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BOBTHBBN FOL1TICS. THF. VIKCIMA 8ENAT0B__flIP. rrnt kind ?K RFiiir-ar.NTAiiVR aaatfltoBD BY THK HNfU to fiVYcrro BBaATOa lk\M8-thk . inmuvativk CANDinATK-rRoom-rs or thr I.KAMNO ONtS-THB 00*1881 IIK.1WKKN COL. Wl.UKRA QOV. WAI.KKR. ANI?TI?>S. I? IIOI'OCK. 'FKliM AIIOCCAII(0?>B?^.I?BK*:-^l'<'N,)?tl,TO*TI,BTM",l"K 1 Kichmonp, Dea. ?:?.?I'ntil recently it wns tho rule for tho mnnhers of the Vir<lnla I, ni-lnlnrr fl eome io tl.o Capitol oo tho flrfrt Monday m DflflflflBBM, introdiia-e a hoel of bllls that W. 18 BBfM BflflH of ognhi, dellver a few ccniironplaee sprci-hos, dniw thnr m-rdleni aud BB?Mflfl B8i about the'J'*tbof the inonth put uff h,.i.:o, with tlieir trtiuks full of dresaes for thoir wivesand toia for tbe lllllo one.-., iin.l denii.totin- IHfl8 witb llguora. aud lu th? Uokoius of Ibcir rmnilict si<oii.l tbe hoii.Uts, Bflfl niinil it.:'C ,:ll t 18 while tlieir prr iflfli as IaMMlflflaaa BM la.-l MHlaaa when lt was not BBflfllfllely eortaln that tlie OuaalllIBlflM would carry ibe Utftamtat aflettoB, it was lafaabtptadeai fl alaei aamaty KfliMfl enter fltaefieeat.tba fludaalag of lhe new tr:.r. lt wa* d'-siral.'o W fcBM ft p'' appar-nt flM f1i*itl,<r. f-:r B8fli BlflOllOB,BBfl 8B8 W_fl otiea flMM?flii-h't-.twlh-n il iti-tnioof BBBObBf Of tbfl laalMab?fl whs abeaaed IBBfll Uu- Hrtt amtWAaf tn DerenU-t !.? tlic 1st of Janua. v, 1'. would dev.-lve BpOB IBflfll ui. 1 uot flpM lli'tr flDOflflflflflM to elrri tl.e county (utlges. Tbtfl coin-1 flfllfl i wa- re .c'n-.l. und tho plau flOBBpUl '-? eiiied. T!io tiiuo of Incctnifir was ?'i _!;_.- al IflOj tcl. If, ut the Novem '?er . IflOttoa, B m j"r t] of Bepal ':< atn, had bfuu 888888 *.hry wou'-i i. iv>- ' . n jiai-.-s air.-a.iy ?lectrtl f, r tlir ?<? v.-:,rs flfld Ibflf ti'.Kl"t. wil!. )us tire. h ? a.uaic aboal it; bnt it k.' bappaaed t?i_t pjag (? ?,. .,-:,, s t-:irri,-,! rv.-i t M.'ii,: bOafON flflflfl, ai.d ti.eir vt' ..?.;:.-n a ilfl ? i ibooa Bfltbtaa, Iboaga .t may H?Te flfl Bflfl ? -BMfl i'.v BTOManOfl of tho (.'l.rlstii ;i- recoss, taa BblflB nn- 11 M IBt in.ii l*f <lrrw tlit-ri.-T .1,1 flflfl*? MMBN88 anv aa-i vi,*e. IfeflOM a-rv ,1 \? >, n, :i ? i".-., lfl i'i" I.-'-.--'n ure ?f 91 on |, mi |,il -. and .:?? in ii. t. . tbe . Hi ?-.- with men of i lielr ,?n,. . - - oa ?? uffl -??-. aud tbe tw. ..-- Iber will '? ? I ? nta ol PuMIc y !i,, . * 'i Bulldlnpa, Au .t:.or , ?' Publie *., - "? I kudltor, i'i > Bugiai ??. *-.eke f - ol lhe P I,.. I'.-. itt :?;. ,,< tn i ..!, ..,,\v. ..'il,. lea-i Ina i j tfla now Uovi rnor tbe ?pp iiitini nt of numerotts Insr-aetorfl ol tobaeco,floui*, la order tbat ihii ai-duone, pro8ileas, ial ;.. v be :>- qol. kly done nt posa. I,1.-. tln ?'??>? M---v.ith, n-'flTii:-, rs ba 0 n_T.-r,i to aBfcemhle ker* iu ? im '1- "i. ii.f 91 h insf. II ial of tbe preaent In rumb ed. lor they imte hi-oti i falta ml io : : fl ini' f ?-'-. and tbat - bo ?! all Ibal ll n qiur.fl.l ' , *--. ..I.j i.^li tl nn, fa) , ,'i r. -mi. i Miil, tta a latoaiuBmajaatmya. To I ? .? i.i r.fl. lr no iiiri>ii..:.l.-|-fl.l)lo tlilid. but it . - dj ,?;.!. ta, tiu- Bfllfleltoa of a Dnl tod l J .1,11 P, Lf.Wta ( ), WbflB, 'fl OOBCeltfl liy beln-v,, flfl flPM "f lhe WflflMarenpoa tbo Taal Badertaklap, Bflaaflr bflwlfl ?:,i.f t.,iv, ruiT npofl tbe Walker (Oob ?,.i\.r,. -, . .rn.i. !??:?.c a loyaHatol . aa from tbat i?.-'-:>n . avatfld to tbeUulted .-*t ,., .-i - ? ..-? ? t, , -t.i T ? < -tta -:ilv I j BOOUrO tlir r.?.li..l. ?ton , i ihe Un on. The projoct a i . - :ni(--tl. an I 1.0W.S iind bis ct.l - li (' ..:..-. i-valn.-l. to.'k thrlr .- i-. Mr. l/'-v\itt i.i.d ti.o ConaerratlTea tiu-ji j. . ?! i. i. |..ii,v, ..ini raeb wflnfl flalBwa-y. Mr. Ixiwiaatcnu exDireB Marrb 1,1871, aad kia aueocflaor wiii bn eleeted tbe aeeoudweek ln Janoary.1871 Ihr ..a'.,- u.i i i,.. fi ..; electliig ? eafloldato, and kidoubtf?II ih. y will iit.uliit*. Ibflflflflfll-nM tn nn. . ii,- Mi,'. Prom IM people ooimi a de liia,i,l Iflt U.e elcrli.,11 of a i. >ti fll ht^'h a.-t. i. diataDgulabesI ab.litlea, oad nanonal Mpata* tion . an m aid i .i b one preaautiog hlma ll i lnkabaaila U.e bill witb remarkanlonroetv, - ii.,-.i,i..-rn aif flfl I*o?.?i:it.ll-.? Will tod It ditliotilt Ind ed lo Helecl froui the uiauy ans |io-?r-tsed t.f ali tiie t)ii:t!tll. :t loi.a, :,:,<1 \\ lm lt. nt tl.o Rimir tl-M p' lUail i tt. .-.?. v :,:,? ('."ii:i,ionwrnltli wlth jud^m. nt in i ,'.-. oretton. rbeaames .,f UUbettC. Wauar,B. M. j ii John ti.le, Tbomai ?. BooocIl k\ix. H. cu, ,u.i". i; -:aert o ilai. Robofll L Moatagao, Ain. li. B, Siii.n ,, K-i-i rl K. Witn-is, ....ti Joflopb chrlsiuo, have , .i:,..fl.,.;it.-,i, ;,,?! i tbeir .-iniiu.a io aome oxloal . iu> i ? ... '. aralkor in ragarded ai onrte itrong, bavingl piitallo'd IbtoaorvlMM ? llBM lu lhe . it ?! bj i o ' aod tii- ilispiaj- of abiii iter thaa bfl wmBmI aoppoaed to pos i-m, -o iij,,u. ia I.. I..nn.* t it-,Ht and no little reuown . ulnUtration. He labora under tbe dllBoulty, bow t,-. ol baving beea btani In Hi ? fork >:.,i?> n, ,. .i:nl tlnir are many Wbfl :i!;. as Vlrglala i.- bflM so iniliftrnntly iflpr?inteq ilnoe tbo 'v..r, ih .t a nativr Mn be uow tiiille'i lo | 'I f 'Mh and OflOTlBM lhe wer'il th-if litr riar ai.- .-iri.fl n :i is imt a vi.,,:. Na-iiilv all flc aapirants bare bobblea wbiob tbey nropoM io Wrini,' t.> tbflatteoUoa ot Cuugifl*, sbflttld tl.ty.v.r gfll tbere, Ml M .,.?. I-'.-. la lo i.ii.' tha Padfltal ./overuiueut asfl-iitn, la of all lbo Soutbero Stataa. aad as ihat wonld rottcTe V.-tnia <>f eonfeaaed and ullcged liubiliiie* aiuouul.ui: to 1*6,000,000, it is \M,pular. Hut hr la not un advo.-i nf th- piri ,t Bobeine i..r tbfl oonaplatlofl ot the Jatiioa ltivcr m.kI Kanawlia Canml liy tiovriluin-nt -i'i. tha-re be lr unpojiular. IIlflflfltimatcd hr ..aii-ti..; lucaucuawitb io Ton-a, aflatflbflflg afleM surv to :. ebolee. A bltter flgbl ttll] be vaped aaalnat iiiin br flflflfl v> ho liav.- the intercs's of othrr* to aen ??. aod tn uuil be etaj be eomflfllffll .m.i efliM oaflflly ,-i,, ? ,i, ihe . !...!:,-?- flpp -ar aomewbat ii?;.iiii-t hno. iho Bflfli B.M. T. Banter la oonaidered one ../ tbe oi thi Oay, imi tboagb (M ?ix or Bflree !, . mn-.: i hm i-fl, ri.iiin aod ntiended bis luiil .itna n i.i Baaflx Ooont] and appeared llttla iu erlator upoatba r ? im ii. bfl wm aol l-Tgotten. Durlngthe laal rain I'iiuii tiio Ca?enallifl BflM Ooflanalttee ?? i,itn forta fi 'tu bia, hia ? eaa-raflflM lor tha Btato at large, and sei bl{o trataping i>Tot tba falhrj ami Plednoat mnoa. Io Rlchtnond be made ? spa< cb .tiut, <? itinx tbeprtaelplc ol '* Vlrginla for Virgiuiana:" and tbougb be w,is careful to -o tbal be meant by :? \'.i. n laa" sll n.Uive oi forolaB horti rWfltlj iint.ii. -I Wlth V,r ptniau spint. l.i- meanlng w,is perrertod ny eaomtoa, and tb(a QllllflMloa a-vas iirciiliitcii to hu lUBBOafll il) Ml v.i.tHce. .Not a Hinglt- fiarrljriirr or .lir. .?t'aU--e. -ii.laut ol atMflflBMWbaa ? nir.e ,.r of IBfl I.<-_-l?iature rafl lA r.peoU'l U> \ulu fut buu. At W'iui-Dr-.ter he a.lvai)' -od the ahsurd ltl.a of baviun tbe Dflttfld Btfl tea Oo-ieinfOflt, t>y somr logeflloiirly i.iipoeiulflie jiruce-fl-, pay for the rmsiiripata-il riflTflfl. Tiit-ee twfl iiuiirfit iiiti.- eaaaad BflM i<> baeaaaflfld as ?? o:,i fopr, and notwltbataadiBg hia f irleee u> the nai.ou, and al-fl.i U> thr Cotiii''i-r.i.v, hf Is ;n dalig. r of b,-i.-i^ throwu ovrrlfloard now and forrver. Htill. if n<?t ele.-t< fl, he wiii at laaM ?ret a baaaaflflM vote fl tu? flflflwaa, tor thorr are not a lew Vi. t;ililans wiiu atic-i U) hiui aa bark does to a tn-r. The Iluii. John (,nod of Xorfolk, Al'-'TandrrB. Coebjran of Au, Ifll i. Bobeflt L. Muuia-juo of _lidilli--n-i, anl Judg? J ,n--iih Chriittlai, of the 8upM-_ue Court of Ap|i* fllfl sro turn of .-*tutr rcput^tloii. and tw.. of tln-ui at least possess many of the qualltlratlimB f.-r the pofllttOB ; bul tl.o^,. pi'fl-tendliiK lo know, tloelaro they will siatid hut Uule chaaee aaleea thie _>i*r men all ko mto the Kii kcony .-at'tight an.l ct exterminated, ;n wuich OTOfll it tt lik'-fT iiue rei-erve will be eallcd upon aud one of Ibfl ii luiiici aofleaadi naaapaon oa aaaaa eaaaaaAfaa ThoniBS L. lioeotk of App<>ni?ttox, ia tbr Kiiine featlo ? au who, it. by-g"?ne daya, prca,ded over the Uaffld Statoa iliiiiMO of llepresontatlvea^. I.iter he was tlu BBBafl I ?f 'he OB Mfltflfl Hou-w, keeplur order, ileeo rinu ?nd ??ouif Hf-tw ln thi.t, when flretl by pr.->s poflfl ?f thc flflMbUflbflaeat ol flflfl ?wflimlimflM.M i . cia'i-r of a battlc lost. Bia dlaabllitiMbave Ji*t lieen removed. und hr stands forth now a fonui.lal.le ? iiitlidait, wlit, fr.rn._--i ull over Ihe Bflfl an.l, U un kiudly iK-rhiiiw uutiuthfully said. wlth th.* railroul inflaenoe of Um. M. bone at his back. Take l.m,, all in all. BfltflfltMM ai.d _:rowini: strongflT. ai:d rv<-n lf O.-n. MabflM flltxs not supporl him will ,i>-aj? into the roiitrnt Wilh o nn ut deal ol BtTflMfl Judjio llohert Ouid.of Klehmond lsaklndofYo.ini: Vi.-ar.t.lii .--.iiiImI .to. He is probably not more than 5.-. yr.tia ol a?,'e, aml h s nnnd is aa rl'-ar, his body as stsl warCaad hia bean as *tout _t.f he were only fl n> eaatfl bere frotn BTaaBioatoa at the hn-akinn out >,f tfl war, aml WMBppolBrod I.y JriT-rson Davls OOnfedoraU Aci-nt lor the ?aoBaagOO. 1'ri-oners. WboOTOI v, i- Ifl ?fli.aiii,- for prisonrrs ol war rotting; in loatbaome p.j i - of riatitlii'-i.trnt. lie i : our ean not be aciuso'1 of that ertaflo, His oorroflpondenoe while iu ebaree ol tbal Hi.reau of Ihe Coiifi-o. u to War Dflpaitinenl lfl polBtOd it uow l.> all MflUlhi:.-- i < as a model of aound Judgiurnt Bfldbflb hterury ......... Uo in a Une orator au.l r<?i,ks ?vaithtlie I" st lawy,-.-?- in the SUte. His nai?o?ill BOl br pr?-v ..ted to tl^fl OaaOM untll aftrr the flrst ballot, whou it ia thought be o,?y toine out tbe winuer lu thr raoe. Alex.11 II. S'nart of Anguila Is a gentleiiia'i of Ihr ol)l aehiM.l. Wix fe?-tiaiid three or four itiehi-s fall, adtnt rahly pioporlionnl, statrly iu carriiMfo and -oiirt r in ?i)p<-ataticr, he is ii man OM wouid ouserve au.l niark tt, ? crowd of io (ty). Before tho war ho mia Wi.upoiitielan of eunnenee, und fllled tl.e position ?f Hoatetarv ut Uir lui.-i i.r :.i I' PUhflflre's II.- aft' . v?,.i . served sevcral tertna Ifl (on iftt***. >i ? lys i:ai!iii.v ihe gotnl fllabne and i-rsp?ciof his aaaadad -. Por many y-ars bo llvrd ,n rt-tin-.nent, i.ut thi* y*ai w,,a eleeted a metaber of tbfl llmwe of l),-ifl?al> ?>. llurtUK lhe 'floflflpalfljfl be tnsdc a BBOflt unf.fl^taaale speccb, in whlch hr MajMaBBd flB flM fll eipetnfltiBfl aud eolon-ilog the BOgiflM aa the ouly Uirans nf settlluf the eolor qurstiou. Tb:a was al oi.t-e f.itnmentednooi, Biofll ntifavoral,lv by IOO wbole pj-fflB of tbe -siitw* auil btouj;!,. no uule o.lium uinai. ilt. blusi t. The project was ?rrt.ndt.d l,r tbe iicrioisiit BOflTOMMfl jila.i li>r pr-ciio*. BfllaaflfflflBaflrta uni feil like ? pall upoaevcrr one whobad luukfl-d for _;rea( thioK-. fi?-u, Mr. Mtuart's reappranmce ia; life A* a ni.tti.r of ?retu.nal prlde uiauy Bkfluibera froai tho wesU-ru c.x.ui.-'s BMJ iele Tor blu., out he cannot he Ju-n.j n uanlad aa iu the fliiht. ( oa. K. E- Wilbers 1* ?ruer-?llv looked uimio aa thr eoniUig ujhu. Ue w:.s a eo-uuil id tbe Cflafflderatfl fll?f j aft.-rw.trd l,< fOT seteral ).-arM r.illrtl lhe t.ynrn tmrg VetMaad uiao???*?- ou-tideraiile reputailoD foi abil ny, wiin h,)olti.?fll wl'h hi^fl l?"P.ilar iraiiiirin and .riny u--,.m|>aI!ous, aecurc'i hfl bi'.i tbe C'lnawvaJive notalaa ?io.. for t.iflvrtii .. .:. 1* ." i r IM lat( J,._n H i;,,l,|uiii -nmrm l.m. y?-ar, Im' m..< ,-, of Ho- people. Uel VmH ** a?siu bocau.. ,. ronuMate tur tlm OoB-orvatlre nomina-Joo f?r i.or 'm.? lul w.-.a tl.i-at.-d oy 'I).* toyrrtottmitm o .1 la.I. WWB _,.,?.?, MtllCltiltll.ll Of cjilieat at.llcltiiUoii ul J|"1 '":?';?" feiirn.T~.a7tht pany ...igbt uow u, reward uu. .' ,i, thc Vnalorablp, and :? wUl ro lo ihe oaaoufl fUh ?".,.? ii,,,, Hii ofhor oandldaia. Om tbmg SS^ntodtoBfl- He bM be... alwarflreaardeS aa "'o; V. WA VlrkMnl-n. and rsn for LlautouaaWov etnnr u "R E. Withera of Wythe," aeouniv ln tbe rlo*e neifltlibi.rlTllofl ln trhloh Mr. .lohnaton, the other l.uitoil . latea ftfloator, Ilvea. Tho pp<ip1a of Eaat Vlr arinla elaiiu the lionot of Blliair Mr. Lcwin'b plaoe wlth a mnn from tbeir aeetion. Oul Withera, at tbe time of hia noinination for Lieuu'Bant (lovernor, wu8 b cltlBon of Klrhmond. bnt hia family waa than realdlnir ln Wythe. where b<* had llTe<1 many veara. Now hia frlenda aay he ls an I tati rn BBBB, aiul hia enemlea aay he ia a Hoiith Western mm siranire aa it mav xmtta, hia elec? tion turii* ujKin tbia polnt. Col. Withera la a tliouR.. not creat ppoaaar Iie waa adaatafl aaaphy ol. lan, but haa _r".it iiiiu-h of Im lifo In editoilal bar ueai. Tbe cont'-it. wlewd frnm lt? prcaent acpert. aecma tubo betwaea M<-__rs. Witbora. W.ilker uud lt .e.M-k. I'-ol Wltbera would probably cd tho plaoe IfthequeaUoo w?>r? atil.iDiUed to a popnlar vot.*, Imt OoT. Walker woald mu bla eleaa. Mr. k-teaak i? lea? a popalai favor lte, i.ui haa tiowerful frirnd. at work for him. Mei-r*. lttulMiiir inui lliiuter mav bo ?iiwted ncxt, aud Mc*ira. (iooalo aad Ould aficr ti.etn. Ho far ai one OBB dlaBBfB. Meaers. CbriatlaDf t_ .ntagaa, Staaii aad t'oel.rau bave no eliant-eit at nll. C iiieiiaiiip. wirc-worklii- a"? J?tv I'oliiuHiari.lDi; on ?U aloiiK tbe line; tka iiewapBta-r i* ocliv. !y BBfljacad in -dvoratini. the elultua or thta that and the otiier one, antl membera of U*8 l~o b.uieea nrf.'ail.v i.uti-.n h..l.*d l>v fncnda afl tho ean.ti ,,,,. llul Ui* i-r.inil tffirt will 1.0 uia.le wBaa all tuo lueiiibonoi ihe l,-Kiilatnre are aa-.iui.lcd bata. rOT.ITK AL rOMrijICATlONS I.V TKXAS. orncF.-iMi.i>Ki(.i flBBB-T that tiik kk tm aiJOC TIOXWAS II.I.F*..\I.?TIIKIH IT.AIM 1 OU A I,<)MI>* 1__ IN OFKICF?C'.NKI.It ri'.NS 1II.1W1.IN A tncu txxcnov i_-W and raa coKfl-t-tTnoa^ 'Fir.M tatfOO-Btoa_Looaaa poaaaairoo i-_a_-Upi__8.] QkLTBnoB, Doo. Ifl-? Toaafl ia _aidofl_uj threateneil Bltl an ntt-.'k of tbe malady undor wht.b Iioulslana M auff. itoft Durlni? the recent Ftate canva.a cv. tv one leeined to belleve that the ele.-tion waa legal, ami 1'iat th? Mireesaful 8884-888.8 wotlld take offlr-o Im ?adtatalyoa IBa Baeatlaa al the new Ua-t-ataaa ta Jomiarr no-t. No aooner, however, had the ballota bcou o.?.-t tban le-adlt.g R'-piiblifl-na B? atrted, IBB taa Bnt ttaaa, aaaa aaa 0*mnm*9 ter.u of off.!"* Oaaa BBt expiro until April SB, 1?7t, and tbat IBa late election ii wholly B-Bfl-U la (?onecquen.o of Tb- poBfl liavin . bOBB apaa for ono dny only, instead ol provi.ted t.y ti.e 4'i.n.alitution. It I* now eia-BBfl by laaae tiiat Oor. Davi* ataatraaBalB la aflflaa uuti; tlir _s li ..f neict April, und hy other* that it ia ttt duty lo Uonn the whol. oleetion, and to eonveno thc HlflBlBBtT.? T*~~ there waa s It. putillcan ninjutltv, In order To BCOTafla fur a new ele.-'.ioii. Ttie-e opinious nio naturaliy woleomo to tho offl.-fl-iiold er*. Btate, (llatrief, nnd enunty, to whom they promi-e a new lease of life. and it ih oertain they will be dhetiRscd for some week.* tooomo wlth irreat urrlmorty. JJllUlj IBflt-tll tB Btflfl cle.'t.i.u retiirnaareheardof. an.i'a m aoatpal tuo BMnla*al them ara t.ireat. ncd. Ti.o possiblo re-uilts may I.e ao irravo that ,, baokwai. r____m at tbo BlalBff ?t the State, Huffl i-ieiitly aaaiplota to give a iBataafk eoatflfB-aaaaaaal tBt pi-BBBl pnfltlnal attaattBB, aaay aal pntn umuter e.atliu:. OOaV-lwr-BOBU- IBOIMBBBB F >B 8. ITK AND IjOOAL Kl.KCTI.JNH. Incompllttir-e wlth an ordor isnied by Major-tJen. ii.ui. aak in Maa Oraaaa. taa xyttta at the eioctionii. '[.?xaain F., w.-ro kept BBMBlflBaBJ daya. At laat olootwOB a Ooaaaatlaawaa ii.obcu ior tho paifaaa Bfl fonnliifl. ftticw Conagtullon. Tlio aeaaiona of tlu* t.o.iy baaai Jaaal, iaaa,aad aaatlaaBfl iuto the.-ariy partofl.^. Tbo C'.nvoiitlon draftod a Conalltution, ?whlihianewthoorsanioUwof tho Bt.ite. AmotiK ttfl portions of tn it flOB8-MBt whl.ah havo a baarlafl on tbe present lOaBoa r-y are tBt followitiK : Artirle 4 8tftion i.- "Ttm ButaiBBf abnll h-a! 1 hi* o___b for tba tlraeol foot vears trom from tbe taaaot blalnatallnieni, aadaattl ht* BiinoeB-or ebaii be ^rtietmi Sretion C-" All eloetiona for Btato. rtlatriet andcouutj offloori aball babaldat the o., until otlierwm.. provid.-d by law, BBfl IBe po:l*? Bkall bc <>;>??>> for four days. from 8 a. rn. to 4 p. ni. of fl.ia u .lay" To the CoiiHtitution wero ajipeniled two "deelara t1onf>,"lho flrstuf wbich marked out tbe limlta of Ihe Himi cvjiirf-akinal DMrlotaj the aaaaad provided for the subinii-oii of tho Cot.-tilutlon to tho people and for theeh-rtioii tt S:ate, dlstrlot, an.i eonnty offlcem. The latter " il.-t laratiou" cont.ln^ tlu* fullowlng pBB?fltl: The effler r*>, a* el-rted, -hall oommenee the diacliar__re of the Uiitiea <,i Uie otkot for wbich il.ey have bc-n *??,..->,. a, aad .|i.alill"d. tn .'..lopliance wlth tbe provlaloDi of the Conaiiiutioii bere wl 18 aaa mltted.andBball hold tlwur rc-i.eetiTc oflleei tat tho t.n.i ..i reara Pf-eaciibafl bv tbe c..u-titiitioi). kfl-f-K-tiv ft-mt twtdoyof then- election, aud until tbflir aucct-a lora ar?* tatOted -flkd fljualided. tk* ltnportatiee of tho 8888- ltalieised arlaea from the fnctthat. uliliou!.h (iov. liavl* was elocted ou De.*. \ lsG9. aud tho poault wai ofjoially aiiiiounced Jan. 8.1870. he waa nok in-uiruratp. d until April _.. tho military _ot ernmentol tl... State under (.en. Keynold. not hav.n_ ei'-aefll uutrl Apr.l l?, 1?70, whon. in ac.o?.l-laDca wlth an act of OftBaaaaa pa-ao-I March no of tbal year. re.-idm^ tiuir tbo r-tnte into tl.c Union, Tciaa waa retnlttert to tbe tan at aaa riv.i ?IbtrtHat it U aaaa- circ_m B-BBB8B1 thut the (BflflHaa of the )(_*al lluilt of tbe prea i i,t piil.einatorl I term B ralaed, and aa the quei tiiu Hileetl u lar^o ntiinber of ofliee-holdcra there i. a wann dli-.-uaaion now iroiii^ on. Tho ovi <U uce ?_??.. In tbo " deelaratioii" abovo (juoU'd .howa plaiuly tfmt ihe i'.i: atittjiional Conveutlon fmesaw Ibe uri.t. ilullty of the ilelay iu thia lnauK*uralioii of th?-flrat (joverimr unlcr IB8 *-T T~8*iHBtlBB. and tb it th'-*.' ciida-avoted to pruviile for It. Tlio teelinical riKbt of the present. nfflr-e-holdcr* tu temalii a few more tui'titliR in offlee ia m niitained l.y tl;o Attornw.v (..tieral ?f the Hata, Mr. fl laraa deTt aba fcolda taal IBa ?? doeia ratlon" fot-med no part of tho Coiiailiulion aubmittetl to tho i>efl>i.le. BBfl Ihat Ibe Convi'iitlon had no power to lOflM?rtt for tlie paoplflt, Who*,! act lu tba aer -.plunre of tbe ronitltntlon made that iiiotiuiueut Inndliii; un all (iflleerB elet't.-d UDd-r It OOT I > l V1, ia li-|>orted to I.e averrie 1.. 1 flUag any Bdaaataajfl OftBe law'a iiiicert.iii.ty, bai H i~ very . that luanyof hia fiicudahold other vlewa. > B-80Bfl _fl 1-0. nn Tio-4 I.AV4 4 uv nn. UOBUiaia IBaaaaartBia IBat tBavbola ela__teal_ iii*jfai rertu upon the faet tbat w ,'ille BBfltlaa 4 of articlu 4 of the t ouatitu'ii ti. qiluteil abovo. eiiai-I.a that tbe polls aball be open for f.iur davs, tbfl. late elci-tlon waa, in uecurd ance with -hc provisloua of ua actof th.: laat LaatBBktaia. held on one day only. It will be ol.served that tbe Cou (fltittitlou eontaln.. tBI VflBfl?, "iinlil otherwlae pawftflafl b.ylnw,"aid th it tlioae wuriln are ao plaeed that th.-y lusv apply not ouly, as in irrammatical Btnaflflle.aathey do, To tbe prrviaion that the polls ahall bo open only at couDtv bct'i.-, hut. Uo, wiih Krammatieal lii-en.e. lo tbe pr.i iiitiii for four daya of bHllolinc. The Ijeglaluture. UK.g the Ir.tter view, aafl elalm. d a eoiiatitutiouul n?;ht to ret-iiUt.. tl.t. timo durioj: whieh. aa well bm the plaeea at wincii. tb?- aflaattaa aBawM i?k? aaaaa>*l_aaara_Bgijr, to tl.i p**at .-..uvciiciue of votcra, an act waa uuajy-d wbi.h opBBOd tlie pollfl all over tbe rountiy, and, aa the four daya' cleetiuti aaa an inr.ovatlou adopted duriug ulntary BOTTIBIBflBt ln order to mve time to voleri wbo bad I" luilai- a ion/,* lotirnev to tbe eounfr Beat, I'.e tnne wti_ cli.)i.|.cd to ono day, all :.., . Metty for a iotii.-1-r partad havinkr, lt waa tl.oii.iit. dtaaooaaaad ta eon??queno<* of tbe greater Lai'lllt.88 ulferd.-.d bv iho new arr uiK"iii*nt8. It la vtrv poaailua Ibatliwand aTrai..mar may not ln tbia ea-e b- m ati-ord with eoinmon aeimn aud the eon v.liuli. 18 ' f th* PaODla. ilie ait U. llli.ll II one 111 wbleb luJuflTI loua actlon may do aineb n.j.iry io the paaaa of tb- 8Ut>, aud (.iov. Ifavis will wm ouich klndly eateem ahould ba di*?8oa*_kfla all attatapfla i? anuui a virtory whi.-h tho l>*'Uioc-iB4-> aro thoii?,'lit to bo fairly eutitled toeiij./y._ THK IIKMOCRAI'IC OPIMON A YFAR AOO Ol. IHK rattvaa oa oaaiop (_it*.Tio*?. About ono y4-ar txfro tlu- .-*tate Demorratic Coov'iiuoti appoiutud a romtultte* to report upon tbe uuiure of oflla ? of the i-itate olllcora of Texaa, and as the Co-ouiiitee'a report was a rtlrect BflBB-lfl upon tho queai tioBH now ralsed in that State, lt baa beou repubbibed. Tii- Mrifldfll whieh the torm of tho first Oovornor to be Bkaaflai ut.d.-r thn new Con.tlttitlon abould besr.n wai not ?!? >-vr lte i lu tbcbody oltln- n.ali utiieut, but Iii a dee laratiou atlopted by the (..'onatilu.ional (ouveniloii. Tbia f.r : ,r..-i. i provt.led a Htato election abould be, held on ibe Ur-t Mouday in Juiy, 1-6., Ibe offlrera fllBtliil to h( Id lluir ofileei for tlu. period of time flied by the Oonititjtioi., beirlnuinit from tbe timo of tbeir tl.Ttion A r'-Hort tothe atriut ruloa of conatitutlonal aud Mtatulory t unatruction. the I'ommlttee beld, would prolmbiv .luaiify the ttonelualon that tho (lovernor and other Hlate aaaoaifl alaetad uuder tbo provliiona of tba d.-'laiatioii ahould hold tbelr BflflBBfl for four yeara from IBfl day ot election Ilied Ly lt. But the election waa not held at tho ttiue 11-od, but took plaoe Mov. 30 and DflC 1. *, and ??? ibu*. To cuuipule froiu Juiy, l-6?. would bave giv.n tbe (Jovaruor a ebortar leru. of ollioe tliaL waa provided for by tbe l-ouailtutlon, aud th.-('omm'tr-fl; decid.,1 that Dee, 3. l-t"., waa the day fren. wl.iik to eoatfatfl tho timflv Tliia. however, did not apply tonuy but the tlr?t fl.oveiuor. ainee tba Con alitution it elf, applving to aJl axoaBt tbe flrat vkao, proTlflfl-d Tbat tbe luylliLiiriif of tlio Uircu of tbo om.* klu.nld ia tba Oav of th?* (ioTernor'a Inatallment. The <-i.taiuitt*a?i (uaku.K tbia report waa c.uipoa?*d of O. V. Moore aud K.ihaid Cukc (t-ie Uuvcnmr eietl), bolh of _b'i. bad l..en on tbe Ri.prem. Iionch; Thoa. J D_Tl_aB-dC B. V?8t. lawvd-i; and VV. M. Walton. Attornev 'irn.ral und. r liov. 'lltrockmorlou. Tbe dlf f.t-...? betwaen tbe Queation th.-nralaeU aud Ibe _j.b.t iiou uow made by Ihe Heptiblioana ta reiy llttle.-inee tbt. aame iin:._. uiuM Ue (???.. idcn-d in b-.:i. t~_a*ia. If, ac(-rdiui{ t<) tbe report of the lieinocrutia Cumn.ll._e, the t-rrtn .rf o<.v. i>.\,_.'- ofllrfl. la to be defermlned under llu- docU.ial.uB, th?>u hia term aipired Dee *. If Ihe elwo lit.ti ii. Iim.i ia cuaid* red i_a muuf Ue. u bobi uailer ibr <__*>. itHutlon. lity.iiafli tht failuro vo hold ll In Juiy, aa l,.. > i< o i.t U.a Oflinauttttlon, then (iov T>a\ la's term ,....- nok ipi.i. liuin aprU '*t. 1811. four yaara (rwua tka I Ofl-lfl. i.r bia -laUllBBBIlt. RKLIG10US piSCUSSION. IMIOTEBTANT BLS.SKNKIONS. LU8BC8I yUAKKKi/i rknkwki. aitbr tiik covrr.K KSCP. Ot THt. aVANHEMCAL AIXI kNCK?PROT futa.vt MIM wJeUBBUBB by 80O8HB> tiik H)>r I'Njry or mr. riirioiii. To tht Kditor of The Trtbune. Imi It 1881 liopoil nnd -holiovort Ihat, tho KTsmrrli'-sl Alllanre wniil-l M le?*f flM to j>?aciB and hsrniony imong tbe reli-flous bortioa of whlch lt wa* romposcd ; but. so far from thi* flflaa th.? (??*?, there basbernnotuuc foi a hcri.-s of vears when there bas heen sonmch relUlrui'.or r.tther Irroh-jinu., oeatflTaraf as sltice the tttiBBg of the MfllBM of Iho Alllanre. Tho seetarlan pnpers bsvs Blian>cned thi Ir BMfBM BdfOO tlves and ropolnled their poleum-al adferbs, and src uow ln tho llsts wlth lhe old wrapnn-i and BSeBBflflBBl ralor. Tho epithets "pa-can," "llilacral," " HilBalM?,N "ab-tur.l," "unc?*l?," Ac, &?'., aro flflflfli to and fro Iron, the opposlttK rank-, Iflflfllflg to thr eonvictlou that tliere Ih i,? pflflfllMa tlatiif.-r that tl.o Milleniiinui will MMfl mto flfl world ahcad uf liine. II id tho IMfltted in or_aatflflttflflj for pro work, ln liupartlnic a uioro BBd fltflf fecllnjr amone the v 01881 BMU, la 11 idflg ttiotn 11 .r, k f..r somr l.aaflisof NBlBBltP, ln etu-r-uderlni,' Ibe 8JHMM of cnnrtesy anl ch.rlty, .tll would hsre h.tlled Its flflt?1 eratii.ii-.a-. the carnosf und hsr'>li.i,"-r of b-tter tinirs. But BBMB of theni. st lr Bfl, havo g-nno out from that ashClubly. whlch thrv rl.uiimd to be " a Bpflflflfllfl lo BBBB) nncels, and (Jad," aud taken ih.ur woiitc.l poat* u| Iho old -tcclarmn Kiuis and llred fl .|ulck rrp.Utioii, uud loi.A'.cl to thr, muzzle, psrtKiu Hhot anal slmll. What aro tho BBSBlfl alnadv f|M.kcn an.l with boast flfl words ar- t.oin (he oiiiliiurd and BBPBBelfl wiMloiii ,iii,l flfl.rt. of Ilu- Alliaiieo-that dlscord Is eeafltagaadhariuoin lebtoa la aaaaeM "aii abepaa> taat an.l call fleMaelMfl ('hn-fliiatiH"?nr I- tln- <-oniri,ttu littlnn that Is thc aserndant stir, and tbfl flad t I of thr F.iith are jrirlr.l and oflflbtoa flflll BtMfl onr HL;sln*t lhe olhrr I Tfie Stir? V?rk D'ttrrrrr, aftrr allu.l I.1K to "the Ictlrr of l?r. Adi.tns Iti revlew Bf.MflBflp i'olter and the lettrr of lltshop Ctiniiniiis riniiiiinitic tiu- Ipiaaapal ChaaaV aapai "T.i.-y wiii be NflBaal to in fiitui-e diactiSBlone an romlts of tlie rreat KvaufljHflal Allianoo ("onferenee. which has recently eon.tnsn.l.-d the attcutiou of the 08888?? world." flg no optnlon Iwhatever of tho oeBflBBBBfli or Uw persona of the worlhy jreatlMBM fl ini'.'l, atill Is tha faet of th> lr ili?.i_rocin<-nt. failniK lo seo in t-uile linpflirtant flflaa eje fl cye, a mattor of r.ongr,itul_..loti, and to hr chronlclod as ono of UfllBBBllBSl tho srest BraaaaBe? Bflfl?ai oaafflaaM i ladeed, it is a aertoM .piestlon if lhe Allliancr or any of thr rhiirr!,.-a r. pn ...-iiti -I .iiflt.n lln platfortn, havo anv jint o.-iuso for iin honnded oonnratnlatlons of auy kind. Wlth tbeir own ra-ports. showlni: how thrir line-. arr pra-<*<-d and hrok.-n hy K 'in-ii Cathollolam on the ono band, and skrptl. l*m ,,n tl... other; own showiii* how tln-(.', with ?il its woallh, reaoiircifls, luen, llterature., pr.iitlne prrssos. stfl-auiflthlps. and the worl I lytnx oprn, wbite and flBdf tat tbe hirvc-U. has toii.-hcil tim paaaa aatflaata tbeir88?tflaBaaadarlM with tho presoncoof Cbrfltfla ci\ Dtfl ilmn and Ci.rislian cthics ; wiih tln- farl thi lr owi, BMe8fl are n.illo.l iu qucs tlm, and frltterliiK away In tho very lands Ibfl gavr the RflfflfMMI Bflfl : milb HM serious atid oarnest qticstlon' propose.1 to thetn flM and aptln, an.l whirh they aro very rel.ictant Ui comdder, if Prot-stantl.ui U not BB a raHpflM fii'ttor artually 188888 Hl Pl8M BSMl bflM ln (ho world ; wilh such iss.ios, and nol one of Ih.-m -admlMJnff of a fUtter.nK snswer, il 8 st leaat bardly tim.- to sonnd the n.itoauf Jiil.loc, hardly ridinx to Imlulire so soon in achu.-klo that there Is a new eotifliet aitioii. MMB who ahould benf tho sstne hoiisebold of faitli. The l)b<rrrrr eprcads tho reeord of thln, wilh thi, flBM?? of ropret. flflflflfl tbe eyre. nt C8f?tfla rea.lrr*, anil. with this IflMflj of tnimn.-t-fl: " Wo flflfl ^'ive our roadors a re markiil'le MWflpapM HM werlt, if we nover kavc thcru one before." Thc editor tben Uf?B the rurtaln, land in tho arcnaare tno Hi-ihop.iand M.rre l.o.torsof Div.nlty. Leet thr tpeoflflrfl am\yM not know who or what has proviled tlm cntrrtainn.?nt. ha Is fiirnisUe 1 wlth tho un solirtted and gratintoiwi infnnnat.on-" K?sulU ti thu irreat KvanRtlical Alllanre Conferrnrr, whieh has ro eeutlycon.inandeil the atteniionof tho Cbrlstlan world." OentlemenI There?reother queatlons, and tlmse or n,iiilo hm murh irravity, that are coium.iuding- lhe altett ti.ui of tho world not Christlan. You are tm ed and a*kr.d by nienlntclllK'n' andri_nefl.t, und with a prrs BBMfl tbe Inq.i.rv, " What U Trulh 1" You are askod. ?? II j* .? .1, bi-ll.ivnu oh yn.i ilu thivt tbero Is a iii vlne unlhorlty f,?r ohurch i>?llty and dorlrlno, you arn ahle to n-free urilhor upou tUr on.- nor tbe otln-r, Ilui witfl all the iirnrllts of mo.lrru reflflo-iroh and learuing yon sro quite M rnuch at vari mrs- at rvrr " You arc rrmlii'led too, that the divMonsof I'rotrsiantisn, crlpplo and lei BBfl BBalllj lt" r(T,rt.-a; flfl thi rr ta hanlly a haui let flfla flad t'.at deea ael abea_I with fi^hie and rlval chtirehias, inuttiBlly Ictlot's. and blorkinir earh othcr'M wav. lloldn.ic aa you Uo th tl th?re has beeu an IpoeflUoGbBNh. one. in doctiliis and polity, who?e haiiii'-i woids wore, "Oae L.rd. ons I'udi, ortrt Ilap ti,.n," II is to _j>k, why this U uot now ihi' BBM ' ,)r. MPBMlBf. U you ph-aar, that tii,- piiitt of HM iCbflltb. li k r that ot o nat.oii, lx one of otpcdl'-iir.v, wiiy .-v.-n Ihcu raunot a hflflfl Bfl fni.iul, hrii.ul aud fllbellO. for thr reiiinon of ,li\ldr,| Chri't'ti'loi'i I Wlth Ibfl OXfln il l.ondsof unlly l.rokr.ii, wilh lhe divtsioi. of M?rt? aml putii-.i, there never baa heen "thtI unilv of BM sp.rtt in AeBOadof peaee," nor is tbere auy BflflOM foi flfl lielief. on hi'tor iral and mornl gruunds. tbat fhrr< ever will pe. Tho atlrmpt nt unllv. will..i.i- in.' all Is int pli?d an.l e?? "itlla! i.i the very m.-antn. ol the word, l_as eror fallen fai slu.rt of aticceas, and hlstory will hrre onlv npeal ilself. We oaouot flflaOfllM of our flVfl (Jotornuient hioki-n up flfl fmtv iinlep.-ii.lriit aud rivalMBlaa, witbaai eeaMilag ia..i witn tba disrupiio:i tho iinity of the t.atlon is -ronc, aud immco and linrinotiy Htii.'.iff U.e Htatrs Wflfl ntt'h iniposslhle. t Tho ra-lornialion anion-r the BBBtfleaBBl rhnn-be* wns 1008 lir.niKlil tu flp, froin lhe divi-loi.-, full Mvn, ? n, it? wako. The ih.ireh hi*U.rl*n? h?Tt. ao fullv and unlfor.nly art forth Ih.a fael tlut I m.iy pas^ it t.y full e.tat.on. I'ruf. lhi.lii.ner cilr*. a* a rhief ia-tt.,in of ihe ii.? i.l s ureat Mfl fll lhe inrltorv of (ier msiiy I.y lhe rr..|.a-i.i.ii.-. lhe diti-on and tiistiijion iu Its owu rank... OlBflBBf ?*-*?? flfll " Ilie ilivi-ioiu and ronlroyri>irH|bel ween tbe ilifferei.t ehunhes were ao op|M,Hcd le tbu sp.rli of CbrieUaaity. aad ai ihe sauie tin.e were so flaaflflflrlflM tn politl.;.! rrlattoM, that at tetupta \*rrv eoiu.tai.tly to a.t)iui them." Iswd Miusulav wtfl.te: "Nol only was Ibern al Uua time a ?flflfl mnrr Ititenae senl amonr th" OaUkollofl um,.ne tlie rroteslmit*. hul whnlc tm] at the ('allio Uflfl fli tliroetcd ...-_, u -I l u?- i'roieaUiit*. winle aliuiwt tfl? wiioir fleal -el tl.e PitDtcfltaata *i? dnaotodflcflflat ,-.,., h other." And airalu: " Whih- J.-ault pre:ichers, Jiwuit coufesaors, Jeattii teaehets of youib. over raread Kuru|>e. eaKer to expend rvi-r> fa<u!ty of their iniiids and every drop of their blood in the of tbeir Churcb. Pra IMIflflt8oftora fliflflflMel Iflfl. ami ProtOfltaat rulcrs were pdntshltifl aretaritii wbo were ;,, -t usKood Protealat.U or tbemaelvea. I,t the, 1' inalo ? CalvliiUlin perseeute.l the Luiherana. Iu Haxonv a I.titberaii pers.'i-,uted tbr Calviuiet*.. lu Hwedeu fllM/flfllp wbo flflpMfll to any of the artn-lea of tbe ( ..nfi-ssiiiii ol AuflBlflura- was banlaheo." Ho tha uarranve ruus thi ouKb nearly all Un relortned, ghowin-ir how. dmwn into partiaan lineajtind led b> par tisan Icaders, tbey rxiAen.led bo uiuch of Minir tfuie, their preiiehiuK, writn.f. h.rc* ooc ibe oibcr. Docs nothinir of that splrlt ever retualu where there are like divisionsl I?t any <>fle read frnm waak to WflOk, Ho rcll-rloiis papera ot ibe I.t,, I. uuil n?Ua tbe mutual mlareprasentstlou aud and rldl cule, and sa* lf the tone h_s a ainaek of Christian unity. bim aee how few ot tbeae Stvii a eorrerl aud bonest intrrii-retalioii of ihe cherisbed ..i trn.r*. ut Ihe others. Thc l'rest.yterian Is remlnde.1 tbala repreaeutatlveof hht ehureh t*n>_ht~and tbe im plli-atloi, bas a peraonal l?eariu?- thal " tbere are lufautB fu hcll ? spao loiiir" Tlie MethodlHt i* Informed tbat he prsv*"toa Uod wbo is denf." Tne Bapttat. after sun dry'bydropntbie ?u_-itralloin<, is MMM?fl as oue wbo " baa water ot, the i.rain." The Iflueapflliafl Is tn.palrd on hlapra)er-t)ook. and retuiudud of Sanalbar, with un p. i iiiiflfl.-aloi. lo nn to ia rliuiate anil waruier. Tbe Unttanan bas " no rellrflon." The Unlversaltsls are " luimoral." Tlie Itoinat. Catholie _.-. ?* _. liemtniin'a Bbarr of exuletlvea uud Bflflfllfl a procraaion of ?? bvdras, tatamaaam eblflBflflM dire." Isubtuit to lha resdi-r uf all tha ehureb .(otirnals if (be above h:is flflfl lu It facta rathe. ei-.i/iferations. Tbe tendeuey of tho rellKiiius pres? is larjiely to niake IU roadcrs narrow aud BflBflfl in their vle-a*. and to k.-.-p tben. iu laaeBBBM of tlir, reasonit otbera hatre for the tailJi tnat ia lu theni Tlie clrrift, too. are hy no u.*ai.a auxloua to ln><tni<-t their Iflflfl oa to tae real runreuls of thoUKht m other botlies. wlma II dour would ?,,flrn very inuch thoaspttritlrs tbatexist iu lbo reli^ioiw world. Ouly the other day ? n.inister delnrored a r?ur?o of lee tures (o abow a BBtflM obuieh waa b?ret,eal tn 1(4 doctrlues auu i-ernicious lu i'a ? orjla. All?r bn bad fln.Bhod hia cour?e, hw sei.f to tbr. PMtM of the churcb 11, tjuejttlou to Iflfljflllfl wbare tba doeirlnr* and atandarda of hl-, cbtirub were to be f-.und-TOtf BBfl like boui hardii.K an unknown forl. and thOB MndlUf a laj of truo. lo iuqiilre wbat llved flflfl*, wlirdn-r fnend or Rflfl, " nini., beaat, or hirda." II nu...n ualurr Is vrrv nnu-h Ib* ii-i, in all _.*(-,,, m,? MIM8 Bfllherw are rrllglotta ?.-< I* Hn r, hhiv.,i ?, 4 ?,,.. larlan ap.rlt will, ln re?ard to ihr BfllflOflflfll Oi flfllfl at least, partake of the liupohalljlr 1 ut- ciaiise raumiiunx, rff. ct* n.?y lK?en?*ate.l fl foliuw I an, unable there f.>rfl t.i ?*.?-. H.iat tbe Evangrllral Alltance, eotnpoaert ao lotfrvl) nt ai-Mifliiiitt and acholailj ( hrialian uou. tiaa taken any pwrtlral step? toward the reetoraiu.n of ibe lofltaaliP of tbe Church. or that remilf* will ftow ont frotu 11, bm uionlBlnK tu the rellfutuia i??l.< *of u,r world. I'hnl unity, unliy ln thr h tur and spirit of the early ,'but-h, U deslrabie, bflMl-Mfleilfl of a doiibl. It was IbeariUiut wUb ?ud pra)ei7,f tlie Kounder "th?t tbey all iB?y M oue." The Apoai.e.. made 110 hriwaeh iu the visible uuil) of th.- cl.i.i. .1 Their w.,. .1-. nample. t.,fl,. ence v,>-ri- iut*lu*t dlkia.on. Tae Urat . 0111,1 n 0I Jciin-aii nt .Il-ixfln.-l of iiuraiious that would read u uio.lrrn eboroli a-auiidcr. Their doflrnallcs wore brh-f? -' 1 Iflfl-fl-i w-n-wii-1 IbitiKa." Wheu aoina would pravttl. * e.rrunicialuu aud olhi;ra rrputlialrd lbo riu*., uo iIkuouii ualiou Btfias? a? becauee of 11, They i?.t toceikot a? oaa l-ody; Iner will lu tta-e aee alike. Thore waa a wldo ntarelB for Indlrldual opinion. a large ilberty In what t.Mi.-h.-d nol the mtezrlty of rharBet>r and life. No man wa? alnit out fiotit tbelr f.-il'.wal.l:. in whom wan "tbfl apirlt of Chrlat." The w.ik In faith were raoeiTOd. i.u' oot .-iti>i-hl/.-.l ui'.'ti ??>loui.tful dl.apiitattou.. " Appll eat.ta fur udmiailou to tt... cimrcli woro aakad aaa flaaa*, tloit, and tbat wholly pnutieal. Ilo* Ethloplan ia laB-tfad wlth one BBBtflBJOB "If thou l.ehev mt, tl.ou uinyesf- aiul tho dOflUttlea of hl. hell.v lni{ are not alfted throuch a reKti'afion .ieve. Th.-re wB-catholli Hv, tra*. 11txf-r.itity : ni" uo sohlaiit in li.e Ii.pHv atuI wl.h one heart and mind, they pre a.llU-ll all a?-.'l'ai,l. '| llll lllllt eaxll.l IIOl I''* ttlrtlfl*.) b*v-k ur efliretlTely rciat.-.i. aad iik? belta >.f n_ht. th.-y vndencd ai.'l dc-pennd their Inltiienen thruuirhoiit the of Baaaa. Oue irreat clcnont of power waa ln tbelr tt'.lty, ? '"' Ibal iu-lit brokau. haa left iiaaatat nnd tl. f.. >' aa a rextilt. Would ihat tho K'/anir.dlral AHtatiee ba.l tboruui{hlyconalde,ieil tliia i|iie.atiou.and pronountod mlli delllicrate juil_ment tbeir verdlet Ifl tbe eaafl*. Uufuilaaairilr ror .n.v aad aranbotf. devoidof antiiorl tativc ?rgaai?atlon for work. th.* Alllaaefl reaobea its UmltataWB i" "ord*, i.s powerleiw for d?Bflfl. vvini papetfl ar.* raad upou Rotnanlaa. tb.-y eould not na, nan orarani* hand to with-iaud Koinatilau,. Vt'ajrda eount l.ut vury 1.1 lie, deeda very mueh. As an llliiitralioii, la tbo very eitv wb.-ie. ih.* Aliiaii.o waa |i>*ld, Iion. nila.n basabaorbed a larir.' element of thc pop iiiati.>n iu'" Us owa r-.ufc-. Tbt. Baraaaafl wh.. aata ||,i, kl .1 "i I Lp-'e nuiiil.era ln Nt.w-Y.irk were 111 (be iniilti Protefltaata, deao-adaata af iln- Latborana, l.ut laaliaad toiieruiai. lBeptic.iui. Thle faet eanifl* under iiyowu ob-aivBlioii for a aeriea of >e irs, and Waa alao made B inntier of iapaatad laoatrTaad Inreatigatlon wblle aa gagOd iu p.sioral work in your citv. Tho te-ttmouy was of one kind, whethiT aoatihg from prieata, aiatera of charity,?r Protaataata wiu. bad iivod lom;, ami witb oln. rviilioii, iii the loiiilitt.-a of tlie lintni-Ta.:t.s. Or. jaaaaa vv. Ai.-xin.ier, tben ? aaatat bt OBat-B-at. .-I,.- tiu. gaaflttan att?Bttuo, au.i l p-wiiiaa had -atlafactnry atithority for savlng. " Nitio triiiiu. ..f ni" Oanaaaa art. luti.iei." iu IBa ataaa um.- ajreat uumbe.ra bave l>ecu t<atlu>rod l.y li.ieneui.t .? IntO the Koini-li Chureh. I. ir_.-e atnl eoilly eliur. Ii?~* bave btflka l.ulll antl tlllo.t wltli HjOtBBdB and liiaof of thi.rto who ar>-iie ..eiidailta of U.t iii.iti I' I.ittl.- baa been -al.l l.y tlu- wui tat*, l.ut a vast amonnt of work I.a* he.-n done. Tiie Prnvl .i.u.** lhal ison lh.- aideof ibe lar^rtsturt.liorr ia mrifoly on in. aide of tho moat linliuti mu. workt ra. Of ibe Btber part of thi* populatlon la ike b.wer wai I-. ta gea .-Iaii. faraaaaa h> tbo PtotaataaleBaraBaa,Iaaaa aal thoa.iiue ttilat worthy limaiiH of itifoiiiiat.ioii. 1 fla know piit ai.i.iii aa faat aa ttie Protoatania abaodoa tbo?: . hur. lu-e I.v ramof?lfl Ini" tho upp'-r part of Ihe city, lh.- lluuiatiiala buy tl.eiu, und. from B0CB8 80a*a_i aafla nn th.-m witl. a* of worshlpera,aad not ouly ... but btlllil al?.? l.ew <-ilillr.*a to in".-( their want- ; ,.,,' that lio*. havuiii Bavatal fllllf.Tet.t eoligreica tiutia Bfl-fl MukI iy iu tkfl.____8k filitiiih, thn Ko niaiiiitii have more worabipe.-a diirini; the dny luan any other laBfltoaa b,.dy iu the city. I huve au, li f i. ta lu epe ik for theui-elveH. Th.-y are al le.-iil aiiKir.'ttvi . II i.l I ii->r already B0BB?Ded aa aitieh nuace iii vour < olumin, I would apply the ntuw tlBIIBfl I.. i.tbei parta <?f our eoaatrjr. und ulm Btaat tuo queadoo of the int_*t*n* of tba ortbodot raaka br tba luvii'iuu and eOBQlttata of Hk.-|.tiriain. I know that allu a.ili tOtfclfl laller 0,0088-00 bflfl I.l ounllt. out otli.T.a Wbo have aeiiirbt i<. i all attenttoa to tlm aaijuoatlonabla faet. aiul iii.u. tn IBfl aaa "f IBa loaaaai und Ihnruml eaaOaaiBm aad laTaettra, bata ajM-aaadad la faataalog ,,'t. [heui-.lve.a tlie IIIUIO of "Infll'l." I know tbut oneof our K'tiial and al.le wrifera and iiutlior*.. a of maiily ebaraeler, and CBtBM-BB enflflfl and .Him ?, haa been rudely amailefll, l.ttailai: of BTllctM ?p nenrina m tbfl BMfB-llae of wtinh bt- m the aeeomplished ediUir?arin-lea trutbftilly .mln ailn_ thc < urr.mta of tboiiirhi in Ibe world. aud Indi. ann. tlnl tbfl) may re t-.-ive a |iro|..-r and eariuat eon-nlerailltD at tlu. bvnda of tiioa*- aaaaa aaaaa II 1* to taatnt t aud nuid.- artflBt tbe pul.ii ? uiinil. The referred lo did not receive a vei y exliau-tive soaalderattoa al IBa h uula >.f Iba Alllaaaa. Tue Bpaaken aecliHili pcraiatoolly u> avoid Uie n-al la.aue. (juo Irom Boatoo aald : ___.._. .... __,, __.._. '?Tbr AairritflB fl'hruti.ia. irr oot r.*wri.i!lT H.'.nrbrl bl th* ri't t'.al tb.-r.- ir,. ______ al fentt- af uii ,a[t_( ...J mulwlirl ie oor Iv.i ll.rf.r:.. . ...tair. t.ut it i* ont-81 .ti.aU .,1 tb. UbtXy tatilrt tarl ut .e.B'a e.nT*r.iI biialnra* ia.1 rjirruDm.a. VV a m-.ri lliat thrrr w ll be litiala lai t^ :a tlir wmul. a* Imi* a> Ij, rr arr uarr.rer.1 ntan ia (tw w..rM. Wr nrrri l? al)?l.*h inti lrlttr unl/I.t l.ti.ttiBI .ll n.turi i.i?,, it'.. U.r *i|-*nrnce uf a apir.tnal lifr. wLtiar tu I r BitarBl tketa ?.H .if im BIJ-l-l ibaa ?h..rt uf that _um .u tbe .an. W.rl BBt ib tlie llulf OflOflflfl Ctui-li." Tben ceiUinly an' a ctaal many .Vuieru-an tlbrlatiana wbo are very aertooalr dl-turiiid at IBfl fltovlBB prcva Ifiu-e uf iiifldeiity. Thc anxiety U betravud ln l.ooki, painpbleta, aad ia tbe an. u.ur nnd raUgioaa Joaraals. (ttily lat.-l) Ibe editor of fhe churrhioul State wnite : "No inilter how lt baa rom,. to pa-a. lt la plaiu to ?ee, that iinl.eiief wa.a never more |...aitivo aud thoroilifh. waa littver allted Witb moro Ieariii..*-. aul waa nov'or more l...ld an.l eonlldiiit of vletorv." Tue tbotiifbtfiil wat. her of tbu eiKUa of the timo*. .nuil aa.aent to tlu- aetiiraev of tbe at_.tem.-nt. 1 he ballle irroiiud tauiiot bfl oliaii-rod a_ the ptp.*al.(.r from BoatOB Tae Waterioo of tbe fl'.jiifli.l motitai'l'- of tba eiiiinlic*, where Paul fouud it. who went oul IM mel Uu opptialBa P-liOflOpBIOfl, aad " reaaoti.-d" and " di-puted " and " persuaded," IOOB hold of meu oa bo found tbem, aod encl.aine.i tbeat in Ibe liiik-. a. hia owu m utU>. ly and tbrillin*: Ioktic, and led them convinied and convi-ried Into tb>-tomplu ol Irti.h. Hc KKik luaartlllery of tbuiiifht Iuto the open Held an.l " foiiKhl Ikfl 08?>d tlrfltt." Tuo Cliurob w;:l llud it likc ballle alfb eTon at loa doora, and nui.t mo.-t it or lie fiirthet- clnckiid l.y diik-omntiirc und defeal. I>r. Cbulttie.rifl BBOfl Hald. und b.-arlu_t on thit very aaaflflaBa I t Tton apoa tka wiii. <>f a aaay ?Bat taaaa iiiil.iii do not." II will do Bt no harin to flBA what tbuuk'btfiil BBfl Bcholarl.v men witbln and wltbout the Churcb tell u.a.if tbe phasi'iof tli.jii?ht ln tho proaeut U?y. and.if found aflctiratc. prepan- ounelvei for thr* la.aue, wbich, ibouifli po.itpoued. be arolded o. Bi o. t/ea> rorl-,.I)6c. 15. ia.3. DE THOMrSU.V IN HPLT 10 PKOF. FISIIKU l*l(K.*tllYrr.lllA.N 4JRl)Klt-4 NEVKlt OFKICIA1XY RfiiH! ataaa ?i t__aonnfl--i ooaaM_-a_B_-?nojaov-i. oranoaa <>r i-iii Riii uitiMi iKiK.i|Noi ro aa 1 4KE.N IN KViUENt K. Tt Iht Bdilor of Tht Tr ib unt. Sik: I nicant no iritvcrfliiee toward Prof. Ktab.-r'.- book or hiniB.-lf when. aome wooka a.-. I |made a k*''*''"1 Btata ment wliuh tbe rrofeaaor doea mo tbe bonor to iiotiee lu Tur. Tiuiti *i_ of the 1-th inat. Tbe ahicbtly acid flavor of bia remarki in BBOOflBflflfl ?n tbe KTotiud that he auppoied l dlnparaKed bia boolt. For an autbor haa antruUK parelitul feelliiK, and. wheu aia-li hand ia l.n.l upou bia |Bt book, la dinpoaed to rcaout It niucli aalf one bud i?.\><l tbo ..i r- < .r hia baby. My l.topoaitioii la a k'.-ii'-'al one, and I referred to l'rof. Ki-lier ouly aa an illuatratiuii. lt la thia : "lli-toi. aa wrltlprtU .-onaistM of two fn.-tora, tbo faeta uud tbe man wbo uae? ihe faota." It ia lelf-evident. I do not pro pua<* to rir(.;ie ii. Now the facta are eommon propfltl|. Ccrtainly the farts alKiut auch a |H>rlod aa tho Keforina tloti are BBflflBflMfl to.-vll seholara. li'pon them there ia really OB diaptite. Tlie flebate la on tbe ili'iilttiauoo of tbe fiict*. VVhat atory do the fact- UII I That tbey lell ditforent atoriea to different men, the"i?n uow tioiatc ou in Tiih TitiitL'KK la evidonce. K 11 nn fanltof l'rof. l-.rb.-i tbat be look* at tbem thiouch bi. own eyept. I cannot aee bu w elae he ean look at them al all. And looklng at them throtiK'h hi*. own eyoi be wntea a hiatorv "aeeordinit to" l'rof. Flaher, juet aa am.tiu r man I.joking at tbem throuith hii own eyea would .?nie ? luitory "afl-rotdlOK to" l'rof. lirowu, .loui -. or llobinton. Tht. valuo of a hittory im uot ita facth, oiherwlaea rhronolopiral table would be the best Mrit t> The i.e-t hlitory ia that wherein li the ~:reat?it Ina.gbt into the roeaiiit..., and the broadast and moit ceueroua f-i'n"P "f tbe purpoaa and eauaation and co of (be faeta. Tbat la, Ibe rcal blatorian brliifi gaaBBB, innlicbt, aud hl.torio Imairtnatiou to dry anuali, aud eouveiia ttn n into llTing hlatory. But alwaya ha will oolur the faeta witb bla own color aod flavor th-era witb Ma owu Abvo- Hb cannot belplt anleaa be make _il-<*-lf flOaa. H M ao dl.aparagemeiit, tben, to Prof. Fisber, and I do nol mean the aliirbtoat offenie when ( aay tbal bo rn. a write btatory llke Prof. P.aher, and tbat be eaa not write II llke a cburchman. Hia itrlc tniri npoa my 'etter, to go ao further, are evldeuoo. Ola poaitlon ia that, at one penod of ber htstory, the Church af Kngland admitt.-d thfl Tulldlty of PTBflbTtert.-n ordera. Tbe proof ho offors U the Micflli iai utteraoce lo lottera, booka, or paoi phleia, of eertain i-.nKli.ah dlrlnea aad biahopi. He aaka, "Wbat piopoaittou of udno doaa Dr. Thoiopaon deuy I" 1 anawer, I deny nona. "Craomer and bla aeiociafea." ??jeweli and hia," lf bn cbooaei, taughl that Btabcpn and prieata ara oue urdar. Hut I aak, wbal haa tbia to do witb tbfl corporaU w iion, er authorlUtiva Idootrtue of tbo ( -nire.h ot Eugland I Tba Profeaaur undoubtedly tbinka lt has a great deal to do wllb tb.-m. Ue I'liuk- ao autoeedeot to hia examlnatloa of tbe fa-ts al all. He brinra tbat thought to the faeta. A eburebmso couildera ihat tbe facta huve poaltively nothlng to do with thn doetrlne or dlaclpliue of tho Churrb of Eugland, and Is aatooiabad at Pro.eiaor Pliber'i conelu-loD. Ue brinjra another thought to tbo faeta. 1 did oot write to gatnaay facta, wbicb are tbe (-ot.iir.on propertj* uf educated men; I did not wrlto at lt I believed they bad any real beaiing on the lmue to bo proved. 1 wrote aimply to accouot for tbem on a tbeory wbich e n-i.u tn tbem without the ailgbtest refereooe to ibe auihorif.-itira poaitlon ln thi- matter of tbe Cbareh of Kogl.nd, wlth whieh I hold tbey really have nothlng to do. Tba dliciuaion aboat Cranmer and tbe reat, the ti.ini.t-* inicroBfopii: e tamuiatioii of thta man'i notlon or tbal iBBO'a irregular Bettou.laa reryuseful baalueaa in iia way, but will never aettle the polnt ia debato. l'rof. r'.-.i.-' wntea. and hia oae of ibe word "founderi" betrayed tbe Beutitpent, aa tf tbe Chureh of Eugland was beaun by a number of *'Be,*ormeri," and thai, thernfore, to flnd brr do< trlne. on any aubject we BBflit Bflfltflfeflflfl Kofonucn fTo flnd what L.ttberaaum li, we eite Lutber. Aad bta poeiliou i* tbat lo Itud whal tb*. Auglican ' liun-li beUerefl. ""' *-iuat cite Craumer or Jeweli or aouiebodjr rlie, and J>-t here la tbe lol-conoopUou, and lt gooa rartber than a word. Tbe Chureh >f Eugland wae uot -founded" by (raniner or Ji.w.-n or any "lleformar." and iba ?? oot reaponaible for tbi privata notlon or tha irreriloraclloiiof any Utabop, Arebblabop, or Doetor, aoy DKim tban ahe n for the late afltloa of I)ean fluilth. Tobegin al ihr begiuulng. In the reign of Uenry VIII., flhe kad tbr-o ordera-Kiahopa, I'n.-.U, aod I Jwaeon.. aa all rburehea had. No man. unleaa Kplieopally i.rdnli.o.1. waa ? ou-iU-t .1 aa holdtng rlgbtly anr ona of Ui_a? uill.ce at that ttm.* lu tke reign of Kdward It wafl Imtliin aame. Ky Tha law of tba (Tbitrch and of tbe itk-a- L-iflC-w-ai uxdt-t Utl Ul. tikii i/fdon alUiwodia elther Io the rel?n of Marr lt wm eertainly the satna. In thfl reifB of |Ullsaboth the llrat oaro \y:ts to oontlnue the Kplsoopaey and provlde for tha auofes-nin of tbe order* in thntinclent way. Tlils Ohtir<*Ti h?d|brr aynoda. her own offlrial rnontl.ple.-rs,* uttoratioes OBBBB bound herorexprossed h.-rwtll. AllIbroopb tbOM relirn-t (hry vrt-i- Ou-v. TOey were re\ i.iuic l"'r Prnver-iNiok, Bilng ber Ordlaal, lav ..?? down her Arti. loa, ? forth Inr ninrK*. Wh.-re, in all Uio-... feara, do tboy m mach m wbiaper that Eptaeopal ordera are nol eaa ntial to theeiisteuoe of (hr QBBMbl Ii, roitferritig- tl.rm ther<- Is not IM allKbteal ohaoge "f -uaporiaoee (excepl m ill* ontiuuuu/ the Ar. l.epuropal oith to tho Pope) botwMn tberelgu aat mttmry VII. aad UlsI of Vletorla. Prof. Ft.h.-r know.- 18?? a-* tat-,1 .ta I .Io. au.l viraialiy adini's it. Hut li" hBflfl?IM th:.t tlm Kfr idy, unitonn, UBVarylng nrt.nii in tho luattn ,.f arderfl Of Iho Church of End and from the time of Ausrustiiui t? 'lio tlflae <>r Arci.i.iBbop Tait. is tolM*M-t asldobyoninifthn prlvate nml varyum opimoua of eerflla prlyat.'d,. 8ora ami I And he ImaginM thi-. be '-.His., ln- Boinofl to eiaiulne the faet* wlUi tbe prc roiiceivc.lidi-i tbat lhfl Churrh of Eflfl and wus "found-d hy cerlaln "Rrf.-rmnrs" ln the -ditennth eentur). as laufleraalfln waa foaadod i?v Lutm-r, and OfllfifllMfl ny Cfllvlal Archhlahop < r.ii.mrr's opini.ius at.,?ut ordera In tbfl reixn of Bdwarf l-lnd tn? Cliurrh of England JUflt ,m mn. Ii .u, Arclih.rliop I'olc's ln flfl BflflB of Mary. Tho arttot, of t.'n-t Inn i:h, and tbedoeirlneof IhoCh irch. tbe l'liiflfl'* s.ipr<--i)'icy alonr set ou Momfltterol ordera, were just tlie ?.ime in both retjtis?wero the sa-i.o iu AIfrrd's refln au.l aro tho sauie ln Vu-tona s.| Now I aodortook n> acoooot for tbe rary?? oplnloaa of nnllvidiials IB tfl C iurrh of EnaUnd, I.y Hhnwlnc. in thollr-flt tbo tpi sti'.u of orders, that l*. tbo bisls of fhH ilBlfom BOtloa? tue <!Eogland, OOUld iiotcoin-..pat Ilr-flr. hee.nise.ln thfl flt st R-einT.ttloi), all the levolt.-M fr. K-'iu-- had tho Mflfl orrtera-thosa in Enklflod and tboae Ib Qmbui ttl*.-.?aml then tnru wh.-ii that qoeaUOB did arlae, lt would fl dla-cuaBe.1 soli.-lastlclly. ?ud the s< ho'nitic, Rjn.lsh. and uni f.ann.-d dooirine thal bUhopa au.l pnesls aro OM order would be n-iturally fukrii-.ill tho mor.-nalnrdlly bOMMO tho Church ot Eiuland man would wi-.). t.fl al md as , l.m- .it Im flBflbl u, tbe BBM on tbo aoi.tiiiont flifhtimr tno c -mtiioii for, iimir. nut wh.-n tba aae* tion was trflnaferred fl Bflglaad, aml tfl Fnrjtanfl _?_dm to Bflflotl tba dMdpliBe of the Chnroh of Eunhuid, E iKlNh dlvlnca woro ooinpolled to at-nly tbo luliject ,,'f oni.-rs ou i ? mi _ortU, Ib order to defofld tbo nnl (onaprflflt-e <>t th.-.r lf otber. aod Haa omm ti.oout anokrn doctrlneof aiuiipi.ty. tbal Kplacopaoy lflea?eB. ifal. Tne Romlah doetrlae, tbal blehops and P???* ara om order, im touad nfl lo eaplfllflfla faotoof tho Cborob's position. nor tbe teaebina of ber ordlaal, aod was.-s-i Ml de witb lbo other ooiTuptlOBfl of Bomauiso-, And tiim afleooata tM tho! lu the UBOblnfl or urat ift ul ia?- Church of Enffiand, .?-. il ttaammUeroO, wnieii, .ui mr tn-ii -er of orders (excepl ln the oiuisslou of tl.o Pope'fl Mproflflaop, lf "->t tmty ho oonflldered iiniife.r ol orderaiI eonfldMtly b__j_,flod cballeoM contradlction bm tha satne to-day Ibat Aoy wore a ihoiisumt yeara ago?were ihe aame aader Cranmor Hny were BOder Warii.iui, tbflflaflflfl uml-r i'aiker tboy WOt* oaderPole, botfortbeohaofM ln tbe priTato_newee*8 HxnresHla.i.sof th.a tlivlne.of the,ho( Kn.l.'ttrl at v.ii-ious perloda oi .o-r bietory, ln defending ber ordare oad azpuunlna her boIIoo loone aueatloner or euotOer. |.r?f piaher adinttfl thal nowhere has tho cn.inh of Kaciaad in my BUthorltattrfl apnodal or tonelliar ?c Uofl coooao?ad BOB-Eplaoopal or.i.-is i.y ? fl K-ive any proof lo tl.e .-oi.'r.iry. Hfl onlv aau wbere by Bti.-h acfion MM flbfl "dih-rcdlt, " su.-n MMHI I taawer ln tha ordlaal dellberately srt forth uy ln-r clemy ln conTOOailon, aad h.-r laity ln 1'arllauicnt, overaml fl.vrr a-t.u r,-vi?a.l uni r?t never ebflBfed l-t tflfl flflJ Uoabtf] that It un.-flt he u-fleil 111 evrrv case where anv ina'.. with auoli ord ira, Bfl ika loonl r bi r taloUtry. Tosuppo-ao (Imt the Church of Entfliid WM to lecis lafllM B?B?ap, Mfl pass eplnbraa aboal Hollana, ?* aatrann oonception of a ohureb'a <iotr. Eor aersoif tho hus from ln-r ?* foundnfion," twolvi. hundred years .iKo st- refused otli.-.inlly to roeopAM uuv -aafl from any land aaabiahop, prflat, or daacofl, aoMM fl had been EpUcopally ord tloed. lt woald ? ou. shc waa searc-ly cal'.-d to inake ber utteram-o nmre emph.itie. Hut, nieanwhllfl, -uy bmb h free wtth?i ii?*r to bold aud expreseanr ?r iheory bfl plflMM about ordera. ?? CraoOMf dfl. er as SHlilnKlli-et, wit.-n he waa a yo.iiiK u.iti, difll ... his Irenieuin. Ile is free to tako the doe rine or tlirery h.ick a-.'.iln, and l:kn Stilllii-H-rt learh another. Ho may correspnul wilh BOOOWflrtOd prleat liku Boeer, or a Lutheraa aebolar like M. lauchthou. Ile may even UKtith in a ProflbrflrlaB pulplt, or takta of a I' euininunion. or Invu BFIMbT pK-ioii in Iim i.'ilpu, au.l recolvo coj.iniiinoi, iu h'B flbnreh, aml no...iv will bam him, iiutaiithu. wo must reuieniber, no DBOH BflOTM that fhe I 'hiin-h of EiivUuii flTecognUea Preabytflrlan ooderfl than u.e faot tbfll llifltfllli y was a bisbop prorefl ln-r to bfl Boolnlan, ot that Blabop Buraatt, wbo waa an BiMllflfl tlflie Mirer, i,rov,11 lior ita I.a. uapiln. ipl.i.l. An Ita p.-rinit me to suy, with tln- profooadeat rc*i?ect Im I'rof. Plaber, and a hiKh appreciatlon of lus ijrreat l.-aimBf, my Is (liat ln-a itt:fiirat''ly Kath.-rnil tflflfl fall. lrou. n Ciuirehinan's poi.u. of view, to touch tln: qOMUOD be Is disenaslns;; that 1ns false coneeptlon of thu u.itir.e of the Kuuli-n K,:fi.riuati..n vitlales I.ia reasoninif na the fa.-ts. IlLi.ll MlLI-Blt XltUVll'oON. Ckrtti OkttftB, y. T'., Di.c I'.. .jolNT COMMUNlOrT. ia tpi?ai to tuk 1' naaa. To tht Kditor of The Tribune. tfirt: May it not l>o well to reniind your readeis flf (lio flr--t proposltn.ii that has led to this whole "Jolnt Comniutilon" dlscussion, anu to remlnd then. that lt ls as yct only balf conrlud-d! Dr. Ctitn ?aiins aud ina alhes u?de the dlstinct as-jA'r'ion at tho atart that the (ihureh of ili.^lan.l hawi uumlstakahly r,-<-,o-'nizi-il Preabyterten onltnatlonB. Tho rtinensalon has thua far tnruod entli-oly upon tbe opiuions and ??,.,, 1 it-1 of iiidivitiual priuaatcs prelatos tu Iho Ku Klish Clmreh asjustifyini; this aasertion. It kfl errtumly been anly and perhaps oxhaustlvely ercaed bf divers leenod _apaflata in your coiumus, and -ery many poriona fmyself anionir tho nuoiber) have heen lr.l by tne seholarly .letters of Dr. Drntuin fonneriniprcfsl.ins ihat lolncided wlth those of I'rof. I'isher. Ilur, l.e tl.o inerits of tho case aa they may. lt Is oertain that It haa dot to bn tghgaai what the formal a.-lion of tho wlmle Churcliof Kt.Klandhas lieen, bj n> nodal i.r.coutMliar deeialoa, n, her otlicUl, i,-gi.,,uiv,; oapaeity, Dr. ThomMoo* tt bmom to tue, with perfeet lustloe opens thifl wider view of tho niatter. an I .u-lsts (doofl l.e nol l) witb a ifeed sliarfl of r.itlit that the bnr den of proof la tbifl fnrthor ooBtrorora/ lfl wllb those who laid aloni, >_fl bread MflflittOfl at firsr tbat Ibe Obnrob of Eeclaad bM reeoBaleed PiMbyflitaa ord. r.. And now, ahall *so havt? this luiportaut luble t uk'H d wilh all tbo t , -,-r>--( and ahlltty tbat bol ;ug? to ll I it. j/. r.nd, C'oi.a., D88. 14. ls7S TIIE Ni.VT ClltUCn ".SOniSMATIO." To ihe tiditor nf Thi Tribune. Sni: in tha iicfi.triktiaa of pilapiplaa of tho body caiiii.. iU" t thc Keforuntd Kpiscopal Chureh, I ilt,'l the follOBlBB stateinont: Tii s ehurch reeorfnlxoa and ndheres to oplscopaey n.-t is of dlvnin li<bt, hut w a v, ,y aucieul aud J. alralno lorm of church polity. H ok ln thr prayer hook adupted for the use of the -?iiiiifl l.udy there is a prayer for those wbo are to be ad inlttfltd to tbe boly onlers contalnlng thia expresslon : - Alui lgiity (jod, who of Thy divtne provldence hast ap? polnted dlva-rs orders tu tbe ebureU." Is there not atome lucolisistoiicy heret Agatu, liikhopCumniluB, ln his openlnK addreas, aald : We aro not schisu-itics. Ho man ean bo achiscuat.o who doos not deny thc f mh once dcliverod. Tbe KIshop'B deflnition of a sehlsmatio scoma somo whal d.itrreni from tbal eontained In Welaiter's Dlc tlonary, witb a roferenco to the authoriry of so eminent uaiuea aa tboae of lilaokstoue and bwtti. Srl.lsmatic.?t)no who separates from an eatabltahed ohnreb or rellnious falth uu aocouut of adiversiiyof opmlouB. Moreorcr. ln the coutetta of the early ages the preat ?.ii.iujs of tho Douatists and Novatlans were not tbe reiuit of the drtilal of the faith onoe dellvcred, 'mt of a diversliy of opiuions aa to the i-m-stioa of diaulpline. II would be news ludeod to a student of tbeoloiry that Douatua, Novatus, aud Noraltauua were not achlamat loe. Yet they were not accuaed of denylng the falth, and wo aro cv. n told that Novatianus, tn the atruxgle aitalnst heretlca, " argued aolldly and elearly for the orthodox bellef." Tho formldable party of Donatlata, Uioii.h retalning tbeir Indopendent poa-tlon, external to tbe Cathollo Churcb for aeveral cinturles, were ln the end reoonclled and tbe achlsm heah-d. Lot na hope that thia divlsion of the ntnoteentl, eeutury will be leas laat* Inar. bnt will flnally have aa happy a lormtnatlon. k'eit-York, Deo. lfl, 1871. I? ior?. MKAHINO OF THK PRATKIt POR " THB BM.t CIU'RCII vsrvr.rtfiAL." Te Ikt Kditor of The Tribune. Ini Pray print the protoat of a plait. lay person agalnst all othors, whether reverend and pro fesslonal, or otherwlsa, who tn tbe oonduet of contro versy for the purpoae of publie eultghtcnment do, to epeak plaluly. deparl from tbat o-?ervance of truth wbicb la cih, tatal fiom peoplo tn secular affalra. My moan of tbo uiomcut ls agalusi tbe Ilev. I'rof. Oooriro V. Pisher, who lu hia lettor dated thc lith, aud prluted lu yoar Lsstio of Doe. 13, aays: Iu-t.a *t*.i..-.| aarrte* sf tb* l'-i"r l: ? k aBSB thi .;[-?. .'.-'. r Ib* ll*r(* aail f.mjr. _?::. ni a' tt>* Ki-i- apal i '. ir-h lb*r? fnllowi, ia Ib* atmiflla bat mijaitic ll.l* of tb* l.:'a.|,. au laifrfiaf pia.r. for tba " bsly aliui-', aui.fraal." tbal " all ?i - prafaai anil eal! <briiti.Dk ' ia.. be , .1 arifbl. la . pra.rr. ? tt, lt* aathol.r : i.a al lha cburab, aa aell aa la lha iu; u ., .,..,,, u,.i pra<*tl>aa il, 1 ta.. baaa.lilj jo.a. Metr.ber* of " the Eplaeopal Church " know -v'-.on' tblfl. Any othcrs will bo surpnaed wheu tbey verify rrou the Prayer Book n.y asaortion tbat the fcrvgoini; la. aa a whole, ? very ingemoua and forcihlo poryertion of the trutl., while Indetuil Iteootalus oue aaiflflfll inaccuraey, aud one pljin fataehood. Tbi-re la n'i prayer for 'he " IToly Churcb iiniveraal'' iu th.. " .ai.-nli.-j itervlee." The prayer to which refer enea la made ta the prayor ?* tor all oondltions of m?n," and 00M8S ln tl.e oflii-a of tnallus aa well aa of evensooir. Tbis lnatc.iraoy ls of llttle Imnortanoe ln ltseif, but aiirely U i.i of iiui?,ii-i:i,-o tbat a uan shall be acc.rate. Audfllu tbe prayer " /or all c.nditious of men," thounh tba worda " holy ohureh univeiBal" do oeeur. tbey ure not Jialiied to the woids " all who piofesa aud call theui selvea('hrlatlana,"a. I'rof. Kl?l..-r Jo.ns thoui. Ile Mfl firtb Ihat fhe nrstphraac Includi i tbfl flflMBd. The prayor ?11 -j ,.. irt tn.ui. If 'i'rof Kiahor will imrmit me to use nm letitfl-r as be Bflea tho l'raver ilouk. I --.', eatam fl pru dui-e Hi.tti" .j.iccr aeuteuoea. I ttlll produro, lor instai.t-e, tbe folluwLuK : -? ., o. r Kishor la a ili-tbop of tiio Holy Cathnlio Churcli." I ...iw .iiiot., the exaot text of thr pr.ivcr, whleb, I in/uai, vnii Btuutuo aur who Uavo iriusigi |y 1'tvt. K *t.?r. '? More fiap.-l.illy we prav for thy Holy Oharak um v.anal ; tknt It may be ao gulded and _i.Twri.-d by lh/ ?ood-pint that all wlio proffl-aa and eall tharnarlTOi 4 tauy he Uti into <>_* teay nf truth atut hold tttt faith " Tbe itall.-w aro uilm , to bnug out ibe aeuaa wt thr . i;>| I'r. I Pl.h.r Bi*l>t innw very well tbat ?' the B>flii(ipal Chureh, ballaraa tkat Iba " Holy (Sbatab aat***a_al" baa .".-. r> u.alned in " tn.. wa> uf tiulb," aud evnr Laa held "tbe falrh." abd tbat rouaei|Ueutly D*r pr _vrr la ii-.i. tii thia lni.ti.iiie. for th.* ?? Ooly (huf-h,?? bbl foi ihoie wht, on mt tur Bflecianoe by tbe fact of ll..*trl linatiai., da yet.elther ro'olirely or ig Dorautl/, r.-fiiafli it. And l oonfoaa. that I do n?r eovat tba <p iU Wlflab haii f..;-< ly tnru Uiia.iutiful and |.,vlt*i_ ui into an aaa. tion tbooe are already i? ?? tkfl way" ? >fi'i ;t i ? ('.- ??'? 1 that tbey " tnay be |.-,| ?? BawTork, De. ic. IfltB 8aa_?__flt BkmmmOB tMm**a*tm%Bm NKTf nKp_i.TV.ir_. Tn tht Etlitor of Th* Trtbunt. Bm lt ha*. bflvn tr.-ll tiu\ that t\u* ono tat.k'ible roault of the K\ nf._r?*li**-_,l Alllane*, whoao '.e aluu waa to promoto nnttj txtwe.-n CarMBBBj of .MT-r ent namea, baa heen tht* |formatlen of a new ee-f. Now it cannot bo flflBflflfl tbat In Ameri... any mao hflfl a nirhl t.. fu. iu ono new euct or a dowu, aa ho cboosea. but, what do aaaa Baa aflaht aa <ii ta aaatajafl up..n? BBn piat form. I will nol htop to dlscusa the <iu.*atinn wlw.tber I;i4hop Caflafl?BM could bo two tnoatbi ago la elfl?B?Ifl toreprei.uit iiia ('iiiiich, and to-1ar la JoId_. bia beat to ruin her, hut will BOBSM flftelf to the poiat al iH'tie. Tiio lliahop JiiHtlfl-t Ua aOB-BB ta Bla OWB BBB> | flaat e and to IiIb tir'-t.'iren by saylnjr of hlmn-lf anl hia party; "They wero n >* r.-lilsm-i'lcs;" aii'l ajraln, " Tliej did not dl-or^anlze; they were rei'orers of the <>'d, re pulrnrs of the br?a.-he?. They wonld btnl 1 np ae-a.ti the o'.d waate plaeea and ralm* np the fotindatlon of pvtt gcn erutioua." Ho tben d.-liberifdy eompires hl* move m.-ut to tliat afl tbfl Old Cifho'le*. Viw h!4 p'lrpoie In nll thli ix evuleiitly to lead a*viy Kptscopilians from tbelr own (.hurcri by per4Uadln_r them th it itran^e, new orroiieou.dootrliies huva been BBBBfld iB->> Mi.-lr forroa Uriea, while bu h.fl-4 pr. servod Uu* old falth lnta<-t, and baa therefore a richt flB all-itia'ire. 08 th*> eon trary, tiio Amori-uu IVay. r I. >ok BBfl beon uoaltered Hinee n wa* irat ..1 .;.t. 11" ITBBj winie it m a BaMaaaMa ?t t that BtaBop Canamlaa'a party al extreme Evan__.*'t eal8 luvu f>.r v?ur_ I.n doinu tbelr be?t lo maka brencbe- In ti.o Ijiturity and (.aiious. Tho Trayer l-Ofl.k of hl* new (.luin ii waa un if i .< Burborlaed Prairer Baak of anv p<uini. "f tii" Aae-teflB cotumonlon, aod lo eal tbll "tbfl foUii.lati.Jii of parit" 1- to i.tlae an l.aiie whieh evary well-n.-vi < hur..i.u.-u knowa to oa fala.*. T<> pr.' a bfl. k. Bndopon inature eou?id__at_oa abandon lf. wouid bo a romatkabiy ainnii-.) ?' founlailoa for any goaoratloa koTtoa oeoiBoa ?e.n?o toe-i ai.lnh. Brrt acaln blahop iT-tmnitns aafl they ,iu aotdaajtaa laith. aul thev hold "ii-d faltb ooeo delivrwd to tha rtiinlp.." wh.lo thoy diill.-eral.v i.jeot Ibe Nico i<* .**-*>fl_, tbepreelooi Inberltan. ? ol c. .--.??ii.iu.u r.jr ti.e laai flff.-. ti fl*oi.turlea; a e*-.-d v.-ln*h bai ln'."i m ide b ndm* upon all Cbilat.anaof tbe EiitfUah ( .lir.-h from ln (imi ofihoBeforautloo. Tn.iv im- i* kaiBfl "BBBtBtaaa ot tlie old " ufter 8 ti.oit a-tiazl afl fi- ..... fltlu aaaln. tl.ey dttiiy tl.e pii-*?'Lond of the chriatian rouiiitry, and vot from the timo "f the loiltidalion ol tbe Eogiiau I'hurcb m apaatotla iayt tdi B_v.aa*atf inln.-t-rof ? hun .i aho atoalddlapeoaa ib.-?a.-rBr menfa na. been orrialned " pri.-t " wn l a hl* or llua tioii, nk. niaflail 1 iininitl*, vowed alleglanee IO bll Cburcb and do. lared tnai he bollOTed hiu.?./f .-ailad of tbe Ho.v iihoMt to h!-. ..ffl.e. Tj ebaORB the wbola foundtition ?f the, tben. fakliif aw ly tne dlvmfl rufiit of the Urat erdar and pri. neally Mbrocailiia- kh6 aooond. la to " repair tba bfaafluaa " lf tbi* be rowtora iion, wbat oaa destrectlon Im I To tbow th? cuve.ty ol .hia n __ liion of th* pr,eall...o.l. I' ahould b-* -i..jii_h to .liiote litu' on, tbo verr l.uthei of U.w-1 unr-hni.-n, who, iu apcaki.i|_; ol Wfl own poott-tun. aa vi: " lt ia uot ll~_ prlaat, bat the prteitly ofl-ca that perfonni divine aerv* ]._. liu!.*.'I OOfl eli n*.i _B<'.XOttsO, w.'.en tbfl prlcat in.ppeu- ludiviilualiy to t.? a amfiil map. Bt atlll .lo.- not .1. ii.O llio l> e ad aiul vt.iiw wliltll bfl aduiiuiatVerfl tn the Lord'a Bupper." The " old pati.H," lt te-taa, lura out to be much youii_.iT tbaa Evangelicaliam. Tho K'-formed Bpiaaopal Chureh haa nkenUo dia rardod Its altars; it is truo that tka Ijpiatlo t.. ti.e lie* i.n?wrt aayi "*o Bara au ui'.ir,"Bai tu thta,raapeot hiahop Cummlna *i.d ti.o f4criptiir?*i d.ffer. In aj-sakluir ,' Ue .r uiutuil. toward then btWtBffla of th< Kpiaeopal t iiureh, b? aaya " they 'ii.l n-'t .ieo.Kania.'." ami aaa their flntaet waa to appolnt aa Mia.aii.uary Ulab.ip ono wbo, after a fair trial i.v a eoati ot hia p>era, bad M?.en flacrafled from tbo unuutry of the cnuroh. lt may now bo a?:on how hoiKVat ia the paralu-l Ixjtwfiew tbo BeforflBsd Bplaoopal Cbareh (whieh doe? uot teeea; uij-il-piacopaey aaol divin.i, hut only of human r.ichi. and Uie Old -alboiiea. Tne latt.-r havo dee?r-<d the r?_- , ipe t of Chrtataadom bj raluaiaato aaaeat a uew doo iii-ie added to the fiith elgrbteen c-utunea aft.Tiho timeof IboApoaWea.a .1 bave Juatm.-l tbelr iiam<* t.y taBiac theirataad apoa the oi i CatkoUe i.a^in, ?'kpind ubitiur. truiptr, ubommbut," ilie Catbulio creeda an.i tho U.-uoral Ci_.-iii.-ll*-. Ih" uow Eaiacopal Cburcb aban.loua one crced aud chantfea the, repudiatea all tho <'..iiiiul.a. deuiea tho HTlfltBBda, 1t> |TtlrTl au.i altar, and baa for iti old baai- a eouv? ntion ealled bl a Dui. n t:al v-ltiUl wbone work waa never aanefioned hy the Kuitllah Chureh, and a I'rayci-llook whlch waa prepared an.l then abaadoBod by the Am-.raau. Lucut u nof?luc?*iM__? Mma-Tark, Daa M. llll. akoloc'atuulio. IIIK VJLLB VU U-IVKE. cut BOB-tOaill Pun-NSR BOaiflax ma irnAii.ia OF COWAKUICE. Thc followin,? let'tor from Capt. Surrnonl of tbe Ville du llavro wai pu.hshed La The Londot Daily Telejraph on the 13th of Decetuber (.in: I have before me tbo ntim'.er of your paper ol the m' b inat.. and lt i_ wlth BflBal aatotilalimetit aod dl* h*u-t that I raad m it. la thfl t- rui afl tbe report whieb you atinluite to Capt. RoberteOB af the Loeb Earn. tl a Moat aatlont aooaaallona aaalnal bit hoaat as a aalior, and the bravo meu wh mi H ia my prtde to have ooinmaudeil on board tha Vdl* du llavr.; an<i adjouied to tbcec riiiiinefiii t aiutnnie-. a tlaiiuti). eu:i.__rium, ruiieo loua from it? inappiaprlBtaaraa. af the Magdkm taaaaa paeBata, Timi itiaikiia aill eortalaly not f.?*i any aur priae at flndluK that. ln the fare of .uch tnfumies?take tioi>. of ibo word, 8ir?1, In my turn, ralw* my voice lo inllii t M Capt Kob.Ttiot), >.r ou rboho wbo have pul ? u. li worda into bla month, a OtOflt cateitoru-al and publie denial of bia atatemeut-t. I ran ararccly belleve, oveii after your atUrmatlou, that this ofllcer ean really bo tho iruiity tti.tbor of ao r.'p .^iianl au liupoature. What remedy j.n.-ii-li law ailowa lu a mattcr of tbii kind I know not, but I har 11 v tbluk it will refuae uie tba ri.rht of ciannuia. from you the puiilicatiun of my replr ln tbe aame plaee wbere the faleeBeod haa been prlnteif, and of that riitht it ia my paraaaa to uvail mya.lf. Cap fmu ii.ii.' aiat.-a, aacordlOBwO taa, that iho Vnie ? lu llavre Is alono reapouaible for tbo di?a?t?r wbi.-tt berel her. Wlien *i?*akiii^ ln my r.-[Mjrtof tbe r?ap? ntOTflfltfllltfl ofthe iwo . .-a.-.-l-, I had criurded s 1888880 wbicb every man of honorable foel.ue will apprea-Mte, out lf ludoed c.ipt-ii.i H .i'.u tauii tlar.'d to nolve ao jjcromptorlly in bis own favor this nueaflou ao __rrave, aud aiuoutf all so oh*eiir?? (deaia haviiiK nualcuel away IBa ifroatear part of th? witties-e.a, aud eapeoially tbo priueipal one, tbe ofllcer of the wateh at tho momuut of tho coluatun), I ihall repeal thea -iiliiuit foar of coutradi. tion from any oue skiiled lo a.i. b m.itters, tbat the t-aptatii of the 1,,.. h Earn, BBlliag eloaohaulod, could by a atBBJta tuni of tbe wiieel havo ifi'ti.* to wm Iw ard aud ao prevenleil Ihe BBBBB* tropbe ; tbat be eould bave done ao up to tbe very uiiuute of the colllaiou?at tho very laat momeut, even? aml that be did uot d?. I ahould aay, ab?ve aill, tbat, aeeordlna to tbe teatlmony of tbo aurvivora of tbe V.ilo du llavr., thell_htiof tho l...e!i Kafn were for BMB rauion or other not vliible fro.u my -lup, eitber beeausa they were not lu their plaoe, or becauae, aa frofljUt-nUy happena after a Ihk niKbt, tbe wirka of the lampa may have been allowed to burn dowu. Aeeordiog tt your iw>p*-r. Capt. Bobcrlaon, or the offl.-era ol tha ship. accUBfa me of havinit ha?fly abanrtonrd iny veaae . aud of bavluK aaved ui>aolf ou board tue laoek Earn. I have been ln comipauil of llavre anlpa for more than-Oyeare; mt eountrymen there know me. and lf, Mr. E.litor. you were to niee. ou*. of tbem aod try te make him bellevo that I deaerted my po.t in tbe hour of dauicer, he would htuijli ln your fa<;e. I app-al without fear, aud witb head ereel. like au bont-at uian aa I am, to tne teittmony of all who know uie; I appeal to tho apontaneoua evidetu-e of the numf ro-m paaaeu_tera wbo, without tbe ali((ht?at luiurfereneo ou my part. have pub UflBad lu tbe newipapera the daUiU of the cataairopbs. m Without doubt I ouly did my duty, but I di 1 tt toor otiKhlv. I wai on my brldge, and tl waa ataodlug on lt tbat I went down with my almj. I balleve. then, tbat I ean afford to deaplae the outian that baa been inflleted ou me, hut l cannot allow tha noble eoadfl-t of my offlcers, two of whom are dend, aad afl BH er?*w, to remalu ao odioualy calumniaied aa lt ts lu the artlcle attributed?doubtteaa erroneoualv?to Capt. llol.erta.-n. It ll luconteitlbie tbat tue fall of tha mafia cauae.l ^reat roufuaiou ou board, on aocounl of tbt, larjft. number of paraons kllled aml wouuded, bu*. I wn- oboyel by Bll up to tbe laat momeut. aud when wa all iauk witb ihe ibtp, tboieof my meu wliom loouldaoo from my brldp* were at their ponta. Ctpt. Kouertaon, or tl.oae wbo tpflflB for inm. aaaerta tbat lt waa the boata of thfl L-'cb Earu that aaved the unfortuate pas-.-n_f.ri of my abip, wblle the two boats itili left to ioe remaiaed lnaetlve alougaidc the Loch Earn. I bave retidered a pul...o ii-ina-a- to the .?llieaci.-.ia Bid allorded by tba En gllab boata. There were tbree of tbem, and two Ereaca v. ,'ialeboata < "ia.lffitlv it ta not aUrprlaltlK tbat tho Engliab ouoa pioaod up tnore peraotia; bfltitlafBlaa tbat the eru.'t of tbe Vilfe du llavro rouiainud u.aotive. I.aatly, Mr. Editor, l^ipt. BuBOlIBUB, if you report bl* laiikUaK.- eorrectly, further acusea me and my men ?f (UkTtnf .l.m.' notliiiiij to aaaiat uiuj or ?**! hia abip. tir. I.Udo, paa.4?*u_~jr in tbe Ville du llavre. who lludly acted aa iut?rpretar betwoen Capt. __ObatflaBB aud ay aelf. wili laatify that I a.-vcral llmea, tliroi_tb him. of fered tbat offlcer to remain ou board tho Looh Earu. ta aaaiat hun with all mv aail'-rs. having ouly tiaaa ferred to tbe Trliuouuuuu uiy vaiid paaaeiuwra and tae civil part of my meu. It wai only iu tbe pr__e_ire uf too reitflirated refuaai of 4'apt. Rot-jrlaon tbat I removed my wl.i.-W t.. t.'.t. Aa to thc i_i*oudary det.iilaof the account Bttrtbute<t to Capt. Hobcrtaon, the aame mav be said of tbetu aa of tu- pnuclpwl fa. u whiol. 1 bave Ju.-t noticad-iBfly aro hv**. Au.1 y?u. Mr. Kutor, ponull ioo totell you thut you have been WT-Ofl lu us.u* afl aa afl nr of advertlaemeut thia fnnhtful eata-itroiiOe. It 18 a rentebeiiBible actlOB. uie, to audaavor todenvo proflt for your ateatuboat c-apaniea to tbe drlrimeuiol my honor aud lliat. uf my crow. I bave nol actad ia inauuer wilh regard lo your feli-w i-iii?ena. BeaO over atfam my report; you will llud iu il a oaielul rea ? ter of eTeryibldir ttai ean do bouor to the eaptalu oi thc Uoh Kam aud bia crow. 98*818. Hir, you ***__X auda.'ioualy boaat of tb- -ui~.Ti.iity uf tbe' ? **<1*T5 ma, tnn i ,i . ui tii_r|_v,,vtij u. . ...._ ?- . -, -_a.aww -uatoij, Cily of New-Vort. Tompoat. tka 1 ?__^__f.3 New-Vt.rk.Jaiia. Iiidiau. -lausaruu, l ******!?X^'? HUira. Br.tann.a. Atitlo-Saion. Obi<*f*d<*r.*!_l__ \j\_T?l (?al..,l,niau.>orwe?ian.Bohomtan.Nov*H-J?iB~.*J?'^? Klufldom, Uiocial... I'auibi.a. A.iwa, ,^l'*f al-r}*J_r K..w.cioopBt--?, C-loago.Clty of Wa?U_u*.*)?*> inyoll, au.i ine At.wulte. __. , i,_*w.i m*o. 1 taav.i. uuuoti<-.i. for^utvea ao?.'. ???? l.***^ ***Zl ti..?-..i enotieh to rouder -oi. luon* ;u"d -*W *^_?",*;?? tte aa_d of OB-- **u*^*J.t_____\_*> diiaiitaervant. _H. Ol-MvflT. 4*1 ht, i_>?U. 11.