa ktafla of tlikaia paaiBB.4 f-a.aaflag titkri. raaaa ifl aaata* 8a be aaaal ... n.e wav aB-taflg flaaagaaaafl, aafl raataaraaa tick>*ts of two aajlaaa,? nu,i U 88888. BB bB BJttaa Bt more 1888881 r??rs. so thui I na a-to pu-jlir opinion Basfl not prevent any f.oin iwinc wrrv.-d. M.-;.'..a procurcd on ai.up tirket- 8-881 bo . ataa ot. IiM Bg8l or taken bonie aa pr. f. rrtd. tn IU-..VN. fl ..l-INKI>. ln BO -or.l nn IB with this plau. ikfl llolly Tne Bbbbm ii wa.-..-,.aaai aa Markei-st.. in tka Inwn part ,.f t.i.* Btty, .rn the 38th of Fcl.ruary. 181%, Tkfl bt-ldiag ekbaaa araa an afldflM that hadlBBg mmtm vcsjiipinlli.i (li.-rcputablc chara.-t-rs. It was eiitir.-ly n novatr.l for a r?-staurant, souii-rooni, and kitclu n. tl e, rent glYBfl for a year, and 8 __flOBB_flMl mniiagt-i liiiiiiil in th. gB-B-fll of Capt. Sluyt.r cl ll.iigh.ititton, N. T-, an old naval 88881 r. Tka (lining rooui BBBB aud iic.illy furuishiy.1, pcrfrct onlt-r BBB Ix-rii niaintainrd, and Irom the t-tarltli. laaaB aaa aaaa largely patraBiaai by tka cla*w for whotn it ua- dcaigncd. Some of thc pricet- at whi. h 1ood im fuiuish. d are guotrd /rom tho b8flaB?fl__ bill ,.t fam: Kiifat.ak, 15 cents; mutton ekflffl. IJ aaata j fhtrk-ktat takiiL 1~ *nt*i hot.biscui.*, 5 .-enla; fric.i pot.itoc.s, 5 ccnts; 8(8888 au.i toa. ra. ti Iflflflflfl BflflflflflPk Some of the BB8BB8 BB thedinnrr l.illare: ____8J_8J_ TBflflfl-1| BBflfll Bflflfl. lAflflflflfl] POik and BflflBfl. 1 frnta; cold l.rcf, flflli Bflflflfl4 bflflfl. and culd miitioii, each 10 ccnts: 4old hum. tf BBBflfl, Plfl, ?whirli B888BBflflflflBBBBflflfllnly strngcled toahol li. BBfl w<-rc coini.t llctl to gratit iu t<> popnlar . lainor. in th.-ir own wonls, "ataaflk tiiuinphant and' upon tke bill ol larc ta day,'" flt fl 4-ont* Ih-1 picce. llr<-ad and tnilk 88888 10 cenla. Tka ekflekfl tfl--<-u show that thr prircs of BBealfl tflflBfl havo ranged from .r> t? ? 88888, iho av.-i.iL'" b.iug nljout .*?> io tt ccnts. f?.r whirh a coiiifortal.le im-al ean be proiiii'tl. Ike Bflaraaa _a**a baaa bbbbIIj BBaeaaaiea, apera ttaaa*aaal their fr*-n*-*>. -Maagh ..ccasionally aetiB try i li-igv meu and 888888 Irom ont of town uvail trw'itisrlvra of thc advantairra ..1 tka place: while iho aae8_ag la so gtxxi that bbbm paagla ubie ta pay larg?>i prieaa arr glad to prt theii inrals so cIkujiv. *'Iramps" and " bummens " who have had im..! tirkots givrn th. in are c<>iit?t:intlv appcarnif. und are servc.!. thongh this Ifl somctinics anncyiii- t<> ihe liettcr akflfl of BBflflflBBBBB, N>> HoBflTB fl- any kind aro ?old. nnd no drunk.-n p.-ra..n aUoWfld t<> BBtei tbe tiik purvirrT BO- B8XI 81 -i vims... My thia time some prafltical Wfldafl has danbt_e_M aaid : " Thia is all very well, l.til deea it gfl] I" If thninquiry mcins, "lsthc piojc-1 ftclf-sust.-iniiii: ."' I mnat fruiikly answer "No." Thc antnial larflkagflflr <flfl-tag F?-i?. HL tBB, Baarara at ti.e end of the Jir-t year a defirit ol akOfll *s 1 .>nn.i, whi.-h was mado np l.y one of the gentlenien whooriginatcl tkfl in..vrinriit. Since that time thc i.ceipts liave BBflflfl niarly BBfll thc cxpcnRCS, but there w ill doubtl. aa I.r a hflJBBB-fl thnugh much lrvse than last year a?.'aiti*-f the managoment at thc clor-o of Ikfl'flflf-flBd u-tr. Hut when it ia rememh.-red that over -V).(K)0 w. II ? ookfal and healthy tneala aie furnished in a Tcar. from 1.400 to 1,500 of whieh aro on charity tickcts whi.-h have been given hy the pnrchaaer to people begjfiiiff at thr ir doors. the qncstioD is whether tLis may not be the ehcapeet charity thut ean be di vi-. d thatlBflfl dc thc _amc amonnt of matoriul ptot tfl BO l.irjre- a nninbrr. A small market has beei. aidfli to the rctaurant, duriiiK the prcsent year, that has pioverl u cn at help to the financea. BuyinK m.-ats ;it wholesak and Bfldlina a larpe part of them at rctail prircs, rradur-ofl the cost of meat* consumed at thc coffec houae to about one-third of thc fornier coet for the aame suppliea. Many meafsare bouffht at tho coffee h.aise to t> takm to the homes of the poor and the rioh. ^t all event*. thn mechanits and people afl oooderate and very limitcd mcuus have finmd tiie Hartford llolly Tree liranch a very ifrrat blflflflt-g. of whieh the prfljofl-t-fl would l?_ very loth now tfl he, compe'.led to deprive tbem. In larirer citics in more central Bituatione tnuh an BBtabliabBaeot might perhaiw be made self-Mistaininif. At BBJ rate, with izood manairemeut it. iin Ix- made BO XJtrmA k ble-wini* to the poorer ni__w.<, at so Hgkt a tax upon their wealthici BflBfkkaea, thut ikflflB who n4 to help their nccdj t.rcthrcn m tlus way will Iind themselvevs amply rewardod by the blfflfliaga they 888888. A Ba-B-fll OT WOMKN IO A1U Wt.VUV. But it ia uot in a B8fl_Mhkflflflfl iilflme thut Ike charitable people nf Hartfonl have bflefl e.mtent lo n-et in their eftorta to help BBfll upliff tke pflflrar claaaea. Koon after thc <j]m'miiii- of tliat laaMilflttofl oiRht orten ladi?*a pather.d in a private Bflfllflfl tocoiiault aa t<> tl..* l?r*l wav in B_8)k 88 88)88888* thing for the welfaro of tlicit own BBfl ?1 tl.i-.iiv. At 8B?*4*ond mtwiiuu. ;ii whieh louiti-< n lafl-flfl fl, N preaeot. it waa det**Titiin?-d to oj-en a leadini.'r....m and ereniug; Bchool for JBBBBg trir 1 -. ui an ui>i>er i.iom in the tsoffeo-honrve. whi.-h ha.l b4.-n trn.lend frve of rent. and to 888888) Mra. i-lii\t?r. wifa ot th* flBBBaflakaaaa bbbbag. r, us |at?_8-ei ofthe ladiea' eocietyT'lhis Iafl_g,*a*k8 aal fl-T-fl her whrle Hfl to hclpinaflflkflBB, tlnew ko ?ai BBfll into her work thattbe awsfltf sp.-pdilv felt the n.c.l of tutr-Hy um taKflflfl tiehls. Baat < | _8fl_d_ttTfl rl.xrt. r wasobtained, and onder tkfl namcf the" UatOB Ior Home Work," with ?<T?.hip awollin tfl '??'. now lnrreaaed to -tJO, the laflBeaat BBBataai aafl888 on their uroat work of MbbI -" in ,,l,'Ir BBfltaB to ?levate and to iniprove thc 0flflB_MB8fl fll all thota. in tbe eitr who really ueiih*.! i_~>isiuu. e. In March. 18?-. Mra. 8idney .). 08*880, B ladv wl.o, M lTfl-aident of our S.l.liei-s' Aid BaflBflfl. flfl-B-l th* war had won an eovi?ble reputalion aud ******* a ra'luable e_T>4-ienoe, wa* 88884881 iVeaident of ti.e U-io-_ mlka* C-ia*. B. ParkiiiB, Vice-lTe?ideiit i Mra. .Indfi-o Nithaniol Shipman, Troaaurer; and Miaa 1\ L. BaflhaaB, d:?u?hti>r of the Kev. Dr. llnahnell. Secr.* tary. Mra. Col. Hamnrl Colt waa placed nt bhfl bead of tho K-ieouli-re Committee of Twelve, and Mrs (iov. Jcwell atthe head of B Financo Committee ,.l Tcn, and Mayor Kobinann made Chairmaii of au A.lvisory Committee of six gentlemen. Tlie ohjcctsof tho nrgnni/.atioii w.-rr v.-ry cleaily aet forth in tho 88)88?Bf 88?1881 of tho l'r.- .i.lcut. front which is quoted thn foi Iou inir: Tlie foiiudatlon of our oritaiilxittoti 1* hrond, hi.i1 Hm Hfli only l-fl-.H-, tntention to t.ein-ilt fltogi-i of our own arx -who aro leaa nn i fortnnate tban ourselvea We l-.i.lit nlu.oBt adopl, aa our only inorto, " I/ive tl.v OBkBbhkt aa thysolf." Wo eannot yot B_8B888 what luperstrueture inay bo ral?ed alKtvn our 8888888181 '. but we niust our tiu..- and bB contcnt to jm?w bv Blow degrcoa. Let ua not draw by antlripation ut?im Iba. cnc rna.ty of tl.e pnl.lic. If wr |.iove, i,...s flMBMH of thi? llille now extemle.l to ua, we may hnpo to be fiiunil worthy of more aliun.lant proofs of cot.flitriice. WOIIK OF TUK VM'.V. Over eiehteen montha haio 88888881 tbtOt th'-so WOVda wero utlcrod, nml thr Socicty can safcly ba said to havo moro than fiillillcd tha 80088 of its lotUMa??, To report in de.tail worka of 84 ni-rolciico is always ditlicult, 888888?18 when. as in this, a larito part of tho work has 8888 in <ini'f, unrccorded deeds of mercy, visit.s to thc hous.-s 8B thoi>oor, the aendingof food, fruit, and llowers to the B00d| and sick umong them. with thc bastowal of pcflaOBfl] Hvinpiithy and 8818, A "carnago fniid" ll kcptupbyaoveralof tho la.lifl-s. wIkx-.m h ?.v.-.-koithfl r put thcir own cairiBfaa at tho of kba Sluy t.-r, toenahloher to |1?B BBBBB convalisting pcrs.iii BUfl and air, oi flflfld thr monoy to onable her to l.irc a .-oiivovaiice for that pur]x>sta. 'Ihe llartford jail is also with flowen bf tha I "."?. ln more tl.iin one mstanco theso trtio ",-istrts of M.r. v Who Wfl-ar no baflflW. bavc taken fr<.ni tbfl bflflflfl <>f poverty aOBBfl sick cliild to iiurso ai.-i bring baob tu l.ealih iiml.i' thcir own 18888. OIKI?>' AND BOVS' RKADINd-ROOM, A BflT BUB8BBT, AND SKWINd-S.II.Mil,. Froin the tirst anunal n-poit ti 1 li." Socitify, p.ib li-hcd in May, mJ*a\ oilitcsl vvitli great rare bf Mrs. l.oinso Hnshncll. 8?888 pootical contril.utions to The Uio nt in Monthly havo won her iaaBTVBd iatiii-ls. a very good iilen may l.c cuth.-red cf the work ot the first year in the various hranrh.-s of thc I'tiion. Tiu- Iii nt rcport in thc p.imphlct is that of tiio "l,irls' BiaWUflf Rnnm," whi.h has. B08B8 l-B v wilor-?Kirls li-.un 10 to 90 vears. I h.-sr git\> Kktht r at thc pleaaaal parlora furaiabed in a building new reoted bj lha Union, a.ljoinniK thc flofiee^honea, when Ihey Bpend thc evemng in ainging, reeeiTina iiistriie- loa iflfi s.-winir-iiiii. Iiines, or list.-uing tn read* incc Ol liistruction frnm aome nf tbfl youi.Kor ladii-s of the Union wbo have akarpfl <>f lha raoaa, two of wli.mi ata alwfljra praaoat oa thaaa occaaiona, aaaay of i i.eiii ooming loaa diatanoea ia .11 Bortaof weather. Bathaare profided in an adjoiaiog room. and ara eairorlv siauelit. !?*<? inuch iiiiirovcnieiit has heen afaown in tlieir nianncrs hy the girla who have ;tl teinlfl-fll theni) room.H thal ot late 11 Well-to-do BflOOflf ni.-iiir.-d of the youni* ladi.-a in rhaiir.-, oaa OTflfliflg, :iN to " it would ooal to (fct. his iia.igbtcr rc bi.ed like them other girls." Thr second hriineh t'? reimrt la the "Day Nursery." Tu lha BBeead story of the beildina naad by the I'niou a u.atron is provided, who for Kl flflflltfl flflt day takflfl < -an- of any cliild h-ft iu her eharero hy iia motber, if tha latter ii ealled oal t<> wort i.? which hI.a- eflUBOt tako tho cliild. rl"ho uninher of ehildrea left eaeh day nagaa from six Cotweaty. The lif 1?- 0D88 li:iv e fl bat li aud gOfld f.?0(l, and enjov themaelTea aft?-r tha ou_aerof a litterof voong kit tarn-. Itcnat abontttOOoreraad aboreneatoflfls tain th-1 nursery for its tirst ninc montha. The third report is that of th.- Bewing-flehool, h.1.1 every s.itur.iay lt is attend.-d on the averace ht u.-arly 180JTOBBfl (hils. Tho lady Man i.i.-i r 01 hus ihiiivvn hei wlmle -*,.ul iulo ih.? work, an.l with an rfli.-ient corps of ahsisiants, haa ac rcaiiltahi the way of improriag Um initiners of her ptipila and of tcai hnik' tlu-in ap plicati-an to work ot wbieli sh'a may well he proud. Thfl lloys' KfadiiiR-r.Miin Asa.H-iatiou alao ai-misa raport to tbe Union. 'llus ataaalaflttaa bow aot of th?. nnofflBiti" thal uros.a f,,r providit.ia lar tbfl _ada who flooked into tlm cotl'-f-hoiisr uaimtli ..n thfl cold \Viiit.roTenloga. Three of th.-m oaed tocall eeekereoing foi two pieeeaofpioflad two eapaof ooffee for the partv. when tln- two bo) i reeflMred thi>m-artjeles would each i-ive tlie odd llttle e.itiiin iii.e-iiiiiiiuf their pu- amt aodeo, ihe ii.-v. Bdarin P, I'atlifl-r wa- lai?.-ly iniiirenk d Ln thc (.rgatii/alnaii ,.f ilus Aaaooifltlon. whleb now nnmbera aome ?U jroang gentlemen, neariy all of whom aro in aetifl,- bllflil-Oflfl, atn! ratlier " .Iriv.-n"' thi.n itthcrwiae hy the loada in this bofltling a lil , a,i fllflfl coii.pelJfl-il ta. cair.v. Ih.- i.f lln Aflflociation v\i^ to nro-ride vm-iI warmed an.l ligbtod toiitns f..i the nc\vr.....ys, lioot-Vtlneks. and |x>or. r ladfl of tbe > ity. wbnifl tbey miflhl ipeod their flTeniflpi plcaaantly aad profltably. The n_an_uramenl ia ia tbe b.iuda of all ezecattVfl colinnittflfl of ninc, flflj. lirycin.' i.U'ii of all altailes of lu-lief froui Koinaii Catbolu te Univerealiat, f?rin this aa ia aroiy 8e p-iitiii. ui of tke 1 iiion ao aectarian teeliog entere, il.,- flhaorbiag iu..tivia being "ilow can wa help fli.l ? lr- tO help t h.Tll-.-l*. > nn BOY8 I\ iiikii: Bl IDINO BOOOI. 1 ].*? tafluciatiea baa t ao karfa reoaaa n?>t lar from tl.e i iitte.--ho.ise. whuli BM ph'nsinlly hut slinply ii.:,,i<l. 1 ln > aio ojieit tmth flfliekilav cvcniilfl dnriflf tfle Wiater, aadai ekaraa af a aoparifltaad* . nt. w,io is liiKhtly Bflfl ifll fld hy tWO ret;iilarly tle titilfl-d inein'..i-rs..f tlie Ass.aeiHl.aan. Ihe dct.-iil ctunin-,' to tmth member aboal once ;? moiitl.. l ne rooinfl .. tii..- libnu i. abafldast ?'aiu.*-*. and bathing facilities, whicb latter ar.- m oagerly Mniirlit tbal\ ?. bave beea kaowa, in th.-ir lir.-i ca tl'iisiii^n. ovi-r eotil water. to floil their faces :,l,.r hall. Iliat thcy iniirlit eiij,ay another Ibfl flMM umht. 1 i.mi i'a to 180 hovs pathei at tbeae roomi aightl/, aad nad, play gamefl, and liaten to any iuatruction orent.ri.iiu ment provided. IVofanity Bnd ilu- oaa of tobaeeo \fli '.- M.ppresseil in th'- roomi ar lln- .-I:ir1, flnd at tbia mecting they are aa qaiel :.s tbe BTerage Baa day-ecbool room when thfl aahool ia la Baaatoa. Thia braacfa baa aeparate offiow aml aaeparatfl Iwaaflry, being infltained bj contribntiona and l.v tiu im.iitLlv du.-s of tbe membera of the Aaaociatioo, 11-- runriii.g '-ij'. i.M- are at.i.iit "J-'lni. per inoi.tli. Thaaa ia oae BMire aiodeal Httle branch ?? Clothing Clnb thal maeta woakly and taakn ap panaeata to I.. H'lfl. a. oefll t" tboflfl who iie.-il Lln in. Tius little branch doea faitltful v\..rk and is aalf-aaataiiliag. li,, I'jik.ii H-.-ii i-* Bimtained i.y the monthlydaea of fl per iiici.iilx-r, h\ d .iiatimis, and hy eiitutaiii raeatfl ot Tario-aa Idada? -tableaufl, readlags, ama te'ur theatri' tls. flflfl. Ilfl ireeii.M on ils lu-1 ye:ii w.i.- f.,.ii*!li7; .?-peii.iii.iiea. ?*;;.".I7 nx; balaaee fli.ITie.i OVfl-l to tll. lli flfl vear. .-Jii.iVio .">(.. lf $4.:h*.i liavc ai.ywhcre in thc country beea (ipended to better advantaafl amona oi. eqoal nnmbei of deflerviaa people, it la t<> ba koped th.-.t areporl tl,-ii ol w ill Im- aiiiiflle in lln- olumns of Tiik 'I kiii IZKB. it la tiot thal th. |.ro|>l.' of llarttord uie a whit h. Ucr than ihe people ol anv other city witli the bbbm wealth and advantaojea that tbrjhava bav.- thni anereeded in doiag good, bol it Isho canseth.ase who have taken bold of this BBOVflBflflOl liavr ).:ul bfll laiie olflj-i t, tluit they bavo ean icd ,.nu Thaa w?aeaabt?iao .u thfl aflflBJofltkmof their Preafldeal at tha alart ta ^ake only n.otto, " I.uv t';> .'tn ncitflils.i fla yoiirKolf.'' Ci BBBST DIACi BSIOB. BBlUTIfla <>K i:i:ri in.l. an mii., Tht Sothtillt I'a wm u?J tmrnrou. Thc boaatka of >Sepuhlicaa mlc an- aharply il'fliiatiBtfl-il in li.r let;.-ri,l IbeW?BflflgteflflflfWflpflaOflfll ,,f rm Naw-Yoaa Tfliaeaa rflptflflaaai ei?.awii?rr. Tlie tm-1 la cliaiii ?_.)?u iliat tne Treaaury ls nemlv Mnnlleaa, witb tbe Beeretarf appeflUaa for reiief wiucb lliere 1* rtaifl^'er'ifli.Kreaa will ....( In tline to flflflfl t na iii.i.t-t a, rte.lit froin aer.oiia OflMflflHflMMflfl, " lbo wi'ik wli.rn io.-i-upon .(-.? A.lmi.i.btratiou uiriuUera to n BC1M tti. iiati.innl .-.-.-(lit frun. ilie rulnons folly of tbe Prralilent aml Ilie H<*a-retary i? ao ar.l-.iona," aay? Tuk Nt.flfl- Vfl.HK 1 fliauaa, " tliat we have no deaire to detain tliein ..j leealluig ifleh atpdpa ot la?t year, that Ide ?l.itton of Oen. Oranl WOOJd ir-iilt In a drrrease of um, o ri-r in the vaiue of nr, .11 iii. >, and a return to a ktl. I li, IflUalS." RIMKI.Y K(<Il TIIK PAVU'. Fr.on Tkr HttAm.ntd ttmU Juumol. A con. hpoudeiit of Tiik Nkw-Yokk Tkihink I :,. a' fl, ii (he fl ll*. <>f I "I IBflflflfla A. booK on Iflfl Olian , ial piuatiou. in whicb hc flflflflfl?ta for tb. lat? pautc ?nd auflaeflta tbfl proper atepa le reaaadTli III* view* . r,a b.t thc ca.iae an<l Iniilrate bo elearly IM 1 tn\itt rcuicUy thal wo Kiie th. ui witb llttle i hai.trr of j.i..,i--"i"t> ??- report.-d. Tl.e receut failurea nia-tl-n ti,, i> fl.'-.l. ii-ii:<l, wbru lln v in.un-,liately rctain.-.l Uu-ir fun-h i" _iers..nal eui-toily ln->u>ad of payiug them out for their iu.lehUd.ies*. Wln-n all at.pnrd pnvru-iit uualr?> Ol tflfl ii.ouet.iry a>Bt*iu lnti-rveued. To prn ?.-iit ? reeurreaflfl al ilu* cln-ulatlun, he i* of (tp.n"'ii "':i1 tbr (i"V' i iituent aboulil affurd a atiftl , , ti,-r of cih iiltiimf note* for all leirttlmate purimseB, r'oaoy i oi, veriioie, at Ihe oj.iioti >.t the holifeni, inio (,< vi riiu.ciit lifl'l.'ls bearlM a low rale of lutcrest. Daoaaa n tiik Boa_ara, trum Tht H?fnlo Youi,n. I he VflVaahiagtoa eorreMMadeal of Tiik Tkih i m |, ,.,,11* thai iu tno-t of thr hiurauB lliare are a* ll. mfl . .1 rka li'iva i U'l'fl"*' al a? ln JsCl aud IbU, when tlie _-', ,i I'.,;., of tbfl aceounta relatlag te the war were lu iflifirte..- nf a.-l.lfltiietit. li. one b.ireati the nntntmr ..f eiiii.l.i*(* ib uow l.a. wor? (han tu 1866, ulthoii.ti the m,r_ is lc*? I.y one half. COfl?flaal oa th.a ahuuld uo iinnfl --fl-..!) it Iafl forelbto illaatratlon ef thfl aaed of nrw r<-.'ilati"'>" and tl.e reaafli why ihr?i_-e reVflBaflfl i.r. inaiirt.t ienl lo tue?t Ihe ei|a*lidltl.reii of th? (loverii rn. nl The Coiuimtu*" ol WflJTfl antl M.itu* u ,j ,,i. IIWelfl: to l.ceifle atirWfl la thal OOgbl t.? bo V.-rv la.K.ry froin thr hra.le of thr rn.n a.isln r. ply Ut inr iiMju ry what r.*diicUon ln ?alar.e-i aud u.iuubrr of rtn ploinauiiKht t.c-uailo mthout Iom lo ihepuniu- wilce, lf the(ou.uiltt.ron('ivil Itefonn ha.l Ur. WU ?rflfllMflbflad, antl had bflflB flflflfl?iBfll ay ttt, Blalflfl ? ith a BflfllflB lfl [BflBI 188 laat refurma lustead of (otanl ina Ihim, Uu, a,,, ?t.fli would have a boiMful l>la.?i?jol of i*)K?.uit.i_ a lamo ooiiuiu ef taelr rlcbu. JAY COOKE & OO.'S ASSETS. officiaIj dkclaration.; of thf. fii.m. UR <ir okdt-nri: ihk UD>*00flT viiiiini.ii PBOPf-irrv ?sin'.i'i.vk i*k?)Mim:nck 0? l-flltir MFN-A RKMVl'.KMlIK STATIVr*.NT. [ifliBfliaiJiJiiiflBaiBi iwflfl?iiiiii anrrrtti rBOM n | Per- --"i*?I.v tlii' apixial rourtesyof I'Dited Ptfttri _-_8_fll BTafBa IBfl Cln-f Cierk 0-8fl8Bg, gBBt 88-8888880881 1' 88.8 88 88888 I 8* I..rr llir rcadenof Tiu- lflBBBBB ttfl 88888 l.i.i.frtai.t ltotus taaataaaa la IBa Baakiaal eekeflalaa ..r gag CookcVCo.; alao, the in.-nt ? at thfl Ifl .1. v i In.ii lnrtul.ei-4 t.f Ihat -HB, wlth tir* 888880*88 of 8888881 Meaflre. II. C. Pahneatoek and VV. ... Munrbaafl. WBlab h.ivenotyet BBBM 1888iflfl Mar-li,I'a BBB Ifl Ht.i af tiiesc aets of achedules was flap Xtttki Wttb tba M tnd i day beforo yesterday, preparat-.v for _-___. Tm-y are lnolos.d tu Ixjoka of BBBBaeaaB 88888.888b pag" l~_ii_r alKnc.l t.y Mr. Jay Cooke, p.-r.a..aatlv. for tho flrm. l nr echotlule of 8808 Indlvl.lnal BB8BBBef of tho b^ase la tti a 8888*888 antl bflBflflBBBflf bafl-fl Beefl : Pniltd Hlntet of Amerten,'rm Wttrtel nf Pentittl 08 BMB BM flaT/Ol iJ'.-'-cn.l" t. A- I> 1-71, bo f..r?. mr iver-oDally eame Jay Cooke. II. ia. ll. Uoorbrad, Harri- C. Il'-nry 1>. < *oke. l'it! t oke, (l-... p TB aaaaa. Jaaaee A. 0 arlaad, an.i Jay Cooke, tr., A.-.. an.l beii.<dulraworii.*i.>.A.-..f bat il... followlnireontBina b nfatetiiciit of aii tbe tl( bta of lh. e. partnei >!>lpof Jay (-....ko &. co.. eoraaeatd or *?.i i per mt aforeaaid, ..u.l aa far aa u ii pi.aaii.i.. ia aaeartela Iha- nanu ? au i imct, of rrudonoeol tlie e**e_UU? ":': '??"?'? ' udJay Cooko i Co.. lt. .1 wttli BCt ?'f < onirteatt, Ao. JAT ('..I.KI . KJ. ' . lllDMAS. Wn. (i. M....ii.ii it>. ?'? A. '.Aiii.'.M.. II. c. Kaiim-.-'mi. k J.v, II II. ('..OKK. Bworn aafl faut.-rrib-d, Bc, befote J. BU80?r, Re_i8t4*r tn Rankruptt y. riiosrs tn kviiom oa .ui s v.k.i _*... I*. 3. (Ir.nt (tuarked " " iu iiiar_in) - I. ?ico. M. Bobesoa. *'-* n g . nn ui 0. Y- l'._ii.t-.>ck. i-i.ii.i'.-i.ii <>f ( iiyof C-laaaeaafl M.I ('o. ?"?"-'< '"?> Alrx. K. -lieplierd. Baat <1?" .? -,;"0 00 i.-wi, Urnt, aafloraaflbj D-B. Qraot (marBafl "food fl-ndoTher" in 11...i - ll.. . 1.000 00 Jaa.0. Blalaa,cellateral,Cblcaco, isnriiu..uin uuti (Jiiii.ylt. K .??.-??? ?a.wbbo P r fTT-iit (aaarfced ??doubtfur in D-arftlo).... t ? . 81 .1..Iin I'. 8,001 00 II. C. Bwayne (Wlth ll..i*i 00 Thoa. 11. ___?_? ll.1?. Cooko. tio.nooeo II li. Cooks. ?-__ aj II. |) Cooke, wilh rol'.-it. ral. I J.i?. fl. lilaine. dl*.> Ap'l 4. '73. Ap'i 7. '7.1, '74. '75. Bt?_ir***ag8 aa peeperty la t"avebloatou. ... .fohti A. Iltncliani.'r of |in.t?-iti ... . Tlios. H. Klorcnre, fltBl_iBt8Bl of liiileiil.-t];. am.. I I | 11. 1>. Cu.'kr, Tret-iirrt- . ... 15,i" _ W roUQ~IDATa?i t i viita ul i:\ki:v KAT1 88. Jay Oaakt it I'o., Me,n.}n,k. Atn't <Ine from g. Y. V_.-iiry of National Llfa Iiif.iiran.-r Ci... expenaes ol onranizatVon, fl t-'.i'-i 81 iin.. aereaal -arlor ta Ml. E Iwarfl Deflga betafl for 88 per caal . tkkjtU tt IV: I i.l.-I tN I AM. JmgOaokt tf ('"., KtmrTar* KiRbt lota ou 'fllnr lititi.trrii .ml nik' l!fl!.--.t., Now Y.nk Citv? four 108-80, four 100x88. Nf,.r*.* road, nldtray betwer** Rarleifl aad Xorth Kivers, known ua W.i.-liiiiKtoii lliiilir.., tviofram.) hooaee; eaetaabeoBs, 1-0,88. tl i.ias.iif baataaaat, Irai floor, and two r.>'.nnon tiiird, of Dtaaflwar. on nonB-weat eeraer Well aad Maa aiiii -t-? in Nrvr-V'T- City; rx|.a Apiil 10-81*1,81 reariy rtuital e-fl>M8flj rrnt paul ta Bag. l, la.-i. boin iual. Jay Oooktd t'o., XYns-hitij;' /n. rropcrty ea _-#-., WasbtngtoD, betwero Poar* leenlli and rifl.-rntli -ta.. m uuti- of llmry Ii. Oaake, traatae for Jay i ..?.k. _ co. _;.ti tniitr.i ralaa, i<"?a _irmabrance.Ii-.oco oo Laada iu Plaa aafl Keaaebee i oantles. Minne ?ota, parc-U-ed of Haron Oerolt, daodBla of.I.iv .'.nl..-. anl ln B_l ; 1 7 aerri. Kstluiatni at . f_flflfl fll On.-balf iut.rcrit iu iBel .ut DoBBC, al Unlnlh, Mitin. (ihi. reiiiaiiiiiic Imif belUB] ly of K. OT. ciark 6c Ca.h Bflad m bsbm >.f OUrenofl 11. Clara. H_flflflflfl Jay Oodkt d Co., Philadtlphia. One hair talaraat la aoB-irg lota la Eo wa al liayii.-ld, vv.,.; itiir r.-iii.iiiii.'ii.- hall belonga t.i. vv ci.irk .. t ?'i deefl la aaaaa at ciar >iir>- II. ciark. .UMBB M i. iaa "i i.u-< until aad -rat floor of bafllfl laa So. in Boata Tbii.i .-t.. rbiladelpbia, ftntii Qtrard eat ite, ex-dnag Jan. 1,11 IM, iirm Bufle lautOTi raanta ea8UacB8MB8.'rd ralaa al btaaa . 10,00000 _-_.._-aj->AI. r_01*8BTT?CA8M OB BA8D. jay Oaakt 0* tiu., Fkiladtlyikia. Ilalanee on Bept*-f.l878 .0*-'.-T5 Pl Wbleb h-is Baea Uieieaaed >>> payneata aiafla a- 8818888 alir.-t of 80081-11 rrinleroil re ,.,/yer. ll.._-.-l Ai.,, from aata id A. ti. Cattoll A Co., retarned from garaata Natioaal Baak.i. . t.oco o>) jay Ot* ti '< ' "?, tftie- York, Upper Ofket. BalflBBB aa Baad Bapl BS,tBi- .MflBB fll Wlurb baa be_Ui'liali_< .1 Mtirr :tr> p. l bll.B-tel !,:.! "3 f.nieil- Olttce. It.latire on har, I c ;.i. .-'., 117:;. U78 tl a/hlohBaa ba-aeB-ii-afla-iee aa per bai. air et. -?>" il ,l,iy t ??'. .f- .".. ll.ll/iinyt.Jia. lialance on h:iini Bapt. B. 1873.|_'.,10. (*> v iiir.i. na*. eaaeaaaaaflfltaaaaflaarBal aaaa*. 8J71 83 lii?rB foio.w a araaa aaa_*ar ?f obialKatloui be_I a_i?iiiat prlratfl itnliv iitunl- __tfl fiir Tartuiii au.ouuta naglOB .r'"" H "' '" ??"'' "8 , jat UIOBB | <?i., fiiu ii-ri cut*,. Notei of thr Bcrtfeern Pa-IBc K. K.(.o.,.itta Jan. 7, 1S74. Snn. LBBl.tH 1.HH. iBOl Uklre, >??-.. 1 .117 to l.O-B. iii.iiiilve, Noa. 1,881 aml 1^98. each tor M.4??'.fll.2.V)..yio 88 Dae H?r. fl. 1874, K0.8IJ. bo.oovn Daa Nov. 7,1874.Ko.?it.*. ?..?*?? v?o Ion- Nov 7. is7i, N... .... _idoraed l.y Ja.uoa fltlain. faj,? ,11V uliihi ,?;.-.... M.VV lOi.K. ?j. Notea of the N irili. rn PaclBt 11 __.Oa.flBB (Jrt. I). If.i, Ho. MB.tlV'.noo 00 ?DoeOct-l-, 1873, Ko WH. ?'"'.""" ?| liue <lrU -?. :?'. I, NO. 163. l..,(Xi? 00 I>ii<i Nov. 6. 1 i. N.....'. 10aml Bll. 10'i.i.nn 00 I>8? Dae. v, 1-7 ,.*>.'. 1 "?>'?. 80,1x000 Daa Dae. '??. 1878, No, l,03-r-4_i, eaeb ior $1IIQ.(..pO..1.1100.0)0 00 lilic Dee.8, Ia:,. No. 1.043-.4. 880.008 00 DaeDee I 1- i.N?.l,088 -. HMJOflflO i.u,. Dee.'.', i-7-.Ni. 1.060-83. 40,000 00 Dae Jan. 7,1-1.N" UOifVl*.laa^oo 88 lliic.lali. 7, 1S,4, HO. 1,0*8. Mk-flflfll tl Wm.Ofl - of ino ai.i>V'-_i<t.a ir. nrrnri-il l.y 15 cortillcatrs of ti.o aaplUkl Btvofe of llu. Orejron Bleam NaTtgatlou Compaor, xnm Inre.1 71 to 88 lB. laslVB, for 2.MW rarli Bt tba aaaaa al fl U. Biriiey, U-_u.baaetta, bbO by him tranafrrred to Jay Cooke & i'o, BaM c.-riiiii ..i.a inr.* leal t-. taa afBi.t IBa '( oinp.div ln ,..111.111.1, Oragwa. fur ia-n.. ot nrw c.-riitiiiBtea La ibe aaaaa el Jay Oaaba & Oa Par value, ?-,7Vl/O0; e?tlmlt"d raltM.|1,1.0,0*3 00 Iba balaaee of tbe abore aotea aad i_e oiwii book of the Onij.i.n | .Im.- BBA) are aecurr.l bl H*8-7,tOO Noithtiu P*vitfla Bailraad 788 flral fltortgaflfl beaflt in tno baada ol reeeirer. 111,Aoo baada la banda af aaenta for ssie. 1381*981 iu PidaUtj iiianiuiiii BafrDepaatt c'ouipany for reeiatTauon, placed lo the haudi of a.i.l i'lii-; 4'oinp.uiy i.y .I.v Coofca AlVo. tuko-p tba laau. __t_e1 01...1.1 wlibia the limit ?f 810,008,008, bat Wt?tb 818 il.c property of * ..ok.- fl Oa tn abaraa lowa Vailey GouBtructton Ca. ataefc I, -,, l.cittaiiarea [aara Caa.Ballvay Oa ataek .j *a,vr'1 " lataraat in ne* iai (|'-.6ik.) sto<-it aud bonila of tint Mutl?.K i'ar,:i,- lt, H. (Ju., laateeeated by aeeaaat la Ledgei \ Jay Cooke ?k Co-. N.i. 1 .flUawfl] 07 Jav c, OOo.No.. -BJfTI 81 Jay CtpOke a i'o.. No. 1. l'jC.iaj 11? tft\A1B tfl por whirh J.v Oeefct iV Co. hare: |-?r2,3<li Noribt rn P_M-Uie K. 1.. 7-3'i tjontla. 10,111 abaxea Mortbara Pai iflfl lt. u. wto.-t. 1,6-7 nin. i-i laaatB I*. Bap. .v n.B.00. ataek, i,.,n7 stit-11 laaafl i_i*.t.p & rt. *>. i'o.ataak. 1-4 (i,.1S5,4+(J) Will Laad jVSd'llof .v; 11,1,, -,,;?. lulerest 111 North. rn Pacdfl. K. K. ('.,., (1,. m>r 1 '.4th or tlm ?r.?tin;tl ilivlaion of tlu. (;?in- . pauyiat r.,?t. 37,.^ aa For whirh Jav 1 tookfl *- < ft have: t;m al.area Northern l'aelllr 1_ ll. flB 88888. 1,000 aba. Ij. htU". .V l'l.Ket ri. Bl.xX (lal t_aB_BM. i,(woah?. I.. Bup. B Pagetga atoea adtasae). bd\ aharra 8/8888*8 I.iti'l Asa'u of Mlutmaoia, meiiided ln BBMBBBt on BfgVBfl? page. Alao. 88, balaaoflof Buitbara Fa.ino lt. K. sto.-k arrrninif to.lay Cooks dt Co. _,. n*c_l a*-.-nlH. aftet de.lii(jtin_ amount rtuc BKOUtl-a*- P r'irnt from htm-.k Ij.t,|'r. j*r 1 uuj.K a 00 , B8W-Y0?B. liundl. tt.AOO N'ortbctn I'a.lllr llalirouil 7.30 hOnds.... |a8.47l) 00 i,5o0 Iov.a('.nt,rul Kiiivvay Co. t.'imls, int inort. 1 BTB 0) 4,&n0 I_ke Hnp. aml Mins. K. 1- baada, lat mort. 3V>s no 8,1-jON'ew Yark, (Jbw.-ko aud Midland. 3,J<jo 00 300 Meatelalr Bailraad ?. _4n 00 l.nooatatooi Teaaaaaai baada. mo ,_,, 400 UuilodStalea (.r.-Kon Wai loan. lw w 100 glra-Twaat-aa, Iflfll._ na oo Htorl.t. IW lharea N. Y. Htate Ijoau aud Trmt Co. stock 1-5,000 00 .-p.-.-iAl auhsiiiptloti to Ind. aud 111. H'way (.'t,., k, ujo ut) JAV 0OOB-B A OO.. THlkAUtLkVUlk. JtOWtt. 2je,000 Mlntitair..lis and ht. Louis IUilway Co. Urtt tiioriKaK'* bo-fla, Bl UBett 19 to.04.3 of tlm*.) tK.ntia were a<-nt to J Cooke, _i<-< nllocl. _i Co. of UlBflfla t._ _. .. and are alilt ln th. Ir poaaoB-loo. 8,888 Uattafl BtaaaB Oa retaataal bonda. 89no m 2?.ono t'nite.l Hiatea UortuaBiaat boada. .. j?j,x)oo U.,MXJ l-ikeHiip.-rioratid Miiwlaaippi U. K. Co. 7 p<-r cl. lri mort. I10111U, at S5. Bt 615 00 l,67s,0UO do. lOimr cent lucoioo bonda. 'i01.J7S ae Laa. Hnprrmr aud Mira. R E.CO. i?-r t.tlciti. of BBBBflaaBBBBB Ior arreari of infat. ?ioo?t. .;.--,'.'"'--.'-..1.1S6.-X.0 00 US.OOO lowa ('entral lt way ( ft i?t rnnrt bondia, 00 Maaflaata 1 -cirie i_ K- Ob Baesg for i_\.t B17 pfl-r,c-4-tit,'-????;?.142,010 00 7,1*0 Hiillwat.r aml Mt. 1*88- II. It. I o. at w. ... j gg ?,, 4,1100 Bt. I'aul Cltr boudaat 7.4 ?*.. 8.UO1. i?> SOO Auiencaii hteainshlp Co ?f I'hlla. at _o. 400 00 1.04UBL Lonir. (<iuni) boiid*. btate of Mina ... 7&0 ,w li.iHrh. Mav 8a of '85. mo 00 'J.OOO Hunburv and I..wl-town M. K. Oa... 1 9*. on I,.*--New-York, (Jiwutfo-U'l Mi.lland. .^ w a.-OO lowa Oiitirtl K.B iioml-. t.lii on 3,000 -itaabetb city. new-Jw-aey, Ta.? aooo 00 m H-kt. %M ah-__a IrBkc Hupenor aml Mlaa. It. H. it'~*k.|i0fi.U4 70 | Here followa alistof BBBBBfl ln open 8<_tion,Hloj,j<>i ill al; IU maU) aUiall aliiouiila.] behtduU tn Ihr tnr.Utr oj Jay <ovl;t, jr. liunkrupt Laad la n>ii<* t-aaleToa-Babip,! botoaOa., I_ gi.nti 00 N..M* of iii.* XBataaalt-aOa . i.tis 74 jS.ileof thol 'l.o.uaali oul o . 1,418 74 NoUiof 188 Tt-MB-Ull 101.4 0. l(/llH .4 Tbe above uou-s hav.* baaa baiid.d JaJ Cooka fl Co. an.l l.avfl. Oflflu Uafld bv tUcu | goo I.ike Buperlnr and Ml**. K. R. hond* . ti.*tn oo Ml bonda nf (he (Tinrcb of Ht. Matlhiaa......... ?8B 00 r.oiiii ..nd uiortgaKt'of II. L. Turnerand w.fe.. l.noo oo ( ,i Ufl, ? in- of dcpo-s.t with tho llrm >>f Jay Cooke .V Ofl. tm.MH 91,r..ry. ??,)0no Laka i.ri-- BtflNUflbflatOo. Btflek . l.i.m nn Pbiladelpbla .....I Krio Land .'?>. l.aa. 88 I'li.iui i.i'i't.'v. iii'-iii tn.<i ei. v.ii,..-.,.. 1,808aa I,.- iiwrlor and Ml ,. I'.. K. ".ioo . .i,',,.,!.. and (l-flfl lu,,l R. l: . M8 08 Nfliioflfll Ufe li.-'.ratiec GMapaoy, V rt io,oaa oo Bterllnglron ?nd ilUllWflyObmpanj . ?'.?:,J "? I ,. | on pi.-'lyiu Mmilu',,ni.'i yC'i., I'-n... 18888 1,1.1..: on propertjr In OtiawsCoonly, niin. . 1.?"' 00 1 u-rrat on ealate Of D. K. Cookfl 1,100 00 l.ii.n.iy. *""??? Huuury Plflflflltf. 881 18 Tfl.'-l' . ,. t".YI.ff17 18 ?srhedule itt thr mai'- r nfJamrt A. linrland , llankrttpt). I, i irit in l.aiul'..-, nr. Und ln Cbflfltflr, Delflwara Coouiy, r ao . oo Certiflcfltfl nf Depoalt laaued l,y J.ty Cooke 62 C? . fls.s-^ 0.1 Ouosharr iii Umtiad-btuleaLluyd, N. Y. U88 88 T.fllnl.,.. .. |7.\3S0 00 Brhtduie l. 1 (ut ukrprotmd).~-In the maUtro/PiU (/flflflfl, llanki upt. ln Ottavra Cuuty, Olno. BMNfl lr. I.,nl in Van W, il (.'...Ufll-., w.iio. 188 81 I.iinl in Allili .'il.nt), Iimiaua . 4 'i M L .iri 1" A.Iflii. f.'ounty. ^ HO0 UO i.iud in flllflfl .'oiiiity, fadlfl?. ' ft?i" |8 l.aiul iu Alitn ( oi.n ty. Iiuliaua. . 188 88 Land iu Allru t'ounly, Iuiliana. ... 1,"M 11 iu Alifl-ii ( " InJiai.a. 881 II l.iu I iu Mleii Couitty, Iii. lla. m... tOttt i.-imi lfl Nulfllr Ciiititv, l.i.liai.a. 4'.' "" l..:,.| Ifl k.'-t i.i-i.', < ..'ll.ty, ladlaaa. s< o M 1. iiul ll. Lfl ('-ninly, ludiuua. |i?l BB [__Od lfl KOflflfltb I'OIJUty, l..fl*i?. 1,816 7(1 l,ii,,i ii, K,.-.,!iti Cuuntjr, Inwa. i?s M l.i hI in Knflflaiiiii (oiinty, lowa.. Hl to i. md .ii Koflantb Coantjr. rir..a. LflOB 08 l. md in KoflBBtfli 'oiinty, lowa. IBI 08 i. ui l in Koflantb Coonty. lowe,. M8 81 I md ln Poeahoniaa County, lowa. 18888 l.aiul ll. PfllO Aiti>('i>(liity."l'fl\v-i. 1,' ii iu l.aiul in l'il" A t" ' ouiily, lowu,. h.?. M I imi iii I'alu Alio Ciiutry, lowa. |.,-,.?i i>0 I_nd ln Vnhi Alto Cifluniy, lowa. L<00 DO I _ud Ifl i: .ii-'t Oflflfll/, lowa. l.ritn .?? 1 .iiiti iii Bt, l.ouiB (o.iiity, Miun.-Mota. 1,181 tt Land Iii Hfl- La-ui*. (,'iini), MlnoMOta. Uflflfl .i'i,i it Bt. Lonla ('u(.ijt). _InoMola. ism uo I. Hi'l it. Mower Ciuiify, Miaatflfltfl_. i,<i0i. ty) Land in Mowat ( oenty, Mtfln?otfl. l.coo uo l-inii lu llower Ommaty, Minneaota. 1,1 0 oo Laad iu Mfl"*- r <'otn.ty, Miaaflflota. l.."" oo laasAlaMowflrOoflaty. Mnmoauia. hjoi-o l. iad ui I.y "ii>, K nii-i^a._ 9,60i. <i0 l.?iiil in l.v.iti li.uiity, Kani-fl*H . 1,1'fln OB 1. .ml ln Butlflr <'oai.l>, KflflMflfl. 1,188 81 l.n.'il ln r.itM'-r Ci.inity, Kaaflflfl. 1,0TB M Land ln Cblokflaaw COnntjr, lowa. i/oo oo l*n,l ii, Koaaaih Coantjr, XoWa. ioo oo Land ln Poeahoniaa c.t.iuty, lowa. l.coo oo l.;ii,,l in>lt County. lowa. *W oi I.nn-1 in llr. iii.-n Count* , lowa. IflBl "30 Laad ln Jaoobpleflfl Hfl'calIad), (?ulo. no Lmd in Wormaa Ball,, Oluo. 3."..?oo uu in Bandnak1/, onio._.. i,r,oo on L?ndln Banduaky, Ohl>.. M88I l.flii.l la Bandiiaky, Oblo. 750 oo Laad iu iitiiutii, Mlnm-M.ia. tAkt oo i_u.i iu Dalalh, Mlflflflflfltfl. i.ouo oo Total. .HaaMt (" Sfhtdnle ui tke malter ??!' I'itt Cookt, l.,ii,kiu?t, jiertoiial i -rn ty, 9UU Oftankatift, or .?? urttaMofma dtsrrip Iflll. OM note of Jolin O. 1'ooi. W. U. I'lorre. and \u,i. J. IlaflWey, datfld HflJ lil, UOI, puyabio iwoyeara flflfll .lat-. ?*)?? <? Ot.e flfllfl, -lat.* 1 Mfl] Ifl. 1871, yayalnu tliree l-oflifl flflor rtflfln . soo tw ( iinte, datc.J May 18, l?7l. ioui- vears KtterflaU. wo oo Oue nol,-, datfld May 19, 1871, _>a>ul?lr livo yeara uftrr daln. 900 00 (All Iflfl iibov. f...u notea apeiirel by uior4;a>;e ; cf property intl.iu.l.iaky, UU.o.) dn,- note, l> iv ..I MflO. ra]. ioo oo On? t"I'. I'.ivi'i Mciioray. l.-o <>0 O-aa n,, ?, I):.-..-I M.-dfl.r.iy. . 181 M Prop. i ty ia .-<a:,,lii.->ky,()fiio. I 8 flfl Propflrtj InBaadnaky,Ohlo. I8B8I ..a, i,,'i'' t'f Hcnry l'.ut. r. Uo bl OoenotB flf lli-nr'y POfl?T. Ho f.j Oaa i.a'te ol ll'.uiy l'orter. 140 bl .. ? nu.'- ..I ili-nry i'ortcr. IK. 51 . ifloari.( i.v iii, iga npea piroparVlfl Baflflaakjr, Oblo.) ' >:.,- flfltfl "I (,<-0- V.tll II Wflflfl. to,*) 00 Ooa it'.tr of .;>?,,. Van Douaen.. . 5"<> BB ,,., flfltfl of .,-,, V i-, H'-ixeu. 600 00 (Oeonrad b? BKMftgaice ... i....-1.mnt>, ohlo. Ono nfltfl ei Juo. MeKalBay. |M nu Ono DOtfl Of Ji'u- M'K'lv.y. 200 00 One note of itio. M. K. lvey. -.-OO 00 (?.,<? flotfl of Juo. Mi K,-!v,->. Ml nu uie mn.! nf Juo. Mi n., Ivoy . MB M (Seonradbi nortgMfl ob propflrtyia Bandnak/, Oblo.) One lioreol Hin..,,, I,--a'..r. |H nb Oaa I."..- 'ii Hlmon Leator. M M (ni,. floflflol fiit.'oii Lafltor. bi hs (..,.; iinlfl- ',f Md.>.n Leatwc. bi K5 Onfl-aotflof Mtn'ii, Leator. bi bb . >,.- i.'.ie ,,: Mii,?i, Leator. 62 M nu,< not.' o/ H....OI, Lttalor. 6j hj (..,.- t,.,i,fl oil tnonL>)Stor. bi yi UaflaoteflfBln n l.-t"t. bi m Oaaaatfl<< fliaaoa Lflfltof. M ???> i-?, i_ii*'t hj mortoa i.|..'t. prupflrij ia Baadnaky, Oblo.) Oaa ii'.t'- "f Kn-lerirK -J75 00 (--,?, ,ir,il nr BIOIt4C>8* <"' I'r.>i"-r!\- in B ladaaby, Oblo.) 8,0 m Ifl.fli,,!.- ..f Ni.ittifl tu I'-ii-nl,- K. 1'. Oo. boada. ?.'*>?) ".? Obrtlttcat. ol dapoafll of Jay Cooko a to._. .l,,.".. io ?Itorto .._.... 50 00 l Jt-unv I.>.i,t cjrrlaKr..*.... th oo ilui .... , .Im- lr,,iu .!,?} Cooke A .". 21.4-jl iHJ (StockB iu laoonwta > ,.,,,..,. > -.. s.iA) stock iu Iiank of touiuKii-fl-. Ooorgatowa, u. c. roo no IOO ahari-a htei iltiK IrOfl Co. 1.-.50 00 10,000fltoet vifliii aail. Lif. lu*. co., l. w. a_ lo.uoo oo T-tal. |7,,76? W tPniitirt of iiururunrr.) I palil un pfl.lirr IU Nflti. I.t'fe In-. .'?., I'. H. A.. 10,000 00 1 paid ap I.i in M.itu-l Ltta.Iaa. Co.,MflW" ;..k. N.J..-. ... l.ino 00 11'oln y iu fl_ui.-fl-ii Pllfl loa. Co. ol Lou,i?n. j,.*oi? oo Ttflfal. 00 PiflMfUf." i?'Vfli>ii)ii, i.-uiaiii.i.'i <.r expeetaiaojr. Inten ifll a' l.rir lor-tat. of E. Coekfla*flltaated in din.. (Knr Oo.). 8MM no Iulerent ta flflCflflflal pr?ii?ity ol . -1., i. ?. ,,.???. ,. I'i-i.pcit) under lli.' baukmpt law . ftou OO Propartj axeaptod aader taa lawaoit Oblo. soo oo Total.811,000 00 8,-hednU of .Imi Cooke. (pcriomtlly). MflirtgiiK'-i bflld by Cbaa. U. Mobiaa, Raw-York, value of Bfloohilefl, tmOMt', aniouiit of dal.t, |;5,.?xi, flaaaflMd li) tbfl l.ike Cbaaiplatn Iion Oa. .ind VV'iu. O. Moorhead, K8d Jobfl CbflflllMflfl. jolllt ii'.iWer. of thr aatne, alx U.'.iill.a' lateiflfll now past due .>U |75,00O U.urtgilKo. john Culiinau, portgoge ... Judipnoat lieu, faiin near Bboofltakflttewa, ivnn,, lu.iou; u.uuunt of debt, |?,,xx), due April 1, 1*74. KaUmated value of Ian,l.i ln Vv'ntern Htate?....|'14..VM S9 i,,im lota m inilutt.. M,MI oo I,ota ln Miiineaioto, Ar. '-?.'i.C'OO 00 Ocoats? Baalflflaofl of Jay Oookfl.?..~ B8MM oo Pniparty, Ua. II B. Ninetflentb-at. ?,^?o uo lal.ind. kno-rn fll (iil.raltar, ln Like Brlfl. SO.uoo 00 IToiaerty in Wflflfllflgtefl Temtory._ ?W 00 Lflad aaaa rapaMaj <~ h.. n. j. 600 oo UoUnat iii'iiiiflrt ii"ii (''in,ii..iiv. in iifliri.. of J,i> Oflokfl A ("a., and u-<ed by tlieui. 84,M7 80 Iu hand.s of Jay Cooke A Co.. and BBBfll by them : 60.000 Bierlit.-'railroad l.onda. 60 ooo oo 39,1-00 aterlin-i Iron ai.d railvKiiy coiupany b'.uda oo ...'.,n" l'n-aton Oial m 1 Company botid-.. J0.O0O 00 ft.iifl Houtn Mo.mtain Rallroad 8,600 00 1 j. ki W.rren and I'raukl.n 7 i?er BflBI boiiils.... 1.000 00 60,* Sterllug lrou aud lta.lway Co. 6,0)1)00 ... i i i-tterllng flerlp. i.ado oo 67,900 Nor; h'-rn I'a.lflc, 7J-10 per ceni.... 67,9.10 00 lifl'ia -j like' .ii..i Ml.-H. IL H. bonda_a 10,000 00 .-,,.'. Aijuiilor S.ii.n.iu l-'ihliuiK'i'o._. 600 00 ?,;*.' .MetriilMiiit.-ili Chiircl. bonda. 6<>0 00 Bflbflfllfllfl?18 Walametto L'nlvorBltv. so.i oo j.V'.o.i boodA of Lako CbainpU.u lrou ( o ...7.. i',;u > 00 i vrutla-aU'-. a.f depoait of Jay (7o<.ke with Jay (Jookr A Co., Pluladolphlaaud New-York.... 407,611 18 IVraonal pra.perty. fl,C9fl 7"J Oflflfll?>* booka of the du.rl.nie Iron aud KatU way Company. 12,138 00 I'liiladelphia au.l Brlfl I_?ud Co. i.'wim rpnnavlTanla 8"U>el Ofl.aa 3,4.-? 00 1". nn- > ia '.ma Hlook Hr.ip._, 17 00 r-Ui'.l.'.fl Iroa and IUilwayCo. %>'?,''"( (*. Pltfll N ii H'.ni. Uauk uf \;:,_!,,n. ,, ... 00 ln the Aatnlt of Jay Cooke at Co. for utt by Uietn u htit reijuired. iMMtkmttaat BlttA Hfltloafll iiank, Wanbington IJ.i.nno 00 ',?..-,,1 i, -,.f I ,i ,1.', ,li,' |-,.ii,k, riili.?fliifl||.i.l.l 141.000 00 MOabai -a -if < i-ntrnl Nat'l Ilauk, ruilail>-lphla. 17,790 oo AAI ahai -4 of l'r,.v. Life and Tru->t Co? Pliilad.. 1(5.700 00 IjOflabaiflfl N'lil' l.tfe Ina. Ofl. Phllatlulphia XJo,uuo 00 ?A.uuv.ouu atoflb In i.ake (,'naniplalu lrou Co., aud \:il.ifli . fltaaatflfl at MTMOO^ les* m-.i-i^ .(,'. |7?.?*0(i, la property. Soe.noo 00 T..UI.M81.741 tl (pifliici,-.-. nf Ina-arnnofl j Marvlan.l I-'Ire Inatiraiire Company..v. |8,neo 00 Man Ian . > .re Compauy.__. t.noo 00 I'rauRliu I - -n.i .i ( uu.pal.>. 8.,aai 00 I.flcrpoi.fl, I.-?.,.Ion, aud (Jlobn.....__ _n,ouO 00 Mutual Aaa.flilatiou.?. kfitt 00 li -uir-mre ' '".iii'imy of North An.eriea._. lO.ouO 00 Btatfl In' irau.-n Oflflflaaaj. lc.uoo oo li. ufl.-.:,. .I.ttii.U .-i.if.'tfl, Iuaurana-e i.oiupaiij. lil.UA. 00 JflflJflCflflfl Ki.e Inauranoe Couipany. fl.iiWO 00 Mi.rlUfl'rield. 6.000 00 Utiifl.i, Mutual uf I'hiladelpliia._, e.Ooo 00 ir ? ifl-vu.fl "a'-i K.rn Iiiiiirai.i-,. Co. of .N.-i* Y>*. k. S.OOO 00 Aun rkan Oulral, ll. Lottia._. 6,.*00 00 A'lriatlfl' Contrul, ht. Iajuw.-. 1,0.0 00 . ..uu. i' al I.ui.,ii Iu-auraneo Co. of l.....,l,...... 10.000 00 Hpriniffleld Fire'.iiid Marlne Iiintirauca Co. 10,000 00 A , t I. :.,.''?; i-'i: ..:,, fl- ('.,!,,;..,_-.m 6.000 00 ( ouitneraa. tuAti oo Total.|l*i,o0o IW oni-l.l.ii. i uu lacaUtflof Elenta. ru? Cooke, <)e. ,1. beitn. mj nluktn a. tiel.'-atl iw, leaBoiir thlr'l. wldaw'a llto e*Uti*. 40,000 00 ]ial. ?f au inveatoieut iu land a. I'ut iu liiy I.y Kire llarper, f..r tflfl bflflcflt of Jay, jr, and C. 1>., eatliuatud hy aald llutpfl-r aub|ei-i (i, hi eharKo....*.. -.,0o0 00 8s,0txiitiv<-*tcd ln Jay Cooke and \V. O. Hflflfl bflflflwUfeUao. 11. liijr.ud by Uuiuih lo?*n lota ln I'l.luth, . -tim ,vd. U.OOO 00 i> i ?( i ,. i. , .i.i. ii. .-lat.- ,,l B, ( o'.ko, dee'd. ln lu? ..?>? prupoiiioa aa j,,.u. licu at law.... 1.000 00 laaal.iu.000 oo lhrtdt. The d? of propnttyof Lhe tollowlflg prraona ln favor of Jay < iouka art- tu ih* I, md* of K. VI l^wia, rwce.ver : Tm,* M Ilt r fl*ife, B. M. Havi* and wifr, Kraucla K)ie. Jobn W. Thflflaaa ami viite, Wm. Hittier Daaaaa ,,,i,l mfi tflflfl. 1 lilii r and wilo. Henry P. aud wlfe. Tl.. a. li !,_:,.??, ,.i.,i wtfn, Iaaao -.Uoouiakor aud wif-, Jiflbii Cortiiiai. and wirr, deWd to houae und lot No ill Boa?I HlflfllflBfl?? **., flflflg t.? laland of (Jibrallor, de. d fron J. II. Ilui..ira. . ap,.. \\ ,,. r..a,... '? of ,i,-.-.I, ,ue iu lhe hauda of K ? <?, Siuiduaki. OUio. VbP i.-ld., tUcin for Uiu )?l-jiY0? . Ilrnry l>. Cooke?IntertH in f.anttt. Lota In ri)ter'a-pv|.iare, (leoraeiown. I). C, vhI aafl bb.... . ot t.n-w ia-ioo Berea ?f laad la thc _le_aaflru*. LabA Dlstrlct, Mlimraota, Clav Couuty and Kad Kiv.rlan.lH._____ *-,!7t oo I...8-* aetee of laml ln C_inka-aw Connty. Hute of 1..W.1. 8.1.7000 1 UDarrrsof lan.l in lowa.?. '?'** '*' tteaerea ef laad In iThlek .aaa Cooaty, low*- t*MM oo 1 OOaei-w-of l.n I ni BeatOB T.iwitsiiip. . J.iaw.i l lount f, t > iiii 34.-**. O) Baaaa aad lot lo E-ii P-rij . ?tood st.. B. Y (?n.ij.-ct iarn'iifVBMBB aafl bei<i la trusf. *<?_> e,o.w oo Hotuciind lot in Eaat Fortl'-aecondfll.. B. I. (-ii'-l-.-t (i_in't_r,r l-i.o-n. iiniih-'id ln tru?r.A^ ) '.too tx) II.,llar lot ...1 lirooklyii, N. Y., (i....|. rlfoiiriirV V.,000. and hfl 1 I in tr isl.f.-.) 45,04)0 OO Ilrnry h. Cookf, Ptrtttkal I'rnperly. in biUl. notrt */? Not.-of Ciilhiirlne Cl I.-..U, tl. . $!.?).> ofl of Uaarflt h. utdaoa, b . ??""'JJ ?* gota of Palner a. Graeee. d. l.uoo oo Aaa s.iii.-ntof linlmof .-Uarkwi'-.ttier ?B I'low rii__.ii inriilnst, Aiifbony I'onock. la snit ln IJtatii< 1 Coiirl of Dtstttetef l' In .'iuit>, N<> 1,707. Oaad. 5,000 00 T.irre liolea V.ilt.ire Miuiiik Conip.iiiy (*-.>,'ioo ,.,,,.],, . bn.iVlO 9) rm.. tn.n> ,-flt i-V.i.iipa ._*._...... in .on*. oo Dnifl on Klnt Nalioii?l Baab of Waatunirton. j, t-. M.frOO 00 '*""ilnuti'hiilil thindt, Slnrei. Apparel. dV. Ili.usrholii (.'.Mr-la and fiirnlfilie, in, con.. r Wu'hliUftou an.l Wash iniftoii.D.C.1.5.00000 18888. Pri nlt, Ptelurtt. ?r_. One lll.rary Bfabool l.Wubooka. *t.oon tk B3 oil patBtlBfla. . ?*?'?*** *! Ilorafls. rows. Ao. __J ! CarriiMf. a and other vi lucics. l.'i'-O 00 ttofJc in incjriroruUtt rompuniet and jonU ttotk 888888* niet. MXisbarcs f.nmpkin ObaataMa Mlnins* 08. 84.0*. 00 7B0 sba-oa Roeky Maaatalo B-Mlttag Oe. Te.000 00 And foll..wiii_r sVioks iu tiaudn of gag08088 fllOft 88 rollateral : .?.____, 31 ahares Firnt National Uank, V. aiblnirton, II. . ..pir valii" . 17,10000 V l 8881*88 Hierlini. Iro" and l_?il way Oa*, pur V.llllt). 4.__0 iO IM -tiar.s Pofoatac 1V.TV <'.)?- par valne. 10,000 00 ij.Hliarra t.afr l>. |a.a|t C ... par VBlilB. ... 12.000 00 ?li .thar.-s Ala-xaiiilrla. Loudon aud Hampsblr. I?tiroa.l c.iinpuny . 1,80-00 agrabaraa Mar.iand gneetaaa lUaaag aafl ilaniifaetnrinir Co. 93,700 00 Bflab-reaKat Life Iu*. Co.of tbe l.'. H. A. 10,000 00 S00 aliai-fl.s 4*n oinn:ill,('levelnnd, antl Handuaky K. K. 0ft?Itee-iplof Kuah K. tiloan. l'roa't... 10,000 00 ioo si.arcs, Luyt?n, and Eaateca K H. Co. Ucreiptof JacohW. I'irrre, 1'rea't. 10,000 00 4"? ciiirinn?u. -B-daakr. aadOarabtad k. k. Oeatgaaj. _3.soo 00 I'nli'iet uf Iiuuranee. Thrre aro lifo 88?8888 is-ued npon the li/r of i.imkr.ipi. ainoiintiiiK la tba ajyraflBta te ?.-.tajo 00 Theae arn for the boirfli of Mrs. 1.. II. I,. C00B . unl iMinkrupl biufl no claiin whatever upou them, l.ut hv ad vlir of fouaaul B8 sets fortll. tiifiraaf w l.nntt, tn 8*888*8.88, Kemainder. nr t.'tjitfpiney. Ciulivuled 1 Interrat as one of tho heira i,r Blentbaraa Uoeke la tbr catateof B. Oaaaa 111 tlm realeatato and Iind siin.itc in OI110.... tii.OJO 00 Prrtnnal Froperty. One-fonrtb intereat Lu pSBBSBfll property of abora eautfl-. -j.000 ?? Ho sets forth tliat ou Hept. IH, 1873. ho a-al_.ti.-d to J. Karton Muorchead 8818?18 propcrima af thr tlrm of Jay 1 ookc _. Co., and on the __i_ of rtaptemhrr. 1..73, ho iiariiriied to said Moorenoad all bis riifht, tlrir, and ln tfl-reat tn tho ilrni of Jay Co<jke. MrCulloch A Co. of liondou, Kn>,land, as a 88888888 of tho Ui_u of Jay Cooko or othrt wi-r. Tliraw arK.igniTie.ita were made for the honcllt of nll atadlten. _______________?_____?____? ARI/AISA AM> BMW MHXKO. OHfT-ED STATKS EXPLOBATIOIffl WEST OF THK ONi: HUMIKKHTH MKRI1HAN. LIKUT. WHKKI.-.n'S KXI'KIJnit.N ?A VA!-T I KRI-.ITOI. . AlaMOST UK-UTTCTE Ol' IMIAItrr.VXIK-I.Alt(.K ggflfflLB mtomki INTKRSI'ERSF.U WITH EXT_NSI\ F. DESEKTM?TIIK IIOrTEST I'AKT 00 1UY. l.'NiriCIJ BTATM ? MOCNTAIN n_.Ta.ACfl ? -l 'OOBgnOMfl COBU-UBBUBJ THE D-SCAB-. |rnoM a.v 0O0-8B)aUt000_-OrOBBB-TOI ina I-IB088.] W-g-Q-flOTOHi L>io. 17.? Tho nutiounl en terpriso under tbo ahove iltle is BtBflflfl to BBBB iu lmportanrc, thougb li-ss knonti Ibflfl that af the Ycllowatonr, Prof. ITaydeirs OaatagBBBl flanrag, or b_k*~ar rowrir.a survey afl ths 0af-*rafl8 Klrrr. Tlie 8888881 Bl thc work will, in due time, hc publlsh.-d by tha War Department. TlieChlrfof tho exploratlon, Oeori_;e M M'hs.ler. .. ___*8Bb?BBB of Wrst I'oint, audat, present a baflBflBBBl ln thr l_ii_ii?rr c.irpsof th.* Army. was tn 1V/J cmplpyed ai Euginecr Ulllrer of the DflfBBIBMBI ol QB1M8B8?B. antl wus fur.usbed witb Ji,(X.i to aiirrev BBBBB of the lutlltaty IflaaflfBfltBBB of tht! T.-rritory of Ariroii... tln.n ? p.irt of that r.u'.itary il-'partuirnf. W.Cb ttna amall suin and auinc aid frotn thr Sipul) D ,p irttucnts of tbe Army, hc performrd an amo'int td work whirh attmeted tbo noliee and BBflBBfll htru the flBfld opinion of his Piijir riora, so that ln 1871 hc foun I __BBBBl at the head of a reapfl.-tal.lo 881*88 of si-ientifir 8888. wlth an appror.ri.v tion of t' -r-inf.-i! by (.'onereia um! the co<.p4>i_flon or the (iiipply nnd Mortleal 18888888888?8 nr the ArniVT, his tnak the aSflBBBB?Bfl and prcliminary survry of lari_-i parta of Neyada, Suutb-KaaU ruCalitortila.and Northern Ar /.mi. Itil87Jthe approprlatlon for this work was in.Te_.od tot-'.OOO. and und.r tbo tltle, " K-plorations Wrst of tbe tflfltb .Meridlan,"4 tbat |part of t'tab ly-inie south of the r.ictlc ___BB*_flfli and west of the WiibsMtch Mountalns. tBgatflflfl with 88888*88 of Faitem N.-vada and a narrow strlp of North We-tcrn Ari/.on.i wrrn t-xplored and BBflTByfld. DurliiK thoa.. two 88888 no 8BBBB8088 oeenrred, althotiirh the oprratioDs OBBB niiirh ot thc timr wirbin hostlle Indtan Iin.'., and the hottest and most harren desrrts of the contlnent? tbn inrta of thr ?' Great Amer IBBB Deserl," einliracinif Soufhern Nt-vad*., S. B, ( ali fonila, aml Weatern Arizoui-. But atibsequently tbree of tbe explorers wero killrd bj In.linn . ou fhrlr way horue, our die.l of conaumption contructed provionslj*. nnd two (t.oth gflldaa), were lont lu tbe dosert nnd d.rd fMra tblrat, and onr. wan drowue.l_.ln tho(Ca_ion ofjtbo 1'nrluh. Thc dlffercnf partte. of tbe erploratton remaln " in tbe flrld " hs lon_; u-the weatber pArmlta, iisu.illy ontil the 1st of Dfl<'euil>cr, or later, when tbe unskillcd labor e*_ioonn..ctod with lt are disbunde<_, wblle the BB8B8B-BB nieratjfltni return to WashinBton|giud pass the Wiuter workmir up the rnide notea icatbercd in the fleld, rou struetiug maps. ete. tiik giraaaiiaa or uaa ."prinit tbe auni of ISO.-UO wae aot apart for the nae of I.ieuL Wbeeler in contliiuli.K tho "K-plurations Wost of tbe 100th M-rldian," and wit_ part of tbls iri.iii.-_v additional flrst-elfl-u profesaional talent w_-? ee eared, a larite assortment of tbe latest and most perfc-i aatro-otnieal, moteorologleal, and toporrapbical lnstru n.nnta, purohi-sed hero and at.road, and ln the latter part of May the cxpoditiou took tho flcld with a lartre staff of eiuinenf. scleatltlo laborers and thr-e offlcers of thc Enidueer Gorpe. For thefpaniosai of smt>ra.-ln_ a* tarce a tectlon of country aa sbould bo oonaistonf witb tIhk.><n*tiiir*i, tlio peraonncl of the expeditlou waa dlvided Into four uialu parllea: One under tbo inuiioiH.it_ dlrt-ctlon of 1j.u1. Wbeeler. to operate In New Mexico and Arlzona, on a line from BanU Wt, 9. __L_ weat, to and a littlo beyond tbe wtiite Motintaina, Arlzona; thia party b-s, ainco 8ept. 1, been in eharce of Lient. P. E. Tlllman, t_"orps of En__1neera. One, nnder I Jcnt. K. Iw Hoxle, te stert frotn BaU Lake City, and atir-oying ponlooa of Utah not tn i-luded lu last year'a work, to Joln tbe flrat party late ln tho aeaaon ln Ariaon__ Ooe, nnder I.t_uf. W. I.. Mtr ahall, to explore and turrey the portlon ef Colorado Terrltory embracing tbe Rooky Monntalnt and a<ljacent rfl?rtona froin the latitude of Deareraoutb. La?tly, a tri* arnriii.itloii party, under Mr. Louls Uell, toeovi-r and cob nect all tbe b-afora-nientloued country. In additloalto 10888 four flrld part I.s, there are alao four a. tronomical partles for tbfl detcrnilnaflon of tbo latltode and li.n_.-_ tu.le of tbe moat protnlnent and n6<?4_p-*a_ry polnta, eon*_> Ini. a raat ext?mt of eountry?from DenTi**-, Colorado, weat to the Blerra Nerada, and from Ranta F^ K. M., north to Helena, MonUna. Each of tbra_? partiea ia under the oharg** of an ablo and experienoed a-tronom Ical obaeryer. Prof. Bafford of Dearbern Ohswrratory, flditeau", ls the ptlnetpal astronomcr. All the pr_-tie_ took the tlrld and oommeneed operatlona acrordlnj to th*- prognitnnie. l"opo(traphy la the maJn ob|.*.*t of the etploratlon, aud wlth lt ln vlew there are extenslre observations made ln a-tro-omy and nieteorolo?<y. (_*ology, tulneraloKi, natural hlatory.ethnolotry, and pholoirraphy are each repn-sented by jtentlenu-O of known abllity, wbo bave all collectedrery full uotea an.l apflnuuieni iu r? apootlve department*. I'romlnent in geolo?y ta Mr. O. K. Qilbert; ln mlneraloicy and anaLytical rb.n_i*trv, l'rof. Oaear Loew; ln metfl'oroloiry. Mr. T. V. Brown ; lu natural htatorr. Mr. W. tl. Ueuab-tw; aml ia p_o toirraphy, Mr. T. II. O'BnlllTan. Durlim tha tlrld aoaaon an otlli* haa b.->-u k.-pl open la WaahlngtonJ wbere four dra.iirhfsuien and .oinpntera areeniraiied ln otllattnit tbe topofraphlca! and ni.tcor oloalcal notr-s froiu foruier cxpedttions. The moat tmpoitaut feature of thta year'i work haa trfirn the exploration of thc Whlto MotinUini ot An lona and th? BBflBBBBB plateaus horderma thero, whi.h have been hitherfo but littlo known. Theae Ue a little aoutb of latitude 34 deKrees, and eaat of lon* no de-rr-ea and coiitalu a tliie farinlor. **8.'-r. tlmtjer, water. flah. and gnme eountry. Tht" 180888 waa ex plored by Llcut. Whc.ier hlnnelf wlth a sraall part. , and, eonrrary lo all expeetatton, |was fouBd ei.tlrely uu l.ytIudun?. MBWMI.II4.-0* The renlons ^otir ov.r l.y tbe cxpcdilion are remarka l/l. avllt-TUiiia. (Ui fcr.u.U tM -.anciUl.ftf. Xh Uie land. exeept wbere lhe pr?w?neit of aalU on the atirfaoc of tbo ground Indlralea an ?ili .i.ii'- adtnlxture. or wbera the aurf t. a- la nompoird of rnlranlc roek. atone. and purr l aud (travel. ia fertllu and nerd* fl.nly molatiir* to produrn abu.idaiiUr - Tue flflfl l* i.rin. Ipally OOWtB lo.tin, u.lxed wtth rr.fl*rl li'' Hi"'* ran. fall*, aad nottiinx Bflfl ':? .1,fliia* lu (*,'l ri'lo, N'W Hfl \i< o. in.l Arl /..uu. wilhout atllflitUl iiilK,.li..ll. Coi..M---il?iiUy (IkS aru.liiK Unii-< urr tl.e n?er fcotto-roa, <?r Iflfljtfa ni'ir a ninntn/ a.'r-ain with teWb8B8fl> Ti- etill ?f a... ii bfltieflMfla faBfljra M alwaya fflftlla, and i* en itebflflrataei 'i.aa itupovrn,bed I.y irrlgatlon, tf-irljr all tlie *treiini? being turl.ld aad huldin-c ?atflrflflMM pflrtlfll -a.In-i,ni wlu.ltflfl duty ii* flfl-flSflflUflflfl rniiiura I i-y (h,? Bflfllflllflflfl of UM I?Bflfl and M .rt ei.pi !?_aasNriflgafl 11. Oi .. uttor,ta Artaoea, wflfl liivi- f..r aaaflratioaa ttiird tne aa.'." (n-i.tind without ap pl;, lag ifl-rl.l/ !??? ..ll"-- tflflfl "m wat?-r- <?f the rivrr, yrl thcir fllflfa *hnw no det.-run iiion nt'irr in flpiantlty or 14.1-.lliy. N.fl-.i M,-fl .rn Ii ta ri<h farmln* and yrrw.lrig l.-inde, luil th<' flVBllabln pirt la too often in'.t.opoMied by "land flrraii'i," pivv.-ullui. aettleuient bv hoiueatea.1 or pro rinjalion. Tbfl I.uni Bfaatfl il.iy ,-.,*er well itinrod ngtoaalfllhe piin.i; tlio*" are frotu I..KO to T.OO) fe*?l al.ove aea Invrl, and IflflflflflMa ImiiietiH*. w Wi,-. or water mIi.-.Ih, au.l Ibem rU" ou ill atdija metnt-? .YbUa lan-l-i?tiau-illv l.iriu.-rt lilnli-r than the platha, Wiileti aro flflltfld lt.xurt mtly wlth p.t.c, 0.1k, aah. \nd the 8aeat|__rratnina gnuou-a. Thi-ao mrtot are to<, i,,<a Bad too iiiii''ti|-,il,i'*(-t M early Bfld laf< fr,,.it* far farm n.e ptirpnsr-s bul wonbl rn.k" flaafl08888888fln_8fl| aaaamm, A lar^o p.rlion o" V.-w Wiieo IflflflTflTfld wlth vol e.inlc roek, -trat.lte, and HaiaBflflfl, Il i". 88 doulu. Ilko ArlZ'.na. rii-h 111 Hm pr, fllflflfl BI88, Bai M pr>-.,rut, *m ,r> eount of Mflb of wa'er na wi-ll a- h-ra* and 18888 ki tnr\. and of roatly MflBflfertatMat it- ?_afl fiirn nol provrda protltal.le Inv. atBBSflt. N<-w MflllBfl Mflfll ilk*ly to rank aa a u-re?t ntrrlriiltural reirion, hut may beoome ? great woolgrowti.K State aa well i_*,ar';li inlulng centar. Altli* OH\. Arl/.ona pr.-?rnta more varialiona) of flltltude, and flyvo ac.-iimitly of Iaeilllie? for a.*_rietilt.ire. Ihan Now Me\:.-.?. Fr nu IhB V8?Iv a,f tl,>* iii > (irau.l.fl, wmoh near riantu Ku haa au elrvati?it fll about 3.000 fuet ?N>M riea levcl, Wflflt, Iflflffl lfl a ri..'; for BBBM ?? ?UflflflalB Ifle ? flf Iflfl .--.??rra Madrr, hai uu? an uJtltude of 7.15'tO fl re.i, h>-i; thoni'e tbero lail j*r.i<iii.ii a aaaflflfld m th.- Omaam Bttat, io. miie* \?ob? of Ih-* ^I'tT-fl Mi'tr--, fhe MMflfl riwr htivitiir. in the aame la;itude as ,-nfa !?''-, an rleva'i'm of hut a few hundnid feet alflove aea. Iu th?- part of th.. arraalluded lo, whiefc ll.-awoatof the mountain*. there lr every variety ol ellniflte, aoil, und ?< enery, depeudiug pr.uiipally u[>ou lompiraltve altitudc. The amount and tin.n of ra.n fall 1* nearly the mim lirro iui 1.1 Waa Mr.ii... and her.'. al-.i>, Bfl ...ri, ultural or hoitni'ltiiral eefl?fB?8 "> fflflMbM flltflflfll irri^allon. Thr uil.idle, w. -l.-ru, an-l p-.rtion ol Ari/otia-l.uf liltl-t a!.ove>a 1. fl.-l tt aitie ilraert. and boaata of only two etreaniH (tlie MflJaTfl i* nol worth raenflon), the Colorado and thr Ofl?, Tne riimata and aoll on Bflfl bflfl?M8 of tho Col.ara<lo Rlv.*r adapl ita valley to the j-rowth of sonie aomi trupu al and al! the northern fruit-i an.l vegetabli-a, etrept thfl apple and Iflfl BOtflto. Colton, BiiKar-caiic, voUue. and tifli, llmtiuli aMM it; but hitherto tha wauir of lhe llfflfl baK uot i-*en n.atie availablo for irriKa:. >i\ long and costly actquuit U-lng BBfBbMtf to BBflfll thia ilu cut from the UTntory of tbo I.'.iited i?tat.*? ib bottom Wtafl?B, and th.a rtfflfl ani.uaHy ovorfljwa it* haiikfi for miloa. In onlinary year.i a vart amount of landco !d br plantrd ,-ftor thr r8888?81 ot tho waterfl to their Balaefll N-d, an.l woultl protlire iinorm.nia rrop*. 8ome flf thr liottom Uud* aro alrt-ady thua oalti aaaafl, The (iti;* i.i thc tni>at Importmt rivrr of Arliona. frim attlilitartan polnt o'view. It dm-h 111 the 8.orra dfl Niinva flf Now-.Ml.-xiro at an allit.ldo of a'cut 6,oi? f??*fl above K-a I< vul, thence (lut,swMt M tho Colorado, a dlfltance of uot qaiu. Soo nilles ha\ mg .iu avcra?? faU in ital*?t 3twu.iiefl. of flvc feet per averaira widlh of CO feet, a dt-pth of tliree feet, aud a vrlocily ol two mlle.fl* i?er hour. Iti bauka are low, roaklng it an eaay niatter to cut from lt lmcating dlt.l.ea, and II ain _dy anpporta a lar-t-e populatlou of whltea and p.-.i'*ralil<- Inalian!., and Is cap tblo of reclalmln? hund retl* of thou-andit of arrea of wa'te lands. Tho valley, a- wei; a* thr hill country on both aidr* of if, Ih rich la aaaa*aa_ weflM be aaaeaaallpaiBflaai to *hoep, wera r-hade treea more plcnUiul. Thi* river dralua bvui rxtent of <-ouutry, aud the niimerotiB tr.butanoa Joinlng II ai an altlt.ide ol fi-om _,000 to 3,ioo fc.-t ahovo the aea have tne bottoiu lan-ln. are full ot, aud tho moua t_lnou. countiy l.iL-loaiuir thom aboiinda ln flue Kraai and tlml-er and (train. Tho hii*her, barren mouotai?1 runniUK parulla-1 wlth tho Cila are rich ln tha procloua orrs aml .-oal. anfl may artnier a t?r?^ ?flflBflfl popnta t.on, an.l thu* furnltih Ui the a market near al hand. Tlu-rr 1.-. a pro-apeet of thr oonitructtnn of tho i'j.l I'arall.-l Railroad, whieh for many niilos is U to eklrt th? level bank.* of tbe river. Thr plateaua and niouutaius of Arlzona, comprinlnf iil.nut onr-tixil. of Ua ar.-a, ov-.-r s, *%) foet ahove aea level, are very rl. h in the br-tt wild graaoteH. and ara covercd wilh line tuuber, espt cially lhe White Moua taln country reccutly explored aud opeucd to aottlo in^nt. They arr pleutilully watered, aud offer lnduco mi-nls for settlenn-ut bv tho farmcr and atoek-raiaer, e?pectally tne latter. The portlon over 7,000 feet high ln perhaps too cold for VVinter paaturaifr, but ln two ilays the stork could be driven to warrarr qnartera?to tbe GUaon the we?t or tho Colorado Chiqiittoon tho ea*t- The Colorado Platcaa U a paature-?roiind ofigreal excellence, hiindreda of mllea atjuare, t.ut lae ka water und Haa too blffl for farminK *>ut |...-<??>. It ib totally .1. II.indn.-da ot apring-i and a few auiaU -trrhin- cau bc found which niijcht make thcir ownera tbe v.rtual p,.-*sc,.sor<i of all the country arounu them froin oue flsprln-; to another for j>erhapo Ufty miles. Kv.ry foot of thl-i frreat platrau i* covercd rtith flnc <*T:w?a and cr.lar or plne. Not far froin tho town of Pre?cott and alonir the Uio V.-rde ie a verv rich farnnuic. jfra^luif. and tunbrr eountrv, which har, until lately, been aub|e.-t to, tho depredatlnna of the Apache Mojavee, but ia now aafo in.aiiKti for flflttlflflflflflt, Many valiuible mtuefl bave heen worked tn diffflirent part* of th.. Terntorr f?r many vears p??t. bat tho depmdationa of the Apachei havo ao far prevenu-d tbfl country from afttiuuimg any Kraat iqi_1u.- importanoe. C1.1-ATB. Cilorado. BtaW??_aa*|M? form part of the and rexion, inclndtng all tbo country bordrring tho i"lciTa Nevada and Rocky MonntaIna, from tho bordnia of to the latltudo of Bouthern OBBflflfli and from the longltude of Central Kanaaa to the Pacttlo Oeeafl. Ttieaio two irreat mountaln chalna attract tbe vapora an-Aiug from 0Ofl8fl i*ud rivern to tlieir aun.miu, there tfl bfl diBchartfed ; a lar-fe port of the water ao dischir?ed i" losf. "appareDtly, in tbe dry and poroua aml, the ro mainiler l>elntf carried back to tbe aea by tbe rivei-s. Thr ann.unt of ram which fall.i yearly Ib about Iflfl aauio tn New-Mexlco aa In Art.ona-a tnchee ln ordlnary yeare ?froin June to Aitgust ln lhe forroer. uud froin July to Heptember ln the latter Terrttory. The reatof tho year there is but llttle, If any, raln : a u-ually elflaflDflflfl rky: no fog: and, lf we cx<ept the hlnhc-.t moutitaln ro looiia, no dcw. Tbe heat varlea wlth altltiule. Taa couutry fldMatafl tne Oilorado River l? probablv tha hottwflt ln tbe I'ulted SUK-a. lt Ih tmm 100 to 1,600 trot abovo aea Iflf-fll* M flflflBflflflfli fl* fiaattte fllUfl, VflMflflflfl roek Blatra, -travel, and ?and; naa no un'untaln*, uo atrrama worth inrutlot.lnfr eiocpt tl.e (iilaand Ca.lorado; I* dcatitute of vf(fet_iUou ext-ept the meHquit, mtfla** wood and cactus, and ooiupri-aew aOoiit half ttu- t^rnt.jrr ol Ariioaa-lu mlddle. weatern. and aouth-weatern half. In this nection' thr tlierinon.eU r reacDea a iiiaxiuiiiui ot 130? IV) m ^ummer, and a of 25 tr 1 1111 vvinter. No anow falla, but IflB form* to HM Otfjtk at In.'f an U.eb ?Bflflfllflfl?IM at uiKl.l. dlaapp.'arnm' ahortly artrr ?un rlae. Tlie thern.omeUT tvmruor vu' nearly efl.ry day of tlie vror Thr air li-i-xn-fl'melv frre from nio.atiire, an? 1* d-Saaaae of tk* betweeu dry aud wei bult, theiw nuonieo r- ta nothlnif uuubiuU. Iflfl arr alwaya eool,rei-eHnVaeoV?_gor tw? or ibrae SUakaM in dl-UflcuaaDIc U. cmifort. both m buuitncr ai.,1 WltiUst. II la Jiid tnai 110 auch thm* aa a ea*<- of -reiiulue auuntrokfl Uavar^aramTanat af th.- Rocky flooaUlaa Th.a 1* attril.iit.d 10 tne purltv and cxtreuM. dry :ito.t ot tbo _tnoanhere, the heat ?xcitlu? an abun.lant pcrap.ral.oo <lii.-l..-vai'.>iflt.-'* aa moiu aa lt tflfl nutlmti ot ? Le body, uiak.UK * ??* "u'b therniouieterot thfl aninal Ifcartflfl t1"- iaaafl area. and goitur Ka-flf, we next enter * \Argr reino... (he clevatlou of whlofl ia frotu I.flflfl M * 000 feet above the ooa, and tak.-s ur M Iflfl bflflfl ai mo ,1. iii. of lUKiintaiii* aud p .?:? a,i.-. ru.iuluti imrtl. and near IfeflCflWMrB limiu of Arliona. Tlil* r,*)rion ta ub.tudantl* piovided with a dry but nutritioiw buncb _Tavfl? bul i'rfl4?t< ut." inuch the -flauie e\t< nor a- lhe i..a?rr 2mmi KgWBfl Ixforc inentloned. Near tbe baae of ita luoiintain* nuinv aniall *treama o<-i ur, and tba -Uda in. aDdern ihrouirh im tvuter. Thr cliutato of th.a re<ion ,. rmltirablc, the tbeflflBOflafltflf rarrly ri-luir above 106?; tbe air i? fl-UMedlBg v dn . aa.- ibal tl.?- ilu-niiouirtor uf thr abt.fl. ilf.reifl (be hoat 1* Itt* opptewlve Ihan ln a liittuld attn.flaplier. ill ?*>'. Conlliiulu-,' eai'twani. tlie meutitaiu* afld plateao* or \ntona and N.--* M, _i, o ptflfleat aiuiilar charactcrielica ot climate. Tflfl BUineron* greater a.xl traaer plateaua of tbia wide area are frotu 5.0U0 to sum> fe.*t above ata l.vel, aud from tbcu. na- uumerou* ptoiuiiient tomup taiiiK, li.uie ot which have a grealer altitudr than l'J.sw fe.-t above tho seu. Th., parU of thia eountrT le-aa taaa fl.iaoO loet lujii. arc dt rtituu of Uml-er. no pl bi-re aaa t h. 1.- .11 Itt l<- cetlar aud iiiuli-er. a.xl are uieaKerly ??'**___ l-ut well eovervd w.ib ?raaa. They bava tae tumm pun*. tlry air; a luiid Summn and Wl"u'r' j__ will afford dflflbabM rr.fltide.ico Ior lovailda ?r_5 M-ul. d. alni-e from them one 111.11 rea. b iu a day or *?v ca-ay travel aluio*i auy requirod climato. _lH.,?.e 0f Tln irreat plateaua atid tnomitaui* have ?n *'n'H.ut<,au over 7..a?i an.i l.-se thaa. 1J.000 feet. The Omtntm**"' AhtloUlX:* flJlllO; lt.^ COUtlUUAllon BOUU "'"fLjlu^ly MottBtaina T.coo feflt Tbe ^umun-rs arr ?*?^.,^nt , ?.,a| aud ple?tant, the alcirood. the *,<,**pIi<!#? uuurr r.ttilwr Ib abuudaat, prlu.lpally l-1-^VTwhlueaor reglouaare at pr.-aeuteuuroly ^uWattmrn' 'clln,_4? 0f Iti.liaua; hcn.e there la flfl rect.rd ot om (^>J u Wmt. 1, but it laaiippo*.-d to Ua ?*_?'!__. coiiBliiora-JT ,.r No-* M.'iu-u u... themouwwr ***** mmmmwa ','vlj* ifl?!".? 9\tu- Wtatas.