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THE CENTENNIAL. VIEWS Of bakon ICHWABMBfBOtH A ThiX.K WITH THR OB.XKIUL T>I RFCT( - R* (1P THK VIF.XTIA FXICniTION-UOW A ORRAT 7AIR IS rRrATPrt^-r.fl?KKCi. m.vrs ani. ai.vkt. for iiif C?VTKVMAI.. irmoM ntr. nroi'LAR coRRrsroNnF.-riT oftug TKi.rNK.' Vienna. Oet. Ik?It may bc tluit tl.e Vi.nnuF.x hfhition will never havo justico douo it in pni.lic opution outaide of Auntria. "Givo a docr a had name"-von kimw the proverb. lhe BxbJbitkfl re e.ived a had oame at Iho atart. nnd I.a* never r<cov ensl from thc cffoits of its lirst tapatatfla. l'lnli.t bly niin*-tenth? ol intclliircnt people itt Finnpc ainl AmericB stiH imapine that it is a failtin*. The joal ousyof the Frcnch and F.nglmh of thc new iinhis trinl triumphs of AtiMria has had mn. h to do with irt-diinj tbia opinion in l.nrop-e, nnd in our aWB country tl.e idca BPPBBBB to be thnt the W?ole fair iB poor 88CBB88 -the Atni-rti-ati dopartinnent is ho lintcitisfacttiry. The trutli i-. that the Kxbihition, s<> tar Irom hOtttg .1 f.iiliiie. ia a rein iikal.le mu-ceaa, and is hy far tlie yr, Bflfl a-.din-fl-st iiit-en-HtinR WoildV Fai:revcr held. lf it tmally KCl.i the creilit it dcHerves, tho i..;?n who nr-nini/^'d ii nnd who h:ts earried it tlimu^h in the laeaeJ afcataalM aud dlaoouBgaaMBta wbiah no other ot.torpriso of the kind ever eneotmiereil. will aaaaa ? for a lar^e sliarc of thc honor. That BBM is Baaaa tahwara N-nboni, the flaaaaal Dirc. tor. ;-_s ho |a "fTiiially stvlcd. Bi -8Ilfl88888888tt the l'.xlii li.tion, planiiiuK, creatinif, awl controlliuir it, even t<> Mn ilh .tt deiails. The Fair it his work fi.un iirst to laet. He lic_-.ui tl.o proliu.ii.ary luhoi in tl.e nixlstof tho Frani-ifl-l'i lOflfl-im War. loaviiBf I'atis cturint: tbe mt*m and NtoTBiag to Vicniia to fonn lhe plans ft-r tln' ntulfl rtakinsr. Yrom day to Ihii. he mkt worked M hard _< nicn ever work OBfltde of Ameiit-M. A irreat f-xhil.ition in nol made in a month, or ina yr-iir, anil mir Fhiladc lphia frio-irtis havo not licyiin a il ,j t ocarly, and flfla all they can do to open thcir ?l,ow in ls't'i. Tho liiinm, after thr.-.? years of prcp ara'ion. tv;iH iwo fleatba liebiiulhaud. and did not have thiup* in until Iflflfl aflfl the ?.?[.? riiti_c day. He h;id the advantatre, h.-sidoH, t.f havintr thor (?ti 'hl.v etadfld the two gB88t Loiitlini Wt.rld's I'airs ? the l'aris ion ef l.V'7. havinir 1.001, a 8888* M-Mflaer, I tbikak. ta ee_8 d them. Bababadao lhck of oxperi -noe and prcparatorv trainintf for his wirk. Thiiikinir that thc Baroa misrht givo -somc a la taa ai.d opiuioTiH that would ho apropos to our c oonlag (.'enti-nniiil. I callel at his 88-88 tho other day. 11 I.a* r.AOiiis r.i a raiuhliifl onc-story hniid inu jn?t inside tlie crand entrance to tho Fxhibition HIMBBB?k In 88 there was v. ry mnch such B crowd waitine as one BMB in tl.'- rei-. ption-rmjtn of a Cibin. t Min i . i in Waflbb.k'ti.ii?jieoplc of all rauks, from " Ftcellcnt -its" doWB to deceutly dieBBBd bcKsrare s, lu-itinir r?etty (itlicet or privilt-Kes about tl.o F\hi bition. When my turn 88881 I found the Iiaron full of the t <.f \Vi.ildn Fair-., and <|.iito ready to fl - .il-. nt it. He his enst.i* ,ary tivc ?iaafla <.f aailUiana Maaa to litoaa or tvv.-i.ty in aay eaae, aad by t.iikinj. v-rv taal we went over a paod I. ilof uround. Haipealca Eaglieb Hut-i.tly. with a pl. :.-a:uit Oermi? :;< r.-nt. arifll looks cnouch liko Col. John \V. Foni.-y of Ilu 'FkbmABmktk Pthtm t<> have eil Ibe ef that ajBaHiaaaa wha bm him r.-maik thc ltscinblaiice. Tbo Barbnexproeeed intcr.-t in Ibe c<-n tonolal, imi aald tbal tln- faet tbal it was to foOow MMMiaftartke \ienna Exhil.ition wue a proof that tln-re WB8 no failuie of general int<-reht in \v?iiai'H Kaii>. aabadoftoB beea aili-i,'.d. "Iseono reaera," be sr.i?l, " why v..u IbaaM not aaake your ?? i-ain -?<fl-..-ful in cv.-i.v resp.-ct. To do this you must w.trk hanl. and BBBBfl] begfl at oin-e. Th.r.i at. rwi, tliint'- vi'ii iitii-t keep iu view. Kir-t. in Old. r fl niiik ? yiiiit exhil.ition an infernational one, ?e vt,n (li.-in- hto I?c4>ou must awitki n a ecuoral ii.ii ii *-t in it hen-in Lurojie. To tlo this \ou n.tist if-.i tln- ],.'?>>. I: i- not eiiiitiL'h tn s:iy yon nn- |8bl8 to ;,iivi' a Fair lo o|M'n ou such B date. The jiapeis iiina<t b.-Rin talking it ? loujr time bef.ire il b'_.i..s; and innst conii;.ue to tell iM-i.plc bow froai ainl kaleaaatuajH wUI ba, M. . BtOfll e tln- dilt'ep-iit tloveruiiieiits of Ba* ii.p.-a tii BBB?I antl take liieasilI.-H to have tlieir rooatriea w. 11 k-,1.-.m. .1. They must Bppotal r fl'ni?Aaflaaea, and mu-i aflend totbe ?lifaaenl anil r.-turn of ir<?o<ls. tho help of th.-se i iMOnfl v ..ii ,:iii do very little. Th" 888888988 ?t the V- v.-VorWCrvst.-il l'ala.e F.\hilittii.n .'nl afl ea_kaelaad abia, Tbey adUaeeaed _rritalbafl to mauafartnrora aad Baerebaata in Kiir(.i>.*. Many wlio sciit pflda ii.-v.-r i. < aived theni I.u, k. Nubiely wa- iieaaaalble f.-r Ibeaa. Paafh will not aaaji ralaabk _-....ds iu-u.--- Iba aeeaa aa tba reepoaa1bU_ty , t ? -t.. k c,iii,i.:iiiv. N.,iiiu,if Lat th.* laanatoa of tbeir Oovemaienl will ilra tben full eoafldaaaa ha' tbey will in t leM ili'ir iuopeity." " H..W sliiill W? I'.-t ii;ti-ri--f fi.rcitrniffnvcnirnents lt. i..i! fur." 1 i-l.d. " iiiro.iKl, tbe aetioii of your own Hini.e tfa-v nint'-ti'." -:ual tbe Hara.n, " niul of lt> diplo-latk aajeete abroad. Tbe aaaaagata <?f Booroxbibition eaaaol ali?flfl Mflaafllvea direetlv lot.irtiirii OuiililBBiaalB A-- fiii M Furi.iH- i> 008> eeraed, U aaaal i?ean aabIbMaa flaaa by aaa Utdtod BwtM, antl imt by privatc mmttAtm.* Tlie Baron thoflabi tbflflW was;ilrea<ly i.nicl, intcrest f<lt in tbe [': nt -niiiil throiiirhont EttTOpe: Ilc h;ul hcaid inuch laik at<ixit it BBiena; axb_litoaa an.l CaaaaalbiUwara, and bad board aaaay eaprefl thc ialaatioa t? >ro to Ani-iicaiii IW*. He 1io|k-<1 to u? liiins-lf. "We r, ad many laa.nK- 88881 Ani'-i i<*a," h?- said, " but we 8a not knt-vv w bai it ia Iflfl. Ii wc. nn, Wo shall Iind ?a8b that i- i.fl-vv and ntrani,.'. You will make the Btiflii.i ki.a.v. imi bv yaai OeatoanlaL It wilI aa> dei-atand you baflfl thaii hefmo. That ifl *].,,? w?* lave (1'iiie in Ausfria, and that ia P8B8BB8I the ohief 88881 to a 88BB* trv of a great cxhrt.ition. Now they know mi re-'ur. t- aad "i.r Maatriaa Wa 88a batoaa ap pi-eiat.-d at.-l BB0I8 flBBMtod thnn ever. to 889 nothii.t'of the toii.n.eifl ial aftiaataffl we ?aiii iu ?h< openiiiK of in-w niark.-t? f?>v <"ir vnxln, f*. " The keoofll eaaaaitla] thing to atofcatbaCeatoaaialaao ieeo\-toaaai SabwB?i aaid. wm to aaaaaa ?b inthu liaam in lfl behalf aruoiii: the Amcrican people. " I Imveiio dxibt thn. will be done, * he c.ntiniie.l. ?and that wh.-thei yOBI Fair i.s f_*rcat 88 an lnter jation.kldiM'liiv ? i."t, it will ba a wouderfiil rhnw -.f Atnerican prtKlucto and li.ventioiis Youi jKy.plo will ieaxn uinch about tUciaeelvoa li.uii lhe (Jenl.-i. nnd will ba -urpn.^l fll the variety aml ex BelleOM ef their own IB8llllffll<'?l?l iniln*>liies.'' He ipokcwellof Tlic pian of irivniL' to .a.h State a ^parat. <i'l>ailmont, which lu* h id heard waa con ?-iiipLat?d. and 0MB8JJM that ilie I??.mp.-tition ihat aoiild reenlt would 888888 a inuch tulloi di-tiilay than t aoy otiiei pluu were purMied. Speaait.K later of plans of hiiihliiiKat, I flNked lhe Baron if h? was .ho well aatit>fi.-<l with the Vi.-una pian aa to copv it if he had a new exhibition fl uricaui*). He We a very poBitive allitu.ative wtHwear. aa I iuiarfmed he -aould. It w.i i??t ta. Ik; Axpocted that be woald pitk tlawa in his own wmk. Hc tben went on fl crit.oiae the 1'aria pian. which tiaa been mucb praiaed at tbe expeuae af the Victi818 iiue. Tbe Paria buUdiug w?? a uioiiMtroa.ty. he aaul, t_d had no nnity-uo architectnml fMiauty. lt was ?ot paarfUa projwrly to arrauge f"*>di. by greflflB and ?y natiouaJitiea at tbo aame time, m wm atteiuplcl ;n Faria. Home countriM would exhihit notbimf or almoet notbinif in ffnmP*. where other*. would bo particularly atrong. Thifl wonld mako hoxr pflOM m buidc oart of the ifallonee asaifi.ed to #uch looupfl and orercrowded oi.ea in fl4bfl88. |f all oountnefl manufactureil the aune thinga thia dotible clawitication would an? fl wer Aa it wm. thar* wore only IflB good arrau?e. mrafl-*it-|ertoclaoeify by grovT* withont regard u, nationalitiea. or to keep each I ountry by iteelf and let it abow what .t M?Mdad M baat worth ahowuig. The Haroo acktiowleda^ tbat the latUir plau im.ur to coraparo the productt of one country with like prodocta dinplayed by otbera; bnt .e thongbt it Mcured tba bi-at .bow. and nmth the mon int^iting "?n to tbo publie. ' riianelhiup depond. upon wbetber you are to bavo a ?818-18881 centfal building. or iotend to pfllldown tbo whole owucture at tk. end of tbo Fair." bo aaid. I U.ld bin tbat tbe oonUal buiidiaif would be retained for a pennanent inusenm. "Oh, then you nmat f.dlow tlu- Vteni.a p_i i.' the liaron exclaimed; "there ia Bfl otlier way." IflOBOd the Haron if iV did not tbinlt aome new -\Mern flf tBB.ai_-.Bf exiiiiiitorB could be deTiaed that would be h??ttcr tliau the old one of jnvinx in. iu!-: hut ou thia pomt ho wm r_a poeitive ae upon tlie inerita of Mfl lmildinff. Tho old modal ."t.tcm flOflli not ho I_aa80f0i npon, he thonjfht. Tbaflfl Umtat he ?mnr recopTtition of apecial inorit in arttfllflfl flxhilj-tfld. i.ud in.'ta.H were tho best. Thoy wero raceily BOflftlt and binlily valned. ao eould I.e BBflB hy the paina the re< ipicnt*. took to lulvcrtiao the fa< t lliat tluy had ohtained them. Aft? r aome talfl about thfl BITfln made hy juriea in their awarda, vvhu-li flffOOrai to he iin.-ivoidalile, and the diflaoak-Bstiflfl alwaaa feit by unam cwfal cxliil.iii.rrfl, wt r.'tiirri.-d to the aubj??*.t of the CeatOBBtal. mT_M apoke -baat tho proha hility .f thafl-otnpletc BBBBOflflafl our exhihition," 1 K-ii.l; "you ****_* Iv do Bflfl ihink it e.*ui he 88888 liuau ?ially BDOOflBBtDlf " I At think so if it ia well aiati ai*. .1," the llaroti nnawi red. 1 wtut .urpriaod at thia r< I'ly. and rtift rr?'.l to tlio iieiieral l.elief in Vie.nnu, mij.porti d hy iKi-itive BtatflOBBBB. in tho newajroper**. tliat tlie pretenl I'.xhibitioii would coat thc Am-lrian Cioveriiineiit ncarly a',(l!lO,(K)0 florins. and that it waa l.arely payinp riiiminK exivenae*.; and then men ttotiid wirao laOBOOfl ^vhy tho rinladelnhia fair ci'iild not eonttt ur>r>n ac larjte reeeipts aa the Vi.inia one. 'Io thi.. Ilaron tSflhwar-. replied that PflOBflfl were in too sreat a hnrry to dt:iw eoiicltmions ahotit tlie tipanrial reanlt of tl..* Exhihition. ln the end, he believod it would more than pay for itself. " Yoii do not put a t<ed in the xrond and expeet to aoe it come up aud heeome a biir tree in one day,'' he aaid. " We cannot t.-ll juat how we ahall come out nntil we aell our buildinija. At tirat we thought wo ahould havo toptill them all down exeept the Kotunda and the machinerv hall; hut now we have eoneluded to retaii'them all exeept tho Binall wooden paviliona, restanrants, aud the liko. All the maiu buildiii|-H will be nsi-d tm warohotiHcs, railway Btationa, eiia, Ac, in tlie new conimereial qnarter of tho city. whieh you know into he hnilt iu the Prater alotij. the nutiy now ennatructm . npon the Ilanuhe. lYlien they are flflli for theso ptirpoaes thero xeitt he no defieit. If you ean m.iko your nio-t exp.-n sive bnildini? for the Ceut-ennial pennaueut, and find B protitahle Oflfl for tbem nfter wards, 1 do not ae-e why you aboubl not make it pay flflfljMflBflB, The firat- Ix.ndon World'a Fair paid itself: tho aernnd retumed a protit. TTte I'aria Kxpositioti eont the Fl-BOB Oovernment 12.000.(1 franrs, I know. but they made no nae of their build inps flfltfl it rloaod but to aell them for old" I told thfl Banm that hia viewa would eeruunly flflOaaaflflja thc manacers of tbe Centennial, and took my leave, after promiainir at UfllflflJBflfll to eall aprain and 1800*8 tho Bubject, iu whi.h the BflflOfl 8-Bfl-OBBd irnat intercat.aayinn. he would be nla.1 to talk ahout it moro at lengtli, and had many thin_a he would likc to eay whieh eould only be toucli-d upou tu BB ahort an iuUivievv. BEBBBAl NOTB8. Tbe ________ fal.lo ha*. been ropOBtod in ft tnelaneholv wav ln Fiorida. wbere ? yoiinc Wack iu the act "f eatlne aiiR-ar wae atnne ln tbe niouth by a bee. aud died froiu tbe eilect*. of the ftfug. A Tflfl-Bf man employed iii a eottou factory at Hyde 1'ark. Maa*., ia ao popnlar with tbe acx that wh. n ho was eonVlrfed of bcinc dnink. the girla ln tbe uilll took up B c<iUectlon antl paid BH flne. In WoflflflBB-d, Maaa., last week, a ynuni? man Wbo ar.ved a chlld froui tlrownlnir wan prcaented by tho rrateful father of the reaeiH-d with u lafl eaat ilirar. Whether tbia approa-rtate taattaaaalal waa aaflflflfl-flfl, we are not bttoraaa L Tbey bave funeral _ramr"> liko Ikfl old flreekB in r..luiii. Haal. AJ abuiyii.K IBeta, tbo otbe.- day, tloae ln ati.-nilunen could n't airree ution a routi from tbt houae to tlu- crave. A hv. ly flflM followed, aud tbe *tii'ii?i r part*. bad literally ita owu way. An Alabania e.litor thirsting for aub.rril.erf* haa adopted a flOBBBH exi.e.lietit. Inatcad of otfennir an jireniiiiri.B ehroinoa and that aort af rubbiali, he rmmlHt'a lo niirne Ina now bal.y attr-r th?i putroit wbo Mya bla aubarrlpHon for tbe lonfljewt tnne ln a.lvance. ]*. kii), 111., iH desrrih. (1 by a nowapapiT cor reapondent aa ratber a ramarltaMe plaee. It baa two iiackin-'-bou'.e-, three lnrife diaflllnrlea, thirty llquor aa looi.a. four DOWapaBarai and thire li to be a iircat ?? prop. ity diairil.tition" bl lotUry thoro uext inoutb. In llelcna, jMoutana, J. K. BojOfl vV Co. joy f.ill.v advertiM* that they have received from New-Vork pr.3 I'iblea, wliiflb tbey will BflU at coat to thoac wbo are abl. to pav for them, and i-'ivc away to taoflfl who are not. la taa aaa_e aea-tpaper weflod an extaadad ae coiitit of ?'tlu-flr-t genuine .->?< k-ivbt tbar ever took place tu llelcna." A youiip rlcri:yinan in Cincinnati: iccintly aaada aat BflaflaaflBttaa taal K.>od i.y t-ninK them titat he BOBflafl. red theui to Bfl the " ault of tbe eartb ;" l.ut when BaBt?flfli no o'her theory " conltl neeount for the e'tl'.-i-i ot au atlark of danp weotbeT iu dlmlnlablnxtba nuinber ln atienda_i-e al the xi.ctu_.ry"?whiu he thfl the cotiiaTtigatkraa] rai.tur.-a aaatoi. Tbe carofnl nioiber in Topshaui, Me., wbo bld a powd'-r in-in alr-ilitht -tove to prevent her m ti frou. ^oii:.' Kiiiitniik'. bit'i r.-ason to think, laat Uunday. tbat abe had not Heted with perf.-c? dlacretlon. It was a nnld Bttnday : there wmh to t.e a pruver-mccittag iit h.-r booae; tbere waa ap-ajer-meetlnji, but tb.* atoTOWflfl imt prcaeut for n-aaona BBBBtfaaarj 10 atate?ln fact tbe _to\... it lea-t, v,.ir p.iat prayiun for. Tawflflt is nothiiiK likc havintf whitc mm to act the red men a flaafl exatnplo. The Olympia (W. T.) Tranirnpt lufortus u? that ludiati Agent IjuiI*- bae been Indlctetlfor Be-ault witb a deadly weapon and bound over for trial. It ia' nt atranpo when thc AaOBtfl Bflfl puiola that tbe C'bililrcn ot the Ffltoal ahould bctake thetnpelvee to tomahawlta and aoalplBJl-knivea : and we are uot anre that the h?(i_.in_ of a few A_.---i.t-* would not piov.- a ki. ni ii.oiHi ai" l-.l*. ie to tbe iii?.iik'iiiai eyea. At Siilt Lake City, on the 18th inst., tlirrc waa io be a ?? Retrenoliinent Featival," wlth a plenty of danelnit, bnt no .luperfloua flnery. Kid ulovea ware not to be permitted, uar tralllnc Ureaaea. nor awullow-talleO coata, nor any of "tho parapbcrnalia, appetidajea. or n-Uienta, and trappinira tbat make an otherwlae pleaa ..i.l ifatherinic a vauity and a lioar_-breakiii_- penona* .iiitf." (.ood taat**, cotud.rt, aud . njo. lutut were to rule ; and we bope tbey did. We do not expeet to di-snade cooks from kludling their flrea with the dauireroua aid of kerohene, ihoiia'h we have probabiy prlnted acrounta of from 4.1.O0O to 50,000 ai-<-.ile.-it*. inore or leaa fatai, the reanlt of tbia incautioiia expedicnt. lt mav do no hartn, how iver. to mcntlon tnat a woman ln Fort Wayne, Ind., ...... a week or two ai?o, had a patr of beautiful arm*, u* now totallv wauliug iu thuae uaeful hioba. AtnDutattid. botbof them; aud aii becauae.of Uludliug wilh kero aerie ! Fon-Ht Grove, Wanhington CountT, OreRon, it iu troiible Ijecauae of the portinaclo?i det-erinin.ition of a hpet-iilatot to atart a whisky-abop ln tbe Grove, under tbe palladiuto of a Unttod Btatea lleeuae. Now tbe land aite of tbe vlllaee wai trratitod upou the rxpreaa roiidltlon that no wblaky-ibop ahould ever ba inaln taloed wltbin >t- liordera. Wltoever, tberefore, ahall hi.r.-ea.alui.y i-piiabliah one will atjoiiah tbe town, aud ti-nd.-r neee&aary a luoat geueral aud extraordinary houae-tuoviUK* At Liverpool on the 10th of DoOflflB-flf were exbltflCed ajoi itiiei.a of ( meat, eompriaiDr beef, innttoii, aud turkeya, brou>.ht over ln tbe ateatuer s.-an duiaviai., Tbia meat waa kllled two days before tbo V.-P--K I aaltad, aud waa then froten and atored In a eool, .Ir 1 ]?',..-?? on board, wlth tbe n.oat aatlafBctory rea.tlt, It provin? ao jierfectly freah that lt had tbe appoarauee of Lutlng been kllled ouly a few d?)a previouaiy. A coco p.niv is to i-e or_._i.i_ed to lutroduoe tbia uieat Iuto En glali.l. 1 lie 1'i.lcliinir of trogt lina liecome quite B boiueaa iu I.uaietn M?-an-huaetta. Aecordlnc to a Nowburj iM.rt newapaiwr the frog-flahery employa a iititnlpcr of in-n lu tbat neif(bborho-d. The market for tbeu. ia in liu'iiiii. flln-n- the cpii-un-~ hke them aa a eBaoflO afici loo inai.y flBbbalh.. One Newburyport 111.11 ,-.a- taken 1 (11. and another AOO froga tbia aeaaon. 111 pii im- VJOO \01cn iu all. Tbeae rreaturea _pft_r 1 au ture are kept 111 tnl.a. fatted wllb meal, and forwarded lo order. Tliei-.* is a ia'r.'.it deal of curioaity in England to k'i'iw bow the Maiue l.njut.r law worka. Now aud tben an Eufliab travelrr, bavlutf been able to buy a yiaat ot liiai.'ly lu I'ortlaad, returna to tell bla eountry men fhat tbe law la a pflturlwot fallnre. U|^)n hia he. la eloarly followa Mr. Meal 1-K>w, wbo aaaurea Mi ilull tbal Ibe law n uperfe.te-ccea-.and ilull linBturally bewildered. Now a ivouian haa Ukeu the matter up, aad everytlunx i?i 11 be iubUo delluite and fltaar. Mra. I'artmiriou of P.a-i.-ud ia U-UUig tbe people of flnajlflflfl Baat aat fl ilrop of " the ereature " ean rie bad In Mame for iove or nifliuey. A writer in The Mattch Vhunk Coal GateiU had tbe c4>od fortuue while recently Bojoomiof lu Waablnfton to aee Uen. Orant and all hia family ln ehurrh. He informa ua tbat " duru.jr arayer nobody alruek a aore deront altltude tban ?en. ilraot." Aod alao tbat " durnuv tbe aermon tba Prealdeut oeaaoiOB alljr nervoualy ebanaed bla poaittou. aud atrokod kia ahort itlff beard ln a nerroua way." The aerrooo of tha Hev. I)r. Tiffanr waa on thU oecaalon " vary riteuded. anfl when the i^aelieilou waa at laot pronouno. d, _*a. Uraut li_aded tbe way to a aide door,' avpd, wo auppoae, aa faat aa poaaible. Theae are lillle U alU Wmlak eudoar a araal ineu tu Hia eouuirv. poaaibi . lo llli NRW ROUTE TO THK YKLLOWBTONB PARK. "THK CAIT. JONKH EXI'KIHTION." BOOC??8*71 EXl_r.RATK.N OP A NKW B0OH TOTHF irommi aa nn yki u.wstonk-i>!htaijct fob A TOl'IUST FROM THK EAtU' BIIOR1KNFD BY 400 MII.KB?(IREAT IHFFK'Cl.TIBI FN(*nUNTKREI> AND OVSBOOMB BY TIIK EXri-tltKR*? A VAI.I.Bf Of FKRTH.K BOBi WF.ll, WOOOED? BCBNBBf Ot WII.D ANI, FimiREsgCE BFAl'TY. IrMOM AMOCflfl.lKIONAt.O.llUlK'.POWTiFfltTur T1IP TRIBt~_. I Omaiia, Ncb., Dcc. 14.?Tbe ? YdlowBtonc Exifl^tlition" from the ina?n,iturteol lt*mll.tary prepara tion and ihe extent of IU operatlou* haa rxtlted no llttle attcntiou. IU*. not ho-* ever, (rtuerallr known that there were tno T8_BW0BBM expcdill.m* rutlrely independent ofearh otbT. startmg from diffrent part* of iberoun tr> under dlfferent milltary aufplre*, and wlth diffcrent otiiecu. The deull* atul devf lopmenu of (len. Btanley'* expedltion have tiern fully 88888?81 ln Tiik TRini'KE. Oeaainflf Yellowntoue Kxpclitlon N.?. 1, bowever, it. arcely anvthmjr ha* be?'ii made put.lle, one re? utm hclni; that tlie e.pcdltlon ***-. onlv al>oiit nne tfl-ventteth aa lanre, and wa*. therefore, m<>r ,,.ii. tly oTfrmtoaod and ?M>iiil>ict*d. The fleld of Oen. Htanley'* operatlon* whlch .1. u r tiiined tl.e imine of the expedltion he conducted, e_> t? uded eome _on inile* up the Yellowutone River. The olher expedltion, Capt. Jouec, waa dlrected to what in more popularly known uo the YcllowKtone < ountry?naniely, the vlclnlty of the wonderful gey*er region ln northern Wvntning, wlnch ha* focen set flpart ;i- a Nationai I'ark. Not ? BBW even of Ihooe who went HO?j flflB-flj'flflipeilllnn were mtsleil by the nmme " Yellow-tlont " Into belicvlng that the pnal nf thflt ex? pedltion wa? thc Nationai I'ark, wberea* it did not go mtliin 200 ml let of lt. The Yellow?U*ne lltvcr. lt murt Ik rememlicred, ih a pr.tty lonjr ?trcam?three or more tiineu M leagM tbe Iludmii-and part* of lt ?re hun dieiln of luiles awa> trom tl.e park. Withiu the laal three ye-jr* tbi- nianele ef thc Yellow n.iin' park have flflOB (Mflfl tiun- to HBM Ml forth hy pen and phntogfapli, hut they ba\e been ln no wt?eei hauntcd. The and extonaive reiearebco H 11 .Mlfli.. the degirlpuond of Doaue, l.angford, and ethem, have made the r<-gion famoi?, The Yoflemlte ba* fo.nid a rival, whieh aome enthtihiaatie ob*erver* B?M doclarod far burpa*se* it in miblitnity. The regiou hae been winely "et apart for a Nationai Park, and the next quent ion Ih bow nhall It lie made aeiecnible to the traveler. A promluent, indcod the chief object of Oapt. Joueh'n expedltion was todeU-nnine thi* question. The cbl'-f autborltteH iu regard to the approacbe* of the YelloWHtonc Lake and the topography ot the Wlnd River coiintry have oee.n Haydeu and Reynold*. The furmer haepald opeeial atu-ntlon tothe Yellowitone Lake and lhe natural wonders of the l'ark. The latter, before the wonderful cbaracterof the .jreyserNgfla wo* known, had eone up the Yellowntone Valley and then paeeed through the Wind River country fl it? ht*A water.. Noithcr llayden nor h.s predeoeecor found ? direct route to this region from Lower Wyoming. Brldger, the fa 1110.i? KUideof t li, N i.r tii W< tt. whoaccompanicd Ilrrden in me?t of hn- exploratlonB, eonaidered ? direct uute from tbe Union I'a. .n. Road doe north tbrough Wyoming ii-. lmpocfllble. Bndger deelared that there wm ?u im pa-Habie barrier: that a erow eould not fly over It unle*? be took provteloni! wlth him. Hayden ln reaehlng The Park waa obliged to mako a very circuiloiu route, goiug away up Into Montana" to Kort Him, aud tben de-Keud n,K and approachlnn tbe Park from tbe north. K...K.KI. int M IlKMIMVH WII1TIU.R a fliW 88888 WAfl I'k.. i Ocn. Ord. eemmandinv the ln i>artu_c_t of the PlatU, wae very deelroua of tetunc the truth ol lirldgrr'i and otber reporU by a thorough rarvey of t_te eountry from Camp Brown, in Wyoming. oorth U. the Nationai I'ark. At lu.- ?in.'-fcj-tion tho wai authorlied and under hl- direetion it wm organlced. An ?ppropriation of, I believe, aome 18,000 waa appiled to thia pnr-po-fl. While the niaio ol.ject] of tbe expedltion waa to deter nilne the practlcahility of a wagon route or fl rallroad throtirh te tbe Park, ? eollatcr? nl't-.t wm a ttudy of the tcientific wondera whicb enrieh thia new and peeu llar e.iuntrv Tu thlr end aeompetent aelenMfle' eorpe waa organited. and itmteatl of being merely ineldenul to the expedltion, ae wlth Oen. Btasley't party, formed oue of iU OMontial feaiurM. Tbe expedltion hM done ile work ; bow luceeufnlly wiii appear from tbe uci ouut.ihat followi. Capt. Jones bniajun made a prelimiMrj report; l.m full report ll wiii take nmuth?fl to complle, and monthfl to prtat. From Ihii prellmlnflry report, U. wbleb I have had aceeu, and thc ir. oui.U of effleer* aad * nntliU of tbe party. I am (i,_'-!cd to give a ?ufr.. leuily full hinory of tbe expedl? tion long ln ad vanee of tha offliUI one. The order authorulu* tbe exped.t.on waa iMaed May II, 11-73 Tbe aSflaal followlug deet-r.lKM the mlliury orgaaltfltlflfl: 1I( kli'jl iBTHKIa III 1 AhTlUM OF THB PLATTK, l UMAJiA. Neb., May ic, itli. i [?UarlJ hfieeUii Ordera No. 10 ?Capt Willlam A. Jot.-ea, Corn* ol knglflflflra, wiii procefld ae mmiu aa pra< tleable tm North-Weateru Wyomlmr aod iliere mai.. a r. rouuoi. ?au.-eoi tlieeoiiiiltv, wiihln the lVrrit?rv,al*out lhe head water* or tbe Huake, (ireeo, Big lloru, Uray Bull, Clark Fork, ftnd Yellowfltone Itivern. He wiii organiM and Mjflip hi* party at Fort BrMfler. Becoud L.rui. *). K. liiui.t, Utb I?'antry, will accumpany (?*.,-_. Joueo aa ao MKlant. AMi?unl Purgeon G, L Uelauiafl, 17. 8. Army. will report to I'apt. Jouea Ior duly wlu. the expodiUon, and to the commaiidlug uffiaer of 11m oa, <>n aa med?ai offl.-e.r for tbe troopa. The Aetlng AjaUUot (^uarter maeter and Aetlng Commtoaary of HubfllateflM. *P pomied by lhe cowmauding olllccr of Uie eflouri for laU troop*, w.ll perforni lhe duty ol A. A. O. M. and A C. ti. for(b? ezpedinoo. liy romm_id of lirlg.-(?.-i,. uan. UflO. D. UOtMitm, _flaifltant AdjnUnl lieueial. Tb? expcdltifln wm flrgaflued lu Omabfl, aod ron?.?ted. Of tho followmg perMM, vix., Dr. C. C Parry, Clerk. flotauut, flfld Mauoroiogui; Ptaf. T. B. Voamboot, Oeologlflt; A**l*U_-t Burgeoa C I_ UflUUMfl, U 0. A., (hemui i J88B81 IMal 8. E. Blum, 15J, Regt_*_,?of lfl* fsntry. AfltroMflMf; BflMifl Lfleot. R. H. Yoang, ith Hrglmflflt of lnfan-ry. A A g M and A. O. 0.; Lomia TM Frobaa, Caief -flBpafbfll 8. W. BoM, Pafl Lfl Harfly, UUBtmMmBBBB, ttalttmiTaytB*BmUBi BBtl Ical aaaiatant, one meteorological aawatant, three gen eral aaaiatant*, two guldea, one chicf packer, and two laborera, In all, wlth thc cavalry racort, about 100 per ?on?. Tlie party wa* conoentrated, aud went i?to catnp at Kort Rridger, Wyoming, Jnne 5. The franaportatlon a* rtirnl.>hed by the Quartcrmaater'a Dcpartment, con Mi-ti ,1 of eigbt wagone and 66 pa< k aml naddlfl mulea. ln . harge of one pack manter and ten packer*. Al?o three aix luule leama tranafer to CampMtambaugh, W. T. BTABI Ot THK EXI'KHITIOM. Tnlll Jane 12 ibe time waa oecupled In equlpping the partj, uiakt.iK Baal prcparatlona for the niareh, and coni j.lctlug the pr.-paratory wi.rg of the tiifferent flelil par tlca. un tlie 13th the expeditlon brnke ramp and took np ita line of march. Tl.e train, conalatln.. of 11 tix iniilt t, :,iii4, wlth the packera nr teamatera, wa* m rhanrc of I.leut. R. H. Young. fltti Reg-lment of Infantry, Aetlng AitKiataut ttuartcrmabU-r for the expeditlou. Theae wagona tarrh-d four uiuotba' provlalona, a ccui pl.te outflt for a, BBB? train, and 10 daya' half forage, iflfl.-i.le the u-ii il atorea and camp e.iuipace. All aup phea antl train BBflflBtal were concentratcd at'Fort ltriilKer. ln MflMi to tbe Wlnd River po*U. Tbe route from Fort Brldger wa* north weat, aeroaa the Rlg Mii'My. followlug the line of Rlg Sandy R.ver to Cainp BtambauKh, whieh la about bu or ni ii,.:,-?< nortb nf the L'nlon l'aclllo Railroad. Thc line of mareb lav aeroaa what ta km.wn aa the (olo rnio Daaast,_?_feaj the aaa_Maal aaflaailfl of the Wlnd River, and thenee followlug up the Wlnd River valley flCflBp Rr.flwn. Aa far aa theae nioiintalni tlie region la almnat r.unleaa: hut the extraordiuary Hprmg raiua ha.l extendcd over it atul fallcn ua an.iw in the sur rouiiflllng mniintaina fl enorinnim ipiantitiea. Aaacon aOOpkOWat, ttt MB8BM were ewollcn fl B rcniarkat.le ex tent, aml rendered well nlgh iu.paaaahlc. l(y makiug e xtraorditlary exertiona, however, Cipt. Jonea wus fl il to get bia wagnua over. Th.- tcania hatl to be un. Uflbai at tbe Rig Muddy, and the wagona liglitencd nnd pull.-d out Bf BBBBfl ?f a line. Thia llig UoAAf inuat not be confotinded wlth thc .strcam of tbe BBBM naiue vi.ieh aflbaaaaaaai Oaa. Btaakaj'? exiietiiuonin thc aame way. They are difft-rent atn-ama with aimllar ebaractcrlBtlt? A dlfflculty of the nawe kind waa ex perienced ttt croanng the lllg Handy, whl.-h had t<> be rroaaed twlce. The eurrent wa* aw.ft aad the water det p, eotnlng up to the mlddle of tlie wagon BBB? Al the aecond rruaainit, IJ uinlca were hitehcil to one wagon, and hauled lt aeroaa aafel), hut as this mettiod expoaed t.K> many mulea fl thc daiiger of gettlug Uiugled lu the harneaa and drowm-d ln tho rapid t u-rout, a llue waa led aeroaa to the oppoeite al>lo, a 10-tnule teatu h.tcl.ed lo it, heaide being luannc.t by the men of <'.?,,!. Novea'a eommai.d. One wagon waa overturned lr. ihe atreann, but Ita coutenU. except a few lnsignitlcant artlelee, were enYtd hy prompt aud aklllful aciion. Only one mt.le wm druwucd. June 19 they reacbed the Little Hatuly. On the mornlng of June .2 a drivlng ralu-Mtonn wa* enrountered. whlch aoon turned Into niiow. li i.m-l be reinenibered that the alt.tude of niurh of thia aection of country 1* nearly 8,0.-0 feet. Cainu Btambaugb wa* reached ou the .itti of June. It lafaUitated on th< northern extremiiy of the rldg*) of the Wind Riv.-r Mountains tt auelevation of about 8,000 feet above oem level, and 1* cxaedy on the dtvide. It llca between and command* the two lloea of approach and escape, over whlch the marauding partie* of Bloiix. Arrapahoei, and Cbeyeuuea from ahout Fort* Laramle and Fetterman, .make their almoat regular auu.ial detteent npon the Wind River and Bweetwat.r *ettle ui'-iitH aad fitage ntatton*, Irlng reapeotivelj- to the north-weat and aouth of lt. Near Camn Btiamhatigh are the Bwe^twattr gold mloe*. A few elaitn* t.iere are paying fairly. A Cblcago company bought, a tnlne hcre for liS.ono. and laengaged In worling It. One company of infantry I* itationedflt Btambaugh for the ptolection of aetllera and " pro*p?etor?." thb vallet or me roro AC.1E. The expedltion left Cump rttamliaugh ou the 28th of June, cniaaing the next day the valley of the Big i'opo Agie. Tbia valley la of conalderablo aUe, lie.i well for lrrigation, aod ia well watered. The cllmate is qulte u.lld. It !? the old ait.a of Camp Rrown, and ia now ' oecupled by ? tmall wttlement of wbitcfl, them aeveral women. A few week* after Capt. Jone* left thi* point tlie In.llanHt.ia<le a deacent on thlaaettle nient. The men were ont at work. The women w ere onnrotected, and aeveral of tbem were brtttally dered. Cau.p Rrown wa* reached on the lat ef July. It i* aituafed on the rlght banlc of the Llttle Wlnd River, ln*t above tbe mouth of IU north lork. Tbe atream flowa through a broad. flat valley of rn b wil. The cliiuale lo very mlld. Hut little *uow fall* Idnrlng the Wluter. Tbi* I* accoui.ted fur from iu Rltnatlon nnder the lee of a very btgh rauge of mounUina wbicb ralehea the prevalling atortn* on lu aouthern faee and defleeu them ttt the ea*tward. Threo mile* below tbe poat there l* a large bot aulphur aprlng, whleb haa reuarkable properttc* for baihing. An analv ?I* of the water by Dr. IJeitmann diaeovered ehloride of hroe aa one of tbe ronatltuentt. The temperature la naually 110- Kah. Near by there la ? runnlng oil aprlng, and tbere are-alao large bed* of gyi-uu, and ali baiter There ii alao a cold aulphur aprlng a lew mile? aontb-eaat of tbe poat. Near tbe poat ia the ageney of lhe r-ata-rn Pho?bone In.lUn*. Tliev eulttvate a farm w.(h good -iii-reaa. and bave a ateam plow and Mwmill. Tbeir ehlef, Waahakie, ta thoroucbly well-known on the plaina, and 1* a man of eonaiderable abiltty and fore alght. H? axpreaaed a atroug dealre to *ee a rallroad . ..iii- tbrougb bU eountry. Tbe dlatJiuce from Fort lirhlirer t.? Camp HUmbaugh ia 1J3 iiulea; frotu Hryan on tbfl L'uton PaclDe Rallroad to Camp Htamb_ajgb, .*? J mile*. from Uryou lo Bouth Vma CU. , w uilka-lrou Ri \ an to Camp Brown, IK! milea. The flipodition ramaiuod at < ?np Rrown until tno ltiil, of July nggliig uu fhe pack iraiu. Camp Rrown waa lhe laat autlon iu Mml-civilixatiou. From thia potnt tbe expedltion waa to enter an un*ettl-d and aiinoet unknown eountry All wagon* were left be hlud, and all bagg.-p aud eiiuipoieuU placod oo (Mtck mulea. A baae n0? waa meaaured al tbia --olut from whicb the priuoipal lauduiarka were oarafuily loeatad witb ? Ukigc UteiHiolile. Too Sboahune Indtana were enliatad aa aoonU to aecumpany ihe expedl? tion, aod " Nakok," a pettr eiu.-f, wa* employed aa a gulde. Wind River waa r?-*?hed ou tbe liili of July, aad the ludiana after threo or fnur btiara' fleareh, auoceednd la flndlng a fund ford. For two daya lhe route tben l?y tbrougb a rolliug and ap parently deatitutae eountry, wbleb aupportcd. bowever, a aplendld gn.wlh of b.incb graaa. On tM lllb, Capt. Jouea look a topvgrapbical parly and made the aaeeut uf the higflflt peak Ib tM Owi Creek rflnge ot mouo taina. From thi* hlght it waa diaeovered that tney were enierlng IhoUlgHora Valley, eloae uodef tM flMtero Baak ofau t-i,oru?uii? rauge ol mounUi?. wboafl irend waa apMflreatiy aboal north aad*?u-b. Tbe uext day Capt. Jnuea. with ? HBBBpafBBHP l>fl?y, Mt out for ?? afloflflt of a aharp pcak lymg fl tko niouiiUiu* waal flf IM traiL TM pe*k, Bow-iver, provfld Mo uiueB fs> flflLr utmoM andeavor*. and they laiUd lfl MMb tM anmiclt. Tfl/ atulnfld, Bowever, by -Jfloat dift, ull cUmbiug, aa altlUide of 1..4W loat tTOM fllfl MflRMH BflM- flfl Iflfl taaWttaJ out to tbe weat and aoftb WBB rra-ul, *__*___**____*__ rlble. Aa far aa the eye eould NMl "?*f*LMf ? peataef dark brown voleaole ?J"*^"Wnbnff_tvn tha ihadowa of the falllng -tin~a eorablnafl?t "ttorm and ahadow wonderfnl aod myaterlooa. The <*'"?*? from tbe peak waa even more pori o _*, hut waa a. < ou. pl.t-hed witboiit aeeldent to anv of the party. AITROA. IHSfl. T1IB TKU/VWrTO-l* 888808. Juiy ?.-The No t.raa* fork of Pllnk'.uK-water Craek waareached. Thia la a larifo monutaln atrcBrn. almoat, aafltCdable. The expedltlon marehed four daya up thta treek, aod atlll found il diffloult to ford. H ha.l to Ijo eroaaefllBeventlroea. ?bBBBBI ?BBBI were tbrown down br the rapldrurrent. and only aaved wllb tbe greate-t difflculty. Paat?.f fheload wa*lo?t ln attciii.tiii* 'o ?ave b n-iule from drownlng. Mr. r.utla. f ho nackrti iai. r aame very near gettinjcdrowued hlmaeif.and wta tiatiie . out by a rope. Aalt waa, be hroke ono of tho bonee or hia right hand. On ihe lat of Augnat Oupt J.mea maK* theaaeentof a peak wbieh he named H.nlor Meunt.iln. From thia peak tbe batder IBfl tbe t.i *>w itonebaile on the iiortliweat emild be ae. n. Another peak aaeaaded fhe n.*xt davcnminand.d a flne vlewor iba luain itaelf. Tlio rango of moimtalna wa- n itn* l theSlrrraHho.alionr. The ontlet of V<* late waa reacbed on the 4th of Auguat. Tbe next day ( apt. BToraaaad Lieut. Klocatiary wara eent tt.roiu.'-h to ion Illiafor auppliea. Capt. Jono* .'..und Ihe _. l'ow IV >M baalu abundantly watered aud i-ovored with a<i< nao crowtb of plne, wlth roauy atnpa and pai aaaa Ol graaa oaoaBUB albaa the atreama. Oood c.iinpiui_-i:ri.ut!.l eot.Ul be fouud almoat anywhere. A.ur. m Uaat. Vouafl arriv.*d wlth paek train from Forf Kllia witb flB daya auppliea. The eaeort <1ld not arrlv.* until tho 10th. (ai.t Novea waa left bcliind on aeeoaat of rilokneaa. ilot Suriiiita, neur liardiucr. K.v.., Lower lai-yser ItiAHia. -ud Fire Hole Bflfl*. wero v U-U-d. a.i.l on tbo SOlb of Oaaaat tbe a-oent of Muunt BBen dan waa made. 1 bla la ? apH-ud.d geodei.e f* '?**? Th" trail wa"verv Lad. owina u> ""'^TVunni Ze ti.e beaeb of the bBa. Tbe ime ?a|iof?o'llii.iiiw pomt to another in thia baain. Capt. .I.iiiea nn Utm aeek tbe autninit of the ridgea and hilla, _v..idingn much aa poaatble tbe edgea of kbe marahea. lak.-a, an.i atreama, where tbe fallen tlmber goiflcrallv li~a. ai a _ener?l rule the billi aad r.dgea ... tba M ***_*?" LakeBailn have L.tift and generally roun.ied al pea. and lonir. Hltiowt lavel reaebflVJi aro ?.uite fr?<|iieiit upon "T.'vui'eiu.... BoptaaaBsa tbey h<*i aflaaBafl BatBia fork ofthe Huake Kiver. The eountry ia a great ..eal mora open tban in the Yellowaton. B iam. li.e line of nii.reh lay aloug and cloae under tbe weaU-rn Baflfl of the Hl< rra Hfioahon* Mountalna. Tho bllla aro lar_e and geuerally rounded. tbo a...l nch and veicetatlon luxu i-iHiit. Bmall atreama are verv iiuuieroua, and havo Ulenty of flne tniut U. thom. Bept. 7 thoy croaard a low dlvido about 8,000 feet alKive tbo aea level. and eame upon the head of W'lud Hlver. Fflom a mounuiu on the right tbe Wlnd River Valley could be plal-ilv aeen for tbe whole leuglb. and CrowH.att Btitu*. a uoted land mark near Camp Hrown, aome 80 BUloa diatant, waa earily flflllnftllabaa Thn paaa. whi.-h baa aome very ruKged peaka of volcanlo roek on aide. ia aaay of appioarb. WIND BIVKK VALI.ET PBAl.TIt A__? TOR A IU1I.ROAO. Tbo returu rouie waa then purau.d .'.irougb tlie Wlnd Rlvr Valley to Camp Hrown, a dl-tance of ifl mllea. Capt. Jones reporta tbat the valley of thi* W ind River ta open. wlth oottonwood aloug the atream. Tneaoilin tbe vallev la good. On the up-an-d it ia verv largely c<>ro poaed of drift. Tbe timber arowa prelfy up ln tbe uiountaluaoxcept near iho head of t?a valley. *t"?ra tbe head of Wlnd Kiver to Yellowaton.* Lake bia routo lav arroaa Uie hurh rollnifl* foothllla afl th.- Hierra -itnjahone Mountalna. There ia here an area ot apleatdld eouutry, well watereal, beavily tlmuered, and witb a very rtcti Bflfll. It la bounded aa U.e eaat by tbeae mouufaini; on tbe aoutb by tbe Wind Kiver Mouutaiita; ou the w?iat by the Tetou MounUlna, and |oina the Yellowatoi.e eountry on the uortb of a very low divide, wklob ln one plaee la orobably not over 3(X. fee* above the lane. Il ifl pnu-U .abletomakca railroad or wa+.-on road upUtoWiod Kiver Valley an.l to YeUowatoim I-tke auhatantially ulou- thia trail, whlch la well blaited tlirou_b the liraber. From Luke, by foliowm? Ihe oivide b_ iween rtuake Kivet and the lake drainaite to the west? ward the valley of tbe M.tdiaon near the Oreat (ievaer Haatnean ba; readllv reached; fhe only aenou. obatruetion iM-lug tho heavy tlrotxT. Tbe valley ofthe Maitlaoucan doubtleaa laa followed dowu to Fort Kltts. lioicuiau, Oallatin, Hc'.ena. and tbe priu<npal cltlca of M.mtana. Or, froai Yellowatone Lake, tbe eait bank of the lake and river mi_,'ht be followe.1 aa far aa Eaat Fork, an.l thence dowu the left bauk to Fort Elit_ -Utl K__>* uian over the- routo now traveled. wbich la a wbkou road now aa far aa the Great Uot Spnugs on Oardiner a Kiver By thii route lt would bc about 450 milea iroui Ilrvan on tbe Culon Taclflc Kailroad to Fort Kllia. Itooi Bryan tbe Bweetwater Sta*e Civm pany are now runuiug f.ta?(-- t- Boutb !',._*, H mllea, From Boatb l'a~fl thero ia now a wai.011 road, wbleb ean iie irreatly liuprovo<1, riinnli.K to a iioiut on V nd Kiver, :t0iutle8l_*yondC_iop Krowu. The distauee from tho railn adcan t.e aborteued about 23 nulew by atarfinif from 1'olntof Ko.ka. on th?* railroad. Tha steep bllla t.etween Camp SiaiubaiiKh and the Lattle l'opo-Arfie _an be avolded by bendin_ arouud to tbe eaatward. yi.w BOOIBB Afl BBOWfB oN TUK bap. Mr. F. W. Boafl, A-t-iBUnt Topographer, bm furnisbed auiapof thia new route, reduced from tbe otflcial map made to aivompany Capt. Jones'a report, The eijuare hned off arouud the Yellowatone Lake ihowa the hound anea of the National Park, the objeetive polnt of tbe ex? pedltlon. Fort Uridger. tbe poiut of orirauuatiou and deoarture. ia near thc L'tah Ime. From tbia point Uie trullof Capt. Jonea ean eaaiiy be followed U. l.amp Hrown. Thra l*iv__lon from Brldger to Brown baa bflaen otx.n to travel for aome yeara. There are aeveral d? aerted tlllaaaa ln tho v.clnlty of tbe Bouth Faaa. whieh ia iu tba vleinltyof (.'ampflumoau/rli- Th?*y were formerly oe< tiplcd by rolnera and " pr_apectors," and numlK*rod from ten to a huudred or more limi/- The new part of the . iploratmn, 111 wbich thta eipedition Ul_*aprccodcnoi- of nll otbera. la from Camp Browu ui Ihe Vellowatooe Lake. Tlie dutted Ime in the map from Camp Brown. B8jjsainn up near the Owl CBflflB Mounulua aentaa the 8tt-iklti|r Water, th.tu turuinir the weat and cnwaluif to the lake, abowa tbe out ward route of tbe expedition. Keturnlnit, the trail awr-ejw. around the lake and benA1 aoiith-eaat iiloiiif the Wlnd Kiver Moiiiitalna ilown tu Camp Brown. lt will Ba aaaa tBat tBB returu trail l*. the more direct. By i-urryiujc tbl.a trail up lo the lake and then croaatnr it or fi'llowinit ita eaat.-rlv ahore. a verv direct ronus ean !?.. made tbrouth to Fort Kllia, H-_etnan, and (iailatio ('Itv. Tne diataneea bf the propoaed route art. aa fol? lowa: From (,'auip Brown to ihe Yellowatone Lake at tbe mouth of tht- t'pper Yellowatone Kiver, 167 railea ; fr.m Itryati, ou tbe I'nlon 1'ai ilie Road, to Camp Brown. I4.iiiiil.-a; total dlatait.e to Yellowatoue Lake. ifl. mllea. By atarling froui I'omt ol K.K*ka, on Uie L'uiou Faclfle Road. the.liati.BOO ta Camp Browu ean be sbortened W mllea. aud Capt. Jonea la ei.ntlilent that tbe route frorn Browa to the lake ean bo ahor'.ened. Tlie dlatance from tbe road to the lake would tben t>e reduced to about 240 imle... From the mouth of the Upper Yellow*tou_ Kivor io Kort Kliia via the (ieyaer Baalu* woald be about 190 mil.-a. The wbole diatance froui lte Ui.ion Paciflo Kail? road to Fort Llli* would theu bv about 440 milea, witb tbe adv autaa*e of atriklnir tbi. foa.i over JOO milea furtber eaat than it li now struck. Tne advantawea of tbli route vlll be aeen at onc<* bv eotuparliiK it on the map with H.iyden'a route, wbich waa. until Capt. Jonea'a aurvey, the only route to tbo Yellowatone Lake. Hayden'a route leavea the railroad at < 'oi'iiuie. "ii -il' Lake, aud fot-* uortb lo Fort Hall. un.I at iii furtlier to Vlramla (lly. bendiujt theu to the northeaat toUallatin and Fort Kllia, thence down to tbe lakea u_.ini. Tbe new routo would ahorten tbo uearly JOO mllea frotu tbe railroad, and for travei.-rs from tbo Kaat 400 milea. 41en.|(>rd, in hia ofliclal report, will reeommeud that au apj.ropnatlon of 180,000 bo made to run a wairou-road from Folnt of Kocka to Fort Kllia. rit'inatelv it laprobable tbat a railroad will rnntbrouKb tula way to tba National Fark, whlch, tovalde beinKcuu venient for the touriat, would open thta section for mitiiuK aud a*ricultural purptraei. 8CIKNTIFIC RKSt'LT*. Tlie full valau of tbe BCieutlflc work of an eipe? dition ean ouly !>e determined when tbe cloaet acientlat haa had Ume to ait ln Judgtnenf upou the eolleetioni ai d reporta of hia brother in the Held. tleolojo; and botany and ehemlatry bave a large flold ln thia r- elon, aad tbt aclentl.taof thia expedltlon say if will be a lonir whtle before tnveatiiratlnu cau exhaust all thia material. In rooloKy there ia a iloitl aa lai ge aa the KeolOKical one. an.l .-omparatively untouched. Unfortunatelv thera waa no /.ooioKt-ti wlth Cspt. Jonea'a party. aad no at* tempt waa made to colleet apectmena of fl.h, lurda. or otb.r aninial*. ln the Yellowatone I_ake and in tbe numeroua aprltiKa tlu re 1. an ahundanee of animal Ufe. aome of it of a very peoullar eharaeter. Dr. Ileizman fouud animal life tn aprlnKH of 124 decreea t-uiporature. In order to preaerve theae ereaturea it would be neeeaaary to tranaport them ln fluida, for wbich tbe expedltlon bad no faellltiee. Dr. Heizman auali /.n1 a i..ri<i- iiuantlty of tbe iinneral waters in the flold. and bn.iKS boin.* a large (juantity for quantilati**e atialvaia. He ia of tbe opinion that they can? not be ntlllied for mediolnal pun>oae*? not ouly from the eharaeter of the walera, but alao ou account of the cliii.ate. It la ouly ln tbe Sumiucr montbi that thia pla?e would lie act'eaaible. They bad froet lt ulghta ln Au-ii-t, l.ut toe vexetation waa entlrely un toncbo.1. Tbe flowera were remarkabie ui tbe brllitarney aud pert?auence of tbelr oolora ; many of tbeni wera Bt.-winn next to tbe auow. Tha botaulst, llr. Farry, niaflle a very fln* oolle?*tion of planta, oompriainir many n>-w t?. a coilectioit from tbia reglou aod aeveral new 8|*eciee nrver before aeeu. Tbe eDtomolo|i8t waa alao aucc?-aaful in maklna a large eolleetlou. Tlie jreoloftiat made a tbotougb aurvey, ninlitiv wuoh tbal waa new and intcre-iilug. But few foaalla wero rolleeted, theae maiuly ol tbe cretaa-ioiia and early tertiary periode TWlKKkiJ-l WATBB, ilflOOTflBB TO THC 4TI.ANTI0 AM) TIIK PACIFIC. Du tbe map your readers will notica "Two-flDceaa Paa*,'' hBBl aoutb or the Yellowatone Laka. At thn point Capt. Jonea couflrmed a previoai sud moat impor taut dtacovery. Brldger, tbe acout, and one or two nuiHT", who had r-aen there, had reiwrted tbat there waa a am-ll atream of water at thia plac? Wbicb after warddtvldod iuto two atreama. one of whlcb tl .wed Into the Yellowatone, thenoe bv the Mt-aourl to tbe i.ulf: and tbe other flowlnx into the 8oake River und flndlng tta way to tbe Pacitle Coaat. Har den iirtii.*'1 tbe report, or at leaat failed to eat-b* liah ita tnne. Capt. Jonea made It a matter of ape? cial niveaiigatiors, and had the great aatlifactlon .if tlndinr tbia little itrearn?a unlon of tbe head watera of tbe Yellowatone aud Huake KlrerB. From the poaitlon lu whi.-h be atofl-d bn could eaaiiy traoe tbe eourae of tbe two ruera aprlUKlug from tbia i-omuiou fount. Tbe itte.un la but a Httle tlir.-ad of water and only flows a sbort dlatance before lt ia emharraaaeei by a oboloe ot deatiny. A little taland or penlnaula apllti the watera. Ou oul* aide of tbia little peuinaula la tbe Atlantlc Oc_ .u. and on tbe other aida tha Pac-flc. Tbouaanda of mllea away from tbeae great bodiee of water, each aeparate droo In tbe tlny atream muit here eleet whlch one of theae aaail be ita deaUaauou, aod tka oboloe made bere cannot be allered. Tho uii.tut_.TB of tbe party apeak ta tba moat tlowtng tertua of ttie beauty aod aulaudor of Ibia fauious reftoo. It la a perfeet fBiry-lan.1, they aay. te whlcb no deacrlp Uon cau dojiiatiee in proee. Tbe innn_a are Innutuer Bhle; aomeitaiaa bondi-da ara fouud lo tbe amu*e of a few rods. Hot and oold aprlaaa are fouad wltuln a few mebea of each otker, bat a few lnchaa m dlamet-r; ibeu aprlnga aa larre aa a bonoo. Tbe diaplay of eolor* from tke depuaita uf tkoBa gayaera aad alreaui ta brilllaat be? yond aii o-m par _oo. u__-.-airnoa ot kmaaax bt ab Birrauai___rnv oaaaaTaa. Uaaef t-aflBaMatt-UBBBortleaflei aauatrr tBraacB lowfl, bv oue of tho aclentiata of lhe party. rou. liy ou.i ui ??? t\,xo,w Yierttom erl Art -. we move at flr-t over ? ^"^J'.?,? frc-.i.ntlv by era. k- .1 earth. ?ith very ^ ??__aflB (Mflfl lhe b.lla , i?, -..u.e dflj, aome ' ;'w,D(f'f^ mer. Tha flflflflw. ta ., ,|!r.. uoo ... rtgbl oaafle***"?; teei above tM now l.-t .,....a fltefl* 8/0 flM mm. M i Q rif(, .....1 an- gratflled wlth ? ? f'/Anrtlre for fo,, tfle e-.iir-.' hetwoep r?ng?i tny *]'T p?trn.ed wood beaoty. W.'paa*'d t^da of gra< n nmn. i fti|f ? ?l .._?;,(,- of nll kinfll-. 1'r.jiplio.i* t *7^7JSBg gat* J ,- , Bai wthlflgeonW *?__1*11^,*VJm IWflM ,?.? flfl ?aantalaa. (i-tu.c paUc-fl w ? ^ ;:,?';,;;',X,.,flV,:,',:,rv:;r:?.'.''.?-;^; fl'.;;'.::,1." ;::,;i:,^?.';,r:r?.:r"p", S&Jg ,., ? i * ,:?. ,!.?? aea?Irr bl. . :????> l.,?l-l''? l'?'*-"_J_ ?.'^-^"__TV_^_s ^Tt-_^??SS3SrS2 cvei, more bMOtrfnl fn in me a-trrt.-tntlln^fl -r tl.. I^^ Ol l....erne. W. are Mfltlng on a ?loJJe:twrLi_iD_fl Ul. l.uge an.l frtghKui, falhng *?***?"?"\a* ibeatN-m Mom. A few taedrfldyardawflol^M mouth Of thc caflon. a fllflflfllfl-Ol.WM""* "_*__ whlch our curae lead-. Two buge a. ntiuel* guard Ufl HHUiuic. lufller the aflfla of the rlgbt we pMM8\M a -iHiiigtho a,.le rapiJiy. uuttl we wero pow-?*__?._ u.rra'w flflfl 500 feet .'?? tbe river. |?|BllW8 roik* from to .,000 feet toweriag over u*. auc _Tv.Bg m atr of gloou, to Then dowu fl th* t.oti?u, 1.0 yar.1* wi.le, unl.l we are atopped bf,?*????? dipping perpendieularly Into the water flMtMflflfl onthe.,th?r*idc)*otliatwe were eou.l*elled Ut direcl our . ...uae northwarda aad |.m over lt Tue aaceni aud dlieent w.-re both fruhiful Wben IINM ?'^ ?"? lhfl- train, al|i,oat beneath my feet. lookad no l.rgerthan ap.n'anead! A half-dorou inulea ln "'" ?g ?tawn lort th.-ir bold. aud startod headloug down, nke an arr.-w until atopi*,! by *ome.twwlder, wnen the g.rlM *r,.ke and the park* eontluue.1 their cour-e to the l*>r iou,. ll,.- rilfllflflfl of ibe jctrney hore wa* a rei>eat?l ero??lo? and rccroaamg of the *tr?au*. to Mflfl theae de.lluea and get footbold. Mcuniorphle conglomrrate* Of all k.uil* w.-re colleeu-d l.ere, the BflfleWflM I erer aaw In the viriety of the luinarai* aud tne abapea ol tbeir crvaUila. . ^ " TheJ'i.irufl-y when witbin two day?' marcn oi ina banln wa* of uiarvelon* tntcreat, though from the nalore of the oountryl faltgunig In tbe extreiue. It la nn poaaible to describe tbe tartety and grauil.-ur of the acenery and thedangerouacharacter of tho trail. We were obnred to iroa* tbe river aeven tlniea, aud alwaya abrcaat of a eurrent daahing furloualy ag-inat the roeka and Oowld cra. We had/aeveral ace.deuW ainid stream. loiiug con -ulerable provlalona, and nearly loslng aeveral rauien flfljflM eye* were Jamme-I out. At one time we would be auapeiidi-d SOO feot mOore tbe river on ? ledge not more than two feet aeroaa, all!? piug on broken ro,k*, or tumt.llug over tt?rn trcea; at auother paaalug through tuagnlfleent groveeof pine and aapen, llUed witb bloomlng flower*. Heveral iiiuee we marched along a narr.,w ahore, while perpei. d.eiilar, araootb-faced roeka, -..00 feet higb, w.-re IfltN ing over ua In such away that fle paaeage l-eneatb them waaaltendedwitnfearful forebodiugs teat tbeee gre* rax-ka ahould fall aud cruah u*. Bon,etttnea. ln a nior. open eountry. and furfher inland, Oiuea 1,000 feetde.p were ftrrang.-d in a perf<*et network througu the ro?k-. giving the idea of a roollea* bu.Uting many mile* aqu-kre. Tbo bead of thc caflon ia gaarded by four huge, perfr. t ahap.*d fort^, each wUh alx U) elght tow.-ra. Aliogotbet, we have paeaed through aouie ol the grandeal ,-onniry iu Auerica, a JRliug gateway to tbe Yeiiowatone " LETTERS FROM THE PBOPLB. TIIE EMPTT TRF.APCRY AT WA'-niM-TON. To the Bditor of Ihe Tribune. Sib : I take no issue with you upon the inis management of tbe Treaaury for the paat?thai r*nnot bo helpod-altbougb I belleve that by the law, a? Inter preted by the 8en?te Committee ou F.n^ e, and by the de?alon of tbe Buperior Court, the *?? of tb<- reeeni teaue of aome 114,000,000 of the so-.all'dM "erve i? illegah and, if contMted, would not be w*rtb .?? more thaa lhe over-laueof any otber algn of liiiiebUlii"--? What we have to do, la to aee lf there c.innot be/?Ji Improveuierit iu the futurO; and, lf tbe Oovernmentf'.-t lutve fun<l? tocarry on naval preparationa, none' wiil aay n?y. I take Utaue, however, wlth yonrauteme r 'bat Seerete-ry Robeaon'a |6,U?,nOO ean only be procur' '>v a furth.r laaue of paper money. Why. ia Ilfl *'"* flrat t'"'*' that the L'niH? BUtea (Jovernmeut J* miuintf a large ainouut of moaey at abort n'tb'-l B.ippt-ae the Tre??ury bad no prlntine prea* at w. r* and. a* tn good old time*. tha ouly money they k?ew WM oou? i what would be the proceaa theu I Wouid lhe (jovern meul have to go witboul thc money t Tbe pt,.,reat nan? ruptln the. efluatry eould do aa well aethi*. If he MflM foroe thi* treditora to an .adeflDite acceptanee o(, h,? naper. Wliy do we bear no nior- from the publie prit.U abont the conatltntional que*tlon M fl the peWBT ?J Cougreaato makeanytblng but coln fl lagal uudcri l have haalily tbrown oui thews biuta, lu me bope* thal th.y may b.'taken up and elucidated, to the e.lucaliou of the i?eopie: to a proper reaiiect for our fundamenlai law, without which we are ali al aea. A'#?c-l"orfc, I>0C. 12, 1873. PaT AB *.Ol ?.?? "PORK AND POTATO-^." To lhe Editor of Tht Tribune. .Sir: Yonr " Pork und Pototoei*v BlS?Miaa ia good, but it 1* oneaided. B-ippooe jo.t l.-t o pla.r farmer ahow you the other aide. Congrea* rharter* a|ra.lroad to f he Paeirlc Ot-.-an ta develop the Nortb-Weetern Terrltcrlea | takea eontrel fll IU construction, authorires a Umited amuuni of to be Iseucd tbcreon aa tbe eonatnietlon advancea. Tha ?iipervlsion of Congren* givea lt cliaraeter. Kvery peoi widow who baa flfew dollara to flveat puU ili.-u. .,,.? the bonda on account of tbe character aml r.-puiai.o. thal Congreaa haa given tbem. Now I ank if 1( ia a fa.i Bhuke for the United Btatea Kovernroent to go )(t*t fai enough to g?*t the money of the poor people of the ronn trv thua inveated, an.l tbeu aay, "What foola 1)1,1 you not know that thia waa only a trap to get youi har-1 earninga fl develop tlie new Terntorl.-al' Youi atui v, to apply, uboulflj make the laudlortl put ???!.,' braiidy iu with the "potk," and tben rob th. truveler ot whal looae ehange fl had and turn linn tnte the atreet. Thia la practicaily what CoaarfM w.ll do .' lt drotMfl the enterpr.eo l.ere. E'even wldowa iu lh.? town have inveated all their mnana in thea* Ni.rth.-r_ rat-lrti- t*onda, aud If they are worthl<_< they inuat co U the poor-hoiiae or beg. It la an old eharge agaiuil tha Devil that " he geta hia dupea into a acrnj*.-, but nevei help* them out." I did not know before tnat the BBfl eharge eould wlth far more trutb be tnade again?t t*a Government of the Uulted BUtee. J 8, Ifea lll'iomfield, B, 7., Dec. 11, 187S. ? THE NEW ARMY OTN. To the Lditor of Tht Tribune. BBl The Government at VVau*liinKi?>n )im lately decided to adopt a modiUcation of the ol.i Bpriug fleld Itta to put into the h_?d? of il* uoldier*. Moat per aona wlU take lt for grauted that tbe oue adopi>-d i* tbe beat .ma : but if tbe deciaioc had heen left to tbe mdg ni.-nt of diaintereaUMl >per*ona, fl very different (teeialoa would have been tho reault. I bave no peeunlary tntereat ln aoy partleuiar gns, and I am led to apeak now only on account of tbe dan gar to tbe men from the uae of thia patched up aoOad t uie uf a gun. The prlncipal objection to it >a tbat tl_?r? laapoa?lbillty,or rather a very etroug probabillty tnat the flrlng ptn will ?t fouled by ruiit or dirt and atick ao that wben the "breech-block" ia throwa Into poailiot-i. and before lt is faatcned, tbep.n wiliatrike (hefulmiBa? and oauac a premature exploalon in tbo wrougdirecUon. Tina H a very aerloua fanlt, aod 111 had not aeen aeveral men wlth abattered banda aad facea dlattgnred by *.n fe premature expioslona. I might not be prowpted to *ay auylbiog about lt. At on-. of tha Ooverument trial* of arm* at Ht. Louia, thn eontribntor* of run* wera not allowed to ba pre*eut to exhiblt them, and therafona Uie (iovernment favorite bad nothing to fear from op paiNltaOII. ? A. K. Proridenee, R. I., Dec. 20. 1873. A SLGGEaTION FOK TUE nOI R. To Ihe Bditor of Tht Tribmnt. tal Thouaanda of people throughoot the North will be ont of employmei.t tbia Wjnter. 1 her* i. room enongb ln tbe 8outb for tbem all, Md employment beaidea, and lf aome lnflueutlal Journal aach a* yotira would adviae tbe lmmigratioo, the adviee migbt M fol? lowed and both aeotloaa M beueflted. Let theae at?'V* lng people of tbe Nortb be aeattered throua-b the eoun? try, from Richmond to Han Autunlo, aud all wouid flud employment almoK at onee on arrlval In the dlffereut aecdona at pricea for their labor tbat would k?wp tba wolf from tbe door now, witb proapecta of better time* hereafter. If Botlon eolon.Aod Kaaaaa, New-York eaa oolontze Vir._ii.-t_ and North Carollna, or aome other jfljouthern 8t*te, and tbe lncomera wonld not he ramt haggers, hut ln tne main prulucera, ... ttt-bior faelory. I'rge tbem to oome or be aent. Tbe North will not he barmed therer-.y and the South aeod* every man .t ran lnduc* to eome. Very reapeetfullr. ii'i,ion, latoo i nunty, Mttt lire. fl, 187a J. W. C. fl. A TRATF.I.ER8 SEARCH FOR A TRANSFBR OBABEm To Iht Lditor mf Thi Tribunt. , SiB: I, aa one of tlie travelera, do fhank yt.u for the you gave lu fl receut taaue of yeur paper of the UnlonTranafert-xproM Company. And now, who own the New York Trauafcr ComBmI I arrived ln New-York at tbe foot of ('ortlaudt-at , .*>pt. t, and up?fl dillgent inqulrv I could flnd neltborooMb nor baggagfl wagon of tne above company, but waa told br atraugera that I nnght flud tbem aomewhereup tbe Nortb River, M ? I>eabro**ea-st., I u.n.k I ludoae yon a tirk.-t of lha New-York Tranarer Coaohea givea mfl by tbeir age. t. You can conaign it to tlie i.aaici. or to any one wbo may wiaa to trv m* patlenee lu dnding a "tr__afer" tn La New York TTanafercoacbea. ONfl or ihe !*wii?i i-*u .VorlAu-ipfoa, Man , DeC. 10, 1I7X TIIE. BANKRl PT TREABCRT. To Ikt Fditor of Tke Tribune. Sik: An editorial iii The Tribcne b few dflyi ago, ln whicb you atatad tbat tbe wm naukrupt. ae*m*d to ue rather premature M tko time; but youraaflnrtlon proved nearly or qoito corre.-t, flftar all. Wa?t, witb tbe great aalary-grab. la -wbicb tM Fr-aaldeot part.cipatrd wttl, tbe real. antl varloua otber Uanaaetloaa wbleb ara curultig to imht datly, qulto aa dlahooeat aad abhorvent. tbe publie gooae bm* beeu nretiy thoroughly pluekr..?uot flvafl iparing th* ua lflatb.>r*. w. ? ij MMM 9mnt, M. J.. tfle ll, iflfl.