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THE POSTAL TELEGRArH. FUVAIE MjVNAGFjMENT BETTEH than PUBIjIC. tk m*tter Fitosi PBMBUBBtt OlTOfll to TnK ros-T __flfla_fl__a-fl-_R-Baa-- -anaaajuai ihk ___o_fl_-fl-_B* DATION. OF UI* kBmtOkl IIIOBT. I \: I ITIVR 081-08, 1 a'_-T_._.N I'jii.'N Tat_aoa_j _ ckmpant.J ?NhW-YollK, IrOO. t, Ihli. ) Tke Tion. Joitw A. J. 0088?8 BflB, PotttnotierOeneral. Sir: 1 bnve bt-foro me an ofllrial copy of the report of the Poatn.aater-IJet.cral for the tlacal year <<ndiog June 80, 1873, whieh contair.a atatomenta conci ru Ing tke policy and uiauageiuent of the Wealera DBflBB Telefraph CBBBBaBB. BMBB___M iilluaions to myaelf. -ifbtoh ar? so eiiomnua, UA'.'ust and prrsonal, tbat it aeemt Incredlble tnat lt ahould have been made by a Cabtnet Mlnlster ln nn oftlnal ommnni.ation to the I*t-v_d_nt for traiiatiii.ajion to the Ci>u_.ei3 of the L'nited Wi.. tea. That It is an unmnal proeeedltg tor a rrivate rttl7cn lopubliclv a.iil:<-*-.rt BBflBBBflal?tlflfl to aCablaet Mmls Ui upon Iht* aubleet of nrn olheial ro|*>rt Ia admilted. 4)n tbe other hand, I belleve .t m e.iuiilly unpr*<-?-d<-ni'-<i foraCabin.-t tfl-fftr. ma pBB-fl Mfl Tt to tbe frat-OWBt. loaeleci. for iifliiial atiiui.dveraioti a buslnesa lawfuliy proaeeuted. or a cittzen who hn.a ltifrmged no law ; and Iherefore, if any Bflnfl.a.ioti ll BBflflflfl. U will be found in tbe extnior.liuary eharaeter ol tbe paper to wluch thi-laa reply. It BBB-BB 088) flB the owners of property whu.*e value m.iy be m p.iirod bv i.iricial tho p.iblir wbo are 1 tr^**:> intore-t-d iu tbo ..roper rondm?>. of the _a_ej_rap0 buaineaa, and .alao to the man At;.:- o! a corpi.ri.tiou who have beeu held up la l> i'.i io reprol.ation t.i tbe h.-ad of one of the mo-l ___?> pertaat Bxeeatlre Dayat-taaflatta afl the OoTaraax-at, ht* crrora abouid be pLi.-iij polatfld out, and lue 1 . t. fully and fi.ttlv atnt.-d. Before aaailflfllllflfl t? tla ttfl lt Wfl- | pr per to eu-e a roncim. ataicmeut ef the ... tion of iia.. OOTOfBtaaat tm ward the hB_Ml-_-bl trorii IBfl <i>l.* wbineiit of !bc lattfl I lo the prt-a. ? TflOflfBtaBI "f c.ei trio te'i-graph, ia now B_BOfll u.uvcraaUy BBBfl Cronjl.BM the vv.u Id. **i*_* Hrat i.rt.ib ; .. ? . - ites n-arly 30 yoar- Bflfl, It' m ?.i.tT .in.i i...a. i.-r wn-a cu./K .1 ot the Dallfld Btataa, aafl the rit -t aaaaat ataaraa. aa flaflaaafltraafl Maatlllty was upon ii Uafl IKHIfll 111(118(1 by l'rof. Morac aud Bfltfl ( ,ru?-:.. IBflclttaaal lfaaBBfl^<t?aod'--_B-_-_*-8. Ti> enat'l'tlii- c\\t ru: eul to r>e luade ConiT.-aa Bpptrot***!* a't-d, trliB -aaeb talaetaaea. iBa eana afl f>o,ooo. Haarj of thone who nt.te.i HT tbfl ai>i to;-ri.ttioi. 8M8B haB* aaaafl Baaa bj tb ? imporiuniti-a ..f mip la**ea*at aud bi. lataafl kyth.irronvici-o-.i--. th.t IBaBxpfl-tneal ?wouidjti-t,.. ikatt aetloa. Hat a flaar taaaaafl Iha aak j ? with n in. 'iie. aafl aaaaa propoaed,aafl terapelle .oraaal kyn of Uu propoalUaa, taat a aatt af tBt appr. ;. n.i.oi! 8B88I-I Ba . x]w-i.ded in Mflflfltflt?I BB aa*?Baaaa, aad aaw Bm maa aai ?bat Baaaafl ta laelade Mi?if?aa . kt nt .IBe tastt Uaaa au ofet aaa made to tbe (ii...ri.iii. nt by i':-i>f. Maaaa to aeii b_ipataata, and aO Iba kaaeaaa to ba Ontaflfl from, Bm IbBMM But tbe ? ' ? ' w .- t.t't ttctt-pU-U iudccil it w .a at ar. e y aaflXTtfliaafl aafl the exper)iue_tal llnc after aoom ptfllfli - " ? bUb* fl oi aaai ataa. aa ,j?ne.i ?? raataat bpob tb i rnnptapiradalloa of tbe Ilo.;. < iv?? JohtKoii, l.'.en !'? atfl-Bttfll ', who aaM i. . ? That t'.e iip.-rat.OB Bl tbe t< l.-rriip'i betWflflB WBtb ingu.n anil B.itiu.oi' bad aol -..l.-tii.l him tbat i.n.I.r i BuotagB that eould be adopted ita roTenaaa - .xpeudlturea " Tina.a . brtaf BBdt Bap_____sto__ ot IBaB-Btattflflapt lo iiidii' lifl -r i ...\. ruunnt to i-..ud ItB i-d tfl flBtfl e ,!eud. BBd flflT< ' p IBfl b i-:.i. - - '.v .? U i- B0*fl propoaed i.tbtirtovM - r in Ita aaraan tflr a no-jiinal conBitlf.a tion, or u. trai la talaa by OoTotaaBaatal|eaBapatttlaa DBBflBfl ih.lfll yenr- .rB8B l^l to IhW the only actiou , t d f: ...i; t r taken by Coi.-jjreaa rclitlng to the tele __rr.*j?ti araa < - onat aatatlBalaa to buaid and ni.ntit.iiu Baaa aaaaaa ii.< pab?t dom.iiu.iii order toe-taibiuhcon linctlon with ilie l'.uiflc eoa?t aa I uitrriccdiate alatioiig. Dna ot ti. aa ? Ua aali.orizi-J Ika Baaaataflj oi tbo IBflfla* ii: r to ei "wrage tbe building of aueh a line by oontrai t ing in .. . pajf IfOflfll B year for 10 yoars af ior Ita eeaap-ttloa iut ti.e aaiaaadatadaaa al aaid Uaa By IBa lloveriiiD.-ut. Tl.ia waa, ln tflJBflt, man-ly a plcdge tbat <j..v.-niin'nt baalaaaa for 10 paan -hould amount to tbe aum of 1.1..-P.. HoffflTltfltB ? a* made fur ti.e pavmeur <>r atiy aaaaaa alKivfl. that aam, aud no ex.-eaa waa ever p:rd ftT. It waa acoaditiouof thio contraet Ihat the 11. .1., to the poblio for measagea betwetn tho IHiaamitt K-.v.-r and the PaetB8 Ooein abould Ijo re BBftaBBfl to kl. I.f all the buslnc.<a for tho Uoveru Hient Bfl tbal had been paid for at that rate, lt li be ii iv- ) |b fl IBa BM pflBUaa would have rec-lved u much I .rg.r riiiu that'tbat u-iincd bltbt flOBlt flflt. Iu IBfl ronnotiio.-i it ac. u.s proper to flall BttaaQOB !'? IBa ttfib lng c uitrari betweea Ibe taditb :. 1. t whlcb oai ..ov. m meut has ___atfflfltfld K' iBfl.lfllflirapb aml IBe llb rn! .nd ami ? BflOfltl-flr-a-tat VBtofe It baa.xtcad._llo the rai.M'..'.-. wiur thc aOVBBBa_-8I Hv.s DOttB rOB RAiLROAba. lu thc Bflport at tha Bflfliatacyol taalalat?a m ii.< |j,t U. ai yt .ir tbo followinit taHtaafl ei.tnput_8fl Bflfl repreeent4*d to be lndei.ted to tbe Vinted BflalBt aaafla Uaaafl ia atd la lhab eoaattaflUoa m tbe amouiii aet oppoaiie to flflahl Union Pacitle.ttlMtMi i .1 l'acille.- - C.ntral Rrai.eb. 1, Ifanaar PaetBt. . e. i i Sio_.\ City aud l-HS-k.,? 1.':j-,:j" Total. 8ci,i,-.'3,5l2 Tha lalaaofltBa pablie laadagtaatad lat?aaorapaal a e*>ove o.imod, uud otbera to wbicb bonda w.-t.- aafl tawtied, le proi.ably inaiii Uaaafl tlir amount above otated. lluudreda of ml.liona of Ol.ilflataal a.d to rauioiida. aud but thirly to tb? te!e.;rapb. oobbmaaaa anu tmk nue-_tiru. At the BBBBBB or ( ti_r . . bfl] _ .ia ititrodiu.-. ?! ln the Beaata la (-flataflaatfl mid caafai *fg** ujaiti th" M .tioiiul _**at*8_apb Company. Tnis bill did aafl aaaa, bat, paaattag hA'aaaaMflflatlfla, IBa Baaata adupteo a r.-*oliit ion r.-.iue.iitigthe l'.iatma.ter-G.i tr ii. tba Uoii. M .lll.iifl Daa_iBflflaj lo conaiilei anl roport up.ii tbo oipe/lien. v of utiliing tho iMthtal aad tel>*^iapb ayo lt lua. Tbia report con.-ludea wilh the lollowi'.g: " Aa ti.e r< .-nit of that tnvcatli'ation ,;id.T BBB rflflfllfl Haa ot ib-- Heuate, I am oi iin- . pu.iou tbal it wil i..i be ?w.a.- tor tl..- (i'Vi-nimetit to inauguraie tbo propuatxt avaUMO of tfl-i. grapt. an a part ol Ilie. p .itai eervu -o, ud ealjr Baaaaai ol lia flaabllal laaaaaal Baaaaaa, bat alao it*. _| ftabiollty BBdfll our pjliuial ayileiu." Ttwadiacupta.a.n of Uie flul.jeet |at that -w.-aaiori reaulted in the i_-ri.ii.-e of a generai law, wbich autboriztid tele CTapb oouip.mlea duly Incorporated euder tbe. lawao.' me aev?aral rvtate. to conatru<t and operate liue.s in all 4\ tbo SUtoa aud T. tnloi k-a, ^pon auy mihtary or poat roada. and to ?-r..?8 uavigable watera. Tbe right of taa* gf-iph |..i..patii<-a to enjoy bBflflfl prtt-flfBB VBB0O__fl_ tioued up. ii tL. i: as_tiiting to tho prOTlt?iat of tho hill, an ong wluch wer* tbe followitig: l Th if IBfl V '?ttnaaf r-Oeneral ahouM tix annnaJIy IBfl ra?a-a mr Goverumeat meeaBaee, wii.ih mi .-.._i^ a aii.ii l ii.tve prlority ovef ?il other-. I i bai 'ii- Bnlt-d Btataa. ,.t aay ttatt after IBe ez piration ..! .-I\. j.-irafroiu tbe pn.aau_.-c af tbe act. toiglit pu*-k__- all IBe t*-**-r*aph liue-', property, an.l e_M*e_fl of auy or all ol aald cotupuiii.. al at. apprataod va.ue. Io lie ajioe. .'..:;.i il bjf flTfl coujp liut di-iiitereatfld peiatina ?two lo i.a aeleeted by ttm Poatmastar-Oaafl-al, two t.y th.-ooui|...i. ? ?- mu r< ate.l, and ouo l.y tbe four ao p.c vioa-J>'ol. AU of the pnoolpal paulealn tbe 1 nlted Btatea BflTfl filed their aceeptauce of tBaberma of ihir. act, aud are ther-fore etrltleil to r ., II, b'-l.tili". AlUr di e tour-i.leiatlon of tbe pn.Jtct of a poatal tei egt-.pii, ti.e BB8BB0B of aueh ati a. t bv ('otigreaa, mB auLawtitute f..-r a b il pr..jK>)ng to eon'er apecialpnv; l.-gefl i.j.a.w a BBflOaratlBO OBIflk they were anked lo orc ine am.-. .jiient aeeej'taiie. of Its tertua by thc ?flflBBBBB-fltBea a-OB-Bfl tfl tOtljlM "n tbe buaineaa,* uud.irlo., I I.-. the iaitel -? lli ln a u.g the atloptiBB of a flii-1 ja.n. v .v Congreaa, and aa cotiatituting a aaaa j.?. t i?. iv... i, ti,. Qofarataeari nnd tho eaaapaolea, .?tjuallv I. I'luiL* in both partlea ta if raada l?i wi fn >?.?'] -. idmii- Bodexeeiita d unUfl-r aeal. IBaaoataaaa boflaaea tnt. tpeatraeal byOaaaraaaof tbe nl -? i'i ..n.i .tn r mi. i e_i? iw ai-.. notlceable lu tbe u-iu - ol tbia I .. Tbe pi ? llejft - wli i ta ll coufen upon taa teleajaph eoat th?- UoTernuK*al DOtBiDin and yet tbe) were .?..uaiiiiaan-d i.|ou Ibe ooaaeeatau by ibe i.-i. j:.. :.'-t. "' toerlfhtoi aGoTflruioeBt of-cialto jjx tbe rnt. of < .argen oii(_,..veriiin-nl i...-?-..*??-, aad tbfl ,,. ,iiii. ii ''.'l Ih-il *.u<b ineraaa^cp} ob-uKl bave prloiitj ?ver aii other hualueaa, t___ard aai "I Lbe loa.- ami dam Hi'i wh). b lbe eonipaniB- n-igbt aufferthi rebj; and, m*c ,,.,,1 tlmt li.e (.ovflritimui hbu...d hata tbe rtfBt to uunbo-ae tlie I'ioptT.y ol the tel.g-aph C-B~> !,.! lo pr.]"t tb'-m tbereafter fiom .' oij tht t.ualueaa, uKbouab tbe comp..iiaatioL to I,.- offer! <i Jiltbt not b'' ? *?11 ?" '"O to iu owuera. On tbe W_or_-Bd, Witb but few aml url.up..rtai.t excep r. i.ur. - ii.i.aui'l.*diuauamoi.:.l-ia-..i.y ?>' uu.-- e<|.ial i_ ,i.i.-..-t(.f ihelr cotiatruetiou rbeae obars. ?'_'"" . ,.,.,?... ...imaevei.. vervrr. -n.b* lue pr. i . xoUk-ropli ralaa ar*. uow ouly aUou. aaa b-U ?"iM-rtt.... .Air.. '?.xi^';.:-^?x ?iiigi.....Ilaiiai>ior.-, rui...<ieipbia.aiio *.-?? r to bf ion...-! ed wi-,. tbo poet-ofliere Bt ttflflfl , iueaMd w.tbauoa.* ***** *****? M "''*",] __ ? .-?,--?.; b> ...~ Poairu-au . Ueneral. Tba iato flaed .'. w'a 16 ceut- tir a u etoAgu ot lo wo.da. exolu alveof date, addreae, and algnature. but lnoludlng de livery. Tlie aecond wa* a bill in favor ol tbe ae.heme whinh hia been advocated lor aeveral yeare by Mr. Ilubbard, ti.c tlct-aila of wbiob it la.unueooaaaiy to?Ute m thu. oon nertion. The third providod for thn eonatruetlon of a line be ttv.-eii Kii-u.ii, Waablagtea, aud laflnaedla,ie etttofl, by tlie partio* n.iraed therclti nniler the dire.ctlon of the PofltmMtor_?nerfll. ThlHbill waa almllar ln prlnelple, altliough ditrer.iigniaterlally ln detail* loihat propoaing to lucvrporate tl.e Naliouul .Vlegruph Cuiupauy herciu i,ei"rtfl referred to. Tln- Coii.tnlttee having theae Mll* ln eharge held nu nieroua eoOflflUB, i.t wiil.-li paruea who favor.d tlieir flflfl. Bflffl, uud tliaiao oppoacal tiiiTi-to, wero aflflir.l.atl ampie . pi'i.rtuii.iy tt, dlrruat tbeir tucnia. Aftor fall Mnaluor a.ia.n thev docnted iiii..niu.oimI/ t-o rci.ort flgalnat thcir paa^n_-e. Tlie flBfltOM <af flfl Couiliullee, fll a, t l,>flh fl thifl report (No. IA, XLtl, OonglOM, aSea himi) appear to havo boon accept. tl by the II,uae to whioh u wm pr, HcuteiJ, >!flen m furwei aetlofl waa fll , i, a,:. thal .:il'|e,t ilui tkg tl.e MOfllOB, Tlie foilott iiik t-Atrauta Irom th<- report aro capecially appllcablo to thfl preaaal oaflB, Batflulaa fl flfl law ea IV., tht- ( iiliilhitt.i'e Hl : ' .? 1 tiere not l.i ttflfl uf Pa<- rtlitioat tko. ratalli.tin). ? tflfl). :,m ii>iifl|,act Iwt-aipfi lh? 0, WB-MWt inai Ihrrr MraataBaaa, flabifb ?iiuitl ha .ia.latol I.t ?... lagil .t. ., t>:.':.,. la flaprt?Ut Ib*f*M W Um ranparty btfma th* ftgat io tak* it al a valaatwa aaeraaa * * "Waaldaayaf Iheaa aptalti !.??<? ?,raptrl tii. t.rm. afttaaet, ? la-. baaafl l_a?H l.? it" ?bllgali >?? ".? an? 01'.? r nn<1."ratai.d'n? llia" thil I' r Oataiaa *nt. ?.ih wliom it rontraflUfcl, aboui,. <!? in.binr to ?,olat? tir apiril ot lha cox|>ar: t.i loot ai tl.e o.!,.ataaana of tt roiat aaafl. Tbero ?Hbla ika .-??!. i ? at tta 0. amhut* an>- maaflawtt joiiifrthr dovtri ia. i.t ll llarngl .BipaMt-M wil, ll. ,a?n r.tiiriii, -,- . ... ., b, i ???;.-.?t-iulii'-'ilT. ?b! to Haa Icjary af pdnta | ?* ,?? ? . ? irovifllaa *j,)?l u,t_.-uri- ol foai "Two arsteoia of Magraffl?*?* flbfl ar>d oaa prlntt"?rtntiot oparitr uJe bj ii!' ? ll a WW to rilfctl at wl.h bemm b* ibr puiil.r. II.' 'aiirtiona of tt* GaaanMBt ar' BMtaaanfy tttntto. OUt wbtO I Ifll i. ffl,rn,alla unl.rttka- mr ifl-rrir.fl. ta pr,,pT t-, I.,-eiernt'fl l.r .t. privasa, patUM mial ba M-iflafl Irom Uit flnMNtt ttmr At ilie aeci.n 1 MOfllM of ihe OoaflflMI Mr. ('. C. Waabboni ot Wlaoai?la uitro.ini, .1 u mll ... tl.e ilointe which provided tor H.o purc!iii?e of ull Ihe telograph l.t.oa lt, tl,e country at ihcir appraiaod value, auhatan tialiv ?? prtiviu.-d liy thn aot of UM. lull waa re fanadMfl ?*-? i,act Uoamttflo, ?f wnich luaaihM waa tnade Cliniruiau ; and tho bill kuown as tbo Ilubbard bill, wbiob been praaeatad agald al tbataMalon, waa referrad to tho Mm? Ooa?ltfle. Tuia Oommtttoo. \a I i?B **a.fl i .am;.?.a. ii aal IflflM <>! flfl flblflfll of tM Houae, yii\f- n,.,fl-h iiine la thc oonaldarattofl of tM mi i,.,-t, 1H..1 to Bflflrtag Borttafl wM flflaaand both for aadaaaiaflt tM bill* Au.l althoaahIheyMrmitled ? report bj tMCbainoaa lalavoc of ihr. btll introdocod ij bim, nml flnother lfl favor fl the i.tll of Mr. Ilubbard. !,, lie prflflOfltfld t.i tii'- ll.tu-ie, a.. ua fl BBabte tl.e... fl l>? priotadtogetbsr *.wth ihe pnooodlnfl BflleM tke Com mittee, boin rcpoita v,eie raooflflnltfld,and BOatarflw aetlon thereon waa takeaetther by lhe Cfl_flItflfl or by ih. HooM ai tliat flflflflflfl. At flo flMMMflflfli flfl Hflbbard bill waa Introdnoed in (lie Hi nate, an.l telerrn.l lo Uie Hli.ndiiig ( aiinuiUIeo ?n Poflt-O?-rea au.l Pflt Boada. Tbat CaatmIttao, al tbough tbey Md giTOO fle oppooant* >.f flfl niii but one opportunity lo b' haanl upon it, atul that liiuiu-aJ fl :ti. ui iliii'-ii mlnutes, aubiequently reported n favor flflly in tba Seoate. Aff.-r .. brleldlaeuaatofl there lt* (ui ther OonalMratlOfl wa.-. iiuletlnitciy poatponed. i.., -,;,.-.-...ue- atateuaaata ooataia ali ttutt la coni > liniig tiu- flctl m "f (".>ia_ri< - .. reapecl to Ibe tdc grapb, nml !?> pivpoflfl? lot- coanooting it with the |m>-i .1 aervlee.from tlie appropi?Iloa al MiBOO M eaahlfl IM l,i-t exjflt ?riineiit to l,e iinid''. Utiwu lo (he Iafl Mflfll OB. in l?, 1813, ao lull. a ot tn.a tiiinual report of the r -tina.-tci-d'-ucial for tbe flfloal ycarei.diiigJ.ineiiii. . related n> the tolearapb, wm nterred bf tha to tbe -i tndiDg ComalttM oo Approprlatlooa. in that roport fle lub-flflVM dlaeuaaedai oonaflera | ln .cngili, Witb great DBfalrBOflfl fl lhfl flfl grapb oompaalna J m. PofltmMter-tieneral rcctn'nleil that tl.e llneaol MntOOTflllol Uie OOflBpaakBfl ??'i,,um ta ifl.iii haaot andoi me pMYtaflMof IMaetol July .(. IBfl, .uni plaood aadei eantrol al lha l'?.-t-oiilec. Utpariuietil. < .iiieriaiiii; thfl projMl fnr thc morporatlonnf the I'u'.ii laiecraph Company, known a. tue liubb.ira ? tiictne. tln- l\ .tiii:istei-(l.' >,..<: "I tm irr..:.- Ut a ..i,i 10a tbi tii Ihe [>'?>"?? laUraMted too,* n t pmrtl t. Wtriph. ii ahouial i ?? fai.ia-lr la tta baafl* I tt* tt irtrti-f-- ^ lf. oa ?n , t |,>.,-... lr). .*rt|'b la uo'. *? ila.nau ..-.I. t.,iii tb* lintrrn .. o.J i ot (a?*I oor ptlfat*'inj lo l... *H in.'.ou of toolhrr, I ,r thafllfl it la ?-.?ttbA) aatt 1 ::.lo" "Ab pflvaM|,r.a,." 'iho (. omiuitta-i- a.u AppropriatlODfl b( Id a .flfliic Ial even Ina aeifllon ior Uu conalderation of ihe reoonuaoada* l.t.ii-i luadt in tbll re;aort, wl.lcli wm ati.-nd.-d bv repre ? intativea fr^.n ..ll ti.o prloclpal telegrapb eomparHi i Ib ibe country, and nt-a> by tiie PoatmMter-Ooneral aad pther OoTarnment o|_cl??? The ttatementfl eoatalafld ln IM report were tborougblj dlaouaaed aad ita reom i ?. datloni fniij Mnndered. ItUaotanfalrtoaay thal tl ind iTgnmeuta nibmttted to tne repreaenta t;vr9 of the telegrapb oomp idim oompletflly refntod the .u.'-t iniipa.rt itit fltatementa made i.y tho l'ostinaater . .<iici-.ii. aml ou wbiob bia conelMlO-U and raoommonda i wereoafld. it ia ooi inrpt?lng, therefore, that ? her u-tiiiii on tiie BObJect,eilhor by the (onmiit : i-y thfl Hooaa, \w,s taaoB at flal bb-iIob. aaroaa or m. maiaiaiaaaaaaaai. i.>k urs. 1 ptefBM now tn eoiiaiiler lhe rejiurt of tlir* I'l'.-ttiua* r-i ..-nt; tl f..r thfl laal flical ye,,r. Thia docmuent UiaTtrs iu aeveral partieular-t fr.?ni every other ofucial paper ou tui.< 9ahj mt Alt.m-.iyh lfl tht, UflflflflflflM upou tfl llr-I .ij-projiriali M the pCOpOMl to MtflhUfll the tele graph, m a flflflflBi of poMmontofltlOD MIwmb dlataal p_atioo#,wa*apokea of ByaflOM in tcrma ofdflrtflloa, und allhonvh :t WflfldOOBBed tor mant .teara?if not un WlillllJ llf nui|lflMIOHfll IIQtflfl Bl haviug auntll claim to Congro?toiml flvor, it bM dm Bmb punliciy a*a.nied in nn oAclal deuaawal by anv other promtaani otkoetot tn. (ii.v. rn.i.fl nt. nor BM Itfl propartjl ???-.m. tlepn-clated, ita policy and uiaimceiiK-nt ili-paraged, or ita ollleera iu \niioualy mi iilionc.l t.y i.i.iue. The I' ha* by law no .I'irladietinn over the teiecriipli, I-xeflfl tfl tlx flfl MMfl uiiuually lor <, vcti,ii,ent in. .-a :_.'.? lln- preflflSt ineiiiubent fl oflice baa never beeu requMtod br Uobkmm logiTfl flflflfl anv, or opiDIOM ou the Hflfflfll; >.-_, lfl view nf tM faet tbat tbt uorarnaMal bMMeand IM rflhl topurobflMflll t'lfl- tfl-K.,r,i|.h l.nca in flfl countr.v. no ...... t.-.i. cau i.e lumii, i,, tne dlflfln?loB i-.v Blflfl of flfl d nf i ..iiue. iIBfl tbe telearapB wilh lfl pofltal I Miliuiii. bOWOVIir, I'nat i i auy au.-h .lise.uaHion ,.,-i i B?a pnvatfl property Bad peraoaa, tha foniicr la eui.iie i ta- in- treated -a.ih oooubm Jastfla aud lha lai t,-r vt uii ituiiiii.,11 t Ivlllty. Tlie ei tfl l'i'-;.n:i?ter-Ocncr:il. now befarfl me, ,, ,ition wtfaeb ? ..< fla ici. grapb, Bagtfla wlth arefereac. lo oertaln atatameatfl mada ta hia r.p.irt of tln' pr.-fi dm- year. i'M_w ttatflflMoU oantatned eat. l.iat.M ol tm ortgliial Maifflad alMflflcoflol dupii rating all tbe telegrapb IIM* hihI apparatM m Bflfl in the uaited Btatea. lae pceoMl npon then ||a .., . ? ? ?f r--|. ?**..,._ tt*** na-'.na *f r.lintaM-a I Ofiirr. luamai. la aitiaaaitt fall' mlfl*_c?la th? aouirlnf-t ,.f ibr fonur. . i .? , -?? aa ? ? aatwittaMafl?| iia? <f ,;. hu- baaa-Mfl* k lavaBflM Ifla." 1I1K 1'(ist.MA-.tkr 8BBB8? BBTtBBl?IT?BTALCI 88 *.! i thr numbahi raonan in nu ooubibi ai nuaaxaaa The ea'.it,iate? reffltMd to lfl tl.K .x'r.iet. nnd oonecrn ?? .- iflfl flfln'iii'lt" -a ... -.! I. '? I.ili '-.mii.leii.-e" la now ei I reaflfld, wei | tfl MM?; I if-t. lhfl IhB entii-.i ooat of all tha liAOfl ia the eoaatry. taetadtaa paflata,WM inuch lea* tim,, $i)..?ai,.i<.i). ainl. aeoood, tbal IM eeel at n m-w aya? tem, <sqoal ia oxtenl te ti.. prewat, voold MflMBMfl Tberfl are no 'lata flOMflfllOlfl tvlii.-h ahow, even ap proximau ly, what haa i>. eu expendod in ihe exti aafln of talegnpb UBMdnrinff tbe laal iblrtj yearflj imt at IM II? taeM elafliMata wora Baada fla propeny of ;, h grapb (ompaulea tv,,a vorlh, _ tM ? h nn. uot leaa Ihaii Brj.i.oa.'.ifli".. TM onlv wituen whose flflttflfltfl wu* ai>|**i,iicil to flfl rcport. axprflflflfld Ihe odIuioii thal tl,<- ASlfltiM li.ioa eould bo dimlieated for a-aiiiit liM.jvi.iaK., provided flo wtre eoaM i?e in.poried frea ot daty. l;ui. ^ ihe llwMraaaaat haa ratcjuired the euaniM?_a to aay daty. ettber dlmotly to the Treaaury oa whal Ibei bare Imporfld, or tad_eetly on wnat they Bavo purcii I-.-1 ..; buiae, ii wiii hardly i..- deeflBM r.-a Moahle to leave bi* iten out of the a ."imt. Ad'llng ii to the .".ui.ii.iA of the Wlfleea the total 88818 he over |.-a.,lJl?J,OtXl. a boi.iTAitr a maa It appcara, tli,.*n, thnt fla aoiilary witnea* callcd by the fofllWtOr 1QfllMtral to taaUCl M fl lhe flflfll of dupll cattiiig the pcofleat isfleifl aaa^d an autuunt liwper c.-i.'. _r< efle than flfl Bflfli iu tho t.-p?rt. The wltuciva haai nev.T eeeatraafld nut one flkgrf 8 line, aud that wai tor the uae of tln-lire AapaitaaeatBf a large citv. For thnt liuo of 6'J latlflfl ?f iH'lia auil C:" nillca of wlre he elmrired aud v..i- paid $880,680. I'oiiij.urlin- tliia tihatgt wilh bta eatimato made for tiu- Pofltma*ter-Oaaeial, fl proporttOB to tt..- oumb -r of nnleaof wlre aeetf, ihe tel egrapb linealn the CTnlted Bflflfl wonld eoal more than 8-00,000,000 But on the bMla ol IhoDumberof nnle*of poha, the eoat would be Mfllly t-^'i.VO). H)i. OmOAIfl .DEl liKCIAllOM OF fllOl LKTV Wllllll THB COV aaaaaBi hah aaaaaB> -eaa aaaaaa to _,.kh. io a_Ua Inthefaco of theae f.i. la, r.leaily eaiabliahed before lhe (oiun.nt.-e aa kmgtmmrtattam aaty ? year ?g,>, the I'oatmaater Oeiit ral, wl.o 1* not pics.inied to have aDy prMtlcal kiiowl'.-ilge of tl.e eui.j.-cl, now expren-M-.H "full " Ifl the enrrectneaa of eatlnmlea whlih were ?Ofl iheD, and BaM not be?:i, aiii.-c, aaalfllflfl by a par u ,i nt TidtaiM lt wi-iild aaMn, tn otkat renaona t: un tbiiac flfl flfl Pflfltaaflfltee Oenoral, 'hai " (her? la uo u -tl of f. paaUflg flaflfl aatimalea." Tlie ti'ivertiiiii-ut BM Ih* rlfhl lo luu the property of the coiui-auv thM flaaailfld, am IM iit ifltaaM "f aflJMal .',nul.ui.-. c.ale.iiat.-.l IO j.rei.nli.-e tl." pulii.i- iniitit na to IU vaiua- i.?,ka lilte aa Btteaapi u> fflTMflll (he award fll thfl arbltratora, flad io catafli flfl flwafrafl aflflflflfl)a bi.iu I'-.-fl- tbaa tbal io wbieli ih.-y oooaldor iinu.?eive* ?ntitled, rath-ar than Iflhi tho n-k ol Ineltlag flreatat ufllaul boatillty. 'Ii- lujMttoaol iDob a pror.-eduf will b ippareut t.i auy one who exaafli ? ibe faeU. I:.o tt port prucfleda .-.* tolloa : vai, ? aaa. bb 0 ,<?'.flfl-t ia enna. rant, and u. .1 flaBMeaal, ini rbtt il thit tbt . - ,.., ...,u t, u.'in.a.l w:r.,ai>b umtt tn.u.i iil.Ti, Iroa lb? tt* , lo.aa .... lb*at ni ,; laMMafl witt BBBfl lfl tiuttmiuK li, ar no:,o|K.lf. !..r, ?., .'"K ' . M.Tr-1 -I .il.frrar, wln bat a?'n tb? oftlsl,., . , a -alii-.,!, .-.i.t t'br.u t ,a o-e.,1*.! pttUrta**.'' ,1, aa atatemenu are uijua-t botn to thfl laflaMaB eoflipaaflfl aad to tbe publie. TM eppeeltlra ui?.io ?y Iba eutnpauiea to tha varloua poatal tciegrapi, sehemea u a ,c, 11 ooaloll eoiiflued lo Ue r.-iuUiinu uf lulaatate un'iiia eo&oeriilng the v.iluoof their property aud lhe . umparatlvfl cott ol earrytaji oa tu,- hnilnnfla u thia aud oi her couatrlaa. XtoMMflara almoat nnanlwaoaaly Qf aoeed to lt. aud ih'-ioia uoBrldaM i ii"?( fl?M ?? naw* ble luiinr.t) of U.e people dcairo ita a-,. iou bj thu <; v,'iiiu.eut. lv.c report forther preeeeda t.. -av: 1 . m Ufl* praaaal n,i:.nflfl.iaf.t U,c am nt tbt t'ltjripb bt tl.e ?aaa., ot the p' ?; I' n il',"'.t pro!,,:,'! d bf IM**a *l t.b.lrtry rtltt, u: " ruoTii, Bifl* fl-.,ar_ra, aud t .rant of:, t uit mii/lo ,, ataienient uiatle by the Preatdent of me Wealern Union Company belore. flo llou-te Ooui ..I AtproptiflObBM Utrt Wtulor, tho report pro ..I-t : '? li ma. howtvtr ba rtrardad at *ettifad Uitt wb.1t nattrr Iba cottr.,1 of arlvaia aai na-.a Bat-tateflief ahjad .? t ?.a?? a p.olt i?r tiiatr ? t, -kUitlare.tiitl wb tt >t,ll tiat Itbur arr aip>i_..-<l u >tg<,rt< lotd.tto* tbt \ rt nt llrif lllrtl abJ 10 tailoret l-t tlUm tu flfllMl Ib* p*-p ' raa kt i__al> t, tu?ut. Ibt tt!t^r?j,b fl-O *fa"' t a ,tam*i mmmmtm ttnttftttrtat*.'' . "i.Mlill laM OF THK 11 l.l '.KA. II lfl ?IX I .-.II Ala KTATBa Afli, BOKOPK The people of Uie I'nlted Biate* uae the telegraph a* frcely aa thoaeol oiuer oouatriefl. They are now aeudiug ?_ic?,.,(,-ea at the laflfl uiuie ihitii 'AU.uuo.nciO prr aunuui, tbe Weatorn t nl-m Onapaay *i?nn havlnir aent about i ,i ?**.- ifl ttia.' mouih -ot *-pv*tat*i laai, uoi incifldlag a nreaa aerTlc*. gi*eBt>r in the afl-gregate thaa tbat par Barafl ratBaaaflM time byalltha olberteJegrapkaln thewoil 1 It appfl-ara by the talilea apint.ded to tho r,< ________ n^wimaauar-OPn-trBl that ln lar-dreat Britaln Iia Bfl 1'<T BBflflflflaa. iiiAHOK or AitniTKtiiT BATB8 88801811*. Whnt i-t ine.nt l.y'" arbltrary tatflfl" tt I*. aat BBBf to lbe right of the eompniiea to Ux the r.ite* exeept for ...vcrntnont mra-ugea cann?t bfl <|Ue.ationei|. Tbeprcacntiariffayateiii li BB-Ofl ou air line dntan<?4 t.etwecnatl atationa, i~*gar.ll.-a? of th? actual dlatanoe*. uvrr wbleb meaaagea are n?*r*aearily aenl; and tbe mte for Uke dlatancet ia the aame iu tuo .*a-t. rn, nonbem, w.-atern. andaouthcrn aectlona. There en-a few ra ea. i.ioatof oi, oi near tbe direct route l-etwe.t.Bo, tonand vv .-l.ii.gton. are kelow ttaBaa-O rate ta othor HO.tiona. Aa to tbeae ratoa t>< Ing bigb ehargea. the fact. -a.. eetaMiabed Ibal Uraift >-aM.Toly aa obeap ua Ibe uv.-rage rat.a of other oountrlea. lf not al.Hi.liii.iy O-Oapar. IBa W.-atern l mon ( ...... tim next raarajaa, Under thia arraugauient ineaaagoa ?tw aent frotn Nuw-Y.-rk to Buflalo aml I'lttaluirgh for M.ionta; to l leveland for :ta i-ei.M; to Chlc.ago UdOfr eii.tiati i.t w aaaaai to at. Laafl (<>r 75 r-rataj New orl.-ana an.l Mol.iln for tl. and to all parl* of r.-xaafor lli) Tiiofxient tn whieh ratea havo be. n redtu-ed lo tbe Doltod ,-iate. wlthiu the laat llve y.-ara will ba com pr. liendod by rompuiing the al.ovo rat.-a wilh tbo fol hnrtoa, wbleb w.-re tne n_t<MeBaraad ba-o-e Baat Maa. Ni -w York io BulTalo aud 1'it'.al.urgli. 7.. ccnla; (hirago, Mi.waukee, and St. Louia, Ifl 10 ..tid Xfiii; New-Orleau BBd .M.>hiic.8l 25; Galveaton aud other poiuU iu Texia, ti unl 14 M S <n Krauclaco and other piucc* ln . allfor iii.. |7 nnd t; Mi; (Jiigon and VVn-tiiiigton Torrit.irv, t?. Tbi- batll rate for oight nie.-agc- haa not been BMUafl to atattonaoD Ihe I'.i.-atl.- coaat; l.ut, luatead, 81 60 baa licen lixed aa the maxtniiini ratfli BOtWOaa any two atatmna ou tfle VVe-t.-rn I'liioii Baaa. TBaaa redue.tiona ara greafctr ti.oae iii.uli.'iu uuy otbei couutry dunug tbe aauio Ineviry I.uropcan eountry exeept (Ireat Brltaiu the mraflflgr eompr_efl tw.-iitv worda, all word* beiag counied iu noa Bountejr ten t.od> aarOa aaaatltata a tue.aiage-the algnature belng frce? hiii tba BTeraajfl <>f tbe iioe _____? teafleBraaeaBejt B eeoalderably more tbaa teu. Tut. i.reaent averuge ui iir la taa United Btataa i? f>o cents tar a ataaaaaja ot teu worde, wilh il.ite, afli' an.l Mignalure free! Tiie pur ebaania powei of 5.? flaafl of our papet currencv ia a.-nrrift great. r tban of l| franca on the contitietit of _flrope,aad but Uttfl jtaatat laaa of tbe Ku gii-ii BbiUioc. Tlus i- -_pe. I.illv true when .ippliod to lnbt.r. wbich ia tlu- chi.-f ii.ii. of expeoae ta ibe loia-n-apk boatoefla, not only in tbo L'niU-d Htate.i l.ut la all other ciiiiiiIiic. lu nearlj every Boropoaaeoaotry ll wili bc aeen tbal the tantf Ior init -rt OT tm ia laat than half lie BTfltBft rate on InternaUoaal aaeaaaeBe. itia-i.a ii.i.m oraa-TDM ____ T8ia_a>ni a os_n 1 Hl MltllT.a. It fiirlfuT appoara. l.y Ihe laBtfll append.d to thi* Paatraaatef Ooa. ral'a repfl.rt. tbat la Ml i he ptadaet of iiiterinr iiifriaagca Bl -pflfBBBB""BJBB 6.j_ll.a<;j flancs. and tliat there were dlahiiraed for a.ilanof ...t.1,71. ft.uiea; yet, by otuitiing from the all exp. Bjfl-wBtBfl loi .oiiatriictioii, flicrtnunv wa? enubled to iBOWaproOl af about aoo,ooo franoa, derlrod (ron Ijoajae laternat-oaal inrnaatri. whieh yieidcd over ..uou.-'.o fraaea, Franoa baaa paunlatlaa aeeriy equal to ibal ?f IBe United Btatea. flnd a Tary eztensnre aadeompletc telt graiih avatcnt. There w. re aeat. in that i ounii> , in isti, 4,37l,9.'.i luU'rior meaaagoa, |lht) |.ro'lil('t of whub waa MM,821 franca. There were expended foi aalariea la IBe aame tltno V.'i'-'d.OOl) (raiic* : an.l the total loaa from ope ialiug tbe leloaiBPk tbal .tear wa- 4,li?,871 franca. Yet < .???nll one-half of ihi' t'r> iicli tclograph i-.-ct-ipta foi ..ear wan flhrlved from iiir.-rrmtloiiiil and traiip-i! in. a Hgea. l.ut foi whlch tbe loa- would havo been over 8.0Oti.0(W Iran. a. In view of tbeae reauila. it will uoi bo deemed aiirpriaiiig Ihat f-arlv in laTJ tlie Freneb lele V-r.ii?ti iiuthorllie* advui.-ed tbe ratea M ptW i .nt on one rlaaa of ?Maaaaaa aafl iu pareaal aa nti" Tne iarg.-r im reaai-appliol lo tbe rati-w whlch yiei.letl over fn pi-r eeiit of tbe n voiiue of tbe ptOTloaaJfOBJ. Tlioraaiilt m Hp.iln, iu Wi, fl atfll WOTBO The gromi reeeipta arca.-t down at 1.774,411 franee, antl Ihe Bxp< naea f,.r aalnrie, and raalateaoBflfl j,4a'..,:i<su franca, of vv i.u Ii about were paid for BBlflt?M. ln neillier of tbeae toiiutiiea did fhe groaa Keeipfl from tntetior raflflflBfaa amotiut to half tbe aiim .iipaUflB (1 for aalarie-. Tbe tetoflra*,?la flxpaaaea of _aatna in ia7i were aaaal aiii.tioo fnuu a in aaeeat of reeeipta; Uuagary, ln 1173. 1.7M.,i?Jflfr;.uca; Bolitluin. fram l -. Portugal, too.i n franca; Tbe .Netbt-rluuda, otw.uo. fraiua; Hwedeu. 7uo,oi*u fn.ii.j-. BnaBbi a_aara ? profll of atat ijtttJBtt fnnra. and ap pe.ira l.y tbe UBIIH to h.tve reOfl iv.d tiearly 14.0...".a. lran.a frotn 'i,5(K),tiWlutcTiorii.eaaaKea- beiug att avetm;. of about r,| fraaoa pei uje?na?e. Her rooeipia from 6U1.0OO iiiteriiBtional meastgea were about j,(..h),(?)ii, being at lbe rate of ncarly f. franca each. ln letntonal it i.-nt, autl the .ll.atiil.ut'on of populatlon, Baaata e.uu parea with the l.'iilU.l Btataa more ucarlv laaa BBJ i.tb.-r Europeaneountry. It will be aet-n fnuu tbeae Btate loatiia taal tbe avenigft cbarare for motoagat in tl.ul ceilBtrj ib murli gwaWtt* than li. tbe Uoltctt *-i ,1. . tiik iij.-i 11 im oaaai aam?__ In tho Btattatical table.. appeuded to tbe Pflfl-BBBBBai (ieiieral'a repot t, thc operatioti of lbe lel.grapli 111 (lieut Britain for tbe yea. laTloxliibilB an app.ire.nt proflt of '.'.(pOO.I-Iii franis. I iay an appannt uroUi. beeau-e in tlu. reporta of thc telegrapbir operatlona ln tl at eountry a large ainotliit la cariicd antiiull) lo c;.|..t,il ..r.-onnl, for (iial.iiihi iiieiiir* wiiieli iu ..llu r eotWtfifla aie 1 harged lo'.-iiaiu e Tue evitleiiti lt flOIKltUlTa Ihat tbo teveiiiiea from tbe Br.tiHh telearapks, -ii.ii tbhliuea w.ti. taken over by the (iov ,-i ntin-iit, bave ever.v y.-ur f.iiien eoaalderabl) aborl >.f ihe ..giu..i wornai expeiia.a. I.uiiiig tbe laai >car IBe expendlturea 011 acount of tiie letaarrapb h.ive i.-cu raada tb. aabjeci of aaaalal PanUaaaatarjjfl UtTO-tlirat-oa, wbich taaaltea la dlarhwlaa tbe fa. 1 tbat, beaidea appi.nng bH Ibe receJpta frotn tbe baaliiaat, and 1. I irge appropnatioti t.v Pai Mam.-nf, lli.r. bflfl bBBB urawu from the dcpoail- in the puatnl MTtafa banka, aa4oxpea_tfld upon ib.- lelegrapB, flflBMBa, Tbeae dlseloenrea aara followtd i>i tae raaiaaatloa of tbe Britieb Poatntaatfl-r-flii neral. Mr. Muiia.-II. I.iirlna.' tlm 111 vi-4tl_rjitl(>ii, wUlct. whh uoedoetfld bv a I'arli.i ni'iilary ('tiu.mitn.e. Inqnlrtufl Vfllfl tatdrflflfloa to Kiuuk Iv. - .-rilililluo'.e, e-q , tbe M,ili.iu'tl Of IBfl PoSt-Oflloa TelegrapB*. aa lo tbe applleatlon ol tbe approprlattoaa thc poatnl aavinga bink fiimla, aud IBB reauila whlch he expe.t.-d from tbelr InveetJBeat. Iu btn rtply, made in .Itiiy laat, in whi.'h lbe re. .int-ninl expenat. fur ttro yeara are eat?natad, he ataiea tBat at tba clota at tbe aext -taal year, aaelan Marcb 11, la Bla opinion tbat the .apital Btoet will ttand debltod wlih over aiaVBaflflflB. and that h>- will then hav. paid intereet on the rapltal, from the averagfl- date nf lia Ini. rtm. ut, ut tlm rate of thrie per cent iht antintn. The Brltlab teleirrupb ayatani ll more 1 IXtoBI-Im* Bad moro ettli-leutly vinrk*e.i tlnili any other flioveniltieiit telrgr.ipb iu BaitMBB. Bai wbea IBa aatlraated BxamtAn Bbtc baaa niM-ted 111 11. it will not be cflj.iuI 111 >? xlitit to tbal cf ti..- Weetata 1 ..ion tflrapaaf at n.e ptaaeal ttaae. * BflBuuaa __B*ffB__Br. Contraat ?in,oi>n.iwj--eyual to t_0.ii?',i"?'. atfld altfl tbe l'oatinastei-Oeneral'i ejiflmatc that tlie liriei and prop? erty of the WeatflTu linltju. aud all otinr roaiaaataa in the United tVUatei, < an he repiodiii-efll for ttMBflflflBl (oneernlng the climates ol Mr. RflflOBBtpN I ventur. j to retnark lhal lbe uat proQta of thn buaineaa ai tba datl , lie flit-i will not eniible tbe j.ayinciit of tbri-e par aaal. oi- 1 i.-ii 'iie per cent 111.011 the eapltal inr.-ate.l. Sm ; tbal bi? tffoiu will In tbe i.icunliuie be reUxe.J, nor iu ,, auytbing will be ou.ittflid whieh would truu to blCtraafl lbe ellicicu.y, or promol*. lbe ecowomy of tbe B8_*Tloe under ina cbaige, bat baaaaae, afior tbree yaaaa' axperl eiite, 111 wbicb all Bfl ongiual e-liuiatcr. Bata fftli.-n far ahort o'r.alilv, he atili un.lerehtiniatea the amoiiut of bfl lutvitaDle BaaaBflBB. and overeatimatea tne, pioflta te be reeltaed. la v;ew of tbe taat, lOea* tBal [ba taila aa lalannr airraaara 11. Bitrape 1* 1. franca, and on BMBBflan 4J franr-, it v .11 bo aeeu tbat the ratoi ln tbia eoaalry, VBieb tiie P.wi tiihhl. r < ..-iieti.l dtjuouiicea ar -- blltll . h.ll*-r?," ,|, |4i,ra altogetber, H low aa the av.iage, ,,, . oiintii.-.H where iha telegraph i* under (.ov. rameat 1 ea troi. THR IF.I.I.i.11*111 hoi k K1M.V..I*M l*?*Tlll i in? it la ilrictly true BBBfl lbe chief ol.|eet..f the comi.amea la to make proflt for their atoekholdera. ii ,. for that piir|joae alone tbal pnvate part,.-. bave mv.ated rapital lu the lelegiupb buaineaa; aml tbare |, no aaafl t.aioo why the lnveatori In mch pr.iparty. aud tlioie to whuu tbey have Intruatetl ita mauagement. abould be BuhjeeU-d to ibe itivnlioua rl.eturi. af aCeBIBflflfldfleer. moie tban citixeuB eiiKaaed lu olhri-legilnual4i iiiduairiei.. ueitbei abould their ellorta to uiake Ihi. buaiiirBa Itaraaafltatll I and tbe property valuabla. bv lawful ineana, |M in.atie the aul.j.-. t 1,1 ..di. ...I foml. uu..atii.ii Tbe preaent t.1. giapl... r.i. ..lh. ? ai>- aii* |in.te I" im-1 ' Bll thr ilt-inanda upon them. Iu uo orhe.r eountry have telt*graph)o facilitioa rn. i.-.iaed ao, dunug ti.e laa' few year* aa lt. tbo t'.ilt. d -i.ii.-p.. Tbia im-n ..->? haa not ., 1,,. i,.,,( pace witb tue publie demaiid, bul 111 mauy Mttteafl baa ai.ticlp.ilfld it. Wblle ... other rountriea llu- r,,,! 0( ,rin. grapbn, ln aome of them a pait of . h> laiat of itn i.iarutli.ii. haa been paul from ttia publie traaearj Irlta ataaaiffl raia<-.i by t.n.i ,.,, apaa tbe poopie. 111 Mm L'nlte.l fltatofl tBe etloaaleae have been cntueiy by pinate .apital, furtnaiied l.y prlvaia cltlioiia. mr. "fabt araTFM" ai.<.wi fl thin tiik. BBBBB, Tbe next uotabla atatetneut In the rr|..,rl r.iatea to what is iber. iu -tyl.d Ibe " Automatii; or fm4i hyH. tetn."* It lacertanily an unuaual mafanee of good for tune when the ownera of pateuta, who bave baaa f"f ynara uniueceaaful ln tbeir < fforf" to make a _BB8aflaalaBf aale, are enai.lod to aecnro ao Talnable an Bfllvertialng iu...liuin a- tbfl; Annual Kepori of a PoBtBaatei UeaeraL The Uiference to be dr.-.wn from Ihe aiiternaniB Ifl tbe n i-n couivarnmg Uda w.uiderful " ayati-m" n t I,Ht 11 fl a building tiovelti, 1 -Bt ready to nurat into tha ; .,ij ui^.o, of tttarapBaaflaaaaaaa. I w..uid in.t i.iaat u. piomi*e bare**eatbabroatbef a*raaatind w.u.i But u taw plaln aud ilmple tiuthBtondTiiing tt inu-t kfl l?ld. Pirtl: It l? not a m.v-f ity. Tlu re ilra l.eai.1.. me a*- 1 antfliapaiuiiblet, b-uriug date Ij, i. 1 MB, ihr.11.^ whoao ? paaea tue ptiuaaa ot whai 11 I, ifl then .* ?... ?_?-. 1 are Blowiiitfly aet fflftB. Steuiut: lt m nol a a.ieeeaa. Four 1 ? .ra of eoaalwO trial. dorlng whlcb auiiik bat.n exp...i,i,.,i In put. Ll. *l i.1|hi um l.ta. 1. ml ln rii.l. .. 1, .im*. i.y nw? .1,. vlcfia, tooreieome eoiiMBUtl) deva|n|ped d.-feria, have falled to d. 11. Hiiperloriiy over ailatlng modoa, oravflwi lUabiilty lo cou)]HM? aue. .-aafuii-, -rith tbetn. AutoiiiBtle t-lograpky, bi b i.par.ile ayatem. ha* never been Btflaaaaflaa I" auy .aiunl.y. It baa been la u*a in Ki.gland for ? varal yeara, bul ?nlv aa ai. aid fl \\Ktl Uuita tyttaai, ot aa a aubatituto fur etbara graativ lu ? "? ? ? tB^IB-tlB.. farior to Ibe Moraa. aml whieh clfher wera nevwr> ?lui-adVno tnla mun'rror were Ion* Mf dflMrdfld. Ita ei... f .lefecU BM ? 1- M?rc flM i* raqalred fl preparo BflflflMflB tranamlaa.on bvthe a.ttomatle than to aon.l ,t tTy lhe Mor*e Ity the latter the reeelvfng ??___? tbe im-aa^g.* flfl fflfl na the Hcmling fl- ucrvtor Iranainl'a lt. ao th tt whnt. tbe flfledflf ia llniah.-ii tho ropyinf te .oi.i_.lot.-d, aud iho uu .atage ready for dellv.--. v. _ ._... 1 ItV tMflf ??'"-' a)'tm lhe m?-Mlga l? rereivc.l III the .lola and d.talie* "f tim __>ra., fllp liahet. MOM tlflflO la thea raqoired t.> tranalata iad wpy than w ootapted iu ...,th aeiifllinicaii'l copyiM m the or.lio.ry wat. N.? inatti-r llien. Bhal l'1-' "?te of apee.l al Wblofe ibeau nala in.nle to l?a*a ov-r tho wiro-lf lt tnk.-a a* Mtl ilme to pii'i? r.- for traaaflfllaalofl, and acalfl oa maaB tline tu trai.-lale anil louy after lhe mcaeage n ie. fit---l na lo tr.nainit atul oopv by tlm Korae lyatam?II la plaia thal tw'ice a* mueh Iiiin- la ln roape.-t tuanv alnjrla maaaa8B nr lhe aatotuattc ptOOflfl flflh_f flflM ilin,irv M,?, *a. ilui th.-re are other grave pri.tlcal diflli-.i'llea. The aiil.flin.itle apptr.iiua, aa conip ir..t with lhe .Moi-o, i, ciitnbeiaouie. intneBta, and coaily. It gota oui of re palr eaelly, l,n'11*1' *ttt "' BBe-rtdlog daplieaflfl f<?r bm ln eaae flt flflcflMt, flad* ov.:r long dlat aiiee-a for repalr*. conatltute a aenou* uhleetini. Airiln in lhe ai' pruc.-aae* of perfaratlug,traneflflitlflf, tranalatlna ani oflpylDg By the autoinatlc av-tem, more opritnea ar* roquirod than in the ir MotM, Tlie Uflitlraony of thflflfl neoted with ihe (iovernment telegrapb in Baglaad ia lt takea liv.- lint-i ao m my operatorB lo aaoMaa fully work the fonner.proe.?*< ie the latter. Tlm coal of operatlngUflo ohief expoaaa of aarryiog on th? ta-u grapb im-?ncaa. lt would Im inuch .-h'-..|K*r to provlde add.Uonal wlre*. and to uppiy ih? duplex to them than loflloiiiil.- IMfMl flf ojM-r.iiiu,, imt ir Itflaoeeaawy t" thia eofll i-> Hv., that faet alone ooiiaiitmci a ohj.'.-tioii. booblb tBABflaiaaloa on oaa wiaa Tiir BBBBfl .Tan.M ItKOWK. The dnplex apparatm. the patant* tor whi.-h aro owu.-l bv the Wut-tcro I'liion Company, le cupablo of retiflerinir IBBfB valuable aervieo than (he autoinatlc, even If the gr.iv.-r .lofocla of thfl latter are oui-i-.-safully nvcnoino. The ilupl<?x wcrka eipially well eingle or iflahle ti.i.a ..i.viatiugii.fl-ncei-aHitv for dflatioatlflf la airiiiii.-iiia. Iiflifliiblct the capa. ity of a wire by t-n abimg ineaeaga* to be traaaBnitted over It ln oppoalto dlrt-eUona ai tln- aaii?fl tline. witboul any peiMptibla dunlnntion <>f apood. It >l<H-r. more flafl aave tno coal of i.ri.vuiii.g Mi.fll kflicping la repalr addHtoaal vwre.. ii ?:tvca lhe carrvlinr c.ipacity ol two wirei wlmn, by aooideatal iiit<:rni|?tioi.a, tbere ia but one in workluir order,and wlu-u Bfl utuoiiui of money pn-vioualy iu veatfl-d in wiri? woald bare nrovideai anotlmr. CflflMornifll ti.. autegrapala lyaflaa of Hflyw and other* it i- auill lent to aay that they are nflalyelec ttlcil ti.v, whieh exelle intereal by tln ir nanlta witti Bfl ri i-in.g ,*>(.v u-nful purpoae. Their operatioi.a ara too siov,, ih'- apparaflfl t?"i e-i>einlvo, aml tM o> rafltona i,,r ita aaa to? Umitfld to i-ivo thflflfl auy ralM na paitfl ol ? prMtual aynieui. kxii.iiiii.-i! It 1* doi.l.tlcaa true, a* flflfld iu tho rep flflt, thfl iu'fhn laaiar fiatiin- ttfl eutire n., :!...,I and niaeliinery of tcle grapbk - -acuinunli-iition will M elnajxaacJ ; l>ut,' ba-inix irtte, wl.\ it ahoiil.l f,.IIow " that tbe (Iov.tiimenl will fl eOMpeQed t" BMMM th.-lr 8888881 Id nr.ler l? proteei thfl lieopl-- Iri'iu ixfortlon," doea not cloarly i.tip-ir. " Extoriion " la a word of mmm iu.port, ?u?l abould -c.t l.e ligbtly ii,-' al- Aa h.-re anpli.-l. without ovld.ii'-i t'i juatify it. it will, when c iliuly >_on?dered by a dUei m inatlug publie, recoit with inerc .latuagiiig effecl upon the higli I'l'li Ial who barlfl it upou the i>nvate cltl _.-n? at wl.m.1 II \* alniflil. Tne in it atatcuit-ut ln the report whieh eeoflfl to de aerve uotice lalhe followinv: " tben rn ii ? ??* nt laa paflBia i? tb" mflmm arrr u-.r pottti tfl ir.r.pi. ?*a "?!- Um* tM faafla. ,,n iba other tbu 8 iataa Cu.on rafl (rtnb I'omptn. " Thia l_ followed bv a lonn eviraet froin tbe laat flaafl tl report of lhe Preatdento! Oompany, after wbiob IM Poa'niaater (liiieral wilh the followiug "eleganl extrai I :" ? Ta* W**MI li n f ,,' r tlwtra ronttn?latl for bi?h n(?t. ud r.,f?.fii 9mm a*lfl aaafW aaafl. wttit. uaadatitaa kava lfl.rn f,,rmr I i?r Ib. |'?,|, >.' of raslurmt M-,. tb' V, '.a>r? ttaou bat tt ont-r ral. rrd ll,' IIMa l? lt*lr*> it? ri.tla, ?nj. io i"ir,u':t of ..??.?,,. I,at aol MnflM (<? BM ai,r iatHB wb rh tla. ptairftl raa ri,i| :.,r aran.i tt* -**!. r*W*g la Tiaiiaitt lt* aflrtrtaiy la tta aaaa fifl-i of fnr tampattlum, <l htt irtortatl lo art.fir. ?nJ traimpbel by ?aH-f ii .11 ilt V. a|H,n lhfl I'tiatinnafer-IJcl.crat eoneludoi thia iti.lliitlnenl of tfl M'.-ateru Union Ciiinp.tnv fnr tiiifti i-riiiiea ainl miailc lucauora t.y aa)lug of lb<- W8B8BBB L'nion report tUat lt evinrca ?? A .,-i'?,l pifrpnrr to flnrr rtl^a oalr tb?. ,. m'-.h' aitaritaintta <-?ii,|,riiDii MBpaaM tlttetgagpaalaafl.m BM-tt8aaaaflaaafclAaa* lt wflfl 8 i'' 'I ' ;ir|> '" Bat i-.>ix-rt that the oppo.ltion to thc ppfllal tclfl K-r.i.'li ' aiu' Inn.. lhe tel.-vrt.pli i-oiii|>anlt:a i I, tne plural) flfld Iboaa din- itly kntereatod wnh th.-n, iu aaatatalM IMl^ moaopoly, Farthar r.-tlfctiou ?p p,- ur- lfl ti.iv- iii.tii.'f.l the I'oatmaster-(ieneral tniuodilv tiu- opuiioi. loaMpend aeotence npon all partlea ef ecpt tlie Wc-i-rn t' 'in.l to i-nin- -nfr.ite upni thiit .-iiinpanv aud ilaotll ?m flfl eutire weiglit of I.ia con .1 11,11 alliali. Keply haa alri-Mily t.icn nia-le to tlie claim tbat MT Cimfl,tilcfalile n.iiiil?-r of our peoplfl dc-lre the poflfll fll (-giaph. ? I fl fllflfl Bflflfl of ih-- I'oat-ont.-e iH-partmciit are Ifl ex ciaa ol it-. roceipta bj |8,00M00 a >our, uot inilti.ling iu t,r,at nn the nillliiiiia whnh ha\e MOB and a(? BOW Mlag ripoarted la lhfl Mitfl <?f balMla(i foi tM eoa vauleoce of Ita o|>? raiim,-.. Tba telegrapb aaaj uot .llw,l)^ jit-ir-.rm tha bualaeM cuutiileil to it Mt lafactorlly. but IndlMtloM are not waattat ln tfl r.-i>'.n tlntt the aame ia true flf the Poat Olllce. ln,- BM Mflfl little u gt all behiii<l (he lallai in eoiiforioiiig to (he pubiic rcijun.-ui.-i ta. l't j. :. iifl.i-i.i. !...t tbe complalnt ?t thn tiicmi lency flf flfl telrKraiBi BflflMfl from a higl. oilii ial ut the (ioM-ri.uienl. who aunouiicea hia pwfflflfl to l.rlug IU biiaiueaa, lutl.l.Ui-e. atul patronate uiiil.-i the Mttrrol of i.ia Ii. >?fai efforta to that .n.i M haa .ncoiiiilfl I'flfll no d.-nlat ofthe richt ">f f he iiov ei.iinent lo tiiko tlie pr->periy on the |.a.vntent of Ita raloa, i? i-e laoiniiiiliieii tn u,c dmbbm profldfld by law. He ii mlatakea, ii"?' rer, la aaMmliia tbal ihe only ..p p.fl-itio.i ,-oinca troiii thfl wflflterfl T'nlon ('oinpanv. whal Ihflj ihii '->? <a nol hia ii;.i,i to eontrol, althoiigh doubt ii.g ifl expodlaoey, but they i...v.- aroflefld aud wni BOOtlnM to protMt earneafly flffllofll mlflrflprOMQ IflfllOM, fniin wh.itev. r ?..iiri-,-, u< to the value of their propertj. ami iiniii't aflpataloa* tfl fla eharaolaf of their manager*. XM euarge thal "th.-v BflM alwiay* eon (etulctl fot high lutej aml chforccil them with a atiniik* hiiini" .an M pojaerlv niel wlh l.ut ot.e flaflWMl It ta not tnn- IWeirapb retM katlM Dfliad BtahM are now i,itt hall what iney aara *u taan ,_--, aud the ..nti'inty of the yedMtloM audfl ia> tiu- weetora l i,'ion C'lmpaiiy bare bflM made voluutarlly, withutit comiHi.-.ou, and for rei.aona and pur poaea allke Ian lul amt bouiuable. ln the rivalry ?aiil m-w a-aa.ifl laiiona tl.oy BflTfl niado eflfort* fl tetaliifornier euatomera Bad fl scettre Hf onea by en ileat aiVing to rtn tln Maflflflfl more pn.tnptly an.l aatla faetonlj thaathetreeeipellflM. laaaeaM hate they l.ifl,!: th. Bnt t" reiliii -,.- r ilc i upon cuinpetlng rotitea. In faet, tlufl report (ofl fla P.,?-ttna?ter-(;eheral mltuila thia when -.peakini: of MflflflflttoM " forme.l for the i>un>oa?! ..f r,'duci.ig,-a." H,a* he cipect th-' Wtttata L'niou ln ui iiiitii.n I,ifcrltfi rateo than lt* "tivala," in i.r.l>-r that thc lotiu.-r an-l >.<it the latter mav lie "ileatroyedl" Wo liatc repcat.-illv n-iniuiatrated aguinar what we i^-lleved lo Le iiiire.ii*.ii.aiili- rt-duetiolia, but wli.-n compelle.l to redoee, by tbe aetloa of our eompetiton, wc have not alwov* pern.ltted them to dirtate the ratea. If our rtTfllfl have 8008 vauipiiahed II WM elther hecaua* they 'lifl not p"in a. the faciiitie* iei|iiiaitc for dofla ?ultlcienl l,..a i I--- to .-u.a'-i. them io puv Hk axPflBflflfl. or becauae tbe ret.-a tbey inalatMi npOB eatablnthtng proved to b, .iniemune.-aUve. or beeattae tbey fi.ila-d to oonduet tbeir bualaflM U, ih.? r.iiial i, !.,,:, t.f lhe publie. Tbeehargfl IbeWaatarn uatoa Company "have not aerttpled to uae nnv deviee whieh the powerfnl can c.tiploy BKainal the tt. aii. and falltng In the open Held of ta.r ct,ui|ivfl(itiun, h.i\t 1. a.,ii..ii to artltlua. and bave tn?imph. .1 by tnaking gold thcir weapou," ia abaoluiely glDRBdlrM, and lf uttcred hy one leaa dlatlngutahed than lfl I'-e-tiaatter (.ener.ii. would deierve to be charaeter ,/rd oo o aUuiler. lf publlahed br one pnvate inilividual in reapoct t" another, it would uiakt- Ita author Uabta to an aetltm for damaf<??. It tn true that ne are r'-atly to purehaae telegraph llnea i ,fli|.iir, il to nica-t tlie tl.-rii_u.t-. of a eoualantly iiicreHHiu? Ixiaineaa whenever we cau do eo on i.-rmt tbat are ite.-n.ed aallatact.iry. But I l.ere are al way* two parties to tu. h tr,u,aat-i.,,ii*- -the buyer and the aeller?aud bflilbaxaao a<roiupl-ah hlt purpoae wiiuout the aaaeut of lhe ntlifl-i It Iiaa rarely hapiKtied iu the purehaae of telegrapb line* that we eould not bave aequired tbern on tx Her t" r.i.t I.y -aaltiug loiuer. Uat lf tha ownera of pr,t.?t. property dealre to aell It, aud partlea eau be found a'- < and w.lling to buy, what ha* tbp Poatmaater i.eneral to do wiibtke (rauaactlou. wbefher lhe buyer or ihe A-jetlet inake* the better bargaint Who baa ad ilr.-a?.-,t to him a eomplitliit that the Wxateru t'niou < .....p?n) haa obta.aed .-.introl of any property by dl? honoral'te ujeanat xi.raxstaitr ani. ki i.imkhiaisi. The report of the P..attnaaUr-Oeneral prooeeda to Hata e.fln.e eiementary truth*: " If tlart furnit'f* ta latieawlibl* tUrtbuflU* af *l*rtrir!(f Tb* ttri- *afl tb* atnotlbcrr tuttiilult Ibt wtatnat* of itt irt.iwia.r-*. ??????? A. wai r _M . 'fiart^r i.? _ra?l*l lor ibt '??? '"?" ?** *t i r. lijcl.t. ar wtttr; u well mlfbl a pnt* ba mt m U.< t,.?i **fl "t"., ,.. n.tra Howi.g tt, Ibt tat, tbt t*e<i BBM taal I a'r.'.t tta on tkr v war wi ?? h rtatti tht ??, ', lo ferm.Dttt ii'. tbt frui.t o( IM ttitb lo .???? t. W mlrirt for ibr ttke of prolt tbt a** a>f ?,., i.ia:!-? 'bt' ???. ?*btia iafl unir.rtt, of (itti l u,,.tcr.o,ia a.-.L-L Tne Weateru l'nion Ct.n.pany la nol ln eielttsive poa ., iilou ot all tlm ei.-ctrii'iiy ln tbe conutry, nor doea lt ...lo) fj-ecial privllegea in auy State, excepl the r.gbt to BBf , .-lUiti valuable ptttenta whlch ara protected by law. Il haa th* right fl aeijutre a moDopoly of the tele? grapb iiu-iii---' or a.-i a j,.- tne publie l-etter andoheaper ihii, otiiat pMliea art aflfl or willlug tn *?rva iL But lf ahetTM, M -iKia-ii iii (hr report, that ita euuipetltora Inive lK*n " v..ii.|inabed ?'by the re.litrtlon of rate*. BflM .'"' t'1-'1 :"1 Bl *troy the chief on whlch thc pawttt. u icgr-ph MMMfl re?t? I If pnvate rompa Bieacannol pai expenflM at pCflflMt ratea, how la It ,.?!??, u it i .ai lha i.uvernmeut ean make a jirofli at ittll lt,*M-r rai> - ( ?iiin ial laaiBaaaacT. llja eai i.iitfliuu.eiit, or ??tfl auy of thc HUttaa.aver i.|.< iicl a iiiuipikr. iliu- a eaual, conairucted a rallroad, bullt a ahip. er.. ted a bulliliug, or managed any bu*l flflfll innre cttiri.iitu or ae.onoraleally than pnvate par iica m '.ii'i hate done I I* it not au aduittted faet tbat, a* cnniared wilh prlvafe anterprlae, all Oovernnmnt work l* in ? greulcr or le?* degr^e dllatoey, wasteful, ai ,i extravaganif And In it poaaible to pruduca a dlf fircnirfault under an oleetlve ayatem f Wo elvll *ervlee, la.iiciiing rii.raeti-r and competanejr, bowev.-r faiihf.iiiv iMluiiniai.-r.Ml by tnen tfldaated for their own i,.,?nioii* I*1 |H-ra<>n?i anl pi'litli-al favor, will ever be a* aoooaflflfll ?" " < orlng the fliient agenf* to have eharge ol lulrnate a?d delieale l.uaiiii.M operatlona a* tlia( tu ?liDct of *e!Mt.lere*t whlch gov.-rna tuen ln tha eou.luot of llicir jirivate affair aTATUTIi * M1RSU* aSTIMATEJ. Ti,i |-,,?tu.a-t.-i U'-iifl ifltl BBBl prooeetla io give anndry flnani l.i tktmaIBBaa frnm the Weatem ITnion report. The llg'ire* whnh lie preaenla ?how that of the nct profiU ofthe company, wh.r.h amnimted to 880,318.818 dnnug Ih* laat tev-n veara. ninre than tis.inn.ou, ara r, jii.-.ent.-'l b> new projvrtv aa-flriiitred duritigthat time, and I.y rnnela iow ou hnt. I. I r> lar t.i tbeae "Uifiii, ntt t-tiit for the p ii p.,a>- uf ? .'.iii *-t.!,?_ them wub lhe enti luuto by the PofltuiMter-ileuural ono year ago. and rooi-cnlug tha cerreeineaa of whieh he uow ei pnv^ea "full eoiifldttuoa,' ih tl tM proparty of tfla w.*it,iu l ilii,.. auil aii Uio uii.. i lulagijuh . ouipaulo* iu the Ifaltad t)\lk\*t trttfld Oo'VapfgaU'JOfll tltt |U.9J0.W '? The repoH Wbich'.-.-?M Ihe WaflbJlrfl tfnV,n. ilgt;roaaaan*'a>Iij4irabl-exi.ii4iiion." prucooda to aay '? I i.-iai'.ni rt'H.- .''?" ,..,_. r .?' ?Illl4o teiflgia-BdtkatB-takat aal ?*_ yLmX aymt a* ? "? for lha-r?ti_.*tioiii.f * ranoa. pawlts, ao r-i.a.lf !?** **}'*"*: n* "' l?. ara.nntof, p'lal pall la by tba at-ck 'I tl flf laa WeaUta I tila.n C.._BBB(.r. IBaiof Iba I .u-piniri ?u' ol wbe-k lt haa l.a-a toia p . i-i ini " * Tne Wcat-rn 1'nlon renort wn* wrtttBB for tb'- Informa? tion of Umetoflkb-flderaof,-thai Corfipanr, an | *>"' *_\ tbe gralilitalion of a nurloua publie." II il had to lia ihat a fltrrernmenl nfllelal would haTeti leiaure an.l lilipoaltlnB i" oee ipy blmaelf wllb it?-r of Ita doiaiia. iA, ij,* tn. iin ?!.. 1 ina publie dooument, per* baptaoine pelBfl would bflTfl b -.-n I iken to a,,|., ,v i''***" riil f.ii- tbe gr of aueli emlui.tit ourlflfflll I 1 blt blt of .hgnliltjil pleaaantry i ? am. icl l.y tbo loliowmg (irria 1.1 B__80__l tim " Kian*. afl*i?m>ft 'ip-r'i b. a ? ... -mrj .-,.n t.f (.'* imiinrr ia wlti li Ui- Bflr. Bfwttt Bat iwepl iwiyills pu-lioo, prraeBt 01 ll?f PlMliilrrit O.-toa nueht w?" ?*r. ln lh- IbBOK** flflJBalae ttutI b.i rrpori. th.t ' Um ti ..* ii ""I 'hatint wlan a. Weat. ra I u.uu 1 _. 1 (I hr withr-t a m'.i'aati.. . .- - ' I Bf . B'lliBMI w' : -., ao'.. thitirlio- Iht tmUmwmXgttmO nl Iir .Ul leflB Jttit, '? > a lafiaer.' " Inia ia i.iiiowi'.i bfwbat parporta to be an extraoi from IBa B/eotera Duloar port. wbleb Ita Preeldont did aefl .vnte, wi.lih w.ia uoi 11 1 '. 1 1 ba .itniuai nieetln* ol aio. khiil I'-l 1, and tb.* pibli,...' -ui of wluch l& B MW8 papar waa unlntciitioii.ii. lt did not app<ifl* "' X1*? offlelal copy of ilc. report ln Tkt Jnurnal af ,:,f *f e grnph, tovrnlebtho PoatmaJter-Oen r,.' la ? i trBaa a oaatnet Mialater attarka <* prlT .to citi_ .n who raatataa no rolaUoo. buaiueaa or ottaerwlaa. to bla 11 ipart nient. aml awapa tbe dignity of an offlelal repori foi nn opportanBy to axotte^Mtflula, ooatanat woud be a WBStfl af vvorda. Tbo roitini-'-'i 0. -f-ral eoneludea oi followa: Ifl.t. O'-T Oa HB i'RIMHIP OUT. ' Th* ll... 11 ln a part ot '.li- n-nlil ? il-iBw.t'.io.t hrUkaraotai .4-<' ngrui l -trr liran ii-hasfll toeiern-Mi tbediiera lurn giTfla ln tbe tl.ird tetmOXtt thn BM of J.ilf V!4 lX.ill, to ip-^ini ippr.ner. fl.'.'.iiih* 'In-a, pr**artr, aad iS"-.-,'nl ti.e ??..miuairi ntw Is oprr.tlnn, ini ll th- Wr.t-r.i I'mon ('..ibdibt ia|i-ir. ta. be un wil mi t? miko a .ultintarr ul* al a fnr pri w, I .--:>.raiori, I Uial pro I , ,_. bt mi:- h> l.w f.r th- iaiin. I a:- -atiMntiin-nt of tha i trlrnaab, aafl foi Utl . : * . . u .n ..f ?,! i-flkl -.."I."""1*'. o__.-rlhw_ire.-U__ >f .. ._.,, ....? ? L r* .1 i . 1'.. _:_? ? r kniyt ui tha," li. bta report aaa faaa bbo.after araiaaConateea ta itiiniK'uiate tbe poetal telefraph b> acqulrlaf ""the ime* of aome or all" ol the preient eomp^nlea, tbe aame ml; i.ii reeommenda: Firat, tbat matoad of adeptlaa Un ?r par'ntirahlp Bebeae, ti.o toie-taph "ahouiil i.e puf entlrely Iflto the banda of tbe OoTera (.nin ?? iini. Beeoad, if lt' la deeidad that tbe pabllo ln liooa m.i tieiiMint tim t> legrapb. " tboo tlm 'Joveruiii.-ut abould oot ffcTor one prtratecompaojrto tlie eieluaion of Bfl 'tii-r, m-r iboald il K_ anywi.-e euter int.ioompoiiti.Jii wilu pnvato eii'iT|)ii.-e." I-h.ili uot ettempt le reoonelle or expudn tbe dlrjet confllct I.e,.__een theae two reeomn.enil ttiotia. Tbe neifleetof Cotu-rcsa to t*ke BOafc-B Bl bba laat aeaalou npon tbo recominoulUini n.i'1.- ,i >?? ir a_.-o la an nidici tion that. Itt th.'tr opini.ti. tbe pnblto tnterflflt flm-i not reqalia tba poatal telem-tab. Ibeiaron, tBera wbb aa .mon to exerclaa tbe diicretlou Klren ln tbe act ef Julr st. laflfl, to appolnt appralaen to ralne " tb. property" aod efl-flta ni tbfl telearapb companlea. Tbore la no a-tborttj for iba aiateraaal t__t tbe afeatern Cnlon Company "appeara ta be tinwilliinr to m.>ke ? volimtiry aale nt a fiilr prtfle. Tbat (.'ajinp.ii.y b ..a atf i.K-.l tlu* tenua of the ..'t ?f iaaa.aadwlll complywltb thoee ter_a by aetUna Ibeli pmpertyto tiu* Oorernmoet whooeTorCoaareflealrei notlee of ibe fleaira to bajr. and requ_8la tbe appo-Bi nient of " o impetont, dwln'teroated pei lona" lo aaaui In the Tifo valuitmii, aa !!..'! ui Ihfl BflBBflT preaeribed ov 'bat aet. wlil be uceepted i.y tho company ua ?? u pn.-.." Mi* o'ib.ii "f the Oovernnientbaa beenaotborlxodtoaak tbfl eonipanr tonamethe prire m l.iih the) . i ' ii il mu' to aeoept, nor baa my aucb oilt oer BUtboritr t.? purel__fl tba oompany'a property, ,.-f i.t i y ti.e jtfloe n,i_-'i:i be at wnlcb they abould ottr t.t .aell. lt inav 1*8 nl.-v ii-.-iuii. -I ....'. uader axlatlug lawa, ti.o monaaera of the company wui not be wllllnx to maka a prlTat. barntn wlth tbe Post maaOr-lieti'Til f..r (be aale of tu. ir Itaefl : not .1" tboy beliavfl that tb>- eoaatry a ill en r ba tailatled lo laaag i rato tba i -i n.i' la tbal i */. Tgxnic cmzB-a t<> pai nia con oi db_tbo__?_ tbbib pboh I n Ti.ere aaly reanlaa ta i>e aaaaldeiafl 'he raeamaBaada* tion of tbe I'o-iitnaaler (, tbat OBBgrBBa Bat-flrtM tho uuflaliu Uaa af llaea fTflqaltad faa IBa baaaedlaM aalaTiliaBmnal af tBa pofltal UtofraBB. CaaltbatBat tbe l'0-tiii.i-.l. i-djiieral cxpictod a BBaBOflttloa to bo -..Tiottaiv eoaslderod wBI< beeateatplateaemploylag pui. Ue moneya, collecu d from IBe people by t.v.u.i m, to aol up tiu- Government In buaineaa aa tne o mii.t .r?>f prl VHtn clti/.-na I CMDtna Iiou. iii . exciiiive t fll-T of a Rfl ?put.ilrun liov.i iiu.eut. vvlio.a.i powola tiie J.-IHiei ..nd limlted by a eonatitutloa au.i Uw., tha propoaal ia aimpiy monatrotu. II there were no am b probibition In thu t'onatiti.f.oe. tbe <? .nmioti bobm cf nn lutelllaoni people would revoll al I ha aa_t<_ea_l >n tnat prtTatfl prop ert\? ahould b ? takoa fot publie ase without Juat eom penaation** But to u.f- publie raoneya to deatroy pri* ritte properiv i.v ii ? ?.?ni-!.' i.' il competltlon would be moro ii;:jitsf tban to take lt vvitbout couipenaallon. lu tii.- itt11-; i in ii. owaara would ioac aaly na laim-, wblle in tl.. form. r tht) aoald m ike tha aame loa*. aad i:i udditioii tii'-te'to be oi.!,-eil to lontilbufe ln tflXM of tbe'euat of IBa deatriic-tioii. Tbe owneraol tel i_raph property, atai led aa tbey may well baatlBla H..J-L BXtiBordln__y propo?a.l, need ii.n-.-m. apprebenilon of ita bi nKcarrbdlntoeffi t. Thepeople nf tbe United Btatea flre latelliirenl and Juat, and tne CooBrosa tii.v heTe ebeaen, taitbfully repr__eutlug tii.-ui, v.:ii requlre tbo tiovcrnmeut lo ahow ib lerafl respei t for pnvato proportv aml prlTfltt rlflhtfl tn r Ihi commou Ua r. luirea .a citlxen la thoa to every other. ihive tba b nor to be,fllr,veryretp rtmiiy, ),ur -;.. Uenl tarraat, williau oujos. APF-UDU A. ti i.i. i vi. ortatoaa. Tlio I'.t-tni__Bt_C*-Qflfl_B_al propQflflfl I > .lestroy Blltelog-pBpaeBatty la tbo eoa-try u>- patUaa tu.. 1 iiited tatHt. a tn the Held aa a couipctiior, aupporlod by the publie IraBBB-T, When, lf evt r, thia propoaltlon H BBtletHty BBBaldarBfl l.y ConKr.-a-i, aome tftave i|ii< ationi will ari-.- nfBlatBfl nioral obllicatioiia of the '(iov. rn:i;ent Ifl tiie tn_BflB and the llmitatioiii of ronatitulloiiiil POW-t, It is uot my purpoaa Ifl aaflJJBal iu any cotupU-te man n.-r laa ii itata af IBaea qaaettoaa aa aaTaetlaa eitaer tbe power of IBa Oflf laatanl todeal tTttBB_taaa.aat of th? Bttagrafh at aii (0tBt_*t-_H than Bafl b.-ou airuady tlour), or, haviua' MBtb p.wer, in eiiTiinitiK lt to tuke or deatroy Pftrate ptopetty w.iln.ut coiup.tuaatiou or duo proceai of law. The lad-C-B. I Wflfl *-C lB B few Bflfl tfl Bttfld -#-__", wTfll 8ukp.'*i Um l_fl_ti iu abieb Um projool ;- iiktiy to bo ro Bfltrad bv IBfl i-utirta.' ?'It Wa.-il-l t.r a rarioai an.1,flfartirr rr.ult if. in BBB?tialafl a proTia-na of runititutioril law. alw.t.a aalMflMaafl ta. laflfl tir.T. a laplad fo, prataetloa u '? aa u.-n. t.i '.- r. .-j . I -.v-. .: . lai ta xiuki th* 0,.frrnnir_it, I.-..I whra-h L*. IBCalVal Ihfl r.tnnnrD'tiii.iauf junaia, .lataa ta-n ini e___B-_*tBton a. tbe ju-t (.rinriplt- of cimmuo law o:i -.ini aatfeet ia-r,,n.i tn* p .w.t of miittty letlilatiaa t.j ibaafi or ci.ti.' I .. mi ii '11111 hw ba',1 tbat lf tl.efliorrrnnrnt relraim fn.ra taa anoilaii iinniiatai af taal yrnparty la tbe u.*? ut ibr pniiiie, it rm tl- r.r,ia a- valur p-otirei., c?n iatiet irr. pirible IBfl Jirrmaii-iit ir.jurr to ?iif aftrnt. eaa. id rf-rt. lob r-l It to total liestrortmn witlmnt uiakinf at.f r,,i-n 1-niiiiiin, l.rt'iuir. in th* mrronnt lem* t.f nut worti, it u nol lafeaafbrt saaa. Naha laaatrBatlaa woa'.l pcrrn*. the roBrti lotinn.l pra.rl.ion ilto s rwalrirlinn apaa the r-<hu of tl.* rrtiirn .1 thoa.-r,??-.a ?tJ: al ... th.* romn.,.n law. inatead ol lbe roTeri.B.itiit_, inti mikr it ?n luti.ont. fnr iiifi.ioo of privaie mlit ni.der tt,,-prr-rii ol Ihr i nl,:. --?:. wfclefl hat no warrant io tiie law. or prartlari of our aorr.ta.ra. - |l'jn>pcllr t+i (irecn lia/ L'o-ipin. , IJ WbIIk.'i Uep., yy. 111. 17a. '? Caa llir I.-tHi'atorr btrr pnwrr lo ,1o thai inAircrt'.T wlilrh ita-anrot do dir-rtl, I If .1 a- .nn jt l?l. awir or r..uin-. (hr frsarli ae itarlt. ean lt taie i.u ita wboia aaliatanna aml Talue 1 lt Ibr law will aa ltnfl r.tion th.t thr __fB__kalfl ihall not rraBBif iti owa |[nnt, ll it not cqaally a* oalnrai aaal a* ate-anr. in irnplie-Uos Uial U.r|turc ihall not ia mr acl directlf to . r.-j ;.i n- iu owa |rB_it, or lo driiror iti T.inr I lf tl'?r? *-r-t.o anthariif in firor ef ta maoniM* a d-rtrinB, 1 wonid in, -a tht iai,?-!iiii of tbe late liBBtit-l Mr C'h'.ff JeiUi-a Parker, in thu Mf ciie: ' I grBan.t It on the priuclplea of our (l..??r-i ron t aml Conatitnlion. aad on (in imuiuUhia principfei of juiticr: wbich ou('a to biad forercmtnti ai well ar*Vpeoplfl-' "?[Slurr. J . ChArlea RiTrr BrU((r .?t Wirirn llrl l_.a et al., 11 l"elaifl'i BafblfllT.I ?? If.( had liern prnpoaad ?? p?*a an aet for th* i-i :-a-.rit- -a of tha loll of ('..tlra K.a-r l.nJa*e Bj in arn.un*. not .i-wwlioj flflO.OOB, t* I, .i '. * '?: '?- '? i tb* aaa of iha i .n.i...... wr*. i,_ wUrra U>r Warren bnd(* baa l.rrn bailt it tl not beiiernl that ao* nranh... nf thr Lenia latarc would bar. loted for 1C A Maaa of juatlre wonld bia* prcrei-trd the adoptiou of a nia.nre io inequltable *-d op^reiairr upon ll* fronu Bnl whit ii tb. : '"?n" bctweon ? ?*,.-. ,.r?i. ? ofthe a . artuallf in th. plBlnt.tTi treuurr, aad aa irt la preTent Unl iiaonnt from t't'ut ict? their u er- I 1 ilk wbil d.Seretu-t .. tbrr* la -.I-r! of ti,* om and ofthe other upon tl.a frngtUtfl lutereat I TBBaflBBMaBtB ... f'.rm onlr lot ln anbiUnce."?(Cbulli 1... ar iin'..- - i_,t. W Bridf *, 7 Hie'krrirg'i Brp, p. -0-. ?' When i law innihiiatflM ***? tiIoi of prapertT, aml itripi II "f Iti at* tnb ital. hr whirh alone il ii .lianniuiah .1 .. property the owner ia de Ptii-: of il *..--..-ln?- L.tbe plainr.t inUrpieUtiou, aud ceru juiy * ir.u tbe fpinl uf i ron.tit-.iioia.l pr.a'i.i'i inlended rx.r-aaU w ihield pri ral- '. a'.H tr, i, :ota of a-'.tl.ri powrr."?[W/nah-Ui-f Ifl. The I'...pi<_ a KrruiB, .< J a ?' Kt*u if. apoa ? c.initrBi:dun of the rrint. the power co:.ferTit li broad inongk to proteel tbe roropiaj ininit ill the ,-orw.j-.-. tal la* jarl.i ta prmta lulemtt, iud aa iii;.te:.1-d hr tbe LefiilaluN 11 woild lie iinpowi bll ks BBflaB tl to tbu eiteat, whera na prifi.ion ku bren mada Ior fo l f.ii -:rot ,,... It ?oul! be in ita aUon of Ihe fofida ? estal law of Ul I.iii ?[ '? li. Peopla a?*L liitf, 26 Wiadflli'a ktipt, HA 'A propwr eonatrnrtlon of th? word ' t?k*n' tr-.ta-a It i.'noTtrmafli wth arural mu r,| ir ...rtire,!, tleprif-il of. Il il, tberrfore eVidrct that tb* L.u.ililur- liaT* no powrr to luthoriie. ln anj ea.e. r.tber I dirert or ronarorirntiil luitirr to pn.ale proprrtr witbout coapeuaaljon to Iha aworp."?[K.anmli. Co. tg' Uirk. ii Inli.n., flffl "ln Iho elloti.ioo af ihe .N'alitmil roail tbr.)j_|h th* Stato of QMa a '.rr* tn !,a waa tbmwa irn.w I ttrei-i hf lbe ulr ol a toll t.nJie, w :;,rl, I.ii ?.tu- taa or Ihaea . rar. of lu rhirler to ra . Tb* arw r :.. dm nol la the .'.at olaflTaai tbr pmi.,-- .*? r the cid ono | ind it wu thil ??-o eirltuire rifbl wn (ifrn onder Uie Irat jr-int. i-.r own>rof tl., tolltiidie wa* iB-.Tlla-al to rn. -omutnaati-aB. It wat M.d on iha oc caalon, u ll haa l>e*n ir.-ii-J on ll.i", thit the r'.ghl wu girin mii:.. I lo. tb. dierrt ?n uf thi I.e(i.l.ture aa to i ,n!i.*<*ueol (unl; in-l thai tha new t.n l?* ron.d not be ol.jrale. to hy th* Hnt irnBK., wh ?. wn hu.'t un.l.r the loliinntT ,.l Um> Sutr or Fw-l-ra UflTerniiirnt. "Thi. ronrv. of r-taoniiif inllu. nml . drrliron itfiinit Iba elii-mnl in thfl *.-at laataa?a, hut ? raaoufll >r .:on of hi. ea.e, and i more tl.,,n.u.n Inirall.atKin of il. B?flafll Ihr | roper .nlhortlr to rrTflrBB tb* deo.ann and iwird in foi thi injury done. Tha Talaa vf thi rlurter wai r.tiniatr-l, aad a ju.t,.ii Baa ma,.r. Thn. ll li true, wai Bot ? ji. I.nil ilrei.loti. bnt il wai I aaMa_aa uf H e hlfh fan.-tiona- ?a nf tbe (ioaeruawul, aad liin.itle.1 to r.apact It wa. dirute-l b, lhal ?rnie of lu.t>* w: i,-li abiuiil be fe't on the Nrn.h and bf tw* trOaunai harlug th* jajwer to icl apoa piiT.le rtjbti."?111 Patan' K., p MB ? '.pprndii A. 1 Al!hoB?h Jrt'ja SlorT'i epim.u ln tbi* me wn OTirrole.l hjr ? har* n:.|, rit. ut Ihr .- .'irt it w.a siihiui ?t_-l to thr I't.te LrraUinre int . u irt aaa a |.-e|...-ii'l> Da.wl hf tll.l h.ali, in irtntilf, ln| li.e .lora; | '-ri of tbr lli.,lfe iiomyaty, thi ulae uf fianihiM had boau Itu, in.ii Nfll' drptr.ired uu,l-r the furnu of l.w.?iI'ru.t. Lawa of ku. , ul. B, A 1>. 1*11. ih. Bfl*. _ APl'K.NDIX 11. . IIK AVIUMAllO 1 i.l.K .KAl'll, -.(Mr _bfl li'tter to thc Postnaiistcr-GciiorAl waa put ln type, I rtcoived lufor.ur.tlou tbat a aeriaa of experuuenia lu tranamittlnif tha l,rfl*aident'a Mei.afte bud boen iii i - - by tbo autotuatic procaia, aud thut on ona ort-._i.iua tbeae exixirliiieuta bad boon i-ondn.'led ln tbo of tho I'u.t?laator (.t'aer.ii antl other ewt neQt peraoui. It waa r.-yreaentod that ln the earller ax penuieuU tbo time ronmrod to truuiuiit the iuoaoa_a betweeu Wa-tiiUKtoii nnd Itaa Tflffe waa _l, bm that aiit.a> Qiirutly tho iraiuuiiaiiju w^ _.coun.lisa?d iu _- ll.l.l.ll.-.a. I will aaaume not only that fheie itatem >uta are eor r.i-t. but will jfo an.l admlt, for tbo purpoan of tbu iIIimu .?! 1...1, Uial Iho trau.uii.aiou cau bo ameuaa* fully tu .da in -*_-<*Kraphl- cbarBrtera. plaitily laglble, In tAraiaaaae. -1--) ne .j-ioiii'd ?-v.i-i_o. ib. .*i.w_iv-4 J.'ivv-.w_ aud a dipeat of the |_flefl j ttaflBt, agm-e gMng 11.0*0 worda. were trtin aro itt e,l I.y M Weatern Union Company frora Wiiahlngton to N(*w V.? k. ou elgia BflBO- and alx eo^noa t I'-'-n, ln an avnrage of hn nnnut.-a. nut for a ml-mndea , Iflllflg whioh reaulted ln a bnef inlerruplloa of oa* ?fl*?. Wirca. tlm liniai ilaaiol, woui'l have 8888 -.,.,,> .-1 i-t ? f IW minuiea leaa tiiuo. To work IbflM flflM _(fa- , ,'|iiire?l flflhl aei.linr BpeiaflM ..t Vi 188888 ^i , i ____. I reeelvloj operatora al Kea Terk. Uy the .l.'i I lfl L . _ (, -iioii nr llotM pi-,e.-ai lhfl aud j . ,,,..... l w i II lhfl ., , ???" in 'r:it ,- -.- ie aii r-eeiv.-i. arltfla nut and ready , " - ? t thu ,iu'.a.i.a- .voirea (hrao ior ot. ii very. i.t. , .,!????- 1-. !?:-? -i. '''"'?? i ,? -r.,. ,r>^?* >-" n "'''? '"' tranaiatrd lato Iflfl #iril. 1.' oieoto, . ...ii.HU,.:.. in alripa al, 'u'^.^ZA'^.roMUMSrih ?. ? | dOtfl BBd dflflhO* . inttl.xrr-inlii.. rh_r Third: The'-, ivL.-IimHa' ln t?.< grapuio (liar Botomatic moboI hnp*, to dolug lla work with eaa .ill pr. mptneaa. 'Ilie real tiueafiflin.thci), ii, l?flOBMfl, W_hBl 88M IBB automatic procaaa InToIre ln order to eaable II t'.'. iiv.rthe Praatdeafa M'-aaaue eoRaptofl la aaw-TMw witbio 10?_intMOf Ita reoeipt at wraMingflal l I, ,vi- aaflnmod thal ite tranan.isalon could be ac*m pllabedfla 80 mloatM. IhM fle perferfltflfli nt .aa end and tba traualatloa aadeaaytog at tha flMM Baaa both be accompllahed ln M mlnulea,aod It will aot t* oufair to divlde the ttam eqaally, and 8?lo mlnotaa I,, eaeb. Now. one M?rae flfla iralOT will *cnd ia an h..ur aa many worda m oaa operatlva can perlorate la taa I .... I am tln- f.,riu.-r r.tu M Ih ,ht Beut mon 'Man tho latter lf it took eight operatora -.aa h "i.r toaend tho meo.aa_e. allowiug flfl i-ame UM B perforata tr, It woul.l requtre throfl Hbn, eqail to _(, OOt r,',.n t,. p,-.-".'.ie it ii .aiia-tnir I -if ou h.aiir.,? ihat tho traMmlaaioB la flccempllahcd with* oui iccident ln SB minute*. ?nd that lt U n?ini> ie_-.bie. we have uow cOBi.-Mie.i 4? BilBBlM. i.nd thB .... a-ige lfl itllla .-oui.i-.e-J aaaaa oi pamm tapa, oa whleb BMflfl graphio c_iractera. au.l tbere romaia jo mtoutM m which to traaalato and oopy. It '-an ba rea<iiiy <lei? lual un op-r.itor flrtll BM traoalaUB an.l copy fiom tlm pip r UM more thaa hair ? , fflfll ?? when re.-.-.v.iirf ,.v IflUmL A-.-tnnitna' tbia u bi iiue tue only doin.t I have ia wucther tue c_,pv lugeapacitv ia n..t.)v.i-..atiiiiat.,; -.1 woald UU IwieO a_ many tranalatora an.l eopyUt* to pottorm t'.e work la tweaty miuutea uk it iii'l pertorMora Ihai la. flfl bb ibeu. " w,.iii'l r.-fl|i. ra -i p, i foratoHt U oppj lata. aoo at I, , t three more toattend Iba tranamlttlBCandirw?>_; rumaataaod tM po'fotaMr*. BaaBiag a I-oim of 75 tu acoompliab in an bo* the work pertormed wtfl ISoporatora on i rM wlrea by tM Wt mh rn V iloa la (be aame ttmo. I havo before atatad that II to the c_i..n ,,.,! looae oounoeted wilbtbe Britton telegrapb nuoa tbat flve timca M many oparalor. ara requlrod to wora tiie>. .ii. ? proce-a et|.-et'.vcly aa tl.e MMM. *.va ? -i.. - ta are BO, nr 0v? nior* thaa mv ? nunata m thia in . i , wi i.i. upri bablj too low bj al leaat tlve tVbatever elae tba automatlo maj M aoie to oo aaofl. faetorily. ll ia very Mrtain tbat st cannot bandioproaa uiati.-r in tbe .Jay time. Ir ia Imm ttorial whetbor n _ n.ore ecooomlcal tbaa other proeeaw im aat. taa pre-a ,, fllfl i-oiiitrv Inaiat having lhe very laieat BflWfl poaaible to be obtflloed up to tM time of BolBB t-' pre-a, ?ud they Are willinf to pay whal II will OMt to proeaM it by Ihat proflMfl thal will gvre lt to tha-m. Katt tii" ait lomatio ia nol IM moatacoMmloaL lt w.mla ne do. id e.ily cbeaperfor iMWoatern Union t'> pro-rldeand maiB taii, a.v.-n addltlooal wtn-a b.t.v.en Waalnngtoi. and .N.l-AVurk tbau loliiaiiituiu IllOh a for.o at holu VUkUM aa would r.-ul.r it poaelbla to traaamlt and dellverby tbo aatoaMttfl praeoM ta^flworda wlthlo aa hour fn-m tlic time of lii.i.g ttithoat iiiicrfi-rug mat w.jU otber buaiueaa paaslilg Mtwoon theaamaplac - at tM ? iiue time. It BM aniuetimea l,pen aani that lOH ?UlleO, aml theiciore lOM flZBOMlM i.tbor, OOUld be cinp o., .-.i iu tfl automatic proMaa tbaa la roquirod utrtl.-r iho Mi m ayatem. Bnt thto Ifl entlrelv faiiaclooa. naoui and experteuoa requlrod to perforata anu to ttan-laia ,iii,i oopy promptly aud accurately will (??? eartaiaM , oinmaud m n.6_ ataxt M an paW forothcr Mflpaaa?I OfflMTf doll.'.r rce.-lvcd by flfl BJeeBWa Vn.ou Com Mtorwfl aro obllced to di>!.uiart aaootfleaoflfl Baf for the coal of geitmg lf. About 40 BBBfl of tho 70 are u.ifli for Ubor. To doubla* U.e coal of thc labor aluno -would ehaoae the proportlon or expoo?M t<> ro.-.-ipu from 70 Md Wo, m at proeeat, to 118 aad uw. it ia bm ,, com ,t. lo ,? ,t a .?! ilc etflioputation furtner, but lt wul. beeaayeooughtoahowwhal the weatt woald oe ? taa uoatof labor waa molUpliadby Btb. .. - .._ A-inouu. oiniut waa reeeui.y made ln the i-.tician pap'.-ta of what was tbero conaldered uucxt.aoid.ii.iry {, |,.'r .pl.le feat itt tln> tTOBamtafltoB ti, the pre-a* of flfl ad .ircaa l.v ifl.tin Brigbt U> ina eoaautMBta ?t BirmlflgMaa Extanaive proparatlonfl lo report aad tak s-rapn the ad ,1,,?-.* were made ta adTaoce of IUdellverv. A fpodal the J.inilon ..ffl. e to rceuforoa tiio roguiur stalTat Hirmiiighaui,.ind the ordiuary e.|Uip inent waa augmento'l by 11 WbMtfltOOe'fl Automalio TraauBittora, an-i 06 j*.-rr..r:itiug nmehinc*. aix or fl-Blflh of extra power. c.,pai>ie of produeu.g ttr'-i) p.rforated cople. at one operalion. liil*. Ktve an eiiu.valeut of *S ordiuary oiM-ratora. lt BflMeara flfl wlth ihia IflUMMa arrav of of-oaohi ii loperal A bj Melarka, t^.- Ur: i*li lalearaph v, ,a aole to UMii-mit tbe a-.eecl, it Mr. lirl-rht din-a-t to _1 oltiM, and i:..l.reetly au flbctdaed report to e.x other*. Tlie aiiitre-.a waa in.iile la IM ev.-iiing. aad all that waa roquirod of the telegruph waa to and ,1. ilver it iu for puhilcatiou in the iiiotning papera. Tbia would civaaaaToraajflOfl Hvo (?> e:x hour-. i nava n? iDforojflnOBM to the uinnlifi of clerka rt-qmred ta tranalatfl and copy ut tu.- flfltiona where lt waa de liverod, but.Judflag by the uumber require.l to iraue iuif. th<- oopytng foroe nual h.ivo b.-.-a v.-ry large. XI e P/eataro Unlan company reoalyod the Preatilent'a .,. flt Uio Wa-hingtou ofloallflfl. J, at 1 fl/fllflflh p. m. Aa boloro fltotod, ll wm MBt to H?a iork ou eiahl. wlri-a ai.d eoiuea were Oropped a' BfllttBBOM aud I'hila delpbia. At >ew-Yi<rk aix c ipiea wero laken. four for rtelivery lo'tbe proaa aml two for uae la retraianuiiaaiou. Kiiiin New-York it waa sent to l.oaton and dropt.el at ull the interraediatocifiea whieh lake r.gilar preaa re poris, aud d.tu wesf. to Uuflilo ainl l ni a<0, wnn dropa at tntarmodlatfl otatiuna. Kroui 1 _ilaJi-lpi_la il was aeui to Plttaburgh, aml Weat aml Bflafl, with luter Bfldlate dropa, CrooiChloaaflit uaarotraaeailtted toHaa Fraoctoco aud other Weaternpolntt. At the aame timo tbat lt wm Miaa ami IMa waahlaafla to New-York, ?/aablaatoB wm aaadbmi U Boatb aud Boulh-WeaLM that wil nli, three hour.of ita rooaptlOB at fhe Waahiug ta.u itattOfl lt lu?d beain trauamitle.l lo 6i. flChMfltflllOBfl. an.l ti.-liveruil lo uioio thau iou _aew.-p.ipei? eealOBIM over ?n .if-a of 2,' 81 uii U"* iu flXtflBt ln ou.- dlroetlOB aud 4'iiiiiila iu Htii.ttier. trlem-Mi hie pfllfllM um ih po-Mtible by any ayniuiu m auy oiher eoum.y. I do not wiah to tm uuderotuod aa <lesiriug to make diapara^-iug eompartflOBfl, nor aa eueaUoalaa tbe cffli leucy of the llntiiU talegrapM. fuey are moat ably and olhe.eutly B-anagad. Muuey, energy audhili gi-uco have been beeWWM upou them wiihoiit stint. They poasea* eertain tleeula.-il a.lvanUKea oter ll... tclegrapha. rueir operatlon* aro eoutlucted witl.'iu a lliutt.-d area au.l iimoi.g a ilctiao populatlon. Maierial of ali kinds CiaiU a third leaa there than uere, uud iabor Icaa thau half aa IflOB II wouhl nol n? aur prL-aig, thercfoie, if under theso faVfljra'>.u eouJition* their performanee exeelled oura. 8:nh, bowever. la nol the faet. lhe Amenoan telegrapha porfortu more worB lt th,-eiaroe time, an'l with lOflfl laoor tiiau thus..- of auy other country. Tbe resulta of the ft.Uowlug compariaoa O.atween BTew-Torfl aud l.oiidou fairly repreaent thfl difTerence betweeu aii the priuei_,al tuifp ot llio two eountriea: At the Central Telegraph 3t.itl..n in London tbe work Ing foree eouaiau of 1,0*9 potflOM tofllBdlBfl tlie uianagt-r i.nd btfl aaaiatanta, but flXClUfllTfl of meaaong.-ra. Couiit mg repeated meaaagva twlee-that la, onee when re eeivod aml once wlu-ii roaeut?lhe uumber of moaaaea pu?a*ngdal!y tbrouglt tliaiataiion laal-out MJ88. beiug au avurrtge of about 'IH uieasa_,a f?r eaeb empioye, The workmg foree of the Weateru I'uion Ct>uipany'fl oaatralo?eoTa Wew-YorklBflfllperoona, iBoladflf fla n-amiger aml aaaiatant*, but exeifldiag n.ea.aeugera. Tba iiuiiiiier of mea.aagea paa*lug dully oiimed aa abova la about iS.iJOO, being au 8888888 of li>7 per day for eaoh employe. Tni aunual cotnp'nsafion paid to malo employOa ol the laondon ot'dco BTflnWM BBM each, and to the fe.uala etuplo) 6a 1198 each. Tne avera.e comiM-uaatlon panl tfl the male ruplorOaof tiio Wealeru Uui.<n c? al their eeutr tl ofllco ln New York l* t'Jll per aauuu, aod of the fenmles $si- i?er ainiuni. Iu view of the faet* hereiu atated, it U i^>t probabla that lhe aulomalio ayatem wni flflflfl BflflflflM a for midahle nvul of that eiuployed flucb -aiiafactory reaulta by tho telegrap.t uomp.-iui.-a iu tho I'.itod btatea. _ ?-0 VOTE ON TIIK rKNN.aYLVAMA (.'?flNSriTUTION. turn m a irtj.t. Thc ftfljrgreK.iU! otlicial voto on thc new Con fltltutton abowe Mw larko a proport oa ol thep.op.a ot ... , .....,:,,,.. *??... .i .1" - > l '-, a- s ? Ol... ir l.W that VOUld M IM atcppiug alone to boneat .'.'t> runieot. Ttiere were j_..74t votea in favor of lhe Couaiiiuiioo, aud lua.jji aga.tinl U. a iii_J"illv uf 11/j.lJ.. i.t ol lhe rMtitlcaiioii -if tln' iii-fltruiucnt, tu a total vnw .1 oil tM. It will be ot.acrvcil thut about tlve a. t.-u' u,- of thi voiwa ? ?i.a. wen- iu l.iain of th.. CtuiaLii at i,,:i. Al Uie (>c(.>bei eirtctiuuihia vear the vote for atate rr?..-ur. r odt Hi.blS Hepjl.licau and *I19,4T1 DflBMM r.ttl,-. 18, 81 Hepub lieau majurltv lu a total vot?- of *t,i.-V4. ll *?.al fl BBBB, that the totai vote in l? fell a-tl aiout loJ.iWO, compared wtth ttna Oetober returu Om of ihc??CfUn tlea in Uie rttale but 10 ifuve .uait.iltiei axa.aat the uew c,,i,atitutioi.?Adama. lflau. -laupb.u. (.io, iu, luuiai-B. Lebaoou, Perry. Poiter, H-.iy.ler. BBBM88Bla A BOSTOS MNK OK OCFVN 8TKAM1.U-. Ftvm Thi Uotlaa utobt, , Sir HukIi Allttii, uik.ii it.uilii.on tlie 1'ortr lau.l aml l?g,leu->ijuig Kt'.itl "hall he complflled. au.l a new route thua opeued betweeu Iit.attm aafl Mmitreal. haaproiuiaed to ealabliai| a per.uanent Iflfl fll aleaia ablp* betweeu tlna pert a',.1 i.iveipool. The uew uua would be vu tl.e Baatern Kaiiroad to Noitii Cottway, aud lhe eitelleni leriulual faeintica poaaoaaed t'> thal r.fl.i.t iu 1.4-t lioatou will every Conv. uifin e lor the traii.hlp.uont of tf.>t'il* t.i Caaada and the Weat. 8ir II, tgh Allau thltika, evid.ntli-, that aueb allnaof aleaia er* oould u.-t lail to be well ?..<i>por*ed, w ith o uew ivuia oiKn to Montreal und the llix.>?ae Tuuuol rouia t<? tM Wett ready for travel. BKKOKM IN Ot'R BBBOBBhS POaTAI. HKaVlf*. ?>?. m in, tio*kr,ltr itm *g*0 otM t BBMBfla Tho Poataiaator-Qenaral aeaata u> Jiava promptly adopted cerl.ilu auggearlou.a rec.-utlv made tu a l.oudoa U-tter by OflflBSfl W. BflBBlIflf to Tna .nbw Yt.lia i mn, ai-, lu r.-gai l io lli.- tat au pu?Ul a*rvie?; iii.,1 Itfl now anuoiittced that th.< Ki!n,i>eaii uiail, will Imi tii.apatoh.flil luui New-York four tiwea a week. on tbo ait'ii?i-ta Btaiiiiag ou any gmeu day, tiue rega.u aoiug ha.l u> *i,?-i. provioua rt-corda fur aaftfty. aaoiirlty aud eeitalnly lf tblt regulattou I* atrl.-rlv tlitor ?tl to. II Will WOrb M KTtuU aml Ulifl.'latll lunXul IU alikt tM*W,a.B il \u\ p<*l*i t;iria,o.