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v^xxxm.n?i(vji>. MttV-YORK, MONDAV. BECEMBER ?, IH7:$. PRICE FOl'R CBNTS. THE V1RGINIU8 PRTSONERS. AliKlVAi. OF TIIK BUSVIVOBfl OF THE SPHHD KA8&ACBE& TIIK JVNIATA AT \NCHOR OKF T1IK NAVY YARl> AV trh a gnwHivon totaw owi bwwub> ANP TWO TRIHONKRW ON BOARIV-T1IKH! KVI PKNCK IN KKliAKD TO TIIK IIUUU ANI> KR KANU OF TIIK VIRUINIl'8 TAKKN IIY TIIK I'NITK.H ?TATKS niSTRICT-ATTORNKY runi; UMCUWtD FOR TIIK PRKSFNT-TKRRWI.K M'KKKHlNl.S <>l T!IK 8VRVIVOKS OV THK MASSAl U!? AT h\N T1AC.A l>K CVHA. The Dattti Statea stcam aloop-of \v;?r .Juniata. < oonuamlcr Urame oommanding, with thc Vir BiiiidP |mIwW1 on hoard, wa* mflrnalcd otl thc Huzblands at 10 a. ra. yeaterdav, and ahont l p. in. viim oil Vjuaruntiue, She was hoard <m1 by thc ytiar atititie oflicials, a:sd aftcr thc ti*ua! foriual cviiu lnation, vw paaeod, and proccoding m? the har bor, dropped anchor oll thc Hattciv. Tlu MgriiP from Santiafio i? Cuba to thin port consuimd lo daya. dctcntion wae bj atonNi thc vcaacl \)d\un blown (nUmHl out of hcr MM Fho briugsaJl the aurvivor* of the pMHBfMI and crew oi the Virgiaius. 11U in iiuia'ier. OJ thew. fight are *kk from th ? piivatioay oxperienccd in t-tit- laptM^ Santiajrndc Cuba. It wa-i intcndi d tbat no cornmuuicatioo nhonld )>c allowcd ivith thc Juninta, but thc |aj b< .iritiir. thew ni.sM-dtln ?teajBH oll ."vmdy Hook, and b> fore t-ho camo up ?witli the Juniata a party from tbat TMMl Iiad fOM aahnre at (^uarantinc. and another party, M?jiltfaj atvexal rcjTfs;V)tativc,s of tlio proas, liad beeu re eeiywd on huanL bniud SlaUs ])i(?tri< ?-Att<trn?y GMflU Hr'iNS. witli wvcra) KteiKtciaj'licjs, v,cnt on Iniard, and U>ok Qm d< poritkai <d 0MifriiMMn for fuiun by tlic OoiBffl?t oflicials, and b?r imc in tbc I'nitcd Statw Dietrict Court in do terniininK how far tho N< utiality laws ba<l Uk!i uifiiiiKcd by (be VRMII of tbo Vir irininH. Coiiuiiandcr J<raine bad also takon thc dc|??>?4iti<?u of Mu pdlMM dnriug tbe vuya^c. Thwe wcre Maiwmitted u? tlie authontiew at Wiwb ioglon. Tlie prieoiicrs are eitbcr vcry iKnoraiit or very ??HBIlllllllhilWn Tlie iiivtKtiRatiou was con tnuiedforwveral bours yc?torda.v by piBtrx t-Attor nry HImw, aiid wil) bcctmtiniu'd to-day. Lastc\pniii? Um .Tiiniata pnxccdcd fiotu hu anchoragc off tlie IiatUry lotkc Navv Vaid. THE JINIATA IN POW. IKIf IITAM OKDKM FKoMlTHK NAVY KErARTMEVT AT nNCK I?l:l.lVKRtD?TIIK mfOKBM TO ItK Ot'ARDKrt \ NTU. AN IMVII1MIATKM nUU BE OMJB ? TIIK VK.^KL AT A>\'llOR UFF THE kav\-y\?:i>. Tb?' Unittd States t'oop-of war Juniata, "^ith tb(*ei>f tlie pafln<Mi<ri<rn and crew f?f thc Virpinins Vhl suivivcil tlie SantiaKo uiiissa* rcs. arrived fmin tliai port a'ft.'i a ttonBI PMMM yeaU'rday after dood. Hcr arrivul oH thc HiKhlandu was an iiMiiicod tiy tci.k'rapb at 10:30 a. m., but ?tlit. p;?cci<ivd hlnwly uj> tbc barbor .and it ww rtrtH'Jv 1 ry\-1or\ l?-'tort> ?he r?<ach?<<! Qnaranttn^. 'Jli*) Navy-Vard tiiK CaUlpH. !? cbarife ot Lieut. O. li H ? t-t. witb crdcrs froui Admiral Kowan to Com luandcr hrainc ba<l l>.*>n *aU Innjr off Sandy Book lor tUf Juniata foi ilic )>a.->t thioc days. Owiui; to l)i. t.ut tliat tb<- wir.'S fioui thc Hook to thc city W< ic brokea, Ueal W '-^t put int.o tbe HiKhlaud" to h. if I.' eooldfel a siv?t <'f tbe Jnuiata. While HmN tlie b?nt' 1" >kixl-for vessel steamed up tbe Manowi aud ' ?ainc to'anilior ofT tbe Battery beforc tln C.italpa cutiie alon^nk. |Mcanwhilc tlie rovenuc iiiitcr QnMt, wliicb for scvcral days kM bc.n Mwuitini? hci ariival in tb( lowcr bay, iut^rcepted tbc .luniata and impOltatll (iovcnjinctit wcrc at (Hhx: dcli\crtd to Conuiandcr Hramc. Aftcr a hbi>il li.Uivuw U-tw.cii thi two Cominandere tbc rcvciiiu tiatcr dropiKMl adicrn, and a inoiiicnt lau-r bti pcow waa a? aiu turnod Boaward and nhe stcamed down tbc harlntr. |k#Vill romaiu in the vicmity of Handy H?-ok imtil thc arri-val of thc Virginius, which in d:ul\ expectcd witb thc Osaipec. Ordcrs of a Himilar natiirc to IkflM dclivcrcd to Commandcr Braine arc, it i? undcrntood, awaitinR the officore of tlicOsspcruTid VirtriiiiuB. Thcprecisciiatnrclof th(%se ?idcrs c?n, of wiursc, l>e known only to the ofuccra to wboin tbcy are addreswxl, but it i? KenoraJly nn deJUt-o'Hl tbat thone <lchvcred to Commander Hraine requi.'j iho niaiutcuancc of tbe atricUjst viKilam* overallthe priaoners for the pnrjKwe of preventing tkli oouimuiiicaUon witb pereons outside nntd thc titiTernmeiit invwiigutlori nhall bave bccn com pletoilaiidall tbe wituca** ngidly examiucvl. I'ikiii tbc departure of tbe rcvciiue cutter thc Juniata proceedcd on her(Ourac up tbe bay and ar riYcd at Quar in>in' atxiut 1 p. rn. Half an hour later th?- Hcaltii Oflicer bad completed hiu examina iicu of tbe WMtL aud her engiuea wcre agaiu ?et in motioti Shc vjpl headcd diroctly for thc Hattory. *l"bo Vinriniuh survivoru *cre huddled cloacly to f, tlM-r m the main deck, and were cutfcrly Kcanning tbc bUow-(-Jadkborcnof thc land tbcy baducvci ajraiu Imi^I li Hce. Indecd, Ioiik lieforr tbc .luniata paj<?cd nndor tbc va\U of Kort Wa<lsworth andFort Hamil ton, and entered tbe uprn-r bay. tbc pnnoncn thronifcd the d.< k, and n inaincd thc.ic for hours do Wfttt thc chill wintry air and thc p.?notratiiij? winda ?lncb HWcpt ai rt*b? tbc dcck. It wac nca:iy I o"? lo( k whcn tbe Juuiata amvwl off the Uat?<-ry, and tberc catne to ancbor aft?!r u mwl tempe^tuoua voya?c, Here ?be rcniainod for aearly an hour, and wa? bf>ardcd in thc niean time byaauaibcr of ofBriak from the Navv-Yard and lievemie oflicerf. The tne-boat Catalpa caine aloiiK ?ide, andwaaKooti followe^l by the tnir-boat Koi kct. dircct from thc Xavy-Yard, briujriug (,'apt. Cbandler ?ud other officers. A few moment^ laUr the Jumata'i! wwhor was ajrain raised and hcr prow tnmtMl toward tbe Krooklyn Navy-Yard. She wae pTopclbd < hiclly by tbe aid of tbe tug boat*. tlnxigh her own eiigiaea wcre iu motioii. Ho aearly exhaut>ted vaa ber 8iipply of coal hcr buuken were virtually cmi'ty. and ba<l the storme of the paot tbrcc daysprotraited ber ?o.yiwre a few bouns lonnci tbe supply would havc been exhaiwted before nh<- rrachcd thin jxirf. A few ?vttMuito aiter rotindtBg the rfettery the Juuiata cjuiu to aocbor oll tbe Navy-Yard. near tbe *!?"' where hbe lay two montlia ago, on ber return fiorn tb<-Afcti< rcgiona. A nuubei of ber oflicera wcnt ?n ?hore, but the Virgimua priaonera were. all de tainedon board. Tbc inveatigation wbbb ia rualniK ky tbe Oovernmeut will be jiuhbed forward witb all poanblr gpe?Mi tbat tbe priaowera may be reb-aoed aa ?oon aa poaaible. Thc aufferioga of thc prisonera on the yoyage were not lnoonitiderable. aud tbo?e whotte kealtb tbe raeent Hpauiah craelty bad lupuired, if not deetroyed, Tif eourae, were very weak. The Virginiua, from liabia ilonda in tow of tbe OMupee, waa not aeen by tboaeoa tbc .luniata duiinir her voyage, and tbe ofhcera tbiuk tbat her dtaabh-d eondition, together witb thc very aevere woatber of ttte paat few daya, will detain her for neveral daya lougcr. Capt. Chandler of the Nary-Yard atatcd u> a r^wrtex of Ti<B Trjuunb, laat evening, tbat be aboold not look for the roming of tbe Virgtuiua be? forc the rtiiddlt- of the week. Tbe following are the offlceraof tbe Juniata at the freeeot time, a few cbangee having lieen made aince ahe raturned from tbe Polaria Kxpedition : UmuBWdar, Daniel L. Braine; LieuVeoauta, QatfgC W. IV lxinn. OeWM V. Mc Kdward P. M<* Cli.irlt- \V. Chij.p; M.iwtcr, John h HobiuBon : CMef-Enginaer, 11.!.iv 11. Noium; Ah BlaUMM Emriiif'T, J. J. Harry: Siirjrcon. T. 0. Wal ton; A.**i t.ant Surifcoii. lb njamtn F. Itoga**) PMnd lltMtHTJ P.iVTi..! Jti'i. 'Ilicndorc & Tliom|*?iri j Kn Hirn. .lotin i>. KeUer; Captaio'i Otori^QcnM M< Kcime.i : I'a.vtii.'wI'iH Ci< i k. H. t'lav Wixni: BoatB w:nn. l'cti r Iluikin*: < arpcnter, L L. Martin: Sailniakii. (Jautit \an Mi ti i;, M. K. lit n AN iNVKMT(.'ATir?N BEOUlf. ?j \ i-. maoxxu Qvasnomo) hy ntirao rtAflH ii i;a< , | irmtNiv BLUB. At3p. iu., while the Juniata wat al anrhor (!T tl,e Kiitury, a rcvmiip tag euM aloagaM* brtafini lliaiiitit Allntaqjt BUaa, Coaaaaiaakaaf Dawaafartt Axsi-iant I)ihln< t AttiunryH Ticmain, PobL and I'urd.v. with thlM lleMfTSpkan and an interpretcr. Thcv wcrc ici. in the cahiu by ('ommaudcr Hrai?. andbagaii m ooVial mvestigation ofl 'hc paaaemgan <>f th< Virpinus, Mr. Braine beinj; tlic ui;ly I'lic of thc sliip'.s ofhiers allOWdl U> bc pTtwnt. 'I'lw proccedmpn wcrc chaiai tcti/cd by ?rrff*t B0 irocy; no mcuilxrs (i{ the preoB wcrc allowcd to htar thc uivcMtigation. Thc Biirvivors of the Vir ginim-, clothcrf in navy blue, wcrc pathcred in thc foreeiwtle and convcrscd ficdv MBOPi thcmsclvcn at one by OM t ht y wcrc MUUBOMd by tlu- ncigcaiit of niarini'H t<> enter tlic cabm. Tlic invcuijration laMcd till the Juniata diopped anchor ofl the Navy-Yard at 1 p. in. IV following piiBoiicrn ?iii <'xaiuincil: Ilmry Knipht. Autouio ConsUmt mo, Mamicl Manascs. Lcopold K170. Henry King, Thoe. Iilndtfj and If acihl Ttldf Hm natarc of tlic ovitlciu-c WH not mailc pnlilic l>y Distri<t Altorm v l!li?s, and hc Htatcd that DS Hlimild toutiuuf thc cxaiiiinatntu to-day. rrcm OWTMMtlOM Wtth lh? olTiccru of Jli?' Juni nUi, it Mi 111s tliat thcrc i? a cunrcrtcd plM MMMf tlic piiSdiicrs to jindcMH cntirc iKnoraiur a* t<i thc tiaturi' of thc Viigfniosal tlu- tmie ihemeattowd. and M !?<? tlic tra'-portation of arm? for thc Cuhai.(-. It totho>dM tliat tlim a<!ion Lhh bccii a^rccd iii'cn with a vicw to avoid any tiouhlc wtth thin fBTeni* cnimeiit tlircuudi a lircach of the nciitrahty lAWa Thcrc in rcrtainly guat unaninnty uiiioiiil' thim n iMnlmg thc inain tMiintfl at iwtic. DUtrii?t-Attorncy Wifw deelisetW tn.iko pnblio thc ii itnrc of thc cMdencc soiurht to hc ohtauicil fiotn thc VirjriniuH's priKoncrs. It iH undcr?t<iod, howt ver, tliat thcprincipal point soupht to bc olcarcd up is thc cxactutitimof thc VirRiiiiua, who archerowu gn, whcthcr hIic is cntitlcd t? <ly thc Amcrican flap. atid how far thc ncutrality lawn havc hccn fklrtwd All thiwo pomts Will have a Htrorijr hcar itiKon thc qiicstionwhcthcr or not the I'nitcdStatCH (i ?vcrnmcnt will comply with thc deniand of Spain for thc siirriiid'.r ot thc vcsscl. 'Iho fact that thoHC WbOODald h ivo thrown sotne lik'ht on tbeteOUM tioriHwcic hliot by (Icn. Hnrricl nndcrfl it likcly that thc cxauiiriation will bc< proloDKcd. aud that tbo evidcncc obuincd wid bc anythinR but satis fa-tory in drtcnnininjj thc status of thc nationality of thc VirginiiiH. I'lic prisonern wcre vtry ptiaidcd ia thcir Btatcmcutfl to the officcni of thc Juniata. Thcy dcny that ann.s or ainniunition wcrc thtowu BTCTBOaid bOB thc VirKiiiiusdaiiiiKhircn ilcivors to eocape frum thc 'J'ornado, cvidcntly bc lievinR that biicIi admi^ion wonld criminatc thcm UlTM. and rcndcr likcly tbcir Mirrcnder tothc Span isli anthoiitic.s, in whirh cvcnt thcy fcarcd thcy wcnlil mcct thc fate of thcir Icadcm. IcgTMl was thcir fcar in tlns rc?i>ec,t that ncveraJ wcro al fc.( t*d to tcars, aud all wcrc inoro or Um a<ritaUd. TJioir u~tununr -urmrn ?*lwn Ky ?*nnoin-a|'<irTf>, aud awoni to. This will bc wiitten otit aud iM nei vtd for futuro actiou by the law oftiecru of thc (jlovcrumcnt, The cxamination will bc continued to-day at lcn/th on board thc Juniata. It iH undcr ?lood that WB6B thc fonnal cxamination ih con cludcd thc bau of sccrccy willbc rcinovcd and thc pri.^oncis allowcd to inake snch mformal utatemctitH ;tl thcv pktM to wpWWBiatiTI of thc prcsB arnl othcrs. Dttring the fir?t four davn of thc paHsa^cc froin ISantiatro dc Cuha t<> thia port CoauDaodet Buina wae cr.gagcd m talnafl Iihc dapoattiooa of Um ptiaoaarai Tbc Htatcinciits w.rc takcu scparatcly, thc Bcrvjccn of an Intarpratei betnj broocbl into raqjniaitton in thc ca?c of tbaafl 1 bo Bpokc Bfial alonc, and hcncc of n maj.intv of thc priMomrn. It i* undcivtiMid tluU httle more than has already hccn made public ?> obt liti'il. Thc WMBaaBM citbc.r kncw vcrv liftlc of thi Inti-ntionH of thc leadejH of the ci|>cdition or wcrc afraid of criminatinjr thcnHclvc? by inakintf thcm 1'iiblic. Thc otliccrs of tbc Juniata asrrcc in aaying that thc only intclligcnt one of thc MIVlfUH iw S.uiiuoKiniv aliiih (Jratz, and he refuscs to makc any connoctcdoi intolligiblestatcmcnt of themoyc mt-ntBof thc vcsscl or thoae on board. Thc dcpohi tionHohtaincd by Ointnandcr BniM wcrc Bcaled, and ba\c hccn transinitU'd to the autboriticB at WaabJofton. Ha daattaaa to ghra thc yofaai ai thci>c, lcarini; it to the civil authontiea to uiake Itaaao public. _ YOTAGE 0F1BE Ji'MATA. A IKHIttnC (iALB KNCOl'KTKKKD. The Juniata left Santiago de Cuba at 6 p. m. on Dec IH. When abotit l'Jft milea from Capc Hatteraa pbia cnrountcred a tcrrihc gale from thc north-ca^t which laatcd lShours, and drovc her 00 milee ff. W. otit of her course. On the 25th innt. she ?poke the K}h>ouer Kddic Watcrs. from St. IMrnafor N'ew Badfordt B8 daja ool and short of provisions, whith tbc JuniatA supplied. Commander Uraine intcndcd to put int<i Norfolk in conwqucncc of the Htorm, but was unahlc to do so on account of thc easterly gab, aud ^o kcpt straiffht on to Ncw-York. (5rave doubt* ?m to the ability of the Ossipee to hriug the Vir ^iniiiB to Ncw-York are cxpressed hv the ofhcers of the Juuiata in vicw of the exceedinuly tempcBtuong \vi ataer of thc fcw dayn. Tlic lattcr vcbhcI jb in poor condition to weathcr therough galeti which the .1 um tta cui ouuttied. COMMANDLK BBAJREV STORV. JIIRfATB MAI>K TO BOAkD A-VI? CAHTI'IU THE JUMATA AT BANT1AUO DK C't'BA?VIGOROC8 MBASOBH TAKKN tN 1>KKB.N8K?NO ATTACK MADK. A Tkihunf. reportcr converBed with CommandfT Uraine NfafdiBf the priaoueni and the voyage home. " We an i vnl at Santiago de Caha,naaid he, "on Vov. '27. Couaul-Oeneral Hall wrote to me that thc Captain-tJcncral of Cuba ha?l told him that tbe HpaninhOovernment were able and willing tode li\erup the VirtriniuB prisonere. I then wrote to (Jen. Bnrriel thiu I ha<l tbe above infonnation, and rwioe*t?d hirn to deliver them np to me. I Bent the note in the forctuKin f.f Monday, Dec. 14, and by 3 o'clock in theafternoon I reccived an armwer that if 1 wm Tt*u\y to rccci vc thcm thcy Btiou.d be ddivercd over to me on Tbureday, Dec.l8,at 6p.m. By 10:30a. m Thuraday the arrangomenta to receive thepnson an on the Juniata were completed. and before noon thcv were all on board and organiied aa pmrt of the hhip'Bcrew. Just three honra afterward, the Pinta arrivcd with ordcrs for me to take the priBonere to Ncw York. Thcy were ternbly dirty. and I ordered i wo suitfl of Bailor?' clotlioa to be gi ven to eacb, and, a* they Hecined nearly famiBhed, gave them plcnty to cat, which thcy fully appreciated. While we wcrc lyiiiK i? thc harbur of Santiago dc Cuba, I re cciv?d wiveral warningH that the .Spanianl* would trytolH>ard iiBand take tbc \e?^-l with tbcir kmven. Thcv bvcu named the nigbta of the expecUd uttackH. We prepared to giTe them a wann riM|IIW U tu<*y i30111'1 (0UH; ' "r tbne weckB nearly every niKht ?f had the hammock ncttingB up eitfht fcet above tbc ihip'B bmIcb, and a wat< b at the guriB, with everythin^ m roadinoBH for imimdiate m tioii. Wedid not purpoms to be caught ofl our guanl. 1 ha<i torpecioe* ready and plfcced ou ayara, to ciiilode uDdcr any ?ralt U?*t ? aii.. tooi b*c to ua, and I aent word tbat the vea aela m tbe harhor wonhl hcltcr |Hi nica widc ticrth. It if BMaSCfM U> aay that l.hc thrcata wcre idlc. 'I b< focliiip at San! iapo agaiiiat Aim n< auv i" f x< ceditia'v l.itter. ai.d Tlui fkllWa|kllllk k actnally in danK" Of hia lifc. Hc haa MWnJ time* Ucn thrcatt n< <! witb MMMMMrtkfBi and } tbi'ik OM of our men ol -war ouphl to hc atatiomd thc.n- ofrmaticntly. at least till the Ifeettag nibnido, aa I bope it will. Viic-CoitKul tattb WM abiisod moat i-h.iinefully ? tben dail.v paaaaaad it waa only by ni.v p? raona! iirtci.eaaion witb the (J.ivornor that tbcy IM BtOfpCd Mr. QmIUi. who by the way ia a Spamard by lurtb but a naluraluid eiti/en of the IniUd Stato. ik the riflM iiian m thc nirht place. The Vir pniua had beeu taken from the haritor ot Santiap"' If foic wc arrived thcie, and ?e d>d not aet ber at all. A aad iruident in t!ic arnval of thc J.imata waa tbe fact that tti<- lirat thuip Coinmar.der Hraine'a at tcution w;ie called to waa tbc MWI of t he deatb of hia iiifaut aon. nped nine montba. It occurrcd in Itrooklyn on Fl iday la?t. aftcr a lingering illneaa. BUFFEBIKOfl OF TBE CAFTTFE8. 1IIF. TRRATMF.NT VVIKORM1 V HAItail ANTI OFTFN HAKHARdt'ti- IIIK PKATII MKNAC E J1K.I.D 01 W THC IIEAD8 OF TJIK MJMIVOM <>F TIIK TWO MARfcACRKH?MIE WM1 IITIWHOI I <?!? '!(?LTI'RE8? 1IIKKAT8 UF RESfl'E?TJIt: KINAl. IiRI.lVK.ltUN3K A icportcr of Tut: Tntiii nk. who kwU tbe Juniata linmcdiatcly atter ber arrtval. obtaincd full particulara from a varicty of aoiucoa conconiing thc troatment received by tbc priaoncra at thc handa of tbeir Kpaniah captora. All thene reporta apn-c 10 onc partuiilar-iiauicly, tbat thc trcalmehl re ccived waa iinifonnly barab' and in MM ca"-* barbarous. Thc Tornado avith tbe capiured Vir piniua arrived in the barbor of Hantiago in tbe lnanncr alrcady deacribed in the cobrmiiH of 1 itt Tmuine. A fact wliicb haa not. bowever, generally la-cn known, by thc atatcment* of thc prlMMH now coinca to iipht, whiih i* that tbcy wcre rohhed by thc crew of tl.c Tornado. and ncaily all Wko owncd tIN rohhed of luoney, jcwclry. watchea. and othcr valu able*. '1 bc priaoncra wcre taken to thc j.ii) cf San tiajro aoon aftcr tbeir arnval in port. Thc j.wl ih a low, Rlooinv-lookinfl' atrurturo aituatcd near the hartior. in onc of thc lowcr jx.rtione of thc < ify Throuph lt> diamnl portal tbc unforttinate raptives w?ro driven; hcre tbcy wcre rrowded to pcthcr likc cattlc; hcre tbeir atifbriiipa bepan. 1 licy w( rc not .'u-ak'ticd to Aejarate rclla? indced. tlwrewaa no opportunit.y for auch coiifinnmcut in tl c contr;Mte<l quartcranf the Santiapo jail. but thc cntirc party of nearly 100 wcre driven ititoarmall ioom baully BO fect lont: by 10 widc Hcre tl.iy w( re obUftd U> livc a? best tbcy <<n.ld, thonirh thc air, of courae, waa afiiioxt deadly, and tbere waa litflo or no oppoitunity for excrciae. Tlie juiaoners were aup plnd witb provisior^, whicb, though anflficicnt aa rtgarda ynantity, wcre poor in qualitv, and hanily titlcd to enatain life. Thcae proviaions (oiiaiM.d almoat wholly of rico and wate;. Varona, l?cl S<d, and Ceapedca wcre ape<dily aeparatcd from thcir rompauiona, and aftcr a ap? cdy trial before/? Hpaniab conrt-rnartial wcre aentcLced U> immediate deatb. On tbe morn iDK of Nov. 4, tbeir couipaniona looked npon tbcm for tbe bist time, aud a few houra laU-r tbcy fell riddlcil witb bulltta in thc trenrhca whicb aurround thc alaujrbttr-bouae. Thc fate of thcir eom Minuna aoon became known to tha rap tivea in priaon, and tbey trembliugly awaited the devclopmente whirh were hourly expected. Thrce daya latcr tbeir ranka wcre njrain dimished, aud Capt. I"ry and hia brave rompaniona went forth todcath. From thia time forward tbc priaoncra were in bouily fcar for tbeir own aafcty. Thcir fcara wcre not nnknown to thcir captora, nnd agaiu aud again thcy were told tbat the <iay of thcir deatb bad come. Not onlv wcre tbcy told that mnat dic but tl.c prieats wcre admittcd to thcir preacuce, and on eev traloccaarona theymadewhat they auppoaed to be thcir dyinjr conleaaiona. Aa thc time appointed for tbeir death arrived, none of tbc Spar.iarda appeared to load tbcm forth to exccution. and tbey were led toauppoae that the day for thcir dcath bad becn po'-tponcd. Again aud again waa tbia torture in llKtcdupon tbcm, and cvery posaiblc means for in < tbeir mcntal auffenug waa reaorted to. In an interview with Commamler l'rainc of tbe Jui.iata, Gov. Pc La Itoia of Hautiago plwlgcd hia honor that none of the priaonera ahould kt r?moved or executed until thc coinmander <,f thc Juniata had n ceived duc notitication. (m tbat very uight tbc prisonera wcre atealthily taken from the jail and inarcbed with thc greateat haate to a poiutaeven nnleabclow the city in the viciuity of the Mcrro. Tbe road lay thxougb a roiigh tractof c<niLtry, and thc journey was moat weanaomc, wbile aoine of tha l : ,-.?.< i* were a/. aiik aa to be aluioat unable to atand. Tbe autfcrinira of soine of the number wcre intenae, and no pity waa In the hreaate of tbe Spaniarda. At tbia point on tbecoaat they were placed on boartl the ateamer liaaan, which at once aet aail for Havana. At Man ranillaitwae inet by the rnail ateamer eoming in theoppoaite direction. On board tbia atearner waa Ocn. Hurrid, who at once OTdered the Hazan to re turn to Santiago. She tnrned t?bout, but aoon after ran Tound, aud tbe paaatngext wtrt trai.^crred to anot i r veaael. U'-re they auffcrcd horrorf heretofore nnknown. Tbcy were erowded in the hold of the reeeel, wbere acaxcely a ray of aunhght conld atrnggle tn. Thc air waa poiaon; the darkneea waa almoat rontinn oua; the food thcy ate waa wretched in qaality and inFnfficient in quantity; the wator they drank waa what rcmained in tbe bocketa after tbe ilumb animala on board wcre aatiaAetl. Theae animala conciated mainly of horaea and mulea. Tbey were kept on the deck above the Virginina pnaoners. and were t hu* a oonstant aoorce of annoy ance to the belpleaa creaturea confined below. It ia aaid that in the midat of all thia filth and anffering tbe phaonera were not allowed to waeh while oa board thc Bazan for a period of 10 daya, and that their arma were pinioned behind tbcm tbe btrger portion of the voyage. They were occaaionally beaten on the alightest provocation and aometimea on no provocation at all. Theae puniahmenta. how evc.r. aeem not to have been of a nature ao aericoa aa to produce any laating effecto. On the retorn to Santiago thay were remanded to jail, and Commander Grimea waa allowed to viait aome of the American priaoneie to make them aome aligbt preaenta and to extend to them hopea of apeedy reaene. Evcn thia privilege, bowever, waa aoon withdrawn, and oo oummumcatiou waa afterward allowed. A ahort time beiora tbeir delivery the priaonera were removed from the jail in Santiago to the Morro, aeveral milea below, where their treat uicnt waa no better than before. Thia march of a balf doren milea waa alao performed by night, and many of tbe prieonera aufiered aeveTely on the way. Tbe motive leading to tbia roarae of artiou waa undoubtedly the fancied inaeonrity of tbe pro onera in the Santiago jail. Tha United Statea raen of-war Juniata, Kaneaa andWyoming, and the Niobe of tbe navy of flreat Bhtain. were lying in the bar? bor, and tbe tbreata ma<le by their (.ommandera were received with reapect by tbe aaailydauuted inbabitanU of tb* city. Tbc gpaniah aoldieraare regarded rhthercontempt uoualy by DtJttJ Hutea Navy offitera. and tbey bave not fearcAl to exprea* tbeir opmiona freely. It wa# feareil by tbe Hpaniarda tbat tbe tbreata of tbe i.avai offitera migbt|be carned into executiou. and tbe prieonera could eaaily have l>etn reacued from their ionuer quartan. In tbe Morro their treat meut waa aimilai to what had preceded. lMr? faarlfe J*??* OUR RELATIONS WITH BPAIM THE VTKtilNirs. aJHrma ggroxi nui main ?*? bbmambbd Ki.sTinrtoN. MaBBItt, ?><< M -Tbc rcport in rc.terafcd that tbc Spaninb (tovcrnincnt reqiiues of thc I'nited BtBBBI tbc riBtitution of tbc V.iginiun anil tbc paymciit of an indcmnify. nir Tgaggt COHUBUWD in a pgggg 00OOT Cf cvba. Havana, Dcc. J7.-A pri/.e cnurt. bcfore which the ciBcof thc ateaBaahip ViririuinB wa* hrought. hae eoBM ladad n* labon-. Thc vaaaal la aBMdimiBfl as a Icka! priaa, AFFAIRK IN CUBA. BOBJOgg THAT OBR. uiuhiei. BAf ggBN ujuevkp? BBTLABOn rUWggl OBAMTgD W) IHB CAfTA|a> ggaoaub?wht cgmoM wai b0Ob>dbv thk INM'KliESltl. Havaw, Daa. ">.?The I'?* dc Ctifca Hfl it i? ru ini.rcd (tcn. Hiirncl ha* been rdicvcd of thc eaaaflkaad of thc Bagtan Dapattaaatl af atdon from Miuln.l. The Madrid C.overnment hu* n><! only n fggBd to accpt tlu> rcsiirnation of Caplain (icmral Jovellar. which waa fi.rwardcd on thc tth of Dcrembcr iiiBt., but aaa grgatad him estoadad aad aztnMwdtnary powitk. Thc naturc of lhaaa pgwgn i? not yct kiiowti. hut it ih BBppOgad thcv enibracc authority to iaalan the kalaad taastatooJ akge, ikooU thc fagiaJB floaaral tind Itaeeaaaary. IfcaHaBaaOof ernmcut aiM) aflani u> gggd additionil raflifartf mcnta. The r.if pubbBhcB cxtract* from IcttcrB reccntly nafgwadtrai iBalabala.tati artfhagli of which it iI.iiiiih to have in itB po?BeBHinn. One from (Jen. Flfaavafa to Maximo Qoaaaa, lafanlag to the dapo> Hitionof PiaaidaB|OaaBBdaa,aByai "ihemembers of tbc ncw govirnment proceedcdto thc re-idcnce of Caafadai to obtalB thc gfehhraa of thc IcpobUe. ('faytidra at firnt igfggai to givc thcm ui?. but finaily yieldcd. heing forccd to do w>." Thc (harges upon vaiea Caayaiai wa* Maaorad arc, ageatdiat to Tig gagala i lattar. af loBawa: l\rit: Tlic abainionmciit ot the c'irn o-VY.'.a*. trrond ; V.o.aM.u of artic.c .XXVIthut tue Conitllu tlon. Ttnril. Placlng aaaBMlea in thc way of Uj>' ncw Uepo ttai *o tbattney aaaM u< ? (iua>l tbcir il,.t ? -. FuuriK : Atu r thc of naid oUtaclefl, attempt ing to hnbe tbc ilcpuliei? froiu the l uico Viila* af offern ut tt.c M.i...-u> of BJai to t-jMituiuo, ai.ii tiit coiuuiauil of Itn ( iiiro V.!..i- to U.iri la. Figncredo adda otbcr aaeaaattoaa cvcn gTaver, BU(h aa having lalumniated thc Lcgu-lative bodv. BBBBJ a traitor and (ormiving with enemies abroad ; and laetly. thrcatenuig to dcclare thc membcre of C< ngresirebelu lf thcy lapogad bim. THE KKY WEST STATION. Bcgrnag at iamiiam kk citu op tggnoctWM in iTlrTfg with TtiR BAIATTB OB CiiiusTMAfi DAY-IIOW ABTjmOABg AI1K TUEATKD AT ?AN JlAliO, MATANZAB, AND nAVANA. ;nv RtaBBATB T<> thk Iglgggg,] WAgaWOTOHf Dcc 28.-Thc following has becn rc rc.vt d from a Bpetial correcporidcnt: Kiv Wk.?t, Fla., Dec. 28.?l'he torpcdo hoat For tune, Lieiit.-Commander (.iretnc. airived foiir |gfl from Santiago de Cuba. having touchcd at Matanzaa. Shc reports all n'i'ct at both placeo, and that the oaVaBJ wbo wcnt aakava were civilly treatcd by all whoin thcv mi t. When thc Fortunc arrived at Fan tiago Bnrriol was making prcparatinns to salute tho American flag on Christmas Day, accordiag to tho proviMons of tho Waabington protocol. He winhcd to fir? the ealnte at the Morro, four miles below San? tiago, but L'apt. Lowery of the CanaDdaigua inaisto*! that it nbould be (ircd from fbe Spanirdi ?ar venacls in thc barltor. Thc disagreement causcd eome difl cusBion and correnpondence, which was happily endcd by tbc amval of CaptCirecnoon the Fortunc, with information from Wasiungton tbat thc salutc had baag diaaagaad with. Whcn the Fortunc wan at Matanra*". on Hatnrdav laati thcic waB much excifcincnt mit thc oflicial VtaM of Goloelal MiniHt?r Sdlcr. Fl.igs were dis plajed from all public buildingB, frorn tbc vcs.icIb in thc harbor and from many private n-aidenceo. I'eo pie in atatoaaaa wcrc aaan Maadly to Amcricans tbanthoHciu Santiago. but the officcrp of thc For tune w?-re not treatcd with dfgggflftogy in cither city. The Fortnne bronght ovcr I?udlcy Day and MogM Suiilcy, military priwmers, who had ggggBad from tbc Dry Tortugan live months ago, by drifting otit to aca in a fmall IxiaU Thcy were picked up iu the Uulf Stream by a Spamah bark. and.bcing taken to M:itan/a>, aioiisid the buepicionji of the American CohbuI, upon whose eomplauut thcy have fince been held. Thoy are both conviete<l murder ers. OncBcntemed totenyearB'penal scrvitude, and thc otbcr to imprisonmc.nt for life. Thc American Ogggg] at Syntlago gaUgfW that tbt livesof Amcricans are in dangcr without theprcfl ?nce of one of onr vcsacla of war. The Canandaagua will accordi'igly remain thcre for the pre.scuU The 1'inLa, iLicut.-Commandcr (Jorringc, returned from Havana thia cvening. She arrived ihero on Ct?riat miH Day, and remainod nearly four days. 8oon afUT anchoring, a hoat approached with an ohTcer from the Britishship Dan? ; then the Spanish llag Bhip sent an ofheer on board with the eompliments of the Admiral. These courtesiea were properly re turnwl. Half an hour after the arrival of the I'inta, a boat from the Engligh frigatc agnin approached, thiB time bearing an invitatlon to the crew of tbc Amcnran vcbm-1 to aChnstmaadinner on [the Dan.c The invitation waa accepted by 12 of the crew of the Pinta, and almott immediatcly another boat came orer, with her bows loaded with good checr for thoee AmencAn tars who were unable to leave the veaael. Theae complimenta were fnlly appreciated by all on board the. I'inta, and the Beamen ahowed thi ii ap prociation of it by aeodiag to the British sallor* liberal rations of pltig tobacco. The officcra of the Pinta paid their reapeAta to the American Consnl. and TJBited the opera and other places of mtereet iu Havana, and some cvcn went to the Canino Kspaflol. Their visit wae the subject of much Bpeculation, but their reception was generally polito and kiud. The Amerieana were ddighted to aee a veBsel of the AmericAn Navy once more in the harbor of Havana, aod were overpowenng in their attentiona to the ofiicen wbo went ashore. The American reaidenta romplain that no I'nited Btatea man-of-war except the Pinta, which atopped there once befora for 25 minutea, haa ahown itaelf doring tho criaia, add they Baythat the abaance of aaob attention fron onr Qovernment hae not only emboldened the SpanlardB, but inapind the Americaoa with the feAr'leat tbat, in eaae of an upriaing, they wonld be unprotected. It la thonght that eren now tbe>preaenc? of Bome of onr large veaeelB wonld hare a wholeeome effect, No information baa been gathered aa to the Rpaniah naval arrangemeata and the harbor fortifi aationn of Havana beyond what haa already ap pearad in Tm Tjuiiunb. Britiab naval officera expreae the opinion tbat their Uorernment will oer tamly make and enforoe the demaod for the imme diate arreet aud pnniahment of Barriel jind hn ai romplu cb in the butehery of Sautiairo. and for the recovery of a large indemnity for erery Britieh anb jert execute<l. The Cuban Jnntahere hae informa? tion that the insargenta in Cnba are abont to enter upon a vigorouB campaign. They diBbclieve the report that Ceapedee haa been Buperseded. Fleet Surgeon Peck, one of the raoat efflcu-nt and nopular oflii er? of the North AtlAntic 8tation. having been detarbed from tbt WorceuUr. goea houie to-morrow. Company M of the Wh ArtiUery will go from Tortoga* to their bArraekB near PeuaacolA leaviug Fcrt Jelltraon with a tmal) guard. NAVAL INTKLLIOENCE. AhMVAl (il 1I1E ItiWHATAJD Al K>kIIi?W- M('NR(>B. FoKTKtxa IIomkoic, D?c. !*.?Thi U. $. ?VMutw j'vwlMUk. C**k IKauawgt ?vmmeuUtHb ai rived hcre at noon to-day from Key W< ?t. an l ix wa-fine onh m from thc I^p.rtnciif 8iic exi-ri.nred heaw weatheron tho piiaa.ia-e. anil lav to the imkIH <>f the ftftafc. TIIF. MO.NTAI'K TO H P01 DJ KFI'WK. VVASHi.N??roN, IH.P. 28.?Hu' <?bl niomtor Moutjiik, which haa beeu tying at thc Navy Yard ktM aince ihc war, will l.av. to morro w for Now - York ln tow of iwii tups. whcre alie will Ik) rcpuirei and pat lu M worlliv coiidilion. HKCHUITINIl FOR niK NAVY 10 M HIM( ON ITNI H> AT fKKTAIN M I'O IS KM.l>TM!.M H fOB TIIK MARINK COKM IO UK. STOI'I'KI). WAsitiNr.TON. Dm. 27.?Oition hvn bew Naiiedfrom ibe Navy Dcpartmeot to diaeonllnuc tnc leermtlntf d.pota ut Tolodn, fvtroit. New-Orleain, Ii..iti inore. and varlnna nthcr poiuta, whlcli wercepencd aomc wcekaayo. at Ihc bivluiiliig of tlie .'uiiipic ition> wifh Hpaio. Thc numtwr of men tn the navy hl now 10.000, und it would have hccn an ei.v mittcr to alnp MMh or oven, ha.d the pntillc aorvlco roquircd them. Tlie npulai rccrullinpatationa at Bo.-ton. V w York. atUlaV .Iclphi.i, Wadiinpton, and Norfolh will M con'lniicrt. thoiubonluliii-iiia by them wili bj caUu-d to able bodiodacamon only, t<> Woop that efakM no to the re qulrcd nunilnT. aurh man hetag alw.ivt M I'ted in thc aervice, Landswii aud otlicr ncr.uta w.'l u?t awM ccpted. WAam?c.T<>]?, Dcc 2?.-In arcnrdance witli Mtafl from thc Nayy Department, tlio euiialmcnt of n cruita for tho niarinn corpa hai hooniatopped. and the atatlona at Boafon, Now York, I'hiludolohi.i. and Ball - niorc have k?M cloa.jd. Tiic leg || atundard of the corpa la 7,600 cnlialed ruon, but bcfore tho Cuhau tniuldo.1 ttiI iiiitiiln r did not exeoed 2.000. I'pon tbe laglMtai ?! tk I Bpaatea difhvuitio* artaca araaa pivcu ta tiu tho aatpa to its full nurolior, and ainr.c tbon:!0>or Mt laanlta have twcn ucocpte I. bnt UM eorp? li atdl Ltttow tlie uum'.'cr aulborued by law. navai. AMMmnom, WAtmnmnr, Dee. H*?Bargeon J. B. Trvcr haa been ordered to the Naval Hoiintal ut Now York; Hurgeou Qaaigl II. Cookc to tho Navy-Yard at N'orfolk, Va.; Actinp A^Wtant Surgeon J. 0. IIMft* to thc A< adeiny ; Couimander C. U. Uabcock, biciit. Wm. C, tiibaon, Surpcou J. II. Tiuklnitn, and l'.?a-><fd A*ali?t ,-int I'ayojaater 1). D. Huilbut have bccii rtotached from rrcruttlnpdiilv at Miirlmpton. Vt.. und pla'cd ou wait inpoidcra; C'oininandcr Joacpa P. F* fc an4 Maater B> M. T.dliuati from rccruiting duty at Detroit, Mlch., and pl.iocd on waitliurordern; Coiuqiandcr E. E. Potter and Paaaed Aasiatant Purgeon M. C. Drennan from reerult ing aervico at Chicago, 111., and placed on waitlug ordera; Lieut.-Oommauder Wro. W'hilehcnd, I.leut. J. A. Chaater, and Burgcon TkoaiM N. IVnroac from rc rriiitliigduty at Tolcdo, Oluo, and placed oo w.iitun; ordeia; l.icut. /. I. Faruier, Maater W. E. I'pton. and Paaaad taattf nt Burgeoa E. H. warc (roaa raeraittag dmy at UuCaIo, N. Y., aud plaeed ou waitiUK ord.T*. A WHFECIID FILIBU8TEB. TME BDOAI siEWART MUHUHWIOW MOOOT ov TBM vksski.. Baltimore, Dcc. 27.?Several diapatolic^ having becnaent from tbln city iu rcpard tu tho tltting out of tho nlibuAterlng ateamer Kdpar Stewart for an cxpedltion to Cuba, and It kavlnz becn atated this morn lng that aho had clearcd from thie port for Jamaian. tha followlnpauthcntlc und offlcial atatenient m rcgard to thc Edpar Htcwart 1* furnlahcd the pre??: Thc ateamer now \U<t ut Jenklna'i wharf, watebad datlr br Cnattrmi irHHi*t HarregiaUr l^in tu? bauda of the OoUeetOt of tbe Port, and ahe Will not be allowed to liavo under any clrciiuiaiaiicea vtithout the full ktiowiedge aud conaent of tbe proper department at Waabington. Thc Edgar Kfewart wai built at OullJord, Conn., In 18C0. and, from hcr papcra, ia owned by Z'.mri WTButeharof Kew-Tocfe, On the 21st of Marcb, 1871, ahe obtai- d eiirollmont at Ncw-Y'ork and aalled coaat WtaataB .ew-London, wbTe, on the 2'ith of tho aame inonth, an aurrendered ber enrollnicut and obtatued a tempora., rep'atcr. Hlie arrived at thia port on tbe lat of Kebruary laat from Koy WenV, under the eomrrmnd of Kudolpb SimracrH, her carpo coueiitiutr of 71 tous of old iron, and ha? tx>en lylnir qoletly at her wharf ever ?lnce A few wcoka apo t'ol. Melcnor Apuero. rcpreaentlnc ber ownera, conteactod witb parties to repair hcr boilers and niacnlncry to the exteut of a few thowsand dollart. Tncae repalra are now golnp on, and caunol bo coin pleted under four or flve weeka. TIIK VESSKI. TO TAKK NOTHINU WOl PAMMMBM? WHO AKE l.IKKI.Y TO Btt SO.ME OF TIIK I'ASsE.V \Vasuington, Dec. 27.?Information hua btM received hcru froui ISaltimoro that tlio ateamer Edpmr Htewart, which haa becn fully overhaulcd aud put lu sea-golngcoudition at that city, is cxpected to sail very sbortly. bbe In clearod for JamAloa. takinp notbiug but paaaenpera, ln order to avoid a ausplciou of vioUttog tbe nautrality lawa. A delepation of Cuban? will Icave Baltimore to-morrow for Now-York, to moet the I'nitcd States ateamer Juniata, and eacort to Haltimore Senora Mauuel bilvolro aud Amador Saco, formerly of the Edgar Stevvart, wbo are amonptho survivorsof the VuK'-nius crew. Tbcy were both oftlccrs of the Virpiuiun. have fought in Cuba. aud their '?(,,? ipe from deatb at tbe hauda of tbo tjpanlarda u attnbuted to thoir extrcui') youth; I^Uvelro belup ouly sevanteeo yeura old. After a ahort atav in Baltimore tbcy will joiu tbc crow of tbe I-klpar Htewan. (?.u. Apullcru, Vice.I'reaident of lh<" <-iibau Republle. who Iiaa becn at lus rowdenco lu Ualtunore for soine time paat, haa beeu rccalled t? active duty, aud will piobably aall on the Edpar wtewart. POUTtCAL NOTE&. Thp MZt Pcnusylvaniii Ilotiso of BeflMMlt' Ittftl will cuntalu 301 membera, accurdiaf to ibo pro vialous of tho now Couatltution. ' Gov. Dix haa issued a proclamation for an election of a Mcmber of Aaaeiiibly. to Oll ihe vaoanoy cauaed by the conviction of Henry W. (ieuet, of felony. A special electior, held in Ouondaga County, N. Y.. Saturday, to tlll a vacancy occadoaed by the death of thr County tlcrk, reeulted In favor of CharUa E. Uubbell (Repubilcau), by about UM utajorlty. It ia announccd that Gcn. Uatcholler de clarea poBltlvely that be will not bo a candidate for Hiieakcr of tbe Aanembly. and tbat he ia tn favor of eieoting Kr. I.. UradfordFriuoe to that poaltioo. Tho Pennsylvania Stato Conatitutional Con ventlon at Uarriiburg ad)ourned rint >n* oo baturday nlpbt, after receivlng aud countiog tbe vote, and re qucatlnp tbe Oovcrnor to iaane a proclaniatiou declariag tbe Couttitutiua tu force after Jao. 1. Iht lioston Poat of Saturday pnhlishes tbi news : " ft la reported tbat tbe Ilon. Samuol Hooper Is about to reatgn hia aeat ln Coopreaa from the I Vth Dis trlot, and the aame rumor eonnacU rolleotor Rasaell wth the vacaucy?alwayB provided the aiate U uot brokeo. _ THE KINGSTOM BOBBERT. San Francisco, Dec. 28.?It has bceix aacer taiued tbat Uie robbery at ILIngatoD, Freano County, waa commltted by tbe notortoua Tlburolo Vaaquea and hli gang. Tbara were only tbtrteen of tbe party preaent, but they oaptured and bound about forty men, aud tben robbed them and tbe atorea ln which they were> Other eltlzena opeoed fire on tbe robbera, who roturned tt, but were ohllged to retreat. Vaaqaea blraaelflbad four ra Tolvera. Une of tha deaperadoea wm oaptured, eQd a large foroe u in purauit of the otbera. m ANOTilEB BAKK DEFAI.CATION. Puii.adelphu, Deo. 28.?The Presideut of ooe ot tbe mlnor National banka of tbia elty haa tued tbe wbole aorplua of the bank, aome, (or tbe beo eflt of an lron manufacturtng eompaay, aad rt wirt b* a total loaa. Tbe capltal ?f tbe Uaok, bowaver, U aa* lujurad. _ TELBOBAPHIO NOTES. ... .Deidrich Willera, Secretary of li;tate eicct, haa ?pt*.ui?l Oaorn Fraaklla. *f Orld, fela dtaaty. ....Oaier, convicted of outraging and mardering t FuUifa vubmi, h* Bu. *" k*a(?d at feabrakt, 111H1, m Saiw ....Charlea Stilaon, an old and reapected mamner r,f ih? i ???.|?.t1 tur ?liot Li???lf Saiudar. Fimicul cafewraMBMl ii nul to b?Tt fiued lU ack ....The Cincinnati Board of Trade haa adrrpted a r*?nliUui prol?t>B( i|uui Um npaal ?f ta? Baakrapt U?, ?^*oallr lb? iatoluul*/j *llBM. ....The Seniite Traoaportation Committee, in aea ?!?? tl Um 81. UhirlMHoMl. Ht? (IiInh, HtUnUr. M4f Um ti??? of W. M Uumll, Mi. Uifb; tol aUMia rtfutfiif ib? pr*p?Md Fun at I'hil.pcaiaL ... .Kx-City Troaaurer Gage, of Chicago, haa trana frrrrd i.. Uat r\:< tll kl< r*?l tuJ p*i>utal |>rop?ri>. aaioaatlif m aA'J.s.SOO, tacladlai ?U7.Wai Ia ?trtiac*t*a ?l tm^riJ"* buki li ?bick hr ba? aif twtit d?>??ll?l. ....The auggeation tbat the aala of the ateamera J?*t HoTt. Plraoith R.x-k, and Pall litir it-anna br ilia I' ii*4 aia m Mankal, at Htvport, atil Frldar. n J>i i,.>.,!:'? lBi*mt. < ? iit..?ifouii44U?o. TbaatW a*f?>r?4 br Um Piatncl I'uari ?u ( lifl b; ?Ufi *?? Vof if n. wklla ao ororr or darrta bu ;at ba?a oiaUa ia aa? liSal kraacM br Ja; UmU ot Ia kla lalaraaL _Polieeman Cbautrv of rhilatleliihia waa nr drrrd aadar a?r?at RaUidaf ai*-M, kr I'olira l.i?m Kir? ?( ih, TkirU Piitr.rl. I?r iatoalcall?a. H< a*k>l tka aakcra, aad. <lr>?,(< a ,, .,?i tcad t*a ikola ba* aatikar Uak Hawi. Chaalrt waa kaallf arrarad ? ?a terbad ap. aad ,?(?iUa, ??? aaai u> kao. Tkr adkai aaaa/iad Ia IM jard af uva lUiwlnM. WASHINGTON. 1HB CH1EF-JU8T1CB8H1F. (<>.Niiui>i<-|oKY OfUWOBg gMABBBM fUMf WTT. i.iams'm i-ko-iht- "ii- <ifAt:?;FM mh>? nr.. j i kri-i) in iiim !U'!'.T(in:s gaaWIXfl tiib PAUBTt Of a ni.t.NKV OBggfl chari;i:. |BT TKI.I'.i.KAl II TO TIIK TUUHNK.I YVAsnrNiiiiiN. Dcc BL flaai nlationaregardiiig the cotilirmation of JadgB YV'illiama as Chicf-.ludn*. coiitinuc to BBBBB* much attcntion hcre. and. al thouglia larp inajoiitv of ItaaBBwlM oxprcea an opiniou bclicve that tbc Sdiate will rcject biiii. there are. neverthdcsK. a fi w alb-cting to bavc informa? tion on thc miI jc< t who stron^lv a--crt that he will be conlinncd. A piomincut Scnafor haa Batl within a fim daya that there ii bb aaaaai t<> dsaM hia gag* lirmation, and there I.a- been nonc. Bgggfg the Committee making tbc exiimination af tbc raw have vcry reticent, and havc not alhiwed ;.> word to asaapa thcm m u? what th< vintemi to naart?aai tbat tbc only rcason for bdieving tbat the noniina tion will Ihi icjci ted iH that two or thrce RaagMgggg Sfiiators h;. .e been outi-t-okcn in thcir oppomtton, and havc been nomcwhaf |BS frcc in making pndic tioiia aa to what the Committce and the .Vuato will do. A number of thc diargea mado againd Judge YViliiama havo been refcrred to him by thc Commit? tce. and it iuprenimcd that all of thcm havc been sorcfctTcd. The telegram of l,\ S. Attonicv (Sibb*. diarging in Hiibstance tbat he had been renu.ved by thc Attomcy-General iu order to prevent tbc trial of certain persons for using money in the laat cbction, Bga al?o furnUhed the Attorney-General. It nnw aaaflM tbat Mr. QiMati BJagflBg] haa not yot taken l>lacc, and thaf Mr. Malb.ry's appointment wa* b< Id ovcr to enable Mr. QiBBI to try the ca* ?.bc alludedto. Tho cascs havc, at Lut, been tricd by Mr. (Jibbs. and all of them were djusmiBucd. Jndg? WilliatiiH BIM rcccived the follo\ungdini>at<-hc* from juomiueut ouieialH iu Portland : Pokti.and. Oreeon, Dee. ii. \r,% To the Attorney-Genftal, WaiKtngton. I). C.: Two cmxcb tr nd aml acquitted ; aauie expectad iu olbcr mwn. No fouudatlun for auitA FORTl.ASn. Oregon, Der. '21, \XI3. R-inalnder of indi< tmeiita noiieuited for ?aot af avtaaaaai proceedmga (aiataaL Oatatea aatfataal. that Gibbi deservca rcmoval. Reault couipletely \ind.c?tea your actlon. A tclcgram hafl al^o hccn rcccived hcre, gtgifgf that a paper signed by IT of the Grand J ury >-tM>kcn of by Mr. Gibbs. Bhow* tbc falsity of tho ?BBBBBgal containcd in Mr. Gibbs'a tdegram to the Judieiaiy Committce. The telegrara .ilso deniea thc rcpoit tbat a dclegation of lawyera and biwinew men from Oregon are on thcir way hcre to prenent agggaa] and protcat against the contirmation ot Jmkvo Williams. [OBNBRAL PREB9 MBPATrill Onlythreo witneeB&s hi4ve been cxauiined by tho Saaato Committee ou thc. Judiciary, in cutineetion with the nornination of (?> orge H. WilliauiH to be. Chief JuHtice, namely: AaaBBBBl Attorncy-Ccneral Uill. A. J. laUg Chicf Clerk of the Department of Justico, and Rcpre!<entative Xesmith of Oicgon? the last named with rofcrenco to the adverne tde grams from that State. YVhilo somo BggggMB think tho nornination may ultimatdy bc conlinncd. othera aro of the opiniou that it will die in tho Committee. PURIFYIN'G THE PENCH. Dfg>AjrniH of m gpg-ouBiMiiigg 10 isvimi GATK TIIB CASE OP JfUGE 1)IREI.I.-Nu VKO L'EKDINGS YET UKiiL'N AOaIXBT JCI?iB IH 81 EKD ?IIPINION THAT UE WILL BEslliN IUllIHt 11UN MAM> TRIAU [BT TALEORAPtr TO THE TRIRtrXF.! WAsmwoTO.v, Dcc. Bt? The Sub-C'omniittco of tl.o Hoiu?e Judiciary Committee laft for Waw-Oaiagflg last night to makc tbc investigations lato the diarges against United Statcs Judge Durdl. The Committee will bogoue about a fortnigbt, and will, at onceon thelrreturn,makc thcir report to Um- Bgggg with recommendations as to wlnthcr thc Jnd^o nhould be impeached on ihe chargea of eorriij't.on, improper conduct, ete. No proceedings bavc been bagBB in thc aBWaf I'nited Statcs JadgB BaBtoadaf Alabiiua, agaiunt whom the most Mgtoag chtirgca [ItotBBagaV lon of members of the couimittco tbat it will be uu nectvsfiary to go to Alabama to e^taldiHh thc ca?<o against tbis JadgB] that there ia Biitlicient atriiggBB herc. alrcadv, to convict him af gross immorality of conduct, prolonged and unauthoi ized absence from hiidaticB.and failure to hold court at thedctiignated periods; and of otlier ch.irges fltill more wriouB. A mcmbcr of thc old sut>-Coinmitt<M\ which went to Alabama two or tbreo Jggfl ago, naid not bmg ago that the Couimittco at tbat time found abundant evidence to seeure Judge Hustetd'a impcadimctit. and tbat it wai tliought uii.wl visablo to make the attempt, in vbw ?f the grcat expen*o jnvolvcd aud tho time aud trouble it woubl re<inirc. It hasbeen MBJgBatod that Judgo Hustoed, likc JadgBB Dclahay and Micnuaii, will rcsigu before Biibiuitting to atiialof iuip?.ach ment. CCRKENT TOITCS AT THE CAP1TAE. 1 UE ES11MAIKS OF TUE POST-OKriCK KKPA RTMKS T. WaBHINUTOX, Dec. 1B. 1MS. The Third AMUtant Poitmaotcr Ocucral haa eom pleted a lyetematio aud Icareful examioatioa of tlie eBtlmateB rcoently submltted to Congresa for appropri ationa eateemed neeeaaary for tbe propcr performance oftbepoatal servlue of tbe couatry duriug tbe uni flacal year, and the coucloaloa trrlvei at, after auch re* vulon, ia that no reductloa in tbo auma a-kud for eau - safelf be made. Before theae estlmatee were approred by the Poatraaater-Oeaeral. evory ltem waa rtgtdly acrutloized and brotigbt down to tbe lowett possible flgmca. Ttie aaUriea of PoBtmaatert, amountloa to about |i.,.,*?i1i?m, are ftxed by iaw, aud tbe catimate for tbe tranaporta tlon ot the tclaud maila.some, waa plaoed at aa amountonly flve per cent areater tban tlie ainountre* qulred for thla purpoae durlng the currea* flacal year, dliliouga tbe annual lncrcaae Ux tne coat of thla ?errico to keep paoe with tbe growta and development of tbe eountry naa, for the paat flve or alx years, been uot leaa on an average tban nlne per oentum. Tbeae two itema made up nearly tbe aggrea-ate ot all the auproprlaUoua Mked for. THB PRXflTDEXT'8 KBW-TTAR'8 RKCBPnO*. Tbe foKowmg la tbe ofBetal programme fur tbe FreaV dent'i reeeptlon on Ncw-Year** Day i At 11 o'ciock a. ai. he will reoelre the membera of tba Cablnetand Forelgn Mioiatora; at 11:30 tbejudgeaof tbe Boprema Court ot tbe United BtAtee, Ben atora and Kepreaenuttvee ln Coinrrean, tbe Oeveraor of tbe DUtrtet ot Columbia and aulte, Judgea of tba 6u preme Court of tbe 1> -triet of Columbia and of tbe Uuited BUtea Court of CUUma: at 11 o'cioek. oflaeera of tbe Army aod Navy ; at liso, AaaUUnt Beeretartee of tbe DapArtmenta, Aaahtant Poaunaetera-UenerAl, and Aaalataot Attorneya-Uencral, and tbe beaOa of tbe aev* eral DepartmenU: at il:it p. m.. the AaaoetaAed BoMiera of tbe wax ot llll and membera of tbe Oldeat InbAb iuuu* Aaaoeiatlon of tbe Uiatrlct of ColombU. Tbe re? ception of ettisena will begtn at 1 p. m., at wbleb tine tbe gatea will b? opeoed, and wiii tennlnate at a p. aa. ai WASHLNQTON N0TE9. |WABiiiNDTds, Dae. M, 1BTB. The Commtaaloner of Patenta laat Oetober made abargea acjainat Tbomaa II. Upperman. a petent a*?nS, of wiiifully, fraudulentlv. and oorruptly wttbholdlng or miaapproprtatlng moueya wbleb be had reeelved frooi clienta, oatenalbly to pay Patent Offlee feee. Tbe Com miaaloner, after glvlng anipie time to anawer UM rhargea, aaya tbat tbere appeara to be no palliation of the aaVaaaa aaaaaaa% provru, and eoufeaaed, aud ti ie tbert'fore adjndged t hui aaid Upi^riuan haa lieeo gadlty of mii'Ii groaa mlaconduct ?" to deuumd tbat tbe Coui iiii??iiuicr aball refuoe ao? Uuiger to reeofmtc him aa a patent agri^t, and it In ??.rdiiwly ordcred tbat aaltl t'ppcnnau, or any flnua of ? karh he may he ? membrr, i.e ii. i.-aii. r forbidiieu tu piactlce betoro tbe Patcni uitle*) m aajr aud aii aaaaa Internal Kt-ventie Papafftaat Colib of Tenneasee ra poru t? tbe Iuternal K w uac Ollce tbat tbree lllielt dintnieri'B b?vc b*'*-!! daatiayad i>v Coiiee'or Oaaaar m tbc II.l Miain.-i of iu.ii -i.n.-. .....t uiuo iu thi- llld i h trlOt, I'J tVUcrli.l \v l ..:,-,. , TimTUIrd Anumtant r.ikttua?ter-fieneral d.. 11.? tt.ut tkiiy niiiulvi ot iii.livu!u..;f ui Uru.t u.ay om.i ilirir a.l w'ruM-niiiiii?uii * t*?.t?. ? ...? .->?.?.r \i M aaggattod .u tbe Oiaiia